--- title: Reading Notes tags: [Note-taking, Writing] Summary: Tips on taking notes from Umberto Eco. --- In his *How to Write a Thesis* ([Amazon][]), Umberto Eco suggests that you keep a box of index cards devoted to "reading index cards" alongside another box with "idea index cards." In [my digital version][] of the index card box, I have been primarily keeping "idea" notes, with [one idea per file][]. Reading Eco, however, has encouraged me to also keep distinct "reading" notes, with one file per book or article that I read. Here is an example screen-shot of a reading note: ![Lloyd Gerson Reading Note](http://dtsheffler.com/images/Screen_Shot_2015-08-10_1.png) In this screen-shot we see three areas: 1. The title tells me both the title of the article and the author. This region is *not* always identical to the actual file name. Because this note is a child of `Lloyd Gerson.md`, the note file name is `Lloyd Gerson - A Note on Tripartition.md`. 2. A bullet list of connections to idea notes (or other reading notes) with a brief one-line explanation of what the connection is. I leave out the explanation when it is completely obvious (e.g. the link to `Plato.md`). 3. A summary that contains both a sketch of the overall argument and my response to it. I compose a draft of this in my notebook while the reading is fresh in my mind as soon as I finish reading the article (or as soon as I am done with each chapter in the case of books). I then mostly transcribe this into the Zettelkasten later with a little cleaning up. This also serves the function of [review][]. I do not use this reading note file to keep track of bibliographic information as Eco suggests. Instead, all this information is stored in a BibTeX file so that it can be referenced automatically with [Pandoc-style citations][]. [Pandoc-style citations]: http://dtsheffler.com/blog/2014-07-09-bibdesk-and-latex-citations/ [one idea per file]: http://dtsheffler.com/blog/2015-08-05-one-thought-per-note/ [my digital version]: http://dtsheffler.com/blog/2015-05-11-my-zettelkasten-in-sublime/ [Amazon]: http://www.amazon.com/How-Write-Thesis-Umberto-Eco/dp/0262527138/ [review]: http://takingnotenow.blogspot.com/2015/07/more-note-taking-principles.html