# Unity Shader 之 不锈钢(各向异性材质 **Unity Shader** **之** **不锈钢(各向异性材质)** ![img](StainlessSteel.assets/clip_image001.png) 常见的实现方案 · **思路:** 先求出半角向量halfVector 再求法线方向与光照方向的点积NdotL 半角向量与各向异性方向点积HdotA 求出各向异性: sin((半角向量与各向异性方向点积+偏移值)的弧度值 * 180) 再根据各向异性求出反光强度spec 最后与光照颜色等进行整合 · **主要代码:** inline fixed4 LightingAnisotropic (SurfaceAnisoOutput s, fixed3 lightDir, half3 viewDir, fixed atten) { fixed3 halfVector = normalize(normalize(lightDir) + normalize(viewDir));//normalize()函数把向量转化成单位向量 float NdotL = saturate(dot(s.Normal, lightDir)); fixed HdotA = dot(normalize(s.Normal + s.AnisoDirection), halfVector); float aniso = max(0, sin(radians((HdotA + _AnisoOffset) * 180f)));//radians()函数将角度值转换为弧度值 float spec = saturate(pow(aniso, s.Gloss * 128) * s.Specular);//saturate(x)函数 如果x小于0返回 0;如果x大于1返回1;否则返回x;把x限制在0-1 fixed4 c; c.rgb = ((s.Albedo * _LightColor0.rgb * NdotL) + (_LightColor0.rgb * _SpecularColor.rgb * spec)) * (atten * 2); c.a = 1.0; return c; } ![img](StainlessSteel.assets/clip_image002.png) ![img](StainlessSteel.assets/clip_image003.png) 参考链接: **本文的实现方案** · 公式:公式采用的是Ward 92年在 Measuring and modeling anisotropic reflection中提出的。 各项异性材质是BRDF的一部分, 有关BRDF的论文很多, 这里推荐一篇Physically-Based Shading at Disney by Brent Burley, Walt Disney Animation Studios [Revised Aug 31, 2012. Corrected normalization factor in Equation 4.], 在这篇论文中还讲到了关于各项异性的几篇文章包括Walter在2005年在 Notes on the Ward BRDF中提出了对Ward各项异性材质公式的一些优化算法, 以及Pacanowski在2012年在Oliver Salazar Celis中提出的关于各项异性材质的新的公式。 有兴趣的童鞋可以试试。 · 本文中用到的贴图 ![img](StainlessSteel.assets/clip_image004.png) ![img](StainlessSteel.assets/clip_image005.png) **Shader****中的主要代码** float _Diffuse, _Specular; float _Gloss; float _AnisoX, _AnisoY, _AnisoAngle, _AnisoIntensity; sampler2D _AnisoTexture; float4 _AnisoTexture_ST; struct v2f { float4 pos : SV_POSITION; float3 normal : NORMAL; float4 tangent : TANGENT; float4 worldPos : TEXCOORD0; float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD1; LIGHTING_COORDS(3, 4) }; void vert(in appdata_tan v, out v2f output) { output.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); output.normal = v.normal; output.tangent = v.tangent; output.worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex); output.worldPos /= output.worldPos.w; output.texcoord = v.texcoord; TRANSFER_VERTEX_TO_FRAGMENT(output); } void frag(in v2f input, out float4 c : COLOR) { c.rgb = 0; float3 lightColor = _LightColor0.rgb; float3 vertPos = input.worldPos.xyz; float3 lightPos = _WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz; float3 normalDir = normalize(UnityObjectToWorldNormal(input.normal)); float3 tangentDir = normalize(UnityObjectToWorldNormal(input.tangent)); float3 bitangentDir = normalize(cross(tangentDir, normalDir)); float3 anisoDir = normalize(UnpackNormal(tex2D(_AnisoTexture, input.texcoord))); float3 lightDir = lightPos - vertPos; if (_WorldSpaceLightPos0.w<0.001) lightDir = lightPos; float3 b = bitangentDir; float3 t = tangentDir; float3 n = normalDir; //if (anisoDir.z<0.99) { float Pi = 3.141592654; float3 anisoParam = tex2D(_AnisoTexture, TRANSFORM_TEX(input.texcoord, _AnisoTexture)); _AnisoX = anisoParam.r; _AnisoY = anisoParam.g; _AnisoAngle = anisoParam.b * 180; //t = normalize(anisoDir.x * tangentDir + anisoDir.y * bitangentDir); t = t * cos(_AnisoAngle*Pi/180) + b * sin(_AnisoAngle*Pi/180); n = normalDir; b = normalize(cross(t,n)); } float3 l = normalize(lightDir); float3 v = normalize(_WorldSpaceCameraPos.xyz - vertPos); //也是BRDF的一种常用 ,半向量 float3 h = normalize(l+v); float3 dotLN = saturate(dot(l,n)); float3 dotHN = saturate(dot(h,n)); float3 dotHT = (dot(h,t)); float3 dotHB = (dot(h,b)); float3 dotVN = max(0.01,dot(v,n)); // attenuate float attenuation = LIGHT_ATTENUATION(input); // diffuse float3 diffuse = dotLN * lightColor * _Diffuse; // specular float3 specular = pow(dotHN, _Gloss*256) * _Specular * lightColor; specular = _Specular * lightColor * sqrt(dotLN/dotVN) * exp(-2 * (dotHT*dotHT/_AnisoX/_AnisoX + dotHB*dotHB/_AnisoY/_AnisoY)/(1+dotHN)); // reflect float3 rv = reflect(-v, n); rv -= t * dot(rv,t); float3 refl = 0; for (int i=0; i<0; i++) { float3 drv = rv + t*i*0.02; refl += UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE_LOD(unity_SpecCube0, drv, 0); drv = rv -t*i*0.02; refl += UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE_LOD(unity_SpecCube0, drv, 0); } refl /= 10; //refl = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE_LOD(unity_SpecCube0, reflect(-v, n), 0); //refl = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE_LOD(unity_SpecCube0, rv, 0); c.rgb = attenuation * (diffuse + specular); \#ifdef UNITY_PASS_FORWARDBASE c.rgb += refl*0.2; \#endif //c.rgb = attenuation; //c.rgb = sqrt(dotLN/dotVN)/10; //c.rgb = 0; //c.rgb = specular; //c.rgb = 0; c.a = 0; } · **效果图:** ![img](StainlessSteel.assets/clip_image006.png) ![img](StainlessSteel.assets/clip_image007.png) 来自 <>