#!/bin/bash export SUBSCRIPTION_DOMAIN="{{ server.settings.subscription_domain }}" export EMAIL_FOR_CERTIFICATE_ISSUE="{{ config.acme.email_for_certificate_issue }}" EVENT="{{ event_name }}" SESSION_ID="{{ user.gen_session.id }}" API_URL="{{ config.api.url }}" echo "Marzban Template v1" echo echo "EVENT=$EVENT" get_marzban_token() { if [ -f "/opt/marzban/.env" ]; then export $(grep '^SUDO_USERNAME' /opt/marzban/.env | sed 's/ //g;s/"//g') export $(grep '^SUDO_PASSWORD' /opt/marzban/.env | sed 's/ //g;s/"//g') export $(grep '^UVICORN_PORT' /opt/marzban/.env | sed 's/ //g;s/"//g') if [[ $(grep '^UVICORN_SSL_CERTFILE' /opt/marzban/.env) ]]; then export MARZBAN_HOST="$UVICORN_PORT" else export MARZBAN_HOST="$UVICORN_PORT" fi echo "Marzban host: $MARZBAN_HOST" [ -z "$SUDO_USERNAME" ] && echo 'Error: SUDO_USERNAME not defined in /opt/marzban/.env' && exit 1 [ -z "$SUDO_PASSWORD" ] && echo 'Error: SUDO_PASSWORD not defined in /opt/marzban/.env' && exit 1 export TOKEN=$(curl -sk -XPOST \ "$MARZBAN_HOST/api/admin/token" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ -d "grant_type=password&username=$SUDO_USERNAME&password=$SUDO_PASSWORD" | jq -r .access_token) if [ -z "$TOKEN" ]; then echo 'Error: can not get TOKEN. Please check docker containers status' exit 1 fi else echo 'Error: Marzban has not been installed yet' exit 1 fi } case $EVENT in INIT) export SERVER_HOST="{{ server.host.remove('.*@') }}" if [ -z $SERVER_HOST ]; then echo "ERROR: can't get server host" exit 1 fi echo "Install required packages" apt-get update apt-get install -y \ curl \ pwgen \ net-tools \ socat \ jq echo "Install Marzban..." export SUDO_USERNAME=admin export SUDO_PASSWORD=$(pwgen -n 16 -1) bash -c "$(curl -sL https://github.com/danuk/shm-templates/raw/main/marzban/marzban.sh)" @ install echo "done" echo echo "Setup Marzban..." sleep 5 get_marzban_token bash -c "$(curl -sL https://github.com/danuk/shm-templates/raw/main/marzban/marzban-setup.sh)" echo "done" echo "Check SHM API host: $API_URL" HTTP_CODE=$(curl -sk -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" $API_URL/shm/v1/test) RET_CODE=$? if [ $RET_CODE -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: host $API_URL is incorrect." echo "Please set correct public host in SHM config. It must be accessible from the server." exit 1 fi if [ $HTTP_CODE -ne '200' ]; then echo "ERROR: incorrect API URL: $API_URL" echo "Got status: $HTTP_CODE" exit 1 fi ;; CREATE) echo "Create a new user" PAYLOAD="$(cat <<-EOF { "username": "us_{{ us.id }}", "proxies": { "vmess": {}, "vless": {"flow": "xtls-rprx-vision"}, "trojan": {}, "shadowsocks": { "method": "chacha20-ietf-poly1305" } }, "data_limit": 0, "expire": null, "data_limit_reset_strategy": "no_reset", "status": "active", "note": "SHM_info- {{ user.login }}, {{ user.full_name }}, https://t.me/{{ user.settings.telegram.login }}", "inbounds": { "vmess": [ "VMess TCP", "VMess Websocket" ], "vless": [ "VLESS TCP REALITY", "VLESS GRPC REALITY" ], "trojan": [ "Trojan Websocket TLS" ], "shadowsocks": [ "Shadowsocks TCP" ] } } EOF )" get_marzban_token USER_CFG=$(curl -sk -XPOST \ "$MARZBAN_HOST/api/user" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d "$PAYLOAD") if [ -z $(echo "$USER_CFG" | jq -r '.username | select( . != null )') ]; then echo "Error: $USER_CFG" exit 1 fi echo "Upload user config to SHM: $API_URL/shm/v1/storage/manage/vpn_mrzb_{{ us.id }}" curl -sk -XPUT \ -H "session-id: $SESSION_ID" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ $API_URL/shm/v1/storage/manage/vpn_mrzb_{{ us.id }} \ --data-binary "$USER_CFG" echo "done" ;; ACTIVATE) echo "Activate user" get_marzban_token curl -sk -XPUT \ "$MARZBAN_HOST/api/user/us_{{ us.id }}" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"status":"active"}' echo "done" ;; BLOCK) echo "Block user" get_marzban_token curl -sk -XPUT \ "$MARZBAN_HOST/api/user/us_{{ us.id }}" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"status":"disabled"}' echo "done" ;; REMOVE) echo "Remove user" get_marzban_token curl -sk -XDELETE \ "$MARZBAN_HOST/api/user/us_{{ us.id }}" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" echo "Remove user key from SHM" curl -sk -XDELETE \ -H "session-id: $SESSION_ID" \ $API_URL/shm/v1/storage/manage/vpn_mrzb_{{ us.id }} echo "done" ;; PROLONGATE) echo "Reset user counters" get_marzban_token curl -sk -XPOST \ "$MARZBAN_HOST/api/user/us_{{ us.id }}/reset" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" echo "done" ;; *) echo "Unknown event: $EVENT. Exit." exit 0 ;; esac