package templates const BuildTemplate = ` #!/bin/bash if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "Need to specify device name as argument" exit 1 fi # check if supported device DEVICE=$1 case "$DEVICE" in marlin|sailfish) DEVICE_FAMILY=marlin AVB_MODE=verity_only ;; taimen) DEVICE_FAMILY=taimen AVB_MODE=vbmeta_simple ;; walleye) DEVICE_FAMILY=muskie AVB_MODE=vbmeta_simple ;; crosshatch|blueline) DEVICE_FAMILY=crosshatch AVB_MODE=vbmeta_chained ;; sargo|bonito) DEVICE_FAMILY=bonito AVB_MODE=vbmeta_chained ;; *) echo "warning: unknown device $DEVICE, using Pixel 3 defaults" DEVICE_FAMILY=$1 AVB_MODE=vbmeta_chained ;; esac # this is a build time option to override stack setting IGNORE_VERSION_CHECKS FORCE_BUILD=false if [ "$2" = true ]; then echo "Setting FORCE_BUILD=true" FORCE_BUILD=true fi # allow build and branch to be specified AOSP_BUILD=$3 AOSP_BRANCH=$4 # set region REGION=<% .Region %> export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=${REGION} # stack name STACK_NAME=<% .Name %> # version of stack running STACK_VERSION=<% .Version %> # prevent default action of shutting down on exit PREVENT_SHUTDOWN=<% .PreventShutdown %> # whether version checks should be ignored IGNORE_VERSION_CHECKS=<% .IgnoreVersionChecks %> # version of chromium to pin to if requested CHROMIUM_PINNED_VERSION=<% .ChromiumVersion %> # whether keys are client side encrypted or not ENCRYPTED_KEYS="<% .EncryptedKeys %>" ENCRYPTION_KEY= ENCRYPTION_PIPE="/tmp/key" # pin to specific version of android ANDROID_VERSION="9.0" # build type (user or userdebug) BUILD_TYPE="user" # build channel (stable or beta) BUILD_CHANNEL="stable" # user customizable things HOSTS_FILE=<% .HostsFile %> # attestion server ENABLE_ATTESTATION=<% .EnableAttestation %> ATTESTATION_MAX_SPOT_PRICE=<% .AttestationMaxSpotPrice %> # aws settings AWS_ATTESTATION_BUCKET="${STACK_NAME}-attestation" AWS_KEYS_BUCKET="${STACK_NAME}-keys" AWS_ENCRYPTED_KEYS_BUCKET="${STACK_NAME}-keys-encrypted" AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET="${STACK_NAME}-release" AWS_LOGS_BUCKET="${STACK_NAME}-logs" AWS_SNS_ARN=$(aws --region ${REGION} sns list-topics --query 'Topics[0].TopicArn' --output text | cut -d":" -f1,2,3,4,5)":${STACK_NAME}" INSTANCE_TYPE=$(curl -s INSTANCE_REGION=$(curl -s | awk -F\" '/region/ {print $4}') INSTANCE_IP=$(curl -s # build settings SECONDS=0 BUILD_TARGET="release aosp_${DEVICE} ${BUILD_TYPE}" RELEASE_URL="https://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}" RELEASE_CHANNEL="${DEVICE}-${BUILD_CHANNEL}" CHROME_CHANNEL="stable" BUILD_DATE=$(date +%Y.%m.%d.%H) BUILD_TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s) BUILD_DIR="$HOME/rattlesnake-os" KEYS_DIR="${BUILD_DIR}/keys" CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT='/CN=RattlesnakeOS' OFFICIAL_FDROID_KEY="43238d512c1e5eb2d6569f4a3afbf5523418b82e0a3ed1552770abb9a9c9ccab" MARLIN_KERNEL_SOURCE_DIR="${HOME}/kernel/google/marlin" BUILD_REASON="" # urls ANDROID_SDK_URL="" MANIFEST_URL="" CHROME_URL_LATEST="" STACK_URL_LATEST="" FDROID_CLIENT_URL_LATEST="" FDROID_PRIV_EXT_URL_LATEST="" KERNEL_SOURCE_URL="" AOSP_URL_BUILD="" AOSP_URL_BRANCH="" STACK_UPDATE_MESSAGE= LATEST_STACK_VERSION= LATEST_CHROMIUM= FDROID_CLIENT_VERSION= FDROID_PRIV_EXT_VERSION= get_latest_versions() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install jq # check if running latest stack LATEST_STACK_VERSION=$(curl --fail -s "$STACK_URL_LATEST" | jq -r '.name') if [ -z "$LATEST_STACK_VERSION" ]; then aws_notify_simple "ERROR: Unable to get latest rattlesnakeos-stack version details. Stopping build." exit 1 elif [ "$LATEST_STACK_VERSION" == "$STACK_VERSION" ]; then echo "Running the latest rattlesnakeos-stack version $LATEST_STACK_VERSION" else STACK_UPDATE_MESSAGE="WARNING: you should upgrade to the latest version: ${LATEST_STACK_VERSION}" fi # check for latest stable chromium version LATEST_CHROMIUM=$(curl --fail -s "$CHROME_URL_LATEST" | jq -r '.[] | select(.os == "android") | .versions[] | select(.channel == "'$CHROME_CHANNEL'") | .current_version') if [ -z "$LATEST_CHROMIUM" ]; then aws_notify_simple "ERROR: Unable to get latest Chromium version details. Stopping build." exit 1 fi # fdroid - get latest non alpha tags from gitlab (sorted) FDROID_CLIENT_VERSION=$(curl --fail -s "$FDROID_CLIENT_URL_LATEST" | jq -r 'sort_by(.name) | reverse | [.[] | select(.name | test("^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+")) | select(.name | contains("alpha") | not) | select(.name | contains("ota") | not)][0] | .name') if [ -z "$FDROID_CLIENT_VERSION" ]; then aws_notify_simple "ERROR: Unable to get latest F-Droid version details. Stopping build." exit 1 fi FDROID_PRIV_EXT_VERSION=$(curl --fail -s "$FDROID_PRIV_EXT_URL_LATEST" | jq -r 'sort_by(.name) | reverse | [.[] | select(.name | test("^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+")) | select(.name | contains("alpha") | not) | select(.name | contains("ota") | not)][0] | .name') if [ -z "$FDROID_PRIV_EXT_VERSION" ]; then aws_notify_simple "ERROR: Unable to get latest F-Droid privilege extension version details. Stopping build." exit 1 fi # attempt to automatically pick latest build version and branch. note this is likely to break with any page redesign. should also add some validation here. if [ -z "$AOSP_BUILD" ]; then AOSP_BUILD=$(curl --fail -s ${AOSP_URL_BUILD} | grep -A1 "${DEVICE}" | egrep '[a-zA-Z]+ [0-9]{4}\)' | grep -F "${ANDROID_VERSION}" | tail -1 | cut -d"(" -f2 | cut -d"," -f1) if [ -z "$AOSP_BUILD" ]; then aws_notify_simple "ERROR: Unable to get latest AOSP build information. Stopping build. This lookup is pretty fragile and can break on any page redesign of ${AOSP_URL_BUILD}" exit 1 fi fi if [ -z "$AOSP_BRANCH" ]; then AOSP_BRANCH=$(curl --fail -s ${AOSP_URL_BRANCH} | grep -A1 "${AOSP_BUILD}" | tail -1 | cut -f2 -d">"|cut -f1 -d"<") if [ -z "$AOSP_BRANCH" ]; then aws_notify_simple "ERROR: Unable to get latest AOSP branch information. Stopping build. This can happen if ${AOSP_URL_BRANCH} hasn't been updated yet with newly released factory images." exit 1 fi fi } check_for_new_versions() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} echo "Checking if any new versions of software exist" needs_update=false # check stack version existing_stack_version=$(aws s3 cp "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/rattlesnakeos-stack/revision" - || true) if [ "$existing_stack_version" == "$STACK_VERSION" ]; then echo "Stack version ($existing_stack_version) is up to date" else echo "Last successful build (if there was one) is not with current stack version ${STACK_VERSION}" needs_update=true BUILD_REASON="'Stack version $existing_stack_version != $STACK_VERSION'" fi # check aosp existing_aosp_build=$(aws s3 cp "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}-vendor" - || true) if [ "$existing_aosp_build" == "$AOSP_BUILD" ]; then echo "AOSP build ($existing_aosp_build) is up to date" else echo "AOSP needs to be updated to ${AOSP_BUILD}" needs_update=true BUILD_REASON="$BUILD_REASON 'AOSP build $existing_aosp_build != $AOSP_BUILD'" fi # check chromium if [ ! -z "$CHROMIUM_PINNED_VERSION" ]; then log "Setting LATEST_CHROMIUM to pinned version $CHROMIUM_PINNED_VERSION" LATEST_CHROMIUM="$CHROMIUM_PINNED_VERSION" fi existing_chromium=$(aws s3 cp "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/chromium/revision" - || true) if [ "$existing_chromium" == "$LATEST_CHROMIUM" ]; then echo "Chromium build ($existing_chromium) is up to date" else echo "Chromium needs to be updated to ${LATEST_CHROMIUM}" needs_update=true BUILD_REASON="$BUILD_REASON 'Chromium version $existing_chromium != $LATEST_CHROMIUM'" fi # check fdroid existing_fdroid_client=$(aws s3 cp "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/fdroid/revision" - || true) if [ "$existing_fdroid_client" == "$FDROID_CLIENT_VERSION" ]; then echo "F-Droid build ($existing_fdroid_client) is up to date" else echo "F-Droid needs to be updated to ${FDROID_CLIENT_VERSION}" needs_update=true BUILD_REASON="$BUILD_REASON 'F-Droid version $existing_fdroid_client != $FDROID_CLIENT_VERSION'" fi # check fdroid priv extension existing_fdroid_priv_version=$(aws s3 cp "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/fdroid-priv/revision" - || true) if [ "$existing_fdroid_priv_version" == "$FDROID_PRIV_EXT_VERSION" ]; then echo "F-Droid privileged extension build ($existing_fdroid_priv_version) is up to date" else echo "F-Droid privileged extension needs to be updated to ${FDROID_PRIV_EXT_VERSION}" needs_update=true BUILD_REASON="$BUILD_REASON 'F-Droid privileged extension $existing_fdroid_priv_version != $FDROID_PRIV_EXT_VERSION'" fi if [ "$needs_update" = true ]; then echo "New build is required" else if [ "$FORCE_BUILD" = true ]; then message="No build is required, but FORCE_BUILD=true" echo "$message" BUILD_REASON="$message" elif [ "$IGNORE_VERSION_CHECKS" = true ]; then message="No build is required, but IGNORE_VERSION_CHECKS=true" echo "$message" BUILD_REASON="$message" else aws_notify "RattlesnakeOS build not required as all components are already up to date." exit 0 fi fi if [ -z "$existing_stack_version" ]; then BUILD_REASON="Initial build" fi } full_run() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} get_latest_versions check_for_new_versions initial_key_setup aws_notify "RattlesnakeOS Build STARTED" setup_env check_chromium aosp_repo_init aosp_repo_modifications aosp_repo_sync aws_import_keys if [ "${ENABLE_ATTESTATION}" == "true" ]; then attestation_setup fi setup_vendor apply_patches # only marlin and sailfish need kernel rebuilt so that verity_key is included if [ "${DEVICE}" == "marlin" ] || [ "${DEVICE}" == "sailfish" ]; then rebuild_marlin_kernel fi build_aosp release "${DEVICE}" aws_upload checkpoint_versions aws_notify "RattlesnakeOS Build SUCCESS" } attestation_setup() { sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install libffi-dev cd $HOME echo "cloning beanstalk cli" git clone retry ./aws-elastic-beanstalk-cli-setup/scripts/bundled_installer PLATFORM_CERT_SHA256=$(openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256 -inform pem -in ${KEYS_DIR}/${DEVICE}/platform.x509.pem | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | sed 's/://g') ATTESTATION_DOMAIN=$(aws --region ${REGION} elasticbeanstalk describe-environments | jq -r '.Environments[] | select(.EnvironmentName=="attestation" and .Status!="Terminated") | .CNAME') echo "ATTESTATION_DOMAIN: ${ATTESTATION_DOMAIN}" echo "PLATFORM_CERT_SHA256: ${PLATFORM_CERT_SHA256}" OG_PIXEL3_FINGERPRINT="0F9A9CC8ADE73064A54A35C5509E77994E3AA37B6FB889DD53AF82C3C570C5CF" OG_PIXEL3_XL_FINGERPRINT="06DD526EE9B1CB92AA19D9835B68B4FF1A48A3AD31D813F27C9A7D6C271E9451" OG_PIXEL3A_FINGERPRINT="3ADD526EE9B1CB92AA19D9835B68B4FF1A48A3AD31D813F27C9A7D6C271E9451" PIXEL3_FINGERPRINT=${OG_PIXEL3_FINGERPRINT} PIXEL3_XL_FINGERPRINT=${OG_PIXEL3_XL_FINGERPRINT} PIXEL3A_FINGERPRINT=${OG_PIXEL3A_FINGERPRINT} if [ "${DEVICE}" == "blueline" ]; then PIXEL3_FINGERPRINT=$(cat ${KEYS_DIR}/${DEVICE}/avb_pkmd.bin | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}' | awk '{ print toupper($0) }') fi if [ "${DEVICE}" == "crosshatch" ]; then PIXEL3_XL_FINGERPRINT=$(cat ${KEYS_DIR}/${DEVICE}/avb_pkmd.bin | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}' | awk '{ print toupper($0) }') fi if [ "${DEVICE}" == "sargo" ] || [ "${DEVICE}" == "bonito" ]; then PIXEL3A_FINGERPRINT=$(cat ${KEYS_DIR}/${DEVICE}/avb_pkmd.bin | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}' | awk '{ print toupper($0) }') fi cd $HOME echo "cloning and building auditor" git clone cd Auditor sed -i "s/DOMAIN_NAME/${ATTESTATION_DOMAIN}/g" app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml sed -i "s/${ATTESTATION_DOMAIN}/" app/src/main/java/app/attestation/auditor/ if [ "${DEVICE}" == "blueline" ]; then sed -i "s/${OG_PIXEL3_FINGERPRINT}/${PIXEL3_FINGERPRINT}/g" app/src/main/java/app/attestation/auditor/ fi if [ "${DEVICE}" == "crosshatch" ]; then sed -i "s/${OG_PIXEL3_XL_FINGERPRINT}/${PIXEL3_XL_FINGERPRINT}/g" app/src/main/java/app/attestation/auditor/ fi if [ "${DEVICE}" == "sargo" ] || [ "${DEVICE}" == "bonito" ]; then sed -i "s/${OG_PIXEL3A_FINGERPRINT}/${PIXEL3A_FINGERPRINT}/g" app/src/main/java/app/attestation/auditor/ fi sed -i "s/990E04F0864B19F14F84E0E432F7A393F297AB105A22C1E1B10B442A4A62C42C/${PLATFORM_CERT_SHA256}/" app/src/main/java/app/attestation/auditor/ echo "sdk.dir=${HOME}/sdk" > echo "sdk.dir=${HOME}/sdk" > app/ ./gradlew build && ./gradlew assembleRelease mkdir -p ${BUILD_DIR}/external/Auditor/prebuilt cp app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk ${BUILD_DIR}/external/Auditor/prebuilt/Auditor.apk cd $HOME echo "cloning attestationserver" git clone cd AttestationServer cat < .ebextensions/.config option_settings: - option_name: DOMAIN_NAME value: ${ATTESTATION_DOMAIN} - option_name: FINGERPRINT_PIXEL3 value: ${PIXEL3_FINGERPRINT} - option_name: FINGERPRINT_PIXEL3_XL value: ${PIXEL3_XL_FINGERPRINT} - option_name: FINGERPRINT_PIXEL3A value: ${PIXEL3A_FINGERPRINT} - option_name: SNS_ARN value: ${AWS_SNS_ARN} - option_name: REGION value: ${REGION} - option_name: EC2_SPOT_PRICE value: ${ATTESTATION_MAX_SPOT_PRICE} - option_name: S3_BACKUP_BUCKET value: s3://${AWS_ATTESTATION_BUCKET} - option_name: ATTESTATION_APP_SIGNATURE_DIGEST_RELEASE value: ${PLATFORM_CERT_SHA256} EOF sed -i "s/STACK_NAME/${STACK_NAME}/g" .ebextensions/01-setup.config sed -i "s/STACK_NAME/${STACK_NAME}/g" .ebextensions/ mkdir -p .elasticbeanstalk cat < .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml branch-defaults: master: environment: attestation group_suffix: null environment-defaults: attestation: branch: null repository: null global: application_name: ${AWS_ATTESTATION_BUCKET} branch: null default_ec2_keyname: null default_platform: docker default_region: ${REGION} include_git_submodules: true instance_profile: null platform_name: null platform_version: null profile: null repository: null sc: git workspace_type: Application EOF echo "deploying eb environment" $HOME/.ebcli-virtual-env/executables/eb deploy attestation -nh } get_encryption_key() { additional_message="" if [ "$(aws s3 ls "s3://${AWS_ENCRYPTED_KEYS_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}" | wc -l)" == '0' ]; then additional_message="Since you have no encrypted signing keys in s3://${AWS_ENCRYPTED_KEYS_BUCKET}/${DEVICE} yet - new signing keys will be generated and encrypted with provided passphrase." fi wait_time="10m" error_message="" while [ 1 ]; do aws sns publish --region ${REGION} --topic-arn "$AWS_SNS_ARN" \ --message="$(printf "%s Need to login to the EC2 instance and provide the encryption passphrase (${wait_time} timeout before shutdown). You may need to open up SSH in the default security group, see the FAQ for details. %s\n\nssh ubuntu@%s 'printf \"Enter encryption passphrase: \" && read -s k && echo \"\$k\" > %s'" "$error_message" "$additional_message" "${INSTANCE_IP}" "${ENCRYPTION_PIPE}")" error_message="" log "Waiting for encryption passphrase (with $wait_time timeout) to be provided over named pipe $ENCRYPTION_PIPE" set +e ENCRYPTION_KEY=$(timeout $wait_time cat $ENCRYPTION_PIPE) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then set -e log "Timeout ($wait_time) waiting for encryption passphrase" aws_notify_simple "Timeout ($wait_time) waiting for encryption passphrase. Terminating build process." exit 1 fi set -e if [ -z "$ENCRYPTION_KEY" ]; then error_message="ERROR: Empty encryption passphrase received - try again." log "$error_message" continue fi log "Received encryption passphrase over named pipe $ENCRYPTION_PIPE" if [ "$(aws s3 ls "s3://${AWS_ENCRYPTED_KEYS_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}" | wc -l)" == '0' ]; then log "No existing encrypting keys - new keys will be generated later in build process." else log "Verifying encryption passphrase is valid by syncing encrypted signing keys from S3 and decrypting" aws s3 sync "s3://${AWS_ENCRYPTED_KEYS_BUCKET}" "${KEYS_DIR}" decryption_error=false set +e for f in $(find "${KEYS_DIR}" -type f -name '*.gpg'); do output_file=$(echo $f | awk -F".gpg" '{print $1}') log "Decrypting $f to ${output_file}..." gpg -d --batch --passphrase "${ENCRYPTION_KEY}" $f > $output_file if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "Failed to decrypt $f" decryption_error=true fi done set -e if [ "$decryption_error" = true ]; then log error_message="ERROR: Failed to decrypt signing keys with provided passphrase - try again." log "$error_message" continue fi fi break done } initial_key_setup() { # setup in memory file system to hold keys log "Mounting in memory filesystem at ${KEYS_DIR} to hold keys" mkdir -p $KEYS_DIR sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=20m tmpfs $KEYS_DIR || true # additional steps for getting encryption key up front if [ "$ENCRYPTED_KEYS" = true ]; then log "Encrypted keys option was specified" # send warning if user has selected encrypted keys option but still has normal keys if [ "$(aws s3 ls "s3://${AWS_KEYS_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}" | wc -l)" != '0' ]; then if [ "$(aws s3 ls "s3://${AWS_ENCRYPTED_KEYS_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}" | wc -l)" == '0' ]; then aws_notify_simple "It looks like you have selected --encrypted-keys option and have existing signing keys in s3://${AWS_KEYS_BUCKET}/${DEVICE} but you haven't migrated your keys to s3://${AWS_ENCRYPTED_KEYS_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}. This means new encrypted signing keys will be generated and you'll need to flash a new factory image on your device. If you want to keep your existing keys - cancel this build and follow the steps on migrating your keys in the FAQ." fi fi sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install gpg if [ ! -e "$ENCRYPTION_PIPE" ]; then mkfifo $ENCRYPTION_PIPE fi get_encryption_key fi } setup_env() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} # setup build dir mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR" # install required packages sudo apt-get update sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install repo gperf jq openjdk-8-jdk git-core gnupg flex bison build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev ccache libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip python-networkx liblz4-tool pxz sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y build-dep "linux-image-$(uname --kernel-release)" # temporary workaround as java 11 is default version and not compatible with sdkmanager sudo update-java-alternatives --jre-headless --jre --set java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 || true sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 || true # setup android sdk (required for fdroid build) if [ ! -f "${HOME}/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager" ]; then mkdir -p ${HOME}/sdk cd ${HOME}/sdk retry wget ${ANDROID_SDK_URL} -O unzip yes | ./tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses ./tools/android update sdk -u --use-sdk-wrapper # workaround for license issue with f-droid using older sdk (didn't spend time to debug issue further) yes | ./tools/bin/sdkmanager "build-tools;27.0.3" "platforms;android-27" fi # setup git git config --get --global || git config --global 'unknown' git config --get --global || git config --global 'unknown@localhost' git config --global color.ui true } check_chromium() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} current=$(aws s3 cp "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/chromium/revision" - || true) log "Chromium current: $current" log "Chromium latest: $LATEST_CHROMIUM" if [ "$LATEST_CHROMIUM" == "$current" ]; then log "Chromium latest ($LATEST_CHROMIUM) matches current ($current) - just copying s3 chromium artifact" aws s3 cp "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/chromium/MonochromePublic.apk" ${BUILD_DIR}/external/chromium/prebuilt/arm64/ else log "Building chromium $LATEST_CHROMIUM" build_chromium $LATEST_CHROMIUM fi rm -rf $HOME/chromium } build_chromium() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} CHROMIUM_REVISION=$1 DEFAULT_VERSION=$(echo $CHROMIUM_REVISION | awk -F"." '{ printf "%s%03d52\n",$3,$4}') # depot tools setup if [ ! -d "$HOME/depot_tools" ]; then retry git clone $HOME/depot_tools fi export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/depot_tools" # fetch chromium mkdir -p $HOME/chromium cd $HOME/chromium fetch --nohooks android cd src # checkout specific revision git checkout "$CHROMIUM_REVISION" -f # install dependencies echo ttf-mscorefonts-installer msttcorefonts/accepted-mscorefonts-eula select true | sudo debconf-set-selections log "Installing chromium build dependencies" sudo ./build/ # run gclient sync (runhooks will run as part of this) log "Running gclient sync (this takes a while)" for i in {1..5}; do yes | gclient sync --with_branch_heads --jobs 32 -RDf && break done # cleanup any files in tree not part of this revision git clean -dff # reset any modifications git checkout -- . # generate configuration mkdir -p out/Default cat < out/Default/ target_os = "android" target_cpu = "arm64" is_debug = false is_official_build = true is_component_build = false symbol_level = 1 ffmpeg_branding = "Chrome" proprietary_codecs = true android_channel = "stable" android_default_version_name = "$CHROMIUM_REVISION" android_default_version_code = "$DEFAULT_VERSION" EOF gn gen out/Default log "Building chromium monochrome_public target" autoninja -C out/Default/ monochrome_public_apk # copy to build tree mkdir -p ${BUILD_DIR}/external/chromium/prebuilt/arm64 cp out/Default/apks/MonochromePublic.apk ${BUILD_DIR}/external/chromium/prebuilt/arm64/ # upload to s3 for future builds aws s3 cp "${BUILD_DIR}/external/chromium/prebuilt/arm64/MonochromePublic.apk" "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/chromium/MonochromePublic.apk" echo "${CHROMIUM_REVISION}" | aws s3 cp - "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/chromium/revision" } aosp_repo_init() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} cd "${BUILD_DIR}" repo init --manifest-url "$MANIFEST_URL" --manifest-branch "$AOSP_BRANCH" --depth 1 || true } aosp_repo_modifications() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} cd "${BUILD_DIR}" # make modifications to default AOSP if ! grep -q "RattlesnakeOS" .repo/manifest.xml; then # really ugly awk script to add additional repos to manifest awk -i inplace \ -v ANDROID_VERSION="$ANDROID_VERSION" \ -v FDROID_CLIENT_VERSION="$FDROID_CLIENT_VERSION" \ -v FDROID_PRIV_EXT_VERSION="$FDROID_PRIV_EXT_VERSION" \ '1;/"; print " "; print " "; <% if .CustomManifestRemotes %> <% range $i, $r := .CustomManifestRemotes %> print " \" fetch=\"<% .Fetch %>\" revision=\"<% .Revision %>\" />"; <% end %> <% end %> print " "; <% if .CustomManifestProjects %><% range $i, $r := .CustomManifestProjects %> print " \" name=\"<% .Name %>\" remote=\"<% .Remote %>\" />"; <% end %> <% end %> <% if .EnableAttestation %> print " "; <% end %> print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "}' .repo/manifest.xml # remove things from manifest sed -i '/chromium-webview/d' .repo/manifest.xml sed -i '/packages\/apps\/Browser2/d' .repo/manifest.xml sed -i '/packages\/apps\/Calendar/d' .repo/manifest.xml sed -i '/packages\/apps\/QuickSearchBox/d' .repo/manifest.xml else log "Skipping modification of .repo/manifest.xml as they have already been made" fi } aosp_repo_sync() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} cd "${BUILD_DIR}" # sync with retries for i in {1..10}; do repo sync -c --no-tags --no-clone-bundle --jobs 32 && break done } setup_vendor() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} # get vendor files (with timeout) timeout 30m "${BUILD_DIR}/vendor/android-prepare-vendor/" --debugfs --keep --yes --device "${DEVICE}" --buildID "${AOSP_BUILD}" --output "${BUILD_DIR}/vendor/android-prepare-vendor" aws s3 cp - "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}-vendor" --acl public-read <<< "${AOSP_BUILD}" || true # copy vendor files to build tree mkdir --parents "${BUILD_DIR}/vendor/google_devices" || true rm -rf "${BUILD_DIR}/vendor/google_devices/$DEVICE" || true mv "${BUILD_DIR}/vendor/android-prepare-vendor/${DEVICE}/$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< "${AOSP_BUILD}")/vendor/google_devices/${DEVICE}" "${BUILD_DIR}/vendor/google_devices" # smaller devices need big brother vendor files if [ "$DEVICE" != "$DEVICE_FAMILY" ]; then rm -rf "${BUILD_DIR}/vendor/google_devices/$DEVICE_FAMILY" || true mv "${BUILD_DIR}/vendor/android-prepare-vendor/$DEVICE/$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< "${AOSP_BUILD}")/vendor/google_devices/$DEVICE_FAMILY" "${BUILD_DIR}/vendor/google_devices" fi } apply_patches() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} patch_custom patch_aosp_removals patch_add_apps patch_base_config patch_device_config patch_chromium_webview patch_updater patch_fdroid patch_priv_ext patch_launcher patch_vendor_security_level } patch_aosp_removals() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} # remove aosp chromium webview directory rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR}/platform/external/chromium-webview # loop over all make files as these keep changing and remove components for mk_file in ${BUILD_DIR}/build/make/target/product/*.mk; do # remove aosp webview sed -i '/webview \\/d' ${mk_file} # remove Browser2 sed -i '/Browser2/d' ${mk_file} # remove Calendar sed -i '/Calendar \\/d' ${mk_file} sed -i '/Calendar.apk/d' ${mk_file} # remove QuickSearchBox sed -i '/QuickSearchBox/d' ${mk_file} done } # TODO: most of this is fragile and unforgiving patch_custom() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} cd $BUILD_DIR # allow custom patches to be applied patches_dir="$HOME/patches" <% if .CustomPatches %> <% range $i, $r := .CustomPatches %> retry git clone <% $r.Repo %> ${patches_dir}/<% $i %> <% range $r.Patches %> log "Applying patch <% . %>" patch -p1 --no-backup-if-mismatch < ${patches_dir}/<% $i %>/<% . %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> # allow custom scripts to be applied scripts_dir="$HOME/scripts" <% if .CustomScripts %> <% range $i, $r := .CustomScripts %> retry git clone <% $r.Repo %> ${scripts_dir}/<% $i %> <% range $r.Scripts %> log "Applying shell script <% . %>" . ${scripts_dir}/<% $i %>/<% . %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> # allow prebuilt applications to be added to build tree prebuilt_dir="$BUILD_DIR/packages/apps/Custom" <% if .CustomPrebuilts %> <% range $i, $r := .CustomPrebuilts %> log "Putting custom prebuilts from <% $r.Repo %> in build tree location ${prebuilt_dir}/<% $i %>" retry git clone <% $r.Repo %> ${prebuilt_dir}/<% $i %> <% range .Modules %> log "Adding custom PRODUCT_PACKAGES += <% . %> to $(get_package_mk_file)" sed -i "\$aPRODUCT_PACKAGES += <% . %>" $(get_package_mk_file) <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> # allow custom hosts file hosts_file_location="$BUILD_DIR/system/core/rootdir/etc/hosts" if [ -z "$HOSTS_FILE" ]; then log "No custom hosts file requested" else log "Replacing hosts file with $HOSTS_FILE" retry wget -O $hosts_file_location "$HOSTS_FILE" fi } patch_base_config() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} # enable swipe up gesture functionality as option sed -i 's@false@true@' ${BUILD_DIR}/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml } patch_vendor_security_level() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} f=$(echo "${AOSP_BUILD}" | awk -F"." '{print $2}') VENDOR_SECURITY_PATCH_LEVEL="20${f::2}-${f:2:2}-${f:4:2}" sed -i 's@2018-09-05@'${VENDOR_SECURITY_PATCH_LEVEL}'@' ${BUILD_DIR}/device/google/crosshatch/ || true } patch_device_config() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} # set proper model names sed -i 's@PRODUCT_MODEL := AOSP on msm8996@PRODUCT_MODEL := Pixel XL@' ${BUILD_DIR}/device/google/marlin/ sed -i 's@PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER := google@PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER := Google@' ${BUILD_DIR}/device/google/marlin/ sed -i 's@PRODUCT_MODEL := AOSP on msm8996@PRODUCT_MODEL := Pixel@' ${BUILD_DIR}/device/google/marlin/ sed -i 's@PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER := google@PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER := Google@' ${BUILD_DIR}/device/google/marlin/ sed -i 's@PRODUCT_MODEL := AOSP on taimen@PRODUCT_MODEL := Pixel 2 XL@' ${BUILD_DIR}/device/google/taimen/ sed -i 's@PRODUCT_MODEL := AOSP on walleye@PRODUCT_MODEL := Pixel 2@' ${BUILD_DIR}/device/google/muskie/ sed -i 's@PRODUCT_MODEL := AOSP on crosshatch@PRODUCT_MODEL := Pixel 3 XL@' ${BUILD_DIR}/device/google/crosshatch/ || true sed -i 's@PRODUCT_MODEL := AOSP on blueline@PRODUCT_MODEL := Pixel 3@' ${BUILD_DIR}/device/google/crosshatch/ || true sed -i 's@PRODUCT_MODEL := AOSP on bonito@PRODUCT_MODEL := Pixel 3a XL@' ${BUILD_DIR}/device/google/bonito/ || true sed -i 's@PRODUCT_MODEL := AOSP on sargo@PRODUCT_MODEL := Pixel 3a@' ${BUILD_DIR}/device/google/bonito/ || true } patch_chromium_webview() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} cat < ${BUILD_DIR}/frameworks/base/core/res/res/xml/config_webview_packages.xml EOF } patch_fdroid() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} echo "sdk.dir=${HOME}/sdk" > ${BUILD_DIR}/packages/apps/F-Droid/ echo "sdk.dir=${HOME}/sdk" > ${BUILD_DIR}/packages/apps/F-Droid/app/ sed -i 's/gradle assembleRelease/..\/gradlew assembleRelease/' ${BUILD_DIR}/packages/apps/F-Droid/ sed -i 's@fdroid_apk := build/outputs/apk/$(fdroid_dir)-release-unsigned.apk@fdroid_apk := build/outputs/apk/full/release/app-full-release-unsigned.apk@' ${BUILD_DIR}/packages/apps/F-Droid/ # sometimes gradle dependencies fail to download, so gradle build with retry before the AOSP build as workaround pushd ${BUILD_DIR}/packages/apps/F-Droid retry ./gradlew assembleRelease popd } get_package_mk_file() { # this is newer location in master mk_file=${BUILD_DIR}/build/make/target/product/ if [ ! -f ${mk_file} ]; then # this is older location mk_file=${BUILD_DIR}/build/make/target/product/ if [ ! -f ${mk_file} ]; then log "Expected or do not exist" exit 1 fi fi echo ${mk_file} } patch_add_apps() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} mk_file=$(get_package_mk_file) sed -i "\$aPRODUCT_PACKAGES += Updater" ${mk_file} sed -i "\$aPRODUCT_PACKAGES += F-DroidPrivilegedExtension" ${mk_file} sed -i "\$aPRODUCT_PACKAGES += F-Droid" ${mk_file} sed -i "\$aPRODUCT_PACKAGES += chromium" ${mk_file} if [ "${ENABLE_ATTESTATION}" == "true" ]; then sed -i "\$aPRODUCT_PACKAGES += Auditor" ${mk_file} fi # add any modules defined in custom manifest projects <% if .CustomManifestProjects %><% range $i, $r := .CustomManifestProjects %><% range $j, $q := .Modules %> log "Adding custom PRODUCT_PACKAGES += <% $q %> to ${mk_file}" sed -i "\$aPRODUCT_PACKAGES += <% $q %>" ${mk_file} <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> } patch_updater() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} cd "$BUILD_DIR"/packages/apps/Updater/res/values sed --in-place --expression "s@s3bucket@${RELEASE_URL}/@g" config.xml } fdpe_hash() { keytool -list -printcert -file "$1" | grep 'SHA256:' | tr --delete ':' | cut --delimiter ' ' --fields 3 } patch_priv_ext() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} # 0.2.9 added whitelabel support, so BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID needs to be set now sed -i 's@BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID@"org.fdroid.fdroid.privileged"@' ${BUILD_DIR}/packages/apps/F-DroidPrivilegedExtension/app/src/main/java/org/fdroid/fdroid/privileged/ unofficial_releasekey_hash=$(fdpe_hash "${KEYS_DIR}/${DEVICE}/releasekey.x509.pem") unofficial_platform_hash=$(fdpe_hash "${KEYS_DIR}/${DEVICE}/platform.x509.pem") sed -i 's/'${OFFICIAL_FDROID_KEY}'")/'${unofficial_releasekey_hash}'"),\n new Pair<>("org.fdroid.fdroid", "'${unofficial_platform_hash}'")/' \ "${BUILD_DIR}/packages/apps/F-DroidPrivilegedExtension/app/src/main/java/org/fdroid/fdroid/privileged/" } patch_launcher() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} # disable QuickSearchBox widget on home screen sed -i.original "s/QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN = true;/QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN = false;/" "${BUILD_DIR}/packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/config/" # fix compile error with uninitialized variable sed -i.original "s/boolean createEmptyRowOnFirstScreen;/boolean createEmptyRowOnFirstScreen = false;/" "${BUILD_DIR}/packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/provider/" } rebuild_marlin_kernel() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} # checkout kernel source on proper commit mkdir -p "${MARLIN_KERNEL_SOURCE_DIR}" retry git clone "${KERNEL_SOURCE_URL}" "${MARLIN_KERNEL_SOURCE_DIR}" # TODO: make this a bit more robust kernel_commit_id=$(lz4cat "${BUILD_DIR}/device/google/marlin-kernel/Image.lz4-dtb" | grep -a 'Linux version' | cut -d ' ' -f3 | cut -d'-' -f2 | sed 's/^g//g') cd "${MARLIN_KERNEL_SOURCE_DIR}" log "Checking out kernel commit ${kernel_commit_id}" git checkout ${kernel_commit_id} # run in another shell to avoid it mucking with environment variables for normal AOSP build bash -c "\ set -e; cd ${BUILD_DIR}; . build/; make -j$(nproc --all) dtc mkdtimg; export PATH=${BUILD_DIR}/out/host/linux-x86/bin:${PATH}; ln --verbose --symbolic ${KEYS_DIR}/${DEVICE}/verity_user.der.x509 ${MARLIN_KERNEL_SOURCE_DIR}/verity_user.der.x509; cd ${MARLIN_KERNEL_SOURCE_DIR}; make -j$(nproc --all) ARCH=arm64 marlin_defconfig; make -j$(nproc --all) ARCH=arm64 CONFIG_COMPAT_VDSO=n CROSS_COMPILE=${BUILD_DIR}/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/aarch64/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/bin/aarch64-linux-android-; cp -f arch/arm64/boot/Image.lz4-dtb ${BUILD_DIR}/device/google/marlin-kernel/; rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR}/out/build_*; " } build_aosp() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} cd "$BUILD_DIR" ############################ # from original script ############################ source build/ export LANG=C export _JAVA_OPTIONS=-XX:-UsePerfData export BUILD_NUMBER=$(cat out/build_number.txt 2>/dev/null || date --utc +%Y.%m.%d.%H) log "BUILD_NUMBER=$BUILD_NUMBER" export DISPLAY_BUILD_NUMBER=true chrt -b -p 0 $$ choosecombo $BUILD_TARGET log "Running target-files-package" retry make -j $(nproc) target-files-package log "Running brillo_update_payload" retry make -j $(nproc) brillo_update_payload } get_radio_image() { grep -Po "require version-$1=\K.+" vendor/$2/vendor-board-info.txt | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' } release() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} cd "$BUILD_DIR" ############################ # from original script ############################ source build/ export LANG=C export _JAVA_OPTIONS=-XX:-UsePerfData export BUILD_NUMBER=$(cat out/build_number.txt 2>/dev/null || date --utc +%Y.%m.%d.%H) log "BUILD_NUMBER=$BUILD_NUMBER" export DISPLAY_BUILD_NUMBER=true chrt -b -p 0 $$ ############################ # from original script ############################ KEY_DIR=keys/$1 OUT=out/release-$1-${BUILD_NUMBER} source device/common/ DEVICE=$1 BOOTLOADER=$(get_radio_image bootloader google_devices/${DEVICE}) RADIO=$(get_radio_image baseband google_devices/${DEVICE}) PREFIX=aosp_ BUILD=$BUILD_NUMBER VERSION=$(grep -Po "export BUILD_ID=\K.+" build/core/ | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') PRODUCT=${DEVICE} TARGET_FILES=$DEVICE-target_files-$ # make sure output directory exists mkdir -p $OUT # depending on device need verity key or avb key case "${AVB_MODE}" in verity_only) AVB_SWITCHES=(--replace_verity_public_key "$KEY_DIR/" --replace_verity_private_key "$KEY_DIR/verity" --replace_verity_keyid "$KEY_DIR/verity.x509.pem") ;; vbmeta_simple) # Pixel 2: one vbmeta struct, no chaining AVB_SWITCHES=(--avb_vbmeta_key "$KEY_DIR/avb.pem" --avb_vbmeta_algorithm SHA256_RSA2048) ;; vbmeta_chained) # Pixel 3: main vbmeta struct points to a chained vbmeta struct in system.img AVB_SWITCHES=(--avb_vbmeta_key "$KEY_DIR/avb.pem" --avb_vbmeta_algorithm SHA256_RSA2048 --avb_system_key "$KEY_DIR/avb.pem" --avb_system_algorithm SHA256_RSA2048) ;; esac log "Running sign_target_files_apks" build/tools/releasetools/sign_target_files_apks -o -d "$KEY_DIR" "${AVB_SWITCHES[@]}" \ out/target/product/$DEVICE/obj/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/$PREFIX$DEVICE-target_files-$ \ $OUT/$TARGET_FILES log "Running ota_from_target_files" build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files --block -k "$KEY_DIR/releasekey" "${EXTRA_OTA[@]}" $OUT/$TARGET_FILES \ $OUT/$DEVICE-ota_update-$ log "Running img_from_target_files" sed -i 's/zipfile\.ZIP_DEFLATED/zipfile\.ZIP_STORED/' build/tools/releasetools/ build/tools/releasetools/img_from_target_files $OUT/$TARGET_FILES $OUT/$DEVICE-img-$ log "Running generate-factory-images" cd $OUT sed -i 's/zip -r/tar cvf/' ../../device/common/ sed -i 's/factory\.zip/factory\.tar/' ../../device/common/ sed -i '/^mv / d' ../../device/common/ source ../../device/common/ mv $DEVICE-$VERSION-factory.tar $DEVICE-factory-$BUILD_NUMBER.tar rm -f $DEVICE-factory-$BUILD_NUMBER.tar.xz log "Running compress of factory image with pxz" time pxz -v -T0 -9 -z $DEVICE-factory-$BUILD_NUMBER.tar } # TODO: cleanup this function aws_upload() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} cd "${BUILD_DIR}/out" build_date="$(< build_number.txt)" build_timestamp="$(unzip -p "release-${DEVICE}-${build_date}/${DEVICE}-ota_update-${build_date}.zip" META-INF/com/android/metadata | grep 'post-timestamp' | cut --delimiter "=" --fields 2)" # copy ota file to s3, update file metadata used by updater app, and remove old ota files read -r old_metadata <<< "$(wget -O - "${RELEASE_URL}/${RELEASE_CHANNEL}")" old_date="$(cut -d ' ' -f 1 <<< "${old_metadata}")" ( aws s3 cp "${BUILD_DIR}/out/release-${DEVICE}-${build_date}/${DEVICE}-ota_update-${build_date}.zip" "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}" --acl public-read && echo "${build_date} ${build_timestamp} ${AOSP_BUILD}" | aws s3 cp - "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/${RELEASE_CHANNEL}" --acl public-read && echo "${BUILD_TIMESTAMP}" | aws s3 cp - "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/${RELEASE_CHANNEL}-true-timestamp" --acl public-read ) && ( aws s3 rm "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}-ota_update-${old_date}.zip" || true ) # upload factory image retry aws s3 cp "${BUILD_DIR}/out/release-${DEVICE}-${build_date}/${DEVICE}-factory-${build_date}.tar.xz" "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}-factory-latest.tar.xz" # cleanup old target files if some exist if [ "$(aws s3 ls "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}-target" | wc -l)" != '0' ]; then cleanup_target_files fi # copy new target file to s3 retry aws s3 cp "${BUILD_DIR}/out/release-${DEVICE}-${build_date}/${DEVICE}-target_files-${build_date}.zip" "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}-target/${DEVICE}-target-files-${build_date}.zip" } cleanup_target_files() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} aws s3 sync "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}-target" "${BUILD_DIR}/${DEVICE}-target" cd "${BUILD_DIR}/${DEVICE}-target" for target_file in ${DEVICE}-target-files-*.zip ; do old_date=$(echo "$target_file" | cut --delimiter "-" --fields 4 | cut --delimiter "." --fields 5 --complement) aws s3 rm "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}-target/${DEVICE}-target-files-${old_date}.zip" || true done } checkpoint_versions() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} # checkpoint stack version echo "${STACK_VERSION}" | aws s3 cp - "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/rattlesnakeos-stack/revision" # checkpoint f-droid echo "${FDROID_PRIV_EXT_VERSION}" | aws s3 cp - "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/fdroid-priv/revision" echo "${FDROID_CLIENT_VERSION}" | aws s3 cp - "s3://${AWS_RELEASE_BUCKET}/fdroid/revision" } aws_notify_simple() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} aws sns publish --region ${REGION} --topic-arn "$AWS_SNS_ARN" --message "$1" } aws_notify() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} LOGOUTPUT= if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then LOGOUTPUT=$(tail -c 20000 /var/log/cloud-init-output.log) fi ELAPSED="$(($SECONDS / 3600))hrs $((($SECONDS / 60) % 60))min $(($SECONDS % 60))sec" aws sns publish --region ${REGION} --topic-arn "$AWS_SNS_ARN" \ --message="$(printf "$1\n Device: %s\n Stack Name: %s\n Stack Version: %s %s\n Stack Region: %s\n Release Channel: %s\n Instance Type: %s\n Instance Region: %s\n Instance IP: %s\n Build Date: %s\n Elapsed Time: %s\n AOSP Build: %s\n AOSP Branch: %s\n Chromium Version: %s\n F-Droid Version: %s\n F-Droid Priv Extension Version: %s\n Build Reason: %s\n%s" \ "${DEVICE}" "${STACK_NAME}" "${STACK_VERSION}" "${STACK_UPDATE_MESSAGE}" "${REGION}" "${RELEASE_CHANNEL}" "${INSTANCE_TYPE}" "${INSTANCE_REGION}" "${INSTANCE_IP}" "${BUILD_DATE}" "${ELAPSED}" "${AOSP_BUILD}" "${AOSP_BRANCH}" "${LATEST_CHROMIUM}" "${FDROID_CLIENT_VERSION}" "${FDROID_PRIV_EXT_VERSION}" "${BUILD_REASON}" "${LOGOUTPUT}")" || true } aws_logging() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} df -h du -chs "${BUILD_DIR}" || true uptime aws s3 cp /var/log/cloud-init-output.log "s3://${AWS_LOGS_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}/$(date +%s)" } aws_import_keys() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} if [ "$ENCRYPTED_KEYS" = true ]; then if [ "$(aws s3 ls "s3://${AWS_ENCRYPTED_KEYS_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}" | wc -l)" == '0' ]; then log "No encrypted keys were found - generating encrypted keys" gen_keys for f in $(find "${KEYS_DIR}" -type f); do log "Encrypting file ${f} to ${f}.gpg" gpg --symmetric --batch --passphrase "$ENCRYPTION_KEY" --cipher-algo AES256 $f done log "Syncing encrypted keys to S3 s3://${AWS_ENCRYPTED_KEYS_BUCKET}" aws s3 sync "${KEYS_DIR}" "s3://${AWS_ENCRYPTED_KEYS_BUCKET}" --exclude "*" --include "*.gpg" fi else if [ "$(aws s3 ls "s3://${AWS_KEYS_BUCKET}/${DEVICE}" | wc -l)" == '0' ]; then log "No keys were found - generating keys" gen_keys log "Syncing keys to S3 s3://${AWS_KEYS_BUCKET}" aws s3 sync "${KEYS_DIR}" "s3://${AWS_KEYS_BUCKET}" else log "Keys already exist for ${DEVICE} - syncing them from S3" aws s3 sync "s3://${AWS_KEYS_BUCKET}" "${KEYS_DIR}" fi fi } gen_keys() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} mkdir -p "${KEYS_DIR}/${DEVICE}" cd "${KEYS_DIR}/${DEVICE}" for key in {releasekey,platform,shared,media,verity} ; do # make_key exits with unsuccessful code 1 instead of 0, need ! to negate ! "${BUILD_DIR}/development/tools/make_key" "$key" "$CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT" done if [ "${AVB_MODE}" == "verity_only" ]; then gen_verity_key "${DEVICE}" else gen_avb_key "${DEVICE}" fi } gen_avb_key() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} cd "$BUILD_DIR" openssl genrsa -out "${KEYS_DIR}/$1/avb.pem" 2048 ${BUILD_DIR}/external/avb/avbtool extract_public_key --key "${KEYS_DIR}/$1/avb.pem" --output "${KEYS_DIR}/$1/avb_pkmd.bin" } gen_verity_key() { log_header ${FUNCNAME} cd "$BUILD_DIR" make -j 20 generate_verity_key "${BUILD_DIR}/out/host/linux-x86/bin/generate_verity_key" -convert "${KEYS_DIR}/$1/verity.x509.pem" "${KEYS_DIR}/$1/verity_key" make clobber openssl x509 -outform der -in "${KEYS_DIR}/$1/verity.x509.pem" -out "${KEYS_DIR}/$1/verity_user.der.x509" } cleanup() { rv=$? aws_logging if [ $rv -ne 0 ]; then aws_notify "RattlesnakeOS Build FAILED" 1 fi if [ "${PREVENT_SHUTDOWN}" = true ]; then log "Skipping shutdown" else sudo shutdown -h now fi } log_header() { echo "==================================" echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): Running $1" echo "==================================" } log() { echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): $1" } retry() { set +e local max_attempts=${ATTEMPTS-3} local timeout=${TIMEOUT-1} local attempt=0 local exitCode=0 while [[ $attempt < $max_attempts ]] do "$@" exitCode=$? if [[ $exitCode == 0 ]] then break fi log "Failure! Retrying ($@) in $timeout.." sleep $timeout attempt=$(( attempt + 1 )) timeout=$(( timeout * 2 )) done if [[ $exitCode != 0 ]] then log "Failed too many times! ($@)" fi set -e return $exitCode } trap cleanup 0 set -e full_run `