@extension_description Dark mode for every website. Take care of your eyes, use dark theme for night and daily browsing. @loading_please_wait Loading, please wait @on On @off Off @toggle_current_site Toggle current site @setup_hotkey_toggle_site Setup current site toggle hotkey @toggle_extension Toggle extension @setup_hotkey_toggle_extension Setup extension toggle hotkey @automation Automation @set_active_hours Set active hours @set_location Activate after sunset at location @longitude Longitude @latitude Latitude @page_protected This page is protected by browser @local_files_forbidden Not allowed to access local files @page_in_dark_list This site is in global Dark List @system_dark_mode Use system color scheme @system_dark_mode_description Activate when system dark mode is on @system_dark_mode_chromium_warning This option might not work due to a bug in your browser @filter Filter @mode Mode @dark Dark @light Light @brightness Brightness @contrast Contrast @grayscale Grayscale @sepia Sepia @only_for Only for @only_for_description Apply settings to current website only @site_list Site list @invert_listed_only Invert listed only @not_invert_listed Not invert listed @add_site_to_list Add site to list @setup_add_site_hotkey Setup a hotkey for adding site @more More @select_font Select a font @text_stroke Text stroke @try_experimental_theme_engines Try out **experimental** theme engines: **Filter+** preserves colors saturation, uses GPU **Static theme** generates a simple fast theme **Dynamic theme** analyzes colors and images @engine_filter Filter @engine_filter_plus Filter+ @engine_static Static @engine_dynamic Dynamic @theme_generation_mode Theme generation mode @custom_browser_theme_on Custom @custom_browser_theme_off Default @change_browser_theme Change the browser theme @privacy Privacy @help Help @donate Donate @news News @read_more Read more @open_dev_tools Dev tools @configure_automation Configure automation @auto_night_time Auto (nighttime) @auto_day_time Auto (daytime) @auto_night_at_location Auto (night at location) @auto_day_at_location Auto (day at location) @auto_system_is_dark Auto (the system is dark) @auto_system_is_light Auto (the system is light) @click_to_set_shortcut Click to set the shortcut @extension_toggle_shortcut Extension on/off keyboard shortcut @configure_site_toggle Configure website toggling @site_toggle Site Toggling @enabled_by_default Enabled by Default @enable_for_all_sites_by_default Enabled for all websites by default @detect_dark_theme Detect dark theme @detect_website_dark_theme Detect the website's dark theme @dark_theme_detected Dark theme detected @website_toggle_shortcut Website toggle keyboard shortcut @support_out_work Support our work @mobile_link Mobile Dark Reader is available. Learn more @store_listing This eye-care extension enables night mode by creating dark themes for websites on the fly. Dark Reader inverts bright colors, making them high contrast and easy to read at night. You can adjust the brightness, contrast, sepia filter, dark mode, font settings, and the ignore list. We may ask you to support the app's development with a donation. You may see news about Dark Reader in the settings popup. There are Developer Tools for experienced users. Dark Reader doesn't show ads or send users' data anywhere. It's fully open source: https://github.com/darkreader/darkreader Before you install it, disable similar extensions. Enjoy watching!