// you need access to two computers on the same network to try this and you need to swap out the ip address on line 26 /* You are reading this on the computer that sends control. On the other computer, that is the receiving computer, run these lines: s.quit // just making sure as you may be going through this a couple of times s.options.bindAddress = "" // allow listening to everything, everywhere s.options.maxLogins = 32; // 2 may suffice, but for now it's really high to be sure s.reboot s.options.bindAddress // check your work s.options.maxLogins // check this also */ s.quit; ( fork { var cond, runResponder; s.options.bindAddress = ""; s.options.maxLogins = 8; o = ServerOptions.new; o.maxLogins = 12; o.bindAddress = ""; Server.default = s = Server.remote(\remote2, NetAddr("", 57110), o); // replace "" cond = Condition({ s.serverRunning }); // 'signal' will allow the forked routine to advance // only when 'serverRunning' finally becomes true runResponder = SimpleController(s).put(\serverRunning, { cond.signal }); //cond.wait; runResponder.remove; }; ) x = play({Limiter.ar(Decay.ar(Impulse.ar(7, 0.1, LFNoise0.kr(10, 0.5, 0.5)), LFNoise0.kr(5, 1, 1), SinOsc.ar(80, 160, 320) * 0.004125), 0.9)!2}); // works on host x.free; // stop x making sound on host Pdef(0, Pbind()).play; // works on host Pdef(0).stop // stop Pdef(0) on host // so far so good, where we run into trouble is when we try to use SuperClean c = Bus.new(\audio, 0, 2) // making a bus works ~clean = SuperClean(2, s); // this does not work and we get the below error // ERROR: Meta_Bus:audio: failed to get an audio bus allocated. numChannels: 2 server: remote2