## YamlToJson Sublime Text plugin ### Installation - Package Control: Coming soon. - Manual installation: cd /Packages git clone https://github.com/ryandao/SublimeYamlToJson.git The location of `Data Directory` can be found in this [document](http://sublimetext.info/docs/en/basic_concepts.html) or simply just go to `Preferences > Browse Packages`. ### Usage The default shortcuts are `["ctrl+y", "ctrl+j"]` (pressing `y` and then `j` while holding `ctrl`) for converting YAML to JSON and `["ctrl+j", "ctrl+y"]` for JSON to YAML. It's the same for OSX, Windows, and Linux. To customize, just add this configuration to your key bindings and change accordingly: { "keys": [ "ctrl+y", "ctrl+j" ], "command": "yaml_to_json" }, { "keys": [ "ctrl+j", "ctrl+y" ], "command": "json_to_yaml" }