# Sublime CSS Completions A more complete library of CSS autocompletion for Sublime Text. Instructions for use: 1. Put `css.sublime-completions` anywhere in your Sublime Text Packages folder (look for “Browse Packages...” in ST preferences) 2. Restart Sublime Text 3. [Party!](http://gif.daneden.me/winner.gif) 4. Contribute to this list so that everyone can get better CSS completion. ## Stuff I’m aware of - Sublime Text already has a lot of CSS autocompletions. There are definitely some duplicates in here. - Not every property has been explicitly defined. For example, there are no `animation-***` properties—only the root animation property. - Only properties are autocompleted. Some time in the future, I’d like to have both properties and valid values autocompleted. If anyone knows how to do that, please contribute! ## Who are you? I’m [Dan](//github.com/daneden). Nice to meet you.