/* groovylint-disable NestedBlockDepth, ParameterCount */ /** * Knockturn Alley - Simple toolkit driver to help developers peer deep into the guts of Zigbee devices. * * @version 3.0.0 * @see https://dan-danache.github.io/hubitat/knockturn-alley-driver/ * @see https://dan-danache.github.io/hubitat/knockturn-alley-driver/CHANGELOG * @see https://community.hubitat.com/t/dev-knockturn-alley/125167 */ import java.util.regex.Pattern import groovy.transform.CompileStatic import groovy.transform.Field @Field static final Boolean ENGLISH_PLEASE = false @Field static final Pattern HEXADECIMAL_PATTERN = ~/\p{XDigit}+/ @Field static final Map DICT = [ 'a01Legilimens': 'a01InterviewDevice', 'a02Scourgify': 'a02BuildReport', 'a03Obliviate': 'a03CleanUp', 'b01Accio': 'b01GetAttribute', 'b02EverteStatum': 'b02WriteAttribute', 'b03Oppugno': 'b03ConfigureAtributeReporting', 'c01Imperio': 'c01ExecuteCommand', 'c02Bombarda': 'c02ExecuteRawCommand', 'd01Revelio': 'd01RetrieveZigbeeTable', 'd02UnbreakableVow': 'd02ZigbeeBindings', 'e02UpdateFirmware' : 'e02UpdateFirmware', '1 - Make the Unbreakable Vow': '1 - Add binding', '2 - Break the Unbreakable Vow': '2 - Remove binding', ] /* groovylint-disable-next-line MethodName */ private String _T(String str) { return ENGLISH_PLEASE ? DICT[str] : str } metadata { definition(name:'Knockturn Alley', namespace:'dandanache', singleThreaded:true, author:'Dan Danache', importUrl:'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dan-danache/hubitat/master/knockturn-alley-driver/knockturn-alley.groovy') { capability 'Actuator' attribute 'documentation', 'STRING' } command _T('a01Legilimens'), [ [name:'Manufacturer', description:'Manufacturer Code - hex format (e.g.: 0x117C)', type:'STRING'], ] command _T('a02Scourgify'), [ [name:'Raw data', type:'ENUM', constraints: [ '1 - Remove raw data', '2 - Keep raw data', ]], ] command _T('a03Obliviate'), [ [name:'What to forget', type:'ENUM', constraints: [ '1 - Our state variables (ka_*) - Restore previous driver state', '2 - All state variables', '3 - Device data', '4 - Scheduled jobs configured by the previous driver', '5 - Everything', ]], ] command _T('b01Accio'), [ [name:'What to retrieve', type:'ENUM', constraints: [ '1 - Get attribute current value', '2 - Check attribute reporting', ]], [name:'Endpoint*', description:'Endpoint ID - hex format (e.g.: 0x01)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Cluster*', description:'Cluster ID - hex format (e.g.: 0x0001)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Attribute*', description:'Attribute ID - hex format (e.g.: 0x0001)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Manufacturer', description:'Manufacturer Code - hex format (e.g.: 0x117C)', type:'STRING'], ] command _T('b02EverteStatum'), [ [name:'Endpoint*', description:'Endpoint ID - hex format (e.g.: 0x01)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Cluster*', description:'Cluster ID - hex format (e.g.: 0x0001)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Attribute*', description:'Attribute ID - hex format (e.g.: 0x0001)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Manufacturer', description:'Manufacturer Code - hex format (e.g.: 0x117C)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Data Type*', description:'Attribute data type', type:'ENUM', constraints: ZCL_DATA_TYPES.keySet() .findAll { ZCL_DATA_TYPES[it].bytes != '' } .sort() .collect { "0x${utils_hex it, 2}: ${ZCL_DATA_TYPES[it].name} (${ZCL_DATA_TYPES[it].bytes} bytes)" } ], [name:'Value*', description:'Attribute value - hex format (e.g.: 0001 - for uint16)', type:'STRING'], ] command _T('b03Oppugno'), [ [name:'Endpoint*', description:'Endpoint ID - hex format (e.g.: 0x01)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Cluster*', description:'Cluster ID - hex format (e.g.: 0x0001)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Attribute*', description:'Attribute ID - hex format (e.g.: 0x0001)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Manufacturer', description:'Manufacturer Code - hex format (e.g.: 0x117C)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Data Type*', description:'Attribute data type', type:'ENUM', constraints: ZCL_DATA_TYPES.keySet() .findAll { ZCL_DATA_TYPES[it].bytes != '0' && ZCL_DATA_TYPES[it].bytes != 'var' } .sort() .collect { "0x${utils_hex it, 2}: ${ZCL_DATA_TYPES[it].name} (${ZCL_DATA_TYPES[it].bytes} bytes)" } ], [name:'Min Interval*', description:'Minimum reporting interval between issuing reports - in seconds [0..65534]', type:'NUMBER'], [name:'Max Interval*', description:'Maximum reporting interval between issuing reports - in seconds [0..65534], 65535 -> disable reporting', type:'NUMBER'], [name:'Reportable Change*', description:'Minimum change to the attribute that will trigger a report - hex format (e.g.: 0001 - for uint16)', type:'STRING'], ] command _T('c01Imperio'), [ [name:'Endpoint*', description:'Endpoint ID - hex format (e.g.: 0x01)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Cluster*', description:'Cluster ID - hex format (e.g.: 0x0001)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Command*', description:'Command ID - hex format (e.g.: 0x01)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Manufacturer', description:'Manufacturer Code - hex format (e.g.: 0x117C)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Payload', description:'Raw payload - sent as is, spaces are removed', type:'STRING'], [name:'Frame Type*', type:'ENUM', constraints: [ '01 - Command is cluster specific', '00 - Command is global for all clusters (including manufacturer specific clusters)', ]], [name:'Direction*', type:'ENUM', constraints: [ '0 - Client to Server', '1 - Server to Client', ]], [name:'Disable Default Response*', type:'ENUM', constraints: [ '0 - No', '1 - Yes', ]], ] command _T('c02Bombarda'), [ [name:'Zigbee command', description:'Enter raw command to execute (e.g. for toggle on/off: he raw .addr 0x01 0x01 0x0006 {114302})', type:'STRING'] ] command _T('d01Revelio'), [ [name:'What to reveal', type:'ENUM', constraints: [ '1 - Bindings Table', '2 - Neighbors Table', '3 - Routing Table', ]], ] command _T('d02UnbreakableVow'), [ [name:'What to do', type:'ENUM', constraints: [ _T('1 - Make the Unbreakable Vow'), _T('2 - Break the Unbreakable Vow'), ]], [name:'Source Addr*', description:'The IEEE address for the source - 8 bytes', type:'STRING'], [name:'Source Endpoint*', description:'Endpoint ID - hex format (e.g.: 0x01)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Cluster*', description:'Cluster ID - hex format (e.g.: 0x0001)', type:'STRING'], [name:'Addr Mode*', description:'Addressing mode for Destination Address', type:'ENUM', constraints: [ '0x03 = 64-bit extended address', '0x01 = 16-bit group address', ]], [name:'Destination Addr*', description:'The IEEE/group address for the destination - 8/2 bytes', type:'STRING'], [name:'Destination Endpoint', description:'Endpoint ID - hex format (e.g.: 0x01), required when Addr Mode = 0x03', type:'STRING'], ] command _T('e02UpdateFirmware') } // =================================================================================================================== // Spells // =================================================================================================================== void a01Legilimens(String manufacturerHex='0x0000') { sendEvent name:'documentation', value:'README ⤴', isStateChange:false log_info "🪄 Legilimens: manufacturer=${manufacturerHex}" if (!manufacturerHex.startsWith('0x') || manufacturerHex.size() != 6) { log_error "Invalid Manufacturer Code: ${manufacturerHex}" return } state_addManufacturer(manufacturerHex.substring(2)) List cmds = [] // Active_EP_req cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x00 0x00 0x0005 {42 ${utils_flip device.deviceNetworkId}} {0x0000}" // Node_Desc_req cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x00 0x00 0x0002 {43 ${utils_flip device.deviceNetworkId}} {0x0000}" // Power_Desc_req cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x00 0x00 0x0003 {44 ${utils_flip device.deviceNetworkId}} {0x0000}" // Mgmt_Lqi_req cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x00 0x00 0x0031 {45 00} {0x0000}" // Mgmt_Rtg_req cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x00 0x00 0x0032 {46 00} {0x0000}" // Mgmt_Bind_req cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x00 0x00 0x0033 {47 00} {0x0000}" utils_sendZigbeeCommands cmds } void a01InterviewDevice(String manufacturerHex='0x0000') { a01Legilimens manufacturerHex } private String printSeparator(String chars = '---') { return "${chars * 32}\n" } private String printHeader(String header) { return "${'===' * 32}\n${header}\n${'---' * 32}\n" } private String printList(String header, List list) { if (!list) return Map indexedList = list.indexed() /* groovylint-disable-next-line BitwiseOperatorInConditional */ Integer maxKeyLen = indexedList.inject(0) { s, k, v -> k & 1 ? s : Math.max(s, v.size()) } /* groovylint-disable-next-line BitwiseOperatorInConditional */ return indexedList.inject(printHeader(header)) { s, k, v -> s + (k & 1 ? " = ${v}\n" : '▸ ' + v.padRight(maxKeyLen, ' ')) } } private String printTable(List> rows, Integer columnsNo) { if (!rows) return // Init columns width Map widths = [:] (0..(columnsNo - 1)).each { widths[it] = 0 } // Calculate column widths rows.each { row -> widths.each { widths[it.key] = Math.max(it.value, row[it.key]?.size() ?: 0) } } // Print table return rows.inject('') { ts, row -> ts + widths.inject('▸ ') { s, k, v -> s + (k == 0 ? '' : ' | ') + (row[k] ?: '--').padRight(v, ' ') } + '\n' } } private String printWeirdTable(String header, String stateKeyName, Integer columnsNo) { List> rows = [] int i = 0 while (true) { List row = state["${stateKeyName}_${i++}"] if (!row) break rows.add row } String data = printHeader(header) if (rows.size == 0) { data += '▸ Could not retrieve data\n' } else { List> table = [] rows.each { row -> List record = [] (0..((row.size() / 2) - 1)).each { idx -> record += "${row[idx * 2]}:${row[idx * 2 + 1]}" } table.add record } data += printTable(table, columnsNo) } return data } void a02Scourgify(String operation) { sendEvent name:'documentation', value:'README ⤴', isStateChange:false log_info "🪄 Scourgify: ${operation}" if (!state.ka_endpoints) { log_warn 'Raw data is missing. Maybe you should run Legilimens first if you didn\'t do that already ...' return } String data = '' data += '' data += '

    // Node & Power Descriptors
    data += printList 'Node Descriptor', state.ka_nodeDescriptor
    data += printList 'Power Descriptor', state.ka_powerDescriptor

    // Endpoints
    state.ka_endpoints?.sort().each { endpoint ->
        data += printSeparator('===')
        data += "Endpoint 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2}\n"

        state["ka_outClusters_${endpoint}"]?.sort().each { cluster ->
            data += printHeader "Out Cluster: ${"0x${utils_hex cluster, 4} (${ZCL_CLUSTERS.get(cluster)?.name ?: 'Unknown Cluster'})"}"

            // Commands
            Set commands = []
            state?.each {
                if (it.key.startsWith("ka_outCommand_${endpoint}_${cluster}_")) {
                    commands += Integer.parseInt it.key.split('_').last()

            if (commands.size() == 0) {
                data += '▸ No generated commands\n'
            } else {
                List> table = []

                commands.sort().each { command ->
                    Map commandSpec = ZCL_CLUSTERS.get(cluster)?.get('commands')?.get(command)

                    String cManufacturer = state["ka_outCommand_${endpoint}_${cluster}_${command}"]
                    String cName = commandSpec?.name ?: '--'
                    String cReq = commandSpec?.req ?: '--'

                    List row = [
                        "0${cManufacturer == '0000' ? 'x' : '_'}${utils_hex command, 2}",
                    table.add row

                data += printTable table, 3

        state["ka_inClusters_${endpoint}"]?.sort().each { cluster ->
            data += printHeader "In Cluster: ${"0x${utils_hex cluster, 4} (${ZCL_CLUSTERS.get(cluster)?.name ?: 'Unknown Cluster'})"}"

            // Attributes
            Set attributes = []
            state?.each {
                if (it.key.startsWith("ka_attribute_${endpoint}_${cluster}_") || it.key.startsWith("ka_attributeValue_${endpoint}_${cluster}_")) {
                    attributes += Integer.parseInt it.key.split('_').last()

            if (attributes.size() == 0) {
                data += '▸ No attributes\n'
            } else {
                List> table = []
                attributes.sort().each { attribute ->
                    Map attributeSpec = ZCL_CLUSTERS.get(cluster)?.get('attributes')?.get(attribute)
                    Map attributeType = null

                    // Cluster Revision global attribute
                    if (attribute == 0xFFFD) {
                        attributeSpec = [type:0x21, req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Cluster Revision' ]
                        attributeType = ZCL_DATA_TYPES[0x21]

                    String aName = attributeSpec?.name ?: '--'
                    String aRequired = attributeSpec?.req ?: '--'
                    String aAccess = attributeSpec?.acc ?: '---'
                    String aManufacturer = '0000'
                    String aType = '--'

                    List attributeInfo = state["ka_attribute_${endpoint}_${cluster}_${attribute}"]
                    //log.info("attributeInfo = state[ka_attribute_${endpoint}_${cluster}_${attribute}] = ${attributeInfo}")
                    if (attributeInfo) {
                        attributeType = ZCL_DATA_TYPES[Integer.parseInt(attributeInfo[0], 16)]
                        if (aAccess == '---' && attributeInfo[1] != '---') aAccess = attributeInfo[1]

                        aManufacturer = attributeInfo[2]
                        aType = attributeType?.name ?: '--'
                    } else {
                        log_warn "Expected non-null value: state[ka_attribute_${endpoint}_${cluster}_${attribute}] = ${attributeInfo}"

                    // Get type from cluster definition if normal way fails
                    if (aType == '--' && attributeSpec?.type) aType = "[${attributeSpec.type}]"

                    Map attributeValue = state["ka_attributeValue_${endpoint}_${cluster}_${attribute}"]
                    Map attributeReporting = state["ka_attributeReporting_${endpoint}_${cluster}_${attribute}"]

                    String aReporting = attributeReporting ? "${attributeReporting.min}..${attributeReporting.max}" : '--'

                    // Pretty value
                    String aValue = "${attributeValue?.value ?: '--'}"
                    if (attributeValue?.value) {
                        if (attributeValue?.value && attributeSpec?.constraints) {
                            aValue += " = ${attributeSpec.constraints[utils_dec(attributeValue.value)]}"
                        } else if (attributeValue?.value && attributeSpec?.decorate) {
                            aValue += " = ${attributeSpec.decorate attributeValue.value}"
                        } else if (attributeType?.decorate) {
                            aValue += " = ${attributeType.decorate attributeValue.value}"

                    List row = [
                        "0${aManufacturer == '0000' ? 'x' : '_'}${utils_hex attribute, 4}",
                    table.add row

                data += printTable table, 7
            data += printSeparator()

            // Commands
            Set commands = []
            state?.each {
                if (it.key.startsWith("ka_inCommand_${endpoint}_${cluster}_")) {
                    commands += Integer.parseInt it.key.split('_').last()

            if (commands.size() == 0) {
                data += '▸ No received commands\n'
            } else {
                List> table = []

                commands.sort().each { command ->
                    Map commandSpec = ZCL_CLUSTERS.get(cluster)?.get('commands')?.get(command)

                    String cManufacturer = state["ka_inCommand_${endpoint}_${cluster}_${command}"]
                    String cName = commandSpec?.name ?: '--'
                    String cReq = commandSpec?.req ?: '--'

                    List row = [
                        "0${cManufacturer == '0000' ? 'x' : '_'}${utils_hex command, 2}",
                    table.add row

                data += printTable table, 3

    // ZDP tables
    data += printWeirdTable 'Bindings Table', 'ka_binding', 5
    data += printWeirdTable 'Neighbors Table', 'ka_neighbor', 6
    data += printWeirdTable 'Routing Table', 'ka_route', 3
    data += '
' // Cleanup raw data? if (operation == '1 - Remove raw data') { state*.key.findAll { it.startsWith('ka_') }.each { state.remove it } } state.ka_report = data } void a02BuildReport(String operation) { a02Scourgify operation } void a03Obliviate(String operation) { sendEvent name:'documentation', value:'README ⤴', isStateChange:false log_info "🪄 Obliviate: ${operation}" switch (operation) { case { it.startsWith '5 - ' }: state.clear() device.data*.key.each { device.removeDataValue it } unschedule() return case { it.startsWith '4 - ' }: unschedule() return case { it.startsWith '3 - ' }: device.data*.key.each { device.removeDataValue it } return case { it.startsWith '2 - ' }: state.clear() return case { it.startsWith '1 - ' }: state*.key.findAll { it.startsWith 'ka_' }.each { state.remove it } return default: log_error "Don't know how to ${operation}" } } void a03CleanUp(String operation) { a03Obliviate operation } void b01Accio(String operation, String endpointHex, String clusterHex, String attributeHex, String manufacturerHex='') { sendEvent name:'documentation', value:'README ⤴', isStateChange:false log_info "🪄 Accio: ${operation} (endpoint=${endpointHex}, cluster=${clusterHex}, attribute=${attributeHex}, manufacturer=${manufacturerHex})" if (!endpointHex.startsWith('0x') || endpointHex.size() != 4) { log_error "Invalid Endpoint ID: ${endpointHex}" return } if (!clusterHex.startsWith('0x') || clusterHex.size() != 6) { log_error "Invalid Cluster ID: ${clusterHex}" return } if (!attributeHex.startsWith('0x') || attributeHex.size() != 6) { log_error "Invalid Attribute ID: ${clusterHex}" return } if (manufacturerHex && (!manufacturerHex.startsWith('0x') || manufacturerHex.size() != 6)) { log_error "Invalid Manufacturer Code: ${manufacturerHex}" return } Integer endpoint = Integer.parseInt endpointHex.substring(2), 16 Integer cluster = Integer.parseInt clusterHex.substring(2), 16 Integer attribute = Integer.parseInt attributeHex.substring(2), 16 Integer manufacturer = manufacturerHex ? Integer.parseInt(manufacturerHex.substring(2), 16) : null String frameStart = '1043' if (manufacturer != null) { frameStart = "04${utils_payload manufacturer}43" } switch (operation) { case { it.startsWith '1 - ' }: String command = '00' String payload = "${utils_payload attribute}" utils_sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x${utils_hex cluster} {${frameStart}${command} ${payload}}"]) return case { it.startsWith '2 - ' }: String command = '08' String payload = "00 ${utils_payload attribute}" utils_sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x${utils_hex cluster} {${frameStart}${command} ${payload}}"]) return } } void b01GetAttribute(String operation, String endpointHex, String clusterHex, String attributeHex, String manufacturerHex='') { b01Accio operation, endpointHex, clusterHex, attributeHex, manufacturerHex } void b02EverteStatum(String endpointHex, String clusterHex, String attributeHex, String manufacturerHex='', String typeStr, String valueHex) { sendEvent name:'documentation', value:'README ⤴', isStateChange:false log_info "🪄 Everte Statum: endpoint=${endpointHex}, cluster=${clusterHex}, attribute=${attributeHex}, manufacturer=${manufacturerHex}, type=${typeStr}, value=${valueHex}" if (!endpointHex.startsWith('0x') || endpointHex.size() != 4) { log_error "Invalid Endpoint ID: ${endpointHex}" return } if (!clusterHex.startsWith('0x') || clusterHex.size() != 6) { log_error "Invalid Cluster ID: ${clusterHex}" return } if (!attributeHex.startsWith('0x') || attributeHex.size() != 6) { log_error "Invalid Attribute ID: ${clusterHex}" return } if (manufacturerHex && (!manufacturerHex.startsWith('0x') || manufacturerHex.size() != 6)) { log_error "Invalid Manufacturer Code: ${manufacturerHex}" return } // String data type String value = valueHex if (typeStr.substring(0, 4) == '0x42') { value = "${utils_hex valueHex.length(), 2}${valueHex.bytes.collect { utils_hex it, 2 }.join()}" } else if (valueHex && !HEXADECIMAL_PATTERN.matcher(valueHex).matches()) { log_error "Invalid Value: ${valueHex}" return } else { value = utils_flip valueHex } Integer endpoint = Integer.parseInt endpointHex.substring(2), 16 Integer cluster = Integer.parseInt clusterHex.substring(2), 16 Integer attribute = Integer.parseInt attributeHex.substring(2), 16 Integer manufacturer = manufacturerHex ? Integer.parseInt(manufacturerHex.substring(2), 16) : null String frameStart = '1043' if (manufacturer != null) { frameStart = "04${utils_payload manufacturer}43" } Integer type = Integer.parseInt typeStr.substring(2, 4), 16 Integer typeLen = Integer.parseInt ZCL_DATA_TYPES[type].bytes if (typeLen != 0 && value.size() != typeLen * 2) { log_error "Invalid Value: It must have exactly ${typeLen} bytes but you provided ${value.size()}: ${valueHex}" return } // Send zigbee command String command = '02' String payload = "${utils_payload attribute} ${typeStr.substring(2, 4)} ${value}" utils_sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x${utils_hex cluster} {${frameStart}${command} ${payload}}"]) } void b02WriteAttribute(String endpointHex, String clusterHex, String attributeHex, String manufacturerHex='', String typeStr, String valueHex) { b02EverteStatum endpointHex, clusterHex, attributeHex, manufacturerHex, typeStr, valueHex } void b03Oppugno(String endpointHex, String clusterHex, String attributeHex, String manufacturerHex='', String typeStr, BigDecimal minInterval, BigDecimal maxInterval, String reportableChangeHex) { sendEvent name:'documentation', value:'README ⤴', isStateChange:false log_info "🪄 Oppugno: endpoint=${endpointHex}, cluster=${clusterHex}, attribute=${attributeHex}, manufacturer=${manufacturerHex}, type=${typeStr}, minInterval=${minInterval}, maxInterval=${maxInterval}, reportableChange=${reportableChangeHex}" if (!endpointHex.startsWith('0x') || endpointHex.size() != 4) { log_error "Invalid Endpoint ID: ${endpointHex}" return } if (!clusterHex.startsWith('0x') || clusterHex.size() != 6) { log_error "Invalid Cluster ID: ${clusterHex}" return } if (!attributeHex.startsWith('0x') || attributeHex.size() != 6) { log_error "Invalid Attribute ID: ${clusterHex}" return } if (manufacturerHex && (!manufacturerHex.startsWith('0x') || manufacturerHex.size() != 6)) { log_error "Invalid Manufacturer Code: ${manufacturerHex}" return } if (reportableChangeHex && !HEXADECIMAL_PATTERN.matcher(reportableChangeHex).matches()) { log_error "Invalid Reportable Change: ${reportableChangeHex}" return } if (minInterval < 0 || minInterval > 65535) { log_error "Invalid Min Interval: ${minInterval}" return } if (maxInterval < 0 || maxInterval > 65535) { log_error "Invalid Max Interval: ${maxInterval}" return } Integer endpoint = Integer.parseInt endpointHex.substring(2), 16 Integer cluster = Integer.parseInt clusterHex.substring(2), 16 Integer attribute = Integer.parseInt attributeHex.substring(2), 16 Integer manufacturer = manufacturerHex ? Integer.parseInt(manufacturerHex.substring(2), 16) : null String frameStart = '1043' if (manufacturer != null) { frameStart = "04${utils_payload manufacturer}43" } Integer type = Integer.parseInt typeStr.substring(2, 4), 16 String reportableChange = utils_flip reportableChangeHex Integer typeLen = Integer.parseInt ZCL_DATA_TYPES[type].bytes if (reportableChange.size() != typeLen * 2) { log_error "Invalid Reportable Change: It must have exactly ${typeLen} bytes but you provided ${reportableChange.size()}: ${valueHex}" return } // Send zigbee command String command = '06' String payload = "00 ${utils_payload attribute} ${typeStr.substring 2, 4} ${utils_payload(minInterval as Integer)} ${utils_payload(maxInterval as Integer)} ${reportableChange}" utils_sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x${utils_hex cluster} {${frameStart}${command} ${payload}} "]) } void b03ConfigureAtributeReporting(String endpointHex, String clusterHex, String attributeHex, String manufacturerHex='', String typeStr, BigDecimal minInterval, BigDecimal maxInterval, String reportableChangeHex) { b03Oppugno endpointHex, clusterHex, attributeHex, manufacturerHex, typeStr, minInterval, maxInterval, reportableChangeHex } void c01Imperio(String endpointHex, String clusterHex, String commandHex, String manufacturerHex='', String payload='', String frameType='01 - Command is cluster specific', String direction='0 - Client to Server', String ddr='No') { sendEvent name:'documentation', value:'README ⤴', isStateChange:false log_info "🪄 Imperio: endpoint=${endpointHex}, cluster=${clusterHex}, command=${commandHex}, manufacturer=${manufacturerHex}, payload=${payload}, frameType=${frameType}, direction=${direction}, ddr=${ddr}" if (!endpointHex.startsWith('0x') || endpointHex.size() != 4) { log_error "Invalid Endpoint ID: ${endpointHex}" return } if (!clusterHex.startsWith('0x') || clusterHex.size() != 6) { log_error "Invalid Cluster ID: ${clusterHex}" return } if (!commandHex.startsWith('0x') || commandHex.size() != 4) { log_error "Invalid Command ID: ${commandHex}" return } if (manufacturerHex && (!manufacturerHex.startsWith('0x') || manufacturerHex.size() != 6)) { log_error "Invalid value for Manufacturer Code: ${manufacturerHex}" return } if (payload && !HEXADECIMAL_PATTERN.matcher(payload).matches()) { log_error "Invalid Payload: ${payload}" return } Integer endpoint = Integer.parseInt endpointHex.substring(2), 16 Integer cluster = Integer.parseInt clusterHex.substring(2), 16 Integer command = Integer.parseInt commandHex.substring(2), 16 Integer manufacturer = manufacturerHex ? Integer.parseInt(manufacturerHex.substring(2), 16) : null String frameControlOctet = "000${ddr == 'Yes' ? '1' : '0'}${direction[0]}${manufacturerHex ? '1' : '0'}${frameType.substring(0, 2)}" String frameControl = utils_hex Integer.parseInt(frameControlOctet, 2), 2 log_info "Frame control: ${frameControlOctet} (${frameControl})" String frameStart = "${frameControl}${manufacturer != null ? "${utils_payload manufacturer}" : ''}43" // Send zigbee command utils_sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x${utils_hex cluster} {${frameStart}${utils_hex command, 2}${payload ? " ${payload}" : ''}}"]) } void c01ExecuteCommand(String endpointHex, String clusterHex, String commandHex, String manufacturerHex='', String payload='') { c01Imperio endpointHex, clusterHex, commandHex, manufacturerHex, payload } void c02Bombarda(String command) { sendEvent name:'documentation', value:'README ⤴', isStateChange:false log_info "🪄 Bombarda: command=${command}" String cmd = command.replace '.addr', "0x${device.deviceNetworkId}" utils_sendZigbeeCommands([cmd]) } void c02ExecuteRawCommand(String command) { c02Bombarda command } void d01Revelio(String operation) { sendEvent name:'documentation', value:'README ⤴', isStateChange:false log_info "🪄 Revelio: ${operation}" switch (operation) { case '1 - Bindings Table': state*.key.findAll { it.startsWith 'ka_binding_' }.each { state.remove it } utils_sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x00 0x00 0x0033 {57 00} {0x0000}"]) return case '2 - Neighbors Table': state*.key.findAll { it.startsWith 'ka_neighbor_' }.each { state.remove it } utils_sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x00 0x00 0x0031 {55 00} {0x0000}"]) return case '3 - Routing Table': state*.key.findAll { it.startsWith 'ka_route_' }.each { state.remove it } utils_sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x00 0x00 0x0032 {56 00} {0x0000}"]) return } } void d01RetrieveZigbeeTable(String operation) { d01Revelio operation } void d02UnbreakableVow(String operation, String srcAddrHex, String srcEndpointHex, String clusterHex, String addrModeValue, String dstAddrHex, String dstEndpointHex='') { sendEvent name:'documentation', value:'README ⤴', isStateChange:false log_info "🪄 Unbreakable Vow: ${operation}: srcAddr=${srcAddrHex}, srcEndpoint=${srcEndpointHex}, cluster=${clusterHex}, addrMode=${addrModeValue}, dstAddr=${dstAddrHex}, dstEndpoint=${dstEndpointHex}" if (!srcAddrHex || srcAddrHex.size() != 16 || !HEXADECIMAL_PATTERN.matcher(srcAddrHex).matches()) { log_error "Invalid Source Addr: ${srcAddrHex}" return } if (!srcEndpointHex.startsWith('0x') || srcEndpointHex.size() != 4) { log_error "Invalid Source Endpoint: ${srcEndpointHex}" return } if (!clusterHex.startsWith('0x') || clusterHex.size() != 6) { log_error "Invalid Cluster ID: ${clusterHex}" return } String addrMode = addrModeValue.substring 2, 4 if (addrMode == '03') { if (!dstAddrHex || dstAddrHex.size() != 16 || !HEXADECIMAL_PATTERN.matcher(dstAddrHex).matches()) { log_error "Invalid Destination Addr: ${dstAddrHex}" return } if (!dstEndpointHex.startsWith('0x') || dstEndpointHex.size() != 4) { log_error "Invalid Destination Endpoint: ${dstEndpointHex}" return } } else { if (!dstAddrHex || dstAddrHex.size() != 4 || !HEXADECIMAL_PATTERN.matcher(dstAddrHex).matches()) { log_error "Invalid Destination Addr: ${dstAddrHex}" return } } String srcAddr = utils_flip srcAddrHex String srcEndpoint = srcEndpointHex.substring 2 String cluster = utils_flip clusterHex.substring(2) String dstAddr = utils_flip dstAddrHex String dstEndpoint = dstEndpointHex ? dstEndpointHex.substring(2) : '' // Send ZDP command String zdpCluster = operation == _T('1 - Make the Unbreakable Vow') ? '0x0021' : '0x0022' String payload = "${srcAddr} ${srcEndpoint} ${cluster} ${addrMode} ${dstAddr}${addrMode == '03' ? " ${dstEndpoint}" : ''}" utils_sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x00 0x00 ${zdpCluster} {49 ${payload}} {0x0000}"]) } void d02ZigbeeBindings(String operation, String srcAddrHex, String srcEndpointHex, String clusterHex, String addrModeValue, String dstAddrHex, String dstEndpointHex='') { d02UnbreakableVow operation, srcAddrHex, srcEndpointHex, clusterHex, addrModeValue, dstAddrHex, dstEndpointHex } void e02UpdateFirmware() { log_info '🪄 Update Firmware' utils_sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${device.endpointId} 0x0019 {09 01 00 03 64 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF}"]) } // =================================================================================================================== // Handle incoming Zigbee messages // =================================================================================================================== void parse(String description) { //log_debug "description=[${description}]" if (description.startsWith('zone status')) return // Extract msg Map msg = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap description if (msg.containsKey('endpoint')) msg.endpointInt = Integer.parseInt(msg.endpoint, 16) if (msg.containsKey('sourceEndpoint')) msg.endpointInt = Integer.parseInt(msg.sourceEndpoint, 16) if (msg.clusterInt == null) msg.clusterInt = Integer.parseInt(msg.cluster, 16) msg.commandInt = Integer.parseInt msg.command, 16 if (description.startsWith('read attr')) { msg.isClusterSpecific = false } log_debug "msg=[${msg}]" switch (msg) { // Connecting to router case { contains it, [clusterInt:0x0000, commandInt:0x00, data:['00', '00']] }: Integer frameControl = 0x08 Integer txSeq = 0x00 Integer command = 0x01 String payload = '0000 00 20 03' // ZCL Version = 03 utils_sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${device.endpointId} 0x0000 {${utils_hex frameControl, 2}${utils_hex txSeq, 2}${utils_hex command, 2} ${payload}}"]) utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Connecting to Router', "data=${msg.data}" return case { contains it, [clusterInt:0x0B05, commandInt:0x0A, attrInt:0x011C] }: utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Report Attributes', "cluster=Diagnostics, attr=LastMessageLQI, value=${msg.value}" return // // Report Unhandled Attributes // case { contains it, [commandInt:0x0A] }: // List attrs = ["${msg.attrId}=${msg.value} (${msg.encoding})"] // msg.additionalAttrs?.each { attrs += "${it.attrId}=${it.value} (${it.encoding})" } // utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Report Attributes', "endpoint=${msg.sourceEndpoint ?: msg.endpoint}, manufacturer=${msg.manufacturerId ?: '0000'}, cluster=${msg.clusterId ?: msg.cluster}, attrs=${attrs}" // return // // Read Unhandled Attributes // case { contains it, [commandInt:0x00] }: // List attrs = msg.data.collate(2).collect { "${it.reverse().join()}" } // utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Read Attributes', "endpoint=${msg.sourceEndpoint ?: msg.endpoint}, manufacturer=${msg.manufacturerId ?: '0000'}, cluster=${msg.clusterId ?: msg.cluster}, attrs=${attrs}" // return // Read Attribute Response (0x01) & Report attributes (0x0A) case { contains it, [isClusterSpecific:false, commandInt:0x01] }: case { contains it, [isClusterSpecific:false, commandInt:0x0A] }: if (!msg.endpoint) { utils_failedZclMessage "${msg.commandInt == 0x0A ? 'Report' : 'Read'} Attribute Response", msg.data[2], msg return } Integer endpoint = utils_dec msg.endpoint Integer cluster = msg.clusterInt String clusterName = ZCL_CLUSTERS.get(cluster)?.name ?: 'Unknown' String attrName = ZCL_CLUSTERS.get(cluster)?.get('attributes')?.get(msg.attrInt)?.name ?: 'Unknown' Map> attributesValues = [:] attributesValues[msg.attrInt] = [encoding:msg.encoding, value:msg.value] utils_processedZigbeeMessage "${msg.commandInt == 0x0A ? 'Report' : 'Read'} Attribute Response", "endpoint=0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2}, cluster=0x${utils_hex cluster} (${clusterName}), attribute=0x${utils_hex msg.attrInt} (${attrName}), value=${msg.value}" msg.additionalAttrs?.each { attributesValues[it.attrInt] = [encoding:it.encoding, value:it.value] attrName = ZCL_CLUSTERS.get(cluster)?.get('attributes')?.get(it.attrInt)?.name ?: 'Unknown' utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Additional Attributes', "endpoint=0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2}, cluster=0x${utils_hex cluster} (${clusterName}), attribute=0x${utils_hex it.attrInt} (${attrName}), value=${it.value}" // Update Device Details section if (msg.clusterInt == 0x0000) utils_zigbeeDataValue(it.attrInt, it.value) } // Update Device Details section if (msg.clusterInt == 0x0000) utils_zigbeeDataValue msg.attrInt, msg.value state_addAttributesValues endpoint, cluster, attributesValues return // DefaultResponse (0x0B) := { 08:CommandIdentifier, 08:Status } // Example: [00, 80] -> command = 0x00, status = MALFORMED_COMMAND (0x80) case { contains it, [isClusterSpecific:false, commandInt:0x0B] }: if (msg.data[1] != '00') { utils_failedZclMessage 'Default Response', msg.data[1], msg return } Integer endpoint = utils_dec msg.sourceEndpoint Integer cluster = msg.clusterInt Integer command = utils_dec msg.data[0] utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Default Response', "endpoint=0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2}, cluster=0x${utils_hex cluster}, command=0x${utils_hex command, 2}" return // Write Attribute Response (0x04) case { contains it, [isClusterSpecific:false, commandInt:0x04] }: if (msg.data[0] != '00') { utils_failedZclMessage 'Write Attribute Response', msg.data[0], msg return } utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Write Attribute Response', "data=${msg.data}" return // Configure Reporting Response (0x07) case { contains it, [isClusterSpecific:false, commandInt:0x07] }: if (msg.data[0] != '00') { utils_failedZclMessage 'Configure Reporting Response', msg.data[0], msg return } utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Configure Reporting Response', "data=${msg.data}" return // Read Reporting Configuration Response (0x09) case { contains it, [isClusterSpecific:false, commandInt:0x09] }: if (msg.data[0] != '00') { utils_failedZclMessage 'Read Reporting Configuration Response', msg.data[0], msg return } Integer endpoint = utils_dec msg.sourceEndpoint Integer cluster = msg.clusterInt Integer attribute = utils_dec msg.data[2..3].reverse().join() Integer minPeriod = utils_dec msg.data[5..6].reverse().join() Integer maxPeriod = utils_dec msg.data[7..8].reverse().join() state_addAttributeReporting endpoint, cluster, attribute, minPeriod, maxPeriod utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Read Reporting Configuration Response', "endpoint=0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2}, cluster=0x${utils_hex cluster}, attribute=0x${utils_hex attribute}, minPeriod=${minPeriod}, maxPeriod=${maxPeriod}" return // DiscoverAttributesResponse := { 08:Complete?, n*24:AttributeInformation } // AttributeInformation := { 16:AttributeIdentifier, 08:AttributeDataType } // AttributeDataType := @see @Field ZCL_DATA_TYPES // Example: [01, 00, 00, 20, 01, 00, 20, 02, 00, 20, 03, 00, 20, 04, 00, 42, 05, 00, 42, 06, 00, 42, 07, 00, 30, 08, 00, 30, 09, 00, 30, 0A, 00, 41, 00, 40, 42, FD, FF, 21] // // DiscoverAttributesExtendedResponse := { 08:Complete?, n*24:AttributeInformation } // AttributeInformation := { 16:AttributeIdentifier, 08:AttributeDataType, 08:AttributeAccessControl } // AttributeDataType := @see @Field ZCL_DATA_TYPES // Example: [01, 20, 00, 20, 05, 21, 00, 20, 05, FD, FF, 21, 05] case { contains it, [isClusterSpecific:false, commandInt:0x0D] }: case { contains it, [isClusterSpecific:false, commandInt:0x16] }: Integer endpoint = utils_dec msg.sourceEndpoint Integer cluster = msg.clusterInt String manufacturer = msg.manufacturerId boolean isExtended = msg.commandInt == 0x16 Integer attrInfoBytes = isExtended ? 4 : 3 List data = msg.data.drop 1 Map> attributes = [:] Map> varAttributes = [:] while (data.size() >= attrInfoBytes) { List chunk = data.take attrInfoBytes //log_info("isExtended=${isExtended}, attrInfoBytes=${attrInfoBytes}, chunk=${chunk}") Integer attribute = utils_dec chunk.take(2).reverse().join() Integer type = utils_dec chunk[2] String acc = '---' if (isExtended) { String octet = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(chunk[3], 16)).padLeft(8, '0').reverse() //acc = "${octet[0] == '1' ? 'r' : '-'}${octet[1] == '1' ? 'w' : '-'}${octet[2] == '1' ? 'p' : '-'}" // Bit 2 (reportable) is always 1 acc = "${octet[0] == '1' ? 'r' : '-'}${octet[1] == '1' ? 'w' : '-'}-" } data = data.drop attrInfoBytes // Ignore trailing AttributeReportingStatus if (attribute == 0xFFFE) continue Map zclType = ZCL_DATA_TYPES[type] if (zclType?.bytes == 'var') { varAttributes[attribute] = [chunk[2], acc, manufacturer] } else { attributes[attribute] = [chunk[2], acc, manufacturer] } } String framestart = manufacturer == '0000' ? '1043' : "04${utils_flip manufacturer}43" List cmds = [] if (attributes.size() != 0) { attributes.keySet().collate(1).each { attrs -> // Read attribute value (use batches of 3 to reduce mesh traffic) String payload = "${attrs.collect { utils_payload it }.join()}" cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x${utils_hex cluster} {${framestart}00 ${payload}}" // If attribute is reportable, also inquire its reporting status attrs.each { String acc = ZCL_CLUSTERS.get(cluster)?.get('attributes')?.get(it)?.get('acc') ?: attributes[it][1] if (acc?.endsWith('p')) { cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x${utils_hex cluster} {${framestart}08 00${utils_payload it}}" } } } } // Also process var attributes (one-by-one) varAttributes.keySet().each { attr -> // Read attribute value (use batches of 3 to reduce mesh traffic) cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x${utils_hex cluster} {${framestart}00 ${utils_payload attr}}" // If attribute is reportable, also inquire its reporting status if (ZCL_CLUSTERS.get(cluster)?.get('attributes')?.get(attr)?.get('acc')?.endsWith('p')) { cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x${utils_hex cluster} {${framestart}08 00${utils_payload attr}}" } } if (cmds.size() > 0) { state_addAttributes endpoint, cluster, attributes state_addAttributes endpoint, cluster, varAttributes utils_sendZigbeeCommands delayBetween(cmds, 1000) } utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Discover Attributes Response', "endpoint=0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2}, cluster=0x${utils_hex cluster}, attributes=${attributes}, varAttributes=${varAttributes}" return // DiscoverCommandsReceivedResponse := { 08:Complete?, n*08:CommandIdentifier } // Example: [01, 00, 01, 40] -> commands: 0x00, 0x01, 0x40 case { contains it, [isClusterSpecific:false, commandInt:0x12] }: Integer endpoint = utils_dec msg.sourceEndpoint Integer cluster = msg.clusterInt String manufacturer = msg.manufacturerId List data = msg.data.drop 1 Map commands = [:] data.each { commands[utils_dec(it)] = manufacturer } state_addInCommands endpoint, cluster, commands utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Discover Commands Received Response', "endpoint=0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2}, cluster=0x${utils_hex cluster}, commands=${commands}" return // DiscoverCommandsGeneratedResponse := { 08:Complete?, n*08:CommandIdentifier } // Example: [01, 00, 01, 40] -> commands: 0x00, 0x01, 0x40 case { contains it, [isClusterSpecific:false, commandInt:0x14] }: Integer endpoint = utils_dec msg.sourceEndpoint Integer cluster = msg.clusterInt String manufacturer = msg.manufacturerId List data = msg.data.drop 1 Map commands = [:] data.each { commands[utils_dec(it)] = manufacturer } state_addOutCommands endpoint, cluster, commands utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Discover Commands Generated Response', "endpoint=0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2}, cluster=0x${utils_hex cluster}, commands=${commands}" return // =================================================================================================================== // Zigbee Device Profile (ZDP) // =================================================================================================================== // Node_Desc_rsp := { 08:Status, 16:NWKAddrOfInterest, 03:LogicalType, 01:ComplexDescriptorAvailable, 01:UserDescriptorAvailable, 03:Reserved, 03:APSFlags, 05:FrequencyBand, 08:MACCapabilityFlags, 16:ManufacturerCode, 08:MaximumBufferSize, 16:MaximumIncomingTransferSize, 16:ServerMask, 16:MaximumOutgoingTransferSize, 08:DescriptorCapabilityDield } // Example: [75, 00, 1F, B3, 01, 40, 8E, 7C, 11, 52, 52, 00, 00, 2C, 52, 00, 00] case { contains it, [endpointInt:0x00, clusterInt:0x8002] }: if (msg.data[1] != '00') { utils_failedZdpMessage 'Node Descriptor Response', msg.data[1], msg return } List nodeDescriptor = [] // Logical Type String octet = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(msg.data[4], 16)).padLeft(8, '0') String logicalType = null switch (octet.substring(5, 8)) { case '000': logicalType = 'Zigbee Coordinator' break case '001': logicalType = 'Zigbee Router' break case '010': logicalType = 'Zigbee End Device (ZED)' break default: logicalType = 'Invalid value' } nodeDescriptor += ['Logical Type', logicalType] // Complex Descriptor Available & User Descriptor Available (deprecated) nodeDescriptor += ['Complex Descriptor Available', octet[4] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] nodeDescriptor += ['User Descriptor Available', octet[3] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] nodeDescriptor += ['Fragmentation Supported (R23)', octet[2] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] // Frequency Band octet = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(msg.data[5], 16)).padLeft(8, '0') String frequencyBandBinary = octet.substring(0, 5) String frequencyBand = "Invalid value: ${frequencyBandBinary}" if (frequencyBandBinary[0] == '1') frequencyBand = '868 - 868.6 MHz' if (frequencyBandBinary[1] == '1') frequencyBand = 'Reserved' if (frequencyBandBinary[2] == '1') frequencyBand = '902 - 928 MHz' if (frequencyBandBinary[3] == '1') frequencyBand = '2400 - 2483.5 MHz' if (frequencyBandBinary[4] == '1') frequencyBand = 'Reserved' nodeDescriptor += ['Frequency Band', frequencyBand] // MAC Capability Flags octet = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(msg.data[6], 16)).padLeft(8, '0').reverse() log_debug "MAC Capability Flags = ${octet}" nodeDescriptor += ['Alternate PAN Coordinator', octet[0] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] nodeDescriptor += ['Device Type', octet[1] == '1' ? 'Full Function Device (FFD)' : 'Reduced Function Device (RFD)'] nodeDescriptor += ['Mains Power Source', octet[2] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] nodeDescriptor += ['Receiver On When Idle', octet[3] == '1' ? 'Yes (always on)' : 'No (conserve power during idle periods)'] nodeDescriptor += ['Security Capability', octet[6] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] nodeDescriptor += ['Allocate Address', octet[7] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] // Manufacturer Code String manufacturerCode = msg.data[7..8].reverse().join() String manufacturerName = ZBE_MANUFACTURERS[Integer.parseInt(manufacturerCode, 16)] nodeDescriptor += ['Manufacturer Code', "0x${manufacturerCode}${manufacturerName ? " = ${manufacturerName}" : ''}"] // Maximum Buffer Size Field nodeDescriptor += ['Maximum Buffer Size', "${Integer.parseInt(msg.data[9], 16)} bytes"] nodeDescriptor += ['Maximum Incoming Transfer Size', "${Integer.parseInt(msg.data[10..11].reverse().join(), 16)} bytes"] // Server Mask Field octet = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(msg.data[12..13].reverse().join(), 16)).padLeft(16, '0') log_debug "Server Mask Field = ${octet}" nodeDescriptor += ['Primary Trust Center', octet[0] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] nodeDescriptor += ['Backup Trust Center', octet[1] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] nodeDescriptor += ['Primary Binding Table Cache', octet[2] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] nodeDescriptor += ['Backup Binding Table Cache', octet[3] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] nodeDescriptor += ['Primary Discovery Cache', octet[4] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] nodeDescriptor += ['Backup Discovery Cache', octet[5] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] nodeDescriptor += ['Network Manager', octet[5] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] // Maximum Outgoing Transfer Size Field & Descriptor Capability Field nodeDescriptor += ['Maximum Outgoing Transfer Size', "${Integer.parseInt(msg.data[14..15].reverse().join(), 16)} bytes"] octet = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(msg.data[16], 16)).padLeft(8, '0').reverse() nodeDescriptor += ['Extended Active Endpoint List Available', octet[0] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] nodeDescriptor += ['Extended Simple Descriptor List Available', octet[1] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] state_addNodeDescriptor nodeDescriptor return // Power_Desc_rsp := { 08:Status, 16:NWKAddrOfInterest, 04:CurrentPowerMode, 04:AvailablePowerSources, 04:CurrentPowerSource, 04:CurrentPowerSourceLevel } // Example: [17, 00, 1F, B3, 10, C1] case { contains it, [endpointInt:0x00, clusterInt:0x8003] }: if (msg.data[1] != '00') { utils_failedZdpMessage 'Power Descriptor Response', msg.data[1], msg return } List powerDescriptor = [] // Current Power Mode String octet = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(msg.data[4], 16)).padLeft(8, '0').reverse() log_debug "Power Descriptor octet 1 = ${octet}" String currentPowerModeBinary = octet.substring(0, 4).reverse() String currentPowerMode = null switch (currentPowerModeBinary) { case '0000': currentPowerMode = 'Same as "Receiver On When Idle" from "Node Descriptor" section above' break case '0001': currentPowerMode = 'Receiver comes on periodically as defined by the Power Descriptor' break case '0010': currentPowerMode = 'Receiver comes on when stimulated, for example, by a user pressing a button' break default: currentPowerMode = "Invalid value: ${currentPowerModeBinary}" } powerDescriptor += ['Current Power Mode', currentPowerMode] // Available Power Sources String availablePowerSourcesBinary = octet.substring 4 List availablePowerSources = [] if (availablePowerSourcesBinary[0] == '1') availablePowerSources += 'Constant (mains) power' if (availablePowerSourcesBinary[1] == '1') availablePowerSources += 'Rechargeable battery' if (availablePowerSourcesBinary[2] == '1') availablePowerSources += 'Disposable battery' if (availablePowerSourcesBinary[3] == '1') availablePowerSources += 'Reserved' powerDescriptor += ['Available Power Sources', availablePowerSources.toString()] // Current Power Sources octet = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(msg.data[5], 16)).padLeft(8, '0').reverse() log_debug "Power Descriptor octet 2 = ${octet}" String currentPowerSourcesBinary = octet.substring 0, 4 List currentPowerSources = [] if (currentPowerSourcesBinary[0] == '1') currentPowerSources += 'Constant (mains) power' if (currentPowerSourcesBinary[1] == '1') currentPowerSources += 'Rechargeable battery' if (currentPowerSourcesBinary[2] == '1') currentPowerSources += 'Disposable battery' if (currentPowerSourcesBinary[3] == '1') currentPowerSources += 'Reserved' powerDescriptor += ['Current Power Sources', currentPowerSources.toString()] // Current Power Source Level String currentPowerSourceLevelBinary = octet.substring(4).reverse() String currentPowerSourceLevel = null switch (currentPowerSourceLevelBinary) { case '0000': currentPowerSourceLevel = 'Critical' break case '0100': currentPowerSourceLevel = '33%' break case '1000': currentPowerSourceLevel = '66%' break case '1100': currentPowerSourceLevel = '100%' break default: currentPowerSourceLevel = "Reserved value: ${currentPowerSourceLevelBinary}" } powerDescriptor += ['Current Power Source Level', currentPowerSourceLevel] state_addPowerDescriptor powerDescriptor return // Simple_Desc_rsp := { 08:Status, 16:NWKAddrOfInterest, 08:Length, 08:Endpoint, 16:ApplicationProfileIdentifier, 16:ApplicationDeviceIdentifier, 08:Reserved, 16:InClusterCount, n*16:InClusterList, 16:OutClusterCount, n*16:OutClusterList } // Example: [B7, 00, 18, 4A, 14, 03, 04, 01, 06, 00, 01, 03, 00, 00, 03, 00, 80, FC, 03, 03, 00, 04, 00, 80, FC] -> endpointId=03, inClusters=[0000, 0003, FC80], outClusters=[0003, 0004, FC80] case { contains it, [endpointInt:0x00, clusterInt:0x8004] }: if (msg.data[1] != '00') { utils_failedZclMessage 'Simple Descriptor Response', msg.data[1], msg return } String manufacturer = utils_flip state.ka_manufacturer Integer endpoint = utils_dec msg.data[5] Integer count = utils_dec msg.data[11] Integer position = 12 Integer positionCounter = null Set inClusters = [] List cmds = [] if (count > 0) { (1..count).each { b -> positionCounter = position + ((b - 1) * 2) Integer cluster = utils_dec msg.data[positionCounter..positionCounter + 1].reverse().join() inClusters += cluster // Discover cluster attributes cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x${utils_hex cluster} {104315 0000 FF}" if (manufacturer != '0000') { cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x${utils_hex cluster} {04${manufacturer}4315 0000 FF}" } //cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x01 0x${utils_hex cluster} {10430C 0000 FF}" //cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x01 0x${utils_hex cluster} {04FFFF430C 0000 FF}" // Discover cluster received commands cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x${utils_hex cluster} {104311 00 FF}" if (manufacturer != '0000') { cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x${utils_hex cluster} {04${manufacturer}4311 00 FF}" } } state_addInClusters endpoint, inClusters } position += count * 2 count = utils_dec msg.data[position] position += 1 Set outClusters = [] if (count > 0) { (1..count).each { b -> positionCounter = position + ((b - 1) * 2) Integer cluster = utils_dec msg.data[positionCounter..positionCounter + 1].reverse().join() outClusters += cluster // Discover cluster generated commands cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x${utils_hex cluster} {104313 00 FF}" if (manufacturer != '0000') { cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2} 0x${utils_hex cluster} {04${manufacturer}4313 00 FF}" } } state_addOutClusters endpoint, outClusters } if (cmds.size != 0) utils_sendZigbeeCommands delayBetween(cmds, 1000) utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Simple Descriptor Response', "endpoint=0x${utils_hex endpoint, 2}, inClusters=${utils_hexs inClusters}, outClusters=${utils_hexs outClusters}" return // Active_EP_rsp := { 08:Status, 16:NWKAddrOfInterest, 08:ActiveEPCount, n*08:ActiveEPList } // Three endpoints example: [83, 00, 18, 4A, 03, 01, 02, 03] -> endpointIds=[01, 02, 03] case { contains it, [endpointInt:0x00, clusterInt:0x8005] }: if (msg.data[1] != '00') { utils_failedZdpMessage 'Active Endpoints Response', msg.data[1], msg return } Set endpoints = [] Integer count = utils_dec msg.data[4] List cmds = [] if (count > 0) { (1..count).each { i -> String endpointStr = msg.data[4 + i] Integer endpoint = utils_dec endpointStr endpoints += endpoint // Query simple descriptor data cmds += "he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x00 0x00 0x0004 {00 ${zigbee.swapOctets(device.deviceNetworkId)} ${endpointStr}} {0x0000}" } state_addEndpoints endpoints utils_sendZigbeeCommands delayBetween(cmds, 1000) utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Active Endpoints Response', "endpoints=${utils_hexs endpoints, 2}" return } // Bind_rsp := { 08:Status } case { contains it, [endpointInt:0x00, clusterInt:0x8021] }: if (msg.data[1] != '00') { utils_failedZdpMessage 'Bind Response', msg.data[1], msg return } utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Bind Response', "data=${msg.data}" return // Unbind_rsp := { 08:Status } case { contains it, [endpointInt:0x00, clusterInt:0x8022] }: if (msg.data[1] != '00') { utils_failedZdpMessage 'Unbind Response', msg.data[1], msg return } utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Unbind Response', "data=${msg.data}" return // Mgmt_Lqi_rsp := { 08:Status, 08:NeighborTableEntriesTotal, 08:StartIndex, 08:NeighborTableEntriesIncluded, 176*n:NeighborTableList } // NeighborTableList: { 64:ExtendedPANId, 64:IEEEAddress, 16:NetworkAddress, 02:DeviceType, 02:RxOnWhenIdle, 03:Relationship, 01:Reserved, 02:PermitJoining, 06:Reserved, 08:Depth, 08:LQI } // Example: [46, 00, 0C, 00, 03, 50, 53, 3A, 0D, 00, DF, 66, 15, E9, A6, C9, 17, 00, 6F, 0D, 00, 00, 00, 04, 02, 00, A3, 50, 53, 3A, 0D, 00, DF, 66, 15, 80, BF, CA, 6B, 6A, 38, C1, A4, 4A, 16, 25, 02, 0F, B8, 50, 53, 3A, 0D, 00, DF, 66, 15, D3, FA, E1, 25, 00, 4B, 12, 00, 64, 17, 25, 02, 0F, 6A] case { contains it, [endpointInt:0x00, clusterInt:0x8031] }: if (msg.data[1] != '00') { utils_failedZdpMessage 'Neighbors Table Response', msg.data[1], msg return } Integer totalEntries = Integer.parseInt msg.data[2], 16 Integer startIndex = Integer.parseInt msg.data[3], 16 Integer includedEntries = Integer.parseInt msg.data[4], 16 if (includedEntries == 0) { utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Neighbors Table Response', "totalEntries=${totalEntries}, startIndex=${startIndex}, includedEntries=${includedEntries}" return } List> neighbors = [] Integer pos = 5 (0..(includedEntries - 1)).each { List neighbor = [] // ExtendedPANId, IEEEAddress, NetworkAddress //neighbor += ['PAN Id', msg.data[pos..(pos + 8)].reverse().join()] //neighbor += ['IEEE', msg.data[(pos + 8)..(pos + 16)].reverse().join()] neighbor += ['Addr', msg.data[(pos + 16)..(pos + 17)].reverse().join()] // DeviceType, RxOnWhenIdle, Relationship, Reserved String octet = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(msg.data[pos + 18], 16)).padLeft(8, '0') //log_warn ("Mgmt_Lqi_rsp: octet #1: ${octet}") String deviceType = 'Unknown' switch (Integer.parseInt(octet.substring(6, 8), 2)) { case 0x00: deviceType = 'Zigbee Coordinator' break case 0x01: deviceType = 'Zigbee Router' break case 0x02: deviceType = 'Zigbee End-Device' break } neighbor += ['Type', deviceType] String rxOnWhenIdle = 'Unknown' switch (Integer.parseInt(octet.substring(4, 6), 2)) { case 0x00: rxOnWhenIdle = 'No' break case 0x01: rxOnWhenIdle = 'Yes' break } neighbor += ['RxOnWhenIdle', rxOnWhenIdle] String relationship = 'Unknown' switch (Integer.parseInt(octet.substring(1, 4), 2)) { case 0x00: relationship = 'Parent' break case 0x01: relationship = 'Child' break case 0x02: relationship = 'Sibling' break case 0x03: relationship = 'Unknown' break case 0x04: relationship = 'Previous Child' break } neighbor += ['Rel', relationship] // PermitJoining, Reserved octet = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(msg.data[pos + 19], 16)).padLeft(8, '0') //log_warn ("Mgmt_Lqi_rsp: octet #2: ${octet}") String permitJoining = 'Invalid' switch (Integer.parseInt(octet.substring(6, 8), 2)) { case 0x00: permitJoining = 'No' break case 0x01: permitJoining = 'Yes' break case 0x02: permitJoining = 'Unknown' break } neighbor += ['Permit Joining', permitJoining] // Depth, LQI neighbor += ['Depth', Integer.parseInt(msg.data[pos + 20], 16)] neighbor += ['LQI', Integer.parseInt(msg.data[pos + 21], 16)] pos += 22 state_addNeighbor startIndex++, neighbor neighbors.add neighbor } // Get next batch if (startIndex < totalEntries) { utils_sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x00 0x00 0x0031 {55 ${utils_hex(startIndex, 2)}} {0x0000}"]) } utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Neighbors Table Response', "totalEntries=${totalEntries}, startIndex=${startIndex}, includedEntries=${includedEntries}, neighbors=${neighbors}" return // Mgmt_Rtg_rsp := { 08:Status, 08:RoutingTableEntriesTotal, 08:StartIndex, 08:RoutingTableEntriesIncluded, 40*n:RoutingTableList } // RoutingTableList: { 16:DestinationAddress, 03:RouteStatus, 01:MemoryConstrained, 01:ManyToOne, 01:RouteRecordRequired, 02:Reserved, 16:NextHopAddress } // Example: [24, 00, 0A, 00, 0A, 00, 00, 30, 00, 00, 00, 00, 03, 00, 00, ED, EE, 00, 8B, 72, 31, 98, 00, 8B, 72, AD, 56, 00, AD, 56, 58, 1E, 00, 64, 17, 4A, 16, 00, 4A, 16, 64, 17, 00, 64, 17, 3F, 5F, 00, 8B, 72, 9F, 9B, 00, 8B, 72 case { contains it, [endpointInt:0x00, clusterInt:0x8032] }: if (msg.data[1] != '00') { utils_failedZdpMessage 'Routing Table Response', msg.data[1], msg return } Integer totalEntries = Integer.parseInt msg.data[2], 16 Integer startIndex = Integer.parseInt msg.data[3], 16 Integer includedEntries = Integer.parseInt msg.data[4], 16 if (includedEntries == 0) { utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Routing Table Response', "totalEntries=${totalEntries}, startIndex=${startIndex}, includedEntries=${includedEntries}" return } List> routes = [] Integer pos = 5 (0..(includedEntries - 1)).each { List route = [] // DestinationAddress route += ['Destination', msg.data[pos..(pos + 1)].reverse().join()] // NextHopAddress route += ['Next Hop', msg.data[(pos + 3)..(pos + 4)].reverse().join()] // RouteStatus String octet = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(msg.data[pos + 2], 16)).padLeft(8, '0').reverse() //log_warn ("Octet: ${octet}") String routeStatusBinary = octet.substring(0, 3).reverse() String routeStatus = 'Reserved' switch (routeStatusBinary) { case '000': routeStatus = 'Active' break case '001': routeStatus = 'Discovery underway' break case '010': routeStatus = 'Discovery failed' break case '011': routeStatus = 'Inactive' break case '100': routeStatus = 'Validation underway' break } route += ['Route Status', routeStatus] // MemoryConstrained, ManyToOne, RouteRecordRequired //route += ['Memory Constrained', octet[3] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] //route += ['Many To One', octet[4] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] //route += ['Route Record Required', octet[5] == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No'] pos += 5 state_addRoute startIndex++, route routes.add route } // Get next batch if (startIndex < totalEntries) { utils_sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x00 0x00 0x0032 {56 ${utils_hex(startIndex, 2)}} {0x0000}"]) } utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Routing Table Response', "totalEntries=${totalEntries}, startIndex=${startIndex}, includedEntries=${includedEntries}, routes=${routes}" return // Mgmt_Bind_rsp := { 08:Status, 08:BindingTableEntriesTotal, 08:StartIndex, 08:BindingTableEntriesIncluded, 112/168*n:BindingTableList } // BindingTableList: { 64:SrcAddr, 08:SrcEndpoint, 16:ClusterId, 08:DstAddrMode, 16/64:DstAddr, 0/08:DstEndpoint } // Example: [71, 00, 01, 00, 01, C6, 9C, FE, FE, FF, F9, E3, B4, 01, 06, 00, 03, E9, A6, C9, 17, 00, 6F, 0D, 00, 01] case { contains it, [endpointInt:0x00, clusterInt:0x8033] }: if (msg.data[1] != '00') { utils_failedZdpMessage 'Binding Table Response', msg.data[1], msg return } Integer totalEntries = Integer.parseInt msg.data[2], 16 Integer startIndex = Integer.parseInt msg.data[3], 16 Integer includedEntries = Integer.parseInt msg.data[4], 16 if (includedEntries == 0) { utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Binding Table Response', "totalEntries=${totalEntries}, startIndex=${startIndex}, includedEntries=${includedEntries}" return } Integer pos = 5 List> bindings = [] (0..(includedEntries - 1)).each { idx -> List binding = [] // SrcAddr, SrcEndpoint, ClusterId binding += ['Src', msg.data[(pos)..(pos + 7)].reverse().join()] binding += ['Endpoint', '0x' + msg.data[pos + 8]] binding += ['Cluster', '0x' + msg.data[(pos + 9)..(pos + 10)].reverse().join()] // DstAddrMode String dstAddrMode = msg.data[pos + 11] if (dstAddrMode != '01' && dstAddrMode != '03') return // 16 bit DstAddr if (dstAddrMode == '01') { binding += ['Dest', msg.data[(pos + 12)..(pos + 13)].reverse().join()] pos += 14 } else { binding += ['Dest', msg.data[(pos + 12)..(pos + 19)].reverse().join()] binding += ['Endpoint', '0x' + msg.data[pos + 20]] pos += 21 } state_addBinding startIndex++, binding bindings.add binding } // Get next batch if (startIndex < totalEntries) { utils_sendZigbeeCommands(["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x00 0x00 0x0033 {57 ${utils_hex(startIndex, 2)}} {0x0000}"]) } utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Binding Table Response', "totalEntries=${totalEntries}, startIndex=${startIndex}, includedEntries=${includedEntries}, bindings=${bindings}" return // Device_annce: Welcome back! let's sync state. case { contains it, [endpointInt:0x00, clusterInt:0x0013, commandInt:0x00] }: utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Device Announce', "NWKAddr=${msg.data[1..2].reverse().join()}, IEEEAddr=${msg.data[3..10].reverse().join()}, Capability=${msg.data[1]}" return // Mgmt_Leave_rsp case { contains it, [endpointInt:0x00, clusterInt:0x8034, commandInt:0x00] }: utils_processedZigbeeMessage 'Mgmt Leave Response', 'Device is leaving the Zigbee mesh. See you later, Aligator!' return // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Unexpected Zigbee message // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- default: log_warn "▶ Sent unexpected Zigbee message: description=${description}, msg=${msg}" } } // =================================================================================================================== // Logging helpers (something like this should be part of the SDK and not implemented by each driver) // =================================================================================================================== private void log_debug(String message) { log.debug "${device.displayName} ${message.uncapitalize()}" } private void log_info(String message) { log.info "${device.displayName} ${message.uncapitalize()}" } private void log_warn(String message) { log.warn "${device.displayName} ${message.uncapitalize()}" } private void log_error(String message) { log.error "${device.displayName} ${message.uncapitalize()}" } // =================================================================================================================== // Helper methods (keep them simple, keep them dumb) // =================================================================================================================== private void healthCheck() { } private void utils_sendZigbeeCommands(List cmds) { if (cmds.empty) return List send = delayBetween(cmds.findAll { !it.startsWith('delay') }, 1000) log_debug "◀ Sending Zigbee messages: ${send}" sendHubCommand new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction(send, hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE) } @CompileStatic private Integer utils_dec(String value) { return Integer.parseInt(value, 16) } private String utils_hex(Integer value, Integer chars = 4) { return zigbee.convertToHexString(value, chars) } static String utils_hexStringToBinaryString(String hex) { return hex .replaceAll('0', '0000') .replaceAll('1', '0001') .replaceAll('2', '0010') .replaceAll('3', '0011') .replaceAll('4', '0100') .replaceAll('5', '0101') .replaceAll('6', '0110') .replaceAll('7', '0111') .replaceAll('8', '1000') .replaceAll('9', '1001') .replaceAll('A', '1010') .replaceAll('B', '1011') .replaceAll('C', '1100') .replaceAll('D', '1101') .replaceAll('E', '1110') .replaceAll('F', '1111') } static Number utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(String hex) { String bin = utils_hexStringToBinaryString hex byte sign = bin[0] == '0' ? 1 : -1 bin = '0' + bin.substring(1) // Invalid value 0x1[0]+ if (sign == 1 && bin.matches('0*')) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY switch (bin.length()) { case 8: return sign * Byte.parseByte(bin, 2) case 16: return sign * Short.parseShort(bin, 2) case 24: case 32: return sign * Integer.parseInt(bin, 2) case 40: case 48: case 56: return sign * Long.parseLong(bin, 2) default: return sign * new BigInteger(bin, 2) } } static Number utils_hexStringToUnsignedNumber(String hex) { String bin = utils_hexStringToBinaryString hex // Invalid value 0x1[1]+ if (bin.matches('1*')) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY switch (bin.length()) { case 8: return Short.parseShort(bin, 2) case 16: case 24: case 32: return Integer.parseInt(bin, 2) case 40: case 48: case 56: return Long.parseLong(bin, 2) default: return new BigInteger(bin, 2) } } private Collection utils_hexs(Collection values, Integer chars = 4) { return values.collect { "0x${zigbee.convertToHexString it, chars}" } } private String utils_payload(Integer value) { return zigbee.swapOctets(zigbee.convertToHexString(value, 4)) } private String utils_flip(String value) { return (value.replaceAll(' ', '').split('') as List).collate(2)*.join().reverse().join() } private void utils_dataValue(String key, String value) { log_debug "Update data value: ${key}=${value}" updateDataValue key, value } private void utils_zigbeeDataValue(Integer attrInt, String value) { switch (attrInt) { case 0x0001: utils_dataValue 'application', value; return case 0x0003: utils_dataValue 'hwVersion', value; return case 0x0004: utils_dataValue 'manufacturer', value; return case 0x000A: utils_dataValue 'type', "${value ? (value.split('') as List).collate(2).collect { "${Integer.parseInt(it.join(), 16) as char}" }.join() : '--'}"; return case 0x0005: utils_dataValue 'model', value; return case 0x4000: utils_dataValue 'softwareBuild', value; return } } private void utils_processedZigbeeMessage(String type, String details) { log_debug "▶ Processed Zigbee message: type=${type}, status=SUCCESS, ${details}" } private void utils_failedZclMessage(String type, String status, Map msg) { log_warn "▶ Received ZCL message: type=${type}, status=${ZCL_STATUS[Integer.parseInt(status, 16)]}, data=${msg.data}" } private void utils_failedZdpMessage(String type, String status, Map msg) { log_warn "▶ Received ZDP message: type=${type}, status=${ZDP_STATUS[Integer.parseInt(status, 16)]}, data=${msg.data}" } // =================================================================================================================== // State helpers // =================================================================================================================== private void state_addManufacturer(String manufacturer) { state.ka_manufacturer = manufacturer } private void state_addEndpoints(Set endpoints) { state.ka_endpoints = endpoints } private void state_addInClusters(Integer endpoint, Collection clusters) { state["ka_inClusters_${endpoint}"] = clusters } private void state_addOutClusters(Integer endpoint, Collection clusters) { state["ka_outClusters_${endpoint}"] = clusters } private void state_addAttributes(Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Map attributes) { attributes.each { state["ka_attribute_${endpoint}_${cluster}_${it.key}"] = it.value } } private void state_addInCommands(Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Map commands) { commands.each { state["ka_inCommand_${endpoint}_${cluster}_${it.key}"] = it.value } } private void state_addOutCommands(Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Map commands) { commands.each { state["ka_outCommand_${endpoint}_${cluster}_${it.key}"] = it.value } } private void state_addAttributesValues(Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Map> attributesValues) { attributesValues.each { state["ka_attributeValue_${endpoint}_${cluster}_${it.key}"] = it.value } } private void state_addAttributeReporting(Integer endpoint, Integer cluster, Integer attribute, Integer minPeriod, Integer maxPeriod) { state["ka_attributeReporting_${endpoint}_${cluster}_${attribute}"] = [min:minPeriod, max:maxPeriod ] } private void state_addNodeDescriptor(List nodeDescriptor) { state['ka_nodeDescriptor'] = nodeDescriptor } private void state_addPowerDescriptor(List powerDescriptor) { state['ka_powerDescriptor'] = powerDescriptor } private void state_addNeighbor(Integer index, List neighbor) { state["ka_neighbor_${index}"] = neighbor } private void state_addRoute(Integer index, List route) { state["ka_route_${index}"] = route } private void state_addBinding(Integer index, List binding) { state["ka_binding_${index}"] = binding } // switch/case syntactic sugar @CompileStatic private boolean contains(Map msg, Map spec) { return msg.keySet().containsAll(spec.keySet()) && spec.every { it.value == msg[it.key] } } // =================================================================================================================== // Constants // =================================================================================================================== @Field static final Map ZDP_STATUS = [ 0x00: 'SUCCESS', 0x80: 'INV_REQUESTTYPE', 0x81: 'DEVICE_NOT_FOUND', 0x82: 'INVALID_EP', 0x83: 'NOT_ACTIVE', 0x84: 'NOT_SUPPORTED', 0x85: 'TIMEOUT', 0x86: 'NO_MATCH', 0x88: 'NO_ENTRY', 0x89: 'NO_DESCRIPTOR', 0x8A: 'INSUFFICIENT_SPACE', 0x8B: 'NOT_PERMITTED', 0x8C: 'TABLE_FULL', 0x8D: 'NOT_AUTHORIZED', 0x8E: 'DEVICE_BINDING_TABLE_FULL' ] @Field static final Map ZCL_STATUS = [ 0x00: 'SUCCESS', 0x01: 'FAILURE', 0x7E: 'NOT_AUTHORIZED', 0x7F: 'RESERVED_FIELD_NOT_ZERO', 0x80: 'MALFORMED_COMMAND', 0x81: 'UNSUP_CLUSTER_COMMAND', 0x82: 'UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND', 0x83: 'UNSUP_MANUF_CLUSTER_COMMAND', 0x84: 'UNSUP_MANUF_GENERAL_COMMAND', 0x85: 'INVALID_FIELD', 0x86: 'UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE', 0x87: 'INVALID_VALUE', 0x88: 'READ_ONLY', 0x89: 'INSUFFICIENT_SPACE', 0x8A: 'DUPLICATE_EXISTS', 0x8B: 'NOT_FOUND', 0x8C: 'UNREPORTABLE_ATTRIBUTE', 0x8D: 'INVALID_DATA_TYPE', 0x8E: 'INVALID_SELECTOR', 0x8F: 'WRITE_ONLY', 0x90: 'INCONSISTENT_STARTUP_STATE', 0x91: 'DEFINED_OUT_OF_BAND', 0x92: 'INCONSISTENT', 0x93: 'ACTION_DENIED', 0x94: 'TIMEOUT', 0x95: 'ABORT', 0x96: 'INVALID_IMAGE', 0x97: 'WAIT_FOR_DATA', 0x98: 'NO_IMAGE_AVAILABLE', 0x99: 'REQUIRE_MORE_IMAGE', 0x9A: 'NOTIFICATION_PENDING', 0xC0: 'HARDWARE_FAILURE', 0xC1: 'SOFTWARE_FAILURE', 0xC2: 'CALIBRATION_ERROR', 0xC3: 'UNSUPPORTED_CLUSTER' ] @Field static final Map> ZCL_DATA_TYPES = [ 0x00: [name:'nodata', bytes:''], 0x08: [name:'data8', bytes:'1'], 0x09: [name:'data16', bytes:'2'], 0x0a: [name:'data24', bytes:'3'], 0x0b: [name:'data32', bytes:'4'], 0x0c: [name:'data40', bytes:'5'], 0x0d: [name:'data48', bytes:'6'], 0x0e: [name:'data56', bytes:'7'], 0x0f: [name:'data64', bytes:'8'], 0x10: [name:'bool', bytes:'1', decorate: { value -> value == '00' ? 'False' : (value == '01' ? 'True' : 'Invalid value') }], 0x18: [name:'map8', bytes:'1', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToBinaryString value }], 0x19: [name:'map16', bytes:'2', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToBinaryString value }], 0x1a: [name:'map24', bytes:'3', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToBinaryString value }], 0x1b: [name:'map32', bytes:'4', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToBinaryString value }], 0x1c: [name:'map40', bytes:'5', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToBinaryString value }], 0x1d: [name:'map48', bytes:'6', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToBinaryString value }], 0x1e: [name:'map56', bytes:'7', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToBinaryString value }], 0x1f: [name:'map64', bytes:'8', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToBinaryString value }], 0x20: [name:'uint8', bytes:'1', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToUnsignedNumber value }], 0x21: [name:'uint16', bytes:'2', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToUnsignedNumber value }], 0x22: [name:'uint24', bytes:'3', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToUnsignedNumber value }], 0x23: [name:'uint32', bytes:'4', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToUnsignedNumber value }], 0x24: [name:'uint40', bytes:'5', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToUnsignedNumber value }], 0x25: [name:'uint48', bytes:'6', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToUnsignedNumber value }], 0x26: [name:'uint56', bytes:'7', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToUnsignedNumber value }], 0x27: [name:'uint64', bytes:'8', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToUnsignedNumber value }], 0x28: [name:'int8', bytes:'1', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToSignedNumber value }], 0x29: [name:'int16', bytes:'2', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToSignedNumber value }], 0x2a: [name:'int24', bytes:'3', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToSignedNumber value }], 0x2b: [name:'int32', bytes:'4', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToSignedNumber value }], 0x2c: [name:'int40', bytes:'5', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToSignedNumber value }], 0x2d: [name:'int48', bytes:'6', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToSignedNumber value }], 0x2e: [name:'int56', bytes:'7', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToSignedNumber value }], 0x2f: [name:'int64', bytes:'8', decorate: { value -> utils_hexStringToSignedNumber value }], 0x30: [name:'enum8', bytes:'1'], 0x31: [name:'enum16', bytes:'2'], 0x38: [name:'semi', bytes:'2'], 0x39: [name:'single', bytes:'4', decorate: { value -> "${Float.intBitsToFloat Integer.parseInt(value, 16) }" }], 0x3a: [name:'double', bytes:'8'], 0x41: [name:'octstr', bytes:'0', decorate: { value -> "${value ? (value.split('') as List).collate(2).collect { "${Integer.parseInt(it.join(), 16) as char}" }.join() : '' }" }], 0x42: [name:'string', bytes:'0'], 0x43: [name:'octstr16', bytes:'0'], 0x44: [name:'string16', bytes:'0'], 0x48: [name:'array', bytes:'0'], 0x4c: [name:'struct', bytes:'0'], 0x50: [name:'set', bytes:'0'], 0x51: [name:'bag', bytes:'0'], 0xe0: [name:'ToD', bytes:'4'], 0xe1: [name:'date', bytes:'4'], 0xe2: [name:'UTC', bytes:'4'], 0xe8: [name:'clusterId', bytes:'2'], 0xe9: [name:'attribId', bytes:'2'], 0xea: [name:'bacOID', bytes:'4'], 0xf0: [name:'EUI64', bytes:'8'], 0xf1: [name:'key128', bytes:'16'], 0xff: [name:'unknown', bytes:''], ] // @see https://github.com/wireshark/wireshark/blob/master/epan/dissectors/packet-zbee.h @Field static final Map ZBE_MANUFACTURERS = [ 0x0000: 'NONE', 0x1002: 'EMBER', 0x100B: 'PHILIPS', 0x1011: 'VISONIC', 0x1014: 'ATMEL', 0x1015: 'DEVELCO', 0x101D: 'YALE', 0x101E: 'MAXSTREAM', 0x1020: 'VANTAGE', 0x1021: 'LEGRAND', 0x102E: 'LGE', 0x1037: 'JENNIC', 0x1039: 'ALERTME', 0x104D: 'CLS', 0x104E: 'CENTRALITE', 0x1049: 'SI_LABS', 0x105E: 'SCHNEIDER', 0x1071: '4_NOKS', 0x1072: 'BITRON', 0x1078: 'COMPUTIME', 0x1262: 'AXIS', 0x1092: 'KWIKSET', 0x109a: 'MMB', 0x109F: 'NETVOX', 0x10B9: 'NYCE', 0x10EF: 'UNIVERSAL2', 0x10F2: 'UBISYS', 0x115C: 'DANALOCK', 0x1236: 'SCHLAGE', 0x1105: 'BEGA', 0x110A: 'PHYSICAL', 0x110C: 'OSRAM', 0x1110: 'PROFALUX', 0x1112: 'EMBERTEC', 0x1124: 'JASCO', 0x112E: 'BUSCH_JAEGER', 0x1131: 'SERCOMM', 0x1133: 'BOSCH', 0x1135: 'DDEL', 0x113B: 'WAXMAN', 0x113C: 'OWON', 0x1141: 'TUYA', 0x1144: 'LUTRON', 0x1155: 'BOSCH2', 0x1158: 'ZEN', 0x115B: 'KEEN_HOME', 0x115F: 'XIAOMI', 0x1160: 'SENGLED_OPTOELEC', 0x1166: 'INNR', 0x1168: 'LDS', 0x1172: 'PLUGWISE_BV', 0x1175: 'D_LINK', 0x117A: 'INSTA', 0x117C: 'IKEA', 0x117E: '3A_SMART_HOME', 0x1185: 'STELPRO', 0x1189: 'LEDVANCE', 0x119C: 'SINOPE', 0x119D: 'PAULMANN', 0x1209: 'BOSCH3', 0x120B: 'HEIMAN', 0x1214: 'CHINA_FIRE_SEC', 0x121B: 'MUELLER', 0x121C: 'AURORA', 0x1224: 'SUNRICHER', 0x1228: 'XIAOYAN', 0x122A: 'XAL', 0x122D: 'ADUROLIGHT', 0x1233: 'THIRD_REALITY', 0x1234: 'DSR', 0x123B: 'HANGZHOU_IMAGIC', 0x1241: 'SAMJIN', 0x1246: 'DANFOSS', 0x125F: 'NIKO_NV', 0x1268: 'KONKE', 0x126A: 'SHYUGJ_TECHNOLOGY', 0x126E: 'XIAOMI2', 0x1277: 'ADEO', 0x1286: 'SHENZHEN_COOLKIT', 0x128B: 'NODON', 0x1337: 'DATEK', 0xBBAA: 'OSRAM_STACK', 0xC2DF: 'C2DF', 0xFFA0: 'PHILIO' ] // https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin/blob/master/general.xml @Field static final Map ZCL_CLUSTERS = [ 0x0000: [ name: 'Basic Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [type:0x20, req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'ZCL Version'], 0x0001: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Application Version'], 0x0002: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Stack Version'], 0x0003: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'HW Version'], 0x0004: [type:0x42, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Manufacturer Name'], 0x0005: [type:0x42, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Model Identifier'], 0x0006: [type:0x42, req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Date Code'], 0x0007: [type:0x30, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Power Source', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Unknown', 0x01: 'Mains (single phase)', 0x02: 'Mains (3 phase)', 0x03: 'Battery', 0x04: 'DC source', 0x05: 'Emergency mains constantly powered', 0x06: 'Emergency mains and transfer switch' ]], 0x0008: [type:0x30, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Generic Device Class'], 0x0009: [type:0x30, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Generic Device Type', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Incandescent', 0x01: 'Spotlight Halogen', 0x02: 'Halogen Bulb', 0x03: 'CFL', 0x04: 'Linear Fluorescent', 0x05: 'LED Bulb', 0x06: 'Spotlight LED', 0x07: 'LED Strip', 0x08: 'LED Tube', 0x09: 'Generic Indoor Luminaire', 0x0A: 'Generic Outdoor Luminaire', 0x0B: 'Pendant Luminaire', 0x0C: 'Floor Standing Luminaire', 0xE0: 'Generic Controller', 0xE1: 'Wall Switch', 0xE2: 'Portable Remote Controller', 0xE3: 'Motion Sensor / Light Sensor', 0xF0: 'Generic Actuator', 0xF1: 'Wall Socket', 0xF2: 'Gateway / Bridge', 0xF3: 'Plug-in Unit', 0xF4: 'Retrofit Actuator', 0xFF: 'Unspecified' ]], 0x000A: [type:0x41, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Product Code'], 0x000B: [type:0x42, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Product URL'], 0x000C: [type:0x42, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Manufacturer Version Details'], 0x000D: [type:0x42, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Serial Number'], 0x000E: [type:0x42, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Product Label'], 0x0010: [type:0x42, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Location Description'], 0x0011: [type:0x30, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Physical Environment'], 0x0012: [type:0x10, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Device Enabled', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Disabled', 0x01: 'Enabled' ]], 0x0013: [type:0x18, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Alarm Mask'], 0x0014: [type:0x18, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Disable Local Config'], 0x4000: [type:0x42, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'SW Build ID' ] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'opt', name:'Reset to Factory Defaults' ] ] ], 0x0001: [ name: 'Power Configuration Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Mains Voltage'], 0x0001: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Mains Frequency'], 0x0010: [type:0x18, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Mains Alarm Mask'], 0x0011: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Mains Voltage Min Threshold'], 0x0012: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Mains Voltage Max Threshold'], 0x0013: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Mains Voltage Dwell Trip Point'], 0x0020: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Battery Voltage', decorate: { value -> value == '00' ? '' : "${Integer.parseInt(value, 16) * 100}mV" }], 0x0021: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'r-p', name:'Battery Percentage Remaining', decorate: { value -> "${Math.round(Integer.parseInt(value, 16) / 2) as Integer}% remaining" }], 0x0030: [type:0x42, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Battery Manufacturer'], 0x0031: [type:0x30, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Battery Size', constraints: [ 0x00: 'No battery', 0x01: 'Built in', 0x02: 'Other', 0x03: 'AA', 0x04: 'AAA', 0x05: 'C', 0x06: 'D', 0x07: 'CR2 (IEC: CR17355 / ANSI: 5046LC)', 0x08: 'CR123A (IEC: CR17345 / ANSI: 5018LC', 0xFF: 'Battery' ]], 0x0032: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Battery AH Rating'], 0x0033: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Battery Quantity'], 0x0034: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Battery Rated Voltage'], 0x0035: [type:0x18, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Battery Alarm Mask'], 0x0036: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Battery Voltage Min Threshold'], 0x0037: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Battery Voltage Threshold 1'], 0x0038: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Battery Voltage Threshold 2'], 0x0039: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Battery Voltage Threshold 3'], 0x003A: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Battery Percentage Min Threshold'], 0x003B: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Battery Percentage Threshold 1'], 0x003C: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Battery Percentage Threshold 2'], 0x003D: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Battery Percentage Threshold 3'], 0x003E: [type:0x1B, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Battery Alarm State' ] ] ], 0x0002: [ name: 'Temperature Configuration Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [type:0x29, req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Current Temperature'], 0x0001: [type:0x29, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Min Temp Experienced'], 0x0002: [type:0x29, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Max Temp Experienced'], 0x0003: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Over Temp Total Dwell'], 0x0010: [type:0x18, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Device Temp Alarm Mask'], 0x0011: [type:0x29, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Low Temp Threshold'], 0x0012: [type:0x29, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'High Temp Threshold'], 0x0013: [type:0x22, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Low Temp Dwell Trip Point'], 0x0014: [type:0x22, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'High Temp Dwell Trip Point' ] ] ], 0x0003: [ name: 'Identify Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [type:0x21, req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Identify Time', decorate: { value -> "${Integer.parseInt value, 16} seconds" }], ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Identify'], 0x01: [req:'req', name:'Identify Query'], 0x40: [req:'opt', name:'Trigger Effect' ] ] ], 0x0004: [ name: 'Groups Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [type:0x18, req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Name Support' ] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Add Group'], 0x01: [req:'req', name:'View Group'], 0x02: [req:'req', name:'Get Group Membership'], 0x03: [req:'req', name:'Remove Group'], 0x04: [req:'req', name:'Remove All Groups'], 0x05: [req:'req', name:'Add Group If Identifying' ] ] ], 0x0005: [ name: 'Scenes Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [type:0x20, req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Scene Count'], 0x0001: [type:0x20, req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Current Scene'], 0x0002: [type:0x21, req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Current Group'], 0x0003: [type:0x10, req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Scene Valid'], 0x0004: [type:0x18, req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Name Support'], 0x0005: [type:0xf0, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Last Configured By' ] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Add Scene'], 0x01: [req:'req', name:'View Scene'], 0x02: [req:'req', name:'Remove Scene'], 0x03: [req:'req', name:'Remove All Scenes'], 0x04: [req:'req', name:'Store Scene'], 0x05: [req:'req', name:'Recall Scene'], 0x06: [req:'req', name:'Get Scene Membership'], 0x40: [req:'opt', name:'Enhanced Add Scene'], 0x41: [req:'opt', name:'Enhanced View Scene'], 0x42: [req:'opt', name:'Copy Scene' ] ] ], 0x0006: [ name: 'On/Off Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [type:0x10, req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'On Off', decorate: { value -> value == '00' ? 'Off' : (value == '01' ? 'On' : 'Invalid value') }], 0x4000: [type:0x10, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Global Scene Control'], 0x4001: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'On Time', decorate: { value -> "${((Integer.parseInt(value, 16) / 10) as Integer)} seconds" }], 0x4002: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Off Wait Time', decorate: { value -> "${((Integer.parseInt(value, 16) / 10) as Integer)} seconds" }], 0x4003: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Power On Behavior', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Turn power Off', 0x01: 'Turn power On', 0xFF: 'Restore previous state' ]] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Off'], 0x01: [req:'req', name:'On'], 0x02: [req:'req', name:'Toggle'], 0x40: [req:'opt', name:'Off With Effect'], 0x41: [req:'opt', name:'On With Recall Global Scene'], 0x42: [req:'opt', name:'On With Timed Off' ] ] ], 0x0007: [ name: 'On/Off Switch Configuration Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [type:0x30, req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Switch Type', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Toggle', 0x01: 'Momentary', 0x02: 'Multifunction' ]], 0x0010: [type:0x30, req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Switch Actions', constraints: [ 0x00: 'On', 0x01: 'Off', 0x02: 'Toggle' ]] ] ], 0x0008: [ name: 'Level Control Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [type:0x20, req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Current Level', decorate: { value -> value == 'FF' ? 'Invalid value' : "${((Integer.parseInt(value, 16) * 100 / 0xFE) as Integer)}%" }], 0x0001: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Remaining Time', decorate: { value -> "${((Integer.parseInt(value, 16) / 10) as Integer)} seconds" }], 0x000F: [type:0x18, req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Options'], 0x0010: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'On Off Transition Time', decorate: { value -> "${((Integer.parseInt(value, 16) / 10) as Integer)} seconds" }], 0x0011: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'On Level', decorate: { value -> value == 'FF' ? 'Last level' : "${((Integer.parseInt(value, 16) * 100 / 0xFE) as Integer)}%" }], 0x0012: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'On Transition Time', decorate: { value -> "${((Integer.parseInt(value, 16) / 10) as Integer)} seconds" }], 0x0013: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Off Transition Time', decorate: { value -> "${((Integer.parseInt(value, 16) / 10) as Integer)} seconds" }], 0x0014: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Default Move Rate'], 0x4000: [type:0x20, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'StartUp Level' ] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Move To Level'], 0x01: [req:'req', name:'Move'], 0x02: [req:'req', name:'Step Level'], 0x03: [req:'req', name:'Stop'], 0x04: [req:'req', name:'Move To Level With On/Off'], 0x05: [req:'req', name:'Move With On/Off'], 0x06: [req:'req', name:'Step With On/Off'], 0x07: [req:'req', name:'Stop' ] ] ], 0x0009: [ name: 'Alarms Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Alarm Count' ] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Move To Level'], 0x01: [req:'req', name:'Move'], 0x02: [req:'req', name:'Step'], 0x03: [req:'req', name:'Stop' ] ] ], 0x000A: [ name: 'Time Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [type:0xE2, req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Time'], 0x0001: [type:0x18, req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Time Status'], 0x0002: [type:0x2B, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Time Zone'], 0x0003: [type:0x23, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Dst Start'], 0x0004: [type:0x23, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Dst End'], 0x0005: [type:0x2B, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Dst Shift'], 0x0006: [type:0x23, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Standard Time'], 0x0007: [type:0x23, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Local Time'], 0x0008: [type:0xE2, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Last Set Time'], 0x0009: [type:0xE2, req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Valid Until Time' ] ] ], 0x000B: [ name: 'RSSI Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Location Type'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Location Method'], 0x0002: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Location Age'], 0x0003: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Quality Measure'], 0x0004: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Number Of Devices'], 0x0010: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Coordinate 1'], 0x0011: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Coordinate 2'], 0x0012: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Coordinate 3'], 0x0013: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Power'], 0x0014: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Path Loss Exponent'], 0x0015: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Reporting Period'], 0x0016: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Calculation Period'], 0x0017: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Number RSSI Measurements' ] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Set Absolute Location'], 0x01: [req:'req', name:'Set Device Configuration'], 0x02: [req:'req', name:'Get Device Configuration'], 0x03: [req:'req', name:'Get Location Data'], 0x04: [req:'opt', name:'RSSI Response'], 0x05: [req:'opt', name:'Send Pings'], 0x06: [req:'opt', name:'Anchor Node Announce' ] ] ], 0x000C: [ name: 'Analog Input Cluster', attributes: [ 0x001C: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Description'], 0x0041: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Max Present Value'], 0x0045: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Min Present Value'], 0x0051: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Out Of Service'], 0x0055: [req:'req', acc:'RWP', name:'Present Value'], 0x0067: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Reliability'], 0x006A: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Resolution'], 0x006F: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Status Flags'], 0x0075: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Engineering Units'], 0x0100: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Application Type' ] ] ], 0x000D: [ name: 'Analog Output Cluster', attributes: [ 0x001C: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Description'], 0x0041: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Max Present Value'], 0x0045: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Min Present Value'], 0x0051: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Out Of Service'], 0x0055: [req:'req', acc:'RWP', name:'Present Value'], 0x0057: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Priority Array'], 0x0067: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Reliability'], 0x0068: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Relinquish Default'], 0x006A: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Resolution'], 0x006F: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Status Flags'], 0x0075: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Engineering Units'], 0x0100: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Application Type' ] ] ], 0x000E: [ name: 'Analog Value Cluster', attributes: [ 0x001C: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Description'], 0x0051: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Out Of Service'], 0x0055: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Present Value'], 0x0057: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Priority Array'], 0x0067: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Reliability'], 0x0068: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Relinquish Default'], 0x006F: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Status Flags'], 0x0075: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Engineering Units'], 0x0100: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Application Type' ] ] ], 0x000F: [ name: 'Binary Input Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0004: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Active Text'], 0x001C: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Description'], 0x002E: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Inactive Text'], 0x0051: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Out Of Service'], 0x0054: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Polarity'], 0x0055: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Present Value'], 0x0067: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Reliability'], 0x006F: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Status Flags'], 0x0100: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Application Type' ] ] ], 0x0010: [ name: 'Binary Output Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0004: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Active Text'], 0x001C: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Description'], 0x002E: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Inactive Text'], 0x0042: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Minimum Off Time'], 0x0043: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Minimum On Time'], 0x0051: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Out Of Service'], 0x0054: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Polarity'], 0x0055: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Present Value'], 0x0057: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Priority Array'], 0x0067: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Reliability'], 0x0068: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Relinquish Default'], 0x006F: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Status Flags'], 0x0100: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Application Type' ] ] ], 0x0011: [ name: 'Binary Value Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0004: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Active Text'], 0x001C: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Description'], 0x002E: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Inactive Text'], 0x0042: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Minimum Off Time'], 0x0043: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Minimum On Time'], 0x0051: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Out Of Service'], 0x0055: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Present Value'], 0x0057: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Priority Array'], 0x0067: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Reliability'], 0x0068: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Relinquish Default'], 0x006F: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Status Flags'], 0x0100: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Application Type' ] ] ], 0x0012: [ name: 'Multistate Input Cluster', attributes: [ 0x000E: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'State Text'], 0x001C: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Description'], 0x004A: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Number Of States'], 0x0051: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Out Of Service'], 0x0055: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Present Value'], 0x0067: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Reliability'], 0x006F: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Status Flags'], 0x0100: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Application Type' ] ] ], 0x0013: [ name: 'Multistate Output Cluster', attributes: [ 0x000E: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'State Text'], 0x001C: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Description'], 0x004A: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Number Of States'], 0x0051: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Out Of Service'], 0x0055: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Present Value'], 0x0057: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Priority Array'], 0x0067: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Reliability'], 0x0068: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Relinquish Default'], 0x006F: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Status Flags'], 0x0100: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Application Type' ] ] ], 0x0014: [ name: 'Multistate Value Cluster', attributes: [ 0x000E: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'State Text'], 0x001C: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Description'], 0x004A: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Number Of States'], 0x0051: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Out Of Service'], 0x0055: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Present Value'], 0x0057: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Priority Array'], 0x0067: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Reliability'], 0x0068: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Relinquish Default'], 0x006F: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Status Flags'], 0x0100: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Application Type' ] ] ], 0x0015: [ name: 'Commissioning Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Short Address'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Extended PAN ID'], 0x0002: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'PAN ID'], 0x0003: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Channel Mask'], 0x0004: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Protocol Version'], 0x0005: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Stack Profile'], 0x0006: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Startup Control'], 0x0010: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Trust Center Address'], 0x0011: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Trust Center Master Key'], 0x0012: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Network Key'], 0x0013: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Use Insecure Join'], 0x0014: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Preconfigured Link Key'], 0x0015: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Network Key Seq Num'], 0x0016: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Network Key Type'], 0x0017: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Network Manager Address'], 0x0020: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Scan Attempts'], 0x0021: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Time Between Scans'], 0x0022: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Rejoin Interval'], 0x0030: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Indirect Poll Rate'], 0x0031: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Parent Retry Threshold'], 0x0040: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Concentrator Flag'], 0x0041: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Concentrator Radius'], 0x0042: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Concentrator Discovery Time' ] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Restart Device'], 0x01: [req:'opt', name:'Save Startup Parameters'], 0x02: [req:'opt', name:'Restore Startup Parameter'], 0x03: [req:'req', name:'Reset Startup Parameters' ] ] ], 0x0019: [ name: 'OTA Upgrade Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Upgrade Server ID'], 0x0001: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'File Offset'], 0x0002: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Current File Version'], 0x0003: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Current Zigbee Stack Version'], 0x0004: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Downloaded File Version'], 0x0005: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Downloaded Zigbee Stack Version'], 0x0006: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Image Upgrade Status'], 0x0007: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Manufacturer ID'], 0x0008: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Image Type ID'], 0x0009: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Minimum Block Period'], 0x000A: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Image Stamp' ] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'opt', name:'Image Notify'], 0x01: [req:'req', name:'Query Next Image Request'], 0x02: [req:'req', name:'Query Next Image Response'], 0x03: [req:'req', name:'Image Block Request'], 0x04: [req:'opt', name:'Image Page Request'], 0x05: [req:'req', name:'Image Block Response'], 0x06: [req:'req', name:'Upgrade End Request'], 0x07: [req:'req', name:'Upgrade End Response'], 0x08: [req:'opt', name:'Query Device Specific File Request'], 0x09: [req:'opt', name:'Query Device Specific File Response' ] ] ], 0x0021: [ name: 'Green Power Cluster' ], 0x001A: [ name: 'Power Profile Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Total Profile Num'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Multiple Scheduling'], 0x0002: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Energy Formatting'], 0x0003: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Energy Remote'], 0x0004: [req:'req', acc:'RWP', name:'Schedule Mode' ] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Power Profile Request'], 0x01: [req:'req', name:'Power Profile State Request'], 0x02: [req:'req', name:'Get Power Profile Price Response'], 0x03: [req:'req', name:'Get Overall Schedule Price Response'], 0x04: [req:'req', name:'Energy Phases Schedule Notification'], 0x05: [req:'req', name:'Energy Phases Schedule Response'], 0x06: [req:'req', name:'Power Profile Schedule Constraints Request'], 0x07: [req:'req', name:'Energy Phases Schedule State Request'], 0x08: [req:'req', name:'Get Power Profile Price Extended Response' ] ] ], 0x0020: [ name: 'Poll Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [type:0x23, req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Check-in Interval', decorate: { value -> "${((Integer.parseInt(value, 16) / 4) as Integer)} seconds" }], 0x0001: [type:0x23, req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Long Poll Interval', decorate: { value -> "${((Integer.parseInt(value, 16) / 4) as Integer)} seconds" }], 0x0002: [type:0x21, req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Short Poll Interval', decorate: { value -> "${((Integer.parseInt(value, 16) / 4) as Integer)} seconds" }], 0x0003: [type:0x21, req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Fast Poll Timeout', decorate: { value -> "${((Integer.parseInt(value, 16) / 4) as Integer)} seconds" }], 0x0004: [type:0x23, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Check-in Interval Min', decorate: { value -> "${((Integer.parseInt(value, 16) / 4) as Integer)} seconds" }], 0x0005: [type:0x23, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Long Poll Interval Min', decorate: { value -> "${((Integer.parseInt(value, 16) / 4) as Integer)} seconds" }], 0x0006: [type:0x21, req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Fast Poll Timeout Max', decorate: { value -> "${((Integer.parseInt(value, 16) / 4) as Integer)} seconds" }] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Check-in'], 0x01: [req:'req', name:'Stop'], 0x02: [req:'opt', name:'Set Long Poll Attribute'], 0x03: [req:'opt', name:'Set Short Poll Attribute' ] ] ], 0x0100: [ name: 'Shade Configuration Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Physical Closed Limit'], 0x0001: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Motor Step Size'], 0x0002: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Status'], 0x0010: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Closed Limit'], 0x0011: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Mode' ] ] ], 0x0101: [ name: 'Door Lock Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Lock State'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Lock Type'], 0x0002: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Actuator Enabled'], 0x0003: [req:'opt', acc:'r-p', name:'Door State'], 0x0004: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Door Open Events'], 0x0005: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Door Closed Events'], 0x0006: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Open Period'], 0x0010: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Number Of Log Records Supported'], 0x0011: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Number Of Total Users Supported'], 0x0012: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Number Of PIN Users Supported'], 0x0013: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Number Of RFID Users Supported'], 0x0014: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Number Of Week Day Schedules Supported Per User'], 0x0015: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Number Of Year Day Schedules Supported Per User'], 0x0016: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Number Of Holiday Schedules Supported'], 0x0017: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Max PIN Code Length'], 0x0018: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Min PIN Code Length'], 0x0019: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Max RFID Code Length'], 0x001A: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Min RFID Code Length'], 0x0020: [req:'opt', acc:'RwP', name:'Enable Logging'], 0x0021: [req:'opt', acc:'RwP', name:'Language'], 0x0022: [req:'opt', acc:'RwP', name:'Settings'], 0x0023: [req:'opt', acc:'RwP', name:'Auto Relock Time'], 0x0024: [req:'opt', acc:'RwP', name:'Sound Volume'], 0x0025: [req:'opt', acc:'RwP', name:'Operating Mode'], 0x0026: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Supported Operating Modes'], 0x0027: [req:'opt', acc:'r-p', name:'Default Configuration Register'], 0x0028: [req:'opt', acc:'RwP', name:'Enable Local Programming'], 0x0029: [req:'opt', acc:'RWP', name:'Enable One Touch Locking'], 0x002A: [req:'opt', acc:'RWP', name:'Enable Inside Status LED'], 0x002B: [req:'opt', acc:'RWP', name:'Enable Privacy Mode Button'], 0x0030: [req:'opt', acc:'RwP', name:'Wrong Code Entry Limit'], 0x0031: [req:'opt', acc:'RwP', name:'User Code Temporary Disable Time'], 0x0032: [req:'opt', acc:'RwP', name:'Send PIN Over The Air'], 0x0033: [req:'opt', acc:'RwP', name:'Require PIN For RF Operation'], 0x0034: [req:'opt', acc:'r-p', name:'Zigbee Security Level'], 0x0040: [req:'opt', acc:'RWP', name:'Alarm Mask'], 0x0041: [req:'opt', acc:'RWP', name:'Keypad Operation Event Mask'], 0x0042: [req:'opt', acc:'RWP', name:'RF Operation Event Mask'], 0x0043: [req:'opt', acc:'RWP', name:'Manual Operation Event Mask'], 0x0044: [req:'opt', acc:'RWP', name:'RFID Operation Event Mask'], 0x0045: [req:'opt', acc:'RWP', name:'Keypad Programming Event Mask'], 0x0046: [req:'opt', acc:'RWP', name:'RF Programming Event Mask'], 0x0047: [req:'opt', acc:'RWP', name:'RFID Programming Event Mask' ] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Lock Door'], 0x01: [req:'req', name:'Unlock Door'], 0x02: [req:'opt', name:'Toggle'], 0x03: [req:'opt', name:'Unlock with Timeout'], 0x04: [req:'opt', name:'Get Log Record'], 0x05: [req:'opt', name:'Set PIN Code'], 0x06: [req:'opt', name:'Get PIN Code'], 0x07: [req:'opt', name:'Clear PIN Code'], 0x08: [req:'opt', name:'Clear All PIN Codes'], 0x09: [req:'opt', name:'Set User Status'], 0x0A: [req:'opt', name:'Get User Status'], 0x0B: [req:'opt', name:'Set Weekday Schedule'], 0x0C: [req:'opt', name:'Get Weekday Schedule'], 0x0D: [req:'opt', name:'Clear Weekday Schedule'], 0x0E: [req:'opt', name:'Set Year Day Schedule'], 0x0F: [req:'opt', name:'Get Year Day Schedule'], 0x10: [req:'opt', name:'Clear Year Day Schedule'], 0x11: [req:'opt', name:'Set Holiday Schedule'], 0x12: [req:'opt', name:'Get Holiday Schedule'], 0x13: [req:'opt', name:'Clear Holiday Schedule'], 0x14: [req:'opt', name:'Set User Type'], 0x15: [req:'opt', name:'Get User Type'], 0x16: [req:'opt', name:'Set RFID Code'], 0x17: [req:'opt', name:'Get RFID Code'], 0x18: [req:'opt', name:'Clear RFID Code'], 0x19: [req:'opt', name:'Clear All RFID Codes' ] ] ], 0x0102: [ name: 'Window Covering Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Window Covering Type', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Rollershade', 0x01: 'Rollershade - 2 Motor', 0x02: 'Rollershade - Exterior', 0x03: 'Rollershade - Exterior - 2 Motor', 0x04: 'Drapery', 0x05: 'Awning', 0x06: 'Shutter', 0x07: 'Tilt Blind - Tilt Only', 0x08: 'Tilt Blind - Lift and Tilt', 0x09: 'Projector Screen' ]], 0x0001: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Physical Closed Limit - Lift'], 0x0002: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Physical Closed Limit - Tilt'], 0x0003: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Current Position - Lift'], 0x0004: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Current Position - Tilt'], 0x0005: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Number Of Actuations - Lift'], 0x0006: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Number Of Actuations - Tilt'], 0x0007: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Config/Status'], 0x0008: [req:'req', acc:'rsp', name:'Current Position Lift Percentage'], 0x0009: [req:'req', acc:'rsp', name:'Current Position Tilt Percentage'], 0x0010: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Installed Open Limit - Lift'], 0x0011: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Installed Closed Limit - Lift'], 0x0012: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Installed Open Limit - Tilt'], 0x0013: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Installed Closed Limit - Tilt'], 0x0014: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Velocity - Lift'], 0x0015: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Acceleration Time - Lift'], 0x0016: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Deceleration Time - Lift'], 0x0017: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Mode'], 0x0018: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Intermediate Setpoints - Lift'], 0x0019: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Intermediate Setpoints - Tilt' ] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Up / Open'], 0x01: [req:'req', name:'Down / Close'], 0x02: [req:'req', name:'Stop'], 0x04: [req:'opt', name:'Go To Lift Value'], 0x05: [req:'opt', name:'Go to Lift Percentage'], 0x07: [req:'opt', name:'Go to Tilt Value'], 0x08: [req:'opt', name:'Go to Tilt Percentage' ] ] ], 0x0200: [ name: 'Pump Configuration and Control Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Max Pressure'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Max Speed'], 0x0002: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Max Flow'], 0x0003: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Min Const Pressure'], 0x0004: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Max Const Pressure'], 0x0005: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Min Comp Pressure'], 0x0006: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Max Comp Pressure'], 0x0007: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Min Const Speed'], 0x0008: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Max Const Speed'], 0x0009: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Min Const Flow'], 0x000A: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Max Const Flow'], 0x000B: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Min Const Temp'], 0x000C: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Max Const Temp'], 0x0010: [req:'opt', acc:'r-p', name:'Pump Status'], 0x0011: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Effective Operation Mode'], 0x0012: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Effective Control Mode'], 0x0013: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Capacity'], 0x0014: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Speed'], 0x0015: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Lifetime Running Hours'], 0x0016: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Power'], 0x0017: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Lifetime Energy Consumed'], 0x0020: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Operation Mode'], 0x0021: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Control Mode'], 0x0022: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Alarm Mask' ] ] ], 0x0201: [ name: 'Thermostat Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Local Temperature', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0001: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Outdoor Temperature', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0002: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Occupancy'], 0x0003: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Abs Min Heat Setpoint Limit', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0004: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Abs Max Heat Setpoint Limit', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0005: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Abs Min Cool Setpoint Limit', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0006: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Abs Max Cool Setpoint Limit', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0007: [req:'opt', acc:'r-p', name:'PI Cooling Demand'], 0x0008: [req:'opt', acc:'r-p', name:'PI Heating Demand'], 0x0009: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'HVAC System Type Configuration'], 0x0010: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Local Temperature Calibration'], 0x0011: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Occupied Cooling Setpoint', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0012: [req:'req', acc:'rws', name:'Occupied Heating Setpoint', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0013: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0014: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Unoccupied Heating Setpoint', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0015: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Min Heat Setpoint Limit', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0016: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Max Heat Setpoint Limit', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0017: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Min Cool Setpoint Limit', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0018: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Max Cool Setpoint Limit', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0019: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Min Setpoint Dead Band'], 0x001A: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Remote Sensing'], 0x001B: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Control Sequence Of Operation'], 0x001C: [req:'req', acc:'rws', name:'System Mode', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Off', 0x01: 'Auto', 0x03: 'Cool', 0x04: 'Heat', 0x05: 'Emergency heating', 0x06: 'Precooling', 0x07: 'Fan only', 0x08: 'Dry', 0x09: 'Sleep' ]], 0x001D: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Alarm Mask'], 0x001E: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Thermostat Running Mode'], 0x0020: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Start Of Week'], 0x0021: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Number Of Weekly Transitions'], 0x0022: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Number Of Daily Transitions'], 0x0023: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Temperature Setpoint Hold'], 0x0024: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Temperature Setpoint Hold Duration'], 0x0025: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Thermostat Programmin gOperation Mode'], 0x0029: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Thermostat Running State'], 0x0030: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Setpoint Change Source'], 0x0031: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Setpoint Change Amount'], 0x0032: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Setpoint Change Source Timestamp'], 0x0040: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'AC Type'], 0x0041: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'AC Capacity'], 0x0042: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'AC Refrigerant Type'], 0x0043: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'AC Compressor Type'], 0x0044: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'AC Error Code'], 0x0045: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'AC Louver Position'], 0x0046: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'AC Coil Temperature'], 0x0047: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'AC Capacity Format' ] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Setpoint Raise/Lower'], 0x01: [req:'opt', name:'Set Weekly Schedule'], 0x02: [req:'opt', name:'Get Weekly Schedule'], 0x03: [req:'opt', name:'Clear Weekly Schedule'], 0x04: [req:'opt', name:'Get Relay Status Log' ] ] ], 0x0202: [ name: 'Fan Control Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Fan Mode', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Off', 0x01: 'Low', 0x02: 'Medium', 0x03: 'High', 0x04: 'On', 0x05: 'Auto (the fan speed is self-regulated)', 0x06: 'Smart (when the heated/cooled space is occupied, the fan is always on)' ]], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Fan Mode Sequence', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Low/Med/High', 0x01: 'Low/High', 0x02: 'Low/Med/High/Auto', 0x03: 'Low/High/Auto', 0x04: 'On/Auto' ]], ] ], 0x0203: [ name: 'Dehumidification Control Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Relative Humidity'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Dehumidificatio nCooling'], 0x0010: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'RH Dehumidification Setpoint'], 0x0011: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Relative Humidity Mode'], 0x0012: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Dehumidification Lockout'], 0x0013: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Dehumidification Hysteresis'], 0x0014: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Dehumidification Max Cool'], 0x0015: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RelativeHumidity Display' ] ] ], 0x0204: [ name: 'Thermostat User Interface Configuration Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Temperature Display Mode'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Keypad Lockout'], 0x0002: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Schedule Programming Visibility' ] ] ], 0x0300: [ name: 'Color Control Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Current Hue'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Current Saturation'], 0x0002: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Remaining Time'], 0x0003: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Current X'], 0x0004: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Current Y'], 0x0005: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Drift Compensation'], 0x0006: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Compensation Text'], 0x0007: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Color Temperature Mireds'], 0x0008: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Color Mode', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Hue and Saturation', 0x01: 'XY Coordinates', 0x02: 'Color Temperature', 0x03: 'Enhanced Hue and Saturation' ]], 0x000F: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Options'], 0x0010: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Number Of Primaries'], 0x0011: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 1 X'], 0x0012: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 1 Y'], 0x0013: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 1 Intensity'], 0x0015: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 2 X'], 0x0016: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 2 Y'], 0x0017: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 2 Intensity'], 0x0019: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 3 X'], 0x001A: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 3 Y'], 0x001B: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 3 Intensity'], 0x0020: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 4 X'], 0x0021: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 4 Y'], 0x0022: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 4 Intensity'], 0x0024: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 2 X'], 0x0025: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 2 Y'], 0x0026: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 2 Intensity'], 0x0028: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 3 X'], 0x0029: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 3 Y'], 0x002A: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Primary 3 Intensity'], 0x0030: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'White Point X'], 0x0031: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'White Point Y'], 0x0032: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Color Point R X'], 0x0033: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Color Point R Y'], 0x0034: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Color Point R Intensity'], 0x0036: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Color Point G X'], 0x0037: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Color Point G Y'], 0x0038: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Color Point G Intensity'], 0x003A: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Color Point B X'], 0x003B: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Color Point B Y'], 0x003C: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Color Point B Intensity'], 0x4000: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Enhanced Current Hue'], 0x4001: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Enhanced Color Saturation'], 0x4002: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Color Loop Active'], 0x4003: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Color Loop Direction'], 0x4004: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Color Loop Time'], 0x4005: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Color Loop Start Enhanced Hue'], 0x4006: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Color Loop Stored Enhanced Hue'], 0x400A: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Color Capabilities'], 0x400B: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Color Temp Physical Min Mireds'], 0x400C: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Color Temp Physical Max Mireds'], 0x400D: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Couple Color Temp To Level Min Mireds'], 0x4010: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'StartUp Color Temperature Mireds' ] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Move to Hue'], 0x01: [req:'req', name:'Move Hue'], 0x02: [req:'req', name:'Step Hue'], 0x03: [req:'req', name:'Move to Saturation'], 0x04: [req:'req', name:'Move Saturation'], 0x05: [req:'req', name:'Step Saturation'], 0x06: [req:'req', name:'Move to Hue and Saturation'], 0x07: [req:'req', name:'Move to Color'], 0x08: [req:'req', name:'Move Color'], 0x09: [req:'req', name:'Step Color'], 0x0A: [req:'req', name:'Move to Color Temperature'], 0x40: [req:'req', name:'Enhanced Move to Hue'], 0x41: [req:'req', name:'Enhanced Move Hue'], 0x42: [req:'req', name:'Enhanced Step Hue'], 0x43: [req:'req', name:'Enhanced Move to Hue and Saturation'], 0x44: [req:'req', name:'Color Loop Set'], 0x47: [req:'req', name:'Stop Move Step'], 0x4B: [req:'req', name:'Move Color Temperature'], 0x4C: [req:'req', name:'Step Color Temperature' ] ] ], 0x0301: [ name: 'Ballast Configuration Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Physical Min Level'], 0x0001: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Physical Max Level'], 0x0002: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Ballast Status'], 0x0010: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Min Level'], 0x0011: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Max Level'], 0x0012: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Power On Level'], 0x0013: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Power On Fade Time'], 0x0014: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Intrinsic Ballast Factor'], 0x0015: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Ballast Factor Adjustment'], 0x0020: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Lamp Quantity'], 0x0030: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Lamp Type'], 0x0031: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Lamp Manufacturer'], 0x0032: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Lamp Rated Hours'], 0x0033: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Lamp Burn Hours'], 0x0034: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Lamp Alarm Mode'], 0x0035: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Lamp Burn Hours Trip Point' ] ] ], 0x0400: [ name: 'Illuminance Measurement Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Measured Value'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Min Measured Value'], 0x0002: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Max Measured Value'], 0x0003: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Tolerance'], 0x0004: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Light Sensor Type' ] ] ], 0x0401: [ name: 'Illuminance Level Sensing Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Level Status'], 0x0001: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Light Sensor Type'], 0x0010: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Illuminance Target Level' ] ] ], 0x0402: [ name: 'Temperature Measurement Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Measured Value', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Min Measured Value', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0002: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Max Measured Value', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToSignedNumber(value) / 100)}°C" }], 0x0003: [req:'opt', acc:'r-p', name:'Tolerance' ] ] ], 0x0403: [ name: 'Pressure Measurement Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Measured Value'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Min Measured Value'], 0x0002: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Max Measured Value'], 0x0003: [req:'opt', acc:'r-p', name:'Tolerance'], 0x0010: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Scaled Value'], 0x0011: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Min Scaled Value'], 0x0012: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Max Scaled Value'], 0x0013: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Scaled Tolerance'], 0x0014: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Scale' ] ] ], 0x0404: [ name: 'Flow Measurement Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Measured Value'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Min Measured Value'], 0x0002: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Max Measured Value'], 0x0003: [req:'opt', acc:'r-p', name:'Tolerance' ] ] ], 0x0405: [ name: 'Relative Humidity Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Measured Value', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToUnsignedNumber(value) / 100)}% RH" }], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Min Measured Value', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToUnsignedNumber(value) / 100)}% RH" }], 0x0002: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Max Measured Value', decorate: { value -> "${(utils_hexStringToUnsignedNumber(value) / 100)}% RH" }], 0x0003: [req:'opt', acc:'r-p', name:'Tolerance' ] ] ], 0x0406: [ name: 'Occupancy Sensing Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Occupancy'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Occupancy Sensor Type'], 0x0010: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'PIR Occupied To Unoccupied Delay'], 0x0011: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'PIR Unoccupied To Occupied Delay'], 0x0012: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'PIR Unoccupied To Occupied Threshold'], 0x0020: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Ultrasonic Occupied To Unoccupied Delay'], 0x0021: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Ultrasonic Unoccupied To Occupied Delay'], 0x0022: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Ultrasonic Unoccupied To Occupied Threshold' ] ] ], 0x042A: [ name: 'PM2.5 Measurement Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Measured Value'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Min Measured Value'], 0x0002: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Max Measured Value'], 0x0003: [req:'opt', acc:'r-p', name:'Tolerance' ] ] ], 0x0500: [ name: 'IAS Zone Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Zone State'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Zone Type'], 0x0002: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Zone Status'], 0x0010: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'IAS CIE Address'], 0x0011: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Zone ID'], 0x0012: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Number Of Zone Sensitivity Levels Supported'], 0x0013: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Current Zone Sensitivity Level' ] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Zone Enroll Response'], 0x01: [req:'opt', name:'Initiate Normal Operation Mode'], 0x02: [req:'opt', name:'Initiate Test Mode' ] ] ], 0x0502: [ name: 'IAS WD Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'rw-', name:'Max Duration' ] ] ], 0x0702: [ name: 'Metering (Smart Energy) Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Current Summation Delivered'], 0x0001: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Current Summation Received'], 0x0002: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Current Max Demand Delivered'], 0x0003: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Current Max Demand Received'], 0x0004: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DFT Summation'], 0x0005: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Daily Freeze Time'], 0x0006: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Power Factor'], 0x0007: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Reading Snapshot Time'], 0x0008: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Current Max Demand Delivered Time'], 0x0009: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Current Max Demand Received Time'], 0x000A: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Default Update Period'], 0x000B: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Fast Poll Update Period'], 0x000C: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Current Block Period Consumption Delivered'], 0x000D: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Daily Consumption Target'], 0x000E: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Current Block'], 0x000F: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Profile Interval Period'], 0x0010: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Interval Read Reporting Period'], 0x0011: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Preset Reading Time'], 0x0012: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Volume Per Report'], 0x0013: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Flow Restriction'], 0x0014: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Supply Status'], 0x0015: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Current Inlet Energy Carrier Summation'], 0x0016: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Current Outlet Energy Carrier Summation'], 0x0017: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Inlet Temperature'], 0x0018: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Outlet Temperature'], 0x0019: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Control Temperature'], 0x001A: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Current Inlet Energy Carrier Demand'], 0x001B: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Current Outlet Energy Carrier Demand'], 0x001C: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Previous Block Period Consumption Delivered'], 0x0300: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Unit of Measure', constraints: [ 0x00: 'kWh & kW', 0x01: 'm3 & m3/h', 0x02: 'ft3 & ft3/h', 0x03: 'ccf & ccf/h', 0x04: 'US gl & US gl/h', 0x05: 'IMP gl & IMP gl/h', 0x06: 'BTUs & BTU/h', 0x07: 'Liters & l/h', 0x08: 'kPA (gauge)', 0x09: 'kPA (absolute)', 0x0A: 'mcf & mcf/h', 0x0B: 'Unitless', 0x0C: 'MJ (Mega Joule) and MJ/s', 0x80: 'kWh & kW', 0x81: 'm3 & m3/h', 0x82: 'ft3 & ft3/h', 0x83: 'ccf & ccf/h', 0x84: 'US gl & US gl/h', 0x85: 'IMP gl & IMP gl/h', 0x86: 'BTUs & BTU/h', 0x87: 'Liters & l/h', 0x88: 'kPA (gauge)', 0x89: 'kPA (absolute)', 0x8A: 'mcf & mcf/h', 0x8B: 'Unitless', 0x8C: 'MJ (Mega Joule) and MJ/s', ]], 0x0301: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Multiplier'], 0x0302: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Divisor'], 0x0303: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Summation Formatting'], 0x0304: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Demand Formatting'], 0x0305: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Historical Consumption Formatting'], 0x0306: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Metering Device Type', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Electric Metering', 0x01: 'Gas Metering', 0x02: 'Water Metering', 0x03: 'Thermal Metering (deprecated)', 0x04: 'Pressure Metering', 0x05: 'Heat Metering', 0x06: 'Cooling Metering', ]], 0x0307: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Site ID'], 0x0308: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Meter Serial Number'], 0x0309: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Energy Carrier Unit of Measure'], 0x030A: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Energy Carrier Summation Formatting'], 0x030B: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Energy Carrier Demand Formatting'], 0x030C: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Temperature Unit of Measure', constraints: [ 0x00: 'K (Degrees Kelvin)', 0x01: '°C (Degrees Celsius)', 0x02: ' °F (Degrees Fahrenheit)', 0x80: 'K (Degrees Kelvin)', 0x81: '°C (Degrees Celsius)', 0x82: ' °F (Degrees Fahrenheit)', ]], 0x030D: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Temperature Formatting'], ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Zone Enroll Response'], 0x01: [req:'opt', name:'Initiate Normal Operation Mode'], 0x02: [req:'opt', name:'Initiate Test Mode' ] ] ], 0x0B01: [ name: 'Meter Identification Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Company Name'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Meter Type ID'], 0x0004: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Data Quality ID'], 0x0005: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Customer Name'], 0x0006: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Model'], 0x0007: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Part Number'], 0x0008: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Product Revision'], 0x000A: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Software Revision'], 0x000B: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Utility Name'], 0x000C: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'POD'], 0x000D: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Available Power'], 0x000E: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Power Threshold' ] ] ], 0x0B04: [ name: 'Electrical Measurement Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Measurement Type'], 0x0100: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Voltage'], 0x0101: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Voltage Min'], 0x0102: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Voltage Max'], 0x0103: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Current'], 0x0104: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Current Min'], 0x0105: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Current Max'], 0x0106: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Power'], 0x0107: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Power Min'], 0x0108: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Power Max'], 0x0200: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Voltage Multiplier'], 0x0201: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Voltage Divisor'], 0x0202: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Current Multiplier'], 0x0203: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Current Divisor'], 0x0204: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Power Multiplier'], 0x0205: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Power Divisor'], 0x0300: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'ACFrequency'], 0x0301: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'ACFrequencyMin'], 0x0302: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'ACFrequencyMax'], 0x0303: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'NeutralCurrent'], 0x0304: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'TotalActivePower'], 0x0305: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'TotalReactivePower'], 0x0306: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'TotalApparentPower'], 0x0400: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'AC Frequency Multiplier'], 0x0401: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'AC Frequency Divisor'], 0x0402: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Power Multiplier'], 0x0403: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Power Divisor'], 0x0404: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Harmonic Current Multiplier'], 0x0405: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Phase Harmonic Current Multiplier'], 0x0500: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Reserved'], 0x0501: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Line Current'], 0x0502: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Active Current'], 0x0503: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Reactive Current'], 0x0505: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Voltage'], 0x0506: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Voltag eMin'], 0x0507: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Voltage Max'], 0x0508: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Current'], 0x0509: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Current Min'], 0x050A: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Current Max'], 0x050B: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Active Power'], 0x050C: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Active Power Min'], 0x050D: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Active Power Max'], 0x050E: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Reactive Power'], 0x050F: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Apparent Power'], 0x0510: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Power Factor'], 0x0511: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Average RMS Voltage Measurement Period'], 0x0512: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Average RMS Over Voltage Counter'], 0x0513: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Average RMS Under Voltage Counter'], 0x0514: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Extreme Over Voltage Period'], 0x0515: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Extreme Under Voltage Period'], 0x0516: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Voltage Sag Period'], 0x0517: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Voltage Swell Period'], 0x0600: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'AC Voltage Multiplier'], 0x0601: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'AC Voltage Divisor'], 0x0602: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'AC Current Multiplier'], 0x0603: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'AC Current Divisor'], 0x0604: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'AC Power Multiplier'], 0x0605: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'AC Power Divisor'], 0x0700: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'DC Overload Alarms Mask'], 0x0701: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Voltage Overload'], 0x0702: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'DC Current Overload'], 0x0800: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'AC Alarms Mask'], 0x0801: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'AC Voltage Overload'], 0x0802: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'AC Current Overload'], 0x0803: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'AC Active Power Overload'], 0x0804: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'AC Reactive Power Overload'], 0x0805: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Average RMS Over Voltage'], 0x0806: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Average RMS Under Voltage'], 0x0807: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Extreme Over Voltage'], 0x0808: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Extreme Unde rVoltage'], 0x0809: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Voltage Sag'], 0x080A: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Voltage Swell'], 0x0901: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Line Current PhB'], 0x0902: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Active Current PhB'], 0x0903: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Reactive Current PhB'], 0x0905: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Voltage PhB'], 0x0906: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Voltage Min PhB'], 0x0907: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Voltage Max PhB'], 0x0908: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Current PhB'], 0x0909: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Current Min PhB'], 0x090A: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Current Max PhB'], 0x090B: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Active Power PhB'], 0x090C: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Active PowerMin PhB'], 0x090D: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Active PowerMax PhB'], 0x090E: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Reactive Power PhB'], 0x090F: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Apparent Power PhB'], 0x0910: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Power Factor PhB'], 0x0911: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Average RMS Voltage Measurement Period PhB'], 0x0912: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Average RMS Over Voltage Counter PhB'], 0x0913: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Average RMS Under Voltage Counter PhB'], 0x0914: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Extreme Over Voltage Period PhB'], 0x0915: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Extreme Under Voltage Period PhB'], 0x0916: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Voltage Sag Period PhB'], 0x0917: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Voltage Swell Period PhB'], 0x0A01: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Line Current PhC'], 0x0A02: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Active Current PhC'], 0x0A03: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Reactive Current PhC'], 0x0A05: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Voltage PhC'], 0x0A06: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Voltage Min PhC'], 0x0A07: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Voltage Max PhC'], 0x0A08: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Current PhC'], 0x0A09: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Current Min PhC'], 0x0A0A: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'RMS Current Max PhC'], 0x0A0B: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Active Power PhC'], 0x0A0C: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Active Power Min PhC'], 0x0A0D: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Active Power Max PhC'], 0x0A0E: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Reactive Power PhC'], 0x0A0F: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Apparent Power PhC'], 0x0A10: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Power Factor PhC'], 0x0A11: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Average RMS Voltage Measurement Period PhC'], 0x0A12: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Average RMS Over Voltage Counter PhC'], 0x0A13: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Average RMS Under Voltage Counter PhC'], 0x0A14: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Extreme Over Voltage Period PhC'], 0x0A15: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Extreme Under Voltage Period PhC'], 0x0A16: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Voltage Sag Period PhC'], 0x0A17: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'RMS Voltage Swell Period PhC' ] ], commands: [ 0x00: [req:'opt', name:'Get Profile Info Response'], 0x01: [req:'opt', name:'Get Measurement Profile Response' ] ] ], 0x0B05: [ name: 'Diagnostics Cluster', attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Number Of Resets'], 0x0001: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Persistent Memory Writes'], 0x0100: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Mac Rx Bcast'], 0x0101: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Mac Tx Bcast'], 0x0102: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Mac Rx Ucast'], 0x0103: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Mac Tx Ucast'], 0x0104: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Mac Tx Ucast Retry'], 0x0105: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Mac Tx Ucast Fail'], 0x0106: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'APS Rx Bcast'], 0x0107: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'APS Tx Bcast'], 0x0108: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'APS Rx Ucast'], 0x0109: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'APS Tx Ucast Success'], 0x010A: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'APS Tx Ucast Retry'], 0x010B: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'APS Tx Ucast Fail'], 0x010C: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Route Disc Initiated'], 0x010D: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Neighbor Added'], 0x010E: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Neighbor Removed'], 0x010F: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Neighbor Stale'], 0x0110: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Join Indication'], 0x0111: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Child Moved'], 0x0112: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'NWK FC Failure'], 0x0113: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'APS FC Failure'], 0x0114: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'APS Unauthorized Key'], 0x0115: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'NWK Decrypt Failures'], 0x0116: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'APS Decrypt Failures'], 0x0117: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Packet Buffer Allocate Failures'], 0x0118: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Relayed Ucast'], 0x0119: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Phyto MAC Queue Limit Reached'], 0x011A: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Packet Validate Drop Count'], 0x011B: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Average MAC Retry Per APS Message Sent'], 0x011C: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Last Message LQI'], 0x011D: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'Last Message RSSI' ] ] ], 0x1000: [ name: 'ZLL/Touchlink Commissioning Cluster', commands: [ 0x00: [req:'req', name:'Scan'], 0x01: [req:'req', name:'Scan Response'], 0x02: [req:'req', name:'Device Information'], 0x03: [req:'req', name:'Device Information Response'], 0x06: [req:'req', name:'Identify'], 0x07: [req:'req', name:'Reset to Factory New'], 0x10: [req:'req', name:'Network Start Request'], 0x11: [req:'req', name:'Network Start Response'], 0x12: [req:'req', name:'Network Join Router Request'], 0x13: [req:'req', name:'Network Join Router Response'], 0x14: [req:'req', name:'Network Join End-Device Request'], 0x15: [req:'req', name:'Network Join End-Device Response'], 0x16: [req:'req', name:'Network Update'], 0x40: [req:'opt', name:'Endpoint Information'], 0x41: [req:'opt', name:'Get Group Identifiers'], 0x42: [req:'opt', name:'Get Endpoint List' ] ] ], 0xFC7D: [ name: 'IKEA Air Purifier - mfg:117C', mfg: 0x117C, attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Filter Run Time'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Replace Filter'], 0x0002: [req:'req', acc:'rwp', name:'Filter Life Time'], 0x0003: [req:'req', acc:'rwp', name:'Disable Panel Lights'], 0x0004: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'PM 2.5 Measurement'], 0x0005: [req:'req', acc:'rwp', name:'Child Lock'], 0x0006: [req:'req', acc:'rwp', name:'Fan Mode'], 0x0007: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Fan Speed'], 0x0008: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Device Run Time' ] ] ], 0xFC7E: [ name: 'IKEA VOC Index Measurement - mfg:117C', mfg: 0x117C, attributes: [ 0x0000: [req:'req', acc:'r-p', name:'Measured Value'], 0x0001: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Min Measured Value'], 0x0002: [req:'req', acc:'r--', name:'Max Measured Value' ] ] ], 0xFCC0: [ name: 'Xiaomi Specific - mfg:115F', mfg: 0x115F, attributes: [ 0x0002: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'T2 Power Outage Count'], 0x0005: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'T2 Unknown', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Value 00', 0x01: 'Value 01', 0x02: 'Value 02', ]], 0x0009: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Device Operation Mode'], 0x000A: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'T2 Switch Type', type:'uint8', constraints: [ 0x01: 'Latching switch', 0x02: 'Momentary switch', 0x03: 'Disabled', ]], 0x0012: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'T2 Unknown', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Value 00', 0x01: 'Value 01', ]], 0x00F6: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Reporting Interval', decorate: { value -> "${Integer.parseInt(value, 16)} seconds" }], 0x00E8: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'Rejoin Mesh'], 0x00EB: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'T2 Pulse Length', type:'uint16', decorate: { value -> "${Integer.parseInt(value, 16)} ms" }], 0x00F7: [req:'opt', acc:'r--', name:'T2 Lumi Specific', type:'octstr'], 0x0200: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'T2 Switch Mode', type:'uint8', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Decoupled', 0x01: 'Relay control', ]], 0x0203: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'T2 Unknown', type:'bool', constraints: [ 0x00: 'False', 0x01: 'True', ]], 0x0289: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'T2 Relay Mode', type:'uint8', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Wet contact', 0x01: 'Dry contact', 0x02: 'Pulse', ]], 0x02D0: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'T2 Interlock', type:'bool', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Disabled', 0x01: 'Enabled', ]], 0x0517: [req:'opt', acc:'rw-', name:'T2 Power On Behavior', type:'uint8', constraints: [ 0x00: 'Turn power On', 0x01: 'Restore previous state', 0x02: 'Turn power Off', ]], ] ] ]