# QuickRails Sublime Text 2/3 Plugin ! Have you ever got the chance to use RubyMine Quick Generators? Always wanted Sublime Text to include this feature ? Now you got it ! ## Features: * Quick Generators * Quick Rake Tasks * Quick Capistrano Tasks * Quick Bundle Install * Quick Goto View (Currently Supports only .haml) ## How to use ? Simply open a Rails project with your Sublime Text 3 and use the following shortcuts: * `CTRL+ALT+B` Bundle Install * `CTRL+ALT+G` Generators * `CTRL+ALT+C` Capistrano Tasks * `CTRL+ALT+R` Rake Tasks * `CTRL+ALT+V` Goto View **RVM (default) & RBENV** Configure the following options in `QuickRails.sublime-settings` file in order to activate them. * "check_for_rbenv": false * "check_for_rvm": true ## Change Log: ### QuickRails 1.0.7 #### 2015-07-25 * Fixed support for both ST2/ST3 * Fixed Bundle Install on Windows ### QuickRails 1.0.6 #### 2015-06-23 * Back in Bussines ! * Added GoTo View * Added Spring Support ### QuickRails 1.0.5 #### 2014-04-20 * Added ST3 Support ### credits: @danpe, @driehle, @jonarrien