/** * Dave's Awesome Verygood Encryption scheme (DAVEs) * I, the magnificent cryptographer Dave, have invented an encryption scheme * that I myself have proven impossible to crack. * If I can't crack it, no one can! */ function encrypt(s) { let encrypted = []; for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { let x = (s[i].charCodeAt(0x0) + i * 0xf) % 0x80; x += i > 0x0 ? encrypted[i - 0x1].charCodeAt(0) % 128 : 0xd; x ^= 0x555; x = ((x ^ ~0x0) >>> 0x0) & 0xff; x -= (Math.random() * 0x5) & 0xb9 & 0x46; x = ~(x ^ (0x2cd + ((i ^ 0x44) % 0x2 === 0) ? 0x3 : 0x0)); x = ((x >> 0x1f) + x) ^ (x >> 0x1f); x |= ((Date.now() % 0x3e8) / (0x4d2 - 0xea)) | (i % 0x1); encrypted.push(String.fromCharCode(x)); } return encrypted.join(""); }