# [Vue](http://vuejs.org/) + [Element](http://element.eleme.io/#/en-US) Snippets for Sublime Text ### Main * `dlc` - Vue component for dladmin ### Layout * `elrow:xs` - size < 768 px * `elrow:sm` - size ≥ 768 px * `elrow:md` - size ≥ 992 px * `elrow:lg` - size ≥ 1200 px ### Http Request *exist:* * `http:post` - Method of post * `http:get` - Method of get * `http:form` Method of post and dataType: Form Data *next:* * `http:put` - Method of put * `http:patch` - Method of patch * `http:delete` - Method of delete *with global object:* > just need to add the suffix "-g" , like this `http:post-g` ### Component * `elbutton` - Element Button * `elcheckbox` - Element Checkbox * `elcheckboxg` - Element Checkbox Group * `elrow` - Element Row * `elcol` - Element Col * `elform` - Element Form * `elinput` - Element Input * `elinumber` - Element InputNumber * `elpager` - Element Pagination * `elradio` - Element Radio * `elradiog` - Element Radio Group * `elselect` - Element Select * `elslider` - Element Slider * `elswitch` - Element Switch * `eltable` - Element Table * `elbread` - Element Breadcrumb * `elbreadi` - Element Breadcrumb Item * `eldialog` - Element Dialog ### Update run `Package Control: Remove Package` remove and install again