--- title: Definition Lists tags: [LaTeX, Markdown] summary: Using markdown's definition lists in LaTeX output. --- After telling someone that they should use definition lists, I noticed that I had ignored them in my papers because I was too lazy back then to set up a nice format in LaTeX. Definition lists are great for philosophers (especially analytic philosophers) because it provides a good semantic structure for defining a proposition or example. So I updated the source of my papers to reflect my own advice. A good example of this is in my paper "Why Molinism Does not Help with the Rollback Argument." You can see the raw source of this paper [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dansheffler/dtsheffler.com/master/_papers/Molinism-and-Rollback.md), the PDF output [here](http://dtsheffler.com/pdfs/Molinism-and-Rollback.pdf), and the HTML output [here](http://dtsheffler.com/papers/Molinism-and-Rollback.html). To get the PDF output to style nicely, I added this to the header of the LaTeX template that I use for Pandoc: {% gist d32dbbaede6150b087e1 %} To get the HTML output for this site to style nicely, I used this CSS: {% gist c5714b4a1e9d3dc7b35e %} Hope this helps!