# React Tools CLI - RTC React / React Native project commands helper ## Installation ### As global package With NPM: ```bash npm i -g daomtthuan-react-tools-cli ``` Or with Yarn: ```bash yarn global add daomtthuan-react-tools-cli ``` Now, `rtc` global command will be available after installation: ```bash rtc [options] ``` ## Usage Just call `rtc` on your terminal. ```bash rtc ``` And use ```bash ____ _ _____ _ ____ _ ___ | _ \ ___ __ _ ___ | |_ |_ _|___ ___ | | ___ / ___|| | |_ _| | |_) |/ _ \ / _` | / __|| __| | | / _ \ / _ \ | |/ __| | | | | | | | _ <| __/| (_| || (__ | |_ | || (_) || (_) || |\__ \ | |___ | |___ | | |_| \_\\___| \__,_| \___| \__| |_| \___/ \___/ |_||___/ \____||_____||___| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- React / React Native project commands helper ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? Action group? (Use arrow keys) Component > Exit ```