¿Te vas a acostar esta noche? Buenas noches. ¡Es hora de levantarse! La mañana ha llegado. ¿Podemos irnos a dormir ahora...? *YAAAWN* No puedo quedarme... despierto... Zzz... Zzz... Tanto sueño... Pero tenemos que...*YAWN*...desper...tar... ¿Se retirará pronto a dormir? Bueno, entonces yo, erm, me uniré a ustedes. Buenos días. ¿Te vas a la cama? ¡Bien, buenas noches! ¡Buenos días! Mmm...buenas noches... @キール@. Es hora de levantarse. ¿Vas a dormir esta noche? Bien entonces, creo que me uniré a ti, @字@. Buenos días. ¿Tuviste sueños hermosos? ¿Vas a dormir? Entonces yo también. Buenos días. ¿Durmió bien? Oh, ¿Te vas a dormir? Bien, también lo haré. Buenas noches. Buenos días, @しゅじんこうくん@. ¿Mm? ¿Vas a dormir? ¡Noche Noche! Esta noche es una buena noche para buenos sueños. ¡Buenos días! ¿Ya es la hora de dormir? ♪¡Está bien!♪ ¡Buenos días, @しゅじんこうくん@! ¿Vas a acostarte? Bien. Estaré contigo en un minuto. ¡Arriba! Ya es de mañana. ¿Te vas a dormir? Bueno. Déjame apagar las luces, entonces. Buenas noches. Em...buenas noches. Buenos días, @しゅじんこうくん@. ¿Te vas a la cama a dormir? Parece como una buena idea. Buenas noches. Buenos días. @しゅじんこうくん@. ¿Has preparado todo lo que necesitas? ¡Síp! Espera un minuto. Bien, entonces, ¡Vámonos! Muy bien. Por favor, dejame saber cuando todo esté listo. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Abandonar Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Hmm... ¿Dónde ir? Vayamos hacia el imperio flotante. Vayamos hacia Selphia. Vayamos hacia el bosque con todas las mariposas bonitas. Vayamos hacia esas misteriosas ruinas del este. Vayamos hacia esa aterradora mansión encantada en el oeste. Vayamos hacia el viejo camino en el suroeste donde {LF}siempre es otoño. Vayamos hacia la cueva caliente a lo largo del Camino del Otoño. Vayamos hacia la torre alta del oeste. Vayamos hacia las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vayamos hacia la extraña caverna que esta en la colina Sercerezo . Vayamos hacia el camino de la montaña al suroeste que lleva {LF}al Imperio Sechs. Vayamos hacia la entrada al Imperio Sechs. Vayamos hacia el castillo del Imperio Sechs donde mora el{LF}Emperador Ethelberd. Vayamos hacia el campo de la colina Sercerezo, donde siempre es primavera. Vayamos hacia el campo de la llanura de Selphia, donde siempre es verano. Vayamos hacia el campo del Camino del Otoño, donde siempre es otoño. Vayamos hacia el campo en el Lago de Plata, donde siempre es invierno. Vayamos hacia el lugar de pesca en el colina Sercerezo. Allí siempre se puede{LF}pescar peces de primavera. Vayamos hacia el lugar de pesca en la llanura de Selphia. Siempre se puede{LF}pescar peces de verano. Vayamos hacia el punto de pesca en el Camino de Otoño. Allí siempre se puede{LF}pescar peces de otoño. Vayamos hacia el punto de pesca en el Lago de la Plata. Siempre se puede{LF}pescar peces de invierno. Vayamos hacia la cueva llena de grandes Mamadoodles. Vayamos a recoger algunos Céspedes de Ayngondaia de la cueva{LF}donde descansa el Hueso Antiguo. ¡Busquemos una guarida de monstruos! Ehh, quedémonos aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer antes de poder usar la aeronave? Tengo que hacer un pedido para obtener una licencia de aeronave primero. Tal vez si sigo haciendo @姫@ trabajo,{LF}podré hacer ese pedido algún día. Primero tengo que viajar a pie antes de poder volar a cualquier parte. ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero caminar, gracias. Tengo ganas de pavonearme. ¡No puedo quedarme aquí sin hacer nada! ¿Eh? ¿No se conecta? [Recibiste @アイテム0@.] ...Des...pierta. ¡Es hora de despertarse! ... ¿Ella está dormida? Pero... podría jurar que acaba de mirarme. Um, ¿perdón? ¿Estás despierta? Buenos dí--*YAAAWN*... Uh, buenos días. ¿Cómo puedes dormirte de pie? Realmente no lo sé. Hmm... Creo que he venido aquí por algo. Oh, vaya. ¿Qué era? ¡Ah! cierto. El Sr. Volkanon me pidió que viniera a despertarte. ¿Ya estás despierto? ...Si. Ah, bien. Buenos días, entonces. Es un gusto conocerte. Mi nombre es Clorica, y me estoy entrenando para ser sirvienta en este{LF}castillo. Soy @しゅじんこうくん@. ¿Oh? Qué extraño... El señor Volkanon dijo que te llamabas Arthur. Oh, eh... No, mi nombre definitivamente es @しゅじんこうくん@. Prefiero que me llames así. Como quieras, @しゅじんこうくん@. Es un nombre que suena muy sabroso. Escuchar tu nombre me da un poco de sueño. Qué tipo de nombre tan agradable y somnoliento Ortográficamente hablando, tu nombre es muy lindo. De cualquier manera, no estoy muy segura de lo que está pasando,{LF}pero voy a hacer mi mejor esfuerzo para servirle. Muchas gracias. Oh. Toma. Hice el desayuno, así que por favor cómelo si quieres. Ooh, ¡ese @アイテム0@ luce realmente delicioso! @アイテム0@... Siempre ha sido uno de mis platos {LF}preferidos. ¡Gracias! ¡De nada! ♪ Presiona @字0@ para comer. Come hasta el último bocado, ¿de acuerdo? Sí, es hora de dormir. No, quiero quedarme despierto. Dormir. Permanecer de pié. Por favor, sólo necesito un poco más de tu tiempo. ¡Te juro que{LF}no tardaremos mucho! Dormir. Permanecer de pié. Puedo ir al campo saliendo por la puerta superior de la izquierda. ¡Buenos días! ¡Demos hoy nuestro mejor esfuerzo! ¡Buenos días! @しゅじんこうくん@! El sol ha salido, así que{LF}¡Es hora de levantarse! ¡Buenos días! Buenos días. Es hora de levantarse, @しゅじんこうくん@. *YAAAWN*... Las mañana es el momento mas somnoliento del día.{LF}Incluso escuchar la palabra me da sueño. Bueenos Díaaas... Aprovechemos al máximo este hermoso día. Zzz... ¡Buenos días! ♪ Es hora de despertarse... Zzz... ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! @しゅじんこうくん@, ¡buenos días! ¡Buenos días!. Parece que ya ha salido el sol. ¡Buenos días!, @しゅじんこうくん@. He venido a despertarte. ¡Es hora de levantarse! ¡La mañana llega temprano para los buenos detectives! ¡Buenos días!, @しゅじんこうくん@. Es otro día encantador. ¡Buenos días!, @しゅじんこうくん@. ''¡Buenos días, buenos días! Es hora de levantarse''. ¡Buenas noches! ¡Buenas noches! ¿Hrm...? ¿Qué fue ese sonido? Venti...? ...tengo hambre...y sed... ...no hace mucho calor... Debe estar murmurando en su sueño. No debería molestarla. Buenas noches, Venti. Es mi caja fuerte. Mirar dentro. Levantarla. Romperla. Dejarla. Es mi estantería. Mirar dentro. Levántarla. Romperla. Dejarla. Es mi calendario. Revisarlo. Agarrarlo. Destruirlo. Dejarlo. Es mi armario. Mirar dentro. Agarrarlo. Destruirlo. Dejarlo. Vestidor. Mirar dentro. Agarrarlo. Destruirlo. Dejarlo. Lo de siempre... Pajama Traje de baño Ropa formal Baño Disfraz de Chipsqueek Disfraz de Lana Soldado de Selphia Soldado de Sechs Pasión Roja Cielo Azul Limón afrutado Verde Bosque Rosa Persa Naranja afrutada Alas de medianoche Dejarlo. Todavía no tengo ningún traje. Hmm...¿Qué hago? Cocinar algo sencillo. Cocinar con el cuchillo. Cocinar con la sartén. Cocinar con la olla. Cocina con el horno. Cocina con la vaporera. Cocina con la batidora. Agarrarlo. Romperlo. Dejarlo. Cocina algo sencillo. Agarrarlo. Romperlo. Dejarlo. Hmm... ¿qué hago? Cocinar algo simple. Cocinar con el cuchillo. Cocinar con la sartén. Cocina con la olla. Cocina con el horno. Cocina con la vaporera. Cocina con la batidora. Agarrarlo. Romperlo. Dejarlo. Cocinar con el cuchillo. Agarrarlo. Romperlo. Dejarlo. Hmm... ¿qué hago? Cocinar algo simple. Cocinar con el cuchillo. Cocinar con la sartén. Cocina con la olla. Cocina con el horno. Cocina con la vaporera. Cocina con la batidora. Agarrarlo. Romperlo. Dejarlo. Cocinar con la sartén. Agarrarlo. Romperlo. Dejarlo. Hmm... ¿qué hago? Cocinar algo simple. Cocinar con el cuchillo. Cocinar con la sartén. Cocina con la olla. Cocina con el horno. Cocina con la vaporera. Cocina con la batidora. Agarrarlo. Romperlo. Dejarlo. Cocinar con la olla. Agarrarlo. Romperlo. Dejarlo. Hmm... ¿qué hago? Cocinar algo simple. Cocinar con el cuchillo. Cocinar con la sartén. Cocina con la olla. Cocina con el horno. Cocina con la vaporera. Cocina con la batidora. Agarrarlo. Romperlo. Dejarlo. Cocina con el horno. Agarrarlo. Romperlo. Dejarlo. Hmm... ¿qué hago? Cocinar algo simple. Cocinar con el cuchillo. Cocinar con la sartén. Cocina con la olla. Cocina con el horno. Cocina con la vaporera. Cocina con la batidora. Agarrarlo. Romperlo. Dejarlo. Cocina con la vaporera. Agarrarlo. Romperlo. Dejarlo. Hmm... ¿qué hago? Cocinar algo simple. Cocinar con el cuchillo. Cocinar con la sartén. Cocina con la olla. Cocina con el horno. Cocina con la vaporera. Cocina con la batidora. Agarrarlo. Romperlo. Dejarlo. Cocina con la batidora. Agarrarlo. Romperlo. Dejarlo. Hmm... ¿qué hago? Mezclar un poco de medicina. Agarrarla. Romperla. Dejarla. Tal vez haga algunas herramientas. Crear un arma. Crear una herramienta. Mejorar un arma. Agarrarla. Romperla. Dejarla. ¿Qué tipo de arma quiero crear? Espada corta. Espada larga. Lanza. Hacha o Martillo. Espadas dobles. Guantes. Báculo. Dejarlo. Puedo crear armas que se pueden utilizar en batalla. Puedo crear mejores herramientas para trabajar la tierra,{LF} que me permitan labrar o regar áreas más grandes. Puedo usar materiales para mejorar las armas que ya tengo.     Un arma estándar. Es eficaz con un escudo,{LF}aumentando la defensa. Un arma poderosa con un amplio alcance. Un arma de gran alcance. Un martillo o un hacha que se puede utilizar en la batalla.{LF}Son pesados, pero muy poderosos. Un arma rápida que puede atacar rápidamente,{LF}pero los escudos son inútiles con ella. Lucha usando golpes y objetos arrojadizos. Lucha usando diferentes tipos de ataques elementales. Hmm... ¿qué hago? Hacer una armadura. Hacer escudos. Hacer cascos para la cabeza. Hacer zapatos. Hacer accesorios. Mejorar la armadura. Recógela. Rómpelo. Déjalo. Puedo hacer una armadura que se lleva debajo de la ropa.{LF}No cambia mi aspecto. Puedo hacer escudos para bloquear los golpes del enemigo. Puedo hacer sombreros que cambien mi aspecto. Puedo hacer un calzado que cambie mi forma de moverme. Puedo hacer accesorios con diversos efectos. Puedo usar materiales para mejorar la armadura que ya tengo.       Creo que voy a escribir en mi diario. Escribir una entrada en el diario. Mejor no. ¡¡@しゅじんこうくん@!! ¿Un momento de tu tiempo? Tengo algo importante que debo decirte. Dirígete al campo. Es mi caja de herramientas. Mira dentro. Levantarla. Romperla. Déjarla. Es mi heladera. Mirar dentro. Levantarla. Romperla. Déjarla. Es mi heladera. Mirar dentro. Levantarla. Romperla. Déjarla. Hay @アイテム0@ x @0@ dentro. {LF}Necesitaré al menos @1@ hoy. Tira +Madera+ y +Material de Piedra+ aquí.{LF}Madera: @0@{LF}Mat. Piedra: @1@ Levantarla. Romperla. Déjarla. Coloca la hierba en el contenedor de abono para que el campo esté bien y feliz.{LF}Nivel de abono: @0@ Levantarla. Romperla. Déjarla. Creo que voy a escuchar música. Hmm... ¿qué quiero hacer? Escoge una canción para reproducirla. Poner una canción al azar. Parar. Levántala. Romperla. Déjalo. Grabar Récord de batalla Récord de historia Récord de ballenas Récord del Océano Volver Mi habitación Primavera en Selphia Verano en Selphia Otoño en Selphia Invierno en Selphia La noche en Selphia Majestad del Dragón del Viento Lágrimas del Dragón del Viento La confusión del dragón del viento Título Cerrando el paso Tema del Imperio Un hogar para todos Valor Tristeza Tranquilidad Diversión Lo cotidiano ¿Qué estás diciendo? ¡Emocionante! Pensamientos amables Pureza ¡Uh-oh! LAFS Atmósfera ominosa Festivales de Selphia ¡Podemos hacerlo! Amor ¡Vamos! Volver La habitación de una familia Amplias llanuras Bosque de Yokmir Ruinas de agua Mansión de obsidiana León Karnak Imperio Flotante Secretos de la granja Amor y esperanza Final Boda de Selphia Batalla Dragón de viento de Selfia Dragón nativo Batalla de Kardia Batalla final de Kardia Árboles que caminan Piratas Pulpo Batalla del Monumento Natural Hielo Salvaje Arlequín Huesos Antiguos Dos leones Barrera de hielo Kardia Dragón de Tierra Alvarna Dragón de Fuego Sharance Dragón de agua Cueva extraña Tecnología perdida Caliente Frío Laberinto Runa Prana Volver Primavera en Kardia Verano en Kardia Otoño en Kardia Invierno en Kardia Primavera en Alvarna Verano en Alvarna Otoño en Alvarna Invierno en Alvarna Primavera en Sharance Verano en Sharance Otoño en Sharance Invierno en Sharance Noche en Sharance Sharance Ciudad de Sharance Gran casa del árbol Reunión en Sharance Pueblo de Sharance Resultado de la batalla Habitación nocturna en Sharance ¿Qué puedes hacer? Bosque de los artesanos Dunas de estrellas Pueblo Cataratas del Arco Iris Rosal helado Guarida del Dragón Fragmentos de la memoria Boda de Sharance Colina del Viento Volver Frontera Primavera en Trampoli Verano en Trampoli Otoño en Trampoli Invierno en Trampoli Nieve en Trampoli Un nuevo hogar en un Nuevo Mundo Una nueva familia Días tranquilos Noches de taberna El hogar de nadie Espíritus Aventura A través de la oscuridad Un lugar peligroso Brotes jóvenes Vinos de verano Hierba de invierno ¡Cuidado! Levanten la cortina ¡Rodeado! Batalla de espíritus Rival ¡Electrizante! Afronta tus pruebas Recupéralo Toda nuestra fuerza Volvamos a casa Volver Océanos Amanecer Anochecer Santuario del Dragón Hermanas Hogar de la Isla Familia de la isla Primavera en Fenith Verano en Fenith Otoño en Fenith Invierno en Fenith Tema del capitán Selva Archipiélago Tierra Sagrada Fuego sagrado Agua bendita Viento Sagrado Gran Batalla ¡Enfrentamiento! ¡No voy a perder! Batalla en las olas Volver ¡Yay! ¡Es una nueva venta de discos! Es la caja de la tienda. ¿Qué hago? La venta de hoy: @0@ de ORO{LF}Venta de discos: @1@ de ORO Mira dentro. Recógelo. Rómpelo. Déjalo. Es mi baúl de almacenamiento. Mira dentro. Recógelo. Rómpelo. Déjalo. El contenido sera recogido a las +8AM+.{LF}Valor de venta estimado: @0@ de ORO Mira en el interior. Mira los registros de venta. Recógelo. Rómpelo. Déjalo. Aquí hay un buen lugar para sacar agua. Es @キャラ0@. Llama a la aeronave. Levántalo. Romperlo. Déjalo. Recógelo. Rómpelo. Déjalo. No creo que deba recoger esto ahora mismo. ¿Realmente quiero romper esto? Sí, estoy seguro. ¡Claro que no! Creo que la gente se enfadará conmigo si rompo esto ahora mismo. ¿Lo dejamos por hoy? Hora de mimir Hmm... ¿qué quiero hacer? Hmm... ¿qué quiero hacer? La mejor manera de acostumbrarme a mi nuevo trabajo como @姫@ es hacer las{LF}Solicitudes de la caja de peticiones. Debería ir al +Bosque del Este+ pronto. Venti me lo pidió, después de todo. Hmm... ¿qué quiero hacer? Tengo que hacer algo con ese monstruo en {LF}las +Ruinas del Sudeste+ pronto. Tengo que ir a investigar las +Ruinas del Sureste+ para averiguar{LF}qué es esa voz. Ah, sí... Esa chica está esperando en la Mansión Obsidiana, ¿no es así? Oh, sí... Pico está esperando en la Mansión Obsidiana, ¿no es así? ¡Tengo que ir a atrapar a ese "chipsqueek" {LF}que se escapó a @マップ0@! Debería ir a perseguir a ese chipsqueek que se escapó. Debería ir a llevar una Esfera de Runa a {LF}donde estaba @ディラス@. Tengo que ir al @マップ0@ y ver si hay +Esferas de Runas+ allí. Necesito encontrar otra +Esfera de Runa+. Por lo que dijo el viajero, quizá pueda encontrar otra Esfera de Runa. Tal vez debería ir a hablar con el viajero en la posada... Debería ir a buscar la siguiente +Esfera de Runa+. Necesito llevar la tercera Esfera de Runa a{LF}@マップ0@. ¡Tengo que ir a @マップ0@, al oeste de la{LF}mansión, y salvar al último Guardián! Debería preguntar por la ciudad para ver si alguien sabe cómo{LF}entrar en @マップ0@. Debería preguntarle a @ダグ@ sobre el Imperio de Sechs. Creo que está en la clínica ahora mismo. Debería comprobar cómo está @セルザ@... Si @ダグ@ está en lo cierto, hay un laboratorio de investigación imperial en{LF}una cueva donde siempre es primavera. Esos soldados se dirigían al suroeste, al límite más occidental de las tierras heladas. ¡Vamos al oeste del Imperio! ¡Vamos a buscar a Ethelberd, que ha huido a lo profundo del Imperio! ¡Utilicemos el dirigible para llegar al Castillo Volador! Lo primero es lo primero, ¡subamos al @マップ0@ y dirijámonos al Bosque de los Comienzos! ¡Vamos a la cueva de @マップ0@! ¡Tengo que salvar a Venti de verdad esta vez! Tengo que contarle a Venti lo de esa chica... Me pregunto si esa chica está bien. Debería pasar por la clínica y ver cómo está. Escribir una entrada en el diario. Eventos de la ciudad Dejarlo. ¡¡@しゅじんこうくん@!! ¡Tengo algo de gran importancia que{LF}debo decirte! [Evento actual]{LF}¡Florista de día, detective de noche! [Participantes] {LF}Illuminata, Amber, Xiao Pai, Nancy [Evento actual]{LF}¡Es un misterio! [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Illuminata, Forte, Kiel, Bado [Evento actual]{LF}Barriles de diversión [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Porcoline, Margaret, Vishnal, Kiel, Arthur, Forte, Xiao Pai [Evento actual]{LF}¡Juntos! [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Clorica, Amber, Doug, Forte, Arthur, Margaret, Dolce [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Clorica, Amber, Doug, Forte, Arthur, Margaret [Evento actual]{LF}Manía de las gafas [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Arthur, Volkanon, Bado, Kiel, Lin Fa, Xiao Pai, Vishnal [Evento actual]{LF}Un secreto amistoso [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Margaret, Clorica, Xiao Pai, Forte [Evento actual]{LF}¡Hora de la fiesta de pijamas! [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Vishnal, Kiel, Arthur, Doug, Dylas, Leon [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Vishnal, Kiel, Arthur, Doug, Dylas [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Vishnal, Kiel, Arthur, Doug [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Clorica, Forte, Margaret, Amber, Xiao Pai, Dolce, Pico [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Clorica, Forte, Margaret, Amber, Xiao Pai [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Clorica, Forte, Margaret, Xiao Pai [Evento actual]{LF}Un corcel de caballero [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Forte, Kiel, Bado, Clorica, Arthur, Volkanon [Evento Actual]{LF}La Señal de Correr [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Dolce, Pico, Nancy, Jones, Kiel, Forte, Xiao Pai, Lin Fa, Porco [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Margaret, Arthur, Doug, Dylas [Evento actual]{LF}Rivales eternos [Participantes en el Evento]{LF}Doug, Dylas, Blossom, Porcoline, Margaret, Vishnal [Evento actual]{LF}Una ganancia de Cooper [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Lin Fa, Kiel, Forte, Bado, Yang Fan [Evento actual]{LF}Uh-oh, es contagioso [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Xiao Pai, Lin Fa [Evento actual]{LF}¡No caigas en la trampa, Vishnal! [Participantes del evento]{LF}Vishnal, Bado [Evento Actual]{LF}Alguien tiene una idea equivocada [Participantes] {LF}Volkanon, Margaret, Arthur [Evento actual]{LF}Cómo hacer un montón de dinero [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Bado, Vishnal, Forte, Porcoline, Margaret, Arthur [Evento actual]{LF}Pensamientos perdidos en el lago [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Margaret, Illuminata [Evento actual]{LF}¡Un trabajo a tiempo parcial! [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Kiel, Xiao Pai, Lin Fa, Doug, Illuminata [Evento actual]{LF}Recuerdos brillantes [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Blossom, Doug, Xiao Pai, Arthur, Porcoline, Margaret,{LF}Ventuswill [Evento actual]{LF}El secreto de Doug [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Doug, Blossom, Margaret, Traveler [Evento actual]{LF}Un día en la vida de Leon [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Leon [Evento actual]{LF}¡No te olvides de tu físico! [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Jones, Margaret, Porcoline, Arthur [Evento actual]{LF}Presentación de Amber Watson [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Amber, Kiel, Bado, Arthur, Illuminata [Evento actual]{LF}Práctica de la sonrisa [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Dylas [Evento actual]{LF}Un Porco y un Elfo [Evento Actual]{LF}Porcoline, Illuminata, Margaret [Evento actual]{LF}Un favor devuelto [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Dylas, Margaret, Arthur, Porcoline [Evento actual]{LF}Demasiado tiempo libre [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Dylas, Doug, Vishnal, Kiel, Arthur, Leon [Evento actual]{LF}Un espectáculo sin público [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Margaret, Dolce, Pico [Evento actual]{LF}Dulces naderías [Participantes en el evento] {LF}@キャラ0@ [Evento actual]{LF}Encantos de amor [Participantes en el evento]{LF}@キャラ0@ [Evento actual]{LF}Medicina para revertir el estado de ánimo [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Jones, Arthur [Evento actual]{LF}Memorias [Evento] {LF}Todos [Evento actual]{LF}Su respuesta [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Vishnal, Clorica, Volkanon [Evento actual]{LF}Un deseo efímero [Participantes en el Evento]{LF}Clorica, Vishnal, Volkanon, Forte, Xiao Pai, Margaret [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Blossom, Jones, Nancy [Evento actual]{LF}Donde está el corazón [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Forte, Kiel, Bado, Nancy, Jones, Vishnal, Clorica [Evento actual]{LF}El Caballero Rojo [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Forte, Kiel, Bado, Vishnal, Clorica, Arthur [Evento actual]{LF} Estando aquí [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Margaret, Porcoline [Evento actual]{LF}Para los torpes [Evento actual]{LF}Dylas [Evento actual]{LF}Visión transitoria [Participantes en el Evento]{LF}Forte, Kiel, Vishnal, Margaret, Arthur, Volkanon [Evento actual]{LF}¡Nunca te vas a rendir! [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Xiao Pai, Lin Fa, Porcoline, Margaret, Blossom, Kiel [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Yang Fan [Evento actual]{LF}Gratitud [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Amber, Illuminata, Forte, Kiel [Evento actual]{LF}Un anillo muy especial [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Doug, Vishnal, Kiel, Arthur, Leon, Dylas, Bado [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Clorica, Forte, Margaret, Amber, Xiao Pai, Dolce [Evento actual]{LF}El lenguaje de las flores [Participantes en el evento]{LF}Dolce, Pico, Nancy, Jones [Evento actual]{LF}Una carta del pasado [Evento] {LF}Leon, Kiel, Forte, Arthur, Lin Fa, Xiao Pai [Evento actual]{LF}Mi primer recado [Participantes en el evento]{LF}@キャラ0@, @子供ちゃん@, Volkanon, Blossom,{LF}Jones, Lin Fa [Evento actual]{LF}Presente secreto [Participantes en el evento]{LF}@キャラ0@, @子供ちゃん@ [Evento actual]{LF}¡Quiero ser más fuerte! [Participantes en el evento]{LF}@子供ちゃん@, Jones [Evento actual]{LF}¿Te gusto? [Participantes en el evento]{LF}@キャラ0@, @子供ちゃん@ [Evento actual]{LF}Un paseo por el cielo [Participantes en el evento]{LF}@キャラ0@, Ventuswill ¡No puedo quedarme aquí sin hacer nada! Ahora no es el momento para esto.... Buenas noches, @しゅじんこうくん@. Buenas noches, @ビシュナル@. Que tenga la alegría de pasar mañana junto a{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@...zzz... ¿No te vas a dormir todavía? Todavía no. Voy a leer el libro que me prestó el Sr. Volkanon y a estudiar para ser un mayordomo de dos estrellas. Asegúrate de no presionarte demasiado. También necesitas descansar. ¿Puedo dormir en tu hombro esta noche? ¡Claro! ♪ Si pudieras soñar lo que quisieras,{LF}¿qué sueño elegirías? Hmm... ¡Un sueño sobre ti, donde estas corriendo en pánico como tonto.{LF}Sin dudas, sería algo muy adorable! ¡Aww...! @しゅじんこうくん@, puedes ser tan mala a veces. Aprendí una canción de cuna del señor Volkanon. Puedo prometer que dormirás bien esta noche. Siempre y cuando te saltes todas las partes de llanto fuerte. Aprendí a tocar el piano con Margaret. Dormirás como un bebé esta noche cuando escuches esta melodía. Um, sabes que no tenemos un piano en nuestra habitación, ¿verdad? ¡¡ARGH!! ¡Lo olvidé! ¿No es especial que nos despidamos así? ¿Podría... acurrucarme un poco más? ¡Claro! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@, te agradezco la felicidad que me has dado hoy. Y te agradezco a ti toda la felicidad que me has dado. Nnnnno...no...puedo...dormirme antes que tú...zzz... Debe estar realmente agotado. Que @しゅじんこうくん@ baile a través de mis sueños y se acurruque{LF}conmigo... Zzz... ¿Qué tal si lo hacemos mientras ambos estamos despiertos? Buenas noches, @しゅじんこうくん@. Buenas noches, @クローリカ@. Mnnn... no puedo... dormirme... ¡todavía! @クローリカ@, si tienes tanto sueño, ¿por qué no te vas a la cama? Yo siempre me voy a la cama primero. Esta noche,{LF}me quedaré despierto más tiempo que tú. No tienes que presionarte tanto... Zzz... Zzz... Ah, ja, ja. Se quedó dormida. Pudimos charlar sobre un montón de cosas,{LF}fue un día tan agradable. *YAAAWN* ¿Por qué no continuamos la conversación{LF}en mis sueños? ¿Qué hace un mayordomo cuando su amo no puede dormirse? Muchas cosas. Preparar leche caliente, contarle historias... ¿Qué quieres que haga por ti? No puedo más. Mi cerebro está agotado. ¿Por qué no lo dejas por hoy y duermes un poco? Mientras duermo, ¿podrías leerme, por favor? Necesitas DORMIR. Por alguna razón, no puedo dormir esta noche. Vaya. ¿Estás enfermo o algo así?{LF}¿Qué pasa? Bueno, estaba acostado a tu lado cuando de repente mi corazón comenzó a acelerarse... Sabes, es muy difícil charlar contigo cuando estoy dormido. Sí, lo es. Maldita sea. Ahora siento que me estoy perdiendo algo. Pero es que tengo... demasiado... sueño...{LF}Zzz... Uf. Qué día. ¿Quieres que te masajee los hombros? Oh, no, gracias. Eso me excitaría demasiado para{LF}dormir... Pensar en el festival me pone tan ansioso que apenas{LF}puedo dormir. ¿De verdad? No. Sólo tenía ganas de decir eso. Cuanto más preocupado estoy, más sueño tengo. Ja Ja Ja... @クローリカ@, ¿qué es tan gracioso? Nada. Sólo estoy pensando en que me voy a acostar pronto. Ja, ja. Duerme todo lo que quieras. Buenas noches, @しゅじんこうくん@. Buenas noches, @フォルテ@. Ya es tarde. Deberíamos ir a la cama para estar bien descansados para{LF}mañana. Buenas noches, @フォルテ@. ¡Ah! Por favor, no apagues la luz todavía. A mí, me gusta el brillo. Desde luego, no es porque tenga miedo a los{LF}fantasmas ni nada por el estilo... Cuando Kiel tenía problemas para conciliar el sueño de niño,{LF}me acostaba a su lado y le acariciaba la espalda. ¿Te gustaría que hiciera eso por ti? Uno debe estar preparado en todo momento. Cuando duermo,{LF}me aseguro de tener una espada al lado de mi cama. Te sugiero que no seas sonámbulo e intentes atacarme. Buenas noches. ... ¿@フォルテ@? Zzz... Zzz... Ya está dormida. Debe haberse agotado mucho hoy. Hoy fue un día largo. Sí. Apuesto a que me apagaré como una luz{LF}antes de que mi cabeza toque la almohada. ¿De verdad? ¡Qué habilidad tan increíble! No te servirá de nada resfriarte. Asegúrate de subirte{LF}las frazadas hasta el mentón, ¿de acuerdo? Vaya, estoy agotado. ¿Te importa si me acurruco contigo? ¡...! Cla-claro... si quieres... Parece que no puedo dormirme esta noche. Creo que la mejor solución para una noche inquieta es{LF}hacer ejercicio. Podemos tener un ligero combate si quieres. ¡Vaya, yo... ya me siento con más sueño! ¡Buenas noches! Buenas noches, @しゅじんこうくん@. Buenas noches, @キール@. Mrrrnnn... No deberías forzarte a permanecer despierto si tienes sueño,{LF}@キール@. Nooo... Quiero quedarme despierto y charlar contigo...más...zzz.... Buenas noches, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Ten dulces sueños. La felicidad es conseguir pasar el final del día al lado{LF}de la persona que más quieres. A veces me asusto cuando estoy acostada en la cama mientras esta oscuro... Escucha. Estoy aquí. No tengas miedo. ¡Oye! ¡No tienes que tratarme como a una niña pequeña! Pero... supongo que está bien. Me siento un poco mejor. Estamos casados, pero el hecho de solo pensar que tenemos{LF}que compartir la cama, hace que mi corazón se acelere. Sí, estoy igual. No puedo decir que me haya acostumbrado todavía. ¡No quiero acostumbrarme nunca!{LF}¡Siempre quiero que mi corazón lata así por ti! ¡Uf! El día de hoy fue agotador. Lo fue, ¿no? Asegúrate de descansar un poco, ¿de acuerdo? ¿Qué estás leyendo? Un libro que me prestó León.{LF}Se llama "Cuentos de terror de todo el mundo". Quiero memorizarlos todos para poder asustar a Forte{LF}con ellos. ¡Corre, @フォルテ@! ¡COOOOOORRE! La leche caliente es justo lo que necesitas para esas noches{LF}en las que no puedes dormir. ¡Waaah! ¡¡¡Caliente!!! ¡Ah...ah quema TANTO...! Oh, Dios. ¿Estás bien? Ahora sí que{LF}no vas a poder dormir... ¡Compartamos una almohada esta noche! ¿De verdad? ¡Sí! Buenas noches. Espero encontrarte en mis sueños esta noche también. No sé por qué, pero parece que no puedo dormir esta noche.{LF}¿Puedo apoyarme en tu hombro? Es curioso. Saber que voy a dormir a tu lado todavía hace que mi{LF}corazón se acelere, incluso después de todo este tiempo. Buenas noches. Buenas noches. ¿Eso es todo? ¿Dónde está mi beso de buenas noches? ¿Eh? Umm... ¡Je Je! Dulces sueños. Buenas noches. Por ahora solo somos un dúo, pero espero{LF}que algún día seamos un trío. Hoy fue un día bastante agitado, ¿no? Asegúrate de abrigarte bien o tendrás un resfriado. Hoy he colgado las sábanas fuera para que se sequen. ¿Te das cuenta?{LF}Huelen a luz solar y a brisa fresca. Creo que me quedaré despierto un poco más tarde esta noche. ¿Hm? ¿Por qué? ¡Para poder verte dormir!{LF}Te amo, Je Je. Haremos lo que podamos para ayudar a que tu voz se recupere,{LF}pero por ahora lo mejor es que duermas un poco. ¿Puedo acurrucarme contigo esta noche? El viento contra los árboles suena como aullidos de lobos hambrientos... Buenas noches, @しゅじんこうくん@. Buenas noches, @ディラス@. Se acerca la hora de dormir.{LF}Ten buenos sueños, ¿sí? Ooh, ¿entonces, eso significa que estarás en ellos? Uhh... ¿Seguro?{LF}Lo intentaré... Hey, @ディラス@? ¿Cómo te las arreglas para levantarte tan{LF}temprano cuando vas a pescar? Con pura determinación. ¡HRAAAAAH! ¡Vamos, cuerpo! ¡¡¡Levántate tempranoooo!!! Sí, ninguno de los dos se duerme con eso. Intenté contar Woolies para dormir, pero a mitad de camino{LF}se transformaron en ti. ¿Mi antigua forma de caballo? No. Tú como eres ahora. Estabas rebotando por todas partes.{LF}Fue tan divertido que no pude dormir. ¿Perdón? Todavía hace mucho frío por la noche. Asegúrate de abrigarte{LF}cuando vayas a la cama. Estaré bien. Si me acuesto a tu lado, no sentiré frío{LF}en absoluto. Pasé tantos años durmiendo solo... ...pero ahora no puedo ni imaginarlo. El matrimonio le hace cosas raras a un{LF}hombre. Buenas noches, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Asegurémonos de capturar al Guardián mañana. Oye, @しゅじんこうくん@...{LF}Gracias por casarte conmigo. ¿Porqué has dicho eso? Por ninguna razon especial. Sólo tenía ganas de decirlo.{LF}A veces me pongo así. Oh, ¿y lo haces, justo ahora? ¡Je Je! Bueno, gracias por casarte conmigo, mi maridito. ♪ ¿Podrías despertarme temprano mañana? Lo intentaré, pero parece que nunca te levantas después que yo. Sólo bésame en la mejilla y te prometo que me despertaré. Ajá. ¿Ahora eres una princesa encantada, que necesita un beso{LF}de su amor verdadero, para un milagro? Hey, um... Mi pelo no es una molestia cuando duermes, ¿verdad? ¡No! Es sedoso, suave y se siente muy bien. O-oh... Buenas noches, @しゅじんこうくん@. Buenas noches, @アーサー@. Cuando estoy charlando contigo, no quiero parar e irme a{LF}dormir. Espero que mis sueños, al menos, me sirvan de inspiración{LF}para mi evento. Entonces, terminemos la noche. Sí. ... ¿No te vas a dormir? Todavía no. Estoy esperando. ¿A qué? A que te quites los anteojos. @しゅじんこうくん@, Hay algo que me gustaría discutir contigo. Estás siendo muy formal. ¿De qué se trata? Erm, esto es bastante difícil de decirle, pero... ¿Puedo poner un lindo animal de peluche junto a tu almohada? @アーサー@, ¿Podrías contarme un cuento?{LF}Tengo problemas para dormirme. Muy bien. Quizá te cuente una leyenda que oí una vez{LF}cuando viajaba a un desierto lejano. Es un cuento espeluznante, por lo que puede dificultar el hecho de que duermas... bién. Oh, um, ¿podría acurrucarme contigo, entonces? Por supuesto. Cuando haya ahorrado un poco de dinero, me gustaría comprar un{LF}colchon de plumas en las tierras del norte. Quiero que las mantas de nuestra cama te sostengan suave{LF}y delicadamente mientras duermes, @しゅじんこうくん@. Estoy acostumbrada a dormir sola desde que era{LF}una niña. Pero ahora no puedo ni conciliar el sueño sin ti a mi{LF}lado. Sería bueno que algunas de las tareas más molestas que debo{LF}hacer se terminaran antes de que me despierte. Entendido. Me pondré a ello. ¡Ah! ¡No era mi intención! Espero que mis sueños de esta noche estén llenos de cosas bonitas. ¿Qué clase de sueños bonitos? Mmm, sentada en un rayo de sol, jugando con los Palm Kittens mientras{LF}los Woolies bailan bajo un arco iris... ... Y que tú también estás ahí, por supuesto. Buenas noches, @しゅじんこうくん@. Buenas noches, @シャオパイ@. Cuando era pequeña, papá me cantaba una canción de cuna cuando era{LF} la hora de dormir. Quieres que te cante una? Erm... está bien. Ya no soy una niña pequeña, ¿verdad? ¿Entonces no quieres que lo haga? Parece que sí. Para dormirme compartiendo el calor de la cama... Soy la persona más feliz del mundo. Puedes irte a la cama si quieres, ¿sí? Terminaré mis últimas tareas escuchándote dormir. Mañana temprano, ¿sí? Vayamos a la cama temprano, para madrugar{LF}y aprovechar el día estando bien frescos. Buenas noches, @シャオパイ@. Zzz... Zzz... Ya está profundamente dormida. Aww...{LF}Se ve tan linda cuando está acurrucada así. Gracias. ¿Eh? Oh. Ella está hablando en su sueño. Chico, eso me sorprendió. ¡Sí! ¡¿Qué pasa?! Parece que me he caído de la cama. Um, no lo has hecho... ...parece que me he quedado dormido y estaba soñando. Seguro que estás muy cansada.{LF}Descansa un poco, ¿vale? Parece que me gustaría soñar con nuestra luna de miel esta noche. Tal vez debería poner los boletos que nos dio mamá bajo mi almohada. ¡Uy! ¿Qué pasa? Mi pijama está al revés, ¿sí? ¿Eh? ¡No mires! ¿Siento este calor porque acabo de darme un baño caliente? ¿O es porque estoy tumbado a tu lado, @しゅんうくん@? Buenas noches, @しゅじんこうくん@. Noche, @ダグ@. *YAWN* Tío, hoy ha sido un día muy movido. Voy a dormir como un tronco. Buenas noches. Dulces sueños, @ダグ@. ¿Qué, ya te vas a la cama? Vamos, quedémonos despiertos{LF}un poco más. Estar despierto hasta tarde no es bueno para ti. Buenas noches. ¡Argh! ¡No seas tan tonto! Oye, ¿podemos tomarnos de la mano en la cama esta noche? ...Sí. @ダグ@, ¿no vas a dormir todavía? No. Todavía no. Todavía estoy pensando en algunas cosas.{LF}Puedes ir a la cama si quieres. Oh. La cama estará terriblemente fría esta noche, y solitaria, quizas me enferme... ¡Está bien, está bien! me convenciste, por qué no. Yo también iré. ¡Sí! Ya está. Eso debería servir. ¿Qué estás haciendo? Puse un dibujo tuyo bajo mi almohada. Así,{LF}puedo estar contigo en mis sueños también. ¿Dibujaste eso? Sí. Bastante bien, ¿verdad? Se parece a ti. ... Buenas noches. ¡Eh! ¡Al menos podrías decirme qué te parece! Ugh... Estoy muy agotado. Ya no aguanto más.{LF}Estoy demasiado cansado para respondert...{LF}*RONQUIDO* ¡¿Ya estás dormido?! Sabes, tienes un sueño muy tranquilo, @ダグ@.{LF}¡No te mueves para nada! Y estás... no importa.{LF}Buenas noches. ¡Oye! ¡No te vayas a dormir sin decírmelo! ¿Has escuchado alguna voz extraña en medio de la noche? ¿Hm? No que yo haya notado. Suena como algo que retumba bajo tierra. ¿De verdad? Um...@ダグ@? ¿Te importa si duermo{LF}junto a ti esta noche? No, en absoluto. ¡Adelante! ¡Je, je, que golazo acabo de anotar!{LF}¡Mi plan fué un éxito! Nnngh... no puedo dormir. Dicen que contar Woolies puede ayudarte a dormir. ¿En serio? Suena un poco estúpido. Ah, bueno, tal vez lo intente. Un Wooly... Dos Woolies... Tres Woo...*RONCAAAR* ¿¡Ni siquiera tres Woolies!? Buenas noches, @しゅじんこうくん@. Buenas noches, @コハク@. ¡Buenas noches! Durmamos un poco y hagamos que mañana sea un día estupendo♪. Buenas noches, @コハク@. Awww... No quiero ir a dormir todavía. Quiero quedarme despierta. @しゅじんこうくん@, cuéntame un cuento. De acuerdo. Hace mucho, mucho tiempo,{LF}en una tierra lejana... Zzz... Zzz... ¡Ni siquiera pasé de la apertura! @しゅじんこうくん@, no vayas a ninguna parte mientras estoy dormido, ¿bien? No lo haré. Me voy a agarrar muy fuerte, para que no puedas huir. Ja, ja. No voy a ir a ninguna parte. Um, ¿adivina qué? No sé por qué, pero no tengo nada de sueño. Pero puedes irte a la cama si quieres. Definitivamente todavía está molesta por lo que pasó. ...Lo siento, @しゅじんこうくん@. ¿Hm? Ah. Está hablando en sueños. No te preocupes, @コハク@.{LF} Te animaré de nuevo muy pronto. @しゅじんこうくん@, aunque nos peleemos, {LF}quiero que durmamos en la misma cama. Sí. Prometamos hacer eso. ¡Sí! ¡Lo prometo! ♪ Antes de irme a dormir, me gusta pensar {LF}en todas las cosas buenas que han pasado durante el día. ¿Y qué cosas buenas han pasado hoy? Bueno, hubo muchas cosas buenas, pero lo mejor es{LF}conseguir dormir a tu lado. @しゅじんこうくん@, si tienes un sueño aterrador, puedes despertarme{LF}si quieres. Ja, ja. Gracias. Lo mismo va para ti. Mnn... @ドルチェ@, ¿todavía estás despierto? ¿Te he despertado? ¿Cómo va todo? Es, bueno... Sólo de pensar en que se ponga esto... ¡jejeje! ¿No estás cansado? Toma, déjame masajearte los hombros. Estoy bien. Además, debes tener sueño. Vuelve a la cama. Nuh-uh. No hay necesidad de ser tímido al respecto. Ven aquí. ''...'' ¿¡WAH!? ''Pensé que tal vez te sentirías solo sin mí, {LF}pero ¿qué encuentro?'' ''¡Otra vez con la sensiblería y la ñoñería!'' Cálmate. ...supongo que no tenemos otra opción. @しゅじんこうくん@, por qué no vas a {LF}masajearle los hombros. De acuerdo. ¿Y bien? ¿Se siente bien? ''Oh, sí. Se siente de maravilla{LF}... Espera.'' ''¡Tus manos pasan justo por mis hombros!'' Buenas noches, @しゅじんこうくん@. Buenas noches, @ドルチェ@. ''Buenas noches a todos. ♪'' Buenas noches. Voy a apagar las luces. Bien. ''¡No, no lo hagas! Me da miedo la oscuridad.'' ¿Un fantasma, con miedo a la oscuridad? {LF}No seas estúpido. Vete a la cama. Acabo de tener una idea para un nuevo diseño, {LF}y quiero esbozarlo antes de que se me olvide. No te esfuerces demasiado, ¿de acuerdo? No lo haré. Gracias. ¿Crees que @ピコ@ está por aquí? ¿Por qué? Tenía la esperanza de tener un tiempo {LF}privado contigo esta noche. ¿De dónde viene esto de repente? ¿Oh? ¿No quieres estar a solas conmigo? Yo... nunca dije eso. ¿Qué pasa? Vamos a la cama. Este... todavía se siente muy raro ir a dormir a tu lado. Cuando era pequeña y no podía dormirme, {LF}mamá venía y me cantaba una canción de cuna. Tu madre suena muy bien. ¿Qué tipo de canción de cuna era? Era... la la laaa, do do daaa... ♪ Zzz... Zzz... Ja, ja. Siempre funcionó como un encanto. No dormir lo suficiente no es bueno para ti. ''Muy cierto, milady. Me aseguraré de dormir {LF}lo suficiente, también.'' Ya estás en medio de tu descanso eterno. Hoy tampoco hemos visto @ピコ@ en absoluto. Dicen que si silbas mientras caminas {LF}por la noche, los fantasmas aparecerán. ¿De verdad? Quizá lo intente. No lo hagas. ¿Y si aparecen otros fantasmas {LF}además de Pico? ''Muy bien, todos. Es hora de dormir.'' ''Acorruquemonos todos juntos y vamos a dormir.'' ¿Qué te hace pensar que puedes dormir en la misma cama que {LF}nosotros? Hoy fue agotador. ¿Quién pensaría que sería tan exhaustivo{LF}mantener un secreto como este? Sí. descansemos bien y volvamos al trabajo{LF}mañana. Buenas noches, @しゅじんこうくん@. Buenas noches, @レオン@. Buenas noches. ¿Qué, ya te vas a la cama? Me gustaría pasar un poco más de tiempo contigo. Um, pero... Si tienes sueño, Seguro que se me ocurre algo para despertarte{LF}rápidamente... Hmm. Hace mucho calor ahora mismo, No sé si podré dormir{LF}comodamente esta noche. También me pongo así cuando estoy contigo... Ah. Estoy así porque comí mucho Hill puffer. ...Puedes dormir en el suelo. Es extraño. Es emocionante pasar el día a tu lado, pero es tan relajante{LF}cuando nos vamos a dormir. Si tienes una pesadilla, no dudes en despertarme. Gracias. Lo haré. Me encantaría escuchar los detalles sangrientos. No te estoy diciendo nada. Lo del viaje me emociona, pero me pregunto si podré dormir{LF}bien en una cama diferente. ¿Oh? No te preocupes. Tu almohada favorita estará allí. ¿Eh? Dormirás como un bebé en mis brazos, como siempre lo haces. *¡ACHOO!* Ven, entra a las sabanas o te dará frío. deja que{LF}toque tu frente. ¿Está caliente? No. Parece que no hay fiebre.{LF}Pero por si acaso, mejor acorrucate cerca. ¿Seguirás durmiendo en la misma cama conmigo, incluso{LF}cuando seamos viejos? Dormiré contigo todo el tiempo que me dejes. Voy a salir un momento. ¿A esta hora? ¿Dónde? Sólo por un rato, volveré pronto. ¿Es alguna clase de secreto? No, nada como eso. Verás, acabo de inspirarme de forma{LF}verdareramente brillante para molestar a Kiel... Vete a dormir. Ahora dormire mucho para preparame{LF}mañana. Así estaré en pie para disfrutar hasta lo último que hagamos allí. No creo poder hacer lo mismo... ¿Está @フォルテ@ bien? Me estoy preocupando un poco... Me pregunto si @フォルテ@ estará en casa por la mañana... Bien. Está durmiendo. Mmm... Buenos dias, @ビシュナル@. ¿Eh? ¿Ha salido ya? Oh, Genial. LLego tarde nuevamente... Lleva contigo. Asignar tareas de campo. Cambiar nombre. Enviar de vuelta al bosque. Nada. Lleva contigo. Cambiar nombre. Enviar de vuelta al bosque. Nada. Asignar tareas de plantación. Renuncie a las tareas de plantación. Rescindir tareas de campo. Lleva contigo. Cambiar nombre. Nada. Montar. Enviar a casa. Cambiar nombre. Nada. Planta semillas en donde labre el campo, ¿Bien? Ya puedes dejar de plantar semillas. Hmm... No creo que puedas volver a venir conmigo. ¡Venga, vamos! Ahhh, no te sientes bien, ¿verdad? Deberías{LF}quedarte en casa y descansar. Tal vez deba cocinar algo sabroso para que puedas comer. Gracias por la ayuda, @会話モン@. ¡Buen trabajo el día de hoy! Ve a casa y descansa. Hmm, ¿Ahora donde debería trabajar? Dónde sea esta bien. Izquierda. Medio. Derecha. Parte inferior derecha. Pensándolo bien, no. Uh-oh. No parece que te sientas muy bien. Deberías{LF}descansar en lugar de hacer tareas. ¡Tal vez debería cocinar algo sabroso para que comas! Tal vez puedas ayudarme a plantar si te doy{LF}algo de dinero y semillas. Ayúdeme a plantar. No, Ahora mismo no. No plantemos más semillas. ...En realidad, No hay ningún lugar abierto para que trabajen,{LF}eh... Este lugar en muy inestable para andar. deberíamos movernos{LF}a otro lugar primero. Debería bajar por ahora. Puedo volver a subir en otro lugar. Hmm... no sé si montar sea una buena idea. ¿Pero realmente quiero dejarte ir? Si lo hago, temo no verte{LF}nuevamente... Volver. Irte. ¡Adios! ¡Cuidate! Parece que @会話モン@ está algo cansado. Parece que @会話モン@ está muy cansado para moverse. @会話モン@ está cansado esta mañana, Así que creo que es mejor{LF}Tomarse el día libre. @会話モン@ ¡Parece feliz! ¡Hurra! Gracias por su ayuda. Está ayudando con el campo +Izquierdo+. La ayuda requerirá semillas{LF}y dinero para salarios. Está ayudando con el campo +Medio+. La ayuda requerirá semillas{LF}y dinero para salarios. Está ayudando con el campo +Derecho+. La ayuda requerirá semillas{LF}y dinero para salarios. Hmm... No creo que te guste lo suficiente como para ayudar{LF}con cosas como plantar semillas todavía. Hmm... No creo que te guste lo suficiente como para ayudar{LF}con cosas como plantar semillas todavía. El granero está lleno. Aún no tengo un granero. ¡Allí! Eso es @数字0@ de ellos. @キャラ0@, ¡ho! ¡Sólo queda @数字1@@ @キャラ0@! Eso es todo @数字0@ de ellos. Adiós, ¡@キャラ0@! Ahora{LF}a informar de nuevo. ¡Yay! ¡He enganchado el @アイテム0@ que estaba{LF}caído! ¡Yay, @アイテム0@! ¡Guau! ¡@アイテム0@! ¡Impresionante! ¡Woo hoo! ¡Un aplauso para la @アイテム0@{LF}poder! ¡Es un @0@.@2@cm @アイテム0@! ¡Espera, estos tienen versiones raras? ¡He cogido un @0@.@2@cm{LF}@アイテム0@! ¡Sí! ¡He cogido un @0@.@2@cm{LF}@アイテム0@! Ja, ja... Es un @0@.@2@cm{LF}@アイテム0@. ¡Atrapa #@数字1@! {LF}Es un @0@.@2@cm @アイテム0@. ¡Un nuevo récord de entrada en el festival! {LF}Es un @0@.@2@cm @アイテム0@. Es un @0@.@2@cm @アイテム0@.{LF}Es lo mismo que el @1@.@3@cm{LF}que cogí antes. Es un @0@.@2@cm @アイテム0@.{LF}Es más pequeño que el @1@.@3@cm{LF}que atrapé antes. ¡Atrapa #@数字1@! Es un @0@.@2@cm @アイテム0@. Bueno, no es un calamar, pero... Es un @0@.@2@cm @アイテム0@. Variedad #@数字1@! {LF}Es un @0@.@2@cm @アイテム0@. He cogido este tipo antes.{LF}Es un @0@.@2@cm @アイテム0@. Es casi la hora de anunciar los resultados. Debería prestar atención. ¡Sí! ¡Es un nuevo récord para el +La Mayor Captura+!{LF}(Récord: @0@.@2@cm) Vaya! ¡Es un nuevo récord para el +La Más Pequeña Captura+!{LF}(Record: @0@.@2@cm) Hay que empezar con el pie derecho con un saludo adecuado. ¿Eh? No he aprendido nada. Tal vez debería +practicar la cocina+{LF}más. ¿Eh? No aprendí nada. Tal vez debería practicar más la forja y el uso de armas. ¿Eh? No aprendí nada. Tal vez debería practicar más la fabricación de accesorios. ¿Eh? No he aprendido nada. Tal vez debería practicar más la mezcla de medicinas. ¿Eh? No aprendí nada. Tal vez debería +practicar la forja{LF}y el uso de herramientas+un poco más. ¡Ya puedo cocinar [@アイテム0@]! Es muy{LF}+Cocina Sencilla+. ¡Puedo cocinar [@アイテム0@] ahora! Necesitaré{LF} usar mi +Sartén+. ¡Puedo cocinar [@アイテム0@] ahora! Necesitaré{LF} usar mi +Olla+. ¡Puedo cocinar [@アイテム0@] ahora! Necesitaré usar mi +Vaporizador+. ¡Puedo cocinar [@アイテム0@] ahora! Necesitaré usar mi +Cuchillo+. ¡Puedo cocinar [@アイテム0@] ahora! Necesitaré usar mi +Mezclador+. ¡Puedo cocinar [@アイテム0@] ahora! Necesitaré usar mi +Horno+. ¡Puedo hacer [@アイテム0@] ahora! Es una +Espada corta+ que puedo hacer en mi +Forja+. ¡Puedo hacer [@アイテム0@] ahora! Es una +Espada larga+ que puedo hacer en mi +Forja+. ¡Puedo hacer [@アイテム0@] ahora! Es una +Lanza+ que puedo hacer en mi +Forja+. ¡Puedo hacer [@アイテム0@] ahora! Es un{LF}+Hacha de martillo+ que puedo hacer en mi +Forja+. ¡Puedo hacer [@アイテム0@] ahora! Son +Doble{LF}Cuchillas+ que puedo hacer en mi +Forja+. ¡Puedo hacer [@アイテム0@] ahora! Es un guante que puedo hacer en mi taller. ¡Puedo hacer [@アイテム0@] ahora! Es un +Personal+ que puedo hacer en mi +Forja+. ¡Puedo hacer [@アイテム0@] ahora! Es una +Herramienta+ que puedo hacer en mi +Forja+. ¡Puedo hacer [@アイテム0@] ahora! Es un{LF}+Accesorio+ que puedo armar en mi +Mesa de Artesanía+. ¡Puedo hacer [@アイテム0@] ahora! Es un +Escudo+ que puedo construir en mi +Mesa de Artesanía+. ¡Puedo hacer [@アイテム0@] ahora! Es{LF}+Casco+ que puedo armar en mi +Mesa de Trabajo+. ¡Puedo hacer [@アイテム0@] ahora! Es +Armadura+ que puedo construir en mi +Mesa de Artesanía+. ¡Puedo hacer [@アイテム0@] ahora! Son{LF}+Zapatos+ que puedo improvisar en mi +Mesa de Artesanía+. ¡Puedo hacer [@アイテム0@] ahora! Puedo hacerlo{LF}con mi +Set de Química+. ¡Solicitud completada! ¡Evento despejado! Hay un sonido como el de un mono gritando dentro. Creo que puedo entrar... Entra. No, ahora no. Puedo oír algo deslizándose dentro. Creo que puedo{LF}entrar... Entrar. No, ahora no. Puedo oír a un dragón rugiendo dentro. Creo que puedo entrar... Entra. No, ahora no. ¡Sí! ¡Descubrí un ataque de Espada Corta! Ataca mientras te precipitas para apuñalar a un enemigo lejano. ¡Sí! ¡He descubierto un ataque de carga con espada corta! ¡Mantén pulsado @字@ durante un rato y suéltalo para lanzar{LF}a un enemigo por los aires! ¡Bien! ¡He descubierto el Ataque Definitivo de Espada Corta! Al final de un combo normal, pulsa @字@ repetidamente para hacer{LF}el Ataque Definitivo. ¡Sí. He descubierto un ataque Dash de Espada Larga! Ataca mientras corres para lanzar un gran golpe por encima de la cabeza{LF}a un enemigo. ¡Sí. He descubierto un ataque de carga con espada larga! Mantén pulsado @字@ durante un tiempo, y suéltalo... ¡...para lanzar a un enemigo por los aires! ¡Sí! ¡He descubierto el Ataque Definitivo de la Espada Larga! Al final de un combo normal, pulsa @字@ repetidamente para hacer{LF}el ataque definitivo. ¡Sí! ¡Descubrí un ataque de Lanza de Danza! ¡Ataca mientras te precipitas para bajar la lanza y cargar hacia delante,{LF}apuñalando todo lo que encuentres en tu camino! ¡Sí! ¡Descubrí un ataque de carga de lanza! Mantén pulsado @字@ durante un tiempo, luego suéltalo... ¡...y ensartar al enemigo delante de ti! ¡Vuelve a atacar justo después de asestar el último golpe para pinchar al{LF}enemigo una y otra vez! ¡Sí! ¡Descubrí el Ataque Definitivo de la Lanza! Al final de un combo normal, pulsa @字@ repetidamente para hacer{LF}el ataque definitivo. ¡Sí! He descubierto un ataque de Hacha/Martillo! ¡Ataca mientras corres para girar y hacer un ataque{LF}giratorio! ¡Sí! ¡He descubierto un ataque de carga de hacha/martillo! Mantén pulsado @字@ durante un tiempo, luego suéltalo... ¡...para aplastar tu arma contra el suelo para un golpe{LF}de ataque genial! ¡Sí! ¡He descubierto el ataque definitivo del hacha/martillo! Al final de un combo normal, pulsa @字@ repetidamente para realizar el ataque definitivo. ¡Sí! ¡He descubierto un ataque Dash de doble hoja! ¡Ataca mientras corres para saltar hacia delante y cortar a un enemigo! ¡Sí! ¡He descubierto un ataque de carga de doble hoja! ¡Mantén pulsado @字@ durante un tiempo y suéltalo... ...y lanzar a un enemigo por los aires! ¡Sí! ¡He descubierto el ataque definitivo de doble hoja! Al final de un combo normal, pulsa @字@ repetidamente para hacer{LF}el Ataque Definitivo. ¡Sí! ¡He descubierto un ataque Dash de guante! ¡Ataca mientras corres para saltar hacia adelante y golpear a un enemigo! ¡Sí! ¡Descubrí un ataque de guante de seda! Mantén pulsado @字@ durante un tiempo, luego suéltalo... ...¡y cae hacia adelante en un ataque acrobático! Mientras das la vuelta, pulsa  o  para cambiar de dirección. Sí! ¡He descubierto el Ataque Guante Definitivo! Al final de un combo normal, pulsa @字@ repetidamente para hacer{LF}el Ataque Definitivo. @キャラ0@{LF}@キャラ1@{LF}Tu @アイテム0@ es de nivel @0@. @キャラ0@{LF}@キャラ1@ No creo que puedan caber más muebles aquí. Debería poner{LF}esto en otro sitio. ¿O tal vez debería devolver esto a donde estaba...? Sí. No. Ahora asegúrate de estirar bien antes de ir a nadar. Te ves muy bien en ese traje de baño. ¡Te favorece bastante! @しゅじんこうくん@, por favor, asegúrate de no{LF}empezar a ahogarte. Si lo haces, yo... no podré ir a rescatarte. ¿Oh? ¿Por qué no? ¡Porque me hundo como una roca! De verdad, me gustaría mucho aprender a nadar{LF}por fin este año. ¿No practicas? ¿No es algo que te sobrepasa? ¿Qué tal si te enseño? Oh, entreno diligentemente cada año. Pero de alguna manera, aunque lleve flotadores y un aro{LF}salvavidas, sigo encontrando la forma de hundirme. ¡No, nada me supera! Si no me rindo... si sigo entrenando diligentemente año tras{LF}año... ¡algún día aprenderé! ¡¡De hecho, me entrenaré AHORA MISMO!! ¡¡AAAAAAH!!! Emm, gracias. Pero como hace unos minutos casi me ahogo,{LF}creo que voy a pasar. El verano está llegando a su fin. Sí, así es. Tenía la esperanza de que, este año, finalmente podría experimentar un{LF}verano sin sudor. Pero he fracasado. No hay que subestimar el calor del verano. Pero el próximo{LF}año... ¡el próximo año lo conseguiré! Bueno, el año casi ha terminado. Sí, es difícil creer que haya pasado un año entero. ¡El año que viene, me propongo entrenar MÁS DURO para convertirme en un{LF}mayordomo de élite! ¡Buena suerte! Sólo ríndete ya. Gracias. Te lo agradezco. ¿¡Qué!? ¿¡Cómo puedes decir eso!? ¡Feliz cumpleaños! ¡Por qué, gracias! He tenido tantos deseos de cumpleaños maravillosos de todos{LF}hoy. Ha sido profundamente conmovedor, y estoy muy agradecido. Quiero{LF}devolver toda esta amabilidad... ...convirtiéndome en el mejor mayordomo que pueda ser. ¡Puedo{LF}hacerlo! ¡Lo haré! Decidí hacer un pastel especial de Vishnal para darle a Clorica{LF}por su +cumpleaños+ este año. ¿...Es comestible? ¿Sabe bien? ¿Lo has probado? ¿Qué se supone que significa eso? Oh, nada... ¡Debería saber perfecto! Casi me mato horneando, después{LF}de todo. Por supuesto que lo probé. ¡Dios mío! No confías en mí, ¿verdad? ¡Sólo mira! ¡Clorica se pondrá tan feliz, que las lágrimas caerán{LF}por su cara como una cascada! ¿Qué estás mirando? Mis notas sobre cómo preparar @アイテム0@. Verás, mañana es el +cumpleaños+ del señor Volkanon. He estado investigando la mejor manera de preparar{LF}@アイテム0@ para poder hacer algunos para{LF}él. He oído que el té puede tener un sabor muy diferente dependiendo de{LF}cómo lo prepares. Sí. Y el Sr. Volkanon ha hecho mucho por mí. ¡Quiero preparar el mejor @アイテム0@{LF}que jamás haya tomado! Voy a regalarle a Kiel algo de @アイテム0@ para{LF}su +cumpleaños+. ¿Puedes adivinar por qué? ¿Porque es barato? ¿Porque a @キール@ le gusta? ¿Para que tú también puedas comer, un poco? Emm... Ah ha... ¡Sí, eso es! Pero eso no es todo. @アイテム0@ es su favorito, ya ves. ¡Así que decidí que fuera su regalo este año! ¡Precisamente! ¡Sabía que lo sabrías, @しゅじんこうくん@! Precisamente. Es bastante-- ¡Espera! ¡No! ¡No es por eso! ¡@アイテム0@ es su favorito, por eso! ¡Sinceramente! Me pregunto sobre las cosas que dices a veces. Estoy planeando dar algo casero{LF}@アイテム0@ a Doug mañana. ¿A @ダグ@? ¿Para qué? ¿Lo has hecho tú? Bueno, mañana es su +cumpleaños+. Pensé que podría hacer su dulce favorito como +regalo de cumpleaños+. Pero, por favor, no se lo digas hasta mañana. Será{LF}nuestro secreto. ¡Claro! ...Sabes, esa respuesta casi suena como si estuvieras{LF}insinuando algo. Por supuesto que lo hice. ¡Pero no te preocupes. Salió bien. Tengo plena confianza{LF}en que esta vez lo hice bien! ¿Te has acostumbrado a la vida aquí en la ciudad? Sí, gracias. Creo que me he acostumbrado un{LF}poco más. ... ¿Sí? Emm... no necesitas hablar tan formalmente conmigo. ¿Oh? En realidad, preferiría que no lo hicieras. Todavía estoy entrenando para ser un mayordomo. Todavía no estoy capacitado para servir{LF}a nadie. ¡Por eso te pido... no, te ruego que seas informal conmigo! ¡Me gustaría que fueras mi maestro de mentira, para poder perfeccionar{LF}mis habilidades como mayordomo! ¿Y mi forma de hablar te ayudará a fingir que soy tu maestro? Sí, por supuesto. Las apariencias pueden ser muy importantes, ya{LF}sabes. ... ¡Por favor! ¡Piensa que es un gran favor para mí! De acuerdo. No. ¿¡Qué!? ¡Por favor! ¡Te agradecería mucho que al menos lo intentaras! ¡Muchas gracias! No hay problema. No parece tan difícil. Emm... también, si no te importa mucho... ¿Sí? ¿Sería posible que te llamara @その他0@? Um, no soy un @姫@, sabes. ¡Ya lo sé! Es sólo que... bueno, es, um, siempre ha sido un sueño mío... Hmm. Déjame pensar en esto. ...Está bien. No. Sólo... no. Es un poco embarazoso para ser honesto, pero supongo que no puede hacer daño{LF}de vez en cuando. ¿De verdad? ¡Muchas gracias, @しゅじんこうくん@! ¿¡Qué!? ¡Pero...! No significa que no. Oh, está bien. No me corresponde obligarte a hacer algo que te disgusta,{LF}supongo. En esto, admitiré con gracia la derrota. Mis disculpas por{LF}pedirte un favor tan egoísta. ¡Pues bien, @しゅじんこうくん@. Estoy encantado de conocerle, y estoy{LF}deseando servirle! ¿Sí? ¿En qué puedo servirle? No es nada. Sólo un rasguño. Estoy bien. Puedo seguir adelante. ¡Una pequeña dolencia de estado no me detendrá! Por favor, llámame de nuevo cuando quieras. ¡Tenga cuidado! Bueno, entonces, como tengo que trabajar mañana, me tomaré mi{LF}permiso. @ビシュナル@, salgamos juntos a algún sitio. Lo siento, ahora estoy terriblemente ocupado. ¡Como quieras! Te acompañaré con mucho gusto. Con mucho gusto te acompañaré de nuevo cuando la próxima vez tengas algo de tiempo libre, @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@, en caso de que no tengas planes por el momento,{LF}¿te gustaría acompañarme? ...O, bueno, supongo que ahora mismo estarás ocupado... Volveré a preguntar en otro momento. Gracias. Vayamos a un lugar bonito. ¿De verdad? ¡Me alegro mucho! Vamos. Oh, que desafortunado. Preguntaré de nuevo en otro momento. ¿¡Qué!? ¿Era una broma? Dios mío! Me has sorprendido. Quieres decir que...? Yo... entiendo tus sentimientos por mí, @しゅじんこうくん@. ¿Puedo tener algo de tiempo para pensar? Encuéntrame en @マップ0@ a las @0@ cien{LF}horas de mañana. Tendré una respuesta para ti entonces. Bueno, emm, te veré más tarde. Emm... te prometo que tendré una respuesta para ti mañana. Encuéntrame a las @マップ0@ a las @0@ cien{LF}horas. Erm... Tendré una respuesta para ti más tarde hoy. Lo prometo. Encuéntrame en @マップ0@ a las @0@ cien{LF}horas. @ビシュナル@... @しゅじんこうくん@. Déjame escuchar tu respuesta. Tengo algo que me gustaría preguntarte primero. ¡Para ser franco, yo... sólo soy un aficionado de rango, ya sabes! Sí, lo sé. ¡Sí, seguro que lo eres! ¡Urk! Oírlo confirmar tan alegremente es un poco{LF}deprimente... Soy demasiado ruidoso. Me equivoco mucho y me gritan constantemente. ¡Soy torpe. Y rompo los platos todo el tiempo! Claro que sí. ¿Y qué? ... Entonces, erm... yo, uh... No soy muy bueno en nada, incluso para un novato. Pero, yo... ¡Te quiero, @しゅじんこうくん@! ¡Oh, soy muy consciente! ♪ ¿¡Lo sabes!? ¡Sí! Así que, por favor, permíteme hacerte una sola pregunta... ¿Saldrás conmigo? ¡Me encantaría! Ja, ja, ja, no. Yo-yo soy muy serio en esto, ya sabes. Me molestaría si no fueras en serio en esto. ¡¡¡SÍ!!! ¡¡Gracias, @しゅじんこうくん@!! ¡Muchas gracias! ¿¡QUÉ!? Es... ¿era todo una mentira...? ¡Oh, lo sé! ¿Ya que estamos juntos, por qué no pensamos en nombres especiales{LF}para llamarnos? ¿Cómo te gustaría que te llamara? El mismo de siempre está bien. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ ¿Estás seguro? No me importaría cambiarlo. Pero, como usted desea. Seguiré usando tu nombre como siempre. ¿¡@しゅじんこうくん@!? ¿Estás seguro? Sí. Bueno... está bien. @しゅじんこうくん@. ¿Sí? Vaya. Tengo que admitir que me da un poco de vergüenza... ¿Le importaría que le hablara con menos formalidad? No, en absoluto. Bueno, entonces, si no te importa... @しゅじんこうくん@. ¿Sí? ¿¡@しゅじんこうくん@!? ¿No te gusta? Um, eso-eso no es todo. Como, er, como un simple novato, yo, um,{LF}Soy un poco vacilante sobre ser tan audaz... Está bien. ¡Eres mi novio ahora, @ビシュナル@, y no eres para nada un{LF}novato! ¿De verdad? ¡Sí! Entonces te llamaré @しゅじんこうくん@, ¿bien? @しゅじんこうくん@. Claro. ¿@しゅじんこうくん@? Sí. Tiene un sonido encantador, ¿no te parece? Sí, @しゅじんこうくん@. Es como usted dice, mi señora. Pues entonces, ¿cómo me llamarás? Lo mismo de siempre. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ ¿De verdad? ¡Entendido! ¿Qué? ¿@ビシュナル@? Sí. ¿Estás seguro? Aquí. ''@ビシュナル@.'' ... ¿Y bien? Supongo que está bien. @ビシュナル@. Ooh. Parece que ya nos hemos acercado más. @ビシュナル@. ¡Ooh, me gusta! ¿Qué? ¿Por qué no? Creo que es lindo. ¡@ビシュナル@! Eso, um... eso es un poco embarazoso... ¿¡No es todavía un poco temprano para eso!? Así que, más tarde, entonces? Umm... ¡Oh, vamos. Estará bien! ¡Es sólo un nombre, después de todo. Maestro! ♪ ¡Urk...! Bueno, entonces, erm... @しゅじんこうくん@... Espero con ansias nuestro{LF}futuro juntos. Yo también, @ビシュナル@. ¡Ja, ja! Ahí lo tienes, otra vez. Eres muy bueno haciendo reír a la gente, @しゅんこうくん@. ¿Qué...? ¿No lo ha entendido? Yo también me preocupo mucho por ti, @しゅじんこうくん@. No puedo decir que esté de acuerdo con decirle a otro hombre que lo amas{LF}cuando ya estás casada, ya sabes. O-oh vaya. ¿Aunque ambos seamos hombres? Me siento halagado, pero... Y yo a ti. ¡Somos los mejores amigos, después de todo! @しゅじんこうくん@, esto... Sí. Creo que hoy por fin puedo responderte. Ahora sé que puedo corresponder a tus sentimientos por mí,{LF}@ビシュナル@. Puedo decir que te quiero con orgullo! ... @ビシュナル@, ¡te quiero! ¡Por favor, cásate conmigo! Yo... entiendo tus sentimientos por mí, @しゅんうくん@. Y yo también te quiero. Mis sentimientos por ti no se han distanciado... De hecho, ¡me siento más cerca de ti que nunca! {LF}¡@しゅじんこうくん@, te quiero! @ビシュナル@. ¡Ahora, busquemos un sacerdote y comencemos la ceremonia de la boda! ¡Wa, wa! ¿No es un poco pronto para la ceremonia? ¡En absoluto! Me siento como si hubiera estado esperando esto desde siempre. ...Mm. Hee, supongo que tienes razón. ¡Bien, entonces, continuemos con la boda! ♪ ¡Sí! ¿¡UN ANILLO!? ¡No debes! Lo siento, pero ese tipo de cosas no deberían ser... {LF}quiero decir... no deberíamos... yo... Estás tartamudeando tanto que apenas puedo entender {LF}lo quedices. Ooh, ¿hiciste otro? ¡Eres muy bueno haciendo anillos, @しゅじんこうくん@! ¡Ahora, ahora! La basura debe estar en el cubo de la basura. ¿Qu-qué? @アイテム9@... Siempre estoy dispuesto a aceptar un reto pero, erm... ¡Esta es una vez que voy a tener que declinar! ¿Máscara de nabo? ¿Qué? ¿Por qué llevas eso? ¿Qué pasa? Erm, no gracias. @アイテム9@ no es{LF}algo que me interese mucho. No, por favor! De verdad que no lo quiero! ¡No! ¡Para! ¡¡Máscara de nabo, NOOOO!! @ビシュナル@... ¡Espera, mira! Es Máscara de Nabo Rosa! ¡Ayúdame, Máscara de Nabo Rosa! ¡Sálvame! ... ¡AH! Um, ¿estás bien? *HUFF*...*HUFF*... S-sí, estoy bien. Fue sólo un sueño, eso es todo. Verás, Máscara de Nabo había venido y {LF}trataba de darme@アイテム9@... ¡Sálvame, Máscara de Nabo Rosa! ¿Qué? ¿Odio el @アイテム9@? Bueno, um... ¡H-hey! ¡@アイテム9@! ¿¡Tú también!? ¡Puedo ver cómo tratas{LF}de ocultarlo a tus espaldas! ¿¡Qué!? ¿¡Vas a obligarme a tomarla también!? ¡¡AAAAAH!! ¡NO! ¡DETENTE! ¡¡P-POR FAVOR!! ¡¡AAAAAAAAAH!! ¡¡Espera!! ¡Máscara de nabo...! ¿¡Se está... agrandando!? ¡@ビシュナル@! ¡AAH! ¿Estás bien? Oh, erm... sí. ¿@しゅじんこうくん@...? ¿Puedo pedirte un gran favor? Por favor, nunca, nunca me des{LF}un nabo. Yo... he estado demasiado traumatizado por ellos. ¿¡DWAAAAH!? ¡Máscara de Nabo acaba de recibir un poder! O-oh no. ¿Super máscara de nabo? ...No. Simplemente, no. ¡Por favor! ¡Es demasiado grande! ¡Demasiado grande...! ¡No puedo soportar los +nabos+, simplemente no puedo! ¡Aléjate...! ¡Aléjate de mí! ¡Ayuda! Ayúdame, Mascara de Nabo Ros-- ¡ESPERA! N-no... ¡No! ¡¡Tú también no!! ¡¡¡AAAAAAAH!!! ¡@ビシュナル@! ¡¡WAH!! ... ¿Qué ha pasado con la máscara de nabo? ...No está aquí. Oh. Fue sólo un sueño. ¡Dios mío. Qué pesadilla! Aunque no estaba dormido... @しゅじんこうくん@. Por favor. Hagas lo que hagas, por favor nunca, {LF}nunca me des un @アイテム9@ de nuevo. Jamás. ¡Ah, y tampoco @アイテム8@! ¡Te lo ruego! ¡¡¡GYAAAAAAAH!!! ¡¡¡MÁSCARA DE NABO ROSA CONVERTIDO {LF}EN SUPER MÁSCARA DE NABO ROSA!!! Yo... no puedo más. Este mundo está acabado. ¡Acabado...! ¿Eh? Espera... ¿qué es ese brillo? Es tan brillante... No... Es... ¡+¡Poder dorado+...! ¡AAH! ¿Estás bien? S-sí. Creo que sí. Por favor, te lo ruego. Detente. No más. Ese... ese brillo dorado... Si quieres darme algo, prefiero que sea un simple @アイテム0@. Gracias. ¿Para mí? ¡Gracias! ¿@アイテム9@? ¡Gracias! ¿Puedo tener esto? Gracias! Por cierto, @しゅじんこうくん@, ¿sabes cuáles {LF}son mis alimentos favoritos? Mis favoritos son cosas {LF}como @アイテム0@y @アイテム1@. ¿@アイテム9@? ¡Oh, mi favorito! ¡Me gustan desde que era pequeña. Gracias! ¡Gracias! En realidad me gustan mucho estas cosas. ¡Oh, gracias! Me encantan estos. Oh, qué bonito @アイテム9@. Gracias. ¿Qué? ¿Para mí? @しゅじんこうくん@, ¿¡hablas en serio!? ¿Qué, no lo quieres? ¡No, sí lo quiero! ¡Lo quiero mucho! ¡Gracias! ¡Gracias, gracias, gracias! Podría tener @アイテム9@ todos los días y{LF}nunca me cansaría de él. Es el mejor capricho que existe. ¡Esto... es @アイテム9@! Estos son tan raros que casi no se pueden encontrar. ¡Muchas gracias! ¿Eres... eres la Máscara de Nabo Brillante? ¿No? ¿Eres... Máscara de Nabo Dorada? ¿Eres... eres mi amigo? ¿De verdad? ¡Gracias Máscara de Nabo Dorada! ¡Te quiero! ¡No, espera! ¡Espera, Máscara de Nabo Dorada! ¡Hay dos de ellos! No importa lo poderoso que seas, enfrentar a DOS de ellos-- ¿¡Qué!? ¡¡Eso no puede ser--!! ... ... Uf... Máscara de Nabo Dorada dijo que era mi amigo. Me gustan{LF}mucho más cuando somos amigos. Espera... ¡¡Ahí está!! ¡¡SUPER MÁSCARA DE NABO DORADA!!! ¡INCREÍBLE! ¡¡Super Máscara de Nabo Dorada acaba de derrotar a {LF}Super Máscara de Nabo y a Super Máscara de Nabo Rosa!!! ¡Eso fue INCREÍBLE, Super Máscara de Nabo Dorada!! ¡¡Eres tan genial, Super Máscara de Nabo Dorada!! ¡Tres hurras por el Súper Máscara de Nabo Dorada! ¡HORAAAY! ¡HORAAAY! ¡¡HOORAAAAAAY!! ... Ya no pienso tan mal del viejo{LF}@アイテム9@ ahora. {LF}¡De hecho, es mi favorito! ¿Espera, qué...? ¡Ooh, se ve tan sabroso! *MUNCH* *MUNCH* ¡MMM! ... ¿...? ...Ah, amor. ?! ¡Simplemente me encantan estos. Son tan deliciosos! ¿Qué? ¿Me estás dando esto para mi +cumpleaños+...? ¡Nunca podría comer esto en mi +cumpleaños+! ¿Un +regalo de cumpleaños+ para mí? Por qué, gracias! ¡No deberías{LF}tenerlo! ¿@アイテム9@...? ¿Para mí...? ¡Por qué, gracias! Ha sido un maravilloso +cumpleaños+! ¡Gracias! ¡Ahora puedo trabajar en mis habilidades culinarias aún más! ¡Oh, gracias! ¡Oh, Dios! ¡Qué maravilloso festín! ¿Y es para mí...? ¡¡Estoy tan conmovida!! ¡Oh, Dios! ¡Qué regalo tan unico y maravilloso! {LF}¿Y es para mí...? ¡Estoy tan conmovida! Gracias. ¿Cocina casera para mí? ¿En mi +cumpleaños+? ¡Cuánta{LF}consideración por tu parte! ¡Muchas gracias! ¡Gracias! Es un honor recibir un regalo hecho a mano por{LF}ti para mi cumpleaños. ¿¡De verdad!? ¿Para mí? ¡Y uno hecho por ti, nada menos! ¡Este es el +cumpleaños+ más feliz que he tenido! ¡Gracias! Es un honor recibir un regalo hecho a mano por ti. ¡Muchas gracias! ¡Gracias! Es un gran honor recibir un regalo hecho a mano{LF}de ti, @しゅじんこうくん@. ¿¡De verdad!? ¿@アイテム0@? Y hecho a mano por ti,{LF}¿no menos? ¡Gracias! ¡Es un regalo maravilloso! ¡Me encanta! ¡Toma! He cocinado una deliciosa comida para ti como agradecimiento por todo lo que has hecho por mí. ¡No hay necesidad de ser tan formal. Por favor, coma! Toma. Me gustaría darte esto, como agradecimiento por todo lo que haces{LF}por mí. No es el mejor hecho, pero espero que te guste. No, es maravilloso. Gracias. Esto... ¿...? Erm, para ser honesto, no soy muy aficionado a los +nabos+. ¿Ah, sí? Sí. Me gustan perfectamente otras verduras, pero no ellos. Pero a Arthur le gustan los +nabos+. Tal vez podrías dárselos. Oh, pero... ¿...? Erm, nada. No importa. Sinceramente, no me gustan nada los +nabos+. ¡Nuestro +aniversario de boda+ es hoy! @しゅじんこうくん@, ¿te acuerdas? ¡Claro que sí! ¿Recordar qué? Uy... ¡Sabía que lo harías! He pensado mucho en qué palabras significativas{LF} podría darte hoy. Es nuestro aniversario de boda, después de todo. Como te dije. ¡Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! ¡He pensado en algunas cosas muy importantes{LF}que me gustaría contarte hoy! @しゅじんこうくん@, estoy muy, muy feliz de haberte conocido. Hay muchas cosas que podrían pasarnos y {LF}entre nosotros en el futuro. ¡Pero eso no importa! ¡Te amaré siempre y para siempre! Estoy tan, tan feliz de que me hayas elegido para estar contigo. @しゅじんこうくん@, te quiero. ¿Qué...? Oh. S-Supongo que pequeñas cosas como esa {LF}no valen la pena recordarlas. Um, ¿@しゅじんこうくん@? ¿He hecho algo mal? ¿Eh? Oí por casualidad +algo+... Y, para ser sincero, me ha dejado un poco inquieto. No estoy segura de saber cuánto me quieres ya,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. ... Yo sí te quiero. No tienes que preocuparte. ... ¿De verdad? De verdad. ... Tienes razón. Siento haber sacado una tontería como{LF}esa. No pasa nada. @しゅじんこうくん@, te quiero. Y yo también te quiero a ti. ¡@しゅじんこうくん@, +Feliz cumpleaños+! Tengo un regalo para ti. ¿Lo tienes? ¡Sí! Toma. Por favor, acéptalo. Toma. Tengo un regalo de +cumpleaños+ para ti. Gracias! ¿@しゅじんこうくん@? ¿Hmm? Yo, um... Te quiero. Gracias. No tienes muy buen aspecto. ¿Estás bien? Toma, tengo algunas medicinas. Por favor, tómate un poco y descansa. Tal vez deberías ir a ver al doctor Jones. @しゅじんこうくん@, ¡mira! ¡Mira! ¡@アイテム0@! {LF}¡Lo hice! ¡Y lo hice bien! ¡¡OH, DIOS MÍO, VAYA!! No tienes que hacerte el sorprendido... Oh. Lo siento. ¡Pero no lo has estropeado! ¡Eso es genial! ¡Sí! Todo mi entrenamiento finalmente está dando sus frutos. ...he vuelto a fallar. Ah ha... Lo siento. No, no. No pasa nada. ¿Por qué no lo intentas de nuevo? ¡Sí! ¡Esta vez lo haré bien seguro! @しゅじんこうくん@, traté de hacerte el almuerzo, pero lo estropeé{LF}. Oh no... Lo siento. Te prometo que me esforzaré más mañana. Aquí, he hecho @アイテム0@ para tu almuerzo.{LF}¡Incluso yo puedo manejar algo simple como eso! Aquí, he hecho @アイテム0@ para su almuerzo.{LF}¡Vea, no soy tan terrible cocinando! Hola, @しゅじんこうくん@. ¡La mejor de las {LF}suertes para ti hoy como siempre! Es el comienzo de otro maravilloso día, @しゅんこうくん@.{LF}¡Nos vemos luego! ¡Buena suerte, @しゅじんこうくん@! ¿Intenta mantenerte a salvo y no salir herido, vale? Por favor, no te quedes fuera hasta muy tarde. Es peligroso. Que tengas un buen día, @しゅじんこうくん@. Te has vuelto bastante bueno en la agricultura, @しゅじんこうくん@. Pero no te dejes llevar por la confianza. Debes{LF} vigilar tu +RP+ en todo momento. Parece que ya dominas la agricultura,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Sabía que tenías talento. ¡Vaya, vaya! ¡Ahora eres un verdadero granjero profesional, @しゅじんこうくん@! ¡Creo que voy a tener que tomar algunos consejos de ti! ¡Increíble...! ¡Realmente increíble! @しゅじんこうくん@, sinceramente no creo que haya ningún{LF}agricultor mejor que tú. Eres... ...un DIOS de la agricultura. Parece que ya le has cogido el tranquillo a la tala de árboles.{LF}¡Aprendiste tan rápido que admito que estoy celoso! ¡Te has vuelto bastante bueno en la tala de árboles, @しゅんこうくん@! ¡Bien hecho! ¡@しゅじんこうくん@, te has vuelto increíblemente {LF}buena en tala! ¡Estoy asombrado! ¡Eres increíble! ¡Estupendo! ¡Un verdadero maestro de la bitácora! Casi quiero pedir permiso para convertirme en tu aprendiz. De verdad, eres increíble. @しゅじんこうくん@, toma. Esto es para ti. Me encontré con este libro que creo que {LF}te puede interesar bastante. Debería ayudarte a mejorar mucho tus habilidades. Tu nivel de habilidad en la agricultura ha subido. Tu nivel de habilidad en la tala de árboles ha subido. No soy un cocinero especialmente bueno, pero conozco muchas recetas. Toma, @しゅじんこうくん@, ¡deja que te enseñe algunas! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@... Creo que quiero tener hijos. Yo también los quiero. Prefiero no hacerlo todavía. ¡Maravilloso! Nuestros hijos serán adorables, ¡lo sé! ¿Aww, en serio? Oh, pero esto significa que tendremos más tiempo para{LF}nosotros dos. ¿Has pensado en esto muy cuidadosamente, no? Pero no lo hice, y debería haberlo hecho. Lo siento... ¿De verdad? ¿¡Nuestro bebé...!? Lo siento, pero creo que ahora tendré que {LF}molestarte por más cosas, @ビシュナル@. ¿Molestia? ¡No es ninguna molestia! ¿No? ¡Claro que no! ¡He querido a este niño tanto como tú! ¡Y, sobre todo, es mi deber como tu marido protegerte y cuidarte! Gracias, mi gran protector. ♪ ¡Deja todo en mis manos! ¡Oh, eso es! ¿Erm... cuál es? ¿Un niño o una niña? No lo sé. ¿Qué te gustaría que fuera? ¿Un niño? Sí. ¡Qué maravilla! Espero que crezca y sea tan trabajador como su{LF}papá. Oh, me halagas. ¿Una niña? Será tan guapa como tú, @しゅじんこうくん@, estoy segura{LF}de ello. Oh, no soy tan bonita. ¡Sí que lo eres! ¡Eres la mejor esposa del mundo entero! Es cierto. Si es nuestro hijo, será lindo pase lo que pase. Ahora, voy a ir a contarle a todo el mundo la gran noticia. ¿Qué? ¿Lo harás? ¿No quieres que lo haga? No, no es eso. ¿...? Bueno, entonces iré a decírselo. ...Es que... es un poco embarazoso, supongo... ¡Hoy es el cumpleaños de @子供ちゃん@! ¿Ves lo feliz y saludable que ha crecido nuestro bebé? ¡Estoy tan orgullosa! ¿Oh, @アイテム0@? ¿Qué tal @1@ Oro para{LF}@0@ @アイテム0@? ¿Muy bien. Entonces, qué tal @1@ Oro? Ya veo... ¡Bueno, entonces, tenemos un trato! Lo siento. Creo que hoy tendré que pasar. ¿Hmm... Qué hacer? ¿Hay algo más? ¡Gracias por estos maravillosos productos! ¡Buena suerte con tu tienda! @しゅじんこうくん@, estoy muy contenta de haber {LF}tenido la oportunidad de conocerte. Sólo tu presencia me ha ayudado a crecer mucho. @ビシュナル@... Siento soltar esto de repente. Pero quería que supieras cómo me siento. @しゅじんこうくん@... gracias. ¿Van bien las cosas con tu amante? Tienes mucha suerte. A mí también me {LF}gustaría tener una amante. ¿Van bien las cosas con Clorica? Hacen una pareja encantadora. Me da envidia. ¿Qué tal si mañana vamos a algún sitio? ¿Mañana...? Hmm... ¡Oh, maldición! Tengo que trabajar mañana. Lo siento. ¡Me encantaría acompañarte! ¿A dónde vamos? Así que mañana a las @0@ cien horas, iremos a{LF}@マップ1@, entonces. Bien. ¡No puedo esperar! ¿Te gustaría venir a mi habitación? ¡Ah! E-Espera... ¿Qué has dicho? ¿Um... Te gustaría venir a mi habitación? ¿¡Querría!? ¡Por supuesto! ¿Qué tal si nos relajamos en casa? Eso suena como una idea maravillosa. Vamos. Erm, me temo que no puedo nadar. No hay problema. Muy bien, entonces te acompañaré. ¿Qué tal si nos dirigimos hacia @マップ0@? Si es contigo, @しゅじんこうくん@, iría con gusto a cualquier parte. ¿Te gustaría ir de compras a @マップ0@? ¿@マップ0@, eh? ¡Claro! B-bueno entonces, erm... ¿...? ¿Vamos a tu habitación, @しゅじんこうくん@? ¿Mi habitación? ¿Estás seguro? En realidad no es nada especial... ¡No me importa! De acuerdo. Entonces en mi habitación. ¿De verdad? ¿Tenemos una cita en tu habitación, entonces? Sí, vamos. ¿Bueno, entonces, nos dirigimos hacia @マップ0@? ¡Claro! Oh, espera. Ya tengo una cita justo en ese momento. Probablemente{LF}no debería. ... ...*PARPADEAR*... ... ¿Um, @ビシュナル@? ¿Estás nerviosa? Un poco. Sólo recordar que es una cita me pone un poco... {LF}ansioso. Y hace que mi cara se sonroje. ¿Estaría bien si nos tomáramos de las manos? ¡Oh! ¿Pero qué pasa si ella no quiere...? Pero tal vez, sólo tal vez no le importaría demasiado... ¡Argh! ¿Qué debo hacer? Tomarse de la mano. ¿Qué pasa? ¿¡Qué!? ¿Um... no quieres? ¡¡Nononono!! ¡Está bien! ¡Perfectamente bien! ¡Absolutamente bien! R-realmente... Está bien. ¡N-nada! ¡Oh, si tuviera más valor! ¿Te estás divirtiendo, @しゅじんこうくん@? ¡Sí! Nnnnnope. ¿Y tú? Yo también me estoy divirtiendo mucho. ¿¡Qué!? ¡Oh, Dios, no puedo creer que haya sido tan estúpida! ¡Por supuesto que me estoy divirtiendo! ¡Esto es el {LF}colmo del entretenimiento, se podría decir! ¿...? Podemos pasar todo el día juntos, @ビシュナル@. No... ¿Qué? No es sólo hoy que estaremos juntos. Podemos {LF}estar juntos siempre. @ビシュナル@... Hoy me he divertido mucho. ¡Gracias! ¿Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Teníamos una, erm, cita hoy. He estado esperando y esperando... Bueno, si lo olvidaste, supongo que ya no se puede cambiar. Tendremos que volver a intentarlo en otro momento. Sí. Lo siento mucho. No pasa nada. Por favor, no te olvides la próxima vez, vale? ¿Cómo pudiste olvidarte? ¡He estado esperando todo el día! ¡Una vez que has hecho una cita, por favor {LF}trata de no olvidarla! ¡Es terriblemente grosero! ... Iremos a @マップ0@ a @0@ mañana. Por favor, trata de no olvidarlo. Iremos a @マップ0@ a las @0@ cien{LF}horas de hoy. Por favor, trata de no olvidarlo. ¿Bueno, entonces, nos vamos? Has estado sonriendo mucho hoy. ¡Claro que sí! ¡Tengo que pasar el día contigo, @しゅじんこうくん@! ¿Qué hay que fruncir el ceño? ¡Llegas tarde! Empezaba a preguntarme si ibas a venir. Es de buena educación tratar de llegar al menos {LF}5 minutos antes para una cita. Lo siento. Vaya, llegas temprano. ¿Has estado esperando esto tanto como yo? ¡Bueno, entonces, vamos a @マップ0@! ¿@しゅじんこうくん@...? ¿Si tiene un momento, podríamos hablar en privado? Yo, erm... esperaba que las citas fueran algo hecho {LF}con sólo dos personas... Hola. Ha pasado bastante tiempo. ¿Erm... debo presentarme de nuevo? Hola. Ha pasado bastante tiempo. ¿@しゅじんこうくん@... he hecho algo para que no te guste? Realmente me gustaría tener la oportunidad de hablar contigo más a menudo. Vaya, parece que ha pasado una eternidad. Estamos casados, después de todo. Incluso si estamos ocupados, deberíamos {LF}intentar encontrar tiempo para hablar más. ¡Felicidades! ¡Estuviste increíble ahí fuera! ¡Lo logré! ¡Gané! ¡Todo mi entrenamiento ha dado por fin sus frutos! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! ¡A partir de hoy, pasaremos página! ¡Todo es nuevo y fresco! Vamos a dar lo mejor de nosotros mismos! Mañana es el @カレンダー0@. ¡Demos ambos lo mejor de nosotros mismos, @しゅじんこうくん@! Es hora de mostrar a todos los frutos de mi entrenamiento. ¡He entrenado lo suficiente como para poder predecir {LF}el camino de las judías! Déjame la limpieza a mí. ¡Tendré todo bien limpio en poco tiempo! Me pregunto qué cocinarán todos mañana. ¡No puedo esperar! ¡He entrenado al máximo con mi propia receta. {LF}Incluso he ayunado con anticipación! ¡No voy a perder fácilmente! Urf... creo que me he pasado. Yo... no puedo... moverme... ¡Mañana es el tan esperado @カレンダー0@! ¡Ese Wooly gigante es adorable! ¡Si voy a ser un mayordomo de élite, debería ser capaz de ganar uno{LF}o dos concursos de festivales! ¡Lucha! ¡Sí! Urk... Yo... no gané. ¡Muy bien, es hora de entrenar para el concurso {LF}de mañana @カレンダー0@! Creo que me he pasado con el entrenamiento. {LF}Mis brazos están tan doloridos... No fui capaz de hacer un esfuerzo tan grande como esperaba. Creo que existe algo así como entrenar DEMASIADO... ¡Todo el mundo está muy emocionado! Voy a entrenar para dar lo mejor de mí en la {LF}prueba de mañana @カレンダー0@. ¡¡MUY BIEN, HAGAMOS ESTO!! ¿Todo este ejercicio realmente calienta el cuerpo, no? Oh, pero recuerda limpiar todo el sudor. Si dejas que se enfríe demasiado tiempo, podrías resfriarte. Mañana es finalmente el @カレンダー0@. Voy a estudiar y estudiar para no equivocarme {LF}ni una sola pregunta. El día del @カレンダー0@ está aquí. Me aseguré de entrenar todo lo que pude para esto. {LF}¡La victoria será mía! Hrm... ¿Qué pasa? No estoy seguro de estar de acuerdo con los resultados. {LF}Pensé que había mostrado lo mejor de mi entrenamiento... Supongo que todavía tengo un largo camino por recorrer. Todo está preparado para el @カレンダー0@ de mañana. ¡No perderé ni siquiera ante ti, @しゅじんこうくん@! Por mi orgullo de mayordomo, no puedo dejar {LF}que nadie me quite esta victoria. ¡Vamos, Sebastián! ¡Alfred! ¡Debemos entrenar! Um, no estoy seguro de ver la conexión entre los {LF}mayordomos y un @カレンダー0@. Aunque no haya ganado, sigo pensando que mis {LF}mascotas son las más bonitas. ¡No me duele en absoluto. De verdad! Mañana es el @カレンダー0@. Por favor, traten de no dejarse llevar tanto por la {LF}pesca que se caigan, ¿De acuerdo? ¡Muy bien, es hora de pescar para ganar! ... ¡¿?! ¡HIYAAAAH! ¿Espera... se ha ido? Pensé que había pescado algo. Lo intenté con todas mis fuerzas. Supongo que la pesca es más {LF}difícil de lo que había previsto. A este ritmo, pasará mucho tiempo antes de que pueda deshacerme {LF}de mi título de "novato". Mañana es el @カレンダー0@. ¡Tienes que estar fuera todo el día, así que ten {LF}cuidado de no colapsar! Dios, qué calor hace hoy! Hasta los peces deben tener problemas con este calor. Sabes, enganché el pez más grande hace un minuto. Desafortunadamente, era tan grande que no pude pescarlo. Me sentí como si estuviera luchando contra la propia tierra. Si hubiera podido ganar esa batalla... Verdaderamente, no hay nada tan grande como el que dejas escapar. Ah, el @カレンダー0@. Hrm... Me pregunto si la clave de la victoria es entender {LF}los sentimientos de un calamar. Incluso después de irme a la cama anoche, pensé en el calamar. Ni siquiera pude dormir. Estoy muy cansado ahora... ... La pesca ciertamente puede hacer que uno tenga sueño a veces, ¿no es así? ¡No! ¡Si me permito dormir, la victoria se me {LF}escapará de las manos! ¡Debo permanecer despierto! Estaba tan ocupado tratando de mantenerme {LF}despierto que no me enteré de nada. Mañana es el @カレンダー0@. Estaremos al aire libre todo el día, así que asegúrate de {LF}vestir con ropa abrigada. ¡Brrr! Hace mucho frío aquí. Me pregunto si incluso los peces están sintiendo el frío hoy. Me pregunto si incluso los peces están sintiendo el frío hoy. Esto es algo que un mayordomo experto {LF}debería saber, ¿No crees? Hmm.... Can fish even feel cold? Hrmmm... Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Everyone will show off the vegetables they've grown. I think I feel a little self-conscious already. Hello! My name is Vishnal! ... Oh! @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm sorry if I startled you. I am practicing for my showcase presentation. I thought I'd gotten it just right that time, but I guess not. Perhaps I haven't trained hard enough just yet. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I can hardly wait! I'm having fun simply listening to everyone's presentations. They are all so unique...it's quite amusing! That was a lot of fun! I can hardly wait until the next one. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I've been waiting for it for an entire month! Victory will be mine! A! E! I! O! U! A! E! I! O! U! LA LA LA LA LAAAH! There! My voice should be perfectly warmed up now. ...*CROAK*... Urf...I've talked so much I'm starting to lose my voice. Tomorrow is this year's last @カレンダー0@. Who will be the final winner? Heh heh. To be honest, I have been secretly raising the{LF}perfect vegetable! The last victory of the year is practically mine already! Drat! I didn't win. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. I have been waiting for this ever since the weather began{LF}warming. Be certain you stretch properly before getting in the water. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, you know! There is only one more day left to this year. I've got so many things I have yet to do. But I will not let that get me down. I'm going to keep trying{LF}until the very last day! I'm going to train even harder next year! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I wonder...where do fireflies come from? @しゅじんこうくん@...? Yes? ... If you don't mind... Would you like to go firefly gazing with me? Yes! Goodness, I was so nervous. I was certain you were going to{LF}say no. But you didn't. Oh, I'm so happy! I get to spend an evening with @しゅじんこうくん@! P-please! You're embarrassing me. Oh, I'm sorry! Oh... I see. I shall resign myself to a lonely evening, then. We have a little bit of time before nightfall. I wonder where the fireflies are hiding. My! I'm not sure which firefly to begin watching first. Urf...I think I'm getting dizzy. Oh, how pretty! I wonder if I can sparkle just as brightly as they do once I've{LF}become an elite butler. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@, you know. Why{LF}don't we go and watch together? Sure, why not? Wonderful! I'm honored to have the chance to watch fireflies together{LF}with you. I'm sure this will be a beautifully memorable occasion for us{LF}both! I can hardly wait! The fireflies were lovely, weren't they? I will remember this evening for the rest of my life! ♪ Heh heh heh... What's that silly grin for? I-it is not a silly grin! I am not grinning! It's nothing. Nothing at all. ... ... ... Calm down already. Hmm? Is this for me? I'm honored! I don't think I did a very good job with it, so it might not be{LF}all that tasty... Oh, I'm certain it will be delicious! *MUNCH* *MUNCH* *MUNCH* What, you're going to eat it now? Of course! Mmm! Just as I thought, it's delicious! Oh, good! I'm glad. And here I thought I had received the last of the year from{LF}Mr. Volkanon. But you were kind enough to save some for me too. I'm very{LF}happy! Oh! For me as well? Thank you! I will save it for my after-dinner dessert! Mmm! It was delicious! There is something about home-cooked food that just tastes{LF}better. I've made a whole lot of sweets for tomorrow. There will be some for you, of course, @しゅじんこうくん@! Now who did I ask to pass them around? I knew I should have written that down. Is this for me? Mmm, it looks delicious! Thank you! Thank you! I don't think it odd for one man to give sweets as a present{LF}to another. After all, sweets are meant to be shared with everyone! So thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm honored you thought to{LF}give me some. Here. This is your portion, @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@! Yes? ... ... ... Here! A @アイテム0@! I-I-I made it for you! Please accept it! Thank you! Ugh, no thanks. Yay! You accepted it! Wh-what?! I'm just kidding. Huh?! It was just a joke? Oh, thank goodness...! Thank you for the @アイテム0@. No, I'm honored you chose to accept it. Thank you. So, erm... I-if it is possible... Would you be able to spare a moment to spend with me{LF}tomorrow? I see... No, no. Don't worry about it. I always have sweets ready for anyone who wants some. Well then, please come to @マップ1@{LF}tomorrow at @0@ hundred hours. I will be waiting for you. @しゅじんこうくん@... You have something you want to give me? You may have already guessed... But I have made some @アイテム0@ for you. I would love it if you would accept it. Accept it. Tease him. Of course I'll take it. I'm always happy to accept anything you make for me,{LF}@ビシュナル@. Really? Now, erm, I can't say that it's perfectly made, mind you... But I'm very confident that I did at least a half-decent job{LF}with it! Here. I hope you enjoy every last crumb! But if you don't like it, I will gladly make another, better one. You don't have to go that far. Even if it doesn't taste as good as it could, I'm still happy{LF}that you made it for me. @しゅじんこうくん@... Thank you! Hmm...I'm not sure. What...? No...I cannot give up now! @しゅじんこうくん@, I made this especially for you! Still... I practiced over and over and over again just to be sure I{LF}made it perfectly for you! ... Please! If you don't want it, you can just throw it away. All I ask is that you accept it! ...Oops, I think I might've overdone it. I'm just kidding, @ビシュナル@. I felt like teasing you a little, that's all. I'm sorry. Thanks. I'm always happy to get presents from you, @ビシュナル@. R-really...? Uh-oh... WAAAAAAH!! I...I... I was so certain you hated me, @しゅじんこうくん@! Sorry... ...*SNIFFLE*... Will you take it? Yes! Of course! I'd love to! Oh, thank goodness... Thanks. I mean it. You're welcome! @ビシュナル@? Yes? I have something I want to give you. Will you come to @マップ1@ tomorrow...? Something for me? Tomorrow? Hmm... Yes, I should have lots of time! Great! I'll see you at @マップ1@{LF}at @0@ hundred hours, then. Understood! I will be there not one second late! Perfect! It's a date. What may I do for you? Oh my! This...this... ...@アイテム0@...! Yes. For me? For you. May I really have it? Yes, you really may. ...*GULP*... I...I never expected something like this. Thank you. I am flattered by your kind thoughtfulness, @しゅじんこうくん@. Well? How was my @アイテム0@? Personally, I think I made it nearly almost semi-perfectly! Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Oh, what a romantic day, when wishes made upon the starry{LF}sky come true! @しゅじんこうくん@! Would you like to come with me and make a wish on the{LF}stars tomorrow? Wonderful! I can't wait to enjoy the stars together with you. ...I see. Well, that's unfortunate. Hmm... What should I wish for? I know! I'll wish to become an elite butler! Do you think my wish will be granted by the stars tomorrow? The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow, so let us go and{LF}enjoy the lovely starry sky together. Yeah, let's do it. Of course! ♪ Yes, let's! I hope both our wishes will be granted. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Have you finished{LF}preparing? Of course! Not yet. What about you, @ビシュナル@? You sound very excited for it. Let's both give it our best! No? Are you sure you shouldn't start? My, don't you sound confident! I am completely prepared, of course. Let's both give it our{LF}very best! Oh dear...I always get so nervous beforehand. Everyone did such excellent work this year! I'm going to have{LF}to try even harder next time. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow... What's wrong? Erm, I'm not particularly good at cooking. But I shouldn't give up before I even start, should I? I have to try as hard as I can! All right! I'm going to give it my very best! Erm, well...it's mostly well done. ... ...I think. Aah! There is nothing better than a{LF}@アイテム0@ after a nice, hot soak. I've been waiting for you. Here, this{LF}@アイテム0@ is for you. Are you turning in for the night? Time to get up! Morning is upon us. *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. I really love you! Just kidding. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm... I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Oops! I don't have a Double Bed yet. Now isn't the time for that. I wonder what that is? If I want to propose to someone, I should probably figure this{LF}out first. I think @ビシュナル@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @クローリカ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @フォルテ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @キール@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @マーガレット@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ディラス@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @アーサー@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @シャオパイ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @コハク@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ダグ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ドルチェ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @レオン@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@ for{LF}@1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put items I want to sell into it. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please, take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. A boy. A girl. Either. ... ...? Ngh... Huh...? Ow...! Wh-what's wrong?! Oh no! We need to go see @ジョーンズ@ right away! ...! @しゅじんこうくん@...? Ow...I-I hurt all of a sudden... @しゅじんこうくん@...?! ...Nnngh...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! I hope the baby will be born quickly... ...Ngh! Wha...? M-my belly hurts... ...Have...to go...clinic... Oh no...! ...Wha? ...? Owww... @しゅじんこうくん@, don't tell me... ...It...it hurts...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! Yes. I'm sorry. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Hey. What's the whole point of this bean-throwing thing,{LF}anyway? Ooh! I'd like to know that too! Hmm...I think it was originally a festival from a kingdom far to{LF}the east. Yes. In that country's customs, throwing the beans drove off{LF}demons and illnesses. It also counted as a wish for health and long life, if I{LF}remember correctly. Hmm, so that's what it's all about? I see. So throwing these beans at Doug should drive him{LF}away. Interesting. I bet I could send you scampering if I threw them at you! Wow, that's neat! But... But what, Kiel? Why do we throw +Failed Dishes+ in our festival? ... ... ... I'm sure that must be our wish to drive off +failure+. Really?! Oh, that makes sense! You sure know a lot, Leon! ...Really? He totally made that one up. I've heard the ladies are considering going on diets. They are? Ugh, again? They're always on about that at this time of{LF}year. They freak out about that stuff too much if you ask me. Besides, they're way cuter if they have a little bit of chub to{LF}them. To each his own, I would think. However, it is a delicate topic with the ladies. I would broach{LF}it very carefully. Good point. Huh? For example, don't tell Margaret ''you've gained weight,''{LF}even just in passing. And never follow it up with ''you could never stick to a diet,''{LF}either. It sounds like you have some very...specific experience,{LF}Dylas. ... To tease knowingly is one thing, but to say it unknowingly{LF}with a straight face is simply foolish. Whatever happens, Kiel, do not grow into a man like him.{LF}Understand? What are you pointing at me for?! Right. I won't. Don't listen to him! I'm awesome! I wonder where they found that enormous Wooly. It is rather cute and fluffy, if I do say so myself. Perhaps it's a mutant strain. It is adorably huge. Eesh. Big is one thing, but that Wooly is way too big for its{LF}own good. The bigger they are, the fluffier and cuter they look, right? I agree wholeheartedly. It's gigantic! Are you sure that's even a Wooly? It is, without a doubt, a Wooly. Hmm. All right, then. Who the heck found that thing, and how did they get it{LF}here? That is an excellent question. Hmmm... Isn't it simply the cutest? It takes a lot of training to hit the target right where you aim,{LF}doesn't it? Yeah. It's pretty hard. Whatever, just keep throwing and something'll hit eventually. I think it's far more effective to calculate your trajectory{LF}before throwing. Hah! Who's gonna do that? What formula do you use for your calculations? Wha?! You're really gonna try that crap?! I find it easier to hit if I see Doug as the target. Aah, now that makes sense... ...WAIT, no it doesn't!! Brr! It's freezing out here! Aren't you guys cold at all? Of course we are! I'm not cold at all. Seriously? No fair! What, are you a snowman's kid or{LF}something? You just lack fortitude. Grr!! Well YOU'RE the one who lacks brains! What was that, you pebble-brained dwarf?! I said you're a brainless, swayback na--ACHOO!! EUGH! Well, there's no helping the cold. How about some exercise{LF}to warm up? Yeah, that's a great idea, Arthur. C'mon! Oh, I meant for you. I'm not particularly cold myself. Hey! L-Leon! You're cold too, right? I mean, it's freezing out here! You must be joking. This hardly qualifies as ''cold''--ACHOO! ...Uh-huh. Erm, perhaps I will take a little exercise after all. Kiel, you and Arthur are really good with quizzes. Hee, I try! Does my propensity for trivia shine out through my{LF}retinas? There is an element of luck to it, though. Well I couldn't get a single one of 'em. I think next time I'll{LF}just go with whatever you guys pick. Smart idea. I know, right? You can't do that. This contest is a test to overcome your{LF}own personal strengths. I will just abide by the answers that @しゅじんこうくん@{LF}chooses. So you had best get them all correct next year. Wha?! Ugh, fishing is so boooring! I get bored just thinking about it. That's what makes it so relaxing. ...Huh? I don't get it. I'd like to come up with an efficient way to use the time as{LF}we wait for the fish to bite. I ain't working, if that's what you're saying. But isn't it so much fun when you do catch a fish? Even if{LF}hooking one can be rather hard. Yeah, catching one is fun! But I'm not really good at making{LF}sashimi and stuff... How about I teach you, then? Oh, will you? Thanks Leon! In return, you can cook whatever fish I catch. Deal? Yeah, that sounds great! ♪ Vishnal, would you care to join us? Please! I would be honored! And the rest of you? Nah, I'll pass. I have work I must be doing, I'm afraid. Ah. Well then, the rest of us will be off. ... Hunting down a good spot is such a pain. Hey Dylas! Tell me{LF}where to find a good fishing hole! Sure. First, leave town by the south gate. Second, never{LF}come back. Ouch! That's mean, man. Mean! My. That is a lovely fishing rod you have there, Dylas. Thanks. Bado did some touch-ups on it for me. He's got good{LF}skill with weapons and forging. But nothing else. ... Kiel? You look pretty serious over there. Whew! I finally managed to bait the hook. Congratulations! I could have helped you if you'd said something. As could I. If you need help, just say so. I'd be happy to assist. Thanks guys! But I think I can manage by myself. Hey, guys, baiting this hook is a pain in the ass. Help me out. Is it, now? Good luck. Think of it as training! Yeah! Hey! How come I get ignored?! It looks like everyone will be having squid for dinner tonight. Yeah. Margaret is going to complain all night long. Ha ha! That she will. All right, time to go catch us some supper! Yes. I think I may join you. As will I. I'll come along, too! ♪ Why don't we all go? Dylas, don't just stand there. Come with us! What, I have to go too? Ah, well... Ooh, look everyone! I see lots of fish over there! Really? Let's head that way, then. Hey! Don't leave me behind! ... ...Hmph. Come on. Enough dilly-dallying. GAH! Now, I understand having a contest to see who's got the{LF}best vegetables... But why do we gotta go through this whole showcasing{LF}deal? I would think it's to show everyone all the best points of your{LF}entry. Yeah. After all the hard work you do raising it, you wanna{LF}show it all off, you know? That is the most enjoyable part to me. It's like an appraisal{LF}to ascertain its true value. Like a what? An appraisal, huh? That's very like you, Arthur. I kinda like all that presenting stuff, actually. It's fun! I don't care for it, personally. Well, you are terrible at public speaking, after all. Urk... Sh-shut up! Eesh, today's a hot one! Do we gotta have a festival today? I think it's lovely weather. If we get too sweaty, we can just go relax in the bath to{LF}wash off. True. A good soak after a long day's work is very relaxing. Yes. And the monster statues are adorable to look at. They are...? Baths, eh? Yeah, they're great after a long day. I wonder{LF}what fragrance they're using today. My, my! What's wrong? Margaret is being...irritating. Did you do something to upset her again? This is partly your fault, you know. Hey! I was just taking a nap, okay? It was Xiao Pai who{LF}smacked me awake! You were asleep on the job again, I take it? GAH!! How'd you guess? It isn't that difficult... Now that you mention it, Forte was slightly miffed as well. What did you do? I have no idea. I was simply teaching Kiel something useful. ...Yeah, but about what? Eesh. Women scare me sometimes. Yeah... Really? I'm afraid I disagree. You reap what you sow. Yeah, and it's YOUR fault! If we've gotta go through all these festivals, how about we{LF}have one for napping? What would anyone do in such a festival? Kick back, relax and nap, that's what! That does sound relaxing...though pointless. Clorica would win every year. But as long as we're inventing festivals, I'd like a bath{LF}festival! What would you do in that? See who could relax in the bath the longest! These hardly seem like proper festivals at all. I'd happily take part in a Beat Doug Senseless Festival. That's run at the same time as the Beat Dylas Senseless{LF}Festival! How about a @しゅじんこうくん@ Festival? Wha?! What would that be about? Hmm, good question. What would you like for it to be{LF}about? ♪ Umm... Hey, guys! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Have a great year! Happy New Year! A Happy New Year to you all. Happy New Year. Yeah. Happy New Year. That's okay. I don't need one from you. Shaddap! I wasn't talking to you! There they go again, right from the first day of the year. And so a little piece of the old year carries over into the{LF}new. Nothing wrong with that. Ah! There you are, @しゅじんこうくん@! We are all going to attempt +splitting watermelons+ together. Come join us, @しゅじんこうくん@! What's so fun about destroying melons? Oh-ho! So you admit you can't beat me at it, eh? ...! Where's that melon?! I'll split it six ways from winter! Whoa, hold your horses! I'm up first! This sounds amusing. Let me join you. By the way, where is the watermelon? Vishnal was supposed to bring a few for us. Here they are! Hey, hold it! Those are +turnips+! ACK!! I...I brought the wrong ones. Oh well. Let's make this all Doug's fault. And something he planned, too. That seems reasonable. I'll buy that. WHA?! HEY! Why me?! Here, everyone. Please help yourselves to a warm drink. Ooh, thanks, Vishnal! ♪ That's thoughtful of you. Careful, Doug. It's hot. Thanks. ...Wait, did I really just--?! Here you go, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. Arthur, here. Have some. Hmm? What're you doing? I am re-confirming my schedule for next year. You're working? Seriously? C'mon! Goodness, that looks like a very full schedule. It's a holiday. You should take a break. But y'know, I think if he tried to take a break, he might just{LF}collapse. You might just be right, Kiel! Well, Arthur is quite the workaholic. Man, it's New Year's Eve! Can't you lay off the work for one{LF}day? Vishnal's too nice to nag you about it, but he made some{LF}good stuff. You oughta try it. Who are you calling a nag?! Huh? N-no, no! It's all right, Arthur. I wouldn't want to bother you. ...*THUNK*... Oh! Hmm? Huh? You have a point, Doug. I think I'll take today off. You will? Oh my gosh! Arthur's taking a break! Are you sure you're not sick? No, I'm not. May I have a cup too, Vishnal? Of course! I wonder why fireflies glow. The book I read said it's to protect themselves from{LF}predators. It's also to attract a mate. So they do it because they wanna stand out, then? Just like some empty-headed shrimps I could name. Strange, I don't know any of those, 'Mr. Horsie'. What did you just say?! Bring it, gelding! I'm ready! A gentle glow to call a mate, eh? That has a touch of{LF}romance to it. Perhaps I should glow a little. Ooh! You can glow, Leon? Of course. Would you like me to show you how? Yeah! Uh, guys? Leon is messing with Kiel again. I wonder who's going to give how much to whom. You sound like you're having fun, Vishnal. Huh? N-no, not really! Hey, why don't we try to guess which of us is gonna get the{LF}most? Amongst us? Hmm... In that case... I would expect it to be Arthur. He has quite a few contacts. But none very well-versed in this town's unique events. Personally, I think it may be Leon. Me too! Maybe it will be Kiel. Huh? Me? All we can say for sure is that Doug will get none. Right back at you. What do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? Vishnal. Kiel. Arthur. Doug. Dylas. Leon. What? Me?! Um...eheh heh...I shall try my best to live up to expectations! See! @しゅじんこうくん@ agrees with me! I'm not so sure. I don't see why it would be me. But thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@, Vishnal. I'm flattered. Me? I'm unsure I will be able to live up to such lofty expectations. But I'm flattered you think so highly of me. Thank you. Me? Ha ha! Knew it! @しゅじんこうくん@, you can't be serious. Oh, don't get jealous now. Who's jealous?! This just goes to show you that @しゅじんこうくん@ knows{LF}what's what. Me? Well, I'm happy you think so, at least. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Him? No way! You're joking! Maybe, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to pound you,{LF}Doug. Hmm? Me? Well, if you really think so... But in the end, it's not the quantity, it's the quality. So who did you guys give some to? I sent some to Mr. Volkanon and Clorica. I gave some to my sister. I presented one to Porcoline. Though I was the one who made it. And I am very grateful for your efforts. Thank you. Hmm. To be honest, I have not yet decided to whom I should{LF}present. Hmph. Well, that's boring. What about you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Are you going to give out{LF}any? Yeah. No. Oooh, who to? Who's the lucky lady? That is not the easiest question to answer in front of{LF}everyone, Doug. But you can tell me. I'll keep it secret to my dying day. Not fair, Arthur! I want to know too! Yeah! It's not right to keep it a secret, @しゅじんこうくん@. You{LF}should tell all of us. No? Hmm... I doubt that. Oh? Are you simply hiding it from us, @しゅじんこうくん@? You sneaky little player! Enough beating around the bush. Out with it. Yeah. I wanna know, too! ♪ Hey, have you all heard the legend behind today's festival? If you wish upon the highest star in the sky, your wish will{LF}come true. That's it...no? Yeah. But there was something else to it, too. I just can't{LF}remember what. Oh, I know! If two people make a wish together, they will be{LF}bound for eternity. Doug, stay far away from me when you make your wish.{LF}About a million miles or so. Oh yeah? Well you stand a billion miles away from me! You{LF}got it?! So if two men were to make a wish together, they would be{LF}friends forever? Eesh! This festival is way more dangerous than I'd thought! Well, I think it's romantic. Man, I'm no good at cooking at all. I am not particularly good at it either. Any skill will get better with practice. Yeah. If you think about the people you're cooking for, you'll get it{LF}right in no time! ♪ So...do you think that someday even I'll be able to cook like{LF}Porcoline? Sure! I know you will! So you wanna get all fat, then?! You shut up! I'd love to try Kiel's cooking one day. As would I. Well, stop on by sometime. I don't mind. Do you have any{LF}specific requests? Anything with rice! No. Something with carrots. Well, since you asked, I would like--- I would not be averse to--- Oh, and besides that, could you make some--- Um, okay. So I guess I'll start with a rice base, add some of{LF}this and that, then maybe... Y'know, since everyone is coming, I should just ask my sister{LF}to help out! Maybe you shouldn't. Ugh. Crafting stuff is such a pain! Anything resembling work is a pain to you. Hey!! ...You've got a point, I guess. Interesting. We often hear about how dwarves are{LF}particularly skilled at forging. Really? I'm just no good at all that little fiddly stuff. I'm not really good at forging stuff either. If forging is not to your taste, have you tried hand-crafting? I{LF}mean accessories and the like. Accessories? I might be able to make some of those. Ugh, even worse! All those teeny tiny little bits and pieces! What kind of monsters does everyone like? I like big, fluffy, roly-poly ones! Those are nice. I prefer small ones. Large ones with pleasant{LF}temperaments aren't bad, though. Well, I like the big and strong ones! Oh, and ''ducks,'' too! Because our names sound almost{LF}alike. ...And you're just as stupid. What was that?! What about you, Leon? Me? I'm partial to ''Golems,'' actually. What, so you like the old and moldy stuff? No, he likes that they're big and tough, I bet. Actually, what I like about them is that they are utterly{LF}subservient to my will. ♪ ...Oh. What kind of monsters do you like, @しゅじんこうくん@? Cute ones. Cool ones. Strong ones. I agree! The adorable ones are decidedly the best. Ooh, I think so too! The cool ones are the best. Right? Right! There ain't no beating the strong ones! ...*YAAAWN*... Don't fall asleep in the water, okay? Oh, don't worry. Even I wouldn't fall asleep like this... ...I think. It feels strange wearing my swimsuit somewhere other than{LF}at the beach. Ummm...does this make me look funny? No, you look cute! It looks great on you. Thank you. Really? Oh, good. I was worried it wouldn't look right on me. Summer is going to be sooo hot. I don't like the heat very much. It makes it hard for me to{LF}sleep. What about you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Heat is evil. Eeeevil. I don't mind the heat. Yes, it isn't very pleasant, is it? I don't like hot weather at all! You don't? My, how odd! La la laaah! ♪ You seem cheerful today. Yes, because it's almost fall! Soon the sticky-hot nights will end, and I'll be able to sleep{LF}again. Vishnal's +birthday+ is on{LF}@キャラ0@ @0@. For his present, I made him some{LF}@アイテム0@! But this isn't ordinary @アイテム0@. Oh, no no{LF}no! Among these, I included a single super-spicy hot one. What?! Why would you do that? Don't you think that will make it more exciting to eat? I do. I'm confused. Everyone is giving me presents today. Did I do something good? Um...isn't today your +birthday+? ... Oh, that is today, isn't it? And here I thought it was next week. Silly me! Tomorrow is Mr. Volkanon's +birthday+. What does that have to do with that huge pile of hankies{LF}there? I'm going to give them to him for his +present+, of course. Um, don't you think that's a little too many? Oh, no. Not at all. Mr. Volkanon is always crying, you see. I'm worried even this many might not be enough! I've decided what I'm going to get Meg for her +birthday+. What did you pick? We went shopping the other day, and she said she loved it. In fact, she hasn't stopped talking about it since she saw it. She must want it very much. So what is it? Hmm...good question. What was it again? Uhhh...how would I know? Oh, dear. Well, @キャラ0@ @0@{LF}is her birthday. Please try not to buy the same thing as me. Umm... It's hard to be sure of that if I don't know what you{LF}bought her! Oh, dear. What's wrong? I want to buy some flowers as a present to Amber. And I{LF}want them before @キャラ0@ @0@. What a wonderful idea! But she works at the flower shop. If I try to buy them while she's there... Then she'll be able to guess what I got for her +birthday{LF}present+ ahead of time. I don't know what to do. Maybe I should ask Miss Lumie if she has any good ideas... Um, why don't you buy the flowers when @エルミナータ@ is{LF}the one minding the store? Oh...! That might just work. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Tomorrow is Miss Lumie's +birthday+! Wow, you seem really excited about that. You seem almost{LF}awake. I am! You see, every year I wind up giving Miss Lumie her{LF}present the day after her birthday. ... It mystifies me, too. But this year it will work out. This year, I'll give her a present on her actual +birthday+! Zzz... Zzz... Excuse me...? ...*YAAAWN*... Oh. Hello, um...? @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, yes. That's right. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'll remember your name the next time, I promise. So, welcome! I look forward to serving you. Yeees? It's fun to go out! ♪ ...*YAAAWN*...I feel a little sleepy. Oh dear. I feel really sleepy. Pardon me. Please invite me out again anytime at all! Thank you for accompanying me. Oh dear. I have work to do, so I should return now. @クローリカ@, do you want to go out with me for a bit? I'm sorry. I'm a little busy right now. Of course. I would love to accompany you. Oh dear. It doesn't look like there's any room for me. Of course I'd like to go with you. Where will we be going? Would you like to accompany me for a little while? I would like to go along, but it looks like I can't right now. Why don't you ask again later? Thank you. Shall we be going? I'm honored to join you. Oh, that's too bad. ...? Yes... I'm so surprised, I hardly know what to do. @しゅじんこうくん@... ... May I please have some time to think? Come to @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours tomorrow. I'll give you an answer then. ...Until then, I suppose! I will give you my answer tomorrow, I promise. Come to @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours. I will give you my answer later today, I promise. Come to @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours. @クローリカ@... ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Can I hear your answer? Yesterday was...a big surprise. Thank you. I was so flattered you'd ask me. But... I...I guess I still can't believe it's really true. ... Do you really mean what you said? Yes, I do. No, it was all a joke. You do know I'm...not normal, right? I spend all day in a{LF}daze, not really all...here, I guess. I just know that, someday, I'll sleep right through an{LF}important date. I don't mean to do it, but it still happens all the time. And it makes me so sad when I realize I did it again. And I know it'll make you sad too, @しゅじんこうくん@. @クローリカ@... If you really want me to be your girlfriend... Then you'll have to put up with that kind of thing all the{LF}time. And I...I don't want to be that much of a pest for anyone... You aren't a pest! Oh, I see... ...! I don't think you're a pest at all. In fact, I want you to do those things! I can handle it! ... I love all of you, @クローリカ@, even those parts.{LF}Especially those parts! @しゅじんこうくん@... I can cause a whole lot of trouble, even without meaning it. Bring it on. But still... Do you love me? ...Okay. I'll give up. ... Do you? Because I love you, @クローリカ@. I... I do. I love you, @しゅじんこうくん@. @クローリカ@! Are you certain you won't regret it? Never ever. ... @クローリカ@, will you go out with me? ...Yes. I'd love to. ...Okay. I'm sorry. Well, um, I guess I'm your girlfriend now. What would you like me to call you? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Are you sure? Okay then. I'll call you @しゅじんこうくん@, just like always. Wh-what?! I, um, I think that might be a little too...forward, don't you? Well, if that's what you want... @しゅじんこうくん@? Ooh, I like that one! @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ Yes? Hee hee! I like how mature that sounds when I add ''Mr.'' to{LF}the front. ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@?! So you want me to dote on you, then? Oh, all right. You're such a fussy one, @しゅじんこうくん@. Um, isn't it a bit...soon for that? W-we did just start dating, after all. Are you, um...sure? You really want me to call you ''Darling?'' Yes! No, on second thought... Well, I guess...if you insist... I'll call you @しゅじんこうくん@, then. R-right! It is way too soon for that! Okay, what do you want to call me? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ You want to keep it the same? Well, if you insist... @その他1@...? Um...isn't that a little embarrassing? But, if that's what you want... I think I'm okay with it. Really? Isn't that a little too formal? Oh? I don't think so, @クローリカ@. ... Well, if you insist, I guess I'm okay with it. Oh, that sounds so cute! But are you sure it fits me? Yeah! I think it fits you perfectly, @クローリカ@! Really...? Ooh, a new name! I like it. @その他4@? I think that's really cute! But are you sure you want to use it? Yep! Well, then please do! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@? Thank you. I look forward to our time{LF}together. I do too, @クローリカ@. I love you too! Really?! And I love Vishnal, and I love Mr. Volkanon. I love everybody! Um... That's not what I meant. I like you a lot, too! ♪ Oh dear! You already have a lucky wife. You shouldn't say{LF}such things! I'll tell her on you! I love you, too. ♪ We both love each other. Isn't that wonderful? Oh, my... I've come to fulfill my side of the promise. @クローリカ@. Will you give me your answer? ... Now I can finally give to you the answer you've been so{LF}anxiously awaiting! I'm so happy...! I've been dreaming of this day, ever since you asked me out. But... Today isn't a dream, is it? You aren't going to vanish when I open my eyes, are you? I'm so happy! Please, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let me stay by your side. I love you! Please, let me dream this dream and never have to wake up. @クローリカ@! @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ ...?! I'm sorry. I can't accept this. Oh, so that's where the ring's been! Oh, dear. I'm sorry, but I'm not a garbage bin. My duties don't include disposing of trash. Oh, a present for Mr. Volkanon? I'll keep it in a safe place{LF}for you. Um, no. It's supposed to be a present for you. Hmm? Oh, dear. I'm sorry, but I don't like{LF}@アイテム9@ at all. But if there were grapes that didn't have seeds or that thick,{LF}tough skin, I might like them. Thank you. Oh, thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you for the @アイテム9@. For me? Oh my! Such an expensive crystal. And so pretty!{LF}Thank you very much! Oh, is this for me? Yay! Thank you so much! ♪ Sweets are so very yummy. They make me forget I was ever tired and give me back my{LF}energy. Ooh, I like these. Thank you! Thank you! You're welcome. Mmm! Eating yummy things is so nice, I just forget all about{LF}whatever else I'm supposed to do! Ooh, thank you! I love these! Oh! May I...partake? Of course! Thank you! Thank you! I like these a lot! Is this for me? Thank you! Ooh, may I really have something this rare? Thank you! ♪ ...? Um, thank you. ...*MUNCH* *MUNCH*... ... Mmm...My mind feels a little foggy now... Yes, it may be my +birthday+ today... But I would rather not count as many{LF}@アイテム9@ as I have years. Thank you. Oh, a +birthday+ present for me? Thank you! ♪ It's always nice to get things I like, but it's even nicer to get{LF}them on my +birthday+. I've always thought @アイテム9@ was{LF}yummy... But having some on my +birthday+ makes it 5 times yummier! Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@! Thank you! ♪ Oh, it's so nice to get something this rare as a +birthday+{LF}present. And it looks handmade, too! Thank you! ♪ This looks handmade! You always do such amazing things, @しゅじんこうくん@. And it looks handmade, too! Ooh, then it will taste 13 times better! Oh, this is handmade. Thank you! It must have been hard{LF}work. Oooh! ♪ Thank you! Oh, did you make this by hand, @しゅじんこうくん@? Thank you. You can do all sorts of amazing things. @アイテム9@!! And handmade, too!! Yaaay! That's so nice! I'm touched, @しゅじんこうくん@. Here. Please have some. Thank you. You're welcome. I thought I'd give you something in return{LF}for all that you've given me. You're welcome. I thought I'd make something for you in{LF}return. Here. This isn't much, but please have some, if you'd like. Today is a special day for us, isn't it? Oh? Did something happen today? ... Don't tell me you forgot what today is. Ummm... @クローリカ@, today is-- Oooh, now I remember! Today is our +anniversary+! Yes, it is. Good job. Sheesh... Our +anniversary+ and you forgot it...! Nnng...anniversaries are very important things, yes... But every day I get to spend with you is so wonderfully{LF}happy that it makes them ALL special. To me, that makes every day our anniversary. So I guess my memory was a little fuzzy about which exact{LF}day was the official one. @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm still forgetful and clumsy and a little spacey... But I hope for many more years to come just like this one.{LF}With you. I do too, @クローリカ@. @しゅじんこうくん@, I love you. ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@. Y-yes? You do have the right to spend time with whomever you{LF}choose. But please remember where you stand, and the{LF}commitments you've made. I will not say what this is in regards to, because I think it{LF}goes without saying. Please think upon what you have done, and what you should{LF}be doing. Am I clear? Happy Birthday, @しゅじんこうくん@! Here, I have a present for you. I made it just for today. Are you okay? You look a little dazed. Here, this is medicine that I use every day. Try some, if you'd{LF}like. Maybe you should go and see Dr. Jones. Today's lunch is @アイテム0@! I made @アイテム0@ for lunch today. Don't{LF}forget to take it with you! ♪ Here. I made @アイテム0@ for your lunch.{LF}Don't forget to eat it all, okay? Here's your lunch. I made @アイテム0@ just{LF}for you. I made some @アイテム0@. Please feel free to{LF}have some if you're feeling hungry. Today's lunch is my favorite: @アイテム0@! ♪ It's really yummy, so eat every last bite, okay? Have a good day, now. Work hard and try not to fall asleep,{LF}okay? ...*YAAAWN*... Oh...have a good day. Have a good day! Try not to get hurt, okay? Have a good day, now! I hope you come home early today. Well, it looks like you're sleeping well, @しゅじんこうくん@. ''Sleep brings up a child well,'' and all. Everyone should get{LF}proper rest in a bed every night. Hmm... Y-yes? Oh, I was just thinking that you sleep very well. You can tell just by looking at me? Nnng...sort of. It's hard to describe. But when I look at you, I can just tell that you sleep more{LF}than I do. @しゅじんこうくん@, you're amazing! Huh? What's amazing? Oh, there's no need to be so humble. I can see right through{LF}you. With your Sleep Skill at that high a level, you could sleep{LF}standing up if you wanted to! I think I'm jealous. You already sleep standing up every day, @クローリカ@... Oh my goodness! What an amazing Sleep Skill! With that much sleep, your body should be really healthy{LF}and sturdy. No one can match you now. Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. Would you like for me to teach you how to fall asleep{LF}quickly? First, you breathe deeply and quietly, then... ... Zzz... Zzz... Wow... My Sleep Skill level went up! This isn't a very impressive recipe... But I hope you like it. @しゅじんこうくん@? We're... Um... We're husband and wife now, right...? So, erm...I...um... I think I'd like...um...children. O-oh goodness! What am I saying? I'm so embarrassed... Okay. I'd like it to be just us. Maybe someday, but not just yet. I think I'd like children too. Really? Oh, wonderful! We both agree, then. Really? Well, I guess so. We can enjoy our newlywed life, just the two of us, for a{LF}little bit longer, then. It will be a lot harder to find that kind of time once we have{LF}a child to raise. I feel like I'm dreaming...! I can hardly believe I'm going to have our baby,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Are you feeling okay? Yes, I'm okay. That's good. Don't worry. I'll keep both of you safe, no matter what. Tee hee! Thank you. I know you will. You always have. And I always will. Which would you rather have, @しゅじんこうくん@? A boy or a{LF}girl? You'd prefer a boy? Hee hee! I bet he will grow up to be just as rambunctious as{LF}you are. Me? ''Rambunctious?'' Yes, just like a little boy! Soon I will have two children to look after. You'd prefer a girl? Ooh, I can't wait to go shopping with her. I'll pick out all the cutest dresses and we'll play all day. Yes, that's true. Boy or girl won't matter. Either will be our precious child. And with the two of us together, we can give him or her the{LF}best family ever. Right, Papa? ♪ Oh, that's right! Come up with a good name, okay? Today is @子供ちゃん@'s +birthday+! Let's throw a wonderful party all day! Oh, my. Selling @アイテム0@? How about @1@ Gold for{LF}@0@ @アイテム0@? Oh. Well how about @1@ Gold, then? Oh, okay. Thank you very much! Nnng...I think I'll pass today. Hmm...what should I do? Do you have anything else? What a wonderful shop. Thank you! Good luck! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@... I, um... I have something I want to tell you but, um, it...it's a little{LF}embarrassing... ...? I, um, I think I've been really, really lucky to have met you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@... And I'm even luckier to have, um, to have...grown to love{LF}you! I-I'm so sorry to just blurt that out at you! But, um...I-I really wanted to let you know. Um...th-that's all! I have to go now bye-bye!! Oooh, baths feel so nice. It's wonderful to sit and relax and{LF}drift off... Here, after a bath, a nice @アイテム0@ is{LF}simply heavenly... That was a truly excellent bath. You should never forget your @アイテム0@{LF}after a bath. Can we go to sleep now...? Zzz... Zzz... So sleeeepy... But we need to...*YAWN*...wake...up... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Mr. Volkanon has asked me to fix @マップ0@. Wha?! @マップ0@? You can fix that? Mr. Volkanon told me all about how to do it, so it should{LF}work out just fine. Um, are you sure that's all it'll take? Won't you please come help me? It won't take long at all! ♪ Sure. Um, not right now. Oh, good. Let's go. All right. Please let me know when you'll have some time. @しゅじんこうくん@, you get along with Vishnal really well. I wish I could fall in love like you did someday. @しゅじんこうくん@, you get along with your lover really well. It's so cute to see how lovey dovey you two are. Hello, how may I help you? My name is Clorica, and I'm-- ...oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@! It's been so very long, I almost didn't recognize you. You haven't been by to talk with me in a long time. Do you{LF}not like me? Oh, wow! Congratulations! You were really something out there! Oh, my, I won! Hee hee! It's nice to have everyone compliment me. Happy New Year! Have you decided on a resolution for this year? I've resolved to nap at least two more times per day. Ooh, tomorrow is @カレンダー0@! It's a lot of fun, but there is a whole big mess to clean up{LF}after. It's the @カレンダー0@ today! If I must participate, then I'm going to try as hard as I can! Ooh, that was lots of fun. Beans are so yummy. I wouldn't mind doing this every day. I always have trouble with the @カレンダー0@. My tummy feels full after only a few bites. I've made sure not to eat all day, so I should win for sure! Mmm...I'm so full! Even though I made sure to start with an empty tummy, I still{LF}couldn't eat that much. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I wish we could leave all that fluffy wool on so that I could{LF}pet it and sleep on it. Ooh, I'm so happy that I get to see that fluffy-wuffy cute{LF}Wooly again this year! Oh, darn. I didn't get to take a nap with it this year. Maybe next year we could have a napping contest with the{LF}Wooly instead. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. It would be so much easier to aim if the target would hold{LF}still. Oww... Yesterday I trained with Vishnal, so now my arms{LF}huuurt... Yay! I managed to hit the targets more often than not. Training can help a lot! Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Please be careful and{LF}try not to catch a cold. Brr! It's so cold! I'm so chilly, it's making me...sleepy... Zzz... Ouch. I only let my attention drift for a moment, and I was{LF}hit by a turnip! No, I didn't fall asleep. Honestly. I didn't. Oooh, tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Quizzes are lots of fun. I like thinking about how maybe it's{LF}this or maybe not that. I wonder how many I'll get right today! Hmm...It's so strange. While I'm thinking about how to answer, they always move{LF}on to the next question. I'm going to win tomorrow's @カレンダー0@. After all, my Kotaro and Minami are the best and cutest of{LF}all. Come on, Kotaro! Minami! It's time to go. Well, my Kotaro and Minami are the cutest, at least. Next year, why don't we have a contest for the cutest pet? I'm not very good at fishing. I've never managed to stay awake from the beginning to the{LF}end of this contest even once. First you go swiiish to toss the line, and it goes plip! into the{LF}water. Then you just sit, right? Just sitting there and not dozing off is very hard, you know. I'm going to go to sleep really early for tomorrow's{LF}@カレンダー0@. Mmm...I'm a little sleepy. I need to try hard not to doze off while fishing. Oh my, that was over quickly. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. I wonder how much ink a squid can produce before it runs{LF}out. I haven't the faintest inkling... Um...never mind. I wonder if it's okay to fish for all these squid. What if their{LF}tentacles get all tangled up? Fishing can be quite dangerous. Sometimes it's less tenta-{LF}'cool' and more tenta-'cruel.' ... ...I'm sorry. Never mind. Fishing is more fun than I expected! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Do you think it would be okay to look for good fishing holes{LF}ahead of time? Did you find a good fishing hole? Oh, darn. I didn't catch that many fish this year. I'll try harder next year. Zzz... ...Oh! Zzz... I-I'm not asleep! Where's the fish? Oh dear. I thought I had caught one. I guess it was a dream. Oh. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@! Oh my! I felt a tug! This one is going to be big! ...Oh darn. It's just a croquette. Zzz... I wonder what I should do for the @カレンダー0@... Nnng...what should I do? Today was supposed to be a showcase for the vegetables I{LF}raised. But I forgot about that and just showcased myself. Oopsie. Dinner after the @カレンダー0@ is always everyone's{LF}best veggies! That means we can always look forward to a really yummy{LF}dinner! I won't let you win easily, @しゅじんこうくん@! Hmm...what to make for dinner? Growing vegetables is really hard. If you raise your veggie with love and care, it will be a{LF}winner for sure! Everyone had really amazing vegetables this year, didn't{LF}they? I'm thinking really hard on what I'm going to do for my{LF}showcase during the @カレンダー0@. If possible, I'd like to win at least the last event of the year. I'm going to give it my best! Oh dear. I spoke so loudly during my showcase, my throat is{LF}all sore. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@! I can hardly wait. The water is so wonderfully cool! Hee hee! Everyone is playing like children. This year will be ending soon. So many fun things happened, it felt like it went by too fast. Thank you for everything you've done for me this past year. I hope next year will be just as wonderful as this year has{LF}been. Tomorrow everyone will go out at night to watch the fireflies. It's so pretty, like a million tiny gemstones scattered across{LF}the sky... So, um...If you don't mind... Would you like to watch them with me? Really?! Oh, wonderful! It's a date. I can hardly wait for tomorrow. Oh, I see. That's unfortunate. I guess I'll see if someone else wants to watch them with{LF}me. I can hardly wait for this evening! If I take a nap, will it be evening even sooner? Oooh...!! So many fireflies! There were lots of pretty fireflies out! It felt like I was in the middle of a dream. I think I'll go to sleep to see the rest of that dream. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Would you like to{LF}go together with me? I've been wanting to watch them with you for a while. Sure. Why not. Oh, good! Let's go. Tee hee! I get to watch fireflies with @しゅじんこうくん@! Hmm? Did you say something? Oh! Um, n-no. It was nothing. Ooh, what a memorable evening! ♪ Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@, the one holiday all girls{LF}wait for every year. Um...you wouldn't happen to have some free time tomorrow,{LF}would you? Hmm? If you wouldn't mind... Would you be able to spare a little of that time for me{LF}tomorrow? Oh, I see. That's too bad. Really? Yay! ♪ What's up? Hmm?! O-oh. Nothing, nothing at all. Please meet me at @マップ1@{LF}by @0@ hundred hours, then. So, why did you want to meet with me? Um...you see... Oh, dear. This is so much more difficult with you here right in{LF}front of me... But, I have to have courage! Okay, I can do this! Hmm? I...I asked you to come here today so I could give you this! @アイテム0@? For me? Yes. It's very tasty! ...I think. Thank you! It looks really tasty. Oh, wow! Thanks! Hee hee... Eat every last bite, now, okay? I'm glad I had the chance to give it to you. I was so worried you might not come after all. But you did. I'm so glad! I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Now to give the rest to everyone in town. Oh, and I can't forget to give some to Lady Ventuswill, too. Is this for me? Ooh! I love getting cookies from friends! Thank you. ♪ @アイテム0@? For me? Oh, my. I feel so bashful, getting one of these from a{LF}gentleman! I hope I'm not blushing. Here you go, @しゅじんこうくん@. I hope you don't mind if it's a little sweet. I like my sweets really sweet. ♪ Here, @しゅじんこうくん@, have some! ♪ Is this a pity cookie? Is this really for me? Thanks! You're welcome. Hee hee! ♪ Was it yummy? Yep, it was really yummy. It was super sweet. Oh, good! I like sweet things. I'm sorry. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. It's much easier on us than @カレンダー1@, don't you{LF}think? It's so nice to get tasty sweets as presents. @しゅじんこうくん@... Let's have @カレンダー0@ every day! Ooh, a @アイテム0@ for me? Thank you! ♪ It's always nice to get things from good friends. Thank you! I'll have this with my evening tea. @クローリカ@... Yes? I have something I want to give you. Meet me at @マップ1@ tomorrow. Please? Me? Are you sure? Yes. Um, I... I think I can go. Great! Come to @マップ1@ by @0@{LF}hundred hours. Okay. You said you had something you wanted to give me? Oh, my! Please accept it! It's not very good, but... I made it super-sweet! Thank you! Of course! I'm flattered you thought to give a present to me. Oh, my... My tummy feels all fluttery now. That doesn't matter! Even if it doesn't taste perfect, I'm still happy you thought to{LF}give it to me. Thank you. You made it just the way I like it? Really? Oh, how nice of you! ♪ Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hee hee... Today is a wonderful day. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Isn't it so neat to watch the whole town come out and be all{LF}festival-y? Oh! By the way... We have a little legend here. What kind of legend? Hmm...If you'd like to know, why don't you come with me to{LF}the tower tomorrow? Thank you! Hee hee! I get to spend the @カレンダー0@ with{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. I can't wait! Oh, that's too bad. (I guess the legend will have to wait.) Hmm? Did you say something? Wha? O-oh! No, it was nothing. Today is the day when everyone in the world watches the{LF}sky. Look at all the pretty stars up there, glittering like gems. I wonder how many there are? I wonder if they can make my wish come true, too... Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@, you know. What? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. O-oh. Would you like to go with me? Of course! Let's! ♪ Sure. Let's enjoy the @カレンダー0@ together. That was a lot of fun! ♪ Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Hmm...What should I make? Everyone is putting a lot of effort into it already. I can't let{LF}myself fall behind! Wow. Everything was so well done! I'm going to have to try even harder next time! Heh heh heh... Y-yes...? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@, my +best+ event. This is one festival where I'll never lose! My only true rival during the @カレンダー0@ is{LF}Porcoline. I won't let you beat me, @しゅじんこうくん@! Not this time! Oh, darn! I was so close. I'll have to work hard to get better before next year. Do you want to go somewhere tomorrow? Tomorrow? Hmm... Oh dear. I have chores I can't put off tomorrow. I'm sorry. Yes, I should have some free time tomorrow. Where would{LF}you like to go? Okay, then... How about we meet at @0@ hundred hours at the{LF}@マップ1@ tomorrow? Sure. Be sure you don't oversleep, now. I'm looking forward to{LF}spending time with you. Do you want to go with me to @マップ0@? To @マップ0@? Hmm...It sounds like it's really hot there. But if I get to go with you, I think I'll be okay. How would you like to hang out in my room? Your room? Hmmm... All right, if you don't mind. How about we hang out at home? Oh, that sounds like a good idea. Let's do that. Do you want to go with me to @マップ0@? Sure, I'd love to! Dozing above the clouds seems like a neat thing to try. Above the clouds, eh? Why don't we try somewhere different? How does{LF}@マップ0@ sound? Oh, that sounds nice. How about we have some tea? All right, let's go to @マップ0@ then. Ooh, yes. Let's. @しゅじんこうくん@, may I visit your room? My room? Yes. I, um, I think I'd like to just relax for a day. All right, then. Let's go to my room. Let's make it a date in your room! That sounds like a great idea! Um...well... I'd like to go to @マップ0@. @マップ0@? Sure. Let's go there tomorrow. Oh, wait. I already have a date then. I probably shouldn't. Oh, my. Since it's just the two of us, my tummy feels all{LF}fluttery. You sure are quiet. Don't tell me you fell asleep! Um, does it feel like people are watching us? Not really. Does it feel that way to you? I-I should think of something to talk about... @クローリカ@... EEP!! ?! What's wrong? N-nothing. (Oh, that was so embarrassing!) Whenever I'm with @しゅじんこうくん@, I get a fluttery feeling in{LF}my tummy... I should think of something to talk about. What to talk about... What to talk...*YAAAWN*... Zzz... She fell asleep?! I had a lot of fun today. Thank you! How could you forget our date? Even I managed to remember to be on time! ... Please don't forget next time, okay? I won't. I promise. ...Hmph. Did you forget that we had a date? I was waiting for you all{LF}day! Look, I... I'd like to be alone for a while, thank you! ...*SNIFFLE*... That was terrible of you. Oh, dear. When were we going to meet tomorrow? It's tomorrow, @0@ hundred hours, at{LF}@マップ0@. Oh, yes. That's right. Oh, dear. When were we going to meet today? @0@ hundred hours at @マップ0@. Yes! That's right. Sorry to keep you waiting. That's okay. Let's get going. All right! ♪ Zzz... @クローリカ@. Oh! There you are, @しゅじんこうくん@. You're late. I'm sorry. That's all right. I took a nap, so it didn't feel like I waited{LF}very long. My. You're early! Were you looking forward to your date with me that much?{LF}Hee hee! Shall we be going, then? Oh, wait. Where were we going again? @マップ0@. Oh, yes. Let's go, then! Um, you came to hear my answer, right? I, er, had expected{LF}you to come alone. Wasn't today supposed to be a date for just the two of us? *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. I really love you! Just kidding. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm... I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Oops! I don't have a Double Bed yet. Now isn't the time for that. I wonder what that is? If I want to propose to someone, I should probably figure this{LF}out first. I think @ビシュナル@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @クローリカ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @フォルテ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @キール@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @マーガレット@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ディラス@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @アーサー@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @シャオパイ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @コハク@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ダグ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ドルチェ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @レオン@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please, take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities. ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please, take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. A boy. A girl. Either. ... ...? Ngh...! Huh...? Ow...! Wh-what's wrong?! Oh no! We need to go see @ジョーンズ@ right away! ...! @しゅじんこうくん@...? Ow...I-I hurt all of a sudden... @しゅじんこうくん@...?! ...Nnngh...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! I hope the baby will be born quickly... ...Ngh! Wha...? M-my belly hurts... ...Have...to go...clinic... Oh no...! ...Wha? ...? Owww... @しゅじんこうくん@, don't tell me... ...It...it hurts...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! Yes. I'm sorry. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Bean-throwing, huh? Originally, this festival was for driving{LF}away demons and plague, right? Mm-hmm. That's what I heard. Ooh, neat! Let's all drive the demons real far away! ♪ Yes, we can all do it together! This year's objective is to be hit by the beans, not to dodge{LF}them. You've got a tough job every year, don't you? I can't say I'm particularly fond of...excessive exercise. ''If you meld with me, milady, then you could dodge every{LF}bean without moving a step!'' I-I-I'd rather not do that, thank you! But that certainly is an awful lot of beans. Could anyone{LF}dodge them even if they tried? Similar situations happen all the time on the battlefield. Though in that case it's arrows, not beans. And if you can't{LF}dodge you can just slash them away! Stop swinging that dangerous thing around right in the{LF}middle of town! Oh, goodness. There are entirely too many delicious foods to{LF}be had! Is too many goodies a bad thing? Um, y-yes, you could say that. There are so many, I don't{LF}know where to start! Ooh, I know! If we all eat too much and gain weight, we can go train with{LF}Forte! What? That sounds like a good plan. ''Dolly, Dolly! Are you going to do that, too?'' If I gain too much weight, I may think about it. All right. It's a knight's duty to respond wholeheartedly to all{LF}reasonable requests. First, we'll begin with a light warm-up. Say, 10 laps around{LF}the town at a jog. Then we'll practice sword strikes at 200 per set. After that-- Hold it right there. Ooh, I can't wait to see the wooly! He'll be so cute! Yes! I wonder how soft and cuddly the big guy is. I like the ones that are easier to hug. With that much wool, you could make a mountain of thread. ''Oh, Dolly... You would do that for me?'' ... ''Um, milady? An answer would be nice. Any answer at all...'' I wish I could have one as a pet! Wouldn't it be hard to care for something that big, though? It's large enough to be worth cutting, that's for certain. The WOOL, yes? You mean cutting off the WOOL. What kind of Wooly do you like the best, @しゅじんこうくん@? Big ones. Small ones. Golden ones. Oh, the big ones are definitely the best. They're so fluffy-wuffy cuddly-wuddly! I just want to hug{LF}them and squeeze them aaaall day! Ooh, I wish I could just bury myself in all that soft wool! You understand, @しゅじんこうくん@! The best of a Wooly is in its easily huggable size, yes? Hmm? There are Golden Woolies? I maybe have heard of them. I'm not sure. I bet they're really pretty! Hrm. Hitting the target is hard. I hit everything I'm not aiming{LF}at. Oh, dear. Are you no good in this competition, Xiao Pai? It seems so, yes. I practiced with Mama, but the ball kept falling down from{LF}above my head. Ooh, really? You threw the ball aaall the way around the{LF}world! I think that might be impossible. I think this may go beyond simply ''not very good.'' Yes. We're into ''complete klutz'' territory on this one. Wording it that way makes it hurt more, not less, you know. Oh! Sorry. This doesn't solve my problem. How do you hit those{LF}targets? Relax. Focus on the target and bring your arm forward. Ah! Yes, I see! ''But milady, when you threw the ball, you didn't look{LF}relaxed. You looked al--MRPH!'' ? ...ACHOO! Uh-oh. Have you caught a cold? No. I'm just a little chilly, that's all. Let me bring you something warm to drink. The weather may look lovely, but it's still cold. You need to{LF}take care of yourself. I will. Thank you. Are you okay? Yeah, I'll be fine. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you know a good way to warm her up? Tell a bad joke. Give her a hug. What did the fisherman say when he caught an angelfish?{LF}Holy Mackerel! ... ... ... ...Hee! Ha ha... Ah ha ha! Wait, really?! What on earth are you doing? And in public, no less! Um...could you put that away, please? I-I think it's drawing{LF}blood... This one is your own fault! ...I'm sorry. ...*GULP*... Oh my... Hmm? ...! Zzz... Once she warmed up, she fell asleep right away. Hey, are any of you good at quizzes? I'm better at things where I can move around. Like detective work? Are you a gumshoe, pal? Erm...that isn't what I meant. You mean like jumping into a box with the correct answer{LF}on it? Or racing to grab flags to see who can give the first answer. ''Or having an obstacle course and the first one through gets{LF}to answer the question?'' With nasty penalties for giving the wrong answer. ...I think I'm fine with a normal quiz. Hmm... What's wrong, Meg? You look concerned. Fishing is harder than it looks. Oh, I know! It always makes me so sleepy. Everything makes you sleepy. Fishies are scary... Well I guess we won't have to warn you to stay out of the{LF}deep areas, then. ''I think I'll catch a fish bare-handed!'' You mean you'll try to possess it and it'll wind up dragging{LF}you all across the pond. Are you good at fishing, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yep! I'm okay. Not at all... Really? Could you show me how you do it? I'd like to know as well. So you aren't bad, then, right? I'm jealous of your skill. But I won't let you beat me! I'm amazed you're not falling asleep. Well then, why don't we all practice our fishing skills? Iggly-wiggly fishies... So scary! ...*FUSS* *FUSS*... ...*FUSS* *FUSS*... Meg seems very busy. ''Yes. She can't seem to sit still.'' As if you have any right to talk about that. It looks like she's on patrol. Do you think there are people{LF}who would really try to cheat? Cheating will not be tolerated in any way. I will personally{LF}deal with anyone caught doing so. Wow, that's so cool! Y-you think so? Forte! Perfect timing. It seems I'm needed already. Hmm? Oh, yes. You see, that person over there, he's-- Understood. Looks like someone needs a lesson in proper{LF}manners. YIKES!! No, he's lost! He just needs some directions! ...*SIIIGH*... Oh, dear. What's wrong, Meg? That's right. You aren't very fond of squid, are you, Meg? Brr! No! They're slimy and wriggly and gross! Hrmm. May I try something? What? Here. Have a squid. EEEP!! GET IT AWAY! GET IT AWAY! Papa's special Anti-Phobia Training--''Hold It Until You Learn{LF}To Like It!'' What?! That won't work! Ooh, what a cute squid! No! No, Amber, they are NOT cute! I know. Wait, what? ''What is so frightening about this lump of flesh?'' *POKE* ''EEP! It squirted ink!'' ...! ''Oops...'' ... ''Um...Dolly...milady...'' Pico, why don't we step aside for a moment? I'd like a chat{LF}with you. ''I'd much rather stay right here, thank you!'' Hey, did you hear? There are a lot of fish over there. Really? Then it seems we should go right over! Wait for me! No, don't! There's a big ol' monster's lair over there! ''Dolly?'' We went fishing at a lake with Mama and Papa once, too. It{LF}was just like this. ''Yes, it was.'' Oh, dear. Dolce, what are you doing back there? Come on, hurry, now. Yes! Or else all the fish will swim away. If you aren't confident in your fishing skills, I can help you. No, Dolly is trying to stop you from going to the monster's{LF}lair! ...Yeah. ''...'' Properly showcasing your veggie is really important. It feels like an odd tradition to me, really. I'm afraid I'm not particularly good at it. I'm not fond of it, myself. ''You're not fond of vegetables on the whole, milady.'' I become so nervous! Oh? Why? You need to pay close attention to the ground to be sure no{LF}rocks jump up to trip you. That's not nerves, that's simple caution. Goodness, it's hot today. Very hot. I'm sweaty already. ''Well, I'm not hot in the least.'' Of course not. You don't have the body or the brains to feel{LF}the heat. ''Oh, you're so cold, milady. But that's what makes you so...{LF}cool!'' Once the festival is over, why don't all of you come to our{LF}baths? Oh, that's a good idea. It would be so refreshing! But it seems that isn't all, yes? Today's bath salts are-- ''The Fragrance of 10,000 Roses!'' Yay! Pretty flower scents! Ooh, that sounds very relaxing. Yes. I would love to go. I can hardly wait! That is, if Mama hasn't messed it up. Again. Argh! Sometimes Porco and Dylas drive me crazy! What's wrong? They're both so messy! They don't even clean the hall in{LF}front of their rooms. Well, it's not a place a customer would see. But it should still{LF}be clean! Bado is the one who drives me the craziest. I wish he'd do something about that lazy, good-for-nothing{LF}attitude of his. Oh, but I think Doug is worse! The other day I caught him{LF}asleep while at work. Again. Oh, dear. Sleeping on the job is quite irresponsible. ... There's someone who drives me batty as well. ''Oh? Is it Jones? Maybe Nancy?'' No, of course it's not those two. ''No? Who else could it be?'' Lumie's completely hopeless, so don't worry about her one{LF}bit! ♪ Amber, the words that come out of your mouth sometimes... You know, if we're going to have all these festivals, I'd like a{LF}Music Festival someday. What would we do? Everyone would practice with their favorite instrument, and{LF}then we could have a recital! That sounds like fun. Hmm. What about a martial arts tournament? And what would we do for that? Everyone could test their combat skills and check the fruits{LF}of their training! Next! Hey! A flower festival would be really neat! What would we do for that one? We could all watch the pretty flowers! And then give them{LF}some water! That sounds lovely. Let's do that sometime. Yeah! You really want to do that? ''How about a Dolly Festival?'' No. ''Aww. So fast!'' Happy New Year, everyone. Yes. Happy New Year. Happy New Year! May everyone's New Year be happy. Hap-py New Yeeeear! Hap-py New Yeeeear! Happy New Year. ''Oh, milady! Any year with you is a happy year.'' I didn't mean it for you. ''And like every year, you are cold from the very beginning.'' Ah ha ha ha! Hee hee! Those two get along so well. Come on, Forte. Let's go swimming together! Erm...thanks, but, um, I'd rather just watch. Wait. What? Don't tell me-- N-no! It's not that I can't swim! I, erm, I've learned. I just... I'm not that confident yet. We didn't say anything. URK! ''Spilled the truth of the matter herself, didn't she?'' I-I'm just worried that...that my sword might rust! That's it! Why would you carry your sword into the water? Come on, everyone. Let's carry her into the water! ♪ Ooh! I'll help! I'll help! N-no! You don't have to do that! WAH!! Here, everyone. Have some nice, hot tea. Oh, it smells lovely! Thank you, Clorica. Mm! Looks yummy! ♪ And here's yours, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. Ow! That's hot. Oh dear! I'm sorry. Are you okay? Yes, I'm fine. A little burn on the tongue is nothing to a{LF}knight. So why the tears? ''Milady, milady! Let me blow on it for you.'' No. Whew! I wrote a lot of music this year. And I slept a lot! I trained hard all year. And I broke more plates than ever... ''Dolly, your year was wonderfully filled with me! Right?{LF}Right?!'' Get away from me. Hmmm...I had a full year, too, but I don't know of what. Oh well. Don't worry about it. How was your year, @しゅじんこうくん@? Full of farming. Full of adventures. Full of love...I guess. Ooh, it was, wasn't it? ♪ Yeah. Working the land suits you well. Yep! You were always covered in dirt! Don't you think that's neat too, Dolce? It doesn't sound bad. ''Grr...!'' ''@しゅじんこうくん@ should just go and marry that field{LF}already.'' And I'll be counting on you again next year, @しゅじんこうくん@. Strengthening the mind and body through training is a good{LF}thing. Hmm? @しゅじんこうくん@ does seem meatier now, yes. Really? *STAAARE* See? Here...and here... ''Milady is wonderful here and here, too!'' Off. Ooh, and look there! ♪ I see! I see! Um...can you all stop now? Please? This is embarrassing. Oh my goodness! Wow. *SQUEE* Wh-wh-wh-wh-what...?! Tee hee! Everyone looks like they're having lots of fun! ♪ ''Well, you can't have my Dolly!'' Stop clinging! I can barely hear what they're saying. I wonder why fireflies glow. Isn't it some type of protection? How would light protect them? Well, it might be strange enough to scare off enemies. Hmm. Maybe I should find a glowing sheen of some sort to{LF}put on my blade. But they fly into lights too. Oh, that's right. I heard once that it is a way for them to find love. Wha?! Right, no glowing sheen, then! Why not? ''Milady is always a bright, shining light in my eyes.'' Oh? Well, you'd best stay away, then. Wouldn't want you to{LF}head toward ''the light'' now, would we? Hee hee! Aren't they such wonderful friends? Everyone will be giving presents today, yes? Who to? To my brother. I'm giving something to Porco. I have something for Vishnal and Mr. Volkanon. Ooh! Ooh! I'm going to give a present to Lumie! ♪ ''You of course have a present for me, right, milady?'' Well, I was going to give you something...if you'd stayed{LF}quiet. But too late now. ''No! Have I been foiled?!'' Hmph. Everyone is giving safe answers. Will you be giving today, @しゅじんこうくん@? You bet! Nope. Really? Ooh, to whom? Be honest, now. Lying won't get you anywhere. Come on, everyone. We mustn't press too hard...though I am{LF}curious as well. Ahem. Oh, really? That sounds fishy to me. No need to be shy, now. Erm, do you honestly have no plans? If you're too embarrassed, you can just whisper it to me. Hey, guys? Who do you think will get the most? Mama, no doubt. Not Lumie? Hrm... Well, if we're going to guess who, at least stick to our group. Among us, it's Forte! Wha?! Ooh, you're secretly popular, Forte! N-no! I am no such thing! ''Milady will get the most. Of this I have no doubt.'' Perhaps. ''But I will swat down any clingy leeches who dare slither too{LF}close!'' I look forward to you swatting yourself plenty, then. Hmmm... Meg might get a lot. Me? Oh, no! I doubt that. Who do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? Clorica. Forte. Margaret. Xiao Pai. Amber. Dolce. Hmm? You think I will? Thank you! I don't really think so myself, but I'm happy you{LF}do. Wha?! M-me?! Erm... I... Ahem. Thank you. What?! Ah ha ha... Erm... I... Ha ha... Heehee, Margaret has a cute reaction. I see. It was unexpected, but it was also nice to hear. Thanks! ♪ Calm down, now. Hmm? Me? Oh, isn't that nice, Amber? Um...yeah. Tee hee! Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. ''Ding ding! That is the correct answer!'' No it's not, you ding dong. ''Then why are you blushing, milady?'' Not another word! ...Hmph. ''Ah, for that cute pink tinge do I dare to tease. Be still, my{LF}jealous heart!'' ''How positively sinful of you, milady.'' Quiet! Silence! Begone, you idiotic ghost! Has everyone heard the legend behind this festival? Isn't it that you will have your wish granted if you wish on{LF}the highest star in the sky? Really? We can just fly off the tower to find the highest one,{LF}then! You're the only one who can fly, Amber. There's another legend that says making a wish with{LF}someone will form an eternal bond, yes? ''Dolly! Milady! Let's go right now!'' How about I wish to be alone for eternity? Those two are the same as ever, I see. While it's very romantic, all this talk about heights gives me{LF}the shivers. Oh, yes, you were never fond of heights, were you, Meg?{LF}Would you like me to stand by you? Oh, dear. And what if the two of you made a wish together{LF}then? Would they be bound...? Ah ha ha! That wouldn't be so bad. Forte is quite the{LF}dashing prince of a knight, after all. Was that meant to be a compliment? The judges for this festival must taste all the dishes to judge{LF}them, right? Of course. Forte, will you be okay? What's that supposed to mean? I hope no one gets hurt. Oh, no! Do people get hurt? Well, not really hurt, per se. But they're not unscathed. And what's that supposed to mean? ''Death by food is no laughing matter.'' Though hearing it from you is kind of funny. Forte, you are a master at forging things, yes? I wouldn't say I'm a master, no. I leave most of the difficult{LF}parts to Bado. What about you, Clorica? Oh, I'm terrible at it. Are you any good, Meg? Not at forging big, clunky items. But I'm pretty good at{LF}making accessories, I think. After this much time, my fingers are quite dexterous, you see. Ooh, neat! I wish I were good with my fingers too. Would you like to practice making accessories with me{LF}sometime? Yaaay! I wanna make something that will start a case Lumie{LF}can solve! Let's not and say we did. ''You're quite dexterous yourself, right, milady?'' ''You're always knitting clothes and lovely accessories for{LF}me.'' I'm not really doing it for you. It's never easy between you two, is it? Hey, what kind of monsters do you guys like best? I like the cute ones. ...Me too. Really? How odd. I thought you'd be the one to like strong monsters, yes? ...I'm well aware cute ones don't suit me. I like the pretty flower ones! ♪ I do too! What about you, Dolce? Well, it's not that I like them, but... Ghost monsters seem to like me. EEK! ...!!! Look! Is this not complete perfection of muscular tone?! I must say, it's quite pleasant to remove my shirt and enjoy{LF}the sun on my chest occasionally. Hnn! HNNNNGG!! ... Hrm...I think I may have lost some definition around my waist. The weather is finally cooling. Fall will sneak up on us before we even know it! I, for one, will be glad when it arrives. Wearing a tailcoat in{LF}this heat is a trifle warm. That is...slightly amazing. In several different ways. How quickly time passes. It will not be long before the new{LF}year is upon us. Yeah. This year went by pretty fast. Which we may say only because we passed it in health and{LF}good cheer. That's true. I'll make sure we can all say the same thing next year, too! That's the spirit! Tomorrow is Vishnal's +birthday+. Don't forget to give him your best wishes, @しゅじんこうくん@. I won't! I'll make sure he has a wonderful +birthday+. I would think he would welcome a kiss for a +present+. Wh-wh-what?! Ho ho ho! What, have you already planned something else for him? Well then, I shall have to present him with a warm,{LF}compassionate kiss myself! Are you trying to kill the poor guy?! Tomorrow is Clorica's +birthday+. I must remember to bake another{LF}@アイテム0@ soon. Oh? Why? It began soon after Clorica first came here. I discovered that she favored @アイテム0@,{LF}and so I baked one for her. How did it go? She was highly pleased. So much so that she now gets an expectant look in her eyes{LF}every time her +birthday+ draws near. Ah. I knew I'd seen a gleam in her eyes lately. Happy +birthday+! Thank you. +Birthdays+ are an especially wonderful time of the year. I am always honored at the warmth of the well-wishes I{LF}receive from everyone. I am particularly pleased with the handkerchiefs Clorica{LF}presented to me this year. There were only 200, but I expect they may last half a year{LF}or so. Are you saying that wasn't enough?! Tomorrow is Blossom's +birthday+! @しゅじんこうくん@!! Elders are deserving of nothing less than the greatest of{LF}respect on the holiday of their birth! Of course! That's the spirit! After all, an elder's +birthday+ must be treasured, because they{LF}may not have another... ...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! C-come on. Don't say unlucky things like that. Good day, @しゅじんこうくん@. It seems you have greeted everyone in town. Selphia is a marvelous place. I'm sure you will grow to love it{LF}in no time. Is something the matter? Here we goooo!!! Whew...! That was mildly tiring. Hrm. I must be getting old. Hnnn! This paltry effort will not be enough to defeat me! Please...whatever you do...take care of yourself!{LF}WAAAAAAAAH!! I'm terribly sorry. I'm afraid I must return to my duties now. Would you care to accompany me? I'm terribly sorry. I'm afraid I don't have the time to{LF}accompany you today. Of course! I shall accompany you wherever you choose to{LF}go. Come now. It's improper to be so fickle. You are making your{LF}companion uncomfortable. Should you have a moment of free time, I would be more{LF}than happy to assist in your training. @しゅじんこうくん@, should you have a moment of free time--- Ah, pardon me. It seems there is already someone{LF}accompanying you. Well then, let us be off! That is unfortunate. Well then, let us be off! WHAT?! That will NEVER do! @しゅじんこうくん@!! You ALREADY have... ...a very fitting! Appropriate! Loving! Partner!! To say you choose me on such a whim is utterly scandalous!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?! Giving rubbish to another is intolerable! Inexcusable!!{LF}Unforgivable!!! I, Volkanon, will NEVER condone such behavior!! Goodness, how terrible! This...this poor meal! How pitiful! How...how...WAAAAAH!! A weapon which shares my name? I am quite intrigued! Thank you. Hrm? @アイテム9@! My thanks to you. Why, thank you! Thank you. @アイテム9@? For me? My thanks to you. My, my! @アイテム9@ for me? @しゅじんこうくん@, my gratitude for your heartfelt consideration{LF}knows no bounds! My, my! Thank you. This gift...as it is from you, @しゅじんこうくん@, it will be ever so{LF}much more delicious. Of that, I am certain! Aah, thank you! Now I will be able to build another bridge. Aah, excellent! I had just run out of materials. Thank you. @アイテム9@?! @しゅじんこうくん@! I am touched beyond measure!! @アイテム9@ is meant to be calming, yet my{LF}tears will not stop! ... ... ...*BLUSH*... ?!?! Hrm?! @しゅじんこうくん@! This sort of treatment is not what{LF}one would expect on their birthday! I personally don't mind, but if you had done this to a friend{LF}or lover, that would be inexcusable! Hrm? A +birthday+ present for me? Why, thank you! No matter how old one becomes, presents{LF}are always a joy to receive. Is this for me? Aaah... Such delicate sweetness...! WHAAAAT?! @アイテム9@?! From you, @しゅじんこうくん@?! I shall savor it for the rest of my life! My, my! A handmade gift for me? I am flattered! Thank you. Handmade @アイテム9@! On my birthday, no{LF}less. I have never been so blissful in my entire life. @アイテム9@ poured by none other than you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@... This is the best, most wonderful +birthday+ I have ever had!! My, my! A handmade gift for me? I am flattered! Thank you. Oh my...! Handmade @アイテム9@! I have never been so happy in my entire life. @アイテム9@ poured by none other than you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@... I have never been so relaxed in my life!! Please accept this as a small token of my gratitude for all the{LF}gifts you have presented to me. Should you have the opportunity, I would be honored if you{LF}would join me for some +sweets+. Though I am a little saddened it is not a +sweet+... ...I am quite happy that you were considerate enough to give{LF}me a wonderful gift. Is this @アイテム0@ your submission for this{LF}festival? Now, then, I shall announce the results! Ladies and gentlemen, we will now begin the judging! @しゅじんこうくん@, I am afraid you cannot use this item as your{LF}submission. Please bring a vegetable you raised in your own fields. Please bring a dish that you prepared with your own hands. Please bring an item that you made at your own crafting{LF}table or forge. I see. Please feel free to come back should you decide to{LF}participate. Now, now! No need to be so hasty.{LF}The festivities won't begin until{LF}@0@ hundred hours. @しゅじんこうくん@! Happy Birthday! I have prepared a special present for you on this wonderful{LF}occasion! Really? Thanks! Error message? Hrm? What's this? You do not look well, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}This will not do at all! Fortunately, I happen to have some excellent medicine right{LF}here. One sip and you'll be right as rain in no time! Perhaps it would be wise for you to visit Dr. Jones. Error message? Error message? My, my! Your +Defense Skill+ has grown quite nicely! The +Defense Skill+ is one that increases as you take damage. Oh, come! There is no reason to be ashamed about taking{LF}damage. There are times when the wisest plan is simply to tough it{LF}out! My, my! You have become quite the resilient one, haven't{LF}you. I would think it takes more than a knock or two for an{LF}enemy to phase you now. Thanks, but it feels like I still have a long way to go. Well then, how about we have a training match some day?{LF}Your muscles versus mine! Incredible! Your +Defense Skill+ has reached expert levels! I am impressed, @しゅじんこうくん@! Amazing! You have honed your +Defense Skill+ such that your{LF}body has become a wall of steel! Well done. Well done indeed! I am so proud of you that my tears simply will not stop!! Ah, perfect timing. Here, please accept this. @しゅじんこうくん@, please allow me to teach you key tips to{LF}help augment your +Defense Skill+. Listen very carefully, now. The key to this Skill is a strong,{LF}resilient heart! A heart that will not bend, will not break, no matter what! @しゅじんこうくん@, your knees were not meant to bend to the{LF}ground. They are the staunch supports for your small, yet{LF}indefatigable frame! No matter how glorious the armor you wrap around yourself,{LF}it will not hide a weak heart. The best defense comes from a strong, well-trained heart,{LF}and nowhere else!! ... ...AHEM. Pardon me. I seem to have gotten slightly carried{LF}away. However, what I've mentioned is very important, and I hope{LF}that you take it to...heart. Your +Defense Skill+ has gone up! Are you familiar with the recipe for{LF}@アイテム0@? It is quite the tasty dish. I believe you would enjoy it. My, my. I see you have @アイテム0@{LF}available. How about @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold? I see. Well then, how about @1@ Gold? Hrm. How unfortunate. Excellent! I will take it. I'm terribly sorry, but I think I shall pass for now. Hrm... What shall I do? Do you have anything else? Thank you. I look forward to many good things from you in{LF}the future. I hope your shop will be a prosperous and profitable one. @しゅじんこうくん@! I am so proud, so humbled to have been able to meet you!! I admit, at first I thought you a highly suspicious character. But you have proven me wrong, @しゅじんこうくん@! So very{LF}wrong! Never have I had so treasured a friend!! @ヴォルカノン@... @しゅじんこうくん@!! I hope that we shall be friends for many a long, happy year{LF}to come! How goes your relationship? Clorica can be a little scatterbrained at times, so please be{LF}sure to help keep her together. It seems your relationship is going well, @しゅじんこうくん@. Watching you reminds me of the halcyon days of my youth! @しゅじんこうくん@, do please come speak to me on occasion. I{LF}have missed your company. @しゅじんこうくん@, please! You may rely on me more! And this year's favorite to win is--- Our own @しゅじんこうくん@!! Wh-what? Me? Th-thank you! The wild butler, Vishnal!! Really?! The already-asleep Clorica!! Zzz... ...myself!! Wha?! The Gale Knight, Forte!! There is nothing my blade cannot cut. He of the curious heart, Kiel!! I'll do my best! Our laziest storekeeper, Bado! Really? Hmph. The Musician of Justice, Margaret! Thank you! I'll give it my best. The sullen stallion, Dylas! Who are you calling a horse?! He who has wisdom as deep as the ocean, Arthur! Thank you. I'll do my best. The Grand Glutton, Porcoline! I'm hungry. She who is cleverly clumsy, Xiao Pai! Can we drop that, please? She of the lovely features, Lin Fa! My, my! The adorably innocent, Amber! Did someone call me? The Lost--AHEM--Legendary Detective, Illuminata! Nice save. You'll get yours. The red-headed dwarf, Doug! Heh heh! Leave it to me! The lovely lady of our own item shop, Blossom! Oh, goodness me... The Quiet Flame, Dolce! ''*SQUEE* I'm rooting for you, Dolly! My love will inspire you!'' He who should be watching his patients, Jones! I'll do my best. She who should be watching her husband, Nancy! I'll try as best I can. The most trustworthy of gentlemen, Leon! I guess this may be entertaining. The Great Storm Dragon herself, Ventuswill! Well then, let's give this a go. Believe it or not, @子供ちゃん@! I'll try real hard! Believe it or not, @子供ちゃん@! I'll try real hard! Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. @しゅじんこうくん@, you shall play the part of a demon, and{LF}others will throw beans at you. Getting hit by green beans will give you points, while +brown{LF}beans+ will give you even more. And if you allow yourself to be hit by the rare +pink beans+,{LF}well... AHEM! Pardon me, but that part is a secret. The more times you're hit in a row, the greater the number{LF}of points you will receive. However, if you're hit by a solid @アイテム0@,{LF}you will lose all your points. In short: Allow the beans to hit you. Do not be hit by a stray{LF}@アイテム0@. That is all. Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. Whosoever eats the most within the time limit wins! Quite simple, no? Everyone will begin on my signal. Try to be the first to grab{LF}your desired food item. There will be many fruits, but +dishes+ have a higher point{LF}value. Best to avoid the dreaded @アイテム0@,{LF}however! Also, please note that eating in this contest works +a bit{LF}differently+ than usual. Once you pick up a food item, press @字@ +repeatedly+ to{LF}engorge yourself. The faster you press, the faster you'll be able to wolf down{LF}your food! Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. Sir Arthur has prepared a large, lovely Wooly for us today. In fact, the poor thing is much too wooly for this hot{LF}weather. Thus, we shall show the creature our appreciation for all it{LF}gives to us by cutting off its wool. I have prepared safe, blunt instruments for each participant{LF}to use. Show your appreciation to the Woolies by beating the{LF}stuffing off of them! Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. The goal is to hit the flying @アイテム0@s{LF}with a ball. The more you can hit in a row, the greater the number of{LF}points you will receive. And if you hit @アイテム1@s or{LF}@アイテム2@s, you will receive even more{LF}points! +Control+ is the most important skill in this festival. Master it{LF}and you will do well. Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. The goal for this festival is simple -- hit your opponents with{LF}a hefty @アイテム0@! Or go the @アイテム1@ route to receive even{LF}more points. Keep in mind that any opponent struck by{LF}@アイテム2@ will be paralyzed for a few{LF}seconds. Give it your all, and may the best competitor win! Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. The one who catches the most fish before the{LF}announcement of the results will be the winner. Results will be announced between @0@ and{LF}@1@ hundred hours. If you're late, you will be +disqualified+, so please remember to{LF}be on time. Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. The one who catches the biggest fish before the{LF}announcement of the results will be the winner. Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. The one who catches the +largest variety+ of fish before time is{LF}up will be the winner. Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. The one who catches the most squid before the{LF}announcement of the results will be the winner. Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. For this festival, we see who has raised the highest quality{LF}flower or vegetable. The qualities judged will be the +level+, +growth time+, and{LF}whether or not it is +in season.+ If you would like to participate, please submit your best{LF}+flower+ or +vegetable+ to +me+. Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. Each participant will be asked various questions. If you believe the correct answer is ○, move to the ○ mark.{LF}If you think it's X, go to the X mark. You must reach the appropriate mark +within the time limit+. Whoever has the most points at the end of the quiz is the{LF}winner. Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. Each person may enter a team of +up to 2+ of their pet{LF}monsters to compete. Each team will fight another team, with the winning team{LF}advancing. Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. Participants will submit their favorite dish to see who has the{LF}best cooking. The creator of the most delicious dish will be the winner. Please submit your chosen dish to +me+. Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. Submit your favorite weapon or accessory to see who is the{LF}most skilled craftsman in town. Whoever has created the best item will be the winner. If you would like to participate, please submit your best{LF}+weapon+ or +accessory+ to +me+. We are currently accepting contestants for the{LF}@カレンダー0@. Would you like to participate? Teach me the rules. I want to participate. Who's the favorite to win? Not right now. Excellent! Then let us begin! I see. Please feel free to come back should you decide to{LF}participate. Are these pets the team you wish to enter? Yes. No. Then please bring the team of pets you would like to enter{LF}to me. It is a day early, but would you like to go over the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@? That is all. Please feel free to ask me if you would like to revisit the{LF}+rules+. Today is the @カレンダー0@. Participants can register between{LF}@0@ and @1@ hundred hours in the{LF}castle plaza. Don't be late! It is a bit early, but would you like to go over the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@? Teach me the rules. Who's the favorite to win? No, that's okay. Congratulations on your victory! I had faith in you from the very beginning, @しゅじんこうくん@! Ha ha! This is but a mere trifle for me! A splendid New Year to you! I hope this year will be just as marvelous as last year. Me too! Ahh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Here. A small New Year's allowance for you. Tomorrow will be the @カレンダー0@. We have already procured a truly large number of beans. All{LF}we now need is someone to be the demon. I wonder who will win this year. It will surely be a close call! This year's @カレンダー0@ was quite the success! Tomorrow will be the @カレンダー0@. I had best begin preparing the ingredients I will need for all{LF}the cooking that's to be done. I can hardly wait! No matter how much I cook today, it's never enough. Everyone wolfs down every dish put in front of them. Ahh, that was delicious! But alas, I ate far too much today. Well, there will be no leftovers! Every dish that was made{LF}has been eaten to the last crumb. Tomorrow will be the @カレンダー0@. All of the implements needed have been cleaned. Now we{LF}just need to wait for tomorrow. Do not forget to do a thorough warm-up before beginning{LF}any rigorous exercise. Ahhh! I worked up quite a sweat today. The Wooly went home looking very pleased. We have successfully procured an extraordinarily large{LF}number of turnips. Our preparations for the @カレンダー0@ should wrap{LF}up quite nicely. Put your best skills on display, now. I expect you will give us a wonderful performance. Did you all have a good time? It seems everyone is quite satisfied with how they did. Tomorrow will be the @カレンダー0@. All participants should be sure to dress warmly! Ahh! To compete fairly and wholeheartedly, aiming for{LF}victory... Youth is such a beautiful thing. Hmm? Are your feet wet? You mustn't leave them like that. Hurry and change before{LF}you catch a cold. Tomorrow will be the @カレンダー0@. The quiz will be multiple-choice format, with answers being{LF}either 'O' or 'X'. I am looking forward to seeing how everyone participates{LF}today. That was a splendid @カレンダー0@! I can hardly wait{LF}for next year's. Tomorrow will be the @カレンダー0@. I'm looking forward to watching your pets compete,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@! This is always a very exciting festival. I expect everyone will{LF}put their favorite pets on display. You will need to give it your very best if you hope to win,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Aah! It is always so relaxing to watch the antics of such{LF}adorable pets! Tomorrow will be the @カレンダー0@. There is a different fishing contest per season. Please be sure{LF}to remember which is which. Now then, who will bring in the most fish? I can hear the sound of enjoyment in every corner of the{LF}town! Though with such noise, they need be careful not to scare{LF}off all the fish! Every house will be having fish for dinner tonight. Tomorrow will be the @カレンダー0@. Keep in mind now, last month was the{LF}@カレンダー1@. This month is the{LF}@カレンダー0@. Are you ready for the festival? I wonder who will bring in the largest fish this year. Goodness! It certainly is quite the sight, seeing all these{LF}enormous fish! Tomorrow will be the @カレンダー0@. Well, @しゅじんこうくん@? Do you think you can reel in a victory{LF}today? Ho ho ho! Be careful, now. Do not get so wrapped up in your fishing that you fall in the{LF}lake. Ho ho ho! Goodness, everyone has caught so many squid today. It seems that there are some very suspiciously fishy activities{LF}happening today... ... Ho ho ho! Tomorrow will be the @カレンダー0@. Give it your all, now! It's your sinker which should dip, not{LF}your spirits! Ho ho ho! Everyone seems to be having a jolly time. How are you faring? Have the fish been biting? The fish must have had a hard time of it today, what with{LF}hooks coming at them every which way. Tomorrow we will be celebrating the @カレンダー0@. Remember, it's important for you to present your entry in the{LF}best possible light. It will be a delight to see all the vegetables that everyone{LF}has put so much time into raising. I am quite looking forward to it. Ho ho ho! This year has been another bountiful harvest. Do you remember what tomorrow is? @カレンダー1@ @カレンダー0@ @カレンダー2@ Correct! Good luck, and try your best to win. It's summer right now. @カレンダー0@ is the correct answer. I'm shocked that you could not guess the correct answer. Deplorable. Truly deplorable. Ahh! It is obvious that each and every one of these was{LF}lovingly raised. I'm looking forward to everyone's showcase! Ho ho ho! This year's @カレンダー0@ was quite impressive! Fall has nearly passed us by. The @カレンダー0@ will be upon us soon. All of those tantalizing and tasty vegetables are waiting to{LF}make our mouths water! Such splendid vegetables! Every contestant should feel{LF}proud. Tomorrow will be the @カレンダー0@. If you are aiming to win, you will have to give it your all! Ho ho ho! Everyone seems quite excited for this year's competition. This will be our last chance to watch everyone compete. Ho ho ho! I will not be beaten by you youngsters so easily! Behold!! Are these muscles not-- ...@しゅじんこうくん@? Where are you going?! The end of the year is upon us. It was quite the eventful one, too, @しゅじんこうくん@. But I must say, watching you grow so splendidly has been{LF}the highlight of the entire year. Your presence in this town has been very heartwarming. Congratulations on a busy but fruitful year. @しゅじんこうくん@! Are you watching? Tomorrow will be the @カレンダー0@. Be sure you +ask your lover out+ today if you choose to do so. Tomorrow will be too late. The best time for viewing the fireflies is around 1800 hours in{LF}the evening. But until then... Well, I suggest you relax and enjoy your day. Ho ho ho! I am reminded just how beautiful fireflies are every time I see{LF}them. Truly, they are lovely beyond words... Why, if I were 40 years younger, I would ask a pretty young{LF}lady to join me in viewing them! @しゅじんこうくん@, you are still young. Be bold! Take life by the{LF}horns. I look forward to watching the fireflies flit about so prettily{LF}again next year. @カレンダー0@ will soon be here. @しゅじんこうくん@, if there is someone you wish to give a{LF}present to... Today would be a splendid day to +ask that person on a{LF}date+. If you give them a present whilst on a date, your offering will{LF}be that much sweeter. If you've made +cookies+, do not forget to give them out. It is difficult to express your feelings if you forget to hand out{LF}your present. My, my, @しゅじんこうくん@! Is this for me? Ho ho ho! Even at my age, life can still hold surprises. I...I... WAAAAAAH!!! Tomorrow will be @カレンダー0@. It is a day when gentlemen will present ladies with a{LF}homemade @アイテム0@. And any gentleman might take the chance to +ask the lady on{LF}a date+. It is most effective. Goodness! I was not expecting to receive a gift from you. It is somewhat the opposite of what is generally done today,{LF}but I am very honored. @しゅじんこうくん@, here. Please take this{LF}@アイテム0@ with my compliments. Thank you! I wish you the best of luck with your gifts and the giving of{LF}them. I am greatly honored that everyone was pleased with my{LF}gifts. Tomorrow will be @カレンダー0@. It is a day when everyone makes a wish upon the stars in{LF}the sky. It is also a perfect time for a +date+. Be sure you ask your love{LF}today! Tomorrow is too late. Ho ho ho! I hope that everyone's wishes will come true. Me too. What about your wish? @しゅじんこうくん@...! @しゅじんこうくん@!!!! Me? Hrm... I will be satisfied if everyone can live happily and peacefully. Have you made your wish? I hope everyone's wish will come true. Tomorrow will be the @カレンダー0@. I do hope you'll participate. Make the very best item you can. I look forward to seeing what items everyone chooses to{LF}make. This year's festival was most entertaining! Everyone made{LF}such splendid items. Tomorrow will be the @カレンダー0@. Show me the very best dish you can possibly prepare! Preparations for the tasting are complete! I will taste each and every dish, judging it with all the{LF}impartiality in the world. Yes. Each and every...dish... No matter the taste. Or lack thereof. I consider it a privilege to be able to taste the best cooking{LF}everyone has to offer. Will you participate in the @カレンダー0@? There! Your registration is complete. Ahh, I see. Hrm? You do not have a fishing pole? Well, then I shall{LF}present you with one, just this once. Results will be announced between @0@ and{LF}@1@ hundred hours. Once the time has come, please speak to me. Do not be{LF}late! Perfect, you are just in time! Let us begin the announcement. Here, I brought some for you. Drink up, now! *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fish Variety Contest *Harvest Festival *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Other *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm... I was meeting someone at{LF}@0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I would love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone else, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. This is my entry. Not right now. Hmm, maybe now isn't the time for this. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities. ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please, take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Huzzah! I learned the recipe for @アイテム0@,{LF}a Chemistry Set item! Huzzah! I learned the recipe for @アイテム0@,{LF}a Cooking item! Huzzah! I learned the recipe for @アイテム0@,{LF}a Forging item! Huzzah! I learned the recipe for @アイテム0@,{LF}a Crafting item! Huzzah! I learned the recipe for @アイテム0@,{LF}a Forging item! Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Sure, I'll participate. Who's the favorite to win? Not right now. Today is another excruciatingly hot day. On days like this, it is quite a relief to take off my armor. Wearing armor in this season is tough. But it feels too strange to me not to have it on. Erm...could I ask you to please stop staring? ... What's wrong, @フォルテ@? You look upset. I'm not upset. I'm thinking of the best possible counters{LF}should I be attacked in this state. Armor would be helpful. Perhaps I should add metal plates{LF}to my swimsuit... Summer is coming. The heat is damaging to soldiers' morale. I will need to make{LF}sure they all stay focused. Try to maintain a proper sense of decorum yourself,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Speaking of summer... When I was little, Kiel and I went to the lake to play one{LF}day. Once we had tired ourselves out and gone home, I{LF}discovered Mom had made @アイテム9@ for{LF}me. Dad, looking stern the entire time, had decorated the whole{LF}dining room. Then I remembered that it was @キャラ0@{LF}@0@, my birthday. My family had put together a surprise party for me. I was very surprised, and very...happy. That sounds like a wonderful memory. ...Yes, it is. Thank you. Summer's glory lies in its lovely green foliage. Fall's is the{LF}beautiful colors of its leaves. I agree! Leaves are always pretty. Yes. Yes. Both seasons are good for the sword, too. Wha...? The days are turning chilly. ...Hee hee. Oh, my apologies. I was simply recalling an old memory. Back when Kiel first started knitting, he made some woolen{LF}mittens for me. But when I opened the present he gave to me, there were 3{LF}mittens inside. It sounds so imbecilic now, but it was highly amusing at the{LF}time. The year will be ending soon. It's time to look back on the past year and set our goals for{LF}the next. Tomorrow is Clorica's +birthday+. Yet I still have not decided what celebratory speech I shall{LF}give to her. Um...celebratory speech? Yes. Birthdays come but once per year. I like to see that{LF}they're celebrated with proper wisdom. I also need to devise how I will keep her awake for the{LF}length of the speech... I think you may be trying too hard on the wrong things... I received many kind +birthday+ wishes this year. The cake Kiel baked for me was especially delicious. He{LF}added extra frosting to make it swee-- ...AHEM. I-it's nothing. Don't mind me. ... Meg gifted me with a hairpin. It's truly lovely. I think I will put it in a place of honor in my{LF}room. Aren't hairpins supposed to decorate your hair, not your{LF}room? @しゅじんこうくん@. Do you fancy yourself skilled at cooking? Hmm? Where'd this question come from? Oh, erm, Kiel's +birthday+ is coming soon, and I, ah... ...AHEM! I-I was just curious. It isn't like I was going to try{LF}cooking something for him. No. Ahh, I understand. ...Good. Wh-why are you grinning at me like that? Bado's +birthday+ is coming soon. He first moved to this town shortly before my parents died... So we have known each other for quite some time now. Really? However, I have yet to see him work seriously for even a{LF}single hour. I have always thought him an overgrown child with an{LF}infantile heart... But I think there is one thing that needs to be said to him{LF}very plainly-- ''You are an adult!! Start acting like one!!!'' Ah ha ha... Calm down, calm down. Meg's +birthday+ is tomorrow. Yep! What kind of present are you going to give her? Something to do with music? Music. Hrm...something musical which befits a musician... Uh, you don't need to think about it that hard... How about a very rare instrument? Like this one, maybe. It{LF}doesn't make a sound. Wha?! An instrument that doesn't make any sound? Wouldn't that be a broken instrument? Xiao Pai's +birthday+ is tomorrow. Have you decided what present you're going to give her? Yes. I was thinking a @アイテム9@. A @アイテム9@? No matter how she tries, her efforts often only make the{LF}situation worse. In such times, would not a @アイテム9@ be a{LF}suitable rock upon which to cling? Me, I would be happy for even a straw to grasp. O-oh...uh, I see... Amber's +birthday+ is coming soon. I guess flowers would be the best present for her. I'm sure @コハク@ will be really happy. Yes. Even just looking at pretty flowers can make one feel{LF}better. You can also press them, or gather them to make flower{LF}crowns... ...AHEM! A-Amber can do that! I was not thinking of doing so{LF}myself. No. Tomorrow is Dolce's +birthday+. I would like to throw a proper party for her, but... Why can't you? ...Erm, Dolce has mentioned to me once that my behavior is{LF}very, ah...stuffy. I'm grateful that she chose to tell me that directly, but erm... It's hard to face her now? No. She was quite red-cheeked at the moment--a cold,{LF}apparently-- But she said that as long as I was aware, she had no{LF}problem with it. It's just, since that day, Pico has been giving me the oddest{LF}glares. Oh... I feel an unfamiliar presence. Huh? *WHOOSH!* GAH! ...Hrm? Oh. It was you, @しゅじんこうくん@. My apologies. I'm glad I did not cut you down. Umm.... Where are my manners? My name is Forte. I serve the holy Lady Ventuswill as her faithful Dragon Knight. ''Dragon Knight''? Ah, that's right. You're missing all your memories. ...Yeah... Oh, goodness! My apologies! I hope I've not spoken too indelicately... Uh, no. It's okay. Don't worry about it. Still, it was an inappropriate topic to bring up. I'm sorry. Erm...anyway. Dragon Knights. As the name suggests, it is my duty to protect Lady{LF}Ventuswill. ...On paper, at least. Huh? The power of a mere human is nothing compared to hers.{LF}She hardly requires the help of one. O-oh...that makes sense, I guess. Yes. I didn't know @セルザ@ was that powerful. So though I hold the title of Dragon Knight, in truth my duty{LF}is to guard this town. Accordingly, if you should have any problems, please feel{LF}free to come speak with me. I will do whatever I can to help. Thank you! I appreciate that. What is wrong, @しゅじんこうくん@? I will protect you, @しゅじんこうくん@! Ngh! I...I'm fine. It is but a scratch. Vision is...swimming... Is this the time to try using the Mind's{LF}Eye technique? Understood. Please, be careful out there. Oh...I see. Well, then, erm... Please feel free to invite me{LF}again at another time. It's nice to have someone walk home with me on occas--- ...AHEM! D-don't mind me. It was nothing. But, erm...thank you. Pardon me. It's time I relieved the town watch. I must be{LF}going. Would you like to go somewhere with me, @フォルテ@? My apologies. I'm afraid I have things that I must yet do{LF}today. I would not mind. I will be glad to accompany you. Oh...I'd rather not make this too large a crowd. Please ask{LF}me again some other time. Of course! I would be glad to accompany you. @しゅじんこうくん@! Would you care to join me on patrol? Oh, I see you have someone with you already. Never mind,{LF}then. I'll ask you another time. Thank you. Well, then, shall we make some rounds? Really? Thank you. Ah, I see. Well, then, maybe next time. Huh? Wh-wh-wh-wh-what...?! Did I surprise you? AHH! P-put the sword down! W-well, then, do not give me such strange ideas with your{LF}bad jokes! Erm...this isn't a joke, is it? No, it isn't. It isn't a dream, either? No. I'm very serious. ... Erm... I-I'm sorry. I'm very...confused right now. May I have a little time to think? Um, sure. Thank you. Please come to the @マップ0@ tomorrow at{LF}@0@ hundred hours. I promise I shall deliver an answer to you then. Okay. I, erm, will see you then... Erm, I promise I will give you a proper answer tomorrow. So please come to the @マップ0@ at{LF}@0@ hundred hours. Erm, I promise I will give you a proper answer later today. So please come to the @マップ0@ at{LF}@0@ hundred hours. @フォルテ@. Y-y-yes?! Have you found an answer for me? ... ...Yes. ...Please don't laugh, okay? I won't. I've been thinking about it very hard. To be honest, I'm not terribly knowledgeable about these{LF}kinds of things. S-so I'm not sure if it is wise of me to answer just off of what{LF}I'm feeling. ... It...it's odd. Simply looking at you is enough to make my{LF}heart start racing. Spending time with you is always fun, no matter what we do. And...thinking that you might not be looking at me is very{LF}disheartening. Sometimes unbearably so. So when I heard what you had to say to me yesterday, I was{LF}elated! I was so happy, I felt like I could jump for joy! But... Then I realized that what we have between us now might{LF}change... And that...that frightens me a little. @フォルテ@... I'm a little scared too. What...? I had no idea what I would do if you turned me down. I mean, if you did, we couldn't go back to the way we were.{LF}Not really. But... I still wanted to be closer to you. I want to hug you and hold you. That kind of feeling means you're in love, right? You wanted to be closer to me...? Yes. What about you, @フォルテ@? I...I... ...Yes, that's it. I will just protect the whole lot of it together. What? Our relationship... This feeling of wanting to be closer. I can protect it all by keeping you safe. And to keep you safe, I'll need to be by your side. Always. Then... Yes. I am not the most skilled person, but I still hereby pledge my{LF}loyalty to you. Uh, I think that's not the right pledge for this kind of thing. Wh-what? O-oh, um... But it's very like you, so I don't mind. Oh...that's good. So, well...what do we do now? Huh? I-I mean, um! What, ah, what shall we call each other, now? You want us to give each other special nicknames? W-well, not like that! It, ah, it's just a symbol of our new{LF}relationship together. So, erm...if there was anything special you had in mind... Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ It is...? Oh. I don't know if I'm relieved or a little disappointed. Wha? N-nothing! It's all right. Ah... All right. Well, then... @しゅじんこうくん@. That seems...informal. It feels a little awkward to me, but if that's what you'd like... @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Yes. I think it won't be that bad once I get used to it. Could you call me that one more time? Oh, I...of course. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Yes? ... ...@しゅじんこうくん@? What, is it too strange? No. It's not strange, it just... It just feels like that may be a little...a little too soon. Oh? N-nothing! Pay it no mind... @しゅじんこうくん@. ...What? Would you mind saying that one more time? @その他4@ seems good to me. Oh. I... You'll call me that, right...? O-of course! A knight never goes back on her word! But, erm... On three. One...two...! Urk! Oh...@しゅじんこうくん@... So, what would you like to call me? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Really? You needn't be quite so formal, you know... Hmm? N-nothing. It does have a familiar ring to it, I suppose. @その他0@...? Don't you like it? Urk...! I-it's okay! You may call me whatever you like. Okay then, @フォルテ@! ♪ Urk! @その他1@...? ... What's wrong? You turned red all of a sudden... I-it's nothing. I was just embarrassed for a moment, is all. We could do something different, if you'd like. What?! Or did you turn that color because you liked it so much? @フォルテ@... Eep...! I-if that's what you would like to call me, then I guess it's{LF}okay. But it seems a little, erm...masculine. It does, a little. @しゅじんこうくん@? What?! @フォルテ@... Y-yes? It's been a long time since I have been called that. Not since{LF}I was a child. Wha?! Well? What do you think? Erm... Wh-why does it have to be that particular name? Because I thought it'd be a perfect name for you,{LF}@フォルテ@. Urk...! Erm, well then. I look forward to a pleasant courtship{LF}between us. Again with all the formality... O-oh, s-sorry... I'm looking forward to our time together, @しゅじんこうくん@. Me too, @フォルテ@. @しゅじんこうくん@... Um, how to put this...I think it would be wise if you not make{LF}those kinds of jokes again. Huh? Isn't that something meant for couples with a closer, more...{LF}erm...intimate relationship? So don't joke about it, please. Okay? She doesn't think I'm serious. Ah...as do I. Though I think cheaters are the worst kind of lowlife. As do I. We shall be comrades-in-arms for our entire lives! This... W-wait...it's...wh-whaaa?! Please...marry me. ... I-I...erm... ...Pardon me. I don't think I heard you correctly. Then I'll say it over and over until you do hear me. Will you marry me? M-me? A-and you...? ... ... @フォルテ@... Eep! I-I-I don't think I'm prepared for...for this just yet. So, erm, I-I don't know what I can tell you... Oh! But I'm not upset! I'm not upset at all! In fact, I'm...I'm{LF}happy. Really...really happy. So happy I don't know what to say. W-wait...what? ... Are you sure you want to...with me? Yes. Even though I'm more comfortable in an armory than a{LF}kitchen? Even though I don't act feminine? I've always thought you were very cute and feminine when{LF}the topic of romance came up. ...Even though I like +cake+ and sweets, despite being a{LF}dignified knight? I don't see how liking sweets affects a knight's dignity at all. ... Even though I strut about boasting that I will protect{LF}everyone... ...but then go weak in the knees at the mere mention of{LF}ghosts? ...Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure. Because I know you, @フォルテ@. I know you're a kind{LF}and caring person at heart. And that you'll do anything you can to help the ones you{LF}love. ... I...I'm so happy, I don't know what to say. @フォルテ@... @しゅじんこうくん@... Will you love me better than anyone in the whole town? More than the whole world. So please marry me. ... ...Yes. And I will love you more than anyone in the world. My apologies but, um, I prefer gentleman partners. N-not to imply that you aren't a polite person yourself! It's{LF}just, erm...well...ahem. This... Erm, pardon me, but being given this sort of thing is slightly,{LF}ah, confusing. A wedding ring? I see. I shall tuck it away in a safe place for you. ... Erm, what am I to do with it? I-is that...@アイテム9@? Erm, thank you. Hmm? What sorts of things do I like? Egg dishes and @アイテム0@. Oh, and{LF}western sweets and cakes, as well. Hmm? Is this for me? Thank you. It is a well-crafted @アイテム9@{LF}indeed. @アイテム9@? Thank you, it should prove{LF}most useful. Thank you. I will gratefully accept this thoughtful gift. You're welcome. Don't ghosts scare you? What? Well y'see...there's this ghost that's-- A ghost? Where?! Umm... @キャラ0@... ...Never mind. Hmm? What sorts of things do I like? Egg dishes and @アイテム0@. Also...cakes{LF}and sweets... Oh...! A +cake+! Hmm? For me? Really? Thank you! I can hardly wait to taste it. @アイテム9@?! Thank you! I really +like+ these! ...ACK! ...ahem! I mean, I humbly accept this thoughtful gift. My{LF}thanks. What a well-crafted @アイテム9@. Hmm? It is{LF}for me? Thank you. I have always +liked+ eggs. They are very tasty. Little is as handy as @アイテム9@. I use them{LF}so much I wear them out. Hmm? It's for me? Thank you. @アイテム9@! I +like+ these quite a bit. You have my thanks! ♪ @アイテム9@? How did you know I find egg{LF}dishes to be very tasty? You have my thanks. ♪ A flower for me? Really? Thank you! ...I'm very flattered. What...? A flower for me? Why, thank you! It smells lovely. Oh my...it's @アイテム9@! Thank you! Of all egg dishes out there, I think this one is the{LF}most delicious. Erm, but please don't think me immature for it! Oh, I +love+ this dish! It's quite delicious. What? I can have it? Thank you very much! Hmm? For me? Yay! ...AHEM. I mean, my thanks for your thoughtfulness. Oh, that looks very tasty. Hmm? A present for me, you say? Why, thank you! I will gladly accept it! Yes, very gladly! A dish that can be shared and enjoyed by all. Isn't it{LF}wonderful? Hmm? Together? Of course! I would be glad to join you. Hmm? For me? Many thanks! It is a warm dish in many different ways. I +love+ it. Hmm? You would like for me to drink this?{LF}...Right now? Well, I guess if you insist. ... ... @フォルテ@? Tap her shoulder. WHA?! I-it's nothing! I feel just fine! ...*JOLT*... Um, are you okay? Erm... Y-yes...I'm fine. Just fine... Ahm, a birthday present for me? I'd rather just accept the thought...erm, ahem! I-I mean,{LF}thank you. Hmm? A +birthday present+ for me? Thank you. I shall humbly accept it. Hmm? Is this a +birthday+ present for me? Why, thank you! It's always nice to receive something I +like+{LF}as a present. Oh my! Is that @アイテム9@ for me?! Thank you! This is the very best +birthday present+ I've ever{LF}received. Oh, my. Is this hand-crafted? I thought so! Thank you. Oh, yes! It's hardly polite to receive without giving in return. This is a small token of my gratitude. I hope you like it. @しゅじんこうくん@... Do you remember what day it is today? Your birthday. Our wedding anniversary. Correct! ♪ We've made a lot of memories together, haven't we? Yes... Remember the time we argued about a +knight's+ true duty,{LF}and I almost broke up with you? Yeah. It was hard at the time, but looking back on it now... Yes. It's a good memory now. We learned so much about{LF}each other that day. @しゅじんこうくん@... Stay with me forever, okay? Of course! Yes! ...Wait, no! That isn't what I was thinking of! It wasn't? Today is our +anniversary+. Didn't you, erm...didn't you{LF}remember? Oh...! No! Wha? No? Today is our +anniversary+! Oh, yeah. That is today, isn't it... Hmph! @しゅじんこうくん@... Recently, I've been hearing some very...disquieting rumors. Rumors about you spending intimate time with other ladies. What?! They ARE just rumors, right...? Ummmm... I...I'm not mad at you, if that's what you're worried about. I'm just, erm....well... Oh, never mind! It's nothing! Huh? @フォルテ@? ...Goodness. Why must I feel this way? Today is your birthday, correct? Happy Birthday. I, erm, I attempted to craft a birthday present for you, but... ...AHEM! I, er, I hope you like it. Thank you. I think I'll try again once I've practiced making sweets a bit{LF}more. Here. I have a present for you. I, um, I did my best, but I'm not certain it turned out all that{LF}well... It's okay. Thank you! ...! Y-you're welcome. @しゅじんこうくん@, please hold still a moment. Hrm. You look a little pale. Are you feeling well? Here, take this. I always carry medicine on me for just these{LF}occasions. Now go and get some rest, okay? I mean it! It would be wise for you to visit Jones or Nancy and have{LF}them take a look at you. Go on now. I mean it! Here. @アイテム0@...for your lunch today. I...attempted to make you lunch today.{LF}@アイテム0@. I decided to challenge myself by making lunch for you today.{LF}This...@アイテム0@... Erm...here. This @アイテム0@ was meant...for{LF}your lunch... This @アイテム0@ is for your lunch today! I'll see you when you get home. Work diligently, now! I'll see you when you get home. Wait a moment! Your hair is still tussled... There we go! Well, then, I'll see you later today. I'll take care of the house while you're gone. See you this{LF}evening! See you later... Erm, though I would be very glad if you'd{LF}hurry home. It seems you've become quite accustomed to handling your{LF}weapons. It's easy to tell. You move with much greater confidence{LF}now. My, it seems you've become quite proficient with your{LF}weapons! Have you ever given thought to teaching the new recruits? I{LF}would welcome your assistance. Oh my goodness, what skill! I can hardly believe how expertly you now handle your{LF}weapons! I'd be honored if you would spar with me someday. Unbelievable! Your skill with your weapons is outstanding! Only once before have I had the chance to witness the{LF}moves of a true master... ...It seems I will have to step up my training regimen to keep{LF}up with you! Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@! Perfect timing. Here, please have some. I have some extra to share. Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. Allow me to teach you a basic tenet{LF}of the martial arts. It's called ''seeing with the mind's eye.'' That's a basic...? --HAAAH!! Excellent. Even that sword strike could not make you flinch.{LF}Well done. I'm sure this experience will serve you very well in the future. Um, thanks, but could you please sheathe your sword now...{LF}? Can your eye follow this stroke? Wha-- Excellent. Had you not been able to follow it, you wouldn't{LF}have been able to react in time. Um, thanks? I guess? Yay! My Short Sword skill went up! Yay! My Long Sword skill went up! Yay! My Spear skill went up! Yay! My Axe/Hammer skill went up! Yay! My Dual Blades skill went up! Yay! My Gloves skill went up! Here. This is a recipe that Kiel gave to me. If you'd like it, it's yours. I've already memorized it. @しゅじんこうくん@... Yes? May I ask you a question? Sure. Have you, um, ever thought about, uh...you know... About what? About, erm...expanding our family? Oh. Yeah. I'd like it to be just us. I knew it!! Yikes! Wh-what's with the super-excited reaction? O-oh, my apologies. I, ah, I was so happy you felt the same{LF}way that I got ahead of myself. @フォルテ@... How about we start thinking of a good name for our child? Yes, let's! ... I...I see. I-it seems fitting. Uh, you're blushing beet red. Urk! Y-you don't have to point it out each and every time, you{LF}know... Oh, @フォルテ@, this is so wonderful! Yes, it is. We'll have a new family member soon! Yes...our child. Yeah. I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl... A boy? I'm sure you'll teach him to be a dignified, chivalrous knight. Just like you. No, like you, @フォルテ@. Hee hee... He'll be chivalrous, and kind, and generous too. Just like you. Or just like YOU! Hee hee! A girl? I'm sure she'll be as kind and gentle as you. Or perhaps...as kind and gentle as you. ... And I think she'll be dignified and brave, too. Yes. As dignified and brave as you. Yeah... Hee hee... True. Boy or girl, I'm sure our child will be both generous and{LF}brave. Yeah. Just like you. No, just like YOU. Hee hee! But the most important part is, our family will grow a little{LF}bigger...and a little closer. Yeah, it will. Hee hee... Today is @子供ちゃん@'s birthday. I think I'll try to bake a birthday cake for the party. I've asked Kiel to help, too. Hrm. I see you have a nice @アイテム0@{LF}there. How about @1@ Gold for{LF}@0@ @アイテム0@? Well then, how about @1@ Gold? I see. That's too bad. Excellent. I'll take it. I'm afraid I'm simply looking today. Thank you, though. Hrm. This does look quite tempting. What should I do? What else might you have for sale? Thank you. I'll stop by again sometime. You have some excellent items for sale. I'll come by again for{LF}certain! ... Is something wrong, @フォルテ@? Oh, no. Nothing at all. I was just thinking how happy I am. Oh? Yes. Being married to you. Now I can spend the rest of my life together with you. I was so lucky to be able to meet you. It's given me so much{LF}happiness... Thank you. You're welcome. Hee hee... Have you had a chance to meet Kiel? He's my younger brother. Yeah. Not yet. I see. He's a slim, blond boy. Some say he's girlish in appearance. If you have any questions about Lady Ventuswill, I suggest{LF}you ask him. He knows quite a lot. You see, he is studying the Native Dragons. Lady Ventuswill and her kind...fascinate him. However, erm... I suggest you not trust every last thing he says. He's prone to{LF}spreading baseless rumors. He is? He doesn't mean to. He just doesn't know how to doubt, so{LF}he trusts everything he hears. Such as, erm... That I, ah, like girly sweets. Or that I, erm, am scared of silly{LF}things like ghosts... Those are just rumors, you know! Baseless, untrue rumors! Please don't fall for them. Understand? Uh, sure... So you've begun a relationship with Kiel, @しゅじんこうくん@? I{LF}must say, I approve. If you should ever want advice, please feel free to come{LF}speak with me. Kiel is generally very kind and considerate, but he can be{LF}quite stubborn at times. Are things going well, @しゅじんこうくん@? Ah, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. And hello to you, too, Kiel. I see the two of you together often lately. I must admit, it{LF}makes me feel a bit lonely. Is a lover truly that special a person...? Oh, my apologies. I don't mean to digress. It's just, the two of you always seem so very happy together. Are the two of you headed out? Goodness, you two are nearly joined at the hip. Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's been quite some time. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's been quite some time since we last{LF}spoke. I, erm, I'm glad you haven't forgotten me. ... ...See? Now do you understand a little better how it feels not{LF}to be spoken with for a while? I would be remiss if I did not offer my congratulations. Congratulations, @しゅじんこうくん@. Very well done. Thank you very much. Ah! @フォルテ@! Congratulations! I'll get you next time! Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Do try. I welcome the challenge. Happy New Year, @しゅじんこうくん@. May this new year be as good as the last. I'm always reminded of the past during the{LF}@カレンダー0@. It was so nice to practice cutting projectiles out of the sky. Today is the @カレンダー0@. Let's both give it our{LF}best! The conditions today were nearly perfect. A little too perfect, in fact. I got so carried away I started{LF}dodging the beans. So the @カレンダー0@ will be tomorrow. ... Erm, n-never mind. Hmm? No matter how much I eat, I never seem to gain{LF}weight. Would that it were true... Huh? N-nothing! Erm, anyway, let us all put forth our best effort! ...urp. Um...are you okay? Y-yes. This is a trifle. A...mere trifle. No matter what the contest, a knight is honor-bound to give{LF}it no less than her very best. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I can hardly wait. Today is a festival that can be enjoyed by people and{LF}monsters alike. After all, nobody believes that ALL monsters are creatures of{LF}evil. If only I could knit, I might actually have a use for all this{LF}wool... ...AHEM! I mean, if only I knew someone who could knit! Yes,{LF}ah, perhaps I'll give it as a gift. ...? ... It looks like she's deep in thought. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I'm quite excited for it. This is one of my favorite festivals. Targets are wonderful things. They're easy to spot and, even{LF}better, easy to hit. I wonder if Bado might not learn a thing or two from them. If he does, he's going to regret it... I accidentally threw quite the wild pitch earlier. Bado, of course, did not miss the opportunity to chide me{LF}about trying ''new'' things... Uh-oh, she looks mad! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I have trained myself for this day, as it takes a great deal of{LF}energy to throw so many turnips in succession! No matter what the contest...! *SWOOSH!* It must be tackled--*WOOSH!*--with the{LF}best--*SWISH!*--effort one can give! High speed fastballs?! I was lenient with most, but at Bado alone I threw my{LF}hardest. Ah, quite unintentionally, of course. Some may have come{LF}closer than is strictly safe. Funny, you look awfully pleased with yourself right now... Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. This one is Kiel's specialty. Today is the @カレンダー0@. Kiel has been bouncing in happy anticipation all day. He's{LF}very confident in his chances today. Of course, I don't intend to roll over and give myself up. That was a passionate battle of information. Porcoline hosted the event with a masterful touch. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. No worthwhile training lasts only a day. There is no point in{LF}getting flustered about it now. True friendship is also a thing that takes time to grow. Time{LF}and effort, like all good things. Have you finished preparing for the @カレンダー0@? One must always prepare carefully before going into battle. On the battlefield, carelessness and pride can take your life{LF}faster than any enemy. That was an excellent match! I'm very satisfied with how well{LF}my Lancelot did. Today, I think I will ask Kiel to prepare a tasty dinner for us. And we can sleep together in our warm, comfortable bed. But then, starting tomorrow, the days of training and practice{LF}begin anew. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Have you prepared{LF}your rod and bait? A battle begins with the proper care and maintenance of{LF}one's weapons. Fishing is a one-on-one battle: you versus nature. And nature's time is up. I'm currently practicing image training. Ah! I've caught a large one! Hnngh! I will not let you escape me, fish! Um, isn't this contest for the most caught, not the biggest? Whew. That was an excellent match. And that's a lovely smile. I am very much looking forward to tomorrow's{LF}@カレンダー0@. I've devised the perfect plan. Heh heh...victory will be mine! There's fishing pole #1, #2, #3 and...there. #4. Excellent! My preparations are complete. Um, what are you trying to catch with all those? Four poles means two for each hand... There! Now I can catch 4 times the fish, all at once! You've got to be kidding... I'm quite pleased with how I did today. I caught a lot of fish. Um, this time was the biggest fish, not the most... Fishing is more difficult than one would think at first. It's hook...or be hooked. ...Uh, what now? Bado told me I'm too agitated to fish well. I can hardly believe he dared say that to me! ... Wow, she's concentrating really hard. And she's got what she's thinking scrawled all across her{LF}face. ... ...*SIGH* Uh-oh. Now she looks really disappointed. I realize that I'm a knight and not a fisherman. But I've decided that for tomorrow's @カレンダー0@,{LF}I'm going to turn over a new leaf. Long ago, I went home crying that I couldn't catch any fish.{LF}My mom turned and gave me a knife. She told me not to worry about catching the fish. Instead, I{LF}could be the one to +cut+ them. Wow, she must have been really good at conning people{LF}into helping her! Well then, it's time to go fishing! Uh, so why are you brandishing a blade? It seems that I am not, in fact, a very good fisherman. Though I may not be good at catching them, I shall do my{LF}absolute best at +cutting+ them. Yeah, you're already good at +cutting+ things, being a knight{LF}and all... Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I hear the more time one spends raising a vegetable, the{LF}more delicious it will be. Oh, @フォルテ@. That's a nice potted plant you ha-- --um, did I just see a sword zip past my face? Yes, you did. A weed dared show itself, you see. It is my @アイテム0@, though it seems I was{LF}too soft on it. As a result, it has become as soft as a common{LF}@アイテム1@. My mom always loved to cheer me on during the{LF}@カレンダー0@. She said she was glad I was doing something that didn't{LF}revolve around blades and war. Even Dad would help me during this festival. A surprise,{LF}considering it's a simple vegetable showcase. Usually, he was not one to say much about anything except{LF}weapons and training. Raising an animal or a plant like this always makes me think{LF}on things. It reminds me that even the opponent I may face tomorrow{LF}was raised by someone's loving hands. ...Yes. I must do my best to raise this as well as I can. I think I'll do quite well in tomorrow's @カレンダー0@. After all, this is a vegetable that I've raised myself. My vegetable is quite strong. Ooh, I bet it resists pests and drought really well. No, I mean it's physically tough. This year, I attempted to raise the hardest vegetable I could. After all, it's only worthwhile training if my target is hard to{LF}cut. My mom would always tell me one thing when we raised our{LF}crops. She said that when raising a thing, love was the strongest{LF}weapon we could use. I have heard that there exist weapons in the form of plants. My ultimate goal is to create one of those. Eesh. What kind of vegetable does she think she can raise? Love can be a weapon. Thus, one day, this vegetable may also become a weapon. She's serious... Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. I never thought the day would come when I could go{LF}swimming together with everyone. That I can is thanks to you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. I-I will go swimming with everyone, of course! Why wouldn't{LF}I? Um, I didn't say anything... The next time you see Meg, I suggest you pay her a{LF}compliment or two. She spent an extraordinary amount of time choosing just the{LF}right swimsuit yesterday. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. The end of the year is{LF}upon us. I think it might be all right to cut loose a little for at least{LF}one day a year. At this time of year, you must ask yourself, would the me of{LF}last year be proud of me now? If you can say yes, then that's proof positive that you've{LF}grown. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I like fireflies. There's something about their flicker that's{LF}relaxing to watch. ... Yes? Erm, I, ah...I was wondering if you would care to join me in{LF}watching them. I-if you don't have any other plans, that is! Today's festival won't truly begin until after dark. I can hardly wait. Look at all the fireflies! They're so pretty... Yeah. I think you're prettier. ... I don't think she heard me. The fireflies were beautiful this year. I lost myself watching{LF}them. Oh, yes, tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@, isn't it? You want to go, don't you? Erm, I-I won't push the issue if you have other plans. Well, I see no reason we couldn't go... Really? That's wonderful! Wh-what? You want to go too? Wonderful! I'm very much looking forward to it. What? You want to go to tomorrow's festival with me? N-no! It's no bother at all! None! I, erm, I'm actually quite happy. Thank you for inviting me to join you. I look forward to going with you again next y--AHEM! N-{LF}never mind. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Kiel can barely wait. You sound pretty excited for it yourself. Oh, erm... Yes? Come to think of it, ah, are you going to attend alone{LF}tomorrow? Y-you see, I was wondering if you would care to join me. I-if{LF}you had the time, that is! I see... Well, then... @フォルテ@? L-let's meet tomorrow at @マップ1@,{LF}@0@ hundred hours! I look forward to seeing you there. Um, okay. @フォルテ@... Eep! Gah! O-oh. My apologies. I've been waiting for you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm sorry I kept you waiting so long. N-no! It's all right! I wasn't waiting that long at all. Um...so which is it? I, ah, I was waiting a long time to see you in my h-heart, but{LF}I wasn't standing here very long. A-anyway! Never mind that. Here! What's this? A, erm...@アイテム0@. I don't not know if it's{LF}any good, though. Thank you. Thanks, but no thanks. ...! You're welcome. Wha...? O-oh... If you don't need it, I don't mind if you simply throw it away. Well, then I, ah, I shall see you later. It seems Kiel made a little too much earlier today. Rather than waste it, I brought some along. You seem pretty happy about that. Hmm? Is this for me? Why, thank you! No matter how old one gets, it's always nice to receive{LF}presents. Hmm? Is this for me? Why, thank you! No matter how old one gets, it's always nice to receive{LF}presents. Ah! Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Here. This is a small token of my gratitude for all that you've{LF}done for me. Erm...here. I have something for you. I, ah, tried crafting something new, you see, and, erm... Thank you. Y-you're welcome! I'm honored you chose to accept it! If, erm, if you don't mind me asking, does it taste...passable? ...AHEM! Never mind! It's nothing! Forget I asked! I'm quite looking forward to @カレンダー0@. Every year, Kiel makes lots of very delicious sweets. Accommodating all the travelers was as tiring as ever this{LF}year. They continually ask me to give things to Meg for them.{LF}Honestly! Why can't they do it themselves? Hmm? Is this for me? Thank you! But isn't today the day when gentlemen hand out presents to{LF}the ladies? Hmm? Is this for me? Why, thank you! I'm flattered you chose to give me something. @フォルテ@... Yes? Would you meet me at @マップ1@ tomorrow? Tomorrow? I should have time to do so, yes. Oh, good! I'll see you at @マップ1@ tomorrow, then. Understood. @フォルテ@... Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. So, what shall we do today? Um, y'see, there's something I'd like to give you... What? Today is @カレンダー0@... Thanks for all you do. W-wait... Will you accept it? Th-this is from you...for me? I, um...oh my goodness... ...! I never thought I would ever receive something like this from{LF}you. Th-thank you! I'm ecstatic! No, thank you! I'm always in your debt. You're constantly a great help to me too. Please, accept this{LF}as a small token of my thanks. Oh, please... But thank you. I greatly appreciate the thought. I will humbly accept your gracious gift. Erm...@しゅじんこうくん@? Thank you. I very much enjoyed today. I knew Meg looked more happy than usual today. It's no wonder. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Oh, by the way, about tomorrow's patrols... Would you be free to help me? Everyone will be in high spirits, so someone needs to be sure{LF}they keep it within reason. ...Though that leads to the very false rumor that I don't enjoy{LF}the day as well myself. What a lovely sky tonight. ...Well then, shall we return to our patrol? We need to make certain that everyone else can enjoy the{LF}stars in peace. I'm glad that this year's @カレンダー0@ ended without{LF}incident. And thus, one of my wishes has already been granted. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. So, erm, should you have the time, I would be grateful if you{LF}could join me on patrol... Sure. I'd love to. You would? Oh, good! I'm glad. Don't worry. Should anything happen, I'll protect you. You would like to join me...? No, no! It's no bother at all! Well, then, I'd be honored if you would join me on my patrol. Thank you for assisting me with my patrols today. If, um, if you wouldn't mind, I would like it if you could join{LF}me again sometime... Oh...I see. That is unfortunate. Erm...is it because there's someone else you wish to see--{LF}AHEM! Never mind. Forget I asked! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. If Bado even bothers make a serious effort at it, he might{LF}even win. Today is the @カレンダー0@. Typically, I'm one to purchase my weapons. However, attempting to craft one by hand has shown me{LF}many things I'd never noticed before. I think I managed to craft a good piece today. I've named it Silver Striker. The @カレンダー0@ will soon be here. It will be a...challenge. I can hardly wait. I like to think I'm skilled at cutting materials. No, the cutting part never poses me any problem. After the cutting part, though... ... I feel terrible for the judge who had to taste my cooking. Hey, would you like to go somewhere with me tomorrow? Tomorrow? Hrm...I believe I may have training that day... ... ...I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'll have to pass this time. But sometimes a small break in routine is called for. Well then, where shall we go? Let us meet at @マップ1@ at @0@{LF}hundred hours, then. Okay. Erm, are we really going on what can be called a...a date? Hmm? N-nothing! Never mind! Tomorrow, huh...? I can hardly wait. Hmm? AHEM! I, er, I said I'll see you tomorrow. Oh. Right. See you tomorrow. O-of course! See you then. Would you like to come visit my room? What? Erm...may I ask what you mean by that? Hmm? I just thought I'd ask you if you wanted to come visit{LF}me, that's all. Oh! R-right. I see. Well that is a relief...though also strangely disappointing. ...No! What am I thinking?! ...? How about we relax at home? That sounds like a good idea. Let's do that. How does @マップ0@ sound? What...? ...? Erm, n-nothing! Never mind. Well, then, let's...erm...let's meet there. ...? How about we go to @マップ0@? What?! You do want to learn how to swim, don't you? Y-yes... But would it not be too boring for you? We can do it if we try, @フォルテ@! R-right. Right! Thanks to you, @しゅじんこうくん@, I am no longer afraid of the{LF}water at all. ♪ How about we go to @マップ0@? Sure. That sounds like a good place to go. How about we go to @マップ0@? Sure, why not? Let's go there. How about we go to @マップ0@? Yeah, that sounds great! I hope you look forward to it, now. Huh? Oh, nothing. Hee hee! How would you like to go to @マップ0@? Hmm? Well, erm... ...Well, okay. We can go there. All right! Erm, well then... How about we go to...to your room? What? J-just to visit! Nothing more! Just...oh... ... So, um...my room it is, then, I guess. A-all right... How about we spend today relaxing at home? That sounds great. Let's do that. How would you like to go to @マップ0@? That sounds good. @マップ0@ it is, then. Understood. I'm looking forward to it. I already have plans for that time, so I probably shouldn't{LF}invite another person. ... What's wrong, @フォルテ@? Wha?! O-oh. No, it's nothing. But... No, really it's not nothing. Is this feeling what people call love...? Hmm? N-nothing! Never mind! Hrm... Is the holding of hands appropriate in these sorts of{LF}situations...? @フォルテ@? O-oh! I, I was just thinking how we ought to be sure we{LF}behave correctly and with decorum. ...? Urk... D-decorum is important, you know! Now...let's be going, shall we? @しゅじんこうくん@? Yes? Is it, erm...is it all right if I hold your hand? Sure. No way. Oh... C'mon, let's go. O-okay... If only we could stay this way forever... Oh...! You know, I think I'd rather you take my arm. Wha...EEP! Don't you want to? N-no...it's fine. It's odd. What is? We're walking though a place I've seen dozens of times... But simply doing so with you by my side makes it look so{LF}much more beautiful. I agree wholeheartedly. Huh? You're seeing things? Hee hee... What a wonderful evening. @しゅじんこうくん@... That was meant as a joke, correct? Umm... I had a wonderful time today. Thank you. I, erm, I look forward to getting to spend more time with you{LF}like this. @しゅじんこうくん@, about the appointment we had today... I waited for you for hours. Did you perhaps forget...? ... Missing appointments is a rude and inconsiderate thing to{LF}do. However...it is far, far worse to attempt to lie to cover up{LF}your error. ...I'm glad that you chose to be truthful. ... ...Enough. ... It seems you may need some time to reflect upon what{LF}you've done. ... I'm afraid I don't have any words I'd wish to share with a liar. We'll be meeting tomorrow at{LF}@マップ0@,{LF}@0@ hundred hours. I'm looking forward to it. We'll be meeting today at{LF}@マップ0@,{LF}@0@ hundred hours. Don't be late, now. @しゅじんこうくん@... Oh, hi, @フォルテ@. Right on time, eh? Of course. I've been waiting all day for this. Hmm? Oh, erm...ah... Heh heh. Let's get going, shall we? All right. @しゅじんこうくん@. There you are. I'm sorry I kept you waiting so long. No, I just arrived myself. Oh? You did? ...Erm, no. I, ah, I just...always wanted to say that. @フォルテ@! @しゅじんこうくん@... My apologies. I hope I didn't keep you waiting. It's okay. I don't mind. I was so excited, I got here far too early. Y-you did? Well, then, shall we be going? We're headed to @マップ0@. Erm, @しゅじんこうくん@? I notice you have someone with you. I, ah, I was hoping that we could have some time alone{LF}together so I could give you my answer. I...I thought dates were a thing done by two people alone... I've been waiting for you. Here. I have a nice{LF}@アイテム0@ for you. I thought something warm might be appropriate. Though I was hoping instead for something sweet...ahem. Er,{LF}never mind. You didn't hear that. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. Here. I brought a nice{LF}@アイテム0@ for you. Aah! A warm drink after a relaxing bath is wonderful! Though if it were sweet as well...AHEM! N-never mind. It's{LF}nothing. Will you be retiring for the night soon? Good morning. *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. I really love you! Just kidding. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm... I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Oops! I don't have a Double Bed yet. Now isn't the time for that. I wonder what that is? If I want to propose to someone, I should probably figure this{LF}out first. I think @ビシュナル@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @クローリカ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @フォルテ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @キール@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @マーガレット@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ディラス@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @アーサー@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @シャオパイ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @コハク@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ダグ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ドルチェ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @レオン@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please, take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything got sold. That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Best watch my RP, though! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, they might think about buying another{LF}one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities. ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That's an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please, take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. A boy. A girl. Either. ... ...? Nh...! Huh...? Ow...! Wh-what's wrong?! Oh no! We need to go see @ジョーンズ@ right away! ...! @しゅじんこうくん@...? Ow...I-I hurt all of a sudden... @しゅじんこうくん@...?! ...Nnngh...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! I hope the baby will be born quickly... ...Ngh! Wha...? M-my belly hurts... ...Have...to go...clinic... Oh no...! ...Wha? ...? Owww... @しゅじんこうくん@, don't tell me... ...It...it hurts...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! Yes. I'm sorry. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Bean-throwing, huh? Originally, this festival was for driving{LF}away demons, right? Mm-hmm. That's what I heard. Ooh, neat! Let's all drive the demons real far away! ♪ Yes, we can all do it together! This year's objective is to be hit by the beans, not to dodge{LF}them. You've got a tough job every year, don't you? I can't say I'm particularly fond of...excessive exercise. ''If you meld with me, milady, then you could dodge every{LF}bean without moving a step!'' I-I-I'd rather not do that, thank you! But that certainly is an awful lot of beans. Could anyone{LF}dodge them even if they tried? Similar situations happen all the time on the battlefield. Though in that case it's arrows, not beans. And if you can't{LF}dodge you can just slash them away! Stop swinging that dangerous thing around right in the{LF}middle of town! Oh, goodness. There are entirely too many delicious foods to{LF}be had! Is too many goodies a bad thing? Um, y-yes, you could say that. There are so many, I don't{LF}know where to start! Ooh, I know! If we all eat too much and gain weight, we can go train with{LF}Forte! What? That sounds like a good plan. ''Dolly, Dolly! Are you going to do that, too?'' If I gain too much weight, I may think about it. All right. It's a knight's duty to respond wholeheartedly to all{LF}reasonable requests. First, we'll begin with a light warm-up. Say, 10 laps around{LF}the town at a jog. Then we'll practice sword strikes at 200 per set. After that-- Hold it right there. Ooh, I can't wait to see the wooly! He'll be so cute! Yes! I wonder how soft and cuddly the big guy is. I like the ones that are easier to hug. With that much wool, you could make a mountain of thread. ''Oh, Dolly... You would do that for me?'' ... ''Um, milady? An answer would be nice. Any answer at all...'' I wish I could have one as a pet! Wouldn't it be hard to care for something that big, though? It's large enough to be worth cutting, that's for certain. The WOOL, yes? You mean cutting off the WOOL. What kind of Wooly do you like the best, @しゅじんこうくん@? Big ones. Small ones. Golden ones. Oh, the big ones are definitely the best. They're so fluffy-wuffy cuddly-wuddly! I just want to hug{LF}them and squeeze them aaaall day! Ooh, I wish I could just bury myself in all that soft wool! You understand, @しゅじんこうくん@! The best of a Wooly is in its easily huggable size, yes? Hmm? There are Golden Woolies? I maybe have heard of them. I'm not sure. I bet they're really pretty! Hrm. Hitting the target is hard. I hit everything I'm not aiming{LF}at. Oh, dear. Are you no good in this competition, Xiao Pai? It seems so, yes. I practiced with Mama, but the ball kept falling down from{LF}above my head. Ooh, really? You threw the ball aaall the way around the{LF}world! I think that might be impossible. I think this may go beyond simply ''not very good.'' Yes. We're into ''complete klutz'' territory on this one. Wording it that way makes it hurt more, not less, you know. Oh! Sorry. This doesn't solve my problem. How do you hit those{LF}targets? Relax. Focus on the target and bring your arm forward. Ah! Yes, I see! ''But milady, when you threw the ball, you didn't look{LF}relaxed. You looked al--MRPH!'' ? ...ACHOO! Uh-oh. Have you caught a cold? No. I'm just a little chilly, that's all. Let me bring you something warm to drink. The weather may look lovely, but it's still cold. You need to{LF}take care of yourself. I will. Thank you. Are you okay? Yeah, I'll be fine. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you know a good way to warm her up? Tell a bad joke. Give her a hug. What did the fisherman say when he caught an angelfish?{LF}Holy Mackerel! ... ... ... ...Hee! Ha ha... Ah ha ha! Wait, really?! What on earth are you doing? And in public, no less! Um...could you put that away, please? I-I think it's drawing{LF}blood... This one is your own fault! ...I'm sorry. ...*GULP*... Oh my... Hmm? ...! Zzz... Once she warmed up, she fell asleep right away. Hey, are any of you good at quizzes? I'm better at things where I can move around. Like detective work? Are you a gumshoe, pal? Erm...that isn't what I meant. You mean like jumping into a box with the correct answer{LF}on it? Or racing to grab flags to see who can give the first answer. ''Or having an obstacle course and the first one through gets{LF}to answer the question?'' With nasty penalties for giving the wrong answer. ...I think I'm fine with a normal quiz. Hmm... What's wrong, Meg? You look concerned. Fishing is harder than it looks. Oh, I know! It always makes me so sleepy. Everything makes you sleepy. Fishies are scary... Well I guess we won't have to warn you to stay out of the{LF}deep areas, then. ''I think I'll catch a fish bare-handed!'' You mean you'll try to possess it and it'll wind up dragging{LF}you all across the pond. Are you good at fishing, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yep! I'm okay. Not at all... Really? Could you show me how you do it? I'd like to know as well. So you aren't bad, then, right? I'm jealous of your skill. But I won't let you beat me! I'm amazed you're not falling asleep. Well then, why don't we all practice our fishing skills? Iggly-wiggly fishies...So scary! ...*FUSS* *FUSS*... ...*FUSS* *FUSS*... Meg seems very busy. ''Yes. She's not very calm or collected today at all.'' As if you have any right to talk about that! It looks like she's on patrol. Do you think there are people{LF}who would really try to cheat? Cheating will not be tolerated in any way. I will personally{LF}deal with anyone caught doing so. Wow, that's so cool! Y-you think so? Forte! Perfect timing. It seems I'm needed already. Hmm? Oh, yes. You see, that person over there, he's-- Understood. Looks like someone needs a lesson in proper{LF}manners. YIKES!! No, he's lost! He just needs some directions! ...*SIIIGH*... Oh, dear. What's wrong, Meg? That's right. You aren't very fond of squid, are you, Meg? Brr! No! They're slimy and wriggly and gross! Hrmm. May I try something? What? Here. Have a squid. EEEP!! GET IT AWAY! GET IT AWAY! Papa's special Anti-Phobia Training--''Hold It Until You Learn{LF}To Like It!'' What?! That won't work! Ooh, what a cute squid! No! No, Amber, they are NOT cute! I know. Wait, what? ''What is so frightening about this lump of flesh?'' *POKE* ''EEP! It squirted ink!'' ...! ''Oops...'' ... ''Um...Dolly...milady...'' Pico, why don't we step aside for a moment? I'd like a chat{LF}with you. ''I'd much rather stay right here, thank you!'' Hey, did you hear? There are a lot of fish over there. Really? Then it seems we should go right over! Wait for me! No, don't! There's a big ol' monster's lair over there! ''Dolly?'' We went fishing at a lake with Mama and Papa once, too. It{LF}was just like this. ''Yes, it was.'' Oh, dear. Dolce, what are you doing back there? Come on, hurry, now. Yes! Or else all the fish will swim away. If you aren't confident in your fishing skills, I can help you. No, Dolly is trying to stop you from going to the monster's{LF}lair! ...Yeah. ''...'' Properly showcasing your veggie is really important. It feels like an odd tradition to me, really. I'm afraid I'm not particularly good at it. I'm not fond of it, myself. ''You're not fond of vegetables on the whole, milady.'' I become so nervous! Oh? Why? You need to pay close attention to the ground to be sure no{LF}rocks jump up to trip you. That's not nerves, that's simple caution. Goodness, it's hot today. Very hot. I'm sweaty already. ''Well, I'm not hot in the least.'' Of course not. You don't have the body or the brains to feel{LF}the heat. ''Oh, you're so cold, milady. But that's what makes you so...{LF}cool!'' Once the festival is over, why don't all of you come to our{LF}baths? Oh, that's a good idea. It would be so refreshing! But it seems that isn't all, yes? Today's bath salts are-- ''The Fragrance of 10,000 Roses!'' Yay! Pretty flower scents! Ooh, that sounds very relaxing. Yes. I would love to go. I can hardly wait! That is, if Mama hasn't messed it up. Again. Argh! Sometimes Porco and Dylas drive me crazy! What's wrong? They're both so messy! They don't even clean the hall in{LF}front of their rooms. Well, it's not a place a customer would see. But it should still{LF}be clean! Bado is the one who drives me the craziest. I wish he'd do something about that lazy, good-for-nothing{LF}attitude of his. Oh, but I think Doug is worse! The other day I caught him{LF}asleep while at work. Again. Oh dear. Sleeping on the job is bad! ... There's someone who drives me batty as well. ''Oh? Is it Jones? Maybe Nancy?'' No, of course it's not those two. ''No? Who else could it be?'' Lumie's completely hopeless, so don't worry about her one{LF}bit! ♪ Amber, the words that come out of your mouth sometimes... You know, if we're going to have all these festivals, I'd like a{LF}Music Festival someday. What would we do? Everyone would practice with their favorite instrument, and{LF}then we could have a recital! That sounds like fun. Hmm. What about a martial arts tournament? And what would we do for that? Everyone could test their combat skills and check the fruits{LF}of their training! Next! Hey! A flower festival would be really neat! What would we do for that one? We could all watch the pretty flowers! And then give them{LF}some water! That sounds lovely. Let's do that sometime. Yeah! You really want to do that? ''How about a Dolly Festival?'' No. ''Aww. So fast!'' Happy New Year, everyone. Yes. Happy New Year. Happy New Year! May everyone's New Year be happy. Hap-py New Yeeeear! Hap-py New Yeeeear! Happy New Year. ''Oh, milady! Any year with you is a happy year.'' I didn't mean it for you. ''And like every year, you are cold from the very beginning.'' Ah ha ha ha! Hee hee! Those two get along so well. Come on, Forte. Let's go swimming together! Erm...thanks, but, um, I'd rather just watch. Wait. What? Don't tell me-- N-no! It's not that I can't swim! I, erm, I've learned. I just... I'm not that confident yet. We didn't say anything. URK! ''Spilled the truth of the matter herself, didn't she?'' I-I'm just worried that...that my sword might rust! That's it! Why would you carry your sword into the water? Come on, everyone. Let's carry her into the water! ♪ Ooh! I'll help! I'll help! N-no! You don't have to do that! WAH!! Here, everyone. Have some nice, hot tea. Oh, it smells lovely! Thank you, Clorica. Mm! Looks yummy! ♪ And here's yours, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. Ow! That's hot. Oh dear! I'm sorry. Are you okay? Yes, I'm fine. A little burn on the tongue is nothing to a{LF}knight. So why the tears? ''Milady, milady! Let me blow on it for you.'' No. Whew! I wrote a lot of music this year. And I slept a lot! I trained hard all year. And I broke more plates than ever... ''Dolly, your year was wonderfully filled with me! Right?{LF}Right?!'' Get away from me. Hmmm...I had a full year, too, but I don't know of what. Oh well. Don't worry about it. How was your year, @しゅじんこうくん@? Full of farming. Full of adventures. Full of love...I guess. Ooh, it was, wasn't it? ♪ Yeah. Working the land suits you well. Yep! You were always covered in dirt! Don't you think that's neat too, Dolce? It doesn't sound bad. ''Grr...!'' ''@しゅじんこうくん@ should just go and marry that field{LF}already.'' And I'll be counting on you again next year, @しゅじんこうくん@. Strengthening the mind and body through training is a good{LF}thing. Hmm? @しゅじんこうくん@ does seem meatier now, yes. Really? *STAAARE* See? Here...and here... ''Milady is wonderful here and here, too!'' Off. Ooh, and look there! ♪ I see! I see! Um...can you all stop now? Please? This is embarrassing. Oh my goodness! Wow. *SQUEE* Wh-wh-wh-wh-what...?! Tee hee! Everyone looks like they're having lots of fun! ♪ ''Well, you can't have my Dolly!'' Stop clinging! I can barely hear what they're saying. I wonder why fireflies glow. Isn't it some type of protection? How would light protect them? Well, it might be strange enough to scare off enemies. Hmm. Maybe I should find a glowing sheen of some sort to{LF}put on my blade. But they fly into lights too. Oh, that's right. I heard once that it is a way for them to find love. Wha?! Right, no glowing sheen, then! Why not? ''Milady is always a bright, shining light in my eyes.'' Oh? Well, you'd best stay away, then. Wouldn't want you to{LF}head toward ''the light'' now, would we? Hee hee! Aren't they such wonderful friends? Everyone will be giving presents today, yes? Who to? To my brother. I'm giving something to Porco. I have something for Vishnal and Mr. Volkanon. Ooh! Ooh! I'm going to give a present to Lumie! ♪ ''You of course have a present for me, right, milady?'' Well, I was going to give you something...if you'd stayed{LF}quiet. But too late now. ''No! Have I been foiled?!'' Hmph. Everyone is giving safe answers. Will you be giving today, @しゅじんこうくん@? You bet! Nope. Really? Ooh, to whom? Be honest, now. Lying won't get you anywhere. Come on, everyone. We mustn't press too hard...though I am{LF}curious as well. Ahem. Oh, really? That sounds fishy to me. No need to be shy, now. Erm, do you honestly have no plans? If you're too embarrassed, you can just whisper it to me. Hey, guys? Who do you think will get the most? Mama, no doubt. Not Lumie? Hrm... Well, if we're going to guess who, at least stick to our group. Among us, it's Forte! Wha?! Ooh, you're secretly popular, Forte! N-no! I am no such thing! ''Milady will get the most. Of this I have no doubt.'' Perhaps. ''But I will swat down any clingy leeches who dare slither too{LF}close!'' I look forward to you swatting yourself plenty, then. Hmmm... Meg might get a lot. Me? Oh, no! I doubt that. Who do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? Clorica. Forte. Margaret. Xiao Pai. Amber. Dolce. Hmm? You think I will? Thank you! I don't really think so myself, but I'm happy you{LF}do. Wha?! M-me?! Erm... I... Ahem. Thank you. What?! Ah ha ha... Erm... I... Ha ha... Heehee, Margaret has a cute reaction. I see. It was unexpected, but it was also nice to hear. Thanks! ♪ Calm down, now. Hmm? Me? Oh, isn't that nice, Amber? Um...yeah. Tee hee! Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. ''Ding ding! That is the correct answer!'' No it's not, you ding dong. ''Then why are you blushing, milady?'' Not another word! ...Hmph. ''Ah, for that cute pink tinge do I dare to tease. Be still, my{LF}jealous heart!'' ''How positively sinful of you, milady.'' Quiet! Silence! Begone, you idiotic ghost! Has everyone heard the legend behind this festival? Isn't it that you will have your wish granted if you wish on{LF}the highest star in the sky? Really? We can just fly off the tower to find the highest one,{LF}then! You are the only one who can fly, Amber. There was a part about making a wish with another will bind{LF}the two of you forever, yes? ''Dolly! Dolly! Let's go right now!'' How about I wish to be alone for eternity? Those two are the same as ever, I see. While it's very romantic, all this talk about heights gives me{LF}the shivers. Oh, yes, you were never fond of heights, were you, Meg?{LF}Would you like me to stand by you? Oh, dear. And what if the two of you made a wish together{LF}then? Would they be bound...? Ah ha ha! That wouldn't be bad. Forte is a very dashing{LF}prince of a knight, after all. Was that meant to be a compliment? The judges for this festival must taste all the dishes to judge{LF}them, right? Of course. Forte, will you be okay? What is that supposed to mean? I hope no one gets hurt. Oh, no! Do people get hurt? Well, not really hurt, per se. But they're not unscathed. Again, what is that suppose to mean? ''Death by food is no laughing matter.'' Though hearing it from you is kind of funny. Forte, you are a master at forging things, yes? I wouldn't say I'm a master, no. I leave most of the difficult{LF}parts to Bado. What about you, Clorica? Oh, I'm terrible at it. Are you any good, Meg? Not at forging big, clunky items. But I'm pretty good at{LF}making accessories, I think. After this much time, my fingers are quite dexterous, you see. Ooh, neat! I wish I were good with my fingers too. Would you like to practice making accessories with me{LF}sometime? Yaaay! I wanna make something that will start a case Lumie{LF}can solve! Let's not and say we did. ''You're quite dexterous yourself, right, milady?'' ''You're always knitting clothes and lovely accessories for{LF}me.'' I'm not really doing it for you. It's never easy between you two, is it? Hey, what kind of monsters do you guys like best? I like the cute ones. ...Me too. Really? How odd. I thought you would be the one to like strong monsters, yes? ...I'm well aware cute ones don't suit me. I like the pretty flower ones! ♪ I do too! What about you, Dolce? Well, it's not that I like them, but... Ghost monsters seem to like me. EEK! ...!!! Man, it sure is hot out! On days like this, I want to stay in my swimsuit even when{LF}I'm just reading. Y'know, the more I think about it, the weirder swimsuits{LF}seem to me. I mean, they look like underwear, right? But nobody's{LF}embarrassed to wear them outside. I asked my sister once what the difference was between{LF}wearing underwear and swimsuits in public. She thought about it a bit, then just said, ''orthography.'' Seemed like a pretty personal answer. I mean...I had no idea{LF}she wore orthopedic stuff! (That...doesn't mean what he thinks it means.) The season of the cerezo is going to end soon. I'm kind of sad to see it go, really. I don't like hot weather all{LF}that much. Summer's coming to an end. It's a season of sad memories for me...but somehow, seeing{LF}it end is sad in its own way. Winter's just around the corner. When it gets too cold, my fingers get all stiff, making it hard{LF}to turn the pages in my books. Spring is on its way! I guess I won't be able to bury myself under my quilts and{LF}read by lamplight any more. Hey, did you know that Vishnal's +birthday+ is this month?{LF}Better mark @0@ on your calendar! Bado's present to him is a piece of scrap metal that shines{LF}like a prism when it's polished! ...Well, that's what Bado SAYS it does, anyway. You don't say. Is that a fact? Maybe I should get one for Vishnal too. Uh, why don't you get him something different, 'kay? That book looks interesting! Are you studying something new{LF}again? Yeah, it's a new cake recipe. My sister's +birthday+ is coming{LF}up soon, y'know. Neat! She always pretends she doesn't like cake and only eats it{LF}because it's a tradition. But she secretly told me once that she really loves it because{LF}she can eat it openly! ♪ O-oh really... (Well, the secret's out now!) Today's my +birthday+! Are you going to come celebrate with me? Sure! Happy Birthday. Thanks! ♪ Oh, but I'm afraid I can't invite you over to my house. Sorry. Oh? Yeah. Forte is trying to cook, but she always manages to{LF}burn everything. Oh! But keep that a secret, okay? She asked me not to tell{LF}anyone. Uh...okay. I will. Leon told me to invite everyone over, though. Maybe I{LF}should. He said she's probably just being bashful, and she'd actually{LF}be happy to have guests. Uh, somehow I don't think that's the case. I wonder what kind of +birthday+ present I should get for Bado. Maybe I should just get him his favorite,{LF}@アイテム9@. Or maybe go with a more practical{LF}@アイテム8@, since that would help in his{LF}work. Which do you think I should get? @アイテム9@. @アイテム8@. Yeah, it's probably best just to get him something he'll really{LF}like. Ha ha! We'll call it a present, but really it's us telling him to{LF}''get to work!'' Uh, maybe we shouldn't... I'm thinking about giving this to Arthur for his +birthday+. A magnifying glass? Yep! ♪ Bado gave me the idea. He said it's like a pair of eyeglasses, except there's only one{LF}of them! Uh, no, that's not really true at all. So it's tomorrow, then, is it? What is? Leon's +birthday+. The best present I could think of getting for him was a batch{LF}of poisonous +mushrooms+. Wait, whoa! Seriously?! Yep! After all, he did tell me he liked ''exciting'' foods. Uh, I don't think those qualify as ''food'' in the first place... And he said it would be an even better present if I gave it to{LF}YOU to try! Just you wait until tomorrow. This'll be great! ♪ Wait, what?! Oh, hey! It's @しゅじんこうくん@! Hmm? The whole town is talking about you already. They say you're the person who just moved here from up in{LF}the sky. Wait, what? So why did you decide to move down here if you were living{LF}up high? Air too thin? Uh, well... Oh yeah! That's right. They also said you lost all your memories. ...Sorry. Wasn't very nice of me to bring that up, was it? It's okay. Well, if there's ever anything you want to know more about,{LF}come ask me. I've been studying this whole area for a long time now! I know more about it than anyone else who lives here. Oh, and I like hearing about things from other people too. So if you're curious about any rumors, I can probably fill you{LF}in on those, too! Really? Thanks. Do you have any questions you'd like to ask? Well... How about your name? What should I call you? Ah ha, oops! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kiel. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you too. What's wrong, @しゅじんこうくん@? I like hanging out with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's always lots{LF}of fun! ♪ Uh-oh...I'm starting to feel a little tired. Are you okay,{LF}though? Huh? Wait...why did the world go sideways all of a sudden...{LF}? Oh, okay. Come ask again anytime! Oh, okay. I wanted to hang out a little more, but oh well.{LF}Later! Oh yeah! I've gotta go make supper. Later! @キール@, let's go somewhere together. Sure! ♪ Oh, oops! On second thought, I don't think I can. Sorry. Sure! ♪ So where do you want to go? Of course! I always love hanging out with you. Oh, hey! @しゅじんこうくん@, you want to go hang out{LF}somewhere? Oh, hey! @しゅじんこうくん@, you want to go hang out-- --oops! It looks like you're already hanging out with other{LF}people. I'll ask later, then! Really? Great! Then let's get going! So, where do you want to go? Me, I'm fine with wherever as long as I get to hang out with{LF}you. Oh, um...I haven't really figured out where to go yet. I just kinda thought it'd be neat if we could hang out. Oh, that's too bad. See you later, then! Huh? O-oh! Geez, you surprised me! But um...I'm not sure if I can. Oh? I-it's nothing! Don't worry about it. Um... Was I bothering you? I bothered you, didn't I. N-no, it's not that at all! I mean, I really like you! And hanging out with you is loads of{LF}fun. Oh... It's, um... Oh, how do I put this? I, uh, I haven't done any of this before, so I have no idea{LF}what to do next... So, uh, I...um... Oh, geez! @キール@? Ah ha...sorry. I'm just really, really confused right now. But I'll give you an answer, I promise! I really want to give you the right answer... So will you come to @マップ0@ at @0@{LF}hundred hours tomorrow? Huh? I'll give you an answer then, I promise. Okay. That's fine. ...Good. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Come to @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours tomorrow. I'll give you an answer then, I promise. Come to @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours today. I'll give you an answer then, I promise. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@! Good, you made it! So, um... Are you ready to hear my answer now? Yeah. You bet. I demand pleasantries. Wha?! Small-talk? Uh...okay. It, um, it's really nice out today, isn't it? Y-yeah, I guess so. The breeze feels really good! Um, i-it does! ... ... Is that enough small-talk? Okay, um... I've been thinking really hard since yesterday. Thinking about you, and about us. Oh? Yeah. That's when it hit me. This didn't start just yesterday. I've been feeling like this for a{LF}long time now. Like what...? Every morning I'd wake up and wonder if I could see you,{LF}and what we could talk about. Whenever I learned something neat, the first thing I wanted{LF}to do was tell you about it. And if something really fun happened, I was wishing you{LF}were there too. ... I kind of surprised myself, really. I'd never realized just how much I liked you. It's a lot. A whole, whole lot. R-really...? So, um... Here's my answer, okay? It's ''no.'' WHAT!? Huh? What's wrong? But the way you were talking made it sound like...like... Yeah? So were you really saying that-- You don't like me? You hate me? Nope. I like you lots! ♪ No! I don't hate you! I like you a whole lot! Th-then why did you say no? Well, because I was answering your question, of course! You asked me if you bothered me. Wha...? Then I told you I'd think about it and give you an answer{LF}today. That answer is ''no.'' You don't bother me! Oh...I-I see... Yep! ♪ I guess @キール@ didn't really get it after all... So I was thinking... Would you go out with me? Huh? Um...don't you want to? No, I'd love to! Yeah, I'd rather not. R-really? Great! ♪ But, um, what made you ask all of a sudden? Well, I did realize just how much I liked you, remember? And I thought it'd be really awesome if, y'know, we could be{LF}together for a long time. Really? So, um, I'm really looking forward to spending all kinds of{LF}time together with you now. Same here! Oh...I'm...I'm sorry if I got the wrong message. Oh yeah! Is there anything different you want me to call you now? Huh? Since we're together now, a cute nickname or something{LF}would be really neat, don't you think? Hmmm... Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Really? Okay, we can leave it as is, then. Ah! That almost sounds bewitching! I think it's perfect. R-really? Great! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@. ♪ ... @しゅじんこうくん@? I dunno. That sounds a little, well...plain. It doesn't have a{LF}special ring to it. Being okay with something that isn't special is kind of special{LF}in its own right, though, right? Wow, yeah! If you put it like that, it is kind of special! You always look at things from a totally different perspective,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@! Um... @しゅじんこうくん@? Yes? ...Heh heh. Weird. That one makes me feel all fluttery inside. ...''Mistress?'' Yeah. ... H-hey, it was just a joke! I wasn't serious. I mean, I know it{LF}doesn't fit me... I think it's cute. Huh? It's perfect for you, @しゅじんこうくん@! Umm... @しゅじんこうくん@. ♪ Urk... ...''Your Majesty?'' Oh, right! You are a princess, after all. That makes sense. I mean, you never really act all regal and royal, so I totally{LF}forgot you really are! No, I'm sorry... Huh? What are you apologizing for? I don't think there's another princess in the world who's as{LF}open and friendly as you are. Even I always thought that sort of thing only happened in{LF}fairy tales and stuff. So I think it's perfect! ♪ ... So what do you want to call me? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Okay! ♪ Ah ha ha! That's a really ticklish one! But if that's what you want to call me, I'm okay with it. Yes? @キール@? Oh...right. I guess I wasn't ready to hear you call me that just yet. It feels...weird to me. It makes it sound like I'm some kind of{LF}big-wig celebrity. I think it fits you just fine, @キール@. C'mon, quit it. It gives me the shivers. It does, @キール@? Urf... You're so mean. Quit teasing me already! Um...are you sure that doesn't sound a little too girly? Does it? I think it sounds just fine. ...So are you saying I'm girly? Huh? Well? Are you? Um, @キール@? Could you not give me that really{LF}scary look, please? Huh? N-never mind... Huh? How about @キール@? Y'know, I think I had a nickname like that back when I was{LF}still little. We'll go with that, then! You're still little now. Urf...! I'm still growing, you know! I'll get bigger! Hee hee. I know. @キール@. ... Heh...wow. That one makes my face burn up... So, uh... ...ahem. I'm looking forward to lots of great times together with you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Me too, @キール@. Oh, I get it! That was all just a prank, right? Ha ha ha! It was pretty funny! ...He didn't get it. And I love you lots, too! ♪ But you're already married, aren't you? Don't you remember? Oh, I get it! That was all just a joke! Ha ha! That was really funny. I{LF}should go tell everyone about it! I like you a whole lot too, @しゅじんこうくん@! Ooh, is this for me? Thanks! Wait...this is a +wedding ring+. It is. ...Oh. Um... W-wait! ...? I, uh... ...here. Oh my...! It's a +wedding ring+! Yeah. I, um, started crafting this a long time ago. I looked around for all the best materials and asked Bado{LF}how to put it together. It, um, took a little while to get it to look right, though. Oh... But now we both have one! ♪ Yep, we do. Hey, um...while I was working on this, I realized something. I think I know a little better how Dad must've felt when he{LF}was making one for Mom. Really? I mean, just thinking how happy this would make you was{LF}enough to get my heart racing. I want to protect that smile of yours. I'll do whatever it takes to keep that safe, even if it means{LF}you'd hate me for it... ...Well, I really hope you won't ever hate me...but if that's{LF}what it takes, I'll do it! ... It sounds contradictory, being okay with making your loved{LF}one sad... ...even though you just want to make them happy. But it's{LF}the same feeling really, at the core. I think that feeling is ''love.'' @キール@... @しゅじんこうくん@. ♪ Yes? I love you so much. ...! So please... Marry me. Yes! Make me happy, okay? I will. I'll give everything I've got to make you the happiest bride{LF}ever. ...Okay. Ooh, I can have it? Thanks! ...Wait. This is a wedding ring! I really can't accept one of those. Sorry! Is this for me? Thanks! Wow, it's a wedding ring! ...Wait, what?! Why?! Huh?! Hey! You should throw your trash away yourself. Don't give it{LF}to others. Huh? @アイテム9@? Ugh...sashimi always looks so slimy and smells funny. I don't{LF}think I can eat this. But I love @アイテム0@! By the way, Leon said that he likes{LF}@アイテム0@ a lot! Dr. Jones said he likes it, though! Is this for me? Wow, thanks! ♪ Wow, @アイテム9@ for me? Thanks! ♪ Oh, is this for me? Thanks. I +like+ sweets a lot! I'll make a return gift for you sometime. ♪ What, for me? Thanks! ♪ Me and my sister both really +like cake+ a lot! I think we might've gotten it from our mom. Hmm? For me? Wow, thanks! I +like+ @アイテム9@ a lot! Wow, @アイテム9@! Is it for me? Thanks! It's a softer kind of sweet than cake. I like that a lot! Wow, @アイテム9@! This is really yummy! It has a kind of refined sweetness to it. What, is this for me? Thanks! Mmm, maybe I should eat it right now... Wow! Oops, sorry. I didn't mean to shout. I'm just so happy. That's really for me, though? Hooray! Thank you so much! I smell something sweet! ...And it really is something sweet! Yay! Sweets have the power to make anybody happy. And right{LF}now, I'm very happy. What, it's for me? Really? Thank you! I +love+ it! It's cake, and chocolate no less! Two great sweets put{LF}together into an even greater sweet! Wow, @アイテム9@! I knew I smelled something tasty. What, it's for me? Thanks! I +love+ @アイテム9@ because everyone can{LF}enjoy it together. Hey, that's @アイテム9@! Everybody says these are really hard to find. Hmm? I can have it? Thank you! I'll take good care of it. What kind of drink is that? Oh, I can have it?! Thanks! I think I'll try a sip right now. ...Huh? Weird... Hey, um, @しゅじんこうくん@? I, um, I want a hug. Would you hug me...please? Is this for me? Really? Um, sorry. I'm not all that fond of these. Oh, a present for me? Thanks! I really appreciate it. See, today's my +birthday+. Wow, @アイテム9@! It looks really yummy,{LF}too. What, I can have it? Yay! I +like+ this a lot. Thanks! Thanks to you, today has been an awesome +birthday+ for me! Wait, is this for me? Really? Thanks! ♪ I +love+ @アイテム9@! Today just might be my best birthday ever! Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, hey. This is handmade, isn't it? Amazing! Oh, yeah! I made a thank-you gift for you. Here! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@, it's quiz time. Question: What day is today? Our wedding anniversary. A special day for us. You remembered! Of course I did. Oh, good. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's{LF}special. Yep, it is! Of course it is! Heh heh. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? I hope we get to do this next year. And the year after that. And the year after that, too. I want us to stay together{LF}forever. Me too. Hey, um, @しゅじんこうくん@? You do love me, right? Huh? What makes you ask that? I heard that you were spending a lot of time with someone{LF}else. So, um, I... I was feeling a little, y'know...lonely without you. ... It's okay. You're the one I love. Don't worry. ... Yeah. I trust you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I know you'd never do anything{LF}to hurt me! Never. Oh hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! Today is your birthday, isn't it? Happy Birthday! Here, I got a present for you. For me? Yeah. It's nothing much, though. Thank you! You're welcome. But honestly, it really isn't that much. Oh, that's...okay. Still, thank you. Here, @しゅじんこうくん@! @アイテム0@? Yep! I worked really hard to make it for you. Yikes! I see dark circles under your eyes. Will you take it? O-of course! Thanks! You're welcome! ♪ Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Are you okay? You don't look so good. Oh, hang on! I think I have some medicine in my pocket... Here! It really works. Oh, I know! You should go see Nancy or Dr. Jones. They'd know how to{LF}help you. They helped me lots when I was a little kid. Here's your lunch for today. I made{LF}@アイテム0@! ♪ Here you go! @アイテム0@ for when you get{LF}hungry. Here's your lunch! I decided to make{LF}@アイテム0@ today. Today's lunch is @アイテム0@! I made it with{LF}lots of love. Don't forget your lunch! I made it with extra love today. ♪ Don't forget your good-bye kiss. ♪ See you later! ♪ See you later. Don't overwork yourself, okay? See you later! Make sure you take breaks when you need to,{LF}okay? See you later! Try not to get hurt, okay? See you later! I'm gonna clean this house from top to bottom{LF}while you're out. You use staves and magic at times, right, @しゅじんこうくん@? I've heard you're actually pretty good at it. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! Lots of people are talking about you. They say you're really skilled at using staves and magic. You're a real mage now! ♪ Oh, hey, by the way... Did you hear the latest rumor about you? People are saying you're such a good mage, you might go{LF}down in history! Oh, hey @しゅじんこうくん@! You're a legendary mage now, right? Everybody says so! Wha?! Here! I decided to make you a present, just because. ♪ See, I read a book written by this one mage from a long time{LF}ago. It had tips and secrets for getting really good at magic. So you see... ...and there you go! Hmm! Interesting. Thanks, @キール@. Yay! My Fire Skill went up! Yay! My Water Skill went up! Yay! My Earth Skill went up! Yay! My Wind Skill went up! Yay! My Shine Skill went up! Yay! My Dark Skill went up! Yay! My Love Skill went up! Here. I've memorized this recipe already, so you can have it. Oh, hey, by the way... ... What's up, @キール@? Oh, um, nothing. I was just thinking it might be about time. About time for what? Well, um...you know... About time for us to have a baby. Well, that's what I think, anyway... Y-yeah... I'd like it to be just us. Really? So you're feeling the same way too, then... Heh heh... Just the thought of being a dad makes me feel all{LF}funny inside. Oh? True. Let's enjoy some more time with just us for a little longer.{LF}Like an endless honeymoon! Yeah. The two of us, having a baby... Heh heh...It still all seems so strange. Yeah. Y'know, I think I want a boy. But I want a girl, too. Hee hee! You can only pick one. But I want both! Which one do you want? A boy? Yeah, a boy to grow up following in his parents' footsteps... That would be really nice. Yeah. So we'd better raise him to be strong and smart, right? Just like you. Wait, like me?! A girl? I hope she's pretty and cheerful and smart. Just like her mommy. Like me, huh? I'd like her to be cute and kind and gentle. Just like her daddy. Yeah, you're right. It doesn't matter which, as long as it's our baby. I'll be happy{LF}with either. ♪ Me too. A little boy or a little girl... I'm sure we can build a bright, happy home for all of us,{LF}either way! I know we will. Forte will be shocked when she hears. Very shocked. And Bado, too. Wait, no. I think he'll just smile and laugh about it like he{LF}does everything else. Probably. You know, shocked or not, I'm sure everyone will be really{LF}happy for us. Most definitely! Yeah. This town is where you're going to be born. I bet you can't wait. Today is @子供ちゃん@'s birthday. But no going overboard now, okay? There's a difference between celebrating and letting our{LF}baby get away with everything. I know, I know. That's good. So let's start celebrating! ♪ Hmm... Oh, neat! You have some{LF}@アイテム0@ here! How about @1@ Gold{LF}for @0@ @アイテム0@? Hmm... Okay, how about @1@ Gold then? Oh, that's too bad. I'll take it! ♪ Oops! I don't have enough on me right now. Sorry! I'll come{LF}back some other time. Hmm... Do you have anything else neat for sale? Heh heh! I got something really neat! Thanks! I'll definitely come back later. Yeah. I'm glad I got to be with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm so happy you moved here from the sky way back when.{LF}♪ Thanks, but where did this sentiment come from all of a{LF}sudden? I was just thinking a little, is all. I mean, I have so much fun every single day now. I hope that from now on, every day will be just as wonderful. With you by my side for every last one of them. ♪ This is my family...my happiness...and I want to protect it{LF}forever. @キール@... I promise I will. So stay with me, okay? Forever. I will. So stay with me, okay? I will. By the way, have you met my sister yet? Her name's Forte. See, she's a knight. She tries really, really hard to act like a{LF}proper one too. But secretly, she loves sweets and is really scared of ghosts{LF}and stuff. She'll deny it if you ask, though. She's just like that. Oh...I see. Um, @キール@? Do you not get along with your sister{LF}very well? Huh? What makes you ask that? Oh, nothing... We get along great, actually. Ah. Y'know, when you like a person, you want to learn all about{LF}them, right? I hope I get to learn a lot about you, @しゅじんこうくん@! Um, sure. Just go easy, okay? ...? Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! Congrats! Hmm? I heard that you've got a special someone in your life now.{LF}That's great! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@, I know you're dating someone now. But did you know that I also...um... ...oops. Gosh, I can't believe I was about to say that! Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! It's been ages. You could come around to talk a little more, y'know. We{LF}don't live all that far apart! I mean, you've hardly said ''hi'' to me in forever. I've been{LF}feeling a little left out. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Why don't you come talk to me? Did I do something to make you mad? Oh, yeah. You won the contest, didn't you, @しゅじんこうくん@? That's great! Congrats. @キール@... Yeah? Congratulations. I'll beat you next time! Thanks! ♪ Heh heh! I won't let you beat me that easily! Happy New Year, @しゅじんこうくん@! And a Happy New Year to you, too, @キール@. Hey, did you know that in some countries they say ''Happy{LF}Ending'' even though it's the first day? They used to fast on the last day of the year, so New Year's{LF}is for celebrating the end of the fast. Really? What country does that? Who knows? I just read it in a book somewhere. But if everybody's okay with it and happy, then I don't think{LF}the gods will mind. I don't know where it's done, but fasting was their way of{LF}greeting the gods for the New Year. I read the fasting custom stopped a long time ago, but the{LF}phrase ''Happy Ending'' is still used. Isn't that really neat? The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Ah! You just thought I'd be easy to beat, didn't you? Well,{LF}just you wait! Bean-throwing is a talent of mine, y'know. My sister has me help out with her training for it all the time. She trains for it...? A book I read said that too much planning is a planner's{LF}downfall. So I went into this without any plans at all! I wonder why I{LF}lost... The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow, so I think I'm going{LF}to make smaller portions at dinner. See, it's our family rule that you have to eat everything put in{LF}front of you. It's the @カレンダー0@ today. Be careful not to overeat, okay? I'll have to make sure tonight's dinner is a small one. See, Forte has been watching certain things lately. I went shopping at Bado's shop earlier today. He told me I should do great at tomorrow's{LF}@カレンダー0@! ...Then he added, ''maybe.'' Hey, speaking of Woolies... Did you know there's a rumor that says their wool is used in{LF}making fluffy vanilla soft-serve? ...Yeah, I don't buy it either. Man, I'm beat. Can I lean on you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@, do you have armor ready and{LF}everything? The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow, you know. Forte always says you have to give it your best shot every{LF}single time. But I think in this one case a little control is better than too{LF}much oomph. Man, my arm hurts! Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Here, shake my hand. Huh? Take his hand. Don't take his hand. Thanks! Hold on to it while I stretch my arm. ...Hmm? I just wanted some help stretching my arm. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I think I'm a liiittle teeny-tiny bit worried about it... You are? B-but I'm sure it'll be all right! Totally sure. Um, what will be? Forte says you always have to give it your very best shot{LF}every single time. So um... Be really careful during today's @カレンダー0@, okay? This year's festival went off without a hitch. I'm glad{LF}everybody had fun! And I'm really glad no one got hurt. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. The only rivals I'm worried about are Arthur and... ...you! Good luck! ...Illuminata, too, maybe. I'm gonna win today's @カレンダー0@! I won't let anybody beat me. Not even you, @しゅじんこうくん@! I...I lost. ... Don't worry about it! Got a ways to go yet, eh? Let's try again next year. ...I guess. ...Urk! ...Okay. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow! Lin Fa is going to be really hard to beat. Oh, and Leon won't be too easy, either. Today's the @カレンダー0@! How do you think you're going to do, @しゅじんこうくん@? Terrible. Decent, I guess. I've got this in the bag. Wow, we haven't started yet, but you sound like you've{LF}already lost! Heh heh! I'm going to give it my best, too! Really? You sound pretty confident! ♪ I can't wait to see how everyone does. Today's going to be{LF}fun! Everyone takes care of and trains their pets in different ways. Oh! But Arthur really goes overboard on spoiling his, don't you{LF}think? It's funny to watch! ♪ The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Man, what are we all going to do? I mean, if I catch a fish today, my sister and I can eat it for{LF}dinner tonight. But if everybody catches a whole lot of fish, who's going to{LF}eat them all? Wow, what a pretty blue sky. @キール@, you caught a fish! Reel it in! Reel it in! People shouldn't be picky about their food. But I just can't seem to make myself like sashimi. Oh! I almost forgot to ask Bado for some repairs. What, your fishing pole? Prepping for the contest tomorrow? Nope. I actually need him to sharpen my kitchen knife! I wanted Bado to sharpen my kitchen knife to get ready for{LF}all the fish we'll have to fillet. After all, a festival like today's is going to have us eating fish{LF}for days and days. Forte's really excited. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! Isn't it really nice out today? @キール@, your fishing pole! It's nearly folded itself in{LF}half! You've hooked something! Looks like we're going to be eating fish for a while after{LF}today. Forte caught a whole bunch. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Did you know that Bado really likes fishing? Oh! That reminds me, my fishing pole is broken. I need to get a new one. Oh yeah! Bado said he was having{LF}a sale on fishing rods. So I bought one that was half off. Oh! Speaking of sales, the item shop was having a sale{LF}earlier. Which reminds me, I saw Bado there, and you won't believe{LF}what he bought! Um, how many tangents are we going to go off on? Darn, I couldn't catch a single one! Y'know, Bado told me earlier that I don't ever seem to catch{LF}on to anything. I wonder how he knew? The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. ...Hmm? No, that's it. I wasn't going to say anything else. I usually ask my sister to do the filleting of all the fish we{LF}catch. She's half-decent at handling a kitchen knife, at least. I know he doesn't mean anything by that, but still... Man, eating cooked fish for days on end makes you get{LF}really tired of them, doesn't it? Have you tried different ways of preparing the fish? Like{LF}sashimi or something? Yeah, maybe I should try that. But sashimi... Eating cooked fish for days on end makes you get really tired{LF}of it, don't you think? ...Huh? Forte said that, as a knight, it's her job to +cut down+ the ones{LF}who need it. Yikes! You mean criminals? No, I mean the fish that are too big to eat in one go. This is the vegetable I'm going to enter in tomorrow's{LF}@カレンダー0@. I've even named it. Isn't that right, @しゅじんこうくん@? Right! ...Wait, what? I'm gonna win today's festival, I'm sure of it! I mean, nobody can resist my beautiful @しゅじんこうくん@. Urk...! That's just the veggie's name. That's just the veggie's name.{LF}That's just the veggie's name... Man, it's too bad we didn't win, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, I meant my veggie. Sorry! You need to listen to the voice of your vegetable!! Wha?! Heh heh, sorry. I was just practicing for tomorrow's festival. Me and my family used to have lots of fun participating in{LF}these festivals. I have so many good memories of those times. I think I'm going to make a hot pot for dinner tonight. It's a little warm for it, but it's something that everyone can{LF}enjoy. Look! I found this +mushroom+ in the forest yesterday. I'm going to use this as my entry in tomorrow's festival. I'm going to use this +mushroom+ as my entry in today's{LF}@カレンダー0@. It's a really neat one, see? It has a funny smell that makes{LF}my nose tingle! Um...are you sure that's okay to eat? I wasn't allowed to enter that +mushroom+ so I had to use a{LF}different vegetable. Oh! I know I told you about it having a funny smell, but it{LF}has a funny taste, too! Very numbing, he said. Uh, ''he'' who...? Are you ready for tomorrow, @しゅじんこうくん@? See, the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow! ♪ This is the veggie I raised for it. Isn't she cute? C'mon, look closer. Closer! Um...I think that's a little TOO close. I guess that's it for this year's festival. I'm gonna try harder next year! Oh, by the way! Did you know? Did I know what? Yep, I know. See, Forte can't-- --oops! Sorry, it's supposed to be a secret. What?! Who told you? The fact that Forte can't swim is supposed to be a secret! Yay! Starting today we can finally go swimming. Me and my family used to go swimming a lot before Mom{LF}was admitted to the clinic. The new year will be here soon. It's funny. A year seems like a long time at the beginning, but{LF}at the end it feels so short! Today is @カレンダー0@! I've already made my{LF}resolution for the new year. I resolved to be as honest and forthright as I was last year! The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I hope we get to see a whole lot of pretty fireflies. Oh! @しゅじんこうくん@, by the way. Would you like to go watch them with me? Yay! ♪ I can't wait for tomorrow! Oh... Well, maybe some other time, then. I can't wait until this evening! Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? ♪ Wow...the fireflies are so beautiful! Have you seen them already? The fireflies were really pretty this year, weren't they? Yep! They were. I guess so. Hey, did you know that firefly larvae are carnivorous? O-oh...they are? Oh, hey, I know! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@, so why don't we go{LF}together? Sure! Great! We were both thinking the same thing, weren't we? Heh heh! ♪ That was lots of fun! Did you have fun too, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yeah! It was okay. I was bored. Let's go together again next year! It was just ''okay''? I guess we'll have to make it a lot more fun next year! Oh... I guess I'll have to try harder to make it more fun next time! @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I'm going to bake the tastiest sweets I can! ♪ Wait, YOU are, @キール@? Heh heh! I've already made a really good batch! ♪ Huh? This is for me? Yep! Nope! Yes. You're special to me. Really? W-wow! I'm so happy! Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're welcome. Wha? Don't tell me I got all excited over nothing. No, that was just a little joke. It's really for you, @キール@. It is? Yay! ♪ Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're welcome. Wh-what?! You mean that...? ... ... ...Um, th-thank you. You're welcome. I, um, I don't know if I can eat this now. It's too special. Ah ha ha... Thanks. I'll treasure it! ♪ No, no, go ahead and eat it. Seriously. Um, what's this? Your very own @アイテム0@. For me? Yeah. From you? Yeah. Oh... ... Um, well...thanks! Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@! I've got to make a whole bunch of sweets for tomorrow. See, it's @カレンダー0@ tomorrow. ♪ I hope I can surprise Forte with them. Huh? This is for me? Yep! Nope! Yes. You're special to me. Really? Heh heh! Today's @カレンダー0@, yet you still got{LF}something for me. I'm so happy! ♪ Wha? Don't tell me I got all excited over nothing. No, that was just a little joke. It's really for you, @キール@. It is? Yay! ♪ Wha?! But...today is @カレンダー0@. You're very special to me. Wh-wha? Huh?! ...?? Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're welcome. Um, what's this? Your very own @アイテム0@. For me? From you? Yep. Um...why? Because. Today is @カレンダー0@. Oh! That's right, today is @カレンダー0@. Yep. No, not really. I thought so! ♪ Huh...? It's for...I dunno, just because. I hope you like it. Oh, okay. Oh, okay! Huh? @カレンダー0@? ... Oh well! What does it matter? Thanks! It looks really yummy! Here, @しゅじんこうくん@! For you. Today is @カレンダー0@, after all. So I'm looking forward to next year, okay? Um...yeah. Me, too. ...Wha? Umm... If I give you this, will you accept it? What is it? A @アイテム0@? It's a @アイテム0@. Oh. Yeah. It's for, um... Yes? Well, y'see I...ah... N-never mind! Forget I brought it up. Huh? But... No, it's okay. Think of it as a present just because and enjoy{LF}it. 'Kay? @しゅじんこうくん@, by the way... Hmm? Do you think you'll have some free time tomorrow? Oh, I see... Oh, well! If you're busy, I guess I'll ask again some other{LF}time. You will?! Great! Then, um... Would you come to{LF}@マップ1@ at{LF}@0@ hundred hours tomorrow? Sure! Awesome! I'll see you there, @しゅじんこうくん@. And I'll have a really special present I made just for you! @キール@... @しゅじんこうくん@! You came! Of course! I said I would, after all. Yeah, I know. I was just a little nervous, I guess. ...? Um... ...ahem. I, ah, I have something I want to give to you. Okay. Why this all of a sudden? @アイテム0@, right? Um, j-just let me finish, okay? Oh, sure. Here. @アイテム0@? Yeah. Like I said, I made it just for you! So, um...will you accept it? Of course! Yay! ♪ Um, isn't it supposed to be the receiver that's really happy,{LF}not the giver? Nope. I'm allowed to be happy too, y'know! Sometimes it's great to know that somebody really enjoys{LF}the present you gave them. So I'm happy you like the one I gave to you. Okay... Heh heh! ♪ Hmm? Could you come to @マップ1@ tomorrow? There's something I want to give you. Tomorrow? Let me think for a minute... Yeah, sure! I should have some time. Great. Come to @マップ1@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours, okay? Will do! Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! You said you had something to give me yesterday? Wait, this is... You're very special to me. Because you're a friend. What...? Um...will you accept it? Y-yeah, of course! I'm just a little, uh, startled, is all. I guess I was so caught up in making some for my sister that{LF}I never even thought... Did I surprise you? Didn't you make me any? Yeah. It's a really great surprise, though! I'm glad. Thanks. I really appreciate this, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're welcome. Oops...! Um, m-my sister is the one who really likes sweets, so I{LF}always make some for her when I can... I mean, she's my sister so I like her a lot--oh! But I like you a{LF}lot, too, @しゅじんこうくん@! So I, um...ah...y'see...uhh... It's okay, @キール@. I understand. ...Wha? I was just teasing you a little, that's all. Urf... You're such a meanie sometimes, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, that's right. Today is @カレンダー0@. Yep. Now I get it. I was so caught up in making sure I made some for my sister{LF}that I forgot what day it was. Ah ha ha! Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're welcome. Yay! I'm glad you accepted it. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@! Um, you're welcome? Heh heh! ♪ Brrr! It's cold out today. I guess winter is come close to an end, huh? Tomorrow's{LF}@カレンダー0@, after all. Oh yeah! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@, have you heard the legend behind the{LF}@カレンダー0@? Come with me tomorrow and I'll tell you all about it. Yay! Tomorrow's going to be lots of fun. You won't regret it, I{LF}promise! Oh, that's too bad. Brr, it's cold! But with the air this clear, it makes it even easier to see how{LF}pretty the stars are. I bet everyone is looking up at the sky tonight. That's a little miracle in its own right, I think. I hope as many of their wishes come true as possible. @しゅじんこうくん@, have you heard the legend behind the{LF}@カレンダー0@? Come on up to the Observatory with me and I'll tell you all{LF}about it. Okay. Sure! Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@ after all! I wonder if the legend is true. If it is, then the two of us will get to be together forever. ♪ The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Believe it or not, we might be able to see Bado being serious{LF}for a minute! Forging things is really hard. I tried as hard as I could, but mine was nowhere near as{LF}good as what Bado did. The truth is, I'm only interested in forging because of Bado.{LF}See, I really liked Dad's sword. No matter how battered and dinged up it got, it never broke. And it was Bado who made it for him. I can't wait for tomorrow, @しゅじんこうくん@! What's tomorrow? Me neither! It's the @カレンダー0@! ♪ And I'm really good at cooking. Just you watch, I'll win this one! My only rivals will be Blossom and maybe Nancy. Both of them are really good at coming up with recipes, but I{LF}can always create tasty new dishes. Still, Dylas seems like he'd be good at inventing yummy new{LF}dishes too... Darn it... I lost. But Forte was really happy with what I made, so I guess{LF}that's good enough. Do you want to go hang out somewhere tomorrow? Tomorrow? Hmm, let me think... ... Um, I don't think I can. Sorry! Sure, I should have some time! Where do you want to go? @マップ1@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours. Got it! Great. See you there! Heh heh! I can't wait for tomorrow. What, to your room? Yeah, I'd love to go! R-really? It's okay, @しゅじんこうくん@, don't worry. I won't do anything weird. Huh? I'll make sure I don't break anything or make a mess.{LF}Promise! Um, right. I know you won't. Why don't we hang out at home? That sounds great! Let's do that. Want to go to @マップ0@? Sure! ♪ How about we go to @マップ0@? There's something I want to try. Sure. What is it? It's...a secret! ♪ Aww, c'mon! Heh heh! ♪ How about your room? What? I've been wanting a chance to visit your place. Okay? Great! Let's do that, then! How about we just hang out at home today. I'd like that. Sure. Let's do that. How about @マップ0@ then? Okay. Great! ♪ See you tomorrow! I already have plans for then, so I probably shouldn't make{LF}any other arrangements. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! Yeah? Let's hold hands. Hmm? Oh, um, sure. ...*SQUEEZE*... Man, this is so much fun! Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yeah. ... What's wrong? Huh? Oh, um... I'd like to hold hands... It's nothing. Uh, your hand... My hand? ...Can I hold it? Sure. ...*SQUEEZE*... Ah...! Your hands are really warm. ...So are yours. Heh heh. ♪ They are? That's good. Hmm. I wonder what this weird feeling I'm feeling is. It's, I dunno... @キール@? ... ...Yeah. This is ''happiness.'' AH! @しゅじんこうくん@, I think I just saw something really weird{LF}over there! Huh? Let's go look! Hurry, we don't want to lose it! Wah! @キール@! C'mon, hurry! Oh, all right. Hey, @キール@? Yeah? I love you. Ha ha! Made you look! ... Hearing it said out loud still makes me feel a little...funny. I-I can see that. ... It's like my tummy gets all fluttery all of a sudden. ...Oh. Oh? Well, you can call my name more if you want. I don't{LF}mind. @キール@... Yes? @キール@! ♪ Yes? ♪ Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yeah? Are you happy right now? Yeah. Are you? Really? Oh... Well, then I hope we can be like this tomorrow and the day{LF}after and the day after that, too! ♪ ...Me too. Yep! I'm really happy. ♪ Today was lots of fun. See you later! Hey, um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Did you forget we were supposed{LF}to meet today? I waited and waited for you. Okay. Well, then let's let bygones be bygones. But in exchange you'd better come hang out with me again{LF}soon, okay? Sure. Ah! Now you're making up excuses! Well if that's all it is to you, then I've had enough! ...I was really looking forward to this, too. You weren't going to come, were you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Oops... Well I've had enough. Hmph! What's wrong? Oops, that's right... I don't want to talk to you right now! Oh... We're getting together tomorrow{LF}at @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours. I can hardly wait! ♪ We're getting together today{LF}at @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours. I can hardly wait! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@! Heh heh. ♪ I've been waiting all day for this. Me, too! In fact, I couldn't wait since yesterday. I was so excited I could barely sleep through the night. Ah ha ha! Ah! You finally made it. I almost thought you forgot, you're so late! Sorry... Well, you made it, so I guess it's okay. C'mon, let's go! ♪ Yeah. @しゅじんこうくん@! You're here already. Guess I'm a little early, huh? I couldn't wait to see you. Really? Yeah! C'mon, let's go! ♪ We're going to @マップ0@ today. Oh, right. @しゅじんこうくん@? Um, you wanted to hear my answer, right? I, uh, I'd rather{LF}we were alone before I told you. Um, I don't think it counts as a date if there are more than{LF}two of us. Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! I was waiting for you. Here. A nice @アイテム0@ for you after your{LF}bath. Whenever Forte comes here, I always make sure to have{LF}one ready for her. Aha, there you are! I've been waiting for you. Here! Have a nice @アイテム0@. Let's drink{LF}ours together! Are you going to bed? G'morning! Mmm...g'night... @キール@. It's time to get up. *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. I really love you! Just kidding. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm... I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Oops! I don't have a Double Bed yet. Now isn't the time for that. I wonder what that is? If I want to propose to someone, I should probably figure this{LF}out first. I think @ビシュナル@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @クローリカ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @フォルテ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @キール@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @マーガレット@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ディラス@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @アーサー@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @シャオパイ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @コハク@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ダグ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ドルチェ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @レオン@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please, take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. A boy. A girl. Either. ... ...? Nh...! Huh...? Ow...! Wh-what's wrong?! Oh no! We need to go see @ジョーンズ@ right away! ...! @しゅじんこうくん@...? Ow...I-I hurt all of a sudden... @しゅじんこうくん@...?! ...Nnngh...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! I hope the baby will be born quickly... ...Ngh! Wha...? M-my belly hurts... ...Have...to go...clinic... Oh no...! ...Wha? ...? Owww... @しゅじんこうくん@, don't tell me... ...It...it hurts...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! Yes. I'm sorry. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Hey. What's the whole point of this bean-throwing thing,{LF}anyway? Ooh! I'd like to know that too! Hmm...I think it was originally a festival from a kingdom far to{LF}the east. Yes. In that country's customs, throwing the beans drove off{LF}demons and illnesses. It also counted as a wish for health and long life, if I{LF}remember correctly. Hmm, so that's what it's all about? I see. So throwing these beans at Doug should drive him{LF}away. Interesting. I bet I could send you scampering if I threw them at you! Wow, that's neat! But... But what, Kiel? Why do we throw +Failed Dishes+ in our festival? ... ... ... I'm sure that must be our wish to drive off +failure+. Really?! Oh, that makes sense! You sure know a lot, Leon! ...Really? He totally made that one up. I've heard the ladies are considering going on diets. They are? Ugh, again? They're always on about that at this time of{LF}year. They freak out about that stuff too much if you ask me. Besides, they're way cuter if they have a little bit of chub to{LF}them. To each his own, I would think. However, it is a delicate topic with the ladies. I would broach{LF}it very carefully. Good point. Huh? For example, don't tell Margaret ''you've gained weight,''{LF}even just in passing. And never follow it up with ''you could never stick to a diet,''{LF}either. It sounds like you have some very...specific experience,{LF}Dylas. ... To tease knowingly is one thing, but to say it unknowingly{LF}with a straight face is simply foolish. Whatever happens, Kiel, do not grow into a man like him.{LF}Understand? What are you pointing at me for?! Right. I won't. Don't listen to him! I'm awesome! I wonder where they found that enormous Wooly. It is rather cute and fluffy, if I do say so myself. Perhaps it's a mutant strain. It is adorably huge. Eesh. Big is one thing, but that Wooly is way too big for its{LF}own good. The bigger they are, the fluffier and cuter they look, right? I agree wholeheartedly. It's gigantic! Are you sure that's even a Wooly? It is, without a doubt, a Wooly. Hmm. All right, then. Who the heck found that thing, and how did they get it{LF}here? That is an excellent question. Hmmm... Isn't it simply the cutest? It takes a lot of training to hit the target right where you aim,{LF}doesn't it? Yeah. It's pretty hard. Whatever, just keep throwing and something'll hit eventually. I think it's far more effective to calculate your trajectory{LF}before throwing. Hah! Who's gonna do that? What formula do you use for your calculations? Wha?! You're really gonna try that crap?! I find it easier to hit if I see Doug as the target. Aah, now that makes sense... ...WAIT, no it doesn't!! Brr! It's freezing out here! Aren't you guys cold at all? Of course we are! I'm not cold at all. Seriously? No fair! What, are you a snowman's kid or{LF}something? You just lack fortitude. Grr!! Well YOU'RE the one who lacks brains! What was that, you pebble-brained dwarf?! I said you're a brainless, swayback na--ACHOO!! EUGH! Well, there's no helping the cold. How about some exercise{LF}to warm up? Yeah, that's a great idea, Arthur. C'mon! Oh, I meant for you. I'm not particularly cold myself. Hey! L-Leon! You're cold too, right? I mean, it's freezing out here! You must be joking. This hardly qualifies as ''cold''--ACHOO! ...Uh-huh. Erm, perhaps I will take a little exercise after all. Kiel, I bet you and Arthur are really good at quizzes. Heh. Is it that obvious? Does my propensity for trivia shine{LF}out through my retinas? There is an element of luck to it, though. Well I won't get a single one of 'em, so I'll just go with{LF}whatever answer you two pick. Smart idea. I know, right? You can't do that. This is a test you should overcome with{LF}your own strength. I will abide by the answers that @しゅじんこうくん@ chooses. So you had best get them correct. Wha?! Ugh, fishing is so boooring! I get bored just thinking about it. That's what makes it so relaxing. ...Huh? I don't get it. I'd like to come up with an efficient way to use the time as{LF}we wait for the fish to bite. I ain't working, if that's what you're saying. But isn't it so much fun when you do catch a fish? Even if{LF}hooking one can be rather hard. Yeah, catching one is fun! But I'm not really good at making{LF}sashimi and stuff... How about I teach you, then? Oh, will you? Thanks Leon! In return, you can cook whatever fish I catch. Deal? Yeah, that sounds great! ♪ Vishnal, would you care to join us? Please! I would be honored! And the rest of you? Nah, I'll pass. I have work I must be doing, I'm afraid. Ah. Well then, the rest of us will be off. ... Hunting down a good spot is such a pain. Hey, Dylas! Tell{LF}me where to find a good fishing hole! Sure. First, leave town by the south gate. Second, never{LF}come back. Ouch! That's mean, man. Mean! My. That is a lovely fishing rod you have there, Dylas. Thanks. Bado did some touch-ups on it for me. He's got good{LF}skill with weapons and forging. But nothing else. ... Kiel? You look pretty serious over there. Whew! I finally managed to bait the hook. Congratulations! I could have helped you if you'd said something. As could I. If you need help, just say so. I'd be happy to assist. Thanks guys! But I think I can manage by myself. Hey, guys, baiting this hook is a pain in the ass. Help me out. Is it, now? Good luck. Think of it as training! Yeah! Hey! How come I get ignored?! It looks like everyone will be having squid for dinner tonight. Yeah. Margaret is going to complain all night long. Ha ha! That she will. All right, time to go catch us some supper! Yes. I think I may join you. As will I. I'll come along, too! ♪ Why don't we all go? Dylas, don't just stand there. Come with us! What, I have to go too? Ah, well... Ooh, look everyone! I see lots of fish over there! Really? Let's head that way, then. Hey! Don't leave me behind! ... ...Hmph. Come on. Enough dilly-dallying. GAH! Now, I understand having a contest to see who's got the{LF}best vegetables... But why do we gotta go through this whole showcasing{LF}deal? I would think it's to show everyone all the best points of your{LF}entry. Yeah. After all the hard work you do raising it, you wanna{LF}show it all off, you know? That is the most enjoyable part to me. It's like an appraisal{LF}to ascertain its true value. Like a what? An appraisal, huh? That's very like you, Arthur. I kinda like all that presenting stuff, actually. It's fun! I don't care for it, personally. Well, you are terrible at public speaking, after all. Urk... Sh-shut up! Eesh, today's a hot one! Do we gotta have a festival today? I think it's lovely weather. If we get too sweaty, we can just go relax in the bath to{LF}wash off. True. A good soak after a long day's work is very relaxing. Yes. And the monster statues are adorable to look at. They are...? Baths, eh? Yeah, they're great after a long day. I wonder{LF}what fragrance they're using today. My, my! What's wrong? Margaret is being...irritating. Did you do something to upset her again? This is partly your fault, you know. Hey! I was just taking a nap, okay? It was Xiao Pai who{LF}smacked me awake! You were asleep on the job again, I take it? GAH!! How'd you guess? It isn't that difficult... Now that you mention it, Forte was slightly miffed as well. What did you do? I have no idea. I was simply teaching Kiel something useful. ...Yeah, but about what? Eesh. Women scare me sometimes. Yeah... Really? I'm afraid I disagree. You reap what you sow. Yeah, and it's YOUR fault! If we've gotta go through all these festivals, how about we{LF}have one for napping? What would anyone do in such a festival? Kick back, relax and nap, that's what! That does sound relaxing...though pointless. Clorica would win every year. But as long as we're inventing festivals, I'd like a bath{LF}festival! What would you do in that? See who could relax in the bath the longest! These hardly seem like proper festivals at all. I'd happily take part in a Beat Doug Senseless Festival. That's run at the same time as the Beat Dylas Senseless{LF}Festival! How about a @しゅじんこうくん@ Festival? Wha?! What would that be about? Hmm, good question. What would you like for it to be{LF}about? ♪ Umm... Hey guys! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Have a great year! Happy New Year! A Happy New Year to you all. Happy New Year. Yeah. Happy New Year. That's okay. I don't need one from you. Shaddap! I wasn't talking to you! There they go again, right from the first day of the year. And so a little piece of the old year carries over into the{LF}new. Nothing wrong with that. Ah! There you are, @しゅじんこうくん@! We are all going to attempt +splitting watermelons+ together. Come join us, @しゅじんこうくん@! What's so fun about destroying melons? Oh-ho! So you admit you can't beat me at it, eh? ...! Where's that melon?! I'll split it six ways from winter! Whoa, hold your horses! I'm up first! This sounds amusing. Let me join you. By the way, where is the watermelon? Vishnal was supposed to bring a few for us. Here they are! Hey, hold it! Those are +turnips+! ACK!! I...I brought the wrong ones. Oh well. Let's make this all Doug's fault. And something he planned, too. That seems reasonable. I'll buy that. WHA?! HEY! Why me?! Here, everyone. Please help yourselves to a warm drink. Ooh, thanks, Vishnal! ♪ That's thoughtful of you. Careful, Doug. It's hot. Thanks. ...Wait, did I really just--?! Here you go, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. Arthur, here. Have some. Hmm? What're you doing? I am re-confirming my schedule for next year. You're working? Seriously? C'mon! Goodness, that looks like a very full schedule. It's a holiday. You should take a break. But y'know, I think if he tried to take a break, he might just{LF}collapse. You might just be right, Kiel! Well, Arthur is quite the workaholic. Man, it's New Year's Eve! Can't you lay off the work for one{LF}day? Vishnal's too nice to nag you about it, but he made some{LF}good stuff. You oughta try it. Who are you calling a nag?! Huh? N-no, no! It's all right, Arthur. I wouldn't want to bother you. ...*THUNK*... Oh! Hmm? Huh? You have a point, Doug. I think I'll take today off. You will? Oh my gosh! Arthur's taking a break! Are you sure you're not sick? No, I'm not. May I have a cup too, Vishnal? Of course! I wonder why fireflies glow. The book I read said it's to protect themselves from{LF}predators. It's also to attract a mate. So they do it because they wanna stand out, then? Just like some empty-headed shrimps I could name. Strange, I don't know any of those, 'Mr. Horsie'. What did you just say?! Bring it, gelding! I'm ready! A gentle glow to call a mate, eh? That has a touch of{LF}romance to it. Perhaps I should glow a little. Ooh! You can glow, Leon? Of course. Would you like me to show you how? Yeah! Uh, guys? Leon is messing with Kiel again. I wonder who's going to give how much to whom. You sound like you're having fun, Vishnal. Huh? N-no, not really! Hey, why don't we try to guess which of us is gonna get the{LF}most? Amongst us? Hmm... In that case... I would expect it to be Arthur. He has quite a few contacts. But none very well-versed in this town's unique events. Personally, I think it may be Leon. Me too! Maybe it will be Kiel. Huh? Me? All we can say for sure is that Doug will get none. Right back at you. What do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? Vishnal. Kiel. Arthur. Doug. Dylas. Leon. What? Me?! Um...eheh heh...I shall try my best to live up to expectations! See! @しゅじんこうくん@ agrees with me! I'm not so sure. I don't see why it would be me. But thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@, Vishnal. I'm flattered. Me? I'm unsure I will be able to live up to such lofty expectations. But I'm flattered you think so highly of me. Thank you. Me? Ha ha! Knew it! @しゅじんこうくん@, you can't be serious. Oh, don't get jealous now. Who's jealous?! This just goes to show you that @しゅじんこうくん@ knows{LF}what's what. Me? Well, I'm happy you think so, at least. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Him? No way! You're joking! Maybe, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to pound you,{LF}Doug. Hmm? Me? Well, if you really think so... But in the end, it's not the quantity, it's the quality. So who did you guys give some to? I sent some to Mr. Volkanon and Clorica. I gave some to my sister. I presented one to Porcoline. Though I was the one who made it. And I am very grateful for your efforts. Thank you. Hmm. To be honest, I have not yet decided to whom I should{LF}present. Hmph. Well, that's boring. What about you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Are you going to give out{LF}any? Yeah. No. Oooh, who to? Who's the lucky lady? That is not the easiest question to answer in front of{LF}everyone, Doug. But you can tell me. I'll keep it secret to my dying day. Not fair, Arthur! I want to know too! Yeah! It's not right to keep it a secret, @しゅじんこうくん@. You{LF}should tell all of us. No? Hmm... I doubt that. Oh? Are you simply hiding it from us, @しゅじんこうくん@? You sneaky little player! Enough beating around the bush. Out with it. Yeah. I wanna know, too! ♪ Hey, have you all heard the legend behind today's festival? If you wish upon the highest star in the sky, your wish will{LF}come true. That's it...no? Yeah. But there was something else to it, too. I just can't{LF}remember what. Oh, I know! If two people make a wish together, they will be{LF}bound for eternity. Doug, stay far away from me when you make your wish.{LF}About a million miles or so. Oh yeah? Well you stand a billion miles away from me! You{LF}got it?! So if two men were to make a wish together, they would be{LF}friends forever? Eesh! This festival is way more dangerous than I'd thought! Well, I think it's romantic. Man, I'm no good at cooking at all. I am not particularly good at it either. Any skill will get better with practice. Yeah. If you think about the people you're cooking for, you'll get it{LF}right in no time! ♪ So...do you think that someday even I'll be able to cook like{LF}Porcoline? Sure! I know you will! So you wanna get all fat, then?! You shut up! I'd love to try Kiel's cooking one day. As would I. Well, stop on by sometime. I don't mind. Do you have any{LF}specific requests? Anything with rice! No. Something with carrots. Well, since you asked, I would like--- I would not be averse to--- Oh, and besides that, could you make some--- Um, okay. So I guess I'll start with a rice base, add some of{LF}this and that, then maybe... Y'know, since everyone is coming, I should just ask my sister{LF}to help out! Maybe you shouldn't. Ugh. Crafting stuff is such a pain! Anything resembling work is a pain to you. Hey!! ...You've got a point, I guess. Interesting. We often hear about how dwarves are{LF}particularly skilled at forging. Really? I'm just no good at all that little fiddly stuff. I'm not really good at forging stuff either. If forging is not to your taste, have you tried hand-crafting? I{LF}mean accessories and the like. Accessories? I might be able to make some of those. Ugh, even worse! All those teeny tiny little bits and pieces! What kind of monsters does everyone like? I like big, fluffy, roly-poly ones! Those are nice. I prefer small ones. Large ones with pleasant{LF}temperaments aren't bad, though. Well, I like the big and strong ones! Oh, and ''ducks,'' too! Because our names sound almost{LF}alike. ...And you're just as stupid. What was that?! What about you, Leon? Me? I'm partial to ''Golems,'' actually. What, so you like the old and moldy stuff? No, he likes that they're big and tough, I bet. Actually, what I like about them is that they are utterly{LF}subservient to my will. ♪ ...Oh. What kind of monsters do you like, @しゅじんこうくん@? Cute ones. Cool ones. Strong ones. I agree! The adorable ones are decidedly the best. Ooh, I think so too! The cool ones are the best. Right? Right! There ain't no beating the strong ones! Whew, it's hot! Maybe I should try selling swimsuits made of ice. People{LF}would buy those, right? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Come to see how hot I look in a{LF}swimsuit? ...Yeah, didn't think so. Though being told you have zero interest whatsoever does{LF}make me a little sad. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Come to see my special swimsuit? See, there's a really neat story behind this one... ... ...Hmm. I haven't thought one up yet, so come back later,{LF}okay? Looks like summer will be here soon. Regular swimsuits aren't all that protective, so maybe I{LF}should try selling some armored ones... Summer's winding down, it looks like. I've got swimsuits that didn't sell again this year. I wonder why no one ever buys chainmail bikinis? Guess winter's going to be here soon. Maybe I should try forging some porridge to sell. Looks like it's almost time for the big end of the year sale. Though somehow, I think if I display everything I have left,{LF}Forte's gonna get mad at me. Still, I've got all this stuff! I can't help it if it all blocks the{LF}road. Man, my +birthday+ sure was a tough one this year. What happened? Well, first Forte gave me a long lecture on how I need to be{LF}more serious about my job. Arthur told me I should try not to, ah, ''elaborate'' my sales{LF}pitches so much. And Kiel brought me a big rice bowl full of ore. What do you think I should do? Turn over a new leaf. Give up and goof off. Ah ha ha... Yeah, no. That's what I like to hear! ?! Arthur's +birthday+ is soon. Everybody knows he loves glasses, right? Um, yeah, I guess. And by sheer coincidence, I have a huge pile of magnifying{LF}glasses here... I'm not buying any. Tomorrow is Porcoline's +birthday+. Which reminds me, I have lots of this new item I got in left{LF}over. @バド@? I don't think it's the time of year to be{LF}handing out White Elephant gifts. Hi. And you are? I'm @しゅじんこうくん@. It's nice to meet you. Oh yeah! You're the new kid who has the memory issues,{LF}right? I'm Bado. I operate the forge. But forging stuff is really exhausting, so I don't do it too{LF}much. Wha? So, have you remembered anything yet? I'm afraid not. Oh... Well, how about you try buying this, then? What is it? Memory recovery medicine. What?! How much?! Really...? Uh...that's a whole lot of happy expectation in your eyes{LF}there... ... ... ...Sorry. Huh? All I wanna do is make lots of money without working much. But y'know, I've never really liked taking advantage of{LF}people, either. So don't go falling for great deals that sound too good to be{LF}true, okay? ... ...Sorry. I wonder if there's anything interesting floating around here. C'mon, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let's go see how much weird stuff{LF}we can find. I'm getting kinda tired. How about we take a break? Red, black...a little blue. It's getting pretty colorful, eh? Hey. Done treasure-hunting for the day? N'kay. If you've ever got some free time, come talk to me{LF}again. Whoa, would you look at the time! Sorry, I've got to get going. @バド@, do you want to go somewhere together? Sorry, can't right now. I'm thinking the God of Easy Sales is getting ready to come{LF}visit me. Sure, I'd love to. So whatever interesting stuff we find we'll split 50/50, right? Nah, I think I'll pass for now. Too many people along means my share of the loot gets that{LF}much smaller. Sure. Let's get going. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@, want to go treasure-hunting together? ...Or not, since it looks like you already have someone with{LF}you. No big deal. I'll just come ask you again some other time. Heh, I knew you'd be interested. So how about we wander{LF}around and see what treasure we find? Okay, how about we go hunting for those special treasures{LF}known as ''dreams'' and ''adventure.'' Ah, I see. I guess I get to keep the treasure I find this time all{LF}to myself, then. Oh, well. Too bad. See ya' later. Hmmm... Well... Way long ago, I did do some knight-ish stuff for a while. Wait, what? But then one day I realized something. See, it's easy to do the stuff that you're good at. But it's doing the stuff you think is fun that can really make a{LF}person happy. What are you talking about? See, what I find lots of fun is thinking up ways to make{LF}money. Not actually MAKING money, see, just thinking up ways to{LF}do it. Oh, and making people unhappy is right out. Getting rich off of making people unhappy isn't fun at all. @バド@... So how'd it sound? I just made that all up. WHAT?! Well, you told some interesting lies, so I thought I'd give it a{LF}try too. ...My profound apologies for underestimating you, sir. Oh, hey! A wedding ring. Can I sell it? Ore, eh? This stuff is only really useful for forging things, so I don't{LF}need it. ...What. Did I say something weird? Urf...@アイテム9@. Y'know, I +don't like+ the smell of cheese, and this here smells{LF}like it a lot. Funnily enough, if you mix it with +things I love+, it isn't all that{LF}bad. Things like, say, @アイテム0@. Hey, can I have this? Thanks. Thanks. I appreciate it. Hey, @アイテム9@! Is it for me? It is? Great! Thanks! Now if only I had some @アイテム0@, too.{LF}Then I could take a break from work! Hey, did you know I +like+ onigiri? Oh, hey! @アイテム9@! Thanks. I +like+ these. I like @アイテム9@, because it's pretty much{LF}useless. But if I have a lot of them lying around, it looks like I'm{LF}working when I'm really not. Oh, hey! @アイテム9@! Thanks! I carried these around a lot once, so I guess I got used to{LF}eating them. Somehow, that turned into +liking+ them. Funny, isn't it? Oh hey, an onigiri. Is it for me? Thanks. I +like+ these. Is this @アイテム9@ for me? It is? Great! Thanks. See, I +love+ rice bowl dishes. What, you have something for me? Oh hey, @アイテム9@! Can I have it? Thanks! I +love+ these things. Oh hey, perfect timing. I was just getting thirsty. ...Ahhh. ... Y'know, it'd be neat if I could buy you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Are{LF}you wholesale or retail? Is this for me? Thanks. Wow, I never expected to get something I +don't like+ on my{LF}+birthday+. Oh, hey, a +birthday present+ for me? Thanks. I appreciate it. Oh, hey, I +like+ these! What, it's for me? Thanks! It's a great +birthday+ present. Oh hey, @アイテム9@! Thanks! This is the best present I've gotten for my +birthday+. Oh, and handmade is even better. You always give me neat stuff, so I thought I'd give you{LF}something back this time. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's your birthday, right? Happy{LF}Birthday. Coincidentally, I had this really neat item that, for some odd{LF}reason, wouldn't sell. You're smart. I think you'll be able to find a use for it. Here. So, um...it's a present, then, right? Thank you. No problem! You're welcome. Ummm... Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Y'know, you look a little pale. Good thing I just found this weird bottle of medicine. Give it a try if you want. It is a little fishy, though. Maybe you should go see Jones or Nancy. Welcome. What can I get you today? Good to see you. Take your time, okay? I guess I'll try working a little today. Anything in particular you want? See ya' later. Y'know @しゅじんこうくん@, I think it's time you learned how to{LF}forge stuff yourself. You can buy your own forge right here. To build a forge you'll need--- @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber, and @石0@ Stone Material. To build a crafting table you'll need--- @金1@ Gold, @木1@ Lumber, and @石1@ Stone Material. Oh, and you'll need +licenses+ to use either. You can get them at the +Order Symbol+, so give it a try when{LF}you feel like it, 'kay? With this you'll be able to forge things. You'll need{LF}@金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and @石0@ Stone Material. Looks like you don't have a forge license yet. I'm afraid I can't give you this until you get one from the{LF}+Order Symbol+. With this you'll be able to craft things. You'll need @金0@{LF}Gold, @木0@ Lumber and @石0@ Stone Material. Looks like you don't have a crafting license yet. I'm afraid I can't give you this until you get one from the{LF}+Order Symbol+. Uh-oh. Looks like you don't have enough Gold. Uh-oh. Looks like you don't have enough Lumber. Uh-oh. Looks like you don't have enough Stone Material. Here ya' go. I set it right next to you, so don't forget to take it home with{LF}you. Oh, and here are a few easy recipes to start you off. Yay! I learned the recipes for [@アイテム0@],{LF}[@アイテム1@], and{LF}[@アイテム2@]. Yay! I learned the recipes for [@アイテム3@],{LF}[@アイテム4@], and{LF}[@アイテム5@], too! Yay! I learned the recipes for [@アイテム6@],{LF}[@アイテム7@], and{LF}[@アイテム8@], too! If you want to learn any others, go visit Porcoline and buy{LF}some +Recipe Bread+, okay? Here are a few quick recipes for you. Yay! I learned the recipes for [@アイテム0@],{LF}[@アイテム1@] and{LF}[@アイテム2@]. Yay! I learned the recipes for [@アイテム3@],{LF}and [@アイテム4@] too! If you want to learn any others, go visit Porcoline and buy{LF}some +Recipe Bread+, okay? Hmm. Looks like you're out of space. You'll need to throw{LF}something away. Anything else? Oh yeah, you forge stuff in your spare time too, right? Here, have you tried using a hammer like this? Given those calluses, it looks like you're getting pretty good{LF}at forging stuff. Here, if you try using your hammer like this, you'll get even{LF}better. Y'know, you're getting really good at forging things. If I had to nitpick something, I'd say try doing this here. Looks like you're an expert at forging things now. I bet you've gotten good enough to try this technique. Whoa! I never knew you could do that with a hammer! Not too good at throwing things yet, are you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@? Why don't you try tossing stuff out the window, like I do?{LF}Things like cares, work... You're getting better at throwing stuff, @しゅじんこうくん@. Why don't you try tossing yourself, next? You've got a pretty good throwing arm now,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Guess it's time to start practicing how to throw your pride{LF}out the window! Wow, you're an expert at throwing things, @しゅじんこうくん@! There isn't anything else I can teach you, so I guess it's time{LF}for me to throw in the towel! I'm tired of carrying this around. I guess I'll give it to you. So, there you have it. @しゅじんこうくん@. There's one common point that both throwing things and{LF}forging things share. In both arts, the timing for when you give them up is very,{LF}very important. How about you NOT give up and try working for once? Yay! My Throwing Skill went up! Yay! My Throwing Skill went up! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let me teach you a recipe. I haven't used it in ages, but I think it could still be handy for{LF}you. Oh hey, @アイテム0@. How about @1@ Gold for{LF}@0@ @アイテム0@? Uh, okay then. How about @1@ Gold? Oh well. Maybe next time. Great. I'll take it. Nah. Not today, I think. If I buy this now, then... Hmm... Do you have anything else interesting? Thanks! This should help with my own shop. I can make good use of this. Thanks. Y'know, I guess anybody can be best friends with anyone, no{LF}matter what the age difference. Hmm? At my age you make a whole lot of acquaintances, what{LF}with work and the shop. But not a whole lot of friends, y'know? So someone like you is really extraordinary. I made a good friend too. Thank you. You think I'm your friend? I'm glad. Let's keep this up for years to come, 'kay? Yeah, let's. No, thank you. Hey, now! Don't go saying stuff that makes me sad, okay? Sorry. I just couldn't help myself. Well, anyway... Your memories are in your head, so I can't really help you dig{LF}them out. But if there's anything else you need, just ask. @バド@... --The other townsfolk. I'm sure they'd be glad to help. ... ...And me, too. Huh? So don't go trying to carry too heavy a load all by yourself,{LF}okay? Settle in, build a life here, and let your memories come back{LF}at their own pace. ...Okay. Now, there's nothing wrong with being single. I kinda like it. But there's something about watching a lovey-dovey couple{LF}that can make a body jealous. Don't you agree, @しゅじんこうくん@? Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's been a while since you last{LF}bought something. Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's been a while. How about you stop by a little more often? We can chat and{LF}you can buy stuff from me. Hey, congrats on the win, @しゅじんこうくん@. Whoa. I actually won. I guess all my ''hard work'' bore fruit, eh? Congratulations. I'm sorry to hear that. Thanks. Ha ha ha! Happy New Year. Here. Your New Year's allowance. Thanks! You're welcome. Gotta invest my capital in the right spots,{LF}y'know? Huh? By the way, how about you use that money to buy{LF}something from me? I recommend the most expensive thing you can find. Hope to see you around more this year. And buying stuff{LF}more, too. It's the @カレンダー0@. That reminds me of the time when Forte wrecked all my{LF}blank blades. She sure looked like a demon to me then. When Forte gets serious, she focuses on one single thing{LF}and loses sight of everything else. I figured if that happened to me it'd be dangerous, so I put{LF}everything serious away. Wait, what? Y'know, I feel a lot better after getting hit by all those beans. Now time to go use all this newfound energy to think up the{LF}easiest way to make money. Oh hey, I knew there was something in the air. Tomorrow is{LF}the @カレンダー0@. The girls are going to have it so hard. I hear a lot of people say that diets are actually bad for you. Especially if, y'know, you aren't that fat. Um, who is he talking about? I think it's a good idea for skinny folk to fatten up a little. Maybe I'll go beat Forte at arm-wrestling again. She needs to fatten up those +skinny arms+ of hers before she{LF}can beat me. If you buy something at my shop today, you might win{LF}tomorrow's festival! Of course, you still might lose it, too. Um, so buying something doesn't change my chances at all,{LF}then? @カレンダー0@. @アイテム9@. Nope. I can only think of the most ordinary, boring sales{LF}pitches for that. Maybe I should make that huge Wooly my mascot. Yeah! The weapon shop that has the big, cute Wooly! That{LF}should grab customers' attention. Woolies don't have anything to do with weapons, though... Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@. Oh hey, I just got a great idea! I bet you think I'm going to be up to no good again, don't{LF}you? Um... Y'know, I think Forte needs to try things outside her comfort{LF}zone more often. Today's festival is a perfect chance for that, don't you think? The @カレンダー0@. In other words, it's a festival{LF}centered around accuracy. ...And you're encouraging her to miss them all. I really enjoyed snacking on all the turnips that missed their{LF}target. Now, if I'm going to be a proper salesman, I've got to tell{LF}you this... Did you buy armor for tomorrow? Again with the pitches! No, I don't need anything. Of course. You don't have to buy it here, just be sure you have some{LF}ready, okay? Wait, what? See, Forte doesn't know how to hold back. Maybe I should stock up on some healing medicines, too. Looks like the festival wrapped up all safe and sound. Good. It's a good year when everything ends peacefully. Jones and Nancy are really good at all those quizzes. I'll give it my best! I won't lose that easily. That's the spirit. And by sheer coincidence, I have here a great How To Win{LF}Quizzes book-- No thank you. So, the @カレンダー0@, eh? Speaking of, I've got a pencil here that'll answer any{LF}question you ask it. Just roll it and-- No thank you. That was a pretty intense quiz. It was so hard, all of my Magic Quiz Answer goods were{LF}useless. The @カレンダー0@ is coming up tomorrow. I can't wait to see who the town's new famous pair will be. The @カレンダー0@ is today. Still, I don't think selling pets is the right way to go. I mean, today's festival is all about displaying how deep the{LF}bond you have with your pet is. @バド@... So you DO have a heart! Are you feeling okay...? Wow, @しゅじんこうくん@, you can be really harsh when you{LF}want to be. Gotta be sure you reward your pet for all the hard work he{LF}did today. All work deserves fair and equal compensation. And before you work, you should have a big dream to aim{LF}for! My dream is to live the easy life. Too small!! For the @カレンダー0@, you need a good fishing pole. How about it? I've got lots of real good ones for sale. Did you know there's an old proverb that equates good{LF}friends with fish and water? Yes. No. Oh, okay. ... What, that's it? While you're fishing is a great time to do some thinking. After today, I'll have so many great ideas stocked up, I{LF}should be good for a while. The @カレンダー0@ is coming. Seems like a great time to get back to basics with a brand{LF}new @アイテム9@. Not interested. Oh hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Wanna buy one of my fishing{LF}poles? They're special poles that, depending on your skill, will help{LF}you hook a real whopper! Um, that's a normal pole. More fast money schemes? Hey, now. They do say that good calligraphers don't need to{LF}be picky about their brushes. Though they say the very best calligraphers only ever use the{LF}very best brushes, too... You just completely contradicted yourself, you know. Well, yeah. What's unusual about me coming up with new{LF}ways to make money without working? It's like fish and water, y'know. What, in that it smells fishy and you're in over your head? Here, let me teach you something important. This is what you don't want to say if you ever come across a{LF}salmon walking on land-- It had better not be, ''There's something fishy going on here.'' ... So, uh, @しゅじんこうくん@? Do you...have something against{LF}puns? The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I hope I can catch a whole barrel of 'em. All right, time to catch even more! Y'know, every time I catch one of these, I always have to{LF}think... Squids look an awful lot like the head of a spear. Guess that's why they seem to have such a stick up their-- Not another word. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. If I catch more fish than I can eat, I'll just share them with{LF}Kiel and Forte. I wonder what I'm going to do with all the fish I catch today. See, Kiel isn't too fond of oily, smelly fish. ... Well then, on to the next fishing hole! Wow. @バド@ actually looked almost serious for a{LF}minute. I cooked all the fish I caught. I caught so many, I'm going to need to share them with Kiel{LF}and Forte, so...might as well. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Well then, how to make some money today... Work hard! What would you use it for? Well, you're no fun! I dunno. I have fun thinking up easy ways to make money.{LF}Never thought much on how to spend it. I just like having a goal I can give my all for. Then I might learn something worthwhile that I can pass on{LF}to the next generation. Well then, what do I want my entry to be this time? Might as well make it something that'll be good advertising, I{LF}guess. Darn. If I'd won, that would've been a great bit of{LF}advertising! Oh well. It was fun, so I guess it's all okay. Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! Are you ready for the @カレンダー0@ tomorrow? Speaking of veggies... Forte wasn't real fond of them for the longest time. But then I guess she decided she wanted to grow up fast, so{LF}she learned to like them. Though the thought that eating your veggies makes you an{LF}adult is childish in and of itself... Well, that was an entirely expected result. Man, seeing that many great veggies all in one place{LF}together is pretty neat. Maybe I'll make my entry for tomorrow's festival...a{LF}@アイテム9@! But what if, instead of just a @アイテム9@, I{LF}made something even more delicious like{LF}@アイテム8@ instead? But then again, Forte can't stand spicy things. I'd have to{LF}make it pretty mild for her. I made sure I got everything prepared in time for today. It's funny. Spend too much time getting ready for a thing... ...and sometimes you just want to use something completely{LF}different when the day arrives. Yeah, my veggie was pretty spiffy. Though I couldn't tell you exactly what made it spiffy, mind. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. What should I take this year? The @カレンダー0@ is today. When you think of winter veggies,{LF}@アイテム9@ is the first thing that comes to{LF}mind. But what do I wanna do... Yeah, that was a pretty fun festival. People should always take on contests like that with{LF}everything they've got. @カレンダー0@ starts tomorrow. It's the season when normal shops put out normal swimsuits{LF}for sale. But I've never run a ''normal'' shop. Uh-oh. He seems awfully confident in himself... I'm not going to put swimsuits up for sale this Summer. I mean, doing something other shops already do isn't going{LF}to make me any money, right? @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Not much left to this year. Man, my shop sure buried the needle in the red this year! Trying to make up the difference through odd jobs was{LF}tough! ''Odd jobs''? Time to shift priorities? Yeah. I have some old connections who send over some{LF}good, quick jobs every now and again. Most of them just involve me putting on armor and standing{LF}in one spot for a few hours, though. Nah, I don't think so. It's my dream to find an easy way to make money selling{LF}things, after all. Working toward that is fun, really. It doesn't feel like ''work''{LF}at all. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Fireflies, eh? Aren't they pretty? Thinking of more schemes? What's wrong? Yeah, that they are. You could say that, yeah. Hmm? Oh, sorry. I was just doing a little reminiscing, is all. Oh, okay. Reminiscing? Yeah. Some time ago, I had a friend who ran a weapon shop. I was a knight at the time, and I had him make my weapons. One day, he said something to me that I still remember... ''To you,'' he said, ''weapons are necessary to kill your{LF}enemy.'' ''But to me, they're necessary to keep my family alive.'' I was really struck by that. It made me wonder why he said{LF}it. It bugged me so much I started a weapon shop myself to{LF}see if I could find out. I kept looking and looking for that answer and, when I{LF}turned around, here I am today. Life can be a really funny thing, eh? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Have you asked anybody to go with{LF}you yet? If there's someone you want to have watch with you, you{LF}need to ask ahead of time, okay? See, the scenery and what you watch can change depending{LF}on who you see it with. Man, the fireflies really are pretty. So that's it for the festival. Some time ago, I made a promise with a friend to go watch{LF}them together. But back then I was really busy all the time, so our date kept{LF}getting pushed back. Eventually it got pushed back so far we just never got{LF}around to it. To this day I have to wonder if what I did back then was{LF}right, or if I should've made time. Maybe it would've been better if I weren't so serious about{LF}what I was doing. A firefly's light is so fleeting. But isn't it always the fleeting, fragile things that stick with{LF}you the longest? @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I bet you're expecting something, aren't you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@? I'll be expecting one, @しゅじんこうくん@. Wha?! Ha ha! Just kidding. But I bet you've got someone you actually want to give one{LF}to, right? Hmm? Is this for me? Thanks! I appreciate it. Hmm. Candy weapons didn't sell too well, but maybe candy{LF}armor will do better. Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. If you aren't yet ready for{LF}@カレンダー0@ tomorrow, I have-- Nooooot interested. Wait, today's @カレンダー0@. @しゅじんこうくん@, are you secretly a boy...? What gave me away? Go choke on your failure. Ha ha ha! That was a good one! Ha ha ha... Well, that joke went over like a lead balloon. Wait, today's @カレンダー0@. @しゅじんこうくん@, don't tell me you secretly have a crush on{LF}me...! Oh no, you found me out! No, but I WILL crush you! Ha ha ha! That was a good one! Ha ha ha... Well, that joke went over like a lead balloon. Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Perfect timing. Here. It's leftovers from a practice batch I did. I've got a few others lying around, so I might give them to{LF}you at some point too. Oh yeah. Today's @カレンダー0@, isn't it? Did you get a present from the one person you really wanted{LF}already? Did you give a present to the one person you really wanted{LF}to already? That legend about making wishes on stars is found in a{LF}whole lot of places, strangely enough. I guess people just like to believe there's someone up there{LF}in the heavens. I can't really think of anything to wish for, myself. Yeah, I want to make easy money, but thinking up crazy{LF}ways to do that is too much fun. So, you gonna make a wish? There were lots of pretty stars up in the sky, but I didn't{LF}make a wish on any of them. I do have my dreams, but I'm not one to go asking someone{LF}just to hand them to me. Making my dream come true with my own hands is way{LF}more fun. I'll find an easy way to make a lot of money someday on my{LF}own. If you had simply left off that last sentence, that would have{LF}been an impressive speech. All right, time to make sure I won't have to do any work{LF}tomorrow! The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. ...I have to say, this one isn't my favorite. Oh, great. I've been told I'd better put out a good effort today. Though I usually go into these things determined not to do{LF}all that much work at all. But you WILL try your hardest today. Am I clear? Uh... Well, losing after you give it your all isn't all that fun,{LF}y'know... ...He says with a bright, sunny smile on his face. The @カレンダー0@. Y'know, Kiel's one of the better cooks around here. Heh heh... So today's the @カレンダー0@. Maybe it would be a good idea not to let Forte participate in{LF}this one. If you have something you wish to say, say it. Clearly and{LF}where I can hear you. Because everything you cook is terrifyingly bad. GURK! Cooking with love does make the food taste better, but you{LF}do need at least a little skill. Otherwise there's no explaining what happens when Forte{LF}goes into a kitchen. I think her way of expressing her love is just too unique for{LF}us to understand. ... Um, I think that's enough, you two. I came to chat. Show me the weapons/tools. Show me the accessories. Show me the bargains. I want a forge. I want a crafting table. Quit. Buy. Don't buy. Oh hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Here. The best thing after a hot{LF}bath is a lovely @アイテム0@! *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I would love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Now isn't the time for that, is it? Whoa. So you went and got me some Wooly fur, after all. I'm really sorry about what happened. It’s okay. Though...I guess I gotta do some work now. You were happy to get out of it before, weren’t you... Anyway, thanks. I ‘preciate it. Oh ho! Good work, you two! Thanks. Now I can make a killing off these puppies. ...If I get around to making them, anyway. PLEASE DO. Okay! I will, I will! All right, then. Time to get to work. You two are free to head{LF}off and do young people stuff. Whew. I think we deserve a little break now, don’t you? Yeah! Yo. Brought the Skull Crystal with you, eh? I’ll hang on to it, thanks. You can get a Black Feather by beating the Blackbird on{LF}Maya Road. Be careful out there. Whoa. You actually got a Black Feather. Imagine that. Did you think I couldn't? Well, it’s a Blackbird, y’know. Those things aren’t pushovers.{LF}You surprised me. If you pulled that off, finding out who in town has the Skull{LF}Crystal should be child’s play. Huh. Good job. I’m surprised you managed to get both items{LF}for me in such a short time. I guess you really wanna go fast, eh? They aren’t for me. Oh? Then who’s the lucky recipient? They're a present for @ビシュナル@. Oh, I getcha. So that’s what this is, eh? Come to think of it, his birthday IS coming up, isn't it? What?! AAAAAH! That’s right!!! What, you forgot? ...Completely. Good thing I reminded you then, I guess. Anyway, I’ll get to work on these. Thanks. This was a big help. So you’re giving Forte a hand, huh? Don’t overdo it, ‘kay? I’ll try not to. Thanks. Nope. I need more. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please, take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? @しゅじんこうくん@, come on! Let's go swim in the lake! The water is cool and refreshing! @しゅじんこうくん@, do you think this swimsuit looks good on{LF}me? Stare at it. Look away. Look very, very sad. H-hey! You don't have to stare at me like that. Hey! Where are you looking? I'm over here! H-hey! What is that look supposed to mean?! I'm pretty good at swimming, you know. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you want to race me? I won't lose easily! I don't think I'll win. Uh-oh! Are you good at swimming, too? A-all right, let's do this! Huh? Aren't you confident in your swimming? All right, let me teach you! Come here, I'll show you some{LF}strokes. Spring will soon be summer. Yeah. You know, +pineapples+ are a summer fruit. I like those a lot.{LF}Hint, hint. Sure, I'll get you some. O-oh! Um, that was just a joke. But if you really wouldn't mind bringing me some... A cooler season will be here soon. Yeah. Keep an eye on your health, okay? It's really easy to get sick{LF}when the seasons change. Tomorrow is Clorica's +birthday+. What kind of song do you think I should play for her? A nice,{LF}soft lullaby... Or a chipper, happy tune to keep her awake? Tomorrow is Forte's +birthday+. She isn't a person to spend too much time thinking about her{LF}looks. So I decided to give her a cute headband for her present! I hope she'll like it. Today is my +birthday+. Happy Birthday! Thank you! Thanks! Huh? For what? Tomorrow is Dylas' +birthday+. Hmm... Maybe I should make him a dish using +carrots+. Or maybe sing a +carrot+ song? I think that latter option might just annoy him. Tomorrow is Porco's +birthday+. I'm going to make both a lovely song and a tasty dinner for{LF}him, just like every year. Tomorrow is Xiao Pai's +birthday+. She's always trying so hard, I thought I'd write a relaxing{LF}melody for her this year. Tomorrow is Amber's +birthday+. I think I'll write a cute, bouncy song for her and give her a{LF}nice bouquet, too. Tomorrow is Lumie's +birthday+. She really likes her tea, so I think I'll write some music for her{LF}that's suitable for tea time. Tomorrow is Dolce's +birthday+. I am, of course, going to write a song for her. Believe it or not, I hear she's fond of bright, happy music. If you need anything, just let me know, okay? I will. Thanks. Oh, that's right! You are a @姫@, aren't you. Is it too impolite for me to call you just @しゅじんこうくん@? No, that's fine. I don't mind at all. Hee hee! Great! ♪ Then that's what I'll call you. Oh, and you can just call me +Margaret+. Of course. This town is pretty big. I hope you aren't getting lost. No, I'm fine. Oh, and try not to walk around too late at night, okay? It{LF}can be dangerous. Um, okay... And! And! Be careful of this other thing, too! Oh, there are so{LF}many things I worry about! ... Hmm? What's up? So where are we going to go? I'll tag along! I'm getting a little tired... How about you, @しゅじんこうくん@?{LF}Are you okay? What's that awful noise?! Okay. Ask me again anytime! Oh, um...I don't really want to go, but I guess I should. Later! Bye-bye! Thanks for seeing me home, @しゅじんこうくん@. You're so{LF}polite! Oops! Sorry, it's time for me to go home. @マーガレット@, do you want to go somewhere together? What, now? Hmm... Sorry. I can't at the moment. But how about you ask me again later? Sure! Let's go. ♪ Sure! ...Wait, you already have someone with you, though... Sure! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@, do you want to go somewhere{LF}together? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@, do you want to go somewhere--- Oops! Ha ha...I didn't notice you already had someone with{LF}you. I'll ask again some other time. Really? Great! Let's go! Great! Let's go. Oh... Well, maybe next time, then. Wha?! Goodness! You...you surprised me. @しゅじんこうくん@... ... Um, can I have some time to think? Come to @マップ0@ tomorrow at @0@{LF}hundred hours. I promise I'll answer you then. Bye-bye. Come to @マップ0@ tomorrow at @0@{LF}hundred hours. I promise I'll answer you then. Come to @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours. I promise I'll answer you then. @マーガレット@... @しゅじんこうくん@... Can I hear your answer? I was really, really happy when you said that to me{LF}yesterday. You shocked me, to be honest. I thought my heart might{LF}stop. So I've been thinking about it ever since then. Thinking about... ...? A-are you sure it will work? I mean, I'm an elf, and you're{LF}human. @マーガレット@... I couldn't help but think about it. I...I don't know. You and I, we're... We're too different... That doesn't matter! Oh... What...? What does it matter what race you are, or what race I am? Does it really bother you that much? Well, um... Or is it just that all elves hate humans? NO! We don't hate you. Elves really like humans. A lot. ...And that scares me. ... @マーガレット@, why are you so afraid? I-I'm sorry. I just don't know if this will work. @マーガレット@... Trust me. All right. I'll give up. ...! If there's anything that worries you, I'll fix it. @しゅじんこうくん@... You're frightened of something, right? But you aren't ready to{LF}talk about it yet. So I'll wait. And when the time comes, I'll protect you from{LF}whatever that scary thing is. @しゅじんこうくん@...! But if you still don't want me...well, that's okay too. I'll{LF}protect you anyway! Well...? Do you think I can be good enough for you? ...Yes. But I have to wonder if I can be good enough for you. I...I'm sorry for what I said. ...Oh! So what should I call you now? Hmm? Well, since we are starting a new time in our lives, why don't{LF}we give ourselves new nicknames? So what do you want me to call you? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Yeah, that really does sound the best to me. I'll just call you what I always have, then. @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@?! Um...I-I might be a little too shy to say that in public. But if you really insist, I guess it's okay. @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm? So no ''Prince'' anymore, eh? All right, let's go with that. @しゅじんこうくん@. You want me to call you ''@しゅじんこうくん@''? Um, it's a little{LF}embarrassing, but... All right. I'll call you @しゅじんこうくん@, then. ''@しゅじんこうくん@''? Hee hee! That sounds cute. Let's use that one, @しゅじんこうくん@. Wha?! Um... Isn't it a little, ah, early for that yet? I don't know if I could call you that in public... Maybe we should save it until +that time+ comes? So what do you want to call me, then? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Yeah, we're both already comfy with that, so let's stick with{LF}it. Wha? @その他0@?! Eep! R-really?! Really, @マーガレット@. ♪ Oh my gosh, that's too embarrassing! Don't you like it? Um...i-if you REALLY insist, I guess I don't mind too much. Yeah, that one has a nice, comfy ring to it. Let's go with that. Ah ha ha! What, so you see me as a big-sister type? All right. Let's go with that. Ah ha ha! It sounds a little bit childish, but I like it. All right. Let's go with that. Ooh, that has a nice ring to it. All right. Let's go with that. I'm looking forward to having lots of great times with you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Me too, @マーガレット@. @しゅじんこうくん@... G-goodness, you shocked me! That was a pretty bad joke, you know. You need to practice{LF}telling better ones. ...She didn't get it. And I'm fond of you, too. ♪ What, did you forget that you're already married? I'll tell your{LF}wife on you! Ah ha ha! Thanks. I really like you, too. Oh my gosh, this...! A-are you sure? Are you really, really, REALLY sure? Yes. I have something to say that I want you to hear. Okay... Marry me. I need you. Let's play a duet forever. ...! I...I've been so unsure about everything for so long. When I left my homeland, I was convinced I'd live alone{LF}forever. I'm still a little scared. Scared that I won't be able to love a world without you in it. Do you wish you'd never met me? No, never. See, meeting you made me realize something. You only ever become afraid of losing something once you've{LF}come to know it. I mean, think about it. When something is really precious, you hold on tight. I don't ever want to lose you. So please... Please let me stay with you. I love you...! @マーガレット@... Wha?! H-hey! What is this for? This isn't something you just hand out to people, you know! Wha? This...! Goodness! If you insist... @しゅじんこうくん@, trash goes in the trash can, okay? @アイテム9@?! EEK! Stay away! Don't get that icky thing anywhere near me! Well, if you insist, I do like things like{LF}@アイテム0@ or @アイテム1@. Oh, @アイテム9@. Thanks. @アイテム9@? For me? Thanks. @アイテム9@? Can I have it? Thanks! Oh, @アイテム9@. I can have it? Thanks! By the way, do you have any +sweets+...? By the way, do you have any +fruit+...? By the way, do you have any +veggies+...? Thank you! +Grapes+, +oranges+ and +strawberries+ are among my{LF}+favorite+ fruits! Oh, how thoughtful of you! I +really like+ these! Oh my gosh, it's huge! Can I have it? Thanks! I +like+ these! Oh, thank you! I +like+ sweets. What, this is for me? Thanks! I +like+ sweets! Oh, did you find out that I +like+ sweets? Thank you! ♪ Ooh, @アイテム9@! ♪ Yay @アイテム9@! It's so cute, don't you{LF}think? O-oh... It's adorable how they toddle about, trying so hard to get{LF}from here to there. Ooh, @アイテム9@! ♪ I really +like+ raw veggies. Thanks! I really +like+ fresh, juicy veggies. Thanks! Wow, I +like+ these a lot! Thanks for the nice, fresh present! Ooh, @アイテム9@! ♪ And it's such a pretty{LF}rainbow of color, too! Oh, what a pretty flower! Thank you. I +like+ these a lot. What, is that for me? What a pretty flower! Thank you! ♪ What a lovely flower! Did you raise it, @しゅじんこうくん@? Wait, I can have that? Hee hee... I +love+ these. Thank you! Oh, I +love+ these! Thanks! Wow, what a huge +pink melon+! Can I have it? Thank you! @字@ I'm so happy I get something this big and yummy to eat! @字@ Ooh, pineapple juice! Is this for me? Thank you! @字@ Oh, I love it! @字@ I'm so happy! @字@ Oh my gosh, a golden veggie! Can I really have it? Thank you for such a valuable gift! @字@ @字@ @字@ Hmm? Something for me to drink? All right, I'll have a sip... ... D-don't stare at me like that... Uhhhggghhh... EEK! N-no! I don't want to see that on my birthday! Keep it away! Keep it away! Is this for me? On my birthday, even? Thanks! Ooh, can I have this? Thanks! It's my birthday today, you know. What? Can I really have this? Oh, thank you! I +love+ these. Oh, my! And handmade, too! Thank you! Today's my birthday, you know. Ooh, and handmade, too! Thank you so much! Ooh, and handmade, too! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh, my! And handmade, too! Thank you so much! And it's handmade, too! Hee hee...thanks. And it's handmade, too! Oh, thank you! Thanks for everything. Here, I have a thank-you gift for you. Do you remember what today is? Of course! Uhh... Saint Tiddles Day? Oh, good! It's our +anniversary+, after all. What? How could you forget?! Today's our +anniversary+! Oh, yeah! I'm so happy I met you. I hope we get to stay together{LF}forever. I love you. @字@ @しゅじんこうくん@. Do you have a moment? Y-yes...? Now, I know you're a healthy young human, and this may be{LF}natural for you. And I want to respect you and your customs as much as I{LF}can. But this...this is very hard on me. Please try to be more serious. I only want you to have eyes{LF}for me...no one else. Happy Birthday, @しゅじんこうくん@! Here, I made a birthday present for you. Really? Thanks! Um...I'm glad I chose not to go with a song written by me{LF}this time. The last one got so popular, everyone sang it. It's so{LF}embarrassing for me to even listen to it now... Hi! I have a birthday present for you. Here. Really? Thanks! I, um, I have one more present for you, actually. I wrote a{LF}birthday song for you. Really? Can I hear it? O-okay...*GULP*... ...La la la-laaah. ♪ M-my brave...b-best f-frie--- ? EEP! I-I can't do it! I'm too embarrassed! @マーガレット@?! Hrm? You look really pale. Are you all right? Here, I have a little bit of medicine on me. Drink every last drop now, okay? And don't forget to rest. Go see Jones, okay? He'll be able to help you. Here's your lunch. I made some @アイテム0@{LF}for you today. Today's lunch is @アイテム0@. Don't forget it,{LF}now! Today's lunch is @アイテム0@. I hope you{LF}enjoy it! Here's your lunch for today. I made{LF}@アイテム0@. Here, I made some @アイテム0@. You can{LF}have it when you get hungry for lunch. See you later! Give today your best, okay? Work hard today, okay? See ya'! See you later! Try not to hurt yourself out there, okay? Don't stay out too late now, okay? I, um...I'd really like it if you could come home early today. Wow, you really are solving everyone's problems one after{LF}the other! Keep it up, okay? You're such a huge help to everyone. Amazing! You're a hero to all of us, @しゅじんこうくん@! Keep it up! You're a monumental help to all of us! Did you know everyone says you're someone a person can{LF}rely on, no matter what? Of course, I'm one of the ones who's spreading that rumor.{LF}Because it's true! ♪ You're earning the faith of everyone. Keep it up! Wow, I don't know how we'll get along without you. Oh! Here. I had a little left over, so you can have some. To solve any problem, you first need to take one step{LF}forward. When you walk around town, you come to realize that a lot{LF}of people have problems. Taking even the tiniest step forward to a solution is a big{LF}help. Yay! Your Walking Skill went up! Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Were you familiar with this recipe? @しゅじんこうくん@? I think once we have a child, I want to gift the little tyke with{LF}musical training. Then we can play duets. We could even perform for{LF}everyone, on a cute little stage! Would you like...to start a family? Yeah, lets. I want it to be just us. We're in agreement, then! @字@ Just the two of us? All right. Let's enjoy our time alone{LF}together for a little while. We're going to have a baby. It's right in here. Can you believe that? I was really shocked at first, but now I'm so happy... Oh, hey! @しゅじんこうくん@, do you want a boy or a girl? A boy? Let's raise him to be a kind boy, gallant and brave... ...and with the most beautiful eyes. A girl? If we have a girl, I'd like her to be gentle, with grace, good{LF}humor... ...and the most beautiful eyes. Yeah, that's true. Boy or girl, it will still be our beloved baby,{LF}no matter what. And I want to raise it healthy, strong and kind. I know I can't wait. What about you, Papa? @字@ Today is @子供ちゃん@'s birthday. I'd better hurry and bake the cake! ♪ Oh, and I should write{LF}the birthday song, too! Hmm, let's see... Oh, you have some{LF}@アイテム0@! How about @1@ Gold for{LF}@0@ @アイテム0@? How about @1@ Gold? Y'know, maybe I'll just come back later. Great! I'll take it. Hmm...not this time, I think. Sorry. Do I want that? Do I want this? What to do... What else do you have? Thanks for the great item! I'll definitely stop by again later. Good luck! ♪ Hey, um...@しゅじんこうくん@? ...? I, um... I really like you. A lot. We're great friends, and I enjoy your company. I want to{LF}spend as much time with you as I can. So, um...don't go disappearing on me, okay? ...That's all I wanted to say. You and your lover get along really great, don't you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@? Hee hee! Here comes the lovey-dovey couple now! ♪ I-I should at least try...eep! ...*REACH*... YIKES!! Too high! Too high! D-d-don't let go of me! Hi! It's been a while. Um...am I hard to approach or something? You barely talk to{LF}me. Hi! It's been a while. You know, I'd love to talk to you more often. Why don't you come by? I feel kind of left out... Hey! You won, right? Congratulations! You were pretty impressive, @しゅじんこうくん@! Hee hee! I won! Yay! Happy New Year. May the new year bring as much fun and happiness as the{LF}last! The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Believe it or not, I can get pretty serious about competing... The @カレンダー0@ is going to start soon. I won't let you beat me easily, @しゅじんこうくん@! That was fun! It always feels great to move around and get{LF}some exercise. Y'know, the @カレンダー0@ has to be the bane of{LF}women everywhere. So many delicious dishes, all lined up right in front of us! I{LF}don't know if I can resist! I'm so jealous of Forte. I mean, it's completely unfair that she can eat and eat{LF}without gaining any weight! Right? Porco was the one who cooked everything for today. It was all so good I couldn't help myself. I think I might've{LF}overeaten... The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I bet Forte is really{LF}good at it. Oh, but I'm no slouch either, you know. Don't forget to stretch a little beforehand, okay? You don't{LF}want to hurt yourself. I bet that was some good exercise for Porco. I worry about him sometimes. I mean, he usually doesn't get{LF}much exercise at all... The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Another festival for{LF}the athletes, eh? Hmm...all this hair might get in the way. Maybe I should cut it{LF}short. Stretch thoroughly ahead of time, okay? You don't want to{LF}hurt yourself. Are you okay, @しゅじんこうくん@? Do you need any help? That was fun! I can't wait until we do it all again next year. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Let's all have fun{LF}together, okay? ♪ All right, let's do this! I'm all pumped and ready to go! I hope Porco is okay. Maybe I should go give him a shoulder massage. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. It's a festival where you answer questions by picking 'O' or{LF}'X'. I wonder what we'll be asked? The @カレンダー0@ will start soon. I wonder who's{LF}going to win... Porco looked like he was having a lot of fun. ...Maybe too much fun. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I won't let you win easily! The @カレンダー0@ will start soon. I wonder who's{LF}going to win. Everyone had such cute pets! The @カレンダー0@, eh? I haven't ever fished much,{LF}to be honest. I wonder how well Porco did. Maybe I should ask him to{LF}teach me how to fish. Now, let's see... This is the lure, and this is the sinker... Before throwing--no, CASTING the line, check behind you...{LF}good. Nobody there. Like that, right? I can see how this could be fun. Fishing is kind of hard, but it's fun at the same time. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I have to make sure everyone is on their best behavior! Ah! Excuse me, sir! Please don't swing your pole around like{LF}that! Sir! Please! The fishing holes are for everyone to use! Ack! Ma'am, please throw your trash in the trash cans! No{LF}littering! If you could, please release as many of the small fish you{LF}catch as possible. It feels like I spent more time on patrol than actually fishing. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Eww...I don't want to touch them. Y'know...I can't say I'm all that enthusiastic for this festival. Squids scare me... Wh-what if I actually catch one? @しゅじんこうくん@, could you stay with me? Please? Well...this is a festival, after all. I guess I should try to at least{LF}get used to them... Well, despite all I said earlier, I still managed to catch one.{LF}(With everyone's help, though.) The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Okay, time to start patrolling to make sure everyone is polite{LF}and no one tries to pull anything. Excuse me! No running, please! It's dangerous! Please wait quietly until the festival begins. Next, I should check over there. And from there I need to go{LF}over here... Boy, I'm tired! I think I'll take an extra-long, relaxing bath{LF}tonight. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. It's funny. I don't mind giving concerts, but I'm really shy{LF}when it comes to my showcase. I'm starting to get a little nervous... It took a lot of work to raise this veggie. I think I'll give it to{LF}Porco to cook. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Let's give it our all, and may the best contestant win! Oh, goodness...I hope I can do my showcase well. B-but I'm{LF}not feeling too good... Maybe I should ask Porco to cook this veggie for me. Though I have to make sure he doesn't eat it for me too! The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I'm ready. Are you? Hee hee...I won't let you win so easily, now! Goodness. Wh-when did I get stage-fright this bad? My veggie is still the best! Or it's definitely the cutest. I think. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. This time I think I've got it. Do you think you can beat me? Ack, I-I can't do it! I'm too nervous! Raising a vegetable is pretty hard. But it can be a lot of fun,{LF}too. @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I should get together with Forte so we can buy our{LF}swimsuits. Forte and I picked out our swimsuits together. Though I have to admit, I was a little nervous when I actually{LF}put it on for the first time. This year will be ending soon. It was a fun year, don't you think? ♪ The end of the year will be here soon. Let's all make more great memories together next year, too. Tomorrow is the +Firefly Festival+. It's a beautiful, romantic evening. Um...@しゅじんこうくん@? Yes? W-would you come with me to tomorrow's{LF}@カレンダー0@? We could watch them together. The fireflies will come out when it gets dark. Right now Porco is working hard to gather as many of them{LF}as he can for the festival. Oh, my goodness, they're so beautiful! Words...failing...{LF}Should've sent...a poet... Did you get to see the fireflies? They were beautiful! Well, tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Would you like to go watch them with me? Sure! I'd love to. R-really? You want to spend tomorrow's festival with me?! Yay! O-oh... You already have other plans? All right. I'll see if Porco wants to go with me, then! R-really? You want to spend tomorrow's festival with me?! Yay! Today was an unforgettable day. @字@ @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. You might not guess it, but I'm +really good+ at baking cookies. B-by the way... ...? Do you have any, um, plans for @カレンダー0@{LF}tomorrow? I mean, ah, if you're free, I'd like to spend some time with{LF}you... Oh, okay. Don't worry about it. It wasn't that big a thing, anyway. Really? Wonderful! ...Wait, I can't celebrate yet. Now's when the hard part{LF}starts! ...? Meet me at @マップ1@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours, okay? There's something I'd like to give you. H-hi. Today is, um...a-a really auspicious day, isn't it! I guess so. Um, could you hang on a minute, please? Okay. Deep breaths...deep breaths! Calm...I am caaalm... ...Okay. So what is it you wanted to give me? Oh, th-that? Um... ... Here! @アイテム0@? Yes! Please accept it! Y-you don't have to, y'know, tell me what you think of it or{LF}anything, though. I, um, I-I just wanted to give it to you! Calm down. B-bye!! @マーガレット@! Thank you! Take care, now! ...! You're welcome! @字@ I will. Bye-bye! Porco made a veritable @アイテム0@{LF}mountain. ...All for himself, of course. Oh, wow, a @アイテム0@! Is that for me? Thanks! ♪ Hee hee...I got one from @しゅじんこうくん@! Oh, @アイテム0@! Is that for me? Thanks! ♪ Hee hee...I got one from @しゅじんこうくん@! Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. For you. Now to give some to everyone else. Especially Forte. She{LF}loves sweet things. Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. This @アイテム0@ is{LF}for you. Is this a pity cookie? Is this really for me? That's a secret! ♪ Hee hee! What do you think? O-oh, but you don't, ah, have to tell me how it is or anything,{LF}honest. It was delicious! Do better next time. R-really? Oh my gosh! ...Sorry. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Porco's really outdone{LF}himself this year! ...So be careful, okay? Of what? It looks like Forte got a whole bunch from travelers again{LF}this year. It must be so hard, being popular. Oh, whoa! A @アイテム0@! Is that for me? Thanks! ♪ Hee hee...I got one from @しゅじんこうくん@! Oh, wow! A @アイテム0@! Is that for me? Thanks! ♪ Hee hee...I got one from @しゅじんこうくん@! @マーガレット@... Yes? There's something I'd like to give you. Would you meet me at @マップ1@ tomorrow? Wh-what? You have something for me? Tomorrow is... ...yeah, it should be fine. Great. Come meet me at{LF}@マップ1@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours. All right. What is it you wanted to give me, @しゅじんこうくん@? Oh, my! Please accept it! It's just a present. I had leftovers. Is this really for me?! Of course I'll accept it! ''Just'' a present? On today of all days? ...And here I got my hopes up. If that's all it was, you didn't need to call me all the way out{LF}here! Hmph! Goodness, this is almost too wonderful for me. Thank you. I'm so happy you thought to give this to me. Hee hee...I think I'll nibble on it all the way home. @字@ Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. There are a whole bunch of legends around this festival. Did{LF}you know that? Like what? Well, for one they say that if you make a wish on a star that{LF}night, it will be granted. Another is that, if two people make a wish together on the{LF}highest star, they'll-- --erm! Ahem! N-never mind... ...? Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? I-if you have some time tomorrow... Would you like t-to go to the observatory and make a wish{LF}with me? I wonder what kind of wishes everyone's made... Oh my! It's so beautiful! I hardly have the words to describe{LF}it! I hope my wish is granted. Well, tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Would you like to go see it with me? Sure! I'd love to. R-really? You want to spend tomorrow's festival with me?! Yay! O-oh... You already have other plans? All right. I'll see if someone else wants to go with me. R-really? You want to spend tomorrow's festival with me?! Yay! Today was an unforgettable day. @字@ Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I'm really good with my hands, you know. I won't lose easily! I wonder what everyone made. I'm so nervous...! Seeing everyone's works really makes the artist in me come{LF}alive. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Porco is +really good+ at this festival, but he keeps eating the{LF}dish he makes before it's judged. Watch out for Forte's dish. Oh, it's not like she messes around with it. She tries hard.{LF}She's just, um...clumsy. Was no one hurt? No one got a stomach ache, did they? I hope no one got lost. Do you want to go somewhere with me tomorrow? Tomorrow? Um... Let me see... Sorry. I don't think tomorrow will work, unfortunately. Sure! Where do you want to go? How about we meet at{LF}@マップ1@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours? Sounds good! Hee hee! Great. I'll start getting ready. I can't wait until tomorrow! ♪ Bye-bye! ♪ Do you want to visit my room? Your room, @しゅじんこうくん@? Um... Sure, why not? Let's spend today resting at home. Yes, let's! Do you want to go to @マップ0@? Sure! ♪ That sounds like a great idea. Do you want to go to @マップ0@? @マップ0@? Um...I'm not very fond of high places... Do you mind if I, um, hold on to you? That's fine. R-really? O-okay... ...? I'd like to visit your room, @しゅじんこうくん@. Really? My room? Yeah. Do you mind? Nope. Come on over. Really? Great! Let's just spend some time at home. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I think I'd like to go to @マップ0@. That sounds good. Let's go to @マップ0@,{LF}then. I already have plans for that time, so I probably shouldn't{LF}invite another person. Um...@しゅじんこうくん@? Yes? D-do you mind if, um... ...? I-if we, um...h-hold hands? Sure. What? ...*SQUEEZE*... ... ...Hee hee. @字@ ...Oh, um, never mind. Naturally, now...have to act naturally... Though I just want to take it! Hmm? What's up? Oh! Um! Why don't we hold hands? You're acting weird. ...*SQUEEZE*... Oh...! C'mon. Let's go. Okay. @字@ Y-yeah, I guess. Do you, um...mind if we link arms, maybe? What's up? Wha?! Oh! Um...I was just thinking it'd be nice if we could hold{LF}hands. ...? Sure. C'mon, me. You can do better next time. Naturally, now...have to act naturally... Just grab it! Hmm? What's up? Oh! Um! Nonchalantly hold arm out. Stand back and wait. A-ha! An opening! Wha?! ...*GRAB*... Oh my gosh, I linked arms with him! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I did it! @字@ Nya ha ha! It was nothin'! Now you're talking weird. I had a lot of fun today. Let's do this again sometime. ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@, did you forget that we were supposed to{LF}meet up? I've been waiting all day. ...Okay. I'll let it go this time. Will you invite me again sometime? ...Oh. I never thought this was the type of person you really are. I've been waiting and waiting for you. Did you forget that we{LF}were supposed to meet up? I, um... Let me think, okay? I waited and waited and waited... ...*SNIFFLE*... We're meeting at @マップ0@ at @0@{LF}hundred hours tomorrow. Don't forget, okay? We're meeting at @マップ0@ at @0@{LF}hundred hours today. Don't forget, okay? Thank you for coming! I hope everything goes well today. What's with all the formality? Oh, um... Sorry. I'm just a little nervous, I guess. I've been looking{LF}forward to this soooo much. Ha ha! Well, let's go and have a whole bunch of fun, okay? Okay! Oh, good. I made it in time. ...*YAAAWN*... Hmm? Short sleep? Oh! Um...a little, maybe. Ha ha! Let's have fun today, okay? You bet. Let's go! ♪ You're late, @しゅじんこうくん@. I was worried you wouldn't{LF}come at all. Sorry. But you made it. You must've been really busy, I guess. Oh, good! You did come. I was getting really worried you might not show up, y'know! Sorry. But you made it. Thanks. You're late! Sorry...! It's all right. You did make it in the end, and that's what{LF}matters. Wow, @しゅじんこうくん@, you're really early. Let me guess...you just couldn't wait, could you? Um... Ha ha, just kidding. You're not me, so that can't be it! Wow, you're early! It's not even close to the time, yet. You beat me here, though, y'know. Ah ha ha...I guess I allowed for a bit too much extra time. You're early, @マーガレット@. Ha ha. I just didn't want to leave you waiting. And, well, I didn't want to wait much longer myself. Anyway, let's get going, @しゅじんこうくん@. ♪ We're headed to @マップ0@. Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Why did you bring someone else with{LF}you? Aha! There you are. Over here! ♪ Sorry to keep you waiting. Here. A nice @アイテム0@ is always best after{LF}a hot bath. Thanks. You know what's just lovely after a bath? This. Here. I brought you one. ♪ It's for me? Thanks! Are you going to sleep for the night? Good morning. Did you have lovely dreams? *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. I really love you! Just kidding. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm... I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Oops! I don't have a Double Bed yet. Now isn't the time for that. I wonder what that is? If I want to propose to someone, I should probably figure this{LF}out first. I think @ビシュナル@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @クローリカ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @フォルテ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @キール@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @マーガレット@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ディラス@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @アーサー@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @シャオパイ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @コハク@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ダグ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ドルチェ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @レオン@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please, take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. A boy. A girl. Either. ... ...? Nh...! Huh...? Ow...! Wh-what's wrong?! Oh no! We need to go see @ジョーンズ@ right away! ...! @しゅじんこうくん@...? Ow...I-I hurt all of a sudden... @しゅじんこうくん@...?! ...Nnngh...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! I hope the baby will be born quickly... ...Ngh! Wha...? M-my belly hurts... ...Have...to go...clinic... Oh no...! ...Wha? ...? Owww... @しゅじんこうくん@, don't tell me... ...It...it hurts...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! Yes. I'm sorry. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Bean-throwing, huh? Originally, this festival was for driving{LF}away demons and plague, right? Mm-hmm. That's what I heard. Ooh, neat! Let's all drive the demons real far away! ♪ Yes, we can all do it together! This year's objective is to be hit by the beans, not to dodge{LF}them. You've got a tough job every year, don't you? I can't say I'm particularly fond of...excessive exercise. ''If you meld with me, milady, then you could dodge every{LF}bean without moving a step!'' I-I-I'd rather not do that, thank you! But that certainly is an awful lot of beans. Could anyone{LF}dodge them even if they tried? Similar situations happen all the time on the battlefield. Though in that case it's arrows, not beans. And if you can't{LF}dodge you can just slash them away! Stop swinging that dangerous thing around right in the{LF}middle of town! Oh, goodness. There are entirely too many delicious foods to{LF}be had! Is too many goodies a bad thing? Um, y-yes, you could say that. There are so many, I don't{LF}know where to start! Ooh, I know! If we all eat too much and gain weight, we can go train with{LF}Forte! What? That sounds like a good plan. ''Dolly, Dolly! Are you going to do that, too?'' If I gain too much weight, I may think about it. All right. It's a knight's duty to respond wholeheartedly to all{LF}reasonable requests. First, we'll begin with a light warm-up. Say, 10 laps around{LF}the town at a jog. Then we'll practice sword strikes at 200 per set. After that-- Hold it right there. Ooh, I can't wait to see the wooly! He'll be so cute! Yes! I wonder how soft and cuddly the big guy is. I like the ones that are easier to hug. With that much wool, you could make a mountain of thread. ''Oh, Dolly... You would do that for me?'' ... ''Um, milady? An answer would be nice. Any answer at all...'' I wish I could have one as a pet! Wouldn't it be hard to care for something that big, though? It's large enough to be worth cutting, that's for certain. The WOOL, yes? You mean cutting off the WOOL. What kind of Wooly do you like the best, @しゅじんこうくん@? Big ones. Small ones. Golden ones. Oh, the big ones are definitely the best. They're so fluffy-wuffy cuddly-wuddly! I just want to hug{LF}them and squeeze them aaaall day! Ooh, I wish I could just bury myself in all that soft wool! You understand, @しゅじんこうくん@! The best of a Wooly is in its easily huggable size, yes? Hmm? There are Golden Woolies? I maybe have heard of them. I'm not sure. I bet they're really pretty! Hrm. Hitting the target is hard. I hit everything I'm not aiming{LF}at, though. Oh, dear. Are you no good in this competition, Xiao Pai? It seems so, yes. I practiced with Mama, but the ball kept falling down from{LF}above my head. Ooh, really? You threw the ball aaall the way around the{LF}world! I think that might be impossible. I think this may go beyond simply ''not very good.'' Yes. We're into ''complete klutz'' territory on this one. Wording it that way makes it hurt more, not less, you know. Oh! Sorry. This doesn't solve my problem. How do you hit those{LF}targets? Relax. Focus on the target and bring your arm forward. Ah! Yes, I see! ''But milady, when you threw the ball, you didn't look{LF}relaxed. You looked al--MRPH!'' ? ...ACHOO! Uh-oh. Have you caught a cold? No. I'm just a little chilly, that's all. Let me bring you something warm to drink. The weather may look lovely, but it's still cold. You need to{LF}take care of yourself. I will. Thank you. Are you okay? Yeah, I'll be fine. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you know a good way to warm her up? Tell a bad joke. Give her a hug. What did the fisherman say when he caught an angelfish?{LF}Holy Mackerel! ... ... ... ...Hee! Ha ha... Ah ha ha! Wait, really?! What on earth are you doing? And in public, no less! Um...could you put that away, please? I-I think it's drawing{LF}blood... This one is your own fault! ...I'm sorry. ...*GULP*... Oh my... Hmm? ...! Zzz... Once she warmed up, she fell asleep right away. Hey, are any of you good at quizzes? I'm better at things where I can move around. Like detective work? Are you a gumshoe, pal? Erm...that isn't what I meant. You mean like jumping into a box with the correct answer{LF}on it? Or racing to grab flags to see who can give the first answer. ''Or having an obstacle course and the first one through gets{LF}to answer the question?'' With nasty penalties for giving the wrong answer. ...I think I'm fine with a normal quiz. Hmm... What's wrong, Meg? You look concerned. Fishing is harder than it looks. Oh, I know! It always makes me so sleepy. Everything makes you sleepy. Fishies are scary... Well I guess we won't have to warn you to stay out of the{LF}deep areas, then. ''I think I'll catch a fish bare-handed!'' You mean you'll try to possess it and it'll wind up dragging{LF}you all across the pond. Are you good at fishing, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yep! I'm okay. Not at all... Really? Could you show me how you do it? I'd like to know as well. So you aren't bad, then, right? I'm jealous of your skill. But I won't let you beat me! I'm amazed you're not falling asleep. Well then, why don't we all practice our fishing skills? Iggly-wiggly fishies... So scary! ...*FUSS* *FUSS*... ...*FUSS* *FUSS*... Meg seems very busy. ''Yes. She can't seem to sit still.'' As if you have any right to talk about that. It looks like she's on patrol. Do you think there are people{LF}who would really try to cheat? Cheating will not be tolerated in any way. I will personally{LF}deal with anyone caught doing so. Wow, that's so cool! Y-you think so? Forte! Perfect timing. It seems I'm needed already. Hmm? Oh, yes. You see, that person over there, he's-- Understood. Looks like someone needs a lesson in proper{LF}manners. YIKES!! No, he's lost! He just needs some directions! ...*SIIIGH*... Oh, dear. What's wrong, Meg? That's right. You aren't very fond of squid, are you, Meg? Brr! No! They're slimy and wriggly and gross! Hrmm. May I try something? What? Here. Have a squid. EEEP!! GET IT AWAY! GET IT AWAY! Papa's special Anti-Phobia Training--''Hold It Until You Learn{LF}To Like It!'' What?! That won't work! Ooh, what a cute squid! No! No, Amber, they are NOT cute! I know. Wait, what? ''What is so frightening about this lump of flesh?'' *POKE* ''EEP! It squirted ink!'' ...! ''Oops...'' ... ''Um...Dolly...milady...'' Pico, why don't we step aside for a moment? I'd like a chat{LF}with you. ''I'd much rather stay right here, thank you!'' Hey, did you hear? There are a lot of fish over there. Really? Then it seems we should go right over! Wait for me! No, don't! There's a big ol' monster's lair over there! ''Dolly?'' We went fishing at a lake with Mama and Papa once, too. It{LF}was just like this. ''Yes, it was.'' Oh, dear. Dolce, what are you doing back there? Come on, hurry, now. Yes! Or else all the fish will swim away. If you aren't confident in your fishing skills, I can help you. No, Dolly is trying to stop you from going to the monster's{LF}lair! ...Yeah. ''...'' Properly showcasing your veggie is really important. It feels like an odd tradition to me, really. I'm afraid I'm not particularly good at it. I'm not fond of it, myself. ''You're not fond of vegetables on the whole, milady.'' I become so nervous! Oh? Why? You need to pay close attention to the ground to be sure no{LF}rocks jump up to trip you. That's not nerves, that's simple caution. Goodness, it's hot today. Very hot. I'm sweaty already. ''Well, I'm not hot in the least.'' Of course not. You don't have the body or the brains to feel{LF}the heat. ''Oh, you're so cold, milady. But that's what makes you so...{LF}cool!'' Once the festival is over, why don't all of you come to our{LF}baths? Oh, that's a good idea. It would be so refreshing! But it seems that isn't all, yes? Today's bath salts are-- ''The Fragrance of 10,000 Roses!'' Yay! Pretty flower scents! Ooh, that sounds very relaxing. Yes. I would love to go. I can hardly wait! That is, if Mama hasn't messed it up. Again. Argh! Sometimes Porco and Dylas drive me crazy! What's wrong? They're both so messy! They don't even clean the hall in{LF}front of their rooms. Well, it's not a place a customer would see. But it should still{LF}be clean! Bado is the one who drives me the craziest. I wish he'd do something about that lazy, good-for-nothing{LF}attitude of his. Oh, but I think Doug is worse! The other day I caught him{LF}asleep while at work. Again. Oh dear. Sleeping on the job is bad! ... There's someone who drives me batty as well. ''Oh? Is it Jones? Maybe Nancy?'' No, of course it's not those two. ''No? Who else could it be?'' Lumie's completely hopeless, so don't worry about her one{LF}bit! ♪ Amber, the words that come out of your mouth sometimes... You know, if we're going to have all these festivals, I'd like a{LF}Music Festival someday. What would we do? Everyone would practice with their favorite instrument, and{LF}then we could have a recital! That sounds like fun. Hmm. What about a martial arts tournament? And what would we do for that? Everyone could test their combat skills and check the fruits{LF}of their training! Next! Hey! A flower festival would be really neat! What would we do for that one? We could all watch the pretty flowers! And then give them{LF}some water! That sounds lovely. Let's do that sometime. Yeah! You really want to do that? ''How about a Dolly Festival?'' No. ''Aww. So fast!'' Happy New Year, everyone. Yes. Happy New Year. Happy New Year! May everyone's New Year be happy. Hap-py New Yeeeear! Hap-py New Yeeeear! Happy New Year. ''Oh, milady! Any year with you is a happy year.'' I didn't mean it for you. ''And like every year, you are cold from the very beginning.'' Ah ha ha ha! Hee hee! Those two get along so well. Come on, Forte. Let's go swimming together! Erm...thanks, but, um, I'd rather just watch. Wait. What? Don't tell me-- N-no! It's not that I can't swim! I, erm, I've learned. I just... I'm not that confident yet. We didn't say anything. URK! ''Spilled the truth of the matter herself, didn't she?'' I-I'm just worried that...that my sword might rust! That's it! Why would you carry your sword into the water? Come on, everyone. Let's carry her into the water! ♪ Ooh! I'll help! I'll help! N-no! You don't have to do that! WAH!! Here, everyone. Have some nice, hot tea. Oh, it smells lovely! Thank you, Clorica. Mm! Looks yummy! ♪ And here's yours, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. Ow! That's hot. Oh dear! I'm sorry. Are you okay? Yes, I'm fine. A little burn on the tongue is nothing to a{LF}knight. So why the tears? ''Milady, milady! Let me blow on it for you.'' No. Whew! I wrote a lot of music this year. And I slept a lot! I trained hard all year. And I broke more plates than ever... ''Dolly, your year was wonderfully filled with me! Right?{LF}Right?!'' Get away from me. Hmmm...I had a full year, too, but I don't know of what. Oh well. Don't worry about it. How was your year, @しゅじんこうくん@? Full of farming. Full of adventures. Full of love...I guess. Ooh, it was, wasn't it? ♪ Yeah. Working the land suits you well. Yep! You were always covered in dirt! Don't you think that's neat too, Dolce? It doesn't sound bad. ''Grr...!'' ''@しゅじんこうくん@ should just go and marry that field{LF}already.'' And I'll be counting on you again next year, @しゅじんこうくん@. Strengthening the mind and body through training is a good{LF}thing. Hmm? @しゅじんこうくん@ does seem meatier now, yes. Really? *STAAARE* See? Here...and here... ''Milady is wonderful here and here, too!'' Off. Ooh, and look there! ♪ I see! I see! Um...can you all stop now? Please? This is embarrassing. Oh my goodness! Wow. *SQUEE* Wh-wh-wh-wh-what...?! Tee hee! Everyone looks like they're having lots of fun! ♪ ''Well, you can't have my Dolly!'' Stop clinging! I can barely hear what they're saying. I wonder why fireflies glow. Isn't it some type of protection? How would light protect them? Well, it might be strange enough to scare off enemies. Hmm. Maybe I should find a glowing sheen of some sort to{LF}put on my blade. But they fly into lights too. Oh, that's right. I heard once that it is a way for them to find love. Wha?! Right, no glowing sheen, then! Why not? ''Milady is always a bright, shining light in my eyes.'' Oh? Well, you'd best stay away, then. Wouldn't want you to{LF}head toward ''the light'' now, would we? Hee hee! Aren't they such wonderful friends? Everyone will be giving presents today, yes? Who to? To my brother. I'm giving something to Porco. I have something for Vishnal and Mr. Volkanon. Ooh! Ooh! I'm going to give a present to Lumie! ♪ ''You of course have a present for me, right, milady?'' Well, I was going to give you something...if you'd stayed{LF}quiet. But too late now. ''No! Have I been foiled?!'' Hmph. Everyone is giving safe answers. Will you be giving today, @しゅじんこうくん@? You bet! Nope. Really? Ooh, to whom? Be honest, now. Lying won't get you anywhere. Come on, everyone. We mustn't press too hard...though I am{LF}curious as well. Ahem. Oh, really? That sounds fishy to me. No need to be shy, now. Erm, do you honestly have no plans? If you're too embarrassed, you can just whisper it to me. Hey, guys? Who do you think will get the most? Mama, no doubt. Not Lumie? Hrm... Well, if we're going to guess who, at least stick to our group. Among us, it's Forte! Wha?! Ooh, you're secretly popular, Forte! N-no! I am no such thing! ''Milady will get the most. Of this I have no doubt.'' Perhaps. ''But I will swat down any clingy leeches who dare slither too{LF}close!'' I look forward to you swatting yourself plenty, then. Hmmm... Meg might get a lot. Me? Oh, no! I doubt that. Who do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? Clorica. Forte. Margaret. Xiao Pai. Amber. Dolce. Hmm? You think I will? Thank you! I don't really think so myself, but I'm happy you{LF}do. Wha?! M-me?! Erm... I... Ahem. Thank you. What?! Ah ha ha... Erm... I... Ha ha... Heehee, Margaret has a cute reaction. I see. It was unexpected, but it was also nice to hear. Thanks! ♪ Calm down, now. Hmm? Me? Oh, isn't that nice, Amber? Um...yeah. Tee hee! Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. ''Ding ding! That is the correct answer!'' No it's not, you ding dong. ''Then why are you blushing, milady?'' Not another word! ...Hmph. ''Ah, for that cute pink tinge do I dare to tease. Be still, my{LF}jealous heart!'' ''How positively sinful of you, milady.'' Quiet! Silence! Begone, you idiotic ghost! Has everyone heard the legend behind this festival? Isn't it that you will have your wish granted if you wish on{LF}the highest star in the sky? Really? We can just fly off the tower to find the highest one,{LF}then! You're the only one who can fly, Amber. There's another legend that says making a wish with{LF}someone will form an eternal bond, yes? ''Dolly! Milady! Let's go right now!'' How about I wish to be alone for eternity? Those two are the same as ever, I see. While it's very romantic, all this talk about heights gives me{LF}the shivers. Oh, yes, you were never fond of heights, were you, Meg?{LF}Would you like me to stand by you? Oh, dear. And what if the two of you made a wish together{LF}then? They'd be bound, I guess...? Ah ha ha! That wouldn't be so bad. Forte is quite the{LF}dashing prince of a knight, after all. Was that meant to be a compliment? The judges for this festival must taste all the dishes to judge{LF}them, right? Of course. Forte, will you be okay? What's that supposed to mean? I hope no one gets hurt. Oh, no! Do people get hurt? Well, not really hurt, per se. But they're not unscathed. And what's that supposed to mean? ''Death by food is no laughing matter.'' Though hearing it from you is kind of funny. Forte, you are a master at forging things, yes? I wouldn't say I'm a master, no. I leave most of the difficult{LF}parts to Bado. What about you, Clorica? Oh, I'm terrible at it. Are you any good, Meg? Not at forging big, clunky items. But I'm pretty good at{LF}making accessories, I think. After this much time, my fingers are quite dexterous, you see. Ooh, neat! I wish I were good with my fingers too. Would you like to practice making accessories with me{LF}sometime? Yaaay! I wanna make something that will start a case Lumie{LF}can solve! Let's not and say we did. ''You're quite dexterous yourself, right, milady?'' ''You're always knitting clothes and lovely accessories for{LF}me.'' I'm not really doing it for you. It's never easy between you two, is it? Hey, what kind of monsters do you guys like best? I like the cute ones. ...Me too. Really? How odd. I thought you'd be the one to like strong monsters, yes? ...I'm well aware cute ones don't suit me. I like the pretty flower ones! ♪ I do too! What about you, Dolce? Well, it's not that I like them, but... Ghost monsters seem to like me. EEK! ...!!! Aren't you going swimming, @ディラス@? Hmph. I'm no kid. Why should I romp around like one? Well, you are wearing a swimsuit. N-not for that dumb a reason! See, I, uh... I'm wearing a swimsuit! I noticed that. Can you swim, @ディラス@? Of course. Okay then. Teach me how to swim. Who's faster, you or @ダグ@? What, can't you swim? Ha ha! Oops! You laughed. ...! Get lost! Of course I'm faster! Oh? How can we know for sure if you don't show us? DOUG! I challenge you to a duel! Hi, @ディラス@. What are you doing? What does it matter? What, don't tell me you're-- Bored? Scouting girls in bikinis? ... Oh, you really are just bored. So I am. So what?! C'mon. I'm going swimming, and you're coming with. Wha?! WHA?! Am not! Oh, really? Ugh, what kind of guy do you take me for? Summer's coming. Are you going to come enjoy the beach opening? Hmph. Not interested in the least. Fall's coming. It's a good season for fishing. Winter's coming. Ice fishing is kinda fun, y'know. The year's almost over. Time for some new year cleaning, I guess. Tomorrow's Margaret's birthday. She's helped me out, I guess. Today's my birthday, y'know. Porcoline and Margaret are throwing a party for me. That reminds me. There was a present left at the cafe. I{LF}wonder who it's from? Tomorrow's Porcoline's birthday. I'll cook up a mountain of food for him. It'll be fun. Tomorrow's Doug's birthday. N-not that I care. ...I don't! I didn't say anything. Dammit, why was I there? I can't remember a thing. Oh well. It's best I concentrate on{LF}what's in front of me now. Um...hi. What do you want? Huh? Oh, uh... If you don't want anything, don't bug me. I don't have time{LF}for you. What? I'm fine. Hmm. I might've overdone it. Ngh... Is this it...? See ya. ...I wouldn't mind hanging out a little longer. I mean--never mind. See ya. Oh, look at the time. Sorry, but I've got prep work to get done for tomorrow. Later. @ディラス@, do you want to go somewhere together? What, now? ... Sorry, now's a bad time. Maybe next time. Ask someone else. Sure. ...I guess a little while won't hurt. You've already got someone with you. Sure. I was just thinking the same thing. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm? Wanna go somewhere together? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@, let's go somewhere-- Wait, never mind. You've already got someone with you.{LF}Maybe next time. Really? Great. Let's go, then. ...Oh. What?! Quit it! That's not funny! You... ... ...I need time to think. Come to @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours tomorrow. I'll give you an answer then. See ya. Come to @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours tomorrow. I'll give you an answer then. Come to @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours. I'll give you an answer then. @ディラス@. @しゅじんこうくん@. Can I hear your answer? I wanna ask you something first. You know I'm a bad talker, right? I know. What?! Didn't you know? Sheesh... I'm not all that smart, either. I act before I think. I know. What?! Yeah, I do. So, uh... See, I, um... ARGH! Heck with it! I'm only going to say this once, so listen up! I l...li..like you! I know. What?! HUH?! I'm the one who wants YOU to go out with ME! Got a{LF}problem with that?! So I've got one question for you. If you don't mind a dumbass like me, will you...go out with{LF}me? Yes. No. You will? Dammit. This is hard on a guy's heart, y'know. So, uh...I'm looking forward to this, @しゅじんこうくん@. You're right. It's better that way. Later. Oh. @しゅじんこうくん@, what do you want me to call you,{LF}now? Huh? Should I call you what I always have? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Yeah, that's best. So I'll call you what I usually do, @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@?! Hey, are you serious? You don't like it? Urk! Okay, okay! @しゅじんこうくん@, it is! ... Whatever. I don't even wanna think about it. If calling you @しゅじんこうくん@ makes you happy, fine. Are you serious? You don't like it? Urk! Okay, okay! We'll use that. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. ''@しゅじんこうくん@?'' Not bad. We'll use that. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. What, are you kidding? You don't like it? Urk! Okay, okay! @しゅじんこうくん@, it is! So what do you want to call me? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Yeah, let's do that. No need to complicate things. What?! Are you serious?! Yep! @ディラス@. ♪ Urk! You don't like it? ...Whatever! Fine! That's not so bad. Let's go with that. Hmm? Hmm...I guess that isn't so bad. Let's go with that. What the heck?! Only if you swear you'll never use that in front of others!{LF}Ever! Whew... Okay, then. I'm looking forward to this, @しゅじんこうくん@. Me too, @ディラス@. Hey! Come up with a better joke next time, okay?! He didn't get it. Me, too. ...Wait, what the heck are you making me say?! You're married already. You shouldn't do stuff like this. Ah. I see. Well, I don't exactly hate you, either. This... Marry me. I need you. Here's a ring for you! ...! ...Good. I was getting kinda worried, to be honest. I couldn't tell how much you actually cared for me. But now there's nothing for me to worry about at all. I'll make you happy, I swear. Thank you... What the hell is this?! Come up with a better prank next{LF}time! Oh, thanks. How many of these things are you going to give{LF}me? What the hell is this for? Are you trying to pick a fight with{LF}me? Ugh! I +hate+ these. If you're going to give me something, at least make it{LF}@アイテム0@, okay? If you're going to give me something, at least make it{LF}+sashimi+, okay? I was hoping for a +rarer+ fish than this. @アイテム9@, for me? Hmm. Thanks, I guess. @アイテム9@? ...Thanks. @アイテム9@, for me? Hmm. I don't mind it. @アイテム9@? ...Thanks. If you're giving me @アイテム0@, you could{LF}bring more and I-- Never mind. Now, if I had some @アイテム0@... Never{LF}mind. Now, if I had some +sashimi+... Never mind. I think I'll go +fishing+. @アイテム0@, for me? Thanks. I +like+ this stuff. For me? I +like+ this kind of thing. Thanks. @アイテム0@? How'd you guess what I +like+? What, you're giving this to me? Oh, I +like+ this stuff. Thanks. What, @アイテム0@? Oh, well, I +don't hate+ it, so I guess I'll take it. What, did you catch this? Not bad. Show me what you can do sometime. Oooh! Sashimi! ...Ahem! Thanks. Whoa, I can have this? Cool! Thanks. I +love+ this stuff. Wait, this is--! And it's for me? Thanks. I +love+ this stuff. Wow, that looks pretty good. Are you sure it's for me? Thanks. This stuff is my +favorite+. Oh, hey! @アイテム0@. Thanks. I +love+ this. I-I mean the @アイテム0@! Just the{LF}@アイテム0@! Wait, you're giving this to me? Thanks. I +love+ this stuff. Wow. You caught this? Not bad! You're pretty good at fishing. Maybe we could go fishing together some time. I'd like to{LF}see your technique. Wait, you caught this? That's pretty surprising. You're good at this. Give me some tips sometime. Now that's a rare fish. Did you catch it? Impressive. Take me along next time you go fishing, okay? Ooh, that's some tasty-looking sashimi! What, I can have it? Thanks! Whoa! Sashimi from that rare a fish? Wow, you've got to be good at both fishing and cooking! Now that's some tasty-looking sashimi! Thanks. I'll take my time and enjoy it later. What the heck is this? Well, if you're handing it out, I guess I'll have some. ...?! Dammit...! L-leave me alone! Oh? It's my birthday, so you give me something I +hate+, huh? ... Wait, did you know that today's my birthday? Um...thanks. Wait, a +birthday present+ for me? And it's even something I +like+! That's gre--AHEM. It's not bad. @アイテム0@ for me? I never thought someone would give me this for my birthday.{LF}I +love+ it. And it's handmade, too. Thanks. ...Wow! This is handmade. Thanks. ...Wow! This is handmade. I wish I knew how to thank you. You made this? Thanks. I appreciate it. And handmade, too. You're pretty impressive. And handmade, too. Man, you're really something. Hey, uh...thanks. For everything. So um, here. A thank-you{LF}gift. Hey, do you remember what today is? Yep! Huh? You did remember. Today's our +wedding anniversary+. ...Our +wedding anniversary+. Oh yeah! I'm glad I met you. Really glad. I, um... I love you. Hey. ...? Did I do something wrong? Wha? I heard a rumor and it's got me a little, uh, concerned. ...Y'know, never mind. Just remember that I only have eyes for you. I hope you feel the same for me. That's all. Today's your +birthday+, right? Here. A present for me? Thanks! ...! You've got it now, so get lost already! Scram! Uh, here. This is for you. A present for me? Thanks! ...Whatever. I just happened to think of it, is all. Why don't you just admit the truth already? Sh-shaddap! You don't look so good. Drink this. It'll help. Get yourself to the Doc. Go on! Get! Here. Lunch. I made @アイテム0@ for you. I made @アイテム0@ today. Take it with you. How does @アイテム0@ sound for today's{LF}lunch? Eat every bite, got it? Here, have this for lunch. I made{LF}@アイテム0@ for you. I made @アイテム0@. Have some for lunch if{LF}you're hungry. See ya. Take care. Let's work hard today. Don't get hurt, okay? And do your best. Come home early, would you? I'd like to see you. If you're headed out, take care. Come get me if you need{LF}anything. Hey. ... Later. Need anything else? ... Need anything else? ... Medicine Bread? That'll be @0@ Gold. Cooking Bread? That'll be @0@ Gold. Weapon Bread? That'll be @0@ Gold. Accessory Bread? That'll be @0@ Gold. Farming Bread? That'll be @0@ Gold. Hmm. This one +turned out well+. That's good. This one +turned out well+. Thanks. Here. If you want Recipe Bread, we have{LF}@0@ left. We still have @0@ left. There's @0@ left yet. Do you want any of them? ...Hold on. You don't have enough Gold. Sorry. Looks like we're out for the day. Thanks for shopping. Do you like fishing? Your Fishing Skill is almost half-decent. Your Fishing Skill went up. ...I'd better catch up. Wait, when did your Fishing Skill get that high?! Teach me how to do it. Now that's an impressive Fishing Skill! Sheesh. At this rate, I'll never catch up. Here. I had leftovers, so you can have some. Fishing is best in quiet places. You have to concentrate. Think only of the fish. Your Fishing Skill went up! Oh yeah. I just remembered a neat recipe. Here, I'll teach it{LF}to you. Y'know, maybe someday even you and I could have kids... Oh--was that too soon? I can't believe I said that. H-hey, have you...ever thought about having kids? Yeah. Isn't this nice? Just us? R-really? I'm glad we're on the same page. Oh... True. If that's what you want, we can enjoy our time{LF}together a little longer. Is--is this really happening? I'm not dreaming, right? We're going to have a kid. I never thought I'd be this excited{LF}about something. I swear I'll protect you both, no matter what. Say, do you think we'll have a boy or a girl? A boy? Ha ha! We can make sure to raise him to be nice, unlike me. I think you're very nice, @ディラス@. ...HEY! Don't go saying mushy stuff like that! It's embarrassing! A girl? Yeah. I'm sure she'll grow into a lovely woman, and an even{LF}lovelier bride... A bride... Wait, why am I angry all of a sudden? You're right. Well, I think our kids will look cute no matter what. ♪ All right, time to go tell the guys about this! Ah! I-I'm not gonna brag about it or anything! I, uh, I'm just{LF}gonna, y'know, let them know! Today's @子供ちゃん@'s birthday. We're making a cake, right? Then there's flowers to buy,{LF}presents to get... Hmm. I see you've got some @アイテム0@. How about @1@ Gold for{LF}@0@ @アイテム0@? Hmm. Okay, how about @1@? Ah. Oh well. Good. I'll take it. Y'know, I don't think I need anything right now. Hmm... What to do... What else you got? You've got some good stuff. I'll come again later. Hey, uh, good luck. Hope sales stay good for you. @しゅじんこうくん@. ...? I'm really glad that I get to live in the same world as you. Huh? ...Sorry. I don't know what I'm saying. ... So, uh, anyway... Thanks. I'm proud that I had a chance to fall for someone as good as{LF}you. ...That's, uh, all I wanted to say. Later. You get along with your partner so well. ...What, am I butting my nose in where it doesn't belong? We should talk more often. Hey. It's been a while since I last saw you. I've managed to start feeling lonely. That's your fault. Though it's not such a bad thing. I just don't need the ''sad'' part. ...Hmph. Congrats, I guess. Huh? What was that? I SAID, congrats! Now don't make me say it again! ...So you won, yeah? *SIGH* So I won, eh? I-it's not a big deal! What's the big deal about a new year? It's just another day{LF}passed. It's nothing special. That, or every day is equally special. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I don't mind exercise. I guess I'll play along. Aren't there any bigger beans? Getting hit by these won't hurt a bit. That's the point. What're you gonna do with your beans? Porcoline was{LF}looking for all he could gather up. Looks like there'll be plenty to eat tomorrow. Ugh. Who came up with this festival? Sheesh, what a pain. I guess I'll just go along with whatever. *GURGLE* *GURGLE* Wait, was that--- SHADDAP! It'll be a while before I'm hungry again. Tomorrow is, what, the Wooly Festival? Sounds like it could be fun. Okay, time to go out there and beat Doug! Whew! That was some good exercise. This festival is kinda fun. I'm looking forward to it next year. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I don't mind exercise, but I'm not real good with little fiddly{LF}things. Hmm? Wait, the targets are bigger than I expected. This{LF}might be more fun than I thought. Whew. I worked up a good sweat. Tomorrow is what, again? The @カレンダー0@? Heh heh heh! You-know-who is in for it. I'm gonna have one target and one target only! Aren't you the bloodthirsty one? It's cold. ...*ACHOO*! The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Y'know, I'm not real good at thinking stuff all the way{LF}through. My bet is on Arthur or Kiel winning this one. Porcoline looked like he was having a blast. I'd better go give my pets a good brushing soon. My pets are in peak condition. This is one I won't lose. I think I'll cook up something extra special for them today. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I'm +really good+ at this type of festival. There's no way I'll{LF}lose. At this time of day, they'll be biting over there. I just have to{LF}remember this for bait. ...Wow. He's serious. How many have you caught? Curious, hmm? 99,999 so far. Well, don't you sound confident? Just you watch, I'll beat{LF}you yet! That many?! What, you actually believed me? Crap! I didn't expect there to be anyone else good at fishing! Heh heh heh! Do you see now how good I am? Wow. He sure is proud of himself. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I'm +really good+ at this type of festival. There's no way I'll lose{LF}to you. Now, which pole is better for catching big fish? This one?{LF}Nah, I'll go with this one. How's it going? Catch anything good? Curious, hmm? Just a 99,999 cm one. N-no! I'm not curious! Hmph! What, seriously?! No, not seriously. How could you believe that? Dammit, I almost caught one that was gonna be huge. Whew. I managed to win after all. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I'm +really good+ at this type of festival. It's in the bag. C'mon, let's get started already! I'm itchin' for some fishin'! I think I'll take this lure. No, better take this one instead. Dammit, I lost. Being the gracious winner I am, let me give you some fishing{LF}tips. Squid are tastiest when they're fresh out of the water. Not much of a ''fishing'' tip. I've got everything ready for tomorrow. Maybe I should go{LF}ahead and start setting up. Nah. That wouldn't be fair. Time to drive off that pea-brained dwarf. I think it's time I shifted to the next spot. Maybe that one? Dammit! I lost. I'll win next time, though! Ha ha ha! There isn't anyone in this town who can beat me{LF}at fishing! Oh, quit acting so childish. Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@? Not interested. Maybe I'll just nap instead. Time to go get Porcoline. With all those tasty veggies around, he might lose control. That was actually pretty fun. I don't really mind this kind of thing. The @カレンダー0@, eh? Can't say I'm interested in a festival with no physical activity. Wait, Doug is competing? I guess I'll just have to go win it{LF}instead. All of those veggies looked great for cooking. I'll have to keep Porcoline under control tomorrow. Y'know, maybe I should just let him run loose. Maybe I should just let Porcoline loose... *SIGH* I had my hands full just keeping Porcoline under control. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I'm better at cooking them than raising them. Everyone has some pretty tasty-looking veggies. That one would probably be best cooked this way. And that{LF}one would be better like... I have an idea. How about we cook the winning veggies and{LF}make a feast for everyone? I'll whip up my best recipe. @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I-it's not like I'm looking forward to it or anything! It's just Doug is.... Well... I didn't say anything. Better stretch first. You look excited. Yeah, that's important. N-no way! Get lost! You bet. Tomorrow's the end of the year. Guess I should clean up a{LF}little. Just because the year's ending doesn't mean anything's{LF}changing. Though I guess it's a good time to look back on things. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Hmph. What's so fun about watching a bunch of bugs? ...Hey. Yeah? Are you gonna go watch the fireflies with someone? I mean, watching them alone has gotta be dull. You could,{LF}uh, watch them with me. Cool. This festival might not be so bad after all. ...AH! N-not that I'm looking forward to it or anything! Hmph! Um, I didn't say anything. Oh--Right. Never mind, then. There's other people who wanna watch them, right? Why{LF}don't you go with one of them? This is gonna be boring waiting for nightfall. Maybe I'll go help Porcoline to pass the time. Watching fireflies, eh? It's not that bad if you're with{LF}someone. Well that wasn't a total waste of time. Time to get some{LF}sleep. Hey, the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Let's go watch{LF}them together. That sounds like a great idea. Great! If I'm with you, I'll have a great ti-- AHEM! It's nothing! You don't need to keep biting back your words like that,{LF}y'know. So this is what it's like to have fun with someone. I've had some wonderful memories today. ...Hmm? People have been really antsy lately. Is something happening tomorrow? Today's special, right? Porcoline's been real calm about it...{LF}for Porcoline. Hmm? Is this for me? As a friend, yeah. You're a special friend. You mean a lot to me. I-I knew that! ...Thanks. A special...huh? Can't say I understand, but it looks well-made. I guess I'll{LF}take it. W-wait, what?! You can't be serious! What the heck are you getting at? It's just a joke. I mean it. I had some left over. Sheesh! Don't shock me like that. WHA?! Oh, I see. ...Wait. What do you mean, ''left over?'' ... ...? ... ...Pretty good. I hear @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Not that it's got{LF}anything to do with me. What the heck is Porcoline going to do with all of those? What, is this for me? As a friend, yeah. You're a special friend. You mean a lot to me. I-I knew that! ...Thanks. A special...huh? Can't say I understand, but it looks well-made. I guess I'll{LF}take it. W-wait, what?! You can't be serious! What the heck are you getting at? Hah! Don't you get it? Think about it a minute. I had some left over. ...No. Why would I? Wait, what?! Oh, okay. It looks pretty well made. Thanks. Here. Porcoline told me to pass them out to everyone. ... Um, see ya? Wait. Here. Take this @アイテム0@. As a friend? Does this mean something? You're so dense. Sh-shaddap! HMPH. Wh-what does it matter, anyway? Hey. Do you have free time tomorrow? ...Yeah, I guess so. No, it's nothing big. Come meet me at @マップ1@ at @0@{LF}hundred hours, then. I have something to give you. Hey. What did you want to give me? Hold out your hand. ...? Here. I made this @アイテム0@ yesterday. You made it just for me? Y-you don't have to tell me what you think of it! If you eat it, that's enough for me. Later. @ディラス@, wait! Thanks. I'd love some more. ...Sure. ...! W-wait until next year! @ディラス@. Hmm? There's something I want to give to you. Would you come to @マップ1@ tomorrow? Something for me? Hmm. Tomorrow? Yeah, I should have some time. Great. Come to @マップ1@ at @0@{LF}hundred hours, then. ...? Sure. @しゅじんこうくん@. What did you want to give me? This...! Please accept it! I had leftovers. You want me to have this? Are you sure? Of course! ... ...? ...Thanks. I'll enjoy every bite. See ya. Hey! If that's all it is, don't drag me all the way out here! Hmph. Now I feel stupid for getting my hopes up. I-I don't need to hear what you think about it or anything!{LF}Just eat it! It was delicious. Maybe next time. Great! Wait!! I said don't tell me! That's why I didn't want to know. @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I wonder if what people are saying about making wishes{LF}tomorrow is really true. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? About tomorrow... Would you want to go make a wish on the stars with me?{LF}Only if you want. Really? Great! ...Oh. Wishes, eh? I only have one. The sky looks really nice. I like nights like these. I guess this festival isn't half bad. Hey, the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Why don't we{LF}go see the stars together? Wanna go up to the observatory with me? If you don't mind,{LF}that is. Sure. That's a great idea. Let's do it. I've had some more unforgettable memories tonight. Bado definitely has the advantage in tomorrow's festival. What about Doug, though? He's a dwarf, just like Bado. I hear Margaret's good with crafting. Guess that's not a surprise. She is an elf, after all. Forging stuff is pretty fun. Though I still like fishing better. Kiel and Porcoline are the two front-runners in tomorrow's{LF}festival. ...And me, too. I haven't been working with Porcoline this whole time for{LF}nothing. I'll show everyone just how much I've learned. Ngh... ...? AAAAAARRGH!! Oh my gosh, what's wrong?! I-I tasted Forte's cooking! It's...it's...GYAAAH!! Oh...! I see a beautiful river, and someone on the far side{LF}beckoning me...beckoning... @ディラス@, hang in there! Do you want to go somewhere together tomorrow? Tomorrow? ... ... Sorry. Tomorrow's not good for me. Sure. Let's go. Let's meet up at @マップ1@ at @0@{LF}hundred hours. Sure. Don't be late. Do you want to come hang out in my room? Wh-what?! Huh? Why the big shock? N-nothing... Stay at home, eh? I guess it's not so bad to hang out at home with you for the{LF}day. Do you want to go to @マップ0@? Yeah. Sounds good. How about... Uh... ...? How about we hang out in your room? Sure. ...That was easy. Let's relax at home today. That'd be nice. Yeah, let's do that. How about @マップ0@? Sure. @マップ0@ it is. I already have plans for that time, so I probably shouldn't{LF}invite another person. ... Umm... Hold hands. Do nothing. *SQUEEZE* ...! S-sorry. Would you rather not? It's fine. C'mon, let's go. Why are you staring at me? Oh. Hmm? ...This is hard. What's wrong? Am I, uh, walking too fast? Huh? Sorry. I'm not used to this. If I'm walking too fast, just let me know, okay? ... Umm... Link arms. Do nothing. *SQUEEZE* AHH! C'mon, let's go. Sure. I'll go anywhere you want. Why are you staring at me? Don't get lost, okay? I won't. And no wandering off. You'd better not, yourself. I won't. Not ever. Today was fun. Let's...do it again sometime. Did you forget you were meeting me today? I waited for you. Urk! Crap... Um...sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so mad over this. Forget about it, okay? I don't want things between us to...y'know... ...Yeah. I never knew you were like that. Did you forget you were meeting me today? I, um... Sorry, but please leave me alone. Did you forget you were meeting me today? I never knew you were like that. We'll meet up at @マップ0@ at @0@{LF}hundred hours tomorrow. Don't forget. We'll meet up at @マップ0@ at @0@{LF}hundred hours today. Don't forget. Hey. You made it. ... What's wrong? You look a little pink in the cheeks. Sh-shaddap! You made it. Yeah. ...Whew. Wait, was that a sigh of relief? Sh-shaddap! Ugh, I'm tired... Oh? Couldn't sleep? Th-that's not it! It's about time you got here. I thought you weren't coming. ...You're late. Sorry. No big deal. You're busy and all. You're early. You're earlier. Urk! I guess I got here a little early. We both did. What, you're here already? You're pretty early yourself. ...I had nothing better to do. C'mon, let's go. We're headed for @マップ0@. Uh, @しゅじんこうくん@? Why do you have someone with you? I came to chat. Recipe Bread please. Dishes please. Nothing for now. Cooking Bread @数字0@G. Weapon Bread @数字1@G. Accessory Bread @数字2@G. Farming Bread @数字3@G. Medicine Bread @数字4@G. Nothing for now. Yes. No. There you are. I was waiting for you. Here, a nice @アイテム0@. These things are{LF}great after a bath. I've been waiting for you. Here. A post-bath{LF}@アイテム0@ is good for what ails you. Going to sleep? Morning. Sleep well? *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. I really love you! Just kidding. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm... I was meeting someone at{LF}@0@ hundred hours in @マップ0@,{LF}right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Oops! I don't have a Double Bed yet. Now isn't the time for that. I wonder what that is? If I want to propose to someone, I should probably figure this{LF}out first. I think @ビシュナル@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @クローリカ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @フォルテ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @キール@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @マーガレット@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ディラス@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @アーサー@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @シャオパイ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @コハク@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ダグ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ドルチェ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @レオン@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please, take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. A boy. A girl. Either. ... ...? Ngh... Huh...? Ow...! Wh-what's wrong?! Oh no! We need to go see @ジョーンズ@ right away! ...! @しゅじんこうくん@...? Ow...I-I hurt all of a sudden... @しゅじんこうくん@...?! ...Nnngh...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! I hope the baby will be born quickly... ...Ngh! Wha...? M-my belly hurts... ...Have...to go...clinic... Oh no...! ...Wha? ...? Owww... @しゅじんこうくん@, don't tell me... ...It...it hurts...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! Yes. I'm sorry. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Hey. What's the whole point of this bean-throwing thing,{LF}anyway? Ooh! I'd like to know that too! Hmm...I think it was originally a festival from a kingdom far to{LF}the east. Yes. In that country's customs, throwing the beans drove off{LF}demons and illnesses. It also counted as a wish for health and long life, if I{LF}remember correctly. Hmm, so that's what it's all about? I see. So throwing these beans at Doug should drive him{LF}away. Interesting. I bet I could send you scampering if I threw them at you! Wow, that's neat! But... But what, Kiel? Why do we throw +Failed Dishes+ in our festival? ... ... ... I'm sure that must be our wish to drive off +failure+. Really?! Oh, that makes sense! You sure know a lot, Leon! ...Really? He totally made that one up. I've heard the ladies are considering going on diets. They are? Ugh, again? They're always on about that at this time of{LF}year. They freak out about that stuff too much if you ask me. Besides, they're way cuter if they have a little bit of chub to{LF}them. To each his own, I would think. However, it is a delicate topic with the ladies. I would broach{LF}it very carefully. Good point. Huh? For example, don't tell Margaret ''you've gained weight,''{LF}even just in passing. And never follow it up with ''you could never stick to a diet,''{LF}either. It sounds like you have some very...specific experience,{LF}Dylas. ... To tease knowingly is one thing, but to say it unknowingly{LF}with a straight face is simply foolish. Whatever happens, Kiel, do not grow into a man like him.{LF}Understand? What are you pointing at me for?! Right. I won't. Don't listen to him! I'm awesome! I wonder where they found that enormous Wooly. It is rather cute and fluffy, if I do say so myself. Perhaps it's a mutant strain. It is adorably huge. Eesh. Big is one thing, but that Wooly is way too big for its{LF}own good. The bigger they are, the fluffier and cuter they look, right? I agree wholeheartedly. It's gigantic! Are you sure that's even a Wooly? It is, without a doubt, a Wooly. Hmm. All right, then. Who the heck found that thing, and how did they get it{LF}here? That is an excellent question. Hmmm... Isn't it simply the cutest? It takes a lot of training to hit the target right where you aim,{LF}doesn't it? Yeah. It's pretty hard. Whatever, just keep throwing and something'll hit eventually. I think it's far more effective to calculate your trajectory{LF}before throwing. Hah! Who's gonna do that? What formula do you use for your calculations? Wha?! You're really gonna try that crap?! I find it easier to hit if I see Doug as the target. Aah, now that makes sense... ...WAIT, no it doesn't!! Brr! It's freezing out here! Aren't you guys cold at all? Of course we are! I'm not cold at all. Seriously? No fair! What, are you a snowman's kid or{LF}something? You just lack fortitude. Grr!! Well YOU'RE the one who lacks brains! What was that, you pebble-brained dwarf?! I said you're a brainless, swayback na--ACHOO!! EUGH! Well, there's no helping the cold. How about some exercise{LF}to warm up? Yeah, that's a great idea, Arthur. C'mon! Oh, I meant for you. I'm not particularly cold myself. Hey! L-Leon! You're cold too, right? I mean, it's freezing out here! You must be joking. This hardly qualifies as ''cold''--ACHOO! ...Uh-huh. Erm, perhaps I will take a little exercise after all. Kiel, I bet you and Arthur are really good at quizzes. Heh. Is it that obvious? Does my propensity for trivia shine{LF}out through my retinas? There is an element of luck to it, though. Well I won't get a single one of 'em, so I'll just go with{LF}whatever answer you two pick. Smart idea. I know, right? You can't do that. This is a test you should overcome with{LF}your own strength. I will abide by the answers that @しゅじんこうくん@ chooses. So you had best get them correct. Wha?! Ugh, fishing is so boooring! I get bored just thinking about it. That's what makes it so relaxing. ...Huh? I don't get it. I'd like to come up with an efficient way to use the time as{LF}we wait for the fish to bite. I ain't working, if that's what you're saying. But isn't it so much fun when you do catch a fish? Even if{LF}hooking one can be rather hard. Yeah, catching one is fun! But I'm not really good at making{LF}sashimi and stuff... How about I teach you, then? Oh, will you? Thanks Leon! In return, you can cook whatever fish I catch. Deal? Yeah, that sounds great! ♪ Vishnal, would you care to join us? Please! I would be honored! And the rest of you? Nah, I'll pass. I have work I must be doing, I'm afraid. Ah. Well then, the rest of us will be off. ... Hunting down a good spot is such a pain. Hey Dylas! Tell me{LF}where to find a good fishing hole! Sure. First, leave town by the south gate. Second, never{LF}come back. Ouch! That's mean, man. Mean! My. That is a lovely fishing rod you have there, Dylas. Thanks. Bado did some touch-ups on it for me. He's got good{LF}skill with weapons and forging. But nothing else. ... Kiel? You look pretty serious over there. Whew! I finally managed to bait the hook. Congratulations! I could have helped you if you'd said something. As could I. If you need help, just say so. I'd be happy to assist. Thanks guys! But I think I can manage by myself. Hey guys, baiting this hook is a pain in the ass. Help me out. Is it, now? Good luck. Think of it as training! Yeah! Hey! How come I get ignored?! It looks like everyone will be having squid for dinner tonight. Yeah. Margaret is going to complain all night long. Ha ha! That she will. All right, time to go catch us some supper! Yes. I think I may join you. As will I. I'll come along, too! ♪ Why don't we all go? Dylas, don't just stand there. Come with us! What, I have to go too? Ah, well... Ooh, look everyone! I see lots of fish over there! Really? Let's head that way, then. Hey! Don't leave me behind! ... ...Hmph. Come on. Enough dilly-dallying. GAH! Now, I understand having a contest to see who's got the{LF}best vegetables... But why do we gotta go through this whole showcasing{LF}deal? I would think it's to show everyone all the best points of your{LF}entry. Yeah. After all the hard work you do raising it, you wanna{LF}show it all off, you know? That is the most enjoyable part to me. It's like an appraisal{LF}to ascertain its true value. Like a what? An appraisal, huh? That's very like you, Arthur. I kinda like all that presenting stuff, actually. It's fun! I don't care for it, personally. Well, you are terrible at public speaking, after all. Urk... Sh-shut up! Eesh, today's a hot one! Do we gotta have a festival today? I think it's lovely weather. If we get too sweaty, we can just go relax in the bath to{LF}wash off. True. A good soak after a long day's work is very relaxing. Yes. And the monster statues are adorable to look at. They are...? Baths, eh? Yeah, they're great after a long day. I wonder{LF}what fragrance they're using today. My, my! What's wrong? Margaret is being...irritating. Did you do something to upset her again? This is partly your fault, you know. Hey! I was just taking a nap, okay? It was Xiao Pai who{LF}smacked me awake! You were asleep on the job again, I take it? GAH!! How'd you guess? It isn't that difficult... Now that you mention it, Forte was slightly miffed as well. What did you do? I have no idea. I was simply teaching Kiel something useful. ...Yeah, but about what? Eesh. Women scare me sometimes. Yeah... Really? I'm afraid I disagree. You reap what you sow. Yeah, and it's YOUR fault! If we've gotta go through all these festivals, how about we{LF}have one for napping? What would anyone do in such a festival? Kick back, relax and nap, that's what! That does sound relaxing...though pointless. Clorica would win every year. But as long as we're inventing festivals, I'd like a bath{LF}festival! What would you do in that? See who could relax in the bath the longest! These hardly seem like proper festivals at all. I'd happily take part in a Beat Doug Senseless Festival. That's run at the same time as the Beat Dylas Senseless{LF}Festival! How about a @しゅじんこうくん@ Festival? Wha?! What would that be about? Hmm, good question. What would you like for it to be{LF}about? ♪ Umm... Hey guys! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Have a great year! Happy New Year! A Happy New Year to you all. Happy New Year. Yeah. Happy New Year. That's okay. I don't need one from you. Shaddap! I wasn't talking to you! There they go again, right from the first day of the year. And so a little piece of the old year carries over into the{LF}new. Nothing wrong with that. Aha! There you are, @しゅじんこうくん@! We're all going to attempt +splitting watermelons+ together. Come join us, @しゅじんこうくん@! What's so fun about destroying melons? Oh-ho! So you admit you can't beat me at it, eh? ...! Where's that melon?! I'll split it six ways from winter! Whoa, hold your horses! I'm up first! This sounds amusing. Let me join you. By the way, where is the watermelon? Vishnal was supposed to bring a few for us. Here they are! Hey, hold it! Those are +turnips+! ACK!! I...I brought the wrong ones. Oh well. Let's make this all Doug's fault. And something he planned, too. That seems reasonable. I'll buy that. WHA?! HEY! Why me?! Here, everyone. Please help yourselves to a warm drink. Ooh, thanks, Vishnal! ♪ That's thoughtful of you. Careful, Doug. It's hot. Thanks. ...Wait, did I really just--?! Here you go, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. Arthur, here. Have some. Hmm? What're you doing? I am re-confirming my schedule for next year. You're working? Seriously? C'mon! Goodness, that looks like a very full schedule. It's a holiday. You should take a break. But y'know, I think if he tried to take a break, he might just{LF}collapse. You might just be right, Kiel! Well, Arthur is quite the workaholic. Man, it's New Year's Eve! Can't you lay off the work for one{LF}day? Vishnal's too nice to nag you about it, but he made some{LF}good stuff. You oughta try it. Who are you calling a nag?! Huh? N-no, no! It's all right, Arthur. I wouldn't want to bother you. ...*THUNK*... Oh! Hmm? Huh? You have a point, Doug. I think I'll take today off. You will? Oh my gosh! Arthur's taking a break! Are you sure you're not sick? No, I'm not. May I have a cup too, Vishnal? Of course! I wonder why fireflies glow. The book I read said it's to protect themselves from{LF}predators. It's also to attract a mate. So they do it because they wanna stand out, then? Just like some empty-headed shrimps I could name. Strange, I don't know any of those, 'Mr. Horsie'. What did you just say?! Bring it, gelding! I'm ready! A gentle glow to call a mate, eh? That has a touch of{LF}romance to it. Perhaps I should glow a little. Ooh! You can glow, Leon? Of course. Would you like me to show you how? Yeah! Uh, guys? Leon is messing with Kiel again. I wonder who's going to give how much to whom. You sound like you're having fun, Vishnal. Huh? N-no, not really! Hey, why don't we try to guess which of us is gonna get the{LF}most? Amongst us? Hmm... In that case... I would expect it to be Arthur. He has quite a few contacts. But none very well-versed in this town's unique events. Personally, I think it may be Leon. Me too! Maybe it will be Kiel. Huh? Me? All we can say for sure is that Doug will get none. Right back at you. What do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? Vishnal. Kiel. Arthur. Doug. Dylas. Leon. What? Me?! Um...eheh heh...I shall try my best to live up to expectations! See! @しゅじんこうくん@ agrees with me! I'm not so sure. I don't see why it would be me. But thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. Vishnal. I'm flattered. Me? I'm unsure I will be able to live up to such lofty expectations. But I'm flattered you think so highly of me. Thank you. Me? Ha ha! Knew it! @しゅじんこうくん@, you can't be serious. Oh, don't get jealous now. Who's jealous?! This just goes to show you that @しゅじんこうくん@ knows{LF}what's what. Me? Well, I'm happy you think so, at least. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Him? No way! You're joking! Maybe, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to pound you,{LF}Doug. Hmm? Me? Well, if you really think so... But in the end, it's not the quantity, it's the quality. So who did you guys give some to? I sent some to Mr. Volkanon and Clorica. I gave some to my sister. I presented one to Porcoline. Though I was the one who made it. And I am very grateful for your efforts. Thank you. Hmm. To be honest, I have not yet decided to whom I should{LF}present. Hmph. Well, that's boring. What about you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Are you going to give out{LF}any? Yeah. No. Oooh, who to? Who's the lucky lady? That is not the easiest question to answer in front of{LF}everyone, Doug. But you can tell me. I'll keep it secret to my dying day. Not fair, Arthur! I want to know too! Yeah! It's not right to keep it a secret, @しゅじんこうくん@. You{LF}should tell all of us. No? Hmm... I doubt that. Really. Are you simply hiding it from us, @しゅじんこうくん@? You sneaky little player! Enough beating around the bush. Out with it. Yeah. I wanna know, too! ♪ Hey, have you all heard the legend behind today's festival? If you wish upon the highest star in the sky, your wish will{LF}come true. That's it...no? Yeah. But there was something else to it, too. I just can't{LF}remember what. Oh, I know! If two people make a wish together, they will be{LF}bound for eternity. Doug, stay far away from me when you make your wish.{LF}About a million miles or so. Oh yeah? Well you stand a billion miles away from me! You{LF}got it?! So if two men were to make a wish together, they would be{LF}friends forever? Eesh! This festival is way more dangerous than I'd thought! Well, I think it's romantic. Man, I'm no good at cooking at all. I am not particularly good at it either. Any skill will get better with practice. Yeah. If you think about the people you're cooking for, you'll get it{LF}right in no time! ♪ So...do you think that someday even I'll be able to cook like{LF}Porcoline? Sure! I know you will! So you wanna get all fat, then?! You shut up! I'd love to try Kiel's cooking one day. As would I. Well, stop on by sometime. I don't mind. Do you have any{LF}specific requests? Anything with rice! No. Something with carrots. Well, since you asked, I would like--- I would not be averse to--- Oh, and besides that, could you make some--- Um, okay. So I guess I'll start with a rice base, add some of{LF}this and that, then maybe... Y'know, since everyone is coming, I should just ask my sister{LF}to help out! Maybe you shouldn't. Ugh. Crafting stuff is such a pain! Anything resembling work is a pain to you. Hey!! ...You've got a point, I guess. Interesting. We often hear about how dwarves are{LF}particularly skilled at forging. Really? I'm just no good at all that little fiddly stuff. I'm not really good at forging stuff either. If forging is not to your taste, have you tried hand-crafting? I{LF}mean accessories and the like. Accessories? I might be able to make some of those. Ugh, even worse! All those teeny tiny little bits and pieces! What kind of monsters does everyone like? I like big, fluffy, roly-poly ones! Those are nice. I prefer small ones. Large ones with pleasant{LF}temperaments aren't bad, though. Well I like the big and strong ones! Oh, and ducks, too! Because our names sound alike. ...And you're just as stupid. What was that?! What about you, Leon? Me? I'm partial to ''Golems,'' actually. What, so you like the old and moldy stuff? No, he likes that they're big and tough, I bet. Actually, what I like about them is that they are utterly{LF}subservient to my will. ♪ ...Oh. What kind of monsters do you prefer, @しゅじんこうくん@? Cute ones. Cool ones. Strong ones. I agree! The adorable ones are decidedly the best. Ooh, I think so too! The cool ones are the best. Right? Right! There ain't no beating the strong ones! My, this summer is a hot one! Does hot weather bother you? No, it's not the temperature that bothers me. Rather, I find it distracting to see someone I'm fond of in a{LF}swimsuit. Huh? I hope you won't be wearing a swimsuit to the beach too{LF}often, @しゅじんこうくん@. You're too cute! Um, thank you... It is nice to put off work and loosen up once in a while. Wear the latest swimsuits, swim in the lake, enjoy some{LF}@アイテム9@... And, on occasion, spot a business opportunity I had{LF}previously overlooked. ''Put off work,'' eh? @しゅじんこうくん@, would you care to go swimming with me? Sure. Sorry, not now. Well then, if I may borrow Your Highness' hand... Uh...what? At ease, sir. It was only a joke. Well then, shall we go swimming? Sure. Ha ha! As you wish, Your Highness. Hee hee... Well then, how about we splash about at the edge of the{LF}waves? Um, sorry, but... Day @0@ of this month is Bado's +birthday+. Now, how to give this to him... His present? Yes. I have a small list of tips about proper business{LF}management that I think may help him. Wow that's, uh, great. But somehow I don't think{LF}@バド@ will like it. True. Though at this rate, his shop may fold any day now. Yeah, you have a point. +Birthdays+ are a wonderful thing. I was able to thoroughly enjoy Porcoline's cooking today. He was courteous enough to wait a whole minute for me. Wait, what? Kiel was kind enough to give me a magnifying glass. It seems he remembered I'm fond of collecting glasses. Does that even count? ... After much consideration...yes. It does. Wow, uh...that's some pretty broad tastes you have. I've acquired a small mountain of fresh vegetables. Tomorrow is Porcoline's +birthday+, you know. It sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun. Yes. Now all I need to do is store them where Porcoline can't find{LF}them. Good luck with that. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. How goes your Royal work? It's going fine. I'm not confident. I see! I knew I was right in leaving those chores to you. Oh, it's not much... I know you can do it. I would not have asked you, otherwise. If you say so... Of course, I shall assist you as much as I possibly can. @アーサー@... So do not worry so much, all right? I look forward to good things from you in the future,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you. Is something the matter? Come, let us go. Are you all right? I...I think I am still okay. Glasses, glasses... Where are my glasses? Oh. On my head. Well then, let us do this again sometime. I would have liked to spend a little more time with you. Well then, I must be off. My apologies. I must be getting back to my work. @アーサー@, would you like to go somewhere together? I'm sorry. I'm afraid right now isn't a convenient time. Please feel free to ask again at a later date. Yes, why not. Where would you like to go? I'm sorry. I'm afraid I must pass. Too large a group is difficult to manage. Of course. I would love to join you. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. If you have a moment, would you like to go somewhere{LF}together? Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. If you have a moment-- Oh dear. I see you already have companions. I shall ask{LF}again another time. Wonderful! Then let us go. I thought you might say that. Well then, shall we be off? I see. Well then, perhaps some other time. Wha....? Oh, you're only kidding. I thought as much. Wha....? @しゅじんこうくん@... May I please have some time to think this over? What? I, erm, I'm afraid the truth of this isn't sinking in very quickly. I'm sorry. @アーサー@? Tomorrow, at @0@ hundred hours. Huh? Tomorrow at @0@ hundred hours, please{LF}meet me at @マップ0@. I will answer you there. See you then. Tomorrow at @0@ hundred hours, please{LF}meet me at @マップ0@. I will answer you there. Today at @0@ hundred hours, please meet me at{LF}@マップ0@. I will answer you there. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. I've been waiting for you. @アーサー@... About yesterday. I gave it some thought and have arrived at my answer. Then... Okay. Would you like to hear it? Please! Hang on. On second thought... Well then... Okay. I shall wait as long as you wish. Th-thank you. I-I guess it's okay now... @しゅじんこうくん@... I've realized that I'm very fond of you. ...! But please allow me to confirm one thing first. I need to know what you truly feel for me. Wha? You see, I have a hard time trusting others. Actually, I made a choice not to. You can see numbers and facts, but not a person's heart. ... However... I find myself wanting to try it. To trust in you. So please. Tell me one more time how you honestly feel for me. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you truly love me? I do. I truly love you. I was just kidding. @しゅじんこうくん@... Thank you. So you trust my answer? ...Yes. So now I would like you to trust in my feelings for you. Huh? @しゅじんこうくん@. Will you please date me? Oh...! Yes. Of course! Sorry. ... Um...@アーサー@? ...WHEW! Thank goodness! Wha? I was so nervous... In fact, I believe I haven't been this nervous since my very{LF}first business deal. I had no idea what I would do if this failed as miserably as{LF}that first deal did. @アーサー@... But it didn't fail. I am looking foward to our time together, @しゅじんこうくん@. Me, too. I...I see. Very well. Well then, we shall leave it at that. Erm...well then. Now what shall we do? Hmm? In regards to our relationship, that is. Oh... Erm... I'm sorry. This is one thing in which I have no experience. Oh...right... H-how about we give each other a new nickname? Huh? I read about that in a study, once. It said that lovers will often give their partners adorable{LF}nicknames. Oh... Well then, what would you like for me to call you? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Oh? I see. True, keeping the same name is the most comfortable. @しゅじんこうくん@? How wonderful! I think it sounds sweet. @しゅじんこうくん@. Like that? Yes. So that's what you wished to be called. I-is it too weird? No, not in the least. I find it cute, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh? Er, that... ...That name is one I haven't really used before. I know. Well then! @しゅじんこうくん@. Yes? Erm...@しゅじんこうくん@? Yes. Are you...sure about this? Yes. I-I see. This is kind of a first for me, so I'm not sure if I can pull it off,{LF}but... @しゅじんこうくん@. How does that sound? Now then, what would you like to call me? Wha? I get a nickname, too, yes? Umm... Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ I see. I'm a little relieved, actually. I was a little worried you might{LF}choose something embarrassing. I-I'm not sure about that one... You don't like it? Erm...It isn't bad, it's just a little...embarrassing. Aww! That's a good one. Right, @アーサー@? ... I like it. It feels like we're closer now. Yes. Now we're more like lovers. R-really? That's a little embarrassing... But doesn't it make us seem more like lovers? It does? Seems a little over the top... @アーサー@. ...Erm, well, I guess it's not all that bad. @アーサー@...? Erm, I'm not so sure about that one... I think it's cute. R-really...? Very cute. Right? @アーサー@. Urk...! @アーサー@?! Why on earth would you choose that? You are a prince, y'know. Well yes, I am a prince of this kingdom, but... No. No? You are MY prince. Urk...! @しゅじんこうくん@, that is hardly fair. Oh? ... ...All right. Well then, I look forward to our time together,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Me too, @アーサー@. @しゅじんこうくん@... Jokes of this sort are in very poor taste. I cannot say I{LF}appreciate it. ...(He didn't get it.) I am fond of you as well, @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@, jokes of this sort are in poor taste. Heh heh. Well aren't you the playful one, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yes, I am quite fond of you, too. As well as your sense of{LF}humor. This... Umm... Will you marry me? @しゅじんこうくん@... I've been thinking about this, ever since you confessed to{LF}me. I thought it over really hard. How would I answer? What was the right thing to do? And this was it. ... @アーサー@, you told me something once. You said that if I wanted, you would stay with me forever. Yes. I'd like that. I'd like that very much. Huh? If you would stay with me for the rest of my life... I'm sure that would be true happiness for me. So I, um... ... ...Thank heavens. Huh? I can see it clearly. The most important thing to me. And that is how very, very much I love you. @アーサー@... So, yes. Let's get married, @しゅじんこうくん@. I promise I will make you happy. ... ...Okay. A wedding ring? Hmm, I see. Thank you. I will see it gets sold for a high price. ...Just kidding. My apologies. I'm afraid that was a very poor{LF}joke. This... This isn't the wedding ring I gave you, is it? Don't tell me you... ...Just kidding. My apologies. I couldn't help but tease you a{LF}little. It's all right. I trust you. Erm...this is not rubbish, is it? Hmm? Is this for me? Erm... Thank you. Though I'm not certain how to make use of{LF}it. I think I may snack on some @アイテム9@{LF}while I think it over. @アイテム9@? Oh, erm, thank you. However, cooked fish can take quite a long time to eat. Oh, but @アイテム0@ is quite easy to eat{LF}while working on other things. Thank you. @アイテム0@? Thank you. Oh, thank you. I gratefully accept your gift. Thank you. This is a perfect pick-me-up. Hm? What are my preferred foods? I'm fond of foods that are very +easy to eat+. I can snack on{LF}them while I work. Things like +onigiri+ and +sandwiches+, for example. +Chinese manju+ and +pickled turnips+ are my favorites. Oh, that @アイテム9@ must be +delicious+! I may have it? Thank you! I will have to finish my work more quickly so that I may enjoy{LF}it sooner. Why thank you! I +like+ these. They are tastiest when eaten on an empty stomach. +Pickles+ are also wonderful, because I can enjoy them so{LF}easily and quickly. Why thank you! I was just getting hungry. Things ready to eat are a +great help+. Thank you. I daresay, what's more satisfying than{LF}@アイテム9@? I may have it? Why thank you! I +like+ @アイテム9@. I +like+ onigiri as well. They're easy to eat. My, that @アイテム9@ looks quite delicious. Hmm? I may have it? Thank you! +Turnips+ have a simplicity to them. I +like+ them a lot. Oh, what lovely glasses! My, these are very cute glasses. What elegant glasses! The bridge in particular looks quite sturdy. It's wonderful! I am very impressed with the design of the frames! They look like they will have a very snug, comfortable fit! The nose pads look especially soft and comfortable. The rims have a real presence to them. I'm impressed! The hinges are quite sexy, I must say. Hmm? I may have them? Why thank you! I will take very good care of them. Hmm? This is... Ah! One of my clients has been looking for{LF}@アイテム9@. I am certain he will be quite pleased to have this. Thank you. I will make very good use of this. This...! This is the fabled @アイテム9@! Certain collectors prize these +empty cans+ quite highly. As a trader, it is definitely something I would like to have in{LF}my inventory. Thank you. How cute! What? This is for me? Why thank you! I will take good care of it. But I must say... ...Oh, it's so cute! Ah, @アイテム9@! How wonderful! It is light, tasty and very easy to eat. I +like+ it very much. Thank you. What? I may have this? Thank you! It is light and easy to eat, so I +like+ it very much! Though occasionally I like to have +Chinese Manju+ or +Curry{LF}Manju+ as well. My, @アイテム9@! May I really have it?! Thank you! Oh, I'm so happy! ...Ahem. My apologies. I'm afraid I let myself get a touch too excited. Oh, that @アイテム9@ looks +delicious+. What? It is for me? Thank you! I +love+ @アイテム9@! When should I eat it? Perhaps I shall have it soon... Ah, I've handled @アイテム9@ before. I wonder if they're actually effective. Might as well try one-- ...Hmm, I guess not. Nothing. After all, I have always liked you from the beginning,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, erm, is this for me? No, no, it's quite all right. Thank you. It just takes a bit of effort to enjoy these properly. Hmm? What do I prefer, then? It's nice eating @アイテム0@. Tasty, light, and{LF}easy to eat. This is for me? Thank you. Were you aware that today is my birthday? Oh my...! How splendid! These are excellent glasses! I had no idea I would get such a wonderful +present+ today. Thank you! This has made my +birthday+ a very wonderful day{LF}indeed! Hm? What is this? @アイテム9@! Perfect! I was just searching for{LF}these. Given the timing, I assume this a +birthday present+ for me? I should be able to have an excellent conversation with my{LF}clients about this. Thank you. Oh! @アイテム9@? I think these are quite tasty. I +like+ them very much. Hm? A +birthday present+ for me? Why thank you! I appreciate it very much. Oh my, is that @アイテム9@? Is it for me? What a splendid +birthday present+! I +love+ these! Thank you very much! Oh, and you made this by hand, too! Thank you. I am honored. You always make such wonderful things for me, I thought I{LF}would return the favor. Here, if you would like, you may have this. @アーサー@? Yes? Do you know what today is? Just saying your name. It is our anniversary, correct? Our +wedding+ anniversary. You remembered. Of course. I see. @しゅじんこうくん@? Yes? Just saying my name? Just saying your name. I thought so. Yes. I expected you would notice. Yes. @しゅじんこうくん@? Yes? I promise I'll stay with you forever. Huh? I will stay by your side as long as you want me to. So I promised you on this day years ago, and so I promise{LF}you again. @アーサー@... Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you for these happy years, and I hope we have many{LF}more to come. Me, too. @しゅじんこうくん@. Yes? I hear you have been spending much time with a gentleman{LF}recently. Huh? Oh... Now that you mention it... I thought as much. ... Um, @アーサー@? Yes? Are you mad at me? No. However, I am a man, too. And now I know what it's like to feel jealous. Huh? That's all. @しゅじんこうくん@, Happy Birthday! I have a present for you. I hope you like it. For me? Thank you! It's nothing. You always do so much to help me, it's only{LF}natural I repay you in kind. Here. A present for you. Oh! Thank you! It's nothing. I'm simply glad you enjoy it. After all, I like seeing you smile. Huh...? Heh heh. @しゅじんこうくん@, look here for a moment. Huh? I thought so. You look awfully pale. Here, please take this medicine. Huh? But I... Take it. I would like to see you healthy and smiling again soon. Perhaps you should have Dr. Jones look at you. Lunch time! Here's some @アイテム0@. Here, have some @アイテム0@ for your lunch. Today's lunch is @アイテム0@. Be sure to{LF}chew well. Here is your lunch for today. I tried my hand at making some{LF}@アイテム0@. I made some @アイテム0@. Please take it{LF}along for your lunch. Have a good day. Time for another full day of work. Have a good day, now. Try not to overwork yourself. Good. You have everything you need. Have a nice day, now! Please come home early, today. I, erm... Isn't it lonely? What can I do for you? Please come again. Is there anything else you need? @しゅじんこうくん@, I hear you're a good negotiator. People in town are talking about it. You're making quite a{LF}name for yourself. @しゅじんこうくん@, I see you're getting even better at{LF}negotiating. But I won't be so easily outdone, you know. @しゅじんこうくん@, maybe you can strike a deal with me next{LF}time. I think we could have some very productive negotiations. @しゅじんこうくん@, I would enjoy the opportunity to work with{LF}you someday. I think the two of us could succeed in any trading venture. @しゅじんこうくん@, I see you have nights when you can't sleep. Please be careful not to overdo it, all right? @しゅじんこうくん@, you don't need much sleep, do you? Same with me. You're getting a reputation for putting off sleep. That is quite impressive, @しゅじんこうくん@! It seems you're a person who doesn't need much sleep,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. I think it is wonderful that you devote yourself so{LF}wholeheartedly to your work. Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. This is for you. It's crucial to always hold your ground when bargaining. The ability to fight off sleep and focus on the deal at hand{LF}comes in very handy. I can teach you a few tips about that, @しゅじんこうくん@. Your Sleep Resist Skill went up! Yay! Your Shop Skill went up! I received this recipe some time ago. Unfortunately, I have no time to use it. I hope you can make{LF}some use of it. @しゅじんこうくん@. Yes? Erm... I, uh... Is something wrong? N-no, I, um...well... Wow. It's not often that you get this tongue-tied,{LF}@アーサー@. True. This isn't much like me, is it? I guess I should come out and say it. @しゅじんこうくん@...would you please bear my child? Oh...! Yes! I'd like it to be just us. Wonderful! To be honest, I didn't know what I'd do if I had to ask again{LF}later. Hee hee! But I am very happy that we are of like mind. @アーサー@... Yes, I am too. Oh...? I suppose so. There's nothing wrong with spending more time together. Yeah. I feel so happy right now. Soon we'll have a beautiful child with us. Just you, I, and our child. Yeah. Ah, yes. @しゅじんこうくん@? Would you like to have a boy? Hmm? Or would you rather a girl? @アーサー@... A boy? In that case, I am going to have to work even harder. I want to be the sort of father that a young man can grow{LF}up respecting. And the sort of father he'll want to become someday. Yeah. A girl? Well then, as her father, I want to be certain I'm there to{LF}watch over her as she grows. I cannot let myself become too wrapped up in work and{LF}miss out. I want to be a father she adores, not one she avoids. I want to be the kind of father who can hold his head high. Yeah. Very true. Boy or girl, it makes no difference. All that matters is that you and the baby are healthy and{LF}safe. @アーサー@... We need to think of a name, don't we? ... @アーサー@, I think it's a little early for that. Is it? Well then, I shall leave the decision to you. Huh? I wonder what name you'll give to our baby. I can hardly wait to find out. Oh, okay. Wait, huh? @子供ちゃん@'s birthday is today. Yeah. Well then, what surprise shall we put together? I see you have @アイテム0@ available. How about @1@ Gold{LF}for @0@ @アイテム0@? I see. How about @1@ Gold, then? Ah. That is unfortunate. Excellent! I shall take it. Hrm. I think I shall come back at a later time. Hrm... Shall I? Or not? Do you have any other items you can show me? Thank you. You have an excellent selection. I shall definitely return{LF}again. @しゅじんこうくん@. Yes? Thank you. Huh? Thanks to you, I have managed to broaden my world{LF}considerably. Recently, I have caught myself thinking of you very often. I wonder how you would see something, or what you would{LF}think of it. Or how you would react to it. It's funny. Once you fall for someone, everything looks{LF}different. Really? Yes. That is why I brought up this conversation. To see if I{LF}could get you to blush. ♪ Urk...! Thank you, my beloved @しゅじんこうくん@. By the way, @アーサー@, did you manage to find a place{LF}to stay? Of course. I told you, negotiation is my forte. Though in this case it's more an acceptance of warm{LF}kindness than it was negotiation. Oh? Yes. I asked Porcoline, and he went out of his way to assist{LF}me. Honestly, his generosity is staggering. He has lent me not{LF}only a room, but an airship too. Presently, I am using the home next to the restaurant as my{LF}office and trade center. I fully intend to repay Porcoline for this kindness in any way I{LF}can. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. I have acquired a rare blend of tea recently. Would you care{LF}to join me for a cup? Your partner is, of course, invited as well. My. Spending the day by yourself today? I just thought it odd you were alone, what with you always{LF}in the company of your partner. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. It has been quite some time. How go your Royal duties? If you have any questions, please{LF}feel free to ask me. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. It feels like forever since we last spoke. I wouldn't mind at all if you were to stop by to chat a little{LF}more often. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. It seems we've both been too busy to chat much lately. That's quite unfortunate, really. If you have the chance, I would love to at least speak with{LF}you once a day. Strangely, just the sound of your voice is enough to make{LF}the day easier for me. I suppose this is the part where I congratulate you. Well done. You really were splendid out there. Th-Thank you. @アーサー@. Congratulations. I'll beat you next time. Thank you. Good luck. I welcome the challenge. Happy New Year. I am glad to begin the new year by seeing your happy,{LF}smiling face. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. If it's from you, then I don't much mind getting hit. Heh heh. Just kidding. Today is a day where everyone will enjoy being pelted by{LF}beans. Um, can't you phrase that in a different way? Did you manage to drive off all the demons today? I personally think it's just fine to make one sweep and leave{LF}it at that. Being too straightforward doesn't help business, after all. Tomorrow's festival looks a little, erm...challenging. I'd like to skip a meal today in preparation, but I doubt{LF}Porcoline would allow it. Oh dear, the @カレンダー0@. I don't know how well{LF}this will go. I am entirely too accustomed to having small, light meals. Urf. I...I think I tried a little too hard, and now I've overeaten. The @カレンダー0@... How are we supposed to fight something so adorable? First, I must distract it and quickly hide in its blind spot. Then I must quickly cut off all that I can without it noticing.{LF}That's all I can do. Um, what are you talking about? Oh my. Adorable things become even more adorable the bigger they{LF}get. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. If you have any{LF}preparations to make, I will gladly help you. A festival to celebrate hitting a moving target. It is much like{LF}negotiations, to be honest. In which case, I could use this tactic, or perhaps that one... (Yikes! That shady smile scares me!) Hitting a physical target is far more difficult than it seems. Just like catching a lady's heart. I mean--forget I said{LF}anything. The battle begins tomorrow. I will strive to make it as advantageous a battle as possible. The only way to proceed is over the fallen bodies of your{LF}opponents! Today's festival seems like it may be a brutal one. When I was young, I was taught about the competitive{LF}marketplace through this festival. It was an incredible learning opportunity. I was amazed. And that's an amazing outlook. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Allow me to show you all the knowledge I have gained from{LF}my years in the marketplace. Knowledge is not something one acquires in a day. You must study, learn, and memorize. Only then do you gain{LF}true knowledge. It's something you build up across a long period of time. ...Much like the pickling of vegetables. Wait, pickled veggies? Huh? How unfortunate. It seems I let victory slip from my grasp this{LF}year. However, I shall have my revenge next year. After all, as long as one lives and breathes, there is always{LF}another chance to learn. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Seeing these adorable pets gives me the irresistible urge to{LF}spoil them rotten. But I must refrain. It is in discipline that love is found. The @カレンダー0@... How can I ask my adorable pets to go to battle for me? Ngh... Such a conundrum. To raise something is a simple concept but a difficult task. Follow the manual correctly, and you can raise anything{LF}well. But just following the manual isn't enough to foster a loving,{LF}trusting relationship. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Good luck. Thanks. And good luck to you, too, @アーサー@. Tonight's dinner table will have grilled fish as far as the eye{LF}can see, I'm sure... (His eyes glossed over...) I'd love everyone to do well and catch many fish...but{LF}somehow, I also hope that they don't. It takes such an awfully long time to pick all the bones out{LF}of grilled fish. Sometimes I wish there were boneless fish. That wouldn't really be a ''fish'' then, would it? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. This sport requires a lot of stamina. To be honest, fishing is not something I'm very good at. Even when I was still at the Palace, I was often told I need{LF}to slow down and relax more. ... Don't tell me you're thinking about work even now. W-what!? Of course not... I'm just terrible at waiting, that's all. After all, there are many things you cannot get if you do not{LF}actively reach for them. Have you finished preparing for the @カレンダー0@? I have finished mine. It is not a festival I'm good at, but this{LF}time I have a plan. This plan allows me to both fish and concentrate on work at{LF}the same time. Now my restlessness won't disturb my fishing. Simply sitting and waiting does not, well...''sit well'' with me. Oh, I know. How would you like to join me--- ...That would not work too well, now would it. My apologies. I thought I might net two birds with one stone if I could both{LF}fish and work simultaneously. But I concentrated on my work so much I didn't notice when{LF}a fish tugged my line. So instead of two birds with one stone, it is instead he who{LF}chases two rabbits catches none. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I can hardly wait! I have thought over various strategies to help me win today's{LF}festival. I have come across a method that will help me catch fish{LF}using the least amount of input from me. Isn't that time better spent just fishing? My system caught far more fish than I had expected. However, a problem appeared when I realized I'd forgotten{LF}to add a way to reel in the fish. It seems my automatic fishing system still has much room for{LF}improvement. Hrm... Y'know, I get the feeling that thinking time is a lot longer{LF}than the actual fishing time. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Will you participate as well, @しゅじんこうくん@? The key to this festival is how well you present your{LF}vegetable. In other words, it's practice for business presentations. I think{LF}it's splendid! Festivals can be wonderful things. It's fun just to participate. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. It gives me a different sense of nervousness than the one I{LF}get when I prepare to close a deal. This town produces some excellent quality vegetables. It may be because everyone puts so much effort into raising{LF}them. I very much enjoyed everyone's passionate presentation of{LF}their product. Your voice projected particularly well during your speech. I have learned about many various ways of raising good{LF}vegetables. I hope we both do well in tomorrow's{LF}@カレンダー0@. I'm still a little unsure of what it means to raise something{LF}with love. All I've been able to do is be concerned about it every day. I hope that much has gotten through to my vegetables. It's only natural everyone thinks their vegetable is the best. I'm not immune myself. Is this what they call ''love''? Ah, the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow already. It's time to begin planning. It seems plants do indeed respond when spoken to. I can hardly wait to see my results. It was nice to see so many wonderful vegetables today. The presentations were well done as well. I am looking{LF}forward to the next festival already. I am rather fond of swimsuits, honestly. They help forget about silly social ranking. I, too, have a habit of stealing glances at the swimsuit of{LF}someone I am fond of. I am much looking forward to tomorrow's{LF}@カレンダー0@. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. The stars of the festival will be the ladies, it seems. I am a man before I am a Prince. Tomorrow's the last day of the year. As expected, this is a very busy time. Even I'm not sure if I{LF}can handle everything. My work for the year has wrapped up quite nicely. Now, how shall I spend all this free time? It seems tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Both Porcoline and Margaret have told me all about it. They also suggested it might be a nice change to relax and{LF}watch fireflies. Would you care to join me? Huh? Ah, my apologies. That was rather sudden, wasn't it. Would you care to join me in watching the fireflies{LF}tomorrow? Thank you! Well then, I better finish up my work before then. I hope you're looking forward to tomorrow as much as I am. I see... No, no. Don't worry about it. To be honest, I have quite a bit of work waiting for me{LF}tomorrow. Well then, see you at another time. The @カレンダー0@ is today. I have quite a bit of work that must be done today. I'll try to{LF}finish it by evening. What calming scenery. My work for the day is done, so this makes for a lovely{LF}break. For the first time in a while, I was able to enjoy a wonderful,{LF}leisurely evening. Tomorrow, I will once again work as hard as I can. Hmm... How would you like to go see the @カレンダー0@{LF}together? That sounds great! Then let's do that. I hope you are looking forward to{LF}tomorrow as much as I am. I see. Yes, that does seem like it would be wonderful. Let's do that, then. Yes. I can hardly wait until tomorrow. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let's go watch the fireflies together again next year. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Have you finished preparing for it, @しゅじんこうくん@? I wouldn't be surprised if you were to receive quite a few{LF}presents tomorrow. Today is @カレンダー0@. I received several gifts at my shop today. Many came from preferred clients, and there were even a{LF}few from clients' daughters. They were, in the end, simply seasonal greetings, but I am{LF}pleased to have gotten them. What? Is this for me? Erm, today is @カレンダー1@, is it not? Seasons greetings! You mean a lot to me. It's just a present. I see. To be honest, I was hoping there was a deeper meaning{LF}behind this gift... Wha? Erm, nothing. Never mind. Thank you. I see. Still, I'm happy you thought of me. Thank you. R-really? Erm...thank you. I...well... I'm very...very happy. Huh? Um, you know it's just a present, right? It's got nothing to do{LF}with @カレンダー1@. O-oh. I see. How embarrassing. I'm afraid I had the wrong idea. My{LF}sincere apologies. Thank you. This... My apologies, but I suddenly have an acute sense of deja{LF}vu... How, erm, how am I to view this? Just a seasonal greeting. You're special to me. You happened to be nearby. Ah, I see. ...Thank you? Erm... Th-thank you. I'm very flattered. ...That was meant in jest, correct? I see. Well then, I hope it goes well for you with the one who does{LF}not happen to be nearby. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you. It was delicious. And, erm... I am very flattered you gave it to me. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. To treat events such as this with solemn dignity is one of the{LF}things you learn as a trader. Today is @カレンダー0@. I have sent various gifts to my clients already. You can learn many things simply by seeing how they{LF}respond. Oh, is this for me? I was under the impression that today was{LF}@カレンダー9@... It's a present. Just a seasonal greeting. You're special to me. Ah, I see. Well then, thank you very much for the thought. Erm, I don't think that was the issue... But thank you anyway. Wha?! But, er, given the date, should I think of this as nothing more{LF}than a simple prank...? But then again... Hmm... He's actually thinking it over. Is this... Er, my apologies, but I suddenly have a strong sense of deja{LF}vu... So...how am I to view this? Just a seasonal greeting. You're special to me. You happened to be nearby. Oh, a ''friendship cookie,'' is it? Thank you. Oh, goodness! You and these silly pranks! ... ...It IS a prank, right? Ah, I see. Whew... Oh, I assure you, that was not a sigh of disappointment. Oh, yes. @しゅじんこうくん@, this is for you. This has no particular connection with my business, so{LF}please feel free to accept it. O-oh. Thanks. Ah, yes. Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. A present for you. Th-thanks. Don't worry. This is simply an expression of my gratitude for{LF}all you've done. And my fondness for you. Wha...? Now if you'll excuse me... So, @しゅじんこうくん@... Do you have any openings in your schedule tomorrow? I see. How unfortunate. Oh, well. I will await another opportunity, then. Well then, please meet me at{LF}@0@ hundred hours at{LF}@マップ1@. I'll be waiting. @しゅじんこうくん@. I have been waiting for you. @アーサー@. Um, did you know today is... Ah, you noticed? To be honest, this was a very personal{LF}request on my part. Is it @カレンダー9@? Is this a date? Is this some secret deal? Yes. That is correct. Thus I asked you to meet me here. But the important part is what kind of date we make it. Ah ha ha! Yes, it just may be. It is quite an important deal, too. @しゅじんこうくん@... Would you please accept this? This @アイテム0@? Yes. Um... Th-thank you. Should I not read into it? You're welcome. ... I wouldn't say that. Huh? I hope you find it tasty. Th-thank you. Thanks. You're welcome. Is that all? Huh? Oh, umm... Give him a hug. Give him a kiss. *SQUEEZE* Thank you. I hope for many more happy times like this to{LF}come, @しゅじんこうくん@. Me, too. *SMOOCH* Mmm. Delicious. H-hey! Don't say weird things like that! Ah ha ha! I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. Hmph! ...Still. Thanks for the @アイテム0@. You are very welcome. Um, @アーサー@? Yes? About tomorrow... Would you please come to @マップ1@? Hmm? There's something I'd like to give you. Something to give me? Is it what I think it is? Um...well? Oh, erm, yes... Let me see... Yes, I should have the time. I will pencil you in to my{LF}schedule. Okay. Come to @マップ1@ by @0@{LF}hundred hours, then. All right. I shall. @アーサー@. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. I have something for you. Let's chat a bit, first. Yes? ... Erm, so where is this item you would like to give to me? O-oh! I, um, have it right here! So, um...how goes work? Good so far? Yes, thank you. Oh. A @アイテム9@? Yes. And today is @カレンダー1@, yes? So then, erm...the reason you called me all the way out here{LF}was to give it to me as... Someone special to me. As a friend. O-oh. Thank you. I am very honored. Thank goodness... That's it? I was kinda worried you, um, wouldn't want it. ... @アーサー@? May I hug you? Wh-wh-wha?! Ah, my apologies. You were just so adorable right then I{LF}couldn't help myself. What? ... Erm, well then... *SMOOCH* W-will that do? Would a, erm...a hug be acceptable? Wha?! Oh, my apologies! I-I couldn't think of anything to say. Hee hee! I don't mind. I was just kidding. Wh-wha? Don't tease like that! Please! Anyway. Thank you. I will enjoy this very much. Wait, what? What's wrong? Erm...ah... ...Ahem. I-it's nothing. Thank you very much. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. Erm... For the moment, let me say that I am looking forward to the{LF}future. I have heard many townsfolk talk about{LF}@カレンダー0@. I find the legend associated with it to be rather interesting. By the way, have you finalized your schedule for tomorrow? If you happen to have some time, I would like for you to join{LF}me for a bit. Oh good. Well then, I shall see you tomorrow. I see. How unfortunate. I guess I shall wait for a more{LF}opportune time to ask again. @しゅじんこうくん@, have you decided upon your wish? There is no hurry if you have not yet. We still have plenty of{LF}time until evening. My, I can't remember the last time I spent a leisurely evening{LF}looking at the stars. Truly, the sky is very lovely tonight. That was a splendid event. I hear the guests in town for the festival enjoyed it. Would you care to join me at the observatory to view the{LF}stars? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@, after all. Sure. Let's do that. Heh heh... @アーサー@? Ah, it's nothing. I was just tickled that we were both thinking the same thing{LF}at the same time. Well then, let's ink that into our schedule for tomorrow. I will see you there. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I am very glad I had the chance to watch the stars with you. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I'm afraid I'm not very good at crafting things. I'm the one who sells them. I think I have managed to craft something fairly well. I won't let you beat me easily today, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm not particularly good at crafting things, but I'm not{LF}especially bad, either. The winning item was very well crafted. I thought for a moment how nice it'd be if I were allowed to{LF}sell it, but that would be rude. @カレンダー0@, eh? I heard from the Royal Chefs that it's important to follow all{LF}steps properly when cooking. My! His skills are almost beyond the realm of a human! I prefer foods which I can eat quickly, with little fuss. However, those may not be the foods others prefer to make. Hrm...now what to do? It seems it takes more than knowledge to cook well. What's important is experience... ...and love, as well. Oh, and a base level of talent, I'm sure. Do you want to go somewhere together tomorrow? Tomorrow? Let me check my schedule... ... ... Ah, my apologies. I'm afraid I have other plans. Please ask again some other time. Ah, yes. I have an opening. I would love to join you. @マップ1@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours, then. Excellent. I shall see you tomorrow. Yeah. Heh heh. Tomorrow cannot come soon enough. Huh? Do you want to come visit my room? What? I have no ulterior motive! Oh! Um, I, uh... Of course not. I must admit, I am both relieved and a little disappointed. Huh? Nothing. Never mind. Erm... ... ...Well then, I accept your invitation. O-okay. How about we hang out and relax at home? That sounds like a splendid idea. Let's do that. How about we go to @マップ0@? That sounds like a splendid idea. Let's do that. How does @マップ0@ sound, then? Sure! Well then, let's ink that into our schedules. A little while ago, I happened to step outside and glance up{LF}at the sky. It was beautiful. So beautiful I wanted to share it with you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? Well then, may I visit your room? Wha?! I got some very nice tea, and I'd like to share a cup with you. Do you mind? N-no, not at all! Well then, let's put that on our schedules. How would you feel about spending today relaxing at home? That sounds great! Let's do that. Well then, would you like to go to @マップ0@? Sure! Let's. All right. I already have plans then, so I probably shouldn't invite{LF}another person. Are you all right? Hmm? I just thought you seemed a little tired. I'm fine. Maybe a little... You? I'm fine, thank you. After all, I'm with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? Come, let us go. Let's rest for a moment. @しゅじんこうくん@. Shall we hold hands? Yes. No. Ah, I'd love to stay this way forever. Huh? Oh, nothing. I will stay by your side. ... Oh... I...I see. Hmm. Hm? I feel strange when I look at you. Huh? Heh heh. It's quite fun, actually. ...? Is something the matter, @しゅじんこうくん@? Gaze at him. Cuddle. Ah ha ha! Don't stare at me like that. But I want to. Wha?! Wh-what is this? Um...I just kinda felt like it. I see. ... Erm... Would you like to come closer? Today was wonderful. I would love a chance to spend time with you again. @しゅじんこうくん@. There's something I've been meaning to ask you. Um...yes? Did you forget our appointment today? I've been waiting for you for quite some time. I'm sorry. As punishment, I demand you invite me again sometime.{LF}Okay? Wha...? Sooner is preferable to later. Hrm. I cannot say I approve of that attitude. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. I have something I'd like to speak to you about. My apologies. I'm a little busy today. Perhaps later. @アーサー@. @しゅじんこうくん@. My apologies. I'm a little busy today. Perhaps later. Oh, okay. @0@ hundred hours tomorrow at{LF}@マップ0@, right? I shall meet you there. @0@ hundred hours today at @マップ0@,{LF}right? I hope you're looking forward to it as much as I am. @しゅじんこうくん@. @アーサー@. ... What's wrong? Nothing. I was just struck by how much brighter your smile{LF}seems today. I couldn't help but stare a moment. Wha? Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. Sorry I'm late. It's all right. @アーサー@. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. My apologies. I hope I didn't make you wait long. Yes, you did. No, you didn't. I see. Again, my apologies. I'm sure today will be fun enough to make up for that,{LF}though. Right? Of course. Oh good. Well then, shall we be off? We're going to{LF}@マップ0@, right? Right. Erm, I'd like to speak with you alone in regards to my answer{LF}from yesterday. @しゅじんこうくん@. Dates are meant for two, not more. Please. No, I'm okay. Are you certain? This is very useful information, you know. Maybe I should listen. No, I've got it. Excellent! Well then... I see. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. This is the first time we've talked here, isn't it? Yeah, you're right. Well then, welcome to my office. You work here? Yes. Porcoline was kind enough to lend me a room he was not{LF}using at the time. And I've just finished moving my paperwork here from the{LF}palace. Wow. I work mainly with other stores and businesses. I'm afraid you won't be able to help with most of it. Oh, but there is one thing. @しゅじんこうくん@, are you familiar with the +Harvest Report+? +Harvest Report+? Weather and other conditions determine whether your{LF}harvest is bountiful or poor. A +Harvest Report+ can predict what may be coming. In this geographical area, the predictions are good for about{LF}one week. I try to have the next week's report fully prepared by Friday. Hmm. I'm sure that can be some very useful information when{LF}farming. Would you like a more detailed explanation? Let us say, for example, you grow Turnips. And perhaps the Turnip harvest falls on a ''bountiful'' day. In that case, you'll be able to harvest a lot more Turnips than{LF}usual. On the other hand, if you harvest that crop on a ''poor'' day... You will receive less Turnips. Aha. I see. Turnips generally take three days from planting to harvest. You'll still have time to harvest the crop if you plant it after{LF}hearing the Harvest Report. And if the Harvest Report is bad, I can just wait and harvest{LF}that crop later. Yes, that's basically true. Basically? Let's say you choose to defer harvesting a crop due to a{LF}poor report. That particular plot of field will be tied up in that crop,{LF}unusable until you harvest it. With Turnips, it's better to just go ahead and harvest it. Then you can just plant it again and harvest it the week{LF}after. Oh, I get it. There are ways to manage this with slow-growing crops. There are various fertilizers which can speed up their growth,{LF}for example. Experiment with things and you might find something good. That sounds kinda hard. Aha! I get it! It may seem difficult, yes. But then again, this is nothing more than a simple prediction. Try farming and experimenting with things yourself. I'm sure you'll quickly find the way that best suits you. I don't know. Are you sure? Yes, I am positive. Excellent! You understood that quite quickly. I expected no{LF}less of you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Well then, that is the extent of my lecture on Harvest{LF}Reports. To learn of future reports, you may come speak to me. Or... Feel free to examine the books on the shelf over there. I'll{LF}keep the reports there for you. Thanks! You're quite welcome. Here is this week's report. < This Week's Harvest Report >{LF}Bumper: @アイテム0@{LF}Poor: @アイテム1@ < Next Week's Harvest Report >{LF}Bumper: @アイテム2@{LF}Poor: @アイテム3@ It appears you have no +Rune Medals+ in your possession. You currently have @0@ +Rune Medals+. Would you like to exchange a +Rune Medal+ for @1@G? Yes. Not now. You received @0@G! I suggest you be sure to write in your diary before ending the{LF}game. If you do not, the Rune Medals you've obtained may vanish. Please be careful. I'm afraid you do not have enough Rune Medals. You have already traded Rune Medals today. I came to chat. Show me your Trade Items. Show me the Harvest Report I wanna trade Rune Medals. Nah, nothing right now. Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. A nice @アイテム0@. ... What's wrong? You've gotten awfully quiet. I must say, ladies are...very attractive when they've just{LF}returned from the bath. I'm sorry, but I couldn't help staring. I've been waiting for you. Here you go. A nice{LF}@アイテム0@. Oh, are you calling it a night? Well then, so shall I. Good night. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Well, hit or miss, it's all about the unknown. And no fortune{LF}is set in stone. I see. That's pretty interesting. But it's just fortune-telling, so I don't put much stock in it. Well, well, what a nice surprise! Maybe there's something to this fortune-telling stuff after all! How wonderful it is if this is our destiny... *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. I really love you! Just kidding. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm... I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Oops! I don't have a Double Bed yet. Now isn't the time for that. I wonder what that is? If I want to propose to someone, I should probably figure this{LF}out first. I think @ビシュナル@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @クローリカ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @フォルテ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @キール@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @マーガレット@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ディラス@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @アーサー@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @シャオパイ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @コハク@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ダグ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ドルチェ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @レオン@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With A Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please, take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. A boy. A girl. Either. ... ...? Ngh... Huh...? Ow...! Wh-what's wrong?! Oh no! We need to go see @ジョーンズ@ right away! ...! @しゅじんこうくん@...? Ow...I-I hurt all of a sudden... @しゅじんこうくん@...?! ...Nnngh...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! I hope the baby will be born quickly... ...Ngh! Wha...? M-my belly hurts... ...Have...to go...clinic... Oh no...! ...Wha? ...? Owww... @しゅじんこうくん@, don't tell me... ...It...it hurts...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! Yes. I'm sorry. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Hey. What's the whole point of this bean-throwing thing,{LF}anyway? Ooh! I'd like to know that too! Hmm...I think it was originally a festival from a kingdom far to{LF}the east. Yes. In that country's customs, throwing the beans drove off{LF}demons and illnesses. It also counted as a wish for health and long life, if I{LF}remember correctly. Hmm, so that's what it's all about? I see. So throwing these beans at Doug should drive him{LF}away. Interesting. I bet I could send you scampering if I threw them at you! Wow, that's neat! But... But what, Kiel? Why do we throw +Failed Dishes+ in our festival? ... ... ... I'm sure that must be our wish to drive off +failure+. Really?! Oh, that makes sense! You sure know a lot, Leon! ...Really? He totally made that one up. I've heard the ladies are considering going on diets. They are? Ugh, again? They're always on about that at this time of{LF}year. They freak out about that stuff too much if you ask me. Besides, they're way cuter if they have a little bit of chub to{LF}them. To each his own, I would think. However, it is a delicate topic with the ladies. I would broach{LF}it very carefully. Good point. Huh? For example, don't tell Margaret ''you've gained weight,''{LF}even just in passing. And never follow it up with ''you could never stick to a diet,''{LF}either. It sounds like you have some very...specific experience,{LF}Dylas. ... To tease knowingly is one thing, but to say it unknowingly{LF}with a straight face is simply foolish. Whatever happens, Kiel, do not grow into a man like him.{LF}Understand? What are you pointing at me for?! Right. I won't. Don't listen to him! I'm awesome! I wonder where they found that enormous Wooly. It is rather cute and fluffy, if I do say so myself. Perhaps it's a mutant strain. It is adorably huge. Eesh. Big is one thing, but that Wooly is way too big for its{LF}own good. The bigger they are, the fluffier and cuter they look, right? I agree wholeheartedly. It's gigantic! Are you sure that's even a Wooly? It is, without a doubt, a Wooly. Hmm. All right, then. Who the heck found that thing, and how did they get it{LF}here? That is an excellent question. Hmmm... Isn't it simply the cutest? It takes a lot of training to hit the target right where you aim,{LF}doesn't it? Yeah. It's pretty hard. Whatever, just keep throwing and something'll hit eventually. I think it's far more effective to calculate your trajectory{LF}before throwing. Hah! Who's gonna do that? What formula do you use for your calculations? Wha?! You're really gonna try that crap?! I find it easier to hit if I see Doug as the target. Aah, now that makes sense... ...WAIT, no it doesn't!! Brr! It's freezing out here! Aren't you guys cold at all? Of course we are! I'm not cold at all. Seriously? No fair! What, are you a snowman's kid or{LF}something? You just lack fortitude. Grr!! Well YOU'RE the one who lacks brains! What was that, you pebble-brained dwarf?! I said you're a brainless, swayback na--ACHOO!! EUGH! Well, there's no helping the cold. How about some exercise{LF}to warm up? Yeah, that's a great idea, Arthur. C'mon! Oh, I meant for you. I'm not particularly cold myself. Hey! L-Leon! You're cold too, right? I mean, it's freezing out here! You must be joking. This hardly qualifies as ''cold''--ACHOO! ...Uh-huh. Erm, perhaps I will take a little exercise after all. Kiel, I bet you and Arthur are really good at quizzes. Heh. Is it that obvious? Does my propensity for trivia shine{LF}out through my retinas? There is an element of luck to it, though. Well I won't get a single one of 'em, so I'll just go with{LF}whatever answer you two pick. Smart idea. I know, right? You can't do that. This is a test you should overcome with{LF}your own strength. I will abide by the answers that @しゅじんこうくん@ chooses. So you had best get them correct. Wha?! Ugh, fishing is so boooring! I get bored just thinking about it. That's what makes it so relaxing. ...Huh? I don't get it. I'd like to come up with an efficient way to use the time as{LF}we wait for the fish to bite. I ain't working, if that's what you're saying. But isn't it so much fun when you do catch a fish? Even if{LF}hooking one can be rather hard. Yeah, catching one is fun! But I'm not really good at making{LF}sashimi and stuff... How about I teach you, then? Oh, will you? Thanks Leon! In return, you can cook whatever fish I catch. Deal? Yeah, that sounds great! ♪ Vishnal, would you care to join us? Please! I would be honored! And the rest of you? Nah, I'll pass. I have work I must be doing, I'm afraid. Ah. Well then, the rest of us will be off. ... Hunting down a good spot is such a pain. Hey Dylas! Tell me{LF}where to find a good fishing hole! Sure. First, leave town by the south gate. Second, never{LF}come back. Ouch! That's mean, man. Mean! My. That is a lovely fishing rod you have there, Dylas. Thanks. Bado did some touch-ups on it for me. He's got good{LF}skill with weapons and forging. But nothing else. ... Kiel? You look pretty serious over there. Whew! I finally managed to bait the hook. Congratulations! I could have helped you if you'd said something. As could I. If you need help, just say so. I'd be happy to assist. Thanks guys! But I think I can manage by myself. Hey, guys, baiting this hook is a pain in the ass. Help me out. Is it, now? Good luck. Think of it as training! Yeah! Hey! How come I get ignored?! It looks like everyone will be having squid for dinner tonight. Yeah. Margaret is going to complain all night long. Ha ha! That she will. All right, time to go catch us some supper! Yes. I think I may join you. As will I. I'll come along, too! ♪ Why don't we all go? Dylas, don't just stand there. Come with us! What, I have to go too? Ah, well... Ooh, look everyone! I see lots of fish over there! Really? Let's head that way, then. Hey! Don't leave me behind! ... ...Hmph. Come on. Enough dilly-dallying. GAH! Now, I understand having a contest to see who's got the{LF}best vegetables... But why do we gotta go through this whole showcasing{LF}deal? I would think it's to show everyone all the best points of your{LF}entry. Yeah. After all the hard work you do raising it, you wanna{LF}show it all off, you know? That is the most enjoyable part to me. It's like an appraisal{LF}to ascertain its true value. Like a what? An appraisal, huh? That's very like you, Arthur. I kinda like all that presenting stuff, actually. It's fun! I don't care for it, personally. Well, you are terrible at public speaking, after all. Urk... Sh-shut up! Eesh, today's a hot one! Do we gotta have a festival today? I think it's lovely weather. If we get too sweaty, we can just go relax in the bath to{LF}wash off. True. A good soak after a long day's work is very relaxing. Yes. And the monster statues are adorable to look at. They are...? Baths, eh? Yeah, they're great after a long day. I wonder{LF}what fragrance they're using today. My, my! What's wrong? Margaret is being...irritating. Did you do something to upset her again? This is partly your fault, you know. Hey! I was just taking a nap, okay? It was Xiao Pai who{LF}smacked me awake! You were asleep on the job again, I take it? GAH!! How'd you guess? It isn't that difficult... Now that you mention it, Forte was slightly miffed as well. What did you do? I have no idea. I was simply teaching Kiel something useful. ...Yeah, but about what? Eesh. Women scare me sometimes. Yeah... Really? I'm afraid I disagree. You reap what you sow. Yeah, and it's YOUR fault! If we've gotta go through all these festivals, how about we{LF}have one for napping? What would anyone do in such a festival? Kick back, relax and nap, that's what! That does sound relaxing...though pointless. Clorica would win every year. But as long as we're inventing festivals, I'd like a bath{LF}festival! What would you do in that? See who could relax in the bath the longest! These hardly seem like proper festivals at all. I'd happily take part in a Beat Doug Senseless Festival. That's run at the same time as the Beat Dylas Senseless{LF}Festival! How about a @しゅじんこうくん@ Festival? Wha?! What would that be about? Hmm, good question. What would you like for it to be{LF}about? ♪ Umm... Hey, guys! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Have a great year! Happy New Year! A Happy New Year to you all. Happy New Year. Yeah. Happy New Year. That's okay. I don't need one from you. Shaddap! I wasn't talking to you! There they go again, right from the first day of the year. And so a little piece of the old year carries over into the{LF}new. Nothing wrong with that. Aha! There you are, @しゅじんこうくん@! We're all going to attempt +splitting watermelons+ together. Come join us, @しゅじんこうくん@! What's so fun about destroying melons? Oh-ho! So you admit you can't beat me at it, eh? ...! Where's that melon?! I'll split it six ways from winter! Whoa, hold your horses! I'm up first! This sounds amusing. Let me join you. By the way, where is the watermelon? Vishnal was supposed to bring a few for us. Here they are! Hey, hold it! Those are +turnips+! ACK!! I...I brought the wrong ones. Oh well. Let's make this all Doug's fault. And something he planned, too. That seems reasonable. I'll buy that. WHA?! HEY! Why me?! Here, everyone. Please help yourselves to a warm drink. Ooh, thanks, Vishnal! ♪ That's thoughtful of you. Careful, Doug. It's hot. Thanks. ...Wait, did I really just--?! Here you go, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. Arthur, here. Have some. Hmm? What're you doing? I am re-confirming my schedule for next year. You're working? Seriously? C'mon! Goodness, that looks like a very full schedule. It's a holiday. You should take a break. But y'know, I think if he tried to take a break, he might just{LF}collapse. You might just be right, Kiel! Well, Arthur is quite the workaholic. Man, it's New Year's Eve! Can't you lay off the work for one{LF}day? Vishnal's too nice to nag you about it, but he made some{LF}good stuff. You oughta try it. Who are you calling a nag?! Huh? N-no, no! It's all right, Arthur. I wouldn't want to bother you. ...*THUNK*... Oh! Hmm? Huh? You have a point, Doug. I think I'll take today off. You will? Oh my gosh! Arthur's taking a break! Are you sure you're not sick? No, I'm not. May I have a cup too, Vishnal? Of course! I wonder why fireflies glow. The book I read said it's to protect themselves from{LF}predators. It's also to attract a mate. So they do it because they wanna stand out, then? Just like some empty-headed shrimps I could name. Strange, I don't know any of those, 'Mr. Horsie'. What did you just say?! Bring it, gelding! I'm ready! A gentle glow to call a mate, eh? That has a touch of{LF}romance to it. Perhaps I should glow a little. Ooh! You can glow, Leon? Of course. Would you like me to show you how? Yeah! Uh, guys? Leon is messing with Kiel again. I wonder who's going to give how much to whom. You sound like you're having fun, Vishnal. Huh? N-no, not really! Hey, why don't we try to guess which of us is gonna get the{LF}most? Amongst us? Hmm... In that case... I would expect it to be Arthur. He has quite a few contacts. But none very well-versed in this town's unique events. Personally, I think it may be Leon. Me too! Maybe it will be Kiel. Huh? Me? All we can say for sure is that Doug will get none. Right back at you. What do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? Vishnal. Kiel. Arthur. Doug. Dylas. Leon. What? Me?! Um...eheh heh...I shall try my best to live up to expectations! See! @しゅじんこうくん@ agrees with me! I'm not so sure. I don't see why it would be me. But thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. Vishnal. I'm flattered. Me? I'm unsure I will be able to live up to such lofty expectations. But I'm flattered you think so highly of me. Thank you. Me? Ha ha! Knew it! @しゅじんこうくん@, you can't be serious. Oh, don't get jealous now. Who's jealous?! This just goes to show you that @しゅじんこうくん@ knows{LF}what's what. Me? Well, I'm happy you think so, at least. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Him? No way! You're joking! Maybe, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to pound you,{LF}Doug. Hmm? Me? Well, if you really think so... But in the end, it's not the quantity, it's the quality. So who did you guys give some to? I sent some to Mr. Volkanon and Clorica. I gave some to my sister. I presented one to Porcoline. Though I was the one who made it. And I am very grateful for your efforts. Thank you. Hmm. To be honest, I have not yet decided to whom I should{LF}present. Hmph. Well, that's boring. What about you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Are you going to give out{LF}any? Yeah. No. Oooh, who to? Who's the lucky lady? That is not the easiest question to answer in front of{LF}everyone, Doug. But you can tell me. I'll keep it secret to my dying day. Not fair, Arthur! I want to know too! Yeah! It's not right to keep it a secret, @しゅじんこうくん@. You{LF}should tell all of us. No? Hmm... I doubt that. Really. Are you simply hiding it from us, @しゅじんこうくん@? You sneaky little player! Enough beating around the bush. Out with it. Yeah. I wanna know, too! ♪ Hey, have you all heard the legend behind today's festival? If you wish upon the highest star in the sky, your wish will{LF}come true. That's it...no? Yeah. But there was something else to it, too. I just can't{LF}remember what. Oh, I know! If two people make a wish together, they will be{LF}bound for eternity. Doug, stay far away from me when you make your wish.{LF}About a million miles or so. Oh yeah? Well you stand a billion miles away from me! You{LF}got it?! So if two men were to make a wish together, they would be{LF}friends forever? Eesh! This festival is way more dangerous than I'd thought! Well, I think it's romantic. Man, I'm no good at cooking at all. I am not particularly good at it either. Any skill will get better with practice. Yeah. If you think about the people you're cooking for, you'll get it{LF}right in no time! ♪ So...do you think that someday even I'll be able to cook like{LF}Porcoline? Sure! I know you will! So you wanna get all fat, then?! You shut up! I'd love to try Kiel's cooking one day. As would I. Well, stop on by sometime. I don't mind. Do you have any{LF}specific requests? Anything with rice! No. Something with carrots. Well, since you asked, I would like--- I would not be averse to--- Oh, and besides that, could you make some--- Um, okay. So I guess I'll start with a rice base, add some of{LF}this and that, then maybe... Y'know, since everyone is coming, I should just ask my sister{LF}to help out! Maybe you shouldn't. Ugh. Crafting stuff is such a pain! Anything resembling work is a pain to you. Hey!! ...You've got a point, I guess. Interesting. We often hear about how dwarves are{LF}particularly skilled at forging. Really? I'm just no good at all that little fiddly stuff. I'm not really good at forging stuff either. If forging is not to your taste, have you tried hand-crafting? I{LF}mean accessories and the like. Accessories? I might be able to make some of those. Ugh, even worse! All those teeny tiny little bits and pieces! What kind of monsters does everyone like? I like big, fluffy, roly-poly ones! Those are nice. I prefer small ones. Large ones with pleasant{LF}temperaments aren't bad, though. Well, I like the big and strong ones! Oh, and ''ducks,'' too! Because our names sound almost{LF}alike. ...And you're just as stupid. What was that?! What about you, Leon? Me? I'm partial to ''Golems,'' actually. What, so you like the old and moldy stuff? No, he likes that they're big and tough, I bet. Actually, what I like about them is that they are utterly{LF}subservient to my will. ♪ ...Oh. What kind of monsters do you prefer, @しゅじんこうくん@? Cute ones. Cool ones. Strong ones. I agree! The adorable ones are decidedly the best. Ooh, I think so too! The cool ones are the best. Right? Right! There ain't no beating the strong ones! Don't you find moi dazzlingly beautiful in a swimsuit? Look away. Stare and grin creepily. Aww! Oh my! You don't have to stare. *BLUSH* So many delicious fish in the lake... To the lake! Next year, I might try Eastern-style swimwear. Like the{LF}loincloth. Summer will be here soon. Yeah. *SQUEE* Wha?! What is it this time?! Were you imagining moi in a swimsuit? No. Not a chance. Never. Fall will be ending soon. Yeah. *SIGH*... Wow, it's rare to hear a sigh from you. @しゅじんこうくん@... What's wrong? I'll listen if you want to talk. Frankly, I haven't finished feasting on all the fabulous fall{LF}foods... Yeah, I'm not listening to that. Wha?! The year's almost over. Yeah. Looking back, this past year was filled with fantastically fun{LF}times. You and moi, playing tag in the waves of the beach... You and moi, cuddling closely together in the gently falling{LF}snow... You and moi...wait, where did you go!? Tomorrow is Bado's birthday. I hope I get a grandly gorgeous gift. Wait, aren't you supposed to GIVE something?! Tomorrow is Meg's birthday. I'm going to fix fanciful fruity foods for her! Tomorrow is Dylas' birthday. I just got in some fresh crisp +carrots+! Let's see what I can{LF}make! Tomorrow is Arthur's birthday. I'll cook mountains of mouthwatering healthy snacks for him! WAAAAAAH!! What's wrong?! Everyone threw the beautifulest, bestest birthday bash for{LF}moi! I'm so, so, so happy! Great! That's wonderful, @ポコリーヌ@. So you'll marry moi, then? Wait, what?! I am Porcoline De Sainte-Coquille. Hi. I'm @しゅじんこうくん@. A pleasure to meet you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Now then, allow moi to introduce myself again, in a sexier{LF}voice. I am Porcoline De Sainte-Coquille. ...Um, nice to meet you? (Wow, he's kinda weird.) Yeeees? I'm perfectly happy right now! Huff...huff...huff... World spinny-spinny, round and round and round... I will never forget you... OOPS! I have to hurry homeward, else Meg will hound moi{LF}horribly! Bye-bye! @ポコリーヌ@, do you want to go somewhere together? I would love nothing more...but I'm very busy right now. So{LF}sorry. With you, @しゅじんこうくん@, I will go anywhere! WHOOPS! But you already have someone with you. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you want to go on an amazing{LF}adventure with moi? @しゅじんこうくん@ do you want to go on an amazing adv-- ...WHOOPS! It looks like you already have someone with you.{LF}Darn, drat, and rats! You...you've realized your feelings for moi?! YEE-HAW! N-no?! Woe is moi! *SIGH*...{LF}...*HEAVY SIIIIIGH*... PORCOOOOOOO!!! Really?! Then we are off to our wondrous wedding{LF}ceremony! ...Just kidding. Uh-oh! I think I might possibly have maybe given you a{LF}slightly wrong idea. OOH! Have your feelings finally come through?! I...I...I'M SO HAPPY!!! ...by which I mean I'm sorry. Wha?! Oh, I don't need that. OOH! This @アイテム0@ is for moi? Yay! ...But I +hate+ those. Gimme +raw veggies+ next time. Ooh, @アイテム9@? Thank you. Ooh, @アイテム9@? I'll take it. @アイテム9@? Danke, danke! Ooh, you want to give moi this @アイテム9@? But you know, I like +dishes+ better. By the way, I'm hungry. Really hungry. I wanna eat some kind{LF}of +dish+. WOOHOO! I +like+ these! YEE-HAW! I +likey like+ these! NYA HA HA HA HAAAH! This is a present I +like+! YEE-HAAAW! Now this I +like+! WOO-HOO-HOOOO!! I +love+ these! WAH HA HA HA HAAAHN!! This is my +favorite+! YODELEI-HEE-HOOOO!! Now this! This I +love+! *GLUG* *GLUG* What? You're drinking it already? AAAHHHH! ...Marry moi. No thank you. Today is my birthday. I don't want to eat this. Today is a beautiful day for a birthday. Mine! Oooh, I'll take it! WAH-HOO!! This I +like+! And it's my birthday present, even! I feel sooo loved! Thank you! My...my +favoritest+ of all +favorite+ things, and on my birthday,{LF}too?! Are you +proposing+ to moi?! Uh, no. But Happy Birthday anyway. A handmade birthday present? OOOH!! I'm so happy I'm even happier!! This...this is handmade, even?! Oh, how wonderful! I have no regrets left in this life. ...Except for a few. And it's even handmade?! You ARE +proposing+ to moi! No!! ...No, I'm not. H-h-handmade?! This will be my most fabulous of family treasures. H-h-handmade?! I love you. I'm terribly sorry. And it's even handmade?! Let's get married. Sorry, but no. Here. A thank-you present in thanks for all the thankful{LF}things you do. HAAAAAH... @ポコリーヌ@? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! @ポコリーヌ@?! HAAAAAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! ... I thought I'd try wishing you a Happy Birthday, with passion! Um, thanks. PUUUUUHHH.... ''Present,'' right? Thank you. No fair! You cut moi off! Uh-oh! You don't look so good. Huh? Here. This is a Porcoline Extract Pill. It will make you feel{LF}better in a twinkle! A what?! ...You're kidding. ... You ARE kidding, right?! Unfortunately, I don't have my cure-all Porcoline Extract Pill{LF}handy. You should have Dr. Jones take a look-see at you. Your Cooking Skill is rising quite steadily. Keep it up! WOOHOO! Your Cooking Skill is on par with the pros! How'd you like to work for moi? WOWIE! Your Cooking Skill has reached a super superior{LF}level! Would you cook for moi sometime? WOO-HOO-HOOO! Your Cooking Skill has reached the{LF}unbelievable RAINBOW LEVEL! Have you managed to surpass moi? Your Eating Skill is growing nicely. Keep it up, and keep eating! Oh ho! Now that is a pleasantly plump Eating Skill. But I won't let you out-eat moi that easily! @しゅじんこうくん@! Your Eating Skill is incredible! I'm so jealous! WOO-WOO! @しゅじんこうくん@, your Eating Skill is Hyper High! Incredible! Inconceivable! Unbelievable! A special present for my dear beloved @しゅじんこうくん@! Cooking is love. Let moi teach you my Ultimate Secret{LF}Hidden Family Technique. Lean closer now... *WHISPER* *WHISPER* Yay! Your Cooking Skill went up! Yay! Your Eating Skill went up! By the way, @しゅじんこうくん@, did you know this rather ripe{LF}recipe? Oh-ho! So you already have that one. Welcome! Today's meals are cheap, fast, delicious, filling, light, and{LF}bright-shiningly wonderful! What can we make for you today? Now seating party of 1,000! Welcome to your destiny! We have some fresh refrigerators today! Come again and again! WHOOPS! You don't have a license, so this is all I can show{LF}you! Use an Order to get a license. AHA! You have a license for simple recipes, so here are the{LF}lovely tools I can show you! You have all licenses, so I'll show you all the tools I have! OOOH!! So you want to learn how to cook? Well then, allow moi to present you with one +Cooking Tool+,{LF}for free! Really?! For me? I'd like to have more chefs making delicious dishes and{LF}beautiful beaming smiles. @ポコリーヌ@... I expect droves of delectable dishes from you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. ... WHOOPS! I trailed off on a tangent there... You can only use this Cooking Tool to make +Simple Dishes+. +Simple Dishes+ only? Correct. To make other kinds of dishes, you will need a +license+ and{LF}the appropriate +Cooking Tool+. I need a license? Correct! You can Order a license when you have collected enough{LF}Prince Points. Once you get your license, come to moi and I will sell you{LF}the Cooking Tools you need. A +Knife+, for example, to make sashimi, or a +Mixer+ to make{LF}juices and drinks. There are many, many, many kinds of Cooking Tools. Okay, I get it. First, I have to get my license, right? Exactamundo! Then, and only then, can you take advantage of this{LF}wonderfully free +Cooking Tool+! And, because you're wonderful, I'll give you an +Onigiri Recipe+{LF}as a freebie! To learn more Recipes, eat some Cooking Bread, and it'll just{LF}come to you! I sell Cooking Bread and more here, so stop by when you{LF}feel the need! Of course, you CAN try cooking without a Recipe. But it's ferociously difficult! I would scurry in the other{LF}direction. Needed for making simple dishes.{LF}@金0@G Lumber: @木0@ Stone: @石0@ Needed for sashimi and such.{LF}@金1@G Lumber: @木1@ Stone: @石1@ Recommended! For frying foods.{LF}@金2@G Lumber: @木2@ Stone: @石2@ Mix juices or condiments.{LF}@金3@G Lumber: @木3@ Stone: @石3@ Bake bread or cakes.{LF}@金4@G Lumber: @木4@ Stone: @石4@ Make tasty, delicious snacks.{LF}@金5@G Lumber: @木5@ Stone: @石5@ Recommended! Simmer tasty dishes.{LF}@金6@G Lumber: @木6@ Stone: @石6@   @金0@G{LF}Lumber: @木0@{LF}Mat. Stone: @石0@ @金1@G{LF}Lumber: @木1@{LF}Mat. Stone: @石1@   With this +Cooking Tool+, you can make some simple dishes. You'll need @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and @石0@{LF}Stone. WHOOPSIE! You don't have anywhere to put it. Go smash{LF}something up and come back. With a +Frying Pan+ you can saute and sizzle up some{LF}scrumptious dishes! I recommend you grab it as quick as you can! You'll need @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and @石0@{LF}Stone. A +Knife+ is needed to make sashimi. I recommend it if you like{LF}to fish a lot. You'll need @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and @石0@{LF}Stone. Use a +Mixer+ to make juices, drinks or condiments. You'll need @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and @石0@{LF}Stone. With an +Oven+ you can bake bread, cakes or other tasty{LF}sweets. You'll need @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and @石0@{LF}Stone. With a +Pot+, you can make all sorts of simply sublime dishes! I recommend this as a first step after you've gotten your Pro{LF}License. You'll need @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and @石0@{LF}Stone. A +Steamer+ will let you make yummy snacks and sweets. You'll need @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and @石0@{LF}Stone. You'd like some Medicine Bread? That will be @0@{LF}Gold. You'd like some Cooking Bread? That will be @0@{LF}Gold. You'd like some Weapon Bread? That will be @0@{LF}Gold. You'd like some Accessory Bread? That will be @0@{LF}Gold. You'd like some Farming Bread? That will be @0@{LF}Gold. WOO HOO! That one's +super well made+! There might be lots{LF}of recipes in there! Aaaand, here you go! Fresh out of the oven. Enjoy! I can bake more loaves. About @0@ more. Whaddya{LF}think? Enjoy! Good luck cooking! Uh-oh! It looks like you don't have enough Gold. Uh-oh! It looks like you don't have enough Lumber. Use your Axe to chop up some stumps and branches to{LF}make +Lumber+. You need to take it all and toss it into your +Lumber/Stone{LF}Box+! Uh-oh! It looks like you don't have enough Stone Material. Find some rocks or boulders and smash them with your{LF}Hammer to make +Stone Material+. You need to take it all and toss it into your +Lumber/Stone{LF}Box+! Scarf these to learn recipes! I can bake @0@ more{LF}today. So sorry! I've already baked all the loaves I can today. Come{LF}back tomorrow! You can store veggies and dishes in here. They fit the same{LF}amount but I have two different models. To get a refrigerator, you need +Lumber+. Or +Material Stone+.{LF}One of those. Oooh, I just can't remember! Is there anything else? I see, I see! You have some @アイテム0@{LF}today... How about @1@ Gold{LF}for @0@ @アイテム0@? How about @1@ Gold, then? Hmmmm... Nope! Not today. For you, @しゅじんこうくん@, I will buy it! Pass! Hmm? Hmm...hmm! Hmmmmm...hm. Hm. Hmm. Hmm?{LF}Hmmmm? Hmmmm..... Do you have anything else? What a wonderifically beauteous shop! ♪ I'll stop by again{LF}and again. Good luck now! @しゅじんこうくん@, you're a really nice person, you know that? Huh? While I'd love to marry you, I shall instead dub thee The{LF}Unmarriable II! Oh...uh, thanks. I think. Wait, then who's the first? You're getting along with Meg fantastically great. I'm happy you're both so happy. Hee hee! You and your partner get along so wonderifically{LF}lovey-dovey well. Woo woo! @しゅじんこうくん@, I've been so LONELY without you... Aww...@しゅじんこうくん@... Please don't hate me... What a glorious victory! Now you will marry me, just as{LF}promised! I-I did NOT promise you that! Yaaaay! I won! For you, I gave my everything and all! @しゅじんこうくん@. May I see your hand? Hmm? Sure. @しゅじんこうくん@. Yes? Happy New Marry Me Please? Yes. Not so fast. Oh, but I couldn't. Huh?! Happy New GAAAAAH!! Tomorrow is the long, long, looong awaited{LF}@カレンダー0@. It's a festival where I eat my fill of yummy, delicious beans. That can't be right. I'm a little plump around the middle, so I don't move that{LF}fast. Though with my lung strength, I could suck all those yummy{LF}beans out of the air. Ooh! There's a bean! Ooh! Ooh! There's another bean. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Tomorrow is the{LF}@カレンダー0@. Tomorrow is the--- I get it, I get it. Usually, Meg puts me on a veeeery strict diet, but today...{LF}today she has set me free. To win, I have no choice but to eat. No choice at all. None. I must. I have no-- I get it already. I'm hungry. The festival just ended. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. By the way, Woolies are yummy. ...I don't mean anything by{LF}that, I promise. Woolies are so wooly and delicious-looking. Oh, I didn't mean anything by that. Honest. WHEW! I worked up a good sweat. Exercise can be good{LF}every once in a great while. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Can I eat the turnips? All you need to do is throw the ball and hit the turnips,{LF}right? Given the choice, I'm sliiightly better at eating them. Just{LF}slightly. Ever so slightly. WHEW! I think I lost some weight today. I'd better eat something to put it back on! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I'll throw you my kisses, @しゅじんこうくん@! You can keep them. ♪ When I win this, I shall be fabulously famous! Let me give you an autograph now, before I'm mobbed by{LF}hordes of beautiful admirers. No thanks. I'm sore! Is it possible that maybe, just maybe, I'm a teeny-{LF}weeny bit out of shape? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Let's all give it 100001%!!! We'll be starting soon! Be sure to register with the{LF}receptionist before you start! Ha ha ha! That was fun! I can't wait until next time. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I wonder if there will be any yummy nummy food stalls. Hmm... How about a tasty pet treat cooking festival? The festival is done, and my tummy is empty. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Fishing isn't terribly{LF}hard, you know. The problem is, I'm too fast to fillet the fish and feast on it! Fishing is easy. All you do is suck up all the fish along with the lake water. Can I have the fish you catch? I'll prepare the fish and eat them. Mmm! Today I coo--uh, caught! I caught a lot of fish! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. If you catch a huge fish, please let me eat it. Catch and fillet! Catch and fillet! Together, my fishing and cooking skills shine like a sun...{LF}squid! I ate myself silly today! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I wonder if poor{LF}Meg will be all right. I'm an eensy-weensy bit worried. To do a tiny favor, and receive in return this marvelous, tasty{LF}squid, is-- --squid pro quo. Now, to enjoy the fruits of my labor! Nom nom nom! So many succulent, savory, silky, soft, scrumptious squi--{LF}what? The festival is over already? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Which means we'll have a vibrant variety of fish to vanquish{LF}our hunger tomorrow! First, catch the fish and fling it high out of the water. Then slice it midair and catch it into your tummy on the way{LF}down! What? The festival's over? But I haven't eaten my fill yet! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I'm waiting blue-faced with bated breath to eat all those{LF}yummy veggies. YEEEEEE-HAW! ?! Look at all those gorgeous vegetables! I don't think I can temper my turbulent appetite! Why don't we have this fabulous festival every day? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Droooool... So many scrumptious veggies! Calm...I am caaaalm. My appetite will not rage free. Not yet.{LF}Ommmmm...nom nom. Can we have this fantastic festival again soon? Like,{LF}tomorrow? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. The excitement{LF}alone makes me hungry. No! I mustn't yet release this ravenous appetite! Not yet! Ooooh, where can I find all the lovely veggies? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I'm so nervous I'm not even hungry! *MUNCH* *MUNCH* Lots and lots of lovely veggies! Yep. I can't eat them, can I? Nope. ...Next time, I think I'll apply to be a judge for this festival. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. The time has come for me to flaunt my fabulous figure in all{LF}its glamorous glory. One must warm up before swimming by exercising lunch. The end of the year is here. Looking back, there were so{LF}many wonderful, memorable things... Like when you and I did you-know-what... Oh,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@! Hee hee! No, I DON'T know!!! The end of the year is here. You've taken such good care of{LF}me. Thank you. For marrying moi. Did not!!! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. It is a festival where folks flock to watch the flitting flight of{LF}fireflies. If there is someone you like, you can +ask them on a date+ and{LF}watch the fireflies together. It's our job to find the fanciest fireflies and gather them for{LF}all to see. I will bring lots and lots for a gorgeous evening! Then you can have a romantic night, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}*BLUSH* I'm glad I was able to catch so many fireflies for tonight. I hope everyone's having a wonderfully romantic night. I sure am! Needs more fireflies. Oh good! By the way...do you think fireflies would be tasty? Don't even start. It's because I'm outglowing them. Well then, next year I'll have to gather 360 times more{LF}fireflies than I did this year. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. It is a holiday where ladies give cookies to the gentlemen{LF}they favor. Ladies might even +ask their lover on a date+ and present it{LF}then. And the boys will simply LOVE it! Now, I expect it fresh from the oven, @しゅじんこうくん@. Wha? @しゅじんこうくん@! I-is this a...a c-c-c-coo...cooooo-- You're special to me. I had leftovers. WOO-HOO-HOOOO! This is the happiest day of my life!!! Nnnooooo!!! Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. It is a festival where gentlemen give scrumptious +cookies+ to{LF}the ladies they like. Gentlemen might even +ask their lover on a date+ and present{LF}it then. And the girls will simply LOVE it! Be ready, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh?! Oh! Is...is this a reverse proposal?! No. Heck no. Pffft. Wrong. Not even. Nnnooooo!!! *GASP* Are...are you proposing to me?! No. Heck no. Pffft. Wrong. Not even. Nnnooooo!!! @しゅじんこうくん@! I've been looking all over for you! Y-yes? Yesterday, I poured my heart and soul into baking just the{LF}right @アイテム0@ for you. It's not just any @アイテム0@, it's a SPECIAL{LF}@アイテム0@. I dub it...''Hurricane Love!'' It's not just any @アイテム0@, it's a SPECIAL{LF}@アイテム0@. I dub it...''Sky Stream of Love!'' It's not just any @アイテム0@, it's a SPECIAL{LF}@アイテム0@. I dub it...''Love is a Rainbow!'' It's not just any @アイテム0@, it's a SPECIAL{LF}@アイテム0@. I dub it...''Shining Love!'' It's not just any @アイテム0@, it's a SPECIAL{LF}@アイテム0@. I dub it...''My Brave Love!'' It is not just any @アイテム0@, it is a SPECIAL{LF}@アイテム0@. I dub it...''Burning Love!'' Today I am prepared to receive not one{LF}@アイテム0@, but dozens! Now come, throw yourself into my arms with luscious words{LF}of love! Thanks but no thanks. Tackle him. Nnnooooo!!! OOOOOF!! I made a ton so there's one for everyone in town! Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Legend has it that on this night, if you make a wish on the{LF}highest star, it will be granted. If there's someone you'd like to make a wish with, maybe{LF}you could +ask them on a date today+. Hmm...what should I wish for? OOH! I know! I wish to eat my fill of this and that and that{LF}and this and that... What a perfectly pretty sky. Now would be the time to make{LF}a wish. May @しゅじんこうくん@ and I be bound together for eternity... This wish will surely come true! Tomorrow's festival is Meg's +specialty+. But Bado is not a rival to be underestimated! It should be a close contest that comes down to the wire. ...This has been Porcoline, reporting live from the scene. Back{LF}to you, @しゅじんこうくん@! I think the most tasty-licious item should win. If not that, then the most scrumptastic one should win. Every item was a marvelous masterpiece of craftsmanship! If I had any complaint, it'd be that nothing was edible. Meg always tells me one thing every year. She says, ''You might win if you'd stop eating your entry!'' But how would I know whether it's an award-winning dish{LF}without tasting it first? This may be a problem humanity will have to grapple with{LF}for eternity... *GURGLE* *GURGLE* *GURGLE* *GURG* *GURG* Please bring all the leftovers to moiiii! I came to chat. I want Recipe Bread. I want a dish. I want a Cooking Tool. I want a Refrigerator. Nothing for now. Cooking Bread @数字0@ Gold Weapon Bread @数字1@ Gold Accessory Bread @数字2@ Gold Farming Bread @数字3@ Gold Medicine Bread @数字4@ Gold Nothing for now. Cooking Table Knife Frying Pan Mixer Oven Steamer Pot Nothing for now. Yes. No. Yes. No. Compact Refrigerator Elegant Refrigerator Buy neither. I hope you didn't wait too long, my dear. Um, weren't you the one waiting for me? Here, this is a lovely little drink to have after a bath. *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm... I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Now isn't the time for that. More! More! MORE PANCAKES! I’ve been flipping so many in the frying pan I think my arm is{LF}gonna fall off... But just look at the splendid tower of yummy pancakes you{LF}have to show for it! If I add any more, it’ll fall over. Hrm... But it’s still not enough.{LF}Where is the deluxe?{LF}The sensuality?! Still not good enough even after making this many? Your pancakes have power but not beauty. We need...a{LF}topping! Ah ha! I know just the thing! Let us crown this glorious stack{LF}with ice cream! Ice cream? That's a great idea! More...! Yes! Pile more on top!!! Any more and it’ll be too sweet to eat. There. We now have the gorgeous and the deluxe. All that{LF}remains is the sensual. Just a little more! What? It’s still not good enough? Ice cream and honey make it sweet, nothing more. That isn’t{LF}enough. We require a contrast, a tartness, to make the sweet truly{LF}sing. Something tart? Yes. Hrm... Why don’t we try adding apple jam as another{LF}topping? But not just any jam will do. We must make a special jam{LF}using only the most premium of apples! Premium apples? Around this time of the year, the Dead Trees in Yokmir{LF}Forest produce some very unique apples. Many gourmands consider them the best of the best with{LF}their ideal balance between sweet and tart! But the Dead Trees are also particularly nasty at this time{LF}and loathe to give up their treasures. Do you have the determination to make this surprise the best{LF}it can be, despite the danger? Of course! I knew you would, @しゅじんこうくん@! Amber is so loved...and I am so jealous. Please, at least allow me to drown my sorrows in these cold{LF}pancakes. *Munch* *Munch* *Munch* *Munch*{LF}Mmmmmm! So sweet! Eat that much at once and you’re going to get even more{LF}deluxe. What was that? Nothing! Okay! I’m off to get those apples! Strawberries! Marvelous! Apples! Magnificent! Oranges? Stupendous! Porcoline, I brought the fruit! Splendiferous! I will bake like I have never baked before, all for my Meggy! It is done! My chef d'oeuvre! No better Mixed Fruit Cake than{LF}this has ever existed! Hurry now! Take it to Meggy so that she may revel in its{LF}sublime fruitiness before it gets cold! Thanks so much! Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With A Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Hmm? Why are you staring at my swimsuit? Is something{LF}stuck on it? I-it seems looking that closely can make even me blush. When I put on my swimsuit, I want to stand away from{LF}Mama. What little confidence I had gets pounded into dust, you see. If you put on a swimsuit, you should at least go swimming. Come, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let's go swim together! Soon spring will end, yes? @しゅじんこうくん@, do you not like summer? I love it. Not at all. ...It seems it is the swimsuits. Huh? What, do you not like swimsuits? It seems fall is on the way. Finally, Mama will put away her swimsuit. I will no longer{LF}have to look at it in despair. All that is left to do is to make sure the +sweet potatoes+ do{LF}not burn me, yes? Try eating them slowly. Brr! Winter has settled in and it is cold! My hands are frozen. Oh! Here's an idea. @しゅじんこうくん@, can you kneel down for a second? Sure. Don't wanna. Thanks. Aah. Just as I thought. Your cheeks are warm. ♪ It seems you are even colder than the weather. The grand Year End Accounting is coming soon. It seems I have yet again broken the dish-breaking record. I'll do better next year. It's +birthday+ time! Huh? Clorica's +birthday+ is tomorrow. I think I will give her some @アイテム9@. And this year I will succeed. Huh? It seems Forte's +birthday+ is coming up. What are you going to get her? She tries to hide it, but she loves cakes and sweets. I think I might get her some. It seems Meg's +birthday+ is coming up. I don't know if this will be in time. That's a lovely scarf, though. ...I'm knitting a sweater. ... Good luck. ... Thanks! ♪ Thanks. I'm doing my best! ♪ It's my +birthday+ today. ♪ Happy Birthday. Thanks. Thanks! I got crystal flowers from Amber and medicine to ward off{LF}failure from Dolce. Strangely, when Amber tried that medicine, she fell sound{LF}asleep. Sure, that'll totally ward off failure. Yes. Though I don't get it. I don't get Mama's present either. It seems she received it from a customer after a bunch of{LF}things happened. It's a @アイテム9@. Something that rare?! What it is that happened, I have no idea. I'm thinking about making some @アイテム9@{LF}for Mama's +birthday+. I'm sure I can make it now! ...Well, mostly sure. ''Now?'' Good luck. Yeah. Ten years ago, the milk somehow turned black. Thanks! Tomorrow is Amber's +birthday+, yes? I made her a flower pendant! A flower pendant? Right. ... A...''flower'' pendant? Right. It seems Dolce's +birthday+ is coming up. I wonder if I can hold down Pico for at least one day... Hrmmm...no, that would be saddening. Would that make you and Dolce happy? Um, well... ...No. That seems saddening, so I won't. Huh? Nothing! Aha! @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm? Well? You are used to town now, yes? No, this would be too soon, I think. But there is no hurry. Take your time and you will find your{LF}place. Thank you. Oh, um, by the way... Yes? May I ask your name? How do you know my name? ...Oh? This isn't the first we've met, yes? Can't you remember? Um, it's hard to remember a name I haven't been told yet. Oh. Well, don't worry about it. This happens all the time. After all, I don't even get my name added to gift exchange{LF}drawings... No, I told you, it's not that I forgot! Hmm? I was just so busy thinking about my own problems that I{LF}forgot to ask for a proper introduction. Oh! So I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves. Now that you mention it, I do seem to remember it being{LF}Clorica who told me your name. ... Oops! Ha ha, it seems I was a little clumsy, much like Mama.{LF}Sorry. Oh well. This happens all the time, too. Don't worry about it. Huh? But anyway, I'm pleased to meet you. Oh, uh, yeah. Nice to meet you, too. Why thank you! ... ... So, um...your name? Oops! Hmm? Is something wrong? I'm still fine. Are you? It seems I'm a little tired. But I can keep going. Whoa.... I-It seems I could break a record number of plates{LF}right now. Oh? I see. Well then, I will see you later, yes? Well then, we will call it a day. You will invite me again, yes? Oh! And you even walked me home. It seems you are a{LF}gentleman. Oops! I forgot to do that! Sorry! It seems I must go now. @シャオパイ@, would you like to go somewhere together? Sorry, it seems I am busy right now. You will invite me again{LF}later, yes? Understood. Let us be going, then. Oh, but someone is with you. Perhaps later, yes? Sure! This will be fun, yes? ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@, do you want to go somewhere together? @しゅじんこうくん@, do you want to--- --Never mind. I will ask again when you are by yourself, yes? Really? Then come with me for a sec. Good! Then I'd like to go around with you for a bit! ♪ ...Oh. Well then maybe later, yes? Hmm? ... ...Hmm? O-oh! W-wow, what a surprise, yes? That's a bad joke to make! What if I believed you? You understand, yes? ... ... @シャオパイ@? ...Yeah. Um, are you listening? ...Yeah. So, uh...how about it? Huh? About you and me...going out together. Oh. ... WHAT?! WAH! You and m-m-ME? Dating?! Yeah. WHY?! Because I like you. Who does? I do. Wha? W-wait...wait just a minute. Th-this isn't a dream? Is this really...serious? Wait... You don't want to...? No wait, it's just-- C-can I tell you tomorrow? Huh? I want to give you a proper answer. After...after I calm down{LF}and think a bit. So... Please come to @マップ0@ by @0@{LF}hundred hours tomorrow. It seems I will have a proper answer for you then. Okay. Sure. ...Thank you. See you tomorrow. I want to give you a proper answer, so I need to sit and{LF}think about it. Please come to @マップ0@ by @0@{LF}hundred hours tomorrow. It seems I will have a proper answer for you then. I want to give you a proper answer, so I need to sit and{LF}think about it. Please come to @マップ0@ by @0@{LF}hundred hours today. It seems I will have a proper answer for you then. ... @シャオパイ@. YOW! Um, are you okay? I...It seems I bit my tongue. ... S-so, I can give you my answer from yesterday now, yes? Please. Okay... After I got home yesterday I was up the whole night thinking{LF}it over. I couldn't sleep! I rolled and rolled in my bed the whole{LF}night. I ended up bumping into my dresser too. See? I have a bump right here. Wow, you do. Leon shouted through the wall to settle down and be quiet. AH! Wait a minute! Huh?! So I-I thought! A lot! And, um... It seems I was really happy. What...? I'm not pretty like Mama, yes? So no one has ever confessed to me before. ...I was very happy. @シャオパイ@... And I was happier it was you. Wha? So I love you, too. R-really? Then...! Yes. My answer is ''yes!'' Then I thought of a new problem. That's what was really keeping me up all night! What should I call you? Huh? B-boyfriends and girlfriends have special names they call{LF}each other, yes? I seem to remember Papa telling me that once. Oh? Yes. I'm sure of it. So, what should I call you? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Really? Yeah. I mean, it just...feels right. Hrm... Well, if you say so, I'm okay with it. @しゅじんこうくん@?! Why?! Well, I figured since we're thinking up special names, that is{LF}the most special... O-oh... Don't you like it? N-no! I don't not like it! A-all right. It seems that is what I will call you. @しゅじんこうくん@. Just plain @しゅじんこうくん@? ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Are you sure this is okay? Yeah. @しゅじんこうくん@...? Yeah. Uh...it seems that may be a bit, ah...early for us, yes? Don't you like it? N-no, it's not that. Well...if you insist. It seems it's okay. @しゅじんこうくん@? Is that what you want everyone to call you? I dunno. I mean, I am just a substitute, so it doesn't feel right{LF}for, y'know everyone to... Oh. Well then, it seems at least I will call you that. Okay, @しゅじんこうくん@ ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@, eh? ... @しゅじんこうくん@?! Yeah. That's special, right? Y-yes... It is. ...Yes, very special. We will go with that. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Now let's decide what you will call me, yes? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Really? Oh well. Papa's the one that said it, after all. Hrm. @その他0@, eh? ...@その他0@?! Yeah. D-do you really want to call me that? Yeah. Okay, um, let's try it out, yes? @シャオパイ@. WAH! Oh boy. Th-that seems to make me feel...more things than I{LF}expected! Um... Say it one more time. @シャオパイ@. Oooh. Yeah... I like the sound of it. Ooh. There's something refreshing about hearing that from{LF}you. It isn't very special... ...but it isn't too bad, either. I like it. ♪ Um, that is a little too cutesy for me, yes? It may be nice for Mama, but it seems it won't fit me well. I think it's perfect. Y-you do? Well...if you insist, I will trust you. Wh-what?! Well, you asked for me to come up with something special. B-but I wasn't expecting that! Why not, @シャオパイ@? Urk! O-okay, okay! Call me what you want! I'll do that. ...Ahem. Well, it seems we've decided, then. Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? Right, @シャオパイ@. I think not. You would never really confess such things to{LF}me. You are just teasing me, yes? I can tell. Not really... I am clumsy, yes, but it seems I am not entirely gullible. Your joke did not work on me! WAH HA HA HA! She isn't listening... And I like you, too. @しゅじんこうくん@... I will tell your wife on you, yes? I love you too! ♪ Wha? Please accept it. This... Wait...what...? What we did before--I want to take one step further. So please...         Quietly hug her. ... Marry me, @シャオパイ@. @しゅじんこうくん@... This time, can I hear your answer, @シャオパイ@? Am I still good enough? ... ...Ha ha. It seems I'm so happy I don't know what to say. Then... Yes. I love you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let us marry! ♪ Yes. ... Hmm? What's this? It seems like a wedding ring. WAH! It is a wedding ring! A real one! I could never accept{LF}this! A wedding ring, I see. One should be sufficient, yes? After all, it is sign enough of{LF}love given and received. ... Um...f-forget I said that, yes? Hmm? Is this for me? Oh. It seems it is trash. Wh-why give it to me? Is this for me? Um, i-it seems the smell of raw @アイテム0@{LF}is not that pleasant to me... If you want to give me something, I'd like{LF}@アイテム0@ and maybe{LF}@アイテム1@... Or even +pretty flowers+. I would be happy to get those, yes? Thanks. Someday, I will return the favor. A present? Thanks. Is this for me? Thanks! ♪ I may have this? Thanks. Hmm? What do I like? +Flowers+ are nice, I think. +Chinese dishes+ are tasty. Though if I eat too much, it seems I gain weight quickly. Mmm! I smell something yummy! It is a +Chinese dish+, yes? What, I can have it? Thanks! ♪ +Flowers+ are nice, too, but it seems tasty foods are also good! Oh, is this @アイテム9@ for me? Thanks! It seems this is a present I +like+. ♪ Ooh, what a pretty flower. What, I may have it? Thanks! I +like+ flowers, yes? ♪ Ah, @アイテム9@! For me? Thanks. Eating tasty +Chinese dishes+ while looking at pretty flowers is{LF}a wonderful thing, yes? Oh! @アイテム9@! I-it is for me? Not for Mama? Really? Hee hee... Thanks! Ah, @アイテム9@. How pretty! I wish I could be just as pretty one day. What, this is for me? Thanks! I +love+ these. ♪ Hmm? What's this? Can I drink it? I see. Well then... ...Hmm? Wh-what? Do not stare at me, yes? Odd...I-I can't seem to keep my eyes focused. What a birthday today has been... This...uh, do I have to take it? ...Never mind. Ah, is this for me? A +birthday present+ for me? Thanks. Ah, is this a +birthday present+ for me? @アイテム9@! I like these. Thanks! ♪ I'm very happy with this present, yes? A @アイテム9@? For me? Ah ha ha... Wow. It seems I never thought I'd receive a{LF}flower like this on my +birthday+. I know it is too pretty for me, yes? But...I am still happy. Thanks. Oh, and it is not a thing you bought, yes? That's amazing! It seems I want to learn how to make such{LF}things, too. Oh yeah! You have always done many things for me, yes? This is a thank-you gift. I hope you like it. Welcome! Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. This is the first time you have been to{LF}our baths, yes? Baths are wonderful things. A nice, long soak will revive your HP and RP just like a full{LF}night's sleep. Oh, I know. While you are still learning your way around town, how{LF}about you try our baths for free? Say...5 times. You can take 5 baths free of charge. It seems like an especially good thing to do after finishing{LF}some hard farming work. Welcome! @しゅじんこうくん@. Sorry, but you have used up all your free baths. It seems I'll{LF}have to charge you like normal. That will be @0@ Gold. Welcome! What can I do for you? Come again. That will be @0@ Gold. It seems you still have some free baths. It seems your bath will be free this time. Soak as long as you{LF}like. Hmm? You don't have enough Gold. Need anything else? It seems today is our wedding anniversary. Yep. Who told you? Ah! You remembered? Hee hee! Yay! ♪ You sure look happy about that, @シャオパイ@. I suppose so. Hee hee! ♪ Oh. @しゅじんこうくん@. What do you mean, ''who told me?'' Did you forget? But you said ''it seems,'' right? That is just the way I talk, yes? You should know that! I do. AH! H-hey! You shouldn't tease people like that. Sorry. You just look so cute when you're flustered, I couldn't{LF}help myself. Wh-wh-wh-wha?! Ha ha! AHEM! A-anyway. I hope we have many more happy years together like this,{LF}yes? Yeah, me too. Good. ♪ *STARE* *STAAARE* Um, what's up, @シャオパイ@? Nothing. Pay me no mind. *STAAAAARE* Uhh... Hmm. Good. It seems you aren't cheating. Wha?! Don't worry. I trust you. But, uh, it seems I was just a little worried, yes? Oh yes. It seems today is your birthday. Happy Birthday. Oh, and there is a present, too. A present? For who? Hmm? You, silly. ...Thanks. You're welcome. Of course, it's not like it turned out this way because I didn't{LF}have time to knit. ... Here. A present from me, yes? I hope you like it. Thank you. I...I thought of you when I picked it. ... Saying that out loud made you blush, eh? Sh-shut up! @しゅじんこうくん@, wait. You aren't feeling good, yes? Are you okay? You shouldn't{LF}push yourself, you know. Oh yeah! It seems I have some medicine on me. Here, drink up. Hrm. This is something a doctor should see. Go visit Jones, okay? I made @アイテム0@ for lunch. Eat every last{LF}bite, okay? Today's lunch is @アイテム0@. Eat it all, yes?{LF}It'd make me very happy. Here's your lunch for today. It seems I managed to make{LF}some @アイテム0@. I made some @アイテム0@. If you get hungry,{LF}you can eat it for lunch, yes? Here's your lunch! It seems today's is{LF}@アイテム0@. See you later! See you. Don't push yourself too hard, yes? Wait, you have a spot on your sleeve...there. See you. See you later. Make sure to eat your lunch, yes? See you! It seems I will be waiting for your return all day. @しゅじんこうくん@, it seems you've built some skill at making{LF}medicines. Wow, @しゅじんこうくん@. It seems you can make many{LF}different kinds of medicines now. @しゅじんこうくん@! You've gotten even better at making{LF}medicines, yes? Amazing! Even those like Jones would have trouble mixing medicine{LF}better than you, now. @しゅじんこうくん@, it seems I have something for you. I came across a recipe for a new medicine! ...By accident. How about I teach this recipe to you, @しゅじんこうくん@? It{LF}seems like one you can use. After all, having a rival to push you to be better makes things{LF}a lot more fun, yes? ♪ Yay! Your Chemistry Skill went up! Here, it seems I have this recipe for you as a present. Make{LF}good use of it, yes? @しゅじんこうくん@. Hm? It seems I have something to talk about. Sure. With who? Uh, with you. Yeah, I thought so. So, what about? Hmm...how do I put this? Um... ...? I! ...Erm... I-I want to have children. That's a great idea. I'd like it to be just us. Wha? Huh? Um, so... It seems you felt the same, yes? Yeah. Oh. ...OH! You...you did. Hee hee! ♪ Huh? I want to enjoy our time together just a little bit longer. I like{LF}being alone with you. How can you say such mushy things so easily? Still...it seems you have a good point. I'm not...unhappy. Is that it? Urk...! O-okay...I'm happy. Happy you like being with me so much. @シャオパイ@! This will be our child. Our new family, yes? Yeah. You have a silly grin on your face, @しゅじんこうくん@. A very{LF}silly grin. So do you. Hee hee! ♪ I wonder, will it be a boy or a girl? What do you think, Dad? Huh? You would like a boy? Or you would like a girl? Hmm... A boy? He will be a rambunctious but kind-hearted little rascal, yes?{LF}I think he will. A girl? She will be a happy, cute little girl, yes? I'm sure she will. True. As long as it is with you, either is fine. Pick good name,{LF}okay? What, I have to pick? I leave it in your hands, Dad. ♪ Oh, all right. I want you to be happy, my child. And try very hard not to be clumsy like your mama. Aren't you happy right now, @シャオパイ@? Huh? ... I'm very happy. I thought so. Well then, I hope our baby will grow up to be just as happy{LF}as you are. ...! ...Yes. Yes, I hope so too. Yeah. Hee hee. It's @子供ちゃん@'s birthday! Yeah. Today's the big day. Don't overdo it on the spoiling, yes? Okay, okay. Good. Now, it seems there is a cake to be baked and{LF}presents to be gotten. And I will ask Mama if we can borrow the inn for the party.{LF}Then, invitations for everybody! Oh! And then we should dress our best and take a{LF}photograph so we can always remember. What was that about not going overboard on spoiling? Hmm, @アイテム0@... I see. How about @1@ Gold{LF}for @0@ @アイテム0@? Okay, how about @1@ Gold then, yes? Oh. Too bad. Good! It seems I will take it, then! Hmm. It seems today I will be just looking. Hrmm... Should I? Wait. Hmmm... What else do you have? Good! I'm quite happy with what I got! ♪ It seems I've found a very nice little shop! Thanks and good luck! @しゅじんこうくん@, I love you. Wha?! Don't you love me? I-I do! It's just that was a little, well...sudden. Well, you see, um... I realized one day that I love you. And then I found out that you love me, and we got married.{LF}And here we are now. Right. So, uh, I thought about it again and see how much you care{LF}for me, yes? Then... ...I realized how precious you are to me. ... I...I love you. And I love you. A-as just a friend, yes? R-right. But, um, what brought this up all of a sudden? Oh, uh, it seems a lot of things have happened since you{LF}came. And that made me think that you are someone really{LF}important to the town, yes? And to me. I was just...thinking about that, and, um... A-anyway! I-I'm looking forward to many more happy years with you! And me with you. ... My name is Xiao Pai. Mama and I live in the inn that's in the north part of town,{LF}yes? It's good to meet you! Glad to meet you, too. It seems you are very happy, @しゅじんこうくん@. Some day, I'd like to find my one true love, too. Oh. @しゅじんこうくん@. It's been a while, yes? It seems you don't talk to me that much. I've missed you. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yes? Nothing. I just wanted to hear your voice, yes? I haven't been able to talk with you for a long time, you{LF}know. It seems I'd like it if you would stop by and chat more. The contest is over, yes? And you have won. Many congratulations to you. Thanks a lot! @シャオパイ@. Congratulations. I'll beat you next time! Thanks! ♪ Oh? I accept your challenge! It's the New Year. It seems I'll be trying even harder this year than I did last{LF}year. I welcome all well wishes and good luck. ♪ Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I will win that festival and chase out the demon that is my{LF}clumsiness, yes? What, is that a prediction? Have you ever seen Mama get truly mad? If not, how can you call this ''chasing away the demons'' with{LF}a straight face? Uh-oh. Do I even want to know? It's not good to rely on others. So I'll work to overcome my clumsiness myself. The @カレンダー0@. ...Enemy of women the world over. Eat a lot, weigh a lot. That is the way of the world. But some people don't get fat. It's so unfair! I'm not fat, yes? Why would you think that? ...*Bitter Smile* Good. It seems that was all just a mistake, yes? Just a{LF}mistake. ... WAAAH! I am NOT fat! I haven't gained too much weight! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Beat it silly. In today's festival, we defluff a Wooly. But it seems that Wooly likes it, yes? It has fun when everyone beats on it. It is quite masoch-- I mean woolly, yes? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I must focus! It seems this will be a very athletic festival, so be careful not{LF}to get hurt, yes? Like being careful not to trip over rocks, right? ...If only that was all there was to worry about. No matter how much and how hard I aim, I never hit the{LF}targets. I don't try at all to be clumsy, yet I am. It's funny. Tomorrow's festival will pit us each against each other. ...I hope the damage does not get out of hand, yes? I will give you important advice: Turnips give a mighty blow to the head. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Well done. I am glad that this year, at least, I did not get entirely buried. It seems the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. This would be a festival that Kiel is very good at, yes? The @カレンダー0@. Arthur is very smart, yes? And Blossom has great wisdom. It seems today will be a tough contest. Oops. I got my answers mixed up, and wound up giving the{LF}wrong one. But the questions were so hard, I didn't stand a chance! It seems I'll try harder next time. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. @しゅじんこうくん@, are you ready? Heh heh heh... Finally, the @カレンダー0@ is here! It seems you should be looking forward to my pets. They're{LF}my pride! Strange. Menchi and Nabeshin are my best pets, yes? How could they not win...? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I'll give it my best, yes? Do you have your rod and tackle ready, @しゅじんこうくん@? ... ...It seems I'm not catching anything. People learn from failures, yes? Well then, next time I will aim for the gold. You have no idea how much I have practiced for tomorrow. It seems I'm really looking forward to the{LF}@カレンダー0@. It seems I'm catching a lot today. But I can't feel my legs. Wha?! How's it going, @シャオパイ@? Good. It seems I'm catching a lot today. ...All small ones, yes? This time, I will surprise everyone! Watch me, yes? Watch me now! Um... ...Tomorrow, I will surprise everyone! ...? This time, @しゅじんこうくん@... This time you will watch me, yes? See! I caught one! Wow, you did! Great job! Heh heh heh! See, I told you. ♪ I lost, yes, but it seems today was not all that bad in the{LF}end. Next time, I'll try harder! Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm going to win tomorrow! There! It seems my preparations are all done. @しゅじんこうくん@, are you ready? It seems I have a handle on the basics of fishing. All that's left is to catch fish! Um, @シャオパイ@? There's no hook on your line. Oops! Oh well. Being clumsy is nothing new for me, yes? We'll just{LF}try harder next time. Right? Wait, why we? It seems it's finally time for the @カレンダー0@{LF}tomorrow. It's funny to look back on totally forgetting to plant any{LF}seeds in the first place. Let me give you some tips for your showcase, yes? First, scan the ground. You must be very sure there are no pebbles or rocks to trip{LF}on. This year, I didn't trip once during my showcase. But it theemth I bith my thongue. Yeah, your face is turning red. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. It seems the time for a decision has come. No matter how much you stomp on them, +weeds+ never give{LF}up, yes? They continue to grow undaunted. I sympathize, but their lives must end. I still must rip them{LF}out, root and stem. Truly, fate can be cruel. I've given it a lot of thought, yes? But it seems there is no way around it. The weeds must be{LF}pulled. Goodbye, weeds. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Hee hee! I can't wait! It can be tough, trying to decide what to show off in the{LF}showcase. This time it seems I've grown a veggie I can be proud of! I was very proud of my veggie this time, too. Oh well. What's done is done. I will just have to try harder{LF}next time, yes? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I completely forgot, but it seems Leon was nice enough to{LF}remind me. Every time the @カレンダー0@ comes around, you{LF}should give thanks to your crops. After all, they tried as hard as they could to grow for us in{LF}this cold weather, yes? It's only right to be thankful for that. Thank you for the food! That was delicious! Those are very nice words, yes? Good to remember. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. The last place I want to be is stuck beside Mama tomorrow. But I want to see how nice she looks in a swimsuit! What{LF}should I do? I used to hope I'd grow up to look like Mama. ...It was a short-lived dream. I'd like to forget it, yes? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Well? I've grown, yes? Yep! *Bitter Smile* Thanks! I didn't expect to hear such a nice answer. Ha ha...I think I'm blushing, yes? I see. So you want to be slapped, yes? Oh, it is @カレンダー0@. It seems this year is over. @しゅじんこうくん@. You tried your hardest at a lot of things, yes? I know. I saw. It seems all the customers who came to watch the fireflies{LF}are having a great time at the inn! It seems just listening to them has put me in a great mood!{LF}♪ So, erm... @しゅじんこうくん@, do you have any free time tomorrow? If you do, I'd like to watch the fireflies together. It seems everyone has been in a great mood all day. It's at those times that I have to focus hardest, or I'll do{LF}something extremely clumsy. ...I'd better be careful. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! Have you seen the fireflies yet? Of course you have! It seems they are everywhere. The fireflies were amazing, yes? However... I was having such a good time watching them I didn't break{LF}any plates! How's that?! Ha ha ha! Um, congrats? Thanks. ♪ Those fireflies were amazing, yes? I was having such a good time, I broke @0@ of the{LF}plates. Huh? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. That's all I need to say, yes? Yep! Let's go together. Great! It seems we have a date. ♪ R-really? Well, it seems I'll see you tomorrow. I can't wait! ♪ O-oh. Well, it seems fine if you already have plans! See you later! The @カレンダー0@? That's a great idea! I'll see you tomorrow, then. Yeah. I can't wait! ♪ It seems today was a lot of fun. I can hardly wait for next year already. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. I want to show my thanks to all the people who have helped{LF}me, yes? But it seems all of my feelings of thanks so far have all{LF}wound up as black lumps of char in the oven. ... Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. It seems this year I'll finally be able to give thanks properly to{LF}everyone, yes? Handmade thank-you cookies! So, uh, speaking of... @しゅじんこうくん@, do you have any free time tomorrow? ...Oh. No, no. It seems I'm not disappointed, no way. *SIGH* Really?! Heh heh heh! I see, I see. Um, @シャオパイ@? Well then, it seems I will be waiting for you tomorrow at{LF}@0@ hundred hours at @マップ1@. Be ready, yes? Uh, okay. @シャオパイ@. EEP! Y-you okay? I-I wish you wouldn't surprise me like that, yes? Um, I wasn't really trying to surprise you. A-anyway! Are you ready, @しゅじんこうくん@? Ready for what? For this! I'd be really happy if you'd accept this, yes? @アイテム0@? Yeah. And it's one you made yourself, right? Um, mostly... It doesn't...look right, does it? It looks just fine. Nope, not at all. What? It looks cute, in fact. O-oh, um... Very cute. ...! I-I see. Um... And you look even cuter when you're being teased. Wh-what?! Hey! See? Really cute! Nghhh! Darn it! I'm not supposed to be happy about it! Anyway... Thanks, @シャオパイ@. I'll definitely enjoy it. ...Thanks. I'm very happy you will, yes? It's times like these when it's good to be able to give{LF}handmade things. Everyone reacts differently when it's handmade. Some people don't even know how to react! R-really? Really! ...It seems I'll have to try harder next time. Ah! So this is the famed ''friendship cookie,'' yes? Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'll enjoy it. ♪ This... @しゅじんこうくん@, you are a man, yes? Yes. It was a secret, but... Right. I see. It seems I understand now. Thanks. This was a wonderful surprise present! Oh! That is quite a joke. I can eat it now, yes? Well, it is a gift for you, so...yeah? Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. I hope you accept this. It is a sign of my thanks, yes? Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@! Um...here. Oh! A @アイテム0@! Thank you. Did you make it yourself? I appreciate it. You're welcome. Thanks! I appreciate it. You're welcome, though that's one I messed up, yes? ...Oh. But still, thank you. I'm glad you thought of me. R-really? That's good. I, um... I'm happy that you like it. @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. It seems Mama will be popular again this year. Ah ha ha... (She seems almost proud of that.) But you are still mine, @しゅじんこうくん@. ... Now, I don't think you're like that, @しゅじんこうくん@... ...but you can't have her. Wait, what?! It seems Mama is as popular as ever this year. But you are mine and mine only, @しゅじんこうくん@, yes? ... Now, I know you aren't like that, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...But just so you know, you can't have her. Ah! So this is the famed ''friendship cookie,'' yes? Wait, it seems today is @カレンダー9@, yes? ...Oh well. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@! This... Um, is this for me? Yes. Oh. Thanks! ♪ ... This is for Mama, yes? You want me to give this to Mama for you. N-no! It's for you, @シャオパイ@. Oh. Well that's fine, then. ... Wait, it's for me?! Yes. O-oh. I see. Well isn't that nice? It seems I'll enjoy it. Thanks! Good, I'm glad you like it. I do! ♪ Huh? I've got something I want to give to you, @シャオパイ@. Y-you do? Meet me at the @マップ1@ tomorrow. I'll give{LF}it to you there. Tomorrow? Um... ... Okay. I'll meet you there. Great. Meet me at @0@ hundred hours at the{LF}@マップ1@. Okay. And, um... I'm looking forward to it, yes? Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. I came like you asked, yes? So, um...what did you want to give to me? Oh...! Thanks! It's great! ♪ Good, I'm glad you like it. So, um...can I give you something in return? Close your eyes. Huh? J-just close them! Okay. *SMOOCH* T-Thank you... Again. Again!! I'm the one thanking YOU, yes? Oh, right. Hee hee. ♪ H-hey! Don't get too greedy, yes? Sorry. I couldn't help myself. Hmph! Um...so is this...? You're special to me. What about it? O-oh. ... Um, y-you're special to me, too. I mean, you're always helping me out with lots of stuff. So I wanted to give you something as thanks. What?! Huh? O-oh! Nothing. It's nothing, yes? ...? Um... I-is this just a thank you gift? Or is there some...other{LF}meaning? Which would you prefer? Huh?! Of course I'd prefer if it-- Wait, you're trying to get me to say it myself, yes? No fair! Oh well... Either way, I am still glad to get it. Thanks. ♪ Um...thanks. It seems I had lots and lots and lots of fun today. ♪ Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. I don't really pray, but I do want to make a wish on the{LF}stars. To wish on a star, you have to look up and look forward,{LF}yes? I like that about it. So, um, by the way... Uh... It seems I'd like it if you could join me tomorrow. Brr! It's cold. But the air is fresh and clear. We should be able to see the{LF}stars well tonight, yes? It seems everyone is enjoying the stars tonight. ...All right! Starting tomorrow, I'm going to try even harder! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Do you want to go enjoy them together? Sure! Let's do that. Really? Good! It seems I'm really looking forward to tomorrow! ♪ Oh. I see. No, it's okay. I hope you enjoy them, yes? Hmm? Wh-what? Me? O-of course I don't mind. S-see you tomorrow, then. I, um, it seems I'm looking forward{LF}to it. Yeah... I'll always remember tonight! The @カレンダー0@. A festival for those with nimble fingers. It seems I've{LF}practiced for it, too. Today I'll show everyone the skills I have learned. I practiced and practiced and I finally managed to make one! It was even half-good! It seems I have a long way to go before I can even think of{LF}winning this festival. Maybe next year! I'm pretty good at learning and memorizing recipes, yes? It seems the hard part for me is doing two things at once. Cooking is the best example. You have to do lots of things at once when you cook. I had many problems to overcome before I could cook even{LF}half-decently, yes? What kind of problems? *Bitter Smile* Ha ha ha...I don't even want to think about it... Um, @シャオパイ@? Why do you suddenly have this{LF}faraway look in your eyes? Yeah. ...I think you are making fun of me right now. Cooking is hard, yes? But it seems if I imagine how happy the people who eat it{LF}will be, I can give it a good effort. Do you want to go somewhere together tomorrow? Tomorrow? Um... Let me see... Sorry. It seems tomorrow won't work. Ask me again some other time, yes? It seems tomorrow will be good! Where do you want to go? Then let's meet at @0@ hundred hours at{LF}@マップ1@, yes? Be sure you are prepared, yes? Okay. Good! ♪ Hee hee! I'm looking forward to it, yes? Do you want to come to my room? Sure. ...Wait. Great! ♪ Let's meet at my room, then. Hold on a minute. What's wrong? Um... ...Never mind. Forget I said anything, yes? Do you want to relax at home today? Yeah, let's do that. Do you want to go to the @マップ0@? @マップ0@? Yeah, let's do that. The @マップ0@, then. Huh? Sky-gazing. Who? Me! Together. Huh?! With you! Oh. Right. Let's do that, then. Great. ♪ Hmm. Well... How about your room? Oh? ...It's okay if you don't want to, yes? No, I don't mind. O-oh. Good. How about we relax at home? Yeah, let's do that. It seems I want to go to the @マップ0@. Okay, let's go there. Great. I already have plans for that time, so I probably shouldn't{LF}invite another person. Um, where do you want to go? ...I don't mind where we go, as long as I'm with you. Wha? Erm...never mind. I want to go somewhere where we can see the sky, yes? Huh? Am I having fun? Hee hee, what does it look like to you? Like you're having fun. Like you're bored. Yes! I am having fun! Hmph. It seems I'm having a little less fun, now. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? I, um...it seems I want to hold hands. Huh? N-never mind! It's nothing. ...? @シャオパイ@. Yes? Can I hold your hand? ... Wha?! O-oh. Sure. I don't mind. Okay. *SQUEEZE* ... It would be wonderful to stop time. ...Hm? You were going to say something? Oh, I was just, um, wondering if you were having fun. Oh. Yes, you're here, so... ...I always have fun with you. Today was great! I had a lot of fun. ♪ Invite me again sometime, yes? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Sorry, but it seems I was a little angry. I was really looking forward to our date today, yes? I got mad when you didn't come. Yeah. And I'm sorry for always being so hesitant. It's okay. Good! It seems we've made up. It seems you are going to be that way about it, eh? I see. I see veeery well. ...Hmph. ... Um, @シャオパイ@? Oh. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Is something wrong? No. You just looked like you were glaring at me a second{LF}ago. I wasn't. ...? You forgot you were meeting me today, yes? Oops... ...Ah, well. It's okay. It seems I'll be waiting for you{LF}at @0@ hundred hours at the{LF}@マップ0@ tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, yes? It seems I'll be waiting for you{LF}at @0@ hundred hours at the{LF}@マップ0@ today. I'm looking forward to it, yes? Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@! I was waiting for you! You look cheerful today, @シャオパイ@. I am! Really, you look like you're having fun already. You're late, @しゅじんこうくん@. Sorry... Oh, well. A hero always arrives late. But making a lady wait is a bad thing! Keep that in mind. I will. Good. Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@! There is still time left before we're supposed to meet. Like me, you just couldn't wait anymore, yes? Um... Oh, well. That's not important. Let's get going then, @しゅじんこうくん@. We're off to @マップ0@, yes? Um, you came to hear my answer from yesterday, yes? So{LF}why do you have someone with you? Um, we were going to go on a date, yes? It seems you{LF}already have someone with you. I came to chat. I want to use the bath. Nothing. Go in. Don't go in. @しゅじんこうくん@. I've been waiting for you. Here, have a{LF}delicious @アイテム0@! Umm...you realize this isn't a drink, right? ... It seems Papa has tricked me again. Here, a nice @アイテム0@. You should always{LF}have something to drink after a bath, yes? ...What? What's wrong? Mm? Going to sleep? G'morning! *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. I really love you! Just kidding. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm... I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I would love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Oops! I don't have a Double Bed yet. Now isn't the time for that. I wonder what that is? If I want to propose to someone, I should probably figure this{LF}out first. I think @ビシュナル@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @クローリカ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @フォルテ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @キール@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @マーガレット@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ディラス@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @アーサー@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @シャオパイ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @コハク@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ダグ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ドルチェ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @レオン@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. A boy. A girl. Either. ... ...? Ngh... Huh...? Ow...! Wh-what's wrong?! Oh no! We need to go see @ジョーンズ@ right away! ...! @しゅじんこうくん@...? Ow...I-I hurt all of a sudden... @しゅじんこうくん@...?! ...Nnngh...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! I hope the baby will be born quickly... ...Ngh! Wha...? M-my belly hurts... ...Have...to go...clinic... Oh no...! ...Wha? ...? Owww... @しゅじんこうくん@, don't tell me... ...It...it hurts...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! Yes. I'm sorry. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Bean-throwing, huh? Originally, this festival was for driving{LF}away demons and plague, right? Mm-hmm. That's what I heard. Ooh, neat! Let's all drive the demons real far away! ♪ Yes, we can all do it together! This year's objective is to be hit by the beans, not to dodge{LF}them. You've got a tough job every year, don't you? I can't say I'm particularly fond of...excessive exercise. ''If you meld with me, milady, then you could dodge every{LF}bean without moving a step!'' I-I-I'd rather not do that, thank you! But that certainly is an awful lot of beans. Could anyone{LF}dodge them even if they tried? Similar situations happen all the time on the battlefield. Though in that case it's arrows, not beans. And if you can't{LF}dodge you can just slash them away! Stop swinging that dangerous thing around right in the{LF}middle of town! Oh, goodness. There are entirely too many delicious foods to{LF}be had! Is too many goodies a bad thing? Um, y-yes, you could say that. There are so many, I don't{LF}know where to start! Ooh, I know! If we all eat too much and gain weight, we can go train with{LF}Forte! What? That sounds like a good plan. ''Dolly, Dolly! Are you going to do that, too?'' If I gain too much weight, I may think about it. All right. It's a knight's duty to respond wholeheartedly to all{LF}reasonable requests. First, we'll begin with a light warm-up. Say, 10 laps around{LF}the town at a jog. Then we'll practice sword strikes at 200 per set. After that-- Hold it right there. Ooh, I can't wait to see the wooly! He'll be so cute! Yes! I wonder how soft and cuddly the big guy is. I like the ones that are easier to hug. With that much wool, you could make a mountain of thread. ''Oh, Dolly... You would do that for me?'' ... ''Um, milady? An answer would be nice. Any answer at all...'' I wish I could have one as a pet! Wouldn't it be hard to care for something that big, though? It's large enough to be worth cutting, that's for certain. The WOOL, yes? You mean cutting off the WOOL. What kind of Wooly do you like the best, @しゅじんこうくん@? Big ones. Small ones. Golden ones. Oh, the big ones are definitely the best. They're so fluffy-wuffy cuddly-wuddly! I just want to hug{LF}them and squeeze them aaaall day! Ooh, I wish I could just bury myself in all that soft wool! You understand, @しゅじんこうくん@! The best of a Wooly is in its easily huggable size, yes? Hmm? There are Golden Woolies? I maybe have heard of them. I'm not sure. I bet they're really pretty! Hrm. Hitting the target is hard. I hit everything I'm not aiming{LF}at. Oh, dear. Are you no good in this competition, Xiao Pai? It seems so, yes. I practiced with Mama, but the ball kept falling down from{LF}above my head. Ooh, really? You threw the ball aaall the way around the{LF}world! I think that might be impossible. I think this may go beyond simply ''not very good.'' Yes. We're into ''complete klutz'' territory on this one. Wording it that way makes it hurt more, not less, you know. Oh! Sorry. This doesn't solve my problem. How do you hit those{LF}targets? Relax. Focus on the target and bring your arm forward. Ah! Yes, I see! ''But milady, when you threw the ball, you didn't look{LF}relaxed. You looked al--MRPH!'' ? ...ACHOO! Uh-oh. Have you caught a cold? No. I'm just a little chilly, that's all. Let me bring you something warm to drink. The weather may look lovely, but it's still cold. You need to{LF}take care of yourself. I will. Thank you. Are you okay? Yeah, I'll be fine. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you know a good way to warm her up? Tell a bad joke. Give her a hug. What did the fisherman say when he caught an angelfish?{LF}Holy Mackerel! ... ... ... ...Hee! Ha ha...Ah ha ha! Wait, really?! What on earth are you doing? And in public, no less! Um...could you put that away, please? I-I think it's drawing{LF}blood... This one is your own fault! ...I'm sorry. ...*GULP*... Oh my... Hmm? ...! Zzz... Once she warmed up, she fell asleep right away. Hey, are any of you good at quizzes? I'm better at things where I can move around. Like detective work? Are you a gumshoe, pal? Erm...that isn't what I meant. You mean like jumping into a box with the correct answer{LF}on it? Or racing to grab flags to see who can give the first answer. ''Or having an obstacle course and the first one through gets{LF}to answer the question?'' With nasty penalties for giving the wrong answer. ...I think I'm fine with a normal quiz. Hmm... What's wrong, Meg? You look concerned. Fishing is harder than it looks. Oh, I know! It always makes me so sleepy. Everything makes you sleepy. Fishies are scary... Well I guess we won't have to warn you to stay out of the{LF}deep areas, then. ''I think I'll catch a fish bare-handed!'' You mean you'll try to possess it and it'll wind up dragging{LF}you all across the pond. Are you good at fishing, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yep! I'm okay. Not at all... Really? Could you show me how you do it? I'd like to know as well. So you aren't bad, then, right? I'm jealous of your skill. But I won't let you beat me! I'm amazed you're not falling asleep. Well then, why don't we all practice our fishing skills? Iggly-wiggly fishies... So scary! ...*FUSS* *FUSS*... ...*FUSS* *FUSS*... Meg seems very busy. ''Yes. She can't seem to sit still.'' As if you have any right to talk about that. It looks like she's on patrol. Do you think there are people{LF}who would really try to cheat? Cheating will not be tolerated in any way. I will personally{LF}deal with anyone caught doing so. Wow, that's so cool! Y-you think so? Forte! Perfect timing. It seems I'm needed already. Hmm? Oh, yes. You see, that person over there, he's-- Understood. Looks like someone needs a lesson in proper{LF}manners. YIKES!! No, he's lost! He just needs some directions! ...*SIIIGH*... Oh, dear. What's wrong, Meg? That's right. You aren't very fond of squid, are you, Meg? Brr! No! They're slimy and wriggly and gross! Hrmm. May I try something? What? Here. Have a squid. EEEP!! GET IT AWAY! GET IT AWAY! Papa's special Anti-Phobia Training--''Hold It Until You Learn{LF}To Like It!'' What?! That won't work! Ooh, what a cute squid! No! No, Amber, they are NOT cute! I know. Wait, what? ''What is so frightening about this lump of flesh?'' *POKE* ''EEP! It squirted ink!'' ...! ''Oops...'' ... ''Um...Dolly...milady...'' Pico, why don't we step aside for a moment? I'd like a chat{LF}with you. ''I'd much rather stay right here, thank you!'' Hey, did you hear? There are a lot of fish over there. Really? Then it seems we should go right over! Wait for me! No, don't! There's a big ol' monster's lair over there! ''Dolly?'' We went fishing at a lake with Mama and Papa once, too. It{LF}was just like this. ''Yes, it was.'' Oh, dear. Dolce, what are you doing back there? Come on, hurry, now. Yes! Or else all the fish will swim away. If you aren't confident in your fishing skills, I can help you. No, Dolly is trying to stop you from going to the monster's{LF}lair! ...Yeah. ''...'' Properly showcasing your veggie is really important. It feels like an odd tradition to me, really. I'm afraid I'm not particularly good at it. I'm not fond of it, myself. ''You're not fond of vegetables on the whole, milady.'' I become so nervous! Oh? Why? You need to pay close attention to the ground to be sure no{LF}rocks jump up to trip you. That's not nerves, that's simple caution. Goodness, it's hot today. Very hot. I'm sweaty already. ''Well, I'm not hot in the least.'' Of course not. You don't have the body or the brains to feel{LF}the heat. ''Oh, you're so cold, milady. But that's what makes you so...{LF}cool!'' Once the festival is over, why don't all of you come to our{LF}baths? Oh, that's a good idea. It would be so refreshing! But it seems that isn't all, yes? Today's bath salts are-- ''The Fragrance of 10,000 Roses!'' Yay! Pretty flower scents! Ooh, that sounds very relaxing. Yes. I would love to go. I can hardly wait! That is, if Mama hasn't messed it up. Again. Argh! Sometimes Porco and Dylas drive me crazy! What's wrong? They're both so messy! They don't even clean the hall in{LF}front of their rooms. Well, it's not a place a customer would see. But it should still{LF}be clean! Bado is the one who drives me the craziest. I wish he'd do something about that lazy, good-for-nothing{LF}attitude of his. Oh, but I think Doug is worse! The other day I caught him{LF}asleep while at work. Again. Oh dear. Sleeping on the job is bad! ... There's someone who drives me batty as well. ''Oh? Is it Jones? Maybe Nancy?'' No, of course it's not those two. ''No? Who else could it be?'' Lumie's completely hopeless, so don't worry about her one{LF}bit! ♪ Amber, the words that come out of your mouth sometimes... You know, if we're going to have all these festivals, I'd like a{LF}Music Festival someday. What would we do? Everyone would practice with their favorite instrument, and{LF}then we could have a recital! That sounds like fun. Hmm. What about a martial arts tournament? And what would we do for that? Everyone could test their combat skills and check the fruits{LF}of their training! Next! Hey! A flower festival would be really neat! What would we do for that one? We could all watch the pretty flowers! And then give them{LF}some water! That sounds lovely. Let's do that sometime. Yeah! You really want to do that? ''How about a Dolly Festival?'' No. ''Aww. So fast!'' Happy New Year, everyone. Yes. Happy New Year. Happy New Year! May everyone's New Year be happy. Hap-py New Yeeeear! Hap-py New Yeeeear! Happy New Year. ''Oh, milady! Any year with you is a happy year.'' I didn't mean it for you. ''And like every year, you are cold from the very beginning.'' Ah ha ha ha! Hee hee! Those two get along so well. Come on, Forte. Let's go swimming together! Erm...thanks, but, um, I'd rather just watch. Wait. What? Don't tell me-- N-no! It's not that I can't swim! I, erm, I've learned. I just... I'm not that confident yet. We didn't say anything. URK! ''Spilled the truth of the matter herself, didn't she?'' I-I'm just worried that...that my sword might rust! That's it! Why would you carry your sword into the water? Come on, everyone. Let's carry her into the water! ♪ Ooh! I'll help! I'll help! N-no! You don't have to do that! WAH!! Here, everyone. Have some nice, hot tea. Oh, it smells lovely! Thank you, Clorica. Mm! Looks yummy! ♪ And here's yours, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. Ow! That's hot. Oh dear! I'm sorry. Are you okay? Yes, I'm fine. A little burn on the tongue is nothing to a{LF}knight. So why the tears? ''Milady, milady! Let me blow on it for you.'' No. Whew! I wrote a lot of music this year. And I slept a lot! I trained hard all year. And I broke more plates than ever... ''Dolly, your year was wonderfully filled with me! Right?{LF}Right?!'' Get away from me. Hmmm...I had a full year, too, but I don't know of what. Oh well. Don't worry about it. How was your year, @しゅじんこうくん@? Full of farming. Full of adventures. Full of love...I guess. Ooh, it was, wasn't it? ♪ Yeah. Working the land suits you well. Yep! You were always covered in dirt! Don't you think that's neat too, Dolce? It doesn't sound bad. ''Grr...!'' ''@しゅじんこうくん@ should just go and marry that field{LF}already.'' And I'll be counting on you again next year, @しゅじんこうくん@. Strengthening the mind and body through training is a good{LF}thing. Hmm? @しゅじんこうくん@ does seem meatier now, yes. Really? *STAAARE* See? Here...and here... ''Milady is wonderful here and here, too!'' Off. Ooh, and look there! ♪ I see! I see! Um...can you all stop now? Please? This is embarrassing. Oh my goodness! Wow. *SQUEE* Wh-wh-wh-wh-what...?! Tee hee! Everyone looks like they're having lots of fun! ♪ ''Well, you can't have my Dolly!'' Stop clinging! I can barely hear what they're saying. I wonder why fireflies glow. Isn't it some type of protection? How would light protect them? Well, it might be strange enough to scare off enemies. Hmm. Maybe I should find a glowing sheen of some sort to{LF}put on my blade. But they fly into lights too. Oh, that's right. I heard once that it is a way for them to find love. Wha?! Right, no glowing sheen, then! Why not? ''Milady is always a bright, shining light in my eyes.'' Oh? Well, you'd best stay away, then. Wouldn't want you to{LF}head toward ''the light'' now, would we? Hee hee! Aren't they such wonderful friends? Everyone will be giving presents today, yes? Who to? To my brother. I'm giving something to Porco. I have something for Vishnal and Mr. Volkanon. Ooh! Ooh! I'm going to give a present to Lumie! ♪ ''You of course have a present for me, right, milady?'' Well, I was going to give you something...if you'd stayed{LF}quiet. But too late now. ''No! Have I been foiled?!'' Hmph. Everyone is giving safe answers. Will you be giving today, @しゅじんこうくん@? You bet! Nope. Really? Ooh, to whom? Be honest, now. Lying won't get you anywhere. Come on, everyone. We mustn't press too hard...though I am{LF}curious as well. Ahem. Oh, really? That sounds fishy to me. No need to be shy, now. Erm, do you honestly have no plans? If you're too embarrassed, you can just whisper it to me. Hey, guys? Who do you think will get the most? Mama, no doubt. Not Lumie? Hrm... Well, if we're going to guess who, at least stick to our group. Among us, it's Forte! Wha?! Ooh, you're secretly popular, Forte! N-no! I am no such thing! ''Milady will get the most. Of this I have no doubt.'' Perhaps. ''But I will swat down any clingy leeches who dare slither too{LF}close!'' I look forward to you swatting yourself plenty, then. Hmmm... Meg might get a lot. Me? Oh, no! I doubt that. Who do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? Clorica. Forte. Margaret. Xiao Pai. Amber. Dolce. Hmm? You think I will? Thank you! I don't really think so myself, but I'm happy you{LF}do. Wha?! M-me?! Erm... I... Ahem. Thank you. What?! Ah ha ha... Erm... I... Ha ha... Heehee, Margaret has a cute reaction. I see. It was unexpected, but it was also nice to hear. Thanks! ♪ Calm down, now. Hmm? Me? Oh, isn't that nice, Amber? Um...yeah. Tee hee! Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. ''Ding ding! That is the correct answer!'' No it's not, you ding dong. ''Then why are you blushing, milady?'' Not another word! ...Hmph. ''Ah, for that cute pink tinge do I dare to tease. Be still, my{LF}jealous heart!'' ''How positively sinful of you, milady.'' Quiet! Silence! Begone, you idiotic ghost! Has everyone heard the legend behind this festival? Isn't it that you will have your wish granted if you wish on{LF}the highest star in the sky? Really? We can just fly off the tower to find the highest one,{LF}then! You're the only one who can fly, Amber. There's another legend that says making a wish with{LF}someone will form an eternal bond, yes? ''Dolly! Milady! Let's go right now!'' How about I wish to be alone for eternity? Those two are the same as ever, I see. While it's very romantic, all this talk about heights gives me{LF}the shivers. Oh, yes, you were never fond of heights, were you, Meg?{LF}Would you like me to stand by you? Oh, dear. And what if the two of you made a wish together{LF}then? They'd be bound, I guess...? Ah ha ha! That wouldn't be so bad. Forte is quite the{LF}dashing prince of a knight, after all. Was that meant to be a compliment? The judges for this festival must taste all the dishes to judge{LF}them, right? Of course. Forte, will you be okay? What's that supposed to mean? I hope no one gets hurt. Oh, no! Do people get hurt? Well, not really hurt, per se. But they're not unscathed. And what's that supposed to mean? ''Death by food is no laughing matter.'' Though hearing it from you is kind of funny. Forte, you are a master at forging things, yes? I wouldn't say I'm a master, no. I leave most of the difficult{LF}parts to Bado. What about you, Clorica? Oh, I'm terrible at it. Are you any good, Meg? Not at forging big, clunky items. But I'm pretty good at{LF}making accessories, I think. After this much time, my fingers are quite dexterous, you see. Ooh, neat! I wish I were good with my fingers too. Would you like to practice making accessories with me{LF}sometime? Yaaay! I wanna make something that will start a case Lumie{LF}can solve! Let's not and say we did. ''You're quite dexterous yourself, right, milady?'' ''You're always knitting clothes and lovely accessories for{LF}me.'' I'm not really doing it for you. It's never easy between you two, is it? Hey, what kind of monsters do you guys like best? I like the cute ones. ...Me too. Really? How odd. I thought you'd be the one to like strong monsters, yes? ...I'm well aware cute ones don't suit me. I like the pretty flower ones! ♪ I do too! What about you, Dolce? Well, it's not that I like them, but... Ghost monsters seem to like me. EEK! ...!!! My, it's so hot again today. Swimming is perfect on a day like this. I picked out this swimsuit for today. What do you think? I think you look smokin'. U-G-L-Y. Oh? Why thank you. No matter how old a lady gets, she'll never stop worrying{LF}about how she looks. Oh, I see. I like places with lots of water. I have some very nice memories with Papa in places like this,{LF}you see. Xiao Pai loves the water too. Spring is almost over. We'll have to bid the cerezo flower farewell for another year. Summer's almost here. Have your swimsuit ready for summer? We have fewer guests here to swim these days. Summer's almost over. The breeze has gotten awfully chilly, hasn't it? I should bring{LF}out the heater. After all, the best places to come home to are always so{LF}cozy and warm. The year is almost over. The inn is so busy these days! Both Xiao Pai and I will have{LF}to do our best! I ordered some +tomatoes+ from Porcoline. Xiao Pai's +birthday+ is coming soon, you see. I hope she likes it. I do, too. Xiao Pai has never liked +tomatoes+ raw, you know. She always made sure to remind me over and over never to{LF}use +tomatoes+. ...Oh? ... Xiao Pai made some @アイテム9@ for me. ♪{LF}Wasn't that lovely of her? When I asked the occasion, she said it was my +birthday+. That would certainly explain why Nancy gave me a present{LF}earlier. Don't tell me you've never known your birthday until Xiao Pai{LF}told you. Oh, of course not. That's crazy. Blossom was kind enough to remind me first. So you forgot it twice? On the same day? Day @0@ of this month is Blossom's +birthday+. I'd love to give her a present that would raise her spirits. Maybe a month-long pass to the baths? That's a great idea! Why would they want that? Tee hee! Thank you. ♪ *SIGH* You just don't know a good deal when you hear it,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. It will be @ナンシー@'s +birthday+ soon. I made sure to open up the family room for a party. Family rooms fit four people easily, so they should be able to{LF}have a lovely private party. Did @ジョーンズ@ ask you to do this? Oh, no. This is a surprise party, you see. Um, so how are you going to get @ナンシー@ to come? ... If I make sure there is a room open, they won't have to{LF}worry about everything being full. (She hasn't even thought of it.) Um, wouldn't a two-person room be enough? ... Oh well, two people can use a three-person room just as{LF}easily. @しゅじんこうくん@. Hi... Hello there! My name is Lin Fa. Oh, okay. Oh! Huh? Now that I think about it, this isn't the first we've met, is it? No. But I was kinda in a rush before... Oh my. So we haven't had a chance to introduce ourselves,{LF}then. Well then, how about we do that now? I'm very pleased to meet you. Me, too. Oh my, is something the matter, @しゅじんこうくん@? You know, this reminds me of the times I would walk{LF}together with Papa. ...Oh, I'm still quite fine, thank you. Oh dear. Oh dear me. Oh, I see. Well, do invite me again sometime, okay? Oh dear. I should be getting back to the inn. Good night! @リンファ@, do you want to go somewhere together? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I have to mind the inn right now. Certainly! I'll ask Xiao Pai to mind the inn. No, no. I wouldn't want to interrupt your lovely date. Of course! I'd love to join you. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Would you like to go somewhere with{LF}me? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Would you like to-- Oops! I'm terribly sorry to interrupt. I'll ask again some other{LF}time. Thank you. Well then, shall we be going? Wonderful! ♪ Well then, shall we be off? I see. Perhaps another time. Oh my! Why thank you! I'm so very glad. And I'm quite fond of you, too, @しゅじんこうくん@. Just as much as everyone else in town! Oh my, a wedding ring? Why thank you! It's lovely. Tee hee! I'm just kidding. I already have Papa, you see. Oh goodness! Who left this garbage around? I guess better clean it up for them. @アイテム9@? I see. ... Oh, it's for me? I'm sorry, I wasn't interested, so I didn't pay{LF}any attention. Here, let me throw it away for you. In exchange, it would be lovely if you could bring me some{LF}@アイテム0@. Oh my, a present for me? Why thank you. It's lovely. Thank you. My, my! Why thank you. @アイテム9@? Why thank you. Hmm? What do I like? Well, I +like+ dishes with a lot of rice in them. I think +Chinese food+ is yummy. Oh my! Is this for me? Thank you! I +like+ rice dishes a lot. ♪ You wouldn't think so, but milk goes well with rice. I +like+{LF}both quite a lot. Oh my! @アイテム9@. Thank you! I +like+ these! Oh my! Is that @アイテム9@? And it's for me! Why thank you! My, my! Is this for me? Thank you! Milk tastes very +yummy+, don't you think? Drinking lots of milk helps you grow, you know. My my! ♪ Is that @アイテム9@? Aren't those yummy? Hee hee ♪ Thank you! It's lovely. ♪ My, my! That looks very yummy. ♪ +Chinese dishes+ have very strong flavors to them. That's what{LF}makes them so yummy! Xiao Pai +likes+ those dishes too, you know. I think I'll share this with her later. Thank you! Oh! Is that @アイテム9@? Oh my! Oh my my my! How wonderfully thoughtful of you! I'll enjoy this very much! @アイテム9@? Really? Oh my! I +love+ that! Are you sure I may have it? Yay! ♪ Hm? What is this? Oh, should I have a sip? Well, if you insist... M-my... How odd. You don't even have a beard, @しゅじんこうくん@, yet you{LF}suddenly look handsome... Erm... Is this for me? @しゅじんこうくん@, let me teach you something about giving{LF}gifts properly. First, find out what the person +hates+. Then, don't give it to{LF}them on their +birthday+. People don't know what to do when they get something{LF}they +hate+. A present for me? Thank you. Tee hee! Today is my +birthday+, you know. Hmm? Is this a +birthday present+ for me? Oh, how wonderful! I +like+ @アイテム9@ very{LF}much. Thank you. ♪ Oh my... @アイテム9@! What a wonderful +birthday present+! Thank you. ♪ Oh, and it's even handmade. How lovely! Thank you so much. ♪ You know, I made a thank-you gift for you, for everything you{LF}have done for me. Here. I hope you like it. Welcome. Oh my. This is the first time you've visited our baths, isn't it,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@? Our baths are very relaxing, you see. They will restore your{LF}HP and RP completely. Please stop by whenever you feel the need for a refreshing{LF}break. Oh, I know! Since you are still getting used to life in town, let me give{LF}you a special deal. You can use the bath free on your first five visits. A nice, relaxing bath is a lovely way to wash off sweat after{LF}a long day farming or adventuring. Welcome. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm terribly sorry, but we will to have to start charging you for{LF}using the baths. That will be @0@ Gold. Welcome. How can I help you? Please come again! That will be @0@ Gold. You may still use the baths free of charge for a little while. Your bath will be free today. Oh dear. It looks like you don't have enough Gold. Is there anything else I can do for you? Today is your birthday, isn't it? Happy Birthday! Here, I have a present for you. I hope you like it. I have a birthday present for you. I hope you like it. Oh, thanks. You're very welcome. Oh, dear. @しゅじんこうくん@, you look awfully pale. Ah, yes! I accidentally bought medicine earlier instead of{LF}what I needed. Here. This should help you feel better. How worrisome. You should go and see Jones. He will be able to help you. @しゅじんこうくん@, you have great bath etiquette. Did you know every time you use the bath, you refine your{LF}etiquette? My, my. It seems you already have intermediate bathing{LF}etiquette, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh my. You have become a master of bath etiquette,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Did you know a master bather is one who can bathe{LF}beautifully and efficiently? My, my! You are truly an expert at bath etiquette,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Your technique is enchanting! Oh, I know! @しゅじんこうくん@, here. I just remembered a few tips on how to bathe for maximum{LF}relaxation. Let me teach you. You simply sit back and forget about ab-so-lute-ly everything. Papa taught me that trick many, many years ago. Yay! Your Bathing Skill went up! One of my customers taught me one of his secret recipes. If you'd like, I'll share it with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh my. You have @アイテム0@ for sale. How about @1@ Gold for{LF}@0@ @アイテム0@? Oh dear. Well, how about @1@ Gold? Oh well. Perhaps next time. Well then, I'll take it. ♪ Oops! I've forgotten my wallet. I'll have to come back some{LF}other time. Oh dear. Do you have anything else? What a lovely shop. I'll be sure to stop by again. This will be very helpful! Thank you. My, my. How long has it been since you moved here,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? It's amazing how well we get along. It almost feels like we've grown up together! Even though we both know that couldn't be true. Hee hee! But spending time with you is as pleasant as it would be if{LF}we were life-long friends. It's lovely. I hope we're friends forever! ♪ Of course! Pfffft. With you? Wonderful! ♪ ...Oh. Please feel free to stop by and visit whenever you'd like. Xiao Pai and I work at the inn on the northwest side of town. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! I've heard so much about you and your{LF}partner. You two spend so much time together. I'm a little jealous. My, my! It's been quite a long time, hasn't it. How are you? Oh, my. @しゅじんこうくん@! It feels like forever since we last{LF}chatted. At the end of the day, putting your all into a challenge is just{LF}so rewarding! Wouldn't you say, O Victorious One? @リンファ@. Congratulations. I won't lose next time. Why thank you! My, my! I won't make it easy for you, you know. Tee hee! @しゅじんこうくん@, Happy New Year. Happy New Year to you, too. Here. I have some New Year's gift money for you. Don't be shy, now! I give some to Xiao Pai every year, too. @しゅじんこうくん@, Happy New Year. Happy New Year to you, too. I wonder when Papa will come home this year. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Out with the demons and in with the customers. Out with the demons. In with the customers. Oh, but what if a demon is a customer? What should we do then? I asked Xiao Pai if we could ever have a demon as a{LF}customer. She said it'd be fine if he paid and stayed out of trouble. She has a very good point! ♪ Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Hee hee! I can barely wait. The @カレンダー0@ is today. I can't wait! But I don't wanna get fat. And I can't wait to win! Oh, don't worry about it. One day of overeating won't hurt. I may have eaten too much. But there's always room for dessert! ♪ Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you like Woolies? I wonder why Woolies are so wooly-ful. Certainly not so it can be shaved by everyone like today.... I asked Xiao Pai why Woolies are so wooly-ful. She said it's because Woolies are cuter when they're{LF}wooly-ful. That makes so much sense! ♪ My daughter is amazing. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I'm not sure, but I doubt I'm any good at this festival. The @カレンダー0@ is today. It's a festival for hitting flying targets. I can hardly wait! *SIGH* I didn't do so well today. I guess it's like Xiao Pai always says: ''Mama, the things you say never come out exactly right.'' Um... Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I hope there will be lots of good matches. The @カレンダー0@ is today. I wonder who came up with the idea of throwing turnips. I have a few reasons in mind, but... I expect it's because they had turnips handy at the time. The @カレンダー0@ is coming, @しゅじんこうくん@. But before the quiz starts, let me give you a bit of a hint. ...Did you know that sometimes I can be a little careless? The @カレンダー0@ will be starting soon. Are you feeling confident? Oh dear. The @カレンダー0@ is done for the year. I must admit, I was really getting into the spirit of things... ♪ The @カレンダー0@ is coming. Nancy was thrilled to hear this is a festival of expressing{LF}love! A woman's passion is absolute. I wonder how many things can actually qualify as a pet. One of our customers told me how some people even name{LF}their vegetables. Ahh... That was such a refreshing festival. I can't wait until next year! ♪ Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Let's all catch lots of fish and eat like royalty! I hope I catch a lot of fish today! And when I catch more than I can eat... Hmm. What will I do with all the extra fish? I have an idea. It isn't unheard of for baths to include fish is it? It could be a{LF}new feature! ♪ Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. If I catch a really big fish, I think I'll have Porcoline fillet it for{LF}me. Though I should do my own cooking every once in a while{LF}so I don't get rusty. But it's tempting! ♪ They say there's no bigger fish than the one that got away. So I think you catch the biggest fish by letting it go first. Right? ♪ I let a huge fish get away. But I caught a big fish's worth of really tiny fish! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Do you know how to make sure you only catch squid? The @カレンダー0@ is today. ... ...It IS the @カレンダー0@, right? Um, yeah. I think so. Speaking of squid... I've heard that there are bath salts which use squid ink. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I think I'll include various fish in tomorrow's menu at the inn{LF}to celebrate. Everyone will be catching so many fish today the cooks will{LF}all have their work cut out for them. But darling Xiao Pai is the head cook in our family. She can{LF}do it! Believe it or not, she's actually pretty good at cooking. She practiced really, really, REALLY hard to get that good.{LF}She's such a hard worker! Xiao Pai will be cooking all the fish we caught today. As long as she isn't too clumsy, it should be very tasty! ♪ Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I hope @アイテム9@ isn't the only thing{LF}anyone brings. The veggies you raise yourself always taste the best. They taste so sweet! That was a lovely festival. I can't wait to see what kind of spring veggies are in next{LF}year's festival. @しゅじんこうくん@, the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Have you gotten everything ready? A veggie you put a lot of effort into raising can become{LF}almost another child to you. You want to see them grow big and strong. A lot of summer veggies tend to be very crisp. Do they miss the water too, I wonder? Oh, what should I enter into tomorrow's{LF}@カレンダー0@? @しゅじんこうくん@, have you decided what you'll showcase? @しゅじんこうくん@, do you like vegetables? Yeah. Not really... You should join us for a homemade veggie dinner sometime! Sure! That sounds great! Yes, it will be lovely! I can hardly wait for Xiao Pai's{LF}handmade dishes. ♪ My, my! You don't like vegetables? That's a little childish, don't you{LF}think? Fall veggies are so tasty that it's easy to eat too many of{LF}them. Well, fall is the season for full appetites, so I guess it's to be{LF}expected. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. People usually think of winter veggies as plain. But they're very hearty! I think it's a person's kindness that helps veggies grow. When farming, it's better to be more thoughtful than skilled. Or hungry, perhaps. Possibly. Maybe. That was a fun festival. ♪ Well done, giving your showcase out in this chilly weather. I can't wait for @カレンダー0@. Of course I have my swimsuit ready... ...Oh dear. @カレンダー0@ is today. Pulling out my swimsuit has made me want to go swimming.{LF}It's been such a long time. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. I wonder if Papa will come home again this year. Well, today is the last day of the year. I know we say this every year, but let's do our best next{LF}year! Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? Oh, that's right! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Perhaps I'll go watch them with Xiao Pai. ...If she doesn't already have other plans, of course. Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? Oh, yes! How about we have @アイテム9@ for dinner{LF}tonight? That way we can enjoy it outside while watching the{LF}fireflies. The fireflies are really pretty this year. Yes, they are. That reminds me, Nancy and I had a chat about this once. I wonder, when did we get to the age where we reminisce{LF}over this kind of mesmerizing scenery? That was such gorgeous scenery. It was worth the wait. But now I can hardly wait until next year! ♪ Opportunities are very important, aren't they? Huh? Well, yeah. My, my! @しゅじんこうくん@, I thought you'd be a little quicker than that. You have to be quick, you know. After all, tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Oh my! Thank you. ♪ This is a +friendship cookie+, correct? Xiao Pai worked so hard yesterday baking hers. Oh my! Thank you. ♪ Today is a festival for young girls, but I'm always happy to{LF}have a little surprise. Xiao Pai worked so hard yesterday baking hers. Maybe next year she'll finally be good enough to succeed! Huh? She said this would be the year she gives one to all her{LF}friends. You can expect one too, @しゅじんこうくん@. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. He's not here right now, but Papa is a pretty good cook. But delicate dishes like sweets are a bit hard for him. He tends to cook things on high heat with just a touch of{LF}seasonings. It matches him well! My, my! Why thank you. Today is @カレンダー9@, after all. It's a festival where{LF}boys give presents to girls they like. ...Oh my. Is this for me? Thank you! Now that you mention it, today is @カレンダー9@,{LF}isn't it? I've always thought it so lovely that a boy can express his{LF}feelings this way. Oh, and don't worry. I know that this is just a +friendship{LF}cookie.+ ♪ Oh, there you are! You get one too, @しゅじんこうくん@. Think of this as my thanks for everything you do for us. I{LF}hope you like it. I've been passing them out to our customers since yesterday. Some were so happy they threw their arms up in the air. I was a little surprised, to be honest. But I'm glad I took the{LF}time to make them. My customers gave me some +cookies+ today. It was all such a surprise it hardly felt fair. But I'm just happy that they like my inn so much. Hee hee. Hmm...tomorrow... I know! Tomorrow, let's have @アイテム9@. All of our customers came to watch the stars today. I should make sure they have something warm to eat so they{LF}don't get too cold outside. @しゅじんこうくん@, did you make a wish? Yes. It's a secret! I wished for-- Oh! That's right. You're not supposed to tell others what you{LF}wished for. Wishes are things you keep close to your heart, after all. In a way, they are the form given to thoughts and emotions{LF}that don't have one in the beginning. Trying to force them into words can turn them into{LF}something they weren't intended to be. If you want that formless hope to be granted the way it is... ...it's probably best to make the wish with your heart, and{LF}not try to cram it into words. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I wonder if someone would be kind enough to make hot pot{LF}for us. This was the perfect opportunity, so I tried my hand at{LF}making some things that I needed. There's so much to learn from these festivals. I want to make a no-stick frying pan and a knife that can cut{LF}through anything. ANYTHING. ...Tee hee! I'm kidding, of course. Cooking is an expression of love, @しゅじんこうくん@. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@, you know. I usually order our meals from Porcoline. But today, I think I'll challenge myself to cook on my own. Don't think I'll let you win, @しゅじんこうくん@! Whew! I gave everything I had. It seems like I still have a long way to go. I'd better keep{LF}working at it. I came to chat. I want to use the bath. Nothing. Go in. Don't go in. Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. A special treat from me. *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone at{LF}@0@ in @マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I would love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Now isn't the time for that. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will raise the chance it'll sell{LF}way up. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Playing in the water can be really tiring, but there are so{LF}many fun games! I really like slow-motion tag. It's my favorite! ♪ Lumie got really mad at me when I went flying in my{LF}swimsuit. She says I have to be more careful about where I'm flying. Sometimes Lumie says things I don't get. *SIGH* The life of a{LF}detective is complicated. Swimming is fun! ♪ Diving in from high places is so exciting! It's my new favorite{LF}thing to do! C'mon, @しゅじんこうくん@! Dive with me! Aww. Spring's gonna end soon. Spring's my favorite season. I'm gonna miss it. Fall's gonna be here soon! I don't hate summer, but fall is my favorite next to spring! I'm still gonna enjoy every last bit of summer that's left,{LF}though. ♪ Oh, no. Winter's coming. No matter how hard I try, I just can't like winter. It's the end of the year! Just thinking that the weather will warm up soon makes me{LF}so happy I can't stay still! ...But then I remember it's cold and I don't wanna get up. Question! What makes day @0@ of this month special? Huh? Um... Uh...your birthday? @クローリカ@'s birthday. Our anniversary, baby! BZZZT! Wrong! My birthday's on day @1@! Waaaaaay off! Oh. Sorry. Oh! But on my birthday I get lots and lots of pretty flowers. I can't wait! That's great! But, uh, what's day @0@, then? DING DING DING! You got it! Come celebrate with us, okay? Sure. Bring an @アイテム9@ for her present, okay? Huh? Sparkly stuff is the best. Wha?! Huh? Our anniversary of what? Um! Uhh... Our anniversary of, um...talking together about that{LF}one thing? Huh? ...Sorry. Forget I said anything, okay? I baked a +cake+ for Forte for her birthday. But now I can't give it to her. Why not? I asked her if she liked cake. But she said no and shook her head a lot. So she must{LF}reeeeally hate cake... O-oh... Lad-dee-dah-dee-dah! ♪ You look like you're having lots of fun, @コハク@. Yep! Meg's +birthday+ is coming. Oh? Yeah! And +birthdays+ are lots of fun. And watching friends{LF}have fun is even more fun! ♪ Ah. I can hardly wait! Oh, hi, @コハク@. What's the bouquet for? It seems it is a +birthday+ present, yes? Ah. For @シャオパイ@'s birthday? You have a whole bunch{LF}there. Yep! I hope she likes them, yes? Hee hee! ♪ Today's my +birthday+! ♪ Happy Birthday! Thanks! I've gotten lots and lots and lots of pretty flowers. See this @アイテム9@ brooch? Xiao Pai made{LF}it for me. @アイテム9@ brooch? Yep! ♪ ...I see. Hmm? What's that you have there? @アイテム9@. They smell really strong... So, uh, why are you carrying them around? It's my +birthday present+ to Lumie. She says cases have a smell. This one smells really strong! Uh, I don't think that's what she meant. Hee hee! Look! I made a flower crown. I'm gonna give this to Dolly for her +birthday+. Um, is it me, or does that have a...golden sheen to it? Yep! I made it out of lots of @アイテム9@! ?! Ah! @コハク@. It's the funny-face person! ♪ Um, it's @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? My name. It's @しゅじんこうくん@. ... Ohh! ...Do you understand now? Yep! I finally get it. That's...good. So, um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yes? Thanks. For what? Thanks to you, I managed to wake back up. So...thank you. You're welcome. Oh, and... I'm really glad to meet you! Same here! Hmm? C'mon, let's go! Umm...I'm a little tired... Ooooh...I feel all funny and floaty... Oh, okay. See you later! ♪ Oh. Ask me again later, okay? I'll miss you. Thanks for seeing me home! I'm glad I got to spend even that little bit more time with{LF}you! Oopsie! Lumie's probably worried about me. Gotta go. Bye-bye! ♪ @コハク@, do you want to go somewhere together? Ummm...not now. I've got stuff to do. Sorry! Sure! I'm ready to go! Gotta spend time together as a couple sometimes, y'know. ♪ Um, I'd really like to go along with you, but then we'd be a{LF}really big crowd. So ask me again later, 'kay? ♪ I'd love to! ♪ Where are you gonna take me this time? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? I wanna go somewhere with you. Can we? Aww! I wanted to go somewhere with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. But I don't think we can go with everyone, too. Yaaay! ♪ Tee hee hee! ♪ Then let's go together! Aww... Too bad. Yep! And I love you, too. ♪ Wha? And Lumie. And Venti. And the whole town! ♪ Um, that's not what I meant... It was a joke? Does that mean you hate me? No, no! That's not it, either. You see... Hmm? I, as a boy... Yes? ...love you. As a girl. Oh. ...Huh? Will you please go out with me? ... Um... I... ...Huh? You don't have to answer me right away. Could you come to @マップ0@{LF}at @0@ hundred hours tomorrow? You can give me an answer then. Okay? ...O-okay. I will. I'll think about it real hard, I promise! Um, tomorrow at @マップ0@ at @0@{LF}hundred hours, right? I'll be there. I promise. Um... We're gonna talk about it at @マップ0@, right? So wait for me at @0@ hundred hours, okay? @コハク@. Ah! Thanks. I'm glad you came. Sure... So... Can I hear your answer? ... Yeah. @しゅじんこうくん@. Yes? I... ...I'm sorry. What? I...I can't answer. ... Going out with someone means being together with the{LF}person you like lots, right? Right. But I like everyone lots. So can't I be together with everyone who likes me, too? Well, that's not... I know that's not what you mean. I know it takes more than that, like love and romance. But... Even though I know what the word love means, I don't{LF}actually know what love IS. I even asked Lumie about it. She said that as long as I'm honest with my feelings, that's all{LF}it takes. But I just don't know. I'm all confused inside. So, um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Could you tell me? Huh? What do I need to really ''go out'' with someone? You know the answer to that, right? I do. Not exactly. So what is it? Huh? I don't know, either. It can't be put in words. I still don't get it. What made you want to go out with me? Because I love you. I was bored. Oh. Then you're just like me. Isn't it okay that way? I'm glad we're the same. Huh? Why? Because I chose you. You chose me? Yeah. Out of everything I love, you're the one I love the most. I want to be with you more than anyone. That's all. ... So that's ''going out'' with someone? But... I want to be with everyone. ... But you chose me out of everyone. So I guess I'll let you. Huh? I still don't get what it means to go out... But I'm starting to think that's okay. So, um... Please go out with me! Okay. Great! Now let's pick pet names for each other! Huh? Lumie told me that boyfriends and girlfriends pick names for{LF}each other. Wait a second... Does that mean you knew from the start that you'd go out{LF}with me? So what do you want me to call you? Pick one! Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Are you sure? Isn't it too dull? No, I think it's just fine. Oh. Okay. We'll do that, then. @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ You like that one? Yeah. Umm...so now @しゅじんこうくん@ is... @しゅじんこうくん@. Okay! Got it! ''Dear?'' That sounds, I dunno...funny. Like something an auntie would call someone. Um, that's not the +dear+ that I meant. ...? ...Never mind. I guess it's a little early for that... @しゅじんこうくん@. Starting today, you aren't just the prince of the town, you are{LF}my @しゅじんこうくん@! Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@. ... Could you say that one more time? Sure! @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Thanks. Okay, what do you want to call me? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Really? Although I guess it somehow feels different this time. Weird. @アイテム9@? Yeah. Because you're just as precious to me. Oooh... Hee hee! That kinda tickles. Are you sure? Yeah. @コハク@. Hee hee! That sounds cute. Oooh, that sounds all mature and adult-like! Could you say it for me? @コハク@. Yeees? Hee hee! ♪ Oooh, that sounds all formal. Are you sure? Yeah. Hmm. Y'know, you're kinda weird that way. But I forgive you! ♪ @その他4@? Yeah. @コハク@. Oooh... That gives me the shivers. But if you're @しゅじんこうくん@... And I'm @その他4@... Umm...that's all confusing. ...But in a fun way, hee hee! ♪ Okay, let's use those names! And, um... I'm looking forward to having a lot of fun together with you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@! And I with you. Hee hee! I love you lots, too! And everyone in the whole town! ♪ ...Oh. I love you, too! Ah! You're cheating! You're cheating! Aww, @しゅじんこうくん@... Aww... I love you, too! ... Hmm? Are you gonna give me something? Ooh! A ring! It sparkles! How pretty! And the size is just right, too! @コハク@. Yeah? Will you marry me? Sure! ...Wait, huh? Please marry me. ... Um, are you okay? No, not at all. Oh... My face feels so hot I think it might melt off! ...Oh? Um...are you sure I'm good enough? Yes. ...Oh. ...That was a good dream. What? No, this isn't a dream! ...? Sheesh. Here. Lightly pinch her cheek. Kiss her on the cheek. Eh? See? It isn't a dream. It...it isn't? Then...you really do want to be with me? I wouldn't want anyone else. Are you really sure you're okay with me? Of course! You're more than good enough for me! You're{LF}perfect-o! Good. ...No, wait... Huh? I don't want it to be anybody but you. Ever. ... As long as I have you by my side, @しゅじんこうくん@... ...all my dreams are happy ones. @コハク@... Let's get married. Yeah. I promise I'll make you happy. Yeah. Now I can keep on having happy dreams forever and ever! Oh! I know what this is! It's a wedding ring, right? ... W-WAIT! I-I can't accept this! Oooh! A wedding ring! Look! It even fits on my finger all pretty! ♪ Hmm? A wedding ring? Hey! You aren't supposed to litter! It's wrong! Oh, but if it's @アイテム0@, Bado would love{LF}it. Aaah! Th-that scares me... That's scary!!! Um, @コハク@? Th-they're scaaaryyy! Iggly-wiggly, slimy-icky +fishies+. Arthur doesn't like fishies when you cook them... But I don't like fishies even before you cook them! Hmm? Stuff I like? @アイテム0@! I'd love to get that! It's my{LF}+favorite+! Oh, @アイテム9@? Thanks! ♪ Thanks! ♪ Ooh, can I have this? Thanks! ♪ Hm? Stuff I +like+? Hmmm...I like +flowers+ a lot. Oh, +fruit+ is pretty yummy. I +like+ juices because they're easy and fun to drink! I really, reaaally love @アイテム0@! ♪ Huh? This is for me? Yaaay! ♪ +Flowers+ are pretty and sweet! I +like+ them lots! Yay! That's a yummy-looking @アイテム9@. It's especially tasty when it goes along with +fruit+. I really +like+{LF}both! Huh? This is for me? Yaaay! ♪ I +like fruit+ a whole lot! It's sweet and yummy! Ooh, @アイテム9@! It looks so yummy! Thanks! +Fruit+ is nummy, and it gets even yummier when you make it{LF}into +juice+! Ooh, juice! Can I have some? Thanks! It looks really yummy! ♪ Ooh! @アイテム9@! Juice is sweet and fun and a yummy treat! I +like+ it as much{LF}as I like flowers. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@! Yaaay! ♪ @アイテム9@! It's sweet and yummy, just like a +flower+. I +like+ it lots! I'd love to have some more! ♪ Ooh! @アイテム9@! Yaaay! ♪ It's fruity and it's sweet and it's fun to drink! I +love+ it! Thank you! ♪ Oooh, @アイテム9@! It's so pretty. Hm? I can have it? Really? Yay! I love this kind of flower! It's so pretty and sweet! Thank you so much! ♪ WAH! I spy @アイテム9@! It's super, super, SUPER yummy! But it's also, super, super, SUPER-DUPER hard to get! Can I have a sip? Now? Please? Can I? Sure! No. MINE. Oooooh... It's so YUMMY! Oh... But it's still super neat of you to give me a present this rare. Thanks! Ooh, juice! Can I have some? Thanks! It looks really yummy! ♪ ...Huh? Weird. Now you look kinda... ...EEP! N-nothing! Nothing! ...Weeeeird... Ooh, can I have this? Yay! I got a +birthday present+! Yaaay! ♪ I got @アイテム9@! I like it lots. What a super neat +birthday present+! Thanks! Oooh! I +love+ these! Can I have some? Yaaay! That's the best +birthday+ present ever! Thanks! Oooh, I can feel all the kindness you put into this. It's gotta be handmade, then, right? That's even better! Hee hee! Look! Today, I made a thank-you gift for you. Thanks for everything you do for me! Today's our anning weddersary. OOPS! You okay there? Too hard for you to say? Yeah... O-oh. Awww... Why the sad puppy eyes? Because I messed up. Today's supposed to be special. Today's supposed to be special... @コハク@... There's always next year. Awww, you're so cute! Next year? Yeah. That's right. We're gonna be together forever and ever! You do? Yeah. Oh... Well, I don't really get it, but all's well that ends well! Yeah. Hee hee! ♪ I saw you outside the other day. Oh? Yeah. You were being all flirty with some other girl. Huh?! U-umm...It's not what you think. I know. But don't forget! Even I get jealous, y'know. I heard it's your birthday today, @しゅじんこうくん@. Happy Birthday! Oh yeah! Here, I have a present for you. I worked really hard to make it. Oh, wow. Thanks. You're welcome. ♪ I've got a present for you. I looked and looked and looked for just the perfect thing. Thanks. You're welcome. ♪ Hmm? Uh-oh! You don't look so good, @しゅじんこうくん@. Are you okay? Oh, yeah! I have some medicine that Lumie gave to me. Here! You should go see a doctor. Okay? Here, have some @アイテム0@. I made it for{LF}your lunch! ♪ Today's lunch is @アイテム0@. I hope it's{LF}yummy! Here's your lunch. I tried making some{LF}@アイテム0@. I made some @アイテム0@ today. It should{LF}be a perfect lunch! Here's some @アイテム0@ for lunch. I made it{LF}with lots and lots of love! See you later! See you! Try real hard today, okay? See you later! Don't do anything dangerous, okay? See you! I'll be waiting for you to come home. ♪ See you! Come home soon, okay? ♪ Welcome! ♪ Come again soon! ♪ Are you sure you didn't forget anything? ... @しゅじんこうくん@, I saw you weeding the other day. You had the basics perfect! I'm sure that'll be enough to help{LF}you search for treasures. Y'know, you're pretty good at weeding, @しゅじんこうくん@. You were scanning the ground and I could tell no weed{LF}could get past you! It was great. You should be really proud, @しゅじんこうくん@. Not many people are as good at weeding as you are. Wow, @しゅじんこうくん@. Your weeding, it's so...so... So super-duper! That's the only word I can think of to{LF}describe it. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! Perfect timing. I have something for you. Here. ♪ I'm gonna teach you the ultra secret hidden technique{LF}behind perfect weeding. Watch. It's like this. The most important part is the angle of your arms and hips.{LF}See? Wow...she's pretty serious. Yay! My Harvesting Skill went up! Someone gave me a recipe the other day. But I don't want it. So here! You can have it, @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@. I have something earnest I have to talk to you about. Something earnest? Yeah. ...By the way, what's ''earnest'' mean? It's for when somebody is being especially honest. Oh, I get it! Anyway... Yeah? Um... I...I want a family. Me, too! I want it to be just us. Really? Yeah. Oh. Tee hee hee! That makes me really happy. Oh... ... Yeah, that's good, too. ... Hee hee! @しゅじんこうくん@, your mouth is hanging open. Oh. Sorry, heh. Wow. A child of our own... We're gonna be a mommy! ♪ W-well, I'll be a dad. Yeah. Which one do you think it'll be? A boy or a girl? @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Do you want a boy? Or is a girl better? Hmm... A boy? Yeah. A boy as kind and cute as you are, @コハク@. You're really sweet, too, y'know. Even now, you're giving me a really kind look. Ah... A girl? Yeah. I bet she'll be as pretty and genuine as you are. Really? Hee hee! You're embarrassing me. Heh heh. That's true. Boy or girl, our baby will still be our baby. Yeah. Think up a good name, okay? Huh? That'll be your job, Daddy. Oh... All right, Mommy. Great! ♪ I think we should make sure it's a great birthday. I mean, the day you're born is such a special day! Everyone should be able to think, ''I'm glad I was born!'' True. So we'd better plan a great party today, okay? It's @子供ちゃん@'s birthday! ♪ Yeah. Oooh! You have @アイテム0@! How about @1@ Gold{LF}for @0@ @アイテム0@? Aww... Can I have it for @1@ Gold, then? Awww...I can't buy it, then. Sold! Yay! ♪ Aww, no luck this time. Hmm. I wonder... Ooh! Ooh! Can I see what else you have? Yay! I got some neat stuff! I'll come again later. ♪ Thanks! ♪ Ahhh... Life is good. Yeah. You're what makes it good, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? You're here. Venti's here. Lumie's here. Everyone's so kind and wonderful. And... ...and... @コハク@? And I know there's somebody out there who loves me. I may not be able to see him yet, but he's watching over me. I can feel it. ... I see. Anyway! It's thanks to you, @しゅじんこうくん@, that every day is{LF}super-duper happy for me! I'm glad. Hee hee! You two always look so happy together, @しゅじんこうくん@. It must be wonderful to have a lover. Ooh! I spy @しゅじんこうくん@! Long time no see. You hardly ever come talk to me. There's so much stuff I{LF}wanna chat about, too! I kinda miss you... What does it mean to be married? It's funny. We're supposed to be together forever and ever,{LF}right? But we hardly ever talk. ...I miss you. Oh, hey, hey! Congratulations! You were super duper cool out there! ♪ Yay! I won the festival! Congrats! Thanks! You're welcome! ...Wait, I mean thanks! You're welcome! ♪ ...Wait, huh? I heard we weren't supposed to eat anything yesterday. Oh, but @アイテム9@ is a drink, so that{LF}doesn't count, right? I heard that the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I can't wait. ♪ Today's the @カレンダー0@! *MUNCH* *MUNCH* Mmm, tasty! Urp...I think I overate. Uh, overate what? I'm going to make sure I open my stomach for tomorrow. Open it wiiiiiide. Er... I don't think that's something people say. Or SHOULD{LF}say... Today's the @カレンダー0@! I can't wait to try my{LF}hand at it! Well, it's my tummy I'm using, so I can't wait to put my{LF}tummy to the test! ...Or something like that. Whatever. Great job! Oh, is your tummy upset now? I have an iron stomach! It is furious. Oh, how lucky! Really? How can it be mad at you? I heard that the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. ...Lumie is acting funny. All that fluffy white Wooly wool is gonna be made into a big{LF}ol' ice cream cone! ...At least, that's what I wish it could be. That Wooly looked really happy when everyone defluffed it. ...That Wooly is weird. @しゅじんこうくん@, you be the target! Huh? Firrre! Ahh! Wh-what are you doing? Yay! Bullseye! Ahhhh! Wait...this isn't ''hitting'' the target, it's ''clinging'' to the target.{LF}Oh well! Hee hee! Ta-dah! *MUNCH* *MUNCH* Question. What am I doing right now? *MUNCH* *MUNCH* You're eating something. You're sleeping, somehow. DING DING! Correct! You win! Hurray! Um, I get it. Thanks. You can stop patting my head now. Awww...I'm sorry. That's the wrong answer. Wow, she really does look sorry. I can't wait to test my skills tomorrow! Yesterday I practiced so hard I threw out both my hips AND{LF}shoulders practicing. Huh? Heh heh heh... Today's the day I show everyone my skills! Ha-HA! Super fastball! ...That's actually a change-up. Super fastball! Nope, definitely a change-up. ...A Knuckle-ball...? ...A Slow curve-ball?! I heard that the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Lumie said true detectives CREATE correct answers. Do you think it's okay for an assistant to give the answer{LF}during the @カレンダー0@? Hmm... That's a tough question. I heard there's a world famous assistant detective who{LF}almost NEVER gets the right answer. That's pretty amazing, in a way. I sent a letter to all my forest friends. After all, tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@, you know. A pet is like a friend, right? Dolly told me Pico is her pet. I made lots of new friends today! Everyone was so cuuute! I heard that the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Sigh. I don't like fishies much. They're scary. Their big, round, empty eyes and icky slimy scales... So scary!{LF}*SHIVER* I...I have to get them before they get me! Ahh! Ack! @コハク@! A-are you okay? The @カレンダー0@... Big fishies...? This time we have to catch big, scarier fishies to win? That's terrible! Who thought this up?! STAY BACK! Wha?! Whew...that was scary... I guess I'll have to try again next year. I heard that the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it! ...Who are you and what have you done with{LF}@コハク@?! The @カレンダー0@... What's wrong? So squid are okay, then? Nothing. I am as quiet and serene as spring. No, they aren't okay. At all. ...Huh? My heart is very calm today. Calm... Very calm. Uh, are you okay? Meg and I fought together today, as one. Huh? But she's only scared of icky squiddies. It was a short-lived{LF}alliance. I heard that the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I...heard that the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. Why did you say that twice? If I close my eyes while fishing, then the fishies aren't so{LF}scary. I know, I can't actually do that. Gotcha! Ahh! What's wrong? Do you want a fish? A...a fishie?! ... Aaand release! Fishies scare me. But everyone looks like they're having fun. I like watching my{LF}friends have fun. It's a true dilemma. Fish...or friends? Fish...or friends... I heard that the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. It's the end of the season, and yet I could still eat my fill of{LF}springy food. @アイテム9@. @アイテム9@. Greenif-- Isn't that enough?! Veggies are plants that people can eat, right? So that means flowers are a veggie, too. Summer veggies. Plants that we eat in the summer. I wish I could showcase honey instead... An @アイテム9@ will hurt at this time of year. They'll really, really, REALLY hurt! I know. When I get passionate about something, I can say{LF}some really weird things. I realize I do it, but I don't feel like changing at all. That's{LF}okay, right? The @カレンダー0@... Tomorrow, we will find out the name of the greatest{LF}vegetable that was ever harvested. Time to showcase some yummy{LF}@アイテム9@! Oooh, I can't wait to eat it afterwards. ...Yum! I don't regret it. You ate it? What should I pick for tomorrow? I saw a cluckadoodle and told Lumie its chickeny legs{LF}reminded me of hers. But then she got super mad at me. I wonder why? Lumie's legs really do remind me of a cluckadoodle's! They're{LF}so cute and thin! Maybe she wants to be reminded of meatier legs. What do{LF}you think she'd say if I said they're like Orc legs? I really like flying, but did you know I'm really good at{LF}swimming too? I'm amphibious! And a flyer! Amph-air-bious! Where did she learn that word? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Do I look ''juicy'' to you today? Lumie said I look juicy today. There's something I've thought about for a long time. An ending is when something stops, right? So what stops when a year ends? Once something stops, there's no going back, right? So even though time is always moving, it's stopped? It's a mystery. Tomorrow is a festival for fireflies. I can't wait. Oh, yeah! Do you wanna go watch them together, @しゅじんこうくん@? I'm excited to go see all the fireflies. I can't wait until nighttime! It's like all the fireflies are chatting with each other when{LF}they glow like that. They're saying, ''Let's go play!'' That was fun! I got to play with lots of fireflies. See you all next year! I heard that tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Do you wanna go with me, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yay! ♪ It's a date! Oh... That's too bad. Oh yeah. After all, it is the @カレンダー0@. Sure! Let's go see them together. That was lots of fun! Hee hee! Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. @しゅじんこうくん@, you look like you're getting ready for it. Huh? You just do. Oh, that's right! @しゅじんこうくん@, do you have any plans for tomorrow? Hmm? Why? I wanna chat with you, if you have some time. Oh. No, it's okay. But if you find some time, come talk to me again, 'kay? Yay! ♪ Let's meet at @マップ1@ at @0@{LF}hundred hours, then. It's a date! Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@! I've been waiting for you. Here! Hm? I made this @アイテム0@ for you. Because I like you lots! Thanks... You're welcome. ♪ ... Is something wrong? Do you like it? Yeah. Not really. It's...cute. Tee hee hee! ♪ I hope it tastes good. I made it with lots and lots of love! Thanks. Huh? Oh... Um, I guess I got a little ahead of myself. I'm sorry. Huh? You're really cute, @コハク@. I-I am? Yep. Hee hee! Very cute. Don't say it so much, you're embarrassing me... Definitely cute. ... Really, really cute. Hmph! Huh?! I heard that today is a day to hand out homemade cookies{LF}to everyone. I hope everyone likes the ones I made. Oooh, a @アイテム0@! Huh? Is this for me? Even though it's @カレンダー0@? Yeah. It's not for @カレンダー0@. Thanks! I love it. ♪ Oh. But I still like it. Thanks! ♪ Oh! @しゅじんこうくん@, I have one for you, too. Here. Have this @アイテム0@. I'm giving them out to everyone who's helped me out. A-ha! I spy @しゅじんこうくん@! Here! Have a present. Huh? Oh, thanks. Wait. This is a @アイテム0@. Yep! ♪ Because you're special to me. Huh? Does that mean what I think it means? Ta-ta! ♪ Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@. Did you eat it yet? Yep. It was tasty! U-umm...suuuuure... Glad you liked it! Uh-oh. Now I'm nervous. I heard that @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow, and all the{LF}guys are busy preparing for it. Are they? I heard today is when girls might get presents from guys. I wonder if I'll get any. Ah! A @アイテム0@! What's the occasion? Hmm? It's just a present. It's @カレンダー0@. Oh, okay. Thanks! Oh, I get it. Tee hee. Thanks! @コハク@. Yeah? There's something I want to give to you. Okay. I'll take it! Uh, not right now. ...? Could you meet me at @マップ1@ tomorrow? Tomorrow? Umm... Sure! Great. So could you come to{LF}@マップ1@ by @0@ hundred{LF}hours? Will do! ♪ Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@. Yesterday, you said you had something to give me, right? Ooh! Can I really have this @アイテム0@? Yeah. It's a thank-you gift. It's for @カレンダー0@. Oh, okay. ... Wait, that means... ...Huh? Hmm? ...Wha? Hmm? Do...do you like it? Oh! Yeah, I do! I really like it. Lots. Thanks! Wow, a present from @しゅじんこうくん@. Hee hee. Somehow, today feels extra special. ♪ Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Winter air is really clear, so the stars will be really pretty. I just wish it wasn't so cold! Oh! But if you're with me, then I think I can deal with it. Huh? So, um, it'd be really neat if you'd come with me to star gaze. Brrr! It's c-c-cold! I j-just wanted to m-make a wish on the s-s-stars! B-but it's too c-c-cold up here! Come on, spring! Come on come on come on come on come{LF}onnnn! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. It's gonna be freezing... But I wanna go with you to @マップ0@ so we{LF}can see the stars together. ...even though it's freezing... If you're sure, @コハク@... Okay, let's do it! I'll be fine...I think. Okay then. Yay! ♪ I get to spend the day with @しゅじんこうくん@! With you there, I'll be fine no matter how cold it gets! ...I think. Probably. Maybe. Oh... ... ...Yeah, it'll be really cold up there, anyway. Okay. I get to spend the day with @しゅじんこうくん@! With you there, I'll be fine no matter how cold it gets! ...I think. Probably. Maybe. I hope my wish comes true. How about you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I wonder what I should make. I expect an item fitting of the assistant to a famous detective,{LF}Ms. Amber! Something like a complex case would be excellent! Today's the @カレンダー0@. Everybody gets to show{LF}off what they made. Oh, all the creativity in the air is reminding me of a fun{LF}saying Lumie once told me. She said that real detectives are the ones that CREATE truth.{LF}But that also sounds a little...fabricated. That was a great presentation! I want to do even better next{LF}year. Now if only the winning item would mysteriously disappear.{LF}That'd be great! ... There's a @カレンダー0@! And it's tomorrow! I can't wait! Today's the @カレンダー0@. I like @アイテム9@ the best. Um, that's not a dish. A traveler told me something neat today! She said she met another person who thinks flowers are{LF}yummy. I wish I could meet that person. We'd probably have lots and{LF}lots in common! ♪ Do you want to go somewhere together tomorrow? Hmm? Well... Um... Oopsie! I have stuff to do tomorrow. Sure! ♪ Where do you wanna go? Let's meet at @0@ hundred hours at{LF}@マップ1@, then. Great. Tee hee hee! ♪ I'm so excited! Do you want to come to my room? Ooh, that's a great idea! Let's do that, then. Yeah! Your room, huh? I can't wait! Why don't we relax at home today? Yeah, that sounds great! Shall we go to @マップ0@? Sure! That sounds good. Oh! Hmm? That's right. I wanted to go to the flower store. There's a whole bunch of pretty flowers I wanna show you. Okay. Let's do that, then. Great! Then come on over! Hmm... I kinda wanna visit your room. My room? Yeah. Lumie told me something once. She said the very best detective can find all the embarrassing{LF}stuff people hide in their rooms. Oh... Hmm...I think I wanna just relax at home today. Okay. Let's do that, then. Hmm...I think I wanna go to @マップ0@. Okay. Let's do that. Great! I can't wait for tomorrow! I already have plans for that time, so I probably shouldn't{LF}invite another person. C'mon, let's go! ♪ You look like you're having fun, @コハク@. Yeah! It's funny. I feel all excited and fluttery inside, too. Huh? It's weird. I feel happy! Oh so happy! And freeee! ♪ La la lalaa! ♪ You look like you're having fun as usual, @コハク@. Yeah! I am. I'm really happy too. Hey, @コハク@? Yeees? Aren't you tired? Noogie time! I'm having lots of fun! ♪ Um, that's great, but that's not really an answer. Oh? Oh, well. Tee hee hee! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm? It's kinda like--you know! Umm... Yeah, I know. Or more like--'you know'? Yeah! ♪ It... It's almost like I can fly! Well, I CAN fly, but...y'know! Oh, it is? Yeah, that's true. Yeah. (What?) Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? It's a promise. We'll stay together tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow,{LF}and the day after all the way to forever. Yeah. That was fun. ♪ Let's do it again sometime. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? About our date... Yeah. So now we've all made up, okay? We can be friends again! ...Oh. Um, I guess I had the wrong idea about you. Umm... Y'know, you're awfully forgetful, @しゅじんこうくん@. You mean our date? You don't even know. I mean, we were just gonna go on a date. And you just left me waiting aaaall day for no reason... Ah... Let's meet at @マップ0@ at @0@{LF}hundred hours tomorrow. I can't wait! Let's meet at @マップ0@ at @0@{LF}hundred hours later today. I can't wait! Yay! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@, you came! Of course. I told you I'd come. Hee hee! Oh! @しゅじんこうくん@. I almost got tired of waiting. Sorry. Well, you're here, so it's okay. C'mon, let's go! ♪ Yeah. Wow, you're early! So are you. Hee hee! Yeah. I was so excited about today I couldn't sleep. Huh? Let's get going! We're headed for @マップ0@! Umm...If we're gonna talk about yesterday, I'd rather talk{LF}alone. I'm too embarrassed to discuss it in front of others. Huh? Wait a minute! Dates only count if it's just the two of{LF}us! I came to chat. Seeds & Nutrients, please. Seeds & Nutrients, please. Nothing right now. Aha! I've been waiting. Here, have some{LF}@アイテム0@. Homemade juice after a nice, hot bath is the best! ♪ Here you go, @しゅじんこうくん@. Have some{LF}@アイテム0@. It's the best when it's fresh! Is it bedtime already? G'morning, @しゅじんこうくん@! *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. I really love you! Just kidding. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm... I was meeting someone at @0@ hundred hours{LF}in @マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Oops! I don't have a Double Bed yet. Now isn't the time for that. I wonder what that is? If I want to propose to someone, I should probably figure this{LF}out first. I think @ビシュナル@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @クローリカ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @フォルテ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @キール@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @マーガレット@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ディラス@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @アーサー@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @シャオパイ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @コハク@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ダグ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ドルチェ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @レオン@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@ for{LF}@1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. A boy. A girl. Either. ... ...? Ngh... Huh...? Ow...! Wh-what's wrong?! Oh no! We need to go see @ジョーンズ@ right away! ...! @しゅじんこうくん@...? Ow...I-I hurt all of a sudden... @しゅじんこうくん@...?! ...Nnngh...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! I hope the baby will be born quickly... ...Ngh! Wha...? M-my belly hurts... ...Have...to go...clinic... Oh no...! ...Wha? ...? Owww... @しゅじんこうくん@, don't tell me... ...It...it hurts...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! Yes. I'm sorry. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Bean-throwing, huh? Originally, this festival was for driving{LF}away demons and plague, right? Mm-hmm. That's what I heard. Ooh, neat! Let's all drive the demons real far away! ♪ Yes, we can all do it together! This year's objective is to be hit by the beans, not to dodge{LF}them. You've got a tough job every year, don't you? I can't say I'm particularly fond of...excessive exercise. ''If you meld with me, milady, then you could dodge every{LF}bean without moving a step!'' I-I-I'd rather not do that, thank you! But that certainly is an awful lot of beans. Could anyone{LF}dodge them even if they tried? Similar situations happen all the time on the battlefield. Though in that case it's arrows, not beans. And if you can't{LF}dodge you can just slash them away! Stop swinging that dangerous thing around right in the{LF}middle of town! Oh, goodness. There are entirely too many delicious foods to{LF}be had! Is too many goodies a bad thing? Um, y-yes, you could say that. There are so many, I don't{LF}know where to start! Ooh, I know! If we all eat too much and gain weight, we can go train with{LF}Forte! What? That sounds like a good plan. ''Dolly, Dolly! Are you going to do that, too?'' If I gain too much weight, I may think about it. All right. It's a knight's duty to respond wholeheartedly to all{LF}reasonable requests. First, we'll begin with a light warm-up. Say, 10 laps around{LF}the town at a jog. Then we'll practice sword strikes at 200 per set. After that-- Hold it right there. Ooh, I can't wait to see the wooly! He'll be so cute! Yes! I wonder how soft and cuddly the big guy is. I like the ones that are easier to hug. With that much wool, you could make a mountain of thread. ''Oh, Dolly... You would do that for me?'' ... ''Um, milady? An answer would be nice. Any answer at all...'' I wish I could have one as a pet! Wouldn't it be hard to care for something that big, though? It's large enough to be worth cutting, that's for certain. The WOOL, yes? You mean cutting off the WOOL. What kind of Wooly do you like the best, @しゅじんこうくん@? Big ones. Small ones. Golden ones. Oh, the big ones are definitely the best. They're so fluffy-wuffy cuddly-wuddly! I just want to hug{LF}them and squeeze them aaaall day! Ooh, I wish I could just bury myself in all that soft wool! You understand, @しゅじんこうくん@! The best of a Wooly is in its easily huggable size, yes? Hmm? There are Golden Woolies? I maybe have heard of them. I'm not sure. I bet they're really pretty! Hrm. Hitting the target is hard. I hit everything I'm not aiming{LF}at. Oh, dear. Are you no good in this competition, Xiao Pai? It seems so, yes. I practiced with Mama, but the ball kept falling down from{LF}above my head. Ooh, really? You threw the ball aaall the way around the{LF}world! I think that might be impossible. I think this may go beyond simply ''not very good.'' Yes. We're into ''complete klutz'' territory on this one. Wording it that way makes it hurt more, not less, you know. Oh! Sorry. This doesn't solve my problem. How do you hit those{LF}targets? Relax. Focus on the target and bring your arm forward. Ah! Yes, I see! ''But milady, when you threw the ball, you didn't look{LF}relaxed. You looked al--MRPH!'' ? ...ACHOO! Uh-oh. Have you caught a cold? No. I'm just a little chilly, that's all. Let me bring you something warm to drink. The weather may look lovely, but it's still cold. You need to{LF}take care of yourself. I will. Thank you. Are you okay? Yeah, I'll be fine. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you know a good way to warm her up? Tell a bad joke. Give her a hug. What did the fisherman say when he caught an angelfish?{LF}Holy Mackerel! ... ... ... ...Hee! Ha ha...Ah ha ha! Wait, really?! What on earth are you doing? And in public, no less! Um...could you put that away, please? I-I think it's drawing{LF}blood... This one is your own fault! ...I'm sorry. ...*GULP*... Oh my... Hmm? ...! Zzz... Once she warmed up, she fell asleep right away. Hey, are any of you good at quizzes? I'm better at things where I can move around. Like detective work? Are you a gumshoe, pal? Erm...that isn't what I meant. You mean like jumping into a box with the correct answer{LF}on it? Or racing to grab flags to see who can give the first answer. ''Or having an obstacle course and the first one through gets{LF}to answer the question?'' With nasty penalties for giving the wrong answer. ...I think I'm fine with a normal quiz. Hmm... What's wrong, Meg? You look concerned. Fishing is harder than it looks. Oh, I know! It always makes me so sleepy. Everything makes you sleepy. Fishies are scary... Well I guess we won't have to warn you to stay out of the{LF}deep areas, then. ''I think I'll catch a fish bare-handed!'' You mean you'll try to possess it and it'll wind up dragging{LF}you all across the pond. Are you good at fishing, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yep! I'm okay. Not at all... Really? Could you show me how you do it? I'd like to know as well. So you aren't bad, then, right? I'm jealous of your skill. But I won't let you beat me! I'm amazed you're not falling asleep. Well then, why don't we all practice our fishing skills? Iggly-wiggly fishies... So scary! ...*FUSS* *FUSS*... ...*FUSS* *FUSS*... Meg seems very busy. ''Yes. She can't seem to sit still.'' As if you have any right to talk about that. It looks like she's on patrol. Do you think there are people{LF}who would really try to cheat? Cheating will not be tolerated in any way. I will personally{LF}deal with anyone caught doing so. Wow, that's so cool! Y-you think so? Forte! Perfect timing. It seems I'm needed already. Hmm? Oh, yes. You see, that person over there, he's-- Understood. Looks like someone needs a lesson in proper{LF}manners. YIKES!! No, he's lost! He just needs some directions! ...*SIIIGH*... Oh, dear. What's wrong, Meg? That's right. You aren't very fond of squid, are you, Meg? Brr! No! They're slimy and wriggly and gross! Hrmm. May I try something? What? Here. Have a squid. EEEP!! GET IT AWAY! GET IT AWAY! Papa's special Anti-Phobia Training--''Hold It Until You Learn{LF}To Like It!'' What?! That won't work! Ooh, what a cute squid! No! No, Amber, they are NOT cute! I know. Wait, what? ''What is so frightening about this lump of flesh?'' *POKE* ''EEP! It squirted ink!'' ...! ''Oops...'' ... ''Um...Dolly...milady...'' Pico, why don't we step aside for a moment? I'd like a chat{LF}with you. ''I'd much rather stay right here, thank you!'' Hey, did you hear? There are a lot of fish over there. Really? Then it seems we should go right over! Wait for me! No, don't! There's a big ol' monster's lair over there! ''Dolly?'' We went fishing at a lake with Mama and Papa once, too. It{LF}was just like this. ''Yes, it was.'' Oh, dear. Dolce, what are you doing back there? Come on, hurry, now. Yes! Or else all the fish will swim away. If you aren't confident in your fishing skills, I can help you. No, Dolly is trying to stop you from going to the monster's{LF}lair! ...Yeah. ''...'' Properly showcasing your veggie is really important. It feels like an odd tradition to me, really. I'm afraid I'm not particularly good at it. I'm not fond of it, myself. ''You're not fond of vegetables on the whole, milady.'' I become so nervous! Oh? Why? You need to pay close attention to the ground to be sure no{LF}rocks jump up to trip you. That's not nerves, that's simple caution. Goodness, it's hot today. Very hot. I'm sweaty already. ''Well, I'm not hot in the least.'' Of course not. You don't have the body or the brains to feel{LF}the heat. ''Oh, you're so cold, milady. But that's what makes you so...{LF}cool!'' Once the festival is over, why don't all of you come to our{LF}baths? Oh, that's a good idea. It would be so refreshing! But it seems that isn't all, yes? Today's bath salts are-- ''The Fragrance of 10,000 Roses!'' Yay! Pretty flower scents! Ooh, that sounds very relaxing. Yes. I would love to go. I can hardly wait! That is, if Mama hasn't messed it up. Again. Argh! Sometimes Porco and Dylas drive me crazy! What's wrong? They're both so messy! They don't even clean the hall in{LF}front of their rooms. Well, it's not a place a customer would see. But it should still{LF}be clean! Bado is the one who drives me the craziest. I wish he'd do something about that lazy, good-for-nothing{LF}attitude of his. Oh, but I think Doug is worse! The other day I caught him{LF}asleep while at work. Again. Oh dear. Sleeping on the job is bad! ... There's someone who drives me batty as well. ''Oh? Is it Jones? Maybe Nancy?'' No, of course it's not those two. ''No? Who else could it be?'' Lumie's completely hopeless, so don't worry about her one{LF}bit! ♪ Amber, the words that come out of your mouth sometimes... You know, if we're going to have all these festivals, I'd like a{LF}Music Festival someday. What would we do? Everyone would practice with their favorite instrument, and{LF}then we could have a recital! That sounds like fun. Hmm. What about a martial arts tournament? And what would we do for that? Everyone could test their combat skills and check the fruits{LF}of their training! Next! Hey! A flower festival would be really neat! What would we do for that one? We could all watch the pretty flowers! And then give them{LF}some water! That sounds lovely. Let's do that sometime. Yeah! You really want to do that? ''How about a Dolly Festival?'' No. ''Aww. So fast!'' Happy New Year, everyone. Yes. Happy New Year. Happy New Year! May everyone's New Year be happy. Hap-py New Yeeeear! Hap-py New Yeeeear! Happy New Year. ''Oh, milady! Any year with you is a happy year.'' I didn't mean it for you. ''And like every year, you are cold from the very beginning.'' Ah ha ha ha! Hee hee! Those two get along so well. Come on, Forte. Let's go swimming together! Erm...thanks, but, um, I'd rather just watch. Wait. What? Don't tell me-- N-no! It's not that I can't swim! I, erm, I've learned. I just... I'm not that confident yet. We didn't say anything. URK! ''Spilled the truth of the matter herself, didn't she?'' I-I'm just worried that...that my sword might rust! That's it! Why would you carry your sword into the water? Come on, everyone. Let's carry her into the water! ♪ Ooh! I'll help! I'll help! N-no! You don't have to do that! WAH!! Here, everyone. Have some nice, hot tea. Oh, it smells lovely! Thank you, Clorica. Mm! Looks yummy! ♪ And here's yours, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. Ow! That's hot. Oh dear! I'm sorry. Are you okay? Yes, I'm fine. A little burn on the tongue is nothing to a{LF}knight. So why the tears? ''Milady, milady! Let me blow on it for you.'' No. Whew! I wrote a lot of music this year. And I slept a lot! I trained hard all year. And I broke more plates than ever... ''Dolly, your year was wonderfully filled with me! Right?{LF}Right?!'' Get away from me. Hmmm...I had a full year, too, but I don't know of what. Oh well. Don't worry about it. How was your year, @しゅじんこうくん@? Full of farming. Full of adventures. Full of love...I guess. Ooh, it was, wasn't it? ♪ Yeah. Working the land suits you well. Yep! You were always covered in dirt! Don't you think that's neat too, Dolce? It doesn't sound bad. ''Grr...!'' ''@しゅじんこうくん@ should just go and marry that field{LF}already.'' And I'll be counting on you again next year, @しゅじんこうくん@. Strengthening the mind and body through training is a good{LF}thing. Hmm? @しゅじんこうくん@ does seem meatier now, yes. Really? *STAAARE* See? Here...and here... ''Milady is wonderful here and here, too!'' Off. Ooh, and look there! ♪ I see! I see! Um...can you all stop now? Please? This is embarrassing. Oh my goodness! Wow. *SQUEE* Wh-wh-wh-wh-what...?! Tee hee! Everyone looks like they're having lots of fun! ♪ ''Well, you can't have my Dolly!'' Stop clinging! I can barely hear what they're saying. I wonder why fireflies glow. Isn't it some type of protection? How would light protect them? Well, it might be strange enough to scare off enemies. Hmm. Maybe I should find a glowing sheen of some sort to{LF}put on my blade. But they fly into lights too. Oh, that's right. I heard once that it is a way for them to find love. Wha?! Right, no glowing sheen, then! Why not? ''Milady is always a bright, shining light in my eyes.'' Oh? Well, you'd best stay away, then. Wouldn't want you to{LF}head toward ''the light'' now, would we? Hee hee! Aren't they such wonderful friends? Everyone will be giving presents today, yes? Who to? To my brother. I'm giving something to Porco. I have something for Vishnal and Mr. Volkanon. Ooh! Ooh! I'm going to give a present to Lumie! ♪ ''You of course have a present for me, right, milady?'' Well, I was going to give you something...if you'd stayed{LF}quiet. But too late now. ''No! Have I been foiled?!'' Hmph. Everyone is giving safe answers. Will you be giving today, @しゅじんこうくん@? You bet! Nope. Really? Ooh, to whom? Be honest, now. Lying won't get you anywhere. Come on, everyone. We mustn't press too hard...though I am{LF}curious as well. Ahem. Oh, really? That sounds fishy to me. No need to be shy, now. Erm, do you honestly have no plans? If you're too embarrassed, you can just whisper it to me. Hey, guys? Who do you think will get the most? Mama, no doubt. Not Lumie? Hrm... Well, if we're going to guess who, at least stick to our group. Among us, it's Forte! Wha?! Ooh, you're secretly popular, Forte! N-no! I am no such thing! ''Milady will get the most. Of this I have no doubt.'' Perhaps. ''But I will swat down any clingy leeches who dare slither too{LF}close!'' I look forward to you swatting yourself plenty, then. Hmmm... Meg might get a lot. Me? Oh, no! I doubt that. Who do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? Clorica. Forte. Margaret. Xiao Pai. Amber. Dolce. Hmm? You think I will? Thank you! I don't really think so myself, but I'm happy you{LF}do. Wha?! M-me?! Erm... I... Ahem. Thank you. What?! Ah ha ha... Erm... I... Ha ha... Heehee, Margaret has a cute reaction. I see. It was unexpected, but it was also nice to hear. Thanks! ♪ Calm down, now. Hmm? Me? Oh, isn't that nice, Amber? Um...yeah. Tee hee! Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. ''Ding ding! That is the correct answer!'' No it's not, you ding dong. ''Then why are you blushing, milady?'' Not another word! ...Hmph. ''Ah, for that cute pink tinge do I dare to tease. Be still, my{LF}jealous heart!'' ''How positively sinful of you, milady.'' Quiet! Silence! Begone, you idiotic ghost! Has everyone heard the legend behind this festival? Isn't it that you will have your wish granted if you wish on{LF}the highest star in the sky? Really? We can just fly off the tower to find the highest one,{LF}then! You're the only one who can fly, Amber. There's another legend that says making a wish with{LF}someone will form an eternal bond, yes? ''Dolly! Milady! Let's go right now!'' How about I wish to be alone for eternity? Those two are the same as ever, I see. While it's very romantic, all this talk about heights gives me{LF}the shivers. Oh, yes, you were never fond of heights, were you, Meg?{LF}Would you like me to stand by you? Oh, dear. And what if the two of you made a wish together{LF}then? They'd be bound, I guess...? Ah ha ha! That wouldn't be so bad. Forte is quite the{LF}dashing prince of a knight, after all. Was that meant to be a compliment? The judges for this festival must taste all the dishes to judge{LF}them, right? Of course. Forte, will you be okay? What's that supposed to mean? I hope no one gets hurt. Oh, no! Do people get hurt? Well, not really hurt, per se. But they're not unscathed. And what's that supposed to mean? ''Death by food is no laughing matter.'' Though hearing it from you is kind of funny. Forte, you are a master at forging things, yes? I wouldn't say I'm a master, no. I leave most of the difficult{LF}parts to Bado. What about you, Clorica? Oh, I'm terrible at it. Are you any good, Meg? Not at forging big, clunky items. But I'm pretty good at{LF}making accessories, I think. After this much time, my fingers are quite dexterous, you see. Ooh, neat! I wish I were good with my fingers too. Would you like to practice making accessories with me{LF}sometime? Yaaay! I wanna make something that will start a case Lumie{LF}can solve! Let's not and say we did. ''You're quite dexterous yourself, right, milady?'' ''You're always knitting clothes and lovely accessories for{LF}me.'' I'm not really doing it for you. It's never easy between you two, is it? Hey, what kind of monsters do you guys like best? I like the cute ones. ...Me too. Really? How odd. I thought you'd be the one to like strong monsters, yes? ...I'm well aware cute ones don't suit me. I like the pretty flower ones! ♪ I do too! What about you, Dolce? Well, it's not that I like them, but... Ghost monsters seem to like me. EEK! ...!!! Well, @しゅじんこうくん@? Ah-ha! Your heart just skipped a beat, didn't it? Excellent! Let your young heart burn for the mature beauty of{LF}us adults! Hm. Have I gained weight? No, you haven't. Looks like it. You're as pretty as ever. @しゅじんこうくん@... Do you really spend that much time staring at my body? No lewd looks, now. I forbid it! Oh? Well, if you say so, then it's probably okay. What?! I-I'm going to have to open an investigation into this{LF}case! Really? Oh, your flattery is almost criminal, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. ♪ Oh, the water feels so good! Nothing beats a good dip in{LF}the summer! Summer is coming. Hmm. I've reviewed all the clues. And I've deduced that you cannot wait to see girls in{LF}swimsuits! The weather's cooling down. *SIGH* Pretty soon all the flowers will wilt away. Hmm? Did you say something? N-no! Nothing! Not a thing! Y-yeah, you're right, it's getting colder outside! Heh heh! I'll be solving as many mysteries as I can next year, too! @キャラ0@ @0@ is Clorica's +birthday+. Since she always looks so sleepy, I want to give her{LF}something that'll wake her up! A sip of @アイテム0@ really helps to perk up,{LF}don't you think? Tomorrow is Meg's +birthday+. Do elves have a special way of celebrating birthdays? Yeah, you could say that. It's formal as all get out, though.{LF}Ugh. Really? It sounds like you're not very good with ceremonies,{LF}huh, @エルミナータ@? Put a fine point on it, why don't you? Heh heh! I guess I can let you off this once. Besides, I need some time to think up a good present for{LF}Meg. Thank you. But you won't get off so lightly next time, got it? Heh heh! ♪ Tomorrow is Amber's +birthday+. All right, @しゅじんこうくん@! Go pick as many flowers as you can find! At least fill both your arms, okay? Why me?! Don't you want to? I can't! Aw, drat. Happy Birthday. Thanks. ♪ Well, @しゅじんこうくん@, which are you going to bet on? Which what? Whether Clorica will give me my +birthday+ present today or{LF}tomorrow. You bet on that? Yep! It's a fun little thing I do on my birthday every year. Everybody loves it. Yesterday she was saying she'd be sure to give it to you on{LF}the day of. Yep. She says that every year. Um...which are you betting on, @エルミナータ@? Tomorrow, of course! What? Can't you at least pretend to have a little faith in her? Oh, it's fine. Besides, if she gives me my present tomorrow... That means I get to have my +birthday+ two days in a row! *SIGH*... Um, @エルミナータ@? I hate to say it, but you smell funny. When I woke up this morning, my room was neck-deep in{LF}@アイテム9@. ...@コハク@? Yep. This scent...it's the scent of a mystery. Oh, hello. You're-- I'm @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm a famous detective. I am the amazing Mystere! Right, right. @しゅじんこうくん@. So you've moved into town, then? Yes. Um... I'm Illuminata. But you can call me Great Detective Illuminata! Don't be silly. The one and only famous detective here is me. I'm Illuminata,{LF}the Great Detective! You are? Of course! Hah! That's a flimsy lie. You can't fool Illuminata, the Grand Detective! You're a detective? That I am! Wait, didn't I tell you all this before? Heh heh...right. You did. Sorry. It's okay. Well then, since you're the town newcomer, let me give you{LF}a word of advice. If you want +flower seeds+, you come to my shop. Got it? To your shop? Right. You can find it on your +bottom screen+. Just look for the{LF}+flower icon+. It's easy. +Bottom screen+? +Flower icon+? Oh, right. If you're in your room you won't be able to see it. Just remember it's the +flower icon+ on the +bottom screen+. Uh, okay... I run a flower shop here. Feel free to stop by anytime. I run a little flower shop downstairs. Feel free to stop by{LF}anytime. Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you! What? I smell a mystery! Oof. I'm getting tired... My head is spinning! I-I may be on the verge of a revelation! Oh, okay. Feel free to call on me again whenever you have{LF}another case. I'd better get on home. My flowers nee--AHEM! I mean I'm{LF}hungry for supper. Do you want to go somewhere together, @エルミナータ@? Sorry, I'm investigating a real doozy of a case right now. Ask{LF}again some other time. What, you have a case? Leave it to me! Sorry. Walking around in a crowd this big will just scare off{LF}all the criminals. @しゅじんこうくん@! You're coming with me! Whoops! It looks like you've already been caught. Oh well.{LF}I'll catch you later. Excellent! Aww, too bad. Really? But... You can't steal MY heart! ♪ For me? Ah-ah! You are way too young to think about going after{LF}older ladies. Non non non! @しゅじんこうくん@, this is garbage. You handed me the wrong thing, didn't you? I suggest you find some dashing glasses to wear. Those help.{LF}Especially with Arthur. ♪ @アイテム9@?! Ugh! That's no good! I got all excited for nothing. I was hoping for @アイテム0@. Thanks! @アイテム9@ for me? Thanks! @アイテム9@? I'd love some. Thanks. @アイテム9@ for me? Why thank you. Oh, I'm almost out of +bread+, too. If you could get me some,{LF}I'd appreciate it. Oh, and if you happen to have some extra +jam+, I wouldn't{LF}mind taking it off your hands. Oh! @アイテム9@! Thanks. Ooh, some @アイテム9@. Did you somehow deduce that I was getting hungry for a{LF}snack? Hey, you're pretty good! Oh, some @アイテム9@? Thanks. I couldn't tell you why, but I really +like+ this. Sweets help energize the brain, you know! With this, I'll be able to deduce another mystery. Thanks! Thanks. I +like+ sweets. Oh, what a pretty flower! Thank you! Oh, how pretty! Thank you! Ooh, some @アイテム9@! Aaah, that was soothing. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. I +love+ this! Thanks so much! *GLUG* *GLUG* *GLUG* Hahhh! My head feels clearer already! Good work, @しゅじんこうくん@! This is the worst +birthday+ ever. Ugh! I almost wish I could arrest you. A +birthday+ present for me? Thanks. @アイテム9@ for me? What a great +birthday+ present. Thanks! Ooh! Your hypothesis was spot on! I was indeed wishing for some @アイテム9@{LF}right at this very moment. Nice one, @しゅじんこうくん@! Good thing it's my +birthday+! A +birthday+ present for me? Ooh, and it's homemade, too. How nice! And it's homemade, too? Nice one! I love it! Oooh. Is that a +birthday+ present for me? And homemade, no less! You brew some truly excellent @アイテム9@. I'll savor it. Hm? You hand crafted this, didn't you? Thanks! Oh, and it's even homemade. You do some amazing things,{LF}that's for sure. Mmm! And this robust flavor...! You brewed it yourself, didn't you @しゅじんこうくん@? It's delicious. Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. You can have this. After all you've given to me, I'd feel bad if I didn't give you{LF}something in return. I figured I'd give you something for once. I hope you like it. Today's your +birthday+, right? Happy Birthday! Oh, and here! A +present+ for you. Thank you! No problem. No problem at all! You'll love it. I just know you will! After some observation, I've concluded you don't feel well. Here! This is the best thing for when you're under the{LF}weather. It'll perk you right up! It's obvious that you need to see a doctor. Get going, now! You don't need to be going around giving that to everyone{LF}else. Especially me! One of the basics of a good investigation is walking! So keep{LF}on steppin', @しゅじんこうくん@! Good, good! You look like you're walking a lot. That kind of exercise is way better than staying inside{LF}reading dusty old books all day. You've walked that much without a single word of{LF}complaint? Not bad, @しゅじんこうくん@! Whoa! You've walked how far now?! Even I'm impressed. Go ahead and brag about how much you've walked! You've{LF}reached a level where you can do that. It looks like you've investigated a lot of things so far. Just try not to make yourself look like the suspicious one by{LF}examining EVERYTHING, 'kay? Good, good. You've got an eye that won't let any clue slip{LF}by, don't you? You might make a good detective someday. Not a GREAT one like me, of course. But a good one. Wow. It looks like you've investigated quite a lot! I guess I can't afford to just sit back and watch anymore. Nothing stays lost for long with you on the case,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@! That's amazing! Maybe not quite as amazing as me, the Great Detective, but{LF}still really impressive! Here, you can have this. I'll say it again. The basis of a good investigation is walking,{LF}walking, walking! Got it? So get stepping! Yay! Your Harvesting Skill went up! Yay! Your Walking Skill went up! Hey, do you do your own cooking? Here. I'll teach you a few recipes, so go right home and try{LF}them out, okay? Welcome! ♪ Come again. Need anything else? Ah-ha! So you have @アイテム0@ here. How about @1@ Gold{LF}for @0@ @アイテム0@? Okay, how about @1@ Gold? Drat. Oh well. Sold! Oh, sorry. I think I'll pass today. Hmm... It's hard to decide! Do you have anything else? Thanks! ♪ I look forward to coming back. Keep up the good work, 'kay? @しゅじんこうくん@. Yes? Meeting you has given me incredible inspiration. Thank you. ♪ You come get me the second you come across a problem,{LF}got it? I'll put all my brainpower into solving it for you. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that today. Later! @しゅじんこうくん@, take good care of Amber, understand? If you don't... ...well, it doesn't take detective work to know what would{LF}happen. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. How are you and your partner getting{LF}along? I know aaaall sorts of things about that kind of stuff. Hi! Do you remember me? I'm Illuminata, the Great Detective! It's been a while! Are you avoiding me because you don't{LF}want me to uncover your crimes? Congratulations! Just as I deduced! You're such a capable young man! Uh...I'm a girl, though... Ah-ha! That's elementary to intellect such as mine! Happy New Year! Oh, uh, Happy New Year. Happy New Year! Hmm. That was a little weak. Where's your energy? C'mon now, try again. Happy New Year! Happy New Year. You can do better than that. Happy New Year! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! There ya go! See? You can do it if you try. Excellent! You have to start the new year right, y'know. With lots of energy! Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. A present for you--but you have to{LF}deduce what it is, first! New Year's gift money? Candy? Wha?! You got it in one guess? When did you become that great a detective?! BZZT! Incorrect! The real name of the culprit is ''New Year's gift money!'' Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Did you know that? But that name. Y'know, the @カレンダー0@. It's too{LF}vague. Am I throwing beans? Or am I getting pelted? Which was it again? According to my theory, the winner of today's festival will{LF}be...ME! What?! How could I not win? Uh-oh. The @カレンダー0@, a lady's worst enemy, is{LF}tomorrow. Do they really want us to get that fat? !? What's wrong? I suddenly realized I'm hungry. Curse you, @カレンダー0@! That's a devious trap,{LF}making me hungry right before you begin!! Whew! That was delicious! I thought you weren't going to eat because it was a trap. Ah-ah! You shouldn't be so naive, or you'll be a gumshoe{LF}forever. Traps like this can be turned on their maker if you just have{LF}the courage to walk right into it! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Those fluffy Woolies are cute, aren't they? Yeah. Wh-what?! Is there something wrong with me thinking they're cute!? Hee hee! ♪ I can't wait to see all the adorable Woolies. That was a fun festival. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's{LF}@カレンダー0@. Heh heh heh... With eyes as sharp as mine, hitting the target will be a piece{LF}of cake! This year's winner will be me, of course! Wait a second... It wasn't supposed to turn out that way... Throwing turnips around is a pretty amazing idea. I wonder which culprit came up with this festival. Hmm... Which culprit came up with the{LF}@カレンダー0@? ...ARGH! I have too few clues to build a theory! Oh well. The @カレンダー0@ sure was fun, wasn't it? Heh heh heh... Tomorrow, the stage will be aaaall mine! Um, what are you talking about? What, don't you know? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. It's my +specialty+. Heh heh. Victory will be mine! Wait, something isn't right! How come I didn't win? It's a mystery... Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Just you watch! My assistants will steal the show! The @カレンダー0@ is finally here. I can hardly wait! Everyone did really well! Those were some exciting bouts. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. My hands are probably going to smell like fish all day, but oh{LF}well. All right, time to catch some crimi--AHEM! I mean fish! There's the culprit! Darn it! I didn't win! How many crim--I mean fish do I have to catch to win? What, the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow already? Sheesh. There's one of these every month, but it's hard to{LF}remember which one is which. Have you heard of the legend of the giant fish? Who hasn’t? What's it about? Ah-ha, I'd expect no less of you, @しゅじんこうくん@. If you spot it, let me know right away! Ah-ha, figures you wouldn't know. Heh heh heh. I'm not going to tell you what it is, either! The legendary giant fish will be mine! Heeere, giant fishie! Come out, come out, wherever you are! Hmm. It looks like the legendary giant fish isn't here. Oh well, I guess it was just a rumor. Listen, @しゅじんこうくん@. Never let yourself get dragged around by rumors,{LF}understand? Always check your facts first! Wait, what was tomorrow again? Someone's birthday? The @カレンダー0@. National Detective Day? Is it? Hmm...I'm not so sure. But it could be. I couldn't tell you, to be honest. Oh yeah! That's right! The @カレンダー0@! Brilliantly deduced, @しゅじんこうくん@! That's it! It's National Detective Day! Today's the @カレンダー0@. Did you know that? Okay, so where are all the squid? Heeere, squiddy-squiddy-squiddy! Ugh. This town is overrun with squid. It's an invasion. A SQUIDVASION. @エルミナータ@... @しゅじんこうくん@, I want you to seal that off in the back of{LF}your memory. Never mention it. I won't. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. @しゅじんこうくん@! I'm not going to lose this one! Why bother fishing for one at a time when you can scoop up{LF}a bunch with a net? That's against the rules. Oh c'mon, @しゅじんこうくん@... Sometimes you just need a safety net to fall back on,{LF}y'know? I'm bored. Maybe I'll read a book while I fish. Well, I didn't win, but I still had plenty of fun. I'll do better next year! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I look forward to these every month. And I especially look forward to watching your +showcase+. Hmm, what approach will everyone take this year? I deduce that... Nah, I think I'll just enjoy it as it happens. That was a lot of fun! I give it full marks. Tomorrow's going to be a hot one, but the{LF}@カレンダー0@ will still go on. Everyone's going to have to be careful not to let their{LF}veggies wilt in the heat. Heh heh. Who will make me laugh today? Ahh, I laughed so hard my sides hurt! Yesss! The @カレンダー0@ is finally here! It's tomorrow. ... Wait, what? I wonder who will win today. Yesss! The @カレンダー0@ is finally here! And it really is today! Maybe I should give it a more serious try next time. This time I'll give it my all! Just you wait until tomorrow! The time has come for me to take my rightful place as victor{LF}in the @カレンダー0@! Waaait a minute... How did it turn out that way again? Swimsuits, eh? If I go outside in this swimsuit, everyone will be too busy{LF}swooning to get anything done. Oh, what am I to do? Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! Well? Take a good look! This is what we call Mature Beauty. *SIGH* That's kinda, um... Ooooh! Oh come on! Can't you give me a better reaction than that? You're making me look silly! Ah-ha! Are you blushing? I think you are! Oh, me. This makes yet another innocent young man I've infected{LF}with love. Hee hee. ♪ Beauty such as mine is a crime. Wha?! Hey, hey! That's enough staring! This investigation is closed, you hear? Closed! That's a lovely style. Did you do anything particular for it? No, not really. It's just... Just what? Just that I haven't forgotten that I'm a woman, is all. That's all it takes for us ladies to be beautiful, you know. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! I'll teach you all about the allure of{LF}mature beauty. Once again, the year is over. It felt long, and yet it flew by. *SIGH* I don't feel like doing anything. The more goals you have the better! ...? New year's resolutions, of course! Make lots of goals and give lots of effort! Then you'll learn to trust yourself. And that leads to confidence! So next year I'm going to find and solve even more mysteries! And the name of the Great Detective will be known across{LF}the world! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Planning to +ask someone on a date+, @しゅじんこうくん@? It{LF}would be very romantic. Hee hee hee! The fireflies won't come out until a little later in the evening. Wow, the town might just catch on fire from all the heated{LF}passion between couples tonight! It's so romantic. Looking at all the pretty fireflies is a good way to save a few{LF}bucks on a romantic date. ''The Firefly Murders.'' ... ... Yeah. That'd make a great title. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Who do you think you'll get one from, @しゅじんこうくん@? Who are you going to give a cookie to, @しゅじんこうくん@? Oh, do you want more? Oh, you want more, huh? Well, well! Is this for me? Yes. Ah-ha! Someone turned it down already? No, that's not it. ... Oh, okay. In that case, I can enjoy this with an easy heart. Oh. Well, it happens. Don't let it get you down! There's always next year! ... Turning down a @アイテム0@ from{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@... Wow, that was a pretty bold thing to do. ... Cheer up, okay? It's not so bad! Oh, so you're really a girl? Um, no... How odd. I thought that was a brilliant deduction. This is thanks for all the help you've given me. Oh? Well then I'll gladly accept it. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. I wonder who you'll give one to? Me...? Are you going to hand some out, @エルミナータ@? Hey! Are you saying there's something wrong with me{LF}participating, too? Oh, is this for me? I'm honored to get one of these from a lady! Oh! Thanks. Is there something to deduce here? Y-yes... Not really. There is?! Thanks. I'll gladly accept the sentiment. Aww, too bad. I would've been so happy if I was special to you. Hee hee!{LF}Just kidding. Here ya go, @しゅじんこうくん@. A Valentine's @アイテム0@ especially from{LF}me. Thank you. You're welcome. Enjoy! Were you able to give what you wanted to your special{LF}someone? Remember, you have to give it to the person directly. Well? Did you get any +cookies+? Wait, don't answer that. The Great Detective can figure it{LF}out! Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. ... Not a fun event for singles, let me tell you. Don't you dare let your partner feel like this on that day, got{LF}it, @しゅじんこうくん@? Be sure you +ask them on a date+, as is proper. Wishes, eh...? Maybe that special someone will finally come along... Naaah... I'll be happy spending next year with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Wait what?! Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@. I'll be a judge this{LF}time. I'm not surprised. You are? No way. Brilliantly deduced! You have a good eye, @しゅじんこうくん@. What, don't you think I'd do well? Personally, I think I'm a{LF}good fit for the job. No way?! No? None? Hee hee, No way. I don't see it! ...No way. ...Awww... In this sort of thing, it's the fanciest item that wins. The plain stuff won't even catch the judge's eye, don't you{LF}think? Darn it! I didn't win! How could I not? That was made so well, thieves the world{LF}over would want it! Not that they would ever get it, of course! The Grand{LF}Detective would catch them, first. Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@. Do you feel ready for{LF}it? Yes. Not really. What about you? Oh, that's good! Good luck! I'm looking forward to competing against you. Oh? Come on! Have a little more confidence in yourself! I'm more than ready! In fact, I have perfect confidence I'll do{LF}brilliantly. I'm going to do my best! Aw, drat! The field this year sure was a competitive one. Looks like the road to victory will be a long one. I came to chat. Seeds & Nutrients, please. Seeds & Nutrients, please. Nothing right now. Here, have some @アイテム0@. My treat. *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone at @0@ in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Now isn't the time for that, is it. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@ for{LF}@1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please, take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Man, not swimming in the summer is for losers! C'mon @しゅじんこうくん@! Let's go swimming together! Nah, I think I'll pass. Hey, don't be shy! I-it's not that... ...I was looking forward to seeing you in a swimsuit. C'mon, stop staring. It's making me blush. You look cool! ♪ It looks good on you. You look weird. ... Now he really is blushing! Heh heh! Don't it? What, you can't tell how good this looks on me? Guess{LF}you're still a kid inside, eh? Summer's awesome. Lookin' good! Ugh...I wanna hibernate. What, don't like the cold? Seriously! Weather this frigid is just wrong! Damn it! Can't I just go curl up somewhere warm for the rest of the{LF}season? Tomorrow's Vishnal's +birthday+. Do you know what +present+ you're going to get for him? Nope! Not a clue. Ah, whatever. I'm sure I'll come up with something. You sure are casual about it. Tomorrow's Dylas' +birthday+. Are you going to get him a +present+? Are you freaking stupid?! There's no way I'm getting him @アイテム0@! Uh-huh. Sure. @アイテム0@? Hey! No laughing! Y'know, +birthdays+ are great. Granny Blossom makes me a whole bunch of great food,{LF}everyone gives me presents, it's awesome. But for the life of me, I can't figure out who left that present{LF}for me on the counter. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you have any ideas? Who could it be? Not a clue. Hey! You know, don't you? Nope. Honest. No clue. Nuh-uh. Tell me who it is! What the hell? Do I have a secret fan?! I doubt it. Oh yeah. Granny Blossom's +birthday+ is tomorrow, isn't it? Are you going to get her a present? Wh-what?! Don't be stupid! I ain't givin' jack! I mean, yeah, I do owe her a lot, and I'm thankful... But giving out presents is stuff for little kids! But it is her +birthday+. It'd be nice if you did something. It'll be fine the way it is! GAAAH! ...Oh, it's just you. Um...hello. ... Yes? ...Nothing. You kinda seem all stuffy and formal. Is everyone in the royal{LF}family like that? Lighten up, it's fine! Um, but... I mean it. Well, if you insist. (Not that I'm actually royalty, but...) Great! So do you remember my name? @ダグ@. Uhh... You do! Awesome. ♪ It's cool. That's one of the hard parts about being new. You{LF}gotta learn everyone's names. I'm +Doug+. Don't forget! I work here in the general store with Granny Blossom, if{LF}you've met her. We've got lots of stuff, so stop on by and buy something,{LF}'kay? Anyway, it's good to meet you! What's up? All right, where to next? I'm still good! This ain't nothing. Right. See ya! Later, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh crap! I'd better get home or Granny Blossom will chew{LF}me out! @ダグ@, do you want to go somewhere together? Sorry, can't right now. Maybe later. I guess I can hang out for a bit, yeah. Sorry. Not in the mood to hang out with a crowd right now.{LF}Maybe later. Like I'd say no to a chance to hang out with you. Hey, you got some time? Let's go somewhere together! Oh, looks like you've already hanging out with someone.{LF}Maybe later, then? Cool! That's what I wanted to hear! Wha? Aw, that's no fun. ...WHA?! What kind of joke was that?! You really had me going there{LF}for a second! You aren't kidding, are you? Okay, um, can I have some time? How about we meet up at, say...{LF}@0@ hundred hours tomorrow{LF}at the @マップ0@. I'll answer you there. ...See ya. I'll answer you tomorrow. Come to the @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours tomorrow. I'll answer you there. Come to the @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours. @ダグ@. @しゅじんこうくん@... Can I hear your answer? Are you sure you want me? I mean really, really sure? Yes. Well, on second thought... I knew it! I knew that was all it was gonna be...! To be honest, I, uh... I've been...pretty into you. For a long, long time now. Really? Yeah. I was gonna tell you, but it looks like you beat me to it. @しゅじんこうくん@, I... I like you. A lot. I...I love you, even. And hearing you say you like me makes me really happy and{LF}stuff. So thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. I wanna go out with you, too. Please, go out with me. Yes. No. Y-you mean that? ... YESSSSS!!! I'm so looking forward to this, @しゅじんこうくん@! Wha...? No way! You can't mean that, not after all this! Dammit! And after you made me say all that embarrassing{LF}stuff, too! Oh, hey. How about we give each other some neat{LF}nicknames. Huh? So what do you want me to call you? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Huh? Really? Well, okay. That's definitely the easiest one. Sounds good to{LF}me. @しゅじんこうくん@. Well? Cool. Then starting today, I'll call you @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Really? @しゅじんこうくん@, eh? That's not so bad. I like it. Huh? Are you serious? Yeah. I shouldn't have said anything... C'mon, say it. Okay, okay. @しゅじんこうくん@. What? @しゅじんこうくん@? Yes. Where the heck did you come up with that? Say it! I command thee! Urk... Okay, okay! Sheesh. @しゅじんこうくん@!!! WHAT?! I know I'm the one that suggested it, but gimme a break,{LF}here! Hmph... So what do you wanna call me? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ You sure? Cool. Then we'll stick with that. Wh-wha?! Umm...i-isn't that a little soon for us? What, do you think it's weird? Yes! Really weird! Come up with something else! Hmm. It feels kinda funny when I hear it, but I think I like it! Great. Whoa, whoa. Don't you think that's putting a little too much distance{LF}between us? No, not really. To me, it feels like it brings us closer together,{LF}@ダグ@. Um...I don't know about that. Well I like it. But...seriously?! I like it. Well, you might, but I-- I. Like. It. *SIGH*... Okay, okay. All right, then I'll call you @ダグ@ from now on. ♪ Wait, what?! Oh, come on! That makes me sound like a duck! Don't you like it? Of course I don't like it! Aww... (But it really quacks me up...) All right, then. I look forward to being together,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Me too, @ダグ@. Really? Thanks. He didn't take that seriously at all, did he? Ha ha! Right back at you! What the hell are you thinking? That's stupid. Yuck! Stay away from me! A ring? So is this your answer, then? Yeah. I'm sorry it took so long. Seriously. You've been keeping me waiting. It's not like I didn't have any doubts about marriage and{LF}stuff. But, y'know... Because it's with you, @しゅじんこうくん@, I think I can do it. Stuff that we can't handle on our own, we can overcome{LF}together. That's what marriage is. At least that's the way I see it. Thank goodness. For what? That you're the person I fell in love with, @ダグ@. What, you're just figuring that out now? Well I guess I'll just have to make it more obvious from now{LF}on. I'll never let you regret picking me, ever! Okay! H-hey! What do you think you're doing? This is the guy's job! But never mind that! This isn't the time for that stuff anyway! What, another ring? I already got one from you. Hey! Don't go givin' me trash! PFFT! H-hey! What, was that supposed to be a prank or something? If you're gonna give me stuff, at least make it{LF}@アイテム0@ or something. @アイテム9@, eh? Thanks. Thanks! ♪ What, you're giving me some @アイテム9@?{LF}Great! Thanks! Thanks. But I was really kinda hoping for some +rice dishes+. Ooh, @アイテム9@! Thanks! Hey, something I +like+! Thanks. Whoa! @アイテム9@! Great choice! This is the best! What, I can have this? ... Hmm. That tasted kinda funny, but it was still pretty good. Wait...now I'm feeling weird. What was that stuff? What the heck?! You know today's my +birthday+, right? So why the hell did you have to give me something like that? Oh, hey. You remembered my +birthday+. Thanks. @アイテム9@? Awesome! That's cool of you to get me something I like for my birthday. Whoa! Is that my +birthday present+? Thanks! ♪ I love it! Oh, and you made it yourself? Even better! Whoa, cool. You got me something I +like+ for my birthday. Thanks. Whoa, @アイテム0@! That's the best +present+ you could've gotten me for my{LF}birthday! Oh, hey. You made this yourself, too! Thanks. Whoa, cool! You got me something I +like+. Thanks! Whoa, you made this yourself? That's awesome!! Thanks a lot! Hey. I made a thank-you gift for you. It isn't much, though. But it's better than nothing, eh? Hey, you remember what today is? Today? Our wedding anniversary. Turnip Day. Yep! I'm glad you remembered. Of course I did. Heh. I'd totally spaced out about it until yester-- AHEM! Uh, nothing. Forget it. Anyway, I was thinking there's something I wanted to tell{LF}you today. Whoa whoa whoa... Where'd you come up with that one? It's our +wedding anniversary+ today. Oh yeah! Geez. Aren't you girls supposed to be the ones obsessed{LF}with this stuff? Did you say something? Never mind. Anyway, I was thinking there's something I wanted to tell{LF}you today. On our anniversary? Yes, because it's our anniversary. Ahem! Thank you for marrying me. I'm really happy. @しゅじんこうくん@, I love you. Hey, um, @しゅじんこうくん@? ...? See, uh, I want to be the only guy you have eyes for. So, um, don't go looking at other guys. Okay? Hey, there. C'mon, buy some more! Hey, you don't have enough Gold. Hey! You're short on Lumber. Hey! You're short on Stone. I'll have it sent to your room. Sure thing. Need anything else? Want it sent to your room? Hey, there's no room for your new furniture. You'll have to{LF}clear out the area first. Hey, there's no room for the furniture. You'll have throw{LF}something away. ... A Double Bed is gonna be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber{LF}and @石0@ Stone. A Bookshelf is gonna be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber{LF}and @石0@ Stone. A Shop Box is gonna be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber{LF}and @石0@ Stone. A Storage Box is gonna be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber{LF}and @石0@ Stone. A Calendar is gonna be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber{LF}and @石0@ Stone. A Weapon Rack is gonna be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@{LF}Lumber and @石0@ Stone. A Farm Tool Box is gonna be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@{LF}Lumber and @石0@ Stone. A Closet is gonna be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and{LF}@石0@ Stone. A Small Fodder Bin is gonna be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@{LF}Lumber and @石0@ Stone. A Big Fodder Bin is gonna be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@{LF}Lumber and @石0@ Stone. A Fertilizer Bin is gonna be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber{LF}and @石0@ Stone. A Shipping Bin is gonna be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber{LF}and @石0@ Stone. A Well is gonna be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and{LF}@石0@ Stone. A Lumber/Stone Box is gonna be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@{LF}Lumber and @石0@ Stone. A @キャラ0@ is gonna be: @金0@ Gold,{LF}@木0@ Lumber and @石0@ Stone. Is that it? Hey, today's your +birthday+, right? Happy Birthday! I got a present for you. You did? Yeah. It's not much, though. But better than nothing, right? Here, this one's for this year. Hey, are you okay? You don't look so good. Here, take this and go rest, okay? Go have the doc look at you, okay? Here. Lunch. It's @アイテム0@ today. Today's lunch is @アイテム0@. Don't forget to{LF}take it with you! Today's lunch is @アイテム0@. Eat it all, 'kay? I made my favorite @アイテム0@. It's good, so{LF}be sure to eat it all, 'kay? Here's your lunch for today. It's good, trust me. Today I made my very favorite, @アイテム0@!{LF}It's really good, so eat every last bite, 'kay? See ya later. Work hard, 'kay? Don't push it, 'kay? Don't hurt yourself out there, 'kay? Don't be too late, 'kay? See ya later. You're getting pretty good at mining. Oh, hey. Did you know? The color of the ore will tell you what kind of gems you can{LF}get out of it. Remember that. Looks like you're getting good at using a hammer. The more you sell, the more gems we can stock at our store{LF}and the more Gold can earn. It's good all around. You're getting good with a hammer! I've never been really good with handling one to be honest. I'm kind of jealous. Whoa! You're turning into an expert miner! Heh! I'm rollin' in gems, thanks to you! Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. You can have this. One of our customers mentioned this to me the other day. Mining isn't just about bashing rocks all day. You've gotta pick the right color ores, watch your RP and a{LF}whole lot of other stuff. How 'bout that! Thanks to me, you learned something! Yay! Your Mining Skill went up! Here, let me teach you the one recipe I'm actually good at. Well, uh...we've been married for a while now, so I guess it's{LF}time we started thinking about it. I want to have a kid with you. What about you? Me, too. I want it to be just us. Yeah? I thought you might! I've always gotten along with kids. Takes one to know one. Hey! That's not what I meant! I want one of my own! Oh, really? I got confused. Hey, you knew what I meant! Wh-wha?! Really? Is it really that big a shock? Ngh... Well, I've always liked kids... But if you'd rather not just yet, that's fine with me. Besides, this means we can have a lot more alone time, heh{LF}heh. WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Hey! Don't be so loud! How can you expect me to be calm at a time like this?! This isn't a dream, right? We're really going to have a family?! You want a boy? Girls are pretty cute too. So which do you want? I don't really care which, as long as it's ours. @しゅじんこうくん@, which do you want? A boy? I bet he's gonna be mansome, like me! Excuse me? Strong and handsome, like a man! That's weird. Hey! It's not weird to be mansome! Don't mock my son! ...He's my son too, you know. A girl? Heh heh...I bet she's gonna be as pretty as you are. AAAAAAAH!! Wh-what?! What's wrong? Does that mean I have to let her get married some day?! Screw that!!! I'm not givin' away my baby girl! Um...we don't have to worry about that for a long time yet. Yeah. Boy or girl, it's our baby. And our baby will be so freakin' cute! What do you want to name it? Huh? Think up a good one, okay Maaama? I'm gonna go tell Granny Blossom! She'll be so happy! It's @子供ちゃん@'s +birthday+. Let's throw a big party! @アイテム0@, huh? How about @1@ Gold{LF}for @0@ @アイテム0@? Okay, how about @1@ Gold? Tsk, maybe next time. Okay! Sold! Sorry, maybe next time. Hmm...should I? Or shouldn't I? What else you got? Thanks! I'll be back. Good luck with your shop. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? I'm glad I met you. I can't really explain it. But I'm thankful. So, uh, that's all I wanted to say. Later. Y'know, a lot has happened since we first met. And I'm really glad you've been here through it all. I'm really grateful. Thank you. @ダグ@... And I ain't sayin' it again! PEACE! So how're things going with you-know-who? Yeeeeah! Gettin' steamy in here! Hey, it's been a while. Why don't you stop by the shop more{LF}often? Hey, it's been a while! We should hang out more. Hey, um, are you mad at me? I'm sorry if I did something.{LF}Cheer up, okay? Whoa, nice! You did it! Guess I've gotta acknowledge your victory just this once...{LF}But don't get used to it! Heh heh, I won! Calm down, everyone, calm down. I'll sign autographs a little later, okay? Happy New Year. Here's to a new year as great as the old! Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@. It might be a little close, but I'll win it in the end. Just wait, I'll show everybody how good I can handle those{LF}beans! Wait a minute, I didn't win? How come? Man, I'm hungry. Haven't you eaten yet? Nope! Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@! Making sure my stomach is empty is all part of the plan! Soooo huuuungryyyy...! C'moooooon, start already! Urp. I ate too much. My stomach's gonna explode... Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@. Just leave it to me. There's no way I can lose. Here we go! Damn it! I lost again! Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@. I'm great at throwing things, so there's no way I can lose. My arm's all warmed up and ready to go! Damn it. I was throwing so hard I threw off my aim too. Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@. Hmm...who should I aim for this year? Heh heh heh heh. You'd better get ready, @しゅじんこうくん@! Man, that was fun! Can't we do this every week? That'd be awesome! Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@. Well, we only have to pick one of two choices, so it{LF}shouldn't be too hard to guess. I wonder what the questions will be this year. I hope they{LF}aren't too hard. Is it just me, or were some of the questions really weird this{LF}year? Finally! The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I won't let you win! Right, we're ready to go. Just you wait, @カレンダー0@! Man, that was a great battle. I can't wait until next year. Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@. Man, fishing is boring. So you're not going to participate? That would be even more boring. I guess I'll just do whatever. *SIGH* I guess I did okay. Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@. Another day, another dull festival. Why do we gotta be out in this heat? They don't make indoor lakes. It's so hot out here! I like stuff where we get to be active and move around{LF}more. The @カレンダー0@, huh? Why squid? They suck. Well, their legs do. Y'know? Suckers? Wait...that's{LF}octopuses. Did it really have to be squid? Couldn't it be something else? HEY, SQUID! Face me like a man! Looks like it's over. So the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow, eh? I'm not that excited about it. Brr...it's cold. Do we have to go out and fish in this? It's freezing out here. I can't sit still, I gotta move around and warm up! Ugh. It's so darn cold out! Catch anything? Don't catch cold! Not a thing. I'm just not good at fishing, I guess. Oh? You're worried about me? Heh, it's hard being so popular. Wait, what are you going on about now? Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@. I'm not too good at raising veggies. Maybe I'll grab one from the shop. I couldn't grow my veggie right, but I can still clench the{LF}showcase. After all, if they're looking for enthusiasm, I've got it in{LF}spades! Man, what the hell? What was wrong with my showcase? Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@. My veggie didn't turn out all that well. I guess I'll have to make up for my crappy vegetable with my{LF}showcase. What you can't handle in skill, make up for with enthusiasm! ...I guess. Dang it, I can't get this showcase thing down pat. What's wrong with having a lot of enthusiasm? Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@. Trying to raise a veggie is such a pain. Can't I just use one from the shop? Maybe if I just shout during my showcase, that'll impress{LF}them. Who could that possibly impress? Ow... What's wrong? I shouted all through my showcase but Volkanon just got{LF}mad at me. Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@. This'll be the last time I raise veggies this year. Ugh, I so don't feel like dealing with a showcase. But it's the{LF}last one of the year... I guess I'll wing it. Weird. How come I didn't win? Oh hey! @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. No wonder it's been so hot. Let's see who can stay under the water the longest! Looks like the year's almost up. A lot happened this year, eh? Looks like this is the end of this year. Happy New Year! Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@, right? So we just sit around watching stuff, right? That sounds{LF}boring. But, uh...y'know? If you were to come along with me, @しゅじんこうくん@... Then, um, maybe...just maybe I wouldn't be so bored. So how 'bout it? Will you come watch with me? What, so you want to go watch them with me? Sheesh. Okay, okay. I'll go with. It never seemed that interesting to me, but since you insist, I{LF}guess I wouldn't mind. Oh... No, it's okay. I wasn't all that interested in the first place. Don't worry 'bout it, heh. Later. How long do we have to wait? Whoa... That's pretty cool! That's pretty cool! Man, there's only one word to describe this. Awesome! Tomorrow's the @カレンダー0@. Wanna go watch? Sure. The fireflies? Well, if you wanna go, I guess I don't mind going with. Good. Let's do that, then. Did you have fun? Yeah! It was okay. Did you? Thought so. You looked like you were having fun. Only okay? I guess that's okay. I got to hang out with you. Of course I had fun. ... Are you okay? You look pale. I do? I-it's nothing. Definitely not because of @カレンダー0@{LF}tomorrow. What is it with people and +cookies+? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. What do you think? Wait, is that for me? Yeah. Really? Yeah. Is it edible? Hey! If you don't want it, say so. I'll just eat it myself. Oh no you don't! You gave it to me! So I get to eat it. ...Ah. Well, I hope you like it. What, is it gonna taste bad or something? It'll taste fine! Oh... Sheesh! @しゅじんこうくん@...? Um...thanks. I... ...never mind. This is...really nice of you, dude. Still, I can't accept your{LF}feelings. This is...really nice of you, dude. Still, I can't accept your{LF}feelings. However! Don't tell anyone I said that, okay? Don't want, y'know, any weird rumors to spring up. Mmm! It's good! You're a genius! I'm not real good at making sweets. Man, now what? I ate all the ones I screwed up, and now I'm stuffed! Wait, isn't today the day when we give it to you guys? Well, whatever. Thanks. Thanks! I'm stuffed right now, so I'll eat it later. Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. This one's for you. I had some left over. No point in giving it to a guy, but I don't want it going to{LF}waste, either. @しゅじんこうくん@. I, uh, tried making some @アイテム0@. Is this for me? Well, um... It isn't all that good. So you don't have to accept it if you don't want it. Of course I'll accept it. I'm sorry. It's the thought that counts. Thanks, @ダグ@. S-sure... Okay. ... ...Um... ...? Y-you don't have to eat it. If you don't want it, go ahead and throw it away! Just accept{LF}it. Please! L-later! Well... I guess it wouldn't be that much to make{LF}@アイテム0@ for you. Hey, I know! I'll make an extra one for you, so how about we meet up{LF}tomorrow? Oof! So you really want one that bad? Sheesh. Well then, let's get together{LF}at @0@ hundred hours at{LF}@マップ1@. Don't be late! Ah, there you are. Here. @アイテム0@, just like I promised. Wow, thanks! You'd better savor it, now. I think I'll just eat it. No need to drag it out. Okay, okay. I'll let you know what I thought of it, too. Wha?! Y-you don't have to do that! I won't listen, even if you do! @ダグ@. Yeah? Do you have some free time tomorrow? Yeah, some. Could you come by @マップ1@{LF}at @0@ hundred hours, then? What, can't we do it now? Tomorrow's better. Ah. Okay. So what's up? Oh, hey, is this for me? Thanks! I thought this year I was only gonna get one from Granny. Didn't anyone else give you one? Well, you did. That's not what I... Whatever. Mmm! I'm gonna enjoy this one later. I hope so. Y'see, I made it with-- La la la la la la! I'm not listening! Tomorrow's @カレンダー0@. The day before is one of the shop's busiest days. That's where you come in, @しゅじんこうくん@. Do you need me to help out? No, that part's fine. I want you to come watch the stars with me. Wait, so you just need me as an excuse to skip work? Well sorta, but not really. When you get down to it, I really{LF}just wanna hang out. With who? ...Are you seriously asking that? ...? Anyway! Tomorrow! Stars! Got it? Seriously?! Wishes, eh? Hmm. What should I wish for? ... Crap! I could only come up with boring, cliche stuff to wish for. What say we spend tomorrow's @カレンダー0@{LF}together? That sounds good. If you wanna go, that's cool with me. I hope everyone's wishes come true. Hrm... What's wrong? Can't you guess? Tomorrow's my +worst+ festival, the @カレンダー0@. This sucks... Ugh. Time's up. The day has come. Guess I gotta face the music. See? I told you I sucked at this! What should I make for tomorrow's @カレンダー0@? You can cook? Yeah. I can make some basic stuff at least. So I decided to go with a dish that I like. If you can't decide what to make, just pick something you{LF}want to eat. It's easier that way. Y'know, it's good to sit down and make your own dinner{LF}once in a while. Only once in a while? Granny usually cooks for me. Let's go somewhere together tomorrow. Tomorrow? Hmm... Sorry. Tomorrow's not gonna work. Some other time, maybe. Sure! Where do you wanna go? Let's get together at @0@ hundred hours at{LF}@マップ1@. See you tomorrow, then! I'm looking forward to it. @マップ0@, eh? Granny Blossom'll be there. I dunno if that's the best idea. C'mon, why not? Hrm... Well, if you really wanna go, then I guess it's okay. Ooh! So it's okay if we go to your room? Awesome! I can't wait! ♪ Hey, that's a good idea! Let's do that. Sure. I can't say I'm too fond of the idea myself, but we could{LF}always go to @マップ0@. I don't particularly mind. You could get some shopping done if you wanted, too. And Granny Blossom would probably love it. Hell, why not?{LF}Let's go to @マップ0@ tomorrow. Let's go eat, then! @マップ0@ it is, then. It'll be your treat, right? Sure. Hey! Huh? I was just kidding! Still, that's one of the things I like about you. Hey, um...how about we go to your room? Do you mind? My room? Sure. Really? We can?! Um, yeah. Great! Let's just chill at home! Sure. Why not? Let's go to @マップ0@, then. Sure. Don't be late! I already have plans then, so I probably shouldn't invite other{LF}people. Let's have fun, 'kay? Yeah. Man, there's no way I CAN'T have fun when you're around. Hey, um... Hm? N-never mind. It's nothing. Ngh... Who knew asking to hold hands could be this darned{LF}embarrassing?! Do, uh...do you wanna hold hands? Sure! Nah. ...Here. Hee hee. You're beet red right now. Shaddap... WHA?! ...O-oh. Uh-oh. He looks depressed. Hey now, don't get lost! Don't you get lost, either. I won't. I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna stay right here by{LF}your side. Did you have fun? Yeah. Haha, no. Great. Let's do this again some time. What?! You didn't? Guess I've gotta work on being a better date. Sorry about that, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let's do this again some time! I promise I'll make the next one a blast for you! Well there you are! What, did you forget we had a date today? You were the one who brought it up, you know! And then{LF}you made me wait! Sheesh. I'll let it slide just this once, okay? You clamming up on me? And here I thought you were a little smarter than that. I've been waiting forever! Um, I... Just...leave me alone for a while, okay? ... Let's get together tomorrow{LF}at @0@ hundred hours at{LF}@マップ0@. Don't forget it! Let's get together today{LF}at @0@ hundred hours at{LF}@マップ0@. Don't forget! There you are. Took longer than you thought to get ready? Since we're going on a date and stuff, it makes me pretty{LF}happy that you wanna look your best! ♪ Still, that doesn't mean it's okay to be late. Oh well, Today's going to be our awesome date, so I guess I{LF}can forgive you this once. Whoa, you're early! You really couldn't wait for our date, could you? C'mon, we're headed to @マップ0@ today! Wait, you've got others with you. Wait, why do you have those others with you? I can't give{LF}you an answer like that. ...I'm gonna find it first. ... ...You haven't found it yet, either, right? ... ...Dammit, what's the real truth? ...I'm not buying it. ... Hell, I wanna know about those Rune Spheres, myself. ...Man. ...Ventuswill. Ugh. Can't believe I'm this confused over that lizard. ... What am I supposed to do? I can't trust anything... ... @しゅじんこうくん@... ...Never mind. It's nothing. ... I came to chat. Show me seeds & groceries. Show me seeds & groceries. Show me furniture. Nothing for now. Double Bed Bookshelf Shop Box Storage Box Calendar Weapon Rack Farm Tool Box Closet Small Fodder Bin Big Fodder Bin Fertilizer Bin Shipping Box Well @キャラ1@ @キャラ0@ Nothing for now. Buy. Don't buy. Please do. I'll take it with me. You're finally here. I brought you some{LF}@アイテム0@. You kept me waiting a good long while. Your{LF}@アイテム0@ is kinda getting cold. Gonna turn in? Up with you! It's morning. *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. I really love you! Just kidding. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone at @0@ in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Oops! I don't have a Double Bed yet. Now isn't the time for that. I wonder what that is? If I want to propose to someone, I should probably figure this{LF}out first. I think @ビシュナル@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @クローリカ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @フォルテ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @キール@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @マーガレット@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ディラス@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @アーサー@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @シャオパイ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @コハク@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ダグ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ドルチェ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @レオン@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. A boy. A girl. Either. ... ...? Ngh... Huh...? Ow...! Wh-what's wrong?! Oh no! We need to go see @ジョーンズ@ right away! ...! @しゅじんこうくん@...? Ow...I-I hurt all of a sudden... @しゅじんこうくん@...?! ...Nnngh...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! I hope the baby will be born quickly... ...Ngh! Wha...? M-my belly hurts... ...Have...to go...clinic... Oh no...! ...Wha? ...? Owww... @しゅじんこうくん@, don't tell me... ...It...it hurts...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! Yes. I'm sorry. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Hey. What's the whole point of this bean-throwing thing,{LF}anyway? Ooh! I'd like to know that too! Hmm...I think it was originally a festival from a kingdom far to{LF}the east. Yes. In that country's customs, throwing the beans drove off{LF}demons and illnesses. It also counted as a wish for health and long life, if I{LF}remember correctly. Hmm, so that's what it's all about? I see. So throwing these beans at Doug should drive him{LF}away. Interesting. I bet I could send you scampering if I threw them at you! Wow, that's neat! But... But what, Kiel? Why do we throw +Failed Dishes+ in our festival? ... ... ... I'm sure that must be our wish to drive off +failure+. Really?! Oh, that makes sense! You sure know a lot, Leon! ...Really? He totally made that one up. I've heard the ladies are considering going on diets. They are? Ugh, again? They're always on about that at this time of{LF}year. They freak out about that stuff too much if you ask me. Besides, they're way cuter if they have a little bit of chub to{LF}them. To each his own, I would think. However, it is a delicate topic with the ladies. I would broach{LF}it very carefully. Good point. Huh? For example, don't tell Margaret ''you've gained weight,''{LF}even just in passing. And never follow it up with ''you could never stick to a diet,''{LF}either. It sounds like you have some very...specific experience,{LF}Dylas. ... To tease knowingly is one thing, but to say it unknowingly{LF}with a straight face is simply foolish. Whatever happens, Kiel, do not grow into a man like him.{LF}Understand? What are you pointing at me for?! Right. I won't. Don't listen to him! I'm awesome! I wonder where they found that enormous Wooly. It is rather cute and fluffy, if I do say so myself. Perhaps it's a mutant strain. It is adorably huge. Eesh. Big is one thing, but that Wooly is way too big for its{LF}own good. The bigger they are, the fluffier and cuter they look, right? I agree wholeheartedly. It's gigantic! Are you sure that's even a Wooly? It is, without a doubt, a Wooly. Hmm. All right, then. Who the heck found that thing, and how did they get it{LF}here? That is an excellent question. Hmmm... Isn't it simply the cutest? It takes a lot of training to hit the target right where you aim,{LF}doesn't it? Yeah. It's pretty hard. Whatever, just keep throwing and something'll hit eventually. I think it's far more effective to calculate your trajectory{LF}before throwing. Hah! Who's gonna do that? What formula do you use for your calculations? Wha?! You're really gonna try that crap?! I find it easier to hit if I see Doug as the target. Aah, now that makes sense... ...WAIT, no it doesn't!! Brr! It's freezing out here! Aren't you guys cold at all? Of course we are! I'm not cold at all. Seriously? No fair! What, are you a snowman's kid or{LF}something? You just lack fortitude. Grr!! Well YOU'RE the one who lacks brains! What was that, you pebble-brained dwarf?! I said you're a brainless, swayback na--ACHOO!! EUGH! Well, there's no helping the cold. How about some exercise{LF}to warm up? Yeah, that's a great idea, Arthur. C'mon! Oh, I meant for you. I'm not particularly cold myself. Hey! L-Leon! You're cold too, right? I mean, it's freezing out here! You must be joking. This hardly qualifies as ''cold''-- ACHOO! ...Uh-huh. Erm, perhaps I will take a little exercise after all. Kiel, I bet you and Arthur are really good at quizzes. Heh. Is it that obvious? Does my propensity for trivia shine{LF}out through my retinas? There is an element of luck to it, though. Well I won't get a single one of 'em, so I'll just go with{LF}whatever answer you two pick. Smart idea. I know, right? You can't do that. This is a test you should overcome with{LF}your own strength. I will abide by the answers that @しゅじんこうくん@ chooses. So you had best get them correct. Wha?! Ugh, fishing is so boooring! I get bored just thinking about it. That's what makes it so relaxing. ...Huh? I don't get it. I'd like to come up with an efficient way to use the time as{LF}we wait for the fish to bite. I ain't working, if that's what you're saying. But isn't it so much fun when you do catch a fish? Even if{LF}hooking one can be rather hard. Yeah, catching one is fun! But I'm not really good at making{LF}sashimi and stuff... How about I teach you, then? Oh, will you? Thanks Leon! In return, you can cook whatever fish I catch. Deal? Yeah, that sounds great! ♪ Vishnal, would you care to join us? Please! I would be honored! And the rest of you? Nah, I'll pass. I have work I must be doing, I'm afraid. Ah. Well then, the rest of us will be off. ... Hunting down a good spot is such a pain. Hey, Dylas! Tell{LF}me where to find a good fishing hole! Sure. First, leave town by the south gate. Second, never{LF}come back. Ouch! That's mean, man. Mean! My. That is a lovely fishing rod you have there, Dylas. Thanks. Bado did some touch-ups on it for me. He's got good{LF}skill with weapons and forging. But nothing else. ... Kiel? You look pretty serious over there. Whew! I finally managed to bait the hook. Congratulations! I could have helped you if you'd said something. As could I. If you need help, just say so. I'd be happy to assist. Thanks guys! But I think I can manage by myself. Hey, guys, baiting this hook is a pain in the ass. Help me out. Is it, now? Good luck. Think of it as training! Yeah! Hey! How come I get ignored?! It looks like everyone will be having squid for dinner tonight. Yeah. Margaret is going to complain all night long. Ha ha! That she will. All right, time to go catch us some supper! Yes. I think I may join you. As will I. I'll come along, too! ♪ Why don't we all go? Dylas, don't just stand there. Come with us! What, I have to go too? Ah, well... Ooh, look everyone! I see lots of fish over there! Really? Let's head that way, then. Hey! Don't leave me behind! ... ...Hmph. Come on. Enough dilly-dallying. GAH! Now, I understand having a contest to see who's got the{LF}best vegetables... But why do we gotta go through this whole showcasing{LF}deal? I would think it's to show everyone all the best points of your{LF}entry. Yeah. After all the hard work you do raising it, you wanna{LF}show it all off, you know? That is the most enjoyable part to me. It's like an appraisal{LF}to ascertain its true value. Like a what? An appraisal, huh? That's very like you, Arthur. I kinda like all that presenting stuff, actually. It's fun! I don't care for it, personally. Well, you are terrible at public speaking, after all. Urk... Sh-shut up! Eesh, today's a hot one! Do we gotta have a festival today? I think it's lovely weather. If we get too sweaty, we can just go relax in the bath to{LF}wash off. True. A good soak after a long day's work is very relaxing. Yes. And the monster statues are adorable to look at. They are...? Baths, eh? Yeah, they're great after a long day. I wonder{LF}what fragrance they're using today. My, my! What's wrong? Margaret is being...irritating. Did you do something to upset her again? This is partly your fault, you know. Hey! I was just taking a nap, okay? It was Xiao Pai who{LF}smacked me awake! You were asleep on the job again, I take it? GAH!! How'd you guess? It isn't that difficult... Now that you mention it, Forte was slightly miffed as well. What did you do? I have no idea. I was simply teaching Kiel something useful. ...Yeah, but about what? Eesh. Women scare me sometimes. Yeah... Really? I'm afraid I disagree. You reap what you sow. Yeah, and it's YOUR fault! If we've gotta go through all these festivals, how about we{LF}have one for napping? What would anyone do in such a festival? Kick back, relax and nap, that's what! That does sound relaxing...though pointless. Clorica would win every year. But as long as we're inventing festivals, I'd like a bath{LF}festival! What would you do in that? See who could relax in the bath the longest! These hardly seem like proper festivals at all. I'd happily take part in a Beat Doug Senseless Festival. That's run at the same time as the Beat Dylas Senseless{LF}Festival! How about a @しゅじんこうくん@ Festival? Wha?! What would that be about? Hmm, good question. What would you like for it to be{LF}about? ♪ Umm... Hey guys! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Have a great year! Happy New Year! A Happy New Year to you all. Happy New Year. Yeah. Happy New Year. That's okay. I don't need one from you. Shaddap! I wasn't talking to you! There they go again, right from the first day of the year. And so a little piece of the old year carries over into the{LF}new. Nothing wrong with that. Aha! There you are, @しゅじんこうくん@! We're all going to attempt +splitting watermelons+ together. Come join us, @しゅじんこうくん@! What's so fun about destroying melons? Oh-ho! So you admit you can't beat me at it, eh? ...! Where's that melon?! I'll split it six ways from winter! Whoa, hold your horses! I'm up first! This sounds amusing. Let me join you. By the way, where is the watermelon? Vishnal was supposed to bring a few for us. Here they are! Hey, hold it! Those are +turnips+! ACK!! I...I brought the wrong ones. Oh well. Let's make this all Doug's fault. And something he planned, too. That seems reasonable. I'll buy that. WHA?! HEY! Why me?! Here, everyone. Please help yourselves to a warm drink. Ooh, thanks, Vishnal! ♪ That's thoughtful of you. Careful, Doug. It's hot. Thanks. ...Wait, did I really just--?! Here you go, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. Arthur, here. Have some. Hmm? What're you doing? I am re-confirming my schedule for next year. You're working? Seriously? C'mon! Goodness, that looks like a very full schedule. It's a holiday. You should take a break. But y'know, I think if he tried to take a break, he might just{LF}collapse. You might just be right, Kiel! Well, Arthur is quite the workaholic. Man, it's New Year's Eve! Can't you lay off the work for one{LF}day? Vishnal's too nice to nag you about it, but he made some{LF}good stuff. You oughta try it. Who are you calling a nag?! Huh? N-no, no! It's all right, Arthur. I wouldn't want to bother you. ...*THUNK*... Oh! Hmm? Huh? You have a point, Doug. I think I'll take today off. You will? Oh my gosh! Arthur's taking a break! Are you sure you're not sick? No, I'm not. May I have a cup too, Vishnal? Of course! I wonder why fireflies glow. The book I read said it's to protect themselves from{LF}predators. It's also to attract a mate. So they do it because they wanna stand out, then? Just like some empty-headed shrimps I could name. Strange, I don't know any of those, 'Mr. Horsie'. What did you just say?! Bring it, gelding! I'm ready! A gentle glow to call a mate, eh? That has a touch of{LF}romance to it. Perhaps I should glow a little. Ooh! You can glow, Leon? Of course. Would you like me to show you how? Yeah! Uh, guys? Leon is messing with Kiel again. I wonder who's going to give how much to whom. You sound like you're having fun, Vishnal. Huh? N-no, not really! Hey, why don't we try to guess which of us is gonna get the{LF}most? Amongst us? Hmm... In that case... I would expect it to be Arthur. He has quite a few contacts. But none very well-versed in this town's unique events. Personally, I think it may be Leon. Me too! Maybe it will be Kiel. Huh? Me? All we can say for sure is that Doug will get none. Right back at you. What do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? Vishnal. Kiel. Arthur. Doug. Dylas. Leon. What? Me?! Um...eheh heh...I shall try my best to live up to expectations! See! @しゅじんこうくん@ agrees with me! I'm not so sure. I don't see why it would be me. But thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. Vishnal. I'm flattered. Me? I'm unsure I will be able to live up to such lofty expectations. But I'm flattered you think so highly of me. Thank you. Me? Ha ha! Knew it! @しゅじんこうくん@, you can't be serious. Oh, don't get jealous now. Who's jealous?! This just goes to show you that @しゅじんこうくん@ knows{LF}what's what. Me? Well, I'm happy you think so, at least. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Him? No way! You're joking! Maybe, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to pound you,{LF}Doug. Hmm? Me? Well, if you really think so... But in the end, it's not the quantity, it's the quality. So who did you guys give some to? I sent some to Mr. Volkanon and Clorica. I gave some to my sister. I presented one to Porcoline. Though I was the one who made it. And I am very grateful for your efforts. Thank you. Hmm. To be honest, I have not yet decided to whom I should{LF}present. Hmph. Well, that's boring. What about you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Are you going to give out{LF}any? Yeah. No. Oooh, who to? Who's the lucky lady? That is not the easiest question to answer in front of{LF}everyone, Doug. But you can tell me. I'll keep it secret to my dying day. Not fair, Arthur! I want to know too! Yeah! It's not right to keep it a secret, @しゅじんこうくん@. You{LF}should tell all of us. No? Hmm... I doubt that. Really. Are you simply hiding it from us, @しゅじんこうくん@? You sneaky little player! Enough beating around the bush. Out with it. Yeah. I wanna know, too! ♪ Hey, have you all heard the legend behind today's festival? If you wish upon the highest star in the sky, your wish will{LF}come true. That's it...no? Yeah. But there was something else to it, too. I just can't{LF}remember what. Oh, I know! If two people make a wish together, they will be{LF}bound for eternity. Doug, stay far away from me when you make your wish.{LF}About a million miles or so. Oh yeah? Well you stand a billion miles away from me! You{LF}got it?! So if two men were to make a wish together, they would be{LF}friends forever? Eesh! This festival is way more dangerous than I'd thought! Well, I think it's romantic. Man, I'm no good at cooking at all. I am not particularly good at it either. Any skill will get better with practice. Yeah. If you think about the people you're cooking for, you'll get it{LF}right in no time! ♪ So...do you think that someday even I'll be able to cook like{LF}Porcoline? Sure! I know you will! So you wanna get all fat, then?! You shut up! I'd love to try Kiel's cooking one day. As would I. Well, stop on by sometime. I don't mind. Do you have any{LF}specific requests? Anything with rice! No. Something with carrots. Well, since you asked, I would like--- I would not be averse to--- Oh, and besides that, could you make some--- Um, okay. So I guess I'll start with a rice base, add some of{LF}this and that, then maybe... Y'know, since everyone is coming, I should just ask my sister{LF}to help out! Maybe you shouldn't. Ugh. Crafting stuff is such a pain! Anything resembling work is a pain to you. Hey!! ...You've got a point, I guess. Interesting. We often hear about how dwarves are{LF}particularly skilled at forging. Really? I'm just no good at all that little fiddly stuff. I'm not really good at forging stuff either. If forging is not to your taste, have you tried hand-crafting? I{LF}mean accessories and the like. Accessories? I might be able to make some of those. Ugh, even worse! All those teeny tiny little bits and pieces! What kind of monsters does everyone like? I like big, fluffy, roly-poly ones! Those are nice. I prefer small ones. Large ones with pleasant{LF}temperaments aren't bad, though. Well, I like the big and strong ones! Oh, and ''ducks,'' too! Because our names sound almost{LF}alike. ...And you're just as stupid. What was that?! What about you, Leon? Me? I'm partial to ''Golems,'' actually. What, so you like the old and moldy stuff? No, he likes that they're big and tough, I bet. Actually, what I like about them is that they are utterly{LF}subservient to my will. ♪ ...Oh. What kind of monsters do you prefer, @しゅじんこうくん@? Cute ones. Cool ones. Strong ones. I agree! The adorable ones are decidedly the best. Ooh, I think so too! The cool ones are the best. Right? Right! There ain't no beating the strong ones! The truly cold weather will be upon us soon. Yeah. Winter's on the way. Yes, and how all that cold makes my poor bones ache! Some{LF}years I wish winter would never come. Tomorrow is Volkanon's +birthday+. Have you thought of something to give him? Naturally! Nah. I do owe him a lot, after all. Oh, wonderful. Wonderful. I'm sure he'll be so happy he'll cry. And perhaps give you a bone-crunching bear hug. Be careful that the bear hug doesn't land you in the clinic. Um, would you please not joke like that? You're scaring me. I haven't had time to think on it yet. Oh my. You haven't? Well, it'd be nice if you could try and find some time. I'm sure he would love just about anything you gave him. He might cry for joy even if you gave him rubbish. Um, I'm not so sure about that. His birthday is coming up. Hurry and give him a practice{LF}present, just to see. Tomorrow is Lin Fa's +birthday+, but... Yes? Well, this IS Lin Fa. I'm certain she's forgotten all about it, even though it is her{LF}own +birthday+. I wouldn't be surprised, either. @キャラ0@ @0@ is Doug's +birthday+. Oh? He can be so shy about that stuff I wouldn't be{LF}surprised if he never mentioned anything. Perhaps... But it's the only thing he's told me about himself besides his{LF}name. ... So you see... I'd like to have a big, warm celebration for him. He might be too shy and run away. But he's got a weakness for you, @ブロッサム@. He may complain, but he'll still spend the day with you. Do you think so? Oh, I'm sure he will! I hope so. Happy Birthday! My, my! Why thank you! Thanks to you and Doug and everyone, I've had a wonderful{LF}birthday. So @ダグ@ came to say Happy Birthday? Yes, but don't let him know I told you. He was terribly bashful about the whole thing, you know. I'm not surprised. If everyone found out, he'd be so embarrassed he'd probably{LF}leave town. Hee hee, that he would. Tomorrow is Jones' +birthday+. Will you be giving him a present? Of course. He does so much for me, you know. I thought I'd bring him @アイテム0@. Do you smell an @アイテム0@? An @アイテム0@? Hee hee, that would be me, dear. Tomorrow is Nancy's +birthday+, you know. I'm making some @アイテム1@ for her. You've started making it already? Yes. Both Nancy and her husband love sweets quite a bit. Now, I doubt they would argue over it, but there's no harm{LF}in making a little extra. Ah. That makes sense. Oh, why hello there. Hi. Um, since I'll be living here now, I thought I'd come{LF}around and introduce myself properly. My, my! How courteous of you. I'm very pleased to meet you. The pleasure is mine. Oh, yes. We were in such a rush before I forgot to mention that I run{LF}a +General Store+. A +General Store+? Yes. It's in the +east+ part of town. If there's anything you need, do{LF}stop on by. I run it right here out of my home. If there's anything you{LF}need, do stop on by. It's right downstairs. If there's anything you need, do stop on{LF}by. I will. Yes? A little bit of exercise every now and then does a body good. My, my. I'm a little sore already. I guess there's no denying{LF}age. My, this is tough. Are you sure? Don't stay out too late, now. It's dangerous. I think I'll be making my way home. Doug is waiting for me. Would you like to go somewhere with me? Oh, I'm terribly sorry, but I'm too busy right now. @しゅじんこうくん@, perhaps we could enjoy an outing together{LF}every once in a while. My, my! You, at least, are a little too young to go senile, I{LF}would think. @しゅじんこうくん@, if you have a bit of time, would you like to{LF}go somewhere together? Oh, dear. It looks like you're already with friends. I'll ask{LF}again later. Well then, shall we be going? Oh, that's unfortunate. Goodness, I never thought I'd have someone confess to me{LF}at my age! Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, my! You want to marry me? Oh ho ho! While I'm flattered, I think it best you give that to{LF}someone a bit younger. @しゅじんこうくん@. I am not a rubbish bin, you know. @アイテム9@? Oh, please no! I've had my fill of medicine and then some! I'd much rather get @アイテム0@ as a{LF}present. That, I +like+. Oh, @アイテム9@? Why thank you. Oh my. Is this for me? Thank you. Thank you. @アイテム9@, for me? Thank you so much. @アイテム9@, for me? Thank you, dear. These are far better for my aging bones than more medicine,{LF}that's for sure! Oh! I +like+ these. Thank you, dear. My goodness! Is this @アイテム9@ for me? Why thank you. I +love+ this dish. Jones always tells me I should stay away from oily foods. But it's just so hard to say no to my favorite dish. Hm? Why yes, I think I'll try a sip. *GLUG* *GLUG* Hmm...what an oddly flavored drink. What, medicine? Now I know my health is not the best. But this is my +birthday+. I would appreciate if you would not attempt to foist more{LF}@アイテム9@ on me. Thank you. No matter how old you get, it's always nice to get a +birthday{LF}present+. Thank you. I quite +like+ these. Oh goodness. You don't need to tend to this old soul so{LF}much, you know. What a kind youngster you are. Oh my. Did you make this just for me? Why thank you. I'm so happy that you and Doug and all the others thought{LF}to bring presents for me. Today has been a wonderful day. Oh, did you make this yourself? How nice! Is this handmade? Why thank you! What a thoughtful{LF}present. My, my! Thank you! What a wonderful birthday present. Did you make this yourself? Why thank you. Oh, is this something you made yourself? I quite like it. Why thank you! Handmade presents are always so{LF}thoughtful. Thanks so much for all your help. Here. It isn't much, but I have a thank-you gift for you. Welcome! How can I help you? Do come again. Oh dear. It looks like you don't have enough Gold. Oh dear. It looks like you don't have enough Lumber. Oh dear. It looks like you don't have enough Stone. All right, then. I will have it delivered to your room. Here you go. Do you need anything else? Would you like me to have it delivered to your room? Oh my. It looks like there isn't any place to put it. Please{LF}organize your room. Oh my! It looks like you haven't any more room for furniture.{LF}You will need to throw something out. A Double Bed will be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and{LF}@石0@ Stone. A Bookshelf will be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and{LF}@石0@ Stone. A Shop Box will be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and{LF}@石0@ Stone. A Storage Box will be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and{LF}@石0@ Stone. A Calendar will be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and{LF}@石0@ Stone. A Weapon Rack will be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber{LF}and @石0@ Stone. A Farm Tool Box will be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber{LF}and @石0@ Stone. A Closet will be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and{LF}@石0@ Stone. A Small Fodder Bin will be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber{LF}and @石0@ Stone. A Big Fodder Bin will be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber{LF}and @石0@ Stone. A Fertilizer Bin will be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and{LF}@石0@ Stone. A Shipping Bin will be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and{LF}@石0@ Stone. A Well will be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and @石0@{LF}Stone. A Lumber/Stone Box will be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@{LF}Lumber and @石0@ Stone. A @キャラ0@ will be: @金0@ Gold, @木0@{LF}Lumber and @石0@ Stone. Do you need anything else? @しゅじんこうくん@, Happy Birthday. Here. It may not be much, but I have a present for you. Oh dear, you don't look well. Here. Take this medicine. You'll feel better in no time. Do have Jones take a look at you, all right? Oh good. It seems you've gotten used to shipping things.{LF}Keep it up, now. My, my. You've shipped quite a bit, haven't you? You know, shipping things helps us out too. I appreciate it. Oh my! Look at how many things you've shipped. I cannot thank you enough! Oh goodness me, would you look at how many things you've{LF}shipped! It's amazing! @しゅじんこうくん@, thank you so much. You're truly a big help. We owe you so very much. Oh, what perfect timing. Here. This is for you. Let me teach you an important lesson about running a shop. The best thing you can give your customers is a bright smile.{LF}It's your most valuable product. Yay! Your Shop Skill went up! Cooking is not just about skill. It is also about heart. Here, give this recipe a try. My, my. You have @アイテム0@ for sale. How about @1@ Gold{LF}for @0@ @アイテム0@? Then how about @1@ Gold? Oh, maybe next time. Wonderful! I'll take it. I'm sorry, dear. I think I'll have to pass this time. Goodness, what should I do? Do you have anything else? Thank you for the lovely items. I will definitely come back{LF}again soon. Good luck, dear. I hope your shop does well. @しゅじんこうくん@, you truly are a wonderful friend. I'm flattered you'd choose to spend so much time with an old{LF}woman like me. But don't worry so much about my health. Worry more about{LF}yourself and your future, okay? Still... Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I appreciate everything. Are you and your partner getting along well,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@? I remember having so many adventures in romance when I{LF}was your age. Are you and Doug getting along well? I hope he's being good to you. Don't you let him make you{LF}cry, now. Why hello, dear. It's been quite a long time. Please do stop by and chat more often. debug Congratulations on the win, @しゅじんこうくん@! You really can do anything you put your mind to! Oh ho ho! I won't let you youngsters beat me that easily! Happy New Year, @しゅじんこうくん@. Happy New Year! I hope this new year brings you even more prosperity than{LF}the last. Here. I have some new year's gift money for you. Oh, you don't have to! But I want to. Go on, take it. Youngsters should be happy when their elders do nice things{LF}for them. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Have fun, but do be careful you don't get hurt. I wonder who will win this year? I can hardly wait. Everyone did a wonderful job. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Everyone has a healthy appetite, so it is quite the chore to{LF}cook up enough food. I wonder who will eat the most this year. Though I think I can make a very good guess! Goodness, everyone has such a healthy appetite! Sometimes I even wonder if you have spare stomachs hidden{LF}in your legs! Woolies will get to be the star of the show for tomorrow's{LF}@カレンダー0@. My, my! That large Wooly looks so darling! Give it your best now, @しゅじんこうくん@. Well, how was it? It's a great festival! I had lots of fun. That wasn't what I was asking about, dear. Now, wasn't that enormous Wooly just darling? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. My eyes aren't as good as they used to be, so I have a hard{LF}time seeing the targets. Maybe I should ask if they could use some more colorful{LF}turnips instead. Oh, my aching bones. I'm exhausted! I think I'll ask Doug to make dinner tonight. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Be careful, now. Everyone takes this festival very seriously. Doug was bouncing with excitement this morning. He's quite fired up about this festival, it seems. Everyone was so full of energy today. Goodness, it was like they were all a bunch of children{LF}playing. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. The longer you live, the more you learn. Tomorrow, I'll show you just how much I've learned, ho ho{LF}ho! Are you ready for the @カレンダー0@? No matter how old you get, or how many things you learn,{LF}there's always more you don't know. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I won't say it's a bad thing to have them fight, but isn't there{LF}some other contest they could do? I want everyone to have fun with the @カレンダー0@,{LF}but I hope no one gets hurt. I'm glad you had fun and didn't get hurt. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Fishing is something I can enjoy right along with the rest of{LF}you. Don't think I will make it easy on you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Ho{LF}ho ho! ♪ Now then, where should I fish? Oh well. Just because you enjoy fishing doesn't{LF}automatically make you good at it. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Oof. Trying to reel in a big fish is so hard on my back. With this device, I can hook a big fish without having to{LF}worry about my hip! All I caught today were little ones. But that happens. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. My repertoir of squid recipes has grown quite a bit thanks to{LF}this festival. Now then, where did all the squid go? We'll be having squid for dinner again tonight. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I won't let you youngsters get the better of me easily. ♪ All right then, time to give you youngsters a good fight. I think I did fairly well. But I won't lose so easily next time. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Is your vegetable growing well? I wonder what kinds of vegetables everyone will bring today. Today was quite entertaining. Everyone's vegetable looked truly delicious. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. How is your vegetable doing? You did remember to plant{LF}one for the festival, right? I wonder what kinds of showcases everyone will put on for{LF}us. Everyone presents such amusing showcases. I never get tired{LF}of watching them. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Is your vegetable ready? I've grown a good one, myself. It will put up quite a stiff fight. Oh, drat! I was rather proud of my vegetable this time. I guess there is still a ways for me to go. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I've been raising my vegetable all month just for today's{LF}festival and it looks splendid. Have you decided on what you will do for your showcase? You have to be ready if you want to win. Oh, shoot. It looks like I let victory get away from me yet{LF}again! I guess I will just have to work harder to get it next time. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. I know you've been{LF}waiting for it! Well? I bet you can hardly wait. Did you have fun today? It looks like yet another year will be ending soon. I hope I will be able to greet many more new years. I'm sure you will! ... Who knows...? You think so? Well if you say so, then I'm sure I will. Thank you. Does my health look that precarious to you? Well, I'm not sure... Oh, you're not sure? Goodness, I guess I got worried over nothing, then. Goodness, @しゅじんこうくん@! At times like this a simple ''you will be fine,'' goes a long{LF}way, even if it's just a white lie. That was rather uncaring of you. I hope everyone will have a happy and healthy new year. The @カレンダー0@ is a festival where everyone{LF}enjoys watching beautiful fireflies. And if you like, you could +ask someone on a date+. Watching the fireflies with the one you love is quite romantic,{LF}you know. Did you have a chance to ask someone on a date for the{LF}festival? I'm sorry, dear, but I don't have the time this year. Well? They are beautiful, aren't they? I can hardly wait for this festival every year. I hope they can gather just as many fireflies for next year's{LF}festival. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. How many do you think you will get, @しゅじんこうくん@? Are you going to +ask someone on a date+ so that you can{LF}give them a gift in private? Don't be bashful, now. Go on and hand out as many cookies{LF}you please. Oh my. Is this for me? I'm flattered you'd think to give one to me. Have you given{LF}one to the person you love, yet? Not yet... Yes. Livin' up the single life! Hurry up, or you'll regret it. Why don't you go and give it to them right now? Thank you for the @アイテム0@. I see. And you still thought of me! Thank you for the{LF}@アイテム0@. I'll enjoy it later. Oh, is that so? Why not? There's no harm in a pretty young lady like you{LF}looking for a little romance. Goodness! @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you really a girl? Are you really a boy? Um, no. Oh, dear. Is that so? I must have been confused. After all, you gave this @アイテム0@ to me. And you're so darling, I thought you just had to be a girl. And you're so dashing, I thought you just had to be a boy. Sheesh...! Thank you for the @アイテム0@. Ah, there you are. Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. This @アイテム0@ is{LF}for you. Really? Yes. What, disappointed to get one from an old biddy like me? No, of course not! Thank you. Oh good. I'm glad. Everyone is having a wonderful day today. I remember how much I enjoyed this day back when I was{LF}young. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Is there anyone you're planning to give a gift to? Has any young man asked to see you tomorrow? ... Ho ho ho! Ah, youth. My, my. Is this for me? Why @しゅじんこうくん@! I didn't know you cared so much. I-it's not what you're thinking! Oh ho ho! Look how red you are. Thank you, but I'm sorry... I gave my heart to my husband a long time ago. Hmm? My, my. You seem awfully fidgety today. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. A day like that is perfect to spend with your loved ones. Is there anyone in particular you want to spend the day{LF}with? I hope next year will be a happy and healthy one for{LF}everybody. I hope your wish comes true. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. If you don't have everything you need, do take a look around{LF}the shop. Today is the @カレンダー0@. Do you have everything{LF}you need? My, my! There were so many excellent pieces of work this{LF}year. I can't wait for next year. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Let's see if I can win with the hearty taste of a mother's good{LF}home cooking. Today is the @カレンダー0@. I won't let you win{LF}easily, now! Today was a lot of fun. Sometimes I wish we could have a{LF}festival every day. I came to chat. Show me seeds & groceries. Show me seeds & groceries. Show me furniture. Nothing for now. Double Bed Bookshelf Shop Box Storage Box Calendar Weapon Rack Farm Tool Box Closet Small Fodder Bin Big Fodder Bin Fertilizer Bin Shipping Box Well @キャラ1@ @キャラ0@ Nothing for now. Buy. Don't buy. Please do. I'll take it with me. Here, it's a nice @アイテム0@. This is the best{LF}thing for you after a bath. *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone at @0@ in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Now isn't the time for that. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? ''Dolly, look! Isn't the sunshine amazingly warm today?'' ...Quit hanging on me. It's hot. ''Yes, I know that well.'' ''And I also know how this heat has weakened you! Nya ha{LF}ha!'' Ugh. You're even more of a pain than usual... But it's too hot{LF}to bother punting you. ...What? Um, you look cute. Um, @ピコ@'s behind you... Wha?! O-oh. I suppose there's nothing unpleasant about being{LF}complimented. ''Ha hah! It is too late for--'' ''--ow ow ow ow ow!'' Don't worry. I have several traps ready at all times. @しゅじんこうくん@. What, are you interested in my swimsuit? Definitely! Definitely not. ... ''Well you did ask, milady. So why go all pink?'' Oh, shut up. ...I see. ... ''Summer will be here soon.'' Summer is coming. I'm not fond of the heat. I deal with someone stuffy,{LF}sweltering and unpleasant all year round. Finally. Fall will be here soon. ''Yes! I can hardly wait for the leaves to turn lovely colors!'' ''Fall is coming, and the trees will soon turn lovely colors.'' Yeah. They'll be beauti-''fall''. ''Perhaps we should find the time to have a viewing party.{LF}Wouldn't that be lovely?'' True. A quiet party every now and again isn't a bad thing. That was a terrible pun. You +autumn+ say them. ... ... ''It was a brave attempt, milady. No need to be so{LF}embarrassed at yourself.'' Be quiet. ''Winter is on its way.'' Evenings have become quite chilly. Considering how much I dislike the heat, I find this kind of{LF}weather is much more to my taste. Oh, yes. Here. Hmm? I read about this somewhere. When knitting, this is the first{LF}thing one should make. So, I...I practiced with this one. Huh? Oh...thank you. ... ''My. Is it me, or is it feeling a little hot here?'' ''...?!'' Spring is coming. ''Winter is almost over.'' ''Spring is on its way.'' ''And then will come the season in which I am accused of{LF}being suffocating day after day.'' ''...But it isn't so bad.'' Oh, you're always unbearably suffocating. Hm? What was that knitting you just hid behind your back? ''It's a +birthday present+ for Miss Clorica!'' ''But Dolly is way too bashful to say so out loud. Isn't that{LF}just adorable?'' ...Shut up. ... What's wrong, @ドルチェ@? You look tired. It's nothing. ''Milady is staying up late at night sewing.'' ''It's some secret +birthday present+ for Miss Forte.'' So what are you making? Decorative armor. ...That's impressive. ''@しゅじんこうくん@! You tell milady, too!'' YOU stay quiet. What's wrong? ''Milady has been staying awake far too late at night{LF}recently.'' ''She says she's working on a +birthday present+ for Miss Meg.'' Good luck! Breaks are important, too. I don't need any luck. ''Though you seem awfully happy to have heard that--wait!{LF}No! Stop encouraging her!'' ''See? Milady, I know you're an excellent seamstress.'' ''But attempting to crochet a musical instrument is too much!'' I am going to give Xiao Pai some medicine for her +birthday+. I mixed up a powder that will help her avoid failures. Does it work? Pico. Come here a moment. ''You called, milady? Ooh, do I try this? Let's see---'' ''Zzz... Zzz...'' It's difficult to fail at things when you're sound asleep. ''Amber's +birthday+ is soon.'' Yes. This flower should be a good enough present. ''Of course it will be! Especially after you spent such a long{LF}time choosing just the right one.'' ... ... @ドルチェ@? You look a little red in the cheeks. Stop staring at me, pervert. ''Oh dear. Milady is so very embarrassed today!'' ''I didn't think she would be this overjoyed just having{LF}everyone come say Happy Birthday to her.'' That's not something you need to tell the ENTIRE town. Happy Birthday! Pretend not to hear. Wha?! ...Thank you. ''Hee hee. See? Isn't this wonderful, milady?'' It's your birthday today too, you know. Huh? It is? ''Yes! Dolly decided that I would have a birthday today, too!'' ''But all I need to be happy today is the good wishes of{LF}milady.'' ''It's our secret, just the two of us. Oh, how wonderful!'' Just the ''two'' of us, hm? ''...Oops!'' Uhh... *YAWN* ''Goodness, what a big yawn.'' @ドルチェ@, are you having trouble sleeping? ...I've been busy lately. ''Very busy! You see, milady has been staying up knitting all{LF}night long.'' ''Dr. Jones' +birthday+ is tomorrow, and she wants to make him{LF}a--MMPH!'' Quit babbling. It's unnecessary. Hm? What's with the flower? I got it from Amber. Nancy's +birthday+ is coming soon, so I thought I should at{LF}least get her something. ''...On top of the formal present you spent days sewing for{LF}her.'' ... What an unguarded town. Strangers move in and no one seems the least concerned. In fact, a prime example of this now lives in their castle as a{LF}guest of honor! I guess you could say that, yeah. Oh... Hm? What's wrong? It's nothing. ''Milady didn't mean to insult. She was actually trying to pay{LF}you a compliment.'' ''She meant to say this is a wonderful town full of people{LF}who gladly accept even strangers.'' Oh? It isn't that I'm overwhelmed by how kind everyone has been. I was just thinking this is a nice, peaceful place. That's all. ''Seriously! All this time and you still can't say what you truly{LF}mean.'' ''Oh well. Thank you for accepting us, and we're looking{LF}forward to getting to know everyone better.'' Same here! ...It's a pleasure. ''Oh, be still my ghostly heart! That shy glance! That pale,{LF}rosy blush...!'' ''Dolly, are you trying to send me to the afterlife?!'' The afterlife. Some other world. I don't care, just get lost. ... Yes? No, I'm not tired in the least. Thank you. ...I'm fine. ''Dolly, you aren't okay in the least! Please, rest at least for a{LF}little while!'' Hmm? There's two of you? How odd. All right. See you later. ...All right. Will I see you again tomorrow? Huh? ...Never mind. See you later. Thank you for seeing me home. I had fun today. See you later. ♪ I must be getting home. See you later. @ドルチェ@, do you want to go somewhere together? Sorry, I can't right now. Maybe some other time. All right. Shall we go, then? All right. Let's go. @しゅじんこうくん@, if you have some time, would you like to go{LF}somewhere together? @しゅじんこうくん@, would you like to go somewhere? Oops, never mind. Sorry to interrupt. Well then, shall we go? M-may I, erm...hold your hand? ...Never mind. Forget I asked. Let us be off, then. ...Oh. Well. I only asked on a whim anyway. I see. ...Huh?! ... I-I'm sorry. N-no! It isn't that... ''NO! I will not allow it!'' GAH?! ''Dolly is mine! MINE, you hear?'' Um... *HISSSSSS* I-I'll see you tomorrow! Huh? Tomorrow, @0@ hundred hours at{LF}@マップ0@. ''Dolly?!'' Let's meet there. *HISSSSSS* Tomorrow, @0@ hundred hours at{LF}@マップ0@. ...I'll give you an answer then. *HISSSSSS* Today, @0@ hundred hours at{LF}@マップ0@. ...I'll give you an answer then. @しゅじんこうくん@. @ドルチェ@. ... M-my, what lovely weather! Where's @ピコ@? Y-yes. It is. Oh. Um... ... ... Oh, she's... ''Right here, of course.'' ... ''@しゅじんこうくん@.'' Yes? ''You are serious, aren't you?'' Pico! ... Totally. I'm seriously serious. Nope, just kidding. ''...I see.'' Pico... ''Oh dear! I just remembered I left a pot on the stove. Ta-{LF}tah!'' Wh-what?! Pico, where are you going? ''Do it right, Dolly.'' Ah... @ドルチェ@. O-oh... Um...do you have an answer? ... I...I have trouble saying what I mean, you know. Hm? When I'm sad, I don't want to say I feel sad. When I'm{LF}happy, I can't say so, even if I try. It's the same with ''thank you'' and ''I'm sorry.'' When the time comes to say them, I just can't get the words{LF}out. But today... ...Today is a special day. So...thank you. I love you, too. Then...! Yes. Please go out with me. ''...What?'' I'm so happy! I was worried nothing would happen even if I{LF}made the first move. ♪ ''...'' ...Oh. Whatever. ''That doesn't sound like the response of someone who spent{LF}the whole night fidgeting and fidg--'' ''MMPH!'' Hm? I-it's nothing. Right, Pico? ''MMPH! MMPH!'' ...? Erm...by the way. Yes? Do you have any preferences for names? Huh? Well, we are dating now, right? A-and I wouldn't mind calling you by a special name, I guess.{LF}It can be whatever you want. Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ ...Are you sure? Yeah. Ah. All right. I guess that will do. Wait, hang on a second... Sorry. You get only one chance, and you've used it. You will have to live with it now, @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@...? You can't be serious. I am. ... O-oh. ...Hmph. All right, if you insist. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. True, now that I think about it, you were supposed to be a{LF}prince. Well, a stand-in prince for Arthur. I guess... ... You haven't turned out half-bad. @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@...? I think that might be a little too...soon for us. Really? ...That's fine. It'll do. ...? Well then, I must say I'm looking forward to it. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@? Interesting. Is that what you want me to call you? Is it too...weird? Not really. @しゅじんこうくん@. W-wait, you can't be serious. That's... That's what? It's...erm...well... You did say I could pick whatever I wanted, right? Um... ...All right. Whatever. You'll be happy if I call you that, right? ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Well? Well what? It wouldn't be fair for you to be the only one with a special{LF}name. Right? ...? Ugh, you can be so dense. Now hurry up and choose a{LF}special name for me, too. Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ ...Ah. Well, if that's the way you like, I won't argue. What...? @その他0@? Y-you can't be serious! What do you think I am?! My girlfriend. Urk... You are, aren't you, @ドルチェ@? Urk...! Okay, okay! Do what you want. @その他1@? Th-that name really doesn't fit me well. Really? I think it's cute and perfect for you. But... @ドルチェ@. Ah... ...M-Maybe. If that's what you want, fine. @その他2@? No one has ever called me that before. Then I'll be the only one who has ever called you{LF}@ドルチェ@. That makes it really special. I-I guess so... Well then, we'll go with that. All right. @その他3@? Don't you think that's a little...distant? Is it? Hmm. Well, if that's what you like, I don't mind it. @その他4@? That's what you want to call me? Yes. Hmm. @ドルチェ@. Not bad. Great! I'm really looking forward to this, @ドルチェ@. Same for me, @しゅじんこうくん@. Sorry, but I have no intention of going along with a joke{LF}made in such poor taste. ''Yeah!'' Um... Wh-where did that come from? If I didn't like you, I wouldn't bother with you. What's the{LF}point in saying it all the time? Aren't you already married? ''If I recall correctly, that is definitely the case.'' ...Yet you just confessed to me. I see. Interesting. ''That was awfully brazen of you, @しゅじんこうくん@, if I do say{LF}so myself.'' I wonder what your wife will say to you when she finds out. ...Oh. I, well...I don't hate you. This... ''I think I'm going to go somewhere else for a while.'' I... ... @ドルチェ@. ...What about the rest? Huh? There's more to it than just a ring. I can't answer you if you{LF}don't ask first. I...I want to hear it. Tell me how you feel about me. ... LET US BE ONE! Marry me. ...! ...No. What?! I can't...I won't believe cheap, cliched words like those. @ドルチェ@. ... ...I love you. ...! With all my heart. ... I know I might not be the most reliable person in the world... But I want to spend my life growing old with you. I want to be with you, and protect you. So please. Let me be part of your family. ...Don't you mind that Pico will be with me, too? Nope. And Jones and Nancy can still be my family, too? Yes. ...And my real Mama and Papa, whom you never got to{LF}meet? Of course. ... @ドルチェ@? Hmph! This is your fault, y'know. I'm so happy I've no idea what to say. ... ...Tell me again. Please? Will you make me the happiest person in the world,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@? Yes. I promise. @ドルチェ@...will you marry me? ...Yes. Will you let me be part of your family? Yes. I'll never let you go. Not ever. This... ''Is that a wedding ring?!'' ''Dolly, wh-what are you going to do?'' There is a proper place and time for this sort of thing, you{LF}know. ''...You say calmly, even though your hands are shaking like{LF}leaves, milady.'' A wedding ring? But I already have one. Is this supposed to be for Pico? It's not. I have a thing for ghosts. ''Do not worry, milady! I am forever yours, and yours alone!'' I thought not. It wouldn't make any sense. ...I see. ... ''D-Dolly? Please stop touching your weapons with that smile{LF}on your face. It's disturbing!'' ...This is trash. Just like the person who would toss this at{LF}someone. I'm not fond of +cold drinks+, you know. ''Milady doesn't need a drink to be any colder.'' ... ''I-I meant physically, milady. N-not emotionally. Honest!'' A vegetable? I choose to get the nutritional value of vegetables from{LF}another source. I just +hate+ what I +hate+. I might feel a bit better if you gave me some +cake+. Some +flan+ might put me in a more forgiving mood. Are you giving this away? I'll take it, then. @アイテム9@? I guess I'll take it. Thank you. I don't particularly +like+ it, but I guess it'll do. Pico, here's a present for you. ''Oh, why thank you!'' I would almost prefer some +medicine+. That can be very{LF}useful on occasion. ''Dolly would've liked it a lot more if you'd given her some{LF}+baked sweets+, though.'' Pico, that was unnecessary. Though I would be happier to get a +warm drink+. Yes? Is this for me? Thank you. It looks like it may be very +useful+. I +like+ various kinds of medicine. They can be used to help{LF}people. Thank you. Sweets can also be very handy. They give you extra energy. Don't you think that +baked sweets+ and{LF}@アイテム0@ would go wonderfully together? @アイテム9@? ...It looks +delicious+. I +like+ baked sweets. ♪ Thank you. Though a +warm drink+ to sip alongside it would be wonderful. @アイテム9@? Thank you. I appreciate it. ''Milady? You may think you're staying calm, but your face{LF}has betrayed you entirely.'' ?! @アイテム9@? You have excellent taste. This will warm me up wonderfully. Just like +medicine+, I +like+ things that are useful. Oh, thank you. @アイテム9@ warms my{LF}hands pleasantly. ''Milady, did you know they say that cold hands mean a{LF}warm heart?'' Oh? I find holding warm things to be relaxing, though. @アイテム9@... I...don't dislike this flower. It has some meaning for me. So, um...thank you. @アイテム9@... ''My, that certainly brings back some memories.'' Yes, I remember. ''Memories of the day when Dolly and I confirmed our eternal{LF}love for each other...!'' That, I do not remember. Oh... ''My, my. @アイテム9@.'' Yes. And I was just looking for more sewing material. Thank you. @アイテム9@? That's almost a child's snack{LF}food. ''Your mother made it a lot back then, didn't she?'' Yes, because both you and I +loved+ it. W-well, since you were thoughtful enough to make some, I{LF}guess I could enjoy it later. Thank you. @アイテム9@... ''Ah, that's a children's snack to Dolly. Right?'' Yes...but I +like+ it, so it's okay. ''Well, yes, since you are still a child yourself.'' ... Hmm? I can have this? Th-thank you. ''Dolly? Is it me, or are you practically floating?'' Thank you. I +love+ cake. What, you want me to drink this? ...Not bad, I guess. By the way... Yes? Do you mind if I...hug you? ... ''You could at least do your homework and figure out what{LF}presents NOT to give first.'' Oh, is this for me? Thank you. ''Ooh, that's a perfect birthday present!'' Is this for me? ''Well, it is your +birthday+ today, milady.'' Ah, @アイテム9@. That could be useful. Thank you. @アイテム9@? That's +not bad+ as far as birthday presents go. Thank you. ''Milady, you could just say that you +like+ it. It's less confusing{LF}that way.'' @アイテム9@... Th-thank you. I will enjoy it later. ...Hee hee. ''Dolly. Dolly. It's showing. On your face!'' Oh, and this is handmade, too. Not bad. ''Now that I think about it, you made a thank-you gift just for{LF}this occassion, right?'' Oh, yes. I did. Here. Keep it if you like it, throw it away if you don't. You remember what today is, right? Our wedding anniversary. Um...your birthday? Good. You did remember. ''Well you look quite pleased about that, milady.'' ...! I am not. ... ... Um... That was supposed to be a joke. @しゅじんこうくん@? Let me ask you something. ...I'm your only wife, right? Yes. I need backup wives. ...That's good. Don't make me worry, okay? Oh, really... That isn't even funny as a joke, you know. ''@しゅじんこうくん@'s birthday is today, isn't it?'' Oh, yes. It is. Happy Birthday. ''You act like you almost forgot, but what's that you're{LF}holding, milady?'' O-oh! I, erm, just happened to have some extra handy. Thanks. I love it. Oh, well if you're happy with that little thing, I could give you{LF}as many as you want. ''Never mind that it took you days and days to pick that ou--{LF}MMPH!!'' Pay her no mind. Here. This is for you. Oh...thank you. ''And you went to all that trouble to hand-make that just fo--{LF}'' ''--MMPH!'' ... So you made this by hand? I-it wasn't that much. ''Says the one who stayed up all those nights to make it.'' You be quiet. @しゅじんこうくん@, wait a moment. You look a little pale. Be careful, now. It would be a pain if you were to keel over. Oh, that's right. I have some medicine with me. Here. Drink up. Every last drop. It'll help you feel better. You need to go straight to the clinic and have Jones look at{LF}you. Here. I made @アイテム0@ for your lunch. ''Don't worry about eating it all. I'll enjoy whatever you can't{LF}finish!'' I made @アイテム0@ today. I hope it's{LF}enough. Here, I made @アイテム0@ for your lunch.{LF}Something different every now and again is good. Here. I made @アイテム0@ for your lunch.{LF}Give it your best today. I made a nice lunch for you. Don't forget to take it with you. See you later today, @しゅじんこうくん@. See you later. Try to come home as early as you can, okay? See you later. See you this evening. Don't hurt yourself, okay? ''@しゅじんこうくん@, wait a minute. You have a spot on your{LF}clothes.'' There, that should fix it. See you later tonight. See you later. You could come home early, if you'd like... Are you here for some medicine? Oh. See you later. Don't overexert yourself. Hmph. Well aren't you a clumsy one. Next time let me teach you how to fix your clothes when{LF}they become tattered. ''Wow, @しゅじんこうくん@. You're pretty good with your hands.'' Can you make something like this? Well, well. You're fairly good at working with your hands. If Pico was half as skilled as you are, I could have her do{LF}some things for me. ...My, you are far more deft with your hands than I expected. Not bad. Here, you can have this. I don't need it any more. @しゅじんこうくん@, can you fold your fingers together like this? ...Not bad. Why did I ask? Well, your fingers are a little more nimble{LF}now, aren't they? Yay! Your Crafting Skill went up! I learned an amusing new recipe the other day. If you insist, I just might teach it to you. Please! I do insist. I-It's not like I want it! Oh, all right. I was just kidding. Here, I'll teach it to you anyway. Hey. Yes? I, um... Um... Have you thought about...having kids? I've thought about HOW. I want it to be just us. What a cute, rosy blush. ...Oh. Good. I feel the same. Wh-what?! ... ''Well you certainly look pleased with that, milady.'' EEP! Wh-when did you get here? What?! I-I'm not blushing! Well...maybe a little. But anyway, which is it? We're going to have a baby... Yeah. Our new family member is right here, inside me. Yeah. ...Wow. I still can hardly believe it. I'm so happy I don't know what to do with myself. Me, too. I wonder if it's a boy or a girl. Oh, I should start sewing some clothes for our baby, too. Which would you rather have, @しゅじんこうくん@? A boy? A girl? Um... A boy? I hope he will grow up into a fine, responsible young man...{LF}unlike you, @しゅじんこうくん@. @ドルチェ@... Tee hee! Well, then I guess you'll have to make some cute outfits for{LF}him then. Oh? Even though he's a boy? Yeah! Even boys can have cute clothes. And I'm sure he's going to be as cute as you are. ...!! A girl? I hope she'll grow up into a pretty and honest young lady. Just like you, @ドルチェ@. Wh-what are you talking about? Girls as warped as I am aren't pretty. You're joking, right? I'm sure I didn't make a joke... See? There, that's one of the many cute things about you! ♪ I...I see... I'm sure our daughter will be adorable, just like that. Hee hee. True. Girl or boy, our baby will still be our baby. And our baby will be the cutest little baby ever. Yeah. Tee hee... I'll let you think up the perfect name. ''Goodness! There are so many lovey-dovey hearts flying{LF}around in here I can hardly see.'' ...?! @ピコ@. I didn't know you were here. ''Of course I'm here! Dolly's family is my family, and Dolly's{LF}home is my home!'' That's true. So our child will have a ghost for an aunt. That doesn't{LF}sound so bad, actually. ''What?!'' ''...Well, I guess I wouldn't mind being an aunt.'' ''Congratulations, you two.'' Thanks. Yes. Thank you, Pico. ''You're welcome.'' @子供ちゃん@'s birthday... Huh? It's today, right? You forgot? Um... Of course you didn't forget. Right, Daddy? ★ Now, what should we put together for the party? We will need a cake, presents, and what else... ''A warm, loving smooch from me!'' Heh. ''URPH!'' ...I think that should do. The rest of the day can be just like{LF}normal. Yeah. A normal, regular day. ''R-right...a regular day...ow.'' You were the one who drew that message on the shop wall,{LF}weren't you? ''Oh? I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about,{LF}milady.'' ... Pico? Remember when Mama and Papa were still alive, and we{LF}pulled all sorts of little practical jokes together? You would always pretend you had no idea what they were{LF}talking about when they scolded us, just like now. ''Um, I-I can't say I know what you're talking about.'' Oh, yes. About that graffiti incident earlier. ... Yes? ...Thank you, though in the end I didn't need your help at all. Ah. It seems you do have problems saying things you mean. B-be quiet. @アイテム0@? Interesting. How about @1@ Gold for @0@{LF}@アイテム0@? Well then, how about @1@ Gold? I can't go any higher. I guess I might as well buy it. Hmph. I don't think I need it, anyway. Hmm...what to choose... Do you have anything else? That wasn't a bad purchase. I may come back later. Thank you. You have a decent shop here. @しゅじんこうくん@...? Hmm? Thanks. Huh? I was thinking. Wondering, really, how you've made yourself so important to{LF}me. Uh-oh. I-I'm trying to be serious. Don't make light of it, okay? Sorry. So, erm... I'm thankful to Jones and Nancy and Xiao Pai and everyone{LF}in this town, to be honest. Very thankful, for a lot of things. But without you... I don't think I'd have learned to love this world as much as I{LF}do. @ドルチェ@... S-so, erm... Thanks. I hope I can continue to learn to love everything. ...You're welcome. ''And me, too!'' @ピコ@?! I didn't know you were here! When did you show up? ''Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Thank you...'' ... ''And I'll be leaving now--bye!'' Begone, spirit!! ... Isn't it exhausting having to worry about the needs and{LF}wants of a partner? ''She says, while actually being curious about what it'd be{LF}like.'' ... ''W-wait, why are you blushing? AAAH! Who is it?! Tell me!{LF}Tell me now!'' There isn't anyone, you idiot! It's been a while... @しゅじんこうくん@, was it? It's been quite some time. Not that I care... But, I wouldn't mind if you came by once in a while to chat. @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm glad I could talk to you today. Did you miss me? I thought you didn't care. ...Yeah. It feels like you haven't been talking to me that much lately. Even I can get lonely, you know. Why wouldn't I care? I...I love you, after all. ''Didja hear, Dolly? @しゅじんこうくん@ won the contest!'' ...Oh, yeah? Congratulations. Guess you've got some talent. I never expected you to win. ''I did!'' This isn't such a bad festival. Happy New Year. ''Happy New Year! Here's to yet another wonderful year!'' ''Dolly, the @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow.'' Oh, yes. That's right. Today's festival involves having beans thrown at you, right? Wouldn't it be irritating if one went down your collar? I'll pull it out for you. So you won't participate? Oh, would you...? ...Wait, never mind. ''There's no way Dolly wouldn't.'' ''Especially since Nancy and Jones are looking forward to it{LF}so much.'' I don't see how those are connected. ''You looked like you were having a lot of fun throwing the{LF}beans, Dolly.'' Oh? ''Goodness, Dolly. You're covered in beans.'' Demon. Wha? Me?! Oh yes. Tomorrow is the...@カレンダー0@, was it? Interesting. There's nothing elegant about being a glutton. ''Oh? But yesterday you were so excited about all-you-can-{LF}eat cake--MMPH!'' ...What? That was delicious. ''No matter how nice your manners, it doesn't change the{LF}fact that you wolfed down cake all day.'' @カレンダー0@... That sounds fun. If what Xiao Pai told me is true, today's Wooly likes being{LF}defluffed. ''What?! I have a new rival?!'' I wonder how similar they are. ...Uh, I think they're pretty different. ...Heh. That festival wasn't half bad. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. ''You look excited, milady.'' It sounds like accuracy is key in this festival. Yeah, I think so. ...Excellent. I am quite good at hitting an opponent's weak{LF}point. Today wasn't quite what I expected. Were you bored? Did you have fun? Not particularly, no. ...Mildly so, yes. Oh, yes. Tomorrow is the...@カレンダー0@, was it? ''What a strange festival. How on earth did someone come{LF}up with that?'' Today is the @カレンダー0@. What's so fun about throwing such heavy things around? Oof. These are heavy. My back hurts. I've had more than{LF}enough of this! ''Says she who threw the turnips with a giant smile on her{LF}face.'' Oh, is that what it looked like? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. ''With Dolly and I working together, there's no way we can{LF}lose! It's the power of love!'' I'm afraid that a partnership between us doesn't stand a{LF}ghost of a chance. ''Yow! That was one bad pun.'' ''I hear that both Jones and Nancy are quiz pros.'' ''Though if it's about Dolly, I don't expect I'd lose to anyone.{LF}Even them.'' Oh really? Care to say more? Gross. ...Well that was direct. ''She is truly kind, easily hurt, gets lonely quickly, is a little{LF}clumsy and can be a crybaby.'' ''She gives names to all her dolls and needs to hold a stuffed{LF}toy or she can't fall asleep.'' ''She's not good at cleaning up, doesn't mind books, and{LF}keeps her underwear in the second drawer--'' ...! @ドルチェ@, calm down! There are so many things about this era I don't yet{LF}understand. ''But you looked like you were having a lot of fun, milady.'' I was, I guess. The @カレンダー0@... I wonder, do ghosts count as pets? ''Did I hear you call, milady?!'' ... The @カレンダー0@... ''You rang, milady?'' ... Well that was quite the flashy festival. I don't particularly mind those, really. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I can hardly wait. I'm quite fond of luring others. There. I have the pole and bait ready. Heh heh...this will lure in those fish in droves. Dangle their favorite bait right in front of their faces. Then I'll pull it up at the very last second and keep them in{LF}suspense. Wow. Looks like she's having fun. ...That was a lot of fun. The @カレンダー0@... I don't mind the occasional fight against a tough opponent. To catch a large fish, I'll need large bait. @ピコ@, come here a moment. ''Yes, milady?'' Hrm. Things are not going quite as I expected. Pico. You are wiggling the bait correctly, yes? ''O-of course, milady! The bait is shivering like it just saw a{LF}ghost!'' ...That was actually quite fun. ''Urf...I don't ever want to do another underwater battle{LF}again.'' Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. ''Dolly. I helped you during the last fishing festival, right?'' Oh, yeah. I guess you did. ''Dolly, I have a favor to ask.'' Okay, fine. Wait, what?! ''Dolly.'' Well, I guess it squidn't hurt. Stare blankly. Give a tepid smile. Stop staring! I'm just squidding. Ugh. I'm so embarrassed. Stupid Pico and her stupid{LF}requests... ''Oh, it's okay, milady. Your puns were a squiddle funny.'' Urk... I guess I owe this town and its festivals my gratitude. I never realized preparing for a fishing contest could be this{LF}fun. The @カレンダー0@... What is it your opponent wants? You must decide that carefully and dangle the correct bait in{LF}front of them. Here, little fish. Here is the bait you want. Oh, dear! It looks like there still weren't any bites. ''Milady looks like she is thoroughly enjoying this.'' Unfortunately, I wasn't able to catch too many today. ''That isn't something to say with such a big grin, milady.'' The @カレンダー0@? Well, I've kind of prepared a bit. I've never been able to make myself like +raw vegetables+. Though I won't be the one eating it, so I guess it's okay. That's it for today's festival. So I didn't win. So what? Oh boy, she looks annoyed... ''For all her complaining, milady really cared for her{LF}vegetable.'' The @カレンダー0@. I have several prepared for this festival. Which one should I{LF}use? I think I may go with my @アイテム9@. If I remember correctly, both Xiao Pai and Jones don't like{LF}those very much. Heh heh... Perfect. A festival to make your opponent eat that which they don't{LF}like. How amusing! ''Or so she says. But really, milady only picks on those who{LF}enjoy being tormented.'' ''Me, for example.'' ... The @カレンダー0@? Oh, yes. That's tomorrow, isn't it? Do put up a fight, would{LF}you? They say we should grow a +tasty vegetable+, but all{LF}vegetables are disgusting. So how can I grow a tasty one? This vegetable doesn't taste terribly good, but I at least think{LF}it's cute. ''Hmph! My Dolly, complimenting a vegetable? I don't believe{LF}it!'' What, do you have a problem with that? The @カレンダー0@... Maybe I'll just enter this one. Hmph. I wonder how everyone can spend so much time{LF}fawning over a stupid vegetable. ''Says the girl who spends every day cooing over her vege--'' ''--MMPH!'' I was not cooing. Sometimes I just talk to myself. Good job, today. ''Dolly, are you depressed you didn't win today's festival?'' No way. It looks like tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. ''@しゅじんこうくん@! What are you doing, looking at milady with{LF}such expectant eyes!'' ''...'' Look who's talking. Hmm... Which swimsuit should I wear? ''Ooh! Ooh! Pick a skimpy, slinky, revealing one!'' Hmm. So that's what you want to wear? ''Huh?'' Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. ''We'd better start getting ready to greet the new year with{LF}joy, right milady?'' Yup! Happy New Year! ''It looks like I won't have to face the new year all by myself{LF}this time.'' Yeah. ...I'm sorry for all the things I've done to you. ''The things you say, my pretty Dolly! And a Happy New Year{LF}to you, too.'' Well...it is the end of the year. We better tidy things up{LF}before the new year begins. ''HAPPY NEW YEAR, DOLLYYYY--'' ''--YYYOWCH!!'' There. One great big annoyance off my mind. Fireflies can't actually fly for very long. I suppose most don't really care one way or the other. ... ...Do you want to go see them? Huh? ... What will you be doing for today's festival? ''I can't say I like fireflies. Seeing their faint, glowy light{LF}reminds me of...things... Brr!'' ''So I think I'll find other ways to entertain myself today.'' ...That's not a bad sight. Well then, I guess it's time I went and found Pico. I expect she's found some roof on which to hide from the{LF}lights. Yeah... @カレンダー0@, eh? Are you interested in that sort of{LF}thing? Yeah. Do you want to go watch them? Well... I guess I might join you. ...Oh. Oh well. It's not like there's anything else to do. Maybe I'll ask Pico to{LF}go with me. Sure, why not? It's not like there's anything else to do. I think I'll remember today for a long time. Me, too. You ''think?'' Oh. ...I won't ever forget you, either. Huh? Really. I'm certain I probably might possibly never forget it, ever. @カレンダー0@... ''Have you made some cookies for Jones yet, milady?'' ...Some. Oh, by the way. I'd like to ask you something. Yes? Tomorrow...do you have plans? Huh...? Not really, no. Um, I have something to do. You come with me, okay? Oh good. I have something I'd like to do. You come with me, okay? Oh... Oh well. Maybe I'll ask Pico to join me. ''If you don't mind, milady, I'd love to join you!'' H-hey! ...? ''I'll go anywhere you lead! I'll stay by your side forever!'' Good. I will expect to see you, then... Do NOT forget. ...I-I won't. Let's meet at @マップ1@ at @0@{LF}hundred hours, tomorrow. I'll tell you more there. Okay. Heh heh...I can hardly wait until tomorrow. Heh heh heh... Ummm...what's with the evil grin? ''I think milady's so very happy she's turning a little...odd.'' ''Ah, well. Things'll get better once she returns to normal, oh,{LF}around this evening, I think.'' ''...Though I must admit I'm a little jealous.'' There you are. Yep. ... @ドルチェ@? What? What's wrong? Are you okay? You're red as a beet! ...I-it's nothing. I'm fine. I'm just a...a little nervous, is all. Shut up. H-here. @アイテム0@? I-it's for you. I can have it? I thought as much. Yes, you can. What, do you have a problem with that? No, not at all. Urk...! Wh-why are you smiling like that? Huh?! W-well! Aren't you the confident one? Still, I'm really glad you gave it to me. Urk...! Hmph! Are you trying to humiliate me or compliment me? ...Anyway. That's all. So...um... I'll see you later. Okay. Thank you. ...You're welcome. I gave Jones a friendship cookie. If he doesn't want it, I guess he can just throw it away. ''And then I can go get it and eat it for him! I crave Dolly's{LF}love, even if it's not toward me.'' ... ''W-wait. Why are you cringing, milady?'' A @アイテム0@? So you want to give one to{LF}me too? ''On strange days like today, people will give you strange{LF}presents, milady.'' Well, there's no point in overthinking it. Thank you. Here, you can have one, too. I made too many. If you don't want it, just throw it away. This @アイテム0@ is for you. Thanks! Don't feel obligated. You're welcome. Um... Hmm? ...Never mind. ...? ''Grrr!'' I don't. Huh? N-nothing. ...? ''Grrr!'' Eat it before it goes bad, okay? ''Don't worry. Love has no expiration date.'' Pico, where have you been? ''Peeping on you from the bushes, of course! I wouldn't miss{LF}this important event for the world!'' Oh, I see. And by ''bushes'' you mean ''the next life,'' correct? ''Why, yes! ...Wait, I do?'' ''A-and where did you get that exorcism ward? W-wait...OW!{LF}Ow ow ow ow owww!'' ... @カレンダー0@... So this is how people who make and sell sweets boost their{LF}sales. How interesting. Today is a day when everyone contributes to the profits of{LF}the sweets makers. ''Oh? Is that why you're holding the one you got from Jones{LF}like a precious gem?'' ... A @アイテム0@? ''On strange days like today, people will give you strange{LF}presents, milady.'' Nothing is stranger than what comes out of your mouth,{LF}Pico. But anyway, thank you. I will enjoy it along with a hot cup of{LF}tea later. A @アイテム0@? So you want to give one to{LF}me, too? ''Ooh, look! You got one. Isn't that nice, Dolly?'' I guess I'm not mad about it. Didn't you want one? It's for @ピコ@. W-well, I don't mind it. I'm glad you gave it to me. ''Very glad, aren't you, milady?'' Well... I'm glad you like it. Urk...! ''Come on, Dolly. Isn't there something else you should say?'' Erm... ...Thanks. ''Huh?'' What? Uhmmm... ''O-oh my. I-I'm not sure what I should say.'' That's my line. ''W-wait! But shouldn't this---'' *SIGH* Say thank you, Pico. ''Um...th-thank you.'' Now say how you feel. Be honest. ''I-I'm glad. Really glad that you gave this to me.'' And finish up with a confession of your undying love. ''T-to be honest, I've always l-lo...'' ''--WAIT A MINUTE! Where did that come from? What are{LF}you trying to make me say?!'' ... Um, it looks like you liked it, so, uh, I'm glad. I guess? @ドルチェ@. Yes? There's something I want to give to you. Can we meet at @マップ1@ tomorrow? Tomorrow? ...All right. I guess I could spare some time for you. Okay. Come to @マップ1@ at @0@{LF}hundred hours tomorrow. All right. @しゅじんこうくん@, there you are. Well? What is it you wanted to give to me? Oh. @アイテム0@. Yeah. And? Huh? What matters is what this means, not what it is, correct? As a friend. You're special to me. Which would you prefer? ...What? Sorry. I was just kidding. Oh. Not that it matters, really. I don't particularly care. Oh? Interesting. You asked that knowing what the answer would be, didn't{LF}you? Oh? Why would I do that? Hee hee. What, you're asking me? Yeah. Urk... I...I guess it'd be nice to get one that means something, not{LF}one that's just to be polite. Ah. ... A-anyway... Thank you. I will enjoy it. ... ''Goodness, milady! How long are you going to coddle that{LF}like a prized possession?'' Wha?! Pico! How long have you been there? ''I was, of course, hiding quietly in the grass so that I could{LF}see every last second of this beau--'' ''--GURK!'' How about I make it easier for you to hide quietly by choking{LF}all the breath out of you? ''I-I'm already dead, milady. I don't think that's necessary...'' Oh yes. Tomorrow is... @カレンダー0@, right? Yes. So I heard. ... What's wrong? Want to go together? Nothing. I was just thinking how I don't have much to do tomorrow. What about you? Do you have any plans? Wha? Well...I don't have anything else planned, so I guess I could{LF}think about it. What about you? Do you have any plans? A day for wishes, huh? I think I can understand why people would want to make a{LF}wish. Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. That dolt Pico has flown off to the top of the sky by now, I{LF}bet. She said she was going to reach the highest point in the sky{LF}and make her wish before anyone. Hmph. I have no idea why she would be so excited about{LF}this silly stuff. And that's all for today's festival. Well, Pico? How was it for you? ''I wished as hard as I could at the tippy top of the sky. My{LF}wish will come true, I know it!'' Ah. Tomorrow is the...what was it? Oh, the{LF}@カレンダー0@. Yeah. Want to go together? Together? I guess I wouldn't mind. Well, I guess I wouldn't mind going with you. Oh well... If you already had plans, that's all right. Well, if you insist, I guess I wouldn't mind going with you. That wasn't a bad date. ...Thank you. ''What is this--this warm and fuzzy atmosphere?! What{LF}happened while I was gone?!'' I hear tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. ''There's no way Dolly can lose!'' Who knows? I don't particularly care that much about it. ... Um, @ドルチェ@? Quiet. I'm trying to concentrate. ''Shh! Dolly has been working really hard on this project so{LF}she can win today!'' ...Oh. ... What's wrong? You look annoyed. ''Dolly hates to lose, you see. Especially at something she's{LF}good at.'' Oh. What? ''N-nothing, milady.'' Whatever. ''I think it's wise to leave her be for now.'' Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I won't lose to you! I think @ポコリーヌ@'ll win. I think @クローリカ@'ll win. ''We won't go down without a fight, either!'' What, you're participating? ''Um, by +we+ I meant both you and me, milady.'' True. But Jones will not be an easy one to beat either. ...Nancy's a great cook, too. Both Jones and Nancy are really good at cooking, too. Really? Which do you like better? Yes. They're very good. ''You sound really proud of them, Dolly.'' I-I'm not, really. Well, erm... ''Milady likes both of them quite a lot. Both the cooks and{LF}the food they prepare.'' H-hey! Cooking, huh? If you want to eat something that tastes good, go ask a{LF}good cook to make something for you. ''Is something Dolly herself once did.'' What do you mean, ''once?'' Hey, @ドルチェ@? Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Tomorrow? Why? If you don't, would you like to go somewhere with me? Ah, I see. Let me think... ... ...Sorry. Tomorrow won't work, unfortunately. Why not? I don't have anything else planned. Okay, how about @0@ hundred hours tomorrow? We{LF}can meet at @マップ1@. All right. Well then, I still have some things to do today. I better get{LF}going. I'm not expecting that much, mind you, but I think tomorrow{LF}might not be that bad. Okay. See you tomorrow. Huh? ... All right. Why not? How about we spend today relaxing at home? That doesn't sound like the ideal date, you know. But still, it might not be that bad. Let's do that. Okay, how about we go to @マップ0@? All right. Not that I care where we go, though. How about we stay at home and relax? That sounds like a great idea. All right, @マップ0@ then. Okay, let's go there. I already have plans for that time, so I probably shouldn't{LF}invite another person. Um, listen. If you have free time like you did today... Come spend it with me. Okay? Huh? What? You ARE my boyfriend, right? Right. And you're MY girlfriend. I don't belong to anyone. ''My, my. You certainly sound confident.'' ... ... ...True. Your ''girlfriend.'' Tee hee hee. What? J-just kidding. Ha ha...sorry. What's wrong? Aren't you tired? I'm tired. Are you happy right now? No, not particularly. ...I don't get tired of spending time with you. Huh? N-nothing. Come on, then. I'll go with you. Oh, pull yourself together. I'm right here for you, aren't I? Happy? Of course I'm happy. Why wouldn't I be? What? ...N-nothing. @しゅじんこうくん@, come here. Huh? I said come here. Now hold still. Your collar is turned up in back. Oh, thanks. I have something to ask you. Yes? Y-you aren't, um...tired of being with me, are you? Not in the least! Eh. You're scary possessive. ...Oh. That's good. ...I see. I-I'm sorry. Oh... Sorry, I meant ''possessed.'' I mean, @ピコ@ is always{LF}with you, right? ''Did I hear my name?'' Wait, what? Nobody knows what the future holds. So I'd like to do my best to spend my time happily. ''Like you are now, milady? Who said anything about now? Today wasn't that bad. I wouldn't mind if you asked me to join you again sometime.{LF}It was actually a little fun. What? Did you come to apologize for leaving me hanging all day? ... ...I'm leaving. What? If you want to go somewhere together again, just ask. Then... See you later, @しゅじんこうくん@. Okay! ...Oh. ... Um... ... ... You completely forgot our date, didn't you? Not that I mind. I wasn't really looking forward to it that{LF}much anyway. Anyway, I don't want to talk to you right now. Go away. It was tomorrow at @0@ hundred hours at{LF}@マップ0@, right? ...Not that I'm looking forward to it or anything. ''Then why are you fidgeting with your fingers, Dolly?'' It was today at @0@ hundred hours at{LF}@マップ0@, right? ...Not that I'm looking forward to it or anything. ''Then why are you fidgeting with your fingers, Dolly?'' Well. You're actually on time. Come on, then. Let's get going. Um, @ドルチェ@? You look a little tired. Are you okay? ''I don't want to admit it, but this is all your fault,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@.'' ''Dolly was so excited for today she couldn't sleep. She spent{LF}all night tossing and tu--MMPH!'' ...Ignore that. Let's go. There you are. Late, but here. Sorry to keep you waiting. ...I don't mind. But this date had better be that much more entertaining. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be late. No, it's still early yet. I know. But that's the polite thing to say at times like these, right? Huh? Come on, then. Let's get going. We are going to @マップ0@, right? Why do you have someone with you? Idiot. I can't give you an answer now. What, are you going to go on a date with that other person{LF}at the same time? Whatever. You're free to do what you want, but I'm out.{LF}Goodbye. I came to chat. Show me your medicines. Nothing for now. Here you are. @アイテム0@. You should drink{LF}it before it goes room temperature. I guess you've been waiting for a long time, huh? No, not that long. ...Has it already lost its temperature? Yeah. It's as warm as you. ...! ...Stupid perv. ''Geeez! What the heck is this?!'' Here. @アイテム0@. Thanks. Hey, @ドルチェ@. You're always out of the bath way{LF}before me. Why is that? ...Well... I heard girlfriends should wait for their boyfriends after taking{LF}a bath... What? ...? ''Dolly, do you really believe that?!'' ...?! You're finally here. Take this. It's @アイテム0@. It's the best thing{LF}after a bath. If you drink something cold, after all, then all that warmth{LF}you just soaked up is wasted... Are you going to sleep? Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. I really love you! Just kidding. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone at @0@ in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I would love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Oops! I don't have a Double Bed yet. Now isn't the time for that. I wonder what that is? If I want to propose to someone, I should probably figure this{LF}out first. I think @ビシュナル@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @クローリカ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @フォルテ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @キール@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @マーガレット@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ディラス@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @アーサー@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @シャオパイ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @コハク@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ダグ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ドルチェ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @レオン@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@ for{LF}@1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please, take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. A boy. A girl. Either. ... ...? Ngh... Huh...? Ow...! Wh-what's wrong?! Oh no! We need to go see @ジョーンズ@ right away! ...! @しゅじんこうくん@...? Ow...I-I hurt all of a sudden... @しゅじんこうくん@...?! ...Nnngh...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! I hope the baby will be born quickly... ...Ngh! Wha...? M-my belly hurts... ...Have...to go...clinic... Oh no...! ...Wha? ...? Owww... @しゅじんこうくん@, don't tell me... ...It...it hurts...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! Yes. I'm sorry. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Bean-throwing, huh? Originally, this festival was for driving{LF}away demons and plague, right? Mm-hmm. That's what I heard. Ooh, neat! Let's all drive the demons real far away! ♪ Yes, we can all do it together! This year's objective is to be hit by the beans, not to dodge{LF}them. You've got a tough job every year, don't you? I can't say I'm particularly fond of...excessive exercise. ''If you meld with me, milady, then you could dodge every{LF}bean without moving a step!'' I-I-I'd rather not do that, thank you! But that certainly is an awful lot of beans. Could anyone{LF}dodge them even if they tried? Similar situations happen all the time on the battlefield. Though in that case it's arrows, not beans. And if you can't{LF}dodge you can just slash them away! Stop swinging that dangerous thing around right in the{LF}middle of town! Oh, goodness. There are entirely too many delicious foods to{LF}be had! Is too many goodies a bad thing? Um, y-yes, you could say that. There are so many, I don't{LF}know where to start! Ooh, I know! If we all eat too much and gain weight, we can go train with{LF}Forte! What? That sounds like a good plan. ''Dolly, Dolly! Are you going to do that, too?'' If I gain too much weight, I may think about it. All right. It's a knight's duty to respond wholeheartedly to all{LF}reasonable requests. First, we'll begin with a light warm-up. Say, 10 laps around{LF}the town at a jog. Then we'll practice sword strikes at 200 per set. After that-- Hold it right there. Ooh, I can't wait to see the wooly! He'll be so cute! Yes! I wonder how soft and cuddly the big guy is. I like the ones that are easier to hug. With that much wool, you could make a mountain of thread. ''Oh, Dolly... You would do that for me?'' ... ''Um, milady? An answer would be nice. Any answer at all...'' I wish I could have one as a pet! Wouldn't it be hard to care for something that big, though? It's large enough to be worth cutting, that's for certain. The WOOL, yes? You mean cutting off the WOOL. What kind of Wooly do you like the best, @しゅじんこうくん@? Big ones. Small ones. Golden ones. Oh, the big ones are definitely the best. They're so fluffy-wuffy cuddly-wuddly! I just want to hug{LF}them and squeeze them aaaall day! Ooh, I wish I could just bury myself in all that soft wool! You understand, @しゅじんこうくん@! The best of a Wooly is in its easily huggable size, yes? Hmm? There are Golden Woolies? I maybe have heard of them. I'm not sure. I bet they're really pretty! Hrm. Hitting the target is hard. I hit everything I'm not aiming{LF}at. Oh, dear. Are you no good in this competition, Xiao Pai? It seems so, yes. I practiced with Mama, but the ball kept falling down from{LF}above my head. Ooh, really? You threw the ball aaall the way around the{LF}world! I think that might be impossible. I think this may go beyond simply ''not very good.'' Yes. We're into ''complete klutz'' territory on this one. Wording it that way makes it hurt more, not less, you know. Oh! Sorry. This doesn't solve my problem. How do you hit those{LF}targets? Relax. Focus on the target and bring your arm forward. Ah! Yes, I see! ''But milady, when you threw the ball, you didn't look{LF}relaxed. You looked al--MRPH!'' ? ...ACHOO! Uh-oh. Have you caught a cold? No. I'm just a little chilly, that's all. Let me bring you something warm to drink. The weather may look lovely, but it's still cold. You need to{LF}take care of yourself. I will. Thank you. Are you okay? Yeah, I'll be fine. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you know a good way to warm her up? Tell a bad joke. Give her a hug. What did the fisherman say when he caught an angelfish?{LF}Holy Mackerel! ... ... ... ...Hee! Ha ha... Ah ha ha! Wait, really?! What on earth are you doing? And in public, no less! Um...could you put that away, please? I-I think it's drawing{LF}blood... This one is your own fault! ...I'm sorry. ...*GULP*... Oh my... Hmm? ...! Zzz... Once she warmed up, she fell asleep right away. Hey, are any of you good at quizzes? I'm better at things where I can move around. Like detective work? Are you a gumshoe, pal? Erm...that isn't what I meant. You mean like jumping into a box with the correct answer{LF}on it? Or racing to grab flags to see who can give the first answer. ''Or having an obstacle course and the first one through gets{LF}to answer the question?'' With nasty penalties for giving the wrong answer. ...I think I'm fine with a normal quiz. Hmm... What's wrong, Meg? You look concerned. Fishing is harder than it looks. Oh, I know! It always makes me so sleepy. Everything makes you sleepy. Fishies are scary... Well I guess we won't have to warn you to stay out of the{LF}deep areas, then. ''I think I'll catch a fish bare-handed!'' You mean you'll try to possess it and it'll wind up dragging{LF}you all across the pond. Are you good at fishing, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yep! I'm okay. Not at all... Really? Could you show me how you do it? I'd like to know as well. So you aren't bad, then, right? I'm jealous of your skill. But I won't let you beat me! I'm amazed you're not falling asleep. Well then, why don't we all practice our fishing skills? Iggly-wiggly fishies... So scary! ...*FUSS* *FUSS*... ...*FUSS* *FUSS*... Meg seems very busy. ''Yes. She can't seem to sit still.'' As if you have any right to talk about that. It looks like she's on patrol. Do you think there are people{LF}who would really try to cheat? Cheating will not be tolerated in any way. I will personally{LF}deal with anyone caught doing so. Wow, that's so cool! Y-you think so? Forte! Perfect timing. It seems I'm needed already. Hmm? Oh, yes. You see, that person over there, he's-- Understood. Looks like someone needs a lesson in proper{LF}manners. YIKES!! No, he's lost! He just needs some directions! ...*SIIIGH*... Oh, dear. What's wrong, Meg? That's right. You aren't very fond of squid, are you, Meg? Brr! No! They're slimy and wriggly and gross! Hrmm. May I try something? What? Here. Have a squid. EEEP!! GET IT AWAY! GET IT AWAY! Papa's special Anti-Phobia Training--''Hold It Until You Learn{LF}To Like It!'' What?! That won't work! Ooh, what a cute squid! No! No, Amber, they are NOT cute! I know. Wait, what? ''What is so frightening about this lump of flesh?'' *POKE* ''EEP! It squirted ink!'' ...! ''Oops...'' ... ''Um...Dolly...milady...'' Pico, why don't we step aside for a moment? I'd like a chat{LF}with you. ''I'd much rather stay right here, thank you!'' Hey, did you hear? There are a lot of fish over there. Really? Then it seems we should go right over! Wait for me! No, don't! There's a big ol' monster's lair over there! ''Dolly?'' We went fishing at a lake with Mama and Papa once, too. It{LF}was just like this. ''Yes, it was.'' Oh, dear. Dolce, what are you doing back there? Come on, hurry, now. Yes! Or else all the fish will swim away. If you aren't confident in your fishing skills, I can help you. No, Dolly is trying to stop you from going to the monster's{LF}lair! ...Yeah. ''...'' Properly showcasing your veggie is really important. It feels like an odd tradition to me, really. I'm afraid I'm not particularly good at it. I'm not fond of it, myself. ''You're not fond of vegetables on the whole, milady.'' I become so nervous! Oh? Why? You need to pay close attention to the ground to be sure no{LF}rocks jump up to trip you. That's not nerves, that's simple caution. Goodness, it's hot today. Very hot. I'm sweaty already. ''Well, I'm not hot in the least.'' Of course not. You don't have the body or the brains to feel{LF}the heat. ''Oh, you're so cold, milady. But that's what makes you so...{LF}cool!'' Once the festival is over, why don't all of you come to our{LF}baths? Oh, that's a good idea. It would be so refreshing! But it seems that isn't all, yes? Today's bath salts are-- ''The Fragrance of 10,000 Roses!'' Yay! Pretty flower scents! Ooh, that sounds very relaxing. Yes. I would love to go. I can hardly wait! That is, if Mama hasn't messed it up. Again. Argh! Sometimes Porco and Dylas drive me crazy! What's wrong? They're both so messy! They don't even clean the hall in{LF}front of their rooms. Well, it's not a place a customer would see. But it should still{LF}be clean! Bado is the one who drives me the craziest. I wish he'd do something about that lazy, good-for-nothing{LF}attitude of his. Oh, but I think Doug is worse! The other day I caught him{LF}asleep while at work. Again. Oh dear. Sleeping on the job is bad! ... There's someone who drives me batty as well. ''Oh? Is it Jones? Maybe Nancy?'' No, of course it's not those two. ''No? Who else could it be?'' Lumie's completely hopeless, so don't worry about her one{LF}bit! ♪ Amber, the words that come out of your mouth sometimes... You know, if we're going to have all these festivals, I'd like a{LF}Music Festival someday. What would we do? Everyone would practice with their favorite instrument, and{LF}then we could have a recital! That sounds like fun. Hmm. What about a martial arts tournament? And what would we do for that? Everyone could test their combat skills and check the fruits{LF}of their training! Next! Hey! A flower festival would be really neat! What would we do for that one? We could all watch the pretty flowers! And then give them{LF}some water! That sounds lovely. Let's do that sometime. Yeah! You really want to do that? ''How about a Dolly Festival?'' No. ''Aww. So fast!'' Happy New Year, everyone. Yes. Happy New Year. Happy New Year! May everyone's New Year be happy. Hap-py New Yeeeear! Hap-py New Yeeeear! Happy New Year. ''Oh, milady! Any year with you is a happy year.'' I didn't mean it for you. ''And like every year, you are cold from the very beginning.'' Ah ha ha ha! Hee hee! Those two get along so well. Come on, Forte. Let's go swimming together! Erm...thanks, but, um, I'd rather just watch. Wait. What? Don't tell me-- N-no! It's not that I can't swim! I, erm, I've learned. I just... I'm not that confident yet. We didn't say anything. URK! ''Spilled the truth of the matter herself, didn't she?'' I-I'm just worried that...that my sword might rust! That's it! Why would you carry your sword into the water? Come on, everyone. Let's carry her into the water! ♪ Ooh! I'll help! I'll help! N-no! You don't have to do that! WAH!! Here, everyone. Have some nice, hot tea. Oh, it smells lovely! Thank you, Clorica. Mm! Looks yummy! ♪ And here's yours, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. Ow! That's hot. Oh dear! I'm sorry. Are you okay? Yes, I'm fine. A little burn on the tongue is nothing to a{LF}knight. So why the tears? ''Dolly, Dolly! Let me blow on it for you.'' No. Whew! I wrote a lot of music this year. And I slept a lot! I trained hard all year. And I broke more plates than ever... ''Dolly, your year was wonderfully filled with me! Right?{LF}Right?!'' Get away from me. Hmmm...I had a full year, too, but I don't know of what. Oh well. Don't worry about it. How was your year, @しゅじんこうくん@? Full of farming. Full of adventures. Full of love...I guess. Ooh, it was, wasn't it? ♪ Yeah. Working the land suits you well. Yep! You were always covered in dirt! Don't you think that's neat too, Dolce? It doesn't sound bad. ''Grr...!'' ''@しゅじんこうくん@ should just go and marry that field{LF}already.'' And I'll be counting on you again next year, @しゅじんこうくん@. Strengthening the mind and body through training is a good{LF}thing. Hmm? @しゅじんこうくん@ does seem meatier now, yes. Really? *STAAARE* See? Here...and here... ''Milady is wonderful here and here, too!'' Off. Ooh, and look there! ♪ I see! I see! Um...can you all stop now? Please? This is embarrassing. Oh my goodness! Wow. *SQUEE* Wh-wh-wh-wh-what...?! Tee hee! Everyone looks like they're having lots of fun! ♪ ''Well, you can't have my Dolly!'' Stop clinging! I can barely hear what they're saying. I wonder why fireflies glow. Isn't it some type of protection? How would light protect them? Well, it might be strange enough to scare off enemies. Hmm. Maybe I should find a glowing sheen of some sort to{LF}put on my blade. But they fly into lights too. Oh, that's right. I heard once that it is a way for them to find love. Wha?! Right, no glowing sheen, then! Why not? ''Milady is always a bright, shining light in my eyes.'' Oh? Well, you'd best stay away, then. Wouldn't want you to{LF}head toward ''the light'' now, would we? Hee hee! Aren't they such wonderful friends? Everyone will be giving presents today, yes? Who to? To my brother. I'm giving something to Porco. I have something for Vishnal and Mr. Volkanon. Ooh! Ooh! I'm going to give a present to Lumie! ♪ ''You of course have a present for me, right, milady?'' Well, I was going to give you something...if you'd stayed{LF}quiet. But too late now. ''No! Have I been foiled?!'' Hmph. Everyone is giving safe answers. Will you be giving today, @しゅじんこうくん@? You bet! Nope. Really? Ooh, to whom? Be honest, now. Lying won't get you anywhere. Come on, everyone. We mustn't press too hard...though I am{LF}curious as well. Ahem. Oh, really? That sounds fishy to me. No need to be shy, now. Erm, do you honestly have no plans? If you're too embarrassed, you can just whisper it to me. Hey, guys? Who do you think will get the most? Mama, no doubt. Not Lumie? Hrm... Well, if we're going to guess who, at least stick to our group. Among us, it's Forte! Wha?! Ooh, you're secretly popular, Forte! N-no! I am no such thing! ''Dolly will get the most. Of this I have no doubt.'' Perhaps. ''But I will swat down any clingy leeches who dare slither too{LF}close!'' I look forward to you swatting yourself plenty, then. Hmmm... Meg might get a lot. Me? Oh, no! I doubt that. Who do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? Clorica. Forte. Margaret. Xiao Pai. Amber. Dolce. Hmm? You think I will? Thank you! I don't really think so myself, but I'm happy you{LF}do. Wha?! M-me?! Erm... I... Ahem. Thank you. What?! Ah ha ha... Erm... I... Ha ha... Heehee, Margaret has a cute reaction. I see. It was unexpected, but it was also nice to hear. Thanks! ♪ Calm down, now. Hmm? Me? Oh, isn't that nice, Amber? Um...yeah. Tee hee! Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. ''Ding ding! That is the correct answer!'' No it's not, you ding dong. ''Then why are you blushing, milady?'' Not another word! ...Hmph. ''Ah, for that cute pink tinge do I dare to tease. Be still, my{LF}jealous heart!'' ''How positively sinful of you, milady.'' Quiet! Silence! Begone, you idiotic ghost! Has everyone heard the legend behind this festival? Isn't it that you will have your wish granted if you wish on{LF}the highest star in the sky? Really? We can just fly off the tower to find the highest one,{LF}then! You're the only one who can fly, Amber. There's another legend that says making a wish with{LF}someone will form an eternal bond, yes? ''Dolly! Milady! Let's go right now!'' How about I wish to be alone for eternity? Those two are the same as ever, I see. While it's very romantic, all this talk about heights gives me{LF}the shivers. Oh, yes, you were never fond of heights, were you, Meg?{LF}Would you like me to stand by you? Oh, dear. And what if the two of you made a wish together{LF}then? They'd be bound, I guess...? Ah ha ha! That wouldn't be so bad. Forte is quite the{LF}dashing prince of a knight, after all. Was that meant to be a compliment? The judges for this festival must taste all the dishes to judge{LF}them, right? Of course. Forte, will you be okay? What's that supposed to mean? I hope no one gets hurt. Oh, no! Do people get hurt? Well, not really hurt, per se. But they're not unscathed. And what's that supposed to mean? ''Death by food is no laughing matter.'' Though hearing it from you is kind of funny. Forte, you are a master at forging things, yes? I wouldn't say I'm a master, no. I leave most of the difficult{LF}parts to Bado. What about you, Clorica? Oh, I'm terrible at it. Are you any good, Meg? Not at forging big, clunky items. But I'm pretty good at{LF}making accessories, I think. After this much time, my fingers are quite dexterous, you see. Ooh, neat! I wish I were good with my fingers too. Would you like to practice making accessories with me{LF}sometime? Yaaay! I wanna make something that will start a case Lumie{LF}can solve! Let's not and say we did. ''You're quite dexterous yourself, right, milady?'' ''You're always knitting clothes and lovely accessories for{LF}me.'' I'm not really doing it for you. It's never easy between you two, is it? Hey, what kind of monsters do you guys like best? I like the cute ones. ...Me too. Really? How odd. I thought you'd be the one to like strong monsters, yes? ...I'm well aware cute ones don't suit me. I like the pretty flower ones! ♪ I do too! What about you, Dolce? Well, it's not that I like them, but... Ghost monsters seem to like me. EEK! ...!!! I never feel right wearing a swimsuit. But I can hardly go swimming in my lab coat, I guess. It's not{LF}the most hygenic thing to do. The difference between a swimsuit and underwear is{LF}knowing that you're wearing a swimsuit. Truth be told, I'm still not that good at feeling that difference{LF}myself. I'm self-conscious either way. This reminds me of a time when Nancy and I went swimming{LF}together. It was before we were married. She asked me what I{LF}thought about her swimsuit. I was trying to act calmly, but I must admit I was having{LF}trouble finding a safe place to look. Though I was being honest when I said she looked beautiful. Soon spring will take a break for the year, and summer will{LF}come on duty. @しゅじんこうくん@, don't forget to take breaks every now and{LF}again, all right? It's easy to catch a cold when the seasons change. The season of swimsuits will be over soon. My wife is a little disappointed that she doesn't get{LF}compliments on her swimsuit as much anymore. Personally, I'm relieved. ...But don't tell that to Nancy or the girls, okay? ...But don't tell that to Nancy, okay? The weather is getting chilly. Soon the season of warm drinks will be here. The end of the year is approaching. We should reflect on this past year so we can be ready for{LF}the next. I hope my family and friends are happy and healthy for{LF}another year. Tomorrow is Blossom's +birthday+. I expect Nancy has already gotten together what I should{LF}give to her. @ナンシー@ seemed really excited about it all. Yes, though not nearly as much as Doug is. Dolce's +birthday+ is coming up on day @0@. I expect my wife has handled all of the preparations. But I think I'll give this to her as my own little gift. @アイテム9@? Yes. With the wish that it will protect her always. I hope she likes it. On the evening of my +birthday+, she is to make{LF}@アイテム9@ and{LF}@アイテム8@. When Nancy proposed to me, those were my only two{LF}conditions. So you love @アイテム9@ and{LF}@アイテム8@ that much? No. At the time, not at all. But those were the first dishes Nancy ever cooked for me. And there is no greater spice for a dish than love. Tomorrow is Nancy's +birthday+. Are you going to throw a party for her? No, actually. No? I will give her her present and tell her that I love her. That's{LF}all. Every year on her birthday, I do that at the end of the day.{LF}Always. Oh, hello. It's @しゅじんこうくん@, right? Yes, erm... My name is Jones. I'm the town doctor. It's nice to meet you, Dr. Jones. I'm @しゅじんこうくん@. Yes, I know. Oh, uh... It's a pleasure to meet you. It's nice to meet you, too. By the way, have you managed to remember anything yet? No... I see. ... Memories are a strange thing. You never know what may{LF}trigger them to return. It doesn't need to be an earth-shattering revelation. It could{LF}be any little thing. So there is no need to rush or force things. Relax and wait.{LF}They will return. Thank you. @しゅじんこうくん@, is something wrong? Don't worry. I'm still the picture of health. Hmm. I'm starting to feel a little drained. A break may be in{LF}order. Ngh...I've developed a terrible case of vertigo. I may need{LF}treatment... I see. Well then allow me to excuse myself. Oh dear. I'm sorry, but there's some paperwork I have yet to{LF}finish. I must be going. @ジョーンズ@, would you like to go somewhere together? I'm sorry, but I'm a little too busy right now. Certainly. Exercise is good for your health, after all. I think I'll pass this time, as you already have some friends{LF}with you. Certainly. I was just thinking about going out to forage for more{LF}medicinal herbs. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Would you care to join me for a little{LF}while? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@... ...Never mind. I was hoping you would like to join me in{LF}foraging for some more medicinal herbs. But it seems you already have friends with you. I'm sorry for{LF}the interruption. Thank you. Shall we be going, then? Thank you. Shall we be going, then? I see. Perhaps some other time, then. I see... And I am quite fond of you, too. As a friend, of course. Ah. So you feel the same as I. I am already married, @しゅじんこうくん@. And I have no intention of ever being with anyone but my{LF}Nancy. Nothing will ever change that. ...This is garbage, I see. Please throw it into a trash bin. Filth can cause illness, after{LF}all. I-is this...blood?! O-oh...it's just @アイテム9@. Ha ha...whew. I-{LF}I'm all right. I'll ask Nancy to make some @アイテム0@ for{LF}me. The taste of her cooking alone will help me forget any{LF}+disturbing things+ that may have happened in a day. @アイテム9@? Why thank you. Oh, why thank you. Thank you very much. @アイテム9@ for me? Why thank you. Hmm? What things do I like? Well...I enjoy +Eastern foods+. They're light and tasty. And many of them are full of healthy nutrients, as well. @アイテム9@ is a wonderful dish. It has a{LF}sweet, pleasant taste. Oh, some @アイテム9@. And I may have it? Why thank you. I +like Eastern foods+ quite a bit. Dishes like +sashimi+ are light and easy to eat. Oh, is this for me? Thank you. Many +Eastern foods+, like fish, are full of healthy nutrients. Although I would still +like+ them even if they were not. Thank you. This looks like some very tasty{LF}@アイテム9@. Sweets are an effective pick-me-up when you are feeling{LF}mentally tired. That's an excuse I use often when I feel the urge to snack on{LF}some. It isn't that I have a particular fondness for sweets. I +like+ this dish specifically. You see, when I was little, @アイテム9@ was{LF}a treat I could have only when I was sick. I guess that feeling must have simply stuck with me through{LF}the years. Oh, thank you for the @アイテム9@. I think I'll put it in the vase Dolce gave to me as a present. I'm sure Pico will love it. I can't wait to show it to her. That @アイテム9@ looks tasty. Oh? It's for me? Why thank you. I +love+ this dish, you know. Oh, some @アイテム9@? Thank you. This is a +favorite+ of mine, you know. I learned to love it after Nancy made some for me. Interesting. I seem to recall seeing something like this in my{LF}teacher's lab long ago... Hmm? I may have some? Well, maybe a sip will help me{LF}remember for certain... ...How odd. @しゅじんこうくん@, is that @アイテム0@ I smell? Oh, thank you. Today is my +birthday+. @アイテム9@? Oh, I +like+ this quite a lot. Thank you. That was a very nice +birthday present+. Why thank you. I +love+ @アイテム9@. And today is my +birthday+, as well. I think it will turn out to be a wonderful one filled with love{LF}and @アイテム9@. Oh, and is this handmade? You are a very talented person, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you so much for everything you do for us. Here. I've made a small thank you gift for you. I hope you like{LF}it. @しゅじんこうくん@, Happy Birthday. It's today, right? Yes! Thank you. Oh good. I have a present for you. I hope you like it. I'm not very good at picking out presents, you see. I'm not sure I got something you would like. No, this is wonderful. Thanks. My, you look pale. Come here a moment, and I'll take a look. Huh? It won't take long... There. This should do the trick. How can I help you? What can I do for you? We have many types of medicine available today. Are you in need of any medicine? Good health is important. @しゅじんこうくん@, I hear you've been adventuring outside a lot{LF}recently. It's very dangerous out there. Please promise me you'll take{LF}medicine with you when you go. I do have medicines here for sale. But it might be more convenient for you to build a Chemistry{LF}Set and make your own medicines. To build a Chemistry Set you will need: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and @石0@ Stone. You will also, of course, require a +Chemistry License+. You can get that license at the +Order Symbol+. To make a Chemistry Set you will need @金0@ Gold,{LF}@木0@ Lumber and @石0@ Material Stones. You will also, of course, need a +Chemistry License+. You can get that license at the +Order Symbol+. Hm? I'm afraid you don't have enough Gold. Hm? I'm afraid you don't have enough Lumber. Hm? I'm afraid you don't have enough Stone. Here you go. Take care of yourself. Is there anything else you need? Hm? It looks like you don't have anywhere to put it. You'll{LF}need to throw something away. Your resistance will go up the more you're afflicted with an{LF}illness or ailment. Accordingly, some resistances are more difficult to raise than{LF}others. My, @しゅじんこうくん@. It looks like your resistance is twice{LF}that of a normal person. That kind of healthy immune system is a good thing. I{LF}approve. @しゅじんこうくん@, your resistance is quite high. It must have taken a lot of work to raise them that far. @しゅじんこうくん@, what incredible resistance you have! It'll take more than a little cold or ailment to put a dent in{LF}your health. Oh, perfect timing. Here, this is for you. Unfortunately, the only way to bolster your resistance is to{LF}catch what you want to resist. Accordingly, a few minor doses every now and again are the{LF}best way of building a tolerance. And I have just the shot for that. Let us give it a try. Yay! Your Resist Poison Skill went up! Yay! Your Resist Seals Skill went up! Yay! Your Resist Paralyze Skill went up! Yay! Your Resist Sleep Skill went up! Yay! Your Resist Fatigue Skill went up! Yay! Your Resist Cold Skill went up! Yay! Your Resist Knockout Skill went up! Are you familiar with this recipe? If not, I can teach it to you. Ah, you have @アイテム0@. How about @1@ Gold for @0@{LF}@アイテム0@? Then how about @1@ Gold? I see. I think I'll pass. All right, I'll buy it. I think I'll pass for today. Oh, for this price...but...hrm... I see you have some other interesting items, too. Thank you. This was an excellent purchase. I made an excellent purchase. Thank you very much. @しゅじんこうくん@, when I chat with you, I can really feel the{LF}generation gap between us. I find it very interesting. Really? Yes. I'm never bored when you're around. O-oh... Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I hope we can be friends for many years to come. Me too! If there's anything you feel unsure about, please don't{LF}hesitate to come talk to me. Both Nancy and I will do whatever we can to help. Thank you. @ナンシー@? Oh, yes. Nancy is my wife. She's a nurse at the Tiny Bandage clinic. Please, don't feel you need to stand on formality for our{LF}sake. Come visit us whenever you like. Thank you. It's nothing. Well then, I'll see you again later. Will anything change if I start to date someone? That's something I gave a lot of thought to before I started{LF}dating. Has something changed for you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's been quite some time since{LF}we last spoke. Oh, hello. It's been quite some time. Given the chance, I'd{LF}like to chat with you more often. By the way, I wanted to congratulate you on winning,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. You were magnificent. Warmest congratulations to you. @ジョーンズ@... Congratulations! Aw, I wish I'd won. Thank you. Though I think I may have overdone it a little... Well then, next time we will both need to try harder. @しゅじんこうくん@, Happy New Year. Happy New Year to you as well! I have some new year's gift money for you. Here. Take care of yourself, now. I'd hate to see that money used{LF}on medicine. @しゅじんこうくん@, Happy New Year. Happy New Year. Ever since Dolce and Pico came, our New Year's dinner has{LF}grown into a veritable feast. It seems next year may be just as lively and interesting as{LF}last year. Here's to a healthy new year. I think I should set aside a stock of salves for tomorrow. Just in case. It is the @カレンダー0@, after all. Will you be participating in the festival, @しゅじんこうくん@? Heck yes! No. Festivals scare me. Well then, best of luck to the both of us. I see. Will you be participating, @ジョーンズ@? Of course. I intend to give it everything I've got. The @カレンダー0@ was a lot of fun. I'm already looking forward to next year. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Overeating isn't very healthy. But I think it's a good thing to learn firsthand. Today is the @カレンダー0@. Please try to overeat just the right amount, okay? Oof. I think I overate. I hope everyone else is okay. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. It's rare to see such an enormous Wooly. I can hardly wait. The @カレンダー0@. There is something I have always wondered... If we're only shaving the Wooly of its excess wool, why does{LF}it need to be a battle? I worked up a good sweat today. Though I have to admit, I don't get as much exercise as I{LF}should. Tomorrow will be painful. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. The importance of accuracy in this festival seems similar to{LF}administering a medical shot. Today is the @カレンダー0@. I'm quite relieved that these targets will not bleed, no matter{LF}where you hit them. Aiming for a target and aiming for the correct vein in an arm{LF}are two different things. I understand that, but it's still very difficult for me. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Many people don't quite believe it, but I do enjoy exercising. But I also think my enthusiasm for it doesn't change the fact{LF}that I'm terrible at it. Let's both give it our all today. Well, let's give it just enough that we don't collapse from{LF}exhaustion. That sounds better. Exercising is fun, isn't it? But having to do this much every day would be a bit much{LF}for me, I think. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. All I have heard is that there will be a quiz. But what will the quiz be about? Describe the inner functions of the human body in 50 words{LF}or less. Wha...? I tried my hand at thinking up a few quiz questions of my{LF}own. While some quizzes are easy, some can be very difficult. This was a difficult one. It'd be nice if next year had some{LF}easier questions. Like what? Like ones about @ナンシー@? Like ones about @ドルチェ@? I think some questions about the human body and its{LF}functions wouldn't be terribly hard. Oh, I'd already know all the answers, so that wouldn't be a{LF}challenge at all. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Nancy has been waiting for this all year long. The @カレンダー0@ will begin soon. Nancy has been fairly excited about it for days. I think some of her enthusiasm must have rubbed off on me,{LF}as I can barely wait myself. There were a lot of very cute pets today. I'm glad Dolce and Pico seemed to enjoy themselves so{LF}much. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. This year, I must be sure not to forget my pole. After a festival like today's, dinner will undoubtedly be fish. For those of us who enjoy fish, it's a great finale to a fun{LF}day. After a festival like today's, dinner will undoubtedly be fish. For those who don't like fish, well...it was a good life. I caught a wide variety of fish today. Dinner should be a treat for the next several days. Well, dinner is always a treat when Nancy's cooking. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I may not seem the strongest person here, but sometimes I{LF}do win at this. When reeling in a large fish, the first thing I do is apply some{LF}anesthesia. How...doctor-y of you. Basically, I first make sure it can't thrash around too much,{LF}and then I reel it in safely. It looks like I didn't bring enough anesthesia this year. Oh well. It's something I mixed during what free time I had,{LF}so I did the best I could. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Speaking of squid, Nancy isn't at all fond of{LF}@アイテム9@. Today is the @カレンダー0@. I can't wait to see how many I can catch today. I'll just have to be sure I release any{LF}@アイテム9@ I catch. I think of squid as a type of fish. So I enjoy it wholeheartedly when it's grilled or made into{LF}sashimi. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I'm already looking forward to the variety of sashimi I'll be{LF}able to enjoy afterwards. Just because fishing looks like a passive sport doesn't mean{LF}you can be reckless. It would be terrible if you caught yourself on your own hook{LF}and started to bleed. ...Terrible for me, too, to be honest. I made sure to release all of the @アイテム9@{LF}I caught. Why? Erm...well the reason is a bit embarrassing, so I'll leave it to{LF}your imagination. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I think it's an excellent festival. I think the @カレンダー0@ is a wonderful opportunity{LF}for everyone. You see, raising something means you can watch the flow of{LF}life. Everyone had such wonderful vegetables. I'm glad I got to see them. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. It felt so very far away while I was raising my vegetable, but{LF}then, in a blink, it's here. The passage of time can be such an odd thing. Today is the @カレンダー0@. Accordingly, today's biggest problem will be tomatoes. I'll be fine. I know that tomatoes are not large clots of blood. No, no. They are not fist-sized lumps of red, red blood, oh{LF}no. I'll be just fine. Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Sometimes I think your reactions are the prologue to a very{LF}bad and terrifying horror story. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Have you prepared the vegetable you'll present tomorrow? It looks like everyone brought impressive vegetables with{LF}them today. This fall has been a bountiful harvest indeed. We should be{LF}thankful. I had a thought while I was listening to all the showcases. If Nancy were to cook each of those delicious vegetables,{LF}what kind of dishes would she make? ...But don't tell her I said that, okay? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Now, which vegetable shall I take? This morning, my kitchen table was laden with lots of winter{LF}vegetables. Winter vegetables tend to be sweet and tasty. Vegetables that can grow in winter are a hardy breed. I think strong, determined things like that are excellent{LF}indeed. Tomorrow, @カレンダー0@ begins. Be sure you stretch thoroughly before going swimming, okay? A swimsuit is best on a warm summer day like this. But be sure you take care not to get sunburned. It is, after all, a burn. A burn that could potentially bleed.{LF}And bleeding is usually bad. Tomorrow is the last day of the year. But it doesn't mean there has to be any drastic changes. It's just the sum of many single days, one after the other. Tomorrow the new year will begin. I tend not to make new year's resolutions. I would rather focus on what I can do now, rather than what{LF}I should do later. Tomorrow's @カレンダー0@ is a festival for enjoying{LF}lovely scenery. If you would like to invite someone to join you, I suggest you{LF}do it today. Tonight, Nancy and I will be going to the lake. Nancy is looking forward to it. I hope there will be lots of beautiful fireflies for her to enjoy. @しゅじんこうくん@, have you had a chance to see the fireflies{LF}yet? They're quite beautiful. Almost as beautiful as Nancy. I had a thought cross my mind today. Well, it was like a{LF}wish. I wished we could keep having days like this next year and{LF}every year after. Nancy has been gleefully working on something recently. Really? @カレンダー0@ is coming. Yes. She seems quite excited about it. Oh, that's tomorrow, isn't it? I think I'll pretend you haven't told me so she can surprise{LF}me. @しゅじんこうくん@, don't forget to ask your lover on a by date{LF}today. That's right, today is @カレンダー1@, isn't it? Thank you. I will enjoy it later. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Now then, what should I make for it? @しゅじんこうくん@, don't forget to +ask your lover on a date+{LF}today, if you're going to. Oh, thank you. Nancy gave me one today too, you know. Which is odd, given that today is @カレンダー0@. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. Perfect timing. Here. This @アイテム9@ is for you. I was sure to follow the recipe exactly when making it. Making sweets can be a very delicate affair, you know. Oh, that's right. Today is @カレンダー0@. So many things make sense now. Nancy has been fidgety all day. And, come to think of it, Dolce seemed antsy as well. I wonder what has gotten into them? People tend to view doctors as practical, realistic people. But personally, I enjoy stories, dreams, and legends. I'm very much looking forward to tomorrow's{LF}@カレンダー0@. Today is @カレンダー0@. I think taking a fresh look at your dreams and wishes is a{LF}good thing. It's easy to get caught up in the everyday bustle and lose{LF}sight of your goals. @しゅじんこうくん@, did you make a wish? I wished for a unicorn. Did you? I hope it comes true. I think I'll keep that a secret. Yeah. They do say if you tell someone, it won't come true. No, it's not that. It's just something I'm a little self-conscious about. I hope everyone's wishes come true. About the @カレンダー0@... Hmm. I think a pendant or a ring would look very nice... ...? Oh, nothing. Never mind. I was just talking to myself. I decided to keep it simple for today's{LF}@カレンダー0@. It's not quite my ideal, but I still think it turned out well. I guess amateurs wouldn't be very good at making a{LF}complicated piece, after all. Though Bado has said that people could surprise themselves{LF}if they just winged it. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. It brings up many a fond memory for me. Today is the @カレンダー0@. Oh, I don't know if I told you... But Nancy makes very delicious food. Looking at the variety of dishes today has made me quite{LF}hungry. I can hardly wait for Nancy's home-cooked dinner. I came to chat. Show me your medicines. I'd like a Chemistry Set. Nothing for now. Buy. Don't buy. Hey, I've been waiting for you. Drink this. It's{LF}@アイテム0@. It's good for your health. The best medicine is the bitterest{LF}medicine, as they say! *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone at @0@ in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I would love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Now isn't the time for that. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@ for{LF}@1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please, take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Well? Do you think this swimsuit looks good on me? Jones is a lucky man. I'm sorry. Hee hee. Why, thank you. ♪ ...Oh. That's too bad. And here I was hoping it was pretty enough for Jones to like. There isn't a lot of cloth to a swimsuit, is there? It's clothing meant to be worn in the water, so I guess it{LF}makes sense. But considering the clothing I generally wear, it does make{LF}me feel a little self-conscious. Oh! This reminds me of the time Jones and I went to the{LF}ocean. I bought a swimsuit just for that occasion, but Jones was{LF}hardly paying attention. Still, he did tell me it looked pretty on our way home. ♪ The cerezo blossoms will be falling soon. The first time Jones and I ever took a walk together, we{LF}walked under this tree. I was so happy just being with him I can't even remember{LF}what we talked about at all! Summer will be ending soon. Given what I've heard everyone say, it looks like I can still{LF}cut a nice figure in a swimsuit. I was hoping I could have shown it off to Jones a little more. Oh dear. It's starting to get very chilly at night. In this sort of weather, you have to be sure to keep warm{LF}when you sleep or you'll catch cold. The last day of the year will be here soon. There's a little tradition of mine. I like to make wishes for the{LF}next year. Usually I wish for the continued happiness and health of my{LF}family and friends. Tomorrow is Lin Fa's +birthday+. Xiao Pai came to me just the other day asking if I could{LF}show her how to cook. She never gives up, does she? She always tries her hardest{LF}at everything she does. It's so cute, isn't it? Though our own Dolly is a real hard worker herself, you{LF}know. ... I wish I had a daughter just like her. ...Though I think I wouldn't ask for her help in the clinic. ... Blossom's +birthday+ is coming soon. On most days all I can give her is medicine. So I was thinking for her special day I would make her a{LF}tasty treat. That sounds like a great idea! Maybe I'll give it to her in the bag I use for her medicine. Do{LF}you think she'll be surprised? Um, that might be a little mean. *YAWN* Hi, @ナンシー@. You look sleepy today. I'm sorry. I've been very busy preparing things lately. +Birthdays+ only come once a year, you know. You have to{LF}make the best of them while you can. Oh, so you're getting ready for a party. Yes. I'm sure Dolly will be very surprised, oh ho ho! Dolce and surprises don't sound like a very good match... I have to go and get all the ingredients I'll need for Jones'{LF}+birthday+ dinner. Are you cooking up a feast for him? Oh, no. All I ever make is @アイテム9@ and{LF}@アイテム8@. That's all. Huh? We promised each other a long time ago that's the way we{LF}would do it. I think it's sweet. Dolly gave me an apron and a pretty bouquet of flowers for{LF}my +birthday+! Wasn't that sweet of her? It was. Happy Birthday to you! Thank you. You know, Jones hardly ever says it, but on this one day, he-{LF}- Hm? Never mind. It's our secret. Oh ho ho! I always get so excited for this day, every year. Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hi, um... That's right. I haven't given you my name yet, have I? I'm Nancy. Pleased to meet you. I'm @しゅじんこうくん@. It's my pleasure. My, my! How formal. You needn't be, sweetie. You can relax here. Oh. Well then, if you insist. Though it's much easier said than done, I'm sure. Don't you{LF}worry. Huh? Take it easy and get used to things a little at a time. There's{LF}no rush. You'll find that everyone here is kind and easy-going. Though there are a few nosy old ladies around, like me. ♪ ...I see. (Old?) Oh! But please don't call me an old lady to my face, okay? That would hurt my feelings. Ha ha... Yes? I'm feeling rather good today. I bet I could bodyslam just{LF}about anything! Goodness, I'm not so young any more, am I? I think I should{LF}take a break. Oh no, this isn't good. And I thought I was well-prepared for{LF}any illness or injury. That's all for today? All right, I'll see you later, then. Oh no, I should get back to the clinic. I'm sorry, but I have to{LF}get going. @ナンシー@, would you like to go somewhere together? I'm sorry, dear. I'm a little busy right now. All right. I'll be your back-up for today. I think I'll pass for today. It looks like you have friends with{LF}you, already. I'd love to. I'll be your date, just for today. ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@, would you care to join me for a bit today? @しゅじんこうくん@, would you care to-- ...Never mind. I was hoping you could join me for a little{LF}while, but I don't want to interrupt. Wonderful! ♪ Shall we be going, then? Good! That was the correct answer. Well then, shall we be{LF}going? Oh that's too bad. Maybe some other time, then. Oh, what a nice thing to say! You know... If I had somehow managed to meet you before I met Jones... I just may have given it some thought. But we didn't. So I'm afraid I must apologize. Oh my, is this a wedding ring? This brings back memories. I gave one just like this to Jones{LF}years ago. Thank you, but I'm sorry. I gave my heart to Jones, and that{LF}will never change. Hey now! No leaving trash around! No one with their heart in the right place would ever do{LF}that! Oh my! How...how poisonous! Only someone with a tired soul would force something this{LF}hideous on another! It looks like you need to have some{LF}@アイテム0@ to warm your soul back up. @アイテム0@ also happens to be my +favorite+,{LF}you know. ♪ Oh, thank you! Oh my, a present for me? Thank you. Oh, is that @アイテム9@ for me? Thank you. Is this for me? How thoughtful of you. Hm? What kinds of things do I +like+? Well...I do enjoy the scent of some good +cheese+. If I had to pick, I'd take +Western foods+, I guess. I +like+ @アイテム0@ a lot. It's a perfect after-{LF}dinner dessert. ♪ Oh, is that @アイテム9@? Thank you. I've always +liked+ the scent of good +cheese+. Hm? I smell delicious +cheese+. Oh? It's for me? Why thank you! It looks very tasty. Oh, that looks delicious! ♪ May I have some? I'm quite +fond+ of +Western foods+, you know. Thank you! I will enjoy it later. Oh, is that some @アイテム9@? Now if only I had some +flan+ to go with it for dessert, it would{LF}be the perfect meal. ♪ Why thank you! ♪ That looks like a delicious{LF}@アイテム9@. Oh, one of my +favorite things+! My, my! @アイテム0@! Thank you! I +like+ all +Western foods+, but this is the very best dish for{LF}dessert. Jones is fond of it, too! Oh my, @アイテム9@ for me? Why thank you! I think I'll put it in a pretty vase. I'm sure Dolly will love it too. Maybe she'll like it enough to give me a hug! Um, @ナンシー@? You're starting to sound a lot like{LF}@ピコ@. Oh dear. Oh my...! Is that @アイテム0@? And I may have it? Really? Thank you! I +love+ it! My, my! @アイテム0@ for me? Thank you. To me, @アイテム0@ is the king of all{LF}+Western foods+. I like it quite a lot, if you haven't guessed. Well, maybe not{LF}as much as Jones does, but still. Oh, I know what that is. It's @アイテム9@,{LF}isn't it? Of course I'm familiar with it. Why, when I was young, I... ... Love is something that will make itself felt, without you{LF}needing to resort to potions, you know. Good luck! Oh, and just to be clear, Jones is the only one{LF}for me. Oh, thank you! Today is my +birthday+, you know. Ooh, I smell something delicious. Hmm? It's my +birthday{LF}present+? Oh! @アイテム9@! Thank you! It's so wonderful to get something I +like+ for a{LF}present. Oh! @アイテム9@! What a delicious scent! This is the perfect +birthday present+. Thank you. I'll enjoy it later. Oh, and you made this yourself, didn't you? How considerate! Now, you've given me so many nice things I just have to give{LF}you something in return. Here. I hope you like it. Today is your birthday, yes? Happy Birthday! Here. I made this for you. I hope it's an appropriate birthday present for you. Th-thank you. You didn't have to do all this just for me. Oh, don't worry. I did it because I wanted to. Oh dear! @しゅじんこうくん@, come here a moment. You look awfully pale. Goodness, how could you let it get this bad? Hold still a moment, I'll fix you right up. What can I do for you? How can I help you today? You should always have some medicines on hand, you know. We have medicinal goods and other handy salves available. Good health is important, you know. @しゅじんこうくん@, I noticed you've had a lot of scrapes and{LF}bruises lately. Take care of those, now. Young ladies need to be careful{LF}not to scar themselves. Maybe you should carry some more medicines with you. You could make all sorts of them for yourself if you had a{LF}Chemistry Set. To build a Chemistry Set you will need: @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and @石0@ Stone. Oh, and you'll need a +Chemistry License+, too. You can get that license at the +Order Symbol+. You can make your own Chemistry Set with @金0@ Gold,{LF}@木0@ Lumber and @石0@ Stone. Oh, and you'll need a +Chemistry License+, too. You can get that license at the +Order Symbol+. Oh dear. You don't have enough Gold. Oh dear. You don't have enough Lumber. Oh dear. You don't have enough Stone. Here you go. Sorry sweetie. You don't have anywhere left to put it. You'll{LF}need to throw something away. Take care of yourself, now. Is there anything else I can get for you? Are you getting along well with your pets? It feels like I see you with them a lot these days. It looks like you are taking good care of your pets! I can tell just by watching you with them. @しゅじんこうくん@, you can tell how your pets feel, can't you? Goodness, you are amazingly close with them. I'm impressed! Your pets must be very dear to you. I'm sure there are many monsters out there that would love{LF}to be your pet. Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. This is for you. Learning how to care for your pets requires love. Love is important, no matter what form it takes. It's just like dealing with your friends here in town. Yay! Your Monster Skill went up! Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let me teach you my super-secret{LF}special recipe. Okay, I'm just joking. It's not that secret. But you can have it{LF}anyway. ♪ Oh, you have @アイテム0@. How about @1@ Gold for @0@{LF}@アイテム0@? Then how about @1@ Gold? Oh. Never mind, then. Wonderful! ♪ I'll take it. No, I'm afraid I don't have enough wiggle room left in this{LF}week's budget. Oh, should I? Or shouldn't I... May I see some of your other items? Thank you! That was a wonderful purchase. What a wonderful item. Thank you! Ever since you moved into town, it feels like I've been smiling{LF}a lot more. Well, I've always smiled a lot. But having made a new friend makes my world feel so much{LF}larger. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I-it's not that much. You're welcome! Oh ho ho... You're welcome. My, my! Not very humble, are we? But that's very like you. In fact, it's one of the things I love about you. Huh? Oh ho! Which way did you take that, hm? Sorry, but Jones will always be the only one for me. ♪ Oh, by the way... How are you faring with your memories? Have you found any{LF}clues? Not really... I see. Oh! Did I mention that I live in the +Housing Area+? Huh? My husband and I run a small +clinic+. Come by and visit{LF}sometime, okay? Visit you...at a clinic? Yes. At our clinic. I love to chat with people, you see. But the only ones who{LF}come to see us are our patients. Not all of them are, well, in the mood for a long, entertaining{LF}conversation. And even if they are up for a chat, I can't exactly be glad{LF}they're there. So please do come visit whenever you like. For my sake. Thanks for the invite! I think I will. No, no. I'm the one who should thank you. Oh, and my husband is a wonderful person! I think you and he will become fast friends. I'm sure! Well then, I look forward to seeing you. When courting your special someone, you should maintain a{LF}respectful, clean relationship. Not that I have room to talk. Oh ho ho! ♪ Oh, hello. It's been a long time since I last saw you. How are{LF}you doing? My, my. It's been a while since we last had a chance to chat.{LF}I miss seeing you. So you did win! Congratulations! @ナンシー@. Congratulations! Next time, it is ON. Thank you. Oh ho ho! I look forward to the challenge. @しゅじんこうくん@, Happy New Year. Here. Your yearly allowance. Thanks! ♪ Though you know... In your case, @しゅじんこうくん@, maybe a New Year's greeting{LF}card would be more appropriate. But then again, it's the thought that counts! @しゅじんこうくん@, Happy New Year! Happy New Year, @ナンシー@. May the coming year be as happy as the last. I hope to see you around the clinic more, but not as a{LF}patient, okay? Right. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. They say it's a festival for banishing demons and +polluted{LF}thoughts+. But what exactly qualifies as a +polluted thought+, I wonder? Jones has been so excited since this morning. He said he plans to do his very best Red Ogre impression{LF}today. I guess that means I'll get to play the part of Blue Ogre. ♪ The @カレンダー0@ was a lot of fun. I even got to see a slightly different side of Jones, today. I{LF}thought he was just dashing. ♪ Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. No matter how old we get, ladies are always worried about{LF}their weight. The @カレンダー0@... I can't say I'm not worried about it. Men won't understand this feeling. @しゅじんこうくん@. Let me give you one piece of advice before we begin. To a lady, weight is NOT just a number. Am I clear? Um...y-yes ma'am. There. The @カレンダー0@ is now safely behind us. I feel so faaaaat. Did you overeat? I'm sure everyone does. It is that kind of festival, after all. Hmm? Did you overeat? Hmm? Uh...never mind... For tomorrow's festival, we get to play with an enormous{LF}Wooly! Maybe I can try out some of those baritsu throws I've been{LF}secretly practicing. Today is the @カレンダー0@! I think the best strategy would be to knock the Wooly out{LF}first and then clip off the wool. What do you think? Well, now that the festival is over, I need to shift back into{LF}my every-day thinking. Maybe I will go home and give Jones a nice massage. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. It's difficult to throw something exactly where you aim it. Just like love. ♪ Today is the @カレンダー0@. Even if you don't think you have a chance, it's still important{LF}to get up there and throw. Just standing around and thinking about it will get you{LF}nowhere, no matter what it is. Hitting the center of the target is harder than you'd think. But I managed to hit Jones' heart dead-on, so I think my aim{LF}must be perfect. ♪ Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. This is one festival where everyone can have fun, no matter{LF}what their respective talents. That's what makes festivals so wonderful. Jones has been so excited since this morning. He's not a very athletic person, but he does love to be{LF}active. Whew! That was an invigorating workout, wasn't it? Yeah! I'm going to go die now. Oh, you still have that much energy? Good! Come now, young people like you shouldn't be tired after a{LF}little exercise like that! A lot of people are looking forward to tomorrow's{LF}@カレンダー0@. Lin Fa has had a big smile on her face all day. I'm starting to have fun just watching everyone. ♪ Today is the @カレンダー0@. I don't think I would ever get any question about Jones{LF}wrong. My. Today's quiz was certainly a very...special one. But it was Porcoline, so I think I can forgive him. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Now, how to express my abundance of love...? Oh, I can't wait for the @カレンダー0@! @しゅじんこうくん@, are you ready? Pico will be participating together with Dolly. I didn't even know she had a pet. Everyone had the cutest pets. And Jones was even cuter while he was fawning over them.{LF}♪ Oh, and it was utterly adorable how Dolly pretended not to{LF}care even though she was entranced! Do you have everything you need for the{LF}@カレンダー0@? Don't wait until tomorrow to say that you don't have a pole. I'm going to give this festival everything I've got! After all, no matter what fish I catch, Jones will love it. ♪ Whether grilled or sliced raw into sashimi, Jones will love{LF}every bite. I'm going to have so much fun making dinner tonight! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Catching a giant fish will be an interesting challenge. Isn't it nice how simple the @カレンダー0@ is? I rather like it, myself. But then, I've always been the type to{LF}act first and think later. I prefer a simple festival that involves a lot of activity. The fish I caught wasn't big enough to win, but it was{LF}certainly very big. Maybe I should make sashimi. Or maybe it would be better{LF}grilled? I think I'll ask Jones which way he would like it. ♪ Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. It's not squid in general that I dislike. It's just, well... Today is the @カレンダー0@. I'm going to give it a try, even though it's not my favorite. I just cannot learn to like @アイテム9@. But Jones likes them, and I want to catch some for him to{LF}eat... Oh, goodness! What am I going to do? I didn't catch any @アイテム9@. I do feel a little bad for Jones, but to be honest, it's a relief. When you don't like something, it's better to not have to{LF}deal with it. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Catching many different kinds of fish makes cooking dinner{LF}afterwards a fun adventure. The @カレンダー0@... I'm always worried about the poisons in{LF}@アイテム9@. Though I know they're perfectly okay once you cook them. I see! How does that work? When you cook it properly, the spices include an antidote{LF}that nullifies the poison. Still... There are some memories that you just can't seem to get{LF}past, right? Especially childhood ones. Well, that's the end of the @カレンダー0@. I've asked Porcoline to cook the @アイテム9@{LF}I caught. I don't want any myself, but I'm sure Jones will want to have{LF}it. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Now then, what shall I choose as my entry? Oh dear. I completely forgot about the showcase. How should I explain the good points of my vegetable...? Goodness. There are so many good things about it I hardly{LF}know where to start. When you raise a vegetable, don't you find it completely,{LF}utterly, absolutely... ...and entirely too cute? Too cute for words! It's an inanimate object. Oh, aren't they? I have no idea why, but they are so{LF}adorable! I have to stop myself from spending hours every day just{LF}watching over it. Oh... The @カレンダー0@... It's tomorrow. Do you have what you need for it? I think I might use this tomato as my entry. I love Jones dearly, but we are competitors during this{LF}festival. And I should have as different a vegetable from his as{LF}possible, don't you think? Today didn't turn out as I'd hoped. But since Jones won, I don't mind that much at all. ♪ Oh well. I guess I'll just have to try harder next time. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. It's the showcase part of the event that gets me the most{LF}nervous. The best part of my vegetable... Well, there's this and that, and...oh, there's so much! Even trying to explain it logically is difficult. Oh well. I had hoped I would be able to do a little better. But speaking to a crowd is so different from one-on-one. I have to get a vegetable ready for the{LF}@カレンダー0@. Now, to choose which vegetable to showcase! Which{LF}vegetable... Which...precious...preeecious... There aren't that many winter vegetables to pick from. But trying to create the best out of a limited pool is an{LF}exciting challenge! I wasn't able to win, but I did what I came to do. Though I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed I didn't win. @カレンダー0@ starts tomorrow. Don't get too excited, now. Remember to keep everything{LF}proper and respectful, okay? @しゅじんこうくん@! @カレンダー0@ has started! Yeah! Oh. Right. That thing. Oh my. Are you not that fond of swimming? I'm sure all the boys are looking forward to it. ...Along with seeing you in a swimsuit! ♪ Huh? Now don't forget that you're a boy, too, @しゅじんこうくん@. Wha...? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. There isn't much of this year left. I'd better start thinking about my new year's resolution. Unlike Jones, I've never been very good at sitting still and{LF}thinking over a lot of things. There are so many things I'm going to have to think about! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I'll be going to watch them with Jones, of course. I can hardly wait! @しゅじんこうくん@, have you asked your lover on a date, yet? Oh, the fireflies are so beautiful! I want to watch them together with Jones for years and{LF}years to come. While we were out watching the fireflies, I looked over at{LF}Jones. He was smiling a soft, happy smile. I wonder what he was thinking about? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Now, how can I express my love? Oh, I can hardly wait to{LF}get started! Oh my, is this for me? Thank you. Have you already given one to the person most special to{LF}you? Don't let yourself stay confused too long, now! Push on! If{LF}you fall, fall forward! Today is a special day where the girls give presents to the{LF}boys. But I don't disapprove of boys being proactive at all. Today is @カレンダー0@. A day when girls can express how they feel to that special{LF}person in their life. And so... ...here, @しゅじんこうくん@. This is for you. Huh? It's a friendship @アイテム0@. ♪ Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh?! For our friendship, of course. ♪ All the girls are so excited today. It must be nice to be so young. Dolly has been particularly excited all morning. And you know why, don't you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Um... Though Dolly doesn't seem all that interested. Too bad, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? I wonder what Jones will have for me tomorrow. It is @カレンダー0@, after all. Hmm? Thank you for everything. Think of this as my heart! Oh, I haven't done that much. You are more of a help to me{LF}than I am to you. But thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Are you saying that you love me? O-oh...oh my. To be honest, I...I... You...? ...am just kidding! Oh ho ho! Did you think I was serious? I'm sorry, but I love{LF}only one person. Look at what Jones gave to me! It's a handmade @アイテム9@! Love itself has no tangible form, but you can give it a shape{LF}to express it in your own way. Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. It's a day for making wishes on the stars. And it's a perfect day for lovers to make wishes together. ♪ Don't forget to ask your partner on a date, @しゅじんこうくん@,{LF}okay? Today is the day! @カレンダー0@ is finally here. I've already decided what I'm going to wish for. I'm going to wish for my family to always live happily{LF}together. I'm going to wish that Jones and I can always live happily{LF}together. I hope my wish comes true. After all, I'm already happy, so it's hard to tell if the wish has{LF}worked yet. ♪ Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I wonder what I should make for Jones? I've already picked out what I'm going to make for Dolly. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you have everything you need for the{LF}@カレンダー0@? I have everything together and ready to go. Oh well. I didn't win this year. But Dolly was happy with what I made, so it's okay. ♪ I can hardly wait for tomorrow's @カレンダー0@. You'd be surprised at how many people learn how to cook{LF}so they can cook for someone special. I did, and I heard Lin Fa did as well. This year's @カレンダー0@ was a lot of fun. Jones was happy with what I made, so I'm satisfied. I came to chat. Show me your medicine. I want a Chemistry Set. Nothing for now. Buy. Don't buy. Ah, you're out! Here you go. The best thing to drink after a{LF}hot bath. *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone at @0@ in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Now isn't the time for that. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@ for{LF}@1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will raise the chance it'll sell{LF}way up. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? What? Are you dazzled by the sight of me in my swimsuit? I'm just kidding, of course. ♪ Pay it no mind. Though I must admit I was dazzled by yours. ...Just kidding. Did I shock you? My swimsuit is actually the foxes from the temple,{LF}transformed into cloth. If you don't believe me, you can try feeding them after I take{LF}them off. And if you do believe me, I'll ridicule you and your{LF}descendants to the seventh generation. Speaking with a lady wearing a swimsuit involves the same{LF}manners as speaking to a friend. First, you find something nice about them. And then you compliment them on it clearly and politely. ...All while subtly making fun of them. Hm? What, was there something wrong with what I said? The blossoms on the trees have begun to fall. It was a day much like this one when I became a Guardian. So much has changed since then. Except, strangely enough,{LF}this very scenery. Fall will be upon us soon. They say fall is the season of feasting. Are you excited for it? Or are you like a certain knight, who will deny it fiercely, all{LF}while waiting for it impatiently? The weather has become quite chilly. Especially at night. Be careful you don't catch cold. It'd be way too dull if my favorite target was stuck in bed{LF}with the sniffles. The end of the year is coming. I wonder who decided upon the length of a year. I must admit, I find joy in the thought of crossing from one{LF}year to the next. I hear it'll be Vishnal's +birthday+ soon. If I must give him something, I'd like to make it something{LF}that would embarrass him. Why don't you give him something that'll make him laugh? You're right. I hear there are some mushrooms that-- That's not what I meant. I hear tomorrow is Kiel's +birthday+. Are you ready? Huh? If not, allow me to help you. Together, we can discuss how to delight Kiel...and terrify that{LF}knightly sister of his. Um, I don't think we need to terrify @フォルテ@... It's my +birthday+ today, you know. Yup. To be honest, it didn't matter to me what Kiel brought. But it's still better to be both free and amusing. Ah. I'll take whatever I can get. Even if I +hate+ it, there's still a use for it. I see. So get to it, then. Huh? Ah, it's you. What is it? How do you like the town? I feel I've gotten accustomed to some parts of it, but not{LF}others. I doubt I'll have any issues making my living here. But I must say, there's something weird about Venti being{LF}honored like that. I see. It really is bizarre. Like seeing some plain Jane suddenly become a princess. Urk... So I guess this means you've heard about me. I overheard it while I was arranging my lodging at the inn. It seems you haven't had it easy, yourself. ... Nevertheless, you still run about doing everything you can for{LF}both Venti and the rest of the town. To be honest, I was stunned at how much of a busybody you{LF}must be. Hey...! But the situation being what it is, I wouldn't be averse to{LF}aiding your search. What? There's a large blank spot in my life from when I slept. I'd{LF}like to start filling that in. So in the end, both of us will be searching through the past.{LF}Best do it together, then. @レオン@... Well then. I look forward to working with you from here on,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Me, too! What, do you miss the sound of my voice? I'm in a good mood today. I think I'll enjoy following you{LF}around for a while. I'm a little tired. Are you okay? I was careless. Ngh...I've caught some kind of bug. I see. Catch ya later. I'd hoped to entertain myself with you for a little while{LF}longer, but oh well. See you. It's time for me to head home. Sorry, but I must be going. @レオン@, do you want to go somewhere together? I'd love to, but I'm afraid I still have work to do. Maybe later. Sure, why not? You know where we're going? Not right now. I'm not big on crowds. Of course. I'll go anywhere you want. Ah, it's you. Would you join me for a while? Hey. Would you care to join-- ...never mind. I see you already have someone with you.{LF}Maybe some other time. I knew you'd agree. Let's go. Yes, let's go together. Ah, how unfortunate. Perhaps another time. ... ...Are you serious? You...are, aren't you? Did I surprise you? ...Yes. It was a shock to discover we both feel the same way. What?! ...Just kidding. Did your heart skip a beat? @レオン@! Ha ha ha! Well then... I already have an answer, but... But? I...I need some time to get my thoughts together. Come to @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours tomorrow. I'll tell you there. Okay. See you then. Come to @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours tomorrow. I'll have my thoughts together by then. Come to @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours today. I'll tell you my answer then. @レオン@. Can I hear your answer? ... You are serious about this, yes? Yes. Juuuust kidding! Very serious. I...see. Then I'll have to give you an equally serious answer. ... I'm sorry, but I can't go out with you. Wha...? ... ...Oh. It's not that I hate you. I could never hate you. Wha? Not after all you've taught me. It was from you I learned what it means to truly care for{LF}someone. And how those feelings just can't be denied. To be honest, I never imagined what it'd really be like. Then... But I can't date you. Because I can't marry you. Huh? I decided long ago that I'll never get married. Thus, I cannot date anyone. That comes part and parcel with{LF}that decision. Even if I changed that... Even if I chose to go out with you, I could never truly be{LF}together with you. Do you understand now? Give up on me. Please. Though I guess we could still be together as friends. That{LF}doesn't involve marriage. We don't need to marry! ...Okay. I'll give up. ... ...Are you all right with that? Completely. Not at all! ...It may wind up being really difficult, though. Yeah...it's only normal. ... You know, you really are amusing. Huh? EEP! HEY! Stop ruffling my hair! Oh come on, it's not a big deal. After all, starting today, the two of us are lovers. Huh...? What, would you rather not? Of course I want to! So, um...I-I'm really looking forward to it. As am I. And...thank you. Hm? Nothing. Well then, let's forget about what just happened. As of now,{LF}we go back to the way we were. Will that do? ...Yes. Good. See you later, then. Now that I think about it... What should I call you from now on? Huh? Which do you like? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Good. I'll use that name, then. @しゅじんこうくん@. ... What? Somehow it feels different... True. Still, all I did is what I always do--call you what I wish. But you don't mind, do you, @しゅじんこうくん@? No. All right. @しゅじんこうくん@. Is that what you wish me to call you? Hm? Weird. It feels a lot like what you always call me. Ha ha! But it's the name that you chose, @しゅじんこうくん@. Anyway. I'm looking forward to it. Well then, from now on... I'll call you @しゅじんこうくん@. Will that do? A-are you sure? What's wrong with it? But if you think it a bit much, I'll only use it occasionally. Is that okay? @しゅじんこうくん@. Y-yes. That's a pretty standard name. I-I guess so. ... Then why are you turning such a cute shade of pink? ...! Please don't tease me! All right, all right. Ah, I see. So that is the shape of your desire. Wh-wha? My desire? Ah, I'm sorry, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh?! Will that do? Um... Well then, as you wish, @しゅじんこうくん@. ... Heh heh. @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@, look at me. ... You chose that name, and now you're embarrassed to hear{LF}it? Goodness you are cute, my @しゅじんこうくん@. Now then, what will you call me? Just like always is fine. @その他0@ @その他1@ @その他2@ @その他3@ @その他4@ Well that's dull. Still, it's just like you. I guess I don't mind. Interesting. Well then, call me that from now on. ...Really? Yep! @レオン@. How...pert of you. @レオン@. ♪ ... ...Dammit, that's cuter than I'd expected. It kinda tickles. But it's not so bad. Oh, well. @レオン@. ... @レオン@? ...That's a little more embarrassing than I thought. Not bad. Call me that again. @レオン@. Excellent. Come closer. You deserve a reward. I'm looking forward to this quite a bit. ...Why are you patting my head? Because you're adorable. ... I see. An interesting prank. But I'm afraid you'll have to invent a better one to fool me. I know. I'm quite fond of you myself, actually. To confess to one man while you are married to another... So what kind of prank is this? ... Thank you. I'm honored. Really. Huh? And...I've been attracted to you for some time now. So much so that you are nearly irresistable to me. I've been having such a hard time keeping myself from-- @レオン@...? --making fun of you like this. Really, you're the best. ♪ ... My, my. What a frigid stare. ...! Marry me. ... To be honest, I thought I was rejected. Huh? Let me say it, too. @しゅじんこうくん@. Yes? Marry me. Yes. Good answer. As your reward, let me teach you something interesting. What? I love you more than anyone. Always have. And always will. @レオン@... Me, too. Say that again? I know. But still... Thank you. ...You're welcome. All right...next year. So I only get to hear that once a year? Yes. It is a reward, after all. So you'll have to stay with me until then. And then again until the next year and the next, until the{LF}end of time. ...I will. ...An @アイテム9@? I'll pretend I never saw this. It is not, after all, something I could accept right now. Hmm? This @アイテム9@... ... You didn't intend to give this to someone else, did you? Withered grass? I see... ... What do you expect me to do with this? Is this for me? I'm afraid @アイテム9@ is too bland for me.{LF}I'm not fond of it. I like my foods to have a little more excitement to them. For example, @アイテム9@. @アイテム9@? May I have it? +Mushrooms+ can be amusing. Some have poison, some don't. @アイテム9@? May I have it? Thank you. You want to give this to me? Thank you. @アイテム9@? If you're giving it away, I'll take{LF}it. Ah, @アイテム9@. I'll take it. Thank you. By the way, I'm rather fond of +grilled seafood+. Hmm? What do I like? Well, I'm fond of +poisonous plants and{LF}foods+. What. Is it really that odd? Ah, @アイテム9@. May I have it? Thank you. I +really like+ grilled seafood. Ah, I smell the scent of grilled seafood! Is this for me? Thank you. I find all kinds of +cooked seafood+ to be +tasty+. Ah, thank you. I +like+ @アイテム9@. I find the +numbing tingle+ in the spice to be quite exciting. Ah, is this for me? I +like exciting foods+ almost as much as I like grilled seafood. Thank you. Ah, @アイテム9@! Thank you. If this was grilled and salted, I could ask for nothing more. Ah, @アイテム9@! Thank you! Did you know that this is slightly poisonous to eat? You're actually going to eat it?! No, I'm going to boil it into a broth I can drink. It's quite{LF}good. Ah...! Are you sure I can have this? I'm surprised you knew that I +love+ this. Ha ha! Thank you! This is my +favorite+ dish. Hmm, when should I have it? Oh, perfect. I was just feeling a tad thirsty. ... What's wrong? Nothing... Just, don't lean too close to me, okay? Hint #1. Today is my birthday. Hint #2. I hate @アイテム0@. Can you guess what goes next? This @アイテム9@ is for me? Thank you. You must have found out that today is my birthday. Ah, @アイテム9@. Is it for me? Why thank you. It's thoughtful of you to give me something I +like+ for my{LF}+birthday+. Ah, @アイテム9@! May I have it? This is my +favorite+! You know, this may be the best birthday{LF}I've ever had. I don't want it to go to waste, so I think I'll enjoy it today. ...Thank you. And you made this yourself, too. My opinion of you is{LF}improving. You're always kind enough to give things to me, so I thought{LF}I'd return the favor. Here, this is for you. Treat it as preciously as you'd treat me. Do you want to strengthen this magic scroll? I could do that for you for @0@ Gold. Well? Do you want to strengthen this magic scroll? I could do that for you if you give me{LF}@アイテム0@. Well? There. Done. Already? I see. You don't have enough Gold. Don't you know how to count? You have no @アイテム0@ with you. You did{LF}check your bag, yes? Hrm. There's nothing to improve on this magic scroll. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you remember what today is? Our wedding anniversary. Every day is special. Good. You remembered. Here, let me reward you. I see. So tomorrow a year ago was special how? Umm... Did you forget? I-I'm sorry. Unforgivable. I think I'll put a spell on you to make sure you never forget it{LF}again. *SMOOCH* Huh?! I look forward to many more years with you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Hey! It's very gutsy of you to ignore me like you have. Huh? And I hear you've been spending a lot of time talking with{LF}some other man. Uh, well...I... You'd better be ready to face the consequences of your{LF}actions. Um, @レオン@...? We haven't spoken much lately. So I think I want to keep you here with me for now. ... Today's your birthday, right? Happy Birthday. And here's your present. Oh! For me? Of course! I made it for you. Why would I give it to anyone{LF}else? Thank you. Here. Thank you. No, thank YOU. It's because of you that I don't die of{LF}boredom. Huh...? I am glad that you exist here, in this era. Hmm? Hang on, let me see your face. You look pale. Are you okay? Wait, hold on a moment. Here it is. Take this medicine. I can't have you keeling over, now. That would leave fewer{LF}people for me to make fun of. Go see the doctor and have him fix you up. Go on! Otherwise I can't tease you in good conscience. Here. I made @アイテム0@ for your lunch. I made @アイテム0@ for your lunch today. It's{LF}rather well done if I do say so myself. Today's lunch is @アイテム0@. Don't forget to{LF}take it with you. Here, I made @アイテム0@. Have some when{LF}you get hungry. Oh yes. Don't forget to take your lunch with you. I made{LF}some @アイテム0@. Have a good day. Good luck at work. Don't be back too late. See you later. I should take care of a little work, myself. See you later. But not too much later, all right? Good luck today. Hmm. You take quite good care of yourself, don't you? That's not a bad thing. No, not a bad thing at all. ...Not bad. Huh? Your conversations lately has been quite entertaining. My opinion of you is improving. You know, recently you've been...how do I put this? Sparkling. Even I am finding your conversation to be{LF}engaging. Not bad at all. I've never been impressed with those who don't put much{LF}effort into what they do. But you--you are surprisingly fascinating, even to me. Well done. Here, you may have this. It was a bit heavy on my arm. Hrm... If you go like this, I think it'll make you even more{LF}enchanting. Huh? H-hey! Yes, that's much better. Yay! Your Leader Skill went up! I prefer to eat food rather than cook it. I'm counting on you. Let me teach you an interesting bit of trivia. You may be surprised to find that I'm actually fond of{LF}children. Now, let me give you a quiz. Huh? Question: Do you want children? Yes or no? I want a million of them. I want it to be just us. I see. Well then. Will you have my baby? Ah, I see. Um, so which one was the right answer? Since it was a question of your opinion, your answer would{LF}be the correct one automatically. How could it not be? Our child... ...Unbelievable. @レオン@? For once, I find myself almost speechless. I'm just so happy. Ha ha! I am completely, honestly happy! Yeep! H-hey! Stop mussing my hair! Ha ha ha! @しゅじんこうくん@, do you think we'll have a boy or a girl? A boy? Interesting. If so, I'll teach him all he needs to know to grow up as a{LF}charismatic man. Don't teach him anything weird, okay? Okay. I'll just teach him all the weird stuff. @レオン@! A girl? Hmm. I'll make sure to teach her how to discern good men from{LF}those not worth her time. Boy, @レオン@. You're so overprotective. Don't be ridiculous. Do you have any idea how many men{LF}live in this town? What if she falls for someone like Bado? Wouldn't that be{LF}difficult to deal with? Point taken. Ah, indecisive as always, I see. Hey! Well then which do you think it is, @レオン@? I have no clue. As long as it's our child, it doesn't matter. Wait a minute! Isn't that what I just said? True. Either or, it will still be our beloved baby. ...Yeah. Well then, I'm off to let the town know. What? Now? Yes, now. I leave the name up to you. I expect you to come up with a{LF}good one. Wha? H-hey! Now then, it's time I wear the ears off the guys with a long{LF}speech about our child's merits. Well then, it's time to prepare an appropriately big surprise. You come help me too. It is our @子供ちゃん@'s birthday{LF}today, you know. @アイテム0@? Interesting. How about @1@ Gold for @0@{LF}@アイテム0@? Then how about @1@ Gold? Hrm. I think not. Well then, I'll take it. No, not today. Perhaps later. Hmm. I could do you the favor of buying it, but I'm not sure... What else do you have? What an interesting little shop. I will come back later. You have some amusing items. Thank you. Are you happy right now? Huh? I am, by the way. Marrying you. Spending every day with you. I never knew how happy such simple things could make me. It's so odd. @レオン@... I got to see Venti again. I met a town full of fascinating{LF}people. And I also met a wonderful person like you. Even if I did have to sleep for untold centuries. This makes that sacrifice not all that bad. I'm happy enough now that I can say it was worth it. ...Yeah. @しゅじんこうくん@, I'm looking forward to many more years like{LF}this one. With you. Me too, @レオン@. Well, what's this? A secret date? That sounds like fun. Mind if I join you? Three's an AWESOME crowd. Three's a crowd. Just kidding. I would never do something that gauche. Well, well. Who knew that you would find a lover,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@? What? I didn't say it was a big surprise, now did I? Hmm? You are... It's been so long I've forgotten your name. Ah, it's you. It's been a long time since we last chatted. Ah, it's been quite some time since we last spoke. I missed{LF}the sound of your voice. Not bad at all. Today's festival was an amusing one. I did not expect to win{LF}it. Congratulations. I'll win the next one! Thank you. I see. Well then, I look forward to the entertainment! We're barely into the new year and you're already getting{LF}stuff stuck on your cheek. Let me see. Thank yo---AAPH! Whaph are you ooing? Happy New Year. I hope this year will be as good as the{LF}last. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. So everyone is going to line up to be pelted by beans? That's{LF}an...unusual tradition. The @カレンダー0@... In this festival, the aim is to be hit by as many beans as{LF}possible? What a strange town. I never thought this many people{LF}would be happy to be hit with things. That's just the way this festival is. The @カレンダー0@, eh? Are you... No. I won't ask. Here. Say ''aah''. Huh?! Just kidding. What, did you want me to do it for real? A lady's appearance? Of course I enjoy looking at them. But personally, people who are fun to tease are more{LF}attractive to me. The @カレンダー0@. A festival to beat upon Woolies. ...Interesting. @しゅじんこうくん@, hit it! Huh? W-wait, what? The Wooly. That is what this festival is about, yes? Well done. That was more satisfying than I expected. Though I think Dolce was more surprised than I. The @カレンダー0@... I'm not particularly fond of things requiring much attention to{LF}detail. Today is the @カレンダー0@. Is this the sort of thing{LF}you are fond of? Not really. I'm great at it! Well then, let us see which one of us is better. I see. Well then, let's see if you can hit the bullseye of my{LF}heart. What, you want me to try that with a turnip? ...Erm, that was not meant to be taken seriously. I'm not particularly skilled at things that need close attention{LF}to detail... But targets this big may not be that difficult to hit after all. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Not that it matters much. I'm not particularly fond of festivals, but I'm even less fond of{LF}losing. Bring it on! I won't lose easily. That's my line. ...But do be careful not to get hurt. I'm looking forward to it. ...But do be careful not to get hurt. Well done. You didn't get hurt, did you? Good. Life would get a little less colorful if my favorite target{LF}weren't around any more. The @カレンダー0@... I'm not well versed in the trivia of this era, but I'll do my best. In a contest of knowledge, I expect Arthur to be the fiercest{LF}competitor. Good luck. ...Well. I'm not sure if that was something you could call a{LF}''quiz,'' but oh well. It was still rather enjoyable, so I guess it all works in the{LF}end. The @カレンダー0@... You better be fully prepared if you think you're going to win{LF}against my pets. Will you be participating in today's @カレンダー0@? Oh, and by the way, my pets will not be easy targets. That was an entertaining match. I couldn't even lose my{LF}focus for a second. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I can hardly wait. I like +fish+. Especially the ones with exciting flavors. I like how they{LF}make my tongue go numb. ♪ Well then, let's see if I can catch some{LF}@アイテム9@. I think I'll spend the rest of the day relaxing and enjoying{LF}some @アイテム9@. Would you like to join me? The @アイテム9@{LF}is so good you will be speechless, I promise. The @カレンダー0@. If we need to catch the biggest fish, wouldn't weight be the{LF}better measurement? Today is the @カレンダー0@. If I must catch something, I'd like it to be{LF}@アイテム9@. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. What? Would you like to fish with me? Now then... Time to cook this @アイテム9@ to perfection{LF}and then enjoy it down to the last bite. Tomorrow? Oh yes. It's the @カレンダー0@, isn't it? Are you ready for it? Today is the @カレンダー0@. Of all squid, @アイテム9@ is by far my{LF}favorite. The problem is the season. But, I don't see the point in worrying. I'll just relax and fish{LF}however I want today. I'm quite fond of taking it easy. Well done. What's with the long face? How about some{LF}@アイテム9@ to cheer you up? I'm surprised you managed to catch that in this season. Tomorrow is another fishing festival. Thinking about it, the foxes in my tower were skilled at{LF}fishing as well. I heard Dylas say fishing was a talent of his. If I can somehow maneuver Doug near him while he's{LF}concentrating, things could get interesting. I'm not one for autumn fishing. There aren't enough exciting fish to catch. Did you catch any extra fish? If you did, I wouldn't mind taking them. Especially if you cook{LF}them for me, first. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. Are your preparations for the @カレンダー0@{LF}complete? Today's the @カレンダー0@. What have you made? I don't mind vegetables. I wouldn't mind tasting a dish that you've prepared. Go make one for me. The @カレンダー0@. I think I'll just go with the flow, this time. It's annoying to have someone fuss over you too much, don't{LF}you think? I believe something similar could be said about caring for{LF}plants. But who knows for certain? Flowers become fruit. Fruit falls and deposits seeds. That's how plants have always carried on the next{LF}generations. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. No wonder everyone is so excited. So I hear today's festival has a ''showcase'' element to it. Those without a silver tongue will have a hard time of it. And{LF}I'm afraid I was never meant for the stage. I have to say, teasing Dylas and Forte before the showcase{LF}did wonders for my nerves. I only feel a little guilty. Oh yes. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I'd forgotten, myself. But then Xiao Pai reminded me. Raising something yourself does foster a sense of attachment{LF}to it. Me? Of course I'm looking forward to it. I fully intend to savor the vegetable I raised. And next year, this seed will bring me another plant. @カレンダー0@ starts tomorrow. Hmm? Swimsuits? You think I don't care? I find swimsuits freeing. They encourage you to be more{LF}open and liberal. What's with that face? Are you telling me I'm liberal enough{LF}as it is? I could become much MORE liberal with my thoughts, if{LF}you'd like. Care to test me? Tomorrow marks the end of the year. The days and nights really do fly by. But anyway, may you have a happy new year. Thank you. It's thanks to you that I can cross the threshold of another{LF}year. Ha ha...I know. Not the type of thing for me to say, is it? But anyway, may you have a happy new year. Oh yes. The @カレンダー0@ is tomorrow. I must admit, I don't like the idea of being dragged into this{LF}kind of nonsense. But well... If you went, I don't think I'd mind going with you. Really now? If you'd rather not, that's fine. I simply won't go then. I see. Well then, until tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. Ah, I see. Perhaps another time. We have some time yet until evening. Are you excited for it? Today is the day when the fireflies gather. I may come take a look, if I feel like it. That was fairly entertaining. I think I kind of understand why people like to view them{LF}with someone else. Tomorrow... It's the @カレンダー0@ correct? It's only once a year. Would you like to go watch them? Sure! I see. But know that I'm not just going because it's a festival. Huh? I'll go because you're with me. ...Wait, what's that supposed to mean? See you tomorrow! I can't wait. ♪ Well? Did you have fun today? Yeah! Uh, not really. I see. That's good. What about you, @レオン@? Me? I hate to admit it so I'm not telling. ...Oh. Erm, my apologies. I'm sorry I couldn't give you a better time. Ah, it's you. I've heard many interesting rumors about tomorrow's festival.{LF}Sounds like a fun day to mess with someone. Ah, it's you. My name is @しゅじんこうくん@. You could try using it sometime. I will. When I feel like it. Hmm? This is... Cause we're bros for life. You're special to me. Then...that means... ... I see. My. I guess even I can feel a little flustered occasionally. Oh yes. That is what today's festival is about. Though I'd have liked to have gotten one as more than just{LF}friends. W-wha?! Ha ha! I'm kidding, dummy. I see. ... This...is having more of an effect on me than I expected. Huh? It's nothing. But still... @しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you. I'm very happy to have gotten it. Ah! You used my name! ... ... H-hey, say something. What do you want me to say? Uhh... Come now. Spit it out. Um... Thank you for the gift. Could you say my name one more time? I will. When I feel like it. @カレンダー0@... I'm not quite used to this particular custom yet. Well then, what to do today? For me? What a surprise. This is a little different than what I'd been{LF}told. Still, I'm glad you thought to give it to me. Thank you. Ah, thank you. You don't look very happy. I'm not looking for one from a gentleman. It's not that kind of{LF}day, you know. True... Or are you perhaps... Never mind. I know you aren't. It was just a joke. Because otherwise I'd be swinging my fists. Here. A small token of thanks for entertaining me as much as you{LF}do. Oh, hold on. Here. This is for you. Oh...! That's the kind of day today is, is it not? What do you mean, this ''kind'' of day? It's the kind of day when you give presents to those you like. So I gave you a present. Then...that means... Just take it. Oh yes. Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Hmm? If you don't, spend the day with me. I see. ...Never mind, then. It was nothing important. Excellent. Come to @マップ1@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours tomorrow. I'll be waiting for you there. There you are. So what's up? Um, is this for... You already know, don't you? It's simple enough if you just think about what today is. Yes. Don't stare so much. It's disconcerting. I hope you like it. A @アイテム0@...? Yes. Thank you. You're welcome. Hee hee... ... @レオン@? Stop. Don't look at me with those puppy eyes. You're bright red, you know that? As are you. Hee hee hee! Hmph. You look ridiculously happy right now. ...Ah, well. I guess it isn't a bad thing to indulge every once{LF}in a while. Why? Well, uh... Can't you say it? See...there's, um, something I want to give to you. ... Tomorrow? Why not. Huh? I'll join you. Where and when would you like to meet? How about @0@ hundred hours at{LF}@マップ1@? All right. I'll be there. Until tomorrow, then. There you are. So there's something you wanted to give to me? Is this it? ...Well, given everything, I shouldn't have needed to ask. You noticed. Well you are my friend. Of course. You did make a point to call me here. Still... I'd like to hear you say it. Wha?! Tell me. What does this @アイテム0@ mean? Umm... Really? Yes. I...I see. What's wrong? Erm...I guess I had a rather embarrassing misconception. ...? ... I love you, @レオン@! You're special to me! Well said. ... Now, let me give you your reward. Close your eyes and turn your face towards me. ...! ... Good girl. You can be very cute at times, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? You're just going to pat my head? What, were you hoping for more? Uh, well...I... ...Never mind. Heh heh... So this event is held every year then. ... I'll just worry about next year when next year arrives. (...He's blushing.) @カレンダー0@? I wonder if what Kiel said is true. Ah, it's you. ...All right. Come with me, tomorrow. Then that is what we'll do. I see. Well. I guess I'll spend tomorrow relaxing alone. Well then, now what? It's rather chilly out, today. Don't let yourself get carried away by the festival. It wouldn't{LF}do for you to catch cold. That was actually rather amusing. What about you? Did you{LF}have fun? Yeah! It was okay. I was SO. BORED. That's good. I see. Then I guess I didn't do enough to amuse you as well. Excellent. Huh? I'm sure next year will be even more fun than this year. Are you familiar with @カレンダー0@? Tomorrow's festival? Say that again? Yes. ... ...I refuse. Huh? Well then, let's go to the observatory. Be sure you have everything you need. Ah, I see. Well then, let us do that. I hope your wish comes true. Yours, too. ... Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. What would you like to have made? An accessory, please. A weapon would be nice. How about a farm tool? I don't recall saying I would make it for you. That's not the answer I expected. That's just what I like about you. Why, given a choice, would you ask for something like that? Oh, well. That is very like you, I guess. All right. I'll use this as my entry into today's @カレンダー0@. The festivals in this town are always so...festive. And not only that, they can also be educational. They're very{LF}well thought-out. The @カレンダー0@... Are you good at cooking? I'm a master chef! I once killed a man. I see. Then I'll look forward to it. Ah, I see. That can create some unexpectedly disastrous scenarios. I'll{LF}allow it. Well then, what sorts of dishes will everyone present today? I can't wait to see both the grand dishes and the grand{LF}failures. This is an amusing festival. I like it. I'm excited for next year's already. Um, @レオン@? About tomorrow... What, are you asking me on a date? Huh?! Well...um... Tomorrow, then? Hmm... Sorry, tomorrow won't work for me. Sure! Where do you want to go? Come to @マップ1@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours tomorrow. Don't be late. I won't. Until tomorrow, then. A walk through the skies, eh? Why not? Your room? Hmm. I'm not against the idea. In fact, I'm rather intrigued. True. A leisurely day at home every once in a while is a good{LF}idea. That's not a bad idea. All right, I guess I could spend some time with you. Hmm... I feel like taking a flight. Huh? Maybe I'll make you something. Wha? May I suggest your room? Wha...? Well? S-sure... Excellent. Then we'll do that. Why don't we spend a leisurely day at home? That sounds like a good idea. Let's do that. ♪ Hmm... How about @マップ0@? Sure. Excellent. Then that's where we'll go. I already have plans for that time, so I probably shouldn't{LF}invite another person. ... @レオン@...? ...My apologies. I was entranced for a moment. ...! Just kidding. Sheesh! I'll leave you behind! Ha ha ha! Well? Are you having fun? Yes! You suck. What about you? That's good. If you're entertained, then I'm satisfied. ...I see. So you don't have fun when you're with me? Of course I am. I'm never bored when I'm with you. Watch your feet. Oh, thanks. Careful, now. Here, come closer to me. Eep! Hold on tightly. ... What, is there something on my face? Um... I just like your voice. Can we hold hands? It's nothing. Is that so? You're so cute. Man, sometimes I don't know what to do with you. Come on. We're going. I see. See you later. Later. Today with you was, as always, amusing. How about we go somewhere together again tomorrow? Huh? Just kidding. ...Though I wasn't lying when I said today was entertaining. Let us do it again sometime. Sure! Excellent answer. See you later, then. You know, I find that when I'm with you, I'm never bored. Huh? It's strange. Even just looking at your face makes me-- --really want to tease you. EEP! H-hey! Stoph phinchink my pheek! Ha ha! Sorry. You just look so adorable when you're mad. Urk...! ... Though I must say, your shy face is my favorite. Enough teasing already! Oh, it's never enough. Urk! Ha ha ha! Honestly, this is more fun than I've had in a long, long time. It'd be so easy to forget everything and spend all day like{LF}this. Wha? ...Nothing. Never mind. Ah, so you finally arrived. Did you perhaps forget about our date? I see. I'm sorry. I can see you are. Well then, as punishment, I demand you invite me on{LF}another date. Huh? I'm looking forward to it. I see. Playing dumb, huh? Well then, I will too. Ah, it's you. You were the one who forgot our date the other day... ...I'm sorry, I can't seem to remember your name. Ah, it's you. What was your name again? I can't seem to remember it. Come to @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours tomorrow. Don't be late. Come to @マップ0@ at @0@ hundred{LF}hours today. Don't be late. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. What? Sorry, you looked more adorable than usual. Wha? Just kidding... Well, half-kidding. @レオン@! Wait...''half'' kidding? Pay it no mind. Ah, so you finally arrive. I'm sorry I'm late. ... What are you doing? Come along, now. Huh? Thanks to you we've gotta make up for lost time. Come on! Oh... Ah, so you're already here. Couldn't bear to wait, huh? Nope. Nah, I was fine. I see. I couldn't, either. Huh? I see. Though I freely admit that I was tired of waiting. Wha...? Come on, then. We're going. We're headed to @マップ0@. What, do you intend to listen to my answer with a crowd{LF}behind you? What, do you intend to spend our date with someone{LF}tagging along behind you? Here you are. It's @アイテム0@. You're thirsty,{LF}right? Oh, you're finally here. This is @アイテム0@. I{LF}brought it for you. Going to bed for the night? Good morning. *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. I really love you! Just kidding. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone at @0@ hundred hours{LF}in @マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Please. No thank you. Oops! I don't have a Double Bed yet. Now isn't the time for that. I wonder what that is? If I want to propose to someone, I should probably figure this{LF}out first. I think @ビシュナル@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @クローリカ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @フォルテ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @キール@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @マーガレット@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ディラス@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @アーサー@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @シャオパイ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @コハク@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ダグ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @ドルチェ@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. I think @レオン@ is dealing with a really big problem{LF}right now. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@ for{LF}@1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. A boy. A girl. Either. ... ...? Ngh... Huh...? Ow...! Wh-what's wrong?! Oh no! We need to go see @ジョーンズ@ right away! ...! @しゅじんこうくん@...? Ow...I-I hurt all of a sudden... @しゅじんこうくん@...?! ...Nnngh...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! I hope the baby will be born quickly... ...Ngh! Wha...? M-my belly hurts... ...Have...to go...clinic... Oh no...! ...Wha? ...? Owww... @しゅじんこうくん@, don't tell me... ...It...it hurts...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go to the clinic right away! Yes. I'm sorry. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Hey. What's the whole point of this bean-throwing thing,{LF}anyway? Ooh! I'd like to know that too! Hmm...I think it was originally a festival from a kingdom far to{LF}the east. Yes. In that country's customs, throwing the beans drove off{LF}demons and illnesses. It also counted as a wish for health and long life, if I{LF}remember correctly. Hmm, so that's what it's all about? I see. So throwing these beans at Doug should drive him{LF}away. Interesting. I bet I could send you scampering if I threw them at you! Wow, that's neat! But... But what, Kiel? Why do we throw +Failed Dishes+ in our festival? ... ... ... I'm sure that must be our wish to drive off +failure+. Really?! Oh, that makes sense! You sure know a lot, Leon! ...Really? He totally made that one up. I've heard the ladies are considering going on diets. They are? Ugh, again? They're always on about that at this time of{LF}year. They freak out about that stuff too much if you ask me. Besides, they're way cuter if they have a little bit of chub to{LF}them. To each his own, I would think. However, it is a delicate topic with the ladies. I would broach{LF}it very carefully. Good point. Huh? For example, don't tell Margaret ''you've gained weight,''{LF}even just in passing. And never follow it up with ''you could never stick to a diet,''{LF}either. It sounds like you have some very...specific experience,{LF}Dylas. ... To tease knowingly is one thing, but to say it unknowingly{LF}with a straight face is simply foolish. Whatever happens, Kiel, do not grow into a man like him.{LF}Understand? What are you pointing at me for?! Right. I won't. Don't listen to him! I'm awesome! I wonder where they found that enormous Wooly. It is rather cute and fluffy, if I do say so myself. Perhaps it's a mutant strain. It is adorably huge. Eesh. Big is one thing, but that Wooly is way too big for its{LF}own good. The bigger they are, the fluffier and cuter they look, right? I agree wholeheartedly. It's gigantic! Are you sure that's even a Wooly? It is, without a doubt, a Wooly. Hmm. All right, then. Who the heck found that thing, and how did they get it{LF}here? That is an excellent question. Hmmm... Isn't it simply the cutest? It takes a lot of training to hit the target right where you aim,{LF}doesn't it? Yeah. It's pretty hard. Whatever, just keep throwing and something'll hit eventually. I think it's far more effective to calculate your trajectory{LF}before throwing. Hah! Who's gonna do that? What formula do you use for your calculations? Wha?! You're really gonna try that crap?! I find it easier to hit if I see Doug as the target. Aah, now that makes sense... ...WAIT, no it doesn't!! Brr! It's freezing out here! Aren't you guys cold at all? Of course we are! I'm not cold at all. Seriously? No fair! What, are you a snowman's kid or{LF}something? You just lack fortitude. Grr!! Well YOU'RE the one who lacks brains! What was that, you pebble-brained dwarf?! I said you're a brainless, swayback na--ACHOO!! EUGH! Well, there's no helping the cold. How about some exercise{LF}to warm up? Yeah, that's a great idea, Arthur. C'mon! Oh, I meant for you. I'm not particularly cold myself. Hey! L-Leon! You're cold too, right? I mean, it's freezing out here! You must be joking. This hardly qualifies as ''cold''-- ACHOO! ...Uh-huh. Erm, perhaps I will take a little exercise after all. Kiel, I bet you and Arthur are really good at quizzes. Heh. Is it that obvious? Does my propensity for trivia shine{LF}out through my retinas? There is an element of luck to it, though. Well I won't get a single one of 'em, so I'll just go with{LF}whatever answer you two pick. Smart idea. I know, right? You can't do that. This is a test you should overcome with{LF}your own strength. I will abide by the answers that @しゅじんこうくん@ chooses. So you had best get them correct. Wha?! Ugh, fishing is so boooring! I get bored just thinking about it. That's what makes it so relaxing. ...Huh? I don't get it. I'd like to come up with an efficient way to use the time as{LF}we wait for the fish to bite. I ain't working, if that's what you're saying. But isn't it so much fun when you do catch a fish? Even if{LF}hooking one can be rather hard. Yeah, catching one is fun! But I'm not really good at making{LF}sashimi and stuff... How about I teach you, then? Oh, will you? Thanks Leon! In return, you can cook whatever fish I catch. Deal? Yeah, that sounds great! ♪ Vishnal, would you care to join us? Please! I would be honored! And the rest of you? Nah, I'll pass. I have work I must be doing, I'm afraid. Ah. Well then, the rest of us will be off. ... Hunting down a good spot is such a pain. Hey, Dylas! Tell{LF}me where to find a good fishing hole! Sure. First, leave town by the south gate. Second, never{LF}come back. Ouch! That's mean, man. Mean! My. That is a lovely fishing rod you have there, Dylas. Thanks. Bado did some touch-ups on it for me. He's got good{LF}skill with weapons and forging. But nothing else. ... Kiel? You look pretty serious over there. Whew! I finally managed to bait the hook. Congratulations! I could have helped you if you'd said something. As could I. If you need help, just say so. I'd be happy to assist. Thanks guys! But I think I can manage by myself. Hey, guys, baiting this hook is a pain in the ass. Help me out. Is it, now? Good luck. Think of it as training! Yeah! Hey! How come I get ignored?! It looks like everyone will be having squid for dinner tonight. Yeah. Margaret is going to complain all night long. Ha ha! That she will. All right, time to go catch us some supper! Yes. I think I may join you. As will I. I'll come along, too! ♪ Why don't we all go? Dylas, don't just stand there. Come with us! What, I have to go too? Ah, well... Ooh, look everyone! I see lots of fish over there! Really? Let's head that way, then. Hey! Don't leave me behind! ... ...Hmph. Come on. Enough dilly-dallying. GAH! Now, I understand having a contest to see who's got the{LF}best vegetables... But why do we gotta go through this whole showcasing{LF}deal? I would think it's to show everyone all the best points of your{LF}entry. Yeah. After all the hard work you do raising it, you wanna{LF}show it all off, you know? That is the most enjoyable part to me. It's like an appraisal{LF}to ascertain its true value. Like a what? An appraisal, huh? That's very like you, Arthur. I kinda like all that presenting stuff, actually. It's fun! I don't care for it, personally. Well, you are terrible at public speaking, after all. Urk... Sh-shut up! Eesh, today's a hot one! Do we gotta have a festival today? I think it's lovely weather. If we get too sweaty, we can just go relax in the bath to{LF}wash off. True. A good soak after a long day's work is very relaxing. Yes. And the monster statues are adorable to look at. They are...? Baths, eh? Yeah, they're great after a long day. I wonder{LF}what fragrance they're using today. My, my! What's wrong? Margaret is being...irritating. Did you do something to upset her again? This is partly your fault, you know. Hey! I was just taking a nap, okay? It was Xiao Pai who{LF}smacked me awake! You were asleep on the job again, I take it? GAH!! How'd you guess? It isn't that difficult... Now that you mention it, Forte was slightly miffed as well. What did you do? I have no idea. I was simply teaching Kiel something useful. ...Yeah, but about what? Eesh. Women scare me sometimes. Yeah... Really? I'm afraid I disagree. You reap what you sow. Yeah, and it's YOUR fault! If we've gotta go through all these festivals, how about we{LF}have one for napping? What would anyone do in such a festival? Kick back, relax and nap, that's what! That does sound relaxing...though pointless. Clorica would win every year. But as long as we're inventing festivals, I'd like a bath{LF}festival! What would you do in that? See who could relax in the bath the longest! These hardly seem like proper festivals at all. I'd happily take part in a Beat Doug Senseless Festival. That's run at the same time as the Beat Dylas Senseless{LF}Festival! How about a @しゅじんこうくん@ Festival? Wha?! What would that be about? Hmm, good question. What would you like for it to be{LF}about? ♪ Umm... Hey guys! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year, everyone! Happy New Year! A Happy New Year to you all. Happy New Year. Yeah. Happy New Year. That's okay. I don't need one from you. Shaddap! I wasn't talking to you! There they go again, right from the first day of the year. And so a little piece of the old year carries over into the{LF}new. Nothing wrong with that. Aha! There you are, @しゅじんこうくん@! We're all going to attempt +splitting watermelons+ together. Come join us, @しゅじんこうくん@! What's so fun about destroying melons? Oh-ho! So you admit you can't beat me at it, eh? ...! Where's that melon?! I'll split it six ways from winter! Whoa, hold your horses! I'm up first! This sounds amusing. Let me join you. By the way, where is the watermelon? Vishnal was supposed to bring a few for us. Here they are! Hey, hold it! Those are +turnips+! ACK!! I...I brought the wrong ones. Oh well. Let's make this all Doug's fault. And something he planned, too. That seems reasonable. I'll buy that. WHA?! HEY! Why me?! Here, everyone. Please help yourselves to a warm drink. Ooh, thanks, Vishnal! ♪ That's thoughtful of you. Careful, Doug. It's hot. Thanks. ...Wait, did I really just--?! Here you go, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. Arthur, here. Have some. Hmm? What're you doing? I am re-confirming my schedule for next year. You're working? Seriously? C'mon! Goodness, that looks like a very full schedule. It's a holiday. You should take a break. But y'know, I think if he tried to take a break, he might just{LF}collapse. You might just be right, Kiel! Well, Arthur is quite the workaholic. Man, it's New Year's Eve! Can't you lay off the work for one{LF}day? Vishnal's too nice to nag you about it, but he made some{LF}good stuff. You oughta try it. Who are you calling a nag?! Huh? N-no, no! It's all right, Arthur. I wouldn't want to bother you. ...*THUNK*... Oh! Hmm? Huh? You have a point, Doug. I think I'll take today off. You will? Oh my gosh! Arthur's taking a break! Are you sure you're not sick? No, I'm not. May I have a cup too, Vishnal? Of course! I wonder why fireflies glow. The book I read said it's to protect themselves from{LF}predators. It's also to attract a mate. So they do it because they wanna stand out, then? Just like some empty-headed shrimps I could name. Strange, I don't know any of those, 'Mr. Horsie'. What did you just say?! Bring it, gelding! I'm ready! A gentle glow to call a mate, eh? That has a touch of{LF}romance to it. Perhaps I should glow a little. Ooh! You can glow, Leon? Of course. Would you like me to show you how? Yeah! Uh, guys? Leon is messing with Kiel again. I wonder who's going to give how much to whom. You sound like you're having fun, Vishnal. Huh? N-no, not really! Hey, why don't we try to guess which of us is gonna get the{LF}most? Amongst us? Hmm... In that case... I would expect it to be Arthur. He has quite a few contacts. But none very well-versed in this town's unique events. Personally, I think it may be Leon. Me too! Maybe it will be Kiel. Huh? Me? All we can say for sure is that Doug will get none. Right back at you. What do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? Vishnal. Kiel. Arthur. Doug. Dylas. Leon. What? Me?! Um...eheh heh...I shall try my best to live up to expectations! See! @しゅじんこうくん@ agrees with me! I'm not so sure. I don't see why it would be me. But thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. Vishnal. I'm flattered. Me? I'm unsure I will be able to live up to such lofty expectations. But I'm flattered you think so highly of me. Thank you. Me? Ha ha! Knew it! @しゅじんこうくん@, you can't be serious. Oh, don't get jealous now. Who's jealous?! This just goes to show you that @しゅじんこうくん@ knows{LF}what's what. Me? Well, I'm happy you think so, at least. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Him? No way! You're joking! Maybe, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to pound you,{LF}Doug. Hmm? Me? Well, if you really think so... But in the end, it's not the quantity, it's the quality. So who did you guys give some to? I sent some to Mr. Volkanon and Clorica. I gave some to my sister. I presented one to Porcoline. Though I was the one who made it. And I am very grateful for your efforts. Thank you. Hmm. To be honest, I have not yet decided to whom I should{LF}present. Hmph. Well, that's boring. What about you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Are you going to give out{LF}any? Yeah. No. Oooh, who to? Who's the lucky lady? That is not the easiest question to answer in front of{LF}everyone, Doug. But you can tell me. I'll keep it secret to my dying day. Not fair, Arthur! I want to know too! Yeah! It's not right to keep it a secret, @しゅじんこうくん@. You{LF}should tell all of us. No? Hmm... I doubt that. Really. Are you simply hiding it from us, @しゅじんこうくん@? You sneaky little player! Enough beating around the bush. Out with it. Yeah. I wanna know, too! ♪ Hey, have you all heard the legend behind today's festival? If you wish upon the highest star in the sky, your wish will{LF}come true. That's it...no? Yeah. But there was something else to it, too. I just can't{LF}remember what. Oh, I know! If two people make a wish together, they will be{LF}bound for eternity. Doug, stay far away from me when you make your wish.{LF}About a million miles or so. Oh yeah? Well you stand a billion miles away from me! You{LF}got it?! So if two men were to make a wish together, they would be{LF}friends forever? Eesh! This festival is way more dangerous than I'd thought! Well, I think it's romantic. Man, I'm no good at cooking at all. I am not particularly good at it either. Any skill will get better with practice. Yeah. If you think about the people you're cooking for, you'll get it{LF}right in no time! ♪ So...do you think that someday even I'll be able to cook like{LF}Porcoline? Sure! I know you will! So you wanna get all fat, then?! You shut up! I'd love to try Kiel's cooking one day. As would I. Well, stop on by sometime. I don't mind. Do you have any{LF}specific requests? Anything with rice! No. Something with carrots. Well, since you asked, I would like--- I would not be averse to--- Oh, and besides that, could you make some--- Um, okay. So I guess I'll start with a rice base, add some of{LF}this and that, then maybe... Y'know, since everyone is coming, I should just ask my sister{LF}to help out! Maybe you shouldn't. Ugh. Crafting stuff is such a pain! Anything resembling work is a pain to you. Hey!! ...You've got a point, I guess. Interesting. We often hear about how dwarves are{LF}particularly skilled at forging. Really? I'm just no good at all that little fiddly stuff. I'm not really good at forging stuff either. If forging is not to your taste, have you tried hand-crafting? I{LF}mean accessories and the like. Accessories? I might be able to make some of those. Ugh, even worse! All those teeny tiny little bits and pieces! What kind of monsters does everyone like? I like big, fluffy, roly-poly ones! Those are nice. I prefer small ones. Large ones with pleasant{LF}temperaments aren't bad, though. Well, I like the big and strong ones! Oh, and ''ducks,'' too! Because our names sound almost{LF}alike. ...And you're just as stupid. What was that?! What about you, Leon? Me? I'm partial to ''Golems,'' actually. What, so you like the old and moldy stuff? No, he likes that they're big and tough, I bet. Actually, what I like about them is that they are utterly{LF}subservient to my will. ♪ ...Oh. What kind of monsters do you prefer, @しゅじんこうくん@? Cute ones. Cool ones. Strong ones. I agree! The adorable ones are decidedly the best. Ooh, I think so too! The cool ones are the best. Right? Right! There ain't no beating the strong ones! Summer's almost here. Ugh! I can barely tolerate all that{LF}sticky heat! It's become awfully frosty at night. I detest the cold. Tomorrow is Dylas' birthday. If he has any flaw, it's that he is too taciturn. But even that's okay. That's a trait that can be changed with{LF}the passage of time. Tomorrow is Amber's birthday. The best birthday presents are the ones the recipient loves. And just so you know, Amber loves{LF}@アイテム0@. Tomorrow is Dolce's birthday. Pico always raises such a fuss when I attempt to give her a{LF}present. So you aren't going to give her one this time? Of course I will! Dolce is always so pleased by them. And a pleased Dolce{LF}means a pleased Pico, you know. I mean...n-never mind! ... Tomorrow is Leon's birthday. I owe him a great deal. I wish to present him with something{LF}to convey my gratitude, but... But what? Knowing him, he will just shrug it off and insist he did{LF}nothing of importance. Oh. Hmph. He can be a difficult man when he so chooses. Today, @キャラ0@ @0@, is my birthday. For a present, I'd be pleased with{LF}@アイテム0@. Hmm? I am not so tired that I need be fussed over by you. This is nothing! I'm all right! Urf... My vision is fuzzy... I may play with you again some time. Ah, it's time for me to return. My apologies, but I must go. @セルザ@, do you want to go somewhere together? My apologies, but I'm not in the mood today. I feel frisky today. I think I'll spare some time to play with{LF}you. Fool. Can you not at least ascertain who is with you first? Have you some time? Would you care to go somewhere with{LF}me? ...Ah. But it seems you already have companions. Hmph. How{LF}dull. Of course you will. You have no reason to refuse me, after{LF}all! What?! Don't think I will forget this! ... This must be what it means to have one's jaw drop from{LF}shock. Have you finally lost your wits? Cretin! You are naught but two bites to me! Grr... A human-sized ring will not fit me, you know. Of course, even should you have a dragon-sized ring, I could{LF}not accept it. Giving rubbish to me? How brazen of you! I can hardly believe you would give such a thing to me. Do you not have any idea what my favorite dishes are? This...this is... @しゅじんこうくん@, you boor! What cause have I given you to{LF}hate me so? If you wish to gift me with something, I prefer{LF}@アイテム0@. I would be pleased if you gave me{LF}@アイテム0@ sometime. @アイテム9@? Not bad. Ah, quite thoughtful of you. @アイテム9@, eh? My thanks. My thanks. Next time, bring me a portion of the +crops+ you have raised. It would please me. Ooh, @アイテム9@? And a perfectly ripe one, at that. My thanks! Ah, @アイテム9@? Pouring a touch of this over some{LF}@アイテム0@ is delectable! My thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. Amah! @アイテム9@! A generous dollop of these over some{LF}@アイテム0@ is delicious! My thanks, my thanks! Ooh! I see @アイテム9@! I could expect no less of you, @しゅじんこうくん@! I guess there is merit to simply asking for something after all. My thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. You have my gratitude. Is that...@アイテム9@? I'm surprised you found such a thing. They are not easy to{LF}come by. My thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. Ah, my thanks. What a wonderful sparkle. It's almost entrancing! Yes? Am I to drink this? *GLUG* *GLUG* Hmm. It seems that was enchanted. That was not the most powerful of love potions, but you still{LF}ought to use it only in moderation. You present this to me on my +birthday+? You DO realize the meaning of a +birthday+, do you not? H-how could you? Today is my +birthday+! But you...you... Why would you do such a thing to me?! Oh. @アイテム9@. It's not the best +birthday present+... But it's better than getting naught at all, I guess. My thanks. Oh! @アイテム9@! Well done. An excellent +birthday present+ indeed. You have my gratitude. Ooh, @アイテム9@. My thanks,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Now if only I could get some @アイテム0@... But I cannot ask for anything more in good conscience. @アイテム9@?! Ah, to receive @アイテム9@ on my +birthday+... Truly, I am blessed. @しゅじんこうくん@, you have my deepest gratitude. I have never been so glad as today to have you as a friend! Ah! You made this yourself, didn't you? What was better than nothing is now better than most! And you made it by your own hand, too. That is more than satisfactory. And made by your own hand, even! All for my sake... I will consider you my friend forever! @アイテム9@? My thanks. Ah, and this is handmade. To go so far for a simple present...I am impressed. You are quite dedicated. Ooh! You made this by your own hand! Mmm...! Exquisite! You are rather good, if I do say so myself. What?! You made this by your own hand? ... By the stars, your skills are enough to impress the gods. This is a token of my gratitude. Accept it with my thanks. ... Today is your +birthday+, is it not? Happy Birthday. I have a gift for you. Really? Of course. This is my +birthday gift+ to you. Accept it with my thanks. What, are you not feeling well? You look pale, even for one of your kind. Here. Drink this and rest. Have Jones take a look at you. He will know what is best to{LF}do. I see your +Farming Skill+ has grown to the point where you{LF}are at home on the fields. Well done. Keep up the good work. Well, well! It seems you have raised your +Farming Skill+ significantly. It would not be an overstatement to say you are now a{LF}proficient farmer. What a superb +Farming Skill+. Who would have guessed you would become so adept? I am impressed! Stars above! How under all the skies have you earned such{LF}an incredible +Farming Skill+? Even I had no idea you had such talent slumbering within{LF}you! You have become a god of the fields! Ah, perfect timing. This is for you. Take good care of it. How fare the fields? In all things, you must work with love. Be diligent, now. Yay! Your Farming Skill went up! Are you familiar with this recipe? Heh heh... Well then, allow me to teach it to you. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good morning, @セルザ@. How fare your memories? Well... ...I see. By the by, it seems as if you have acclimated yourself to your{LF}duties as @姫@. Little by little, yeah. No, no. You are doing well. Very well. Especially in the fields. The crops you harvest are especially{LF}powerful. Not many can raise crops so bursting with life. Really? Yes. You have my word on that. Thanks. Accordingly... I have a special request which requires a skilled person such{LF}as yourself. What is it? So that's why you called. Yes. W-wait, that was not why! Honest! ... Why are you looking at me like that? ...Ahem. Anyway, never mind that. I would like for you to explore the @マップ0@{LF}for me. The @マップ0@? Yes. There has been a foul air about the place recently. I dunno. Isn't it something you can check out,{LF}@セルザ@? Me? I... ...? Erm, whatever the case, you are the one best suited for the{LF}job. Why? Well... Because you possibly have the best...aptitude, should I say? ??? Anyway! You are the one most fit for the mission! It is likely to be difficult, but will you do it for me? All right. I dunno... When I feel like it. So you will! Excellent! I knew I could count on you, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ Sheesh. Honestly, you can be so glib sometimes,{LF}@セルザ@. Hmph! But I know you, @しゅじんこうくん@. You will go. You are too kind not to listen. Right? Sheesh, @セルザ@... Oh, come! Do not worry about all the trifling details. Go on, then! I know you will not fail me! Wait, I didn't actually say I'd do it, yet. Hmm? Oh, @アイテム0@. How about @1@ Gold for @0@{LF}@アイテム0@? Then how about @1@ Gold? I see. Well then this time I shall pass. Well then, I shall take it. Hrm. Not today. Shall I? Or shan't I... What else do you have? Yes, this is an excellent shop you have. Good luck with your shop. It must be fate that brought you to me. ...? I am glad, very glad, that you are here. @セルザ@... Wh-what...? S-stop giving me that sappy look. You're embarrassing me. A-anyway. You have my deepest thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...But do not expect me to say this again! Now get going! Aah, so you and @キャラ0@ have become lovers{LF}now, eh? I see, I see... Wh-what? Hmm? Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. You know, you shine so brightly right now I can barely stand{LF}to look at you. Oh, great. She's making fun of me. It has been quite some time, you know. Can you at least{LF}come and greet me once a day? It can be rather lonely here. I would be pleased to speak{LF}with you more often. Ah, so you won, did you? You've done quite well for yourself. Nothing is impossible for me! Happy New Year. I look forward to your efforts on my behalf in the coming{LF}year. Here. Is some New Year's gift money for you. Accept it gratefully, now. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Whatever shall I do this year? Heh heh heh... Ha ha! How entertaining! This year was as amusing as ever. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Perhaps I shall participate as well. Volkanon even prepared enough for me to enjoy. It would be nice if you could be as thoughtful,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Aah, how satisfying! It's so pleasing to have a day to enjoy a{LF}larger meal than usual. The @カレンダー0@? Hmph! It feels as though my popularity has been stolen by that{LF}Wooly. How irritating! A Wooly, eh...? Heh heh... What a woolly Wooly. So adorable. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Why, under all the stars, are the targets turnips? Why turnips...? I cannot understand it! Why TURNIPS?! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Who will be the one to shed a tear this year? Take care, now. Be sure you don't become the target of a{LF}concentrated barrage. Well? Were you not injured? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. A contest where knowledge and wisdom rule the day. It will{LF}be a pleasure to observe. The @カレンダー0@ will begin soon. I wonder who{LF}will emerge victorious? Aha ha! What amusing questions! I am already anxious to{LF}hear what will be asked next year. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. What would you say{LF}to joining the festival as my pet? Um, I'm not a pet. How about the other way around, then, @セルザ@?{LF}Would you like to enter as MY pet? Nonsense! I am by no means the pet of anyone. Everyone seems to have such powerful pets this year. What a passionate battle! Hmm, perhaps next year I shall{LF}participate as well... Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Boooooooring. Everyone quietly enjoys their fishing, leaving me with nothing{LF}to do. Zzz... *YAAAWN* Has the @カレンダー0@ ended? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I fished once, a long time ago. Really? How? I would dangle the tip of my tail in the water, like so. And{LF}then, with a flip... ...I would catch them! It's difficult for me to sit still for any length of time. Am I truly that impatient? Today is a beautiful day. Perfect weather for fishing. I hope tomorrow will be as lovely and clear. So who was victorious? You, @しゅじんこうくん@? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I see... What's up? I can't wait! Hmm? Nothing... Don't you like it? Well, I don't find it detestable. However, during this festival, the whole town reeks of squid.{LF}It stinks! Urf... Hmph. I cannot say I enjoy this day. I haven't had a single bite of squid, yet my lungs have had{LF}enough of them! Hmph. Stars and skies above. Perhaps I will burn every squid out of the lake. That may end{LF}this stench. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Fishing in the midst of this chill. Skies above! Is everyone that fond of the cold? Perhaps I shall try participating once. Still... Spending my rare day off sleeping sounds so much better. Aah. I thoroughly enjoyed my day off. It seems everyone is growing vegetables. Tomorrow will be the @カレンダー0@, you know. All of these vegetables look very tasty. Would it do much harm if I were to snack on one or two? I think those vegetables would make a lovely tithe to me,{LF}don't you agree? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Summer vegetables are always so juicy and delectable. They{LF}never fail to rouse my appetite. Eating vegetables pleases me greatly, but I don't enjoy{LF}growing them. It's such an endless bother, I cannot bear it. I heard everyone speaking loudly and enthusiastically. It's good to put your all into something. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. ...I feel hungry already. Fall is the season of feasting, to be sure. Every one of those{LF}vegetables looks delicious. Tonight's dinner will be an array of delicious vegetables. I{LF}cannot wait! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Have you prepared yourself, @しゅじんこうくん@? You are renting a very large field from me, after all. It would be unexpected for you to lose. It's pleasing to hear everyone talking and laughing so loudly. Stars above, it's hot. And it will be even hotter tomorrow? Urf...I already cannot bear it. Stars above, it's hot. Will summer not end soon? Is there something you have yet to do? After all, tomorrow marks the end of this year. And so another year comes to an end. To me, a single year is a very short time. What about you? The span of a single mortal's life is startlingly short. Be sure to live yours without regrets. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. While I agree they are lovely, is it really worth such a fuss? Mortals can be so odd at times. @しゅじんこうくん@! I have had a marvelous idea. If I were to breathe pretty fire flashes, will mortals come and{LF}make a festival of it? I wonder how the fireflies can stand to be stared at so. I{LF}know I would start fidgeting. @カレンダー0@, eh? @しゅじんこうくん@, is it me, or is there an extra gleam in your{LF}eye today? Ah, youth. There are none for you! Not one @アイテム0@ left. Ahh, so you have one for me? Excellent! I knew you would understand the way of things. I have been blessed with a worthy friend. Indeed, you deserve praise. Good job! Playing the part of a girl today? Well! As you are gifting me with a{LF}@アイテム0@, I do not mind, myself. But if you are thinking to step upon THAT path, do so{LF}carefully. It's no path to walk lightly. @しゅじんこうくん@, I present you with this. A @アイテム0@? I, erm, received one as a gift. However, as I am not hungry at the moment, well... I thought it would be a pity to waste it. And you happened to come by. So it has become a gift from me, though there is no deep{LF}meaning to it. Y-yes. No deep meaning at all! So, erm...accept it and be grateful. Thanks, Venti. Who will you be gifting with a @アイテム0@{LF}today? Come, come. You can tell me. I will keep it secret! And who has gifted you with a @アイテム0@{LF}today? Come, come. You can tell me. I will keep it secret! What is the point of you gifting others with a{LF}@アイテム0@? Oh, so you don't want it? When did I say such a thing? I am always pleased to receive gifts. I am not that haughty. Ah, is this for me? So does this mean you harbor special feelings for me? Yep! Not really. So you say... However, I am not so young that I can be bewitched by a{LF}youth such as you. ...Are you blushing? You are blushing, are you not? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. I wonder when it first started. It's such an odd tradition to say wishes come true if made on{LF}a star this night. Hmm, perhaps I shall try making a wish as you mortals do. ... What did you wish for? What meaning would there be in telling you? Aww, you won't tell? O-of course I won't! Now then, when will my wish come true? Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Have you decided what you will craft, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yeah. Not yet. I'm not making anything. I see, I see! I cannot wait to see tomorrow's results. Have you not yet made up your mind? I see. Not expecting{LF}much of a challenge, are you? What? Will you not participate? This festival is only once a year. It would be a pity to miss it. Well then, I am anxious to discover what kind of works we{LF}will see today. There was quite the array of lovely works today. Seeing{LF}pretty things pleases me greatly. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Ah, I can hardly wait to see what sort of delicious feasts will{LF}be presented. Today is the @カレンダー0@. I wonder what feasts will be presented today? Aside from Forte's and Vishnal's travesties, the dishes{LF}presented today were all delicious! You're finally here. Take this. It's the best thing to drink after{LF}a hot bath. *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Now isn't the time for that. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please take your time. ♪ I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Look! Look! I can dunk my face in the water now! Isn't that neat? How well can you swim, @キャラ0@? Brr! The water's so cold! Aren't you gonna get in, @キャラ0@? Tomorrow's @キャラ1@'s +birthday+. Let's go say ''Happy Birthday'' together! Yeah? @キャラ0@. @キャラ0@, I'm tired... Waaah...I feel dizzy... Oh...okay. Be careful! Uh oh! If I don't go home, @キャラ1@ is gonna be{LF}mad! @子供ちゃん@, do you want to go somewhere with me? Sorry, @キャラ0@. Not now. Yeah! Yeah! Um, @キャラ0@...? You already have somebody{LF}with you. I only wanna play with you. @キャラ0@, @キャラ0@! I wanna play{LF}with you! Oh! But not right now and stuff. Yaaay! Awww...you big meanie! And I really, really, REALLY love you too,{LF}@キャラ0@! Umm...I'm gonna go run away from home now. Do you wanna marry me, @キャラ0@? Aww...this thing's dumb. I don't want it. Ew! Yucky! I hate that stuff! I like @アイテム0@ instead. Oh, and @アイテム1@, too! I like those lots and lots! Thanks, @キャラ0@! Yay, it's @アイテム9@! Thanks! Yaaay! @アイテム9@! Thanks! But, um...y'know? I-if you can... I'd really like @アイテム0@. @アイテム9@! @アイテム9@! @アイテム9@!!! Yaaay!! Thanks, @キャラ0@! @アイテム9@! Yaaay!! I love you, @キャラ0@! What's this stuff? Ooh, I can drink some? *GLUG* *GLUG* Eeeww...it tastes funny. Is this my +birthday present+? But I hate this stuff. Thanks, @キャラ0@! Ooh, I like this stuff! Yay! Thanks, @キャラ0@! ♪ Is this @アイテム9@? Oooh, it's @アイテム9@! Wow, @キャラ0@! Thanks! I love you!! Did you make this all by yourself, @キャラ0@? That's neat! Yay! You made this all by yourself, too! Hee hee hee! ♪ I love it. I'm gonna go tell everyone what you gave me! Did you make this, @キャラ0@? Wow! Here's a thank-you present! ♪ Is this my Christmas present? Oh... Awww! I hate this stuff! @キャラ0@! Go tell Santa he's a big meanie-pants! No one has meaner{LF}pants than Santa!! Yaaay! Presents! ...Huh? Wait, it's Santa who brings presents, right? Are you Santa, @キャラ0@? No, I'm not Santa. Santa asked me to give this to you for him. Oh, okay! I wish I coulda met Santa. Hey, @キャラ0@? Tell Santa thanks for me, okay? I will. I'll be sure to tell him about you. Oooh...! Is this for me? Yes, it's for you. I can really have it? Yes, you can. Yaaaay!! Thanks, Santa! Yaay! I love it, I love it! It's @アイテム9@! My very mostest favorite! Wasn't that great of Santa?! Thanks!! When I grow up, I wanna be a Santa, too! Oooh! ♪ @アイテム9@! Today's my +birthday+! Hee hee hee! ♪ Do I look older? +Happy Birthday+, @キャラ0@! Look, look! I got a present for you! @キャラ0@, you look funny. Are you sick? Uh-oh! Are you gonna be okay? Here! @キャラ1@ gave me some medicine. You can have{LF}it! So get better okay? I'm gonna make you go to the doctor too 'cause you make{LF}me do it. They help you get better. Here, @キャラ0@! This is for you. @キャラ0@! Um... I love you, lots! Yay! Your Love Skill went up! Guess what! Guess what! I learned a new recipe! Wanna{LF}hear it? @キャラ0@, good luck with your shop! Thanks. ♪ Wow, I feel a lot more motivated, now. I think my chance of{LF}selling things has just gone up! Um... @キャラ0@? You don't ever pay any attention to{LF}me... I always feel all warm and fuzzy when we talk. So could we talk lots and lots more? Please? @子供ちゃん@... Bye-bye, @キャラ0@! Boy, @キャラ0@. You really get along with{LF}@キャラ1@. And I really get along with you and @キャラ1@,{LF}too! We're all the bestest friends! @キャラ0@...! How come you won't play with me? @キャラ0@! Let's play together today! @キャラ0@ won?! Whoooaaa! They're so cool! @キャラ0@, guess what? I won! Isn't that neat? Sure is! Hee hee hee! Happy New Year! And Happy New Year to the best kid a parent could ask for! @キャラ0@! Let's play together lots and lots this year, too! Give 500G gift money. Be a cheap-ass. Here, @子供ちゃん@. I have some New Year's gift money{LF}for you. Yaay! Thanks, @キャラ0@! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I wonder if I can win. I'm gonna try real hard! Everybody did awesome!! But I couldn't win. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I can eat lots of dessert and @キャラ1@ won't get{LF}mad at me, right? Ooh, that looks yummy! And that, too! Which should I eat first? Mmmm...I'm stuffed. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. The big Mr. Wooly is gonna come, right? I can't wait to see him! Look! Look! It's the big Mr. Wooly! Mr. Wooly was really cute. Can I have a big Wooly, too? I promise I'll take care of it! @キャラ0@, @キャラ0@! Tomorrow is{LF}the @カレンダー0@! I'm gonna win this time! Watch me, @キャラ0@! ... I'm so proud of you! You were really close. I don't know why... I didn't win. ...Yeah. Don't worry. We can try again next time. @キャラ0@! Pop quiz! Ahem...! What day is tomorrow? My birthday. The @カレンダー0@. Your birthday. Ding ding ding! You got it right! Aww, @キャラ0@! That's not it! The right answer is the @カレンダー0@. I'm gonna try real hard! @キャラ0@, @キャラ0@! Did you watch{LF}me? I tried really hard! @キャラ0@, @キャラ0@! @キャラ0@, listen! Is the @カレンダー0@ gonna have questions I can{LF}answer, too? Yep! It will. I don't think so. I'll get them all correct. Really? Yaaay!! Aww, no fair! Really? You will? Wooow! I can't wait for the quiz! ♪ @キャラ0@, guess what, guess what! I got an{LF}answer right! Isn't that neat? I can't wait for tomorrow's @カレンダー0@. Oh? But you don't have a pet. Yes I do! Huh? Oops...! ... Heh heh. ♪ I'm not gonna lose to you, @キャラ0@! Aww, I didn't win. But I'm still gonna give my pets a whole{LF}lot of petting and treats! ♪ Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Catch a whole bunch of fish, okay @キャラ0@? Fishy, fishy, fishy! How many fish have you caught, @キャラ0@? Aww, I didn't win. That stinks. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. You and @キャラ1@ are both gonna fish, right? You're gonna win today, right @キャラ0@? How are you doing, @キャラ0@? Didja catch lots of fish? Aww, I didn't win. That stinks. @キャラ0@? How come we gotta catch squid? Squiddy squiddy squid! ♪ I wonder why we gotta catch squid. Do you know why, @キャラ0@? Why do we hafta catch squid? Catch lots and lots of them tomorrow, okay{LF}@キャラ0@? @キャラ0@, guess what! @キャラ1@ said aaall the fish you catch today are{LF}gonna be our dinner tonight! So catch lots, okay? @キャラ1@ caught lots of fish today, too. So even if you didn't catch any, @キャラ0@, we'll{LF}still have a big dinner. @キャラ0@, guess what! I grew a veggie! Oh! But I'm not gonna tell you what kind. It's a secret, so I'm not gonna show it to you yet! I'm gonna win! Aww! I did my best in my showcase, but it didn't work. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Hmmm...the @カレンダー0@. The @カレンダー0@... I'm gonna win! You aren't gonna win this time, @キャラ0@,{LF}because I'm gonna! You did great, @キャラ0@! @キャラ0@...! Are you ready for tomorrow's @カレンダー0@? Are you ready, @キャラ0@? You aren't gonna lose, right, @キャラ0@? Boooo! I didn't win. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Good luck, @キャラ0@. Heh heh. ♪ I told everyone that you're gonna win, @キャラ0@! @キャラ0@... @カレンダー0@ starts tomorrow! Yaaaay! Ah ha ha! The water's so cold! I love playing in the water. @カレンダー0@? What do you do on @カレンダー0@? Today's the end of the year. @キャラ1@ told me so! It's the @カレンダー0@! @キャラ1@ told me so. Look! A firefly! ♪ Oooh! ♪ Pretty! @キャラ0@... I'm sleepy... Tomorrow we get @アイテム0@, right? I wonder how many I'll get. Guess what I'm gonna do tomorrow! Hee hee... It's a secret! Can I have some candy? I got lots of candy today! I'm popular! Thanks, @キャラ0@! I love you! Can I eat my candy, now? Thanks, @キャラ0@! Huh? @キャラ0@, are you a girl? N-no! I'm the very definition of man! The manliest of men{LF}who ever manned in my manly history! Really? But @キャラ1@ told me today is when girls give{LF}candy to boys. That doesn't count when you give some to children. Really? Really. Oh, okay! I got it wrong, then. Here, @キャラ0@. This is for you! Are you happy I gave you candy? Hee hee hee! Guess what, guess what! Tomorrow is a day for giving out candy! Tomorrow we get a lot of @アイテム0@. I wonder how many I'll get. Do I gotta give people candy? I wanna eat some candy, too. Who are you going to give candy to, @子供ちゃん@? Hee hee! That's a secret! ♪ Are you gonna hand out candy, too, @キャラ0@? You're super cool, @キャラ0@! It'll be okay! Hee hee! I got candy from @キャラ0@. I'm really popular! ♪ Yay! I got candy! Thanks, @キャラ0@! I love you lots! ♪ Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. I wonder what Santa's gonna bring me. Did Santa come yet? Santa hasn't come yet... ... I wish I got a better one. ... I gotta say thank you to Santa! @キャラ0@, @キャラ0@! If I'm reeeally good, will Santa come again next year? Hee hee! ♪ Yaaay! Presents! I'm gonna win tomorrow! What are you going to make? It's a secret. I'm gonna win, @キャラ0@! Boooo! I didn't win. I can't wait until tomorrow's @カレンダー0@. Are you going to participate, too, @子供ちゃん@? Yep! I'm not gonna lose to you, @キャラ0@! @キャラ1@ taught me how to make a really{LF}yummy dish. There's no way I'm gonna lose! ... Let's try again next time, okay? I wanna eat Uncle Porco's cooking. Wha?! @キャラ0@, have you warmed up? Here. It's @アイテム0@! ♪ *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Now isn't the time for that. I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Look! Look! I can dunk my face in the water now! Isn't that neat? How well can you swim, @キャラ0@? Brr! The water's so cold! Aren't you gonna get in, @キャラ0@? Tomorrow's @キャラ1@'s +birthday+. Let's go say ''Happy Birthday'' together! Yeah? @キャラ0@. @キャラ0@, I'm tired... Waaah...I feel dizzy... Oh...okay. Be careful! Uh oh! If I don't go home, @キャラ1@ is gonna be{LF}mad! @子供ちゃん@, do you want to go somewhere with me? Sorry, @キャラ0@. Not now. Yeah! Yeah! Um, @キャラ0@...? You already have somebody{LF}with you. I only wanna play with you. @キャラ0@, @キャラ0@! I wanna play{LF}with you! Oh! But not right now and stuff. Yaaay! Awww...you big meanie! And I really, really, REALLY love you too,{LF}@キャラ0@! Umm...I'm gonna go run away from home now. Do you wanna marry me, @キャラ0@? Aww...this thing's dumb. I don't want it. Ew! Yucky! I hate that stuff! I like @アイテム0@ instead. Oh, and @アイテム1@, too! I like those lots and lots! Thanks, @キャラ0@! Yay, it's @アイテム9@! Thanks! Yaaay! @アイテム9@! Thanks! But, um...y'know? I-if you can... I'd really like @アイテム0@. @アイテム9@! @アイテム9@! @アイテム9@!!! Yaaay!! Thanks, @キャラ0@! @アイテム9@! Yaaay!! I love you, @キャラ0@! What's this stuff? Ooh, I can drink some? *GLUG* *GLUG* Eeeww...it tastes funny. Is this my +birthday present+? But I hate this stuff. Thanks, @キャラ0@! Ooh, I like this stuff! Yay! Thanks, @キャラ0@! ♪ Is this @アイテム9@? Oooh, it's @アイテム9@! Wow, @キャラ0@! Thanks! I love you!! Did you make this all by yourself, @キャラ0@? That's neat! Yay! You made this all by yourself, too! Hee hee hee! ♪ I love it. I'm gonna go tell everyone what you gave me! Did you make this, @キャラ0@? Wow! Here's a thank-you present! ♪ Is this my Christmas present? Oh... Awww! I hate this stuff! @キャラ0@! Go tell Santa he's a big meanie-pants! No one has meaner{LF}pants than Santa!! Yaaay! Presents! ...Huh? Wait, it's Santa who brings presents, right? Are you Santa, @キャラ0@? No, I'm not Santa. Santa asked me to give this to you for him. Oh, okay! I wish I coulda met Santa. Hey, @キャラ0@? Tell Santa thanks for me, okay? I will. I'll be sure to tell him about you. Oooh...! Is this for me? Yes, it's for you. I can really have it? Yes, you can. Yaaaay!! Thanks, Santa! Yaay! I love it, I love it! It's @アイテム9@! My very mostest favorite! Wasn't that great of Santa?! Thanks!! When I grow up, I wanna be a Santa, too! Oooh! ♪ @アイテム9@! +Happy Birthday+, @キャラ0@! Look, look! I got a present for you! @キャラ0@, you look funny. Are you sick? Uh-oh! Are you gonna be okay? Here! @キャラ1@ gave me some medicine. You can have{LF}it! So get better okay? I'm gonna make you go to the doctor too 'cause you make{LF}me do it. They help you get better. Here, @キャラ0@! This is for you. @キャラ0@! Um... I love you, lots! Guess what! Guess what! I learned a new recipe! Wanna{LF}hear it? @キャラ0@, good luck with your shop! Thanks. ♪ Wow, I feel a lot more motivated, now. I think my chance of{LF}selling things has just gone up! Boy, @キャラ0@. You really get along with{LF}@キャラ1@. And I really get along with you and @キャラ1@,{LF}too! We're all the bestest friends! @キャラ0@...! How come you won't play with me? @キャラ0@! Let's play together today! @キャラ0@ won?! Whoooaaa! They're so cool! @キャラ0@, guess what? I won! Isn't that neat? Sure is! Hee hee hee! Happy New Year! And Happy New Year to the best kid a parent could ask for! @キャラ0@! Let's play together lots and lots this year, too! Give 500G gift money. Be a cheap-ass. Here, @子供ちゃん@. I have some New Year's gift money{LF}for you. Yaay! Thanks, @キャラ0@! Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I wonder if I can win. I'm gonna try real hard! Everybody did awesome!! But I couldn't win. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. I can eat lots of dessert and @キャラ1@ won't get{LF}mad at me, right? Ooh, that looks yummy! And that, too! Which should I eat first? Mmmm...I'm stuffed. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. The big Mr. Wooly is gonna come, right? I can't wait to see him! Look! Look! It's the big Mr. Wooly! Mr. Wooly was really cute. Can I have a big Wooly, too? I promise I'll take care of it! @キャラ0@, @キャラ0@! Tomorrow is{LF}the @カレンダー0@! I'm gonna win this time! Watch me, @キャラ0@! ... I'm so proud of you! You were really close. I don't know why... I didn't win. ...Yeah. Don't worry. We can try again next time. @キャラ0@! Pop quiz! Ahem...! What day is tomorrow? My birthday. The @カレンダー0@. Your birthday. Ding ding ding! You got it right! Aww, @キャラ0@! That's not it! The right answer is the @カレンダー0@. I'm gonna try real hard! @キャラ0@, @キャラ0@! Did you watch{LF}me? I tried really hard! @キャラ0@, @キャラ0@! @キャラ0@, listen! Is the @カレンダー0@ gonna have questions I can{LF}answer, too? Yep! It will. I don't think so. I'll get them all correct. Really? Yaaay!! Aww, no fair! Really? You will? Wooow! I can't wait for the quiz! ♪ @キャラ0@, guess what, guess what! I got an{LF}answer right! Isn't that neat? I can't wait for tomorrow's @カレンダー0@. Oh? But you don't have a pet. Yes I do! Huh? Oops...! ... Heh heh. ♪ I'm not gonna lose to you, @キャラ0@! Aww, I didn't win. But I'm still gonna give my pets a whole{LF}lot of petting and treats! ♪ Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Catch a whole bunch of fish, okay @キャラ0@? Fishy, fishy, fishy! How many fish have you caught, @キャラ0@? Aww, I didn't win. That stinks. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. You and @キャラ1@ are both gonna fish, right? You're gonna win today, right @キャラ0@? How are you doing, @キャラ0@? Didja catch lots of fish? Aww, I didn't win. That stinks. @キャラ0@? How come we gotta catch squid? Squiddy squiddy squid! ♪ I wonder why we gotta catch squid. Do you know why, @キャラ0@? Why do we hafta catch squid? Catch lots and lots of them tomorrow, okay{LF}@キャラ0@? @キャラ0@, guess what! @キャラ1@ said aaall the fish you catch today are{LF}gonna be our dinner tonight! So catch lots, okay? @キャラ1@ caught lots of fish today, too. So even if you didn't catch any, @キャラ0@, we'll{LF}still have a big dinner. @キャラ0@, guess what! I grew a veggie! Oh! But I'm not gonna tell you what kind. It's a secret, so I'm not gonna show it to you yet! I'm gonna win! Aww! I did my best in my showcase, but it didn't work. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Hmmm...the @カレンダー0@. The @カレンダー0@... I'm gonna win! You aren't gonna win this time, @キャラ0@,{LF}because I'm gonna! You did great, @キャラ0@! @キャラ0@...! Are you ready for tomorrow's @カレンダー0@? Are you ready, @キャラ0@? You aren't gonna lose, right, @キャラ0@? Boooo! I didn't win. Tomorrow is the @カレンダー0@. Good luck, @キャラ0@. Heh heh. ♪ I told everyone that you're gonna win, @キャラ0@! @キャラ0@... @カレンダー0@ starts tomorrow! Yaaaay! Ah ha ha! The water's so cold! I love playing in the water. @カレンダー0@? What do you do on @カレンダー0@? Today's the end of the year. @キャラ1@ told me so! It's the @カレンダー0@! @キャラ1@ told me so. Look! A firefly! ♪ Oooh! ♪ Pretty! @キャラ0@... I'm sleepy... Tomorrow we get @アイテム0@, right? I wonder how many I'll get. Guess what I'm gonna do tomorrow! Hee hee... It's a secret! Can I have some candy? I got lots of candy today! I'm popular! Thanks, @キャラ0@! I love you! Can I eat my candy, now? Thanks, @キャラ0@! Huh? @キャラ0@, are you a girl? N-no! I'm the very definition of man! The manliest of men{LF}who ever manned in my manly history! Really? But @キャラ1@ told me today is when girls give{LF}candy to boys. That doesn't count when you give some to children. Really? Really. Oh, okay! I got it wrong, then. Here, @キャラ0@. This is for you! Are you happy I gave you candy? Hee hee hee! Guess what, guess what! Tomorrow is a day for giving out candy! Tomorrow we get a lot of @アイテム0@. I wonder how many I'll get. Do I gotta give people candy? I wanna eat some candy, too. Who are you going to give candy to, @子供ちゃん@? Hee hee! That's a secret! ♪ Are you gonna hand out candy, too, @キャラ0@? You're super cool, @キャラ0@! It'll be okay! Hee hee! I got candy from @キャラ0@. I'm really popular! ♪ Yay! I got candy! Thanks, @キャラ0@! I love you lots! ♪ Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. I wonder what Santa's gonna bring me. Did Santa come yet? Santa hasn't come yet... ... I wish I got a better one. ... I gotta say thank you to Santa! @キャラ0@, @キャラ0@! If I'm reeeally good, will Santa come again next year? Hee hee! ♪ Yaaay! Presents! I'm gonna win tomorrow! What are you going to make? It's a secret. I'm gonna win, @キャラ0@! Boooo! I didn't win. I can't wait until tomorrow's @カレンダー0@. Are you going to participate, too, @子供ちゃん@? Yep! I'm not gonna lose to you, @キャラ0@! @キャラ1@ taught me how to make a really{LF}yummy dish. There's no way I'm gonna lose! ... Let's try again next time, okay? I wanna eat Uncle Porco's cooking. Wha?! @キャラ0@, have you warmed up? Here. It's @アイテム0@! ♪ *Skip 3 *Skip 2 *Skip 1 *Cheating Conversation *Child's Birthday *Hand Over Item *Hand Over Skill *Hand Over Recipe *Choose Child *Birth Event *Spouse (Morning Chat) *Protagonist Birthday *Protagonist Birthday & Date *Wedding Anniversary *Go to Hospital *Giving Medicine *Shop *Confession Event *Nuisance *Date *Late Check *Praise Skill - Chat 1 *Praise Skill - Chat 2 *Child Permission Chat *Protagonist's Shop *Quit *All *Bean Toss *Eating Contest *De-Fluffing *Target Practice *Snowball Fight *Quiz *Buddy Battle *Fishing Frenzy Contest *Big Catch Contest *Squid Catch Contest *Fishing Variety Contest *Cooking Contest *Handicraft Contest *Spring Harvest Festival *Summer Harvest Festival *Autumn Harvest Festival *Winter Harvest Festival *New Year's *Beach Day *New Year's Eve *Firefly Festival *Valentine's/White Day *Christmas *Rules *Victory *End *Please use the NPC debug menu. *Is this okay? *Invite *Accept/Reject/Bring With *Call Someone to Festival *Break Up Here *Turn Down Date *Bring Up Date *Bring Up Date (Firefly) *Bring Up Date (Christmas) *NPC Brings Up Date *NPC Brings Up Date (Firefly) *NPC Brings Up Date (Christmas) *Date Spot Requests Quit Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Now isn't the time for that. I'm sorry. ... Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Tomorrow is a festival where you give{LF}@アイテム0@ to members of the opposite{LF}gender. It's okay to give some to anyone, really... But it is a festival, after all. Why not call a special someone{LF}to the castle and present it there? Hmm...I already have a date, so why don't I hand it over{LF}when we meet up? Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please take your time. ♪ Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the Castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Talk Please check my gear. It's nothing. Please. Not right now. You aren't equipped with anything right now. If you want me to check your gear for you, go equip it first. What gear do you want to know about? Weapon: @アイテム0@ Shield: @アイテム1@ Armor: @アイテム2@ Headgear: @アイテム3@ Shoes: @アイテム4@ Accessory: @アイテム5@ Quit. This @アイテム0@ has been strengthened{LF}with... ...Wait, nothing's been used on it yet. ...@アイテム1@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@ and{LF}@アイテム2@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}and @アイテム3@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... and @アイテム4@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, and{LF}@アイテム5@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}and @アイテム6@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... ...and @アイテム7@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, and{LF}@アイテム8@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, @アイテム8@,{LF}and @アイテム9@. Hmm? It looks like... ...@アイテムA@ was used in making this. ...@アイテムA@ and{LF}@アイテムB@ were used in making this. ...@アイテムA@, @アイテムB@,{LF}and @アイテムC@ were used in making this. This was well made. I can tell something else, too. The materials used in making it were good quality. A lot of good materials were used in making it. The materials used in making it were great quality. The materials used in making it were almost perfect. Incredible! The materials used in making this were all perfect! Making this must have taken a lot of effort. Still... That and... It looks like it was made with some unusual materials. It looks like it was made with unusual materials. It looks like it was made with some rather unusual materials. It looks like it was made with rare materials. It looks like it was made with pretty rare materials. It looks like it was made with really rare materials. It looks like it was made with extremely rare materials. Incredible! This looks like it was made with nothing but the{LF}rarest of materials. It looks like @アイテム0@, but it has the{LF}abilities of @アイテム1@. Hey. How're you doing? Hmm? You there. Me? Yeah, you. Are you... What? ...You've got the same air about you as they did. I wonder... Umm... Oh. Sorry. What's your name? I'm @しゅじんこうくん@. ... Ah. I'm Barrett. Hmm. So you want me to give my name first? That's fine. I'm Barrett. My name is @しゅじんこうくん@. I'll be stopping by this town every now and again. I hope to see you then, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, and by the way... I'll take a look at your gear if you're curious about what was{LF}used to strengthen it. By the way, I'll take a look at your gear if you're curious{LF}about what was used to strengthen it. Can I ask you something? Sure. What is it? Do the people in this town really live side-by-side with a{LF}dragon? Yes, we do. Oh, you mean that lizard? Hmm. So it's true after all. Lizards don't come that big. Hmm. So it's true that these folks live with a dragon. Do the folks here get along well with that dragon? Yes, we do. Why do you ask? ...Nothing. I was just curious. Forget I asked. ...? I guess this'll be enough for souvenirs. Who are they for? I picked up some for the folks in town, and some for my{LF}family. Your family? Are you married, Barrett? Yeah, a wife and two children. Is it really that surprising? I'll tell you about them some other time. Later. So what are your kids like, Barrett? Right. I did say I would tell you about them at one point. My older son is Leonel. He's quieter, nice. His little sister is named Yuri. She's still a baby. But it's easy to see that she'll be trouble when she's older. A{LF}tomboy. Do you know Earth Script? That's the language ancient Earthmates wrote in. It's said you can summon powerful magic if you use the script{LF}right. My goal is to someday decipher Earth Script. I heard there{LF}were hints about that language here. I started up an exchange program with the Royal Academy{LF}not too long ago. Now our tiny school can get access to things we've never{LF}had before. It's been a great motivator for the kids, too. What is it? You look like you want to ask me something. About that braid... No, it's nothing. My braid? Not my thing. My students did it when I wasn't looking. Your students? Yeah. Fell asleep during a lesson and, when I woke up, I had{LF}a braid. So you just left it? Didn't bother me. The kids were happy, so I left it. They tell me it looks good on me. O-oh... Ah. Well come again, then. Looks like there's a branch of the De Sainte-Coquille family in{LF}this town, too. I could tell with just one look. ...Is Max going to end up looking like that someday? ...? ...Hey. Whoa, you're looking pretty pale. Are you okay? Just feeling a little sick. Ugh...I shouldn't have done that... You look drunk. Fess up, did you go on a bender last night{LF}or something? Idiot... Rrrrnngg... I-it’s the airship... *SLUMP* Barrett?! I always get sick on airships. Every single time... Oh, so you get motion sickness, then. Hey, if any of you have any salmon left, be sure to let me{LF}know. I’ll take it off your hands. Did you say sake? Wow, you really like alcohol, don't you? No, I- what is wrong with you? Salmon and sake don't even{LF}sound remotely the same. I'm going to assume you really did mishear me and that you{LF}didn't try to make a pun that bad. Well, I guess I'm done here. Might as well head back to the{LF}school. School? Are you taking classes somewhere? I teach classes. I'm the teacher. What? Really? Yeah, at a little school called Alvarna Academy. If you wanna study, I'd be glad to teach you. But you'll have{LF}to call me MR. Barrett. Got it? Ah ha ha! Got it. (I'm not sure if he's joking or not. I can't tell{LF}with that face...) So what kind of subjects do you teach? Me? Forging and crafting stuff, mostly. The school also has cooking classes, but I don't teach those. Well? Think you'd like to enroll in something? You're a teacher, right, Barrett? Yeah. So have you always liked school and studying? Well...to be honest, no. I've always just done what I felt like{LF}doing. I was a little...rougher around the edges when I was young, I{LF}guess. But then I met someone. If you ever find someone like that--and you'll know--be good{LF}to them, okay? ...What the hell is this? Marry me, Teacher! Just kidding. Y-you can't be serious. Students deserve love. Just kidding. Not like that, they don't. Sorry, but I can't do this. Especially if you're pretending to be{LF}a student. Can I at least get a hug? I was just kidding. ?! ...Will that get you to give up? I was just kidding. It was just a joke. Hey! Don't make fun of teachers, all right? Can't you come up with better pranks than that? Oh hey, I can have this? Thanks. It's one of my +favorites+. Thanks. This stuff can be really useful. I +like+ it. Thanks. Ugh. I +hate+ this stuff... But I hate wasting things even more. I'll take it home with{LF}me. What's with that oversized eggplant? I hate eggplants. And how did it get that huge...? I'd rather not take it, but it's bad to waste stuff. I guess I'll try{LF}to find some use for it... Oh, thanks. I appreciate it. What's wrong? Tired? Me? I'm fine. Let's keep moving. I'm feeling it a little, yeah. But I can keep going. Ugh...I-I'm definitely feeling it now... Okay. See you later. Oh yeah. Sorry, but I need to be getting back. Ask me again some other time. Barrett, do you want to go somewhere with me? Sorry, I'm a little busy now. Maybe later. Sure, I've got some free time. Where do you want to go? I wouldn't mind, but don't you think you've got enough{LF}people with you already? Hey, how about going somewhere with me? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. How about we go somewhere-- Never mind. It looks like you're already busy. Maybe later,{LF}then. I'm fine with going wherever you want to go. Ah. That's too bad. I think you have better people to say that to. I'm flattered, but I can't say the same. Hmm. So you've got some @アイテム0@. How about @1@ Gold{LF}for @0@ @アイテム0@? Then how about @1@ Gold? All right. I'll take that @アイテム0@ for{LF}@1@G. Ah. Too bad. Sorry, I don't need anything right now. Hmm. What to do... What else do you have? This isn't a bad shop. I'll come by again later. You've got some good stuff here. Keep it up. What do you need? See you later. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities. ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please, take your time. ♪ Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. I came to chat. Show me your collection. Nothing. I'll take it. Never mind. ... Um... ...Hi. Oh, um, hi. Nice to meet you. My name is @しゅじんこうくん@. Raven. ...Do you live here? Me? Yeah. Are you a traveler, Raven? ...No. I heard there's rare ore here. So I came to find some. Oh, I see. I have some. Need any? ...I've got some ore other people shared with me. I couldn't find much ore today. But I did find some ore not commonly found in Sharance. ...I'll look for more. I should go back to Sharance soon. Sharance? Where I live. Someone's waiting for the ore I collect. Someone is waiting for you at home? Your lover, maybe? No. Oh. So who is it? My...dad. I guess. ...? Is it your job to transport ore, Raven? No. I'm a blacksmith. I use what I find to make accessories and stuff. Oh, that's neat. So is your dad a blacksmith too, then? He's not my dad. ...??? ...What? Raven, y'know... You're pretty strange. You don't smile much. ... Ack! Sorry, I didn't mean that in a bad way! It's just that you have a...mysterious atmosphere to you. Or{LF}something. ...You're observant. Unlike him. Huh? ... Ack! Sorry, I didn't mean that in a bad way! I-I meant, um...that you'd look pretty when you smile, so, um,{LF}maybe try it out? ...! ... You say the same stuff he does. Huh? The De Sainte-Coquille family is here, too. They're all strange. There's an elf in my town, too. The resemblance to one of the elves here is uncanny. Do you mean @マーガレット@? {LF}Or @エルミナータ@? Both. Huh? The blacksmith here is lazy. Um...what's the blacksmith like in your town, Raven? He works hard. But he forgets to sell his stuff. Oh, so he just makes things because he likes making them. Yeah. But what he makes is good. Letting them collect dust would be bad. So I sell them for{LF}him. ... The people here live with a dragon. It's nice that everyone here lives together peacefully with{LF}different races. Yeah, I agree. I was told to see what the doctor is like here. Oh? By who? By my town's doctor. Really? Do you know why? Not really. Just curious, I think. Hmm. This town's restaurant has good food. Oh, you mean @ポコリーヌ@'s restaurant. Yeah, it's tasty. Yeah. Almost as tasty as the food at my town's restaurant. What's the chef like? She's short. Long blonde hair. Her brother makes the desserts. Stop by there if you ever come visit. I should buy souvenirs. For your friends? That's nice. What were you thinking of{LF}buying? Some jeweled accessories... The blacksmith would have some of those. Maybe some rare cans... A rare can? I kinda doubt we have those... And some vegetables that can be used for clothes. Yeah, I doubt we have those, either. Is there someone you like, @しゅじんこうくん@? Giggle creepily. Not really. Wait, does this mean you-- I-I see... ...Good luck. Oh. I'm sure you'll find the right someone, someday. ...No. I don't mean that. Don't be too scared around monsters, okay? If you don't act scared, they won't get scared. Y'know, you're a really nice person, Raven. ...Not really. There are some cute monsters out there, too. Yeah, there are. Hey, Raven. What's your favorite kind of monster? ... ...Woolies, I guess. Why are you blushing? Flowers smell nice. They help me relax. Yeah, they do smell nice. Maybe I'll make a flower pendant next. This is a nice town. I'm glad. Maybe I'll come visit more often. So who is ''Sakuya''? A friend. ...? A friend taught me how to buy and sell things. Sakuya is her name. Wha...? I-I can't accept this. I don't need this. Trash doesn't make good pendants. ...But a friend might like it, so I'll take it. ...I don't need it. ...! I +don't like+ horror stories and ghosts. They're scary. Thanks. Oh...! I +love+ these. ...Thanks. Oh...! I +like+ this scent. It's calming. ...Thanks. I...+don't hate+ these. Oh...! ...Thanks. I'll take it home with me. Oh...! This is a rare ore. Thanks. I'll make good use of it. What? I'm having fun. ...I'm fine. ...I-I'm fine... ...Oh. I need to go. There are people who will be worried for me. Raven, do you want to go somewhere with me? Sorry. I'm busy. ...Sure. ...Sure. But you already have too many people with you. ...Hey. Do you want to go dig for ore with me sometime? ...Hey. Do you want to-- ...never mind. You look busy. I'll go wherever you want. ...Oh. Wha...?! Don't tease me. ...Stupid. You have @アイテム0@. How about @1@ Gold{LF}for @0@ @アイテム0@? How about @1@ Gold? ...Oh. I'll buy it. ...I don't need it. ... What else do you have? Thanks. I'll come again. You have nice things for sale. ...What? Oh. Come again. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please take your time. ♪ Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Would you like to change your life? Let's talk. I want to change a name. Nothing. What name will you change? My name. @牧場0@'s name. @牧場1@'s name. @牧場2@'s name. @牧場3@'s name. @牧場4@'s name. @小屋0@'s name. @小屋1@'s name. @小屋2@'s name. @小屋3@'s name. @小屋4@'s name. @小屋5@'s name. @小屋6@'s name. @小屋7@'s name. @小屋8@'s name. @小屋9@'s name. Never mind. Hello. My name is Trupin. My hobby is changing lives. ♪ Huh? In other words, I have the power to change your name.{LF}Change your identity! CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Oh, I get it. ...Wait, what? Or maybe I can really only just change your name. Would{LF}you like to change your name? DOWN WITH MY IDENTITY. Uh, no thanks. The future is still open. Should you wish to change your{LF}name, come speak to me. The future is still open. Should you wish to change your{LF}name, come speak to me. I heard there are fields in this town, but I cannot find them. Did someone perhaps hide them behind a giant castle? I sense a special power in you. When I sense things like that, I am usually correct. This was such a pleasant town, I came to visit it again. ♪ Was I in the way? I'm searching for someone. Someone very important to me. Where have they gone? I hope they haven't lost their memories and wandered off to{LF}some strange land. I like turnips. They're very mystical. What do you do when it rains? I like visiting my friends when the weather is ugly. I'd like to see the various turnips around the world. Square turnips. Cylindrical turnips. Rainbow-colored turnips. I{LF}wonder if they really exist? They're so mystical. I have been having a mystical dream lately. A great black mist is fighting four dragons over the fate of{LF}the world. But then a goddess appears with her brave and faithful{LF}warriors. They all eat turnips together and live happily ever after. The end. I like traveling from place to place. I meet all kinds of people. For example, a little while ago, I{LF}met a strange couple. It was a man and a woman...and they shared the same body. It seemed like it must be very hard, but they looked like they{LF}were having fun. How mystical... I smell the scent of fresh-tilled earth on you. It reminds me of someone I know. How comforting. To be honest, I'm traveling with a partner. But it looks like we got separated. Oh dear. Is amnesia that common? I wonder what would happen if someone who has amnesia{LF}lost their memories again. A little while ago, I found a traveler who had collapsed on{LF}the side of the road. He seemed hungry. So I gave him a watering pot and a hoe. ♪ I had a mystical dream where I saw an enormous turnip fall{LF}from the sky. Wouldn't it be so beautiful if that would really happen? I would dub it Meteoturnip. Doesn't that sound mystical? I wonder what the Forest of Beginnings is like? I'm so curious I can't sleep. Though somehow I still wake up every morning. Pink turnips are cute. I wish there were more types of turnips. It'd be enough if there were about two thousand kinds. What a lovely name! Well chosen. Incredible! That name gives me shivers just hearing it! What a shocking name. I approve. My. This may be the first and last time the world is graced{LF}with a name that nonsensical. ...I guess a name such as that is not so bad every now and{LF}again. My, my. That seems like a name that will be the talk of the{LF}town in no time. ... Hmm? Oh. Right. It is done. What a wonderful name! A name this nice will surely bless you with many turnips in{LF}the future. ...I'm filled with emotions that cannot be put in words. Are you sure you wish to have this name? A place with this name would surely be a pleasant place to{LF}live. That seems like a very high maintenance name. I'm not certain I would like to live in a barn with that name. What an artistic name! I can already see the happy faces of the monsters who will{LF}live there. That sounds like a nice name. I'm sorry. I can't accept this. After all, I may or may not have someone waiting for me. Please get rid of it. I +hate+ these. Please get rid of it. Okay? Oh my, is this for me? Thank you. It's always nice to get presents. Oh my! How did you know what I +like+? Thank you. Do I know you? I +love+ this flower. Thank you so much! My, what an enormous turnip! Thank you so much. I will sleep with it every night! What is it? It's good to be happy. I feel a little tired. Will you give me a piggyback ride? ... All right. Let's do this again some time. Oh dear. I must be getting back. Trupin, do you want to go somewhere together? I'm sorry. I'm a little busy right now. My my! Are you asking me out on a date? I'd love to go. I'd love to, but you already have too many friends with you. Would you like to go somewhere with me? Would you like to go somewhere with me? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't notice you were busy. Some other time. Well then, shall we be going? Oh, that's too bad. I'm sorry. ♪ My, my! You have @アイテム0@. How about @1@ Gold{LF}for @0@ @アイテム0@? ... Then how about @1@ Gold? I see. That's unfortunate. I'll take it! ♪ Not this time, I think. What to do, what to do? What else do you have? What lovely things you have at this shop! ♪ I hope I didn't{LF}bother you too much. I'll definitely come again. ♪ Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please take your time. ♪ Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. La la la la! ♪ What? I'm practicing my singing. It's a long way home. This is the town of Selphia. Hi! I haven't seen you around here before. Are you new? Hmm? I'm the one who's new in town? Well, you could put it{LF}that way, too. This is a nice, lively town. Hi there. I heard there was a huge dragon here, so I came to visit. If you're tired, hold still and replenish your RP. That's a little something you learn, being a traveler. I finally got the one thing I've always wanted. An +Emery{LF}Flower+! That's nice. Try anything to take it. Please give it to me. Wh-what do you think you're doing?! Beg and plead all you want, I'm not letting you have it! No! Nothing you offer will be enough for me to hand it over. Hi there! Hi. ...What? I'm gonna give it my all today! Hmm? What about tomorrow? Oh, tomorrow I'm not gonna do a thing. Doing things is for{LF}other days that require things. The monsters around here sure are strong. My legs have been getting a real workout since I got here! A few days ago, I gave some cloth I got from an Orc back to{LF}an Orc. It seemed really happy. I never realized Orcs liked cloth so much. The biggest fish got away from me yesterday. I swear it was at least 150cm long! Honest! It was! This town's clinic is really well run. Keep working too late at night and you might get sick. Be careful. When you do a lot of traveling, even the tiniest{LF}cold can be costly. *MUMBLE* *MUMBLE* *MUMBLE* This town's baths are amazing! Maybe I'll settle down here{LF}permanently. Carry a lot of Recovery Potions with you before going to{LF}battle. It's a tenet of adventure. The size level of your field affects crop size. The bigger the field, the larger the crops. The most important thing to remember in battle is the range{LF}of your attacks! You need a weapon that will let you destroy all the enemies{LF}in a flash, even if you're surrounded. Yep. That weapon is a two-handed sword. They're the best! The higher the speed level of the field, the faster the crops{LF}you plant in it will grow. The overall level of your field affects the health of your{LF}crops. The higher the overall level, the higher your crops' overall{LF}health and damage resistance. You don't want your field's health level to hit zero. If it does, any crops you plant there won't really grow. You'll{LF}need to rest it for a time. The most important thing in battle is hitting the enemy's{LF}weak point! Launch a long-range attack with just the element the enemy{LF}is weak against. BAM! They're gone. Magic attacks are the best! The most important thing in battle is friendship! And a true man speaks with his fists! Through battle, the{LF}best friendships are formed! Yeah, gloves are the best weapon there is. A sense of accomplishment is the most important part of a{LF}battle! No matter how hard it is, or how long it takes, keep at it.{LF}One attack at a time. Fighting with farm tools is the best! It's been real hot lately. It's been real cold lately. This town has so many festivals, and they all look fun!{LF}Maybe I'll participate in one sometime. I wonder if you can participate even if you aren't a citizen of{LF}the town. When I went adventuring with a monster friend, he'd sniff out{LF}treasure for me. Farming, eh? I've spent my life traveling, but settling down somewhere to{LF}farm sounds good, too. Once, there was a field that was lovingly cared for by its{LF}owner. Then, one day...it was covered in Pink Turnips! Unbelievable, right? It has to be some kind of urban legend. If you ever get poisoned, just grab some Antidotal Herbs. It's{LF}everywhere. Just grab the plant out of the ground and chew on it. Feels{LF}like you're living off the land! Getting sealed in the middle of an adventure is awful. You{LF}lose the use of all kinds of skills. All seasoned adventurers know to always take some{LF}Roundoffs with them when they head out. Getting paralyzed in the middle of battle leads to nothing{LF}but trouble. You may try to dodge an enemy, but your legs just won't{LF}listen. You gotta make sure you take some Para-Gone with you so{LF}that doesn't happen. If you're fatigued, your RP won't regenerate. Not only that, but even the slightest action drains a ton more{LF}RP! The best way to cure your fatigue is bedrest. Sometimes you just can't beat a certain enemy. But if you go change your gear to something more{LF}appropriate, you'll be able to kick its butt! Try using magic and weapons the enemy is weak against,{LF}and choose your armor carefully! You'll find items in the darndest places. Sometimes even in a{LF}spot that looks empty! It's such an awesome feeling to race through a dungeon on{LF}the back of a Silver Wolf. What do I want for supper tonight? Be sure to eat every day, and your body will grow tougher{LF}and stronger. When you harvest crops, the field gains some experience. But different crops will give different amounts of experience. I wonder what kind of place the Forest of Beginnings is. I'm gonna keep traveling so I can be famous someday! Good to meet you. My dream is to catch three types of fish. A glitter snapper, a{LF}sunsquid, and a tuna. Once, when I was adventuring, I found a dungeon filled with{LF}poisonous mist. If a rock is in the way, crush it with a hammer. If a stump is{LF}in the way, chop it up with an axe. If you spot a Save Point in a dungeon, it's a really good idea{LF}to +save+ right there. It's a sign that danger is ahead. Are you watering your crops every day? If you don't, they'll{LF}wither and die. I heard that Earthmates are picky about the fields they use{LF}to plant. I hear that in some fields, crops will grow faster than in{LF}others. Maybe some fertilizer would help. I hear that really good fields are hidden deep in dungeons. But that's really far away. Rain will bring the blessings of water to all fields. That is the{LF}way of nature. Keep planting crops in the same field over and over and the{LF}soil will grow poorer and poorer. Even the ground needs a break every once in a while. No need to throw away crops that have withered. Dump{LF}them in your Fertilizer Bin. They'll be great fertilizer for your next crop. When you're harvesting crops, if you spot a Runey, go touch{LF}it. It will perk you right up. I heard there's a rare tree near here with beautiful blooms. ...I knew I took the wrong turn at...what was the name of{LF}that city again? Every time I come to this town, it makes me feel like fishing. I{LF}think I'll go fish right now. ... My mom told me never to talk to strangers. I heard there was a huge castle in this town, so I came to{LF}see it. I never expected there to be a giant dragon living in it, too! All right, listen up everybody! One present a day is plenty. You might find abilities and spells you already have in some{LF}treasure chests. I went walking near the Obsidian House one day, and even{LF}though it was noon the sky was pitch black! I wonder why that was... Watching Miss Clorica makes my heart race... Recovery Potions heal your HP. Dishes replenish your RP. Got{LF}it? AAARGH!! I accidentally attacked a treasure chest and it{LF}broke! WOE IS ME. Well hello there, Cutie. Wanna go on a date with me? Hmm? No? I thought as much... Huh? You're a guy? ... Details, details! Who cares? There's a weird mineral called a Shade Stone. It absorbs{LF}light. So even at noon, the area around it is dark, making it hard to{LF}find. I was in the Delirium Lava Ruins, and the floor was covered{LF}with steaming hot mist. There was an +Ignis+ there I couldn't defeat no matter how{LF}many times I hit it. Maybe I have to chase after it when it has fallen down. Rain keeps customers away. Customers won't come in the middle of the night, either. Man, festivals are really good for business! Sometimes shops will have sales. Up to 20% off everything! That's a great time to stock up on things. Those big sales only hit when I'm flat broke! Trying out a lot of different weapons at first is a great idea. Using an ability with the wrong weapon will really cost you{LF}RP. But I hear if you're an expert, it won't cost much. Two-handed weapons like axes, hammers, spears and{LF}longswords are super powerful. But you can't really use your shield with them. Using dual blades will make your shield useless. Those{LF}weapons are solely meant for attacking. I'm too scared to even try using them. When you strengthen your weapons, use stuff like +Fire{LF}Crystals+ to change the element. I hear that sometimes, when you strengthen a staff, its{LF}charge spell might change. Once you ship an item, you'll always be able to see its info{LF}in your +Shipping Log+. It's very convenient. Don't ship crops or raw fish. It's way more profitable to wait{LF}until you've cooked them. Doing certain things will help certain skill levels go up. Try stuff out so you can find which actions raise which levels. Just walking around is enough to raise your +Walking Skill+. That's just common sense for us travelers. Every kind of status ailment has a corresponding +Resist Skill+. I don't know whether to be happy or sad about it. Sometimes you'll find seeds when you're weeding your fields. Fish with faint shadows are in deeper spots. Catch them and{LF}they will sell for a pretty penny. Neglect your fields and your crops will wither and turn into{LF}+Withered Grass+. Hello, hello, hellooo! Thank you so much for talking to me! See, I have some great{LF}news I'm just dying to tell you! Get this... By pushing @字@, you can skip through conversations! ... ...Did that shock you? I know it did. It had to! I mean, it totally shocked me! Just the other day, I used this skill on a conversation I was{LF}having with my friend. Then all of a sudden, he got super mad at me! I was like, what's the big deal? I mean, you always go on{LF}and on and on and on when you talk. Told him that right to his face. And you know what he said? He said I'M the long-winded one! Can you believe that?{LF}Honestly! Wasn't that terrible of him? Unbelievable, right?! What an off-base thing to say! Besides, he's the one always on my case about one thing or{LF}another. It's always ''listen to other people more,'' and ''think of your{LF}friends more.'' Ugh! Oh! But he's actually a great guy. He's strong, thoughtful, kind... And he's a great cook. Like really great! He can cook{LF}anything! And he always listens to me. I mean, he's the only one who ever listens to me all the way{LF}to the end. Oh, and now you. Wait...come to think of it... The lady who runs the inn smiled and listened to everything I{LF}had to say, too. That means she thinks I'm wildly interesting and likes hearing{LF}me talk, right? RIGHT? But then again, while I talked to her, I felt this odd sense of{LF}impending death from somewhere... Oh, I get it! She is a pretty little number after all, plus we{LF}were really hitting it off. So everyone else who wants to get close to her was{LF}probably jealous as all get-out. It's so petty! It's not my fault I'm so awesome I drip awesome{LF}out of my nose! ... Wait, are you even listening to me? This is the part where you're supposed to say something{LF}snappy. A cool one-liner, y'know? I mean, I'm not seriously that all about myself. Not that{LF}much, anyway. C'mon, say something. If you don't, it makes me look like I totally love talking about{LF}myself. That's embarrassing! My friend would always jump in at just the right moment and{LF}say something to snap me out of it. Isn't that great? It's like we were telepathic or something. But he's got a higher attack than I do. It kinda hurt. Sometimes, he needs reminding what the phrase ''holding{LF}back'' means. Or maybe it's...y'know. He's trying to tell me something. Maybe he's telling me I need to work on my defense. Or get better armor. I mean, it'd be too dangerous to travel with gear that's too{LF}light to protect me. Man, it feels great to have a friend who can read you! I mean, one time we were out and he had{LF}@アイテム0@ equipped. It was for when I got in trouble. He'd be able to heal me right away with{LF}@アイテム1@. That had to be it! I mean, getting sealed while in a dangerous spot could cost{LF}you your life! Right? Speaking of @アイテム1@... It's great that you can heal your allies, but it sure does a{LF}number on your RP! But y'know what? Raising your Love Skill really cuts back on RP costs. The{LF}world could use more love for sure. Whatever, love is dumb. Anyway, there are loads of other{LF}useful spells, too. Ones without love! Having a handful of them on you when you're out and about{LF}can be real handy. After all, spells and abilities have their own special slot in{LF}your bag. So you should take as many as you can! I mean, you can still use them if you don't have a staff{LF}equipped. Oh and just between you and me... You can even use them when you can't have weapons{LF}equipped. Um...wait, what was I talking about again? Oh yeah, about my friend. But the point I'm getting at... Is that sometimes people go on and on and on and won't{LF}shut up. Sooooooo annoying. There's nothing wrong with pressing @字@ to skip forward to{LF}the end. I hear there's a road that will lead to a different place each{LF}day of the week. When you don't feel like walking, use the{LF}@アイテム0@ magic to warp yourself right{LF}back home. I'm really bad at sorting my inventory. But if you go to the menu screen and press @字@, it will sort{LF}for you automatically. Man, if it wasn't for that, I don't know what I'd do! Do you have the right armor and accessories equipped? It's{LF}really important. Are you using @字@ to help keep your inventory sorted? Every time you press @字@, a different category of item will{LF}come to the top. Open your Notebook by pressing @字@. Open your Notebook by pressing @字@. Any food that fills your belly and replenishes your HP and RP{LF}is good food in my book! Brush your pets and they'll get stronger! Giving your pets trash as gifts won't make them much{LF}stronger. If you give them something like @アイテム0@,{LF}they'll gain a resistance to poison. Give your pets flowers and their magic power will go up. You can give your little monster friends +steamed dishes+ every{LF}day. This will eventually make them strong enough to be immune{LF}to any status ailment. The higher-level present you give to your pets, the greater{LF}the potency. Giving sashimi to your pets can really raise their attack{LF}power. Try feeding your pets juice or raw fish. This will raise their magic attack power. Give your pets dishes you cook in a +pot+ and their HP will go{LF}up. Today I'm gonna give them a lot of{LF}@アイテム0@. It only works once a day, but that's not going to stop me. Feed your pets raw veggies and their defense will go up. Giving them shields will raise their defense even further, but{LF}those are hard to get. Give your pets materials and some of their stats may go up. It's the same idea as using those materials to strengthen your{LF}weapons and armor. But it only works once a day. Try feeding your pets @アイテム0@ every day. Soon they'll be so strong no attack will knock them back! Rumor has it that materials dropped by a fox-shaped rock{LF}are potent. Give them to your pets and they'll be really hard to knock{LF}back. You can give @アイテム0@ to your pets. This will add poison to their normal attacks. Every day I would give my pets @アイテム0@.{LF}Rainy days, windy days... Every single day for weeks on end. And finally, every attack of theirs became a critical attack! The higher the level of your crops, the harder it becomes to{LF}hit the next level. If you have a good sickle, a high level field and a good{LF}Farming Skill, you might make it work. Some crops will leave vines after you harvest the vegetable.{LF}These vines will grow a new veggie. You can keep doing this over and over until the crop runs{LF}out of HP. But keeping that up will really do a number on your field's{LF}health. Use @アイテム0@ to look at your field. The{LF}growth speed is how fast your crops will grow. Raise the field's level and crops grow three or four times as{LF}fast, unless the field is unhealthy. The growth speed on your field may drop below 1. In that case, bring some Withered Grass and till it on that{LF}spot. That'll help. Take a close look at your field. See those lines? The soil in{LF}each area is a little different. If it's hard for you to tell, equip @アイテム0@{LF}and look again. I-I can't accept this. Besides, isn't this meant for someone else? Augh! That's trash! I don't like trash much. It's like icky and stuff. Thanks. I appreciate it. Thanks. I +like+ these. Thanks. I +love+ these. What's up? I'm doing okay. I'm getting a little tired... Ow...I'm not feeling good... I'll see you later. It's time I moved on. Until we meet again. Would you like to go somewhere together? Sorry, I'm a little busy right now. That sounds interesting. Yes, I think I'll join you. I wouldn't mind, but you already have too many with you. I know. Why don't the two of us go somewhere together? I know. Why don't the two of us go somewhere together? Oh, but now I see that you're busy. Perhaps some other time. Well then, let us be going. Ah. That's too bad. ...My apologies. Hrm? Well, well. I see you have @アイテム0@. How about @1@ Gold{LF}for @0@ @アイテム0@? Then how about @1@ Gold? I see. Well then, I'll take it. Sorry, not today. Perhaps some other time. Hrm, what to do? What else do you have available? Thank you for the excellent item. I'll be back later. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please take your time. ♪ Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone{LF}at @0@ hundred hours in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. This town is...nice. I travel so that I can meet new and interesting people. It's good to meet you. I hear there are items that will raise your level if you eat{LF}them. Eating +steamed dishes+ will increase your resistance to poison{LF}and paralysis. That's important to keep in mind if you go adventuring in{LF}dungeons. ...I wonder if eating too much of them will make you fat. Sleeping every day will help you grow stronger. That's why I made sure to sleep in until 12:00 yesterday. Walking keeps you healthy. Of course, that's always been obvious to travelers like us. I hear there are shoes that will make you lighter, letting you{LF}walk faster. Isn't that wonderful? I wish I had ten pairs of them, all in{LF}cute colors! I hear there are shoes that will make you heavier and slow{LF}down your walking speed. What's the point of shoes like that? I bet they're ugly, too. Huh? For defense? Who cares about that! I'm looking for a gem called the White Stone. Have you heard anything about it? Watering your crops will raise your Water Magic Skill level. I wish I could get better at bathing just by taking a bath. Hm? It really does work that way? You don't have to fill your water pot only at wells. You can{LF}fill them in rivers, too. I hear there are people who fight monsters using only farm{LF}tools. I can't understand that. There is a potion that, when you drink it, causes you to fall{LF}for the person who gave it to you. I think that's a terrible way to trick someone into loving you. ...But if you find some, could you let me have a bottle? For...{LF}research purposes. Heh. Eheheheh. I think I walked a little too much today. I tried to make friends with a monster the other day. I gave it{LF}lots of delicious dishes. But it didn't react to me at all. Then I realized my Monster{LF}Barn was full. You know how there are mushrooms growing by roads? I{LF}hear there is a super rare type somewhere. It will sell for a whole lot of money. I could go for a sip of Grape Liqueur right now. You have to be good at cooking if you want to travel by{LF}yourself. A good meal will keep you healthy on the road! What? You aren't planning on traveling? That's no excuse! When you attack, watch the color of the after-image to tell{LF}what the element of the attack is. Red for Fire, blue for Water, and so on. Men who know just how to hit your weak points are so{LF}alluring to me. In love and in battle. ♪ Y'know when you're talking to someone and you get that{LF}whole @字@ feeling...? Well, I hear that right then, you might be able to see{LF}something you can't normally see. I wonder what that means? I hear that if you want to skip past someone's conversation,{LF}you can just try walking away. That won't win you many friends, though. I've traveled for years, hunting for other people's stories of{LF}love. I wonder what beautiful, heartwarming stories of love I'll find{LF}in this town. Eating every day will help you grow stronger. Make sure you go to sleep every night. It will help you grow{LF}stronger. Can't beat any monsters? Try eating a good meal, working in your field and then{LF}getting a good night's sleep. Do that every day and you'll get stronger. The secret to health and beauty lies in a proper diet and{LF}good sleeping habits. Health is the most important, of course, but even though I{LF}travel I just can't give up my beauty. Quite a while ago, the Sechs Empire went after some tiny{LF}little town. I stopped by a quaint little town before coming here. It had a{LF}nice school with adorable children. I think it was called Alvarna. Even if you can't do anything and the date passes, don't let it{LF}get to you. Spring will come back around. You'll get another chance. I hear that you can find weapons and armor in blue treasure{LF}chests. Those are pretty hard to find, though. Mushrooms you find along the road are a great pick-me-up{LF}snack. ...But be careful. Some of them are poisonous. You may find a monster you want to make your friend. The best way to do it is to give it homemade dishes as{LF}presents. I hear that, when you strengthen a magic staff, its charged{LF}magic might change. Don't forget to keep giving presents to the monsters you{LF}already have as friends. It'll help make them stronger so they can live up to your trust{LF}in them. I suggest giving homemade dishes as presents to your pets. Monsters love food too, y'know. I've heard of a traveler who has the power to change names. I wonder how she does it? It's a good idea to try your hand at lots of different kinds of{LF}weapons at first. Sometimes Runeys will show up when you harvest your{LF}crops. Just touching them will make you feel lots better. Sometimes you'll see Runeys on your fields. Touch them and{LF}one of your Skill levels will go up. But you won't know which one until you touch it. When you're tired, eat some sweets! They'll energize you in a{LF}heartbeat! Rice Porridge is a good comfort food for when you're feeling{LF}sick. If you charge your fishing pole before you cast the line, the{LF}the fish will bite more. I hear that crops you plant in a dungeon field don't wither{LF}easily. You might be able to get away with just planting seeds and{LF}letting the rain water them. Using a +Magnifying Glass+ will let you know aaaall about the{LF}details of your field. Don't go eating just any grasses you find by the road. You'll{LF}give yourself a stomachache. Find yourself bombarded by a barrage of enemy attacks you{LF}can't dodge? Use @字@ to dash, dash and dash again! If that's a little tough, try using a Rune Ability that will help{LF}you move. I've led such a lonely life... I wish I could fall in love. If you can make an enemy fatigued or sick, it won't move as{LF}fast any more. I've heard there's an accessory that will let you move really{LF}fast. Rumor has it there's some kind of shoe that will let you walk{LF}on water. Try cooking instead of giving someone raw ingredients as a{LF}present. That makes a much nicer present. Miss Xiao Pai tripped again... I love listening to Miss Margaret play her lute. I saw Miss Clorica cooking...and she was sound asleep! I saw Miss Clorica cleaning while she was sleeping. I wonder how good a fighter Miss Forte is. Miss Forte is so cool! Lin Fa's mix up today really helped me out. Oh my gawd, you won't believe it! There are, like, these shoes! They stop monsters from noticing you! Isn't that, like, so cool?! Walking, not running, makes it harder for enemies to hear{LF}you coming. Are you using your Rune Abilities? If you're having trouble beating a monster, use them like{LF}crazy. It'll help. If you come across a really tough monster, try using weapons{LF}with an element affinity or magic. Don't just drop your unneeded furniture by the side of the{LF}road. Break it up and throw it away. Oh, you're so pretty! Tell me your secrets or I'll smite you...{LF}Just kidding! ♪ Oh my. You're as pretty as a girl. How cute! Crops have HP too, y'know. If they're getting low, find some Withered Grass and till it on{LF}top of them with the hoe. It'll help. It's best to ship the first crop or material you find. Why, you ask? I don't know. That's just what I heard. Growing crops in a high level field will raise the level of the{LF}crop, too. Miss Raven has such pretty hair. It's so long and shiny. Mr. Barrett helped me with my studying! Miss Trupin changed my life. When you harvest crops, sometimes you'll see a Rune ball{LF}pop up. It won't stick around forever, so go grab it! If you don't keep up your field work, your max RP won't go{LF}up that much. It's dangerous to check the Sale Items at the Blacksmith{LF}every day! My wallet takes a beating. Don't forget to equip a shield and accessories. Girls have to take good care of their figures, you know. You{LF}don't want any scars. Boys always seem to concentrate on offense and neglect{LF}their defense. Equipping big weapons like axes or long swords does make{LF}shields less effective. But you still get half the benefits, so keep it equipped! Holding @字@ down to walk slowly makes it hard for monsters{LF}to spot you. Keep strengthening your weapons and accessories. It'll be a good experience for you. I hear that sometimes the weapons you find in treasure{LF}chests will already be strengthened some. Dishes that require a lot of ingredients to make usually sell{LF}for a lot of Gold. Oops! I messed up that recipe and wound up with another{LF}+Disastrous Dish+. Getting hit by enemies actually raises your +Defense Skill+. So it's not a bad idea to let enemies pound you--within{LF}reason. You'll get back at them later. Finding hidden items raises your +Searching Skill+. So you get an item and a Skill bonus. That's double the{LF}reward! When you harvest crops, sometimes that crop will leave a{LF}seed behind. That seed just might be a higher level than the crop that{LF}dropped it. When a huge fish bites your line, you have to reel it in quick! Otherwise it'll just get away. You can plant crops out of season if you want, but they{LF}won't grow well. When you eat something, an apple icon will appear by your{LF}picture in the upper left. But keep an eye on it. When that icon disappears, so do all the bonuses you got{LF}from the food. So watch out, okay? I messed up when I was mixing some medicines and wound{LF}up with something called Material X. What the heck is that? I was wondering why my crops weren't growing. Then I{LF}found out their HP was at 0. That's when I realized I'd forgotten to water them. When you get a high-level seed, it's best to ship it first. Once it's shipped out, the shop might get in seeds of that{LF}level, too. When you're planting crops, do you always plant them in the{LF}same spots? That's no good. You have to let your fields rest sometimes,{LF}or crops won't grow as well in them. You can't harvest +Bamboo Shoots+ with just your hands. You need a hoe or a sickle to harvest them. Collecting different grasses of different colors can be handy. Are you paying attention to which +accessory+ you equip? Some are better in battle, and some are better in everyday{LF}work. You can sort your recipes by pressing @字@ while you're on{LF}the Recipe Menu screen. Sorting them by category can be really handy. Successfully cooking a difficult dish is great, and they also{LF}give you +huge bonuses+! Some can even double your Max HP! Be careful when eating. If you eat a dish with great bonuses,{LF}and then eat something else... the bonuses will switch to what the second dish gives you. If you want to heal yourself after you've eaten a dish, try{LF}using @アイテム0@. Dishes you cook with a +knife+ tend to give bonuses to your{LF}strength. That's a great thing to have when you're going to fight lots{LF}of enemies at once. Dishes cooked with a +pot+ will often increase your Max HP. Recipes made in the +oven+ tend to increase your vitality. Having your defense boosted when you're going to fight a{LF}boss is really handy. Food made +by hand+ will raise your strength, vitality and{LF}knowledge. Most +mixer+ recipes are juice. Juices will temporarily raise your knowledge. That's why juice is popular with mages. Dishes you cook with a +frying pan+ are super balanced. They'll raise your Max HP, along with your strength,{LF}knowledge, and vitality. Oh! But grilled fish dishes are a little different. Eating a grilled fish dish made with a +frying pan+ will raise{LF}your Max RP temporarily. That's really handy right when you're ready to start forging. Eating food gives you various benefits, but they go away with{LF}time. Or when you eat a different dish. Oh ho ho ho! Every day I give my lovely little @キャラ0@ a{LF}present. A present of @アイテム0@. Now my pretty @キャラ0@ has an incredible{LF}defense! Oh ho ho ho! I keep my pet @キャラ0@ on a strict diet. I give it{LF}@アイテム0@ every day. That has made its Magic Defense very impressive. The other day, I gave @アイテム0@ to my pet{LF}@キャラ0@ on a whim. Now its attacks will absorb HP! That's so not cute! I gave my cutie monster friend @アイテム0@{LF}for a present every day. Every single day for weeks on end. Now it isn't affected by critical attacks at all! Attacking a monster with a weapon that has a Love affinity{LF}makes it easier to befriend that monster. I hear there's some kind of ore that you can't see at all. When cooking, be sure you don't use any inedible{LF}ingredients. My friend and I are both raising Woolies, but my Wooly can't{LF}ever beat hers. I'm brushing it and giving it presents every day. What am I{LF}doing wrong? My friend and I are both raising Woolies. Mine wins every{LF}time we battle. See, my Wooly has more battle experience. I-I can't accept this, I'm sorry. Isn't there someone else you should give this to? Uh, that's trash. I hate trash. Thank you. I appreciate it. Thanks. I +like+ these. Thanks. I +love+ these. Yes? I'm doing fine. I'm starting to feel a little tired. Ow...I-I'm feeling dizzy... I'll see you later, then. Oh dear. It's time for me to be moving on. Until next time. Would you like to go somewhere together? I'm sorry. I'm busy right now. How interesting. Yes, I think I will join you. I wouldn't mind, but you already have too many with you. How would you like to go somewhere with me? How would you like to go somewhere with me? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't notice that you were busy. Some other{LF}time, then. Well then, let's get going. Oh, that's too bad. ...I-I'm sorry. Oh, I see you have @アイテム0@. How about @1@ Gold for{LF}@0@ @アイテム0@? Then how about @1@ Gold? That's too bad. I'll take it! Hmm...I think I'll pass this time. Sorry. What to do? What else do you have available? Thanks for the great item. I'll be back again later. Sell. A little more! Don't sell. I have lots of handy items for sale! Please come have a look! Welcome! ♪ Please take your time. ♪ They look like they're having trouble deciding. What should I{LF}do? Talk up the item. Sell with a smile. Lower the price. Be enthusiastic. Recommend it. Put it on sale. Praise their choice. Wait patiently. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept that price. Please come again. Yay! I sold @0@ @アイテム0@{LF}for @1@ Gold! Thank you very much! Please come again! Thank you for shopping here! That was the last of my items. Everything's been sold. Oops! There was nothing to sell in the Shop Box. I should re-open after I put in items I want to sell. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Sell With a Smile!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price.{LF}I'd better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned the skill ''A{LF}Little More!'' It might not work, but I can try selling this at a higher price. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Lower the Price!'' If I lower the price, there's a better chance I'll sell it. I'd{LF}better watch my RP, though. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Recommend It!'' There's a good chance it'll fail, but I could sell it for a really{LF}high price. Better watch my RP. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Put It On Sale!'' The price will go way down, but the chance I'll sell it will go{LF}way up. Better watch my RP! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to ''Be{LF}Enthusiastic!'' It will cost +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure! Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Talk Up the Item!'' It will cost +a little+ RP, but the chance I'll sell it will go up a{LF}little. Yay! My Shop Skill level has gone up! I've learned how to{LF}''Praise Their Choice!'' If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one, too. Better watch my RP! I should try using this skill when the customer is thinking{LF}hard about whether to buy or not. By using +a little+ RP, I can slightly raise the chance the item{LF}will sell. It might not work, but I can try to sell this at a higher price.{LF}It'll use +a little+ RP. If I lower the price a little, there's a better chance the item{LF}will sell. It'll use +some+ RP. This will use +a lot+ of RP, but the item will sell for sure. I could try for a high price, but there's a high chance it'll fail.{LF}It'll use +a bunch+ of RP. Dropping the price way down will greatly raise the chance{LF}it'll sell. It'll use +a lot+ of RP. If they buy this item, maybe they will think about buying{LF}another one. It'll use +a little+ RP. Maybe it's better if I don't do anything. I'll wait for them to{LF}decide on their own. *SMILE* *GRIN* I highly recommend this! I'll lower the price for you! That item is on sale today! This is an excellent item! You won't find a better one{LF}anywhere else. This is a great item! It has X and Y special qualities! ♪ I'm so happy you came today! That is an excellent choice! You look wonderful today! Please take your time. ♪ Talk Are you okay? Stand back a little. Stay close. Hold still. Let's split up here. Nothing. @カレンダー0@ Restaurant General Store Flower Shop Airship Blacksmith Observatory Lake My Room Where? Call to the castle. Let's go on an adventure! Let's go on a date. I love you! It's nothing. Hmm...they look mad right now. I should leave them be. Sure. Sorry. By the way... Hey, um... Hmm...I was meeting someone at @0@ in{LF}@マップ0@, right? Tomorrow is @カレンダー0@. Maybe I can ask{LF}someone out on a special date. ...is what I'd love to say, but I already promised to meet{LF}someone, so I can't. We may be married, but we can still enjoy ourselves by{LF}going on dates. Sir! No anomalies detected here, sir! Sir! No anomalies detected here, sir! Sir, I've joined the Forte Fan Club, sir! Do you know if Miss Forte will be doing any live{LF}performances, sir? I'm on patrol duty today, sir! Though I'd really love to skip that dull stuff and go fishing,{LF}sir! I drove off an enemy monster, sir! It was a vicious...ly fuzzy Wooly. I found a wallet with 10 Gold in it, sir! I did my duty and delivered it to Sir Volkanon. Sir, just the other day I saw a person who looked exactly like{LF}Porcoline, sir! It must have been his doppelganger, sir! N-no sir! I'm not goofing off, sir! I'm just...taking a rest break, sir! Miss Forte is really beautiful, sir. B-but to be honest... ...I like Miss Xiao Pai a lot better. @字@ Watching her try so hard at what she does gives me a warm,{LF}fuzzy feeling in my heart, sir. Sir! I caught Bado goofing off again! I'm so jealo--AHEM! I mean isn't that terrible of him, sir? Sir, make sure you stay out of Sir Volkanon's way when he's{LF}running, sir! Last time a soldier didn't move out of the way, he got thrown{LF}all the way to the far mountain! Miss Forte is really beautiful, sir. B-but to be honest... ...I like Miss Clorica a lot better. @字@ She's always so calm and gentle. Just watching her helps me{LF}relax, sir. Miss Forte is really beautiful, sir. B-but to be honest... ...I like Miss Margaret a lot better. @字@ I want her to scold me! Miss Forte is really beautiful, sir. B-but to be honest... ...I like Miss Dolce a lot better. @字@ I like how quiet and mysterious she seems, sir! Miss Forte is really beautiful, sir. B-but to be honest... ...I like Miss Amber a lot better. @字@ She's so innocent and happy and cheerful. I want to watch{LF}over her forever, sir! Today I went to the restaurant for lunch, sir! ...Because we were all out of rations again today, sir. Sir! I saw a suspicious fellow wearing a bandana! He said he{LF}was a traveler, sir! But when I called out to stop him, he glared at me, sir! ...I was really scared, sir. Sir, I saw a traveler with really long red hair. I thought I saw her turn into a bird of some kind and fly off,{LF}too... I think I might've just been seeing things, sir. Sir Vishnal is a very serious gentleman, sir! He's so serious he doesn't get any jokes, sir! Sir, Kiel is a very innocent person, sir! I-it feels like watching over him could inspire, uh...{LF}inappropriate feelings in a person... Sir Arthur is always very busy, sir! Why can't he just goof o--AHEM! I mean take a short break?{LF}It would be good for him. Sir, Lin Fa has a knockout smile, sir! Why isn't there a Lin Fa Fanclub yet? Dr. Jones and Nancy get along really well, sir! So well that watching them is embarrassing, sir! Sir, Illuminata helped me deduce the owner of a lost item,{LF}sir! She discovered that the item belonged to her, sir! Illuminata really is a grand detective, sir! Sir, Doug takes good care of old lady Blossom, sir! He doesn't seem it at first, but Doug is a really nice guy, sir! WAH HA HA HA HA HAAAH! I just got dumped, sir! WAH HA HA HA HA HAAAH! I don't care about anything{LF}anymore, sir! Sir, several years ago I was hit by Lady Ventuswill's tail while{LF}she was sleeping, sir. ...Lady Ventuswill is a really fidgety sleeper, sir. Sir, I wish I could fly like Lady Ventuswill, sir! It's no fair, sir! Sir, I'm a long time member of the Forte Fanclub, sir! There are so many newbies who don't understand the rules,{LF}it drives me crazy, sir! Sir, I'm a new member of the Forte Fanclub, sir! All the older members are so stuffy and stuck-up it drives me{LF}crazy, sir! Urk... ...I-I think I just strained my back, sir. Sir Dylas looks really scary, sir! But once you get to know him, he's a really nice guy, sir. Sir Leon is a really reliable fellow, sir! You can trust him when{LF}in a pinch! I wonder if it's okay to call him Boss Leon, sir! I'm sick of talking to people. I think I'll skip this conversation{LF}by pressing @字@. Man, I'm exhausted. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. Seriously. I think I was in bed for only, like, 3 hours. I'm so{LF}tired. I feel like I'm losing RP just standing here, I'm so tired. Dungeon crawling? I'd love to go along, but a few years ago{LF}I took an arrow in the knee, so... My captain said the higher the level of a Rune Ability, the{LF}more powerful it is. Did you know that Fire Elemental weapons deal more{LF}damage? Wind Elemental weapons attack quicker. Hadn't you heard? I heard Earth Elemental weapons can make the enemy flinch! My sergeant told me attacks from Light Elemental weapons{LF}ignore a part of the enemy's defense stat. Did you know that Dark Elemental weapons can get even{LF}unflinching enemies to flinch? Have you heard of @アイテム0@? I wonder if{LF}it actually exists. Have you heard of @アイテム0@? I wonder if{LF}it actually exists. Have you heard of @アイテム0@? I wonder if{LF}it actually exists. I heard there's a monster that appears on +Sercerezo Hill+ only{LF}during typhoons. Rumor has it that there's an item that will revive you even if{LF}you're just carrying it. My captain said there's a high-level fairy species called{LF}''spirits.'' The Sharance Maze is a frightening place... The Cure Spell can affect not only you, but nearby allies, too! If you want to help allies that have been knocked out, try{LF}the Cure All spell. Do you know what happens if you raise healing spells like{LF}Medipoison to their max level? It heals various types of status ailments. Not just poison. Have you tried giving presents to monsters? If you do, some monsters that wouldn't become your friend{LF}might reconsider it. My pet Little Mage and I have defeated dozens of Minotaurs. That raised my Little Mage's Strength stat through the roof. I went fishing by the waterfall in Yokmir Forest. I caught @アイテム0@, there. I chopped down a Chimera Tree the other day and got some{LF}@アイテム0@. I tripped and dropped my weapon in the lake, but I got it{LF}back using my fishing pole. If you charge your fishing pole before casting the line, you{LF}can catch fish easier! Rumor has it that using a fish to strengthen your fishing pole{LF}will make that fish easier to catch. Did you know you can use crops to strengthen your{LF}weapons? If you use an invisible ore to strengthen your weapon, the{LF}weapon will turn invisible, too. Did you know harvesting various crops will give your fields{LF}different amounts of experience? The other day, I was going to make{LF}@アイテム0@. I added{LF}@アイテム1@ to the mix. What I got resembled @アイテム0@, but had{LF}the abilities of @アイテム1@. It might be hard to understand at first, but if you try it, you'll{LF}get it. Try using only high-level materials when you're forging gear. This will give you a high-level item. There's a way to get a really good item. Use only rare materials when you're forging gear. When strengthening your gear, watch the level of the{LF}materials you use. Use high-level stuff only, and the result might have some{LF}extra abilities. When strengthening your gear, watch what kind of materials{LF}you use. Use rare materials only, and the result might have a lot of{LF}extra abilities. When strengthening gear, using the same material over and{LF}over will have less and less effect. Listen to this! When I tried to make some gear, I really messed up and{LF}wound up with some @アイテム0@. That's not normal! My captain said there's a fungus that appears on +Selphia{LF}Plain+ on Fridays. It drops a rare type of spore. The mushrooms blocking the road on Sercerezo Hill aren't{LF}there at the beginning of the month. Did you know splashing an enemy with oil makes them weak{LF}to fire? My sergeant told me equipping a Water Elemental weapon{LF}increases your magic power. You may be afraid of what typhoons might do to your crops. Just use @アイテム0@ to raise your field's{LF}damage resistance. Rumor has it that you can use a hammer to get Stone out of{LF}a dungeon flower. But if you overdo it, the flower will die. Because you{LF}hammered it to death. You're a terrible person. Did you know that if you walk around and around the Twin{LF}Rocks in a figure-8 pattern it'll-- Oops! I shouldn't say the rest. You won't catch me saying it's 3 times clockwise from the{LF}center. No way, no how. If you ever find a Cedar Tree, take a good look at it. I hear that somewhere, there's one that will give you a tree{LF}seed once a day. Rumor has it there's a tree on Sercerezo Hill that drops{LF}Crystal Seeds. Supposedly, it drops a different color seed each season. There's a secret to having a huge harvest. Take a crop that has a normally low yield, and aim to{LF}harvest it during a bumper crop week. There's a way to increase the yield when you harvest your{LF}crops. The yield increases the more you raise your field's level. The most important thing in battle is defense! No matter how nasty the pinch you find yourself in, you can{LF}still tough it out. Short swords are the best! The most important thing in battle is massive attack power! Why worry about an enemy's attack when you can knock it{LF}out before it has the chance? Hammers are the best! The most important thing in battle is massive attack power! An enemy's attack means nothing when you can critical hit it{LF}and KO it in one go. Nothing beats axes in battle. The most important thing in battle is distance! Stay at a range where the enemy can't hit you, and attack{LF}them without mercy! Spears are the best! The most important thing in battle is to attack, attack,{LF}attack! Get in their face and keep going after them! You'll{LF}overwhelm any enemy! Dual blades are your best friend! Try fully growing 4 of the same crop in the same patch of{LF}field. The next day, they'll have merged into one enormous crop! I'd like to see that some day. Rumor has it that there are people in the world who are half{LF}human, half monster. I'd like to meet one of them someday. My captain said that the rewards you get for completing{LF}requests are often high level. Isn't that nice of them? If you're going to attempt the Sharance Maze, take more{LF}than just regular weapons. Have spells and weapons with elemental affinities with you. I went fishing the other day and caught{LF}@アイテム0@! It surprised me, since at first I thought I had caught{LF}@アイテム1@. If you want to check the details of an item, go to the +Menu{LF}Screen+. Then put the cursor on the item and press @字@. Use the scales dropped from dragons to strengthen your{LF}shield, like @アイテム0@. Then, even when you have gloves or dual blades equipped,{LF}you'll get half the shield's bonus. @アイテム0@. @アイテム1@.{LF}@アイテム2@. @アイテム3@. Strengthen your armor with these 4 items, starting with{LF}@アイテム0@. This will make the next boost through the roof! Using @アイテム0@ to strengthen armor will{LF}lower damage to your weak point. Using it on weapons weakens the enemy's resistance. Strengthen your weapon with @アイテム0@,{LF}and it will affect the damage you inflict. Strengthen some gear with @アイテム0@ and{LF}then equip that gear on your family. It will greatly reduce the damage they take. I'd love to put that on my kids. Strengthening a weapon with @アイテム0@{LF}increases rare drops from monsters. @アイテム0@ looks like nothing but trash. But if you use it to strengthen a weapon, it'll make monsters{LF}drop rare items more often. Use @アイテム0@ to strengthen an item, and{LF}that item will turn invisible. @アイテム0@ is a critical item for{LF}strengthening gear. It gives you double the bonus of the item used to strengthen{LF}it previously. It's no overstatement to say that it's the item that decides for{LF}you which weapon to use. Try using a weapon strengthened with{LF}@アイテム0@ to defeat a monster... Legend says golden turnips will appear. ...Yeah, some legends are really silly, aren't they? When I was making @アイテム0@, I added{LF}some @アイテム1@. The result was an accessory that was strong against both{LF}poison and paralysis! When I was making @アイテム0@, I added{LF}@アイテム1@ and{LF}@アイテム2@. You won't believe what I got. See? It looks like @アイテム0@ but it's as{LF}powerful as a hammer! Rumor has it there's a road somewhere that you can only{LF}pass if you go as a family. S-sir, I'm sorry but I can't accept this, sir! Sorry, I can't accept this. S-sir...that looks like trash, sir. Hey. This is trash. Thanks, sir, but uh...I don't like that so much. Thanks, but this isn't really my thing. Sir, thank you, sir! Thanks. Sir, thank you, sir! I +like+ this! Thanks. This is something I +like+. Sir, thank you, sir! I +love+ this! Thanks. This is something I +love+. Sir? Sir, I'm still fine, sir! I-I'm hanging in there, sir. Ow...I hurt...sir... Good day, sir! Uh-oh! I have to get back to the barracks and get ready for{LF}tomorrow, sir! Do you want to go adventuring with me? Sorry, sir. I'm on duty right now. Sorry, I can't right now. Yes, sir! As you wish, sir! Sure, why not? Sorry, sir! It looks like you already have too many{LF}companions! Sorry, I can't right now. Sir, would you care to accompany me, sir? Sir, would you care to accompany me, sir? Oops! I didn't see that you had that many companions{LF}already, sir. Maybe another time. Sir, let's move out, sir! I understand, sir. I-I'm sorry, sir. What, is this some kind of prank? Aha! I see you have @アイテム0@ available,{LF}sir. Hmm. @アイテム0@. How about @1@ Gold{LF}for @0@ @アイテム0@, sir? How about @1@ Gold{LF}for @0@ @アイテム0@? Then how about @1@ Gold? Then how about @1@ Gold? Oh. Sorry, sir. Too bad. Okay! I will take that, sir! I'll take it. Hrm...sorry, sir. But I think I will have to pass this time, sir. Sorry. Don't have enough on me right now. Hmm...what to do? What should I get? What else do you have, sir? What else do you have available? This is a great store, sir! Sir, would you think about having pictures of Miss Forte for{LF}sale? Not a bad store. You've got some interesting stuff. I'll be back again. This is a pretty good store. I'll come back with some friends later. Ladi-dadi dah! ♪ You look like you're having fun. You know, I think it'd be great if Selphia was filled with more{LF}flowers. @しゅじんこうくん@, don't you agree? Yeah. Not really. Forget that, I'm hungry. I knew you would! You, have excellent taste, @しゅじんこうくん@. What, you don't? Really? Well, that's okay. Who cares about that... Why don't we go look for a place where we can plant more{LF}flowers? ...Right now. The foundation of all good investigations is legwork! Where{LF}is our new flowerbed-to-be? Hmm... @エルミナータ@, what's up? Hmm... Something's missing. Didn't you hear me? Hmm. I guess she's too busy concentrating and hasn't{LF}noticed me yet. Yes. There's definitely something missing. Don't you agree,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@? Wait, you knew I was here? Ah-ha! Of course I knew! Nothing gets past the Great{LF}Detective! So you deliberately ignored my question, then. More importantly, look here. No, right here! See? See what? That there's something missing. There is. There is? I knew you'd agree with me! What, you don't think there's something missing here? Weird. Hmm...what's missing? What makes it feel so...lonely? Uh-oh. It seems I accidentally saw something I was not{LF}meant to see. But...there must be some good reason to it, yes? But...maybe there isn't. Augh! I don't know what to do! AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! What's wrong?! M-m-my flowers! Some of them are missing!! Your flowers? What happened? I don't know! I know I locked the shop door behind me when I left. Could it be...a burglary? What?! Why that fiendish flower thief! I'll make you pay, whoever you are! Just you wait! The Great Detective Illuminata always captures her thief! Uh-oh. Now what? I'm busy! Talk to me later! Come out, thief! We have you surrounded! Come out with your hands up! Oh! @しゅじんこうくん@! Did you see anybody who looks like a flower thief around{LF}here? A thief? Have you figured out who it is yet? No, not yet. Then how can I know if I've seen them? It's easy! The most suspicious-looking person is always the{LF}culprit! Now, if you spot anybody matching that description, tell me{LF}right away, understand? ... Really?! Yes. It was the middle of the night, but I heard someone humming{LF}as they went towards the lake. They must be trying to hide the evidence of their theft! Why that clever cat burglar...! Thanks for your help! Enough! I cannot simply stand and watch any more! B-but...I don't know what to do. Hmm... I wonder who would be out at that hour. And why would{LF}they be humming? @しゅじんこうくん@... I have something to tell you about Lumie's case. It seems I have an idea who the culprit may be. Really? Who is it? I...can't say. But I want you to believe me, yes? It isn't a bad person! I'm sure they must have had some good{LF}reason for what they did. Please, help me stop Lumie! All right. I'll trust you, @シャオパイ@. Thanks! Now, it seems we are off to stop Lumie! Uh-oh. It seems I accidentally saw it. But...there must be some good reason to it, yes? But...maybe there isn't. Augh! I don't know what to do! What's wrong? N-nothing. I'm fine, yes? We need to go and stop Lumie together! We need to go and stop Lumie! Lumie wouldn't listen to me. I know... ... It seems we should go to the lake. Before stopping Lumie, it's best we hear the story from the{LF}source! Wait, does that mean... @しゅじんこうくん@, hurry! We must go to the lake! Illumi-- Hush a moment. I'm trying to think. But we have something important to tell you! Sorry. Can you save it until later? Sorry. Not right now. Can you save it for later? ... It looks like she's trying to think something over. I should leave her be and go see @シャオパイ@ first. GAAAAAAAAH!!! What the?! There! @エルミナータ@?! It seems she's coming this way! We...we must stop her! Stop THAT?! You're kidding me! We only fail if we give up! Bring it on!! ...Oof. We could not stop her...ow. Amber. Ah! I spy an Lumie! ♪ Did you see anybody suspicious coming past-- --Wait. What's that? Hee hee! Look! I planted some flowers! Aren't they pretty? ?! Lumie! Wh...why did you slap me? Amber. Where did you get those flowers? I brought them from home. I...I wanted to plant some here. Those are the shop's flowers, Amber. They aren't something you can just take. Understand? B-but... No buts! ...*SNIFFLE*... Lumie! Wait a moment, yes? It seems you should listen to Amber's side of the story. Of course I was going to do that. Amber. Why did you take the shop's flowers without asking? I... ...I heard you say there was something missing here. That it{LF}was lonely without flowers. So I wanted to plant some so it wouldn't be so empty. And...and I thought if I kept it secret, I could surprise you. I...I just wanted to make you happy. I'm sorry... So that's why. ...*SNIFFLE*... Sheesh. Amber... Yeah? Listen. From now on, don't ever take the shop's things{LF}without asking me first. Understand? I understand. I...I'm sorry, Lumie. Apology accepted. Now, Amber? Thank you for trying to do something nice for{LF}me. I appreciate it. Lumie!! There, there. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Xiao Pai? Yeah? Do me a favor and bring some seeds from the shop for me. I want to plant a few more here. Okay. It seems we shall! Really?! Really. I'll make a special exception for today. Okay? Yaaay! ♪ It's a super-special bargain day! You've got that right. And...there! I hope they bloom soon! It will be nice if lots of pretty flowers bloom here, yes? Don't worry, they'll all bloom beautifully. They're the flowers we planted, after all. Of course they're all{LF}going to grow big and beautiful! I hope the flowers will bloom beautifully. Don't forget to water the flowers when they need it, okay? Keep that up, and even a little seed like you, Amber, will{LF}bloom into a pretty flower. Wait...what kind of seeds did we bring again? I hope nothing...odd grows here, yes? Hmm... What's up? My favorite pocket watch has gone missing. Did you check where you usually put it? Yeah, but it wasn't there. I remember seeing it there yesterday. Maybe a ghost took it. I don't think so. Ghosts, eh...? Why would a ghost want to take your pocket watch,{LF}@キール@? I kinda doubt a ghost would do that. I guess not... Precisely! Maybe it was some kind of poltergeist prank! A ghost really{LF}could have done it! But...now what do I do? I'll have to find that ghost and ask it to give that watch back.{LF}It's important to me. That's not what happened! @エルミナータ@! When did you come in? Heh heh heh...! The Great Detective is at every scene of a crime! Now listen. The theft of your precious pocket watch was not the work of{LF}a poltergeist. Then who took it? It was taken, my dear Kiel... ...by a cat burglar!! Uh, I don't think that's it... But don't worry! Calm down. It will be okay. The Great Detective is on the case! I'll have it solved in no{LF}time. So you just stay here and wait, okay? ... ... I'm going to keep looking. Good idea. It might just be in some other place you haven't thought of{LF}yet. HIYAH!! GAH!!! Umm... What are you doing here? I thought you were somebody suspicious trying to break in! Sorry. Wait, why is this MY fault?! What are you doing hiding in here, @エルミナータ@? What, can't you tell by looking? I'm getting ready to arrest the cat burglar who stole Kiel's{LF}pocket watch! Right here? Of course right here. Listen carefully, now. I'm going to teach you something veeery important. ''A criminal will always return to the scene of the crime.'' ... Thus, if I just stay here and wait, the criminal will come back{LF}and I can arrest him! See? @エルミナータ@?! ...Oops. Owww... Geez, what was that for? My apologies. I reacted before I had a chance to think. ...Wait? Why is this MY fault? Why are you in my house, Illuminata? I was just trying to capture a thief, that's all. Sheesh. But what you did was almost catch @フォルテ@. She{LF}doesn't seem like a thief to me. A thief? What are you talking about? @キール@ can't find his pocket watch. O-oh. I see... @エルミナータ@ says it was stolen by a thief. R-really now... Th-that c-cannot be allowed. Um, @フォルテ@? Are you okay? You look kinda pale. Wha?! I-I'm fine, thank you! N-no need to worry yourself! Hmm. Ah-ha! Wh-what? Nothing! Sorry to bother you. Bye-bye! What was that all about? I don't know. Hmm? I hear something... Hurry...new parts... ...don't have...here... But I...to fix...fast! Please...! Excuse me! Oh, hey. Welcome. Hello. Did something happen? Something need fixing? Erm...you could say that. Ha ha! C'mon, Forte. You don't have to be so nervous. Bado... Whoops! Sorry, sorry. I won't say any more. ... Well then, I must be on my way. N-n-no, nothing!! Erm, e-excuse me! I must be going! ...? What just happened? Ha ha! Well, I guess everyone has their little issues. Even her. Oh... I guess everyone has their little issues. Even her. She can be pretty clumsy, y'know. Precisely! That's it, isn't it? That has to be it! Huh? Well, uh... Tsk tsk! It's no use trying to lie to me. I didn't say anything... I see. So you refuse to cooperate with the investigation, eh? That's fine. I've heard enough as it is. Um, what's going on? Heh heh! ♪ I just overheard something very interesting, is all. @しゅじんこうくん@. In the next few days, you should be able to witness{LF}something amusing at Kiel's house. Something amusing? What do you mean? It means everyone has their own way of doing things, is all. Everyone has their own way of going about things, is all. So basically, it's probably best to let them figure it out on{LF}their own. Okay? In the next few days, you should be able to witness{LF}something amusing at Kiel's house. Heh heh heh! I wonder what @エルミナータ@ is up to? Walk past. Talk to her. I should probably just walk on past. I should probably talk to her before she does something{LF}weird. @しゅじんこうくん@! Come here a minute. @エルミナータ@. Shh! Not so loud! Now get over here! What are you doing? You made it just in time. Watch! It's not polite to peep into people's homes. Just do it. Aha! What is it, Kiel? My pocket watch! I thought I lost it, but there it is on my{LF}desk! I guess you must have overlooked it. I thought I'd looked there more than once, though... Oh well. ...Wait. Now what? It's fixed. What, was it broken? Yeah. Really? You could have told me that. But... But what? Spit it out. It's the pocket watch you gave to me. It's my favorite. I couldn't tell you it broke. What, was that all that worried you? Well, it's fixed now. All's well that ends well. Yeah. So @キール@'s pocket watch was fixed. Heh heh heh! This is the moment I've been waiting for! Ack! Hey!! Forte! The time has come for you to pay your dues! Oh. Hello, Illuminata. It's you, again. What do you want this time? Ah-ha! Don't think your innocent act can fool me! Forte... YOU were the thief! What?! This is what happened. You waited until Kiel wasn't looking... And then you snuck into his room and stole the pocket{LF}watch he had on his desk! What?! H-how can you say that? Huh? Did you really do that, Forte? Of course not! Illuminata, you shouldn't invent accusations like that! OBJECTION! I didn't invent anything. Unfortunately for you, I have deduced the entire incident. All I needed to discover was one thing. Your motive. Why would you steal Kiel's pocket watch? But, in the course of my investigations, I arrived at a possible{LF}theory. You took the watch because you were desperate to fix it. And why did you want to fix it? Because you were the one who broke it! You could hardly believe you'd done it, I'm sure. But it was only a matter of time before your actions were{LF}discovered. But fixing the pocket watch required time. Somehow, there needed to be a reason for it to be missing. And so... You made it look like a cat burglar stole the pocket watch! ...!!! Forte. What you did was wrong. But...you did it for love of your brother. Don't ever forget that. ...Whew! There. Case solved! ... ... Um, I'm the one who broke the watch. ... So what's this about a cat burglar? I haven't a clue. Then why did you take the pocket watch? Erm...Kiel would look at it with sadness every now and again. I thought if the watch would magically work again, he would{LF}cheer up... Forte... I'm sorry, Kiel. This is my fault for taking it without letting you know first. No, that's okay. You did it because you wanted to make me feel better, after{LF}all. Now I can go show it off to everyone and let them know you{LF}fixed it for me! B-but... Oh, let him. It won't do any harm. Yes it will! O-oh...uh, well at least this whole cat burglar fuss is over{LF}and done with. Yeah. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. And... Thanks, Forte. I appreciate it. Y-you're welcome. And I'm glad you like that pocket watch. Yeah! I wonder where my pocket watch went...? Now where is that cat burglar? ... Heh. Once again, the great intellect of the Great Detective has{LF}solved another difficult case. Some days, I'm just so smart I scare myself. I'm so happy my pocket watch works now! But I'm even happier that my sister was thoughtful enough to{LF}fix it for me. I had no idea that pocket watch was so important to him. Next time I will get a better one for him. @しゅじんこうくん@, could I ask a favor of you? What is it? I'd like for you to deliver a message to Vishnal. Sure. What should I tell him? It's a most important message, you see. Be certain to tell it to{LF}him +passionately+. Say-- ''The bucket has arrived!!'' That is a VERY important message, don't you agree? After all, he seemed like he was rather in need of a bucket{LF}the other day. So please tell him-- ''Come and get it immediately!!'' ...+Passionately+. You cannot forget that part. Um...I get the message, but why do I have to tell it to him{LF}passionately? No reason. ... Please let him know when you can. Please tell Vishnal the bucket he has been waiting for has{LF}arrived. ...+Passionately+. Oh, hello! What can I do for you? @ポコリーヌ@ asked me to give you a message. The bucket has arrived. THE BUCKET IS HEEEERE!! Really? Oh, that's wonderful news! W-wow...you didn't have to say it quite so, uh, passionately. Uh, sorry. Erm, anyway. I'm glad to hear that the bucket is finally in. Though I'm afraid I'm not the one who needs it. Truth be{LF}told, it's Arthur who asked for it. Really? Yes. He asked me to help find one since he didn't have one{LF}of his own. I'm sure he'll be very happy to know it's in. Could you please{LF}go tell him? Sure. I'll go tell @アーサー@ for you. Could you please pass the message to Arthur? Thank you. Is there something I can do for you today? I have a message for you from @ポコリーヌ@. The bucket has arrived. THE BUCKET IS HEEEERE!! It's in? Excellent! ...He completely ignored it! He is a man of many talents. It has? Excellent! I'm sure Kiel will be quite glad to hear it has arrived. He was{LF}the one who needed it, you see. Could you please let him know? He has been waiting{LF}anxiously. Um...sure. I'll pass it along. Could you please let Kiel know it has arrived? I appreciate it. Hi! What's up? @ポコリーヌ@ asked me to give you a message. The bucket has arrived. THE BUCKET IS HEEEERE!! Really?! Yikes! That was loud. Why did you shout like that? Sorry... Um, anyway... So it's in, huh? Forte will be so happy to hear that! What? @フォルテ@? Yeah! She was looking for one a little while ago. Could you go tell her? Thanks! Not again... ...? Could you go give that message to Forte? Thanks! Well you certainly look tired. What is it? The bucket is here. THE BUCKET IS HEEEERE!! It is? Great! ...@しゅじんこうくん@? ...Ahem. I'm sure Xiao Pai will be glad to hear the bucket she wanted{LF}has finally arrived. Could you please let her know? *FALL* Hmm? Could you give the message to Xiao Pai for me? Thank you. Hmm? What is the matter? It seems you are very worn out. The bucket is here. THE BUCKET IS HEEEERE!! Truly? That is wonderful news! Meg will be happy to know. You will tell her for me, yes? Sometimes you're very weird. You're telling me. You will tell Meg for me, yes? She will be happy to hear! Ugh, so now it's @マーガレット@. Wonderful! The bucket has come. I can already see Meg's{LF}happy face! You will tell Meg for me, yes? She will be happy to hear! Oh geez, are you okay? You look exhausted! The bucket is here. THE BUCKET IS HEEEERE!! What, it is? Great! Yikes! Now that was very...um, passionate of you. Anyway, Porco will be so glad to hear it finally came! Could{LF}you go tell him? What? @ポコリーヌ@?! Huh? What's wrong? But @ポコリーヌ@ was the one who gave me the message{LF}in the first place. Really? Yeah. I've been passing it along from one person to the next,{LF}and now here I am. From one person to the next? So everyone asked you to tell{LF}someone else? You went around and came back full circle? Oh boy. I guess that means the one who wanted the bucket, and the{LF}one who got it himself, was Porco. Augh! I can't believe it! Ah ha ha... Well, thanks for all the effort. Could you go tell{LF}Porco? @しゅじんこうくん@! My, my! What's wrong? You look positively pooped! The bucket is here. THE BUCKET IS HEEEERE!! It is?! What...what passion! What enthusiasm!! And, and...! The bucket I have long awaited has finally arrived! I can now{LF}make a Bucket of Flan! So where is it? Where is my lovely bucket? It's the one you just got. That one? Oh no, no. I couldn't use that one. That's the one{LF}Vishnal needed. No, it is. Y'see... @ビシュナル@ was only looking for it to help{LF}@アーサー@. But @アーサー@ wanted to get it for @キール@. @キール@ was looking for it for @フォルテ@... ...and on and on and on until we come back around to you. R-really?! Then, this is the bucket I'm looking for?! It seems so, yes. Oh, how wonderful! How marvelous! And everyone was{LF}helping moi look for one! How kind! How generous! And an especially warm thanks to you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I{LF}asked more of you than I thought. No, it's okay. I'm just glad it all worked out in the end. Well then, as a token of my heartfelt appreciation, the first{LF}Bucket of Flan will be yours! Wait just a moment, now! Ta-da! Done! It's an especially enormous bucket, so eat especially amply! Thank you. I'm the one blessed to be surrounded by so many kind and{LF}generous people. So thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. @クローリカ@?! Are you okay?! Wait, she's just...sleeping? *SIGH* @クローリカ@! Wake up! ...Ahh! Oh dear. You surprised me. You surprised ME! Don't fall asleep on the ground like that! I thought you'd gotten hurt and collapsed! Oh, sorry. I finished sweeping the square early, so I thought{LF}a quick nap would be okay... Geez, get it together, would you? *POUT* I WANT to get it together. Huh? What's the matter? Nothing! Oh...! I know! What's up? Nothing! Hmph! It's a secret. And people like you who have everything{LF}together don't get to know. What are you all up to? Our ''Get It Together Course.'' ''Get It Together Course?'' Yep! You see, our daily habits just won't cut it anymore. So we are going to go ask the experts how best to get it{LF}together! The three of you? The three of us. We are...''The Together Trio!'' I'm here because I get to play with Clorica! And you, @ダグ@? Hey, if a girl wants to hang out I'm not gonna say no. ... All right, everyone. First, we will visit with Expert Forte! You want to get it together? Hmm. I see. Well, the best thing I can recommend is exercise. A disciplined mind means a disciplined body. Let us begin with some light jogging. Everyone, follow me! So that's the Get it Together Course? All right, everyone! It's time for Get It Together, Day 2! Goooo, Together Trio! So where're we going today? I think today we will talk with Expert @アーサー@. You got it. C'mon, let's go! ♪ Ah, I see. Well then, why not aid me in my work? It's not something you can do unless you have it together. What?! We gotta work? Of course we'll help! We will?! We will. Ladi-dadi-dah! I get to play office worker today! ♪ Excellent! Wait just a moment, I will bring the paperwork. If you would, please stamp the forms I gave you. While not the most difficult job, it is nonetheless important. Let me know if you need help. What's everyone doing? They are helping me with my work. ... Ah ha ha! ♪ Where's @ダグ@? He stepped outside a moment ago. ... Um...are they really helping you? I think they are all doing their best in their own way. It's the effort that counts. Thank you for teaching us today, Expert Arthur! No, thank you, for helping me with my paperwork. All right, everyone, let's go outside. You know, I think we've all managed to get it together very{LF}well! Yep! It's aaaall together! So let's all get together again soon, okay? Can we do something that's, y'know, fun this time? I'm already having fun! ...How? You've been working pretty hard, lately. Oh, no. Not really. I have to try even harder. That's why I moved to this town.{LF}To get better! Huh? Is something wrong? ...It's nothing. Still, you look like something's bothering you. No, no. Nothing's bothering me. It's just, I have to do what I can to fix the way I am. I can't just stay this way, y'know. ... It's too..sloppy. So where are we going today? Today we will visit Expert Meg! All riiiight! Let's go! Let's go! Hurry! I heard @クローリカ@ and the others would be coming{LF}here today. I've heard about you guys. So you're all studying, huh? Yep! We want to learn how to get it together! Ah. Well then, leave it to me! Let's dive right into a lesson that will help you foster a sense{LF}of rhythm. Huh? Rhythm? Yeah. See, rhythm isn't just important to music. It's important in{LF}everyday life, too. Sleeping at regular times. Eating three square meals a day.{LF}That's all part of your daily rhythm. And if you can set up and keep a proper daily rhythm, it'll{LF}help you keep yourself together. Um, I don't get it at all, but you sound really smart, Meg! All right, on with the lesson! I'll just start the music, and... Now follow after me! ♪ There! That's it, that's it! The next part is a little hard, so watch closely, okay? Bravo! Here's the next phrase. Watch closely! So this is somehow going to show them how to keep it{LF}together? Yep! They all got the hang of it very quickly. That was fun! ♪ Ugh! I'm so wiped... So apply this rhythm to your daily life tomorrow, okay? We will. Thank you! So are we going to keep this up? Yes. The next lesson will be the last. It's almost over? I don't really get what's been going on, but it's kinda sad to{LF}hear it's gonna end. Yeah, it is. Do you think we're all getting it together better, now? Yeah, you bet! We are! You've got it all together, Clorica! Thank you, thank you. What's our last lesson gonna be? Today, we will go see Expert Dolce. Got it. Everyone...this will be our last lesson. Be sure to focus, and{LF}give it your best, okay? Yeah! Yaaay! ♪ Well then, let's go! Forward march! Hup, two! ♪ Dolce, please help us! There isn't anything I can teach you. Of course there is! Please, Dolce! No, I mean... Teacher! ...Teacher? Teacher Dolce teaching class! ♪ C'mon, you can help. Please? Teacher Dolce, please teach us how to get it together! ... Teacher. Hmm. All right. Teacher Dolce will teach you what you need to know. Yes! Yaaay! ♪ Thank you! If you want to keep it together, you must learn to stay calm{LF}under any circumstance. For example... ''DOLLLYYYYY!!!'' ''There you are!!'' ''I've been looking all ov--'' ''--GAAAH!!'' ...Like that. Now you try it. Uh, easier said than done. What are we supposed to do? Ah! Vishnal. Could you come here a minute? ...? Yes? What is it? I need you to be their practice opponent. I can certainly do that. What kind of practice is it? Let them beat you up. WHAT?! Thank you for volunteering, Vishnal! WAIT! Well done. You all kept it together nicely. It's all thanks to your expert lesson plan, Teacher Dolce. Thanks, Teacher! No, you don't need to thank me. ...I had a lot of fun, to be honest. And I had a really hard time, to be honest. Well done to you, too. Here, let me take you to the clinic. Ah ha ha... And that will do it for our ''Get It Together Course.'' So...it's all over? Yes. Woo-hoo! Yaaay! ♪ We all worked really hard! Yeah... Hey, what's with the lukewarm reaction? We did it! We made it all the way through to the end. Be a{LF}little happier about it! But do I really have it together? Whoa, what are you talking about? Have a little more pride in yourself, Clorica! You had it more together than the rest of us. You were our{LF}leader! Yeah! Don't worry, Clorica! You've got it super together! Your whole aura is different! I...I improved? I managed to get better? Yeah. Oh, thank goodness. Yeah! Great job, Clorica! And the rest of us have gotten loads better, too. Thank you both so much for sticking with me. It's because all three of us got together that we managed to{LF}get it all together. Heh heh...quit it. You're embarrassing me. Yaaay! Clorica said nice things to me! I'm afraid it's time for the Together Trio to break up... But what we've shared will last forever! Yeah! Forever and ever! Let's all work hard to apply the lessons we've learned, okay? Yeah. Man, that was fun. Let's play together again sometime! @クローリカ@?! ...She's sleeping. Again. *SIGH* So even after going through that whole course, nothing has{LF}really changed. Hee hee... Zzz... I got it together... Zzz... I guess she wouldn't be Clorica if she were any different.{LF}She's just fine the way she is. I'm going to get it--whoops! That was close. I'm not telling you the secret, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ Oh ho ho ho! ♪ Well you sure are in a good mood. Come on, everyone. We're going to visit Forte. Yah! Hiyah! *HUFF* *HUFF* I'm...exhausted... Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. We're going to have another ''Get It Together Course'' today. Let's all go and visit Arthur today. ♪ Doug. Amber. Let's all gather together outside for a moment. I have to get it together more. ... Yeah, we have it together. It looks like the ''Get it Together Course'' is really coming{LF}together. Meg's lesson will really help us learn how to get it together! Follow the rhythm! One, two! One, two! ♪ This will be our last lesson. @しゅじんこうくん@, come see how well we've gotten it{LF}together, okay? Today is our last lesson. It's sad to see it end, but I'll give it my best, anyway! This is my last chance. I'm going to give it my best! We studied with Teacher Dolce today. It was a great lesson! I feel like my whole aura has changed. @しゅじんこうくん@, can you tell? Your aura overwhelms me! Not really. Aura...? Oooh, so you can tell, too! Why am I not surprised? Aah. I guess it's still a little early to ask you about those{LF}kinds of things. Maybe you should have joined us for lessons. That might've{LF}helped you understand. Yes. My aura. Can't you see how I sparkle, now? Oooh... ...Nope. Can't see a thing. Oh, dear. *YAAAWN* Eep! I-I didn't yawn! That wasn't a yawn just now! I have it together, so I don't yawn like that any more. Hee hee! Well? I had it all together, didn't I? I won't let anybody say I don't have it together anymore. C'mon, let's go already! Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Sorry, can't talk. I'm busy today. Forte's place, right? Let's get going! Hah! Tah! Heh heh! Well? I'm pretty good, right? Ha ha ha! Man, that was fun! This ''Get It Together Course'' is{LF}not too shabby! Y'know, you could always get it together more. Why don't{LF}you do it with us? Next is Arthur's place, huh? What are we gonna do there? Why do we gotta talk outside? Can't we do it in here? So this is the grand finale, eh? Well, how do I look? Do I{LF}look like a new man? Your manliness sparkles. Not at all. So what're you doing next? Ha ha! I knew you'd be able to tell! What? Not...at all? Geez, don't you have eyes in your head? It should be{LF}obvious! Hey! Listen when a guy is talking to you. Third lesson already, eh? Man, it's gone by so fast. So what're we gonna do at Margaret's place? I hope it's not{LF}studying. So...dizzy... So the next one is gonna be the last, huh? Man, it feels like{LF}it went by so fast. Heh heh. I think I've got it more together now than even you{LF}do. This is our last one, so I'm gonna give it everything I've got! YEAAAAH!! HAAAAAAH!!! The world looks different than it did yesterday. Is this the full{LF}effect of the course? Hang in there, @ダグ@. Get it together. Heh. Getting it together will only make me that much more{LF}awesome! C'mon, let's go! Let's go! Are you gonna come play with us today too,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@? ...? Hurry! Hurry! Hurry where? Yaaay! We get to go play at Forte's house! Haiyah! Ta-hah! Ah ha ha ha! ♪ Getting it together with everyone is lotsa fun! Let's all play together again! We're gonna go see Arthur today? I wonder what games{LF}we'll get to play this time. Okay! Out we go, out we go! Hee hee! I'm having fun playing with Doug and Clorica every{LF}day. Why don't you come play with us too, @しゅじんこうくん@? We're all gonna play together again today. It's so much fun! We're gonna go visit Meg today. Ah ha ha! ♪ Round and round, twirly whirly! Aww, so getting it together is all gonna end? I'm gonna miss{LF}it. This is the last one. Oh! But it's okay. I had lots and lots and lots of fun playing with everyone! We're gonna go see Dolly today! Well? I got it together, didn't I? You got it SUPER together! Nope. I've got it together more. Hee hee hee! That's because I did the course with everyone.{LF}It was fun! Aww! I did so! I did get it together! You've got it together, too? Yep! Wooow! Neat! You're awesome, @しゅじんこうくん@! Playing together was lots of fun. Next time why don't you come and play with us, too,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@? Clorica asked me to wait outside for her today. I wonder why. Concentrate your entire being on each single strike! Elbows down! Don't expose your ribs like that! Again! YAH! YAH! I'll gladly help any way I can. Clorica and the others were very earnest the other day. With that kind of drive, I'm sure they'll get it together very{LF}quickly. Oh! Erm, not to imply that they didn't already have it{LF}together to a degree. Clorica mentioned she had a favor to ask of me. If it is within my power, I will gladly do whatever I can. I am glad I was able to be of assistance to Clorica. They were certainly quite a help to me. It seems Clorica and the others are at it again today. I ought to take a piece of their enthusiasm and try to finish{LF}my work earlier some days. Did you hear what Clorica has been up to? It sounds like{LF}she's trying to get it together more. I wonder what I should show them. I hope my advice helps. I've heard what Clorica and the others are doing. I'm not{LF}sure I can help. Maybe I should tell them to ask someone else. As I was the one teaching them, I'm sure they have it{LF}together now. Why did I have to get beat up? Sorry. Guess you were just in the wrong place at the wrong{LF}time. Wait...! This might have been an important lesson in what it means{LF}to be an expert butler...! After all...butlers must endure, no matter what the situation! Yes, that was a very important lesson! Thank you, Clorica! You have done a wonderful favor for me! Sheesh... Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Are you here to help, too? Help with what? Oh, so you haven't heard. You see, I've managed to misplace an important pair of{LF}glasses. I mentioned it to Kiel earlier. Strangely, the whole town now{LF}seems to know. I am constantly surprised at how kind and considerate{LF}everyone is here. They have all offered to help me search for the lost glasses. That's great! I'll help, too. Yes, it is. I think I last had them in either my room, or the office. They were a very old, worn pair, however. I may have{LF}accidentally disposed of them. Oh, the thought of never seeing those charmingly round{LF}frames again. What a waste! Would you? That would be a great help to me. Thank you. Could you start by helping me look through my office? I think I last had them in either my room, or the office. You got it. I'm looking for an old, worn pair of glasses with round{LF}frames. I appreciate your help. It seems Sir Arthur and Sir Porcoline are getting along{LF}famously. I can tell, as I noticed glasses displayed in Sir Porcoline's{LF}room. Ha ha! This is a neat little scavenger hunt, isn't it? I bet there's a prize for whoever finds the treasure first. I wonder which one of these he wrote ''You Win'' on. Huh? Wait. You mean this really isn't some kind of raffle? Arthur certainly likes his glasses. I'm sure he has been storing them for a very long time. It seems this is less ''storing'' and more ''collecting.'' I hope no one accidentally drops and breaks a pair, yes? I heard Arthur needed assistance with something. I came to help in such a hurry I forgot to ask what it was he{LF}needed us to do. He lost a pair of glasses, so everybody's helping him look for{LF}it. Oh, is that it? Well then I shall gladly help! By the way, what kind of glasses are they? There are so many different kinds of glasses in here. They're all organized so neatly. Sooo many glasses. Wow, look at all those glasses with round frames. But each{LF}of them looks really new. None of these look like they were used at all. I guess this is{LF}his collection. @アーサー@ really has an +eye+ for +glasses+. But why the{LF}over- the-top fuss to find one pair? He must like ''spectacles!'' Resist the temptation. ... Yikes. I feel a whole bunch of cold stares. ...Strangely, I feel like I just managed to prevent a grave{LF}crime against humanity. These glasses are blue. These glasses are red. Wow, that's an incredible pair of glasses. Wow, that's a snazzy pair of glasses. Those glasses are tiny. Those glasses are huge. Those are really round glasses. Those are really square glasses. ...Triangular glasses? Wait, jagged glasses? Sheesh. Is the pair he's looking for really down here? Maybe I should try the +2nd floor+. Ah. There's a pair of glasses on the top of the bookshelf. Wow, it's a really beat-up pair, too. The frames are round, and it's obviously very old. But it's well{LF}beyond ''worn.'' Is this the pair @アーサー@ is looking for? Maybe I{LF}should go show it to him, just in case. Okay, @アーサー@'s room was which one again? I think{LF}it's on the right. Nothing's fallen on the floor... I don't see anything here. Maybe somewhere else? There's some interesting stuff here, but I'm not seeing any{LF}glasses. Wow. The view from this window is actually really nice. ...but I'm not here for the scenery. Where are those glasses? I'm not seeing any glasses here. Let's check somewhere else. Um, everyone? I think I found the glasses. Ah! Yes, those are certainly a very worn pair of round{LF}eyeglasses. Congratulations, @しゅじんこうくん@! Did they have ''You Win'' written on them somewhere? Huh? So I guess @しゅじんこうくん@ gets the prize, eh? Oh, I was just about to look there myself, too! Erm, this is not that sort of game, yes? Anyway, what was lost has been found. I think we can all{LF}return to what we were doing before. But goodness, there certainly are a large number of{LF}eyeglasses here! Yes. I wonder what he does with them all. Maybe whoever finds the winning one gets to take a pair{LF}home as a prize. I kinda doubt there's a ''winning'' pair anywhere around here. Maybe if we wrote ''I hope I win'' on one of them, it might{LF}work. That seems a little...sad. Ah! There they are! Yes, those are the glasses I was{LF}searching for. I'm so glad you found them. I, um, noticed you have a whole lot of glasses. What do you{LF}do with them? Aah, that. There's a market for them in the wider world, you see. Really? Yes. Though I must admit, about half of them are my{LF}personal collection. That many? Have you ever wanted to collect something you are fond of? Many people do. Some collect money. Some collect gems. In my case, I collect glasses. Oh. Do you think it strange? Huh? Well, um... I didn't intend to collect them at first. I just looked up one{LF}day and realized I'd begun. But now I find them so adorable it's hard for me to resist. ... Aaaah. One glasses, two glasses, red glasses, blue glasses...{LF}You DO think it strange. Uhh... You are a very kind person, @しゅじんこうくん@. I like people like you. Huh...? Now then, please accept this as a small token of my thanks{LF}for your help. I would love it if you could stop by more often. Not to help,{LF}but just to visit. I will even make some tea. Well then, I must be going. See you later. Nancy and Jones came by the restaurant to eat a little bit{LF}ago. They said they decided to treat themselves because it was{LF}Married Couples' Day. Married Couples' Day? Yeah. Apparently, it's on the 22nd. Ah. It must be so nice, being married and that much in love. Oh, I know. Why, just the other day I was taking a nap on{LF}one of the clinic's beds... What, you were napping there again? Clorica, you need to sleep in your own bed, y'know. Ah ha ha! I know, I know. But the beds are just so comfy... But anyway, I was napping there when I noticed Nancy{LF}nearby doing the same thing. Wow. It's not often that you can catch Nancy sleeping on{LF}the job. I heard she had been very busy and got just a little tired. So, while she was napping, Jones came by... ...and then came over just so he could give her a kiss on the{LF}forehead! Oh, how sweet! Now that you mentioned it, not that long ago, I was playing{LF}the piano at the restaurant. I saw Nancy and Jones stop by together for dinner. There, Nancy decided to have some{LF}@アイテム0@ for dessert. When Porcoline brought it out, she was so happy she{LF}laughed like a little girl. But then she took a big spoonful and held it up to Jones. Then...she said... ''Say 'aaah'!'' *SQUEE* ♪ How romantic! I know! I'm almost jealous, looking at how happy they are{LF}together. It's so nice that they're such a happy couple. Nancy and Jones are so sweet. It seems they always stay at our inn during their anniversary. What, they just go to your place for their wedding{LF}anniversary? And what is that supposed to mean? Oh, sorry! I didn't mean anything by that. Really. So why do they stay over? They have a reason, right? Yes. It seems Jones does it so that Nancy will not have to worry{LF}about housework for a day. And Nancy does it so that Jones has an excuse to take a{LF}day off of work, yes? So each says they do it for the other. How wonderful! It's almost as if they can read each other's{LF}minds. Isn't it so sweet? Yes. It seems so. Pardon me. Is Clorica here? Ah, there you are. Oh, hello, Forte. Do you need something? Yes. I have something to ask you about the castle's{LF}equipment. Oh, well in that case... I see. Thank you, Clorica. Ah! Forte, what do you think? Huh? As a girl, it's natural to want to be cherished and adored by{LF}the one you love, right? Erm, well...I... Then would you like it better if he was the domineering{LF}type? Wh-wha? O-of course not...! Right. Loving, caring couples are so much better, aren't they? It seems so! I would like to be a couple in that way some{LF}day, yes? Oh, c'mon, Forte! Stop pretending you aren't interested. I wonder if Nancy and Jones take naps together. We could all use their closeness as a good example to our{LF}own relationships. Sheesh. Oh, guess what! I've asked Nancy to teach me all about it. About what? About the secret to her adoring relationship with Jones! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@, if you're interested, come by the clinic,{LF}okay? Whoa, look at all the people! I hear Nancy will be giving a lecture on love. After all, it's rare to see a couple as smitten with each other{LF}as they are. Very true. Once, a long time ago, I was one of Jones' patients. Not much later, he and I came across each other by accident{LF}in the capital. I knew then it had to be destiny. So I followed him all the way out here, to this town. But it was hard to get him to do more than glance my way{LF}every now and again. So I decided I had to go in for the attack! ♪ Oh, wow. What do you mean by, ''go in for the attack''? They say the road to a man's heart runs through his stomach.{LF}So I made lots of meals for him. I wasn't really good at cooking back then, though. But I kept at it and kept at it, and eventually I got better. Is it important to cook for him even now that you're married? Definitely! Even now, I make sure to set aside one day a{LF}month to cook his favorite, @アイテム9@. He's so happy every time! ♪ Erm... H-have you thought about children? Children? Well... Yes, I think I'd like to have them someday. After all, Jones' children are guaranteed to be adorable! ♪ ... But right now, I'm more than happy with the way we are. Just being able to hold hands with him is enough for me. ''*SQUEEEE*'' What was that? Is someone hurt? Excuse me. Pardon me. Can I get through please? I need to{LF}give someone first aid. Jones! ♪ Nancy. I heard a scream. How is the patient? Oh, it's okay, dear. Everyone is fine. Everyone asked me to tell them a little about us. So I was just telling a few old stories. I didn't expect so many{LF}people to come, though. Ah, so that's what it was. I'm sorry to worry you, dear. No, it's all right. I'm just glad no one was hurt. Excuse me! Yes? Ah, Jones...? Could you, um, tell us the secret to your close relationship{LF}with Nancy? Oh? Well, let's see. I haven't given it much thought, to be honest. But I can say that I have never once forgotten the warmth of{LF}Nancy's hand in mine. ''*SQUEEEE*'' Was that all unconsciously...? ...? Oh, Jones. Ah, youth. Someday, I'll be like them... That was fun. Did you have to make such sour faces the whole time,{LF}Forte? You could have just listened. They are an amazing couple, yes? Goodness. Just listening is enough to make me blush. Did I do something strange? Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@! I was just looking for you. What is it? Tomorrow night, I'll be having a pajama party. Do you want{LF}to come? It's gonna be legendary. Sorry. I can't make it. Really? Great! Come to +my house+ tomorrow night at +19 hundred hours+. I'll be waiting for you! Oh, and bring your pajamas, if you have some. It really helps give it the feel of a pajama party. ♪ Oh, really? Well that's too bad. Maybe some other time, then. Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! All us guys are getting together at Arthur's place tomorrow{LF}night. You're coming, right? You bet! Sorry. I can't make it. Awesome. Come by +Arthur's place+ at +19 hundred hours+ tomorrow. Got{LF}it? Oh, and bring some overnight clothes too, okay? It'll make things more fun. What, seriously? Man, why couldn't you say so sooner? Well, whatever. Maybe next time, then. Our pajama party is going to be tonight. Don't forget, okay? We're getting together tonight. Don't forget! I can hardly wait until tomorrow night! Don't forget, we're all hanging out tomorrow night! Ah! You're here! Feel free to hang out for a bit. Everyone else should be{LF}coming soon. There you are. Hang on a bit. The others should be coming soon. Oh. Hey, it looks like you still have someone with you. Do{LF}you still have stuff to do? How about you get that all done and come back later? Hey, whoa! If you've got stuff left to do go and finish that{LF}first. What's wrong, Clorica? You look depressed. I guess I am, a little... I found out this morning that I gained some weight. Oh? It doesn't look like you have. Are you getting enough exercise? Maybe... I don't know. How about you, Forte? Have you gained any weight{LF}recently? No. I get an appropriate amount of exercise daily, so my{LF}weight has been stable, thankfully. I hesitate to think of what constitutes an ''appropriate{LF}amount'' to you. Nothing normal to the rest of us, I'm sure. How much do you weigh, Forte? U-Um, well... What's wrong with your weight? Amber, this is where you say ''I want to know.'' Oh! Right! I want to know! ... I-if you insist. Xiao Pai, lean a little closer, then. Hmm? *PSST* *PSST* What?! No fair! I want to know, too! Me, too! Me three! Me three! No. She said it was-- AAAAAH!!! Yesterday, a guy and a girl came to the restaurant. It looked{LF}like they got along really well. Ah. So they were a couple, yes? Actually, they weren't. When I asked, they said they were just old friends. Aah. A man and a woman who are ''just friends'' having a{LF}nice lunch together, hmm? I know. Anybody looking at them could tell they were both{LF}really fond of each other. Ah. I thought so. ...? How can you be so certain? You don't know the two people in question. How can you{LF}know what they feel about each other? Hmm... Maybe that was a little too difficult for you, Forte. ...? It's only a matter of time before they begin dating. I'm not sure I understand, but I'll take your word for it. It will be something you will better understand once you{LF}grow up, Forte. Yes? Erm, I'm already an adult. Anybody could read a love as obvious as theirs. Guess you're{LF}still just a little naive there. Yeah! You're still a little kid. Yes, I agree. It's learning and knowing love that helps a woman mature. R-really? So then, all of you have, erm...lovers already? And that's the end of that conversation. New topic! Huh?! So I guess this means in the end, we're all still children. It seems I'm wondering whether or not to cut my hair. Why would you do that? Chopping it all off can be refreshing, yes? Yeah. Taking care of long hair can be such a bother. Yeah. Definitely. Mine's not particularly hard to manage. Are you sure you're taking care of it correctly? Well, I don't do that much with it, to be honest. What, really?! But it's so pretty! It'd be such a waste for you not to take good care of it! You{LF}could make it really beautiful! I-it isn't such an important thing to me, really. How can you say you're in good shape if you don't protect{LF}the health of your hair? Your hair is a part of you, you know. It deserves to be{LF}healthy, too. Wh-what?! Well if you put it that way, then I shall! As of today, I shall not neglect taking care of my hair even{LF}for a single day! ...Wow, how simple can you get? But that's one of the things{LF}I love about you. Oh, did you hear? Recently, people have been spotting...them! Them who? You know. Ghosts. EEEEEEK! Clorica, no! I don't want to hear any scary stories! Exactly. Ghosts do not exist they can't exist they're stories{LF}they don't haunt anything no no nope. Are you sure it isn't simply Pico? Y-yes! That must be it! From what I hear, it doesn't seem like it's been Pico. I agree. It seems one of the travelers staying at the inn has seen one. Oh geez... He said he saw a floating woman wearing a turnip-shaped{LF}mask. No, stop! I said no scary stories! Why would she be wearing a turnip mask? I have no idea. Was it a ghost? Amber, don't encourage them! I don't wanna hear another{LF}word! If there really is a ghost, I think I wanna play with it. It might be fun! Not for me! Nor for me! Awww...! Hey, I wonder. You know how we get together and have{LF}parties like this, right? I wonder if the guys do something similar, too. I would not be surprised to hear that they do. I wonder what they talk about? I wouldn't care. Maybe they talk about flowers! Uh, I'm having a hard time picturing that. I would think they talk about lewd and dirty things, yes? Kiel would never talk about such things!! ...Forte? No. He would never, ever talk about such indecent things. But the others...some of the others might. I...I must go and get him away from those bad influences! Yikes!! Why are you taking your sword?! Oh dear, she looks serious! It seems we must stop her! Whew! Today was exhausting. Oh, yes. That it was. Y'know, it would be nice if we could take a vacation{LF}somewhere fun every once in a while. Is there somewhere you would like to visit? Hmm...Not particularly. Do you know of any interesting spots? I have heard of several. There's a town watched over by a tree that is larger around{LF}than an entire house. There's even a place where you can see a flying whale. Oooh! That sounds neat! It seems there are piles of interesting towns in this land. The travelers who stay at our inn talk about them all the{LF}time. I haven't been to any myself, yes? Haah! Personally, I would like to go to a hot springs resort{LF}sometime. Ooh! That would be marvelous! What, are our baths not enough? Ah! No, no I didn't mean to imply that at all! What other sorts of places have you heard about? Well... I seem to remember someone saying there was a town{LF}where giants lived. Wow! That's so cool! A town of giants sounds so neat! Yes, that does sound exciting. I know! How about we all go there together someday? Yeah! Y'know, no matter how hard I try, I can't help but have more{LF}sweets than I should. I completely understand. It's especially hard to keep my hands off the sweets when{LF}I'm on a diet, too. It sounds like you need to work on strengthening your{LF}willpower. Precisely. You should take after my example, yes? When I'm on a diet, all sweets are forbidden! See no sweets! Hear no sweets! Speak no sweets! ...Interesting. Meg? Yeah? Didn't Porcoline invent the perfect dessert the other day? Oh yeah! What was it again? The super ultimate flan-a-la-mode something-or-other, I{LF}think. Yes, that was it. Oh yeah! That! It was super-duper nummy-licious! You got to try it, Amber? Yep! ♪ I had some, too. It was very yummy. Yeah! ... Something that perfect doesn't come around often. We{LF}should try some before it disappears. I haven't had any yet, but I was planning to go tomorrow. ... What's wrong, Xiao Pai? ...Stupid Dolce! You had to do that! Well I give up, so there! My diet is over! Tomorrow, I will to eat all the flan I want! A Flan Festival! Forte! Wha? Me, too? Yes! You will be coming with me! A-all right. Pardon the sudden question... But is anyone here in love? ?! Um, well...I think Porcoline is an awesome person, but that{LF}isn't really love, is it? It is best for me to make a joke here, yes? Huh? ''We are! You see, Dolly is just MADLY in love with--{LF}MEEPHRGLE!!'' You stay quiet. I love Lumie lots! I'm fond of her, too. But I still don't think that's ''love.'' I haven't fallen in love with anyone yet. Hrm. What about you, Forte? M-me?! O-of course I haven't done anything so frivolous as{LF}that...! If anything, I'd say you're way too attached to Kiel. Wh-what?! Oh come on. It's obvious. @しゅじんこうくん@, what about you? Huh? Me? Is there anyone you like? Umm... ...Yeah. N-no. Eh heh heh... What?! Really?! Oh my gosh, who is it?! ... Tell us! You have to tell us! Um, it's a secret. That's no fair! Ack! H-hey! Stop! That tickles! Well then, as soon as you do fall in love, you should tell us,{LF}yes? Wha...? AHA! You do! You can't hide it from us! Who is it? Who is it? Tell us! Hey, I wonder. Do you think Lumie has someone she loves? Do you know, Amber? Ummm...nope! I thought not. Love doesn't suit her, yes? Oh my. That was an awfully harsh thing to say, Xiao Pai. Still, Lumie is older than any of us, right? It seems like she'd know about, you know...the kind of dates{LF}that adults go on. A-adult dates?! Bad thoughts just crossed your mind. N-no! How exactly does an ''adult date'' differ from any other date,{LF}anyway? Because it's at night? Who knows? Oh, that sounds like it might be more adult. Ahh, that makes sense. Even @しゅじんこうくん@ doesn't know. Even though you are the one who is most popular. Huh?! Maybe they're dates that people go on at night. But what would they do at night? ''Why, have a romantic candle-lit dinner, of course!'' Oh, dear. If it's at night, I don't know if I'll be able to stay{LF}awake the whole time. Yeah, you'd probably fall right asleep. Evenings are a time to prepare for the next day. Proper rest{LF}is important. ...It seems our dreams are only to be found on the other side{LF}of the pillow. Ah ha ha... Maybe I'll ask Lumie about it sometime. If she tells you, let me know, okay? I would like to know too, yes? ...I'm not entirely interested. Okay, okay. I'll let everyone know what I hear. Of course, that's assuming she gives me a straight answer. E-earlier, I saw something unbelievable, yes? What's wrong? Oh dear. Your face is bright red! It's a little embarrassing to recall, you see... Ah. So what is it? It seems there was a man who confessed his love aloud,{LF}right in the middle of town! What? To you?! Oh my! What happened? Tell us everything right now. A ''confession'' is when somebody says they like you, right? N-no! It was not to me. It was a man and a woman I did not{LF}recognize. Oh, that's all? Still, that's pretty incredible. Right in the middle of town? Yes. I didn't know there were people who would make such a{LF}public display in town. I must fix that. Whoa, hold on. Depending on the situation, it could have{LF}been a really romantic thing to do. @しゅじんこうくん@, what do you think? I think it was romantic. It's kinda embarrassing. SHAME ON THEIR FAMILIES. Heh heh. Yeah, you would like that kind of romantic, manly{LF}confession, wouldn't you? I agree. While I'd be happy he was trying to be romantic, in{LF}public is too embarrassing. Ouch! That's harsh... Well, Xiao Pai? How did it turn out for those two? Erm...I'm not sure. It was too embarrassing for me to stand and watch, yes? So I{LF}left before her answer. Oh, that's too bad. Let me know if you see them again. Oh? I need to warn them not to be so unmindful of public dignity. Ouch! That's harsh... Marriage... Huh?! What about marriage? Are you getting married soon,{LF}Dolcie? No. Nor will I. ''D-D-D-Dolly?!'' ''Wh-wh-which gentleman?!'' ''S-since when?!'' I said I'm not. And there isn't a gentleman. ''Oh! Well then allow me to fill that empty void in your heart-{LF}-!'' Unnecessary. Still, someday all of us will be married, won't we? True. If things go well...yeah. Will we be mommies, too? That would be neat! I wonder what married life is like? I cannot imagine. I expect it might actually be fairly difficult, yes? But if you're marrying the person you love, shouldn't you be{LF}happy? @しゅじんこうくん@, what do you think? Is being married all happiness? It's picture perfect. I'm not sure. It's 'Eh'. My, my! I can feel the love radiating off of you. Hee hee! ... ''Dolly! Dolly! Can't we be like that?'' I'd rather be set on fire. Oh dear. I think it would have been better if you'd said ''yes,''{LF}even if it was a white lie. Do not make your husband cry like that, yes? Whoa, whoa, whoa! ... Um, maybe the two of you should work a little harder to{LF}make it happier for the both of you. Yeah... Now then, let's move on to question #2. What, there's more? What made you decide you wanted to get married? I wanted to be with him. A bolt out of the blue. I wanted to keep him. Ah ha ha... Wow, just listening to you talk about it is making{LF}me feel all lovey-dovey. Aww, that's so neat! I'm jealous. Just listening is enough to give me my fill of romance. *SQUEE* ♪ Was it fate? Did you feel the hand of destiny guiding you? I hear that does happen on occasion. Nancy and Jones say theirs was ''fate.'' Fate, eh...? O-oh...I see. That is very...possessive, yes? It's like you got a pet. Well then, since this is now a time for questions, you will{LF}give us some advice, yes? What is the one thing we should know? You don't need to rush. Get out there and bag 'im! Get ready to marry now. I see! Interesting. ''Ahh, such composure! Such benign wisdom!{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@, you are brilliant!'' So there's no reason to dive headlong into it yet. Oh, but I want to get married soon. Ooooh, learn something every day! Wow! Now that's...predatory! So you went out and ''bagged'' your husband, then? Oooh, I see. I feel as if we've just seen an unexpected side of you. Ooooh, learn something every day! What, right now? Even though we haven't found anyone yet? Oh, I think I see. You mean there is no harm in starting to{LF}train in cooking and housekeeping now. Oh, I get it. I'm very good at both cooking and housekeeping already! So you're ready to be a bride already then, @クローリカ@. None of us are married yet, right? Not right now, but maybe someday soon! Yeah, not yet. But it seems we still have plenty of chances left. ''Well Dolly already has me.'' Who needs you? ... What's wrong? You're looking down all of a sudden. It...it's nothing. If there's something worrying you, we'll listen. I'm not worried, per se. It's just, well... Why are all of you, so...erm... Yes? So, uh... ...? So concerned about finding l-... lo-... ...love? Wow! Did you hear that? Yes! I heard that! ... We all heard it! Forte actually said the word ''love!'' H-hey...! So what brought this up all of a sudden? ... Nothing. It's just... All of you looked to be enjoying talking about romance and{LF}dates and marriage. I'm not jealous of it. I was just...wondering where you all, erm...studied so much{LF}about it. Studying? Was anybody studying anything? I didn't get any{LF}homework. Studying? I think it is more a lack of studying for all of us,{LF}yes? Then how do all of you know so much about it? @しゅじんこうくん@, she asked you a question. Huh? Wait, I have to answer it? Well? How is it you know? Uhh... It's all gut feeling. We just kinda do. We don't know, really. Exactly! ♪ It seems it is best to be honest with yourself about what you{LF}feel. That's right. None of us have ever really thought about ''studying'' love. Yeah. None of us are all that knowledgeable about it. We're all still learning. ...?! Romance isn't something that one person teaches to{LF}another. Right. I...don't understand. Romance is so...impenetrable to me. Someday, you'll meet someone who will help it all make{LF}sense to you. Do you think so? I mean, right now I can hardly envision myself in love. Love comes suddenly. Have a little patience. Love comes suddenly, eh...? Do you really think I'll be able to love someone someday? You know what? I think today's activity will be figuring out{LF}Forte's ideal man! What?! That seems interesting. Yeah! Let's all give it a shot! W-wait a moment! I haven't the faintest idea about{LF}romance... Oh, it can't hurt. C'mon. It'll be fun! Hmph... Okay. Forte, what kind of person do you like best? What kind of person? Erm... You do have preferences, correct? No, not really. You probably want someone who's a skilled swordsman,{LF}right? I don't really lack for good sparring partners right now,{LF}actually. That's not what I was asking. What about someone who is good at cooking? That...would be helpful, yes. What about Porco? Um, no. Aww, but Porco is such a nice guy! Mr. Volkanon is a nice guy, too. So is Lumie! ♪ Well then, who do you choose? Wait, why must I choose between those three?! Hey, so is everyone here in love with someone? GAH?! Now for the real questions. ''Well I am and always will be head over heels for my Dolly!'' You stay quiet. A knight has no need for romance. Oh? So why's your face all red? I-I am not turning red! What about you, Meg? Wha? Me?! N-no! O-of course not! ''No matter how fine he is, I'll let no gentleman come close{LF}to milady!'' You stay quiet. Oh really, Meg? Well I think you're hiding something!{LF}Everyone, tickle attack! Ack! W-wait! What about you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Are you in love{LF}with someone? Of course she is. Oh, right. You already have a lover. In that case, she should be the target of the tickle attack!! Yikes!! Okay! Okay! I'm in love! No! I'm not in love! Aha! There! See? You heard her! So she's our new target! Tickle her until she 'fesses up! Ha haah! Take that! ♪ Eeep! What, you aren't? It seems Meg is still our best target. Come, tickle her until{LF}she spills all, yes? Ha haah! Take that! ♪ Ack! But I don't have anything to spill!! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. What kind of girls are you into? Um...my type? Ooh! What a mature conversation they're having! ''Mature,'' eh? Well? Uhh... Nice, I guess. Someone who make me laugh. The mysterious ones. No, no, no. That's not what I'm talking about. Then what are you talking about? You know! That OTHER stuff! Like the cute ones. Or the fancy ones. Or the smokin' hot ones! ♪ There's gotta be some you like better than others. ...? C'mon. It's just us guys here. No need to hold back. Speaking of...what do you all think? What's your type of girl? I like the cheerful ones. Being with someone who is happy gives me the energy to{LF}work even harder! Uh, were you even listening to what I said? I'm afraid my work will be my only girlfriend. How very like you. Hmm...I think I like nice girls the best. What about you, Leon? Me? Good question. And it will go unanswered, because I like to preserve the{LF}mystery. Aww, that's no fun. Whatever. What about you, Dylas? I don't have one. Who has time for that junk anyway? Well that's boring. Hey, what about you, Doug? Ah! I'm glad you asked! Time for bed. Yes. It is about that time, isn't it? Wow, when did it get this late? Oh, is it? Oh well. Here, Kiel. You can use this futon. Thanks! ♪ Good night, everyone. Wait, huh? Doesn't anybody wanna know? Hrm. Y'know... What? There aren't enough girls here. There AREN'T any girls here. You've got that right. What, that again? Is it time to sleep yet? I know! Well, yeah! It's important! Hey! Quit pretending not to hear me. Who cares about that? That's not what this whole thing is{LF}about. Yes. It's nice to have us together like this once in a while. Hmm... If you think some girls should be here, I could go call my{LF}sister. Forte...? Uh, you don't have to do that. Really? I feel it might be best to leave things as they are now. True. It would be a kindness to simply ignore him. Hey! What's that supposed to mean?! I must admit, Doug does have a point. I do? Having ladies present does make things much more pleasant. Yeah, totally! Who was it who had the dumb idea to have a bunch of{LF}sweaty guys hang out anyway? That would be you. Well then, Doug. Next time the ladies have a get-together,{LF}how about you join them? What, by myself? H-hell no! I couldn't do that!! I find it endearing that for all your speak of wanting a lady's{LF}company, you are still innocent. Sh-shut up! My sister has been kinda grouchy lately. She said her clothes{LF}are getting too tight. Oh, so her boobs are getting bigger. Huh? Wha?! Why're you acting all surprised and stuff? Didn't you know? When girls talk about how their clothes are too tight, they{LF}mean their chest is getting bigger. I-is that so... Okay, Vishnal. Listen here. It's no overstatement to say that a woman's most important{LF}asset is THAT asset. Really?! Yeah. Now remember this... ''A woman's greatest value lies in her chest.'' That's something a wise man said a long, long time ago. I...I never knew there was such a saying. I'd remember it if I were you. It would be embarrassing for a{LF}great butler not to know that. I wasn't aware... You should let Clorica know that, too. It'll be a big help to{LF}her. I will! Uh, I wouldn't do that. Good luck! ♪ Oh? Very true. I suspect your reward for sharing that with her{LF}would be a fist to your face. With a heaping helping of insults if Meg was within earshot. And likely a close encounter with a sword blade, should{LF}Forte have overheard you. What?! Damn it! That almost worked. It would've been so funny if he{LF}did it. Thank you! All right... I'll let Clorica know first thing tomorrow morning! That's the spirit! Sheesh! You two... Not bad, @しゅじんこうくん@. So, Kiel, what is the true reason Forte's clothing had become{LF}so ill-fitting? Oh. She said she exercised too much, and now her arms{LF}don't fit in her sleeves. Aah. So she's gained muscle, then. Not girth. Mmmph... You look tired. Yeah, I guess I'm a little sleepy. Don't make yourself stay up if you're that tired. You can go{LF}to sleep if you want. Okay, I think I will. *YAWN* Good night. ... Hey, Kiel! Ngh? Oh, sorry. I forgot. It's nothing. Oh... ... Oh yeah! ?! Oops. Sorry. Slipped my mind again. ... Doug, what are you doing? Huh? Oh, sorry. There's just something about Kiel that makes me wanna{LF}mess with him. Don't be so childish. Geez. Look out!! GAH?! You too, @レオン@?! It's all right, @キール@. There's nothing dangerous here. You sure? Yes. Oh good... Heh heh heh heh... That's enough, both of you! I think this is the best part of the night so far. ♪ OH NO!! My work!! AAH?! Not you too, @アーサー@! Y-your work? Is there something wrong with it? No, it's fine. Oh... ...HIYAAAH! WAAH!! @ディラス@?! What's going on...? N-nothing! Nothing! Go to sleep. Oh... @ディラス@!! This is kinda fun. Ha ha ha! Ain't it? ... W-well I'm not going to do it! Wah ha ha ha ha! STOP. ME ANGRY. Would you please be quiet? ...HIYAAAH! Wha?! Oops! What's wrong? Sorry. It's nothing. Go to sleep. ... @しゅじんこうくん@...? Yeah? Could you please be quiet? ...Sure. *SNICKER* Yeah, @しゅじんこうくん@. Pipe down. Rrrgh...! How come I'm the one getting yelled at? Too bad. What's too bad? Oh, don't worry about that. Yeah, that was fun. Hmph. Well I wasn't having any fun. ... It looks like he is sound asleep. ... @しゅじんこうくん@... How unfortunate. Argh...! Arthur...? Did you bring work with you?! Ah, my apologies. I found myself a little behind schedule. So you did bring it along. How much do you have to do? If I stay up all night, I may finish before morning. Eesh. Talk about a workaholic. Oh, I am not so good as that. Dude, I wasn't complimenting you. Doesn't it wear you down to be working so often? Not as much as you'd think. I enjoy my job. It's the life I chose for myself, after all. Wow, that's so neat! Someday I'd like the chance to say a line as admirable as{LF}that. Hey, Vishnal! Isn't it tough being a butler? Oh no, no. I enjoy it. It's the life I chose for myself, you see. Oooh! Aaah! ...What are you two doing? A job, eh? Here, let me help! That's gotta be tough. I'll help you, Arthur. Hm? Oh, but... What, you're seriously gonna do it? Hand some over here. I can do some, too. Me too, me too! I wanna help! Well then, shall we begin? I'll try as hard as I can! ...Ugh. Okay...okay... I really don't wanna say this, but I guess I'll help too. Well then good luck to you. I will be sleeping. Hey now! You're supposed to volunteer, too. Erm...this was not my intention when I brought this with me. Oh, don't worry about it. Yeah. It's fine. Something like this isn't so bad every now and again. Right? Everyone... Thank you. I appreciate it. By the way, given my skills and talent, I likely would be no{LF}help to him whatever. ...?! So what are we going to talk about today? Do you have any ideas, Dylas? Sorry, no. I think I'm going to turn in early. I'm kinda tired. Hey, hey! Already? Why even come? What does it matter? I'm tired, so I'm going to sleep. Though seeing your face before I sleep is going to give me{LF}nightmares. Why, you...! Doug, calm down. Calm down! Hmph! Well who cares about you, anyway? It's not like there'd be anything fun to talk about with you{LF}anyway. I mean, you're so gloomy and mopey, hardly anybody likes{LF}you. What was that, pebble-brain?! Like I care how many people like me, anyway! Unlike you, I{LF}don't feel the need to be popular! You couldn't be popular if you tried, you dumb XXXX! I dare you to say that again, you △△△△ dwarf! Oh my. Some of those words they are using... Hey, Vishnal? What does XXXX and △△△△ mean? Arthur, why don't you explain? Kiel, listen carefully. There are things in this world that you{LF}are better off not knowing. Shut it, Doug! You're always such a little □□□! Well you're an ○○○! Come on, Kiel. How about we call it a night. Leon, what does □□□ mean? And ○○○? Let's all go to sleep...now. Aww! Vishnal, do you know what those words mean? Erm, h-how about we listen to Arthur and go to sleep? @しゅじんこうくん@, do you know? Well y'see, they mean-- I don't know, myself. Ask your sister. @しゅじんこうくん@... ...I'm going to sleep now. Drat! (I'll just ask my sister tomorrow.) So you don't know, either? Drat! (I'll just ask my sister tomorrow.) Now there's the cruelest one of all. Yeah, I'll do that! D-do you think he'll be okay? You know, Arthur, I think you would be very popular with the{LF}ladies. I am not, actually. Though now that you mention it, I do see some letters mixed{LF}in with your work, on occasion. Really?! Please don't tell bald-faced lies like that. I'm pretty popular with girls, y'know. Is there something I can do to be more popular with them? Glad you asked! Yeah, there is. Listen up. You really aren't that popular with them, you know. Vishnal, you did not grow up here, correct? That's right. My hometown is elsewhere. Did you leave a girlfriend behind when you moved here? N-no! I didn't have a girlfriend! Hmm. Why? You don't look all that bad. Yeah. I think girls would think you're pretty hot. I-I'm not, really. Oh... Ah, so you're the unknown rival who loses out before he{LF}even gets a chance to step on stage, then. Wha?! Really, Vishnal? Wow!! W-wait a minute! Don't invent strange anecdotes about me! Not that the other guy was any better. Yes, unfortunately. Stop already!! Please!! Y'know, there's something missing around here. There needs{LF}to be more stuff about girls! There he goes again. It's just his usual affliction. Pay it no mind. I mean, we live in a town that's full of pretty girls! Can't there be, y'know, more romantic encounters or{LF}whatever?! I mean, you two in particular really suck at this!! Huh? Wha? You two get to work with girls every day! And they're even{LF}cute! Hasn't there been even one little incident that made your{LF}heart race? Well now that you mention it... Ooh, what is it? Spill it! The other day, we had a customer who was hitting on{LF}Margaret. Right, right... I figured somebody'd better do something, so I rolled up my{LF}sleeves and walked over there. Go on, go on... I'd barely taken three steps when Margaret glared at me and{LF}asked me what I thought I was doing. Then she thoroughly chewed out that customer for being{LF}rude and kicked him out. She was pretty impressive. Oh come on!! That's not what I was talking about! Ugh! I feel like an idiot{LF}for even asking you. Anyway, what about you, Vishnal? Do you have anything awesome? Like, say, hearing a scream{LF}in the baths and rescuing a girl. Now that you mention it, yes! Something like that did happen{LF}to me. What, seriously? Yes. I was on my way to the inn when I heard a high-pitched{LF}scream coming from the baths. And? And? So I ran into the changing rooms to see what was the{LF}matter. It was just a cockroach. Wait, you ran into the changing rooms? That's badass! I have a whole new respect for you, Vishnal. But more importantly. Did you...see anything? Just Mr. Volkanon. I was shocked to learn he could scream{LF}like a girl. Wha...VOLKANON?! What kind of story is this?! Well, you asked if I had heard anyone scream in the baths. Augh, I give up! I don't want to hear anything more out of{LF}you! You're too pure for me! H-hey! What a mean thing to say! That was a compliment, actually. Oh, it was? Why thank you! @しゅじんこうくん@. You're my last hope. Help me out here,{LF}man. You have to have something. Tell me you have at least{LF}something! I don't kiss and tell. I got nothin'. What?! Y-you're kidding me. We have to be living in two separate worlds. Two totally,{LF}utterly separate worlds. So how come you get the GOOD one, eh?! No fair! ...Just like me. Hey, we can be comrades! Buddies in{LF}Snoozeville! I wouldn't say that you and @しゅじんこうくん@ are remotely{LF}comparable, actually. Huh? That's true. There's a world of difference between Doug and{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Wha? @しゅじんこうくん@ doesn't have ''nothin','' he just has nothing{LF}he wants to say to YOU. Hey! Didn't you ever learn it's not nice to ask people things you{LF}don't want to answer yourself? Wait, when did I become the bad guy, here?! How come I'm the one who gets picked on?! Okay, guys! What should we talk about today? Oh, I know! You've got an idea, Vishnal? Well that's rare. What's up? You see, Arthur gave me a deck of cards the other day. Oh yes. I remember that. So let's all play cards today! You too, @しゅじんこうくん@. Sure. Cards? What kind of cards are you talking about? Let me{LF}see. That seems interesting. Show me how you play. Ooh, I wanna play, too! Ugh, kids. The lot of you. Heh heh heh... My infiltration was a success! Now...show me all your secrets! ...Hrm? What's up, Leon? Did you hear something? ...Heh. No, it seems I was just imagining things. Shall we begin? Come on, Doug. Play with us! ...Fine, I'll play. But how about we do this? Whoever loses has to say who they have a crush on. What?! C'mon. That'll make even this dull card game more{LF}interesting. Hmph. Coming up with lame ideas is the only thing you're{LF}good at, isn't it? What, afraid you're gonna lose? Who said that?! Get over here and play, pebble-brain! I see. Focus less on winning and more on not losing. That{LF}seems simple enough. Can we start yet? I wanna play! All right, let's get this party started! Hee hee hee! Now it's getting interesting. Soon, I'll have dirt on every last love-connection in town...! There. And I am out. Oh thank goodness. That's my last card. I'm out as well. I'm out. Whew! Me too! Uh-oh, getting close! But I'm out, ha ha ha! So it's just you two left. ... ... You know, I'm quite interested in hearing who it is you like. Huh? Hmm. It seems it has come down to luck of the draw. Pick a{LF}card. The card on the right. The card on the left. ...! ...Heh. Ah! I...I won! So it seems I lose. Well that's an unexpected result. I still get to hear who he{LF}likes. All right, time to 'fess up! Leon, who're you crushing on? Tell{LF}the truth, got it? Wait, does he even have somebody he likes? Oh, I'm so curious...! I do. The one I love is... Illuminata!! Whoa! Wow! Hmm. ...Really? ... BWAAAH?! Hey, guys? I swear I just heard something. Did any of you? No, it was just your imagination. Well then, that is enough for today. How about we go to{LF}sleep? Are you certain you don't want to amend your statement,{LF}Leon? True, I guess I should. What I said is an outright lie. ♪ ...Now then. Sleep. Goodness, you are one twisted individual, aren't you? Ha ha! Good night. Wait, he was just lying?! You've gotta be kidding me!! ...! ...Heh. Ah! Too bad. It seems you lose. Oooh! I can't wait to hear who @しゅじんこうくん@ likes! Ha ha! @しゅじんこうくん@ lost! My, my. Let's play that again! Hold it, hold it! We've got something else to do, first. You remember the rules, don't you @しゅじんこうくん@? Do I have to...? Where are my notes? I have to write this down...! All right, time to 'fess up! Who do you like? Tell the truth{LF}now! Clorica. Forte. Margaret. Xiao Pai. Amber. Dolce. Pico. Illuminata. Lin Fa. Blossom. Nancy. Porcoline. No one! Suckers. That's right. You two always get along so well! Yeah. Well that was obvious. Aww, there's no case in that. R-really?! What, do you have a crush on her, too? No! I'm just surprised it's someone I work with! Really? I like her lots, too! I think there's a different meaning to ''like'' implied here. Huh? Hmm. So @しゅじんこうくん@ likes Forte. Wh-what? You like that shrew? You simply have no eye for judgment, Dylas. Hey! Ha ha! That clumsy one? But she always tries so hard. Just like @しゅじんこうくん@! WHAAAAAT?! Hmm? Did you guys just hear something? It was just your imagination, I'm sure. Interesting. So you are fond of that quiet one? Though those around her can hardly be called ''quiet.'' What, that mouthy ghost? Perhaps it's just because she is practically a part of Dolce. Huh...? What, you think you can grab two birds with one stone, eh? BWAAAAH?! Hey, guys? I swear I just heard something. Did any of you? It was just your imagination, I'm sure. GGH! ...GGGH! GAAAAAAAAH! Really? You can't be serious. Whoa. Now that was unexpected. WHAT?! Oh my gosh! I-I'm not sure that's something we should have{LF}heard. Huh? Wait...BUH?! Oh, dear. I think you might have broken Doug. Huh? But Nancy is married already. Uh, I think you can come up with a better remark about it{LF}than something that blunt. @しゅじんこうくん@, I cannot say I approve, but good luck to{LF}you nonetheless. ... ... ...I'm not sure what to say. Erm...to each his own, I guess. Hmm. An empty victory, then. More like a pointless stakeout. W-well, I guess there isn't anything for it. If he doesn't have{LF}anyone he likes, he doesn't. ...I'm going to bed. If you're too embarrassed to say it aloud, you can tell me{LF}later. I'll keep it secret, I promise. What, so there is somebody? I wanna hear, then, too. Curious, Dylas? Sh-shaddap! It's not that! Hmph. Perhaps it would have been better if I had let him{LF}win. Notes! Gotta take my notes! Heh. Sorry, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Your secret is mine! ♪ Hey, y'know? I saw something the other day. Porco was taking a walk with a lady. Really? Was it his girlfriend? What?! Porco's got a girlfriend?! That's unexpected. ... Now that you mention it, I saw him walking with someone,{LF}too. It was a gentleman, though. Wait, he's got a girlfriend AND a boyfriend? At the same{LF}time?! Doubtful. I have seen Porcoline writing letters in foreign{LF}script from time to time. Thus, I would think he simply has connections with people{LF}from a different kingdom. Oh yeah! Now that you mention it, she did have really long{LF}ears. She may have been an elf, then. Still, there's just something weird about him! I mean, he has this giant house. His own restaurant. He even{LF}has an airship! What does the De Sainte-Coquille family do that gets them{LF}so much money?! Still, Porcoline himself seems mostly uninterested in money. He even allows me to borrow his airship for free. Oh, and not only that, he's renting this house to me for no{LF}cost at all. He's given me a place to live for free, too. Wow, he's a really generous guy! Hey, Dylas. What do you know about him? Is he, like, married to some rich heiress or something? ... He...did tell me a little about himself once. Ooh! Really? He said that he lost his lover a long time ago. An Elven lover. Wha?! It was some kind of incurable illness. An illness? That must have been a difficult time for him. Yeah. Aren't elves supposed to live really long? Yeah. I bet he never expected to outlive her. Do you think he's not married because he can't forget her? Who knows? There's only one thing I can really say... Porcoline knows better than anyone the pain of losing a{LF}loved one. ... That may be part of the reason he is so unstinting with his{LF}generosity to us. Yeah, maybe. ... Mmm...I'm sleepy. Yeah. It's getting late. How about we all hit the sack. Zzz... That was quick! Geez, Clorica is good at that. Well then, time for the rest of us to follow suit. Yeah. G'night! Good night. Everyone fell asleep. Yeah. We talked for a long time. Shall we continue? Nah, now is the time for all us good little girls to go to bed. We'll pick up where we left off later, 'kay? All right. It seems I will be sleeping, then. G'night! Good night. *YAAAWN* How about we call it a night? But I'm not sleepy yet... Amber, go to sleep. Amber, it's time to sleep. Aww... Okay, it's sleepy time. G'niii... Zzz... She's out like a light. She must have been very sleepy. We should consider sleeping ourselves. Yeah. Good night. Good night. Good night. I think it may be time we called it a night. It's gotten rather late. Must we? Yes. After all, morning training awaits. O-oh... Well then, good night everyone. Night. Oh wow, look at the time. ''Is anyone even a little sleepy?'' I'm feeling a little sleepy, yes. I think I'll go to bed. Me, too. Let's talk again tomorrow. Yes. Good night. ''Good night, everyone.'' Good night. It seems it's time for bed. What, going to sleep already? Yes. Tomorrow will be busy. G'night, everyone! Wow, she's asleep already... I guess we should all call it a{LF}night, too. Yeah. G'night. Good night. Wow, we've been talking for a while. Maybe it's time we go to sleep. What, why? It's still early. It's best to keep a regular sleep schedule, you know. Aw, c'mon! One day won't hurt! No. Not even one day. Sleep is very important, Doug. It-- Okay, okay! I get it! I'll go to sleep, all right? Just spare me the lecture. Good. As long as you understand. Well then, good night everyone. Right, right. Geez. You're starting to sound like Volkanon. Zzz... It looks like Kiel already fell asleep. He probably tired himself out with all our chatting. Perhaps we should turn in as well. Yeah. Good night. Good night. *SNOOOOOORE* Wow. That is impressive. Ugh. He doesn't even shut up when he's sleeping. ...Hmph. Kicked his blanket off, too. Better put it back on. My. That was nice of you, Dylas. I-it's not what you think! I just don't want him to catch a cold he'll pass on to the rest{LF}of us! Reeeally? Sh-shut up! I'm going to sleep! Hee hee! Good night. Hey, Leon? My, why the long face? It doesn't suit you. ...I know. ...Hup. Sorry to wake you. I don't mind. This is something you feel you can't talk about{LF}around the others, correct? You can relax. Speak, and I'll keep it to myself. ...All right. Have you ever, uh...wanted to go back to the past? Back to the time before we became Guardians? Yeah. Do you? ...Not really. I just...wonder about everybody every once in a while. You mean the people who lived in this town in your past. I became a Guardian so I could protect Venti and everybody{LF}who lived here. But, once I changed... I can't help but wonder if they all lived happy lives after that. It...bugs me at times. Oh, is that all this is? I knew you were a dense one. H-hey! Mmph... ...Oops. Dylas. Listen carefully. First, think of the faces of the people who live here. They are{LF}all vibrant, lively people, yes? Yeah. And...? Now think of the town itself. I don't know what it looked like during your time... But compared to mine, it has grown immensely. Yeah. It's grown from my time, too. So what? Is this something that could be done by people who were{LF}unhappy? Well... I'm sure the people of your time were grateful for your{LF}sacrifice. Or do you not believe in those for whom you gave your life? ...Of course I believe in them. So then. What are you worried about? There's only one, simple thing for you to do--live. Accept this second chance at life and live without regrets in{LF}this beautiful town your people built. That is all you can do for them, now. After all, there's no way to turn back time. Leon... Though...if I must find fault, there's one thing this town does{LF}lack. What is it? A memorial statue of us. That they did not dedicate one in{LF}our memory is rather vexing. Hah! Who'd want a statue of you? Ha ha ha! True! I wouldn't want it either! Ngh... Oops. Well then, it's time we got some sleep. Tomorrow awaits us,{LF}after all. Yeah. ...Thanks. It is getting late. Perhaps it's time we all turned in. Yes. It's best not to fight sleep. So I'll be off to bed, then. Good night, all. Zzz... He's fast asleep already. Well, he is one to take life at his own pace. I think I'm gonna go to sleep, too. Good night. Aren't you going to bed too, Arthur? Seeing as I have no work left for the night, yes. I'll turn in shortly. It has been some time since I had the chance to relax and{LF}enjoy an evening with friends. I hope to do it again, soon. Me, too. Man, this was so much fun! But I'm getting tired, so I think I'm gonna crash for the night. G'night! ... Zzz... He's asleep. That was fast. Hmph. Dumb dwarf, always doing whatever he wants. Still, Doug's independence and self-reliance are some of his{LF}better points. Sometimes I wonder if it's not so much ''independence'' as{LF}''egotism.'' *SNOOOOOORE* Though there's little beauty to it, I must say getting together{LF}with you guys was rather nice. We should do this again with the girls. ♪ It's still possible to have a good time even if there aren't any{LF}girls. Oh? So your interests lie in THAT direction, do they? Huh? When it comes time to sleep, stay on the other side of the{LF}room from me, okay? Why...? This was fun! Yes. It seems it was very entertaining. I agree. ...Something like this isn't so bad every once in a while. Yeah! Let's do it again! Yeah. I'll let you all know if another good time for one comes up. See you later! Bye-bye! I'll let you guys know if another good time for one of these{LF}comes up, okay? Yeah! This was fun. I can't wait to do it again. ...It wasn't that bad. Let's do this again sometime! See you. Everyone take care, now. That was so much fun! I'm glad I got to see everyone's pajamas. Though the topics did stray into, erm...gossipy areas that I'm{LF}not comfortable with, it was fun. I enjoyed the chance to spend an evening chatting with you{LF}all. We'll have to do this again sometime. It's a great chance to see what cute pajamas we've all{LF}gotten, too! Today was entertaining, yes? It seems it would be fun to do it again! I wonder why people wear pajamas at night? Oh well! It was still fun! ♪ ''Dolly! Next time, why don't you bring a silkier, more see-{LF}through pair of--MPGH!'' Why would I wear something like that? I wonder if the ladies have get-togethers like this. That was a lot of fun, wasn't it? I wonder what we could talk about next time? They wouldn't call it gossip, but these guys sure love{LF}gossiping. ...Well, maybe it's just Doug. My staying up late tonight will not affect my work tomorrow. I generally stay up late, anyway. I'll let you guys know when the next one is. Look forward to it! An evening get-together. I wonder. Would it not be more interesting if we invited{LF}some of the adults? ... What's up, @フォルテ@? You look concerned about{LF}something. What is a knight? Huh? Does it truly have to be the common image? A man in full{LF}armor riding a horse? Um...first, could you step back and give me some space? Oh... ...Ahem! My apologies for that. Oops! Oh, yeah. I just remembered I had something I was{LF}doing. I'll see you later. Oh, uh, sure. You see, the other day I noticed one of Kiel's... ...erm, never mind. It's nothing. Unfortunately, I do not handle trade in horses. I'm sorry. I see. May I ask why you are interested in one? Well... I've been wondering if perhaps a horse is necessary to be a{LF}true knight. Is this about the ''Tales of a Mounted Knight'' stories? Urk...! How did you guess? Oh, yes, that. I've heard about it from Kiel. Something about a child saved from a rampaging elefun by a{LF}knight. It was very cool! ...So the horse is a requirement, then. Are you sure it must be a horse? How about a monster,{LF}instead? True. They do have advantages in that some are faster than{LF}horses and some can even fly. Maybe you should get a ghost! No. But they can fly. NO. Goodness Forte, are you okay? You are shaking like a leaf. Oh, that's right! I just remembered I had something I was going to ask Forte. Um... What was it again? Have you heard the ''Tales of a Mounted Knight'' story from{LF}Kiel? It's the story a knight who saves a child from a rampaging{LF}elefun. The knight was so cool! He was wearing gleaming armor,{LF}and he rode a pure white horse! It was so awesome! So it seems some type of riding beast is necessary. Yes. How about a Giant Beetle? Erm...perhaps not. Their backs seem too slick to make riding{LF}easy. Well then, how about a Buffamoo? Hmm. Those seem easy to ride. Yes. And they are awfully cute. But, like any cow, they lack speed. I find their leisurely pace quite adorable. Why don't we go ask Bado? Maybe he has an idea. Ah, that makes sense. Erm, what makes you mention Bado's name? It seems he has a new sales idea that requires him to collect{LF}monsters. What...? I wonder what he's going to do with all of them? I'm afraid I don't know. I just heard that it is part of a new idea he has. I don't think it'll work. I highly doubt it will. ... Oh yes! I had something I was going to ask Forte. ...But I just forgot it again. Maybe I can find them at the Blacksmith's shop. It seems Bado has begun collecting monsters. I heard it is for a new sales idea he has, but I'm not sure of{LF}any of the details. Perhaps if you visit his shop, you might be able to find out{LF}more from him. Whoa, whoa...! There ya go. Good girl! Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Mind letting us past? Whoa. Whoa there! Thatta girl. ...? Oh! Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Has my sister come by yet? I don't think so. When I got here it was just me and Bado. Ah. I found a really neat book that I wanted to show to her, but{LF}oh well. A neat book? Yeah! This one. It's about a legendary knight. It's so cool! See? Especially this part! It's his best line! ''A knight is no knight unless he rides a{LF}horse.'' That line... I so wanna show this to Forte. I just know she'll love it! I think I'll go looking for her. Hm? What's this? A note from @バド@? I'm presently working on a new product line. Please come to{LF}the castle if you want to talk to me. Okay, are you ready? Come! I'm ready whenever you are. Uh, what are you guys doing? Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. As you can see, they're looking for a monster that can be{LF}Forte's new mount. Let's start with this one. It...is rather fluffy. And...cute. Ha ha! That's really girly of you, Forte! S-silence! I-i-it's not! How about this one? Well? Erm... Wait, yuck! It's slimy! Keep it away from me! Hmm. Okay, this one next. Do you recognize the cute little turtle you saved all those{LF}years ago? I...I can't say that I do, actually. Oh. Well I guess that isn't surprising, considering I just made{LF}that up. Why you...! You tricked me! Right, on to the next one. No. Just...no. Aw, why not? I think it's perfect for you. What about that is perfect?! Hmph. Well all right then. I'll just go and look for other customers.{LF}More appreciative ones, at that. Don't give up so quickly! You're an adult, show some{LF}tenacity! Yeah, yeah. It's time for you to get off, now. But... *SIIIGH* Forte looks like she is really having fun. Still, I have to wonder if this will all work out. If what will all work out? What, you don't remember? Forte looks like she is really having fun. Still, I have to wonder if this will all work out. ... I'm no true knight, am I...? Ha ha haaah! I thought this might be the case! That voice...! Accordingly, I have taken the liberty of procuring the perfect{LF}mount for you, Lady Forte! You have? Thank you, Volkanon! I'm much obliged! And here it is! An...elefun? Precisely! Not a horse...? Do not worry, lady! Why not?! An elefun is far stronger and far tougher than any horse! ... Oh dear. It looks like Forte has gone into a state of shock. I see. And here I thought it would be an elephantine job to get her{LF}to ride the beast... But it seems it was no big tusk at all! Ha ha ha! Huh? Hrm? What is the matter, Patrasche? Patrasche...?! Darn it! I have no choice, do I... Oh my. Things have turned very exciting, haven't they? Clorica, don't just stand there. We need to chase after them! Hurry! We need to chase after them! Whew! I managed to catch up. Patrasche! You know better than to do that! You had me so worried I...I could cry! WAAAAAAAAH!!! Ahh, what a touching reunion. I-I guess... Huh? Oh, hey everyone! What are you doing here-- Oh no! Look out! Huh? You will not touch my brother!! Patrasche!!! Are you all right, Kiel? Yeah, I'm fine. Good. I'm glad. So...very glad...! Forte... He was right. A knight is still a knight, even without a horse. What...? I was reading a really neat book about this one famous{LF}knight. Once I finished it, I wanted to lend it to you so you could{LF}read it, too. I thought you'd like it. See, at the very end of the book, the knight finally realizes{LF}something very important. People don't become knights just because they have armor{LF}and ride on a horse. Anyone can be a true knight when they find the one thing{LF}they want to protect more than anything. Isn't that cool? ... Yes. Yes, it is. Forte... So that's why you were trying so hard to find a horse. So you{LF}could be a knight for Kiel. Wh-what?! I-I never said anything like that... Oh? You weren't? Well...a little yes, a little no... But anyway! What are you doing here, Clorica? Huh? Me? Oh... I think there was something I needed to tell you. Do you remember what it was? Erm, no. I can't say that I do. Sheesh. Clorica, you completely forgot about that letter,{LF}haven't you. It says-- ''We are conducting a review, and would like to confirm that{LF}Forte is performing well as a knight.'' ''If you have questions as to her abilities, we will immediately{LF}send a more capable replacement.'' Can you believe that? Personally, I don't see why they felt{LF}they needed to send this letter. And should we tell them of what just happened, that should{LF}be plenty to alleviate their doubts. There's a famous legend about a knight that saves a child{LF}from a rampaging elefun. Well, Forte just did exactly what that legendary knight did!{LF}Who could doubt her now? Erm, Lady Ventuswill... About the letter we received from the palace... Ah, yes. The one inquiring about Forte's capabilities as a{LF}knight. I recall such a letter. That's exactly the one, Lady. It said that, if we were in doubt of her abilities, they would{LF}send someone else. There's a legend named ''Tales of a Mounted Knight,'' is{LF}there not? Er, yes Lady. It collects the legends surrounding a certain{LF}knight. One of the tales it includes tells of the time he saves a child{LF}from a raging elefun. Though he had not his trusty steed with him, he still fended{LF}off the enraged elefun. You read the story too, Lady Ventuswill? Erm...I glanced at it, yes. After all, it was the tale of a gallant hero. In the end, what need have we to doubt the quality of ours? Yes, Lady Ventuswill! I'll send a response to the palace along{LF}those lines immediately! Aww, the elefun went away. Patrasche...! Uh, @フォルテ@...? Oh. @しゅじんこうくん@. You...saw the whole thing, didn't you? Yeah. I'm sorry you had to witness something so embarrassing. You can say that again. You looked really cool! Urk...! What...? I was just thinking how great a sister you are,{LF}@フォルテ@. You've got that right! Kiel...! Every day we see how awesome a knight you are... But today we got to see just how adorable a sister you can{LF}be, too. I think it's great. Wha...?! Hm? Is something wrong? N-no... It's just, erm, no one has ever said that to me before, and I... You what? N-never mind! Oh. ... @フォルテ@? I-it's nothing! W-well then, it's time we were going home, Kiel. Come on. Okay! Oh yeah! And here, you can borrow this book, too. Oh, erm, thank you. I know! I think I'll make your favorite dish for dinner, too! That sounds excellent. Heh heh! Just you wait. It's gonna be the best one I've ever{LF}made. ♪ Aww, isn't it nice how well they get along? Patrasche... A knight is a knight, whether she has a horse to ride or not. In fact, even though she's naive, blunt, clumsy and a scaredy-{LF}cat, she's still an awesome knight! ...I'm sure he didn't mean that like it sounded. So anyone can be a knight once they find the things they{LF}want to protect the most. I never realized the book would end in such a fashion. ...Erm, wait! It's not what you think. I did not in any way skim through Kiel's books to make sure{LF}he was not reading anything unseemly. And I certainly didn't let one half-read book bother me to the{LF}point I needed to buy a horse! Oh! That's right! I just remembered I forgot that I had to tell something to{LF}Forte. What was it again? Hmm... I think I'll go check with Vishnal. Maybe he remembers. Patrasche... No, I mustn't grieve. She simply returned to where she{LF}belonged. To her home. Be well, Patrasche! I'll miss you!! I thought I'd start up a monster zoo as a tourist attraction,{LF}you know. But those monsters deserved better than being cooped up in{LF}cages. They should be free. Now, I know what you're thinking. No, I didn't let them go because it'd be a pain to take care{LF}of them. That wasn't it. Honest. I heard Forte asked Arthur and Bado to get her a horse. Change into one for her? No one ponied up, though. No! ...Was that supposed to be funny? Dolce is still a feeling the effects of some culture shock. She's unsure how to deal with this new time, and how best{LF}to interact with everyone. But I'm sure she'll be okay. She's a kind girl at heart, and I know everyone here will{LF}understand that. A white one-piece dress for Dolly. And for Pico...hmm. Maybe a cute salopette dress? Goodness, what am I going to do? I now have not one, but{LF}two adorable daughters to play with! What? Um, I just wanted to check and see if you were getting{LF}along with everyone... Not really. I haven't talked with many of them. ''Because you don't want to get in their way while they're{LF}working. Isn't that right, milady!'' ...For some of them, maybe. ''Goodness, Dolly. You worry about too many things.'' ''Now, how to go about getting everyone to understand your{LF}twisted-yet-kind personality...'' It seems Dolce is not the type to like being fussed over. So it must be lonely for her to suddenly need to live in a{LF}town where she knows no one. Honestly, I'm a little worried for her, yes? I had a moment to speak with that adorable new girl. The one who moved here from the old mansion. What was{LF}her name? Dolce, I think? Anyway, we chatted for a bit, but then I got busy. When I{LF}turned around, she was gone. I hope to get the chance to talk to her a little more, soon.{LF}She was a very interesting girl. Forte isn't too fond of the new girl, Dolce. Well...it's more her{LF}friend Pico, I guess. Oh! But it's not that she doesn't like them or anything. It's more that Forte is just really scared of ghosts. I heard that Dolce and her...friend, Pico, moved here from the{LF}old mansion on the hill. ...But that should not matter. I am a knight! I can't let this{LF}bother me so. But...hrm.... She looks like she's really concerned about something. It was soon after I woke up this morning that I noticed the{LF}graffiti. ''These flowers are very pretty.'' That's...complimentary. I guess. Do you have an idea who the culprit may be? I think it might've been a ghost. A ghost?! Yeah. I saw the letters just kinda draw themselves. ... Are you okay, Forte? You look really pale. I-I'm perfectly fine, of course! Anyway, please leave this issue to me. I swear I'll find the{LF}one responsible for it. Even if it's a ghost? ... This morning, I saw letters draw themselves on our wall. Lumie was really happy. She said it was a new case. Ghosts don't exist. Ghosts don't exist. Ghosts don't exist.{LF}Ghosts don't exist... Her knees are shaking. Graffiti on the walls. A vandal who simply disappears. A mysterious message maybe meant to attract customers?{LF}Who would benefit the most from that? I've got it! The culprit has to be the owner of a flower shop!! ...Wait a minute. It looks like drawing graffiti is the new fad in this town. I can't say I understand the type of person who'd find that{LF}fun. ''These flowers are very pretty.'' Why is there graffiti on the wall of the flower shop? I heard a ghost did it. Really? There's this really creepy old house over on the hill, right? They say a girl who'd lived there just moved into this town. Wait, isn't that... So they doubt me. Unsurprising. Everything they said is true, after all. ... Would you stop worrying so much about me? It's patronizing,{LF}and I'm not a child any more. Sorry... What. ''She really meant thank you for your concern.'' What?! ... Pico! Now where did she get to? Have you found the person responsible for the graffiti? I hear rumors that attribute it to a ghost, of all things. We had graffiti on our inn wall today, too. But it said such nice things about it I can't be mad at the{LF}person who did it. ♪ Whoever is behind this graffiti will never be forgiven. Especially for writing it on my face while I sleep! You understand, yes? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! Have you heard? Apparently, right now graffiti is the 'in' thing. Scrawling graffiti on someone's house is hardly a nice thing{LF}to do. But it said really nice things about Porco's cooking. And whoever it was liked my music too. ...So, um, am I supposed to be mad or not? It seems somebody made a scene and scribbled graffiti by{LF}my restaurant's entrance. It said my cooking looks delicious. By ''looks,'' that means they haven't yet tasted my cooking, I{LF}assume. ''The owner of this inn is really pretty and nice. Her daughter{LF}tries very hard at everything.'' ''The food here always looks so delicious. The music is{LF}beautiful too.'' It looks like this graffiti incident is spreading across the entire{LF}town. ... Erm, Clorica? No, I'm not asleep. I, um, didn't say you were. Do you know if Forte heard yet? That the graffiti artist is a{LF}ghost. A ghost? Some people suspect it may be Pico... O-oh, yes. That half-transparent girl who moved here{LF}recently. Erm...yes. She's only HALF-transparent, and doesn't look like a ghost.{LF}Thus, she's not a ghost. Ghosts, after all, do not exist. They are imaginary things that{LF}the mind conjures when scared--- ... Forte? Is something wrong? G-g-ghost... Yes. Everyone has been talking about ghosts recently. Even Forte has supposedly seen one around... I had a dream where Vishnal was talking about ghosts. ...Wait, is this a dream? Ghosts don't exist. Ghosts don't exist. Ghosts don't exist.{LF}Ghosts don't exist... She's really shaking. You're the one who scrawled that graffiti on Granny{LF}Blossom's shop, aren't you? ... Do you really think I would make that much effort to do{LF}something nice for you? HEY!! ...But you do have a point. Ugh. Now I've just wasted effort. Talking to YOU. What?! Move, you two. Have your lovers' spat somewhere else,{LF}please. Wha?! You got a problem with that? Wait, that... Hm? ''It must be nice, being good enough friends to argue like{LF}that.'' ''...is what you are thinking, correct?'' ... I see. This is your way of asking to die again, isn't it? ''...?!'' Y'know, she's actually a pretty interesting person. Yeah. Y'know, Dolce might be cooler than I gave her credit for... A running sign, eh? Utterly ridiculous. Though he sounds like he was amused by it all... Dolce. What is your hurry? R-running...*HUFF*... I can see you were running with my own eyes, yes? No... Have...*HUFF*...you seen a running...*HUFF*...sign...? Signs are only signs if they hold still where all can see them. ... ...How can I help? What? I didn't ask for any help. Yes. It seems I was not asked to offer you help. ... ...Will you help me chase down that sign? Pico is the one carrying it. I know she won't be leaving town. How? Straying that far will snap her link to me, sending her to the{LF}afterlife. ...? Ghosts cannot venture too far away from the one they are{LF}haunting. And the one Pico has chosen to haunt is me. Ah, so that's what it is, yes? I see. Oh, by the way... Yes? I...appreciate your help. Hrm. It seems you do not easily speak what you feel. ...Whatever. By the way. The sign you are searching for is the one presently behind{LF}you, yes? What...? ''But I want to be honest.'' ''...Is what she's thinking.'' ...DIE. Hrm? I see words that are writing themselves on the wall. ''Please be kind to Dolce. She wants more friends.'' Interesting. It seems those words wrote themselves on the{LF}wall after the sign had left. What could that mean? @フォルテ@? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. I-- YEEP! @ピコ@? ''I'm sorry. I do not know this 'Pico' of whom you speak.'' ... There you are. Uh-oh... You will not escape me again. Erm... ''Ooh! You look so lovely when you are enraged, Dolly!'' YIKES! ''Why are you so startled?'' The sign! It just went over that way...but you are still here! ''Oh, that. I simply threw the sign I had been carrying around,{LF}is all.'' ''And milady was kind enough to fall for it completely...'' Pico, where have you gone? If you disappear...if I lose you, I don't know what I'll do! ''Dolly...!'' ''Don't you worry, milady! I'm right here for you!'' Pico! Thank goodness! ''Milady! Milady! I've missed you, too!'' I know. Thank you for completely falling for that trick, by the way. ''Gah! I'm trapped! Well, I'm strangled is more like!!'' Don't worry. You're already dead so you can't die again. ''Oh...oh my...I see a field...{LF}A beautiful field of flowers...'' Before, it had felt as if there was some distance between{LF}Dolce and us. Now, I feel like we've become closer. Yeah. I think just being around those two will make ghosts{LF}and stuff a lot less scary. Oh, no. Ghosts are an entirely different matter. Ghosts do{LF}not exist, you see. Honestly, you are such an embarrassment! ''Oh, you don't mean that, milady. It was cute and endearing.{LF}Don't you agree?'' Yeah! Utterly embarrassing. Ah, I see. Is that your way of asking to die? ''Oh my. Does this mean you're volunteering to die?'' Say that again, I dare you! You know I will. What happened this time? Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Not like it's all that unusual, but Dylas and Doug are arguing{LF}again. C-calm down, you two. Can't we just get along? ''SHUT UP!!'' ...I-I'm sorry... ... You're bothering everyone. Well, @マーガレット@? See?! I told you, pebble-brain! So apologize already! Not until you apologize first! Um, I think we should leave this one to Porco. That's enough, both of you. You pester our precious patrons. If you do not cease straightaway, you can anticipate +that+ as{LF}punishment. ... Dylas, are you even listening to me?! @ダグ@! ...Hmph. My apologies, dear customers. I think now you'll be able to polish your plates in peace. Feh! What's ''that'' punishment? Try getting along better. I don't know and I don't care. Never! ...Hmph. What's ''that'' punishment? Try getting along better. Don't know, don't care. As if. Geez, those two are fire and water. But...like the saying goes, no one argues like best friends. ...I wonder how it really is between them. Empty tummies stoke the temper. Let's all sit down for a light snack! What's ''that'' punishment? Yeah, let's. ...Oh my! You want to make moi SAY it...? Eep! *MUNCH* *MUNCH* *MUNCH* Isn't that a dish for a customer? What started those two arguing this time? Doug said that he thought working at the restaurant would{LF}be easy and relaxing. But then Dylas heard that. Then the two began to argue about who has the busier{LF}store. Seriously? Yes. Just being in the presence of one another is enough to{LF}start a fight. I wonder if there's any way we could help them get along{LF}better. That...would be very difficult, I think. Hmm... ...How about this? We ask them to trade jobs for a day or two. Actually doing each other's job will help them better{LF}understand how difficult they are. I dub it the ''Dude, He's Awesome!'' Plan! Ah. That does sound like a good idea. Let's do it! But... But what? Do you really think they'd do it for us if we asked? Good question. Hmm...I know! Let's have @ポコリーヌ@ and @ブロッサム@ ask them.{LF}That should do the trick! Oh, that is a good idea! Let's go talk with @ブロッサム@ and @ポコリーヌ@, then. Do you think the ''Dude, He's Awesome'' Plan will work? How about we speak with Porcoline and Blossom? They{LF}might be able to help us. @ポコリーヌ@, we have a favor to ask. You see-- Oh ho ho ho ho! That sounds like an interesting idea. All right, I'll help you! Leave Dylas to moi. I'll tell him what he is to do. Thank you. Both boys are still young. The experience will do them some{LF}good. I have a favor to ask of you. It has to do with{LF}@ディラス@ and @ダグ@. Now that is a lovely idea. As long as Dylas is willing to work in Doug's place, I'm okay{LF}with it. It will do those two boys good. Thank you! Now, let's see how this will all turn out. There, that should do it. I'll go check on both @ダグ@ and @ディラス@{LF}tomorrow. I wonder how well @ダグ@ is doing. Doug, would you wash these plates please? Sure thing. Oh, and get those too, would you? R-right. Once those are done, please peel this basket of potatoes. That one over there? No, the very full one over here. ...Okay. ... ...Phew. This is harder than I thought. And Dylas does this every day? ... Maybe I was a little harsh on him. Doug! Did you wipe down this table, like I asked you to? Oops! Sorry, I'll get it right now. Looks like he's taking it seriously. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Sorry, I'm a little busy right now. Can it wait until later? ...Phew. This one goes...here? Yeah, there. Be careful, now. That one is very fragile. R-right. ... Oh, and could you shift those from the bottom shelf to the{LF}top, please? They're kind of heavy. You got it? These, right? Yeah, it's fine. Hup! Phew... ... ...There's more to do here than I thought. And Doug always does this? ... Maybe I said stuff I shouldn't have. Dylas, could you get this, next? Sure. Looks like @ディラス@ is doing well. ... Sorry, I'm busy. Can it wait? Everything is going swimmingly here, my dear. I hope Dylas is faring well. Everything is working just fine here. Is Doug doing all right? Both Doug and Dylas are really serious about their work. Yeah, I know. Given the way they act, you wouldn't expect{LF}it. What're you doing? Hmm? Nothing. ... ... Uh-oh! @ダグ@ and @ディラス@ are glaring at{LF}each other! I hope they won't fight...! ...Look. What. See, uh... ... I...I, uh...I'm sorry. ...! ...! ... It's okay, I guess. I mean, I, uh...I was a little-- You ''guess''? I just apologized to you, horse-face! So what's with that{LF}attitude?! Attitude...? Me? You were the one who couldn't be polite enough to wait for{LF}me to finish my sentence, pebble-brain! Who wants to hear you talk, nag! *SIGH* I guess no matter what we did, they still wouldn't suddenly{LF}be friends overnight. Still... Anyway, I've got lunch waiting for me. So outta my way! Whatever. Get lost, shrimp. ... ...Later. ...?! ... ...Y-yeah. Later. ... ...? They're getting along better? What, was there a fight? How scary...! If they can't get along, I wish they'd at least fight elsewhere. I know. Can't we enjoy our meal in peace? Should we leave? Are those two a tad closer together, now? A good first step, but it'll be a long time until they're as{LF}intimate as you and moi. It could just be me, but Dylas seems a little softer now. He is? Softer in the middle? Yeah. It's like his consideration for others has leveled up a little. ...Very little. I'm sure Blossom must have treated him to lots of crunchy{LF}carro-- ...Wait, that's not what I meant. Well? Are they getting along better now? A little. Not really. They're the broest bros. Really? Good. The first step is always the most important. I wonder how it will go from here? Will they be able to take{LF}the next step together? Oh no! It didn't work? That's too bad. Really?! That's great! I think I'll take Granny Blossom up to the restaurant for{LF}dinner next time. I think I'll do the stocking tomorrow...at the general store. It seems to me Doug has had a kinder look in his eye lately. Though it could just be my imagination. I heard there have been a lot of +Ants+ sighted +outside of{LF}town+ lately. Forte has been running around all over trying to deal with it. We're probably safe here inside town, but travelers out on{LF}the roads could be in trouble. I hope nobody got hurt. I heard there have been a lot of +Ants+ sighted +outside of{LF}town+ lately. I hope everybody's okay. @しゅじんこうくん@, I'm sure they wouldn't pose a problem to{LF}you... But I wanted to warn you that I heard there's a large army of{LF}Ants in the area. I've already sent some soldiers to investigate and, if{LF}necessary, exterminate them. But please do be careful. What's that over there...? Uh-oh! I have to go save him! You there. Are you here to save me? Are you okay? Yes, thank you. I'm fine. I came to sell my wares, but I suddenly spotted this army of{LF}Ants. I thought there might be a reward in it, so I followed them.{LF}But they saw me, and...well. Ah, I see. (So it's half your own fault, then.) But anyway, it seems I'm in your debt. I'll be staying in town for at least a few days. If there's anything I can do to help you, let me know, yes? Sure. Step right up, folks! Come one, come all! @バド@? What is he up to? Take a look at this sword. It looks like just a normal, regular{LF}sword, right? But, in fact, it's an incredible weapon! How so? Is it really durable or something? There's something fishy about this... ...I guess I can't blame you for doubting. It's pretty smart of{LF}you, actually. But still, this amazing weapon was carried here by this good{LF}gentleman! Wait, that's... I told you, I'm just a bucket salesman. A bucket seller? What's that got to do with weapons? Hold on a minute. I heard there was a guy who got surrounded by those Ants,{LF}but still got away totally unscathed! Oh, right! I heard that, too! Wasn't the guy some kind of{LF}traveling salesman...? Bado! What on earth are you doing? Uh, sorry ladies and gentlemen, I just remembered I, ah, left{LF}a pot on the fire. We can continue this later see you bye-bye! Hey! You will not escape me so easily! Whoa, where did that sudden wind come from? I have sand in my eyes, now. Sheesh. Even a super weapon won't help anybody against{LF}that. Yeah. It won't do you any good if you can't see a thing. So I guess even weapons can be a useless investment{LF}sometimes. Oh, I get it. Weapons are no good if you can't see to use them. That's a good point. So... What did those travelers think? They mostly thought it stunk. Somehow, getting told that with a smile only makes it hurt{LF}worse. They said that even great weapons don't amount to much if{LF}you can't see anything. Hmm. Okay. Well how about a weapon that doesn't require{LF}sight to use? Do those exist? They sure do. Ah! There it is. That's the harp I was looking for. You can still play this, even with your eyes closed. Ow...! My ears...! See? I can still attack you even though I can't see you. It looks like that ''attack'' hurt him, too. Kiel is so honest it's cute. But sometimes he's a little too honest. And gullible. And{LF}naive. It worries me. Hi! Did you know there's a weapon that you can use even if{LF}you can't see? Go talk to Bado. He'll tell you all about it. I know because he told me to tell everyone that. Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@, here you are. I have something I'd like to ask you about those Ants you{LF}defeated earlier. Do you remember if there was a +Killer Ant+ among them? Um... Yeah. I think there was. I knew it. What does it mean? It seems these Ants are moving under the command of Killer{LF}Ants. I suspect it was those Killer Ants that brought together this{LF}large an army in the first place. The +Killer Ants+ did? Yes. Fortunately, that means they will move about randomly. With a little effort, we should be able to herd them into a{LF}convenient group outside town. Ah. That makes sense. Then there's the matter of Bado's latest odd sales attempt... Erm, never mind. That's not something you need to worry{LF}about. Well then, I'll see you later. I'm concerned about what Bado may be up to... Erm, never mind. That's not something you need to worry{LF}about. She seems pretty worried over what Bado's doing. I have a feeling business will be booming today. Oh? Yeah. See, I did a demonstration of that instrument that can{LF}be a weapon for a crowd. And afterwards a whole bunch of them came up to me{LF}begging me to sell them one. But I don't actually have any in stock right now, so I couldn't. I'm going to make some, though. I've already asked for{LF}someone to bring me some @アイテム0@. @アイテム0@? Yeah. +Killer Ants+ drop them. Once you tan them right, they're{LF}really useful. So once I get all the materials in, I can make as many as I{LF}need. @フォルテ@ was talking about +Killer Ants+, too. Yeah. Two birds with one stone. I get my materials, and she{LF}gets rid of her pests. Wait...but if the +Killer Ants+ go down first, then her plan won't{LF}work...! EEEEK!! That sounded like Lin Fa's scream. We should go to the inn and check it out. @リンファ@, what's wrong?! @しゅじんこうくん@! I had a whole pile of +buckets+ for the bath here, but... They're all full of holes. Who would do something like that? Take a closer look, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh...! Something CHEWED those holes. Then it could be...! Oh, now that you mention it, I think I remember seeing an{LF}Ant run +outside+. ... +Outside+? Maybe it's still there. I put those buckets here so they could be taken out for{LF}repairs. I only took my eyes off of them for a minute, but I guess that{LF}was enough. Did you see who did it? No, I don't think so. But I do remember seeing an Ant run +outside+... Ants, eh? I wonder if there's a bunch of them hiding{LF}somewhere. Wood fragments. Ants like chewing on wood. They probably saw the buckets{LF}as food and started chewing on them. ...First, I should do something about these guys! Whew. That's the last of them. @しゅじんこうくん@! I heard there were monsters gathering out here. Yeah. I just finished mopping them up. I see. My apologies for not arriving in time to be of help. That's okay. It seems most of the Killer Ants were taken out by a band of{LF}travelers. That left the Ants without any leaders. The army dissolved,{LF}and many wandered into town. I hurried back to town to look around and see where they{LF}went. But it seems this was the last of them. Oh, okay. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I don't know what would have happened if you weren't here. I didn't really do that much... Still. This is a small token of my gratitude. Please accept it. Thank you very much. Well, now that that's done, I should go let @リンファ@{LF}know. Actually, by the time I returned to town, almost the entire{LF}army had been dealt with. Someone very skilled must have helped us. These Ants here were the only ones I fought. Really? I see. Then who fought the rest of them? @リンファ@? We found out who wrecked your buckets. It was some +Ants+. Really? Yeah. @フォルテ@ is handling the clean-up right now. Oh, I see. Thank you. That news makes me feel so much better. It's no problem. I'm just sorry about your buckets... Lin Fa. Oh, hello, Nancy. I heard everything from Kiel. It sounds like you had a rough{LF}day. Why don't I go and buy you some buckets to make up for{LF}the ones you lost? Oh no, I couldn't ask that. No need to be modest, dear. Friends help friends in trouble. Blossom... Yes. Besides, it seems like there is a traveling bucket{LF}salesman in town right now. Oh, yeah! How about I go and get him for you? That way, people who come for the baths can buy a brand{LF}new bucket and hop right in the bath. @しゅじんこうくん@... Well, I guess if you insist. Thank you. Thank you so much for your help. Would you please go bring{LF}the bucket salesman here? Ah! So we meet again! Yeah. Um, I'd like to buy some buckets. Ah, so this time you are a customer! How many do you want? A lot. Huh? A whole lot, actually. So could you please come with me? ... You know, I think I like you! Huh? For a big customer like you, I'll make a complimentary house{LF}call. So, where would you like me to deliver these? Could you take them to the town inn, please? Ah, perfect! I was planning to go there anyway. Well, isn't this the lively place today? Ah. Perfect! Heyyy, Xiao! It seems it has been a while. That it has. Your funny speech hasn't changed a bit. And whose fault is that, yes? Don't blame people for things. It isn't nice. Though it was me{LF}who taught that to you. Um... Oh. @しゅじんこうくん@, this is the first you have met, yes? This is my father. I hear you've been a big help to my daughter. Wait, what?! I hope everything has been going well. Oh, yes. Splendid! So many people have come to take a bath. And not just{LF}townsfolk. Travelers have come, too. And the buckets they have been buying are all my{LF}husband's. So in the end, I won't need to repair the old buckets.{LF}Everyone has bought me new ones. I'm surprised that salesman is actually @シャオパイ@'s{LF}father. That he is. He's a wanderer at heart. It's hard for him to stay in one{LF}place for very long. But he does make a point of coming back to town to visit at{LF}least once a year. @リンファ@ looks really happy. @しゅじんこうくん@, thank you so much. You've been a very big{LF}help. You're welcome. Meanwhile... See this musical instrument? It looks like a normal, regular{LF}instrument, right? But really-- It's a weapon that you can use even if you can't see! Hmm. That sounds fishy... Now, now. Give me a moment to explain. Ah! Margaret! Perfect timing. Hm? I'd like you to play this instrument for us. Um, sure. I don't mind. What a pretty song. Ahh, that's a lovely song. Very calming, isn't it? ...What about that is a weapon? ... If you hit someone over the head with it, it could hurt. ... If you listen to some rumors, they might say the blacksmith{LF}now has harps for sale. Hmmm... I think it's time I came up with something. What? Some grand, wonderful something to be the famous{LF}centerpiece to our inn's fabulous services. I see. Some sort of service that only we could provide would{LF}be good, yes? Something only we can provide... ...Your odd speech, maybe? No. Why not? I think it's so cute! If you want cute things, I think it best you do them, yes? Oh? But why? Mama, sometimes you can be so very dense. ...? Something famous that only our inn can provide... Isn't Mama herself enough for that? I really do think Xiao Pai's odd speech habits are cute. But Xiao Pai insists she isn't cute in the least. Goodness! Even though she's such a sweet young lady? Isn't she just? I knew you would agree with me, Blossom. But she says if we try a cute service, I should be the one to{LF}do it. And when I asked her why, she went so far as to call me{LF}dense! What about me is dense? ...Man, she's gotta have a tough time of it. Huh? Nothing. Don't you think Xiao Pai's speech is cute? I do. Um... It really is darling. But she simply does not see it. It must be because she doesn't really HEAR it. It's what she{LF}always does, so it seems normal. How about we all mimic it, then? If we all talk the way she does, then Xiao Pai can hear what{LF}it's like and see why it's cute. Oh geez... That sounds like a fun idea. Maybe I'll give it a try. Yes! Let's both do it! Oh, and you too, Doug! ♪ What?! Why do I gotta do it? Don't you want to? Geh...! ...Okay, okay! I'll do it. Just this once, though. Wonderful! Then all of us here will do it, just for a little{LF}while. Why does it have to be just us? How about we ask the{LF}whole town to help out? Oh, that's a lovely idea! Let's go tell everyone right away! Y'know, you think up some pretty horrific stuff without{LF}realizing it, don't you? Huh? So starting tomorrow, everybody in town is gonna be talking{LF}like Xiao Pai. You come up with some pretty sucky ideas, y'know. Huh? Mimicking Xiao Pai's speech, eh? ... That may be more difficult than I expected. Sometimes I come up with the most wonderful ideas. Oops! Wait, I meant... It seems I sometimes come up with wonderful ideas, yes? ♪ This way we can show Xiao Pai just how precious she{LF}sounds when she talks. And it looks like I don't have to tell her myself. The rumor is{LF}already all over town. It is...oh, what would she say? ...It is very satisfying, yes? ♪ Ah! It seems our @しゅじんこうくん@ has arrived. Did you know that the new fad is to copy Xiao Pai's odd{LF}speech habit? It's rather fun! ...I'm sleepy, yes? Huh? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just a bit sleepy right now. It seems Miss Xiao Pai's unusual inflection is the fad of the{LF}day. I think I shall give it a whirl myself! ...Yes? For some reason, everyone has been mimicking Xiao Pai's{LF}odd speech today. Aren't you going to do it, too, @フォルテ@? ...No, it seems it wouldn't be very fitting for me. Huh? Nothing... It seems Xiao Pai's accent is all over town today! I hope more and more people pick it up, yes? Xiao Pai's gotten really popular all of a sudden. I wish my wares would get that popular suddenly, too. You know, I never really thought about it before, but Xiao{LF}Pai's speech habit is pretty cute. But you can't forget that you have your own unique way of{LF}talking, too. ... No, I'm not going to copy Xiao Pai. Xiao Pai's unusual speech has become rather popular of late,{LF}yes? ... Erm, it seems it's a little too difficult for me. Children learn the ways of the wider world through watching{LF}and copying their parents. Are you saying that everyone mimicking Xiao Pai is the same{LF}as that? No. I simply wanted to say something profound. Xiao Pai's weird way of talking got really popular! Everyone's{LF}doing it. Oh...! If everyone's doing it, doesn't that mean it isn't weird{LF}anymore? True... When I woke up this morning, the whole town was suddenly{LF}speaking strangely... There's a mystery here, I know it! Oh, hi, @ダグ@. ... ...Please don't talk to me today, yes? Everyone is treating this like an impromptu festival. Even Doug is having fun. I'm glad it's turning out so well. Oh, wait. That isn't right. I'm glad it is turning out so well,{LF}yes? Everyone is talking like Xiao Pai does for whatever reason. ''Aren't you going to do it too, milady?'' Not really. Though I do think it is cute. Besides, I would rather not do something that makes her feel{LF}uncomfortable. All of my patients today have been talking strangely. Do you have any idea why? I wonder why everyone is copying Xiao Pai's speech habit{LF}today. It is darling, though. ♪ So the new fashion is to imitate Xiao Pai's unique manner of{LF}speech. Are you doing it, too? No, I'm not. No, yes? Ah. Well that is dull. ... ... I honestly don't know what to say. What in the name of the sky is going on today? Yay! Let's all copy Auntie Xiao Pai today, yes? It seems everyone is copying my way of speech today. Wow, @シャオパイ@. You look pretty okay with it. ... ...I am so embarrassed I want to crawl in a hole and die. Erm... W-welcome! How can I help you today? Xiao Pai! Like you always do! Urk... Okay, okay. ...Ahem. Welcome, everyone. It seems you have had a long and tiring{LF}journey. Please come in and rest, for you must be very weary, yes? See? They loved it! It seems so... Hee hee! Now it's my turn. Hello, everyone! I'm the mistress of this inn, yes? ♪ My my! That went over well. Now then, it seems I will show you to your rooms. ... ...I knew it would be like that for Mama. Hm? Erm, nothing. Anyway, I'm glad my way of talking is popular with the{LF}guests. Though I would guess it is mostly because it is Mama who is{LF}doing the copying, yes? Cute things like that are so much better coming from Mama. You're cute too, y'know. She's special that way. ... You're a nice person, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. For being kind. Yes. Though it is a problem that she herself does not notice this. But that's okay. I'll do the best I can, as I always have. @シャオパイ@... Anyway. It is good that today went well. We have decided on our new service. All our rooms are full. And, best of all... I got to see Mama being even cuter than usual for an entire{LF}day. ♪ @シャオパイ@ looks really happy at that. Now then, time to do my best! Mama can be such a handful at times, yes? She drags all these people into her plans, and in the end{LF}she's the one to steal the show. Ah, well. That simply means that Mama is just that cute. ♪ Xiao Pai's speech habit was even more popular than I{LF}thought it would be. I hope this has shown her that she really is just darling. *SIIIGH* What's wrong? @しゅじんこうくん@... I was cleaning today when I accidentally knocked over a full{LF}bucket of soapy water. *SIIIGH* I try to have lots of energy for what I do, but it never seems{LF}to make me any better at things. Some days I wish there was some magic spell that would{LF}make me an expert at cleaning overnight. Hmm...I don't think there's any spell like that. I thought not. I guess I'm just a novice, until the end. Cheer up! You can do it! You'll get better soon. ...Yeah, you suck. You're right. I don't have the time to stand here wallowing in gloom! You really think so? Goodness! I never knew you had such a high opinion of my{LF}potential, @しゅじんこうくん@! I-I can't just stand around here! I must go train! Urk... Still...I haven't the time or the luxury of wallowing in gloom. I just have to try and try again until I succeed! Don't give up! Keep on trying! So I'm going to go and give the cleaning another try! I got some really good new stuff in. How about it? New stuff like what? This. Uh, what's that? It's a statue that will make you a skilled person, just by{LF}owning it! I dub it...the ''Skill Icon!'' It's so great you're going to buy it, right? No thank you. Can I touch it? I want it! Aww, c'mon. No thank you. Don't be like that. No thank you. Please? No thank you. Can't you just-- No thank you. Nope! You touch it, you buy it. Oh. Never mind then. You didn't have to give up that quick! I just wanted to look at it. ... Really? How much? 5,000,000 Gold. Seriously?! What are you talking about? This is an awesome statue that will make anybody a skilled{LF}person. That's gonna be pricey! Still, that is on the high side, I guess. I think I could be persuaded to give it to you for a whole{LF}80% off! So it's only 1,000,000 Gold. That's still expensive! So expensive I might not buy it. What, really? Hmmm... You're not easy to sell stuff to, y'know that, @しゅじんこうくん@? Aaah, well. I guess I'll try selling it to someone else, then. Stop trying to dump weird stuff like that on innocent{LF}customers. I'll tell @フォルテ@ on you. Ha ha ha! Okay, okay! I won't. I'll get rid of it, then. @しゅじんこうくん@, look! That statue...! Isn't it magnificent? Wh-where did you get that? Bado recommended it to me. You won't believe it, but this statue has a special power! All you have to do is own it to become a skilled person! But he told me he wouldn't sell it... Isn't Bado such a great person? He went and found this statue, just for me! @ビシュナル@. This is very hard for me to say, but... You've been tricked. What? Really?! Yeah. Bado tried to offload that statue onto me, too. I...I can't believe it...! I'm going to go ask Bado if it's true! There's no way he would sell false merchandise to{LF}customers! He's better than that! Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! You won't believe this. Bado is such a terrible person! Oh, good. He's realized that Bado conned him... I made such a big mistake. That statue would never make me a skilled person just by{LF}owning it. Exactly. It actually houses a guardian spirit! Wha? This statue holds a benevolent guardian spirit who has{LF}watched over countless experts. I can hardly believe I've nabbed such a precious artifact! I...I'm touched...! You've got to be kidding me. Ha ha ha! I'm just glad you like that statue, Vishnal. Thank you so much, Bado! I'm going to go back to work, and try even harder! @バド@... C'mon, there isn't anything wrong with that, is there? I mean, Vishnal completely accepts what it is. He doesn't ''accept'' it, you've fooled him into believing a{LF}fake! Ha ha...ahem. Go give him his money back and take that stupid statue! That might be a bad idea. Vishnal is okay with his purchase.{LF}Giving his money back wouldn't be good. No. You will explain to him it was all a con, and you will{LF}refund his money. Understand? @しゅじんこうくん@, you're kinda scaring me right now... @ビシュナル@, I'm sorry, but it would really be better for{LF}you to give that statue back. @しゅじんこうくん@, I'm glad you are so kind as to worry about{LF}my welfare. But there are some obstacles a man simply must overcome{LF}on his own! Um...that's not what I meant... I cannot just toss away the generous support Bado gifted to{LF}me. Watch me, @しゅじんこうくん@! I promise I'll become an expert everyone can be proud of! I'll become an expert everyone can be proud of! @しゅじんこうくん@, you won't believe this! Today...Mr. Volkanon complimented me! Wow, that's great! What did he compliment you for? I remembered that we were about to run out of an item we{LF}use every day. I'm on the ball today! This must be thanks to that wonderful Skill Icon! Um, I'm not so sure about that. It is! It must be! It couldn't be anything else but the effects of that{LF}magnificent Icon! Now that I think about it, I knew I was feeling unusually{LF}clear-headed today! @しゅじんこうくん@! Well you sure look happy. Did something good happen? Yes! You won't believe this, but every dish I made for lunch today{LF}turned out perfect! I didn't mess up a single one of them! Boy am I on a roll{LF}today! Oh yes. Here, I made some extra for you. Once I get to be this good all the time, I want to make more{LF}of that for you every day! ♪ Once I get to be this good all the time, I want to make more{LF}of that for you every day! ♪ What a wonderful statue! ♪ What an amazing statue! ♪ Hmm hm hm hmmmm! ♪ You've been in a really good mood a lot lately. Yes! And it's all thanks to that Skill Icon. Are you sure? I'm positive! I make sure to clean it and make the appropriate offerings{LF}every single day. Hmm. Even though it's fake, if the person believes in it hard{LF}enough, could it really work? Hm? Did you say something? Oh, uh, no. It's nothing. Oh, okay. Hee, work is so much fun these days! I'm having so much fun at work these days! All right, I'm going to give it my very best today!! Hmm? What was that noise? AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! My...my statue...! What's wrong? I...I was cleaning my Skill Icon when I... I dropped it. A-and it broke. Uh-oh. Wh-what am I going to do?! I don't think there's anything you can do. It's in too many{LF}pieces. No...! This is why I'm such a novice. What are you talking about? It was just a simple statue. @しゅじんこうくん@... You were the one who put in all that effort, right? Not that{LF}piece of stone. You've been doing really well at work the last few days{LF}because you worked hard at it. ... So have a little more confidence in yourself, okay? Do you really think that's why? Of course. ... ...You have a point, I suppose. I did work really hard. @しゅじんこうくん@, thank you. All right! I'm going to work really hard today! I don't think he'll stop believing in that stupid statue, but it{LF}did give him confidence, so I guess it's okay. Okay, Let's do this!! WAAAAAAH!! @ビシュナル@? ... Oh dear. Ever since he lost that statue, nothing he's done{LF}has gone right. Everything went TOO well before, you see. So now the scales have to even themselves out. I think it will be a while before he can do something right{LF}again. Why am I so bad at this?! So he's gone back to the same old @ビシュナル@, eh? I wish I could be an expert already! ...Oh, I know! I'll go ask Bado to sell another Skill Icon to me! Oh no you don't! Now we have a Vishnal who will be stuck in Clumsy Mode{LF}for a while. ...Wait, isn't that the way he always is? How does a line of ''Expert Icons'' sound, next? Don't you dare. You have garnered quite the reputation, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh? Yes. I have heard more than one voice saying you give your{LF}all for the sake of this town. I have even heard many travelers saying they look forward to{LF}visiting Selphia. Really?! Yes. You seem to have a talent for governance. Have you ever given thought to becoming a Royal in truth? Oh, quit it! I don't deserve that kind of praise. I'm not doing{LF}all that much. Really! Ah ha ha! Hrm? ''Quit it''? ''Quit'' what? I do recall them mentioning something about governance,{LF}and royalty... ...No! It cannot be! @しゅじんこうくん@ is going to give up the throne?! I-i-impossible! That is not a responsibility that can just be discarded like a{LF}worn coat! I will not allow this to happen! Not while I yet draw breath! Hnnngh!! Heh heh... Hmm. Somebody dropped some trash over here. Oh, and over there, too. ...Huh? I thought I picked up the trash over there... @ヴォルカノン@...? Ah, so you have noticed. But I see you did not miss a single piece of trash. It seems you have not lost all of your enthusiasm! Oh dear. Whatever will we do now? Is something wrong? We would like to purchase some flowers, but we do not{LF}know where to find the flower shop. Oh, you can find the flower shop at{LF}@マップ0@. Oh, @マップ0@? Is that so? I can show you where it is, if you'd like. No, no. That's all right. We can find it ourselves, now. That was wonderfully kind of you. Thank you. I see... GAH!! @ヴォルカノン@...! Geez, you surprised me. What bush did you jump out of? Volkanon? I'm sorry. I do not know this ''Volkanon'' gentleman of whom{LF}you speak. I am simply a...a traveler! Yes! Just a common traveler. I would like to visit the grand castle of Lady Ventuswill.{LF}Could you direct me there? Uh... Is something the matter? Er...it's nothing. The castle is right over that way. You can{LF}see it from here. Ah, over there. I see. Thank you very much. The people of this town are so very kind. I'm sure they must have a very dedicated @姫@ ruling here. Huh...? Eeep! What's wrong? T-t-too scared...! C-can't m-m-move...! Are you okay? Here, take my hand. Whew...! ...Okay. I think I'm fine now. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. What happened? Eh heh heh...I, um, kinda tripped and fell. Then I realized that we're actually pretty high up here... So I froze up. I was too scared to move. Oh, okay. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm glad you came. I was afraid I'd be stuck there until morning. Ah ha ha. Well, if you're okay then that's good. Take care! Yeah. Thanks. I really appreciate it. HRAAAAAAH!! @しゅじんこうくん@! What the...? How did you get there?! Help!! I've fallen and can't get up! Please save me! How did you fall all the way down there just by tripping? A-anyway, I need to pull him up. But with what... @しゅじんこうくん@! Leave that to me! @しゅじんこうくん@!!!! GAH!! @しゅじんこうくん@! Do not let go of my hand! Now pull! HNNNGH! *HUFF* *PUFF* Whew. That was a close one. If you were not so kind-hearted a person, I shudder to think{LF}what may have happened! Uh, @ヴォルカノン@? Didn't you just save yourself? What are you saying?! All that saved me was your being an excellent @姫@! Um, okaaay... Thanks. You were a real life saver. What's going on? You've been popping out from the strangest places, lately. What is going on? What is GOING ON?! @しゅじんこうくん@, that is what I wish to ask of you!! There's no more perfect @姫@ than you for this town. You must be going mad! ...Huh? You've lost me. How can you say you will quit being our @姫@?! ...? Hrm. So you insist on playing innocent, then. ...?? HOWEVER! I heard every word! Every word between you and Sir Arthur! I will not allow you to quit! Not while I have breath in my{LF}body! Huh? He overheard me talking to @アーサー@? I did say ''Quit it,'' yes... Did he somehow hear that out of context? No, he couldn't have. Wait, this is @ヴォルカノン@. It's entirely possible he did. I should go talk to him one more time. @ヴォルカノン@. Yes? Uh-oh... He's mad. I don't plan on giving up being a @姫@. Wh-what?! @しゅじんこうくん@! You have given it a second thought?! Uh, not really. I didn't plan on quitting in the first place. How do you mean? I mean you overheard only half of the conversation. It sounds{LF}like that gave you the wrong idea... WH-WH-WHAT?! I knew it! I knew you were just the person I thought you to{LF}be, @しゅじんこうくん@! I never stopped believing in you for an instant! URPH! @しゅじんこうくん@, I'll do anything you ask of me! I shall serve{LF}you faithfully forever!! WAAAAAAAAAAAH!! ...Wait! I must tell the town of this wonderful news! Immediately!! C-can't...breathe...passing...out... ...Whew. I shall follow you to the ends of the earth and back! This I{LF}swear! Well, I'm glad we straightened everything out, at least. But{LF}he is still as...off as usual. Y'know, there aren't that many get-rich-quick schemes hiding{LF}around here, are there? ... Um, I don't think you'll find any lying around on your floor,{LF}no. Yeah, I know. Oh, by the way. I've gotten a great new product in. A new product? Yeah. At first glance, it looks like just any old water pot. But if you use this to water your plants...they'll grow! That's amazing! Uh, that's normal. ... Um, you do realize this is just a normal water pot, yes? Huh? He overheard me talking to @アーサー@? ... ... Uh...ahem. Yeah, it is. ... It's hard to make money easily. *SIIIGH* Y'know, thinking about it... I don't know why, but whenever I come up with one of{LF}these, Forte always seems to have a hard time. Hm? And when Forte has a hard time, she always makes sure to{LF}come and, uh, share it with me. ... It's hard to make money easily. I don't know why, but whenever I come up with one of{LF}these, Forte always seems to have a hard time. ... So you see...listen closely, now. Right. That sounds like @バド@ and @ビシュナル@. I{LF}wonder what they're talking about. If you use this water pot to water your plants... They grow! That...that's incredible! Huh? All you have to do is water them with this water pot, and{LF}they'll grow faster and faster! What an amazing invention! Well, that isn't EXACTLY what I said. I can hardly wait to try it! Ooh, I wonder how fast my{LF}vegetables will grow? Wait, this isn't really that special a thing. I'll take it! How much does it cost? Uhh...you don't have to look at me with that much{LF}expectation in your eyes... ... ...Er, how about I give it to you for free? Really? Are you sure?! Thank you so much, Bado! I got something wonderful today! ... ... W-well. I'll just have to try something else next time. There's no doubt that Bado is an excellent blacksmith. But he unfortunately has some personality conflicts. *SIIIGH* Wow...that must be tough. Wait, that's... Porcoline, take a look at what I have here. Hmm? Believe it or not, this Cluckadoodle? It lays eggs. WHAAAT?! Porco, don't let him fool you! That's a normal Cluckadoodle! Bado, what do you think you're doing? I hear you're selling{LF}some strange magic water, too. Magic water? Nope. Oh? I do have a water pot that helps plants grow, though. But{LF}that's just a normal one too, right? Um... But I heard you're trying to sell sketchy things again... Not really. What I'm doing is trying to come up with new{LF}ways to sell normal things. Well this is odd. I heard Bado was selling sketchy merchandise again. Something like water that will make you feel great after you{LF}drink it. Everyone makes mistakes. We're only human. How about we all calm down and enjoy a nice snack? Didn't you just have lunch? Oh, don't worry. I'll be the one making the snack, not eating. Don't you mean making AND eating? Everyone makes mistakes. We're only human. Hmm. I guess this isn't the best way to sell stuff after all. ... Maybe I'll give it one more try. He's actually pretty serious about this. Wow. So you see, you take this water and this Cluckadoodle, right? That is a normal Cluckadoodle and normal water, correct? ...Yeah. I must say, it is one of your finer points that you do not lie{LF}about that, Bado. Well, making money by lying to people isn't that fun. Even though you would like to make money the easy way? Lying isn't easy, y'know. I see. I do believe there are a few points worth...debating, shall we{LF}say... But as I dislike lying, I guess everything will work out in the{LF}end. Ah, that's good. But you should know that rumor has spread all across town{LF}by now. Everyone is saying that you're selling magical water and a{LF}Cluckadoodle with special eggs. Really? As you can see, it's just normal water and normal{LF}eggs. Well, yes. However, rumors are always prone to{LF}exaggeration. ...Oh my. I'm sorry. I'm afraid I need to be going. Work again? Yes. There are several forms I would like to finish filling out{LF}today. Don't try too hard, now. If you will try a little harder, Bado. I might. A little. I see. Well then, good day. Hrm. I guess this really wasn't a great idea after all. What wasn't? Trying to make normal things seem special so they'd sell{LF}better. But people are exaggerating what I said. It looks like Forte is{LF}gonna get mad at me again. ...Hmm? BADO!! Why on EARTH... must you always... always, always, ALWAYS... invent such ridiculous, good-for-nothing schemes?! Uh-oh! Sorry, but uh...I'm sold out for today. Time to close up{LF}shop! See you later! Ahh! Wait! Come back here, you lazy lout!! I'll wait here. He must return at some point, after all. Just you wait, Bado. Today, of all days, I'll be CERTAIN to give you what you so{LF}richly deserve...! So Forte found out, eh? That's not good. I bet she's waiting by my shop, so I think I'm going to kill{LF}some time hanging out over here. Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@! I'm already using that miraculous water pot that Bado gave{LF}to me. I can hardly wait to see how it works! It must be some kind of magic if all you need do is water{LF}your plants to have them grow faster. I'm so glad I +went to Bado's shop+! Oh yes. I heard Vishnal talking about a new water pot he{LF}got. He said something about how it has magic water. I think he said you can get some for free at +Bado's shop+. I hear Vishnal has received a gift of magical water. Apparently you can get some for free if you visit +Bado's shop+. Hmm. Is it me, or is this rumor changing? Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! Have you heard?! The whole town is buzzing about the Cluckadoodle that lays{LF}golden eggs and the Water of Life! I heard you can buy both at +Bado's shop+. They're selling like{LF}hotcakes! Okay, it's definitely changing. I heard Porcoline and Margaret talking excitedly about{LF}something earlier. I think it was about some new, special kind of Cluckadoodle. They said they saw it at +Bado's shop+, so if you go there you{LF}should be able to find out more. It seems that rumors of Bado's new products are spreading{LF}throughout the entire town. Now, I do not condone lying to customers, but I'm sure it{LF}was not his intent. However, I believe it will be fairly, er...difficult to make this{LF}sales method a success. Geez, how can Porco believe that nonsense? Even Bado himself said it was a normal Cluckadoodle! ...Wait. Do I really want to believe what Bado said? Maybe I should go to +his shop+ and see what's really going{LF}on. A Cluckadoodle that lays eggs. Are they delectably delicious eggs? Or are they oddly{LF}excellent eggs? I'm exceedingly intrigued. Perhaps I'll go to +Bado's shop+ and ask him to give some to{LF}moi. I heard Mama talking about a rare Cluckadoodle, yes? And it seems there's also a rumor that the Water of Life is to{LF}be found in this town. Oh. I also saw +Forte+ chasing +Bado+ down the street. I feel as if there's some sort of connection between these{LF}things. I heard the most interesting thing when I went to order some{LF}dishes from Porcoline. Apparently, Bado is selling a +rare Cluckadoodle+ at his shop. Maybe I'll go to the +blacksmith shop+ and see it for myself. Clorica told me something neat today! It was about some{LF}kind of funny water. She said it makes flowers grow lots when you drink it. ...I think. She said Bado had some of it at +his shop+. Amber told me she heard about water that will bring wilted{LF}flowers back to life! I heard Amber talking about water that will bring wilted{LF}flowers back to life if you drink it! That smells like a mystery to me! The one clue I have right now is that it can be found at{LF}+Bado's blacksmith shop+. I heard Illuminata talking about some weird water. It's supposed to be some kind of youth potion or something. Maybe I'll go to +Bado's shop+ and ask him what's up with it. ...N-not like I'm thinking of getting some for Granny Blossom{LF}or anything! Doug asked me the strangest question today. He wanted to know if, should he be able to find some, I{LF}would like an Elixir of Youth. Rumor has it that Bado is selling some. I have to wonder if{LF}that's true. Oh, boy. This is starting to grow out of hand. @しゅじんこうくん@. Do you think the Water of Life would have an effect on{LF}ghosts? Huh? ''Oh, hello there! What are you two talking about today?'' ''Would you mind if I listened in?'' ...And that is all I have to say. ''Whyyy?!'' ... Nancy told me she would make some{LF}@アイテム9@ for me tonight using ''rare'' eggs. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Have you heard? Eggs appear golden if in truly delicious{LF}@アイテム9@. I'm quite curious about how the rare eggs +Bado is selling+ will{LF}turn out with it. I heard about the Cluckadoodle that lays rare eggs from Lin{LF}Fa. I wonder how they'll taste in some{LF}@アイテム9@. I bet it'll be delicious. ♪ Apparently +Bado is selling them at his shop+. I think I'll go and{LF}see them for myself later. Jones was talking about some rare eggs earlier. Something about them being made of gold. I've heard the rumor about the rare Cluckadoodle. Perhaps{LF}the two are connected? Wow, this is way different from how it started out! Today I have heard nothing but the oddest of rumors. Blossom mentioned wanting a sip of the Water of Life. And Jones said he was looking forward to dining upon{LF}golden eggs. What under all the stars is happening here? ... ... Hey, @キャラ0@? What's ''Water of Life?'' Is it{LF}water that's alive? I heard somebody say +Uncle Bado had some at his shop+. Bado!! I've been waiting for this. Today, I'll finally make sure you-- --@しゅじんこうくん@?! Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! I thought you were someone{LF}else. It's okay. Unfortunately, it seems Bado has stepped out for the{LF}moment. I expect he'll return eventually. After all, if he's good at anything, it's slacking off. Ah. Goodness. 10 years, and he still hasn't changed one bit. Wow, 10 years? That long? ...Yes. He's always been this way. He tries his hardest to find a way that requires the least{LF}effort... And he works diligently to find a way to earn money without{LF}working at all. Ever since he moved to this town he's done nothing but think{LF}up ludicrous get-rich-quick schemes. I see. However, he's unmistakably an expert blacksmith. He may act cowardly and pathetic, but he's in excellent{LF}physical shape. My late father told me he was saved more than once by{LF}Bado's blade. Not only that... Bado does have it very together in some regards. After all, he looked after Kiel and myself after we lost our{LF}parents. He did? Yes. It's odd hearing that about him, isn't it? After all, he seems like he'd be the first one to run from that{LF}kind of responsibility. But... I have never--not even once--seen him turn his back when{LF}true responsibility is involved. Normally he's frivolous and concerned only with useless{LF}things. But when most people would want to run away, he doesn't. That's just the way he is. I respect that part of him. And I'm thankful for it. @フォルテ@... We have an emergency! @シャオパイ@? What is it?! Forte! It seems I have a message for you. What...? Do not do it! No one will think less of you, I promise. Erm...do not do what? I heard all about it, yes? That you were chasing the very Water of Life! ...What? In which floated golden eggs! Huh? I'm afraid I have no idea-- Do not do it, Forte! You are best the way you are, yes? Strict, but unaware of things! Urk! Noble, but secretly girly! Gah! We all love you just the way you are! ... What is wrong? I...I did not realize that was the way everyone sees me. Ack! It seems I accidentally let slip the truth! Drat! ...So that is the truth. Drat! I let slip the truth again! ... Erm, anyway. Where on earth would such a rumor come{LF}from? Wait... I think I've got a good idea. Heh heh...Heh heh heh heh... Uh-oh. It seems there's a black aura of doom emanating from{LF}Forte. Get ready, Bado. You're going to PAY for this!!! Urk... How on earth would that crazy a rumor get started? Wait... I think I've got a good idea. Um...could you not draw your sword with that scary smile on{LF}your face, please? It seems I was clumsy yet again. I am sorry, yes? Looks like this plan didn't work out like I thought either. ... I did lose a little money on it, but oh well. Sometimes these things happen. It sounds like Forte didn't have that tough a time, either. So I don't think she'll be all that mad at me. *SIIIGH* What's wrong? I've been seeing a lot of trash littering the lakeshore recently. Somebody's littering by the lake? Yeah. It's never been this bad before. Weird. Who could be doing it? Well, we've had more travelers visiting lately. I don't think it's{LF}the work of one person. Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to dump all my worries on you. I'll go{LF}clean it all up, myself. I like to clean, y'know. @マーガレット@... Okay, off to make our lake beautiful again! Let me help. Yeah, have fun with that. Hm? It'll go quicker with two people instead of one, right? ...True. Thanks. Thanks! Well, let's head off to the lake then. ...Whoops! It looks like you already have someone with you. Come back once you've finished whatever they need your{LF}help with. Let's head to the lake together. We need to clean up that{LF}litter. Here we are. Yeah. Look. I'm seeing some even over there, now. There's more than I remembered. Ew. This is terrible. Ah! So this is the scene of your black-market dealings! @エルミナータ@? Lumie? Where did you come from... Don't you know? They do say that a true detective must also{LF}be a chameleon! No they don't. But anyway, what are you two up to? That's my line. What are you doing here? Heh heh. I figured I would pin down the location of all the{LF}black-market dealings going on. And, just as I expected, the two of you appeared! My days-long stake-out was worth it, mwa ha ha ha haaaah! Can't you tell that's not true just by looking? Anyway, I'm bored. Whatever you two are doing, I wanna{LF}help. ♪ There's been a lot of litter by the lake, so we were going to{LF}clean it all up. Ah, I see. Well then, I'm afraid I'm too busy to help right{LF}now. Ta-ta! Um, didn't you just say you were bored? Hmph. You have sharp ears, Meg. Hmm! I guess I can be nice this once and help out. Heh heh, I knew we could count on you, Lumie. ♪ You betcha! I'll start working over here, then. I'll take here. @しゅじんこうくん@, how about you take...hmm... Over there looks good. Okay. Trash and junk, trash and junk, all into the trunk! ♪ That's an odd song. What, that one? Meg wrote it. ♪ I did not! @しゅじんこうくん@, could you go a little further that way,{LF}please? Hmm? What's this? A @アイテム0@...? Hmm? What's this? Ick. Somebody's half-eaten leftovers. That's gross. Hmm? What's this? It looks like a small bottle. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! Let's finish up. Okay! I think I'll hang onto this weird little bottle. I think that should do it. Y'know, cleaning is a lot of fun! Very rewarding! Yeah, it is. Oh hey! @しゅじんこうくん@, what's that? Let me see! Let me see! Oh, uh, here. Oh, hmm. It's just junk. Pretty junk, but still junk. Hm? What's that? This? I found it over there. Hmm. That doesn't look like junk so much as something that{LF}washed up on the shore. Ooh, what a cool @アイテム0@! @アイテム0@? Yeah. It's a magical bottle that has a siren's song sealed inside of{LF}it. Ooh, that sounds romantic! How about we open it and{LF}listen? Are you sure that's a good idea? Oh it'll be fine! Let's give it a listen! Dear Audy-- Do you remember me? I'm sorry we had to meet again this way. I'm afraid I cannot come to see you personally anymore. I've grown a little too old. I'm glad that I got to hear your voice, and I hope that my{LF}voice reaches you one last time. Thank you. And goodbye. Uh, was that supposed to be a song? ...I guess not. It was a message. A very sad message. So what are we going to do with it? It seems a pity to,{LF}y'know...throw it away. Yeah. I'll take it home with me. You will? Yeah. Whoever wrote that message wanted it to reach Audy. I want to help it get to her. How are you going to manage that? The only clue you have{LF}is a name. I'll ask some travelers. They might have heard of someone{LF}named Audy. Sheesh. Sometimes you're a little too good-hearted. Heh heh... Oh, well. I'll investigate some things myself. I'll let you know{LF}what I find. Thanks, Lumie. All right then, I think I'll be heading home. Okay. Thanks for your help. You bet! Oh, and by the way... Yeah? Don't keep @しゅじんこうくん@ out too long, now. Hee hee hee! Wha?! I-it's not like that!! Ah ha ha! Ta-ta! What's wrong? Um...I, uh... Hm? See, people I'm close friends with call me ''Meg.'' Right. So, um...i-if you wouldn't mind, uh... You can call me ''Meg,'' too. Okay. I like your full name. So I'll call you @マーガレット@ from now on. Hee hee...thanks. O-oh. Well, that's okay too, I guess. Anyway, I think I'll head home. Thanks for your help. See you later! Hee hee...thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmmm... I wonder if there's any part-time work I could do to earn a{LF}little money... What made you decide to do that? There's something I found that I want to buy. I think I'll go ask around and see if anybody has anything I{LF}can do! I hope you find something. Thanks! Oh dear. This month may be a little tight. Are we not far enough into the black? I'm afraid not. Hrm. Leave it to me, then, yes? I'll try and attract more customers. Oh, would you? ♪ It would be so wonderful if you could do that. Of course! I shall handle everything. All right. Now it seems it is time to figure out a way to attract{LF}customers. Oh, my little Xiao Pai is such a dependable darling. ♪ Oh, hey. Our inn has fabulously large and beautiful baths! They are excellent, yes? Everyone should come enjoy them.{LF}♪ Hmm. I was planning to go home today, but maybe I could stay a{LF}night. I expect these are normal baths, correct? You don't have{LF}things like squid in them, do you? ...+Squid+? Leave it to us! We'll do whatever the customer asks! We will?! Uh, I meant that as a joke... I've heard people say they want to use the baths here over{LF}and over again. You aren't using any weird drugs in the water to make{LF}people think that, are you? Oh, really? Hey, Xiao Pai! What kind of drugs do you use in your{LF}bathwater? Whoa, whoa! It seems we do not use any drugs in our{LF}bathwater, yes? It ''seems''...? Wait a minute, are you telling us you don't know yourself? Urk... Hmm? Why'd they get mad all of a sudden? Erm...I would think it's mostly your fault, yes? All right, Kiel. Yeah? I shall handle the rest of this. It seems you should walk{LF}around the town. Oh, I get it! You want me to go advertise it to everyone,{LF}right? Okay! Exactly. Off with you, now! Erm... Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. That is all for our{LF}performance today, yes? Huh? O-oh. It was all just a show? I don't know. Something's still a little fishy, here. Sorry, we're going to think about it before staying here. *SIIIGH* Are you okay? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hiring Kiel may not have been the best of my ideas. It seems my unhappiness is only growing deeper... Wow...she's admitting she isn't happy... However, I do know he's giving this his serious effort. So there's still hope as long as one does not give up. @シャオパイ@... Good luck, yes? Huh...? Wait...I thought you were the one working on this. Of course it is me. Oh. Uh, right. I knew that. Hmmm... So where should I go first? So what's all this again? The inn has great baths, so we'd like you to come use them. I know that part. But what was that about +squid+? That's a new kind of bath that's getting popular, so we're{LF}giving it a try, too! Oh-kaaay. You guys sure are trying some weird alternatives{LF}to bath salts. But since you're experimenting, how about you try adding{LF}rice? Rice? Why? What, can't you guess? It's because +I love rice+! Duh! Oh, okay. You really do believe everything, don't you? Anyway, I'd better get going. It's a pain in the ass, but I do have to go help Granny{LF}Blossom. Okay. Good luck! Thanks. You too! A rice bath, eh? What's that like? Weird drugs in your bath? Yeah. That may be why people like using them over and over, I{LF}heard. I see, I see... This smells like a mystery! Really? Wow! It only smells like bath salts to me. Oh, this is something no amateur gumshoe would recognize. I think I'll be off to the baths then. You are? Of course! The criminal always returns to the scene of the{LF}crime! Just you wait, once I get my hands on that criminal, he'll be{LF}in some real hot water! One customer, coming in! ♪ Thanks, Illuminata! Heh heh heh... Just you wait. A true detective invents her own truth! Kiel, what are you doing? Oh, hi, Forte. I'm just...uh...i-it's nothing. ...? Are you hiding something? N-nope! Don't worry, the cake is already baked and{LF}everything. Ah, good. I can hardly...wait! That's not what I was asking. Oh. Sorry, I'm in the middle of work right now. See you later! Hey! Kiel! Protecting you is part of my duties. How could you go and get a job without even mentioning it{LF}to me, first? What if he took an inappropriate job and something bad{LF}happened? I'll have to talk to him tonight. Or does he simply feel he can no longer rely on me...? No, no...It can't be that. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! @キール@. What are you doing here? I just came to report on how my advertising went. But Xiao Pai asked me not to come in just yet. Oh? Yeah, she said that they're very busy right now. And that when her ''unhappiness gets too deep, things start{LF}getting out of hand.'' I wonder what that means? Umm... Still, apparently some possible customers left after they{LF}talked to me. I guess she might just be mad at me. I get the feeling that isn't it. I wanna go apologize to her, but I'm not allowed to come in{LF}just yet. @シャオパイ@ might forgive you if you just pop in. Maybe... But I think I'm going to stay out here and wait until I'm{LF}allowed to go in. See, I don't ever want to do things that people won't like. No matter what. ... But I think I'm going to stay out here and wait until I'm{LF}allowed to go in. See, I don't ever want to do things that people won't like. Busy, busy, busy! I don't think it's a good idea to ask about @キール@{LF}right now. Hey, Xiao Pai! Do you guys really put rice in your baths? What are you talking about? H-hey! Don't come barging into the guy's bath without at{LF}least a warning! It seems I work here. That's not the problem!! So what is this you say about rice in the bath? Wait, didn't Kiel tell you? I mean, a rice bath would be the best thing ever! ... Xiao Pai! GAH!! H-HEY! What're you doing poking your head in here! This is{LF}the men's bath! Men's!! Detectives go where they want. That's not the problem!! I heard you're using weird drugs in your bathwater. Well?{LF}Are you? Drugs...? ...Kiel again, yes? Ah-ha!! That reaction. I knew something smelled, here! Is it perhaps the scent of...@アイテム9@?! No. It is the bath salts. ...What a day. Weird. I'm losing the strands of this investigation. Sheesh! How come those two can just barge into the men's{LF}baths like that? @シャオパイ@. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. What is it? Um...about @キール@. Xiao Pai. Mama. I'm sorry, Mama. It seems this was all my fault... Oh, no. It all worked out in the end. ♪ What? Something came up and I was looking for a polite way to{LF}refuse any more customers. But I just could not come up with a good way. I'm so glad{LF}you did! Wait, huh? It all went so perfectly. Did you use some kind of magic, Xiao{LF}Pai? All our customers said they did not mind. In fact, they said{LF}they admired some new service of ours. And once we had it fully ready, they would happily come{LF}back again. ... Oh well. It seems I spent much pointless effort again, yes? ...? But if Mama's happy, then that is enough for me today. All's well that ends well. It seems everything will work out as long as you don't give{LF}up! Xiao Pai said something about making a ''pointless'' effort,{LF}today. But it certainly looked like magic to me. I wonder what kind{LF}of spell she used? Well done, Kiel. You can go home, now. Okay... What's wrong? Are you tired? No... Are you mad at me? Why would I be mad? Well, you told me not to come in. Oh, it was simply very busy, yes? So I asked you to stay{LF}outside out of the way. But...you looked kinda upset. I was not upset. But the inn is my battlefield when it's busy. I{LF}must fight as a warrior. Otherwise, my enemy, clumsiness, will sneak up on me and{LF}cause the worst of accidents, yes? Even a little mistake can be dangerous. Wow... However. It seems I have made you worry for no reason. But it is okay. You did well. Here are your wages. Thanks! If you ever need help again, just let me know, okay? I'll do whatever I can. ♪ Okay. I shall think about it! Now that I think about it, why would you suddenly need a{LF}job? Oh, um, there's a book I want to get. Ah. I see. It seems it's a book you cannot let your sister see, yes? N-no! It's not that kind of book! It's just...Forte always does so much for me. I wanted to try to do something for myself once, so she{LF}wouldn't have to worry about it. I mean, when I try too hard at something, she can get kinda{LF}protective of me. Ah. I see. She loves you too much, yes? Well that was blunt. Hmm? Oh, hey. There's a bird's nest above my door. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Did you notice? Notice what? The bird's nest above your door. Yeah, I saw that. Oh, so you did. I'm thinking that may just be Twinkle's nest. ''Twinkle?'' Yes. That was the name of a bird who lived in this town a long,{LF}long time ago. It liked anything that twinkled, you know. And if it could, it{LF}would make off with it. It was such a little scoundrel. Do you think it's come back? I'm not sure. After all, I was but a little girl the last time Twinkle was here. Aah. So maybe this is that bird's grand-chick, then. It just may be. But in any case, you be careful, okay? Don't leave anything out where Twinkle might get it. Aah, Twinkle. That takes me back many years. They're not here. Or here... Or even here! I can't find my glasses anywhere! Um, what are you doing? O-oh! @しゅじんこうくん@. Have you seen my glasses? You mean the ones you're wearing? No, no, a different pair. One that is a touch more stylish. Oh. Then no, I haven't. I see. I believe +that bird+ must have taken them. A bird? Yes. I noticed an unfamiliar bird on my windowsill earlier. I thought to feed it some crumbs, so I opened the window... And it took your glasses. Yes. I was hoping they might have been dropped somewhere{LF}around here. But it looks like that isn't the case. This is all my own fault for being so careless. ... Uh-oh. He looks really depressed. Welcome! Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Listen, you won't believe this! What happened? Just a little while ago, I was ringing up a customer when this{LF}bird came flying in! It swooped right towards the customer's coins and tried to{LF}take them! ...That sounds like Twinkle. Was everything okay? Did it get the coins? No, it didn't. Porco came by and caught it in the nick of time. I was shocked, though! I mean, who knew Porco could be so{LF}quick! O-oh, okay. So what did he do with the bird? He let it go outside. He's very kind to animals, y'know. It's like, every now and again, he'll show flashes of how cool{LF}adults can be. Surprising, I know. I'm so huuungry...! Whiiirly twiiirly! Whiiirly twirl! Urp...! ...Very surprising. Do not open that, yes! Huh? Whew. It seems that was close. What's wrong? There was a bird, earlier. It liked to dive at my head. So I escaped inside here. I was rather scared. A bird? Yes. I don't think I did anything to make it want to dive at{LF}me. Maybe it was after your hairpin. My hairpin? I heard it likes glittery things. So maybe it liked your hairpin and tried to take it. Ah. I see. It seems I'll have to walk outside with my hands on my head,{LF}then. Is this another Twinkle appearance? Welcome. Wait just a moment, dear. Doug. Could you take this, too? What, there's more? Ugh. Where do you want this to go? Over there. Eesh. Oh my. Are you little Twinkle? You haven't changed a bit in all these years. I'm sorry, dear, but there's nothing here for you to take. Granny! Are you okay? Y-yes, I'm fine. Wait...your pendant! It's gone! ...? How odd. I knew I put it on this morning. That bird. That thing must've taken it! Don't worry, I'll go get it back right quick! No, Doug. It's okay. It's not okay! That pendant is important to you, right? Well, yes. It was important. But how would you get it back? You certainly can't clamber all the way up to its nest. Why not? It'd be a piece of cake! What if you fell and got hurt? No. Forget about the pendant. I will be fine without it as{LF}long as you are safe. C'mon, don't be such a worrywart! I'll be fine! Wait here, I'll go get it back quick! ... I'll go check on him. ... @ブロッサム@? Oh, I'm sorry, dear. Watching Doug just reminded me of my younger self, is all. Long ago, I went to get a pendant back from Twinkle, just{LF}like he's doing. The nest was right in the same place, too. You see, Twinkle had taken my mother's precious necklace. It was very important to her. I was still young, but I remember how angry I was about{LF}that. So I did precisely what Doug is doing right now. You know, sometimes the two of you seem like a real family. Oh? You think so? Yes. Some days, I wish we were a true family, too. ... Now then, will you please go and check on him for me? Right. It'd be terrible if he fell or hurt himself. Yes. Hurry on, now. So Twinkle is at it again, eh? He hasn't changed a bit in all these years. I hope Doug is all right. I'm going to go get that pendant back for Granny Blossom! Wait. It's too dangerous to try and climb all the way up{LF}there. Oh, I'll be fine! There you go... That's a good birdie...stay still... *CRACK* Hmm? Did I step on something? ...A pair of glasses? Oh well, who cares about those? I've gotta find that{LF}pendant. AHA! KAW KAW!! Ow! Ow ow owww! W-watch it! Ouch! Uh-oh... DOUG!! Wh-what just happened...? Doug! Are you all right?! You aren't hurt, are you?! I...I'm fine. I didn't break anything. Goodness, you stubborn child! How could you do something so dangerous?! Sorry... That is not enough, young man! I-I'm very sorry, Granny. That is not what I meant! Urk... Honestly, why must you always do such dangerous things? Sh-shut up! DOUG! Urk...! I...I just wanted to get your pendant back. *SIGH* I'm glad you were trying to do something nice for me, Doug. But I do not recall asking you to do something that would{LF}make me worry! ... Please...don't do anything that could get you hurt anymore. I'm not a kid, y'know... How about you just apologize? @しゅじんこうくん@! ... I'm sorry I worried you. You had better be! Did you get the pendant? Yeah. Here. This pendant... Is the one that my mother wore. It was her most cherished{LF}possession. Thank you, Doug. ...It was nothing. You were the one who saved @ダグ@, right? I have no idea what you are talking about. Uh-huh. Sure. Is that something you really have to hide? Hmph. Mortal problems are best solved by mortals. It is not the place of one such as I to interfere. But you did still save him, right? ...S-silence! Today was a...a special case! It was just this once! Understand?! Sheesh... Always so bashful. Somebody saved @ダグ@ with that wind. Could it have been @セルザ@? ... @セルザ@... I'm glad I got that pendant back. I'm glad that Doug is all right. You were the one who saved @ダグ@, right? ...Perhaps. You're blushing. S-silence! Leave me! ... Twinkle is gone. It may have grown enough to fly to greener forests. Snatching people's belongings, making Doug do dangerous{LF}things, goodness what a troublesome bird! For all that, you look pretty happy about this all. Hee hee hee! I'm not, you know. Not one bit. Oh yes. I'd like to give this to you. What is it? Something I made. It's the same as the one I gave to Doug. I hope you don't{LF}mind. Thank you. I don't expect you to make an heirloom of it, but I hope you{LF}do take care of it. B-Blossom?! Hee hee hee! So little Twinkle grew up and flew off to greener forests. Someday, the young folk here will do the same thing. I can't wait to see them fly under the power of their own{LF}wings. Yeah. I hope everyone grows up into happy, healthy adults. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you have a moment? Yeah? Have you happened to see Doug out and about at late{LF}hours? No... Now that you mention it... Ah, I see. I knew it. Is something wrong? Recently, he's been going out somewhere late in the{LF}evening. He's very secretive about it, too. Where on earth is he going, and what is he doing? Goodness, that child. Where on earth is he going at that hour of the night? What, am I going out and fooling around at night? Hell no! Granny's just, uh, got the wrong idea, is all. Well that's suspicious. Maybe I should hang out in front of the general store tonight{LF}and see what happens. Hey, @ダグ@. O-oh, uh, hi. Where are you going? J-just for, um...a walk. Now that's really suspicious. I think I'm going to +sneak after him+. Wh-what the hell are you doing?! Where are you going? H-home! Right now! And quit following me! Damn it. I'm going to have to give it up for today. I'll have to{LF}+go again tomorrow+. Drat! I was going to +sneak+ after him, but it didn't work. Maybe I'll +try again tomorrow+. Damn it. I'm going to have to give it up for today. I'll have to{LF}+go again tomorrow+. I-I'm not going anywhere in particular. It's just a walk. So, uh...I'll be going home, now. Later. Drat! He spotted me. Maybe I'll +try again tomorrow+. Huh? Where'd @ダグ@ go? What're you up to? Oh, hi, @マーガレット@. Have you seen @ダグ@? No, can't say I have. Oh. Oh hey! Have you heard yet? Heard what? There's somebody conning innocent people into buying{LF}sketchy items. You mean @バド@? That's terrible! I can't deny that. But it's not him. It's somebody who's being meaner about it. Yeah, isn't it? What are they selling? Oh, what was it again? Something called ''Super Energy Z,'' I{LF}think. What the heck is that? I think it's some kind of drink that gives you lots of energy. It's really popular in some places, but this guy is selling fakes. So be careful, okay @しゅじんこうくん@? I will. Thanks. Okay, I should check on @ダグ@ again tomorrow{LF}evening. It's terrible to think there are people like that around here. Oh, I know! I should go tell Forte about it. Wh-what? I'm not doing anything wrong, y'know! It's almost time for @ダグ@ to come. I should try to follow him from a distance. I wonder where he's going? I think I'll watch from over here. I wonder what they're talking about? Yikes! They're coming this way! What am I going to do?! Somebody help me! I've put in an order for the stuff. Heh heh, excellent. Leave it all to me. With that, all it will take is one shot. Don't forget to have my money ready, either. I know. I'll see you here tomorrow at the same time, right? I'll be here. I wonder what that was about? Is @ダグ@ planning to buy something from that guy? Heh! What a gullible mark. Once he gives me the money tomorrow, I'll be gone like{LF}smoke on the wind before anybody knows. Uh-oh...! Could that guy be the sketchy salesman @マーガレット@{LF}was talking about? Maybe I should go bring him in right now. ...No. If I do that without proof he'll just play innocent and{LF}get away. ... Okay, I'll +follow @ダグ@ again tomorrow+, get proof,{LF}and save him from a bad deal! What? Wait... I probably shouldn't say anything to him right now. Okay, I'll +follow @ダグ@ again tomorrow+, get proof,{LF}and save him from a bad deal! Time to go. No one's seen you, right? No worries, man, no worries. Are you sure about that...? Whatever. Anyway, you have what I asked for, right? No worries at all. Trust is big part of a good business relationship, right? I don't betray my customers' trust. Now, do you have the money? Yeah. Good. Here's the stuff. You can check it out, if you want. I will. Lessee... Good. It's got ''Super Energy Z'' written right on it. Satisfied? Excellent. Now hand over the money. ''Super Energy Z?!'' That's the guy @マーガレット@ was talking about! I've got to stop this...! Hold it right there!! @しゅじんこうくん@?! Wh-what are you doing here?! @ダグ@! That ''Super Energy Z'' is fake! What...? Huh?! I've heard rumors that there's a twisted salesman in the area{LF}conning people into fake items. And I heard him call you a ''gullible mark'' with my own ears! WHA?! (I was overheard?!) L-lies and slander! You sully my good name!{LF}(This is bad!) It's the truth! I've heard everything! Grrrr! Sir! Forget what this crazy person says. It's all lies. Now pay{LF}for your item! Besides, what proof does anyone have that this is fake? Crap...! All I know is the item's name. I don't know what's{LF}fake about it! @ダグ@! Well? You want this, right? Are you going to believe me, or that crazy person over{LF}there? Of course I'm going to believe @しゅじんこうくん@ over you. What?! @ダグ@... Now, you mind if I do a little checking up on this bottle first? If it's the real deal, I'll pay you what it's worth. And then double it as an apology. That sound good? Or is there some other way you wanna do{LF}this? Nnnnngh! Curses! Foiled again! ...Okay. I lose. You admit it's fake, then. I do. Lock me up wherever you will. We will. Yes. Leave that part to me. Thank you for your cooperation. Now let's go. I'm going, I'm going... Thanks for everything, @しゅじんこうくん@. You were a big help. It was nothing. I'm just glad you're okay. And I'm really glad you believed me. Why wouldn't I? ...Thanks. Anyway, what did you want that drink for? Urk... Did you need it yourself? Was it for someone else? It's not for me. ...Yeah. I wanted to help Granny Blossom keep her energy up. For @ブロッサム@...? Yeah. She hasn't been feeling really good lately. So when I heard there was a guy selling a drink that makes{LF}people feel good, I wanted to get it. So that's what it was. Yeah...except what he was selling was fake. Why were you being so secretive about it? If you'd just told us, we could have helped you. I didn't want to worry Granny. That drink had a hefty price tag, y'know. If Granny caught me buying something that expensive, she'd{LF}tan my hide. And if anybody else found out, they would've told her, and{LF}I'd be in the same trouble. So I tried to keep it secret. I figured once I bought it I could just say somebody gave it{LF}to me for free. But none of it worked out in the end, ha ha... @ダグ@... Whatever. I'm sure there's some other stuff out there--real{LF}stuff--I could find that'd help. Sorry about making such a mess, today, @しゅじんこうくん@. And thanks again for helping out. No problem. I should get going, then. Okay. Later! @ブロッサム@ was really worried about @ダグ@,{LF}wasn't she? ...I think maybe I should go and stick up for him, this one{LF}time. I should head for @ブロッサム@'s shop. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. Um, @ブロッサム@? About what @ダグ@ has been{LF}doing... Have you found out? Ummm...would you please listen without getting mad? That depends on what I hear. Uhh... Is it something he should feel guilty about doing? I...don't think so. Well then, out with it. I can be lenient if it isn't too bad. O-okay... You see-- Ah, so that's why he was going out so late. Please don't be mad at him. He was just trying to help... Oh, I'll be quite mad at him. @ブロッサム@! After all, he put something very precious to me in danger. Himself. Doug is my treasure. He has always been. He dove right into danger when Twinkle took my pendant.{LF}And that wasn't the only time. He put himself in bad spots more than once before you even{LF}came here, @しゅじんこうくん@. Really...? Yes. Over and over again, all for my sake. He comes home covered in bumps and bruises because of it{LF}more often than not, too. Honestly, he's such a stubborn boy. @ブロッサム@... But you know...I think I may be generous just this once and{LF}not mention anything about it. Besides, it wouldn't be right to ignore the case you have{LF}made for him. Thank you. Honestly. Not only does he make such a nice child like you worry over{LF}him, he has to have you save him, too! It may not be me Doug needs most, but you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? Oh ho... Never you mind, dear. Now, take this. It's not much, but it's the best thanks I can give you for{LF}saving my treasure. He's a stubborn, headstrong boy, but please do keep being{LF}his friend. ...I will. He'll be off climbing roofs and putting himself in danger again{LF}soon enough, I'm sure. Though I wonder for whose sake he will be doing it next{LF}time. I heard you caught that sketchy salesman. Great job! You're okay, though, right? You didn't get hurt at all? My thanks for your assistance. With your help, we've managed to keep the damage this{LF}may have caused to a minimum. I heard that ''Super Energy Z'' is really just some anti-fatigue{LF}drink, not a medicine. Guess I'd better check up on stuff a bit better first before I{LF}do something stupid again. What? ''Let us use each other's words to talk.'' ''I took my heart out and placed it on a plate one day.'' ''I looked at it, watched it, then put it next to yours.'' ''Then we added a cup of argument, a dash of honesty and a{LF}pinch of trust...'' ''And what would you know...we had both begun to smile.'' I'm sorry, Leon. I'm afraid I don't know anything about that book you're{LF}looking for. Ahh. But I think Kiel might. Despite what it looks like, he actually studies a lot and is an{LF}avid reader. I see. So you are saying that, normally, he doesn't seem very{LF}bookish or at all smart. Correct? Wha?! About that book you were looking for... I'm afraid I don't know anything about it. It might be best to{LF}go ask Kiel. I just may. After all, it seems he's +unexpectedly+ well read. Erm, that's not what I meant. It was just a...a turn of phrase. Recently, I've seen Vishnal and Leon +talking secretly by the{LF}Castle+. I've seen +Leon visiting with Vishnal+ quite often lately. It seems they're conferring about something or other. Man, Leon is so cool! I wonder if I can be as cool as him some day? Hey, Leon? What would I have to do to be like you? I suspect that, as long as you hold that desire, you won't be{LF}able to do it. Oh. Hmm... Maybe I'll start going around without a shirt on, like{LF}you do. ... That sounds like a marvelous idea. Really?! You should give it a try when you have the chance. The look{LF}on your sister's face would be priceless. Forte's? Why? But that is neither here nor there. Have you found anything{LF}about that book I mentioned? Oh! Yeah, I have. But, um... It's written in a really old language, isn't it? Yes, it is. Have you read it? I think so. I might even already have a copy somewhere in my room. Do{LF}you want me to look? Would you? That'd be great if you had a copy on hand. Okay! ♪ Kiel is so reliable. And he's refreshingly frank about what he sees. ...Unlike his sister. I'll go look for the book Leon asked about once I get home. What was it called again? I think it was ''A Recipe for{LF}Happiness?'' Whaddya think you're doing?! Thanks to you jumping out at me, I've dropped my ice cream{LF}on the ground! I didn't ''jump out'' at you, you weren't watching where you{LF}were going! You ran into me! Are you saying it's MY fault, you flea-bitten, sway-back nag?! Say that again, you pint-sized, pebble-brained dwarf!! Hmm? What are you talking about? It's a tale of a happy couple who would do that to make{LF}amends. Huh? It's written right here in this book. ... ...Hmph. Whatever. I don't feel like bothering with it now. So this is ''happiness.'' ...Interesting. ''A Recipe for Happiness.'' Apparently a happy couple used this method to make{LF}amends when they didn't see eye to eye. That's so neat! What a sappy romance. Yes. Though if you think about it, it's just another mushy romance{LF}between a besotted couple. Um... ... ...That it is, yes. Why does he look disappointed at that? I've got no idea what Leon is thinking. Is he always going on about complicated stuff like that? What the hell is Leon up to this time? Not that it has{LF}anything to do with me. ...But it still sounds kinda interesting. Maybe I'll ask him later. Leon, I have something to ask. I see. H-hey! Why did you walk right past me?! I don't recall you asking me to stop. Rrgh...! Well, what is it, then? ... I'll be brief. I hear you've been spending a lot of time speaking with Kiel. Can I ask you not to give him any more odd or inappropriate{LF}ideas, please? I mean, just this morning he nearly walked out the door with{LF}no shirt in order to mimic you. What, he really did it? Why are you smiling like that? It is NOT amusing! What other disgraceful ideas have you put in his head? Spit{LF}it out! Whatever could you mean? Erm... What do you think I'm teaching Kiel? Things like...erm, how to...to dally with women, and uh... Pardon? I can barely hear you. Urk! ...Like I said! You know, I personally believe ignorance is unhealthier than{LF}knowledge, regardless of subject. That may be true, yes, but... Wait! So you could hear me! I recall saying I could ''barely'' hear you, not that I couldn't{LF}hear you at all. Why you--!! I was not impressed when I first met that lady knight. I thought her stiff, formal and entirely uninteresting. Who knew she would be such fun to tease! I simply cannot understand it. What on earth does Kiel see worth emulating of that man? I tried going out without a shirt on this morning, like Leon{LF}does. But Forte saw me. I don't know why, but she got all red and{LF}demanded I quit it. ...I guess I didn't leave the shirt off right. What other way is{LF}there to do it? Oh, Leon? A moment! Yes? Are you on your way to Arthur's office? I'm going that direction, yes. Would you do a favor for me? Could you please deliver this letter to Arthur? I can do that. Why thank you! Here. Make sure he gets it, okay? I will. Leon is such a nice person. He's a reliable older brother figure for the entire town! *ACHOO!* Hmph. I wonder who's spreading rumors about me this time. Hi. Do you have a moment? Oh, hello, Leon. Is this about the ancient text? Yes, but first Lin Fa asked me to give this to you. Ahh, so she has another order for me. Thank you, you have{LF}saved me the time of getting it myself. Still, for you to act as a messenger-boy...heh heh... You find that funny? Well, not funny, but... I was just thinking how very much you have acclimated to{LF}life in this town. ...Mortals are adaptable beings, after all. Yes. Let us leave it at that, then. ... Now then, about that text? I have finished the translation, but it appears it may have{LF}been pointless. How so? Well, you see... This was apparently a very well known book. There are translations and even replicas of the original{LF}readily available in today's markets. What is it called? ''A Recipe for Happiness.'' Ahh. Yes, I have read that one myself. I was not aware the original was so very old, though. Yes. It must be from a time even before mine. Oh? And what tells you that? During my age, we used the same alphabet that is used in{LF}present day Selphia. So texts from my age would need no translation. However, the writing in this book is a far older script. So I expect it's a very, very old book. I see. Personally, this was the first time I've read it. It was rather entertaining. Ahh. Well, I'm glad it was an enjoyable task for you. You can have the book, if you'd like. You don't mind? Better than gathering dust, hidden in the back of some stuffy{LF}noble's library. True. Now, here are your wages. ... Every time, I must wonder if it's really appropriate for me to{LF}get this much for so little work. Translating is not an easy task. It is certainly worth that{LF}much. Translating, eh...? That ancient script was still in use in a few places, back in{LF}my day. Some children may even have been able to read this book in{LF}its original form. But in this era, it is unreadable to all but a handful of people. So I hear. Every time, I'm reminded anew. In this day, almost nothing from my time remains. ... Someday, the words and the script we write today may also{LF}fall into obscurity. That is very possible, yes. And it is equally possible that there are old languages being{LF}lost to time right this moment. And my job is to bring them back to light? Or to help us remember that they once existed. I see. Being forgotten is a terrible fate for anything. Leon... I'm grateful for all the work you've taken on for me. You're quite bright and very conscientious when it comes to{LF}your tasks. Being forgotten is a terrible fate for anything. On the other hand...what about the one who remembers...? Oh, hi, Leon! Kiel. Now that I think of it, your help saved me some effort on my{LF}latest job. Thank you. You're welcome. Oh, I know. As thanks for your aid, let me give this replica of the original{LF}to you as a gift. Oooh, really? It's just a replica. It's of little worth to Arthur or myself anymore. Yay! Wait, oh yeah! I was going to ask you something. Yes? The original text this book was written in is from your home{LF}country, right? Yes. It's a very, very old script. Even in my time, it was hardly ever used anymore. Oh, so that's why. That's why what? ''Let us use each other's words to talk.'' I was thinking how{LF}that's a really weird, awkward sentence. ...? If it just meant listening to what the other person has to say{LF}before giving our opinion... Then wouldn't ''Let us hear each other's words'' be a clearer,{LF}cleaner sentence? ...True. So that got me thinking...maybe it's actually a declaration by{LF}the author. He's saying ''I'm going to use your words to speak.'' So just like he declared, he's writing using other people's{LF}words. Words that, in his age, hadn't been used in a long, long time. And it was probably meant for someone who could{LF}understand those words. You're sitting down and taking time to read and understand{LF}what's written... So you should also take time to listen and understand what{LF}others are saying. Doing that will help you really see where the other person is{LF}coming from. At least, that's what I think the message is. It really seems to{LF}fit, though. It's nice, too! ... I think the author deliberately chose to use that old script to{LF}get his message across. He picked that dying language on purpose. Then... This book may have been written in my era? Maybe. It'd depend on how long that old script stayed in use. But I think it'd be great if it was. And I bet the author would be happy, too... That you found his book even in this age. ... I see. Yes, that's not a bad thought. Leon? I'm sorry, Kiel. Do you mind if I keep this book after all? Huh? Um, sure. Why? I think... I think I may have heard what this book has to say. Oh? Yes. It says ''do not forget me.'' No matter how painful it is to remember, we still existed. We lived. Please don't forget that. ... Ah. Yeah, that's way better! Yeah. Thank you for helping me realize that. You're welcome. ♪ By the way... Yeah? You've been following me all day, haven't you? Uh, well... You just wanted to be with me, I'm sure. You could have{LF}simply said so, though. Here, would you like my arm as we walk? Wait, what?! Oh, I know! Maybe if I learn how to translate old books like Leon does, I{LF}can be just as cool as he is! I'll ask him to teach me some day. ♪ Now what am I to do? ... What's the matter, @ジョーンズ@? Ah, hello. I was just wondering about this year's physicals. Physicals? Like physical exams? Ah, I haven't mentioned them to you yet, have I? Every year or so, I ask everyone in town to visit me so I can{LF}check on their health. That way I can nip many common ailments in the bud. That makes sense. Recently, I asked a few people with lopsided daily habits to{LF}come see me. Foremost among them were Arthur and Porcoline. However, neither of them have yet come. Can I help? Oh, that's too bad. Hmm? I can go remind them to come and see you. Oh, would you mind? Nope! It's fine. Thank you. That would be a big help. Now what am I to do? Porcoline and Arthur have yet to come for their physical{LF}exam. Could you please remind Porcoline and Arthur to come see{LF}me? They're both due for their annual physical exam. Hi, @ポコリーヌ@. Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@! Have you finally come to propose your{LF}undying love for moi? Nope. @ジョーンズ@ asked me to remind you about your physical{LF}exam-- Physical exam?! La la laaah! I can't heeear you! @ポコリーヌ@?! La la la la la laaaah! I'm nooot liiistening! Drat. This isn't going to work. Maybe I should +ask someone{LF}for help+. What's up? I came to tell @ポコリーヌ@ about his yearly physical... What, he still hasn't gone?! Uh, not yet. Geez, I can't believe him! He's not listening to me at all. Can you help? Definitely! Let me handle this. Let's go find him. Today, I'll make him listen to me! La la laaah! I can't heeear you! Porco. Ooh la la! Hello, Meg! I heard you haven't been to your physical yet, but that can't{LF}be true...CAN IT? Er...I-I'm not listening? You obviously are, because you just answered me! La la laaah! I can't heeear you! ... Oh! That's right, I forgot that I have an extra cookie I wasn't{LF}going to eat. Yaaay! ♪ *GRAB* ...Oops? Thanks for letting me know, @しゅじんこうくん@. Um, no problem. Now I just have to go and remind @アーサー@. I heard Arthur left on some errands earlier. Porco asked me to deliver him his lunch, but he wasn't in. He had some +letters left on his desk+. Maybe his errands have{LF}to do with what's in them? Arthur's always very busy. If you don't see him anywhere in town, he may have gone{LF}out somewhere nearby. I suspect some clue as to his whereabouts might be left in{LF}his office, though. He tried that same trick to get out of last year's physical, too. I heard Arthur left on some errands earlier. He had some +letters left on his desk+. Maybe his errands have{LF}to do with what's in them? Physicals petrify moi. There's always a needle. I hate needles. Oh! Meg, what about my cookie? I never had a cookie. GAAAH!! Looks like @アーサー@ isn't in. Maybe I should go and look for @ポコリーヌ@ first. Dear sir, I have received your letter in regards to a renewed inquiry{LF}into the Selphia Plains: East Cave... which collapsed in an accident several years ago. In my humble opinion, previous investigations have already{LF}proven more than sufficient. Accordingly... The +Selphia Plains: East Cave+? Maybe that's where @アーサー@ went. ... He looks busy. Maybe I should go look for @ポコリーヌ@{LF}first. @アーサー@. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Moo! Um, why's there a Buffamoo here? Oh, you mean him? I fed him some grass earlier, and he has followed me ever{LF}since. Moo. Isn't he adorable? ♪ I-I guess... By the way, what are you up to all the way out here? Ah, I was just investigating a thing or two. Investigating? Have you heard the legend that surrounds this cave? Hmm? Look here. Right here on the wall. Take a close look. Moo! There are a lot of people's names carved there. Years ago, couples would carve their names here and then{LF}enter the cave holding hands. They would walk to the back end of the cave, touch the wall{LF}and walk back out. If the couple could do so holding hands the whole way, they{LF}would be bound together forever. ...Or so the legend says. It was quite a popular one with{LF}besotted couples. Hmm. But, some years ago, there was an accident that caused a{LF}cave-in. Uh-oh. Many people were buried alive. But thanks to the efforts of Lady Ventuswill and the castle{LF}staff, everyone was rescued. I was among the ones caught in it. I was visiting the cave for{LF}a tourism enterprise. What...? Even after I had been pulled from the rubble, I was{LF}unconscious for days. It was Jones who saved my life. Later, Jones told me that Nancy was very concerned for me. She stayed by my bedside the entire time I lay unconscious. She said it was all she could do for me. It may not have been much to her, but it was greatly uplifting{LF}to me. @アーサー@... Oh my. I'm sorry, I started to ramble, didn't I? What can I do for you? Oh yeah, that's right. Jones asked me to remind you about{LF}your physical exam. Oh, I had almost forgotten. Could you please let him know I will stop by in a few days? It will be difficult for me to find the time before my project{LF}here has been completed. I can do that. Thank you. That is a great help to me. A lot of names are carved here. Ah! I see Jones' and Nancy's names here, too! Unfortunately, the accident ruined our plans for a tourism{LF}enterprise at the cave. There were so many before, but now... Now it is as you see. I didn't particularly mind that legend before, but now I'm not{LF}very fond of it. @アーサー@... Ah, my apologies. It was not my intention to gripe. Could you please let Jones know I will stop by in a few{LF}days? My physical is finished. Jones told moi that I need to eat more. Really...? That is what I choose to believe, and I'll believe it to my{LF}dying day. Geez, that Porco! I keep telling him and telling him to watch{LF}it. I'm going to have to step it up! Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Porcoline stopped by for his physical just a moment ago. Thank you for your help. You're welcome. I've talked to @アーサー@. He said he'll stop by in a few days, after his current work{LF}wraps up. Ahh. I see he's as dedicated to his job as ever. Oh, he told me about the cave-in at the Selphia Plain East{LF}Cave, too. He said you saved him when he was caught in it. My, that is an old, old story. Even then, even while he lay unconscious, all his mumblings{LF}and mutterings were about work. Nancy and I couldn't help but laugh about it a little. He said he was thankful to @ナンシー@, too. Ahh, yes. She stayed by his bedside, whispering{LF}encouragement while he was out. That's the way it should be for anyone who is caring for the{LF}life of another. However... In order to save the most lives, sometimes it's necessary to{LF}make very difficult decisions. Oh...? Better instruments help save lives. But to buy those instruments, doctors need money. But even with the finest instruments... The doctor still needs to spend the time needed to save his{LF}patients' lives. ... You always need more money and more time to save more{LF}people. Growing too close to patients may lead to biased judgments{LF}on how to use those limited resources. So in the end, the best thing we can do is perhaps to be{LF}nothing more than concerned strangers. At least, I cannot help but think that sometimes. ... And that is why I need her. Hmm? She always helps me remember the things I'm about to{LF}forget. All she wants is simply to help anyone she sees who needs{LF}it. That isn't exactly the correct thing for a doctor, but it isn't{LF}exactly wrong, either. ... Ah. I'm afraid I've talked your ear off. I should get back to my{LF}work. Thank you again for your help today. This is just a small token of my gratitude. Please accept it. I'll see you later, then. Thank you again for your help today. By the way, could you not mention what we talked about to{LF}Nancy? Huh? It's a little...embarrassing to me. I have finally wrapped up that project. Now I can go for the physical exam I have been putting off{LF}for so long. I expect Arthur will be here for his physical soon. I should get ready. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. What can I do for you? Has @アーサー@ come for his physical yet? Not yet, though he told me he'd stop by sometime today... ...My apologies for coming so late. You see, I found an injured Buffamoo along the way... Moo. Could you look at him, first, please? Of course. I'm glad the Buffamoo is going to be okay. As am I. Thank you, doctor. It's no problem. This is part of my job as well. A job well done, I say. Here is your fee. Now then, I will be{LF}on my way. @アーサー@, wait a second! Do you remember why you came here today? Oh yes...! I was to have my physical exam, wasn't I? Yes. However, I'm afraid I no longer have enough money on hand{LF}to pay your fee... That's no problem. I don't charge for this service. But... Would you please have a seat? ...All right. There. Now all the exams are done. Yes. However, in the last few days, I've found another person{LF}whose health concerns me. @しゅじんこうくん@. Have a seat, please. Huh? There, that should do it. Thank you. As I mentioned to Arthur, I do not charge for this service. This is meant as a preventative measure so no one gets sick{LF}in the first place. I find having fewer patients to be ample recompense for the{LF}service. Really? Yes. Let's leave it at that, shall we? Well then, that should be all for today. If you ever start to feel sick, come here straight away, okay? Though at that time, I'll have to charge you my standard fee. I know, and I will. Please take care of yourself so that you won't need to come{LF}by for more than a visit. Well then, I'll see you later. The Buffamoo was very happy to be feeling better. Still, I can't help but wonder...how did it become that{LF}adorable? That will do it for this round of physical exams. Thank you for all your help, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let me get this straight, Amber. You slept here because Kiel told you to? Yep! He said it was +nice and warm+! Kiel, why did you suggest she sleep in front of the inn? Um, she asked me to tell her of any +warm spots+ I knew of. And so you mentioned the inn. Yeah. Because everyone says that Lin Fa is a really +warm person+. Ah, I see. It seems it was really warm! Ha ha! That's Xiao Pai's accent! Hee hee! ♪ Erm... In any case, sleeping here makes you an obstacle to others,{LF}so let's not do it again, okay? Okay! Good. Oh! Have you two heard yet? Heard what? About Bado's brand new clearance item! It's called ''The{LF}Glove That Can Grab Anything.'' Why's it a clearance item if it's brand new? Amber can make some very astute observations when she{LF}wants to. ''The Glove That Can Grab Anything.'' Can it even grab people's hearts? Uh, I wouldn't know that... Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! Have you heard? Bado has a brand new clearance item. It's called ''The Glove That Can Grab Anything.'' I don't even know where to start commenting on that one. A ''Glove That Can Grab Anything.'' Interesting. I wonder what sales plan he intends to lose{LF}money with this time. Amber stopped by earlier to nap. I offered to show her to a room, but she just laid down and{LF}went to sleep right in front of me. I wasn't very sure why she would do that, but I put a blanket{LF}over her just in case. It was supposed to be the ''Glove That Can Grab Anything{LF}Depending On Who's Wearing It.'' But ah, it looks like word of it didn't exactly spread correctly,{LF}if you know what I mean. I'd better work on those gloves so things don't get out of{LF}hand. There goes my profit... Oh well. Do you really have ''Gloves That Can Grab Anything'' for{LF}sale? Oh, those? Hang on a sec... They're all in here. Wow! You've got a whole bunch of them left! You're telling me. By the way, I changed these into new ''Gloves That Can{LF}Grab Various Things.'' Just these? Yeah. I couldn't make too many of the ''Grab Anything''{LF}gloves. Oh. That's too bad. So what kind of ''various'' stuff can they grab? Things like pot handles that are hot. Or things that are too cold to hold. Or things that are so{LF}dirty you don't want to touch them. How are those different from normal gloves? Well, I'd think they're different in the ways the customer{LF}thinks they're different. Would you like to try a pair out? Can I have it? Sure, I guess. I've got plenty to go around, after all. But in exchange, you'll have to figure out yourself which{LF}things you can grab with it. Okay! ♪ Hmmm...so how're these different from normal gloves? That could be kinda hard to find out. Amber and Kiel are interesting kids. Both trust what people say way too quickly. But Kiel just tells everybody what he heard, while Amber will{LF}actually go out and do it. That makes them totally different from each other. I smell the scent of mystery in the air again today! Where's it coming from? From everywhere! There's always a case happening{LF}somewhere. But I just can't seem to grab the right clues to solve them... Oh, in that case, these might work. Hm? Ta-daaah! ♪ +Gloves That Can Grab Various Things+! What kind of things can it grab? Various things. Can they grab anything? They can grab some stuff, but not other stuff. ... Whatever. Well then, how about you go and grab a clue for me! You got it, Holmes! ♪ Excellent! Let's go straight for +Yokmir Forest+ then! Why there? Because I have a hunch there's a mystery happening there! They both headed to +Yokmir Forest+. I hope they'll be okay. It seems something has gotten into Amber and Lumie. Both went to +Yokmir Forest+ very quickly. Where did she run off to? Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@! Have you seen Amber anywhere? No, I haven't. Oh. Could you help me look for her, then? Sure! Not now. Thanks. Let's look deeper in the forest. Let's look deeper in the forest. Hmm? You didn't honestly mean to turn me down, did you? I{LF}know you didn't! C'mon. Let's look deeper in the forest. Let's go! Urf... Amber! What's going on?! I used the gloves to grab a Buffamoo tail. It got really...mad. Well that's a case...of a bad idea! Moo! YEEP! We have to save her! EEK!! Whew. @コハク@, are you ok-- Geez, are you okay?! They didn't hurt you at all? I'm fine. Sorry...I didn't mean to cause problems. Sheesh. Still, that was a quite an impressive investigation, my little{LF}assistant! Really? Thanks to you grabbing that tail, we were able to solve the{LF}case. I did it? Yep, you sure did! Thanks to you, we were able to solve the{LF}Case of the Missing Amber! Um, I'm not so sure if that ''solved'' the case so much as{LF}''caused'' it. If I hadn't had those gloves on, I wouldn't have been able to{LF}grab that tail. Really?! And if you hadn't grabbed that tail, this would never have{LF}happened! Which means--!! I got what I deserved in the end? Er...ahem. Anyway! Amber, I want you to make me a promise. What? Don't go off and do dangerous things all by yourself, okay? If you think you're in trouble, you call for me first thing. Got it? Yeah! Great! Now let's head home. Oh yeah! @しゅじんこうくん@! Hm? Thanks! You looked really cool back there. ♪ Oh, uh, you're welcome. Y'know, I wonder how it all turned out for Bado. Y'know, the{LF}whole glove sale thing. I think that probably went the way it always does. The way it always does? Yeah. You said it yourself a second ago. I did? He +got what he deserved+. Well, not a single customer came today...again. And I thought the ''Gloves That Can Grab Various Things''{LF}idea would work pretty well, too. I guess it's not that easy to grab the customer's attention. Speaking of gloves, I've got a mountain of them left over,{LF}now. Hey. Smile a sec, would you? Huh? What's this all about? Just do it, okay? *BEAM* Make a funny face. Like this? Hmm. Okay, I...think I get it. Get what? ...! Huh? What's wrong? N-nothing! *SNICKER* I-idiot! Wh-what's the point in *PFFT* m-making me la-ha-{LF}haugh?! What? Why did you ask me to smile earlier? ...You wanna know? Yeah. ... I, uh... I wanted to, y'know... Learn how to smile better. I heard it's important for a waiter to have a nice smile. So I, uh, thought I'd study how other people did it. And that's why you walked up to me and said ''smile?'' ...Yeah. Wh-what's wrong with that? I'm serious about this, y'know! O-oh... So did you learn how to smile better? Hmph! Of course. It's easy. Will you show me? All right. Watch this. HAH! Well? That was great! Ugh, that's nowhere close. Do it for real this time. See? But when I try it on customers they all run away for some{LF}odd reason. Well yeah. Of course they would. What?! Hey! You didn't mean what you said, did you?! So it isn't any good, eh? No wonder that customer ran when I tried it before. Uh, that was for real. I guess that means it's no good, then. No wonder that customer ran when I tried it before. @しゅじんこうくん@...? Would you mind, uh...helping me learn how to smile? Sure! Just give up. You will? Yeah. What do you need me to do? If you know anybody who's good at smiling, maybe we could{LF}see what they do. Hmm...someone who's good at smiling... Yeah. It doesn't have to be one, either. I wanna see how{LF}different people do it. Okay. Let's go ask someone, then. W-wait! Hm? That's a good idea, but, uh...I wanna stay away from{LF}Porcoline's place. Why? ...Just because, okay? Okay. I mean, I...can't. ...? ...Hmm. You already have someone with you. You should finish up whatever they need you to do, first.{LF}Come back after. Let's get going. I don't care who we go see first. Oh my, what are you two up to? Vishnal. You smile all the time, right? Yes. It is important for a butler to have a polite smile. Ah. Is something the matter? It's nothing. Sorry to bug you. Oh, you weren't bothering me. We're friends, after all. Right... Thanks. Oh dear...I feel even sleepier than usual today... Zzz... ... ...Hee. She's smiling. I guess that means she's having a good dream. Yeah. My, my! Are you two having a date this lovely day? Wh-wha?! We are not! Hmph. Whatever! Let's get out of here, @しゅじんこうくん@. But... Ha ha ha! It's good to see you youngsters have such energy! Ah. He's smiling. Hello. Are you two training together today? I guess you could say that. Hey, Forte. Smile. Huh? @ディラス@... Come on. Smile already. Do you mind if I use him for strike practice today? No no no! Don't! Please! Oh, hey! You've got Dylas with you today. Hey, Kiel. Do you think you're good at smiling? Smiling? Why? Are you bad at it or something? ...Kinda. Hmmm... That's weird. I think you'd be just fine. Huh? Yeah. You're fine just the way you are. Uh, thanks, but I-- Oh don't worry about it! ♪ ...Hmph. Hi, Dylas. How about buying a weapon or something before{LF}you head home? Forget about it. Anyway, do you think you're good at smiling? Oh, I'm an expert. After all, even if you don't feel happy, if you smile people will{LF}still buy stuff from you. Hmm. That makes sense. I'll make a note of that. Make a note of something Bado said...? I don't know if that's{LF}smart. Hmm? So you and Dylas are hanging out together today?{LF}What's up? Smile. ... @しゅじんこうくん@, could you translate for me, please? I'm not{LF}understanding Dylas-ese today. I think he's asking whether you're good at smiling. Good at smiling? Hmm...I'm okay, I guess. Oh? Let's see if I can make you smile! A horse walks into a bar-- You look adorable today. Oh my goodness, the poor thing! Was it okay? ... ...Ow. Eep! Wh-where did that come from?! Oh geez...! See, @ディラス@? She's smiling. That was...clever. Ah, so you are with Dylas today. What can I do for you? I'm trying to learn how to smile better, so I've been asking{LF}around... Ahh, I see. So that's what you are doing. Wh-what...? Nothing. However, it seems this is not something with which{LF}I will be able to help you. Oh... Sorry to bug you, then. Though I don't think you're in need of any help to begin with,{LF}to be honest. What was that...? Nothing. @しゅじんこうくん@, please help him as best you can. Huh? O-oh, uh, sure. Oh? Why hello, you two! What can I do for you? H-hey! I told you I wanted to stay away from Porcoline! What are you two doing? @シャオパイ@, are you good at smiling? Smiling? Of course I am! See, @ディラス@? Like that! Haaah...? That is very scary, yes? Gah!! ... My, my! Hello, you two. Can I help you? @リンファ@, you have a really beautiful smile, right? Oh my! And your smile is very lovely, too, @しゅじんこうくん@. As is yours, Dylas. ...?! Now if you'll pardon me, I must be getting back to work. Mine, too...? You always look like you're having fun. Yep! I am always having fun! ♪ See? Twirly whirly twirl! ♪ C'mon, @しゅじんこうくん@! You do it, too! Ah ha ha! That is kinda fun! Your turn, @ディラス@! You try smiling! R-right... ...HAH! Ah ha ha! Dylas got mad! Dylas got mad! ♪ @コハク@, that's a Dylas Smile. I don't need you translating for me! Hmm? The two of you are together. That means something... Um, y'see... Hold it! I want to deduce the answer! Oh-kaaay... Hrm... ... You're dating. We're leaving. ... Ugh! Get outta here, Dylas. Who wants to see you? More people than wanna see you. C'mon, @ディラス@. You don't have to be like that. Hmph! I've got nothing to ask this dumb dwarf. Oh, what's this? Are you looking to ask someone a favor? I just might help you...if you spin around three times, put{LF}your hands up and whinny first. What?! AHHHH HA HA HA HA!! See? He's smiling! He's smiling! Hah? Haaaahhhh... H-hey. What're you staring at me for? Hold it. Smile more. Gah! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! Dylas went nuts! He's got mad{LF}horse disease or something! @ダグ@, just put up with it for a minute, okay? You can't be serious! My, my! What can I do for both of you today? A natural smile...It's perfect! Granny, could you smile for me? And he didn't see it! What do you two want? Show me your smile. Huh? @ディラス@... ''Oh ho ho ho! Well you have made me laugh, that is for{LF}certain!'' Pico! ''How absurd! How laughably ridiculous!'' ''My lovely Dolly need not smile to show her true beauty!'' ''Her perfect calm and composure in all situations is far more{LF}attractive than any mere grin.'' ''Hah! You must be blind if you did not already know that.'' ''Besides, milady does not even know how to smile!'' *GLARE* ''Hmm? Odd. I'm feeling physical pain from that stare.'' Uh...let's go, @ディラス@. Yeah. What can I do for you two? Is there any medicine that can fix a scary smile? Hey! For Dylas? Urk! ...Y-yes. Oh, well I'm sure you're just fine, then. Huh? You'll learn sooner or later. ...? Hello, you two! What can I do for you? @ナンシー@, you have a very natural smile, right? A natural smile? ... Oh, I see. How about I show you? You can watch as much as you like. There, you see @ディラス@? Yeah. Thanks. I have to wonder how this would look to someone walking{LF}in on us... Why, hello there. Enjoying your date? What makes you think we're dating? It's obvious if you just look. It is not! But never mind that for now. @しゅじんこうくん@, I found{LF}something fun. Oh...! It is rather rare, isn't it? Hey! Quit ignoring me! Oh, hello, Dylas. How long have you been there? From the beginning! And who are you again? Dylas! Don't pretend you forgot! Hrm. It seems there's something here, @しゅじんこうくん@. Or{LF}am I imagining things? What is with you, today?! And what are you two doing, today? Uh, @しゅじんこうくん@? Do you really think this'll be any help? Uh...now that I think about it... I am uncertain of what you mean, but I can clearly tell that{LF}you are being very rude to me. ... Yeah, asking Venti isn't going to be any help at all. Right. ... Ahh! It's Uncle Dylas! Hey, kid. See, @ディラス@? That's a child's natural, innocent smile. Hmm...let's see. Uncle Dylas? Why're you looking so scary? Wha?! ...Such an honest child... I think we've talked to most everybody, now. Do you think{LF}that's enough? Let's ask a few more. Yeah, that's enough. Yeah, more is probably better. Yeah, let's call it a day. Hey, @ディラス@? Yeah? Why don't you want to go ask @ポコリーヌ@? ...Because he was the one who told me in the first place. You know...that it's important for a waiter to have a good{LF}smile. What, @ポコリーヌ@ did? Oh, I get it. So he told you to go practice, then? No. No? Then why go through all this? See, I uh... I'm really thankful to Porcoline. He took me in, some guy he never even met. He even gave me a room and a job. ... I wanted to, you know, pay him back for his kindness. @ディラス@... ...Anyway, let's head home. Thanks to your help, I think I have a better idea what makes{LF}a good smile. Really? Yeah. I'll give it a try. Sorry to drag you around with me all day today. It was no problem. ...Thanks. Ah! Here. This is for you. A little token of my thanks. See you. He just...smiled. ... Maybe I should go talk to @ポコリーヌ@ and hear his side{LF}of the story. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. You were a lot of help. There it is again! Why, hello! Have you come to ask my hand in marriage? Nope. Y'see, um... About @ディラス@. Is he, um...working hard? Dylas? Of course! He works the day away with a wonderful smile on{LF}his face. Wait, he does? That he does. But...he told me he tried once and the customer ran away. Ahh, is that why he's been acting so strange? Oops! @ディラス@ tried so hard to keep quiet about{LF}that! Hrm. As I said, Dylas has no need to worry about that. Really? Haven't you noticed yourself? Several people in town already have. He's someone who has a 5-star natural smile. Oh...! However, I hear that he thought about it too hard one day,{LF}and it did not go well. That was my error. I told him something I shouldn't have. He's quite good at it, though, as long as he doesn't think too{LF}hard about it. Have you ever seen his smile? Yes. It was an excellent one, right? So there's no need for him to force it. Conscious practice improves many things. For others, it's not{LF}necessary. Still, I fear that, hearing of his forced smiles and thinking it{LF}funny to watch, there'll be... ...Y-yeah, there just might be customers who'd come only to{LF}see that. Well. I shall handle helping him as much as I'm able. Sorry to make you worry so, @しゅじんこうくん@. No, it's okay. It's just...if I could please ask you to keep one thing in mind... It's that @ディラス@ is trying really hard because he{LF}wants to repay you for all your help. Goodness me, such a heaping helping of happiness. Yeah, you do have a lot to be happy about, @ポコリーヌ@. Do I ever. ...? Anyway, please do give Dylas a helping hand whenever he{LF}may need one. O-of course. Goodness me, Dylas certainly has a heaping helping of{LF}happiness on his plate. Do keep giving him a hand when he needs it, would you? If my hunch is correct, there will be a mystery happening{LF}here before too long. Hi, @エルミナータ@! What are you doing? Shh! I'm eavesdropping! What?! There's some veeery suspicious chit-chat going on over{LF}there. I sense an oncoming case! I think the ''case'' is already happening. Ah! They're coming this way! Hide! Gah! Why me, too?! Ha ha! Really? Yes. It's almost too much to handle. What's so suspicious about that? It just looks to me like @ポコリーヌ@ is having a nice chat{LF}with some lady. If I had to point at something, I'd say it's their relationship{LF}that's suspicious. Maybe that lady is Porcoline's girlfriend? What?! ...And that isn't suspicious at all, either. How is she doing, by the by? She's growing into a gentle, generous and genuine young{LF}lady. That's good to hear. And, er...this is difficult for me to ask, but...has THAT been{LF}overcome, yet? ...Do you ask that of me, or of her? Of both of you. I'm afraid neither of us can give a happy answer to that one. I see. That's normal, I suppose. Please let her know that if she's no longer happy here, we'll{LF}come and get her. She has spent much time around humans. She could be a{LF}strong bridge between our people. That is, of course, should both you and she agree. I apologize in advance, but I cannot hope she chooses that{LF}option. It would be, in many ways, just running away. Yes, it would, wouldn't it? Anyway, how fare things in your fair land? Much better. The chaos of that time has passed, thanks to{LF}the De Sainte-Coquille family's aid. No, no. We didn't do much. But I'm happy to hear that all is now well there. Yes. Now then, I'm afraid I must be going. Allow me to escort you to the gate. What was that all about? Ah-ha...I see. See what? Well that was dull. Time to head home for tea. Huh? Wait, @エルミナータ@! What's going on? You look like you got something out of{LF}that whole thing. What is it? Oh, do you really want to know? Yeah! No, not really. Hrm. Well, since you sound so enthusiastic, I guess I can tell{LF}you my deductions. Ah. Well, if you don't want to know, that's fine. Bye-bye! The lady talking with Porcoline was a messenger from the{LF}Elven Kingdom. The Elven Kingdom? Yeah. The kingdom used to be ruled by a queen. But that was only until a little while ago. So what's it like, now? Different. There's no queen anymore. The throne is empty. Why's that? Well, the old queen's sister raised a doozy of a question. She asked everyone if the elves as a nation were too reliant{LF}on having a queen. Too reliant? Yes. See, becoming queen meant losing all freedom. The queen is never alone, ever. And all responsibility for any{LF}decision-making is on her alone. The sister, watching what the queen went through day in{LF}and day out, questioned the whole system. So the elves are currently trying to build a new kingdom that{LF}does not rely on any royal figure. So that's what happened. Yeah. And it sounds like it's going pretty well so far. Trade with the human kingdoms is flourishing and the elves{LF}are growing prosperous. That lady came by just to let Porcoline know that. After all, the De Sainte-Coquille family is presently the{LF}lynchpin of human-elf trade right now. The De Sainte-Coquille family? That's Porcoline's family,{LF}right? Wow, they must be some pretty impressive people. Yeah. They've been on good terms with the elves for years{LF}and years. Hmm. Anyway, that's all they were talking about. Now then, today's mystery has been solved, so I guess it's{LF}back to work for me. Meg suggested we do a super sweeping scrubbing of the{LF}entire restaurant today. But where is the maestro of this magnificent effort, the lady{LF}Meg herself? I haven't seen her. Oh yeah, Meg said we were going to clean the restaurant{LF}today. But I haven't seen her around. Wait...don't tell me she's actually...skipping out?! ... What's gotten into her? It's not easy for elves and humans to get along well. Huh? Why not? Um...it'll be easier for you to get along with us if you don't{LF}know, so I'm not saying. Huh...? Ah! @マーガレット@? O-oh, sorry! I was kinda lost on memory lane for a minute,{LF}there. Are you okay? Yeah. Oh, no! I completely forgot we were going to clean the restaurant{LF}today! I missed it! Ha ha.. Oh, great. Porco's going to be so mad at me. What{LF}can I do to make it up to him? Um... It's nothing. Don't worry about it, okay? Grrr...hmph! What's wrong? @しゅじんこうくん@, listen to this! Meg is actually hiding something from me. And it's not just Meg. Dylas and Arthur are hiding something,{LF}too! Why am I the only one left out in the bitter, bitter cold? Do they...hate me now? They must have a reason. That's terrible! Yep, they hate you. I guess they might... It's all right. I'm sure they are just at that age, you know. GAAAAH!! I...I feel so lonely. *SNIFFLE* Hey, @マーガレット@? Hmm? I saw @ポコリーヌ@ earlier. He was sad that you're ''hiding'' something from him. Huh? O-oh...right! Well I'm...not exactly HIDING anything... Yeah, I think it'd be okay if I told you. Y'see, we've been thinking of a way to repay Porco for all{LF}the wonderful stuff he does. ''We''? Yeah. Me, Dylas and Arthur. I mean, Porco is always doing stuff to take care of us, right? So we got together and decided we wanted to show him{LF}how much we appreciate him. We've been trying to make sure he didn't notice... But I guess he did, and it's backfiring. We only need a little bit more time to finish setting{LF}everything up, so... Oh, I know! ...? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Could you do me a favor and keep Porco distracted just for{LF}today? Huh? Distracted how? Umm...maybe you could ask him on a date? A what?! Well, you know how fond Porco is of you. Pleeease? I'll give you whatever I can as thanks, afterwards. I{LF}promise! Okay, okay... Great! If you could just take him somewhere else for the day,{LF}we'll be able to finish everything up. Ask him on a date, and I'm sure he'd happily follow you{LF}anywhere. ACK! @しゅじんこうくん@! Don't bring him here! Don't bring him{LF}here! GAAAAH!! Now all we need is some of this, some of that...oh, and he{LF}liked this other thing, too. All right, what else need I get together? Uh...@ポコリーヌ@? Yes? How about a...d-date? Wanna go walking together? A date? You? A-and ME?! You are honestly asking ME on a DATE?! I-if you don't mind. Oh...? Is this a roundabout way of asking me on a date? W-well...you could say it's kinda maybe sorta like that... Then let us go, go, go!! Okay, um...s-so where do you want to go? Somewhere quiet and beautiful and er...with few people{LF}about. How does @マップ0@ sound? @マップ0@? That's fine. Let's go, then. A date with @しゅじんこうくん@ to @マップ0@.{LF}Oh, happy day! Ahh, it's so refreshingly restful here. Yeah. The natural beauty of nature here reminds me of the Elven{LF}Kingdom. You've been there? Yes, a few times. The De Sainte-Coquille family has long been friends with the{LF}forest people. Wow. The Elven Kingdom was where I first met Meg. I went there for a trade market they had opened. A trade market? Yes. There, I saw Meg making lovely music for the gathered{LF}masses. I heard that she wished to leave her birth kingdom to travel{LF}and see the world. Thus, I thought to invite her to my restaurant, and ask her to{LF}play for my customers. But I gave up on that quickly. Why's that? You see, a famous conductor was there as well, and he too{LF}had heard Meg play. He loved her music immediately, and wished to have her play{LF}in his orchestra. I very, very much wanted to have Meg come here... But I let the conductor make his offer instead. I know nothing of the melodies of music. I could give Meg{LF}nothing. So I thought it would be better for her future to hear what{LF}the conductor had to offer. Huh? Wait a second...but right now @マーガレット@ is here. Yes, she's here under my wing. You see, other things{LF}happened after the market. Now you may laugh at this... But I think of Meg as my own daughter. Dylas and Arthur, too, are my precious family. Meeting them were some of the greatest experiences of my{LF}life. Meeting you, @しゅじんこうくん@, was another grand one as{LF}well. @ポコリーヌ@... So please become part of my family...for real! Right now!! No way. Nuh-uh. You've gotta be kidding. Not happening. GAAAAH!! ...Ahem. Anyway, I think I'll spend a little more time here. An afternoon spent relaxing alone is nice every once in a{LF}while. Thank you for listening to what I had to say,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Whoooa, heart breeeak. I'm Mister Heeeeart Breeeak! ♪ So lonelyyyy... Solitude, thy name is Porcoline Tulle De Sainte-Coquille. Hmm? Where's Porco? He said he wanted some time by himself outside town. Ah, okay. Well then let's finish up all our preparations before{LF}he gets back! Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@! @しゅじんこうくん@! Have you seen Porco anywhere? Hmm? He hasn't come back yet! Oh no... What have I done? If...if something happened to him...if he never comes back, I...{LF}I don't know what I'll do! Calm down, @マーガレット@. @ポコリーヌ@ and I went to the forest together. He might still be out there. Really?! Yeah. How about we go check together? Okay! Porco! Porco, where are you?! Dammit, where has Porcoline gotten to? Hurry up and come{LF}back already! I hope Porcoline is all right. Porco! ...Mrph? Dwah?! Porco, you idiot! How could you fall asleep out here?! M-Meg! What are you doing here? Wait...what time is it? So this is where you went. We have been looking all over for you. Dylas. Arthur. What are you all doing here? I thought you all hated me. Why would we do that? Sorry we were all acting weird, Porcoline. After all, Dylas is a very poor actor. You're not winning any awards, yourself. Wh-what is going on? Porco, listen. We all wanted to throw you a thank-you party. A...thank-you party? Here. I made this for you. A hand-knit scarf...? I tried really hard to make it something that'd look good on{LF}you! Here, this is from me. What is it? It's an interesting exercise tool I found at market. You put it on and it vibrates to exercise your muscles without{LF}you needing to do a thing. Ooh...! I, uh...made some snacks for you. They're at the restaurant. I'm sure they aren't as good as yours, but... How about we all go home and try them, okay? Yes. We don't want them going cold, now. Yeah! Let's go home, Porco. Home... WAAAAAAAAAH!! You don't hate me? You all really want me to stay with you? Of course we do! So enough with the waterworks already. You...you'll make me cry, too... WAAAAAAAAAH!! It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!{LF}WAAAAAAH!! I love all of you so much!! @しゅじんこうくん@, thanks for everything. And sorry to make you put up with so much. Porco, you should apologize, too. I'm sorry. Hmph. Who's the Guardian for who, now? This is a little thank-you present. I hope you like it. And here is one from me, too. ...And me. I made too much for everyone. Ooh! Ooh! I wanna give one to you, too! Here! Take it! Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Why don't you join us for dinner? Hmm...thanks, but I think I'll pass this time. You all look like you're having a great enough time already. How considerate of you! Well then, how about we have dinner some other time. Just{LF}the two of us. I'll set the candles. I definitely pass on that. GAAAAH!! What? Did I hear that wrong? GAAAAH!! Hurry it up, Porcoline. Yeah, we don't want to keep bugging @しゅじんこうくん@ all{LF}day. Yes. Let us get going. Ahh, perhaps next week then, my dearest! Je t'aime, my{LF}honey! Ahh, delicious! This is heaven! Pure, delectable heaven! Porco, don't just stand and eat over there! Bring it to the table and sit down! A lively party is fun every once in a while. Porcoline thinks the dishes I made are good...! Man, that was a tough one. You should've seen the size of that monster! It was huge! I made short work of it, though. Chased it right off, ha ha ha! Hmph. I would've squashed it in half the time it took you. Really? I could have defeated it without even touching it. W-wow! Really?! I suspect I could have defeated it as I worked. Oh my goodness, really?! Everyone is so incredible! Uh, Vishnal? They're just messing with you. Still, which of us do you think is the strongest? Myself, likely. All right then, we shall label Leon the strongest. So Leon is? Wow... Whoa, whoa, whoa! I've got a different opinion over here! Yes, Doug? The strongest one of us is ME! What are you going on about? No way you're the strongest{LF}one. What, so you think it's you? Don't kid yourself! What was that, pebble-brain? Just what I said it was, nag! Decorum, gentlemen. Let us keep our decorum. If we are to decide which of you is stronger, I suggest an{LF}arm-wrestling contest. Arm-wrestling? I'm cool with that. Let's do it! Yeah. Bring it on, midget! You've got it, sway-back! I think I'll be heading home. I, as well. Oh yeah! I have some work I need to finish. I guess I'll go home too, then. HNGRAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! HNNNNNNGGGHH!!! Um... Good luck, @ディラス@! You can do it, @ダグ@! Leave them be. HAH!! UMPH!! I win! That was a fluke! Oh really? Do it again! This time I won't lose! You're on! HAH!! UNGH!! MWAH HA HAH! I win! Th-that was luck! What did you say?! Do it again! You bet I'll beat you again! Aren't they hilarious to watch? I wish they could stay that way forever. I'm curious which of the two of them will win. Hm. I should get back to my work. Everyone is so amazing! I'm going to have to work even{LF}harder! I wonder who'll win, Dylas or Doug? @しゅじんこうくん@, stay here and cheer them on, okay? So...*HUFF* *HUFF* it's a tie... *WHEEZE*...not bad... Not...*PANT* *PANT* bad yourself. Some day, I'd like to give a performance on a big stage. The big stage, eh? Yeah. Do you know if there's a chance like that just waiting{LF}around somewhere? @しゅじんこうくん@, I have a favor to ask. What is it? Could you bring Meg to the Obsidian Mansion? The Obsidian Mansion? What do you need @マーガレット@{LF}there for? There's someone who wants to hear her perform on the{LF}mansion's stage. Wow, someone's interested in hearing her perform? Yes. Will you do that for me? No problem! I can't right now... I see. Well, perhaps when you have some free time, then. I'll be{LF}waiting. Good. Bring Meg to the Obsidian Mansion's stage. I'll be{LF}waiting there for you. Hi! Is there something I can do for you? Yeah. See, there's someone who wants to hear you perform on{LF}stage. What?! I can perform on stage for someone? I'll do it! I will so do it! ♪ When is it? Can I go right now? ♪ Great! Let's head to the Obsidian Mansion, then. The where?! The Obsidian Mansion. Is something wrong with that? N-no... Nothing's wrong. Ah ha ha... You sure? O-oh yeah! The Obsidian Mansion has a +back door+, doesn't{LF}it? A back door? Yeah! Didn't Volkanon build a bridge to it by the lake? Let's go in that way? Okay? Please? Yeah, we can do that. Thank goodness...! Oh! You already have someone with you. Come back and{LF}get me once you're finished. I'll wait. Let's get going, then. Remember, it's by the lake on the west side of town. Eeep! L-lets hurry to the stage, okay? Huh? There isn't anyone here. Wait, there isn't? There...really isn't. Sorry to make you wait. YIKES!! What's wrong? ''What's wrong?'' Anybody will jump when someone sneaks{LF}up on them from behi-- ''BOO!!'' MEEP! ''Tee hee! Did I startle you?'' PIIIICOOOO!! @ドルチェ@, is the audience still on its way? What are you talking about? Can't you see they are already{LF}here? Hi! Nice to meet you! Thanks for coming today. W-wait, when did they get here? Wow, they seem rather nice. Meg, did you bring your instruments? Yeah. Speaking of, which would you like me to play? About that... ...? We don't have the score. The score is missing? ''Yes. One song in particular was requested, but the score for{LF}it is missing.'' Uh-oh. So what are we supposed to do now? Don't worry. I have an idea of where it might be. Where? Somewhere here in Obsidian Mansion. Go look for it, please. What?! I'm not familiar with what a score may look like, after all. And...they occasionally show up. Wha?! ''They?!'' Yes. Monsters. Oh...those. Not that I like them, either. That is why I asked @しゅじんこうくん@ to come. Okay. @マーガレット@ and I will go look for it, then. Thank you. O-okay... Be careful. ''They'' sometimes show up here. I'm sorry to put you through all this. No, it's okay. You see, it's a song I very much want to hear. I know it's{LF}kind of out of the blue, but I have to. It must be important to you. Yes...yes it is. It's a very important song to me. I'm pretty sure the score is in a drawer somewhere in this{LF}house. I know finding it won't be easy, but if you could at least try. Hmm? What happened to that girl who was with you? C'mon, let's go find that score. ...? ...! @マーガレット@? EEP! O-oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's just you. What's wrong, @マーガレット@? You've been acting weird. Huh...? Don't tell me... You're afraid? You're hungry? I-I am not! ...Okay, so maybe a little. You don't have to push it. We should still try. Wha...? N...No, I'm okay. We can keep going. Thank you. Y-yeah, we should... ...I-I'm okay. *CLATTER* MEEP! What was that noise? Oh geez, oh geez, oh geez... C-can we please get going? I want to get this over with as{LF}soon as we can. But it's kinda hard for me to move with you clinging to me. Hi! Who're you? I'm sorry. Did I scare you? Why did you come here all alone? I heard someone playing the violin. That was you, right? It was really good. ...Really? Ah! I finally got you to talk! ♪ Oh! My name is @キャラ1@. What's yours? Um...@キャラ0@. Huh? Weird. I thought I just heard someone talking. You did?! No way. What's going on?! What happened?! Maybe it was just my imagination. Oh... Eep...it feels like something might jump out at us here. Can{LF}we just sprint through? That's too dangerous. Can you keep up? T-true...It would be bad if we bumped into someone... ...Wait, I don't wanna know what kind of ''someone'' we'd{LF}bump into here! D-don't leave me behind! Here, let's hold hands, okay?{LF}Please? You're working really hard, @キャラ0@. @キャラ1@. When did you get here? I've been here for a while. You really do lose track of everything when you're working{LF}on your music, don't you? N-no I don't. Hee hee... What's so funny? Oh, nothing. Before you wouldn't talk to me at all, but now we can have{LF}whole conversations together. Something about that just struck me as funny, is all. Ha ha... Yeah, it is, isn't it? It also makes me feel...happy... @キャラ1@... Wait, huh? Did you hear that? N-no, I didn't hear anything. Hmm. That's weird. Oh geez...I've had enough of this already... Hey, @キャラ0@? About this weekend... Are you even listening to me? What are you doing? Yes, I'm listening. I'm +writing a score+ for my newest piece. Again with your music. Yes. I'm sorry, but could you come back later? Why...? ... Tell me! Why? Why do you always pay attention to nothing{LF}but your stupid music?! @キャラ1@, I'm sorry, but this is a very important{LF}time for me. I know that! But...at least for my birthday... I'm sorry. Could you not bother me for a while? I must +finish this score+ in time. ... L-let's hurry up and find that score, okay? But where the heck is it? I'd think it would be on a desk or in a drawer somewhere. L-let's hurry back to the stage, okay? Is this it? Let me show it to @マーガレット@, just to be sure. Is this it? @マーガレット@, would you take a look at this, please? Sure... ... Huh? What's wrong? Is this not it? No, I'm pretty sure that's it. But... ...? This is a song I play all the time. Wha? But it's signed at the bottom. So this must be the score that{LF}the composer himself wrote. Wow. That song's composer used to live here. Whoa, neat! This was the first song that I learned after I left the Elven{LF}Kingdom. It sure brings back memories... Doesn't it, Teacher? @マーガレット@... Oh, s-sorry. How about we give the room a once over, just to be sure{LF}we haven't missed anything else. Sure. Is...someone there? What?! Wh-where?! Over there. See? Over where? Now that's weird. Did you see something? Uh...anyway, let's head back. Aww...tell me what you saw! Whew...we finally made it! Welcome back. Sorry to keep you waiting. Did you find the score? Yeah. It's right here. Well done. Do you need to rest for a few minutes? No, I'll be fine. We don't want to keep the audience waiting. Ah. Well, I'll leave the stage to you. Thanks. ...Ahem. I will now begin my performance. But before I do, I'd like to tell you a little about the piece I'll{LF}play. It's a gentle song, but it also has a very powerful message. The first time I heard it, I was nearly moved to tears. I'm sure this song was written for someone very important to{LF}the composer. ...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ramble. Well then, let me begin. Please, lend me your ears, even if for just a short while. The title of this song is ''LAFS.'' Will you listen, Marina? ...It's been a long time since we last spoke. Er...are you mad? If so, I'm sorry. It's all right. This isn't the first time this has happened, after{LF}all. I-I know. But...I have something I'd like you to listen to. What is it? I'm going to give a concert soon. Really? You're going to give your own concert? That's{LF}wonderful. Yes, it's my concert...but it isn't. Not really. ...? It'll be on your birthday. This concert will be my present to you. I've written a new{LF}song, just for you. What...? There's a front-row seat reserved for you. I'd like for you to come and listen to the song I wrote. Oh my... R-really? Are you really sure you want to do this...for me? Of course. I couldn't do it for anyone else. I'll come and get you on the day of the concert. Then, I'll play for you, and I will tell you something very, very{LF}important. So will you wear your best dress for me? @キャラ0@...This is that song, isn't it? This was the song you wanted me to hear. ...? Meg, keep playing. Whatever you see or hear, don't stop. Huh? Oh, um...okay. @キャラ0@! @キャラ1@. I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so very{LF}long. Yes...It was a very, very long time, wasn't it? The song she's playing right now is my feelings for you, put{LF}to music. @キャラ0@... Let's go. This isn't where we belong anymore. You're right. Now we can be together. Forever. Yes. ...Thank you. Thank you so much. Wha...? ?! ''It is over.'' Yes. Th-they vanished?! Well done. Come down here, Meg. I'll tell both of you what this was{LF}about. Wh-what's going on?! Those two people just disappeared{LF}into thin air! Calm down. They were...well, to put it simply, they were ghosts. WHA?! ''You hadn't guessed?'' O-oh geez...!! It's all right. They weren't evil ghosts. The gentleman was a musician, like you are, Meg. Really? Yes. He was the composer of the song you played. The{LF}woman next to him was who he wrote it for. Wait...she was the one? Yes. This all started a very, very long time ago. He wrote that song, and then was going to put on a concert{LF}to play it for her. So he gave her a special invitation to come to Obsidian{LF}Mansion. As he said, he went to pick her up in his carriage. But there were torrential rains that day. He was caught in a{LF}landslide on his way to get her. He...didn't make it. Oh no...! Both waited. He to play his music for her. And she to hear the music he had written for her. Both waited, and waited, and waited for the concert to{LF}begin. The two of you finally gave them their wish. Did you hear what they said at the end? What? ''Thank you.'' Yeah, I heard that. And he said he wanted you to have the score. What? B-but... Take good care of it, okay? ...I will. I thank you both, too. Thanks to you, two sad, lost souls were saved. Thank you. And I'm sorry I kept the truth from you. No, that's okay. We don't mind. ...I'm glad. Anyway, I'll be going now. Good-bye. ... What's wrong? Are you okay? I-I don't know. I feel fine, but I can't seem to stop crying. Y-yeah, I'm fine...I just can't seem to stop crying... I...I can't believe I was scared of them, just because they{LF}were ghosts. They were really just people who had such strong feelings{LF}for each other, they waited centuries... That is a really good song. And it has such powerful emotion to it. I can really feel it...but, what is it? What is it trying to say? ...I can't put it into words. @マーガレット@... But there's one thing that I understand really well. It's that I'm glad I got to meet both of them. So, um...I'm sorry, but do you mind if I stay here a little bit{LF}longer? I want to feel what they felt for each other. This is our thanks. Huh? Wow... Do you think this is from them? Probably... You should accept it, @しゅじんこうくん@. What, me? Are you sure? Yeah. I already got the score. And other more intangible things. Oh? Maybe someday I'll write for someone that important... And I want it to be a song that will be just as beautiful...no,{LF}more beautiful than this one. Thank you! Thanks so much, and goodbye! Ah, perfect timing. What's up? I just received something very interesting. How would you like to join me for some tea and a chat? Sure! Well, if you insist... Excellent! This way. Yes, I insist. I'd like the chance to talk with you. Is that not enough? N-no, it's fine. Good. This way. What would you like to drink? Um, lessee... @アイテム0@. @アイテム1@. @アイテム2@. @アイテム0@, then. All right. So @アイテム0@, then. Let's see... Erm, @アイテム0@...all right. ?! Here you go. Thank you. So what is this interesting thing you've got? This. Glasses? Yes. They were are an arrangement on a western style, made by{LF}an eastern craftsman. I hear this style is popular in the east right now. Neat. Would you like to try them on? Uh, well... Don't worry, the lenses are not prescription. They are just a{LF}simple fashion item. Oh. Go on. Try them. All right then... ... Do they look okay? I look weird, don't I? Y-yes. They look very nice on you. Very, very nice... N-no! You look very nice in them. Very, very nice indeed. ... Thanks. Here, you can have them back, now. What, you are going to take them off already? Hmm? Er, nothing. Never mind. Well, I should probably be going. Thanks for the tea. Yes. Thank you for sharing your time with me. No problem. I enjoyed it. Yes, I got to see something very interesting indeed. It is entirely unfair for glasses to look that good on a person. Hmm? Er, nothing. Never mind. Ahh! Yooo! Hey there! Hi! Are you talking to me? I seriously am, babe. ♪ Can you point a bro out in the right{LF}direction? Uh, sure. Check it: I'm lookin' for a place where the most bodacious{LF}babes in town go to chill, you know? ...Well, there's the restaurant just across the way. Right on!! So, you wanna hang? I'm payin'. Sure, babe. Rather not. Gnarly! Let's do it. ♪ Um, could you please take your hand off my shoulder? Aw, c'mon, babe! What's the matter? I just wanna hang. H-hey! What do you think you're doing? Hey! What's your deal? Oh! Hi, @ディラス@. You wanna fight, brah? You're gonna regret it if you don't get{LF}lost! @しゅじんこうくん@, didn't you hear me? What are you doing? Hey! Are you even listening to me?! Um, well...he kinda asked me if I wanted to have tea with{LF}him. Uh-huh. Quit ignoring me, horse-face!! What was that? ...?! Loud-mouthed jerk, aren't you? So who was it you were calling a ''horse-face'' again? Well? Uh...I-I didn't say that... Get lost! And make it quick, or else... I'll punt both you and Doug into next week! Who's Doug?! Whatever! I'll let you off easy today, brah!! I'm out! PEACE!! Umm... Thanks, brah. That was unnecessary. ...Hmph. Whatever. He just bugged me, is all. Hmph. You've got that right. I still can't believe I bothered. That was partly your fault, too, you know. You've got{LF}''sucker'' written all over you. Urk... So start being a little more cautious, okay? There are jerks{LF}like that everywhere. And they like going after people as pretty and cute as you{LF}are. Huh? ...Ah! W-well this isn't necessarily my own opinion! So don't get too excited! ...Huh? Get the wrong idea about what? Sh-shut up and quit bugging me! Excuse me. Yes? Are you familiar with this area? I'd like to ask directions. I'd be glad to help. This guy looks kinda scary, but he certainly sounds nice{LF}enough. Uh-oh, I need to buy a new cloth for window cleaning. I{LF}wonder if Bado has some for sale. Ah! There's @しゅじんこうくん@. I wonder what's going on. Where do you want to go? I'm looking for the school. My children will be attending it, so{LF}I'd like to see the place. The school? Yes. I heard there was one close to here. Do you know{LF}where it is? There's one here? Yes. Really? I don't remember there being one... Hm? @しゅじんこうくん@ is looking concerned... And that traveler looks a little frightening. Oh no...! Could this person be threatening @しゅじんこうくん@?! That's{LF}terrible! I'm pretty sure there isn't a school anywhere near here. What? When I got off the airship, the pilot told me there{LF}was. Hmm. That's a problem. Enough!! Hmm... Wait, ''enough?'' @ビシュナル@?! You there! What are you doing to @しゅじんこうくん@?! And I warn you, depending on what it is, I may get angry! Um, @ビシュナル@? Hang on a second... Step back, @しゅじんこうくん@. This person was threatening you, correct? Wrong. I knew it! That's unforgivable! He just asked me for directions. He did what?! Why that's-- ...wait. He asked you for directions? That is all? Yeah. Yes. I was quite lost, you see. Really? Yeah. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! It was just you, er...looked rather frightening, so I made an{LF}assumption. @ビシュナル@! Be nice. It's all right. I know that my face isn't the most pleasant. Ack! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be rude! I don't mind. Even my daughter thinks my face is scary{LF}enough to avoid me. So I thought I could find a nice school for her, at least, and{LF}maybe earn Daddy Points that way. ''Daddy Points?'' But now it seems like I haven't found one after all. She's{LF}going to hate me, I know it. You're looking for a school? Yes. I came here because I heard there was one close by. Right. And I couldn't remember there being one here, so I{LF}wasn't sure what to tell him. Ah, I see. So that's what it was. What am I going to do? It seems you've gotten off at the wrong airship stop, sir. I did? The school is at the next stop after Selphia. Once you get off the airship, you go west for a little ways.{LF}You should then see a large building. Just go in through the gate that is shaped like a turnip. The{LF}receptionist will be on the left. Really? So that is where it is! Thank you so much! Now my daughter won't hate me! I'm going to go there right now! Thank you again! Wow, you sure know your way around the area,{LF}@ビシュナル@. N-not particularly. I just studied the geography of this area in complete detail{LF}just in case. After all, I want to be an elite butler! What does that have to do with this...? But I'm very sorry. I really did jump to conclusions about that{LF}gentleman. That's okay. Thanks for your help. I needed it. Y-you're welcome... (I got a compliment!)... Besides... You looked really cool. You're always a klutz. Huh? I mean, you came over because you wanted to save me,{LF}right? That was pretty cool of you. R-r-r-really?! Oh my goodness, I-I don't deserve so grand a compliment! A-and, it's only natural for a person to protect the things they{LF}want to protect! Hmm? ACK! Um! I-I, uh, n-never mind!! Er, uh, a-anyway, I just realized I have chores waiting for me{LF}so I should be going now bye!! AUGH! Please don't say that out loud! Still, thanks. Wait, what was I doing again...? Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@! What's up? Would you like to come to my room and have some tea? Of course! I'm sorry, not now. Oh good. Come right this way! Oh, that's no good. You know you want to have tea with me, so you will come{LF}have tea with me! Uh, okay... I got the most tasty blend today. So I thought I'd share some of it with you. Here you go. Really? Thanks. Oh! And I have just the thing to go along with your tea. What is it? @アイテム0@. That looks delicious. Did you get it along with the tea? Nope! I baked it myself. You did? Hmph! You don't have to act so surprised, you know. Oops. Sorry, I didn't mean it that way. Don't you remember? When you first came to this town, I gave you some{LF}@アイテム0@. Oh, I remember! Not ringing any bells. Hee hee! That was one I baked, too. Wow, you're pretty good at making sweets, @クローリカ@. Now that was mean! It was one I baked myself, too. Oh, um, so you're good at making sweets then? Yes. ♪ I love making sweets. Go ahead, try this piece. It's one of my better ones, if I do say so myself! All right, I think I will. *NIBBLE* *NIBBLE* ... *MUNCH* *MUNCH* ... Wow... ...! This is great! This is...okay? R-really? I'm so glad! Huh? Didn't you say this was one of your best ones? Er.... ...Ahem. Everyone gets nervous every now and again, you{LF}know. Ah ha ha... Oh... Ah! N-no, it's great! It's really good. Mmm-mm! R-really? Geez, don't startle me like that. (Thank goodness...) It really was tasty. Can I have another piece? O-oh, of course! Thanks! *MUNCH* *MUNCH* *GOBBLE* *GOBBLE* ... My, you look like you're really enjoying it. I...I feel strange... What is this warm and fuzzy feeling? Compliment her more. I've had enough. I envy whoever gets to marry you, @クローリカ@. They'll{LF}have good food to eat every day. Wh-wh-what!? M-marry me?! Compliment her even more. That's really enough. I mean, this is some really tasty stuff. Your husband will be{LF}so happy. T-tasty...? H-h-husband?! Go for the knockout. Okay, enough is enough. You'll be a perfect bride, I'm sure of it. B-B-B-B-BRIDE?! Um, @クローリカ@? You're bright red. S-sorry...I-I'm just feeling, um, really strange right now... I...I'm...embarrassed... So embarrassed I think I'm going to explode! What? Are you okay?! Oh my...I-I don't know how I can look anyone in the face{LF}anymore. Goodbye!! ...Huh? Oh my...I-I don't know how I can look anyone in the face any{LF}more. Did I say anything wrong? @フォルテ@...? @フォルテ@, what are you up to? Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. I was just thinking about castle security. Though we do have the fearsome Lady Ventuswill to protect{LF}us, we're still short-handed. That's gotta mean a lot of work for you, eh? Oh, it isn't that difficult. I'm still inexperienced as a knight, after all. You don't look that way. Definitely. Ha ha. You're very kind, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks... So you see me that way, too, huh @しゅじんこうくん@? To be honest, I'm uncertain of myself. Hmm? I'm knight to a Native Dragon. It's my duty to protect Lady Ventuswill. However, the true protector of this town is the Lady herself. I do not protect her...she protects me. Yes, I know it cannot be helped. Our entire continent is protected by the Native Dragons'{LF}power. It's vain to think one human's skill could mean anything in{LF}the face of that. But, if that's the case... I can't help but wonder if I'm of any use to the Lady at all. @フォルテ@... It's my duty to protect Lady Ventuswill, but... ... @フォルテ@... My apologies. If Lady Ventuswill were to see me like this, she would be{LF}angry with me. ... It's Lady Ventuswill who protects this town, in truth. She protects everyone, including me. Yes, I know it cannot be helped. Our entire continent is protected by the Native Dragons'{LF}power. It's vain to think one human's skill could mean anything in{LF}the face of that. But, if that's the case... I can't help but wonder if I'm of any use to the Lady at all. ... So, to erase those doubts, I have and will continue to train. That way, perhaps one day I'll be of some use to the Lady. And, perhaps I'll be able to protect all I want to protect. You mean the whole town? You mean @キール@? You mean me? Yes. And you too, of course. Hmm? Er...nothing. Yes. Him, and everyone who lives in this town. I swore I would do so when I took my first oath as a knight. Erm... C-could you not ask me that, please? Sorry. ...Sheesh. Still... Of course I want to protect you. I want to protect you and my brother and this whole town. I swear I will. ...Thanks. Well then. I'm actually feeling a little better. I've never discussed that with anyone before. It was helpful. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm actually feeling a little better. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! @キール@. What's up? Hey, I've got a question I want to ask. What's your favorite color? Hmm? Why do you ask? This! See? It's called ''Colorful Fortunes: You & I''. It says you can tell how well you get along with someone by{LF}asking their favorite color. Hmm. So what's yours? Hmm. Red, I guess. Definitely blue. Yellow is cool. Raaainbooow! Ah, passionate red, eh? Ooh, that makes sense. The whole ''cool beauty'' thing, right? Ah ha! Yeah, that's a really bright, fun color, isn't it? Um...I don't know if that counts as a color... Yeah, I was just joking. Oh! But the book does have it. No way! So how well are we supposed to get along? Lessee... ... *SLAM* Hmm? Why'd you close the book? Well... It said we probably won't get along well. Oh, that's too bad. But it's just a silly fortune-telling game, in the end. We{LF}shouldn't take it too seriously. Hmph. Still...it would stink if someone decided not to like me{LF}because of this. Especially if that someone was you, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...It's funny. Whenever I think of you, I get this really weird{LF}feeling in my chest. I wonder what it is? ... That's weird. That's love. Yeah... Uh, sorry. I didn't actually mean that. What I meant is, maybe it's love? Oh, maybe... ... ... N-no it isn't! Well, okay, so maybe it is kinda sorta that, but it isn't! It...it's...argh!! Stupid @しゅじんこうくん@!! He ran away... Huh? Weird. I'm feeling hot all of a sudden. Hmm...which do I want? C'mon, Meg! Either one is fine! No. These are going to decorate the restaurant so I want to{LF}be sure I get the right ones. Okay, okay...pick whichever, then. Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@, you have perfect timing. What's up? Let me examine you for a minute. Huh?! Oh, don't fuss. It's just a quick pat-down. I mean, you have to have some suspicious weapons or{LF}powders on you, right? I do not! Then I just need your thumbprint. Having a record of that will{LF}make it easier to arrest you later. Wait, do you think I'm going to commit some kind of crime? Oh! And I should probably take a hair or two of yours, too... Ack! Whoa! Nya ha ha ha ha! You're in MY garden now. There's no{LF}escape! Turn yourself in without a fight, @しゅじんこうくん@! Lumie, I think I'll take these. ♪ ...Um, what are you doing? Oh, just chasing down @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm. ...Wait, stop that! Lumie! Quit picking on poor @しゅじんこうくん@. That's mean! Um, @マーガレット@...? Seriously, Lumie. Why do you always have to do crazy things{LF}like this? Can't you see how much you're scaring @しゅじんこうくん@? MRPH...! Uh, Meg? I think you might be squeezing @しゅじんこうくん@ a{LF}little too tight... Huh? MMMMPH...! Oops! @しゅじんこうくん@, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Y-yeah... Hee hee! That was such a tight and intimate hug. How bold of you. ♪ Wh-wha?! I-it wasn't like that! So why are you bright red then, hmm? ♪ Don't tell me you{LF}had an ulterior motive, shall we say? I-I did not! Hee hee! @しゅじんこうくん@, you can't say you're completely{LF}uninteresting either, can you? You mean ''uninterested.'' Nope! Right. That's what I said. You aren't uninterested at all. Huh?! See, Meg? Wha... R-really? Oh-ho! This may be a mystery in the offing! Lumie!! Stop it! Wha?! W-w-w-wait, what?! Huh?! @しゅじんこうくん@ n-no way! Oooh, what's this? A brand new mystery? Lumie!! Stop it! I-I'm just going to put the money for these flowers right here{LF}and leave! G-goodbye! Um...@しゅじんこうくん@? Did you really mean... ...N-never mind! It's nothing! Nya ha ha! It's so fun to tease you two! Ooh, @ディラス@ is in the kitchen today. ... Looks like he's concentrating on cooking. I think I'll... Watch him like a stalker. Surprise him! ...Hmm? ... GAH! When did you get here? Just a minute ago. Then say something! You looked like you were busy cooking. I didn't want to{LF}disturb you. Thanks, but next time don't sneak up on me! GAHHHH!!! Heh heh! Did I surprise you? YES! *SIGH* What are you doing, anyway? Nothing. I just wondered what you were up to. What, so you were just watching? Yeah. ...Me? Yeah. You're turning red. Huh?! W-well, of course! It's hot in a kitchen! True. You are cooking, after all. E-exactly. Practicing a new recipe? That's awfully diligent of you. N-not really. It's not like I'm trying to get better so I can be more help to{LF}Porcoline or anything. Oh. Uh, so how long are you going to stand there and watch? Until I get bored. I'll leave soon. Q-quit it! You're making it hard for me to concentrate! Why? Wh-what do you mean, why? ...? Stop staring... ...? Oh. Well, uh, I...guess I don't mind if you wanted to watch for{LF}just a little bit. Really? I think I will, then. Q-quit it! You're making it hard for me to concentrate! Huh? So you want me to leave? Er, no point now. I just finished the dish. What did you make? @アイテム0@. Ooh. ... What? You want some of it? Can I have some? Sure. Here. But next time, show up the normal way, okay? No more sneaking. Okay! Dammit... What's with that bright, innocent smile?! Ah-hah! Ahah, ahAH, AHAH! It sounds like there's something going on over there. Let's go{LF}take a look. I think it's coming from over in @アーサー@'s room. Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@. You have perfect timing. Hi, @アーサー@. What's going on? I'm being chased! Please help! What?! Wh-what do you need me to do? Come a little closer. Okay... There. Now stay still. That should be perfect. Hrm? He vanished? He escaped moi despite these lightning-fast legs of mine...? Grrrr!! I must find him! Ah!! Over there! Or are you over here?! Hrmmmmmm... Oh yes! When in doubt, ROULETTE SPIN!! There you are!! GAAAAAH!! N-not bad... But I haven't lost yet! Whew... Uh, @アーサー@? Yes? Y-you're kinda close. Oh, sorry! But if I could beg your indulgence for just a little{LF}longer... Look out! Huh? Arthur! Come out and rest already! Whew. It seems we have finally lost him. Uh, @アーサー@? Yes? What was that all about? Porcoline has decided that I must be forced to rest. I don't see why. I already make certain to sleep at least once{LF}every two days. Once every two days? Yes. Oh, don't worry. I'm still able to keep up with my work, even{LF}at that leisurely a pace. Ah, I see. ...*SNEAK*... Erm, @しゅじんこうくん@...? Yes? *SMILE* Wordlessly take his hand. Tackle him. Wh-what are you doing...? Nothing. Why are you moving away, @アーサー@? Er, for some reason your smile seemed a tad...frightening... Oh? Why would you think that? Erm... I-I must be going. Goodbye!! *DASH* ... Hah! *WHOOSH* ... Hah! *WHOOSH* *WHOOSH* ... ACK! Gotcha! Wh-what on earth?! @しゅじんこうくん@! @ポコリーヌ@ was right. You do need to rest! Erm...setting that issue to the side for a moment... Hmm? Taking stock of this situation from a calm, rational viewpoint,{LF}it, er... It seems you are, indeed, very very close. That excuse won't get you away from me that easily. Wh-what?! I-it wasn't intended as an excuse... @アーサー@. If I let you go, will you take a break? Urk...! Don't look up at me like that...(Too cute!)... @アーサー@! A-alright. Do whatever you wish, I give up. Good. So will you rest? Yes, I will. Great. ♪ ... ...It seems I am still very poor at dealing with people, ah...{LF}face-to-face. Hmm? Nothing. ...It seems I am still very poor at dealing with people, ah...{LF}face-to-face. Hmm? Nothing. Arthur hardly ever sleeps, so I made a dish for him that{LF}would make him drowsy. When I came to, I realized I had fallen asleep. You ate it for him, didn't you? Ah. @しゅじんこうくん@. @シャオパイ@?! Ow... It's all right. It seems I am fine. I was concentrating on sweeping for quite some time, and{LF}lost track of what my feet were doing. How about you rest for a bit? That sounds like a good idea. I've worked up quite a sweat, too. Perhaps I'll have a bath. Oh, but... Hmm? Er... ...? It seems I'd rather you not get too close. Huh? I-I do not mean anything strange by that, honest! I am...just very sweaty, yes? So, i-if you were to come too close it would be, ah... Er... ...? Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Did you come to take a dip in our baths? Or did you come to chat with Xiao Pai? Um... Hee hee. Whichever it is, feel free to take your time. I-I will. Thanks. @リンファ@ is always so calm about everything. ... ...You were just smitten by Mama, weren't you? Huh?! Um, n-not really... *STARE* I was just a little...impressed, that's all. Don't worry. I won't try to take her from you. ...Ah. ... @シャオパイ@? Yes? Um...why do you look annoyed? I am not annoyed. ...However... It seems I sometimes feel that, for once it wouldn't be Mama{LF}that... Hm? Erm...ah...AUGH! It is nothing! Huh...? Dummy-dummy! ARGH! ...?! ...Whew. It seems I feel much better, now. So, uh, can I stand closer to you now? Of course! Stand as close as you would like-- --but not that close, yes? That is too close! ...? Hmm... What's up, @コハク@? Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! Oh, I know! Come here a sec. ♪ Huh? Wait, @コハク@... I was thinking I wanted to write something on this sign. Really? Hmm. Hmm? @マップ0@{LF}Weekdays: @0@:00 - @1@:00{LF}Weekends: @2@:00 - @3@:00 ''And it's also Lumie and Amber's home! ♪'' Uh...what's that scribbled at the bottom of the sign? Oh, that? I wrote that back when I first moved in. You did? Yeah. Lumie said I could. Huh? She said if I wrote it in really big letters, I wouldn't have any{LF}trouble finding my way home. Oh, okay. That makes sense, I think. Yep! ♪ Oh, I know! You should write something too, @しゅじんこうくん@. That will make things lots happier. ♪ I can write something, too? Yep! I say you can. O-oh... Are you sure it's okay? C'mon, hurry up and write something! Okay, okay... Hmm... Write ''My friend's house.'' Write ''My bride's house.'' Don't write anything. ''My friend's house?'' Yeah, we are friends. Yep. ... What's wrong? I dunno. It's weird. I feel a little depressed. I shouldn't, though. I mean, we are best friends and all. I wonder why...? It looks like I'm confused! Uh, that's not exactly something you say with pride... Really?! Huh? Oh, um, yeah. Really... ... @コハク@? Oh... Awww...! It really isn't nice to go around writing on other people's{LF}signs, you know. Oh, don't worry about that. I don't mind. @エルミナータ@?! When did you get here?! See? She said we could! ♪ Huh? O-okay... Oh, so you're Lumie's groom? Just kidding. That's not what I meant. Huh? It was a joke. Did I surprise you? Oh, I get it. ...So no, you weren't surprised. Hmm...not really. I think I'm more relieved than anything. Huh? What? It's not? Nope. So who's it mean, then? You. Oh. Okay. ... ...Huh? Ooh! I just got a great idea! Hmm? I'll add just one little thing... @マップ0@{LF}Weekdays: @0@:00 - @1@:00{LF}Weekends: @2@:00 - @3@:00 ''And it's also Lumie and Amber and @しゅじんこうくん@'s home!{LF}♪'' There. ♪ Wha?! Don't you like it? Umm... So let's leave it like that, then. ♪ Oh, okay... Tee hee! ♪ Man, Amber really likes you a lot, @しゅじんこうくん@. @エルミナータ@. How long have you been standing there? How about you two quit beating around the bush and start{LF}dating? Wh-wha?! Hey! See, you even startled @コハク@ with that one! Oh, it's okay. She just froze up because she had to think too{LF}hard. Huh...? ... ... There. In her mind, you two are already dating. @エルミナータ@!! ...Heh heh...heh heh heh... Ooh, marriage... ...?! Oh! Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. ... ...Heh heh... @しゅじんこうくん@, I have something I want to try saying to{LF}you. What is it? You can't have my daughter!! ... ... Hmm, not bad. Hrm. That was a little...off. What was that? @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Yes, this is a good time. Huh? Come to my room. You are going to help me with something. H-hang on a second... ... Not this one. ...Nor this one. Um, @ドルチェ@? Hold still. R-right. ... Yes. This one isn't bad. Uhh...Miss Dolce? Yes? You're picking out clothes for Pico right now, right? Yes. Um, so wouldn't it be better to ask someone like{LF}@コハク@ for help instead of me? Amber can't hold still for more than two breaths. She would{LF}be a terrible model. How about @シャオパイ@ then? I'm sure she'd love to do{LF}it. She...looks terribly busy all the time. I couldn't impose. Then @クローリカ@. She would hold still for you. In fact,{LF}she would probably sleep through it. ... What? Those are quite a few girls' names you have just rattled off. Well yeah. We're all friends... Wait, why are you getting{LF}mad? I'm not mad. ...? Anyway, it doesn't need to be me, right? True. It doesn't. So, um... ...But it's more fun with you. Huh? Anyway. Point is, you should look at me, and only me. Understand? Hm? I'm the model. Don't you need to be the one watching{LF}only me? Oh...! ''Dolllllllyyyy! I'm hooome!'' ''Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. What on earth are you{LF}wearing?'' Uh, well, see... ''You have a secret fetish for cross-dressing? Well, I must say{LF}it looks quite good on you.'' I do not! @ドルチェ@, you tell her, too! Er... ''Wait, wait! Why are you so red, milady?'' ...?! ''Oh goodness, what's wrong? Do you have a fever? Have{LF}you caught cold?'' N-no. I, er... Wow, you really are red! Here, let me feel your forehead... ...!!! Whoa, you're burning up! ''Come, milady, you need to rest! Here, lie down in bed.'' Yeah, get in bed! I-I do not... Don't be so stubborn! I'd be really worried if I heard you keeled over because you{LF}got sick. ... ...All right. Good. Now rest for a while, okay? ... ''Hrm. There's something wrong with lecturing someone while{LF}wearing women's clothing.'' @ドルチェ@. You should be resting. I'm fine, now. Still. I'm fine. That, er...was not a fever. ... Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. @ダグ@. C'mon over here. The wind feels great. Sure. I don't wanna. Careful you don't fall. C'mon, just for a little? It's really nice here. Ooh, yeah the wind does feel good. ... Is something wrong? Huh?! N-no, nothing's wrong! So uhh...well...I-I was... I was thinking about how great it would be to enjoy this{LF}view with my future wife someday. ACK! Wait, that's not what I meant... I-I wasn't implying that it'd be, y'know, you or anything, I was{LF}just...uh...y'know... ...? I didn't know you were thinking about marriage already.{LF}What kind of girls do you like? Wh-who, me?! Yeah. Lessee...what kind of hairstyle do you like? Hairstyle? Uh... L-long pigtails...? Hmm. And, er... It'd be cool if she was, like, a princess. Or something close. Okay. But I'd also like it if, y'know, she knew her way around a{LF}field. Wait a sec, that sounds like... A really weird girl. @ブロッサム@? Me... Do you think someone like that would really exist? W-well, yeah! Really? Wow. I thought I was the only one like that. So there are{LF}others like me out there? Wha?! (So dense!) Say what?! Well, she is the one closest to you and all... Didn't you hear a word I said?! About the hairstyle and being{LF}a princess and stuff?! Oh c'mon. No girl who's both a princess and a farmer really{LF}exists. It'd be too weird. Yes she does! I know they exist!! Really? Hmm. I thought I was the only one. So there are others like{LF}me out there? Wha?! (So dense!) It really does sound familiar. So who is this person? Do I know her? Sheesh. I get the feeling I just met the densest person on{LF}earth. That's seriously oblivious. Man, I get the feeling this is gonna{LF}be a long battle... Uh-oh. Well, I hope it works out for you. Well then, if you wouldn't mind. Of course. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. How about you come over here instead of standing there like{LF}a post. Oh, uh, sure. What brings you here? I wanted to see @アーサー@. I wanted to see you. I felt like dropping by. I see. Huh? He looks disappointed. I see. Huh? He looks happy about that. So why are you over? Did you come to help @アーサー@{LF}again? Yes. @レオン@? Er, never mind... Anyway, @しゅじんこうくん@. Yeah? '' .'' Huh? That is a phrase from my age. It means +I love you+. ...?! Wh-what? I did promise, after all. Once I found the time, I said I would teach you some of the{LF}old languages. Don't tell me you've forgotten already. Oh, I remember! Um...I forgot. I don't remember that. Really? Well then, let's leave it at that. Ah, well. That's unsurprising. Still, I keep promises I make. You certainly sound definitive about that. ...Hmm. Well, I keep the promises I make, remembered or{LF}not. Whew... There. Do you have it? Yeah, I think I get it. But why did you have to pick that phrase first? Er...usefulness, I suppose. It's a phrase you may very well use at some point in the{LF}future. ...(He's definitely lying)... Well then, I'll see you later. @レオン@, wait. Hmm? '' .'' ...! Did I get the pronunciation right? ... What? You're quite competitive, aren't you? Maybe I am. Yet you are strangely open. I am? Yes. Watching you sometimes gives me a strong desire to hug{LF}you. Sure, if you want to. Don't you dare! All right. What? I don't mind. ... ...I think I'll pass. For now. Ah, okay. That's too bad. ... ...Dammit, why am I the one who is blushing? @レオン@, are you turning red? ...Be quiet. What, do you hate me? Uh, well... I see. Um! ... Th-that isn't what I meant. I was just kidding, anyway. ...! @レオン@! Ha ha ha! Wh-what?! Hey! Wh-what do you think you're doing? You just said that's what you wanted. True. I did say that. But I did not expect you would actually go through with it. @レオン@? Hold on a moment. ... There. All right. Um, you do realize your face is bright red, right? Ignore that. Leon, how is what we discussed coming along? Oh! Hrm. I see I'm interrupting something. Arthur! Though do remember that this is my workplace, so please{LF}keep it to a minimum. Keep what to a minimum?! Heh heh. Well then, I shall leave you two, then. Take your{LF}time. Dammit... Erm...anyway. At least I kept my promise. Well then, I think I'll be going. Okay. Thanks for teaching me. ...Oh yes. One thing. Yeah? I believe in the binding power of words. Every word a person says, trivial or important, has inherent{LF}power to it. ...Oh. So there is one thing one must never do. Say words one doesn't mean, because you may find yourself{LF}bound to them. Huh...? See you later. Every word a person says, trivial or important, has inherent{LF}power to it. So you must never say words that you do not mean, or you{LF}may find yourself bound to them. Wait, does that mean... And you should also never say more than is necessary. Hmm? Have you and Leon finished already? Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@, have you heard? Heard what? There were once oodles of entertaining legends and{LF}superstitions in this town. For instance, one said a couple that carves their names on a{LF}cave wall will be together forever. But as time passed, the legends lessened and the places{LF}linked to them fell into disrepair. Now there are no silly little superstitions left for souls to{LF}share. So I presumed I could present a contemporary superstition{LF}for the pleasure of all. Uh, are you sure superstitions are that, um...voluntary a{LF}thing? Ah-ah! What is important is the feelings of those involved. Not only that, if the two who take part are truly tied{LF}together eternally... Then the superstition will be believable. Everybody will want{LF}to enjoy it! @しゅじんこうくん@, I want to give young lovers everywhere{LF}something they can believe in. @ポコリーヌ@... That's why I decided to supplement a new superstition. This time, instead of a cave, it will be the airship. Couples who carve their names in the corner of the cargo{LF}hold will claim eternity together! Is that not a wondrous idea? A legend granting eternity to couples who carve their names{LF}on the airship? Hmm. So who will be the first ones to do that? You, of course. Me?! Well, I guess once I get married I could... With moi!!! So that means that other person would be my lover. ...Huh? @しゅじんこうくん@? Are you listening to me? @ポコリーヌ@, did you invent this superstition just for me{LF}and my lover...? Er... Wow, that's so thoughtful of you! We'll go carve our names{LF}on the hold of the airship right away! Wh-what?! @しゅじんこうくん@, wait! I should go talk to +the most important person to me+. Couples who carve their names in the corner of the cargo{LF}hold will claim eternity together! Is that not a wondrous idea? Now then, let's hurry and carve our names-- I'll go get my lover right away! Wha? W-wait...! Hmm? A legend that will grant a couple eternity together? Yeah. @ポコリーヌ@ made it up-- AHEM...I mean he just{LF}told me about it. That's amazing! Let's go do it right away. Hmm? A legend that will grant a couple eternity together? Yeah. @ポコリーヌ@ made it up-- AHEM...I mean he just{LF}told me about it. Really? Ooh, that's so nice! Let's go do it. A superstition which grants eternity to a couple? Yeah. @ポコリーヌ@ made it up-- AHEM...I mean he just{LF}told me about it. A superstition about love...? I've always wanted to try one of{LF}those... Hmm? Er, nothing. I guess we might go try it. Huh? A superstition about couples staying together forever? Yeah. @ポコリーヌ@ made it up-- AHEM...I mean he just{LF}told me about it. That sounds fun! Let's go do it! Yeah, let's. A superstition for couples to stay together forever? Yeah. @ポコリーヌ@ made it up-- AHEM...I mean he just{LF}told me about it. ...Porco did? That's so nice of him! Why don't we go give it a try? Sure! A legend granting eternity to couples? Yeah. @ポコリーヌ@ made it up-- AHEM...I mean he just{LF}told me about it. Legends, eh? Hmph. Still...If you want to do it... Yeah! W-well, I guess I don't mind. Hurry up and get ready, okay? Okay! A superstition which will grant a couple eternity together? Yeah. @ポコリーヌ@ made it up-- AHEM...I mean he just{LF}told me about it. I see. Well then, we shouldn't put his goodwill to waste. Let us make the wish that we shall forever see only each{LF}other. ...Yes. Shall we go? A legend giving couples eternity together? Yeah. @ポコリーヌ@ made it up-- AHEM...I mean he just{LF}told me about it. Without a goal to aim for, a legend is little more than an{LF}empty superstition, yes? But we have a goal. It seems I like participating in these{LF}kinds of legends. ♪ Let's go, then. Yes! A legend that says a couple gets paternity together? Eternity. Huh? Yeah. @ポコリーヌ@ made it up-- AHEM...I mean he just{LF}told me about it. Oh, I get it! That sounds fun! Yeah. Do you wanna go try it? Yeah! ♪ Huh? A legend that says couples get to stay together{LF}forever? Yeah. @ポコリーヌ@ made it up-- AHEM...I mean he just{LF}told me about it. Hmm. First I've heard of that one. Let's go give it a shot. Yeah, let's! A superstition granting eternity to lovers? Yeah. @ポコリーヌ@ made it up-- AHEM...I mean he just{LF}told me about it. Interesting. ''Yes. It sounds much like one we had in our time.'' Do you want to do it? ...I guess. ''Have fun, both of you.'' Huh? Aren't you coming? ''A ghost has no need for eternity.'' ''Besides, I've already decided with whom I shall spend my{LF}eternity.'' ''And I shall spend it with you, my darling Dolly.'' ... ''So be certain to carve your names carefully.'' ''Else milady's heart will forever be mine.'' We will. What are you two going on about? ...Hmph. A legend granting eternity to couples simply by carving their{LF}names in wood? Yeah. @ポコリーヌ@ made it up-- AHEM...I mean he just{LF}told me about it. That sounds amusing. If I could be with you, even eternity could never bore me. ...That's supposed to be a compliment, right? If you see it as such, perhaps it is. @しゅじんこうくん@. @キャラ0@. @しゅじんこうくん@ and @キャラ0@ herein eternally{LF}pledge @キャラ1@. @キャラ0@. @キャラ1@. @キャラ2@. @キャラ3@. Let's carve our names here. Yes. There, done! ... What's wrong? Erm, that seemed a little...too easy. Yeah, it did, didn't it? I think we might not have enough yet. Enough what? Emotion. Emotion? Yes. This is a legend which will grant us eternity. So our feelings for each other need to be strong enough not{LF}to rely on that, but to earn it. Strong enough feelings... @しゅじんこうくん@, what kind of emotion should we hold in our{LF}hearts as we carve our names? ...Earning eternity together... In the spirit of which emotion do you think we should make{LF}this pledge? @キャラ0@... Yes, that's a beautiful idea! Let us add that, together. Perfect! Well, should we head home, then? Oh, wait a minute. ...? This is a pledge of a lifetime, you know. How about we add{LF}a little more to it? What, it still isn't enough? Yes, not yet. What else do you think we need? Well... How about here? Ooh, that's a good place. Let's carve our names there. There, done! Yes. ♪ ...But that was a little too easy, don't you think? Yeah... That's sad. Yeah. It feels like there's something missing yet. Missing...? Yes, that's it. ...? There's definitely something missing. Our emotions. Our emotions? Yes. This is a way for us to pledge eternity to each other, right? So our feelings for each other need to be strong enough not{LF}to rely on that, but to earn it. Strong enough feelings... @しゅじんこうくん@, let's add something to display how strong{LF}our feelings are. Earning eternity together...but in the spirit of which feeling do{LF}you think we should do this? @キャラ0@... Ooh, yes. That's perfect. ♪ Let's add that together. Perfect! Well, shall we head home, then? Oh, wait a minute. ...? I, um...I'd like to add a little more feeling to it. I just got a very wonderful idea, you see. What is it? Well... How about here? Yes. Well then, let's carve our names. There, done! Yes. ...Is that all? Um, I think so. It's very simple and easy to understand, but it seems a little{LF}plain. It's...not quite what I expected, to be honest. Oh? Er...nothing. Ah, I know. ...? There's something missing. Our emotions. Our emotions? Yes. Erm...this reminds me of a story that Kiel once told me when{LF}we were young. It's important with legends and superstitions like this for you{LF}to believe it will come true. Now, this is a superstition that is supposed to grant eternity{LF}to the couple, correct? In that case our emotions must be strong enough to not to{LF}lean on that commitment, but to earn it. Strong enough emotions... @しゅじんこうくん@, let's add our emotions to honor this{LF}commitment. ...Honoring the idea of eternity together...but in the spirit of{LF}which emotion should we do that? @キャラ0@... ...Ah! Y-yes, that would be good. Let's add that. Done. Well, shall we head home, then? No, wait just a moment. ...? Erm...I-I'd like to add a touch more. I-I just got a good idea. What is it? This. How about here? Yeah! Let's start carving. There, done! ... What's wrong? I was just thinking that felt a little too easy. It's like there is{LF}something missing. Yeah, now that you mention it, it does feel like there's{LF}something missing. Oh, I know! ...? We haven't put any emotion into it yet. Emotion? Yeah. It's really important for stuff like this that you believe it's{LF}gonna come true. This is a superstition that's gonna give us eternity, right? We can't just rely on that. We need to have a strong enough{LF}emotional commitment to earn it. Strong emotions... @しゅじんこうくん@, let's add some emotion to this. Earning eternity together...but in the spirit of which emotion{LF}do you think we should do this? @キャラ0@... Yeah, that's perfect! ♪ Let's add that. There! Perfect. Okay, let's head home. Oh, wait! Hm? I uh...just thought of another idea I want to add. Oh? What is it? This... How about here? That looks good. Let's start carving. There, done! Yeah. ...That was quick. Y-yeah. That feels a little...empty. Yeah. It's like something's missing. Missing...? Oh! ...? Something is missing. Our feelings. Our feelings? Yeah. This superstition says we'll get eternity together, right? But we can't say ''done'' and leave it there. We have to have{LF}strong enough feelings to earn eternity. Earning eternity together... @しゅじんこうくん@, let's add our feelings to this. Strong enough feelings... But in the spirit of which emotion{LF}do you think we should do this? @キャラ0@... Yeah, that should be perfect. Let's add that. There. Perfect! Okay, let's head home. Wait, hold it. ...? Um, I just thought of something else I want to add. D-do you mind? What is it? Well... How about here? That's good. Let's start carving. There, done! ... What's wrong? Oh, uh... That just seemed...quick. Yeah, it did, didn't it? It feels like something's missing. Missing? That's it. ...? Our emotions. They're missing from this. Our emotions? Yeah. Doing this means we're supposed to get eternity together,{LF}right? Just carving our names on wood isn't enough. Our feelings{LF}have to be strong enough to earn it. Earning eternity together... @しゅじんこうくん@. We should add our feelings to this. Strong enough feelings...but in the spirit of which emotion do{LF}you think we should do this? @キャラ0@... Yeah. That's good. Let's add that. There. Okay, let's head home. Wait. Hm? Oh, uh... While we're here, why don't we add a little more? Oh? Like what? Well, how about this? How about here? Yes, that seems good. Let us finish up, then. There, done! Yes. Well that felt a touch...insufficient. Ha ha...yeah, it did. But what's missing? Missing? Ah, yes. ...? What is missing is our emotion. Our emotion? Yes. A superstition is a way to put intangible feelings into a{LF}tangible, understandable form. Without the emotion to give these life, they are just{LF}scratches in the woodwork. Even before, what I was searching for was not the words,{LF}but the emotion behind them... @アーサー@... Now this superstition is supposed to grant eternity together,{LF}yes? Then our feelings must be strong enough not to lean on that,{LF}but to earn it. Earning eternity together... @しゅじんこうくん@, let us add our emotions to this. But in the spirit of which emotion do you think we should do{LF}this? @キャラ0@... Yes, that would be excellent. Let's add that. That should do it. Great! Then let's head home. Wait a moment. ...? I just thought of something else I would like to add. What is it? Hold still... How about here? Yes! It seems that is a good place to carve our names. There, done! Ooh! ♪ That looks nice! ...But very quick too, yes? Yeah... That makes me feel lonely. It does, doesn't it? It's like something's missing. Something missing... Yes! I know now! Huh? Something is missing, yes? Our wish to see this come true! Our wish? Yeah. This will give us eternity, yes? Then our wish, our feelings, must be strong enough to earn{LF}it. The superstition is not a crutch. It seems if we do not mean what we pledge, then there is no{LF}point to this at all. Earning eternity together... @しゅじんこうくん@, we will add our feelings to this, yes? But in the spirit of which emotion do you think we should do{LF}this? @キャラ0@... Yes, that seems good. Let's add that. Done! Great! Then let's head home. Wait a moment, yes? ...? Erm...I-I'd like to add more feeling. I have just come up with a very good idea. What is it? ...There! Maybe there would be good. So what do we have to do? Well, it says we're supposed to carve our names on here. Oh, okay! There, done! ...Hmmm... What's wrong? I dunno. It kinda feels like there's something missing. Yeah, it does, doesn't it? Oh, I know! Hmm? Our feelings that are missing. Our feelings? Yeah. Feelings are really important for stuff like this. I mean, this is a legend that's supposed to give us forever{LF}together, right? Yeah. So we've gotta make sure we put in the feeling of wanting to{LF}be together forever. Our feelings... @しゅじんこうくん@, let's put all our feelings in this! But in the spirit of which feeling do you think we should do{LF}this? @キャラ0@... Ooh, yeah that's just right. Okay. Let's write together! There, perfect! Okay. Let's head home, then. Wait, not yet! Hm? Um... There's one more way we can add our feelings to it. Oh? Yeah. Hold still, okay? How about here? Yeah, that looks good. Let's get carving. There, done! Hmm... What's wrong? That was, I dunno...too easy. Ha ha...yeah, it was, wasn't it? It kinda felt like something's{LF}missing. Something's missing? That's it! ...? Our feelings. Our feelings? Yeah. I mean, this superstition's supposed to give us an eternity{LF}together, right? This isn't magic we can lean on. We've gotta be sure our{LF}feelings are strong enough to earn it. Earning eternity together... @しゅじんこうくん@, let's put the strongest feelings we've got{LF}into this. Strong enough feelings...but in the spirit of which emotion do{LF}you think we should do this? @キャラ0@... Yeah, that's the one! Let's add that. There, that should do it! Okay, let's head home. Hold it. ...? I just came up with another good way we can add our{LF}feelings to this. Oh? What is it? Heh heh... Well y'see... It's like this! How about here? Yes, that looks fine. There, done! ... What's wrong? Is that all? Ha ha...yeah, that's it. It does feel like something is missing,{LF}though. ''Such as my name?'' ...What are you doing here? ''My, my! I do not recall ever saying I wouldn't follow you.'' ''I would never miss something this cute! I must tha--OW{LF}OW!'' Oh, yes. This is what was missing. What was? Thanks? No, not that. Idiot. Superstitions like this are just a pretense that lets people{LF}give form to their feelings. That means the important part of this is how we feel. How we feel? Yes. This particular superstition is supposed to confer eternity{LF}onto us, correct? So we mustn't rely on just that. We have to be sure our{LF}feelings are strong enough to earn it. Earning eternity together... Come on, then @しゅじんこうくん@. Let's put our strongest{LF}feelings into this. But in the spirit of which emotion do you think we should do{LF}this? @キャラ0@... Yes, that doesn't sound half bad. Now, let's write that together. Yes, that should do. Okay, let's head home. Wait a moment. ...? ...One more thing. Hm? ...Just be silent and accept it, okay? ''Huh...? W-wait, milady!!'' How about here? Yes. Let's write our names there. There, done! ... Is something wrong? That was quick. Ha ha...yeah, it was. It feels almost like something's missing. Yes. It could be that it's missing our feelings. Our feelings? Yes. Superstitions like this are just a nonsense ceremony to give{LF}form to one's feelings. They give them a shape, and a promise of the future. Blindly following the ceremony is hollow and meaningless...{LF}just like my old promise to Maria. @レオン@... Now, this one is supposed to promise us an eternity{LF}together, right? So we mustn't rely on just that. We have to be sure our{LF}feelings are strong enough to earn it. Earning eternity together... @しゅじんこうくん@, let's put our feelings into this. Together. But in the spirit of which emotion do you think we should do{LF}this? @キャラ0@... That isn't half-bad. Let's write it together. That should do it. Yeah. Well then, let's head home. ...Not yet. It's still missing something. Still? Yes, let's add a little more feeling to it. How? First, close your eyes. Like this? Yes. Now hold still. Hi, @ポコリーヌ@. Ah, so you've returned! We've finished the superstition. Thanks for coming up with it{LF}for us. What?! Now we'll be together forever! ♪ Now we'll be together forever! ♪ Now, er...we will be together. Forever. Now we'll be together forever! ♪ Now we'll be together forever! ♪ So, uh...now we'll be together forever. I will stay by your side for eternity. It seems we shall be forever together. Now we'll be together forever! ♪ Now we'll be together forever. ...Now we will be together forever. ''Of course!'' ...And you. ''Wait, what?'' I look forward to it immensely. Ah. Perfect timing. ...Somehow, I get the feeling this is going to turn out less{LF}than perfect for me. Oh, it'll be fine! Y'see, the new items I ordered have just come in. ...Uh-huh. And they are? These aren't your normal, run-of-the-mill items, so I'm going{LF}to need your help. Mine? Um...I guess I can give you what help I can. Great! So go and get your wife, okay? Great! Go and get your husband, okay? Huh? Why? I'll give you the details later. Don't take too long, okay? Go and get your wife, okay? I'll be waiting here. Go and get your husband, okay? I'll be waiting here. Yes? I know that this is sudden, but @バド@ wants us to{LF}come see him. Oh? All right. Yes? I know that this is sudden, but @バド@ wants us to{LF}come see him. He does? Oh dear. Well, I guess it's okay. What is it? I know that this is sudden, but @バド@ wants us to{LF}come see him. ... Well that was an incredibly annoyed expression. I can already guess that he's up to no good. Oh, well. It'd be{LF}wise to check on him, anyway. What's up? I know that this is sudden, but @バド@ wants us to{LF}come see him. Okay. Let's go! ♪ Huh? Well that was easy... What is it? I know that this is sudden, but @バド@ wants us to{LF}come see him. He does? Sure. I wonder what he needs us for. What is it? I know that this is sudden, but @バド@ wants us to{LF}come see him. For what? He said he'd explain later. Hmm. Sure, I guess. Let's go. Yes, what is it? I know that this is sudden, but @バド@ wants us to{LF}come see him. Oh my... Well, I do owe Bado a favor or two. I guess it will be okay. Shall we be going? Yes? I know that this is sudden, but @バド@ wants us to{LF}come see him. He does? It seems I have no problem with that. Okay. Let's get going, then. What's up? I know that this is sudden, but @バド@ wants us to{LF}come see him. Okay. Let's go! ♪ ...Are you sure? Huh? Why wouldn't I be? Uh...nothing. What's up? I know that this is sudden, but @バド@ wants us to{LF}come see him. Sure, I guess. What's he want? He said he'd explain later. Hmm. Okay. What is it? I know that this is sudden, but @バド@ wants us to{LF}come see him. Oh? ''It's a trap!'' Why? Uh, he said he'd explain later. ''Oh my, that's a sign of danger right there!'' ...All right. I don't mind. ''Milady, we must run away while we still have the chance!'' Shall we be going? ''Why are you ignoring me?!'' What is it? I know that this is sudden, but @バド@ wants us to{LF}come see him. ...What is he offering us in return? Umm... I expect it to be something nice. Uh-oh... Great! You're here. So what do you need us to do? First, I want you to look at this. A...charm of some kind? Yes. I threw together a few love charms. ...Oh. So they're completed then, right? As you can see. Uh...it doesn't look like there's anything left for us to do. See, there's the thing. It's a love charm, right? But a singleton like me can't put any of that mysterious love{LF}power into it. ''Love power?'' Um... Pretty charms like this, it'd be a waste if they didn't have{LF}some kind of power to make them work. So I figured I'd ask you two, the youngest and most in-love{LF}couple in town, to give 'em your love. Wait a minute! How do you expect us to put that ''love power'' stuff you're{LF}talking about into anything? Hmm...good question. Why don't you try whispering sweet nothings to each other{LF}while holding the charms? You've got to be kidding. Oh, don't worry about it. Think of how happy the customers{LF}will be. Here, take this as my thanks ahead of time. Good luck! ... Um, n-now what do we do? I don't know. What do you want to do? Do you think we should do what Bado said and whisper{LF}sweet nothings to each other? S-sweet nothings? Um... I'll start! Wh-what?! You're really going to do it? @しゅじんこうくん@!! Yes? ... I love you. ♪ I love you, too. There, that's enough. Thank you! H-hey! @しゅじんこうくん@, you can't skip yourself like that. You need{LF}to say it, too! Let's try it one more time! Oh dear. Now what do we do? Umm... Well, I guess we could try what Bado suggested, and{LF}whisper sweet nothings to each other. Y-you really want to do that? Yes. I don't mind one bit. After all... I love you. ♪ ...@クローリカ@... I love you, too. Is that enough love power? Tee hee. ♪ Hey! That's unfair! @しゅじんこうくん@, you have to tell me how you feel, too! Bado, i-is this really necessary? I'd think so, yeah. I mean, I can't really sell them if they're{LF}just empty trinkets, right? Th-that's true... I guess we have no choice. ... @しゅじんこうくん@! Yes? I-I am going to tell you some sweet...erm... I love you. Wait for her to finish. H-hey! That wasn't fair. But it's the truth. ...It still isn't fair. What about you, @フォルテ@? ... I... I-I, erm... ...I love you. ...A lot. ...n-n..nothings... @しゅじんこうくん@, I love you! ♪ That was quick! Well it's true. I do love you. ♪ Geez, now you're embarrassing me! Okay, now it's your turn. Whisper some sweet nothings to{LF}me. ♪ I love you. Um, I-I...I l-lo-- Heh heh heh. Hmmmm can't hear ya! Guess you're just gonna have to say it one more time. ♪ W-well? Umm... Do you really think we should? Whisper words of love, that{LF}is. I-I guess. Okay. Lean a little closer, then. Okay... Um... I, ah... ...*PUFF*... Ack!! Oh, sorry! I, um, just wanted to take a deep breath before,{LF}um... It's okay. All right, let me try this one more time. I...I love you. @字@ Now it's your turn, @しゅじんこうくん@. I love you even more. ...*PUFF*... Tee hee. ♪ EEP! H-hey! Let's be a little more serious, okay? What? You can't seriously want to do that. I...I dunno. Hm? Wait, so you two don't love each other after all? Of course we do!! ...Ah! Dammit. Let's get this over with, then! @しゅじんこうくん@! Yes? ... I...I love you. Me, too. Is that enough love power? ...I know. Hey!! Sorry, sorry. Let me try that again. ...Urk. ... I love you. Wha?! All right, @しゅじんこうくん@. Tell me your words of sweet love. N-no fair... Oh? All I did was to put what I feel into words. There is{LF}nothing unfair about that. It's still unfair! All right, well then I guess you will have to get me back. I-I love you. Um...I-I... I know. Urk...! That's still unfair. Hm? I'm sorry, I could not hear you. Please say it one more time. Er...what will we do? Do you really want to speak words of love to each other{LF}here? I love you. Umm... AH! You did!! What about you, @シャオパイ@? Wha?! That is obvious, yes? Can I hear you say it? ...Urk. I, erm... It seems I love you. ...Urf. It seems that was far more embarrassing than I thought{LF}it would be. I love you so, so much! Hee-hee... That was quick! And light-hearted... It was quick, but it wasn't light-hearted! Those are reeeally heavy, weighty words and they don't get{LF}said easy. I mean, they're my innermost feelings after all. @コハク@... Okay @しゅじんこうくん@, now it's your turn! I love you. I-I, uh... ... @コハク@? Oh geez...I can't tell if I'm too happy or too embarrassed! C'mon, be brave! You can say it! ...So what're we gonna do? Do you wanna, um...whisper those words? Here...? ...Okay, I'm doing this. Listen up, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...I LOVE YOUUU!! ...!! Okay. Now it's your turn, @しゅじんこうくん@. I love you, too. I don't really think, uh.. Yessss!! HEY! Just kidding. Ugh! C'mon, don't mess around like that! So tell me what you really feel. ... ...What're we going to do? Does he truly expect us to say those words here...? Ah ha ha... I'll say them. ... I love you. ...!! ...Unfair. Hearing those words from you makes me want to say them{LF}back to you. I'd love to hear them. ...Urk. ... I... ... Of course I love you! ''Dolly, I love you too!!'' Oh. ''H-hey!'' Sweet nothings, eh? I see. That's not bad recompense at all. Wh-what? @レオン@! Embarrassed? Um, well... Well then, I'll say it first. Wha?! I'm fond of you. ...?! So much so that I love you. @しゅじんこうくん@, I love you more than anyone. ...@レオン@. There. Now It's your turn. I love you. Umm... I see. ... Wait, are you blushing? Of course not. You were simply more...direct than I had expected. So you are blushing. I-I am not. Hmph! Now stop being so pert. What was that? I couldn't hear you. Urk... Look, look! This is a love charm! It's supposed to be really effective, too! Heh heh! I can't wait to try it out. Come again! Words of love seem so easy, but they can be rather difficult{LF}to say. Hee hee! I got to hear you say you love me. ♪ H-how did it turn out like this? Erm...but I did get to hear you say you love me. So I suppose{LF}everything's all right. Ah ha ha... To be honest, it was a little more embarrassing to{LF}say that out loud than I thought. That was kinda embarrassing... But I was really happy to hear you say you love me. HMPH! Who was the idiot who came up with that stupid{LF}love-charm idea, anyway? Now then, thanks to a wonderful pick-me-up from you, I{LF}think I will be able to work well today. Erm...It seems I am still embarrassed... @しゅじんこうくん@, whisper those words of love to me once in{LF}a while, okay? But lots of times! Heh. Love's best when it's simple. ''...*SIIIGH*...'' ...Just so you know, I am fond of you, too. ''What?!'' ''What did you just say?!'' ''I-I didn't hear it. Say it one more time!'' Quiet. Well, that was rather pleasant recompense for a simple{LF}favor. Hrm... What's wrong? Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Listen to this. What is it? You see, I've just heard from my teacher in medicine. He not only teaches, but also researches new medicines. He's a scientist? Yes. And he recently sent me a new medicine he made. It is,{LF}in his words, ''interesting.'' ''Interesting?'' Um, wow. What kind of medicine is{LF}''interesting?'' This one says it will ''change a personality anywhere from 90{LF}to 270 degrees.'' Yikes! Now that's kinda broad. Who can I ask to safely dispose of this for me? Um, are you sure it's okay to get rid of a present your{LF}teacher sent to you? Of course. Who could I ask...? Hmm... Who could safely get rid of something dangerous? @アーサー@ might know. I'll take it. That is true. Arthur has many useful connections. He may know an ethical scientist I could ask. That would be the safest way. Okay. I'll go take it to him. Thank you for your help. You're welcome. And be careful, okay? Be careful of what? That medicine works +simply by smelling it+. What?! Yes. So please +stay away from people while you are walking+{LF}to Arthur's. By no means are you to approach anyone. O-okay... I cannot allow that. This medicine is far too dangerous. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. What are you doing? Um, I... Hmm? What do you have there? Oh, this? ...Huh? Oh my...I'm feeling a little...faint... Huh? @ビシュナル@? Nnngh... Who cares about stupid butler stuff...I'll just do whatever... He's lost his enthusiasm?! What's the point of tryin' hard? Better just ta do whatever{LF}an'...get it done...nnngh... I'm sleepy...@しゅじんこうくん@, can I sleep on yer lap...? Wh-what the? @ビシュナル@?! Ahh...I think I wanna find a nice...sunny spot to...to...unh? AH! Oh my goodness, I felt so fuzzy-minded there for a few{LF}minutes. I hope I'm not getting sick! Oh well. I should get back to work. @しゅじんこうくん@, what do you have there? Oh, this? Eep...! @クローリカ@...? Ahem! Yikes! Pardon me, I need to get back to work. There is much I need to get done today. If you have business{LF}with me, please make it quick. Umm... I should reconsider my schedule for tomorrow, as well. Wake{LF}up early. 30 seconds to change... Then I must...erm...oh my... Um, @クローリカ@? Huhhh? Goodness. Did I just fall asleep for a moment? That was so strange. Why, hello there! What is that you are carrying? Oh, this? A new tea blend? It smells quite fragrant-- NGYARGH?! Um, are you okay? ...Yeah, that wasn't nothin'. ?! Crap...I smell somethin' wicked waftin' this way. It's comin'...!! What is? HIM!! Him who? GET DOWN!! ACK! Why?! HRNGH? ...How odd. It felt as if I fell unconscious for a minute. Hmm. It must have been my imagination. My, you seem very busy today. What have you been up to? Oh, Jones asked me to take some medicine to Arthur for{LF}him. Hm? Medicine? To...oooh... @フォルテ@? Are you okay? EEK! Huh? Um...wh-who are you? Wait, don't you remember? Oh...! Could you be... My prince, come to save me! Huh?! Oh, I've been waiting for you forever! Come, take me away{LF}to our happily ever after! Say what...? Let us hurry! Take me away! ♪ Take me to...happily...eh? Ah! What on earth...? I feel like I just had a terrible nightmare... Hm? What's that? Oh, this is dangerous, so you-- It smells really weird...hmm...? @キール@...? ...Ugh. My head's pounding. Where the heck am I, anyway? Huh? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. You got some free time? Uh, sorry. I've got to-- Forget that crap. Who cares about it anyway? I wanna hang{LF}out with you right now. Wha? So where do you wanna go? I'll take you anywhere.{LF}Anywhere at all, heh heh heh. I'll even take ya to...to...unh? AH! Boy, that was weird. Did I fall asleep standing up? Oh, hey. What do you have there? Oh, this? I bet that'd sell for a small fortune. Let me take a look. Urf... @バド@? Are you okay? ...Unh. ...? ...Urgh... I...I'm fine! Yep! Perfectly a-okay! ...? Oooh! Ha ha! Look! A butterfly! Come back here, little butterfly! Let's play! ♪ Tee hee hee! ♪ Ah ha...ha...ha? Hmm?! Wh-what was that? It feels like I just had the worst dream of my life. Oh hi. What's that you have there? It's some medicine I'm taking to Arthur. Oh my...I'm feeling...faint... Uh-oh! @マーガレット@, are you okay?! ...Buh... Buh? BRAVO!!! Huh?! Why are you just standing there? You're my assistant, right?{LF}So write my next song already! Huh? Me? Write music? And when did I become your{LF}assistant? Write me a song about staying up all night flying beside{LF}golden Woolies over rainbows in space! That makes no sense! WA HA HA HA HA HA! AHHH HA HA HA...ha...ha? Huh? O-oh my. I felt like I just had a nostalgic old dream again... What're you up to? Hmm? What's that medicine? Oh, this? Urf... @ディラス@?! ...@ディラス@? Yes? May I help you? *SMILE* *SMILE* Huh? Oh dear! Are you lost? The roads are so very complex here. If you'd like, I could guide you to where you need to go! N-no, I'm fine, um... Oh! Are you thirsty, then? Here, let me carry your things. Are you tired at all? I can give you a piggy-back ride, if you'd rather rest. *SMILE* *SMILE* ...Ah! What the heck was I doing? Hello. Is there something I can do for you? Yeah. Jones asked me to bring this medicine over to you. Oh? Let me...see... Oops!! Unh... @アーサー@... Glasses...glasses...now where did I put them...? Uh, you're wearing them. Oh yes. Goodness me, my joints are sore as ever. I should{LF}sit. Is dinner soon? What're you talking about? Oh, yes. I almost forgot. I was going to sit on the bench out{LF}back and feed the pigeons. Now to get up...ooh! Oh dear. It's my back again! Oh ow. My bad back is acting up again! Oh dear...oh my back...oh... AH! Are you back to normal? Goodness! What was that? It's this medicine. Y'see... Ah. Is that what it is? Yeah. Do you know any scientists who'd be able to get rid of{LF}it? Hrm... Now that you mention it... I do know a remarkable old woman who studies both{LF}medicine and magic. I am certain she would know how to correctly and safely{LF}dispose of it. That's great. Leave the rest to me. I will see it delivered. Thanks. I'll go let @ジョーンズ@ know it's been dealt with. Please say hello to him for me. Sure. Oh, by the way. On your way over here, you did not use this{LF}at all, did you? Of course not! Uh n-nope. Nuh-uh. Er... Ah, excellent. I knew you could be trusted to be responsible. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Oooh, @しゅじんこうくん@! What is that delectably delicious{LF}thing you have there? Ack! No, you can't eat this! But it smells so scrumptious...! Uh-oh! Um...@ポコリーヌ@? ...○X? Huh? ○X□※7△□??? Wait, I don't understand what you're saying. ○3*4XaX?! ... ...Mwuh? Odd. Did I just have a moment of amnesia? Where do you go so quickly, yes? Oh, um I have this medicine I need to take to Arthur-- Medicine? Let me see. Ah! @シャオパイ@...? Yes. I am. Unit. Xiao Pai. Um, I know that. Beginning program. Commence refuel. Wait, what...? Pending refuel completion. Will commence program: Break{LF}Plates. Objective: Break 10 plates. Why?! Pending Break Plates completion. Commence program: Bath...{LF}Bath...Ba-ba-ba-- AH! What was that?! It seems I just had a very odd dream. How frightening... My, my. What do you have there? Oh, this? It's some medicine I-- It certainly has a very strange fragrance. It...it...erm... Uh-oh! ...@リンファ@? Yes? Oh thank goodness! You're okay. Of course I'm okay. Now get the hell out of my sight. ♪ ...?! I am, as you can see, perfectly fine. So make like a tree and{LF}split. Into pieces. You twig. ♪ W-wait a minute! Oh, do you need me for something? Say it quickly, before I{LF}kick you out like the trash. ♪ Go. Get lost n-n-n-- ...Oh dear. I feel like I lost consciousness for a moment. What on earth{LF}just happened? What'cha got there? This is dangerous, so you should stay back. Okay! I'll get closer! Hee! ♪ Why?! Um...@コハク@? ...Ahn, @しゅじんこうくん@. Did you come to see me, darling? Huh? Oh ho...what a cute expression. Would you let me see it a little better? Um...what're you saying...? Oh don't be shy, darling. Come a little closer. Closer...closer...er...er... AH! Huh? What happened? Did I fall asleep on my feet? It feels like I did... You're looking busy. What're you up to? Please stay back. Whoa, that was mean. It makes me want to see exactly what it is you've got there! Ack! Um...@エルミナータ@? I...I'm scared... Huh? S-stay back...*SNIFFLE*... Why are you crying? I'm scared! I'm so scared! Stop it! Make it stop! Please, make it...s-stop... AH! What the heck?! I felt like I zoned out for a second. Did some mystery happen while I wasn't looking? Where are you off to in such a hurry? I'm carrying something dangerous right now. You should{LF}probably stay back. Hmm? What're you hiding? Lemme see it. No, don't--! @ダグ@...? Yes, Master? Huh?! Would you care for a spot of tea? Or would you prefer green tea? We have herbal tea available as well. What the heck?! Oh, dear. Master, it's time for you to begin your studies. Let us go to your library. Hurry now...h-hurry... AH! What the hell just happened?! My, what do you have there? Um, this? It's uh... Spit it out, now. Don't waffle so. Let me see-- Uh-oh! Um...@ブロッサム@? Ugh, I'm fine already! Gawd, this is, like, such a total pain. What is? Oh, hey! Check this out! Isn't it, like, totally awesome? Whoooa, that is toooo awesome! What are you even talking about?! Gawd, this place is soooo lame. I'm totes outta here. Totes...out... ...Nnh? Goodness! What was that? It felt like I was my younger self{LF}again for a moment. Why are you in such a hurry? Um, I have to get somewhere... ''Ah! I see you hiding something!'' What is it? No, stay back...! ...Mh. ''Hm? Milady, what is it?'' ...Pico. ''Yes?'' I love you, man. ''Dolly?!'' I never realized just how much. Come here. I wanna give you{LF}a hug. ''D-D-D-Dolly?! Have you finally accepted my feelings for{LF}you?!'' Yes. Yes I have. I...I... ...Hm? ''Dooolllllyyyyy!!'' *SNUGGLE* What do you think you're doing? Get off of me, you leech. ''GYAAAH!'' Please take this medicine to Arthur and explain to him what{LF}the situation is. And please be careful. That medicine works +simply by smelling it+. So please +stay away from people while you're on your way+{LF}to Arthur's. Be absolute sure, now. I promise I will. Walk up to someone. Hm...? Wait, it looks like some kind of warning label came{LF}with it. ''Does not affect Main Character.'' ''Main Character?'' What does that mean? Urk...! Oh no! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...! ... @ジョーンズ@? Ahhh ha ha ha haaaa! Where's my laboratory? I want to make something explode! Huh? @ジョーンズ@?! All good experiments blow up in the end! Besides, all I have{LF}to is apologize afterward. You won't sound sorry at all! AHHHH HA HA HA HA-- Ha?! Wh-what was that? It felt like I fell unconscious for a minute. @ジョーンズ@, @アーサー@ said he knew someone{LF}who would dispose of the medicine for us. That's wonderful! Thank you. Um, by the way, does your teacher always send you things{LF}like that? Constantly. But he doesn't mean anything bad by it...I don't think. Usually, it's something that I can dispose of myself. But this{LF}one was a bit more dangerous. Oh... Oh yes. Here. This is a token of my gratitude. I hope you can{LF}use it. Thank you. No, thank you. Perhaps I should go and ask my teacher's grandmother to{LF}speak to him about this... But, this is her we are talking about...*MUTTER* *MUTTER*... @ジョーンズ@? Oh, I'm sorry. It was nothing. By the way, you did not...use the medicine on anyone, did{LF}you? Nope, not at all! O-of course not, ha ha... Excellent. @しゅじんこうくん@...? My, my! What's all the rush? Oh, uh... Hm? What's that you're hiding? W-wait, don't come too close! ...Oh! ...@ナンシー@? Oh, Jones! There you are! W-wait, I'm not Jones! Jones...I, um...I wanted to tell you...how I feel. I said I'm not him! *SIGH* Another missed opportunity to tell him how I feel. But still. I won't give up. I will never give...up... AH! Goodness, what was that? It felt like I was reliving an old memory. What do you have there? Um...something I can't show you. Oh, really now? Telling me that only means I'm going to see{LF}it, one way or another. Hah! Ack! Urk...! ...@レオン@? Yeees? Huh? Uh oh. I tink I'm wost. GAH! He's acting weird! Heyyyyy ♪ Y-yes? Pick me up. I wanna be cawwied. Huh?! ...Ah. What the? What just happened? Hrm? What are you doing? Oh, uh...nothing. Trying to hide something from me? Well I shall not allow it! N-no, I'm not! Honest! It's too dangerous for anyone to get{LF}close to me--! ...Ngh! ...@セルザ@? Yes? WAH! Who're you?! What do you mean, who am I? I am Ventuswill. Who else{LF}would I be? W-wait...you...you look... I look...? ... AAAAAH!! What has happened to me?! What's going on? How would I know?! Still. This form... It seems my admiration of mortals has manifested itself by{LF}granting me the form of one. You admire mortals? Erm...well, I had always thought that, should I be mortal in{LF}form, I could...ah...do this. Yes? @セルザ@... Hmph! Do not look at me like so! Do not misunderstand me, hear? I decidedly prefer my{LF}dragon form to this one! N-now do something to fix it! Immediately! You're so cute! Leave her be. Now give me a big smile! L-like this? ...Wait, what are you doing? I'll eat you if you don't stop!{LF}*CHOMP* Yeah, you really need to work on that smile. Wh-wha?! H-hey! H-how dare you say that! I'll eat you if you don't take it back! Are you abandoning me?! Demon! Devil!! WAH! You're back to normal. ...What? Over already? ... @セルザ@... Oh, crap! The medicine! ... Ummm... What just happened...? @しゅじんこうくん@, what'cha doin'? I'm holding something dangerous right now, so you should{LF}stay back, okay? But I wanna see what it is! W-wait! ...Ah! ...@子供ちゃん@? ...Dah. ?! Dah-dah... Gaaah...Hee hee! Baby-talk?! Bah-bah-bah...dah-daaah. Nnnh... Ah? Huh? What was that? Hmm? What's that you're carrying? Can I see it? W-wait...! Ngh! ...Huh? Wh-where am I? ...Oh yeah. I came here to stop the fire dragon. I...I have to protect the school. I have to protect the children! I... Ah! Wh-what was that? That medicine... Huh? Is that... Ngh! ... Who am I? Oh yes...I...I'm a Wooly. A...golden Wooly. I was chasing bad monsters...and I came here... I... AH! Wh-what was that? Ooh, what is that? It looks interesting. ♪ Huh? *SNIFF* Hmph. That is a simple collection of ingredients. It's no boxed{LF}lunch. Huh? What are you talking about? In what world would a wife give her husband a bowl of{LF}noodles to take to work for lunch?! Um, hello...? I...knew it, though. Deep down, I knew that's the kind of{LF}woman you were. NOW BOW TO THE TURNIP GODS. Ah ha ha... Huh? Goodness. It feels like I just had an old dream... @しゅじんこうくん@, hello--OOP! @シャオパイ@?! ... Um...@シャオパイ@? ...I tripped again. ...? In exactly the same place as before. ...Why must I be such a klutz? I am sick and tired of it, yes? C'mon, @シャオパイ@. You'd better get up. No. I must re-evaluate myself. Lying on the ground...? Yes. All I did was run to someone and here I am, flat on my{LF}face. It seems I'm too embarrassed to face the world any more. @シャオパイ@... Offer her your hand. Encourage her. C'mon. Up with you. ...Wha? @シャオパイ@. You can stay there if you want, just listen{LF}to me, okay? Wha? Everyone trips up at times. They trip, fall and skin their knees. It'll really sting at first... But everyone gets back up anyway. Sometimes you have to grab onto something to do it, but{LF}that's okay. It makes you stronger. And of all of us, @シャオパイ@, you have the most{LF}experience doing that. There's nothing wrong with it. In fact, it's proof that you're{LF}stronger than all of us. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. But if you're still having a hard time getting up, you can grab{LF}my hand. If you're afraid to come running to me, I'll go running to you. ... You will? Yes. ... Thank you. I'm unsure of the whole of your meaning, but it seems now{LF}that is all I can say. You're welcome. @しゅじんこうくん@, your hand. It's...warm and soft. Ah! There's @フォルテ@. Hmm? What's this? Did you get lost in here, little one? ...You are rather cute. There, there. Ha ha! Enough of that. It tickles! @字@ Aha ha ha! ♪ Who's my good widdle boy? @字@ You are! @字@ @字@ @字@ Such a sweetums! @字@@字@ Grow up big{LF}and strong, now! @字@ Oooh! @字@ @字@ @字@ Hee hee hee! @字@ @字@ @字@ Well then, it's time I got back to work. ...Unfortunately. Take care now. @字@ ...AH. Erm... H-How long have you been standing there? From the beginning. Since the giggling. ACK!! I-it's not what you think! I was not, erm...I...uh...*MUMBLE*... In other words, from the start? Keep smiling. Glance sideways. What's so funny? Hey, why aren't you saying anything?! H-hey! Why won't you look at me?! I was just, erm... I know. ♪ Urk...! ACK!! You don't have to be that bashful about it. You just really like adorable monsters. There's nothing wrong{LF}with that. I-I do not! I...I just...erm... ...Ngh! ...Hnnngh! ''Milady? What are you fiddling with?'' A bottle. I can't get it open. ''A bottle?'' It's stuck... Nnngh! ...It won't open. Drat. Let me try. *STARE* Oh? It's closed very tightly, you know. Yeah? Not just anyone can open it. Well, let me try first. Twist really hard. Give it a light tug. Hmm? It opened. No way... Yeah. That was so easy I'm almost disappointed. ... ''I guess it's not surprising a gentleman could open it.'' ''My Dolly is a delicate lady, after all. She must not have had{LF}quite enough strength.'' Probably. Here you go, @ドルチェ@. Thanks... You're welcome. ... ''...?'' ''Dolly?'' Huh?! ''You were staring off into space, milady.'' I-I was not! ''Yes you were.'' No, I wasn't. I was simply, er... Surprised, I guess. At how unusual that was. ''Unusual? What was unusual?'' ''That @しゅじんこうくん@ is so strong?'' ...Perhaps. ''Of course a gentleman is going to be strong...wait! No, don't{LF}tell me...!'' ''Has that incident made you start looking at @しゅじんこうくん@{LF}as a ma--MRRPGH!'' I. Do. Not!! Do not what? Nothing! Wh-what are you looking at? He's tall, too... What are you staring at me for? N-nothing! Oh! Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hi, @クローリカ@. Do you have time to chat for a minute? Sure! Not enough FOR YOU. Oh, good! Come right this way, then. Oh, a little bit can't hurt! Come on, this way. So I don't get a choice...? What do you want to talk about? Zzz... Huh?! Um...@クローリカ@? Zzz... It's no good. She's out like a light. Mmh... Ack! Zzz... Great, now what do I do? Mmmmh... She's waking up. Zzz... Oh boy. I can't move... I'm going to have to stay still until she wakes up. ... Oops...! Mmh... Are you awake now? Yes. I had a really nice, soothing dream. That's good. ...Hm? Oh no! Ah ha ha... You surprised me too, falling asleep like that. Um... Was I leaning on you the...whole time? Yeah. Eep! Oh, now I'm embarrassed! So you, um...saw me while I was asleep then...? Yeah. Eep!! I hope I didn't have my mouth hanging open. I-I didn't snore, did I? Did I mumble anything incoherent? Oh, I so hope I didn't...! Um...@クローリカ@? I'm so sorry! A-anyway, I need to get back to work. See you{LF}later! Okay. See you. I'm really sorry about earlier! Eep! There's a door, right? Yep. Any way to open it? I dunno. Ah. I just got told I +wasn't qualified+. You weren't qualified? Yep. Gotta have determination to open it. It's proof you can{LF}change the world, y'know. They said mine wasn't the right kind, so I couldn't open it. ...I can't even picture it. Ummm.... This is getting us nowhere. Let's go talk to Arthur. Okay. Let's ask him. Hmph. I can't believe there's nothing I can do. It sounds like there isn't any +window+ or +backdoor+ we can{LF}open, either. Even if we somehow manage to open the door... There's still the question of bringing her back. ''Exactly. How to give her a solid body again...'' If she doesn't have a body, wouldn't she simply end up like{LF}you? ''I'm not certain.'' ''If she could, it seems like she would have stayed in our{LF}world in the first place.'' Perhaps, unlike you, she had no regrets? ''...'' Not remaining in our world means she had nothing left to tie{LF}her here, correct? ''...That is possible.'' ... ''But we still can't know for certain.'' ''She's in a very different position from us normal mortals.'' ''I expect you wish to talk so that we can discover for sure{LF}just how different, correct?'' ...Yes. ''Well, in that regard we've already asked Leon about what{LF}he can remember.'' ''We should focus on searching for any other possible ways.'' ... This is more difficult than I thought. ''Regrets...'' A +Returning Ring+? Yes. Can you make one? ...It'd be difficult. I'll pay whatever price you ask. I don't need any money. I'll acquire all the materials you might need, as well. It's not that, either. So what is it, then? It's, well... To be honest, it was an utter fluke I managed to make one{LF}the first time. A fluke? Yes. So it's not the materials or the money. I just don't remember{LF}how to make it. ... Don't give me that look. I was desperate to do anything at{LF}the time. But anyway, I can't do anything for you. I'm sorry. No, it's my fault for asking the impossible. My apologies. Why do you need one, anyway? I'm sure @しゅじんこうくん@ can already use a calling spell. Earthmates tend to have that ability. You mean +Omni Gate+? Yeah. I think the power of that spell would be too much to handle{LF}at once. Hmm? The one we want to bring back has just a bit much in the{LF}way of Rune energy. ...? Wait, are you...? ... Ah. Now I get it. I guess you can find people willing to do the insane just{LF}about anywhere. Oh? Yeah. I agree. It's probably wise not to attempt the +Omni Gate+{LF}spell. @しゅじんこうくん@ tried that spell before and it didn't work. Thinking back on it now, I think that time the Rune energy{LF}had just...exploded. We got off lucky that once, but there's no telling whether{LF}we'll be that lucky again. It's too dangerous. I know. As for other ways... ... Actually... The last time we tried the Omni Gate spell, it was Leon{LF}you were bringing back, right? Must be karma at work, I guess. I had thought the Returning Ring was as good an idea as any... Venti... Can you hear me? Everyone misses you, Venti. ... But... I promised. I swore we'd all be okay, even without you. I swore I'd protect this town. So... This is the path you chose. But still... I miss you. I want to see you. ... Thank you. This is your payment. Thank you. Um... Yes? It's too much. Oh. This item is of excellent quality, so I thought I'd give you{LF}a bit extra. Besides... ...? You listened to me. That helped take a weight off my{LF}shoulders. Oh. In exchange, get some more of these excellent quality items{LF}for next time too, okay? ...Thank you. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good morning. See you later. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hi. See you later. Good evening, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good evening. See you later. Um... ...What? You two sure get along. What did you talk about? It's nothing. You and Dolce get along. What did Dolce want? It's nothing. ...She's a good customer. Huh? She buys lots of materials to make accessories. Oh, I see. ... ... Is that all? Oh, uh, no. Um... ...? Family. Really? Yes. ... I have family not related by blood. But they're not interested in anything but blacksmithing, and{LF}I'm not very good at talking. So we don't talk much. Or ask a lot about each other. But... When they need help, I want to help them. I may be butting in where I don't belong, but I still want to{LF}help. ... What about you? Hmm? Do you have people you want to help? ...Yes. ... But they might not want any help. ...Yeah. ...I don't know what they want. What do you mean? Even with people you are with all the time, you can't know{LF}all there is to know about them. What you do might hurt them. Or make them argue with{LF}you. But... Despite everything that happens, if you still want to be with{LF}them... ...Then that's family, I think. ... The more important someone is to you... ...the more often you find yourselves hurting each other. But... You'll still want to trust them. That's not wrong. It could be just self-centered desire on your part... But it's okay to trust them. Even if you lose someone or something important to you{LF}because of it? If you want to change something, you should be ready to{LF}lose something in exchange. After all, ''changing'' means ''losing the present.'' And... Some things won't ever change if you don't have the courage{LF}to step up. ...At least, that's what I was taught by someone I know. Things that won't change unless you have the guts to step{LF}up... Yes. ... The girl before was thinking on something like that. Huh? That's all I can tell you. ...Good luck. ... ...Good luck. I'm with you. I'd like to confirm something. Do you mind? What is it? We are, right now, attempting to resurrect Ventuswill of our{LF}own, independent wills, correct? We will go forward with it. Even if it isn't what Ventuswill herself desires. ''Dolly...'' Correct? Yep! Hmm? Of course we are. I was wondering why you looked so grim. Is that all? I-I'm very serious about this! It's no joke! We're prepared to face the consequences. We're going through with it, even if it's not what she wants. After all... I have a mountain of things I wish to say to her. If she doesn't come home, how am I supposed to tell her? I think Venti's gonna be happy to come back. But if she isn't... Well... I still think it's only right that she comes back. This is her{LF}home. Me? I still can't accept it. I don't have any logical reason behind it or anything. I can't accept things the way they are now, so I'm gonna{LF}make it so that I can. That's all. Everyone... ''So what will you do, milady?'' I... ... ...You know the answer to that. ''Of course.'' Excellent. Let's get down to business. How can we bring Ventuswill home? Wait a minute. Man, you guys are selfish. Can I join in? @しゅじんこうくん@... Why are you here? I have stuff I want to say to Venti, too. Even if it's just a selfish wish on my part... I still want her to come home. Home to this town. To us. @しゅじんこうくん@... Venti herself may not have wanted it... But I want to believe. I want to believe she wanted to stay with us. And I'll keep believing that. So it seems we're going to have to find out for certain, one{LF}way or another. I don't think asking her straight out will get us an answer.{LF}She's not like that. But she can be awfully easy to read. True. What she thinks shows on her face very quickly. Guys... ''Well, @しゅじんこうくん@?'' ''You will help us too, yes?'' Yeah! Of course! Now then... First, let's organize what all of us know. Dylas. How was the gate to the Forest of Beginnings? It's close to @マップ9@, just like Amber said. The question is how to open it. What do we need? The determination to open it. ...What? I heard it's something like the, um...what was it? Proof of{LF}being able to change the world. That's what I heard somebody say before I got turned into a{LF}Guardian. He found the gate and said it wouldn't open until somebody{LF}had the determination. Interesting. We were just going to go talk to Arthur to see what he{LF}knows. What about you and Barrett? Apparently, he doesn't even know how he made that{LF}+Returning Ring+ in the first place. So right now there's no way, aside from us attempting to{LF}make one ourselves, somehow. Ah. I'll do what research I can into other ways, but I don't have{LF}any leads at the moment. Though I have heard that there is a spell +Earthmates+ might{LF}know for getting to the forest. Huh? What's that mean? ''It seems there may be a way to resurrect her body by fusing{LF}+Runes+ into her new vessel.'' Though that's only a rumor we heard. It's not certain. I see. ''But no matter what, we still have to go into the Forest of{LF}Beginnings.'' So it seems we've reached the end of our leads... Not yet. There's one thing left. Let's try Omni Gate. ... What...? The +Omni Gate+ spell. What? What haven't we tried yet? Well... ... @しゅじんこうくん@? The +Omni Gate+ spell. For now, let's all keep looking for any information we can{LF}find. Any clue will do, no matter how small. We have to try every possible avenue open to us. ''That we must.'' ... @しゅじんこうくん@, what is it? Let's try the +Omni Gate+ spell. No! That would be bad! She's right! You already tried it once when you went to the{LF}tower, and it failed! I know. But that doesn't mean it won't work this time. ''@しゅじんこうくん@...'' Do you realize what you're saying? ...Yes. The heck you do! You got lucky you escaped fallout last time. Still... He's right. We can't let anything happen to you. If we did, we'd never be able to face Venti or the other{LF}townsfolk again. ''...Exactly.'' ''Please, don't think of trying that ever again.'' ... Don't give up. I'm not giving up. Even if everybody says I'm crazy. Call me selfish if you will... I'm still going to try it! I mean... I want Venti to come home, no matter what. I want to see her again! And I'm not going to give up on that without a fight! Hmph. Looks like there's no stopping you. Huh? I guess it's safer for you to try it with us than doing it{LF}somewhere in secret. I'm still worried...but if you really wanna do it, I can't stop{LF}you. ''Hmph! What are we going to do with you?'' Guys... ... If there's even a hint that it's going sour, I'll stop you in a{LF}heartbeat. Got it? ...Okay. That... And if you're so dead set on doing this, at least get good{LF}and ready first. I know. Excellent. Well then, let us know once you have finished preparing. We'll wait here for you. I hope Venti comes home soon. ''We all do.'' I wonder if this is what it was like for her? What do you mean? After we all became Guardians... I heard she kept wanting to save us. That's exactly what we're doing now for her, so I wonder if{LF}this is how she felt. ... I'm sure. ...Yes. Are you ready? Yes. Not yet... Excellent. Were you intending to start it here? I see. Well then, let us know once you have finished preparing. Are you ready? Yes. Not yet... Okay, let's get started! Yeah, it could be too dangerous to do it yet. Tell us when you're ready, okay? Are you ready? Yes. Not yet... Then let's get going. This isn't the best place for it. Let's go to the +Dragon Room+. Get good and ready before you come back, got it? Are you ready? Yes. Not yet... Well then, shall we begin? Not here. Ah. ''Do tell us when you're ready, okay?'' ''Goodness, you're all such a handful to deal with!'' All right, let us begin. ... What is it, Amber? Oh, um... I was just wondering how Venti must've felt. Hmm? When she, y'know...erased our memories. I mean, she must have had stuff she wanted to tell us. But she couldn't. She had to hold it in so she could erase our{LF}memories. She did that for us. I know. ... We'll just have to apologize. All of us, once she has come home. ''Yes, that sounds best.'' ''All right, @しゅじんこうくん@, if you please!'' Right! I'm sorry, Venti, but we're going to be a little selfish. But... You can complain all you want once we all get home. So please-- +Omni Gate+!! @しゅじんこうくん@!? ... ...Can you hear me? ... ...What, you're asleep? ...I guess this is for the best. Amber... It IS you, Amber! You still live! Thank the stars! Oh, how long has it been, Amber? I remember it all so fondly... Come, smile for me like you used to. Smile, smile! Amber...? I want to see you smile again. But... Should you remember me, it would only make you sad. And that might lead you to think about wild plans to{LF}''rescue'' me again. I won't have that. So I'll seal away your memories. Just your memories of me. So please, smile for me, Amber. Brightly. Innocently. Just like you used to. That will be enough for me. ...Goodbye, Amber. I will not forget you. I will not forget flying with you across the cloudless skies. ...I will never forget. Hmph. Well aren't YOU sleeping like the proverbial baby? And what an adorable baby face you have, too, for all that{LF}you are a grump when you are awake. Are you certain you couldn't do something about that? ...Not that you are the sort who would listen. Hmph. Earthmates and Guardians, you are all such a selfish{LF}lot. You insist on going about and doing me favors without{LF}telling me. You have no idea, do you? You cannot know what it feels like to be the one left behind. You could never understand how heavy that guilt can be. ...I never knew myself. I had no idea it could be this hard to be left behind without{LF}a single word... ...Goodbye, Dylas. You who call my name. I remember your brusque voice. How could I forget it? ...I would never forget it. ''Is Dolly all right?!'' Of course. But there's one thing I must do. Dolce. There are many things I wish to tell you. But I have been asked to watch over you only, nothing more. Besides... It seems I'm closing in on the last of my strength. So...I'm afraid I... I must say goodbye, Dolce. Be happy. That is all your parents ever wanted of you. Even should the rest of the world forget, I will always{LF}remember. So please. ...Please, Dolce. Be happy. Forget me. It seems the +Earthmate+ stayed behind in order to save my{LF}life. ...I see. Now, there are many things I wish to tell you, but they will{LF}have to wait. You're off to the rescue? Of course. Hah. You are, as always, an amusing god. Silence, you. I am simply fed up, nothing more. Oh? Yes. I'm sick of everyone leaving me behind to go off on their{LF}selfish missions to save me. ... Then hear one thing before you fly off. What? The +Earthmate+ who saved me told me to tell you this... ''Thank you for being my friend.'' ''Thank you for being my friend.'' ''It was fun.'' ...! That +Earthmate+ was rather entertaining. Calling Ventuswill herself, one of the Four Native Dragons, a{LF}personal ''friend.'' Ha ha! That fool...! So is that ''fool'' the one you chose for your current Priest? Hmph! I abolished that irksome position centuries ago. Ah ha ha. Even had I not, who would choose someone so selfish and{LF}headstrong as their Priest? Then what is this person to you if not your Priest? I would say... ...much like you, I suppose. What? Like all of you who became my Guardians. You are all simply my friends. Venti... My thanks, Leon. It's only by the efforts of you and the other Guardians that I{LF}am alive today. Not only that... I am no longer alone! Hey, Venti...? Don't leave us. ... Please, Venti. Don't go away. ... ...No. It is time we parted. Venti! Wait! Don't go! Goodbye, @しゅじんこうくん@. Were it my decision, I would not go. But I must. VENTI!!! I was truly happy, meeting you. Please...! I was able to be fond of mortals again. Venti! If...if we were to meet again...somewhere...sometime... Then I... ...No...I do not wish to go... I want to go back...to spend the day in idle conversation and{LF}simple fun... VENTI!! Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. My last friend... I do not wish to be alone anymore. I do not wish to be left all by myself. I cannot stand it! @しゅじんこうくん@...! @しゅじんこうくん@, are you all right? Ngh... ''Whew! You're awake.'' ...Don't make us worry like that anymore. ... What's wrong? I had a...dream. A dream? About Venti. It was when she had to erase all of your memories... And when she was disappearing, herself... ...! So you got to see Venti's dreams? ...Yeah. What did she say? Huh? Did you see anything? Did you learn anything about her at{LF}all?! Calm down, Dylas. I know, I know! But...! ... She said... ''Hmm?'' She said that she didn't want to go. That she didn't want... She didn't want to be alone anymore. @しゅじんこうくん@... Why are you crying? Wha? Wait...huh? Still... Venti asked me to take care of this town for her. She said she wanted to see me smile as she left... Those were her last words... Yeah. ...Thank goodness... Venti didn't want to leave. She...she did want to stay here, to keep living with{LF}everyone... ...It wasn't just me. It...it wasn't just me...! Yeah! ...Hmph. How stupid can you be? Of course it wasn't just you. Even I... ...I... ''Dolly...'' I think we all felt the same. Yes. We really can't quit, now. So I say let's pour it on. We're gonna bring her back to us if we have to rip open that{LF}dumb gate with our bare hands. I agree. Ah! There you are, Dylas. Arthur? Hmm? What is all this? It's nothing much. It'll be fine if we just leave them a little{LF}space. So what is it, Arthur? Dylas, do you have a cold? Huh? It sounded like you have a bit of a stuffy nose... ...! I-it's nothing! Just a case of the sniffles! Then it is a cold. That is not ''nothing,'' I would think. Ha ha! Hmm? You as well, Leon? Your eyes look a touch red. ...You're seeing things. Heh heh... Oh yes. Anyway, I had something I wanted to discuss with{LF}Dylas. What's up? I've found something that just may be able to open that{LF}gate! Really?! Yes. What is it?! Ah. Given that reaction, Leon, you are involved in this as I{LF}suspected. That doesn't matter right now. Tell us what it is! I shall do you one better. I've brought it along with me. Here it is. That...! A +Rune Sphere+? All things in this world hold the power of Runes. And the Forest of Beginnings is where those Runes all{LF}eventually return. Not even a Native Dragon can defy that. ... Yet Lady Ventuswill held out against it, delaying her return{LF}for centuries. She managed only with the power you gave to her. ...! That power is then, in essence, the power to disrupt the{LF}natural order. It is the power...to change the world. And if anything were to hold power of a level that you four{LF}held as +Guardians+... That'd be a +Rune Sphere+! Kiel? Geez, Arthur! Why'd you have to go run off without me? My apologies. I guess I was too excited to contain myself... Kiel, what are you doing here? I'm helping Arthur, of course! ...Well sorta, anyway. What? See, we don't want to give up on Lady Ventuswill, either. Kiel... Anyway, this may be able to open that gate. What do you want to do? I'll go! Don't leave me behind! @しゅじんこうくん@... What, recovered already? Of course! Yes, Mr. Sniffle-Nose. Says Sir Red-Eye. H-hey! You were listening the whole time, weren't you! Urk... So you heard that. Heh heh... Well then, I think it wise that @しゅじんこうくん@ takes the{LF}+Rune Sphere+. Are you sure? Yes. In fact, I insist you do. Huh? What do you mean? Um, this is all just a theory, mind you... But I think that whole ''proof'' of world-changing ability is tied{LF}up with being an +Earthmate+. I mean, Earthmates invented the spell to make people into{LF}Guardians, right? And the +Rune Sphere+ itself can make people able to use{LF}Earthmate magic. So I think an +Earthmate's+ power is gonna be needed if we{LF}want to open that gate. Ah, what he said. Will you do this for us? Definitely! You bet! Nah. Busy schedule. What?! You won't...? I was just kidding... Ugh. Ah. Well, let's consider it a good sign you're relaxed enough{LF}to be making jokes. Yes, let's. Well then, if you please. The gate's at @マップ9@. I bet Venti's waiting for us all to come get her right now. ♪ Going already? Yeah. Not yet. Uh, say... When you're ready to go, let me know, okay? You are not to attempt this by yourself, understand? ''Dolly was just as upset as all of you, you know.'' ... I have several choice words, myself. So let us all know when you're ready, @しゅじんこうくん@. Don't attempt to slip away alone. Okay? The +Rune Sphere+ is now in your hands. Please, help Lady Ventuswill. We don't want to give up, either. Just like you, right? Right! Of course! I dunno... Yeah! Heh heh. ♪ Huh...? I'm kidding, I'm kidding! By the by, how is Amber doing? She's having fun. I'm not sure... Ah, I see. Hmm? That is hardly a confident answer. She is much like you. Take good care of her, you hear? Hey, Venti? Yes? Do you really not know anything about Amber? ... I do not. Nor she of me, correct? I heard she has amnesia... I'm simply worried for her as the master of any town will{LF}worry for the citizens. I wish for her to fit in and be happy, as I do for you. ... @しゅじんこうくん@, I am counting on you. Help Amber in any{LF}way you can. ...I will. ... Truly, this town is filled with nothing but good-hearted folk. It has always been so. I'm proud of that. Well yeah, I bet that's because they all love you, Venti. Wh-what?! What are you saying? Heh heh. Are you blushing? O-of course not! I do NOT blush! I was simply...surprised, is{LF}all. Y'know, watching you like that makes it real hard to believe{LF}that you're a god. What?! It's okay. I was just thinking that I wanna protect the things my friends{LF}want to protect, too. That's all. ...? Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's you. How fare your memories? I still can't remember anything. I see. Well, they are something that yet remains within you. They{LF}will find their way out someday. Trust in that and do not fret. Fretting will do you no good. ...Okay. Y'know, you're a really nice person, Venti. Wh-what?! Hmph...! Praise will gain you no special favors! Hee hee. Harumph! Your presence makes a mess of everything. Hey, Venti? What were you like in the past? Me? Well... I was quite popular, you know. Everyone considered me{LF}strong and kind and incredible. Wow. ...You don't believe me. No, I do. I do. Hmph. Well, I don't blame you. I am, after all, neither strong nor kind nor incredible any{LF}more. Huh? ...Nothing. So there are, what, 4 Rune Spots near here? Yes. There is @マップ0@, @マップ1@{LF}and... And? ...That is not something I can simply tell to anyone whenever{LF}I choose. I may tell you more, should there ever be another incident. Hey! I would think...no, I know that your power will be needed{LF}then. Besides, it seems as if you are one who cannot say no when{LF}asked a favor. Urk...! You've seen right through me. Ah ha ha! Do not worry. It's one of your better points! It's not that funny... Oh yes. I am thankful to you, you know. Hmm? And I hope you will be as much of a help in the future as{LF}you have been already, @しゅじんこうくん@. Enough already... ... A lot has happened here since I came, hasn't it? Yes, starting with you falling onto my head. Ah ha ha... But yes, much has happened since you arrived. You have become a @姫@, you have gone to the Forest, the{LF}Ruins... That part's all your fault. Oh really? Perhaps it is...perhaps it isn't... Sheesh. How fare you? Are you enjoying your life in the town? Yeah. Um... Good, good! Hmm? Are you still feeling out of place? I see. I, at least, have had fun since I met you. Huh? Be warned, I may ask more things of you in the future. Oh, if I have to... ...Oh well. Somehow, I have the feeling that, if the two of us{LF}stick together, it'll work out. ... Yes, it just may all work out. Quit @しゅじんこうくん@! Something amazing just happened!! Something amazing? What is it? Well, you see... ...Oh, but... ...? Wait, I know! ...?? Do you have free time tomorrow? What about the amazing thing that happened? Oh, this is different! Something amazing did happen, but I thought I could tell you{LF}while we go on a date. Then, not only could we have a date, we could talk together{LF}too! So do you have time tomorrow? Yeah, I do. I don't think so... Really? Wonderful! Well then, let's meet tomorrow in front of your room. Okay. I can hardly wait for tomorrow. ♪ Oh, I see... Well then, please come see me when you do have time. I'll be waiting for you! @しゅじんこうくん@, I have been waiting for you. I see you are as cute as ever today. Wh-what?! I am...? And you're cool as ever. Er, I-I'm sorry. You s-simply looked rather adorable, so I, um... I couldn't help but say so... You don't have to apologize. Yes, you are! You are very cute! What?! Th-thank you... Well then, shall we be going? We are headed to the west side of town! Hmm hmm hmmmmm hm hmm... ♪ You're in a good mood. Did something good happen? What's with you? Yes! You see... I have been told there will be a +Butler Judge+ coming to{LF}town! A +Butler Judge+? Yes. They judge a butler's skills and then confer a title on them in{LF}accordance with their talent. Being recognized by a +Butler Judge+ will bring me that much{LF}closer to being an elite butler! So that's why you've been so cheery since yesterday. Yes! Just the thought has been enough to make me feel like{LF}bouncing in my shoes! Though, to be honest, I'm not sure I'm yet worthy of earning{LF}a title... But I work really hard every day! I'm certain the judge will at{LF}least have a good opinion! Ahh. Sounds like it'll be fun. Yes! It's my dream someday to be one of the world's top butlers! By the way... Why a butler? What titles can you get? Well, this is the first time I have met a judge, but I believe{LF}they use a star system. Mr. Volkanon is a 3-Star Butler. It may not sound like much, but it's really incredible! I see. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me! Hm? Do you mean why did I decide to become a butler? Yeah. Well... It was my father who gave me the idea. He always said I should grow up into a man who helps{LF}others. He loved doing things for people. After all, he became a doctor so he could help as many{LF}people as possible. Watching him as I grew up made me want to be someone{LF}who helped others, too. Did you want to be a doctor? I thought about it for a little while, but I'm not nearly smart{LF}enough to be one. No, you could do it! You got that right. You think so? Thank you. But what little of it I tried was really hard. You didn't have to be that blunt about it! But you're right... What little of it I tried showed me that I{LF}could never be one. So I did some research on other jobs I could do to help{LF}people. It wasn't an easy search. I could not find any at first. I began{LF}to wonder what I could even do... But then, one day... I met the man who set my life on the path it is now. He was{LF}a butler named Sebastian. What was he like? He was a shining example of a man. It wasn't because he made himself stand out, oh no. But when he stood next to his master, he made it seem like{LF}his master positively gleamed! I was floored. His brilliance was not to make himself look good, but to{LF}make those around him shine. I thought I had researched most of the jobs one could do to{LF}be helpful to others... But it had never occurred to me that I could do it like that! I started to admire butlers. I wanted to be one, myself! And that was the start of it. ... But I was still young, then. At first, I wasn't sure it was the{LF}right job for me. A butler's job is to serve his or her master, right? So it counts{LF}as ''helping others.'' But...how do I put this... That way of ''helping others'' and my father's idea of ''helping{LF}others'' felt a little different. I was afraid I was wrong in what I thought, and that he{LF}would be against me becoming a butler. So what happened? ... Did you give up? Worrying over a problem does nothing to solve it. So I figured there was no point in dancing around the{LF}subject. I asked my father directly. It was something we would have to discuss sooner or later. Worrying solves nothing, so I chose to take the direct route. I{LF}talked to Father about it. No, no, no. Of course not! At no time did I give up. If I had, I wouldn't be here! So what happened? He laughed. Laughed and told me not to worry about it so{LF}much. He said if I believed it would be helpful to others, I should go{LF}do it with confidence. ... So Father supported my decision in his own way. After that, I started practicing the chores with him until I{LF}grew old enough. Then I was introduced to a friend of my father's, and he sent{LF}me here to train. So that's how it went. Yes. That means you've already reached your dream of being a{LF}butler, right? Well...yes. But dreams are strange. As soon as it comes true, it changes{LF}into a different dream. Once I became a butler, my new dream was to be an elite{LF}butler. And I have recently gotten yet another dream on top of that. A new dream? Yes... B-but that's a secret. Oh? Erm, sorry. Please forget I said that. What do you mean? Oh darn! It's time for me to get back to my training. I have to hurry. See you later! Huh? Wait...! @しゅじんこうくん@, I'm sorry! We can talk more about it later. He left. ... A +Butler Judge+, eh? Good luck, @ビシュナル@. Allow me to introduce Mr. Beyer, the +Butler Judge+. It is a pleasure. My name is Beyer. It is my honor to serve you as a +Butler{LF}Judge+. I shall only be here for a few short days, but I hope to serve{LF}you well. It is our pleasure, sir! It is our pleasure, sir! Now then, my apologies for being so abrupt, but may we{LF}discuss the work at hand? Of course! My duty is to judge the abilities of butlers throughout the{LF}land. And it is my honor to confer the title of 1-Star Butler to those{LF}who are worthy. The title of ''1 Star'' means a butler excels at one particular{LF}skill. It is a high honor to receive that title. Mister Vishnal. Miss Clorica. For the last few days, I have taken the liberty of observing{LF}you as you worked. Ah, so you have already watched them, good sir! Though they still have room to improve, I'm very proud of{LF}both of them. Yes. They are definitely worthy pupils for a 3-Star Butler such{LF}as yourself, Mr. Volkanon. After only a few days observing them, I can tell they have{LF}much talent. I have not yet completed judging them, so I cannot yet give{LF}you an official pronouncement. But presently... I can say with confidence that both have the potential to{LF}earn a title someday. R-really?! Wow! Yes. However, I have seen one problem that I find...alarming. An alarming problem, Mr. Beyer? What would that be? Mister Vishnal. Y-yes...? I hear that you have a lover. Is this true? Y-yes sir. I do. Mr. Beyer, you cannot be implying there is an issue with a{LF}butler having someone special to them. No, there's certainly no problem simply in having a lover. However... There can be problems in regards to +who that lover is+. ... Mister Vishnal. Your lover is also, in fact, the master whom{LF}you are serving, correct? ... Such relationships can be very damaging, not just to your{LF}reputation... But also to the dignity of your profession. Mister Vishnal, I will ask again. Is it true that your lover is also your master? ...Yes. I see. Mister Vishnal. As long as you continue in that relationship, I will not be{LF}able to confer a title upon you. If you wish to continue your work as a butler, well...I suggest{LF}you discuss things with your lover. ... Well then, I shall take my leave for today. I shall give you my official judgments in a few days. Good day. Vishnal... Are you all right? ... Do not worry, Vishnal. I'll talk with Mr. Beyer about this. ...Thank you. All right, it's time for us all to get back to work. Yessir...! ... Why hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Were you here for that? Yeah. I see... I would like to do what I can for you, but I'm not certain{LF}there is anything that can be done. I...I fear I may be useless... Useless to you...!! WAAAAAAH!!! @ヴォルカノン@... However, I will still do all that I can for you. It will not do for a youth's promise like his to be squandered! Now, @しゅじんこうくん@, would you please check on Vishnal? Thank you. @ビシュナル@. @しゅじんこうくん@... ... I'm sorry, could you please let me have some time to myself? ... Please. @ビシュナル@ is saying he wants to be left alone... But is it really a good idea to just let him be? ... ... No, it's not a good idea! But... It's times like these that I have to be there for him! @ビシュナル@!! Y-yes? ... ... Er, what is it? There must be a reason you shouted...? Uh... I didn't think that far. L-let's go somewhere! @しゅじんこうくん@? Oh, I know! Let's go somewhere! Right now! What? But... We're going! H-hey! @しゅじんこうくん@... Did you happen to overhear what the +Butler Judge+ said? Yeah. ...Oh. I-I have no idea what I should do. So you're worried? Confused? ... I want to stay a butler so that I can help people. I don't ever want to quit. ... But I also don't ever want to break up with you! ... ...Then again, I also don't want to give butlers the world over{LF}a bad name because of me. What can I do for him now...? Sorry, I've been doing nothing but complaining. It's selfish of me. ... But I have to make a decision. I can't just worry about it{LF}forever. But... I just don't know... What're you gonna do? Are you gonna quit? Try convincing the judge. Keep being a butler. I have no idea what I'll do. I'm sorry I'm being so weak and indecisive. But I...I...! ... I could never tell him to quit. I don't ever want to force him to give up on his dream. I hate to admit it, but the Judge does have a point. There are some secrets butlers keep, and if I were to let{LF}them slip to you... I would never do that, of course. But there would be no way{LF}to prove that. Wh-what?! @しゅじんこうくん@, what are you saying?! Being a butler is your dream, right? Well...yes. But if I were to choose to stay a butler, I... @ビシュナル@. I don't ever want to get in the way of your dream. ... Still...! Mr. Beyer said it himself, right? You have the talent to earn a{LF}title someday. ... That means he's recognized you as a good butler, doesn't it? As a good butler...? Yeah. Not as a novice or a butler in training, but as a true,{LF}good butler. So that means there's only one problem... Me. ...! @ビシュナル@, what is your dream? My dream? To...to be a butler, of course. Right. You told me how important it was to you, remember? I... Go realize your dream. ... @しゅじんこうくん@... Thank you. @しゅじんこうくん@, I'm sorry! ... I... I...! Being a butler is my dream! Right. Without you there to give me the push I needed, I might{LF}have given up on it. ... @しゅじんこうくん@, for you I am going to become an elite{LF}butler! Good. You'd better get going, then. Why stand around here waiting when there's a title to get? Right. Thank you so much. @ビシュナル@...go be the butler everyone knows you can{LF}be. @しゅじんこうくん@. Is everyone here? Yes. Mr. Beyer will be here soon. Oh. Um... Welcome! Right this way, please. ... I understand your feelings. But I must beg your forgiveness. This is, in the end, what it means to be a butler. Mr. Beyer, if you please. Of course. Well then, let us begin. Miss Clorica. Yes. The dishes you made that I have sampled were excellent. The tastes you create will surely bring happiness to all you{LF}serve. Thank you, sir. Mister Vishnal. Yes. You are an expert at cleaning. No matter how faded the item, once you have cleaned it, it{LF}will shine like new. Thank you, sir. Given the talent the both of you possess... I have no doubt that you are indeed worthy of the title ''1-{LF}Star Butler.'' How marvelous! Then... Yes. I'll confer the title upon both of them. Vishnal too? Yes. ... However! Mister Vishnal... I know, sir. Vishnal... It's okay. What? What about @しゅじんこうくん@? Vishnal...! ... I've made up my mind. But... It is a decision well made, sir. Though I know it could not have been easy. Well then, in light of your brave decision, Mister Vishnal, I{LF}shall now present to you your title. Butler Vishnal... You have proven that you are a butler of extraordinary skill. In honor of that talent, I hereby declare you a ''1-Star Butler.'' ... Mister Vishnal? ... I decline the title! What...? What is wrong with my master and my lover being one and{LF}the same? Hmm? Being together means I can serve her and protect her that{LF}much more closely! But the name of butlers across the world will-- What's a reputation? Is it more important for us to protect our reputations than{LF}our masters?! If we must choose between one or the other, are you saying{LF}I must choose to keep up appearances?! A reputation should NOT be the most important thing to a{LF}butler! Young sir... It is our duty to be our master's closest guard and{LF}confidante. So what is wrong with my master being my lover? Mr. Beyer, I am honored that you chose to grant me a title. But... If keeping that title means I have to deny my relationship{LF}with @しゅじんこうくん@... Then I don't want it. To me, being a butler is not about{LF}having pretty titles. @しゅじんこうくん@ gave me the push I needed. She told me to chase my dream... Even though it would mean we would have to break up. It made me so happy, knowing she thinks that much of me... ... I am a butler. A butler lives for his master, never leaving their side, no{LF}matter what! So it doesn't matter what you do, I won't ever stray from{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@'s side! That is the kind of butler I dream of being! ... I see. However, butlers should never have a special{LF}connection to their master. In that case, the one who should protect becomes the one{LF}who will be protected. Then I do not need to be called a butler by anyone else! I still have my other dream. I'll make @しゅじんこうくん@ happier than anyone else! That{LF}dream I'll never give up! @ビシュナル@... Mr. Volkanon, thank you for all that you have done for me.{LF}I'll never forget it. Vishnal... Clorica, I hope you will still teach me how to cook better,{LF}even when I'm no longer a butler. Vishnal... @しゅじんこうくん@, sorry to keep you waiting. Come on, let's go. Yeah. But... No, no. It's okay. Let's go. I'll never leave you again. Wait. No, I won't wait. I love @しゅじんこうくん@. No one can make me give that up! Goodness gracious, that boy. Vishnal... *HUFF* *HUFF* I...I did it. You went and did it... Ah ha ha... It's not funny. No, it's okay. I don't mind. Are you sure? It's not okay! Yes. From now on, I'll give all that I have to keep you safe. After all, now that I'm not a butler... All that I have left is my love for you. But that's okay! I swear I'll stay with you! I'll protect you, no matter what! I may not be your butler, but my life is still yours! ... I do not have the title, but I will not forget what I learned as{LF}a butler. Do you still want me to stay by your side and protect you,{LF}now and forever? ...Yes. I'm sorry. As you wish, my lady! I will continue to serve you as faithfully as I always have,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. AUGH!! S-still...I'm going to stay with you and serve you as faithfully{LF}as I always have. O-oh! Right...! ...? Um, this... A ring? Er, yes. I was planning on giving it to you earlier... But I got so caught up in what I was saying, I forgot. I'm such an idiot! This... Yes... I thought I'd propose to you, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...!! It feels a little like a side-note now, but... @しゅじんこうくん@. It just has to be you! Even today... If it weren't for you, I would have run away. I know I'm not pefect. But my love for you... I've never been more sure of anything than this. Let me say this again. Will you marry me? I may not seem reliable as a husband... But I am a man who loves you! I promise to make you happy! Um... Vishnal!! Mr. Volkanon?! What awful timing!! Erm... What is it, sir? Vishnal, return with me. I'm not going back. You must, just this time. Mr. Beyer has words for you. But... You should at least go hear what he has to say. I'll think over what you asked me while you're there. ... Let us go, Vishnal. What could he have to say to me? Go on. ...All right. But when I come back, let me know your answer, okay? I will. Okay. @しゅじんこうくん@! Listen to this! What is it? You will not believe what Mr. Beyer told me. Yes, sir? You will not change my mind about quitting... There's no need for you to quit. Wha? Listening to you opened my eyes. Before anything else, we butlers must have a boundless will{LF}to serve and to care. But...we began to pay too much attention to what others{LF}thought of us. We forgot what it was to love what we do! Even I did not have enough love for my job. Mister Vishnal, I thank you. You helped me remember how very important it is to love! Er, oh... I have seen your devotion to your master, and it has left an{LF}indelible mark on me. Mister Vishnal. Please allow me to grant the title of ''1-Star Butler'' to you! R-really?! Yes. Not only that, I beg you to guide the rest of us, so that{LF}someday we, too, may have your passion! Can you believe that? He even said I can still be your butler, @しゅじんこうくん@! Really? Yes! ...And I'm sorry I've made such a big fuss over everything. It's okay. I'm glad you get to be a butler again. Me, too! Oh, and don't worry. I won't give up on my dream to make you happy, either. Oh yeah. I have to give you my answer, don't I? @ビシュナル@, I-- I want to marry you! Don't want to marry yet. ...?! ... Wha... YEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!! I want to marry you, too! I love you, @しゅじんこうくん@! I love you so much! I love you too, @ビシュナル@. ... Can we wait just a little while longer? I...I still don't have my feelings in order... ... Okay. It's disappointing, but if that's what you wish, I shall{LF}abide by it. I will wait. I'll wait as long as it takes! @しゅじんこうくん@, I'll wait for you by your room tomorrow. I can't wait until tomorrow. ♪ Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Will you have free time tomorrow? You haven't forgotten our date, right? We are going to meet in front of your room. Shall we be going? We are headed to the west side of town! Let's go on a date again sometime. ... I may have been given the title of +1-Star Butler+, but I'm still a{LF}novice butler. I'm going to keep working at it until I become an elite! Good luck! You aren't already? Thank you! No, not yet. After all, Mr. Volkanon is a +3-Star Butler+. I'm just a +1-Star Butler+. That means I'm only one-third the butler he is. I will not rest{LF}until I'm as skilled as he is! Oh, so that's how it works. ... Oh dear. I still don't really understand it. What happened to Vishnal? He's been crying, you know. ... And you... Don't worry, it's okay. ... But... Really. It's fine. Thanks for thinking of us, though. ... @しゅじんこうくん@... I think Vishnal was really cool back there! It gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling in my heart. I'm so glad we don't have to quit working together. Could you please go check on Vishnal? I would be most{LF}thankful. @しゅじんこうくん@, my apologies for all this. I have tried negotiating with Mr. Beyer, but... It's okay. I want @ビシュナル@ to follow his dreams, no matter what. @しゅじんこうくん@... I...I...WAAAAAAAH!! Vishnal has grown so much! I am so, so proud of him!! I must admit, I too was a touch worried this time. I am so very glad that Vishnal's determination was not lost{LF}on Mr. Beyer! To you, I... ... My apologies. I shall not make any excuses. This is simply{LF}the way it must be. I must apologize to both of you. So that is the true passion of youth... I must say, I'm jealous. Hmm... What's up? I want to get a new accessory. Oh? Is there one in particular you were looking at? No, not really. But I do want a new one. Maybe I'll go to Bado's shop and see if he has anything{LF}pretty. I'm going to Bado's tomorrow to do some shopping. I hope he has something you like. Me, too! ♪ I'm going to Bado's to do some shopping. I wonder what{LF}kind of accessories he has. Hmmmmm... Made up your mind yet? What's up? Hey, there. Clorica's trying to decide which one she wants to buy. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... The butterfly earrings or the dolphin ones. Which would she{LF}like? Since she can't figure out which one to buy, maybe I should{LF}get one of them for her as a present. Get the butterfly ones. Get the dolphin ones. How about these? Hmm? O-oh, yes I guess I'll get those. Can I buy these? O-okay... I'll take these, Bado. Comin' right up. Heh heh. A present from the boyfriend, eh? Isn't that nice? ... Here you go, @クローリカ@. Are you sure this is okay? Of course it is. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. You're welcome. Thank you for the earrings. I will take good care of them. Clorica, haven't you made up your mind yet? How about you stop by later and buy some more presents{LF}for your girlfriend? I have lots to sell. Hmm...what to do now? What's up? Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm thinking about what to have with dinner tonight. I thought about making some croquettes, but stir-fried{LF}veggies sound good, too... I've been thinking and thinking but I still can't decide. Now{LF}it's getting so late... Um, it's still mid-day. Hmm... It looks like she's thinking really hard about this. And it would be terrible if she were late and @ヴォルカノン@{LF}scolded her. Maybe I should decide for her. That way she won't get in{LF}trouble with @ヴォルカノン@. How about croquettes? How about veggie stir-fry? Oh? B-but... Did you want the other one? N-no...That one is fine. Great! How about you do that one, then? That way you{LF}won't be late making dinner. @しゅじんこうくん@, thank you for deciding for me. But... @クローリカ@? Um... What's wrong? I-It's nothing... Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. ... What's up? Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Do you have some free time tomorrow? Yeah. Sorry... Now, dinner...dinner... Hmmmm... Will you have time tomorrow? Yeah. Sorry... Oh, good. Then let's go to the observatory tomorrow. ♪ Why? Sure! Hmph! Why do you have to ask? Your girlfriend is asking you on a date. Is it really that odd? Sorry... ... Forgive me? ...Oh all right. I guess I might. Thanks, @クローリカ@. You're welcome. So, tomorrow at the observatory, right? Yes. I'll wait for you at @マップ0@. Okay. I can hardly wait. Oh... Well, please come let me know when you will have time. Okay. Don't forget, all right? I'll be waiting for you at @マップ0@. You haven't forgotten our date today, right? I'll be waiting for you at @マップ0@. What should I make for dinner tonight? Maybe I'll think while we go shopping. C'mon, let's go. Zzz... Zzz... She's asleep. @クローリカ@! Let her sleep. @クローリカ@, it's time to get up. Mmh... Awake now? Nnnh... @しゅじんこうくん@... Morning. Good morning... It's a little dangerous to sleep here. Try not to do it again,{LF}okay? Oh, I'm sorry. I was just so comfy I couldn't help it... Well, now that you're up, where do you want to go? Hmm... Oh, I know... How about we stay here and chat? It's nice to relax and do nothing every once in a while. ♪ It's really nice out today. Yes, it is. Um...@しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Um, I... ...? Er... O-oh yes! I, erm...was wondering, um...what we were going to do, uh...{LF}i-in the future. See, the thought just crossed my mind the other day and,{LF}um...it stuck there. Us? In the future...? Y-yes. In the future. Well, um... We'll be going to dinner? You mean like...marriage? I'm not really sure. Huh? That's what we'll be doing in the near future, right? Th-that's not what I meant! I was talking about our long-term future. What will we be doing with the rest of our lives? O-oh... Hmph...! ... I-I'm sorry. I'll think about it seriously, I promise. M-marriage?! Don't you want to...? I-I'm not opposed to the idea, no... It's just, erm, a little hard for me to imagine it. Being married{LF}and all... I...couldn't help but wonder what it would be like. To be honest, I'm a little uneasy about it all. All we need is love! I'm uneasy, too. Wh-what?! Where did that come from?! Isn't that what everyone says? The power of love can solve{LF}anything. And I'm really fond of you, so couldn't it work for us? ... What do you think? I... I-I...um... I really l-l-l-...love you too, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. No one can really know what the future will bring. But as long as we both love each other, I'm sure it'll turn out{LF}okay. True... Are you sure? Yeah. I've never been married, either, so thinking about what it{LF}might be like makes me nervous. But... But? I'm not just nervous. I'm kinda excited for it, too. I mean, being married means being together forever, right? And that can't be bad. I'm sure there will be lots of fun and happy times to share. ... We'd get to make so many memories together. How could I not be excited about that? Oh. I never thought to look at it that way. Making memories together... Do you think it would be um...all right if I was excited about{LF}it, too? I'd like to make memories with you. Yeah. Let's make a whole lot of happy memories together. And if you're still feeling a little uneasy... Just leave everything to me, okay? I promise I'll take care of{LF}everything. Even if something happens that makes you feel nervous,{LF}don't worry. I'll be there for you! Whenever you feel uncertain or lost, I'll lead the way! I swear I'll protect you, no matter what! @クローリカ@...? ... @クローリカ@. O-oh! Were you listening? Um...y-yes. Of course I was. I feel so much better knowing that you'll be there to protect{LF}me. Yes... Much better. Erm, anyway. We should probably be going. Yeah. O-oh! I have to tell you something... But... ... What is it? Never mind. It's nothing. ...? Honest. It's nothing. I'll head down first. I wonder what it could be...? I had a lot of fun today. Yeah, me too. Um... Let's go on a date again sometime. Sure. Lead the way... Hmm... Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let's go on a date again{LF}sometime. Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. @クローリカ@. I had a lot of fun on our date at the observatory. So, er...I was thinking. How about we go on another one? ...T-today! Sure! Today? Already? Yes, today! I really want to go. Were you thinking of any place in particular? Um, well... Erm... Uh... ... Take your time. Let's go eat. I think I'll give her a little more time to think. Oh...! Hmm? I... ... You look like you're having a hard time deciding, so how{LF}about we go to dinner? Oh, or are you not hungry? N-no...I'm hungry. Let's go, then. ...Are you mad at me? No. I'm not mad. ... Shall we be going? We were planning on going to the restaurant, right? Do you have the time to go now? We were planning on going to the lake, right? Do you have the time to go now? Yeah, I do. Oh, good! Then let's get going. Oh no! I'm sorry, were you in the middle of doing something? Why don't you come see me again once you're by yourself? I'll wait for you. We were going to have dinner together, right? Let's go to{LF}the restaurant. What's wrong? ... H-how about we go to the +lake+ instead? I'm not all that hungry. So let's go to the +lake+. But... I-I'd rather go to the +lake+! Please? I'd really like to go there. Well, if you insist... I'd really like to go to the +lake+. Here we are. So now what? Um... ... Ah ha ha! It's okay, don't worry. Let's sit and chat for a bit, then. Ah...! Here, have a seat. Uh-oh! It's starting to rain. ... Now what are we going to do? That's a good question. Oh! How about we, um... Er... Ah... Okay, let's-- Wait! Please, let me decide. Huh? Decide what? Where we're going! I want a chance to decide. Oh, um, okay. Sure. Whew... Thank you. Okay then... Where to go? ... Umm... ... ... I'm not sure... Let's go to my room. Let's go home. Why did you have to do that? ...? Why did you make that decision for me? I said I would do it myself! B-but the weather is starting to get pretty bad and, um... If we didn't hurry, I was afraid you would catch cold. No buts! ... I said I would decide! And you said it was okay for me to decide! I'm sorry. I didn't realize it would make you that mad. ... @クローリカ@! If you aren't going to listen to me, then who's going to{LF}accept my feelings? @クローリカ@... ... ...No thank you. Clorica looks depressed. Did something happen? @しゅじんこうくん@!!! Something terrible has happened! What is it? C-c-clo... Clo? Clorica is gone! What?! She must have run away! Oh my goodness, what are we{LF}going to do?! She ran away from home?! Vishnal, calm yourself. You must not raise a fuss while the whole situation isn't yet{LF}clear. It is possible she simply awoke early to take a morning walk. But Mr. Volkanon... I heard her crying! Crying? Yes. I thought I heard someone crying in the middle of the night.{LF}It was coming from Clorica's room. You did?! Yes. It...it must have been her who was crying. @しゅじんこうくん@, did you and Clorica argue recently? Well, yesterday... Hrm. I-I'm going to go look for her! Yes, that is a wise idea. It's unusual for Clorica to be out and about so early. It is possible something untoward has happened. First, I suggest we +ask the townsfolk+ if they have seen{LF}anything. You too, Vishnal. I'll remain here and wait, just in case she decides to return. Yes, sir! Thank you! Oh my goodness... Where could she have gone? @しゅじんこうくん@!! What is it? I just saw Clorica! What? Where?! This way! Oops, I don't think I can follow. ...Oh well. Clorica was +outside of town+! She left town. There aren't that many monsters nearby, so it's not as{LF}dangerous as it could have been... But you never know what might happen. Please hurry and{LF}find her. Thank you, @ビシュナル@! Clorica was +outside of town+! Outside of town?! Yes. Let's hurry! There aren't that many monsters nearby, so it's not as{LF}dangerous as it could have been... But you never know what might happen. Yeah. Let's go! Where on earth has Clorica gone to? Has she truly run away from home? ... Oh, I'm sorry. We should talk to everyone in town and see if{LF}they know anything. Clorica has not yet returned, I am afraid. ... I can only hope that we are overreacting to what is only a{LF}simple errand. However, it would still be wise to talk with the townsfolk{LF}and see if they know anything. Clorica? Yes. Have you seen her? No, not recently. Oh. Thank you. Clorica? I haven't seen her. Ah. Thanks. Have you seen @クローリカ@? Nope, can't say I have. Oh... Clorica? Yeah. Have you seen her? No, not today. Oh. Is everything okay? Can I help with anything? No, not right now. Thanks, though. Okay. Let me know if anything comes up. @ディラス@, have you seen @クローリカ@ around? Clorica? Nope. Are you sure she isn't just napping under a bush{LF}somewhere? Have you seen @クローリカ@ around lately? Clorica? I'm sorry, I can't say that I have. Do you know where @クローリカ@ might be? Clorica? Hmm... I'm afraid I don't know. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help. Have you seen @クローリカ@? You are looking for her? Yeah. I see. It seems I do not know where she is. Oh. Have you seen @クローリカ@? Today? Umm... No, I don't think I have. I'm sorry. Do you know where @クローリカ@ might be? Clorica? Nope! Have you seen @クローリカ@? Nope. So you're looking for her? How about you just follow her scent? Her ''scent''? Clorica? Nope, no clue. You two fight or something? ... Oops... Shouldn't have said that. Have you seen @クローリカ@ around lately? No, I haven't. She hasn't been by the shop today. Have you seen @クローリカ@ today? Clorica? No, I haven't. How about you, Pico? ''I haven't seen her, either.'' Oh. Clorica? I can't say I've seen her yet, today. Oh. Clorica? No, I haven't seen her. Oh. Have you seen @クローリカ@? No. If anyone would know where she is, wouldn't it be you? I saw someone who looked like Clorica +outside of town+. There aren't that many monsters nearby, so it's not as{LF}dangerous as it could have been... But you never know what might happen. Clorica has gone outside of town! Let's go find her, quickly! Clorica has gone outside of town? It sounds like it, yes. Well then, what are you doing standing around here,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@? Go find her and bring her home! R-right! @クローリカ@! Where are you?! EEEEEK!! That way! That was Clorica's scream! You heard where that was coming from? It's outside of{LF}Selphia, to the west! Hurry! We have to hurry up and beat those monsters! @クローリカ@! @しゅじんこうくん@!! I won't let you lay a finger on her!! @しゅじんこうくん@, what are you doing here? Don't worry about that, now! Get back! Oh, okay... Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, did they? No, I'm fine. What were you doing? It's too dangerous to go outside of{LF}town all by yourself! I'm sorry. I thought I'd take a walk to get some fresh air... We were so worried when we couldn't find you. We{LF}searched everywhere! ... Okay, okay, okay. Why don't we all hurry back to town? We might be attacked by monsters again if we stay here too{LF}long. ...You're right. Anyway, I'm just glad you weren't hurt. ... Let's go home. ...All right. I'm so glad we found Clorica. I am most relieved to hear she's all right. You really weren't hurt at all, were you? You aren't trying to{LF}hide anything from me? No, I'm fine. It's good to get fresh air, but you have to be more careful{LF}when going out there. It's dangerous. ... You could have come to get me. I would've gone with you. ... I couldn't. Not when... ...? When we're still arguing. Oh... You've been acting just like them lately. Them? Them who? My family. Your family...? Yes. Everyone in my family is impatient. Really? I didn't get that impression... I hear it a lot. But out of my whole family, I'm the only one who is slow. They always say they wonder how I got that way. Oh... Making decisions. Thinking about things. I always take much, much longer than anyone else. Most of the time, people don't wait for me and they decide it{LF}all for me. Even though I haven't finished thinking about it. I know you don't intend to be mean to me, and you do know{LF}what I like... So I'm not unhappy with what you pick, honest! That's not what bothers me! I... I just want to make the decision for myself! But...it takes me a long time to think about it, and I can't{LF}keep up with everyone. ...I'm sorry about what I did earlier. I was upset, and I took it{LF}out on you. I'm...really not very good at anything, am I? @クローリカ@... I'm sorry. So I wasn't giving you enough of a chance to make up your{LF}own mind? I didn't mean to do that at all. Either way, I still hurt you. I guess I'm just going to have to leave more decisions to you. If that's what you want. ...Um, @クローリカ@? ...Yes? I'm really sorry. Huh? I guess I wasn't thinking about you as much as I should{LF}have... N-no, it's all right! You don't have to apologize! Th-that was all selfish griping on my part! It's not your fault. It's mine, for not explaining things to you{LF}clearly. I had no right to get mad like I did. I'm so sorry... That's why I asked you on that date, you know. I wanted to show you, in my own way... That you don't have to make all the decisions for us. But it turned out to have the exact opposite effect. Ha ha... Hey, @クローリカ@? Yes? I was thinking...from now on, if something comes up, I want{LF}to leave it to you. What do you think? You want to leave it...to me? Does that mean I get to decide what we do? Yeah. I promise I'll let you make the decision. I want to give you that chance. R-r-r-really?! Um! Oh, my... Wa... W-wait just a moment, okay? I-I'm so happy right now I don't know what to think. Sure. Um... O-okay! I've made up my mind! I...I want to make the decisions! All right. We'll do that. From now on, @クローリカ@, I'm leaving it in your hands. Yaaay! ♪ Hee hee. I get to make the decisions. Hee hee hee hee! ♪ Ooh, @しゅじんこうくん@! I just got a wonderful idea! What is it? Would you, um...like to go on a make-up date with me? Sure! You decide where we go. I'll set up a schedule. Yay! ♪ I've already decided on the perfect place! Leave it all to me! Hmph!! You just said I'd get to decide! Oops...! Sorry, sorry! ... I'll let you pick where we go. ...Really? You'll let me decide? Yes! Go ahead! Hee hee! Leave it to me, then. Where do you want to meet? Let's meet in front of your room. Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, then. Yes. See you tomorrow! ...This should do it. Yeah...this was definitely for the best. Look forward to our date tomorrow okay? It will be{LF}wonderful! You haven't forgotten about our date today, right? We'll meet in front of your room. @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ I've been waiting for you. Now let's go on our date. ♪ Have you decided what we're going to be doing? Of course! I have it all planned out. ♪ Great. So where are we going? Umm...today, let's go visit Lumie. I want to see what new flowers she has. Okay. @エルミナータ@'s place it is. Oh, dear. You have some friends with you. Erm...I'd rather our date be just the two of us, so come get{LF}me when you've finished with them. I'll wait here for you. Let's go to Lumie's shop! ♪ Welcome. What's up, you two? Come to show off how lovey-dovey you are? N-n-no! That's not why we came! Oh? It's not? No! It's not! I just want to see the new flowers you have! ...Hmph! We didn't come to show off anything. So you didn't, eh? Hmm. Guess my hunches aren't quite hitting the mark today. Well, that's okay. Take your time looking around. Hmm... Which ones do I want? You want some to decorate the table at home, right? Yeah. Hmm... How about @アイテム0@? ... ...Oops! I was going to let @クローリカ@ decide. I think I'll stay quiet and let her think. Hmm... So many pretty ones. Which one should I pick? There are some more flowers over there, too. Ooh! Let's go look at them. There are so many pretty ones! It's so hard to decide which one to get. How about red ones? How about orange ones? ... ...Oops! I should wait for @クローリカ@ to make up her own mind. Hmmm... It's so hard to pick just one. There are lots more around, too. Do you want to look at the ones over there, too? Yes! ♪ Looks like you're having trouble making up your mind. Yes. There are so many beautiful ones to pick from. Heh heh heh! It's no wonder you have to think about it so{LF}hard. See, I have nothing but the very best blooms around! Here, let me give you a piece of advice. ...? Listen. In these sorts of situations... It's best you let your man make the decision! Well? What do you think? Isn't that great advice? Oh no. I can't do that. Huh? Why not? Isn't it good advice? From now on, I get to make the decisions. We realized that, lately, I've been deciding everything{LF}without waiting for @クローリカ@. We, uh, kinda got in a fight over it. Oh yeah, that. Wh-what, you already know what happened? Of course! Nothing goes on in this town that I don't know about! Oh my! So everyone knows we had a fight? That's so{LF}embarrassing! Ah ha ha... Anyway, we talked about it... And we both decided that when anything comes up,{LF}@クローリカ@ gets to make the decision. Ah. I see. Hrm... ...? That's not too bad, I think. Yeah. Not bad at all. ...But not really. Huh? Right. I mean, with things like that, there's no need for you two to{LF}be lovers. You two really ARE lovers, right? Or are you just together{LF}because it's convenient? W-we are lovers! Right. I thought so. You both like each other a whole lot, after all. In that case, isn't there a much better solution to your{LF}mystery of who gets to decide? What's wrong with this one? If we are going to argue over{LF}who has the right opinion... Isn't it easier to decide who takes the lead ahead of time? That way, there's no reason for us to argue. Slow down, slow down. There's no time limit on this case. Think about it a little{LF}before giving your deduction. Now, I'm not saying I don't see where you are coming from,{LF}Clorica. With those rules, you'll be able to avoid arguing. Still... There's the problem of feelings. They aren't that easy to deal with. Rules can guide. But rules can bind, too. You can't just say ''That's the way it's going to be,'' to all of{LF}everything. People's feelings...people's hearts...they just won't be bound{LF}that way. It never works. ... Try to come up with more rules, hold on to them more{LF}tightly... And they'll up and break one day. Your heart will just...break. Break... @しゅじんこうくん@'s heart...? N-no! We wouldn't do that! Both @しゅじんこうくん@ and I agreed! We are both okay with that rule! We'd never break each other's hearts! Now, maybe. But what about tomorrow? Next week? Next month? How about 2 years from now? 3? 10? ... You can't know what's going to happen years from now. You're right. No one can know what's going to happen. So doesn't that mean that what I decided could still be the{LF}right thing? That's possible, yeah. Love takes different shapes in different{LF}relationships. But I'm thinking that's not the best one for you! I believe you two have far more potential than that! The shape of your love can be something far grander, far{LF}more magnificent! I'm saying this for you, too, @しゅじんこうくん@. ... What does it mean to go out? Give it some thought. Both of you. You have lots of examples of relationships all around you.{LF}See how others do it. Hi! Welcome. Ah! Are you two on a date? Well, um...yeah. That's got to be so nice. I'm jealous. ... Hmm, which should I get today? On an errand for Porcoline? Nope. I just thought it'd be nice to have some fresh flowers{LF}at the restaurant. I mean, everybody likes having pretty flowers around. Which ones do you two recommend? ... Um... I like the @アイテム0@. I like the @アイテム1@. That one? Hmmm... Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll take that one. ...Are you sure it's all right to butt in like that? @クローリカ@...! Hmm? Butt in? Oh, you mean by decorating the restaurant with flowers? I know I didn't ask, but I'm sure it'll be okay. Porcoline likes{LF}flowers. ... Though, thinking about it, that isn't really butting in. I mean, I decided to do it after I thought about what{LF}Porcoline and the customers would like. But...I'm doing it without asking. So does that make it butting{LF}in, after all...? Oh well! If everyone likes it, what's the harm? ... Can I give you a hypothetical situation? Hmm? Sure. Let's say someone decided a thing for you all by themselves. You wanted to decide something else, but they went and{LF}decided for you. What would you think? Hrm... That's a hard question. ... Y'know, I might be mad at them. You would? Yeah. But I'd figure out whether or not I should be mad after I{LF}heard why they did that. I'd want to know what reasons they had for making the{LF}decision without asking first. Their reasons? Yeah. I mean, if they'd done it just because, then I'd be mad. But if they were thinking about me, trying to make things{LF}easier for me... Then I'd probably forgive them. What...? After all, they were thinking about me, and that would make{LF}me happy. I'm sure they would have thought really hard about what's{LF}best before they did it, too. There's no way I could be mad at them for that. What's best for me... Ah ha ha... Boy, that actually made me a little embarrassed{LF}to say that. ... I hope it helped. Yes... Yes, it did. Thank you. You're welcome. Sorry to interrupt your date. Bye-bye, now! I... @クローリカ@... Whoa, whoa. No getting gloomy, you two. Clorica, where are you headed from here? Um...I-I thought we might go to see Jones and buy some{LF}medicine. Excellent! Go on, then. Go see Dr. Jones. Hanging around here all day isn't going to give you your{LF}answer. Go on, shoo! Shoo! @クローリカ@, are you ready to go? ...Yes. Let's go. I wonder if those two will notice I brought in new flowers.{LF}They can be pretty dense sometimes. There were some new flowers on the tables in the{LF}restaurant. I don't know who did it, but it was a nice idea. Meg bought some new, delightfully delectable-looking{LF}flowers today. She has a superb sense of taste. Delectable...? You're not going to eat them, are you? Of course not! She was fabulously FURIOUS at moi, so I{LF}won't do it again. Still worrying? Yes... Nope, not me! Excellent! As they say, the young should live and worry about life to its{LF}fullest! Really? Hmm. ...Wait, hold on! This is your problem, you know. Think about it at least a{LF}little, okay? ...Let's go see Dr. Jones. Have you finished what you needed to do? All right. Let's go to see Dr. Jones. Oh... You have friends with you. Could you please finish what you need to do with them,{LF}first? Come talk to me afterwards. Oh, hello! What can I do for you? I came to buy some more medicine. We're almost out. Ah, all right. I'm guessing you want the same one as always? Yes. Jones! Wh-what? Your @アイテム0@ is still here. Untouched. Urk... I did try to drink some. Honest. I understand how it makes you feel, dear, but you need to{LF}drink it. I already had a glass today! A small one... You are going to get over your fear of blood, yes? So you{LF}should have another glass. But... Yes? Drinking too much makes it seem like I'm drinking...blood...{LF}Eh heh... And, ah...I don't want to cause you any grief. Goodness, are you still worried over that? If I thought you were going to cause me grief, I wouldn't{LF}have asked you to do it at all. Everything will be fine, so go ahead and drink one more{LF}glass. But... No. More. Stalling. All right... Ulp...! *GLUG*... Pwah! ...*HUFF*...*HUFF*...*HUFF*... I...I drank it all. There, now was it really all that bad? I think I need to go and...get some fresh air... So even you and Dr. Jones have your arguments. Of course we do. Doesn't it make you feel bad? Of course. What? Then...why do you do it? Loving someone doesn't mean you always understand them.{LF}Sometimes that leads to arguments. It...doesn't...? Understanding someone else takes a lot of effort. You are each your own person, with your own ideas and{LF}opinions. Everyone has thoughts they keep tightly to themselves.{LF}Thoughts that may not be so nice. Saying those things might hurt the other person. So, out of fear, we never let those thoughts out. But it was thinking of the other person that led us to those{LF}thoughts. They may be scary, they may not be nice... But not saying them means we're holding our feelings back{LF}from the one we love, and that's sad. ... Someone with the bravery to tell me the harsh truth. And someone with the courage to accept the truth when I{LF}tell it to him. To me, that person is Jones. ... Who is it to you, Clorica? To me...? ...You must really trust Dr. Jones, Nancy. Yes. Here is your medicine. Thank you. You aren't alone, Clorica. You don't need to struggle by{LF}yourself. ... Thank you. @しゅじんこうくん@, let's go. Oh uh, okay. @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm? I'm going to think over what Lumie said to us. @クローリカ@... Thank you for coming with me today. When I'm with you, I... Ulp... Just thinking about a big, brimming glass of it is...{LF}*SHUDDER* Whew... @しゅじんこうくん@, you need to keep yourself together, too. I know it may not be easy, but do your best to support{LF}Clorica, all right? After all, she's very important to you, right? @しゅじんこうくん@... Wh-what's wrong? What's with the long face? I've been thinking about what Lumie said. I thought about it a whole lot. @しゅじんこうくん@. Do you understand what she meant? I do. Yeeeeah...no. You understood it, too... Yeah. You didn't? Oh... Meg had the right idea. She thought about why and who it was for, and then she{LF}made her decision. ... I...I just thought about how all the decisions had been made{LF}for me before I had a chance. It never crossed my mind to think that you might have done{LF}it for my sake. I never bothered to think why you did what you did... And that it might be because you cared about me. Nancy and Dr. Jones could tell the truth to each other... Even if that truth might be hurtful. They must both understand each other really well. They each know that the other can accept that truth... They trust each other. ... Unlike me. @クローリカ@... I... I couldn't completely trust you, @しゅじんこうくん@. But you do...! ... No... I know myself. If I had trusted you more, if I had thought about you more... Just like Meg, I would have asked you why you did what you{LF}did instead of just getting mad. @クローリカ@... And... If I had any courage, like Nancy, I would have told you what{LF}I felt long ago. Then we never would have argued in the first place. We promised to let me make the decisions when things{LF}came up. But...that promise is just me running away from the real{LF}problem. I'm the one who suggested it. That's not your fault. No, it is. It is my fault for getting angry about it. I was pouting because I wanted to make decisions and I{LF}hadn't been allowed. This is all my fault. It isn't. I thought ''going out'' was just about being together with the{LF}person I liked. I was sure that being together would be enough to make us{LF}happy. I don't think that's wrong... ... ...But I also know there's more to it than that. We can't just ask for everything we want. We can't just say anything we want. It isn't right to...bind each other with promises. If only I'd thought about it a little more... If only I'd tried a little bit harder... Then I might've been able to come even one step closer to{LF}you. But because I didn't...this happened. It's my fault. I love you so much. ... But even though I love you, I couldn't trust you. ...And I hate myself for that. It's not too late. Yeah, we made a mistake. But thanks to @エルミナータ@, we've realized what we were{LF}missing. Now that we know-- I didn't have trust in you. I have no right to be with you anymore. Wh-what...? @クローリカ@? I'm sorry. @クローリカ@! ... Please...leave me alone. @クローリカ@, listen to me. I'm sorry. Please...could you leave me alone? I want to think more about what +Lumie+ said. I'm sorry... Right now I don't want anything. Uh-oh, what's with the long face? Well, um... What I told you started the whole thing, didn't it? You can tell? Of course. I am, after all, the Great Detective Illuminata!! Nothing is beyond me. Ah ha ha. Anyway, I was the one who told you two to give things more{LF}thought. You don't have to be a famous detective to figure that much{LF}out. Oh... So, @しゅじんこうくん@. Have you found your conclusion? Huh? Have you deduced what type of relationship you want to{LF}have with Clorica? What kind of life do you want to have with her? Have you found that solution? What kind of life do we want...? Well? I... Do you have a conclusion? I want her to trust me. I don't know. @クローリカ@ told me she wasn't able to trust me. ...I want her to trust me. I want her to tell me the truth, even if it isn't nice. I want her to give me grief and to cause me trouble. I want to pamper her. ... In the same way, I want to trust her. I want to tell her the truth. I want to give her grief and cause her trouble. I want her to pamper me. ...I want us to be equals. One of us shouldn't be leaning completely on the other. I want us both to be important to each other. I don't know if that's the right way of doing things, but I want{LF}to try. There's no right way to go out with someone. And there isn't anything wrong about the promise you two{LF}made. I know I lectured the two of you, but to be honest, I don't{LF}know the right answer, either. I was just being nosy. Who knows? The promise you both made could be the right{LF}answer for both of you. Whatever the case, you've already deduced your own{LF}correct conclusion, right? Yeah... Well then, there's nothing left for me to say. So now what will you do? About what? ''About what?'' ''About what,'' he says! Geez! What will you do about Clorica? You can't just leave her{LF}hanging like this. I tried to talk to her, but she wouldn't listen. Sheesh. You're too soft! Softer than a marshmallow puff! You ''tried'' to talk to her? And she ''wouldn't'' listen? So what?! Is that the extent of your love? Words aren't the only way to show someone how you feel,{LF}y'know! Now listen. Men speak through their actions! Through actions? Precisely. If words won't work, act. Make Clorica's heart flutter! ... What kind of relationship do you want to have with her? Do you want to just date forever? Or do you want to get married? Answer me that! What?! Come on! Answer me, now! Um... I-I want... To marry her! To make things up to her! I want to be with @クローリカ@ for the rest of my life! Well then, there's only one thing for you to do! Marrying would mean... The proverbial @アイテム0@! Just hand one{LF}over to her! @アイテム0@...? Then, she and I could... @しゅじんこうくん@, take this. Oh...! Don't you worry. I'm rooting for you two. So go propose to her in the grandest fashion you can! Right! You want to make things up to her? Yes! Really? Yes!!! Uh-huh. Odd. The clues had totally led me to believe you wanted to{LF}marry her... @エルミナータ@... That's fine. Well, not actually fine, but whatever. ...? Anyway. If you want to make it up to @クローリカ@, how about you{LF}give her a present she'll love? Give her something thoughtful and she might be more willing{LF}to talk to you, don't you think? Something she loves... Eesh. Is it me, or have I been giving a lot of lectures lately? Ugh, what a pain. You youngsters are nothing but trouble! ...Wait. Did I just imply that I wasn't young anymore? That I'm now...OLD...?! No no no, that thread of logic is a dead lead! It goes{LF}nowhere, understand? Nowhere! You are not to pursue it! Uh, okay... Actions speak louder than words... @クローリカ@ and I will... Hold it right there. That's not going to work. Keep that up and you'll never make things up with Clorica. Go think things over again. Are you going to give her a nice present that she likes? Or{LF}are you going to give her a ring? Think for yourself what you want to give to her. Keep on{LF}thinking right until you hand her the box! O-oh my gosh...! It's a token of my feelings for you. I...I... I want to put it into words now. Will you listen? I-is it the feeling I think it is...? Yes. @クローリカ@... I really like you. I love you. ...!! Those feelings won't change, even if you aren't sure you can{LF}trust me. ... But... I want you to try to trust me. I want you to tell me the truth. I want you to do things that bother me and cause me grief. I want you to let me pamper you. In the same way, I want to trust you. I want to tell you the truth. I want to do things that bother you and give you grief. I want you to pamper me. I want us to be equals. One of us shouldn't be leaning completely on the other. I want us to both become the most important person in the{LF}world to each other. @しゅじんこうくん@... To be honest, I was shocked when you said you didn't trust{LF}me. But it didn't make me hate you. So I'll say it again. @クローリカ@... I really like you. I love you. If you still insist you don't have the right to be with me... then I'll give you that right. @しゅじんこうくん@... @クローリカ@... I love you! Marry me! Let's get married. Will you marry me? ... That's not fair. It's not fair at all that you brought a ring. Giving me this means I can't run away from you anymore. Ah ha ha. Hmph. ...I thought a lot. I thought about you. I thought about our future. I thought a{LF}whole lot. I owe you an apology. I'm sorry I didn't trust you. It's okay. I was guilty of a few things myself. I'm sorry for that. ...It's okay. Oh! And because I felt like I didn't deserve you anymore, I{LF}thought it over. I tried to come up with a way for me to prove myself so we{LF}can be together always. Now... Hearing that you want to give me the right to be with you... That makes me really, really happy. ... Do you remember when we went on a date to the{LF}observatory? We talked about our future when we were there. That night, when I went to sleep, I dreamed about you. You did...? Yes. You proposed to me. And what did you say? ... Today isn't a dream, is it? I'm so happy! Please, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let me stay by your side. I love you! Please, let me dream this dream and never have to wake up. @クローリカ@... I love you, too. I'll make you happy. Come here. @しゅじんこうくん@? I, um...I think I want a...a hug. A really big hug. This... I wanted to make things up to you, so I thought we could{LF}eat it together. This is my favorite. Can we talk, even for just a little while you enjoy it? ... That isn't fair, baiting me with my favorite treat. I'm sorry. But I didn't think you would listen to me any other way. ... All right. I...I have things I want to tell you, too. So I'll listen. I'll listen to whatever you have to say. ...I have done a whole lot of thinking, myself. But...I haven't been able to find an answer yet. I want to stay with you forever, but I don't have that right{LF}any more... If you think you don't have the right to be with me... I'll just have to give it to you. One day, I'll come and get you, I promise. D-does that mean... Yes. All I can give you are words right now, but... I really like you. No, it's more than just ''like''... You're precious to me. I love you. @しゅじんこうくん@... I want you to stay with me forever. ... Do you...want that? ... I'm sorry. Wha...? I can't answer that right now. What do you mean? I heard what you said, and I understand what you feel for{LF}me. But there's something more I need. ...? Can't you tell what it is? You told me that all you could give me now were words. So that means you will have something else to give to me{LF}later, right? Oh...! So I'll give you my answer then. Is that all right? ...Yeah. I'll wait for you to come and get me. And this time I'll trust you, and wait as long as I have to. Okay. I'll keep waiting. I promise. But you better not keep me waiting too long, okay? Hurry up{LF}and come to get me. ♪ Not bad, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? You two go through that big spat and you come out of it{LF}getting married. That's astounding. I wouldn't have been able to do it if you hadn't given me the{LF}push I needed, @エルミナータ@. Thank you. What're you talking about? You got through to Clorica on your own effort and{LF}earnestness. I didn't do anything you need to thank me for. So you two are back together again, eh? Great! I couldn't have done it without your help, @エルミナータ@.{LF}Thanks. No need to thank me. Solving cases is all in a day's work for{LF}a great detective. Hi, @フォルテ@. I cannot simply leave things like this. But...that thought leads to other thoughts and...um... ... Ah! No no no! It...it's way too early for thoughts like that. Um... But still... It looks like she's really lost in thought. Things cannot stay the way they presently are. Even +Vishnal+ was worrying over it earlier. Forte has been acting a little odd lately, don't you think? It's like she's here...yet not really here. Does that make any{LF}sense? +Clorica+ has been worried about her, too. I hope she's okay. Things cannot stay the way they presently are. Now +Clorica+ is worrying over me, as well. Oh yes, that's right. @しゅじんこうくん@. Has something happened with Forte recently? Hmm? Why do you ask? I've caught her staring into space a lot at work lately. I was wondering if there was something weighing on her{LF}mind. ...Wait, maybe that was just a dream, too? I can't remember. Lately, Forte has been staring off into space a lot, even when{LF}she's working. ...Or at least, I dreamed I saw her doing that. ... @フォルテ@. ... @フォルテ@! @しゅじんこうくん@?! Er, m-my apologies! I was, uh, lost in thought for a moment. Oh? Y-yes. I don't know how to put this, but... I was considering our future...options? Er... Perhaps better to{LF}say our prospects? No... A-anyway, I would first like to learn how to cook, as is{LF}proper. Erm! J-just because! I don't mean anything by that! Honest! ...? A-anyway, nothing's wrong! I-I'm just thinking, is all. I would first like to learn how to cook, as is proper... Erm! J-just because! I don't mean anything by that! Honest! ... @フォルテ@? M-my apologies! I was simply thinking about...things, again. Are you okay? @クローリカ@ has been worried that something's{LF}happened with you. ...Yeah, I guess I can't lose my concentration at work like{LF}this. Huh? All right, then. Um... All right what? I'll leave town for a while, so that I can focus on my training. What?! I'll be going, then! Um, @フォルテ@? Now that that's been decided, there are things that I'll need{LF}to prepare...*MUMBLE* *MUMBLE* She didn't hear me. It is really amazing how Forte can concentrate so exclusively. She can focus it down like a beam and then make a straight{LF}line for her goal. Isn't that incredible? I want to learn how to do that{LF}someday! Forte leaves town to train...and then @しゅじんこうくん@ leaves{LF}to chase after her... At least, that's what happened in my dream. Pardon me. @フォルテ@?! ... What's wrong? Erm, well... I've decided to leave town for a while so that I can focus on{LF}my training. What?! Right now? Yes. I'll be gone until I can prevent these stray thoughts from{LF}driving me to distraction. Stray thoughts? A-anyway, my mind is made up! But it's dangerous for you to leave town alone. At least let me go with you. What...? Th-then that would mean we would be...alone together in{LF}the dojo...at night... W-wait! What am I thinking?! @フォルテ@?! A-anyway, I'm leaving to go and train! At least tell me where the dojo is-- She's gone. And I don't even know where she went. Maybe if I ask around, somebody will know. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. You're looking for my sister? Well, you know the +hut+ that's +near @マップ9@+? I think she'll be somewhere around there. Dad used to take her there a lot when we were little. Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. I wonder if Forte is being sure to get enough sleep where{LF}she's training. Maybe I should go +ask Kiel+ where she is and pay her a visit. Forte is amazing! Once she makes up her mind to do{LF}something, she does it right away! I wish I could be that decisive about everything! Oh! If you want to know where she is, maybe you could +ask{LF}Kiel+. I heard that +Forte+ left town in order to concentrate on her{LF}training. I granted her a leave of absence to train, but I'd think her{LF}skills are more than enough. She insisted, however, that she needed the time to ''settle{LF}her mind,'' as she put it. Hrm. Perhaps I should ask +Clorica+ and +Vishnal+ what they know of{LF}the situation. @フォルテ@. Wh-what?! @しゅじんこうくん@? Wh-what are you doing here? I heard you were here. I looked all over for you. Wha...? Erm...I-I'm sorry, I'm presently concentrating on my training... I know. But it's okay if I come and see you every once in a while,{LF}right? That...erm... It's not okay. What? No, I mean I'm very glad that you want to come see me! B-but this is how I'm attempting to control those feelings!{LF}Some way! Somehow! ...? Er, i-in other words, I'm glad to see you, but I'm not really,{LF}which contradicts itself and--! ...?? Urk... E-enough! I'm confusing myself. You may come see me, but{LF}only for a little bit at a time! Okay. ... Erm... ...? Please step back. I don't want to hit you accidentally. Oh. Right. Man, there really isn't anything around here, is there? Um, @フォルテ@? Y-yeep! Huh? Er, my apologies. I was just a bit, uh...nervous. Nervous? About what? N-nothing! By the way, may I ask why you're here? Well... I was wondering why you picked this place to train. If you're looking for a quiet place, there are some a lot closer{LF}to town. I... I remembered something that my mother once told me. Oh? @しゅじんこうくん@? Do you mind if I tell you a little about my past? Sure! Every. Last. Detail. This is back when my mother was still alive. Whenever something would happen, she would always go{LF}back and read her diary. Once, I was curious and asked her much like what you just{LF}asked me. And, patting my head like she always did, she told me... ''This is where my beginning is.'' Her beginning? Yes. She taught me, once... ''Whenever you don't know what it is you must do, return{LF}first to the beginning.'' ''The reason you chose to begin what you did is always{LF}found at the start.'' ''The beginning is the only place from which anyone can truly{LF}start living.'' This is the place where I first made the decision to become a{LF}knight. That is my beginning. ... ...*RUSTLE*... Who's there?! Monsters?! ...We're surrounded. @しゅじんこうくん@, stay close to me! @しゅじんこうくん@, stay close to me! Let's go back! Right! Back where? We cannot allow this pack of monsters to roam freely! Back to my training ground! To the +hut+ by +@マップ9@+! ...Whew. It seems that was the last of them. Are you all right? Yeah. Are you? I'm fine. I knew it was too dangerous for you to be here all by{LF}yourself. No, I'll be all right. But... I still cannot return home. Why? ... I have...weakened. I can't concentrate as wholly as I must. A certain situation keeps, um...stealing my attention. Huh? A-anyway! I cannot leave this situation as-is! I must become better! Stronger! Why is being stronger that important to you? I... ... ...I was once told I would never be able to protect anyone. What...? That's what my father told me, the day I was dubbed a{LF}knight. He died before I could prove him wrong. Thus...I must become stronger. I must continue to get better until I can say with pride that{LF}he was wrong. I cannot allow myself to be...sidetracked. @フォルテ@... ...I promised my mother, as well. Oh? N-nothing. Pay it no mind. Anyway, there's no need for you to worry, @しゅじんこうくん@. I promise you I will protect everything. ... I can't return to town just yet. I must train until certain...stray thoughts can no longer{LF}fracture my concentration. Oh hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. @バド@. What are you doing here? Not much. Just looking around for Forte. How are you two doing, by the way? Still getting along? We're madly in W-U-V! Okay, I guess. Good to hear, good to hear. Keep it up now, okay? Oh! And you wouldn't happen to know where Forte got off{LF}to, would you? She's training outside of town. Ah, so she's at that training ground again. Guess I'd better go tell her. Tell her what? That Kiel's bedridden. It's nothing major. He just got a cold and then went and{LF}made it worse. He's resting at the clinic now. I figured I might as well go{LF}give her the news. He's going to be okay? That's good. ... @バド@? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Could I ask you to go tell her, instead? Huh? Oh, uh, sure. I don't mind. Great. Thanks. Have you told Forte about Kiel yet? If you haven't, could you go do it sometime soon? Kiel must have been pretty exhausted. Sheesh. Both brother and sister drive themselves entirely too{LF}hard. Goodness, that boy! Kiel went and pushed himself so hard{LF}he wound up collapsing. If you're having a hard time, you should tell someone! You{LF}don't have to muddle through it alone. ... He's sleeping like a log. @フォルテ@! @しゅじんこうくん@... I-I thought I told you I wouldn't be going back to town yet. @キール@'s collapsed. What?! He just overdid it and made a little cold he got worse, so{LF}he's oka-- @フォルテ@? ... He's been like this for a while now. Oh, the memories this brings back. Hmm? It was the same thing anytime Kiel got hurt or sick. Forte wouldn't leave his side until he was well. I hear they've always been that way, even before I became a{LF}nurse here. She's such a wonderful sister. ... Nnh... Kiel! Are you awake? For...te...? Oh, thank goodness. I was just a little sick. You don't have to make such a big{LF}deal of it. It IS a big deal! If anything were ever to happen to you... Forte... Really, I'm fine. Honest. But... Besides, are you really sure you should be here? It's your job to protect the town, right? ...Yes. Then you shouldn't be sitting around here, right? You have a{LF}job to do. Being a knight was your dream. So go back to it. ... C'mon. You'd better get going. Kiel... ...All right. But try not to push yourself too hard, all right? I won't. My apologies for the commotion. No, it's all right. Don't worry about it. @しゅじんこうくん@, I apologize for causing you such trouble. Don't worry! It wasn't any trouble at all. Well then, I must be going. I leave my brother in your care. We'll take good care of him, don't you worry. I hope Forte is all right. Huh? She has always worried entirely too much whenever{LF}something happens to Kiel. I hope she doesn't let too many doubts creep in and weigh{LF}her down. ... Oh, hey @しゅじんこうくん@! Sorry about all that fuss. Don't worry about it. Are you feeling better? Yeah, lots better. ...Thanks. ... @しゅじんこうくん@... Thank you for telling me what happened to +Kiel+. Oh, and I must thank +Bado+ as well. I'm still a little worried about Kiel. He always clams up when he's having a hard time. He needs to speak up more. It's normal for boys his age to{LF}complain about hardship. Nancy was quite worried about Kiel. I can't say I'm unconcerned, either. It looks as if he has been having a rough time lately, but he{LF}isn't saying anything about it. Oh hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks for taking care of Kiel and Forte. So how was it? How was what? Forte. As soon as something happened to Kiel, all she saw{LF}was him, right? Well, yeah. He is her little brother. That's not all. Huh? Those two aren't normal siblings. Watching over them for all these years has shown me that. How do you mean? Forte's mom died when she was 10. Her dad passed 4 years later. Her dad was a friend of mine, see. That's how I met them. So once both he and his wife died, I looked after his kids. Actually living with them was a big eye-opener, let me tell{LF}you. Even without me, those two could manage pretty darn well. It was just the two of them, but they were still a family. They each had their roles, and they carried them out well. ... So really, I'm their adoptive parent only in name. All I wound up doing was making Forte mad all the time. @バド@... So. Now what are you gonna do? Huh...? You've got a better idea now, right? To Forte, Kiel will always be first and foremost. Do you think you will still be able to love her, even though{LF}you won't be her number one? ... Of course. Oh, you don't have to tell me. Huh? That answer is one you have to give to Forte. I'm too busy thinking of ways to make money to worry about{LF}playing relationship counselor. Still... What are those two gonna do? I mean, they can't stay the way they are forever. ... @しゅじんこうくん@... Thank you for telling me about Kiel. Oh, and I ought to thank Bado as well. Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! Thanks for your help the other day. I'm feeling loads better now! ♪ Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. I hear that Kiel has made a complete recovery. Thank you for your help. Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. ... You look tired. N-no, I'm quite all right! I'm not tired at all! ...Well, perhaps a little. Something's wrong, isn't it? ...It's Kiel. I think he's hiding something from me. Oh? Yes. But when I ask him about it, he refuses to answer. That has been worrying me for days. Ah, so that's it. And it seems Vishnal is in on it as well. Both of them are hiding something from me. ... I believe Kiel may be hiding something from me. And it seems Vishnal is in on it as well. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. What is it? Hmm? Am I...hiding something? About Kiel? O-of course not! Why would I hide anything? I would never do such a thing. Honest! Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Er...what is it? I-I'm not hiding anything. Nothing at all! Ha ha... Huh? Am I hiding something? Well...I'd be lying if I said no. But it's not that big a thing at all, so I'm sure it's okay! ♪ Of course I'm hiding stuff. But it's nothing big, so I'm sure it's okay. ♪ I'm asking you what you're doing! And I told you I can't say! Are you and Vishnal hiding something from me?! Of course we are! So?! What?! ... ...@キール@, listen to me. Lying to a person means you are deceiving them! Cheating{LF}them! I know! But there are some lies that you just can't avoid. Perhaps. But forcing those on others is a terrible thing to do. You're making them bear a burden that you chose to drop. Don't you feel any shame? Well... ...But I'm not lying! I just said I can't tell you yet. That is just splitting hairs! What difference does it make? It still has nothing to do with{LF}you! Wha?! I'm not a child anymore, y'know! Of course I'm going to have a secret or two! Only children insist they aren't a child anymore! Besides, I have my duty as a knight to protect you and-- That's your problem, not mine! ...! I've had it! Just because you made that promise with Mom-- Kiel! Ah...! Anyway, leave me alone! Kiel...! Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@... ... Um... @しゅじんこうくん@... My apologies. I didn't mean for you to have to witness that. We haven't had an argument like that in years. @フォルテ@... Can I help at all? Good luck. Hm? Is there anything I can do? I want to help. @しゅじんこうくん@... Er, thank you but I don't know if this is something I should{LF}burden you with... It won't be a burden. My lover is having trouble. Isn't it natural that I want to help? @しゅじんこうくん@... All right... Well then, could I ask you to join me for a walk? I...need a{LF}change of pace. I'd love to. ...You are right. I cannot call myself a knight in good conscience if I let this{LF}get the better of me. How about we go to my training grounds? Huh? ...You would rather not? No, I'm okay with it. Oh, that's good. I...I think now I understand what she must have felt. Hmm? My mother, when she would go and re-read through her{LF}journal. I think that was her way of pulling herself together and{LF}organizing her feelings. @フォルテ@... Will you come with me, @しゅじんこうくん@? Of course. ... @フォルテ@... It looks like she's still worrying over @キール@. Shall we go? We are headed to my training grounds, near{LF}@マップ9@. Oh. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Sorry, but could you leave me alone for a little bit? Hmm? Oh, hey. You two headed off somewhere? Yes, we're going to my training grounds. Hmm. What about you? I am, as you can see, headed back to town. I've managed to scrounge up the materials I was looking for. So you were working. For once. Ha ha ha! Yeah, I do get around to it every once in great{LF}while! That's not something to boast about! Anyway, so that's what was going on, eh? Ahh. Makes{LF}sense. Puberty and all. What? And I'm not sure I like a knowing smile on your face{LF}like that. Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry so much. Don't you lie to me. And cease whatever reprehensible idea{LF}you are concocting this instant. Like what? Well, like-- --And stop tricking me into saying them aloud!! Ha ha ha! Good. You're looking a little cheerier, so I guess it's all{LF}worked out in the end. What? Anyway... Now don't go doing anything I wouldn't, you two. What are you talking about?! Uh-oh! Time for me to get going. See you! Hmph! He's no slouch about running away, is he? Well then, shall we be going? Yeah. ... @フォルテ@? Oh, er... It's nothing. Bado simply said odder things than he usually does. Hmm? N-never mind. ...? Well, here we are. Yes. So now what? That's a good question. Do you mind if I shout first? Huh? STUPID KIEL!! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?! ...! ...There. I feel a little better. ... @しゅじんこうくん@? Is something the matter? Ummm... That surprised me. ...Are you okay? Er, sorry. I just...had to. O-oh. Wh-what? I-I'm fine, I assure you! I have not gone insane! But you suddenly shouted at the top of your lungs... Er, I-I was simply frustrated to the point I thought it{LF}necessary. Oh... Ah! You still doubt me, don't you? I-I'm not crazy. This has, er, always been something I've{LF}done, ever since I was little. I, uh, I may not seem like it now, but I was a very, er...{LF}rambunctious child. You? Yes. When we were little, I'd take Kiel by the hand and drag him{LF}off into all kinds of adventures. Even now, I occasionally feel the urge to take off running. Ah. Hmm? Let me guess. The reason you jog around town isn't only to{LF}patrol, it's an excuse to run. ...I cannot deny that. So this whole time, you've just been pretending to be the{LF}dutiful and oh-so-serious knight? P-pretending...? ...You could say that, I guess. I'm a normal person, you know. I, too, like to cut loose on{LF}occasion. Ah. Though, um, I don't always scream like a barbarian. I swear. Coming here simply...brought back old memories. ... My father used to bring me here to train me. I'd stand here, and he'd stand across from me, sword raised. I practiced as hard as I could, hoping to earn his praise. Little girl Forte... ...Hee hee. What's so funny? Oh, sorry. I was just imagining what you must have been{LF}like. I couldn't help but chuckle. I bet you were just as stubborn and hard-headed as you are{LF}now. Well pardon me! And just as kind-hearted, too. Urk...! A-are you going to +tease+ me or +compliment+ me? Make up{LF}your mind! Ah ha ha! Hmph! ...Though yes, I was stubborn. At least as stubborn as my{LF}father. Your father was, too? Yes, very. He was both stubborn and strict. He didn't speak much. But, when I finally reached a goal after working as hard as I{LF}could... He'd always walk up to me and ruffle my hair kindly. And clumsily. I remember always thinking how rough and{LF}calloused his hands were, like rocks. I loved it when he would do that. It made me want to try{LF}harder to reach my next goal. ... ...But that was all before Kiel was born. What? I was older, but Kiel was a son. I think Father wanted to train him to be his heir. It would only be natural. After all, a woman as a Dragon Knight was unheard of. But... Even though I understood it with my head, my heart couldn't{LF}take it. @フォルテ@... I did think about giving up the sword then. Once. But... Forte! @バド@? What is it? Kiel collapsed again! What?! Hurry back to town! R-right! Ah! Monsters?! I'll handle them! You get going! But...! Go, @フォルテ@! Don't worry about us! ...! Th-thank you! Look sharp, @しゅじんこうくん@! Whew. That's the last of them. Yeah. Thanks for the help. We'd better head back to town, too. Yeah. ...He's sleeping. Oh...! Er, Forte is waiting. You should go see her soon. Hrm. I'm worried about Kiel, but I think in this case it'd be{LF}wise to see Forte first. Gotta let her know we're okay. Whew. Got away from that one. I'm worried about Kiel, but I think in this case it'd be wise to{LF}see Forte first. Gotta let her know we're okay. @しゅじんこうくん@! Thank goodness you're okay. Yeah. Though I couldn't have done it without{LF}@バド@'s help. How's @キール@? He's fine. He overworked himself into a fever, is all. He simply needs{LF}some rest, and he'll be fine. Really? That's good to hear. My apologies for worrying you so. I think I'll be headed home, then. Give Kiel my regards when he wakes up, will you? Of course. Thank you. ... @フォルテ@? @しゅじんこうくん@. Am I enough? Huh? I told myself I'd keep Kiel safe, but I didn't even notice he{LF}was acting differently. I swore that I'd protect you, but when danger arose, I left{LF}you to run to Kiel's side. In the end...I haven't managed to protect anything. @フォルテ@-- ... My apologies. I did not mean to gripe at you. Pay it no mind. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must return to work. Ah! @フォルテ@... I think Kiel will wake before too long. I'm sure he'd like it if you would visit him once he's up. Whew, I sure am glad you were out there. You're the only one she would've listened to. Huh? She's way too caught up in what she thinks a knight ought{LF}to be. Gotta say, I can't understand why. Sounds like a total pain in the butt to me. If anybody asked{LF}me to do it, I'd say no way. Maybe she's still hung up on what her father said. ... Man, it's at times like this when it really hits home that I'm{LF}not a parent. Huh? When you're a kid, your family is your whole world, right? So kids will do all sorts of things just to see if they can get{LF}their parents to praise them. But if I try to tell her she's done enough, she doesn't hear{LF}me. I'm not her dad, see. @バド@... Well, I think that's enough philosophizing for now. Anyway, thanks for your help today. Hi, @ビシュナル@. Visiting @キール@? @しゅじんこうくん@... ... @ビシュナル@? Erm... I...I'm sorry. Huh? ...! ...? Ngh... Hey, @キール@. @しゅじんこうくん@... Oh...I guess I collapsed again... Are you okay? ...Yeah, I'm better now. Thank goodness. I'll go and let @フォルテ@ know. Hey, um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Thanks for taking care of my sister. Huh? She smiles a whole lot more nowadays. And it's always when she talks about you. Around me, she always talks about you. Really? Yeah. Oh. And I keep trying to tell her she doesn't need to worry about{LF}me anymore... It's frustrating. Hmm? Still...I'm happy. I've told her over and over that I'll be fine on my own... But I guess I'm still her little brother. ...And she'll always be my big sister. @キール@... ... ...I'm sorry. Huh? I'm sorry. ...I'm confused. What're you apologizing to me for? Because I took your sister from you. ... ...Will you give her back? No. Yes. No, I'm afraid I can't do that. She's very important to me, too. That's why I'm sorry. Don't say that. It's way too late for you to undo all that you've done, now. Forte has already made a place for you in her heart. Don't you have a place for her already made up in yours? ... Man, now you're making me all jealous! ... Y'know, I think I don't like clinics that much. They make me{LF}feel timid. ...And they remind me too much of the past. I've never been very strong. So I've done things that got me brought here more than{LF}once. It always caused so much trouble for my whole family. Back then, Forte had to protect me all the time. Every time I cried, every time I fell down, she would be there. Every single time. And, when Mom died... @キール@... I'm sure she wanted to cry more than anyone. When we found out Mom wasn't going to make it, I couldn't{LF}have been the only one who was sad. She must've been devastated, too. ... @しゅじんこうくん@, y'know... Forte became a knight for my sake. Huh? I...saw what happened. I watched her make that promise to Mom, right here. She'd said she wasn't going to be a knight, but... Mom took her hand and asked her to. She said she wanted Forte to be a knight, for my sake. Then, as a knight, she could protect me. ... I decided to go along with it, because I knew it would make{LF}them both happy. I was sick of seeing everybody sad all the time. So I decided I'd smile, no matter what was happening. I swore to myself that's what I'd do. So, @しゅじんこうくん@? I'll be fine. I want to do whatever makes everybody happy. That's all I've ever wanted to do. So don't worry about me. I'll be okay. @キール@... I want to do whatever makes everybody happy. So, @しゅじんこうくん@? I'll be fine. I have to say, I'm worried. And not just about Kiel. I'm worried for Forte, as well. Kiel always forces himself to put a cheery face on any{LF}situation, no matter how bad. And Forte is so overprotective of him she nearly worries{LF}herself sick at the littlest thing. Seeing them at odds like this is disturbing. It's almost as if{LF}they've been +cursed+! I'm worried not only for their health, but about their hearts as{LF}well. Kiel and Forte, I'm worried about them both. Seeing them at odds like this is disturbing. It is almost as if{LF}they've been +cursed+! I'm worried not only for their health, but about their hearts as{LF}well. I'm worried for Kiel and Forte. I hope they'll be okay. @しゅじんこうくん@... ... @フォルテ@? I...I have a duty to protect Kiel. I promised my mother and father. ...I know. So I must. No matter what sacrifices it takes, I must protect him. ...Even if that means losing you. @フォルテ@... ... ...Pardon me. @ビシュナル@? What is it? Has there been some kind of trouble? No, no trouble...I... I'm sorry! Huh? For what? This is all my fault! I should have told you about it long before now. About what? ... Vishnal, could you tell us exactly what's going on? ...Of course. It began with a letter from the capital. It was an inquiry about the state of our town's Dragon{LF}Knight. ...In other words, it was asking us if you were up to your job,{LF}Forte. What...? ...Please continue. We composed a reply, laying out several solid reasons why{LF}you are more than satisfactory. But then we got another letter. This time it asked about Kiel. Why would the capital ask about @キール@? Kiel is of an age to be a Dragon Knight himself. It was asking if he was prepared to take my place, correct? ...Yes. Wait a minute! That makes it sound like they think @フォルテ@ has just{LF}been a substitute for @キール@! I am. Wha? I was given the position for the time it took Kiel to come of{LF}age. That was the only reason I was ever allowed to become a{LF}Dragon Knight. Huh? Why? Because I'm a woman. Wha? A woman like me is not as fit for knighthood as a man. So there's nothing I can do about being held to different{LF}standards. But... When my father died, the capital had planned to send some{LF}other knight to take his place. But I asked them to wait. Lady Ventuswill and the castle staff all supported me in this. They used my family's status and Kiel's age as means to stall{LF}them. In the end, the capital is not wrong in its views. The only reason I was able to succeed my father's position{LF}was because of Kiel. ... The capital had tacitly agreed to let Forte hold the position{LF}this whole time. But recently, some rumors have started to circulate that{LF}reflect poorly on her. Rumors about how she caused an elefun to run amok, and{LF}how she cannot concentrate on the job. The position of Dragon Knight comes with much honor, so it{LF}draws a lot of attention. So some have decided to use these rumors as an opportunity{LF}to put young Kiel in Forte's place... And then steal the position away? ...Possibly. It's my fault for presenting them the opening in the first{LF}place. Vishnal. Yes? How did the castle respond to that letter? Erm... When we mentioned it to Kiel, he said he would do{LF}something about it. And he asked us to keep it a secret from you. He said that it would only cause you sorrow, should you{LF}learn of it. So what @キール@ has been hiding this whole time is... Yes. That. ... Why didn't you ask me about this sooner? Why?! @フォルテ@... Kiel has been fighting this. He has been fighting it himself this whole time! What...? He has researched everything he possibly could, even well{LF}into the night... All so that he could put together a document that would{LF}finally convince them! He has been working so, so hard. He said that it's because{LF}this is partly his fault. He begged us to let him do it by himself, to make up for that! He did...? Yes. What a Native Dragon is to us. What it means to be a{LF}Dragon Knight. How many ways his sister is truly fit to be a knight. How he would support and aid you in that position. He showed us the report he put together. We all thought it{LF}would be enough. But then the response came back from the capital... What did they say? It said ''We understand your position.'' ''Prove its veracity in a Sanctioned Duel.'' A Sanctioned Duel? Two contestants fight each other before an official judge.{LF}The winner is deemed right. It's a fight? Between who? ...Myself and Kiel. Correct? ...Yes. What?! Does Kiel know this? Yes. This time he collapsed when he read their response. I believe the exhaustion and the tension of these last few{LF}days have caught up with him. I see. ...I'm sorry. I should have told you about this long ago! No, there's nothing you need to apologize for, Vishnal. But... Enough!! Oh... ...Er, my apologies. It seems I am slightly tired, myself. I think I'm going to step out for some fresh air. ... @ビシュナル@... I...I think @フォルテ@ is blaming herself. Yes, she likely is. But... I think it's best we all go home for now. Yes...you're right. We will let you know for which day the duel is scheduled. Would you please pass that on to Forte? I'm sure it would be better that she heard it from you rather{LF}than me. ...Okay. Thank you. We will let you know for which day the duel is scheduled. Would you please pass that on to Forte? ...I'm sorry. Poor Forte and Kiel. I'm so worried about them I can't sleep. So they have called for a Sanctioned Duel? ...My sincerest apologies that we could not do more for you. For them to call a Sanctioned Duel means this has become{LF}quite a large event. ...My apologies. It seems I underestimated the stir this would{LF}cause. @フォルテ@... ... I'd like to go to my training grounds. Will you join me? Hmm? We can...speak there. Please. Okay. @フォルテ@. ... @ビシュナル@ asked me to tell you... They will let us know later what day the duel is going to be. A duel. Even if this is not a lethal sparring match, I still must point my{LF}sword at my brother. ... @キール@ told me something the other day. He said he overheard your mom ask you to become his{LF}knight. ... So he did hear. As I told you before... Once Kiel was born, my father intended to make him his heir. When I discovered this, I abandoned the sword. But my mother took my hands and begged me. To protect Kiel. It is a knight's duty to protect. She wished me to protect Kiel, like a knight protects the{LF}people. I remember how firmly she held my hands that day, though{LF}she was on her deathbed. It was the last promise I ever made to her. ... To keep that promise to Mother, I made a promise with my{LF}father. I promised him I'd become Kiel's knight. That was my beginning. That was the one, most important reason I did what I did! ...It's funny. I became a knight to protect Kiel. But now...to protect my position, Kiel has driven himself to{LF}illness. My being a knight was supposed to keep Kiel safe. ...But now it's causing him nothing but harm. Not only that... I'm told that, to keep that position, I must fight him! I must duel the one person I was meant to protect! Do they honestly expect me to cut down someone so{LF}important to me, all for the sake of a title? It's ridiculous! It's outrageous! That's not why I trained so hard to become a knight! I took up the sword to protect Kiel! To protect the town! To protect you! I wield my sword to keep those precious to me safe! I...! I... ...I don't know what I'm going to do... @フォルテ@... It seems my father was right. Hmm? In the end...I can't protect anything. ... ... I want to do whatever makes everybody happy. So don't worry about me, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'll be fine. Um, @バド@? Yeah? Uh... What's up? You look like you've got something you want to{LF}ask. Make small talk. Ask about Kiel and Forte. I thought as much. To be honest, I saw this one coming. Huh? I told you before, remember? Those two are more than just{LF}brother and sister. ... Have you heard about their parents? Yeah. I knew their dad, way back in the day. He told me a lot about the both of them. He was totally serious about everything. Such a dull guy... But when he talked about his kids his face lit up like you{LF}wouldn't believe. He must've been a good father. Yeah, he was. Then his wife died. ...I remember that day. He came through my door, his face as pale as milk... He shambled over here, plunking down like a puppet with its{LF}strings cut. Then he asked if he could stay just for the day. We drank all through the night. All the way into morning,{LF}really. That was the first and last time I saw him truly drunk. ... He asked me a favor, then. Here. This letter's for you. This is for me? Yeah. He knew one day that Kiel and Forte's situation would{LF}cause them grief. When that happened, he wanted me to give this to the{LF}person closest to them. This was a request from a close friend of mine, and now it's{LF}a request from me. Take it. ...Thank you. So what's it say? Huh? You want me to read it? If he didn't want it read, he would've said that when he gave{LF}it to me. O-okay...I'll read it. Good. Let's hear what it has to say. When you read this letter, my son and daughter will be{LF}suffering. That's because of the +curse+ my wife bound them with... And because I was too foolish and too weak to free them of{LF}it. A +curse+...? Keep reading. ...Okay. Whoever reads this letter... Please, save my children. I believe you will be able to accept all that they are, and all{LF}they can be. Oh, he gave me this key, too. A key? Yeah. Don't know what it's for, though. Looks too small for a{LF}house-key. Maybe a lockbox or something? Well, we know that the key's owner was from that house. Why don't you go ask those two what it might be to? A +curse+, eh? Who would do that to their own children? Dunno. If we want to find out, we need to figure out what{LF}that key is for. Why don't you go ask Forte or Kiel what it might be for? Oh. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Ask about the key. Just stopping by. Oh. Sorry, I'm not really in the mood to chat right now. That key...! It's for Mom's old +music box+! Where did you find it? Um...@バド@ had it. He said your father asked him to hold onto it. Ah, okay. That's a +music box+ key. It was a big, fancy box. Mom kept her +journal+ inside it. When she died, Dad took the key. He said he'd pass it on to me once I was old enough. ...But he wasn't around long enough to give it to me. Oh... It wasn't until later that I noticed the music box was gone,{LF}too. But if Dad kept the key... Then I think he must have had the music box, too. Then, this key... Isn't really worth much now, is it? Keep it. I don't need it. Having it will just...remind me of things I don't want to think{LF}about. @キール@... That key is for my mom's old music box. But we don't have the music box here anymore. I think Dad must've taken it when he took the key. ... @フォルテ@... Oh... Excuse me. I was woolgathering a moment, there. What is it? Ask about the key. Oh, nothing. I see. Er...I'm sorry, but I'd like some peace in which to think, if you{LF}don't mind. Hmm? This key? Oh! This was the +key to our secret hideout+! Where did you{LF}find it? Huh? Hmm? You think it's to something else? Er, not really... Uh, so you know of this? Yes. Father carried it around with him everywhere. Father always carried that key with him. It was to our +secret{LF}hideout+. Now that I think about it, where did I hear him talk about it? I feel like I'm forgetting something... The key to a secret hideout, or the key to a music box? It's too small to be a normal key, too. Maybe I should go ask @バド@ about it. A +secret hideout+? Oh, I remember that. You do? Yeah. There's that hut near @マップ9@, right? He would use a place out there as his own personal training{LF}grounds. I remember him calling that place his +secret hideout+. The training grounds...? Yeah. I know I heard him call it that. He told me he even went and hid a +treasure+ inside it. Heck,{LF}he even drew up a +treasure map+. Maybe that music box Kiel talked about is buried out there,{LF}somewhere. ... There's that hut near @マップ9@, right? He would use a place out there as his own personal training{LF}grounds. That's probably the +secret hideout+ he was talking about. He told me he hid a +treasure+ in there somewhere, and drew{LF}up a +treasure map+. Maybe you'll find the music box Kiel mentioned out there. This is... Some scribbles done by a kid? It kinda looks like a map. Try reading it. Forget about it. Here's @マップ0@, and that's the hut... Heading south from there, X marks the spot. It looks like the place where @フォルテ@ goes to train. Hmm? Something's buried here. ...A music box? Could this be the one that @キール@ was talking{LF}about? Oh, hey! There's a little keyhole and a drawer on the{LF}bottom... Use the key. Leave it, for now. *CLICK* It opened... Here it is. Spring 26th. I'm at the clinic, and have just been told I don't have much{LF}time left. After a moment of silence, he rested his large, rough hands{LF}on my hair, ruffling it fondly. The tears wouldn't come out. Spring 27th. It rained today. My children have come to visit, and they're running around{LF}the room, playing. Their father admonishes them to be still, but they don't listen{LF}for long. It's a scene like that of any other, normal day for us. I wish we could have continued this simple happiness{LF}forever. Is that Mother's journal? Yeah. It was inside the music box. I found it buried at your training ground. What...? It was your father's letter that showed me where to look. ... Could you please read the rest of it to me? Sure. Summer 1st. My husband brought our children to visit again. They said they were going to go swimming later today. I told them I was jealous. They simply looked at each other{LF}and laughed. They told me to get better soon, so that I could go with{LF}them next time. I simply smiled and nodded. But then a thought crossed my{LF}mind. How many next times do I have left? Spring 30th. The sunset was beautiful today. My husband found time to visit me. For a while, we sat in silence and watched the sun go down. Before it disappeared below the horizon entirely, I told him. I said we would need to tell our children the truth, soon. My husband was never good with words. He simply nodded{LF}and gave me a pat on the shoulder. For a moment, the warmth of his hand on my shoulder felt{LF}so sad, I couldn't help it. I leaned into his chest and cried. He told me he was sorry. Just that one word, whispered in his gravelly voice. Summer 1st. I told my children the truth about my illness today. I don't remember much of what happened afterwards. All I know is that they were far more quiet for far longer than{LF}I had expected. I must have forgotten. But this reminded me. Sorrow is quiet, and it is deep. I must have been so happy with my simple joys lately that it{LF}wiped that truth from my mind. ... ...Mother must have been afraid. Hmm? I remember, now. Father took me to that mansion many times when I was{LF}little. He said that, when he was a boy, he used to think of it as{LF}his secret hideout. I was told many scary stories there. I saw several very...odd{LF}things, as well. It was then that I started to be, uh, less than enthusiastic{LF}about ghosts and the occult. ...I'd always hated that cowardly part of myself. But...now I see. Mother was scared, too. She just...never showed it to us. @フォルテ@... ... I'll read the rest. Summer 13th. Today, Forte visited me, looking sad. From what she told me, she means to give up her dream of{LF}becoming a knight. I think I can guess why. Summer 14th. I talked to my husband about our daughter. I asked him if Kiel truly must be the one to succeed him. He looked at me with a pained expression. It seems my daughter was not the only one worrying about{LF}exactly that. But there's nothing I can do. I have so little time left. Summer 15th. I awoke at dusk. Forte came to visit me again, and I begged one favor of her. I asked her to become Kiel's knight. @フォルテ@... If Father hid this, he must have known about the promise. And he couldn't get himself to stop me from becoming a{LF}knight. Perhaps because he realized that I saw my mother through{LF}that promise. That it was through the promise that my mother protected{LF}me. That I was trying desperately to forget all my grief. He knew it all. ... ...How pathetic. I've been the protected one. For far, far longer than I thought. Protected... ...and loved. ...! @しゅじんこうくん@, thank you. I finally understand what my father was trying to say. All these years, I was caught up in my promise and never{LF}noticed that I was being protected. There's no way someone can protect others when they can't{LF}even see that much. Father knew that. But he couldn't tell me. If he did, I would have lost my one driving goal in life. ... But now, now I'll be all right. I have the people of this town. I have my brother. And I have you. Pardon me. The date of the Sanctioned Duel has been set for tomorrow. Tomorrow? Already? We had delayed our response so much that they were ready{LF}for us. We may be able to negotiate a short extension-- No, tomorrow will do fine. @フォルテ@... It's all right. I know what it is I must protect. Please, I would be honored if you would come and watch{LF}tomorrow's duel. It'll be all right. I won't mistake the one thing I must protect{LF}above all else again. I am so sorry...I wish it did not have to turn out this way. I hope Kiel will be all right. So it's tomorrow, eh? It'll be okay, @しゅじんこうくん@. I mean, it's not like there's any chance I could win. Tomorrow is the day. Could you please ask both Kiel and Forte to make sure they{LF}get plenty of rest? Vishnal and Mr. Volkanon look so very worried over this all. Isn't there any other way? So the date for the duel has been set to tomorrow. How very{LF}soon. I am confident all will be well, however. I have faith in both{LF}brother and sister. Tomorrow, eh? I guess all that's left for us to do is see it through to the end. The Sanctioned Duel will be conducted in the Dragon Room. I must prepare first. Please, go on ahead. ...Don't worry. Wait and have faith. I won't fail you. It is almost time. There is nothing I can do, and that frustrates me to no end...! Everything will work out if I lose today, right? That's all I need to do...right? ... We will make certain this duel is judged fairly and{LF}impartially. It would be a detriment to all involved were it not. What do you think will happen? Now all that remains is for us to await the correct time. ...All will be well. Those two will surely pull through. All that's left is to finish it. Summer 16th. I woke up in the early hours of the morning. My body felt strangely light. I suspect this will be my last entry. I had a dream about what my children would be like when{LF}they were all grown up. Begin! They're going to grow so big and strong. They will have their own lives, but I hope they never forget{LF}one thing. Should they ever find themselves confused and lost, they{LF}must return to the beginning. You will always find your reasons for what you do when you{LF}go back to the beginning. Not only that... What you hoped for at the start is connected to your heart. Find that hope, and you will find your heart. And people can only truly live where their heart is. Yes... This may not hold true for everyone, but for us... It was the only way we knew how to live. So I wish-- ...Ngh! H-Halt! Kiel. Forte...? Take this. Please. Huh? It's a letter from Mother and Father. A letter? Wait...what? How...? I'm sorry I hid it from you. I knew that, if you read it, you would refuse to duel me{LF}today. But I wanted to make certain we settled things between us. Forte... ...I'm sorry. ... Can I, um, read it? Now? Yes. ...that you will become Kiel's knight. Should you both ever find that this promise pains you like a{LF}curse... Should you ever lose sight of what your true hopes and{LF}feelings are... ...I hope that you will read these words. Forte. Kiel. Thank you for being in my life. Having you two in my life made me incredibly happy. ...Thank you. -To my beloved children. From your mother. ... Mom...Dad... ... I've been so scared for so long. I always felt like Mom and Dad only ever paid attention to{LF}you. I even started to wonder if they loved me at all... I know there wasn't any reason they wouldn't...I just{LF}convinced myself it was true. I didn't want to be hated...so I decided I'd smile all the time,{LF}so people would like me. ... Kiel. Let's try this again, from the beginning. Wha...? Not for Mother, or for Father. Let's try again, for what we both want to protect more than{LF}anything... For that one thing most important to us. Let's go back to the start. Begin again. ... ...Yeah. @しゅじんこうくん@, thank you. These events have taught me many things. They weren't easy trials, but I managed to overcome them. Because I had you by my side. Thank you. You're welcome. Would you allow me to revise one thing? Huh? What is it? Not long ago, I told you that, even should I lose you, I would{LF}still protect Kiel. Do you remember? ...Yeah. I'd like to retract that. Huh? It was, after all, a bald-faced lie. I said it to make myself{LF}seem more confident than I felt. Wha...? Allow me to correct myself. I don't think there's anything I'd want to protect if it meant{LF}losing you. No matter what may happen... I'll never even think of letting you go. ...th-that is all. ... Um...does that mean... A knight never goes back on her word. Huh? No, I meant... Th-this discussion is over! Ah... Um, @フォルテ@? I-I will not go back on my word! Ah... @しゅじんこうくん@. Take care of my sister, okay? Such...such determination...! I was so moved! I think I will try again from the very beginning, too! Whew. All is well that ends well, indeed. Though I will admit I knew it would turn out this way from{LF}the beginning. Looks like they broke that curse completely. They don't need it to bind them together anymore. Oh, to think such heartwarming, pure family love still exists in{LF}this world...! I...I... WAAAAAAAH!! Oh I'm so glad it all turned out just right. But all that relief is suddenly making me feel sleepy... When you read this letter, my son and daughter will be{LF}suffering. That's because of the +curse+ my wife bound them with... And because I was too foolish and too weak to free them of{LF}it. Whoever reads this letter... Please, save my children. I believe you will be able to accept all that they are, and all{LF}they can be. Please... Protect them both. Y'know, it's awfully hard to put your feelings into some kind{LF}of tangible shape. I wonder how Dad must've felt, back then. @キール@...? Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Are you, okay? You aren't worrying over anything, are you? Hmm? Oh, no. I'm fine. Thanks for asking, though. Oh... Honest. I'm fine. You don't have to worry. But seriously,{LF}thanks. You're welcome. Of course I'll worry. I wasn't worried. Heh heh. ♪ O-oh. Right. We are, um...lovers and all. ...It's funny. Saying that out loud still makes me blush... Heh heh. ♪ Huh? O-oh...okay. ... Kiel has been acting strangely lately. It seems as if he's constantly lost in thought, walking about{LF}in a daze. Honestly. If he's worried about something, he could simply{LF}talk to us about it. A +turnip-pattern purse+? +Kiel+ insists this is all the rage in the capital right now, but I'm{LF}not so sure. Look! Isn't this an adorable +turnip-pattern purse+? +Kiel+ told me all about it. It sounded so cute, I had to trade{LF}for one. ♪ Hmm? With who? Oh, with +Bado+ of course. It seems +turnip-pattern purses+ are popular in the capital. But it is +Kiel+ who said so. I listened with a grain of salt, yes? After all, the purse itself... If it ever got a hole in the bottom, it would be pretty useless. +Kiel+ told moi about these lovely little +turnip-pattern purses+.{LF}They're pretty popular. But I'd like to know. If I can eat a +purse-patterned turnip+... Does that mean +turnip-patterned purses+ are equally edible? Maybe... No! *DROOL* Aww...! It has been very boisterous around town lately. I hear rumors that +Kiel+ has been talking to everyone about{LF}some kind of +purse+. If that's true, I'm going to have to give him another warning... Well, they do say good things come to those who wait. Oh, I was just talking to myself. Don't worry about it. ... A +music box+... Thinking again, @キール@? In the end, I wasn't able to keep that promise. I guess that means I'm still not up to it.... Hello? @キール@! Wah! @しゅじんこうくん@! What's wrong? You look kinda depressed. Ah ha ha! N-no...I'm fine. O-oh yeah! I just remembered, +Bado+ asked me to go see him{LF}today. I'd better get going. See you! Ah! @キール@... Sorry! +Bado+ asked me to come see him. Can it wait until{LF}later? Ah! Bado, where are you...? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. What's up? Wait, I know! You've heard about the +purses+, right? Purses? The ones @キール@ mentioned? Hasn't Kiel told you about the +turnip-patterned purses+ yet? Yeah, the +turnip-patterned+ ones. Looks like they're spreading through town pretty well. ...? Oh, uh, never mind. So, are you interested in one, too? If so, I'll trade you one for{LF}a +music box+. A +music box+...? Yeah. Why a music box? Ask something unrelated. Why did you see Kiel? Arthur asked for one earlier. Huh? Yeah. He wanted me to make a music box like the one in a{LF}picture he had. But it wasn't really a clear one, and making one from scratch{LF}is a pain in the tail. So I decided to collect a lot of music boxes and see if one of{LF}them would work. This is a blacksmith shop, right? It's my blacksmith shop. That's not much of an answer, yet it makes so much sense... I figured it was a perfect opportunity. I had tons of +turnip-patterned purses+ left over, so I figured I{LF}could trade them for the boxes. Why did you have piles of +turnip-patterned purses+ lying{LF}around? When I looked in the catalog, it said they were popular, so I{LF}ordered some. Uh, I'll ask again... This is a BLACKSMITH shop, right? And I'll say it again. Yes, it's MY blacksmith shop. ... Anyway, then +Kiel+ came by and asked a favor, so I asked him{LF}to spread the word about the purses. I mean, when you think about it, who would expect a{LF}blacksmith to have purses? ... Umm... Say, @バド@? What were you like before you came{LF}here? Hmm? I was just a normal guy, I guess. Like how? Well, like any other legendary knight out there, really. ... ...I'm not kidding. ... Honest. That wasn't a joke. He said he wanted me to teach him forging, if you can{LF}believe that. Really? But what would he want to make? Who knows? I didn't ask. I just agreed to teach him. In return, he's spreading the word about my stuff. Seems like a fair deal, right? I see. Still... Hmm? I've never figured out why @キール@ likes rumors so{LF}much. Hmm... Maybe because he wants to +grow stronger+. He wants to +grow stronger+? That's the way it looked to me, anyway. What does that have to do with spreading rumors? Don't ask me. That's just the way it looked to me. ... If you're that curious, why don't you ask him yourself? You two are going out, right? Y-yeah... Ha ha ha! Kiel's got some good taste, I'll give him that! ... Okay, next I should head over to that district... He looks pretty busy. Maybe I should wait until later. Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. What's up? I heard from @バド@. I-- Ah, there you are Kiel. I have been looking for you. Arthur? I hear that you're spreading the word about the music boxes. I wanted to thank you for that. It is much appreciated. You're welcome. ♪ ...Wait a minute! Yes? Arthur, how do you know? About what? The music boxes? Yeah! It was Bado who asked me to help him with that! Oh, weren't you told? It was I who originally asked Bado to look into them for me. I received a request from the head of the Noble Family of{LF}the Sword himself. The ''Noble Family of the Sword?'' Yes. It's an old line well known for producing talented{LF}knights. They are also a favored client of mine. Oh, I've met him. What? Yeah. Back when Forte was picked to take over for Dad as{LF}Lady Ventuswill's Dragon Knight... He was also being considered for the position. Right? That is correct. So what does this Family of the Sword have to do with +music{LF}boxes+? It appears there's a music box which has some sentimental{LF}significance to the lady of the house. Oh? She is of foreign descent, and has spent much time{LF}bedridden in the clinic. She has long asked for the chance to visit her homeland one{LF}more time... But in her condition, it would not be wise for her to make{LF}such an arduous journey. Thus, I have been asked to find something that may instead{LF}remind her of her homeland. Ah. That's the +music box+. Correct. ... Originally, I had asked Bado to recreate a specific one for{LF}me. However, he suggested it may be faster to simply collect{LF}many and find a suitable replacement. He just didn't want to bother making one himself. Oh, undoubtedly. ... Oh well. As long as we find one that is satisfactory for my{LF}client, I will be happy. Well then, I guess I'm just going to have to try lots harder to{LF}really spread the word! Oh? The Lady wants to remember her homeland, right? That's like{LF}her +beginning place.+ Her beginning place? Yes. Everyone has a place they start out doing what they're{LF}doing. It's where they come from. It's where they want to go home to, the one place that{LF}remains in their heart. So the Lady wants to reminisce about that place with what{LF}time she has left. And I want to help her do it. @キール@... ...Okay. I want to help, too. Huh? Would I just get in the way? N-no! Of course not! Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. ♪ You're welcome. Excellent! Then I shall leave the matter of the music box to{LF}the two of you. Okay! We'll take care of it! First, let's try talking to some of the townsfolk about it, okay? Okay. First, let's try talking to some of the townsfolk about it, okay? First, let's try talking to some of the townsfolk about it, okay? Yes, that +purse+ was popular in the capital for a time. But that was over a year ago. It sounds like @バド@ got duped. I hear +turnip-patterned purses+ are popular in town, now. You know, I think Jones just might... It'd look great on him! Probably not a good idea. I think it'd be cute if he had one, too. ♪ My, you do? So do I. After all, Jones looks wonderful in anything. ♪ Yes...I guess you're right. @しゅじんこうくん@... Ah ha ha...sorry. How would Jones look with one of those +turnip-patterned{LF}purses+? It'd look great on him! Probably not a good idea. I think it'd be cute if he had one, too. ♪ My, you do? So do I. After all, Jones looks wonderful in anything. ♪ Oh? @しゅじんこうくん@...! Oops. Sorry... A +turnip-patterned purse+? Hm. Should I get one? Yeah! I think it'd look great on you! ♪ ... Even if it doesn't, I doubt I will have a choice if Nancy gets{LF}one for me. Huh? ... A +turnip-patterned purse+? Hm. Even if it doesn't look that good on me, I doubt I'll have a{LF}choice if Nancy gets one for me. A +turnip-patterned purse+. Hrm.... Ooh! Lumie, did you trade for one too? Of course! Where there is rumor, there is mystery! The mystery this time being why a simple bag is this alluring. Could it possibly be... Nope, I have no idea! That was quick. A +turnip-patterned purse+. Hrm.... How to connect this to a case... Oh, hey Doug! Hmm? What's up? Have you heard about these purses? Huh? C'mon, I'm sure @ダグ@ has heard of them! O-oh yeah! Of course! Those ones! The, uh... Yep! The +turnip-patterned+ ones popular in the capital! R-right... The ones from the capital. Wait, they are? Didn't you know? D-don't be stupid! Of course I know! Yeah, I knew you'd know! Course I did! Just who the hell do you think I am? ... So what about them? Hm? N-nothing! Nothing! It looks like Kiel is spreading rumors again. This time it's something about +turnip-patterned purses+ being{LF}in fashion. A +turnip-patterned purse+? Something that size would be a perfect pillow for when I'm{LF}out and about. I have been hearing much about a certain type of +purse+{LF}recently. Clorica has mentioned that it has a unique use as a pillow,{LF}of all things. +Purses+ can be very handy. One with a +turnip pattern+ would be perfectly fitting for me,{LF}don't you think? Kiel! There you are. What's wrong, Forte? You look mad. What's wrong? What's wrong?! I hear that you and Bado have gotten together to spread{LF}rumors! Oh, so you've heard about the +music boxes+, too? That's{LF}great! *SIIIGH* Kiel, listen. A weapon, if misused, can bring about unexpected{LF}consequences. The same goes for words. They can become a blade that{LF}hurts people. Spreading pointless rumors can cause a lot of grief if you're{LF}not careful. Yeah, I agree! ... You've gotta take responsibility for what you say to people. Er...Kiel. That's not exactly what I'm trying to say. Back him up. Hang back and watch. Um, @フォルテ@? What we're really trying to do is-- I'll explain one more time, so listen very carefully. Okay! You see... Ah, so that's what it was. Yeah! I wanna do whatever I can to help. ... Forte...! Then I ask you, who are you doing this for? Huh? Well, uh... For that poor lady, of course. But I'm doing it for me, too. I wanna do what I can to protect her feelings. ... I see. ''The Red Knight,'' is it? Huh? ''One does not protect others because one can fight. One{LF}learns to fight in order to protect.'' Those are the words of the Red Knight, a famous and{LF}venerable old knight. Yeah, he's right. Not that I'm any good at fighting with a sword, though. Hmm? It's nothing. Anyway. Once you have decided on a course of action, don't do it{LF}halfway. See it all the way through. Of course! Good. @しゅじんこうくん@, I'm sorry to burden you with this, but can I{LF}ask you to assist him? Oh, sure. I don't mind. ... What is it? Er...nothing. ...It's just that I was in your position, once... Huh? It's nothing. Pay it no mind. Well then, I must be going. Once you have decided on a course of action, don't do it{LF}halfway. See it all the way through. Of course! Good. Okay... Let's head on to the next place, then. Hey, @キール@? Yeah? I forgot to ask you this earlier, but... You went to see @バド@ to ask him to teach you{LF}forging, right? Yeah. So is that why you started spreading these rumors? Ummm... Not really, not anymore. Oh? Yeah. It's like I told my sister. I honestly want to help. That lady who asked Arthur to get her a music box sounds{LF}like she deserves it. ...Ah. Besides... I don't really think of it as spreading rumors. Oh? Yeah, I'm just chatting with my friends like I always do. When I have something to say, I want to let all my friends{LF}know what it is. Oh, okay. I mean, it makes me feel funny if I don't. Almost{LF}uncomfortable, like I'm keeping secrets. It's hard to explain... I guess it's kinda like I'm +cursed+ to do it. +Cursed?+ Anyway, let's just say I'm doing this because I wanna, okay? Are you gonna help? Sure! I guess. After all, I have fun just being with you. Wha...? So let's just say I'm going with because I wanna, okay? ... Heh heh heh. Okay. ♪ But I think we've probably done enough for today. Okay. So, since we're done here... Let's go to @マップ0@! Huh? C'mon, let's go! ♪ Wha--? W-wait, @キール@! Let's go to @マップ0@! C'mon! ♪ Did you know this house is haunted by the ghost of an old{LF}knight? It is?! Well, Dad told me so. Oh. But no matter how many times we came, we never got to{LF}meet him. Dad would bring me and Forte here to train a lot when we{LF}were kids. I really wanted to meet a ghost, so I tried all sorts of things{LF}to lure him out. I'd walk around the dark halls at night with only a candle... I noisily checked every corner to see if I could startle him{LF}out. But I never did find one. You did that all by yourself? Yep! ♪ Does @フォルテ@ know? I don't think so, no. Why? No reason. Besides, every time I try to bring it up she says she doesn't{LF}want to remember and leaves. Now that I think about it, that's about when she started{LF}being scared of ghosts... I don't mind them at all, myself. I wonder why? Uhh... Maybe the price for that is me not being any good at all with{LF}swords. Huh? But anyway, @しゅじんこうくん@? Have you heard about the Red{LF}Knight? Nope. The one @フォルテ@ mentioned? Yeah, that one. It's said he always carried around the old sword his father{LF}gave to him. The blade was rusted bright red. So everybody called him the Red Knight. But... One day, a rumor started going around. A rumor that said he was plotting to take over this kingdom. What? Just like Forte, he was Lady Ventuswill's Dragon Knight. So if it turned out the rumor was true, everybody could be in{LF}big trouble. The king at the time thought it over, and wrote a letter to{LF}the knight. It said he wanted him to prove that the rumor was false. So what happened? Several days later, a reply came back. It was one letter, and one rusty sword. THAT rusty sword? Yeah. The one his father gave to him, that never left his side. The letter was really short, too. All it said was this-- ''I entrust this sword to Your Majesty for the remainder of my{LF}life.'' ''Without his sword, a knight cannot fight.'' So he gave the king the single most precious thing in the{LF}world to him. And, by doing that, he showed that he was placing all he{LF}was as a knight into the king's hands. After reading the letter, the king wrote back to him, saying-- ''I have seen the path you walk as a knight.'' ''Henceforth, allow me to follow it with you.'' So the king had the rusty sword stored away like a precious{LF}treasure. And it stayed that way for as long as he sat on the throne. ...And that's the legend of the Red Knight. Wow. But y'know, every time I remember that story, I can't help but{LF}think. He said a knight can't fight without a sword. But we don't have swords, either. So how are we supposed{LF}to fight and protect things? Huh? Ha ha! But that's just silly, really. Who says we can't protect{LF}things without swords? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yeah? Thanks. Huh? For what? Nothing. I just...remembered some stuff, is all. Oh? Yeah. About my mom. Way back, when I was really little... Mom would always go along with whatever I wanted to do. I see. If I wanted sweets to eat, she would help me make some{LF}and we'd eat them together. If I couldn't sleep at night, she would stay up and read{LF}stories to me. But then she got sick, and had to go to the clinic. She...never left it. ... Mom had a music box that she really liked. It had a little drawer on the bottom. Opening that drawer{LF}would start the music. You could lock it, too, with a tiny key. Mom always kept her diary in that drawer. Even when she was in the clinic she kept that drawer by her{LF}bed. Dad kept the key to that drawer. He made a promise for when I became strong enough to{LF}protect everyone. He'd give the key to me to keep. But... I don't know where that key is, now. @キール@... So I kind of understand what that lady must feel... And why someone would want to get a music box for her. I know what it's like to want to do something for someone{LF}even when you really can't. ...I'm sure Forte does, too. ...Yeah. So thanks. For doing this with me. No problem. Don't worry about it. I mean, it's only natural, right? Huh? We've been with each other for a while now. Oh...! ...Yeah, you're right. Heh heh... Are you blushing? N-no, I am not! Hee hee! H-hey! Stop teasing! Sorry, sorry! I hope we can collect a lot of music boxes. Yeah, me too. Man, today was a real trip down memory lane! But I've had enough for now. How about we head home? Sure. And we're here! Yep. Today was a full day. Yeah. Thanks for all your help, @しゅじんこうくん@. You're welcome. Here's a little thank you present. *KISS* Huh? See you later! Yeah... ... Thanks for all your help today, @しゅじんこうくん@. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. It seems word of what Kiel was doing the other day has{LF}spread throughout town. I think it's good that everyone knows he was working for a{LF}good cause. Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! ... @キール@, you look pale. Are you okay? Say nothing. Huh? Oh, uh, I was just thinking you looked a tad under the{LF}weather. No, I feel fine! See? Ah. Good. A-anyway, uh... I'm kinda in a hurry. I'll see you later! I'm kinda in a hurry. I'll see you later! Y'know, Kiel is really important to Forte. Sometimes, I wish I had a little brother or sister. They'd be so{LF}cute! Presently moi's precious +turnip-patterned purse+ is in the{LF}wash. I shall leave the reason to your imagination. However... I'll tell you that it was not remotely tasty. Thanks to Kiel's help, we have managed to collect a large{LF}number of music boxes. I would like to thank him for his efforts... But it seems he has been spending much of his time lately{LF}with Bado at the forge. All everyone talks about these days are those +turnip-{LF}patterned purses+! But I don't mind. Scratch the surface of a popular fashion and{LF}you'll find mystery! So where are you, mystery? Come out, come out, wherever{LF}you are! These +turnip-patterned purses+ are a big thing in the capital,{LF}right? So of course I know about them! I traded a music box for one of those +turnip-patterned{LF}purses+. You can do that at Bado's shop, if you're interested. One of our customers had a +turnip-patterned purse+. It seems he traded for it with a music box he found lying{LF}around. Where would one find a music box just lying around? A customer told me about how he went to{LF}@マップ9@ on a dare. He mentioned that he found a treasure map in one of the{LF}huts nearby. If you look at it, it seems like only some child's scribbles... But he said when he followed it, he actually did dig up{LF}treasure. A music box. He said it was a cute one with a foreign design on it. It even{LF}had a little drawer on the bottom! Forte dotes so much on Kiel. Overly so at times. But that's just the way she is, and we all love her for it. I hear that Kiel is out spreading rumors again. It's good to know he's healthy and energetic enough to{LF}wander all over town. But to my eye, he looks a touch pale. That has me worried. So now all I need to do is go and get these materials? Yeah. We'll move on to the next step later. Okay! I'll go get them right now! Whoa, hold it. You don't have to hurry-- Be back soon! WAH! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @キール@-- Sorry, I'm in a hurry right now! But...! Whew. Now I can finally catch a break. Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Perfect timing. Do you think you can do something about Kiel? What do you mean? About this whole forging thing. He spread the music-box rumors for me, so we agreed I'd{LF}start teaching him today. But I gotta be honest, I didn't think he'd be taking it this{LF}seriously. Can you believe he's made me spend this whole entire day{LF}WORKING? That's a good thing. Not as far as I'm concerned. This old man is ready to{LF}collapse! ... Besides, if anything, I expected he just wanted to make a{LF}few easy presents for someone. But he's way too determined for something that quick. I{LF}wonder what he's aiming to make. Bado!! Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Pardon me, but may we have a moment? I need to speak{LF}with Bado. Oh, uh, sure. What's up? Don't ''what's up'' me! Look at this! This sword is an utterly worthless lump of{LF}metal!! Wow, look at how that snapped right off at the hilt. Why do you sound so happy about that? Um...couldn't tell ya. Ugh! Some days I just cannot believe you! So yeah, I'll admit that wasn't the best-made sword out{LF}there... But with your skill, it shouldn't have broken that way. Right? Urk... I, erm...lost my concentration, and, um... A-anyway! It's a useless stick of iron, and you cannot deny it! Not only that, you've been pushing Kiel way too hard lately! Ah. So there's your main point. Urk... But I see where you're coming from. Truth be told, he's got{LF}me worried, too. I mean, this is the first time he's gotten this serious over{LF}doing something, right? Well... All men have a time like that in their lives. If they can handle it, it's best you let them push themselves{LF}just a little. But-- So let's hang back and keep an eye on him for just a little{LF}longer, okay? ... ...All right. I shall not interfere for the time being. You're right that he's never shown this much enthusiasm for{LF}a project before. Yeah. However... I'm certain you understand, but that and the worthless sword{LF}are two SEPARATE issues. ... It does seem like Kiel is serious about learning how to forge. But I expect it's not because he wants to work as a{LF}blacksmith, but instead to... ...Erm, never mind. Looks like Kiel is serious about learning forging after all. Maybe he wants to be a blacksmith someday. ...But somehow I doubt that. Sorry, I'm busy right now! @キール@. ... @キール@! Oh! Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Sorry, I zoned out there for a{LF}minute. Are you okay? You don't look so good... Ah ha ha! I'm fine, I'm fine. But never mind me. Have you heard from Arthur? About what? The music box he was looking for turned up in one of the{LF}trades! What? Really? Yeah! ♪ We couldn't have done it without your help, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks! ♪ Arthur said the music box he was looking for turned up in{LF}the ones Bado collected! We couldn't have done it without your help, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks! ♪ Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. I heard you found the +music box+ Arthur was looking for. Now perhaps Kiel will settle back down a little. Whew. It's been years since I last put this much effort into forging. Keeping up with Kiel's energy has this creaky old man{LF}creakier than ever. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you for your aid searching for the music box. It was nothing. My client was ecstatic to have it back. It seems that particular box was one the Lady had gifted to a{LF}friend when she was young. She never expected us to find one that looked exactly like it. You were of monumental help, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you. Okay, so all I need to do is take this sword to the +castle+,{LF}right? Right. We'll start on the next part after that. Gotcha! I'll go deliver it right now! Wait, whoa. There's no rush-- Be back soon! GAH! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @キール@-- Uh, sorry! Can ''later'' be later again this time? Gotta go! Well that was an awkward sentence-- Eesh. Now I can finally rest for a minute. @バド@. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Come to see Kiel again? Well... Man, it's gotta be nice, being young. You're making yourself sound like some old man. I am an old man. And Kiel's got way too much young energy for me. What's{LF}got him in such a rush this time? He's leaving his pretty girlfriend in the dust. ... Oh, by the way. Hmm? Arthur asked me to hang on to something for him. Here. He says it's a thank-you gift for Kiel. Could you give it{LF}to him for me? A +turnip-patterned purse+? For the music box trade? Never seen one of these. Yeah. What, forgot about it already? The both of you went around and spread the word about{LF}the +music box+ trade, remember? Oh, right. Give it to him when you have a moment, okay, Miss Pretty{LF}Lover? ... ...D-don't tease. Ha ha ha! Hmph. Arthur asked me to pass that +turnip-patterned purse+ on to{LF}Kiel as a thank-you gift. There's something for him inside it, so make sure to give it to{LF}him, okay? Thanks. Kiel has been quite busy lately, hasn't he? I'd rather not interrupt him, so I asked Bado to give Kiel his{LF}gift at an opportune moment. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. No, it was my fault. Oops! The purse... Allow me! Er, I'm sorry. I did not mean to shout. I just, erm, saw something that I would rather not have... It's okay. So you traded for one of these purses too? Yes. It is actually quite handy. Er, anyway, I'm afraid I must be going. See you! @キール@. Oh. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Are you okay? Huh? I mean, you really are looking kinda pale... No, I'm fine! See? I'm perfectly okay... Oh. Oh yeah! I almost forgot. Here, this is from @アーサー@. Huh? But this +purse+ is... Yeah. It looks like @アーサー@ did what he could to help, too. Really? That was awesome of him. ♪ Yeah. He said this was for you. It's a thank-you gift. For me? Yeah. Wow... Heh heh. This is so neat! I wonder what's inside? Take a look! Okay! Let's see...! Hmm... It's a letter. Let's see what it says. Hmm... Dear sirs, We have heard disturbing rumors in regards to the Dragon{LF}Knight stationed in Selphia. These rumors include, and are not limited to: abuse of the{LF}title to collect mounts other than horses. Abuse of duty to protect citizens as a means of protecting{LF}her own family first. Repeated failure to act with the dignity and solemnity{LF}required of a Knight. Should these rumors prove true, it is a grave breach of public{LF}trust for personal benefit. We would also share a portion of the blame for{LF}recommending this person to the position of Knight. Accordingly, in order to restore the necessary trust... We find it necessary to judge the present Knight's worthiness{LF}to hold the post... And to reaffirm the proper attitude and behaviors befitting a{LF}Knight of rank. Should any of these qualities be found lacking, we will{LF}revoke the status of Knight. If you have any rebuttals to the above accusations, present{LF}your arguments forthwith. They will be considered when the dispensation of this Knight{LF}is decided. Regards. Huh...? Wh-what? What is this? Are they saying this about Forte? But why?! @しゅじんこうくん@, what's going on?! What's going to happen{LF}to my sister?! @キール@, calm down! Sorry... This letter was probably meant to go to the castle. Yeah. So how did Arthur get it? I don't know... Wait! I bumped into @ビシュナル@ on my way here! You did? Yeah. We ran right into each other in front of the Blacksmith{LF}Shop. We were both carrying +the same purse+, too! When we dropped them, we must have each picked up the{LF}wrong one! ... ...I'm gonna go find out. Huh? I'm gonna go ask Vishnal which one he has! Wait, @キール@! I'm gonna go talk to Vishnal! @キール@! ... Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@! Wh-what can I do for you? Then this letter really is... Yes. It was given to me to deliver. ...To Forte. What...?! This is all fake, right? It has to be some kind of prank! Kiel, you must know, right? Know what? The Knight given the duty of protecting the Native Dragons is{LF}always a man. It's not necessarily law that it must be so... But there are many who find it... unpleasant to see a woman{LF}filling the post. And, as it is a high position of great honor, there are many{LF}who want it for themselves. ... That means--- ...It's my fault. What? It's my fault, for constantly getting in Forte's way. Er, no...I don't think this is anybody's fault, really... Hey, Vishnal? Hm? Don't tell her about this letter. Please? I... It'll be okay. I'll figure something out. What do you mean? Figure what out? A way to fix this. There are ways to fight, even without a sword. Kiel... It'll be okay. There are ways to fight, even without a sword. @キール@... Will you be okay alone? Let me help. Yeah. Besides, it's my fault it turned out this way in the first place. So it's only right that I find a way to fix it! Wha...? Um, while I'm really glad you offered... I think I'll be okay. I can do it by myself. But... See you! Ah! Kiel... ... Kiel is hiding something from me. ...He's never done that before. And +Nancy+ mentioned to me she was worried he wasn't{LF}looking all that well. ... I gotta wonder if Kiel's gonna be okay. Forte's not looking so happy, either. Then there's +Nancy+, who told me she's worried Kiel's looking{LF}ill... ... @しゅじんこうくん@? Do you have a minute? Yeah, what is it? What is Kiel working so hard on? Huh? I thought you might know what it is he's doing. Well... ...Never mind. I can see you don't want to say. But listen, @しゅじんこうくん@. Everyone is their own independent person. That means we bump into each other and argue...and there's{LF}nothing wrong with that. That's all part of being together. Bumping into each other? Yes. After all, if you aren't close to someone, you could never{LF}bump into each other. What's important is that you lean on each other. You have to be together if you want to support each other,{LF}after all. And I'm not talking about your bodies. Your hearts must stay{LF}together. Do you fight with @ジョーンズ@, @ナンシー@? No, I don't ever recall fighting with him. ♪ ... But I have seen many who do, and they were wonderful{LF}people. It may have looked like they were arguing, but they were{LF}treasuring one other. I think you know some people like that too, @しゅじんこうくん@. Um... There's more to love than just accepting one another. Remember that. Now, go and support Kiel as best you can, okay? ... What's important is that you lean on each other. Are you and Kiel supporting each other? Do you see each{LF}other as you really are? ... I'm asking you what you're doing! And I told you I can't say! ...@キール@, listen to me. Lying to a person means you're deceiving them! Cheating{LF}them! I'm not lying! I just said I can't tell you yet! That is just splitting hairs! What difference does it make? It still has nothing to do with{LF}you! Wha?! Kiel! Ah...! @キール@... ... ...! Kiel. What are you hiding from me? Um...@キール@? Sorry you had to see that. It's been years and years since we last argued like that. I should know better. I mean, the better way is the one{LF}where no one gets hurt, right? So I've always followed that. No matter what I do, I don't want to hurt anyone. ... But...I just couldn't tell her. She knew I was hiding something, and ordered me to tell her{LF}what it was. ...But I couldn't. I know. Are you okay? Everything'll be okay. Yeah. I've actually got most of the materials together already. I'll be able to show them that my sister is working just as{LF}hard as any other Dragon Knight. Great. So now all you have to do is show that to them and-- No. It won't be enough. Huh? Underneath, they're saying the problem is that a woman was{LF}made Dragon Knight. And there's no way we can argue against that. I mean, I{LF}have a sister, not a brother. So if they say that she has to quit because she's a woman... ...there's nothing we can say. But that's...! Stupid. Yeah, I know. But if Forte was a man, none of this would have ever{LF}happened. It's stupid, but it's the truth. ... It's always hard for people to accept the first of anything. New things can be scary. And when new and different things happen, I understand{LF}what it's like to feel threatened... To want to protect one's home and the status-quo. But... Thinking about it, that's just looking backward, not forward. I{LF}won't live like that. So I'm not going to give up. I'll never give up. @キール@... Sorry, I didn't mean to rant at you like that. Anyway, Arthur wants to see me, so I'd better get going. ... I'll go with you. Huh? And if you look like you're going to collapse under the{LF}weight, I'll hold you up. So I'm going with you. @しゅじんこうくん@... ...Okay. Arthur wants to see me, so I'd better get going. You're coming with, right? Yeah. Arthur wants to see me, so I'd better get going. You're coming with, right? Yeah. Hi, Arthur. Ah, hello there, Kiel. I have been waiting for you. Um... Now, now. There is no rush. Come. I will put on some tea, and we can have a leisurely{LF}chat. What is it you wanted to tell me? First, take a look at these. @アイテム9@? And a picture? These were the gifts that were in the +turnip-patterned purse+{LF}meant for you. The picture is of the +music box+ and the lady to whom it was{LF}sent. And this...? Yes. This was the gift my client sent to you. When Vishnal realized he had the wrong purse, he passed{LF}these to me. He knows nothing of what they are. ... So what do you intend to do? Huh? About your sister. How do you know that... I am a prince, you know. I like to think I have a firm finger on the pulse of the capital. ... Truly, this is one ironic situation. Oh? You realize this is a deliberate attempt to unseat your sister{LF}from her position, yes? The ones spearheading that action are the Family of the{LF}Sword. What?! Wait, aren't they...? Yes, they are my client. The very ones who sent this gift, in{LF}fact. Then, the Lady in this picture... ...Wait. What is it? The +music box+ in the picture. That design. And that drawer on the bottom...! That's Mom's +music box+... What?! How can that be...? Um... You sent your mother's? Yeah... It was Mom's favorite music box. Even when she was in the clinic she kept it by her bed. See, she kept her diary in the drawer. Dad was the one who kept the key after she died. He promised to give me the key. But only after I grew strong enough to protect everyone... Then that music box is your family +heirloom+. Yeah. But one day it just wasn't in the house anymore. I totally forgot about the whole promise for the key until just{LF}recently, too. So then... By doing those things for my own personal reasons I've not{LF}only annoyed my sister... I've also gotten her into so much trouble the capital is{LF}thinking of taking away her knighthood. Not only that... I took our mom's precious music box, our one, last heirloom{LF}from her... And unknowingly sent it away to the very people who are{LF}trying to get my sister demoted! ... @キール@... The master of the Family of the Sword is a reasonable man. If we simply explain to him what happened, I'm sure he will{LF}have the music box returned to us. Great! And if we explain to him about @フォルテ@'s{LF}situation... No. That is a separate matter entirely, and he will not look{LF}upon it favorably. Huh? Once a knight draws his blade, it is not sheathed until the{LF}matter is fully settled. As he is the lord of the Family of the Sword, he will not bend{LF}on that point. He must consider his family's honor. Even should he wish to{LF}back down himself, he cannot. That's terrible...! That is what it means to be nobility. Maybe if I followed the legend of the Red Knight... Hmm? I was just thinking of how the Red Knight gave his heirloom{LF}sword to the king to keep. Maybe we could offer to let them keep our mom's music box{LF}forever. ... I see. As we are dealing with a family steeped in knightly{LF}traditions, they may accept the gesture. It would certainly give them an acceptable reason to put{LF}down their blade. The question then becomes one of how to connect the two{LF}situations together. Ah, I know. Perhaps if we were to include Forte's sword along with our{LF}response to-- No! We can't do that! Oh? Um... @キール@... I...I'm sorry. It's just...I still want to keep this a secret from her. It's all my fault this happened, so I should be the one to fix it. I understand where you're coming from, Kiel, but without her{LF}help in this... ...Yeah. I know. But...I'm sorry. Forget I even suggested anything. @キール@... But... It won't work, anyway. There's no way it could. Huh? The whole idea was just something I came up with out of{LF}nowhere. Besides, it's not like they would listen to anything I had to{LF}say in the first place. But we can't just leave things as they are. It won't work. But... They won't hear me. They'd never listen to a kid like me. ... @キール@? Huh...? That's funny...why did the world start...tilting...? @キール@! @キール@, are you okay?! Jones, how is he? He'll be okay. He overworked himself, is all. A little rest and{LF}he should be just fine. That's good to hear. Kiel... Why must you worry me so? @しゅじんこうくん@, do you have a minute? You know what Kiel has been up to, right? Are you absolutely sure it has to be kept secret from Forte? ...Hmm. I have to admit, this does bring back memories. What does? Watching those two. Kiel has never been the sturdiest of boys. He has been in and out of the clinic more than once. Especially once his mother died. The shock of it ruined his{LF}health. Every time he was brought here, along came Forte. She'd{LF}stay by his side just like that. ... But now it's your job to be Kiel's support. Yeah. You're right. Ah. So you were able to answer this time. Huh? Never mind. Good luck. ♪ Thanks. Excuse me. Is Forte here? What is it? Oh, hello, Forte. Would you mind coming to the castle with me? There is{LF}work that needs your attention. I see. Understood. Please hurry, if you would. ... Ngh...For...te... He's mumbling in his sleep. I have often watched Kiel spread the word about things in{LF}town. His words have far more influence than he thinks. At least, that is how it seems to me. However... It's obvious that Kiel doesn't have faith in himself. ... Kiel overdid it a little, is all. Some rest and he'll be right as{LF}rain again. Now it's your turn to be Kiel's support. @フォルテ@... ... What am I supposed to do now? Huh? It was for Kiel's sake that I became a knight. My late mother asked me to do it for him. She told me she wanted me to be there for him, to protect{LF}him. Those were her last words to me. So I became a knight. Not Lady Ventuswill's own Dragon Knight... My brother's Knight. Really? Yes, though I'm sure that Kiel himself is unaware. Which, in the end, makes it an entirely selfish reason on my{LF}part, doesn't it? No... Yet I have not managed to keep that simple promise. I don't even know how to do it. @フォルテ@... Why did he suddenly become so interested in forging? Huh? Nothing... I have a feeling I already know. I can guess why he's doing that, and why he's pushing{LF}himself so hard now. ...And for whom. I know all about it. But... I guess even though I knew, some part of me didn't want to{LF}accept it. I am his knight. It is my duty to protect him, no matter what. What do you mean? ... I am his knight. It is my duty to protect him, no matter what. @しゅじんこうくん@...? @キール@! Thank goodness you're awake. Yeah... I'm sorry I worried you. It's okay. I'll make you pay, later. Heh heh...thanks. Ah ha ha...uh-oh. Thanks, though. Man, this view brings back a lot of old memories. I've never been all that healthy, y'know. I've spent a lot of time in the clinic, lying in a bed just like{LF}this. Yeah. @ナンシー@ told me about it. She did? Oh. I'm always causing nothing but trouble for Forte. I did back then, and I'm still doing it now. @キール@... Y'know, I've been thinking a lot recently. Mostly about my mom. Oh? This is a secret, okay? But when Mom was in the clinic, I'd come see her by myself{LF}a lot. Every time something sad happened I'd go see her so she{LF}could tell me it'd be okay. Stupid, isn't it? Mom had way more reason to be sad than I did back then. But I wanted her to tell me that I'd be okay. ... That's probably why Mom made that promise with Forte. The one about her becoming a knight for me. Wait, you know that? Yeah. I was right outside the room when they did it. Huh? I came to see her by myself that day, too. But when I got there, Mom was sleeping, so I went upstairs. It was raining outside, see. I sat by a window, reading and wondering when the rain{LF}would stop. Before long, orange light from the setting sun made me look{LF}up. It'd gotten late, so I went downstairs...and Forte was there. So I hid and waited. I wanted to surprise everyone when they were done talking. I sat and listened...so I heard. So that's how it happened. Dad was there, too. Huh? He was on the other side of the door, listening in. I remember how he had his fists clenched tightly, looking like{LF}he was about to cry. ... I don't think either Mom or Forte realized we were there. But the next day, Dad decided to make Forte a knight. When I heard that... I figured that if that's what it took for everyone to be happy,{LF}then I was okay with it. I thought it was for the best. Yeah. After Mom passed away... Dad and Forte would spend all day every day training. I'd stay home to cook and clean. Whenever I had free time, I'd spend it reading. I always waited in that big house by myself for those two to{LF}come home. In the end, I couldn't really do anything for them. Forte became a knight, just like she'd promised. And Dad passed away. But I'm still here all by myself, just as useless as I was way{LF}back then. ... I've never had much confidence. Every time, I worry about whether or not my words are{LF}getting through. About whether people like me or not. About whether or not{LF}I'll be left alone again. I've always hated that cowardly side of me. I told myself over{LF}and over I had to change it. That I had to get better and be someone who could protect{LF}others. I told myself that so many times. But I guess I'm just not good enough. Dad promised me he'd give me the key to the music box... But now I don't even know where it went. He said I could have it when I was strong enough to protect{LF}others. He told me clearly. It was all supposed to be so clear. Y'know, Forte tells me all the time that I shouldn't believe{LF}rumors. But it's not the rumors that are the problem. I believe in myself far less than I believe in even the silliest{LF}rumor. @キール@... Heh heh... I really let it all out, didn't I? I put it all into words and let it out... ... Why don't you rest some more? Yeah...I think I will. I...talked too long... I'm tired... Good night, @キール@. G'night... ...I'm sorry. ... ... @キール@... What can I do to help him? +Bado+ was quite worried about Kiel, too. Typically he's an utterly reprehensible man... But at times like this he's very responsible and caring. It's not{LF}fair. Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. @バド@. How's Kiel doing? ... What's with the long face? @キール@ told me something once. The reason he spreads rumors all the time. Oh? What did he say? Something about how he felt funny if he didn't do it. Though the word he used was +cursed+. Cursed, eh? It's just something that makes you feel a little weird when{LF}you don't do it. Would you really call that +cursed+? ... You said it once before, right? That @キール@ spreads rumors because he wants to{LF}get stronger. I think I might've said something like that, yeah. That made me think. Maybe... Just maybe @キール@ wants to test what kind of{LF}power his words have. He needs to see how many people he can reach, how many{LF}he can get to listen to him. So he spreads rumors to see how far they go. ... Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yeah? Do you have some spare time? Huh? I'll be waiting at my place. Drop by when you can. I've got something important to tell you about Kiel. Oh? I'll be waiting. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hang on a sec, okay? I've got to get something. ...? I'll be waiting at my place. Drop by when you can. I'll be waiting. Good. Everybody's here. @しゅじんこうくん@? @フォルテ@? Bado, what's going on? I told you. I've got something to tell you both about Kiel. Yes, but... I know what position you and he are in. What? How... I have been your guardian for years, y'know. You are my kids in a way, and when you're in trouble, I{LF}wanna find the cause. Bado... Now, I expect you've got an idea, right? About what it is Kiel's hiding. ...Yes. What is it? In a nutshell... There was someone who betrayed him in order to help him. Oh... This person knew, though, even way back then. You would probably be the only one who could really, truly{LF}save him. Huh? Forte. You know that, I'm sure. You just don't want to admit it. ... ...Sheesh. Anyway, your father gave this to me to keep safe. Father gave you something? He knew the time would come when the relationship{LF}between you two would bring you grief. He told me to hang onto it until I could give it to the one{LF}person closest to you both. This was a request from a close friend of mine, and now it's{LF}a request from me. Take it. Huh? Me? You don't have any problems with that, do you Forte? ... I believe it's appropriate, yes. There you have it. Here. Take it. ...Okay. [Received an old letter.] So what's it say? Wh-what?! You're going to open it?! If he didn't want it read, he wouldn't have given it to me,{LF}don't you think? That's not what I mean! Then you don't have to stand around and listen to it. Go on,{LF}open it. Okay. I-I never said I wouldn't read it. Geez, make up your mind! ...All right! All right! You don't have to make yourself do this, y'know. Why you--! ...Please let me read it. Good girl. What was that spectacularly patronizing answer for?! I'll read it out loud now. Go on, then. Please! ... A +curse+...? He also asked me to hang onto this key for him. What's it for? Is that...the key to our +secret hideout+? Huh? I remember seeing Father carry that around with him{LF}everywhere. That secret hideout place is the +hut+ not too far from{LF}@マップ9@, right? ...?! What's with the look? You can't be all that surprised. We were best friends, y'know. He would tell me about you{LF}two all the time. But isn't that key a little too small for a door lock? Yeah, I thought that myself. Is this really the right key? I'm...not certain. It feels like I'm forgetting something. Oh yes! I believe that key originally belonged to my mother. When she was hospitalized, she had Father keep it. But what was it for? Wait, I know! It's a house key! It's a key to her heart. It's a music box key. No, I believe it's too small for that. Erm, no. I'm certain it's not something so fantastical as that. Sorry. Yes! That's it! It was the key to Mother's music box! But how do you know that, @しゅじんこうくん@? @キール@ told me about it. What...? He said he and his dad made a promise when he was little. It said that once he was old enough to protect others, his{LF}dad would give him that key. ...I see. ... Feeling left out? Wha?! You're his sister, yet you didn't know something about him{LF}that she does. O-of course not! I have no reason to be...lonely. @キール@ was supposed to get this key, right? But it{LF}came with that letter... Yeah. So he was probably meant to get both. Then, that means @キール@'s father used that promise{LF}to... ... @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm gonna give this key to you. Huh? I think he'd want you to be the one to give it to Kiel. ... Okay. ... I...never knew. I never realized that Father and Kiel had made that promise. ... A close friend of mine asked this of me, and now I ask it of{LF}you. Take this letter and this key, and give them to Kiel. I'll leave the rest to you. @キール@?! Don't tell me he left without telling anyone...! Kiel's gone?! I'm sorry. I took my eyes off of him for only a few minutes.{LF}But that must have been enough... Kiel ran away?! Oh goodness...I'm so sorry. I don't know where he could{LF}have gone, either. Kiel has vanished? Have you checked to see if he simply went home? @キール@?! Oh. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. What are you doing up? You need to rest! I don't have that kind of time. I have to help Forte. And to do that, I need to find something...anything... But! I have to! Or else they'll make my sister quit... ... Is this all really just for @フォルテ@'s sake? Wha...? Why are you this desperate to help her? I... Because you think doing this will make things better for her? Or... Because NOT doing anything makes you feel +anxious+? ...! You told me once, remember? You were afraid that everyone would hate you. Isn't this the same thing? You don't want anyone to get hurt because of you. So you're desperately afraid that someone is going to hate{LF}you. You'd rather work yourself to exhaustion than face the{LF}thought of someone not liking you. Isn't that it? ... But...even if that is true... Is there anything really wrong with it? What's wrong with running away when you think you need{LF}to? If that means everyone will be happy, I'll do it! If that will{LF}keep anyone from being hurt... What's wrong with it? Isn't that what it means to be happy? ... Maybe so. Still... What if this happened? What if you find what makes you happy... But to protect that happiness, you have no choice but to hurt{LF}someone else. What would you do then? I... Say you find your happiness. But as long as you don't step up and grab it, hold it, it'll hang{LF}there out of reach forever. ... If you don't close that fist and protect what you have, it'll slip{LF}right through your fingers. No matter how hard you wish to keep it. Is that really what you want? I... Weren't you tired of just sitting back and watching{LF}everything from afar? Weren't you sick of letting other people protect you? Didn't{LF}you want to step up and protect them? ...Yes! I want to protect the people I care about! I want to protect my sister! I want to protect this whole{LF}town! And I want to be with you forever! But... So stop making excuses. Step up and protect us. Wha...? Give him the key. That key! It's the key to Mom's music box! Yeah. And this is a letter from your father. From Dad...? @バド@ said he asked him to hang on to them for{LF}him. Until the relationship between you two started causing you{LF}more pain than joy. Then, he was supposed to give both key and letter to the{LF}person closest to you both. That's what the letter said, anyway. ... Do you mind if I read it? Go ahead. ... Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? What? Do you think Dad knew? Knew what? That protecting someone means you have to be brave{LF}enough to hurt someone else. And you have to be strong enough to survive someone{LF}hurting you. I've always hid in fear of people hating me. I could never take that one first step forward. That's why. That's why Dad never gave me the key. ... But he didn't forget. He never forgot our promise. And he did what he could to keep it, even though he's not{LF}here anymore. Yeah. My words... They got through to him. Yeah. ... Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? ... @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm? There's something I want you to help me with. I have something I need to tell my sister. So um... You don't mind if I come along? Nope. ...No, that's not it. I want you to be there. You need to be there. Of everyone, I want you to be there to see this all through. @キール@... ...Okay. I'll go. Thanks. Let's get going, then. We need to find +Forte+. After that... ...No, we can worry about that later. Kiel. Er, about the letter from the capital... Could you wait for us at the airship landing? What? I'll meet you there soon. I've got to get my sister, first. Kiel... Please? ... All right, as you wish. Forte! Kiel? What is it? Will you read this for me? What is it? A letter from the capital. @キール@... ... I already know what it says. Huh? I knew all of what happened. ...Oh. Do you know about this picture? ...? Arthur asked me to find a music box for him. But...that looks like +Mother's music box+. Yeah. Because of the rumors I spread, that music box got traded. From there, it was sent to a sick lady from a certain family. ...The family that is right now trying to drag you out of your{LF}post. ...! ... ...I see. Aren't you angry? I'm not sure. I just feel a mix of sadness and frustration. I can't really say what it is... ... So what is it you wish to do? Huh? This is the path you chose, yes? Then I shall do my utmost to{LF}protect it. That is my duty. ...As your sister. Yeah. You've always been the first one to jump to my side. No matter what was going on, you always backed me up. You always protected me... Even when that hurt me. Kiel...? Forte. Let's put an end to this. Wha...? I'm sick of it. You just protecting me. Me just sitting around being{LF}protected. I think that's gotten too hard on both of us. It's got to be tough being the only one called on to protect. Just as tough as not being given the chance to protect. And I'm sick of it. Kiel... Forte, thank you. Thanks for sticking with me this whole time. But... As of today, you are no longer my knight. You...knew that? Yeah. I knew it all. I heard you make that promise to Mom. And I saw Dad listening in on it. You did...? But Dad never said anything. He stayed quiet, and accepted what it is you wanted to do. So that's why I gave up on trying to be a knight myself. I figured that's what everyone wanted. Kiel, are you... Yeah. I want to be someone who can protect others, too. I've always wanted to be that. Then why didn't you say so?! Why keep quiet all these years?! ...I'm sorry. And why are you apologizing?! I was the one who didn't know! I thought I was keeping you safe all these years... But all I was doing was hurting you. No. Both of us have been protected this whole time. We both did our best to keep each other safe. So we've both been protected. By each other. ... But y'know? I think I've found it. I've found the one thing I want to protect more than{LF}anything. I'll fight to keep it safe. And it doesn't matter who I have to hurt to do it. I'll fight to protect her. I CAN fight, if it's for her sake. Kiel... Starting now, I'm going to be someone who protects others. I'm going to get stronger, so I can protect @しゅじんこうくん@{LF}with my own hands. I'll get better. I'll show everyone I can do it. ... So you will no longer be the baby brother quietly waiting for{LF}me to rescue you. I won't. ...I'm sorry. Don't apologize. If you're doing what you believe is right, you should never{LF}apologize for it. ...Okay. Hey, Forte? What? Thanks. ...For being there for me. You're welcome. And thank you. For letting me be there for you. You're welcome. But don't forget one thing. What? You are still my little brother. Now and forever, no matter what you do, you will always be{LF}my family. My brother. Yeah. Now then, what do we do about the letter from the capital? Yeah, about that... I was thinking we could take a page from the legend of the{LF}Red Knight. What, that again...? How do you mean? Both of us had wrong ideas going into this, so this is all{LF}pretty much our fault. And I'm sure the capital realizes this. But the people we're dealing with are the most traditional of{LF}knights. Once they make a challenge, they can't back down easily. So we have to give them a reason to back down that{LF}upholds their honor as knights. And how do we do that? The Red Knight sent the king his father's sword. We'll let them keep Mom's +music box+. We can send them a letter saying so. We'll have to include{LF}your sword, too. Thus we prove to them the path we walk just as the Red{LF}Knight did for his king. That's certainly a gesture that a true knight could not ignore. However... That does mean we will forever lose the last heirloom{LF}Mother left to us. Yeah, it does. That's why I wanted to ask you, first. Will you be okay with that? ... I'll send my sword. Huh? And I shall leave the matter of the letter to you. All I'm good for is swinging blades about. I have no talent for{LF}words. It'll be the quality of your reply that ultimately sways them{LF}one way or the other. I leave it in your hands. Forte... Don't worry. I've already drawn one up. Huh? I knew this would happen, so I wrote up our reply ahead of{LF}time. I just...couldn't take that last step. If I was by myself, I don't think I ever would've been able to. But... You helped me change. @キール@... I'll head for the airship landing now. You two can come later. @しゅじんこうくん@. Yes? Take good care of my brother. ...! After all, a knight cannot fight without her sword. I shall leave the bladeless battles to you. ...Right! Then I shall be going. @しゅじんこうくん@, let's head to the airship landing We have a letter to deliver. Hi, Arthur. Forte. Do you have the letter with you, Kiel? Yeah. Are you absolutely certain this is the course of action you{LF}wish to take? Yes. ...Yeah. All right. Kiel... Vishnal, you told my sister about the letter, didn't you? ... ...I am sorry. No, you did the right thing. What...? If I'd kept going the way I was, it never would've worked. I was convinced I had to do it by myself, so I was really close{LF}to winding up all alone. I thought I could do anything I needed to myself... And following that path would have led me away from{LF}everyone, leaving me truly alone. So... Thanks, Vishnal. I'm glad I have you as my friend. ...Thank you! Shall we be going? It has been sent. Yeah. And we should be on our way, as well. ...Yes. Hey, Forte. Yes? ...I'm sorry. Don't apologize. Once you draw your blade, don't regret it. Take pride in{LF}what you fight for. A true knight believes in that. Thus, should a knight ever fight a knight, both can accept{LF}any outcome with honor. Oh, I see. ...But I don't think I could ever do that. What? I'm not a knight. I can't say what's right and what is wrong with any{LF}confidence. So if I think what I did is wrong I'm going to apologize and{LF}regret doing it. But... I won't let that stop me. I'll still get back up and try to do it{LF}right the next time. Even if I messed up, even if I regret what I did... I'm never going to give up trying to protect what's most{LF}important to me. Never. ... ...You've gotten strong. Huh? Nothing. I was simply thinking that I'll need a new sword. And I shall need to think again about what it is I truly need{LF}to protect. Ah. Okay, here. You can have this. What is it? It's a sword I forged. What...? It's the first one I ever made, so it has a really bad edge. But I worked it again and again to make sure it'd never{LF}break. All for me...? I'll vouch for its toughness. That one's not like those blunt letter-openers I've given you{LF}before. ... I see. I can tell this blade will never break. Yeah. Well then, I'll be going. Good luck, Kiel. Huh? Don't you remember what I said? I knew everything. Oh... See you later. All right then, I guess it's time I got back to my nap. Oh, but one thing first. This is just me talking to myself,{LF}okay? Huh? I remember one night, years ago, when my best friend got{LF}stinking drunk for the first time. He got to blabbing. Now, he made me promise to keep{LF}quiet, what he said embarrassed him so much. But when he said it, his voice was full of pride. He said... ''A Knight knows no other way to fight but with a sword.'' ''But Kiel is different.'' ''He has a different strength.'' ''One day, he'll be stronger than any warrior.'' ''Perhaps even stronger than the Red Knight himself.'' ''After all...'' ''He is my one and only son, and I am proud of him.'' Did...did Dad really say that? Huh? I was just talking to myself there, remember? Talking to myself is dumb enough. It'd be even dumber if I{LF}was lying to myself. ...! ...Oh. Dad...said that, did he? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm? I guess I was loved. You got that right. Yeah. ... My dad...loved me. ... ...Yeah. ... Thanks for walking me back. It's okay. Besides, I should be thanking you. So, um, thanks. Thanks a lot, @しゅじんこうくん@. You're welcome. Oh, and one more thing... *KISS* Huh? I look forward to spending lots and lots more time with you. Yeah... See ya! W-wait! ...? Umm... Here. Is this a...+wedding ring+? Yeah. To be honest, this is what I wanted to make first. I went out and got the materials, and then I asked Bado to{LF}show me how to make it. It took way longer to come together than I expected, but I{LF}got it done eventually. ...Oh. Say, um...while I was working on this... I think I started to understand how Dad must've felt. Huh? Just thinking about the smiling face of the one I love makes{LF}my heart beat faster. I want to protect that smile of yours. And I'd do anything for that, even if you hated me for it. Of course, I don't want to be hated, but...if I didn't have any{LF}other choice... ... It's funny. I want to make you smile, but I'm willing to make{LF}you sad to do it. That sounds so contradictory, but at the root, I think it all{LF}comes from the same feeling... I think that feeling is ''love.'' @キール@... @しゅじんこうくん@. ♪ Yes? I love you so much. ...! So please... Marry me. Yes. I'm sorry. Great! I'll give everything I've got to make you the happiest bride{LF}ever. ...Thank you. Okay. I guess my everything...isn't enough. ... I'd better get home. See you. @しゅじんこうくん@. I will protect what's important to me. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Have you heard the rumor about the{LF}siren? I hear one was spotted in the lake south of the castle gate. It'd be dangerous if there really was one there. I'd better go{LF}take a look. Wait, what? Why are you going to someplace you know is{LF}dangerous? Exactly because it's dangerous. Innocent people might be headed there right now,{LF}unknowing. I have to go check and see, so I can warn anybody going{LF}that way before they get into trouble. Besides, I want to take a look at the place myself to see if it{LF}really is dangerous. I might be able to find out something useful there. I'll be back before long! I'm going with. Take care! Huh? @マーガレット@, you really have this habit of trying to solve{LF}everything all by yourself. ... You can ask me for help sometimes too, y'know. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Ah ha ha... Okay, okay. You win. You can help me. Great! But if it looks like it really is dangerous there, we're{LF}turning back right away, okay? Okay. Let's head outside of town, then. I will. I'm just headed to the lake south of town. Don't worry, I'll be{LF}back soon. Let's get going, then. I'll lead the way. If we get lost, we can just head back to the gate and try{LF}again. I hear that there was a siren spotted in the lake far to the{LF}south of town. I wonder what kind of monster it is? Have you heard of a monster known as a siren? It's supposed to sing beautiful songs to tempt people into{LF}danger. I wonder what kind of song could be that pretty? Maybe a{LF}lullaby? Apparently, a traveler spotted a siren in the lake to the south{LF}of town. Those can be dangerous monsters. I suggest you take care if{LF}you go that direction. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. Be careful, all right? About what? Are you familiar with the lake far to the south of town? We've received word that a very dangerous monster has{LF}been sighted in that vicinity. I ask that you stay clear of the area. I wonder what kind of monster a siren is? Maybe I should go look it up. A siren, eh? If it was a nice monster, maybe I could've made something{LF}trying to sell it as a pet... But it's not a smart idea to get too close to those. Wow, it looks like there are a lot of rumors about how{LF}dangerous that siren is. ... Rumor mill's got a weird one going around this time. Still, when it spreads this fast, it's smart to listen to it. Rumors certainly spread with eye-opening speed. Are sirens a species of succulent fish? I have a soft spot for sweet, succulent fish! Hm? Sirens? Hmm. It seems they would not make preferred customers. Oh, dear. There is a nasty little rumor floating about town. I should warn our customers to be careful of that lake. Somebody saw a really dangerous monster down by the{LF}lake! Oh! Not the lake in town, though. The one waaay down{LF}south. Everybody in town's talking about that siren. I smell a mystery! ...Oh who am I kidding? There's nothing mysterious about it. People are saying there's this dangerous monster called a{LF}siren running around somewhere. But a monster's just a monster, right? If I see it, I'll boot it{LF}into next week! A siren? Oh goodness...! Ah, but that was a long time ago. For us, anyway. Who{LF}knows for the siren? ...? I hear sirens have beautiful singing voices. I wonder which would be prettier, the siren's or Meg's? Rumor has it that there's a dangerous monster loose. I just hope that no one gets hurt. People are talking about a dangerous monster lurking{LF}outside of town. I just hope that Jones doesn't get hurt. People around here certainly love their rumors. As long as they don't mistake the truth, I don't care either{LF}way. A siren? Ah, that brings back memories. The lake is over that way. We have a bit of a walk waiting{LF}for us yet. We need to go between those two mushrooms. I think we're{LF}halfway now. Turn west from here. Be careful not to get lost! Wow, there sure are a lot of big mushrooms around here. I{LF}wonder why? Oops, wait! Never mind that, we just need to go down that{LF}way to get to the lake. Oh thank goodness. No one's here. But wow, this is a pretty lake. It's hard to believe a place this beautiful could be dangerous. Yeah. Y'know, this reminds me of that other time we were by a{LF}lake. Do you remember that? Yeah. What lake, now? When we were picking up litter by the lake in town. We{LF}found that strange bottle, then. What, don't you remember when we picked up all that litter{LF}by the lake in town? We found that strange bottle, too. It was just some cleaning, but it was loads of fun doing it{LF}with everyone. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yeah? Do you mind if we stay here and relax a little? Here? Yes, I know that's not why we came here. But, well... This is a really lovely, quiet place...and we are by ourselves. So...just for a little while? Please? Sure, why not? Everyone will worry. Really? Hee hee! Yay! @字@ I know... But I still want to spend some time with you. La la, la la, la lah ♪ Lu la la, lu la la lah ♪ ...Oops! Ha ha... I started singing and I didn't even realize it. Sorry. No, I don't mind. Keep singing. No, it's okay. Besides, I'd rather chat. I can sing any time. I don't get to talk to you as often. Oh, true. Hey, @マーガレット@? Hmm? You're an elf, right? Yeah. What did you do when you still lived in the Elven Kingdom? Back in the Kingdom? Well, back then I was a musician at the palace. Really? That's amazing! N-not really... A-anyway, I'd sometimes have the chance to play at an elf-{LF}human marketplace. At one of those, a really famous composer scouted me. I accepted, and the both of us left the Kingdom to come{LF}here. Wow. He was my teacher. He taught me music from all over the{LF}world. He was a warm, kind, brilliant person. Wait...''was?'' ...Yeah. See, um... He's gone now. You mean... Yeah. He passed away. It wasn't an accident or anything that sad, though. He was{LF}old. It was his time, is all. Say, did you know? Elves live much longer than humans. Huh? We live longer than anyone. So um... I guess there are a lot of people I know who'll...leave before{LF}I do. But that's no surprise. Everybody knows it. So I don't mind. @マーガレット@? Why are you trying so hard to hold it all in? Huh? You don't need to make yourself do that. If you're sad or hurt, you can let yourself cry. No, I'm okay. Huh...? I...can't let something like that stop me. How do you mean? W-well it's all true, isn't it?! Before too long--for me, anyway--{LF}everyone will... ...ahem. S-sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice. But anyway, I'm fine. I got over my teacher's death long ago. @マーガレット@... Sorry. I didn't mean to talk about gloomy things like this. How about we go home? We did what we needed to, right? Yeah... Okay. Um, see you. ...See you. ...! @マーガレット@! Wh-what? Showing up out of the blue like that can surprise{LF}a girl! You were crying, weren't you? ... This happened before once, too. ... That time, you told me you were thinking about something{LF}that happened a long time ago. I can guess what that was, now. It was the loss of your teacher, right? It's...nothing. Why won't you tell me? What's making you so sad? ... It's nothing...I'm over it. What? I have to be, or else I can't be with you! I could never be with you! @マーガレット@? ...Oops. @しゅじんこうくん@, I-I'm sorry. Could you, um...leave me alone for a while? ... I...I need some time to myself. Please. ... Why won't she talk to me about it? I wonder if there's anyone who knows @マーガレット@ well{LF}enough that I could ask... Now doesn't seem like a good time. I'm sorry. I can't accept that right now. @しゅじんこうくん@, Meg hasn't come to work today. Do you have any inkling on what might have happened? Oh, um, y'see... ...Ah, is that it? I think she's still hurting over the loss of her teacher. Do you know if there's anything I could do to help her? ... @しゅじんこうくん@, I must ask something of you. Hmm? As you noticed, something does indeed pain Meg. It pains her deeply, and so far she has let no one touch upon{LF}it. However I think that, of anyone, you may be able to save{LF}her. But, if you can't, well...you may face the same pain she now{LF}carries. But even if that should happen... Even if! Do you have it in you to bear her pain? Do you have it in you to live with her, and love her, despite it{LF}all? ...I do! ...No, not yet. Excellent answer. Well then, come with moi to see Meg. Oh, um, okay. I see. Well then, once you feel you have it in you to love her as{LF}she deserves, come see moi. Well @しゅじんこうくん@...? Do you have it in you to live with her, and love her, despite it{LF}all? Meg. Porco? @しゅじんこうくん@? Oh! R-right...work. I'm so sorry, I, um...lost track of time... Meg, why won't you open up to @しゅじんこうくん@? Huh? Where did that come from? And open up about what? Something pains you. What is it? ... Nothing pains me. Is this something about my teacher? I already talked all about that to @しゅじんこうくん@. Yeah, it was hard when he died, but I'm not going to cry{LF}forever. ... So I'm okay. Honest. You're overthinking things if you think I'm still hurt over that. But um...heh heh, I'm glad you care enough to worry about it. If you won't talk about it, I will. ...What? Meg, you are afraid. That's where the pain comes from. Wha...? Porco? As you have said, you are over the death of your teacher. You have become a caring, capable and confident adult. Even should I pass on one day, you will be able to accept{LF}that and move on with your life. Porco, don't say that! If something that sad were ever to happen, life would never{LF}be the same for me! No, you would move on. I know you would. You're strong. Porco...? You're acting weird. What is it you're getting at? No matter what happens, Meg, you have the strength to{LF}overcome it and live on. ...Or, you did. ... But now, an unexpected exception has popped up. More than anyone, you have incredible consideration for{LF}other people. Everything you do, you do for the sake of others. Even if terrible tragedy would befall you, you would have the{LF}strength to live, and live well. At first glance, there's not a single thing wrong with that. Porco, don't. But there's now one thing, one inescapable thing that you{LF}would never be able to overcome. Something far worse than the loss of your teacher is staring{LF}you in the face, and you fear it. It is-- No! I'm not afraid! I'm okay! I-- Your death, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? My death? But...why? ... You are human. Meg is an elf. Elves live far, far longer than a human ever could. Yeah, Meg told me that. That means that once you have passed on, Meg must then{LF}face decades upon decades without you. ...Oh.... It took excessive effort on her part to overcome the death of{LF}her beloved teacher. The two lived together for a long time... But once he died, I took her under my wing. Now she's here. I still have vivid visions of that day engraved on my mind. Back then, Meg was very, very quiet, and very depressed. ... @しゅじんこうくん@. You have long since become more important to Meg than{LF}her teacher was. Perhaps even more important than anyone has ever been to{LF}her. To live her life with you, she must first overcome a towering{LF}wall of terror. That's why you made a mantra of those words, isn't it? ''I'm{LF}over it.'' You try to convince yourself of that, not others. ... But you haven't. Not yet. Meg, you still have not-- What do you know, Porco? Yes! I'm scared, okay? I admit it! But I...I...! ... @しゅじんこうくん@... I have so much fun when I'm with you. The time flies by so{LF}fast. Being with you brings me more happiness than anything... But so much time goes by so fast it scares me. @マーガレット@... There's no way I could stand it if you left me...no way...! Meg, you miss my point. What you need is-- Stop it! It won't work! Meg! Listen to me!! ...! You don't understand, Porco... You could never understand how I...how an elf feels about{LF}this! ... After her! ... @ポコリーヌ@? ...I guess I'm not good enough. What? @しゅじんこうくん@. Please...save Meg. @ポコリーヌ@... ...If things stay the way they are, she will never truly let{LF}anyone love her. Please, @しゅじんこうくん@. I can't do it. You must be the one to save Meg. I'll do it. I don't think I can. Thank you. I'll go after her. Good luck. This is a precarious problem only Meg herself can solve. I know that, and I'm sure you know that. But still...you have to try! You're the only one who stands a chance! Talk to her. You're the only one who has any chance of clearing the{LF}thorns from her heart. @マーガレット@! Stay away from me! @マーガレット@... The closer you are to me, the harder it gets. I...I don't know what to do... Ah! Uh-oh! There are monsters outside of town! I have to go after her! Where could she have gotten to? Now that I think about it, didn't the two of us go this way on{LF}our way to that lake...? Maybe she's there...? H-how did you find me? Go away! @マーガレット@. ...Okay. I won't come too close. ... Can't we at least go back to town? And I think you should hear @ポコリーヌ@ out. ...Why? He was crying. Wha...? He wants so much for you to be happy. He loves you just like family. It has to be really hard on him to leave this kind of argument{LF}hanging between you. So why don't we go back and talk to him again? Once we do that, I'll leave as much space between us as{LF}you want. ... ...You're right. I said some mean things to him. I...I should see him, and say I'm sorry. Yeah, let's go see him. @マーガレット@, behind you!! Huh? EEK!! @マーガレット@! Are you okay? Hang in there! ...Ngh. @マーガレット@! Ah... @マーガレット@? What's wrong? ...voice...can't... You can't hear my voice? ...ah...ahh... Oh no... You've lost your voice? Hrm. How is she? I see no external signs of any injury. However... There has been a lot of damage to her throat. Margaret, can you say something for me? ... ...Ngh... @マーガレット@! That's enough, thank you. I'm sure that was very painful for you, even to make that{LF}much of a sound. This is terrible... Meg, I know this will be hard for you, but you should try to{LF}avoid talking for a while. You don't want to put any more stress on your throat than{LF}you need to. ... MEEEEEEGGGG!! Is she okay is she all right will she be fine Doctor Doctor{LF}Doctor WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?!?! Calm down. Margaret's throat has taken some considerable damage. She{LF}needs to avoid speaking for some time. What?! So she cannot sing? At all?! Of course she should not sing for the foreseeable future. ...How horrible! ... We will do what we can for her. However, this is not a case with which I have much{LF}experience. I don't know the proper treatment. I'll use my connections with the De Sainte-Coquille family to{LF}gather information on this. I'm sure there must be some way of curing her! Yes. This is something we'll all need to research, I believe. I'll research what medical records I have access to and see if{LF}there are prior cases. I'll help with that, Jones. Please do. Now, @しゅじんこうくん@. Meg. You two should go ask around town to see if anyone might{LF}know something that could help. I'll let everyone know what's happening. Thanks. We'll do that. @マーガレット@, I know you probably don't want to be near{LF}me... But will you come too? ... Oh! One thing, before you two go. Take this. Pen and paper...? What voice cannot say, the pen will convey. That way, Meg doesn't need to strain her throat. Oh, I get it. She can write down what she wants to say. Okay. I'll read what she writes, so everyone can understand. Excellent! I'll go on ahead. Good luck! What is it? ... Oh, right. Here, write it down on here. ... Lessee... ''I didn't get to apologize to Porco.'' ... Oh yeah, that's right. How about we go do that later? ... C'mon, @マーガレット@. We should get going. We need to ask around. Maybe somebody knows something that'll help. ... We heard you were attacked by a siren. Everyone is looking into whatever they can find on sirens. Why don't you go talk to Kiel? He already knows quite a bit. Oh dear! Meg, are you okay? I'm researching every legend I can find. Who can sleep while{LF}their friend is hurting?! ... Um, she says ''Thanks.'' You're welcome! What TRAGEDY! What HORROR! WAAAAAAAAHHH!!! Why can I not give you my own voice?! I would give it to you in a heartbeat if that could heal you! WAAAAAAAAH!!! Meg, are you all right? ... She says ''Yes, only my throat hurts.'' I'm so sorry...! If only I had paid more attention to outside{LF}dangers...! ... Anyway, at the moment, everyone is helping Kiel collect{LF}what information they can find. Meg, I promise you we will find a way to return you your{LF}voice. Oh my gosh! Meg, are you okay? I heard what happened! ... Oh, sorry. I forgot you can't talk. Have you found anything out about sirens yet,{LF}@キール@? A little, but everyone's helping me research. So far, we know sirens use their beautiful singing voices to{LF}lure people close enough to attack. Normally, they're so dangerous you don't wanna go{LF}anywhere near them. But we didn't hear any singing. Hmm. So maybe the siren couldn't sing? Is that even possible? I read somewhere it's possible for them to lose their voices. When does that happen? When they lose what it is that makes them a siren. Huh? What makes them a siren? How does that work? I'm not sure. Sirens are monsters that sing pretty songs and{LF}attack people. Maybe it happens when they lose the need to attack people. @マーガレット@ was attacked, though. Yeah. It's all contradictory. I need to do more research. I'll let you know if I find{LF}anything. Everyone else is helping, too. I might have more for you if{LF}you come back later. Huh? Where's Margaret? You really should be doing this{LF}together. @しゅじんこうくん@! I've been looking all over for you. Did you find something? Yeah! What is it? Um...It might not be the most relevant thing, though... That's okay. I'll take anything we can get. Okay. Long ago, there was a person who became friends with a{LF}siren. Oh! Did @ブロッサム@ tell you that? Yeah. She said she remembered one other thing about that. What is it? It was a guy, and he gave the siren a name... +Audy+. ...! Audy? Yeah. It's a cute name. Maybe it was a nickname or{LF}something. It sounds like he liked her a lot. Still, it doesn't do much to help us. ...! ...! Hmm? What is it, @マーガレット@? ...! Lemme see. ''We need to go to my house!'' Your house? Did she think of something? Yeah, looks like it. Thanks, @キール@! See you later! Sure. Tell me what you find out! What is it Margaret wants to get from her house? Maybe you should hurry and take her there. I need to go to @マーガレット@'s house. You okay, Margaret? Oh, right. Don't worry, you don't have{LF}to say anything. Anyway, all I know is that they can be really, really powerful{LF}monsters. If we have to fight one, well... I'll give Forte a special weapon to handle that. I heard. Don't go trying to talk. ... Kiel's looking into stuff. I'll do what I can to help him. I gotta say, the restaurant is awfully quiet without your{LF}singing. Kiel's looking into stuff. I'll do what I can to help him. I heard about what happened. I am looking into what{LF}connections I have about sirens. Have you found anything out? I have asked some of my clients for permission to borrow{LF}their records. It seems sirens are known for the ability to steal voices. They can steal voices?! Yes. But without very significant reason, they hardly ever{LF}make use of that power. After all, sirens already have beautiful voices of their own. So why would one steal Meg's? I am unsure. But I have hope that there are hints about{LF}retrieving stolen voices. I will look a little deeper into the records I've borrowed. You{LF}two take care, all right? Sirens have the power to steal voices, but it's unknown why{LF}they would do so. Hmm? Isn't Margaret with you? The two of you should be{LF}doing this together. MEEEEEEGGGG!! ...Er, no, I am calm. I am calm. Right now, our top priority is locating a way to reclaim Meg's{LF}lovely, lilting voice to her. @しゅじんこうくん@, you should stay alongside Meg. I heard, Meg. ... It seems you have no need to worry. Mama is asking our customers if they know anything. Hang on for just a little longer. Kiel is collecting all of the information everyone gathers. You{LF}should go see him, yes? I heard, you poor dear. Xiao Pai and I are asking our customers if they know{LF}anything. Hang in there just a little while longer, okay? Lumie and I are looking through piles and piles of stuff to{LF}find a way to help you, Meg! So don't worry, 'kay? We'll solve the mystery real quick! Are you okay, Meg? Your throat doesn't hurt too much, I{LF}hope. ... ''It hurts a little, but I'll be fine.'' Ah, so you're writing instead of talking. Makes sense. @エルミナータ@, by the way... Do you know of any way to get @マーガレット@'s voice{LF}back? Hmm, good question. According to my theories... Love is involved in this case! ...Somehow! ...! Um, @エルミナータ@? That's not really an answer... Oh, I know I'm right this time! Just leave it to me, okay? I'll find a way to get Meg's voice back before you know it! ... Talk of the siren made me recall that day we cleaned the{LF}beach and found that bottle. Maybe there's some connection between that bottle and the{LF}siren? ...Naaah, that can't be right. Hey, why aren't you with Meg? Now of all times, you should{LF}stick with her. Hey, you okay? Oh. Right. You can't talk. Well, Kiel's digging up all kinds of stuff. I'll be helping him{LF}too. Are you all right? I heard from Jones. ... Hey, @ドルチェ@? Do you know anything about sirens? Can they really steal people's voices? ''It is possible, yes.'' Then... Wait. Why would a siren have any need to steal someone's{LF}voice? ''Wouldn't it want Meg's beautiful voice for its own?'' Sirens already have exceptionally beautiful voices. ''That's true.'' But it does give us a lead. It may be worth researching. Hmm. Why would a siren steal someone's voice? I suggest you two ask around to see if any of the townsfolk{LF}may know something. @しゅじんこうくん@, you stay close to Meg and keep her safe,{LF}okay? So we have a siren problem? Hmm. I think I'll leave that part{LF}to Kiel. On more interesting matters, the two of you argued recently,{LF}did you not? ...! Over what, I wonder? Somehow, I want to say it started with{LF}you, Margaret. Um, right now we're trying to-- Margaret. This situation is in part your own fault, because of{LF}the weakness within your heart. ... I see you realize that. All you must do now is carefully{LF}consider what to do next. You too, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? I realize this will sound harsh, but it's best for you to prepare{LF}for the worst. After all, some things you can never get back once you lose{LF}them. Where's Margaret? This is not the time for you two to be{LF}separated. A siren has returned? It has been so long since I last had the{LF}joy of hearing them sing. There was a time, long ago, when I would often hear one's{LF}song coming from a faraway lake. When was it that song stopped...? Meg, are you all right, dear? ... Do you know anything about a monster called a ''siren?'' Yes, a little. Long ago, there was a siren who would attack{LF}travelers not far from here. She would lure them to her with her voice, you see. But then one man came and put a stop to it. Really? Could you tell us more about it? Of course. Sirens are dangerous creatures. Ones you should not go{LF}near. But this man did. More surprisingly, he came back. He came back, and said he{LF}and the siren had talked. They had even become friends. After that, the man went to see the siren time after time. They would spend hours together, almost like...lovers. Not long after that, we stopped hearing the siren's songs. It was said the man managed to convince the siren not to{LF}attack people anymore. I never quite believed that, though. Not that I can say what{LF}the truth is. What happened to the man? He died a long time ago. This is a very, very old story. Though how long it has been for the siren, I can't say. ... Well? I hope that has been of some help to you. Yeah, it has. Thank you. One more thing before you leave. Meg. ...? My husband passed many years ago, but I have regretted{LF}none of our time together. There is pain, yes, but thinking on my time with him brings{LF}me far more joy than sorrow. Do you understand what I'm saying? ... Good. Now then, off with you two. Oh, now I remember. The man gave a name to the siren. What was it again? I think it started with an ''A.'' What do you think you're doing? Now is not the time to{LF}leave Meg alone. Everyone's working so hard to look up anything they can find{LF}for us. Maybe we should go see @キール@ again. He might{LF}have something new by now. Let's go see @キール@. He might have found some new clue to help us. ... What is it? That bottle... Isn't that the one we found when we were{LF}picking up litter at the beach before? ... Dear Audy-- Do you remember me? I'm sorry we had to meet again this way. I'm afraid I cannot come to see you in a normal fashion{LF}anymore. I've grown a little too old. I'm glad that I got to hear your voice, and I hope that my{LF}voice reaches you one last time. Thank you. And goodbye. Did he say ''Audy''...? ... That's the same name @キール@ told us. Does that mean this bottle was originally a message{LF}intended to go to that siren? I'd guess the voice in the bottle belongs to the man{LF}@ブロッサム@ told us about then, too. It's in a siren's nature to lure people to them with song and{LF}then attack them. But sometimes, a siren can lose what makes her a siren. Like...losing the need to attack people. Then, they can lose{LF}their voices. Having lost her own beautiful voice, that siren decided to{LF}steal mine. From what Blossom said, it sounds like Audy had a human{LF}she grew close to... But why would she lose the need to attack people? @マーガレット@? Are you okay? @しゅじんこうくん@... Don't push yourself. You might hurt yourself worse. You're always so kind to me. But I...! ... Oh, right. You want to write something again. Here's the{LF}paper... ''I know why.'' Huh? ''I know why the siren stole my voice.'' ''We need to go to that lake.'' ''I'm sure +she+ is in pain.'' ''We have to hurry and help her!'' Are you serious?! ... Are you sure it's a good idea to go see that siren? ... ''It'll be okay, I'm sure of it. C'mon, we have to hurry!'' Okay, okay. If you're that sure. ... What is it, @マーガレット@? ... Oh, right. Lessee... ''Tell me why.'' ''I said mean things to you.'' ''So why are you doing this?'' ''Why go this far for me?'' ... Take her hand. Give her a hug. ...! ...! That's what my warmth feels like. And I can feel your warmth. Doing this tells me you're alive, and you're here with me. You're really important to me. So I want to do anything I can{LF}to help you. It's only natural to feel that way about someone precious to{LF}you, right? So please stop trying to take it all on yourself. Please don't{LF}run away to hide and suffer alone. All I want is for you to trust me a little. I know it's probably really hard for you... But I'm going to stay with you. I'll stay as long as it takes to{LF}save you. @しゅじんこうくん@...! C'mon. Let's go. ...! ...! @マーガレット@? ...@しゅじんこうくん@... W-wait, you shouldn't talk! ...ah...ahh...! Stop. It's too hard on your throat. You really need to let it{LF}rest! Hhh...have to...t-tell you... What? I...I might...lose...my voice... ...permanently... So...I have to...tell you now...! @マーガレット@! We're...so close... Even meeting you...was...a miracle... I...I won't run...anymore... I know now... I know... ...I love you...! I love you, too. ...Thank you. I promise I'll save you. So please, stop pushing yourself and let your voice rest. ... C'mon, let's go. We have to put an end to all this. Meg! ... You're going to see the siren, aren't you? Yeah. I see. Yes, that is wise. Go. I'll wait here for your return. ... Thanks. See you-- ... OOF! ...! ...! Meg...? S...sorry...! Meg... I will be right as rain, don't you worry. So enough speaking. You'll only stress your throat. But once you get your voice back, I want to hear your{LF}beautiful ballads right away, understand? Nothing is better balm to moi than seeing your smiling face. ...! Now go, Meg. Go with him. I await your happy return. Let's go to that lake and see the siren. ... There she is. @マーガレット@, are you ready? Just write down whatever you want to say. I'll speak for you. You have come. ... This Elven voice is truly lovely. I have my words and even my{LF}song back. Siren. What is it? Have you come to steal our lives this time? ... Okay, I'll tell her. Ahh, so you write to communicate now. What a clever little{LF}human trick. ... ''Is your name...'' ''Audy?'' How do you know that name? I thought so. What? ''Long ago, you met a human man, didn't you?'' ''You and he became friends, spending lots of happy times{LF}together.'' ''The two of you...'' ... ''...fell in love.'' ''You didn't need to attack humans anymore. Not when you{LF}had one to love.'' ''So you stopped singing to lure them to you.'' ''You had lost your reason to be a siren...'' ''And somewhere along the way...you lost your song{LF}completely.'' ... ''But...that didn't bother you, did it?'' ''You had him with you. Just that was enough to make you{LF}happy.'' ''Now...now you have a need to lure people to you again.'' ''You need to, because--'' Silence! Impudent mortals! I'll rip you into fish bait! Wait! Hear us out, Audy!! *COUGH* *COUGH* @マーガレット@! So even in your condition, you still try to use your voice. It{LF}must pain you greatly. I...I don't...mind... What? It's...not nearly as bad as...the pain you must be in... My pain? It must've been hard... You two lived in completely different{LF}worlds... But... I said silence! I don't want to hear that ugly, gargling voice of{LF}yours! I won't stop. What?! You dare?! You came here to steal your voice back from me, did you{LF}not? So ready your weapons! Face me in battle and we shall fight! No. We came to help you. What...? *COUGH* *COUGH* @マーガレット@! Enough, let me talk for you! ...S-sorry... You want to help me? ''You loved him.'' ''But one day, he stopped coming to see you.'' ''All you want is for him to come back.'' ''So you wanted a voice. A voice so you could sing and lure{LF}him back to you.'' ''I know it's sad...but too much time has passed.'' ''It might not have seemed like that long to you...'' ''But the man you are waiting for isn't of this world anymore.'' ...Stop. ''Leaving things the way they are now will only cause you{LF}more pain.'' I don't want to hear it... ''You must accept it. You must accept what you have now,{LF}and how important it is to you.'' ''Sometimes, you only realize how precious someone is to{LF}you once you lose them.'' ''The more you worry about losing that someone, the more{LF}important your time together becomes.'' ''But don't forget, there's always an end. And when that end{LF}comes, we look back on lots of things.'' ''When that end comes, we want our memories to be filled{LF}with the smiling face of our loved one.'' ''That's why we keep singing.'' ''As long as we still have a voice we can still call the name of{LF}our precious someone.'' ''Please, Audy. Stop running from your past. It's too important{LF}to forget.'' ''But you also have to accept the present, because it's just as{LF}dear. Let it ease your pain.'' I knew he was gone. In my heart...I knew. But what's wrong with believing? If I keep singing, I believed he would come back to me! He told me he loved my song. Yet he still came to see me time after time, even once my{LF}voice was gone. ...In the end, I failed to tell him how I felt. But there's no point grieving about it now... Not when it's almost certain he had forgotten all about me. I am, after all, nothing but a monster. A despicable monster... Still...I have not forgotten him. Not even for a single moment{LF}have I forgotten about him! Audy... ''Audy, this message was left for you.'' That bottle...! ''Listen to it. Please.'' ... ... Ah...! Ahhhh!!! ''He didn't forget you.'' ''In fact, he was thinking about you right up until his death.'' ''No one ever forgets someone that important to them.'' ... Tears...I did not know I had any left in me. He left this for me... His voice, even beyond his death. ...I can do no less. As he left his voice for me, let me leave my voice for the{LF}world. I'll sing of the times we spent together! ...Elven girl. ...? I hate you. ... The song I'll sing must be sung with my own voice. I must retrieve it, no matter the cost. ... Do you not know what that means? It means the tinny, shrill voice of someone like you will no{LF}longer do. Take it back. I need it no more. Audy... Girl. ...? Do not become like me. Ah...! @マーガレット@? M-my voice...! I can talk! GAH! My voice is back! My voice is back! @マーガレット@... I can talk again! I can say your name again! @しゅじんこうくん@! @しゅじんこうくん@! @しゅじんこうくん@!!! @マーガレット@. @しゅじんこうくん@... I have to go thank everybody. Yeah, we do. @しゅじんこうくん@, thank you. Oh...um, could you lean a little closer? So I can reach your{LF}ear. Uh, sure. Which one, left or right? Um...uh... Left, I guess. ...? (Um...) (You can, y'know, um...) (You can come and tell me a certain important string of{LF}words sometime soon, okay? @字@) I'll be waiting! Anyway, I'm going to go say thanks to everyone. Important string of words, huh? Does she mean... I hear Margaret has gotten completely better! Isn't that{LF}wonderful? Great work, @しゅじんこうくん@! Oh, I'm so glad Meg is better, now. @しゅじんこうくん@, that was a job well done! Now the restaurant will return to its typical lively splendor! I'm glad that Meg has recovered... Very glad. Thanks to this I've learned a whole lot about sirens. But there's so much out there that I don't know. I've got a lot{LF}to learn. Looks like Margaret's back to normal. It's good to see her happy and humming again. @しゅじんこうくん@, I'll be waiting for those words. I hear Margaret got her voice back. ...Good work. Margaret has recovered her voice, I hear. That is splendid{LF}news. I will have to send thank-you letters to my clients for their{LF}help. @しゅじんこうくん@, thank you so much for your generous help. Now there's no longer any need to worry over Meg at all. ...Thank goodness. If you were going to see the siren, you could have told me,{LF}yes? But I am just glad Meg has her voice back. I'm so glad to hear Meg is all better. I should go let our customers know she's all right. Yay! Meg is all better! You must've done a whole lot to help her, @しゅじんこうくん@. So that little bottle really did have a connection to the siren. I knew it! No one can defeat the logic of the Great{LF}Detective! Good to hear Margaret's gotten better! Great work, @しゅじんこうくん@! I'm so glad Meg is better now. It must be so nice to be young. Ho ho ho. I'm glad Meg is better. ''You could show your happiness a little more, milady.'' ...Quiet, you. I hear Margaret's voice has fully recovered. That's wonderful{LF}news. Now everyone can enjoy Meg's beautiful singing again. Well done, @しゅじんこうくん@. So not only have you returned unharmed, but with Meg's{LF}voice as well. Aptly done. I...admit I said some harsh things to you before. I hear that the problem with the siren has been resolved to{LF}the satisfaction of everyone. Hey, show me your hand. Okay. Say please. Show me your hand...p-please. Huh? Well that was easy... Oh well. Here. Hmmm... What do you want to see it for? Huh? Oh, uh...nothing! C'mon, you can tell me why. It's nothing. H-honest. And don't follow me! Hey, um... Leave me alone. Wha? Um... Wh-what? I don't have time for you now. Why not? What's it matter? Anyway, leave me alone. What're you doing? H-how long have you been there?! Hmm? What are you getting all flustered for? Who cares? Just leave me alone. And don't follow me! Dylas has been taking over my workbench a lot lately. If I'd known he'd be using it this much, I would've charged{LF}him 500G an hour. @ディラス@-- How many times do I have to tell you? Get lost! ...! Why are you ignoring me? That was so mean... Wh-what was... You're ignoring me. I am not. Yes you are! Am not! I just don't want to talk to you! ...! Why...? Why are you avoiding me like this? Urk... You don't want to talk to me, you don't want to see me... It's like you've gone back to the old you. That's because you just...won't leave me alone. Anyway, get lost! @ディラス@... ... ... I...don't need anything right now. Leave me alone. Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Did you have an argument with Dylas? Huh? Sorry. It's just you were both, uh, talking rather loudly... Oh, sorry. I didn't mean for anyone to overhear that. I can't say I know what happened, but I know you two will{LF}be able to overcome it! I'll be sure to tell Dylas he has to take good care of you! So cheer up, okay? Everything will be all right. ...Thanks. Oh, dear. Are you okay? You look down. @ディラス@ and I, um, had an argument. Uh-oh! That's never easy. Is there anything I can do to help? You two should definitely{LF}make up with each other! Thanks, @クローリカ@. I'll give it a shot. Hrm? Are you not with Sir Dylas today? Well, y'see... WHAT?! Why that...! Leave this to me, @しゅじんこうくん@! Huh? What are you going to do? Punch him. What's the matter? You don't look your usual self today. Well, @ディラス@ and I... I see. @しゅじんこうくん@, allow me to handle this. Um...what are you going to do? Cut him down. @しゅじんこうくん@, did you and Dylas get in a fight? ...Wow, does everybody know? Well you were yelling pretty loudly, y'know. O-oh... C'mon, cheer up. It'll be okay. I mean, I'm sure Dylas doesn't want it this way, either. You two will be back together in no time. ...Thanks. Huh? What's with the long face? Oh, um...@ディラス@ and I kinda got in a fight... A fight? Well that's no good. Nobody'd touch one of those, so there's{LF}no point in selling them. No, wait a second...It's all Dylas' fault, of course, so... Maybe if I started carrying a special Dylas Punishment Kit, it'd{LF}sell... What's wrong? Did something happen? No, it's nothing. @ディラス@ and I, um... Is it about Dylas? Wha? Why that no good---rrrgh! How dare he make you cry! I'm going to give him a talking-to that'll blister his ears! So don't you worry, okay? It'll all be fine. Besides, you look much better with a smile than a frown. Did you and Dylas perhaps have a disagreement? I could{LF}hear your voices from here. Oh, sorry. We didn't mean to be that loud... Well, I will not press you for details. After all, I expect it is{LF}entirely Dylas' fault. He never says enough to get his true point across. But... I'm worried I might've done something to hurt him without{LF}knowing it. Dylas is lucky to have someone so concerned for him. If you don't mind, why don't you leave the rest to me? Huh? What're you going to do? Lecture him. @しゅじんこうくん@? What's wrong? You look as flat as a{LF}flopped pie. Huh? Um... Did something happen with Dylas? ... Hrm. Don't worry. I'll give him a most stern, severe and serious{LF}speech! He won't get away with making you sad again. You and Dylas fought, yes? Oh...you could hear it? Easily. What was it about? He's been avoiding me, and he won't tell me why. I see. It seems that would be hard to endure. But do not worry. This is not the end of everything. You have all the rest of us with you. We will help you when you feel down, yes? Thanks. You're welcome. Oh dear, what's wrong? You look upset. Well, I kinda got in a fight... Oh my. With Dylas? Yeah. Ahh. Don't worry about it. You're both still young. You've got{LF}lots of arguments ahead of you. Besides, this was Dylas' fault, I'm sure. ...I'm not. I might've done something to hurt him without{LF}realizing it. I doubt that. Everything will all work out, don't you worry. He'll come apologize before too long, so let him fuss over{LF}you when he does, okay? ...Okay. What's wrong? You look sad. Oh, sorry. It's nothing. No it's not. You shouldn't try to hold it in when you're sad. @コハク@... There, there. It'll all be okay. Thanks. I feel a little better, now. Hey, what's with the wilted look? Um... HOLD IT! Let me deduce the answer... *SIGH* Hmmm... Oh, well. Whatever it is, time will solve it. If you say so... Hey, what's wrong? You don't look too good. Oh, sorry... Don't tell me. It's Dylas. Huh? Knew it. That dumb nag seriously has oats for brains...*MUMBLE*{LF}*MUMBLE* ...What was that? Oh, uh, nothing! Nothing! ...? Anyway, cheer up! It'll all work out in the end. What's wrong, dear? You look upset. Well, I kinda got in a fight... Ah, I see. That will happen a lot while you're young. Don't let{LF}it bother you. Did you and your husband get into arguments when you{LF}were young too, @ブロッサム@? Oh of course! Lots of times. But if you both truly care for each other, it's easy to put{LF}those things behind you. So argue with him, over and over. And then bury the hatchet,{LF}over and over. ...What's wrong? Huh? ''Did something happen? You look depressed.'' Well, y'see... Ah. So you had a fight. ''Goodness, Dylas is such a dolt! How dare he hurt you!'' ''Dolly, let's go do something about that hay-brained horse{LF}right now!'' Yes. We oughta do something before he becomes even{LF}denser than he already is. Hmm? You don't look terribly happy today. What is it? Oh, um... @ディラス@ and I kinda, well... Oh no! Did you dump him? Huh? Sorry. I got a little ahead of myself. I assume you argued? ...Yeah. Ah. Well, that's a path that many couples walk more than{LF}once. Do you and @ナンシー@ argue? Of course. But it's a fond memory, now. We even laugh over some of{LF}them. So don't let it get to you. Work together to overcome{LF}whatever the problem may be. I'm sure you will find something precious beyond it. What's wrong? You look unhappy today. Oh, um... @ディラス@ and I kinda, well... Ah, so you had a fight? You know, that reminds me of when @ジョーンズ@ and I{LF}were young. Did the two of you fight? Oh, did we ever! You wouldn't believe some of the terrible{LF}things he said! Once he even...hee! It was so funny! ...? I'm sorry. I got caught up in the memories. But yes, Jones and I argued a lot. Now, though, we can look{LF}back on those days and laugh. It was hard at the time, but now we realize it wasn't that{LF}bad after all. So don't worry. I'm sure you two will find a way to get past whatever it is. Sooner or later, the time will come when you understand{LF}each other. ...Thanks. What's wrong? You look as depressed as if you'd just had an argument with{LF}Dylas. How did you know?! It was obvious.{LF}...(At least, I will say it was.) Still...that was rather idiotic. Yeah. We should've just discussed it or something. ...of Dylas. What did he think he was doing? He very well could have{LF}lost the best thing in his life. It seems I may have to help him understand what it is he did. Oh? How will you do that? By burying him. Wh-what...? Would you like a proper grave for him, or is it all right if it's{LF}just anywhere? ♪ What? How dare you bring this cloud of gloom in with you.{LF}Leave before it infects me. Oh, sorry. I'll leave. Wait! Waaaaait! I was kidding! I do have enough sympathy to hear the concerns of a friend,{LF}you know. Out with it, now. Tell me. Well, @ディラス@ and I... ...I see. He has hardly changed, it seems. The more important it is to{LF}him, the less he speaks of it. But do not mistake that for being unfeeling. He has always{LF}been a caring person. Have some faith in him. He will not do wrong by you. @セルザ@... However, it seems he must learn to be more open. Perhaps if{LF}I were to nibble on him some... @しゅじんこうくん@. There you are. @ディラス@... I'm sorry. Honest. Wha? I heard. From everyone. They told me how hurt you were. ... ...I was dumb. I thought about you and what I did all last night. And I realized all I ever do is hurt you. I don't mean to. It's just...these feelings...this relationship... None of it is stuff I've done before. I...don't know what to do.{LF}It's...it's... ARGH! Dammit, I can't put it into words right! A-anyway, um...if you decide to forgive me... Will you come to the +front of the castle+ tomorrow? @ディラス@, hold on. I don't know what you're talking{LF}about. I mean, did you have some kind of reason for doing what{LF}you did? Uh... I-I'll tell you tomorrow! And if you still don't feel like forgiving me by tomorrow, it{LF}can be later. It can be the day after tomorrow, it can be next week, in 10{LF}years, in 100 years! I'll wait! ... And I'll keep waiting, in front of the castle. I'll wait for you in front of the castle tomorrow. And I'll keep waiting, until you decide to forgive me. I'll be waiting in front of the castle. And I'll keep waiting, until you decide to forgive me. You came. I'm sorry. Really. It's all my fault. It's okay. I haven't forgiven you. Really...? Thank goodness. But I want to know why. Tell me. R-right. But, uh, first...by way of, well, apology, I uh... I want to take you somewhere! Where? Um, that's a secret. ...? Close your eyes. I'll guide you. Isn't that dangerous? You'll be fine. I'll keep hold of your hand, no matter what. Once we get there, I'll tell you everything. ...I didn't think you would. But that's okay. It's your right. So I'll wait here for you. And I'll keep waiting, until you decide to forgive me. Are you ready? Yeah. Hang on a sec. Good. Close your eyes. Okay. Come tell me when you're ready to go. Let's go. Here, hold on to my hand. I'm going to start walking now. ... That's it. Don't let go. Careful! There are stairs here. Easy...easy... That's it. Yo, Dylas! You two make up already? Shaddap! Leave us alone! Dammit, why does everybody have to stare? Oh, turn here. Whoa! You okay? Hmm? Where do you think you are taking my pretty, precious{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@? ...Urk! Porcoline... Hey, wait! She's not yours. Oh? Then whose is she? ... Oh, come on!!! She's mine! I won't let anybody else have her! Got a problem{LF}with that?! Woo hoo hoo! ARGH!! Get lost! All of you! Ugh, I'm so tired... We're almost there. Take it easy. Don't let go of my hand. ... We're here. You can open your eyes now. Where are we? And what's with all the food? I cooked all of it. What, all this? Wow... I'm sorry... I didn't want you to know. I was trying to think of a good way to show you how I feel... Wha...? But I had no idea what to do. I'm no good with words. This was all I could come up with. It took longer to set up than I thought, though. And...even though I was trying to do something to make you{LF}happy, I hurt you. ...I really am dumb. Wait, so you're saying you were avoiding me because you{LF}didn't want this secret to get out? Yeah, basically. That's why you were that cold to me? ...Yeah. You're such a klutz. You're such an idiot. You're such a horse. Urk... S-say whatever you want. You've got that right. Um, so anyway... I put everything I had into cooking these dishes. Do you, uh,{LF}wanna try any? Yeah. I haven't forgiven you. Great! Go on and dig in. I'm sorry! I'll say I'm sorry as many times as you need to hear it. There's so much I want to say to you yet. So, um...will you sit down? Here, try this one. I think it turned out great. Oh, have this one next. Um...don't you think you made a little too much? I did? Oh! Try this one-- Ow! What's wrong? You're...you're hurt! What, this? That's my own damn fault. See, somehow the whole town knew I'd hurt you. Volkanon nearly decked me. Forte almost cut me to bits. Margaret blistered my ears. Doug chewed me out. Everybody came after me. And I mean EVERYBODY. I tried to tell them I got it, but they didn't listen. So I tried to run...and tripped. That's how I got this. Oh my gosh, are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine. This is what made me remember what's really{LF}the most important thing to me. I really am sorry. It's okay. Honest. So, uh, did it all taste good? It was great! Not really. R-really? Good. ...Oh. I guess I'm still not as good a cook as he is. Hang on. I'll go bring dessert. Huh? Dessert was already out. This is the special one. ...What is it? @しゅじんこうくん@, listen. I, uh...I've never been good at dealing with people. I'm foul-mouthed and I've got a bad attitude. I know I do. This might not be the last time I hurt you. To be blunt...I'm scared. @ディラス@... But y'know, I like this town. I want to stay and live with everyone here. I mean, everyone here accepts me. I like them. I didn't know how it got that way... But I thought about it. It didn't take long to come up with the answer. What was it? You. Huh? You changed me. I didn't deal with others much at first, but you kept coming to{LF}see me and chat... And if somebody had problems, you would go help them, no{LF}matter who it was. ...Seeing you do all that made me jealous, to be honest. You had something I didn't. And that something...healed my heart. Do you see what I'm getting at? See, @しゅじんこうくん@... You've become something I just can't live without anymore. ... It's you that changed me. I like everyone. But it's only you that I love. Do you know what this is? It's a ring. To be honest... This is what I didn't want you to find out about. Not the{LF}food. I spent hours and hours at Bado's forge. I'd never crafted{LF}anything before. It's not the neatest one, but I wanted to make it with my{LF}own hands. I want you to take it. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Will you marry me? Yes. No. You... You will...? I will. Oh geez... My heart feels like it's gonna burst...! Ah ha ha. W-will you put the ring on? Okay. ... It's not what you think, @ディラス@. ...? You gave me so many things today. But I don't have anything to give back to you. No, I've already gotten plenty-- Rings are things you exchange, right? So let me make one for you, too. If I'm going to be honest, too, there are some feelings I{LF}haven't sorted out yet. So it probably won't be until I get it all straight in my head,{LF}but... Will you wait for me? ... Yeah, I'll wait. I'll wait as long as it takes. I'm good at waiting. WOO, YOU GO DYLAS!! GAH?! What the hell?! Where'd you come from?! Darn it, Doug! If you'd waited just a minute longer, we might've gotten to{LF}see them kiss! ?! W-wait, how long have you been there?! Since before you said ''You can open your eyes now.'' How come you were here before we were?! Congrats, man! Seriously! This is so awesome! Get off of me already! Dylas, when you have a daughter, let moi help raise her. Not on your li--wait, you too?! By the by, about the ceremony... Volkanon?! There's more of you here?! Best start the preparations early. Leave the arrangements to{LF}me. How about some of my weapons for wedding gifts? I'll handle the music! I'll play my best ballads! Ahh, this brings back so many fond memories, doesn't it? Yes, it does. JUST HOW MANY OF YOU WERE HERE?! ''You had something I didn't.'' ''And that something...healed my heart.'' That...that was so moving...!! WAAAAAAAAH!!! STOP IT! DON'T REPEAT WHAT I SAID!! ''Everyone here accepts me. I like them.'' In other words, you have proposed to moi as well? NO I HAVEN'T! AND STOP SAYING WHAT I SAID!! ''You've turned into something I just can't live without{LF}anymore.'' ... STOP LAUGHING!! ''I...I would wither and die without you.'' ''I can't even think of spending a single day without you, my{LF}sweet darling honeybunch.'' I NEVER SAID THAT!! I can hardly believe you said something so embarrassing{LF}aloud. And who was EAVESDROPPING on it?! Erm, I...uh... Dammit...staying here is about to kill me from sheer{LF}embarrassment. @しゅじんこうくん@. Yes? I'm stealing you. ...?! ...*HUFF* *HUFF*... Do you think we lost them? ...*HUFF* *HUFF*... I don't think they followed us in the first place. Whatever. I don't care anymore. Ha ha... Ha ha ha ha ha! Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? I want to tell you something. What is it? It's the story about when I became a Guardian. Have you{LF}heard that yet? No, not yet. When it was decided, I got locked up in a hut in the forest. What? Yeah. The king ordered it, so I wouldn't run away. Yikes... They had to, really. I attracted Rune power more easily than anyone else. I was{LF}the only one capable of the job. So the townsfolk decided that, to save Venti, I had to be{LF}Guardian. Still, they didn't need to lock you up... The shack was so flimsy I had to wonder if they really meant{LF}it to hold me. There was only one guard, and he would leave to get me{LF}food. The key was right in the door. It was all so stupid I didn't even feel like trying to run. Days later, Venti herself came to see me. She wasn't doing too well, but she still dragged herself out{LF}to see me and teach me fishing. I still don't know what she was thinking then... But I had fun fishing with her. I figured that it wouldn't be so bad, being a Guardian for her. The king himself came to get me on the day of the{LF}ceremony. The place they held the ceremony was supposed to be off-{LF}limits, but half the town was there. You know what they said to me? I was shocked when I{LF}heard it. What did they say? They told me to run. To escape. Not to let them force the{LF}burden on me alone. They begged the king to change his mind. Some even offered{LF}to take my place. None of them liked the decision the king had made. They{LF}tried to save me. I didn't know until Venti told me later, but they'd been doing{LF}that since the day I was locked up. But...that was the only way to save everyone. There was nothing any of us could do. Still...they fought to get me released. At the end, the king himself looked at me and said... ''I'm sorry.'' He'd ordered the key left in the lock for me, y'know. He gave me every chance to run. Huh? But wasn't he the one who ordered you locked up in{LF}the first place? I think he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He{LF}had to save the town... But he couldn't find any other way to do it. So they had to{LF}go through with the ceremony. There wasn't enough time for me to let it all sink in. I couldn't really process what the king was showing me,{LF}what the townsfolk were feeling. If only I'd spent more time with them before... Maybe I would've learned to like them. Maybe I would've{LF}decided I wanted to stay with them. But then I probably would have resisted the ceremony. But this time, I want to live. And that... That scares me. I want to keep you and this whole town safe. But, if a time comes when I have to put my life on the line... I might decide that I want to live. I might not be able to give my life to protect you. And that scares me. If there's a fight, and I start getting that feeling, I...I don't{LF}know what I'd do. That's perfectly okay. I'm scared, too. What...? In fact, if you didn't feel that way, I'd be worried. From the way you were talking, it sounded like you'd be fine{LF}going off and leaving me behind. N-no, I'd never do that... What...? It really scares me to think that someday you...might not be{LF}there. B-but I... Live, @ディラス@. There's no need for you to ''put your life on the line.'' I want us to live together. @しゅじんこうくん@... Let's be happy together. I know it'll mean more things for us to protect. But I don't want to have to live without you. So let's live for a happy future, okay? ... Yeah. I promise to make you happy. Thanks. Still, everybody really made a big fuss about this. We aren't{LF}getting married right away. Yeah, not right now. ...But I'll be waiting. I know. Take care on your way home, then. I will. Oh! @しゅじんこうくん@! I, um, I-I'd like you to, uh, stay c-c-calm and l-listen... ...How about you stay calm while you talk? Wh-what?! Oh, er... Anyway, uh... Well, it seems, um... The whole, uh, ''Prince-Switch'' we did with Arthur might have{LF}gotten out. What?! The capital may even be sending an +investigator+ here... Oh! But this is all just rumor at the moment. Just a rumor. However, Arthur has been acting a little strangely lately. He has? Yes. He had a business deal nearly wrapped up, but he cancelled{LF}it at the last moment. Since then, several rumors have begun to pop up about him. Rumors? Yes. One even says that he may not be a true prince, but{LF}only a mistress' child. And that he came to Selphia due to some trouble over his{LF}birth mother... ... There's no telling what the truth is, I'm afraid. But considering there may be an official investigator from the{LF}capital coming here... It may be wise to keep a very low profile for the time being. Yeah, that's probably a good idea. I just left a message at Arthur's about all this. But just to be sure he gets it, would you please go tell him? Sure. Thank you. That will be a big help. Rumor has it that the king has heard about the ''Prince{LF}Switch'' between you and Arthur. And if the rumor is true and an official investigator really{LF}comes here... ... Anyway, it is probably best if you keep a low profile for a{LF}little while. Could you please let Arthur know? I left him a message, but{LF}just in case. Ah, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. My apologies, but I am in a hurry at the moment. Ah...! @しゅじんこうくん@?! Er, i-it's nothing! Nothing at all! Pay it no mind! Is this about @アーサー@? URK! I-I know nothing at all about anything involving Sir Arthur!{LF}Not a thing! ... The rumors about Arthur have the whole castle in an uproar. Even some of the staff who work for Arthur are uneasy. They say he won't talk to them about anything but work. I can understand that. It would make me wonder if he really{LF}trusted me, too. ... @アーサー@? @しゅじんこうくん@? Why are you... What are you looking at? Oh, this? Glasses? ...Yes. This is the pair that you found for me before. Oh, the ones everyone was looking for? ... Now I think I can confess this to you... But that was when I truly began to fall for you. Huh...? Heh heh... But don't expect me to say that again, all right? Anyway, might I ask what you are doing in my room? Oh yeah! @ビシュナル@ asked me to give you a message. About the rumor, correct? There is nothing for anyone to{LF}worry about. Really? Yes. Oh, on a different note, I have acquired an unusual tea{LF}blend. Do you think you will have time in your schedule tomorrow? Tomorrow? Um... I would love it if you could join me for a cup. Sure! I'm busy tomorrow. Ahh, excellent. Well then, please come to +my office tomorrow+, when you{LF}have time. I will be waiting. I see. Well then, let me know when you will next have some time.{LF}We can have our tea together then. @しゅじんこうくん@, what does your schedule for tomorrow look{LF}like? Will you have time to join me for some tea? Please join me +at my office tomorrow+ for some tea. I'm looking forward to it. Ahh, @しゅじんこうくん@. There you are. Please, have a seat. ...And we all couldn't help but laugh. Yes. That does sound like it was amusing. *STARE* Oh, and then... Yes? *STARE* ... ... *STARE* Um, @アーサー@? Yes? Is there something on my face? Oh, no. No there is not. It seems I was a touch entranced for a moment. Wha...? Anyway, what do you think of this particular blend? It smells wonderful. It has a unique taste. Yes, it is quite the rare blend. It's kinda...relaxing, too. Oh? Well I am very glad that it meets with your approval. Thanks. What would you think if you could share that feeling with{LF}lots of people? Huh? Taking what you think is a great thing and sharing it with{LF}more and more people. I like to believe that is the root of trade. This tea blend, for example, is from a new client of mine. They are a small family, and this is their best hand-made{LF}product. I'm quite fond of it, myself, and I immediately thought I'd like{LF}to share it with you. Really? Thanks. You're welcome. Sharing feelings and opinions with others. Thinking of what other people may be like. Meeting more{LF}and more people. Seeing more things from other countries and experiencing{LF}parts of their cultures. All this allows us to imagine the shape of the world. What to purchase next? Who to sell it to? Through objects, we are able to touch a piece of people's{LF}hearts. Or, perhaps, through these things we are letting the world a{LF}little deeper into our hearts. Letting the world into our hearts? Yes. Thus, the question of how many people you can convince to{LF}buy an item becomes important. What words one can use, what picture one can present... In what ways can you grab the consumer's attention and{LF}show them this wonderful new thing? Personally, I find creating ways to draw people's interest a{LF}very intriguing exercise. Grab a person's interest, and they will want to learn more. Correct? Yeah. Accordingly... I want to know more about you. Wha...? Do you mind? Oh, no, not really... Wonderful. ... So will you tell me more about you, too? We'll make it a trade. Of course. Ask anything you wish. Okay, um... How's being a prince feel? Tell me about glasses. Tell me about your family. What is it like to be a prince? Yeah. Well... To be honest, I've never really felt like a prince. I left my duties as a prince of this place to you, after all. Ah ha ha. Yeah, that's right. My siblings often told me I was not very princely, too. Siblings? So there are other princes and princesses? Yes. They're all very good people. I see. But me? I don't find the position of prince to be an agreeable{LF}one. Oh? Yes. In other words... You shouldn't expect much of anything princely from me. Um...you're really going to say that about yourself? Yes. I will really say that about myself. Do you have any other questions? What about glasses? I was just wondering why you like them so much. Well... ... @アーサー@? I think I will keep that to myself. Hmm? If I were to say it out loud, I would simply die of agony, you{LF}see. Wha? Agony?! Well then, do you have any more questions? What...? I was wondering what your family was like. After all, I, um...I don't remember mine... ... As you know, my father is the King of Norad. Oh, that's right. And your mother is queen? No. I have no mother. Wha? I'm kidding. Oh goodness, would you look at the time. I'm afraid I must{LF}get back to work. But... I had a very pleasant time today. We should do it again sometime, if you would like. Good day. @アーサー@? I had a very pleasant time today. We should do it again sometime, if you would like. Um, @アーサー@? Good day. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. You know, I have to wonder why +Arthur+ was the one sent to{LF}this town. He doesn't seem to have much interest in princely duties at{LF}all. Do you know anything about that, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yep! No. You do?! Just kidding. I'm not telling. ...Sometimes I also wonder how I can be so gullible. But I haven't asked anything yet... To be honest, we don't know much about it, either. Even Lady Ventuswill doesn't seem to know much. All she said was ''I'm sure he has his reasons.'' And she left it at that. She must really trust the king, I guess. Hmm? Arthur? Yeah, could you tell me about him? Sure, but why do you wanna know? Well, uh... He's kinda famous around here, y'know. A famous ''trader.'' Well yeah-- Kiel! Oh hi, Forte! You mustn't talk about Arthur to anyone from out of town for{LF}a while, Kiel. Why not? You mustn't because you mustn't! So don't! Please. That sounds awfully suspicious... Oh be quiet! Erm... Pardon us, but I'm afraid we must be going. H-hey! What's going on with Arthur? Forte seems to know something, but I'm not sure what it is... I hear there may be an official investigator from the capital{LF}coming to see Arthur. I would expect that traveler is somehow connected... ... I hope we can find some way to keep this all firmly under{LF}wraps. Uh, 'scuse me. Could you tell me about the trader named +Arthur+? Never heard of him. About who? Oh. Has this ''Arthur'' person done something? Oh, uh, no. If you don't know of him, that's okay. ... I should probably +tell Arthur+ about this. @アーサー@. @しゅじんこうくん@. What is it? Someone just showed up in town and has been asking{LF}about you. It might be that inspector that was supposed to be coming. Do you know where this person has gone? Don't tell me you want to go meet him? Yes. I have a few things I would like to ask him. I'll go with. No. I will be quite fine on my own. But... Don't worry. I will be all right. ... Um, @アーサー@? Yes? Uh... I trust you. Do you trust me? Wha...? Oh, uh, sorry. I know it's kinda sudden, but you do tend to try to fix things{LF}all by yourself... All without telling me what's wrong or letting me know if I{LF}can help. That makes me feel a little...sad inside, I guess. And I thought I should probably, um, tell you that. So maybe we could...discuss it. ... ''People are not to be trusted.'' Huh? That is what my mother said the day she threw me away. What? +Threw you away+...? Let us save the rest of that discussion for later. In the meantime, can I ask you to deliver a message for me? To who? To +Vishnal+. Please tell him to begin the operation. Huh? I'm counting on you. Please tell +Vishnal+ to begin the operation. I'm counting on you. @ビシュナル@. Oh! Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@... Whoops! You look busy. Message from @アーサー@. Yes, work has been piling up recently. And I should probably be getting back to it. See you later! A message from Arthur? Yes. He says to ''begin the operation.'' Ah! Understood. What kind of ''operation'' is it? Who knows? Huh? I haven't heard the details myself. He just asked me to deliver this letter to Forte when the{LF}time came. A letter? Yes. But right now I have a lot of work to do... How about I deliver it to her instead? Would you? Sure. That would be great! Thank you so much! I will leave the letter with you. Please take it to +Forte+ as{LF}soon as you can. Okay. Sorry, I can't. Thank you! What? I was just teasing. Sorry. Hmph. Well, I'm counting on you. Where has Arthur gotten to? Arthur! I brought the meal Porco made for you. You really ought to stop trying to hide in here all day. Eating with the rest of us won't kill you, y'know. Porco misses{LF}having you at the table. ...A lot. He was crying, even. Which was kinda gross. He had{LF}snot dribbling out his nose. Anyway! You already keep such irregular hours, how about{LF}you try to make some time to-- ...huh? It seems Arthur has stepped out for the moment, Meg. Yeah, it looks like it. (Arthur certainly doesn't have it easy here.) ...You just thought something very rude about me, didn't{LF}you? Wha?! N-n-no, o-of course not! Why would I do such a{LF}thing? Don't lie! I can read what you're thinking as easily as a lullaby score! No, I was in no way thinking that your scolding was{LF}bordering on the shrewish-- Oh now you've done it! I knew you were thinking something{LF}rude! Oops! And I'd just finished writing a new song for you, too. Well,{LF}now you aren't going to get it. A new song? Yes. My latest piece is one about you. It is? A knightly march, then. Nope. It's a sweet song about a sister who loves her baby{LF}brother to pieces. Hold it right there. @フォルテ@. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. What is it? Do you have some sort of business with me? Forte, what are you talking about? Hmm? She's come to her boyfriend's house. Why would she come{LF}here if she was looking for you? ...? ...?? AH! Er, w-we aren't here for anything untoward! Honest! Meg{LF}was just bringing him his dinner... And I was, er, just here to tell him about the inspector!{LF}That's all! It's nothing secretive! You don't have to panic, y'know. B-but... Um... @しゅじんこうくん@!! Wha?! Wh-why don't you tell him about the inspector? It's obvious{LF}he has arrived in town! Oh, r-right! That's a great idea! You're his girlfriend and all.{LF}He'll listen to you! Umm...I've already told him. You have? Yeah, but he only said there's nothing to worry about. He{LF}hasn't explained anything to me. Oh, I see... He hasn't? Well that's kinda...lonely. ... Oh, so you came here to bug him about it then, right? Forte, we've got to back her up! You needn't ask twice. Wha? Wait, no! That's not why I came. It isn't? I'm here to deliver a letter to @フォルテ@. To me? Yeah. It's from @アーサー@. Oh, erm... She's supposed to read it, right? Yeah. A-all right... Forte, I will pursue the criminal as far as @マップ0@. As soon as you are prepared, please meet me there. A criminal? What on earth is he thinking?! AHH! Criminals can be dangerous and violent people! And he's{LF}chasing one?! I must go after him immediately! Wait! What is it? Take me with you! I'm worried about @アーサー@, too. But... Of course she is. Her lover might be in trouble. ... All right. However, I want you to stay close to me the entire way.{LF}Understand? Okay! Why @マップ0@? Anyway, we must hurry. We'll go east from the castle! Why @マップ0@? Anyway, we must hurry! Now that I think about it... I heard some of Arthur's staff talking about him. Don't listen. Tell me more! Heh, that look tells me you don't need to hear what I have{LF}to say. You trust him that much. Huh? W-well... Hee hee... That's kinda cool. ... They said he's a really smart and talented guy. But he never gets stuck up about it. He's always considerate{LF}to everyone. That's not to say he's a pushover or anything. He's{LF}responsible and really has his stuff together. They said they're honored to have the chance to work with{LF}him. Oh... But they really wonder about his obsession with glasses. ...O-oh. Oh! I just remembered another thing. I overheard Arthur having a heated discussion with one of his{LF}staff. They were asking why he cancelled a deal that was almost{LF}done. Then Arthur said something about an +inquiry into the{LF}information+ about something or other... Ngh...! @アーサー@! My apologies. I am going to have to leave this situation to{LF}you. I must keep my eye on him. Uh-oh!! Let's clean up these monsters quickly! @アーサー@, are you okay?! Yes, I am all right. But I am surprised you came along, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? Arthur! What on earth is happening here? You will explain this to us, right? Of course. EEP! This gentleman and I spoke for a while, and then I{LF}pretended to leave him by the town gate. In actuality, I hid and then followed him out here. ... When he arrived, he pulled out a hammer. Then he hit the cave wall with it as hard as he could. What...? The resulting noise was quite loud. It startled several monsters into rushing out here. They{LF}surrounded us. The rest is as you saw. ... @しゅじんこうくん@, why are you here? I... I was worried about you, so I came to see if I could help. You came to help me? ...Yes. Why? Why wouldn't I? ...Please understand. What? What? I mean, we're dating, right? Of course I want to help. ...? I-I mean... Isn't it, y'know, natural to want to help someone? Especially when that someone is really important to you? Ahh. I see. Now that you mention it, of course that makes sense. It's odd... You worrying for me is natural... Yet somehow, knowing that you do makes me very glad. @アーサー@... @しゅじんこうくん@... ...Ahem. Oops. Erm...may we get back to the topic at hand, please? O-of course. Ah ha ha... Now, let me see if I understand this correctly. This traveler here took out a hammer. Then he suddenly struck the cave wall without considering{LF}the consequences. As a result, startled monsters raced out and attacked you. Yes. Urk... What did you hope to accomplish by hitting the cave wall? ... I, uh, I just wanted to break down the entrance. Why? Uhh... Though I hardly need ask that. You did it to lend some truth to the fake information you{LF}sold to me. Urk... What do you mean? He is an information collector. Earlier, I purchased a piece of information from him. Information that said this cave might soon collapse. And as soon as he sold it to me, he came out here. With a hammer in his hand. Then... ... Well then, allow me to confirm one more thing. Several years ago, there was a cave-in here. Was that your{LF}doing as well? N-no, it wasn't! I was just tryin' to make a quick bit of money by selling you{LF}some information... False information. That you then needed to make true{LF}quickly. Urk... That is unforgivable. It's not like you traders aren't doing the same thing! Wha? You use money and connections to spread fake rumors{LF}about how good your products are... And you only ever sell the crap that'll make you the most{LF}profit! So how's this any different, huh? Tell me! ... No matter how great a product you make, if you can't get{LF}people to talk about it, it won't sell. But only you big-time traders get to decide what gets talked{LF}about! And thanks to greedy people like you who only care about{LF}money... ...my father's farm...it... ...It's gone completely barren! So I...I... I see. Nowadays it's not quality items that sell. It's only the stuff that people talk about. The stuff you{LF}traders pay people to talk about! Then you take advantage of that to drive the prices... So any of us trying to make an HONEST living can't make{LF}enough to survive! ... So what's different, eh? What's the difference between using money and power to{LF}sell hyped up crap... ...and selling information that isn't quite true yet? Well?! Erm... It is utterly different. Wha?! First and foremost, there is the matter of customer{LF}satisfaction. I, at least, am unsatisfied with the product you sold to me. ... And allow me to correct you on one point. I do not ''hype fake information'' simply so that I may make a{LF}profit. Huh? All products have a maker and a buyer. It is the job of merchants and traders to bring those two{LF}together. A sale only happens when a person who can create a{LF}product meets a person who wishes to buy it. It is meaningless when you have only one or the other. Accordingly... It is a trader's job to spread word of a product's value to as{LF}many people as possible... And then make sure that product reaches as many people as{LF}desired at a reasonable price. That, at least, is what I think trading should be. @アーサー@... One more thing. You are familiar with this tea, correct? This... This is the tea my father grew. Yes. It is exceptionally well made. I added it to the list of{LF}goods I handle at first taste. But...but my father said he wasn't going to grow it anymore. I have a message from my client in regards to this as well. Huh? He says, ''If you see my stupid son, tell him this for me...'' ''We're short handed, so get your butt back here right now!'' ...! But why...? We tried so hard for so long to get people to notice, but no{LF}one would. That's why I gave it all up to start doing this...! How come it all had to start happening now, after all this{LF}time...? Good for you. Wha...? Your old self has stopped your current self from going down{LF}a dark road. All the work you did before has not been in vain. Is that not correct? ... Y'know, you're a really weird one. Am I? ... Well then. Why don't we all go back to town? And you, sir, will come with me to the castle. There are{LF}things you will need to explain. ...Okay. We should be on our way, too. Yeah. And since we are together, let's hold hands. Sure. ...Wait, what? Would you rather not? No, I want to. Excellent. Here. ... I hear a cracking sound. We should probably stay away from there. It could be{LF}dangerous. Hey, @アーサー@? Yes? Why did you give that letter to @ビシュナル@? Ah, you mean earlier? Yeah. That was simply a means of buying some time. Huh? Vishnal is very serious about his duties. I knew that if I gave it to him, he would see it delivered, no{LF}matter what. The content of the letter was a similar thing. I knew that Forte would come running the moment she read{LF}it. And by that point, I would have just finished exposing his{LF}crime. Wait... So this whole thing has gone totally according to plan, then? Yes. All that remained was for me to lead him into committing his{LF}crime right away. But isn't that kinda roundabout? ... ...Yes. But I simply had to make certain myself, with my own{LF}eyes. Why did a cave-in have to happen? Why did it have to be on the very day I went to confirm{LF}what my mother said? Huh? I am sure you have heard the rumors. I am not the legitimate son of the king. I was born of one of{LF}his +mistresses+. His +mistresses+? Yes. The other princes are only half-brothers of mine. My mother left me and vanished. ''People are not to be trusted.'' That was the last thing she said to me. Oh no...! I, of course, do not think of her as my mother. However... I have been wondering why she chose that, of all things, to{LF}be her final message to me. ... That is why this one time I had to see what happened with{LF}my own eyes, and hear with my own ears. Between that cave-in and the truth that it may now seal off{LF}in its depths... I had to know if there was any real connection. Or...perhaps... I may have simply wanted to know what the bond between{LF}mother and son might feel like. ... Anyway, I seem to have caused you some concern, and for{LF}that I am sorry. However, there is no need to worry anymore, as the matter{LF}is resolved. Huh? It is? Hmm? But...what about the whole Prince Switch thing... Oh, that? And, by extension, I assume you mean the +investigator+ that{LF}was rumored to be coming? Yeah. Did you not make the connection? What connection? The man we spoke to, he was an ''information collector,''{LF}yes? Yeah. His job is to investigate areas and collect information on{LF}them. He came to investigate our area, not necessarily the Prince{LF}Switch. But we would still consider him an ''investigator.'' Wait, then that rumor... Heh heh heh. Sheesh! Now I feel dumb. And I was so worried they might call you back to the capital{LF}over it, too. Ah ha ha, my apologies. But... If I were to be recalled to the palace, would you miss me? Huh? Never mind. I was just curious. @アーサー@! Heh heh. I was really worried, y'know! Yes, it does sound like you were. ...Thank you. That's where you're supposed to say ''I'm sorry.'' Oh yes, that's right. Sorry, I was just quite happy. The words{LF}slipped out. Hmph...! I'm sorry. However... ... What is it? ...Nothing. @しゅじんこうくん@, thank you. You're welcome. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. It is because of you that I'm able to feel this way. Has a letter from my father come? No, not yet. I see. I had wanted to keep this quiet, but it is rapidly approaching{LF}the point where I cannot anymore. ...You're right. But are you certain this is wise? What is? Your return to the capital. Huh?! There is something I absolutely must do. In regards to your mother? ... No, this has nothing to do with her. Ahh, of course. However, what will you do about the @姫@? Well... @しゅじんこうくん@? Oh my. ... Um, @アーサー@? ...My apologies. I have work I must see to, so I will be going.{LF}Good day. But--! ... ... @ヴォルカノン@? ... @ヴォルカノン@! ...My deepest apologies. But in this case, Sir Arthur has made it very clear that he{LF}wishes to be the one to tell you. No one else may. ... But why...? ... ...I had best go inform the rest of the town. @アーサー@... ... These are the glasses you found for me. Hmm? To be honest, I have never once worn them. Really...? Yet, no matter how much I try, I cannot find it in me to throw{LF}them away. ...Do you know why? Because you love glasses. Because they're special. No, I don't. When the lenses are this cracked and the frames this{LF}broken, they are no longer truly ''glasses.'' Yet, I cannot throw them away. Why...? Yes... Because they are special. Unfortunately. Huh? These were, once upon a time... ...my mother's glasses. Oh... ... Even now, I still despise her. I cannot recall her giving me a hug, even once. No happy{LF}glance, no words of praise. I believe she hated me as much as I hate her. How terrible... But true. Every time, she would look at me as if the sight of me pained{LF}her. It took many years before I realized why that was. Mother was just a mistress. Palace life was painful to her. I hear that she often muttered to herself that there was no{LF}place for her there. But me? I was innocent and adjusted to life in the castle{LF}easily. At that point, Mother and I lived in two entirely different{LF}worlds. I, within the castle. She outside of it. That was the distance between us. ... When I was young... Father would often tell me that my mother truly loved me. But before long... I learned, with painful clarity, my mother's true opinion of me. ...It had been snowing that day. Outside of the large iron portcullis at the front gate, a single{LF}carriage had arrived. From it stepped my mother. When I heard that she was calling for me, I came running{LF}down the stairs breathlessly. Even now, I remember how white my breath looked, and{LF}how cold the air felt in my lungs. I ran and ran and ran... Thinking all the while how much I wanted to see her. I came to the inside of the portcullis. She was outside it. We looked at each other, and she said... ''I can barely see.'' She reached through the large, iron gaps in the portcullis{LF}and touched my face with a cold hand. Beyond the white cloud of our breaths, on the other side of{LF}the gate... I could see she had no glasses. And, for some reason, she was glaring at me with a pained{LF}look on her face. It was still snowing... And her hand was colder than the ice on the ground. That day... I learned just how deep the darkness was in her heart. After that day, Mother still came to visit me periodically. Every time, she deliberately left her glasses off. The whole castle was abuzz with the rumor that she simply{LF}could not stand to look at me. Then, one day... She vanished entirely. The last words she left for me were... ''People are not to be trusted.'' ... That is the picture I have of my mother in my mind. Do you think such a person would truly love me? Do you think I could truly love such a person? Of course not. @アーサー@... Yet... Despite all of that... I cannot throw away the one thing of my mother's that I{LF}have. My interest in trading, and my hobby of collecting glasses... Both of these things I found only because of my search for{LF}Mother. And now... It is for her that I'm thinking about returning to the capital. ...Even if it means leaving you behind. ... The rest you will need to ask of +Volkanon+. I...I need a moment to calm myself. Ah...! @アーサー@-- The rest you will need to ask of +Volkanon+. I...I need a moment to calm myself. Erm...Mr. Volkanon told me everything. Isn't there anything we can do? Oh dear... Is that true about Arthur? Or is this just a really bad dream I'm having...? Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@! Erm... A-about Arthur, uh... I...I'm sorry. I don't know what I can do... I heard Arthur might be going back to the capital. @しゅじんこうくん@, is that true? Is he really going back? ... Seems like everybody's been bustling about something or{LF}other lately. It'd be nice if it was something I could make money off of,{LF}but it sounds like that's not the case. ... Everyone is so quiet these days. It's almost like the music of{LF}the whole town has been muted... Especially your melody. Are you okay? When you're feeling down, first you should devour a great{LF}deal of delicious dishes. That helps. Goodness, there has been such a bustle in town lately. Xiao Pai hasn't collapsed in the middle of the street again,{LF}has she? I heard about Arthur, yes? ... And from the look on your face, it seems what I heard is{LF}true. We have a case! I don't know what it is, but something is definitely going on! ...So what is it? People are talking about how somebody's going home. Is it about some traveler? We received official notice from the castle. Are you going to be all right, @しゅじんこうくん@? I heard about Arthur from Nancy. Will you be all right? I guess there really are some things you just can't do{LF}anything about. Child or adult, everyone will face them, for whatever reason. But that doesn't make it any less hard. @ヴォルカノン@. @しゅじんこうくん@... Please, tell me about @アーサー@. Erm... He told me to ask you about it. He did? ... So he did. Well then. I will answer any question you have as best I can. What would you like to know? Is there anything else you would like to ask? Why is Arthur going home? What's Arthur's mom like? What ''superstition''...? At the moment, it is not yet decided that he will. However, Sir Arthur himself seems severely conflicted about{LF}it. ... I cannot say what Sir Arthur may think about it... However, I have been given word from His Majesty, the king{LF}himself. I heard why Sir Arthur was the prince sent here as the official{LF}representative of the capital. Really...? His Majesty said that, as one who will someday command{LF}others, he must become someone people trust. However, currently he is too bound by the past he shares{LF}with his mother. Then, that means... Yes. His Majesty has noticed. He is aware that Sir Arthur is still very much concerned about{LF}his mother. And due to their past, he does not yet trust others. ... But...should they discover the switch that was made between{LF}you and him at your arrival... No. What is done is done. There is no changing it now. I cannot say I know much about her myself. But I did meet her once a long time ago. She visited our town because she had interest in a certain{LF}quaint superstition that was the fad. She, His Majesty and a young Sir Arthur all visited together. At the time, they looked like the picture of a happy family. However, it was several years after that, I think... I heard that she had left the castle. Supposedly, she was asked to leave, as she had been too{LF}harsh on her child. I remember that, at the time, I heard nothing but unflattering{LF}rumors about her. Though when I had met her, she did not seem like a terrible{LF}lady in the least. ...Unfortunately, I cannot say with any certainty what the{LF}truth of the matter may be. Oh yes. The little traditions and superstitions about finding{LF}love or ensuring family happiness. We have had them here for a long time. Sometimes they{LF}grow popular enough for national attention. They were the fad while Sir Arthur's mother visited, and{LF}remained so for a decade after. What was the particular one again...? Oh yes. The cave. Then there was that unfortunate cave-in. ...! The fad had something to do with +going into the cave+ for{LF}some reason or another. I am not sure of the detail. Kiel would know more than I. Ah. I think that is about all that I know. Hrm... ...? My master has a problem, yet this paltry information is all the{LF}aid I can provide. ...No. It is not the place of an old man like me to harp upon{LF}a youngster like you... But... Hrrrrrrmmmmmm..... @ヴォルカノン@? @しゅじんこうくん@!! Y-yes sir?! I, Volkanon, as your humble butler... I pray with all my might that everything goes well for you!! Uh... May fortune be with you!! I think that is about all that I know. If you would like to know more about the superstitions of the{LF}time, ask the townsfolk. +Kiel+ in particular may know something. But in the meantime... I am praying with all my might that everything goes well for{LF}you, @しゅじんこうくん@! Ask about superstitions. Not right now. +Superstitions+? I'm afraid I am not familiar with any. Oh. I'm sorry I can't be more help. Ask about superstitions. Not right now. +Superstitions+? Umm... Well, I have this cute little protective charm... I'm praying to it as hard as I can that you and Arthur can{LF}stay here together with us. ...Is that not what you were asking about? Ask about superstitions. Not right now. Hrm? +Superstitions+? +Kiel+ would know much more about those than I. Still, I feel very bad about this situation. It's a knight's duty to protect others, yet I cannot do a thing{LF}to help you. I'm sorry. Ask about superstitions. Not right now. An old +superstition+ back during the cave-in? Umm...I vaguely remember hearing about something like{LF}that... But I think +Bado+ would know more. That sounds like the kind{LF}of thing he would like. Ask about superstitions. Not right now. +Superstitions+? Yes, it seems there were such things once. I have not followed any, as they do not work for me in the{LF}least. But I can understand the need to try them at least once,{LF}yes? There is definitely mystery afoot here. For some reason, the entire town seems consumed by one{LF}giant cloud of gloom! ...So did something happen? Yo, @しゅじんこうくん@. You aren't looking so good. You okay? Ask about superstitions. Not right now. +Superstitions+, eh? Sorry, can't say I know anything. But forget that. Is Arthur really going back to the capital? You okay with that? No, I bet you aren't. We received official notice from the castle. Something about Arthur going back to the capital. Are you going to be all right, @しゅじんこうくん@? That cave-in was truly horrible. Arthur got caught in it and was severely injured. I hear he stayed behind as long as he possibly could, and{LF}wasn't able to run out in time. He must have had something he really wanted to find in{LF}there. I'm behind you on this, @しゅじんこうくん@. Both you and Arthur. I'm sure everybody in town feels the same way. ...Don't forget that, okay? Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! What's up? Ask about superstitions. Not right now. A popular +superstition+ from around here? Well, we did have one right about the time of that big cave-{LF}in. If I remember right, it was a thing where you wrote your{LF}names inside the cave. The idea was it brought happiness to families who wrote{LF}their names in there together. Word of it spread, and it got pretty big at the time. I've never been in there, so I haven't seen what the inside of{LF}the place looked like. I think +Porcoline+ has been in there, though. Ask about superstitions. Not right now. +Superstitions+? Oh, that! Porcoline took me there once. He said we were family, so we should go to the cave and{LF}write our names there. But that was long before the cave-in! That tragedy happened later. When was it again... Oh yeah! That happened when some really rich nobles or{LF}someone was visiting! I remember how happy Porco was to have his cooking{LF}complimented. +Superstitions+? Ahh, yes. Meg and I went on a lovely lark through that cave{LF}once. If only you had been here at the time to join us, then-- Nothing would be different. At all. Huh? Er, anyway. The king himself graced my kitchen once. He and his family had come here to participate in none other{LF}than +that superstition+. Really? I remember it very vividly. Somehow, word of it had wormed its way to his august ears. He brought his family to see our humble town. Of course,{LF}they dropped by here to dine. His Majesty the King, his Lady Consort and their young son{LF}came. What were they like? ''Consort?'' A ''consort'' is a companion to a high ranking noble. They're{LF}not necessarily married. ...I learned that yesterday. ... The Lady Consort and her son were having a grand time{LF}chatting and playing games. They would see who could read the most of the tiny letters{LF}written on the barrels way over there. Or the Lady Consort would ask her son to read the sheet{LF}music on the piano way over here. From what I remember, she was as fun-loving and cheerful a{LF}person as I am. I'll never forget what they said to me once they finished their{LF}meal. ''We are so glad to have enjoyed this wonderful feast at the{LF}end of it all.'' ''At the end of it all?'' Yes. It was the end of their vacation here, I assume. ... They looked the picture of a happy family. Just remembering them is enough to bring a tear of joy to{LF}my eye! ... When His Majesty the King came to visit with his family, they{LF}looked the picture of happiness. They played games while they were here, to see +who could{LF}read the most tiny letters on a barrel+. I'll never forget what they said to me once they finished their{LF}meal. ''We are so glad to have enjoyed this wonderful feast at the{LF}end of it all.'' Just remembering them is enough to bring a tear of joy to{LF}my eye! *SNIFFLE* *SNIFFLE* ... Some old friends from the capital are asking me to go visit{LF}and join them for drinks. I guess I might go. I could ask about Arthur while I'm there. Huh? A bunch of them are all getting together. Most of them work in the palace there, so I can probably{LF}hear some juicy palace gossip. Besides, I owe Arthur one or two things, since he's made my{LF}job here easier. @バド@... So yeah, I'll probably go. Don't get your hopes up too much, though. ...Thanks. Was that an earthquake? Felt like it. You okay, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yeah. We can get some big ones around here every now and{LF}again, y'know. Maybe I'll stock some earthquake preparedness items. Those{LF}could sell... ... @アーサー@... ... I talked to @ヴォルカノン@. He told me you came here when you were little. He said you looked like you got along with your family really{LF}well. ... ...I see. @アーサー@, maybe your mother was really... @しゅじんこうくん@. I once thought the same thing you do now. Oh? I was mistaken. I had thought Mother didn't hate me. I thought she still loved me despite everything. I believed that entirely. ...I wanted very much to believe. @アーサー@... After the cave-in... The truth of that visit was buried in darkness forever. When I realized that, a part of me was relieved. There was no way for me to find that truth anymore. There was no need for me to drive myself to reach it. That day... I lost sight of it all. I could no longer see anything I had thought I had believed{LF}in. It simply...wasn't there for me anymore. ... But... Strangely...looking at you makes me remember. You remind me of what I used to be like. Huh? Anyway... I'm afraid I must call it a day. Work awaits me at a very early hour tomorrow. Ah...! I'm afraid I must call it a day. Work awaits me at a very early hour tomorrow. Ah...! @しゅじんこうくん@!! How did it go? Huh? You and Sir Arthur! You two are a young couple, after all. I thought it unseemly{LF}for an old man like me to interfere. So I held my peace. I held it, and held it as hard as I could! But now... Now...!!! I cannot keep still any longer!!! @ヴォルカノン@... I am entirely too worried about the two of you to hold my{LF}peace anymore... ... @しゅじんこうくん@? ...I couldn't do anything. Oh? I wanted to do something to help @アーサー@... But I don't know if there's anything I even can do. @しゅじんこうくん@... ... ...Hrm. Well then, @しゅじんこうくん@. What is it you wish to do? Huh? If you wish to help another... First you must think of what it is you wish to do. What I wish to do? Precisely. I... I want to be with him. I want to see him smile. I see. It pains me to say this, but that may be a wish that cannot{LF}be granted. I know. But I don't want to give up. Because if I do... I have a feeling that will be the end of everything. ...I see. Well then, I am certain all will turn out well. Huh? I suggest you rest early today. You must be ready to fight at any hour, or else it will all be{LF}meaningless! @ヴォルカノン@... Well then...good day!! HRAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Why did he have to sprint? Still, he's right. Sitting around worrying doesn't accomplish anything. I should go and get some rest. @しゅじんこうくん@... My apologies. I have work I must see to. Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. I heard some stuff about Arthur from my friends in the{LF}capital. You did?! This isn't the best place to talk about it, though. What say{LF}we go someplace else? Follow me. Oh, uh, sure. Huh? Here we are. Um... I am sure you must be confused, @しゅじんこうくん@. What is all this? Everyone was worried, you know. About both you and Arthur. When we heard Bado was going to visit the capital, we{LF}asked him for a few things. Specifically, if he could find any useful information there. Kiel stayed awake late into the night looking into the various{LF}+superstitions+ of years past. So there you have it. Wow... Sir Bado, what have you managed to find? Well... I dug up a little on Arthur's mom. It seems she was a really kind, quiet and delicate lady. Wha...? That's probably what did it. She was way more aware of her position as mistress than{LF}anyone gave her credit for. From what I hear, she was always wondering if it was okay{LF}for her to even be in the palace. Oh my. She must have felt so lonely. Yes. It seems I can understand that sort of feeling. That's probably why she started avoiding her own kid. Huh? Why? To teach Arthur that the two of them were of two very{LF}different social stations. At least, that's what I suspect. That way, he could avoid going through the pain she was{LF}dealing with. ... But you have no proof of this. You cannot know if that was truly the case. ''Dolly, sometimes you are so unromantic.'' I'm simply saying that wanting to believe that doesn't make it{LF}true. She's right. We can't believe it that quick. We need something to back it up. Like, say...what if she never had bad eyesight? Huh? I hear that she never needed glasses until after Arthur was{LF}born. It was only when he was getting older that she suddenly{LF}started to wear them. Oh, yes! When they visited my restaurant, the lady was not wearing{LF}glasses! Now, it's possible that's when her eyesight naturally started{LF}to go bad. As long as we don't have hard evidence, there's still nothing{LF}saying this isn't all fantasy. Hard evidence? It's possible Arthur's mom didn't have bad eyesight. But we'd need to find hard proof of that. We do have proof! We don't have proof. Yeah, I expected as much. We'd need something like, say, the glasses she wore back{LF}then. But I doubt anybody has something that old still lying{LF}around. What, where? Right here! I know where her glasses are! Wait just a minute, I'll go get them! If they're in the same place he always keeps them, they{LF}should be here... Got it! I knew it. The lenses aren't any kind of prescription. Those are the glasses that started Arthur's collection. Who would've guessed that they were really a keepsake{LF}from his mom. But how did Arthur himself fail to notice yet? You would think someone so fond of glasses would notice{LF}the lack of a prescription. I think it's because he hasn't ever put them on. Why not? He neither wore them, nor threw them away. Hmm. I must say, I understand where he's coming from. Now this is one big mystery! Is it gonna be a hard case, Lumie? Nah, it's a man's romance. Huh? ...Nothing. You said it, so what're you getting all red for? Shaddap, pebble-brain. Wha?! You trying to pick a fight with me?! Anyway... What this means is that Arthur's mom only pretended to{LF}have bad eyesight. She lied to everybody, saying she couldn't see her hand in{LF}front of her face without them. Can you guess why? C'mon, quit beating around the bush already! What's it all mean? ...I get it. Huh? @アーサー@'s mom said she had bad eyesight... But she always took her glasses off when she came to see{LF}him. She wanted to make everyone think she was being mean to{LF}him. It was all she could do. She had to play the part of a jealous mother who hated her{LF}son's station. There was no other way for her to get close to him. Ahh, I see. The farce of her bad eyesight allowed her to call her child{LF}closer. It was not because she could not see, it was because she{LF}wanted to be close. All she wanted was for him to be happy. But there was only one way she could keep him happy and{LF}still get close to him. She had to make him hate her. Oh my...That must have been so hard for her... ... What the hell? You're trying to do something for someone, but the only way{LF}to do it is to make them hate you? That's nuts! How could anyone endure that?! And how could anybody let that happen? Seriously, that's{LF}messed up! @ダグ@... Sometimes, you have no choice. A parent always wants their child to be happy more than{LF}anyone else. Were I in her shoes, I may have done the same thing. Granny... ...Dammit! It's stupid! And you're all stupid for thinking it's okay! Hey! I mean, that's just way too sad to let happen, right?! And in the end, NOBODY is happy! Doug... ... I wonder what it was like for her. Hmm? For Arthur's mother. What did she see on the other side of these glasses? What did she feel when she looked at her son's face? Well then, @しゅじんこうくん@. Having heard all that, what is it you wish to do? Huh? What is it you plan to do going forward, @しゅじんこうくん@? You are not going to give up on Sir Arthur, are you? Of course not. Never! Excellent answer! Now then, what are your orders? Wha? I am a humble servant of both Lady Ventuswill and this{LF}kingdom. Accordingly, should I have an order from the @姫@... I will do my utmost to see it fulfilled! @ヴォルカノン@... Come, @しゅじんこうくん@. Give the order, as @姫@! ... Don't do it. Wh-what?! I mean, this is my personal wish, right? It's not for the kingdom. It's not for the town. It's just something I want for myself. As @姫@... I could never make such a selfish order. @しゅじんこうくん@... WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! HUH?! Wha...@ヴォルカノン@?! I...I... I AM UNSPEAKABLY TOUCHED!!! Umm... Thinking back, so much has happened since the day you{LF}arrived from the sky. I will admit, at first I had feelings of doubt that you would be{LF}fit for the position... But in such short time, you have become so gracious, so{LF}humble, so magnanimous...!! Uh, @ヴォルカノン@? As you wish, my lady! There's no need for you to give an{LF}order! As your butler, I, Volkanon, do hereby swear... That I shall do whatever I am able, with my paltry skills, to{LF}aid and assist you! Huh? Wait, uh... @しゅじんこうくん@!! Y-yes sir?! Allow me to ask you once again... What is it you desire?! ... I want... I want to be with @アーサー@. I want to see him smile. That's all. As you wish, my lady! I give you my word as butler. I, Volkanon, will do all in my power to bring Sir Arthur to you{LF}this very instant!! HRAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Umm... He's gone. Yeah. Huh? What's everybody gaping at? Kiel. Have you finished your research? Yeah! I found everything we needed! So anyway, what happened? Er, well, Volkanon, uh... He said he would go find Arthur and dashed off really fast. Really? But I just saw Arthur a few minutes ago. What?! He said he was going to @マップ0@. Umm... Then... Yes. Mr. Volkanon just ran off on an entirely unnecessary{LF}errand. Poor Mr. Volkanon. ... Huh? Did I just do something wrong? Don't worry about it. It happens. ...? Huh? Arthur? I just saw him a few minutes ago. He said he was going to @マップ0@. Man, Volkanon is one intense guy. Yikes! That was a pretty big tremor. Maybe yesterday's quake was just a warning of what's to{LF}come... Anyway, I need to hurry up and go see @アーサー@! @アーサー@! Another earthquake...? Maybe it's an aftershock from the big{LF}one earlier. Anyway, where did @アーサー@ get to? I don't see him anywhere. But... ... Hmm? It looks like there might be a crack big enough for a person{LF}to squeeze through here. Could the earthquake earlier have done this? Try shouting for him. Go in and look. Helloooo!! @アーサー@?! Are you in there?! ... @アーサー@! Answer me! ... I'm not hearing any reply. This doesn't look very stable. It could collapse at any{LF}moment. ... I'd better go in and look. I'm sure @アーサー@'s mom's name is written in there.{LF}That must be where he went! @アーサー@! Ngh... Oh...@しゅじんこうくん@... ... Oh no! Are you okay?! Yes... Once I made my way in here, there was another tremor. Then... Did you find the names? What names? Yours and your mother's. That's why you came in here, right? To see if they're written{LF}in here. ...I haven't found them yet. Okay, then let's--- Ngh! I don't think this will hold much longer. ...! @しゅじんこうくん@?! I have to check before it all collapses! ...! No, it's all right. We must get out of here as quickly as we{LF}can. It's too dangerous to stay! It's not all right! What...? You finally got the chance to see the truth, once and for all! You've been looking for it for years, and it might be right{LF}over there! You can't just give up! @しゅじんこうくん@... ...! No, it is too dangerous. We must leave immediately! But... No buts! Leave the past in the past! ...? Yes, I may lose my past. But I can't bear to lose you! @アーサー@... Let's go. Hurry! *HUFF* *HUFF* /Arthur, are you okay?!/ +@しゅじんこうくん@, are you okay?!+ ''Ah...'' It seems we made it unscathed. Yeah... Oh! But you have a gash on your forehead... Hmm? Oh, it's just a streak of dirt. Thank goodness. O-oh. @しゅじんこうくん@? What is it? Uh...you're kinda, um...close. Ah, my apologies. It seems I've managed to crack my{LF}glasses. Oh, so that's why. By the way, how did you know I was here? @キール@ said he saw you, and that you were going{LF}this way. Ah, I see. @アーサー@... You came because you wanted to see if your mom's name{LF}was in there, right? I... ...Yes. I did. I needed to confirm not how she felt about me... But how I felt about her. How you felt...? ... @しゅじんこうくん@. Yes? This morning, I received a new blend of tea from him. The ''investigator''? Him who? Yes. From the ''investigator'' who tried to cause another cave-in. Apparently, it is ''Tea Time with Loved Ones.'' Huh? The name of the blend. It is, they say, a tea meant to be enjoyed in the company of{LF}those dearest to you. Oh. When I heard that, the first person I thought of was you. ...! Then it finally dawned on me. It is not the specter of my mother that I want to chase. For the longest time, I was afraid of losing that part of me. The reason I became interested in trade. The reason I{LF}continue to be involved in it. Even the reason I like glasses. All of that was because of her. So I thought... Should I ever stop chasing her... I would lose sight of everything I had. That petrified me. ...Or so I thought. ... Thus I came here, to part with my old self once and for all. But when I arrived, I noticed that tantalizing crevasse... And I could not help myself. I had to go and see. ... To be honest, I do not know what I was hoping to find in{LF}there. Neither me, nor her... @アーサー@... I think I understand. Oh? Your mother's glasses. They weren't prescription. What are you saying...? Someone with bad eyesight could never have worn them. That means your mother's eyes were fine. But... That...that's impossible. Why would she ever bother to{LF}pretend such a thing...? She made ''I can't see without my glasses'' into an excuse. An excuse to bring her child close. It was so she could take a closer look at your face. She wasn't able to stay close to you any other way. Given the difference in your stations, that's all that she could{LF}think of. Wh-what...? That's... She was just a lowly mistress. She never felt like she{LF}belonged in the palace. But as a mother, she wanted to be with her child... And the only way she could think of to get close to you... ...was to pretend she couldn't see you without glasses. ... Then...then she... She didn't hate you. She loved you. ... So it was me. Huh? When she would come to see me, I was the one who glared{LF}at her. She would hold my face in her hands and not let go. She would just...look at me. But I... All I could do was glare at her. It was only me, the whole time. @アーサー@... It wasn't her. I thought I saw it all... But instead I saw nothing. Nothing at all! It was all my fault...! ... I never wore those glasses, but not because they were ratty. I simply...couldn't find it in myself to put them on. I didn't know how I could face her if I did. But... ... ...What did I think I was looking at? Those glasses always showed me nothing but the truth. What a long and utterly pointless path I have walked. It's not pointless. Oh...? That's the path that brought you here. @アーサー@. It was your past self that led your present self here. @しゅじんこうくん@... Thank you. Thank you for coming here, and meeting me. If I can, I want to stay with you. I want to see your smile, every single day. @しゅじんこうくん@... Can I believe those words? Of course. As long as you believe in me. ... I think I understand, now. Oh? The true meaning behind the words ''People are not to be{LF}trusted.'' Trusting someone does not come from telling that person so. True trust comes when you tell yourself you choose to{LF}believe that person. You must trust in yourself to trust in others. That's what it meant. ...Now, that is what I choose to believe. @アーサー@... Thank you. Besides. If she wished for me not to trust others, she would have{LF}simply taught me to be suspicious. Huh? Look at how easy it is for us to believe in others. Right now I am thinking that, even should you ultimately be{LF}deceiving me... ...I don't really care. ... @しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you. Hmm? Until today, I couldn't see it. Not my mother's true feelings. Not my own. Not even my overwhelming feelings for you. I hadn't seen them... But they have been right here next to me this whole time. Now...now I finally see them. I'm glad. As am I. I'm glad I met you. I'm glad I can believe in you. I think I shall write a letter to Father. A letter about the prince situation. And trading. And about Mother. And then... @しゅじんこうくん@. Yeah? Could I have a closer look at your face? Huh? I did mention my glasses were cracked, yes? I can't see well. Please? Um...is this close enough? A little closer. How about this? No, like this. U-um...@アーサー@? @しゅじんこうくん@. Will you marry me? Wha...? That is my answer to you. If you wish it... I'll always be right by your side. So please, let me hear your answer. @アーサー@... Um...I... Yes. Let's get married. Am I not good enough? It's, no, um... Let's. ...I need time to think. ... Thank goodness. Huh? I can see it clearly. The most important thing to me. And that is how very, very much I love you. I'm glad. As am I. @しゅじんこうくん@, I will make you happy. That, I swear. ... Thank you. I...see. All right. Well then, we shall stay as we have been. I'm sorry. No, it's all right. To my Lord Father-- I write to inform you about my planned return to the capital. However, before I write my decision, may I first offer a short{LF}story? I have very poor eyesight. As such, I am writing this letter with my glasses on. I still remember the first time I put on glasses with clarity. Everything around me seemed so crisp and clear, I thought I{LF}could see anything. However, it appears I had since come to rely on those{LF}glasses too much. Only once they were broken did I realize it. Some things just cannot be seen to the human eye. I find that a person's feelings were the most difficult things{LF}for me to see with any clarity. They are vague, complicated and unreliable things. However, I believe that is precisely why they are worth{LF}believing. The decision to trust someone becomes your vow to them,{LF}proof of your feelings. It was only when I looked at the world though my own eyes,{LF}and not my glasses, that I saw that. I have realized that I truly love working as a trader. I see the world through the goods I find and the people I{LF}meet, and it entertains me to no end. I would like to continue trading, visiting various places and{LF}seeing a myriad of things. And so... It is for that reason that I require a place to call home. I have found that place. It is not the capital. Thus, I'm afraid I will not be able to{LF}return. My home is this town, with the people I call friends. With this realization... I find myself hoping that Mother eventually found such a{LF}place for herself as well. I choose to believe, from the bottom of my heart, that she{LF}did. --Yours Respectfully, Arthur Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. I have something to ask you, yes? Hmm? ...No, it seems it is nothing. Huh? Yes. Believing +Kiel's+ rumors right away is probably silly. ...? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm? I just heard a rumor. Is it true you like Lin Fa better than Xiao Pai? Heck no! Where did you hear that? Yeah, I thought so. Some travelers were gossiping. I don't know where they first got it from, though. Still, it's good to know there's nothing to it. They must have{LF}gotten the wrong idea, somehow. Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@. Do you have a minute? Sure. It's about you and Xiao Pai. How far were you thinking of going? Huh? Now, I know you two are dating. I was just curious how far into the future you've been{LF}thinking. The future? Well... Oh, I know! Let me put it this way. Huh? Do you love Xiao Pai? Huh?! Oh! @しゅじんこうくん@ is here. ♪ Well? Um...it's kinda embarrassing for me to say that out loud... @しゅじんこうくん@, tell me your feelings clearly. Are you in love{LF}or not? ...! I am! Head over heels! Wh-wh-what?! Oh, hello, Xiao Pai. What's wrong? Is that true? What you just said? Of course it is. Right? Urk... Y-yeah... @しゅじんこうくん@... Adulterer!! Wha?! You have me... Yet you clearly admit that you love Mama better! Huh?! Wait, hold on a minute! I never said-- Oh stop. You're embarrassing me. @リンファ@?! Of all people, why did it have to be Mama... That's not what I said! Then what did you say? I meant you, not @リンファ@! What about me?! What I said! Ohhhh! ... ...Hmm? W-wait a minute, yes? Er... What are you talking about? Xiao Pai, dear, how much did you overhear? From the point where you asked @しゅじんこうくん@ to tell you{LF}his feelings clearly. Did you hear the question I asked before that? About how{LF}he feels about you? ...It seems I did not. Ah. ... Did I jump to conclusions? Yes. ...!! Tee hee. ♪ Er... I misunderstood you about Mama, yes? Yes. Oh. ... Don't worry about it. Made a leap, didn't you? ...!! My my... Isn't youth so wonderful? Yo, didja hear? Then it's true? Xiao Pai's boyfriend is really... Yeah. He's after Lin Fa. Unforgivable! What, that he's goin' after Lin Fa? It's understandable, but goin' through my girl Xiao Pai, too?! Man, she's so fragile and tiny, but she tries sooo hard! Just watching her makes me wish I had a daughter just like{LF}her... And that guy's using her as an excuse to get at her mom! Do{LF}you think I'd forgive that? Heck no! It sounds like they're talking about me. Um...maybe it's best if I just walk away before they notice{LF}me. Whew...that was a shock. Me, trying to get together with @リンファ@? Why would they go spreading a rumor about that? Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. What's wrong? Um... Let me guess. You've come by to see her? Huh? Your darling Xiao Pai. ...! Tee hee. ♪ W-would you not tease me, please? Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@-- Oh, you are so cute! Huh?! Oh? Do you not like it when someone calls you cute? Uhhh... @しゅじんこうくん@! Oh, hi, @シャオパイ@-- It seems I have business with you. Come with me! Huh? Right now! H-hey! My, my! Xiao Pai, how forceful of you. ♪ Still, she seemed so anxious. I wonder why. I'm home! Ah! Papa, welcome home. ♪ Lin Fa. Your smile is as bright as always. Oh, you! ♪ Where's Xiao Pai? She just left. With @しゅじんこうくん@. ♪ ...Oh. Goodness, why the sad face? Did I look sad? Oh, very. Ha ha, I guess I did. I have to admit, there are some things I worry about... But that doesn't change the fact that our little girl is growing{LF}up. She sure is. But no matter how big she gets, she will always be our baby. And we never want to see her sad. So if anything happens, we'll just have to help her out. You've got that right. So, @シャオパイ@, what is it? ... ...It seems it is nothing. Huh? I just wanted to be alone with you. Is that wrong? Oh... ... ... N-no...it's not wrong. Good! Then, since we are together, why don't we go somewhere,{LF}yes? Sure! I'm kinda busy... Excellent! ♪ Ah. It seems I will wait for you, then. I will wait...right behind you! ♪ Huh?! You would rather I not? Um...it's not that I don't want you to, it's just, um...well... So where do you want to go? Hmm... Oh! Let's go to @マップ8@! @マップ8@? Yes. It's the bridge on the way to @マップ9@. It's decided, yes? Good! Let's go! Let's go to @マップ8@! It's the bridge on the way to @マップ9@. Um... Come! Let's go! It seems we have arrived. No matter how many times I come here, the scenery is{LF}always breathtaking, yes? Yeah. Wait, you come here a lot? Yes. I came many times soon after we moved to this town. Sneakily, yes? I let no one know where I went. You came out here all by yourself? I was fine. I am confident in my ability to run away. That's not what I was worried about. Ah ha ha ha! You are such a worrywart, @しゅじんこうくん@. Still...I had to come, yes? I really liked this place. Really? It seems so, yes. Oh... Next time you want to come here, tell me, okay? I'll come with. Huh? What is it? Er...nothing. You know, I think Papa told me the same thing, once. Really? Yes. Long ago, I traveled with Papa. Whenever we would find a place like this, it seems I would{LF}often sneak away to visit it alone. He would tell me not to because it was dangerous, but it{LF}seems I just could not stop. Why not? Hrm, how to explain... @しゅじんこうくん@, do you believe in +connections+? Huh? Papa would often tell me about them when I was little. ''Xiao Pai, listen.'' ''Everything is connected.'' ''For example, let's start with rain.'' ''Rain will fall on a mountaintop, and the water will turn into{LF}a river.'' ''The river will flow down the mountain, meet up with other{LF}rivers, and make an ocean.'' ''Then the sun shines on the ocean and causes the water to{LF}evaporate back up to the sky.'' ''The sky's blue turns to clouds, and the clouds rain onto the{LF}mountaintop.'' ''It's like that all across the world.'' ''Nothing is meaningless.'' ''Nothing.'' Papa said that a lot. And I believe him, yes? Ah. Just as the world is connected, people want +connections+,{LF}too. They make those connections into shapes, like this bridge. It connects +here+ with +there+. It also connects +people+ here and +people+ there. These people built it looking for those connections, yes? So it seems I spent many a time on a bridge when I was{LF}little, praying. I prayed that someday I would be able to live together with{LF}Mama. Oh...? It was family policy. When I was little, I was made to go with Papa on his travels. They were lonely travels. I missed home. So I spent much time sitting on bridges. I often prayed that I could go back to my happy times at{LF}home. ...I say ''praying,'' but it was most like sitting and crying. ... But time passed, and my travels ended. I was able to come home and live with Mama again. So it seems, in the end, my prayers were not meaningless. ...Yeah. They were not meaningless at all. Hmm. Hrm? Did you just give me a funny look because I love Mama so{LF}much? Huh?! N-no, of course not! Listen, @しゅじんこうくん@. Mama is a really amazing person, yes? She is beautiful. She is cute. She is kind, wise and a little{LF}klutzy. It seems I have always been proud of her, ever since I was{LF}little. Yeah, I know. Good. ...But compared to Mama, I'm no good at all. I mess up at everything. I am not cute at all. Don't say stuff like that. But... Despite all that, I don't mind at all. Huh? Other people looking at me from the outside may think I am{LF}unhappy, yes? But I am not. It seems I am very happy with my life. So I am fine with the way things are. As long as I can keep trying as I always do... I'll be content, yes? @シャオパイ@... You always give everything the best you've got. Of course. Yet Mama is still far, far ahead of me. So I would have no means to catch up if I didn't give my all. Yeah. That's one of the things I think is so amazing about you,{LF}@シャオパイ@. Hmm? You're always so optimistic. You never let anything get to{LF}you. Oh? That seems normal to me. It's not. It's amazing. O-oh... I-it seems I'm rather happy to hear that. Huh? Er...nothing. ...? O-okay, it is time to go back. I'm sure Mama is starting to get very busy right about now. Not that she needs my help, yes? She'll find ways to work it{LF}out even without me. Ah ha ha... Still... I want to help Mama as best I can. Yeah. So let's go back, yes? Yeah. I'll walk you home. Yay! That would be good. Let us go back +eventually+. ...Yeah. +Eventually+. Hrm? ... @シャオパイ@? Say, @しゅじんこうくん@? There's one thing I would like to ask you, yes? Sure. Erm... What do you think of Mama? What do I think of her? Do you, uh... ...l-like her? Huh? N-never mind! It is nothing, yes? It seems I'm worrying myself over nothing at all. @シャオパイ@? Anyway! O-oh... Today, I had fun. Thank you. You're welcome. See you later. ♪ It seems I had fun today. Thank you. ♪ Ah. @しゅじんこうくん@. @シャオパイ@. What a coincidence to meet you here, yes? Uh, not really... Anyway, what are you up to? Running errands, yes? I stopped by Blossom's shop to buy{LF}some needed things. See? I bought this @アイテム9@. ...There's a big hole in the bottom of my bag. What?! Wait, how come you didn't notice that until now?! Er, well...It seems that everyone makes mistakes once in a{LF}while. The question now is how to get them back! So what are you going to do? It seems I'll have help. From who? ... ... Uh, well...how about we start by checking @ブロッサム@'s{LF}shop? Okay. ♪ Let's first go to Blossom's shop! Hello, Blossom. Hello there, Xiao Pai. Forget something, did we? Such as these items right here. Yes, those were the ones! I knew I must have dropped them here. Oh good. Now you don't have to buy new ones all over{LF}again. Yes. Hmm? What are you talking about? Hrm? You didn't drop anything. You never even put them in your{LF}bag. ... ...Hrm? Then there are these. Lin Fa ordered them yesterday. But are you sure you need this many? ...Wha? Hmm? Oh Xiao Pai, so that's what it was. Tee hee! ♪ Wait one moment. That's what WHAT was? Don't ask me. You were together with @しゅじんこうくん@, right? It seems that is obvious. Since the two of you were on a date, it is no wonder you{LF}were late. ...?! N-no no no! He was just helping me, yes? With what? Er, well... If you were just coming to get what you forgot, you could{LF}have done that by yourself. Urk... It's all right, dear. Girls your age are supposed to be doing{LF}these kinds of things. ... Like mother, like daughter, I guess. Both of you can be so{LF}clumsy at times. But there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, it can be awfully{LF}cute! Don't you agree, @しゅじんこうくん@? Wha?! Mama, what are you saying?! Oh yes! And it is a good thing I found you here. You see, it looks like I gave you the wrong shopping list. Huh? I had a little oopsie and gave you yesterday's list. So I came on over because I thought I would have to buy{LF}today's things myself. Ahh, I thought it might be something like that. Yes. But it looks like this little oops was just the thing. Thanks to it, we didn't buy too many{LF}@アイテム9@. ... Is this the time when I should be happy about my own{LF}failures? Um...I dunno. Hmm? What is it, you two? Uh...nothing. I was just thinking that this was all pretty amazing of you,{LF}@リンファ@. Oh? I'm not sure what would be very amazing about this, but it's{LF}nice to be complimented. Thank you. ...*STAAARE*... @シャオパイ@? It's nothing. You look pretty annoyed for it to be nothing. Pay it no mind, yes? ...? @しゅじんこうくん@? About Mama... What's up? ... ...It seems it is nothing. ...? Xiao Pai's little oopsies are always such a help to me. I guess two oopsies make a right! If you say so... I'm sure not everything is the easiest for Xiao Pai. But she's always such a cheerful and optimistic child. It makes you want to cheer her on. @しゅじんこうくん@? Yeah? It seems there were travelers at +Porcoline's Kitchen+ telling{LF}rumors, and... ...Never mind. It's nothing, yes? ...? You hear about that raunchy young guy who's got the hots{LF}for the inn manager? Isn't he the one who's hooked up with the daughter so he{LF}can take over the inn? Yeah, that's the guy! He's gotta be a real piece of work if{LF}even part of that is true. You got that right, the scum. ... That's not quite what I heard. Oh? He's supposed to be dating the daughter just so he can get{LF}in closer with the inn manager. Really? Wow! Both of those make him sound like a real{LF}sleazebag! Definitely. Um, excuse me? Ladies and gentlemen, your meals. So sorry to keep you{LF}waiting. Huh? We didn't order these. These are on the house. Really? Now that's nice. Thanks! By the way, the ingredients that went into them were raised{LF}by the man you were just talking about. Wha...? Fine farmers leave a small sliver of their souls in all the food{LF}they grow. Taste these treats and tell moi if you can still call the one{LF}who grew them a sleazebag. ... ... That was good. Yeah. Really good. Y'know, maybe those rumors aren't totally true. Maybe not. Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Geez, can you believe those dumb rumors? They were{LF}terrible! How can someone go spreading nasty gossip like that? Wonder lasts but nine days, they say. Don't let it bother you. It may be hard now, but people will{LF}soon forget. @ポコリーヌ@... Wonder may only last nine days, but my appetite lasts 24{LF}hours a day, seven days a week. What does that have to do with anything? ... Ahh! @しゅじんこうくん@! Wh-what is it? Oh, um...nothing. Did I surprise you? Our recent customers have been really nice, but they've said{LF}some strange things to me. They keep telling me not to give in. I wonder what that is supposed to mean? There have been some weird rumors going around lately. It's obvious to anybody who knows you that they're baseless. But still, it's really mean. ... Hmm? Is there something on my face? Listen closely, Xiao Pai. I already am listening, yes? Oh hey, there's @シャオパイ@...and her dad? The world is a big place. Huh? There are people in this big world who will love many in{LF}their lifetime. It's something people say in a different country. But they're still people, just like us. ...Okay, well, some of them weren't exactly ''people.'' ...What are you trying to say? Anyway! It doesn't matter who someone decides to love. As long as it's love, I don't see anything wrong with it. That's what I want to say. ...Oh. So I'm not going to deny it. Now, I want to be the one person Lin Fa loves best in the{LF}world... But I also want to do anything I can to make her happy. I feel both those feelings really strongly. But what do you{LF}think I should do if they conflict? Well... ... ...What should be done? I have no clue. Hey! All I can do is the best I can. I can try my hardest to let her know I love her, and to make{LF}us all happy. ...And if that is not enough? If it's not enough... ...I'll think of something then. Making things up as you go, again, yes? Hey, you have to be adaptable to be a good merchant. Anyway, that's the answer I've found. You have to go find your own answer. ... See you! Well... I do want to think of things the same way Papa does, yes? But... @シャオパイ@...? What were they talking about? Hmph. @シャオパイ@...? What's wrong? Where'd your dad go? @しゅじんこうくん@... ... I... ...AAARGH!! I DON'T KNOOOOW!! @シャオパイ@?! Who knows? Maybe he just went back to his room upstairs, yes? @シャオパイ@ looks like she's in a bad mood... Papa is back from his travels right now. He decided he wanted a room on the second floor instead of{LF}the first, though. He said he wanted to get firsthand experience of what it's{LF}like for customers here. Hee hee! Isn't that strange? Ah, you again. I'm sorry to barge in. Nah, don't worry about it. Besides, I was just thinking there was something I wanted to{LF}talk to you about. Do you have a minute? Stick around. Come back later. Ah, okay. Well, come by when you have time then. Great. First-- There's a rumor that says you are dating Xiao Pai just so you{LF}can get close to Lin Fa. Have you heard it? ...Yeah. Ah. Then let me be blunt. I was the one who started it. ...Huh? I have to admit, it got a little out of hand. It spread much{LF}farther and faster than expected. Wait a minute! Why would you do something like that? I do have my reasons, of course. For one, I don't like the idea of a brat like you running off{LF}with my daughter. Wha?! Just kidding. Mostly. But anyway, getting back to business. There's something about Xiao Pai that seems to attract{LF}misfortune. Whatever she does, it backfires more often than not. You've spent a lot of time with her. You know what I'm{LF}talking about, right? Definitely. But what's that got to do with anything? Hold your horses, I'm not done yet. Now, Lin Fa's the exact opposite. No matter what she does, it all seems to work out in the{LF}end. So what do you get if both she and Xiao Pai live together? Huh? The answer to that is just what you see here. Lin Fa is happy, and Xiao Pai is precisely that unhappy. ... And if that keeps going, what do you think will happen to{LF}the unhappy daughter? After all, no matter what she does, it doesn't work. She's a stepping stone for a happy person to find greater{LF}happiness, nothing more. So if that's all she can ever be, what's the point of ever trying{LF}to do anything at all? Don't you think she'd start to think like that? @シャオパイ@ would never do that! Right. I've done my best to raise her so she doesn't wind up that{LF}way. If it wasn't for that... I never could have taken her along on my travels. Not knowing that she would cry to me every night, wishing{LF}to see her mama. And knowing that her mama was alone at home, wishing she{LF}could hug her daughter. ... I had to teach my little girl that there's no such thing as{LF}wasted effort. Until she understood that... I couldn't let her and Lin Fa be together. ...Of course, that could just be a proud papa's excuse to{LF}travel with his daughter for a time. But anyway... In the end, it looks like those two are getting along well. Then... But it can't stay that way forever. Especially since Xiao Pai hasn't even realized there's a{LF}problem yet. A problem. Right. A problem. Don't you think +idolization+ and /resignation/ are kinda the{LF}same? ...? See, both involve thinking that there's +no way you'll ever live{LF}up to+ the other person. That's exactly the way Xiao Pai looks at Lin Fa right now. But... What if something happened and Lin Fa destroyed what little{LF}happiness Xiao Pai has found? Now, if Xiao Pai truly idolizes Lin Fa, she'll find a way to{LF}overcome that disaster. But if that feeling changes to resignation, she won't be able{LF}to move past it at all. And that would mean Xiao Pai's feelings for her mama were{LF}never idolization in the first place. Having an ideal is a reason to push forward to a goal, not an{LF}excuse to sit and do nothing. ... This is Xiao Pai's final test. If she can't pass it, I can't let her and Lin Fa live together. So I want you to keep quiet about those rumors being fake. If you so much as hint that they might not be true... I'll take Lin Fa and leave this town forever. What?! I'm serious. I'm sorry to ask something of you that's got to be painful, but{LF}it is necessary. Please, watch over my daughter. ... ''I can't say'' and ''I won't say'' seem similar, but are really{LF}quite different in the end. Huh? Nothing. Anyway, I'm sorry that I have to ask this of you. I know it's gotta be hard. But please stick with it, for me and my daughter. ... Oh. @しゅじんこうくん@. It's you. What is wrong? Did something happen? Uh... Do those rumors worry you? ...It's nothing. Wh-what?! It seems I don't know what you're talking about! Looks like they do. Oh. @しゅじんこうくん@? Yeah? Mama is really amazing. Hmm? I messed up again today, and it made a customer really mad,{LF}yes? But then Mama came, and somehow everything worked out. By the end, everybody was all smiles. ...Wow. Not only that, I accidentally ruined what I was cooking{LF}again, yes? But it turns out Mama had ordered too much of it, and the{LF}spoiled meal wasn't needed. With Mama, everything always turns out just right. ... So it seems this inn really needs her. As do I. If Mama wasn't there for me, I couldn't stand it. ...I know. Just kidding, yes? I'm sorry I said such strange things. Pay it{LF}no mind. Now then, it's back to work! I'm going to try my best again{LF}today, yes? So it seems I'll have to see you later, @しゅじんこうくん@. Okay? ... Now then, it's back to work! I'm going to try my best again today, yes? ... Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. It seems Papa is still staying on the second floor. If you have some time, how about you go chat with him? It{LF}seems he could be getting bored. Though once I have time, I think I would like to talk with{LF}him, too... ... @シャオパイ@? Er, it seems it is nothing. ...? Ah, you again. What is it? We need to talk. It's nothing. Great. I was just thinking I needed to talk to you, as well. Wait just a minute, okay? Ah, okay. Sorry to keep you. Let's talk in here. Let's start with you. What is it you wanted to tell me? Um...it's about @シャオパイ@. The rumors, then. Yeah. I'm really thinking I should... My answer hasn't changed. Say anything and I leave with Lin Fa the same day. But... Papa. You told me not to come in, yes? So I will talk to you from{LF}here. If you can hear me, tap on the wall. Shh! So you are there. What's he thinking? Papa? How long has it been since I stayed here, and you left to{LF}travel? It seems I miss the time I spent traveling with you. Do you remember? I would go to a bridge by myself and sit. You would get mad{LF}at me. When I cried about Mama, you would make paper airships{LF}and fly them for me. You said that if we put a wish on one, it would fly and fly,{LF}and someday reach someone, yes? Back then, all I could do was have blind faith in those words. But now, my wish has come true. Papa. It seems I was happy. I was happy when I got to stay here and live with Mama. When I woke up, she would be there to say ''good morning.'' We would both forget to make our breakfasts, so we would{LF}go and eat at the restaurant. Then we would work and work until we were exhausted. And at the end of the day, we would both soak in the baths{LF}together. Every day, I would find new ways to mess things up. New ways to get customers mad at me. But then Mama would come, and her smile would make it all{LF}better. I loved every single day of it. But to have those fun days, it meant I would have to leave{LF}you, yes? Do you miss me? It seems I miss you. But every year, you do come home to visit. And every year, you ask me if I made any worthless efforts. I have yet to say I have. Every time you hear my answer, you always say one thing. ''Ah.'' And you nod. That is it. At first, I thought that was a curt, cold answer. But in time, it seems that answer has become a comfort to{LF}me. ...Oh yes. I haven't talked yet about @しゅじんこうくん@, have I? I did not know what it was like to fall for someone, yes? So I am surprised myself. It is difficult to explain. Now, little things can make me sad, or make me happy. It seems even my feelings now do not go the way I expect{LF}them to. It is hard. But I don't want these feelings to go away, yes? I don't know why, but I don't. It is hard to put into words. But...I like him. A lot. ... I wonder. Are those rumors true? The ones about Mama and @しゅじんこうくん@. If they are...you will be right. I am not the one who gets to choose. I understand that, but... I'm sorry. I'm too afraid of losing him. And it seems I tried to push the blame for that fear on you. I wanted you to be mad at me. I wanted you to tell me that Mama was yours. That would have made me feel so much better. But I guessed wrong. Again. At that moment, I hated myself{LF}for being such a failure. Papa? I like living with Mama. It makes me happy. I respect you. I don't really know how, but you are an{LF}amazing person. And... I love @しゅじんこうくん@. More than I can ever say. So I... I... ...Hmph. I am not like Mama, yes? I am not pretty or cute. No matter how hard I try, I will never be that way. No matter how hard I tried, it never worked. But if... Just ''if'' now... If @しゅじんこうくん@ picked Mama over me, I... ...I love Mama. I've been so proud of having her for my Mama, ever since I{LF}was little. But... I love @しゅじんこうくん@! I don't want to give up on him! ... I...I don't know what to do. ...Ah. ... ...! @シャオパイ@... ... You wanted me here to hear that, didn't you? Maybe, maybe not. Why are you doing this? Are you still going to say that it's all for @シャオパイ@'s{LF}sake?! ... Are you sure you don't want to go after her? Huh? I was just wondering if I could go if you weren't going to. See, there's a certain place she will always go when she's{LF}like this. When she was little, I'd go and find her there a lot. ... I'll go. ... Ah. By the way, the only thing I've asked of you is not to tell her{LF}the rumors are fake. I won't stop you from saying anything other than that. ...So what are you going to do? There's a certain place she's always going to go when she's{LF}like this. When she was little, I'd go and find her there a lot. But it looks like that's not my job anymore. @マップ9@. She has to be there. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Do you know where Xiao Pai might have gone? I saw her come downstairs looking a little depressed. But before I could say anything, she said she was going out,{LF}and she left. I wonder what happened. ... @シャオパイ@! You came. ... Did you not want me to come? ... I had thought I would take care of this all myself... But it seems I've realized that is not the case. Hmm? Yes. It seems I was waiting for you. You were? Yes. This time, I will not sit and hug my knees, praying to the sky. I will put what I must say into words, and tell them to you. @しゅじんこうくん@... Will you listen? Yes. Okay. ...Thanks. Now, where to begin? Hmm. It seems best that I start by telling you a little about me. All right. I have always wanted to be like Mama. I wanted to be cute and pretty and nice. Just being with her makes me feel warm and happy inside. I always loved her. I thought I wanted to be an amazing person like her. So I've tried and tried my whole life to become more like her. Yeah, I know. I thought so. But, no matter how hard I try, I won't ever be like her. ...It seems I realized that some time ago, actually. But I still look up to Mama. That will never change. ... So if...if you decide you like Mama instead... That...is only natural. I...I have decided to think that, yes? @シャオパイ@... ... ... I've gotta tell the truth! Um-- But... But even then... It seems I still don't want to let you go. Huh? I won't give up. Even if you like Mama better... Even if you would choose her over me... I will do everything I can to make you turn back to me. Uhh... I love you. ...! From head to toe. It seems I am in love with you. @シャオパイ@... So... Will you...marry me?         ... Wha...? All of a sudden my mind went blank... O-oh... Well then, once you have made up you mind... You will come and give me an answer, yes? So, er... Th-that's all. W-we should go back, yes? It seems I have a{LF}mountain of work to do! Ah...! @しゅじんこうくん@, we should go back. It seems I have a mountain of work left to do! Ahh, you two. Perfect timing. I was just looking for you. What is it? Y'know those rumors about Lin Fa and @しゅじんこうくん@? Um, about those... They're totally fake ones I started myself. What? Wait, huh?! And it looks like you swallowed them hook, line and sinker,{LF}too. W-w-wait... How could you just spit that out after everything?! @しゅじんこうくん@, you knew?! Ack! Well, um... Of course he knew. I told him. Wha? Wait, no! I mean, not no! But it's not like that! Man is it satisfying to pick on the brat who thinks he can{LF}steal my daughter from me. Gah! Just kidding. Mostly. Only mostly?! But let's not worry about the details for now. You've passed your test. You don't have to keep quiet{LF}anymore. Huh? Wait a minute, yes? What on earth are you two talking{LF}about? Hm? Oh, right. See, when a balance is tilting too far to one side... You need to apply equal weight to the other side to get it to{LF}straighten out, right? So that's what I've been doing. ...?? Still, I've gotta say... You've grown up into a fine adult, my daughter. Wha? ''I will do everything I can to make you turn back to me.'' To hear you say those words to him... As your father, I have to admit I'm a teeny bit jealous. What...?! Papa, how do you know I said that?! Because I eavesdropped on that entire conversation, of{LF}course. Beginning to end. Yes, we heard every last word. Mama, you too?! Just listening was enough to make me blush bright pink! You...you... WAAAAAH!!! @シャオパイ@?! Well that should take care of that, then. Yes. ... Sorry, @しゅじんこうくん@. What I asked you to do couldn't have been easy. No... You planned for it to turn out this way from the very{LF}beginning, didn't you? Nope. Huh? This was all Xiao Pai. She got over the obstacles in front of{LF}her in her own way. The words I said to her were the complete truth. See, I like to think that people express their love in their own{LF}unique ways. ... Me, I will always love Lin Fa and Lin Fa only. Always have, always will. Oh, darling! Ha ha ha! ... Oh yeah, one thing. Yes? @しゅじんこうくん@. Take good care of my daughter. Ah...! I will! ... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's you. Um, about earlier... It is okay. Huh? You did not tell me only because +Papa told you not to+, yes? ...Yeah. It seems that helped me finally realize something. Oh? I did not notice it, but I had begun to give up. Ever since I was little, I have wanted to be like Mama. But I{LF}have learned I never can be. So I told myself simply being with her, watching her, would{LF}be enough. /I cannot do what you do/. I had intended those as words of respect, but I had been{LF}using them as an excuse to quit. ... I will keep trying... One clumsy step at a time. I will continue to move forward, in my own way. @シャオパイ@... @しゅじんこうくん@, it seems I have caused you trouble over{LF}nothing. For that, I am sorry. No, it's okay. But, er... Yes? Wh-when I, er... When I...proposed...i-it seems I meant it, yes? Ah... @シャオパイ@... Y-yes? When you said that to me, my mind went completely blank.{LF}That's why I couldn't answer you then. But I was really, really happy that you asked me. O-oh... But... Yes, your papa asked me to stay quiet... But in the end, I wasn't able to say anything. I told myself I{LF}would, but I couldn't... ... So I... It is okay. Huh? It seems I have been saying so from the beginning. It is all okay. But... However, should you feel for me what I feel for you... I would like for you to shut up and hug me, yes? Wha...? Would you rather...not? ...         Do nothing. ... Ha ha... It seems I'm so happy I don't know what to say. ... @シャオパイ@? Yes? Can I say one thing? Yes. Good. I love you. Marry me. ... It seems that was two things. Oopsie. Sorry about that. Ha ha... But I'll forgive you. After all, it seems I'm in love. With you. I deeply love you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Me, too. ... ... ...Ah. I'm sorry. No, it is okay. It seems I had guessed. ... But... I don't have to give up yet, yes? Huh? Now then. It is time I went back to Papa and Mama. I have a lot of very specific words I would like to tell them! Uh-oh. See you later! ♪ ... Zzz... Um...@コハク@? ...Nnh? Short sleep? Yeah... I haven't been able to sleep well at all lately. But every time I turn around, I'm napping like a log. For now, I'm callin' it the ''Clorica Phenomenon.'' O-oh... I haven't been able to sleep good at all lately. But every time I turn around, I'm napping like a log. ...It's a mystery. Hey, Amber, did you know? Nope! Probably not. Oh. Anyway, Bado got in some new products again the other{LF}day. Like what? Well, um...there's the door that connects two worlds. First you need to have two rooms, and cut a hole between{LF}the two big enough for the door... Then you put the door in that hole...and bam! You've connected two worlds! Wow, that's amazing! What a cool magic invention! Uh...isn't that a normal door? A door that connects two worlds. If we could hang that between your door and my door... Then I could go watch you sleep every single day! Bado always gets in the strangest new products, don't you{LF}think? Oh, hi, Amber! I heard Bado got in another new item today-- So what? It's just more regular junk he invented a stupid{LF}name for, right? Huh? Is that all you wanted to talk about? Because I'm kinda busy{LF}right now. Oh, uh, yeah. Hmm. What was that all about? Amber was acting a little... Weird? Normal. Yeah. Well, she's always weird, but this was a different kind{LF}of weird. ...Wait. So if somebody who's usually weird acts weird for{LF}them, does that make them normal? Yeah. It's like she's done a 180, and is acting all normal now. Hrm...what's gotten into Amber lately? What's up? Oh, um... I was wondering, did something happen between you and{LF}@キール@? Hm? Not that I know. It's just when you talked to him last you sounded a little{LF}mad. Huh? You know, when he told you about the new product at{LF}Bado's. The magic door? No, not that one... ...? I don't know what you're talking about... But I always love hearing Kiel's rumors. They're always so{LF}fun! ♪ O-oh. Hmm...so I looked mad to you? That's no good! I'll have to be careful from now on. Thanks @しゅじんこうくん@! The power to give form to your thoughts? Yeah. I have to wonder if this town isn't protected by some kind of{LF}magic like that. I'm pretty sure Lady Ventuswill's own power is strongly{LF}connected to it, too. ... So what precisely is happening? What, do you mean things like people seeing ghosts? Eep! How's that different from all the other monsters that show{LF}up? Yeah, it's not the same thing. Hmm...how to explain it... It's more like somebody's really strong thoughts given{LF}ephemeral form. Th-that sounds like a ghost to me! Well, both don't have solid forms so I guess you could say{LF}they're both ghosts. Yeep! ... That's dumb. Huh? This is just another one of your stupid, baseless rumors, isn't{LF}it? I-it is not! Kiel? Ah! Sorry. That just kinda...popped out. But there are lots of strange legends about this town,{LF}y'know! There's the superstition about the observatory, the running{LF}sign that reads people's feelings... How's moldy old history like that any different from your{LF}dumb rumors? You can't prove either. ... I can't understand people who get all excited about stupid{LF}stuff like that. It's dumb. Stupid stuff...? ...Amber, do you not think you have said a little much? What, didn't you tell him to quit sitting around with his nose{LF}in a book all day before? W-well yes...but I was not saying that his research was{LF}entirely meaningless! Yes you were. It's all the same thing. What? It's just crueler, because you didn't realize you were doing it. The only things you think are worthwhile are exercising and{LF}training. Wh-what...?! Why you-- Forte, calm down! Stop them. Hang back and watch. What are you getting all mad about? I'm just telling the{LF}truth. There are some things better off left unspoken! What, so it's right to hide what you're thinking? I was not thinking that at all!! Um, guys? Why don't you calm down and take a deep{LF}breath... But... ... @コハク@?! Ngh... @コハク@!! Oh look...it's @しゅじんこうくん@. What are you looking all worried for? ...Don't you remember? Remember what? We were talking when you suddenly collapsed. I did? Huh? I'm in the clinic? ... Oh! That's right, I was in the middle of working! Uh-oh! I'm in trouble now! Amber didn't remember at all. Yeah. But we were there. We talked. There's no denying that. Hmm. I wonder... Hmm? Maybe it's a ghost. Wh-what does that have to do with anything?! I've heard something a lot like this. It was a sign that a dead person was using to write on, so{LF}living people could see it. I still don't see what that has to do with this! Switch the sign for a person, then. Ghosts can possess people and use them to talk, right? P-p-possession?! So if some ghost is possessing Amber when she falls asleep... It makes sense that she wouldn't remember anything that{LF}happened while the ghost had control. @コハク@ is possessed by a ghost...? One of the books I read had some examples in it that sound{LF}a lot like this. Meep! Whatever the case, we're going to have to keep a close eye{LF}on her! A-as a knight, it is my duty to watch over the people of this{LF}town. Leave this to me! ... Why are you looking at me like that? I think I'm going to do a little more research. Thanks. I-it is my duty as a knight to watch over the people of this{LF}town, no matter who they are. Good luck, Forte! ♪ Urk... O-of course. L-l-leave it to me. ... I'm worried about Amber. I think I'm going to do a little more research. I-it is my duty as a knight to watch over the citizens of this{LF}town, no matter what they are. I-it is nothing. I'm simply sh-shaking in...in excitement, is all. ... I don't understand what happened, but I made you worry,{LF}didn't I? I'm sorry. It's okay. You are...unforgiven!! Tee hee hee! You're always so nice, @しゅじんこうくん@. That's why I like you lots! ♪ O-oh... What can I do so that you'll forgive me...? That went over your head. Kiss me on the cheek. Hi-yah! Ow! Now that joke is +on your head+. Hee! Uh, that's not what I meant... Yeep?! Here you go. Um... *SMOOCH* Mmm, delicious. ...! But... ...? My memories are really hazy lately. Like, really. Oh? Yeah. Like sometimes I'll be sleeping at home, but then I{LF}wake up and I'm by the clinic. It's weird. Most of it happens +at night+, though. I wonder what it is? ... Y'know, Amber has been acting a little...off, lately. Wait! Could this be...a mystery?! Will you open the door for us? Huh...? @コハク@?! ... What's wrong...? ... I need to speak to you. About her. Her? Yes, her. Amber. Wait, what do you mean? I mean what I said. Who are you...? ... I am she who you defeated in the forest. Wha? I am she who should have vanished when you freed her. Then you're... The butterfly monster? Playing a joke on me? Yes. No. Geez, you are a dense one. I am the butterfly monster, who lived in the forest depths. More precisely, I was. When she and I merged, what I was disappeared. What I am now is the soul of a monster, the fragment of a{LF}self, the shadow of a creature. I am what that gossip-loving boy calls a ''ghost''. ...And you're possessing @コハク@? Yes. Why her? Can't you guess? ... Put down your weapons. I have not come for revenge. Then why-- I'm out of time for now. Time for what? I will leave you with a warning. ''I don't care if I vanish.'' Huh? Don't ever let her say those words. Ever. What do you mean? If you want to know, come visit me again some evening. I'll be awake only at nights for a time. But...! I'll be waiting. ...Huh? @しゅじんこうくん@? @コハク@! Are you okay? Where am I...? Eep! This is your room!! Um...yeah. I-I'm so sorry! I sh-shouldn't be here at, um...this hour. There must be something wrong with me... N-no, it's okay. So, um...I...ah...uh... I'd better be going! Bye-bye!! I went to sleep in my bed, but I woke up in your room... It surprised me. @コハク@ doesn't remember anything again. So, when she stopped by my room, it wasn't really her... Tomorrow evening, I'd better go to @コハク@'s room{LF}and talk to that monster. ... @コハク@? Did you come to see Amber? Or are you here to see me? I came to see Amber. I came to see you. Ah. Then you should come again during the day. The night is my time. So just who are you? I told you that before. Yeah, I know you were the monster that lived in the forest. But why does that mean you have to possess Amber? A good question. Where should I begin? Had all gone as it was supposed to, I would have{LF}disappeared. I told you that too, correct? Yeah. You said you should have vanished when I beat you in{LF}+Yokmir Forest+. Yes. As a monster, I should have returned to the Forest of{LF}Beginnings. But I'm still here. Why do you think that is? How could I know? Because she wanted me to be. She prayed that I wouldn't disappear. @コハク@ did...? And so I stayed within her. I watch her life like I'm a second her. But... Two souls can't inhabit one body completely. Wha...? You've seen what's happened these last several days. If things continue like this, someday, she'll vanish. Her soul will disappear, and this body will be mine alone. ...Hee hee. What a scary face. ... Why don't we make a deal? Wha?! If you refuse, there will be no way to save her. ...What do you want? That is simple. I only need you to tell her one thing for me. What is it? Tell her to erase me. Huh...? See? Isn't that easy? No matter what it is, she doesn't disbelieve anything, the silly{LF}girl. She even takes those ridiculous rumors at face value. What are you after? Tee hee hee... What does it matter? You still have no choice but to listen if{LF}you want to save her. So what I want, I will get. ...! Tell her. Tell her soon. Ah! Wait a minute-- If you wish. But know that she will wake soon. And if she catches you here, you might just earn the label of{LF}town pervert. Urk...! Tell her. I'm counting on you. ...! Mmh... Wait, I... Oh crap!! YEEP! @しゅじんこうくん@?! Um, @コハク@, I-- W-W-W-WELCOME!! ... Wh-what's wrong? ...It's nothing. I'll tell you more about it tomorrow. Um, @しゅじんこうくん@...? ...*YAAAWN* You look sleepy, @コハク@. Yeah... I've been having lots of funny dreams lately. I know I'm asleep, but I dream that I'm watching me. Oh...? It's like I'm watching somebody else be me. Isn't that weird? Y-yeah... Ah! Oh yeah! I almost forgot. Forgot what? I wanna go to @マップ9@ with you. Can we? Ah! Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! Can we go to @マップ9@ together? C'mon, I{LF}wanna go! Please? Uh-oh! You've already got friends with you. I guess you're{LF}busy. Maybe some other time. Sure, let's go. Aww! Sorry. ...Okay. But if you change your mind, come tell me, 'kay? I'll be waiting! ♪ Yaaay! ♪ It'll be easier to talk if we're somewhere quiet, anyway. Hmm? Oh, um, it's nothing. Really? Well, okay. Anyway, let's hurry up! I wanna go to{LF}@マップ0@! ♪ Okay. Let's hurry up! I wanna go to @マップ0@! ♪ Oooh! ♪ Look how close the sky is! Yeah. Here, we both can feel the sky together. It's funny. We're just standing next to each other...but it{LF}makes me really, really happy. ...Me, too. Oooh! @しゅじんこうくん@, look! There's the forest! That's where I slept! Yeah, there it is. Hmm... Y'know, I kinda miss it. Up 'til a little while ago, I was there for years and years. Yeah. But being able to miss something is a happy feeling. Oh? Yeah. It means that every day you have now is really fun. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Did you know time has weight? It does? Yeah. The more memories you have, the heavier time gets. It's like the longing you get for spring when you look at all{LF}the winter snow. Memories fall like snow, making time heavier...and you start{LF}missing the stuff it buried. But y'know? Even if it's been a long, long time, if you don't have{LF}memories, it won't turn out like that. So if you sleep for a looong time and then wake up, you{LF}won't have all that memory snow. And that's a kinda empty and lonely feeling. When I woke up after coming back from the forest... Everything that was a long, long time ago to the world felt{LF}like just yesterday to me. Everything that was there just the other day to me was all{LF}gone when I woke up. It was like the whole world reset itself around me. @コハク@... Lately, I've been kinda scared of going to sleep. When I wake up, I'm someplace I don't remember going to. That's not a fun surprise. Right after, I always go out and{LF}make sure everybody's still there. Seeing Lumie's face makes me feel so much better. Then I know the world didn't do another reset. That this isn't{LF}all some dream. I feel lots better, then. @コハク@... Heh... Sorry. That whole long spiel must've sounded funny{LF}coming from me. No, it's okay. You don't have to worry. Hmm? The world's not ever going to reset itself around you. And I won't ever leave you. So everything is going to be just fine. @しゅじんこうくん@... And you know why you've been fainting a lot lately? It's because of a monster. There's one living inside you. So when you go to sleep, that monster comes out and uses{LF}your body. That's why when you wake up, you aren't where you thought{LF}you were. It uses my body...when I sleep? Yeah. But it's okay. I'll figure something out. I promise. I-- Oh, so that's what it is! Huh? I remember that monster! Its the one that merged with me, right? Um, yeah... Oh! Then there's no problem. She and I are bestest friends!{LF}♪ Huh? See, I told her we could stay together, and she said okay. So I'm fine. If she wants to use my body, I don't mind at all. @しゅじんこうくん@? What's wrong? Um... She asked me to give you a message. Oh? What is it? She said, ''Erase me.'' What...? Two souls can't share one body for long. So you have to-- No. I didn't want her to vanish. That's why I told her to stay with{LF}me. I couldn't ever tell her to go away. Ever! But-- NO! Ah... ...I'm sorry. It's okay. @しゅじんこうくん@, don't worry, okay? I'm sure everything will{LF}work out, somehow. Somehow? Sorry...I'm getting kinda tired. I'm gonna go home. W-wait...! @コハク@... @コハク@. Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! Um... About that monster... It's nothing. Y'know... I wonder what it has to feel like to vanish without really{LF}knowing what's going on. Huh? When I first met her, she didn't know anything at all. I'm sure she doesn't know much more now, either. I...I couldn't... @コハク@... Y'know... I think I'm gonna have a dream of her tonight. In fact, I know so. Pardon me. @コハク@... Wait, not @コハク@. Correct. She knows who you are, y'know. I thought as much. She did ask me to stay deliberately. She said you were friends. What...? She called you her friend. ...Oh. What a silly little girl. ... What is it you really want? What do you get out of making @コハク@ deny{LF}herself? Exactly what you get. Huh? I want to protect what's precious to me, just like you. Oh...? Did you tell her exactly what I told you to? ...So even though you're in the same body, you can't see{LF}what she sees, then? Not anymore, no. Huh? Once, what she saw, I saw. What she felt, I felt. But now...I can't. ...? I don't see what she sees. I don't hear what she thinks. And that... That tells me there is little time left. What do you mean? It used to be that I could only wake at night. Now I find{LF}myself aware during the day. That means the split between us is growing. Uh-oh... You know... When she talks to you, she is truly happy. When you leave her, she feels truly sad. I can't understand why, though. Still... That was my favorite part of ''me.'' Huh? I was never meant to exist in this world. So I don't fear leaving it. As long as she can stay here... As long as she can stay by your side, smiling, then I'm{LF}pleased. Wait, does that mean you intended to save @コハク@{LF}from the beginning? ... Then why go through all that to make yourself look like the{LF}bad guy? Because you're too nice. No, it's not just you. If she learned the truth, she would try to save me, too. To save her that, I decided to make you hate me. If you hated me, then I thought you could make her hate me{LF}enough to erase me. But it looks like that did not go as I had planned. ... I think it'd get through to her a lot easier if you just told her{LF}the plain truth. Oh? Why would that be? You're her, right? Don't you think that'd work? ... I...don't know. Ah. Do you remember my warning? Huh? ''I don't care if I vanish.'' Don't ever let her say those words. What would happen if she did? This body belongs to her. Thus, it is she who has ultimate control of it. In other words... If she desires it, she can erase either her or I with a thought. What...?! The only one who can stop her is you. Me? Yes. Only her strong feelings for you are holding her back{LF}now. If she chooses to say goodbye to you... That also means she's choosing to accept her fate. ...! If you want to protect her, you must convince her to erase{LF}me. If she refuses to do so... I can do nothing to save her. ... I believe in you. I know that, somehow, you will be able to do it. Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! Listen! This morning, when I woke up, there was a letter by{LF}my bed. A letter? Yeah! It was from her to me. She said she wants me to live. ...Oh. I guess that means that she wants to disappear, too, doesn't{LF}it? ... @しゅじんこうくん@, I wanna ask a favor. What is it? Before she disappears, I wanna give her some great{LF}memories. So, um... Would you hang out with her, just for one day? Okay. Let me think about it. Oh... Yeah, it is kinda weird, isn't it? I'm sorry to ask so suddenly. But...I'd really like you to do it. Come see me if you change{LF}your mind, okay? That's good. Come to my place tomorrow, okay? I wanna say goodbye to her, too. I wanna remember all of it. So I'll see you tomorrow, okay? ...Okay. Amber's been so quiet lately. It is getting really dull, to be{LF}frank. @コハク@? ... ...Or not. Correct. Did @コハク@ tell you what's going on? She left me a letter. It said she was going to give me memories. ... Are you going to help? Of course. Let me think about it. All right. ... Of course. Is there anywhere you want to go? Well... Let's check out the forest. The forest? Yes. I want to see the place I was born one last time. All right. Come here to get me when you're ready. I'll be waiting. But please finish what you need to do with your friends first. Hold it right there! Amber!! You've been moping around like you're sick lately! And now you're going to try to go out somewhere? I'll be fine. I feel better today. And @しゅじんこうくん@ is with me. He is? Yeah. Ah. Well that's worrying enough as it is. I mean, @しゅじんこうくん@ is a healthy guy with healthy needs,{LF}y'know. Wha?! Anyway! If anything happens, I want you to yell for me,{LF}okay? Yell as loud as you can, at the very tippy top of your lungs! Do this, and the Great Detective herself will come running to{LF}save you. Got it? ... @しゅじんこうくん@!! Take care of Amber, understand? I will. We'll be going, then. Come on, @しゅじんこうくん@. R-right... Hmm? What's wrong? ... Thanks, Lumie. Huh? Bye-bye. Er, well that was formal. Weird... Let's check out the forest. I want to see the place where I was born one last time. What's wrong? ... Butterflies... Huh? ...It's nothing. Let's go. O-okay... Are you going to see me off, too? ... Ah. ...I guess, if you wouldn't mind, then. What was that about? @しゅじんこうくん@, let's go home. Huh... ... Wait, what was that all about? It's nothing. But... @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Do you remember when we first met here, in the forest? ...Yeah. Your face was the first thing I saw when I woke up. I remember that. You said I looked funny, and fell right back asleep. Wait...that's what @コハク@ said, not you. ... After that, I began to live with everyone in this town. I admit, I was confused at first. But I found lots of things to like, too. That was enough to{LF}make every day loads of fun. ... So thanks. Huh? I'm glad I fell for you. That by itself was enough to make me super happy. Wait... Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. You... You're @コハク@. ... I heard everything, from the very beginning. I heard what you and her talked about in my room, too. She didn't know, I think. She did leave me a letter by my{LF}pillow. She wrote down how she felt and everything. But... Despite everything... I don't think I could ever tell her to disappear. @コハク@... I mean... Accepting everything is what makes life so much fun to me! Trying to deny this or ignore that is way too hard. But @コハク@, if you don't... I know. So I'm glad I got to say goodbye to you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm glad that, in the end, we were able to come here{LF}together. ''In the end?!'' Ngh! Butterflies again! It was fun. Huh? Playing detective with Lumie. Listening to Kiel's gossip. Watching Forte get mad and chase Bado all over. Going to see Jones and Nancy if I got hurt, so they could{LF}make it all better. Lin Fa would always smile at me and say I could visit any{LF}time. And Xiao Pai would take my hand and we'd run to the{LF}restaurant together. Then we'd sit and eat Porcoline's yummy food and listen to{LF}Meg's pretty music. Sometimes, Doug would bring Blossom there, grumbling the{LF}whole way. Clorica would sit next to me, somehow eating and sleeping{LF}at the same time. We could hear Volkanon yelling in the distance, and Vishnal{LF}running to us. And Venti would watch it all with a yawn. Then... @コハク@! Dammit, you again! Then, @しゅじんこうくん@, you would come and smile at Venti. You'd say it was really nice weather out. And with you... ...I wish I could have been with you, always and forever. ...! I... I don't want to disappear. @コハク@! But... ... Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. No... I really liked you. @コハク@, no! Once I'm gone, I want you to make her as happy as you{LF}made me. If you'll do that... @コハク@!! I don't care if I vanish. ... @コハク@? ... She's gone. Wha...? She's gone... No... ... I...I can't believe it. ... H-how can I... You can't. ...! There isn't anything anyone can do. Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Where's Amber? Wait, I know! She lost you on the way back, right? Sheesh! Why did it have to be today of all days? I was planning on finally letting her play detective tonight!! Oh well, no biggie. There's always some other time. ... Oh, right! Hey, by the way... +Forte+ was looking for you earlier. Maybe she can help you look for Amber. Ahh, @しゅじんこうくん@. There you are. It seems +Kiel+ has something he would like to tell you. It has to do with something he discovered about Amber. Really?! He found something out about her?! Wha?! Er, y-yes... Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. I think I found something out about Amber. ♪ Really?! Huh?! Oh, uh, yeah... What is it?! I'll take anything right now! Umm... First, I found out what the ghost possessing her is. Okay. It's like I thought. It's the embodiment of someone's strong{LF}feelings. And that form settled into Amber as sort of a second{LF}personality. ... But two personalities can't fit in one body... So they both fight for dominance, making both of them{LF}unstable. ...Right. That's what she said. But in the end, there really isn't much to worry about. Huh? I mean, there's no way Amber would ever disappear or{LF}anything. No matter how hard you try, you can't cut a soul out of a{LF}body, right? So as long as her body's still alive, her soul will still be there. That means... @コハク@ won't vanish. Right. ... But what if the alternate personality won the fight? What{LF}would happen then? In that case, the two would just switch positions. The other personality would be dominant, while Amber{LF}would be ''asleep'' inside. Just asleep? Yeah. She still exists, but she wouldn't come out. So she's not gone. I mean, that's her body. She can't just vanish. She...can't vanish... Right. ... Oh. @コハク@ isn't gone... @しゅじんこうくん@? @キール@! Gah! Do you know how to wake up that sleeping personality?! ACK! D-don't shake me s-so hard! @キール@?! I-I think you'd have to go about it the same way the ghost{LF}was created in the first place... Strong wishes. If you wish to see that person really hard,{LF}then I'm sure they'd wake up. Strong wishes... Yeah. But it'd probably have to be really, REALLY strong. I mean, the original personality is completely buried and{LF}asleep, deep in the person. That's not normal at all. So to wake them up, you need something even bigger than{LF}what put them to sleep. It'd have to be a really strong, really special wish. That part shouldn't be a problem. Oh? Right now, I really, REALLY want to see her again. I'll do anything to make that happen. I'll even make miracles, if that is what it takes. ... Then you'll see her again, I'm sure. Yeah. Well, I don't know what this is all about, but good luck! Thanks! I'm not sure what this is all about... But if you wish to see her strongly enough, it should work. Good luck! Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. I assume you've spoken with Kiel? I'm not certain what the issue is, but you have a determined{LF}look about you. I approve. Good luck. Is Amber faring well, residing with Illuminata? I was just...curious, is all. Lumie has been pretty worried about Amber lately. She says Amber hasn't looked all that well. Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Lumie is looking for you. ...I think. Hm? Wait, what day is today again? Ahh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Good day. Hmm? Is Amber not with you today? I heard from Illuminata that she was. Forte asked me to go see her about some training weapons. But when I got there, she and Illuminata were talking about{LF}something really serious-like. So I just came back. It didn't seem right to bug them. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Y'know, Lumie was griping about you to me earlier. She said you went and stole her best assistant. ... I dunno what's going on, but Illuminata was really worried{LF}about Amber. Did something happen? Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Illuminata was making quite the fuss earlier about some sort{LF}of great crime. She said it is your fault that Amber will no longer pay much{LF}attention to her. Things are quite...difficult for you, aren't they? My{LF}condolences. Illuminata asked moi for some delectable delights to excite{LF}and energize. She said Amber has been acting out-of-sorts, and could use{LF}a pick-me-up. Isn't that wonderful? I would LOVE to have someone worry{LF}over me like that. (Hint hint!) Lumie may seem strange, but she's a good person{LF}underneath, yes? Do not make her worry too much, @しゅじんこうくん@. Is poor Amber not feeling well? Lumie has been worried sick about her. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. I heard Illuminata muttering about you, earlier. Something about how in the end, men are still men, or{LF}whatever. Whatever it is, it'd probably be a good idea to go see her{LF}and ask what it's about. Hmm? @しゅじんこうくん@, aren't you with Amber today? I thought Lumie had mentioned you were. Maybe it's just my{LF}poor memory going. Oh, well. Lumie's and Amber's personalities are polar opposites, aren't{LF}they? ''Yes, milady. And that is exactly why they get along so well.'' ''Just like you and I!'' Oh? So you think that Amber sees Lumie as nothing more{LF}than an unending annoyance? ''...'' Illuminata has been quite worried about Amber. If she's still not feeling well, please tell her to come see us.{LF}We'll take a look at her. Oh, Lumie. She is such a big sister to Amber. To a big sister, little sisters are family, but they are also best{LF}friends. Are you being sure to take good care of Amber? Illuminata seemed concerned about that, you see. She said{LF}she had left her in your care. She looked rather put out about that. Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Where's Amber? Wait, I know! She lost you on the way back, right? Sheesh! Why did it have to be today of all days? I was planning on finally letting her play detective tonight!! Oh well, no biggie. There's always some other time. ... @コハク@. @コハク@! I'm not her. I talked to @キール@. He said @コハク@ can't possibly be gone. She's just{LF}asleep inside you. And if there's a strong enough wish to see her again, she{LF}could wake back up! ... That's impossible. ... But I want to believe it. I don't want to give up! What about you? Don't you want @コハク@ to come back? ... Don't you?! ... Try it. What? You might be able to bring her back. Just try. Please? Okay! @コハク@!! @コハク@, wake up! C'mon, wake up!! Please! Wake up, @コハク@!! Nnh...? @コハク@?! It didn't work. Wha? I was originally a being made of several strong feelings. Right now, my strong desire not to vanish is getting in the{LF}way. Amber cannot hear you over it. Oh no...! @しゅじんこうくん@. Would you do anything for her? Yes. Even if, as a result, you will erase me? Knowing that... Do you still want to wake her? Yes. ... Why do you hesitate? Don't you want to save her? I... Don't you want to keep her safe? Is she not more precious to you than anyone or anything? If so, fight me. What? I'm going to give my own wishes form. The wishes that are preventing her from hearing your voice. I'll return to my monster form, the form I belong in. If, as you say, strong wishes can be given shape, I'll give{LF}shape to mine. You will defeat them. Then, I'll vanish, as I should have in the first place. ... Are you sure? I have always wanted only one thing. That has not changed. But without her here, it'll never happen. ... ...Alright. Let's save @コハク@, together. Yes. Once you are ready, come to the heart of the forest. I'll wait for you where we fought once before. You've come. @コハク@... No, you aren't her. What is your name, anyway? Call me whatever you want. Names are meaningless to me{LF}now. ... I will now give my wishes their shape. They are wishes I don't like to acknowledge are mine... But they are nonetheless part of me. So fight me. Fight me with all your might... And wake her! @コハク@! ... No, it hasn't worked yet. ...! But it's okay... Now there will be nothing in the way. Nothing... You know... ... ...What? Looking for her like this has finally shown me something. She really cared for me a lot, didn't she? Who, @コハク@? Yes. Without someone wishing me to stay, I would have vanished. Even with that wish, I imposed myself on her, possessing part{LF}of her body. But she... She still forgave me. She still wanted me to stay. She...really wanted me to stay. Yeah. I...I think... I think I want to see her again, too. Yeah. ... Call for her. @コハク@. @コハク@, wake up. @コハク@, wake up!! ...Wonderful. Huh? I can feel her coming closer. Then...! Yes. @しゅじんこうくん@? Take care of her. I will. I'm sure she will forget me... What? I told you, this time I'll truly vanish. I will disappear without a trace. There will be nothing left of me in her mind, in her{LF}memories... In her heart... Nothing will remain. What?! That's what it means to +choose+. And we agree. We both choose a world where Amber exists. Right? ... ...Yeah. That's enough for me. You know...I never did tell you, did I... What I wanted... Ngh... Where am I...? @コハク@? Is it really you? ... I feel like I just had a super sad dream. Yeah. But... You're here, @しゅじんこうくん@, and that makes me happy. And I'm happy...but...weird. I'm also really, really sad. Yeah. @しゅじんこうくん@? Are you crying? Yeah. Sorry. Why are you apologizing? Oh... ...Sorry. ... It's okay. Huh? I forgive you. Even if somebody else says they won't... I'll forgive you. ...Thanks. ... ... Who are you? ... Aren't you lonely all by yourself? ... Hmm? @コハク@? Oh! @しゅじんこうくん@, wait a sec! Hey, um... Do you wanna come with? ... Oh, that's too bad. I guess we'll see you later, then! ... Thank you, Amber. The one thing I wanted... Wasn't to live on inside you. Nor was it to save you. It was to live in the same world that you do. I wanted to be in a world where the two of us could stand{LF}side by side. ... Oh, um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Thanks. Huh? Y'know, I just remembered something. Oh? Yeah. See, Dad once told me something. He said he was gonna teach me how to forge stuff. For when I found someone more important to me than{LF}anyone. But then he went and got killed the next day. ... So even now I don't really get what he meant. Dad once told me he was going to teach me how to forge{LF}stuff. For when I found someone more important to me than{LF}anyone. I wonder what he meant? Hey, got a minute? What's up? Let's go on a date tomorrow. Do you have some time tomorrow? Let's go on a date. Sure! Sorry. Where do you want to go? How about @マップ0@? You don't mind, right? Sounds good. Umm... Awesome! See you tomorrow. Aw, c'mon. I just really wanna go to @マップ0@. Please? Well... Great! So I'll see you tomorrow, okay? H-hey! Wait a minute! Huh? What is it? Where are we going to meet up? Oh yeah! Forgot that part. How about I go and get you at your place? We can meet out{LF}in front. Okay. See ya! Oh, okay. Well, come let me know when you get some time, okay? We can go whenever works for you. I'll wait. We've got a date tomorrow at @マップ0@,{LF}y'know. I'll meet you in front of your place. You didn't forget about our date, right? I'll be waiting in front{LF}of your place. Ah! There you are. Let's head to @マップ0@. Okay. Whoa, did you forget where we're going? We want{LF}@マップ0@. Man, that wind feels good! Don'tcha think? I wanna stay here forever. It's mussing my hair. Aren't you cold? !! @ダグ@? W-w-wait...what does she mean by ''forever?!'' I-is she saying{LF}she wants to stay with me for life?! D-d-did she just PROPOSE to me?! N-no...no, that can't be it. Calm down, man! Get a grip on yourself! What's wrong? Uh, nothing... Are you not feeling well? I'm fine. (Oh geez, when she looks at me like that...!) Did I say something weird? Umm...n-no...well, yeah, but no... (C-can't breathe...!) Oh. Sorry. I didn't mean to say anything to upset you. Huh?! No! You totally didn't say anything like that! I didn't? Then what was it I said? Ummmmm... You said, uh...you wanted to stay forever... And um... That sounded kinda a little sorta like you um...p-p-proposed{LF}to me. I didn't propose to you. And that made you upset? I-I know that! Oh... I didn't mean for it to sound like that. I...guess it must've{LF}weirded you out... N-no! I was just confused for a second! I mean, it's supposed to be the guy who...um... ... ...Erm. Supposed to be the guy who what? ... Say, uh, let's save that for later. Save what for later? What's wrong? You don't look too happy. Oh, um...well... (My hair...!) Sheesh. Quit worrying about little stuff like that. You're plenty cute{LF}just as you are. Huh? N-nothing... I'm what? Say that again. Urk...! I couldn't hear you. AAARGH!! Okay, okay! I'll say it! YOUR MESSY HAIR IS CUTE YOU LOOK CUTE WORRYING{LF}OVER IT YOU TOTALLY LOOK CUTE NO MATTER WHAT{LF}YOU DO!! ... *HUFF* *HUFF* ... ... Th-thanks... You're welcome. ... ... Urk...! She's just waiting there like some freakin' cute little{LF}animal... Is she gonna wait until I say something? Hah! I don't crack{LF}that easily! You won't hear me say sappy crap like that over and over{LF}again. ... ...I, um...I think you're cute. Wha?! ...Th-thanks. You're welcome. Yeah, the wind does feel good. But aren't you cold? ...A little. Do you want to go somewhere else? Here is fine! I said we'd come here, so we're gonna stay here! You don't have to make yourself stay if you're uncomfortable. I'm fine! Besides, the cold makes a great excuse to cuddle...heh heh{LF}heh. Is that what you're after? Yeah, it does. Y'know, maybe it's time I head home. I'm kidding! I'm kidding! I didn't mean it! Geez, where's your sense of humor? Just kidding! But that sounded like such a good idea. Huh? Wait, was that just a joke? N-no! I meant it! I meant it! Uh-huh. Maybe some other time. ARGH!! I missed my chance!! ...Ahem. ... Say uh, totally innocent question here, but...marriage{LF}proposals. Romantic ones are better, right? Yeah, I'd think so. I don't mind either way. Ah, okay. Hmm. Y'know, you're pretty girly about some{LF}things. You sound surprised... Well, yeah. I mean, you don't usually act all pink and flowery{LF}and girly about stuff. Oh! That's meant as a compliment. I mean, that's one of the things I really like about you. Ah, okay. Yeah, that sounds like you. Oh...? Yeah, I mean you aren't the type to go for the flowery, fluffy,{LF}pink and girly stuff, right? Oh! That's meant as a compliment. That's one of the things I really like about you. So, uh...what about rings? If you could get one, would you want one of those ones with{LF}a big rock worth three months' pay? Rings? Well... An aquamarine one is nice. I like amethyst ones. Emerald ones are the best. A sapphire one'd be cool. A diamond one, of course. I think ruby is prettiest. A ring with an aquamarine stone as clear and beautiful as{LF}the ocean, eh? A ring with a regal amethyst that gives a strong sense of{LF}maturity, eh? A ring with an emerald as deep a green as the new leaves in{LF}the forest, eh? Ahh, a ring with a pretty pink sapphire any girl would love,{LF}eh? Yeah. A ring like that needs a girl's best friend, diamonds. Heh. Red's the color of passion, so a deep red ruby for the{LF}ring, eh? Hmm. So you actually have a pretty detailed opinion on rings,{LF}then. Interesting, interesting. First proposals, now rings? What is this about, all of a{LF}sudden? Wait... Hey, @ダグ@? Hmm? Are you up to something? Are you proposing to me? Nope. Really? Really. So why aren't you looking at me? Uh...just because? Are you sure you aren't, y'know, planning something...? Oh crap, would you look at the time! I totally forgot I have{LF}stuff to do! Sorry, gotta go! Wha?! See ya!! W-wait!! ... He left. Hmph. He's the one who invited me! Why do I get left{LF}behind? ... ... Proposals, eh? Sorry I had to leave early. I, uh, I'll make it up to you on another date sometime, okay? Um, @ダグ@? It's nothing! Nothing, I promise! Okay, now what to do... @ダグ@. Oh, hey there! I didn't see you. Anyway, sorry but, uh...I'm kinda busy right now. Maybe{LF}later? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Sorry, I've got too much stuff to do today. Maybe some other{LF}time. See ya. @しゅじんこうくん@... Sorry to keep chasing you off. But I've been real busy lately. Once I have time again, let's hang out, okay? Hey, @ダグ@? Hmm? What's up? What are you and the guys doing? GAH! Er...n-nothing! Just, y'know, guy stuff. Uh-huh. So why did you jump like that? I jumped? O-okay, so I jumped a little. That's because, uh...a bug bit{LF}me! Yeah! Right then! Oh, really, now? ... You aren't hiding anything? Nothing. ... ... Ah ha ha ha...! Hey! We aren't done talking yet! @ダグ@... Sorry, kinda busy! Talk to you later! I hate to do this to you, but I'm still pretty busy. Maybe later? Oh...okay. Man, a lot of people have been coming by today. Is something going on? @ダグ@... Oh, hey. Sorry, I've still got too much stuff to do. I'm really sorry. It looks like I'll be done soon, though. So hang in there just a{LF}little bit longer, okay? So what is it you're doing? Uh, I-I can't really say. What's up? Should I really ask him about his clan...? Well... Don't ask. ... O-okay... Hey, @ダグ@? Sorry, no time. Later? It has to be now. Urk. ... ... Right, what is it? I want to ask you something. Uh, sure. What is it? @ダグ@...are you looking up stuff about your clan? Wha?! H-how did you... I heard a rumor about it. So why are you looking them up all of a sudden? Um... ... ... @しゅじんこうくん@. Yeah? Can you wait a teeny bit longer on that? What, longer? Yeah. I just can't talk about it right now. But! But in a little bit, I'll be able to tell you everything. Promise. So can you wait? Please? ... Okay. I trust you. Really?! Yeah. But when it's time, tell me everything, okay? You bet! All right...I'll wait. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm? It's nothing. Sorry to bug you. Oh. No problem. It'll be just a little bit longer now. Just a little. H-hey! Get out!! Just a little longer... @ダグ@. Just a little more and it'll be done. He didn't hear me at all. @しゅじんこうくん@! N-nobody's looking, right? Sorry, I'm gonna make this quick. I'll come to your room +at night+. Wait for me +alone+, okay? Wha? You're going to come to my place at night...? I can't say any more than that. See you! ... No, not here! I'll see you at your place at night. Wait for me alone, okay? It'll be just a little bit longer now. Just a little. What do you think I should say? Hmm... I think you should simply say it as it is? As it is? Yes! Pour your heart out! Take everything you feel! Put it into words! And shout it! Shout it from the rooftops!! Shout it... Yes! That is what I read in a book once. A book?! Hmm? Is there something odd about that? Uh, no. It's nothing. Thanks for going through the trouble to, y'know, look stuff{LF}up for me. It was no problem. What're you doing? Oh, hey. Hello! Doug and I were just discussing-- ACK! DON'T!! GAH! It's nothing! He said nothing! Ahh ha ha ha...ha ha... ... Umm, anyway...I've gotta get going. See ya!! What got into him? What were you and @ダグ@ doing? Er, n-nothing! Nothing at all! When Doug said he thinks of this whole town as his family, I{LF}was touched. A lot of things have happened, but I think it is a good thing{LF}he came to Selphia. Here ya go! What is it? I got together some of the books that might have what{LF}you're looking for. This many?! Yeah. Some only have little bits, and some I can't really tell, so I'll{LF}leave it to you to figure out. Sorry there are so many. No, it's okay. I owe you for finding them all, anyway. Thanks. You're welcome. What're you two doing? Um, n-nothing. Yeah, it's nothing. Anyway, I gotta get going. Thanks! ... What were you and @ダグ@ doing? Oh, nothing much. Honest! Ah ha ha... He's been cooped up at Bado's forge, making rings. I got one, too. Here are the materials I could find. Wow, that much? Thanks. Think nothing of it. I'm glad to be of help to you. If there is anything else I can aid you with, do not hesitate to{LF}ask. Hey, um... That goes for you, too, 'kay? Let me know if there's anything{LF}I can do. I'll help out with whatever! What's up, you two? Is there something I can help with, too? @しゅじんこうくん@?! N-nah, we're good! You don't have to. I've got a handle on it! Right? Wha?! Erm...r-right. We will be quite okay...I think. So, uh...there you have it. ... Um...later! ... @アーサー@. Yes? What are you and @ダグ@ doing? Hmm? What are you talking about? Well, you and @ダグ@ just-- That was nothing special. But didn't you-- We aren't doing anything. Nothing special at all. Oh. Doug can be clumsy at times, but he is an honest and loyal{LF}young man. You can trust him. Hmm? I can hear somebody talking... ... ... ... ... It sounds like @ダグ@ and @ディラス@. Um...p-p-please... ... Please marry me! ... A-are you suuure you want meee? Yeah, um... Y-you're the only one for me! Please, marry me! I... ... Keep going. It's your line. ... C'mon. Hurry it. AAARGH, DAMMIT!! I'M NOT DOING THIS CRAP!! Who says I have to do this dumb, sappy stuff for you{LF}anyway?! You did, you hay-brained nag! You said you wanted to help! Within limits, pebble-brain! WITHIN LIMITS! Ugh, I quit! What did you say?! Hey, @ダグ@? Quiet! I'm talking with this nag right now! You said you'd do it, so do it! Don't wuss out halfway{LF}through! Like I care! You wouldn't get me to do any more if you paid{LF}me! @ダグ@... I said hold on! Um... AAH!!! Looks like we're done anyway. H-hey! Dylas! @しゅじんこうくん@... I didn't see you there. I noticed. So, um...how long were you...? Since you proposed to him. O-oh... ... ... ... See ya!! Augh! He ran! Sheesh! What on earth is he up to? ... And Dylas, of all people...? ... I-it's nothing. It's all going to be okay. I mean, that was...really weird, yeah, but it can't be anything. ...Still. Maybe they fight all the time to hide the way they really feel{LF}about each other...? No no no no no! That can't be it! It's okay! @ダグ@ doesn't swing that way. He's not into men,{LF}he's into women! ... ...I think. Hey, um... I did nothing! Nothing, you hear? ... Hmph! Why do I have to clean up after that dumb dwarf,{LF}anyway? ... Well...maybe every once in a while is okay. It's simple. Simply say what it is you feel. Just spit it out, eh? Hmm... Hey, don't tell me you haven't yet decided if it's real or not. Huh?! O-of course it's real! Then say so. It is as easy as that. ... It's NOT as easy as that. If it was, I wouldn't be having this{LF}much trouble. You will have to say it someday, right? Well, um...yeah... Then think on it until you feel that day has come. ... Ha ha! Go on. Worry about it. And after you have turned it over in your mind a thousand{LF}times, you will find your true feelings. What are you two up to? Ahh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Well? H-hey... I know. It's nothing. We were discussing Doug's sex life, that's all. HUH?! GAH! Would you care to join us? N-no thanks!! Ah ha ha! All right. You are missing out, though. I'm gonna pay for that... Would you care to join us in talking about Doug's-- NO THANK YOU! The rest is up to you. If you have made your decision, see it through. @ダグ@ has been acting really weird lately. What is he hiding? Oh, hi, @ダグ@. Shouldn't you be at work at the{LF}shop? GAHHH! What're you doing over here? STOOOOOP RIGHT THERE! This is really dangerous! Stand back, okay? Back! Back! Were you crafting something? N-no... Lemme see. I'm not making anything! C'mon, lemme see. No! Aww... I-it's too dangerous for you to be hanging around. Get on out{LF}of here. Goooooo! Give me some space, okay? I'm busy, here! Huh?! @ダグ@... Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Guess what? We were just talking about you! ♪ Me? Yes. How are you and Doug getting along? Yes. You two have been dating for a while now, haven't{LF}you? Isn't it time for...you know... Do you wanna get married? Umm... Hasn't Doug said anything yet? Kind of, but not really. Kind of? So he hasn't proposed? Well... What happened? Uh... Is something wrong? We'll listen if you want to talk. I'm not certain how much help we could be, but we'll do{LF}what we can. Thanks. We have talked about proposals and rings and stuff,{LF}actually. Really? Then don't you think he will pop the question sooner{LF}or later? Maybe. But recently he's been acting weird. I think he might{LF}be hiding something. Hiding something? Um...forget I said that. Uh-oh! It's not nice to hide things from others. I-it might not be from me. I really don't know what he's up{LF}to. Oh my. Now I'm curious. ''Then how about we investigate?'' Investigate? ''Precisely! If we don't know what Doug is doing, we should{LF}simply find out.'' ''Together, we can expose his hidden agenda to the world!'' Um, but... Ooh, are we gonna play detective? That sounds fun! Yes, that could be fun. I must admit, I'm a tad curious. Leave it to us, @しゅじんこうくん@! What? ''Yes.'' Yeah! ♪ We'll handle it! I'll go get everyone! ♪ Um, wait a minute. You don't have to make such a big deal... We will gather at your room. Will that be all right? Yes, let's do that. All right. We'll see you later. ''And that's the long and the short of it.'' Ah. I see. We would like you to help, if you wouldn't mind. For @しゅじんこうくん@, I'll gladly help. What do you need us to do? ''That is a good question...'' How about we go see what Doug is doing, yes? He will be very cautious around @しゅじんこうくん@, but it{LF}seems he may not do so around us. So we will hit him where he's open. That is an excellent idea. I think so, too. Yes, that should work. I agree. Me too! @しゅじんこうくん@, what about you? Um, well... ''Then we are decided!'' ''Be cautious, everyone. We can't afford to make mistakes.'' ''Let's go and expose Doug's secret plots to the world!'' Yeah! Uh-oh. I couldn't stop them. I hope everything will be okay... You want to know what Doug's been up to? Well... Let's just say that, sometimes, there are things a man just{LF}has to do, and leave it at that. He's not very good at it, but I think he gave it his best shot. He really managed to put his heart into it. I wonder what Vishnal and Doug have been talking about. I think we may need to do some research into him, as well. D-don't go too far, okay...? Oh, it'll be fine! Just leave it all to us. It seems Doug has been spending a lot of time at Bado's{LF}forge. And it sounds like he's getting advice on something from{LF}Bado, too. But I couldn't find out what kind of advice. Oh, and I wasn't able to discover what he and Vishnal were{LF}talking about, either. But on his desk I spotted a ''Love for Newbies'' manual. I wonder if that has anything to do with it? Um, about that... Everything's going just fine! I have just a few other things I'm{LF}going to look into. I'm putting together all of the information we've gotten so{LF}far. I think we should be able to give you a report before too{LF}long. A ring? Ooh, I'm so jealous of you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I wonder what happened to Doug's ring? I haven't heard anything for a while now. Yes. It's about time for him to finish it. How are you holding up? I'm doing fine. Oh? Are you sure? Here, I made this for you. [Received @アイテム0@.] Thanks, @クローリカ@. You're welcome. Did you enjoy the @アイテム0@? Doug saw Kiel for some advice, correct? I see. That's something I should look into. I have a report on Doug's activities. I only got a glimpse... But I noticed the glimmer of an item much like{LF}@アイテム0@ nearby him. @アイテム0@? Beyond that, I cannot say. He kept it under close guard. Also, it seems like Kiel has been researching Doug's clan{LF}lately. I saw him collecting materials on the culture and traditions of{LF}the clan. That is all the information I have at the moment. I'll continue{LF}my investigations. Um, about that... It's all right. Leave it to us. As a knight, it's my duty to assist the townsfolk. I think I'll be able to acquire further information on Doug's{LF}activities. See me again later. A ring...? Do you think you'd like to have one someday,{LF}@フォルテ@? Erm?! O-of course not! That is not an item my lifestyle requires! Has Doug discussed his clan with you at all? Not yet, no. I see. Hrm. I'm very curious about what he may be hiding. @しゅじんこうくん@, are you doing all right? Yeah, I'm fine. All right with what? Good. Do take care of yourself, okay? Don't ''what'' me! You did collapse, remember?! O-oh, right. Please, don't do things to make me worry. Doug and Dylas were up to something, right? Those two? Working together? Now that's suspicious all{LF}right. So what did you hear them talking about? Um!!! What's wrong? They weren't exactly talking about anything... @ダグ@, um...proposed... He what?! To who?! ...@ディラス@. ... Wait, what? Seriously? I'm not sure... I tried teasing information out of Dylas. I didn't get anywhere, though. Every time I hinted at something all he'd say was ''who{LF}knows?'' Funnily enough, though, when I mentioned Doug's name, he{LF}blushed beet red. R-really? Do you think they're actually, um... Oh my... ... ... N-no, they couldn't be. Yeah. Okay. Next time I think I'll try bribing information out of him{LF}with a @アイテム0@. Hang on just a little longer on the whole Doug thing. We're{LF}all still thinking about it. So you're getting a ring? That's so nice! Hmm? What's that smile I'm seeing on your face? N-nothing... Ah ha ha! I'd tell you to stop, but I don't think you could. Hm? I don't see a glitter on your ring finger yet. What is Doug waiting for? It looks like Doug is really thinking about you a lot. Oh... But don't go forgiving him just yet, okay? He doesn't get off the hook until there's a ring on your finger! Doug and Leon had a secret conversation, yes? Secret...? Um, I guess you could say that... Ah. It seems asking directly would only result in him dodging the{LF}question. This could be hard. Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@. I asked Leon direct and, as we feared, he evaded the{LF}question, yes? ... But I did learn something from Doug. It seems he is buying a large amount of various materials. I don't know exactly what kind of materials, but it seems{LF}they are all for accessories. We are all looking into this together. Leave Doug to us, yes? Has Doug said anything? I haven't asked yet. He wouldn't say. Ah. I hope he tells you soon. Ah. But he did say he'd tell me soon, though. He did? It seems that is good. Are you married yet? Um, no... Ah. When are you getting married? ... I heard from Meg, yes? It seems you had some trouble. Ah ha ha... If you need to talk, come see me. I'll listen. Thanks. Yay! We're playing detective! So, um...how do you play? I don't know. Maybe I should go ask Lumie... That's a bad idea. Don't do it. Seriously. Huh? Why? Because I'm afraid things are going to get out of hand. Oh? Yeah. Whatever you do, don't tell @エルミナータ@, okay? Okay! If the detective gives up, then the case closes there! ...Is what Lumie says, anyway. I went and asked Doug what he was doing. He said he wasn't doing anything. Maybe Doug isn't doing anything. Just a little bit longer, 'kay? I think we might be close to{LF}finding something out! ...Is what I think Lumie would say. Ring around the rooosie! ♪ A ring for @しゅじんこうくん@! @コハク@, shh!! Not so loud! Didja get your ring yet? No. Did you get it yet? I hope you get it soon. You don't look too happy. Are you okay? I'll be fine. Oh. But don't overdo it, 'kay? ''Well then, where to begin?'' I'm glad you want to help, but do NOT make a big fuss{LF}about this, understand? ''Of course!'' ''@しゅじんこうくん@, sit back and relax, all right? We shall take{LF}care of everything!'' ...In theory. ''Hrm. Doug is being quite close-lipped about everything.'' But we did discover something. ''Yes! It sounds like Arthur is researching dwarves.'' That's right. Specifically, the dwarf clan to which Doug once belonged. ''However, we are not sure what Arthur has managed to find{LF}yet.'' When we find out something more, we will let you know. Um, about that... ''No need to worry.'' ''As I said, you can sit back and relax.'' Hearing that from you does not really encourage relaxation. We have found some promising leads. ''Yes. We should be able to make a full report soon.'' Well? Have you asked Doug yet? Not yet. Yeah. I see. I doubt you will get him to tell you so easily, but try if you{LF}feel you must. ''Don't give up!'' Has he told you yet? Not yet. He said he'd tell me soon, though. I see. I guess all you can do now is wait. Yeah. ... My... ''Well done! Well done indeed!'' ''...Wait. Dolly, were you about to say something?'' ...No. Has Doug told you about his clan? Not yet. ''Hmph. Doug can be so tight-lipped.'' How are you feeling? I'll be fine. Terrible. I see. Don't push it too hard, all right? If you aren't feeling well, you shouldn't be up. Go rest. ...? What's up, everyone? ''We have figured it out!'' You did? Yeah! We know what Doug was up to now! O-oh... Thank goodness. It didn't get out of hand. Though it kinda feels like it's about to... So all of us got together and put together what we each{LF}found out. It seems all that weird stuff you overheard him talking about{LF}has to do with it. It does? Yes. You know that Doug has been spending the last several{LF}days at Bado's forge, correct? Yeah. It seems he has been having Bado teach him something. Given that it's Bado, I'd think he's being taught the basics of{LF}forging. Doug was never good at that sort of thing, so he needs{LF}Bado to help him. It seems the materials Doug has been acquiring are large{LF}amounts of gold and silver. These are being used in the making of a certain accessory. Precisely. And I have seen a suspicious gleam on his finger. The evidence is clear. Does @アイテム0@ ring{LF}a bell? @アイテム0@? Do you know why he'd be{LF}making that? Yeah. No clue. Unsurprising. ''Yes. It could be nothing else.'' You don't? You even told us yourself, before. ''Goodness, don't you remember?'' ''Doug asked you about specific gemstones, correct? And you{LF}told him your favorite.'' ''Those gemstones are all used in the making of rings!'' Can you guess what Doug is making now? A ring for me. A necklace for me. A crown for me. *SIIIGH* Erm...I would think that he's making, uh...+that+. No, not that! Can you think of anything else it could be? ''Precisely.'' I knew that's what he was making. Right. That's why he came by and-- Wait, you already knew? N-no, no! It was just a guess. I didn't know ahead of time! Oh...? Well, I'd kinda figured it out already, but since everybody{LF}was working so hard, I kept quiet. We were wondering if we really ought to tell you this, to be{LF}honest. Yeah! But if you and Doug got all mad at each other over{LF}this, that would be bad. I hope we haven't caused you any trouble. If so, we apologize. N-no...you didn't. Thanks. ''You are welcome!'' ''Well then, let's go home.'' Wait a moment! There's one more thing I must tell you. What is it? It concerns the dwarf clan Doug is researching. It is, in fact, his own clan. Oh yes. I'd forgotten. @ダグ@'s clan? Yes. I don't know the details, however. We looked into that as well. However, we have no idea why Doug would need to{LF}research his own clan in the first place. Oh, you don't have to worry about that. Huh...? I don't really want to pry too much into @ダグ@'s{LF}family history. You've already done more than enough for me, looking up{LF}what he's been doing. I'll ask him the rest myself. All of you have done so much, it is only right I do the last{LF}part myself. ...Ah. All right. Then we have done all that we can do. But if I ever need anything else, I can still ask you all, right? Of course! Isn't that right, everyone? Thanks. ''Let's be off, then.'' Yes. See you. Until later. It seems I will see you later! Bye-bye! See ya. Bye-bye! ♪ A ring, eh? Is Doug over at Bado's forge again today? I think so, yeah. The ring isn't done yet, is it? No, not yet. Ah. ''If he keeps you waiting much longer, I say we go see him{LF}and tell him he's late!'' That would be ironic, coming from someone who's ''late''{LF}herself. Umm... @ダグ@ said it wouldn't be much longer now. I think{LF}I'll be patient and wait. Wow @しゅじんこうくん@, you make that sound so easy. The{LF}suspense would be killing me. I-it's not really that easy... IIIT'S DOOOOOOOOONE!!!! Wh-what was that?! It sounded like it came from the direction of Bado's forge. ''What's all the fuss?'' That voice... ''There's no need to yell like that, you know.'' It's finally done! The ring is finished! Ooh! ♪ Then... Perfect! You're all here. Let me start handing them out. Huh? Come on, @しゅじんこうくん@. To the front you go! ♪ Oh, um... Okay... Here ya go. Huh? Wait... It's a ring. Thanks for all you do to help me out. Oh? Y-you're welco--wait, huh? Wha? Here. Er...thank you. And one for you. Th-thank you... There, those're yours. Now to go hand out the rest of them. Hmm? What's wrong? You guys froze up like statues. ''What's wrong, he says!'' ''Don't you 'what's wrong' me! I mean, really...'' ''Is that it?'' ''What about @しゅじんこうくん@'s?'' ''Where is hers?!'' Wh-what?! She doesn't get one of these! Uh, wait! That's not what I meant. It's uh... ... So I don't get one. Wait! Listen! It's not what you think it is! It's different! What is different? Yeah, what is different about it? Uh, well... Can't you say? Umm... ...Oh. ... ...Stupid @ダグ@!! Huh? Wait, you... ... Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? ... Wha?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! ''Stop right there!'' Why?! ''It sounds like you have your reasons. Maybe even good{LF}ones.'' ''But what you just did was too much.'' W-well maybe...I, uh, I was kinda nervous and, um...my{LF}mouth just sorta went on auto... We also made too much of a fuss about it. If you want to talk to her, I think it's best you wait until she{LF}calms down. B-but--! Let's go check on her. Doug, you stay there and wait, okay? Going after her will{LF}only make it worse. Hey! This is none of your-- Think for a minute! Imagine how she must be feeling right{LF}now. ... O-okay... It's starting to rain. ''I hope @しゅじんこうくん@ is all right...'' @しゅじんこうくん@... ... Rings, eh...? Maybe I was just...imagining what I wanted to happen... @しゅじんこうくん@! @しゅじんこうくん@, are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine. I was just...surprised for a minute. I know what Doug said wasn't the brightest thing, but I'm{LF}sure he has an idea of what he's doing. Yeah... I mean, he wouldn't bring up the subject of marriage just{LF}because. Yeah... @しゅじんこうくん@... The weather is turning pretty bad and all... Let's go home,{LF}okay? ... @しゅじんこうくん@, come on. Let's go back home. ... O-okay... @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@!! Ahh, you're awake. How do you feel? I'm...okay. I see. You collapsed, so you should stay put and rest for a while. If Meg and Clorica had not been there to carry you back,{LF}you may have been in real trouble. I know... Thanks, @クローリカ@. @マーガレット@. You're welcome. You have no idea how surprised I was when you toppled{LF}right over, @しゅじんこうくん@. Ah ha ha...sorry... I've already told Doug he has to think about what he did. Yes! It is entirely too mean for all of us to get a ring, but not{LF}you, @しゅじんこうくん@! Though it does sound like there is more to it than what we{LF}have seen so far. ''Perhaps, but he does need to learn to think before he{LF}speaks!'' ... Hey, um...@しゅじんこうくん@? I'm sorry. Huh? Yeah... We did make a bigger fuss about this than we really{LF}should have. Sorry. ''Yes, we are very sorry.'' No, it's okay... Now then. @しゅじんこうくん@ is all right, so it's time for us to{LF}be going. See you later. Yeah, see ya. Now what am I going to do...? ... @ダグ@...? @ダグ@, is that you? Yeah, it's me. Are you alone? Yeah, I am. Good. What are you doing? I don't see anybody... Me neither. @ダグ@, why are you so worried someone will see{LF}us? Last time there was that whole thing in front of Bado's shop,{LF}remember? And Margaret even told me I wasn't allowed to see you for a{LF}while. Hell, I think all of them are watching me to be sure I don't do{LF}anything dumb. ...Which makes sense, because I did do something dumb. Oh... @しゅじんこうくん@... I'm sorry. I said insensitive stuff to you, and I shouldn't have. I was just really, um...nervous, and my mouth didn't check in{LF}with my brain first-- Wait, no. That's just an excuse. I did what I did, and it's{LF}good enough reason for you to hate me. But I do want you to trust me. @しゅじんこうくん@, I really love you. Like, a whole lot! And, if you feel the same about me as I do about you... I, um...I need just a little more time. Please. Once it's all done, I promise you I'll tell you everything. @ダグ@... Okay. I won't wait anymore. ...Thanks. ...I'm sorry. I need just a little more time. Just a tiny bit more! DOUG!! They found us?! W-wait! I'll get in touch with you later, somehow! I swear! Wait for me, okay? I told you you aren't to go near @しゅじんこうくん@!! Wait, huh? Wasn't Doug here? He ran away. Nope. Wha-! I told him not to get close to you... I'm sorry, @しゅじんこうくん@. Were you all right? Yeah, I'm okay. ...Hmm? ...Should I...not be here? Well, I'm gonna go now. Call me if you need anything. Strange... I thought I heard Doug's voice... Well, never mind. I'm going to go now. Call me if you need anything. @ダグ@... Who is it? It's me, Kiel. Do you have a moment? @キール@? Sure, what is it? Can you come out for a second? What's everyone doing out here? There's something we've got to tell you. Have you heard anything from Doug? ...No, not at all... I see... Is everyone ready? Arthur and I did some research about Doug's tribe. Finding information was easier than I'd expected. And there was an interesting custom detailed in one{LF}particular document. Interesting custom? Yeah. That's been the cause of this whole ordeal. He's a bit on the clumsy side, you see... Ah, but that's very much beside the point. My apologies! Doug's tribe has a tradition... ...that men must craft their rings before proposing. And I don't just mean the wedding ring for the fiancee, but{LF}rings for all the relatives, too. Huh...? Yeah, I was surprised when I learned about this too. No other tribes within the dwarves have this kind of custom. But...I thought @ダグ@'s relatives... ...Doug was crafting rings for all of us. Of course, for you, too. It seemed to take a long time, as forging's not his thing. And he made yours last so that it could be the best of them{LF}all. ...Ah, there I go again, drifting off topic! So we all asked him... ...why he was making one for everyone. To which Doug responded... ''I've caused so much trouble for the people of Selphia.'' ''And yet...'' ''...everyone in the town really feels like family to me.'' That's probably why he hid the ring, too. So he could{LF}surprise you with it. But having been discovered kind of put a dent in those{LF}plans. Yes, that sounds like Doug. So we're all like family to him, huh? I'm sure you're included in that, but...in a different way. In a more special way. ... I had no idea... He also asked me... ...how he should propose to the love of his life. ...! Love of his...life... So that's what I was standing in for, huh? And for you to have walked in on us! Gotta make him treat{LF}me to something to make up for that. Mm. Well, @しゅじんこうくん@... We've guaranteed you that Doug's feelings are real. So the rest is up to you. Up to...me... I have a message for you. Huh? ''I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.'' ''I want to share all of my feelings for you. So please come{LF}and find me.'' ''I'll be waiting until you come. However long it takes.'' ...That's all. ... ...You know who it's from, right? As Leon already said, it's all up to you what happens now. Whatever decision you may make...we'll support you. ... ...Now go. @しゅじんこうくん@! You came! Yep. I'm here. Well...Thank you. Would you join me outside the shop, please? Hmm? Stay here and watch me. Let me share my feelings...my everything with you! My word, what are you doing climbing the walls?! You'll see. ...Is he out of his mind? What is he planning...? @ダグ@! Come down from there, it's dangerous! Hmph! I-- I spent all day forging, every day...and let me tell you, I hated{LF}it! But I really wanted to give you this ring. So listen up, @しゅじんこうくん@! (Wh-what should I do...?) (He's doing this for me. It's my own feelings that are in{LF}question here...) (I have to make a decision!) I...I love you too! Wait. I, uh... It's much more than that! I love you soooo much! I want to be with you forever! Me too! Let's be happy together! Y- YESSSSSSSSSSSS! It's not that I don't like you, @ダグ@... But we're talking about marriage here. I need more time to think. @しゅじんこうくん@! You don't need to! Just tell me your true feelings! @ダグ@... ... I want more time. I'm sorry. I want to seriously think about marriage. I know I'm being selfish. But...please give me some time! ... My word, he actually yelled it from a rooftop! I always{LF}thought that was just an expression... And you, dear... Shouting ''I love you'' so the whole town can hear... Doesn't it{LF}embarrass you? Eheh heh... Well, I guess this suits the both of you. Wh-what's going on?! H...huh? @しゅじんこうくん@! You're getting married?! Yaaay! That was quite a...scene. ''So, what was the deal with the ring, after all?'' Haha...erm... I don't quite know what's going on, but congratulations! Me neither...but it seems like a happy ending, yes? Tch...marriage, huh... Why don't you just admit that you're happy? Wha...no way! Vishnal's happy. Right? This is such a joyous moment! Congratulations, both of you! Yeah! Congrats! ...Hmph. @しゅじんこうくん@... Yes? Please take good care of Doug. I will! I understand your feelings. But would you at least... Keep this? [Received @アイテム1@.] I made this ring with all my heart and soul. So wear it when you feel ready. I'm so sorry... Don't be. That's right, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's natural to have concerns about marriage. It was brave of you to say it. It's much better than regretting your decision afterward. @ブロッサム@... Don't cry. Now, everyone, the show's over. You too, @しゅじんこうくん@. There's no need for tears. Even if you don't marry a kid like Doug, I'll always care for{LF}you like my own granddaughter! Thank you very much... A kid...? Well... @しゅじんこうくん@... Yes? I...I'll always be waiting for you. ...Okay. I'll be waiting for your answer. Don't stress too much. Take your time thinking about it. I never thought I'd see someone propose in a place like that. I'm glad he didn't slip and fall. Whatever the result may be, I'm glad everything's all right{LF}now. I'm sure it's hard to sort out all your feelings... But I think you and Doug were both really courageous. Ahh...I don't know why, but I'm crying... Both you and Doug tried so hard... Where there's a beginning, there's also an end. But where there's an end, there's always a new beginning! Um, so... I wonder who you'll end up choosing. You and Doug were both so brave. I can't wait to find out who you'll eventually choose. Doug put everything he had into that. I must follow his lead and put my all into training as well! It was interesting to learn about the different types of{LF}dwarves! I wonder what other kinds of tribes there are... What, Doug didn't make the cut, even after all that? Well, what can I say...it's just one of those things, you know? ...I'll cook him his favorite dish. Doug's bravery was a great inspiration for me. So, @しゅじんこうくん@, who will you be choosing? ...Or, perhaps it's not appropriate for me to ask? Oh! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Have you heard about that +charm+ that's supposed to bring{LF}couples closer? A +charm+? Those who write their names on the right foot of the tower'll{LF}end up having a happy family. And when I say tower, I don't mean the one in our town, but{LF}the one in @マップ0@. Hmm... This originates from an old saying, and... Well, are you interested in hearing more? I won't bore you{LF}with the details if you're not. Sure. I'm really not. Oh, okay... ... Well then, I'll tell you! ♪ Um... Long ago, there was a couple who had promised to get{LF}married. Although the two weren't destined to be together... ...they kept their names side by side to remember their{LF}promise. In the end, they eventually overcame their destiny, and had a{LF}happy family together. This is why, to this day, their promise is believed... ...to be a charm, applicable to anyone and everyone! Wow @キール@, you know a lot about local folklore,{LF}don't you? Well, that charm was kind of a fad around here a while{LF}back. So I researched it a little. Back then it wasn't the tower, but the cave that people{LF}wrote their names on. Oh, really? But actually, the rumor's supposed to have originated from{LF}the tower. So I hear it's even more effective if you do it there! Is that so...? Why don't you go there with Dolce? Well, that's... See? That sign's telling you to go too. What sign? ''Him and Dolly, all by themselves?'' ''Outrageous! I won't stand for it! But good luck anyway...'' ... What was that moving sign? Hmm... I'll give you three guesses! ... @ドルチェ@, what are you doing? I'm making a +Floral Decoration+. ''I like it more colorful than that.'' You be quiet. You're really skilled at this! ''Of course! Dolly always makes my clothes, too, you know.'' I have no choice. You won't leave me alone unless I do. ''She sounds like she doesn't like it, but milady always makes{LF}them just the same!'' ♪ ... You two get along so well. ''Of course we do!'' That's what she thinks. ''What?!'' Haha...ha... ''That's not funny, you know!'' ''I've always regarded you as a precious member of my{LF}family!'' Family... By the way, has Kiel told you about the +charm+? Charm? ''The one saying you'll have a happy family if you write your{LF}names together?'' That's the one. ...I suppose there are similar superstitions in every age. I can{LF}recall something very similar. ''It's the same place, too. The entrance to the tower.'' Huh? What do you mean? There was a rumor just like that back in my time. ''Those who write their names below the tower shall remain{LF}together forever, right?'' Exactly. ''So, milady and I... Tee hee!'' We were just comparing our heights, and wrote down our{LF}names over the lines we drew. Oh... Oh! Wow. I think the purported effect of the charm has changed,{LF}though. Just a tad. Well, maybe not. Being a ''happy family'' can mean many{LF}things. Pico and I are like family... ...in a way. Granted, I was dragged into it kicking and{LF}screaming, but still... Y-yeah, that's true... ''Um, hey. Don't you think you're being a little rough on me?'' It's not like you aren't used to it. ''Wha...!'' ''But we've had so much history together! You can't tell me{LF}that doesn't mean something to you!'' ''But nooo, once you find a new boyfriend, you up and dump{LF}your old girl, just like that...'' Urk... ...Don't make fun of me. We've gone to that tower several times, haven't we? ''I remember how we all used to go there as a family.'' ...It's been so long. ''Hee hee...you were so little and cute...'' I'll stab your eye. ''AAAAAH!'' ... Oh, yeah, @ピコ@? Were you playing with the sign{LF}again? ''Hmm? What are you talking about?'' When I was talking to Kiel, I saw a sign walk by. Like,{LF}literally. And it said something like... ''Him and Dolly, all by themselves?'' ''Outrageous! I won't stand for it! But good luck.'' *SIGH* Again, Pico? ''Wh-what? Why are you blaming me?! It's a setup, I tell you!{LF}I've been framed!'' ''Milady's family really loved cracking jokes and horsing{LF}around.'' ''So we'd often tease her together.'' ''Ahh, the good old days...'' Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@? I've been hearing a lot of rumors about that charm lately.{LF}You know, the one you asked about? I think Kiel's the one spreading them. ''Perhaps our names are still there!'' What are you talking about? ''The +charm+! Remember how we both wrote our names?'' ... ...Well, you shouldn't get too excited about something like{LF}that. That's right. Do you want to go see? ... What...? Um, I was thinking we could write our names there, too... ...! ... ...Well, if you insist... ''Look at how her face is twitching...'' ''She's trying to hide her smile! Isn't that just adorab--OWW!!'' ...I-if we're going, hurry up. O-okay. Actually, wait. Why don't you finish whatever you planned with the person{LF}behind you first? ...I-if we're going, let's go. Okay. Wait. ...Hurry up. We’re heading to @マップ0@. I was thinking... Why don't we go through the gate? That way it'll take more time... And we can be together{LF}longer... Oh, Dolly! Going somewhere with @しゅじんこうくん@? Yes. To the tower. The tower?! Isn't that a bit far? ''It's okay, I'll be there too.'' But... So will I. Well...guess it should be fine, then. Oh! Don't forget to take a handkerchief, some tissues, and{LF}most importantly...medicine! You don't have to worry so much. I'm sorry. I can't help it... ...I'm not a child. Uh... Th-that's true. I should mind my own business... ... Well, then. I'll leave it to you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Be safe. Okay. ''Dolly...'' I know. ...Neither of us mean any offense. That's why it's even harder to choose what to say. @ドルチェ@... Now, shall we? Now, shall we? ''Let's go to @マップ0@ and check for our{LF}names.'' Wow, there are a lot of names here... I think we wrote ours down over there. Wow, there are a lot of names here... It was here. Right here. This is the spot. I'm sure of it. ''Yes.'' Seems like a lot of people came after us, though. ''It sure does.'' ...So I guess our names are probably gone by now. ''...'' ''Dolly!'' ''Look, over here!'' ''Do you remember that flower?'' @アイテム0@... ''That's right.'' I gave you one just like it back then, didn't I? ''You sure did.'' ''I was so happy, I used to gaze at it every single day.'' ''I wanted to be sure it wouldn't wither when my back was{LF}turned.'' Actually, Mom was switching flowers while you slept, so it{LF}never would. To keep you happy. ''...Of course I knew that.'' ''But that just made me even happier.'' ...I thought as much. ''I wanted those days...'' ''...to never end. I always wished they could last forever...'' ... I wonder what happened to that flower. ''Huh...?'' Did Mom keep changing it... ...even after we were gone? ''...'' ''Um, Dolly?'' Hmm? ''@しゅじんこうくん@ must have no idea what we're talking{LF}about.'' ...Oh, yeah. I'm so sorry. I was lost in sentiment there for a spell. @ドルチェ@... ''Anyhow, we've gotta thank @しゅじんこうくん@.'' Hmm...? ''Had you not woken up Dolly...'' ''We could've never had these conversations right now.'' I don't think... That's true. I'm glad to be able to talk with Pico again. And I...enjoy being with you too, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...For the{LF}most part. At times, I do feel a bit sad, but...it's all real. It's all me. It's{LF}who I am. ...I'm sorry. I don't really know how to express this. I think I know what you're saying. Huh...? ''Hmm? Why is that so surprising?'' ''When someone's trying to share their feelings, and another{LF}person wants to understand it...'' ''It happens naturally.'' That's absolutely right. ... Sounding all smart, aren't you? ''Heheh. That part of me comes out every now and again!'' ''Well, now.'' ''Shall we all head home?'' ''If we stay out too late, Nancy's going to get worried again.'' ...True. ''So, @しゅじんこうくん@...'' ''Make sure you escort Dolly safely to her room from here.'' ''All right?'' I most certainly will. Now, give me thy hand, milady. ...Oh, knock it off. Idiot. Wow, there are a lot of names here... But I can't find theirs. See? Now come on, let’s go home. ''You have to safely escort Dolly back to her room, all right?'' Sure. As you wish. ...Thanks. Well then, milady, give me thy hand. ...You don't have to do that. ... @ドルチェ@? What have you been making? ''It's exactly what it looks like.'' Oh, a +Floral Decoration+. Is it for @ピコ@? ''It must be! +This time+, it's definitely for me, right?'' Huh? Dolly! ♪ Oh, are you making something for Pico again? Do you need any materials? I can go get you some! ...Not really. Oh... Th-then, what about food? Are you hungry? It's okay, I can wait. I'm not a child. Ah... I'm fine by myself... So you should go get some rest. ...A-all right. I'm sorry to bother you. @ドルチェ@, what's wrong? Nothing. But... ''Nancy looked pale, didn’t she?'' What? ''You noticed it too, milady, didn’t you? ... ''You can't bring yourself to let someone who's sick take care{LF}of you, huh?'' Oh... That's why you told her to get some rest... ... ...What? That was sweet of you. ...! ...It's nothing... ''Dolly's always sweet, isn't she? It's just in her nature!'' Yeah. That's true. ...! Well, I'm going to go now. ''Okay. Come visit us again sometime, though!'' Ah... Hmm? Um... ...Thanks for today. Sure. I'll see you again. ...Yes. ...Thank you for today. ''She may not seem it, but Dolly's actually very sensitive.'' ''Like, she can tell if I'm in the room with her, even without{LF}looking!'' I think that's a different sort of sensitivity than what you were{LF}trying to say... Is this... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Did I surprise you? Is someone sick? Oh, no, no. This flower vase is a gift from Dolly! From @ドルチェ@? That's right! ♪ Oh, and look. This floral decoration is handmade! I saw @ドルチェ@ making that the other day... ...I didn't know it was for you, @ナンシー@... Huh? Um, nothing. So I asked Jones to buy some flowers to put in the vase. I'm sorry, I accidentally bought way too many of them... ...Accidentally? This many?! It's no problem. I probably would've done the same. S-seriously...?! Why don't we give away the rest of them? ♪ Good idea! ... Now, which flower should I put in the vase...? Anything's okay. Go with @アイテム0@. All right. Then how about...@アイテム0@? I think that's a good choice as well. It's a nice, simple flower. It is. Then let's get started. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Take any flower you'd like. Huh? But... It's all right! Yes, please do take one. The flowers will be sad without anyone to enjoy them. ... Um, @ナンシー@? Hmm? Have you heard about the +charm+ that's been popular around{LF}here lately? Hmm? Oh, you mean the one about @マップ9@? Write your names on the left foot of the tower, and you'll{LF}have a happy family...right? Hmm? Wasn't that charm... Yes. It's the same as the one about the cave, where we went{LF}together all those years ago. So it is. I didn't realize it was going around again. Yes. And I think you should invite @ドルチェ@ to go there{LF}with you sometime. Huh? I think she'd be very happy. But... Why don't we do that, Nancy? Jones... ...Why not? We'll do just that. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. You're welcome. Please take good care of her. Always. That's what I like to hear! Hee hee. ♪ The clinic seemed a bit too stark. And I also wanted to thank them for everything they've{LF}done... So I gave the floral decoration to Nancy, and the flower vase{LF}to Jones. ...Nothing more to it than that. ''Hmm...I'm not so sure I believe you!'' ...No one asked you. We'll all go to @マップ9@ sometime soon. Me, Nancy, Dolce and Pico. Take good care of Dolly. She gets lonely quite easily. Hey, @ドルチェ@-- ''Milady!'' Ack! Don't sneak up on me like that, @ピコ@! ''Milady! Are you listening?!'' Err... What's wrong? ''It's about the +charm+ in @マップ0@.'' ''Nancy asked us to go with her and Jones, but...'' But what? ''...but milady said no. Without a moment's hesitation.'' What...? So what? It’s just a stupid superstition. ''THAT'S NOT THE ISSUE HERE.'' ... *SIGH* ''I know it's not easy figuring out where to stand as a family.'' ''But it gets to a point where you just have to stop hiding{LF}your true feelings and be honest!'' ...I know that already. ''Huh?'' Nothing. @ドルチェ@...? ... ''Dolly...'' ''It gets to a point where you just have to stop hiding your{LF}true feelings and be honest...'' ... @ドルチェ@...? @ナンシー@?! Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@... Wh-what happened!? Um... Nancy was cooking... And I told her to rest, because she looked a little pale. But she kept insisting that it's her job to cook... @ドルチェ@... And then, she just... collapsed. Pico's not here either, and...huh? Calm down, @ドルチェ@. Uh... Let's hurry up and carry @ナンシー@ into bed. O...okay... There. That should do for now. Where's Dr. @ジョーンズ@? ...He's still out. Then I'm going to go look for him, so can you-- ...I'll go. Huh? I got this. You stay here. Uh-- Mmm... ... Hmm...? @ナンシー@! You're awake! @しゅじんこうくん@...? ...Oh, I see. I collapsed, huh? Where’s Dolly...? She went to look for @ジョーンズ@. I've never seen @ドルチェ@ panic like that before. Really, now? ... ...Thank goodness. Huh? If she's that worried, she must not hate me. I've been under the impression that she's trying to avoid me. Particularly of late. ... Guess I got too carried away with the thrill of having a cute{LF}daughter to dote on... I just wanted to make her feel comfortable and at home. Huh...? Hey, what's that look? You might not know this, but I've been doing a lot of{LF}thinking. Mm... But, you know... It's the hardest thing in the world... ...to be hated by a child. Even just to think you are. @ナンシー@... If she heard me say that, she'd probably get mad at me all{LF}over again... Saying, ''I'm not a child!'' ... *SIGH*... It's just one of those days. ...I'm sorry. I should get some sleep. ... I had no idea @ナンシー@ had those kinds of thoughts... But I'm sure @ドルチェ@ cares about @ナンシー@ as{LF}much as... Nancy! @しゅじんこうくん@! What happened? How is she?! Everything's all right. She just went back to sleep. I...see... Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@, for looking after her. She should get better within the next couple of days. Lately she's been a bit stressed. Had too much on her mind. ... She's really out. @ドルチェ@? What is it? Um... Something on your mind? Not worried about @ナンシー@? ... If I asked you to tell me what +family+ means...could you? Huh...? ...Never mind. Forget it. It's just me being weird. O-okay... ...But... Huh? ...Nothing. Nancy's resting in her room. She'll probably be happy to see you. I'm sure she could use some company right about now. ... @ドルチェ@? ''She's been this way since yesterday.'' ''And she hasn't said even a single word to me about Nancy{LF}this whole time.'' ''What's wrong with her?'' @ナンシー@, how are you feeling? I'm getting much better, thanks. Dolly's not home right now. Oh... It was my dream to be nursed back to health by a cutie-pie{LF}like her. But, oh well...she ran away! Eheh heh... Hee hee. ...Why is it so hard, I wonder? Why can't we get along like a{LF}real family? @ナンシー@...? Oh, have I ever told you? Hmm? That I met Jones as his patient? Yes, I do remember that. Uh...? Have you forgotten? He saved my life. Back in the day, when I was studying to be a nurse... ...I was about to give up on my dream. Why...? There's an end to every life. And you can't save them all. In my head, I thought I understood that. But when I actually faced that moment, and became aware{LF}of just how helpless I could be... ...I got scared. Badly. ... It's very hard seeing someone die...wishing you could save{LF}them... I felt so powerless. So ashamed that I couldn't do anything,{LF}and not knowing how to handle it... So I just started traveling. Without any destination in mind. ... One day, I was caught in a landslide... And when I woke up, someone was holding my hand. And that was @ジョーンズ@? Yes. Seeing me wake up, he asked me... ''Are you all right?'' And tears started to run down my face. ... You know, @しゅじんこうくん@? +Holding hands+ may not seem like much, but it's very special. Huh...? It's a sign that you're opening your heart to that person. The reason why Jones' words spoke to my soul... ...was probably because he was holding my hand so tightly. Your hand... That's right. Ever since that day, I've never forgotten the warmth of his{LF}hand. ...''I'm not all right!'', is what I said to him in response. But I was just grateful that he asked. Grateful that he cared.{LF}Grateful that he was there. And that was all I needed to feel better. Just...having{LF}someone there. ... I'm still not sure how to deal with death. But at that moment, I felt like I could if I needed to. And it was Jones who made me feel that way. ... Dolly reminds me so much of myself back in those days. The way she bottles everything up inside... And when I see that, how am I supposed to just ignore it? I need to do what I can to help her. Because... ...we're family. @ナンシー@... That's why... I want to save her, the same way Jones once saved me. That's how I feel. ... Please don't tell Dolly about any of this, okay? I don't think she'd be happy. ...And I'd be a bit embarrassed myself. ...Okay. Ugh, why is it so hard? I just want to have a family. That's all! ...It's so, so hard... ... I just want to have a family. That's all! ...It's so, so hard... ... ... How was Nancy? Huh? ...Uh, I thought you went to see her, that's all. But if you{LF}didn't, that's fine too. ''If you're so curious, why don’t you go see her for yourself?'' ''It is your house too, after all!'' ... @ドルチェ@. Let's go to see @ナンシー@ together. What...? I'm sure she's waiting for you. ...Okay? ... ...All right. ... Let's go see @ナンシー@. ...All right. Oh, Dolly. You're back. I see you've been with @しゅじんこうくん@. @ナンシー@!! What are you doing?! What am I doing? Well, I think that's pretty obvious, isn't it? I'm almost done cooking, so please, just wait a little longer. But-- What are you doing?! ''Dolly...'' You're...so pale! You need to be resting! Oh, this is nothing. Don't worry. Don't ''nothing'' me! You're not well! Stop being so paranoid, Dolly. ''Come on, you don't need to be cooking right now. Go back{LF}to bed! Please!'' But... What's going on? Oh, Jones... Nancy?! What are you doing?! Wait a little longer, I'm... ...I'm...I...am...? ...How are you feeling? Much better, thank you. ''I'm glad to hear it. We were scared there for a little!'' ...I'm sorry. I had too much on my mind... I guess I wasn't myself... @ナンシー@... ... Nancy. Here. This is for you. Is this... ...@アイテム9@? Yes. It’s the first meal you ever cooked for me. Though I changed the recipe a bit so it would go down a{LF}little gentler, given your condition. ...You remembered? Of course! Here, have a bite. ... ...It's delicious! Nancy. Hmm? May I hold your hand? Huh...? ...O-of course. ... Let me share an old story with you. ...? Long, long ago... I was an inexperienced protege training under a skilled{LF}doctor. Specifically, I was studying magical medicine. Then one day, a landslide took place close by. Is that... And an injured woman was brought into the clinic. But the only thing I could do for her was administer{LF}emergency treatment. I lost all my confidence... I even thought about quitting medicine altogether. What...? But then she woke up... ...and she took my hand...and she said... ...''Thank you.'' ... Her words saved my life. That's why... I need you to be okay... ...my dearest. ... ...Oh, Jones... ''...Well, we should be going.'' Yeah. ''Please, get some rest, okay?'' ''Come on, Dolly. Let's go.'' ... Looks like everything is resolved now, thankfully. ... ''But...'' ''Why did Nancy push herself so much?'' Well... I think she was doing it for you, @ドルチェ@. ... ...Whatever. Huh? None of that really concerns us. ''Dolly!'' ...Because, if it did... ... Nancy's trying so hard for Dolce's sake. But for the moment, it doesn't seem to be having any effect. But that's just another thing I love about her, I suppose! How can I get Dolly to open up her heart? @ナンシー@... What can I do...? Mmm...I'm imagining Dolly cuddling with me now... ...I can see it in my mind's eye! And I'm loving it! @ナンシー@... ''All right, missy! What, exactly, were you trying to say back{LF}there?!'' Hmm? ''When you said that none of what's going on concerns us!'' That's literally what I meant. ''How can you say that?!'' ... How do you see them, @ドルチェ@? Huh...? @ナンシー@ and @ジョーンズ@. Well... ... I don't really know how to answer that question. Huh...? ''Dolly...?'' ... ... How's Nancy doing? ''If you're so worried, why don’t you go see her for yourself?'' ... @ドルチェ@... Um... What's wrong? ... It's nothing. ...Sorry. Huh...? ''Uh, @しゅじんこうくん@?'' Hmm? What is it, @ピコ@? ''Can we talk for a little bit?'' Oh. Sure. ''This may be the first time we've ever spoken by ourselves.'' I think you're right. ''Hee hee.'' ''Dolly might get jealous!'' ''Although...I'd love to see her drenched in jealousy! How{LF}sweet would that be?'' Umm...I thought you needed to talk to me about something. ''...Yeah, okay. Enough with the small talk, I guess.'' ''Remember the other day?'' Huh? ''The reaction Dolly had...'' ''...when you asked her how she sees Nancy and Jones?'' Oh, yeah. She said she wasn't sure how to answer the question. ''Yeah, that's the one.'' ''What do you think she meant?'' ''What was she trying to say?'' Well... She might be lost. She's being ironic. I'm not sure. ''I see...'' What about you, @ピコ@? What do you think? ''She doesn't think she belongs there.'' Huh...? ''She's just uncertain whether or not it's really okay for her to{LF}be there.'' ''After all, we were strangers to them.'' ... @ナンシー@ sees @ドルチェ@ as an honest-to-{LF}goodness member of her family. ''Huh?'' I think @ナンシー@ tried to cook... ...because she wanted to do something for @ドルチェ@. ''...What do you mean?'' @ナンシー@ told me the other day. Although she asked me not to say anything to{LF}@ドルチェ@ about it. ''...I had no idea.'' ''Everything Nancy's done was all for milady...'' Yeah. ''It's not just the child who's worried, but the parent as well.'' ''Although I think the biggest problem is milady's heart.'' Yeah... But I'm certain that @ドルチェ@ can overcome this. ''Ooh, sounding all confident, are we?'' ''So you think you know everything there is to know about{LF}milady, huh?'' Ah...no...that's not really... ''...Tsk.'' ''Don't pretend like you're all smart and know everything{LF}when you really don't!'' Err... ''Kidding, kidding! Well, mostly, anyway.'' ''Actually, I want to thank you.'' Huh...? ''You know how Jones was holding Nancy's hand?'' ''Seeing that...I started to think about the time...'' ''...when milady wasn't waking up from her long, long sleep.'' You mean...when she was still a Guardian at the mansion? ''Yeah.'' ''I held milady's hand the whole time she was sleeping.'' ''Just praying that she'd wake up one day.'' ... ''And through your efforts, my wish came true.'' ''So...thank you.'' ''Thank you for waking her up.'' ''That's the one thing I'm truly grateful for, from the bottom of{LF}my heart.'' ...Y-you're welcome. ''BUT!'' ''I'll always be Dolly's number one, you understand? And{LF}that'll never, I repeat, NEVER change!'' ...Yes, yes. I get it! Don't worry! ''Anyways!'' ''The most important thing is to make milady understand.'' Yeah. ''Milady was worried about Nancy too.'' ''So I'm sure she actually does care.'' ''She just has to admit it. She has to accept those two as{LF}family in her heart.'' ''How can we naturally show her how much she's loved?'' ''We need a trigger. Something she can't ignore.'' A +trigger+... ''It's all about convincing her.'' ''How can we naturally show her how much she's loved?'' ''We need a trigger. Something she can't ignore.'' A +trigger+... ...I'm sorry, but I'd prefer to be alone right now. So if you'd please.. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Um...can I talk to you for a bit? Sure. I'm a little busy now. I see... Then, whenever you have time. What kind of clothes do you think I should make for Pico? ...To make up with her? ... ...Something like that. I think she'll be happy with absolutely anything, as long as{LF}it's made by you. ...You think so? ... ...One more thing. Hmm? ... ...Erm, nothing. @ドルチェ@...? What's wrong? Are you feeling sick? Is it about @ナンシー@? ...Don't worry. Are you sure? You seem concerned. ...I'm fine, really. If you say so... Was it about something else...? ... I knew it... Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Do you think I fit in there? Like, will I be able to get along{LF}with those two? Huh...? ...Uh, Never mind. I know I'm the one who's messing everything up. But... ...I haven’t been able to sort out my feelings yet. So... ... Hey, @ドルチェ@? If you're not sure what to say, there are other ways to show{LF}how you feel. Huh...? Like, when you make clothes for @ピコ@. You can express your feelings with actions rather than{LF}words. And just make sure you pile your feelings into those actions{LF}as strongly as you can. Pile my feelings...into... That's right. ... What do you think... ...Nancy and Jones would like? Anything, as long as it's from you. ...I see. That makes sense. I'm glad. Good luck. Though I don't think you'll need it. ...Thanks. I'll have to think about it, but I'll try my best. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. Something they'll both like... I'll have to think about it, but I'll try my best. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. I feel much better now. Thank you so much, @しゅじんこうくん@. Nancy's gotten much better. And it's all thanks to you, @しゅじんこうくん@. ''Ooh, that's a cute hair accessory. Is it for me?'' Didn't want to waste the extra fabric I had. That's all. ''I know you're acting dismissive to hide your true feelings, so{LF}thanks!'' ... Seems like they're okay now. Dolly! ♪ Wow, what a nice hair accessory! Where did you buy it? ''She didn't buy it, she made it herself!'' Really?! That's wonderful! ...I have some gifts for you and Jones, too. What? ''A hair accessory for Jones?!'' I didn't say they were hair accessories, you weirdo. Y-yeah, I don't think... ...Why are you reacting to her comment too, Nancy? Haha...ha... Well...I'm just... I'm so happy to get such a sweet gift from you. ...You're overreacting. No, not at all. I'll cherish it. Thank you. ...No, thank you. Huh? ...Um. Nothing. Hmm...? Oh, I almost forgot. What is it? I wanted to tell you something. ...Ahem! If you should ever have any concerns, just let me know. I'll{LF}always be here for you. Huh? I might be wrong...but you always seem to be worried about{LF}something or another. ... So I just wanted to let you know there's no need to hold{LF}back. Tell me anything and everything that bothers you, all right? You and Pico are both part of our family. ...No. Huh? I'm not your child. @ドルチェ@...? Uh... ''Dolly!'' ... That's...true... ...I'm sorry. @ナンシー@... No, I shouldn't have said that. It's fine, really. @ナンシー@... @ドルチェ@! Why would you say such a thing?! @ドルチェ@... ... Why did you... ''Dolly!'' ''What was that all about?!'' It wasn't about anything. I just spoke my mind. ''Did you see Nancy's face?!'' ...I don't care. ''Why don't you look at me when you answer?!'' What? It's none of your business! ''That's not true! We're family, aren’t we?!'' They're not my family! We aren't related at all! They may as well be strangers to{LF}me! ''Wha...!'' Calm down, you two... ''Say that one more time!'' It's true, isn't it? ''You...!'' Slap me if you want. Your weak slap couldn't hurt a fly. @ドルチェ@... You have no idea, you know. No idea how it felt for me to be with them this whole time... A ghost like you... A nobody like you will never understand my pain! @ドルチェ@... Uh... ''I...guess you're right...'' Pico... ''...I'm just a ghost.'' ''Half-nonexistent and barely noticeable.'' ''Who would consider someone like me part of their family?'' No, that's not... ''But those two are different.'' ''They actually see you as a true family member.'' ''How could you deny them, just like that?!'' ...Stop it. ''Without a biological connection, you can't be a family?'' ''If so, are we...'' ''...Are we strangers too? I've always hoped...that you saw us{LF}like sisters. But...'' I said stop it! ... ...I was happy too, you know. It was confusing, waking up in an unknown town, with{LF}unfamiliar people... But they...welcomed me as if I'd always been in their family. And who doesn't want a family? I know I do. ...Of course I do! But... I used to have my own family... A sweet, warm place I could call home, filled with people{LF}who loved me. A place I could call home. A place I could always go back{LF}to. But... Not only are they gone, but so is every trace that they were{LF}ever there. It's all just memory now. ''...'' ...I'm scared. If I start thinking of those two as my family, where will Mom{LF}and Dad go? Nobody else remembers them. So if I forget them, who else is going to keep their memory{LF}alive? Who else...will prove that they existed in the first place? There's nothing left... Not a single trace of them anywhere! ''Dolly...'' ...In my head, I know that nothing's going to change. That{LF}nothing will go away. But... I lived in that world... I... I've always wanted to go back there... Back to where I belong... ...! ''Dolly!'' ''...'' ... ''...I don't know what to say.'' ''I thought I knew everything about her.'' @ピコ@... ''I've known milady since she was soooo little.'' ''But I've been a ghost since long before she was born.'' ...Yeah. ''It's been...hundreds of years. I don't even know how many{LF}anymore.'' ''And the town's always been full of strange faces to me.'' ''I've even forgotten why I became a ghost.'' ''But...even though some could see me, no one ever tried to{LF}touch me.'' ''Did you know?'' ''Without body heat, even your heart starts to freeze.'' ... ''I was like that back then.'' ''Just watching the days roll by, never interacting with{LF}anyone.'' ''...There's nothing harder than seeing people pass away.'' @ピコ@... ''My heart was like ice.'' ''But one day, as I was wandering around town...'' ''...I saw a baby smile and point at me.'' ''I soon realized that she's one of those people who can see{LF}me.'' ''But that was all I knew, and all I cared about.'' ''Even if I got to know her, it would only end in a sad{LF}goodbye.'' ''So I was just going to pass her by...another stranger never{LF}to be seen again.'' ''But that was when...I saw that baby smile so kindly and{LF}cheerfully...'' ''And before I knew it...I was reaching my hands toward her.'' ''...I instantly regretted it.'' ''There's no one in the world who can touch me.'' ''I knew I'd just wind up hurt.'' ''But when I was about to pull my hand away...'' ''I felt something warm wrap around my finger.'' ''...I couldn’t believe it.'' ''It was as if a warm ray of light suddenly shone into a dark{LF}and cold room...'' ''...melting away all the bad things that had piled up there.'' ...Wow... ''I felt tears running down my cheek.'' ''And I've been with milady ever since.'' ''I want to melt away her ice...'' ''...the way she melted mine.'' ''That's what I've always thought...'' ... ''If only there were something...something that could connect{LF}Dolly with her real parents.'' ''Even just one little thing...'' Something to +connect her with her memories+... ''If only there were something...something that could connect{LF}Dolly with her real parents.'' ''Even just one little thing...'' ... I'm sorry you had to see that. No... Actually... It wasn't my own name I was looking for at the tower. Wha...? We all wrote our names together. My whole family. It was the first time we went there. But didn't @ピコ@... We kept it a secret from her. I made her write her name, pretending like we were{LF}measuring our heights. Because she seemed hesitant to count herself as part of our{LF}family. ... That's why we gave the @アイテム0@ to Pico. Asking her to join our family... ...I didn't know. But in the end, we... ... @ドルチェ@. Let's hold hands. ...Huh? Here. Give me your hand. O-okay... ... You're scared about forgetting your family. The loved ones from your past...right? ...Yeah. Then... Will you share their memories with me? What...? I want to know about them. I want to know all about your parents, who loved you and{LF}cared for you deeply. I want to know more about you, @ドルチェ@. All about{LF}you. @しゅじんこうくん@... ... ...Thank you. ...That's about all I remember. All right. Thanks for telling me. No... Thank you for listening. So...what did you want to do now? Well... Firstly, I think I should go apologize. To Nancy...and to Pico, too. Okay. ...Will you come with me? Sure! ...Will you come with me? Sure! Firstly, I think I should go apologize. To Nancy...and to Pico, too. ...Okay. Uh... Erm... ...I-I'm sorry about... No, I'm sorry. Huh? ...For all the mean things I said to you. See, I... ...I was worried that if I saw you two as family... ...that...well...I-I just didn't know what would happen to my{LF}real family. I was scared that they'd disappear completely...even from my{LF}own memories. That thought kept on...spinning in my head... Oh... ...I see. I think I understand. You do? I also need to apologize. I didn't even realize how much you were struggling... ...Of course you'd think about your real family. Nancy... ...That must've been tough. ... ...It...was. But there's one thing you must always remember. ...? We already think of you as part of our family. So we're always ready to welcome you as our daughter. Anytime, any place, and 24/7! @ナンシー@, you're becoming more like{LF}@ピコ@... ...Hee hee. Maybe. By the way, where is Pico? Isn't she with you? Huh? I thought she'd gone to look for you... Wasn't Pico with you? I thought she'd gone to look for you... She did...? When someone holds your hand, doesn’t it warm not just{LF}your hand, but your heart as well? I guess feeling people's warmth has a special effect...that{LF}can't quite be put into words. It's not difficult to do, but it's such an important part of life! I'm glad you were able to make up with @ナンシー@. ...Me too. I still need to apologize to Pico, though. But she left to find me...? ...I hope she didn’t leave town. Pico...where are you...? Ah, Dolce. I thought you were with Pico. Huh? I saw her leave town in search of you earlier today. She left town?! Wouldn't @ピコ@ disappear without you around,{LF}@ドルチェ@? Yes... From here, she'd barely make it to the mansion. ...Let's hurry up and find her, then! @フォルテ@! Any ideas where she went? Wha? N-not really... The sign...! Pico! ...Thank goodness. You really had us scared... ...@ピコ@? This isn't Pico. What?! ''Hurry.'' ''She's gone to the place of memories.'' Which would mean... ...@マップ0@! That's where @ピコ@'s gone?! @しゅじんこうくん@! Come on. We have to find her! That idiot! Why'd she go to @マップ0@ all by{LF}herself?! Hurry! Before she disappears! Did that sign just move...? Is it...? No... ''Hurry.'' ''She's gone to the place of memories.'' @ピコ@!! What were you thinking?! Were you trying to disappear?! ''No...'' Then why...? ''I just thought that maybe...'' Huh? ''I mean, it wasn't just the two of us who wrote our names.'' ''We all secretly did...'' Does that... ''So I was hoping that maybe...I'd find their names here.'' ''...But I'm sorry. I couldn't...'' ''So I wanted to at least bring home the flower...'' ''...But I...I can't do anything by myself.'' @ピコ@... ''This was basically the only thing I could've done...'' ''...But my worthless body won't even let me do that much.'' ... ...What were you thinking? You were doing this for me? When did I ever ask for such a{LF}thing?! ''Well...'' ...Who cares about flowers? Who cares about blood? Who cares about memories?! ''Milady...?'' It's all worthless! And...over something stupid like that, I{LF}could've...I might have...lost... ''Are you...crying...?'' I'm not crying! I just... I don't want to lose you... Not you too! ''Dolly...?'' You're not worthless. I just want you to be with me... I was never alone, because you were always there to warm{LF}me. So, please... Please don't ever disappear... Stay next to me... ...And keep holding my hand, tightly... ''...'' ''...I will.'' ... ''Shall we head home, then?'' ''I'm sorry for all the trouble we've caused, @しゅじんこうくん@.'' Oh, don't worry. ''But just remember...'' ''I'll always be Dolly's number one favorite. So you'll just have{LF}to settle for second place!'' Um, that's a whole other story. ''Wha...?!'' ''W-wait, are you serious? A guy like him?!'' ... ''W-whaaa...?!'' Erm... A-anyway! Who was holding the sign that guided us here? ''That again? I said before that I have no idea.'' ...I'm certain it wasn't Pico. ''Didn’t this exact same thing happen to you before, too?'' Wait...are you really saying it wasn't you, @ピコ@? ''I thought I made that clear.'' Then...what are those letters? ''Huh?'' These ones, over here. What? ''Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@.'' ''Also...'' ''Stay happy together, my dear children.'' Is this...from... ... ''They did say they'd always be waiting...'' ...Maybe the gods made your wish come true. The wish for your whole family to be happy. ''...Even if the names are gone, the feelings remain behind...'' ... ...I see. ...You two were...here... ...Mom...Dad... Dolly! Ah... Huh...? We've been so worried! We heard you dashed out of town{LF}all by yourselves! Um...yeah. Forte was the one who told us. Though she did mention that @しゅじんこうくん@ was with you,{LF}we were still quite worried. But I'm glad to see everyone safe and sound. They may not be when I get through with them, though! ...Come again? Dolly! Stand up straight and listen closely! O...okay. Now listen, okay? The outside world is full of danger! It's no place for a girl to go traipsing around all by herself! ''Yes. I couldn't agree more.'' Pico! This goes for you, too! ''What? But...I'm a ghost!'' A girl's a girl, corporeal or otherwise! ''Whaaaaa...?'' ... That's how worried we were. To be honest, I was panicked. I couldn't think straight! @ジョーンズ@... Well... Enough with the scolding. Let's get you all home. Perhaps I'll forgive you girls for today. What would you like to eat? ''Ummm...I can't eat.'' Then what about you, Dolly? ... Oh...I'm sorry. Treating you like a child again. It's all right. What...? Well, I...I am your child. ...! @ドルチェ@... B-but... ...only if you two are still okay with that. Of course we are! Whoooa! That clinches it! Today, we'll throw a fun{LF}@アイテム9@ party, just for you! ''Uh, I don't know about...'' In fact, we can have that every day from now on. ''Ugh, not you too!'' ... Why don't you join us too, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? You might...become part of my family too, after all... Huh...?! ''WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!'' S-so! Um...why don't we... ...hold hands and walk back together? ...S-sure. ... *SIGH* ''(I'll...give them today. But only today!)'' Um... ...Thanks for everything. You're welcome. ''Err...I appreciate what you've done. But...AGHHHHH!!'' @しゅじんこうくん@. I hope you'll keep taking good care of Dolce. But... Don't you dare make her cry, all right? Dolly's our daughter now. She's...part of our family... ...Tee hee hee! @ナンシー@, you're becoming more like{LF}@ピコ@... Oopsy! Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Have you seen Leon? @レオン@? I've been looking all over for him. I wanted him to read this... That +paper+? What is it? Forte and I found it outside of town the other day. But it's written in an +old language+, so I can't read it. I see... Hmm? There's something written on +the back of the paper+... Oh, yeah. This side's written in modern text. So one side's all ancient, and the other's pretty new. It's kind of exciting, don't you think? Totally! Not really... Tee hee! ♪ Boo... You're no fun, @しゅじんこうくん@. I wonder how they made something like this... I-if you hold it too tightly, it'll get all crumpled up! No worries. This one's just a copy. Arthur has the original paper. But this one's an exact replica.{LF}♪ O-oh... I wonder what secrets it may hold... Ahh, I can't wait to read it! I figure Leon might be able to read this lettering... But where did he go? I can deliver it to him. I wonder where he went... Oh, really? All right! I'll take you up on that kind offer, then. Actually, it's perfect, because I wanted to bake Forte a cake{LF}today anyway. ♪ All right. Can you also hand him this paper, too? Is this...? I think it has something to do with the first paper. See? This one also has different characters written on it. Though I haven't shown it to Arthur yet. Why not? Shouldn't you? Well, because I want to know the connection a.s.a.p.! ♪ O-okay... So I'm counting on you. Get it to Leon as fast as you can,{LF}okay? No kidding! Where in the world could he have gotten himself off to? I wonder if he's in an argument with +Forte+ again. Leon? No, I haven't seen him today. I think +Arthur+ was looking for him too, though. Really? Thank you. Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yes? I've been meaning to ask, but what is it you find so attractive{LF}about that-- *AHEM* --I-I mean, him? What do you like about him? +Arthur+ has also been looking for Leon. What's so attractive about a man like him, though? I don't{LF}get it. Well... He's handsome. He's cute. It's unexplainable. ...I see. Maybe I'm still not ready for a relationship... Huh? ...Oh, nothing. Erm...unexplainable? That's right. I see. Love is...deep, isn't it? Huh? Leon? I haven't seen him all day. Oh, really? Recently, he's been looking a bit absent-minded... Perhaps +Xiao+ or +Lin Fa+ would know where he's gotten{LF}himself off to. No, I haven't seen Leon. Recently, he's been looking a bit absent-minded... Perhaps +Xiao+ or +Lin Fa+ would know where he's gotten{LF}himself off to. Leon? Oh, I saw him leave town. He told me he was headed for @マップ0@. @マップ0@...? He had +two lunch boxes+, so I thought you would be with{LF}him. Huh...? Leon headed to @マップ0@ in the early{LF}morning. He had +two lunch boxes+, so I thought you would be with{LF}him. Oh, Leon? Aren't you going to @マップ0@ with him? What? Well, he left here with +two lunch boxes+, so I just thought{LF}you two were...you know... ♪ ...Huh? But why are you here? Leon went to @マップ0@. He took two lunch boxes, so I figured... @レオン@...? @しゅじんこうくん@! Why are you here? I, uh...I wanted to talk with you. Talk? About what? Well... What are you doing here? @キール@ was looking for you. Two lunches...? Kiel? Yes. He wanted you to read this. Did Arthur bring...? Huh? Uh, never mind. All right. I'll talk to Kiel later. Oh, okay. ... What is it? It seems like there's more on your mind. ...That's your concern? Well... There's no one. Huh...? I just...wanted to feel like there was. ...? What? Something else? Take a look at this. Wow, so many names... Look at the top one. Uh...what am I looking at? They're +old characters+. Barely even used during my time. Old characters... I might've told you before... But my kingdom used the same language and writing as{LF}Selphia. But these characters are from a different kingdom that's{LF}much, much older. A +foreign language+, basically. What does it say? ''+Leon+.'' Huh? And it says ''+Maria+'' next to it. Maria...? She passed away hundreds of years ago. We were friends from childhood. Uh... She was like a sister to me. Annoying, but irresistibly cute at the same time. I used to take care of her as if I were her real brother. ...I might have been the only person to think of her that way,{LF}really. ...? She was such a crybaby, always clinging to me... We went everywhere together. ...We even both carved our names here, one fateful day. See, Maria was crying. She wouldn't stop, and I didn't know what to do. So I told her... ''I'll do anything you ask, as long as you just stop crying.'' Then she replied... ''+Can I marry you?+'' Wha...? Still a kid, I agreed without giving it much thought. And as proof of our promise, we carved our names...using a{LF}+language+ we'd just learned. It was like a secret code that only the two of us knew... ... Pretty cliched tale, huh? I'm sure you've heard stories like it a{LF}thousand times before. I soon forgot about the promise, regarding it as...well, as just{LF}another play date. But she never cried after that. Not when I teased her, and not even when she got herself{LF}injured. In fact... ...she didn't even cry on the day I decided to become a{LF}Guardian. ...! Everyone came to see me off. And she stood all by herself, behind my family and friends. She just quietly looked at me... ...with eyes fit to burst into tears at any moment. ... And that's when I realized... ...that sweet girl, whom I adored as a little sister, believed{LF}my promise. I'm such a... ...such a hopeless fool. @レオン@... That's why I decided I'd never get married. I can't trample on her feelings any more than I already have. ...Obviously, I know this won't change anything... But... I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I didn't honor my word. I...I'm a weak person. ... I'm sorry I had to tell you this. Are you...jealous? Don't ask me that. N...not really... Haha. Exactly what I'd expected. Seriously... You're just too cute, you know. Er... Well, that's enough with the teasing, I suppose. @レオン@!! But you know, for as bad as I feel, it is a precious memory to{LF}me. That's why I wanted you to know. ... I was the one who took away her tears. The one who buried{LF}her under her own repressed despair. It's all my fault. I'll never forget the look on her face that day... ...How could I? I'm so sorry, Maria. I'm sorry I had to break our promise. ... Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Do you regret your decision to date me? Hmm? After hearing about Maria... ...can you still say that you love me? I do love you. I feel a little betrayed. ... I see... ...I'm sorry. ... I wasn't planning to tell anyone about Maria. I thought I'd keep the promise within me... ...and live with the burden. But for some reason... I just wanted you to know. ...I just had to tell you. @レオン@... Even though I knew it wouldn't change anything... But it did. I understand. There are things I learned from this. Hmm? You have a past. A side of you I know nothing about. ...I mean, obviously. Everyone has a past. And there's nothing{LF}we can do about it. But...the fact that yours pains my heart so... ...is proof positive of just how much I love you. That's something your story just now helped me realize. ...You mean that? Yes. I love you with all my heart and soul. ... Love can come in many shapes and sizes. It can be painful and heart-wrenching just as it can be{LF}joyous and fun. But none of that matters... ...because love is love. And I love you. Pure and simple. I see. ...You make a powerful case. I know. ...I swear, it's always such a joy spending time with you. You've made me realize so many things about the world. Really? Like what? Well... ...Like the fact that women nowadays are far more{LF}aggressive than they used to be. And that there's no mood where saying embarrassing things{LF}becomes less embarrassing. Oh, @レオン@! Come on! Also... ...how hard it is that I can't get any closer to you... Huh? I think... I'm going to stay here a little longer and...talk to her. There are hundreds of years' worth of things to catch up on. Okay. I'll see you later, then. All right. Thanks for everything. No problem. ... ...I wonder what Maria did after I left... ...Uh... Never mind. Forget I said that. ... So I heard Leon's at the tower. Oh, and thanks for giving him the paper! I appreciate it. ♪ By the way, @しゅじんこうくん@... Have I ever told you about this town's famous old charm? Yeah, you have. A charm? Oh, really? Never mind, then! ♪ It's a +charm+ related to this cave... Supposedly, those who write their names together here... ...will live as a happy family. Write their...names? Yep! Its origin actually comes from somewhere else. But it got interpreted differently over time. And now it's believed to be inside this very cave. Pretty interesting stuff, huh? Yeah... A lot of things change like this as the years go by. That's why I get excited seeing old lettering like on that{LF}paper. It could help shed some light on things that have long been{LF}forgotten. That's true. Well... It's about time for @レオン@ to come back from the{LF}tower. I hope he was able to make some sense of that +old text+ from{LF}@キール@. ... How in the world did Kiel find this? Amazing... ...Love me with all your heart and soul, huh? ... I... I want to get closer...and hold you in my arms... But... Won't that mean trampling all over Maria's feelings, even{LF}more than I already have? Would she ever...be able to forgive me for that? My heart is torn. I'm in agony... ...because I love her so much. ... ...Geez... Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? ... @レオン@? ...Sorry. +Arthur+ wants me to work on something. So now's not the best time to talk. ...? Hey, @アーサー@. Hard at work again? Always. ... ...? What's wrong? @しゅじんこうくん@, is something going on between you and{LF}Leon? Huh...? He asked to take a break from his translation work. @レオン@ did? Yes. He was working on translating the +old text+ that +Kiel+ found. But he said he had to rest. I wonder what could've happened... ... I wonder what could've happened to make Leon put his{LF}work aside. It seems unlike him. +Kiel+ might know something... Hmm... What's wrong, @キール@? Even Leon couldn't read that +old text+... You know, the one you delivered to him for me? Yeah, I know. He stopped translating in the middle of the first page. When I asked why, he just said, ''I can't read it anymore''... Huh...? Maybe half of the text was coded. And if even Leon can't read it... Oh, well. Such is life! Where's the text now? Well...that's true. But I'm just so curious... There's a replica in +my room+. Arthur has the original paper... ...So you're welcome to try reading my copy of it, if you want. There are two pieces of paper on the desk. Page 1 (-) Page 2 (△) Stop reading. A modern language translation is written above the original{LF}text in small but neat handwriting. Guess that's Leon's work. Uh... Is this the same story I heard from @レオン@...? Um, the other side of the paper... It's written in the Selphian language. There's a second piece of paper folded inside. ... (△) This side hasn’t been translated yet. But in the margins... ...is what it says. And then next to that, there's something{LF}else. It's from @レオン@. It says, ''I can't read it anymore.'' ... Uh, @レオン@? Yes? ... Ask about the translation. Never mind. Hmm? You're acting rather strange... ... Is it hard to talk about? Did Maria...? Well...umm... ... ...So was it Maria who wrote that +text+? Did you read it too? ...Yeah. Well, you're pretty perceptive. Hmm? It was probably written by Maria. It's only the two of us who knew about the promise. And the second page is a followup to the contents of the{LF}first. So if I were to read it... ...I might find out what happened to her after I became a{LF}Guardian. So you mean-- I was scared. Hmm? The moment that idea came into my mind, it frightened me{LF}terribly. Think about it. That promise could've messed up her whole life. Changed all{LF}her future plans. I don't know if I could live with myself were that to be the{LF}case. ... I can't forget the look she had on her face the day I left. Just the idea that she might've had to live in such agony... ...It makes my body shiver... @レオン@... If she died having lived a miserable existence thanks to me... ...then how could I be permitted to live a happy life here,{LF}without her? So, I... I've decided to repress my feelings for you. ...! But... ...when I'm with you, it's so hard... It makes me want to touch you and hold you close. But at the same time, I want to keep my promise to Maria. It's like there are two sides to me, at war with one another.{LF}A battle raging in my psyche. And it's a dead heat. No end in sight. No solace to be found. ... I know I shouldn’t run away. But...I need some time. So... ...I'm sorry. Will you leave me alone with my thoughts, if just{LF}for a short while? ... ...I'm sorry. Will you leave me alone with my thoughts, if just{LF}for a short while? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. @シャオパイ@... Lately, Leon's been very upset. Mama's worried too. Did something happen? ...Yes, sort of... ...? ...But I can't do anything. Well, sometimes it's important to solve things on your own. You can't always depend on others for everything. ... That's...true. But... ...there are also times when you shouldn't be alone. Huh? Look at me. Being so short, I can't reach high. And with my poor memory, it's hard to memorize all the{LF}orders... So there are many things I can't do by myself! Er...@シャオパイ@? Oh, sorry... I got a little carried away. Anyway! Sometimes things may seem hopeless. But when they do, I always tell myself... ...that this world's too big to take everything on by yourself. ... That's why... ...there are so many people in the world, yes? At times it can be annoying. But we must help each other. ...I wonder if I can also be of help. I don't know the answer. But you should just do what you can. What I can... Yep! That's what I do! ... This world's too big to take everything on by yourself. Leon probably feels this way sometimes too. ... Well, it's up to you to decide what to do for him. Whatever it is, good luck! @レオン@... ... ...Sorry. Will you please leave me alone? ... ...No. ... Wha...? How could I, when you have that look on your face? ... When I know that someone I love is suffering... ...how can I just wait and do nothing about it? I just can't. @しゅじんこうくん@... @レオン@. I can’t be Maria... I don't even know what she was like, for one. But if she loved you the same way I do... She probably thought all the same things I'm thinking now. Same things...? That she wanted to do something for you, @レオン@. She wanted to help mull things over...and get confused...right{LF}alongside you. We can never be the same person, or do the same things... ...but I want to help you in my own way! ... Um... ...Am I...butting in too much? ... Yeah. You are. ...! ...But I like it. It gives me strength. Huh...? I wanted to ask you something, while you're here. I wanted{LF}to ask you...which you like better. Do you prefer coming home and saying +I'm back+, or{LF}welcoming someone home with +Welcome back+? Wha...? Just answer. I'm back. Welcome back. Got it. After this, let's go to the tower together. Hmm...? And this time, you're going to make me spill the beans and{LF}share all my feelings with you. ...I promise. Does that...mean...? ...Okay. Good. First things first, I need to go see +Kiel+. There's more translation to be done. I have to track down the rest of the +book+ Maria left behind. Let's go together. Good luck! You're going to help me? Of course! Okay...thanks. Thanks. But we need to address the elefun in the room first. We are...not alone, after all. And I don't want to talk about{LF}this in front of others. So please...do something about that, if you can. Well, let's first go see +Kiel+. There's more translation to be done. Looks like you're trying hard, @しゅじんこうくん@! I feel energy! I should also work hard, yes! What's up, you two? I haven't finished translating yet, have I? Huh? But I thought you said you can't... That was then. This is now. ...Okay. I don't really know what happened, but it seems like you had{LF}something to do with this. ...?! Huh...? ...Err...I guess so. ...?! That's great. ♪ ...Yeah. ... Hmm? Both of you are blushing! ... Er, anyway, will you give me the second sheet of paper? Oh, sure. Here! ♪ Is this... ...connected to the first one? ...Yeah. (I guess it really is the same story I heard from{LF}@レオン@...) I think this used to be a +book+. A +book+? Yeah. It was taken apart page by page and buried. What for? I'm not really sure. But I know this isn't the whole story. The rest should still be out there somewhere. Look at the +memo+ on the back. It's directions to a location.{LF}Kind of like a treasure map! That's where I found the second page. Right where it says +on the back of the first page+! So... If I go there, I'll know the rest of the story... Yep! ♪ Let's go see what we can find. Sounds good. Thanks, Kiel. This really helps. You're welcome. ♪ Oh! You know what? You can take those two papers with{LF}you. Huh? Really? Yep. We already made some copies! Thanks. We'll do just that, then. I'll be looking too, so I'll let you know if I find anything else! Just promise you'll tell me about anything you find, too. As{LF}soon as you can. All right. I promise. Yesss! ♪ Good luck out there, then! Same to you. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. What's the matter? Make small talk. Ask where the papers were. Nothing. About this +book page+... If one person wrote both sides, that person should know at{LF}least two languages. But... Why use two different languages? I found the first paper between two stumps. And the second paper was right in the center of three{LF}stumps. What's wrong? Check the memo again. Read the book again. Change the subject. Nothing. Memo 1 (-) Memo 2 (△) Memo 3 (□) Memo 4 (☆) Quit. Memo 1 (-) Memo 2 (△) Memo 3 (□) Memo 4 (☆) Quit. There's a memo on the back of the page. Check the memo. Read the book again. Never mind. Page 1 (-) Page 2 (△) Page 3 (□) Page 4 (☆) Quit. Page 1 (-) Page 2 (△) Page 3 (□) Page 4 (☆) Quit. What else should I do? Are you tired? Hmm? Having to go through all this. No... Tell me whenever you're fed up. Want a piggy-back ride? Th-that's quite all right! I'm not a child, you know. Haha. Guess you still have some energy. Now, let's try to decipher the (□) memo and go where it{LF}tells us... Now, let's try to decipher the (△) memo and go where it{LF}tells us... This is where the memo was found. I need to bring{LF}@レオン@ here. Is this the spot? Yeah. This must be it. So, if we dig here... Let's see what we find. @レオン@! There's a box! Yeah... There's a piece of paper in it. It must be the next page of the{LF}book... Pretty smart, placing it in a sturdy chest to keep it from{LF}breaking down all this time. Well, let's see what it says. ...All alone, huh? ... ... There's another +memo+ on the other side of it. ... Have I mentioned before... Huh? ...that Maria and I used to go everywhere together? Yeah, you have. She buried all the pages in different directions. In places{LF}we'd gone together. It's been bothering me all this time... Why did she do that?{LF}What was she trying to accomplish? But... I think I understand. This reminds me of those days... ...when I used to drag her around all over creation. ... I wonder how she felt as she was burying these. Whether she thought of me... ...or... @レオン@! Huh? What's this? ...It's an old coin that was used in my time. ...That seems encouraging. Yeah. Let's dig. ... ...It's here. Ah! So inside this... ...Come on. Let's get it open. There. ... @しゅじんこうくん@...can you pick it up? Huh...? My hand's shivering. I'm not sure I could get a good grip on{LF}it. Uh... ...Okay. Here. ...Thanks. Here goes. Give me a moment to read it. ...Okay. ... There's nothing written on the other side... Meaning... ...the story ends here. @レオン@... Haha. What a miserable ending. She wants me to disappear. But I'm not surprised. In fact, it's only natural. ... ...Let's look for the rest. ... She waited for me. Believing in a promise that I was unable to keep. And this is the end result. ... ...Damn it all. You think she was a cold person? What do you know? Don't make me laugh! @レオン@... It's not that she wasn't sad... It's not that she didn't want to{LF}cry... ...she just couldn't! I bound her heart with a promise that I never dreamed she'd{LF}take seriously until it was too late. I took away her tears! And she wasn't the one who broke that promise. She kept it,{LF}to the bitter end, against all odds. It was I. I was the one who didn't take it seriously. I was the{LF}one who went back on my word. And yet...! @レオン@! Don't you get it? Don't you see?! Why didn't anyone protect her?! Why didn't anyone understand her?! Why...? Why couldn't I...stay with her... ... ...I wanted her to smile. Always. That's all I ever wanted. Yet... ... What could I have done...? ...So what now? What do I do?! ... @レオン@... ...Sorry...I lost control there for a moment. Uh... Let's go, @しゅじんこうくん@. We need to translate the book and bring it to Kiel. It doesn't have to be-- It has to be now! Huh...? Ah... ...Sorry. I promised I'd let him know about anything I found, as soon{LF}as I found it. But-- ...I don't ever want to go back on my word again. Not ever! ... I'm going now. To deliver this to +Kiel+. @レオン@... I'm fine. Don't worry. ... Oh, it's you... I gave +Kiel+ the translated book. ...The battle's over. ... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. I read the rest of the book Leon found. It's a really sad story. ...Yeah. But there's something that's bugging me about it. Oh? There were symbols written at the bottom of each page. ''-''''△''''□'' and ''☆''. I'm sure they must have some meaning. Hmm... (Is @レオン@ really all right?) (...No. There's no way he could be.) Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, @シャオパイ@... ...Hmm? Did something happen between you and Leon again? Huh? He's acting strangely... ...What do you mean? Well, if I had to describe it in one word... ...he was...creepy. What?! He was being extremely kind, but spooky quiet... Not his usual self, where he teases people for no reason. Actually, I think there is a reason he teases people... Oh, really? ... Er... Maybe not... Mmm. Anyway, Mama's worried too. Huh? As we see it... ...both you and Leon seem upset. Huh...? Like you'll disappear into the air anytime. ... Hey, @シャオパイ@? Hmm? If you believe really strongly in something and try your{LF}hardest to make it happen... ...what do you do if you fail? How do you handle it? Well... There's nothing you can do. Huh? No one complains if you try, try, try, and then succeed. But sometimes, you can try, try, try, and still fail. And that's{LF}okay. Because you tried. You tried different things, and changed those things when{LF}they didn't work. And maybe...it's the trying that really matters, not the result. If you try your best, then you have no regrets. You just have to set a goal and do everything you can to{LF}reach it. And as long as you stick to it, you can accept the result, no{LF}matter what it is. And that way, if it works out, you're especially happy,{LF}because you tried so hard and you won! ... So, @しゅじんこうくん@. What do you want to do? Huh? What are you trying for? And what can you do to make it happen? Think about these questions. I...I want... ...@レオン@ to cheer up. ...@レオン@ to smile. I don't know what your wish may be... But as long as there's the iron will to try, there's a future. Having desire means that you want to move forward. And if{LF}you want to, you will. At least, that's how I've always thought. What will you do? Will you give up? Can you give up? ... No. I won't give up! ...I see. Then, good luck. Believe in yourself. And try to solve it your own way. ...however I can... That's right! I'm not @レオン@. So I don't know how he thinks... And I can't solve his problem with Maria... ...but what I can do is... ...keep smiling. ...stay by his side. ...never give up. ...Yeah. By @レオン@'s side. That's something only I can do. Only I can be there for him. Um, I see. Well, I'm not quite sure, but try your best! Thank you so much, Xiao Pai! Go, @しゅじんこうくん@! I'm on your side! Leon seems pretty upset. Hmm... Maybe some grilled fish would make him cheer up! Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Is something wrong? @レオン@... Um... ...I see. Did we have plans? Did I...promise to do something with{LF}you? No, that's not it... It's about Maria's book. ...Never mind. Oh. Don't worry. I haven't forgotten my promise to you. I told you I'd just come out with it. Spill the beans. Tell you...{LF}how I feel about you. ... Let's go together, when we both have more time. By then...I should be ready to give up. ... ... Let's not talk about her anymore. But... Forget it! Uh... ...Sorry. I don't mean to sound harsh. But just forget about this whole thing. I'll live with the burden...that's all. @レオン@... Cheer him up. Hug him. Look at him. It's okay. Huh...? I'm with you, @レオン@. We'll get through this{LF}together. ... What do you think I should do...? Hmm? What can I...do for her? ... I don't know the answer to that. ... ...What? Nothing. I'm just looking at you. Huh...? I don't really know what you should do. Or what I can do to{LF}help, if anything. So I'm just...doing what my heart tells me to do. Which is...to{LF}look at you. Into your eyes. Why...? ... Xiao had some very good advice for me. To heavily paraphrase, she said the world's too big to take{LF}everything on by yourself. So I started thinking, ''What can I do to help him through{LF}this?'' And...this was your answer? Yes. And I think it's the right answer. Because this... ...is something only I can do. It's a joy reserved for the living. ... I love you, @レオン@. I'm sure Maria felt the same way. And if she did... ...well, who wouldn't wish for the person she loves to be{LF}happy in life? Sure, she might resent it, too. She might resent that you're happy without her... ... ...but she'd still want you to be happy, either way. It's kind of{LF}a contradiction, I guess. But...that's love. When you love someone, you wish for their happiness, no{LF}matter how much it may hurt you. It's pleasure and pain in equal measure. I'll admit, I do get jealous. And maybe I can't always be{LF}there for you when you need me. Not 24/7. But I want you to look only at me, and I don't want to give{LF}you up. Even more than that, though... ...I just want you to be happy. From the bottom of my heart. I know I'm kind of rambling here. I know this is all really{LF}confusing. It is for me, too. But these are my true feelings. Laid bare. @しゅじんこうくん@... So, don't forget about her. Keep her in your memory, always. She's someone who also loved you with all her heart. I could never ask you to forget that. It wouldn't be fair to{LF}her, nor to you. ... Are you really okay with that? ...I don't know. But...I can't do anything about it. All I can do is keep loving you. So that's exactly what I will do. ... ...But, I... @しゅじんこうくん@! Leon!! I solved the mystery of the book! What mystery? Here! Look at the symbols on the bottom right-hand corner{LF}of each page! ''-''''△''''□'' and ''☆''... I kept thinking, there has to be a reason for these... And I just figured out what it is! ...What? Look. The shapes have a sequential number of points. Two,{LF}three, four and...five, kinda. And each page was found in the middle of a set of two,{LF}three, four or five stumps. That's true... But what does that signify? Hee hee. Well... ...Come on, out with it! I'm getting there! But first...a question, @しゅじんこうくん@! Huh? Uh...okay. What's written in a book outside of the text itself? Footnotes. Page numbers. I don't know. These would be pretty sparse footnotes, since they're just{LF}shapes! Remember, these are found right on the corners of each{LF}page. What else is written on page corners, @しゅじんこうくん@? Come on! Think for a minute! Yep! I think these are page numbers. The number of stumps matches the numbers written on each{LF}page. O...kay... Page 1 with the symbol '-' was found between +two+ stumps. We then found the paper with the symbol of △ in the center{LF}of +three+ stumps. So these are pages +2+ and +3+. Later we found the remaining two under clumps of +four+ and{LF}+five+ stumps, right? Yeah... So those are pages +4+ and +5+. So what we thought was page +1+ was actually... ...page +2+! That's right! ♪ The story hasn't ended! Or should I say... The story +hasn't yet begun+! ...! @レオン@...! The story...hasn't ended...? That's right! Oh! I should tell Arthur about this too! He asked me to tell him if there were any updates. See you guys later! Maria's story hasn't ended... ...But we're only missing the first page. The conclusion won't change... ... The number of stumps matches the numbers written on the{LF}pages! This means that the story hasn't ended. Or rather, it hasn't even begun! ... But...it's going to end the same way. No matter what. ... I heard from Kiel. Though I don't quite know all the details, I'll be waiting... ...for the two of you to find an end to this story. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Say I find that one remaining page. Do you think...she'll be saved? ...I don't know. Huh? Because I'm not Maria. But... I would want to be remembered. ...? Remembered by the ones I loved. No matter what happens...to always be remembered. And that alone would make me happy. ...I see. Come on. Let's go. Hmm? I actually have an idea where the +first+ page might be buried. If we follow the logic of the other pages, page +1+ should be{LF}buried near +one single marker+. One stump, huh? But there are so many places that have-- It doesn't have to be a stump. Hmm? I've been wracking my brain... Trying to figure out why she would've scattered the pages in{LF}such a cryptic way. Was it for herself, to preserve our memories, or for me, to{LF}remind me of them? And I believe the answer... ...is that she wanted to remind me of our time together. Otherwise, why go to all that trouble? ... So the first page should be somewhere obvious. Somewhere... ...that I'd naturally go, without any clues or signs. And I'm guessing that's... ...under a +single+ tall tower stretching up to the sky. Wait... You don't mean... I do. It's @マップ0@. I'm sure that's where the story begins. Because it all started with a promise I made there. ... ...Let's go to @マップ0@. To find the traces of a promise I can never keep... @レオン@... ...and to keep the +promise+ I made with you. Huh...? You remember, don't you? I said that after all this is done, we'd go to the tower{LF}together. Uh... So, will you come with me? And allow me to share my true feelings with you, just as you{LF}did with me? ... ...Okay. Let's go to @マップ0@. To find the traces of a promise I can never keep... ...and to keep the +promise+ I made with you. It should be around here. Will you help me find it? Sure. I found it... ... ...Damn. My hand's shaking so badly, I can't pick it up... Would you like me to get it? No, it's fine. I want to finish this with my own two hands. @レオン@... ... All right. ...I'm going to read it now. ...Okay. Dear ''You'' who sleeps in the tower: ''She,'' who broke her promise with you, has disappeared... ...for she found herself a caring husband and a new name,{LF}and was reborn as ''Me.'' That's why... ...I'd like to put an end to this drama between ''You'' and{LF}''She''... ...by dedicating this story to you. So that, when you wake up... ...you'll know everything. And then, sweet man, you won't have to be bound by our{LF}silly promise anymore. I'm sorry that I couldn't keep it, in the end. ...Goodbye. . . P.S. I've decided to publish a book, on a friend's{LF}recommendation. The book's title is, ''The Recipe for Happiness.'' One day, I hope you'll find it. Or rather, I know you will. I'll be writing it in the old tongue. The language we learned{LF}together. So I hope you'll enjoy reading it that much more, as a result. To you, after decades, centuries and millennia...{LF}I send my wish upon a star. {LF} ( • ) ... ''The Recipe for Happiness''... That's the book I translated not too long ago. It depicts the lives of a happy married couple, and is written{LF}in the old language. ...And you can tell just by reading it that the author was{LF}filled with joy. So that means... ''She''-- She did disappear here... Maria... ...broke our promise and found someone else. ...She was...happy... @レオン@... Wishing upon a star... Those symbols were actually part of a charm. Huh? A charm to send a wish into the heavens. The letter starts with a dot... ...and turns into a star, point by point. I remember all about it now. It's a charm to make your wish come true. ... These texts, these symbols, everything... ...even this story and the road I've taken to find it... She prepared it all for me. It was all... ...a way for both of us to find happiness. It was a miracle... ...that she brought into existence... ...Wow... ... ...That foolish, naive girl... She's ''sorry''? What does she have to be sorry about?! It's I who should apologize, damn it... ... ...I promise, Maria. I'll be happy. ...@レオン@... Yes. I can finally face you now. No. Actually... Huh? Ever since the day you asked me out... ...I've been fooling myself. Scared to accept the consequences of my actions... ...I couldn't even face you. @レオン@... Even when I was with you... ...my heart was somewhere else. ... It was the same for me. Huh? From the moment we started dating... ...I was hiding my true feelings, @レオン@. How could I be happy? How could I be satisfied? I wasn't concerned with marriage or anything of the sort. But how could I have accepted the fact that your heart was{LF}bound? That I was causing you grief? ... I couldn't. Not until now. And I was afraid to face that. ...I was ignoring my feelings. Trying not to let them all show. So... Can we start again? Start anew. Together. @しゅじんこうくん@... Yes...I like that idea. I feel like I'm finally with you now. Really with you, in mind,{LF}body and soul. I feel the same. ...Oh, that's right! This calls for...something else we{LF}discussed. Huh...? ''I'm back,'' @しゅじんこうくん@. ''Welcome back,'' @レオン@. Ah...! You remember? ...Of course. ''I'm back,'' @レオン@. ''Welcome back,'' @しゅじんこうくん@. You kept your promise. Of course. Hey, do you remember? Hmm? When you asked me out, I told you... ...that I can never truly be with you. And I asked if that was{LF}okay. ...I remember that. I never want to break any promises ever again. But sadly, I really can't +be with you+. Not as I am now. ... That's why... ...we should get married. WHAT?! Well, I said we can't +be together+. But we're two different individuals, so of course we can't be{LF}together, right? Wha...?! That doesn't really make... No, it doesn't. But like you said...love is a contradiction. I guess that's-- I love you. ...! So... ...will you marry me, @しゅじんこうくん@? Marry me! ... Yes. I will. ...Let me think about it. Good answer. @レオン@... Let me tell you something as a reward for your candid reply. I love you more than anyone else in the world. I've truly felt that way since the day I met you. And from now on, I will always feel that way. Same to you, bub. Could you say that again? I know. All too well. But...thanks. ...Sure. Can I ask you a favor, though? What is it? Can you say it again? That you love me more than anyone{LF}else? What? That you love me more than anyone else. A-all right. Maybe around next year or so. You're only going to tell me once per year? I said it's a reward. And rewards lose all their meaning if you{LF}give them out like candy. Hmph... But if you stay with me, then... ...next year, and every year after that...I'll say it again and{LF}again. I will. As long as you promise you'll say it! You have my word. I will protect you. I see... ...I'm sorry. Don't apologize. It's not your fault. I'll wait until you've had the time to arrive at an answer. ... Come on. We should head back. Uh...okay. It's time to say goodbye. ...Remember, I'll always be waiting for you. ''East forest. Between the valleys. A triangular point.'' ''South of the mansion, beyond the change to autumn. In the{LF}middle of a square.'' ''Near the Spring Lake. The dead end along the west edge.{LF}In the center of a star.'' There's nothing written on the back of this paper. Once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl. The girl was always crying, and the boy would always{LF}console her. One day, the boy tells the girl, ''If you stop being a crybaby, I'll listen to your wish.'' The girl replied, saying, ''Okay. When we grow up, then, can we get married?'' And the boy nodded. That day, the two carved their names together, in an old{LF}language they'd just learned. It was like a secret code... ...to remember their promise. (-) Ever since that promise was made, the girl had stopped{LF}crying. She never shed another tear. One day, after the two had grown up... ...he decided to go on a journey to save the town in a time{LF}of crisis. Both of them knew it would be a long, long journey. So long that they would never meet again. On the day of departure, she went to see him off. While everyone else was in tears for the long farewell, she{LF}still willed herself not to cry. She'd gone to great lengths to keep her promise... ...believing that, one day, he'd return. (△) Even after he left, she never cried. Both her parents passed away... ...but still she kept her promise. Every time something sad happened, she visited the tower{LF}where the exchange took place. Her neighbors didn't know about the promise. They saw her{LF}as cold-hearted and mean. And before she knew it, she was all by herself. (□) One day, a man started talking to her. Soon, they became good friends. He asked her, one day, ''What will make you happy?'' Her answer was to have ''him'' come back. ''Just having him come back is all it would take?'' She nodded. ''He should marry me,'' she said. ''How would marriage make you happy?'', he asked. ''We can walk down the same road. We can grow old{LF}together,'' she replied. Hearing that, the man showed her a mirror. In the mirror, she saw an old woman looking back at her. It had been decades since he'd left the town. She then realized... ...that they could never walk down the same road again. After several days, she went to the tower one more time. Their names were still there. But nothing was left around them. Not her parents, her friends, nor even him. He was just a{LF}name now. Everything she'd had back then was all gone. He would never come back. Of course, she knew this all along. She even knew that he'd only seen her as something like a{LF}sister. But she couldn't give up. A line of tears ran down her face. She couldn't stop even if she wanted to. ''I couldn't keep our promise,'' she muttered. She then disappeared. Wishing that, one day, ''he'' would also disappear. (☆) @しゅじんこうくん@, do you know this proverb? What is it? Spare the rod, and... ...Wait...what was it, again...? ... Oh, yes! ''Spare the rod, spoil the child''! ...Are you talking about @子供ちゃん@? Quite right! And I have a truly lovely idea. Would you care to hear it? Sure. Not really. Of course you would! Come, now, don't be shy. Ahem! Allow me to present... My superb idea... ...is to send your child on a ''first errand''! A...first errand? Yes! Let's have @子供ちゃん@ run an errand! Like...what kind of errand? It doesn't matter. We can ask everyone in town to cooperate{LF}and make the experience authentic. I don't think this is something I should decide on my own. May I +ask my wife+ first? May I +ask my husband+ first? Certainly. Please do. I look forward to a positive answer! I look forward to a positive answer! Er...can I ask you something? @ヴォルカノン@ made a suggestion... Hmm...I see. Well, then I'll say no to him. ''A first errand''? Yeah. Hmm...I do feel like it's a bit too soon... Though, since it is our child... ...No...we'd cause all manner of trouble for the townsfolk. Perhaps we can think it through a bit more, then give it a try{LF}when we're more ready for it. Oh, a ''first errand,'' huh? Yeah. Hmm...isn't it a bit too early? I'd be worried. Why don't we wait a bit? A ''first errand''? Yeah. I wonder why Volkanon would've suggested it... ... I hate saying no to him, but I think that's what would be best{LF}for the moment. It's a good idea for the future, but it doesn't have to be{LF}today, does it? A ''first errand''? Yes. Hmm, that's a good idea. But why don't we plan for it a little more and handle it{LF}ourselves down the line? We don't want to trouble the townsfolk, after all. A ''first errand''? ...It is a good idea, but there's something fishy about it... There is? Is Volkanon up to something? I'll bet he's up to something! ...M-maybe... Well, I, for one, don't want to bother the townsfolk with{LF}barely any notice, so let's wait a bit. A ''first errand''? W-wait, we can't put @子供ちゃん@ in danger like that! I wouldn't call it danger... Well, there's just something odd about this in general. Why{LF}did Volkanon suggest it? He must be up to something... ...Maybe. I think we should wait. A ''first errand''? Yes. Not a good idea. That was fast! It's Volkanon's idea. He must be up to...well, I don't even know. But something! Besides, I think it's best we raise our child on our own. Our{LF}own way. A ''first errand''? Yeah. I'm actually worried about Volkanon more than{LF}@子供ちゃん@. He's probably up to something. Let's wait. We should plan these things on our own, yes? A ''first errand''? Yeah. Hmm. Something seems weird about this. Huh? We can do it on our own, but we absolutely have to leave{LF}Volkanon out of it! A ''first errand''?! Yes. That's a weird suggestion. Let's not do it. It's fishy, and I'd rather not put our kid in harm's way like{LF}that. A ''first errand''? Yeah. ...It's too early. ''Oh, I don't think so.'' ''It's better to get these things over with sooner rather than{LF}later.'' Perhaps...but something's not right. I'm sure Volkanon's up to no good, somehow or another. ''Yeah, I guess that's a good point.'' Let's plan something like this on our own sometime in the{LF}future. But not now, nor with Volkanon! A ''first errand''? Yes. There's no need to ask for help from Volkanon with{LF}something as simple as that. Plus, it's...an odd suggestion. I'm certain he's up to no good,{LF}somehow or another. ... Let's do it when we both feel the time is right. Not before. @ヴォルカノン@, I'm sorry, but we talked it over, and we've{LF}decided against the ''first errand'' idea. I knew it! ...Excuse me? Um...nothing! Nothing at all! ...? What a fine day it is today, no? Anyway, today sure is a fine day, isn't it? Hey, Mommy, Daddy! Hmm? What's wrong? I...I wanna go on an ''errand''! ?! Please? Please?! Can I go?! Erm...what's this about, all of a sudden? Why do you want to{LF}run an ''errand''? Do you know what it is? Um, Mr. Volkanon told me... ...that I have to be able to run errands to grow up. ... ... Can you wait here? I'm going to go have a talk with Mr.{LF}Volkanon. ... I-I'm just going to go talk to @ヴォルカノン@. I wanna run errands! J-just wait, all right? I won't be long. Let's go find @ヴォルカノン@! Is something wrong? @ヴォルカノン@! What did you tell @子供ちゃん@? What?! You found out already?! Of course I did! Well... Running errands should be a good experience for a{LF}young child! Don't you agree? They'll need to, sooner or later. And the quicker they start,{LF}the better! That's...kind of true, I suppose. Leave it to me! I'm sure it'll work out perfectly! ...I don't know about this. Why? What's wrong with it? ...Nothing, I guess. Then +let's start tomorrow morning, at the town square+! I'll be waiting at the town square. Then +let's start tomorrow morning, at the town square+. I'll be waiting! I'm gonna go do an errand! It's easy! Easy peasy! Hee hee...{LF}sy! @子供ちゃん@'s all excited... I hope it goes well... @子供ちゃん@'s all excited... And so is Volkanon! No idea what he's thinking... Volkanon... He won... I guess...he just wanted it more. Oh well! No harm done...I{LF}think. I'm scared to let @子供ちゃん@ go off alone. I hope it goes well... An errand... As worrisome as this may be, it might be a good experience{LF}for @子供ちゃん@. I guess he beat us. @子供ちゃん@'s all excited, too...so I suppose it's not all{LF}bad. That was quite unexpected. Hmm...I'm worried... @子供ちゃん@'s all excited... Ohhh, but I'm so worried! I sure hope everything goes well... That man! That strange, strange man! Hmph. I guess he got us. Crafty little so-and-so... He got us, didn't he? ''@子供ちゃん@'s all excited, though. So that's good!'' Looks like @子供ちゃん@'s pretty excited. No turning back now, eh? I'll be waiting at the town square. Looks like everybody's here! @子供ちゃん@! Are you ready? You betcha! ... Then, @しゅじんこうくん@! It is time! Ask your child to run an{LF}errand! Huh? Well, um...how about picking up... @アイテム0@ & @アイテム1@ @アイテム2@ & @アイテム3@ @アイテム4@ & @アイテム5@ Okay! Bye, everybody! Oh, and don't follow me, okay? I can do it by myself! Haha... Come now, @しゅじんこうくん@. What are you doing standing{LF}around? Huh? You have to follow @子供ちゃん@! What?! But you can't be seen. So move quietly! U-um... What about you, @ヴォルカノン@? I have many things to do, so I'm afraid I cannot join you. ...Okay. I'm going to wait for @子供ちゃん@ here. But if you're going, everything should be fine. ♪ I'll be here waiting for @子供ちゃん@ to return. Good luck in your stealthy pursuit, @しゅじんこうくん@! I'm going to stay here and wait for @子供ちゃん@. As long as you're going, though, everything should be fine. I'll wait here for @子供ちゃん@ to return. If you're going, though, everything should be A-OK. ♪ I'll stay here and wait for @子供ちゃん@. I feel better with you keeping an eye on the little cutie,{LF}though. Thanks so much! ♪ I'll be here waiting for @子供ちゃん@ to return. N-not that I'm worried, but keep an eye on our little treasure,{LF}all right? I will stay here and wait for @子供ちゃん@ to return. Besides, I won't have to worry, knowing you'll be there to{LF}ensure no harm is done. I'll be here waiting for @子供ちゃん@ to come back. Seems like I've got nothing to worry about, though, if you're{LF}going too! I'm going to stay here and wait for @子供ちゃん@ to return. I'm glad that you're going too, though! Makes me feel a lot{LF}better about this whole thing. ♪ I'll be here waiting for @子供ちゃん@ to return. @しゅじんこうくん@, I'm counting on you! I will stay here and wait for @子供ちゃん@ to return. ''You look relieved to know @しゅじんこうくん@'s going, though.'' I am. ''Hee hee. Me too.'' I'll stay here and wait for @子供ちゃん@ to return. We need someone to stay behind as well, after all, no? What are you doing, @ヴォルカノン@? N-never mind me! Go about your business! Hey, don't follow me! I can do it by myself! Ooh, pretty flowers... ♪ W-wandering off already... Not a very good sign. Is this...the clinic? Bingo! ...Owww! !! Oh no... I got hurt... *sob* *sob*...{LF}But...I'm okay... (Wh-what should I do?! I have to go get Dr.{LF}@ジョーンズ@!) Why are you in such a hurry? I-I'm sorry, but I'm looking for Dr. @ジョーンズ@! Excuse me, please! Oh, dear. Is there some way I can be of assistance? I heard about it. @子供ちゃん@ is running some errands alone, correct? Erm...yes, but I just saw @子供ちゃん@ fall down! Well, that's not good! Was there any injury? M-maybe, yeah. All right. Leave the rest to me. Th-thank you! No worries. Oh my, what's wrong? Dr. Jones... Did you fall? Here, let me see. ...Okay. ...Hmm. Now, I just need to clean the wound, and put this{LF}here and... There we have it. You're good to go! Wow, thank you! Were you in need of something from our clinic? Oh, yes! Umm... Can I have...@アイテム0@? Certainly. Here you are. Thank you! Well now, be careful, all right? Okay! Bye bye! @ジョーンズ@, thank you so much. No problem at all. It was nothing, I assure you. Hmm, I can't see too well... Wandering away again... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! @リンファ@... @子供ちゃん@'s running some errands, huh? Yes, but look. That's...not a safe route to be taking. Oh, my. I can help you there. Just leave it to me. ♪ Huh? @子供ちゃん@! ♪ Hi Mrs. Lin! I heard you're running errands. How nice! Oh, yeah! I have to hurry! Where are you going? Umm, to the general store! Do you know the way? Yep! Wow, that's great! ♪ Be careful, now, okay? Okay. See ya! Thank you very much, @リンファ@. No problem at all. @子供ちゃん@ is just too cute! ♪ Mmm, smells yummy... D-don't go in...! Oh, welcome. Are you here all by yourself? Yep! How brave. Now, what would you like, dear? Umm... @アイテム1@! @アイテム1@, huh? Here you go. Thank you so much! Full of energy, aren't you? Take care, m' dear! Okay! Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Seems like @子供ちゃん@'s growing up so fast... But that cuteness simply never wanes! ...WAAAAH! @ヴォルカノン@?! What's wrong, Mr. Volkanon? Oh! @子供ちゃん@? You're here already?! What are you doing? Well, I was actually preparing the last task... Last task? O-ooopsy. It's nothing. Nothing at all. Huh? Are you hurt? Huh? Whoa! N-no, worry not, little one! I absolutely did not injure myself{LF}preparing the last task. Oh, @ヴォルカノン@...you idiot... Here...you can have my @アイテム0@ and{LF}@アイテム1@. ...! What?! Aren't you hurt? You can use this, and also eat this. B-but, aren't these...? Yep. But I'm sure they'd tell me to do that if they were here. So, you can have them. @子供ちゃん@... WAAAH! I'm so touched by your kindness! Huh? Why are you crying? There, there. Don't cry. ...I should go back and wait in front of the castle. WAAAAAAAH! @子供ちゃん@ should be back any time now. I'm hooooooome! Um, I bought the stuff, but... ...I gave them to Mister Volkanon. ...? Actually... I'm sorry. Nope. It was super easy! Hahaha...I see... Let's go home. Okay! You're back! Did you buy everything? Welcome back! How was it? Y-you're home! Were you okay?! You're back! How was it? Thank goodness you're home. How was it, love? W-welcome back! Were you all right? You didn't get hurt,{LF}did you? Nope! I'm pleased you've made it home safely. How did it go? Welcome home! How did it go? You're back! ♪ How was it? Oh! You're home! How'd it go? You're back. ''Mission accomplished?'' What's a ''mission''? You be quiet. Welcome home. How did it go? You did the right thing. Good job, @子供ちゃん@! Really?! Yes. You did well. It must've been difficult. No, you did an excellent job! Mommy's so proud of you. Yay! Was it hard for you? You made the right decision. I'm proud of you. Wasn't it difficult, though? No, you did a good thing. Wasn't it hard for you, though? You helped a friend in need. That's always a good thing. Must've been a tough decision,{LF}though. You did it for someone who needed you, and that's a great{LF}thing. Must have been a tough decision, though. No, that was a wonderful thing to have done. It mustn't have been an easy choice to make, though! No, no, you did a great thing. It was a tough choice, though, yes? No, that's great! I'm sure it wasn't easy for you. No, I'm proud of you! First time's always hard, huh? No, you did a wonderful thing. ''Good job!'' Wasn't it difficult for you, though? No, good job. I'm proud of you. How was it? Challenging, no? WAAAH! I have returned! Is it...over already? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm? How can I make @キャラ1@ happy? Why do you ask? Um...um...I want to give my...thanks. Your thanks? Yeah. Hmm, thanking @キャラ1@... How about giving a present? A present? Yes. Think of something that might make them happy, and{LF}then say, ''this is for you.'' Okay! Great! I'll help you pick something out. What kind of thing do{LF}you want to get? ...I'll do it myself. What?! Here...and there... Are you...making something? Nooo! Don't look! Do this...and that...heheh... Looks like it went well. @子供ちゃん@'s trying hard to do something for someone{LF}else. I wonder what it is... I have no idea. Looks like @子供ちゃん@'s up to something... I have no idea what, but I'll pretend I didn't see anything. Good idea. @子供ちゃん@'s trying hard to make something. I wonder what it could be... Good question... @子供ちゃん@'s trying hard to make something. I wonder what it could be... Good question... @子供ちゃん@'s trying hard to make something. I wonder what it could be... Good question... @子供ちゃん@'s trying hard to make something. I wonder what it could be... Good question... @子供ちゃん@'s trying hard to make something. I wonder what it could be... Good question... @子供ちゃん@'s trying hard to make something. I wonder what it could be... Good question... @子供ちゃん@'s trying hard to make something. I wonder what it could be... Good question... @子供ちゃん@'s trying hard to make something. I wonder what it could be... Good question... @子供ちゃん@'s trying hard to make something. ''What could it be, I wonder?'' Good question... @子供ちゃん@'s trying hard to make something. I wonder what it could be... Good question... ...? Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yes? Here, I made you this @アイテム0@! Huh? But, weren't you making that for @キャラ1@? Huh? What? Um, this one's for @キャラ1@. Huh?! What?! I wanted to thank both of you, Mommy and Daddy. ...Oh, you did, huh? Yep! ...I see. Really?! @子供ちゃん@...may I read this letter? Sure. Dear Mommy and Daddy. Thank you for everything. I looove my sweet Mommy and cool Daddy... ...soooo much! ... I love you too, sweetie. *Hug* ...! ...! Heheh... Now, @子供ちゃん@. Don't you have something to show{LF}Mommy? Now, @子供ちゃん@. Don't you have something to show{LF}Daddy? Now, @子供ちゃん@. Don't you have something to show{LF}Daddy? Now, @子供ちゃん@. Don't you have something to show{LF}Mommy? Now, @子供ちゃん@. Don't you have something to show{LF}Daddy? Now, @子供ちゃん@. Don't you have something to show{LF}Mommy? Now, @子供ちゃん@. Don't you have something to show{LF}Mommy? Now, @子供ちゃん@. Don't you have something to show{LF}Daddy? Now, @子供ちゃん@. Don't you have something to show{LF}Daddy? Now, @子供ちゃん@. Don't you have something to show{LF}Mommy? Now, @子供ちゃん@. Don't you have something to show{LF}Daddy? Now, @子供ちゃん@. Don't you have something to show{LF}Mommy? @子供ちゃん@ wanted to give you a present. Spent a long time making this for you, it seems. @子供ちゃん@ wanted to give you a present. Spent a long time making this for you, it seems. @子供ちゃん@ wanted to give you a present. Spent a long time making this for you, it seems. @子供ちゃん@ wanted to give you a present. Spent a long time making this for you, it seems. @子供ちゃん@ wanted to give you a present. Spent a long time making this for you, it seems. @子供ちゃん@ wanted to give you a present. Spent a long time making this for you, it seems. @子供ちゃん@ wanted to give you a present. Spent a long time making this for you, it seems. @子供ちゃん@ wanted to give you a present. Spent a long time making this for you, it seems. @子供ちゃん@ wanted to give you a present. Spent a long time making this for you, it seems. @子供ちゃん@ wanted to give you a present. Spent a long time making this for you, it seems. @子供ちゃん@ wanted to give you a present. Spent a long time making this for you, it seems. @子供ちゃん@ wanted to give you a present. Spent a long time making this for you, it seems. @しゅじんこうくん@!{LF}There's...a letter inside...! @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}There's a letter inside... @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}There's a letter inside...! @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}There's a letter inside! @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}There's a...letter inside...! @しゅじんこうくん@...{LF}There's a letter...inside... @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}There's...a letter inside... @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}There's a...letter inside! @しゅじんこうくん@!{LF}There's a letter inside! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}There's a letter inside! @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}There's a...letter inside... @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}There's...a letter inside. @子供ちゃん@! Thank you so much! This is the best present ever! @子供ちゃん@, thank you... I'm so happy...it's the best present I could ever ask for. ♪ Thank you, @子供ちゃん@. It's the best present a parent could ever receive. I'm so...{LF}happy... Thanks a lot, @子供ちゃん@. It's such a lovely present... I'm so happy! Thank you, @子供ちゃん@. It's the best present a parent could get, and makes me very{LF}happy. I'm...I'm not crying, I swear... ...I'm happy, @子供ちゃん@. So...very happy... Thank you, @子供ちゃん@. It's the best present I could ever ask for. I'm truly happy. Thanks, @子供ちゃん@. It's...the best present ever! Thank you, @子供ちゃん@. I'm happy...so, so happy. How can you be so sweet?! Y-you... Thanks so much, @子供ちゃん@! Thank you, @子供ちゃん@. It's the best present I could ever ask for. I'm absolutely{LF}thrilled. Thanks, @子供ちゃん@. It's a wonderful present... truly, truly wonderful. It just warms the heart...don't you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? It just warms the heart...don't you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? It just warms the heart...don't you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? It just warms the heart...don't you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? It just warms the heart...don't you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? It just warms the heart...don't you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? It just warms the heart...don't you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? It just warms the heart...don't you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? It just warms the heart! ♪ Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? It just warms the heart...don't you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? I'm just so happy... ''I'm happy if you're happy, milady.'' Oh, there's a small charm for you in here too, Pico. ''Whaaaaaaa?!'' It just warms the heart...don't you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? I love you, Mommy! I love you, Daddy! Um, @キャラ0@... Hmm? Is @キャラ0@ strong? Yes, very strong. Not at all. I knew it! That's not true! @キャラ1@ told me you're strong! Hey, @キャラ0@, I wanna be strong too! You do? Let's fight! YAAAAH! *Dodge* *Brace* Ah...! Ooooh, that was close. Are you okay? Can you stand? How{LF}many fingers am I holding up? ...See...I knew you were strong... Huh...? Ahh, you got me! ...You did that on purpose. Er, uh... Hey, it's a Woolooly! I think you have an extra L in there. And a couple extra Os.{LF}It's ''Wooly.'' ...Wonder what it's doing here, though. Is the poor guy lost? Wait, there's something wrong... Is it...hurt? I... ...Huh? @子供ちゃん@? I'm gonna save the town! You're going down! Whoa! Wait! Stop! @キャラ0@...? Owww... I don't think it means any harm. I think it just got confused,{LF}that's all. Huh? Look. It's hurt. Maybe it was chased by another monster. ... Uh... Let's call Dr. @ジョーンズ@ before it gets too far. We shouldn't leave it like this. ...Okay. Now, where might we find Dr. @ジョーンズ@...? ... Come on, let's go. *BLEAT* It seems to be suffering. We need to call Dr. @ジョーンズ@{LF}right away. Dr. @ジョーンズ@ should be here soon. What seems to be the trouble? Um... Oh, my, @しゅじんこうくん@, you're hurt! Ah...! Don't worry about me. I'm fine. But there's an injured Wooly near the Castle Gate. Will you please tend to it? Sure. Let's head over there right away. Oh dear, I left @子供ちゃん@ behind! Let's go back to find that Wooly. @キャラ0@, you're hurt... Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it. Near the castle, right? Let's go. Where's the Wooly? Ah, here it is. What do you think? Well, it's not a bad injury. It's basically just a scratch, nothing serious. Probably chased{LF}a short ways by other monsters. That's what @キャラ0@ said... ...I'm glad it's not more serious. I'll take care of it from here, so don't worry. Thank you. @キャラ0@? Hmm? What's ''strength''? Being kind to others. Wanting to protect others. That's a good question. Being...kind? Yeah. When you care about someone, you become strong. Protecting others... Absolutely. It's one of the most important things there is. Even you don't know?! Well, it's not that I don't know what strength is, I'm just...not{LF}sure how to explain it. Really...? Strength is a really complicated thing. There are all different{LF}kinds of strength in this world. ...I'm not strong... @子供ちゃん@... ... Um, @子供ちゃん@? ...? The courage you showed when you said you'd protect the{LF}town... ...was, as I see it, nothing short of pure strength. @キャラ0@... All right, all done here. You're next, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let me see that wound. Oh, okay. Here. Uh, wait, Woolooly! ...I'm sorry. *BLEAT!* ♪ ...Kids grow up so fast. They really do. One day, I wanna be strong like @キャラ0@! You must be really proud. Aren't you hungry? I'm okay! Then, do you wanna go somewhere and play? Nah. I wanna stay here an' talk to @キャラ1@! All right, then. Let's talk. *YAAAAWN*... *YAAWN*... Oh, you too, @子供ちゃん@? Want to go take a nap somewhere? Nooo, I don't need a nap. I wanna talk to{LF}@キャラ1@! Talk? Sure, sweetie. Are you hungry? We can get food somewhere. I'm okay. I wanna talk! Talk? Okay, then. Let's talk. Wow, what a great view! Yeah! What do you want to do? How about we read a book{LF}together? Hmm...no, I wanna talk! Talk? Sure, we can do that. B-beautiful view... Mommy, you're shivering. Ha ha...Mommy's a little scared of heights, that's all. Where would you like to go next? Hmmmm... I wanna talk to Mommy! All right, then let's talk with Mommy! Anywhere you'd like to go, @子供ちゃん@? Hmmmm... I wanna stay here and talk with Daddy! With Daddy? Sure! What would you like to talk about? Anywhere you'd like to go? I'll be happy to take you there! I wanna talk with you, Daddy! With me? All right, then. Let's talk. Anywhere you want to go, @子供ちゃん@? Hmmmm... I wanna talk with you, Mommy! With Mommy? All right, let's talk! So, @子供ちゃん@! What do you want to do? Hmm... I wanna talk with Mommy! With Mommy? Yaaay! That sounds fun! Let's talk, then. ♪ All right! Want to go somewhere and play? Hmm... What? You can say it. Anywhere you'd like! Then, I wanna stay here and talk with you, Daddy! Talk with me? Sure, what about? Well, it's about time to eat. Noo...I wanna stay here! Don't be selfish. I wanna stay and talk to Mommy! ''Now ,now, why don't you two talk for a little bit? There's no{LF}harm in it!'' ''Right?'' Yeah! *SIGH* Fine, then. What is it you wanted to talk about? Any place in particular you wanted to go? I'll take you{LF}wherever you'd like, as promised. Well... I wanna talk to Daddy! Sure. We can talk about anything at all. Oh, that’s... Um, @キャラ1@? Why did you marry @キャラ0@? Huh? Come on, tell me why! Well... To make Mommy happy. Mommy did so much for Daddy, so Daddy wants to make{LF}her the happiest woman in the world. ...? It might be a little too early for you to understand. One day, when you've grown up, I'll tell you everything. Okay... Wh-wha... Come on, tell me why! Erm... There are a lot of reasons... But the number one reason is because I wanted to be with{LF}him. Oh, really? That's right. Huh?! W-well, that's... Come on, tell me why! ... Daddy and I are inseparable. What does that mean? Daddy has my heart. Your heart? The heart is where your emotions come from. Happy, sad, all of those things. And that's within @キャラ0@? Yes. Since it was for Daddy, I didn't mind giving him my whole{LF}heart. My heart's always been with Daddy... ...ever since the day I decided to share every moment with{LF}him, joy and sadness alike. That's why we got married. Hmm. Well... I wanted to protect her. Protect? Even if it meant that someone else might get hurt... I wanted to protect that happiness I felt with Mommy. Oh... Do you understand? Um...not really. Haha! I see. Hrm... It's all right. One day, you'll get it. ♪ Someday...for sure! Huh? Come on, tell me why! Well... Daddy taught me something important. Something important? Yes. Something very important. You might not understand it right now... ...but I'm sure one day, you will. Hrm... ...? Come on, tell me why! Uh, well... It's...because... Mommy saved me from a dark place. A dark place? Yeah. Someplace dark and enclosed that nobody could{LF}enter. She pulled me out, and showed me the light. So... Well... Because I came to know and love your Mommy, ever since{LF}our very first meeting. Meating? Like, eating steak? No, no, I'm not talking about food, you silly little thing! Hee hee... Meeting, as in, ''nice to meet you.'' Nice to meet you! I'm @子供ちゃん@! Very well done. Had I not met Mommy... I might've spent the rest of my days crying alone in my room. Neither trusting nor being trusted by anyone. Oh... Then it's good you met Mommy! Yes, it's very good. I'm so grateful that I got to meet her. Hmm, it's because... ..it made me want to try very hard. Try hard? For what? For Daddy. @キャラ1@ tried hard for @キャラ0@? Erm, it's hard to explain... I fell in love with Daddy, and I wanted him to love me back. So I tried everything I could to make Daddy notice me. And my love and passion for Daddy made me want to marry{LF}him. Hmm...? To make it simple... Mommy loves Daddy very much, so Mommy was very excited{LF}to marry him! Oh, I can understand that! I got it, yaaaay! ♪ I'm glad to hear you understand. Well...because he chose me, I guess. He...chose you? Yes. Daddy chose Mommy. Although it was a very sad thing... ...it was also a very happy thing. Hmm... I don't get it. Oh... Mommy doesn't either. You don't? I think it's something really important, but I just can't{LF}remember... Hrm...? But... At least I know it's important. And I won't forget that. Ever. Er... Come on, tell me why! ...I guess because...she helped me clear my mind. Clear your mind? I don't get it... Oof. Real hard to explain. How about you ask me the same question when you're all{LF}grown up? I'll tell you then. Okay! Now run along, you little scamp! Hmm. That is a very good question. What...? ''I know, right? Total mystery!'' You have no room to talk, Pico. You were the one who gave{LF}me a push. ''Oh, did I?'' Don't tell me you forgot about the night before the wedding{LF}when-- ''Uh, I have to be somewhere. See ya!'' Hey, wait a minute...! ...Idiot. So...why, Mommy? Why did you marry him? You really want to know, huh? I do! All right, then. I'll tell you. Yay! Daddy gave me a sense of belonging. Belonging? A place that I want to return to, every day. No matter what.{LF}A home to call my own. For you, it'll be this house. @キャラ0@ built this house?! Well...sure, let's go with that. Because it's funny. Wooow! ♪ And...it's also thanks to Pico. Pico? Yes. She told me that I can trust Daddy. That's why I decided to marry him. Because my best friend, who'd always been with me, assured{LF}me he was worth it. So I thought, maybe he can make us happy. Hmm...? I could finally find a loved one to hold my hand tight... ...even in this world. Because I made a promise. A promise? Yeah. Like a promise to play together? Basically, yes. So @キャラ1@ promised @キャラ0@? That's right. That you'd get married? No. That I'd make her happy. That's what marriage is? Exactly. An oath to be happy together, for as long as you both may{LF}live... That's marriage. I see... If someone broke a promise to you, what would you think? Hmmmm... I'd be sad! Exactly. That's why we must always keep the promises we{LF}make. ...At least this time around. Huuuuh...? ...I wonder what they're talking about. Maybe I'll get closer{LF}and listen in... @キャラ1@, what do you love about{LF}@キャラ0@? What I love about her...? Yeah! Well... ? She's kind, cute, brave, and most of all... ...she cares about me more than she cares about herself. Ohhh. Whaaaaa?! Tell me tell me tell me! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? ... He's trustworthy... ...strong... ...loving... ...and always, always so kind and considerate... Wow, that's a lot! There's more, too! Let's see... His kindness stands above all else. But it's not just those things. It's Daddy himself that I love. What do you mean? Well, there are things that bother me about him, and things I{LF}want him to fix... But I love those just as much, in their own way. I love{LF}everything about him. I love everything! What about you? Me too! Well, I can't lose this battle, so I'm going to say I love{LF}everything about her sooooo much! Hey! That's not fair! Let this be a lesson to you. Adults aren't fair! But if it makes you feel better... I also love you, @子供ちゃん@, sooooo much! Haha! It tickles when you hug me, Daddy! Hee hee. ♪ Huh? Heh heh...well... He's handsome. He's sweet... ...trustworthy...oh, and he has some really cute moments{LF}every now and again, too. Mommy, you have a really big grin on your face! Oh, and also! Hee hee... Huh?! Tell me! Pbbbbblease?! O-okay, but don't tell Mommy, you got it? Okey doke! She...understands me well. Erm...she's considerate...and kind...and...well... ...she's...c-cute...too... ...? I love everything about her. Everything? Yes. Everything. Her voice, smell, looks, soul, soft cheeks, warm lips...(and{LF}when she wears glasses for me...) Absolutely everything, without exception. I always have, and I always will. Wow! Wow indeed. Heh heh. ♪ Well, I hadn't really thought about it... I normally would not have looked at Daddy. He's pretty for a{LF}boy, yes? And he has trouble making up his mind on many things. So... So it isn't anything?! It's actually the opposite. Even though I normally would not have looked at Daddy, I{LF}still somehow fell in love with him. Meaning... ...my love for Daddy conquers all! Hmm? You don't get it, do you? Of course I get it, yes? ♪ Don't talk like Mommy... I love everythiiiiing! ♪ Really? ♪ Yep! Daddy chose me, you know. That's why I love him! That's why you married him too, right? Yep. Then, what do you love about @キャラ0@? I love everythiiiiing! ♪ Really? ♪ Yep! ...Huh? What the heck are you asking me?! Can't you just tell me? Pleeeeeeeeeease...? *SIGH* Okay, but don't say anything to her about it. Promise? Promise! I respect the way she fights for the sake of others, and... ...I-I think she's cute. @キャラ1@, your face is turning red! D-don't look at me, then! Shoo! Hmmm...well, what do you think? Mmmm, let's see... He's cool! Yes. And kind! Very true. And...and, erm... How he stays by your side when you're feeling down? Yeah, that too! Hee hee...I think we're on the same page. How fun it is to tease her. Is it fun? Very. She's especially cute when she blushes. Really? Really. It makes me want to hug and kiss her. So why don't you do that? Good idea. I will. So @キャラ1@ loves @キャラ0@ thiiiiis{LF}much, right? That's right. @キャラ1@ loves @キャラ0@ thiiiiiiiiiiiis{LF}much! ♪ That's right. @キャラ1@... ...loves @キャラ0@ even more than YOU do! Much, much more! @字@ ... It's kind of embarrassing to say it this way... ...But I do love him. Very much. Of course! I love her very much! How much? More than anyone else in the whole wide world! Hmm? ...Yes. @キャラ1@ does love @キャラ0@ so{LF}very, very much. @字@ Hmm? ...Yeah. @キャラ1@ loves @キャラ0@ a{LF}whoooooole bunch. ♪ Yes. Very much. More than anyone else in the world. Of course. I love him from head to toe! You bet! ♪ A whole ton, too! ...What are you saying? Of course @キャラ1@ loves @キャラ0@.{LF}With all his heart! ...Most definitely. @キャラ1@ loves @キャラ0@ with all her{LF}heart. Didn't I tell you already? I promised to make her happy. Why would I make such a promise if I didn't love her? H-hey... WAAAAAAAH! How beautiful! Whoa! Where did you come from? I heard giggling and shouting, so I came to investigate. Quite the spot for a confession of a love, if I do say so{LF}myself! My, my. Such a perfect flower is youth! Oopsie. Were you in the middle of something? Jones, we've got to go one better than that! It's not a competition, Nancy... I love you too, @しゅじんこうくん@. So @キャラ0@, do you love @キャラ1@? N-not now, @子供ちゃん@... Well, that's not nice. You should answer your innocent child's question. What?! Now, why don't you just say it? E-erm... Geez, come on already, will you? I'm hungry. Um, well... I l-l-l-lo-lo... What a fine day today. Oh, I have work to finish! ...I love you too. Non, non, non! You must say these things clearly! I don't think anyone was asking. Oh, don't you worry about that. I'll gladly take on your{LF}workload. E-erm...th-thank you very much... Errrr...th-thank you very much... ...! ...Th-thank you very much... Y-yeah. Huh?! Hmm? Uh...it's just that I expected a different sort of reaction from{LF}you... H-huh? R-really...? It's kind of embarrassing to hear it so...I don't know, formally? O-oh... ... Uh...umm... ...thank you...very much... ...Oh... (I'm so embarrassed I could die.) Thank you. I love you too. From the bottom of my heart. O-okay. Thanks... Um, I knew that already, silly! ...Tee hee. ♪ O-oh... (Why is this happening...?) ... ...O-of course, I knew that! Oh. I know that. Hee hee! Quite a show that was! This is big news! I should go tell everyone! Injected some energy into my tired old bones, it did. Well, let's call it a day, shall we? I'm full now. Full and happy! Did you hear that, @キャラ1@?{LF}@キャラ0@ loves you too! ♪ Looks like Illuminata's spreading the word already. News! Big news! Thank you for the meal. That made me want to live even longer. Heck, I might just be{LF}immortal now! Mwa ha ha ha! I hope you two will be happy together forever. ♪ Sorry for the interruption! Heh... We were once like them too, remember? Those were some{LF}wild times... I love you, Mommy and Daddy! H-h-how embarrassing... I...can't...anymore... Well, erm... ...Eheheh. Well... ...Let's continue to be a happy family together, forever and{LF}ever! Sound good? WAAAH! It's so embarrassing! How did this all happen...? I feel so happy to receive blessings from all the townsfolk{LF}like this. ...It's very embarrassing, yes? @しゅじんこうくん@, I looove you! Hee hee... ♪ What the heck was that about? ... ''Awww, you two...'' Hey! How long have you...?! ''Heh heh. I must be going now. Byeeee!'' W...wait! ...What is it? Why are you staring? I can make you blush{LF}again, if you'd like... Not you too, @レオン@! My face is red enough... Ha ha. You're too cute! I just can't help myself! ...! G-geez! ...! @レオン@? ...Be quiet. Wait here. ...? Um, can I talk to you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? What's wrong? Recently, @子供ちゃん@ has been visiting me with some{LF}frequency. Okay... That itself isn't a problem, but... ...? @子供ちゃん@ always tries to climb on my back and ride{LF}me like a horsie! It tickles so much, I just can't stand it! ...And? You sure are a good sport. ''...And''?! Oh, thank you! ...W-wait...HEEY!! @子供ちゃん@ is still a small child. But it scares me to think that one day, @子供ちゃん@ might{LF}fall. That's true... Be sure to prevent that. Right? Err...I'll try my best-- ...H-HEY!! That's not my point! Um, @しゅじんこうくん@... Will you tell @子供ちゃん@... ...not to climb up on Lady Ventuswill's back? Y-you don't have to sound harsh. I really don't mind, I'm{LF}just...genuinely concerned. Y-you don't have to sound harsh. I really don't mind, I'm{LF}just...genuinely concerned. I don't want @子供ちゃん@ to hate me, though... Umm, @子供ちゃん@? Yes? Have you been playing a lot with @セルザ@? Yep! I've been playing tooooons with Vento! (Vento...?) What do you do when you play with her? Umm, I climb up Vento's back! Why do you do that? ...! ...? Umm, I...I want to fly! F-fly? (@子供ちゃん@'s eyes are sparkling...) Are you...trying to fly by climbing on @セルザ@? Yep! So, that's what it is... All right. Then how about we both go ask @セルザ@{LF}reeeeal nicely to take you for a ride? Really?! Yaaay! Come on. Let's go. Off we go to Vento's! Well, hello! What are you two doing here? ...I hope you didn't forget about that little talk I wanted you{LF}to have... Umm, about that... Oh, you wanted to fly with me! It all makes sense now. ... ...Hrm. You know, @子供ちゃん@... What is it, Vento? It's Venti. I don't mind you climbing on my back. But, if you suddenly jump on me, you might fall. It's{LF}dangerous! Huh...? What do you think it would be like if you fell off my back? I'd be scared. ...Of course. And you might get hurt, too. And that would make @キャラ0@ and{LF}@キャラ1@ cry. You don't want to do that, now, right? ...No. Okay. So next time you want to climb on my back, tell me{LF}first. If you promise to do that, I'll be happy to fly with you. Really?! Then I promise! Good. Come, then. Let's fly for a bit. Yaaaaay! Thank you. If you drop @子供ちゃん@... Don't worry. I'll be careful. Don't worry. I won't. Let's go! Climb on up, @子供ちゃん@! Well? How is it, @子供ちゃん@? COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!! Isn't it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! ...Looks like they're having fun. Or...@セルザ@ is, at least... I think she spoils @子供ちゃん@ a bit. But, that's what{LF}extended family does. Auntie Vento! Heh... So, how was it, @子供ちゃん@? It was FUUUUUUN! @キャラ0@, did you see me? It was soooooo cool! The wind was soooooo strong! I felt like I was about to fall! ...@セルザ@? Worry not. I'd never let that happen. ...@子供ちゃん@, please come visit me again anytime. Next time, I'll take you even higher! Really?! I love you, Vento! Whoa...! Hear that, @しゅじんこうくん@? @子供ちゃん@ said...! You look so happy, @セルザ@. What?! N-no, I'm stoic as a clam, I swear! Unmoved,{LF}unfeeling and godlike in all respects! ...If you say so. Thanks though. I hope you'll keep playing with{LF}@子供ちゃん@ for a long time to come. Hmph...yes, I hope so too. Next time, we'll go see the beautiful view at...well, actually,{LF}maybe we could...hmm... That was so fun! I love Vento! *Party conversation* Bring @0@ @アイテム0@, okay? I think I saw them around a group of debug signs. Can you bring @0@ more{LF}@アイテム0@? I think I saw them around a group of debug signs. Good. Only @0@ left to go. I brought them all. Seems like it. Thanks for all your help. Is this...?! Tum! ♪ Ta-tah! ♪ De-dum! ♪ Married, married! Congrats to{LF}the married! ♪ Boy, you're so lucky to be married. I wanna get married{LF}someday, too. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? You look so happy it's like a flower{LF}just bloomed in your smile. I see you're still buzzing all over the place, despite being{LF}married now. ''I'm sure they're simply so happy they just can't hold still,{LF}m'lady.'' How is married life? Is it fun? ...And given the sappy look on{LF}your face, I shouldn’t have bothered asking. ''@しゅじんこうくん@, Dolly has been talking about you all the{LF}time lately.'' ''It seems she's HIGHLY curious about married life. Do you{LF}kiss your spouse every morning? ...And so on.'' I-I was just curious, okay? Pico, say another word and I will{LF}sew your mouth shut. @しゅじんこうくん@, you look even more alive than ever, today.{LF}It's like you are overflowing with happiness! Aha! I spy a newlywed! Hold still a sec, let me check. Wah?! H-Hey! Yep. Lovely. ♪ So that's what a happy heartbeat sounds like. Feel free to come chat with me at any time. I'll gladly listen{LF}to you gush about newlywed life. ♪ I wonder. Will I, too, someday find the happiness you have... Erm! My apologies. It's nothing. It seems marriage is a wonderful thing indeed. I can tell just{LF}by looking at you. To love. To be loved. To be joined as one. Marriage is like a{LF}miracle, that way. You have a very happy smile on your face, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}It shines almost as much as Mama's, yes? It seems Mama asked me if I might get married someday. If it means I would be as happy as you are, @しゅじんこうくん@,{LF}perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing. @しゅじんこうくん@! Do you have time to hang out... Erm, no. It seems I do not wish to disturb the newlyweds,{LF}yes? Hee hee! What? Is there something on my face? Yep. ♪ Happiness. It’s all over the place. Zzz... Zzz...AH! How strange. I dreamed I was watching your{LF}wedding ceremony again. It was such a nice ceremony. You have someone to wake up with you every morning now.{LF}I'm so jealous. I want to get married and have someone to wake me up on{LF}time too. You look even more lively now since getting married. Seeing{LF}you puts a little pep in my step. How is married life treating you? It's wonderful. I'm loving it! I see. That is good to hear. ''How to Build a Harmonious Home Life''. ''Ten Tips to Making{LF}Up''. ''The Choice to Live Apart''. Hrm... What’s on your mind, Arthur?{LF}You look so torn. I'm trying to decide what to give to you as a present. But... *SIGH* Choosing the most appropriate book for a{LF}newlywed is difficult. Boy, you make marriage look like a really great thing. It{LF}almost makes me wanna get married too. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Can I ask you a question? Is it fun{LF}being married? Yeah. Really fun. ♪ You looked amazing during your{LF}wedding ceremony, @しゅじんこうくん@. You should wear that outfit more often. What? If you're looking for someone to gush at, you've{LF}picked the wrong guy. You sure you can hang around with me? Won't your husband{LF}get jealous? ...Well, okay. Probably not. Hey, uh...@しゅじんこうくん@? It's, uh, good to know you found a{LF}good one to marry. Hm? Where'd this come from? What, you're gonna make me say it? Ugh. You gave me back{LF}my humanity, so I’m happy you're happy, okay? Thanks, @ディラス@. If I had been married, could I have been as happy as you...?{LF}No, never you mind. It's nothing. What, bored enough that you've come to join me in playing{LF}with fire? Huh?! Ha ha! A joke, a joke. You looked so happy I just couldn't{LF}help but tease. Hrm. Yes, I do believe you look even more lovely now. It{LF}seems love does make one more beautiful. Everybody's talking about how lovey-dovey you two get,{LF}y'know. No going overboard, 'kay? Gah! That smile could outshine the sun! Geez. How 'bout{LF}sharing some of that happiness, huh? Yo, newlywed! You're looking as happy-sappy as ever. The secret to a happy home life is happy tummies. Be sure to{LF}cook a full-course meal three times a day! With that much food, I think our tummies would be the{LF}opposite of happy... They say even a monster won't touch a lovers' spat, but I{LF}could eat them right up! ♪ Oh my! The light! The bright, shining light of your smile! Is{LF}this the power of marriage?! You know, @しゅじんこうくん@, everyone is talking about how{LF}lovey-dovey you two are. Hee hee! Now that you're married, why don't you come visit our baths{LF}as a couple? If you let me know ahead of time, I'll let you rent the whole{LF}bath so it’s just the two of you. I wonder if, someday, I'll get to see Xiao get married, just like{LF}you. I'm sure I'd be so happy and miss her so much I'd be crying{LF}the whole time. @しゅじんこうくん@, you look really happy. It's so obvious even{LF}a rookie gumshoe could tell. Oh ho! Is something afoot? Need a detective to dig into a{LF}case of infidelity, perhaps? Sorry. Don’t think you’ll get a case like that now or ever. Hm...? Well, isn’t that some lovely, smooth skin. So being in love DOES make a person more beautiful. That’s{LF}one mystery solved. We've actually had quite a few people visiting the clinic{LF}asking for advice on finding partners. I'm sure they were all inspired by your wonderful wedding{LF}ceremony. How do you find married life so far? It's great. ♪ Wonderful. I'm glad to hear that. As someone with a bit more experience in that area than{LF}you, I have some advice... Or...perhaps not. You don't seem like you need any advice at{LF}all. My, my! Now, I'm confident Jones and I are just as loving,{LF}but I think you’re outdoing us right now. ... What's wrong? You looked lost in thought for a minute there. Oh, I'm sorry. It’s just seeing you reminded me of when{LF}Jones and I were first married. If you ever get in a tiff, you come right on over to see me. I'll{LF}be more than happy to lend an ear. Talk Please check my gear. It's nothing. Heh. You look like you're walking on an inch of air still. Heck,{LF}the whole town does. Everyone is celebrating the happiness of one couple like it's{LF}their own. Y'know? This is a good town. Congrats on your marriage... I'm kinda late on that, huh?{LF}What's the best thing to say at a time like that? I think you can just be normal.{LF}That's fine. You seem even more chipper than usual. I guess they're right{LF}when they say love gives you energy. You aren't equipped with anything right now. If you want me to check your gear for you, go equip it first. What gear do you want to know about? Weapon: @アイテム0@ Shield: @アイテム1@ Armor: @アイテム2@ Headgear: @アイテム3@ Shoes: @アイテム4@ Accessory: @アイテム5@ Quit. This @アイテム0@ has been strengthened{LF}with... ...Wait, nothing's been used on it yet. ...@アイテム1@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@ and{LF}@アイテム2@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}and @アイテム3@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... and @アイテム4@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, and{LF}@アイテム5@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}and @アイテム6@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... ...and @アイテム7@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, and{LF}@アイテム8@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, @アイテム8@,{LF}and @アイテム9@. Hmm? It looks like... ...@アイテムA@ was used in making this. ...@アイテムA@ and{LF}@アイテムB@ were used in making this. ...@アイテムA@, @アイテムB@,{LF}and @アイテムC@ were used in making this. This was well made. I can tell something else, too. The materials used in making it were good quality. A lot of good materials were used in making it. The materials used in making it were great quality. The materials used in making it were almost perfect. Incredible! The materials used in making this were all perfect! Making this must have taken a lot of effort. Still... That and... It looks like it was made with some unusual materials. It looks like it was made with unusual materials. It looks like it was made with some rather unusual materials. It looks like it was made with rare materials. It looks like it was made with pretty rare materials. It looks like it was made with really rare materials. It looks like it was made with extremely rare materials. Incredible! This looks like it was made with nothing but the{LF}rarest of materials. It looks like @アイテム0@, but it has the{LF}abilities of @アイテム1@. Hey. How're you doing? What do you need? See you later. I came to chat. Show me your collection. Nothing. Congrats on your marriage. I'll say that lots of times. I like{LF}saying it. I'm looking for a particular gem. One that's perfect for a{LF}marriage. I'll make it into an accessory and give it to you. Just...wait a{LF}bit. Okay? You're happy being married. I can tell just by looking at you. ...What? Oh. Come again. Is Vishnal performing adequately as a husband? I hope his{LF}enthusiasm doesn’t have him running in circles. Ho ho ho! Vishnal is a lucky young man, indeed... Being so honored as to marry someone like you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@! Ah, Vishnal...! He has finally grown up! I am so happy I could{LF}just...just... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! Oh ho! Such a splendidly happy smile. I am glad to see it. Lately, I have been receiving many prayers for a good{LF}marriage. It is quite perplexing. It seems some people mistakenly credit me for bringing you{LF}and your spouse together. Now that you are married, it feels as if you do not come to{LF}talk as much, and I am growing bored. You may come for a chat whenever, you know. I will even{LF}listen to you gush about your spouse. My, my. You're looking even more lovely now that you're{LF}married. Almost as lovely as I once was. Remember the joys and the sorrows of each and every day. The more memories you have to reminisce over when you{LF}reach my age, the better. I'll admit a part of me was hoping that you might choose{LF}Doug someday. I’m sure @ダグ@ will find the right one for him before{LF}long. I do hope so. Though I doubt there are many folk out there{LF}better than you. Well, well. Welcome, newlywed.{LF}Looking for a whip to use on your spouse? Um, no thanks. I hear the happier a person is, the looser their purse strings{LF}get. That'd make you a pretty juicy mark right about now, I'd{LF}expect. Please don’t try to scam me. Y'know, @しゅじんこうくん@... You look like you're radiating{LF}happiness and good fortune right now. Say...mind standing by my shop door for a bit? Not a chance. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. What will your spouse call you? Choose a nickname for your spouse. Wake, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}It is time to rise. Mnn...g'morning, @ビシュナル@. Good morning. Did you sleep well? I have prepared breakfast for you.{LF}Please, have a seat. ... Yes? Is something the matter? It's just...you're awfully formal{LF}this morning. Very butler-ish. I am a 1-Star Butler now. I must maintain standards at all{LF}times. So he’s doing it on purpose... Here. I have prepared some{LF}delicious fried eggs for you.{LF}Please, dig in. Really? Thank you!{LF}*Munch* *Munch* *Munch*... Nghk?! So...bitter! Uh-oh. The underside is burnt to a{LF}crisp. What?! Argh! I’m so sorry! I did it{LF}again! And here I was sure I’d cooked{LF}them perfectly today... The top looks great, but the{LF}bottom is charcoal. That...actually{LF}takes some talent to pull off. Eheh heh... Do you think so?{LF}I like to think I’m getting better{LF}everyday at things. That wasn’t a compliment. Urk...! I knew it. I’m still such{LF}a novice... I wasn’t saying that. I’m blessed{LF}to have such an earnest and kind{LF}husband. No, I still have so far to go! I must work even harder to improve{LF}as both a husband and a butler,{LF}so I can earn my second star! Thank you for breakfast.{LF}I’ll clean up the dirty dishes. Thank you. I will go and make my formal{LF}morning greeting to Lady{LF}Ventuswill. There, that should do it. Huh. @ビシュナル@ still hasn't{LF}come back yet. I guess I’ll go say good morning{LF}to Venti too. G'morning, Venti. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hm? Where's @ビシュナル@? Vishnal? I have just sent him on{LF}an errand. Ah. Mmmm? What’s this? Separated only{LF}a few moments and already you miss{LF}him? It’s to be expected of a newlywed{LF}couple, I guess. Fires kindled are{LF}brightest at the start, they say! Er, yes, but that’s not what{LF}I meant. I was just thinking that he’s{LF}really putting everything into{LF}what he does. And you are not? Not compared to him, no. Every day I get so many things{LF}that are wonderful and make me{LF}happy... But I haven’t given back nearly as{LF}much as I’ve gotten yet. Oh ho. Gushing about your beloved?{LF}Ah, sweet youth! To witness such{LF}passion is truly invigorating! Venti! C’mon, I’m being serious. Ho ho ho! Apologies, apologies. However, if these thoughts are{LF}weighing on you, why not take{LF}action and show him how you feel? Oh? How? Hmmm...let’s see. Perhaps give him a thoughtful{LF}gift? It is a common answer, but{LF}it should get your point across. A present, huh? Yeah, that’s a good idea! Thanks! I’m going to go ask around and see{LF}what kind of suggestions everyone{LF}has! Ah...aaah...AHCHOOOOOOO! Whoa?! My goodness! Please excuse me. I’m terribly sorry for{LF}startling you. I have been minding the flowers for Vishnal, and they have{LF}me sneezing like there’s no tomorrow! And I’m here taking care of his nose. Oh, uh, you are? You're welcome to take care of me while I'm taking care of{LF}him while he's taking care of the flowers. Ah ha ha. I think I’ll pass. Awww. That’s too bad. Anyway, I have a question for you two, if you have a{LF}moment. Oh ho! And what might it be? Well, you see... A present? What a wonderful idea. What do you think he’d most like to get? Oh, I think he would love...a new pair of boots. Boots? Really? Why? Weeeeeeell, because... Ummm. Because...why again? I was asking you. Goodness. He has worn the soles of this pair thin and has been{LF}wondering if he should mend them or get new ones. ''Order new ones and buttle swiftly, or fix the old ones and{LF}save money, that is the question.'' ''Ah, but being married means new expenses, so to repair{LF}would be better than to buy.'' ...Is what I recall him saying. Though, to my well-trained eye, it looked as though he{LF}would much prefer a new pair. Ah, okay. Then I guess I’ll just have to get him a brand new pair so he{LF}can buttle at his best! Hmmm... But where do they sell boots like that? No idea. I’ll have to ask around. And if no one is selling them, I’ll just have to make them! Ah, young love! What devotion!!! Vishnal is a lucky man, indeed!{LF}WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Good luck! Happy boot hunting! I will! Thanks for the suggestion! Yo. Welcome. Hi. Um, is now a good time? Depends on what you mean by ''good.'' If you mean ''good,'' as in profitable...then nope. Things{LF}haven’t been ''good'' in a while. I meant more, do you have a minute for a few questions. Do I look busy? Nope! Good, I can take my time, then. Go for it. I’ve got so much free time, I’d sell it if I could. So, what’s up? I’m looking for a pair of boots that’ll let the wearer zip{LF}around at full speed. Whether or not you can go at full speed seems up to the{LF}wearer, not the boots, to me. Well, yeah. You aren’t wrong, but... Still, I guess there is a pair that fits the bill. Really?! Yeah. They’re called Comet Boots. With them on, even{LF}Blossom could outrun Dylas. I’ll take ‘em! Don’t got any. You don’t?! Nope. Can’t make what I don’t got, and getting all the{LF}materials you’d need for them is a pain. If it’s materials you need, I’ll go and get them!!! Really? You sure are fired up about this, ain’tcha? Well, I guess if you get the main stuff I can do it. Bring me a{LF}Skull Crystal and a Black Feather. I’ll handle the rest. One Skull Crystal and one Black Feather! Gotcha! I think someone in town has a Skull Crystal. As for the Black Feather, beat the Blackbird on Maya Road{LF}and you should get one. It's powerful, though. Be careful. I will! Oh, and just so you know, I'll be leaving Selphia for a while{LF}starting the 10th of this month. If you don’t bring the materials by the night of the 9th, I{LF}won’t be able to make the boots for you. Get the materials to you by the night of the 9th! Understood! I think someone in town has a Skull Crystal. Dylas, I hear you found an interesting crystal, yes? Hn? Oh, you mean this? Oooh! A Skull Crystal! ...! Is it worth anything? It seems it is a treasure that will have any crystal collector{LF}dripping from the mouth! Really? Huh. I just happened to hook it the other day while{LF}fishing and brought it with me. If it’s worth something, maybe I’ll hold on to it. Ah, excuse me! Please! Please give that crystal to me! What? @しゅじんこうくん@, that is no fair!{LF}I wanted it first! Please! I really, reeeally need that Skull Crystal! Hrm. You have reasons, then. It seems a good idea to tell us,{LF}yes? Well, you see... Ah. If that is the case, then the Skull Crystal is yours. Thank you, @シャオパイ@! Whoa, hold on just a minute.{LF}That crystal is MINE, thanks. No. It is already as good as @しゅじんこうくん@'s, yes? @ディラス@... Could I please have{LF}that crystal? Pretty pleeeease? Gah...! D-don't look at me like that! I never said I wasn't{LF}gonna give it to you. Here. Take the darn thing. Thanks, @ディラス@! You can get a Black Feather by beating the Blackbird on{LF}Maya Road. Be careful out there. There. Done. Thank you so much! [Received Comet Boots.] And to make sure he knows that I remembered his birthday... I carved ''From Bado, With Love'' on the soles. WHAT?! If I knew I’d get such a good reaction, I really would have{LF}done it. Wha...? Oh. It was just a joke? Mostly. Hm? What did you say? Nothing. Oh yeah. Payment. How much do I owe you? Nothing. It’s on the house. Say happy birthday to Vishnal for{LF}me. Thanks, @バド@. Oh ho! So these are the famed boots that grant the wearer{LF}unmatched speed! Yup. They’re called ''Comet Boots.'' Then if I put them on, I’ll go super fa...st... Zzz... She fell asleep on the spot?! My, my! Don’t you all look like you’re having fun. Good day, Ms. Nancy! We were just discussing the gift that @しゅじんこうくん@ has{LF}procured for Vishnal. Oh, how sweet of you! Eheh heh heh... So have you decided how you’re going to present them to{LF}him? Huh? Present them? I was just going to hand them over. Oh, no, no, no! You can’t do that. It’s important to make{LF}giving them to him a special occasion. If you make it special, even something as tiny as a pebble{LF}will shine like a diamond in his eyes! True... But I’m not really sure how to do that. I recommend doing it in a ''surprising'' way. While he’s reeling from shock, you hand him the gift. It will{LF}double the happiness! A surprising way, huh?{LF}That...seems harder than it sounds. Try doing something you don’t normally do. Fresh and new{LF}things can be pleasantly surprising! For example, were it Jones and myself, I might have him play{LF}the patient while I was the doctor. Oh, I get it! Then I could be his butler for a day! That’s a great idea! AHEM. @ヴォルカノン@? I hope that you are not thinking a butler’s duties simple or{LF}easy. Of course not! I’m fully prepared to work so hard I get a second star just{LF}like @ビシュナル@! Oh ho! Such spirit! I approve! Well, then. I shall personally instruct you in the art of{LF}buttling. Thank you, @ヴォルカノン@! Gosh, @しゅじんこうくん@ sure is starting to seem like Vishnal{LF}more and more. Hee hee. That’ll happen when you get married. @ヴォルカノン@, sir! What must I do first?! Firstly, and most importantly, a butler must know their{LF}master!!! In order to do so, I will have you shadow Vishnal for one full{LF}day! Follow in his footsteps. Observe his every move. Learn{LF}everything that there is to learn about him! Sir, yes, sir! My, my! Things seem to have gotten rather complicated. Still,{LF}Jones as the patient, hm? What fun... Mmm... G’morning, @ビシュナル@. Huh? Has he gone out already? Great. I’m supposed to be shadowing him. Day one on the{LF}job and I’m already late. Blossom, I've brought the poultice you requested. Why, thank you, young man.{LF}I appreciate it. My back has been aching something terrible{LF}of late. Nothing helps loosen it back up like this poultice, infused{LF}with Lady Ventuswill’s own breath. I’m glad you find it useful, madam.{LF}Please take care! Hm? @しゅじんこうくん@? What are you doing here? Oh, um, I'm supposed to shadow... Wait. Am I allowed to tell him I’m shadowing him today? Ah, you have business with Blossom, yes? Well, then, please take your time. I’m finished here and have{LF}business of my own at the Spring Field. Goodness, what a busy young man. Day in and day out he’s{LF}running all over Selphia doing things for others. I hope you let him put up his feet once he’s home, dear. Wow. I never knew he was THIS busy. All right. Time to clean.{LF}Let’s begin! Okaaay...mmmmm...zzz... Ack! Clorica! Oh well. I will just have to do it myself! Whew. That ought to do it. Clorica? Clorica! ...*SNORK*? Oh wow. The giant tree is gone.{LF}Amaaaazing... Good morning, Clorica! Today’s field work is complete! Could you please go and report this to Lady Ventuswill? There are bridge repairs I must see to now. If you will excuse{LF}me! @しゅじんこうくん@? What are you doing out here? I was just watching you in action. Oh? You could have let me know you were there. Sorry. It’s just, I really enjoy watching you work. You’re so devoted. Really? Ah ha ha... You’re making me blush. Hee hee! Oh! That’s right! I don’t have time to chat right now! Forgive me, but I must see to the repairs on Volkanon{LF}Bridge. Until later! Wow, he really is busy. Hmm... Now where was I going again? To report to Venti. Oh. That’s right. Thanks. ♪ There! That should do it. Now travelers may safely cross. I never knew Venti’s butlers had to do stuff like this too. Oops... @ビシュナル@?! Hm? @しゅじんこうくん@...{LF}Why are you...? Never mind that now. You need to rest. All right... Whew. I feel much better now. Are you always this busy? Today’s duties are actually quite light, all things considered. Usually I have training with Forte as well. You’re overdoing it. I can’t stay a novice forever. I must strive to be better. That’s not the problem. I think you’re already-- No. I have to become the best I can be or I won’t be able to{LF}support you. You don’t have to push yourself that hard for my sake. This is what I want to do. @ビシュナル@...thank you. But I still say you’re done for the day. Go home and take a{LF}nap. You need it. ...You might have a point there. Come on. Let’s return home. @しゅじんこうくん@. After shadowing Vishnal for a day, have you learned{LF}anything? Yes. I realized there were lots of things I thought I knew about{LF}him that I really didn’t. Now I want to try even harder to make my surprise the best{LF}it can be. So that I can put a smile on his face! The desire to give your all for your master... The feeling that{LF}your master’s joy is your own... Yes, it seems you have learned the foundational tenet of{LF}being a butler. And in so short a time, as well.{LF}Marvelous! Simply marvelous! I...I’m so moved...!{LF}WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Next are the practical skills, right? Correct. In regards to those, please read this over{LF}thoroughly.{LF}Miss not a page! Hm? A book? Indeed. It is an introductory guide to all things buttling! And{LF}my favorite book! Thank you. I’ll make sure to read it cover to cover. Also, I have given Vishnal the day off. Take the opportunity to rest, relax...and observe what skills{LF}of his you can steal. Yes, sir! Oooh, today is a vacation day?{LF}Yay! Clorica. I hear you took a nap during yesterday’s fieldwork. Erk...! As punishment, today you will perform your own duties{LF}without fail...as well as Vishnal’s. Awww! @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}I've been waiting for you. You knew I was coming? Mr. Volkanon told me. Here. Allow me to put on some tea. Hmmm... Elegant movements.{LF}Casual and unhurried service.{LF}An unwavering smile... Mm! ♪ This tea is delicious.{LF}It smells wonderful too. Thank you. Mr. Volkanon supplied it from his own personal{LF}stash. The trick is to watch the temperature of the water and how{LF}long it’s steeped to maximize the aroma. Really? Huh. That’s interesting. @しゅじんこうくん@...? It's been forever since we last got to relax together like this.{LF}It was fun! ♡ Yes, it was. You were certainly full of questions this time for some{LF}reason... But I don’t really mind. I enjoy explaining things, and I’m{LF}pleased you’ve taken an interest. Okay, then. It’s probably time we headed back. Already...? I wish we could have had a little more...private{LF}time. Mm? Erm! It’s nothing! Let’s go home! Now let’s see. The proper greetings for a butler to use are... Huh? This isn't the same as what @ビシュナル@ taught{LF}me... But @ヴォルカノン@ said this was his favorite book, so I{LF}doubt that it's wrong in any way. Hmmm... Okay! Time to study! Oh no. Mr. Volkanon summoned me. I wonder what I did{LF}wrong this time... Welcome home, Master! ♡ @しゅじんこうくん@? I'm ho—UM. Today I have the pleasure of serving as your butler. It’s an honor, Master. ♡ So...cute... Erm, um, wait a minute!{LF}What’s going on here?! Have I done something wrong, Master? Are you dissatisfied{LF}with me? N-no, I’m not saying that... Then it’s all right if I serve you? Urk... I-I guess so. I have no idea what’s happening, but you{LF}may. Splendid! This way please, Master. ♡ @しゅじんこうくん@, I have to say, your, um, technique sounds a{LF}little...off. Hrmmm. True, it seems—AH!{LF}Don’t tell me... Did I accidentally give her my book of strange Eastern{LF}traditions instead of the buttling primer...? It looks like Vishnal is having fun, though. All’s well that ends{LF}well, right? Would you like another helping of curry, Master? Urp... No, thank you. I’m full. Now it’s your turn to eat, @しゅじんこうくん@. Please have a{LF}seat and I will serve you. Oh no, Master. No can do.{LF}Today ''I'' am the butler. But... Nuh-uh. Be a good boy now, Master. Urk! A-all right. But this still feels so strange... I must say, @しゅじんこうくん@ makes a fine butler, indeed. One almost wishes that you were a butler instead of a{LF}princess. Really? Wow, maybe I should join the castle service full-time,{LF}then. ♪ No! Absolutely not! I’M the butler! I'M going to serve YOU! I have served you, and I will keep serving you forever and{LF}ever!! Ooh, then @しゅじんこうくん@ can serve me... And Vishnal can dedicate himself to serving @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}How's that? No! No! Double NO!!! @しゅじんこうくん@ is mine, and I won't let anyone else have{LF}her! @ビシュナル@... I was just kidding. @クローリカ@, your jokes never sound completely like{LF}jokes... Well, then! Now that we have seen Vishnal's dedication to{LF}service, let us take our leave, Clorica. Okaaay... Isn’t it about time you explained?{LF}What’s this been all about? Hee hee! Weeeeell... Ta-daaah! It's so I could give you this! Happy birthday, @ビシュナル@! ...!! You remembered... O-of course! What kind of wife would forget her husband’s{LF}birthday? Ah ha...ha... But anyway, go on! Open it! Okay. ...Oh! Boots! A brand new pair of boots! Such craftsmanship! Thank you so much! They’re wonderful! Hee hee. You’re welcome! Ah! And you even had ''With Love'' written on the soles.{LF}That's so nice! Huh? Hm? Nothing... @バド@! Do you mind if I put them on? Go for it. ♪ Wah?! Oh my goodness! It’s as if my feet are as light as air! Hee hee! I'm glad you like them. Okay, I'll put on some tea for you. Let's sit down and{LF}celebrate your birthday for real. ♪ No, no. Please, allow me. I have just enough of Mr. Volkanon's tea left for two cups. Okay, then. Brew away! Here you go, @しゅじんこうくん@. Mm. Delicious. ♪ Whew. I feel so much better now that everything’s back to{LF}normal. Yeah, this does feel right. Yes. Let's stay together, just like this, from now on. Yeah. ♡ Awww...{LF}I couldn't decide on a present. What were you doing all this time? Eheh heh... Sorry. It is fine. Just be sure to make{LF}up your mind next time. Okay, I will. Darn it...! I couldn’t get the boots! What, have you holes in your boots? Not mine, no. @ビシュナル@, I’m so sorry!{LF}I promise I'll make it up to you{LF}later! WAH! YIPES?! Wh-what is it?! Nothing... Have you failed at something{LF}yet again? What do you mean, ''again''? But...yeah. I did. I messed up big time. It was such a good present too...{LF}I feel so bad now. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. G'morning, @ビシュナル@. Good morning! Today I have prepared breakfast for you. It’s{LF}''nearly-but-not-quite-burnt'' toast. Wow, it’s edible this time?{LF}That’s a huge success! @ビシュナル@, time to get up. If you don't hurry, you'll be{LF}late. Ack! Oh no! Ah...my glasses!{LF}Where did I put my glasses?! Don’t worry. You don’t wear glasses. A DYNAMIC good morning to you! Um... Using the same greeting every morning is uninspired, so I{LF}borrowed one of Porcoline’s. ♪ Good morning, my sweet little Curry Manju. Did you hit your head on the bedpost? Awww, was it not good? Leon said that it was the perfect{LF}morning greeting. @しゅじんこうくん@, time to be up. Mmnph...? Urk! S-so cute! Never mind! Please stay as you are, just like{LF}that! Forever! Having breakfast together with you like this is one of the{LF}happiest times of the day for me. ♪ If there's anything I don't like about mornings, it's having to{LF}say goodbye to you when I go to work. I had a dream last night where two of you proposed to me{LF}at once. If I married both of you at the same time, would that make{LF}me an adulterer? Oh! But on the other hand, I couldn’t possibly say no to{LF}either of you! @しゅじんこうくん@, could you please pat me on the head? Hm? Like this? HRAAAAAAAH!! Now I have the energy to tackle the day! Today’s goal: do at least three good deeds! Well, you got me up, made breakfast, and called me cute. I'd{LF}say you already hit your target. I made curry for you this morning. Aaah...! I’m the luckiest man in the world! I’m so glad I{LF}married you! You seem awfully busy. Is there any assistance I can offer{LF}you? Nope, I’m good. Thanks, though. You just focus on your{LF}work today, okay? All right. If you’re sure. But if you need anything, please don’t{LF}hesitate to ask. Ooh! Ouch... My boots are so worn that the soles can’t get{LF}traction anymore. I’m slipping all over. I have to hurry and get those boots for him! Are you looking for something?{LF}Why not ask Illuminata for help? She IS the Great Detective, after all! Thanks for the suggestion, but I bet it’d turn into a cold case{LF}real fast, so...pass. Oh my goodness! Whatever happened?{LF}You’re covered in bruises! Oh, um, I bumped into @バド@...{LF}That’s all. Please be more careful when walking around. Here. Some{LF}ointment for any soreness. You certainly are well prepared. Eheh heh. Well, I AM a butler, after all! ...Actually, I just carry{LF}some for myself. Um, you be careful too, okay? Wah! You surprised me! Goodness, you are a sight to behold. Just like a princess... Married or not, I will not slack off! My dedication will not flag{LF}until I am a respectable butler!!! ...Though I admit sometimes I worry that I’ll never get to sit{LF}down again. ...Though I admit sometimes I worry that I’ll never get to sit{LF}down again. Is there anything that scares you, @ビシュナル@? Indeed, there is. The one thing that scares me the most is{LF}the thought of losing you. O-oh. Look! Look me in the eye! Wow, you're on fire today. Yes! And my love for you is the fuel! Ah, you’re so cute... Uh, @ビシュナル@?{LF}Who are you talking to? Ack! I'm sorry! I was just imagining what our children might look like, and{LF}they were so cute that I had to say it. Um, @ビシュナル@?{LF}Do you really love me? Of course I do! I love you with more fiery passion than even{LF}the spiciest of curries! Will you still marry me, even in our next lives? If you can find me, definitely. ♪ I promise I will find you, even if you are reborn as a{LF}Chipsqueek! With two goals to work towards, every day feels very{LF}fulfilling. Two goals? Yes! To be the best 3-Star Butler there is, and to be the best{LF}husband I can be! Yikes! The field is a complete mess!{LF}Nobody can use it like this. *Whyyy?! I'm not supposed to be called, so tell the script team. @しゅじんこうくん@, smile. Smile! You're married now, y'know! Woo-hoo-hoo! ♪ Hot stuff, coming through! Uh...Amber? Where'd that come from? Dunno! Ellie just said I oughta say it next time I saw you. Oh. Hee hee! Just looking at a newlywed makes me feel all{LF}happy inside! Well, you certainly look pleased with yourself. Is marriage{LF}really that nice a thing? ''All you have to do is marry me to find out for yourself,{LF}Dolly!'' My, you can dream while still being wide awake? Aren't you{LF}the deft one? ''Huh?!'' You seem awfully busy despite being a newlywed. Or is it{LF}because you're a newlywed? That is one awfully sappy grin on your face. Ah well. I guess{LF}you have a right to be that happy. Ooh, I like how you two are entirely in step with each other.{LF}Oh! It's giving me an idea for a new song! Hey, did you know that Selphia's going through its biggest{LF}love-craze ever? I guess you two must've kicked off a trend. Ha ha! La-laa ♪ La-ti-laa... ♪ It's like the whole town is still basking in the afterglow of{LF}your{LF}wedding ceremony. ♪ Goodness, you have such a satisfied look on your face. I can{LF}tell that married life suits you well. Two people from two different lands find each other and join{LF}as one to walk the same path...I'm jealous. Once married, one must grow strong enough to protect{LF}one's family from any and all danger. I will gladly join you for sparring at any time. Hn? Ah. I thought I sensed a happy aura. It seems a{LF}newlywed was coming by, yes? Did I just see you skipping along? It is good to know you are{LF}happy. @しゅじんこうくん@, is it me, or are you a little more plump?{LF}This must be what they mean by filled with happiness. My, you seem awfully busy. Once things settle down, we should have tea. I'd love to{LF}hear about newlywed life from you. Seeing how splendid the ceremony for your wedding was... I've been wondering if there was some way we could{LF}advertise Selphia as a trendy wedding destination... Ha ha... You really are all about your job, aren’t you? I’ve always been more focused on my work than on my{LF}personal life. But seeing how happy you are is making me consider being{LF}wedded to more than my job. Don't worry, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Married or not, I am still your butler. If you are ever in need of anything, do not hesitate to ask! You must feel so lucky being able to marry the one you love{LF}the most. Yep! I think that every day.{LF}It still feels like a dream. One day, I'm going to be as competent and capable as you{LF}are, @しゅじんこうくん@! Congrats on your marriage! Happy occasions like that are so great that I wanna{LF}celebrate them over and over. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Is it me, or have you changed? You look more mature and responsible. All thanks to having{LF}a spouse, I guess. I'm sure you want to hang out with your husband as much as{LF}possible, but don't forget about me. I guess marriage ain't all that bad. Who would've thought I'd think that someday. You must be{LF}rubbing off on me. Hey. Keep your distance.{LF}Your happy-sappy newlywed aura makes my ears itch. Once you're bored with that whole being married thing, let's{LF}go fishing. Just let me know whenever. Getting married hasn’t slowed you down at all, has it? You{LF}certainly seem to be busy running errands. Marriage is sweet but sours once the honeymoon is over...is{LF}what many people say, anyway. Though in your case, I can see you two being sappy and{LF}happy until your dying days. Spending time with your spouse is to be expected, I guess,{LF}but don't forget to come hang out sometimes. ... What? Is it me, or are you looking cooler than before? Dang it, that{LF}power of marriage stuff is real! Now that you're married, don’t go forgetting your old{LF}buddies. If you ever wanna talk, come on over. Dang it, now I wanna get married! And just so you know, it's{LF}all your fault. Extra super special congratulations to you!!! How is married{LF}life? Is it as delicious as it looks? Watching someone so happy makes me so very hungry. If I were to sit you at my table now, I think I could eat{LF}forever and ever. ♪ You have such a dignified air to you now! So this is what{LF}having someone to protect will do. @しゅじんこうくん@, don't leave your spouse's side for too long,{LF}okay? And definitely no turning into a wanderer. Seeing you two happily married makes me think about Papa{LF}and what we were like way back when. If you get home first, be sure to warm the house up nice and{LF}toasty, okay? Coming back to a nice and toasty home is the loveliest{LF}feeling. A detective so clever they unraveled the universal mystery of{LF}love... @しゅじんこうくん@, you make an excellent rival. You may be newlyweds, but get all lovey-dovey in front of{LF}me and I'll arrest you. *SNIFF* *SNIFF* *SNIFF*... Hmph.{LF}Not even a whiff of intrigue! You two must be getting along{LF}great. My, my. A smile that bright each day will certainly keep the{LF}doctor away. The secret to a happy marriage is apologizing first. Nothing{LF}good comes from being stubborn. Just in case, I suggest having a first aid kit in your house. That way, if you get in a spat with your spouse and blood{LF}flows, you’ll have it on hand. @しゅじんこうくん@, are you happy? Just kidding. I know the{LF}answer just by looking at you. Mm? Your eyes seem a little puffy. Missing some sleep, are{LF}we? I guess that's no surprise in a newlywed. Be sure you tell your spouse that you love them every day,{LF}okay? Nurse's orders. Talk Please check my gear. It's nothing. Y'know, every time I see you, you have a big smile on your{LF}face. Good to know you're happy. *GULP* Ugh... I’ll never, ever, get used to airships. Are you okay? Yeah. One sec... Though, looking at you makes me feel like{LF}I'm going from air-sick to happy-sick. Ah well. I'll take the latter over the former any day. A word of warning... When women get married, they change.{LF}Be ready. Though, well...I'm sure they say the same about us. You aren't equipped with anything right now. If you want me to check your gear for you, go equip it first. What gear do you want to know about? Weapon: @アイテム0@ Shield: @アイテム1@ Armor: @アイテム2@ Headgear: @アイテム3@ Shoes: @アイテム4@ Accessory: @アイテム5@ Quit. This @アイテム0@ has been strengthened{LF}with... ...Wait, nothing's been used on it yet. ...@アイテム1@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@ and{LF}@アイテム2@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}and @アイテム3@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... and @アイテム4@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, and{LF}@アイテム5@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}and @アイテム6@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... ...and @アイテム7@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, and{LF}@アイテム8@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, @アイテム8@,{LF}and @アイテム9@. Hmm? It looks like... ...@アイテムA@ was used in making this. ...@アイテムA@ and{LF}@アイテムB@ were used in making this. ...@アイテムA@, @アイテムB@,{LF}and @アイテムC@ were used in making this. This was well made. I can tell something else, too. The materials used in making it were good quality. A lot of good materials were used in making it. The materials used in making it were great quality. The materials used in making it were almost perfect. Incredible! The materials used in making this were all perfect! Making this must have taken a lot of effort. Still... That and... It looks like it was made with some unusual materials. It looks like it was made with unusual materials. It looks like it was made with some rather unusual materials. It looks like it was made with rare materials. It looks like it was made with pretty rare materials. It looks like it was made with really rare materials. It looks like it was made with extremely rare materials. Incredible! This looks like it was made with nothing but the{LF}rarest of materials. It looks like @アイテム0@, but it has the{LF}abilities of @アイテム1@. Hey. How're you doing? What do you need? See you later. I came to chat. Show me your collection. Nothing. Seeing you smile makes me miss him. Everyone is still talking about your wedding. What a nice{LF}town. You’re sparkling more than a polished crystal. You must be{LF}really happy. ...What? Oh. Come again. Clorica is like a daughter to me. Take good care of her,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Should you find Clorica asleep somewhere, brush her{LF}eyelashes with a finger. That should do it. Clorica has not been falling asleep on the job so much of{LF}late. It is truly amazing what love can do. You seem the happiest I have ever seen you. Good, good. I{LF}am glad. However, remember that happiness takes effort to maintain.{LF}Continue to keep up your good work. I thought marriage might settle you down some, but it seems{LF}you are still your indomitable self. I feel much better about that. A settled and subdued you is not truly you at all. @しゅじんこうくん@. Have you not been a little cold to me of{LF}late? Do not let marriage change you too much, all right? Erm, that is simply my sage advice as someone with much{LF}experience. It is not because I am lonely... I can only hope that seeing how happy you are will convince{LF}Doug that he should settle down too. My, my. You've got quite the solid and reliable look to you{LF}these days. Why, if I were thirty years younger, I think I'd be smitten by{LF}you too. I hope that you two grow to be as close and loving a couple{LF}as Jones and Nancy. I stocked up on flowers for your wedding, but they didn't sell{LF}all that well. I guess most people go to a flower shop for that sort of{LF}thing. Boy, running a shop sure takes effort. You sure look like your wedding's got you on cloud nine. Be{LF}careful not to fall for any scams. Oh, I'll be careful, all right. Why did you look at me when you said that? I thought I might try to pull something on you while your{LF}head’s in the clouds, but eh. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. What will your spouse call you? Choose a nickname for your spouse. The test for your second star as a butler? Yes. I think I want to try taking it. Sounds good to me. Is it coming up soon? Do you know{LF}what it covers? Ummm... Not a clue, huh? I’m sure Mr. Volkanon knows, though. Okay. Let’s go ask him. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Clorica, you wish to test for your second star?! I-is that a bad thing...? Never! You never want me to take the test? Oh dear. I’m shocked. Oh, no, no, no! It is not a bad thing at all! In fact, it is{LF}splendid news! What a coincidence. I’m planning on taking next year’s test{LF}for my second star, as well. Ooh, really? Then you know what the test is going to be on,{LF}@ビシュナル@? Of course! There’s a written test and a skills test! Only those who pass{LF}the written may take the skills test. Oh, and in case you didn’t know, this year’s test will be held{LF}on the next festival day. Next festival day... Wait! That’s in six days! Oh my. That’s very soon. Hrm...indeed. If you focus on studying the next few days, it{LF}might be possible to pass, Clorica. But I would suggest you wait until next year and take it{LF}together with Vishnal. I think I’ll take the one coming up now. And I will pass it! Somehow! ''Somehow''? Oh! What glorious gumption! What spirit! Clorica, I shall fill{LF}out the paperwork for you at once! I have lots of study manuals for the written portion. You can{LF}borrow them if you'd like. Ooh, thank you, Mr. Volkanon, Vishnal. Okay. I'll handle all the house stuff so you can study. Take{LF}some time off from being my butler. Nope. I don’t want to do that. As both a butler and as your wife, I want to keep doing my{LF}best. @クローリカ@... But, um...I might ask for a favor or two, if you don't mind. Sure! We're married now, after all! I'll do everything I can to support you! @しゅじんこうくん@...I'll be counting on you. Lean on me all you need! Okay, let's do this! Yeah! Let’s...*YAAAAAWN*... Oh boy... Um, @クローリカ@? There seem to be a bunch of your{LF}study notes hanging on the clothesline... Do you know why...? Bringing freshly drawn water to a rolling boil is the standard{LF}procedure for making tea... @クローリカ@! Shirts aren't for writing on! ...Oh. Those aren't your notes, anyway.{LF}THESE are your notes. ...Oh. @クローリカ@...? ...Oh. Zzz... She's asleep! @クローリカ@, wake up! Mnnn? Oh. @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Good morning. ...! Oh dear. Now I’ve done it. You usually manage to handle most of your chores while{LF}asleep... But trying to do those, your job, and study is all a bit too{LF}much, I guess. I made such a big promise, but I’m not backing it up at all. I can’t keep going like this... But I just can’t help it. I get sooooo sleeeeeeepy... Don’t worry! I’ll do something! I promised that I would support you no matter what, and I{LF}will! Just give me a bit, and I’ll figure this out. Someone in town{LF}must know a way to stay awake. You’ll do that for me? Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. Zzz... Something to help you stay awake? Yeah, I really need something like that. Any ideas? Doesn't exist. ...Oh. Now. Huh? I had some before I came here.{LF}No-Sleep Tea. Ah! That sounds perfect!{LF}Can I have some of that, please? I said I don't have any now. My supply was stolen. A Sechs soldier with a dragon took it{LF}when I was going through the Empire. If you get it back for me, I'll give you half. It’s very expensive. You won’t find it anywhere else. Will you do it? Sechs Territory, was it? Yeah, I'll do it! We have a deal. A small tin with tea leaves...{LF}This must be it! Raven's No-Sleep Tea! I should return it right{LF}away. You got it. Thanks. Here’s your share. One spoonful per teapot is enough to keep you awake for{LF}three days. Don’t use too much. Or else. I won't. Thank you! Let's go make some of this into tea for @クローリカ@ right{LF}away! I’m back! *YAAAAAWN*{LF}Welcome back, @しゅじんこうくん@. You look sleepy again. As always. But, here. I brought you{LF}something to help. Oooh, what is it? It’s called No-Sleep Tea. It’s said that one spoonful will keep{LF}you awake for three straight days. @しゅじんこうくん@... You aren't pushing yourself too hard just{LF}for me, are you? Compared to how hard you’ve been working, I’ve barely{LF}done anything at all. Awww... That makes me so happy all my sleepiness went{LF}away for a whole second. Let me put on a pot and brew this{LF}right away. Oh! But at this rate, you might be stuck with no sleep either,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Don’t worry. I planned on being up the whole time anyway{LF}to cheer you on! Really? That’s so nice of you. Aah. That was lovely. Well? Do you feel more awake? Hmmm... I don’t know. Huh. Maybe it takes a bit to kick in. Let me try a sip. Mmm. It IS nice tea, but I can’t tell if it’s working, either. Maybe it’s too weak? How much did you put in? You said three spoonfuls to stay awake for one day, so I{LF}used three. Th-three?! I said ONE spoonful to stay awake for THREE{LF}days. Oh? You did? If you used three spoonfuls, then... Whoa! @しゅじんこうくん@? Is something wrong? I feel...awake. Really, really, REALLY awake! O-oh boy... I-I-I c-c-can't hold it in any m-m-more! I’m gonna go run around Selphia a thousand times!!! Goodness. I wonder what’s gotten into @しゅじんこうくん@. Ah well. Time to study. ... Hm? I'm...not sleepy. I'm not sleepy at all! Now I can focus on studying! I’m back!!! My, you’re late. What have you been up to? Running. EVERYWHERE. My whole body feels like it’s vibrating. It’s impossible to{LF}stand still. That No-Sleep Tea is no joke. What about you? I’m not sleepy at all, either. I caught up on all the chores I was behind on, and finished{LF}all my work. I also looked over everything for the test, so I went back and{LF}read it all again. Wow. That’s amazing! I’ve never felt so clear-headed in my whooooole life. Things are so much easier when you’re not sleepy. It’s no fair{LF}you guys get this all the time. Wow. Under all that sleepiness you’ve got some incredible{LF}power, huh, @クローリカ@? *YAAAWN* You’re yawning?! I’ve been awake for a whole day, so it’s no surprise I’m{LF}sleepy. How about we go to bed? Seriously? After having tea that strong? ...Are you human? I’m not tired in the slightest. I could run to the Water Ruins{LF}and back. In fact, I think I will. Awww... I’ll miss you. Even when I’m not super sleepy, I still{LF}want to have you by my side. Ah, I gotcha. I’ll stay here, then. Right here, just jogging in{LF}place. Really? Thank you. Good night, @しゅじんこうくん@. G'night, @クローリカ@. Now, then. I shall announce the results of the written test. O-okay... *GULP* Hrm? Ah... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! @ヴォルカノン@?! Oh dear. I guess I failed. Not at all! You passed! I...I did?! I can hardly believe it myself, but the results are most{LF}definitely correct! Congrats, @クローリカ@! I passed... Ho ho ho! Is your sleepy self just a disguise you use to hide{LF}your true potential? Congratulations, Clorica. It looks like you’re one step ahead{LF}of me this time. I never would have been able to do it on my own. I had a lot{LF}of help. Your support especially meant a whole, whole, whooole lot{LF}to me, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you. I really didn’t do much. You were the one who studied hard{LF}and passed, @クローリカ@. Ahhh. This surely must be the power of love. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Next is the skills test! Do you know what it’ll be on, @ビシュナル@? No. I hear that only those who have passed the written test{LF}are told ahead of time. Hrm. In regards to that test... It may be more difficult than{LF}expected. Really...? Just the other day, we received an official communique from{LF}the king. We’ve been ordered to hold an enormous festival to honor{LF}Lady Ventuswill. It seems the king had a dream about one of his ancestors, of{LF}all things... Who told him he must put on such an event as soon as{LF}possible. Thus, it will be next festival day! However, nothing is yet{LF}planned! All has been left to my discretion! Um, then the skills test... Have you not guessed? It will be to act as my assistant and see that the festival is a{LF}success! Oh my goodness... The test is a job that big and important? You may decline, if you wish. As this is a national event, it{LF}will require a great deal of work. I’ll do it! You will?! Erm, are you sure you should accept that quickly, Clorica? I’m...not really confident... But I want to do everything I can to help. Wow! She’s really fired up! @クローリカ@, let me know if I can help. I'll do anything! Really? That's wonderful.{LF}Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Clorica, I’m counting on you! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Have you thought up any plans for the festival? Well, um...not really. Nothing at all?! I have a few ideas, but none of them have that special{LF}something, you know? Oh? Tell me. Maybe one of them will work, after all. A snooze-a-thon to see who can sleep the most. A ‘silliest{LF}thing said in one’s sleep’ contest... A nap-in where you can sleep by Lady Ventuswill. A sleep-{LF}sprint to see who can fall asleep fastest... Ah ha ha... Those do sound like something you’d come up{LF}with. They’re, uh, super soporific! Is that good? It’s not, is it... @しゅじんこうくん@, please help me come up with more ideas! S-sure! I’ll do my best! Ugh. It's no good. I can't think of anything, either. Maybe I shouldn’t have accepted, after all... No, don’t give up! But I don’t seem to have any good ideas in me at all. Wait...that’s it! If you don’t have any good ideas IN you... Why not go look{LF}for them OUTSIDE of you! Outside? Yeah! We can go around and ask everyone what kind of{LF}events they’d like to have. Let’s go! You want to hold a festival for Lady Ventuswill? That’s wonderful! You’ll definitely need some music, then. How about writing some songs and putting on a recital to{LF}entertain both Lady Ventuswill and the crowd! A recital? What a great idea!{LF}I’m sure everyone would love that. Doodaaada, laataaala ♪{LF}And I already have an idea for a good melody! You just have to let me sing for the festival! A festival of giving thanks for Lady Ventuswill? I think that’s a{LF}terrific idea. Is there any sort of event that you’d like to see or do,{LF}@フォルテ@? Hmmm... How about a sword dance? I would not mind performing a stately and dignified exhibition{LF}of the blade in her honor. Oooooh, a sword dance? That sounds powerful. Yes, please! I shall have one polished and ready in time for the festival,{LF}then. Ooooh, a festival for Lady Ventuswill? How marvelous! What{LF}fun! I want to help! Moi! Moi! I’ll cook up a feast to end all feasts! Succulent meats,{LF}sumptuous soups, desserts made of dreams!!! I’m drooling already!!! What, a festival?! Yep. To say thanks to Venti. We're going around asking everyone what sorts of events{LF}they want to see or do... Ooh ooh ooh! I'll do one! I'll do one! Sure. What’ll it be? Huh? Um...it’s a surprise. You’ll see. Just make sure you leave a slot open for me. Got it? I’m both curious and scared to see what it’ll be... I’m back! Hmmm... Maybe fortune-telling based on sleep posture?{LF}Ummm... @クローリカ@, listen to these!{LF}Everyone had some really great ideas for events! Really? It looks like they all want to show Venti their thanks in their{LF}own ways using their best talents. A song from @マーガレット@.{LF}A sword dance from @フォルテ@. @ポコリーヌ@ is going to prepare a feast, and{LF}@ダグ@ is... Well, he said he'd do something. At this rate, we'll have a huge variety of great events for the{LF}festival! Everyone... Here I was, worrying over it all by myself, like it was a{LF}festival just for me. But this festival is for everyone. @しゅじんこうくん@...thank you.{LF}Thank you for teaching me something important. I'll start working right now to put everyone's ideas into a{LF}formal plan. Great work, @クローリカ@. Mnnn... Can I sleep now, please... Whew. Okay, the things that have to be decided in today’s{LF}meeting are... @クローリカ@ looks awfully pale. I hope she isn't pushing{LF}herself too hard... Now about the order of events on the day of the festival... Why not kick things off with the music? It’ll set the tone for{LF}fun and excitement! Whoa, now. You should save that until after I’ve got the{LF}crowd laughing with my thing. Your ''thing,'' hmm? And what would that be? I can’t tell you that! If I spoil the secret now, there won’t be{LF}any surprise left for the day! Uh-huh. Sure. Bet you Dylas’ tail that you haven’t even{LF}thought of anything yet. Y-yes I have! Might I suggest, then, opening the festival in a dignified{LF}manner with my sword dance? That ought to be saved for later.{LF}I really think we should start with my songs. No! I get to start it off! Um, everyone? Please calm down... I know everyone’s excited to show off, but it’s a day for us{LF}all to have fun. Can’t we compromise...? I’m not saying it because I want to show off. I really think it’s{LF}best for the festival overall. I am also presenting the order of events which I believe to{LF}be best. Me too! What do you think, @クローリカ@? Hmmm... Okay. We'll make the opening event everybody's all{LF}at once, then. All...at once? What do you mean? Forte can do her sword dance to Meg's music. Oh, I get it! Yeah, I like that idea! I'm sure my dance will be all the more powerful for it too! Hey, what about me? Doug, you can be the host and warm up the crowd before{LF}introducing Forte and Meg's performance. The host, huh... Yes. Your job will be to get the crowd engaged and make{LF}them laugh. It’s a very important role.{LF}Can you do it? Heck yeah, I can! I’m the only one here who CAN do it! Just{LF}leave it to me! Whew. Thanks to @クローリカ@'s quick thinking,{LF}everything worked out somehow... *SIGH*... She looks exhausted. Now, Clorica, if I may? Regarding the position of my booth{LF}on the festival day... Yes...of course... *YAAAAAAAAAAAAAWN* ... @クローリカ@! ... Mnn... Ah. @しゅじんこうくん@. Good morning. Thank goodness. You're finally awake. Hm? Where...? Wasn’t I just talking with Porcoline...? You were, but you collapsed. What? Oh no! I was just listening to his question about his booth... Don’t worry. It’s okay. You still managed to direct everything perfectly, even while{LF}asleep. I did...? Yep. It’s a pretty unique talent, that’s for sure. The test judge, Mr. Beyer, was really surprised too. Mr. Beyer was there? Yeah. It looks like he came to observe you while you{LF}worked. Really? I don’t have time to stand around napping, then. Whoa, hold on a sec. You really shouldn’t push yourself so{LF}much right now. I’m fine, really. Thanks to you,{LF}I got a nice nap. ♪ I can keep going! Just a little more! My thanks, everyone! Today was truly outstanding! Every event touched me deeply, and they were all very{LF}entertaining! Margaret’s song was beautiful and moving. Forte’s sword dance was dazzling. I will remember this day for all eternity! You're welcome! I am deeply honored, my lady. Ahem! Erm... Um... Hm? Ah, yes. Doug. Your impersonations were, mmm...quite...{LF}fantastical. Er...thanks? But they were still charming and fun. I enjoyed them. Ha! I knew you had good taste, Venti! Ah ha ha... I hear that Porcoline’s booth was very popular all day, as{LF}well. Oh my, yes! Droves and droves of customers lined up for our{LF}limited-time-only ''Venti Bowl''! Having tasted it myself, I can understand why. It was{LF}positively delectable. You are too kind, my lady! Now, then. I have been informed that there was a hidden{LF}mastermind behind today’s great success... Ahem. Clorica? Yes, Lady Ventuswill? You did a splendid job assisting Volkanon with the festival. I{LF}thank you. Aww...you don't have to... Yeah! Thanks, Clorica! Well done, Clorica. You really outdid yourself. Everyone... Now, now. Dry your tears. We shall now announce the results of the skills test for{LF}Clorica’s second star. Butler Judge Beyer, if you please. Yes, my lady. Oh dear, here we go... It’ll be fine, @クローリカ@.{LF}I’m sure you did well. Firstly, allow me to congratulate you on the success of{LF}today’s festival. Thank you, sir. Now that you have completed the skills portion of your test,{LF}what do you think of your performance? Hmmm. Well... I couldn’t think of any good events on my own, and I made{LF}myself so tired that I fainted in a meeting. I learned a whole lot about what my limits are. You are being honest. Excellent. Your inability to come up with an event plan yourself, your{LF}lack of self-care which caused you harm... Both are cause for point deductions. I knew it... That you relied so heavily upon your spouse,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@, is no feather in your cap, either. No, sir... However. I WAS very impressed by your ability to execute work after{LF}you collapsed. You efficiently and effectively dispensed instructions while{LF}completely unconscious. I am sure that is the result of your leadership and dedication{LF}to your responsibilities. And I’m sure it's the result of me falling asleep during work{LF}all the time... A 2-Star Butler must not only give their all for their master,{LF}but also set a good example. The knowledge, discretion, and skill you displayed today are{LF}all qualities essential to that rank. Accordingly, I hereby declare a mark of ''Pass'', and confer{LF}unto you the rank of 2-Star Butler. Thank you, sir! Clorica, you did it! I... I...!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Congratulations, @クローリカ@! You did it! You got your{LF}second star! Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. I couldn’t have done it without you. Of the two stars I have, one of them really belongs to you. Why, thank you. Now let’s shoot for that third star! Um...I think I’m okay with just this for now. Instead of a third star...how about we, um, go for a third{LF}member of our family? ...!! You'll help me with that, right? O-of course! I guess it’s no surprise it didn’t work out. Getting a second{LF}star is pretty tough. Of course it’s not easy. But if she continues to work hard and grow, I’m sure Clorica{LF}will be given another chance. Stay by her side and support her as best you can. Yeah... Venti, I'm really sorry. We tried hard, but the festival just{LF}didn’t come together. Do not worry yourself over it. The timing was entirely too{LF}soon in the first place. I shall speak to the king myself on behalf of Volkanon and{LF}Clorica. Whew. Thanks! Oh. @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Good mooooorning. G'morning, @クローリカ@. Good morning! Whoa. You're actually up earlier than I am for once. Zzz... Ah ha ha. She’s just talking in her sleep. Hmmm. Now what should we have for breakfast...? There’s no need to think so hard about it. Anything’s fine,{LF}really. Ummm...hmmm... Maybe we should just skip breakfast. Anything but that! You looked really happy while you were sleeping. What{LF}were you dreaming about? A nice, warm nap. It was so cozy... I wonder if sleeping in your dreams gives you bonus rest or{LF}something. Mnnn...just five more minutes... Go ahead. I’m going to get up, though. Nooooo...stay with meeeeeee... ... Still asleep? Yep. Still asleep. Ah. You’re awake. I was listening to your breathing as you slept. It’s so soft and{LF}even. ♪ *YAAAWN* I’m still sleepy... Really? I guess I’ll just have to tickle you awake, then! EEEEEP! Mmmm... I slept really well. I guess that No-Sleep Tea isn’t so strong, after all. Mm? @しゅじんこうくん@, what’s wrong?{LF}Your eyes are all funny. I...couldn’t sleep a wink. Good morning! Are you awake? Yep. G'morning. Eheh heh heh... It’s like when we first met.{LF}I used to wake you up just like this. But back then, I didn’t know we’d end up together. ...There are seventy-two different types of knots for a{LF}necktie... Wow. @クローリカ@ is still studying, even in her sleep. Good luck. Zzz... Zzz... Aww, @クローリカ@ looks so cute when she sleeps. I think{LF}I want a closer look... AH! Um! M-morning! Eheh heh heh... Zzz... Zzz... I...think my heart stopped for a second, there. Mnnn...drat! What’s wrong? I had a great idea for an event in my dreams, but now I can’t{LF}remember it. Darn it. Studying is important, but taking breaks is too. Let’s go{LF}somewhere together. I’ve been so caught up in studying lately that I’m worried I’m{LF}making you do a lot of extra work. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.{LF}You just concentrate on passing that test. Okay. I will. Thank you. If you feel sleepy, don't force yourself to stay awake. Go to{LF}sl-- Zzz... Zzz... She’s asleep already! Boy, I never knew how easy it was to get things done when{LF}you’re not sleepy. You really are incredible when you’re alert like this. Darn. I don't usually make silly mistakes like that. Don’t lose confidence. Believe in yourself. I’ll be here to help{LF}too if you need me. Really? Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmmm. How do you make yourself come up with good{LF}ideas? Good question. Maybe there’s some kind of trick to it. Oh, that’s an idea. Why don’t we think up ideas of how to{LF}come up with good ideas! I don’t think we have time for that... Everyone has their own unique and special talent. I'm{LF}jealous. All I can do is work while I'm asleep. That's nothing special. Everyone is so serious about their part in the festival. I have{LF}to start working harder too. I’m not a hundred percent confident, but I do think the{LF}festival is going to be a success. Everybody loves Lady Ventuswill a whole lot, after all. Once my test is over, I hope we get to spend some relaxing{LF}time together. Like, um...maybe taking a vacation to a hot springs resort or{LF}something. I never would have passed the exam without you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you so very much! I want to do my best as your wife, and I want to shine as a{LF}butler too. Am I being too greedy? Nah. I think it's just fine.{LF}That’s what I love about you. Ah ha! That must be the soldier and dragon Raven talked{LF}about! This time I’ll get the tea back from that Sechs soldier and his{LF}dragon for sure! @しゅじんこうくん@, smile. Smile! You're married now, y'know! Woo-hoo-hoo! ♪ Hot stuff, coming through! Uh...Amber? Where'd that come from? Dunno! Ellie just said I oughta say it next time I saw you. Oh. Hee hee! Just looking at a newlywed makes me feel all{LF}happy inside! Well, you certainly look pleased with yourself. Is marriage{LF}really that nice a thing? ''All you have to do is marry me to find out for yourself,{LF}Dolly!'' My, you can dream while still being wide awake? Aren't you{LF}the deft one? ''Huh?!'' You seem awfully busy despite being a newlywed. Or is it{LF}because you're a newlywed? That is one awfully sappy grin on your face. Ah well. I guess{LF}you have a right to be that happy. Ooh, I like how you two are entirely in step with each other.{LF}Oh! It's giving me an idea for a new song! Hey, did you know that Selphia's going through its biggest{LF}love-craze ever? I guess you two must've kicked off a trend. Ha ha! La-laa ♪ La-ti-laa... ♪ It's like the whole town is still basking in the afterglow of{LF}your{LF}wedding ceremony. ♪ Hn? Ah. I thought I sensed a happy aura. It seems a{LF}newlywed was coming by, yes? Did I just see you skipping along? It is good to know you are{LF}happy. @しゅじんこうくん@, is it me, or are you a little more plump?{LF}This must be what they mean by filled with happiness. Ooh. I spy a newlywed. ♪{LF}You radiate so much happiness I could feel you coming. Boy, I'd love to marry you someday too, @しゅじんこうくん@. WHAT?! Oh, oopsie. I said that wrong.{LF}I meant I want to be married like you someday. Whew. That’s better. Are you telling your spouse how much you love them every{LF}day? You ought to. My, you seem awfully busy. Once things settle down, we should have tea. I'd love to{LF}hear about newlywed life from you. Seeing how splendid the ceremony for your wedding was... I've been wondering if there was some way we could{LF}advertise Selphia as a trendy wedding destination... Ha ha... You really are all about your job, aren’t you? I’ve always been more focused on my work than on my{LF}personal life. But seeing how happy you are is making me consider being{LF}wedded to more than my job. Don't worry, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Married or not, I am still your butler. If you are ever in need of anything, do not hesitate to ask! You must feel so lucky being able to marry the one you love{LF}the most. Yep! I think that every day.{LF}It still feels like a dream. One day, I'm going to be as competent and capable as you{LF}are, @しゅじんこうくん@! She may not look it, but Forte is a real pushover. So go on{LF}and give her a good push when you wanna. K-Kiel! What do you think you're saying? I am NOT a{LF}pushover! Every once in a while I just, er, um... K-Kiel! What do you think you're saying? I am NOT a{LF}pushover! Every once in a while I just, er, um... I've been catching my sister smiling a lot lately. I'm sure it's because she's thinking about you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Take good care of my sister, okay?{LF}Big Brother. ♪ I guess marriage ain't all that bad. Who would've thought I'd think that someday. You must be{LF}rubbing off on me. Hey. Keep your distance.{LF}Your happy-sappy newlywed aura makes my ears itch. Once you're bored with that whole being married thing, let's{LF}go fishing. Just let me know whenever. Getting married hasn’t slowed you down at all, has it? You{LF}certainly seem to be busy running errands. Marriage is sweet but sours once the honeymoon is over...is{LF}what many people say, anyway. Though in your case, I can see you two being sappy and{LF}happy until your dying days. Spending time with your spouse is to be expected, I guess,{LF}but don't forget to come hang out sometimes. ... What? Is it me, or are you looking cooler than before? Dang it, that{LF}power of marriage stuff is real! Now that you're married, don’t go forgetting your old{LF}buddies. If you ever wanna talk, come on over. Dang it, now I wanna get married! And just so you know, it's{LF}all your fault. Extra super special congratulations to you!!! How is married{LF}life? Is it as delicious as it looks? Watching someone so happy makes me so very hungry. If I were to sit you at my table now, I think I could eat{LF}forever and ever. ♪ You have such a dignified air to you now! So this is what{LF}having someone to protect will do. @しゅじんこうくん@, don't leave your spouse's side for too long,{LF}okay? And definitely no turning into a wanderer. Seeing you two happily married makes me think about Papa{LF}and what we were like way back when. If you get home first, be sure to warm the house up nice and{LF}toasty, okay? Coming back to a nice and toasty home is the loveliest{LF}feeling. A detective so clever they unraveled the universal mystery of{LF}love... @しゅじんこうくん@, you make an excellent rival. You may be newlyweds, but get all lovey-dovey in front of{LF}me and I'll arrest you. *SNIFF* *SNIFF* *SNIFF*... Hmph.{LF}Not even a whiff of intrigue! You two must be getting along{LF}great. My, my. A smile that bright each day will certainly keep the{LF}doctor away. The secret to a happy marriage is apologizing first. Nothing{LF}good comes from being stubborn. Just in case, I suggest having a first aid kit in your house. That way, if you get in a spat with your spouse and blood{LF}flows, you’ll have it on hand. @しゅじんこうくん@, are you happy? Just kidding. I know the{LF}answer just by looking at you. Mm? Your eyes seem a little puffy. Missing some sleep, are{LF}we? I guess that's no surprise in a newlywed. Be sure you tell your spouse that you love them every day,{LF}okay? Nurse's orders. Talk Please check my gear. It's nothing. Y'know, every time I see you, you have a big smile on your{LF}face. Good to know you're happy. *GULP* Ugh... I’ll never, ever, get used to airships. Are you okay? Yeah. One sec... Though, looking at you makes me feel like{LF}I'm going from air-sick to happy-sick. Ah well. I'll take the latter over the former any day. A word of warning... When women get married, they change.{LF}Be ready. Though, well...I'm sure they say the same about us. You aren't equipped with anything right now. If you want me to check your gear for you, go equip it first. What gear do you want to know about? Weapon: @アイテム0@ Shield: @アイテム1@ Armor: @アイテム2@ Headgear: @アイテム3@ Shoes: @アイテム4@ Accessory: @アイテム5@ Quit. This @アイテム0@ has been strengthened{LF}with... ...Wait, nothing's been used on it yet. ...@アイテム1@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@ and{LF}@アイテム2@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}and @アイテム3@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... and @アイテム4@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, and{LF}@アイテム5@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}and @アイテム6@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... ...and @アイテム7@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, and{LF}@アイテム8@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, @アイテム8@,{LF}and @アイテム9@. Hmm? It looks like... ...@アイテムA@ was used in making this. ...@アイテムA@ and{LF}@アイテムB@ were used in making this. ...@アイテムA@, @アイテムB@,{LF}and @アイテムC@ were used in making this. This was well made. I can tell something else, too. The materials used in making it were good quality. A lot of good materials were used in making it. The materials used in making it were great quality. The materials used in making it were almost perfect. Incredible! The materials used in making this were all perfect! Making this must have taken a lot of effort. Still... That and... It looks like it was made with some unusual materials. It looks like it was made with unusual materials. It looks like it was made with some rather unusual materials. It looks like it was made with rare materials. It looks like it was made with pretty rare materials. It looks like it was made with really rare materials. It looks like it was made with extremely rare materials. Incredible! This looks like it was made with nothing but the{LF}rarest of materials. It looks like @アイテム0@, but it has the{LF}abilities of @アイテム1@. Hey. How're you doing? What do you need? See you later. I came to chat. Show me your collection. Nothing. Seeing you smile makes me miss him. Everyone is still talking about your wedding. What a nice{LF}town. You’re sparkling more than a polished crystal. You must be{LF}really happy. ...What? Oh. Come again. @しゅじんこうくん@! I see marriage has matured you even more{LF}than you were! Yes, that was a lovely wedding ceremony. A lovely{LF}ceremony, indeed! If I close my eyes, I can still see it playing out in all its glory! Oh ho! You look even happier today than yesterday. I see{LF}your joy only grows day by day! You seem the happiest I have ever seen you. Good, good. I{LF}am glad. However, remember that happiness takes effort to maintain.{LF}Continue to keep up your good work. I thought marriage might settle you down some, but it seems{LF}you are still your indomitable self. I feel much better about that. A settled and subdued you is not truly you at all. @しゅじんこうくん@. Have you not been a little cold to me of{LF}late? Do not let marriage change you too much, all right? Erm, that is simply my sage advice as someone with much{LF}experience. It is not because I am lonely... I can only hope that seeing how happy you are will convince{LF}Doug that he should settle down too. My, my. You've got quite the solid and reliable look to you{LF}these days. Why, if I were thirty years younger, I think I'd be smitten by{LF}you too. I hope that you two grow to be as close and loving a couple{LF}as Jones and Nancy. I stocked up on flowers for your wedding, but they didn't sell{LF}all that well. I guess most people go to a flower shop for that sort of{LF}thing. Boy, running a shop sure takes effort. You sure look like your wedding's got you on cloud nine. Be{LF}careful not to fall for any scams. Oh, I'll be careful, all right. Why did you look at me when you said that? I thought I might try to pull something on you while your{LF}head’s in the clouds, but eh. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. What will your spouse call you? Choose a nickname for your spouse. I've got to defeat all the monsters first! The tea is ready, @フォルテ@. Thank you. It smells lovely. Ahhh, a nice quiet morning with just the two of us. Forte, your help, please! It seems you are needed. ...Or not. What's the matter, Xiao Pai? There is a hornet buzzing around our front door, yes? We want to chase it away, but it is too dangerous for Mama{LF}and me. Will you come help us? That does sound dangerous. Okay, I’ll be right there. @しゅじんこうくん@, I’ll be back shortly. I want to help too. No, no. You needn’t trouble yourself. This is my duty as a{LF}Dragon Knight. Until later! I just wanted a quiet morning with you... Ah, well. When help is needed, it’s @フォルテ@ they{LF}come to. I'll just have to deal with it. I’ve returned. Welcome back! That certainly took a while. I’m sorry. Dealing with the hornet didn’t actually take much{LF}time... But then Blossom asked for assistance repairing a leak in her{LF}roof. And once I had finished that, Arthur asked for my help{LF}organizing his documents... Wow. That...sounds like a lot. I apologize for leaving you alone so long. Don’t worry about it. It’s okay. Besides, it’s a knight’s duty to{LF}help others, right? Do you not...regret it? Marrying someone like me, I mean... I married you because you are who you are. I love how earnest you are, and your commitment to helping{LF}people. R-really? You do me too much honor with those words... Ha ha. C’mon, you don’t have to be that formal around me. You must be tired after all that, right? I’ll put on some tea for{LF}you. Thank you! Ah ha! Forte! Here you are. Thank goodness. Again...?! I’d like to make a request of you. Yes? Apparently, the number of monsters around the Yokmir Cave{LF}area has grown in the last few days. Could I ask you to take a look into the matter before it{LF}becomes a threat to travelers? Understood! I will investigate right away. I must do something about those monsters before anyone{LF}gets hurt. I must go, but I will return before long! There she goes again. Ah, well. Not much I can do about it. This is her job, after{LF}all. Not much I can do, huh... Hmmm... No, there IS something I can do! At this rate, we’ll never get to spend any quiet time together{LF}as a couple! And more than that, if @フォルテ@ keeps working this{LF}hard, she's going to wear herself out. I have to go and help her! @フォルテ@! @しゅじんこうくん@?! What are you doing here? Let me help you with the investigation. But that is my duty as a knight. I can’t ask you to do what ought to be my job. Oh, c’mon. Don’t be like that. We’re married. We’re a team,{LF}aren’t we? I’d love it if you asked for my help more often. That way you don’t have to do all this by yourself, and we’ll{LF}get to spend more time together. Are you sure I may ask such a thing of you...? Yes. In fact, I’m asking you to. Thank you! Okay, then! We’re decided! Vishnal was right. There are more monsters around here{LF}than usual. If we just ignore it, it could become a real danger. We must{LF}get rid of them! Hrm. It looks like things have calmed down here now. Thanks to your assistance, we finished much faster than I{LF}expected. I’m grateful. I knew I could trust you to watch my back. And knowing I have you there by my side makes me feel{LF}safer when I fight. Ha ha. I doubt there are many couples like us out there. Ha ha! Yeah, I don’t think so either. Well, then. Let’s go report back to Vishnal. Yeah. Thank you very much for looking into the monster issue by{LF}the cave. I hear that you assisted, @しゅじんこうくん@. You have my{LF}thanks as well. Now people can once again travel through that area in{LF}safety. Thank you again for your help. I have to admit, when I saw you come running up I felt{LF}happy and relieved. Really? That’s good. I was worried I might have overstepped{LF}my boundaries there. I've decided that I don't want to hold back so much all the{LF}time any more. And, from now on, I won't hesitate to accept your offers of{LF}aid. Great! Splitting things between us, we'll be able to finish them in{LF}half the time with half the effort! And that means we should also be able to get more time to{LF}ourselves. Yes. I’ve been longing for that. Besides, as our family grows, our free time will get even{LF}shorter... Erm! Um! Sorry! What am I even{LF}saying?! Uh...I don’t think it was all that weird, really... ...I’m glad. Okay! From now on, I'm going to do my best to help{LF}@フォルテ@! G'morning, @フォルテ@. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh. I’m surprised we haven’t had any callers yet today. Not yet, no. But the day is young. There’s no telling when{LF}someone may arrive. Don't worry. Investigations or monster hunts or whatever, I'll{LF}come along and help you. Fooooorte! Please, I beg you! Assistance! Assiste moi! Aaaand here we go. What’s wrong, Porcoline? It’s terrible! A tragedy! My precious toilet is clogged!{LF}Whatever am I to do?! ...Huh? You must help me! Um...is it really a knight’s duty to unclog a toilet? Understood. I am on my way. Okay, then... I guess I’ll come along. Aah, you too, @しゅじんこうくん@? I feel better already! Whew! I’ve fought Minotaurs that were easier than that{LF}toilet. Yes, well, thank you. You were a great help. Now, then. I think we’ve earned ourselves a nice cup of{LF}tea... Fooooorteeeee! Amber? What is it? Y-you hafta help me! I dropped some really super-important{LF}flower seeds. Come help me look for them! There, there, Amber. Calm down. Let's go retrace your steps{LF}and see if we can’t find them. Now it’s searching for lost property...? Ah well. I’ll just have to go help! ...We went all over Selphia and back looking for them, and{LF}they were in her pocket the whole time. I’m just glad we found them. Yeah, true. Are you tired? Let me put on a pot of tea. Oh, you don’t have to do that... Forte! Wah! It's like everyone is just waiting for her to show up so they{LF}can pounce... Forte! A bird stole my laundry and is flying off with it! You have to help me catch it! Okay. I’ll come t-- No! Just Forte! If you’re looking for a bird, it’ll be faster with more people. Nope! Not a chance! It’s not the kind of laundry I want any{LF}boys seeing! ...! G-got it. All right, then. Please watch the house while I’m gone. Now she’s off hunting for birds. Is this really part of her job{LF}as a knight? Oh dear. Is Forte not in? Now what? I'm sorry, it's just me right now. Is there anything I can do to{LF}help? It was blustery last night, and now Dragon Lake is scattered{LF}with all kinds of trash. My old back can't take too much these days, so I thought I'd{LF}ask for Forte's help cleaning it up. I’ll help. You will? Sure! Wow, she was right. This place is a mess. Okay. Time to get cleaning! I'm home. Welcome back. Tracking down one bird took far more time than I expected. It seems I still have a long way to go in my training. Where did you go, @しゅじんこうくん@? Blossom asked me for help cleaning up Dragon Lake. I'm terribly sorry you were stuck with my duties while I was{LF}gone. No, it's okay. I'm just glad I was able to do something. Thank you. Now, then. I must be off. Sir Volkanon and I are having a{LF}security meeting. What? Right now? Yes. After the problem with the monsters at Yokmir Cave, I{LF}think it's time to reassess town safety. Don't wait up. Please go to bed{LF}without me. See you! *SIGH* Will we ever get a moment alone? *YAWN* G’morning, @フォルテ@. Hm? She’s not here? Maybe she’s doing morning stretches outside. Ah ha. There she is. YAH! Ouch...! @フォルテ@, it's just me! !!! @しゅじんこうくん@?! Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! What was I thinking... It's okay. It’s my fault for sneaking up on you. No, it isn't. I can't believe I didn't recognize your presence... I’m still so incompetent! As a knight and a spouse! @フォルテ@... You're just tired. I can understand the Yokmir Cave thing, but I think too many{LF}people are asking you to do their chores. You're a knight, not a handyman. You don't have to do odd{LF}jobs around town. I don't mind. I like helping others in all ways, big and small. But you're not getting any rest. It’s too much,{LF}@フォルテ@. Besides, I just... I... Hm? I just want to spend time with you! ...! I want to be with you! What little time we get isn't nearly{LF}enough! ...I'm sorry. That's selfish of me. But...that's how I feel. @しゅじんこうくん@... I want to spend more time with you too. But, I also want to do what I can to help everyone. Okay. Then how about this? I’ll handle the miscellaneous requests. You? Yeah. I understand wanting to help people. It’s nice to lend{LF}a hand when one’s needed. So I think, from now on, anyone who needs help with chores{LF}can come to me. That way you can focus on actual knightly duties. This is my{LF}request to you, @フォルテ@. If that's what you really want... Understood! I will leave it in your hands. I went around and let everyone know to come to me with{LF}general stuff. I got a ton of requests. Are you going to be all right? Yeah. I'll do my best...starting tomorrow. Mnnn... G'morning, @フォルテ@. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Today, I made the tea for a change. What? You did? Yes. Here. Please try it. Um...okay. Ngph...! Well? How is it? It, uh...it definitely woke me up. Really? I'm glad. Ha ha... Since you started handling everyone’s general requests, I’ve{LF}had more time on my hands. Would you like to join me for some sword practice this{LF}morning? I’d love to, but I’ve already got a full schedule... Mornin’. You done collecting all the empty cans I asked you to? Not quite yet, @バド@. Could you please give me a{LF}little more time? Okay, but don’t take too long. ...See? I'm sorry. Helping me has left you with no time for yourself... It's okay. You need to concentrate on your duties as a{LF}knight. Now that I have spare time, it's you who are too busy. I guess this didn't work as well as we’d hoped. I just need to get better at it, is all. Then I’m sure we’ll have{LF}some free time. Anyway, I’m off...to collect a bunch of empty cans... Okay. Please take care. Empty cans, huh? Do I even want to know what they’re for?{LF}Whatever. Maybe fishing for them is fastest? I’m home! Welcome back. Hm? This smell... I thought you might be hungry after all that work, so I made{LF}Omelet Rice for you. You did?! I know it doesn’t look the prettiest, but I’m sure it will taste{LF}perfect! Go on! Dig in! Ah ha ha... I’ve never seen anything quite like it... WAAAAAAAAAHHH!! @ヴォルカノン@! What's wrong? A birdie! A little birdie flew by and stole my handkerchief! @しゅじんこうくん@, please! You must catch that birdie! If it is a bird you would like caught, please allow me. After the last time, I trained relentlessly to track birds. This{LF}time I WILL capture it quickly. @しゅじんこうくん@, please sit and enjoy your Omelet Rice. No, you mustn't! What? My apologies! Did I say a hanky? I meant a piece of laundry{LF}that I do not wish a lady to gaze upon! And what kind of laundry would that be... @フォルテ@, I’ve got this. Odd jobs are my responsibility{LF}now, after all. I’ll go catch that bird! But your Omelet Rice will go cold... I was so busy before that I didn't notice, but I guess this{LF}must be how he felt... Forte. If I may, I would like to request your help once again. I’m home. Still, to think @ヴォルカノン@ had that kind of taste. And at{LF}his age? And what’s with the birds in this town? @フォルテ@? I wonder where she went. The Omelet Rice is stone cold now. *Munch* *Munch* *Munch* It’s...sweet. But I can taste the love that she put into it. That makes it{LF}delicious. @フォルテ@...? Where did she get off to? Did she leave because I left her alone...? Hi. I'm looking for @フォルテ@. You haven’t seen her{LF}around, have you? Huh? She’s not with you? Oh dear. Don’t tell me she went by herself... What do you mean? You see, the monsters at Yokmir Cave have been increasing{LF}in number again. And all of them are more dangerous types than before. I requested that she look into the matter again to assess{LF}their numbers. I told her it was dangerous and she ought to take you with{LF}her. But if she has gone alone, then...! @フォルテ@...! ...!! Filthy monsters! Is there no end to them? Hng! @フォルテ@!! ...!! @しゅじんこうくん@! @フォルテ@! Are you okay?! Yes. Thank you. Why did you leave without saying anything?! I was worried! ...I'm sorry. If you’d let me know, I would have come with you. Gladly! Investigating monster populations is the duty of a knight. I did not want to add to your burdens. I’ve already put so much on you by handing over the odd job{LF}requests... I’m sorry. Hm? There is nothing for you to apologize for! No, I do need to. I was trying to do too much without{LF}thinking about how you felt. I wanted to make things easier on you, but I only made them{LF}harder. From now on, how about we work together on everything? I was thinking the same thing. Instead of delegating duties, if we work together, then we{LF}will get to be together. Yeah! Let's work together and be together as much as we can. Yes. I’d like that very much... Okay, then! Let's head back. I'm starving. Come to think of it, what about the Omelet Rice? I...ate it. How was it? I was quite confident in how it turned out. It was as gentle and as sweet as you are. Then...it was tasty? Tasty or not isn’t the question. It was special. A special{LF}something only you could create. Erm...I don’t know if I should be happy or insulted. Speaking of doing things together, how about cooking? That{LF}would be fun! And educational! Ooh, yes! Let's do that! But first let’s go and let Vishnal know what happened. I’m{LF}sure he’s worried about us. The monster problem at Yokmir Cave is no more. Excellent! Thank you very much for taking care of it. And thank goodness you’re both all right. I’m very glad to{LF}see you unharmed, Forte. I’m terribly sorry to have caused you worry. No, no, it’s okay. Just please don’t force yourself to do so{LF}much on your own. I won’t. From now on, we have decided that we will{LF}cooperate on everything. That sounds like a wonderful idea! The timing is perfect too. We have a very special request of{LF}you two, from us as a town. And it is one that you are required to do together. Is that all{LF}right? A special request? I wonder what it is. Please, let me thank you again. If you hadn't come to my aid, I don't know what would have{LF}happened. But...in my heart, I knew that you would come. I know that might upset you, thinking I take your presence{LF}for granted like that... No, not at all. That’s exactly what I want to be: someone{LF}who will always be there for you. I know that I’ll find you, no matter where you might be. I mean, out of everyone in this whole world, I found you. And{LF}married you. Thank you... That makes me happier{LF}than you could ever know. Pardon me. WAH! Oh dear. I'm sorry, was I interrupting? N-no... Ah, that's good. Now, then. I have another request for you{LF}two. Well, it’s actually a request from the whole town. I’m just the{LF}messenger. The whole town? Yes, and it is critical that you accept it. Of course. What do you need of us? We need you two to go to Fenith Island. Fenith Island? The famous resort spot? Indeed. That is the place. It is imperative that you both go...{LF}and enjoy all it has to offer. Erm...why? And you have a very important task, so you mustn’t waste{LF}your time there. We need you to bring back plenty of stories to share with{LF}everyone. That is crucial. We don’t hear enough of the outside world. That is why we{LF}need you two to go and investigate. But... I hear a renowned sword master resides on the island. I think you could find enough to occupy your time. And don’t worry about the expense. Everyone has already{LF}contributed. It is the least we could do. There you are. I’ll set it here for you. See that you{LF}accomplish your mission, all right? Ah...! Wait! Well, that was unexpected. I guess this is the ''special request'' @ビシュナル@{LF}mentioned. B-but this sounds just like a...a honeymoon... Yeah. A gift to us from everyone in town. They know just how much you’ve done for them. But they didn't need to do this... Still, let's go! Huh? What, don't you want to? N-no, I didn’t say that. I could never ignore the goodwill of{LF}everyone like that. Then that decides it! We can pick up from where we were interrupted. Hm?! O-oh...yes. Dang it... This isn’t working. I'm not doing nearly enough to help @フォルテ@ out. As long as you have the will, the opportunity to truly help{LF}her shall surely come one day. Yeah. I’ll keep trying. *SIGH* I don't know why, but lately @フォルテ@ and I{LF}just seem to keep missing each other. A married couple will have days like that. Have faith and{LF}keep working at it. Yeah, you're right. I'll keep trying. Rise and shine! Shall we do our morning exercises to start off{LF}the day? Good morning. I’ve just returned from my morning jog. The air was crisp and{LF}refreshing. Ah, you are awake now? I’m sure you must be hungry. Allow me to make something. N-no, that’s okay! I’m up! Allow me! You just don’t want me to cook, do you? Good morning. I dreamt I was chasing that little bird again. I hope I didn't kick you out of bed. *YAAAAAAAWN* That was a big yawn. Ah! How disgraceful. I must be alert and aware at all times. Um, you don’t have to be that on guard all day. We ARE{LF}married, y’know. Good morning. G’morning. Aren’t you still tired? You can sleep in if you{LF}want. A knight must maintain discipline even when they are tired.{LF}I’m used to this schedule. Do not worry. WAH! Oh... G’morning. You were so close, you startled me. Erm! W-well, you were so quiet and still that I had to check{LF}and see if you were still breathing... I was certainly not just gazing at your handsome face! Mnnn... G’morning. You look cute when you sleep, y’know. Erm?! G-good morning! I can’t believe I was so inattentive that I let you get the drop{LF}on me! Good morning. What fair weather! Today seems like a good{LF}day to hang the sheets out in the sun. Would you like to join me in beating them? One thousand{LF}strokes each. Mornin’. You know, even this early you sure look put{LF}together, @フォルテ@. But of course. A knight must be ready for action from the{LF}moment they rise. Ah ha. I spy bed-head. Wh-what? Really?! Ha ha. Just kidding. H-hey! G'morning! ... @フォルテ@? Ah, my apologies. I was lost in thought. She looks exhausted. Nnngh... G’morning... Good morning. I hope I didn’t wake you. You seem tired, so I thought I’d let you sleep a little longer. Thanks. I’m fine, though. I was just getting up anyway. Huh? @フォルテ@ isn't home yet? Did something happen? Okay. @フォルテ@ is really, really late. I wonder what{LF}happened. I have to find @フォルテ@! @しゅじんこうくん@, you've really improved. I’ll have to redouble{LF}my efforts just to keep up with you! Catching birds makes for excellent training. One must not{LF}waste any opportunity to improve oneself. Seeing everyone's happy smiles is enough to make my{LF}exhaustion go away. I’d like to see YOUR happy smile. M-must you say such things in public?! It seems I still have much to learn. I don’t know about that. You’re already pretty darn good. Oh? It’s nice to hear you compliment my cooking skills. Ah, wait. That’s what you were talking about? I've gone from being too busy to not busy at all. It's{LF}disorienting. @しゅじんこうくん@, please don't feel like you have to do too{LF}much for my sake. Sweets are an excellent way to regain energy after a tiring{LF}day. I most certainly am not having them because I have a sweet{LF}tooth or anything! Please don't stand behind me. My reflexes might take over, and I could accidentally strike{LF}at you. No matter how old he gets, I still can't help but worry about{LF}my brother. I hear he says the same thing about me, as well... If we ever get some free time to spend together, what would{LF}you like to do? Personally, I would be happy doing anything, as long as I{LF}was with you. How about a honeymoon? Wouldn’t you like to go on one of{LF}those? Erm! B-but I have my duties as a knight to think about... Yeah, that’s true. But, ah...I must admit, I do like the idea of them. If we ever find free time to spend together, just the two of{LF}us... Yes? Would you like to join me for some light sparring? Ah ha ha... Sure. That could be fun. This time, for sure, @しゅじんこうくん@! I'll give it my all! It's a lot cleaner now, but there's still a little trash. That should do it! Here. @アイテム0@...for your lunch today. I...attempted to make you lunch today.{LF}@アイテム0@. I decided to challenge myself by making lunch for you today.{LF}This...@アイテム0@... Erm...here. This @アイテム0@ was meant...for{LF}your lunch... This @アイテム0@ is for your lunch today! I'll see you when you get home. Work diligently, now! I'll see you when you get home. Wait a moment! Your hair is still tussled... There we go! Well, then, I'll see you later today. I'll take care of the house while you're gone. See you this{LF}evening! See you later... Erm, though I would be very glad if you'd{LF}hurry home. Tum! ♪ Ta-tah! ♪ De-dum! ♪ Married, married! Congrats to{LF}the married! ♪ Boy, you're so lucky to be married. I wanna get married{LF}someday, too. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? You look so happy it's like a flower{LF}just bloomed in your smile. I see you're still buzzing all over the place, despite being{LF}married now. ''I'm sure they're simply so happy they just can't hold still,{LF}m'lady.'' How is married life? Is it fun? ...And given the sappy look on{LF}your face, I shouldn’t have bothered asking. ''@しゅじんこうくん@, Dolly has been talking about you all the{LF}time lately.'' ''It seems she's HIGHLY curious about married life. Do you{LF}kiss your spouse every morning? ...And so on.'' I-I was just curious, okay? Pico, say another word and I will{LF}sew your mouth shut. @しゅじんこうくん@, you look even more alive than ever, today.{LF}It's like you are overflowing with happiness! Aha! I spy a newlywed! Hold still a sec, let me check. Wah?! H-Hey! Yep. Lovely. ♪ So that's what a happy heartbeat sounds like. Feel free to come chat with me at any time. I'll gladly listen{LF}to you gush about newlywed life. ♪ With Kiel grown and living on his own, it feels like he's taken{LF}a big step up in life. I can relax and live the remainder of my life in peace,{LF}knowing he can stand on his own. Don't just sit back and relax, @フォルテ@. Now it's your{LF}turn to find happiness! Kiel has been suggesting very strongly that I consider getting{LF}married, too. I can guess that he really enjoys married life with you. Is Kiel performing his duty as your spouse well enough? I{LF}have to admit, I'm concerned... You don't have to be. He's the perfect spouse for me. ♪ O-Oh. I see. That's good. You have a very happy smile on your face, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}It shines almost as much as Mama's, yes? It seems Mama asked me if I might get married someday. If it means I would be as happy as you are, @しゅじんこうくん@,{LF}perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing. @しゅじんこうくん@! Do you have time to hang out... Erm, no. It seems I do not wish to disturb the newlyweds,{LF}yes? Hee hee! What? Is there something on my face? Yep. ♪ Happiness. It’s all over the place. Zzz... Zzz...AH! How strange. I dreamed I was watching your{LF}wedding ceremony again. It was such a nice ceremony. You have someone to wake up with you every morning now.{LF}I'm so jealous. I want to get married and have someone to wake me up on{LF}time too. You look even more lively now since getting married. Seeing{LF}you puts a little pep in my step. How is married life treating you? It's wonderful. I'm loving it! I see. That is good to hear. ''How to Build a Harmonious Home Life''. ''Ten Tips to Making{LF}Up''. ''The Choice to Live Apart''. Hrm... What’s on your mind, Arthur?{LF}You look so torn. I'm trying to decide what to give to you as a present. But... *SIGH* Choosing the most appropriate book for a{LF}newlywed is difficult. Seeing you so happy makes me happy,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. I must admit, now that you are married, @しゅじんこうくん@... Knowing that I'll have fewer chances to serve you makes me{LF}a little sad. @しゅじんこうくん@, look. Your wedding moved me so much I{LF}bought a charm to help me find my own soulmate. With this, I just know I’ll be able to find that one person{LF}destined to be my perfect master! Not the perfect lover, huh... What? If you're looking for someone to gush at, you've{LF}picked the wrong guy. You sure you can hang around with me? Won't your husband{LF}get jealous? ...Well, okay. Probably not. Hey, uh...@しゅじんこうくん@? It's, uh, good to know you found a{LF}good one to marry. Hm? Where'd this come from? What, you're gonna make me say it? Ugh. You gave me back{LF}my humanity, so I’m happy you're happy, okay? Thanks, @ディラス@. If I had been married, could I have been as happy as you...?{LF}No, never you mind. It's nothing. What, bored enough that you've come to join me in playing{LF}with fire? Huh?! Ha ha! A joke, a joke. You looked so happy I just couldn't{LF}help but tease. Hrm. Yes, I do believe you look even more lovely now. It{LF}seems love does make one more beautiful. Everybody's talking about how lovey-dovey you two get,{LF}y'know. No going overboard, 'kay? Gah! That smile could outshine the sun! Geez. How 'bout{LF}sharing some of that happiness, huh? Yo, newlywed! You're looking as happy-sappy as ever. The secret to a happy home life is happy tummies. Be sure to{LF}cook a full-course meal three times a day! With that much food, I think our tummies would be the{LF}opposite of happy... They say even a monster won't touch a lovers' spat, but I{LF}could eat them right up! ♪ Oh my! The light! The bright, shining light of your smile! Is{LF}this the power of marriage?! You know, @しゅじんこうくん@, everyone is talking about how{LF}lovey-dovey you two are. Hee hee! Now that you're married, why don't you come visit our baths{LF}as a couple? If you let me know ahead of time, I'll let you rent the whole{LF}bath so it’s just the two of you. I wonder if, someday, I'll get to see Xiao get married, just like{LF}you. I'm sure I'd be so happy and miss her so much I'd be crying{LF}the whole time. @しゅじんこうくん@, you look really happy. It's so obvious even{LF}a rookie gumshoe could tell. Oh ho! Is something afoot? Need a detective to dig into a{LF}case of infidelity, perhaps? Sorry. Don’t think you’ll get a case like that now or ever. Hm...? Well, isn’t that some lovely, smooth skin. So being in love DOES make a person more beautiful. That’s{LF}one mystery solved. We've actually had quite a few people visiting the clinic{LF}asking for advice on finding partners. I'm sure they were all inspired by your wonderful wedding{LF}ceremony. How do you find married life so far? It's great. ♪ Wonderful. I'm glad to hear that. As someone with a bit more experience in that area than{LF}you, I have some advice... Or...perhaps not. You don't seem like you need any advice at{LF}all. My, my! Now, I'm confident Jones and I are just as loving,{LF}but I think you’re outdoing us right now. ... What's wrong? You looked lost in thought for a minute there. Oh, I'm sorry. It’s just seeing you reminded me of when{LF}Jones and I were first married. If you ever get in a tiff, you come right on over to see me. I'll{LF}be more than happy to lend an ear. Talk Please check my gear. It's nothing. Heh. You look like you're walking on an inch of air still. Heck,{LF}the whole town does. Everyone is celebrating the happiness of one couple like it's{LF}their own. Y'know? This is a good town. Congrats on your marriage... I'm kinda late on that, huh?{LF}What's the best thing to say at a time like that? I think you can just be normal.{LF}That's fine. You seem even more chipper than usual. I guess they're right{LF}when they say love gives you energy. You aren't equipped with anything right now. If you want me to check your gear for you, go equip it first. What gear do you want to know about? Weapon: @アイテム0@ Shield: @アイテム1@ Armor: @アイテム2@ Headgear: @アイテム3@ Shoes: @アイテム4@ Accessory: @アイテム5@ Quit. This @アイテム0@ has been strengthened{LF}with... ...Wait, nothing's been used on it yet. ...@アイテム1@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@ and{LF}@アイテム2@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}and @アイテム3@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... and @アイテム4@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, and{LF}@アイテム5@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}and @アイテム6@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... ...and @アイテム7@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, and{LF}@アイテム8@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, @アイテム8@,{LF}and @アイテム9@. Hmm? It looks like... ...@アイテムA@ was used in making this. ...@アイテムA@ and{LF}@アイテムB@ were used in making this. ...@アイテムA@, @アイテムB@,{LF}and @アイテムC@ were used in making this. This was well made. I can tell something else, too. The materials used in making it were good quality. A lot of good materials were used in making it. The materials used in making it were great quality. The materials used in making it were almost perfect. Incredible! The materials used in making this were all perfect! Making this must have taken a lot of effort. Still... That and... It looks like it was made with some unusual materials. It looks like it was made with unusual materials. It looks like it was made with some rather unusual materials. It looks like it was made with rare materials. It looks like it was made with pretty rare materials. It looks like it was made with really rare materials. It looks like it was made with extremely rare materials. Incredible! This looks like it was made with nothing but the{LF}rarest of materials. It looks like @アイテム0@, but it has the{LF}abilities of @アイテム1@. Hey. How're you doing? What do you need? See you later. I came to chat. Show me your collection. Nothing. Congrats on your marriage. I'll say that lots of times. I like{LF}saying it. I'm looking for a particular gem. One that's perfect for a{LF}marriage. I'll make it into an accessory and give it to you. Just...wait a{LF}bit. Okay? You're happy being married. I can tell just by looking at you. ...What? Oh. Come again. Why hello, young newlywed!{LF}You look as radiantly happy as ever. Ahh... Just remembering how lovely and dignified you looked{LF}in your wedding finery, @しゅじんこうくん@... It...it brings a tear to my eye...{LF}WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! ...Erm! My apologies. That was unprofessional of me. It seems seeing you happy puts a smile on my face, as well. Oh ho! Such a splendidly happy smile. I am glad to see it. Lately, I have been receiving many prayers for a good{LF}marriage. It is quite perplexing. It seems some people mistakenly credit me for bringing you{LF}and your spouse together. Now that you are married, it feels as if you do not come to{LF}talk as much, and I am growing bored. You may come for a chat whenever, you know. I will even{LF}listen to you gush about your spouse. My, my. You're looking even more lovely now that you're{LF}married. Almost as lovely as I once was. Remember the joys and the sorrows of each and every day. The more memories you have to reminisce over when you{LF}reach my age, the better. I'll admit a part of me was hoping that you might choose{LF}Doug someday. I’m sure @ダグ@ will find the right one for him before{LF}long. I do hope so. Though I doubt there are many folk out there{LF}better than you. Well, well. Welcome, newlywed.{LF}Looking for a whip to use on your spouse? Um, no thanks. I hear the happier a person is, the looser their purse strings{LF}get. That'd make you a pretty juicy mark right about now, I'd{LF}expect. Please don’t try to scam me. Y'know, @しゅじんこうくん@... You look like you're radiating{LF}happiness and good fortune right now. Say...mind standing by my shop door for a bit? Not a chance. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. What will your spouse call you? Choose a nickname for your spouse. Well? How’s married life treating you? It’s pretty great! And there we have it, the silly,{LF}sappy grin of the newly married. I’m jealous! I wonder, is marriage really that amazing a thing? Kiel has{LF}had that same grin on his face too. Really? @キール@’s smiling like this too? Hee hee. That{LF}makes me so happy. All right. That’s enough of the lovey-dovey stuff for now. Meggy, my specialty is just getting started! *MUNCH*{LF}*MUNCH* *MUNCH* I can’t believe you don’t want to eat something as{LF}delectable as this! *MUNCH*... What a waste. It’s rather hard to enjoy any when you’re eating it all. I guess dessert will just have to be more sweet details from{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@ on married life. So where are you going for your honeymoon? Picked{LF}anything out yet? Ooh, what's this? What are you all talking about? Speak of the devil... We were wondering if you two had selected a destination{LF}for your honeymoon. Is there anywhere you want to go, @キール@? Hmmm... Well, I’ve always wanted to see the Forbidden{LF}Forest. The Forbidden Forest? Yeah. It’s a wild area that Norad monitors reeeal close. No{LF}one’s allowed in without permission! It’s an amazing place full of plants and monsters that I’ve{LF}only ever read about in books! Monsters?! Absolutely not.{LF}I forbid it. You are not allowed anywhere that dangerous! If you must go somewhere, pick a place that is safe. A{LF}temple, for example. You could meditate! I’m not going to train on my honeymoon. Is there anywhere else you want to go besides the{LF}Forbidden Forest? Hmmm... Not off the top of my head. Even if we don't go anywhere, as long as I'm with you, I'm{LF}happy. ♪ @キール@... That’s enough dessert for me, thanks! Oh, right. I was on my way to see Leon. I almost forgot. Catch you later! So the honeymoon’s on hold, hm?{LF}Awww. You aren't going, Meg. Why are you so disappointed? @しゅじんこうくん@, it’s just you and me, then. Let us{LF}honeymoon together! Ah ha ha... Thanks, but I’ll pass. Woe is moi! @キール@ said he was happy either way, but I bet he'd{LF}have lots of fun if we did go on a honeymoon. A strictly monitored, monster-filled Forbidden Forest, huh? I wonder if there's a way for us to go... ... I'll ask around! Maybe someone will know. *YAWN* G’morning, @キール@. Hm? He’s gone out already? Aww. I wanted to have breakfast together, though. Oh well. This might actually work in my favor. This’ll give me a chance to ask around about the Forbidden{LF}Forest and find a way to go! Hm? @キール@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! My, my. And what can I do for the happy newlyweds? Um, there’s something I’d like to ask you, @アーサー@. Please, ask away. Have you heard of the Forbidden Forest? Ha ha ha. Huh? Did I say something funny? No, no. My apologies. It’s just, you two are very much on the{LF}same page. It’s no wonder you’re married. See, um, I was just asking Arthur about the same thing. Really? Yeah. I know I said I'd be happy as long as the two of us were{LF}together, and I mean it. But then I thought, if the two of us could go on a{LF}honeymoon together, I’d be even happier. And if we’re gonna go somewhere, I’d like it to be the{LF}Forbidden Forest, so I came to ask Arthur. Wow. I was thinking the exact same thing. Eheh heh! We must be telepathic. Well, I did attempt to visit the Forbidden Forest once, myself. But unfortunately, my request was denied. What? Even you couldn't get in?! If they won’t let a prince in, I don’t think regular people like{LF}us stand a chance. That’s not necessarily true. In fact, it was my status as a prince that disallowed me{LF}entry. What do you mean? To enter the Forbidden Forest, one must complete a very{LF}specific bit of paperwork. Paperwork? Yes. A waiver stating that the administrators are not{LF}responsible for whatever happens in the forest. ...!! It is, after all, a very dangerous place. Wow, uh, I can see why they wouldn't let a prince go, then. Precisely. And that is why I can’t recommend you go sightseeing there{LF}for a honeymoon trip. But if you insist, I could request the necessary paperwork. That, at least, I can do for you. Think on it very carefully. Once you have reached a decision,{LF}come and see me again. So...what do you think? ... It doesn’t seem like such a great idea now. I don’t want to take you anywhere that’s dangerous. But you really want to go, right? Well...yeah. I’ve wanted to see it for as long as I can{LF}remember. Then it’s settled! We’ll go! Don’t worry. If anything there even looks at us funny, I’ll take{LF}care of it! You’re safe with me! Aww... @キール@? I wish you would've let me say that line. Hee hee! Okay, then. Go ahead and say it. ...Ahem. Don't worry, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}I'll keep you safe! Okay, then. Operation honeymoon is a GO! Yeah! I assume that as you’ve arrived together, you’ve come to a{LF}decision? Yeah, we have. We want to go to the Forbidden Forest! I know it’ll be a bother, but could you please help us with{LF}the paperwork? Understood. I will begin imm-- KIEL! Oh! Hi, Forte. What’s with the scary look on your face? Don’t tell me you’re thinking of doing something foolish...like{LF}going to the Forbidden Forest! That’s my big sis for you! You always know exactly what I’m{LF}thinking. ♪ I knew it. I heard that you came to see Arthur before, so I also came{LF}to ask why, and... UGH! I simply cannot believe you! I’ll bring you back a souvenir. How does a rare Cluckadoodle{LF}egg sound? Oooh, there are rare Cluckadoodle eggs? Wait, no! Never mind that! I came here to talk some sense into you! Aww, but I wanna go. I’ve already made up my mind. Kiel, please. Think about this.{LF}Really think. If something happens, I won’t be around to rescue you. Oh, I’ll be fine. @しゅじんこうくん@ will save me. ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@ isn't the one I’m worried about. Ouch. That's mean, @フォルテ@. I-I didn't mean it that way! What I meant was, I know YOU are a capable warrior. You{LF}can handle yourself. Ah. I see. In other words, you are unsure of Kiel’s ability to protect{LF}himself. Geez, Forte. I’m not a little kid anymore. When are you{LF}gonna stop treating me like one? How do you expect me not to worry? Yes, you have grown up, but you have almost no experience{LF}as a fighter. Of course I’m concerned! If...if you insist on going, you will have to defeat me first. Um, you aren't making any sense. Hrm. Actually, that is an interesting proposal. @アーサー@?! Ah. No, no. I am, of course, not encouraging a fight between{LF}family. You see, I recently received a request for a monster{LF}extermination. The monster in question is, apparently, rather powerful. I'd thought to ask Forte... But what do you think, Kiel? Will you accept the request{LF}instead? Hmm. Well, if that’s what it takes to convince Forte that I{LF}can take care of myself, then I’ll do it. What?! Um, would it be okay if I helped? As you two will be journeying to the Forbidden Forest{LF}together, I don't see why not. And it would prove that Kiel is capable of protecting you. Well, Forte? What do you think? Mrnnn...I suppose so. Well, then. That decides that. The monster has been sighted along Maya Road. Please take{LF}care of it at your earliest convenience. Okay! There! That must be the monster! Be careful, @キール@. You too, @しゅじんこうくん@. This time we'll complete the request for sure! I've got to{LF}make Forte see how good I've gotten! Right. Let's do this, @キール@! Yeah! There, that should do it. Are you okay? Yeah. Nice work, @キール@. Indeed. Well done. @フォルテ@! You were watching the whole time? So you saw how good{LF}@キール@ was! You’re not worried now, right? ...No. Not any longer. I was wrong. Kiel...you really have grown up. I acknowledge your skills.{LF}You don’t need my help any more. Then...! Correct. I will not stop you. Go, if that’s what you wish. @しゅじんこうくん@...! Yeah! Woo-hoo! ...Ahem. That is enough celebrating. You ought to go and report your{LF}results to Arthur. I hear that visits to the Forbidden Forest are only allowed{LF}late spring to early summer. If you don't hurry, you may have to put your honeymoon off{LF}for a year. Wow, you sure know a lot about that place,{LF}@フォルテ@. Let me guess. You did a whooole{LF}lot of research into it. Oh shush, you. It's my duty as your sister to be well{LF}informed. You have my thanks, Forte. S-stop being so formal. Ah ha ha ha! You're blushing. Just get going already! Well done, both of you. As Forte no longer has any objections, I will begin preparing{LF}the paperwork. We finally get to go to the Forbidden Forest! I'm excited{LF}already. ♪ I hate to put a damper on things, but going is not a certainty. It’s not? No. In fact, the truly hard part is just about to begin. I'm sure Kiel is aware of this, but the Forbidden Forest is{LF}teeming with unknown monsters. Some of them are likely to be hostile. However, even if you are attacked by one, you must not{LF}injure it. Inside the Forbidden Forest, monster lives are more precious{LF}than human ones. Ah, right. We’re barging into their homes, after all. Do we have to sign a waiver for that too? No. This you must prove by your actions, not a waiver. Okay. What do we need to do? The administrators will designate a wild monster for you to{LF}tame. Do so, and you will receive a Monster Taming License. You need that license to complete the paperwork. Go to{LF}Revival Cave, tame the designated monster... And bring back proof that you did so by no later than{LF}Summer 6th. Go to Revival Cave, tame the monster, and bring back proof. Okay! I’ve memorized the details. C’mon, @しゅじんこうくん@!{LF}Let’s go! The monster on Maya Road pales in comparison to what{LF}you'll find in Revival Cave. Make certain you are thoroughly prepared before you go. Okay! ♪ Morning, @しゅじんこうくん@! G'morning, @キール@. You sure seem full of energy{LF}today. Well, yeah! I’m excited! Our trip to the Forbidden Forest is{LF}coming up really soon! We still need to go tame a monster and get our Monster{LF}Taming Licenses. Yeah. We have to think up a plan to make friends with a{LF}monster without them—or us!—getting hurt. It’d be nice if there was someone who knew a lot about{LF}monsters that we could ask some advice from... Hmmm. Let’s see if anyone around town knows anything{LF}about monster taming. Zzz... Zzz...AH! Now, now, Vishnal. You can't go falling asleep in the middle{LF}of your duties. I've been awake the entire time, actually. Oh? Then what happened to the Vishnal I saw napping{LF}away? He’s probably still napping away in Dreamland. What are they doing...? Hm? Oh! Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Hello, Kiel. Can we help you? Yeah, if you have a minute. There’s something we wanted to{LF}ask you guys. Taming monsters...? I'm sorry, I don't know much about that. My apologies. I don't either. If you can't tame monsters, Princess, then a mere butler like{LF}me surely... Wait a moment. As a butler, is it MY responsibility to tame{LF}them...? If you want to tame Vishnal, I suggest giving him curry. Yes, please! Well, this is going nowhere.{LF}It’s almost like trying to talk to monsters already. Maybe the person who's tamed—{LF}I mean, trained these two would know about taming{LF}monsters... Hrm? Well, hello. How may I assist you? WHAAAAAAAT?! Taming dangerous and aggressive monsters?! You needn’t trouble yourself about such things. I am ready to{LF}accompany you anywhere, anytime! Ah ha ha... Sorry, but this time you can’t, I’m afraid. We’re looking for advice, not companions. We need to earn{LF}a Monster Taming License. Hrm. I see. You have so much experience with, well, lots of things,{LF}Volkanon... We were wondering if you might know how to tame selfish{LF}and arrogant monsters... And what did that glance at me mean, hmm? Oh, nothing. Hmph! I see you are as insolent as always. Well, if taming is your goal, I suggest you try using Dusk{LF}Plums. Dusk Plums?{LF}That sounds familiar... Oh, right! Those are a type of{LF}plum that can make monsters drunk! Precisely! They have an aroma so potently sweet that it's said one{LF}whiff will intoxicate any creature. However! You must be very careful not to allow children to{LF}eat them, no matter what. Enjoying Dusk Plums is a privilege you earn only once you{LF}are an adult. Then I ought to be more than qualified to have some. You want me to tame you? I did not say that!! Volkanon, do you know where we can find Dusk Plums? Visit the Summer Field near sunset and you ought to see{LF}some lying about. Okay. Thanks! ...! @しゅじんこうくん@, look! This must be a Dusk Plum. *SNIFF* *SNIFF*...{LF}Whoa! That IS powerful! Ha ha ha! Don’t go getting tipsy on me, @しゅじんこうくん@. Still, if just their scent is this strong, I bet feeding one to a{LF}monster’ll get even better results! Yeah, it definitely seems like it’ll be pretty effective. Okay. It’s late, so let’s save our trip to Revival Cave until{LF}tomorrow. Yeah, good idea. [Received Dusk Plum.] G'morning, @キール@. Morning, @しゅじんこうくん@! Today's the perfect day for monster taming! ♪ Let's give it{LF}our best shot, okay? @キール@, look! Yeah. That must be the one! @しゅじんこうくん@, the Dusk Plum! Right! GRRRAAAAAR...RAAAaaa...aaar? Raaarrr... Myaaarrr... Wow! It looks completely out of it! Great! Now all we have to do is tame it! ... Um, so...how do we do that? Good question. Maybe you could try brushing it? Okay. I'll give it a shot. Muuuuurrr...? Rurrr...RAAAAAR!! @しゅじんこうくん@! Why you--!! @キール@, no! Wait! But, @しゅじんこうくん@! It just... Muuurrr? It didn't, @キール@. It wasn't attacking me. It just wanted to play. What...? See? It hurt, yeah, but it didn't use its claws at all. Really...? Phew! I was really worried for a sec, there. I guess you{LF}tamed it, after all. Seems like it. Now we just need proof... Mrrrawr! What, you're giving this to us? Rawr! Thanks! An item given to us by the monster should be plenty of{LF}proof! Yeah. ♪ Let's go tell Arthur! Thanks, Mr. Monster! Arthur, look! We brought proof that we tamed a monster! Well, well. Your timing is perfect. It is? Yes. The officer who can issue Monster Taming Licenses will{LF}be here shortly. Really? Yes. Please come with me. Hello. Thank you for your time. You are welcome. Have you completed the assignment? The Forbidden Forest will only be open for a little longer this{LF}year. Please show me your proof. Here you are. Thank you. Hm...{LF}Hrmmm...{LF}Hm-hmmm... Yes, all right.{LF}This is sufficient. You pass. WOO-HOOOO!! Thank you so much! Now for the next part... Next part? Yes. Before I grant permission for you to enter the Forbidden{LF}Forest... There is one other thing you require besides the Monster{LF}Taming License. The Wooly Suit, correct? Yes, Prince Arthur. You are indeed correct. What’s that for? A full-body suit is needed to prevent any contamination from{LF}being released into the forest. Do you not have one for each of you yet? Well, then you{LF}must make them. Collecting enough Wooly wool and sewing the suits will{LF}require about one week. And in that case, I wonder if you will have enough time{LF}remaining to... OH NO! You're kidding! It'll take a whole week? The forest’ll be{LF}closed for the year by the time we're done! There is no need to panic. I have prepared suits for both of you. It so happens that I still have the suit from when I applied.{LF}Only one new one needed to be made. @アーサー@...! Are you sure? Wasn’t that suit meant for you? It was...but considering my position, I doubt I will ever have{LF}the chance to make use of it. Please allow me to give these to you as a wedding gift. Thank you, Arthur! Thanks so much! All right. Everything seems to be in order. I can now issue{LF}your permits. We shall await your arrival at the Forbidden Forest. Is this it...? Is it finally going to happen? Yes. Now it really will happen. G’morning, @キール@! Sleep well? Yep! Like a log! ...*YAAAAAWN* Eheh heh... Okay, maybe not exactly like a log. I was so{LF}excited it was tough to fall asleep. I could tell. You were fidgety until pretty late. If you know THAT, I'm guessing you didn't sleep much either. Ah ha ha. You can tell? Thinking about how today’s finally the day just kept me up{LF}all night... Maybe we should've just stayed up all night and chatted,{LF}then. Hee hee! Yeah, maybe. Kiel! Forte?! *Huff* *Huff*...{LF}Whew! I made it in time. Whoa. You’re dripping with sweat.{LF}Why are you in such a hurry? I'm terribly sorry for interrupting your private time this early in{LF}the morning. But there’s something I wanted you to have before you left. ...Ah! Ayngondaia Lawn! But...these only grow in Revival Cave. Did you get them all by{LF}yourself? Yes. If you have these, just in case the unthinkable happens,{LF}you should be safe. Amazing! That's so nice of you, Forte! ♪ Thanks, @フォルテ@. Not at all. This is the least I could do. @しゅじんこうくん@. Please take care of my brother. I will! Well then, if you’ll excuse me. Everyone’s gathering to see you off, so I’d best join them. Wow. @フォルテ@ really cares about you a whole lot,{LF}@キール@. And I care a lot about her, too. She's my second favorite{LF}person in the whole world. ♪ Don't let her hear that. I think she'd cry. Anyway, it sounds like everyone is waiting for us. We’d{LF}better get going. Yeah. Ah ha! There they are! Take care, you two! Thanks, Doug! We will. Come on, Forte. You don't need to cry. Just wave and see{LF}them off. I-I know that! We'll be back soon, Forte!{LF}I promise to bring you some nice souvenirs too! ♪ Here are your Wooly Suits. Thanks, @アーサー@. Please be very careful... Though I am sure you will be. I’m not that worried, to be{LF}honest. Once they see how loving you two are... ...even the monsters in the Forbidden Forest will be smiling. Ah ha ha! I hope so. ♪ And so, with warm well-wishes firmly in hand, the two young{LF}lovers set out upon the road...! I...I think there’s something in my eye. I may just...{LF}WAAAAAAAAAH! Yes, yes. Here you go, sir.{LF}Please blow your nose. Thanks, everyone! We’ll be back soon! Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at the Forbidden{LF}Forest. Be sure to take all your things. We're here! We're really here!{LF}The Forbidden Forest! I wonder what it'll be like. I'm super excited to find out, but I have to admit...I'm a little{LF}scared too. Don't worry. I'll keep you safe! Ah! @キール@, wait! Don't leave me behind! I'd never leave you behind. I’m gonna stick by your side forever and ever. ♪ @キール@...thanks. Awww... I really wanted to go on a honeymoon. Do not be so glum. There will be many more chances to travel together. Yeah, you’re right. I just wish we could’ve done it when we were still{LF}newlyweds... Morning! Let’s do our best today! ♪ Mnnn... Is it morning yet? I don’t get to see you when I’m{LF}sleeping, and I miss you. Mnnn...morning already...? Guess I stayed up a little too{LF}late last night reading. Still{LF}feels like I’m dreaming. Morning, Forte. Uh... ACK! Wait! No! That isn't what{LF}I meant! Last night I dreamt Forte scolded{LF}me for bad manners and... Wait,{LF}that makes me sound like a kid. Oh geez. Now I’m embarrassed... Morning. G'morning. Ah! Did we just wake up at exactly{LF}the same time? Eheh heh. Looks like we’re on the{LF}same page even in our sleep. Ooh, ouch... What’s wrong? Does your back hurt?{LF}Are you okay? Yeah, I’m fine. I just, ah, rolled{LF}out of bed by accident last night. Oh no! Don’t tell me I pushed you{LF}off...! Ha ha. It’s okay. I don’t mind. It seems like something{LF}married couples do, so it makes me happy. So I did shove you out... Mnnn...g’morning, @キール@. ... Is there something on my face?{LF}...Ack! Was I drooling in my{LF}sleep?! Nope. I was just thinking about how cute you are when you{LF}wake up. That’s all. ♪ YIKES! @キール@?! Ah. Sorry. I was just having a{LF}dream where I tried to feed a{LF}monster and it bit me. That’s one dream I hope doesn’t{LF}come true. Morning! G’morning. You sure look like you{LF}slept well. Yep! I curled up to your tummy,{LF}and it was like the super softest,{LF}comfiest pillow ever. ♪ Is this your way of telling me{LF}that I need to do some sit-ups? Morning... Ha ha ha. That’s some serious bedhead you have going on{LF}there. Come here. I’ll fix it for you. Thanks. ♪ Morni-- *SNIFF* *SNIIIIIFF* Is that...chocolate cake?! Yup. ♪ You get your favorite dessert after breakfast today. Yay! Thanks! I knew I married the right girl! Morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. You look even more beautiful than{LF}usual this morning. ♪ No matter where we are, whenever we're together, we're on{LF}a date. ♪ I can’t wait for our honeymoon!{LF}Let’s do everything we can so we can go! What do you want to do when we get to the Forbidden{LF}Forest? I want to see if I can discover a new species! Then I'll name{LF}it after you. ♪ Let’s go tell Arthur we’ve made up our minds. Geez, how long is it gonna take Forte to realize that she can{LF}let me go and live her own life? If I'm not there, she can't cook, or swim. She gets scared{LF}easily. I really can't leave her alone. Sounds to me like you can't let her go just yet, either. Y'know, @しゅじんこうくん@...{LF}You and Lady Ventuswill are awfully good friends. I wonder if I'd get to be good friends with Lady Ventuswill if I{LF}fell out of the sky too. Don't. Just don't. Ever. Wow, Dusk Plums sure are amazing. I can still smell it even{LF}though it'sh in mah bag... Um, @キール@? Are you okay? Yesssh. Just fine. Can't be—hic!—drunk if I dun drink none... Uh-huh... Hey! I toldja, I'm not dunk...I mean drunk... Could have fooled me! The monster is supposed to be in Revival Cave. Let's make{LF}sure we're prepared before we go. Once we find the monster, I'll get its attention. While it's focused on me, you put the Dusk Plum where it{LF}can eat it. How do you feel? Do your injuries still hurt? Nope. Totally fine. See? Yeah. I s-see. How about you? You okay? Your face is flushed. W-well yeah. You’re leaning awfully close... Now that we've decided we’re definitely gonna go on our{LF}honeymoon, I'm super excited! I thought that, maybe, if we went on a honeymoon, all my{LF}excitement at being married would fade... But thinking about it, that's really silly. I won't ever stop{LF}being excited when I’m with you. I’m a hundred percent sure that you’ll always make my heart{LF}race, no matter how old we get. ♪ Here's your lunch for today. I made{LF}@アイテム0@! ♪ Here you go! @アイテム0@ for when you get{LF}hungry. Here's your lunch! I decided to make{LF}@アイテム0@ today. Today's lunch is @アイテム0@! I made it with{LF}lots of love. Don't forget your lunch! I made it with extra love today. ♪ Don't forget your good-bye kiss. ♪ See you later! ♪ See you later. Don't overwork yourself, okay? See you later! Make sure you take breaks when you need to,{LF}okay? See you later! Try not to get hurt, okay? See you later! I'm gonna clean this house from top to bottom{LF}while you're out. @しゅじんこうくん@, smile. Smile! You're married now, y'know! Woo-hoo-hoo! ♪ Hot stuff, coming through! Uh...Amber? Where'd that come from? Dunno! Ellie just said I oughta say it next time I saw you. Oh. Hee hee! Just looking at a newlywed makes me feel all{LF}happy inside! Well, you certainly look pleased with yourself. Is marriage{LF}really that nice a thing? ''All you have to do is marry me to find out for yourself,{LF}Dolly!'' My, you can dream while still being wide awake? Aren't you{LF}the deft one? ''Huh?!'' You seem awfully busy despite being a newlywed. Or is it{LF}because you're a newlywed? That is one awfully sappy grin on your face. Ah well. I guess{LF}you have a right to be that happy. Goodness, you have such a satisfied look on your face. I can{LF}tell that married life suits you well. Two people from two different lands find each other and join{LF}as one to walk the same path...I'm jealous. Once married, one must grow strong enough to protect{LF}one's family from any and all danger. I will gladly join you for sparring at any time. Hn? Ah. I thought I sensed a happy aura. It seems a{LF}newlywed was coming by, yes? Did I just see you skipping along? It is good to know you are{LF}happy. @しゅじんこうくん@, is it me, or are you a little more plump?{LF}This must be what they mean by filled with happiness. Ooh. I spy a newlywed. ♪{LF}You radiate so much happiness I could feel you coming. Boy, I'd love to marry you someday too, @しゅじんこうくん@. WHAT?! Oh, oopsie. I said that wrong.{LF}I meant I want to be married like you someday. Whew. That’s better. Are you telling your spouse how much you love them every{LF}day? You ought to. My, you seem awfully busy. Once things settle down, we should have tea. I'd love to{LF}hear about newlywed life from you. Seeing how splendid the ceremony for your wedding was... I've been wondering if there was some way we could{LF}advertise Selphia as a trendy wedding destination... Ha ha... You really are all about your job, aren’t you? I’ve always been more focused on my work than on my{LF}personal life. But seeing how happy you are is making me consider being{LF}wedded to more than my job. Don't worry, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Married or not, I am still your butler. If you are ever in need of anything, do not hesitate to ask! You must feel so lucky being able to marry the one you love{LF}the most. Yep! I think that every day.{LF}It still feels like a dream. One day, I'm going to be as competent and capable as you{LF}are, @しゅじんこうくん@! Congrats on your marriage! Happy occasions like that are so great that I wanna{LF}celebrate them over and over. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Is it me, or have you changed? You look more mature and responsible. All thanks to having{LF}a spouse, I guess. I'm sure you want to hang out with your husband as much as{LF}possible, but don't forget about me. I guess marriage ain't all that bad. Who would've thought I'd think that someday. You must be{LF}rubbing off on me. Hey. Keep your distance.{LF}Your happy-sappy newlywed aura makes my ears itch. Once you're bored with that whole being married thing, let's{LF}go fishing. Just let me know whenever. Getting married hasn’t slowed you down at all, has it? You{LF}certainly seem to be busy running errands. Marriage is sweet but sours once the honeymoon is over...is{LF}what many people say, anyway. Though in your case, I can see you two being sappy and{LF}happy until your dying days. Spending time with your spouse is to be expected, I guess,{LF}but don't forget to come hang out sometimes. ... What? Is it me, or are you looking cooler than before? Dang it, that{LF}power of marriage stuff is real! Now that you're married, don’t go forgetting your old{LF}buddies. If you ever wanna talk, come on over. Dang it, now I wanna get married! And just so you know, it's{LF}all your fault. Extra super special congratulations to you!!! How is married{LF}life? Is it as delicious as it looks? Watching someone so happy makes me so very hungry. If I were to sit you at my table now, I think I could eat{LF}forever and ever. ♪ You have such a dignified air to you now! So this is what{LF}having someone to protect will do. @しゅじんこうくん@, don't leave your spouse's side for too long,{LF}okay? And definitely no turning into a wanderer. Seeing you two happily married makes me think about Papa{LF}and what we were like way back when. If you get home first, be sure to warm the house up nice and{LF}toasty, okay? Coming back to a nice and toasty home is the loveliest{LF}feeling. A detective so clever they unraveled the universal mystery of{LF}love... @しゅじんこうくん@, you make an excellent rival. You may be newlyweds, but get all lovey-dovey in front of{LF}me and I'll arrest you. *SNIFF* *SNIFF* *SNIFF*... Hmph.{LF}Not even a whiff of intrigue! You two must be getting along{LF}great. My, my. A smile that bright each day will certainly keep the{LF}doctor away. The secret to a happy marriage is apologizing first. Nothing{LF}good comes from being stubborn. Just in case, I suggest having a first aid kit in your house. That way, if you get in a spat with your spouse and blood{LF}flows, you’ll have it on hand. @しゅじんこうくん@, are you happy? Just kidding. I know the{LF}answer just by looking at you. Mm? Your eyes seem a little puffy. Missing some sleep, are{LF}we? I guess that's no surprise in a newlywed. Be sure you tell your spouse that you love them every day,{LF}okay? Nurse's orders. Talk Please check my gear. It's nothing. Y'know, every time I see you, you have a big smile on your{LF}face. Good to know you're happy. *GULP* Ugh... I’ll never, ever, get used to airships. Are you okay? Yeah. One sec... Though, looking at you makes me feel like{LF}I'm going from air-sick to happy-sick. Ah well. I'll take the latter over the former any day. A word of warning... When women get married, they change.{LF}Be ready. Though, well...I'm sure they say the same about us. You aren't equipped with anything right now. If you want me to check your gear for you, go equip it first. What gear do you want to know about? Weapon: @アイテム0@ Shield: @アイテム1@ Armor: @アイテム2@ Headgear: @アイテム3@ Shoes: @アイテム4@ Accessory: @アイテム5@ Quit. This @アイテム0@ has been strengthened{LF}with... ...Wait, nothing's been used on it yet. ...@アイテム1@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@ and{LF}@アイテム2@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}and @アイテム3@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... and @アイテム4@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, and{LF}@アイテム5@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}and @アイテム6@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... ...and @アイテム7@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, and{LF}@アイテム8@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, @アイテム8@,{LF}and @アイテム9@. Hmm? It looks like... ...@アイテムA@ was used in making this. ...@アイテムA@ and{LF}@アイテムB@ were used in making this. ...@アイテムA@, @アイテムB@,{LF}and @アイテムC@ were used in making this. This was well made. I can tell something else, too. The materials used in making it were good quality. A lot of good materials were used in making it. The materials used in making it were great quality. The materials used in making it were almost perfect. Incredible! The materials used in making this were all perfect! Making this must have taken a lot of effort. Still... That and... It looks like it was made with some unusual materials. It looks like it was made with unusual materials. It looks like it was made with some rather unusual materials. It looks like it was made with rare materials. It looks like it was made with pretty rare materials. It looks like it was made with really rare materials. It looks like it was made with extremely rare materials. Incredible! This looks like it was made with nothing but the{LF}rarest of materials. It looks like @アイテム0@, but it has the{LF}abilities of @アイテム1@. Hey. How're you doing? What do you need? See you later. I came to chat. Show me your collection. Nothing. Seeing you smile makes me miss him. Everyone is still talking about your wedding. What a nice{LF}town. You’re sparkling more than a polished crystal. You must be{LF}really happy. ...What? Oh. Come again. @しゅじんこうくん@! I see marriage has matured you even more{LF}than you were! Yes, that was a lovely wedding ceremony. A lovely{LF}ceremony, indeed! If I close my eyes, I can still see it playing out in all its glory! Oh ho! You look even happier today than yesterday. I see{LF}your joy only grows day by day! You seem the happiest I have ever seen you. Good, good. I{LF}am glad. However, remember that happiness takes effort to maintain.{LF}Continue to keep up your good work. I thought marriage might settle you down some, but it seems{LF}you are still your indomitable self. I feel much better about that. A settled and subdued you is not truly you at all. @しゅじんこうくん@. Have you not been a little cold to me of{LF}late? Do not let marriage change you too much, all right? Erm, that is simply my sage advice as someone with much{LF}experience. It is not because I am lonely... I can only hope that seeing how happy you are will convince{LF}Doug that he should settle down too. My, my. You've got quite the solid and reliable look to you{LF}these days. Why, if I were thirty years younger, I think I'd be smitten by{LF}you too. I hope that you two grow to be as close and loving a couple{LF}as Jones and Nancy. I stocked up on flowers for your wedding, but they didn't sell{LF}all that well. I guess most people go to a flower shop for that sort of{LF}thing. Boy, running a shop sure takes effort. You sure look like your wedding's got you on cloud nine. Be{LF}careful not to fall for any scams. Oh, I'll be careful, all right. Why did you look at me when you said that? I thought I might try to pull something on you while your{LF}head’s in the clouds, but eh. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. What will your spouse call you? Choose a nickname for your spouse. G'morning...hm? @マーガレット@? Where did she get to so early in the morning? @マーガレット@? Laa... La laa... Laa la... ♪ That song... Laaa... Laaa... ♪ Whew... *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* ...!! @しゅじんこうくん@?! You were listening...? How long have you been standing{LF}there? Um, since the beginning? Since the beginning?! Aaaaah! Aaaaaaaah!! Forget what you heard! Forget everything! Ow! Why? Aaaaah...wait. Are you...crying? I am no—huh? Whoa. I am crying. I didn’t even notice. I’m sorry. Did it hurt that bad? No, it didn’t hurt at all... Oh, I know! I was just that moved! Hm? Your song was so beautiful that I couldn’t help it. I’ve never{LF}heard anything so touching. Aaaaah! Stop! No more! Don’t say anything else! Ack! Wh-whoa, @マーガレット@, calm down. Oh geez... I didn’t think anyone was listening. Why are you so embarrassed? You sang it wonderfully. I don’t want anyone to hear it until it’s perfect! I haven’t finished it yet. It’s not ready for an audience. I dunno. It sounded perfect to me. Just remembering it is{LF}making me tear up again. *SNIFFLE* *SNIFFLE*... Waaa...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Okay. Now you’re making fun of me. It wasn’t THAT moving. Um, that’s not me. Huh? You’re right. That sounded like... Ventuswill! I wonder what’s wrong. Let’s go check on her! Yeah! *SNIFFLE* *SNIFFLE* *SNIFFLE* *SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIF*... Venti! Are you okay?! What’s wrong?! Did you have a scary dream? No, I did not have a scary dream! Do not treat me like a{LF}child! Hearing your song brought me to tears, that’s all. My song? Wait, you could hear it all the way over here?! I have exceptionally good hearing, you know. ACK! Forget that you heard it! Please!!! Mm? Why so bashful? It was truly a lovely song. Gentle as an embrace, and so bitter sweet that it cut straight{LF}to the heart... And running throughout those sweet notes was a core of{LF}strength and dignity. Such an elegant melody. One that everyone deserves to hear! So! Margaret! Would you consider holding a recital and performing that{LF}song in front of the whole town? We could call it, ''An Elegant Evening of Mellifluous Melodies,{LF}by Margaret!'' WHAT?! When I find something I like I cannot help but recommend it{LF}to all, you know. I’m sure everyone will be moved by it as much as I... Wait wait wait! Wait just one second! The song isn’t ready to be performed yet! I won’t know if it’s really any good or not until it’s complete. It seems plain to me that it is quite magnificent already. You{LF}have brought two people to tears, no? You two are just quick to cry, is all. No, no. I think even a monster would weep, should one hear{LF}it! As I keep saying, it’s no good until it’s finished! C’mon, you{LF}tell her too! Actually, I kinda agree with Venti. What? The song really is that powerful. Excellent! Then we are agreed. No. I mean it. The song isn’t ready. I’M not ready. Well then, allow me to make one request that will hopefully{LF}give your confidence a boost. I’m not singing it for a crowd! I’m not asking you to perform it for a crowd. Well, not one of people, anyway. Why not monsters? Are you serious? Very. The nearby Cluckadoodle nest has been quite{LF}squawkish of late. I can only guess that something has their feathers in a ruffle. How about singing your song for them? It may soothe their{LF}fowl temper. What do you think I am, a monster whisperer?! Still, what if we could communicate our feelings to monsters?{LF}Wouldn’t that be amazing? Well... Okay, okay. If you two insist, I guess I could try singing to{LF}them. Ah, you accept, then? Marvelous, marvelous! I shall eagerly{LF}await news of your results. There are Cluckadoodles everywhere... I guess being cooped{LF}up like this is why they’re mad. Oh geez... They’re breaking boulders with their beaks. Can{LF}we go home now? We came this far. We can’t chicken out now. Let’s try singing{LF}for them! All right, if you insist. But don't come crying to me if they{LF}peck you to bits. Laa... La laa... Laa la... ♪ By the blessed stars, where did you get all these eggs?! The Cluckadoodles gave them to us as a gift! The song was a huge hit! Once they heard it, they liked us so much we got all these! I knew it! Your song has moved even monsters to kindness. Now do{LF}you see the power it holds? I would truly love for you to share it with the town, as well.{LF}Now will you hold the recital? Sorry. I can’t. Why not? It’s really good. Have more confidence in yourself. Maybe the Cluckadoodles only liked it because they’re{LF}simple-minded monsters. I’m still not sure that the song is good enough for a more...{LF}discerning crowd. Hrm. Okay, then. How about performing it for just a few people,{LF}not a whole crowd? See what they think, and then decide if it’s good enough. How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t want to{LF}sing it in front of people yet! I’ll do it, then. You? Yeah. It’s a powerful and memorable melody, so it wasn’t{LF}hard to memorize. I won’t tell anyone that you wrote it, either. How’s that? Well...hm. I guess that’s okay. Wonderful! Then we are decided. Go forth! Go forth and{LF}siiiiing! Geez, how long are you gonna sit around moping? Cheer up{LF}already. Doug is right, Kiel. I’m sure Forte is no longer upset about it. *SIGH* But it was suuuch a stupid thing for me to say. Still...Forte didn’t need to say what she said, either. Hey, everyone. Got a minute? There’s a song I want you to{LF}hear. A song? Where’d this come from all of a sudden? I don’t mind. Please do. I’m not really in the mood for music right now, but I guess if{LF}you want to... Great! Here I go... Laa... La laa... Laa la... ♪ ... Huh. I don’t really get music, but that was...nice. Yes, indeed. It had an enchanting melody that was easy to{LF}lose oneself in. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. That was a really nice song. I feel better after hearing it. See, I got in a dumb argument with my sister earlier, but now{LF}I feel like I can go and say sorry. Really? That’s great! See, @マーガレット@? Even when I sing it, it's still so{LF}powerful it moves people. Still... You know, Forte, it’s not good for you to be upset for so{LF}long. I’m sure Kiel is most sorry for what he said, yes? I know, I know. I said things I shouldn’t have too... But still! He was really rude to me! Hi, everyone. I’m sorry to interrupt, but would you like to{LF}hear my new song? YOUR song, @しゅじんこうくん@? Not Meg's? I am not particularly minded. Great! Here goes... Laa... La laa... Laa la... ♪ Oh geez... Wow. That was surprisingly good. Ooh, the melody was sooooo pretty. To think @しゅじんこうくん@ had a talent hidden for music. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I feel better. I was so angry{LF}before, but now... Kiel... Excuse me. I have to go and apologize to my brother! Good, good! Heh. I’m not too bad at this. Heck, maybe I should do that{LF}recital instead. Sheesh. Forte, I’m sorry. I said some things that I shouldn’t have. No, Kiel. It’s okay. It was my fault. I’m sorry. No, no! I shouldn’t have complained about the yolks{LF}breaking on my fried eggs! No! It’s me who should be sorry! My execution of ''over{LF}medium'' was unacceptable! ...That’s what they were fighting about? Hearing @しゅじんこうくん@'s song calmed me and made{LF}everything clear. Too soon. I’d flipped them too soon. Yeah. It was a really wonderful song. Can we hear it again? Sure thing! I would be honored to perform an encore. AHEM. Laa... La laa... Laa la... ♪ Mnnngh... No, no, NO! Huh?! I can't take it any more! You've been singing the wrong section after that part the{LF}whole time! What, really? Oops! So does it go like this...? Laa... La laa... Laa la... ♪ Augh! No! It goes like this! Laa... La laa... Laa la... ♪ Hmmm. Thinking on it, that part still needs something. ...Um, what’s up with everyone? Why are you all so quiet? Meg, that was amazing! Yeah. It's like @しゅじんこうくん@'s song, but way, way better. Yeah! It was great! I...I'm at a loss for words. I can't stop crying...! It seems I would like to hear more! Wait, um, this song isn't actually finished yet. It's still only{LF}half-way done. It’s nothing to get all excited about yet. Then please do what you must to finish it! Yeah. I definitely want to hear the finished version. Yeah, you just gotta get it done! Please! I'll help you if you want. I want Mama to hear it too! Everyone... Well, @マーガレット@? What are you going to do? Thanks, everyone. I'll finish the song! And once it's ready, I'll hold a recital! Now that's the spirit. Guess they really got the performer in{LF}her to come out. La la laa... Do dooo... ♪ Hmmm...no, that's not quite right. Maybe that part should be{LF}more andante... Ugh! But then the harmony completely falls apart! How’s it coming? Like a crowded nest of Cluckadoodles... The music is just wandering around, coming and going{LF}whenever. I’ve totally lost my muse. Oh! I almost forgot. I made Choco Cookies. Have some if you{LF}like. Wow. I'm surprised you took the time when you're so busy{LF}with your song. No, it was good to take a break. I needed a change of pace. Thanks. Time to dig in! Mph?! Wait, that's... Y'know, I'm kinda hungry too. I think I'll have one myself. No, wait-- *Crunch* Mrpgh?! BLECH! What the heck? Did I get the salt and the{LF}sugar mixed up?! Ah ha ha! Yeah, seems like it. I’m sorry. I was so caught up in my song that I wasn’t paying{LF}attention. It’s okay. That song’s really important to you. No, it’s not okay! I mean, yes, the song is important, but it doesn't mean a{LF}thing if I ignore everything else! To me, every day I get to spend with you is precious. There are so few of them before you’ll go away and leave{LF}me... And that’s what inspired my song. Those feelings, welling up{LF}inside. I had to do something with them. @マーガレット@... Anyway! I'll make sure I don't make any more silly mistakes. I'm sorry. ... No, I'm the one who's sorry. What’re you apologizing for? For pushing you to finish it. It's stressing you out. I'm sorry. No, that made me really happy! You saying you wanted to hear it, everyone saying it moved{LF}them... It all makes me so happy. It never occurred to me that so many others would care{LF}about me and my music. Finishing the song is stressful, yes, but at the same time, it{LF}isn't. It's just...I don't want to sacrifice my time with you just to{LF}work on it. ... Okay, then. Let me handle everything outside of work on{LF}your song. What you want to keep safe, I'll keep safe for you,{LF}@マーガレット@. I'll do both my part and yours, so that we can enjoy our{LF}precious everyday life together. So just focus on your song. Okay? Are you sure about that? Do you really want a wife who{LF}does nothing but work on her hobby? I don't mind at all! ...Thanks. This song is my feelings for you put into melody. It's very,{LF}very important to me. That's why I don't want it to be some half-baked thing. I{LF}want it to be a song that’ll last forever. I want it to be sung and heard long after we’re gone. I'm sure it'll mean a lot of work for you, but I'll try my{LF}hardest! Okay! I'll do my best to help you out however I can too. So, first...um, what should I do? ... I haven't a clue. Wait, I know! I'll go ask for advice from the one who knows{LF}@マーガレット@ better than anyone. Mmmm? You want advice from moi to help out Meggy? Why, give her a scrumptious present! Whatever ails her, that{LF}is the only way to go. You must feed her muse through her tummy! When the saliva{LF}flows, so too will ideas! Ah, I see. And I know JUST the thing! A Mixed Fruit Cake. Delectable{LF}layers upon layers of fruit! If you bring me some apples, oranges, and strawberries, I’ll{LF}whip one right up! You got it, Porcoline! @マーガレット@, I'm home. Welcome home. Um, you’ve been looking pretty glum lately, but I brought{LF}something to cheer you up. Ta-dah! A Mixed Fruit Cake, specially made by Porcoline just{LF}for you. ...Thanks, but I'm not hungry. You can have it. WHAT?! @マーガレット@...doesn't want cake?! Oh no... This is much{LF}more serious than I thought! I need to think of something to raise her spirits and fast...! Wait, I know! Laa... La laa... Laa la... ♪ ...! ... Pfffft! Ha ha ha. You’re still getting it wrong. But, I have to admit, this IS a good song. Even off, it's still{LF}enough to give me a smile. Maybe it's the way you're singing it that's moving everyone,{LF}not my parts. Nah, no way. No, I mean it. That just helped clear my mind. ... Wait, that's it! Could you sing that for me one more time? Hm? Please? O-okay... Laa... Laa... La laa... ♪ Laa... La laa... Laa la... ♪ !! You noticed it too? Your off way of singing it actually makes a perfect harmony{LF}with the way I sing it! That's it! This song wasn't complete because I was singing alone! It{LF}was meant to be a duet! A duet... @しゅじんこうくん@, please. Would you sing with me at the{LF}recital? WHAT?! Now that I know what it's meant to{LF}be, I can't sing it alone. Please! O-okay, if you’re sure. Thank you! Hee hee! Now that I know how to finish my song I think I AM{LF}feeling a bit peckish. Cake me! Ha ha. Yes, ma’am. Once I’m finished eating, we can start rehearsing. I’m a{LF}perfectionist, so prepare yourself! Um, g-go easy on me. Please? Laa... Laa... La laa... ♪ Laa... La laa... Laa la... ♪ Yep! That was perfect. Okay. Once more from the top. Laa... Laa... La laa... ♪ Laa... La laa... Laa la... ♪ Laa...raaah...ruaaa... Ah-ah! You're out of tune. Ack! *Croak* Sohwy... Wait, what’s wrong with your voice?! It doesn’t sound right! Don’t tell me it was stolen by a siren?! No, that can’t be it. I made you sing too much, didn’t I? I’m{LF}sorry. Singing together just feels so good that I didn’t want to{LF}stop... I’m...ohkay. I cn...shpeak...slowly... *Cough* You don’t sound okay at all! Oh gosh, what are we going to do?! There isn’t much time{LF}left before the recital. This is all my fault. Reh...plashment...? A replacement? No, never! I can’t sing this with anyone but{LF}you. I know! A doctor can fix this! We’ll go see Jones! Oh dear. It certainly does sound as if you’re gargling rocks. Did you let a siren steal it from you? I said the same thing. Ha ha ha! Sorry, sorry. All right, @しゅじんこうくん@. Please open your mouth. W-well, Jones? His vocal cords are very enflamed. He’ll need to rest them for{LF}a few days. Lots of fluids, no speaking. What? B-but we don’t have a few days! The recital is almost{LF}here. We need to rehearse! Not only that, if I can’t talk with him for days, I’ll shrivel up{LF}and die of loneliness! Well, if you absolutely must, drinking some tea brewed with{LF}licorice root will help soothe it. Licorice root? Where can we find that? A particularly nice strain grows around Idra Cave. It’s quite{LF}potent. But you’ll have to be very careful. I’ve heard that some monsters feed on it. I’m not afraid of a few monsters! C’mon! Let’s hurry to Idra{LF}Cave! Ah ha! Here it is! Licorice root! GRRRUUUAAAH!! And there’s the monster. Be careful, @しゅじんこうくん@. Yes! We got the licorice root! Let’s hurry back and brew the tea! Jones, we brought the licorice root. My, that certainly was fast. The power of love is an amazing thing. Why, I remember a{LF}few times when Jones and I... We’ll reminisce later! Tea now, please! Here you go. Sip on this and be sure to get a good night’s{LF}sleep. Thank you so much, Jones! Tank...yuh... Now, now. No speaking, just rest. Go on. Hurry home and let Meg sing a nice lullaby for you. Take care. *Siiiiip* *Siiiiip* Whew. Now we just wait and let it do its job. I hope it{LF}works. How about we have an early night and give it plenty of time{LF}to work its magic? Good morning. Well? How is it...? Laa... Laa... Lalaa... ♪ Aah! It's perfect! Oh thank goodness. Now we just have to wait for the night of the recital. I’m still nervous...but as long as it’s the two of us, I’m sure{LF}we’ll be fine! Oh my goodness... Tonight’s the recital. My nerves are{LF}tighter than the strings on my harp! But I’m going to sing every song I know for everyone in town! And then, at the very end, we’ll perform our duet together. I hope... I hope they like it. Still, ''every'' song you know? Will your voice last that long? It doesn’t matter. If I can’t talk for a few days afterwards, it’s{LF}okay. Ah ha! It’s time to start the pre-show rehearsal. You don’t have to come on until the very end, so you can{LF}just hang out for a bit. See you soon! I hope her voice holds up... ... Y’know, there’s still time until evening. I could go get some{LF}more of that root just in case... Ah! Here’s some. GRRRUUUAAAAAH! Shoot! It saw me. Guess I’ve no choice but to fight! GRRRRRRR! Huh? GWWWAAAAARRR! Uh-oh! I’m surrounded! @マーガレット@...I'm sorry... La la la... Laa... La laa... ♪ That’s our resident bard for you. Every song Margaret sings{LF}tugs at the heart strings. Still...where is @しゅじんこうくん@ while his lovely wife is giving{LF}such a beautiful concert? @しゅじんこうくん@...where are you? Don't tell me you didn't{LF}want to sing with me, after all... Now, then! I think it is about time we heard the song we’ve all been{LF}waiting to hear! Er, um! N-not just yet! I still have a few others I’d like to{LF}perform first! Like, um...oh dear. I’ve run out of songs that I practiced. Come! Stop teasing and let us hear it! @しゅじんこうくん@...I have faith in you... Laa... La laa... Laa la... ♪ Hrn...? Wait a moment. Was that song so steeped in sadness{LF}before? It's bringing me to tears again...but this time they're tears of{LF}sorrow. Meggy... Whatever is the matter? La laa~ Laa~ E-enough... This was not the song I wished to share with...{LF}hm? Laa... Laa... La laa... ♪ ...! La laa... La laa lu laa... ♪ La la laa... Lu la laa... ♪ Aah...! Sorrow. Nostalgia. Joy. Hope. Wh-what are all these feelings{LF}welling up inside of me... Laa... La laa... Laa la... ♪ Ah...Aaah...WAAAAAAAAAHHH!! Such beauty made melody! It overflows with emotion. I knew{LF}it was a treasure! And it seems I am not the only one to feel its powerful{LF}touch. Still, that was a cruel way to begin your performance of it. Um, that wasn’t really part of the plan. I was so worried! By the blessed stars, where were you?!{LF}What were you doing?! Sorry, @マーガレット@. I was afraid you would hurt your{LF}voice, so I went and got some more. Ah...! Licorice root! You gathered all this? It was, ah, a little tougher than I thought it would be. I kinda{LF}got surrounded. I thought I was a goner, but then something came to me. Remember the Cluckadoodles? Oh! So I started singing your song, and the monsters calmed{LF}down. Once I was done, they actually gave me all this licorice root. Is that what happened... I’m just glad you’re safe and sound. I am, thanks to your song. You'd better not do anything that crazy again, you hear! I won’t, I won’t. Sorry. I promise I’ll be more careful. Allow me to formally thank you both. I hope that, someday, we will get to hear another duet from{LF}you two. Yeah! Though next time, I’d love to add a chorus with the rest of{LF}our family. I wonder, will it be a trio?{LF}A quartet? I can’t wait! Yeah...wait. What?! I really did want to share @マーガレット@'s lovely song with{LF}the town. But if she is not feeling up to it, then that is that. I will not{LF}force her. She’ll finish it someday, and then I’m sure she’ll let everyone{LF}hear it. Yes. I shall eagerly await that day. I see. So it will not be ready in time? Unfortunately, no... Now, now. No need to look so glum. We will find another day to hold the recital. I will wait patiently and with great anticipation until that{LF}time. Good morning. Do you hear the birds? I think birdsong is one{LF}of the loveliest sounds. Good morning. So what were you dreaming of last night?{LF}You had a big smile on your face. Umm...I don't remember. Uh-huh. Suuure you don’t. No cheating on me, even in your dreams, you hear? The sound of your breathing as you sleep has such a{LF}comforting rhythm. It’s really calming. Good morning! Have a good night’s rest? With the position{LF}you were sleeping in I’d be amazed, honestly. To start the day off on a high note, a wake up kiss would be{LF}nice... When I wake up in the morning, you're right there beside{LF}me... I wish days like these would continue on forever. Good morning. Your throat is still sore, isn’t it? Don’t try to{LF}speak, okay? Good morning! Uh-oh. Somebody’s got a serious case of{LF}bed-head. Still, looks kinda cute on you. Good morning! Mmm, smells yummy in here, right? That’s{LF}because I made you a box lunch! Ta-dah! Are you awake? I woke earlier than usual this morning, and I’m getting bored{LF}being all by myself. No going back to sleep, okay? Good morning... Argh! I had a dream about an amazing melody, but now I{LF}can’t remember it! Good morning! What a lovely day. I feel like today's going to inspire me with a new song idea. Shall we go for a stroll? You must be tired. Here, let me massage your shoulders. Oh, yes please! Mmm, that feels wonderful. I would sacrifice my best lyre to save you from a raging{LF}Buffamoo, @しゅじんこうくん@, but... I won’t cook with squid! I just won’t do it!!! I hope that we’ll be the kind of couple who holds hands{LF}when they’re out, no matter how old we get. I’m sure we’ll have our spats from time to time, but let’s{LF}promise to make up by the next day, okay? You know what? I’m noticing that we like a lot of the same{LF}things. I guess that’s why we’re married, huh? I bet if I brought you home to the Elven lands as my hubby,{LF}everyone would be so surprised! @しゅじんこうくん@, if you're not feeling well, just let me know.{LF}I'll take care of you. What if I’m fine? Will you still pamper me then? Of course! I know that in every life, sorrow will come and go like the{LF}summer rains. But as long as I’m with you, I think I’ll be able to overcome{LF}whatever clouds may darken our day. Hey, um, do you think I’m a good wife? If there’s anything I{LF}could do better, just say so. Oh! But if you just blurt it out, I’ll be kind of hurt. So, y’know,{LF}be gentle, throw in a compliment... Wait, but that’s... I mean... Marriage sure is complicated... Oh, did you notice me glancing at you? I was, um, just{LF}thinking about how cool you are... Sorry. I won’t do that any more. I’ll just stare, instead. Even when I’ve got this music block, I have to remember to{LF}stay positive and keep smiling. Don’t worry. If you feel that smile slipping, I’ll tell you some{LF}funny stories. Well... You know, just looking at you is enough to cheer me right{LF}up, so I guess it doesn’t matter. So...is that a no on the stories? I wonder what you were like when you were a child,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Though if we have a son, I guess I'll find out, huh! Here's your lunch. I made some @アイテム0@{LF}for you today. Today's lunch is @アイテム0@. Don't forget it,{LF}now! Today's lunch is @アイテム0@. I hope you{LF}enjoy it! Here's your lunch for today. I made{LF}@アイテム0@. Here, I made some @アイテム0@. You can{LF}have it when you get hungry for lunch. See you later! Give today your best, okay? Work hard today, okay? See ya'! See you later! Try not to hurt yourself out there, okay? Don't stay out too late now, okay? I, um...I'd really like it if you could come home early today. Tum! ♪ Ta-tah! ♪ De-dum! ♪ Married, married! Congrats to{LF}the married! ♪ Boy, you're so lucky to be married. I wanna get married{LF}someday, too. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? You look so happy it's like a flower{LF}just bloomed in your smile. I see you're still buzzing all over the place, despite being{LF}married now. ''I'm sure they're simply so happy they just can't hold still,{LF}m'lady.'' How is married life? Is it fun? ...And given the sappy look on{LF}your face, I shouldn’t have bothered asking. ''@しゅじんこうくん@, Dolly has been talking about you all the{LF}time lately.'' ''It seems she's HIGHLY curious about married life. Do you{LF}kiss your spouse every morning? ...And so on.'' I-I was just curious, okay? Pico, say another word and I will{LF}sew your mouth shut. @しゅじんこうくん@, you look even more alive than ever, today.{LF}It's like you are overflowing with happiness! Aha! I spy a newlywed! Hold still a sec, let me check. Wah?! H-Hey! Yep. Lovely. ♪ So that's what a happy heartbeat sounds like. Feel free to come chat with me at any time. I'll gladly listen{LF}to you gush about newlywed life. ♪ I wonder. Will I, too, someday find the happiness you have... Erm! My apologies. It's nothing. It seems marriage is a wonderful thing indeed. I can tell just{LF}by looking at you. To love. To be loved. To be joined as one. Marriage is like a{LF}miracle, that way. You have a very happy smile on your face, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}It shines almost as much as Mama's, yes? It seems Mama asked me if I might get married someday. If it means I would be as happy as you are, @しゅじんこうくん@,{LF}perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing. @しゅじんこうくん@! Do you have time to hang out... Erm, no. It seems I do not wish to disturb the newlyweds,{LF}yes? Hee hee! What? Is there something on my face? Yep. ♪ Happiness. It’s all over the place. Zzz... Zzz...AH! How strange. I dreamed I was watching your{LF}wedding ceremony again. It was such a nice ceremony. You have someone to wake up with you every morning now.{LF}I'm so jealous. I want to get married and have someone to wake me up on{LF}time too. You look even more lively now since getting married. Seeing{LF}you puts a little pep in my step. How is married life treating you? It's wonderful. I'm loving it! I see. That is good to hear. ''How to Build a Harmonious Home Life''. ''Ten Tips to Making{LF}Up''. ''The Choice to Live Apart''. Hrm... What’s on your mind, Arthur?{LF}You look so torn. I'm trying to decide what to give to you as a present. But... *SIGH* Choosing the most appropriate book for a{LF}newlywed is difficult. Seeing you so happy makes me happy,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. I must admit, now that you are married, @しゅじんこうくん@... Knowing that I'll have fewer chances to serve you makes me{LF}a little sad. @しゅじんこうくん@, look. Your wedding moved me so much I{LF}bought a charm to help me find my own soulmate. With this, I just know I’ll be able to find that one person{LF}destined to be my perfect master! Not the perfect lover, huh... Boy, you make marriage look like a really great thing. It{LF}almost makes me wanna get married too. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Can I ask you a question? Is it fun{LF}being married? Yeah. Really fun. ♪ You looked amazing during your{LF}wedding ceremony, @しゅじんこうくん@. You should wear that outfit more often. If I had been married, could I have been as happy as you...?{LF}No, never you mind. It's nothing. What, bored enough that you've come to join me in playing{LF}with fire? Huh?! Ha ha! A joke, a joke. You looked so happy I just couldn't{LF}help but tease. Hrm. Yes, I do believe you look even more lovely now. It{LF}seems love does make one more beautiful. Everybody's talking about how lovey-dovey you two get,{LF}y'know. No going overboard, 'kay? Gah! That smile could outshine the sun! Geez. How 'bout{LF}sharing some of that happiness, huh? Yo, newlywed! You're looking as happy-sappy as ever. The secret to a happy home life is happy tummies. Be sure to{LF}cook a full-course meal three times a day! With that much food, I think our tummies would be the{LF}opposite of happy... They say even a monster won't touch a lovers' spat, but I{LF}could eat them right up! ♪ Oh my! The light! The bright, shining light of your smile! Is{LF}this the power of marriage?! You know, @しゅじんこうくん@, everyone is talking about how{LF}lovey-dovey you two are. Hee hee! Now that you're married, why don't you come visit our baths{LF}as a couple? If you let me know ahead of time, I'll let you rent the whole{LF}bath so it’s just the two of you. I wonder if, someday, I'll get to see Xiao get married, just like{LF}you. I'm sure I'd be so happy and miss her so much I'd be crying{LF}the whole time. @しゅじんこうくん@, you look really happy. It's so obvious even{LF}a rookie gumshoe could tell. Oh ho! Is something afoot? Need a detective to dig into a{LF}case of infidelity, perhaps? Sorry. Don’t think you’ll get a case like that now or ever. Hm...? Well, isn’t that some lovely, smooth skin. So being in love DOES make a person more beautiful. That’s{LF}one mystery solved. We've actually had quite a few people visiting the clinic{LF}asking for advice on finding partners. I'm sure they were all inspired by your wonderful wedding{LF}ceremony. How do you find married life so far? It's great. ♪ Wonderful. I'm glad to hear that. As someone with a bit more experience in that area than{LF}you, I have some advice... Or...perhaps not. You don't seem like you need any advice at{LF}all. My, my! Now, I'm confident Jones and I are just as loving,{LF}but I think you’re outdoing us right now. ... What's wrong? You looked lost in thought for a minute there. Oh, I'm sorry. It’s just seeing you reminded me of when{LF}Jones and I were first married. If you ever get in a tiff, you come right on over to see me. I'll{LF}be more than happy to lend an ear. Talk Please check my gear. It's nothing. Heh. You look like you're walking on an inch of air still. Heck,{LF}the whole town does. Everyone is celebrating the happiness of one couple like it's{LF}their own. Y'know? This is a good town. Congrats on your marriage... I'm kinda late on that, huh?{LF}What's the best thing to say at a time like that? I think you can just be normal.{LF}That's fine. You seem even more chipper than usual. I guess they're right{LF}when they say love gives you energy. You aren't equipped with anything right now. If you want me to check your gear for you, go equip it first. What gear do you want to know about? Weapon: @アイテム0@ Shield: @アイテム1@ Armor: @アイテム2@ Headgear: @アイテム3@ Shoes: @アイテム4@ Accessory: @アイテム5@ Quit. This @アイテム0@ has been strengthened{LF}with... ...Wait, nothing's been used on it yet. ...@アイテム1@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@ and{LF}@アイテム2@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}and @アイテム3@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... and @アイテム4@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, and{LF}@アイテム5@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}and @アイテム6@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... ...and @アイテム7@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, and{LF}@アイテム8@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, @アイテム8@,{LF}and @アイテム9@. Hmm? It looks like... ...@アイテムA@ was used in making this. ...@アイテムA@ and{LF}@アイテムB@ were used in making this. ...@アイテムA@, @アイテムB@,{LF}and @アイテムC@ were used in making this. This was well made. I can tell something else, too. The materials used in making it were good quality. A lot of good materials were used in making it. The materials used in making it were great quality. The materials used in making it were almost perfect. Incredible! The materials used in making this were all perfect! Making this must have taken a lot of effort. Still... That and... It looks like it was made with some unusual materials. It looks like it was made with unusual materials. It looks like it was made with some rather unusual materials. It looks like it was made with rare materials. It looks like it was made with pretty rare materials. It looks like it was made with really rare materials. It looks like it was made with extremely rare materials. Incredible! This looks like it was made with nothing but the{LF}rarest of materials. It looks like @アイテム0@, but it has the{LF}abilities of @アイテム1@. Hey. How're you doing? What do you need? See you later. I came to chat. Show me your collection. Nothing. Congrats on your marriage. I'll say that lots of times. I like{LF}saying it. I'm looking for a particular gem. One that's perfect for a{LF}marriage. I'll make it into an accessory and give it to you. Just...wait a{LF}bit. Okay? You're happy being married. I can tell just by looking at you. ...What? Oh. Come again. Why hello, young newlywed!{LF}You look as radiantly happy as ever. Ahh... Just remembering how lovely and dignified you looked{LF}in your wedding finery, @しゅじんこうくん@... It...it brings a tear to my eye...{LF}WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! ...Erm! My apologies. That was unprofessional of me. It seems seeing you happy puts a smile on my face, as well. Oh ho! Such a splendidly happy smile. I am glad to see it. Lately, I have been receiving many prayers for a good{LF}marriage. It is quite perplexing. It seems some people mistakenly credit me for bringing you{LF}and your spouse together. Now that you are married, it feels as if you do not come to{LF}talk as much, and I am growing bored. You may come for a chat whenever, you know. I will even{LF}listen to you gush about your spouse. My, my. You're looking even more lovely now that you're{LF}married. Almost as lovely as I once was. Remember the joys and the sorrows of each and every day. The more memories you have to reminisce over when you{LF}reach my age, the better. I'll admit a part of me was hoping that you might choose{LF}Doug someday. I’m sure @ダグ@ will find the right one for him before{LF}long. I do hope so. Though I doubt there are many folk out there{LF}better than you. Well, well. Welcome, newlywed.{LF}Looking for a whip to use on your spouse? Um, no thanks. I hear the happier a person is, the looser their purse strings{LF}get. That'd make you a pretty juicy mark right about now, I'd{LF}expect. Please don’t try to scam me. Y'know, @しゅじんこうくん@... You look like you're radiating{LF}happiness and good fortune right now. Say...mind standing by my shop door for a bit? Not a chance. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. What will your spouse call you? Choose a nickname for your spouse. Zzz... Zzz... ...?! Wh-what was that?! Hn. Earthquake, apparently. Should be fine, though. See? It’s{LF}over already. Are you all right?! Hm? Yeah, we’re fine. Oh, thank goodness. I'm so relieved it's making me sleepy... Just where do you think you’re falling asleep?! He is correct. The bedchamber of a newly married couple is{LF}sacred ground. We mustn’t intrude. Is this the scene of the crime?! And more people show up. Great. Wait, you’re both okay? Aww! I thought for sure that I’d{LF}caught the scent of a mystery this time. Well excuse us for being okay. Now how ‘bout you go home{LF}and play with some flowers or whatever. Yo! You two all right?! ARGH! Enough! What, is everyone in this town allergic to{LF}minding their own damn business?! Everyone here cares about you, that’s all. Pfft. It’s just nobody's confident leaving @しゅじんこうくん@'s{LF}safety up to you. Shut it, shrimp! No matter what happens, I’ll always keep{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@ safe! @ディラス@... All right! Dismissed! This crime scene is now a love scene.{LF}We don’t need to be watching this. Ugh. What the heck was that all about? That was so sweet of them, wasn’t it? Hmph! ...Yeah, I guess. Still, I’m wide awake now. Oh? I’m still pretty sleepy.{LF}*YAWN* Good night, @ディラス@. Sheesh. Falls asleep at the drop of a hat. Still, I have to{LF}admit I...erm. Might as well get ready to go fishing. I expect HE’S probably awake now. Mnn... G'morning, @ディラス@. Huh? *SIGH* He went off fishing on his own again, I bet. I keep{LF}asking him to take me along. Hmm. I wonder if he just thinks I’m not good enough to go{LF}fishing with him. Well, then I guess I’ll have to catch a monster fish and show{LF}him I’m just as good as he is! But...hmmm. Where can I go to get a fish big enough to{LF}impress @ディラス@? If the Guardian is indeed somewhere, it seems this, at least,{LF}is not the place. How about the lake? Quite possible. In which case... Hi. What are you guys talking about? The Guardian. Guardian? Yes. He is the king of all fish in Selphia. It’s said that a late winter quake will wake him from his{LF}slumber and herald his return. Some even say that it’s the mighty thrashing of the Guardian{LF}as he wakes that causes the earthquake. Oh! So you’re thinking all that shaking from before... Indeed. It’s possible that was a sign he has awoken. It only happens once a year, so we were thinking this is our{LF}chance to catch him. ♪ Only once the whole year...? Yup! See, when the Guardian wakes up, he eats a little bit{LF}then goes right back to hibernating. He’s more sloth than king, snoozing his reign away. Miss this{LF}chance and it’ll be another year. The king of all fish that you can only catch once a year... Mmm? What’s this? Don’t tell me you’ve got your eyes on{LF}that throne. Erk! Ah ha ha... You guessed? I wouldn’t try, if I were you.{LF}He’s not the sort of fish a novice angler could ever hope to{LF}hook. And that’s why I have to do it! If I can catch the Guardian, then I'm sure it would make{LF}@ディラス@ respect me! Wow, you sure are fired up about this. Too bad I’ll be the{LF}one to catch him. I heard a lot of interest in town too, so I guess this is turning{LF}into an impromptu fishing contest! I won't let you beat me that easily, @キール@! That's the spirit! Boy, this is turning out to be a lot of fun{LF}already. ♪ Hmmm. I see little point in going out of one’s way to make{LF}new rivals... But I don’t dislike the idea of a contest, especially one I am{LF}sure to win. Bring it on! Yikes! Where did all these monsters come from?! Whew... That’s the last of them. But why was this place suddenly overrun with monsters like{LF}that? @ディラス@?! He was practically surrounded by them, and he didn’t even{LF}notice... @ディラス@. DWAH?! Oh. It's you, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Don't surprise me like that. Hmph. Wh-what? Are you mad or something? YES! There were monsters practically on top of you, and you{LF}didn’t even notice! That’s dangerous! Monsters? Where?! I already took care of them all. Oh. Sorry. I was focused on fishing. HMPH. What? You mad about something else? Look deep inside and ask your heart for the answer. Ask my heart...? ... Oh! I get it. It's because I took your secret stash of Turnip Heaven to use{LF}as bait, isn't it? WHAT?! You swiped my Turnip Heaven?! No, that isn’t it at all, though I’m super mad about that now,{LF}too! I’m angry because you always go fishing without me! Urk! W-well, uh...I... ...Ah! @ディラス@, look!{LF}You have a bite! Nwah?! The Guardian! You were after the Guardian too?! But forget about that! Your pole’s about to snap in half!! Ngh...! This is the strongest one I have too! Huh?! Aww! AAARGH!! He got away! How frustrating... Nah, it’s all right. It wasn’t a proper fight at all.{LF}Not with that pole, anyway. I need a better, stronger pole.{LF}Which means I'll have to talk to... You’re thinking about fishing again. Huh? No, I... Okay. Yeah. Sorry. It’s always been a bad habit of mine. I just get so caught up{LF}when I’m fishing. Nothing else matters. That’s why I never took you along. I figured you’d just wind{LF}up bored. Oh. You really don’t get it, do you? @ディラス@, even just being near you is enough to make{LF}me happy. Even if your mind is somewhere else the whole time, I still{LF}want to be by your side. I think that's what it means to be married. At least, that’s{LF}what it means to me. That’s what it’s supposed to be like, huh... Is it different for you? I... Yes...? It's distracting to have you around. How so? W-well, um... When you're around, my eyes just keep going to you,{LF}y'know? My ears listen for every sound you make. It's as if all of my senses are drawn straight to you, like a{LF}magnet. And, uh, it's distracting. Okay? Huh. Is that all? What do you mean, ''is that all''? I mean, it’s exactly the same for me. It is? Yeah. Having you nearby is distracting for me too. I get fidgety and my heart races.{LF}But I still want to be near you. That’s why I’m so happy whenever we’re together. Do you feel differently? I, um... We’re the same. I feel the same way. Then let's be together, okay? We can work as a team to{LF}catch the Guardian. That’s...a good idea, actually.{LF}I’d like that. Still, I’m surprised you know about the Guardian. I heard about it from @キール@ and @レオン@.{LF}They were saying they want to catch him too. So they're after him as well, eh? It’s not just them. Apparently the whole town wants to bag{LF}the king of all fish. They can try all they want, but I'll show them that nobody{LF}here can beat me at fishing. How? Your pole snapped. Mrmm, I don't like it, but there IS one thing we can do. Such as? Go ask Master. Well, well. What brings you two here? @ディラス@, your master is Venti? Sorta. In fishing, at least, I'll acknowledge that she is my better. What are you talking about? I am your elder in all things,{LF}and thus your master in all. Uh-huh. Ever been married? No, I have not. Ever turned into a monster? Turned into one? I am one this very moment. Then you can't say you're my master in everything. Hey, Venti. Ever had amnesia? I wouldn’t want it even should it be offered to me! Fah! Enough. You came for a purpose, yes? State your{LF}business. Do you know about the Guardian? By the blessed stars, not this again. What do you mean ''again''? I have been at this already today. You are not the first nor{LF}even the second to ask about the Guardian. Tch! We’re behind. Just so you are aware, the Guardian—also called the{LF}Roaming King—is no easy prey. In fact, even I, in all my years, have failed to catch him. You don’t say. Then if I can nab him, it means I’ve surpassed{LF}you. Right? Ho ho ho. Try if you like. I doubt your efforts will bear any{LF}fruit. Oh, we’ll try, all right. Let's go, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? But we haven’t asked Venti anything yet. Forget that. I’m not gonna beg help off my rival. Ho ho ho. Give it your best. Not that it will do you any{LF}good... AAAAARGH! What have I done?! @ディラス@?! I knew the odds of catching the Guardian without her advice{LF}would be nearly impossible. But I just had to go and get all stubborn... What? So you didn’t have any sort of plan when you walked{LF}out? Nope. I just got sick of her acting all high and mighty. Ah ha ha... How very like you. You mean together with me. Right? Oh, right. Yeah. Let’s both make Venti eat her words, okay? Is it me, or has your goal...shifted? Oh well! If it means I get to go fishing with you, I don’t mind.{LF}♪ All right! Now that that’s decided, I’m going to hit the hay{LF}early so I’m ready for tomorrow. By yourself? W-well, um...do whatever you want. Hee hee! Together, then. ♪ Okay! So how do we go about catching the Guardian? First, we need a pole. A strong one. If we’re to stand a{LF}chance, we need one that won’t snap. A fishing pole that won’t snap... Sounds tough. Any idea{LF}where we’d get one? ...Nope. Okay, then. We can start by finding someone who knows a{LF}lot and asking them. Well, well. What can I do for the newlyweds today, hm? Wait, let me guess. Your poor heart is about ready to break{LF}thanks to Dylas’ mulish behavior. How did you know?! Hey! Ah ha ha! Kidding, kidding! We’re actually asking around{LF}town about a fishing pole that won’t snap. You know a lot about instruments and making them, so we{LF}thought you might know some tough materials. Hmm. Something tough AND flexible, I’d imagine. Easy. You{LF}want some ''Sturdy Bamboo,'' then. It’s so durable, it won’t break no matter how much it bends. It grows near the Summer Field.{LF}Try looking around there. Thanks, @マーガレット@! Early bird gets the worm, so good luck! ♪ Oh no! Look! @ダグ@ and @ビシュナル@ are{LF}already harvesting the bamboo! Hold it right there, you two! Oh hey. If it isn't @しゅじんこうくん@ and the nag. Is that ''Sturdy Bamboo'' you've got there? That it is. I’m impressed that you know of it. Figures. Sorry, but we'll be taking those. Huh? Says who?! We got here first!{LF}They're ours! Yes. These are the last two, so I'm afraid we cannot simply{LF}hand them over. What?! The last two? Yes. Practically the entire town has been out harvesting it.{LF}These are the only two that remain. Feh! That’s right. Everyone in Selphia wants a piece of this{LF}fish. I guess this is what @マーガレット@ meant when she said{LF}early bird gets the worm... So that’s how it is. Sorry, but it looks like you’ll hafta give up{LF}on the Guardian this year. Hold it. What else do you want, Horse-face? Do either of you know where to find the Guardian? Ummm... Heh. Ah. @ディラス@ has THAT look on his face. Here's the deal. You give us one Sturdy Bamboo, I give you{LF}one hint. Wha?! Just a hint?! Get outta here. You wanna trade, tell us{LF}exactly where to find him! Sheesh. I’m surprised you’re even bothering when you’re that{LF}ignorant. The Guardian isn't called the ''Roaming King'' for nothing. He{LF}can show up anywhere. Once he's stolen the bait in one place, it's said he won't go{LF}back there until the next year. I see. I take it to mean he doesn’t stay in one fixed place? Exactly. Even I don’t know where he’ll pop up next. But from what I hear, the Guardian makes for some tasty{LF}eating, so wherever he goes, monsters follow. Oh! That's why there were so many nearby when you were{LF}fishing before! Huh. So that’s it. Got it? Now fork over that Sturdy Bamboo, shrimp. Well, you did give us a hint, just like you said. A deal’s a{LF}deal. Here. [Received Sturdy Bamboo.] You can have that bamboo, but don't go thinking we'll just{LF}hand over the Guardian too. Let's go, Vishnal. We're gonna catch that fish first! Right! C'mon, @ディラス@! Let's go! Easy now. There's no rush. It'll take all day to make a pole{LF}out of the bamboo. The real contest doesn't start until tomorrow morning. Aww. Okay. There! It’s done. No matter how big the fish is now, it won’t{LF}snap. Great job, @ディラス@! It's amazing that you could make{LF}a pole like this in just one day. Couldn’t have done it without your help, @しゅじんこうくん@. I guess that makes this our first joint project as a new{LF}couple, huh? Ha ha. Yeah. Guess it does. And now we can catch the Guardian! Yep. Now let’s go and get him before any of the others! Yeah! ...!! Look at all the monsters!{LF}That means... The Guardian’s in our sights! Oh my! Here he comes! What?! You’re kidding! They beat us to him! @ディラス@, what are we going to do? Lin Fa already{LF}got a bite! Look at the bend in the rod.{LF}That’s the Guardian, all right. Mrrrnnnnn...! So...strong...!{LF}Xiao Pai, take over, please! Leave it to me, Mama! HNNNGRAAAAAH!! *SNAP* Yipes?! My line has snapped, yes? Oh dear. It’s taken our bait and run off. Which means... The Guardian won’t appear here again until next year. Lucky break for us. I feel bad saying it, but it’s probably thanks to Lin Fa letting{LF}Xiao Pai take over at the end. Awww. It seems I am disappointed. Oh well. I guess we will have to wait till @しゅじんこうくん@{LF}catches him to have our Guardian sashimi. You're going to eat him?! Well, yeah. Why else would we try and catch him? Huh? Ummm... To spend time with @ディラス@? Ugh! Stupid sappy newlyweds! Go be lovey-dovey{LF}somewhere else. I’m gettin’ a toothache watching this. C’mon, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Let’s get moving. Ah, right! Let’s go find where the Guardian’ll be next! Ah! @ディラス@!! Yes! We got him! Oh ho. So the guest of honor finally arrives. We’re first, thank you very much! ♪ @ディラス@! Leave it to me! NOOOOO! I will be the one to stew the Guardian! He’s already decided how he’s going to cook him... Oh! Leon! A bite! I got a bite!!! ...!! Good work, Kiel! Now reel him in! Hnngh... Hnnnnnnn...! WAAAAHH!! Kiel, no! Don’t let go of the pole! *Sniffle* I’m so sorry, Leon. Don’t let it bother you. It was my fault for not coming to your{LF}aid sooner. It seems the Guardian shall reign supreme for one more year{LF}yet. He has escaped our grasp completely. Huh? But there are still plenty of other lakes and ponds we{LF}can check. Alas, I’m afraid that would be futile. Dylas’ bait, Lin Fa’s,{LF}Kiel’s... The Guardian has already eaten his fill. Yeah. Now he’ll go back and hibernate until next year. What, already?! Aww...! Our contest is on hold until then, it seems. Don’t get so down. We’ll have a shot at him again next year, and for many years{LF}to come. Yeah, you’re right. What say we head home and do a bit of casual fishing? We{LF}have a new pole to break in, after all. A lazy afternoon together doesn’t sound too bad, does it? Nope! Let’s do it! ♪ Mm? What was that...? Well, then. You want to try next,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@? Are you sure it’s okay for me to use this rod? Sure. Why wouldn’t it be? Now for bait... Since we have it here, might as well use the{LF}last of the Turnip Heaven. Okay. Here I go...! ...?! @しゅじんこうくん@? What is it? I got a bite! A really...BIG bite! Holy crap! Look at the pole bend! There shouldn’t be anything big enough here to do that{LF}except... ...!! Don't tell me...it's the Guardian?! I dunno, but whatever it is, reel it in! I-I'm trying! But it's too strong!{LF}I can't do it by myself! Let me help! Here we gooooo! YAAAAAAAH!!! Mmmm! This is sooooo goooood! Yes, indeed. This sashimi is absolutely delicious. It does seem very yummy, yes? Don’t forget to try the stew! It’s more tender and flaky than{LF}even your dreams could conceive of! What depth of flavor! What sublime texture! My joy...it{LF}OVERFLOWS! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! I am honored to be invited to your ''Guardian Smorgasbord''{LF}feast. It’s even more scrumptious than I had imagined. I’m glad you all like it. Who would have thought the Guardian would come to{LF}Dragon Lake of all places. Quite the luck. @しゅじんこうくん@'s Turnip Heaven is the real winner. Even{LF}though he was full, he just had to have it. It was just a coincidence, that’s all. Looks like the Guardian had a soft spot for your Turnip{LF}Heaven too. Good thing someone snatched the last of it to use as bait{LF}without asking, huh? Urk...! Yeah, uh, sorry about that. Ah ha ha! It’s okay. I’m just kidding. I’m not mad. Snatching the last bite is MY specialty, thank you! Good little boys should know better than to try that at{LF}home, Dylas. Ha. Even if I tried, I could never hope to reach Porcoline{LF}levels of food-thievery. In all my long life, I've never had fish quite this tasty. It's tender and chewy but still flaky and light. One bite and{LF}its rich flavor fills my whole mouth. I wish I could have served some of this to my late husband.{LF}He would have loved it. Oh, right! We should go take some to Venti too. Yeah. She can have her fill of fish, and we’ll get our fill of her{LF}frustrated face ‘cuz we beat her. It’s about time. I was starting to think you had forgotten me{LF}completely. You were waiting for us? Of course! Not only do you catch the Roaming King, but you{LF}immediately hold a party... And never mind bringing some for me, you did not even think{LF}to tell me of it! Ah ha! Sorry, sorry! We were just so excited that it kinda{LF}slipped our minds. Ah well. You are forgiven. Now, what have you prepared for{LF}me? Huh? Prepared? Don’t tell me you haven’t brought any Guardian dishes! Oh, you mean these? You scoundrel! Do not tease me like that. Mmmm... *MUNCH* *MUNCH* *MUNCH*{LF}*GULP* Exquisite! If you’re catching fish this tasty, I have nothing left to teach{LF}you. Nah. It was @しゅじんこうくん@ who caught him. I guess I'll still be{LF}the student for at least another year. Oh ho. I commend your dedication. Oh, shut up. *YAAAWN* *YAWN* ...Hey, don’t give me your yawns. Well, I’ve been short on sleep for days now. I want a full{LF}night’s rest tonight. True. Let’s head home. The Guardian Smorgasbord party was lots of fun, wasn’t it? ... @ディラス@? Hn? Ah. Sorry. Was thinking about stuff. Like what? Like how I’ll be the one to catch the Guardian next year. What, there isn't just one of him? Well, there probably aren’t many as big as the one you{LF}caught, but there are more of his kind, yeah. Really? Then I guess I’ll have to share all my expert fishing{LF}tips with you next year. Hee hee! Sheesh. Talk about turning the tables. Heh heh. Guess I get to wear the pants in this family now. Hah! Bring it on. I’ll let you take the reins any day. Oh really? Well then, why wait? DWAH?! Wh-what are you-- Just follow my lead. UWAAAH?! NEEEEEIGH!! Dang it! I missed my chance to catch the Guardian. Ah well. That is no great surprise. After all, the Roaming King is a foe so great even I have{LF}never won. Half-measures will net you nothing. Train diligently and maybe next year you’ll do better. Yeah, you're right. I will. In the end, we couldn't figure out the cause of the{LF}earthquake. It is just as well. I have a theory, but no evidence yet to{LF}support it. The next time something happens, be sure to investigate it. Yeah, you're right. I will. Morning, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Looks like it’s shaping up to be a real nice day today. G'morning, @ディラス@. ...Mornin'. Hm? You look terrible. Couldn’t sleep? Like I could get a wink knowing you’re right there next to{LF}me. My heart was gallopi—AHEM. Never mind. G'morning... Zzz... Nope. Stop right there. No going back to sleep. It’s your turn{LF}to make breakfast today. F’get breakfast. Let’s go back to sleeeeep. Together.{LF}C’mooooon... Yes, you’re cute. No, we’re not going back to bed. Up. The fish were biting like crazy this morning. I can’t wait for{LF}breakfast. You went off fishing on your own again, didn’t you? I wish{LF}you’d take me with you. Nggghhhh... Morning already?{LF}My eyes feel gummed shut... You were up all night messing around with your fishing gear{LF}again, weren’t you? Tsk tsk. You won’t believe what you were doing in your sleep last{LF}night.{LF}...Neighing! Like a horse! I dreamt about our wedding day, but for some reason it was{LF}Doug walking up the aisle. So I had to kick him into next week. Hm? Wow, @ディラス@. Your ears are pricked really far{LF}forward. Eh? Ah, that? They just get that way when I’m really{LF}focusing on something. And what would you be focusing on, hmm? D-don’t make me say it out loud!{LF}Geez. ... Something wrong? Nah. I was just savoring it all.{LF}You, us, life... Will you tell me you love me at least once a day? Er, well...if you insist. I do. Now go for it. Huh? R-right now?! Uh... Gah! Forget it! I can’t just say stuff like that whenever! Y'know, @ディラス@, sometimes I see you sleeping on all{LF}fours. Is it comfy like that? Nah. It’s just habit from when I was a horse. If it bugs you,{LF}just push me over. Hmmm... Who else besides Venti would know how to make{LF}a fishing pole that won’t snap? We could try asking someone who knows a lot about{LF}materials. Like wood and trees and stuff. Have you known about the Guardian for a while now? Yeah. Venti told me about it. We made a promise to go{LF}fishing for it together once I was freed. I was hoping I could sneak out and catch it by myself to{LF}surprise her, but... Hm? What was that? Nothing. Sturdy Bamboo, eh? Can’t believe I forgot that. I was too{LF}busy trying to think of hard timber and stuff. It’s tough and won’t ever break, huh? Reminds me of you. Sh-shut up! Let’s hurry and go to the Summer Field already. Since we're going together, could we maybe hold hands? Huh?! D-don’t be stupid. Someone might see us. Hey, @ディラス@? What is it about me that you like? ...How you'll never leave me alone. Is that supposed to be a compliment? Of course it is. I hope you never, ever leave me alone my{LF}whole life. Are you going to be okay? Try not to keel over from lack of{LF}sleep. If I get tired, I’ll just rest on your lap. The pole turned out perfect.{LF}The Guardian’s as good as ours. Is the Guardian really THAT yummy? They say that one taste will burn the flavor into your brain,{LF}and the mere memory of it is pure bliss. Oh. So it's like when I think back on the time you confessed{LF}to me. H-hey... Don’t tease. Monsters gather wherever the Guardian is. Stay on your toes. I'm not worried. You'll keep me safe, right? ...I wanted to say that first. Boy, the Guardian sure is tough. Yeah. Trying to reel him in is like trying to rein in a bucking{LF}bronco. Bucking bronco...oh! I get it! No wonder you’re trying so{LF}hard. You want to get rid of a rival horse. ... Say something! Y'know, a year is a really long time, but... Mm? As long as I'm with you I'm having so much fun that it just{LF}flies by. It'll be gone before we know it. Here. Lunch. I made @アイテム0@ for you. I made @アイテム0@ today. Take it with you. How does @アイテム0@ sound for today's{LF}lunch? Eat every bite, got it? Here, have this for lunch. I made{LF}@アイテム0@ for you. I made @アイテム0@. Have some for lunch if{LF}you're hungry. See ya. Take care. Let's work hard today. Don't get hurt, okay? And do your best. Come home early, would you? I'd like to see you. If you're headed out, take care. Come get me if you need{LF}anything. Tum! ♪ Ta-tah! ♪ De-dum! ♪ Married, married! Congrats to{LF}the married! ♪ Boy, you're so lucky to be married. I wanna get married{LF}someday, too. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? You look so happy it's like a flower{LF}just bloomed in your smile. I see you're still buzzing all over the place, despite being{LF}married now. ''I'm sure they're simply so happy they just can't hold still,{LF}m'lady.'' How is married life? Is it fun? ...And given the sappy look on{LF}your face, I shouldn’t have bothered asking. ''@しゅじんこうくん@, Dolly has been talking about you all the{LF}time lately.'' ''It seems she's HIGHLY curious about married life. Do you{LF}kiss your spouse every morning? ...And so on.'' I-I was just curious, okay? Pico, say another word and I will{LF}sew your mouth shut. @しゅじんこうくん@, you look even more alive than ever, today.{LF}It's like you are overflowing with happiness! Aha! I spy a newlywed! Hold still a sec, let me check. Wah?! H-Hey! Yep. Lovely. ♪ So that's what a happy heartbeat sounds like. Feel free to come chat with me at any time. I'll gladly listen{LF}to you gush about newlywed life. ♪ I wonder. Will I, too, someday find the happiness you have... Erm! My apologies. It's nothing. It seems marriage is a wonderful thing indeed. I can tell just{LF}by looking at you. To love. To be loved. To be joined as one. Marriage is like a{LF}miracle, that way. You have a very happy smile on your face, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}It shines almost as much as Mama's, yes? It seems Mama asked me if I might get married someday. If it means I would be as happy as you are, @しゅじんこうくん@,{LF}perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing. @しゅじんこうくん@! Do you have time to hang out... Erm, no. It seems I do not wish to disturb the newlyweds,{LF}yes? Hee hee! What? Is there something on my face? Yep. ♪ Happiness. It’s all over the place. Zzz... Zzz...AH! How strange. I dreamed I was watching your{LF}wedding ceremony again. It was such a nice ceremony. You have someone to wake up with you every morning now.{LF}I'm so jealous. I want to get married and have someone to wake me up on{LF}time too. Seeing you so happy makes me happy,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. I must admit, now that you are married, @しゅじんこうくん@... Knowing that I'll have fewer chances to serve you makes me{LF}a little sad. @しゅじんこうくん@, look. Your wedding moved me so much I{LF}bought a charm to help me find my own soulmate. With this, I just know I’ll be able to find that one person{LF}destined to be my perfect master! Not the perfect lover, huh... Boy, you make marriage look like a really great thing. It{LF}almost makes me wanna get married too. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Can I ask you a question? Is it fun{LF}being married? Yeah. Really fun. ♪ You looked amazing during your{LF}wedding ceremony, @しゅじんこうくん@. You should wear that outfit more often. What? If you're looking for someone to gush at, you've{LF}picked the wrong guy. You sure you can hang around with me? Won't your husband{LF}get jealous? ...Well, okay. Probably not. Hey, uh...@しゅじんこうくん@? It's, uh, good to know you found a{LF}good one to marry. Hm? Where'd this come from? What, you're gonna make me say it? Ugh. You gave me back{LF}my humanity, so I’m happy you're happy, okay? Thanks, @ディラス@. If I had been married, could I have been as happy as you...?{LF}No, never you mind. It's nothing. What, bored enough that you've come to join me in playing{LF}with fire? Huh?! Ha ha! A joke, a joke. You looked so happy I just couldn't{LF}help but tease. Hrm. Yes, I do believe you look even more lovely now. It{LF}seems love does make one more beautiful. Everybody's talking about how lovey-dovey you two get,{LF}y'know. No going overboard, 'kay? Gah! That smile could outshine the sun! Geez. How 'bout{LF}sharing some of that happiness, huh? Yo, newlywed! You're looking as happy-sappy as ever. The secret to a happy home life is happy tummies. Be sure to{LF}cook a full-course meal three times a day! With that much food, I think our tummies would be the{LF}opposite of happy... They say even a monster won't touch a lovers' spat, but I{LF}could eat them right up! ♪ Oh my! The light! The bright, shining light of your smile! Is{LF}this the power of marriage?! You know, @しゅじんこうくん@, everyone is talking about how{LF}lovey-dovey you two are. Hee hee! Now that you're married, why don't you come visit our baths{LF}as a couple? If you let me know ahead of time, I'll let you rent the whole{LF}bath so it’s just the two of you. I wonder if, someday, I'll get to see Xiao get married, just like{LF}you. I'm sure I'd be so happy and miss her so much I'd be crying{LF}the whole time. @しゅじんこうくん@, you look really happy. It's so obvious even{LF}a rookie gumshoe could tell. Oh ho! Is something afoot? Need a detective to dig into a{LF}case of infidelity, perhaps? Sorry. Don’t think you’ll get a case like that now or ever. Hm...? Well, isn’t that some lovely, smooth skin. So being in love DOES make a person more beautiful. That’s{LF}one mystery solved. We've actually had quite a few people visiting the clinic{LF}asking for advice on finding partners. I'm sure they were all inspired by your wonderful wedding{LF}ceremony. How do you find married life so far? It's great. ♪ Wonderful. I'm glad to hear that. As someone with a bit more experience in that area than{LF}you, I have some advice... Or...perhaps not. You don't seem like you need any advice at{LF}all. My, my! Now, I'm confident Jones and I are just as loving,{LF}but I think you’re outdoing us right now. ... What's wrong? You looked lost in thought for a minute there. Oh, I'm sorry. It’s just seeing you reminded me of when{LF}Jones and I were first married. If you ever get in a tiff, you come right on over to see me. I'll{LF}be more than happy to lend an ear. Talk Please check my gear. It's nothing. Heh. You look like you're walking on an inch of air still. Heck,{LF}the whole town does. Everyone is celebrating the happiness of one couple like it's{LF}their own. Y'know? This is a good town. Congrats on your marriage... I'm kinda late on that, huh?{LF}What's the best thing to say at a time like that? I think you can just be normal.{LF}That's fine. You seem even more chipper than usual. I guess they're right{LF}when they say love gives you energy. You aren't equipped with anything right now. If you want me to check your gear for you, go equip it first. What gear do you want to know about? Weapon: @アイテム0@ Shield: @アイテム1@ Armor: @アイテム2@ Headgear: @アイテム3@ Shoes: @アイテム4@ Accessory: @アイテム5@ Quit. This @アイテム0@ has been strengthened{LF}with... ...Wait, nothing's been used on it yet. ...@アイテム1@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@ and{LF}@アイテム2@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}and @アイテム3@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... and @アイテム4@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, and{LF}@アイテム5@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}and @アイテム6@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... ...and @アイテム7@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, and{LF}@アイテム8@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, @アイテム8@,{LF}and @アイテム9@. Hmm? It looks like... ...@アイテムA@ was used in making this. ...@アイテムA@ and{LF}@アイテムB@ were used in making this. ...@アイテムA@, @アイテムB@,{LF}and @アイテムC@ were used in making this. This was well made. I can tell something else, too. The materials used in making it were good quality. A lot of good materials were used in making it. The materials used in making it were great quality. The materials used in making it were almost perfect. Incredible! The materials used in making this were all perfect! Making this must have taken a lot of effort. Still... That and... It looks like it was made with some unusual materials. It looks like it was made with unusual materials. It looks like it was made with some rather unusual materials. It looks like it was made with rare materials. It looks like it was made with pretty rare materials. It looks like it was made with really rare materials. It looks like it was made with extremely rare materials. Incredible! This looks like it was made with nothing but the{LF}rarest of materials. It looks like @アイテム0@, but it has the{LF}abilities of @アイテム1@. Hey. How're you doing? What do you need? See you later. I came to chat. Show me your collection. Nothing. Congrats on your marriage. I'll say that lots of times. I like{LF}saying it. I'm looking for a particular gem. One that's perfect for a{LF}marriage. I'll make it into an accessory and give it to you. Just...wait a{LF}bit. Okay? You're happy being married. I can tell just by looking at you. ...What? Oh. Come again. Why hello, young newlywed!{LF}You look as radiantly happy as ever. Ahh... Just remembering how lovely and dignified you looked{LF}in your wedding finery, @しゅじんこうくん@... It...it brings a tear to my eye...{LF}WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! ...Erm! My apologies. That was unprofessional of me. It seems seeing you happy puts a smile on my face, as well. Oh ho! Such a splendidly happy smile. I am glad to see it. Lately, I have been receiving many prayers for a good{LF}marriage. It is quite perplexing. It seems some people mistakenly credit me for bringing you{LF}and your spouse together. Now that you are married, it feels as if you do not come to{LF}talk as much, and I am growing bored. You may come for a chat whenever, you know. I will even{LF}listen to you gush about your spouse. My, my. You're looking even more lovely now that you're{LF}married. Almost as lovely as I once was. Remember the joys and the sorrows of each and every day. The more memories you have to reminisce over when you{LF}reach my age, the better. I'll admit a part of me was hoping that you might choose{LF}Doug someday. I’m sure @ダグ@ will find the right one for him before{LF}long. I do hope so. Though I doubt there are many folk out there{LF}better than you. Well, well. Welcome, newlywed.{LF}Looking for a whip to use on your spouse? Um, no thanks. I hear the happier a person is, the looser their purse strings{LF}get. That'd make you a pretty juicy mark right about now, I'd{LF}expect. Please don’t try to scam me. Y'know, @しゅじんこうくん@... You look like you're radiating{LF}happiness and good fortune right now. Say...mind standing by my shop door for a bit? Not a chance. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. What will your spouse call you? Choose a nickname for your spouse. Hmm. To increase satisfaction among tourists visiting Selphia{LF}we should... @アーサー@? I made some onigiri for you. I'll set them{LF}over here. @アーサー@! Onigiri! Eat them! Oh! Ah, my apologies. And thank you. *MUNCH* *MUNCH* *MUNCH* My, I’ve never had such fluffy onigiri before. @アーサー@, that's fur! THESE are the onigiri. Hm? Oops. Ha ha. How embarrassing. You’re really caught up in your work, huh? Yes. Much too much so, it seems. What are you working on that’s got you so preoccupied? Oh, something very, very exciting, I assure you. Some kind of sales plan for unique glasses? That WOULD be a most engrossing project, but it’s not that. The sales plan I am formulating is for none other than{LF}Selphia itself. For the town? Indeed. I want the world to know of the beauty and{LF}wonders that Selphia holds. To do that, I am planning a large-scale event to attract{LF}people from across the world. Having visitors from far and wide will increase our trade,{LF}both in material goods and culture. More trade will help Selphia grow and become an even{LF}more attractive town. People from all over the world coming here, to Selphia... That{LF}does sound fun! Doesn’t it? You sure don’t do things by half, @アーサー@. It’s the least I can do to repay everyone here. Repay everyone? For what? For giving me the freedom to do as I want. I owe Selphia a{LF}great debt for that. I’ve thought on it for some time, and I believe this plan is the{LF}best way I can help. So that’s why... I am certain everyone here will enjoy it. So what kind of event is it gonna be? One filled with excitement and emotion, so that all of our{LF}guests will see how wonderful Selphia is. Yes! And that is...? ... Um, and so it’ll be...? Well, erm... What do you think it should be? Huh? I was asking you! I’m...not exactly sure yet, to be honest. That was what I was{LF}pondering when you came in. I have already considered and rejected 99 different ideas.{LF}Each of them lacked a certain something. None of them were good enough? Exactly. And now I’m at an impasse. I haven’t come up with{LF}any more promising ideas. ...Wait! I know! You do?! Oh, please tell me! What should we do? Go on a date! ♪ I see, I see. Yes, a date...wait.{LF}A date? Mhm! A break is just what you need to get over this block. Then{LF}I’m sure the ideas will flow again. Do you really think so? I do. Besides, it’s been a while since the two of us went out{LF}together. That is very true. You know, I get the feeling that seeing you smile will lead{LF}me to the inspiration I’m seeking. Well, then. It’s settled. Shall we? Okay! So where do you want to go? Hmmm... How about the Water Ruins? Great! We can meet up at the entrance to the ruins. All right. Hmm. @アーサー@‘s not here yet. My apologies. I didn’t mean to make you wait. It’s okay. I just got here. Still, it’s pretty unusual for you to be late. I had an amazing idea for an event in my dreams, but when I{LF}woke I forgot what it was. I spent so long trying to remember that I lost track of time. Were you able to recall what it was in the end? Alas, no, unfortunately. It’s still fuzzy, but I’m sure it was a brilliant idea... Oops! There I go again. Forgive me. Today we were going to{LF}set all that aside and enjoy our date. Hee hee. At least you remembered that part. Of course. It may not seem so, but I’ve been looking forward{LF}to today very much. Do you think we could, um, hold hands? Gladly. Hee hee. This is making me blush. This reminds me of something odd I once read. Apparently, a{LF}faraway land has a very strict law. It says that a man and a woman are not allowed to hold{LF}hands in public, even if they are married. Wow, there’s a country like that? The world is a very large place. If we ever received visitors from that land, I’m afraid we{LF}would cause them much confusion. In order to provide for all manner of guests, we’ll have to{LF}teach everyone about world cultures. To budget for teaching expenses, I’d need to... @アーサー@. ...! Ah ha ha. Ahem. Sorry. I started before I realized it. How about we have our picnic lunch? I brought a lot of onigiri. That sounds lovely! I was in such a hurry that I left without eating anything. I’m{LF}starving. Here you go. I made your favorite, Salmon Onigiri. Ah, it looks delicious! Thank you very much. *MUNCH* *MUNCH* Mmmmm! It looks amazing and tastes even better. I have sampled foods from far and wide... But none compare to your onigiri. C’mon. They aren’t THAT good. They are, they are. Trust me. In fact, I think we could promote them as a local delicacy at{LF}our event and sell them. In which case, we could make them from all Selphia-grown{LF}ingredients to give them added value. They would have to be something with impact, to draw{LF}visitors’ attention. Do you have any ideas? @アーサー@. ...Oops. There I go again. ...Pffft! ...? Ha ha ha ha! Ah ha ha ha! What is it? I’m sorry. That serious look on your face was just too funny. It wasn’t THAT funny... Okay, okay. I give in. I’ll help you with this as much as I can. You will? Yep. I have to hurry and help you make it a success or I’ll{LF}never get a proper date. Besides, what’s important to you is important to me. Thank you! You have no idea how much better that makes{LF}me feel. Okay! Let’s finish our date, head back, and get to{LF}brainstorming! Yes, let’s. Now, then. Let us begin our brainstorming session. Yeah! There are three things which I believe are absolutely{LF}essential to making this event a success. First, it must showcase Selphia’s unique beauty and charms. Second, it must be something everyone can enjoy. And finally, it must present us the opportunity to expand our{LF}businesses. Hmm. Those are some tough requirements. Especially the{LF}last one. That is where you come in. Hmmm... If you’ve already thought up and rejected 99 ideas,{LF}I’m not sure I can offer anything better. I am. My own ideas are subject to my personal biases. You’ll{LF}be able to think of things I wouldn’t. In that case, why don’t we ask everyone in town? We’re sure to get tons of new ideas that way. Good point. I had thought to poll everyone once I had a few{LF}concrete thoughts on the matter. But perhaps it would be wiser to do so now and solicit a{LF}wide variety of ideas. All right. Let us go out and interview everyone for their{LF}opinions and ideas! Something unique to Selphia, hmm...? Well, the obvious answer is that we can meet directly with{LF}Lady Ventuswill whenever we want. She’s one of the Four Native Dragons and a guardian deity{LF}of our whole world, after all. Ah, very true. That one can have an audience with Lady Ventuswill is{LF}indeed a unique charm of Selphia. Thank you for your input, Blossom. Something that everyone would enjoy? Why, a festival, of{LF}course! That is true. We have a number of annual festivals in Selphia,{LF}and they’re quite popular. Perhaps we could add another one to that list. A most excellent idea! We are always willing to have more{LF}fun festivals. In fact, many of the ones we hold now were proposed by{LF}none other than myself. Oh? This may come as a surprise, but I am a festival man. I love{LF}festivals! Oh, but of course it must be fun, meaningful, and allow as{LF}many to participate as possible. Duly noted. Thank you for your input. Hmm... Something that brings in more business, eh? Um, you sure we’re asking the right person about this? Before we get to makin’ money, we need a good idea of{LF}what everyone wants first. Once you get that figured out, it’ll be obvious what kind of{LF}stuff will sell. Ah ha. I see. We need to do some market research. But if you know that, Bado, then why...? Hn? What I mean to say is...why, er, doesn’t your shop draw{LF}more business? Eh. Probably because I’ve never actually done any of that. Ha ha... That would explain it, yes. We heard some very valuable opinions. This ought to help{LF}greatly in formulating a plan. Do you know what kind of an event it will be now? Yes, I do. It will be a festival to honor Lady Ventuswill, to{LF}show her our gratitude. We will also have a variety of stalls. Analyzing what sells will{LF}be useful data for our trade. Great! Sounds like you’ve got a solid angle now. Yes, and it is all thanks to your suggestion that I gather ideas{LF}from everyone. Hee hee. Glad I could be of help. Let’s see. Now I need to assemble a list of potential{LF}investors... @アーサー@, don't you think that's enough for today?{LF}You should get some sleep. If you keep working so hard, you’ll make yourself sick. I appreciate the concern, really, but you needn’t worry. I’m{LF}actually pretty sturdy. I just need to do this last bit of work and then I’ll be done.{LF}I’d like to finish tonight, if I can. Please, don’t wait up for me. Go on and get some sleep. If you’re staying up, then I will too. Is there anything I can{LF}help with? You’ll help? Of course! ♪ Besides, it’s all lonely and cold just sleeping by myself. It’s finished! Yay! Congrats on getting it done! It wasn’t just me. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help. Thank{LF}you. Oh, I didn’t do much. But anyway, you must be exhausted.{LF}Let’s go to bed. Yes, let’s. I’ll put out the lights. Mmm, you know what? You look really handsome when{LF}you’re focused on your work. So intense, so determined... Makes my heart race when{LF}you’re like that. Ah ha ha... I’m nothing special. You are. Listen. My heart’s still beating like a drum. Can’t you{LF}hear it? ... @アーサー@? Zzz... Zzz... He’s asleep? Sheesh. He looks so peaceful. Like a little kid. Good night, @アーサー@. ''A Comprehensive Plan for the Venti's Day Festival.'' Well{LF}done. It looks great! Does it? I’m glad. To quickly summarize the event... Everyone in town will have access to a predetermined{LF}budget to set up a small stall. They will offer their wares to visitors for free. People will{LF}then vote for the one they like best. With this, our visitors will have fun while we collect useful{LF}information on goods and trade. Wow! If it all comes together, it’ll definitely be the great{LF}event you were hoping for. Yes! Now let’s hurry and let everyone know. We have to see{LF}who will be willing to participate. What a wonderful response to my event plan. Everyone{LF}agreed to participate. Well, yeah. Everyone here really loves Selphia. I wonder what sorts of stalls they’ll put up. And what about us? Hm? What kind of stall should we do? We’re doing one? Yes! Erm, I had thought to dedicate myself to the administrative{LF}side of things... But it’s a festival! I wanna put up a stall too! Even if we do, it’ll be hard to win the top vote. I’m sure{LF}everyone will be vying for it. And we’d also have to think of something for our product... Hmmm. Like glasses, maybe? While you do look especially lovely in glasses, I can’t see a{LF}glasses stall getting many votes. Okay, then how about...{LF}Oh! I know! You’ve got something no one else in Selphia has... You’re a{LF}prince! That’s...not really a skill or product, but yes, I see your point. It is definitely something unique to us. ''Us''? Yes. I was born a prince, and you are now royalty as well. But that wasn’t actually true... Maybe not at first, but you ARE married to a prince now. That makes you royalty. Ah, good point. But the question stands: how do we turn our royalty into a{LF}product? Hmmm. How can we get a bunch of people just using our{LF}titles... Maybe a ''Royalty for a Day'' thing? ''Royalty for a Day,'' hm... Perhaps we could hold a ball. A ball? Yes. We could sponsor an elegant ball where people could{LF}experience the fancier parts of being titled. Ooh, that sounds fun! ♪ Let’s do that! Then we are decided. Now, we will need to secure a location. What place could{LF}serve as a ballroom? How about the Obsidian Mansion? It’s old, but if we clean it up, I bet it’ll make a great spot to{LF}dance and feel fancy. That’s an idea. Let’s go have a look and see how much work{LF}it’ll take to get in order. My, it’s a bit unkempt, isn’t it?{LF}Our royal customers will attain noble heights...on clouds of{LF}dust. A deep clean is what it needs. Let’s get to it! This hall must{LF}be fit for kings and queens. There! That should do it. It looks like new. I’m sure everyone will be happy to dance{LF}in a hall as lovely as this. @アーサー@, why don't we give it a test run? What? Now? Yes. Let’s practice. You're good at dancing, right?{LF}Teach me. Me, a good dancer? Heavens no! Hm? Of all the lessons I took as a child, dance was my worst by{LF}far. Aww! Then why did you agree to hold a ball of all things! Because I enjoy watching them. Everyone wears such lovely{LF}clothing. But we’re the sponsors. If we don’t come out for at least one{LF}dance, it wouldn’t be right! Let’s at least give it a try.{LF}Maybe we’ll be naturals at it! ♪ I...I think some of my toes are broken. And probably all of{LF}yours. We’re awful. At this rate people are going to wonder if we really are{LF}royalty. What should we do? Go to the clinic, then practice, then go back to the clinic,{LF}then practice some more!!! @アーサー@, let's go practice our dancing. I think my feet{LF}have healed enough to try again. Ah, sorry. I’m rather busy registering everyone’s stalls right{LF}now. Once I’ve finished, I’ll gladly practice with you. Hmmm. From the looks of things, he’s going to be a while. Guess I’ll just have to practice on my own and be the one to{LF}sweep Arthur around the dance floor! All right! Off to the Obsidian Mansion for some special{LF}training! I have to make sure I master at least the basic steps... Hmmm... Is that how it goes? Wow. I’m amazed you can walk straight with those two left{LF}feet. ...! Who are you? I’m a traveler, a performer, if you will. I go from town to{LF}town, dancing for my dinner. A dancer?! That’s right. I’ve been hanging around here lately, but I can’t{LF}rest with all your crashing about. I’m sorry. Ah well. As long as you stop doing it. About that... Is there any way you could, uh, I mean, I know{LF}it’s asking a lot of a stranger, but... Could you please teach me to dance? Bwuh? Please! I have to learn how to dance, and soon! I said I was a dancer, not a wizard... Ah, whatever. You don’t seem like a bad sort. I guess I could{LF}teach you a few steps. Thank you, thank you, thank you! But I don’t wanna hear one word of complaint, got it? I’m{LF}gonna make you practice your butt off! You know, you’re not as horribly incompetent as you seemed{LF}at first. You got it in one day. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help. Thank{LF}you so much! No, no. Thank YOU. With your help I’ve put my last regret to{LF}rest, and now I can move on. Last regret...? I’m glad I got one last dance. It was fun. Come dance with{LF}me again after you die. She disappeared?! Wait... Was she a ghost? And I think she said something kinda scary there at the end... Welcome home. You’re awfully late today. I didn’t see you around town. Were you out for the evening? Hee hee! It’s a secret. Well, my curiosity is certainly piqued now. Boy, I’m beat. Let’s go to bed. You’re that tired? What in the world were you doing? I can’t wait for Venti’s Day!{LF}G’night! ...I’m not going to be able to sleep for wondering now. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for joining us for{LF}tonight’s ball. Thank you for inviting us. It’s an honor. I understand your stall was quite busy today. That we were. It seems our Lady Venti-themed items were{LF}all the rage. We sold out lickety-split. My ''Butler’s Dream Pancakes'' booth was packed all day{LF}long, as well! A towering stack of fluffy flapjacks topped with whipped{LF}cream and sweet fruit... Heavenly! It was the perfect item to grab the attention—and taste{LF}buds!—of every young lady in town! Wow. Who knew Volkanon could cook like that. And how did you fare today, Bado? ...Eh. Ah. But anyway. Everyone, please relax and enjoy dancing the{LF}night away. I can hardly wait. You wouldn’t think it to look at me now,{LF}but in my youth I could really cut a rug! Do not count me out! I will demonstrate the power of a 3-{LF}Star Butler!!! Since everyone’s here, it’d be a waste to just stand around{LF}holding up a wall. I’ll do a turn or two. Let’s go dance too! Ah, no, no. No need. I would much rather watch everyone{LF}else instead. Besides, making a showing of my poor dance skills would{LF}only put a damper on everyone else’s evening. Don’t worry. Trust me. Hm? Ah! W-wait! Oh, my! Now that was a sight to behold. I guess that's royalty for you. Arthur and @しゅじんこうくん@{LF}looked so very graceful and elegant. I can say with confidence that even at a ball in the capital{LF}you will not often see such refinement. Color me surprised. How’d you learn to dance like that? Believe me, I am as shocked as you. When did you become{LF}so skilled, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hee hee! I did some special training. Ah ha. So this was the secret from the other night. Thanks to your deft lead, even my clumsy moves looked{LF}competent. Thank you. Though I must say, with you taking the lead so much lately,{LF}I’m not sure who is the prince anymore. Oh? Is that a trait you don’t like in a wife? Not at all. I love you just the way you are. Venti’s Day was a huge success! Yes. Even more than I’d hoped. With this, I think we’ve shown the world our love for Selphia. I don’t think anyone expected Venti to be the one to win the{LF}popular vote, though. No, thinking about it, I’d say that Lady Ventuswill is the heart{LF}of Selphia and core of its charm. Just receiving an audience with her would be a huge honor{LF}for anyone. Now, then. This is when the true work begins. We have{LF}already received several trade proposals. What, already? However, after this long day I am entirely wrung out. Then let’s relax and recharge. I want to spend a quiet night together with you. And I, you. No falling asleep right at the start like you did before,{LF}though. Never. Please, allow me to take the lead this time. Drat. And here I really wanted to help make{LF}@アーサー@'s event a success. It may be now was simply not the right time. Opportunity will knock again someday. Yeah. You're right. And I'll keep supporting him in everything{LF}he does. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. G'morning, @アーサー@. Ah! You're awake already, @アーサー@? Yes. Lying beside you and watching you sleep are some of{LF}the most pleasant hours of my day. Boy, I sure slept well last night. Oh? Is that so? Excellent. I swapped out our old pillows for some new ''easy-{LF}sleep'' ones I procured the other day. What? You did? Indeed. It seems they live up to their advertising. I can see{LF}them selling well. ...And I was your guinea pig, huh? I heard you speaking in foreign languages in your sleep last{LF}night. Ah, was I? I do recall dreaming that I was in negotiations{LF}with a, erm, foreign merchant. Foreign merchant, huh? Was it a MALE merchant? Hm? O-of course! Uh-huh. Sure. If I lie here and listen, I can hear the town wake and come{LF}to life. Birds chirping, voices calling out in greeting, footsteps{LF}running through the Town Square... It’s the little things like this that give Selphia its undeniable{LF}charm. You always get up so early, @アーサー@. Of course. You know what they say, the early bird catches{LF}the worm. Oh? And did you get your ''worm'' this morning? Yes, indeed. I got to see your cute expression as you slept. Breakfast in the capital is a highly formalized affair.{LF}Everything’s for show, not flavor. But now I get to enjoy a relaxed morning with the delicious{LF}food you make for me, @しゅじんこうくん@. I couldn’t ask for anything better. You’re always up before I am. It seems so, yes. One day I want to be the one to wake first, so I can watch{LF}you sleeping for once. I must admit, I’m a little self-conscious at the thought of{LF}being seen without my glasses on. You were rather energetic last night, @しゅじんこうくん@. I{LF}almost mistook you for a fish on a hook. Oops! Sorry. I dreamed I was practicing my dance moves. Oh? And who was your dance partner, hm? Hmmmmm, I wonder, I wonder...not. It was you, of course.{LF}Who else would it be? *YAWN* G’morning... You still look half asleep. Would you like a cup of tea? Back when you were in the capital, did you sleep on a fluffy{LF}bed with silky sheets and down comforters? The comforts of the palace can’t compare to the luxury that{LF}is sleeping by your side. Um, is there something on my face? Ah, my apologies. You see, I’ve recently procured some very{LF}cute pajamas. I couldn’t help but imagine how adorable you’d look in them. Lately I’ve been able to focus better when you’re with me in{LF}our room rather than the office. Even when I’m tired, one look at you reinvigorates my whole{LF}being. Someday, I’d like to introduce you to my father. Your father? Isn’t he... Oh, he’s just an old man, like any other. You needn’t worry. I-I'll try... The onigiri you make are perfect in every way—size, shape,{LF}and flavor. What about when I make things other than onigiri? Erm! Delicious! Everything you make is delicious! I am currently searching for a pair of glasses that would suit{LF}you perfectly, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hm? But I don't need glasses. You...you don't? Ack! Don’t look so sad! I’ll wear them! I’ll wear them! If we can have seedless fruit, I think we should be able to{LF}have boneless fish too. If, one day, we were to be blessed with children... I think the cuteness of it all might cause me to faint. It’s not that I dislike dancing, exactly. It’s just that following{LF}prescribed steps is not my way. You’re allowed to dance your own dance if you want. Erm, I think I will refrain, thank you. When I dance as I like, it tends to inspire others...to laughter. Just what kind of dance are you doing...? I discussed the Venti’s Day event with Lady Ventuswill. She seemed quite embarrassed to be honored so, but as it’s{LF}for Selphia’s sake, she agreed to help. I can think of few who are as generous and giving as she. It seems like Bado does give some proper thought to running{LF}a business. He may not be, ah, overly ambitious at the moment, but one{LF}day he may find great success. I wonder. Let us give him our support as we can. As Selphia prospers, the standard of living here will rise. However, I would like to help everyone's emotional wealth{LF}grow more than their material wealth. The busier trade gets, the more you’ll be going on trips, I{LF}bet. I would assume so, yes. I'll miss you, but I'll do my best to survive without you. You needn’t do that. Huh? No matter where I go, you are welcome to come with me. Okay! @しゅじんこうくん@, might we hold hands? Here. Is something wrong? No, I'm just tired and need to recharge. Hee hee. I'm the one who's getting all the energy right now. Have a good day. Time for another full day of work. Have a good day, now. Try not to overwork yourself. Good. You have everything you need. Have a nice day, now! Please come home early, today. I, erm... Isn't it lonely? Lunch time! Here's some @アイテム0@. Here, have some @アイテム0@ for your lunch. Today's lunch is @アイテム0@. Be sure to{LF}chew well. Here is your lunch for today. I tried my hand at making some{LF}@アイテム0@. I made some @アイテム0@. Please take it{LF}along for your lunch. @しゅじんこうくん@, smile. Smile! You're married now, y'know! Woo-hoo-hoo! ♪ Hot stuff, coming through! Uh...Amber? Where'd that come from? Dunno! Ellie just said I oughta say it next time I saw you. Oh. Hee hee! Just looking at a newlywed makes me feel all{LF}happy inside! Well, you certainly look pleased with yourself. Is marriage{LF}really that nice a thing? ''All you have to do is marry me to find out for yourself,{LF}Dolly!'' My, you can dream while still being wide awake? Aren't you{LF}the deft one? ''Huh?!'' You seem awfully busy despite being a newlywed. Or is it{LF}because you're a newlywed? That is one awfully sappy grin on your face. Ah well. I guess{LF}you have a right to be that happy. Ooh, I like how you two are entirely in step with each other.{LF}Oh! It's giving me an idea for a new song! Hey, did you know that Selphia's going through its biggest{LF}love-craze ever? I guess you two must've kicked off a trend. Ha ha! La-laa ♪ La-ti-laa... ♪ It's like the whole town is still basking in the afterglow of{LF}your{LF}wedding ceremony. ♪ Goodness, you have such a satisfied look on your face. I can{LF}tell that married life suits you well. Two people from two different lands find each other and join{LF}as one to walk the same path...I'm jealous. Once married, one must grow strong enough to protect{LF}one's family from any and all danger. I will gladly join you for sparring at any time. Ooh. I spy a newlywed. ♪{LF}You radiate so much happiness I could feel you coming. Boy, I'd love to marry you someday too, @しゅじんこうくん@. WHAT?! Oh, oopsie. I said that wrong.{LF}I meant I want to be married like you someday. Whew. That’s better. Are you telling your spouse how much you love them every{LF}day? You ought to. My, you seem awfully busy. Once things settle down, we should have tea. I'd love to{LF}hear about newlywed life from you. Seeing how splendid the ceremony for your wedding was... I've been wondering if there was some way we could{LF}advertise Selphia as a trendy wedding destination... Ha ha... You really are all about your job, aren’t you? I’ve always been more focused on my work than on my{LF}personal life. But seeing how happy you are is making me consider being{LF}wedded to more than my job. Don't worry, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Married or not, I am still your butler. If you are ever in need of anything, do not hesitate to ask! You must feel so lucky being able to marry the one you love{LF}the most. Yep! I think that every day.{LF}It still feels like a dream. One day, I'm going to be as competent and capable as you{LF}are, @しゅじんこうくん@! Congrats on your marriage! Happy occasions like that are so great that I wanna{LF}celebrate them over and over. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Is it me, or have you changed? You look more mature and responsible. All thanks to having{LF}a spouse, I guess. I'm sure you want to hang out with your husband as much as{LF}possible, but don't forget about me. I guess marriage ain't all that bad. Who would've thought I'd think that someday. You must be{LF}rubbing off on me. Hey. Keep your distance.{LF}Your happy-sappy newlywed aura makes my ears itch. Once you're bored with that whole being married thing, let's{LF}go fishing. Just let me know whenever. Getting married hasn’t slowed you down at all, has it? You{LF}certainly seem to be busy running errands. Marriage is sweet but sours once the honeymoon is over...is{LF}what many people say, anyway. Though in your case, I can see you two being sappy and{LF}happy until your dying days. Spending time with your spouse is to be expected, I guess,{LF}but don't forget to come hang out sometimes. ... What? Is it me, or are you looking cooler than before? Dang it, that{LF}power of marriage stuff is real! Now that you're married, don’t go forgetting your old{LF}buddies. If you ever wanna talk, come on over. Dang it, now I wanna get married! And just so you know, it's{LF}all your fault. Extra super special congratulations to you!!! How is married{LF}life? Is it as delicious as it looks? Watching someone so happy makes me so very hungry. If I were to sit you at my table now, I think I could eat{LF}forever and ever. ♪ You have such a dignified air to you now! So this is what{LF}having someone to protect will do. @しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you for making my little Xiao so happy. If Xiao ever puts herself down, you be sure to remind her{LF}how wonderful she is, okay? Now, @しゅじんこうくん@, Xiao is very, VERY shy. You'll have to make the first moves yourself, or nothing will{LF}ever happen. A detective so clever they unraveled the universal mystery of{LF}love... @しゅじんこうくん@, you make an excellent rival. You may be newlyweds, but get all lovey-dovey in front of{LF}me and I'll arrest you. *SNIFF* *SNIFF* *SNIFF*... Hmph.{LF}Not even a whiff of intrigue! You two must be getting along{LF}great. My, my. A smile that bright each day will certainly keep the{LF}doctor away. The secret to a happy marriage is apologizing first. Nothing{LF}good comes from being stubborn. Just in case, I suggest having a first aid kit in your house. That way, if you get in a spat with your spouse and blood{LF}flows, you’ll have it on hand. @しゅじんこうくん@, are you happy? Just kidding. I know the{LF}answer just by looking at you. Mm? Your eyes seem a little puffy. Missing some sleep, are{LF}we? I guess that's no surprise in a newlywed. Be sure you tell your spouse that you love them every day,{LF}okay? Nurse's orders. Talk Please check my gear. It's nothing. Y'know, every time I see you, you have a big smile on your{LF}face. Good to know you're happy. *GULP* Ugh... I’ll never, ever, get used to airships. Are you okay? Yeah. One sec... Though, looking at you makes me feel like{LF}I'm going from air-sick to happy-sick. Ah well. I'll take the latter over the former any day. A word of warning... When women get married, they change.{LF}Be ready. Though, well...I'm sure they say the same about us. You aren't equipped with anything right now. If you want me to check your gear for you, go equip it first. What gear do you want to know about? Weapon: @アイテム0@ Shield: @アイテム1@ Armor: @アイテム2@ Headgear: @アイテム3@ Shoes: @アイテム4@ Accessory: @アイテム5@ Quit. This @アイテム0@ has been strengthened{LF}with... ...Wait, nothing's been used on it yet. ...@アイテム1@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@ and{LF}@アイテム2@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}and @アイテム3@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... and @アイテム4@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, and{LF}@アイテム5@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}and @アイテム6@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... ...and @アイテム7@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, and{LF}@アイテム8@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, @アイテム8@,{LF}and @アイテム9@. Hmm? It looks like... ...@アイテムA@ was used in making this. ...@アイテムA@ and{LF}@アイテムB@ were used in making this. ...@アイテムA@, @アイテムB@,{LF}and @アイテムC@ were used in making this. This was well made. I can tell something else, too. The materials used in making it were good quality. A lot of good materials were used in making it. The materials used in making it were great quality. The materials used in making it were almost perfect. Incredible! The materials used in making this were all perfect! Making this must have taken a lot of effort. Still... That and... It looks like it was made with some unusual materials. It looks like it was made with unusual materials. It looks like it was made with some rather unusual materials. It looks like it was made with rare materials. It looks like it was made with pretty rare materials. It looks like it was made with really rare materials. It looks like it was made with extremely rare materials. Incredible! This looks like it was made with nothing but the{LF}rarest of materials. It looks like @アイテム0@, but it has the{LF}abilities of @アイテム1@. Hey. How're you doing? What do you need? See you later. I came to chat. Show me your collection. Nothing. Seeing you smile makes me miss him. Everyone is still talking about your wedding. What a nice{LF}town. You’re sparkling more than a polished crystal. You must be{LF}really happy. ...What? Oh. Come again. @しゅじんこうくん@! I see marriage has matured you even more{LF}than you were! Yes, that was a lovely wedding ceremony. A lovely{LF}ceremony, indeed! If I close my eyes, I can still see it playing out in all its glory! Oh ho! You look even happier today than yesterday. I see{LF}your joy only grows day by day! You seem the happiest I have ever seen you. Good, good. I{LF}am glad. However, remember that happiness takes effort to maintain.{LF}Continue to keep up your good work. I thought marriage might settle you down some, but it seems{LF}you are still your indomitable self. I feel much better about that. A settled and subdued you is not truly you at all. @しゅじんこうくん@. Have you not been a little cold to me of{LF}late? Do not let marriage change you too much, all right? Erm, that is simply my sage advice as someone with much{LF}experience. It is not because I am lonely... I can only hope that seeing how happy you are will convince{LF}Doug that he should settle down too. My, my. You've got quite the solid and reliable look to you{LF}these days. Why, if I were thirty years younger, I think I'd be smitten by{LF}you too. I hope that you two grow to be as close and loving a couple{LF}as Jones and Nancy. I stocked up on flowers for your wedding, but they didn't sell{LF}all that well. I guess most people go to a flower shop for that sort of{LF}thing. Boy, running a shop sure takes effort. You sure look like your wedding's got you on cloud nine. Be{LF}careful not to fall for any scams. Oh, I'll be careful, all right. Why did you look at me when you said that? I thought I might try to pull something on you while your{LF}head’s in the clouds, but eh. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. What will your spouse call you? Choose a nickname for your spouse. @しゅじんこうくん@... I am now going to wash the last plate in our possession. Break this one and we’ll be eating straight out of the pots{LF}and pans. It seems best if you don’t put more pressure on me, yes? I want to concentrate. Do not say a word, please. Okay. Here I go... Xiao. @しゅじんこうくん@. NWAH?! The plate! I'll save it! My, my! What an acrobatic catch. Whew... Mama! Walking in on people suddenly like that will surprise{LF}them, yes? I almost broke our last plate. But @しゅじんこうくん@ was right there beside you, waiting to{LF}lend a hand. Looks like you two are supporting each other as newlyweds{LF}ought to. Perhaps I can trust this to you... What do you mean? I want to leave the hotel to you when I'm gone. I think you both will do me proud. You are thinking too far in the future, Mama. You won't be{LF}gone so soon. Well, about that... Mama? ... No... I'm sorry. No... Nooooo! Why does it have to be Mama?! I can only say that it must be fate... But...but you seem so healthy, yes? Have you gone to see{LF}Jones? Goodness, I am certainly not going to go about town{LF}bragging about it. Going to a doctor only makes sense! Well, I suppose I could show the two of you. Ta-dah! Erm, what are these slips? They’re two tickets for a vacation to Fenith Island. I won{LF}them at Porcoline’s Kitchen! Buh? Porcoline held a little raffle to thank all his patrons, you{LF}know. And I won the grand prize! With Papa about to return, I think we'll make it a little trip,{LF}just for the two of us. D-did you have to put it so...so...! I thought for certain you{LF}were-- Oh dear. Did I give you the wrong impression somehow? Ha ha ha... Geez. Since I’ll be going away, I’d like the two of you to run the{LF}hotel while I’m gone. You two have grown so much that I’m sure you’ll do just{LF}fine. Wow. That came out of nowhere. The two of us running the{LF}hotel by ourselves, huh? Without Lin Fa’s trademark good luck, I’m a bit worried how{LF}it’ll go, though. Heh heh heh... @シャオパイ@? This is what I have been waiting for, yes? Huh? Now is my chance to surpass Mama! ...!! I'm going to boost the reputation of our hotel and surprise{LF}Mama when she gets back! Wow. I've never seen her THIS fired up over something. @しゅじんこうくん@!{LF}You will support me in this, yes? Yeah! All right, let's do this! It seems it is time. Just the two of us, running a hotel. Now we must boost the hotel’s reputation through the roof{LF}before Mama comes home! Yeah! So...how exactly are we going to do that? Heh heh. I have a plan, yes? What guests want most above all things in a hotel is tasty{LF}food. It seems we must master cooking really tasty food! Okay. But how? An incredibly skilled chef lives here in Selphia, yes? @ポコリーヌ@! Exactly. Our first step is to learn the essence of good{LF}cooking from Porcoline. The essence of good cooking? Yes. To make our hotel even better, it seems it's necessary{LF}for us to improve the food we offer! Please, @ポコリーヌ@! ...All right. Your passion has moved me. I will gladly teach you both the{LF}essence of the best cooking! Thank you! With your enthusiasm and energy, you may even master the{LF}basics in as little as three years! ...Buh? Erm. If possible, we’d like for you to teach it to us in one{LF}day, yes? One...day... Are you underestimating the Way of the Chef?! Urk! I am much sorry! I did not give it the thought I should{LF}have... *SIGH* Well, techniques may be out of the question, but perhaps{LF}learning the proper attitude will be of help. You will teach it to us?! Listen carefully to moi. Good cooking is, put simply, good{LF}ingredients! In the end, all a good chef does is bring out the best in the{LF}ingredients. I see. And there is one more important part—love and respect for{LF}those who will be eating your food! Cook with your heart and season with LOVE! Do that and I’m{LF}sure they will be satisfied. Good ingredients and love... With those things, even without{LF}skills we can still cook good food, yes? Thank you, Porcoline! But of course! Consider it on the house. ♪ If it is on the house, it seems there is one more thing I'd like{LF}to ask. Ask away! Where does one find the very best yams? Hrm... High quality yams, is it? I'd really like to make a yam dish for a guest staying with us{LF}today. Well, no one can argue that the best type of yam is the{LF}Molasses Yam. It has a thick, sticky-soft texture and a syrupy sweet flavor. Mmmm! Just thinking about them sends my heart aflutter! There should be some ripening in the Demon's Den at this{LF}time of year. The Demon's Den? Understood. Wait! Molasses Yams are a favorite food of the White{LF}Magnuto that lives there. I wouldn’t be surprised if it has already dug up most of the{LF}yams and is storing them in its den. If you want to take them, you’ll have to be very careful and{LF}very prepared. @しゅじんこうくん@, it seems I am sorry to ask, but could you{LF}come along... Of course! C'mon, let's go! Thank you! Sir, there is a special dish that I would like for you to try,{LF}yes? Oh ho! And what would that be? Here you are, sir. A...baked potato? No...it's a yam! I hate yams! What?! It is not just any yam. It is called a Molasses Yam, yes? I told you, there is nothing I despise more than yams! @シャオパイ@...{LF}I wonder if she's okay. It seems that is just why I'd like you to try this dish. I am confident that you will enjoy it, sir. Please, if nothing{LF}else, at least try one bite! If it is not to your liking, we will not ask any recompense for{LF}your stay. ...Huh. All right. Just one bite. What...?! Is this really a yam?! It's delicious! Yay! It seems that went well. But why go out of your way to make a dish that they hated? If it is the best of ingredients, even hated food can be good.{LF}Then, new flavors will be liked! Instead of just making what they already like, giving{LF}something new to like will make more happiness! Oh! I get it! That's what @ポコリーヌ@ meant when he{LF}said to love and respect the ones eating your food. I did not do that much... You know what? I think I’d like you to make me something{LF}too. Something with lots of love. O-okay... Hmm. Something is not right. Today’s guests should have{LF}already come. Maybe something happened. Let’s go look for them. Nnngh... Wh-what happened?! Oh no! They’re hurt! I’m a traveler. I was intending to stay at this hotel today... But on my way here I was attacked by a monster on Maya{LF}Road. We must get you to the clinic right away! It's good you were not badly hurt, yes? I’m sorry for all the fuss I caused. A soak in our baths is very good for bruises and scrapes.{LF}Please take your time. While you bathe, it seems I will prepare your meal. Ah, thank you, but I’m not hungry. Is something wrong? Do you feel unwell still? No. It's just...I'm a little depressed. You see, when I was attacked by the monster, the necklace{LF}my late wife left me snapped. I must have dropped it, but I was too busy running for my life{LF}to remember where. While I had that necklace, it felt like my wife was right there,{LF}traveling with me. Without it, I feel so alone... I see... I'm sorry. You saved my life.{LF}I really ought to be happier. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll go have my bath now. How sad... Yeah. He looks really down in the dumps. At this rate, all of his memories of traveling now will be{LF}stained with sorrow. It is the job of a good hotel to make sure their guests all{LF}leave with happy memories, yes? I will go and find that necklace! I figured you'd say that. He said he got attacked on Maya Road, right? Let’s go! It seems there is something stuck on that monster’s claw. Is{LF}it...? GRAAAAAAAAAAHHH! I guess we’ll just have to defeat it and find out! Ah ha! It is a necklace, yes? Great! Let’s hurry and return it to our guest. I’m sure he’ll be{LF}happy to have it back. Ah...! My wife’s necklace! Did you go looking for it? Ah ha... You went out of your way, even though it was dangerous,{LF}just for me...? Thank you so, so much. I’m sorry I made you feel like you{LF}had to do it for me, though. No, no. It is all part of our job at this hotel. You needn’t be{LF}bothered about it, yes? I... Thank you. I’ve never been to a hotel with such complete and{LF}considerate service. From now on, I’ll be sure to tell everyone I meet on my{LF}travels how wonderful a place this is! Oh gosh. So much praise is a tickly feeling, yes? Allow me to prepare your meal! Whoops...! Ha ha... There’s the @シャオパイ@ I know. @しゅじんこうくん@, would you please make the beds in the{LF}guest room? I will begin preparing the food! Got it! Xiao! @しゅじんこうくん@!{LF}Is everything all right?! Mama? What's wrong?{LF}Why are you shouting? Well, I come home and there are all these people at our{LF}hotel! What happened? Did something get destroyed? Catch fire?{LF}Explode? What? Why would anything explode? Ha ha ha. No, there haven’t been any fires or explosions. These are all{LF}guests. What? This many...? @シャオパイ@ worked really hard while you were on{LF}vacation. Thanks to her, the hotel’s really been making a name for{LF}itself and lots more people started coming. Xiao...! Mmmph! I knew you could do it if you tried! Oh, I'm so happy! Mama. It seems I can’t breathe... A-anyway, how was your trip? I'm so glad you asked! It was the most wonderful vacation{LF}ever! The weather was gorgeous, and the food was exotic and{LF}delicious! They even had hot springs! There was an open air tub, a{LF}medicinal bath... It was all so much fun! It's been so long since Papa and I got to spend such quality{LF}time together. You are not shy about bragging at all, yes? Still, it'd be nice if we could go, too, someday. Oh yes. You definitely should! There is no hope of winning a raffle prize with my luck,{LF}though. Hee hee! You don't need to worry about that part. Here you{LF}go! Two tickets. Hm? WHAAAT?! Where did you get these?! The raffle at Porcoline's Kitchen was so well received that{LF}Carnation’s did one too. I dropped by a moment ago, and I happened to win the{LF}grand prize again. Tee hee! Talk about good luck... Seriously. This is my thanks to you both for doing such a good job{LF}looking after the hotel while I was gone. Why not make this your honeymoon? Ah...! You worked really hard. Now it's your turn to relax really{LF}hard and have fun. Mama...thanks. I’m really looking forward to going on our honeymoon. Honeymoon... There is a ring to those words that sets the{LF}heart to racing, yes? Now that you mention it... It really is a wonderful present that Mama gave us. I’m very{LF}happy and thankful. I'm sure she was happy and thankful to you too for all the{LF}hard work you put in, @シャオパイ@. Seeing Mama happy also makes me happy. In these last few days, it feels like I've grown a little bit more{LF}like her. And that is because of all your help, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thank{LF}you. You did it yourself, @シャオパイ@. You kept trying and{LF}never gave up. You aren't the klutzy @シャオパイ@ you used to be. Klutzy, am I? Ack! Sorry! Heh heh. I think I am still very much a klutz, though, yes? That’s why, @しゅじんこうくん@, it seems I want to ask you to{LF}be there for me from now on, yes? Always. You can count on me. @しゅじんこうくん@! @シャオパイ@!{LF}Oh goodness, it's terrible! What is it?! The money in the safe is gone! What?! I was going to give you a little spending money for your trip,{LF}so I checked the safe, but it was empty! Who was the last person to use it last night? It seems it was me. I...I forgot to lock the safe. Someone must've taken advantage of that to steal the{LF}money that was in there. One of our guests did leave early.{LF}Maybe... Ha...ha ha... I knew it. I really am still completely hopeless... I let my success go to my head. Me, as good as Mama? No. I will never be anything but a{LF}klutz. Xiao... Okay, that's enough of that! We have to hurry and catch the thief before they get too far{LF}away. @しゅじんこうくん@, you aren't giving up? Of course not! @シャオパイ@, have more confidence in yourself. I'm sure{LF}we'll catch the thief and get the money back! Compared to all the things you did to boost the hotel’s{LF}reputation, this is nothing! True... Yes...yes, you are right! It seems I am going to catch that thief, no matter what! Let's start by asking around town to see if anyone spotted{LF}someone acting suspicious. Someone stole all the money out of your safe? Hmmmmm. I knew there was something fishy about that{LF}guy... You have someone in mind? Yeah. I saw a traveler legging it out of town in a real big{LF}hurry. That seemed like suspicious behavior to me, so I tailed him.{LF}He went into the Obsidian Mansion. I thought he was just a traveler in the end, but maybe he’s{LF}your thief. The Obsidian Mansion, right?{LF}Let's go! Ah ha! There he is! Wait! Why do you run?! Heh heh! You’re from that hotel, right? I know what you’re{LF}after. So it WAS you! It seems you must give up, yes? EEEK! H-help me! YEEEEE!!! S-stay away...! Look out! @しゅじんこうくん@, we have to save him! Thanks for rescuing me. You’d better be grateful. Here. Allow me to return all your money. It seems this is not all? Huh? That’s everything I took from the safe. I swear. You haven't yet paid for your night's stay! Oh! Ah, right! H-here you are! Whew. We got it all back. ...Yes. What's wrong? It’s good that we retrieved what was lost, but it's my fault it{LF}was taken, yes? I didn't lock the safe. It seems I cannot afford to let success go to my head. ... Er, excuse the interruption, but the safe was quite locked. Huh? I would never steal from an unlocked safe. I’ve got a{LF}reputation to uphold, you know. Then... The safe was shut up tight as a drum. Took a fair bit of skill{LF}to open, if I do say so myself. You see, as a boy, nothing thrilled me more than the{LF}challenge of opening that which-- No one asked for your backstory, yes?! YEEP! So the safe was locked... Then you didn't do anything wrong, @シャオパイ@. It{LF}wasn't your fault. Whew. It seems I am very relieved. But there is still the problem that I could not clearly{LF}remember if I had locked it or not. True. Might I suggest you leave a check sheet by the safe{LF}to... We don't need to hear that from you! No...wait. I think we should listen. A pro thief would know{LF}how to stop other thieves. He could teach us something useful, yes? I suppose I could give you some tips, but I don't come{LF}cheap... I have changed my mind. Let's hand him over to Forte. She may use him for stabbing practice, yes? YEEP!!! Ask me anything!!! There. The safe is in a new spot, and we have followed all{LF}his other suggestions too! Getting advice from a pro thief about how to stop thieves{LF}was a brilliant idea. When life gives you lemons, it seems you must make fruit{LF}punch, yes? Oh, Xiao...how you've grown!{LF}You're so dependable now. Erm! I will go and clean the guest rooms now! Whoops...! Are you okay? It seems I found some spare change. When life gives you lemons, make delicious fruit punch! Hmm. Maybe I should take my swimsuit... Goodness, how is that even a question? You simply MUST{LF}go swimming when at Fenith Island! All right. @しゅじんこうくん@, it seems I do not want you to{LF}stare at me in my swimsuit. Understood? Ha ha. I’ll try not to. Oh, Xiao. You are still so shy. You know, they do have a hot tub there that you can{LF}reserve. You two ought to have a soak together. Erm...!! R-reservable hot tub... Excuse me. Pardon me. My, my. Welcome! Hm? Ah! The guests from the other day. Hello. I must admit, I’ve grown rather fond of this hotel. Well,{LF}of Xiao Pai and her hospitality. Me too. I couldn’t help but stop by again. I’m very honored, but I’m afraid I will be gone for a few days.{LF}I’m leaving on my...my honeymoon. What? You are? Congratulations! Yes, congratulations.{LF}It’s unfortunate you won’t be here, though. Perhaps I'll come back some other time. My, my! Am I not sufficient enough a hostess? Erm! N-no, not at all.{LF}Please forgive me. Who would have thought Xiao Pai had such a lovely elder{LF}sister. Oh, you flatterer, you! Now then, shall I see you to your rooms, or will you be{LF}leaving us? We will be staying, of course! Yes! Please lead the way! All right, then. Follow me, please. It seems I will never measure up to Mama. I wouldn’t say that. Everyone liked you in their own way. That’s true. I am very happy about that, yes? I'm going to keep trying and keep working until someday I{LF}finally surpass Mama! And I'll be there with you, every step of the way. Thanks. While I am here at the hotel, I will work as hard as I can for{LF}our guests... But while we're on our vacation, I will do everything I can{LF}just for you. Thanks. That means a lot. Oh my. It looks like the honeymoon has started already. It won't be long before I get to see my grandchild now. How{LF}bittersweet... G-g-grandchild?! Ha ha ha. W-we are going now, yes?! Please watch things while we{LF}are gone! Of course. Have fun!♪ Running a hotel is hard work. No matter what one does, it takes time to grow proficient at{LF}it. If you continue to work hard, things will improve. Yeah, you're right. I'm going to stay with @シャオパイ@ and{LF}support her the whole way! Darn it! The thief got away!{LF}I’m so mad... Heaven's net has holes, but naught escapes it. Things will balance out. Yeah. Too bad we'll have to wait until then to go on our{LF}honeymoon. Morning, @しゅじんこうくん@!{LF}Today is a lovely day, yes? G'morning, @シャオパイ@. G'morning. Hm? It seems you are awake.{LF}I wanted to watch you sleep a little longer. Morning. Whew. Mornings at a hotel are busy, busy. First, I must{LF}prepare breakfast... Ouch! Oops. It seems I fell out of bed, yes? Morning! I wonder. Is Mama having fun right now? It seems we are having a good time too, yes? AAAAAAAH! Huh...? A dream? What’s wrong? I dreamed I was being chased by the ghosts of all the plates{LF}I’ve ever broken... Mnn...just five more minutes... It's about the time our guests will be checking out, yes? Already?! Ha ha. Morning. G'morning. Nnn... I don't wanna get up yet. Up! Up! I cannot make the bed with you in it, yes? Morning!{LF}Are you ready, @しゅじんこうくん@? We have to go catch that thief! *YAAAAAWN* G'morning, @シャオパイ@. Mnn. Morning. Were you watching me sleep? Yep. You were really cute. Erk! S-stop! You embarrass me. It seems morning exercise is the secret to lasting health. Do you want me to teach these moves to you? @しゅじんこうくん@...be honest.{LF}Do I snore? When I am busy, my mind wanders and I worry. It's okay. Really? I don’t? Or I do? Or you don’t mind? Which is it? @しゅじんこうくん@. To make certain I don't trip, could I hold your hand? Mama’s luck is an amazing thing... But I think I’m luckier in the end, because I got to marry you. @しゅじんこうくん@, with you there for me, I know I can run this{LF}hotel just fine. Thank you. Do you think Mama will bring us back some souvenirs? What are you hoping for? What else? A Chinese Manju! If we ever have children, that means Mama will become{LF}Grandmama... But she doesn't look like a grandmama at all. Could she be{LF}part elf? I thought to add up the cost of all the plates I've broken this{LF}year. But part way through I got scared and stopped... @しゅじんこうくん@. It seems I wonder if my being so busy with the hotel has not{LF}left you too lonely? It's okay. Just knowing that you think about me is enough. You are the greatest husband I could ever hope for. When I am as old as Mama, do you think I will look like{LF}Mama does? You will always be you, @シャオパイ@. I will always be me... Yeah, you are right. It seems I have no{LF}hope of growing taller. I traveled with Papa for a long time, so I know what travelers{LF}would like. Tasty food. A warm bath. A soft and comfy bed. I want to{LF}give that all to them! It seems I will not let that thief escape! I swear I will catch{LF}him! When we go on our honeymoon, what will we do there? Um, I think on honeymoons people usually, well, spend the{LF}whole time getting...close. C-close...? O-oh gosh. That might be too much for me. House chores and hotel chores, it seems I don't want to{LF}slack off on either of them, yes? I made @アイテム0@ for lunch. Eat every last{LF}bite, okay? Today's lunch is @アイテム0@. Eat it all, yes?{LF}It'd make me very happy. Here's your lunch for today. It seems I managed to make{LF}some @アイテム0@. I made some @アイテム0@. If you get hungry,{LF}you can eat it for lunch, yes? Here's your lunch! It seems today's is{LF}@アイテム0@. See you later! See you. Don't push yourself too hard, yes? Wait, you have a spot on your sleeve...there. See you. See you later. Make sure to eat your lunch, yes? See you! It seems I will be waiting for your return all day. Well, you certainly look pleased with yourself. Is marriage{LF}really that nice a thing? ''All you have to do is marry me to find out for yourself,{LF}Dolly!'' My, you can dream while still being wide awake? Aren't you{LF}the deft one? ''Huh?!'' You seem awfully busy despite being a newlywed. Or is it{LF}because you're a newlywed? That is one awfully sappy grin on your face. Ah well. I guess{LF}you have a right to be that happy. Ooh, I like how you two are entirely in step with each other.{LF}Oh! It's giving me an idea for a new song! Hey, did you know that Selphia's going through its biggest{LF}love-craze ever? I guess you two must've kicked off a trend. Ha ha! La-laa ♪ La-ti-laa... ♪ It's like the whole town is still basking in the afterglow of{LF}your{LF}wedding ceremony. ♪ Goodness, you have such a satisfied look on your face. I can{LF}tell that married life suits you well. Two people from two different lands find each other and join{LF}as one to walk the same path...I'm jealous. Once married, one must grow strong enough to protect{LF}one's family from any and all danger. I will gladly join you for sparring at any time. Hn? Ah. I thought I sensed a happy aura. It seems a{LF}newlywed was coming by, yes? Did I just see you skipping along? It is good to know you are{LF}happy. @しゅじんこうくん@, is it me, or are you a little more plump?{LF}This must be what they mean by filled with happiness. Ooh. I spy a newlywed. ♪{LF}You radiate so much happiness I could feel you coming. Boy, I'd love to marry you someday too, @しゅじんこうくん@. WHAT?! Oh, oopsie. I said that wrong.{LF}I meant I want to be married like you someday. Whew. That’s better. Are you telling your spouse how much you love them every{LF}day? You ought to. My, you seem awfully busy. Once things settle down, we should have tea. I'd love to{LF}hear about newlywed life from you. Seeing how splendid the ceremony for your wedding was... I've been wondering if there was some way we could{LF}advertise Selphia as a trendy wedding destination... Ha ha... You really are all about your job, aren’t you? I’ve always been more focused on my work than on my{LF}personal life. But seeing how happy you are is making me consider being{LF}wedded to more than my job. Don't worry, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Married or not, I am still your butler. If you are ever in need of anything, do not hesitate to ask! You must feel so lucky being able to marry the one you love{LF}the most. Yep! I think that every day.{LF}It still feels like a dream. One day, I'm going to be as competent and capable as you{LF}are, @しゅじんこうくん@! Congrats on your marriage! Happy occasions like that are so great that I wanna{LF}celebrate them over and over. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Is it me, or have you changed? You look more mature and responsible. All thanks to having{LF}a spouse, I guess. I'm sure you want to hang out with your husband as much as{LF}possible, but don't forget about me. I guess marriage ain't all that bad. Who would've thought I'd think that someday. You must be{LF}rubbing off on me. Hey. Keep your distance.{LF}Your happy-sappy newlywed aura makes my ears itch. Once you're bored with that whole being married thing, let's{LF}go fishing. Just let me know whenever. Getting married hasn’t slowed you down at all, has it? You{LF}certainly seem to be busy running errands. Marriage is sweet but sours once the honeymoon is over...is{LF}what many people say, anyway. Though in your case, I can see you two being sappy and{LF}happy until your dying days. Spending time with your spouse is to be expected, I guess,{LF}but don't forget to come hang out sometimes. ... What? Is it me, or are you looking cooler than before? Dang it, that{LF}power of marriage stuff is real! Now that you're married, don’t go forgetting your old{LF}buddies. If you ever wanna talk, come on over. Dang it, now I wanna get married! And just so you know, it's{LF}all your fault. Extra super special congratulations to you!!! How is married{LF}life? Is it as delicious as it looks? Watching someone so happy makes me so very hungry. If I were to sit you at my table now, I think I could eat{LF}forever and ever. ♪ You have such a dignified air to you now! So this is what{LF}having someone to protect will do. @しゅじんこうくん@, don't leave your spouse's side for too long,{LF}okay? And definitely no turning into a wanderer. Seeing you two happily married makes me think about Papa{LF}and what we were like way back when. If you get home first, be sure to warm the house up nice and{LF}toasty, okay? Coming back to a nice and toasty home is the loveliest{LF}feeling. Well? Is Amber being a good wife for you? I'm sure she'll get into mischief every once in a while, but be{LF}kind and laugh along with her, okay? @しゅじんこうくん@, if you ever make Amber cry, there'll{LF}definitely be a crime--and you'll be the victim! Ugh. Amber will not stop gushing to me about you. She must{LF}be pretty happy being married to you. My, my. A smile that bright each day will certainly keep the{LF}doctor away. The secret to a happy marriage is apologizing first. Nothing{LF}good comes from being stubborn. Just in case, I suggest having a first aid kit in your house. That way, if you get in a spat with your spouse and blood{LF}flows, you’ll have it on hand. @しゅじんこうくん@, are you happy? Just kidding. I know the{LF}answer just by looking at you. Mm? Your eyes seem a little puffy. Missing some sleep, are{LF}we? I guess that's no surprise in a newlywed. Be sure you tell your spouse that you love them every day,{LF}okay? Nurse's orders. Talk Please check my gear. It's nothing. Y'know, every time I see you, you have a big smile on your{LF}face. Good to know you're happy. *GULP* Ugh... I’ll never, ever, get used to airships. Are you okay? Yeah. One sec... Though, looking at you makes me feel like{LF}I'm going from air-sick to happy-sick. Ah well. I'll take the latter over the former any day. A word of warning... When women get married, they change.{LF}Be ready. Though, well...I'm sure they say the same about us. You aren't equipped with anything right now. If you want me to check your gear for you, go equip it first. What gear do you want to know about? Weapon: @アイテム0@ Shield: @アイテム1@ Armor: @アイテム2@ Headgear: @アイテム3@ Shoes: @アイテム4@ Accessory: @アイテム5@ Quit. This @アイテム0@ has been strengthened{LF}with... ...Wait, nothing's been used on it yet. ...@アイテム1@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@ and{LF}@アイテム2@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}and @アイテム3@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... and @アイテム4@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, and{LF}@アイテム5@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}and @アイテム6@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... ...and @アイテム7@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, and{LF}@アイテム8@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, @アイテム8@,{LF}and @アイテム9@. Hmm? It looks like... ...@アイテムA@ was used in making this. ...@アイテムA@ and{LF}@アイテムB@ were used in making this. ...@アイテムA@, @アイテムB@,{LF}and @アイテムC@ were used in making this. This was well made. I can tell something else, too. The materials used in making it were good quality. A lot of good materials were used in making it. The materials used in making it were great quality. The materials used in making it were almost perfect. Incredible! The materials used in making this were all perfect! Making this must have taken a lot of effort. Still... That and... It looks like it was made with some unusual materials. It looks like it was made with unusual materials. It looks like it was made with some rather unusual materials. It looks like it was made with rare materials. It looks like it was made with pretty rare materials. It looks like it was made with really rare materials. It looks like it was made with extremely rare materials. Incredible! This looks like it was made with nothing but the{LF}rarest of materials. It looks like @アイテム0@, but it has the{LF}abilities of @アイテム1@. Hey. How're you doing? What do you need? See you later. I came to chat. Show me your collection. Nothing. Seeing you smile makes me miss him. Everyone is still talking about your wedding. What a nice{LF}town. You’re sparkling more than a polished crystal. You must be{LF}really happy. ...What? Oh. Come again. @しゅじんこうくん@! I see marriage has matured you even more{LF}than you were! Yes, that was a lovely wedding ceremony. A lovely{LF}ceremony, indeed! If I close my eyes, I can still see it playing out in all its glory! Oh ho! You look even happier today than yesterday. I see{LF}your joy only grows day by day! You seem the happiest I have ever seen you. Good, good. I{LF}am glad. However, remember that happiness takes effort to maintain.{LF}Continue to keep up your good work. I thought marriage might settle you down some, but it seems{LF}you are still your indomitable self. I feel much better about that. A settled and subdued you is not truly you at all. @しゅじんこうくん@. Have you not been a little cold to me of{LF}late? Do not let marriage change you too much, all right? Erm, that is simply my sage advice as someone with much{LF}experience. It is not because I am lonely... I can only hope that seeing how happy you are will convince{LF}Doug that he should settle down too. My, my. You've got quite the solid and reliable look to you{LF}these days. Why, if I were thirty years younger, I think I'd be smitten by{LF}you too. I hope that you two grow to be as close and loving a couple{LF}as Jones and Nancy. I stocked up on flowers for your wedding, but they didn't sell{LF}all that well. I guess most people go to a flower shop for that sort of{LF}thing. Boy, running a shop sure takes effort. You sure look like your wedding's got you on cloud nine. Be{LF}careful not to fall for any scams. Oh, I'll be careful, all right. Why did you look at me when you said that? I thought I might try to pull something on you while your{LF}head’s in the clouds, but eh. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. What will your spouse call you? Choose a nickname for your spouse. Could that be...? @しゅじんこうくん@! GWAH?! Ah ha ha. You sure are full of energy this morning. I was so{LF}surprised, I spilled my tea. Compliment me! Oh? Did you do something good? Eheh heh heh. You betcha!{LF}I rescued a poor little ol’ Wooly. ♪ A Wooly? Yep! It was tied to a tree and left all by its lonesome, so I set{LF}it free! Ah, okay. I’m sure the Wooly is much happier now. Hee hee! ♪ But I wonder... Who’d be such a meanie and tie it up like{LF}that? Yo. Hey, @バド@. What's up? Something strange happened, so I'm asking around about it. See, I tied a Wooly to a tree for a minute, but when I came{LF}back someone had let it loose. Any idea who might’ve done that? Oh! So YOU’RE the meanie! How could you tie up that poor{LF}little Wooly like that! Hey, now. You make it sound like I was torturing the darn{LF}thing. I was just trying to shear it. Huh? Thought I might use some of the fur to decorate a helmet.{LF}Wouldn’t that be stylish? I...guess so? Huh. So it was Amber that let it go. You weren’t picking on the little Wooly? Nope. I’d never do that. Didn’t you see the shears I set by it? It’s easier on Woolies if their fur gets a good clipping before{LF}it grows too long, y’know. Oh. I didn’t know. I’m sorry. I apologize, @バド@. I'll go get some Wooly fur to{LF}replace what you lost. Nah, it’s okay. Amber wasn’t trying to cause trouble or{LF}anything. I’m just glad I know what happened now. Anyway, I think I’ll{LF}head home and nap. @バド@ said he didn't need any, but it would still be{LF}polite to bring him some fur. I'll go get some now. @しゅじんこうくん@, I'm sorry. It's okay. @バド@ said it himself. You weren’t trying{LF}to do anything bad. It was a mistake. Just be a little more careful from now on,{LF}okay? Okay! You must never do that again, yes? Hey, @シャオパイ@. What's wrong? Ah. @しゅじんこうくん@. I have to get back to work. I want you to ask Amber about{LF}that, yes? What happened? Um, well...I found a poor little puppy that was all dirty and{LF}cold... So I took it to Xiao's to give it a bath. You didn’t... And Xiao got super mad at me. Ah ha... So that’s what it was all about. But the puppy was super happy after! That was very nice of you, @コハク@. But you have to be careful not to cause trouble for others.{LF}Think hard before you do things, okay? I'm sorry... I should probably go and apologize to @リンファ@ too. I'm really sorry about all the trouble. Oh, no, no. It's all right, really. Amber is a very kind soul, and I think it's important to{LF}treasure that. Yeah. But if she does it again, you’ll be cleaning the baths with a{LF}toothbrush, yes? U-understood... Hm? @コハク@ isn't here. I wonder where she went? It's getting late. Where the heck did she get to? Oh no. Don't tell me she got upset about causing all that{LF}trouble... I have to find her! What’s that? Amber’s missing? Yeah. I've looked everywhere, but I just can't find her. Well, she did come by here today. ...! Oh no! Maaaybe she’s... You know where she might be? She asked me where she could find some really yummy{LF}honey... So I told her about the bee's nest in the Demon's Den. You{LF}can get some real good honey from there. But I also said that the place is crawling with nasty monsters,{LF}so she wasn’t to go there alone. The Demon's Den? Gotcha! Thanks! @しゅじんこうくん@! @コハク@!! @しゅじんこうくん@? What's wrong?{LF}You have a scary look on your face. How could you come to a dangerous place like this all by{LF}yourself?! Do you have any idea how worried I was about you?! ... Remember what I said? You have to THINK before you act. Why in the name of the Native Dragons would you come out{LF}here all alone?! I...wanted to get a present for you. A present? Yeah. I wanted to give you some super yummy honey,{LF}because I caused you all kinds of bother... Okay, but still. Why all by yourself? I thought it would make you happier if it was a surprise. And I got a whooole lot of super yummy honey, but I made{LF}you mad instead. ...@コハク@. I’m really happy you were thinking of me. But don't you think I would be really sad if you got hurt{LF}getting it for me? I’m sorry. Letting the Wooly go, putting a muddy dog in the baths, and{LF}now this. It's happened so many times in a row now, I have to wonder{LF}if you get it. I'm really worried you might go off and do something without{LF}thinking it through again. I will think next time. Promise. *GUUUUUURGLE* Oopsie. Sounds like you're hungry.{LF}Let's go home. Okay. @しゅじんこうくん@...? Hm? I'm sorry. *YAAAAAWN* Morning! Mmph... G’morning. It’s a pretty day today!{LF}Let’s make it a super fun day too, okay? I’m gonna go visit Ellie. Bye-bye! I was worried that I’d been too harsh with her last night, but{LF}she doesn’t seem too upset over it. Heck, she’s even more cheerful than usual. That’s one of her{LF}best points. She bounces right back. Though...I hope she hasn’t completely forgotten ALL of it. Amber? She just left. Still, good to hear all's well that ends well. Yeah, though I did give her a pretty stern talking to for{LF}worrying me. From the looks of things, it didn't bother her too much,{LF}fortunately. Oh? You think so? Huh? Looks like you're a little slow on the uptake. You’ll never{LF}make a good detective like that. Good thing my life goals don’t include sleuthing. For all her smiles, Amber’s pretty upset over what happened,{LF}I’d say. Huh? But she was even cheerier than normal this morning... Oh ho! So you DID notice. And why was that, do you think? Well... Uh-huh. She was faking it. I'm sure she didn't want to let you see how upset she was{LF}and worry you even more. ...!! A direct scolding from you had a bigger effect on her than{LF}either Bado’s or Xiao’s. ... It’s not easy, I know. She’s such a sweet little thing that it’s{LF}tough, but she needs to hear it. Especially when she goes and does something that’s{LF}dangerous like she did the other day. I think I might have overdone it, though. I shouldn't have brought up the stuff with @バド@{LF}and @シャオパイ@. If she does something thoughtless and causes trouble, then{LF}all I need to do is apologize for her. I just wanted her to know that she shouldn’t put herself in{LF}danger like that. I was so worried that I spoke without thinking. It’s possible that Amber feels like everyone’s mad at her right{LF}now. Urk...! Little mistakes like this are what lead to bigger mistakes{LF}later. And those are what kill marriages. N-no...! She's trying to put a good face on it, but she'll hit her limit{LF}one day, and then it'll be too late... Aaaaah!! You better hurry and bring a REAL smile back to her face{LF}before that happens. R-right! I will! Hrm. Maybe I was a teensy bit dramatic there. Oh well! I want to cheer @コハク@ up, and not just a little. A{LF}lot! But what can I do that’ll make her happy? @しゅじんこうくん@, I'm hooome! Welcome home, @コハク@. ... ... Oh geez, this is awkward. Oh yeah! I'm sorry again about yesterday, @しゅじんこうくん@. No, it's okay. But speaking of that... I put the honey I got in the fridge. Have some whenever you{LF}like! I did taste it, though. Hee hee!{LF}It was super-duper yummy!♪ Yeah. It does seem like she's forcing herself to look happy. I wish I coulda made it a surprise present, but oh well. ... A surprise...? That's it! I should give her a surprise present! That should make her happy and cheer her right up! @コハク@, wait! Hm? What is it? Um! N-nothing, never mind. Ah ha ha... It wouldn’t really be a surprise if I just asked her what she{LF}wanted. Maybe @エルミナータ@ will have some ideas. Oh ho! A surprise present, eh? Great idea, @しゅじんこうくん@! Well, it was actually @コハク@’s idea first. But I thought if I turned it around and gave her a surprise{LF}instead, she might like it. She IS a sucker for surprises.{LF}I bet she’ll be over the moon. Now I just need to figure out what to get her... Your best bet would be something that pairs well with{LF}honey. She’s crazy about the stuff. Ah, you do have a point, there. Of course I do. I’m the Great Detective, am I not? There’s no{LF}way my deductions are off! Something that goes with honey, huh? I wonder what would{LF}work best. Why not go and ask Porco? Ellie! Oh! @しゅじんこうくん@, you're here too? Ooooo! What are you two talking about? I wanna join, I{LF}wanna join! Uh, nothing! Just...y’know, uh...{LF}Birds. Th-throwing birds! Yep. Birds. Y’know...how sometimes you can pick up birds{LF}and...um.{LF}It’s nothing, really. ...Uh. Anyway, I'd better get going. Aww. You're leaving? Yeah, I've got some errands to run. Have fun talking with{LF}@エルミナータ@. ... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! I heard! Your garden of love has hit a few roots! Huh?! There's already a rumor going around...? Ah! I knew it! Come! Fly to my embrace! I knew I was the only right one for{LF}you! No, it's all a misunderstanding!{LF}@コハク@ and I are still together! In fact, I’m putting together a surprise present for her. What?! Hrmph. That is not what I heard. Right now I’m trying to figure out what kind of gift would{LF}make her the happiest. What would you say goes best with honey? Why, pancakes, of course! Sweet, syrupy honey coursing down the sides of a fluffy{LF}tower of golden pancakes...heaven! Just hearing about them is making my mouth water. I'm sure{LF}@コハク@ will love them! Ah, ah, ah! If it’s going to be a present, they can’t be just{LF}any pancakes. We must climb the waffled peaks and powdered crepe{LF}heights of morning until we reach breakfast Nirvana! That high, huh? Yes! Gorgeous, deluxe, sensual... Hiya! Oh! @しゅじんこうくん@, you're here too? Um...hi. So gorgeous, deluxe, sensual what? W-well, um... My dynamically curvalicious body, of course! Ah ha ha! Yep! You sure are gorgeous and deluxe! If you want a body like mine, Amber... You will have to eat a lot of really yummy food! @コハク@ is fine just the way she is! Aw. You think so? Anyway, I should be taking off. Leaving again? @しゅじんこうくん@... Yeah. Why don't you sit down and enjoy some of{LF}@ポコリーヌ@'s food? ... Okay! Let us make our gorgeous, deluxe, and delectably{LF}sensual pancakes! Yeah! We have plenty of ingredients right here. Practice as much as{LF}you like! Thanks! We have plenty of ingredients right here. Practice as much as{LF}you like! Thanks! Your pancakes have power but not beauty. We need...a{LF}topping! We have plenty of ingredients right here. Practice as much as{LF}you like! Thanks! Those must be the ones... They certainly look ripe and juicy. Wait just a little longer, @コハク@! He's super late. Ugh! Where is he? What's he doing? I bet he's still mad at me... That's why he always goes away when I try and talk to him. I don't mind if he's mad at me as long as he comes back{LF}safe. Ah... I'm upset. I'm angry. I'm scared.{LF}And I'm super-duper worried! Oh... I get it. This is what I made him feel that time. No wonder @しゅじんこうくん@ got so mad. I'm sorry, @しゅじんこうくん@... It’s...it’s perfect. I’ve never seen a more divine stack of{LF}pancakes in my life. Yeah. It’s so beautiful it almost sparkles. Well, then. I will try a bite to, erm, ensure quality! HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! Eeep! Not one step closer with that fork! I made those for{LF}@コハク@. They’re her present! Ah ha ha ha! A joke, a joke! Please calm down. And please{LF}stop reaching for your weapon... I will go and fetch Amber posthaste while the stack is still{LF}nice and hot! Make sure to keep it a surprise, please! @しゅじんこうくん@...! Thank goodness.{LF}I was super worried. I’m sorry. Porcoline said you wanted to talk to me? Yeah. You see... Ta-daaah! OOOOOH!! @しゅじんこうくん@...! These...! Yep. It’s my gorgeous, deluxe, and sensual pancake stack! And it’s all for you! Surprise! But...why? I've been a bad girl and nothing but a bother{LF}lately. I was worried about you, yeah, but I’ve never thought of you{LF}as a bother. Really? Really. I'm sorry I was so harsh with you the other day. I think you should keep doing what you think is the right{LF}thing to do. And if that causes any trouble for someone, I'll just go and{LF}apologize for you. But there is one thing I want you to promise me. Please, just{LF}don't do anything dangerous. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. I promise I won't do anything to{LF}worry you again. I think I know now how much it hurts to worry about the{LF}person you love the most. @コハク@... @しゅじんこうくん@. I hate to interrupt such a tender scene, but... It would be a tragedy to not enjoy these pancakes while{LF}they’re still nice and hot. Tee hee! ♪ Okay! All that’s left is to pour over the honey you got,{LF}@コハク@... Wooooooooow... I’ve never seen such a yummy-looking{LF}stack of pancakes before. And you did it all for me...{LF}*SNIFFLE* Oh dear. Have you been moved to tears? I've been moved to drool... Wh-wh-whaaa?! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@?{LF}Can I ask you for something? Anything. What is it? I'll say ''aah,'' so could you please feed me a bite? Ha ha. Sure. Okay. Say ''aah.'' Aaah! ♪ Mmmmmmmm!! ♪ Sooooo yum-diddly-yummy! I’ve never had anything so good before! Every bite is like{LF}eating happiness! I’m glad. Now it's your turn. Say ''aah''! Aaah! ♪ *MUNCH* *MUNCH* Mmmm. They really are yummy. Aaah! ♪ ... Aaah! ♪ Mmmm! Oh, sweet surrender! It’s as if this honey was made just for this stack of pancakes! Heh heh. A little like us, don't you think! Yep! We make a really sweet pair! ♪ *Sigh* @コハク@'s antics sure are tiring to keep up{LF}with. You will have plenty of time in your new lives as a married{LF}couple to learn and understand each other. Do not rush things. Yeah, you’re right. I won’t! Darn it...! I really wanted @コハク@'s surprise to be{LF}something special. If you feel that way, I'm sure you will succeed next time. You must not give up. And, erm, {LF}speaking of pancakes...hello? Yeah! Next time I'll make it work! @しゅじんこうくん@, morning! ♪ G'morning, @コハク@! Mooooorning! Mr. Sun is already up and smiling today. I’m sure something{LF}good’ll happen! @コハク@, it's morning. Mnnn...whaaa? Tomorrow already? She’s so sleepy it’s still yesterday in her world. Ah! @しゅじんこうくん@, no!{LF}Don’t move! Don't get up yet. Hm? Why not? Hee hee! There's a butterfly taking a nap on your forehead. Mnnn... I don’t wanna get up yet. Nope. Sorry. Time to come out of your cocoon. Nooo! I wanna stay a caterpillar! Morning, @しゅじんこうくん@!{LF}Today is another super happy day! Yeah, @コハク@ definitely looks like she's forcing the{LF}cheerfulness. ... @コハク@? Oh. Morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Ha ha... I have to get her back to her old self as soon as possible. You looked really happy while you were sleeping. What{LF}were you dreaming about? Tee hee hee! It was the best! I dreamed I was a butterfly and I flew around sipping flower{LF}nectar. ♪ It wasn't a dream about me... Hm? Where's @コハク@? Right here! Huh? Where's ''here''? Morning! Um, guess what? When I woke up, I found out I{LF}was under the bed! Wow. You must have really flailed around in your sleep. ACHOO! Mnn... @しゅじんこうくん@, you hafta get under the covers when{LF}you sleep or you’ll catch a cold. Ah ha ha. I would, but you steal them all... @しゅじんこうくん@! Wake up! Wake up! G'morning. What's wrong? Well, um, I woke up early and now I’m bored. Morning. Listening to the sound of your heartbeat sure is relaxing. Y'know what, @しゅじんこうくん@?{LF}You're a lot like a sunflower. And I’m a butterfly that’s flitting around you. When I water the flowers, it feels like I can hear them{LF}cheering in happiness. Which is worse: when it’s super hot, or when it’s super cold? I really, really, REALLY don’t like the cold, so in winter could{LF}you keep me warm? Ooh! Ooh! Let's play! Do you wanna play house? Welcome home, honey! Um, isn't this a little weird? I never get bored looking at flowers. Just like I never get bored looking at you. La la dum dee dum! ♪ What song is that? It’s the ''Hum dum de doo'' song! I promise I won't go do something dangerous by myself.{LF}Don't worry. Yeah. I promise I won't, either. I wanna water these flowers, but I don’t know if it’ll make{LF}someone mad... I don't think you have to think THAT hard about what you{LF}do. Mmm... *LICK* *LICK* ...!! Um, I took a teeeeensy little taste of the honey. Here. You try it too! Um, have you ever wondered, like, if we have kids... Do you think they'll have wings? @しゅじんこうくん@, I'm sorry. Fishies are too scary, so I can't ever cook them for you. Mm! @しゅじんこうくん@, you smell like spring! Spring is my favoritest season. ♪ Nooooo! I'm not gonna hand over the honey! Tum! ♪ Ta-tah! ♪ De-dum! ♪ Married, married! Congrats to{LF}the married! ♪ Boy, you're so lucky to be married. I wanna get married{LF}someday, too. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? You look so happy it's like a flower{LF}just bloomed in your smile. I see you're still buzzing all over the place, despite being{LF}married now. ''I'm sure they're simply so happy they just can't hold still,{LF}m'lady.'' How is married life? Is it fun? ...And given the sappy look on{LF}your face, I shouldn’t have bothered asking. ''@しゅじんこうくん@, Dolly has been talking about you all the{LF}time lately.'' ''It seems she's HIGHLY curious about married life. Do you{LF}kiss your spouse every morning? ...And so on.'' I-I was just curious, okay? Pico, say another word and I will{LF}sew your mouth shut. @しゅじんこうくん@, you look even more alive than ever, today.{LF}It's like you are overflowing with happiness! Aha! I spy a newlywed! Hold still a sec, let me check. Wah?! H-Hey! Yep. Lovely. ♪ So that's what a happy heartbeat sounds like. Feel free to come chat with me at any time. I'll gladly listen{LF}to you gush about newlywed life. ♪ I wonder. Will I, too, someday find the happiness you have... Erm! My apologies. It's nothing. It seems marriage is a wonderful thing indeed. I can tell just{LF}by looking at you. To love. To be loved. To be joined as one. Marriage is like a{LF}miracle, that way. You have a very happy smile on your face, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}It shines almost as much as Mama's, yes? It seems Mama asked me if I might get married someday. If it means I would be as happy as you are, @しゅじんこうくん@,{LF}perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing. @しゅじんこうくん@! Do you have time to hang out... Erm, no. It seems I do not wish to disturb the newlyweds,{LF}yes? Hee hee! What? Is there something on my face? Yep. ♪ Happiness. It’s all over the place. Zzz... Zzz...AH! How strange. I dreamed I was watching your{LF}wedding ceremony again. It was such a nice ceremony. You have someone to wake up with you every morning now.{LF}I'm so jealous. I want to get married and have someone to wake me up on{LF}time too. You look even more lively now since getting married. Seeing{LF}you puts a little pep in my step. How is married life treating you? It's wonderful. I'm loving it! I see. That is good to hear. ''How to Build a Harmonious Home Life''. ''Ten Tips to Making{LF}Up''. ''The Choice to Live Apart''. Hrm... What’s on your mind, Arthur?{LF}You look so torn. I'm trying to decide what to give to you as a present. But... *SIGH* Choosing the most appropriate book for a{LF}newlywed is difficult. Seeing you so happy makes me happy,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. I must admit, now that you are married, @しゅじんこうくん@... Knowing that I'll have fewer chances to serve you makes me{LF}a little sad. @しゅじんこうくん@, look. Your wedding moved me so much I{LF}bought a charm to help me find my own soulmate. With this, I just know I’ll be able to find that one person{LF}destined to be my perfect master! Not the perfect lover, huh... Boy, you make marriage look like a really great thing. It{LF}almost makes me wanna get married too. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Can I ask you a question? Is it fun{LF}being married? Yeah. Really fun. ♪ You looked amazing during your{LF}wedding ceremony, @しゅじんこうくん@. You should wear that outfit more often. What? If you're looking for someone to gush at, you've{LF}picked the wrong guy. You sure you can hang around with me? Won't your husband{LF}get jealous? ...Well, okay. Probably not. Hey, uh...@しゅじんこうくん@? It's, uh, good to know you found a{LF}good one to marry. Hm? Where'd this come from? What, you're gonna make me say it? Ugh. You gave me back{LF}my humanity, so I’m happy you're happy, okay? Thanks, @ディラス@. If I had been married, could I have been as happy as you...?{LF}No, never you mind. It's nothing. What, bored enough that you've come to join me in playing{LF}with fire? Huh?! Ha ha! A joke, a joke. You looked so happy I just couldn't{LF}help but tease. Hrm. Yes, I do believe you look even more lovely now. It{LF}seems love does make one more beautiful. The secret to a happy home life is happy tummies. Be sure to{LF}cook a full-course meal three times a day! With that much food, I think our tummies would be the{LF}opposite of happy... They say even a monster won't touch a lovers' spat, but I{LF}could eat them right up! ♪ Oh my! The light! The bright, shining light of your smile! Is{LF}this the power of marriage?! You know, @しゅじんこうくん@, everyone is talking about how{LF}lovey-dovey you two are. Hee hee! Now that you're married, why don't you come visit our baths{LF}as a couple? If you let me know ahead of time, I'll let you rent the whole{LF}bath so it’s just the two of you. I wonder if, someday, I'll get to see Xiao get married, just like{LF}you. I'm sure I'd be so happy and miss her so much I'd be crying{LF}the whole time. @しゅじんこうくん@, you look really happy. It's so obvious even{LF}a rookie gumshoe could tell. Oh ho! Is something afoot? Need a detective to dig into a{LF}case of infidelity, perhaps? Sorry. Don’t think you’ll get a case like that now or ever. Hm...? Well, isn’t that some lovely, smooth skin. So being in love DOES make a person more beautiful. That’s{LF}one mystery solved. We've actually had quite a few people visiting the clinic{LF}asking for advice on finding partners. I'm sure they were all inspired by your wonderful wedding{LF}ceremony. How do you find married life so far? It's great. ♪ Wonderful. I'm glad to hear that. As someone with a bit more experience in that area than{LF}you, I have some advice... Or...perhaps not. You don't seem like you need any advice at{LF}all. My, my! Now, I'm confident Jones and I are just as loving,{LF}but I think you’re outdoing us right now. ... What's wrong? You looked lost in thought for a minute there. Oh, I'm sorry. It’s just seeing you reminded me of when{LF}Jones and I were first married. If you ever get in a tiff, you come right on over to see me. I'll{LF}be more than happy to lend an ear. Talk Please check my gear. It's nothing. Heh. You look like you're walking on an inch of air still. Heck,{LF}the whole town does. Everyone is celebrating the happiness of one couple like it's{LF}their own. Y'know? This is a good town. Congrats on your marriage... I'm kinda late on that, huh?{LF}What's the best thing to say at a time like that? I think you can just be normal.{LF}That's fine. You seem even more chipper than usual. I guess they're right{LF}when they say love gives you energy. You aren't equipped with anything right now. If you want me to check your gear for you, go equip it first. What gear do you want to know about? Weapon: @アイテム0@ Shield: @アイテム1@ Armor: @アイテム2@ Headgear: @アイテム3@ Shoes: @アイテム4@ Accessory: @アイテム5@ Quit. This @アイテム0@ has been strengthened{LF}with... ...Wait, nothing's been used on it yet. ...@アイテム1@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@ and{LF}@アイテム2@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}and @アイテム3@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... and @アイテム4@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, and{LF}@アイテム5@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}and @アイテム6@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... ...and @アイテム7@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, and{LF}@アイテム8@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, @アイテム8@,{LF}and @アイテム9@. Hmm? It looks like... ...@アイテムA@ was used in making this. ...@アイテムA@ and{LF}@アイテムB@ were used in making this. ...@アイテムA@, @アイテムB@,{LF}and @アイテムC@ were used in making this. This was well made. I can tell something else, too. The materials used in making it were good quality. A lot of good materials were used in making it. The materials used in making it were great quality. The materials used in making it were almost perfect. Incredible! The materials used in making this were all perfect! Making this must have taken a lot of effort. Still... That and... It looks like it was made with some unusual materials. It looks like it was made with unusual materials. It looks like it was made with some rather unusual materials. It looks like it was made with rare materials. It looks like it was made with pretty rare materials. It looks like it was made with really rare materials. It looks like it was made with extremely rare materials. Incredible! This looks like it was made with nothing but the{LF}rarest of materials. It looks like @アイテム0@, but it has the{LF}abilities of @アイテム1@. Hey. How're you doing? What do you need? See you later. I came to chat. Show me your collection. Nothing. Congrats on your marriage. I'll say that lots of times. I like{LF}saying it. I'm looking for a particular gem. One that's perfect for a{LF}marriage. I'll make it into an accessory and give it to you. Just...wait a{LF}bit. Okay? You're happy being married. I can tell just by looking at you. ...What? Oh. Come again. Why hello, young newlywed!{LF}You look as radiantly happy as ever. Ahh... Just remembering how lovely and dignified you looked{LF}in your wedding finery, @しゅじんこうくん@... It...it brings a tear to my eye...{LF}WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! ...Erm! My apologies. That was unprofessional of me. It seems seeing you happy puts a smile on my face, as well. Oh ho! Such a splendidly happy smile. I am glad to see it. Lately, I have been receiving many prayers for a good{LF}marriage. It is quite perplexing. It seems some people mistakenly credit me for bringing you{LF}and your spouse together. Now that you are married, it feels as if you do not come to{LF}talk as much, and I am growing bored. You may come for a chat whenever, you know. I will even{LF}listen to you gush about your spouse. If Doug ever does something stupid and makes you cry, you{LF}come right to me, hear? I'll smack some sense into him but good. I do hope I get to see at least one grandchild while I'm still{LF}alive. Doug has been even nicer and more considerate than ever{LF}lately. I'm sure that's your good influence. Well, well. Welcome, newlywed.{LF}Looking for a whip to use on your spouse? Um, no thanks. I hear the happier a person is, the looser their purse strings{LF}get. That'd make you a pretty juicy mark right about now, I'd{LF}expect. Please don’t try to scam me. Y'know, @しゅじんこうくん@... You look like you're radiating{LF}happiness and good fortune right now. Say...mind standing by my shop door for a bit? Not a chance. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. What will your spouse call you? Choose a nickname for your spouse. Heh heh heh...{LF}This is the end for you two. @ダグ@ sure is taking a while. Maybe he’s busy preparing for the upcoming festival? My, my. Has Doug not come home yet? @ブロッサム@. No, not yet. He’s been late like this the last few nights. Gracious me, that boy. Tsk.{LF}Leaving his poor new bride all alone... I’m baaaaack! Speak of the devil. Geh! Granny! Wh-what are you doing here? I made too much for supper, so I thought I’d bring some over{LF}to share. Now why are you acting like a Chipsqueek with its paw{LF}caught in the pantry? You’re not up to some kind of mischief now, are you? N-n-no! Of course not! Then what have you been doing? Er... I, uh...I was just, y’know...giving Leon and Illuminata a hand. They asked you to help them? Y-yeah. Others have too. There’s no shortage of work for a capable{LF}man around here, y’know? *STARE* Ah...ha ha... A-anyway! That’s why I’m late! Satisfied? Now I’m tired, so I’m gonna hit the sack! See ya! Well, that was suspicious. Very. ... @しゅじんこうくん@, would you come with me a moment? I'd{LF}like to speak to you. Goodness, that boy! He’s still quite the handful, I see. @ブロッサム@? I don't think @ダグ@ is doing anything, well...bad. Oh, I know he isn’t, dear. He’s not the type to get involved in{LF}wicked things. Especially since he married you, @しゅじんこうくん@. There's{LF}such kindness in his eyes now. But there IS one thing that I worry about. What’s that? You know the festival for Lady Ventuswill is coming up, yes? Venti's Day, right? Yeah. @ダグ@ has been hard at work getting stuff{LF}ready for it. And that’s what worries me. He still feels guilty about all the trouble he caused everyone{LF}here. Since this festival is for Lady Ventuswill, I fear he’ll overwork{LF}himself trying to make up for it. Ah, that’s a good point. But I... I want Venti’s Day to be a special day for Doug, too. Me too! I’m glad to hear that, dear. Could I ask you to keep an eye on him? To make sure his{LF}guilt doesn’t push him to overdo it? Of course! Good, good. I’ll leave him in your hands, then. Good night. Good night! ... I’m not sure just sitting around and watching will be enough. He said he helped @レオン@ and @エルミナータ@,{LF}right? I'll ask them about him. Zzz... Zzz... Sound asleep already. He must have been really tired. ... Hmph. Making @ブロッサム@ worry like that... Hn...?! Mrph! Zzz...Tempura Bowl...mmmmmm...{LF}Get in my...zzz...belly... Hee hee. I repeat, even starting now, knitting an entire sweater by{LF}Venti’s Day is an impossible task. If all four of us work together, we may have enough to cover{LF}one claw by then. Maybe. But I wanna! I wanna be twinsies with Venti! Eesh. ''Well then, perhaps we could compromise and knit just{LF}enough for milady and I to be twinsies.'' Go take a long walk off a short pier. Um, excuse me? Mm? Have any of you seen @ダグ@? Doug? Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him today. Is he usually here? Yes, indeed. Every day for quite some time, in fact. He{LF}constantly pesters us to spar with him. What, is he off training in secret? Without telling me? That{LF}sneaky shrimp. Ah, whatever. He can train all he wants. I’ll still beat him. I doubt it’s you he wants to defeat. He was far too serious for it to be just a few tips on{LF}brawling. What, really? That’s no fun. @ダグ@... Are you doing something dangerous? What? Me ask Doug for help? Heck no. I don’t have time for that. Flowers for the shop, flowers for the festival... I’ve got my{LF}hands full just dealing with that. Wait a sec... Could all this work be a devious plot to keep{LF}moi, the Great Detective, busy?! I can’t just sit around here!{LF}I must investigate immediately!{LF}But the shop! The mystery! Argh!!! Hoo boy. I don’t think I’ll get anything out of @エルミナータ@{LF}right now. Oh! Hold your Woolies, Watson! Pass a message on to Doug for me, will ya? Tell him to come{LF}back when I have more time. Hm? @ダグ@ did come by, then? Yep. He wanted me to show him the ins and outs of{LF}sleuthing. Sizing people up, tailing suspects, etc. He’s secretly admired me for a long time now, I’m sure. I was too busy to train him, though, so I lent him my{LF}detective’s handbook. A detective's handbook... @ダグ@... Just what are you up to? Okay. I've heard from both @レオン@ and{LF}@エルミナータ@ now. I should go tell @ブロッサム@ what I’ve learned. Goodness gracious, look at you.{LF}You’re covered in bruises! Don’t make me worry so! I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Just please keep this a secret from-- @ダグ@? Gwah! H-how long have you been standing there?! Keep what a secret? What do training and detective work{LF}have to do with each other? And those bruises... These? They’re nothing. I’m fine. But man... I can’t believe they blabbed about everything like{LF}that. @ダグ@. C’mon, don’t give me that look. All I wanna do is get strong enough to keep you safe. No matter what. Hee hee! So I’m that important to you? Damn straight! If you weren’t, I never woulda married you! Now quit makin’ me say sappy stuff like that! Geez. He was lying, you know. What?! Not all of it, of course. But that’s the look he gets when he’s{LF}hiding something. We lived together far too long.{LF}That boy can’t fool me. This is becoming very troubling. Don't worry, @ブロッサム@. If something happens, I'll keep{LF}him safe. Once something happens, it’ll be too late. Then I’ll stop him before it does! I would feel so much better if you could, yes. I should've asked @エルミナータ@ to teach me the basics of{LF}detective work too. Hm? @ダグ@...? Where did he go? He still hasn't come back yet? Ah ha! There he is. @ダグ@... Strange. Why’s he sneaking around? Where’s he going? I think I’d better follow him. The Water Ruins? I wonder if this is where he’s been training{LF}in secret. !! @ダグ@? Hold it right there! Huh?! Wh-who are you?! Don’t act all surprised. You’ve been sniffing around Selphia{LF}for days! You’re up to something. Admit it! You might’ve fooled everyone else, but you can’t fool me! He kinda sounds like Blossom when she’s scolding him. Wh-what are you talking about?!{LF}Out of my way! Hm? Ack! He’s coming this way! All right, then! Whoa?! You won’t get past me! Wha?! You idiot! Get back! It’s dangerous! But I, um, already caught him. Huh? Lemme go! What’d I do?! Shaddup, you! We’ll find out soon enough when we bring{LF}you to Venti! YOU IMBECILE! Huh?! What the heck are you gettin’ mad for? Why would I not be?! You have accosted an innocent peddler and caused trouble{LF}for everyone! No way! This guy is totally suspicious! He doesn’t act like a{LF}normal person at all! Did you find evidence of any crime? Nope. My gut says he’s guilty. Your gut... I can tell. I was a spy for the Empire once too. Are you saying there may be spies from Sechs within{LF}Selphia? With the festival coming up, there are lots of travelers here.{LF}It’s the perfect chance to send a spy. But why would the Sechs Empire send a spy now? To get payback on @しゅじんこうくん@ and Venti, of course. With the Emperor gone, the whole place is in chaos. A lotta{LF}people are sure to be holding grudges. Even if they’re just lashing out at the wrong people for the{LF}wrong reasons... Like I did. That’s why I decided to step up and protect Selphia. @ダグ@... Well, we have received quite a few complaints from travelers{LF}lately. Almost all of them speak of being stalked by a frightening{LF}dwarf. He hasn't used @エルミナータ@'s tips at all... If that’s what I gotta do to protect @しゅじんこうくん@, then{LF}that's what I’ll do. You really don’t have to, @ダグ@. I’ll be fine. No, you won’t! Your defense is full of holes! It is? Yeah! Just the other day I saw you walking with a stranger{LF}like it was nothing! Huh? Oh! You mean the gentleman who asked me for directions? He wanted to know the way to the Bell Hotel, so I showed{LF}him. Buh? Ah ha. And there it is. Simple jealousy. Urk! And here I thought you truly wanted to help Lady Ventuswill. B-but I do! I AM trying to help! It’s just, what if that guy was a dangerous assassin or{LF}something? I can understand feeling concerned for the safety of your{LF}loved ones. But causing undue fear and worry in our guests will only{LF}dampen the festivities. Besides, if you wish to keep someone dear to you safe... Perhaps staying by their side instead of skulking in the{LF}shadows would be a better course? Huh...OH! Wow. I never thought of it that way. No, wait a sec. Wouldn’t that, y’know, get on @しゅじんこうくん@’s nerves?{LF}What then? It wouldn’t bother me at all, actually. I’d love to spend more time with you. Do you want to spend more time with me? You bet I would! I’d love it even more than you! Erm...what are we witnessing? An expression of love...I believe. *SIGH* What a hopeless child. I told you until I was blue in the face not to charge off and{LF}make us worry. Sorry... I just thought if I said anything it’d make you both anxious. Sheesh! And here I thought you might’ve matured a little. Remember. You aren’t alone anymore. Hey! I said I was sorry. I won’t do it again, promise! Oh, I’m sure. *SIGH* Anyway, since you caused such a fuss, you can apologize by{LF}helping out with the festival preparations. G-got it! Sure thing! Oh dear. He really is awfully{LF}late... What’s wrong? A guest who made a reservation for today hasn’t arrived yet. Mama, the sign at Airship Way is pointing wrong! Oh goodness! That’s not right.{LF}Our poor guest will get lost. I will have to go and get them. We got that. Leave it to us. Are you sure? Yeah! Oh, would you? Thank you so much! If the sign is pointing the wrong way... Did he go toward the +Observatory+? Wow! What glorious scenery! Being lost ain’t so bad, after{LF}all! Excuse me! You wouldn’t happen to be looking for the Bell{LF}Hotel, would you? Hm? Yeah, I am. Ah, I gotcha. So the arrow on the sign was backwards? No{LF}wonder I couldn’t find the darn place! But you know what? Thanks to that I got to see some real{LF}nice sights. That’s a plus in my book! Ha ha ha! Whew. He doesn’t seem upset. I worked up a sweat on my walk, so those baths at the hotel{LF}sound pretty nice right about now. Thanks for all the help, you two. We should get going too. Hey, uh... Since we’re here an’ all, why don’t we, y’know,{LF}stay for a bit? Tempting...but nope. No time. We’re supposed to be helping{LF}everyone out, remember? Oh yeah. Ah...ha...ha... ...!! H-hey! You there! Stop righ—I mean, please wait up, sir! Boy, he sure left in a hurry. He didn’t hafta run away like that.{LF}I was just gonna apologize. Ah, well. We can do that next time we see him. Yeah. Thank you so much. Our guest arrived just a moment ago,{LF}safe and sound. You two must be very busy, yes?{LF}Yet it seems you helped us. Thanks. There. I think I managed to pay them back a little for what I{LF}did. Oh, we’re just getting started. Welcome. Well, well. I see you two are close as always. Heh heh. Aren’t we just? You look like you’re taking it easy today. Are you all ready{LF}for Venti’s Day, then? Yep! All set. Mostly ‘cause I didn’t even start. Huh? What do you mean? See, I had this idea for some accessories that’d really rake in{LF}the gold... But then I noticed that I was running low on Fire Crystals, so{LF}I didn’t bother. Sounds more like you’re running low on motivation, not{LF}crystals... Don't worry, @バド@. We'll get those Fire Crystals{LF}for you. Wow, really? Talk about good customer service. Thanks. You sure you got the time, though? Newlywed life must be{LF}pretty busy. Yeah, we are. That’s why we wanna get this done quick. Tell{LF}us where to find those crystals. Well, if you’re okay with it, the ones in the Delirium Lava{LF}Ruins are particularly good quality. The Lava Ruins? Got it! Ah! Tch! Man, I guess I really scared the guy. ...Hmmm. I wonder. Good morning, @ダグ@. G’morning. Mm... What? What else comes with morning? Hee hee. All right! Time to head out and help people! Yeah! Today we’ll start with... ... You still think he’s suspicious, don’t you? Wha? N-no, don’t be stupid.{LF}He’s just a normal guy.{LF}Totally...normal. Hmm. C'mon. Let's go. Buh? I’m curious too. If it’s nothing, we can apologize to him together. @しゅじんこうくん@... Heh heh. What? I knew my gut was right. We don’t know that for sure yet.{LF}He could still be just a normal traveler. That’s not what I meant. Anyway, let’s hurry and see what this guy’s up to. Is that...a gate? Hey, you! Just whaddya think you’re doing?! Huh?! Tch! You again! Get him, @ダグ@! You got it! And keep your guard up! Move! Oof! You okay? Yeah. You? Fine. That jerk! Shovin’ my wife around like a sack of potatoes... He won’t get away with this! Weird. I caught him so easily last time. I toldja he wasn’t normal. Last time we didn’t have any proof he was up to something,{LF}so he let us catch him. Now we KNOW he is. We gotta catch him before he does{LF}anything worse! Right! There he is! We’ve got you cornered!{LF}Give it up! Stubborn fools! Leave him to me! This is what I’ve been training for day after{LF}day! No! We do this together! Thought you’d say that. All right, but don’t do anything crazy,{LF}got it? H-how?! There’re only two of you!{LF}How could you beat that many monsters?! Don’t underestimate Selphia’s number one couple! Mrrrgh! I’m not finished yet!{LF}I’m at least gonna get my target! LOOK OUT!!! @ダグ@!!! Mwa ha ha! Looks like the tables have turned! Idiot! Let go! No! I won’t let you go! Ha ha ha! What a heartwarming display! Ah, young love... You know what? Out of respect for that, I’ll make it quick{LF}and painless for you! NOOOOOOO! Hiyaaaaaaah! GURF!!! I-impossible... Hnnn...! Up you go! Whew... Thanks. Thank goodness... @しゅじんこうくん@?! I’m...fine. Just a little tired, that’s all. Sheesh. What’d I say about doing anything crazy? You’re too{LF}awesome for your own good. Hee hee. Did you fall for me all over again? Okay! Now, what to do with this guy... You bastard. You tried to hurt someone super important to{LF}me. You’re gonna pay! Though, I guess @しゅじんこうくん@ already did a number on{LF}your face. Whatever. Let’s hand this jerk over to Arthur. He can decide{LF}what to do with him. Yeah, let’s do that. Bravo, bravo! Well done saving Selphia in its hour of need! Allow me to thank you both on behalf of everyone here. Great job, @ダグ@. S-sure. Please accept my gratitude, as well. It’s thanks to your efforts that Venti’s Day has been an{LF}unqualified success. Nah. I didn’t do much. Ho ho ho. Don’t be so modest! You have both done exceptionally well. Well, I’ll be a Mammoo’s uncle.{LF}To think that your hunch was correct for once. Next you know, it’ll snow in the Lava Ruins. Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?! Still, we were in far greater danger than even you suspected. It seems the man you caught was an Empire sorcerer. When the Emperor fell, he lost his throne and swore revenge{LF}upon us. His plan was to summon monsters into town using multiple{LF}gates, and in the chaos unleash assassins. We were the targets, weren’t we, Venti? Indeed. Had Doug not discovered him, who knows what may{LF}have happened. I told you, I didn't really do anything. It was all{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. That’s not true. If you hadn't been there, @ダグ@, I... Hey, now. Don’t look like that. I promised I’d keep you safe{LF}no matter what, remember? Wait... Or was it you that’d keep me safe...? Nope, you had it right the first time, my love. Erm... What are we witnessing this time? A pair of hopeless lovebirds, I believe. Shaddup! If you’re all done now, we got other things to do.{LF}The festival is still going on, y’know! Doug. What, Granny? Well done. Bwuh?! You too, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Thank you for being there for Doug. @ブロッサム@... Off with you, then. Go on and enjoy the festival that you{LF}helped protect. Y-yeah. We will! C'mon, @ダグ@! He looks happy now, doesn’t he? Here, Blossom. A handkerchief. My, my. How gentlemanly of you. But my late husband still holds my heart, so don’t get any{LF}funny ideas. Ha ha! I will keep that in mind. Y’know, the festival was really fun. If Kiel hadn’t butted in, I could’ve topped it off by beating{LF}that nag Dylas in a fight too. If @キール@ hadn't, I would have. Ha ha. Good point. ... What is it? Nothin’. I was just thinking how nice this all is. There’s Granny, of course, but it’s good to have someone{LF}who’ll call me out when I do dumb stuff. This must be what it’s like to be happy. @しゅじんこうくん@...{LF}I'm really glad I got to marry you. @ダグ@... Y’know, it’d be nice to hear those words again next year.{LF}And the year after. And the next. I’ll say them over and over again, until we’re both older than{LF}Granny. Thanks, @ダグ@. I love you. I love you, too! Why such a melancholy expression?{LF}Is something amiss? I just... I just don’t feel like I understand @ダグ@ the{LF}way I used to. Well, you are young yet, and still newlyweds. You will have{LF}days like that. But do not worry. You have plenty of time before you to{LF}learn all about each other. Yeah. You’re right. Thanks, Venti! I’m going to go see him now! My, my. Have they grown that much to have such adult{LF}worries? Ah well. They shall manage, I’m sure. Well? Did you enjoy the festival? Um...not really, to be honest.{LF}Lots of things were only half-finished. Ah. Oh well. This will not be our last festival ever. We can simply{LF}do better next time. Yeah... G’morning. Let’s make today a good one. *YAAAWN* So sleepy... But y’know, getting to see your face wakes me right up,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. ... @ダグ@? Ah, sorry. You’re just so pretty... Yo! Mornin’! There’s just something about seeing the face of the one you{LF}love that makes the day better. Oh... Phew. You didn’t suddenly disappear on me,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. ...? It was just a weird dream, but it had me worried for a sec. G'morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. You fell asleep holding my hand last night. It still feels nice{LF}and warm. Mornin’. Didja sleep well? Yeah. You? Ah, nope. I was so busy watching you sleep that I forgot to{LF}get some shut eye myself. You watched me sleep?! Heh heh! There are definite perks to being married. Where’s this coming from all of a sudden? I mean, I get to see you first thing every morning! How great is that? Morning, @ダグ@. Whoa?! Geez, you startled me.{LF}I thought you were some princess for a sec. G'morning! Let's give our all today! Hee hee. You sure are full of energy. Hey, you remember what you were dreaming about last{LF}night? Mmmm, kinda. Now, what was it...? You were muttering ''I’ll punt you into next week'' in your{LF}sleep. Oh yeah! Now I remember! I was dreaming you and{LF}@ディラス@ were fighting again. Feh! If you’re gonna dream, keep that nag out of it. Morning, @ダグ@. G'morn...wait, it's morning already? Aww! I was just in the middle of a dream about you! Wait. You're right here too. Am I still dreaming? Heh heh! Spending time with friends is nice, but spending{LF}time with my girl is best! What great weather. It’s days like this that I’d really love to{LF}head out and do something with you. Y'know, @しゅじんこうくん@, I just noticed you usually walk in{LF}front of me. Do I? Do you want to walk in front instead? Nah. I like hanging back and watching you stroll about. We’re looking for a guest staying at the Bell Hotel, right?{LF}Let’s check Airship Way first. Geez, getting the arrow on her own sign backwards. That’s{LF}so Lin Fa, though. She can be kinda oblivious. I wouldn’t talk. You don’t seem to realize how oblivious you{LF}are when you’re tailing people. Hey! There! That should do it. Let’s go tell Xiao Pai and Lin Fa. Fire Crystals can be found in the Delirium Lava Ruins, huh?{LF}Not surprising with all that heat. Geh. I feel like I'm gonna melt into a puddle. Let's get those{LF}Fire Crystals and get outta here. I'm surprised Bado's shop hasn't gone under yet. Is he secretly good at business or something? There's something fishy about that guy. I'll find out for sure{LF}this time. How dare he shove you around like that! I'm gonna beat the{LF}tar outta him! @しゅじんこうくん@, no doing anything crazy, got it? If{LF}something were to happen to you, I...I'd cry. See ya later. Work hard, 'kay? Don't push it, 'kay? Don't hurt yourself out there, 'kay? Don't be too late, 'kay? See ya later. Here. Lunch. It's @アイテム0@ today. Today's lunch is @アイテム0@. Don't forget to{LF}take it with you! Today's lunch is @アイテム0@. Eat it all, 'kay? I made my favorite @アイテム0@. It's good, so{LF}be sure to eat it all, 'kay? Here's your lunch for today. It's good, trust me. Today I made my very favorite, @アイテム0@!{LF}It's really good, so eat every last bite, 'kay? @しゅじんこうくん@, smile. Smile! You're married now, y'know! Woo-hoo-hoo! ♪ Hot stuff, coming through! Uh...Amber? Where'd that come from? Dunno! Ellie just said I oughta say it next time I saw you. Oh. Hee hee! Just looking at a newlywed makes me feel all{LF}happy inside! Ooh, I like how you two are entirely in step with each other.{LF}Oh! It's giving me an idea for a new song! Hey, did you know that Selphia's going through its biggest{LF}love-craze ever? I guess you two must've kicked off a trend. Ha ha! La-laa ♪ La-ti-laa... ♪ It's like the whole town is still basking in the afterglow of{LF}your{LF}wedding ceremony. ♪ Goodness, you have such a satisfied look on your face. I can{LF}tell that married life suits you well. Two people from two different lands find each other and join{LF}as one to walk the same path...I'm jealous. Once married, one must grow strong enough to protect{LF}one's family from any and all danger. I will gladly join you for sparring at any time. Hn? Ah. I thought I sensed a happy aura. It seems a{LF}newlywed was coming by, yes? Did I just see you skipping along? It is good to know you are{LF}happy. @しゅじんこうくん@, is it me, or are you a little more plump?{LF}This must be what they mean by filled with happiness. Ooh. I spy a newlywed. ♪{LF}You radiate so much happiness I could feel you coming. Boy, I'd love to marry you someday too, @しゅじんこうくん@. WHAT?! Oh, oopsie. I said that wrong.{LF}I meant I want to be married like you someday. Whew. That’s better. Are you telling your spouse how much you love them every{LF}day? You ought to. My, you seem awfully busy. Once things settle down, we should have tea. I'd love to{LF}hear about newlywed life from you. Seeing how splendid the ceremony for your wedding was... I've been wondering if there was some way we could{LF}advertise Selphia as a trendy wedding destination... Ha ha... You really are all about your job, aren’t you? I’ve always been more focused on my work than on my{LF}personal life. But seeing how happy you are is making me consider being{LF}wedded to more than my job. Don't worry, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}Married or not, I am still your butler. If you are ever in need of anything, do not hesitate to ask! You must feel so lucky being able to marry the one you love{LF}the most. Yep! I think that every day.{LF}It still feels like a dream. One day, I'm going to be as competent and capable as you{LF}are, @しゅじんこうくん@! Congrats on your marriage! Happy occasions like that are so great that I wanna{LF}celebrate them over and over. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Is it me, or have you changed? You look more mature and responsible. All thanks to having{LF}a spouse, I guess. I'm sure you want to hang out with your husband as much as{LF}possible, but don't forget about me. I guess marriage ain't all that bad. Who would've thought I'd think that someday. You must be{LF}rubbing off on me. Hey. Keep your distance.{LF}Your happy-sappy newlywed aura makes my ears itch. Once you're bored with that whole being married thing, let's{LF}go fishing. Just let me know whenever. Getting married hasn’t slowed you down at all, has it? You{LF}certainly seem to be busy running errands. Marriage is sweet but sours once the honeymoon is over...is{LF}what many people say, anyway. Though in your case, I can see you two being sappy and{LF}happy until your dying days. Spending time with your spouse is to be expected, I guess,{LF}but don't forget to come hang out sometimes. ... What? Is it me, or are you looking cooler than before? Dang it, that{LF}power of marriage stuff is real! Now that you're married, don’t go forgetting your old{LF}buddies. If you ever wanna talk, come on over. Dang it, now I wanna get married! And just so you know, it's{LF}all your fault. Extra super special congratulations to you!!! How is married{LF}life? Is it as delicious as it looks? Watching someone so happy makes me so very hungry. If I were to sit you at my table now, I think I could eat{LF}forever and ever. ♪ You have such a dignified air to you now! So this is what{LF}having someone to protect will do. @しゅじんこうくん@, don't leave your spouse's side for too long,{LF}okay? And definitely no turning into a wanderer. Seeing you two happily married makes me think about Papa{LF}and what we were like way back when. If you get home first, be sure to warm the house up nice and{LF}toasty, okay? Coming back to a nice and toasty home is the loveliest{LF}feeling. A detective so clever they unraveled the universal mystery of{LF}love... @しゅじんこうくん@, you make an excellent rival. You may be newlyweds, but get all lovey-dovey in front of{LF}me and I'll arrest you. *SNIFF* *SNIFF* *SNIFF*... Hmph.{LF}Not even a whiff of intrigue! You two must be getting along{LF}great. I never knew how complicated it would feel to watch my{LF}daughter walk down the aisle. Both happy and sad, heartwarming and heartrending. I've still{LF}not processed it all. @しゅじんこうくん@. I have faith that you will make my daughter{LF}happy and proud. Dolce will come and ask my wife for advice about this or{LF}that in married life every now and then. As her father, I feel a little left out that she doesn't come to{LF}me. @しゅじんこうくん@, take good care of my daughter, all right? It isn't as if we’ll never see her again, but still... It will be{LF}lonely not having Dolly around. @しゅじんこうくん@...make Dolly happy, okay? Talk Please check my gear. It's nothing. Y'know, every time I see you, you have a big smile on your{LF}face. Good to know you're happy. *GULP* Ugh... I’ll never, ever, get used to airships. Are you okay? Yeah. One sec... Though, looking at you makes me feel like{LF}I'm going from air-sick to happy-sick. Ah well. I'll take the latter over the former any day. A word of warning... When women get married, they change.{LF}Be ready. Though, well...I'm sure they say the same about us. You aren't equipped with anything right now. If you want me to check your gear for you, go equip it first. What gear do you want to know about? Weapon: @アイテム0@ Shield: @アイテム1@ Armor: @アイテム2@ Headgear: @アイテム3@ Shoes: @アイテム4@ Accessory: @アイテム5@ Quit. This @アイテム0@ has been strengthened{LF}with... ...Wait, nothing's been used on it yet. ...@アイテム1@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@ and{LF}@アイテム2@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}and @アイテム3@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... and @アイテム4@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, and{LF}@アイテム5@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}and @アイテム6@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... ...and @アイテム7@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, and{LF}@アイテム8@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, @アイテム8@,{LF}and @アイテム9@. Hmm? It looks like... ...@アイテムA@ was used in making this. ...@アイテムA@ and{LF}@アイテムB@ were used in making this. ...@アイテムA@, @アイテムB@,{LF}and @アイテムC@ were used in making this. This was well made. I can tell something else, too. The materials used in making it were good quality. A lot of good materials were used in making it. The materials used in making it were great quality. The materials used in making it were almost perfect. Incredible! The materials used in making this were all perfect! Making this must have taken a lot of effort. Still... That and... It looks like it was made with some unusual materials. It looks like it was made with unusual materials. It looks like it was made with some rather unusual materials. It looks like it was made with rare materials. It looks like it was made with pretty rare materials. It looks like it was made with really rare materials. It looks like it was made with extremely rare materials. Incredible! This looks like it was made with nothing but the{LF}rarest of materials. It looks like @アイテム0@, but it has the{LF}abilities of @アイテム1@. Hey. How're you doing? What do you need? See you later. I came to chat. Show me your collection. Nothing. Seeing you smile makes me miss him. Everyone is still talking about your wedding. What a nice{LF}town. You’re sparkling more than a polished crystal. You must be{LF}really happy. ...What? Oh. Come again. @しゅじんこうくん@! I see marriage has matured you even more{LF}than you were! Yes, that was a lovely wedding ceremony. A lovely{LF}ceremony, indeed! If I close my eyes, I can still see it playing out in all its glory! Oh ho! You look even happier today than yesterday. I see{LF}your joy only grows day by day! You seem the happiest I have ever seen you. Good, good. I{LF}am glad. However, remember that happiness takes effort to maintain.{LF}Continue to keep up your good work. I thought marriage might settle you down some, but it seems{LF}you are still your indomitable self. I feel much better about that. A settled and subdued you is not truly you at all. @しゅじんこうくん@. Have you not been a little cold to me of{LF}late? Do not let marriage change you too much, all right? Erm, that is simply my sage advice as someone with much{LF}experience. It is not because I am lonely... I can only hope that seeing how happy you are will convince{LF}Doug that he should settle down too. My, my. You've got quite the solid and reliable look to you{LF}these days. Why, if I were thirty years younger, I think I'd be smitten by{LF}you too. I hope that you two grow to be as close and loving a couple{LF}as Jones and Nancy. I stocked up on flowers for your wedding, but they didn't sell{LF}all that well. I guess most people go to a flower shop for that sort of{LF}thing. Boy, running a shop sure takes effort. You sure look like your wedding's got you on cloud nine. Be{LF}careful not to fall for any scams. Oh, I'll be careful, all right. Why did you look at me when you said that? I thought I might try to pull something on you while your{LF}head’s in the clouds, but eh. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. What will your spouse call you? Choose a nickname for your spouse. ''Dolly! ♪'' What. ''I have a request of you, milady.'' No. ''I haven't said anything yet!'' You could at least see what she has to say. No, you may not sleep in my bed.{LF}No, you may not bathe with me. ''Just no bathing together? Then peeping is all right--ERM.'' ''I mean, it would be nice if I could have a new outfit soon.'' ''I've worn this one for quite some time now, and I am in{LF}want of a makeover.'' Sorry. Not now. Busy. ''Urf.'' What’s wrong with what you have now? It looks good. ''Oh, milady! How you’ve changed. You used to make me{LF}outfits far more often before.'' ''But now...'' Huh? Why are you looking at me? ''HMPH! That is IT! I have HAD it! I am leaving and never{LF}coming baaaaaaack!!'' And there she goes. Why couldn't you just make a new outfit for{LF}@ピコ@? Heh heh. It worked. Huh? I was just thinking about making her a new outfit, actually. Then why did you say no? Because simply handing it over would be boring, don't you{LF}think? I think I'll set it by her pillow as a ''mystery present'' when it's{LF}done. Like at Christmas...? Pico did support us getting married, after all. I am kind of{LF}grateful to her. Kind of. A favor or two wouldn’t be entirely out of the question. Will you help me? Sure! You have a kind heart, @ドルチェ@. Wh-what... You're just noticing now? I've known for a long time. That's why I asked you to marry{LF}me. Oh, you... ''Sheesh!'' Dwah?! ''I thought you might be worried about me, so I came back,{LF}but what do I find? This!'' ''Sappy and mushy!{LF}In broad daylight!'' ''*SNIFF* I can see that not a single care was given to my{LF}person...'' No. Not a one. Hee hee. Nope. ''Wh-what are these secretive glances? Ugh! More lovey-{LF}dovey codswallop!!'' ''Indecent! Utterly indecent!{LF}HARUMPH!!'' About the design for Pico’s new outfit... Are you sure we can talk about that? It’s fine. She's high above the clouds right now. She said something about wanting to let the wind blow her{LF}as it willed. Sounds like she’s pouting. Whatever. Aren’t you more curious about the design? Very. What were you thinking of making for her? I want to do something that’s really flashy this time. Something so frilly and glittery that she’ll feel embarrassed{LF}every time she puts it on. Isn’t that kind of what she has on now? Oh no. I can go even further. There are depths of gaudiness{LF}yet unplumbed. I’m sure she’ll love it. I mean, she’s a ghost. Without something eye-catching, she’ll{LF}just fade into the background. You know @ピコ@ well. You really care for her,{LF}don’t you? N-not at all. Makes me wonder... How well do you know me? Oh hush. I'm sure I know you pretty well too. Yep. And whatever I don't know yet, I'm going to learn until I{LF}know everything there is to know. Same here. I like finding new sides to you, @ドルチェ@,{LF}and I want to keep doing it. Stop it. You’ll make me blush. Ha ha. Anyway, enough about us. We were talking about Pico’s{LF}clothes. I want to use the best materials I can for this design. I hear Raven’s in town. Let’s see what she has on offer. Okay. High-quality materials? Sorry.{LF}Don't have any right now. Really? That stinks. If you really want something good, go beat the Crystal{LF}Mammoth in Sechs Territory. Sheen. Softness. Thickness. No matter which way you look at{LF}it, its fur is top notch. Sechs Territory is dangerous, though. I can't guarantee your{LF}safety. But I can! Let's go. Thanks. Excellent. This fur is perfect. Let’s head home. I can’t wait to use this. Mnn... @ドルチェ@, you're still up? Did I wake you? How's it going? It’s, well... Just thinking of her putting this on...hee hee! Aren't you tired? Here, let me massage your shoulders. I-I'm fine. Besides, you must be sleepy. Go back to bed. Nuh-uh. No need to be shy about it. Come here. @ドルチェ@, you're still up? Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing? You're out late{LF}tonight. How's it going? It’s, well... Just thinking of her putting this on...hee hee! Aren't you tired? Here, let me massage your shoulders. I-I'm fine. Besides, you must be sleepy. Go back to bed. Nuh-uh. No need to be shy about it. Come here. ''...'' DWAH?! ''I thought perhaps you would be lonely without me, but{LF}what do I find?'' ''Again with the mushy and the sappy!'' Calm down. ...I suppose we have no other choice. @しゅじんこうくん@, why don't you go massage her shoulders{LF}instead. Okay. Well? Does it feel good? ''Oh yes. It feels wonderfu--{LF}...Wait.'' ''Your hands pass right through my shoulders!'' There. The pattern is finished. Great work. Hee hee! This looks like it’ll turn out even better than I{LF}expected. I can’t wait to see it. ''Dolly!'' ...!! ''Oh, milady! What a tease you are! ♪'' ''After everything you said, you still decided to make new{LF}clothes just for meeeee!'' ''I love you!!'' H-hold on. Don't jump to any conclusions. This outfit is for @しゅじんこうくん@. ''What?!'' Too bad, but it's not for you.{LF}Don't get your hopes up. ''You...you won't make new clothing for me, milady...?'' ''But you'll gladly make some for @しゅじんこうくん@, and smile{LF}while you’re doing it?'' ''MRRRRRGH...!!'' Um, I'm starting to get scared... ''THAT'S IT!! NOW YOU PAY!!'' Whew. That was close. Looks like we got away, though. I’m starting to think she really hates me now. Let her. Well, at least until the outfit is finished. It'll keep her occupied. Awww...! And be mindful. She is a ghost, after all. Be careful not to get{LF}cursed. Gah! Don't say things like that! Please hurry! I don’t wanna get cursed! Oh? But I think it would be much more entertaining to take{LF}my time. @ドルチェ@, please!! Hee hee! Well then, if you want more speed, could you help{LF}me find the materials to dye the cloth? I don't have nearly enough Blue Cat Grass. I think some{LF}grows in Revival Cave. Okay, let's go gather some.{LF}Right now! Ah, that should do it. Now I can dye the cloth just the right{LF}color. There. Pico’s new outfit is done. It turned out quite well, if I do say so myself. Wow. That’s...even more frilly and sparkly than I expected. With that on, @ピコ@ will look like a porcelain doll. I want to see her in it as soon as I can. I'm sure @ピコ@ will love it.{LF}Why not just give it to her now? I could...but no. Simply handing it over wouldn’t be any fun. I’d like it to be memorable. I want to make her so happy{LF}she’ll shed tears of joy. Now, how to go about that...{LF}Oh, I know. I could hide it by her bed. She’s always trying to surprise me while I’m sleeping. Now{LF}it’s my turn. Heh heh... What’s so funny? You really do care about @ピコ@ lots, don't you? Huh? Whenever you talk about her, your eyes sparkle just like that{LF}outfit. I’m a bit jealous. Idiot. You know that you’re really important to me too...right? Yeah. I’m just teasing. ''Well, well. Aren’t WE all having fun today?'' ...!! Don’t startle me like that. How long have you been there? ''Just now. I went and told Venti aaaaall about how mean{LF}you’ve been, and now I feel much better.'' Whatever. ''Do you know what Venti said?'' ''She told me you two are only just married, so I should be{LF}patient and watch over you.'' ''She has a point. This marriage’ll be on the rocks soon{LF}enough, then Dolly will be all mine again...'' What are you muttering about? ''Ah well. I gueeeeess I will be generous and allow a{LF}honeymoon. Now, is @しゅじんこうくん@'s outfit done?'' Well, ah...yes. ''Might I see it?'' ...No. ''Why ever not, milady? I promise I won’t damage it.'' No means no. ''Mrrrrgh...!!'' ''How much will you push me away before you are{LF}satisfied?!'' That’s not what I’m doing... ''Well, if that’s the way you are going to be, milady, then I{LF}have no choice!'' ''I will take my link with you to the very edge!'' ''Then I shall see just how far I can go before I disappear{LF}entirely!'' ''Sounds dangerous, does it not?{LF}I think it will be thrilling!'' ...What. ''And there is nothing you can do to stop me, milady!'' Don’t worry. I won’t. ''HMPH!! Well FINE! Be that way!{LF}I hope you worry yourself SICK!'' Are you sure she’ll be all right?{LF}She seemed pretty upset. It’s quite convenient, actually. With her that far away, I can take my time coming up with a{LF}good hiding place. You know, I haven't seen @ピコ@ in a while. Don’t tell me she really did end up vanishing... No. She’s probably with Venti, complaining about us. But never mind that. I need to think of a good way to{LF}surprise her. Any ideas? Hmmm... How about a kiss on the forehead? She’d probably{LF}pass into the next life on the spot. No. That was quick. You would be okay watching me give a kiss to someone{LF}else? Huh? Well, um...if it was just @ピコ@, I think I could{LF}tolerate it one time... You'd better not be thinking it would be exciting to watch{LF}me do it. N-n-not at all... Pervert. I said it wasn’t! Anyway, do you have any other ideas? Good ones, this time. Well, um...how about a letter? Take the things you don’t usually say out loud, write them{LF}down in a letter and give it to her. A letter, huh? That seems...embarrassing. It WOULD get @ピコ@ to bawl tears of happiness,{LF}though. I guess I could write a sentence or two. That sounds more like a list than a letter... A list... You know what?{LF}That’s not a bad idea. Huh? Let's write a letter to Pico and have everyone in town add a{LF}sentence. Getting her to read everyone's messages ought to really{LF}bring on the waterworks. Plus, it’ll make me feel a little less embarrassed about it... Ah ha. So that’s the real reason.{LF}Still, a letter from everyone? That sounds great! Let’s hurry and get those messages! A few words from everyone for Pico? Ah, I see. Trying to get{LF}her to move on, are we? Come to think of it, I saw her high in the sky earlier. She said something about breaking limits? Sounds like any messages we write for her will probably be{LF}too late. It’s fine. She’ll be back. Just hurry and write something, okay? Something that’ll move{LF}her to tears. Something to make her cry? ...Um, I can’t think of anything. Here we go... ''May you find happiness in the next life.'' I told you she isn’t moving on. Ooh! I'll write a whole lot! Do you have another sheet of paper handy? ...Please keep it brief. A message for Pico? Oh, I'd love to! That sounds like so{LF}much fun! ♪ Is it Pico's birthday? Not really. Just write something for her, okay? You know, I think I saw Pico over by the Obsidian Mansion{LF}earlier. She looked very faint. Oh, that? Don't worry about it. She's just in a bit of a snit,{LF}that's all. Ooooo! Can I draw a picture?{LF}I wanna draw Pico’s portrait! ♪ I guess... Wait! That’s way too big! Hrm... ''Please join me for sword practice someday.'' How{LF}does that sound? She WOULD make a good sparring partner. You can chop{LF}her up as much as you want and she won't die. Why don't we turn our messages into a song and sing them{LF}to her? ...You don't have to go that far. That should do it. I think we have a message from everyone{LF}now. Looking at them all...I guess everyone really likes Pico. Yep. We all do. Heh. I hope it doesn't go to her head. You sure look happy about it, @ドルチェ@. N-not at all. Imagining her face dripping with tears made me{LF}laugh, that's all. Sheesh! Just how long is she going to keep hiding? That little{LF}idiot. Don’t tell me she’s still pouting. Maybe we actually hurt her feelings trying to keep her away{LF}like that... I don't recall caring that much about that part. You just can't wait to surprise her, can you? We went to all that trouble getting messages from everyone.{LF}She had better bawl her eyes out. I bet she’s haunting someone, hanging around and whining{LF}about us. As her guardian, I had better find her before she causes any{LF}trouble. Sometimes it's hard to tell if it's the other way around... Still, preparing a surprise for someone is pretty exciting. Fun{LF}too. I wonder how @ドルチェ@ would react if I got a surprise{LF}present for her. She'd probably get really mad... But that’d just be to hide how happy she was. Y'know what? I think I'll do it. I'll surprise @ドルチェ@{LF}with a gift too! She won’t be expecting it, so I'm sure the surprise part will{LF}work. And if there's anything that she’d love to get as a present,{LF}it's Pumpkin Flan! I think I should be able to find all the ingredients at{LF}@ポコリーヌ@'s place. Oh ho! Pumpkin Flan as a surprise present for Dolce, you{LF}say? How marvelous! In that case, please feel free to use these ingredients! But in exchange, you must make some for me too! I want{LF}some! Ah, there’s nothing that can be done. There's none left...{LF}This is the last of it! We're sold out for today! There. Done! Bon appetit! Wah! Mmmmmmmm!!{LF}This is yum-yum-yummylicious! Okay, this batch will be for @ドルチェ@. Done! Ah ha! Seconds! Not a chance! Sorry, but this one’s for @ドルチェ@.{LF}You've had your share. Drat! Don't mind if I do. @レオン@! When did you get here?! Hrm. Not bad, but I must admit, the flavor doesn't have quite{LF}the kick I'd like... Guys! Knock it off already! Stupid Pico. Where the heck did she get to? She still hasn’t turned up? I asked everyone in town, but she isn't haunting any of them. If she doesn’t come back soon, then I just won't give her the{LF}outfit. Someone else can have it. Like who? You made it in @ピコ@'s size. It won't fit{LF}anyone else. Okay, then I'll store it in the closet for when it'll be needed{LF}in the future. In the future? You know, for our, er...our children. Huh?! What's with that reaction? Um! N-nothing! You’re right.{LF}That’s a good idea. Hmph. It should've been you suggesting that, you know. Ah ha ha...right. Sorry. What do we have to do to get @ピコ@ to come{LF}back? Maybe we should go around shouting that we're sorry we{LF}were so mean? You don't get it, do you? We need to do the opposite. The opposite? How? Think. What got Pico to show up all the other times? Didn't it tend to be right when, erm...when we were getting{LF}very close? Now that you mention it... So if we want to get Pico to show up, we just have to...to,{LF}you know... To what? To be, ah...lovey-dovey. I guess.{LF}That should get her back right quick. L-like how? Ugh. Don’t make me spell it out.{LF}It’s embarrassing. Sorry... Whatever. You take the lead, okay? O-okay. Um, close your eyes... ... Now, um... You don’t have to say it out loud. R-right. ''HMPH!!'' ''I cannot believe what I am seeing!'' @ピコ@! About time you showed up. ''I heard you were looking for me, so here I am, but what do{LF}I find?! Indecent! Utterly indecent!'' We haven’t done anything. Yet. ''Yet?! What do you mean, yet?!'' Oh hush, you. If you keep this up, I'll change my mind and{LF}not give it to you after all. ''Give what?'' This. ''What is it?'' A new outfit. I put a lot of work into this one. ''Really? For me?!'' ''But I thought you said it was for @しゅじんこうくん@.'' Heh. You fell for it. Here, this is for you too. ''What is this?'' Messages from everyone. ''From everyone...'' ...I wrote something too. ''Thanks for everything.{LF}From, Dolce.'' ''How simple...'' ''Yet...overflowing. I can feel all the emotion carried by those{LF}few words...'' ''Dolly, I don't know what to say.{LF}Thank you. I...I...'' That's it. Cry. Bawl your eyes{LF}out. ''Ah... Aaah... Ah ha ha ha...'' ...? ''HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!'' What...? ''I knew all along! From the very start I knew you were{LF}making an outfit for me, your beloved Pico!'' What?! ''I'm a ghost! Surely you don't think you can keep secrets{LF}from ME, milady.'' Still...you knew from the start? ''Raven, if you please. ♪'' Here. ...! Wh-what’s this? ''A present from me, of course.'' It's an outfit in your size to match the one you made for me.{LF}We can be twins!'' You had this done for me...? ''I asked Raven, and she put in a request with a Kingdom{LF}tailor.'' Sorry for keeping it secret. Ah well. Be nice to each other.{LF}Bye. You got me. ''Still, all this made me quite happy, Dolly.'' ''I'm flattered that you care so much for me.'' Hmph. Then when you got mad at me before, it was all just an act? ''Half so.'' ''Dolly can change a dress pattern quite easily, so I was not{LF}yet fully sure.'' Hey! ''Hee hee! It was no simple matter to pretend to be deceived,{LF}you know.'' ''But it was all worth it in the end. Now Dolly and I can be{LF}twinsies!'' We are not going to be ''twinsies.'' ''What?'' It will be all three of us. Here. This is for you, @しゅじんこうくん@. WHAAAAAT?! Hee hee! Now that's the reaction I was hoping to see. You want me to wear this...this frilly, sparkly... Is there a problem? I guarantee it will look good on you. Um... I-I don't know whether to be happy or embarrassed... ''You have to wear yours too, Dolly.'' Oh. Right. ''Okay! There is no time like the present! Let us all try our{LF}new outfits on!'' ...All right. Just for a little. Hmph. Mmm. That was too bold, even for me. And yes, I know I{LF}designed it that way. ''No, no! I think you looked absolutely scrumptious, milady.{LF}♪'' Scrumptious... Oh! That’s right! It's not as flashy as either of yours, but I have a present to{LF}give you too. Here. Pumpkin Flan... It’s not as flashy, no, but I think because of the timing I like it{LF}more. Thanks. *SIGH* Turns out, it’s really hard to prepare something in{LF}secret. Very true. But overcoming that challenge will make the joy{LF}at succeeding all the more sweet. Do not give up, but continue to try and try again. Yeah, you're right. Thanks! I wonder where @ピコ@ has gotten to. I hope she hasn't actually vanished... You needn't worry. She would never do anything to bring Dolce sorrow. Yeah, you’re right. I am sure she will return when she is ready. Have patience{LF}and wait. I guess so. I’ll try to do that. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. G'morning, @ドルチェ@. ''Good morning to you both!'' G'morning. Oh. Morning... Hm? What's wrong? I haven’t washed my face yet.{LF}Don’t stare. Mnnn... Just five more minutes... No going back to sleep. Up. Mnngh... ''WAKE UP!!'' Dwah?! G'morning. ... What? I should make you a cuter pair of pajamas. ...Ones that match mine. You were moaning in your sleep. I was? Did you have a scary dream? ''OOoooOOoooO!'' Dwah?! I’m not sure why, but I slept horribly last night. Pico. ''Yes?'' You were hovering around our bed last night, weren’t you? ''Erm! I-I have no idea what you are talking about, milady.'' You know, it’s strange, but I actually miss having{LF}@ピコ@ around in the morning. Am I not enough for you? I-I never said that! Mm-hm. Sure. It’s gotten so hot out that it’s hard to sleep at night. You don’t want to cuddle with me, then? ...You get a look on your face like a lost puppy if I don’t, so{LF}I’ll still cuddle. It’s a nice day today. Maybe I’ll hang out our laundry to dry{LF}in the sun. ''I wouldn't suggest it, milady.'' ''I was floating on the upper breeze earlier, and I saw clouds{LF}coming this way.'' Best not, then. @ピコ@'s weather sense is always{LF}right on the money. Hm. Maybe I'll make new pillowcases for us. Could you embroider your face onto mine? Then I'd get to{LF}see you in my dreams too. ...No.{LF}That’s far too embarrassing. Aww... Though I think I'll embroider your face onto mine. G'morning. Boy, I slept like a log last night. Ah. Sorry... You were up really late working on the outfit. You can go{LF}back to sleep if you want. No. It's okay. I don't want to miss spending more time with{LF}you. G'morning. ...Huh? Ow! Ow! Ow! Why are you pinching me? I woke up, and you were right there next to me, so I had to{LF}check. It still doesn’t feel real. It's actually pretty fun to make a surprise present for{LF}someone. Though if someone surprised me with a present, I'm not sure{LF}how I'd react. Hmm. Maybe I should surprise Nancy with something. I'm sure she would cry happy tears too. If this is going to work, I'll have to put up a lot of talismans{LF}around our room. Why? To make sure Pico can't get in. Um, don't you think that'd make her more suspicious? Make sure you don't let Pico in on the fact that we're{LF}working on something in secret. Your face is an open book. I-It is? Not that I dislike that about you... Do you want me to teach you how to sew? I think it would suit you. Sitting here with you next to me, quietly knitting away... It’s actually quite nice. Are you getting hungry at all? Hm? No, not yet. ''Well, I, for one, am starving!'' Don't worry. Starvation won't kill a ghost. In my memories, Mama and Papa are always smiling. It seems like those smiles have gotten even brighter since I{LF}married you. Don't worry so much about Pico. She's just hiding to play the sympathy card for attention. Let's take advantage of her being gone to get more work{LF}done on her present. You know, now that I think about it, I’m much, MUCH older{LF}than you. I don't really pay too much attention to our ages. You should. It's only proper for the younger to listen to their{LF}elders. So that’s what it’s about... @しゅじんこうくん@, what is Pico to you?{LF}Something like a little sister? Yeah, something like that. She feels like my cute and{LF}precious little sister. ''Excuse me, I am NOT a little sister. I like to think of myself{LF}as more the mother-in-law type.'' Wha...? Hmm. I think it’s about time I started knitting some little{LF}mittens and booties. Huh? Why? ...How dense can you get? Here. I made @アイテム0@ for your lunch. ''Don't worry about eating it all. I'll enjoy whatever you can't{LF}finish!'' I made @アイテム0@ today. I hope it's{LF}enough. Here, I made @アイテム0@ for your lunch.{LF}Something different every now and again is good. Here. I made @アイテム0@ for your lunch.{LF}Give it your best today. I made a nice lunch for you. Don't forget to take it with you. See you later today, @しゅじんこうくん@. See you later. Try to come home as early as you can, okay? See you later. See you this evening. Don't hurt yourself, okay? ''@しゅじんこうくん@, wait a minute. You have a spot on your{LF}clothes.'' There, that should fix it. See you later tonight. See you later. You could come home early, if you'd like... Tum! ♪ Ta-tah! ♪ De-dum! ♪ Married, married! Congrats to{LF}the married! ♪ Boy, you're so lucky to be married. I wanna get married{LF}someday, too. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? You look so happy it's like a flower{LF}just bloomed in your smile. I see you're still buzzing all over the place, despite being{LF}married now. ''I'm sure they're simply so happy they just can't hold still,{LF}m'lady.'' How is married life? Is it fun? ...And given the sappy look on{LF}your face, I shouldn’t have bothered asking. ''@しゅじんこうくん@, Dolly has been talking about you all the{LF}time lately.'' ''It seems she's HIGHLY curious about married life. Do you{LF}kiss your spouse every morning? ...And so on.'' I-I was just curious, okay? Pico, say another word and I will{LF}sew your mouth shut. @しゅじんこうくん@, you look even more alive than ever, today.{LF}It's like you are overflowing with happiness! Aha! I spy a newlywed! Hold still a sec, let me check. Wah?! H-Hey! Yep. Lovely. ♪ So that's what a happy heartbeat sounds like. Feel free to come chat with me at any time. I'll gladly listen{LF}to you gush about newlywed life. ♪ I wonder. Will I, too, someday find the happiness you have... Erm! My apologies. It's nothing. It seems marriage is a wonderful thing indeed. I can tell just{LF}by looking at you. To love. To be loved. To be joined as one. Marriage is like a{LF}miracle, that way. You have a very happy smile on your face, @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}It shines almost as much as Mama's, yes? It seems Mama asked me if I might get married someday. If it means I would be as happy as you are, @しゅじんこうくん@,{LF}perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing. @しゅじんこうくん@! Do you have time to hang out... Erm, no. It seems I do not wish to disturb the newlyweds,{LF}yes? Hee hee! What? Is there something on my face? Yep. ♪ Happiness. It’s all over the place. Zzz... Zzz...AH! How strange. I dreamed I was watching your{LF}wedding ceremony again. It was such a nice ceremony. You have someone to wake up with you every morning now.{LF}I'm so jealous. I want to get married and have someone to wake me up on{LF}time too. You look even more lively now since getting married. Seeing{LF}you puts a little pep in my step. How is married life treating you? It's wonderful. I'm loving it! I see. That is good to hear. ''How to Build a Harmonious Home Life''. ''Ten Tips to Making{LF}Up''. ''The Choice to Live Apart''. Hrm... What’s on your mind, Arthur?{LF}You look so torn. I'm trying to decide what to give to you as a present. But... *SIGH* Choosing the most appropriate book for a{LF}newlywed is difficult. Seeing you so happy makes me happy,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. I must admit, now that you are married, @しゅじんこうくん@... Knowing that I'll have fewer chances to serve you makes me{LF}a little sad. @しゅじんこうくん@, look. Your wedding moved me so much I{LF}bought a charm to help me find my own soulmate. With this, I just know I’ll be able to find that one person{LF}destined to be my perfect master! Not the perfect lover, huh... Boy, you make marriage look like a really great thing. It{LF}almost makes me wanna get married too. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Can I ask you a question? Is it fun{LF}being married? Yeah. Really fun. ♪ You looked amazing during your{LF}wedding ceremony, @しゅじんこうくん@. You should wear that outfit more often. What? If you're looking for someone to gush at, you've{LF}picked the wrong guy. You sure you can hang around with me? Won't your husband{LF}get jealous? ...Well, okay. Probably not. Hey, uh...@しゅじんこうくん@? It's, uh, good to know you found a{LF}good one to marry. Hm? Where'd this come from? What, you're gonna make me say it? Ugh. You gave me back{LF}my humanity, so I’m happy you're happy, okay? Thanks, @ディラス@. Everybody's talking about how lovey-dovey you two get,{LF}y'know. No going overboard, 'kay? Gah! That smile could outshine the sun! Geez. How 'bout{LF}sharing some of that happiness, huh? Yo, newlywed! You're looking as happy-sappy as ever. The secret to a happy home life is happy tummies. Be sure to{LF}cook a full-course meal three times a day! With that much food, I think our tummies would be the{LF}opposite of happy... They say even a monster won't touch a lovers' spat, but I{LF}could eat them right up! ♪ Oh my! The light! The bright, shining light of your smile! Is{LF}this the power of marriage?! You know, @しゅじんこうくん@, everyone is talking about how{LF}lovey-dovey you two are. Hee hee! Now that you're married, why don't you come visit our baths{LF}as a couple? If you let me know ahead of time, I'll let you rent the whole{LF}bath so it’s just the two of you. I wonder if, someday, I'll get to see Xiao get married, just like{LF}you. I'm sure I'd be so happy and miss her so much I'd be crying{LF}the whole time. @しゅじんこうくん@, you look really happy. It's so obvious even{LF}a rookie gumshoe could tell. Oh ho! Is something afoot? Need a detective to dig into a{LF}case of infidelity, perhaps? Sorry. Don’t think you’ll get a case like that now or ever. Hm...? Well, isn’t that some lovely, smooth skin. So being in love DOES make a person more beautiful. That’s{LF}one mystery solved. We've actually had quite a few people visiting the clinic{LF}asking for advice on finding partners. I'm sure they were all inspired by your wonderful wedding{LF}ceremony. How do you find married life so far? It's great. ♪ Wonderful. I'm glad to hear that. As someone with a bit more experience in that area than{LF}you, I have some advice... Or...perhaps not. You don't seem like you need any advice at{LF}all. My, my! Now, I'm confident Jones and I are just as loving,{LF}but I think you’re outdoing us right now. ... What's wrong? You looked lost in thought for a minute there. Oh, I'm sorry. It’s just seeing you reminded me of when{LF}Jones and I were first married. If you ever get in a tiff, you come right on over to see me. I'll{LF}be more than happy to lend an ear. Talk Please check my gear. It's nothing. Heh. You look like you're walking on an inch of air still. Heck,{LF}the whole town does. Everyone is celebrating the happiness of one couple like it's{LF}their own. Y'know? This is a good town. Congrats on your marriage... I'm kinda late on that, huh?{LF}What's the best thing to say at a time like that? I think you can just be normal.{LF}That's fine. You seem even more chipper than usual. I guess they're right{LF}when they say love gives you energy. You aren't equipped with anything right now. If you want me to check your gear for you, go equip it first. What gear do you want to know about? Weapon: @アイテム0@ Shield: @アイテム1@ Armor: @アイテム2@ Headgear: @アイテム3@ Shoes: @アイテム4@ Accessory: @アイテム5@ Quit. This @アイテム0@ has been strengthened{LF}with... ...Wait, nothing's been used on it yet. ...@アイテム1@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@ and{LF}@アイテム2@, it looks like. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}and @アイテム3@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... and @アイテム4@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, and{LF}@アイテム5@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}and @アイテム6@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... ...and @アイテム7@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, and{LF}@アイテム8@. ...@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@,{LF}@アイテム3@... @アイテム4@, @アイテム5@,{LF}@アイテム6@... @アイテム7@, @アイテム8@,{LF}and @アイテム9@. Hmm? It looks like... ...@アイテムA@ was used in making this. ...@アイテムA@ and{LF}@アイテムB@ were used in making this. ...@アイテムA@, @アイテムB@,{LF}and @アイテムC@ were used in making this. This was well made. I can tell something else, too. The materials used in making it were good quality. A lot of good materials were used in making it. The materials used in making it were great quality. The materials used in making it were almost perfect. Incredible! The materials used in making this were all perfect! Making this must have taken a lot of effort. Still... That and... It looks like it was made with some unusual materials. It looks like it was made with unusual materials. It looks like it was made with some rather unusual materials. It looks like it was made with rare materials. It looks like it was made with pretty rare materials. It looks like it was made with really rare materials. It looks like it was made with extremely rare materials. Incredible! This looks like it was made with nothing but the{LF}rarest of materials. It looks like @アイテム0@, but it has the{LF}abilities of @アイテム1@. Hey. How're you doing? What do you need? See you later. I came to chat. Show me your collection. Nothing. Congrats on your marriage. I'll say that lots of times. I like{LF}saying it. I'm looking for a particular gem. One that's perfect for a{LF}marriage. I'll make it into an accessory and give it to you. Just...wait a{LF}bit. Okay? You're happy being married. I can tell just by looking at you. ...What? Oh. Come again. Why hello, young newlywed!{LF}You look as radiantly happy as ever. Ahh... Just remembering how lovely and dignified you looked{LF}in your wedding finery, @しゅじんこうくん@... It...it brings a tear to my eye...{LF}WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! ...Erm! My apologies. That was unprofessional of me. It seems seeing you happy puts a smile on my face, as well. Oh ho! Such a splendidly happy smile. I am glad to see it. Lately, I have been receiving many prayers for a good{LF}marriage. It is quite perplexing. It seems some people mistakenly credit me for bringing you{LF}and your spouse together. Now that you are married, it feels as if you do not come to{LF}talk as much, and I am growing bored. You may come for a chat whenever, you know. I will even{LF}listen to you gush about your spouse. My, my. You're looking even more lovely now that you're{LF}married. Almost as lovely as I once was. Remember the joys and the sorrows of each and every day. The more memories you have to reminisce over when you{LF}reach my age, the better. I'll admit a part of me was hoping that you might choose{LF}Doug someday. I’m sure @ダグ@ will find the right one for him before{LF}long. I do hope so. Though I doubt there are many folk out there{LF}better than you. Well, well. Welcome, newlywed.{LF}Looking for a whip to use on your spouse? Um, no thanks. I hear the happier a person is, the looser their purse strings{LF}get. That'd make you a pretty juicy mark right about now, I'd{LF}expect. Please don’t try to scam me. Y'know, @しゅじんこうくん@... You look like you're radiating{LF}happiness and good fortune right now. Say...mind standing by my shop door for a bit? Not a chance. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. What will your spouse call you? Choose a nickname for your spouse. *Hurk!*... Th-there. Finito. Prepare to be dazzled! I’m sure THIS will be the dish you’ve{LF}been dreaming of! Oh ho! I have high hopes, then. *Munch*... *Munch* *Munch*... *Gulp!* Well?! Delicious. Ah-ha! Then... But not good enough. Wha?! I believe I said I wanted a dish that, above all, was exciting{LF}to eat. This is delicious in an entirely normal way. N-N-NORMAL?! What’s normal about Pickled Stink Slug?! Its aroma is so vile I had to plug my nostrils with turnips just{LF}to cook it! Compared to some of the grotesque cuisine I’ve had in the{LF}past, it has a very mild scent. It seems only @しゅじんこうくん@'s{LF}cooking can truly satisfy me. Ah, les carottes sont cuites! I do hope that next time you’ll create something to really{LF}excite my palate. Ah, Leon! Wait! Stop! Halt! How can I put this delicately? I would not...mmmmm...speak{LF}with anyone else today. The smell on your breath is most dire! If a Wooly bathed in{LF}Sunsquid, it could not match the stink! Oh ho! Now that sounds fun.{LF}Perhaps I will have a chat with Forte today. Hrm. A dish more thrilling than Pickled Stink Slug, he says... Ah, woe is moi! Leon’s orders are always so tall! Mm? What's this about @レオン@? Aah, @しゅじんこうくん@! You see... @レオン@ said that? Wow. I can only imagine his culinary tyranny at home! You poor{LF}thing! Huh? I don’t make anything special. What? But he was most clear! He said that only your cooking could{LF}satisfy him. He’s never asked me for anything particular. Not even once. Huh. Maybe he’s trying to be considerate and not bother me. Entirely possible. Leon is a kind person at heart. But I don’t want him to go without the food he wants on my{LF}account. I want him to feel comfortable enough to be selfish around{LF}me. And I want him to have things that make him happy. Hey, @ポコリーヌ@? Is it okay if I come up with the next{LF}dish? Is that what you wish? Yeah, I do. I want to make a really exciting dish, just like he{LF}wants. I want my cooking to make him truly happy! All right. If that is your desire, burn as bright as you can! Thank you! Hmm. I’ve tried just about every strange food you can{LF}imagine, though. All that’s left is poison. P-poison?! Indeed. Poisonous dishes with just enough venom to tingle{LF}the tongue and numb the senses but not kill. Umm, are you sure that’s not going overboard a bit...? Non, non, non! Poisonous dishes are all the rage among{LF}gourmands. They’re safe if correctly done. Wow. There’s really a whole genre of food like that? It{LF}sounds perfect for @レオン@. I guess I'd better start looking for ingredients, then. Everything’s...g-going...n-numb... An emergency patient? I wonder what happened. Ah, he’s a traveler who was passing by. He was bitten by a{LF}Hill Puffer in the Water Ruins. A Hill Puffer? There. A dose of antidote should do the trick. You’ll be all{LF}right now. Whew. I can feel my toes again...{LF}Thank you. You’re not the first to come in here like this. More curiosity{LF}than sense. Please take more care. You’re lucky that I make sure to have Hill Puffer antivenom{LF}on hand. Still...I really wanted to try a taste of Hill Puffer. I almost had{LF}one, too! Um, excuse me? What's a Hill Puffer? What, you've never heard of them?! Not even knowing something that delicious existed... It’s like{LF}you’ve wasted half your life! And who nearly wasted their whole life getting bitten by one{LF}of them? If it meant getting a taste of that legendary flesh, then...then{LF}I’d die happy! *Sigh* Hopeless. The Hill Puffer is a kind of fish.{LF}It’s related to the Sky Fish, but it’s poisonous. Poisonous?! If you cook it just right, leaving in a little poison, it’ll give you{LF}the tingles—literally. By the blessed stars, I will never understand thrill-seekers{LF}like you. That’s it! What is? That’s exactly the ingredient I was looking for! I’m sure it’ll{LF}excite @レオン@’s taste buds! You saw Hill Puffers in the Water Ruins, right? Yeah. They like to hang around with schools of Sky Fish. It’s hard to tell them apart at a glance, but Hill Puffers have a{LF}red stripe. Thank you! There! One of the Sky Fishes has a red stripe. That must be{LF}a Hill Puffer! I have to hurry and get it home. ...OW! It...bit me. Uh-oh. Ngk...! I’m...g-going...n-numb... N-no... I can’t afford to c-c-collapse out...here... @しゅじんこうくん@! @レオン@... You're poisoned? Here. I'll suck it out of you. Mn...! There. That ought to do it. ...Thanks. You fool! What did you think you were doing?! I’m sorry... If Jones hadn’t told me what you were up to, you’d be Pico’s{LF}newest friend by now. Curiosity is an admirable trait, but not when it strays so far{LF}as to cause me worry. I’ll be more careful. Hm. So you say. You look entirely too happy about this. Are you secretly fond{LF}of being scolded? I’m just happy you worry about me. Hmph. Don’t let it go to your head. Ah! A Hill Puffer! How exquisite! Leon is in for a treat! This fish dish will surely paralyze that{LF}sharp tongue of his! Hee hee! I can hardly wait to see the smile on his face. Okay! Time to fry this fish! Non! Halt! Arrêtez! Huh? Your passion is rated three stars, but your cooking level is{LF}not quite red book-worthy yet, my dear. If you try to make a dish of that Hill Puffer as you are now,{LF}you may end the meal a widow. What?! The thrill of a poison course is leaving just enough toxin{LF}within to share a table with Death. But if the chef makes a mistake, the dessert course might be{LF}a meal of dandelions by the roots. Then what can I do to get good enough to cook the Hill{LF}Puffer? The Hill Puffer is a difficult ingredient, even for professionals. You will need to practice some basic techniques first to build{LF}up your skills. Listen carefully to moi: Rainbow Trout, Lamp Squid, and{LF}Blowfish. If you can prepare these three fish, I will give you a Recipe{LF}Bread for poison cooking. Okay! I’ll do it! It looks like you already have experience with preparing{LF}Rainbow Trout and Lamp Squid. Bravo. Now all you need is Blowfish. Super good luck to you!{LF}Keep trying! It looks like you have already worked with Rainbow Trout{LF}and Blowfish. Marvelous! All that’s left is to hone your skills on Lamp Squid! It’s much simpler than Blowfish, so it should be a breeze. It looks like you’ve worked your magic on Blowfish and Lamp{LF}Squid. Brilliant! Now all that remains to be done is Rainbow Trout. But...but... That’s the easiest of the three! Why leave it for{LF}last?! It looks like you’ve already prepared Rainbow Trout. Now you must try your hand at Blowfish and Lamp Squid. Mega good luck! Keep trying! It looks like you’ve checked Lamp Squid off the list already. Now you must apply your knives to Blowfish and Rainbow{LF}Trout. ...You need to be more honest with yourself. It's better for{LF}you. Huh?! It looks like you’ve already cooked Blowfish. Now you must fine tune your skills on both Lamp Squid and{LF}Rainbow Trout. Wait... You started with the most difficult of the three?! How{LF}delightfully mad! A high cooking skill will take you far in the kitchen, but{LF}experience with poison dishes is still crucial. Please practice making each dish. Rainbow Trout, Lamp Squid, and Blowfish. Learn how to{LF}properly cook all three of these fish. Once you have, I will give you the Recipe Bread for poison{LF}cooking and a glimpse of my dazzling smile. Mmm, excellent. It looks like you’ve grown accustomed to{LF}working with poisonous foods. I think you’re ready now to have this Recipe Bread and{LF}continue your journey to flavor! Thank you! As is fitting, the Recipe Bread itself is poisonous... WHAT?! Ha ha ha! A little joke. You may eat it without fear. Don’t scare me like that! Hm? What an intriguing scent. I’ve been trying my hand at some new recipes. Oh ho. Is that so? Go on. Try it. I really think it’ll knock your sandals off! Are you sure you should be raising the bar that high? I suppose I could give it a taste.{LF}Not that I expect much. Uh-huh. Don’t blame me if you have to eat your own words{LF}after it. Ha ha ha! All right, then.{LF}Challenge accepted! Not that I’ve tasted it myself... *Munch*... Mmph?! Well? How is it? ... @レオン@? Oh no! Don't tell me I left in too much{LF}poison! This is it...!!! The explosion of tartness, the stunning bitterness, the spices{LF}searing my mouth like fire...! And this wave of tingly numbness coursing throughout my{LF}entire being! THIS is the excitement I was searching for! So you like it? ...Ahem. I got a little ahead of myself there. But yes, it’s{LF}acceptable. Yay! I’m so glad! What type of fish is it? A Hill Puffer! So this is the famed Hill Puffer... I see. Now I know what tempted you into the Water Ruins. Ah...yeah. @ポコリーヌ@ told me that you wanted a really exciting{LF}dish to eat. You’ve never said anything to me, though, probably because{LF}you’re trying to be considerate, right? But I want to make you the kind of dishes you really want to{LF}eat. Ah... The mystery reveals its secrets. Yes, the Hill Puffer was quite satisfying. But there is one thing you have wrong. Simply stepping into this house lets me enjoy the most{LF}exciting thing there ever was. Huh? After all, there is no flavor as thrilling or satisfying as you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Wha?! H-hey! You’re trying to dodge the question, aren’t you! I’m actually quite serious. Sheesh. I can never tell if you’re joking or not. Though I will say that Hill Puffer was absolutely delectable. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. You’re welcome. Hearing you say that make it all worthwhile. Well then, what would you like as your reward? Huh? I wasn’t looking to get anything out of it... Oh, come now. Choose something. Go on. Um, okay, then. How about...a honeymoon trip? A honeymoon trip? Ah, sorry. That’s asking a bit much, isn’t it? What a coincidence. I was just thinking how a little vacation{LF}would be nice. Together with you, of course. Really? Yay! I'll start thinking up good places to go right away! Preferably somewhere exciting, if you don't mind. Hee hee! @レオン@ and me...on a honeymoon...{LF}together...! I’m so excited! So he said he wanted to go somewhere exciting for it.{LF}Hmmm. What place would fit the bill? Maybe someone around town will have a good idea. A honeymoon, eh? Congrats! Well, if you wanna go somewhere great, I can’t recommend{LF}Fenith Island enough. It’s my home town! Fenith Island? Yep! Surrounded by blue waves, kissed by gentle breezes...{LF}It’s quiet, scenic, and has great food! Wow, that sounds really nice. I know, right? So you wanna go? Nope. No?! Don’t mince words, do ya? Sorry, but quiet and pleasant places aren’t in the running. I’m{LF}looking for somewhere exciting. In that case, I recommend...Fenith Island! No, seriously! A volcanic island was just spotted around there recently. It’s active, which means lotsa eruptions and fiery lava! Really? That changes things! I bet @レオン@ would{LF}love that. I was just gettin’ ready to head back there. If ya like, I can{LF}take you guys with me when I go. Oh, but first ya need to get a permit! All visitors have to get{LF}travel papers before comin’. Apparently there’s all kinds of red tape ya gotta get through.{LF}Best to ask a bureaucrat about it. A travel permit, huh? A honeymoon vacation?{LF}How wonderful! Where will you be headed? I was thinking we might visit Fenith Island. Ahh, a lovely place, indeed.{LF}Perfect for a newlywed couple. But Fenith Island is also a unique place. Visiting it will require{LF}no small amount of paperwork. For one, you will need permission to leave Norad not from{LF}the king, but from Lady Ventuswill herself. I need Venti's permission?{LF}That should be easy enough. Ho ho ho! A honeymoon vacation, you say? Go to wherever{LF}your hearts take you with my blessing. Thanks. We were thinking of going to Fenith Island. Hrm?! Fenith Island... Uh, yeah. And I was told we’d need your permission to go. Would you, ah...perhaps entertain the idea of a different{LF}location for your honeymoon? Huh?! But you said we could go wherever we wanted! With your{LF}blessing! W-well yes, but... Fenith Island is outside of my jurisdiction. It is ruled by{LF}another. If anything should go awry, it could very well be laid at my{LF}feet. Oh, you don't have to worry about that. It's just me and{LF}@レオン@. And that is why I worry! You I know will behave yourself.{LF}But Leon? Considering his fondness for tweaking the noses of anyone{LF}and everyone, an incident seems assured. Urk...! There, see? You can imagine it as easily as I. Yeah, he does enjoy, um, teasing people. But this will be our honeymoon.{LF}I don't think he'd misbehave too{LF}badly. And I’ll be there to keep him in line! Hrmmm... All right. I trust your intention, but you must also prove your{LF}resolve through purification. Purification? Um, I do bathe every day, you know... That isn't what I meant! Stand under the waterfall in Yokmir Forest and cleanse{LF}yourself of all impurities. BOTH of you. Perhaps that will be enough to wash away some of Leon’s{LF}more mischievous tendencies. Wha?! Stand under that huge, ice cold waterfall?! If you cannot show at least that much determination, I will{LF}not allow you to visit Fenith Island. ...Understood. It’s for my honeymoon!{LF}I can manage that much! An active volcano belching smoke and flaming lava. THAT is{LF}where you chose for our honeymoon...? Ah! I love it! That’s why I married you! I can already hear the thrill of danger calling out to me! Hee hee! I thought you’d like it. But...there IS one little thing. We need to get Venti’s{LF}permission, and she has conditions. Conditions? We have to purify ourselves under the waterfall in Yokmir{LF}Forest. What in the name of Adonea...? She’s worried there might be, um, trouble if we go there, so{LF}she wants us to ''cleanse'' ourselves. In other words, she fears I might cause a scene. If that’s what she thinks, I’m tempted all the more! Her{LF}reaction would be priceless. No! You really, really can’t! Ha ha! I know. Fear not. I will try to be obliging and listen{LF}this once. It is our honeymoon, after all. All right! Hrm. If we don't defeat those monsters and dispel the gate,{LF}it won't be easy to enjoy our shower. Yeah. Now, then. Let us have our little bath and be done. Okay... *Gulp!* ... @レオン@? What are you waiting for? Strip. S-s-strip?! W-wait! Aren’t you supposed to go in first?! And I’m not taking my clothes off! No? What a pity. All right, then... There. ...!! Let us go together. Huh?! Ack! Wait! YEEEEEEEK!! Aah, now that was refreshing. What did you do that for?! I needed to mentally prepare myself first, you know. It was better than jumping in by yourself, was it not? Besides, the way you clung to me for dear life was rather{LF}charming. ...! Hmph. Well, at any rate, we should{LF}be clear to go to Fenith Island{LF}now. Yeah! I'll go let Venti know. Ah. I see you have purified yourselves. Well done. You can tell? Of course. It seems Leon has heeded your words, as well. All right! I acknowledge your determination, and hereby{LF}grant you leave to visit Fenith Island! Keep Leon with you at all times, and make certain he{LF}behaves himself. I will! Mmm... Even without my warning, I am sure you will scarcely{LF}be able to tear your eyes away from him. W-well, uh... Ho ho! Be off now. Enjoy your honeymoon. Thank you! Aaaaaah! We’re going on our honeymoon tomorrow! I’m so excited I don’t think I can sleep! Now, now. Are you a child? To bed with you. If you’re too tired to wake in the morning, I’ll leave you{LF}behind. I don’t think you can have a honeymoon with only half the{LF}couple! But never mind that. Look at this! I got a brochure for Fenith Island. Let’s read it and see what kind of neat things we’ll be able{LF}to do! No. Knowing what to expect will only spoil the fun. Ah ha. So you’re looking forward to it that much, huh? Of course. Ooooo! There’s a whole page on the volcano! I’m not looking. Wow! And lava diving! It says you can go lava diving! ...!! Ah, what was that now? It had a certain ring of adventure to{LF}it... Hmmmmm? I thought you didn’t want any spoilers. ...I might make an exception for the lava diving part. Uh-huh. Hee hee! Ahem. ''Use our special protective spell to dive into a pool of{LF}fiery lava!'' ''Feel molten rock sliding through your fingers as you{LF}experience this thrilling natural wonder!'' ''Disclaimer: Those with a natural resistance to magic may{LF}experience some slight singeing.'' Oh ho! I may just get some real danger out of this trip, after{LF}all! I’m getting fired up just thinking about it. Me too. The idea of walking into a furnace has set my heart{LF}racing. Oh? Let me have a listen. Ah! Mmm, yes. It’s positively pounding. You must think I’m a complete scaredy-cat. Of course not. When you come across something, or someone, truly{LF}exciting, anyone’s heart will beat harder. Just like this. I hear your heart pounding too. But of course. I told you, remember? To me, the most{LF}exciting thing in the world is you. You really do feel that way, don't you. ...Mhmhm! Well, it’s half you, anyway. The prospect of lava diving IS{LF}very exciting too. Hey! Be sure to cling to me tightly when we jump in. ...I will. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. G'morning, @レオン@. *YAWN* ...Hey. Don’t stare so much when I’m just waking up. Can I not enjoy the sight of{LF}my beloved as she rises? You can...{LF}It’s just embarrassing... That's exactly why I enjoy watching. I had quite the exciting dream last night. Oh? What was it? Well, you were all...hmm.{LF}You know, I think I’ll just keep it to myself. Now I'm super curious! Ha ha! I will say that the you in my dreams was...thrillingly{LF}bold. H-hey! Don't dream of me like that! @レオン@, it's morning. Time to get up. Mmm, I believe it’s actually time to sleep a little longer...with{LF}you. Oh you... They say one mustn't judge others by their looks, but the{LF}way you sleep is quite illustrative. Huh? What's that supposed to mean?{LF}Am I too sloppy? Too neat? That I will leave to your imagination. Which is it?! @しゅじんこうくん@, I heard you calling the name of another{LF}man in your sleep last night. ...!! N-no way! I wouldn't! I didn't! Correct. You didn't. Huh? Hey! Still, for a moment there you were suspiciously flustered... Keep it up, @レオン@, and I’ll call on ''Mr. Hammer''{LF}next. G'morning, @レオン@. ... @レオン@? ... He...he’s not breathing. Oh no!{LF}Was the poison a slow-acting one?! NOOOOOOO!! Pffft! Ha ha ha ha ha! ...! Teasing you is my favorite hobby. ...You know what? Hill Puffer is back on the menu for dinner.{LF}This time I’ll serve it WHOLE. Ahhh, I do so love waking up next to you. G'morning, @レオン@. Mn? Huh? What is it? You are particularly cute this morning. ...!! R-really? The blush on your cheeks makes you even more becoming. Urk...! Heh heh. I think I will be nice and let you off at that. Hey, now. Enough staring. Ah! You're awake. I’ll forgive you, though. I can imagine how entrancing my{LF}handsome face must be. I was actually thinking about your ears. Like, how do they{LF}work? My ears... *YAAAWN* I was so excited for our trip that I didn’t sleep{LF}much. Says the one who snored all night. I did? Wait, how do you know that? Erm, well... I guess he was so excited he couldn't sleep, either. Today is another day simply filled with things I must do. Wow, I didn’t know you had so much work. First, I must go and tease Forte during her morning patrol... Um, could you perhaps find space in your busy schedule to{LF}clean your room? Well? Are you feeling the itch to try some truly exciting{LF}flavors too? Um, I don’t think I’m quite ready for that adventure just yet. If you happen to think of any new and fun ways to tease{LF}someone, be sure let me know. ...I’ll be sure to not do that. Um...@レオン@? What's so exciting about me? I would say the way you look me in the eye and say what{LF}you think with absolute frankness, for one. What's the most, ah...''exciting'' dish you've ever had? Hm...I don't think I can tell you. Why not? If I did, you would probably faint. Okay, now I’m scared. I got my iron stomach from my father. I expect my children will also inherit my digestional fortitude{LF}and taste for exciting foods. I’ll be happy for average digestional abilities... There are times when I simply cannot figure out what’s going{LF}through your mind. It’s frustrating, but also quite exciting. I wouldn't mind if you made a selfish request of me every{LF}once in a while. Really? Okay, then. Umm... Time's up. Already?! I keep my promises, no matter how small or insignificant they{LF}seem. I really like that about you. Which is why I try my best never to make any. Umm... You said a traveler told you about Fenith Island, correct?{LF}What was he like? He was really nice and helpful. He also said he liked{LF}dangerous foods, just like you. I already don’t like him. Oh? Is that jealously I detect? Venti is such a worrywart. She frets over things that will{LF}never come to pass. I think I’ll just have to give her a Golden Pumpkin stuffed{LF}with Hot-Hot Fruits as a present later. That right there! That’s why she worries! Um...can we hold hands? Hm? Where did this come from? I dunno. I just...felt like it. I like that about you. So how long should we go away on our trip for? Hm. I think two or three years ought to be enough. They'll send out search teams if we're gone that long. Boy, poison cooking sure is hard. I wish I could've made that dish for @レオン@... Keep practicing as diligently as you are and some day you{LF}will. Yeah. I'll keep trying! Darn it...! I really wanted to go on that honeymoon trip. Trips needn’t only be when you’re newlyweds to be fun. I'm sure you will have many more chances to travel together. Yeah. Next time we'll sit down and make a solid plan before{LF}we go. Here. I made @アイテム0@ for your lunch. I made @アイテム0@ for your lunch today. It's{LF}rather well done if I do say so myself. Today's lunch is @アイテム0@. Don't forget to{LF}take it with you. Here, I made @アイテム0@. Have some when{LF}you get hungry. Oh yes. Don't forget to take your lunch with you. I made{LF}some @アイテム0@. Have a good day. Good luck at work. Don't be back too late. See you later. I should take care of a little work, myself. See you later. But not too much later, all right? Good luck today. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. I've been collecting flower seeds. My siblings in my hometown all love it when I send them. And now I'm collecting the lovely{LF}@アイテム0@! Where can I find them...? @アイテム0@! Is that really for me? How great! My brother Onur will be so happy! How great! My brother Chase will be so happy! How great! My brother Kiefer will be so happy! How great! My sister Aira will be so happy! How great! My sister Erica will be so happy! How great! My sister Izabel will be so happy! Thank you so much! This is to show my appreciation! Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. I've been seeing many a wild @キャラ0@ where I{LF}do my training. If someone should get hurt out there... @しゅじんこうくん@, would you kindly help with this problem? Oh, you eliminated the @キャラ0@ problem! Thank you so very much! Please, accept this reward. Request: Accept Vishnal's gift.{LF}Reward: Vishnal's Prize. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. ...*PANT* *PANT*. Good, you're here. ...? What's wrong? Why are you out of breath? I am in the midst of my training. But I wish to support you as a butler as much as I can. So I went into a particlar dungeon and found this for you. Will you please take it? ...Oh, thank goodness. Well, good luck with everything, @しゅじんこうくん@! Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. I saw Vishnal sleeping during work the other day. So I'm making something that'll help him stay awake. Of course, I could use some myself. If only I could get one single @アイテム0@, I'd{LF}have everything I need... Ah...@アイテム0@! Are you sure I can have it? Thank you so much! Now I have everything I need. Um, this is to thank you! Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe not now. Lately I've been hearing a lot about the horrors of the{LF}@キャラ0@... I'm so scared that I can't even nap anymore! Wow! You took care of the @キャラ0@ problem? Thank you so much! ♪ Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. @しゅじんこうくん@, dungeons are very dangerous. ...? Yeah, that's...true enough. I'd rather not have you go at all, but you'll probably have to. So in hopes that it might help you in some way, I prepared{LF}this. Please, take it, and use it well! ...Thank goodness. I'm always cheering for you, @しゅじんこうくん@! Request: Accept Clorica's gift.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. WAAAAAAAAAAAH! Geh...! Listen, @しゅじんこうくん@! What's wrong? My, my beloved farm tool, Jenny... ...has broken!! WAAAAAAAAAH! Who or...what is Jenny? It's my beloved @アイテム0@. I'm just so, so{LF}sad now... WAAAAAAAAAAH! Oh, it's a brand new @アイテム0@! Please, take it. WAAAAAAAAAAAH! Your kindness soothes my soul! I'll cherish this for the rest of my life! You can also cherish my reward for the rest of your life! Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Recently, the savage @キャラ0@ has been{LF}troubling people outside of town. @しゅじんこうくん@... To save the love and freedom of this town, upon your title as{LF}@姫@... ...please take care of the @キャラ0@ menace! Wow, @しゅじんこうくん@! You did it! I knew you had it in you! I'm so touched... WAAAAAAAAAH! Request: Humor Volkanon until he's finished socializing.{LF}Reward: Tea Cake. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. What do you say, @しゅじんこうくん@? Will you have some tea with me? Please, come here. Now, please take a sip. Make yourself at home. Let's rap for{LF}a while. I must say, I'm so glad that you came to this town. I think Porcoline has lost some weight recently. I think Porcoline has gained some weight recently. Now, Clorica's a great girl... Care for another cup of tea? I've always wanted to visit the East. You know how elves have skillful fingers? I've always envied{LF}that. Oh, I ran into a golden Wooly the other day! It was{LF}spectacular! I heard there's a tribe with horns growing from their heads.{LF}Can you believe it?! The world of dwarves is also very fascinating. @しゅじんこうくん@, I am quite fond of your hairstyle. Um, can I-- Oops, I'm sorry! You've finished your tea. Here's some more. Oh, I'd lost track of time. But it shouldn't hurt to talk a bit{LF}more. I wonder what it would be like to ride on Lady Ventuswill's{LF}back... Oh, dear, I left some trash scattered about. I shall have to{LF}discard it posthaste! When I was still young...ohhhh, mercy! A lot of visitors come to our town, you know. We're quite the{LF}tourist paradise. Ha, that's about enough talking for now. Pardon me. I must be going. Please, take home these leftovers. I very much look forward to having tea with you again soon. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. @アイテム0@... I'm sure I'd need it, but... Isn't this...! Thank you so much. Bado told me that I would need at least one to strengthen{LF}my weapon. But to ship these can be expensive. I was torn between{LF}purchasing it outright or having him search for some. Liiike...search in a dungeon? Isn't that part of his job? Well, he offered to pay for the shipping... ...but the amount he offered was simply...unreasonable. Hahaha... He'd lose more than what he has if he paid that much. What?! It's really that expensive?! But...how? Though this isn't much, I hope you can get some use out of{LF}it. I'll be going to see Bado now. Thank you very much again! Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. I hear passers-by have been getting accosted by a wild{LF}@キャラ0@ or two recently. So please be careful when you're outside. ... @しゅじんこうくん@, thank you very much. I've heard that you took care of the monster problem. The tourists who bore witness to your heroic deed have{LF}asked me to give you their thanks. It's nothing, really... This is a token of their appreciation. I hope you'll accept it. ...But... Next time you're going, please do ask me to join you. Um...I know you can do it on your own... ...but I do worry about you. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. I'd like to practice cooking sometime. But I'm not sure where to start. Maybe I'll start by preparing some fish. Hmmm... Oh, a fish! Yep. It's fresh and pungent. Full of fishy goodness. Is it for me? You can use it to practice your cooking. Thank you very much. Please, allow me to-- Huh? --cut it up for you! Wha?! Wow. That's...a real, honest-to-goodness sashimi. And a{LF}nice-looking one, too! Aaand, I'll put whipped cream on top to accentuate it. ...Ooh, so close. Oh, yes, I almost forgot. I must thank you. Why don't I... Err, it's all right. Huh? What is? I'm...okay. You don't need to give me anything! U-um... W-well, it's not much, but I hope you like it. I'm going to go deliver this to Bado now. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Hmm... I can't find a good @アイテム0@ for some{LF}reason... If I had one, I could do this and that, and come out with the{LF}other... Oooooh, @アイテム0@! Yay! Now I can do that with this, and come out with the other... Huh? Or was I trying to do this with that and come out with the{LF}OTHER other...? ...What? You've got it all wrong. Hrm? This is so that you're trying to do that with this and make{LF}these, right? Huh? Whaaaat...? Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Oh yeah! I heard that there's been a real @キャラ0@{LF}problem lately. You should be careful out there too, @しゅじんこうくん@! ... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! It's you that got rid of the threat, right? Thanks! ♪ Sure. But, are you all right? I hope you're not injured! Does this hurt? *POKEPOKEPOKE* How 'bout this?{LF}*PATPATPATPATPAT* Or this? *RUBRUBRUBRUBRUBRUB* I-I'm okay, seriously! You can stop now! Good, good. But the monsters might try to get their revenge on you, so{LF}you need to be super-careful! Huh...? @しゅじんこうくん@...master using this and you can have it. I heard it's this week's lucky item! ♪ Um, is that... Don't worry about it. It's supposed to work against curses too, so if you've got a{LF}vengeance hex on you, BAM! Gone! ... Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. There are certain things you need to be strong... ...I know that now. @しゅじんこうくん@! If you happen to have a spare @アイテム0@,{LF}will you give it to me? @アイテム0@, yaaay! Thanks! Now I can be strong! Strong enough to keep Forte's promise! Huh? Huh? ...What? ...What? Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Yes! I came up with a great idea to make money! So, @しゅじんこうくん@... I'm looking for a fine @アイテム0@. Could you{LF}bring me one? Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let me give you this @アイテム1@ as a token{LF}of my gratitude. @アイテム1@... All right, finally gonna make some money! ...Or...no, I can't do it. It kills me, but I can't let people down{LF}like that. Huh? Unless everyone's happy, it's no fun. So, here's an actual reward. Oh, okay... It's so hard to make money without effort. Wish I didn't have{LF}these pesky morals... Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. When I went mining the other day, I saw a wild{LF}@キャラ0@...then another...then a bunch of 'em! Scared me half to death. Will you get rid of @0@ of{LF}them for me? Of course, I'll be thanking you with a great reward. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! You did it! Nice work! Now I can do my thing without being bothered. Uh, sure thing. And you know... ...even if we're okay with those things, it's dangerous for the{LF}kids and the elderly. Huh? Well, this is the reward I promised you. Here. And thanks. Request: Trading @アイテム0@ and{LF}@アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Hmm... Shoot. I ordered too many minerals. @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you willing to trade me one @アイテム0@{LF}for this @アイテム1@? Oh, you brought the item! Let's trade, then. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. I won't have to work for a while now. Although I did spend an awful lot of money on this... Um, isn't that called ''putting the cart before the horse''...? Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Our @アイテム0@ disappeared from the{LF}restaurant. It's so weird... I know it was just here the other day. @アイテム0@! C-can I have it? You bet. Thank you! You have no idea how much I missed this! Please, take this as a show of my thanks. Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. I heard that the villagers have been having some wild{LF}@キャラ0@ trouble lately. Will you get rid of @0@ of them, @しゅじんこうくん@? Thanks! Look's like you got rid of the monsters! ♪ You're really great, you know that? Here's your reward! Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Geez, why are the rooms always so messy...? What's wrong? The second floor of the restaurant is filthy. No one ever{LF}bothers to clean it. Although our customers won't see it, it really bothers me! I've got to do it myself, I suppose. @しゅじんこうくん@! Do you have any{LF}@アイテム0@? I'm going to make tons of clothes and clean everything to a{LF}SHINE! Oho, @アイテム0@! Thanks! All right, time to clean up! Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. I should have Bado fix my pole sometime... If I remember right, he said he'd need{LF}@アイテム0@ for that... ...@アイテム0@? Is this for me? Yep. ...Great! I've been needing this! Thanks a lot. Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Lately I've been seeing one @キャラ0@ after{LF}another... They bother me when I'm fishing. Will you get rid of{LF}@0@ of them for me? It's much easier to go fishing now. I guess it's all thanks to{LF}you. Here. A token of my appreciation. Request: Give your honest opinion on Dylas' cooking.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@ Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. ...Porcoline taught me how to cook... So I tried cooking on my own. ...W-will you...erm...t-try... Huh? H-how was it? Did you take a bite? I did. Not yet. And? W-what did you think...? It was delicious. It looked tasty. It smelled good. I haven't eaten it yet. R-really?! ...YESSS! Thanks. I might ask for your help again sometime. ...So the taste wasn't great, then? I'm sorry about that...I'll cook something better next time. Drat! Shoot. I'm sure I'll do better next time! Well, which is it?! Come on, now! I see... Request: Monster Item (Edible).{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Do you have any dairy products or items from monsters,{LF}perchance? +Milk+, +egg+, +honey+...anything, as long as it's +edible+. If you do, I'd be most appreciative for any you could spare. @アイテム0@? Thank you very much. This is something to show my appreciation. Please take it. Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. I've been collecting various materials through a vendor... ...but I heard him complain that @キャラ0@{LF}encounters are becoming far too frequent. It would be really helpful if you could get rid of @0@ of{LF}them for me... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Looks like you were able to get rid of the monsters. Thank{LF}you. This is something to show my appreciation. Please take it. Request: Tell Arthur which pair of glasses looks best on him.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@ Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. A talented eyeglass artisan occasionally visits our town by{LF}ship. I'm thinking about getting a new pair to use during{LF}negotiations... What kind of glasses would you suggest I get? I guess to start with...what color do you think would look{LF}best on me? Red. Black. Blue. Polka-dot. Clear. Rainbow. Red...the color of passion. Black...nice and chic. Blue...but will it suit me? Polka-dot? How...unique. Clear...unexpected, but interesting. That...is not an option, I don't believe. But I understand your{LF}point -- any color will do. Moving on to the shape, which would you suggest? Round and poppy. Slender and stylish. Sharp and triangular. Wide and squared. Sunglasses. The artist should decide. C-cute... Oh, sorry. It was just...ahem! That would indeed seem to fit well with the intended{LF}purpose, which is negotiation. When I was little, I used to have a tutor that wore glasses{LF}like that. It does make one look relaxed and trustworthy. That will surely intimidate people... Not a bad idea, actually. So I should just trust the artist's senses? I knew it, @しゅじんこうくん@, you do have excellent taste! Well, I'll make an order accordingly. Thank you very much. Here is my way of saying thanks. Please do accept it. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Ah! Oh no! What's wrong? I overstuffed myself on @アイテム0@... @アイテム0@?! Meggy's going to get angry with moi once again... Oh! You've brought me a replacement{LF}@アイテム0@! Let me take a quick bite to determine its qua-- NO. ...Ah, indeed. That would defeat the purpose of this entirely! Thank you very much, @しゅじんこうくん@. This is for you. Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Please, listen... Wh-what's wrong? I was in a scary scuffle with some monsters while out of{LF}town! It was simply DREADFUL! Scary...scuffle? I'm so scared that I can't even eat...om nom nom! So, will you get rid of the @キャラ0@ menace for{LF}me? @0@ of them, please! Porco-hoho! You got rid of the @キャラ0@ menace{LF}as requested! How lovely! I simply ADORE you! So here's a reward. It's all yours, darling! Request: Confess your love to Porcoline.{LF}Reward: ??? Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. So, @しゅじんこうくん@. I made you some food today. Quite a lot of it, in fact. And it's filled with love... So why don't I trade this to you in exchange for...a looooove{LF}confession? I know it takes courage...so talk to me when you're ready. Are you ready to declare your undying love for me? Then, let the show begin! I-- It's a fine day today... Go on. Indeed. ...love... Maybe I'll go take a walk. ...Yes? Good idea. ...you... Have a nice day! Porco-whoa! A love confession! A real, honest-to-goodness{LF}love confession! I'm so very thrilled! ...I just thought of it like a password. It was nothing more{LF}than syllables to me. ...NOOOO!!! Aww, why must you be so shy? ... Fine. It was still a great confession. It made me so incredibly pleased, I simply must shower you{LF}with mountains of food in return! Here are your available prizes. Which one would you like? I'd recommend the fourth choice. 1. @アイテム0@ 2. @アイテム1@ 3. @アイテム2@ 4. Porcoline Porcooh-la-LAAA! Um, I was just kidding... Noooo!!! So, which one would you really like to have? Then this is for you, love. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. I ran out of thread while fixing some frayed clothes. Thread? Guess you were running lower on it than you{LF}thought. I suppose so. It seems I got too caught up with my knitting. And now I'm regretting it. I see... Mmmnnngghh. I had so much, but now...all gone, yes? ... ... ...Sorry. I was trying to sound a bit cutesy. Oh... Wow! That seems to be @アイテム0@! I can fix my clothes now. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Whenever you need to fix your clothes, you can ask me. Okay. Thank you. No problem! ♪ I think I'm good. ...It kind of makes it worse seeing you say that with a smile. Anyway, here's something with which to thank you. If there's anything else I need, I hope that I can ask you! Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. If you run into any @キャラ0@, will you defeat{LF}them for me? Only [@0@] of them, yes? Wow! @しゅじんこうくん@! You got rid of the monsters! I really appreciate it. No problem...but why were you having so much trouble with{LF}the @キャラ0@ contingent? It would take a while to explain. No thanks, then! Can you summarize it? ...Will you listen? ... You're so calm. Our customers are concerned because of{LF}@キャラ0@. And Mama's sad about this. Since I love Mama so much, I couldn't stand seeing that. ... Hmm. It was shorter than I thought. Y-yeah... Well, anyway, this is for you. I might ask you for a favor again! Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Do you have @アイテム0@? If you do, will you give it to me? Whoa! It's @アイテム0@! Thanks! Here's your reward. Thank you very much. But, what are you using that for? Hee hee hee...I'm glad you asked! The other day, I saw a person using a sword to spin a plate{LF}without breaking it! How could he do it, when some people break plates every{LF}day? ...Anyway... When I asked him how he did it, he told me to study martial{LF}arts. So... ...I decided to start with @アイテム0@. I don't think that's... Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@! Er... Request: Bring some seafood.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. I have a reservation by a customer who loves seafood. So, let's see. I guess right now is the season for... ...Actually, I guess using a fish that's out of season would{LF}make it more rare and special. Or maybe I should prepare shrimp or squid instead of fish... Erm... @アイテム0@? ...Oh, yes, that's exactly what I was hoping to find! I actually remember the customer specifically saying he likes{LF}these a lot! So I'm sure he'll be very happy. Thank you very much. You were a huge help! ♪ This is something to show my gratitude. I hope you like it. Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. The other day, a customer came in covered in dirt. Apparently she was chased by a group of monsters.{LF}Specifically, a @キャラ0@ group. We actually had a lot of customers come to use our baths{LF}because of those fiends. Which is nice and all, but...customers' lives are worth a bit{LF}more than bath profits! I'd like to commission the extermination of those monsters.{LF}We'll say...@0@ of them? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! You managed to get rid of the monsters! Thank you so very much! Ah, almost forgot... Here! Please accept this token of my appreciation. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Oh, my... I forgot to replace my @アイテム0@ stock... I hope it's not too late! Huh? Is this...@アイテム0@? I was just thinking that I needed these! You said as much. I'm psychic. My, my... So I guess you heard me. I'm sorry about that. But it really helps. Thank you very much! ♪ My, my. You are a talented one, aren't you? Like some kind of shady{LF}mystic or circus performer... Uhh, what kind of psychics do you know?! Oh, you hear about them from time to time, that's all. I meant it as a compliment, don't worry! At any rate, this is for you. It's not much, but I hope you'll{LF}find some use for it. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Flowers need nutrients. They crave them! But I happened to use up all the ones I had... I wish there were endless stocks of{LF}@アイテム0@... Ooh! @アイテム0@! Umm, can I have it? Yay! ♪ Thank you. This is for you! Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. I've recently been seeing more @キャラ0@ activity{LF}than usual around here... Lumie said it seems like a case... But is it? Looks like the case was solved. And I heard it's you that we should thank! I think this calls for a celebration. A celebration consisting of{LF}giving you this! ♪ Th-thanks. According to Lumie, this case has turned into an unsolved{LF}mystery. I think you were listed as one of the prime suspects. R-really...? I bet she's having a tough time. There's at least one case every week that goes unsolved,{LF}leaving hundreds in total... It's as if she's lost her way in life. ... Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: Assorted Seeds. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. @しゅじんこうくん@, would you care to trade a nice{LF}@アイテム0@ for some seeds? What kinds of seeds? Hee hee, it's a secret! But there are a lot of them. ♪ Yaaaay, @アイテム0@! Here are the seeds I promised to give you. I hope I can ask you for a favor again sometime! ♪ Request: Any type of seed.{LF}Reward: ??? Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Oh, the other day someone gave me a strange medicine. What is it? +Formula Z+. ...? It's supposed to make any seed grow in a split second. Th-that sounds...shady... Hrm, there must be some kind of trick to it... Anyway, if you have any extra seeds, let me know. So you've chosen this seed. Let's try the formula on it and{LF}see what happens! Th-this is...! Wow! @アイテム0@... That's @アイテム0@ all right! I guess it didn't work. Well, boo! That's no fun. I'll ask the doctor in Sharance to give me more next time I'm{LF}there. Too bad. Here, you can keep this. Th-thanks... Did it actually bloom?! W-wow...! I wonder if it's real. I'll ask the doctor in Sharance to give me{LF}more next time I'm there. Anyway, you can keep the flower. That was quite fun. Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. My favorite flower field has been trampled. Who would have done that? I know the culprit. The culprit's name is...@キャラ0@! And all its{LF}monsterly cronies! Those awful, awful creatures... I refuse to tolerate this any further! So, @しゅじんこうくん@... Will you go and get rid of them for me? Of course, I'll reward you for your time and efforts. You got rid of the @キャラ0@ menace for me! Thank you so much. Now my flower field's nice and safe again. Here's your reward. Enjoy! Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Mmm, this tea is quite tasty. It goes perfectly with this bre-- OH, DEAR! Wh-what happened? I forgot to get @アイテム0@. Will you get{LF}some for me? Yay, it's @アイテム0@! Good work, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'd hire you as my assistant, but it's against my principles. So...sorry about that! Instead, let me give you some extra formulas. Thanks for helping me out! Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Hey, do you have some extra @アイテム0@? What for? I-it doesn't matter, does it? ...? ... I wanna buy medicine for Granny Blossom... @アイテム0@! That's what I'm talkin' about! This helps a lot! Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@! This is from me. Please take it! Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Our customer was attacked by a vicious{LF}@キャラ0@ the other day. I wish I could do something, but I have to work at the store. Can you do something about it? There's a reward in it for you... Apparently the @キャラ0@ problem is gone now. Looks like you got rid of them. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@! This is for you. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Oh yeah, I've been looking for a nice{LF}@アイテム0@. Hey, do you have any? I think Dylas was looking for a good{LF}@アイテム0@ too... Seems like he really needs it to strengthen his poles. Ha ha! Poor Dylas! ... @アイテム0@, do you have it? Oh, @アイテム0@! Is this for me? Yep. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. Wow, @アイテム0@! Thanks. I should bring this to Dyla-- You're giving this to @ディラス@? Wh-wh-what are you saying?! Th-this is...! S-so that I can brag! Yeah, I'm gonna brag about it! Ha! I can imagine his face! It's going to bug him so much! ... Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@, might I trouble you to bring me a nice{LF}@アイテム0@? @アイテム0@? Yes. Doug's always trying so hard for me. So I want to cook him something nutritious, as a show of{LF}thanks. Oh my, what a lovely specimen! I can have this, then? Thanks a lot, dear. It really helps. Will you take this as a thank-you? Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. My business partners have been bothered by wild{LF}@キャラ0@ packs. Will you get rid of @0@ of them on my behalf? Oh, looks like you got rid of the monsters, just as I{LF}requested! My partners should be pleased now. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. This is for you. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Oh, Illuminata gave me flowers... ...but there are too many of them. Would you like to take some? Great. Please take good care of them. Request: Sharing and responsibility.{LF}Reward: Many flowers. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Oh... Huh? I ran out of fabric. I wanted to make some clothes for Pico, but...I guess that's{LF}going to be delayed a bit. Oh, you brought these for me? You didn't have to do that... ''But you seem very happy about it, milady.'' ...Shut up. I guess I should at least thank you. Oh, and you might not need it, but here. ''She wants to thank you with this gift. So please take it.'' Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. You know what monster I hate and want to see forested{LF}most? Those stupid @キャラ0@. W-wow. That's pretty blunt. So, will you get rid of @0@ of them for me? I think that will sate me. You got rid of the monsters for me! Thanks. I'll leave a little something for you here as a thank-{LF}you. ''Well, well...'' @ピコ@? ...! ''Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Will you hear me out?'' ''That monster is out of control...'' ''Although, being a ghost, I can't be injured by it, I'm still...'' I-is that... P-Pico! Let's go! ''Oh, my! Milady's pulling my hand...!'' ''I knew you felt the same way! I'll follow you anywhere!'' ... Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. ''@しゅじんこうくん@. Will you hear me out?'' Hmm? ''I'd like you to get me a... erm...{LF}@アイテム0@.'' ''But I don't want you to tell milady about it. Got it?'' What are you being so sneaky about? ''What?! I-it's nothing!'' ... Hmm? ''What?! Interception!'' Wh...what is wrong with you?! You're kind of...creeping me{LF}out... ''D-don't I...always...?'' Well, I guess that is true. ''Awww, you were supposed to deny it!'' ...? ''Um, will you stop making that expression? It really hurts...'' ''A-anyway...'' ''So @しゅじんこうくん@, is this what I asked for?'' Yeah... ''Thank you very much. Here is your reward.'' ''B-U-T.☆'' ''You shouldn't have given it to Dolly, when I told you to{LF}keep it a secret!'' B-but, you two are always together... ''Well, there's nothing we can do about that, now, is there?'' ''We're so in love with each other, we're inseparable!'' ... ''...Huh? Doooolllllyyy!'' ... ''Oh! @アイテム0@!'' ''Thank you very much. I'll never forget your kindness!'' ''I'm gonna make Dolly's favorite hot drink with this.'' What? Did you call me? ''Milady?! I-it's n-nothing!'' ...? Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. @しゅじんこうくん@, I'm trying to acquire a nice{LF}@アイテム0@ specimen. Know where to find{LF}one? If you do happen upon one, could I have it? I will of course{LF}thank you with a reward. @アイテム0@...exactly what I've been looking{LF}for! Thank you very much. I can test my new medicine with this. If it works... ...I believe I can make Nancy a measure happier... ...and Xiao Pai less clumsy... ...and get Dolce to smile a bit more... ...and calm Pico a tad. Huh...? Oh, yes, I have something for you. This is to thank you for your help. Please do take it. Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. It seems like a group of @キャラ0@ monsters has{LF}been causing some trouble. So far, not many have been injured. But we should report to the castle before it's too late. If you could get rid of @0@ of them, it should calm{LF}things down a bit. @しゅじんこうくん@... I heard you were able to get rid of the monsters, just as I{LF}requested. Thank you very much. You've saved us all. Here's your reward. I hope you like it. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. @しゅじんこうくん@, I'm trying to get a nice sample of{LF}@アイテム0@. Would you happen to have{LF}any? A doctor I know has been collecting it. I assume he wants them stocked for medicinal ingredients. If you happen to have some left, will you bring them to me? Oh, you brought what I asked. I really appreciate it. But there's one thing for which I need to apologize. Huh? You see, it's actually Nancy who's collecting this. @ナンシー@? Yes. Nancy had learned a new, unique recipe from a friend of{LF}mine... ...so she was trying to collect the ingredients necessary to{LF}make it. I guess I'd misunderstood what she said, and didn't wish to{LF}misrepresent myself to you. I see... (Unique...?) ...But thank goodness I won't have to eat any more of those{LF}exploding dishes. Huh? Oh, it's nothing. I'm sorry for the confusion. This is an expression of my thanks...or maybe I'll call it a{LF}token of apology. Will you please accept it? Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Um, @しゅじんこうくん@, do you have a fresh{LF}@アイテム0@, by any chance? @アイテム0@? Yes. I want Jones to eat more nutritional food. ♪ Oho, you brought it! Wonderful! ♪ Here, this is from me. I hope I can count on you again if I need anything else! ♪ Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Lately we've been seeing an influx of injured patients... They all say it's due to @キャラ0@ attacks, if you{LF}can believe it! Hmm... Isn't there something we can do about it...? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! I hear you've gotten rid of those troublesome monsters. There are less injuries to go around now, thanks to you. I really appreciate it! ♪ Here, this is for you. Please take it. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. @アイテム1@ @アイテム2@ @アイテム3@ We decorate our clinic with flowers. But I'm thinking it's about time to swap them out. Any ideas on flowers to try? @アイテム0@... That's actually not a bad idea. Oh, but it might be hard to find a nice{LF}@アイテム0@ in bloom right now. Hmm... Oh, what a lovely @アイテム0@! Thanks so much! ♪ Well, I have something for you in return, cutie... Here! Please take it. ♪ Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Can you cook? Huh? Let's see. I'm in the mood for...mmmm...{LF}@アイテム0@! I'll be waiting for it. Can't wait to taste your culinary skills in{LF}action! Wha?! W-wait...! I'm just kidding. You took me seriously? ... Oh, wow, you actually made it. I'm impressed! Yeah, I made it. I found it lying around. I see. Well, I'm going to try it. Huh? Here? Now? ...Mmm, pretty good. Hmm? What's wrong? Nothing... All right. Here's a token of my gratitude. Take it. Er, okay. Thanks. Oh. Well, I'll happily take it anyway, since you brought it. Here. This is for you. ...Next time, I hope to try it homemade. Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. I went out of town the other day... ...but it seems like there's a big @キャラ0@{LF}problem out there. Lots of trouble. We might have to get rid of...I don't know, let's say{LF}@0@ of them?...to even things out a bit. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks for helping out. Huh? Now that you've gotten rid of the monsters, it's much easier{LF}to get to where I'm going. So thank you. Still, don't do anything too reckless in the future. I wouldn't want any monsters scratching that pretty face of{LF}yours. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Hey, I'm looking for a particular grimoire.{LF}@アイテム0@, perhaps. I want to decipher it. Is it for work? Nah, just to kill time. ... Ah, here we go. Sorry to have you see me when I'm just asking for things to{LF}mess around with. Oh, no worries. I was headed here anyway. Well actually, talking to you is the best way to kill time. Huh? ...Oh. (Hmm? He seems a bit dejected by that response...) This is a little token of my thanks. Please take it. Thank you. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. I'm interested in human beings. Especially those who cook. I'd love to see what @アイテム0@ looks like. Just be honest and say that you want to taste it, not look at{LF}it. Don't be stubborn. What?! That's not true! All right, all right. Not true at all! Whoa! So this is @アイテム0@! Hrm, I must try it! ...Hmm. HUH? WHOA! How is it? Oh, it's yumm-- ...er... ...N-not bad. ... ...Stop smiling, will you? I'll give this to you, so go away. Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. @しゅじんこうくん@, will you go and rid this area of the{LF}@キャラ0@ menace plaguing it? Huh? What's wrong? I sense something disturbing in the air... It's better that we do something before it's too late. You got rid of the monsters? Thank you. Couldn't you use your own power to do something about it? Don't assume that I can do anything and everything. I can't. I'll reward you for your deeds, so please stop fussing. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. @しゅじんこうくん@, I desire a nice @アイテム0@.{LF}Will you give it to me? @アイテム0@? Yes. I'd very much like to see it. Oh! @アイテム0@! It's what I've been waiting for all this time. Well done,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@! Here, this is a token of my appreciation. Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. Umm, @キャラ0@? I want{LF}@アイテム0@. If you can get it, I'll give you something nice! Wow, @アイテム0@! Thanks, @キャラ0@. Um, can you lean in close? I wanna tell you somethin'! ...? *SMOOCH* ...! Tee hee! Thanks! Request: Go to [@マップ0@]{LF}and get rid of [@0@] @キャラ0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. I think I saw a fierce @キャラ0@ outside... I'm scared to leave town now! Waaah, help me! You beat them! Thank you, @キャラ0@! Request: @アイテム0@.{LF}Reward: @アイテム1@. Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Maybe now's not the best time. @キャラ1@ and I were taking a walk the other{LF}day. And then, we found a reeeeeal nice{LF}@アイテム0@. It was soooo pretty! Whoa! @アイテム0@! Thank you, @キャラ0@! Um, can you lean in close? I wanna tell you somethin'! ...? *SMOOCH* ...! Tee hee! Thanks! Write it down. Not now. Okay! I wrote down the details of the request in my{LF}notebook. Gained @0@G! Got @0@ pieces of Lumber! Got @0@ pieces of Material Stone! Cooking: Learned the recipe for @アイテム0@! Forging: Learned the recipe for @アイテム0@! Crafting: Learned the recipe for @アイテム0@! Chemistry: Learned the recipe for{LF}@アイテム0@! You already know the recipe for{LF}@アイテム0@. Oops, you've completed all the requests for today. Come{LF}back again tomorrow. Let's start with this request. I can't believe that you're a parent now. Time sure flies! Well, this is today's task. You're getting married, are you? Well, may you have many{LF}happy returns! But anyway, there are requests to be completed. I heard it's your birthday today. Happy Birthday! Let's look at today's requests. Seems there's a festival today. How exciting! I must say, I'm quite impressed you'd be checking for{LF}requests on a day like this! Here are today's requests. You've completed the request. Well done. Here's the reward. Please take it. By the way... May I check the requests? ...Never mind. You've completed all the requests for today. Come back{LF}tomorrow. The requests will wait till morning, I assure you. Give @アイテム0@ x @0@ to{LF}@キャラ0@. Get rid of @キャラ0@ x @0@. Is this the Request Box...? It doesn't look like a box... Oh, nice to meet you. My name is ''Eliza.'' ...Huh? Who was that? Where are you? ...Whaaa? You can hear me? I can...but I can't see you. I'm right in front of your face! WHOA! The Request Box is talking to me?! Maybe I should{LF}go to the clinic... No, that won't be necessary! I'm +Eliza+ the Request Box. And I'm ever so glad you can hear me. Now, listen up! Inside me is a list of all the important requests everyone has{LF}made. Because let's face it, everyone needs help sometimes. But you can't solve all of them at once. No, no! So I'll help you solve them one by one. You got that? Okay. Uhhhh... Hmm, you're quite smart. ...Well, don't worry. Just take it slow. Let's start by trying it out. Try taking a request. Good, good. Well done. By the way, you can check your current request by accessing{LF}the ''Notebook.'' The Notebook can be opened by pressing @字@. If you find the request to be too difficult, you may cancel it{LF}from the Notebook. Well, that should be enough explaining for one day. Your{LF}head is liable to explode! Start by going to @マップ0@ right away. That's right, you do that when you don't want to take a{LF}request. If you're busy, you can come back later. Got it? Now go check the Order Symbol in{LF}@マップ0@. Excellent job. By completing requests like this, you'll learn many things. All right, you're done for today. I'll give you another request next time. The request is from ''Clo--''...? Huh? Who is this? It's partially unreadable, but I'm going to assume it's from{LF}Clorica. She probably fell asleep while writing this. Oh well. Looks like she wants you to learn how to use furniture{LF}through this request. Clorica sent you a +Storage Box+. It came with a letter. Let's see... ''The Storage Box can fit everything but raw food.'' ''But that's not all, so listen closely.'' ...But you've got too much furniture already! Do you know{LF}how to take care of that? Well, how about I just read you Clorica's letter? That should{LF}cover you nicely. Haven't I given you the Storage Box already? ''You can place +furniture+ like this Storage Box anywhere you{LF}want!'' ''To move a piece, just examine it and select +Pick it up+.'' ''You can decorate your room any way you'd like!'' ''And if you decide you no longer need an item, you can just{LF}break it to pieces.'' ''Try different arrangements, though, and see how they suit{LF}you!'' ''I would recommend placing useful furniture like the Storage{LF}Box in your room, though.'' ...And that's all she wrote. Well, like she said, you can try experimenting with different{LF}arrangements. When you're satisfied with how things look, talk to me again. So what do you think? Did you get the hang of it? Not at all... Absolutely! Okay. Then why don't you try messing with your furniture a{LF}bit more? All right. You've completed this request. Oh, seems like Clorica's giving you something useful as a{LF}reward. Hmm, let's see... ''This is a +Calendar+. You can check people's birthdays and{LF}festival schedules with it.'' ''There are many other types of furniture, too.'' ''I'm sure that someone will sell some to you once you've{LF}become an esteemed @姫@!'' ''Well, that's all for now. From Clorrr------******'' Honestly, that girl is hopeless. Well, you did a great job. Let's continue with this tomorrow. ...I'm going to have to hold on to it for a bit since you have{LF}too much furniture at the moment. Go break something up into scrap, then we'll talk. This is a request from Vishnal. He's offering to teach you how to ship through this request. Let's see... Here's what he has to say. ''I'd like to request a shipment!'' ''First, place one @アイテム0@ into the{LF}Shipping Box in the field.'' ''Items in the Shipping Box will all be shipped and paid for{LF}the next morning.'' ''So you should start by putting one{LF}@アイテム0@ in, just to get a feel for how{LF}things work.'' ...That's the extent of it. Once you place one @アイテム0@ in the{LF}Shipping Box, +come back and let me know+. Oh, Vishnal sent you a fine @アイテム0@ to{LF}use in this trial run, it seems. If you lose it, you'll have to grow another yourself. Now, go on. Try shipping it! That's right, you do that when you don't want to take a{LF}request. If you're busy, you can always come back later. Place one @アイテム0@ in the Shipping Box. Come back when you're done. Good, it seems you've done your part. Now remember! Any item placed in the Shipping Box will be shipped at +8:00+{LF}that very morning or the next day. You can learn new things one by one just like this. Before you know it, you'll be a pro at handling requests! Here, Vishnal sent you a letter. ''Wow, you did a great job!'' ''Oh, yes, I asked the general store to increase the variety of{LF}seeds they sell.'' ''Buy seeds at the store, grow them, and ship out as much{LF}produce as you can!'' ♪ ...And then it ends with...''Let's Happy Farming''?! Must be a{LF}joke... Anyway, you're done for today. Come back again tomorrow,{LF}and let's finish things off! This request is from Forte. Looks like the whole town's trying to help you out! Lucky{LF}you, I guess. Hmm, let's see... ''Today's request is chopping Lumber.'' ''Lumber is used in building large furniture and extending{LF}rooms.'' ''I would like for you to learn how Lumber is produced.'' ...She sounds stiff even in writing, huh? But, she left you a gift! It's an +axe+. Which would be for...yes, here we go... ''You can make Lumber by chopping up +Stumps+ and{LF}+Branches+.'' ''+Stumps+ and +Branches+ can be found on the fields.'' ''First, start by using this axe to make Lumber.'' ''Even if you can't find any +Stumps+ or +Branches+, they will{LF}naturally grow over time. ...Did you get all that? When you're done making Lumber, let me know. Good, you did it. Let me read the rest of Forte's letter. ''Since you'll be using a lot of Lumber, storage is necessary.'' ''So here's what you can use.'' ''A +@キャラ0@+.'' ''You can pick up your Lumber and place it inside for{LF}storage.'' ...That seems to be it. Very dry. But considerate! It seems you can also store ''Material Stone'' there... ...but I'll talk about that next time. Oh, by the way! Are you used to taking requests yet? I can give you +two+ per{LF}day starting tomorrow, if you want. Well done. I'll give you more requests tomorrow. Lumber can be made by chopping Stumps and Branches with{LF}an axe. Although you can also make Lumber by breaking signboards. This time your task is to make Lumber from a Branch using{LF}your axe. You have too much furniture, so I can't give this to you just{LF}yet. Go bust something up into itty bitty pieces, though. Its{LF}destruction would amuse me. This time your request is from Kiel. Perfect timing, too. He knows what he's doing. Now it's time to learn all about Material Stones. You ready? Let's see, now... ''Material Stone, like Lumber, can be used for furniture and{LF}extensions.'' ''And today I'll teach you how to make Material Stone!'' Sounds good. And here's a gift for you from Kiel. It's a +hammer+. You'd best put away that axe, 'cause it's{LF}hammer time! ''Material Stone can be made by hitting +Rocks+ and +Stones+{LF}with a hammer.'' ''+Rocks+ and +Stones+ can be found in the fields.'' ''Try using the hammer to smash them up and collect{LF}Material Stone.'' ''No worries if you can't find any +Rocks+ or +Stones+ right away.{LF}You will, soon enough.'' ...Did you get all that? Once you're done making Material Stone, come talk to me{LF}again. Good, you did it! Let me read you the rest of Kiel's letter now. ''You'll be using a lot of Material Stone. That's why you'll{LF}need to store it.'' ''This is where that @キャラ0@ Forte gave you will{LF}come in handy.'' ''You didn't break it, did you?'' ''By placing the Material Stone in there, you can store it{LF}easily!'' ''Hammers also have another important function.'' ''And that's +mining+!'' ''By hitting the +minerals+ in dungeons, you can get Iron and{LF}Bronze.'' ''This is called +mining+.'' ''If you find a mineral in a dungeon, try hitting it with your{LF}hammer.'' ''You will definitely be using Iron and Bronze to make good{LF}farm tools and weapons.'' ...That's the end of the letter. Well, that's about it for today. Thanks for your hard work. I'll give you a new request{LF}tomorrow. Material Stone can be made by hitting Rocks and Stones{LF}with a hammer. You have too much furniture, so I can't give this to you right{LF}now. Go do some smashy smashy on one of your existing pieces{LF}to make room for it. And smash it good! ''I really need a fine @アイテム0@. Would you{LF}please get me one?'' Looks like @キャラ0@'s placed a request for an{LF}item. So this time, I'm going to teach you how to give out items. I already know. That would be great. I'm sure you want to hear it again, though, right? First, pick up the item you'd like to give. Then press @字@ near the person you're giving it to. This will indicate that you want to present it as a gift. I've prepared a beautiful @アイテム0@{LF}specimen just for you, so here. If you lose it, though, you'll have to grow a new one yourself. Now, go on. Hand it to @キャラ0@. First, pick up the item. I know you can do it. Then press @字@ near the person you're giving it to. This will indicate that you want to present it as a gift. Now, go on. Hand it to @キャラ0@. Oh, you saw my request! Thank you sooo much. Now, I'd like to give you this @アイテム1@ as{LF}a thank-you. @アイテム1@? By using this to reap crops, you'll be able to get your hands{LF}on some high quality seeds! And...well, you can also get rid of weeds fairly quickly that{LF}way. It's a very useful tool for cleaning the field! ♪ Wow, thanks! I'm impressed with the work you've done so far,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. You seem to have really gotten the hang of handling{LF}requests from the Request Box! Th-thanks. That's because Eliza has been helping me out a lot. And you{LF}and everybody else too, of course! Eliza? Yeah, the Request Box. She's a little wacko, but very helpful nonetheless. I see. So you even name boxes, huh? ...? That's kind of cute. Like playing with a doll! Uh, erm...hmm? Well, thanks again for your help! Uh... Hmm...that's weird. ...Does @クローリカ@ not know about Eliza? Well done, you did great. That's all for now. I'll give you a new request next time. ... Hmm? Is there something on my face-plate? ...Erm, it's nothing. ...You're acting very odd. Anyway, that's all for now. Well done! I'll give you a new request next time. I'll give you a new request tomorrow. This time, your request is from Margaret. Let's see... ''Have you gone shopping yet?'' ''There are many stores in this town, such as the flower shop{LF}and the general store.'' ''I want you to try +buying Rice at the general store+, please.'' ''If you can't seem to find Rice, try switching shelves.'' ''Good luck!'' ...So that's her request. Oh, she left some money, too. [Received @数字0@G.] When you've finished buying Rice, let me know. Great, looks like you were able to buy Rice. You've completed the request. Here's a gift from Margaret. ''+Rice+ can be used in simple recipes, so you should get a{LF}Cooking Table from Porco...'' ''...and try cooking on it!'' Got that? Well done. I'll give you more requests next time. Go purchase Rice at the general store. If you can't find it, try switching shelves. Here's a request from Kiel. ''This time my request is for +mining+. Do you still have that{LF}hammer I gave you?'' ''In order to mine, you have to use the hammer to +hit{LF}minerals+.'' ''Minerals look like stones, and can be found outside of town{LF}and within dungeons.'' ''Do your best, and try to snag some quality iron!'' ...Got all that? When you finish mining iron, come talk to me. Looks like you've finished mining iron. Good job. Well, that's it for today. Here's your reward. ''By using high quality hammers, you'll be able to mine even{LF}finer minerals.'' ''So you should try to get good hammers.'' Got it? Oh yeah, one more thing... Are you getting used to this? Starting tomorrow, I'll give you{LF}+three+ requests per day. Good job, as always. Let's work on a new request again{LF}next time. @キャラ0@ is looking for fish. So I've prepared something especially for you. It's a fishing pole. Let me explain how to +go fishing+. You can find fish near water in places like{LF}@マップ0@. When you spot a fish, equip a fishing pole and press @字@{LF}while facing it. You might scare away the fish if you hit it with a float,{LF}though, so be careful. Once the fish notices the float, it'll start poking at it. When it bites, you'll hear it yanking at the pole...and that's{LF}when you press @字@! As long as you press it at the right moment, it shouldn't be{LF}very difficult to score a catch. You should go give it a try! My, my, it's the very fish I'd requested! Thank you so much! Please, take this as a reward. [Received @数字0@G.] Hmm? Is something wrong? @ビシュナル@...do you know Eliza? Eliza...? Let's try this. Have you ever heard the Request Box talking? Th-the Request Box?! Erm, I...can't say that I have. I see... Oh, I'm truly sorry, but I must be off! All right. Thank you again for the fish! Goodbye! ... Great, you did a perfect job. That's all for now. I'll give you a new request next time. ... Hmm? What's that look on your face? You've been acting a{LF}bit peculiar... ...Um, Eliza? Yes? ...Never mind. Hmm? You're free to ask me anything you'd like. Go ahead! (Maybe this is something she doesn't want known, and that's{LF}why she hasn't said anything...) I-I think I'll wait. I'll save it for when I've completed more{LF}requests. This time your request is from Margaret. She wants you to learn how to use fertilizer. And it seems she's left you a gift. (My, those two sentences{LF}really shouldn't go together!) Let's see... ''Have you been growing vegetables?'' ''If you constantly keep growing crops in the same soil,'' ''that soil's quality will slowly deteriorate.'' ''That's where a +Fertilizer Bin+ should come in handy!'' ''You'll be using various grasses as fertilizer.'' ''By keeping enough grass in the Fertilizer Bin, the soil's{LF}quality will improve.'' ''Oh, and even if you run out, as long as you let the soil rest,{LF}the quality will slowly improve.'' ''That's all. Nothing to it, right?'' ...And there you have it. Well, why don't you try placing different types of grass in the{LF}Fertilizer Bin? Good job. I'll read you the rest of the letter. ''The amount of fertilizer will decrease every morning as it's{LF}used on the soil.'' ''So if you have extra weeds, I'd recommend putting them in{LF}the Fertilizer Bin.'' ...And that's all. Seems handy to keep the Fertilizer Bin in the fields. Well, I'd say we're done for now. You've been given some fertilizer to get you started, so feel{LF}free to use it all up as you see fit. Until next time! Just place any grass you can find in the Fertilizer Bin. ...You have too much furniture. How about breaking something, then coming back and{LF}talking to me again? You have a request from Arthur. ''Do you know about the Airship License?'' ''If you have a license, you can use the airship anchored next{LF}to town.'' ''With it, you can fly to dungeons far from town, so if you{LF}travel a lot, it might just be useful.'' ''Therefore, I'd like you to order and acquire an Airship{LF}License.'' ''You can get an Airship License by improving your @姫@ level.'' ''Good luck.'' ...Did you get all that? When you're done, come talk to me. Looks like you got the Airship License. Well done! The more you explore, the more places you can fly to with{LF}the airship. ''Congratulations on getting your Airship License!'' ''Not only will this make it easy for you to travel,'' ''but you'll also be able to exchange Rune Medals at my{LF}place.'' ''You're collecting Rune Medals just by living your everyday{LF}life! When you've saved up enough, bring them to me.'' Well done. Let's work on a new request next time. Here's a request from Margaret. ''Hi, how are you?'' ''Today I'd like you to get a Cooking Table, which is a must-{LF}have for preparing food.'' ''I think Porco will prepare everything you'll need to cook,{LF}including the Cooking Table.'' ''You should talk to him while he's +working+ at the restaurant.'' ...So, that's her request. When you're done, come speak with me once more. You got yourself a Cooking Table, it seems. Margaret sent{LF}along a reward for a job well done. ''Excellent work! ♪'' ''This time I'll give you some +Recipe Bread+ as a reward.'' ''You can learn new cooking recipes by eating it.'' ''The more recipes you have under your belt, the easier it'll{LF}be to cook.'' ''Porco will sell you Recipe Bread, so just swing by our{LF}restaurant whenever you want more.'' ''Bye for now!'' ...Aaaand, that was Margaret, signing off. You did a good job. Let's try a new request next time. You've got a request from Clorica this time. ''I heard you got a Cooking Table!'' ''That means your next step is learning how to cook.'' ''You can cook using tools like...well, like that Cooking{LF}Table!'' ''Cooking's much easier with a recipe. So I recommend{LF}buying some Recipe Breads at Porco's.'' ''Good luck cooking!'' ...Did you get that? When you're done cooking, come talk to me. So you've managed to cook something, then? Good work. Let's try a new request next time. Vishnal has a request for you. ''Do you own a Forge?'' ''A Forge can be used to make weapons and farm tools by{LF}yourself.'' ''You should start by placing an order to get a Forging{LF}License.'' ''Once you're fully licensed, Bado will sell you a Forge.'' ...Got that? Well, when you're done, come talk to me again. Good, looks like you got a Forge! Well done. Let's try a new request next time. Here's a request from Forte. ''I heard you have a Forge now.'' ''Why don't you start by making a weapon using that Forge?'' ''Aside from the Forge itself, all you'll really need are the{LF}necessary materials.'' ''You can learn new design 'recipes' by eating the +Recipe{LF}Bread+ sold at the restaurant.'' ''Here's to you crafting yourself a wonderful weapon!'' ...So, that was the message. When you're done, come let me know. Looks like you made a fine weapon. Well done! That's all for now. We'll try a new request next time. Vishnal has a request for you. ''So, you have a Forge now.'' ''The next step is making a farm tool!'' ''In order to make a farm tool, you'll need that Forge plus all{LF}the necessary materials.'' ''Oh, and a recipe would also come in handy. You can get{LF}some at the restaurant.'' ''So, good luck making a farm tool!'' ...That's his message. When you've finished, come talk to me. Excellent! You've done it. Great job. Let's try a new request next time. Here's a request from Xiao Pai. ''I'd like to teach you about the Crafting Table.'' ''A Crafting Table allows you to make armor and{LF}accessories.'' ''Bado will sell you one after you make an order and get a{LF}Crafting License.'' ''You should improve your skills by getting it, yes?'' ...Did you get all that? Well, once you're done, let me know. So, you've gotten yourself a Crafting Table. Good job. Let's start a new request next time. ''I hear you own a Crafting Table now.'' ''The next step is to make armor with it.'' ''What you need to make armor, Crafting Table aside, are the{LF}necessary materials.'' ''Diagrams and schematics, or armor 'recipes,' may also help.'' ''When you want to learn a new recipe, eat +Recipe Bread+ at{LF}the restaurant.'' ''Good luck, and may you craft a truly wonderful piece of{LF}armor.'' That was Forte's message. When you finish, please come speak with me once more. Seems like you crafted a fine piece of armor. Well done. We'll try a new request next time. Here's a request from Arthur. ''Are you familiar with Chemistry Sets?'' ''With a Chemistry Set, you can make your own medicine.'' ''You must first order a Chemistry License before you can buy{LF}a Chemistry Set at the clinic.'' ''With it, you can make a variety of useful medicines and{LF}tonics. So good luck to you!'' ...That was his message. When you're done, come talk to me again. Good job! You've created a very nice Chemistry Set. Let's try a new request again sometime. Kiel has a request for you. ''Now that you've got a Chemistry Set, let's try making{LF}medicine!'' ''To do so, you'll need not only the set, but also the{LF}necessary materials.'' ''And if you'd like a recipe for a specific item, you can get it{LF}at the restaurant.'' ''So, why not try making some medicine this time? ♪'' ...Got that? When you're done, come and talk to me. You've made some lovely medicine. Well done. Let's start a new request next time. Here's a request from Doug. ''Today's request is to improve yourself.'' ''Choose one skill, and raise it to level 20 or higher.'' ''It's a great chance to increase your specialties!'' ...Did you get that? Come talk to me again when you've completed this task. Well, you've done it. Your skill level has reached 20.{LF}Congratulations! Thanks for your hard work. Let's start a new request next{LF}time. This request is from Forte. ''I want you to see your weapon skill improve.'' ''Any type of weapon will do. Try to reach level 15 or higher.'' ''Good luck. I know you can do it.'' ...That's all. When you're done, come speak with me again. Very nice! It seems your weapon skill has reached level 15! ''You can use @アイテム0@ by setting it to the{LF}skill slot.'' ''It's a special skill that lets you attack your enemy repeatedly{LF}by pressing the assigned button.'' ''Although powerful, it must be used wisely as it consumes a{LF}lot of RP.'' Did you get all that? Let's start a new request next time around. Here's a request from Doug. ''Did you know that you can upgrade weapons using your{LF}Forge?'' ''If you don't keep strengthening your weapons, you're{LF}missing out!'' ''That's why today's request is to upgrade your weapon of{LF}choice.'' ''Get the necessary materials and use the Forge to make it{LF}bigger, faster and/or stronger!'' ...So that's the new request. Once you're done, come talk to me again. Good job. You managed to upgrade your weapon. That's all for now. We'll try a new request next time. This is a request from Clorica. ''My request is for you to increase your magic skill level.'' ''Fire skill increases by using fire magic, and earth skill{LF}increases by using earth magic.'' ''It doesn't matter which one it is, so choose one magic skill{LF}and bring it to level 15.'' ...Got that? When you're done, come talk to me again. Looks like you've raised your magic skill. Very nicely done. ''You can use @アイテム0@ by setting it to a{LF}skill slot.'' ''The longer you hold the assigned button, the longer you{LF}can keep shooting the laser.'' ''You can even change directions while firing!'' That's all for now. Let's try a new request next time. Xiao Pai has a request for you. ''With a Crafting Table, you can upgrade your armor.'' ''So you might already have an idea...'' ''...but I want you to try upgrading some armor!'' ''Yes!'' ...Got it? Come talk to me when you're done. Look like you've successfully upgraded some armor. Good{LF}job! We'll start a new request next time around. You have a request from Margaret. ''Hey, how's it going?'' ''Have you ever used nutrients?'' ''When you spray them on crops, it helps them grow faster.'' ''So my request for you is to try using a nutrient on your{LF}crops!'' ''Here, you can have this. Good luck!'' ...Got all that? Come talk to me when you're done. Looks like you used the nutrient. Well done. ''You did it!'' ''To check the nutrient's effects, use the{LF}@アイテム0@ sold at the general store.'' Let's try a new request next time. This is a request from Vishnal. ''How are you?'' ''I'd like you to raise your shipment achievement rate to 10%{LF}or higher.'' ''This can be done by shipping different types of items.'' ''So please try to ship a wide variety of produce.'' ''You can check your current rate from the Shipment Record{LF}menu in the Shipping Box.'' ''Please take a look.'' ...So, that's the request. When you finish, come talk to me. Wow, you've raised the shipment achievement level! Good{LF}job! ''I knew you'd be able to do it!'' You can order a backpack size upgrade to allow for up to 60{LF}items. Good work. We'll try a new request next time. Here's a request from Clorica. ''Have you ever dreamed of having your own store?'' ''It's actually possible!'' ''And it's quite easy, too. You can make an order to create{LF}one!'' ''Give it a try!'' ...Got that? When you're done, let me know. You now have your own store. Very impressive! ''Congratulations!'' ''Here's a little something to help you get off the ground.'' Good job. We'll start a new request next time. There's a request from Xiao Pai. ''Typhoons are scary.'' ''They often ruin our precious farms.'' ''That's why we need this @アイテム0@!'' ''Sprinkle it on the crops, and you'll have no problem dealing{LF}with the typhoon!'' ''I'll give you one for free, so you should try it out, yes?'' ...What do you think? When you're done, come talk to me. Looks like you're prepared for the next typhoon. Well done! Let's start a new request next time. Arthur has a request for you. ''I think it's time for you to start befriending more monsters.'' ''The target number is five, although you're more than{LF}welcome to have more.'' ''I look forward to seeing some cute, tamed monsters at your{LF}side.'' ...And that's his request. When you're done, come talk to me. Looks like you were able to make several monster friends. Good job. We'll start a new request next time. Here's a request from Kiel. ''You need a staff to use magic. And did you know that staffs{LF}can be upgraded?'' ''It's done the same way as with weapons.'' ''Use the Forge to upgrade your staff with a material of your{LF}choice.'' ''It's worth a shot, right?'' ...There you have it. When you're done, come and talk to me. Good job. You've upgraded your staff. Let's try a new request next time. You have a request from Vishnal. ''Did you know?'' ''There's a high demand for @アイテム0@ right{LF}now.'' ''So it would really help if you could ship some!'' ...You got that? Let me know when you're done. Good job. You've made the shipment. Let's start a new request next time. Here's a request from Clorica. ''Did you know?'' ''There's a high demand for @アイテム0@ right{LF}now.'' ''So I would be very pleased if you could ship some.'' ...Got that? Talk to me when you're done. You've made the shipment. Good job. We'll start a new request next time. This time it's a request from Arthur. He does love cute monsters... Ah, but that's not important. Here, let me read his letter. ''Monster Barns are the places where tamed monsters live.'' ''By building one, you can start keeping friendly monsters of{LF}your own.'' ''You can build them in the fields by making an +order+.'' ''To help get you started, I'm giving you some +Lumber+ and{LF}+Material Stone+.'' Now, go ahead and make the order, if you would. Looks like you've built a strong, sturdy Monster Barn. Arthur has a reward for you. ''There's a @アイテム0@ inside.'' ''Equip it to groom your monsters.'' ''Brushing them every day will raise their friendship levels.'' That's all for now. Let's do a new request next time. ''Monster Barns are the places where tamed monsters live.'' ''By building one, you can start keeping friendly monsters of{LF}your own.'' ''You can build them in the fields by making an +order+.'' Here's a request from Xiao Pai. ''Do you know how to make good friendships with{LF}monsters?'' ''Try to give them +food+ or +items+.'' ''If they like your gift, they'll become your friends!'' ''But high level monsters are hard to make tame.'' ''Select the monsters carefully by considering your own level.'' ''Also, you can't make friends with monsters when your{LF}Monster Barn is full.'' ...Did you get that? Off you go, then! Looks like you befriended a monster. Good job. Here's a reward from Xiao Pai. Let's see... ''This is a Fodder Bin for the monsters.'' ''By placing fodder inside, the monsters' friendship levels will{LF}go up.'' ''You can get more fodder by growing Fodder Seed sold at{LF}the store.'' ''I will share some with you today, but you'll have to grow{LF}the rest on your own.'' ...Did you catch all that? That's all for now. Let's try a new request next time. You haven't befriended any monsters yet. Doug has a request for you. Let me read his letter out loud: ''Once you're good friends with the monsters, you can have{LF}them do farm work.'' ''Brushing them every day for a week should do the trick.'' ''They can help you weed, collect Lumber and Material{LF}Stone, water, and even harvest crops.'' ''The monsters will consume extra fodder, though, so make{LF}sure you have enough stocked.'' ''Once you run out of fodder, they'll be too tired to work.'' ...Got that? Now go ahead and try it out. Looks like it worked, huh? Let me read you the rest of the letter. ''If the monsters get tired, give them food to make them{LF}happy.'' ''The better your friendship, the higher the work quality.'' ''So trust is the most important thing.'' ...All right? That's all for now. Let's try a new request next time. Try to be good friends with everyone. You can talk to them, or give them their favorite presents. It's your choice how to do it. You can check your current friendship level from the Camp{LF}Menu. The Camp Menu can be opened by pressing @字@. Once it's opened, just switch over to the +Friendship Level+{LF}tab. Wow, you're becoming good friends with everyone! Good job. I'll give you a new request next time. All right, good luck. Be careful out there. Good luck. Here's a request from Forte. ''Did you know that you can ride the monsters you've{LF}befriended?'' ''Riding monsters can let you make unique attacks and move{LF}more quickly.'' ''If you have monster friends, try talking to them and riding{LF}them.'' ''Just remember, if they're too small, they can't be ridden.{LF}You'd crush the poor things!'' Looks like you could ride on your monster friend just fine. That's all for now. We'll try a new request next time. This is a request from Arthur. ''Did you know that you can +collect+ items from your monster{LF}friends?'' ''For example, you can collect @アイテム0@{LF}from a Buffamoo,'' ''or @アイテム1@ from a Cluckadoodle.'' ''So your task today is to befriend a monster that drops or{LF}produces such items.'' ''Good luck.'' Looks like you've befriended an item-dropping monster. You've completed the request. Let's try a new one next time. Vishnal has a request for you. ''How do you do?'' ''This time, I'd like to have you grow a flower.'' ''What you must do is +harvest some Toyherb+.'' ''Best of luck! ♪'' Good job, you've harvested Toyherb. That's all for now. Let's start a new request next time. You can now purchase more flowers at the flower shop. Clorica has a request for you. ''Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bedbugs--'' ''Wait, no. Focus, Clorica, focus! I'd like to have you grow a{LF}variety of flowers for me.'' ''There are many types of flowers in this world.'' ''This time around, your task will be to +harvest three types of{LF}flowers+. Good luck!'' Looks like you've harvested three types of flowers. That's all for now. Let's try a new request next time. Amber has a request for you. ''Hello there!'' ''I want to grow a lot of pretty flowers.'' ''But to do that, I need to see some flowers first, as{LF}examples.'' ''That's why I want you to bring me one Toyherb.'' Oh! It's Toyherb, just as I requested! Wow, it's so pretty... This is perfect! Just perfect! Thank you so much! ♪ We'll start selling more flowers at the store now, so you{LF}should come check it out! Margaret has a request for you. ''Hi! How are you?'' ''I want you to harvest 9 Charm Blues.'' ''It might be difficult, but I know you can do it. Good luck!'' Looks like you've harvested 9 Charm Blues. That's all for now. Let's try a new request next time. Here's a request from Xiao Pai. ''Do you know a flower called Cherry Grass?'' ''It has a beautiful pink color.'' ''I'd like you to try growing one patch of Cherry Grass.'' You've harvested Cherry Grass. Well done. We'll start a new request next time. Kiel has a request for you. ''There are various types of flowers.'' ''They're all so pretty, and I want you to see as many as you{LF}can.'' ''That's why I'm giving you a task to harvest five types of{LF}flowers.'' ''Good luck!'' Looks like you've harvested five types of flowers. Good job. We'll start a new request next time. Dolce has a request for you. ''It's not that big of a deal...'' ''...but I want to brighten up the clinic with a nice, subtle,{LF}sophisticated-looking flower.'' ''So it would be a huge help if you could bring me a{LF}Moondrop Flower.'' Oh, this is exactly what I was looking for! I didn't expect you to actually bring it to me. You must've{LF}been bored or something. But, well, it helps. Thanks. You're welcome. Here's a request from Doug. ''This might be kind of weird, coming from a guy like me,{LF}but...well, here goes.'' ''They say a fully-grown 4-Leaf Clover has the power to{LF}revive the fields.'' ''So I was thinking...'' ''Instead of harvesting a perfect 4-Leaf Clover, why not till a{LF}developing one with a hoe?'' ''That should do the trick just as well, right? Help me test this{LF}hunch, please!'' Looks like you've revived the field with a 4-Leaf Clover. You've completed the request. Let's try a new one next time. This is a request from Xiao Pai. ''I need you to listen!'' ''The other day, I was carrying an Ironleaf...'' ''But I accidentally fell down, throwing the Ironleaf towards a{LF}monster!'' ''...I do not think the rest needs explaining.'' ''When I told this to Mama, she said that she's done the{LF}exact same thing.'' ''The only difference is that at that time, Mama's Ironleaf{LF}seems to have defeated the monster!'' ''It's hard to believe, yes? So I want you to try it out!'' Looks like you've defeated a monster with an Ironleaf. You've completed your task. We'll try a new one next time. Here's a request from Clorica. ''Have you seen a large flower?'' ''I mean, a reeeeeally big one...'' ''The bigger they are, the more spectacular they look, so you{LF}should try harvesting one.'' ''Do you know how to do it?'' ''You'll have to plant four of the same flower onto the same{LF}soil.'' ''Then, by applying an +Giantizer+ to the four flowers, they'll all{LF}turn huge!'' ''And finally, after growing and growing, they'll stick together,{LF}becoming one massive flower.'' ''If it's not working, you either failed to plant them on the{LF}same soil...'' ''...or the flower just hasn't gotten big enough yet.'' Looks like you've successfully harvested a large flower. Well done. Let's start a new request next time. Vishnal has a request for you. ''Do you know what +Autumn Grass+ is?'' ''They are brightly colored and beautiful flowers. Why don't{LF}you try growing one?'' Looks like you've harvested some Autumn Grass. You've completed the request. Let's start a new one next{LF}time. Here's a request from Margaret. ''Hi, how's it going?'' ''Do you know what Blue Crystal flowers are? They're{LF}exceptionally beautiful, and quite unique.'' ''An old legend claims the first Blue Crystal Ro--er, flower was{LF}guarded by a demon named Bluaga.'' ''That's neither here nor there, though. It's tough to grow, but{LF}well worth the effort.'' ''That's why my request this time is to harvest a Blue Crystal.{LF}Good luck!'' You've managed to harvest a Blue Crystal. Congratulations. Let's start a new request next time. Here's a request from Kiel. ''Have you heard of a flower called Green Crystal?'' ''It's GORGEOUS, like a real crystal!'' ''Although it's difficult to grow, I want you to see it for{LF}yourself at least once.'' ''I know you can do it, @しゅじんこうくん@!'' ''Best of luck!'' You harvested the Green Crystal, it seems! That's all for now. We'll start a new request next time. Here's a request from Forte. ''Have you heard of a flower called Red Crystal?'' ''It has burning red, translucent petals.'' ''They're strikingly beautiful.'' ''...Ah, but, I digress. Excuse me, please.'' ''I'd like you to try growing it. Thanks.'' Looks like you've harvested the Red Crystal. Did it remind you of an old passion you once had? Anyway, that's all for now. We'll try a new request next time. Arthur has a request for you. ''A flower as white as snow, and as beautiful as crystal...'' ''That's the aptly-named White Crystal.'' ''It's a rare flower that's just as popular overseas as it is{LF}here.'' ''This time, I'd like to ask you to try harvesting that White{LF}Crystal.'' ''It's not easy, but I'm certain you can do it.'' Looks like you've harvested a White Crystal. Well done. Let's start a new request next time. Here's a request from Vishnal. ''This request is going to be a tricky one.'' ''You'll need to harvest at least one of every crop EXCEPT{LF}Emery Flowers.'' ''But don't worry! I know you can do it.'' ''I'll be cheering for you, too! Good luck! Huzzah, huzzah!'' You've successfully harvested every crop but the Emery{LF}Flower. That's quite impressive... You must be exhausted from completing such a ludicrous{LF}task. Let's try a new request next time. Here's a request from Doug. ''Hey, what's up?'' ''I'd like for you to harvest some potatoes this time.'' ''You gotta know how to harvest at least one veggie, right?'' ''So for now, you should try growing potatoes. Seems{LF}reasonable, right? Good luck!'' You managed to harvest potatoes. Looks like you'll get to buy more seeds at the general store{LF}now. You've completed this request. Let's start a new one next{LF}time. The client has a recipe for you as a reward. This one's from Clorica. ''My request is to harvest 20 or more turnips.'' ''Although it's hard to grow so many of them, I know you can{LF}do it!'' Looks like you were able to harvest enough turnips. Here's Forte's request. ''I would like you to harvest 5 or more radishes.'' ''Radishes can be eaten boiled or baked...or cut...'' ''...or even used as a weapon, should the situation call for it.'' ''Their usefulness cannot be overstated.'' ''So best of luck to you in growing them.'' You've harvested the designated number of radishes. Nicely{LF}done. Here's a request from Arthur. ''This time, I'd like you to +ship+ a level 2 turnip.'' ''You can get high level seeds while harvesting crops, or by{LF}cutting crops with a sickle.'' ''By using those seeds, you can grow higher-level crops.'' ''Do note, however, that your task is not to harvest but to{LF}make a +shipment+.'' Looks like you've successfully shipped a level 2 turnip. Well{LF}done. As you ship higher-level crops, the level of the seeds sold at{LF}the store will also go up. You should try buying some. Here's a request from Margaret. ''Hey, how's everything going?'' ''I have a request for you to harvest 6 or more varieties of{LF}veggies.'' ''It's not easy, but I know you can do it!'' Looks like you've harvested plenty of vegetables. Nice job. Here's a request from Doug. ''Be warned, this is not an easy task.'' ''I'm going to need you to +ship+ a level 5 vegetable.'' ''It's easy bringing your crops up to about level 3.'' ''But after that, you'll have to use a good sickle to reap them{LF}without harvesting...'' ''...and slowly bring up the levels that way.'' ''If you use a cheap and rusty sickle, the crop levels won't{LF}really go anywhere at all.'' ''You should also try to raise your soil quality.'' ''Since you've come this far, that part shouldn't be too{LF}difficult.'' ''Oh, and if you succeed, make sure you actually +ship+ the{LF}vegetable, okay?'' ''Good luck!'' Looks like you've shipped a level 5 vegetable. Most{LF}impressive! Here's a request from Kiel. ''Did you know?'' ''Grown corn has the power to revive the fields!'' ''I'll teach you how, so listen closely.'' ''When you grow corn, don't harvest it, but hit it with a hoe{LF}instead.'' ''Next...well, nothing. That's all!'' ''This will revive the field, so you should try it out!'' Looks like you've revived the field using corn. Good show. Dylas has a request for you. ''Damn it...I ordered a carrot for myself but it's gone missing.'' ''Who could have eaten it?'' ''Anyway, it'll really help me out if you can bring me a carrot.'' Oh, you saw my request? Yep. Sure did! I see. Sorry to bother you with something so small. ...Thanks. I heard they've started selling new seeds at the general{LF}store. I don't know how helpful it'll be, but I'll try to let you know if{LF}I hear anything interesting. This is Xiao Pai's request. ''There are many kinds of vegetables in this world.'' ''They all are very different, with lots of shapes and sizes.'' ''I have a request that'll help you learn about them all!'' ''I want you to harvest at least 12 types of vegetables.'' ''And this is just advice, but please do not eat tomatoes raw.{LF}I found this out recently...'' ''This is not easy work, but I wish you luck!'' Looks like you've harvested the requested number of{LF}vegetables. Good work! Here's a request from Vishnal. ''The day has come...'' ''I need you to +ship+ a level 10 vegetable.'' ''It gets harder and harder to raise crop levels at each{LF}increment.'' ''That's why this is going to be a tough mission to{LF}accomplish.'' ''You'll need the finest sickle and some very fertile soil.'' ''I have faith in you, so good luck!'' ''Don't forget, by the way, that your goal is to +ship+ the{LF}vegetable, not just harvest it!'' Wow. You actually managed to ship a level 10 vegetable.{LF}Impressive! Here's a request from Doug. ''This is a pretty tough one.'' ''I need you to harvest 20 each of Bok Choy, Cabbage and{LF}Onion.'' ''But I know that you're more than capable of completing this{LF}task.'' ''So good luck!'' Remaining: @0@ Bok Choy,{LF}@1@ Onion, @2@ Cabbage. You've managed to harvest 20 each of the Bok Choy,{LF}Cabbage and Onion. Margaret has a request for you. ''How's it going?'' ''This time you'll be harvesting a large vegetable!'' ''You can grow your veggies to be extra large.'' ''Sounds healthy, doesn't it?'' ''It's not easy, though, so listen carefully.'' ''If you look closely at the field, you can see lines that{LF}separate each section.'' ''When you +maximize four of the same crops+ within one{LF}section,'' ''...they'll stick together the next day and become one{LF}massive crop!'' ''If you're having trouble, just try to grow a bunch of the{LF}same crop close together.'' ''You also have to either sprinkle +Giantizer+ or increase soil{LF}quality.'' ''It's the only way to enlarge crops.'' ''Good luck to you!'' Looks like you've harvested a large vegetable successfully.{LF}Congratulations! Kiel has a request for you. ''I heard that you need an +Orange Tree+ seed to grow and{LF}harvest oranges...'' ''...and those seeds can be found in{LF}@マップ0@.'' ''Though it takes a while to grow the trees...'' ''...once one has been successfully grown, you can harvest{LF}fruit every day!'' ''So I want you to try harvesting +20 oranges+ this time around.{LF}Sound good? ♪'' Remaining: @0@ You've successfully collected all the oranges you needed. This is a request from Xiao Pai. ''Chopping down a Twinkle Tree...'' ''It is scary just to think of it!'' ''But it shouldn't be a problem for you.'' ''So your task is to chop down a Twinkle Tree!'' ''Twinkle Trees are not scary. But if I were to hold an axe...{LF}That is scary.'' ''Well, relax and good luck!'' Looks like you've successfully chopped down a Twinkle Tree.{LF}That's the way! This is a request from Clorica. ''I have a very tough request for you.'' ''It's to harvest all vegetables that aren't golden!'' ''You're the only person who can complete such an{LF}enormous task.'' ''Best of luck with it!'' Well, you did it. Every non-golden vegetable, in your grasp!{LF}Nice work. This is a request from Arthur. ''This request is a fairly large one.'' ''I would like you to harvest 50 grapes.'' ''If you can complete this request...'' ''...it'll greatly help me as a trader living in this town.'' ''I don't mean to pressure you, but I hope you'll be able to fill{LF}this order.'' Looks like you've harvested 50 grapes as requested. This is a request from Margaret. ''Hi, how's everything going?'' ''This request might be pretty tough, because of the number.'' ''But you can do it! I know you can!'' ''So please, try to harvest 50 apples for me.'' Seems like you managed to harvest 50 apples. Good job! Here's a request from Margaret. ''Pineapple juice is pretty rare.'' ''But I sometimes find myself craving it...'' ''If you could share some of yours (assuming you have some),{LF}I'd be really happy.'' Oh, you saw my request? Yeah. It must've been hard to get. Thank you so much! I'll be sure to savor it. By the way, I heard they've started selling more seeds at the{LF}general store. You should check it out sometime. Here's a request from Doug. ''This request's a hard one.'' ''But you're probably the only one who can fill it.'' ''I want you to reach 25% on your shipment achievement{LF}rate.'' Looks like you've reached the mark. Fantastic work. Arthur has a request for you. ''You've finally come this far...'' ''This time, my request is to reach 1 million G in total{LF}shipment value.'' ''It's definitely a lofty goal, but I have faith in you. Good luck!'' You managed to reach an astounding 1,000,000G in total{LF}shipping value. Here's a request from Arthur. ''I once heard about a legendary Turnip dish...'' ''It's known as Turnip Heaven.'' ''I hope to see it for myself at least once in my life.'' ''You'll need a Golden Turnip to make it.'' ''And I was able to get one seed, after much effort. So{LF}please, make good use of it.'' ''It's extremely valuable, though, so please try not to lose it.'' This must be...Turnip Heaven! How difficult was it to make such a unique dish as this? Thank you so much, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm very impressed. You're welcome. I'll cherish and savor it, as if I'm eating you personally. I d-don't know how I feel about that... Oh, I was able to get the general store to begin stocking{LF}new seeds. So please, make good use of them. Here's a request from Forte. ''Do you know what a Sword Flower is?'' ''It's supposed to be a sword that can be grown in the{LF}fields.'' ''Please try growing one yourself.'' Looks like you were able to harvest the Sword Flower. This request's from Kiel. ''There are so many interesting flowers in the world.'' ''What I'm going to ask you is to harvest one of those{LF}interesting flowers.'' ''It's called a +Shield Flower+. Good luck with it!'' Looks like you've harvested the Shield Flower successfully. Forte has a request for you. ''I just heard about a strange dungeon.'' ''Apparently, there are dungeons that you can grow in the{LF}fields.'' ''Perhaps you'd be able to grow one and complete it...'' ''I would recommend giving it a try.'' Looks like you've completed the field dungeon. Well done! Clorica has a request for you. ''You should try being better friends with everyone!'' ''So I want you to raise your friendship levels with everyone{LF}to 5 or higher. ''That includes me, of course!'' Seems like you managed to raise everyone's friendship levels.{LF}You're quite the schmoozer! This is a request from Doug. ''This one's gonna be tough.'' ''You'll have to +ship+ a level 10 vegetable.'' ''I think you just gotta believe in yourself!'' ''Just to remind you, the task is not harvesting, but +shipping+{LF}the vegetable. Got that?'' ''Anyway, good luck!'' Looks like you managed to ship a level 10 vegetable. You're{LF}quite the farmer! Here's a request from Xiao Pai. ''Hello!'' ''I want you to +ship+ a level 10 flower this time.'' ''...I just said it as if it's an easy thing.'' ''But too bad! It's not at all an easy thing to do!'' ''Well...'' ''I can only say to do your best. So, do you best!'' ''And do not forget to +ship+, not just harvest.'' ''Best of luck to you!'' Seems like you've shipped a level 10 flower. Quite the{LF}flowery accomplishment! Here's a request from Arthur. ''This request is a dangerous one.'' ''I would like you to befriend a powerful boss monster.'' ''It's done the same way as other monsters, but the bosses{LF}only react to their favorite items.'' ''For example, you'll need @アイテム0@ for{LF}@キャラ0@, and @アイテム1@ for{LF}@キャラ1@.'' ''That's the only way you can befriend them.'' ''Please be careful.'' Looks like you've managed to befriend a boss monster...and{LF}live to tell about it! Vishnal has a request for you. ''Did you know?'' ''There are many large, golden crops in the world!'' ''Surprising, isn't it? Try to grow one yourself, and you'll see{LF}what I'm talking about!'' Seems like you've managed to grow a large, golden crop.{LF}Nice job! Clorica has a request for you. ''This is one crazy request...'' ''...but I want you to harvest every crop!'' ''Is that even possible? Well, I guess I'll find out!'' ''I'm sure someone like you, who's gone through so many{LF}other difficulties, can make it happen!'' ''Gooood luck!!'' Wow, you've successfully harvested every single crop! Truly{LF}amazing... Here's a request from Kiel. ''This request might be a tough one to handle.'' ''But I'm sure that you'll have no trouble completing it!'' ''So...'' ''...the request is to ship a level 10 golden crop!'' ''The key is not to harvest it, but to +ship+ it. Got that?'' ''I'm counting on you! ♪'' Congratulations! You were able to ship a level 10 golden{LF}crop! Xiao Pai has a request for you. ''Raising one of our skill levels to 50 or higher...'' ''Hmm.'' ''There's still a long way to go for me, but it is surely not{LF}impossible!'' ''We should both try to complete this!'' ''Good luck!'' Wow, you've raised your skill level to 50? Well done! This is Arthur's request. ''Monsters can be so very adorable!'' ''I want to be surrounded by them...'' ''Ah, but I digress!'' ''This time, the request is to befriend over 50 monsters.'' ''Please try your best.'' Wow, you've befriended so many monsters! You're like a{LF}snake charmer, only...for everything! Here's a request from Margaret. ''Hello there!'' ''This request won't be easy.'' ''But I want you to raise your friendship level with everyone{LF}to 10!'' ''And make sure you don't forget about me, okay?'' Good job raising everyone's friendship levels! Here's a request from Doug. ''So, you've come this far...'' ''I have a request for you. I want you to raise your shipment{LF}achievement rate to 50%.'' ''It won't be easy, so good luck!'' You've raised your shipment achievement rate to 50%. I can{LF}hardly believe it! This is Xiao Pai's request. ''Reaching level 80 for skills...'' ''...'' ''The number is so high, I thought about fainting! It would be{LF}amazing!'' ''But as long as you keep holding faith...'' ''...anything should be possible!'' ''Good luck, @しゅじんこうくん@!'' Looks like you've reached level 80 skill, after much work. Here's a request from Forte. ''Do you know about the Sharance Maze? It's actually the{LF}manifestation of a dream.'' ''Specifically, a dream being experienced by the large{LF}Sharance tree. In the shape of a dungeon.'' ''There are even rumors that the knights of Divine Dragons{LF}used to go there for training.'' ''It should be a perfect place for a courageous warrior like{LF}you.'' ''Why don't you try your luck within its depths?'' Looks like you've completed the Sharance Maze. Most{LF}impressive indeed! Here's a request from Clorica. ''Have you been in the Trophy Room before?'' ''You can get there by using the upper left stairs in your{LF}room.'' ''You should take a look at the pretty illustrations there!'' Looks like you've seen the illustrations. How were they? Vishnal has a request for you. ''Have you ever felt like this game is either too easy...'' ''...or too hard for you?'' ''You can confirm and adjust the game's difficulty level in the{LF}Trophy Room.'' ''Use the stairs in the upper left corner of your room to go{LF}there and take a look.'' Looks like you've checked your difficulty level in the Trophy{LF}Room. Remember, you can return there whenever you'd like to{LF}adjust the difficulty of your experience. There are actually quite a few items of note in there. Check{LF}it out from time to time! That's all for now. Let's start a new request next time. This is a request from me. There's a lot of preparation to be had before getting married. Since you're already married, I guess you wouldn't need my{LF}help. Though I can't deny that I'm a bit disappointed... Congratulations. I hope you'll have many happy returns. In order to get married, you need to prepare a Double Bed{LF}and an Engagement Ring. Having a partner is the most important thing, but let me talk{LF}about the ''things'' you'll need. I'll give you a recipe for the Engagement Ring. You'll use the +Crafting Table+ to make it. Once you own both a Double Bed and an Engagement Ring,{LF}come talk to me again. Looks like you're all prepared to get married now. Have you found someone that you'd like to marry? If you have, just keep approaching that person. What do you mean? My, you did quite well for yourself. Huh? You've accomplished so much by completing all these{LF}requests. Eliza... Promise me that you'll keep trying your best, no matter what{LF}happens. I promise. I'm really, really glad that I got to meet you. I just had to tell you this. That's my only request. Here, I got you a gift. I hope you'll accept it. Data transfer is now enabled by making an extra order! Thank you. Your current requests can be seen by checking your{LF}notebook. If the request is too difficult to complete, you can cancel it{LF}anytime. It may seem iffy, but rest assured there's no stigma attached{LF}to canceling a request. You have a lot of requests today. Don't panic, though. Let's just solve them one by one. Look inside. Don't look. H-hey! What are you looking at?! Stop that! It's embarrassing! Hmm? You'd better not be thinking anything untoward... All right. Come again. Oh, I needed this! Thank you very much. Can you bring @数字0@ more of these? I now have everything I need now. Thank you so much! This is from me. Please, take it! Oh, I really needed these. Thank you so much! Can you bring @数字0@ more of these? Is this for me? Wow. I now have everything I need! Thank you very much. This is for you. Well, well. Thank you very much. May I ask you to bring @数字0@ more of them, please? This helps me immensely, @しゅじんこうくん@. Please take this as a token of my appreciation. Ah, thank you very much. This will really help! If I can have @数字0@ more of these, it would be perfect... Ah, thank you very much. I've been looking everywhere for{LF}exactly this. Here's a little something to thank you with. Please accept it. Th-thanks! I really needed this! If only I could have @数字0@ more of them... Wow, thanks! You really saved my bacon! ♪ Oh yeah! Will you take this as a reward? Ah, thanks! Lucky me, got just what I was lookin' for. I just wish I had another @数字0@ of them... Ah, thanks a lot. You really saved me. Here's a reward for you. I want you to have it. Thanks! It's just what I wanted! But...may I ask for @数字0@ more of them? Thanks! It's just what I wanted! You really came through for me. Here...a token of my thanks.{LF}♪ ...Thanks. I've been looking for this. I'll need @数字0@ more, though... I can have this? ...Thanks. Here, a token of my gratitude. I really needed this. Thank you. I'll require about...@数字0@ more, though. If you happen{LF}upon any others. Ah, thank you very much. This is just what I wanted! Here's something to thank you with. Please accept it. Wh-hoah! I was looking all over for this! Please bring @数字0@ more of them, though! Pretty please?{LF}With sugar on top? Wow! I've been looking all over for this! Thank you so very{LF}much! I would like to express my gratitude to you with this small{LF}token, if you'll accept it. Oh! Just what I've been looking for! Will you bring @数字0@ more of them, please? Thanks! Just what I wished for! ♪ This is for you. Please take it. Huh? Is that for me? I've been collecting them. I only need @数字0@ more. Just what I needed! Thank you very much. Here, this is for you. I hope you'll accept it. Hmm? Is this for me? Yay! ♪ I just need @数字0@ more! Yay! ♪ Just what I've been looking for! Thank you so much, @しゅじんこうくん@. Here, this is for you. This is it! ♪ Good job, @しゅじんこうくん@. I just need...@数字0@ more. I'm counting on you! Wow, thanks! ♪ Here's a reward, just for you! I've been looking for this. Thanks a lot. Now I just need @数字0@ more... Thanks. You really saved me. Here, this is for you. I was looking for this. Thank you very much, dear. I do need @数字0@ more, though. Will you bring them to{LF}me? Are you sure? Thank you, dear. This is for you. Oh, I was looking all over for this. Thanks very much! If I can get @数字0@ more, I think it'll be enough. This is... ''Perfect! This should be enough, right, milady?'' Yes, absolutely. Thanks. Since you've been such a huge help, here. This is for{LF}you. Thank you very much. I was just looking for this. It'll be perfect if I can get @数字0@ more. Thank you very much. I really needed this. This is something to thank you with. Please accept it. Oh! I've been looking all over for this! Thank you. Now I only need @数字0@ more... Oh, my! Is this for me?! Thank you! I've been looking all over for this. You've really{LF}done a good deed for me today! ♪ Here's your reward. I hope you'll accept it. Is this for me? That's perfect. It's exactly what I needed. Thanks a lot. Do you happen to have @数字0@ more,{LF}though? For me? Thanks a lot. Here's a little something for you in return. Please accept it. Ah, I was just looking for this. Thank you. But...can you bring @数字0@ more of them, by any chance? Are you sure? I can't thank you enough! This is for you. Don't be shy, now! Take it, with my blessing. Thanks @キャラ0@! ♪ But I want @数字0@ more... Will you still help me? Is this for me? YAY! Thanks, @キャラ0@! This is for you! *SNORE* (Is someone...sleeping...?) You're not taking it? Then come back later. Um, Eliza? Yes? What's wrong? I've been wondering about something... What is it? Um...well... Why can't others hear you? Never mind. ...So, you noticed. ...Yeah. But if you'd rather not talk about it-- That's quite all right. I don't mind. It is...a bit sad, though... Eliza... To be honest, I don't actually know the reason. I just know you're the only person who can hear me speak. Either you're weird, or I'm weird... ...Or both, I suppose. Anyway, I can't explain it. The only thing I can say is that it's{LF}a fact of my existence. I see... ...But, you know... Hmm? ...it has been quite a thrill for me. A thrill to meet someone who can understand my words... Eliza... ...Yes? Go on, now! You're starting to embarrass me! Elizaaa... What is it? You're acting awfully peculiar... I was made from a large tree rooted in the earth. What was it called...? I think it's called ''Sha...'' something. I wonder if I can talk because of the earth power held by{LF}that tree... Hmm...I guess it doesn't matter. You're the only one who can hear me. So, um... Don't go anywhere too far away, no matter what may{LF}happen, all right? I'd get awfully lonely! ...My, these stiff shoulders are killing me... (Shoulders...?) (I wonder if Eliza is a boy or a girl. The name is typically{LF}female, but that doesn't mean...) What's wrong? You look like you want to ask me something. Erm...are you... A boy? A girl? What? How am I supposed to know? Oh, right. You're a Request Box. Don't ask me such a silly question! Hahaha... ...J-just out of curiosity, though... ...? Which one...would you like me to be? A boy. A girl. Huh? I-I see. Then I don't mind...being a boy. I-I see. Then I don't mind...being a girl. You didn't hear me? ...Good. That's probably for the best. You've been completing quite a number of requests. Yeah, I have. ...It's remarkable how you've grown since we first met... Huh? Why are you suddenly saying this? I've always wished for someone to hear my voice. But no matter how often I talked to people, they never{LF}talked back. Then one day, you stepped into my life, and everything{LF}changed. I wonder why it was you. Do you have a special power of some sort? The power...to{LF}hear all the sounds of the world? Eliza...? It doesn't matter. I'm just glad to have met you. Eliza...you're acting weird. Is something wrong? Sh-shut up! Am I not allowed to be sentimental, just because{LF}I'm a Request Box?! Um, Eliza... What? Are you single? Never mind. Are you making fun of me?! S-sorry. I shouldn't have asked. There's no way you would{LF}be. What are you talking about?! Of course I'm single! Huh? I'm a frigging Request Box! How am I supposed to date{LF}anyone?! Oh. That's true... ...A-and why are you asking me such a thing, anyway?! Huh? Oh, no reason. Just curious. Fine, then! ??? Out with it! It's been a lot of fun completing requests with you of late. I wonder why... Request: Come to the Order Symbol in{LF}@マップ0@.{LF}Reward: Turnip Seed Request: Place some furniture.{LF}Reward: ??? Request: Chop Lumber.{LF}Reward: Lumber/Stone Box Request: Make a shipment.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the general store Request: Deliver a Turnip to Clorica.{LF}Reward: Cheap Sickle Request: Buy Rice.{LF}Reward: Toyherb Seed Request: Make Material Stone.{LF}Reward: Stone Request: Deliver a fish to Vishnal.{LF}Reward: +300+G Request: Collect fertilizer.{LF}Reward: Fertilizer Bin Request: Mine some Iron.{LF}Reward: Amethyst Request: Raise everyone's friendship level to 1 or higher.{LF}Reward: Greeting Magic Request: Get an Airship License.{LF}Reward: Ability to exchange Rune Medals at Arthur's{LF}Emporium Request: Get a Cooking Table.{LF}Reward: Cooking Bread Request: Try cooking.{LF}Reward: Flour Request: Build a Forge.{LF}Reward: Weapon Bread Request: Forge a weapon.{LF}Reward: Bronze, Iron Request: Forge a farm tool.{LF}Reward: Farming Bread Request: Get a Crafting Table.{LF}Reward: Crafting Bread Request: Craft some armor.{LF}Reward: Aquamarine Request: Get a Chemistry Set.{LF}Reward: Medicine Bread Request: Concoct some medicine.{LF}Reward: Toyherb Request: Raise one of your skill levels to 20 or higher.{LF}Reward: +3000+G Request: Raise your weapon skill level to 15 or higher.{LF}Reward: Rush Attack Request: Upgrade a weapon.{LF}Reward: Bronze Request: Raise your magic skill level to 15 or higher.{LF}Reward: Water Laser Request: Upgrade some armor.{LF}Reward: Silver Request: Use a nutrient.{LF}Reward: Greenifier Request: Raise the shipment achievement rate to 10%.{LF}Reward: Backpack upgrade order Request: Start your own store.{LF}Reward: +5000+G Request: Prepare for a typhoon.{LF}Reward: Wettable Powder Request: Make 5 monster friends.{LF}Reward: Lumber, Material Stone Request: Upgrade a staff.{LF}Reward: Ambrosia's Thorn Request: Build a Monster Barn.{LF}Reward: Brush Request: Befriend a monster.{LF}Reward: Fodder Bin Request: Try riding a friendly monster.{LF}Reward: Iron Waltz Request: Befriend a monster that drops or produces goods.{LF}Reward: Clippers Request: Ask monster friends to take on tasks.{LF}Reward: Striking March Request: Harvest Toyherb.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the flower shop Request: Grow over 3 types of flowers.{LF}Reward: More flower seeds Request: Give a Toyherb to Amber.{LF}Reward: More flower seeds Request: Harvest 9 Charm Blues.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the flower shop Request: Harvest Cherry Grass.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the flower shop Request: Harvest over 5 types of flowers.{LF}Reward: More flower seeds Request: Give Dolce a Moondrop Flower.{LF}Reward: Heart Pendant Request: Till a fully grown 4-Leaf Clover.{LF}Reward: More flower seeds Request: Fight a monster with Ironleaf.{LF}Reward: More flower seeds Request: Harvest a large flower.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the flower shop Request: Harvest Autumn Grass.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the flower shop Request: Harvest Blue Crystal.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the flower shop Request: Harvest Green Crystal.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the flower shop Request: Harvest Red Crystal.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the flower shop Request: Harvest White Crystal.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the flower shop Request: Harvest all crops except for Emery Flowers.{LF}Reward: More flower seeds Request: Harvest a Potato.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the general store Request: Harvest 20 Turnips.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the general store Request: Harvest over 5 Radishes.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the general store Request: Ship a level 2 Turnip.{LF}Reward: Raise the level of Turnip Seeds sold at the store Request: Harvest over 6 types of vegetables.{LF}Reward: More vegetable seeds Request: Ship a level 5 veggie.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the general store Request: Till one fully grown stalk of Corn.{LF}Reward: More flower seeds Request: Give Dylas a Carrot.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the general store Request: Harvest over 12 types of vegetables.{LF}Reward: More vegetable seeds Request: Ship a level 10 veggie.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the general store Request: Harvest 20 each of Bok Choy, Cabbage and Onion.{LF}Reward: More vegetable seeds Request: Harvest a large veggie.{LF}Reward: More vegetable seeds Request: Harvest 20 Oranges.{LF}Reward: More vegetable seeds Request: Cut down a Twinkle Tree.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the general store Request: Harvest all types of veggies except Golden veggies.{LF}Reward: More vegetable seeds Request: Harvest 50 Grapes.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the general store Request: Harvest 50 Apples.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the general store Request: Give Margaret some Pineapple Juice.{LF}Reward: More vegetable seeds Request: Raise the shipment achievement rate to 25%.{LF}Reward: More vegetable seeds Request: Gain over 1 million G in total shipment value.{LF}Reward: Turnip Heaven recipe Request: Make Arthur some Turnip Heaven.{LF}Reward: More vegetable seeds Request: Harvest a Sword Flower.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the general store Request: Harvest a Shield Flower.{LF}Reward: More seeds available at the general store Request: Complete a field dungeon.{LF}Reward: More vegetable seeds Request: Raise everyone's friendship level to 5 or higher.{LF}Reward: Vital Gummi Request: Ship a level 10 veggie.{LF}Reward: Greenifier Request: Ship a level 10 flower.{LF}Reward: Greenifier Request: Befriend a boss monster.{LF}Reward: Rune Crystal Request: Harvest a large golden crop.{LF}Reward: Ultimate & Royal Curries Request: Harvest all crops.{LF}Reward: Union Stew recipe Request: Ship a golden level 10 crop.{LF}Reward: Gold Juice recipe Request: Raise one of your skill levels to 50 or higher.{LF}Reward: Small Crystal Request: Befriend 50 monsters.{LF}Reward: Fried Udon recipe Request: Raise everyone's friendship level to 10 or higher.{LF}Reward: Love Potion recipe Request: Raise your shipment achievement rate to 50%.{LF}Reward: Courage Badge recipe Request: Raise one of your skill levels to 80 or higher.{LF}Reward: Skill Up Potion Request: Complete the Sharance Maze.{LF}Reward: Leveliser recipe Request: Go to the Trophy Room to look at illustrations.{LF}Reward: Leveliser Request: Go to the Trophy Room to check your difficulty{LF}level.{LF}Reward: Recovery Potion Request: Prepare to get married.{LF}Reward: Engagement Ring recipe Request: Well done.{LF}Reward: ??? Request: Ship @アイテム9@.{LF}Reward: ??? @姫@ Points Request: Ship @アイテム8@.{LF}Reward: ??? @姫@ Points Request: Give [@7@] @アイテム7@ to{LF}@キャラ7@.{LF}Reward: ??? @姫@ Points Request: Get rid of [@6@] @キャラ6@.{LF}Reward: ??? @姫@ Points Don't take any requests. First task! How to place furniture! Make Lumber! Make a shipment! Give an item! Purchase Rice! Make Material Stone! Try fishing! Make a Fertilizer Bin! Mine Iron! Raise friendship levels! Get an Airship License! Get a Cooking Table! Start cooking! Get a Forge! Make a weapon! Make a farming tool! Get a Crafting Table! Make some armor! Get a Chemistry Set! Make some medicine! Raise skill levels! Raise weapon skill levels! Upgrade a weapon! Raise magic skill level! Upgrade some armor! Use a nutrient! Raise shipment rates! Get a Shop License! Prepare for a typhoon! Befriend monsters! Upgrade a staff! Build a Monster Barn! Befriend monsters! Ride on a monster friend! Befriend an item monster! Give monsters tasks! Harvest Toyherb! Harvest 3 flowers! Give Amber a Toyherb! Harvest 9 Charm Blues! Harvest Cherry Grass! Harvest 5 flowers! Give Dolce a Moondrop! Till a 4-Leaf Clover! Fight using an Ironleaf! Harvest a large flower! Harvest Autumn Grass! Harvest Blue Crystal! Harvest Green Crystal! Harvest Red Crystal! Harvest White Crystal! Harvest almost all crops! Harvest Potato! Harvest 20 Turnips! Harvest 5 Radishes! Ship a level 2 Turnip! Harvest 6 veggies! Ship a level 5 veggie! Till Corn! Give Dylas a Carrot! Harvest 12 veggies! Ship a level 10 veggie! Harvest certain veggies! Harvest a large veggie! Harvest 20 Oranges! Cut down a Twinkle Tree! Harvest non-gold veggies! Harvest 50 Grapes! Harvest 50 Apples! Give some Pineapple Juice! Get 25% shipment rate! Raise total shipment fee! Give a Turnip Heaven! Harvest Sword Flower! Harvest Shield Flower! Complete field dungeon! Raise friendship levels! Ship a level 10 veggie! Ship a level 10 flower! Befriend a boss monster! Harvest a large gold crop! Harvest all crops! Ship a gold level 10 crop! Raise skill level to 50! Befriend 50 monsters! Raise friendship levels! Get 50% shipment rate! Raise skill level to 80! Complete Sharance Maze! Look at illustrations! Check difficulty level! Prepare for marriage! From Eliza... Ship crops! Ship fish! Make a delivery! Get rid of monsters! Quit. I can't just leave him alone! [Received @アイテム0@.] I need to equip this. Press @字0@ to eat @アイテム0@. [Received @アイテム2@.] - Primavera: día 1 - {LF}{LF} Clima: Soleado Destino Norad Express: Selphia ¡Vuelo por todo lo alto, baby! ¡Dios mío, Estoy tan alto! Esta opción te hará un personaje +masculino+. /¿Quieres un personaje masculino?/{LF}(Escoge /no/ para volver.) Esta opción te hará un personaje +femenino+. /¿Quieres un personaje femenino?/ {LF}(Escoge /no/ para volver.) Sí. No. Este barco se dirige al pueblo de Selphia. Ese pueblo es famoso por su 'Dios'. Y planeo entregarle este regalo. No tengo mucho tiempo... Disculpe, ¿Cuanto nos falta para Selphia? Oh, ya casí estamos ahí. ¿Planeas hacer un poco de turismo? S-Sí... algo como eso. Es un buen pueblo. Un hermoso aire y paisaje, además de un gran ambiente. Puedes sentir la proteción del Dios cuando estás en los {LF}caminos. Seguro que disfrutarás de tu estancia. ... ...Eso espero. (Psst, ¿Puedes oírme...?) (Sí, señor.) (...Por cierto, ¿Qué estamos haciendo?) (¿¡Pero que tipo de idiota eres tú!? ¿¡Ni siquiera sabes por qué{LF}estamos aquí!?) (Bueno, siempre te enojas cuando pregunto...) (¿¡QUÉ!?) (¡N-Nada!) (...Estamos aquí para ver a esa persona.) (por ahí. ¿ves?) (Err, está completamente oscuro aquí...) (Mira a través del agujero, ¡idiota!) (¡Oh sí!) (*SUSPIRO*) (Ya veo, así que es esa mujer.) (Ya veo, así que es ese hombre.) (Vamos a hacer nuestro movimiento. ¿Estás listo?) (S-Sí, señor!) ¡RAAAAAAAAH! ¿¡Eh!? Je-je-je... ¡Nos apoderaremos de este barco ahora! ¡Si no quieren salir heridos, hagan lo que les digamos! ¿Comprendes? Solo danos esa +cosa+ y te dejaremos ir. ¡Esa +cosa+ que estás a punto de darle al Dragón Nativo! ¿C-Cómo saben sobre eso...? Bueno, estarías sorprendido de lo que aparecerá con una{LF}pequeña investigación. ¿Cómo pudieron...? ¿¡Quiénes son ustedes!? ...Este regalo es muy importante. ¡No se lo daré a un completo desconocido! ¡No se lo daré a un completo desconocido! Está bien. He entrenado para emergencias como esta. Primero, pulso @字0@ para abrir la +Bolsa+. ¡Entonces equipo el @アイテム0@ y ataco{LF}pulsando @字1@! ¡Equipa el @アイテム0@ y ataca{LF}pulsando @字1@! Quieres pelear, ¿eh? ¡Muy bien! ¡Hagamos esto! ¡S-Sí, señor! ¿Cómo esta gente sabe sobre +esto+...? De todos modos, si alguien lo está buscando,{LF}¡Tengo que darme prisa...! Hmph. ¡No tan rápido! ¡...! ¡¡...Des...pierta!! ¡¡Despierta ya!! Por fin... Uff. ... ...Entonces, ¿Qué vamos a hacer? ...Solo cállate y observa. Bien, entonces... Es hora de que nos digas donde está escondida {LF}esa +cosa+. ¡O si no! ...¿Quién soy? ...¿Dónde estoy? ...¿Quiénes son? ¿¡Eh!? ¿Quién... Quién soy...? ...Oye, di algo. P-Pero, creí que me dijiste que mantuviera {LF}mi boca cerrada. ¡CÓMO SEA! ¡Solo haz lo que te digo! Que tirano... Emm, disculpe... ¿Eh? Err, ¿Quiénes son ustedes...? Oye, ¿¡Estás intentando jugar al tonto con nosotros!? No...Emm..., Yo realmente no sé-- Te lo preguntaré de nuevo. ¿¡Dónde demonios está esa cosa {LF}que estabas sosteniendo!? Lo juro, ¡No sé de que estás hablando! ¡Tú...! ¡Señor, señor! ¿¡Qué pasa!? ¡Creí que te había dicho que te callaras! ¡Señor! ¡Podría ser amnesia, señor! ¿Qué...? ¿¡Estás diciendo que un pequeño golpe en la cabeza le {LF}causó amnesia!? ¡Señor! ¡No lo sé, señor! ¿Pero tal vez? Hmmm... ...Emm. ...¿Qué? ...¿Quizás, Em... esto ES amnesia? ¿¡Cómo podrías perder tu maldita memoria tan fácilmente!? No debería llorar sobre leche derramada, señor. ¡Ya sé eso! Maldita sea... ...No. Espera un minuto. ¿Cómo sabemos que no nos está tomando el pelo? {LF}Esto podría ser un truco. ¡Una sucia y podrida táctica! ¿¡Eh!? ¡Oh, buen punto, señor! Muy bien. Toma a ese idiota y veamos si un poco de persuación {LF}saca a relucir la verdad. ¡Entendido, señor! ¿¡Qué!? ¡O-Oye! ¡Para...! Em... ¿Q-Qué exactamente intentas hacerme? Bueno, voy a... ... Eh, ¿señor? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Cómo era lo de persuadirlo? ¡Tú...! ¡Solo usa la altitud, maldita sea! ¿Cómo? ¿¡Tengo que explicarte todo!? ¡Amenaza a ese idiota con empujarlo del barco! Em, ¿Algo así? Ups... ¿E-Eh? ¡WAAAAAAAH! ¿¡Q-Quién demonios te dijo que de verdad lo empujaras!? {LF}¡Eres un Idiota! *SUSPIRO* Dios mío... ¿Qué debería hacer? ¿Hmm? ¿Qué? ¿Eh? ¡¡WHAAAAAAAAH!! Auh... ¿¡Qué demonios!? ¿Alguien acaba de caer del cielo? ¿Una p-persona...? Oye... ¿Estás con vida? ... ... ¿H-Hola? No has muerto, ¿¡cierto!? Owww... ¡Guah! ¡ESTÁS con vida! ...apenas... ¿Tienes alguna herida? Bueno... Me duele la espalda... Pero eso es todo. ¿Solo dolor de espalda después de caer del cielo? ¿¡Qué tipo de cuerpo tienes!? ¿Qué pasa? ¿...? ¿Un dragón... qué habla...? ¿¡Eh!? ...Bueno, muy bien. Supongo que las presentaciones irán {LF}en orden. ¡Ejem! ¡Soy Ventuswill, el Viento Divino! Uno de los legendarios Dragones Nativos que gobiernan {LF}este mundo. Y no me importa si caiste desde arriba, tú no tienes {LF}derecho a entrar a esta camara sin permiso! ¿Cuál es tu nombre? ¿...Yo...? ¡LADY VENTUSWILLLL! ¿¡Qué rayos fue ese ruido que escuché!? ¡Egads! ¿¡Quién es este bribón!? Espera, Volkanon. P-Pero... Dije espera. Estamos hablando ahora. Sí, Señora... Entonces, ¿Quién eres? Bueno... ...@しゅじんこうくん@, creo... No me des una respuesta vaga y evasiva. {LF}Dilo claramente. Bueno... Em... Eso es lo mejor que puedo hacer, me temo. No puedo recordar nada más que mi nombre... Oh, ¡vaya! ...¿Dices la verdad? Sí, Señora. ...Veo honestidad en tus ojos. ¡Pero amnesia...! ¡Lo lamento tanto por tu perdida! ¡WAAAAAH! ¡Debes estar muy confundido, perder tu memoria así! ¡Pero ten por seguro! ¡Y-Yo siempre estaré a tu lado! Err...No puedo...respirar... ¡Oh! ¡Espera un minuto! ¡Quizás usted es el(la) @姫@ que hemos estado esperando! Hmm... Tienes un aire de nobleza. Debes haber perdido tu memoria por el shock de la caída. ¿Tienes alguna idea del cómo o por qué caiste desde allá {LF}arriba? Bueno, verás... ...Rebeldes, entonces. Sospecho. Deben ser villanos tras el(la) @姫@. Están en lo cierto. Esto no puede ser coincidencia. Volkanon. ¿Sí, Señora? Prepara una habitación para el(la) @姫@. ¡En seguida! ¡D-Disculpe! Quiere decir, ¿una habitación para mí? Por supuesto. Pero yo no caí con la intención de quedarme acá... Sin duda. ¿Eh? ¿Quién caería intencionalmente del cielo al techo de un {LF}castillo? Parece que el destino ha decidido tu curso, No hay {LF}necedidad de preocuparse, te lo aseguro. Estás aquí porque estabas destinado a estar aquí. P-Pero... Deberías vivir en este pueblo, y quizás con ello, podrías {LF}encontrar pistas que te lleven a tu identidad. Parece la acción a tomar más lógica, ¿no te parece? No tengo la seguridad para llamar a eso lógico, pero... ¿Seguro que puedo quedarme? Indudablemente. ...Muchas gracias. No hay necesidad de eso. Sin embargo... Espero que además de tu información personal, también {LF}hayas olvidado... ...El tono de voz que usé anteriormente. ¿Anteriormente...? ¿Qué quiere decir? ...Mi...manera de hablar. Sabes de eso, ¿cierto? {LF}¿No escuchaste nada más? Oh. Suena un poco diferente, ahora que lo pienso. {LF}Un poco más... arrogante, ¿no es así? Lo siento. ¡Tsk! Así que lo recuerdas... ¿¡Acabas de... chasquear tu lengua despectivamente!? *SUSPIRO*... Si haz escuchado a mi otra faceta, supongo que no {LF}hay nada que pueda hacer. Oh, bueno... Erm...¿Lady Ventuswill? Solo llámame Venti. ¿Venti? Claro, ¿por qué no? En este punto, no me importa {LF}si te diriges a mí con respeto. ¡Ese barco ya partió! Además, deja de hablar tan cortésmente. {LF}Me hace sentir bastante incomoda. Hablame como si fueramos viejos amigos, ¿Está bien? Hmm... ... Sí, Se-- ... B-Bien. Bueno. ¡Ahora escucha! ¡Esto es importante! No dejes que nadie más sepa sobre esto, ¿entiendes? ...¿Sobre qué? El hecho de que soy... un poco informal por naturaleza. Oho, así que lo mantienes en secre-- NO LE DIGAS A NADIE. ¿ENTENDIDO? S-Sí, Se--V-Venti... ¡Hmph! Lady Ventuswill, la habitación está lista. Bien hecho. Tu cabeza debe doler. Hoy debería descansar temprano, @姫@. Ahora, Lord Arthur, permítame mostrarle su habitación. ¿Arthur? Sí. Escuché que el(la) @姫@ se llama Arthur. ...¿Hmm? Pero si ese es el caso, ¿por qué te llamarías a ti mismo {LF}por otro nombre...? Em... ¿Soy realmente... el(la) @姫@...? No creo que mi nombre sea Arthur... ...Ya veo. Aún siendo la única cosa de lo que creías estar seguro. {LF}Debe ser difícil... Oh, no, eso no fue lo que dije... Es natural que te encuentres con tal confusión. Creo que lo mejor es que hoy duerma temprano. Pero... Si eres un miembro de la familia real, tu identidad {LF}se dará a conocer pronto. En cuyo caso, deberías admitir que has olvidado {LF}tu nombre. Pero no lo he olvidado. Mi nombre es @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm...@しゅじんこうくん@... Ese es un nombre elegante. Ese es un nombre único. Ese es un nombre bastante divertido. Ese es un nombre de moda, {LF}de los que se usan ahora. Puedes usar ese nombre por ahora si lo deseas. Pero, te estoy diciendo que-- Te dejo el resto a ti, Volkanon. Por supuesto. ¡Ahora, @姫@, vamos! ...En serio no creo que sea el(la) @姫@... Primero que todo, ¿No es Arthur un nombre de chico? @しゅじんこうくん@. ¿Sí? No olvides sobre la promesa que hicimos antes. ¿Qué promesa? ¿¡Qué!? ¿¡ya lo has olvidado, maldito desconsiderado!? ¡Sobre...la forma en que hablo! ¡Mi casual secreto! Oh, está bien. Ya lo recuerdo. Sinceramente... ¿Cómo pude meter la pata tan mal...? Asegurate de mantener tu promesa. ¡O si no! B-Bien... ¡Lo haré! Bueno, esta es su habitación, @しゅじんこうくん@. Permítame explicarle los arreglos de su vivienda. Escuche. No escuche. ¿Estás seguro? ¡Es bastante importante! Escuche. No escuche. ¡Ahí lo tenemos! Pon tu fé en mí, y yo lo entregaré!{LF}Ahem... Muy bien, entonces. Te dejo en paz. Descansa bien. Muchas gracias. Por favor, sígame. Este será tu +diario+. Podrás +guardar+ tus datos aquí. @しゅじんこうくん@... Cuando lo tengas delante, puedes pulsar @字0@ para abrir el diario. {LF}Por favor intente +guardar+ sus datos ahora. Abre el +diario+ presionando @字0@, y +guarda+ los datos ahora. Al +guardar+ tus datos con el diario, todo lo relacionado a ti{LF}quedará registrado para la posteridad. Por lo tanto, recomiendo +guardar+ todos los días{LF}antes de ir a dormir. A continuación, Deja explicarte sobre tu +cama+. Ven, @しゅじんこうくん@. Si duerme en esta +cama+, tiene garantizado un buen descanso y{LF}despertará puntualmente a las 6 AM. Debería intentar dormir en su +cama+ por la noche tanto como sea {LF}posible. ¡Dormir es bueno para usted! Si no duerme en la +cama+, se cansará y{LF}resfriará. Dormir no sólo ayudará a recuperar su salud... ...sino que también ayudará a tu cuerpo a crecer y madurar. Ahora, debe estar cansado después de tal día. Como su +HP+ está bajo debido al daño tomado por la caída... ...Le sugiero ir a la +bed+ y descansar inmediatamente. Sin +HP+, Será enviado a la clinica después de un golpe. Bien. No todavía... Entonces, por favor revise su cama para asegurarse que cumple con {LF}su aprobación, y tenga una buena noche. Pero... estoy seguro que debe estar al límite de cansancio. ¡Cayó del cielo, después de todo! Debe confiar en mí. Vaya a dormir y descanse. ¡Es por su propio bien! @しゅじんこうくん@, es por aquí. Examina la cama y ve a dormir. Por hoy, creo que debería dormir hasta tarde. Descanse hasta las 8 AM{LF}en vez de las usuales 6 AM. @しゅじんこうくん@, por favor come primero. ...Despierta... ¡Por favor, despierta! ... ¿Está dormida...? Podría jurar que me estaba mirando... Em... por favor, despierta... Buenooos díaaas... Buenos...días. ¿Por qué está durmiendo aquí, exactamente? Yo también me lo pregunto. Vine aquí por alguna razón... ...pero no recuerdo que era. ¡Oh, espera! ¡Ya lo recuerdo! Volkanon me pidió que viniera a despertarte. Así que, ¿ya despertaste? Yo... supongo. ¡Buenooos días, entonces! Encantada de conocerte. Mi nombre es Clorica, y estoy entrenando para ser una sirvienta en este{LF}castillo. Mi nombre es @しゅじんこうくん@. ¿Hmm? Volkanon me dijo que tu nombre era Arthur. Ah... no... Mi nombre es absolutamente, definitivamente @しゅじんこうくん@. Así que por favor llámame de esa manera. Por supuesto, @しゅじんこうくん@. Qué nombre tan dulce. Qué nombre tan soporífero. Qué nombre tan adorable. Qué nombre tan bien equilibrado. De cualquier manera, es un placer conocerte. Gusto en conocerte también. Oh, Casi lo olvido. He preparado el desayuno, así que por favor comelo si lo deseas. ¡Este @アイテム0@ se ve delicioso! Es uno de mis platos favoritos. Muchas gracias. ¡De nada! ♪ Presiona @字0@ para comer. ¡Estuvo delicioso! ¡Estoy muy agradecida! ♪ Come una vez al día y serás cada vez más fuerte. ¡Así que no te olvides de comer cada día! Ahora me iré despidiendo. ¡Ah, pero una última cosa antes de hacerlo! @しゅじんこうくん@... Una vez que estes completamente bien, ve afuera usando la puerta trasera. Hay un +campo+ por ahí. ¡E irás a aprender como labrar! ¿Yo? ¿Labrar un campo? ¡Así es! Lady Ventuswill dejó instrucciones muy específicas. Ella dice, ''Quienes no trabajan, no comerán.'' Bueno... Yo soy, supuestamente, un(a) @姫@, ¿verdad? ¡Eso es correcto! ♪ ...¿Así que un(a) @姫@ va a labrar el campo? Por supuesto. ¿Quién mas lo haría? Pense que un(a) @姫@ supuestamente tendría un estilo de vida más{LF}elegante. ¡Puedes hacer las cosas elegantemente! ♪ ... Según Lady Ventuswill... ...eres perfectamente conveniente para labrar la tierra. ¡¿Que significa eso?! No estoy segura... Bueno... Supongo que debería ir y averiguarlo. Sera mejor dirigirme al +campo+. Por favor, come antes de que tu comida se enfríe. Puedes ir al campo por la puerta trasera a la izquierda. Es por este camino. ¡¡@姫@!! Tú eres @姫@, ¿¡cierto!? ¡¡Te he estado esperando, @姫@!! E-E-Espera. I still +may or may not+ be a @姫@... So will you just call me @しゅじんこうくん@? Huh? Please...? ...I see. @しゅじんこうくん@... What a noble name! As noble as a{LF}@アイテム2@! I will be happy to serve you! Wow...! What a splendid name! What a beautiful name! Please allow me to formally introduce myself. Ahem! Good morning to you! My name is Vishnal! I am training here to be a full-fledged butler! Although at times I may cause you trouble... ...I am honored to serve you, @しゅじんこうくん@!! Nice meeting you. Why don't I start off by introducing the field? Thank you. No, thank you. Excellent! Listen closely, then. What?! It's very important, so I really think you should listen! All right, I will. I somehow know already. If you say so... I understand... Then let me at least give you these. [Received @アイテム0@.] [Received @アイテム1@.] These are essential tools for farming. Although I couldn't be of much help to you this time... ...please come talk to me if you have any questions. Any at{LF}all! Thank you. You can grow and harvest crops in the fields. Those harvested crops can then be... ...shipped in exchange for money... ...used as ingredients for cooking... ...or given to neighbors as presents. By giving your neighbors things they enjoy, you can foster a{LF}more intimate relationship. Moreover, after you build a Monster Barn... ...you can give presents to monsters and befriend them. As you can clearly see, harvested crops have a great many{LF}uses! So it wouldn't hurt to grow an awful lot of them. Farming can also strengthen you both physically and{LF}mentally. I hear that some crops can even be used as weapons... ...or grow into dungeons. At times, you'll find +runes+ while harvesting crops. If you see one, don't forget to touch it, as it will boost your{LF}skills. +Runes+? Oh, right! I forgot that you've lost your memory... My apologies. +Runes+ are...the life energy of anything and everything organic{LF}in this world. In this case, what you may see are crystallized forms of +runes+{LF}overflowing from the crops. So farm with love, and your crops will undoubtedly be{LF}brimming with +runes+. Now, about the field... ...It seems to be...covered in weeds. Quite. It's been this way since the last typhoon. But I'm sure with a bit of elbow grease, you'll be able to fix{LF}her up in no time! I'll try my best. I don't think I can. I knew I could count on you! Lady Ventuswill had to have mentioned your farming talent{LF}for a reason! Wait, what...did Venti say about me, exactly...? Now, now, don't try to deny it. Lady Ventuswill told me all about it. She said you have an exceptional talent for farming! Ugh, why...did Venti say that about me, exactly...? Now let me explain to you how the crops are actually{LF}grown. In order to grow crops, you must first till soil with a hoe. @しゅじんこうくん@, please take this. [Received @アイテム0@.] Use this to till the soil. Should you find your tilling attempts to be thwarted by{LF}weeds... ...you may dispose of said weeds by pressing @字0@. Next, you will sow the seeds that shall soon sprout into{LF}lovely crops. Wherever you'd like! [Received @アイテム2@.] After sowing the seeds, you just have to water them. [Received @アイテム1@.] Water the seeds once per day. It is important that you water them every day until the crops{LF}are ready for harvesting. And...that's how you grow things! Now, @しゅじんこうくん@... It's your turn! Give it a try! You +till+... ...+sow+... ...and +water+! Have you got all that? If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Lastly, it's time to name this farm. Does this really qualify as a farm? Absolutely! By building Monster Barns and befriending your livestock... ...you can collect their milk and shear their wool. It will be a{LF}true farmland in due time! Wow... You can also have the monsters help you with your farm{LF}work. Now, please think of a name! What a sophisticated name! What a groundbreaking name! What a touching name! What a tasteful name! Thank you very much. It was simply amazing to see you handle that hoe! Farming is productive work. Although you might not have noticed yet... ...when you do productive work such as farming... ...your +RP (Rune Points)+ begins to decrease. When you use up all your RP, your +HP (Hit Points)+ will start{LF}being consumed instead... ...making you faint from exhaustion if they fall too low. So{LF}please be careful! +RP+ can be recovered by eating, bathing or sleeping. At first you'll find yourself getting tired quite easily. However, as you get used to it, it'll be much easier to work. Before you go, I have a present for you! Thank you very much! You can buy seeds at the +general store+. So if you'd like to grow more crops, that's the place to visit. Ah, and by the way... Lady Ventuswill was calling you. The center path leads to Lady Ventuswill's room. That would be the fastest way to get there. I have to finish the rest of my farm work. First equip a +hoe+. You can do so by using the +L Pocket+. Press @字0@ to open the +L Pocket+, ...and press @字2@ or @字1@ to choose the item you wish to equip. In order to till, press @字0@ +when you're equipped with a hoe+. Doing so will till the field in front of you. In case something like...say, a stray{LF}@アイテム0@ is in your way... Press @字1@ to lift it up and move it elsewhere. When you're standing on a tillable area, a red marker will{LF}appear. Were you able to sow the +seed+? Press @字0@ to open the +L Pocket+. Then choose the +seed+ and equip it. Once you equip the +seed+, face the tilled area and press @字0@. If the +seed+ is sowed on the tilled field, you're done! You can't sow a +seed+ onto untilled soil, however... ...so before sowing, make sure you equip your hoe and till{LF}away! Were you able to equip the +waterpot+? To do so, open the +L Pocket+ by pressing @字0@... ...and select the +waterpot+ from the resulting list. The +waterpot+ is empty at first, so you will start by filling it up with water. You can do so at this water well. Face the water well with the +waterpot+ equipped and press{LF}@字0@. This should let you fill up your waterpot. To water the crops, then, face the patch of land you wish to{LF}water... ...and press @字0@. If you're successful, you should notice that the patch of land{LF}in front of you is now wet. The field dries up every morning, so make sure not to forget{LF}about watering it every day. ...Of course, if it's raining, there's no need to water at all. Rain is nature's waterpot, after all. ...And, I do believe that covers everything. So, @しゅじんこうくん@... Please till, sow and water your way to a perfect farmland! Good morning. Good morning to you. How goes the farm work? It's fun so far! Why is a @姫@ farming? What's my farming talent? You really are an +Earthmate+. Because you have the talent of an +Earthmate+. Perhaps you don't recognize it yourself... ...but you have the natural talents of an +Earthmate+! +Earthmate+? +Earthmates+ are those who can communicate with the earth{LF}and monsters. They have long been enriching the earth through farming. ...That bump on the head must've messed with you far more{LF}than expected, if you've forgotten THAT! Well, let's do an experiment. Come closer. Okay. What are we doing? Perhaps I can bring back your memory with my power. Really?! Really. ...Well, really-ISH, anyway. I can't guarantee anything. Let's try it! I mean, please, let me try! Please? All right, all right. Come, then. Let's go! Well? ...Hmm... It's...not working... So...it doesn't work, then, after all. I can't bring back memory unless I'm involved in it. ...Why don't you just give up? How could I possibly do that?! We at least know that you're a @姫@. So you mustn't worry. We don't know that yet at all! We do so. You're just being stubborn. How about you go out and do some meet-and-greet with the{LF}locals? Someone might recognize your face. Oh, that's true! I'll do that right now! Wait, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm? When you're done asking around, will you come back here? Sure. Good. You may go now. I have to go see Venti. Well? It didn't work... I see. I'm very sorry. But don't be disappointed. There's still a chance that you're the @姫@. You can write a letter to the royal capital to confirm. And if all else fails... ...you can always start a new life here. It's not that easy. I know. But I'm very serious, and I think in time, you too may{LF}find it the best course of action. Huh? This town is filled with warm-hearted people. They'll all{LF}welcome you with open arms. So there's no need to worry. Cheer up! Venti... More than that-- Excuse me. ...Ahem! And who, pray tell, is addressing me? Arthur D. Lawrence, the 13th Prince of Norad Kingdom. I will be staying here in Selphia starting today. Lady Ventuswill, I kindly ask for your guidance. ...Um, is something wrong...? Are you...the prince? That's right. I thought I sent a letter stating that I would be arriving today. (See! I told you it wasn't me!) (There was no way I could be the @姫@!) (Ugh, be quiet already!) (E-even a perfect being can make a mistake or two in life!) Um... Oh. Ahem! So, you are the true prince, then? Well...how do I explain... E-erm... I'm a bit at a loss here... ...Ah, that's it! This person here claimed to be the @姫@, despite having no{LF}corroborating evidence. We'd never seen your face, so we had no choice but to{LF}believe the little troublemaker. (What?!) (You're the one who kept insisting I was royalty!) (Sh-shut up! He'll hear us!) That's why we've given away the room which was prepared{LF}for you, I'm afraid. We beg your forgiveness. Oh, my... We take full responsibility for this grievous error, and will do{LF}what we can to make it right. @しゅじんこうくん@...I'm sorry. (I...really am sorry...) (Will you stay at the inn for a while? I'll let them know.) Okay. Whaaaat?! (Please! I beg you!) It's all right. I wasn't supposed to be here in the first place. Please wait. What will you do? Where will you go? Well...I'll stay at the inn until everything's settled. ...I'm sorry, @しゅじんこうくん@. Please don't be. ...There's no need for that. Huh? This must've happened for a reason. @しゅじんこうくん@, was it? Will you trade places with me, and serve as representative{LF}to this kingdom? Do you...realize what you're saying? I am well aware, yes. It's not a title you can just hand over to a stranger, you{LF}know. Can't I? ...? I honestly don't think it's that important of a title. Of course, I'm not suggesting that we trade our actual names{LF}or positions. Just... ...Just what? What is it you're planning, exactly? There's something that I wish to do. But I can't do it if I'm busy running the town. So...will you take on my responsibilities? ...Wouldn't this mean betraying your father? I'm prepared for that. Hmm... I can tell that you have true passion within your heart. You have my permission. All powers and responsibilities of the prince will be given to{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. WHAAAAT?! Me?! Well, they were your responsibilities anyway, until Prince{LF}Arthur appeared before us. We'll just say nothing's changed, and leave it at that.{LF}Shouldn't be a problem, right? ...Please, @しゅじんこうくん@. Give me one day to think. Bow before me, peasants! No way, no way, no way! What's there to think about? Weren't you also moved by Arthur's passion? You must give an answer now. Yes or no. (You got that? Now say yes.) (H-huh?) You're doing Arthur a favor. Think it over once more, please. (You got that? Now say yes.) (H-huh?) You'll do it?! Excellent! I knew we could count on you! ... Thank you very much. I will explain the duties of a prince to you in the coming{LF}days. For now, however, I must look for a place to stay. Huh? You should continue to use the room in the castle. Since you are the acting @姫@, after all. But... To force a lady out of her room and into the cold would just{LF}be inviting bad luck! Don't worry. I have a talent for negotiating. I don't anticipate{LF}any problems. Now, I must be off! What a dutiful young man. *SIGH*... Why are you sighing? Playing the part of royalty is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,{LF}no? Life is short. If you pass up opportunities simply because of a little{LF}memory loss, they'll be gone forever! I will tell Volkanon and everyone else to support you. I can help too, if you need it. ...Okay. I guess it could be a good experience for me. Positive thinking is always good. I knew I could trust you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Of course you'd say that now... So what were you going to say earlier? Oh, yes, that! It was about the duties of a @姫@. ...Even though I'm not one, and never said I was? My, you are a stubborn one! Hee hee. Anyway... Let's discuss the matter now, shall we? In order to complete your duties as a @姫@, you must form{LF}connections with other residents. Trust is the most important aspect in your role as @姫@. So does that mean I should make friends with the townsfolk? Friendship doesn't necessarily lead to trust as a @姫@. You don't ask all your friends to help you work, after all, do{LF}you? So that's why you must first be trusted as a @姫@. And that's done by completing duties as a @姫@? Exactly. But, how... There's a red box in the square outside of that door. That's a +Request Box+ containing the collective requests of{LF}everyone in town. By answering these requests, your work will be recognized. So I should just keep completing the requests in the box,{LF}then? Yes. That will help you quickly build a good reputation among{LF}your loyal subjects. And the better your reputation, the faster your farm work will{LF}progress. Wait...how does that work? You'll see. ...Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. Why don't you go check and see what's inside the Request{LF}Box? Okay. Huh? Now? Good luck! Of course. You're a @姫@ now. For real this time. If you got that, then get going! ... Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. Are you going somewhere? There are monsters outside of town, so it's dangerous to be{LF}wandering around. Monsters? Don't worry, I'm fine. Do you feel confident handling monsters without my{LF}assistance? Would you like some hints? Feed me information! I can handle it. All right. At least let me give you this, though. [Received @アイテム0@.] Also... Do you know about monster strengths and the Trophy{LF}Room? Will you explain it to me? Already taken care of. Well then... Taken care of...? Does that mean you don't need me to explain, then? Will you explain anyway? No, I don't. Well then... I see. All right. Please at least allow me to give you this, though. Monsters? Yes. You can avoid them, mostly, but sooner or later you may{LF}have to fight. Meaning...I'd have to...cut them down...? That's right. ... ...Can't we all just get along? You're sweet, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? N-no, I just mean-- Don't worry. Defeating monsters doesn't mean you're killing them. What? The weapons and farm tools we use have a magic spell{LF}called +Tamitaya+ cast upon them. This +Tamitaya+ prevents our attacks from actually harming the{LF}monsters... ...instead sending them to the +Forest of Beginnings+. The +Forest of Beginnings+? That's the world in which the monsters live. They enter our world through roads called gates. I see... To send them back to the Forest of Beginnings... ...you'll need a weapon with the +Tamitaya+ spell cast upon it. Do you have such a weapon in your possession? I do. I don't... Looks like you're all set, then. Still, give this one a try as well. You might like it. In that case, why not use this one? [Received @アイテム0@.] Longswords are highly effective, and cover large areas. You can attack multiple monsters at once, too. Its downside is the slow swing, which leaves you vulnerable{LF}to counterattacks. So try to anticipate your enemy's moves and use it{LF}accordingly. Thank you very much! Weapons are important partners that you entrust with your{LF}life. You should find out for yourself... ...which weapon suits you best. I will. I think that does it for the explanations. However, I must ask you one more thing before you leave. How confident are you in your own skills? Not very. Ehh. I'm decent-ish. I live to fight enemies. I am become death. By choosing the +easy+ mode, monsters will be fairly weak.{LF}You can always change this later. If you choose normal mode, monsters will have average{LF}strength. You can always change this later. By choosing the +hard+ mode, monsters will be very strong.{LF}You can always change this later. By choosing the +hell+ mode, monsters will be terrifyingly{LF}strong. You can always change this later. You have set the difficulty level to +easy+. You shouldn't go too far by yourself. Would you like me to come along and assist you? Thank you very much. No, thank you. Don't mention it. It would be my pleasure. As you wish. You have set the difficulty level to +normal+. I see. The enemies around here are fairly harmless, so don't worry. But should you require my help, please let me know. You have set the difficulty level to +hard+. I see. It seems you're quite confident in your skills. And I have no reason to doubt that confidence. But should you require my help, please let me know. And do take it easy. Don't become overconfident and lower{LF}your guard. You have set the difficulty level to +hell+. Just kidding. Unless... Perhaps there's no need to be concerned.{LF}Pardon me. Oh, and one more thing. ''When the enemy's strength overwhelms you, gaze upon the{LF}trophy in the castle basement.'' Huh...? I'm not sure what it means, but it's a charm we knights have{LF}passed down for quite some time. Should you become overwhelmed, it might be worth trying. O-okay. Thanks. ''When the enemy's strength overwhelms you...gaze upon the{LF}trophy in the castle basement''? Was that it? I'll try not to forget. Now, there is something I'd like to give you, if I may. Um, is this...? You must always strive to carry food with you when you're{LF}leaving the town. By eating food, you'll gain benefits such as health restoration{LF}and timed skill boosts. These benefits change depending on the type of food you{LF}eat. Don't underestimate the power of a good meal! Unless you're fully prepared, it's really quite dangerous out{LF}there. All right. I'll keep that in my mind. Now, shall we? My apologies for being so nosy. Please, be careful. This forest...has a strange atmosphere to it. I wonder if it's the forest that Venti was talking about. ...Butterflies? Ack! It's a monster! Huh? Something's preventing me from going forward... Guess I should try again after I get rid of the monsters. Now that I've defeated the monsters, I can continue onward. Maybe I should try getting rid of the monsters when I hit a{LF}roadblock like this. Hmm? There's something strange...or...not? It's the effects of...@アイテム0@? Butterflies again... I wonder what's out there? Butterflies?! What lies beyond here? Looks like I can update my diary here. I should do that now. So many butterflies... Is that a pupa? It's moving...! Huh...? Did that monster just turn into...a girl...? Oogh... Are you okay?! Mmm... Are you hurt? Uh... What's wrong? ...You have...a funny face... Huh? What?! Hello? Can you hear me? She's asleep... ...But why did a butterfly suddenly turn into a girl? What's wrong? @ダグ@? Why are you here? Oh, I was just walking by. But forget about me for a sec... Who's this? I have no idea. A monster I was fighting suddenly turned into a girl... ...assuming I didn't just dream the whole thing... Monsters turning into humans? I've never heard of such a{LF}thing. Yeah, I don't get it either. I wonder what the heck is going on here... Doesn't seem to be injured, at least. Not on the outside,{LF}anyway. Should I take her back to town? I guess so. Let's have Jones look at her. What do you think? She's a bit debilitated, but nothing critical. She should wake up in a bit. I see... That's good to hear. She...was a monster, you say? That's right. Why did a monster...? ...I suppose if I start asking questions now, I'll never stop.{LF}And it won't do any good anyway. So let's wait for her to wake up, then see what she has to{LF}say. That sounds good, yeah. Have you told Lady Ventuswill about this? Not yet. Could you go and tell her now? We need to continue monitoring her, at least for a little{LF}while. Understood. I'll go right now. Have you told Lady Ventuswill about the girl? How is she? She's sound asleep for now, but should wake up in a bit. How strange is it that a monster could turn into a girl... I wonder what happened. Venti? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Is something the matter? Uh, I don't know where to start, exactly... I was in @マップ0@ just now. @マップ0@?! Wh-why are you getting shocked already? That's not the{LF}surprising part! O-oh, yeah, I suppose not... Anyway, I went to @マップ0@... ...and I was attacked by a butterfly monster there. So, I fought back...but when I defeated it, it turned into what{LF}looks to be a human girl... What?! Are you serious?! Whoa! Wh-where is she?! W-wait, Venti. Calm down! She's sleeping at the clinic. I-I see... That means, you really are... ...? Uh, nothing. Never mind. Venti. What do you know? ...I, er... ... Well...fine. I was going to ask you to go to @マップ0@. You were? I sensed something dark from that area. So I was going to ask you to check it out once you'd gotten{LF}used to your @姫@ duties. ...Me? Why? Well, it is actually best that I undergo such tasks myself,{LF}but... ...I fear I'm... ...? At any rate, you seemed suitable to the task. I...did? You have talent in you. I can see it...I can feel it. Talent...? Well... ...It doesn't matter. Even without me requesting, you still{LF}went. The result was the same. ... Um, Venti? Hmm? Are you sure you don't know anything about me? What? To be honest, I'm worried. Without my memories...I have so many questions. So if you know anything -- anything at all -- please, tell me,{LF}okay? ... ...Unfortunately, I really don't know anything about you. Oh, you made it back from the forest! Good, good. So how did it go? Well, I was attacked by a monster...and when I defeated it, it{LF}turned into a human girl. Do you know wh-- What?! Are you serious?! Y-yeah... W-where is she?! She's at the clinic, sleeping. So...it really happened... Yep, sure did! What do you mean? What...happened, exactly? N-nothing! Just...mumbling to myself. I couldn't believe that creature I'd been fighting just{LF}moments before was now a human being! If you knew something like this was going to happen, you{LF}should have said something. I'm sorry. I wasn't sure how things were going to play out, honestly. ...What about your memory? So far...still nothing... I see. Regarding the girl you saved... I believe the power of the +Earthmates+ is responsible for what{LF}transpired. +Earthmates+... It's a name given to people with a very rare talent. And it's the reason I thought you might belong to the royal{LF}family. I had no idea a power like that even existed, much less that I{LF}had it in me... I've been asking for your help because of that gift of yours. Though I wasn't certain of anything until you fixed the{LF}problem in the forest. Hmm? What's wrong? Who am I? What am I...? ... Getting attacked by strange people in the form of monsters... ...and apparently bearing the power of an +Earthmate+... It's all so surreal. Like I'm a stranger to myself. I wish I could shed some light on the mystery. But there's only one thing I can say with any certainty. And that's...that you are who you are. I haven't known you for very long, but I already have a firm{LF}sense of what you represent. I know I'm the very person who's been asking for your help{LF}since you've arrived... ...but you managed to handle both of my requests and tasks{LF}as a model @姫@. You are a kind person. I don't think you're even aware of the{LF}trust that you engender. Even amnesia can't change a heart as pure as yours. Venti... I'm sorry. I'm...not good at this sort of thing. I wish I could{LF}word it all a little better. No, it's quite all right. Hmm? Having no memories is a little scary... But your words have definitely made me feel a lot better. So thank you. ... ...Glad to hear it. So, about the girl... She hasn't woken up yet, has she? No. @ジョーンズ@ told me that she should wake up fairly soon,{LF}though. Then I guess we'll just have to wait until she does. Yeah... But, what will you do then? Don't worry. I told you before, right? The people of this town are warm and caring. They'll welcome her no matter what. ... What's wrong? Are you still worried about something? No. I was just marveling at your optimism. What? It's not optimism, it's faith! Pure, unwavering faith in the{LF}people of Selphia! ...I suppose. And I can understand it, too. The people in this town really{LF}do seem completely trustworthy. Though that may sound weird coming from an outsider like{LF}me... What are you saying? You're a member of our town just like{LF}anyone else here. Huh? Unless...you don't want to be... No, no, of course I do! I just...might have to leave once my memory comes back... Even then, you'll still be a member of this community. You're{LF}family now. Think of it as your second hometown, and know that you're{LF}always welcome here. Okay. Hmm... Okay... Thanks... I'm the one who should thank you for helping me. I feel bad accepting all of these kind offers. Then you can start by apologizing for falling on my head. Ahaha... Sorry about that! ...That was just a joke. There's no actual reason for you to{LF}apologize. Anyway, you must be awfully tired today. Get some good rest. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. The girl you brought here has woken up. Really?! Hee hee. How...are you feeling? I'm okay. Glad to hear it. I'm @しゅじんこうくん@. What's your name? My name is Amber. ...Wait... ...Are you the one with the funny face? So...you're the one who saved me, then... Erm...I guess? (Funny face?) Wow. Well, thank you very much. You're...very welcome. But why were you out there? Hmm... I'm not really sure. Really. My name is just about the only thing I can remember. It's probably the shock of monster attacks... ...that's caused her to lose some of her memories as well. Oh. I feel like I'm forgetting something really important, though. Hmm... ... Oh well. ''Oh well''? If I can't remember, there's nothing I can do about it, right?{LF}So, no sense dwelling on it! Th-that's true, I guess... Yep! ♪ So, what are you going to do now? Now? Well... There's no need to worry! What's your name? It's Amber. A pleasure to meet you, Itsamber. And may I say, that's quite{LF}an unusual name you've got! No, Lumie, her name is Amber. Oh, I see. Amber, huh? Listen, Amber. ...? Why don't you come stay with me? ...Hmm? That's a good idea. Th-that's kinda sudden... Okay, I will! ♪ W-wings?! Okay, I will! ♪ Whaaa...? Wings?! How could I leave an interesting girl like her all alone? You, my dear, may call me Lumie. Lumie! ♪ Good. Now, I'll show you the way home. Come, follow me! All righty! ♪ I do love this town. It's so peaceful and friendly! Um... Do you think they'll be okay together? If they're both fine with this arrangement, I don't see why{LF}not. Lumie is...a fine, upstanding adult, after all. Upstanding...? Oh, it's you. Is something the matter? Nothing in particular. I just came to see you. So you just came by for no reason? Oho! I've been wondering this for a while, but...you're in love with{LF}me, aren't you? What?! Of course I am. I came to see my sweet and lovely Lady Ventuswill. A-are you truly so shameless?! Hahaha! ... I was planning to tease you a bit... ...but it seems I'm the one who's been teased. You are a clever one! But I don't mind. You are, after all, rather cute. What are you saying, all of a sudden?! Don't be so shy! That's not... What? Do you not like me? No, it's not that... So...you like me, then! It has to be one or the other, riiiiight? Well...if it's one or the other, then, I guess... I love you. I like you as a friend. I hate you. See? I told you! You do love me! ...Y-yeah? And what of it? ... Aww. And here I was hoping I could get you to unwittingly{LF}confess your love for me! Well, I do like you, but... not like that, you know? Wh-what?! ... I'm joking, of course! Please don't take me seriously. ... I-I wasn't. It may have looked like I was shocked, but...I was{LF}just playing along... Oh? Hee hee. I see, I see... Hmm? Just...imagining the possibilities. Heh. I had no idea you loved me so! Wh-what are you talking about?! You don't have to hide it. I'm not hiding anything... You mustn't be shy. I accept your feelings! Sometimes you don't make any sense, did you know that? Don't make sense...? How rude! Well, you're the one who started saying weird things... Grr...and you blame it on me, no less! You don't have the slightest respect for me, do you? Didn't you tell me not to bother with all that formality when{LF}we first met? ... That's true. ...Hee hee. What is it? It's been a while since I've messed around with someone like{LF}this. I guess I really don't see you act this way in front of anyone{LF}else. Why is that? W-well, because I'm a +Native Dragon+! A god! ...? You see... Ah, yes, that's it! How is a god supposed to keep her dignity when she's{LF}getting so close to humans? ...What dignity? That's true. Native Dragon? What?! N-n-nothing... Since I'm clearly so easy for you to talk to... ...don't you want to...depend on me in some way? There's{LF}lots I can do for you, you know... I don't know about that... No, it's true! I'm the most approachable Divine Dragon out there, after all! Haha... Aren't I? But if I were to let everyone talk to me like this... ...they'd all start depending on me for anything and{LF}everything. Because I'm the most approachable Divine Dragon of them{LF}all! Ahaha... That's right. Most +Native Dragons+ have a rather...difficult personality. But really, that's how a god should be. After all, if I let everyone talk to me so casually... ...wouldn't people start depending on me for anything and{LF}everything? I am the most approachable Divine Dragon in the world,{LF}after all. Really, now? In all seriousness, though... ...it's of course all right to depend on me from time to time... ...but I can't be everywhere at once, and I can't solve every{LF}issue. I'm not that kind of god. If that sort of chaos were to begin... ...people would start forgetting how to solve problems for{LF}themselves. I'm in love with this town. I want to protect +Selphia+. And eventually, I'll be gone... But I want this town to keep flourishing well into the future. That's why the current distance between myself and the{LF}townsfolk seems absolutely perfect. I see. That does make sense. But I think the people in this town would be all right getting{LF}to know the real you. I certainly don't believe they'd ever become completely{LF}reliant on you. Well, that's true. But it's something that's been driven into my consciousness. I{LF}can't give it up so easily. Well...what about me, then? You don't keep your distance{LF}from me. You're an exception. Because it's too late? Because you liiiiiike me? I wish I could forget about what happened that day... But thanks to that, I'm having a lot of fun now. So it's not all{LF}bad! Hee hee, you little rascal. ...But thanks to you, I'm having fun now. ...? Nothing! It's nothing. Now, let's wrap this up before someone else sees us. ...Okay. I'll get going, then. All right. See you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Yep! Byeee! Oh, it's you. There's a lot to talk about, but...it may be best to save it for{LF}another time. If we have a long chat right now, someone might see us. What fantastic butterflies... There must be a beautiful flower blooming here! Butterfly! Butterfly! Butterfly! Butterfly! Yes, leave it to me! Leave it to me. *SIGH* Fine, then. We don't have a choice. I-is it all right?! Yes, looks like it. The mystery's afoot! There seem to be...more of them, no? And the number just{LF}keeps increasing... Butterflies! So many! Butterflies! So many! I sense something mysterious coming from just ahead. I smell a case! I'll go fight! We have to do this! Looks like you're ready and rearin' to go! Whoa! Waaagh! ...It's coming! ... What a sleepy head, taking a nap in a place like this... What's this...? Oh my! It's a girl! A girl has passed out here?! What a fascinating case! A fainted lady! She's...fainted! There appear to be no external injuries. Let's carry her to the{LF}clinic. Yes, and let's hurry! She could stand to rest as soon as{LF}possible. Case closed! Nothing less than expected from Lumie. Lumie was great! Lumie's awesome! Lumie's quite good, isn't she? Just what we expect from Lumie, yes? ... Good morning. Hello. Good evening. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. What are you all doing here? We came to ask Lady Ventuswill for some assistance. Assistance? With what? Well, you've heard the +cursed voices+, right? We want to{LF}learn more about them. ALL about them. Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!! Cut it out, Granny Blossom! Hee hee hee... I'm not sure I'm familiar with these ''cursed voices.'' What's{LF}the story behind them? People have been reporting creepy voices echoing through{LF}the town every night lately. +Cursed voices+ in the night... Could it be...? Venti in her sleep? Venti howling? Erm...no, that's not very likely, is it? But if it's not sleep-talking, then...what else could it be...? That's it! It must be Venti howling into the lonely wind... All joking aside... @しゅじんこうくん@, have you heard these voices? Actually, I have. No, I haven't. You too?! Gyeeeh...! So it may just be a rumor, then? It is! It has to be! Or maybe @しゅじんこうくん@ just hasn't experienced it. It could{LF}still be true, th-- Waaaaaggghhhhhh!! So why are you guys here, again? Well, this is just a rumor, too, mind you... But it seems someone found out where those voices were{LF}coming from. Yeah, I was told they were coming from the +ruins+ in the{LF}+southeast+! There're so many monsters there, though, that no one ever{LF}gets anywhere near the place. Strange stuff, eh? We might just have to admit...that it's really a curse! G-G-G-Granny Blossom!! Fortunately, there hasn't been any damage in the town just{LF}yet. But if the rumor spreads too far, it could be a huge blow to{LF}tourism. That's why we came to ask Lady Ventuswill for assistance. We know it's not good to rely on her to solve all our{LF}problems. But Margaret was so scared, she practically begged us to{LF}come. I-I w-w-was not s-scared!! +Cursed voices+, you say? I have an idea what it may be. Please, put it out of your minds. I'll handle this matter myself. You...will? Yaaay! Now I can finally get some sleep! Admit it. You were scared to death. I-I was not!! Thank you very much, Lady Ventuswill. Thank you very much! Many thanks from me as well, Lady Ventuswill. So...you have an idea what it might be? Would you mind{LF}elaborating? ... Venti? Grrr... ...rrrrrrrrgggggGGGGRRRAAAAHHH!! Wh-what the...?! Who do you think you are, anyway? Do you have some sort of grudge against me? Something to{LF}prove, maybe?! Wh-what did I do? To think that anyone could confuse my ''howling'' for a{LF}cursed voice! What am I? A wolf? A dog?! Look me in the eyes and say that again! O-oh, you heard that, huh...? I'm right in front of you! And you weren't exactly whispering.{LF}How could I NOT have heard that?! Aha...aha...aha ha ha... Imbecile... And on top of everything else, you used my nickname in the{LF}presence of others! Sorry, sorry! Hmph. Can you forgive me? ... I said I'm sorry. Yes, but did you mean it? I did! I'm really, truly sorry! You're certain you meant it? Every last groveling, sniveling{LF}syllable? Absolutely! From the bottom of my heart! Prove it, then. Go see what's going on in the{LF}@マップ0@, if you'd please. Sure, I can go-- Wait, why?! Consider it punishment for your insolence. Now go! But...didn't you just say you'd handle this? I'd like very much to look into this matter with my own eyes,{LF}yes. But I really shouldn't be away from the castle. I can look after the castle in your place, you know. A +Native Dragon+ could never be replaced by the likes of a{LF}human such as you! I've been meaning to ask, actually... What's a +Native Dragon+? ...?! ...You can't be serious. Do you really not know what the +Native Dragons+ are? W-well, I did lose my memory, after all! Good...gracious... I never would have imagined there to be anyone in this land{LF}who'd never heard of Native Dragons. You truly are hopeless. *SIGH* Allow me to explain, then. Listen carefully, @しゅじんこうくん@! In this world, there are four +dragons+ regarded as gods. +Terrable+, dragon god of the earth, presides over resurrection. +Fiersome+, dragon god of fire, presides over destruction. +Aquaticus+, dragon god of water, presides over{LF}transformation. And then there's me. I'm +Ventuswill+, dragon god of the wind. I rule the abyss of{LF}time. Since the earliest eras of antiquity, the four of us have been{LF}collectively referred to... ...as the +Native Dragons+. Are we on the same page now? I think I have an idea what the +Native Dragons+ are, yes. But if you're a god, then why don't you handle this problem{LF}like you said you would? Do you think I should solve everything for the humans? I've said it before, and I'll say it again. What humans can accomplish on their own should be{LF}accomplished solely by humans. I will lend my aid when the time is right for me to do so.{LF}Then, and only then. That's what it means to be a god. Also...to be honest, you're perfectly suited to this particular{LF}case. There exist special locations in this land known as +Rune{LF}Spots+. These are places where Runes tend to be found in high{LF}concentrations. And there are four such spots around here. The place where Amber was found is one of them. And there's another in the @マップ0@. Perhaps a monster or monsters are causing trouble there,{LF}just like in @マップ1@. @しゅじんこうくん@... As an +Earthmate+, I need your help. Will you accept this mission on my behalf? Sure thing! Well... Thanks! I'm sorry for any trouble this may cause you. Come, now, don't be stingy! Oh, fine... Did you say the @マップ0@ is located in the{LF}+southeast+? That's right. Okay. Got it. One more time? That's my @しゅじんこうくん@. If you lose your way, feel free to come ask me again{LF}anytime. And don't forget, there are monsters along the way, and in{LF}the ruins as well. Have you forgotten your way to the{LF}@マップ0@? Yeah. Once more, please. I just came talk to you. Just passing through! I see. Well, I'll leave you to your task, then. Good luck in the{LF}@マップ0@. First, go to the forest full of mushrooms south from the town. Then, head east and you'll find a bridge. Cross the bridge and you'll soon arrive at the{LF}@マップ0@. Did you get all that? Ah, actually... Just in case, I think you should have this. [Received @アイテム9@.] What is it? Haha. It looks like an ordinary feather, doesn't it? But it's so{LF}much more than that... It's a feather plucked from ME! Er, yeah, I gathered that much... My power dwells within it. If you equip it, it'll protect you from monster attacks. Oh, so it's like...a defensive charm, then? Essentially, yes. Its effect isn't tremendously pronounced, but it should prove{LF}at least somewhat helpful. But if you don't equip it, it won't do a thing for you. So +don't forget to equip it+! Okay, I got it. What was that...? I think it came from over here. Let's check it out. So this is the @マップ0@... This voice... As Venti said, this is definitely where the voices are coming{LF}from. That stone tablet... There's something written on it. Hmmmm... I've never seen these letters before. ...? What?! D-Doug! What are you doing here? I could ask you the same thing! This place is crawling with monsters! Spacing out like that{LF}could get you killed! Haha... I guess I was wrapped up in trying to figure out{LF}what's written here. Didn't even notice! Yeah, and that's what I'm worried about. Pay attention to your surroundings! Seriously! ...Thank you. Man, I'm a nervous wreck when I'm around you. Here. Take this. You might need it. [Received @アイテム9@.] Thanks! No problem. To use it, you've got to equip it in the @字0@ or @字1@ slot. Got to be careful around here. Magic may be your only hope{LF}against certain foes. And that's assuming magic even has an effect. Some foes are{LF}like brick walls no matter what! You should hit up Bado's store and make sure you're{LF}equipped with the best stuff. ...Anyway, I suppose you're wondering what I'm doing here. Huh? Well...that's none of your business! ...? A-anyway, never mind! O-okay. Um, uh, come to think of it... You, er... Are you familiar with the +Rune Sphere+? +Rune Sphere+? Can't say I'm familiar with that term. Right. I guess you did lose your memory. I should've figured. What's this all about? I'm just...looking for it. That's all. Nothing you need to{LF}concern yourself with. Anyway, I should go. One more thing, though, before I leave. You'd better not be committed to +that fool+. (That fool...?) Wh-what is this voice?! There might be a dangerous monster ahead. Is this monster the source of the +cursed voices+? Let's do this! Is it over? It's a man this time... Let's take him to the clinic as soon as possible. He doesn't seem to be injured very badly. I think all he needs is to rest here for two or three days. That's good to hear. Who is this man? Erm, well...have you heard the rumors about the +cursed{LF}voices+? Ah, the voices people have been hearing in the dead of{LF}night? Yeah. Those. I went to @マップ0@ to see what might be{LF}causing them. And when I defeated one of the roaming monsters, it...turned{LF}into a human being. A monster became a human again? Yeah. But... Why? Why would this happen? Why are monsters turning{LF}human? It might have something to do with my power as an{LF}+Earthmate+. It's what...transforms them. But not all of them. Only...certain ones. I see... Maybe the monsters you defeated are somehow special. They may possess some special properties that make them{LF}more susceptible to your influence. Special properties, huh...? Well, you must be exhausted. You just leave him to me and{LF}go rest up for a while. I will. Thank you very much. You're very welcome. I wonder...if he's okay. @しゅじんこうくん@. Have you come to visit him? Ah...yes, I have. You're such a kind soul. I think he's still sleeping... Wait here. I'll go check on him for{LF}you. @しゅじんこうくん@! What's wrong?! He's supposed to be sleeping in bed right now, but...he's{LF}gone! He's too injured to have gone far, though, so he should still{LF}be around here somewhere. All right. Let's see if we can find him. Right! Venti... Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. Did you figure out what's going on? Another monster turned into a human being. I see... ... Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...I'm sorry, but I'm a bit tired today. I know you have a lot of things to ask me, but can you... Hmmm.... Sorry. He escaped as soon as we took our eyes off of him. Where could he have gone? Just leave the rest to me. Thank you for finding him. You're my hero. What was that light...? Ah! There he is! Wh-wh-what are you doing here?! I was looking for him. He's the monster. Or rather, he was! It seems he slipped out from the clinic. @ナンシー@ was{LF}in a state of utter panic. Ah, I see! So he's an escapee, then. All right. Please, hurry up and take him back to the clinic{LF}right away. That's the plan. ...By the way, why was this room shimmering a moment ago? Sh-shimmering, you say...? I-I think you must have imagined that... Venti?! I-I'm okay... You don't look okay! Well, don't worry... I'm just tired. What are you talking about?! Come on. Let's go see @ジョーンズ@. Umm...is he qualified to practice medicine on holy dragons...? Let's ask @ヴォルカノン@. Let's go see a vet, then. Yeah, let's see what @ヴォルカノン@ has to say. Yeah, maybe you need to go to an animal clinic or{LF}something. H-hey, what do you think I am?! I said I'm okay. I just didn't get enough sleep. I was...so worried about you in the @マップ0@,{LF}I couldn't get a moment of shut-eye. So don't concern yourself with me. Just be grateful that I{LF}care so much about you! Venti... *YAWN* I'm so sleepy... I think I'll take a little nap. You can handle the escapee, right? I'm glad you found him. Please accept our apologies. We won't take our eyes off of{LF}him again! Thanks. He's all yours, then. Got it. Ah, there you are. I was about to call you over. What happened? Your former monster man finally woke up. Really?! How do you feel? Are you all right? ...I'm fine, more or less. And who are you? This is the one who saved you. ... I'm @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Dylas. Um, I'd like to ask you one thing... Why were you in the @マップ0@? It's none of your business. ...Hey, Dylas. @しゅじんこうくん@ saved you. You know that, right? So how about dialing down the foul attitude a bit, hmm? ...Sound good? ...I don't know why I was there. You lost your memory too? ...Yeah. ...Can I go now? Physically, you are fine, but I'm still concerned about... Thank you for taking care of me. He's gone... He's not one to mess around with niceties, now, is he?{LF}Definitely lives life at his own pace. @ナンシー@, @ジョーンズ@... Thank you very much. You're very welcome. I didn't do anything special. Just...my job. @ディラス@... What's he going to do from here on out? Wh-what are you...?! Oh, my, you finally woke up! Wonderful to meet you. I'm called Porcoline. Just...Porcoline{LF}is fine. There's more, but...meh! You may feel free to call me by that name. ...O-okay... Well...bye! ...Hmm? And just what are you going to do with yourself{LF}from now on? ...Don't see how that's any of your business. You have nowhere to go, do you? Th-that's not your conce-- Then you'll come live at my place! ...What? Fortunately for you, I just so happen to have a spare room. Besides, you're fresh out of an extended clinic stay! You're in{LF}no condition to wander about. If you plan to leave town, that's fine! But what difference{LF}does it make if it's now or later? ...But...I can't just freeload... Then how about you work for me during your stay? ...Work for you? I run a restaurant here. And I can hire you as a waiter. When you eventually go off on your aimless voyage, you'll{LF}still need money, after all...no? If you stay in my house for a while and don't like it, you can{LF}leave anytime. What do you think? Sounds stupendous, doesn't it? ... ...Okay. I guess I'll stay with you, then. WONDERFUL!! I'm Dylas. Thank you... Porcoline. Seems he'll do just fine. Hey! Did you hear that?! I'm sorry. I was sleeping. I didn't hear a-a-a-anything! And neither did you, riiiiight? Was it...the voice? I definitely heard something, I did. Arooooooooo! ♪ I-I'm not scared at all! N-nothing at all to be frightened of, I'm sure. Just the wind! Are you all right, @しゅじんこうくん@?! Are you all right, @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@. Don't go alone. @しゅじんこうくん@, you walk too fast. N-n-n-nothing is going to pop out and eat us, right? Right?! @しゅじんこうくん@! I'm sorry to be late. I stumbled a bit on my way. What happened? What's wrong, @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@, did you find anything interesting? @しゅじんこうくん@. You need to walk more slowly and pay{LF}careful attention to your surroundings. It's key to being a first-rate detective. Understand? Come, now, don't leave me behind! You certainly are an{LF}impatient one, aren't you? Looks dangerous ahead. Let's make sure we document our{LF}travels before we go any farther. I feel a tremendous presence. Whoa... I feel like the voices are going to blow me away! Whew... This ain't gonna be easy. That's not a ghostly voice. It's...a horse neighing? The source of the voices seems to be just beyond here. We{LF}should record our progress before we go! It's so loud! My ears hurt! I hear it loud and clear now. Wish my voice traveled like{LF}that... There's something ahead! What is it...? What a loud sound. This could be a large monster, so we'd{LF}best be on our guard! *NEIGGGGHH*? A...horsie? What is it? It's crying... All right! Let's do this! ...Have at you! I-it looks strong, but...! As long as it's not a ghost, I'm golden! Let's take it down! Here we go! It s-seems I have no choice but to fight. See ya', horsie! ♪ Be careful not to get yourself injured! Let's hurry. Let's go back to the town now. I agree. Let's go. This is great! ♪ I've got to make sure I let everyone know{LF}about this! That's Porcoline for you. A master negotiator if ever I've seen{LF}one. Haha. It's like he can work magic with his words. I wish I could sound so good with words! Porcoline just got a new employee! ♪ ''Are you...@しゅじんこうくん@?'' Y-yes...? Wrong person. ''Oh...'' (Is she...the ghost people are talking about?) ''I've finally found you!!'' ''Now, let's go help Dolly!'' H-help? And...who's Dolly?? ''Huh? You haven't heard from Ven?'' ''But it's you who saved the other two, right?'' Ven? Other two? ''Ven’s Ven.'' ''Dylas and Amber!'' Oh. Y-yeah, that was me... ''Then there's no mistaking it.'' ''I...'' ''I've waited for this moment forever!'' ''Haven't you found a way to restore the runes in this land?'' ''If so, then we have to save Dolly, too!'' ''I didn't want to make milady's requests all for naught, you{LF}see...'' ''...and I didn't want to let Ven down either, so I tried my best{LF}to be patient.'' ''But that'll all be over today!'' ''Milady, we'll be there soon! Help is on the way!'' Um, I'm not quite sure where this is going... ''Do you know where a place called{LF}@マップ0@ is located?'' I have no idea. Yes, I do. ''Good.'' ''You don't know?'' ''What kind of education has Ven been giving you?!'' ''Once you leave the town, head toward the +bridge located{LF}in the southwest+.'' ''Once you reach the bridge, you just cross it and keep on{LF}going. You can't miss it!'' ''You got all that?'' I understand. I wish I understood. ''Then I'm going to head to @マップ0@ now!'' W-wait! Was there...a bridge in the southwest...? I just...met a very hyperactive ghost. A ghost?! W-was that...P-pi...pi...pi-pi-pi-pi...?! Why are you peeping like a bird? I'm not peeping! Wh-what did the ghost s-s-say? Um... She said she wants me to save Dolly... ... You know what she's talking about, don't you? I...can't say...that I don't... So you do, then. I don't! You don't? ...Or...I do... Huh? Though I don't really know about Pi--eh-hem, that ghost... But if she needs your help, you should at least listen to what{LF}she has to say. Helping those in need is part of your duty as a @姫@, after all! *SIGH* Well, guess I should follow the ghost, then. Makes{LF}about as much sense as anything else in this town. ... ''What took you so long?!'' Err... Is...this Dolly person...here? ''Yes, that's right.'' I-it has...a certain... ambiance, huh... ''Come on! We're going in!'' ''Dolly... We'll be there soon!'' ''It's this way!'' W-wait... ''What is it?'' Uh...will you at least tell me your name? ''Why don't you introduce yourself before you ask a lady's{LF}name?'' I...suppose that would be the polite thing to do. Sorry. My name is @しゅじんこうくん@. ''I'm Pico.'' ''I appeared before you so I could help Dolly.'' So, this Dolly you keep tal-- ''Enough with the introductions! There's no time to waste!'' And...off she goes. It's a portrait of a woman. The eyes kind of seem like they're staring straight at me. There's something written here... Marionetta The one I loved... ...and the one /I killed/. Huh...? Was that...the door...? It's a portrait of a man. Looks kind of creepy... [Found a /red key/.] The diary talked about a +silver key+, though... And why is it here...? It's a portrait of a man. There was a /red key/ hidden behind it, but there's nothing{LF}else of note to be found. What...? Is the door locked? I wonder if @ピコ@ accidentally locked it... No good... It's not opening. There's a crack in the wall. Nothing is visible on the opposite side, however, as it's{LF}simply too dark. There's a crack in the wall. Upon looking into it, something resembling an eye appears{LF}to be looking back. What the...?! ...Strange...there's nothing there now. Pff!! Thfft!! Stupid spider webs... This place must have been empty for a long time... WHOA! What was that?! GEH! That's cold! Is the roof leaking...? (It's sticky...) Huh...? Look at your palm. Don't look. It's red... It's a picture of a woman. There's something written on the back... I will love this house, and all the guests I invite. I will make portraits of them. They will be here forever. There's a faded diary. It says that the +silver key+ is placed behind a painting. Read. Don't read. Ever since I started living here, I constantly feel like I'm being{LF}watched from somewhere... But supposedly, I'm the only person here. Read on. Don't read. What's going on?! Things I throw away keep coming back... Who's doing this? Why don't you show yourself?! Read on. Don't read. ...I can't take it anymore. I decided to leave this mansion tomorrow. Dear stranger. I guess today's the last day I'll be spending with you. Goodbye. Take care. /Read on./ Don't read. /No matter how hard I try to leave the mansion, I somehow{LF}always end up back here./ /Oh, you might be wondering about the color change!/ /My pen ran out of ink yesterday./ /But I can still write./ /There seems to be red ink dripping from my right hand now./ /But it hurts./ /It hurts./ /It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It{LF}hurts. It hurts./ /Read on./ Don't read. /I found it.../ /I might finally be able to leave this place!/ /I hid the/ +silver key+ /behind the painting./ /Finally...I can finally be free!/ /Be...free.../ /...is what I...thought.../ ... I shouldn't turn around. AAAAHHH! Look behind you!! The lights are out... Oh, there's a candle over there. I should light it... That'll do. ''Come this way.'' Wait... There's something wrong with this place. But, I guess I have no choice. I have to go. ''What are you doing?!'' ''Hurry up!'' ''We're almost there!'' ''Yes...we're finally here...'' ''Milady's in there!'' ''Dolly!'' ''Dooolly!'' ''Dolly?!'' ''Where are you?!'' ''DOOOLLLLYYY!'' ''I'm here for you!'' ''D-dolly?!'' @ピコ@! Get back! ''Dolly! It's me!! Dolly!'' @ピコ@, stay back! ''...But, Dolly's...!'' Come on! ''Gah!'' ''Fine. I'll leave the rest to you!'' ''Make sure you save her, though!'' Let's go! So this is...Dolly...? Um... ...Is this...? Oh, you're conscious-- ''DOOLLLYY!'' --?! *CRACK* ''I've missed you...'' ''I've missed you so much!'' ''I've missed you so sooo much!'' ... ''Huh?'' ''Milady?'' ''Dolly?!'' ''Dooollyyy!'' ''@しゅじんこうくん@!'' ''Dolly's...! Dolly's...!!'' C-calm down... She just fainted, that's all. ''But why?!'' ''I guess the only thing left to do, then...'' ''...is go to Ven's place!'' W-wait!! ''The bridge is fixed!'' ''How lucky!'' Man, she's fast... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! May I ask what you're doing over here? I was just checking something in @マップ0@. Ah, about the rumor, no? How about you, @ヴォルカノン@? I was told by Lady Ventuswill to fix the bridge. She didn't say why, exactly. But presumably, Lady Ventuswill knew... ...that you would be returning from @マップ0@. I can think of no other reason she would have ordered this{LF}of me. She is a most considerate dragon indeed. Heart...of purest...{LF}gold... WAAAAH! @ヴォルカノン@... WAAAAH! ... I-I should hurry and catch up with @ピコ@. ''Is Dolly okay!?'' Of course. But there's something I must do before anything else. ''W-wait! Wait!!'' ''Hey!!'' ''Wh-what are you doing?'' ''What about first aid?!'' ''What did you just do?!'' You certainly haven't changed. ''What in the world did you just do to her?!'' Don't worry. I simply erased Dolce's memory. ''What?!?!'' ''Why would you do that?!'' ''Are you trying to ruin our relationship?!'' ''I don't care if it's you, Ven, I can't forgive such cruelty!!'' Don't be stupid. It's not like that. ''W-well, then answer me! Why did you erase her memory?!'' I didn't erase all of it. Just her memories relating to +the Guardians+. ''Memories relating to +the Guardians+...'' I've completely erased it, just as I did to all the other{LF}+Guardians+. Without such memories, they should never think of sacrificing{LF}themselves again. ''Then, Dolly...'' ...will never become a +Guardian+ again, no. ''Really...?'' Really. ''YAAAAAY!'' ''From now on, I can be with Dolly ALWAYS!'' That's right. You should all live happily in this town, alongside all the{LF}other +Guardians+. Just forget about all of that chaos. About being a +Guardian+...and a friend... ''What...?'' She should wake up anytime. ''Wait a minute.'' ''If you found a way to bring back runes in this land...'' ''...then there's no need to erase her memory at all, right?'' ... ''Ven, please answer me!'' ''Why--'' ''Ven?!'' *PANT*...*PANT*... I'm sorry... Please allow me to rest for a spell. ''Wait!'' ''Why do you look like you're in so much pain?'' Don't...worry... ''You're obviously not okay!'' ''Didn't you find a solution?!'' ... ''Ven...!'' I know what I'm doing... ''...You've released two Guardians before milady, right?'' ... ''What are you up to?'' ''That wouldn't...'' ''That wouldn't make Dolly happy!'' ''You're going to die!'' Venti...is dying? Venti!! Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@... There's no need for the dramatic shout. I'm right here. What does she mean you're going to die?! ... Hey!! ... ...So you were eavesdropping. Eavesdropping is by no means a proper activity for a @姫@. Venti! ... Answer me! ...I guess I can't hide it anymore. It's exactly as she said. I'm about to reach my limit. Truthfully, I'd reached my limit a long time ago. As a +Divine Native Dragon+... ...I have the duty of producing and returning +runes+ to the{LF}world through my body. This world is full of nature...full of people, fields and{LF}monsters... We need a huge number of runes for everything to be{LF}maintained in the right...proportions. And truthfully, the +runes+ in this land ran dry long ago. And I had my final part to play. Final...? Like humans, Divine Dragons have an end to their lives. And my final role as the +Divine Wind Dragon Ventuswill+ was{LF}to water the land with my own life. But with the help of the +Guardians+, my life was extended. ... ...+Guardians+? It's a forbidden spell used by +Earthmates+ to create more{LF}+runeys+... ...by assimilating humans into the land itself. The +Guardians+ sacrificed themselves to produce more and{LF}more runes... ...in order to save my life and this land. The three people you've saved... Amber... Dylas... ...and... Dolce, over here. They were all +Guardians+. All three of them...? They all sacrificed themselves to save me and this kingdom. These friends of mine... ...kept producing runes for centuries... I...always wanted to release these +Guardians+... But time is a cruel mistress...and I was convinced I was out of{LF}it. That I was too late... But that's when you fell into the picture, @しゅじんこうくん@. When I met you, and learned that you bore the power of an{LF}+Earthmate+... ...I knew it was my last chance to save my friends who'd{LF}turned themselves into +Guardians+. An +Earthmate+... ...must be able to break the forbidden spell cast by other{LF}+Earthmates+. Why didn't you tell me? I'm sorry that I didn't. But... ...if I told you the truth... ...I didn't think you'd go through with saving them. ...You have my sincerest apologies. ... I want to save them. And then, once I've played my part, the runes I generate{LF}should easily last another 1000 years. I am a +Divine Dragon+, after all. A new Wind Dragon should be born within that time... ...and play its part the same way I have. ''Part''? But doesn't that mean...you'll die?! ...@しゅじんこうくん@, listen. If you go west, there's a tower called{LF}@マップ0@ where you'll find the last +Guardian+,{LF}Leon. Please save him. You're the only one I can ask! ...I can't...bear it anymore... Being alive... ...by sacrificing the lives of my friends... ...I'm...tired of it all... Venti... ... You can't do that... Let's move the town! Let's ask the king! Let's try to make runes! I'll be the new Guardian. You must protect the town. That mustn't happen. I can't leave the town of Selphia. Why...? This is an important land for Norad. If all the runes in this land disappear, so will the runes in the{LF}Kingdom of Norad. And this will eventually diffuse to the whole world. Selphia's like the heart. That's why, as a Divine Dragon... ...I must revitalize this land. That is my final task as the Divine Wind Dragon. ... ...Oh, I've discussed this with the king at great length. However, it just isn't possible. The successive kings of the land have explored alternative{LF}after alternative... ...but the result is what we've seen these past several{LF}centuries. There is no solution. It's simply not possible. ... ... What about the fields? We can get runes from the fields, can't we? That wouldn't help much. The amount of runes needed will easily exceed the growth{LF}speed of the crops. No matter how hard you may try, even as an Earthmate... What's worse, with the way things stand, we may no longer{LF}see runes in the fields at all. Which means crops will stop growing... ... No! You absolutely must not! But... Why do you think I borrowed your power?! ...Why do you think... ...I tried to keep a distance from everyone...? ...! I can't bear... ...watching my precious friends disappear because of me. Venti... You humans are so selfish... Always disappearing without a word. Ignoring me, the Divine Dragon... ...while even using the power of the +Earthmates+... And becoming Guardians without my permission! To save me... ...It's all my fault... ...And...to disappear, again... ... ...I can't... I...no longer want to be separated from anyone... ... ...That's why my mind is set on this. ...? I'm so miserable... ...depending on the +Guardians+ to stay alive... How could I ever say that I'm protecting the town...? ...It's my duty as a Wind Dragon to revitalize the earth. If I don't fulfill it, this kingdom's soil will die out. ...And if that happens, the Kingdom of Norad--this town of{LF}Selphia--will have no future. So please, @しゅじんこうくん@. But... Please! ... I beg of you! ... Please... ... No. There must be another way. You're the only hope, @しゅじんこうくん@. Please... I realize how hard it may be to accept this... But, please... There must be some other way to help you and the{LF}+Guardians+! ... There's no other way, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's all right. I've lived a long and full life. ... I... I tried hard not to make any friends... ...so that they wouldn't even think of becoming +Guardians+. I tried to isolate myself. But... No matter what I did, you humans are just too damned{LF}charming! I made friends up till the end. Even when I wasn't trying, I was making friends. You know{LF}how I met my most recent one? The heavens dropped a new friend right on my head, that's{LF}how! Fell on me without warning... ...and started spewing all manner of smart-mouthed drivel{LF}against me, a Divine Dragon! But... ...despite having no past memories... ...that person cares about others... ...and has a kind, caring heart. Come on, now... At first, the +Earthmate+ aspect left me feeling a bit worried... ...but soon enough, it didn't matter at all... @しゅじんこうくん@. I don't want to lose you. ...Venti. It hasn't been that long since you've come... ...but I've enjoyed our time together immensely. Don't let me lose my last friend. ... I can't overstate how important this is to me. Please...@しゅじんこうくん@... Save...the last...+Guardian+... Venti?! VENTI!! ''Please calm down.'' ''...She's still alive.'' ''...'' ''...Try to understand Ven's feelings.'' ''She probably had to think really hard to reach this{LF}conclusion.'' But... I can't just sit back and let her die! ''Neither can I!'' ''I've known Ven for a long time.'' ''Of course I want to save her, if that's possible!'' ''But...'' @ピコ@... ...No, this is wrong. ''@しゅじんこうくん@!'' I want to save both Venti and the +Guardians+! There must... There must be a way! ''Where are you going?!'' Did someone just disappe...? No, that can't be. Hahaha... @キャラ9@.{LF}@キャラ9@. @キャラ9@.{LF}@キャラ9@. N-n-n-no! It was totally just your imagination! ... Did someone just disappe...? No, that can't be. Hahaha... @キャラ9@.{LF}@キャラ9@. @キャラ9@.{LF}@キャラ9@. No! I didn't see anything! ...*FAINT* There used to be a bridge near the cliff toward the{LF}southwest. But it seems to have collapsed during an earthquake. A m-mansion...? C-can that be...? I know the bridge collapsed a while ago, but there was a{LF}mansion on the other side, right? Oh, there was one. I remember it. I heard that the bridge collapsed due to an earthquake right{LF}before I came to Selphia. I heard from a customer that the bridge collapsed during an{LF}earthquake. I posit that the bridge collapsed because of the last{LF}earthquake. It happened right before you came. Th-this...this is...! Wow, it's been a long time... Let's go, @しゅじんこうくん@! Nope! Not happening! No way, no how! ... AHHH!! WAAAAAAAH!!! ... I-I'm sorry! I d-d-didn't mean to panic! Nor leave you and run away! B-but...alas! Oooogh... Y-you came back, so it's all right. Ahaha... It's not very well-maintained, now, is it? I can't... AHH! Huh? ...*FAINT* Leave it to me! I'll try my best. I can see it...and everyone else sees it too...so I can cut it...{LF}which means it's not a ghost! Let's try our best! I-I'll try, but t-this isn't a ghost, right...? Trust me! I'm not sure if I can live up to your expectations, but I'll try. I will try to help you! There must be something I can do! I'll use my brilliant reasoning skills...or maybe not this time. There's a doll! There's a doll! ...It's all right, I can fight. Oh, dear. If she sleeps here, she'll get sick. Oh...it's a little girl! ♪ Did the monster just turn into a girl...? Please, step aside. I'll{LF}see if she's all right. My, what a lovely girl! She doesn't seem injured... How fast... She's so fast that I can't even... *YAWN* Wow. That's impressive. She's faster than a Silver Wolf! She's faster than a Silver Wolf! +Rune Spheres+? They're blue gems with a pale shine to them... ...Oh! Do you have any leads?! I think one of the customers was talking about one... Although I'm not sure if it's the gem you're looking for. Where is that customer? I think he's hanging around in the lobby. Thank you very much! How can I help Venti...? Hey... D-did you hear our conversation? ... ... I...I want to help Venti. But... I don't know what to do... If I don't hurry, Venti'll... ...Tch. You're wasting your time. If it's impossible, it's impossible. Isn't that what +that dragon+ said, too? ...Not that you should listen to her. But why don't you just go ahead and help Leon or whoever{LF}it is?! Then +that dragon+ should be gone for good... I can't give up! I probably should... Just because I was told that it's impossible... ...doesn't mean it really is! You might be right, @ダグ@... But... ...that's... Hey...!! Listen. ... ... +That dragon+... +She+... ... Tch, whatever... Do whatever you want. Uh... ''This is the person that saved you, milady.'' Oh. I don't really remember what I was saved from. But thanks, either way. Um...sure. I'm Dolce. ...My name is @しゅじんこうくん@. I wanted to talk to Venti, too. Huh? What's wrong? You...said ''Venti''...right? Wasn't that the name of that dragon? Uh... It seems like she had a hand in saving me too. I wanted to{LF}thank her as well. Oh, I see... ''...'' I feel like I'm forgetting something very important... You and Venti both have such sad looks on your faces. ...Do we? Well, since she seems tired, I suppose I'll speak with her{LF}another time. ''...'' Pico? ''...Yeah, that sounds good.'' ... Oh, hello there. ''How do you do? Thank you very much for all your help.'' So you two are...? ''Erm...'' Are you in the same situation as Amber and Dylas? ''Oh! How did you know?'' The last couple additions to our town were like that, so I{LF}just assumed. What do you mean...? ''Um...'' ''I haven't fully explained it to you, milady...'' So this girl lost her memory too? Huh...? Well, why don't you two come to my place for the time{LF}being? It's probably best that Jones gives her a thorough check-up. Jones...? He's my husband, and a superb doctor. ♪ I'm not injured, though. You may look okay, but it never hurts to be cautious. Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm...? Oh, yeah, that's very true. ...@しゅじんこうくん@? Is something wrong? Um... ...No. ''...'' Well, allow me, then! Huh? Uh, wait, please... Hmm? Is there a problem? Well, not exactly. It's just... ...You have no obligation to me. Oh, is that your concern? Don't worry. Haven't you heard the phrase, ''one good turn{LF}deserves another''? Do you actually believe that?! Yes, of course! Gods may act on a whim, but that's not true of humans. Someone who understands gratitude will, in some form, pay{LF}back in kind. If you feel confident in what you've been protecting, you{LF}should eventually be rewarded. ...You're too trusting. Maybe so. But I have no regrets. That's just how I live my life! Now, shall we? Oh, I know! If you don't have a place to stay, you can live with us! Wh-what?! ''How nice of her!'' ''The most important thing is to have no regrets.'' ''I totally agree with that! She's a really nice lady.'' ... ''But at times, you have to make some tough decisions.'' ''Even knowing that, whichever choice you make, you might{LF}eventually regret it.'' ''Sometimes, you just have to choose the lesser of two evils.'' ... Venti... A Chipsqueek...? How did it get in...? What can I do? ...How can I help Venti...? Owww... H-huh...? Hey...! Venti's charm?! G-give it back! Where did that Chipsqueek go?! There! I won't let you escape... YAH! Gotcha! AHHH! Ow... Where am I...? No good. There's no way to climb up. If I go farther in, though, I guess maybe I can track down{LF}that Chipsqueek... I can always use @アイテム0@ to go back if{LF}things get dangerous. Found you! There! *PANT*...*PANT*... It got away... It seemed to be interested in this stone... If I take it, I might be able to catch the little rascal... So this is where it comes out, huh? I've got a bad feeling about this. Maybe I should write a{LF}diary entry before moving on. Where's...the Chipsqueek...? Was this tree always here...? I-it moved?! Hmm... Ah...! All right. With this stone... Now, come here. Yes, yes. Right this way... Owww... Wh-what?! Wow... The forest is overflowing with runeys! M-maybe this can save Venti! Huh...? [Received @アイテム0@ from Chipsqueek.] Why...? Tell her. Tell her, we're all watching over her... ...! That voice...came from the whole forest... All right. I'll let Venti know. ...Thank you. Did you...get the +Rune Sphere+? @ダグ@?! Why are you here? Just answer me! Did you find the +Rune Sphere+?! I can feel its energy busting out all over the place... Is this it?! Didn't know that a single object could hold this much{LF}energy... So this is the +Rune Sphere+... Rune...Sphere...? I-I thought you got your memory back! @ダグ@...do you know something? ... By using the +Rune Sphere+... ...we might be able to help Venti! Don't be dumb. There's no way. I've never seen so many +runeys+. They're just overflowing...! With this... With this +Rune Sphere+, we should be able to save Venti! ...Give it up. ?! Why? I want to help her! Why?! You don't understand. ...! You don't understand anything at all! You don't know the first thing about +her+! That's why you're saying stupid stuff about finding a way to{LF}save her life! She... ...she killed everyone in my village... ...including my father! What...? It's the truth! I wasn't killed because...I happened to be out of town... ...but +Native Dragons+ are evil beings! That's not...! Even now... ...she must be lying to you and everyone else in town. I'm sure the +Guardians+ were sealed by Venti herself... ...because they saw her for what she really was. A monster. Th-that can't be! Calm down, @ダグ@... Why not?! I am calm! Venti was the one who asked me to release the +Guardians+. If what you said is true, why would she specifically request{LF}something like that? That's why she erased their memories! She just erased anything that might interfere with her plans. But she said it's so that they'll never be +Guardians+ again... How am I supposed to believe that cockamamie excuse?! ... Is that really what you think, even after seeing Venti now? ...! Even with a battered body... She's sacrificing herself in order to help everyone else. It's a lie. She's got to be faking it. And yet, she's heart-broken when thinking about the friends{LF}who saved her... She even decided to keep a distance between herself and{LF}everyone else... ...so that the same tragedy wouldn't happen again. Do you honestly think that... ...someone as sweet as Venti, with all her weaknesses and{LF}all her strengths... ...could really do such a thing? I... ...There's no way I'm wrong. My home is gone because of her. That's why...since I was a kid... I've lived solely for revenge! And now... ...you're telling me...that I'm off my rocker? So what...would you suggest...I do...? @ダグ@... ... There are four +Rune Spheres+. Huh...?! Don't get me wrong! I'm...declaring war here... See, @しゅじんこうくん@... If you intend to save her, no matter what... ...I'll find all of the other +Rune Spheres+ before you do... ...and I'll stop you! You are...my enemy! @ダグ@!! ... I... ...I believe in Venti. ...I'll find the truth. ...That's right. First of all, I have to find the other +Rune Spheres+. If @ダグ@ was telling the truth, there are three left. ...I just have to figure out where they are. I actually... ...have no idea. ...have a thought. It's hard to look without direction... So I should start asking people in town. All right. I'll start off by checking all the places I have in mind. According to Dylas, there must be a Rune Sphere here! I do remember seeing a +strange stone+ somewhere nearby... I'm getting a strange feeling in this spot. I see something...! Found it! Nothing's happening, though... Nothing happened when I just held it at{LF}@マップ0@ either... At that time, I dropped the +Rune Sphere+ because the{LF}Chipsqueek jumped on me... ...so maybe... ...I'm supposed to place them +where the Guardians were{LF}found+. I should first go to the place where I saved @ディラス@. So I place it here, and... I knew it!! Then, next is... Damn! You already found the second one?! I'll be sure to get the +next+ one before you do! @ダグ@... Listen up! I won't let you win! ... I guess I should just try to find the next +Rune Sphere+ as soon{LF}as possible. I... ...might know where it is. ...have no leads at all. Why don't I try searching...there... ...and go back to town if I can't find anything. ...I should go back to town first and ask around. Someone might have an idea. What a large stump... There's a cave nearby. Is it in here? All right! Rune Sphere ahoy! If I just take this to @マップ0@...! I should place the +Rune Sphere+ over here... Good! That's the third one! ''@しゅじんこうくん@!'' ''I finally found you...I've been looking all over for you!'' What happened? ''Venti woke up!'' She did?! ''Uh-huh!'' ''Though she's still a little...woozy.'' The +Rune Spheres+...I guess it's actually working! ''I wanted to let you know as soon as possible.'' ''But it took me forever to find you!'' ''Now come on, let's hurry back to Ven's place!'' Venti...thank goodness... Venti! Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@... @ダグ@? What's going on...? @ダグ@?! ... Ventuswill, answer my question... Why...why did you kill everyone?! @ダグ@, calm down!! @しゅじんこうくん@. Step back. But... Doug has something to say to me. Please allow him to plead{LF}his case. ... Doug, explain to me what you're talking about, if you would. Why... Why did you kill my parents-- my whole tribe?! ... Doug... I have no idea what you're talking about. Don't act all innocent! You did it! I know you did! ...Listen to me. I honestly have no idea what you're talking{LF}about. You...!! ...I know everything. You're acting all big and selfless to fool everyone in town,{LF}right?! Well, I don't believe a word of it! Do you realize how much danger your lies are causing?! Causing good people like @しゅじんこうくん@?! ...! You call it ''friendship''... But all you've ever wanted to do is use people for your own{LF}selfish ends! @ダグ@!! That's who Ventuswill really is. That's what...I was told... By the people...of the Sechs Empire... I see... So what is it you want to do, then? ... What do you...mean? According to the Sechs, I'm your enemy. If so, you should've just attacked me, right? But you didn't. Because you're still uncertain. ...! That's...not... That's why I'm asking. Do you believe what you heard from the +Sechs Empire+? Will you use that sword to kill me and take your revenge? Or... Will you believe me, and sheathe your blade? ... What do you want to do? What do you think is the right thing to do? You're the one who has to decide. I...I... ... I have one question. Is it true, what you said to @しゅじんこうくん@? That you ''can't leave Selphia''...? It's true... I can't leave Selphia. ... Oh, man... Damn it! What's the right thing to do here?! At +Sechs+, they convinced me that she killed them... ...but now, she's saying she can't leave the town... So who's lying to me? @ダグ@... I don't know the truth. Let's believe in Venti. But... It's hard to believe that Venti's a murderer. Who cares about your opinion?! You're going to take her side no matter what! That's not true. Yes, I will. If I thought Venti were in the wrong, I'd use all my strength{LF}to stop her. Even now, after everything she's done for me. ... But I don't believe it. I don't think Venti's the one responsible{LF}for what you described. You heard her speak of the +Guardians+. After hearing all that,{LF}can you still doubt her? Isn't that why you came to see for yourself? And held your{LF}blade all this time? ... Venti tried to help a total stranger like me. She cheered me up when I was suffering and unable to{LF}remember anything about my past. Even though the +Earthmates+ are the cause of her agony... And even when the fact that I am one was rubbed right up{LF}in her face... ...she still called me... ...a friend. @しゅじんこうくん@... That's why... I believe in Venti. I want to believe in her. Because she's my friend. ... ...Dammit. This is a +Rune Sphere+... I honestly don't know... What's right and what's wrong... My head is completely messed up right now... I still don't really believe that she wasn't the one... But at the same time, I don't think it's all a lie. I can't believe both, though. That's why I don't trust myself. I don't know what the right thing is to do. ... But you, @しゅじんこうくん@... You've been trying to help everyone all this time. ... I don't have any trouble...believing you. @ダグ@... So you can do whatever you want with the +Rune Sphere+. Doug...thank you. I-it's not for you! Dammit all... Anyway, I'll see you 'round. The Sechs...are cruel to play with people's lives... Venti...what kind of place is the Sechs Empire? Oh, that's right. You wouldn't know... They're a huge empire bordering Norad. That terrifying land, the Sechs Empire. They've invaded us in the past, so I say with complete{LF}certainty that they're a force to be reckoned with. The Sechs Empire... Now, what did Doug give you? This stone. It's called a +Rune Sphere+. It holds a tremendous power. I wonder how many runes are stored in that small stone... If we place these where the +Guardians+ were found, those{LF}areas will fill with runes. You mean the +Rune Spots+? Hmm...so they can take the place of the +Guardians+? That explains why I got some of my power back. But I had no idea such things existed... Me neither. I was pretty surprised. ... Where did you get it, exactly? I found it in @マップ0@. I was chasing after a Chipsqueek. A Chipsqueek? Oh, I almost forgot! That Chipsqueek asked me to tell you something. At least, I{LF}think it was the Chipsqueek... Oh? It said...+they're all watching over you+. ... What does...that mean...? It means you're not alone. ...Right? ...! ...I see. Hey, Venti? Hmm? I'm going to the tower. @しゅじんこうくん@... With the +Rune Spheres+, I can release the +Guardians+ and save{LF}you. That's why...I have to go. I can't lose you, Venti. @しゅじんこうくん@... Hee hee. You're quite the big talker! But it is rather encouraging, I can't deny. I knew you were the right choice. Me? The right choice? It's just happenstance. Way to go, Venti! Of course! You're an incredible person, @しゅじんこうくん@. Pfah! There are no coincidences. God saved you because you didn't give up. You realize I'm also a god, don't you? Hee hee. I do have a keen eye. It's quite odd, though... ...for you to find something like a +Rune Sphere+ around here... It makes no sense. Why was it...just lying around? It's truly...astounding, honestly. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm proud to count you as a friend. Venti... @しゅじんこうくん@. Let me ask you once again. I want you to save Leon. Will you release him? Will you release the last +Guardian+? Sure. Leave it to me! Relax, it's all covered. Yes, but covered in what? Uhh...maple syrup, maybe? ...This is supposed to be a touching scene, you know. ...Don't worry. Since I'm the only one who can do it, how can I say no? I will succeed. I promise, Venti. I promise that I'll save you. So don't worry. Get some rest. All right. Good luck...@しゅじんこうくん@. I...I'm going to rest a bit... ... Just wait a little longer, Venti. I'll save you for sure! Lady Ventuswill! Lady Ventuswill?! Didn't she wake up? She's resting again, for the moment. Oh, my...! I see... How is she? Is she...all right? Well... ...I can't say anything for sure yet, but she seems to be{LF}feeling better. Ohhh...! Lady Ventuswill!!! I'm heading to the tower now. So I'll leave Venti...to you all. Tower? You mean @マップ0@? I seem to recall...that it's quite impossible to get inside. It's{LF}completely sealed off. Huh...? WHAAAAAT?! @しゅじんこうくん@! You're being disruptive!! So are you, Volkanon! Both of you, keep quiet. ...At least we didn't wake her up. Since everyone's waiting, let's go outside. Okay... Uh, hey... Why...is everybody here...? We all heard that Lady Ventuswill has woken up, so we{LF}rushed over. You're not the only one worried about her, yes? ...You're right. So, @しゅじんこうくん@. About @マップ0@... You were saying it's sealed off?! A while ago, a mysterious gate appeared there. The gate has grown so large, it's shrouded the whole tower.{LF}And within it, the air is... ...well, the royal capital warns not to go near it, as it's{LF}become extremely dangerous. What...? Why are you going there, exactly? To help Venti. By placing-- The +Rune Sphere+, right? That's right. What is...? It's a +Rune Sphere+. If I take this to the tower, I should be able to save Venti. Really? Yes. This stone will take the place of a +Guardian+ and...uhhh... Why are you hesitating? We need to know this. I-it's just that... I feel kind of weird revealing everything that Venti's been{LF}hiding from you all this time... I'm curious. How, exactly, would that stone save the dragon? You said it would +take the place of a Guardian+, but...what{LF}does that mean? W-well... ... ...I can't explain everything in detail yet... But I need you all to trust me. ...Without question. Huh? How can we not trust you, when we're asked to do so? It's part of a butler's duty to trust his master! I've only ever heard honesty in your voice. Let's all figure out a way to solve this! Yeah! We want to help you! ...Thank you... If the story about the gate is true... ...does that mean that the tower beyond it is +the Forest of{LF}Beginnings+? Yes, that's what the researchers at the capital had{LF}concluded. It seems the inside of the tower has virtually fused with the{LF}+Forest of Beginnings+. Something inside is causing an imbalance in the runes... ...fusing parts of the tower with the forest and separating the{LF}two with a large, imposing gate. That's why simply destroying the gate isn't an option. Unless the underlying cause is eliminated, it'll just reappear{LF}once more. The cause behind an imbalance in the runes... It must be the +Guardian+... So the +Forest of Beginnings+ is within the tower, then? Yes. That means... ...well, can't you just break that huge gate and enter the{LF}+Forest of Beginnings+ directly? Huh? You know! By using the power that's released when the gate{LF}breaks... Oh, I see! I...don't really get it. I might have told you before... ...but gates are passages leading out from the +Forest of{LF}Beginnings+. When a gate either breaks or disappears... ...there's a slight power that's drawn toward the forest. If it's just a regular gate, it's only strong enough to draw out{LF}small monsters. Hmm... But when the gate is that big, it could be a totally{LF}different story. So, if I break the gate in @マップ0@...! The energy output may be large enough to turn the whole{LF}tower into the +Forest of Beginnings+. You might just have a chance of getting in. ...! But then, there wouldn't be any way for you to get back... What? I've never heard of anyone that's returned from the +Forest of{LF}Beginnings+. That's true... Actually...I have. Several years ago... ...one person made it back from the +Forest of Beginnings+. But I don't know the details, as I merely overheard the story{LF}at the royal capital. Well, then let's all try to figure it out! Our mission is to come up with a way to return from the{LF}+Forest of Beginnings+! So we can help Lady Ventuswill! @ビシュナル@... That's true...there's no use just standing here. I'll go search the documents in my room. Let me help you, Volkanon! I'll contact the capital. @しゅじんこうくん@, please wait for us! We promise to figure out a way for you to return from the{LF}+Forest of Beginnings+! Okay! Thank you very much! I'll try writing a letter to my hometown. Maybe we can hear a different story from the elves! I'll go do some research too! It's time for me to show how capable I am as a detective! Watch Miss Illuminata solve this mystery! I'll help! ♪ I'll go ask the customers in town! I'm sure we'll soon find a solution, yes? Then...why don't I cook for everyone? I can inspire you all with my delectable dishes! ...I'll lend you a hand, Porcoline. Everyone loves Lady Ventuswill so much... It makes me happy too. ...All right, time to get serious and start searching! Yes. We have to do what we can as well. Absolutely. Let's all give this our best shot! I'll do more research on the +Forest of Beginnings+. Don't worry. I'll make sure you safely return to this town! Allow me to help as well, Kiel. Great! Thank you...everyone... @しゅじんこうくん@! ''We heard about everything!'' You're trying to figure out how to return from the +Forest of{LF}Beginnings+, right? So you can help Lady Ventuswill? I want to help you out as best as I can. There must be a way{LF}to come back! I can't just slack off like I do with my store, now, can I? I'm going to help Xiao and ask around. I'll also do my part, though I'm not sure how much help I'll{LF}be. ''Let's try to save Ven!'' All right! With everybody working together, how can we{LF}lose? @しゅじんこうくん@! We found the culprit! No, we didn't. But we did find a rather helpful ally. Huh...? Hey. I'm Barrett. So I heard you're looking for +Omni Gate+. +Omni Gate+? It's a moving magic that you use to summon something from{LF}the +Forest of Beginnings+. So...it can...! Yeah. It can also call someone back. I know someone who actually came back by using that{LF}magic. What?! It was a lucky coincidence. I was searching for information on the person who returned{LF}from the +Forest of Beginnings+... ...and learned that someone in this town happens to know{LF}that person well. But then Amber came in and I lost my focus. I wound up{LF}leaving empty-handed. I'd actually sent Amber to the castle to search for clues,{LF}while I myself investigated the inn. I figured, those are the best two places to begin, no? And then I got my lucky break! The water in the vase was dirty, you see. So I tried to change it, but I...it has dropped. It seems I will{LF}always be clumsy. And that stopped me from going home. And that's when I happened to be passing by. Since I only had scraps for clues, I was worried I'd never be{LF}able to find him... ...but thanks to that bandana, I recognized him instantly. So that's how you found me. So he's the one...you were looking for? Yes. S-so...what's the magic that can bring someone back from{LF}the +Forest of Beginnings+? Right. It's a magic called +Omni Gate+. If you'd like to learn it, I can{LF}teach you. Yes, please! Just bear in mind... ...that not everyone can use it. What...? To be honest, I can't. It's a magic that only the Earthmates can use. And that's our current dilemma. Well, that should be no problem. Because I'm an +Earthmate+! What?! Seriously? Then should I just...go ahead and teach you? Sure! That would be great! All right. Can you remember this? Absolutely. All right. Let's give it a shot, then. There's someone you want to help within the +Forest of{LF}Beginnings+, right? Yes. Then just think of that person's name inside your head... @レオン@... Now try to come up with some specific detail you know{LF}about that person. He's the very first +Guardian+ who tried to save Venti! Okay. Now, say the spell name! +OMNI GATE+!! Whaaa?! Wha...!? @しゅじんこうくん@! You all right? I suddenly felt so much power rushing into my body... ...Did you... ...try to move an uncontrollable number of runes? If you're just trying to summon a person or a monster, that{LF}shouldn't happen. What were you trying to call? ...I guess...it's because @レオン@ is still a +Guardian+... Whoever it is, I don't think this spell's going to do the trick. Then I'll have go to the Forest of Beginnings myself. Wha...?! It's too dangerous! That's right! You don't know what's out there! There's no guarantee that you'll even get to the +Forest of{LF}Beginnings+. We already had an idea how to get inside. And as an +Earthmate+, I'm the only one who can save him. So I'll enter the +Forest of Beginnings+ from the large gate... ...and use this magic to leave. You can't do that. +Omni Gate+... ...is a magic to call something from the +Forest of Beginnings+{LF}to where you are now. So if I use it there... It won't do a thing. I mean, it's designed to +call+ something, to begin with. You can't use it on yourself. ...So... ... But you can use this instead. Huh...? It's a +Returning Ring+. With it, you can come back from the +Forest of Beginnings+. Though it'll break after only one use. Wow...where did you get such a thing?! I used to research the ancient text of the +Earthmates+, Earth{LF}Script. I wanted to use +Earthmate+ magic even though I wasn't an{LF}+Earthmate+ myself. ...Partially so I could lend aid to the person I know who{LF}came back. But also to help out any reckless fools who feel invincible{LF}just because they're +Earthmates+. I'm sure you can all understand exactly what I mean. Yeah, I think so. All too well. It doesn't take a detective to figure out what you're implying. Looking at you, it makes me realize all over again... ...that you +Earthmates+ are kind-hearted but impossibly{LF}stubborn. Thank you very much. You're making me blush... It's not a compliment. It's not a compliment. ...Sorry... Anyway... That ring reacts to spells. So hold onto the person you want to save, and chant, ''Aria.'' So hold onto the person you want to save, and chant,{LF}''Aarus.'' Once you chant the spell, it'll transfer both you and{LF}whatever you're holding. But you've only got one shot. So don't mess it up. @しゅじんこうくん@... It's all right. I promise I'll save Venti! That's the spirit! Yes! Good luck! I'm afraid you're the only hope we've got now. But I have faith in you, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Thank you. I wish I could give you more... But I've only got one right now. It's actually quite difficult to make. Sorry. It may be your only chance, but at least it's a chance. Best of{LF}luck to you. Venti... Ah...! Venti? *PANT*...*PANT*... Venti! Are you okay?! ... ... Venti... I'm going to @マップ0@. I'll try to bring @レオン@ back. So... ...wait for me, just a little longer. If I go any farther, I might never be able to come back. I should go alone... @マップ0@ is just beyond. The gate should be{LF}right over there. Once I enter the +Forest of Beginnings+, I won't be able to{LF}come back... I won't wake up at the clinic like I do when I'm defeated by{LF}a monster... So I should make sure to write down all my thoughts in my{LF}+Diary+. I-it's so big... But if I pass through, I can enter the +Forest of Beginnings+! I must succeed! I must succeed! A...Chipsqueek? A Chipsqueek? A Chipsqueek? A Chipsqueek? A Chipsqueek? A Chipsqueek? A Chipsqueek? A Chipsqueek? A Chipsqueek? A Chipsqueek? A Chipsqueek? A Chipsqueek? A Chipsqueek? A Chipsqueek? A Chipsqueek? ...A Chipsqueek? ''?'' A Chipsqueek? A Chipsqueek? What's that Chipsqueek up to? Wow! How cute... @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@, catch it! @しゅじんこうくん@, catch it! @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@?! What are you doing?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! I'll save you! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! Wait! @しゅじんこうくん@?! Wait! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! You're too reckless, @しゅじんこうくん@... S-sorry... Tell me, is it a hobby of yours to fall from high places? Not...particularly. Are you all right, @しゅじんこうくん@?! A little banged up, but not much worse for the wear. Ngh...ggghhhhh... A-are you okay, Margaret?! Looks like we've got to fight. Let's put them to sleep. Come on. Let's get this over with. It seems like we have to fight. My, my. Oh well...guess there's no choice but to fight! ''Make sure you watch milady's brave moves!'' Tree climbing! Tree climbing! Tree climbing! Tree climbing! A-are you okay?! Ooooggh... Are you all right?! Oh, my...? @しゅじんこうくん@, you okay? @しゅじんこうくん@! Pain, pain, go away! Somehow...I feel a sense of nostalgia here... Is this...? It's beautiful! The whole forest is so happy! ♪ It's a...true mystery. It's so shiny! Pretty! Lady Ventuswill... No, that can't possibly be! Doug, wasn't all of this just a dream or something? You're taking things too far, Doug. Stop this foolishness. That's impossible! That...that has to be a mistake! It can't be... Doug. Come on. Stop joking around. Judging from my experiences, that seems highly unlikely. It seems like @しゅじんこうくん@ is right. You should refine your reasoning. You're being awfully rash. ''I agree. There's just no way!'' Calm down a bit. Please. We can discuss this rationally. ... Close your eyes and try to calm down, like this... Hey, Doug. What's wrong? This isn't like you. You might want to relax a bit. It is a certainty! I feel the same. Of course! If you can believe in your own decision, it'll always be right. Time to get some work done! This is a most serious situation! It's time to show my exceptional skill as a detective! I don't mind helping out. After all, I do owe a lot to you and{LF}the dragon. ''Right.'' Why don't you go somewhere where you can rest and relax? Like the place Dylas was sleeping... Maybe... ...you should take this to a Rune Spot. Um... You know, the place you found Dylas! Makes sense, right?{LF}Go on! Give it a shot! I'm not sure why... ...but I have a feeling you should take it to that place you{LF}found me. It just...seems right. I know! Take the spheres to the places where you found the{LF}+Guardians+! Let's go to where Dylas was found! ''It's the Rune Spot.'' ''Place it in the Rune Spot where Dylas was...'' ...How do you know so much? You did it! It seems my hunch was right. Yep! Just as I thought! I guess I was right... Wow! My theory was correct! ''I was right!'' I guess at times Pico can be helpful after all. It's pretty, @しゅじんこうくん@! It's pretty, @しゅじんこうくん@! I want to take it home and do some research. This feeling... I heard a customer talking about a blue gem. You should ask +Mama+ for more details! Recently, one customer kept referring to a blue gem. Perhaps that's it! Thank you very much! A large stump, eh? There must be a cave around here, @しゅじんこうくん@! The large stump should be around here somewhere. That's quite the stump. The cave must be close by... This seems like the large stump the customer was talking{LF}about... This is the stump that the patron was referring to. It must be close by. The large stump! I found a clue! We must be close to the crime scene! We're close by, aren’t we? ''Sure is a big enough stump!'' Look at the big tree stump! Look at the big tree stump! This heat is making me sleepy. A cool mind feels no heat! I'm sweating inside my armor... It's so hot... My clothes are drenched in sweat! Sooo hooot... It's too hot to do anything... Hee hee. I'm good at handling heat. I can just shake it off! ♪ This heat is giving me ideas for new interrogation{LF}techniques... ''It's so hot, I feel like I'm melting...'' You're not. Unfortunately. ''...That's mean.'' This hotness...is not good for the body. Be very careful. What's with the heat wave? Let me know if you start feeling{LF}dizzy. It's sooooo hooot!! @しゅじんこうくん@, it's hot... I'll try my best! Let's go! Let's proceed with caution. @しゅじんこうくん@! Be safe! Yeah! We mustn't lose this fight! Let's go! There's no turning back! Yay, I got honey! Pico, I'll leave the rest to you. ''All right!'' ''...Wait. Aren't you fighting too, Dolly?!'' Ooh, a big flower! Ooh, a big flower! What a unique flower... A flower... Let's hurry! Now...shall we? Let's go, @しゅじんこうくん@! Hurry up! Let's get going. Shall we go? Ready, set, go! ''Let's hurry, milady! Ven's waiting for us!'' I am well aware. @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. Don't be. I understand. Of course you'd want to head to the Forest of Beginnings. That's who you are... Are you...mad at me? ... That's what...I love about you. ...Thank you. I can't believe you were going to leave without telling me! S-sorry about that. I'm glad I wasn't too late. Here. This{LF}@アイテム0@ is for you. I'll put it in your backpack. It'll be there for you if you get{LF}hungry. @クローリカ@, why...? It's not that hard to read you, you know. ♪ ...Thanks. So I didn't have enough time to make you a nice{LF}@アイテム0@ like I wanted to. I longed to be able to help you in some way, but I guess I{LF}couldn't. I'm sorry. ...It's all right. I'm happy just for the sentiment alone. Please take me with you! Th-that's... ...I know you can't. That's why you were leaving without saying anything, right? ...Sorry. Don't be. There are things that only you can do. There are things that only you can protect. Although I'm not happy with that...I do understand. ...Thank you. How could you leave without saying anything to me? That's{LF}so mean! ...I'm sorry. If you don't come back, I'll write a book about this... ...and make you an epic hero. Haha. Is that...a threat, a promise, or...what, exactly? Just a joke! Hee hee. But you can't leave me like this and not come back, okay? I won't...allow that to happen. @キール@... I'll be home, preparing delicious food while I wait. So make sure you come home safely, @しゅじんこうくん@! ...All right. Were you planning to go without telling me? ...I'm sorry. *SIGH* I didn't expect you to be so selfish. U-um...well... ...Kidding. I know what you were doing. I just wanted to tease you a bit. Because...I do feel lonely, you know? @マーガレット@... ...I have faith in you. So please...come back safely. ...I will. Damn. Why the hell do you have to go?! ...Sorry. It has to be me, an +Earthmate+... I know that. I just wanted to...complain. Selfishly. And see how it felt. Because...I'll be pretty lonely while you're gone. Just a little,{LF}mind you! But lonely nonetheless. @ディラス@... I guess as a man, it's my duty to wait for you. Calmly, and{LF}patiently. Just be careful out there. And...promise you'll be back. Remember, I'll be right here. Okay. You have my word. Will you take me with you? ...Thank you for the offer. But if something happens to you, this whole kingdom will be{LF}in jeopardy... You're much more important to me than this kingdom or my{LF}position! @アーサー@... My apologies...I think I lost it there for a moment. I understand...that if I go, the stakes will be greater. That's why I want you to at least promise me... ...that you'll definitely come home safely. ...I promise. It is gutsy of you, trying to go without telling me. ...Sorry. I'm going too. ...Is what I really want to say. But I'll cause more trouble if I do that, yes? Haha... It's not funny! S-sorry... That's why...um, I want you to turn around. Mama taught me a charm that makes travelers want to come{LF}home. Although it might not be so effective coming from me... Somehow, I think it will be even more effective coming from{LF}you... @しゅじんこうくん@, are you going by yourself? Sorry, @コハク@. But I have to. ...Well, I can't stop you. @コハク@... But I want you to make me one promise. Come back alive, okay? ... You can break any other promises. Even if everyone else gets angry, I'll forgive you. But... If you break this promise...I won't ever forgive you! ...All right. I'll come back. I promise. ...Thank you. Hmph. You've got a lot of nerve, trying to leave without telling me. ...S-sorry. Most of your thoughts are incredibly obvious. So...I know I can't stop you. @ドルチェ@... You'd better be home before I start getting worried, you{LF}understand me? Ahaha...I'll try my best. ...I'll see you later. Good luck. @子供ちゃん@ and I will be home, waiting for your return. I know that you'll definitely come back. I'll be waiting as I prepare some tea for us. ...I'm off. Please take care. I'll be waiting for you. Awake. With @子供ちゃん@. So... Don't worry. I'll be back. I promise. While you're gone, I'll also work on protecting the things that{LF}only I can protect. So... I'll be waiting for you here. Even if it takes decades or centuries for you to return... ...I'll still be waiting. Together with @子供ちゃん@. ...So please come back safely. ...I promise you that I will. I'll see you later. ...Take care. Good luck. Come home soon. @子供ちゃん@ will be lonely without{LF}you! Come home soon. Forte will be lonely without you! I will. ...It's time for me to go. Wait, there's one thing I want to tell you before you walk{LF}away. I...love you. I...love y-- Same to y-- Oh, no no no! I won't let you reply! Tee hee. You want to say it, right? Then come home safely. Only then will I let you finish that{LF}sentence! Ahaha...all right. @子供ちゃん@ will be waiting too. Good luck! I should get going. ... I didn't know it'd be so hard... ...to think that I might lose you. Wait, what am I saying?! Listen. If you don't come home right away... ...I'll go find you, through any means I can... With @子供ちゃん@ as my battle companion. ...Thank you. I'll be back. All right. I'll always be waiting for your return... ...along with @子供ちゃん@. Thank you. In the event of an emergency, I'll head to your place. I don't mind losing everything else, as long as I can be with{LF}you. You can't do that! ...I know. Take care, @しゅじんこうくん@. I will. ...Goodbye for now. Come home safely. I'll be waiting with @子供ちゃん@! ...I'm taking off. Come home safely, okay? @子供ちゃん@ and I will be waiting for you. I want you to come home as soon as you can. ...I will. I'll see you when I get back. Be safe. ...If you don't come back, I won't forgive you. Neither will @子供ちゃん@. I know. ...I'll be home soon. ... ...Ooogh... ... Venti... ...I'll save you...right away... She must be having a nightmare... I promise I'll bring you back. ...Ooooooogh... Where is...everyone...? ...I...decided... Venti... ...*PANT*...*PANT*... Venti...just wait a little longer. Just a little longer! ...*SNORE*... Venti...are you feeling a bit better? ...*SNORE*... I have to go now. Ungh... Is this...? I think I'm right before the tower now. ...All right! Wait for me, Venti! What's this...? I wonder if I can walk... ...! ...Something's...pouring in...! If I become a +Guardian+, I can save Venti, right? If so, then I honestly don't mind. I'll do whatever I have to{LF}do... It's sad that I'd have to leave everyone else. But if it's to help Ven... ...No, I can't say goodbye like this. If Ven found out, she'd try to stop me. Is the door to the Forest of Beginnings open now? ...I see. Everything will be okay soon. Until then... You know, one day...when I wake up... ...I want to fly with Ven. We'll fly in this beautiful blue sky, just the two of us. So... ...please save Ven. That was... Again... Ulgh... If we don't do anything, Venti might die, right? Will Venti get better... ...once I use the +Etherlink+? ...All right. Just tell me one last thing. Was I chosen as the +Guardian+... ...because I'm her best friend? ...I see. No, don't say anything to her. It would make her sad... ...to know that I left for her sake. I'm just going to settle down for a long sleep... Don't worry, I'm used to waiting. I'll just think of it like a long vacation. A fishing trip. Oh, and...when I awaken in a new world... ...I want to take it easy and go fishing with her. Even if we couldn't find a way to do it... ...one day, someone will...right...? A way to save Venti... So until that day comes... ...take care of Venti, will you? Ooogh...my head...! I told Mom and Dad already. But...I just couldn't bring myself to tell Venti... I'm ready now. I have no regrets. Use that magic, +Etherlink+, to fuse me with the earth. ''Please, wait!'' ''Why can't I do it instead of you?!'' ''I care about Ven just as much as you do!'' This magic can only fuse humans with runes. That's why it has to be me. ''So it's...because I'm a ghost...?'' ...Don't look so sad. Becoming a +Guardian+ doesn't mean I'll die. ''But you'll never see anyone from this time period again!'' I don't want to regret this decision to save her. So...please. Don't say anything more. ''...'' Farewell. Take care of Mom and Dad for me. ''That's not a goodbye!'' ''Your mom and dad are going to be waiting for your return{LF}too, you know!'' That's foolish of them. It won't happen in their lifetimes. ''I'll be waiting, though.'' ''Forever. Right next to you.'' ''Until someone else comes to help Ven.'' ''I'll always be waiting.'' ''...I'll be right beside you, Dolly.'' So these are the memories of the +Guardians+... They all wanted to help Venti. They wanted to be with her. But... ... Are you the Earthmate? Oh, sorry. I should introduce myself first. My name is Leon. I'm here to have you cast a spell on me. ...Yeah, I've already heard the explanation. You're fusing my body with the earth's runes to keep sending{LF}power to Ventuswill... And in order to do so, you need someone with a strong{LF}connection to her. That's the gist, right? If that'll help Venti, I have no problem doing it. I wouldn't call it a sacrifice. After all, I'm a dragon priest. It's my job to protect her. So I guess you can call me a{LF}+Guardian+. How diligent am I, to be working as I sleep? Unfinished businesses? There's tons of it. But we're running out of time. It wasn't my job to save Venti. That's why I'm sure... ...that one day, someone will come upon the answer I could{LF}never find. Only then will she truly be saved. As long as we never give up, it's possible. It's always{LF}possible. That's why... ...I'm begging you. Please save Venti. Never give up. Never stop trying. I have faith in you, Earthmate. I believe in the future. ... Because everyone else feels so strongly... ...and because they've always believed in the future... ...that's why I can be here now. That's why... ...you must never forget. We created this stone... ...in the hopes of honoring their feelings...so that those{LF}feelings would never be in vain... ...and to put an end to everything... ...once and for all. ...once and for all. Was that...an Earthmate...? ...I have to go. To honor everyone's feelings...so that those feelings will{LF}never be in vain. And to put an end to everything, once and for all! /We are the protectors of Guardians./ +We are the protectors of the Divine Dragons.+ /We will not allow.../ +...any intruders.+ *Stand your ground* I came for the Guardians. I carry everyone's hopes. /We trust thee.../ /We trust thee... not./ /Words are meaningless./ +Show us with thy power.+ /Show us.../{LF}+thy future.+ +Brave one...+ +We have been waiting for you.+ /Wise one.../ /Long have we awaited thine arrival./ +Thou must...+ /...free the Guardians./ /Thou must.../ +...save the Divine Dragon.+ /We have faith.../ +...in thy happy future...+ ... I promise... ...to save Venti and the +Guardians+. I'll save...everyone! I did it... Whaa?! What's going...? No time to worry about anything else. I need to help{LF}@レオン@! Is he floating away?! Why...? Why isn't it working?! I'm so close to him, and yet so powerless... By using this ring, one of us can escape... But then... If I become a +Guardian+, I can save Venti, right? ... Perhaps this is how everyone else must have felt, too... One day, someone will find a way, right? That's why I have to do it. So close, and yet so powerless... If the only way to protect the one you love... ...is by placing all your hopes on others... I have faith in you, Earthmate. The Earthmates that had to accept it... ...and those who were close by, but couldn't do anything... They all must have felt the same way... Please save Leon. Venti... This includes you too...aware of the +Guardians+, yet{LF}completely helpless... To put an end to everything... ... Sorry, Venti. I have to break one promise after all. ''Aria''! ''Aarus''! Venti... There's so much more that I wanted to talk to you about. About the people who were close to you. What you talked about, and how you spent your days... How you felt when you found out... ...that they had disappeared... ...hoping to save you. About the time when you found out that I was an{LF}Earthmate... ...one of those who had sealed your friends. And when, ironically, I'd become the only person who truly{LF}knows you in this time period. Despite everything, you smiled and told me... ...that I am who I am. Now I can kind of imagine... ...how you must've felt when you told me that. And how much strength and kind-heartedness it required to{LF}open yourself up to me like that. I think I understand...now. That's why... ... ...What is...? ... Who...? I am...an +Earthmate+, @レオン@. ...! @レオン@. Will you tell Venti about what's happened here? Coming here, I got to know a little more about everyone's{LF}feelings. It made me want to talk with you even more than I already{LF}did. Because I'm sure I'll like you even more, knowing what I{LF}know. So... Goodbye. And thank you... ...for being my friend. It was fun. ...! You-- Goodbye. Until the day we meet again. Farewell, Ventuswill... You...are far too reckless. Huh...? What's the use if you don't come back? What point is there?! That voice... Can it be...? ... Why are you standing there all slack-mouthed?! ...B-because... ...Did you miss me that much? ... ...Yeah. I could stare at you all day... ...Dumbass. Venti... Don't try to put an end to everything all by yourself. But, why are you...? And how is...your body...? Oh, @レオン@'s back in the tower... WAIT WAIT WAIT! One subject at a time, please. Geez... My body hasn't fully recovered, you know. But it's all right, I{LF}guess. How about you? How are you feeling? ...I'm...all right. Honestly, you're out of your mind. A living being, entering the +Forest of Beginnings+?! But...I had no choi-- CUT THE CRAP! Do you realize how dangerous the +Forest of Beginnings+ is to{LF}a human being?! Had I known what was going on in this tower, I would have{LF}never asked for your help! Anything could have happened! But I had to go. I wanted to save you. I couldn't just sit there and do nothing. @しゅじんこうくん@... ... ...You know I'm at a loss for a response when I hear{LF}something like that, right? Rrrrrg... It's not fair! I'm so glad you're safe, Venti... ... W-well, you know. Um... I should thank you... ...for everything you've done. ...I truly appreciate it, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Of course! How did you know where I was, though? You have one of my feathers, right? I do, yeah. That feather has a special power. It is, in a sense, part of my body. That's why I'd know where it is from anywhere. Even when it's in another world. I...had no idea... That's why I told you from the start... ...to think of it as a +charm+. Oh... No matter what happens to this body... ...I won't let anyone make the same mistake again. This time... ...I promised myself I'd save my friend with my own hands. Venti... Thank the heavens... ...I made it in time. You sure did. Well, how about we head back? We can do that? Of course! Who do you think you're talking to? I am Ventuswill, the Divine Wind! I don't know the meaning of the word impossible! But... I must say, I'm quite impressed with the power you've{LF}displayed as a stubborn, determined human. I should follow your example. So that I'll never lose anyone important to me again... Venti... ...You've grown so much. Of course I have. How long do you think it's been since we last met? Oh, I have no idea. I don't keep track of time anymore. You're as impudent as ever, it would seem. Not as much as you, though. Right, Venti? How has the world fared in my absence? Did you live...a happy life? Leon... I... I've missed you. And I wanted to thank you... ...Don't. It was my own decision. It's none of your concern. I don't know how long it's been... ...but I know that you're still alive. And that's thanks enough for me. Leon... I should thank you too, +Earthmate+. Will you tell me your name? It's...@しゅじんこうくん@. All right. I'll remember that. My apologies for troubling you. But... ...thank you for keeping your promise. Don't thank me. My contribution is insignificant here. You should thank the other Guardians instead. All right. I will, when I see them. Now... Waking up from what was no doubt an insanely long{LF}slumber, my whole body is feeling numb. I think it's best I rest for the moment. I'll see you tomorrow, Venti. ...Sure. Until then. @レオン@...right? He seems kind. Hmph. Not at all! I was trying to thank him, and that's how he reacts? ''It was my own decision''?! Acting all suave, like he owns the place! Haha... What are you laughing at?! Don't try to hide how happy you are. You're as clear as glass{LF}right now! Wh-what are you talking about? Who said I'm happy?! I'm...{LF}miserable! Miserable, I say! ...Bah, whatever! I was also going to thank you, but I've changed my mind{LF}now. Just go on home and rest! Fine, fine. I'll see you later, Venti. And...you're welcome. Hmph. ... ...Thank you, human child... I came to talk. Venti, how've you been? I can't say that I've fully recovered... ...but I do feel much better now. I'm glad to hear that. ... You know-- ''VEEEEEENNN!!'' Pico... What's the matter? '' 'What's the matter' ?!'' ''How could you ask that?'' ''What's the matter with YOU?!'' Wh-what do you mean...? ''Isn't it obvious?'' ''It's about Dolly!'' ''How much longer are you planning on leaving her like{LF}that?!'' ''Give her back her memory!'' Ouch... ''Huh? @しゅじんこうくん@...'' ''Don't lie there like that. You'll catch your death of cold!'' You're the one who shoved me down here! ''Hmm?'' I do agree with Pico, though. There's no need to block the{LF}Guardians' memories anymore. Erm...b-but... Th-there's no need to bring them back, either... ''What are you saying?!'' ''There IS a need, or else I wouldn't be here right now, now,{LF}would I?!'' ''SO HURRY IT UP!'' ''RETURN.'' ''HER.'' ''MEMORY!!'' B-but, if I do that... Is there a reason you want to keep it buried? Not...especially, though I can't exactly say for sure that there{LF}isn't one... ''What kind of wishy-washy nonsense is that?!'' ''You think it's better that she stays in the dark forever?!'' I-it's only memories relating to me, though! It's not like there's anything essential I'm keeping sealed{LF}away! ''You...BONEHEAD!!'' Wha...? ''I don't know what you're worried about...'' ''But you thought it was the right thing to do, right? And{LF}that's why you did it.'' ''But things are different now! Why can't you just be more{LF}confident? Can't you trust them?!'' ...I... ''UGH! This is so frustrating!'' ''I bet you're worried about something stupid...'' ''...like how angry she'll get with you over erasing her{LF}memories.'' ''Am I right?!'' URP... ''Oh, my. That is just...pathetic.'' W-well... ''NO EXCUSES!'' ''Just give her back her memories, and LET her get mad at{LF}you! (Not like you don't deserve it...)'' Mmm... E-err... G-give me a second... ''No waffling! How many times do I have to--'' RRRRG! ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Will you call the three of them here? ''I'm glad we're on the same page.'' ''Finally, everything should go back to normal now!'' ''For Dolly and...for you too, Ven.'' @ピコ@... ... Um... Venti...? ... ...I'm sorry for everything you've all gone through on my{LF}account. Ven... ...you've grown. You think? She looks the same to me. I think she has. She seems more dignified. ...None of you have changed at all. Hmm... But... Why was it I'd forgotten about you? You were such a dear friend to me... ... That's... ... ...my fault... I had taken away all of your memories of your time with me. ...I'm sorry. Why would you do that? I was just concerned that... ...you all might try to become +Guardians+ again. For me... Leaving me all alone again... ... ...I know you all sacrificed yourselves for me. But... ...I didn't want to see you do that again. I couldn't bear it. Venti, you... I know I'm being selfish... You all became Guardians for me. But... ...I want you to imagine... ...that your best friend, whom you've always been with...the{LF}one you've always turned to... ...suddenly disappeared one day. How would that make you feel? ... The first day, you'd just be...bummed. It would just be ''one{LF}of those days.'' The second and third days, you'd start to really miss them. After four days, you'd begin to worry that something bad{LF}may have happened. And then... ...it wouldn't be much longer before you'd realize... ...that your friend wasn't coming back. ... No matter how good you may feel physically... ...you no longer have your best friend by your side to share{LF}that happiness with you. Hopeless and alone... ...you think to yourself... ...I'm so lonely... ...Why aren't my friends here to comfort me? And then you'd remember again... ...that it's your own fault. That you're only alive because of the sacrifices your friends{LF}made for you. ...The realization hits you like a ton of bricks. Yet you're powerless to do anything about it. Venti... But that's why... ...I'm actually kind of glad. Huh...? I'm glad I could finally say all of this out loud. And... I'm glad I could finally get an opportunity to apologize to{LF}you. ...I'm sorry. Why...? Why are you apologizing? I've always wanted to...apologize to you all. I've made you...sacrifice your own lives for me. ...Words can't describe how much I've regretted allowing{LF}that to happen. I'm so very, very sorry. Why are you blaming yourself for that? I just did what I wanted to do. It was my choice to make. Nothing for you to concern{LF}yourself with! B-but-- I feel the same! I didn't care what happened to me as long as you were{LF}okay, Ven! You say that, but-- Look. I don't know how the other two related to you... ...but it's clear we all feel the same way. We did it for you. And you didn't make us do it. We did it{LF}because we wanted to. That's why, as long as you're alive, we're happy. That's all{LF}the gratitude we've ever needed. ... ''Well, I had to be all alone the whole time, so I wasn't{LF}exactly thrilled about it!'' You don't count, 'cause you can wait forever if you need to. ''...But I know that you feel sorry deep down inside.'' ''I can see it in your...oww! You're stretching my face!'' Haha... It's remarkable. None of you have changed. Not one bit! ... Thank you... But sacrificing your own life to save others... It might sound noble in theory, but those who are left behind{LF}have to deal with your loss. And though I swore to myself that I'd never allow such an{LF}act to be done in my name again... I was about to do the same thing to you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Aren't you glad I didn't listen to you? In the end, yes. But if I'd had some power left... ...I would have swallowed a troublemaker like you whole! How mean! I'm not tasty. Start from the head! Hahaha. Hahaha. I should sprinkle some salt on you for taste, then! Hahaha. I prefer eating from the tail. I'm really glad to see how things worked out for you, though. Huh? You were able to see @コハク@ and all your other{LF}friends again. It has to be wonderful... ...That's true. And it's all thanks to you. Hmm? Oh...nothing. I said nothing. Nothing, huh? Heh. I was a bit surprised, though, I must admit... About what? How you were talking to everyone so naturally. So casually! I guess I'm just not used to it. Not used to it toward anyone{LF}but me, anyway. Th-that's true. ... Um, Venti? Hmm? Why don't you start opening up to everyone else in town{LF}too? Mmm... Now that we have the +Rune Spheres+... ...there's no need to worry about them becoming +Guardians+. But... Hmm...this is a sensitive issue. Why? I've been acting this way for a long time. And you know, a sort of...system has developed. It's like a{LF}tradition. It's who I am to them. Trying to change that now would only cause confusion. Excuse me. G-good morning. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Having a morning conversation with Lady Ventuswill? Oh, good evening, @ブロッサム@. Good evening, @しゅじんこうくん@. Having an evening conversation with Lady Ventuswill? Oh, hi, @ブロッサム@. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Having a conversation with Lady Ventuswill? I came to see how Venti's doing. Ahh, is that so? She had been sick for quite a long time, hadn't she? ...This might be a great opportunity. (Venti! How about giving it a shot?) (Huh? Giving what a shot?) (Try talking to @ブロッサム@ the same way you've been{LF}talking to me and the others!) Wh-what?! Is something the matter? N-n-n-n-n-nothing at...all... ...Ahem! Are you here for an audience? That's right. Is it not a strain on your body to come all this way? Please don't worry. It's one of the few pleasures allowed this{LF}old woman! I see... Very well, then. To your health, Miss Blossom! Oh, come now, I don't deserve such attention from a divine{LF}being like yourself! Venti... Is there something further you wish to discuss? ... You must be busy as well. Why don't you run along and{LF}continue the tasks you've been assigned? Ugh...really? How do I get through to her...? What's wrong? Oh, @レオン@. Did something happen? Well, I want Venti to have a better relationship with the{LF}people of this town. It doesn't seem like she's having any problems getting along{LF}with the others, though... That's true, but... ...you see... ...Ah, I think I understand. So that's your concern, then. Yeah. I believe I've seen just what you're talking about. And Venti did indeed seem to be acting a bit strange, now{LF}that you mention it. ... Perhaps the best approach here would be to shift your focus. Huh? Think about it. If talking to Venti doesn't help, why not try changing{LF}everyone else's perception of her? Venti is easily influenced, after all. Oh... That's a good idea! Thank you very much! No problem. Anyway...I'd like to thank you, too. Huh? For being her friend. @レオン@... Will you continue to stay by her side? Of course. One more thing... You should also entertain me too, while you're at it. Okay. ...Wait, what?! Haha. See ya! Hi, Venti! ♪ O-oh! It's you! I've been having countless visitors... ...b-but why? What's going on?! Well, I called everyone and convinced them all to come see{LF}you. Wh-what? How could you do that... ...and show up before me looking so innocent?! Relax, relax! You look like you're having fun, aren't you? Hmph... Fine... If you insist, I'll say no more. ... If you insist on being a troublemaker, I guess I'll just have to{LF}grant your wish and eat you up! What?! Why--! Wh-what the?! Who's there?! That voice... Urgh...! If you're looking to start something from the shadows, you've{LF}come to the wrong place! Game's over. Your only choice now is to surrender. ...Huh? You think we're that easy?! What...? Too bad for you. We have a secret weapon! ...Now, do it! ...? Hey! I'm talking to you! ...Huh? What do you mean ''huh''?! We sent you to spy on these people for a reason, you know! Wha...? ...! Man, stay focused! Ehh, whatever. Let's just get this over with! Uh... ...Doug? ... Stop talking nonsense! G-Granny Blossom?! There's no way that my Doug would do such a thing! Huh? Who are you? Stay back, Granny! No! How could I? Why should I?! Listen. That boy may look rough, but he's really a very sweet child! Although he complains like you wouldn't believe, he always{LF}helps out at my store. And you're saying he's a spy for your nasty little empire? Who's going to believe a silly story like that?! Granny... It's all a lie. An act. Come on, Doug, back me up here. Say something, dammit! That's... Hmph! You must have come up with this ludicrous scheme on the{LF}spot, to turn us against each other! You ought to be ashamed of yourself, you slimy coward... Tsk... You've crossed the line, you old bag! What?! STOOOP! AHH! Doug!! Ack! No! @ダグ@! Are you all right?! Yeah...I'm fine... ...But what about...Granny Blossom? Don't you worry about me! *PANT*...*PANT*... Thank...goodness... Tch. Moron. You...! Your actions are unforgivable! Huh? You're...@しゅじんこうくん@, right? Finally found you! Why do you know my name? Remember the guy who dropped you from the airship? I'm{LF}his boss. He's long gone, though, useless idiot he is. ...! I'm surprised you're still alive, falling from that high up. Had you given me the +Rune Sphere+ back then... ...Well, I guess it's all the same now, really. ...? What are you...? Before I get to that, though, let me deal with him first. ...Hey, you. What the hell do you think you're doing?! Damn... Why...is this...? ... That's my line. What are you even thinking? Why are you protecting the enemy? Ventuswill killed your parents, remember? Weren't you trying to take your revenge for their deaths? ...That's... Maybe you've come to realize... ...that it was actually us that killed your tribe. What...? You didn't know? I figured that's the only reason you'd betray us. What...do you mean...? Huh? It's exactly as I said! It wasn't Ventuswill that killed your parents. It was us Sechs. ...How unconscionable... ...Why...? Hmm? How would I know? Must be something like refusing the Empire's orders. That's{LF}my guess, anyway. Which means... ...you'll be seeing your parents real soon! STOP! STOP!! Hee hee, I like that! Can't get enough of it, in fact! After all, I do have unfinished business with you, so this is{LF}just a wonderful opportunity... What?! My mission is to get rid of all you annoying Earthmates. So you'd best say your prayers, because your number's up! ...! Over my dead body. @フォルテ@... I'm sorry. Had I been a better knight... ...But... I won't let anyone get hurt again. I see. I wonder if you'll be able to handle the likes of me, though. You think you're good enough to face my sword? Quite the confident one, huh? Well, I might not look too intimidating right now... But... ...well, surprises should be saved until the end, don't you{LF}think? Are you going to start saying that @しゅじんこうくん@'s a spy{LF}now? Bwa ha ha. This time it's nothing so trite. No, it's something much simpler than that. Simply put...I'm{LF}stronger than you. Because I now have the power of the +Rune Spheres+! What...?! That's right. We've collected all the +Rune Spheres+ you placed! Wha...? Bwa ha ha ha! This is great! I can feel the overflowing power of the runes! Ugh...! Oh yeah... Now that we've stolen the +Rune Spheres+... ...lovely Ventuswill must be sound asleep. Down to her last{LF}sad gasp... Without that, Venti will...! Bwa ha ha ha! You...! I'll bet you're sad. I'll bet you're frustrated! Don't worry, though. With the power of the +Rune Sphere+... +OMNI GATE+!! I can release you all from your sadness! +Etherlink+! I can send you to the great beyond! Bwa ha ha ha! Let me warn you... ...that I have no intention of going easy on you! What was that...? A person and a dragon... And I thought only the Earthmates could use Omni Gate... ...! There's no time to waste! @ブロッサム@! Wh-what is it? Move somewhere safe with @ダグ@!! O-okay... Granny Blossom...hold on to me... ?! What are you saying with all those injuries?! Just listen to me! This is the least...that I can do... Doug... ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Forte. Sorry...I'll have to leave the rest to you. Don't worry. We can handle it. You can count on us. Bwa ha ha! Heeeeyaaaaaaaaaggghhhh!! Gwaaaaaoooooogggghhhhh!! ...*TWITCH* *TWITCH*... Mmmm... How horrifying... @しゅじんこうくん@, this monster is dangerous. I'll fight too. ... Then we fight together. I won't let him do anything to you or this town. That's right. We definitely can't let him go! Let's concentrate on taking him down! If you don't have a weapon, please use this. Leave the curing to me! Leave the curing to me! D-DAMN IT! I-I'll get you for this! Where is he...? He ran away. ...Did he? ... ...I'm sorry, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? Seems like I've been deceived all this time... Blaming Ventuswill for what happened to my family... And dragging you into it, too... @ダグ@... ... ...Tsk! ...The hell's wrong with me?! ...I... Doug... ...@しゅじんこうくん@, let's go see Ventuswill. Huh...? They've stolen the +Rune Spheres+, right? Then...ngh...! Doug?! Are you okay?! I'm fine... But we have to...go see her... And...I want to apologize. ... ...All right. But before we do, get some rest. ...! But... I'm sure Venti's not mad at you. Although... ...seeing you in this condition would probably upset her. ... I'll take Doug to the clinic. Blossom... ...Y'know, I... I'll scold you all you want later. It's much more important to let your body rest right now. Come on. Let's go. ... ...I'm sorry. @しゅじんこうくん@. I'll go check the town first. I think Lady Ventuswill would scold me if I didn't. ...Okay. And... I must report to Mr. Volkanon about Doug... We must find out what the Sechs Empire is up to. ... But... I think the most important thing is that... ...despite what he thought, he still tried to save this town. @フォルテ@... I'm going now. Please take care of Lady Ventuswill. I should hurry back to Venti's place! Venti!! @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you all right?! Do I...look all right to you? If so...you must have a problem...with your eyes... ... At least you have enough energy to say that. Haha... ...I heard a lot of commotion outside... ...What's going on? Well... A soldier from the Sechs Empire came to attack the town. ...What?! But it's okay! We drove him out. I see... ...I'm sorry. Had I been better... No, Venti, you don't understand. You're feeling the way you do...because of them. ...? What do you mean...? The Sechs... ...have stolen the +Rune Spheres+... ...Hmm... I don't know why they did it... But they're using the power of the +Rune Spheres+ for{LF}something big. ... Rune Spheres have a strong energy in them... Strong enough to restore power to a Native Dragon like me. If they try to abuse that energy... ...Gehh... Venti?! I'm...all right... Or at least...I wish I were... ... You can't move without the Rune Spheres, can you? ...Unfortunately, no. If they abuse the power of the Rune Spheres... ...Who knows what could happen? ... ...Okay. Are you going...? Yes. ...No. Hee hee, you're a terrible liar. ...I'm sorry. I have to get back the +Rune Spheres+. But if something happens to you... I'll be all right. You should worry about yourself. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. You're a strong individual. Thank you... ... ...You're freaking me out, Venti. I'm not used to seeing you so amenable... ...Are you being sarcastic? Yes. ...You... Ahaha. It's a joke. Come on! Let's see that smile of yours! ...Hmph... ... ...Um, Venti? Get better soon, okay? Otherwise, who am I supposed to quarrel with? ...I know... ...Okay. ...I'm going to rest for a while to conserve my energy... I'll try to get back the Rune Spheres as soon as possible. Please. ...I trust you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Leave it to me. You have my word. I will save you, no matter what. ... The problem is, figuring out where the Sechs are... (If it's about the Sechs Empire,{LF}@ダグ@ might know...) (I should go to the +clinic+.) ... I'll be taking care of Doug... ...so you should go see how Lady Ventuswill is doing. @アーサー@? @しゅじんこうくん@... What are you doing here? I heard about what happened. If it's the Sechs we're dealing with, it's not only a problem for{LF}the town. That's true... Although that's only half of the reason I've come. Huh? How can I stay calm when a friend's been injured? Dylas was just here too. He left, though. He seemed satisfied after seeing Doug's face. ...Come on, Granny, they don't need to know that. How sweet of you to come, Dylas. Thank you. I-it's not what you think. I just wanted to see Doug's face all swollen up. ...Tch. Why is he here? ...You look better than I thought. ...O-oh, do I, now? Hee hee... @ダグ@... Are you all right? Yeah, thankfully... I'm glad to hear that. ... I'm really sorry, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's my fault... If I hadn't reported in to the Sechs... I shouldn't have blindly believed them. There's no need to apologize, @ダグ@. But-- Doug... Damn it! ... @ダグ@... Do you happen to know where the Sechs soldier might have{LF}gone? @しゅじんこうくん@?! Are you...! I need to get back the +Rune Spheres+. Do you realize how dangerous that is?! I can't just leave it like this, though. Those stones have so much power. I can't let them abuse it for their own gain! And...I made a promise. Venti's waiting. I have to deliver them back to her. Then let me go instead. What? Have you forgotten? I'm the prince of this kingdom. Although I asked you to take on my duties... ...there's a limit to my indulgence, and this is it. You have to stay in the town. Please. @しゅじんこうくん@! You must report to the king, and discuss the town's options. The fact is, the Sechs have invaded. The town absolutely{LF}must be defended. And you need to let the king know...that Ventuswill has{LF}collapsed. This is something that only you, a real prince, can{LF}accomplish. That is... ...true, but... You're the only one I can trust. Please. ... I'll take care of the +Rune Spheres+. And I'll save Venti. So... I want you to handle things here while I'm gone. Dammit... ...Will you promise to come back safely? Yes, of course! ... ...All right. I'll support your decision, then. Doug, are you okay with this too? ... If you go south of the @マップ0@, there's a{LF}bridge. Once you cross it, you'll find @マップ1@,{LF}where's it's always spring. The Sechs have a research facility hidden somewhere in{LF}there. Okay. ''Somewhere''? Um, can you repeat that? Do you have an exact location? Sorry. I only know it's there. No worries. Okay. Um, one last time? That's enough, then. Thanks! ...I'm the one who should be thanking you. We'll look after the town. All right! Hey...what do you think you're doing...? We mustn't lose this fight! Bastard'll pay for this... We can't let this go on any longer. Come on! We will win, yes! Looks like they need some punishment. Super punishment time! ''I can't believe how heartless they are...'' I know. It's disgusting. I was so worried. Please, get some good rest. Don't try to show off too much. I was so worried... ...Are you okay? ''You're a tenacious one, I'll give you that!'' Look who's talking. Sometimes you're just too reckless! You shouldn't do dangerous things like that! You shouldn't do dangerous things like that! Let's go! I'll go with you. Let me help! Tsk. Guess I gotta tag along. Looks like I'm going too. Let's hurry up and find them. Give Pico something that smells like a Sechs soldier so she{LF}can lead us right to them! ''All right, I can--'' ''Wait...milady, I'm not a dog!!'' Well, well. At least I won't be bored. That Sechs soldier was using ancient magic... ...I'm ready. Rrrrrg... Lost already? Where was it again? No, I'm good. It's south-southwest from @マップ0@. You'll see a bridge once you pass the wooded Selphia Plain. Cross that bridge, and you'll reach an area blooming with{LF}Cerezo flowers. I heard that the Sechs' research center is hidden on the west{LF}side of that area. Did you get all that? Good...now, be careful. I wonder if this is the place @ダグ@ was talking{LF}about. ...*SIGH* Lord Ethelberd's such a slave driver. Y-yeah... B-but, we actually might succeed this time, don't you think? So let's keep giving it our all! Yeah, you're right. I just wish we were stationed someplace nicer, though. No kidding. This place kinda makes you feel like you're going nuts. W-well, we're almost there. We just have to hang in there a{LF}little bit longer. Yeah... It's the final hurdle. Gotta say, too... That +Rune Sphere+ thing's pretty fascinating. Did he just say +Rune Sphere+...? So this is it! What are they doing here? Come on! Never mind that...let's just move out! ...Venti, hang in there. Y'know, I've been wondering... H-huh? What do you think about using the +Rune Spheres+... ...to turn ourselves into cute little monsters? Something like a @キャラ0@ or{LF}@キャラ1@ would be nice... W-well, we've gotta take each monster's strength into{LF}consideration. So personally, I say @キャラ2@ all the way. I dunno... ...I'd be much more motivated if I were a nice{LF}@キャラ0@. And I'm sure I'd turn out to be a strong one! W-well...if that's what you think, you can always ask Lord{LF}Ethelberd. That's true. I should! Hey, aren't you in charge of the keys this month? Stop babbling and open up! Oops, sorry. Come on! Y-yes, sir. Make sure you close it, too! I know, I know. What's that...? Whoa...! This must be... ...the Divine Dragon Terrable, ...one of the legendary Native Dragons governing the world. Yes, my lord. Although it's not complete, as the research is still in progress. This is...one of the powers I've been waiting for... My lord! It's too dangerous! Please, stay away! Mwa ha ha... This is the +Rune Sphere+'s...! With this, I can wield the powers of an Earthmate! It can be all mine... It's MAGNIFICENT! MWA-HA-HA-HA!! Hey!! Give me back the +Rune Spheres+!! Who goes there?! My lord, please step back! ...You look familiar... Oh, you're the +Earthmate+ from Selphia! How do you know about me? I didn't expect to see you here. My name is Ethelberd. I rule the Sechs Empire. The Emperor of Sechs...?! Earthmate of Selphia. Did you enjoy the gift I sent you? Gift...? That soldier who bore your precious +Rune Sphere+. I knew he'd fall short in the face of an Earthmate... ...but I just wanted to say...''hello.'' ...Because of him, Venti and @ダグ@... @ダグ@? ...Who's that? He's the spy we sent to Selphia, sir. The dwarf we manipulated after destroying his town. Hmph. I don't recall. How can you forget something like that?! More importantly...behold, Earthmate! It's Terrable, the Native Dragon! I've used the +Rune Sphere+'s power to create it! ...! It's stunning...just stunning! The ancient magic you've all created is simply brilliant! You...! Mwa ha ha! Don't you wish you could experience its strength? ...! Show me, Earthmate. Prove your power by defeating this phantom of a god! Wai-- M-my lord? Phew... ...I did it. Somehow... But the +Rune Spheres+... If that's the kind of power they hold... ...what will happen should the town be attacked? Indeed... @しゅじんこうくん@! I've finally found you! @アーサー@? What are you doing here?! Well, as I said before, I am technically a prince. Huh? It's only natural that I come for a personal visit in this time of{LF}crisis, no? I suppose that's true. Ummm... Heh. I was only joking, of course. Oh... Of course you were! Ha ha...ha. ...My apologies. Please don't mind my...lack of humor. W-well...I mean... The crisis had already passed. At least, the one that took{LF}place here. What do you mean? Well... I see. I had no idea things had gotten so extreme. But at least we now know for sure that the Sechs have{LF}stolen the +Rune Spheres+. The problem lies in the power they possess. I knew it was strong enough to support Lady Ventuswill... ...But even Terrable...? ... Anyway, we need to take back the +Rune Spheres+. That's right. Our goal has not changed. So how are things back in the town? Oh, no need to worry about that. With Mr. Volkanon, Forte, and countless other skilled guards{LF}on duty, no enemy would be able to set even one foot within its gates! ...no enemies would be able to set even one foot within its{LF}gates! I've also finished most of my tasks as prince. I see. I'm glad to hear that. But it'll probably take a while for the reinforcements to come. Although I've finished most of my tasks as prince... ...it'll probably take a while for the reinforcements to come. A crisis for Lady Ventuswill is equally a crisis for this{LF}kingdom. The royal capital must be quite panicked after such a{LF}dramatic report! It'll take them some time to sort everything out and actually{LF}send us the help we need. ... But, that should be no problem. We're well-manned as it is. So...you came here because...? I came here because I was officially ordered to find you... ...and ask you to return to town until reinforcements arrive. But of course, my message won't get to you in time. I'll get{LF}lost along the way, unsurprisingly. I mean, I'm no information dealer! It was silly of them to{LF}entrust me with such a task. ...Though, to be honest, I am a bit worried. To think the Sechs would go this far! I'll have to make sure I report this to the king at the first{LF}available opportunity. I'll continue the chase. Time for action! @しゅじんこうくん@...? I need to catch up with them. The longer I can keep them busy, the better our chances,{LF}right? That's true, but-- What's more... I want Venti to get better as soon as possible. I want us to share stupid stories and make fun of each other{LF}again, like we always do. ... To be honest, that's exactly what I was hoping you'd say. Huh...? Now is the time both to be cautious and collect as much{LF}information as possible. And the person who's most suited to do that is you, @しゅじんこうくん@... I can think of no better warrior for this mission. @アーサー@... I've been reflecting on what's happened thus far. Oh? When the town was invaded... I was so disturbed that I lost my ability to make sound{LF}judgments. As a result, you had to take on everything yourself. That's not-- That's why... I would like to officially ask of you, as the prince of this{LF}kingdom... ...to track down the Sechs and stop them. In the meantime, I will do what I can as well. And this time, let's be sure we save Lady Ventuswill. Failure{LF}is not an option! We will win her back, or die trying. That's the spirit! Leave it to me! I'm scared! Hold me! Best of luck to you. I truly appreciate all you're doing. You managed to defeat Terrable, so I have no doubt you're{LF}up to the task. The only problem is... ...where did they go? I'll find them. Can you repeat all that? I'll find them. Can you repeat all that? I know you will. I have faith in you. But please, don't push yourself too hard. All right? Same goes for you, @アーサー@. Right. Let's do everything we can. I know you will. Now, shall we be off? Huh? But... Let me join you, at least until we reach the town. Not as a prince, but as a friend. ...Of course. Now that he has the +Rune Spheres+, he must be heading{LF}back home to the empire. In which case, he must be headed toward the border. The border between the Sechs Empire is in the +winter area+,{LF}+west+ of @マップ0@. There's a +single bridge+ at the +westmost point+ in Norad{LF}Kingdom. Please head there first. All right! Let's go! Let's go, @しゅじんこうくん@. That must be it. I heard it too, so I'm sure of it. Let's go! Yeah, this is it. Hurry it up! I smell trouble! Rune Sphere? Rune Sphere? Dammit...I will not forgive you! How could you... ... The Divine Earth Dragon, which lends its blessings to{LF}Norad... AHHHHH!! What massive power! This doesn't scare me! What an aura...! Oh, my. How frightful! I-I'm not scared! AHHH!! Why is the Earth Dragon here in the empire...? She's...crying... As a knight of the Divine Dragons, I must do something to{LF}remedy this situation. ...Let's go. We've got no choice. ''Be careful, Dolly!'' You too. Don't double-die. As a dragon priest, I don't know how to feel about fighting{LF}the Divine Dragon. But perhaps true royalty comes from courage of{LF}remonstration. I didn't expect to be fighting a Native Dragon... ...I'll save you. What's happening...? That doesn't sound good... This isn't funny at all... Mmm... This is a serious case... ''We must come up with some way to deal with it!'' What can we possibly do against THAT?! @しゅじんこうくん@... @しゅじんこうくん@... ... ...*PANT* *PANT*. ...Venti, I'll get them back soon, I swear! Sechs soldier! What will you do now? Crap... (Maybe I can get around this from the sky.) (I should contact +Arthur+...) @しゅじんこうくん@. Were you able to get the Rune Spheres? Not yet. I see. In any case, please don't push yourself too hard. Well...actually, I have a bit of a favor to ask! What is it? I seem to have reached an impasse while chasing the Sechs. And it seems like the only way to go any farther is from{LF}above. I see. In that case, I'll try to secure you the use of an airship. In which case, you can just fly to the{LF}@マップ0@ directly. Thank you very much! My pleasure. I also have something to report. I've sent word to the royal capital about the current situation{LF}and possible countermeasures. Reinforcements should be arriving soon. There was a lot of confusion at first, with everything that{LF}happened to Lady Ventuswill... ...but they seem to have calmed down enough now to take{LF}action. What remains is figuring out just how much power the Sechs{LF}have... ...and how to counteract it. So, @しゅじんこうくん@. Please try your best to find the Sechs and save Lady{LF}Ventuswill. I will. Now, I should get back to work. @アーサー@... Please protect the town, and all the wonderful people in it. You take care of yourself as well, @しゅじんこうくん@. Use the +airship+ in town to fly over to the{LF}@マップ0@ when you're ready. That should allow you to find that runaway soldier{LF}anywhere. Just promise you'll be careful. Hey, I'm not sure if taking out the bridge was such a good{LF}idea. Why not? I think it was a brilliant idea! W-well, without the bridge, how are we going to get to the{LF}other side ourselves? ...Damn it, you're right! I-I won't report this to Lord Ethelberd... Hey, I thought we took out the bridge! C-come on! Let's run! Fast as we can! H-hey! Open up! OPEN UP!! Don't be so hasty. They're right on my tail! Calm down. Once we shut this, the only way in is through that hole. Th-that's true... That place is filled with monsters that are resistant to normal{LF}attacks... ...so without +elemental weapons+ or +magic+... ...it's a no-man's land. It's open. Okay! Now run! Hey, you forgot to close it! Oops, sorry. Don't know where my mind is sometimes, I{LF}swear! Wha...?! Well, look who's here. Oh, for crying out loud... Fortunately, it won't be long until...you know. So let's try to buy some time! Come on! W-wait! Why are you guys running away?! ... Th-this is a strategic retreat! Just you wait! You'll get yours! Give me back the +Rune Spheres+! Give me back the +Rune Spheres+! Guess that kid caught up... Sorry, but we need the +Rune Spheres+ for Lord Ethelberd. O-our lives are actually at stake here, you know! We don't even have the +Rune Spheres+, anyway. That's right! They're in Lord Ethelberd's hands. H-hey, I don't think you should have said that... I-it's all right. I still haven't said that Lord Ethelberd is being safely{LF}harbored in the +Sechs Empire+. Well, now you have! Oh, dammit... Hey, looks like everything's ready now. ...Heh heh heh. This is the end for you. Come, Fiersome! D-damn it... RUN AWAY! RUN AWAAAAAY!! W-wait... Geh! Let's chase them! Let's chase them! Let's chase them! Let's chase them, yes? Let's follow them! The chase is afoot! Let's chase them! ''We have to hurry!'' We'll chase them down, no matter where they may run! How could they... They've gone too far. We'll also have to charge the Sechs Empire for repair costs! How cruel... How cruel... If it means saving you, I'll gladly put my life on the line! I can be serious when the situation calls for it. And this{LF}definitely counts. Let me handle this. Please don't push yourself so hard, all right? That's right. I don't want you getting injured. I'll have to keep an eye on this one... I know you're strong! So I know you'll be all right,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@! I know you're strong! So I know you'll be all right,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@! They're not getting away. I won't let them get away! We can't let them get away! We have to catch them! Don't they realize... ...a great detective always gets her man? There's no way they can get away from us. We've got a real{LF}pro stalker right here! ''Hmm? Are you talking about...me?!'' Tag! You're it! Tag! You're it! ...They won't get by. I can't believe we've lost them again. Wow, they sure are good at running. If they're that fast, they should just start a delivery service. Hmph! Quick on their feet when it comes to running away,{LF}aren't they? Man...they're fast. Poor losers... We should have Pico paralyze them. ''Um, milady? I'm not capable of that...'' ...They're more interesting than I thought. I like playing tag! I like playing tag! Letting them get away would bring great shame to me as a{LF}butler! They think they're getting away? Not while I'm awake! You won't get away this time... The game's over. Why don't you give up already? It's time for interrogation! Pico, I choose you! Use 'Thunderbolt'! ''...I don't think I have that skill. But I'm sure it would be{LF}super-effective if I did!'' A Native Dragon...?! Th-this is...! So...big... Is this the Divine Fire Dragon?! Wow, that's a big dragon! Wow, that's a big dragon! It's Fiersome...! But...how...? Let's do this. Let's do this! We can do it! It's too late to turn back now. ''I'm looking forward to milady's big show...'' ''And all the eye candy that short skirt of hers brings with it!'' Shut up, pervert. Fiersome, the Fire Dragon of Destruction. Hmm... We have to do this. ...I'm sorry. ...I'm sorry, Leon. ...Venti... ...I'm sorry, Amber. ...Ven. Get better soon... ...I'm sorry, Dylas. ...Venti! Are you still apologizing, even in your dreams?! ...I'm sorry, Dolce... I told you not to worry! ...Ugh... ...Venti...I'm going as fast as I can. I will save you... I can't believe...you actually defeated it... EEEEEEEKKKK!! So, you've finally come this far. But we can't let you go any farther, you understand. Lord Ethelberd is furious enough as it is. Your destiny ends here! ...Because if yours doesn't, ours will. Brrrr! Heheh... I have a secret plan this time. Check it out! I've borrowed a +Rune Sphere+ from Lord Ethelberd! With this... ...we can wield the ancient magic used by the +Earthmates+! H-hey! Wasn't that supposed to be a military secret?! I-it's fine! As long as we win, it'll still be plenty secret! Omni Gate, come forth! And... Fuse! /Ancient magic/ +Etherlink+!! H-hey, no fair! Why do I have to be THIS monster?! We needed one that's good at distant attacks. No complaints here. ♪ ...Whatever. This works. Let's do this! +Rune Sphere+! Hmph! Utterly useless, all of them. Ooogh... Still alive, +Earthmate+? I must say, you're impressive. After all, you managed to defeat the Native Dragons...even if{LF}they were just copies. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. How do you know my name? Copies...? What was...? Mwa ha ha... I've always been after the +Rune Spheres+ you possess. Mwa ha ha... The fruits of my extensive research, you see! Mwa ha ha... My power, granted to me by the +Rune Spheres+. Come follow me, and I shall show you something most{LF}interesting. As an +Earthmate+, I'm sure you'd rather enjoy the sight. Although, I imagine I don't have to tell you to follow me.{LF}You're ''pursuing'' me, after all! Mwa ha ha ha! Haha... You've come, @しゅじんこうくん@. Give me the Rune Spheres! What are you trying to do? Feh! It would do you well to relax. I will show you something interesting, as promised. You should feel honored! For you're about to witness a sensation beyond the{LF}comprehension of ordinary mortals. ...Omni Gate! Mwa ha ha... This dragon is dull. Ordinary. But I happen to have part of a Native Dragon on hand. ...Behold! Etherlink! Do you see now? I have the power to create Native Dragons at will! Not even the +Earthmates+ can accomplish this! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Now... Let the show begin! Well done, +Earthmate+! You've even defeated the Native Dragons I created... But that just makes things more interesting! Come. Mwa ha ha... I've prepared a perfect setting for you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'll be waiting high above the clouds! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Not so fast! @ダグ@! Haha... Don't touch me with your filthy hands, wretched dwarf! Da...mn... How unpleasant. I'll be waiting with the walls of my @マップ0@,{LF}+Earthmate+. Of course... Your invitation is quite mandatory. Come of your own{LF}volition, or I'll make you come without it. Wh-what does that mean?! You'll find out soon enough. ...I will torture and torment all +Earthmates+...until they become{LF}/completely extinct/. Doug! Are you all right?! I-I'm fine... And I've got something for you. What?! A +Rune Sphere+?! Heh! I stole one from him just now. It...serves him right... @ダグ@! You're still recovering, Doug. I know you must feel some sense of responsibility for what{LF}happened... ...but you need to draw the line. We'd all be devastated if{LF}anything should happen to you! @しゅじんこうくん@! Doug! I heard we've taken back one of the +Rune Spheres+. Yes, thanks to @ダグ@. It would be best to place it in a Rune Spot as soon as{LF}possible... ...though it could be stolen again if we don't post a full{LF}security detail around it. Once the reinforcements arrive, there should be enough-- ?! What's happening?! @しゅじんこうくん@!! @シャオパイ@? There's something in the sky! It seems best to go up to the +Observatory+! Look over there! What's that...? I'm not sure... All I do know, is that... ...it's attacking us. Is this what he meant?! Sechs is attacking us?! C-c-calm d-down... So the empire's attacking us now... ...I see. I think you need to calm down! There's no doubt about it. That bears all the markings of a{LF}+Sechs Empire+ construct. ...@マップ0@... The Spheres must be... Ethelberd must be... ...I think you're right. Either way, we can't ignore it. I agree. Let's take the airship up there. I'll meet you at the airship once I report to the royal capital. @しゅじんこうくん@... They'll start attacking you the moment you get near the{LF}empire. Not that I'm trying to stop you at this point... ...but I just want to make sure you're ready for what lies{LF}ahead. All right. Will you come with me? Let's protect this town together. Of course. Please come see me before you board the airship. Venti... Let's take the airship to the @マップ0@. How rude of them to run away the moment they see us! We're at the border between the two kingdoms. It's actually{LF}my first time here... They should be used to running away by now. Beyond this point is the Sechs Empire. Keep alert. The Sechs Empire is right there... Criminals are always good at escaping. It's aggravating! ''They're acting as though they've seen a ghost.'' Which they have. Time to play tag again! Time to play tag again! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@?! Are you okay? ...Are you okay? That's not fair! Not fair! Attacking off guard... You... @しゅじんこうくん@... @しゅじんこうくん@... Wait up! Hey, wait! Wow...you're really good! How did you...? You shouldn't make us worry so much! Seriously... That's right. You tend to overexert yourself, you know! What happened? What's wrong?! Hmm? What's wrong, Xiao? Lumie would like this. Is it a new case?! ...Mmmmrrrnnngg... ...Grrr... ...*PANT*...*PANT*... ...Venti. This'll all be over soon... That can't be... I've never seen something this big floating in the sky... Their technology is unbelievable. And...kind of terrifying! Yeah... @しゅじんこうくん@! Look! A monster from the Empire?! Ugh...! @アーサー@! Stay right where you are! All right! Be careful you're not thrown off! BRING IT ON!! Be careful! How can there be so many? How many troops does the Empire employ?! Enemy incoming! Watch out! There are more of them! It's not over yet! ...@しゅじんこうくん@, you're amazing. You stood up against a veritable army, all by yourself! I{LF}cannot help but admire your tenacity... I just got lucky. Give me MORE!! Now, now. There's no need to be humble. Haha. You're a tiger! You're grrrreat! Well, we're almost there. Hold on tight! I'm going to pick up the pace! There don't seem to be any soldiers around here. Perfect. Seems like a good spot to drop me off, then. All right. One moment. Thank you very much, @アーサー@. May I leave the town in your care? Of course. I'll watch over it in your absence. I'm going to get those Rune Spheres... And save Venti! I've been waiting for you, +Earthmate+. Give me the Rune Spheres! What's your evil plan?! Hahaha. Why so excited? Do you sense my power? Has it made you cower in fear? If so... ...then I'm disappointed in you, @しゅじんこうくん@. What...? +Earthmates+... The ones who are loved by the earth and blessed by the{LF}runes... I was defeated once before by the one who had the power...{LF}when I tried to take over the continent. But... I'm rather thankful for you meddlesome twerps now. I might even...respect you. You +Earthmates+ have reached a different stage of being,{LF}which humans can never hope to attain. As I see it, Earthmates are the closest beings to the gods. What are you talking about...? So if you're one of them... I trust you won't disappoint me! Do you want these stones back? If so, you'll need to stop me with your power. By your own{LF}hands... You've come, +Earthmate+. Did you really think I was going to let things end so easily? Show me your true power! Heeeeeeeeey! @しゅじんこうくん@!! Can you hear us?! Reinforcements have arrived! We neutralized the center of the Floating Empire! And we brought some big help back with us! So... Let's defeat Ethelberd! And go back home together! Venti?! A-are you...all right? ...You've got quite a look on your face... O-of course I do! I...I... You got back one of the +Rune Spheres+, no? That's how I was able...to... Venti... Heh. Why are you smiling? Did you miss me that much? I really did. No, it's just a tick. I see. ...I missed you, too. Venti... Is that so? You're the one who seems unusually happy. Because you{LF}can talk with me again, no doubt. Wh-what are you saying? That's...not true at all... ...Heheh... So, that's our enemy? Yeah. ...I see. He has an enormous amount of rune power in him. That's the power bestowed by the +Rune Spheres+, is it? It's{LF}much too much for a human to bear. ...Sorry, Venti. For what? I promised you I'd get back all the +Rune Spheres+, but I...I{LF}couldn't... Are you saying you've given up already? What? Well, we're going to get those +Rune Spheres+ back from him{LF}right now, you and I. Just as promised. Okay? Venti... All right! I'm ready for this! aRe You TWo FiNiSHeD TaLKiNG NoW? CaN The{LF}SLauGHTeR ReSuMe? LeT'S GeT THiS oVeR WiTH, +NaTiVe DRaGoN+ aND{LF}+eaRTHMaTe+! Hmph... Who do you think you're talking to, human? HuMaN...? ...HMPH! aBSuRD! i aM NoT SuCH aN iNSiGNiFiCaNT{LF}CReaTuRe aNyMoRe. Oh? i aM aN +eaRTHMaTe+, BLeSSeD By THe eaRTH aND iTS{LF}RuNeS! HuMaNS aRE NoTHiNG To Me NoW. THeY aRe BuT PaTHeTiC aNTS... NoT eVeN WoRTH FiGHTiNG! Ngh...! How foolish... +Earthmates+ are humans themselves. And your power is nothing more than a sham. A pathetic{LF}imitation of something greater than you. If the power you use exceeds your capacity, your body will{LF}collapse like a rag doll's. ...You'Re RiGHT. THiS SHeLL CaNNoT HoST THe SouL oF a GoD. THeReFoRe,{LF}iT iS iNeViTaBLe. aND WHeN My BoDY CoLLaPSeS... i WiLL aBaNDoN THiS HuSK aND SuBLiMaTe iNTo a PRoPeR{LF}GoD! ...There's no point talking with him anymore. He's gone off{LF}the deep end. @しゅじんこうくん@, are you ready? Of course! I have to keep my promise! Good! I'm counting on you! CoMe!! SaCRiFiCe YouRSeLF FoR My GLoRiouS eVoLuTioN!! Gyaaaaaaaaaaggghhh!! Oof! The ship...she's still listing! She's spinning out of control! @ダグ@...! @アーサー@...! Hahaha.. If they're precious to you, then why don't you{LF}protect them? ...Oh, that's right. Because you can't! After all, you couldn't even save the +Holy Dragon+ as she{LF}suffered right in front of you. GUAAAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!! So, what's next...? ...S-stop... Don't force yourself, @しゅじんこうくん@. Just stay there and enjoy the show. I want you to see me destroying everything that's precious to{LF}you...one...by...one... GUAAAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!! ... ...I have...to...stop him... But... ...I have no...strength...left... ...I'm sorry, Venti... ...I'm sorry, everyone... ... ... --Don't give up, @しゅじんこうくん@. What...? What was that light...? I can feel something warm...by my heart... @アイテム9@ is...glowing...? @しゅじんこうくん@, don't give up! ...Ah, it's working! It's going through! Well done, Amber! Or should I call you Watson? Either way,{LF}I'm proud of you! Can you hear us, @しゅじんこうくん@? The voice of Lady Ventuswill came to us through the charm! She told us to gather our power and send it to you from the{LF}+Rune Spots+! So we're going to do exactly as we've been instructed. The{LF}power will come through the feather! So... Don't give up! Not yet! Show that fiendish Emperor you won't{LF}go down without a fight! If a detective gives up, the case remains unsolved! Rrrrg...I can't hold this much longer...! ...Are you hearing our thoughts? Take them! Make them a{LF}part of you! Use them! Don't forget...! @しゅじんこうくん@-- ...Okay, it's ready. Erm, so what do we do? We, the Guardians, send as much rune power as we can{LF}from here. So you guys pray for us that @しゅじんこうくん@ receives it! All right, I got it! Let's do this! I love you, @しゅじんこうくん@! Hey! Porco! Yo, Clorica. You awake? ... Come on, guys! We have to focus! We're going to send our power to @しゅじんこうくん@ together,{LF}right?! ...Yes...I'm praying with all my heart right now. Oh, so you're awake now, huh? Guess that's my cue to start{LF}praying too! With the power of my love, @しゅじんこうくん@ will succeed! Ugh... Get ready! I'm going to send it right now! Huh? Hey! Wait! I still have to pray too! Don't give up, @しゅじんこうくん@! Okay... I hope you're hearing all this, @しゅじんこうくん@! Remember, you're not alone! I'm ready. How about you guys? ''Is everybody good to go?'' I'm ready. Jones? Kiel? Everything is A-OK on my end. Same here. ...Then let's pay our debts to that nosy fool. ''Dolly...why can't you just be honest about your feelings?{LF}Now's the time, you know!'' It's okay, Pico. We all know how she truly feels. What she means is she wants to show her appreciation to{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@, right? That's right. And given the nature of this dilemma, we should{LF}all act just as we normally do. ''...Looks like you weren't fooling anybody, Dolly.'' ...Dumb ghost... Dolly?! Are you all right?! ...I'm fine. For hundreds of years...I was...sending rune power to Venti...{LF}from here... Hang in there, Dolce! Please send our thoughts to @しゅじんこうくん@! That's right! It's all up to you now! Hang in there, Milady! @しゅじんこうくん@! ''I will not forgive you if you give up now!'' Yeah...don't worry. You have my word. I also have...something I want to say to @しゅじんこうくん@... So I really hope...for a safe resolution... Okay. Let's get started. ...Um, shouldn't you be a little more serious about this? I'm being completely serious, I assure you. I may not be outwardly showing any nervousness, but trust{LF}me, I'm giving this my best effort. I don't doubt you for a moment. Come on. Let's wait for them. Just like always. One of a butler's duties is taking care of the house during{LF}the master's absence. So fear not! We butlers will protect the castle for sure. ...Can I have a word, too? As a knight, I'm truly sorry I can't join you in this fight. But I'll definitely protect the people of this town with my life! I'm waiting for you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm waiting for your return here. As am I. Your place is right here, @しゅじんこうくん@. Don't give up. Save Ventuswill... You are the only one who can save her...the only hope for{LF}this world. Take our hope and give it form. We believe in the future you weave, whatever it may be. My wounds are getting healed... And I can feel power welling up from within me, too! @しゅじんこうくん@... I leave my soul to you as well. Please... Please defeat this false god. Destroy him with your own two hands! ...You're right. Everyone... You're right. I mustn't give in! I have to do everything in my power to stop{LF}this! So, you're still struggling in vain, are you? I will rise up against you as many times as it takes. I will rise up against you as many times as it takes. Because I'm not alone. Everyone in Selphia is waiting for our return! Hahaha... How touching! You're quite the dreamer, +Earthmate+! It seems I'll need to break your spirits all over again... Just as mine were broken and left for dead... ...again and again... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! No matter how many times you lose, you'll still come back{LF}for more? Is that what you're saying? That is the true spirit of an +Earthmate+. How revolting! It seems I'll need to break your spirits all over again... Just as mine were broken and left for dead... ...again and again... What...? No... It can't be... You're stronger than a +Native Dragon+?! How much rune power do you possess?! AAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!! Venti! ...Look at your face. You're a mess! ...I told you before, remember? ...Nothing's impossible... Venti... I-I don't understand... This...cannot be! How could a god lose to a mere human?! I had divine power on my side! And...and even a divine body... You had nothing. What...? None of that amounted to anything at all. Not where it{LF}counts. You never actually had control over the power of a Native{LF}Dragon or even an Earthmate. You were pulling the strings for one dark moment...but the{LF}power was ours. It was always ours. No! I had...everything...! But...you, +Earthmate+! You destroyed it all again! Just like{LF}before! You weren't even defeated by an +Earthmate+. You were defeated by an ordinary human. ...! That's impossible! Power comes from the heart. It's not something tangible or{LF}measurable. And you can never possess someone else's heart unless they{LF}give it to you willingly. Which is why I did just that. I handed my heart over to another. To many others. I gave{LF}them my thoughts and my passions. To ordinary humans. ...No... Was I...defeated by humans...? I became an +Earthmate+ and even surpassed a +Native{LF}Dragon+! And yet, I was brought down by...mere humans... GUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!! No! No, it can't be! I can't accept this! I can never accept this! Never...never...never... NEVER!! ...Wh-what...? His runes are being dragged into the Forest of Beginnings... That means... Yes. He used too much of the +Rune Spheres'+ power for his{LF}human body to contain it. He's on the verge of collapse. Hahaha... I knew it! I'm no longer...human... This is the proof... Look at this! Earthmate!! I'm going back to the forest as a god! Admit it, Earthmate! My existence... My dignity... I am...a dying...god! Admit it! ADMIT IT, EARTHMAAAAAATE!!{LF}...Admit...it... He clung to his delusion until the very end. What a pity. ... ...But... Venti! Are you all right?! ...Yes...somehow... Thank goodness! Well done, @しゅじんこうくん@. You defeated Ethelberd. It must have been quite an ordeal. Not at all. Because I wasn't alone. I had everyone else by my side. I see... I don't know how I can ever repay you for risking your life on{LF}my behalf. Thank you. Thank you for saving me, @しゅじんこうくん@. Venti... ...I'm not the only one who saved you. Everyone in town fought alongside me. You should thank them too. Venti? What's wrong? ...You're right. Once we get home, I need to thank every single person in{LF}Selphia. Hop on my back, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let's head on home. You got it! Leave it to me! Let's start cleaning the sky! You're goin' down! It seems I have no choice but to fight! Just leave the dogfighting to me! I'll do my best! I'll do my best! There's not a moment to lose. Mmmmmmng... Not yet! Bring it on! I've never seen the sky this full before! They never learn, do they? ''Neither do we!'' My, my. What a mess. As you command! How many are there?! Come on! I'm still good to go! There are so very many of them... Pico! Get out there and take some of them down! ''Yes, ma'am!'' Such annoying enemies. So persistent, too. Let's do it! Let's go! Let's take them down! Okay! Let's go! All right. Let's take care of business. Let's go! Here we go! Heeeeere weeeeee goooooo! I'm off! Let's go, shall we? Let's gooooo! Ready?! Let's do this! Are you ready? Let's go! ''Yeah! Let's do it to it!'' Let's go! Let's go! Let's end this! Let's get moving! Let's get moving! Come on. ...Let's go. ...*SNORE* I'm going to the Floating Empire. I think this will be the final{LF}battle. So just wait a little longer. Just a little longer! ...*SNORE* Wait for me, Venti. Just a little longer. So I was right after all. About what? You, @しゅじんこうくん@. You've released the +Guardians+, defeated Ethelberd... ...and saved me. From the first moment I met you... ...I saw a small light shining within. Now that I think about it... ...it could have been a ray of hope. Oh, come on, now! I'm serious. You are a ray of hope. You gave the Guardians... ...the town of Selphia... ...and the people of Norad a future. You should take more pride in what you accomplished. We all defeated Ethelberd together, though. That's true. I suppose you did. Everyone wanted to save you, Venti. Including you? Of course! I see... Well, we're almost there. Hold on tight. I'm starting my{LF}descent. ... ...Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. You're welcome. We're here, @しゅじんこうくん@. Ahhh... Be it ever so humble! I feel like I've been fighting forever. Yes, it's been a long day indeed. I'm...a bit tired myself. Venti...? ... Hi, everyone! I knew you'd come back! We may have helped a little, but this is your victory most of{LF}all, @しゅじんこうくん@! I was so moved... ...by your brave actions! Even if I couldn't actually see them, I knew they were{LF}happening! It wasn't just me. I was able to win this battle because of everyone's prayers.{LF}You all had a hand in it. You must be tired too, Ven. ...Yes. ...Hmm? Are you all right? Uh... @しゅじんこうくん@!! That must be Margaret! They're back from the ruins! The timeframe for their return does seem plausible. But it{LF}could be a trap! B-but why would it be, exactly? It's just my instincts as a detective! I can see things are back to normal here. I owe everyone a real debt of gratitude. I'm going to go give{LF}my thanks. See you later, Venti! ...Take care. Great job, @しゅじんこうくん@! Thanks. I couldn't have done it by myself, though! You sure did a wonderful job, @しゅじんこうくん@. You must be exhausted. It was fantastic! I was so moved by what was happening{LF}around me! Why don't you say something too, Dylas? ♪ ...Oh. Well, you know... ...Good job. You...did well. Hahaha! What was that? Stop being such a shybaby! This is a time for celebration! Indeed it is! And what better way to celebrate than with a{LF}kiss from moi? Porco, that's going too far! It almost feels like a dream. ...But I'm not dreaming, am I? Oh! I have something perfect for you, Clorica. I call it a ''Cheek Pincher.'' It lets you check to see if you're{LF}dreaming. With a name like that, I'd say it's pretty obvious how it{LF}works... By the way, where's Doug? I haven't seen him just yet. Uh... ... W-wait... No...don't you dare tell me...! It's the airship! What...?! @ダグ@! @アーサー@!! I'm so glad you two are okay! Of course we are! How could I die in a place like that?! Don't know how we did it, but we did it. We made it{LF}through. But I have to admit that it was very, very close. You two... ...Thanks so much for coming to help. Heh. I promised you I'd do everything in my power, didn't I? Doug! Oh, dear Doug, you're alive! Wh-what?! Granny Blossom! ...Course I am... H-hey, what's with the vice grip? Granny Blossom?! S-stop! They're all looking at us! There's no need to be embarrassed. Blossom must have been terribly worried. Let her at least hug you! Wait! What happened to Ethelberd...? And Ventuswill!? That's right! After Ethelberd took over...! Don't worry. I defeated Ethelberd, and took back both Venti and the{LF}Rune Spheres! For serious?! I'm ecstatic to hear that. And where are the Rune Spheres now? Right here. Let me hold onto them for the moment, please. I'll order the capital to have them set in place right away. And of course, I'll make sure they're fully secured this time. Thanks a bunch! Now, what say we go visit Lady Ventuswill? S-sure. I think I'll go thank the others. All right. Phew... I'm glad that's over. Gotta admit, I was pretty damn worried. You don't look it now. You look sickeningly happy now,{LF}actually. Sh...shut up! So do you, Dylas. Now that you know Doug's okay. Wha...?! Haha. You two just can't get enough of each other. WHAT?! THAT'S NOT TRUE!! ''@しゅじんこうくん@!'' ''We were so worried! Especially milady!'' Way to go, @しゅじんこうくん@! I heard all about your{LF}accomplishments from Lady Ventuswill! Seems like you were outstanding! Just as expected! ♪ I couldn't have done it without everyone else's help. Thank you. No, we should be the ones thanking you. Thank you so much for bearing the weight of our passions{LF}and hearing our thoughts. So...not bad, @しゅじんこうくん@. ''Here she goes again...'' Thanks, @ドルチェ@. I was really encouraged... ...when you told me to come home safely. Wha...?! ''Ooh, so that's what you prayed for, huh?'' How sweet of you, Dolly! ... Mmm, I had no idea! ♪ Wait! Kiel, don't you dare-- Don't worry, I know! ♪ ...Fine, then. I'll make sure to tell everyone exactly what happened, so{LF}there are no misunderstandings! What?! That sounds lovely. Now h-hold on a second! I'll wander around town a little more, I think. Oh! There you are! ♪ How are you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Are you uninjured? We saw Lady Ventuswill on our way back. @しゅじんこうくん@! That was utterly magnificent! You were not badly injured, yes? I was very worried. I'm truly sorry that I couldn't accompany you. As a knight, it{LF}would've been my honor. We all prayed a lot so that you'd win! You're the hero of this town, @しゅじんこうくん@! Um, err... Sheesh. Why don't you all calm down a little? Oh, @レオン@! That's my name. Don't wear it out. Thank you very much for helping me. Of course, I need to thank each and every each one of you. I couldn't have saved Venti if it weren't for all of your efforts. I'm glad we placed our hopes on you. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@! I finally found you! And you're with everyone else! Excellent. Will you all come to the restaurant, please? The restaurant? Why? Porco and Dylas are preparing special dishes in celebration. We're having a party today! ♪ I've asked the kingdom to hold off on their official thanks so{LF}we could have time to unwind. Oh. Then we should invite Venti, too. Lady Ventuswill won't be attending. Huh...? She said that the whole restaurant would collapse if she{LF}tried to fit inside it. Haha. That's true! I must say, she looked quite tired, too. She could use some{LF}quiet. It must have been a long and exhausting day for her... But you'll join us, right, @しゅじんこうくん@? Things would not be the same if you were not here! Of course! Yay! Then let's go! We'll join you all after we see Venti. Okay. We'll be waiting. ...It's you... You're awake. So? Does everyone seem to be having a good time now that{LF}the crisis is averted? They do. They're all happy that everything's going back to normal{LF}again. Back to normal... Yeah. With you and everyone else present and accounted for. And you too, of course. ...Right. Peaceful, care-free days filled with joy and love. You and I bickering and laughing like we always do... It all seems so small compared to what we just{LF}accomplished. But it's exactly what we all want. What we all need. It's what{LF}makes life worth living. ... Venti? They were all overcome with joy, weren't they? Absolutely. I'm satisfied, then. Satisfied that I could see you this one last time... What...? Venti...your body... Why?! ... I...can no longer stay here. I must go to the +Forest of Beginnings+. What?! But...we've taken back the Rune Spheres! Even using the power of the Rune Spheres... ...I can't receive the runes themselves without a body. ...What do you mean...? ...By the time you defeated Ethelberd... ...my body had already returned to the Forest of Beginnings. What's left here is only my spirit. My wish was to see everyone's faces one last time. ...And to spend even a moment longer with you. ... But my time is short. It will soon be impossible to maintain this form just by{LF}wishing. And the runes are dwindling. It's time to say goodbye, @しゅじんこうくん@. No... Don't be so sad. I was supposed to die centuries ago, and yet we met. That enough is a miracle. At one point I had resented the decision made by the{LF}Guardians and the Earthmates... But I am thankful now. Getting to know you... ...making such a dear friend... ...was one of the best things that's ever happened to me. Venti... That's why... ...I want you to smile as you see me off. ... This is the last request I'll make of you. And I ask it as a{LF}friend. Please. ... That's not fair, Venti! ...I'm sorry. Look after this town for me when I'm gone. Don't worry. I have plenty of others to help me with that. Anything could happen the moment I leave. Not really. You weren't actually doing anything, after all. ...Cheeky little brat. Still... Hmm? ...They'll all be sad, you know. ... It's almost time... Venti... I won't forget you... Nor I you, Venti. I don't really care if you do. No...you care. You get lonely so easily, I know you're happy{LF}to hear me say I won't forget you. ...Geez... Mind your own business! Hee hee... Well... To be honest, I wouldn't mind you thinking of me from time{LF}to time. ...Remembering that I once existed in this world. I promise you. I'll never, ever forget a moment of the time{LF}we've spent together. I'll keep bragging to everyone... ...that the first friend I ever met was a dragon god who's{LF}sensitive and strong... ...and has a caring, loving heart. ...Jerk. I couldn't...keep my promise... Huh...? I promised to bring back your memories... ...and that I'd stay beside you until that day comes... ...I'm sorry. You didn't break that promise. What...? You did exactly what you said you'd do. I now have tons of wonderful memories, thanks to you. I came to this town and got to know a lot of people. And learned so much just by talking with them. ...Not to mention meeting that melodramatic best friend of{LF}mine. She's a bit scaly but very sweet. ... My memories, both happy and sad... ...are all here, within me. So there's nothing to worry about. You did me one better{LF}than bringing them back. You helped me create newer, better memories. ...I see. Hey, Venti... Don't go. ... Venti...please stay. ... ...It's time. I'm sorry. Venti! Wait, please! Don't go! ...Goodbye, @しゅじんこうくん@. Venti! ...I was truly happy to have known you. Hey...! ...Thanks to you, I could love another human being again... Venti... ...If, one day, our paths may cross once more... Then... ...nothing would please me more than spending every day{LF}bickering and joking with you again. Venti! ...Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. My last, best friend... Venti... ... ...you idiot. How am I supposed to... ...say my final goodbyes with a smile... ...Ngh... That day, Venti disappeared from our sight. We were in mourning for a long time... ...but everyone's lives are more or less back to normal now. Every now and again, though, we'll get the feeling that{LF}something important is missing... The Sechs Empire retreated soon after the fall of their{LF}emperor. Envoys are being sent from Norad for diplomatic relations. Now that Ethelberd's gone, Sechs seems to have entered{LF}into a period of radical change. @アーサー@ says it could transform the political{LF}landscape in a very positive way. But really, isn't that to be expected? Enemies or no, they're{LF}still human beings. As for me... I've been living life just like I had been -- like everyone else{LF}in this town. Although my heart feels a little emptier than before after{LF}Venti's departure... ...I constantly remind myself that I've gained just as much as{LF}I've lost. I still can't remember who I was before coming here. However... These new memories I've made are ones I can look back on{LF}with pride. They're memories of beautiful times spent with dear friends. I wonder if she's watching over us from afar... Once there was a god in this town. She took the form of a dragon, but spoke the language of{LF}humans. As much as she loved us, she was afraid of getting hurt, so{LF}she remained distant for a long time. She was a truly caring god. And though she's now gone... ...we must move forward with our lives, working toward a{LF}blissful future. Through both happiness and hardships... ...we must live every day here, toiling as we mortals are wont{LF}to do. Toiling together, in harmony. That was... ...the last promise I made with my first friend. Once there was a god in this town. And I was her friend. Gotta give it my all. Gotta give it my all. This is for you, Venti. Gotta give it my all. This is for you, Venti. ...I miss her. Venti... It's not opening... I should head to the top. You must never forget. We created this stone... ...in the hopes of honoring their feelings...so that those{LF}feelings would never be in vain... ...and to put an end to everything... ...once and for all. ...once and for all. Wasn't that the same as...? The Rune of the Divine Wind Dragon is still wandering in the{LF}depths of this forest. It's trying to support the land of Selphia with its own{LF}existence. Now that you know this, what do you plan to do about it? I should go. I should hurry onward. I should go home first... Did you know that the Native Dragons are living beings, just{LF}like any other? Those that live must eventually return to the Forest of{LF}Beginnings. And after years, decades or even centuries... ...their roles get passed on to the next generation's dragons. The dragons live far longer than humans, aging slowly and{LF}wandering perpetually... ...as if they're quietly watching over the world from within it. +Ventuswill, the Divine Wind Dragon+ of eternity... ...was one such being. However... As she was born in a land where the runes were beginning{LF}to die out... ...she was quite weak. There were people who felt sorry for her, though, and{LF}decided to sacrifice themselves to save her. And so she was saved by a spell that used the will of{LF}humans to collect large numbers of runes. Their will lost, the humans were frozen in a deep slumber,{LF}never aging a day. People later named that spell ''Etherlink''... ...and called the brave souls who froze themselves{LF}''Guardians.'' This term was created by the first Guardian, and just seems{LF}to have stuck over time. And those who granted the Guardians' wishes... ...were the Earthmates. Us. ...were the Earthmates. Us. ''Etherlink'' is a spell that infuses people with runes. The people upon whom it's cast will fuse with the runes... ...empowering the one to whom they're linked with whatever{LF}remains of their willpower. We Earthmates have continued searching for a way to{LF}naturally restore the runes in this land. We Earthmates have continued searching for a way to{LF}naturally restore the runes in this land... ...because a single person's will cannot support the life of a{LF}Divine Dragon. Willpower and bonds change over time. And they can't be kept in one place, making them both{LF}strong and fragile in equal measure. We scoured the land for other solutions. We scoured the land for other solutions. That was the desire of the Guardians, who bought us time to{LF}accomplish that very goal. And it was our vow, as well. And it was our vow, as well. The Earthmate that cast the spell aged, and eventually{LF}returned to the Forest of Beginnings. His hopes and his research were kept, however, and a new{LF}magic was to be born. It was a magic that summoned any one person you desired{LF}from the Forest of Beginnings. But right before it was completed... ...another person had become a Guardian. Like the first, she too had been the Divine Dragon's closest{LF}friend. A magic that summons any person you desire from the{LF}Forest of Beginnings... The purpose of this spell, known as ''Omni Gate''... ...was to bring the ones lost to the Forest of Beginnings back{LF}into this world. But it was merely a bit of sorcery. Not a miracle. It was quickly learned you could only use it when the laws{LF}of nature were kept in line. Those who lived out their lives in full could never be brought{LF}back again. There was another problem, too: When the runes grew too{LF}large, no human could control them. So this magic definitely couldn't help save the Divine Dragon. Realizing this fact, we started searching for other{LF}alternatives. Realizing this fact, we started searching for other{LF}alternatives. ''Etherlink''... By casting this spell on things other than humans, we might{LF}be able to create rune crystals... ...which will eventually take the place of the Guardians. But when we finally reached that solution, another person{LF}came to us. But when we finally reached that solution, another person{LF}came to us. He asked us to cast Etherlink. But it wasn't to create rune crystals. He instead wanted to freeze himself within time... ...to protect his best friend, the Divine Dragon. And so Etherlink was completed. However, it required a large number of runes to create the{LF}necessary rune crystals. The only place where that many runes had been collected{LF}was the Forest of Beginnings itself. We tried to find a way to get there. We tried to find a way to get there. We searched high and low for information. And finally, we found a door that led us directly into the{LF}Forest of Beginnings. But in order to open that door, we needed a key. A key powerful enough to distort the laws of nature. To{LF}create a new Reason. Something that could take the place of the Guardians, and{LF}extend the dragon's life. That was what we strove to create. ...That was the theory behind it, anyway. We had no way to{LF}know for sure if we were right. Then another person appeared before us, asking to become{LF}a Guardian. That was what we strove to create. ...That was the theory behind it, anyway. We had no way to{LF}know for sure if we were right. Then another person appeared before us, asking to become{LF}a Guardian. Ironically, this triggered the door to open. And so it stood, open before us. The girl, who had been infused with runes, was the proof we{LF}needed. The girl, who had been infused with runes, was the proof we{LF}needed. It took a long, long time to crystallize those runes. We kept chanting, ''Etherlink!'', before the Forest of{LF}Beginnings... ...for generations that extended well over a century. But finally, it was completed. This stone was called a +Rune Sphere+. That was the name we'd chosen for it back when the{LF}Etherlink spell was first created. After finally achieving our goal, we reported in to the king. After finally achieving our goal, we reported in to the king. It was, of course, to get his permission to deliver the stone. But after reporting in, we finally realized... But after reporting in, we finally realized... ...the dangers of the +Rune Sphere+. It was powerful. So powerful that it seemed almost{LF}inconceivable it could even exist. It was something that could transform the entire world. What if someone tried to abuse such power? Fearing this, we once again closed the door to the Forest of{LF}Beginnings... Fearing this, we once again closed the door to the Forest of{LF}Beginnings... ...and elected to deliver the +Rune Sphere+ as quickly as{LF}possible. I hurried onto the airship, and set out for the town of{LF}Selphia. I hurried onto the airship, and set out for the town of{LF}Selphia. But that's when... ...I am the descendant of the Earthmates who had been{LF}trying to save the Divine Wind Dragon. ...I am the descendant of the Earthmates who had been{LF}trying to save the Divine Wind Dragon. My task was to deliver the Rune Sphere safely into her{LF}hands. But I failed... But I failed... ...to deliver the stone. It was the will of my ancestors, yet a mere bump on the{LF}head later and I'd forgotten all about it. But despite not even remembering my mission... ...look at where I'm standing now. ...look at where I'm standing now. This time, as her friend... ...I pledge to save her. Yes. Let's go. I will save her this time. ...Thank you. You know what you must do to save the Divine Dragon, I{LF}trust? Do you remember fighting the Native Dragons, created in{LF}this same manner? What made them incomplete was the absence of their will. But you have everything you need here. Part of the Divine Dragon's body to become her spirit{LF}vessel... ...an Earthmate who can cast the secret incantation... ...the memory of a descendant whose family had mastered its{LF}usage... ...and finally... ...a will entrusted from past to future, to support this land in{LF}her place. That's why... ...I must go. As an Earthmate, and a bearer of everyone's will... ...and also as her friend. I must save Venti. It's all within me! Venti... ...I can feel you. Venti! Are you there? ... ...Why are you here? Venti! ... You know my answer. I came to see you. I came to save you. ... ...Go back. I never asked for this. This isn't what I want. ... ...Is that really how you feel? ... You'll no longer have to suffer. I have a +Rune Sphere+ here. Many people were involved in making this, hoping to save{LF}you. So-- NO! Why...? ... I know you're trying to save me by using the secret spell of{LF}the Earthmates... ...which fuses this large amount of runes into a spirit vessel. But how are you planning to control that spell all by{LF}yourself? It's something that the past Earthmates had spent decades{LF}mastering! ...Your body won't be able to handle it. ... ...I... ...I never want to...lose anyone...ever again... You know, Venti... I've been desperately longing to talk to you again. And the desire has been growing exponentially with every{LF}passing day. I don't care what we talk about. I don't care if it's something{LF}serious or something silly... I just want to talk. There are so many things... So very many{LF}things... ...that I've never told you. ... And I'm not the only one. Everyone in town misses you. They want to see you, and talk to you. ...! And what about you, Venti? Don't you miss the town of Selphia? ...Of course I do... Don't you want to live there again, alongside all your{LF}friends? OF COURSE I DO!! ...If I can... ...If it's possible, of course I'd want to... Even if it were just with you... I could live happily in that town with you for the rest of my{LF}life! In that case... I'll save you, Venti. I have the power to save you now. The power of the Guardians... ...and all the past Earthmates. The hopes of everyone in Selphia... ...and yours as well. They're all within me. That's why... ...I can't ever give up. I'm going to protect everything and everyone that's important{LF}to you... ...because it's all important to me, too. You yourself, and everyone you hold dear... ...and me... That's our hope. A miracle that was born... ...from all the collected willpower of generations! +Etherlink+! Venti...? Venti! Venti! Why...? Why is this happening, even with the Rune Sphere...? Tell me it isn't true... Venti... Please... ...Answer me! VENTI!! No... The Rune Sphere emits a silent light. You were late, @しゅじんこうくん@. What's that look on your face? Don't tell me you forgot my face after all this time, have you? I haven't forgotten yours. So... ...why don't we start discussing all manner of silly things, like{LF}you said we would? @しゅじんこうくん@... Venti...! Congratulations on completing all of the main story!{LF}Check out [Fin. Rune Factory 4] in your Trophy Room!{LF} Looks like...we have to climb up this tower. I think we should climb up... We should try going to the place where Leon was sleeping. I guess we should go up... ... ...D-don't worry, i-i-it'll be all right! We've gotta climb up. There must be a clue in the spot where Leon was sleeping. Since the monsters at +Leon Karnak+ are rather aggressive... ...I'd suggest we proceed with extreme caution. If it's not here... ...we should try going up, yes? Let's head to the top! I suspect the true culprit is somewhere up above! Guess it's not here. Should we go up? What other choice is there? ...We have to go up. ''This...won't be easy.'' Let's head to the top of the tower, where you first found me. It's soooo high! What's at the top? It's soooo high! What's at the top? You know we've gotta go up, right? Come on. Up... Good morning! Have a wonderful day! Welcome back! ...What are you doing? Practicing my greetings. It's the most basic of basics, you{LF}know. It's not easy being a butler, but it's definitely worth it. Since I'm still training, there aren't many tasks I'm able to{LF}take on just yet... But I swear to you, I will be a full-fledged butler one day! I once read a book... ...that said, ''If you work hard, success is virtually{LF}guaranteed.'' That's why I've decided not to limit myself. I'll do whatever it{LF}takes to become a butler! I tend to believe anything with a positive message to it.{LF}Horoscopes, for example. How about you, @しゅじんこうくん@? I am undaunted by failure! Don't give up! Keep on trying! That's my motto. I wonder how airships are able to float in the air... If I train hard enough, will I be able fly as well? I'm sure there{LF}are butlers out there who can fly... In order to improve your concentration, you should balance{LF}something round on your head. I gave it a try, but found that it's actually quite difficult. It's definitely worthy training, though! I can't call myself a butler unless I can cook anything and{LF}everything. So you're okay with literally any recipe? ...Actually, since I'm still training, I can't cook a thing... But I'll never give up, and I'll keep on trying! It's the butler{LF}way! As a butler, it's very important to be able to keep secrets. That's why I'm training myself not to speak for the whole{LF}day! ...{LF}(I'm training not to speak!) ...{LF}(I won't say a word!) A butler must be strong! My goal is to become strong enough that I may knock Mr.{LF}Volkanon down with a single arm! @しゅじんこうくん@... People tell me my favorite foods are all rather childish. Do you agree with them? Yes. Not at all. Hmm... But I love eating tasty dishes like{LF}@アイテム2@... ...and @アイテム1@! And there's nothing better than some delicious{LF}@アイテム0@! See?! People can like whatever they want! I'm so bad at cooking... Do you practice? Yes, of course I do. But I'm simply awful in the kitchen! Once I learn how to cook, I'll get to eat my favorite dishes{LF}anytime I want, right? You bet! Nope. The world may never know. Motivation, thy name is snackery! I sure hope I get better at this soon! ♪ Why not?! If I can cook, I can eat all my favorite dishes aaaaanytime!{LF}YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!! O-okay, sure. Just calm down, please... Wh-what are you trying to say?! As long as I keep training, I'll eventually be good at cooking! One day, I'll become a full-fledged, professional butler! Is that your dream? Best of luck to you! N-not exactly... My dream is to become the best butler in the world. I'm sure you'll make it come true, @ビシュナル@! ♪ Thank you very much, @しゅじんこうくん@! Thank you! Seems like I drew a bad fortune today... But I can't just stand around and gripe about it! This is the time for me to work even harder! I drew a decidedly ordinary fortune today. How boring... I drew the luckiest possible fortune today! So I'm going to work my butt-ler off and make it come true! Magic is a rather challenging pursuit. Are you studying magic too?! No, I'm +training+ to do magic. A butler must be perfect at everything, you know! I made this @アイテム1@, though I'm not sure{LF}how it turned out. Would you like to try it? [Received @アイテム0@.] Th-this is... Let me know what you think. How was the dish I gave you? Did it turn out all right? I-it was good. It was terrible. The @アイテム0@? Really?! Phew, what a relief! I was proud to serve it, but I wasn't{LF}entirely confident in my work. I see... I guess there's still much more training left to do. @アイテム0@?! No, it was{LF}@アイテム1@! O-okay... I consider being a butler to be a truly honorable job. People trust us to protect their houses, you know? My reputation is like a certificate of reliability. I hope that one day, everyone will recognize me as a butler. I'm sure they do already. R-really? If that's true...I'd be very happy about it... It's sort of embarrassing to think that we're actually...an{LF}''item,'' as the kids say... That's...true... ... ... Shall we...? Um...sure. @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? I just...wanted to try calling your name. I love how it sounds. When did you start liking me, @ビシュナル@? Well... I think... ...it was the first moment we met, to be honest. Does that mean...it was love at first sight? I think so. I heard the airship's a good date spot! According to my research... ''You can feel the cool breeze on deck.'' ''It's quiet, and the mood is perfect.'' ''The stars appear brighter, providing a romantic{LF}atmosphere.'' Those were some of the reviews I was given by the other{LF}townsfolk. You asked everyone...? Of course! Hey, Vishna-- Don't say anything. Just stay by my side. Let me feel your{LF}warmth. ...Wh-which dungeon did you dig THAT cheesy phrase out{LF}of?! You didn't like it? It just sounds a bit strange coming from you... Hmm... Leon told me that girls like to hear these sorts of things... I read in a book that girls like to hear these sorts of things... But I suppose I was misinformed. Umm...what's that strange accessory you're wearing? This? I bought it from Bado. From...@バド@...? According to him, I can be with my girlfriend forever if I wear{LF}this. Shall I hold your bag? Are you thirsty? Hungry, maybe? Would you like something sweet? Or how about-- Wait, wait! Hold it! What are you doing? Kiel told me... ...that I must be kind to the woman I love. I can't get to sleep at night, because I simply can't stop{LF}thinking of you... I believe I'm in love. In the future, I hope to be your butler. ...Ooh, it feels so embarrassing and...naughty to say that... *PAT* *PAT*... What are you doing? Mmm, do it again. I just...wanted to pat your head, that's all. Did you not like it? No, I thought it was nice. Oh, good. You're so cute, @しゅじんこうくん@! *PAT* *PAT*... What's that book? E-err...it's n-nothing. Nothing, huh? Snatch it away. Leave it alone. Aha! Wha! Please don't! Let's see... Love Lessons...1, 2, 3... ... ...I-I'm impressed that you're studying so hard! ... All right. I won't push my luck. There is no luck to push, I assure you! As I said, it's nothing! For a moment, I thought you must be reading something{LF}weird. Sorry about that! No problem. I'm glad you didn't se-- I-I mean, I'm glad you're{LF}so understanding. I saw you in my dreams this morning. That's why I'm happy today. There's nothing wrong with going on a journey, but do be{LF}careful. Are you worried? Do you want to come too? Of course! So please stay safe! Sure! Please come see me again when you're about to leave. I'll protect you out there, @しゅじんこうくん@. I swear it! What is it that you like about me? Your face. Your kind nature. How supportive you are. My...face...? Well, there are obviously many other things I like about you,{LF}too... Since you like it... ...I'll make sure I take better care of my face from now on. I-I have a kind nature? Yes, very definitely. I had no idea... That's actually better. Why? Well, because...modesty, for one. And also... I'd be sad if you started liking someone else better than me... No worries on that account. You'll always be my number one. Am I? Yes. ALMOST to a fault, it's so pronounced! You always save me just when I need it most,{LF}@ビシュナル@. Well... I'm glad you feel that way. You seem to have much more{LF}confidence in me than I do, however. You're just so cute, @しゅじんこうくん@! I get nervous just being next to you. Any concerns you have about me being your boyfriend? None at all. (Tease him.) Phew... Don't worry, I'll always love you. And I you. What...? Am I...not good enough...? Hahaha. I'm just messing with you. Don't worry, there's{LF}nothing wrong with you at all! Are you sure? Positive. I love you, @ビシュナル@. ...I love you more. You're so strong, @しゅじんこうくん@! I'm so honored to have you as my girlfriend! I love you, @しゅじんこうくん@. There are things I can't do... ...at which you excel. If we could support each other forever...we'd be{LF}unstoppable! Let's train for love...together. Don't go anywhere...okay? Don't worry. You're the only one I see. I'm so lucky to have married you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Same here. Let's divide the chores! ...I'm glad to hear it. I'll do the cooking! Erm... Now that I'm married, I should brush up my cooking skill. You don't have to do anything. Huh? I said you don't have to do anything. Wha... Just think of yourself like... ...a housewife. ...a mother. H-housewife?! You're making me blush... Er...why? When I was little, people used to tell me that I looked like{LF}my mother. Personally, I disagree. I never saw the resemblance. I feel so much stronger now that I'm sharing my heart with{LF}another. I've felt that way every day since I married you. Isn't it tough to be a butler? Not really. I love my job... ...and I know you'll be home waiting for me when it's over. There's no reason in the world for me to feel down! It's like a dream... ...that I can be with you every day like this. I love it too. Need a pinch? WAKE UP! BREAKFAST! FIRE!! @しゅじんこうくん@... Your arms are so comfortable... Can you hear how fast my heart is beating? Don't worry! I'm already awake, so please put your hands down. Wah! Huh? Was it just a dream that we got married? And{LF}what's on fire?! AAAAHHHH!! How do you feel, now that you're married? Happy to be your wife. Excited to try your food. You're a restless sleeper. I'm glad to hear that. How about you, @ビシュナル@? It goes without saying. I'm ecstatic to be your husband! What?! It's kind of like a lottery. ♪ You're so mean! You keep kicking me at night... I...I wasn't aware of that... I'm sorry... Starting tonight, I'll tie up my whole body before going to{LF}sleep! (Oh dear, now I'm blushing...) I love you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. The question is, how much? I love you too. ...How much do you love me? ... I love you thiiiiiiis much, @しゅじんこうくん@! *STARE* What's wrong? Is there something on my face? No... ...I was just thinking how lucky I am to see that face every{LF}single day. What would you like for lunch tomorrow? @アイテム0@. @アイテム1@. A non-failure. I-I won't mess it up! I swear! ...We'll see. As you wish. Prepare for a culinary surprise tomorrow! @アイテム0@? All right! I'll do my best! I hope you're looking forward to it. Look at this! What...is that...? I bought it from Bado! It's supposed to stabilize our relationship! Uh, @ビシュナル@? Yes? Say you love him. Never mind. @ビシュナル@, I love you. I love you too. Hmph... Why do you look so mad? You seemed so calm and collected, like you were just...{LF}saying the words. That's not true at all! My heart's beating so fast right now, it feels like it could{LF}shoot out into the sky! Whoa! C-calm down! Huh?! I heard it's good to sing to children. So I'm going to go practice with Margaret. Where do you get all these tips you keep hearing...? Would you like to join me? Uh, no, I'm fine... Are you sure? I'll be sad if we can't sing a duet... My arms are so sore... What happened? I was practicing how to fold clothes with Mr. Volkanon{LF}yesterday. Clothes? What...for...? I was trying to minimize my time spent folding laundry, so I{LF}could maximize my time with you. ... Ooof...my arms may hurt, but I stand by my decision! I didn't realize how much Mr. Volkanon cares for us. Yeah, he's almost too good to us. It kind of feels like there has to be some kind of catch... Time to practice cooking! Blossom taught me a new recipe yesterday. I'll cook it for you sometime, so please look forward to it! (I wonder if he can actually even follow a recipe...) I've gotten better at cooking, haven't I? Y-yeah, okay, sure. Have...you? Come again? ...You look like you just bit into a lemon... Yes! I knew it! S-sorry... Clorica bullies me sometimes... Huh? Why?! She thinks I'm keeping you all to myself... @しゅじんこうくん@, do I look okay? You're all set. Your tie's crooked. What's that on your...? I don't see a single problem! And you're handsome as ever. Thank you very much. Now, stand still. There. You're all set! Ow! You've got to be more careful, h-o-n-e-y. ♪ Huh? Is something on my face? Ah... ... I... I think today will be a good day! I'm so glad to be with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Same to go. @しゅじんこうくん@, I'll never let you go. You'd better not! I want you to stay with me forever. My +birthday+ is @キャラ0@ @0@. For some reason, I always start to feel excited when my{LF}+birthday+ approaches! When's yours, @しゅじんこうくん@? My +birthday+ is @キャラ1@ @1@. What?! That's the same as mine! Oh, you're right. What a tremendous coincidence! Day @1@ of @キャラ1@... Okay, I'll{LF}remember that! Let's exchange presents on each other's +birthdays+! @アイテム0@ is wonderful. You like @アイテム0@? No. Oh, you don't? I don't just like it... ...I love it! I see. I really can't stand turnips. No matter how hard I try to eat them... ...I just can't. Have you sampled any of Porcoline's delicacies? I have. Not yet. They're delicious, aren't they? Especially @アイテム0@. It's exquisite! You haven't? Oh, you must! They're absolutely scrumptious! Mr. Volkanon makes a truly delicious{LF}@アイテム0@. Oh? What's so good about it? ...It's hard to explain... It's just very tasty! Bado is amazing! I had him fix a blunt knife of mine... ...and now it's even sharper than it was when it was new! Though I've had a few close calls because of that... What?! I often help Forte practice for battle... ...but she's so strong that I've never won a single time{LF}against her. When you speak with Xiao Pai, don't you find her unique{LF}manner of speech to be...infectious? I'm not so sure about that... I have to wonder how she came to talk that way,{LF}considering not even Lin Fa has those quirks. Lady Ventuswill is so incredible! I wish I could be like her! Lady Ventuswill never complains, even when I make{LF}mistakes. She's so kind. You've grown so much, @子供ちゃん@. One day, you'll grow bigger than Daddy! @子供ちゃん@ keeps begging to be picked up. It's just sooo adorable! Clorica often asks me how @子供ちゃん@ is doing. She must love children! @子供ちゃん@ wants to be just like me, it seems! How nice! That worries me... I'll impart everything I know about being a butler! That means...I must train to be a better butler! Please don't worry about that! I promise to make our baby a wonderful butler! Now that we have a new family, I must protect everyone... @子供ちゃん@ has grown so much! Kids grow up way too fast! Do you think about anyone when you're bored? I do, sometimes. Who do you think about? Not really. So do I! ♪ I'm surprised to hear you do, though. But I have to wonder who it is that's on your mind... I hope...it's me... Huh? Well... ...? Ahahaha... Really...? Is it only me? It inspires me when I see your face, @しゅじんこうくん@. I wish I could stare at you all day long... You're looking as cute as ever. Oops...did I say that out loud? Huh?! Well, I'm just being honest. You're almost too cute to be a{LF}boy! @しゅじんこうくん@, are you good at cooking? Yes. No. I never cook, so I dunno. Really? Oh, won't you please teach me?! Really? We should practice cooking together sometime, then. Never? What a pity. I've always wanted to taste your cooking... It's always so fun talking to you. I wonder why! I was thinking about you just now. It's sort of like destiny! I wonder if one can train to better a relationship as well... I guess so, but...why? Do you think we need to better our{LF}relationship? ...I've just been thinking about something. I've been waking you up every morning... ...but I've never stopped to ask whether or not that action{LF}was a nuisance to you. Not at all. Completely. I'm glad to hear it! I'll keep waking you up when I don’t have work in the{LF}morning, then. Whenever you'd like to stop it, you may place an +order+ to do{LF}so, and I will obey. Oh...I understand. Should you change your mind, feel free to place an +order+ for{LF}a wake-up call! A single Fertilizer Bin will cover all of the fields. It consumes three portions of fertilizer per day, but if the{LF}fields expand, you may need more. You'll need a magnifying glass to check the condition of your{LF}soil. It's sold at the general store. Let me give you a tip on using the Shipping Box. When choosing an item from your backpack, you can{LF}instantly move it by pressing @字0@. This will help you sort out your items more quickly! You just have to make sure not to ship anything important{LF}by mistake... Good morning. Have a great day today! Good morning. How are you feeling? Good morning. Please don't work yourself too hard, now! Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hello. How's your day so far? Hello. The lunch at Porcoline's restaurant is amazing, don't{LF}you agree? Oh, hello. Would you like to train with me? Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good evening. How was your day? Good evening. Have you finished all your tasks for the day? Good evening. You shouldn't stay up too late, you know --{LF}it'll leave you feeling groggy. Good evening, @しゅじんこうくん@. Time for training! What fantastic weather. Farm work is made much easier when it rains in the morning. Brrr... It's so cold... For some reason, typhoons make me rather giddy! Why don't we train in the midst of the snowstorm? That's...not a very good idea... Hm... Will the weather get worse, I wonder? What perfect weather! The laundry should dry in no time at{LF}all. I hope it stops raining by the end of the day. Snow is beautiful, but shoveling can be a real pain. What a strong wind... Will the castle be okay...? Oh, my, it's a veritable blizzard! Why do you look so happy? Will the sun come out at all today, I wonder? Good morning. Warm day, isn't it? The sun's rays are positively piercing today! What comforting weather this is. Please be careful as you walk. It's so warm, I want nothing more than to nap the day away! Goodness it's hot! No matter how often I rake the leaves, they just keep{LF}falling... It's so cold today, I might wind up CATCHING a cold... It's been getting warmer, even at night. It's so hot, even at night! The nights have been chilly lately. It's positively frigid out there at night these days. I can't believe I'll be a father... I'm so nervous! @しゅじんこうくん@! Let's train to be good parents! How are you feeling? Please take it easy, okay? I'll do anything I can! Is there anything you'd like to eat? It's dangerous out there, so please try to avoid going out by{LF}yourself. Oh! Did the baby just kick?! I wonder if it's a handsome boy or an adorable little girl. Don't worry, I'll handle all the housework! I can't wait to see the baby! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Have you been practicing to be a parent? I think you should. I heard there was a gourmet that went to Porcoline's{LF}restaurant over 100 times... ...just to get a taste of his menu. Now that's what I call professionalism! I should follow his{LF}lead! Sounds like you're saying he had to visit the restaurant over{LF}100 times just to get served... I heard that Illuminata solved a new case! It's supposed to be a very puzzling one... Isn't that great?! It will inspire me to work even harder! Urk...I can't breathe... What's wrong? Kiel gave me this @アイテム0@... ...but it's so hard and bitter... If you're thinking about trying it, please be careful. And...honestly, I wouldn't recommend it. Have you heard Margaret's new song? I was so touched...it moved me to tears! Clorica's not falling asleep at all today. It's very surprising! Mr. Volkanon was so happy, saying she‘s become more{LF}responsible as a butler. Did you notice that the bath water was sort of...tingly{LF}yesterday? I'm not sure if that's why, but my body feels light and airy{LF}today. @しゅじんこうくん@! Did you hear?! It's great news! Mr. Volkanon was chosen as the winner of the butler{LF}competition! Isn't that incredible?! One day...I'll be like Mr. Volkanon! I know I will! Doug has a kind heart. I think he would do anything for Blossom. What do you think about flying? What do I think...? Didn't you fly into this town? I wasn't flying, I was falling... Lady Ventuswill loves a nice @アイテム0@,{LF}no? Let's see...I think she also has a soft spot for a good{LF}@アイテム1@. Lately she's been eating the pancakes Clorica makes. She looks so contented eating them, it makes me want to try{LF}them as well! You've been going to @マップ0@, right? That's amazing, @しゅじんこうくん@! When I face a monster, I just freeze right up! It's nice to have new neighbors in this town. I hope I can be{LF}good friends with them. I hear strange voices at night... I-I'm not scared, per se, but I can't deny that it's rather{LF}creepy... How is the injured man? I hope he's recovering well... Looks like Dylas is doing much better now! I d-d-didn't s-seeee a-a-a-a-anything!!! I can't believe that Lady Ventuswill has collapsed... What do we do now...? Do you know what a +Rune Sphere+ is? A +Rune Sphere+? I'm sorry, I've never heard of it. Hmm...the +Forest of Beginnings+? There's not much data referring to the +Forest of Beginnings+. But rest assured! I promise I'll find a way to return from that forest for you! I heard you've found a way to come back! Illuminata was telling everyone it was her doing. You're so amazing, @しゅじんこうくん@! I truly have a tremendous amount of respect for you! Lady Ventuswill is fun. I'm starting to like her more than ever! I'll take care of the healing! What a powerful dragon... I'm sorry it took so long for me to get here. A dragon suddenly appeared in the town! A professional butler sh-should be a-a-a-able to...h-h-h... ...handle this calmly!!! It's terrifying, thinking that the Sechs Empire could come back{LF}to finish the job at any moment. I'll train myself not to lose against them! It's not too late, is it? There's an island floating in the sky. It's amazing...but in a way, it's also dreadfully creepy. @しゅじんこうくん@! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help! We have to stop the Sechs! The castle feels so empty without Lady Ventuswill in it... Will she ever come back? This town's as peaceful as ever. It's hard to believe that the Sechs tried to invade here. You'd{LF}never know it now! Oh, by the way... ...I had a dream about the days when Lady Ventuswill was{LF}still here. She was sitting in her room, as if nothing had happened... ...and it was so natural that I didn't even realize it was only a{LF}dream. I wish it were real... Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! I put my all into making this! Please take it! We must save Lady Ventuswill! All right! Let's go! Lady Ventuswill has returned! There's no happier outcome I could possibly imagine! Here are today's tasks. Vishnal: Clean the Town Square, wipe the windows and do{LF}the laundry. Yes, sir! Clorica: Wash the dishes, clean the bed and do the{LF}shopping. Err...washing dishes, and... Washing dishes? Washing dishes, and...? Wash the dishes! Clean the bed! Go shopping! Oh, that's right. All righty. Goodness... Now, both of you. Don't cut any corners, please. Of course not! Don't worry! What happened to the wallet you found yesterday? Did you{LF}figure out to whom it belonged? It was Clorica's. Margaret and some other people helped me figure it out. I was out shopping when I realized it had gone missing. Glad to hear you got it back. Since you've come all the way to this town... ...you must enjoy your time here. And therefore-- *SNORE*{LF} *SNORE* Ahem... A-hem! *SNORE*{LF} *SNORE* (Psst! Clorica!) *SNORE*... CLORICA!! ?!?! ... *SNORE*... H...hee hee... ...Unbelievable... Make sure to thoroughly clean the Town Square! That's how we protect Lady Ventuswill's dignity! I'm expecting perfection from you two! Got it! Yes, sir! What have you prepared to serve Lady Ventuswill? A tasty platter o' @アイテム0@. It's her{LF}favorite dish! I helped make it as well. ...All right. And how does it taste? Don't worry. I tried it. Excellent. It must be fine, then. Uh...what does that mean, exactly? Now, make sure not to be rude to Lady Ventuswill. Yes, sir. What was that all about? I'll go prepare a serving of @アイテム0@. Wait! Yes? If Vishnal handles it, my precious tea time may be ruined. Clorica! Yes? Hey! I-I can make tea too, you know! I've heard THAT before... Urk... I've heard that before as well. Now stand there quietly and watch Clorica make tea. Take{LF}notes if you must! Watching is the best way to learn. I'll make it right this time, I swear! Why do you say that? I've been training!! That's what you said last time, and I'm still tasting it in my{LF}darkest hours... ...*YAWWWN*... Why are you yawning, Clorica? Well... Vishnal has been staying up until late into the night... Is this true, Vishnal? Yes. I've been studying. Studying? I kept hearing strange voices, so I assumed you were doing{LF}something kind of shady... Strange voices?! Bah! I'm just focusing my chi, to increase my energy and boost my{LF}aptitude! Either way, you shouldn't be saying strange things late at{LF}night. There's nothing strange about it! Honestly... Did you make this tea cake, Vishnal? I'm quite confident about this one! I've been training, you see! Um, you say that every single time. Indeed. D-do I? And it's never once been good... Wha?! I-I'm sure that this one's fine! Please, try it! There he goes again... It might be time to cut him off. Even in practice, he does{LF}more harm than good... W-well, why don't you say that after you have a bite?! *SIGH*... All right. One bite. *NIBBLE* ?! ?!?! In the name of all that is holy... Urk...it's...so...sweet... What?! I'm detecting 6.2 times more sugar than there should be... And it's only...half baked... Th-that can't be right... You get 17 points out of 100. And that's a generous score. NOOOO!! There's nothing quite like a leisurely cup of tea. Too true, too true! You two are looking awfully relaxed. A bit TOO relaxed,{LF}even for break time! Ahaha. I'm sorry. I'm sorr...*YAWN*... Suddenly...I feel so slee-- *SNORE* I don't think I'll ever get used to how suddenly she falls{LF}asleep. So unprofessional...sleeping here like this... *SNORE* ...Well...I suppose I can let it slide every once in a while. I've prepared today's tea cake. It's called +Volkanon's Gorgeous Chocolate Cake+! Whoa...! Woooooooow! M-may I have some? But of course! Let's all eat! Ha ha ha! @ヴォルカノン@'s homemade cake... Um, may I try some too? I'm getting hungry... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Be my guest! Please, dig in! Thank you very much! Be sure to tell me what you think. Are you, now? Please, have some! Are you sure? Of course. Eat as much as you'd like. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! How did +Volkanon's Gorgeous Chocolate Cake+ taste? [Received @アイテム0@.] A butler must protect his or her own body! Yes, sir! Yes, sir. In order to avoid unnecessary fights, I will initiate{LF}@アイテム0@ today. I see! So you pretend to be a cat and fool your enemy, then? WRONG! Cats are sooo cute. So this must be a trick to tame them! WRONG AGAIN! You slap your hands right in front of them like this... That'll scare the poor cats! Indeed! That's far too cruel! WAAAAAAH!! [Received @アイテム0@.] How do you get over eating foods you don't like? That's a hard question. Sometimes it's not just the taste but the look of a certain{LF}food that turns you away from it. You could try something like... ...grating it until it's no longer recognizable. And then after you eat it, you'll realize it was never a{LF}problem to begin with! Hmm...but that wouldn't actually be overcoming anything,{LF}would it? Hmm? Well, if you're not even aware something is there, then{LF}you're not facing your problem. That's fighting a battle you didn't even know you were in. It{LF}just doesn't feel...honest. T-true... Hmm. It's a tricky proposition! It really is. I'm not getting any better at cooking... ...even though I've done a lot of training. Maybe I don't have{LF}the talent. Don't let it get you down. Maybe you're just overthinking it. Why don't you pick out a recipe and try following it to the{LF}letter, without even thinking? That's what I've been doing, yet I still mess up everything I{LF}attempt... Huh? How?! It starts to form a black lump... Wh-what...? *SIGH* I probably just don't have the talent for it. All right. Question. Among all the spring crops, what's the fastest-growing{LF}vegetable? Oh, that's easy! The answer is @アイテム0@! Correct! Nice job, Vishnal. Are you two having a quiz? That's right. Oh, I know! Since you're here, why don't you try answering a question as{LF}well? Good idea! Here, how about this one? How many summer crops are there in total? 5 6 10 11 Too bad, @しゅじんこうくん@. Drat! Can't believe I missed that one! Everyone forgets about the Gold Pumpkin. The Gold Pumpkin is a winter crop. Drat! Can't believe I missed that one! You two...{LF}You both have much yet to learn. Right. I'll be back when I'm ready. Too bad, @しゅじんこうくん@. Drat! Can't believe I missed that one! Everyone forgets about the Gold Pumpkin. The Gold Pumpkin is a winter crop. Drat! Can't believe I missed that one! You two...{LF}You both have much left to learn. Right. I'll be back when I'm ready. Too bad, @しゅじんこうくん@. Drat! Can't believe I missed that one! Pineapples are fruit, so they don't count towards the total! You have much left to learn, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'll be back when I'm ready. Correct! Yessss! ♪ Wow, @しゅじんこうくん@! That was a tough one, too! I knew you'd get it right.{LF}You're so smart! If you're curious, the answers are Pumpkin, Cucumber,{LF}Tomato, Corn, Eggplant, Pink Melon... ...Yams, Potatoes, Green Peppers, and Turnips! Sooo... Hmmm... What's love? Good question. Will training help me fall in love? I don't think it's something you can train for. What are you guys talking about? We're confused about love... Huh?! We don't know what love is. @しゅじんこうくん@...what is love? I-I'm not sure I can really answer that. I wish someone would teach us what love is all about. But, for some reason... ...when I look at @しゅじんこうくん@, my heart starts aching... ...What is...this feeling...? But... For some reason @しゅじんこうくん@ makes my heart beat{LF}faster. Could this be...love...? ... I hope it is... I-I...uhh...nothing! Nothing at all! ...Er, I mean...uhhh... What's wrong? Both of you are completely red. That's not true! I-is it? N-nope, not at all. It's nothing, really! Hmmm... Seems like you've been doing a lot of reading. Are there any{LF}books that you'd recommend? Recommend? Any book, you mean? Yes, anything. Well, then how about the 'Beginner's Guide to Wizardry'? A book about magic? Yep. Doesn't a magic-wielding butler sound like the best{LF}thing ever?! Ohhhh! Yes, that sounds amazing! Stupendous, even! Could I perhaps borrow that book? Sure, I'll bring it next time. Please do! Thank you. Is it ready? Yeah. Be careful, though. It's really sharp. Don't worry, I'm used to it! I can't even count how often I've cut my fingers while{LF}cooking. All right. But I'm talking REALLY sharp, though, so just...be{LF}extra careful, okay? ...Hey, I've got something kinda handy for you. You{LF}interested? What is it? It's a magical cloth that makes anything shiny. Wow! It actually costs 5000 Gold... But I'll give you a special discounted rate of 600 Gold! Whaaat?! Mm, I'm just...not sure... ...You need to learn to question things when they sound too{LF}good to be true, Vishnal. Huh? I think it's time to close this store up for good. N-no! Wait! You must persevere! Become the most profitable blacksmith{LF}in the entire world! Universe, even! What a strange conversation... Hey, Vishnal? Will you watch my store for a bit? You shouldn't ditch work, Bado. No, hear me out. I'm asking this only because I see a certain...talent in you. Y-you do...? Yeah, absolutely. You seem like you'd be a natural! Th-then how can I say no? By the way, Vishnal? Yes? You really, really need to start questioning other people.{LF}Naivete isn't a good trait for a butler! ...Huh? This is delicious! Mmm, it really is! SO freaking good! Porcoline's cooking is brilliant! I agree. He's a world-class chef, for sure. Well, of course. That pretty much goes without saying. And just why do you feel the need to point that out?! I'm agreeing with everyone, that's all! Sheesh! I never thought I'd eat anything this delicious in my entire life. Only problem is, once you start eating it, you just can't stop! Perhaps that's the source of Porcoline's girth. Yeah, when he cooks for himself, he probably has the exact{LF}same problem. I'd get fat too if this is what I had to eat everyday. I don't think it's that he can't stop eating, though, but that he{LF}won't. He's a total glutton. Yeah, rather than flavor... It's more the act of eating that he{LF}enjoys. It seems today's lunch is nothing but fish. I got a lot of fresh fish today. It's a good day. A very good day. I'm glad we have sashimi here. It's hard to eat broiled fish. Me, I'm glad for the broiled fish. One mustn't pick and choose so much. Best to eat what{LF}you're given. He's right. Don't be picky. But you don't like milk, Leon. But I'm special.♪ What the hell... What about you, Vishnal? There's nothing I won't-- You don't like turnips, right? K-Kiel?! Be honest with us, please. Porcoline, can you whip up something turnip-based for{LF}Vishnal here? Hey, Porco! A nice, big, heaping order of the turnippiest{LF}turnips you've got for our buddy Vishnal! Here you go! Wh-What is wrong with you two?! As a butler, you shouldn't be picky. Consider it a professional{LF}challenge. You can do it, Vishnal! This is so cruel! ...Okay, so we've got the food, but where are the ladies? Who knows? Well, at least we can relax and enjoy a meal. What kind of man are you?! Come on, Kiel, back me up here! I'm fine with things as they are. Arthur? I agree with Kiel. ... Stop staring at us. ... Sorry, Doug. Afraid you're on your own here. ... You guys are hopeless. All right! Let's eat! Wait, Vishnal. What are you eating? It's @アイテム0@. Looks yummy. Can I have a bite? Certainly, if I may have some of yours in exchange. Sure. Here you go. Many thanks. And for you. Thanks. *CRUNCH* Ahh... *CHOMP* Okay, let's eat! ...Geeeh? Where'd mine go?! I'm sure I don't know what you mean. You must've eaten it{LF}already and simply forgotten. Ehhh?! B-But, I haven't even had one bite... They say the memory's the first thing to go, you know. We'd better eat while it's hot. This...is so weird... Looks like this is the only place we can use as a gathering{LF}spot. Ah... Arthur? Are you sure we're not bothering you? Don't worry. It's fine. That's right. Everything is perfectly okay. He wasn't talking to you. You finished the job, then? Yes, almost. But there is something left to do for tomorrow. You don't mean... Everyone could've used my room if it was big enough. You mean, if it were clean? Oh, come on, that's not fair! Man, all these books are huge! And...complicated-sounding... They're quite interesting. You're welcome to borrow one, if{LF}you'd like. N-no, I'm good, thanks! If that offer extends to me as well, I'd like to borrow one. Seriously? You can read stuff like that?! Well yeah, of course. Don't lump me in with you when it{LF}comes to hitting the books! Man, you sure know how to hit where it hurts sometimes... I'd like to borrow this one, if I may. Wha? You too?! Oh, wow! Can't believe you have a rare one like this in your{LF}collection! May I see it? No way! Even you?! Hey, Arthur, did you get in that book I ordered? Sure did. Here you go. Holy crap. Am I really the only one here who doesn't read? I can give you some picture books, if you want. Keep 'em, dammit! Doug is the life of the party, isn't he? Huh? He really is. And he's great at gathering people together. What the hell? Uh, okay... Yeah, this is good. Praise me!{LF}Praise me HARD! If only he were a bit more humble... ... And a bit less noisy! At least I'm not a Dyllie Downer like you! He was such a good man, once. Indeed... Hey! Stop talking about me like I'm dead or something! You lose, Doug! Ahhhhh! Wait! That doesn't count! That's pretty pathetic, you know. Why don't you just accept defeat? Arghhh! I almost won that time, too! Just one more time! Come on, guys! ... You seem bored, Arthur. Leon... No. I'm not bored. Actually, I'm quite enjoying myself. Perhaps...I was much more bored when I was serving as{LF}prince in the castle. But you could do anything you wanted there, right? Nothing of the sort, no. One's rights must be tempered with{LF}duty and obligation. Besides...being able to do whatever you please isn't all that{LF}exciting either. It just seems far too predictable and passe for someone with{LF}dreams and ambitions. But suddenly my life turned into this. And this is what I truly{LF}wanted. You hear that, @しゅじんこうくん@? What?! I really appreciate what you did for me. Thank you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Ah... Y-You're welcome... Hey, Arthur. What are you doing? Let's pick up where we left off, shall we? Sure. I'll be right there. Oh, and Kiel? This is the book you wanted, I believe. Thank you, Arthur. What kind of book is it? Is it all science-y or philosophical or{LF}something? No, this one's a cookbook. A cookbook?! I already perfected all the dishes in the one I was using{LF}before. Are you serious?! You gotta be kidding me... Why don't you let Forte cook sometime? Well...she might blow the house up, for one... Better with the sword than with the skillet, eh? Kiel, won't you teach me your secrets? I've been training to{LF}cook in my spare time. Wha?! I...I don't know if I'd really be of much help, though... Porcoline's way of cooking is too fast for me. I can't follow{LF}him. Umm... Okay. Next time, then, we'll cook together! *YAWN* What's the matter, Vishnal? Oh, please excuse me. I've had a very, very busy day. You sleepy? You can sleep here. May I? A short nap, then, perhaps... ...Whoa. Out like a torch. He must've been beat! It certainly does seem that way. I wonder how long he's been working without sleep... Too long, I'm sure. Vishnal's always been like that. He probably worked himself so hard, he didn't even have{LF}time to realize how tired he was. We should leave him be. Doug and Dylas... You two are actually very close friends,{LF}aren't you? Wha?! People do say the best type of friend to have is the type{LF}who's not afraid to pull any punches... That's preposterous! And true. Everybody knows you two are like bread and{LF}butter. Don't be stupid! How the hell could I ever be friends with{LF}this dumbass?! That's right! You tell 'em, you mush-brained moron! You bet I will! You guys should just get married, right here and right now. Aha ha ha... How do you read this, Leon? Huh? Ah, this is-- Excuse me, Leon. Could you come help me? Sure. Be right there. Leon! Ah, wait, Leon! I called you first! Wha?! I called him first, not you! Haha. Leon's quite popular, it seems. Yeah, with guys! It's not fair... Though I guess there are worse fates than babysitting this{LF}bunch. @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Is there anything I can help you with? Huh? Well... Leon! C'mon! Sorry. Time's up. Catch you later! As a butler, I must be strong enough to protect my master. Well, everyone wants to be strong. Would you happen to have any books that could help me to{LF}that end? That's your only criterion? Anything is fine, as long as it helps{LF}you get stronger? Yes! Anything! Well, then how about this book my sister gave me? ''Secrets of Bodybuilding: How to Transform Your Fists Into{LF}Iron Weights,'' huh? That sounds...like it might do the trick... You don't mind if I browse through it a bit, do you? Go ahead. All right, then. Let's see... I wanna see! ... ... Th-This is... You've got to be kidding... Hmm? Something the matter? Someone wrote 50 sets for this exercise... Not only for this one, but for every exercise... Ha ha. You can tell it's the kind of thing my sister would{LF}read. Her stamina's amazing. That's...not really the point. This is just crazy! I-I can do this, too! No way! Don't you dare! You're going to kill yourself! I recently read a book on Norad campfire tales. It was pretty{LF}intense. Campfire tales? Like, scary stories? Yeah. One hundred accounts of the paranormal. A HUNDRED?! Why the hell would you read something like{LF}that?! Hmm? Why wouldn't I? It was really fascinating. The twenty-sixth was the best. Aaaaaggghh!! Wh-Whoa! What the hell is wrong with you?! Don't scare us{LF}like that! S-s-something w-w-was o-over th-there... Ehh?! What? H-hey! You serious?! No. No way! There's just no way, right?! ... Say something, dammit! ... Hey!! ...Pfft...haha... ...? Ha...hahaha! Ah! You sneaky little...! Dwah ha ha! I was faking, of course. Did I trick you? DAMMIT, man! What a reaction. The look on your face was so priceless! ... Well, there is Pico, so it's not outside the realm of{LF}possibility... ...Hmm? Argh... I swear I'm gonna punch you in the face... What food should I cook tomorrow? I wish I could cook as well as you. I'm nothing special, really. I've been practicing, but... You don't need to cook. It's fine. I'm not good at cooking either. It is not fine! It could be a serious problem when I'm formally employed as{LF}someone's butler! Yeah, I guess that's true enough. Can't be a butler if you{LF}can't cook. ... What? What is it? You're so insensitive, Doug! It's okay, Vishnal. You can do it if you try hard enough. Don't let anything stupid that a -certain someone- said get{LF}you down, okay? *SNIFFLE* I'll...I'll do my best! S-Sorry, Vishnal. Don't be. My lack of culinary skill is a fact. A challenge to be{LF}overcome. Yeah, that's the spirit! You suck! No need to let it get to you.{LF}No need to cry like a baby! Doug, you're terrible! Just terrible! You sure don't know when to quit, huh, @ダグ@... I wonder why Granny Blossom is running a general store. What do you mean? Well, it's hard work running one of those, you know? It...is? Yeah. Customers, all the time. And there's way too much stuff to remember! All this stock{LF}and where it goes and how it's used. It's such a pain in the ass. But you help her a lot, don't you? Huh?! You're always working so hard whenever you're here. I've{LF}never seen you loafing on the job. Wha-What?! What are you talking about?! I'm a total goof-up! I haven't worked hard a day in my life! S-Stop making things up! What are you guys talking about? Oh, it's you, @しゅじんこうくん@. We're neither speaking of nor really doing much of anything. That's right! We're just being lazy. Seriously? Yep. Wasting time like pros. So you're just gathered here...to bask in each other's{LF}laziness? Pretty much, yeah. We just got together for the hell of it. No{LF}real reason. It is as he says. For some reason or another... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! You know what Vishnal just told us?! D-D-D-D-Doug! What are you doing?! Don't say another{LF}word! Hard to say anything when you're being so loud. What's the{LF}problem? Argh... Well, if you're going to go spilling other people's secrets,{LF}then I guess I'll do the same! Did you know that Doug-- H-Hey! You shut that dirty mouth of yours, butler-man! Mmmrrrrrnnnffff! Hmph. Kiel, I guess you're now officially one of us. What? Why?! You know what Kiel said a little wh-- STOP! Oww! If one more word comes out of your mouth, you will learn of{LF}my true form. ...? Are you growing this flower? It's quite lovely! Wh-what are you doing with a large anchor like that? What a unique painting... I wonder what it's supposed to be. It looks a bit like a{LF}human being... I guess this is a form of artistic license. It emits sound too, though. Most peculiar! How does it work? My, what a big plush dinosaur! I'm not sure why, but I'm starting to get excited! *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit I...think I'm forgetting something... What do you think it is? I was sure I had something to do today... Do you remember what it was, @しゅじんこうくん@? No idea... Don't ask me... You don't know either? Hmm...what should I do...? I thought you'd know... ... Have you ever had that experience where the day ends in{LF}the blink of an eye? It's so strange, isn't it? I'm going to work hard today! Work hard! Work hard! Work...har...d... Zzz...zzz... Oh! I saw that thing the other day. What thing? Hmm...what was it? I mustn't fall asleep! I mustn't sleep! I must...n't... Zzz... Zzz...zzz... @クローリカ@? Zzz...zzz... She's fast asleep... And yet she's still getting her work done! Sometimes I wake up and realize I've finished all my tasks. People say kindly fairies are behind this miracle! They're so sweet, aren't they? I love to daydream while I'm working. It makes me feel like I've found a secret base. @しゅじんこうくん@! @しゅじんこうくん@! Hmm? Err... What was it I wanted to tell you? Mmm... Did you forget again? Yeah... And I've forgotten what it is I've even forgotten... I guess I'm a little forgetful. A ''little,'' huh? That's not true. Don't say it like that! It really is just a little bit. Oh? People always tell me that I am. That's why I've decided to take notes! Now I'll be able to remember everything! So, have you actually been taking notes? Notes...? What are you talking about? When I was outside daydreaming, it started raining really{LF}hard... You should take a better care of yourself. I do... It's just, when I'm with you... ...I can lower my guard. ...E-erm, is that a compliment? @しゅじんこうくん@... This is for you. It's not just an ordinary @アイテム0@! ...It's one I tripped over. Huh...? What?! @しゅじんこうくん@, I made this for you. Please eat it! ♪ I made too much, so let me share some with you. I made too much food, and would really like for you to have{LF}some. [Received @アイテム0@.] Don't you feel like it's kind of special? Like you were chosen{LF}to be its bearer? Hee hee! I love to cook. I wish I could learn more recipes, though. *YAWN*... I'm so sleepy... You look it. Actually, you always kinda look it... Especially today. Is it because I'm with you, maybe? If you would always be with me... ...I wouldn't have to worry so much about...falling asleep...{LF}because you'd take care of me... Zzz...zzz... @クローリカ@? ?! Oh no! Please don't look at my face right now. I just woke{LF}up, so it must be a mess! How did you...? ... Are you still asleep? No, I'm awake. I'm just...very comfortable. I respect the type of people who can keep a diary. I never know what to write about when I try. Anything's fine, really. Anything...? That just makes it hard to decide! I once tried to write in a diary by thinking back on the events{LF}of the day... ...but I hardly remembered anything that happened to me. It was kind of unnerving! No need to worry. You were just asleep, that's all. Hmm... You forget something? You remember something? You could tell just from that? You're pretty good! I'm trying to remember what it is I've forgotten, though. Lovers... Are you daydreaming again? Oh, I'm sorry. Actually, I was thinking I could join you. Oh. Okay! Let's daydream together, then! What do you like about me? Your soft personality. You being asleep so much. Your cute face. Do I...have a soft personality? It's as soft as a cloud. Oh, that's kind of a cute image! And accurate to you. Completely. Awww, that's sweet, but so not true. Yes, it is. No, it's not! Stop it! You're making me blush... Being...asleep? Why do you say that? I'm not asleep...that{LF}much. Oh, but I'm not that cute. Sure you are! I think you're very cute. ...You're making me blush. If you go out, please be careful you don't get hurt! Don't worry. I'm stronger than I look! That's not...what I mean... ...Doesn't matter, I guess. So, what are couples supposed to do, exactly? Hmm...I'm not sure. Oh, I know! I'll go ask the others for advice! Just leave everything to me... I asked Forte what couples should do. And what did she say? She ran away as fast as she could. I also asked Lumie what couples should do. And what was her answer? She just said, ''kiss!'' Huh? That's kind of-- Whoa! Only on the cheek for now...but I hope it's okay. Amber asked me what it means to be a couple. I couldn't really answer her... I was too embarrassed... When did you start loving me? Love at first sight. Gradually. All of a sudden. Really? I had noooooo idea... I see... So you had your eye on me for a while, then? All of a sudden? Something must have clicked. Falling in love sure is a strange feeling. I love you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? I love you too. Didn't you hear me? Don't make me repeat it... I...love you. I...love you too. So we're in love with each other, then! I want to be with you forever. And...I can be...because I'm your girl now, right? I can't fix my bed hair. Will you fix it for me? Of course. You sure you trust me? Thank you. Yes, please. That's why I asked. Okay. ...There we go. Good as new! Thank you very much. Do you love me? Of course! Well... ...! What's the matter? I was surprised to hear you answer so quickly, with{LF}absolutely no hesitation. Well, you were the one who asked, @クローリカ@. I suppose I was. I'm so happy, though... It's kind of an embarrassing question to answer... You don't love me, then? Of course...I do... ...love you... Right back atcha! Hee hee... Don't you think I've been taking better care of myself? You have. What? I knew it! It's all thanks to you. Hey, come on! That was a serious question! ... What's wrong? I don't want to see your face right now. !! Did I do something wrong...? N-no! Not at all! You didn't do anything! I'm sorry! I j-just can't look at you, because it's too embarrassing. I think I...love you? Are you...asking me if that's how you feel? No, no! I'm just...a little shy... Just by changing where I sleep, the world seems like a{LF}totally different place. What a strange feeling... So what's the verdict? Am I good at making lunches, or{LF}what? It's delicious. Err... Phew... It's worth the effort just to hear that. ...I guess it didn't turn out too good, huh? I'll try to do a better job next time. How do you feel about our marriage? I'm enjoying every moment. I love living with you. So am I. It's been a joy living with you, too! I feel like every day is a lovely dream... ... Huh...? Is this a dream?! @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ Hmm? ...Nothing! Hee hee. We should go somewhere together. Like a date? I'd rather relax at home. Exactly! Let's go out on a date sometime. Ah, that sounds good too. You've got some serious bed head, mister! Do I? Here we go! All good now. You should be a little more careful with your grooming. Are you happy, @しゅじんこうくん@? Of course. ... I'm glad to hear that. So am I. Wha...? Hee hee! Just kidding. Figured I'd startle you a little with a{LF}stern, serious expression. ... AHHHHH!! I'M SORRY!! I'M SORRY!! ...You are happy, right? Yes, of course! I'm as happy as can be! The happiest I've ever been! ...Good. Note to self: never joke about these things... *SNORE* ...It's her usual sleeping face. And boy is it ever cute! I feel so comfortable being with you. How about you, @しゅじんこうくん@? It's the same for me. I'm constantly on edge. Yaaay being comfortable with each other! Maybe it's because we're married. What...? I'm just always so nervous that you might fall asleep at the{LF}wrong time and make a mistake... Hey, come on...I'm not going to do that! When I tell Lumie how much I love being with you... ...she gives me such a scary look! I wonder why... Your tie's crooked. I-is it? C-can you...fix it for me...? Of course. There, it's all good now. Thank you very much... ...I've always dreamed about this. I can't tell you how happy I am! Um...am I a good wife...? You're perfect. You've got a ways to go. I'll give you a pass. You really think so?! I was kind of worried... So I'm really glad to hear you say that, @しゅじんこうくん@! Hmm...do I? Being married is hard... A pass means that... ...I can graduate, right? Like, to a better man? You realize it was a joke, right? And I sure hope that was,{LF}too! I'm truly happy, you know. I know. You are? Of course you know. We're totally in sync like that! Why does that surprise you so much? That sure doesn't{LF}make me happy... Amber told me that I look really happy every day. It's all thanks to you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm so glad I tied the knot with you, @クローリカ@. I don't recall working with knots anytime recently. Er, it's a turn of phrase... @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? I love you. ...! I love you too. @クローリカ@? Yes? I love you. ... Thank you so much... I love you too, @しゅじんこうくん@. Can I say...I love you? Sure. Maybe not here. I love you! ♪ Hey...what's wrong with saying it here? Stay with me forever, darling! ♪ Can you...stay with me all day today? You were even in my dreams. I can't...I can't be apart from you anymore. Do you...love me? Of course I do. I love you so very much. Not particularly. I...love you too! ♪ Maybe not as much as I love you. What...?! I'm so glad to have someone I can trust. ...You know I'm talking about you, right, @しゅじんこうくん@? I think I want you...to hold me...very tight. *Hold her* Not here. Ain't got time for that. Whoooooa! @字@. Come on...it's just a hug! Hey! What is that supposed to mean?! Um, err, my +birthday+ is...? Did you forget? Day 5 of Fall, right? I h-haven't. My +birthday+ is... Day @0@ of @キャラ0@! Yes, it's Day @0@ of @キャラ0@! You must be thinking of someone else. My +birthday+ is Day @0@ of @キャラ0@. What's your favorite thing in the whole world,{LF}@クローリカ@? My favorite thing...? I love dishes made with an @アイテム0@ or{LF}two. I also love daydreaming. I don't really like eating @アイテム0@. It's too frustrating to peel the skin and take out all the seeds. Lumie makes the best tea. When I'm drinking her tea, time has no meaning! Vishnal tells me not to sleep during work. Even though I'm more experienced than him! And I wasn't even sleeping. I was just nodding off! Lin Fa's always so diligent that it makes me want to help her. You should follow her example. ...Are you trying to say that I'm not diligent enough? Th-that's not what I mean... ... @クローリカ@? Zzz... *YAWN*... I get so sleepy when I listen to Meg singing. But that just means it's nice and relaxing, right? Jones says I sleep too much. But don't you think it's healthier to sleep a lot? @子供ちゃん@ has grown so much. I'm not just happy... ...I'm SUPER happy. @子供ちゃん@ loves taking naps. I wonder why... Mr. Volkanon's always spoiling @子供ちゃん@. It's as if he's the kid's real grandfather. I get so excited when I think about @子供ちゃん@'s future! @子供ちゃん@ takes after you. @子供ちゃん@ takes after me. You think so? Guess I have to set a really good example, then! I hope @子供ちゃん@ will be as brave as you. @子供ちゃん@ is so much bigger now. Children grow so quickly! @しゅじんこうくん@, I've been waking you up every morning... ...but I never stopped to ask if you wanted that. So be{LF}honest with me...does it bother you? Not at all. It does. Oh, thank goodness. I'm not a morning person, but I'll try my{LF}best! Whenever you don't feel like it, you can place an +order+ to{LF}cancel the wake-up calls. I see. Please place an +order+ whenever you change your mind. And I'll go wake you up!♪ Have you noticed your skill level rising as you walk? That means you've raised your Walking Skill!♪ Zzz... *GASP*! I'm sorry, I was asleep. You can raise your Sleeping Skill by sleeping in the bed. This will +increase your RP+ quite a bit, so please try to sleep{LF}every day.♪ Zzz... Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Err...it's morning now, right? *YAWN*...I wish I could sleep longer... Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good afternoooon. I have to work hard... Did you come all the way to see me? There's still a while until it's nighttime. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good evening. How was your day? ...I'm a bit...drowsy... Good afternoon...*YAWN*... Good afternoon, @しゅじんこうくん@. The morning sun...is so bright... Rainy mornings like this makes you wanna stay home,{LF}doesn't it? Good morning. This whole place is covered in snow. It's awfully windy today. I'm a bit scared. It's freeeezing... The sun is hiding. What a perfect day for napping. It's such a rainy day. Looks like it'll keep snowing. It's so windy today, that it could almost blown someone{LF}away. It's dangerous to go out in the midst of a snowstorm. I want to float away like the cloud... I wish I could take a short nap now. Ugh...It's sooooo hot... The leaves are beginning to change their colors. How{LF}pretty.♪ The biggest task is leaving bed in the morning... What a perfect afternoon. I'm melting with the heat... I love daydreaming in autumn. It's as cold as usual today. It gets quite chilly at night, doesn't it? Why is it so hot, even at night...? This coolness is perfect for sleeping. I'm starting to miss my bed. You'll soon be a father, @しゅじんこうくん@. And I'll be a mother... I'm extra sleepy today... How are you feeling? Perfectly fine.♪ How's your body? Honey, you don't have to be so nervous. How much longer will it take? I can't wait to see our baby. Oh! The baby just kicked my stomach! Really!? Yes! The baby's full of energy! Please stay safe. For both me and the baby... I will. Do you see your daddy? Ha ha, it's kind of embarrassing... You're having a baby soon, right? I would love to hold your{LF}baby. Have you thought of a name for the baby? I'm so excited to see the baby. I heard that a gourmet visited Porcoline's restaurant. Meg seemed happy too!♪ It should attract more customers. Everyone's thinks Lumie solved a case... But what she did was find a hat that she lost herself. You should only take Lumie's stories with a grain of salt. Though it's true that the taste of Forte's cookies are quite{LF}problematic... ...it's great that she's trying to overcome her weakness! I wonder who Meg thought of as she wrote this song. It's exciting to think about those things. After hearing a scary story, I can't go to sleep.♪ Yesterday's bath was especially hot! My eyes were boiling when I went into the water. Did you know that Mr. Volkanon won the butler{LF}competition? I'm so happy for him. It would be so easy to move if someone could give me a{LF}piggyback ride. Meg's going wild. How fun.♪ I wonder what Lady Ventuswill likes. It's been a while since I came here, but there's much more to{LF}learn. Did you know that Lady Ventuswill loves pancakes? I hope she likes pastel de manzana just as much, since that's my{LF}favorite. I heard you've been going to the @マップ0@. Since it's dangerous out there, please be extra careful. Amber is a sweet girl. We've become fast friends. I'm so happy! You're going to the ruins, right? ...A-aren't you scared? I know someone was taken to the clinic. Is he all right? I'm glad that Dylas is better now. Porcoline is happy to have a new waiter, too. I've been hearing a lot of rumors about ghosts. I can't see them or feel them at all. Lady Ventuswill... What happened? Do you know what a +Rune Sphere+ is? +Rune Sphere+? I'm sorry, I've never heard of it. I was thinking, if the monsters come from +the Forest of{LF}Beginnings+... ...can't you also come back by being a monster? I heard about Lumie's achievement. Wow, @しゅじんこうくん@! I can't believe you've saved both Lady Ventuswill and Leon! I see you in a new light. I'm surprised to see Lady Ventuswill change so much. But...I think it's much better. I'll heal everyone! ...The dragon... @しゅじんこうくん@...everything's okay now...right? ...The dragon... @しゅじんこうくん@...I'm scared... The Sechs Empire is after us... And Lady Ventuswill has fallen... What's gonna happen to us...? Is the Sechs Empire trying to invade the Norad Kingdom...? Have you heard rumors about a floating island? How is that even possible? @しゅじんこうくん@... Good luck...! I'm always praying for you. It's sad that Lady Ventuswill is no longer here. *YAWN*... Oh, I'm sorry... I haven't been getting enough sleep. Though I'm glad that I don't have to deal with Lady{LF}Ventuswill's snoring anymore... ...it's too quiet at night. I start to think thoughts I'd rather{LF}keep locked away. How Lady Ventuswill used her power to save us, ...and that's how we're able to live like this. But...were there really no other solutions...? You're about to go save Lady Ventuswill right? Then please take this with you. I hope she can come back soon. We're all waiting for her. Lady Ventuswill's finally back! I'm so excited, that I don't think I can sleep today. Let's tell scary stories! Wh-what?! Why now, all of a sudden?! I just heard one from Volkanon. And it's a good one! I really{LF}want to share it with you. Th-that's okay! You're welcome to keep it to yourself! Y-yeah, I don't want to hear something that might freak me{LF}out! And besides, Amber's right here, remember? Actually, I'd like to hear it. ... ''Is it about ghosts?'' If they're anything like you, it won't be much of a story. It was a dark and stormy night... Eeeek! M-Meg! A boy who'd lost his memory came to the village. He was disheveled, and hadn't eaten anything for days. ''I need water,'' he uttered meekly. And as if in response, a woman with a watering can{LF}suddenly appeared before him. Then... ... Then what?! ...I don't remember. Argh... I didn't want to hear it, but now that I've heard PART{LF}of it, I want to know the rest! Yeah, I think I'd have been better off without having heard{LF}any of that... Hey Meg, what's your homeland like? My homeland? I haven't heard of it either, no. Yeah, I'd love to know more about it! Erm, well...the elven lands are located due north from here. They're surrounded by lush forests. It really is a beautiful{LF}country. A beautiful country, huh...? ''I'd love to visit there at least once, milady. Wouldn't you?'' Yeah, I think I would. It's a lot like this. I'd love to invite you all for a visit{LF}sometime. Wow, that would be great! Do you have some medicine for carelessness? No, we don't. ''How about smacking you upside the head at a forty-five{LF}degree angle?'' I've never heard of such treatment before. It is...effective? Dare I ask what you did this time? Did you put sweet powder in the bath instead of bath salts? Honey would be better. That could be a real sensation! No, I'll bet it was something way more ridiculous...like squid! Eww, no way! H-How did you know? Wait, seriously? How does that even happen?! I brought squid into the bath by mistake. I realized it is{LF}wrong, but then...I trip. And splash. How dreadfully careless! No, no! Clorica is the only one I will not let say such things{LF}to me! No, no, no! It's okay, Xiao Pai. I like you just the way you are! Hmm? Yeah. Don't sweat it. You look very natural and charming{LF}when you work. Oh? I agree. You're great just as you are. Flowers must be left to bloom on their own, after all. ...Shut it, Pico. ''What? I didn't say anything!'' If you all say so, I will stay this way for a while... Hrng...hrrrng... What are you doing, Forte? Oh, erm...just indulging in some cool-down. Cool-what? Is that some sort of chilled dessert? Umm...even though I'm not entirely sure what it is, I'm still{LF}going to say ''no'' to that. Cool-down exercises. Like warm-ups, but they're done after{LF}working out instead of before. It's important to stretch your muscles after engaging in any{LF}sort of strenuous activity. Ah, I see! You have a really flexible body, Forte. Huh? You think so? ''D-Dolly, milady! Look at me! I can bend my body to the{LF}ground!'' That's less impressive when you don't even have a physical{LF}body anymore. ''What does that have to do with anything?! It's still hard to{LF}do!'' Yeah, Forte, you look so smooth and soft... *STARE* S-stop staring at me! I'm losing focus! You are so adorable, Amber! Ha ha ha! Stop it! That tickles! It seems Meg is into Amber, yes? I feel like I got a real sister! And she's sooooo cute! They really do look like sisters. ''Just like Dolly and me...'' Cold and lifeless, you mean? Just be careful you don't spoil her too much, Meg. Oh yes, I picked a flower today, and brought it with me. Look! Isn't it beautiful? Ugh... Y-Yes...cute... Are you okay, Forte? Ha ha. Forte is the one who needs to be careful not to spoil{LF}people. Specifically, Kiel! ... Dolce looks so...focused. What are you doing? Making clothes for Pico. Wow, I wish I could make them so nice! ''Oh? You want a dress too?'' No, no, it is Dolce's fingers I crave. I-I feel similarly, but what a strange way to say you envy{LF}someone's dexterity. ''So you guys are hopeless when it comes to sewing and{LF}knitting, huh?'' Ah...! I can't really deny that. Pico! You shouldn't be saying things like that to people. As if{LF}you're one to talk! She's not? ''Well...I don't know, really...'' Aha...ha ha... Here are today's tasks. Vishnal: Clean the Town Square, wipe the windows and do{LF}the laundry. Yes, sir! Clorica: Wash the dishes, clean the bed and do the{LF}shopping. Err...washing dishes, and... Washing dishes? Washing dishes, and...? Wash the dishes! Clean the bed! Go shopping! Oh, that's right. All righty. Goodness... Now, both of you. Don't cut any corners, please. Of course not! Don't worry! What happened to the wallet you found yesterday? Did you{LF}figure out to whom it belonged? It was Clorica's. Margaret and some other people helped me figure it out. I was out shopping when I realized it had gone missing. Glad to hear you got it back. Since you've come all the way to this town... ...you must enjoy your time here. And therefore-- *SNORE*{LF} *SNORE* Ahem... A-hem! *SNORE*{LF} *SNORE* (Psst! Clorica!) *SNORE*... CLORICA!! ?!?! ... *SNORE*... H...hee hee... ...Unbelievable... Make sure to thoroughly clean the Town Square! That's how we protect Lady Ventuswill's dignity! I'm expecting perfection from you two! Got it! Yes, sir! What have you prepared to serve Lady Ventuswill? A tasty platter o' @アイテム0@. It's her{LF}favorite dish! I helped make it as well. ...All right. And how does it taste? Don't worry. I tried it. Excellent. It must be fine, then. Uh...what does that mean, exactly? Now, make sure not to be rude to Lady Ventuswill. Yes, sir. What was that all about? I'll go prepare a serving of @アイテム0@. Wait! Yes? If Vishnal handles it, my precious tea time may be ruined. Clorica! Yes? Hey! I-I can make tea too, you know! I've heard THAT before... Urk... I've heard that before as well. Now stand there quietly and watch Clorica make tea. Take{LF}notes if you must! Watching is the best way to learn. I'll make it right this time, I swear! Why do you say that? I've been training!! That's what you said last time, and I'm still tasting it in my{LF}darkest hours... ...*YAWWWN*... Why are you yawning, Clorica? Well... Vishnal has been staying up until late into the night... Is this true, Vishnal? Yes. I've been studying. Studying? I kept hearing strange voices, so I assumed you were doing{LF}something kind of shady... Strange voices?! Bah! I'm just focusing my chi, to increase my energy and boost my{LF}aptitude! Either way, you shouldn't be saying strange things late at{LF}night. There's nothing strange about it! Honestly... Did you make this tea cake, Vishnal? I'm quite confident about this one! I've been training, you see! Um, you say that every single time. Indeed. D-do I? And it's never once been good... Wha?! I-I'm sure that this one's fine! Please, try it! There he goes again... It might be time to cut him off. Even in practice, he does{LF}more harm than good... W-well, why don't you say that after you have a bite?! *SIGH*... All right. One bite. *NIBBLE* ?! ?!?! In the name of all that is holy... Urk...it's...so...sweet... What?! I'm detecting 6.2 times more sugar than there should be... And it's only...half baked... Th-that can't be right... You get 17 points out of 100. And that's a generous score. NOOOO!! There's nothing quite like a leisurely cup of tea. Too true, too true! You two are looking awfully relaxed. A bit TOO relaxed,{LF}even for break time! Ahaha. I'm sorry. I'm sorr...*YAWN*... Suddenly...I feel so slee-- *SNORE* I don't think I'll ever get used to how suddenly she falls{LF}asleep. So unprofessional...sleeping here like this... *SNORE* ...Well...I suppose I can let it slide every once in a while. I've prepared today's tea cake. It's called +Volkanon's Gorgeous Chocolate Cake+! Whoa...! Woooooooow! M-may I have some? But of course! Let's all eat! Ha ha ha! @ヴォルカノン@'s homemade cake... Um, may I try some too? I'm getting hungry... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Be my guest! Please, dig in! Thank you very much! Be sure to tell me what you think. Are you, now? Please, have some! Are you sure? Of course. Eat as much as you'd like. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! How did +Volkanon's Gorgeous Chocolate Cake+ taste? [Received @アイテム0@.] A butler must protect his or her own body! Yes, sir! Yes, sir. In order to avoid unnecessary fights, I will initiate{LF}@アイテム0@ today. I see! So you pretend to be a cat and fool your enemy, then? WRONG! Cats are sooo cute. So this must be a trick to tame them! WRONG AGAIN! You slap your hands right in front of them like this... That'll scare the poor cats! Indeed! That's far too cruel! WAAAAAAH!! [Received @アイテム0@.] By the way... Hmm? ...What was I going to say? How should I know?! I sometimes forget what it was I was planning to say. But that's pretty common, right? ''Not really...'' Not at all... Really? OH! What now? I remember! Okay. So what was it? ...Ummm...hold on, I lost it again... ...Seriously?! *YAWN*... Are you sleepy? No, I'm fine. ''Didn't you just yawn?'' She could fall asleep anytime. This is her natural state. ...That's not...t...rue... ...She's made the jump from defending herself to full-on sleep{LF}talking. ''What a smooth transition... It's kind of amazing!'' I've been curious about something for a while now... Oh? That...thing on your left arm. What is it? Oh, this? ''I wanna know too.'' Well, it's... ...Hmmm. What was it again? ''Don't ask us. We're asking you!'' I think Volkanon told me about it once. What did he say? Errmm... Well...he said it's got some significance, and is from...{LF}somewhere...made by somebody... ''That doesn't help at all.'' Awww, I'm sorry. I've totally forgotten. It seems we've reached an impasse, then. Oh well... Couldn't{LF}have been too important. ''@しゅじんこうくん@?'' Yes? ''Clorica is good at housework, but she always falls asleep{LF}and forgets what to do.'' ''Dolly, on the other hand, seems mean, but she's really kind-{LF}hearted and good at knitting.'' ''So if you had to pick one to be your wife...who would you{LF}pick?'' What?! Hey! Wh-What's going on?! I'm...female, you know. ''Minor detail. Doesn't matter one bit.'' Um, do I have to choose one? ''This is all purely hypothetical. Just...curiosity. Nothing more.'' Hey, now. Don't go bothering people with your{LF}uncomfortable questions. ''Come on! Which one?'' Clorica. Dolce. How about you, Pico? No way, no how. Nuh-uh. M-Me?! ''Clorica, huh? Is that your final answer?'' Thank you very much, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ ...I don't understand. Wha...? ''Mm. A wise choice. But you have to go through me if you{LF}want her!'' And why would that be? You have no claim to me, you perv. Aww, I wasn't picked? Now I'm sad... ''M-M-M-M-M-M-ME?!?!'' You bet. I like a person who's got...nothing to hide. And{LF}since you're transparent... ''...'' So you're a pervert too, then. I'm surrounded by perverts! @しゅじんこうくん@... Hey, I was asked to choose. And I wasn't about to pick one{LF}of you over the other! So you chose the little gothic lolita ghost girl? Unbelievable! Why not me? ''Sorry, @しゅじんこうくん@...'' ''But I've pledged myself in body and soul to Dolly.'' ''So I'm afraid I'm off limits. I cannot be with yoooouuuuu...'' ''Isn't that right, milady? ♪'' Sure, why not? Ghosts have the right to dream, no matter{LF}how unrealistic that dream may be. ''Awww, booo!'' Stop asking stupid, pointless questions. I have to admit, though, I was getting kind of excited to hear{LF}the answer... ...I...guess I kind of was too. I wish you'd chosen me... What am I saying?! @しゅじんこうくん@, you're mine! Nobody can take you away from me! Right? ♪ Absolutely, my dear! My love! My EVERYTHING! ''My, my! What a lovely couple you two make.'' And you tried to mess it up with your idiotic interrogation... Don't be stupid. @しゅじんこうくん@, you're mine. So don't you dare ever pick anyone else over me. Not even as a joke. Did you hear that, Pico? ''ARRRGGGGHHHH!!'' ''I literally want you to EXPLODE now!'' It's nice to be loved, isn't it? ... What is it you'd like to buy? Hmm, I can't remember... Well, even as a great detective, that's one mystery I just{LF}can't solve. You need to figure it out! ... @クローリカ@... ... @クローリカ@? Oh, don't bother. She fell asleep as she was deciding what{LF}to buy. I bet she'll stay that way for a while. Oh, I have an idea! How about a murder case with roses as{LF}the weapon? The victim's heart was pierced by a rose thrown with{LF}tremendous force... Then a dog buries that rose, and no one is any the wiser! What do you think? Wow, that's a really cool plot! You sound like a great detective, Lumie! I don't sound like one, I AM one! I'm Illuminata, the MASTER detective! Oh, your husband's here. Stop! We're not like that! Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? ...Actually, that would make me @しゅじんこうくん@'s wife... And that actually sounds good! ♪ ...What?! W-w-w-we're not like that! Really! Judging by your reaction, though, perhaps you wish you{LF}were... Hee hee hee! ♪ Oh, don't be silly, Lumie! You too, @しゅじんこうくん@! Please don't make weird{LF}assumptions! O-okay... H-h-h-h-husband... I-i-i-i-i-it's...t-too early... Why? How do you know that isn't what @しゅじんこうくん@'s thinking? W-well... NOOOOOOOOOO!!! ... Heh heh heh. Please don't tease her too much... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. What are you-- Ngh...showing off again...! Let's play, Clorica! Aren't you working? Hmm, then...let's play work! Uhh...sure, okay! Are you here to buy flowers? Nope. Then, how can I help you? ...I'm trying to remember... ...*SNORE* YAH!! AHH!! What...? Huh...? Ahaha. You're awake now. ? ??? ?? Can I have...uh...three Noel Grass? All righty! Three Noel Grass! ♪ Noel Grass three! ♪ Grass three Noel! ♪ ...Huh? It's three Noel Grass. I...see. Three Grass Noel! ♪ ...What? Wow, it's so good! ♪ This tastes amazing. It's delicious! I'm always impressed whenever I eat any of Porcoline's{LF}dishes. Porco is the best cook ever, you know? This is very good. It's a meal fit for a thing! I think you mean ''king.'' It seems we have a lot of fish today. We got fresh fish today! Kiel would be terrified if he came face-to-face with all of the{LF}fish here. Wow. He dislikes fish that much? Well, cooked fish doesn't bother him at all. Raw fish,{LF}however... He shouldn't be so picky. But you have your own preferences too, Clorica, don't you? Yes, I suppose I do. Everybody has things they don't like. It's just...part of life. Eeeek! What's wrong, Amber?! Fish... Oh, I remember now that Amber is...not so good with the{LF}fish. Bon appetit! What did you order, Forte? I ordered @アイテム0@. Sounds good. Would you like to try some? Oh, may I? Thank you, Forte. Mmmm... Um...?! It's just the two of you? That's no fair! Clorica, say ahhh. Oh, Xiao Pai! Sure. Ahhh... ♪ Dolly, Dolly! Your turn! Say ahhhh! ♪ I, uh... I'm good, thanks! Ahhh... ♪ A-Ahh... Is it good? ...Mm. It is. ''Rrrrrgggg...'' ''I've never done that whole open-up-and-say-ahh thing{LF}before!'' ''And I waaaaaaannaaaaaa!!'' It's your turn, Forte! Ah... Ah...ahhh...ah...ahh. Ah, aaahhh... C'mon, Forte. Ahhh! ♪ Absolutely delicious, don't you think, Forte? This is so humiliating... You never cease to amaze me, Clorica. Huh? Why? You can eat even while you're sleeping! There's no way-- I've seen it. I once saw Clorica chewing like mad, but she{LF}was fast asleep the whole time. Huh...? You sometimes have multiple plates, and you handle them so{LF}perfectly! What...? I'll often ask you questions, too...and you actually answer! ♪ There's... There's no way... You've even gone back for seconds. ... How embarrassing... ... ... ... ... ... ... Are you guys sure about this? *GULP* Okay... Porco! I think I'm ready for...the @アイテム0@!! I think Mama and Clorica are very much alike. They both are kind of absent-minded. We're both absent-minded... And...what else? D-don't look at me. I have no idea. But it is obvious! Huh? They're both forgetful. Oh, that's true! We're forgetful, and... ...Huh? What were we talking about again? See? She's just like Mama! Hahaha... Do you know any interesting stories? Interesting stories? I don't know if it's interesting, but last night Kiel was talking{LF}in his sleep. That's not what I mean! Then what kind of stories are you talking about? Stories about...relationships! Ooooh, relationships! ... So, let's start with Forte-- Bwah?! Forte!! It seems like I've been breaking so many plates. But it's not on purpose... How do I stop breaking plates? Why don't you pay more attention and try not to drop them? It doesn't work so well, no matter how hard I try. Then, let's see... You can build enough muscle to grip the plates and never let{LF}them go! Why don't we train together? Mm. It seems unlikely that the problem will fix this way. I-it does? What about you, Clorica? You have a good idea, yes? Well... How about...sliding the plates across the floor to move{LF}them? That way they CAN'T fall! Oh, what a great idea! I'll try it tomorrow! What...? ...Ow! Oh, your clip's stuck in your hair! There, it's fixed now. Thank you, Clorica. I have clumsy hands. Everything gets knotted so easily... I know how you feel... I'm a little clumsy myself. And with long hair like this, it's even worse. Forte and I are alike, yes? Hey, don't count me out! But you're not clumsy. That's right. You're so skillful that you can even sleep while{LF}you work and still not mess up. Don't be silly, I never do that! It seems that she does not remember. That's so not fair... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@? What is it? From the three of us, which kind of girl do you like most? Wha?! Why are you discussing something like that?! Don't be shy. Just answer her. T-this wasn't my idea... Well, @しゅじんこうくん@? Please be honest. Someone like Xiao Pai. Someone like Clorica. Someone like Forte. None of you. M-me?! Look! Xiao's blushing! Y-you shouldn't have asked such a question. I-I am not blushing! The answer was +someone like+ me! That means, not me, yes? Hmm... Am I not good enough? ...What's this feeling? I guess I need more training... Really? ♪ So you like Clorica, yes? That's not what you asked, and that's not quite what I said! I-I told you not to ask weird questions like that. ...But I'm a bit disappointed. ...Hrm... M-me?! Your face is all red, Forte. Oh, yes, like a boiled octopus! Th-there's no way it's that red! I guess I'm not your type... So you like girls like Forte... I see. It seems like there's nothing we can do about it... ...R-right... You shouldn't be so shy, @しゅじんこうくん@. Easy for you to say! ... Is there something on my face? Uh, no... ...? I'm just a little jealous of the fact that you're good at{LF}cooking. What? What brought that on, all of a sudden? I-it's not ''all of a sudden''...it's just... Even though you keep telling us how awful you are, I know{LF}you've been practicing really hard. One day, your efforts will be rewarded. ... I'm always here to support you. ♪ Let me know if there's anything I can do. ... I-in that case... ...? W-will you...taste the food...I made today? GEH?! Uhh... Oh, sorry... That just kind of slipped out. Y-you just want me to...take a quick bite and tell you what I{LF}think, right? If you would, please. (It's for Forte. It's for Forte...!) ...S-sure... Th-thank you very much! L-let me...take a b-bite... (Ohh, I hope she likes it...) *CHOMP* ?! ...Clorica? Try...a little harder... *YAWN*... Are you sleepy? Not really... *YAWN*... Mr. Volkanon will get angry if he sees you yawning so much. That's exactly what happened yesterday. Oh, really? Yes. It happens pretty much every day. ... ... Clorica... ...Well, what can I do? I can't stop it... YES, YOU CAN! Mr. Volkanon?! Why are you here?! That's not important! Brace yourself, Clorica! ...Yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir. Thank you for patrolling the town. You mustn't thank me. It's part of my duty as a knight. Here, this is for you. Once in a while, you should take it easy, you know? ♪ ...Thank you very much. ... ... HAH! Wow! ♪ Fantastic! What are you doing? I had Forte slice me some @アイテム0@. W-with a sword? Uh-huh! ♪ In the culinary arts, cutting ingredients is the only thing I'm{LF}good at. That seems dangerous. You probably shouldn't do it. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Hey. What's going on? Right now? Let's see... So you're talking to Clorica, then? ... ...I'm kind of jealous... ...Ah! Wh-what am I saying?! @フォルテ@? WHAT?! Oh, y-yes? You seem a little spacey. Are you all right? N-n-nothing! I wasn't thinking about anything! ...? Welcome, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good evening. Would you like a drink? ...@しゅじんこうくん@'s talking to Forte... ...I-I wish @しゅじんこうくん@ would talk to me, too... @クローリカ@? Y-YES?! Wh-what is it? Oh, were you asleep? I'm sorry if I woke you. No, d-d-don't worry! Everything is A-OK now! What...do you mean by that, exactly? Heheh. Nothing. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Welcome, @しゅじんこうくん@. Please, make yourself at home. When I see dice, I just want to roll them! HEEEYAAH! ♪ @0@! Wooow! ♪ What a cute plushie. I want one I want one I want one! Wooow! What a big plush toy! Can I hug it? ♪ Oh, what a cute statue! ... Statue...? ...Won't it take up too much space in the room? For some reason... ...when I see a rolling ball... Zzz...zzz... *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit Please, make yourself at home. Thank you very much! I'm so happy...to see this family grow... WAAAAAAH!! It seems like you've gotten used to life in this new town. Just remember, if you need anything, there's nothing I can't{LF}do. For I am a butler, and we butlers are a proud people! You're such an early riser, @ヴォルカノン@. It's what a butler must do! Are Vishnal and Clorica working hard? They both have a long way to go before becoming true{LF}professionals. If you have any concerns, never hesitate to tell them! WAAAAAH! I'M SAAAD!! @しゅじんこうくん@, have you been eating enough? Yes. No... Just making sure. You can raise your Eating Skill by consuming food. You must remember to eat each and every day! WHAT?! That's not good! In fact, it's outrageous! You must start eating! Now! [Received @アイテム0@.] You must never skip a meal! All right? YOU! MUST! EAT! EVERY DAY! Y-YES, SIR! Repeat after me! I! I!! MUST! MUST!! EAT! EAT!! EVERY DAY! EVERY DAY!! Well done. *PANT*...*PANT*... Be sure you always keep that in mind. Have you eaten that dish I gave you? I just received a seedling I'd ordered. Once it bears fruit, I will gladly share them with you. @しゅじんこうくん@, please take this. What is it? It's my own special homemade medicine. I created it in the hope that it would cure your amnesia. Please, try it! B-b-b-but, it's making a strange noise! It's as they say, the best medicine tastes the most bitter. And{LF}crackles the loudest... Now! Go on!! Go on, now!!! ...I-I'm afraid that's all the time we have today. Goodbye! @しゅじんこうくん@! Tie, check! Gloves, check! Mustache, check! Eyebrows, check! As perfect as always!! *SIGH*... What are you holding? It's a hammer to drive away... ...any insolent wretches who dare attack Lady Ventuswill. Can you fight, @ヴォルカノン@? How could I otherwise call myself a butler? I can take down most rebels with a single stroke! Why are you working for Venti, exactly? Hmm... It would take hours to explain. Uhh, never mind, then. ... @ヴォルカノン@, that button's about to fall off. GOOD LORD! D-did you fix it already?! Exercising is important for maintaining a healthy body. I walk about 40 miles per day between my tasks. What was it like, when you were still training? T-training... I had a very strict teacher... A-are you all right? M-my apologies. When I think about those days, I can't stop sweating. Please, allow me to rest for a moment. Selphia's a great town, isn't it? It is! Not really. It's getting there. I really like this town. I hope more and more people will begin to feel the same. WH-WH-WH-WHAT?! Are you speaking ill of our glorious burg?! No. I just mean, it's not ''great.'' Rather, it's wonderful! HA! You got me on that one! Well done, @姫@! You know what you're talking about. The @アイテム0@ bore fruit. As promised, this is for you. [Received @アイテム0@.] Please use it to cook anything you'd like. Have you used the @アイテム0@ to cook{LF}something? I've become emotional in my old age. Observe! W-W-WW... WAAAAAAAAH! A butler's not made in a day. It's the countless daily efforts that determine the value of a{LF}true butler. My +birthday+ is Day @0@ of @キャラ0@. Not that you'd be interested in an old man's +birthday+, but...{LF}''eff why eye,'' as the kids say! What kinds of things do you like, @ヴォルカノン@? Me? Let me think... There are so many things... ...but among them all, I would say that{LF}@アイテム0@ is my favorite. Its deep flavor soothes my soul. After all, it is known to be a tea for relaxation... I am allergic to flowers... ...so I can't stop sneezing when I touch them. It's a shame that I can't take care of them. I often have tea with Illuminata. And she tells me that the @アイテム0@ I{LF}make is tasty. She seems awfully particular when it comes to food and{LF}drink. So if she thinks it's good, it must be positively delectable! I am honored to hear you say that. Nancy is an excellent nurse... ...but she's too close to Jones. Too close? They just go over the top! They must realize that public displays of affection can be{LF}seen as...distasteful. Blossom has gotten much better since Doug came to the{LF}town. Was she sick before that? She was. She used to have merely half of the energy she has today. I guess the mind controls the body, when you get right down{LF}to it! Mind over matter, as they say. She'll probably just keep{LF}getting better and better. I certainly hope so! The other day, Lin Fa took me to the women's bath by{LF}mistake. Thankfully, no one was there at the moment... She's just too absent-minded all the time. Bado is a skilled blacksmith, but he's only motivated by{LF}money... One should take more pride in one's work! Lady Ventuswill is a sacred dragon protecting Selphia and{LF}the Kingdom of Norad. Lady Ventuswill is my master, whom I am dedicated to{LF}serving for the rest of my life. @子供ちゃん@'s much bigger now. Children grow so fast, don't they? Very cute indeed, much like @しゅじんこうくん@. You may grow up to be an excellent butler, @子供ちゃん@! That's true. D-don't pressure the kid! I cannot wait for that day. I was just kidding, of course! Did you know? You must have an @アイテム0@ to get{LF}married. And in order to make one, you'll require a +Crafting Table+. Good morning! Good morning! It's the beginning of a new day. Do you have everything you need? Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good afternoon! It's the busiest time of the day! An occasional cup of tea gives me a moment's relaxation{LF}and renews me for the work to come. Good afternoon, @しゅじんこうくん@! Good evening. How was your day? The day is almost at its end. Good evening, @しゅじんこうくん@. What a wonderful morning. Not the best weather for doing laundry... I should have Vishnal shovel the snow. Don't get blown away, @しゅじんこうくん@! It's one snowy day today. Look at that layer of clouds... I certainly hope the sky clears{LF}up soon! Are you feeling the energy of the sun? I wonder if it'll keep raining... Since it snowed, I might make a snowman. It's quite windy today. Will the fields be all right? It's hard to see in a snowstorm like this. Please do be careful. It's so very cloudy... WAAAH! WAAAAAH!! Ho ho ho. What glorious spring weather! Ho ho ho. Such a perfect day! Ho ho ho. There's nothing quite like an autumn breeze! Ho ho ho. It's another freezing day. I can't stop sweating! Ho ho ho. Even standing still works up a sweat on a day like{LF}today! This is the best weather for a good{LF}@アイテム0@. You'll feel warmer once you start moving your body! The cherry blossoms are especially beautiful at night. It's hot, even at night... Is it just me, or has it gotten colder? Please stay warm in your room, and try not to catch cold. It's always exciting to see a new baby. Clorica's a mother now... WAAAAAH! You mustn't feel nervous about being a parent. Stop it! Stop{LF}feeling nervous, right now! Vishnal's a father now... WAAAAAH! Just stay the way you are, and your child will naturally learn{LF}of your ways through observation. I don't mind you going to the forest, but please do be{LF}careful. That place is filled with danger. Amber will be living in Illuminata's house. Doesn't it sound exciting? I hear you're going to the ruins. @しゅじんこうくん@... I'm...so proud of you! I heard you've found a boy this time. How long was he living there? Dylas will be staying with Porcoline. We should all welcome him. Have you been hearing about the ghost? I'd love to have tea with it sometime... But...can ghosts drink tea? Lady Ventuswill... WAAAAAAAH! Do you know about +Rune Spheres+? +Rune Spheres+? I don't recall ever hearing of such things before. My apologies. Never fear, @しゅじんこうくん@! There are old writings in the castle. There must be one that explains how to return from the{LF}+Forest of Beginnings+! Looks like you've found a way to come back. I'll keep doing more research in case of emergency. Thank you so much... ...for saving Lady Ventuswill! I was so deeply moved by your courage! I'm glad that we're all good friends now. We must do this! There may be more enemies than just this dragon... I will be patrolling the town, so please take care of the{LF}threat as best as you are able! Lady Ventuswill... WAAAAAH! The Sechs Empire's rabid claws are grasping at us... We must all brace ourselves. Have you heard about the floating island? Quite strange, isn't it? @しゅじんこうくん@! This is the deciding moment! How lonely it feels to be in a house without its owner... How long has it been since Lady Ventuswill disappeared? As I clean the castle, I often remember... ...how Lady Ventuswill used to tower majestically over me{LF}when I would visit her in her room... ... ...Oh, my apologies. I just can't help crying when I think about her... @しゅじんこうくん@. This is for you. Please tell Lady Ventuswill... ...that I will be protecting the castle until she returns home. @しゅじんこうくん@. I will be praying for you! WAAAAAH!!!! Welcome back! I hear that Porcoline received high marks from a gourmet. Wow, good for him! Supposedly, the gourmet went to his restaurant over a{LF}hundred times. Obviously, Porcoline's food must have suited his palate well! I heard Illuminata solved a case... It must be some kind of mistake. Such a thing never truly{LF}occurs! Have you tried eating any of Forte's homemade cookies? They were an utter disaster. See, there are rules to baking! A cookie must first... *BLAH* *BLAH* *BLAH*... Have you heard @マーガレット@'s song? Indeed. I would describe it as...young. Such a young song. I'm surprised to see Clorica awake... She must finally be seeing herself as a true butler. Did you notice yesterday that they were using a special bath{LF}salt? It was...tingly. Wonderfully so. This is the least that a butler can do. Yesterday, I saw Doug carrying Blossom to the clinic. It was just wonderful! I couldn't stop crying! It's...an event to jump off of an airship? You're a natural for such an event, @しゅじんこうくん@! What do you mean? Well, you already have practical experience in performing the{LF}stunt safely, no? If you're giving Lady Ventuswill an offering, I'd suggest{LF}choosing a @アイテム0@. Goodness... Lady Ventuswill's been receiving pancakes from everyone. What's become of her dignity as a Divine Wind Dragon?! Here are today's tasks. Vishnal: Clean the Town Square, wipe the windows and do{LF}the laundry. Yes, sir! Clorica: Wash the dishes, clean the bed and do the{LF}shopping. Err...washing dishes, and... Washing dishes? Washing dishes, and...? Wash the dishes! Clean the bed! Go shopping! Oh, that's right. All righty. Goodness... Now, both of you. Don't cut any corners, please. Of course not! Don't worry! What happened to the wallet you found yesterday? Did you{LF}figure out to whom it belonged? It was Clorica's. Margaret and some other people helped me figure it out. I was out shopping when I realized it had gone missing. Glad to hear you got it back. Since you've come all the way to this town... ...you must enjoy your time here. And therefore-- *SNORE*{LF} *SNORE* Ahem... A-hem! *SNORE*{LF} *SNORE* (Psst! Clorica!) *SNORE*... CLORICA!! ?!?! ... *SNORE*... H...hee hee... ...Unbelievable... Make sure to thoroughly clean the Town Square! That's how we protect Lady Ventuswill's dignity! I'm expecting perfection from you two! Got it! Yes, sir! What have you prepared to serve Lady Ventuswill? A tasty platter o' @アイテム0@. It's her{LF}favorite dish! I helped make it as well. ...All right. And how does it taste? Don't worry. I tried it. Excellent. It must be fine, then. Uh...what does that mean, exactly? Now, make sure not to be rude to Lady Ventuswill. Yes, sir. What was that all about? I'll go prepare a serving of @アイテム0@. Wait! Yes? If Vishnal handles it, my precious tea time may be ruined. Clorica! Yes? Hey! I-I can make tea too, you know! I've heard THAT before... Urk... I've heard that before as well. Now stand there quietly and watch Clorica make tea. Take{LF}notes if you must! Watching is the best way to learn. I'll make it right this time, I swear! Why do you say that? I've been training!! That's what you said last time, and I'm still tasting it in my{LF}darkest hours... ...*YAWWWN*... Why are you yawning, Clorica? Well... Vishnal has been staying up until late into the night... Is this true, Vishnal? Yes. I've been studying. Studying? I kept hearing strange voices, so I assumed you were doing{LF}something kind of shady... Strange voices?! Bah! I'm just focusing my chi, to increase my energy and boost my{LF}aptitude! Either way, you shouldn't be saying strange things late at{LF}night. There's nothing strange about it! Honestly... Did you make this tea cake, Vishnal? I'm quite confident about this one! I've been training, you see! Um, you say that every single time. Indeed. D-do I? And it's never once been good... Wha?! I-I'm sure that this one's fine! Please, try it! There he goes again... It might be time to cut him off. Even in practice, he does{LF}more harm than good... W-well, why don't you say that after you have a bite?! *SIGH*... All right. One bite. *NIBBLE* ?! ?!?! In the name of all that is holy... Urk...it's...so...sweet... What?! I'm detecting 6.2 times more sugar than there should be... And it's only...half baked... Th-that can't be right... You get 17 points out of 100. And that's a generous score. NOOOO!! There's nothing quite like a leisurely cup of tea. Too true, too true! You two are looking awfully relaxed. A bit TOO relaxed,{LF}even for break time! Ahaha. I'm sorry. I'm sorr...*YAWN*... Suddenly...I feel so slee-- *SNORE* I don't think I'll ever get used to how suddenly she falls{LF}asleep. So unprofessional...sleeping here like this... *SNORE* ...Well...I suppose I can let it slide every once in a while. I've prepared today's tea cake. It's called +Volkanon's Gorgeous Chocolate Cake+! Whoa...! Woooooooow! M-may I have some? But of course! Let's all eat! Ha ha ha! @ヴォルカノン@'s homemade cake... Um, may I try some too? I'm getting hungry... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Be my guest! Please, dig in! Thank you very much! Be sure to tell me what you think. Are you, now? Please, have some! Are you sure? Of course. Eat as much as you'd like. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! How did +Volkanon's Gorgeous Chocolate Cake+ taste? [Received @アイテム0@.] A butler must protect his or her own body! Yes, sir! Yes, sir. In order to avoid unnecessary fights, I will initiate{LF}@アイテム0@ today. I see! So you pretend to be a cat and fool your enemy, then? WRONG! Cats are sooo cute. So this must be a trick to tame them! WRONG AGAIN! You slap your hands right in front of them like this... That'll scare the poor cats! Indeed! That's far too cruel! WAAAAAAH!! [Received @アイテム0@.] Blossom... Is that...? My, my! You noticed? You always have had sharp eyes. That's an extremely rare tea, is it not? Would I...be able to have some, by any chance? I just knew you'd ask, so I prepared some in advance. Please{LF}do! Thank you, Blossom. I really appreciate it. Would you happen to have any fresh ingredients? Let me see... How about this tuna? I'd prefer something cheaper-- Ah, th-this fish...! So...you did notice! It's fresh as can be. Perfectly marbled. This is a fish of extraordinary quality! Impressive, Volkanon. Not everyone would be able to tell{LF}that from sight alone. Can I have the whole tuna, Blossom? ...Come again. Hmm...? That item was placed in the wrong spot. Also, that one. And that one, too. And that one! Are you sure? I am most positive. My, my... How can you remember all those little details? It's what I do. An almost obsessive attention to detail is an essential job{LF}requirement for butlers. How about the others? Are they getting better? You mean Vishnal and Clorica? They still have a long way to go, I'm afraid. I see... So why do you look so proud? I should be. Any parent would be happy to see his child progress. It's the{LF}same for a mentor and his proteges. That's very true. What a lively table. It must be fun eating here. This chair...! It's both simple and functional... Fantastic! You'd be surprised how good it feels to slowly caress a{LF}cactus needle. ... Wh-what's that look in your eyes? What an elegant folding screen. It soothes my soul. This is such a huge plush dinosaur! It could start moving any second! *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit If you have any questions about Lady Ventuswill, you should{LF}ask Kiel. He's been researching the Native Dragons for some time{LF}now. But if he tells you that I love sweets and that I'm scared of{LF}ghosts... ...don't believe him. He's lying. All right? O-okay... My body's trained to react automatically to emergencies. If you stand right behind me, I might strike you with my{LF}sword. So please be careful not to do that. ...Uh, okay. So...would you put away your sword now,{LF}please? I asked Bado to make some swords, but they were all blunt. Even though they're only for training, that man... In my family, Kiel's the one in charge of cooking. Unfortunately, I'm terrible at doing any kind of housework... Chop, slice, shred... Are you practicing how to cook? No, I'm training. Or should I say, I thought I was... A true knight is as familiar with cutlery as with cuttery! That's what my mother said as she gave me her knife. ...It was much later when I realized she had deceived me. You wouldn't do such a thing, would you? You should never be embarrassed to run from your enemy. There are moments when the most logical choice is to show{LF}them your back. It takes true courage to make that determination. A real warrior must know his or her own limits. When people start talking about relationships, I have no{LF}choice but to flee the scene. Kiel's always reading. It's a small wonder Father even{LF}allowed him to read so much. Perhaps he found it acceptable because it was a way of{LF}training the mind instead of the body? If that was the case, a part of me can understand why he{LF}was never discouraged. And yet...another part of me wonders if it's really okay to{LF}leave things this way. What's your opinion on a man who simply won't stop{LF}reading, @しゅじんこうくん@? It all depends on the man. He must be weak. I know that, but Kiel... Don't worry about me, Forte. How's newlywed life? Remember, the fastest way to a man's{LF}heart is through his stomach! So if you have time to worry about me, you should practice{LF}cooking instead. Kiel always says I should stop worrying about his habits and{LF}work on becoming more feminine. As if that's any of his business! ...Oops! I-I'm sorry. But Kiel is smart, you know? Much smarter than I. Sounds to me like you just really care about @キール@{LF}a lot. WHA?! Th-that's not...! Running is a great way to train. By moving your body, you can also clear your mind. I have a bit of free time now. I think I'll use it to go running. What about you and @子供ちゃん@? Would you like to join me? By the way... Are you taking a good care of your weapons? Yes. No. In that case, would you like to spar with me a bit? Don't worry, I only use my sword for protection! A weapon's like your alter ego. A good partner and an{LF}enemy, all in one. Cherishing your weapon is as important as cherishing a{LF}human being. Why don't you start by naming your weapon of choice? Bado made me a knife of surprisingly fine quality. It may not seem it, but he does have the talent to make{LF}wonderful weapons on occasion. I named it Swingler. Should you ever have any questions, please feel free to ask{LF}me. I'm your knight as well, after all. Though I can't cook, I'm rather confident when it comes to{LF}cutting the ingredients. I've even learned the trick to cutting hard items. Oh? Please, allow me to teach you. You start by placing a vegetable right in front of you, and{LF}hold a sword at this angle. Wha...? And then-- WIND SLASH!! *SHING!* What do you think? Will you be able to remember that? E-err... [Received @アイテム9@.] Have you been using the @アイテム9@? It's quite handy when you need to cut hard vegetables. ... Did you call me, @しゅじんこうくん@? What? You...didn't? I could've sworn I heard you summon me. I've been experiencing some strange things these days... ...such as hearing your voice when you're nowhere around. It's a ghost. It's the power of love. No. Absolutely not. I disbelieve. ...A-all right, all right already! Would you please remove this{LF}sword from my throat now? ...Huh? Well, I do love everyone in this town, you know. Oh. S-so that's what you meant... ...I was a bit taken aback there for a moment. Huh? Eh-hem! It's nothing. Nothing at all. Whew... I've perspired quite a bit after all that running. Don't you get tired running around town all the time? Patrolling is part of my duty. Whether I get tired or not, I am not permitted to slack off. Some of the rumors spreading through town are...{LF}troublesome. People often believe such things even when they're obviously{LF}impossible. I keep telling this to Kiel, but he never listens... Seems like @子供ちゃん@ is one of them as well... Huh? This morning, Kiel told me I should wear cuter clothes. But to be honest, I don't have the slightest idea how to be{LF}feminine... I like your hair clip. You're not into fashion? This...was a birthday present from Kiel. I promised him to use it should my hair grow out. So is that why you keep your hair so long? Oh, it's not like that! I just feel that...functionality is more important than looks.{LF}Even the clip I wear is genuinely functional. It keeps hair out of my face when training, after all. If it were{LF}protective as well, all the better! Whew... That was good exercise. It must be really hot wearing those clothes all year round. Well, a knight is never allowed a day off. You must always{LF}be at the ready to protect your master. Have you heard about the legendary knight? That's what I aspire to be. According to folklore... ...the legendary knight had a body as firm as steel... ...and a fearless heart that would never be moved. He would stand and die for his charge if he were asked,{LF}without a second thought. I hope @子供ちゃん@ will grow up to be a strong person{LF}like that. ...I wish I could have met him. Please let me know if you have any concerns. It's among our responsibilities to solve such problems. I think @キール@ has a question about love... L-love...? S-since you are my first love, I...erm... ... ...Huh? When people ask me questions about love... ...I just get...so very nervous... That's so cute! Oooooooh, dirty... Wha...?! Oho! You're blushing! Th-this is...err... ... ... W-will you stop pointing the sword at me, please? May I ask you to help me understand a concept I've been{LF}struggling with? Oh, sure. I want to...um...know more about...a...''amour''... What was that? ''C'mere''? What was that? ''Alpacas''? Oh, i-is that...how you pronounce it? Then...yes...c'mere.{LF}Please. All right. Ahh! Wh-what are you doing?! Well, you said ''c'mere''... S-so this is...what it means... ...to feel the wonders of ''c'mere''...true ''c'mere''... Y-yes! They're so fluffy and cuddly and cute! ... ...Umm... You probably should ignore that. I love the cherry blossoms of summer, and the fallen leaves{LF}of autumn. My father used to say the same thing when he was alive... The best way to improve yourself is through daily training. Now...where shall I begin scrubbing? Is this about @子供ちゃん@? ...Um, why are you staring at me? It must be hard to walk around in that armor. Each piece is adjustable, so it's not as bad as it may seem. I also bind my chest tightly so it won't get in the way. You love to hurt yourself, huh? What?! ...Leon! Huh? What's the matter? I thought I just saw something behind you... But I guess it was just my imagination. ...Why are you hiding behind me? ... Are you afraid of ghosts? Urk... N-no... Actually...that's a lie. So please...if there are any ghosts{LF}nearby, stay away! ...Um, first of all, calm down...and please put away your{LF}sword. J-just to make it clear... ...I...I'm afraid of ghosts... ...but... ...as a knight, I am sworn to protect everyone from any{LF}threat, natural or supernatural. Then what will you do if the town gets attacked by ghosts? Ngh... W-well... Will you run away? O-of course not! D-don't worry! I'll fight! But if you're scared of them... I am this town's designated knight. No matter what happens, that will never change. I know. And I appreciate all you're doing for me. It's for Selphia! ... I don't...much care for idle chatter. ...I often don't know how to react to it... The most important duty of a knight is that of protection. My sword and armor signify my determination. However... I do hope that one day, the world will be a peaceful place{LF}without the need for such armaments. I feel this way even more strongly now that @子供ちゃん@{LF}is with us. Erm... Wh-what do couples talk about? I-it's my first time, you know... ...W-will you stop staring at me? Is this love? (People told me about it, but...) Huh? @しゅじんこうくん@?! I-I didn't know you were here! What's wrong, @フォルテ@? You're turning red... Uh, this is... Oh, if you get any closer...! See, your forehead's hot too. Are you all right? ...Yes. @しゅじんこうくん@... Um, I wish for many happy returns in this relationship of ours. Why are you suddenly being so formal...? Well...I just wanted to renew my feelings... So...yes. Let's have ourselves a lovely time, shall we? Bado's just hopeless sometimes... He was trying to sell tiny underwear by claiming it would{LF}make people skinnier... What do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? Maybe I'll try a pair. Why don’t you try a pair? Not that I'd stop you, but...they're all for women, you know. Do you WANT me to end you? Kiel's been spreading baseless rumors again... I mean, he's a really sweet brother, you know? But that doesn't mean I have to tolerate his gossiping. Hmm...what should I say to him? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! @キール@'s baking me a cake today! You're positively glowing, @フォルテ@. Urk... ...There's no problem with liking sweets, is there? It's{LF}perfectly natural! @しゅじんこうくん@... Um, I was thinking... ...you should give me a nickname. No, I could never do that! Huh? Wh-why not? ... It's too...embarrassing... Kiel is such a good cook. I almost want to marry him. What if you had to choose between me and him? Surely you jest! I can't marry my brother. It's preposterous! What if he weren't your brother? What?! Well, err... ...Please stop teasing me! Um...don't you ever feel bored being with me? Huh? Well, you see... ...I'm just a little worried that I might not be good enough for{LF}you... @フォルテ@... I love you. I love you so much. What? Oh, yes. And I you...but... ...Thank you very much. What?! Um, err...okay. ...My face feels like it's on fire. I became a knight to protect the people I love. So @しゅじんこうくん@... I swear I will protect you, no matter what may come. Along with @子供ちゃん@. We're finally... You and I, newlyweds... It's such a joyous thing! Are you really happy? May we be a happy family! Very much! ... ...Me too. Yes, of course. We'll never be apart! I never thought I'd fall so deeply in love with you. But I'm so happy to share in this life. And...now that @子供ちゃん@ is here, I'm happier than I've{LF}ever been. Kiel never changes. But I do feel that he's grown since last I saw him... ...Or maybe I'm simply biased, seeing as he's my little{LF}brother. I was impressed with Bado the other day. Though perhaps it's simply by virtue of comparison. Since he's usually so very, very lazy. ...Ah, I must say... To run is so refreshing! I'd love to run with @子供ちゃん@ sometime! I think I've changed a bit. Hmm? I can feel it within me. I am now more willing to accept my own weaknesses. ...All since I started loving you. Time to patrol the town! Good luck. Be safe. Thank you! I'll be just fine. Ever since I met you, it's been my love...that's motivated me{LF}to try harder. I feel more inspired to protect everyone than ever before. ...And I've found so many more things to protect, too... What's wrong? I'm just...gazing at you. Tell me you love me. Oh. ... Um...would you mind...not doing that? What?! Just messing with you! Ready, set... ...D-don't tease me, please... I... ...I love you... Good job! Nicely done! ...Don't make me say such things on command, please. It's{LF}tremendously embarrassing... I used to be all right just by myself... ...back when I knew nothing of love. And that's changed? We all need companionship. Mm... I can't imagine a day without you anymore. Th-that's... ...Hmm? ... Don't look so expectant. It's kind of mean. You're the one who's gotten me all confused about this, you{LF}know! Will you take responsibility for that? I want you to always cherish both me and @子供ちゃん@.{LF}Always! *STARE* What's wrong? ...Nothing. Nothing at all. ...? @しゅじんこうくん@... I want to spend the whole day with you. Is that all right? Huh? @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? ...*COUGH*... Can you hold me? ...Please? ?! Hey, @フォルテ@? What is it? Did you...mean...it? May I hold you close? Did I mean...what, exactly? I just...want to hold you. To feel your warmth. Ah... That... That sounds like a line I saw in a book I borrowed from Kiel.{LF}Spoken between a...married couple... ?! When I was eating lunch with Meg the other day... ...I suddenly felt like I went back in time. It was kind of nice, actually. I guess some things never change. Living in this town, it sometimes makes me wonder... ...if the people even really need a knight. Perhaps it's always been that way, and I simply haven't{LF}noticed until now... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! What's the matter? You've stopped pointing your sword at me, even when I{LF}come up from behind you. Well, that's because... ...you're there to protect my back, aren't you? I might start learning how to cook. Okay. ... Do you need some help? Please look forward to it. Why...aren't you saying anything? No, thank you. This is my own challenge. Ch-challenge? ... Why do ovens explode? What? There comes a time when a knight must sheathe her blade{LF}for good. I think I finally understand what my father meant when he{LF}spoke those words. ...Sooner or later... ...I'll also reach that point. I want @子供ちゃん@ to know how to cook. That's why... I'll need your cooperation, @しゅじんこうくん@. Kiel's such an excellent cook. He always makes me egg dishes when I'm tired. +Egg dishes+ are my favorite, you see. And I also love sw... ...+sweets+, too... Eep! P-please, forget what I just said! Tell no one! Marriage... I never used to think about it, but I'm starting to yearn for it{LF}a little. Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? I've been wanting to ask you this... ...but would you like me to treat you as I would a brother? Leave things as they are. In what ways? O-okay. I just wanted to make sure. Huh?! F-for instance... I can let you call me ''Sis'' or ''Sister,'' if you'd like. Or ''Big Sis,''{LF}or even ''Little Sis''... ...Er...no, let's just pretend I didn't say anything. If you can't beat a monster after several hits, try changing{LF}your weapon. Otherwise it'll be hard to win. Are you using Rune Abilities? The damage they can deal to monsters is fairly huge. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, good morning. Good morning, @フォルテ@. Good morning. A bit of early training does the body good.{LF}You should try some yourself. Good morning. Fresh and clear out...absolutely splendid. Yeah, it's lovely. Good afternoon, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good afternoon. Good afternoon, @フォルテ@. Good afternoon. Good afternoon, @フォルテ@. Training again? Yes. The most important thing is to keep up a daily routine. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good evening. Good evening. It's hard to see at night...b-but if I swing my sword, I can{LF}relax a bit. I see... WH-WHOA!! !!! D-d-don't scare me like that! Um, I haven't said a word yet... ...Eh-hem. Good morning. What perfect weather! Yes. A day like this makes me want to run like the wind. Er,{LF}for training, mind you! Training! It feels so good to train after it's been raining. Why don't you{LF}join me next time? Sure, any time you'd like. It's cold today... Is it? Then let's run together! It's exhilarating to train during a typhoon. What?! Good morning. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@... G-good morning. It's so cloudy today, but...I can always cut through the clouds{LF}with my sword, can't I? Er, no, I'm pretty sure that's not how clouds work. This weather is amazing. It's perfect to practice sword-{LF}swinging! That may be true, but...please, put away your sword, before{LF}you hurt somebody... You must be careful where you walk on rainy days. Don't worry. I'll watch out for puddles, but the worst I'll get if{LF}I step in one is a wet shoe. Snow! How delightful... What?! Uh, yes. Yes, it's quite beautiful. (I so thought she{LF}was going to cut the snowflakes!) What crazy wind. Are you okay? Oh, certainly, as long as there are no gho...ahem, I mean,{LF}yes, I'm fine in this weather. Fine! What a crazy snowstorm...but it's really not THAT cold. Why{LF}are you shivering so much? W-well... Jack Frost can't actually exist, right...? What strange weather. I wish it would make up its mind. No one can predict what Mother Nature will do next. She's a{LF}wild one... Good morning! Don't you just love the feeling of the sunlight{LF}on your skin? Indeed. I'm so glad that spring has finally come. Good morning. Sure is hot today, huh? Enduring the heat is an important part of training. Some say these fallen leaves make the roads more{LF}treacherous. I say they're good for training. Hmmm...yeah, that makes sense. Good morning. It's gotten so cold, hasn't it? You can fend off cold weather by moving your body. If you{LF}wish to spar, let me know. The flowers look so beautiful, don't they? ...Try not to cut{LF}them with your sword, please. Oh, I would never do such a thing. Not since I was a child. The sun's so bright today. Um... Aren't you hot in that armor? I-I'm okay. It's mind over matter. Autumn is the best season for sport. Which means, for me,{LF}it's the season of the sword! Except that sword fighting's a martial art, not a sport... I love the beauty of snow. It feels like winter is truly upon us{LF}in these fields of white. Yeah, it's lovely, isn't it? It's soothing to hear the insects humming on a spring{LF}evening. It does have a certain charm. Good evening. The moon is gorgeous tonight, isn't it? Yes. And so are the fireflies. There's something oddly nostalgic about an autumn sunset.{LF}Shall we run toward the setting sun? Uh, no, thank you. It's gotten so cold... It must be tough for you,{LF}@フォルテ@. My armor does become somewhat...{LF}''invigorating'' in this weather. W-wait! That's not what I{LF}meant! I wonder what it's like to be a mother... I have to start being more responsible. Please come up with a good name for the baby...Dad. Women crave sweets during pregnancy, you know... I hope we can soon show our baby how beautiful this world{LF}is. The more people there are for me to protect, the stronger I{LF}hope to become. Oh! The baby just kicked! Can you feel? I'm surprised to see just how quickly Bado begins to worry. Thanks to you, Kiel's become a much more dependable man. You'll soon be a parent, you know. Isn't that a humbling{LF}thought? Since we're expecting a new member of the community, I'll{LF}have to work even harder. No matter what may happen to you, I'm sure Kiel would be{LF}there to protect you. Take good care of Meg. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. I hear Porcoline's dishes were praised by a gourmet. Meg seemed ecstatic when she was telling me about it. She is an excitable one! I wanna try your cooking. It's so adorable how excited she gets. Like a little girl! How about...we go for salad? Did you hear that Illuminata finally solved a case? ...Can this be an omen? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Is something wrong? You're awfully pale too. I ate your cookie. What?! I'm totally fine... ...?! A-and...? It tasted like regret. I regretted it. So...it was edible? I think so. Maybe. But only just. I-I see... ... Ngh... ...I'm sorry. Lately, there's been this...love song going around. I, erm, don't know much about love... But...I like the song. It seems like Clorica's always awake these days. Why, though? It's so...unlike her! There's nothing better than a hot bath after a long, tough{LF}day. They should always make it extra hot, though... Have you heard about Volkanon? Isn't it incredible that he won the butler competition? He certainly is a master of his art. It seems like everyone's talking about Doug and Blossom. To be honest, I envy them. I wish my parents were still here so I could thank them... Diving from the airship... Perhaps the experience could help me devise with a new{LF}technique... Today's offering shall be... Hmmm...she warned me before that swords are too{LF}dangerous...but they're all I know! What should I bring to Lady Ventuswill...? ...An offering, huh? It should be something that she likes...but{LF}what? Be fully prepared if you're heading to the{LF}@マップ0@. It's always better to be overly cautious than not cautious{LF}enough. Whenever I look at Amber, I just get this irresistible urge to{LF}care for her. She somehow reminds me of Kiel... A voice coming from the ruins... S-some people are saying it might be a g-ghost... B-b-but that can't be true, can it?! I heard that someone was brought to the clinic... Or was Kiel daydreaming...? It seems Dylas is doing much better now. According to Kiel, he's a bit shy, but a nice person. What's wrong with everyone these days? Th-there's no way that g-g-ghosts exist... I can't believe that Lady Ventuswill... Th-this has never happened before... B-but it should all be okay, right...? Do you know what a +Rune Sphere+ is? +Rune Sphere+...? I can't say I've ever heard of it before. In order to save Lady Ventuswill... We must find a way to return from the +Forest of Beginnings+... I heard you've found a way to return from the Forest of{LF}Beginnings. If you're heading there now, please let me know... ...And I'll gladly join you. Lady Ventuswill should be safe now. Although that person who came with her seems{LF}problematic... I had no idea that Lady Ventuswill had such a sociable{LF}personality. ...What a pleasant surprise! There's so much information going around... We must all try to remain calm. I'll guard the town. Lady Ventuswill... ...If only I were stronger! I wonder what the Sechs Empire is up to now... ...But no matter what happens... I'll protect everyone from harm. I swear it. @マップ0@... We must be cautious, as literally anything can happen. @しゅじんこうくん@... Good luck. I will protect this town with all my strength... ...so that Lady Ventuswill can safely return at any moment. Selphia is as peaceful as ever. ... Working hard as usual? Is something wrong? ...Well, it's my duty. No... I'm just wondering if I can still call myself a knight of the{LF}Divine Dragon. ...Which inevitably makes me doubt my faith in Lady{LF}Ventuswill's eventual return. ... ...I shouldn't be so discouraged. @しゅじんこうくん@... This is for you. Please don't worry. I have one for myself as well. I was making preparations in secret... ...so that I would be ready to leave at any moment if{LF}something were to happen... That's why I must ask... ...if you would be willing to take me with you. It is my utmost duty as a knight. You must be quite exhausted, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you very much. Let's tell scary stories! Wh-what?! Why now, all of a sudden?! I just heard one from Volkanon. And it's a good one! I really{LF}want to share it with you. Th-that's okay! You're welcome to keep it to yourself! Y-yeah, I don't want to hear something that might freak me{LF}out! And besides, Amber's right here, remember? Actually, I'd like to hear it. ... ''Is it about ghosts?'' If they're anything like you, it won't be much of a story. It was a dark and stormy night... Eeeek! M-Meg! A boy who'd lost his memory came to the village. He was disheveled, and hadn't eaten anything for days. ''I need water,'' he uttered meekly. And as if in response, a woman with a watering can{LF}suddenly appeared before him. Then... ... Then what?! ...I don't remember. Argh... I didn't want to hear it, but now that I've heard PART{LF}of it, I want to know the rest! Yeah, I think I'd have been better off without having heard{LF}any of that... Hey, Meg, what's your homeland like? My homeland? I haven't heard of it either, no. Yeah, I'd love to know more about it! Erm, well...the elven lands are located due north from here. They're surrounded by lush forests. It really is a beautiful{LF}country. A beautiful country, huh...? ''I'd love to visit there at least once, milady. Wouldn't you?'' Yeah, I think I would. It's a lot like this. I'd love to invite you all for a visit{LF}sometime. Wow, that would be great! Do you have some medicine for carelessness? No, we don't. ''How about smacking you upside the head at a forty-five{LF}degree angle?'' I've never heard of such treatment before. It is...effective? Dare I ask what you did this time? Did you put sweet powder in the bath instead of bath salts? Honey would be better. That could be a real sensation! No, I'll bet it was something way more ridiculous...like squid! Eww, no way! H-How did you know? Wait, seriously? How does that even happen?! I brought squid into the bath by mistake. I realized it is{LF}wrong, but then...I trip. And splash. How dreadfully careless! No, no! Clorica is the only one I will not let say such things{LF}to me! No, no, no! It's okay, Xiao Pai. I like you just the way you are! Hmm? Yeah. Don't sweat it. You look very natural and charming{LF}when you work. Oh? I agree. You're great just as you are. Flowers must be left to bloom on their own, after all. ...Shut it, Pico. ''What? I didn't say anything!'' If you all say so, I will stay this way for a while... Hrng...hrrrng... What are you doing, Forte? Oh, erm...just indulging in some cool-down. Cool-what? Is that some sort of chilled dessert? Umm...even though I'm not entirely sure what it is, I'm still{LF}going to say ''no'' to that. Cool-down exercises. Like warm-ups, but they're done after{LF}working out instead of before. It's important to stretch your muscles after engaging in any{LF}sort of strenuous activity. Ah, I see! You have a really flexible body, Forte. Huh? You think so? ''D-Dolly, milady! Look at me! I can bend my body to the{LF}ground!'' That's less impressive when you don't even have a physical{LF}body anymore. ''What does that have to do with anything?! It's still hard to{LF}do!'' Yeah, Forte, you look so smooth and soft... *STARE* S-stop staring at me! I'm losing focus! You are so adorable, Amber! Ha ha ha! Stop it! That tickles! It seems Meg is into Amber, yes? I feel like I got a real sister! And she's sooooo cute! They really do look like sisters. ''Just like Dolly and me...'' Cold and lifeless, you mean? Just be careful you don't spoil her too much, Meg. Oh yes, I picked a flower today, and brought it with me. Look! Isn't it beautiful? Ugh... Y-Yes...cute... Are you okay, Forte? Ha ha. Forte is the one who needs to be careful not to spoil{LF}people. Specifically, Kiel! ... Dolce looks so...focused. What are you doing? Making clothes for Pico. Wow, I wish I could make them so nice! ''Oh? You want a dress too?'' No, no, it is Dolce's fingers I crave. I feel similarly, but what a strange way to say you envy{LF}someone's dexterity. ''So you guys are hopeless when it comes to sewing and{LF}knitting, huh?'' Ah...! I can't really deny that. Pico! You shouldn't be saying things like that to people.{LF}You're no better at it! She's not? ''Well...I don't know, really...'' Aha...ha ha... Wow, it's so good! ♪ This tastes amazing. It's delicious! I'm always impressed whenever I eat any of Porcoline's{LF}dishes. Porco is the best cook ever, you know? This is very good. It's a meal fit for a thing! I think you mean ''king.'' It seems we have a lot of fish today. We got fresh fish today! Kiel would be terrified if he came face-to-face with all of the{LF}fish here. Wow. He dislikes fish that much? Well, cooked fish doesn't bother him at all. Raw fish,{LF}however... He shouldn't be so picky. But you have your own preferences too, Clorica, don't you? Yes, I suppose I do. Everybody has things they don't like. It's just...part of life. Eeeek! What's wrong, Amber?! Fish... Oh, I remember now that Amber is...not so good with the{LF}fish. Bon appetit! What did you order, Forte? I ordered @アイテム0@. Sounds good. Would you like to try some? Oh, may I? Thank you, Forte. Mmmm... Um...?! It's just the two of you? That's no fair! Clorica, say ahhh. Oh, Xiao Pai! Sure. Ahhh... ♪ Dolly, Dolly! Your turn! Say ahhhh! ♪ I, uh... I'm good, thanks! Ahhh... ♪ A-Ahh... Is it good? ...Mm. It is. ''Rrrrrgggg...'' ''I've never done that whole open-up-and-say-ahh thing{LF}before!'' ''And I waaaaaaannaaaaaa!!'' It's your turn, Forte! Ah... Ah...ahhh...ah...ahh. Ah, aaahhh... C'mon, Forte. Ahhh! ♪ Absolutely delicious, don't you think, Forte? This is so humiliating... You never cease to amaze me, Clorica. Huh? Why? You can eat even while you're sleeping! There's no way-- I've seen it. I once saw Clorica chewing like mad, but she{LF}was fast asleep the whole time. Huh...? You sometimes have multiple plates, and you handle them so{LF}perfectly! What...? I'll often ask you questions, too...and you actually answer! ♪ There's... There's no way... You've even gone back for seconds. ... How embarrassing... ... ... ... ... ... ... Are you guys sure about this? *GULP* Okay... Porco! I think I'm ready for...the @アイテム0@!! I think Mama and Clorica are very much alike. They both are kind of absent-minded. We're both absent-minded... And...what else? D-don't look at me. I have no idea. But it is obvious! Huh? They're both forgetful. Oh, that's true! We're forgetful, and... ...Huh? What were we talking about again? See? She's just like Mama! Hahaha... Do you know any interesting stories? Interesting stories? I don't know if it's interesting, but last night Kiel was talking{LF}in his sleep. That's not what I mean! Then what kind of stories are you talking about? Stories about...relationships! Ooooh, relationships! ... So, let's start with Forte-- Bwah?! Forte!! It seems like I've been breaking so many plates. But it's not on purpose... How do I stop breaking plates? Why don't you pay more attention and try not to drop them? It doesn't work so well, no matter how hard I try. Then, let's see... You can build enough muscle to grip the plates and never let{LF}them go! Why don't we train together? Mm. It seems unlikely that the problem will fix this way. I-it does? What about you, Clorica? You have a good idea, yes? Well... How about...sliding the plates across the floor to move{LF}them? That way they CAN'T fall! Oh, what a great idea! I'll try it tomorrow! What...? ...Ow! Oh, your clip's stuck in your hair! There, it's fixed now. Thank you, Clorica. I have clumsy hands. Everything gets knotted so easily... I know how you feel... I'm a little clumsy myself. And with long hair like this, it's even worse. Forte and I are alike, yes? Hey, don't count me out! But you're not clumsy. That's right. You're so skillful that you can even sleep while{LF}you work and still not mess up. Don't be silly, I never do that! It seems that she does not remember. That's so not fair... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@? What is it? From the three of us, which kind of girl do you like most? Wha?! Why are you discussing something like that?! Don't be shy. Just answer her. T-this wasn't my idea... Well, @しゅじんこうくん@? Please be honest. Someone like Xiao Pai. Someone like Clorica. Someone like Forte. None of you. M-me?! Look! Xiao's blushing! Y-you shouldn't have asked such a question. I-I am not blushing! The answer was +someone like+ me! That means, not me, yes? Hmm... Am I not good enough? ...What's this feeling? I guess I need more training... Really? ♪ So you like Clorica, yes? That's not what you asked, and that's not quite what I said! I-I told you not to ask weird questions like that. ...But I'm a bit disappointed. ...Hrm... M-me?! Your face is all red, Forte. Oh, yes, like a boiled octopus! Th-there's no way it's that red! I guess I'm not your type... So you like girls like Forte... I see. It seems like there's nothing we can do about it... ...R-right... You shouldn't be so shy, @しゅじんこうくん@. Easy for you to say! *STARE*... Wh-what is it, Meg? So pretty... WHA?! Wh-what are you saying?! I-I...erm...don't really know about those things... Your sword and armor's always super shiny. ...Come again? I can tell that you're taking really good care of them. ... Huh? Why are you all red? ...Eh-hem. It's nothing. Um, is that a new sword? Yes, it is. I just bought it at Bado's. Wow, that's cool! What's it called? I named it Ziggy Zagger. Huh? I said, Ziggy Zagger. ... Why don't you wear cute clothes, Forte? I must always be ready to protect the town. I can't afford to{LF}let my wardrobe impede me. I think you'd look great in dresses and skirts! But it'll lower my defensive skill... It could raise your attack skill, though! R-really? Sure! Don't you think so, @しゅじんこうくん@? Absolutely. I'm not sure. See, @しゅじんこうくん@ thinks so too! Hmm... Still... Come on! I'm sure you could knock guys out in no time flat. If it's that powerful... Hey, Forte! ♪ You should wear this ribbon! Th-that couldn't possibly look good on me! Then... @しゅじんこうくん@! Hold her down! *Hold her* No way, no how. Ack!! @しゅじんこうくん@?! Hee hee hee... Just give it up! AHH!! AAAHHHH!! You're no fun... Phew...thank goodness... You know... Hmm? I sometimes wish I could be cute and...girly like you, Meg. WHAT?! Wh-what are you talking about?! I'm not cute! And most guys prefer cool cats like you, anyway. That can't be true... Well, let's ask @しゅじんこうくん@! Which of us is more your type, @しゅじんこうくん@? Someone like @フォルテ@. Someone like @マーガレット@. No way, no how. See? I knew it! S-stop it... ...Makes me a little sad, though... Just as I thought. See, Meg? N-no! He's just being nice...! ...Why did his answer disappoint me so...? ...So he's not into either type, then. He's one of THEM. So it would seem. O-one of what?! Don't put words in my mouth! I didn't mean{LF}it like that! ... Is there something on my face? Uh, no... ...? I'm just a little jealous of the fact that you're good at{LF}cooking. What? What brought that on, all of a sudden? I-it's not ''all of a sudden''...it's just... Even though you keep telling us how awful you are, I know{LF}you've been practicing really hard. One day, your efforts will be rewarded. ... I'm always here to support you. ♪ Let me know if there's anything I can do. ... I-in that case... ...? W-will you...taste the food...I made today? GEH?! Uhh... Oh, sorry... That just kind of slipped out. Y-you just want me to...take a quick bite and tell you what I{LF}think, right? If you would, please. (It's for Forte. It's for Forte...!) ...S-sure... Th-thank you very much! L-let me...take a b-bite... (Ohh, I hope she likes it...) *CHOMP* ?! ...Clorica? Try...a little harder... *YAWN*... Are you sleepy? Not really... *YAWN*... Mr. Volkanon will get angry if he sees you yawning so much. That's exactly what happened yesterday. Oh, really? Yes. It happens pretty much every day. ... ... Clorica... ...Well, what can I do? I can't stop it... YES, YOU CAN! Mr. Volkanon?! Why are you here?! That's not important! Brace yourself, Clorica! ...Yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir. Thank you for patrolling the town. You mustn't thank me. It's part of my duty as a knight. Here, this is for you. Once in a while, you should take it easy, you know? ♪ ...Thank you very much. ... ... HAH! Wow! ♪ Fantastic! What are you doing? I had Forte slice me some @アイテム0@. W-with a sword? Uh-huh! ♪ In the culinary arts, cutting ingredients is the only thing I'm{LF}good at. That seems dangerous. You probably shouldn't do it. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Hey. What's going on? Right now? Let's see... So you're talking to Clorica, then? ... ...I'm kind of jealous... ...Ah! Wh-what am I saying?! @フォルテ@? WHAT?! Oh, y-yes? You seem a little spacey. Are you all right? N-n-nothing! I wasn't thinking about anything! ...? Welcome, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good evening. Would you like a drink? ...@しゅじんこうくん@'s talking to Forte... ...I-I wish @しゅじんこうくん@ would talk to me, too... @クローリカ@? Y-YES?! W-what is it? Oh, were you asleep? I'm sorry if I woke you. No, d-d-don't worry! Everything is A-OK now! What...do you mean by that, exactly? Heheh. Nothing. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Welcome, @しゅじんこうくん@. Please, make yourself at home. Hey hey heeey! ♪ Amber, you always seem so happy! How do you manage it? Mmm, well, life is just fun, you know? ♪ Hee hee. I always feel a lot better after I see you. Your{LF}happiness is infectious! ''So's yours, milady!'' ...Well, whatever modicum of happiness I had just{LF}disappeared. Oh well. Nice while it lasted. Hee hee, you guys are so funny together! Forte! You are so cool! Ermmm... Am I? Yes, you are! So, so cool! ♪ I... Stop, no... Please, it's embarrassing! Huuup! *HUG!* H-Hey! A-Amber?! Tee-hee! ♪ ''Dolly, we should do that, too!'' Hup. ''Owww...!'' Amber, you always pick the warmest spots, don't you? Well, I really like warm places! ♪ That certainly makes you easy to find. Just look for where{LF}the sun's shining brightest! Yeah, I guess you could say I'm drawn toward the sun. It's{LF}like my soul melts into the universe. That's all well and good...but please stop climbing over the{LF}fence to feed your sun addiction! Ahh... It's dangerous, you know. Yes, but...I have wings! So I'll be fine. ♪ *SIGH* Excuse me, Dolce. Yes? ... ...? Would you mind teaching me... ...how to knit sometime? Sure, that would be fine. Really?! Thank you so much! Ooh, that sounds fun! Count me in too! Sure, I guess. Yaaay! ♪ It won't be easy, though. I hope you're okay with that. I shall readily defer to your expertise. I'm fine with that too. ♪ ''...She acts all tough, but she's actually thrilled that you want{LF}to learn. Isn't that right?'' ...Quiet, you. Hey Pico, you're always around Dolce, aren't you? ''Yes, always!'' She's a perv. Do you...feel her presence? Like, watching you? Well...I guess not, really. It's never bothered me, anyway, so{LF}I've never been aware of it. ''Milady?!'' I envy you, Pico. You're always at Dolly's side. ''You know, I have been by her side for a long time. I wonder{LF}if that means...'' No. ''Hey, you didn't even let me finish!'' ''Are we common-law married now? Should we have a{LF}wedding ceremony? Oh, the possibilities!'' ... ''Could you please stop looking at me like I'm some pitiful{LF}creature? Please?'' @フォルテ@? I-it's nothing... Then will you stop pulling my sleeves...? Wha?! This is...err... Eh-hem. I was just trying to get your attention, that's all. ... @キャラ0@... Not...hurt...I hope... What a nice table. I've ruined so many of these as I practiced cooking... Fluffy and cuddly... ...Huh? Flowers have the power to brighten up one's room. They're surprisingly soothing. It's...a bouncy ball? *FIDGET* *FIDGET* *FIDGET* ...May I...cut it? *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit Forte is a knight first and foremost. But she tries hard to hide the fact that she has a real sweet{LF}tooth... ...and that she hates ghosts more than anything else. I personally think she's worrying too much over nothing. Hmm... Wow, Kiel looks so serious! He must be thinking about{LF}something really intense right now. I wonder what I should cook today. More strawberry cake?{LF}Or maybe even chocolate cake... Maybe something @子供ちゃん@ would like...? I want to grow up eating a wide variety of healthy foods. So I try to mix in all the best ingredients I can into the{LF}recipes I make. What about you, @しゅじんこうくん@? How do you make{LF}@子供ちゃん@ eat more nutritious food items? ...Hmm? What kind of face is that? It's important to have a balanced diet, you know. I'm doing research on this land. I hope that my research can eventually make this country{LF}more prosperous... But it'll take much more time and effort for that to happen. Oh, by the way... Did you know that Arthur is obsessed with glasses? Like,{LF}eyeglasses. As +Bado+ puts it, he has +an eye for glasses+. @子供ちゃん@ was repeating it over and over. Huh...? Rumors spread so quickly. The things I say often become widespread rumors too. I wonder why that is... What kind of cake should I bake today? I'm sure Forte would be sad if I didn't bake one for her. Of course I'll bake some for you and @子供ちゃん@, too! ♪ What's wrong with a knight having a sweet tooth? Hey... Do you know what Forte's favorite thing is? Sweets? I don't know. So, you knew. How strange! Why is it that everyone knows about it? I guess you wouldn't. She is trying to keep it a secret, after all... But everyone else seems to know that she loves sweets{LF}somehow, and I just can't figure out how! I should go ask Bado... ...if he's really sure of that thing. You know, about making sure Forte's sword breaks again. Wha...? Forte's always running around, right? She never rests. She often says she won't stop moving until{LF}her sword breaks. Sooo... Actually, it seems like she's been changing a little these{LF}days. According to Vishnal, she started asking others for help. I guess she realized she's not the only person who wants to{LF}protect this town. I wish she'd worry about herself a little more often, though.{LF}Like, at all! Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Look at this book that I just bought! ♪ ''How To Make Any Food Delicious''? I can't wait to put it to the test! You know that book I bought, ''How To Make Any Food{LF}Delicious''? I was so excited to try it out... Uh-oh. No good? Take a look at the first page. ''Step One: Starve yourself for a significant amount of time.'' See? Its methods are faulty from the very first sentence! When I see someone who's reading a book that I know, it{LF}makes me want to talk to them. It just feels kind of special. I hope that I can talk about my favorite books with{LF}@子供ちゃん@ some day. I heard there's a new sword for sale... Something like...a sword that brings strength to whosoever{LF}wields it? No, it's a +sword that brings wealth+ to whosoever sells it! I guess I should stop spreading all these rumors. I should warn @子供ちゃん@. ...Hmm? Something wrong? I heard a rumor about a knight... ...who's running around town in an effort to halt the spread{LF}of rumors. Not that scampering around town is surprising behavior from{LF}Forte, of course! Hmm? Is there something on my face? Hmm? What's the matter? Nothing, really. Your sister... Oh... That's too bad. I was thinking I could lend an ear if you were{LF}having any problems. But then again, maybe it's a good thing! I am pretty busy{LF}today, after all. Wha...? Did something happen to her?! Uh, well, not really... Phew! That's a relief. Oh, you know what? What? ... ...Never mind. Now's not the time. Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Doesn't it bother you when people stop talking in the middle{LF}of a conversation? Yes, very much. Not especially. I know, right?! ... Oh, that's it. I didn't really have anything else to add. Really? Me, I'd keep wondering what it could've been about. Are you interested in books? Indubitably! Naaah. I have a ton in my house! I'll let you borrow some if you{LF}want. I'll even bake you some nice sweets to go along with them.{LF}What's a good book without a nice snack? ♪ Oh no... I was hoping we'd like the same books... Did you know that Arthur is a big fan of cutesy things? When I told Bado about it, he rushed out in quite a hurry. I wonder what he's up to... Do you like sweets, @しゅじんこうくん@? YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES. ...no. Me too! Not that it really matters, I guess... I see... What if something looks just like a cake, but tastes really{LF}spicy? Even when it's ordinary soil... ...if you look closely at it, you'll be able to see a lot of extra{LF}detail. The same can be said for human beings, you know? How are the fields, @しゅじんこうくん@? Oh, I know! Why don't we go check them out together? You, me and @子供ちゃん@! ♪ I'd have fun going anywhere with you. ♪ Would you take me with you sometime? I want to observe the power of the soil! Let's see... When I go home today, I'm doing the cooking... ...then delivering food to Bado... ...and then helping Forte practice her own cooking. Oh yeah, and I have to finish the laundry before that, too! ♪ You look so happy, @キール@. Oh yeah, and I have to finish the laundry before that, too! ♪ You seem like you're having fun, @キール@. Neither Forte nor Bado can do any housework. But Forte's been making an effort these days. And Bado's her guinea pig. Wha...? I wonder what they'll do when I get married. ...Not that I'm planning to any time soon, of course. When reading a novel... ...don't you ever wonder if the world you're reading about{LF}might actually exist? Not at all. This world is fictional. But I do! Perhaps we're also characters in some kind of story. If we are, I hope I'd be cast as a knight, even if it's just for{LF}one brief, shining moment... WHAT?! ...Hee hee. Just kidding. Did you think you'd be able to fool{LF}me? ...Erm, you were joking, right? Even if this world were the setting for some kind of fictional{LF}story... Nothing would change. Because no matter what story you're telling, it's the{LF}characters who choose the ending. And with you and @子供ちゃん@ at my side, I want for{LF}nothing! Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Would you take a look at this? ...You can...keep holding my hand while you're looking, if you{LF}want... Leave it. Slowly shake it off. See how this soil has a different color? Well-- Hey! Are you listening?! You sure seem to be excited. Oh, sorry. Was I squeezing too hard? See, this soil is just amazing... (He has such a serious look on his face right now...) Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? What should I do when I don't want to let go of something? Just try your best. Nothing you CAN do. ...You're right. I'll try my best. Perhaps you're right... But I'd want to think that there's some hope of letting go. The princess and the knight are in love, but the princess has{LF}been promised to a prince. ...Whenever I read stories like that, it makes me want to be{LF}stronger. You know what? I WILL be stronger...so I can protect you. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let me see your left hand. *GRASP* Uh...? ...Hmm? Why isn't it working? About holding your hand the other day...I asked Forte what I{LF}should do... ...when there's something I don't want to let go of. And what did she say? She told me to strengthen my grip. Hmm... What is love? @しゅじんこうくん@... What do you think love is? I don't know. Something bittersweet? You don't know either? ''Either''? Are you counting yourself, or...? No, Forte. I asked her too, and she said the same thing. ...But, wait... She's with you now... ... Are you two trying to pull one over on me or something? For some reason, she was angry... Well, @アイテム9@ is just sour... So maybe it's something like @アイテム8@? I feel relaxed when I'm with Forte and Bado. It's so fun spending time with the people of this town. When I'm with you, @しゅじんこうくん@... For some reason, I feel like I'm floating in the air. Hee hee. I wonder why... Do you love me, @しゅじんこうくん@? Of course! I'm not sure. Hee hee, same to you! Let's always be good friends! ♪ What...? Then why did you marry me? I-I was just kidding! Hmm... What do couples do? Hold hands. Poke each other. Like this? Ah...! ... ...We always do, but it's kind of embarrassing...isn't it? Ouch! Hey! Whaa?! N-not the stomach! Ahh! Hey! It's my turn now! Stupid couple... Forte's been acting kind of strange these days. She'll often have a sad look on her face after dinner. ...I wonder why? I finally asked Forte... ...why she's been upset these lately. And you know what she said? ...''It's sad to think you'll be cooking for @しゅじんこうくん@!'' She's being such a drama queen! It's not like I'll never cook{LF}for her again, you know... You seem to be in good spirits, @キール@. I think Leon likes my sister. He thinks she's fun to tease. I could totally see that. @レオン@'s so dreamy! Yeah. It's not something that I can do, that's for sure. I'm just{LF}not...made that way, I guess! Did you just think impure thoughts about someone other{LF}than me?! ...Not that it really matters. @しゅじんこうくん@. ...I love you so much. What...? I've always wanted to say it. But...actually putting it into words is...a little embarrassing... @キール@... Yes? Just calling your name. I love you. Huh...? ...Oh, okay. That's fine, I guess. Um, okay... ... You're making me blush... Forte told me I've gotten better at cooking. It's probably because I now have you and @子供ちゃん@ to{LF}feed... I feel so blessed to have so many loved ones in my life! ♪ It's probably because I found someone new to cook for. ♪ I'm not feeling well today... I think even @子供ちゃん@ was worried about me! Are you all right? *Hug him* Yeah... I'm starting to feel better, now that I've seen you. Ah... ...You smell good, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Leon asked me how I'm doing with my girlfriend... ...Bado asked me how I'm doing with my girlfriend... ...so I answered, ''great''... What do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? Seems pretty great to me. I don't know about that! Phew... Oh no! Really? I'll have to make sure I try harder from now{LF}on! So...please don't leave me. I want to be more manly. So I asked Forte for advice. What did she say? I like you as you are. She told me to work out. That's why I'm tired now... But now that I've seen you, I'm starting to feel better. Huh? Well, maybe I'm manly enough, then... ...if you say so. You know what? I'm really glad you chose to speak with me here. ...? Yeah...really glad. I think I'm in love with you... ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Huh...? I'm in love... I read in a novel that love's not always fun and games. ...And I think I understand that a little now. So what is it? @しゅじんこうくん@... Hey, listen... I...um...I love you. ♪ ...?! Hee hee... Words have such great power... ...but there are certain things that can't be expressed in{LF}words. I think that's okay, though. ...So thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I cooked a dish for Forte the other day... ...but she told me that it tasted different than she was{LF}expecting. Maybe it's starting to match your tastes... I baked a +cake+ for the first time in a while today. I wonder if it'll make Forte happy. Oh, before I forget! Here's yours, @しゅじんこうくん@. Did you try my @アイテム9@? I'm pretty sure it's tasty! ♪ Bado's got a lot on his mind, huh? Yeah, he does. Does he? Yeah. I think he was trying hard to take the place of our father. Yeah, definitely. Oh, by the way... ...Forte said she has a question for you. She was talking about nicknames or pet names or{LF}something... Books are great. Some say it's better to actually experience things than to just{LF}read about them in books... ...but I think there are a lot of experiences that only books{LF}can provide. If I'd never met you... I wouldn't trust myself, and would've kept spreading rumors. So I'm thankful. Very, very thankful that I got to know you. ...It's the same for me. Though I do still spread rumors... Hee hee! Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Hmm? May I hug you? ...Huh? Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. Will you come here, please? Here. Right here. Read this! Read it. Stare at @キール@. Not in your head... I wanted to read it with you! Don't look at me, look at the book! Right here! Stare harder. Read the passage. Wh-what? ... It's kind of embarrassing having you stare at me like that... @しゅじんこうくん@... We'll always be together, forever and ever! ♪ We're married now. I love you, and I'll never let you go! I've never been happier in my whole life. Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@! I can't bear to be without you. How can I express my feelings for you? I can't express... ...how much I love you. How should I express it... Talk is cheap, anyway. Here! Let me show you my feelings! Geeh?! I love you sooo much. Eheh. I just wanted to let you know. Hey, listen... Hey, listen, I...uh... I. Love. You! ♪ Let me know any way I can possibly help you, okay? Don't be shy. We're a married couple now! ♪ Sometimes you seem like such a hunk, @しゅじんこうくん@! Is that...a compliment? Absolutely! Just remember...I love you! ♪ You know, @しゅじんこうくん@, sometimes you're really girly. A-am I...? Yeah! Just remember...I love you! ♪ A-all right... Most people can learn how to use magic by reading books. That's what I read in a book when I was little. So ever since childhood, I've been practicing magic. I know! Why don't I recommend that same book to{LF}@子供ちゃん@? I guess magic just isn't for everyone. Certain people will never learn to use it properly. But I'm sure that as long as you keep trying, you can master{LF}it. Is that also from a book? Nope! It's good advice, though, don't you think? Did you know that you can leave the ingredients in the fridge{LF}when you're cooking? It's really convenient, if you think about it. When you try to cook a dish with a high skill level, it{LF}consumes a large amount of RP. So you should choose what to cook based on your current{LF}level. Do you have a bookshelf, @しゅじんこうくん@? As you learn more magic, you'll need a bookshelf to store all{LF}of the tomes you collect. Why don't I give you one? I've sent a bookshelf to your room. Try collecting as many books on magic as you can! Oops, looks like your room's too full right now. Ta-dah! I bought an astrology book! ♪ When's your birthday? Um...right here. Since my birthday's Day @0@ of @キャラ0@... Just as I thought! We're a perfect match! ♪ I looove sweets. They make me so happy! ♪ Don't you love sweet things, too? SUUUUUUUUUGAR!! Eww, no. I knew it! ♪ We like the same things. ♪ That's too bad... Morning! Good morning, @キール@. *MUMBLE*... Oh, morning! Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Morning! Hello. Morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's definitely not morning, @キール@. Hello! Hope today goes great for us both! Eheh, I came to see you. ♪ Good evening. Good evening, @キール@. Good evening! ♪ Gooood evening! Sunny days are perfect for farming. Rainy days are best for reading. @しゅじんこうくん@! It's snowing! We've gotta run around! Uh, no thanks... @しゅじんこうくん@. Is everything all right with your field? Hmm...I hope so... It's really snowing today. I know! Isn't it exciting?! What a snowstorm! I hope Forte's okay... Pretty unpredictable weather we're having, huh? No kidding! But it makes things a little more exciting. What fantastic weather! Yep! It's full of sunshine. ♪ Hello. Don't you just hate rainy days like this? Means you{LF}can't carry books around! Ah, because the dampness will wrinkle all the pages, right? It's hard to decide whether to stay home and read or go out{LF}when it's snowy. Hello! Pretty crazy typhoon, huh? You seem happy about that... Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Got quite the snowstorm brewing out{LF}there, huh? ♪ Yes...but why are you so excited about it...? Hmm, looks like it might rain. Should we stay home and read{LF}today? Huh? You mean, me too? Morning. Just look at the lovely weather! This is the best{LF}time of year for flowers. Morning... I'm about to melt in this heat... Ahaha. I guess there's not a single cloud in the sky, huh? Good morning, @キール@. There's...a leaf on your{LF}head. Huh? Oh, you're right! Guess that clinches it...autumn is upon{LF}us! It's freezing today... The best season to read while curled up in a warm bed! Hello. Refreshing day today, isn't it? I can't help nodding off while I read, though... It's so hot today... Yeah... I can't handle heat... It's the best season for reading, @しゅじんこうくん@! When I see snow, I just know that winter has officially come,{LF}and I just love it! I love seeing the sunrise after spending the whole night{LF}reading. The moon looks especially beautiful during summertime. I should gather some fireflies in a jar and curl up with a good{LF}book. There's something nostalgic about an autumn sunset... It's so cold that I can't leave my bed in the morning. You should move your bed to the window, and read as you{LF}watch the falling snow! I need to try harder, now that I have someone to protect. We're parents to be, you know! Are you all right? Don't overwork yourself. Let me know if you'd like to eat something, and I'll cook it for{LF}you right away. I've been thinking lately that...one does not simply become a{LF}father. We've got to be fully prepared to welcome our baby! I want to show our baby what this world's like. Bado was all worried...and so was Forte. It's the two of you that taught me how much everyone cares{LF}for us. I can't wait to see the baby! ♪ I'll have to think of some fun games that we can play with{LF}that little bundle of joy. Hee hee... Forte tends to get anxious, so please, look after her... I can't imagine Leon changing after becoming a father. Kids love picture books, don't they? I should read them to{LF}the baby! ♪ Porcoline's dishes got some major recognition today, I heard! Oh, really? By whom? Yep! ♪ By whom? No idea. ... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Have you heard? Apparently, Lumie finally managed to solve a case! Guess it's true that even a blind squirrel finds a nut{LF}sometimes. ♪ Forte baked this +cookie+! Would you like to try it? S-sure, I guess... Isn't it just...charcoal? How is it? ...It's...crunchy. It was Forte's first time. ?! She'd never baked a +cookie+ before. Sure seems to be. She tried her best, though, you know. There's a song that's been popular in town recently. Bado thinks he's too old for it... ...but me, I love it! ♪ The lyrics are unbearably embarrassing... ...but I still love it! ♪ Rumor has it Clorica's been staying awake. ... ...Can that possibly be true?! Everyone's talking about how hot the bath was yesterday... ...but when I took my bath, it wasn't hot at all. In fact, it was the perfect temperature for me! ♪ I wonder what the butler competition's like... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Have you heard that Volkanon won the butler competition? Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@! Hear me out, will you? I just saw something! ♪ What did you see? Well, Doug-- AAAAAAAAHH!!! Oh, I didn't know you were here, Doug. What's up? ♪ *PANT* *PANT*... ... Doug was carrying Blossom to the clinic! Although he's too shy to admit it... ...he really loves Blossom. ♪ Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! Have you heard about the plans to jump off the airship? I've done that. I wouldn't recommend it. What? Really?! Yeah. That's how I got here. Wow... I'm always surprised to hear all the things you've done. ♪ Um...have I really done that much? It seems like a lot of people are saying that. Especially Margaret. She was totally against it. ...To the point that she seemed almost militant! D-did she? What kind of offering should I give to Lady Ventuswill...? Since she's a god, it should be something godly, right? But what's godly? Dear Lady Ventuswill... Oh, this? It's an offering for Lady Ventuswill! I hope she'll like it. I've heard people talk about seeing a ton of butterflies flying{LF}around in the forest. But for some reason, though, everyone seems confused when{LF}they describe it. About whether they were the butterflies, or the butterflies{LF}were them... What does that mean? Which would you choose? I'm a butterfly too. I'm not sure, but they should definitely go to the clinic. Well... Either, as long as it's fun! Hee hee... I see... Shall I escort you to the clinic? Huh...? Amber's going to be living at Lumie's house. It kind of worries me a little, in many ways! ♪ Have you heard the rumors about the ruins? Yes. No. I see. Forte said she'd do some research... ...but she was shaking so hard that I doubt she'll find much. You know about the strange voices people have been{LF}hearing at night, right? They're apparently coming from the +ruins in the southeast+! I hear the strange voice is completely gone now. Though some people say it was just somebody snoring... Either way, crisis averted, I guess! ♪ Dylas is so quiet and cool... Though he's actually super nice, he's too shy to show it. ♪ Everyone's been seeing ghosts these days. Not me, though! I hear Lady Ventuswill collapsed... I-is she all right? I should bring her an offering... But I wonder what could make her feel better... A +blue gem+ called a +Rune Sphere+? Oh! I think I heard Dylas talking about something like that! He told me when I asked him about fishing the other day. So I was right about Dylas seeing the +Rune Sphere+... Huh? There's more to it than that? Unfortunately, I don't think I have any more information... Don't worry, @しゅじんこうくん@. Forte and I will find a way for you to come back! The Returning Ring... I wonder what a powerful item like that could be made of... Leon's so cool! I wish I could be like him. I had no idea how funny Lady Ventuswill actually was! She's also a lot more laid-back and childish than I ever{LF}imagined she could be. There's a dragon in our town... Well, Doug tried to protect Blossom, and... Ah! We should call a doctor! Lady Ventuswill... She'll be okay, right? She's the god protecting our town, so... Lady Ventuswill will be okay, right...? Because she's a Divine Native Dragon! She'll be fine. What's a Native Dragon? Right?! I know she will be! Huh? You don't know? There are four +Divine Native Dragons+. +Terrable+, dragon god of the earth, presides over resurrection. +Fiersome+, dragon god of fire, presides over destruction. +Aquaticus+, dragon god of water, presides over{LF}transformation. And then finally, there's the god who presides over the abyss{LF}of time. That's +Ventuswill+, dragon god of the wind. So...since she's a god, everything should be fine, right? She'll{LF}get better soon... I'm sure of it... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Did you hear? There are rumors about a floating island! How in the world can a whole island float?! Let me know if I can help you with anything, okay? Not that there's much I can do... But I'll try my best!! Lady Ventuswill... ... Oh, I'm sorry. Hee hee...it's nothing. The Divine Wind Dragon controls eternity. Its power brings peace to the land. That's why... ...Lady Ventuswill might have known her own destiny. B...but... ...No, I'm sorry. You can forget what I said. The people in the town never once gave up on her! Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Do you know how to change your own destiny? I don't. I do. By making +miracles+ happen. That's why you need a lot of power. A single person's power{LF}won't do! I read that in a book once. Doesn't it seem like we can make a miracle happen right{LF}about now? That's good. Then it should all be fine! Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@! Lady Ventuswill also seemed really happy... Looks like this is the only place we can use as a gathering{LF}spot. Ah... Arthur? Are you sure we're not bothering you? Don't worry. It's fine. That's right. Everything is perfectly okay. He wasn't talking to you. You finished the job, then? Yes, almost. But there is something left to do for tomorrow. You don't mean... Everyone could've used my room if it was big enough. You mean, if it were clean? Oh, come on, that's not fair! Man, all these books are huge! And... complicated-{LF}sounding... They're quite interesting. You're welcome to borrow one, if{LF}you'd like. N-no, I'm good, thanks! If that offer extends to me as well, I'd like to borrow one. Seriously? You can read stuff like that?! Well yeah, of course. Don't lump me in with you when it{LF}comes to hitting the books! Man, you sure know how to hit where it hurts sometimes... I'd like to borrow this one, if I may. Wha? You too?! Oh, wow! Can't believe you have a rare one like this in your{LF}collection! May I see it? No way! Even you?! Hey, Arthur, did you get in that book I ordered? Sure did. Here you go. Holy crap. Am I really the only one here who doesn't read? I can give you some picture books, if you want. Keep 'em, dammit! Doug is the life of the party, isn't he? Huh? He really is. And he's great at gathering people together. What the hell? Uh, okay... Yeah, this is good. Praise me!{LF}Praise me HARD! If only he were a bit more humble... ... And a bit less noisy! At least I'm not a Dyllie Downer like you! He was such a good man, once. Indeed... Hey! Stop talking about me like I'm dead or something! You lose, Doug! Ahhhhh! Wait! That doesn't count! That's pretty pathetic, you know. Why don't you just accept defeat? Arghhh! I almost won that time, too! Just once more! Come on, guys! ... You seem bored, Arthur. Leon... No. I'm not bored. Actually, I'm quite enjoying myself. Perhaps...I was much more bored when I was serving as{LF}prince in the castle. But you could do anything you wanted there, right? Nothing of the sort, no. One's rights must be tempered with{LF}duty and obligation. Besides...being able to do whatever you please isn't all that{LF}exciting either. It just seems far too predictable and passe for someone with{LF}dreams and ambitions. But suddenly my life turned into this. And this is what I truly{LF}wanted. You hear that, @しゅじんこうくん@? What?! I really appreciate what you did for me. Thank you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Ah... Y-You're welcome... Hey, Arthur. What are you doing? Let's pick up where we left off, shall we? Sure. I'll be right there. Oh, and Kiel? This is the book you wanted, I believe. Thank you, Arthur. What kind of book is it? Is it all science-y or philosophical or{LF}something? No, this one's a cookbook. A cookbook?! I already perfected all the dishes in the one I was using{LF}before. Are you serious?! You gotta be kidding me... Why don't you let Forte cook sometime? Well...she might blow the house up, for one... Better with the sword than with the skillet, eh? Kiel, won't you teach me your secrets? I've been training to{LF}cook in my spare time. Wha?! I... I don't know if I'd really be of much help, though... Porcoline's way of cooking is too fast for me. I can't follow{LF}him. Umm... Okay. Next time, then, we'll cook together! *YAWN* What's the matter, Vishnal? Oh, please excuse me. I've had a very, very busy day. You sleepy? You can sleep here. May I? A short nap, then, perhaps... ...Whoa. Out like a torch. He must've been beat! It certainly does seem that way. I wonder how long he's been working without sleep... Too long, I'm sure. Vishnal's always been like that. He probably worked himself so hard, he didn't even have{LF}time to realize how tired he was. We should leave him be. Doug and Dylas... You two are actually very close friends,{LF}aren't you? Wha?! People do say the best type of friend to have is the type{LF}who's not afraid to pull any punches... That's preposterous! And true. Everybody knows you two are like bread and{LF}butter. Don't be stupid! How the hell could I ever be friends with{LF}this dumbass?! That's right! You tell 'em, you mush-brained moron! You bet I will! You guys should just get married, right here and right now. Aha ha ha... How do you read this, Leon? Huh? Ah, this is-- Excuse me, Leon. Could you come help me? Sure. Be right there. Leon! Ah, wait, Leon! I called you first! Wha?! I called him first, not you! Haha. Leon's quite popular, it seems. Yeah, with guys! It's not fair... Though I guess there are worse fates than babysitting this{LF}bunch. @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Is there anything I can help you with? Huh? Well... Leon! C'mon! Sorry. Time's up. Catch you later! How do you get over eating foods you don't like? That's a hard question. Sometimes it's not just the taste but the look of a certain{LF}food that turns you away from it. You could try something like... ...grating it until it's no longer recognizable. And then after you eat it, you'll realize it was never a{LF}problem to begin with! Hmm...but that wouldn't actually be overcoming anything,{LF}would it? Hmm? Well, if you're not even aware something is there, then{LF}you're not facing your problem. That's fighting a battle you didn't even know you were in. It{LF}just doesn't feel...honest. T-true... Hmm. It's a tricky proposition! It really is. I'm not getting any better at cooking... ...even though I've done a lot of training. Maybe I don't have{LF}the talent. Don't let it get you down. Maybe you're just overthinking it. Why don't you pick out a recipe and try following it to the{LF}letter, without even thinking? That's what I've been doing, yet I still mess up everything I{LF}attempt... Huh? How?! It starts to form a black lump... Wh-what...? *SIGH* I probably just don't have the talent for it. All right. Question. Among all the spring crops, what's the fastest-growing{LF}vegetable? Oh, that's easy! The answer is @アイテム0@! Correct! Nice job, Vishnal. Are you two having a quiz? That's right. Oh, I know! Since you're here, why don't you try answering a question as{LF}well? Good idea! Here, how about this one? How many summer crops are there in total? 5 6 10 11 Too bad, @しゅじんこうくん@. Drat! Can't believe I missed that one! Everyone forgets about the Gold Pumpkin. The Gold Pumpkin is a winter crop. Drat! Can't believe I missed that one! You two...{LF}You both have much yet to learn. Right. I'll be back when I'm ready. Too bad, @しゅじんこうくん@. Drat! Can't believe I missed that one! Everyone forgets about the Gold Pumpkin. The Gold Pumpkin is a winter crop. Drat! Can't believe I missed that one! You two...{LF}You both have much left to learn. Right. I'll be back when I'm ready. Too bad, @しゅじんこうくん@. Drat! Can't believe I missed that one! Pineapples are fruit, so they don't count towards the total! You have much left to learn, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'll be back when I'm ready. Correct! Yessss! ♪ Wow, @しゅじんこうくん@! That was a tough one, too! I knew you'd get it right.{LF}You're so smart! If you're curious, the answers are Pumpkin, Cucumber,{LF}Tomato, Corn, Eggplant, Pink Melon... ...Yams, Potatoes, Green Peppers, and Turnips! Sooo... Hmmm... What's love? Good question. Will training help me fall in love? I don't think it's something you can train for. What are you guys talking about? We're confused about love... Huh?! We don't know what love is. @しゅじんこうくん@...what is love? I-I'm not sure I can really answer that. I wish someone would teach us what love is all about. But, for some reason... ...when I look at @しゅじんこうくん@, my heart starts aching... ...What is...this feeling...? But... For some reason @しゅじんこうくん@ makes my heart beat{LF}faster. Could this be...love...? ... I hope it is... I-I...uhh...nothing! Nothing at all! ...Er, I mean...uhhh... What's wrong? Both of you are completely red. That's not true! I-is it? N-nope, not at all. It's nothing, really! Hmmm... Seems like you've been doing a lot of reading. Are there any{LF}books that you'd recommend? Recommend? Any book, you mean? Yes, anything. Well, then how about the 'Beginner's Guide to Wizardry'? A book about magic? Yep. Doesn't a magic-wielding butler sound like the best{LF}thing ever?! Ohhhh! Yes, that sounds amazing! Stupendous, even! Could I perhaps borrow that book? Sure, I'll bring it next time. Please do! Thank you. This is delicious! Mmm, it really is! SO freaking good! Porcoline's cooking is brilliant! I agree. He's a world-class chef, for sure. Well, of course. That pretty much goes without saying. And just why do you feel the need to point that out?! I'm agreeing with everyone, that's all! Sheesh! I never thought I'd eat anything this delicious in my entire life. Only problem is, once you start eating it, you just can't stop! Perhaps that's the source of Porcoline's girth. Yeah, when he cooks for himself, he probably has the exact{LF}same problem. I'd get fat too if this is what I had to eat everyday. I don't think it's that he can't stop eating, though, but that he{LF}won't. He's a total glutton. Yeah, rather than flavor... It's more the act of eating that he{LF}enjoys. It seems today's lunch is nothing but fish. I got a lot of fresh fish today. It's a good day. A very good day. I'm glad we have sashimi here. It's hard to eat broiled fish. Me, I'm glad for the broiled fish. One mustn't pick and choose so much. Best to eat what{LF}you're given. He's right. Don't be picky. But you don't like milk, Leon. But I'm special. ♪ What the hell... What about you, Vishnal? There's nothing I won't-- You don't like turnips, right? K-Kiel?! Be honest with us, please. Porcoline, can you whip up something turnip-based for{LF}Vishnal here? Hey, Porco! A nice, big, heaping order of the turnippiest{LF}turnips you've got for our buddy Vishnal! Here you go! Wh-What is wrong with you two?! As a butler, you shouldn't be picky. Consider it a professional{LF}challenge. You can do it, Vishnal! This is so cruel! ...Okay, so we've got the food, but where are the ladies? Who knows? Well, at least we can relax and enjoy a meal. What kind of man are you?! Come on, Kiel, back me up here! I'm fine with things as they are. Arthur? I agree with Kiel. ... Stop staring at us. ... Sorry, Doug. Afraid you're on your own here. ... You guys are hopeless. All right! Let's eat! Wait, Vishnal. What are you eating? It's @アイテム0@. Looks yummy. Can I have a bite? Certainly, if I may have some of yours in exchange. Sure. Here you go. Many thanks. And for you. Thanks. *CRUNCH* Ahh... *CHOMP* Okay, let's eat! ...Geeeh? Where'd mine go?! I'm sure I don't know what you mean. You must've eaten it{LF}already and simply forgotten. Ehhh?! B-But, I haven't even had one bite... They say the memory's the first thing to go, you know. We'd better eat while it's hot. This...is so weird... As a butler, I must be strong enough to protect my master. Well, everyone wants to be strong. Would you happen to have any books that could help me to{LF}that end? That's your only criterion? Anything is fine, as long as it helps{LF}you get stronger? Yes! Anything! Well, then how about this book my sister gave me? ''Secrets of Bodybuilding: How to Transform Your Fists Into{LF}Iron Weights,'' huh? That sounds...like it might do the trick... You don't mind if I browse through it a bit, do you? Go ahead. All right, then. Let's see... I wanna see! ... ... Th-This is... You've got to be kidding... Hmm? Something the matter? Someone wrote 50 sets for this exercise... Not only for this one, but for every exercise... Ha ha. You can tell it's the kind of thing my sister would{LF}read. Her stamina's amazing. That's...not really the point. This is just crazy! I-I can do this, too! No way! Don't you dare! You're going to kill yourself! I recently read a book of Norad campfire tales. It was pretty{LF}intense. Campfire tales? Like, scary stories? Yeah. One hundred accounts of the paranormal. A HUNDRED?! Why the hell would you read something like{LF}that?! Hmm? Why wouldn't I? It was really fascinating. The twenty-sixth was the best. Aaaaaggghh!! Wh-Whoa! What the hell is wrong with you?! Don't scare us{LF}like that! S-s-something w-w-was o-over th-there... Ehh?! What? H-hey! You serious?! No. No way! There's just no way, right?! ... Say something, dammit! ... Hey!! ...Pfft...haha... ...? Ha...hahaha! Ah! You sneaky little...! Dwah ha ha! I was faking, of course. Did I trick you? DAMMIT, man! What a reaction. The look on your face was so priceless! ... Well, there is Pico, so it's not outside the realm of{LF}possibility... ...Hmm? Argh... I will punch you in the face! What food should I cook tomorrow? I wish I could cook as well as you. I'm nothing special, really. I've been practicing, but... You don't need to cook. It's fine. I'm not good at cooking either. It is not fine! It could be a serious problem when I'm formally employed as{LF}someone's butler! Yeah, I guess that's true enough. Can't be a butler if you{LF}can't cook. ... What? What is it? You're so insensitive, Doug! It's okay, Vishnal. You can do it if you try hard enough. Don't let anything stupid that a -certain someone- said get{LF}you down, okay? *SNIFFLE* I'll...I'll do my best! S-Sorry, Vishnal. Don't be. My lack of culinary skill is a fact. A challenge to be{LF}overcome. Yeah, that's the spirit! You suck! No need to let it get to you.{LF}No need to cry like a baby! Doug, just stop! STOP already! You sure don't know when to quit, huh, @ダグ@... I wonder why Granny Blossom is running a general store. What do you mean? Well, it's hard work running one of those, you know? It...is? Yeah. Customers, all the time. And there's way too much stuff to remember! All this stock{LF}and where it goes and how it's used. It's such a pain in the ass. But you help her a lot, don't you? Huh?! You're always working so hard whenever you're here. I've{LF}never seen you loafing on the job. Wha-What?! What are you talking about?! I'm a total goof-up! I haven't worked hard a day in my life! S-Stop making things up! What are you guys talking about? Oh, it's you, @しゅじんこうくん@. We're neither speaking of nor really doing much of anything. That's right! We're just being lazy. Seriously? Yep. Wasting time like pros. So you're just gathered here...to bask in each other's{LF}laziness? Pretty much, yeah. We just got together for the hell of it. No{LF}real reason. It is as he says. For some reason or another... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! You know what Vishnal just told us?! D-D-D-D-Doug! What are you doing?! Don't say another{LF}word! Hard to say anything when you're being so loud. What's the{LF}problem? Argh... Well, if you're going to go spilling other people's secrets,{LF}then I guess I'll do the same! Did you know that Doug-- H-Hey! You shut that dirty mouth of yours, butler-man! Mmmrrrrrnnnffff! Hmph. Kiel, I guess you're now officially one of us. What? Why?! You know what Kiel said a little wh-- STOP! Oww! If one more word comes out of your mouth, you will learn of{LF}my true form. ...? So...isn't there anything interesting around here? Well...there's the book I finished reading yesterday. I thought{LF}it was interesting! No books. Oh. Okay. Well, how about my sister, then? She's pretty{LF}interesting. Not quite what I was looking for, no. Hmmmm? All right. Gotta be @しゅじんこうくん@, then. Um... I'm not really doing anything interesting... Hey, Leon. You used to be a dragon priest, right? That's right. What do priests actually do? Priestly things, of course. Oh. That makes sense! That...didn't even qualify as an answer. How does it make{LF}sense?! Hey, who do you like better, Kiel or me? What do you mean? What do I mean? Just think of this as a kind of fortunetelling.{LF}First name that comes to you! This sounds fun! So which of us is it going to be? Errrrmmm... Kiel. Leon. Ooh, look, a bird! Wow, yay! Good for you. Why is it good? What did this choice ACTUALLY mean? Do{LF}I...even want to know? Be still, my wounded heart... Actually, I'm fine. This meant{LF}absolutely nothing. Me? Ooh, a twist! Why me? You didn't want me to choose you? Hmm... Something feels like it stirred deep within me.{LF}Probably just gas. Oh, no, I'm not falling for that again. You're just trying to{LF}change the subject! Am I right? Very good, Kiel. You are correct. And I do so hate it when{LF}people won't play along with me... Hate it all you want, I'm not choosing one of you two. You said Forte isn't good at housework, right? Yeah, she's...not great. So you always step in and finish it yourself, then? How about you don't do housework for a week? That might{LF}be just the kick she needs! ...No, I can't... I mean, it's not like she doesn't like doing housework. She{LF}just...CAN'T do it. If I left the house in her care for a week, the cleanup{LF}afterward would be disastrous! ...I'm very sorry to hear that, Kiel. Then or now, this town is always an interesting place to be.{LF}Such a unique melting pot of people... So there were all kinds of weird people in your time too,{LF}then? Most definitely. Cool! Whenever you talk to me about the past, I feel like you've{LF}transported me back in time. I can really get a sense of what happened in this town{LF}through your stories. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm really glad you came{LF}here to this age. Seriously. ... Transported back in time, huh? Fascinating. And not a bad thought at all... You have a pretty busy job, don't you? It's not that bad. I love what I do so much that it hardly even feels like work{LF}to me. Wow, how cool! Can I help you work sometime? Certainly, if you'd like! Yay! How is Bado's store doing? Hmm. I have mixed feelings about it... ...? There's just something on my mind, that's all. What if I try wearing glasses? Wait... ... ...? ... Cuuuute... C-cute?! What's your favoritest delicacy, Arthur? +Glasses+. Obviously. Um...what about something that's edible? Ah, food! In that case, I like things that are +easy to eat+. Things like...+@アイテム0@+. +@アイテム0@+, huh? Okay! Why do you ask? I wanted to try cooking your favorite dish for you, since I{LF}know you're always busy. ...Thank you very much, Kiel. That's quite thoughtful of you! You're welcome! Table height's important. I still haven't found one in the perfect height... Ah! I hope you don't think it's just because I'm short, though! Do you usually sit in your chair when you read? Cause that chair looks really comfortable. ♪ What a cute plushie! Eheh. ♪ I'm sure Forte loves these too. Oooh! Bouncy ball! Bouncy bouncy! *FIDGET*... There's a ball. *FIDGET*...*FIDGET*... Err...you can play with it, you know. *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit Although I can't help you get your memory back... ...maybe I can offer help in other ways. @バド@... So you don't have to carry the burden all by yourself, you{LF}know? You can slowly get your memory back while living in this{LF}town. ...That sounds perfect. Hmm. I want money. ... I had a dream in which I became a millionaire. But I spent it all... ...trying to get more money. ...Huh? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Will you take a look at this product? Portable...Dirt Floor...? Apparently it's a foreign item that's popular in the city. You mean that...dirt-covered carpet? Huh? What's that small, dirt-covered carpet swatch you have{LF}in your hand?! Ta-dah! It's a mini ''Dirt Floor'' from a foreign kingdom! And it's PORTABLE! You can bring it anywhere you want! ...Which would be nowhere... Here's a new item. This stick helps you find a missing friend. It's called a Friend-- Stop. Just stop. Why do you care so much about money, @バド@? Hmmm... ...'Cause there's money to care about. ...Why are you blushing? Would you do anything to earn money? Nah, I wouldn't. Huh? I started my store 'cause it's fun to earn money. I wouldn't bother if it weren't fun. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Take a look at this. Well...that's one big bag. The outside's hard enough to stop a Buffamoo. Makes you{LF}feel protected, right? But good luck keeping anything you put in the bag from{LF}breaking. I think you're...putting the cart before the horse, Bado. To{LF}turn a phrase. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@! Perfect timing! Will you take a look at this bracelet? Sure... Is it...kind of like a gauntlet? Exactly. It also looks great around your neck, too. In fact, it's the{LF}perfect neck decor! Kind of defeats the point of using it for protection, though. You're putting the cart before the horse again. Like, WAY{LF}before. Why did you become a blacksmith? I told you before. Because making money is awesome. Yeah, but why a blacksmith in particular? Well, because I'm used to it. I guess. ...? All my ink's gone redder than a fiery inferno. It's kind of{LF}mesmerizing to look at the books. ...You mean...your finances? Like, you're losing money? Exactly! Red's a prettier color than black, though, don't you{LF}think? Um, I don't think you should be happy about losing money... How's this: color-changing ink! It goes from black to red mere{LF}seconds after touching the paper! Uhh, I think the only use that could possibly have is to{LF}record the sales numbers of said ink... A whole bunch of new products arrived today. Wow, they sure look heavy. Can you carry them all? ...What? Are you carrying them all with one hand?! Ehh, I do this everyday, kid. Color me surprised. I would've never taken you to be that{LF}strong. ...Your honesty kinda hurts sometimes, you know. I wonder why my stuff never sells. Who wants to buy blunt weapons? ... Well, blunt weapons have their uses, you know? ...You should try learning from your mistakes, rather than{LF}justifying them. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. What should I do to get rich? Work. Work! Work, dammit! Guess there's no way around it. Work it is. You read my mind. Hmm, where can I find it, I wonder...? What are you looking for? Well... Have you heard of a food item that tastes like eyeglasses? ?!?! I've got a good stock of glasses for Arthur. Do you mind if I take a look? Sure, go ahead. Here...you go! A whole box full?! (Just how far will your glasses fetish go,{LF}Arthur?!) Man, how do I get rid of all my overstock?! I think it's easier if you stop purchasing so much... ... How do I get rid of all my overstock? Huh? I think this world is made of love. @バド@... I agree with you. Are you sick or something? Then... ...will you take this box full of glasses? Buy things you can actually sell, for once! You're always so relentless, @しゅじんこうくん@. You don't talk much about forging, do you? That's because my heart belongs to money. Wow. You totally said that without even a moment's{LF}hesitation. I once met a dwarf that loved forging more than anything{LF}else. He must be a diligent worker. Well, I'm also always diligently trying to earn money, y'know? So work for it. The way people do work today will probably change{LF}completely in 10 or 20 years. So don't you think it's better to consider the future of{LF}business, rather than focus on the present? Think of the children! I'm amazed at how unconvincing that was, @バド@. You're always so relentless, @しゅじんこうくん@. How's @子供ちゃん@ doing? Probably don't even need to ask, since @子供ちゃん@ is{LF}always a burning fireball of energy. Haha... Well, they always say...like father, like son. @子供ちゃん@ reminds me of Forte and Kiel when they{LF}were little. I'd often play with them when their father came to visit me. Kids are annoying creatures... They're always so busy going back and forth between{LF}laughing and crying... Annoying, yet extremely cute. You can find the farm tools on the shelves. Press @字@ to try{LF}switching through them. Good morning, @バド@. Mornin'. Mornin', @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm feeling lucky today! Haha... Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. How are you today? Hi, @バド@. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hello there. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Any money-making ideas? Huh? N-none that I can think of... Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! I've got a great money-making idea to{LF}try today. Good luck with that. Evening. Good evening. Dammit, I'm in the red again! You should get a good night's sleep and try WORKING{LF}HARDER tomorrow. Evening. It was pretty slow today. What nice weather. Today's gonna be a good one, I just{LF}know it! I'm sure it will. Who works on rainy days? There's enough snow to sell... Uh, but who'd buy it? That's quite a powerful typhoon... Maybe it'll blow something valuable into town. What a crazy snowstorm. It's like there's a giant fan hidden{LF}somewhere, just blowing it all in. I...no. Just no. Looks like it'll start raining later today. Hey, @バド@. Are you enjoying the weather? Yeah, it's not bad. It's raining pretty hard. Not that it affects sales any! The snow is as pretty as a gem right now. Ooh, not a bad sales line. You should go into advertising! Once this typhoon passes, I might find buried treasure. If you do, it'll be something that belongs to someone else. So{LF}make sure you return it! There's so much snow. Too bad I can't sell any of it. Who'd pay to get it when it's already all over the place?! Looks like it might start raining today. I wish it'd rain cash instead. Paper money, preferably, since it{LF}would hurt less. The cherry blossoms sure are pretty. I just wish I could find some way to use them for my own{LF}gain... It's so hot today...do I get a day off? Absolutely not. Can't believe it's autumn already. Maybe I'll forge me a nice{LF}@アイテム9@. You don't forge food, you cook it. And please, just forge{LF}weapons. Do your job, dammit! It's gotten so cold. Maybe I'll use the forge as a fireplace. No, please just forge weapons. Seriously. It's your job. The falling flower petals are really beautiful. I wonder if I can{LF}sell them. Maybe @アイテム9@... It's so hot today...I almost want to sell the forge. What kind of blacksmith are you?! Autumn's the season of the harvest. How's your field doing? I see G signs in your eyes, so I have no intention of{LF}answering you. I can't forge because my fingers are frozen solid. A new excuse for every season... It's nice to hear the insects singing at night. Let me guess...you're looking for a way to sell them? The fireflies sure are beautiful. Please don't sell them. The fallen leaves are pretty... But no, I won't sell them. The winter skies are nice and clear...like my soul. Say what?! Choose your child's name carefully. It'll be your first{LF}responsibility as a parent. Whenever you decide to make your child run errands, be{LF}sure and send the little tyke to my store! How's Forte doing? Take good care of her, 'cause she tends{LF}to push herself way too hard. How are you holding up? Whenever you feel sick, be sure to{LF}let Kiel know. Don't forget to tell me when the baby's born! I hear Porcoline's dishes were recognized by a gourmet. Forte told me to follow his example and work harder to{LF}please the customers. I just want... ...to slowly enjoy the rest of my life, doing what I please. Taking breaks here and there, and getting scolded at times...{LF}Is that so wrong?! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Will you take a look at this? This is the hat Illuminata was wearing when she finally{LF}solved a case... ...I think. You're not selling it, man. Kiel brought a piece of charcoal... ...and told me to try eating it. Is it some sort of advanced coal-based dessert or something? That Kiel's brain is always +cooking+ up new ideas, I tell you! ... Have you heard that embarrassing song that's been so{LF}popular lately? I've got to say... ...I sure do miss being young. I just happened to see Clorica working without falling{LF}asleep. It kinda motivated me to work normally for a change.{LF}Imagine that! Shrug it off. Act extremely surprised. Did it, now? Hmmm... ... Huh? That's it? That's all you got? WHAAAAAAAAAT?! ...You don't have to be THAT surprised... Yesterday's bath was ridiculously hot. For some reason it felt tingly on my skin, too, like something{LF}was in it... But maybe it's just me. I didn't know they had a competition for butlers. I wonder if there's one for blacksmiths too. You're asking the wrong person... Doug's a caring child...or maybe it's just that Blossom is{LF}really loved. I wonder who'd carry me if I fell... Erm... ...I suppose... Oh @フォルテ@! You'd carry me?! I'd do the same if you fell, Bado! @キール@... Oh, man...I'm actually really happy now. I had no idea! Isn't that nice, @バド@? Judging from reactions to my daily behavior, I was totally not{LF}expecting that. Don't sound so proud about that part! It seems like there's an event to jump off the airship... Are you participating? I smell money. I might actually consider it. Hmm... Money-making schemes are worth it if they're fun even when{LF}they fail... ...but I'm not quite sure about this one. I might have to pass. What should I offer Lady Ventuswill...? It's hard to come up with something worthy of a god... I might use this as an offering for Lady Ventuswill. Ta-dah! A stupid item I found the other day. Ugh... Are you heading to the forest? You should stop by my +smithy+ located on the +west side+{LF}sometime. It's open...whenever I feel like it, pretty much. Eh-hem. Your store should always be open, whether or not{LF}you're in the mood to run it. Hahaha... Oh, feel free to shop around, even when I'm not there. Wha...? Amber... She looks as gullible as Kiel. Don't get me wrong, I'm only saying that because I'm worried{LF}about them both! A +haunting voice+ coming from the ruins... With this +holy earplug+, you can block it out without any{LF}trouble! That's a regular earplug. What's so holy about it? And it sells for the exact same price as a regular earplug! Then how ISN'T it a regular earplug?! I lined it with +silver+, you see! ...Which makes the lining more expensive than the earplug. Aren't you losing money, then?! It seems like someone was taken to the clinic. If they need more help, I'd be happy to close up my store{LF}and go lend a hand. I'm always ready to close my store at a moment's notice! BADO? Hahaha... ... Looks like we have another new member in our community. If only these newbies would bring some money-making ideas{LF}with them... This @アイテム9@ may look like an ordinary{LF}sword... ...but it moves toward the enemy on its own. ...When it feels like it, anyway. Sounds...legit. An ordinary day isn't necessarily a day where nothing of note{LF}happens... ...but more just a calm, problem-free sort of day. So now that Lady Ventuswill has fallen... ...all we can do is face that situation and try to move{LF}forward. Let's just do our best...y'know? +Rune Sphere+? A faintly shining blue gem, you say? Don't think I've seen one. If you're talking about rumors, though, you should go see{LF}Kiel. +Rune Sphere+? A faintly shining blue gem, you say? Sounds like it'd fetch a high price. But it's something{LF}important to you, right? Understood. I'll let you know if I find it. The +Forest of Beginnings+... I'll try asking some old friends. Sorry I can't help you right now. Stay safe, all right? I'm glad that Lady Ventuswill's getting better. It's such a relief, I just want to relax and call out from work{LF}for a while! Bado... Hahaha... I had no idea how fun Lady Ventuswill really was. But... What is it? No. Whatever it is...no. I'm wondering if it's okay to do business with Lady{LF}Ventuswill. I probably shouldn't, right? ...I haven't said anything! We've gotta do something. I'm not sure what's going on, or what the right thing to do{LF}might be...but we have to act. We'll be protecting the town. Let me know if you need any help. I'm worried about Lady Ventuswill. I hope she's all right... Well, we've each gotta play our parts and do what we can. Looks like the Sechs are up to something. And Lady Ventuswill's not doing so hot... But when I look at you, I know there's nothing to worry{LF}about. Tell me if you need me. I'd be willing to lend a hand...most of{LF}the time. I heard about a floating island, but I don't know anything{LF}else about it. A tourist spot, maybe? For future reference, I might go check it out. Though I'd have{LF}to leave the store... Bado. Have you heard the phrase, ''Putting the cart before{LF}the horse''? I would assume you have. Hahaha... I know you're strong enough to win against the Sechs. No doubt about it. I'm as sure of that as I am that I'll always be a slacker! We just gotta do what we can for the moment. I mean, giving it our all is pretty much all we can give it! I'm pretty sure one of the top tasks we've got, too, is just...to{LF}believe. It's been a while since Lady Ventuswill went away. Sometimes I feel like... ...she's still at the castle. ...Maybe she'll come back one morning, like nothing ever{LF}happened, y'know? Oh, yeah... Why don't you take this, @しゅじんこうくん@. You're about to go save Lady Ventuswill, right? I'm sure this'll be somewhat useful for you. Selphia just wasn't the same without Lady Ventuswill. Is it ready? Yeah. Be careful, though. It's really sharp. Don't worry, I'm used to it! I can't even count how often I've cut my fingers while{LF}cooking. All right. But I'm talking REALLY sharp, though, so just...be{LF}extra careful, okay? ...Hey, I've got something kinda handy for you. You{LF}interested? What is it? It's a magical cloth that makes anything shiny. Wow! It actually costs 5000 Gold... But I'll give you a special discounted rate of 600 Gold! Whaaat?! Mm, I'm just...not sure... ...You need to learn to question things when they sound too{LF}good to be true, Vishnal. Huh? It's time to close the store. N-no! Wait! Let's persevere just a bit longer yet! What a strange conversation... Hey, Vishnal? Will you watch my store for a bit? You shouldn't ditch work, Bado. No, hear me out. I'm asking this only because I see a certain...talent in you. Y-you do...? Yeah, absolutely. You seem like you'd be a natural! Th-then how can I say no? By the way, Vishnal? Yes? You really, really need to start questioning other people.{LF}Naivete isn't a good trait for a butler! ...Huh? Looks like you've got a nice table right there. Maybe I'll use one too, as a dining table. That's a nice, firm-looking chair. Hmm...I might consider getting one as a new resting chair. Let me see that fine barrel you've got. Is it filled with liqueur? Oho, is that a brazier? Why did you buy that? Were you tricked or something? *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit You seem like someone who'll make some pretty sounds,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? Sounds? (Whaaat is she implying here?) GYEH?! ...Yep, I was right! You definitely have a nice yelp. I can tell that you're a nice{LF}person, @しゅじんこうくん@. F-from just that?! Don't underestimate my senses as an artist! We know a{LF}pleasant sound when we hear one. I'm not sure if being an artist has anything to do with that. What else can you tell by hearing different sounds,{LF}@マーガレット@? Let's see. For example... *KACLUNKLE* Aha! What was that? It was 15 meters away... ...and 2 meters off the ground... Someone must've tossed an empty +can+ on the ground. What? You can seriously tell all that from just that little{LF}noise? There's no way-- It was over that way! Whoever you are, STOP LITTERING IN{LF}MY TOWN!! Wh-whoa! She's serious... My schedule today includes playing tour guide for an out-of-{LF}towner... ...picking up some garbage... ...and writing a new song to play at the restaurant! All in all... ...not bad. Seems like an easy day. What?! I want to play music that'll make everyone happy. That sounds good to me! What kind of music do you think I should play? Something joyful. Something mellow. Something explodey. Perfect! I'll write a joyful song, then. Mellow music... Yeah, keep the mood soft and easy. I like it! I don't know about that one... Hey, you've got a bed hair thing going on. Huh? Don't move. ...There. All better! Th-thanks. I'm really bad at fishing. Are you? I don't know why. It just never goes well for me. When I feel a ''shunk,'' I try to ''swish'' and ''ungh''... ...but it always ends up ''kersplashing'' away... ???? Have you gotten used to this town yet? Do you still get lost? Don't walk around late at night, okay? I-I'm fine, don't worry... Come see me if you have any concerns at all, you got it? ♪ Th-thanks. I will. I really hate +squids+... Why? Because...they're just gross. Like...they're so slimy! Ngh...I don't even want to think about them... My birthday is day @0@ of @キャラ0@. Good to know. I'm expecting fresh fruit as a birthday present, you got that?{LF}♪ I love watching the seasons change. Yeah, me too. And seasonal +fruits+ are delicious! You seem to really like fruit. You bet. I can't get enough! Personally, I love @しゅじんこうくん@ more than fruit! ... It must take a lot of effort to keep the castle clean. I should{LF}help out sometime. That's nice of you. Can you clean my room too? Not really. We all help each other out in this town. I've received my fair share of help from others, so it's the{LF}least I can do. Hey! That's your job, buddy! Do you know what ''elves'' are? Hmm? Take a look at my ears. They're uniquely shaped, right? It's the telltale sign that{LF}you're dealing with an elf! U-um... ...Does it scare you? That...I'm an elf...? Not at all. @ヴォルカノン@ does, not you. Really? Phew, that's a relief. Haha, seriously? You're scared of Volkanon?! Yes, very much. Compared to him, elves might as well be puppies! Phew...I'm glad to hear that... I think... Ugh... I can't do this! Wh-what's wrong? ...I'm stuck. Writer's block. Writer's block? In your music, you mean? ...Yeah. The harder I try, the worse it gets. *SIGH*... What kind of music should I make...? Rhythmic pop songs. Sweet love songs. Explodey songs. Rhythmic... Yep. Write a happy song, and you'll feel better! You're right... Thanks, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good luck! A love song, huh? That seems...kind of embarrassing. Do you really think I can do it? @マーガレット@, I know you can. Okay...I'll try. What does that even mean? Why did I bother asking you?! S-sorry. ...Well, it might be a good idea after all, honestly. I'll give it a{LF}shot. Huh? Thanks for the other day. Hmm? I asked for advice about music, remember? And you totally{LF}helped me get over my writer's block. Really? That's great! So what kind of song did you end up writing? Uh... I-it's a secret... O-oh... Forte's a little too formal... But I love how she's always so honest. She's so cool and collected... ...I actually find her really attractive...I mean, in general, of{LF}course! I can hear you, Meg... That's why I'm saying it! ♪ You're taller than me, aren't you? Huh? A-am I...? *STARE*... Err, you're so...close. Hmm. *STARE*... (I'm jealous...) She's not listening... People tend to think Porco's kind of weird, but he's actually a{LF}pretty dependable guy. Oh yeah? In the future, I want to marry someone like Porco. Does that mean... You love @ポコリーヌ@? You like fat guys? Ahaha, I do love him... ...but not quite in that way. Hey...don't make fun of him! I-I didn't mean to... Lumie's always so reckless. When I see someone like that, I can't help but meddle! Even though she's older than me, I almost feel like she's my{LF}younger sister... Maybe I'll write a song about you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Who? Me?! Yep. Then...can I hear it when you're done? Absolutely not. I changed my mind. No song! WHA?! Hey, there's something stuck in your hair. Huh? ...Hmm? You've...grown taller. U-um...@マーガレット@? Ahh! Oh, s-sorry, was that too close? Haha...haha... That's okay. Did you...get it? Huh? Uh...I think so. Good. Thank you. ...You're welcome... (Whew, that was awkward...) For some reason... My rhythm is affected whenever I'm with you. Hmm? How so? @しゅじんこうくん@. Be quiet for a moment.{LF}I want...to listen. H-huh?! *KATHUMP* *KATHUMP* *KATHUMP* Oh, I guess it was you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm not sure I understand...but is everything okay now? Yes. (*KATHUMP* *KATHUMP*){LF}Huh? (*KATHUMP*){LF}...I know. (*KATHUMP* *KATHUMP*){LF}This feeling... (*KATHUMP* *KATHUMP* *KATHUMP*){LF}It must be... Friendship! You've been acting really strange, @マーガレット@. *SIGH*... What's the matter? The other day, I was feeling a bit sluggish... ...and I fell down while I was carrying a drink. So you dropped it? Yeah. Right on my head. I took a bath right afterward... ...But I'd gotten it ALL OVER ME. Like, EVERYWHERE. So I'm{LF}afraid I might've missed some. Do I smell? You're fine. A little bit... You actually smell better. Phew! Thank goodness. Time for another bath, then! Wh-wh-what?! You're a really strong and independent person, you know{LF}that? A-am I? I was born in an artistic family... ...where everyone says and does whatever they want. That's probably why I felt like I needed to be strong. I see... To tell you the truth...I want to lean on you even more. ...Or not! Hee hee... I just wanted to try out that corny line{LF}and see how it sounded! Do you sing, @マーガレット@? Oh, I love singing. But I don't sing as much as I used to, now that I write music. I used to always sing in front of my sister. Do you ever miss home? Hmm...not really. I have Porco, and lots of other friends here. Including you, of course. So I've actually never felt lonely. That's good to hear. I've heard of a town that's protected by a large tree... ...blooming with beautiful flowers. I'd love to go see it one day. What kind of music have you been writing? A serenade... What IS a serenade, exactly? E...err... Oh! Look behind you! It's a Wooly doing a leekspin! Huh!? Where?? ... What are you doing? Oh, I was just reading a letter from my sister. She taught me a spell to ''cheer on the one you love''... But it might not work, the way it is now. I know...how about I modify it? So, I've learned a new magic! Next time we go on a journey{LF}together, I'll show it to you! Where do you wanna go today, @しゅじんこうくん@? You're a very active person. Ahaha...I just can't stay still. ... ...I'd get too nervous. @しゅじんこうくん@...do you want to hold hands? H-huh?! Here. ...! ... ... ...Did that hurt? Not at all. OWWWWWW. Then let's stay this way for a while... Oh no! ...I'm so sorry. It's dangerous to go outside the town with all these{LF}monsters. We should be extra careful. I'll protect you. Will you protect me? ...! ...Sometimes you're too smooth... It's not fair... ...Doesn't the guy usually protect the girl? (Not that I'm{LF}saying no...) Time flies when I'm with you. I wish it could last forever... Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? When did you start...erm... ...loving me? Since the day we met. Gradually over time. One day, all of a sudden. I don't remember. R-really?! Th-the day we met...? That seems so cliched and...{LF}embarrassing... I see. So you found good qualities in me and kind of...latched onto{LF}them, huh? Really? Wh-when could that have been...? Hmmmm... Awwww... Because I've always loved you. ...WH-WH-WHAAAT...?! Bedhead GET! What? Get it together, man... You're my boyfriend, you know! O-okay. There we go. All better. Have a nice day, now, okay? Ah...! What is it? @マーガレット@, you've got an acute case of bedhead. And I{LF}do mean ''a cute''! WHA?! Hold still. O-okay...{LF}(*KATHUMP* *KATHUMP*...) There we go. It's fixed now. Th-thank you... I have this feeling... Hmm? ...that if I wrote a song right now, it would be amazing. Why's that, exactly? Well...I've found something that's really important to me... @しゅじんこうくん@...um... What is it? Do you love me? I do. ... ...! I didn't think you'd say it so unflinchingly like that...it's not{LF}fair! ...? I hate you @しゅじんこうくん@... J-just kidding, @マーガレット@. @マーガレット@. Hmm? Do you love me? Here's a squid. WHA?! You asked me the same question the other day. Whether I love you or not. It's not fair that you're the only one who gets to ask. I don't love you... What?! ...I ADORE you. Bye now! AHHHHHHHHH!! Wh-what were you thinking?! Don't ever do that to me{LF}again! ... Is something wrong? Um, no. I was just thinking about the future. Oh? What kind of future? Well...with you...erm... I-it's nothing! ...? I remember Nancy telling me... ...that it's important to say ''I love you'' out loud... ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? What's up? Um...well... ? I...I... I...l-l-love...singing! ...Huh? What IS music, really? Huh? Why do you ask? S-sorry. I was just wondering... ...about the power of music. For example, can music save the world? Or hurt someone? Hrm... Depends on the listener. No, it can't. Huh? It could do anything, depending on the person listening to it. Though a good composer can impart meaning into a song, to{LF}be subtly delivered to every listener. So you're the one who'd be choosing your own direction,{LF}@マーガレット@. ...It's up to me, then...? Maybe you're right. Thank you. I think you may have given me just the inspiration{LF}I need. I think that's the wrong way to look at things. Huh? It's not the music that has power, but the people who create{LF}it. So it's all up to you, @マーガレット@, to create music that{LF}really touches its listeners. ...It's up to me...? Maybe you're right. Thank you. I think you may have given me just the inspiration{LF}I need. It's nice how you're always thinking about others. Th-th-that's not true! ...I'm actually always scared. Huh? Scared that I'll be rejected...or worse. That's why I hesitate reaching out to others. Then...why do you still reach out? I don't know...maybe I'm just being a hypocrite. That's not true! Well...maybe you are... @しゅじんこうくん@... It's because you're so kind. I believe you in you, @マーガレット@. ...Thank you. I'm sorry, I can't seem to stop crying... ... ...but what's wrong with that? Huh? Because you reach out, you touch a lot of souls, and many{LF}are saved by that touch. So I believe in your actions, @マーガレット@. ...Or rather, I believe in YOU. ...@しゅじんこうくん@... Thank you...I believe in you, too... YES! What a perfect day! Good news? Well, ever since I've been dating you, I've been writing{LF}wonderful music. So let's keep our relationship and my inspiration burning{LF}strong again today. Because I love you, @しゅじんこうくん@! HUH?! Hee hee, I caught you off guard, didn't I? @字@ *PANT* *PANT*... Yes! I did it! Porco's got a lot of things hidden away in the restaurant... Like what? Food, so he can sneak bites here and there when no one's{LF}looking! It's ridiculously obvious. So if you find anything, feel free to take it! O-okay... Hee hee, yes! ♪ You look happy today. I bought a foreign music score through Arthur. I've wanted it for so long, and am really happy it's finally in{LF}my hands! That sounds really cool! Congrats on finally getting your{LF}hands on it, @マーガレット@! Thanks! Hard to believe I'm a married woman. Words can't even{LF}begin to describe how happy I am... Can't be as happy as I am! Congratulations! Eheh... Tee hee hee... Thank you! Although...you're the one I married, so is that really an{LF}appropriate sentiment? Just looking at your face makes me so immeasurably happy.{LF}♪ No, no...I need to keep myself together! Ahh, but I can't stop smiling... I'm worried about the restaurant... You mean @ポコリーヌ@? I guess the only thing to do in this situation is play a lot of{LF}good music! And I'll bring in so many customers, he'll be too busy to eat! Hey, that might actually work! But...I'm not sure if I can really do it... Believe in yourself! It might be hard. @しゅじんこうくん@... All right, I'll try my best. Will you help me, though, @しゅじんこうくん@? Huh? How? ...You can dance by my side. Err... We should go out on a date next time it's sunny. Sure! I'd rather relax at home. Even if there's a typhoon! Ask me anytime, okay? ♪ ... ...You don't like the sound of that? Do you mean...together? Yes. ...Then that might be fun. That's the spirit! Who cares about some dumb little typhoon{LF}anyway?! ... You're serious, huh? You know... ...I want to be with you forever. Of course. That's... We'll always be together. Hee hee... Man... Ever since I married you, I can't stop smiling... ...That's what? Don't you dare say it's impossible! That's...for sure. I promise that I'll always be with you. @しゅじんこうくん@... Don't scare me like that! I haven't had trouble writing music these days at all. You haven't? Nope. It's probably because... ...I've got you by my side. Only probably? Hee hee! No worries! ♪ Try not to stay up so late, @しゅじんこうくん@. You might get sick. All right. Oh, and don't eat too much, either. Okay? And...and... @マーガレット@... Oops, I'm sorry. I just...you know... There's something in your hair. Huh? ...There. I got it. Have a great day, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks. You too. You know...since I'd been living by myself... ...it's struck me just how nice it is to see you when I'm home. I can hear some good music coming from your soul,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? From me? I don't hear anything... You just have to listen closely! I can hear it perfectly from here. It's a wonderful melody. @マーガレット@...I can't move... @しゅじんこうくん@... Wanna hold hands? S-sure. Hyaa! ...! ... ... ...It doesn't hurt this time, does it? Nope. THEPAINMAKEITSTOPHOLYCRAP I've...evolved. Evolved...? Whaaat?! Hand strength is such a hard thing to judge, I suppose... Don't you ever get lonely at night? Not really. I know what you mean. Maybe it's just me... But I don't have to feel lonely... ...because you're with me, @マーガレット@. ...Thanks. I feel the same about you. You're the cure for the{LF}lonely night. Hee hee... So...please stay with me...okay? I wonder how everybody's doing back at the restaurant. They can't keep their rooms clean, you know. We should travel together. Have you heard of a town called Sharance? I really want to{LF}go there. ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@! I...erm... ...Yes? I...l-l-love... ...? ...To be continued... What the...? Today's the day! For what? I...I... ...? I..love you. Ditto. Really? No...you have to say the words. I love you too. Urk... ...What's wrong? I'm sooo happy... I really am! But...no matter how often I say it...it's still embarrassing... @子供ちゃん@'s much bigger now, @しゅじんこうくん@. What a miracle. I'm actually crying! @子供ちゃん@ was saying... ...''I love Daddy.'' Porco seems to really love @子供ちゃん@. He's almost like a real grandpa. @子供ちゃん@ will grow up to be a musician, don't you{LF}think? I think so. What about farming? Yeah, I knew you'd seen it my way! I'm going to try hard to{LF}mentor the little maestro! Farming, huh...? Growing up seeing how hard Daddy works, it's certainly{LF}possible. @子供ちゃん@ has grown so much. We should eat together at the restaurant every now and{LF}again. It's always there for us, y'know! Have you been making friends with the monsters? They might befriend you if you give them food. As long as there's space in the Monster Barns, anyway! When you'd like to move a monster from one barn to{LF}another... ...just bring the monster over to the destination barn and tell{LF}it to go home. *SNEAK*... Gyaaaagh...! I-it's way too high...! D-don't let go, please...! Good morning. How are you? Good morning! I'm doing quite well, thanks for asking! Let's start the day with a greeting! Good morning! Good morning. Are you awake? Good morning! Yeah, good morning. Oh! Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@! Morning, @マーガレット@. Hello. Hi! Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hi, @マーガレット@. Good evening. Evening. This town may be peaceful, but be careful if you go out at{LF}night. Okay, I will. Another day coming to an end... Yeah. What a great morning! It sure is. I...I can hear the thunder...and it's close! Morning. I hate rainy days, don't you? Come on, it's not that bad! Good morning. The snow's really beautiful, isn't it? It really is. Morning. Typhoon time! Will you be okay? Don't worry. I'll be extra careful! Good morning. The snowstorm's here! Will you be okay? Don't worry. I'll be super careful! Good morning. Pretty dark sky out there, huh? Yeah. I guess we might be getting some rain... Runeys are so cute...oh, sorry! Good morning! Good morning. And don't worry! I completely agree. They're{LF}adorable! It looks like there's a typhoon coming. Hello. The weather's really nice today, isn't it? Yeah, it really is. I...I can hear the thunder...and it's close! Morning. I hate rainy days, don't you? Awww, cheer up! Hello! The snow's really beautiful, isn't it? It really is. Typhoon time! Will you be okay? Don't worry. I'll be extra careful! The snowstorm's here! Will you be okay? Don't worry. I'll be super careful! Hello. Pretty dark sky out there, huh? Yeah. I guess we might be getting some rain... Runeys are so cute...oh, sorry! Hello to you! Hello. And don't worry! I completely agree. They're adorable! Good morning. It's pretty warm today, huh? Morning. It sure is! The sun's so bright in the summertime. You should be careful, though. Don't want to get heatstroke! Good morning. The autumn leaves are sure beautiful, aren't{LF}they? Yeah, they really are. Wow, it's really freezing out there! Good morning. Good morning. Don't catch a cold! Hello. Lovely spring day, no? Hi. It is, isn't it? Hello. The sun's so bright in the summertime, don't you{LF}think? Hello yourself! It is, but be careful you don't get heatstroke. Hi there! The autumn leaves sure are beautiful, huh? Yeah, they really are. Wow, it's really freezing today! Be careful you don't catch a cold. Hello. Be careful not to catch a cold at night, you hear? Don't worry, I'll be careful! It's probably too hot to sleep tonight. Yeah, I'm not looking forward to trying. Hello. Beautiful night, huh? The autumn leaves look amazing{LF}even now. Yeah, they really do! Good evening. Another cold night, huh? Evening. Yeah, it's freezing! Pretty soon, you'll be Papa @しゅじんこうくん@! And I'm about to become a mother. Or, wait...technically, am{LF}I already one? How are you holding up? Good. As healthy as ever, in fact! ♪ How are you holding up? Just fine! Absolutely nothing to worry about. ♪ How are you holding up? Don't worry so much! I'm going to be a mother, you know. So{LF}I'm strong as an ox right now! ♪ I can't wait to see our baby. Same here. Oh! The baby just kicked! Really?! Yep. Seems to be full of energy! Please don't get hurt. Our baby would be very sad! Okay, I'll be careful. This is your daddy! Haha...you're making me blush... You're about to have a baby, right? Good luck! It's amazing that a new life's about to be born. You're a new parent, you know! So good luck to you. You're{LF}gonna need it! Hee hee! Are you going to the forest? Do you have enough medicinal{LF}herbs? How about antidotes? Be sure to come back before it's dark, okay? Amber's so cute. ♪ I wonder if she's into fashion... Ngh...I hope the voice from the ruins is not a ghost. Because if it is, Forte won't be able to fight it either...*SIGH*. Does that person you found have a place to go? I think Porco's got an extra room at the restaurant... After discussing the matter with Porco, we decided to have{LF}Dylas stay at the restaurant. Maybe he can stop Porco from eating everything the moment{LF}he makes it! *TREMBLE* *TREMBLE*...{LF}There are...no ghosts... Are you okay? AHHH! GHOST!!! F-FORTEEE!!! HEEELP!!! W-wait! It's me!! If Pico turns out to be the ghost, then that's not scary at all... But I'm still scared for Lady Ventuswill. Have you ever heard of a blue, gem-like stone called a +Rune{LF}Sphere+? A blue, gem-like stone? Hmm, I don't think so. I'm sorry... Oh, but I might've heard Dylas talk about something like{LF}that! I didn't know that there was more than one Rune Sphere. So I really have no idea where the others might be... ...I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I'll try asking the tourists, I{LF}guess... I'm sorry...I haven't heard back from my family yet. *SIGH*...why does it always feel like it takes forever? Don't try to carry the burden all alone, @しゅじんこうくん@. Leon...a new member of our community. Thank you for saving Lady Ventuswill, @しゅじんこうくん@! Hey, did you know? Apparently, Lady Ventuswill loves pancakes! ♪ Isn't she so cute?! ♪ Is everyone all right?! Is everyone all right?! Just tell me if there are children or elderly people who need{LF}help. I can carry them! The Sechs Empire... Will Lady Ventuswill be okay? Is there anything...I can do? I can tell that Lady Ventuswill's suffering... I wish music could save people's lives, because then I'd{LF}actually be useful... No, I should be more positive. I'll try to see what I can do. A floating island... That's WAY TOO HIGH for me! Just the thought of it makes{LF}me tremble...! You're about to fight the Sechs, right? Don't push yourself too hard, okay? Please stay safe. Make sure to come back before it gets dark. And...and... Try not to make us too worried. Because we all love you,{LF}you know! Lady Ventuswill... No, I shouldn't be sad. I should keep smiling...right? Lady Ventuswill... I'm sorry. I know that I'm supposed to keep smiling. But...it's just so hard... ...Heehee, sorry... @しゅじんこうくん@! Take this with you! Let me know if there's anything I can do for you! I'd be more than happy to help. Just anything, really! YES! Lady Ventuswill's back! Time to celebrate! @しゅじんこうくん@, have you heard? About what? Porco's dishes have gained recognition by a famous gourmet! That's fantastic! Right? Isn't it great?! Hee hee! You almost seem happier than Porcoline himself. Lumie solved a case...?! Who in the world is spreading such a lie?! Um, isn't that a little harsh, @マーガレット@? Oh, Forte... She's just so hopeless when it comes to{LF}cooking... The other day she tried to make a +sandwich+ and wound up{LF}with +vegetable juice+... What the...? WAAAAAAAAH?! Why is that song...?! What's going on?! Is something wrong? M...my...old song...is somehow circulating through the town!! It's so embarrassing...I thought I'd locked it away in a very{LF}secure place! How'd it get out?! WHY?! HOW?! WHEN?! WHAT DO I DO?! C-calm down... If it's popular, it means that everyone likes it. Isn't that a good thing? M...maybe... But...it's still embarrassing... Huh? I feel like Clorica's been awake for the whole day. Wh-what's going on? And what's going to happen next?!{LF}This is unprecedented! You're being really harsh again, @マーガレット@... Yesterday's bath was so relaxing. It warmed me all the way to the bone! I wonder what was in it... I heard Volkanon won the butler competition. ...What kind of competition was it, anyway? Doug's such a sweet man. He carried Blossom to the clinic all by himself. ...If... ...if something were to happen to Porcoline, I don't think I'd{LF}be able to carry him, honestly... I'd help you. You could just drag him. Let me know whenever you need help, okay? I'm always{LF}here for you. Really? Thank you! ♪ That might be the only choice... Uhh...I was joking. I think it would be a lot better to ask for{LF}help! I hereby state my opposition to the jumping event! NO JUMPING! NO JUMPING! Wh-why are you so against it? ... ...It's too high. ... Hmm...what should I give Lady Ventuswill as an offering? Would fruit work...? She seems to have a sweet tooth, right? Maybe a +cake+? Or some +cookies+? Let's tell scary stories! Wh-what?! Why now, all of a sudden?! I just heard one from Volkanon. And it's a good one! I really{LF}want to share it with you. Th-that's okay! You're welcome to keep it to yourself! Y-yeah, I don't want to hear something that might freak me{LF}out! And besides, Amber's right here, remember? Actually, I'd like to hear it. ... ''Is it about ghosts?'' If they're anything like you, it won't be much of a story. It was a dark and stormy night... Eeeek! M-Meg! A boy who'd lost his memory came to the village. He was disheveled, and hadn't eaten anything for days. ''I need water,'' he uttered meekly. And as if in response, a woman with a watering can{LF}suddenly appeared before him. Then... ... Then what?! ...I don't remember. Argh... I didn't want to hear it, but now that I've heard PART{LF}of it, I want to know the rest! Yeah, I think I'd have been better off without having heard{LF}any of that... Hey, Meg, what's your homeland like? My homeland? I haven't heard of it either, no. Yeah, I'd love to know more about it! Erm, well...the elven lands are located due north from here. They're surrounded by lush forests. It really is a beautiful{LF}country. A beautiful country, huh...? ''I'd love to visit there at least once, milady. Wouldn't you?'' Yeah, I think I would. It's a lot like this. I'd love to invite you all for a visit{LF}sometime. Wow, that would be great! Do you have some medicine for carelessness? No, we don't. ''How about smacking you upside the head at a forty-five{LF}degree angle?'' I've never heard of such treatment before.{LF}It is...effective? Dare I ask what you did this time? Did you put sweet powder in the bath instead of bath salts? Honey would be better. That could be a real sensation! No, I'll bet it was something way more ridiculous...like squid! Eww, no way! H-How did you know? Wait, seriously? How does that even happen?! I brought squid into the bath by mistake. I realized it is{LF}wrong, but then...I trip. And splash. How dreadfully careless! No, no! Clorica is the only one I will not let say such things{LF}to me! No, no, no! It's okay, Xiao Pai. I like you just the way you are! Hmm? Yeah. Don't sweat it. You look very natural and charming{LF}when you work. Oh? I agree. You're great just as you are. Flowers must be left to bloom on their own, after all. ...Shut it, Pico. ''What? I didn't say anything!'' If you all say so, I will stay this way for a while... Hrng...hrrrng... What are you doing, Forte? Oh, erm...just indulging in some cool-down. Cool-what? Is that some sort of chilled dessert? Umm...even though I'm not entirely sure what it is, I'm still{LF}going to say ''no'' to that. Cool-down exercises. Like warm-ups, but they're done after{LF}working out instead of before. It's important to stretch your muscles after engaging in any{LF}sort of strenuous activity. Ah, I see! You have a really flexible body, Forte. Huh? You think so? ''D-Dolly, milady! Look at me! I can bend my body to the{LF}ground!'' That's less impressive when you don't even have a physical{LF}body anymore. ''What does that have to do with anything?! It's still hard to{LF}do!'' Yeah, Forte, you look so smooth and soft... *STARE* S-stop staring at me! I'm losing focus! You are so adorable, Amber! Ha ha ha! Stop it! That tickles! It seems Meg is into Amber, yes? I feel like I got a real sister! And she's sooooo cute! They really do look like sisters. ''Just like Dolly and me...'' Cold and lifeless, you mean? Just be careful you don't spoil her too much, Meg. Oh yes, I picked a flower today, and brought it with me. Look! Isn't it beautiful? Ugh... Y-Yeah...cute... Are you okay, Forte? Ha ha. Forte is the one who needs to be careful not to spoil{LF}people. Specifically, Kiel! ... Dolce looks so...focused. What are you doing? Making clothes for Pico. Wow, I wish I could make them so nice! ''Oh? You want a dress too?'' No, no, it is Dolce's fingers I crave. I feel similarly, but what a strange way to say you envy{LF}someone's dexterity. ''So you guys are hopeless when it comes to sewing and{LF}knitting, huh?'' Ah...! I can't really deny that. Pico! You shouldn't be saying things like that to people.{LF}You're no better at it! She's not? ''Well...I don't know, really...'' Aha...ha ha... Okay, it's time to close the restaurant! Let's start cleaning up! Yes, Meg! Man, I hate this part... DYLAS? No ditching, okay? Urk...I know! We're always in the red...'cause you won't stop eating,{LF}Porco! Na ha ha ha! It's not funny! Has it always been like this? ...Yeah, pretty much. It's a miracle the place hasn't closed down already. That's certainly true! Whoa, hold up! This can't be right, can it? We actually made{LF}some profit today! Really?! Meg, are you sure you didn't miscalculate? I'm positive! See for yourself! Wow...it's a miracle! I guess miracles do happen... YEEEEEAAAAHH!! We did it, Meg! Om nom nom... DON'T YOU DARE...!!! This would be a regular occurrence if Porco would just stop{LF}picking at all the food... ... Why is he so quiet? Uhh, Porco? Hello? ...Huh? Oh, I was just thinking about the past... I don't think I've heard all that much about your past. What{LF}was it like? I'm sure I have a portrait around here somewhere... Ooh! Can I see? I'd like to see it too. Here we have it! All right! Let's check it out. HOLY...! Is...is this you, Porco?! It looks like a total stranger! It can't be! Who is this?! Hahahaha! W-wait...who's that beautiful woman next to you!? She looks like an elf. Was she your girlfriend!? HAHAHAHA! *STARE*... Um, why are you staring at me, Porco? There's nothing fun about watching Margaret, believe me.{LF}I've tried it. Shut your mouth, Dylas! You sure have grown into a beautiful woman, Margaret. Huh?! Pfft! H...hey, Porco! Cut it out! You're making me blush! Are you all right, Porcoline? You must be exhausted... ...Thanks a lot, Dylas. Don't you agree with me, @しゅじんこうくん@? Of course! What? WHOA! Even you?! AHH!! My face is burning!! ...S-see? It's just you, Porco. You know, come to think of it, I saw this odd couple hanging{LF}out by the restaurant the other day. Really...? Strange how, exactly? Well, I overheard them talking... Man: ''Why don't we eat here?''{LF}Woman: ''It looks expensive...''{LF}Man: ''It'll be fine! My treat.'' Woman: ''But...I'd feel bad.''{LF}Man: ''Really, it's my pleasure.''{LF}Woman: ''Can we split the bill?'' Man: ''I can't let you do that.''{LF}Woman: ''And I can't let you pay!''{LF}Man: ''But I was the one who...'' They just kept going on and on like that. Back and forth,{LF}never reaching any conclusion. Is that... I thought, enough is enough... ...so I yelled at them to get the hell inside if they're eating. And then they just ran off. What is WRONG with you?! That's not how you treat customers! OUCH! Nice kick, Meg! [Received @アイテム0@.] The restaurant was pretty busy today. Yeah...I'm beat. You gave it your all today, Dylas. Hmm...? Yeah, you're a great waiter. Don't you think so too, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hey, don't ask around! Why not? I think he is. Not really. Wha? What are you saying?! Awww, don't be shy! Admit it, hearing @しゅじんこうくん@ compliment you made you{LF}happy! Dammit, let me clean and close the store already! Looks like there's a long way to go until you can impress{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. ...Pfft. Who cares, anyway? @しゅじんこうくん@'s not the boss of{LF}me... Wow, it's so good! ♪ This tastes amazing. It's delicious! I'm always impressed whenever I eat any of Porcoline's{LF}dishes. Porco is the best cook ever, you know? This is very good. It's a meal fit for a thing! I think you mean ''king.'' It seems we have a lot of fish today. We got fresh fish today! Better watch out. Kiel might scream if he sees them. Wow. He dislikes fish that much? Well, he'll eat it if it's broiled, but he has a strong dislike of{LF}the way raw fish looks. He shouldn't be so picky. But you have your own preferences too, Clorica, don't you? Yes, I suppose I do. Everybody has things they don't like. It's just...part of life. Eeeek! What's wrong, Amber?! Fish... Oh, I remember now that Amber is...not so good with the{LF}fish. Bon appetit! What did you order, Forte? I ordered @アイテム0@. Sounds good. Would you like to try some? Oh, may I? Thank you, Forte. Mmmm... What?! It's just the two of you? That's no fair! Clorica, say ahhh. Oh, Xiao Pai! Sure. Ahhh... ♪ Dolly, Dolly! Your turn! Say ahhhh! ♪ I, uh... I'm good, thanks! Ahhh... ♪ A-Ahh... Is it good? ...Mm. It is. ''Rrrrrgggg...'' ''I've never done that whole open-up-and-say-ahh thing{LF}before!'' ''And I waaaaaaannaaaaaa!!'' It's your turn, Forte! Ah... Ah...ahhh...ah...ahh. Ah, aaahhh... C'mon, Forte. Ahhh! ♪ Absolutely delicious, don't you think, Forte? This is so humiliating... You never cease to amaze me, Clorica. Huh? Why? You can eat even while you're sleeping! There's no way-- I've seen it. I once saw Clorica chewing like mad, but she{LF}was fast asleep the whole time. Huh...? You sometimes have multiple plates, and you handle them so{LF}perfectly! What...? I'll often ask you questions, too...and you actually answer! ♪ There's... There's no way... You've even gone back for seconds. ... How embarrassing... ... ... ... ... ... ... Are you guys sure about this? *GULP* Okay... Porco! I think I'm ready for...the @アイテム0@!! *STARE*... Wh-what is it, Meg? So pretty... WHA?! Wh-what are you saying?! I-I...erm...don't really know about those things... Your sword and armor's always super shiny. ...Come again? I can tell that you're taking really good care of them. ... Huh? Why are you all red? ...Eh-hem. It's nothing. Um, is that a new sword? Yes, it is. I just bought it at Bado's. Wow, that's cool! What's it called? I named it Ziggy Zagger. Huh? I said, Ziggy Zagger. ... Why don't you wear cute clothes, Forte? I must always be ready to protect the town. I can't afford to{LF}let my wardrobe impede me. I think you'd look great in dresses and skirts! But it'll lower my defensive skill... It could raise your attack skill, though! R-really? Sure! Don't you think so, @しゅじんこうくん@? Absolutely. I'm not sure. See, @しゅじんこうくん@ thinks so too! Hmm... Still... Come on! I'm sure you could knock guys out in no time flat. If it's that powerful... Hey, Forte! ♪ You should wear this ribbon! Th-that couldn't possibly look good on me! Then... @しゅじんこうくん@! Hold her down! *Hold her* No way, no how. Ack!! @しゅじんこうくん@?! Hee hee hee... Just give it up! AHH!! AAAHHHH!! You're no fun... Phew...thank goodness... You know... Hmm? I sometimes wish I could be cute and...girly like you, Meg. WHAT?! Wh-what are you talking about?! I'm not cute! And most guys prefer cool cats like you, anyway. That can't be true... Well, let's ask @しゅじんこうくん@! Which of us is more your type, @しゅじんこうくん@? Someone like @フォルテ@. Someone like @マーガレット@. No way, no how. See? I knew it! S-stop it... ...Makes me a little sad, though... Just as I thought. See, Meg? N-no! He's just being nice...! ...Why did his answer disappoint me so...? ...So he's not into either type, then. He's one of THEM. So it would seem. O-one of what?! Don't put words in my mouth! I didn't mean{LF}it like that! Hey, Meg? Yes? What do I sound like? Like, your voice? Hmmm... You come across as someone who's deeply motivated, I'd{LF}say. Very optimistic and hard-working. R-Really? You bet! ♪ I'm so very glad to hear as such! ♪ How about me? You too, huh? Well, let's see... Your quietness belies your strength...but there's also a note{LF}of sweetness. Sweet...ness...? Uh-huh! Without a doubt! ♪ Okay... I haven't had +@アイテム0@+ for a while now. I want to eat +Chinese food+, if I can. I think I'd prefer +western sweets+. Seems like none of us are getting quite what we want. But it is not good to eat and eat and eat only the things we{LF}love, yes? Why not? Because if we eat too much of what we love, we'll get tired{LF}of it, won't we? Because if we eat too much of what we love, we'll...get tired{LF}of it? Exactly! When you eat it, you should do it at the right time. Hey, Meg? Do you mind playing music at mine and Mama's inn next{LF}time? Oh? No, I wouldn't mind at all! Thanks! I appreciate! What kind of music do you want me to play? Maybe something to soothe the tired customers? How about something relaxing? Sure. Do you have any ideas, @しゅじんこうくん@? Something hardcore. Something groovy. Something relaxing. What?! That would make us more tired... Were you really listening to us? Y-You want dance music...? I thought dancing might be a good way to release stress. I see... It's an interesting idea. Okay, so that's a check on the rhythmic beats. But what{LF}else? Is she...actually considering it? Hey, don't steal my idea. @しゅじんこうくん@... So you two are in agreement, then? I like the clothes Dolce makes. They're super-cute. Um... Yes. I agree. I don't think they're that cute... Sure they are! Back me up, Xiao Pai. Yes. Very cute! ...Well, thanks, I guess... What's the weather supposed to be like tomorrow? I hope it{LF}isn't going to rain... Rainy days are the worst for hair, aren't they? Ha ha. Yeah, my hair always gets kind of...puffy. Mine clings to my face. ''But I'm the one who combs your hair, milady. It shouldn't be{LF}a bother for you!'' I'm talking about YOUR hair. Rainy days and ghost hair do{LF}not a winning formula make. I think simple furniture is the best. Especially because of all the strange furniture I grew up with. Ooh, plushie! @字@ How cute! @字@ Whoa, that's a big plush toy! It's called Rune Saurus, right? Cuuute! @字@ Ooh, that's a pretty flower! Makes me feel relaxed. Ah! Cath’Quessir! Huh? That orange statue! I've always loved it. @字@ Who made that pillar with the human face, I wonder...? Is that a snowman? Won't it melt?! That artwork...reminds me of something... I wonder how they're doing... Wha?! Why is there an anchor?! What the heck do you use that for?! Wow, a music player! ♪ What kind of music do you listen{LF}to? Huh? ♪ *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit What do you want? Um, err, nothing... Then don't talk to me. What do you want from me? Um, nothing... I was just hoping to talk to you. There's nothing to talk about. ...O-oh... @しゅじんこうくん@, why do you even bother talking to him? ...Tch. Can't you leave me alone? What do you want this time? E-erm... What's your favorite food? What foods don't you like? When's your birthday? What's your type? Who cares? Whatever. Why do I have to tell you? The hell kinda question is that?! What do you want? You enjoy talking to me or something? Yes. Not at all. What...? I want to know more about you... Is that so strange? Yeah...you're a weirdo. ...That's what I thought. Now go away. Hey, you! Huh? ...No, never mind. There's nothing worthwhile about talking to me. That's not true. I enjoy getting to know you. Why?! I don't know. I just do. Hmph. And what would you do with the information you{LF}learn about me, huh? Besides, I have no interest at all in you. Please don't say that. Why don't we talk more? That way I'd get to know you... ...and you'd get to know me. I'm sure that would make it more fun for us to talk in the{LF}future, too. ... ...Well, I'll see you later. ... ... What are you doing? ... ...I was thinking about fishing. (Ah...he's talking to me!) Erm...so you fish? ...Yeah. (We might've just taken a big step forward...) Uh... Hmm? The other day... Yeah? ...Actually...never mind. ...Oh. Tch...Doug's such a bastard... Why do you say that? He's just so annoying. He always gets on my nerves! I should kick him in the lake sometime. ...You... Hmm? ...Erm... You're so cheery. ...Oh, am I? ...Yeah. You're totally different from me. How is it you can always talk to a crotchety guy like me{LF}without the slightest hesitation? Well...that's a hard question to answer. Don't you...feel embarrassed? Embarrassed? ...Have you just been shy, this whole time? Wha...?! Sh-shut up! And go away! Did she...call me shy...? GAH! Don't be stupid! Dammit! (It's bothering him...) I'm...hungry... Do you want to go eat somewhere? Yeah... ...Wait, why do I have to go with you?! Hmm...smiling, huh? ... *GRIN* That's a pretty creepy look you've got right now! Wha?! Don't look at me!! ...I might go visit Doug tomorrow... Huh? Are you two close now? Urk! Wh-wh-why would you think that?! Um, err...you see... ...NO. You're wrong! About what? The other day... Yeah...? The other day...um...never mind. Trying to make me angry? You're making me angry. ME ANGRY!!! ...! S-sorry... I'll forgive you if you tell me what you were going to say. ... ...The... The other day...I found this @アイテム0@. ...You can have it. Huh? Are you sure? Yeah. I just...found it. Thank you! ...! Uh...you're welcome. Uh...you're welcome. You're a weirdo...y'know. Am I? Yeah. You always come talk to me, for some reason. Is there something you wanted to ask me? Hmm? Well... What's your favorite food? What's your type? I guess I like +milk+ and +carrots+... +Carrots+? You're like a horse. D-don't call me a horse! Oh yeah, weren't you a horse when you were a monster? Dammit...go away! ...Shut up. Can I ask you more questions, @ディラス@? Go ahead. All right, then... What foods don't you like? When's your birthday? What's your type? I don't particularly like +sweets+. Oh yeah? How about a sweet +carrot+? If it's naturally sweet...wait a minute. You're trying to make{LF}me into a horse again, aren't you? Hee hee, sorry. It's Day @0@ of +@キャラ0@+. All right. I'll be sure to remember that. You'll remember it? Huh? Of course I will. We're friends! Friends...huh? ...That's...none of your business. Let me ask you a question this time. Sure. What's your favorite thing in the world? Eating. Exercising. @ディラス@. Oh yeah? ...I should practice cooking. I see. So do I. ...I guess this is how you get to know others. Oh... ...Wait, WHAT?! How do you like being a waiter at the restaurant? It's a tough job. It takes a whole lot of skill... ...to quickly serve Porcoline's dishes before he eats them all{LF}himself. Heh heh heh...bring it on, though... That's...not the usual experience of being a waiter, I would{LF}imagine. Doesn't speak well of the restaurant, now, does it? Do you like fishing? Yes. No. Good. It's nice, isn't it? A one-on-one battle with the fish, in a quiet environment. That unique atmosphere, where you have to stay completely{LF}focused on the task at hand... (@ディラス@ is being... talkative!) You're missing out, you know. I am? This town has a great airship. ...Though I don't care much for the figurehead... That bastard... Did something happen between you and @ダグ@{LF}again? We just don't get along, always ending up at odds with one{LF}another. Like a lover's quarrel... So in other words... They say the more you love, the more you fight. ...Hmph. ...the horse and the rider don't get along? ...You're trying to piss me off, aren't you? Porcoline has accepted all sorts of people into his home. Me, Arthur, Margaret... He must be quite a man to do all that. Perhaps so. It's not bad getting to know people. I'd never thought I'd be so interested in others. I'm glad to hear that. There are more things I want to know about you. So...will you continue to be my friend? Of course. Hmm... Thanks. That makes me happy. I-is that a no...? I was just messing with you. Y-you... Dammit, don't make fun of me! Hey, if you're about to go somewhere dangerous, take me{LF}with you, okay? Huh? B-because, I might be able to help you out, y'know? What'll you do if something happens when you're all alone? S-so... Okay, I will. Y-yeah...good. Oh, my! What happened to your hand? Oh, this? Porcoline was trying to eat his own food again instead of{LF}serving it, so I had to grab it away. But it was so hot that I burned myself a little. Are you all right? Don't worry, it's not a big deal. But what's strange... ...is that Porcoline was holding the same dish with his bare{LF}hands and it didn't burn him at all... ... Do you cook? Yes. No. You do? I'd love to try your food sometime. Oh. Well, Porcoline's teaching me how to cook. So I'll cook you something sometime. Hey...do you like scenic places? I do. Not really. ...I found a place with great scenery just outside of town. If you'd like...w-w-well... ...? ...wh...why don't you...go there sometime? O-oh... I caught a huge fish the other day. It was about this big. Wow, that's pretty big! I almost forgot how bonkers you are about fishing. Yeah, I love fishing. I love that quiet struggle... Can't believe this town was nice enough to welcome a{LF}sourpuss like me... Yeah, no kidding! Hee hee... Especially Porcoline...I can't thank him enough. I'm really glad that I came here. I need to thank you, too. You're welcome. Why have you...kept talking to me? I want us to be friends. You've seemed bored. I'm bored. I like horses. I see...so do you think we're friends now? Of course. ...Good. Yeah, well...back then, I was bored with everything. I was{LF}bored with life itself. I guess you've saved me. Thanks. Really? That's it? I guess I was expecting something a little more selfless... H-hey! Stop calling me a horse, dammit! S-so...I guess it's come to this. But what should we talk about...? The usual, I guess. The usual, huh? Wait...why are YOU so calm? This isn't fair... You don't smile much, do you, @ディラス@? There's nothing to smile about. Aren't I fun to be with? SMILE, DAMMIT! What? Is it boring...being with me? N-not at all! Sorry...I'm just bad at expressing my feelings. But...thanks to you, life's been a lot more fun every day. More fun than I ever remember it being. So...don't look at me like that... Hee hee. I knew that all along. WHAT?! H-hey! You tricked me, didn't you?! You tricked me into{LF}saying something sentimental! Whoa! Stop it! I'm never going to smile for you. Oh, but you just did! Huh? Uh... What? Something's in your hair. *Poke* Don't move. H-hey, what are you doing?! There's something in your hair. Let me get it. O-okay... Y-you're so...close...! Got it. You're too vulnerable, you know. ...? ... Wh-what...? HYAA! Geeh!! Wh-what the hell? What's going on?! ...I'm just messing with you. ?! I'd love to see some nice scenery with you sometime. Like mountains, oceans, trees...or flower fields, or something? Well...I'd go anywhere if it's with you. We have enough time. There's no need to rush. You've become a lot more honest, you know? ...You think so? Like...saying embarrassing things without hesitation... WHA?! What embarrassing things are you talking about?! Well...for example... AHHH! Don't tell me! I don't want to hear it! Why did you ask, then? Um, @ディラス@? Hmm? Do you love me? ...Never mind. ...! ...! ...! Well? Do you? I...I... ...I don't hate you. Wrong answer! You...! Wha...?! It's nothing, really. Wh...what is it? I want to know! You asked me if I loved you the other day, didn't you? Yes. Th-then... Wh-wh-what about you...? I love you. I loathe you. D-d-d-don't be stupid! How can you say that without any hesitation?! You're the one who asked. ...!!! ...Just kidding. Huh? @ディラス@? Do you have...any concerns...you know, about us? Not that I can think of. A-are you really sure?! Is something wrong...? Uh, no, never mind. Sorry for being so nosy. ...You're not nosy. Thank you. Time flies when I'm with you. It does, doesn't it? I think it goes slow. This must be...a happy thing. Really? Well...I guess it feels that way sometimes. You know, you might not believe me, but... Hmm? I...actually do love you. I could always feel it. You lie! @しゅじんこうくん@... ...You know me too well... I-I'm not lying! Come on, you've gotta believe me! ...I know. I was just messing with you. Sorry. D-dammit... You...always do that... No I don't. That's just your imagination. ♪ ...That's a lie right there! The other day...Jones was saying... ...how important it is to proclaim ''I love you'' out loud... ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm? What is it? Uh...erm, y'know... Yes? I...I... I think the weather's great today, ha ha ha! ...Are you all right? Um, @ディラス@? What is it? Choose. Me, or fishing. Nothing. WHA?! If you had to pick one, which would it be? E-erm... (I need to give her a prompt response, but it's already too{LF}late for that, so...I have to...) ...Too late. Question expired. Forget I asked. I-it's not like that, I swear! I was just trying to think of how to{LF}phrase my answer! Come on! ...? ...Okay. Hey. Hmm? I love you more than fishing. ... ...Th-that's all. ...@ディラス@... Wh-what is it? (D-did I say something wrong again...?) Thank you. ♪ ...Y-- ...You're welcome... The other day, Arthur actually sat down and ate with us. Porcoline seemed so happy... That's nice. (@ディラス@ also looks really happy.) The other day...Jones was saying... ...how important it is to proclaim ''I love you'' out loud... ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm? What is it? Uh...erm, y'know... Yes? I...I... I love you!! ...! I couldn't hear you. Right back atcha, babe. ...Seriously? *WEEP*...*WEEP*... Y-you don't have to cry... I've been feeling a lot stronger lately. Because you're cooking? Is it the power of love? Yeah, maybe. I've been carrying some pretty heavy packs of{LF}bulk ingredients, after all. Seems to have buffed me up a little. Wha...could that be true?! ... Are you okay? Well...I was just thinking about the future... The future? Like what? Uh...erm... I-it's nothing. ...? Can I ask you something? Sure. No. Am I the right person for you? Of course you are. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here now. ...Thanks. I feel the same way about you. It's one of your petty worries, isn't it? Uh...well... You're right...sorry. I'm pretty confident about my cooking. Porcoline's been teaching me, y'know. Let's cook together. I'll leave it to you then! That's my specialty, too. Well... That's not a bad idea. Sure. I bet you'll be shocked by the quality of my food! The kitchen's mine. Wha...then...that's fine, I guess. I'll leave it to you. Even after we get married... Um...you know... Why don't we...go on dates together...from time to time? Sure. If you'll take me out. You want to go somewhere now? Th-that's awfully sudden... But...not a bad idea. Where would you like to go? O...of course! I-I'll take you anywhere. ... What are you plotting, exactly? N-nothing, really. Thinking about fishing? Thinking about carrots? Thinking about me? ...No. ...You...! Just kidding. ...Urk. Did I actually...guess right? ...S-so what if you did! Hmph! You don't have to be so shy. I can't believe I actually did it. Did what? I served Porcoline's food to ten people yesterday. It's...a new record. (*CLENCH*) ...Will the restaurant be all right with numbers like that? (He's{LF}even clenching his fist...) Sometimes I wonder... About what? Wh-whether or not I'm being...a good husband. Of course you are. You're not bad. You're a failure! There's no need to worry. I have no complaints at all. Really...? I'm glad to hear that... ...Just so you know, I don't have any concerns about you{LF}either. O-oh... (I should ask Jones for advice...) ...!!! Just kidding! Huh? ... Um...@ディラス@? Hello? Call me if you ever need to go out at night. Are you worried about me? I'll be okay. Yeah. Of course I am. ... Thank you. ...Okay. Maybe I should mind my own business. You love to cook, right, @ディラス@? Yeah. So do you want to be a chef in the future? That's actually not a bad idea... But my goal for now is just to deliver all the food to the{LF}customers, where it belongs... Ahaha...sounds like that won't be too easy, though... Porcoline and Arthur are really close... ...and I used to imagine that that's what it was like to have a{LF}family. But in reality, it's much better than I'd ever hoped for. You do get right to the point, huh? Even after marriage... Ngh...what can I do, though? I've always been this way. Laugh! Don't laugh! Cry! I can't just laugh on cue... Who's laughing?! ... H-huh? What's wrong?! You're not laughing for me. Urk... L-like this? How is it? See, I'm doing it! ...That looks incredibly unnatural. Well, forget it, then! Hey, what's up? Poke. Tickle. Punch. Wha?! Hey! Ahh! Yah! AHHH, STOP IT!! ...You're supposed to laugh. Never! ARGH?! Oops...did that hurt...? S-sorry... ...Well, not really... ...So you were just pretending? ...Kind of. You...! ARGH!! It's not much...but this is for you. ...@アイテム0@? But why? Bado taught me how to craft it. I wanted to make you{LF}happy... Thanks! ...! S-sure... (Phew...) Have you been using the @アイテム0@ I gave{LF}you? There's something in my eye... Let me see. *Stuff more gunk in there* Look at me. WHOA! A-are you stupid?! Don't suddenly come close like that...it's embarrassing. ...You never change, do you? AHHHHH!! I wonder who Doug will marry. You concerned about him? @ビシュナル@. Gotta be. Wh-who gives a damn about that sad sack?! Hold on a moment. Now that we're this close, I feel comfortable telling you... ...that I was so nervous when I proposed. You have no idea. I'd never want to go through that again. Say it again! Thank you. I...I... Dammit! ''I love you more than anyone else!'' Satisfied now? Huh?! ...I'm the one who should thank you. I'm glad I got to know you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Why are you saying that all of a sudden? Come closer. Scooch closer. Stand your ground. What is it? *HUG* @ディラス@?! I'm not scared of anything. So I'll just say it. I really love you. @ディラス@... And I you. ... Then I'll go. Then I'd run. Wait! Why?! One day, @子供ちゃん@ will be leaving the house... Ngh...but I'll be all right. I just hope that day doesn't come{LF}too soon! I guess at some point, @子供ちゃん@ will hate me. It's part{LF}of growing up. Hmph. When that day comes...I'll proudly...proudly... ...*DROOP* Porcoline's so in love with @子供ちゃん@. Scarily so. So are you. Well, @子供ちゃん@ is so cute that it's perfectly{LF}understandable! Wha...?! May I teach @子供ちゃん@ how to fish? ...Wait, what am I saying? M-morning. Good morning. Morning. ...What? ...Oh, it's just you. ... Hey. You look good. How are you? Morning. Looking good today, too. Hey. Hi. Looking good today, too. Hey. Hi. Looking good today, too. Hey. H-hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. ...The sun's awfully bright today. Good morning. And yes, it is. ...Bad weather. But good morning! ...Snow, huh? Yep. Good morning, by the way! ...Typhoon time. *SIGH* It'll be all right. ...The snowstorm's here. Sure is. Good morning, by the way! ...Sky's covered in clouds. Good morning. Yeah, it's kind of dreary today. The Runeys are flying about. I wonder if they're edible... Looks like the typhoon's getting closer. Be sure you take{LF}care! ...Good weather. Hello to you. And yes, it is. ...Bad weather. But good day! ...Snow, huh? Yep. Hi, by the way! ...Typhoon time. *SIGH* It'll be all right. ...The snowstorm's here. Sure is. Hello, by the way! ...Sky's covered in clouds. Hey. Yeah, it's kind of dreary today. The Runeys are flying about. I wonder if they're edible... ...It's so warm. Yeah, it is. Lately it's been crazy hot... Haha. Much too hot, yeah. Getting cooler recently. Yeah, it is. It's freaking cold! Yeah, it could definitely use a nice thawing. ...It's so warm. Yeah, it is. Lately it's been crazy hot... Haha. Much too hot, yeah. Getting cooler out there. Yeah, it is. It's freaking cold! Yeah, it could definitely use a nice thawing. It's the perfect season for sleeping. Mmm, no kidding... It's too hot to sleep... Good evening. A-are you all right? I like it when it cools down like this. It's much easier to{LF}sleep. Good evening. Yeah, that's true. Just when I thought it couldn't get any colder...night falls! Good evening. Yeah, no kidding! I'm about to be a father... It makes me kind of nervous. I should go ask for advice on how to be a good father. How are you holding up? Take it easy, all right? How are you holding up? Stay safe, okay? How are you holding up? Is there anything you want to eat? Try to stay home, all right? Call me if you need to carry{LF}something heavy. I wonder if Doug sells childcare books...I should have him{LF}order some, if he doesn't. Porcoline is surprisingly knowledgeable about parenting. Bet{LF}you would've never guessed! I'll do all the housework, so you should rest. I hear you're having a baby... Good luck. There's not much I can do, but I'll be there if you ever need{LF}me. It's kind of strange thinking that Doug's about to be a{LF}father... About to be a parent, huh? Strange feeling. Damn...what the hell was I doing there...? No...I can't remember. I should concentrate on what's in front{LF}of me right now. I'm supposed to work as a waiter, right?{LF}...Guess I should be grateful for what I can get... Huh? A ghost? Must've been a monster or something. Everyone's just{LF}overreacting. I guess...there was a ghost... How's the big dragon doing? I've got a...bad feeling... +Rune Sphere+? +Blue gem+? ...Oh, I might've seen it at @マップ9@... Thank you! Why there? ...No need to thank me. You asked, I answered. That's how it{LF}works! ...I just wanted to try a new place for fishing. I know it's dangerous...but I couldn’t resist. Fishing's not only about the fish itself, but finding the right{LF}spots to catch 'em, you know? Deciding what bait to use, and where to throw it... It's all part of the fun of the sport! I-I get it... That's enough... NO! You don't understand anything! You see?! So what you need when fishing-- Give me a break! ...There's more than one +Rune Sphere+...? ...But that's the only one I know of. Try asking around, I{LF}guess! Though I don't know much about the dragon... ...I can't pretend like there's nothing going on, when{LF}everyone else is working so hard. I can't explain it, but I've been waiting for this moment... ...I think. I wonder why... The dragon's doing better, right? That Leon dude...is kind of strange. I remember now... ...that it was Venti who taught me how to fish for the first{LF}time. ...It must've been really hard for her. Let's clean up this mess! Is anyone hurt?! Tell me if you find someone, so I can carry them to the clinic! Damn those Sechs bastards! Doug, where are they?! I'll make them regret they even{LF}THOUGHT about invading our little town! Maybe I'll bring this dish to Doug... What's that? I-it's nothing! A floating island... ...If you're going there, make sure that you're really ready. It's{LF}pretty dangerous, y'know! You're about to go slaughter the Sechs, right? It's time for you to show them how strong you really are. We can't keep being depressed just because Venti's not{LF}here. Who knows? She might eventually come back. Are you about to go to the @マップ9@...? Yes. Not yet. Um, you know... ...Be sure you ask me before you leave too, okay? Venti's back, isn't she? Hmph. She'd better know how worried we were... Th-that was a close one... What? The dish served to the gourmet was made with the last{LF}ingredients we had available. I mean, seriously, does Porcoline not even SEE the{LF}customers? Are they invisible to him?! Hahaha... Illuminata solved a case...?! That's a new case in and of itself... Awww, that's mean! Kiel gave me some +scrap metal+. But what the hell am I supposed to do with that?! Was it Margaret who wrote that song? Hmm...it's not bad. Clorica's staying awake? ...I think that means there'll be a storm tomorrow. Yesterday's bath was especially great. It gave me enough energy to clean the whole restaurant. So he won, huh? Guess this town has a truly skilled butler to boast about. Do you want your own butler? I'd rather get an extra hand to help serve food. ... Doug carried Blossom to the clinic... Guess he can be kinda nice sometimes. Has it changed your perception of him? Wh-what?! ...Well, I guess he deserves a little bit of a compliment this{LF}time... Margaret's been pretty noisy since early this morning. What's all the hubbub, I wonder? Everyone's trying to give something to that dragon. Though I doubt they even know what she likes. What kind of food does Venti like to eat? Maybe it's about time I cook her something... Looks like this is the only place we can use as a gathering{LF}spot. Ah... Arthur? Are you sure we're not bothering you? Don't worry. It's fine. That's right. Everything is perfectly okay. He wasn't talking to you. You finished the job, then? Yes, almost. But there is something left to do for tomorrow. You don't mean... Everyone could've used my room if it was big enough. You mean, if it were clean? Oh, come on, that's not fair! Man, all these books are huge! And... complicated-{LF}sounding... They're quite interesting. You're welcome to borrow one, if{LF}you'd like. N-no, I'm good, thanks! If that offer extends to me as well, I'd like to borrow one. Seriously? You can read stuff like that?! Well yeah, of course. Don't lump me in with you when it{LF}comes to hitting the books! Man, you sure know how to hit where it hurts sometimes... I'd like to borrow this one, if I may. Wha? You too?! Oh, wow! Can't believe you have a rare one like this in your{LF}collection! May I see it? No way! Even you?! Hey, Arthur, did you get in that book I ordered? Sure did. Here you go. Holy crap. Am I really the only one here who doesn't read? I can give you some picture books, if you want. Keep 'em, dammit! Doug is the life of the party, isn't he? Huh? He really is. And he's great at gathering people together. What the hell? Uh, okay... Yeah, this is good. Praise me!{LF}Praise me HARD! If only he were a bit more humble... ... And a bit less noisy! At least I'm not a Dyllie Downer like you! He was such a good man, once. Indeed... Hey! Stop talking about me like I'm dead or something! You lose, Doug! Ahhhhh! Wait! That doesn't count! That's pretty pathetic, you know. Why don't you just accept defeat? Arghhh! I almost won that time, too! Just once more! Come on, guys! ... You seem bored, Arthur. Leon... No. I'm not bored. Actually, I'm quite enjoying myself. Perhaps...I was much more bored when I was serving as{LF}prince in the castle. But you could do anything you wanted there, right? Nothing of the sort, no. One's rights must be tempered with{LF}duty and obligation. Besides...being able to do whatever you please isn't all that{LF}exciting either. It just seems far too predictable and passe for someone with{LF}dreams and ambitions. But suddenly my life turned into this. And this is what I truly{LF}wanted. You hear that, @しゅじんこうくん@? What?! I really appreciate what you did for me. Thank you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Ah... Y-You're welcome... Hey, Arthur. What are you doing? Let's pick up where we left off, shall we? Sure. I'll be right there. Oh, and Kiel? This is the book you wanted, I believe. Thank you, Arthur. What kind of book is it? Is it all science-y or philosophical or{LF}something? No, this one's a cookbook. A cookbook?! I already perfected all the dishes in the one I was using{LF}before. Are you serious?! You gotta be kidding me... Why don't you let Forte cook sometime? Well...she might blow the house up, for one... Better with the sword than with the skillet, eh? Kiel, won't you teach me your secrets? I've been training to{LF}cook in my spare time. Wha?! I... I don't know if I'd really be of much help, though... Porcoline's way of cooking is too fast for me. I can't follow{LF}him. Umm... Okay. Next time, then, we'll cook together! *YAWN* What's the matter, Vishnal? Oh, please excuse me. I've had a very, very busy day. You sleepy? You can sleep here. May I? A short nap, then, perhaps... ...Whoa. Out like a torch. He must've been beat! It certainly does seem that way. I wonder how long he's been working without sleep... Too long, I'm sure. Vishnal's always been like that. He probably worked himself so hard, he didn't even have{LF}time to realize how tired he was. We should leave him be. Doug and Dylas... You two are actually very close friends,{LF}aren't you? Wha?! People do say the best type of friend to have is the type{LF}who's not afraid to pull any punches... That's preposterous! And true. Everybody knows you two are like bread and{LF}butter. Don't be stupid! How the hell could I ever be friends with{LF}this dumbass?! That's right! You tell 'em, you mush-brained moron! You bet I will! You guys should just get married, right here and right now. Aha ha ha... How do you read this, Leon? Huh? Ah, this is-- Excuse me, Leon. Could you come help me? Sure. Be right there. Leon! Ah, wait, Leon! I called you first! Wha?! I called him first, not you! Haha. Leon's quite popular, it seems. Yeah, with guys! It's not fair... Though I guess there are worse fates than babysitting this{LF}bunch. @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Is there anything I can help you with? Huh? Well... Leon! C'mon! Sorry. Time's up. Catch you later! Okay, it's time to close the restaurant! Let's start cleaning up! Yes, Meg! Man, I hate this part... DYLAS? No ditching, okay? Urk...I know! We're always in the red...'cause you won't stop eating,{LF}Porco! Na ha ha ha! It's not funny! Has it always been like this? ...Yeah, pretty much. It's a miracle the place hasn't closed down already. That's certainly true! Whoa, hold up! This can't be right, can it? We actually made{LF}some profit today! Really?! Meg, are you sure you didn't miscalculate? I'm positive! See for yourself! Wow...it's a miracle! I guess miracles do happen... YEEEEEAAAAHH!! We did it, Meg! Om nom nom... DON'T YOU DARE...!!! This would be a regular occurrence if Porco would just stop{LF}picking at all the food... ... Why is he so quiet? Uhh, Porco? Hello? ...Huh? Oh, I was just thinking about the past... I don't think I've heard all that much about your past. What{LF}was it like? I'm sure I have a portrait around here somewhere... Ooh! Can I see? I'd like to see it too. Here we have it! All right! Let's check it out. HOLY...! Is...is this you, Porco?! It looks like a total stranger! It can't be! Who is this?! Hahahaha! W-wait...who's that beautiful woman next to you!? She looks like an elf. Was she your girlfriend!? HAHAHAHA! *STARE*... Um, why are you staring at me, Porco? There's nothing fun about watching Margaret, believe me.{LF}I've tried it. Shut your mouth, Dylas! You sure have grown into a beautiful woman, Margaret. Huh?! Pfft! H...hey, Porco! Cut it out! You're making me blush! Are you all right, Porcoline? You must be exhausted... ...Thanks a lot, Dylas. Don't you agree with me, @しゅじんこうくん@? Of course! What? WHOA! Even you?! AHH!! My face is burning!! ...S-see? It's just you, Porco. You know, come to think of it, I saw this odd couple hanging{LF}out by the restaurant the other day. Really...? Strange how, exactly? Well, I overheard them talking... Man: ''Why don't we eat here?''{LF}Woman: ''It looks expensive...''{LF}Man: ''It'll be fine! My treat.'' Woman: ''But...I'd feel bad.''{LF}Man: ''Really, it's my pleasure.''{LF}Woman: ''Can we split the bill?'' Man: ''I can't let you do that.''{LF}Woman: ''And I can't let you pay!''{LF}Man: ''But I was the one who...'' They just kept going on and on like that. Back and forth,{LF}never reaching any conclusion. Is that... I thought, enough is enough... ...so I yelled at them to get the hell inside if they're eating. And then they just ran off. What is WRONG with you?! That's not how you treat customers! OUCH! Nice kick, Meg! [Received @アイテム0@.] The restaurant was pretty busy today. Yeah...I'm beat. You gave it your all today, Dylas. Hmm...? Yeah, you're a great waiter. Don't you think so too, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hey, don't ask around! Why not? I think he is. Not really. Wha? What are you saying?! Awww, don't be shy! Admit it, hearing @しゅじんこうくん@ compliment you made you{LF}happy! Dammit, let me clean and close the store already! Looks like there's a long way to go until you can impress{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. ...Pfft. Who cares, anyway? @しゅじんこうくん@'s not the boss of{LF}me... This is delicious! Mmm, it really is! SO freaking good! Porcoline's cooking is brilliant! I agree. He's a world-class chef, for sure. Well, of course. That pretty much goes without saying. And just why do you feel the need to point that out?! I'm agreeing with everyone, that's all! Sheesh! I never thought I'd eat anything this delicious in my entire life. Only problem is, once you start eating it, you just can't stop! Perhaps that's the source of Porcoline's girth. Yeah, when he cooks for himself, he probably has the exact{LF}same problem. I'd get fat too if this is what I had to eat everyday. I don't think it's that he can't stop eating, though, but that he{LF}won't. He's a total glutton. Yeah, rather than flavor... It's more the act of eating that he{LF}enjoys. It seems today's lunch is nothing but fish. I got a lot of fresh fish today. It's a good day. A very good day. I'm glad we have sashimi here. It's hard to eat broiled fish. Me, I'm glad for the broiled fish. One mustn't pick and choose so much. Best to eat what{LF}you're given. He's right. Don't be picky. But you don't like milk, Leon. But I'm special.♪ What the hell... What about you, Vishnal? There's nothing I won't-- You don't like turnips, right? K-Kiel?! Be honest with us, please. Porcoline, can you whip up something turnip-based for{LF}Vishnal here? Hey, Porco! A nice, big, heaping order of the turnippiest{LF}turnips you've got for our buddy Vishnal! Here you go! Wh-What is wrong with you two?! As a butler, you shouldn't be picky. Consider it a professional{LF}challenge. You can do it, Vishnal! This is so cruel! ...Okay, so we've got the food, but where are the ladies? Who knows? Well, at least we can relax and enjoy a meal. What kind of man are you?! Come on, Kiel, back me up here! I'm fine with things as they are. Arthur? I agree with Kiel. ... Stop staring at us. ... Sorry, Doug. Afraid you're on your own here. ... You guys are hopeless. All right! Let's eat! Wait, Vishnal. What are you eating? It's @アイテム0@. Looks yummy. Can I have a bite? Certainly, if I may have some of yours in exchange. Sure. Here you go. Many thanks. And for you. Thanks. *CRUNCH* Ahh... *CHOMP* Okay, let's eat! ...Geeeh? Where'd mine go?! I'm sure I don't know what you mean. You must've eaten it{LF}already and simply forgotten. Ehhh?! B-But, I haven't even had one bite... They say the memory's the first thing to go, you know. We'd better eat while it's hot. This...is so weird... ... ...Hmm? Oh, Leon. It's you. You seem bored. Not especially. Don't try to hide it. You have nothing to do right now, do{LF}you? I think you're the bored one here, man. How's your fishing going these days? Umm... Not bad, I guess. What have you caught? Mast trout and squid, mostly. There's a lot of both in this{LF}area. What else? Anything interesting? Geez, if you're going to be this bored all the time, get a{LF}hobby! Did you catch the big one? No, there aren't any big fish around here to catch, really. What? No, I definitely just saw a really huge one over there. What? Where?! Right there. Get in close to the surface. You should be able{LF}to see it. Hmmmm...? Maybe you need to look...UNDERWATER! Ha! *GURGLE* *GURGLE* Ughh! Damn you, Leon! Ha ha! Catch you later, sucker! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@... Who do you like better, me or Dylas? Whaaa?! Dammit, Leon, what kind of question is that?! Hmm? I'm just trying to determine which, of the two of us,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@ likes better. Yeah, I got that! So? Which is it? Dylas. Leon. You're both #1 in my book! What? What are you...?! Good for you, Dylas. But I'll get you for this later. What the heck is even going on?! Don't cry, Dylas. I wasn't about to! ...Seriously? Good answer. And let's not ask questions like that again,{LF}Leon, okay? It's embarrassing! Hey, Dylas... I have something I wanted to discuss with you... (What could it be? He looks pretty serious...) What is it? Maybe I can help. Oh, thanks. It's about Forte. Forte...? Wait, don't tell me... you... Yep, exactly! She tries to cut me every time I give advice to Kiel. ...Excuse me? I'm just telling him what he needs to say and do to be a fine,{LF}upstanding man. But every time I do, she starts blushing, and then she gets{LF}violent! So what do I do? Sounds like you know exactly why she's getting angry, but{LF}you just...don't care. Dylas, here. It's a +carrot+. Uh, yeah...and...? Oh, come on! Fine, then. This is for you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Uh, erm... Swing it to the right. Swing it to the left. Do you really think... Swing it up. Swing it down. ...you can lure me with this...? Well, well. Fancy seeing you in a place like this. A place like what? What are you implying?! Anyway, have a seat, @しゅじんこうくん@. You can sit next to me. Right here. W-Wait. I think it's more comfortable over here. Mrrrng... So, @しゅじんこうくん@? What are you going to do? Which side are you on? Which seat will you take? Erm... I think I'll go take a bath now or something. Sounds good. Hey, can you pass me that over there? Huh? Oh, this? Thanks. You guys seem like good friends. NO! WE ARE NOT! Uhh...okay... We were just talking about you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? Don't worry, though. Nothing too racy. Nope. Uh...that's good, I guess? Actually, Dylas likes yommrrff-- Yogurt. I like yogurt. And that's ALL. Unless you'd care to have me share something about you{LF}too, Doug. ...! ...? Man, nothing's been going my way lately. My concentration's{LF}really a few fish short of a hatstand. Uh...Doug? Hmm? I don't think that means what you think it means. Huh?! What are you talking about? It means it's getting worse and{LF}worse, doesn't it? No, it means you're crazy. Which might not be too far off, come to think of it... Whaaat!? No, that can't be right... Are you making this up?! Sounds like something I'd do. But no, I'm quite certain. ...Seriously?! God, you are such an idiot. ...Takes one to know one! Why is it cold in winter? Why are you talking about winter in summer? I'm just curious. Okay, then. The reason it's cold in winter is because the{LF}position of the sun is-- Y-You know, maybe I'm not all that curious after all... You don't like winter, huh? I can't move in cold weather. That's why. Are you an animal or something?! Mmm. No sense complaining about it, though, I guess. Maybe we should eat something warm this winter. Yeah... How about we all go for some hot-pot together? The heck're those? Ah, these are documents. You're working...in a place like THIS?! Hey, now! What's that supposed to mean?! Don't worry. I have no intention of working HERE. Again with the intonations! What have you got against this{LF}place?! It's just paperwork. I can finish it after I go home. Uh-huh... Hey, Doug. You know what to do, right? Yeah...okay. Give those here. I can help you. Huh? Um, but... It's easy enough for Doug, right? Hey! What's that supposed to mean?! This is my job, though... C'mon. It's all right. Is there any reason we CAN'T help you? Well, I guess not, but... Then that settles it! You tell him! ...Thank you very much. Next time, though, you gotta pay me, okay? Who do you think is the most popular guy among us? (There he goes again...) Hmm... I'm not sure. Let's ask @しゅじんこうくん@. What? Out of the three of us, who would you say is the biggest{LF}stud? Dylas. Doug. Arthur. None of you gits. M-me?! Wh-What are you talking about? It can't be me... Did I really lose to this fool...? So you prefer cool-looking men, then? Hmmm... I just don't see it, personally! I see, I see... Oho! Really?! Man, you've got awful taste, you know that? Hey, now, don't be jealous! Just don't get carried away. It doesn't mean anything. I always knew you were a good judge of character! ... I see... ...What? Crap, I thought for sure I'd get picked! It can't be you. Not a chance. I never thought you'd pick me. Damn it all... ... Wha?! ?!?!?!?! ... I didn't expect you guys to be so surprised... Shouldn't even have asked. The truth will remain forever clouded in mystery. But that's{LF}okay! Right, everyone? Right. I'm getting tired of talking about this anyway. What's that supposed to mean?! It means what it means! Hey, guys. Listen up. Fishing is a war of attrition, between us and the fish. Okay... It's only us and them out there. A sacred moment in time. A{LF}quiet time for a personal battle. Man, it's just fishing... Quiet! Don't you dare disrespect this fine recreation with{LF}your dismissive tone! If you do...you'll die! Wha?! How?! Why?! Listen, Doug. It's life and death out there. For me, anyway. I stake my life{LF}on it. It's a matter of pride! It is not JUST fishing. Is that understood? Argh... He's right, Doug. You shouldn't have said ''just.'' You're sealing your fate when{LF}you do that. Dylas loves this. Sheesh! S-Sorry... Hmph. As long as we're clear. Ugh! I just don't get it! Fishing is soooo boooring! What did you just say?! Ha ha. They're like brothers, aren't they? You think so? They seem like mortal enemies to me... Hey Arthur, this is from Porcoline. Ah, wonderful. Please thank him for me! Why don't you thank him in person next time you're at the{LF}restaurant? Haha. That's a very good point! I'll try to eat there as much as I can, as I can't keep having{LF}you deliver food. Arthur, are you that busy with work? ...Guess I don't need to ask, really. You clearly are. Since I love what I do, I often lose track of time. But perhaps there is...a limit to how much one should enjoy{LF}his job? Haha... Yeah, don't worry, I don't see that ever happening to me. It's not just the work, though. I also just love this town, and{LF}all the people in it, so much... ...Yeah, I can understand that. Still not going to make a{LF}workaholic out of me, though. Oh, please don't get me wrong! My words aren't meant to{LF}insinuate anything about you. I just genuinely think this is a fantastic town. Yeah, I know. And so does everyone else. (Arthur's got glasses on display here, too. Glasses{LF}everywhere!) That one's made from a light and soft material. It's quite remarkable, as it's entirely sturdy, yet comfortable{LF}enough to be worn for days! One of the most popular pairs of glasses around today, if{LF}you ask me. ...Which I didn't. Well, you were looking at it, though, no? Er, I guess. But I was just marveling at how ma-- This one over here-- All right, that's enough! Dylas, would you like to try on this pair of glasses? No, no. No thanks. What are you guys up to? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! I'm trying to show Dylas just how wonderful glasses can be... ...by having him try on a pair. But he simply won't do it! I don't need 'em. My eyesight's totally fine. But don't you think he'd look great in them, @しゅじんこうくん@? Sure. Not as great as you. I think I'd look better. See? @しゅじんこうくん@ agrees with me. Gah, stop it! Put those hands down! (Though, if @しゅじんこうくん@ wants to see them on me that{LF}much...) ... Gah, what is wrong with me?! Shake those thoughts from{LF}your head, idiot! Who, m-me...? Phew...thank goodness... It's nice of you to say that, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, of course! Why don't you try this one? Phew...thank goodness... Plush toy, huh? Hmph... Sure seem to like flowers... ...*STARE*... What's that huge statue...? I don't understand why it's here. Doesn't seem to have much{LF}form or function to offer. Human-faced statue...? Can't imagine what the sculptor was thinking, but...I guess if{LF}people like you are buying it... Is that a snowman? Won't it melt?! ...It's hard to comment on art like that. What's that anchor used for? Whenever I see a ball... ...it makes me want to kick it or something. Just...move my{LF}body, you know? What a huge stuffed animal. It's...a Rune Saurus, right? Ohh...that's...hmm... *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit Let's see what's on the docket for today... Okay, I should be done with everything by the day after{LF}tomorrow. Answers always lie in numbers, no matter what the situation. I always refer to them whenever I'm beginning a new task. It's hard for me to stop, too, as numbers can be...addictive. But to be honest... ...I'd pick you over numbers any day. (Though both can be{LF}equally complex, I suppose...) Why are you so interested in trade? Well... I used to manage international trade at the royal capital. So it came quite naturally... At first I was trying to impress my father after he'd issued an{LF}entirely unreasonable order. But it seems like, all this time, my true goal was to find my{LF}mother. ...It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack, I know, but I'm{LF}glad I finally realized it. Porcoline's a truly generous man. He always prepares food for me... ...and I really can't thank him enough. The other day, a bird landed in my hand, and as I was gently{LF}caressing its plumage... ...I saw Porcoline staring at me with wistful, hungry eyes. If he'd made one move toward eating the poor thing, I'd've{LF}had no qualms about slapping him. ...Huh? Whenever I see something cute, I tend to lose my head a{LF}bit... So please don't ever show me any eyeglasses, okay? ...What? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Will you take a look at this pair of{LF}glasses? Can anything ever be more perfect than this?! They look pretty ordinary to me... So very cute... Huh? Both you and @子供ちゃん@... ...are my precious treasures. Hee hee... This pair of glasses... Isn't it just wonderful? Is it special in any way, or is it just an ordinary pair of{LF}glasses? You sure seem to love eyeglasses, @アーサー@. Actually... I love everything that's cute, not necessarily just eyeglasses. So...glasses are cute, then...? Porcoline's a genius when it comes to cooking. It's rare to encounter such complex flavors. He has a wonderful talent. I agree! We can do even better! So do you, @アーサー@. His hard work has inspired me to work harder these days as{LF}well. For that, I'm grateful. ...for both you and @子供ちゃん@. That's a good attitude to have. Let's give it our all! @子供ちゃん@ is watching us too, after all! No, I'm just an ordinary person. I need far more skill, and more achievements under my belt,{LF}before I can be called a genius. There are certain people who are regarded as geniuses even{LF}in the field of business. They can easily do things that are difficult for ordinary{LF}people like myself. ...But that's about all they have going for them. Whereas I...{LF}have a different approach to battle. Well, that takes care of that. Next up is... How's it going? Are things shaping up as we discussed? No worries. Your first concern is taken care of, and the other{LF}is just about ready. Good to hear. ??? @アーサー@ seems really busy... Oh, please excuse me. I have someplace to be, I'm afraid. He always seems so busy... Oh, what a cute bird... Where? (He wasn't so busy that he could avoid looking at cute{LF}things!) All right, I must consult the day's schedule. Are you working again? Well, not this time. I want to spend as much time as I can with you. No, it's for the meals. Porcoline will get worried if I don't show up on time. The other day, I was too focused on my work, and didn't{LF}realize it was already midnight. Later that night I went into the corridor, thinking I'd heard{LF}something... ...and I stumbled upon a warm meal placed on the table. It{LF}was a pleasant surprise. Thank you very much for taking over the duties and{LF}responsibilities of the @姫@. But please don't push yourself too hard. I think it's you that needs more rest, @アーサー@. You don't have to worry about me. I'm quite used to this. But...thank you very much for your concern. Cute things have healing power, you know. That's true. What about me? What about @子供ちゃん@? What about @子供ちゃん@? When I pet cute things, I lose track of time. Sometimes it's already the next day! *PAT* *PAT*... U-um, @アーサー@...? Oh, I'm sorry. You were just so irresistibly adorable! Very cute, of course! Very cute, of course! But a bit too full of energy. I have trouble keeping up! Haha. Seems like you've gotten a good feel for fatherhood. Haha. Seems like you've gotten a good feel for motherhood. I can't manage to sleep at night, as I simply can't stop{LF}thinking about Illuminata... Where did she get that pair of glasses?! @アーサー@? Yes? Is something the matter? You have bedhead. Just calling your name. Oh! Thank you very much. I could barely pull myself out of bed this morning. I haven't{LF}slept in that bed for a very long time. Aha, thank you, I suppose. I'm flattered! Oh, yes, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? ...Nothing. I just wanted to call your name. @アーサー@? Ah...! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Not at all. There was a very cute looking chipsqueek over{LF}there that caught my attention. But now that you're here, all other cuteness pales by{LF}comparison! There are many unique items from the east. Take a look at this cloak. Isn't it interesting? What do you think of my clothes? I'm dressed like a traveler so that I can easily blend in. I guess the definition of blending in changed while I was{LF}sleeping. ... ...Hmm? Did I say something strange? Items from the east have always been popular. I'm trying to decide which of these commodities to import... Would you help me choose, @しゅじんこうくん@? Woolies are nice. They certainly look soft and cuddly! You've never touched one? Well, um... ...I'm actually not good at such things... Woolies... They're just so cute that, once I touch them... ...I'm afraid I'd never want to let them go. Now, time to work. I'm helping this town for my own benefit too, you know. You are? Indeed. There's someone I'd like to protect within these{LF}walls. By improving the reputation of Selphia, I can expand my{LF}business opportunities. You look busy as ever, @アーサー@. I must say, I am. To tell you the truth, I didn't like working at first. But working used to be my only motivator, so I kept at it. However, I've recently come across something new to{LF}motivate me. Rather, someone. ...Maybe I loved everything all along, and desensitized myself{LF}to the very emotion... Pardon me... Perfect! It looks wonderful on you. Umm, what did you just put in my hair, exactly? Oh, it's a historical piece, so please don't break it. Huh...? They occasionally discover historically significant items in this{LF}region. And such items are sent to the capital for preservation. When I was there, I was the one who would receive them. Oh, @アーサー@, your button's coming off. Huh? Oh, you're right! Well, the sewing kit's right here... W-wow, you're pretty handy with that... I do the housework whenever I have time. You do it yourself? Cooking, cleaning...I can handle most of the basics. I grew up being told to take care of myself. It's not very{LF}Princely, I know. Have I ever told you that I was raised by the Royal family's{LF}head butler? Porcoline somehow reminds me of him...though I can't quite{LF}put my finger on why. They're completely different, both in terms of appearance{LF}and personality. But I wish for nothing more than to be a father just like him. @アーサー@, your shirt's not buttoned right. Oh, you're right! That explains why I felt a bit choked up... I'll bet you have a knack for doing housework. I do. ...Not really. As I suspected. Whoever marries you will be a lucky gentleman indeed. Oh, that's surprising. But, no matter! The other day, I was asked by a client if I'd gotten in{LF}anything special. Had you? How did you answer? Not particularly. ...? But I told him I've found someone I'd like to protect. Women love sweets, don't they? Yes. Not necessarily. I love you. I see. That's good to know. ...? I'll see you later, then. Uh, okay... Oh, is that so...? Are you trying to buy a present? What? Well, erm... Uh, I'm sorry. I have to go now... @アーサー@? What was that all about...? Huh?! Uh, yes, well... Th-thank you very much. What about you, @アーサー@? Me...? ...Of course I love you too. From the bottom of my heart. @しゅじんこうくん@... I bought this at a town I stopped in during a business trip... @アイテム0@...! Yes. Since you said you love sweets... @アイテム0@... I was going to get you something sweet, but you didn't seem{LF}to like such things very much. @アイテム0@... Yes. I've chosen something that I greatly enjoy, in hopes of{LF}sharing my love of it with you. Will you accept it? ...Yes. Thank you very much. Choosing presents for people is fun, isn't it? Especially when it's for someone special. I often think about you when I'm dealing with imported{LF}items. Whether you'd like them or not... Your smiles give me motivation to try harder. Of course, @子供ちゃん@ too... Today was another great day. It's all thanks to you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I can't tell you how often I've wished I weren't a prince. I rarely ever saw the benefit to bearing such a title. But now... I feel like I could see myself from a different point of view. I rarely ever saw the benefit to bearing such a title. Although I can't ever proclaim this in any official statement... ...coming to this town, and meeting you... ...is the one thing I truly appreciate about being a prince. ''Love thyself tomorrow.'' I've often heard this saying from my butler, who trained me{LF}as a child. I didn't really understand it back then, but I think I do now. Love thyself tomorrow. I want to cherish every decision I make. @しゅじんこうくん@... Hmm? Hee hee. I just wanted to call your name. That's all! @アーサー@! Yes? Just wanted to call you. I'm happy to be with you. Well... Hee hee, looks like you got me this time. Well... As long as you keep smiling, I'll be happy too. Now... It's time to get some work done. Unlike before, I now have someone I wish to protect here. I received a letter from a client congratulating us on our{LF}marriage. The letter said, ''she must be one special lady to make you{LF}want to marry her.'' I wonder how he knew... I won't be working today. It's nice taking a day off to relax and talk with you. Of course, @子供ちゃん@ too. The other day, Vishnal and I were saying... ...it's quite magical that I'm at the castle now... Perhaps this is what people call destiny. @アーサー@... Yes! That is exactly what I think as well! ... I happened to hear from Kiel... ...that a rumor's been spreading about us. And what they're saying is... A visiting prince married this town's lovely @姫@. That's the rumor. ...A prince married the @姫@ of this town. This turns the heads of many a traveler, it seems. @アーサー@... Yes? I love you. Do you love me? Wh-where did that come from?! Well, I just wanted to surprise you. You're awfully cute when{LF}you're surprised! Yes. Of course I do. What a coincidence. I do too. Well, well. That really is a coincidence, it seems! Tee hee. ♪ The other day, I was talking to Porcoline... ...and he asked me to come visit the restaurant with you. He said that he's lonely. Haha... I feel energized just by looking at you. Your smile is the best medicine. The other day, I ran into Leon during my work. And we started talking about you. Didn't I tell you to forget about that whole conversation,{LF}@アーサー@? Oh, right! I completely forgot about that. ... He told me that I should care more about you, and less{LF}about work. And his face had a serious look to it that I'd never seen{LF}before. Though he told me to forget he said anything, right after{LF}saying all that... But nonetheless, I'm truly grateful to have such a caring{LF}friend. You know... When I'm with you and @子供ちゃん@, I often think... This is what it's like to have your own family. I've finally realized that this...is a family. A true family. @子供ちゃん@ has interesting tastes. The other day, I caught @子供ちゃん@ staring at my{LF}glasses and my clothes... ...and leaving with a puzzled look. Don't push yourself too hard. Not that I'm one to talk, I suppose... I'm going to organize my letters, read three documents for{LF}my next job... ...and rest early to prepare for tomorrow's work... Erm... I received a letter from a client who loves to travel. Tell me, which do you prefer, oceans or mountains? Oceans. Mountains. I like staying indoors. Shall we go together? Huh? Oh, I see... Then, why don't we have tea together? What? It's nice to take it easy on occasion, isn't it? Why don't we have tea together sometime? Huh? Only if you're available, of course. Please ask me anytime. You like cute things, don't you? Yes, I do. Are glasses cute too? Um, I couldn't hear you... Well... I've started to feel that way more and more as time goes on. ...I see. I started liking them once I'd begun collecting. Huh? I suppose the point when I first decided eyeglasses were{LF}such adorable accoutrements was... ...well, to be honest, it's a bit complicated. It is? I-I like them, yes. O-okay... ...? You're always full of energy, @しゅじんこうくん@. YesIamYesIamYesIamYesIam! Not really... How cute! Huh...? I'm sorry...I hope you don't mind me constantly remarking on{LF}your cuteness. @しゅじんこうくん@... I love you. Huh...? Hee hee. Does my confession surprise you? Is something the matter, @しゅじんこうくん@? I just wanted to see you. No, not really... Oh... What a coincidence. I wanted to see you too. Hmm? Did you miss me? Now that I have new partners, I'm busy again. Are you okay? It seems like you're always working... I'm fine, don't worry. I can try harder, just knowing that you're watching over me. You're as cute as ever, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hmm...? I'm so lucky to have had the opportunity to marry you. I'm so lucky to be your boyfriend. ... For some reason, I can relax when I'm with you. Like...you've always been next to me... That's how it feels, anyway. Can I just keep watching you for the whole day? That is my heartfelt desire. @しゅじんこうくん@... Will you keep on loving me? Huh...? Wh-why are you asking that, all of a sudden? I want to look at you...all night long... I want to make you{LF}mine, forever! So please... I might have to work long hours today. Please don't push yourself too hard. Work is important, but{LF}not as important as your health. Quite right. Don't you worry. I'm always all yours. @しゅじんこうくん@. Will you come over here, please? Sure. What's wrong? Come closer, now. Don't be shy! Erm, okay. Then... Thank you very much. Umm...so what's the matter...? I just wanted to be by your side. For you, I'll fight with all my effort. And I will win. So don't you worry. Just stay with me, and I will always be{LF}here to protect you. @しゅじんこうくん@... Yes? ...I love you. Wh-what are you...?! And I you. Hee hee. Even your shocked expression is adorable! H-hey! @アーサー@! I'm sorry. I'm just being honest. Wha...? Why are you blushing, when you're the one who said it first? It...was simply a bit unexpected, that's all. But I'm very happy to hear you say it. Thank you very much. (@アーサー@ must be tired...) Hmm? Why are you staring at me like that? Oh, it's nothing... Is something on my face? Or does this mean I can play with your face as well? Wh-what...?! @しゅじんこうくん@... Thank you for marrying me. I will cherish you for all time. I enjoy festivals and parties, but not when I'm attending them{LF}as a member of the royal family. I don't even attend my own birthday party, as the prince! Why not? When's your birthday? Well... I just can't get used to the idea of receiving special attention{LF}simply because of my title. Hmm? ...It doesn't matter. I'm complaining about nothing, I'm sure. It's Day @0@ of @キャラ0@. Can you{LF}remember that? You'll get to place more orders as you try different things. So be sure you occasionally check in at the order symbol. You can check your item info by opening the +L Pocket+. Anything that hasn't been shipped yet will be marked as{LF}such. You should try shipping all the items that never have been,{LF}at least once. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good morning. Good morning, @アーサー@. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Quite the weather we're having, no? @しゅじんこうくん@... Hi, @アーサー@. Good morning. Hello. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. You look good today. Hello, @アーサー@. Are you working again today? Yes. As long as there are people depending on me, I'll never{LF}stop! Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm glad to see you today. Huh? Th-thank you very much. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm glad to see you today. Huh? Th-thank you very much. Good evening. Working late? Hello, @アーサー@. Good evening, @アーサー@. Are you going to bed soon? Good evening. Once I finish this one last job... Good evening, @アーサー@. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. I didn't think I'd see you today! Hi, @アーサー@. The weather's sure nice today, huh? Yes, it certainly is. Looks like a great day to do some work. Hi, @アーサー@. It's raining hard today, huh? It's good for the fields, though it's sad that the sun's hiding{LF}itself away. Snow today. I hope it won't keep the business away! You're such a diligent worker, @アーサー@. The typhoon's here. Since the ships aren't operating, I can{LF}get a bit of rest. Sad that you need a typhoon to get some rest, though... When I looked outside and saw the snowy night sky,{LF}everything suddenly felt colder. Night...? So you were working well into the night again, huh? The weather is foreboding, but hopefully my business deals{LF}will offset it by shining bright. I'm sure they'll go just fine, @アーサー@. They always do. What a nice day it is today, @アーサー@! Yes, the birds seem really happy too. You know how you just feel frozen through when the rain's{LF}been pouring down on you all day? Oh, dear. You'll catch a cold if you leave it like that. Please,{LF}take my handkerchief and dry off! It's so quiet when it snows. I wish humans could follow suit,{LF}and leave this silence unbroken. Mmm. That would be nice. Or should I say, THAT! WOULD!{LF}BE! NIIIIIICE!! Hee hee hee... The typhoon is here. I'm worried about the fields... Please, let me help you. With weather like this, my business{LF}is closed anyway. It's snowing like mad. A day like this makes you just want to{LF}eat a nice, warm meal. Something like stew, perhaps. That would be lovely indeed. I love cloudy days. The rays of sunlight escaping through the{LF}gaps are simply breathtaking. Yeah, they really are... This season's nice and warm. Even the birds seem happier{LF}than before. If you're happy and you know it, chirpy chirp! *CHIRP*!{LF}*CHIRP*! There's something about the summer sun that makes you{LF}just want to...get away from it all. No kidding. It's getting cool out. Please, take care not to catch a cold. You too, @アーサー@. You should make sure you get{LF}enough rest! I like winter. It's so relaxing to sit by the window and watch{LF}the snow falling. Yes. It's nice and quiet. Spring has sprung! We should go see the flowers sometime. Yes, that sounds lovely. I'd be happy to go when we can{LF}both find time. Phew. It's getting hot... It is. Aren't you burning up in those clothes? My clients won't trust me unless I'm in formal wear, sadly. It's the season of colorful leaves. The view from my window{LF}has completely changed! It's quite beautiful. It's gotten so cold...that I can barely wake up in the morning. Sometimes the birds resting by my window wake me up. If{LF}they didn't though, I fear I'd sleep forever! Good evening, @アーサー@. Isn't it lovely out today? The{LF}temperature is downright perfect! Yes. I can even hear the insects singing merrily. Good evening. The fireflies are beautiful tonight, aren't they? When I see them from my window, though, I find myself{LF}feeling oddly alone... Good evening. The wind sure gets cold at night, doesn't it? That's the sign of a changing season. This is the time of year when my glasses begin fogging up{LF}every time I enter a warm room. Um...why are you smiling about that, exactly? It sounds{LF}inconvenient... What do I need to study to become a good father? I often think I should be more dependable. How are you today? Please, be extra careful, all right? I saw some really cute kids' clothes at my client's place. I wrote a letter to my father about raising children. My old butler sent over a large number of books on child-{LF}rearing. The first step to becoming a good father is to properly{LF}welcome the child into this world. I'll protect both of you forever, I swear! Wherever I may be, I'll always find you. I can't wait to see your baby, @しゅじんこうくん@. I have to set a good example, as a prominent adult in this{LF}town. If Leon's the father, there's nothing to worry about. Let me know if you should ever need anything. I'll do the{LF}best that I can to help. Thank you very much for switching positions with me. In your case, being an acting @姫@... I heard that Lady Ventuswill has asked you to go into the{LF}forest. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Amber seems to be naturally bright and cheerful. She's a ray of light upon the entire town. We must promptly do something about the voices from the{LF}ruins. Once bad rumors have spread, our window of opportunity to{LF}perform a methodical search has ended. I heard... ...that you managed to carry a person back, who's now{LF}resting at the clinic. That's right. ...Who, moi? Please try not to push yourself too hard. Huh? I've noticed that you tend to be that way. You...overdo{LF}things. I know that it was you. Anyway, please don't push yourself too hard. You are a lady, you know. All right? Dylas seems a bit clumsy and awkwardly-behaved. But I actually like those sorts of people, as they seem the{LF}most sincere of anyone. Who could've moved the items outside...? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just wondering about something odd that{LF}seems to have occurred. I wonder what's going on with that rumor about the ghost... I'm worried about Lady Ventuswill. I hope everything's all right... +Rune Sphere+? Although I do trade in +blue gems+... ...all of them were identified, and none of them were called{LF}+Rune Spheres+. Do allow me to help you search for them, though. I'd love to{LF}be of assistance. I've contacted the royal capital. They should reply as early as{LF}tomorrow. We must save Lady Ventuswill. Where's @マップ0@? Yes, we must! Once you pass a bridge in the southwest, you'll find a{LF}mansion called @マップ1@. @マップ0@ is located west of that mansion. Can you remember that? Yes. Would you repeat it? The Returning Ring... It must've taken a lot of time and effort to make it... ...We can't let his feelings go to waste. I'm glad that Lady Ventuswill is better now. Leon seems like an interesting person, too. I'll try to have tea with him sometime so we can chat. I saw a new side of Lady Ventuswill that I'd never known{LF}before. She was very cute. Yeah, she was. Oh, you think so? Indeed... Um, @アーサー@...? The Sechs... ...We must do something about them. Lady Ventuswill... ... I have reported to my father about the Sechs Empire. Though I haven't heard back from him yet... I'll try to do the best that I can, in the meantime. I had no idea that the Sechs had gone so far with their{LF}research... We must head to that floating island and stop the Sechs as{LF}soon as possible. I need your power, @しゅじんこうくん@. Will you please lend me your aid? @しゅじんこうくん@... The future of this kingdom lies in your hands. I have faith in you. It's such a pity that Lady Ventuswill is gone. ... No, such words aren't enough... ...Oh, I see. So this is what it means to feel...unsettled. I've sent a letter to the king... ...advising him that the kingdom can still function without{LF}Lady Ventuswill. ... ...Though true, it is a sad proclamation to make. The town has become a much cheerier place. I suppose that means Selphia truly needed Lady Ventuswill{LF}after all. I will have the +Rune Sphere+ fully secured. Please save Lady Ventuswill. My father wanted me to thank you for saving Lady{LF}Ventuswill. And I'd like to thank you not as a prince, but as a friend. You have my eternal gratitude. Porcoline's dishes are so delicious. And for some reason...they have a nostalgic flavor to them. I find myself very lucky... ...to be able to eat such delectable food every day. I hear that Illuminata has finally solved a case. And I believe her, of course. There must be a high chance for her to solve at least one{LF}case in her entire life, after all. Kiel gave me something interesting. It's this piece of charcoal, which has an oddly sweet scent to{LF}it. ...You know, I rather like it. Huh? What are you talking about? That love song. The one that's been making the rounds throughout Selphia. Its bittersweet melody is enough to bring one to tears, isn't{LF}it? Clorica hasn't fallen asleep for the entire day. Hmm? How do I know, you ask? Well, she hasn't finished her work as quickly as usual. Yesterday's bath was a little bit hotter than I'm used to. It was refreshing, but also invigorating. It helped keep me{LF}awake for the entire night. Thanks to that, I had a most productive day. I heard that Volkanon won the butler competition. Even in all my dealings, I've come to know very few winners{LF}of that particular contest. It shows that Volkanon is truly a skilled butler. Helping others is harder than it seems. What I'm trying to say... ...is that Doug deserves to be lauded for what he's done. There are rumors spreading about an event to jump off the{LF}airship... But that project was turned down long ago. Oh, really? We're now thinking about an event to ''fall with the airship.'' ...What does that even mean? Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. @アーサー@, what's that thick book you're carrying...? This is my offering to Lady Ventuswill. It's a great book with a list of great words. I-I see... (It's not easy being a Native Dragon, huh...?) The other day my client gave me this picture book. I was thinking that Lady Ventuswill might like it. Well, as books go, that looks more her speed than most of{LF}what I imagine you reading... Looks like this is the only place we can use as a gathering{LF}spot. Ah... Arthur? Are you sure we're not bothering you? Don't worry. It's fine. That's right. Everything is perfectly okay. He wasn't talking to you. You finished the job, then? Yes, almost. But there is something left to do for tomorrow. You don't mean... Everyone could've used my room if it was big enough. You mean, if it were clean? Oh, come on, that's not fair! Man, all these books are huge! And... complicated-{LF}sounding... They're quite interesting. You're welcome to borrow one, if{LF}you'd like. N-no, I'm good, thanks! If that offer extends to me as well, I'd like to borrow one. Seriously? You can read stuff like that?! Well yeah, of course. Don't lump me in with you when it{LF}comes to hitting the books! Man, you sure know how to hit where it hurts sometimes... I'd like to borrow this one, if I may. Wha? You too?! Oh, wow! Can't believe you have a rare one like this in your{LF}collection! May I see it? No way! Even you?! Hey, Arthur, did you get in that book I ordered? Sure did. Here you go. Holy crap. Am I really the only one here who doesn't read? I can give you some picture books, if you want. Keep 'em, dammit! Doug is the life of the party, isn't he? Huh? He really is. And he's great at gathering people together. What the hell? Uh, okay... Yeah, this is good. Praise me!{LF}Praise me HARD! If only he were a bit more humble... ... And a bit less noisy! At least I'm not a Dyllie Downer like you! He was such a good man, once. Indeed... Hey! Stop talking about me like I'm dead or something! You lose, Doug! Ahhhhh! Wait! That doesn't count! That's pretty pathetic, you know. Why don't you just accept defeat? Arghhh! I almost won that time, too! Just once more! Come on, guys! ... You seem bored, Arthur. Leon... No. I'm not bored. Actually, I'm quite enjoying myself. Perhaps...I was much more bored when I was serving as{LF}prince in the castle. But you could do anything you wanted there, right? Nothing of the sort, no. One's rights must be tempered with{LF}duty and obligation. Besides...being able to do whatever you please isn't all that{LF}exciting either. It just seems far too predictable and passe for someone with{LF}dreams and ambitions. But suddenly my life turned into this. And this is what I truly{LF}wanted. You hear that, @しゅじんこうくん@? What?! I really appreciate what you did for me. Thank you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Ah... Y-You're welcome... Hey, Arthur. What are you doing? Let's pick up where we left off, shall we? Sure. I'll be right there. Oh, and Kiel? This is the book you wanted, I believe. Thank you, Arthur. What kind of book is it? Is it all science-y or philosophical or{LF}something? No, this one's a cookbook. A cookbook?! I already perfected all the dishes in the one I was using{LF}before. Are you serious?! You gotta be kidding me... Why don't you let Forte cook sometime? Well...she might blow the house up, for one... Better with the sword than with the skillet, eh? Kiel, won't you teach me your secrets? I've been training to{LF}cook in my spare time. Wha?! I... I don't know if I'd really be of much help, though... Porcoline's way of cooking is too fast for me. I can't follow{LF}him. Umm... Okay. Next time, then, we'll cook together! *YAWN* What's the matter, Vishnal? Oh, please excuse me. I've had a very, very busy day. You sleepy? You can sleep here. May I? A short nap, then, perhaps... ...Whoa. Out like a torch. He must've been beat! It certainly does seem that way. I wonder how long he's been working without sleep... Too long, I'm sure. Vishnal's always been like that. He probably worked himself so hard, he didn't even have{LF}time to realize how tired he was. We should leave him be. Doug and Dylas... You two are actually very close friends,{LF}aren't you? Wha?! People do say the best type of friend to have is the type{LF}who's not afraid to pull any punches... That's preposterous! And true. Everybody knows you two are like bread and{LF}butter. Don't be stupid! How the hell could I ever be friends with{LF}this dumbass?! That's right! You tell 'em, you mush-brained moron! You bet I will! You guys should just get married, right here and right now. Aha ha ha... How do you read this, Leon? Huh? Ah, this is-- Excuse me, Leon. Could you come help me? Sure. Be right there. Leon! Ah, wait, Leon! I called you first! Wha?! I called him first, not you! Haha. Leon's quite popular, it seems. Yeah, with guys! It's not fair... Though I guess there are worse fates than babysitting this{LF}bunch. @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Is there anything I can help you with? Huh? Well... Leon! C'mon! Sorry. Time's up. Catch you later! This is delicious! Mmm, it really is! SO freaking good! Porcoline's cooking is brilliant! I agree. He's a world-class chef, for sure. Well, of course. That pretty much goes without saying. And just why do you feel the need to point that out?! I'm agreeing with everyone, that's all! Sheesh! I never thought I'd eat anything this delicious in my entire life. Only problem is, once you start eating it, you just can't stop! Perhaps that's the source of Porcoline's girth. Yeah, when he cooks for himself, he probably has the exact{LF}same problem. I'd get fat too if this is what I had to eat everyday. I don't think it's that he can't stop eating, though, but that he{LF}won't. He's a total glutton. Yeah, rather than flavor... It's more the act of eating that he{LF}enjoys. It seems today's lunch is nothing but fish. I got a lot of fresh fish today. It's a good day. A very good day. I'm glad we have sashimi here. It's hard to eat broiled fish. Me, I'm glad for the broiled fish. One mustn't pick and choose so much. Best to eat what{LF}you're given. He's right. Don't be picky. But you don't like milk, Leon. But I'm special.♪ What the hell... What about you, Vishnal? There's nothing I won't-- You don't like turnips, right? K-Kiel?! Be honest with us, please. Porcoline, can you whip up something turnip-based for{LF}Vishnal here? Hey, Porco! A nice, big, heaping order of the turnippiest{LF}turnips you've got for our buddy Vishnal! Here you go! Wh-What is wrong with you two?! As a butler, you shouldn't be picky. Consider it a professional{LF}challenge. You can do it, Vishnal! This is so cruel! ...Okay, so we've got the food, but where are the ladies? Who knows? Well, at least we can relax and enjoy a meal. What kind of man are you?! Come on, Kiel, back me up here! I'm fine with things as they are. Arthur? I agree with Kiel. ... Stop staring at us. ... Sorry, Doug. Afraid you're on your own here. ... You guys are hopeless. All right! Let's eat! Wait, Vishnal. What are you eating? It's @アイテム0@. Looks yummy. Can I have a bite? Certainly, if I may have some of yours in exchange. Sure. Here you go. Many thanks. And for you. Thanks. *CRUNCH* Ahh... *CHOMP* Okay, let's eat! ...Geeeh? Where'd mine go?! I'm sure I don't know what you mean. You must've eaten it{LF}already and simply forgotten. Ehhh?! B-But, I haven't even had one bite... They say the memory's the first thing to go, you know. We'd better eat while it's hot. This...is so weird... Man, nothing's been going my way lately. My concentration's{LF}really a few fish short of a hatstand. Uh...Doug? Hmm? I don't think that means what you think it means. Huh?! What are you talking about? It means it's getting worse and{LF}worse, doesn't it? No, it means you're crazy. Which might not be too far off, come to think of it... Whaaat!? No, that can't be right... Are you making this up?! Sounds like something I'd do. But no, I'm quite certain. ...Seriously?! God, you are such an idiot. ...Takes one to know one! Why is it cold in winter? Why are you talking about winter in summer? I'm just curious. Okay, then. The reason it's cold in winter is because the{LF}position of the sun is-- Y-You know, maybe I'm not all that curious after all... You don't like winter, huh? I can't move in cold weather. That's why. Are you an animal or something?! Mmm. No sense complaining about it, though, I guess. Maybe we should eat something warm this winter. Yeah... How about we all go for some hot-pot together? The heck're those? Ah, these are documents. You're working...in a place like THIS?! Hey, now! What's that supposed to mean?! Don't worry. I have no intention of working HERE. Again with the intonations! What have you got against this{LF}place?! It's just paperwork. I can finish it after I go home. Uh-huh... Hey, Doug. You know what to do, right? Yeah...okay. Give those here. I can help you. Huh? Um, but... It's easy enough for Doug, right? Hey! What's that supposed to mean?! This is my job, though... C'mon. It's all right. Is there any reason we CAN'T help you? Well, I guess not, but... Then that settles it! You tell him! ...Thank you very much. Next time, though, you gotta pay me, okay? Who do you think is the most popular guy among us? (There he goes again...) Hmm... I'm not sure. Let's ask @しゅじんこうくん@. What? Out of the three of us, who would you say is the biggest{LF}stud? Dylas. Doug. Arthur. None of you gits. M-me?! Wh-What are you talking about? It can't be me... Did I really lose to this fool...? So you prefer cool-looking men, then? Hmmm... I just don't see it, personally! I see, I see... Oho! Really?! Man, you've got awful taste, you know that? Hey, now, don't be jealous! Just don't get carried away. It doesn't mean anything. I always knew you were a good judge of character! ... I see... ...What? Crap, I thought for sure I'd get picked! It can't be you. Not a chance. I never thought you'd pick me. Damn it all... ... Wha?! ?!?!?!?! ... I didn't expect you guys to be so surprised... Shouldn't even have asked. The truth will remain forever clouded in mystery. But that's{LF}okay! Right, everyone? Right. I'm getting tired of talking about this anyway. What's that supposed to mean?! It means what it means! Hey, guys. Listen up. Fishing is a war of attrition, between us and the fish. Okay... It's only us and them out there. A sacred moment in time. A{LF}quiet time for a personal battle. Man, it's just fishing... Quiet! Don't you dare disrespect this fine recreation with{LF}your dismissive tone! If you do...you'll die! Wha?! How?! Why?! Listen, Doug. It's life and death out there. For me, anyway. I stake my life{LF}on it. It's a matter of pride! It is not JUST fishing. Is that understood? Argh... He's right, Doug. You shouldn't have said ''just.'' You're sealing your fate when{LF}you do that. Dylas loves this. Sheesh! S-Sorry... Hmph. As long as we're clear. Ugh! I just don't get it! Fishing is soooo boooring! What did you just say?! Ha ha. They're like brothers, aren't they? You think so? They seem like mortal enemies to me... Hey Arthur, this is from Porcoline. Ah, wonderful. Please thank him for me! Why don't you thank him in person next time you're at the{LF}restaurant? Haha. That's a very good point! I'll try to eat there as much as I can, as I can't keep having{LF}you deliver food. Arthur, are you that busy with work? ...Guess I don't need to ask, really. You clearly are. Since I love what I do, I often lose track of time. So perhaps there is...a limit to how much one should enjoy{LF}his job? Haha... Yeah, don't worry, I don't see that ever happening to me. It's not just the work that I love, however. I also love this{LF}town and all the people in it. ...Yeah, I can understand that. Still not going to make a{LF}workaholic out of me, though. Oh, please don't get me wrong! My words aren't meant to{LF}insinuate anything about you. I just genuinely think this is a fantastic town. Yeah, I know. And so does everyone else. (Arthur's got glasses on display here, too. Glasses{LF}everywhere!) That one's made from a light and soft material. It's quite remarkable, as it's entirely sturdy, yet comfortable{LF}enough to be worn for days! One of the most popular pairs of glasses around today, if{LF}you ask me. ...Which I didn't. Well, you were looking at it, though, no? Er, I guess. But I was just marveling at how ma-- This one over here-- All right, that's enough! Dylas, would you like to try on this pair of glasses? No, no. No thanks. What are you guys up to? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! I'm trying to show Dylas just how wonderful glasses can be... ...by having him try on a pair. But he simply won't do it! I don't need 'em. My eyesight's totally fine. But don't you think he'd look great in them, @しゅじんこうくん@? Sure. Not as great as you. I think I'd look better. See? @しゅじんこうくん@ agrees with me. Gah, stop it! Put those hands down! (Though, if @しゅじんこうくん@ wants to see them on me that{LF}much...) ... Gah, what is wrong with me?! Shake those thoughts from{LF}your head, idiot! Who, m-me...? Phew...thank goodness... It's nice of you to say that, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, of course! Why don't you try this one? Phew...thank goodness... Did you get the data I asked for? Yes. It's right here. Thanks. Here...a token of my gratitude. It's okay. I didn't have much trouble. Please, keep them. Are you sure? I wanted to give you these glas-- AHH?! Glasses?! GIMME, GIMME, GIMME!! Ahem. I wanted to give you these glass-blowing guidebooks.{LF}I thought you might enjoy them. ... These days, I see so many women with eye g-- AHH?! Ahem. Women with eye goop. People need to clean out{LF}their eyes a little better in the morning! ... Man, when I went to the inn the other day, I saw so many{LF}women with spec-- AHH?! Ahem. Women with spectacularly large moles on their{LF}foreheads. All of them! Like a cult! ... So, uh... glas-- AHH?! Ahem. Glass looks pretty in the sunlight, don't you think? Why are you doing this to him, @レオン@?! So what do you think of Selphia now versus how it was in{LF}the past? Has it changed much? ...It has. The townscape looks different, and there are far fewer trees. And certainly, once you get into the town proper, everything{LF}is completely, unimaginably new. ...But the people are the same as ever. This town is as beautiful as it ever was. I see... What is that you're wearing, Arthur? It's quite dapper! You think so? That...overcoat thing...is particularly fascinating. What is it? It's a cloak of the east. The design is quite unique, wouldn't{LF}you say? To say the least! It doesn't look like a cloak at all. Indeed. It is what it doesn't appear to be. That's why I like it{LF}so much. Work, work, work, eh? ...? You never seem to stop working! How about you take @しゅじんこうくん@ somewhere nice? Huh? Take @しゅじんこうくん@...where, exactly? Use your imagination! What do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@?{LF}Good idea, right? It is. @レオン@, you take me. No, I'm good. See? I-I see... I'm so sorry... I didn't know @しゅじんこうくん@ wished for such travel... It's not proper for a man to work so much that he loses sight{LF}of those closest to him. What...? You're the one who should be spending more time with{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@, Leon. ...Spending time with @しゅじんこうくん@, huh? I could get into{LF}that... ... ... You have a pretty busy job, don't you? It's not that bad. I love what I do so much that it hardly even feels like work{LF}to me. Wow, how cool! Can I help you work sometime? Certainly, if you'd like! Yay! How is Bado's store doing? Hmm. I have mixed feelings about it... ...? There's just something on my mind, that's all. What if I try wearing glasses? Wait... ... ...? ... Cuuuute... C-cute?! What's your favoritest delicacy, Arthur? +Glasses+. Obviously. Um...what about something that's edible? Ah, food! In that case, I like things that are +easy to eat+. Things like...+@アイテム0@+. +@アイテム0@+, huh? Okay! Why do you ask? I wanted to try cooking your favorite dish for you, since I{LF}know you're always busy. ...Thank you very much, Kiel. That's quite thoughtful of you! You're welcome! Soooo cute... Huh? What a cute plush toy! Where did you get it? That's a cute snowman. ...Can I make it wear a pair of glasses? I'm just curious, but why did you put an +anchor+ in your{LF}room? Is it a sign that you were hoping to one day be a +news{LF}anchor+? ...I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. That thing over there is a Folding Screen from the east, isn't{LF}it? I've been there several times for business. It's a nice land.{LF}They write great interactive fiction. *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit When I wake up in the morning, I'm always so very hungry! When it's lunch time, I'm also so very, very hungry! And when I'm sleeping-- In other words, you're always hungry. I get it... You can't eat too much, okay? I didn't have enough ingredients to cook yesterday. Wow. Must've been a busy day! The ingredients were just too delicious and irresistible... Don't tell me you ate them all... Porco...? Come here. Erk! I didn't eat any of the ingredients yesterday! I swear! Oh, so your customers finally got to try your dishes, then,{LF}huh? Certainly not! I ate them myself. WH-WHY?! @しゅじんこうくん@, please, hear me out! What is it, @ポコリーヌ@? Strange things have been happening around me. Strange things? Yes. Every time I cook... ...my dishes disappear in front of my eyes... ...the moment I try to serve them to the customers! ...They're delicious, too. Erm...sounds to me like you already know what ''mysterious{LF}force'' is at work here... I can cook anything! That's the spirit, chef! I can eat anything! Th-that's the...spirit...? It's very rare for my dishes to make it to my customers! Can you even be counted as a chef, then?! @しゅじんこうくん@! I came up with a new menu idea! Oh? Yes! An ''all you can eat'' menu! Now I can eat as much as I want! Isn't that supposed to be for the customers...? Arthur doesn't spend much time eating. He works so hard, I'm concerned for his health... @ポコリーヌ@... @しゅじんこうくん@, will you deliver this dish to Arthur? Sure! Mmm, that was scrumptious! ...You're a monster! Will you stay close to Meggy? Absolutely. No way. Meggy? I'm glad to hear that. You two are like real family. Well, I do love her! What?! ...As if she's my real daughter, of course. Oh...I see... Please be nice to her... I often refer to Margaret, this town's musician, as ''Meggy.'' I'm trying to show her my affection, you see. And it's a{LF}splendid nickname, to boot! Are you married, @ポコリーヌ@? No. Will you marry me, @しゅじんこうくん@? OH GOD YES. OH GOD NO. ...Mmm, that's all right. Never you mind. Why did you ask, then?! I'm hurt... S-sorry... COOK... ...and... ...EAT! That's my policy. Why don't you try switching ''EAT'' with ''SERVE'' for a{LF}change? Porco Porcoporcoporco-liiiine! ♪ What's that? It's my theme song. Meggy wrote it for moi! Oh, you have a theme song? Indeed I do! It was written just for moi, so how can I not make good use{LF}of it? I'm so happy to have a theme song! There are not enough chefs in this town. I can't be in charge of cooking for everyone...om nom nom... Why don't you start by not eating everything you cook...? @しゅじんこうくん@, will you marry me? No. I'm sorry. Leave me alone. Utterly ludicrous. Forgive me. I can't hear you. Huh? Cancel. Don't be so shy... I'm not being shy! Is +iron+ edible? Definitely not. Really? Really. Even by moi? ...Probably not. Even if I put everything I have into eating it? [Good boys and girls, please do not attempt this. On no{LF}level is it a good idea to imitate Porco.] Is +bronze+ edib-- NO. Have you seen me sleep? Of course! WHY WOULD I HAVE?! Oh my! ... Oh my! ...I said I didn't... I used to do a job that I can't tell anyone about. What was it? A chef! Er, that's what you're doing now, too. And you didn't hesitate{LF}at all in telling me about it! Cooking is about love, @しゅじんこうくん@. (@ポコリーヌ@ is saying something kind of deep. I'm sure{LF}there must be a catch somewhere...) As long as it's cooked with love, even +iron+ would taste good. NO. BAD PORCO. BAD! A ring made out of french fries... ...would be a ''fring.'' Copyright Porcoline, patent pending! ...How am I supposed to respond to that? I'm glad that you've come to this town, @しゅじんこうくん@. R-r-really? I'm glad that you've come to this town, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Err, um, I heard you the first time. I'm glad that you've come to this town, @しゅじんこうくん@. Are you making fun of me? I know you are!! It's nice to have a family. And Meggy's an important family member to moi. @ポコリーヌ@... Not only Meg... ...but Arthur as well... ...and Dylas too! Have you found anyone important to you yet,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@, please come closer. ...? Yes, what is it? AHHH!! I made a pit trap. For fun. Can I get mad at you? I can, right? But first, will you pull me out? @しゅじんこうくん@, will you stay by my side forever? OH GOD YES. OH GOD NO. Excellent! As long as there's power flowing into this device,{LF}we can stand here endlessly... Power? ...Device? ...Would you prefer to stand behind me? I...don't understand the question. What am I to you? A friend. A lover. A total weirdo. How mean of you to toy with my heart! What?! Mmm...you may forget about moi. Just forget! Poof! Gone{LF}from your memory, like yesterday's meal! Huh?! Farewell! Wait!! ...Why are you taking my jokes so seriously? I am...not a{LF}serious man! Err...this is...haha... So why don't we become a real couple, then? No, thank you. Is that a compliment? Very much so. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you have a dream? A dream? If you do, I will support you with all my power. Since I'm your biggest fan! Huh? R-really...? Yes! I'll also cook for you whenever you're hungry! Well...thank you. @しゅじんこうくん@, will you promise me one thing? Sure, what is it? Firstly, please keep loving me the way you do now. Secondly, please cook for me every day. And thirdly, please come see me every day. ...Well, would you look at the time? I'm late, I'm late, for a{LF}very important date! See ya'! Ahh... @しゅじんこうくん@, do you remember our promise? I've completely forgotten. WHAT?! Due to my work schedule, I can't take a bath while the{LF}restaurant is still open. So I have special permission from Lin Fa to take my bath{LF}after-hours. It really helps me maintain my beauty! @子供ちゃん@ is so energetic. ...And yummy-looking. Let me know if you ever want to make @子供ちゃん@ a{LF}cook. I can share my legendary secret art with the little one,{LF}known as the ''God Doughnuts Hurricane''! Er, no, thanks... Meggy's a mother now. You're a parent now... It's such a lovely thing...it makes me cry tears of purest silver! Super good morning! Hyper good morning! Mega good morning! Huh?! G-good morning. Good morning. Ultra hello! Wonderful hello! Marvelous hello! Huh?! H-hello. Hello. Special hello! Fantastic hello! U-uh, hello! Huh?! H-hello. Good evening. Such a wonderful sky! Good morning, good morning! Uh, yeah, good morning. Stronger than the rain, we are! Good morning! Good morning. *SHIVER* *SHIVER*...{LF}G-g-g-good m-m-morning! Good morning. A-are you okay? Good morning. I'm about to get blown away by the typhoon.{LF}How are you? Good morning. P-please be careful. Good morning. I'm about to get blown away by the{LF}snowstorm. How are you? Good morning. P-please be careful. Good morning. Quite the awful weather today, no? It's not the best, no. But even still, Good morning to you too! Look at those yummy-looking Runeys that are flying around! The typhoon is almost here! C-c-calm down and get ready! Hello! What wonderful weather we're having, no? Hello. Stronger than the rain, we are! Hello to you! Good morning. *SHIVER* *SHIVER*...{LF}H-h-h-h-hello to y-y-you! Hello. A-are you okay? Hello. I'm about to get blown away by the typhoon. How are{LF}you? Hello. P-please be careful. Hello. I'm about to get blown away by the snowstorm. How{LF}are you? Hello. P-please be careful. Hello. Quite the awful weather today, no? Hello! Yeah, it's looking pretty dull out there. Look at those yummy-looking Runeys that are flying around! Good morning! Spring is so warm and cozy, is it not? Good morning. It really is. Good morning... It's so hooot... Good morning. A-are you okay? Autumn appetite! My season! Good morning, good morning! Good morning. You sure seem excited! I-i-i-it's sooooo cold. G-g-good m-m-morning. Good morning. A-are you okay? Hello! Another warm spring day, no? Hello. Yeah, it's beautiful out! Hello... It's so hooot... Hello. A-are you okay? Autumn appetite! My season! Hello! Hello. You sure seem excited! I-i-it's sooooo cold. H-h-hello. Hello. A-are you okay? Good evening. This is the best season for getting a good{LF}night's sleep, don't you think? Good evening. Yeah, I think you're right. Good evening. It's hard to sleep when it's humid, wouldn't{LF}you say? ...Good evening. Yeah, it is. Good evening. The moon is pretty at night this time of year,{LF}isn't it? Good evening. Yeah, it really is. Good evening. It gets so cold at night these days! Yeah, it's freezing... I heard you've become a parent! Congratulations! What do you think about...''Porcoles'' as the child's name? Meggy's finally a mother now... I can't stop crying... Dylas is a father...oh, how time flies! Arthur is a father...oh, how time flies! You'll soon become a parent, I hear. Best of luck to you! You'll soon become a parent, I hear. Best of luck to you! It's almost time for you to meet your loving child. The whole town's been talking about your baby! You, go to the forest?! Will you bring back all manner of tasty things you find along{LF}the way? We have a new member in our little community, it seems. I do have an extra room at my place... But since Amber's a girl, she'll be living with Illuminata. I hear mysterious growling from the ruins. Someone must be very hungry... Looks like you've found another person. I dub thee...person-finder! Erm... Does our new resident have a place to go? I do have an extra room at the moment... Dylas will be staying at my place. I'll have him work as a waiter. It should be well-suited to{LF}him. Everyone's talking about ghosts. I hope those ghosts know how tasty food is! Everyone's worried about the fallen Dragon God. Should I dress up as a Dragon God? That might put the{LF}minds of the people at ease a bit... +Rune Sphere+? Is it edible? No, it's a shining stone. I've heard Dylas say that he's seen it. So, is it edible? No. +Rune Sphere+? Is that food? No, it's a shining stone. I've heard Dylas say that he's seen it. So, is it edible? No. You just need a little food in your stomach. Then you'll find it{LF}without any problem! So you should eat, @しゅじんこうくん@! The Dragon God has recovered! I'll go ask Leon if he knows any good recipes. I'm glad to see Ven looking happy. I'll go ask her if she knows any good recipes! It's finally time for me to get serious... ...and open my true eye...! GRRAAAAAAAAAHHH!! All I can do is to cook. I hope to soothe everyone's souls as much as I can. Yesterday, Dylas was secretly practicing how to cook. It must be for Doug, though he's forgetting to add a single{LF}spice. What spice? His ''honest feelings.'' The most important spice of them all. Hrm, a floating island...? You might find a new ingredient there. Please bring it back if{LF}you do. It's time for the final battle. ...All right, then. I'll show you what I'm made of. GRRAAAAAAAAAHHH!! It's awfully quiet without Ven around. Feel free to come into my arms whenever you need a hug,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. I'm trying to come up with celebratory dishes to cook for Ven{LF}upon her return. Why don't you join me, @しゅじんこうくん@? We can make our own love recipe. Noooooo thank you! Okay... *SHOCK*! You seem sad, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Meggy often makes those faces too. @しゅじんこうくん@... I've prepared an appetizer. Would you like to try it? It's filled with my love. OH GOD YES. OH GOD NO. Nooooo!! I'm about to start making the main dish now. Will you call our main guest, @しゅじんこうくん@? I'll be waiting with all my best food. This is so wonderful! I must cook all of my best dishes! *DROOL*... My dish was highly rated by a gourmet the other day. That's great news, @ポコリーヌ@! It was his first time eating my food, after coming to the{LF}restaurant 100 times before. WHAT?! I heard a foul rumor... ...that Illuminata's solved a case! Awww, that's so mean! What's foul about it?! Kiel gave me some ashes. Om nom nom... Did you just eat them?! ARGHHH, MY STOOOOMAAACH!! @ポコリーヌ@?! Have you heard that love song that's been so popular lately? That song... ...reminds me of your feelings for me. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Clorica's been awake all day. What's happening to this world?! Yesterday's bath was lovely. So much that I wanted to drink the water! Hahaha! I hear Volkanon won the butler competition. What kind of dish do you think he might've served...? Doug carried Blossom to the clinic. Isn't it wonderful how loyal a ''son'' he is? Did you hear about the event to jump from high in the air? I'll do it if you'll fall with me... No, thank you. What do Dragon Gods eat? ...Me? Why would you even ask that...? Let's make OODLES of food for the Dragon God! ...Provided you'll cook for me while I cook for her. Sure. NO WAY, NO HOW. WHOA! Has my love finally been reciprocated?! Huh? What love? Booooo... Okay, it's time to close the restaurant! Let's start cleaning up! Yes, Meg! Man, I hate this part... DYLAS? No ditching, okay? Urk...I know! We're always in the red...'cause you won't stop eating,{LF}Porco! Na ha ha ha! It's not funny! Has it always been like this? ...Yeah, pretty much. It's a miracle the place hasn't closed down already. That's certainly true! Whoa, hold up! This can't be right, can it? We actually made{LF}some profit today! Really?! Meg, are you sure you didn't miscalculate? I'm positive! See for yourself! Wow...it's a miracle! I guess miracles do happen... YEEEEEAAAAHH!! We did it, Meg! Om nom nom... DON'T YOU DARE...!!! This would be a regular occurrence if Porco would just stop{LF}picking at all the food... ... Why is he so quiet? Uhh, Porco? Hello? ...Huh? Oh, I was just thinking about the past... I don't think I've heard all that much about your past. What{LF}was it like? I'm sure I have a portrait around here somewhere... Ooh! Can I see? I'd like to see it too. Here we have it! All right! Let's check it out. HOLY...! Is...is this you, Porco?! It looks like a total stranger! It can't be! Who is this?! Hahahaha! W-wait...who's that beautiful woman next to you!? She looks like an elf. Was she your girlfriend!? HAHAHAHA! *STARE*... Um, why are you staring at me, Porco? There's nothing fun about watching Margaret, believe me.{LF}I've tried it. Shut your mouth, Dylas! You sure have grown into a beautiful woman, Margaret. Huh?! Pfft! H...hey, Porco! Cut it out! You're making me blush! Are you all right, Porcoline? You must be exhausted... ...Thanks a lot, Dylas. Don't you agree with me, @しゅじんこうくん@? Of course! What? WHOA! Even you?! AHH!! My face is burning!! ...S-see? It's just you, Porco. You know, come to think of it, I saw this odd couple hanging{LF}out by the restaurant the other day. Really...? Strange how, exactly? Well, I overheard them talking... Man: ''Why don't we eat here?''{LF}Woman: ''It looks expensive...''{LF}Man: ''It'll be fine! My treat.'' Woman: ''But...I'd feel bad.''{LF}Man: ''Really, it's my pleasure.''{LF}Woman: ''Can we split the bill?'' Man: ''I can't let you do that.''{LF}Woman: ''And I can't let you pay!''{LF}Man: ''But I was the one who...'' They just kept going on and on like that. Back and forth,{LF}never reaching any conclusion. Is that... I thought, enough is enough... ...so I yelled at them to get the hell inside if they're eating. And then they just ran off. What is WRONG with you?! That's not how you treat customers! OUCH! Nice kick, Meg! [Received @アイテム0@.] The restaurant was pretty busy today. Yeah...I'm beat. You gave it your all today, Dylas. Hmm...? Yeah, you're a great waiter. Don't you think so too, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hey, don't ask around! Why not? I think he is. Not really. Wha? What are you saying?! Awww, don't be shy! Admit it, hearing @しゅじんこうくん@ compliment you made you{LF}happy! Dammit, let me clean and close the store already! Looks like there's a long way to go until you can impress{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. ...Pfft. Who cares, anyway? @しゅじんこうくん@'s not the boss of{LF}me... You sure have a lot of furniture! You must be...preparing for our marriage... Oh, what a cute plush toy! Where's my plush toy? Don't have one?! Hmph! What a pretty flower! It's as beautiful as your soul... That statue is...hard to comment on. Where's my statue? Don't have one?! Hmph! A human-faced statue...I think it's quite artistic. You should make one with my face! Is that a snowman? It looks YUMMY!! I see you have some art here. Where's my artwork? Don't have one?! Hmph! Good evening, space cats. This is Porcoline, reporting live{LF}from @しゅじんこうくん@'s room! ...I had to be an anchor...when I saw this anchor. Oh, you have a ball! Will you throw it? I'll go fetch it like a dog! AHHHHH!!! THERE'S A HUGE DINOSAUR!!! *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit It seems like this town's getting busier and busier, yes? The town's more cheerful, now that you and Arthur have{LF}joined us. How nice! ♪ My mama's so cute! ♪ I'm proud to have a cute mama like her. ♪ Are you, now? You should be. I'm proud of @子供ちゃん@. Yes! Your tastes are good! Although...I feel a little bit sad... Well, it's okay! Chin up, yes? Ahaha! You're so in love with @子供ちゃん@! ...Make sure you never lose that, okay? Huh? *SIGH* So tired, yes. Who, you? Mmhm! Yes, me! Huh? Who's tired? Hmm? I am. It seems like people often tell me that I talk in a strange{LF}way. Well, I lived abroad for a long while. So it can't be helped, yes? But I should make sure not to have @子供ちゃん@ copy{LF}me! What should I do to attract more customers? How about magic tricks? You can make funny faces. Okay. Here are 100 plates. All right... Surprise! Before you know it, most of them are shattered. ... For example? Hmm...how about this? ...HAHAHAHA! Wow, I have amazement! It hurts +mine+ stomach. You mean, ''+my+ stomach,'' right? I've never met anyone who talked like me, even in other{LF}countries. Then, it must be a mixture of different languages. No, I don't think so... Oh, @シャオパイ@? Yes, yes. That flower accessory is about to come loose. Huh? You're right! Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. It might be a weird question, but have you broken any{LF}plates? Sure. Who hasn't? Nope. Never. I break many things. Oh. ...I'm glad to hear that. Do you break them a lot? Yes. It seems like I do. Oh... Then, what about losing dishes as you're carrying them? Huh...? What's wrong? Are you worried about @子供ちゃん@? What's wrong? If you have any concerns, I'll listen to you. So, feel free to tell me. Take care, please. Huh? O-okay. Your shirt is twisted. Please, stand still. Th-thank you very much. I-it's totally normal, because we're married... I-it's totally normal, because we're dating... ...I was trying to fix it, but it's somehow getting worse. Here's a blouse with a button that's falling off. I do this, and that... Ta-dah! Wow! You've been practicing, haven't you? Tee hee! ♪ ...It's getting much worse. T-time to get serious! *STARE* What is it, @シャオパイ@? Here, your button's falling out. Oh... Now, let me fix that. ...Huh? It seems like you're worried about my sewing skill, yes? I'll prove to you that there's nothing to worry about! ...For now. You must think I'm clumsy. Yeah, pretty much. ... ... Is something wrong? ...Not at all! Don't you think Mama's more forgetful than I am? But for some reason, it always works out perfectly... It seems like I used to love sweets. Is that so? ''Used to''? Yes. But one day, it led to becoming a trauma... Huh...? Unaware clumsiness can cause troubles to many people. (She's looking off into the distance...) If there was a tomato on a shortcake instead of a{LF}strawberry, for example... ...and if you didn't notice it until you ate it... ...isn't it natural that you'd +hate tomatoes+? Erm... I will never let @子供ちゃん@ feel that way! When I was fixing my hair, it got stuck to my hair pin... I c-can't take it out...of...owww... Are you okay? Can I help you? Yes...if I do this... Uhh...it's getting worse... ...Don't worry. I can do this on my own... Mama's mistakes always lead to good things. But my mistakes always lead to bad things. @シャオパイ@... ...All right! I'll try, little by little! Mama's enjoying stew again... What will she do with 60 pounds of stew? Wow, that is...a lot. I can eat it! It takes up lots of space, yes. Huh? Oh, it's not the stew itself, but the utensils. What?! Hmm...? Have you seen such a miracle before... ...like a whole stew having to disappear in a day? Err... My mama's so great... Yes! I have to try harder! That's the spirit! Ahaha! My mama is so very great! ♪ (She looks so happy...) What I must do to stop the plates from breaking... ... I can't think of anything! There... Um, @シャオパイ@? Why are you putting a plate on your{LF}head? I'm practicing how to balance myself. If I master this, I won’t break as many plates as I do now! Oh! You've listened to my advice, then? Yes. I am desperate. Huh...? Mama can be too troublesome sometimes. She does everything at her own pace, and tends to order too{LF}much food. And then I drop the dishes... The last one's your own fault, isn't it? There... Are you still practicing how to keep yourself balanced? Yes. It seems like I no longer break plates even when I do this! What about when you're working? Urk... ... Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Would you like to work with me? There's many plates. Plates that need a person that will not{LF}break them. I've been wanting someone who won't break the plates here. But if people love this place even with all of our mistakes... ...Maybe my breaking plates shouldn't change either. I want to talk to someone who's good at working. Why don't you ask @アーサー@ out for lunch sometime? Hmm. You're right... I want to eat Arthur. You mean, you want to eat +with+ Arthur, right? It seems like...I see something. Something on you. Huh? Here, there's someone behind you even now. ...?! Are you seeing things, @シャオパイ@? I'm not sure. But I often do see things that other people don't see. For example...I can find you from afar... Like dirt on the corner of the window frames. ... Your button's about to come off. Here, let me fix it. I'm sure it'll work this time! Trust her. Don't trust her. There! It's fixed! You're right. You did it! See? ♪ Well... I've learned the basics of sewing. Hee hee. It's the efforts of hard work! ♪ Your fingers are covered in bandages, though... I'll rest when I'm done with this work. Yes. I worked hard! Good job. Since I'm clumsy, I have to work extra hard. I won't give up, and will keep moving even if it's slow! And one day, I'll win against Mama! Then I'll finally be useful! It's nice being clumsy. Although it takes more time than others... ...you'll feel more happy when you achieve something, yes? I hope I can teach this to @子供ちゃん@ too. ...Ouch. It seems like my hair got stuck onto the hair pin again. Are you okay? Do you need my help? Yes... Actually...can you help me, please? ...Well, yes. It would be nice if I could get some help. It's nice that there are so many bridges around here! Why don't we go on a picnic with @子供ちゃん@{LF}sometime? Would you like to go somewhere together? I realized something important. Two is always better than one! ...So, will you help me too? Hmm... Okay! I'm going to try harder! @子供ちゃん@'s watching too. ♪ Mama is a great person. Any mistakes she makes will always end up being fine. I should also try harder! There's a long way to go for me... *SIGH*...I've been making so many mistakes these days. Take it easy, @シャオパイ@. You're doing fine. Thank you. ...But sometimes, I just want to depend on you more... @しゅじんこうくん@, come here. Okay. *HUG* Hmm...? Fully charged! How's everything? Trying hard, yes? Yes. No. ...I'm tired. Yes, yes! Do the best you can! If you fall, I'll look after you. ♪ Here's an advice for you. Try harder. I see... Then, why don't we try together? That's probably the best{LF}idea! Hmm... ...? @しゅじんこうくん@, you seem tired. Come here. I'll give you a hug. Huh...? Here. Okay... Too embarrassing! There, there... ... Huh? I thought you wanted to lean on me... @しゅじんこうくん@, turn around. Like this? *HUG* Wha...?! ...Charging now. I just discovered something. I always have fun when I'm with you. Of course when I'm with @子供ちゃん@, too! ♪ Hmm... Mama told me I've changed a little these days. Does it mean that I'm becoming more like a mother? You're the reason for this, yes? When I was cooking with Mama, the stew boiled over. Were you hurt? Was @リンファ@ okay? No, we were both fine. ... ...You look happy. ...You worry about Mama before me? HUH?! Erm... ...I want you to look only at me. ... I can feel my heart pounding, even from my clothes, and... Can you hear it...? @シャオパイ@? C-calm down...calm down... @しゅじんこうくん@. Would you listen to me? Huh? Um, sure. I want to talk to you, even without a particular reason. Hmm? It seems that I've fallen so deeply in love. Err... Thank you very much. ... You're welcome! ♪ ... I-I'm waiting for your reaction... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. You've forgotten this! Oh, thank you. Hee hee. My husband's so very forgetful! ♪ I'll always have to help him from now on! You've got my number! That'll make it worse. Tee hee! ♪ What do you mean by that?! @しゅじんこうくん@. Give me your hand. Huh? Give it to her. Hide your hand. Pat her head. There's a thing called palm reading, and... ...?! Wh-what's the matter? I feel something tingly when I touch your hand... Huh...? Mm...my face is also burning... ...Is this palm reading? Ah...! Hey! Let me see! Hmmm, I dunno...should I? Ngh! Please! Let me see!! ... How many troubles will I have just for you? Hmm? ...Forget it. @しゅじんこうくん@. Will we be together for the whole day? Huh? Um...I don't want to be apart from you...even for a little bit! Once we get married, I thought we'd always be together. But that's not the case. That's true... It's very sad. @しゅじんこうくん@... Can you...come a bit closer? What? Actually, never mind. ...! Instead of having you come closer, I can go to you! ...Yes? It seems like I came up with a good idea! Lend me your ears, please. Huh? I...love...you! ♪ I...love...you...many tons! ♪ ...?! It's fun to make people blush. Especially when it's someone you love! Oh, @シャオパイ@, you're such a trouble-maker! Mmm... ...? What's wrong? I was just getting bored. Huh...? Um, @シャオパイ@? Hmm? How do you feel about me? Are you still bored? Well... Yes...I love you so very much! ♪ Yes. It's about time I come up with a new way of training{LF}balance. There's something I must tell you. Hmm? It seems like this training I will be doing will be long and{LF}dangerous. Very dangerous. I don't want to break the plates anymore... Be prepared. Huh? Me? @しゅじんこうくん@! It's terrible! What happened?! I tried to start a new training for balancing... And the wall... What...?! Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? We should visit that bridge at some time, yes? Sure. Which bridge? It's a promise! ♪ The one...that I confessed... ...erm...to you... ... @シャオパイ@? Wh-why don't you think on your own?! I have a good idea, yes. But the moment I tried to tell you, I forgot... Hmm, what was it...? In order to make @アイテム9@... You need love. @アイテム8@'s the key! Why are you making that? Oh... Then, that's not a problem. Huh...? Did you know? No, but I do now. ... Tee hee, it's a secret! ♪ We need small surprises to make our daily lives enjoyable. Dolce said this too! So... I've mixed a @アイテム9@ into the bag of{LF}+carrots+. Huh? Now, choose! WHAT?! It's nice to have someone you love. It's strange. Though I know I can't love you more than I{LF}already do... ...my love for you won't stop... What do I do, @しゅじんこうくん@? I love you so much, yes. Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Aren't you getting tired... ...of being with me every day? That could never happen. I need you. ... ...O-okay. There's one thing I've realized after marrying you. I...I love you. Much more than before... And I you. *Hug her* ...Yeah. ... You're always so warm, @しゅじんこうくん@. There are more things I have realized, after having our{LF}baby... I can never fully express how much I love and care for you. @子供ちゃん@ called my mama Grandma. She seemed so very sad... Erm... When I tried to say she's not, she pointed out that yes, she{LF}is. And as I flustered, I somehow became an ''aunty'' too. ...It was too painful to correct her. Uhh... I love things like +flowers+ and +Chinese food+. Really? Yes. ...I'll be looking forward! What? (For her birthday, maybe?) It's Day @0@ of @キャラ0@. Hmm? My birthday. Oh, is it? You're ''looking forward''? Yes. ...I'll be looking forward! What? Of course! ♪ You can dash by pressing @字0@ for a second. It seems like I fell after dashing so many times, though. You did? Of course I did. It's just like me, yes? I was walking slowly by pressing @字0@... ...and yet I still fell! Really? ...That's right. Even buttons do not prevent a clumsy Xiao Pai. Morning. Monrig! Er... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Haloha! Um, is that a greeting? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. He-o. @シャオパイ@...you need to enunciate. It's ''Hello''! I'll work hard today, yes. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. What are you doing? Is it this late already? You must be tired. Evening. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's night already, yes? Hi, @シャオパイ@. The weather's sure nice today, huh? Mm, it seems it is. Rainy days are slippery. I should be extra careful with my{LF}plates. Um, but you'll be indoors, right? Urk, it's cold... Don't grab a cold, please! You mean, catch a cold? It seems like the typhoon is here. Will your crops be okay? What a strong snowstorm... Aren't you cold? I'm fine. But I worry about Amber. Mm, I'll be fine. Hmm, it seems like it'll rain, yes... The weather's nice, @シャオパイ@. Yes! It gives me energy! ♪ You should rest on rainy days. This snow proves that winter is completely upon us now. When I look up at the sky, I feel like I'm flying... The wind is so strong... I can't see anything... It seems like you should be careful! Hmm, the sun's not bright today. I should work hard! In the sun's place, you mean? Mmm, spring is nice. The sun is warm and comfortable. Wow, it's so hot... But I mustn't skip work! The mornings are sure getting cold. The leaves are beginning to color up, too. Be careful not to{LF}catch a cold! There's a lot of snow today. Yes. But I shouldn't run around, because I'm an adult. Even if{LF}I really, really want to... The spring wind is so...comforting... Yes. It's the flower viewing season. Summer...is the season of swimsuits... Um...why do you look so upset about that...? Autumn is the season of appetite.{LF}...Be careful not to eat too much. I like snow. It's both pretty and fun. You look like you're one passing suggestion away from{LF}leaping into a snow mound... Spring nights are warm and comfortable. I sweat a lot today. Bath tastes good on days like this. Um, it's not a drink, you know... Papa said autumn nights are best for eating dumplings. Whew, it's freezing tonight... *SIGH*... Life is precious. I look forward to hearing the baby's name! My baby will see me the way I see Mama, yes? The baby's kicking my stomach. Must be excited to come{LF}out, yes! Mama's been telling all the customers about our baby. It seems like Papa was good at cradling babies. I will definitely make our child happy. I am certain I must! I have to be more dependable, yes! It seems I trust you completely, @しゅじんこうくん@. Congratulations! I can't wait to see your baby, yes? ♪ I'm glad to have more customers, but I'm even happier to{LF}welcome a new member in this town! Dolce seems like she'll spoil her kids, yes? Since Leon's the father...errm...good luck to you! Don't hesitate to ask for help anytime, yes? Heading to the forest? Who is? Me? You are. Yes. Be careful! When I asked Amber what kind of bath she wants to take,{LF}she said @アイテム9@. ...Don't tell Mama. At night, I hear strange voices from outside. I have a bad feeling about such. I stopped hearing strange voices. It seems like there's a rumor that it was the sound of my{LF}snore. ...Could it be true? How would such a thing happen? Dylas and Doug were angry that the bath was not hot{LF}enough. It seems like both of them prefer the taking of hot baths. They seem to have a lot in common! Last night, when I dropped a plate from the cabinet... ...it somehow stopped in the air and didn't break. I was so surprised that I wound up dropping the other plate I{LF}was holding! I want to know more about Dolce. But I'm busy thinking about Lady Ventuswill now... +Rune Sphere+? A +blue gem+? No, I've never heard of it. A beautiful blue gem? Ah! It seems like I just heard about it! Mama was talking about it, I think... I've been asking our customers about the +Forest of{LF}Beginnings+, but I still haven't learned anything. Perhaps Mama might've been able to learn more from one of{LF}our patrons! It's too early to give up. @しゅじんこうくん@, how is your body? Well, it seemed like you were blown away pretty far, so I{LF}was worried... Even with me, it wouldn't happen more than maybe once{LF}every week! Leon will be staying at our place. I was surprised that he doesn't break the plates... ...and even more surprised when he started making fun of{LF}me. He's terrifying, yes? I learned that Lady Ventuswill is a cute dragon at heart. It is nice to know that she has a funny way of speaking, just{LF}like me! It seems like I feel a sense of affinity. ♪ Just beat them! Mama and I are okay... I can't understand what's going on... I thought Lady Ventuswill had gotten better! Why is this happening...? ...I'm so powerless, and it's so frustrating, yes? Lady Ventuswill looks very ill... It seems like everyone, including Mama, are all worried... There's rumor that my clumsiness caused the island to float. That's impossible...yes? Believe in yourself. And you shall find your way! Lady Ventuswill... We're all trying very hard for you! So please come back, and give us your blessings again! Lady Ventuswill... Oh, I'm sorry. You're the one who must be most upset... But... I can't help thinking that we're missing something, yes? ...Mama looks sad too. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. I was looking for you! Here, take this with you! I'll be praying for you to save Lady Ventuswill. Don't worry! It seems like as long as you keep trying, things{LF}will eventually work out. You can trust me! I have seen such luck all my life. I'm happy to see Lady Ventuswill again! Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Porcoline was shaking hands with a famous gourmet. Moved to tears, they were hugging each other tightly. ... It seems like that tells you something about both of their{LF}personalities, yes? Lumie solved a case? Who could be spreading such an impossible rumor? It's a mystery! I don't follow you. I totally agree, yes! Mmm... I feel a strong will coming from somewhere. That black thing Kiel brought... ...Actually, don't say it. I can understand it aaaaall too well. That means, someone must be screaming somewhere... Not that I intend to eat it. I was singing the popular love song yesterday... ...and everyone asked me if I'm suffering from something... ... Try harder. ... I will, yes! It seems like Clorica's been awake for the whole day. It is surprising because she is always asleep, but also not{LF}since it means her energy is back! ...That's what I tell myself so I can relax and go to sleep at{LF}night. I need my energy, too! ... I accidentally fell into the bath yesterday. Were you all right? Accidentally...? Not at all. I couldn't open my eyes... ??? Although such accidents happen all the time... ...the problem was that there was a whole bunch of{LF}@アイテム9@ in the bath. I tried to mix it by adding water. But I was worried that the bath would no longer be hot... It seems like Volkanon won the butter competition. ...What's a butter competition? Everyone in town heard about Doug's kindness. Although it's Kiel that's been spreading the rumor. ...Poor Doug. It seems like jumping from the airship isn't easy to do. But it does sound fun, yes? You're right. It's not that fun. I guess it's not something that anyone can experience,{LF}though. Y-yeah, probably not... You look like you know everything about it... I want... ...to give Lady Ventuswill an offering. D-do you? But I'm not sure what to give her. Maybe I can give her this plate! Huh? Why would you give her a plate? I just want her to accidentally break it, to feel a little of what{LF}it's like to be Xiao Pai! ... Let's tell scary stories! Wh-what?! Why now, all of a sudden?! I just heard one from Volkanon. And it's a good one! I really{LF}want to share it with you. Th-that's okay! You're welcome to keep it to yourself! Y-yeah, I don't want to hear something that might freak me{LF}out! And besides, Amber's right here, remember? Actually, I'd like to hear it. ... ''Is it about ghosts?'' If they're anything like you, it won't be much of a story. It was a dark and stormy night... Eeeek! M-Meg! A boy who'd lost his memory came to the village. He was disheveled, and hadn't eaten anything for days. ''I need water,'' he uttered meekly. And as if in response, a woman with a watering can{LF}suddenly appeared before him. Then... ... Then what?! ...I don't remember. Argh... I didn't want to hear it, but now that I've heard PART{LF}of it, I want to know the rest! Yeah, I think I'd have been better off without having heard{LF}any of that... Hey, Meg, what's your homeland like? My homeland? I haven't heard of it either, no. Yeah, I'd love to know more about it! Erm, well...the elven lands are located due north from here. They're surrounded by lush forests. It really is a beautiful{LF}country. A beautiful country, huh...? ''I'd love to visit there at least once, milady. Wouldn't you?'' Yeah, I think I would. It's a lot like this. I'd love to invite you all for a visit{LF}sometime. Wow, that would be great! Do you have some medicine for carelessness? No, we don't. ''How about smacking you upside the head at a forty-five{LF}degree angle?'' I've never heard of such treatment before.{LF}It is...effective? Dare I ask what you did this time? Did you put sweet powder in the bath instead of bath salts? Honey would be better. That could be a real sensation! No, I'll bet it was something way more ridiculous...like squid! Eww, no way! H-How did you know? Wait, seriously? How does that even happen?! I brought squid into the bath by mistake. I realized it is{LF}wrong, but then...I trip. And splash. How dreadfully careless! No, no! Clorica is the only one I will not let say such things{LF}to me! No, no, no! It's okay, Xiao Pai. I like you just the way you are! Hmm? Yeah. Don't sweat it. You look very natural and charming{LF}when you work. Oh? I agree. You're great just as you are. Flowers must be left to bloom on their own, after all. ...Shut it, Pico. ''What? I didn't say anything!'' If you guys say so, I stay this way for a while... Hrng...hrrrng... What are you doing, Forte? Oh, erm...just indulging in some cool-down. Cool-what? Is that some sort of chilled dessert? Umm...even though I'm not entirely sure what it is, I'm still{LF}going to say ''no'' to that. Cool-down exercises. Like warm-ups, but they're done after{LF}working out instead of before. It's important to stretch your muscles after engaging in any{LF}sort of strenuous activity. Ah, I see! You have a really flexible body, Forte. Huh? You think so? ''D-Dolly, milady! Look at me! I can bend my body to the{LF}ground!'' That's less impressive when you don't even have a physical{LF}body anymore. ''What does that have to do with anything?! It's still hard to{LF}do!'' Yeah, Forte, you look so smooth and soft... *STARE* S-stop staring at me! I'm losing focus! You are so adorable, Amber! Ha ha ha! Stop it! That tickles! It seems Meg is into Amber, yes? I feel like I got a real sister! And she's sooooo cute! They really do look like sisters. ''Just like Dolly and me...'' Cold and lifeless, you mean? Just be careful you don't spoil her too much, Meg. Oh yes, I picked a flower today, and brought it with me. Look! Isn't it beautiful? Ugh... Y-Yeah...cute... Are you okay, Forte? Ha ha. Forte is the one who needs to be careful not to spoil{LF}people. Specifically, Kiel! ... Dolce looks so...focused. What are you doing? Making clothes for Pico. Wow, I wish I could make them so nice! ''Oh? You want a dress too?'' No, no, it is Dolce's fingers I crave. I feel similarly, but what a strange way to say you envy{LF}someone's dexterity. ''So you guys are hopeless when it comes to sewing and{LF}knitting, huh?'' Ah...! I can't really deny that. Pico! You shouldn't be saying things like that to people.{LF}You're no better at it! She's not? ''Well...I don't know, really...'' Aha...ha ha... Wow, it's so good! ♪ This tastes amazing. It's delicious! I'm always impressed whenever I eat any of Porcoline's{LF}dishes. Porco is the best cook ever, you know? This is very good. It's a meal fit for a thing! I think you mean ''king.'' It seems we have a lot of fish today. We got fresh fish today! Better watch out. Kiel might scream if he sees them. Wow. He dislikes fish that much? Well, he'll eat it if it's broiled, but he has a strong dislike of{LF}the way raw fish looks. He shouldn't be so picky. But you have your own preferences too, Clorica, don't you? Yes, I suppose I do. Everybody has things they don't like. It's just...part of life. Eeeek! What's wrong, Amber?! Fish... Oh, I remember now that Amber is...not so good with the{LF}fish. Bon appetit! What did you order, Forte? I ordered @アイテム0@. Sounds good. Would you like to try some? Oh, may I? Thank you, Forte. Mmmm... What?! It's just the two of you? That's no fair! Clorica, say ahhh. Oh, Xiao Pai! Sure. Ahhh... ♪ Dolly, Dolly! Your turn! Say ahhhh! ♪ I, uh... I'm good, thanks! Ahhh... ♪ A-Ahh... Is it good? ...Mm. It is. ''Rrrrrgggg...'' ''I've never done that whole open-up-and-say-ahh thing{LF}before!'' ''And I waaaaaaannaaaaaa!!'' It's your turn, Forte! Ah... Ah...ahhh...ah...ahh. Ah, aaahhh... C'mon, Forte. Ahhh! ♪ Absolutely delicious, don't you think, Forte? This is so humiliating... You never cease to amaze me, Clorica. Huh? Why? You can eat even while you're sleeping! There's no way-- I've seen it. I once saw Clorica chewing like mad, but she{LF}was fast asleep the whole time. Huh...? You sometimes have multiple plates, and you handle them so{LF}perfectly! What...? I'll often ask you questions, too...and you actually answer! ♪ There's...there's no way... You've even gone back for seconds. ... How embarrassing... ... ... ... ... ... ... Are you guys sure about this? *GULP* Okay... Porco! I think I'm ready for...the @アイテム0@!! You should pay more attention to your surroundings, Mama. You think so? But everything's been working out just fine, I'd say. I think...maybe I suffer the bad luck from your carelessness... Your papa wrote us a letter. What does it say? Let's see... Lin Fa, Xiao. How have you two been doing? I'm doing fine. Guess where I am! It's somewhere completely covered in ice. Actually, I'm not exactly sure where it is. But I hope you get{LF}this letter, either way! It seems like Papa's still continuing his journey! I'm glad to{LF}know it. It is nice to know that he's okay, but I miss him so much... I-I'm surprised that the letter was safely delivered... It's actually not that bad. In fact, it's pretty usual for my{LF}papa! Mm. Even when you talk normally, you sound very cute, yes? What, uh...what's going on here? It seems like...we've traded how to talk. Today Mama's acting like me, and I'm acting like Mama. Erm... Why don't you join us? I'm not sure I know how... You always say I'm forgetful, but at least I'm not as clumsy as{LF}you, Xiao. Wh-what are you talking about?! You're always breaking my dishes, right? URK! But it's always so cute watching you panic afterwards. E-erm... It seems like it's maybe genetic, since Mama's so forgetful! Oh, don't say that about your mother! Xiao, Xiao... Huh? Have you found yourself...a boyfriend? Or at least a crush? WHAT?! Don't be shy! I'm your mother. You can tell me. And you're old enough to like a boy or two. I think one's enough... Fine. So come on! Spill the beans to your mama. (URK...I can't ignore her...) ... ...? ... Oh my! I see, I see... No! No, no! It's not what you're thinking! And just what am I thinking, exactly? ERRRR... ??? ...There's...no one. Awww. That's no fun! It doesn't have to be fun. I think it's okay being no fun! La la laaa! ♪ Do you like to dance, Amber? Yeah, it's fun! Hrm... What's wrong? Amber, would you dance at our inn? Huh? Why? Porcoline's attracting customers with Meg's music. So we can have you dance to attract even more customers,{LF}yes? Wow, you're smart, Xiao! Yes! It seems a perfect idea. Ah, time to get back to work. Bye bye! ♪ ...Hmm? It seems like the town of Sharance has many flowers. More than here? Yes, much more. Wooow, that's cool! I heard there's also a large tree that's covered with light. Ooooh! I wish to go there. Me too! I think you have something funny in you, Amber. You're really funny too, Xiao! Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Which of us do you think is funnier? @コハク@. @シャオパイ@. Both of you. Neither of you. Really? I was right! ...But why am I feeling a little disappointed...? Th-that's not true! Tee hee, yes it is! ♪ But...it's...sort of a boring answer. Too predictable! Yeah,{LF}that's it! I see. That's a boring answer, yes? Err... ... ... Xiao, Xiao. Hmm? What's a flower made of light that blooms really fast in the{LF}sky, then falls and vanishes? You usually see it at night, and it's huuuuge! Hee hee... Bet{LF}you can't guess! What could it be? Fireworks? I have no idea. Hrm... I got it! What's your guess? It's a ''mysterious flower''! Nope! The answer's ''fireworks.'' Ah! Sometimes Xiao worries me... ... I think Mama and Clorica are very much alike. They both are kind of absent-minded. We're both absent-minded... And...what else? D-don't look at me. I have no idea. But it is obvious! Huh? They're both forgetful. Oh, that's true! We're forgetful, and... ...Huh? What were we talking about again? See? She's just like Mama! Hahaha... Do you know any interesting stories? Interesting stories? I don't know if it's interesting, but last night Kiel was talking{LF}in his sleep. That's not what I mean! Then what kind of stories are you talking about? Stories about...relationships! Ooooh, relationships! ... So, let's start with Forte-- Bwah?! Forte!! It seems like I've been breaking so many plates. But it's not on purpose... How do I stop breaking plates? Why don't you pay more attention and try not to drop them? It doesn't work so well, no matter how hard I try. Then, let's see... You can build enough muscle to grip the plates and never let{LF}them go! Why don't we train together? Mm. It seems unlikely that the problem will fix this way. I-it does? What about you, Clorica? You have a good idea, yes? Well... How about...sliding the plates across the floor to move{LF}them? That way they CAN'T fall! Oh, what a great idea! I'll try it tomorrow! What...? ...Ow! Oh, your clip's stuck in your hair! There, it's fixed now. Thank you, Clorica. I have clumsy hands. Everything gets knotted so easily... I know how you feel... I'm a little clumsy myself. And with long hair like this, it's even worse. Forte and I are alike, yes? Hey, don't count me out! But you're not clumsy. That's right. You're so skillful that you can even sleep while{LF}you work and still not mess up. Don't be silly, I never do that! It seems that she does not remember. That's so not fair... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@? What is it? From the three of us, which kind of girl do you like most? Wha?! Why are you discussing something like that?! Don't be shy. Just answer her. T-this wasn't my idea... Well, @しゅじんこうくん@? Please be honest. Someone like Xiao Pai. Someone like Clorica. Someone like Forte. None of you. M-me?! Look! Xiao's blushing! Y-you shouldn't have asked such a question. I-I'm not blushing! The answer was +someone like+ me! That means, not me, yes? Hmm... Am I not good enough? ...What's this feeling? I guess I need more training... Really? ♪ So you like Clorica, yes? That's not what you asked, and that's not quite what I said! I-I told you not to ask weird questions like that. ...But I'm a bit disappointed. ...Hrm... M-me?! Your face is all red, Forte. Oh, yes, like a boiled octopus! Th-there's no way it's that red! I guess I'm not your type... So you like girls like Forte... I see. It seems like there's nothing we can do about it... ...R-right... You shouldn't be so shy, @しゅじんこうくん@. Easy for you to say! I put the spear...like this... WHAAA?! Oh, dear... What are you doing? I'm practicing @アイテム9@ to entertain the{LF}customers. Why don't you join me? Huh? Mama, please start! Okay. So you hold the spear like this... Wh-what? And then it's like this...and like that. Got it? Give it a try. YAAAAAAAAH!! H-haaah...! --WHOA?! It only worked for @しゅじんこうくん@... ...I-I won't lose...! Uhh... [Received @アイテム9@.] By using @アイテム9@, we can make the{LF}customers happy all summer! Yes! This will be a good show! Yes. And we'll no longer need the fan, either. Huh? Huh? Huh? Hey, Meg? Yes? What do I sound like? Like, your voice? Hmmm... You come across as someone who's deeply motivated, I'd{LF}say. Very optimistic and hard-working. R-Really? You bet! ♪ I'm so very glad to hear as such! ♪ How about me? You too, huh? Well, let's see... Your quietness belies your strength...but there's also a note{LF}of sweetness. Sweet...ness...? Uh-huh! Without a doubt! ♪ Okay... I haven't had +@アイテム0@+ for a while now. I want to eat +Chinese food+, if I can. I think I'd prefer +western sweets+. Seems like none of us are getting quite what we want. But it is not good to eat and eat and eat only the things we{LF}love, yes? Why not? Because if we eat too much of what we love, we'll get tired{LF}of it, won't we? Because if we eat too much of what we love, we'll...get tired{LF}of it? Exactly! When you eat it, you should do it at the right time. Hey, Meg? Do you mind playing music at mine and Mama's inn next{LF}time? Oh? No, I wouldn't mind at all! Thanks! I appreciate! What kind of music do you want me to play? Maybe something to soothe the tired customers? How about something relaxing? Sure. Do you have any ideas, @しゅじんこうくん@? Something hardcore. Something groovy. Something relaxing. What?! That would make us more tired... Were you really listening to us? Y-You want dance music...? I thought dancing might be a good way to release stress. I see... It's an interesting idea. Okay, so that's a check on the rhythmic beats. But what{LF}else? Is she...actually considering it? Hey, don't steal my idea. @しゅじんこうくん@... So you two are in agreement, then? I like the clothes Dolce makes. They're super-cute. Um... Yes. I agree. I don't think they're that cute... Sure they are! Back me up, Xiao Pai. Yes. Very cute! ...Well, thanks, I guess... What's the weather supposed to be like tomorrow? I hope it{LF}isn't going to rain... Rainy days are the worst for hair, aren't they? Ha ha. Yeah, my hair always gets kind of...puffy. Mine clings to my face. ''But I'm the one who combs your hair, milady. It shouldn't be{LF}a bother for you!'' I'm talking about YOUR hair. Rainy days and ghost hair do{LF}not a winning formula make. I don't think I've ever had luck rolling dice. If you come to think about it, isn't that a rare talent? I like flowers. They make you feel happy, just by being there. ♪ There's a barrel here. Don't bring it near me, or I might roll it... Folding screens are made to be broken! *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit Xiao's my cute little daughter. Her clumsiness and misfortune makes her all the cuter. Err...is that a compliment? I ordered too many dishes from Porcoline. But then... ...due to various screw-ups, it wound up being just the right{LF}amount after all! ♪ Huh...? I accidentally served a customer the wrong item... ...but the customer thanked me, because the order itself was{LF}taken wrong! I-I see... A customer asked me directions, and I accidentally told him{LF}to go the wrong way. Oh... ...But it actually turned out to be correct! I was just{LF}remembering wrong. ♪ What?! *SIGH* What's wrong? What did you do now? Well, the usual, really. Oh, no! Everything's fine! Really! ...? I'm... I'm just so forgetful... ...Wait... Forget I said that! I'd rather people not know my dark secret. I think that ship has already sailed... ... Um, @リンファ@...? ...It's a secret, okay? Huh? You know...the fact that I'm forgetful! O-oh... Sure... I felt like I was forgetting something earlier... But I remembered what it was by talking to Clorica. It's the fact that both of us forgot something this morning! ♪ ...And nothing of value was gained... I think I'm forgetting something again... Actually, me too. Oh, what a coincidence! ♪ I'm glad it wasn't just me. ♪ So am I! ♪ Hee hee hee... ♪ ...Um, neither of you have actually accomplished anything,{LF}you realize! Could it have been...orders from a customer, perhaps? Ah! That's why that lady on a diet thanked me! ... Clorica and I are both so absent-minded. Oh, and we're both forgetful, too! We're two of a kind! Peas in a pod! ♪ You didn't make any peas... No, Clorica... I mean we're both kindred spirits...on account of our{LF}forgetfulness! ♪ Ohh...that's right, I'd forgotten that's what we were talking{LF}about! ♪ See? Just like I said! (How does one even react to this...?) Clorica looks like she's always sleeping, doesn't she? Isn't it impressive that she still gets her work done, though? It's the same with you, though, @リンファ@. More or{LF}less. You know, I've made some pretty big mistakes in my time... Did you screw something up again? No, I was just reflecting on my past. Although without that particular mistake, Xiao wouldn't be{LF}here now... Wh-what?! Let us know ahead of time if you ever want to stay at the{LF}inn. We'll prepare a delicious stew for you! A delicious @アイテム9@ stew... Uhh...I'd really like to see an ingredient list before I eat{LF}anything, if you don't mind. Hmm... Did you forget something again? O-of course not!! ...Okay, then. ... ...Sorry. That was a lie. ... Arthur's very helpful. He always brings in more than I've ordered... ... And it's not because I messed up the orders, so don't even{LF}say it! I didn't say a thing. @しゅじんこうくん@... What do you think about our inn? I think it's nice. If only you weren't here! In what ways? Well...you attract attention... Do I? ♪ ...with your forgetfulness and clumsiness. Wait...what are you saying?! WH-WHAT?! Are you serious?! No, I'm just kidding. ...Sheesh! Don't scare me like that! Although I do mess up my orders an awful lot, I suppose... ... Why did you decide to manage an inn? Well, a lot's happened, you know? But it all started with a misunderstanding. ...Yeah, that sounds about right. What are you trying to say?! AHEM... ...One day, Xiao got really mad at me for one of my usual{LF}mistakes... But you know what they say, right? Failure teaches us{LF}success. Which means mistakes can lead you to the desired goal. (Coming from Lin Fa, that just sounds so wrong...) There's a lot that you can gain from making mistakes. A good example of that is when you serve a customer the{LF}wrong dish by accident. The customer may thank you, finding the new dish to look{LF}even tastier than what he ordered! Uhh...I'm not sure that's a good example. Xiao's a lot like her father. In terms of personality? No, in the way she talks. ...Hmm? My husband's very free-spirited, you see. I wonder where he's gotten himself off to this time... Don't you miss him? Wasn't he back for a bit? Not really. Not that much, anyway. If I wanted to, I could always go find him. ♪ Oh? You knew about that? Yes, he was here. He occasionally comes home, once every few months or so.{LF}♪ Wh-what should I do?! What's wrong? I accidentally told Kiel how forgetful I am! Everyone in town might find out about it now! There's no need to worry. R-really? Trust me. (We all know it already anyway!) I wish I could be as calm as Blossom. G-good luck with that. Not a chance. Thank you! Actually, I was quite calm about the mistakes I made today. Yeah, I can see that. What does that mean?! S-s-sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud. That was{LF}supposed to be an internal quip. And just what does THAT mean?! Uh...err...ahaha... @子供ちゃん@ called me Grandma Lin... Well, you are @シャオパイ@'s mom, you know... Grandma Lin... Err... But Xiao came by at the perfect moment... And we settled on Auntie instead. Both of us. Huh? @シャオパイ@ too?! I'm actually not too used to dealing with small children. Really? When Xiao was little, she used to travel with her father. That's why I want to take care of @子供ちゃん@ as much{LF}as I can. Is that okay? Of course it is. You sound like a grandma. Tee hee! ♪ What?! E-err, I don't mean in terms of age...honestly, I just mean...in{LF}terms of...uhhh... ...Finish your sentence. Y-your smile is scaring me, @リンファ@... Good morning. Good morning. I thought I made a mistake again, but I wound up doing{LF}good and getting complimented! O-oh, really? That's good... It's morning! Let's make it a great day. Yes, let's! Good afternoon, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hello. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! I hope the day finds you well. And you too! Hello, @リンファ@. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! How nice it is to be greeted with a{LF}smile. You're such a pleasant person! Good evening. Good evening. How was your day? Good evening. Tired, are you? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Good evening. What great weather. Let's work hard today, shall we? Yes, let's. Good morning. Rainy enough for you? Yes. It's soothing, though, don't you think? It's especially cold today. I should prepare a stew. Good idea. It is the perfect day to eat something warm. How windy it is today! Please be careful you're not blown{LF}away. Erm...same to you, @リンファ@. Good morning. This snowstorm is certainly a strong one, isn't{LF}it? Not to worry. I've made it extra warm indoors today. I'm{LF}ready and waiting for the cold! Hi, @リンファ@. It's getting cloudy, huh? Yes. I'm glad to have given out my umbrella to a customer by{LF}mistake. He'll need it more. Hello, @リンファ@. The weather's really nice today, don't{LF}you think? Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. It is, but oh, how I wish I could take a{LF}nap! I love how people use the term, ''taking shelter''. It literally{LF}means staying in a shelter! I-I guess so, when you think about it... Sometimes you don't even notice when it's snowing. Even{LF}when it piles on your head. R-really...? My, my. It's quite windy today! It must be hard on the crops. Yes... I'm sure they're trying not to get blown away. There's a snowstorm today. Why don't you rest at our place? Oh, thank you very much for the kind offer! Hi, @リンファ@. The sun's hiding today, huh? That's true. But we can see the clouds instead, and they're{LF}just as happy-go-lucky! Good morning, @リンファ@. Good morning. Quite warm today, no? Good morning, @リンファ@. The summer sun's bright{LF}and beautiful, don't you think? It certainly is. Maybe I'll go swimming today... It's the season of autumn leaves. And a busy season it is, so I{LF}should really shape up... G-good luck with that! Hi, @リンファ@. Have you looked at the winter scenery? Of course! I should warm up the guest rooms for the{LF}customers coming by boat. Hello, @リンファ@. You seem busy. Oh, I'm sorry. It's a madcap season for us, with all the flower-{LF}viewing tourists. Whew...it's crazy hot. I wish I could work in my swimsuit! Erm...I d-don't think that's a very good idea! Hi, @リンファ@. The autumn wind sure is bitter cold,{LF}huh? Yes. But for some reason, we get more customers on windy{LF}days like this. Go figure! It's gotten so cold. You should take a bath whenever you{LF}want to warm your body. I will. Thank you very much. I can hear the voices of the insects singing in harmony... It's pretty, until you think about the source of the sound... Good evening. Oh, good evening! The stars are especially beautiful during{LF}summer nights, don't you think? It's autumn already. Even the insects sound a bit sad... ...Yeah, they do... Good evening, @リンファ@. Oh, good evening. It's rather cold today, isn't it? How's your wife doing? How are you? Let me know if you should ever have any concerns. How is Xiao doing? I'll go visit you both very soon. It's tough being pregnant, so please help her out. It's tough being pregnant, so please don't push yourself too{LF}hard. The other day, someone was taken to the clinic from the{LF}forest. He was groaning about butterflies... Butterflies in his stomach, perhaps? I wonder what kind of bath Amber likes to take... I should be sure to ask her. I've been hearing strange voices at night. ...Xiao must be really worried about something... ...crying out with a mournful moan like that... It seems like we've been having more customers lately. Everyone seems worried about Xiao... ...and asks me if she's all right. Why is that? Dylas must love hot baths. Why, you ask? Well, the other day, he stayed in with Doug{LF}for hours on end... ...at a time when the water was set to boiling hot by{LF}mistake. The other day, some plates were stacking themselves on the{LF}shelves, all on their own. Since I'd forgotten to put them away, it was actually a huge{LF}help! Is Lady Ventuswill all right...? +Rune Sphere+? A +blue gem+, you say? Hmm... I have no idea, I'm afraid. But there's a traveler in our lobby who was talking about a{LF}+blue gem+, I believe. Perhaps my husband might know... ...something about the +Forest of Beginnings+. I'll make sure to ask him next time he's back. I'm glad you found out how to return from the Forest of{LF}Beginnings! ♪ I always try to priorititize the customers' concerns. Wait... Prioriti...titize? Am I getting warmer at all? Leon asked us to let him stay at the inn. He insists that he'll eventually pay back his debts to us... ...although I keep telling him he doesn't need to worry about{LF}it. I had no idea how cute Lady Ventuswill really was. It must've been hard for her to hide her feelings for such a{LF}long time. But now she can laugh as much as she wants! A person turned into a dragon...? Erm...how does that even...? I remember this happened once before... We were all worried about Lady Ventuswill's health after she{LF}collapsed then, too... But she got better then, so I'm sure she'll get better now! Lady Ventuswill... She's getting more ill by the day... I'm so worried... I heard a strange story from a traveler. She said that an island had suddenly appeared in the sky. And it's the same day Xiao set a new record for number of{LF}plates broken in a 24-hour period. ...It's a bad omen, I tell you! @しゅじんこうくん@... I don't know much... ...but I know that I'll be praying for you. Good luck! Lady Ventuswill had to leave in order to save us, right? So, what we should do... ...is decide, each of us individually, what we're best equipped{LF}for in this struggle. I'm so grateful to have all these customers... ...who enjoy their stay at my inn. But... ...Is it wrong for me to feel as if something's missing...? @しゅじんこうくん@, this is for you. Please save Lady Ventuswill. We'll all be waiting for you, no matter how long it may take. @しゅじんこうくん@... ...thank you so much for saving Lady Ventuswill. I wish I could repay you for the joy you've given me. Porcoline seemed extremely happy today. Apparently, his dishes received a very high honor of some{LF}sort. His enthusiasm was infectious, and motivated me to work{LF}harder as well. Did Lumie solve a case? Erm, that sounds... ...almost as impossible as Xiao not breaking my dishes. Kiel gave this to me. I'm guessing it's something to put in the bath, no? ♪ A love song, huh? Isn't youth fantastic? That bittersweet feeling... And Xiao's singing voice was soooooo cute yesterday. Clorica's been awake for the whole day, right? Maybe she just...forgot to fall asleep. That's impossible. Sounds legit. You're not that forgetful, are you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Um, why do you look upset at that prospect...? Hee hee. Right? ♪ Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! How was yesterday's bath? It was good. I didn't take a bath. Hrm... I actually added something to the bath by mistake. But I guess it worked out okay anyway! ♪ Oh, good... I actually added @アイテム9@ to the bath by{LF}mistake... Wha...? But for some reason, people seemed to really like it! ♪ Is it true... ...that Volkanon won the butter eating competition? Huh? E-err... Doug should be more expressive. Any parent would be happy to know that their child loves{LF}them! Jumping off the airship? Just the thought of it... ...Actually, it's not that bad. I have to be extra careful in choosing an offering for Lady{LF}Ventuswill. Err...am I forgetting something? Uhh, don't ask me... I'm about to go offer this @アイテム9@ to{LF}Ven. I hope she'll like it. I'm sure she will. Ven? If you think so, then I'm sure it's A-OK! ♪ Oops... I just think it's a better nickname for her, don't you? You should pay more attention to your surroundings, Mama. You think so? But everything's been working out just fine, I'd say. I think...maybe I suffer the bad luck from your carelessness... Your papa wrote us a letter. What does it say? Let's see... Lin Fa, Xiao. How have you two been doing? I'm doing fine. Guess where I am! It's somewhere completely covered in ice. Actually, I'm not exactly sure where it is. But I hope you get{LF}this letter, either way! It seems like Papa's still continuing his journey! I'm glad to{LF}know it. It is nice to know that he's okay, but I miss him so much... I-I'm surprised that the letter was safely delivered... It's actually not that bad. In fact, it's pretty usual for my{LF}papa! Mm. Even when you talk normally, you sound very cute, yes? What, uh...what's going on here? It seems like...we've traded how to talk. Today Mama's acting like me, and I'm acting like Mama. Erm... Why don't you join us? I'm not sure I know how... You always say I'm forgetful, but at least I'm not as clumsy as{LF}you, Xiao. Wh-what are you talking about?! You're always breaking my dishes, right? URK! But it's always so cute watching you panic afterwards. E-erm... It seems like it's maybe genetic, since Mama's so forgetful! Oh, don't say that about your mother! Xiao, Xiao... Huh? Have you found yourself...a boyfriend? Or at least a crush? WHAT?! Don't be shy! I'm your mother. You can tell me. And you're old enough to like a boy or two. I think one's enough... Fine. So come on! Spill the beans to your mama. (URK...I can't ignore her...) ... ...? ... Oh my! I see, I see... No! No, no! It's not what you're thinking! And just what am I thinking, exactly? ERRRR... ??? ...There's...no one. Awww. That's no fun! It doesn't have to be fun. I think it's okay being no fun! I put the spear...like this... WHAAA?! Oh, dear... What are you doing? I'm practicing @アイテム9@ to entertain the{LF}customers. Why don't you join me? Huh? Mama, please start! Okay. So you hold the spear like this... Wh-what? And then it's like this...and like that. Got it? Give it a try. YAAAAAAAAH!! H-haaah...! --WHOA?! It only worked for @しゅじんこうくん@... ...I-I won't lose...! Uhh... [Received @アイテム9@.] By using @アイテム9@, we can make the{LF}customers happy all summer! Yes! This will be a good show! Yes. And we'll no longer need the fan, either. Huh? Huh? Huh? Oh, what a cute flower! ♪ Oh my, what a cute statue of a frog! ♪ Huh? Frog?! Is that a ''folding screen''? For some reason, Xiao can't resist those. She likes to... tear{LF}them apart. Oh, you have a music player! It's nice to always have music around you. ♪ *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit @アイテム0@ @アイテム1@ @アイテム2@ It's just @アイテム0@. It's @アイテム0@. It's @アイテム0@!! Lalala... ♪ Hmmhmmhmm... ♪ You sure seem happy! What is happiness to you? When you're smiling. Absolutely no idea. Being with @コハク@. Being with @子供ちゃん@. Then you must be happy too! Haha...what good are you, then? Hahaha...wait, what? ...Tee hee. Yeah! ♪ Meg played a fun song for me. I love her music, 'cause it's fun. She always knows the right{LF}melody to put a smile on my face! @子供ちゃん@ seems to like it too. If Clorica's next to you when you're nodding off... ...wouldn't you try to pinch her in the cheek to stay awake,{LF}instead of pinching yourself? Lumie's very kind. All the flowers at the shop seem happy. And she gets along well with @子供ちゃん@, too. Which worries me a bit... It's fun taking care of flowers. If you take good care of them, too, they show you their{LF}pretty bloom! But I prefer honey to taking care of flowers any day. Look, look! Pretty flower! ♪ You're right. It is. Hee hee! ♪ (She looks so happy...) I don't like the winter. I don't like being cold. Why does it get so cold? I'd have to get a hug from you to stay warm... I want to love many things. Because I'll be happy if I'm surrounded by the things I love. ...But I just can't love winter. I get drowsy when I'm in the sun. It must be some kind of magic. Do you...believe that? You're lying, I trust? Of course not. I was just being stupid. Yeah. Unfortunately. It'd be much cooler if it were true! Dooo reee miii! ♪ ...I forget the rest of the song, so I usually just repeat those{LF}three. Hey! ♪ What are you doing, @コハク@? I'm looking at birds. I love watching them fly. *GULP* ...All right. Mm, yes... Uh...what's going on? Have any of your memories come back since you've moved{LF}here? Hmm... No, but there is this feeling like I've forgotten something, so I{LF}know something's been lost. Huh? It must be a wonderful memory that I never wanted to{LF}forget. So when I say it's been lost... I mean it makes me feel sad to{LF}have forgotten whatever it is. That's the only part of my lost memory that's with me right{LF}now. ... @しゅじんこうくん@... *GLOMP* Whoa...! Don't do that, or @子供ちゃん@ will try and imitate you! Don't suddenly jump on me like that! I need...time to{LF}prepare! Okie dokie. @しゅじんこうくん@... I'm going to jump on you now! Huh? ...WHOA!! I told you first, so it's A-OK, right? Can't...argue with that, I guess. Go round and round and round and round and round and{LF}round and... Why are you going around? *Shake head and leave* I wanted to see if I’d feel like I'm the one moving the world. And...how was it? Mmm. ...I feel...sick... *GAG* AHH! Go round and round and round and round and round and{LF}round and... ... (She's holding her mouth and crouching...) You remind me of something, @しゅじんこうくん@... ...It's something familiar, but what could it be? ...Man, I sure love being out in the warm sun... ...Oh! What's wrong? That's what it is! You remind me of the warm sun, @しゅじんこうくん@! I use my antennae to search for places to nap. ... Maybe Clorica secretly has antennae like this too. Guess who! @コハク@. Oh, wow! It's YOU!! You got it! ... Um, how much longer are you going to keep my eyes{LF}covered? Until I'm satisfied. But WHO?! I didn't think that ships could fly. But then, I never imagined I'd be flying, either. Nor that I'd wind up marrying you... ...nor that we'd have @子供ちゃん@. ... Maybe I'm just feeling a little wistful right now, I dunno... I like sleeping. It's fun to have all kinds of different dreams. In my dreams, I can see all my old friends. Maybe...I can even make new friends while I'm sleeping! What...? How was the world before you started sleeping? Well... The flowers were really pretty. I wish I could've shown them to you. I don't like winter, but I'm still happy we have it every year. Why is that? It's more fun to have variety in life. But I just can't stand being cold... @しゅじんこうくん@? Guess what kind of flower this is! Huh? Correct! Congrats. ♪ Here's your prize. Th-thank you... You can pay me back whenever you want. Huh...? Too bad! You got it wrong. *PAT* *PAT*... Erm...why are you patting my head? Oh, I thought you might be feeling kind of miserable. *GULP* ...All right. Mm, yes... Uh...what's going on? Phew, that was fun. Let's do this flower quiz again sometime! ♪ Don't you often get the sudden urge to just...sing? I sure do. In fact, I'm getting it right now! Sing away! *Cover her mouth* All right. I will now sing my lovely theme song! ...''Giiiive me some hooooney! Hooooney, pleeeease! Iiii want{LF}some hooooney! Hoooney for meee!'' ...I'm not sure if that counts as a song or a very elaborate{LF}request... *MUMBLE*... ... (Phew...) WAAAAAGH!! Your back... What the...?! Didn't I tell you not to jump-- I feel really safe and secure when I do this. I wonder why... ... People in this town are fun to be with. What did you think when you first moved here? Every day is crazy fun. Sometimes it's too noisy. Hee hee, it sure is! So many exciting things happen. Hmm... I think it's much better than being alone, though. ...Much, much better! Can you fly, @しゅじんこうくん@? No, not like you. Oh... Then I'll walk beside you today. Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? It was a super-fun day today... ...since I got to see you again. I don't really understand what love is. I've been asking many people, but it might be different from{LF}person to person. I can't explain why I love you... ...but I'm with you because I do. And that's only natural, right? I have to be careful when I'm taking a nap. If I sleep outside, I might end up sleeping till spring! Going outside, and holding hands... These seemingly ordinary things might actually be very{LF}special. Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? ♪ I never get tired of staring at you. Huh? Why?! ...? Because I love you. *SQUEEZE* Hmm? Why the hand-holding, all of a sudden? *SQUEEZE* Ouch! You're hurting me-- No. ...I'll never, ever let go. So just deal with it! ...All right. Kiel told me that first loves never work out. What should I do about that? Don't worry. *PAT* *PAT* It's already working out. Will you always love me? Of course. Okay... ...I believe you. @しゅじんこうくん@? ... I feel...safe and protected. Hmm? ... OH! It's always warm when I'm beside you. I wish I could always stay next to you. Yah! ♪ Whoa...! What's going on?! Hee hee. I just drew you closer! I can tell when you're near with my antennae alone. Like I said before, you're warm like the sun. Mmm, smells so good! The flowers? No. You. I heard that happiness exists in proportion to the number of{LF}people there are. But as far as I'm concerned... ...all I care about is that you and @子供ちゃん@ are happy. ...All I could ever ask for is your happiness. That would be more than enough. Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yes? We're married now. Yeah. We're husband and wife. Eheh... We're a newlywed couple now! Lovey-dovey time! ♪ Lumie told me... ...that I can come home whenever I'm concerned about{LF}anything. Is that so? Maybe I should go back... Huh...? I've been concerned... You have? I sometimes get nervous, even though we're married. Is that okay? Is it normal? Don't worry, I do too. Let's go to the clinic. Really? ...I see... WHAAA?! Jones might get mad, though, if I bring you in with such{LF}pathetic symptoms... ?! Th-that's mean! Don't make fun of me! I was serious! Hahaha. Sorry... Booooo... Being with you makes me wonder if I'm just in some beautiful{LF}dream! ♪ You look so happy. Maybe not today... Yep! As long as I'm with you, I'll always be happy. ♪ Really?! ...Awww, that's no fun! (Oh, dear, she's being pouty now...) The other day, I was talking to Dolly... And she asked me how things are going with you. And what did you say? I told her we're married. How much better could they be{LF}than that? The flowers at the shop are like the ones I see in the forest. They have a strong, kind and happy smell. At first I was curious about why, but now I know the reason. Lumie's just so gifted! Today... I'm going to cook, do laundry, loaf around... ...play with @子供ちゃん@, and then...wait for you. Anxiously. I'll just keep thinking, ''When will he be here? Why{LF}isn't he home yet?!'' Hee hee! YAAAY!! WAAGH?! What's with the sudden hug, @コハク@? I just love you sooooooo much! ♪ ...Hee hee. What is happiness, to you? When you're smiling. I don't know... That's a good answer! Because I'm happy when I'm with you, too! Hmm... Then let's think about it together! I'm making new memories in this town, one by one. That's actually a really happy thing. Don't you think? Let's spend this winter together as a family! And then... ...maybe I'll actually start to like winter a little. Loo loo looooooo! ♪ La la laaaaaaa! ♪ You look happy as ever, @コハク@. ... (She's daydreaming...) Observe. Poke her. Hug her. ... ...Eheh. *GRAB* ...? *BITE* ?! Gyeeeh...! What's the matter, @コハク@? Err... ... ...It's not fair to do that so suddenly! I have a secret that I have to confess. Um...I love you more today than yesterday! ♪ When you're training monsters, you should train them with{LF}love. How? Encourage them! Ow?! And hug them! Huh? *HUG* *Pat her head* I'm sweaty right now. ...So warm... ?! ...That took me by surprise. You're really diligent, @しゅじんこうくん@. Not at all. Compliment me MORE!! No, you really are. I love you. I always have. Encouragement! Ow?! Recently, I've found myself thinking... ...how lucky I am to wake up in a dreamy world like this. Every day's like a warm, sunny reprieve! Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Which do you prefer, loving or being loved? Loving. Being loved. Oh... @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? I love you...but you can love me even more if you want. ♪ Um...you know...I love you sooo much! ♪ My birthday is Day @0@ of @キャラ0@... ...I think. Wha...? Good morning. @しゅじんこうくん@. Morning! @コハク@, good morning. Good morning! ♪ Let's work hard today. Yeah! Huh? Y-yeah! Hi, @コハク@. Oh, hello, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ Yay, I found @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ Oh, hi, @コハク@. Howdy, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ Hello, @コハク@. Oh, good evening, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ Good evening. Good evening, good evening! ♪ Uh, good evening... Why did you say it twice? Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. Gooood evening! ♪ Good eve--whoa! Stop! No jumping! Yay, it's warm today! ♪ Perfect day for a nap. ♪ You seem like you're having fun, @コハク@. I rest whenever it's rainy or windy. Th-that's a lot of resting... It's snowing...brrrrr... A-are you okay...? The typhoon's here. I have to watch out to make sure it{LF}doesn't come off... So wh-what doesn't come off? (Is this some weird butterfly{LF}thing again?) It's a cold and scary snowstorm... *SHIVER* A-are you all right, @コハク@? The sun's hiding from us. It must be shy. I don't know about that... What great weather today! ♪ Nice and warm! Yaaay! You seem so happy... It's raining today. I could be your umbrella, you know! I'd advise against that. Your wings would get much too{LF}heavy from all the water. My wings get heavy when it's snowy. Sometimes I'm sleeping{LF}in the snow... B-be careful outside, okay? It's really windy. Maybe we can all fly today! Oh, please no... ...It's freeeeeeeeezing! Y-yeah... Oh, @コハク@. Why are you flapping your wings? I'm trying to move the clouds farther away! Go, my pretties! It's springtime. The best season for eating{LF}@アイテム9@. It's very pretty out, to be sure. In summertime, the @アイテム9@ really hurts. O-oh...yeah, I'll bet. Already autumn, huh? But man, the leaves sure are pretty... Mmm, they look scrumptious! ♪ I get sleepy during winter... But...if I sleep, I'll die! Well, I'll carry you home, so don't you worry! It's the season of flowers, but ugh, go away, you annoying{LF}insects! ♪ Erm, I don't even know where to start listing what is wrong{LF}with that statement... I'm charging myself with the sun's energy. I love the summer{LF}sunshine! ♪ Me too. Though I wish it weren't so hot... It's fall! ♪ Why don't we dance with the leaves? Huh? Wh-wh-whoa...! I'm charging my energy right now. Even just this little bit of{LF}sun really helps! O-oh, I see... Well, good luck! There are so many flowers in spring...and they're so yummy!{LF}♪ Uh, okay... Hi, @コハク@. The fireflies are sure pretty, aren't they? Yeah. They look like stars. I can fly with them, too! ♪ Oh, hey, @コハク@. There sure is a chill in the air{LF}lately, huh? And the wind's picking up... I can also hear the bell crickets. La la laaa! ♪ It's quite cold today. Are you okay, @コハク@? I-I'm f-f-f-fine... I'll soon be a mother. And you'll soon be a father, @しゅじんこうくん@. I get hungry really easily now that I'm pregnant. I'm craving something sweet. Like, big time! My tummy's getting heavier. I never knew how heavy life could be. Now that I'm pregnant, I realize just how hard it is. I'm so happy that everyone's helping me out, though! Oh, the baby moved in my stomach just now! ♪ What? Let me feel... I hear you're having a baby. Congrats! ♪ Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! How's your wife? Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! How are you doing? I can't wait to see your baby. ♪ Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Something wrong? You remember something? You're the tenth person. Huh? Tenth person to ask me that. This town is filled with kind people. Hmm... Before I woke up, I was living in the forest. But when I woke up, everything was gone... That's all I know. Lumie was yelling something about my memory loss being a{LF}mystery. A real ''case''! But is it really? I-I'm not sure... I heard that someone was taken to the clinic. They must have been reckless. ♪ I was staring into Dylas' eyes a little while ago... ...and even though I didn't say or do anything... ...he started sweating, and his eyes were swimming all{LF}around. Strange, isn't it? Lumie seems excited about something. There are strange things happening around the house. Like...{LF}floating flowers... But maybe I shouldn't say anything about it. I don't want to{LF}be a bother... Will Ven be all right...? Hmm... You call her Ven? ...I'm worried. Hmm? Ven's Ven, right? Oh, I was just wondering why you don't call her Lady{LF}Ventuswill... Well... To me, Ven's Ven. It would be weird to call her anything else! I wonder why... ... There's a +blue stone+ called a +Rune Sphere+? That sounds AWESOME! I want to see it! ♪ Where is the +Forest of Beginnings+? I'd bring you back, if I could get there... You've found a way to come back, right? I don't know why... ...but I feel like I've been waiting for this moment. When I asked Leon where he came from... ...he pointed toward the tower and said, ''there.'' ...And I felt kind of envious! Ven finally started to open up. I'm so happy! It's so nice to see! That dragon looks sad... Looking into that dragon's eyes... ...for some reason, it made me really sad. Ven's not waking up... I hope I can play with her again... Ven... ... Grrr...! ...It's so frustrating that I can't do anything for her. I hear there's a flying island. I wonder if it has wings, like me... @しゅじんこうくん@? *SMOOCH* Huh? O-on the forehead...? Lumie told me that it's a charm to ensure you come home{LF}safely. ♪ Ven's gone already? I can't play with her anymore? ...Awww, boo, I'm sad! The +Earthmate+ who once made me a +Guardian+ told me... ...that the +Forest of Beginnings+ is beyond that door. You can find the door at @マップ9@. I know that Ven's waiting there for everyone! I'm really happy now. And Ven seems happy, too. Hee hee! ♪ I heard that Porcoline's food was praised by someone. Meg seemed really happy about it. Hee hee! ♪ You look happy too, @コハク@. It seems like Lumie finally solved a case. But I can't figure out what case it was... It's a mystery! Kiel gave me something that used to be a cookie. ... ...Supposedly it was a cookie, anyway... Hmmhmmhmm... ♪ Oh, I was singing that recent love song that's gotten so{LF}popular! ♪ ...Just kidding. I was actually humming compleeeeetely at{LF}random. ...What an odd thing to kid about... I haven't seen Clorica at her usual napping spot these days. ...Is she all right? I hate being cold, but I don't like being hot, either. Yesterday's bath was just perfect for me. I heard that Volkanon was the sinner of the butler{LF}competition. ...That sounds really awful! What did he do, I wonder...? Doug carried Blossom to the clinic. You should have him carry you, too! ♪ Finally... I can finally fly with everybody! ♪ Hee hee, I can't wait! I'll bring Ven a present. Lumie was having a hard time choosing what to give her. She should just give her whatever it is she likes, right? No one seemed to know Ven's favorite foods before today! It's surprising, since she's always right there. But now that they know, they can start giving her everything{LF}she could ever desire! Ven will be so happy! ♪ Let's tell scary stories! Wh-what?! Why now, all of a sudden?! I just heard one from Volkanon. And it's a good one! I really{LF}want to share it with you. Th-that's okay! You're welcome to keep it to yourself! Y-yeah, I don't want to hear something that might freak me{LF}out! And besides, Amber's right here, remember? Actually, I'd like to hear it. ... ''Is it about ghosts?'' If they're anything like you, it won't be much of a story. It was a dark and stormy night... Eeeek! M-Meg! A boy who'd lost his memory came to the village. He was disheveled, and hadn't eaten anything for days. ''I need water,'' he uttered meekly. And as if in response, a woman with a watering can{LF}suddenly appeared before him. Then... ... Then what?! ...I don't remember. Argh... I didn't want to hear it, but now that I've heard PART{LF}of it, I want to know the rest! Yeah, I think I'd have been better off without having heard{LF}any of that... Hey, Meg, what's your homeland like? My homeland? I haven't heard of it either, no. Yeah, I'd love to know more about it! Erm, well...the elven lands are located due north from here. They're surrounded by lush forests. It really is a beautiful{LF}country. A beautiful country, huh...? ''I'd love to visit there at least once, milady. Wouldn't you?'' Yeah, I think I would. It's a lot like this. I'd love to invite you all for a visit{LF}sometime. Wow, that would be great! Do you have some medicine for carelessness? No, we don't. ''How about smacking you upside the head at a forty-five{LF}degree angle?'' I've never heard of such treatment before.{LF}It is...effective? Dare I ask what you did this time? Did you put sweet powder in the bath instead of bath salts? Honey would be better. That could be a real sensation! No, I'll bet it was something way more ridiculous...like squid! Eww, no way! H-How did you know? Wait, seriously? How does that even happen?! I brought squid into the bath by mistake. I realized it is{LF}wrong, but then...I trip. And splash. How dreadfully careless! No, no! Clorica is the only one I will not let say such things{LF}to me! No, no, no! It's okay, Xiao Pai. I like you just the way you are! Hmm? Yeah. Don't sweat it. You look very natural and charming{LF}when you work. Oh? I agree. You're great just as you are. Flowers must be left to bloom on their own, after all. ...Shut it, Pico. ''What? I didn't say anything!'' If you all say so, I will stay this way for a while... Hrng...hrrrng... What are you doing, Forte? Oh, erm...just indulging in some cool-down. Cool-what? Is that some sort of chilled dessert? Umm...even though I'm not entirely sure what it is, I'm still{LF}going to say ''no'' to that. Cool-down exercises. Like warm-ups, but they're done after{LF}working out instead of before. It's important to stretch your muscles after engaging in any{LF}sort of strenuous activity. Ah, I see! You have a really flexible body, Forte. Huh? You think so? ''D-Dolly, milady! Look at me! I can bend my body to the{LF}ground!'' That's less impressive when you don't even have a physical{LF}body anymore. ''What does that have to do with anything?! It's still hard to{LF}do!'' Yeah, Forte, you look so smooth and soft... *STARE* S-stop staring at me! I'm losing focus! You are so adorable, Amber! Ha ha ha! Stop it! That tickles! It seems Meg is into Amber, yes? I feel like I got a real sister! And she's sooooo cute! They really do look like sisters. ''Just like Dolly and me...'' Cold and lifeless, you mean? Just be careful you don't spoil her too much, Meg. Oh yes, I picked a flower today, and brought it with me. Look! Isn't it beautiful? Ugh... Y-Yeah...cute... Are you okay, Forte? Ha ha. Forte is the one who needs to be careful not to spoil{LF}people. Specifically, Kiel! ... Dolce looks so...focused. What are you doing? Making clothes for Pico. Wow, I wish I could make them so nice! ''Oh? You want a dress too?'' No, no, it is Dolce's fingers I crave. I feel similarly, but what a strange way to say you envy{LF}someone's dexterity. ''So you guys are hopeless when it comes to sewing and{LF}knitting, huh?'' Ah...! I can't really deny that. Pico! You shouldn't be saying things like that to people.{LF}You're no better at it! She's not? ''Well...I don't know, really...'' Aha...ha ha... Let's play, Clorica! Aren't you working? Hmm, then...let's play work! Uhh...sure, okay! Are you here to buy flowers? Nope. Then, how can I help you? ...I'm trying to remember... ...*SNORE* YAH!! AHH!! What...? Huh...? Ahaha. You're awake now. ? ??? ?? Can I have...uh...three Noel Grass? All righty! Three Noel Grass! ♪ Noel Grass three! ♪ Grass three Noel! ♪ ...Huh? It's three Noel Grass. I...see. Three Grass Noel! ♪ ...What? Have you gotten used to the work? Yep! Way to go, Amber. Keep it up! I will! ♪ So, Amber? What would you like to eat tomorrow? Hmm... Maybe a blend of different juices? A blend...? Oh! You're talking about @アイテム0@, aren't{LF}you? That's right! Wow, Lumie! ♪ Well, I AM a master detective, you know... Um, Lumie? Why did you start a flower shop? T-that's...erm... A c-cover! That's it! A cover? Yes. If people found out that I'm a master detective, my life could{LF}be in danger... So I'm hiding my true identity by pretending to run a flower{LF}shop. Ooh, that's really cool! ♪ (I can't...I just can't let her know how much I love flowers...) (It's too embarrassing!) A cover, huh...? Uhh, Lumie? Yes? Can I try on your glass-- NO. ... That's asking too much. Plea-- NO. Boo... I can't lend these to anyone. Not even you, Amber. A detective won't let go of her secret tool...until she dies! Are you dying, Lumie?! You can't die! Don't worry, Amber. It was a figure of speech. I have a long{LF}way to go before I'm dead! Lumie. It's me, yes? You're imitating Xiao Xiao... Don't stand behind me, unless you want to be stabbed. And now it's Forte... *ZZZ*... *ZZZ*... Freedom is precious...but too much freedom can be a{LF}problem. Wow, it's so good! ♪ This tastes amazing. It's delicious! I'm always impressed whenever I eat any of Porcoline's{LF}dishes. Porco is the best cook ever, you know? This is very good. It's a meal fit for a thing! I think you mean ''king.'' It seems we have a lot of fish today. We got fresh fish today! Better watch out. Kiel might scream if he sees them. Wow. He dislikes fish that much? Well, he'll eat it if it's broiled, but he has a strong dislike of{LF}the way raw fish looks. He shouldn't be so picky. But you have your own preferences too, Clorica, don't you? Yes, I suppose I do. Everybody has things they don't like. It's just...part of life. Eeeek! What's wrong, Amber?! Fish... Oh, I remember now that Amber is...not so good with the{LF}fish. Bon appetit! What did you order, Forte? I ordered @アイテム0@. Sounds good. Would you like to try some? Oh, may I? Thank you, Forte. Mmmm... What?! It's just the two of you? That's no fair! Clorica, say ahhh. Oh, Xiao Pai! Sure. Ahhh... ♪ Dolly, Dolly! Your turn! Say ahhhh! ♪ I, uh... I'm good, thanks! Ahhh... ♪ A-Ahh... Is it good? ...Mm. It is. ''Rrrrrgggg...'' ''I've never done that whole open-up-and-say-ahh thing{LF}before!'' ''And I waaaaaaannaaaaaa!!'' It's your turn, Forte! Ah... Ah...ahhh...ah...ahh. Ah, aaahhh... C'mon, Forte. Ahhh! ♪ Absolutely delicious, don't you think, Forte? This is so humiliating... You never cease to amaze me, Clorica. Huh? Why? You can eat even while you're sleeping! There's no way-- I've seen it. I once saw Clorica chewing like mad, but she{LF}was fast asleep the whole time. Huh...? You sometimes have multiple plates, and you handle them so{LF}perfectly! What...? I'll often ask you questions, too...and you actually answer! ♪ There's...there's no way... You've even gone back for seconds. ... How embarrassing... ... ... ... ... ... ... Are you guys sure about this? *GULP* Okay... Porco! I think I'm ready for...the @アイテム0@!! La la laaa! ♪ Do you like to dance, Amber? Yeah, it's fun! Hrm... What's wrong? Amber, would you dance at our inn? Huh? Why? Porcoline's attracting customers with Meg's music. So we can have you dance to attract even more customers,{LF}yes? Wow, you're smart, Xiao! Yes! It seems a perfect idea. Ah, time to get back to work. Bye bye! ♪ ...Hmm? It seems like the town of Sharance has many flowers. More than here? Yes, much more. Wooow, that's cool! I heard there's also a large tree that's covered with light. Ooooh! I wish to go there. Me too! I think you have something funny in you, Amber. You're really funny too, Xiao! Um, @しゅじんこうくん@? Which of us do you think is funnier? @コハク@. @シャオパイ@. Both of you. Neither of you. Really? I was right! ...But why am I feeling a little disappointed...? Th-that's not true! Tee hee, yes it is! ♪ But...it's...sort of a boring answer. Too predictable! Yeah,{LF}that's it! I see. That's a boring answer, yes? Err... ... ... Xiao, Xiao. Hmm? What's a flower made of light that blooms really fast in the{LF}sky, then falls and vanishes? You usually see it at night, and it's huuuuge! Hee hee... Bet{LF}you can't guess! What could it be? Fireworks? I have no idea. Hrm... I got it! What's your guess? It's a ''mysterious flower''! Nope! The answer's ''fireworks.'' Ah! Sometimes Xiao worries me... ... Hey hey heeey! ♪ Amber, you always seem so happy! How do you manage it? Mmm, well, life is just fun, you know? ♪ Hee hee. I always feel a lot better after I see you. Your{LF}happiness is infectious! ''So's yours, milady!'' ...Well, whatever modicum of happiness I had just{LF}disappeared. Oh well. Nice while it lasted! You guys are good friends. Forte! You are so cool! Ermmm... Am I? Yes, you are! So, so cool! ♪ I... Stop, no... Please, it's embarrassing! Huuup! *HUG!* H-Hey! A-Amber?! Tee-hee! ♪ ''Dolly, we should do that, too!'' Hup. ''Owww...!'' Amber, you always pick the warmest spots, don't you? Well, I really like warm places! ♪ That certainly makes you easy to find. Just look for where{LF}the sun's shining brightest! Yeah, I guess you could say I'm drawn toward the sun. It's{LF}like my soul melts into the universe. That's all well and good...but please stop climbing over the{LF}fence to feed your sun addiction! Ahh... It's dangerous, you know. Yes, but...I have wings! So I'll be fine. ♪ *SIGH* Excuse me, Dolce. Yes? ... ...? Would you mind teaching me... ...how to knit sometime? Sure, that would be fine. Really?! Thank you so much! Ooh, that sounds fun! Count me in too! Sure, I guess. Yaaay! ♪ It won't be easy, though. I hope you're okay with that. I shall readily defer to your expertise. I'm fine with that too. ♪ ''...She acts all tough, but she's actually thrilled that you want{LF}to learn. Isn't that right?'' ...Quiet, you. Hey Pico, you're always around Dolce, aren't you? ''Yes, always!'' She's a perv. Do you...feel her presence? Like, watching you? Well...I guess not, really. It's never bothered me, anyway, so{LF}I've never been aware of it. ''Milady?!'' I envy you, Pico. You're always at Dolly's side. ''You know, I have been by her side for a long time. I wonder{LF}if that means...'' No. ''Hey, you didn't even let me finish!'' ''Are we common-law married now? Should we have a{LF}wedding ceremony? Oh, the possibilities!'' ... ''Could you please stop looking at me like I'm some pitiful{LF}creature? Please?'' Flowers are so pretty! ♪ You know, even I was naive once. I once thought the @アイテム9@ bloomed{LF}into a CACTUS! D-did you...? Snowmen... Just looking at them makes me cold! Brrr! Wow, this ball really bounces! Fly away, you useless thing! Hee hee... ♪ *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit What do you think? Can you get along with everyone? Of course! I'm not sure yet... Good, good. How beautiful friendships can be! It's always better to have{LF}close friends. Oh, really? If you have any concerns, I would be happy to listen anytime. I'm Illuminata, the great detective of Selphia! There aren't that many surprising cases. *SIGH*...I wish something big would happen, so I could ''strut{LF}my stuff,'' as it were... Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! Why don't you go and come up with a new case? How am I supposed to do that?! I dunno, but I'm sure you can! Don't you want to bear witness to my great success? Even if I wanted to, I can't just make a mystery happen! Tsk, tsk... The bread...was moldy... It's a case! @エルミナータ@-- Are you by yourself? Do you have an assistant? Yes, I'm single! So what?! No. Don't detectives usually have an assistant or two? Hmm, I see your point. You want to be my assistant... ...and work with me 24/7, is that it? I understand why you'd feel that way! But I'm talented. I don't need an assistant, Dr. Watson. ♪ Oh, by the way... I own a flower shop, too. I know. Oh, really? Is that a front? Oh, you do? Well, that's fine. Stop in to buy my flowers sometime, will you? Yes, yes. Come by for some flowers sometime, okay? Sure. I'll be waiting with my most outrageously expensive goods! Hee hee hee... Very clever, @しゅじんこうくん@! ...Wait, that makes me sound like a villain... Listen. The most important thing for a detective...is to think. You have a credo? Color me surprised. Of course I... Wait...shh! ...? That man...is most suspicious... I think he's just a trave-- WAIT UP!!! Huh? Didn't you say that it's important to think? This seems{LF}more like ''shooting first'' to me. All right! What are you doing? Look at this. Solve five mysteries and catch the Phantom Thief, Muscat...? ...Is that a quiz? Yes. There's not a single mystery that I can't solve! Were you able to pass that quiz, then? Oh, that one? It wasn't worth wasting my precious time. So I decided not to do it! Why are clouds white? That's because... I wonder... Clouds are made from... ...a combination of small water and ice particles. ... And the light--Um, @エルミナータ@...? You're boring me, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's supposed to be a mystery. But if my job were to solve the mystery behind clouds, I'd{LF}quit in two days! ... What's with the serious look? I-it was only a little bit... ...but I gained some weight... So I was trying to think. Which one of the two, between @アイテム0@{LF}and @アイテム1@... ...is the guilty party here. That's a nice monocle. Oh, can you tell? But this monocle's not just for fashion, you know. Then, what is it for? Hee hee hee... Thank you for asking! This monocle is my secret weapon! It's called a ''True Eye''! I, uh...should get going... Hey, wait up!! I'm not finished talking to you!! I'm trying to think now. Oh, I'm sorry. (She looks extra serious today.) (Could it be a new case? No, that doesn't seem likely...) Okay! Did you solve the case? Case? What in the world are you talking about?! I was trying to decide what to eat for tomorrow's dinner! ... I decided on @アイテム0@! Is your hat also a secret weapon? My hat? No. This is just for fashion's sake. It makes me look like a real detective, don't you think? It's quite important to start with a sense of style, you know. You have to look the part to BE the part! I'm, uh...not so sure it's working. ...What was that? I couldn't quite hear you... When I visit people's houses, I always find myself snooping{LF}around in their closets. What?! You shouldn't do that! Well, it's my natural instinct, you know? Searching for clues,{LF}and all that... If you fall from the sky again, you might get your memory{LF}back. Mystery novels are always so boring to read. It's always so obvious who the culprit it! And if you know from the start, what's the point in continuing{LF}to read, right? ... What's that look supposed to mean?! It's true! I can really tell! I swear... Although you stress the importance of thinking, you always{LF}seem to act first. What are you talking about? I'm thinking WHILE I act! That way, I can kill two birds with one stone... Maybe even three birds! Even if it's a small case... ...as long as I can make someone happy... ...it's worth solving. @エルミナータ@... Pff, just kidding. That's not something I'd say at all! My +birthday+ is Day @0@ of @キャラ0@. Write it on your palm in permanent ink so you'll never forget! Phew... When I drink a nice, refreshing{LF}@アイテム0@... ...I can completely forget about my work. I don't like eating pickled vegetables. When I listen to Meg's music, I often fall asleep. Isn't that rather peculiar? Maybe it's a case! The case of the lulling sounds! Bad-o-Bado's too irresponsible. I hope he'll take his job more seriously as time goes on! Lin Fa's funny, isn't she? I'd want to sneak up on her from behind one of these days,{LF}just to watch her work! Seriously?! Well, she looks like she could start a new case any minute,{LF}don't you think? Arty changes his glasses every day, doesn't he? I'm impressed that you noticed. Well, of course! Recognizing differences in behavior and dress is an essential{LF}skill for a detective! Hee hee... Kiel's so cute, isn't he? I almost want to eat him up! @フォルテ@ wouldn't like that. Oh, that bridge has been crossed already, I assure you! She's{LF}gotten quite peeved with me. This is just my instinct as a detective... ...but I think Lady Ventuswill is hiding something. What do you think it could be? I want large wings like the ones Lady Ventuswill has. Although, I suppose I'd have to do legwork for investigation... Okay, I take back what I said about the wings. Legs are{LF}more than enough for me! @子供ちゃん@'s gotten so big! This is simply too fast for such a cute child to grow! @子供ちゃん@ is cute. Just like you, @しゅじんこうくん@. @子供ちゃん@ is so very cute! Do you want to own a flower shop in the future? That might be nice. I'm not sure about that. Really?! Then we should start preparing! I'll let @子供ちゃん@ decide. Well, of course! @子供ちゃん@ is so handsome... He could be a model in the future! @子供ちゃん@ is so cute! She could be an actress in the future! Good morning! Time to work hard! A great detective's day starts with{LF}@アイテム0@. Good morning! Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@! Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! Do you have anything to report? How could you bother me during my tea time?! Shoo, shoo! Hi! Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! Good evening. I solved many cases, as always! I'd say I deserve an A+ today! A visitor after dark...that seems mysterious! Hiya, @しゅじんこうくん@! *YAWN* Maybe I could've slept in a bit longer... That sound...it must be rain! Brrrr...it's freezing. I'd best stay home today. I get worried about the flowers when it's windy like this... This snowstorm...could bring a new case! Yes, a new case,{LF}riding on the wind! Good morning. Not the best weather, is it? My, such nice weather... The flowers must be happy for all this rain. This snow reminds me of cherry blossoms...so beautiful! I can't leave the house because of the typhoon. It's a closed{LF}circle! Hi! Nice snowstorm, wouldn't you say? I don't like cloudy weather. I'm enjoying the morning sun. It's wonderful, don't you think? Ugh...it's just sooo hot! This is the best season for growing fruit. It's too cold to touch the water today. So...I won't! Mmm, this is definitely the best season for{LF}@アイテム0@. It's so hot, I simply can't stop sweating! @しゅじんこうくん@! Weren't you supposed to bring me some{LF}jam?! This coldness...must be a case! Oh, good evening. The temperature is nice at night, don't{LF}you think? Oh, my! It's unbelievably hot right now! What's better than a quiet tea time on an autumn evening? You can sleep well by warming yourself thoroughly before{LF}getting into bed. My detective senses tell me you'll be a good parent. Amber's becoming a mother? That worries me a bit... It's not easy being a parent, so don't push yourself, okay? So, you're becoming a father... So, you're becoming a mother... Congratulations. Be careful if you leave town. It can be very dangerous. Amber will be staying at my house. You should come visit her sometime. I hear you're going to the ruins. That place is quite mysterious indeed! You sure bring back a lot of people, don't you? What a strange talent... Did you hear that Dylas is staying at Porco's place? I wonder how he'll do as a waiter... The mystery of the ghost... I can solve it! I know I can! Did you hear that Lady Ventuswill collapsed?! What could have happened to her...? A +Rune Sphere+? Hmmm...is it some sort of secret decoder or something? No-- Leave it to me! I'll solve this mystery! This is by far the hardest challenge I've faced in my entire{LF}life... If there's a +Forest of Beginnings+... ...there must also be a ''Forest of Ends,'' right? @しゅじんこうくん@! You mustn't thank me! It's my job to solve mysteries. So you can always depend on me, whenever you have any{LF}concerns! Good job, @しゅじんこうくん@! I always knew that you were an excellent choice to be my{LF}assistant! I've found Lady Ventuswill's true identity! What's going on?! And what's up with the strange soldier and the dragon?! I can't believe that the Sechs has invaded our town... This is an unforgivable act! What in the world are the Sechs trying to do?! There's a floating island in the sky? How mysterious... You can do it, @しゅじんこうくん@!! It's sad that Lady Ventuswill's gone... It's sad that Lady Ventuswill's gone... ... ...Maybe I'll go look for her. Great job, @しゅじんこうくん@! You have now earned this item, as well as the title of{LF}assistant! Or ''Watson,'' if you'd prefer... Where there's mystery, there's also a great detective! Make sure to tell me when you're heading to the{LF}@マップ9@! Lady Ventuswill's back, just as I surmised she would be! My hunch bore fruit! I knew that Porco's dishes would be recognized. Perhaps I, too, have the talent of a gourmet... Both a gourmet and a detective... Not bad. Have you also heard of my triumph? Oh, there's no need for compliments! It's only natural for me to have solved a case, you know. Food holds no sin. There is no blame to be had. It's wonderful. Simply wonderful! This song portrays the sentiment of a girl who's in love. It's just...so beautiful... It's so mysterious... She must've heard a scary story or something. I can think of{LF}no other motive! After a long day yesterday, I anticipated I'd be tired. But much to my surprise... ...my whole body feels light as air! I'm suspecting... ...that there was something special about yesterday's bath. There's a competition for butlers, but not for detectives? Doesn't that seem...bizarre to you? Looks like I'll need to reason my way out of this! Did you hear that Dougie carried Blossom to the clinic? It's sweet, isn't it? I wish someone would do that for me... They're holding an event to jump down from high in the sky? YEEEEEEEES! I'M SO PUMPED!! Something Lady Ventuswill likes... Hmm...what should I get her, I wonder...? There's not enough information to offer any reasonable{LF}hypothesis here. Have you heard? Lady Ventuswill's favorite food is{LF}@アイテム0@! She should have tea with me sometime... ... What is it you'd like to buy? Hmm, I can't remember... Well, even as a great detective, that's one mystery I just{LF}can't solve. You need to figure it out! ... @クローリカ@... ... @クローリカ@? Oh, don't bother. She fell asleep as she was deciding what{LF}to buy. I bet she'll stay that way for a while. Oh, I have an idea! How about a murder case with roses as{LF}the weapon? The victim's heart was pierced by a rose thrown with{LF}tremendous force... Then a dog buries that rose, and no one is any the wiser! What do you think? Wow, that's a really cool plot! You sound like a great detective, Lumie! I don't sound like one, I AM one! I'm Illuminata, the MASTER detective! Oh, your husband's here. Stop! We're not like that! Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? ...Actually, that would make me @しゅじんこうくん@'s wife... And that actually sounds good! ♪ ...What?! W-w-w-we're not like that! Really! Judging by your reaction, though, perhaps you wish you{LF}were... Hee hee hee! ♪ Oh, don't be silly, Lumie! You too, @しゅじんこうくん@! Please don't make weird{LF}assumptions! O-okay... H-h-h-h-husband... I-i-i-i-i-it's...t-too early... Why? How do you know that isn't what @しゅじんこうくん@'s thinking? W-well... NOOOOOOOOOO!!! ... Heh heh heh. Please don't tease her too much... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. What are you-- Ngh...showing off again...! Have you gotten used to the work? Yep! Way to go, Amber. Keep it up! I will! ♪ So, Amber? What would you like to eat tomorrow? Hmm... Maybe a blend of different juices? A blend...? Oh! You're talking about @アイテム0@, aren't{LF}you? That's right! Wow, Lumie! ♪ Well, I AM a master detective, you know... Um, Lumie? Why did you start a flower shop? T-that's...erm... A c-cover! That's it! A cover? Yes. If people found out that I'm a master detective, my life could{LF}be in danger... So I'm hiding my true identity by pretending to run a flower{LF}shop. Ooh, that's really cool! ♪ (I can't...I just can't let her know how much I love flowers...) (It's too embarrassing!) A cover, huh...? Uhh, Lumie? Yes? Can I try on your glass-- NO. ... That's asking too much. Plea-- NO. Boo... I can't lend these to anyone. Not even you, Amber. A detective won't let go of her secret tool...until she dies! Are you dying, Lumie?! You can't die! Don't worry, Amber. It was a figure of speech. I have a long{LF}way to go before I'm dead! Lumie. It's me, yes? You're imitating Xiao Xiao... Don't stand behind me, unless you want to be stabbed. And now it's Forte... *ZZZ*... *ZZZ*... Freedom is precious...but too much freedom can be a{LF}problem. Aha! I see it now! There is a mystery surrounding this table{LF}every evening! ...What mystery? Oh, do you also like flowers? They're nice, aren't they? ♪ Ooh, that brazier looks nice and warm. It must be essential during wintertime! What a gorgeous piece of art... One could even say it's...{LF}mysterious... WHOA! What's this? A giant dinosaur? SPLENDID!! ♪ *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit You've been in town long enough for it to start to feel like{LF}home, right? There still might be places you haven't found yet, though.{LF}Keep looking around! You might find some interesting stuff. Seems like you've become a bonafide member of this{LF}community pretty nicely. It must be tough living in that castle... But good luck! You come by the shop at all lately? I have. Sorry! Oh, yeah? Thanks! Come back again, okay? Wait, you haven't? C'mon, you gotta! Granny got angry 'cause I sold some stuff for cheap. *SIGH* Granny Blossom's not doing too well. That's the only reason I'm helping her around the shop,{LF}y'know! 'Cause I wouldn't otherwise... Really? I see... Of course! Wh-what other reason could I possibly have? Wh-what's that look on your face?! I-I'm really lazy, all right?! I hate doing calculations more than anything else when I'm{LF}working at the store. Can't I just say, ''The total price is 5000G,'' or whatever? Arthur gave me a thing called an abacus... ...but it only made things worse! Who the hell knows how to use that thing?! Are you good at crafting? I am the CRAFT MASTER. Not really. Tch! That's not fair. Same as me, then. Do you know of a monster called a ''duck''? Damned things are ridiculously weak. They should be{LF}stronger, y'know? Why? Because ''Duck'' and ''Doug'' sound so similar. But the duck's{LF}weak! It's not fair, I tell ya'... I didn't think I'd end up helping at a general store, that's for{LF}sure. I should've studied more, y'know? There's quite a lot to do when you work at a general store. Can't you hire more people? I told Blossom that I'd do everything all by myself, like a{LF}dolt... The hell's wrong with me?! When I first came to Selphia, it was hard for me to remember{LF}everyone's names. How about you, @しゅじんこうくん@? Have you memorized everyone's names yet? Yep! Not yet. No I haven't, Horatio. Hmm, not bad. It took me a whole month, y'know! Oh, you haven't? You should try a little harder, then. You'll{LF}get it eventually! WHAT?! You don't know who I am?! I thought you knew before you even started talking to me!{LF}Who does that?! Your clothes aren't suitable for farming, y'know. You don't think so? They always get dirty. No, they aren't. Yeah. They'll get dirty real quick. Right? So why are you wearing them into the fields? Well... You know, but you wear them anyway?! ...You're an odd one, you know that? If they're just gonna get dirty anyway, why don't you just{LF}wear brown clothes when you farm? Brown...? Will I look good in brown? I don't have any... You don't like brown? I'm sure it'd suit you... Yeah, for sure. I have no doubt about that at all! Really?! Well, I was the same way, I guess... I'm actually a dwarf, you know, not a human being. Have I ever told you that before? Yes. A dwarf? Hmm. Must've forgotten. Well, dwarves are supposed to be good at forging, but I'm...{LF}not. We're a crotchety people who are supposed to be good at{LF}forging. Dwarves are deft, you know. ...Most, anyway. Not me, though. Here, you can have this. It's overstock from the store...but I'd prefer not to throw it{LF}out. [Received @アイテム0@.] Dunno how useful it is, though. Has the @アイテム0@ I gave you been useful{LF}at all? Yes. No. @アイテム0@? Oh, really? I'm glad I gave it to you, then. That's what I was afraid of. Oh well...too bad. What, you've forgotten about it altogether?! Tch...forget you,{LF}then! Are you shopping at our store, @しゅじんこうくん@? I'm working on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so come by and see{LF}me sometime. ...What's wrong? You have a slight accent or something, don't you,{LF}@ダグ@? Oh, this? We dwarves have a special intonation. ...Well, that's what they say, but really, there's nothing all too{LF}special about it. Granny Blossom has been taking good care of me. I hope I can repay her one day... Hey, who do you think is the strongest person in the town? Me. You. @フォルテ@. @バド@. @ブロッサム@. @ヴォルカノン@. @エルミナータ@. Oh yeah? We should have a match sometime! You think so too? Now you're talkin'! Well, I did learn a while back that you should never, ever{LF}sneak up behind her. That was...really close... Ol' Bado? Nah, that can't be! Granny? ...Well, guess I can't really argue with that, come to{LF}think of it... Well...he's one hell of a guy, that's for sure... I'd say she's more fearless than she is strong. Maybe even to{LF}a fault! Hey, will you cook me some delicious{LF}@アイテム0@ sometime? Sure. No way! You will?! Awwright! I can't wait! Yeah, okay. But make some for me next time, you got it? You're going to make @アイテム0@ for me,{LF}right? Tell me when it's done. Freedom means you're responsible for what you think and{LF}decide. I was just following orders without thinking when I was in{LF}the empire. Honestly, it was way easier than it is now. Do you regret coming here? No way! I feel refreshed now. It's like I've just started a new life. Anyway, there's a lot to do from here on out. I'm counting on{LF}you for some help, you got it? @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ You're sometimes totally reckless...but I like it. Erm... Is that supposed to be a compliment...? You can go outside the town, but be careful. You might get hurt. So don't do anything stupid and make{LF}me worry, okay? ... What are you staring at? Uh... N-Never mind. Hey, you want me to bring some items you might need to{LF}your house? You would do that for me? But...why? Because then I can see you every-- --er, I mean... ...? What's wrong with it? Doesn't it suck to have to come to the{LF}item shop to pick stuff up? It's a kind offer, but I couldn't accept it. I'd feel bad getting{LF}special treatment like that. O-Okay... Granny Blossom often tells me, ''I want someone to help us.'' And then, she stares at me. I think she's got her eye on you. What? See, Granny Blossom pulled me aside the other day, and you{LF}know what she said to me? She said, ''I want to see my grandchild's face before I die.'' But the thing is...she doesn't actually have a grandchild. Argh... Dylas... What's wrong with Dylas? He's taller than me! It's crazy, don't you think?! No, YOU'RE just crazy. I like you as you are. You're so mean!! Wha?! What's wrong with you?! I wonder what @ダグ@ thinks about me. Maybe I should ask him... What? Why are you staring at me? What's wrong? Hey, @ダグ@, do you... ...like me? ...hate me? ?! Um... You know, we are dating... So... You like me? ... Yeah, course I do! There's no way I wouldn't! I love you! You act just like one of the boys sometimes. *SHOCK* Yeah, I guess I do. ... What's the matter? You think I'm...unfeminine? No, no, that's not what I meant! Wh-What I'm trying to say is... I like you the way you are, @しゅじんこうくん@! Really. I like you just the way you are. But I feel like I'm the only one talks about how I feel. You think so? Yeah. It feels kinda unfair. I want to hear you say something back{LF}once in a while. I miiiiight like you. ... Hmph! Guess tough love means you gotta work for it. ... Why aren't you saying anything?! And stop looking at me like that! Pretty impressive how you tend that farm of yours everyday. Is it? I'm not the only one who works hard, though, you know? Dammit, trying to act all cool... Time flies so fast when I'm with you. I think so too. Seems slow to me. It's a happy feeling, somehow. Really? You know, you're kind of weird, @しゅじんこうくん@. How long have you liked me, @ダグ@? Um... I don't know... Maybe since I saw you for the first time? @しゅじんこうくん@... Hmm? Uh... Um... You know... I love you. ... I love you too. Thank you. That's what I wanted to hear! Yeeeeah, go me! All right! Hope that doesn't weird you out or anything. I'm not the kind of person who believes in destiny, but... It seems to me that we were fated to meet. ...Wh-What?! Sometimes I just want to say that kind of thing!{LF}What's wrong with that?! Ugh, I'm really tired of walking to the item store from our{LF}house. Shall we live apart, then? Let's live apart. Suck it up, item boy! No way! I want to be with you! ... Wish you wouldn't make me say something so{LF}embarrassing... C'mon! That's a bit much! Hee hee. Then what are you complaining for? *SIGH* Yeah, good point. You're right. I'm just happy to be with you. It's like a dream, don't you think? Like? It IS a dream... Pinch his ear. *Piiiinch!* Is it?! Ouch! The hell is wrong with you?! Well, I figured you could use some proof you weren't{LF}dreaming! That definitely woke me up, I guess. Thanks...I think? You haven't changed a bit after the wedding,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Neither have you, @ダグ@. No, I changed... My love for you got even bigger! I'm worried about Granny Blossom. She's alone, and she's got{LF}so much medicine to keep track of... I'm always stressing. You're not...uncomfortable being with me, are you? Of course not! Of course I am! Good, good. That makes me feel a little better. That's what I thought. Well, I have no idea if I can ever really be a match for you,{LF}but I'll give it my best! So don't you be pushing yourself too hard on these{LF}adventures of yours, okay? But...I'm really good! Okay. Thanks! Are you worried about me? That's not the point. I'm telling you this because I'm worried about you! Oh, I see... Worried about little old me? Hee hee. Thanks! ''Okay''? Really? That seemed way too easy. You're just worried about me, right? I appreciate the sentiment. Thanks. That's right! I worry about you all the time. I know you're strong enough, but even the strong can fall if{LF}they don't take care of themselves. I never imagined I'd have a family like this. The future is always full of surprises. It feels like every day now is a fun-filled adventure. Probably because I get to spend them with you... Wait, no... Damn it, how could I just blurt out something that{LF}embarrassing?! Forget I said anything! They say the first love never works out. Shows how much they know! Mine's the love of my life. You know, @ダグ@, you said something in your sleep{LF}the other day. What?! What did I say?! You said, ''I love you.'' You said, ''I'm hungry.'' Not telling. ...! Well...it's true. I do. Damn, even in my sleep, huh? H-Hey! You want me to help you with your farm work? Really? That would be great. I need help with the watering, mowing,{LF}harvesting and-- Errm, you know what? I really shouldn't take your work from{LF}you after all. Heh... Did you see our room? Why? Is it different? Did you remodel it? Did you clean it up? It sure is! I cleaned it up before you came back! No! Look! I cleaned it up! That's right! Got to do some cleaning every now and again,{LF}you know? Man, when I proposed to you, I thought I was going to die. I{LF}was waaaaay too nervous. Really? Yeah. I never want to do that again. Not even if you ask me. Huh? Huh? You look prettier than ever today. R-really? Absolutely. You're the best wife a guy could ask for. Hey, next time you leave town, take me with. I'll protect you. It's always great to see you when I come home. It makes me so happy. This is the life, huh? I can't explain how happy I am to be with you. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yes? I love you. ... I love you too. @ダグ@... What? I love you. ...Psych! I love you too. Heh. Got me. But that's okay. You can call my name anytime{LF}you'd like. What's your favorite thing in the whole world? Is it eating? Hmm... Let me think for a minute... OH WAIT, I don't have to. Because it's you, silly! Isn't that{LF}obvious?! What do you love the most about me, @ダグ@? What do I love the most about you? Um...well, everything! You're sort of the cute type, I guess. Erm... So, @ダグ@, do you prefer... ...cute girls? ...beautiful vixens? I don't care, actually. You're just my type, and that's that. I realized recently that... Happiness is all I feel when I'm with you. Hey, @ダグ@... Hmm? Say you love me. Never mind. What...? All right... I love you. One more time! Thank you. I love you. Once more! Encore, encore! Thank you. How many times are you going to make me say it? It's{LF}embarrassing... Gimme a break already! No prob. We're going to be together forever. I just know it. My +birthday+ is on @キャラ0@ @0@. Don't forget, okay? I like presents! Rice is awesome! I like rice too. I prefer bread. You have good taste, then. Each grain of rice gives me so much energy, you know? Pfft. You know nothing about quality grain. Bread is spongy. Instead of giving you energy, it saps it all{LF}up! Yeeeeah. I don't like bread. It's pure evil, you know? It's a spongy energy vampire of a{LF}food. Whenever I see Amber, I feel like the world is going to be{LF}okay. Not sure how to say it, exactly, but she's just...peaceful, you{LF}know? Or maybe just always happy? Like, if there were a billion Ambers, war would never{LF}happen. All the Ambers would just chill and drink juice. Damn that Dylas... That bastard, always looking to pick a fight with me! Fighting, huh? Okay... Do you really hate him? Sounds like you two get along pretty well, to me. I mean,{LF}why else would you fight? Hmph. Don't be ridiculous. ... I mean, it's not like he's a bad person or anything... Is that so? ...No, I take it back. He's awful! Well, that was fast. Which is it? I-I...I don't hate him, but I really don't like him, either! So I guess thing to take away from all this is in the end is,{LF}you don't hate him. Damn that Dylas! Are you still angry? Of course! And it's all his fault! Every time I talk to him, he's all like, ''I have nothing to talk{LF}about with you.'' What a pain in the ass! Vishnal's a pretty fun guy. If you tell him, ''This is special butler training!'', he'll pretty{LF}much do whatever you say. I'm worried about him, though. He's too gullible. Too easy to{LF}take advantage of. Granny Blossom serves me bread with breakfast. But bread is evil! Rice is so much better. @子供ちゃん@, look how much you've grown! Children grow up so fast... @子供ちゃん@ can sleep through anything, it seems. I'm a little jealous! Granny Blossom smiles every time she sees @子供ちゃん@. She must be thrilled. @子供ちゃん@ has a bright future! Huh? Gonna be a celebrity, I tell you! It's my kid, after all. @子供ちゃん@ has gotten so big! Children grow up so fast. When forging equipment, you've got to take off whatever{LF}piece you plan to work on. Be pretty dangerous to work on something you've got{LF}equipped, after all! Um...yeah, of course! Wow. I had no idea! Yeah... Th-That's right. It's pretty obvious, huh? Right?! That's my special secret! You should hand over some crops to me as soon as they{LF}start poking out from the ground. Then my store can offer some good deals. Don't know exactly how it works, but it's a thing called{LF}distribution, and it's good for sales! Ugh, I just want to go back to bed! Working in the morning is so tiring... Hello! Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@! I want to eat @アイテム0@! Why not bread for once? It's business time, so buy something, will ya'? What's up? What's up, @しゅじんこうくん@? Finally, I can go home! What should I eat tomorrow morning? Hi! Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@! *YAWN* I'm going to go take a nap somewhere. Man, I'm beat. I don't like cold weather. It's so cold...so cold... Yaaay! Stoooorrrm! Yeah! This is an indoor day, for sure. Argh! Why can't the weather make up its mind? Weather,{LF}you suck. On a sunny day like this, I just want to take a long walk... I wish the store closed on rainy days. Damn...it just keeps snowing! Aaall RIGHT! Let's play, @しゅじんこうくん@! I'm off today. OFF! Cloudy as hell again. My nose feels itchy. I'm fine with this weather. Warm, but not too hot. Can't{LF}complain at all! This season always makes me feel exhausted. Man, @しゅじんこうくん@! It's frickin' FREEZING out there! Hi there. So hot today... I'm worried about Granny Blossom. Hey, you wanna work at the shop in my place? I wouldn't{LF}mind! It's, uh...good work experience! Seems like a good day to eat something nice and hot. It gets cooler at night. Those damned cicadas are going to keep me awake all{LF}night. I just know it! Finally time to go home! I'm so cold, yet all I want to do is eat{LF}@アイテム0@. So I'm going to be a father, huh? I'll be a good dad, I promise! How're you holding up? Be careful out there! Are you all right? You shouldn't strain yourself so much. Are you okay? You need anything, you just let me know. You shouldn't push it too much. You've gotta take it easy,{LF}you hear? I'm going to talk to Granny Blossom. You don't look pregnant just yet. You can ask me anything anytime, okay? So, you as a parent, huh? Ought to be interesting! You can ask Granny Blossom if you need any advice or{LF}anything. Dylas is going to be a father, huh? Hmmm... I can't imagine how tiring it is to raise a kid. Gotta be strong{LF}to handle that. So you're off to the forest, huh? Well...be careful. I wonder why there was a person there...? That voice from the ruins is so creepy... Oh, need something? I just can't get along with Dylas. A ghost... I-I don't believe in that kind of stuff. Finally... ...I'm gonna find it first. ... ...You haven't found it yet, either, right? ... ...Dammit, what's the real truth? ...I'm not buying it. ... Hell, I wanna know about those Rune Spheres, myself. ...Man. ...Ventuswill. Ugh. Can't believe I'm this confused over that lizard. ... What am I supposed to do? I can't trust anything... ... @しゅじんこうくん@... ...Never mind. It's nothing. ... Do what you need to do. I'm trusting you. Crap... What are you waiting for? Go save her! You made it! I knew you could do it! Ventuswill...she's pretty strange, huh? Argh! Sechs...bastards...! I wouldn't have guessed the Sechs would attack us. Sorry... Dammit, I really hope there's something I can do to help! An island floating in the sky, huh? Seems pretty suspicious, if you ask me... @しゅじんこうくん@? Let me know if there's anything I can do. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Ventuswill... She's... ...No, never mind. Every day here is just so peaceful, and I just...I don't know. I feel anxious. Like something is missing. I mean, I know why, but still! I'm pretty pathetic, huh? If Ventuswill were here, what would she say...? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! Here, take this. I mean... You're going to go rescue her, right? Let me know when you're ready! She helped me a lot. This time, it's my turn to help her. Ventuswill's back, it seems. Hmph. As it should be. I still have a lot of debts to repay. I don't want the restaurant to get too famous. If it does, I'll{LF}have trouble getting a table. That girl?! That's the true mystery here. How in the heck can you make charcoal from cookies?! Have you heard Margaret singing? She has a real pretty{LF}voice, huh? I heard Clorica's been awake all day. Like, seriously. Aaaall{LF}day. Hope it's not a sign of bad news. I feel great today! Maybe because of that incredible bath yesterday, I don't{LF}know. You know Volkanon, right? He's seriously awesome for such{LF}an old guy. Maybe I should be a butler too. I'm sure it would make me{LF}just as awesome. Wha?! How did you know about the whole clinic deal with{LF}Granny?! D-D-D-Does anybody else in town know?! Nooooooo!! My cool guy image is ruined!! Did you hear that? Sounds like Arthur came up with an interesting idea! Offerings for Ventuswill, huh? I didn't know we had that kind of custom here. Seems we do. ... What's wrong? Nothing. Ventuswill just seems kind of human to me. Dragons should be more...majestic. Looks like this is the only place we can use as a gathering{LF}spot. Ah... Arthur? Are you sure we're not bothering you? Don't worry. It's fine. That's right. Everything is perfectly okay. He wasn't talking to you. You finished the job, then? Yes, almost. But there is something left to do for tomorrow. You don't mean... Everyone could've used my room if it was big enough. You mean, if it were clean? Oh, come on, that's not fair! Man, all these books are huge!{LF}And...complicated-sounding... They're quite interesting. You're welcome to borrow one, if{LF}you'd like. N-no, I'm good, thanks! If that offer extends to me as well, I'd like to borrow one. Seriously? You can read stuff like that?! Well yeah, of course. Don't lump me in with you when it{LF}comes to hitting the books! Man, you sure know how to hit where it hurts sometimes... I'd like to borrow this one, if I may. Wha? You too?! Oh, wow! Can't believe you have a rare one like this in your{LF}collection! May I see it? No way! Even you?! Hey, Arthur, did you get in that book I ordered? Sure did. Here you go. Holy crap. Am I really the only one here who doesn't read? I can give you some picture books, if you want. Keep 'em, dammit! Doug is the life of the party, isn't he? Huh? He really is. And he's great at gathering people together. What the hell? Uh, okay... Yeah, this is good. Praise me!{LF}Praise me HARD! If only he were a bit more humble... ... And a bit less noisy! At least I'm not a Dyllie Downer like you! He was such a good man, once. Indeed... Hey! Stop talking about me like I'm dead or something! You lose, Doug! Ahhhhh! Wait! That doesn't count! That's pretty pathetic, you know. Why don't you just accept defeat? Arghhh! I almost won that time, too! Just once more! Come on, guys! ... You seem bored, Arthur. Leon... No. I'm not bored. Actually, I'm quite enjoying myself. Perhaps...I was much more bored when I was serving as{LF}prince in the castle. But you could do anything you wanted there, right? Nothing of the sort, no. One's rights must be tempered with{LF}duty and obligation. Besides...being able to do whatever you please isn't all that{LF}exciting either. It just seems far too predictable and passe for someone with{LF}dreams and ambitions. But suddenly my life turned into this. And this is what I truly{LF}wanted. You hear that, @しゅじんこうくん@? What?! I really appreciate what you did for me. Thank you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Ah... Y-You're welcome... Hey, Arthur. What are you doing? Let's pick up where we left off, shall we? Sure. I'll be right there. Oh, and Kiel? This is the book you wanted, I believe. Thank you, Arthur. What kind of book is it? Is it all science-y or philosophical or{LF}something? No, this one's a cookbook. A cookbook?! I already perfected all the dishes in the one I was using{LF}before. Are you serious?! You gotta be kidding me... Why don't you let Forte cook sometime? Well...she might blow the house up, for one... Better with the sword than with the skillet, eh? Kiel, won't you teach me your secrets? I've been training to{LF}cook in my spare time. Wha?! I...I don't know if I'd really be of much help, though... Porcoline's way of cooking is too fast for me. I can't follow{LF}him. Umm... Okay. Next time, then, we'll cook together! *YAWN* What's the matter, Vishnal? Oh, please excuse me. I've had a very, very busy day. You sleepy? You can sleep here. May I? A short nap, then, perhaps... ...Whoa. Out like a torch. He must've been beat! It certainly does seem that way. I wonder how long he's been working without sleep... Too long, I'm sure. Vishnal's always been like that. He probably worked himself so hard, he didn't even have{LF}time to realize how tired he was. We should leave him be. Doug and Dylas... You two are actually very close friends,{LF}aren't you? Wha?! People do say the best type of friend to have is the type{LF}who's not afraid to pull any punches... That's preposterous! And true. Everybody knows you two are like bread and{LF}butter. Don't be stupid! How the hell could I ever be friends with{LF}this dumbass?! That's right! You tell 'em, you mush-brained moron! You bet I will! You guys should just get married, right here and right now. Aha ha ha... How do you read this, Leon? Huh? Ah, this is-- Excuse me, Leon. Could you come help me? Sure. Be right there. Leon! Ah, wait, Leon! I called you first! Wha?! I called him first, not you! Haha. Leon's quite popular, it seems. Yeah, with guys! It's not fair... Though I guess there are worse fates than babysitting this{LF}bunch. @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Is there anything I can help you with? Huh? Well... Leon! C'mon! Sorry. Time's up. Catch you later! This is delicious! Mmm, it really is! SO freaking good! Porcoline's cooking is brilliant! I agree. He's a world-class chef, for sure. Well, of course. That pretty much goes without saying. And just why do you feel the need to point that out?! I'm agreeing with everyone, that's all! Sheesh! I never thought I'd eat anything this delicious in my entire life. Only problem is, once you start eating it, you just can't stop! Perhaps that's the source of Porcoline's girth. Yeah, when he cooks for himself, he probably has the exact{LF}same problem. I'd get fat too if this is what I had to eat everyday. I don't think it's that he can't stop eating, though, but that he{LF}won't. He's a total glutton. Yeah, rather than flavor... It's more the act of eating that he{LF}enjoys. It seems today's lunch is nothing but fish. I got a lot of fresh fish today. It's a good day. A very good day. I'm glad we have sashimi here. It's hard to eat broiled fish. Me, I'm glad for the broiled fish. One mustn't pick and choose so much. Best to eat what{LF}you're given. He's right. Don't be picky. But you don't like milk, Leon. But I'm special. ♪ What the hell... What about you, Vishnal? There's nothing I won't-- You don't like turnips, right? K-Kiel?! Be honest with us, please. Porcoline, can you whip up something turnip-based for{LF}Vishnal here? Hey, Porco! A nice, big, heaping order of the turnippiest{LF}turnips you've got for our buddy Vishnal! Here you go! Wh-What is wrong with you two?! As a butler, you shouldn't be picky. Consider it a professional{LF}challenge. You can do it, Vishnal! This is so cruel! ...Okay, so we've got the food, but where are the ladies? Who knows? Well, at least we can relax and enjoy a meal. What kind of man are you?! Come on, Kiel, back me up here! I'm fine with things as they are. Arthur? I agree with Kiel. ... Stop staring at us. ... Sorry, Doug. Afraid you're on your own here. ... You guys are hopeless. All right! Let's eat! Wait, Vishnal. What are you eating? It's @アイテム0@. Looks yummy. Can I have a bite? Certainly, if I may have some of yours in exchange. Sure. Here you go. Many thanks. And for you. Thanks. *CRUNCH* Ahh... *CHOMP* Okay, let's eat! ...Geeeh? Where'd mine go?! I'm sure I don't know what you mean. You must've eaten it{LF}already and simply forgotten. Ehhh?! B-But, I haven't even had one bite... They say the memory's the first thing to go, you know. We'd better eat while it's hot. This...is so weird... As a butler, I must be strong enough to protect my master. Well, everyone wants to be strong. Would you happen to have any books that could help me to{LF}that end? That's your only criterion? Anything is fine, as long as it helps{LF}you get stronger? Yes! Anything! Well, then how about this book my sister gave me? ''Secrets of Bodybuilding: How to Transform Your Fists Into{LF}Iron Weights,'' huh? That sounds...like it might do the trick... You don't mind if I browse through it a bit, do you? Go ahead. All right, then. Let's see... I wanna see! ... ... Th-This is... You've got to be kidding... Hmm? Something the matter? Someone wrote 50 sets for this exercise... Not only for this one, but for every exercise... Ha ha. You can tell it's the kind of thing my sister would{LF}read. Her stamina's amazing. That's...not really the point. This is just crazy! I-I can do this, too! No way! Don't you dare! You're going to kill yourself! I recently read a book of Norad campfire tales. It was pretty{LF}intense. Campfire tales? Like, scary stories? Yeah. One hundred accounts of the paranormal. A HUNDRED?! Why the hell would you read something like{LF}that?! Hmm? Why wouldn't I? It was really fascinating. The twenty-sixth was the best. Aaaaaggghh!! Wh-Whoa! What the hell is wrong with you?! Don't scare us{LF}like that! S-s-something w-w-was o-over th-there... Ehh?! What? H-hey! You serious?! No. No way! There's just no way, right?! ... Say something, dammit! ... Hey!! ...Pfft...haha... ...? Ha...hahaha! Ah! You sneaky little...! Dwah ha ha! I was faking, of course. Did I trick you? DAMMIT, man! What a reaction. The look on your face was so priceless! ... Well, there is Pico, so it's not outside the realm of{LF}possibility... ...Hmm? Argh... I will punch you in the face! What food should I cook tomorrow? I wish I could cook as well as you. I'm nothing special, really. I've been practicing, but... You don't need to cook. It's fine. I'm not good at cooking either. It is not fine! It could be a serious problem when I'm formally employed as{LF}someone's butler! Yeah, I guess that's true enough. Can't be a butler if you{LF}can't cook. ... What? What is it? You're so insensitive, Doug! It's okay, Vishnal. You can do it if you try hard enough. Don't let anything stupid that a -certain someone- said get{LF}you down, okay? *SNIFFLE* I'll...I'll do my best! S-Sorry, Vishnal. Don't be. My lack of culinary skill is a fact. A challenge to be{LF}overcome. Yeah, that's the spirit! You suck! No need to let it get to you.{LF}No need to cry like a baby! Doug, just stop! STOP already! You sure don't know when to quit, huh, @ダグ@... I wonder why Granny Blossom is running a general store. What do you mean? Well, it's hard work running one of those, you know? It...is? Yeah. Customers, all the time. And there's way too much stuff to remember! All this stock{LF}and where it goes and how it's used. It's such a pain in the ass. But you help her a lot, don't you? Huh?! You're always working so hard whenever you're here. I've{LF}never seen you loafing on the job. Wha-What?! What are you talking about?! I'm a total goof-up! I haven't worked hard a day in my life! S-Stop making things up! What are you guys talking about? Oh, it's you, @しゅじんこうくん@. We're neither speaking of nor really doing much of anything. That's right! We're just being lazy. Seriously? Yep. Wasting time like pros. So you're just gathered here...to bask in each other's{LF}laziness? Pretty much, yeah. We just got together for the hell of it. No{LF}real reason. It is as he says. For some reason or another... Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! You know what Vishnal just told us?! D-D-D-D-Doug! What are you doing?! Don't say another{LF}word! Hard to say anything when you're being so loud. What's the{LF}problem? Argh... Well, if you're going to go spilling other people's secrets,{LF}then I guess I'll do the same! Did you know that Doug-- H-Hey! You shut that dirty mouth of yours, butler-man! Mmmrrrrrnnnffff! Hmph. Kiel, I guess you're now officially one of us. What? Why?! You know what Kiel said a little wh-- STOP! Oww! If one more word comes out of your mouth, you will learn of{LF}my true form. ...? Dylas, here. It's a +carrot+. Uh, yeah...and...? Oh, come on! Fine, then. This is for you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Uh, erm... Swing it to the right. Swing it to the left. Do you really think... Swing it up. Swing it down. ...you can lure me with this...? Well, well. Fancy seeing you in a place like this. A place like what, exactly? You lookin' for a fight? ...Anyway, have a seat, @しゅじんこうくん@. You can sit next to me. Right here. W-Wait. I think it's more comfortable over here. Mrrrng... So, @しゅじんこうくん@? What are you going to do? Y-yeah, don't keep us waiting! Where do you want to sit{LF}more? Erm... I think I'll go take a bath now or something. Sounds good. Hey, can you pass me that over there? Huh? Oh, this? Thanks. You guys seem like good friends. NO! WE ARE NOT! Uhh...okay... We were just talking about you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? Don't worry. It's nothing dirty or anything. Nope. Uh...that's good, I guess? Actually, Dylas likes yommrrff-- Yogurt. I like yogurt. And that's ALL. Unless you'd care to have me share something about you{LF}too, Doug. ...! ...? Man, nothing's been going my way lately. My concentration's{LF}really a few fish short of a hatstand. Uh...Doug? Hmm? I don't think that phrase means what you think it means. Huh?! What are you talking about? It means it's getting worse and{LF}worse, doesn't it? No, it means you're crazy. Which might not be too far off, come to think of it... Whaaat!? No, that can't be right... Are you making this up?! Everyone knows that. ...Seriously?! God, you are such an idiot. ...Takes one to know one! Why is it cold in winter? Why are you talking about winter in summer? I'm just curious. Okay, then. The reason it's cold in winter is because the{LF}position of the sun is-- Y-You know, maybe I'm not all that curious after all... You don't like winter, huh? Whenever it gets cold my body just wants to fall over and{LF}never move again. That's why. Are you an animal or something?! Bite me... It's in my blood, I guess. No use complaining about{LF}it now. Maybe we should eat something warm this winter. Yeah... How about we all go for some hot-pot together? The heck're those? Ah, these are documents. You're working...in a place like THIS?! Hey now! What's that supposed to mean?! Don't worry. I have no intention of working HERE. Stop talking so weird! What have you got against this place?! It's just paperwork. I can finish it after I go home. Uh-huh... Hey, Doug. You know what to do, right? Yeah...okay. Give those here. I can help you. Huh? Um, but... It's easy enough even for someone like Doug, right? Hey! What's that supposed to mean?! This is my job, though... C'mooon. It'll be totally fine. Is there any reason we CAN'T{LF}help you? Well, I guess not, but... Awesome! Let's DO IT! You tell him! ...Thank you very much. Next time, though, you gotta pay me, okay? Hey, who do you think is the most popular out of us guys? (There he goes again...) Hmm... I'm not sure. Let's ask @しゅじんこうくん@. What? Out of the three of us, who would you say is the biggest{LF}stud? Dylas. Doug. Arthur. None of you. PEASANTS. M-me?! Wh-What are you talking about? It can't be me... Aw, man, how did I lose to HIM? So you prefer cool-looking men, then? Cool, my ass. I just don't see it, personally! I see, I see... Whoa! Really?! I hope you know that you have terrible taste. Hey now, don't be jealous! Just don't get carried away. It doesn't mean anything. Heheh! I always knew you were a good judge of character! ... I see... ...What? Crap, I thought for sure I'd get picked! It can't be you. Not a chance. I never thought you'd pick me. Damn it all... ... Wha?! ?!?!?!?! ... I didn't expect you guys to be so surprised... Shouldn't even have asked. The truth will remain forever clouded in mystery. But that's{LF}okay! Right, everyone? Right. I'm getting tired of talking about this anyway. What's that supposed to mean?! It means what it means! Hey, guys. Listen up. Fishing is a war of attrition, between us and the fish. Okay... It's only us and them out there. A sacred moment in time. A{LF}quiet time for a personal battle. Man, it's just fishing... Quiet! Don't you dare disrespect this fine recreation with{LF}your dismissive tone! If you do...you'll die! Wha?! How?! Why?! Listen, Doug. It's life and death out there. For me, anyway. I stake my life{LF}on it. It's a matter of pride! It is not JUST fishing. Is that understood? Argh... He's right, Doug. You shouldn't have said ''just.'' You're sealing your fate when{LF}you do that. Dylas loves this. Sheesh! S-Sorry... Hmph. As long as we're clear. Ugh! I just don't get it! Fishing is soooo boooring! What did you just say?! Ha ha. They're like brothers, aren't they? You think so? They seem like mortal enemies to me... Oh, @レオン@! What brings you here? Well, Doug was feeling lonely, so I figured I'd come and{LF}cheer him up. Whaaa? Says who?! Poor guy's trying to cover it up now. He's embarrassed for{LF}you to know his loneliness. The hell?! Don't make things up, you jerk! He's adorable, isn't he? You want my fist in your gut, you loser?! I have a butler's license now, you know. What? You do?! That's my story, anyway. If Vishnal believes me, he'll be{LF}crushed. Sounds like fun, no? Hmm...yeah, yeah it does. I think I want in on this con! Not a chance. Why not? If you say you have a license, he might kill himself. What? Why would he do a stupid thing like that? Because the mere thought of someone like...well, like YOU... Are you crying for me?! Get the hell out! You work hard at the general store, right? And?! Well, you always say you don't want to do any work. Why not be proud of your daily accomplishments? Hard work{LF}is nothing to be embarrassed about! Screw that! I'm totally gonna skip work tomorrow, you'll see.{LF}I am the king of slackers! So, what's it like being a +Guardian+? It's hard to explain. Sometimes I'm conscious, and sometimes I'm not. Sometimes I feel something, and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I hear voices, and sometimes I don't. ...Soooo...it's crazy, then? I don't know. I really don't know how to explain it at all. Who do you think is cooler, Doug or me? What's the point of asking him? Who cares what a guy{LF}thinks! You're just jealous because I'm the only right answer here. What?! It'll be me, of course! Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? Looks like I can't dodge this one any longer... I'm WAY cooler, right? @ダグ@. @レオン@. Neither of you dolts. You see? Clear choice, right here! I'll admit, I did not expect that. I feel so...dirty... Now, now. You're pretty cool. I'm just unbeatable. You're un-something, that's for sure... Why not me?! Come on! Guess we both had that coming, really. No, no, I was just joking-- honest! Well, if it isn't Doug! Cute, huh? A barrel, huh...? Seems like there could be somebody in{LF}there. Wow... This anchor is enormous... What, uh, do we hope to accomplish by just leaving this{LF}here?! Ha ha ha! I like this ball! Bouncy, bouncy! Man, that is one big dinosaur! Truly, this is the heart of man! Such a spectacular item to{LF}bear! *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit Let me know if there's anything you'd like. There are some nice items here--{LF}@アイテム0@ and such. Take care. Once you get sick, it's already too late to do anything about{LF}it. *COUGH* *COUGH* A-Are you okay? I'm fine, thanks. I've just got a slight recurring cough. Don't worry. So, how do you like this town? I like it a lot! The observatory is great. The food is awesome. Right, right! I love it, myself. I enjoy the view from there myself. It's breathtaking. Is it? Ah, you mean Porcoline's cooking, I assume? He's a great cook. I can definitely understand falling in love with his food. We have newcomers every year. You, and Doug... I don't have to worry about this town anymore. Are you getting along with Doug? Yes. Well... I hope you two get along with one another. You're both still{LF}young, after all. Oh, my... I know he can be a handful. But please, try to get along with him. *COUGH* *COUGH* Again with the coughing? Are you sure you're okay? Yes, I'm fine. I just need to take some medicine. It's really quite a bother. You don't play around all the time, do you? Take good care of your farm, okay? You kids have a whole future ahead of you. Don't ever hesitate to do anything for fear of failure. Every failure is the first step toward a spectacular success. Has anyone stolen your heart, by any chance? ... Nope, I'm still loveless. You're so young! Oh, that's too bad! You should seize the day while you're still young. Doug came from outside the town himself, you know. Have I{LF}told you that before? He hasn't given me many details about his life beforehand,{LF}but he sure does smile more now. I think this place has been good for him. When Doug first came here, he was so very quiet. He's so different now, it's almost hard to believe he's the{LF}same boy! I should be happy about that, but...well... I wish he talked just a bit less than he does. Doug is renowned for slacking on the job. If you see him goofing off when he's supposed to be{LF}working, you be sure to tell him what's what! Doug is absolutely obsessed with food. He won't shut up{LF}about it! I don't know what we should do with that boy. Doug always complains, but the truth is, he helps me out a{LF}lot. ...Not always, though. Sometimes he wanders off somewhere{LF}when he's supposed to be working. I wonder where he goes...? I love bathing. It makes me feel rejuvenated. Would you like to join me sometime? Wha?! Hey, I still have a pulse, you know? Figured it was worth a{LF}shot. Your promotions have been a tremendous boon for the shop.{LF}We're extremely grateful. I hope we can continue to count on you. An old traveler I used to know dropped by with his family. Oh? Did you two catch up on old times, then? We did. We spoke of how we're both getting old, and we{LF}both have families now... Nothing too substantial. But it was just so very nice to see him again! When is your +birthday+, @ブロッサム@? Oh, don't waste your time on little old me! Go ask your true love. You'll get more out of the answer that{LF}way. ...Though I suppose it is rude not to answer, so I'll let it slide{LF}just this once. My +birthday+ is on @キャラ0@ @0@. And since you know now, I'll be expecting a nice present.{LF}Don't let me down! Doug and I both love @アイテム0@. I make it a lot at home. What are you drinking? It's a special @アイテム0@. For my health. I don't like taking all that medicine, you see. It makes me feel{LF}old. You shouldn't skip anything you've been prescribed, though.{LF}That's dangerous! I know, I know. My, my, my... You sound so much like Doug now it's almost uncanny. The{LF}two of you don't need to worry so much! Volkanon is great at making @アイテム0@. Does it matter who makes it? It does. Half the flavor of any dish comes from the skill of the cook.{LF}And this is no different. Skilled hands make better things. Jones and Nancy are excellent, but... ...But what? They're...a bit too public with their displays of affection. Makes it uncomfortable being around them. Forte looks just like I did at that age. Whaaaaat?! Don’t act so surprised! Clorica is a very interesting, very unique girl. She falls asleep even while she's shopping. I never knew{LF}such a thing was possible! I'm tempted to say she's some sort of savant. Arthur overworks himself. It's going to make him sick one day. Lady Ventuswill has been protecting this town for a long{LF}time. Your child has grown well. What name did you choose, again? @子供ちゃん@. Ah, @子供ちゃん@! Right, right! @子供ちゃん@ is so adorable. When @子供ちゃん@ grows up... ...I might just have someone new to tend my shop. I have some advice for you. You need a custom @アイテム0@ to get{LF}married. And you need your own +crafting table+ to make it. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. How are you? Good morning. You seem to be in good spirits today. Good morning. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Make sure you don't forget to eat, now, you hear? This is a very busy time for our store. Hello. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's been quite a day! Ungh... My back hurts. I may have overworked a bit. Good evening. Good evening, @しゅじんこうくん@. Quite the beautiful day today, no? Rainy days make my whole body hurt. It's too cold for these old bones... It's so windy today... If you go outside, be careful you're not{LF}blown away! What a snowstorm! You'd best go home early today. It's as cloudy as my heart out there... The weather is absolutely perfect today. This is the time to{LF}be outdoors! I love the smell of rain, though it makes my bones ache with{LF}pain. Hey, that rhymed! Snowy roads are the worst. I can hardly go a few steps{LF}without slipping and sliding! You'll get sick if you go outside in this weather. Are you all right? You should probably go home right away. The sun seems to be playing hide-and-seek today. The smell of flowers is wafting through the air today. It's so hot today... It's cool these days. I always wake up cold. It's so cold today, isn't it? It's so warm today, all I want to do is go to sleep. It always gets hot around here by noon. There are so many fallen leaves. I should ask Doug to rake{LF}them up. It's so cold even at this time of day. Summer really is over{LF}now. Been a bit chilly during the nights, hasn't it? It's so hot out there! I should have Doug fan me while I{LF}sleep. He'd be good for something, then! Long fall night, huh? I should get to sleep early. Hot milk is the best right before bed. You're finally going to be a parent, @しゅじんこうくん@. Feel free to ask me anything you'd like about raising a child. Doug is going to be a father, huh? Makes me proud... It's dangerous outside the town. If you leave, make sure{LF}you're well-protected. Amber is such a good girl, isn't she? Her smile is infectious. How are things at the ruins? We're all rather worried, so anything you can do to help{LF}would be greatly appreciated. I hope that boy is okay... The town is so much more lively now that it's full of young{LF}people. So there's a ghost, huh? I thought my eyes went bad enough to see something weird. I heard Lady Ventuswill collapsed?! That's never once happened before now... Doug has been acting very strange lately. I'm worried about him... Doug has been acting very strange lately. Do you have any ideas why that might be? ''+The Forest of Beginnings+''... Hmmm... Can't you return using Escape magic or some such thing? If nothing else, I'm just glad Doug's back to normal again. What did you do to him? It seems you found the way home after all. I leave Lady Ventuswill in your hands, @しゅじんこうくん@. You did great, @しゅじんこうくん@! Lady Ventuswill looks so happy! Doug, are you all right?! Doug... You don't have to constantly protect me... You're such an idiot sometimes... Such an idiot... Doug is getting better, little by little. Isn't it creepy to think that there's an island floating up{LF}above us? You must defeat Sechs! We're counting on you! Please! I miss Lady Ventuswill. When will Lady Ventuswill come back...? I... I don't think... ... What's with that face? Don't tell me you think she's gone for good... Lady Ventuswill should be coming back anytime now. I hope so, yeah. ... Don't worry, dear. I have faith in you. I'll be waiting right here{LF}for her return. Oh yes, before I forget... Here. This should help you out, I'd think. Don't push yourself too hard. Remember, you're one of us{LF}now! And we watch out for our own. What's with that face? Who is going to save Lady Ventuswill? It has to be you! So, Lady Ventuswill finally came back, did she? Well done, @しゅじんこうくん@. You succeeded. I heard Porcoline's restaurant has become famous now. Considering how good his food is, you'd think that would've{LF}happened a long time ago. That Illuminata, huh? There must be a catch. It's always worthwhile to challenge yourself. Best not to think too hard about the taste. Sweet and sour, all in one... Reminds me of my own romantic exploits from days long{LF}since passed... Not too surprising for Clorica to have been awake. That happens sometimes, you know? Not often, of course,{LF}but still! It was nice taking a super-hot bath yesterday. Sometimes that's all it takes to to soothe the bones in my{LF}back. He's well beyond being described by the word ''super.'' He's{LF}easily in a class all his own. He'll only lose if there are some mighty unexpected{LF}circumstances. And even then... I didn't expect so many to hear about Doug carrying me to{LF}the clinic. The poor boy must be so embarrassed! Jumping off the airship... Have you gone crazy? I wonder what Lady Ventuswill eats. Can a god be picky about food? I never knew Lady Ventuswill preferred raw vegetables to{LF}cooked ones. I guess she wants to savor the blessings of nature in their{LF}most natural state... Blossom... Is that...? My, my! You noticed? You always have had sharp eyes. That's an extremely rare tea, is it not? Would I...be able to have some, by any chance? I just knew you'd ask, so I prepared some in advance. Please{LF}do! Thank you, Blossom. I really appreciate it. Would you happen to have any fresh ingredients? Let me see... How about this tuna? I'd prefer something cheaper-- Ah, th-this fish...! So...you did notice! It's fresh as can be. Perfectly marbled. This is a fish of extraordinary quality! Impressive, Volkanon. Not everyone would be able to tell{LF}that from sight alone. Can I have the whole tuna, Blossom? ...Come again. Hmm...? That item was placed in the wrong spot. Also, that one. And that one, too. And that one! Are you sure? I am most positive. My, my... How can you remember all those little details? It's what I do. An almost obsessive attention to detail is an essential job{LF}requirement for butlers. How about the others? Are they getting better? You mean Vishnal and Clorica? They still have a long way to go, I'm afraid. I see... So why do you look so proud? I should be. Any parent would be happy to see his child progress. It's the{LF}same for a mentor and his proteges. That's very true. Doug, huh? Something seems to come to the edge of my{LF}memory when I hear that name... What beautiful flowers! I'd love to grow some myself. My, my! What are you going to do with that barrel? You're interested in the brazier, eh? It would sure work nicely{LF}for baking rice cakes. What a big stuffed animal that is! It's a Rune Saurus, no? Haha... How wonderful! *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit ... Hey, you. Hmm? ... Hey, @ドルチェ@...? ''Don't tell me you forgot @しゅじんこうくん@'s name...'' Of course not. I'm not that irresponsible. However... ...? I don't know how to explain it, exactly, but you... You just feel...kind of familiar to me. Me? Well, it could just be me. The evidence would suggest we{LF}have no prior connection to one another. ''Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@!'' @ピコ@! Where did you come from...? ''I'm always near Dolly.'' That's right. A stalker, or a pervert, when you get right down{LF}to it. May I help you with something? How do you like this town? No, nothing, really. It's not bad. ''You really can't ever speak your mind, can you?'' ''If you address a lady, please be sure you have something to{LF}talk about.'' ''...is what you were thinking, isn't it?'' Don't lump me in with you. I'm not petty like that. ''Seeing Nancy smile just warms your heart, doesn't it?'' Yeah. Might be just the opening I need for a surprise attack. ''*SIGH* Sometimes I worry about you, milady.'' I like @ピコ@'s clothes. *Stare at @ピコ@* *Stare at @ドルチェ@* ''Come on, don't stare at me like that. It's embarrassing!'' ...Fresh. Ah, wait! I didn't mean anything by it, I swear! You're a moron. A fully complete, total, all-encompassing{LF}moron! What? What is it? Don't stare at me, please. It's rude. And reflects poorly on{LF}you. I'm tired of @ピコ@'s clothes. I should buy something new for her. I'm going to make some clothes for @子供ちゃん@. Did you make @ピコ@'s clothes, @ドルチェ@? Yes, more or less. ''I can wear clothes but they don't exactly show up on me.'' ''So I scan milady's creations and project the image onto{LF}myself.'' ... What are you writing? Talismans. They're extremely useful. What's that sheaf of papers you've got there? These are talismans. ''Milady! Your back is exposed! Your guard is down!'' ''...Aaah! I-isn't that an...exorcism talisman?!'' Ah. So that's what she's trying to do... ''Dolly made me this dress the other day.'' ''I will never, ever change again in my entire life!'' An empty promise, considering your life has already ended. ''People in this town are so friendly, like family.'' They certainly do seem to be. And you're one of us, @ドルチェ@. You're a part of this{LF}lovely town. That...also seems to be the case, yes. ''I wonder if you'll also become friendlier over time, milady.'' It's been a while since I lost my family... Doesn't @ピコ@ startle you, @ドルチェ@? She{LF}always appears so suddenly! I've gotten used to it. Plus, I can see it coming. She and I are of one mind and one{LF}heart, after all. Unfortunately. I'm amazed @子供ちゃん@ doesn't get startled by her{LF}either. Yeah. I guess that's from me... ''Ahh! I need pain! I need the pain of love, so powerful that it{LF}burns!'' ''So please, milady... HUUUUUG MEEEEEE!!'' Like this? ''*CHOKE*'' That looks less like a hug and more like an execution. ''*COUGH* *COUGH* You always squeeze so hard, but my,{LF}love hurts so wonderfully!'' I have to wonder how terrible my luck is to have been stuck{LF}with a masochist for a ghost. Dr. Jones and Nancy are kind people. They said they feel like I'm a real member of their family. ''Awww, that's so sweet!'' ...It really is. But I'm not a member of their family. I'm just +like+ one. *SIGH* ''Hey, Dolly?'' ''What do you think about this frilly, see-through underwear?{LF}Isn't it cute?'' About as cute as you. ''OWW! Don't shove that talisman in my face! OWWWW!!'' You look happy, @ドルチェ@... Dr. Jones and Nancy are overly generous and caring{LF}individuals. I'm not used to being treated like that. ''Nancy is so motherly toward milady as well. I think that's{LF}why she's so happy recently!'' ... There are...bugs here. I can sense them watching me. ''Yes, I can feel their cold eyes upon me as well.'' ''Your senses are as keen as ever, milady!'' What should I do about this unwanted infestation? I don't believe I've ever seen Amber with anything but a{LF}smile on her face. Just like your @子供ちゃん@. I wish I could live life like that... Hey. Do you know what traits make a child especially cute? Being @子供ちゃん@. Being @子供ちゃん@. Being like @ドルチェ@. Being like @ピコ@. That's what I thought you'd say. Haha. I suppose every parent thinks that of their children. What? What do you mean? Are you serious...? Well, I suppose looks-wise, she's certainly cute enough. ...But is that really the kind of child you find especially so? You're about to witness the end of the ghost. What?! ''Dolly? No, not the talisman again! Please! NOO!!'' ...See? ''Dolly, milady...'' ''When Nancy or I try to hug you lately, you seem to find the{LF}whole thing so distasteful...'' ''Yet you sneak hugs on @子供ちゃん@ all the--{LF}MMMMMRRRNNGFF!!'' ''When I try to hug you, you use a talisman to ward me off.'' ''But if it's Nancy, why do you look so hap--{LF}MMMMRRRRNNNNGFF!!'' ...*SIGH* These days, I've gotten into knitting again. Haha... You seem expectant. Do you think I'm going to give{LF}you something hand-knit? I don't know what to knit for @ピコ@ yet. She likes flashy, gaudy, jestery sorts of things, though. I suppose I should also make something for{LF}@子供ちゃん@... *SIGH* I just don't know what to work on first. @ピコ@'s clothes are a projected image, right? ''Yes, that's right.'' So that means you don't have to actually make them, doesn't{LF}it? Yeah...but I guess it's easier for her to scan an image from an{LF}actual, physical object. ''Look at this, @しゅじんこうくん@.'' ''Dolly attached this patch to my dress!'' Hey. You don't have to show it off. Idiot. I love knitting. So I just make what I want to make, and give it to{LF}@ピコ@. I can make one for you, too, if you want. Dolce, I can't hold back any more! That dress you're wearing{LF}today... ...is incredibly cute! ...looks great on you! Hmm. You like it, do you? That makes sense... I suppose it just means my mom, who picked out the pattern{LF}herself, had excellent taste. Though it's been redesigned and patched up so many times,{LF}it barely resembles the original. Hey, @ドルチェ@? ...! What is it? ''Be careful on the road at night, @しゅじんこうくん@...'' ...? Hey, why did you just run away from me the other day,{LF}@ドルチェ@? ''I was thinking about how you said you liked my dress...'' ''And it made me so happy, I found it embarrassing to see{LF}you the next day. Wait...is this love?!'' What?! Looks like the good-for-nothing waste of air isn't here today.{LF}I can finally talk to you in peace. You speak so harshly about her, but I've never seen you two{LF}argue before. We fight a lot when we're alone. But it doesn't solve anything. ''*SIGH*'' What is it? ''Milady is always so cold to me.'' Isn't that just her way of showing affection? ''Hmm? Did you just say something?'' N-no, nothing. You talk too much, you know. ... You shouldn't get your hopes too high with me. We're dating, sure, but it doesn't mean anything. What? Stop staring at me. I like watching you blush. *Keep staring quietly* Why? It's a perfectly natural response, you know. Please, stop it! ...Is something wrong? What happened to your finger? Oh, that? It's nothing. There's no need for concern. There are a lot of things to learn about cooking. Almost like{LF}there's no end to it! But every time I see @子供ちゃん@, it motivates me to try{LF}harder. I tried to make @アイテム9@ today. Though I haven't made one for you yet. I want Dr. Jones and Nancy to try it first... What's wrong? ...@ドルチェ@... You love me, don't you? What kind of questions is that? Who gets married to someone she doesn't love? ...I wouldn't be with you if I didn't love you. ...Hmm? Something I wish for? Well... I'd like to live happily ever after. With you, @子供ちゃん@ and Pico by my side... I want us to grow old together, as they say. Where did Pico go this time...? Huh? She often hides when I'm with you. Hey! I know you're listening! ''Yes, I am, milady.'' Eek! Why are you hiding? ''You don't want a fifth wheel like me around, right?'' She sounds sulky... It's okay, Pico. You don't have to worry about that! ''No, I understand completely, milady.'' ''You've found someone more precious to you than I.'' You still don't get it, do you? ''Precious'' people and things can't be ranked. They're all on{LF}the same level. All precious. ''Milady...'' Seems like you two made up pretty quickly. What kind of clothes would you like? Something flashy. Something red. ''Oh, just like me! Hee hee!'' ...You like her, don't you? You're a total perv, you know that? ''Oh, my...are you, perchance...jealous, milady?'' ''That's sooo cute! I want to hug you now. No! I MUST hug{LF}you! The universe demands it!'' ''Grrnph!'' ... ''Oh, isn't that your favorite color, milady?'' I suppose it is. ''I can see a smile cracking on your lips. You're trying really{LF}hard to hide it, but it's there!'' No it's not! ''I think you eat too many snacks these days, milady.'' I can't stop eating. Everything just tastes so good! If you can't choose, then take everything. That's how I see it! ''I...suppose that's one way to deal with things...'' ''But do you support this way of life, @しゅじんこうくん@? This{LF}philosophy? This...reason?'' I do. I'm devoted to @ドルチェ@. Bad example for @子供ちゃん@... I'm talking about food. And only food. Oh? O-okay... ... Of course. You should be. ''You look so happy to hear that, though!'' Argh... Okay. I'll try not to eat too much from now on. For you. @しゅじんこうくん@, try to think about other girls for a moment. ...'Scuse me? Just do it. Now. O-okay... Um... Why are you holding my clothes? I just...don't like this. It's because of that idiotic request from @ピコ@ the{LF}other day. Huh? I-it's okay if you don't remember. Probably better, even! ''We made a bet. And she lost. Hee hee hee.'' ''This time, I think @しゅじんこうくん@ should--'' ''MMMMRRRRRGGNNFFF.'' ''I've never seen Dolly jealous like that.'' ''But all it took was you, @しゅじんこうくん@, to crack that tough{LF}shell of hers!'' Umm... Y-you're welcome...? You're both idiots. Remind me why I love you so much again...? ''Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@!'' ''Hey, look. Isn't this dress super-pretty?'' *Stare creepily* @ドルチェ@ is prettier. ''Ummm... I need an adult?'' Hey. Perv. Back away from the ghost. Wha?! I can wear something just like that, if you want. ...Wait. What the hell am I saying?! ''Whatever it is, it's making your heart flutter, milady!'' *STARE* Um, wh-what's wrong...? Nothing. Just watching you. Studying your skin. I could watch you all day... Xiao Pai told me something the other day. Oh? ... ...You know what? Never mind. I was worried about what would happen with Pico if I ever{LF}got married... But it seems there's really nothing to worry about. I guess...I should thank you for that. Not many people would{LF}be so accepting of a ghost. It's nothing at all, really. Pico's very nice. ''That's right, milady.'' ''I'll make sure I give you something nice to show how happy{LF}I am for you.'' Ro... Sham... ''Bo!'' Argh...! ''Yay! I win!'' ''Tee hee... This is gonna be super-fun! ♪'' ...? This is a strange world we live in, don't you think? All I used to care about was protecting Venti. I gave up everything for it. ...Hey, can I ask you something? What do you think about Pico, @しゅじんこうくん@? I love her. She's a little annoying. Why do you care? ''My, my! How dare you say something like that in front of{LF}your wife?'' ''So when are you going to break it off with this playboy,{LF}milady? Hug me if it hurts.'' ...Even after she says things like that? Absolutely. She's really sweet. ''Tee-hee! What are you talking about?'' We're talking about you, moron. ... Well...that's true, I probably shouldn't. But...Pico is someone special to me, so... It's okay. I know. ''...'' @しゅじんこうくん@... Regarding Pico, @子供ちゃん@ and myself... Regarding Pico and I... I hope you'll always stay with us, through thick and thin. No{LF}matter what. It makes my chest hurt so...when I think about being apart{LF}from you... Are you all right? ... It's your fault. You should do something to fix it. Like...hmmm...what would be good...? You're, uh, muttering creepily under your breath... (I can't actually say that out loud...can I?) (That I love him more and more every day?) ...@ドルチェ@? ...?! Impossible... It's impossible! What is she thinking so hard about?! ...People...always tell me I need to speak my mind more{LF}often. So... Thank you for everything. And...I love you.{LF}I love you so much. And that's...not easy to say. I love you too. @ドルチェ@... Ahh?! So...hey... I know it doesn't sound like me, but... I-I want you to know that...I...l-lo...looo... ...look maaaahvelous? *Stand quietly and stare* No, no... I'm trying to tell you that...I... I-I...love... Ahh, forget it! After we got married, I've found myself loving you more e-{LF}ev...e...eeehh, I can't say it! Can you come a little closer? Huh? Just...come here. Okay. No! I... I-I love you. ...Okay. Fine, then. ''Oh, dear. Now you've done it.'' I actually don't remember what it was like when I saw you{LF}for the first time. Pico said you saved me, but you sure didn't look the part. And... Now we're married. We sure are! Do you regret it? I didn't do it for that. I don't regret a thing. Well...I don't know, really. What...? ...Hmm, I see... I suppose one should always be honest and forthright, and{LF}do things for the right reasons. I love you. I love you so much. ... ...I-I don't know, that's a little too embarrassing to say... I'd like to take Dr. Jones and Nancy on a picnic. Would you like to come with us? Sure! Would that really be okay? I don't have any plans... Perfect! I'll have to do some knitting for them and learn more about{LF}cooking and... Oh, before that, I should make a new dress for Pico! Sounds like you've got some big plans... Of course it would! You're one of the family, after all. Which means you can come. Which means you WILL come!{LF}Perfect! Er...hypothetically... If you saw me walking with another man, how would you{LF}feel? SMAAAAASH!! I'd think nothing of it. How about you, @ドルチェ@? Tee-hee. You'd be that jealous, huh? Seems like my jealousy amuses you, though,{LF}@ドルチェ@... Maybe it does. Makes me feel...loved. ''SMAAAASH!!'' Really? ...Interesting... Huh? Would you be jealous, or would you think nothing of it? ...Stupid. Of course I'd be jealous! I mean, I...love you... Is something the matter? *Tell her you love her* *Ask if she loves you* Just thinking. Wha?! Y-You can't just blurt that out! What's wrong with you?! Huh?! You have to mean it, too. ...! F-Fine. (You can do this, Dolce. Just say the words. It's not{LF}embarrassing!) A-Ahem... I LOVE YOU. You talked to me for no reason? Not that I mind, but still...it's a little weird, don't you think? Pico, are you ready? ''Yes, milady. I'm ready.'' Are you guys going somewhere? ''No, we're just conducting some experiments to see how{LF}you react to various stimuli...'' ''...Big brother! ♪'' ...?! Mmm, that's a pretty sizable reaction. How about we proceed to the next step today? ''Okay! So, I'm supposed to look riiiight into his eyes, blush a{LF}teensy bit, and say...'' ...? ''...I love you! ♪'' ...?!?! I think he liked it. Fascinating... I can't find the yarn we bought. Pico, can you help me find{LF}it? ''Okay, milady.'' I think I put over here... ''Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@, before I forget...'' Hmm? ''I just want you to know, I don't dislike you.'' Erm... I'll clean here, so you clean over there, all right? ''Got it, milady!'' *Talk to @ドルチェ@* *Talk to @ピコ@* I think Pico wants to say something to you. Would you mind talking with her when you get a chance? ''Oh, hey, I wanted to tell you this the other day.'' ''You treat Dolly really, really well...'' ''So I really like you. But don't you dare say that to Dolly,{LF}okay?'' ...Okay. ''Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@?'' What's wrong, @ピコ@? ''Do you know why @キャラ0@ @0@ is{LF}special?'' Oh? ''That's Dolly's birthday!'' Hey! There's no need to reveal that much. I want something hot to drink. I don't like cold drinks. I prefer when I can drink something{LF}to warm me up. So I guess you're not much of a fan of cold weather, then,{LF}huh? What? ...? Actually, I like cold weather. In fact, I really can't stand when{LF}it's too hot out. Er... How does that work, exactly? ''DOOOOOLLYYYY!!'' You are SO annoying... Wow, @ピコ@, you really are always at{LF}@ドルチェ@'s side, huh? ''Of course I am!'' ''I'll vanish if I don't stick close by milady.'' ...Pico? ''Yes, milady?'' It's okay to fly around a bit, but just make sure you don't{LF}drift too far away from me. ''Don't worry. After all the centuries I've been with you, I{LF}know how this works!'' ''If I go too far away from milady, my body will vanish into{LF}thin air...'' ''That means my body exists only for you, milady!'' You irritate me. Shoo! Shoo! So, that request box at the castle entrance... Is that another ghost like you? ''Good question...'' You guys know Eliza?! Smells just like Pico... ''Dolly has a keen sense for spirits, thanks to me!'' Eliza's awfully talkative, though, so I usually...try to go a{LF}different route. ''Oh? How so?'' I imagine it's that general odor of obnoxiousness you exude. ''Oh, milady, you wound me!'' Erm... Why are you drawing closer to me...? Good morning, @ドルチェ@. Good morning. ''Dolly, milaaady! Oomph!{LF}...Oh, hi, @しゅじんこうくん@!'' You seem in good spirits today, @ピコ@. ...Good morning. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@... Good morning. ''Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@.'' Ah, you're here. Hello. Hello, @ドルチェ@. Um...hello there. You always look busy. I hope you're not overworking{LF}yourself! You always seem so busy... You seem to be in a good mood, @ドルチェ@. ''That's because she saw you coming and--{LF}MMMMRRRRNNNGGFF!!'' Ah, it's @しゅじんこうくん@ and...oh, that's right, you can't see it,{LF}can you? Never mind, then! Wait, are you talking about a ghost? Is there a ghost{LF}attached to me?! It's getting dark... ''Good evening, @しゅじんこうくん@. And milady...I love you so!'' Just ignore her. I love quiet nights. Lovely day, isn't it? I wonder if Pico would melt in this nice weather. ''It's raining! What if my clothes turn transparent?!'' Your whole body is already transparent. I don't mind rain, as long as it comes on gradually. Not too{LF}fond of sudden downpours. Snow, huh...? ''I don't like it. It's like I'm being blown all around!'' The wind's so strong, it even carried Pico away earlier. An old wives' tale says bad puns bring on cold weather. Its{LF}origins are rather...chilling. I'm worried about those who don't fare well in the cold. What a beautiful day. Sunny, but not too bright. Simply{LF}perfect! Been sunny for a while now. Can't say I miss the clouds,{LF}but...well, I don't mind them, either. I don't hate the rain, as long as I'm not out in it. Wet clothes{LF}are the worst! Be careful you don't catch a cold out there, okay? ''What crazy wind. I keep getting sucked right into{LF}DollEEOOWOWOW!'' Ooh! Talisman'd! To the FACE! I hope Amber is okay in this snowstorm... ''It's so overcast today... Oh, how I'd love it if I could get{LF}some warmth +cast over+ me...'' How about you shut your ephemeral mouth instead?! Mmm, I do so love the warmth of the spring... ''Don't do anything stupid again, mila--{LF}MMMMMRRRRNNNNGGGFF!!'' Spring is such a perfect season. Ugh, it's so muggy today... ''Uh, why are you looking at me?'' Whenever I think of uncomfortable changes in temperature, I{LF}think of you, Pico. Such a nice fall breeze... Not fond of the cold. And really not fond of all this snow! ''But you keep saying how much you look forward to walking{LF}in it every mor--MMMRRRNNNFFFGG!!'' I have to admit, the world does look beautiful in winter. Spring is the season where people tend to let their elation{LF}get to their heads, and do crazy things. ''Dolly, milady! How about wearing this lovely see-through{LF}swimsuit? ...OWWW!!'' (That seemed like an objection, yet...she's still holding the{LF}swimsuit! I think she likes it!) I love the silence in autumn. I wish Pico were as quiet as the{LF}world right now. Pico will need winter clothes soon. It's getting warmer. I guess we don't need to worry about{LF}catching colds anymore... ''Well, unless we sleep with our bellies totally exposed like{LF}you d--MMNRRGGFF!!'' ''I hear in some far-off country, there's a day where the dead{LF}come back to life...'' Really, now? ''Doesn't hearing that make the air feel colder? To think, you{LF}could see my true form!'' I don't want to see your true form. You're just a hyper little{LF}pervert. That's it! This cold air makes the stars in the sky shine so crisply,{LF}doesn't it? Have you thought of any names for the baby yet? You never know what it's like to be a parent until you've had{LF}a child of your own. I'd like to apologize to my mom and dad someday...for{LF}having become a Guardian, I mean. I'm sure Dr. Jones and Nancy will spoil their grandchild. Oh! The baby just kicked! The little tyke is practically doing{LF}somersaults in there. I'm really glad our baby's going to be born in this town. I can't wait to meet the little miracle! Our baby must be happy to have parents like us, don't you{LF}think? I have high expectations of you from here on out...Dad. You're going to be a parent, you know. You can do it. I{LF}believe in you. Let me know if you want me to make some clothes for the{LF}baby. I have the materials I'd need. I wonder if recklessness is heredity. If so, the baby had{LF}better watch out! So, you and Amber having a child, huh? Hee hee! It's so{LF}exciting! No worries about your child. Dr. Jones and Nancy are the{LF}best at what they do. I hope Venti gets better soon. ''...'' Pico? ''Ah! Uhh... D-Don't mind me.'' You're sure? Okay, then... A Rune Sphere? I've never heard of it. How about you, Pico? ''Me neither.'' I'll let you know if I learn anything. You're familiar with the +Forest of Beginnings+, right? What can you tell me about it? ''Why do you assume I'm familiar with the forest?'' Because you're dead, of course. ''...! Yeah, I guess now that you mention it, that does make{LF}sense...'' I don't think we're going to get much information out of Pico. You found a way out? That's good, right? I don't know why, but I found myself getting kind of excited... I think...I might actually be kind of happy! ''Dolly, milady...'' ''Venti is your responsibility now, @しゅじんこうくん@.'' Leon, right? The guy from the tower? ''Ah, you mean the guy who smells just like you, milady.'' What do you mean he smells like me?! ''Well, he has that same sort of mean-spirited, foul odor--'' ''OWWWW!!'' Get any closer to me and I'm breaking that nose. Venti looked so happy. ''You looked just as happy as she did, milady.'' What...? ''You're happy...because she's happy, right?'' ...You need to shut up. Stop trying to psychoanalyze me. Let's take that down first. If anyone is injured, take them to the clinic. I can do emergency treatment. But Pico, you need to help. ''I'm ready, milady.'' Venti... Do you have any idea how much I'm worried about you, you{LF}idiot? ''Dolly...'' ...I want to save Venti. I felt the same way when I first became a Guardian. ''But I can't approve of that. Absolutely not.'' ''And I'm sure Venti would say the same thing.'' ''So...please. Please don't do this, milady!'' Pico... ...I understand. I'm sorry. I've been hearing talk of an island floating in the sky. Pico, is that one of your kind? ''No, milady. It doesn't seem to have any relation to me at{LF}all.'' Hey... You've got to stop injuring yourself or we'll run out of{LF}medicine. ''In other words, be more careful. We can't afford to keep{LF}treating you!'' ...A bit blunt, but yes, that is the long and the short of it. I wonder if Venti felt like this when we became Guardians. I feel empty inside. And nothing can fill the hole. ''I'm sure she did...'' ... If you go after Venti, you have to let me know. Please. ''Let's save Venti together. We can do it! I know we can!'' Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@! ''Milady...'' ''Make sure you say it properly, now, all right?'' I know, I know! ...Thank you for saving Lady Ventuswill, @しゅじんこうくん@. Porcoline's restaurant has really taken off, huh? All of a{LF}sudden, too! Why, uh, do you sound angry about that, @ドルチェ@? ''It was always kind of a hideaway for her, so her feelings{LF}about its sudden fame are a bit mixed.'' Ahh, I see. ... I heard Illuminata wrapped things up nicely. It's so nice to have that behind us. ''Milady, you understand that it was a complete{LF}misunderstanding, right?'' Kiel brought some black charcoal, but claimed they were{LF}cookies... ''Are these your cookies, milady?!'' ...And if they are? ''Well, I'll certainly eat th... W-wait...these don't even look{LF}edible!'' So you won't eat them, then? ''O-of course I will! I'll eat anything you make!'' I see. Good, then. It looks you're really having fun, @ドルチェ@. Hey, these days-- ''A love song! It's a melody of love!'' ''We have to use our whole bodies to express our love in{LF}time with the music!'' ''Right, milady?!'' Ugh. You're so aggravating sometimes! ... I heard Clorica's been awake for quite a while now. Tell her to come to the clinic if she thinks anything's wrong. About yesterday's bath... When I first tried to get in, it was boiling hot. Though it worked out great in one sense, since I was able to{LF}push the little pervert in. ''Sometimes, you need to jump into the battlefield even if it{LF}seems like you'll +surely die+.'' But...you're dead already. You died a long time ago! Won butler competition. Injured in butler competition. Injured in sheep competition. ...? Doug brought Granny Blossom to my house. @ダグ@? Your house? Yes, Doug. He's a very straightforward man. Innocent, like a child. ''I agree with the 'like a child' part, at least...'' ...! Well, it may be a clinic, but it's also where I live. So{LF}ultimately, it is my house. ''That's right, milady.'' Oogh... An airship jumping event, huh? Doesn't seem like it'll be too exciting in Pico's case, since she{LF}can fly... ''What were you hoping for, milady?'' Why does Lady Ventuswill always try to sound so old? I feel...very uncomfortable, for some reason. ''...'' I'm thinking about making some pancakes for Ventuswill. ''Oh, that's Venti's favorite!'' Oh, is it? Now that you mention it, you might just be right!{LF}Imagine that... ''Oh, come on. Why you gotta be like that, milady?'' Let's tell scary stories! Wh-what?! Why now, all of a sudden?! I just heard one from Volkanon. And it's a good one! I really{LF}want to share it with you. Th-that's okay! You're welcome to keep it to yourself! Y-yeah, I don't want to hear something that might freak me{LF}out! And besides, Amber's right here, remember? Actually, I'd like to hear it. ... ''Is it about ghosts?'' If they're anything like you, it won't be much of a story. It was a dark and stormy night... Eeeek! M-Meg! A boy who'd lost his memory came to the village. He was disheveled, and hadn't eaten anything for days. ''I need water,'' he uttered meekly. And as if in response, a woman with a watering can{LF}suddenly appeared before him. Then... ... Then what?! ...I don't remember. Argh... I didn't want to hear it, but now that I've heard PART{LF}of it, I want to know the rest! Yeah, I think I'd have been better off without having heard{LF}any of that... Hey, Meg, what's your homeland like? My homeland? I haven't heard of it either, no. Yeah, I'd love to know more about it! Erm, well...the elven lands are located due north from here. They're surrounded by lush forests. It really is a beautiful{LF}country. A beautiful country, huh...? ''I'd love to visit there at least once, milady. Wouldn't you?'' Yeah, I think I would. It's a lot like this. I'd love to invite you all for a visit{LF}sometime. Wow, that would be great! Do you have some medicine for carelessness? No, we don't. ''How about smacking you upside the head at a forty-five{LF}degree angle?'' I've never heard of such treatment before.{LF}It is...effective? Dare I ask what you did this time? Did you put sweet powder in the bath instead of bath salts? Honey would be better. That could be a real sensation! No, I'll bet it was something way more ridiculous...like squid! Eww, no way! H-How did you know? Wait, seriously? How does that even happen?! I brought squid into the bath by mistake. I realized it is{LF}wrong, but then...I trip. And splash. How dreadfully careless! No, no! Clorica is the only one I will not let say such things{LF}to me! No, no, no! It's okay, Xiao Pai. I like you just the way you are! Hmm? Yeah. Don't sweat it. You look very natural and charming{LF}when you work. Oh? I agree. You're great just as you are. Flowers must be left to bloom on their own, after all. ...Shut it, Pico. ''What? I didn't say anything!'' If you guys say so, I stay this way for a while... Hrng...hrrrng... What are you doing, Forte? Oh, erm...just indulging in some cool-down. Cool-what? Is that some sort of chilled dessert? Umm...even though I'm not entirely sure what it is, I'm still{LF}going to say ''no'' to that. Cool-down exercises. Like warm-ups, but they're done after{LF}working out instead of before. It's important to stretch your muscles after engaging in any{LF}sort of strenuous activity. Ah, I see! You have a really flexible body, Forte. Huh? You think so? ''D-Dolly, milady! Look at me! I can bend my body to the{LF}ground!'' That's less impressive when you don't even have a physical{LF}body anymore. ''What does that have to do with anything?! It's still hard to{LF}do!'' Yeah, Forte, you look so smooth and soft... *STARE* S-stop staring at me! I'm losing focus! You are so adorable, Amber! Ha ha ha! Stop it! That tickles! It seems Meg is into Amber, yes? I feel like I got a real sister! And she's sooooo cute! They really do look like sisters. ''Just like Dolly and me...'' Cold and lifeless, you mean? Just be careful you don't spoil her too much, Meg. Oh yes, I picked a flower today, and brought it with me. Look! Isn't it beautiful? Ugh... Y-Yes...cute... Are you okay, Forte? Ha ha. Forte is the one who needs to be careful not to spoil{LF}people. Specifically, Kiel! ... Dolce looks so...focused. What are you doing? Making clothes for Pico. Wow, I wish I could make them so nice! ''Oh? You want a dress too?'' No, no, it is Dolce's fingers I crave. I feel similarly, but what a strange way to say you envy{LF}someone's dexterity. ''So you guys are hopeless when it comes to sewing and{LF}knitting, huh?'' Ah...! I can't really deny that. Pico! You shouldn't be saying things like that to people.{LF}You're no better at it! She's not? ''Well...I don't know, really...'' Aha...ha ha... Wow, it's so good! ♪ This tastes amazing. It's delicious! I'm always impressed whenever I eat any of Porcoline's{LF}dishes. Porco is the best cook ever, you know? This is very good. It's a meal fit for a thing! I think you mean ''king.'' It seems we have a lot of fish today. We got fresh fish today! Kiel would be terrified if he came face-to-face with all of the{LF}fish here. Wow. He dislikes fish that much? Well, cooked fish doesn't bother him at all. Raw fish,{LF}however... He shouldn't be so picky. But you have your own preferences too, Clorica, don't you? Yes, I suppose I do. Everybody has things they don't like. It's just...part of life. Eeeek! What's wrong, Amber?! Fish... Oh, I remember now that Amber is...not so good with the{LF}fish. Bon appetit! What did you order, Forte? I ordered @アイテム0@. Sounds good. Would you like to try some? Oh, may I? Thank you, Forte. Mmmm... Um...?! It's just the two of you? That's no fair! Clorica, say ahhh. Oh, Xiao Pai! Sure. Ahhh... ♪ Dolly, Dolly! Your turn! Say ahhhh! ♪ I, uh... I'm good, thanks! Ahhh... ♪ A-Ahh... Is it good? ...Mm. It is. ''Rrrrrgggg...'' ''I've never done that whole open-up-and-say-ahh thing{LF}before!'' ''And I waaaaaaannaaaaaa!!'' It's your turn, Forte! Ah... Ah...ahhh...ah...ahh. Ah, aaahhh... C'mon, Forte. Ahhh! ♪ Absolutely delicious, don't you think, Forte? This is so humiliating... You never cease to amaze me, Clorica. Huh? Why? You can eat even while you're sleeping! There's no way-- I've seen it. I once saw Clorica chewing like mad, but she{LF}was fast asleep the whole time. Huh...? You sometimes have multiple plates, and you handle them so{LF}perfectly! What...? I'll often ask you questions, too...and you actually answer! ♪ There's...there's no way... You've even gone back for seconds. ... How embarrassing... ... ... ... ... ... ... Are you guys sure about this? *GULP* Okay... Porco! I think I'm ready for...the @アイテム0@!! Hey hey heeey! ♪ Amber, you always seem so happy! How do you manage it? Mmm, well, life is just fun, you know? ♪ Hee hee. I always feel a lot better after I see you. Your{LF}happiness is infectious! ''So's yours, milady!'' ...Well, whatever modicum of happiness I had just{LF}disappeared. Oh well. Nice while it lasted! You guys are good friends. Forte! You are so cool! Ermmm... Am I? Yes, you are! So, so cool! ♪ I... Stop, no... Please, it's embarrassing! Huuup! *HUG!* H-Hey! A-Amber?! Tee-hee! ♪ ''Dolly, we should do that, too!'' Hup. ''Owww...!'' Amber, you always pick the warmest spots, don't you? Well, I really like warm places! ♪ That certainly makes you easy to find. Just look for where{LF}the sun's shining brightest! Yeah, I guess you could say I'm drawn toward the sun. It's{LF}like my soul melts into the universe. That's all well and good...but please stop climbing over the{LF}fence to feed your sun addiction! Ahh... It's dangerous, you know. Yes, but...I have wings! So I'll be fine. ♪ *SIGH* Excuse me, Dolce. Yes? ... ...? Would you mind teaching me... ...how to knit sometime? Sure, that would be fine. Really?! Thank you so much! Ooh, that sounds fun! Count me in too! Sure, I guess. Yaaay! ♪ It won't be easy, though. I hope you're okay with that. I shall readily defer to your expertise. I'm fine with that too. ♪ ''...She acts all tough, but she's actually thrilled that you want{LF}to learn. Isn't that right?'' ...Quiet, you. Hey Pico, you're always around Dolce, aren't you? ''Yes, always!'' She's a perv. Do you...feel her presence? Like, watching you? Well...I guess not, really. It's never bothered me, anyway, so{LF}I've never been aware of it. ''Milady?!'' I envy you, Pico. You're always at Dolly's side. ''You know, I have been by her side for a long time. I wonder{LF}if that means...'' No. ''Hey, you didn't even let me finish!'' ''Are we common-law married now? Should we have a{LF}wedding ceremony? Oh, the possibilities!'' ... ''Could you please stop looking at me like I'm some pitiful{LF}creature? Please?'' By the waaay... Hmm? ...I forget what I was going to say. What was it...? How should I know? That happens sometimes. Ha ha. Mustn't have been too{LF}important. You've had that experience before too, though, right? ''No, I can't say I have...'' Yeah, me neither. What...? Ah! What's wrong?! I remember now! Okay. What is it, then? ...I, uh, forget again... Oh, for the love of...! *YAAAAAWN* Are you sleepy? No, I'm fine. ''Which is it?'' You look like you're almost asleep already. No... I'm no...t...slee...ping at all... She's clearly talking in her sleep. ''In a way, that's...kind of impressive!'' I've been curious about something for a while now... Oh? That...thing on your left arm. What is it? Oh, this? ''I wanna know too.'' Well, it's... ...Hmmm. What was it again? ''Don't ask us. We're asking you!'' I think Volkanon told me about it once. What did he say? Errmm... Well...he said it's got some significance, and is from...{LF}somewhere...made by somebody... ''That doesn't help at all.'' Awww, I'm sorry. I've totally forgotten. It seems we've reached an impasse, then.{LF}Oh well... Couldn't have been too important. ''@しゅじんこうくん@?'' Yes? ''Clorica is good at housework, but she always falls asleep{LF}and forgets what to do.'' ''Dolly, on the other hand, seems mean, but she's really kind-{LF}hearted and good at knitting.'' ''So if you had to pick one to be your wife...who would you{LF}pick?'' What?! Hey! Wh-What's going on?! I'm...female, you know. ''Minor detail. Doesn't matter one bit.'' Um, do I have to choose one? ''This is all purely hypothetical. Just...curiosity. Nothing more.'' Hey, now. Don't go bothering people with your{LF}uncomfortable questions. ''Come on! Which one?'' Clorica. Dolce. How about you, Pico? No way, no how. Nuh-uh. M-Me?! ''Clorica, huh? Is that your final answer?'' Thank you very much, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ ...I don't understand. Wha...? ''Mm. A wise choice. But you have to go through me if you{LF}want her!'' And why would that be? You have no claim to me, you perv. Aww, I wasn't picked? Now I'm sad... ''M-M-M-M-M-M-ME?!?!'' You bet. I like a person who's got...nothing to hide. And{LF}since you're transparent... ''...'' So you're a pervert too, then. I'm surrounded by perverts! @しゅじんこうくん@... Hey, I was asked to choose. And I wasn't about to pick one{LF}of you over the other! So you chose the little gothic lolita ghost girl? Unbelievable! Why not me? ''Sorry, @しゅじんこうくん@...'' ''But I've pledged myself in body and soul to Dolly.'' ''So I'm afraid I'm off limits. I cannot be with yoooouuuuu...'' ''Isn't that right, milady? ♪'' Sure, why not? Ghosts have the right to dream, no matter{LF}how unrealistic that dream may be. ''Awww, booo!'' Stop asking stupid, pointless questions. I have to admit, though, I was getting kind of excited to hear{LF}the answer... ...I...guess I kind of was too. I wish you'd chosen me... What am I saying?! @しゅじんこうくん@, you're mine! Nobody can take you away from me! Right? ♪ Absolutely, my dear! My love! My EVERYTHING! ''My, my! What a lovely couple you two make.'' And you tried to mess it up with your idiotic interrogation... Don't be stupid. @しゅじんこうくん@, you're mine. So don't you dare ever pick anyone else over me. Not even as a joke. Did you hear that, Pico? ''ARRRGGGGHHHH!!'' ''I literally want you to EXPLODE now!'' It's nice to be loved, isn't it? Hey, Meg? Yes? What do I sound like? Like, your voice? Hmmm... You come across as someone who's deeply motivated, I'd{LF}say. Very optimistic and hard-working. R-Really? You bet! ♪ I'm so very glad to hear as such! ♪ How about me? You too, huh? Well, let's see... Your quietness belies your strength...but there's also a note{LF}of sweetness. Sweet...ness...? Uh-huh! Without a doubt! ♪ Okay... I haven't had +@アイテム0@+ for a while now. I want to eat +Chinese food+, if I can. I think I'd prefer +western sweets+. Seems like none of us are getting quite what we want. But it is not good to eat and eat and eat only the things we{LF}love, yes? Why not? Because if we eat too much of what we love, we'll get tired{LF}of it, won't we? Because if we eat too much of what we love, we'll...get tired{LF}of it? Exactly! When you eat it, you should do it at the right time. Hey, Meg? Do you mind playing music at mine and Mama's inn next{LF}time? Oh? No, I wouldn't mind at all! Thanks! I appreciate! What kind of music do you want me to play? Maybe something to soothe the tired customers? How about something relaxing? Sure. Do you have any ideas, @しゅじんこうくん@? Something hardcore. Something groovy. Something relaxing. What?! That would make us more tired... Were you really listening to us? Y-You want dance music...? I thought dancing might be a good way to release stress. I see... It's an interesting idea. Okay, so that's a check on the rhythmic beats. But what{LF}else? Is she...actually considering it? Hey, don't steal my idea. @しゅじんこうくん@... So you two are in agreement, then? I like the clothes Dolce makes. They're super-cute. Um... Yes. I agree. I don't think they're that cute... Sure they are! Back me up, Xiao Pai. Yes. Very cute! ...Well, thanks, I guess... What's the weather supposed to be like tomorrow? I hope it{LF}isn't going to rain... Rainy days are the worst for hair, aren't they? Ha ha. Yeah, my hair always gets kind of...puffy. Mine clings to my face. ''But I'm the one who combs your hair, milady. It shouldn't be{LF}a bother for you!'' I'm talking about YOUR hair. Rainy days and ghost hair do{LF}not a winning formula make. We need chairs before we can partake in teatime, no? Stuffed toys are so childish. ''But you like them, milady, don't you?'' ...Is that a problem? I like flowers. They make me feel so relaxed. ''I like them too.'' Did you see that painting? Such brilliant use of color! I think I could learn a lot from it. Okay, so I'm going to throw this ball reeeeeally far. You{LF}ready? ...HUP! ''Arf, arf!'' *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit ''Being careful'' is the first medicine you can take for an injury{LF}or cold. An ounce of prevention, and all that. So...what do you plan on doing if people stop coming, then,{LF}Dr. @ジョーンズ@? Well...I'll change my career! I'm here because I'm needed. Nothing more. My wife laughs a lot. She really laughs a lot. You seem thankful for that. Do I? Oh, @アイテム9@! Your favorite? I'm reminded of blood when I see anything red. So frankly...no. What?! So you hate +tomatoes+? Yes, I do. Then, what IS your favorite food? I like anything my wife cooks. I-I see... Ow! What happened? Um, it seems I cut my finger somewhere... Show me. I can take care of it. No, it's fine. It's bleeding, but it's really just a scratch. You said it's...bleeding? Dr. @ジョーンズ@? ...Aha! Dwah ha ha ha ha! Gaaah! Is fear part of your treatment? Because I'm terrified of{LF}you right now! Hey, Dr. @ジョーンズ@? Yes? What's wrong? Oh, good. You seem back to normal today. Ah, you are referring to yesterday's...incident? I am ashamed to admit it, but it's true. I can't look at blood. That's why I drink @アイテム9@ every day. How does that help? I passed out when I first saw tomato juice in the fridge. It looked like @アイテム8@ to me, you see. Wow, you hate blood that much, huh? Nancy laughed at me. Oh. What happened? And Dolce was trying hard not to join her. So...what happened? Ow! What's wrong?! I cut my finger somewhere again... Show me. Is this...blood?! Ah...! Don't worry. I'm fine as long as I don't actually see it. But how can you treat it with your eyes closed? ...Whoa, he's doing it! He's treating me without even looking{LF}at the cut! How?! I don't have to see blood. I just have to feel blood. I can feel its presence. Watching...{LF}waiting... Uhhhh... My opponent knows my weakness. Huh? What? What are you talking about? He said this to me once: ''You're going to see blood.'' It was like a curse! I don't think that's quite how he meant it... Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. How's the farm? Doing well. It's UTTER BEDLAM. It's good to hear that. I really wanted to be a farmer or something like that when I{LF}was a young boy. It was my dream. But it turns out that simply wasn't my calling. I'm much better{LF}suited to medicine. And you're...okay with that? With giving up your childhood{LF}dream, I mean? Sure, sure. When it comes right down to it, both jobs are all about{LF}saving lives. I think of a farm as one big life, you see. So take good care of yours, just as I would my patients. I had a nightmare that I was sinking into something red.{LF}Couldn't get back to sleep. Something red...? @アイテム9@. Oh... Nancy likes turning anything and everything into{LF}anniversaries. She created a new anniversary just the other day. That would be the +@アイテム9@ anniversary+. ...What in the world? I'm worried about Arthur. He's working too much. @しゅじんこうくん@, could you please tell him to take a rest?{LF}He'll listen to you, I'm sure! Sure thing. I've lectured him before. No, he should work more! Thank you. He's so stubborn! I'm not sure you'll be able to get through{LF}to him, but I appreciate you trying. It's really no problem. I just think it helps if he knows there are people worried{LF}about him. Well, as long as he knows you're worried, that's good{LF}enough for me. Huh? Why is that a good thing? Because it might help convince him to slow down! Something{LF}you could stand to do yourself, too. Ah. Okay, then. Understood. When people work themselves so hard that they collapse, I{LF}take a little extra money from them. What?! Remember that well. If you value the contents of your{LF}coffers...then don't overestimate yourself! Be careful out there, @しゅじんこうくん@. O-Okay... Ahhh, life is good... Oh? Why's that? No reason. I just feel really contented from time to time. In a way, I guess you could say that that's the nature of true{LF}happiness. And it's just been getting stronger since Dolce and Pico{LF}came here. What do you think life is? Huh?! Erm... Before Nancy got married to me, she said, ''Jones is my life!'' I think that was just a figure of speech. Dr. @ジョーンズ@? Yes? How's @ナンシー@ doing? How's @ドルチェ@ doing? What's with all the blood? Happy, as always. She always seems to be enjoying life to{LF}the fullest. Does she? ... ...You look happy too, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. I am. ... How indeed? I can't really say how she feels, since I am...not her. I see... But the only thing I can say, from the bottom of my heart...is{LF}that I'm happy. ... ... That, uh...was a joke. ... Um, Dr. @ジョーンズ@? ...HAHA! AHA HA HA HA HA! Aaagh?! When I first met Nancy, I was just beginning my medical{LF}career. She was terribly injured, so I bandaged the wound. ...At the time, that was the only thing I knew how to do. ... I was disappointed in myself, so I decided to become a{LF}doctor. I wanted to help people. I'm not even sure if she remembers that day anymore. I studied hard, but there are still many things I don't know. Like...why Nancy loves me. Well... I think it's because... ...you're a stud! What don't you understand? I hope you're not just saying that. So, why did you marry @ナンシー@, then? Because I love her, of course. I think @ナンシー@ would say the exact same thing if{LF}you asked. ... I see. Thank you. That's a lovely way to think of it. Well, can you explain why she married me, then? No...because I'm not @ナンシー@. Neither am I. I...should hope not, yeah! So maybe there's no right answer. And maybe...that's the{LF}way it should be. I hear my wife laughing more than ever before. Thanks to Dolce and Pico. You sound delighted, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. No, no. Nothing of the sort. ...What? So you're...not happy? On the contrary...I'm super-duper, stupendously, wondrously{LF}exuberant! Not delighted. @しゅじんこうくん@... Yes? I'm thinking about buying new books for the waiting room. As a representative of the young, what kind of book would{LF}you most like to see there? A book about childcare. A fashion magazine. An idiots' cookbook. I see. That sounds like a perfect fit for the clinic. But it's more for young fathers than for young go-getters, no? But wouldn't that appeal more to young mothers than to{LF}young people as a whole? Ermm... I suppose so, yeah. I do appreciate your opinion, though. I see. So you think fashion magazines would help keep{LF}people entertained while they wait? I should ask Nancy to pick one out. A cookbook, huh? That's an excellent suggestion. One needn't be young to{LF}enjoy good, simply food, after all! Thank you very much. I appreciate your advice. @子供ちゃん@ looks healthy. Must take after you! @しゅじんこうくん@... Thank you for taking good care of @子供ちゃん@, Dolce{LF}and Pico. I hope I can count on you again in the future, and I greatly{LF}appreciate your help. ...Of course. You know what? Everyone is someone's child. That's...certainly true. ''Certainly''? I don't know about that. As a doctor, I feel like{LF}nothing is truly certain. The fact that we can't change who we are on some level{LF}seems almost like a miracle all its own. That's why the parent-child relationship seems so special to{LF}me, I suppose. Good morning. Good morning! Hi, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. Good morning. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good morning. Did you sleep well? I did. Hello, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, hello! Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. How are you? Hello, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Another day! How time flies... Good evening, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good evening. Good evening, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. Good evening, @しゅじんこうくん@. Still working, are you? Good evening, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. Good evening. I see you're still up and at it! You should take{LF}a rest from time to time. Hi, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. Nice day, isn't it? Indeed it is, indeed it is! Great weather, huh? It is a bit dreary out there. Take care you don't catch a cold! Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Bit chilly out there, huh? And snowy, too. Looks pretty from a window by the fire, but{LF}I hate being out in it. Hi, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. How are you holding up in this{LF}snow? Well enough. And Dolce is happy as can be about it, I bet! I heard a typhoon is coming... Are you ready for it? As ready as I can be. I hope it passes through without{LF}causing any problems. Don't overdo it in this snowstorm. Don't worry, I know my limits! It seems the sun took a rest today. And so should you. Takes one to know one, Dr. @ジョーンズ@! ...I-I mean, I{LF}will if you will. Hello, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. Lovely day, isn't it? It really is. The sunlight is not only refreshing, but sterilizing{LF}as well. Heals the body. In this rain, it's easy to get soaked through. If that happens,{LF}make sure to change your clothes! I will. Thanks. You know why I like snow? Because it's not red! Eep! Red snow would be horrifying! Hi, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. Stormy enough for ya'? Your awful joke belies your worry for your farm. Which I{LF}share, of course. So many memories there... In a snowstorm like this, I'd highly recommend staying{LF}indoors. I'll be fine. Thank you, though. Hello, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. Looks like a storm might be{LF}brewing out there... Mmm. I do love the feel of a cloudy day, I must confess! Hi, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. Great morning, isn't it? Yes indeed. Spring in full bloom! Hi, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. Hot enough for you? Actually, I hardly feel anything, no matter how hot or cold it{LF}is. Been like that my whole life. So...autumn, huh? A perfect time of year for families to go out. Hi, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. Getting colder out there these days!{LF}How are you holding up? I'm fine, but you should strive to keep from catching yourself{LF}a winter cold. What lovely weather! I wish I could preserve it in a jar. Well, you could always leave your door +ajar+...to let the heat{LF}in? Ehh? Eeeehhh?! Summer is here. Don't forget to drink lots of water! People,{LF}like vegetables, dehydrate easily. Okay. Thanks. I love the sky in autumn. It's so beautiful. Huh? What did you say? I couldn't hear you, on account of I{LF}was too busy looking at the pretty sky... Hi, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. Sure did snow a lot, huh? Indeed. And now we wait for it to thaw. It's like a metaphor{LF}for life. Hi, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. Can you believe how hot it's been{LF}these last few nights? Just don't get sloppy with your bedding. One of these nights,{LF}it'll dip lower than you think! I like summer evenings. They always bring a smile to my{LF}face. Yeah, fireflies and stars will do that. I'm the same. It's already autumn, huh? Can't believe how cool the nights{LF}have gotten. The moon looks so stunning around this time of year...{LF}perhaps due to fond memories of the season. Hi, Dr. @ジョーンズ@. Pretty cold these days, huh? Yes, so do try to bundle up when you sleep. Have you started thinking of baby names yet? Give me a call anytime of the day or night should the baby{LF}start to come. I'm going to be a grandpa when Dolce has her baby. If you have any concerns, you are more than welcome to ask{LF}away. The forest seems strange these days. Be careful if you go there. Many people come away from it{LF}with grave injuries. I'm glad to see Amber feeling better. But that was the first time I've ever seen such symptoms... She had no wounds. It's quite odd. The ruins are a ways away from the forest. If you're going, you should be certain you're well-prepared{LF}first. Remember, you only live once. Don't do anything to cut your{LF}time short. ...Don't worry, his life is not in danger. He will recover. He may even wake up soon... It seems Dylas is well on his way to a full recovery, like{LF}nothing ever happened. I'm still worried about his memory, however... I suppose all we can do right now is wait and see what{LF}happens. Several patients have claimed to see something odd recently. Like a shadow slipping through the wall, or a flying girl... Yet not a one of them displays symptoms of any ailment,{LF}physical or mental. Dolce and Pico have truly brightened my house. Of course, I do worry about Lady Ventuswill... Sadly, I only know about human ailments. I wish I could do something to help... I hear Leon's chosen to live here. This town is so much more alive than before! A +blue shining stone+ called a +Rune Sphere+...? Can't say I've heard of it. Sorry! I read a book about the +Forest of Beginnings+ once. It just said that it's the place from whence monsters come{LF}and to whence they go. That's essentially all that was written in it, though, I'm afraid. I heard you found a way to come back from the forest. Even with an escape route planned out, though, something{LF}could still go wrong, so do be careful. Promise me, all right? If we don't believe, it's easy to doubt. If we don't doubt, it's easy to believe. And only a little of both can lead to the truth. So we were misunderstanding Lady Ventuswill all this time? At least it seems that way. How dreadful... You can leave Doug to me. @しゅじんこうくん@... The town is in your hands, okay? Doctors are not gods. We don't have the power to fix everything as gods do. But when the god is suffering... Who here on this plane can save the god? There is nothing I can do for those who are suffering. Helplessness is the worst feeling in the world for a doctor. ...I'm sorry, Lady Ventuswill... Did you hear about the floating island? It's hard to believe that such a thing can exist in this world! But it does. I have no choice. I have to accept it as fact. You're going to finish the battle with the empire, right? I won't stop you anymore. You know the risks. But I must at least warn you. Be careful. Be very careful. Everything that has a beginning must inevitably have an end. Still... We doctors can never give up in our struggle to save the{LF}lives of others. That's why we became doctors in the first place! So I'm far from done trying to save Lady Ventuswill! Each Native Dragon has an enormous rune in its body. Lady Ventuswill was using her rune to stabilize this land. So if we can do the opposite of whatever she did, we might{LF}just be able to bring her back... @しゅじんこうくん@. Take this. You might need it. I made it specifically with you in mind. With the power of the +Rune Sphere+... You might just be able to bring Lady Ventuswill's rune back{LF}to this world. Best of luck to you. I'll do everything I can to assist. Just say the word. I'm so glad to hear both you and Lady Ventuswill are alive. So very glad... I hear some gourmet was admiring Porcoline's food. I don't think there is such a thing as food that absolutely{LF}everyone likes. But he's been doing his best to get as close to that as{LF}humanly possible. And he's so dedicated, I wouldn't be surprised if he came the{LF}closest anyone ever has. I hear Illuminata wrapped everything up. By the way, @しゅじんこうくん@, you're familiar with the concept{LF}of daydreams, no? Hmm? You can't evaluate food only by its flavor or texture. As with anything else, love is the most important ingredient. Anything can be edible if love was used in its making. Yes, but...how it tastes is pretty important too, really! Though I suppose there is always a risk of unintentional{LF}poisoning if food is prepared poorly. Nancy told me that love songs are popular these days. Personally, I never understood them. At least, not until I met Nancy. I sometimes hear Dolce singing love songs. But Pico always makes fun of her for it. I hear Clorica has been awake all day... How sad that that fact sounds so shocking to me! The bath was cooler than usual yesterday. But that's how I like it. Hot baths have never been very{LF}appealing to me. They make me feel dizzy, you see. I hear Volkanon got approved as a butler. Supposedly, he participated in some sort of...buttling{LF}contest? I don't know the details, but I'm happy for him. May he buttle{LF}proudly from this day forth. Yesterday, Doug rushed into the clinic in quite a panic. He was carrying Blossom on his shoulder. She was fine, but it was a bit terrifying nonetheless. I can't approve of you jumping off an airship. As a doctor, I simply see it as too much of a risk. Though if enough security measures are taken, I might{LF}reconsider. Hmm... What should I get...? I'm trying to come up with an offering for Lady Ventuswill... I think I'll bring a cake to her this time. I hear she loves cake. Mmmm, it's delicious! ♪ Porcoline's cooking is superb. It's edible happiness! ♪ Haha... Hmm? What's so funny? Your smile just brings me so much joy, Nancy... Oh, Jones, you sweet-talker! ♪ This is...brilliant. It really is! I should try to cook it myself sometime. You mean...at home? Uh-huh. Can't have something this delicious without trying to{LF}make it yourself, now, right? Ah, but... Hmm? I don't think I can duplicate something this amazing. It would be a challenge indeed. But I think you can do it. Oh? At the very least, I know you'll keep trying until you succeed. And I'll keep eating whatever you make along the way. Oh, Jones... Tee-hee! Why are you laughing? I'm just so happy to share this meal with you! I feel the same way. It's a precious moment. Mmmm, it's delicious... It sure is! ♪ Today is like an anniversary for us, right? Of Porcoline-food-{LF}imbibed-for-the-first-time day! And the food is particularly good today, too. I agree! ♪ (What kind of anniversary is that...?) I'm thinking about making @アイテム0@{LF}tomorrow. What do you think? Or do you want something else instead? Anything you cook is perfect. Oh, you! ♪ Do you remember what tomorrow is? It's ''@アイテム0@ day,'' right? Ah, so you do remember! Of course! What on the earth is ''@アイテム0@ day''? Are you ready? I'm ready. ... HYAA! How do you feel? Better? I feel lovely. Thank you. You're very talented, Nancy. It's no problem at all! What do you think about Dolce? She's so cute! ♪ ... ...I'm glad to hear you say that. Every time I see a set table, it warms my heart just a bit. I think it's because I can imagine the lifestyle of the people{LF}who own the settings. I love flowers. Nancy takes care of the flowers in my house. So flowers always remind me of her... I feel like I've seen that statue somewhere before... Yes, I think I saw it in the village where my master lived... What a lovely painting! I think I've seen it somewhere before, though... *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit A nurse must carry many different kinds of medicine with her{LF}at all times. @アイテム9@, @アイテム8@... +Memory Bandages+... Ah, sorry, not that one. Wait, what was that you just brought out? I saw...some kind{LF}of dark red stain on it... I was pretty awful at cooking. So I tried my best to improve my skills. Really? I thought you were always good at it. I made a promise to Jones that I would learn how to cook{LF}before we were married. And it worked out pretty well for me, in the end. Because now, I can see Dolly's smiling face as she eats my{LF}food... ...Mrrrng, what an embarrassing thing to remember! Why'd{LF}you make me think of it?! She's totally gotten herself lost in her own little world... I'm learning a new treatment that uses an invisible force to{LF}heal people. It can even be used for self-defense, with enough practice. That sounds really useful! One day, I want to master it...and then fight a Buffamoo. One{LF}on one. To the death. Erm... Laughter is the best medicine. So you should try to smile even when the weight of the{LF}world is on your shoulders. But, if the weight of the world is on my shoulders, will I even{LF}be able to smile? You just have to force yourself, silly! For the good of your{LF}peace of mind! Are you taking care of yourself? Don't keep irregular hours,{LF}now! I'm fine, thank you. No choice. Too busy. Good to hear. I was worried you might be overworking{LF}yourself. You need to eat, exercise and sleep right, every single day. Understood? You bet. You don't have to do everything all at once. Whatever it is,{LF}it'll keep. Never forget that. Life doesn't have to be all hurry and{LF}hustle. Thank you, Nancy. I appreciate your concern. You can do it! Something funny happened the other day. You know what Jones did? Hee hee... What? What happened? Even Dolce was trying hard not to laugh. What happened already?! Here's a question! Do you know what day it is today? No. What day is it today? Tee-hee. It's my anniversary with Jones today! ... Aaaaand it's my anniversary with Dolly, too! Same day! How convenient! It is! ♪ Here's the question! Do you know what day it is today? No. What day is it today? Tee-hee. It's my anniversary with Jones today! Huh? Didn't you just...have an anniversary...? An anniversary is a celebration of a special day. And there{LF}are a lot of special days to me! I-I see... Doug's arrival really brightened Blossom's spirits. There really is nothing quite like having a bond with another{LF}human being. ... @ナンシー@? What's wrong? Huh? Oh, nothing. I just...realized how happy I truly am. Especially after Dolly came into my life. @ナンシー@, may I ask you a question? What made you{LF}take up nursing? Well, people needed my help. Or maybe...I needed to help them. It's kind of difficult to explain. Ummm... Basically, I just decided I wanted to help Jones save people. And I thought nursing was the best way to accomplish that. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you have a dream? I have a lot of them. How about you, @ナンシー@? Good, good. You should! But don't try to date all the cute girls, okay? That's the{LF}dream of a deviant! Uhhh... Boys should be firm and decisive, don't you think? And girls should be just a little bit greedy! ♪ I had many dreams. Getting married to someone I love and being a nurse were{LF}two. Also, being a good mother. And then, living with my kids. Forte doesn't come to the clinic at all these days. She was often brought here in the past. You know how she{LF}is. Yeah... She couldn't overlook any injustice, no matter how{LF}insignificant it may be. I suppose that's why she seems so unquestionably{LF}trustworthy nowadays. Kiel always accompanied Forte every time she was brought{LF}to the clinic. And Kiel was always the one who cried. Heh... Forte was always trying to make him smile, despite her{LF}injuries. But I think Forte also wanted to cry, deep down. Why? I had to go to the clinic a lot back when I was younger. I{LF}often found myself falling down. Oh? Was it...anemia? No, it wasn't. It's...embarrassing to admit, but looking at Jones would{LF}always make me weak in the knees! Ah ha ha...I see. Mmmmm... Hey! @ナンシー@? Are you okay?! Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm fine. I just got flashback dizziness. Is that even a thing?! Dolly loves her cakes. While I was preparing some @アイテム9@... ...she was just waiting for me to finish, tapping the table with{LF}her fingers impatiently. It was sooo cute! I wanted to hug her like you wouldn't{LF}believe! ...And so I did. You're beginning to sound like @ピコ@... I learned a secret. Oh. O...kay... It's about Dolly. Turns out she actually really likes being hugged! Oh, r-really...? Jones is also really happy to have Dolly around. He doesn't say much to her, but... ...well, I know how to read him. His expressions don't lie. I{LF}can tell when he's happy. And seeing him happy makes me happy. I'm really glad Dolly became a member of my family. It's like she's reminded me of something important. A part of{LF}me I'd been neglecting... The most important thing in life is for each of us to respect{LF}the other. I never forgot that, but I wasn't paying it much heed. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. How's the married life? It's really fun. How's yours? I'll bet! ♪ Lovely, of course. I'm enjoying it today as much as I did yesterday, and I'll{LF}enjoy it just as much tomorrow, too. Hmm? I swear it still feels like we just got married. That's good, though! Are you trying hard to be a good dad? Are you trying hard to be a good mom? Of course! SUPER-PARENT! It's sure not easy... Wow, you sure sound confident! ♪ Tee-hee. I can see that in @子供ちゃん@. Just be sure you don't strain yourself. You have any{LF}problems, you come see me, okay? I know you're trying hard, so it's only natural you'll get tired{LF}from time to time. @子供ちゃん@ came to the clinic the other day. Blossom looked happy to talk with @子供ちゃん@. In fact, she's been asking about @子供ちゃん@ nonstop{LF}since then, every time she comes. How's Dolly doing? You should pay attention to her, okay? Mother or no, she's{LF}still just a girl at heart. Taking care of @子供ちゃん@ and Pico must be exhausting. No question there. You're like a trusted senior now, you know. If we were in{LF}school, we'd be copying your notes. What do you mean? Well, you already know how to raise a child. Yet you yourself are still one of our town's beloved children. You're the best of both worlds. We look up to you...but we{LF}still just want to pinch those cheeks! Uh...thanks? Good morning, @ナンシー@. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Good morning. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good morning. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. You're up early. Hi there, @しゅじんこうくん@. Hi. Hello, @ナンシー@. Hello. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. How are you? Oh, @ナンシー@. Hello. Good evening. Oh, good evening. Good evening, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good evening. Good evening to you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Ah, @ナンシー@. Good evening! Lovely weather, isn't it? A perfect laundry day. Yeah, it's really nice out today. Good morning, @ナンシー@. Wet, dreary day, huh? It is. Keeping warm and dry is of paramount importance on a{LF}day like this. So...snow, huh? Hope you're keeping warm. I am, thanks. Cold and snowy. Heck of a day, huh? I should let Dolly know about the snow. She'd be thrilled! ♪ Good morning. Dig this typhoon, huh? Good morning indeed, and well met. Glad to see you're{LF}weathering the storm. I can't see anything in this snow. You should be careful out{LF}there. I will, thank you. Hmmm... With all these clouds in the sky,{LF}I wonder if it's safe to do laundry... Yeah. I hope the bad weather stays up there. We certainly{LF}don't need any more down here! What beautiful weather! I have a feeling everything's going{LF}to be perfect today. That would be great. I hope you're on to something there! Well, doing laundry's certainly out in this weather. I should{LF}go lend Jones a hand. You seem to be having fun, @ナンシー@. Hi, @ナンシー@. Isn't the snow pretty? Tee-hee! It's exciting, to be sure, but you'd best bundle up{LF}out there or you'll catch a cold! Hello, @ナンシー@. What a storm! No kidding. When I first met Jones, it was a stormy day just{LF}like this. What a snowstorm! You should stay home today. It's nasty{LF}out there! But I forgot to ask Lin Fa how to make her hot-pot stew... Hi, @ナンシー@. Depressing weather today, huh? Nothing a few rays of smiley sunshine won't fix! Springtime really brings the flowers around here, huh? Always. I hope Jones will go with me to see the cherry{LF}blossoms! ♪ Look at the flowers. Beautiful, aren't they? They really are. I should ask Dolly and Pico if they want to{LF}go see the cherry blossoms! ♪ Sure is hot, huh? Make sure you drink lots of water! Ah, autumn. Isn't it a pretty sight out there? It's sure cold today, huh? But I've got Jones, and he's all the{LF}warmth a lady could ever need. ♪ Ha ha! You guys are still like newlyweds! Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Spring has come on full force, huh? Summers around here sure are hot, aren't they? Very. Make sure you don't overwork yourself. Take frequent{LF}breaks. Are you drinking enough water? Be careful you don't wind{LF}up getting dehydrated. Autumn is in the air. Mmm...refreshing, isn't it? Jones spent all day just looking at{LF}the sky...the lazy bum! Sure is cold today, huh? Spring is long overdue. Seems to be getting warmer and warmer every day. It definitely is. But best keep your midriff covered when you{LF}sleep, just to be safe! Summer evenings are the best, whether they're spent chasing{LF}fireflies or chasing stars... Is that...how you usually spend your summer evenings, then? Autumn reminds me of the tricolor dumpling. I used to be so{LF}bad at making those... Isn't it just a matter of shaping them more than anything{LF}else? What...did yours look like? Good evening, @ナンシー@. Sure was a cold one today,{LF}huh? It was. But I got to spend it with my family, so I had all the{LF}warmth I could ever ask for. Congratulations on your pregnancy! How's your wife doing? How are you doing? So Dolly's going to be a mother? Then I guess I'll be a gran--{LF}er, a mother's mother, huh... I can't wait to see your baby! Take good care of Dolly, okay? You have to prepare for the baby, right? If you're going to the forest, you should stock up on medicine{LF}from our clinic first. Our clinic is located on the +west side+. You'll see the sign for{LF}it. It's really just a love nest for Jones and me, but we like to{LF}call it a clinic for good measure! ♪ I'm sure glad Amber's gotten better. But I'm worried about her memory. It seems she doesn't{LF}remember anything. Same as you, huh? If you should remember anything, no matter how{LF}insignificant, be sure to let us know, okay? Promise? Jones is a bit set in his ways, so I doubt he'd ever say this{LF}himself... But he's really worried about you. And I am too. So please, don't overexert yourself. Promise? The boy you brought here is getting better. Don't worry. He's safe in my Jones' care! I'm so glad Dylas got better! It seems he isn't good at expressing himself. But I'm sure he's very grateful to you. I could never say this to Jones, but I swear I saw something. A strange shadow flying right through the wall... And...it was calling your name... ...Ah, sorry, sorry! I don't mean to make you worry. I'm really{LF}not sure what it was saying. Heh. Even as things are now, I still feel hopeful for the future. And it's all because Dolce and Pico are with me. Words can't express how grateful I am to have them around. Huh? A blue stone shining like a gem? I don't think Jones has ever given me a gem like that. It's not a gem. It's called a +Rune Sphere+... +Rune Sphere+? Can't say I've heard of that. You have to use the gate to go to the +Forest of Beginnings+,{LF}right? But you can't use the gate to get back... So how am I supposed to justify letting you go?! I heard you found a way to come back from the forest! Still, promise me you won't go in there recklessly. The forest is still dangerous, after all. You know that, right? It's hard to describe how you feel, since everyone feels{LF}things differently. I think Leon knows that better than anyone. And it's precisely due to that that he always tries to have fun{LF}in everything he does, you know? I never knew Lady Ventuswill was so utterly adorable. Ahhh, I'd like nothing more than to give her a hug! If anyone is seriously injured, make sure Jones sees them{LF}right away! If anyone is seriously injured, make sure Jones sees them{LF}right away! Anyone else can be handled by myself or Dolly. Lady Ventuswill... ...We mustn't give up yet! We must do something to help Lady Ventuswill! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@... Could you visit with Lady Ventuswill when you have a{LF}moment? Even if it seems like she can't hear you...trust me, she{LF}definitely does. A floating island, huh...? I thought it must be a mistake, or a hallucination, but... To think, it actually exists... Do you have enough +medicine+? You should take every precaution in this situation. It's okay. We have full confidence in you. We don't need to be afraid of the empire anymore, but... ...it just feels like something isn't right. Like there's still a{LF}loose end to wrap up somewhere. I know it's Lady Ventuswill's decision in the end... I think I'm done. I've given up on Lady Ventuswill. But Jones...he's not ready to call it quits. Not yet. @しゅじんこうくん@... Here. Take this. It's a medicine set to help protect you from status ailments. @しゅじんこうくん@! This is the real deal now! Let me know if you need any help. I'm ready to support you{LF}at a moment's notice! Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'm really grateful you and Jones never gave up on Lady{LF}Ventuswill. I'm glad she was well taken care of. Did you hear about Porcoline? Yes. No. Isn't it great? I just knew it! But I know Jones' best dish won't lose to his. And Porcoline{LF}can't have the recipe! I heard some famous gourmet paid his cooking a high{LF}compliment. I saw Meg talking about it. She looked ecstatic. Have you ever heard of daydreams? It's like you're dreaming,{LF}but you're wide awake. In a dream, you can do anything at all, no matter how crazy{LF}it is, right? It's like... Illuminata's reasoning... @ナンシー@... Love is the most important ingredient. Always. Think about for whom you're cooking, and whatever dish{LF}you're preparing will turn out great. I totally agree. So love is magic, then? Excellent! Of course! Was there ever any doubt about that? ... The most important thing is to believe. It's been a while since I last listened to a love song. People always say your first love is destined to falter. But that's not always true. What do you mean? Tee-hee-hee. Isn't it obvious? ♪ I hope Clorica is okay... You have to make sure you get a proper night's rest every{LF}night. Bad for you if you don't. Hmm? Wait... I think she might have the opposite problem... Taking a hot bath never felt quite as good as it did{LF}yesterday. That first moment when you submerge your body in the hot{LF}water...mmm, feels sooo good! There's nothing else that can top it. Nothing! ♪ There are still so many things in this world that I know{LF}nothing about. Like the butler competition... Doug isn't good at expressing himself, is he? But in a way, that's his most attractive feature. Makes him{LF}seem adorably shy! He and my dear lady of the house share that trait. If you're going to be death-defying for fun, make sure you{LF}know proper safety procedures! Games should be exciting, but if they start killing you off,{LF}they might just be TOO exciting! You know? Hmmm... What should I give Lady Ventuswill as an offering...? I can never seem to decide... I guess when you come right down to it, girls will always be{LF}girls. And Lady Ventuswill is a girl. So I shouldn't be looking for an offering... I should be looking{LF}for a present! ♪ Mmmm, it's delicious! ♪ Porcoline's cooking is superb. It's edible happiness! ♪ Haha... Hmm? What's so funny? Your smile just brings me so much joy, Nancy... Oh, Jones, you sweet-talker! ♪ This is...brilliant. It really is! I should try to cook it myself sometime. You mean...at home? Uh-huh. Can't have something this delicious without trying to{LF}make it yourself, now, right? Ah, but... Hmm? I don't think I can duplicate something this amazing. It would be a challenge indeed. But I think you can do it. Oh? At the very least, I know you'll keep trying until you succeed. And I'll keep eating whatever you make along the way. Oh, Jones... Tee-hee! Why are you laughing? I'm just so happy to share this meal with you! I feel the same way. It's a precious moment. Mmmm, it's delicious... It sure is! ♪ Today is like an anniversary for us, right? Of Porcoline-food-{LF}imbibed-for-the-first-time day! And the food is particularly good today, too. I agree! ♪ (What kind of anniversary is that...?) I'm thinking about making @アイテム0@{LF}tomorrow. What do you think? Or do you want something else instead? Anything you cook is perfect. Oh, you! ♪ Do you remember what tomorrow is? It's ''@アイテム0@ day,'' right? Ah, so you do remember! Of course! What on the earth is ''@アイテム0@ day''? Are you ready? I'm ready. ... HYAA! How do you feel? Better? I feel lovely. Thank you. You're very talented, Nancy. It's no problem at all! What do you think about Dolce? She's so cute! ♪ ... ...I'm glad to hear you say that. Oh, there's a flower here... The flowers at our clinic are for Jones just as much as{LF}they're for our patients. I don't know why, but he always looks happy when he sees{LF}flowers. The statue over there seems familiar somehow. It kind of looks like the statue from the village where Jones{LF}used to live... What a cute snowman! @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you the one who set him up? Oh my, what a lively painting! This style seems familiar to me... *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit This place is like a dream. But it's...not a dream, right...? Hey, you. Huh? What is it? Nothing. Just...wanted to make sure you were really there. ... Hey, you. Me? Yeah, you. Just checking if I'm real? My name is not ''you.'' Call me @その他0@. That's right. How did you know that? ... I know. By the way, you... ... Ugh... What's wrong, @レオン@? Never mind... ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Yes? ...Damn. You've got a real nice smile. So, how should I write this? Is that homework? Is that a love letter? Yeah. Sort of. What do you mean? Yes. It's for you. ...Just kidding! ♪ Did I get you? Personally, I believe it's possible to have an ordinary{LF}friendship between sexes. What do you think? I think so too. No way. Too complicated. Frankly, I don't care. Really? Seems like we're hitting it off fine, though. Well, I know what you mean. But that doesn't mean it's not possible. It's just...tough. Ha ha. Interesting response. What was that...? That...ship, in the sky! You mean the airship? You mean @セルザ@? Ah, that's it. An ''airship,'' huh? That's a fitting name for it. Hey! Who you callin' a ship?! That's an insult to her good{LF}name and...physique! ...But come to think of it, it's an interesting premise. When I was a kid, I always dreamed of flying in the sky. Never thought I'd wake up and see things like airships one{LF}day! I'd like to tell old friends about this world...including you. While I was sleeping, time passed normally for everybody{LF}else. Makes sense, but it's just...not something I thought about. I guess I'll be...feeling the effects of that for quite some time{LF}yet. But as long as you stick with me, it won't be too bad. You're enough to keep me going. There aren't many things here that I know anymore. Still... Venti...never changes. She bothers you sometimes, doesn't she? Yeah. No, not at all. Ha ha. A nice, honest answer. Might make her mad if I told{LF}her, though! Please don't tell her. ...Hmmm. We'll see. Are you sure? I thought she never changed, but it seems she's grown up a{LF}bit... Venti always talks about you. She really trusts you. Implicitly. I want to see something interesting. Okay. I'm going to go tease @子供ちゃん@ a little. What? ... Uh, why are you staring at me? You might not know this, but...I was a Dragon Priest at one{LF}time. Really? You sure don't look it... Seems to be true. I can hardly believe it myself. Many people came to consult me about their worries back{LF}then. Evidently. Your face tells me you disbelieve. So how about testing me?{LF}Ask me anything. For example, ask me something about your lover. For example, ask me something about your spouse. For example, ask me something about someone you love. When one pictures a priest, one usually envisions a very rigid{LF}man, or a calm, collected man... Either way, a serious individual. ...But you don't see me that way, do you? Hey, did you sense anyone in the tower? Never mind. Sorry, forget it. I'm wondering what happened to the place where I used to{LF}live. Actually...I don't really care all that much. Are you sure? ...I don't know. What do you think? I can't decide how I feel. ... Hey, you. Do you have any friends from when you were just{LF}a child? I don't remember. No, I don't. I'm not telling. Ah, you lost your memory, right? So Venti and the others in this town are your childhood{LF}friends, then. What...? Well, think about it. A childhood friend is someone you've{LF}known from the beginning of your life. And here, your life is beginning anew. New memories of a{LF}new life. I see... You may count me among your childhood friends. You're the first person I met when I woke up in this new{LF}world, after all. You know... I was actually interested in you. Oh well. Too bad. I want to travel all over the world again. What do you mean by ''again''? You've traveled all over the{LF}world before? Yes. A long time ago, with a childhood friend. @レオン@... What? I just wanted to call you. Do you feel lonely? And I just wanted to answer your call. Funny how that{LF}works. Yeah...or I did, anyway. Until just a short while ago. But I'm lonely no more. Well...no, never mind. It's nothing. ... Loneliness is having no one around to complain to about{LF}feeling lonely. ... Hey. If you could fly, what would you do? I'd fly with @セルザ@. How about you, @レオン@? I'd see a doctor. You too, huh? You mean...? Never mind. It's nothing. Who do you think you're asking? ... That's disappointing. Such a pedestrian response. Absolutely not interesting in the{LF}slightest. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let's go out somewhere next time. Okay. No way. Good. H-Hey, why are you patting me on the head...? Because you're cute. ... I see... So...how about I just whisk you away? When I first saw Pico, I was amazed. I thought ghosts only existed in storybooks. Uh, @レオン@...you were a priest, weren't you...? I told @子供ちゃん@ to be careful around Pico because she{LF}might be dangerous. What?! That ghost is quite the pervert, you know. She could be a{LF}very bad influence on a developing child. Ah, okay. I didn't know you meant THAT kind of ''dangerous.'' This town is full of interesting sights and interesting people. I particularly like the stubborn ones. They're fun to toy with. Erm, whom are you talking about, exactly? The best is when you pair them with @子供ちゃん@ and{LF}Kiel. So much fun ribbing to be had! I...don't think you should do that. Ha ha ha! Relax. I'm just kidding. Do you know the phrase ''heard it through the grapevine''? Like, an overheard rumor? Sounds delicious. Exactly. It's when juicy gossip comes your way, be it on the wind or{LF}through a letter never meant to be seen. I wish I could mail a letter like that back to myself, through{LF}time. Rumors, carried on the wind... Letters delivered by the air itself, filled with secrets. Doesn't{LF}that sound splendid? The wind blows just as strong through the past, present and{LF}future, after all... I'd like to know more about the people in this town. ...Let's take a look at Vishnal first. Vishnal is restless. Doug is noisy. And if I tell him that, he gets noisier and funnier. Dylas is quiet, I think. But it's also fun to make fun of him. Especially when Dylas competes with Doug. Come to think{LF}of it, that might be his very nature. Sometimes I think about old friends. From before. I wonder if they lived happy lives. @レオン@... ...Man, every time I look at you, I feel I must reiterate just{LF}how extraordinarily cute you are! What?! Haha... ...You know, you have a really funny look on your face right{LF}now. @レオン@! Hey, what kind of place do you most prefer? Somewhere quiet. Somewhere bustling. Let's go, then! Whaat?! Just kidding. Or did you really want to go? I feel like going somewhere today. Um... Why are you staring at me? Oh, no reason. Arthur is also quiet, but he seems calm...unlike Dylas. He likes girls with glasses a bit too much, though. He has a{LF}real ''thing'' for them. That...sounds a bit personal. Maybe you should tone down{LF}the accusations a bit... @しゅじんこうくん@... Thank you. Um... For what? Guess! ♪ You want to know why I thanked you the other day? It was...just to see you all flustered, trying to think of why I'd{LF}be thanking you. That's it! You sure do like messing with people, don't you? I do. I really do. I'm glad you understand. ...Thank you. Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. Um... Why are you patting me on the head? Because there's a cute head in front of me, just begging for a{LF}friendly pat-pat. ... Hey, what's your favorite thing in the world? Food. It has to be you, @レオン@. Ha ha! What a straight-forward, frank answer. But that's good! I wouldn't have it any other way. So...if I give myself to you, will you accept me? Huh?! Erm... With pleasure. Excellent. Just the reaction I was hoping for! ... O-okay... Feel free to ask me if you should ever want to go{LF}somewhere. I'll take you anywhere you'd like. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Look me in the eyes. O-okay. Why, is there something on my face? I just wanted to see you...clearly, and deeply. Uh... Mmm... Now I'm in trouble. What's wrong? You're too cute. That's what. Ugh... There. That face! Right there! Um...what are you doing? Seeking something fun. Getting depressed. Never a dull moment with you, is there? I see. Well, it's perfectly natural to become depressed every{LF}now and again. But I'm here to support you. And I always will be. Now then! Where should I go this time? I can go anywhere, right? I have all the time in the world. People in this town all have kind and caring hearts, don't you{LF}think? This was a lucky time for me to awaken. Plus, I have you and @子供ちゃん@. It just dawned on me how much preciousness there is in my{LF}life right now. ...And you are the cornerstone of it all. ... @レオン@? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking. I'm a father now. It happened so suddenly, I've hardly had{LF}time to process it! Hey, look at me. Show me your face. ...I sometimes get scared. Well...that when I wake up tomorrow, these happy days with{LF}you will simply vanish. I wonder what my old friends...what our old friends...would{LF}say if they saw me today. ...Do you still feel lonely, then? Well... I can't deny, there are times when I feel isolated, and just{LF}want to jump back to the past. But then, I also want to stay here, with every fiber of my{LF}being. I like you best when you're angry. That's when you're cutest,{LF}by far. Is that supposed to be a compliment?! Haha. It's a joke. I like you best when you smile. *STARE* What is it? You have a funny look on your face. *STAAAAAAAARE* You are so cool, @レオン@. ...Stop staring at me, you moron. Are you embarrassed now? Hiding your rosy red cheeks from{LF}my sight? What are you talking about? Are you out of your mind?! Oh, wow, you ARE blushing! ...Shut up. ...Yes. This is it. ...Why are you nodding along with every stroke on my head? It's the rhythm of love. @子供ちゃん@ is a sweetie, but you're simply unbeatable. I'm glad I have you here. ...Thank you for being with me. You have no need to worry about anything, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh? And why's that? Because I'll protect you for the rest of my life. I swear on it. You're so beautiful. Do you know that? Um... I'm just joking. Did I get you? Stop making fun of me. ...Wait, what do you mean you're just joking?! I'd say you're more pretty than you are beautiful, and more{LF}cute than you are pretty! Ugh... You're so, sooooo cute! Huh...? You have to be teasing me again. No, I'm serious. You're adorable. Simply precious! Ugh... That's not fair... There! That's what I'm talking about! Oof, my eyes hurt. Are you working on a translation job? Yeah, I just finished an urgent request from Arthur. But I need a rest after reading all this text! So take one. You've earned it. ... Wh-what? Why are you staring at me...? I'm just giving my eyes a rest, that's all. Oh, that's all, huh? Excuse me while I go drown in a pool of{LF}saccharine blushiness! Hey...smile for me a sec, @しゅじんこうくん@, would you? Huh? What's all this, then? Though you're cute even when angry, your smile is what I{LF}truly wish to see. You mean...right now...? ...Show me? Please? ...I-I don't think I can... Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@... Can you do me a favor? ...You're not going to tell me to smile again, are you? No, I'm not. Today, I want to see you get embarrassed. ...Show me? Please? I do mind! Ha ha. I knew you would. You're mean! ... @レオン@... What are you doing? Hmm? Ah... I'm writing in my ancient language. Consider it a drill, to ensure I don't forget my roots. Hey, do you love me? What? Way to put me on the spot! Yeah, I love you a lot... Not really, no. I just tease you because it's fun. Come on... Would you say it one more time? Here, get closer... I-I see. Sorry, I think I may have crossed a line. I like the people of this town. They know when to work and when to play. I want to be that kind of person myself. @しゅじんこうくん@, do you have anything planned for{LF}tomorrow? I'm free. I'm busy. How about you, @レオン@? I'm free as well! Erm, but... It doesn't matter. I just want to be with you. I see. Don't work too hard. You'll make yourself sick. Though if you happen to get sick, I can always take care of{LF}you! It all depends on your answer, really. What do you mean? Okay! I'm off today. If you don't have any plans, how about spending the day{LF}with me? Huh? Ermm... Let's spend the whole day together. And fully enjoy our time. ...Or don't you want to? Oh yeah... Let me know if anyone ever bothers you, okay? I'll show 'em{LF}what for. Let...you know? You bother me, @レオン@. Right. Just let me know. I'm different. Even in jest, I'm the only one who should be allowed to hurt{LF}you. Writing and translating are two completely different skills... Seems rough. What are you writing? Not really. I'm basically just writing up some journal entries{LF}right now. It's...a reply to the past. I want to send an account of my life, up till now and from{LF}here on out, to an old bygone friend. And I also want her to know that I'm happy now, thanks to{LF}you. @レオン@... There are so many interesting personalities in the castle. There's the sophisticated air of Volkanon, the amazing{LF}sleeping skills of Clorica... And Vishnal's...erm... At any rate, I enjoy watching these dramas unfold before{LF}me. Hey! You can't even come up with a single quality for me{LF}that's worth mentioning?! Nothing stimulates me lately. Nothing...engages me. @しゅじんこうくん@... Would you please say the words ''I love{LF}you'' for me? What?! Come, now. Just say it. @レオン@, I... ...I love you... Did I ask you to direct the statement at me? No, I simply{LF}instructed you to say the words. Huh?! I am impressed. Well said! Kiel is a bit of a mystery, no? I feel like I can trust him implicitly. ...Not necessarily because I know what he says to be true,{LF}but because it's so very interesting! It's been a while since I first met you. So we're to grow old together like this, are we? ...Not a bad deal. I'm sure Venti really appreciates what you did for her. And I'm thankful too, of course. I thank Venti and you alike. And Maria, too. She understood my role as a Guardian. How's the letter to Maria going? I've barely even scratched the surface. I still have decades of{LF}time to cover. It's going to be a long letter, huh? Very. But I'll write it bit by bit. Just as she did for me. I will persevere, no matter how many{LF}years it takes. All right...today, you may ask me any questions you'd like.{LF}Anything at all! So...what would you like to know? A-Anything...? Your favorite things? When's your birthday? Hmph. What a boring question. I like spicy things. @アイテム9@ and the like. How about you? Do you like spicy things as well? It's @キャラ0@ @0@. Now you know my birthday, so you're clearly going to do{LF}something for it, right? Oh, you use magic, right? If you bring me magic, I'll gladly upgrade it for you. Not for free, though, of course. @レオン@, you're versed in the ancient language,{LF}right? I am. Would you teach it to me? How do you say I love you? Every nuance and grammar rule. You'd best be prepared to{LF}take extensive notes. ...What? I'm just kidding, of course. Note-taking won't be necessary. No arms needed here. Nor{LF}legs. Unless you want to run away. ...So why do you want to learn the ancient language,{LF}exactly? Erm... Ehh, I don't mind either way. ...? I'll teach you some whenever I can find a spare moment. Good morning, @レオン@. Oh, good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good m... No, you know what? No. Let's go with ''bad night''{LF}instead. Huh? Why?! Hello, @レオン@. Oh, it's you. Hello. Hey, how's it going? Oh, @レオン@! Not bad. The sun's out. I feel like going somewhere entertaining. Oh, okay. ...But why are you staring at me with those fiery,{LF}expectant eyes? @レオン@... Oh, hi. Are you still working? Hi, @レオン@. How was today? Did you have fun? It's pretty late. Guess my time to torment you is up for the{LF}day. Oh...d-darn...? Hi, @レオン@. It's a beautiful day today, isn't it? Yeah, I...can see that. You don't have to tell me. Rain sucks. The foxes go nuts in this humidity. It's a real pain. Aha ha... They're kind of cute, though! The weather outside sure is frightful. You want me to come{LF}closer and warm you up? No, that's quite all right! So...typhoon, huh? Not good for your farm, that's for sure.{LF}But...not my business! That's so cold. And you said it without even flinching! Wow, it's really coming down out there, and it is FREEZING! Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm a bit distracted by these foxes, so I didn't{LF}even notice. With clouds come wind. Maybe Amber'll blow away. Don't say that! If it actually happened, you'd feel horrible! The weather is lovely today. You want to go for a walk? That sounds great. Let's plan to set out after I get off work. You okay in this weather? Not soaked to the bone or{LF}anything, are you? No, I'm fine. Thank you, though. Snow's kinda nice. Though I guess you can't have snow{LF}without bitter cold. You holding up okay? I'm fine. That's some crazy wind out there! Make sure you don't get{LF}blown away. Pretty sure I'm not light enough for that to be a problem... This is the kind of day that chills you to the bone. You{LF}holding up okay? Yeah, I think so. Look at those clouds! But just think, the sky above them is{LF}clear and beautiful... That's true. Great way to look at it, too! Good morning, @レオン@! Wow, what a cheery greeting! I thought a spring fairy had{LF}just addressed me! Ha ha... Hi, @レオン@. The weather seems to be taking its toll{LF}on you, huh? It's more the fox fur. Still, I can't say I really mind. Doesn't{LF}bother me. Hey, @レオン@. Autumn at last, huh? Leaves turn, and the winds blow colder. Surefire signs that a{LF}new season is upon us... Hey, @レオン@. Cold enough for you? I'm haunted by foxes, so this is perfect weather. Completes{LF}the atmosphere, you know? Hey, @レオン@. Isn't it beautiful out there? All those{LF}flowers... Yeah. Guess this is the time of year where everything starts{LF}to bloom. It's not bad. It's so hot... May I pleeeease take off my clothes? What?! Um, don't forget we're in public, okay? Everything changes in fall. It's almost like we've...FALLen into{LF}a parallel world of color! ...No, uh... No comment. Already winter, huh? Time flies so fast! ...Yeah... Hey, @レオン@. You hear all the cicadas singing out{LF}there? Yeah. You want I should put a stop to 'em, boss? ...Just{LF}kidding, of course. I love summer evenings. I feel almost as if I can glow like the{LF}fireflies if I try hard enough! Okay, do it. I'll watch. @レオン@...? Are you...? Ah, sorry. Just remembering the past. I guess there's{LF}something magical in an autumn evening. Hey, @レオン@. Don't you just love how beautiful the{LF}sky looks in winter? Yeah, it's so clear. Did you know that the stars we see now{LF}actually died out long ago? I think a father just needs to be around his family. You have any problems, you let me know, okay? I'll do{LF}whatever I can to help. Listen. Don't force yourself. I'm always worrying about you,{LF}you know? We should come up with a name for our child, huh? This really is a great place to be born... Are you all right? You can ask me for help anytime. Just say{LF}the word. Let's go shopping sometime. We need to prepare ourselves{LF}for the months to come. I'm worried that Lin Fa and Xiao Pai will spoil our child. Can't believe I'm really a dad now. It's exciting! I'm looking forward to seeing the baby. Don't try to do everything by yourself. There are lots of{LF}people in town who can help. Kiel is going to be a father, huh? Should be interesting. He{LF}might just be a good one! Arthur as somebody's father, huh? Tell him not to stress too{LF}much. He seems prone to that. Xiao should be a good mother. Your child will learn to be a{LF}hard worker from her. This town will be a lot more amazing with your child in it. Oh, hey. It's you. How are you doing? Where are you staying? Do you need any help? I'm fine. Come to think of it, you were a tremendous help to me. I{LF}totally owe you one. Thanks a bunch. I'll repay you sometime for sure. For the time being, I'll be staying at the local inn. It seems there are lots of ridiculously helpful people in this{LF}town. Work. I need work. If I'm to live in the guest room here, I want to be able to pay{LF}the fee. So I'm on the prowl for something I can do to make money. Ventuswill seemed really happy. She smiles the same as she used to. What incredible power... The more powerful it gets, the more difficult it is to handle. How about Sechs? Were they really able to handle this? Ventuswill... I know just pining over what-ifs won't do anything to help. I finally realized that she'd been feeling like this for a long{LF}time... Let me know if there's anything I can do. Just as your property belongs to me now... ...so too do your problems. I heard a rumor about some kind of floating island. I had no idea the technology of this age was so advanced! So this is the final battle, huh? Don't worry. I won't stop you. You have to do what you feel{LF}is right. Just promise me that you'll come back. Promise! She left this world to us. So our duty now is clear. We have to protect our inheritance. The +Forest of Beginnings+, huh? This takes me back. I still remember when you came to save{LF}me like it was yesterday. I actually have a whole mountain of things to say to her. That's my motivation here. You understand, @しゅじんこうくん@? So don't you dare leave me behind. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. In the end... ...the future we'd longed for came to be, and turned out{LF}even sweeter than I could've hoped. I heard a real gourmand was gushing over the creepy-{LF}looking guy's cooking. What? Porcoline's, I mean. Amber was telling me all about it. By the way, I have a question. Okay... What kind of word is ''gourmand''? I mean, okay, ''gour''{LF}means food, but why the D on ''gour man''? Seems an unbelievable miracle has just occurred in this{LF}town. I heard Illuminata managed to wrap everything up. ... Bet you didn't see that coming, huh? Kiel was supposed to bring me some black charcoal... But what is this? Is he making fun of me or something? Oh yeah, have you heard that new love song that's going{LF}around? It's about as schmaltzy as they come. Yes, I have. Can't say as I have... ... Would you like me to sing it for you? Wha?! Ha ha! Bet I had you going there for a minute. It's surprising to me that rumors of a butler being awake are{LF}being treated like some kind of scoop. Is the town really okay like this? I mean, I'm fascinated by it{LF}all, so I guess it's fine... Yesterday's bath certainly was hot. Just the way I like 'em! How about you? Do you enjoy the gentle, searing caress of{LF}scalding hot water? Boil me like a crab! Oh, heavens no. Ha! I hope you're not bluffing. Why would I lie about something like that? True, true. Okay, then. Well, if you get dizzy from the heat, I'll make sure you don't{LF}fall under and drown. Mmm, I see. Still a kid where it counts, huh? What? ...Nothing. A butler competition... That takes me back to my boyhood days of competing to be{LF}a butler. Wait, what?! ...Psych! @レオン@!! Doug carried Blossom on his back all the way to the clinic, I{LF}hear. Seems Doug wanted to keep it a secret to everybody. But I truly believe I must let everyone know about it. His{LF}good deed must go down in history! It's my duty...as a cleric! Nobody's going to want to conduct confessionals with you{LF}anymore, you know... Diving off an airship, eh? Are you okay with heights? I live for high places. SCARED. TO. DEATH. I see. How droll. All right. I'll jump with you, then. Offerings, eh? So she's like a god now, I guess. In my time, we gave her food and said we were spoiling her.{LF}Now they're offerings! I don't like this new style... Feels too formal and stuffy. Venti's current life is a bit different from what I was{LF}expecting. Less offerings, more...presents. But it suits her better this way. That's why I wanted to save her, too. Not as her priest, but as her friend. Looks like this is the only place we can use as a gathering{LF}spot. Ah... Arthur? Are you sure we're not bothering you? Don't worry. It's fine. That's right. Everything is perfectly okay. He wasn't talking to you. You finished the job, then? Yes, almost. But there is something left to do for tomorrow. You don't mean... Everyone could've used my room if it was big enough. You mean, if it were clean? Oh, come on, that's not fair! Man, all these books are huge!{LF}And...complicated-sounding... They're quite interesting. You're welcome to borrow one, if{LF}you'd like. N-no, I'm good, thanks! If that offer extends to me as well, I'd like to borrow one. Seriously? You can read stuff like that?! Well yeah, of course. Don't lump me in with you when it{LF}comes to hitting the books! Man, you sure know how to hit where it hurts sometimes... I'd like to borrow this one, if I may. Wha? You too?! Oh, wow! Can't believe you have a rare one like this in your{LF}collection! May I see it? No way! Even you?! Hey, Arthur, did you get in that book I ordered? Sure did. Here you go. Holy crap. Am I really the only one here who doesn't read? I can give you some picture books, if you want. Keep 'em, dammit! Doug is the life of the party, isn't he? Huh? He really is. And he's great at gathering people together. What the hell? Uh, okay... Yeah, this is good. Praise me!{LF}Praise me HARD! If only he were a bit more humble... ... And a bit less noisy! At least I'm not a Dyllie Downer like you! He was such a good man, once. Indeed... Hey! Stop talking about me like I'm dead or something! You lose, Doug! Ahhhhh! Wait! That doesn't count! That's pretty pathetic, you know. Why don't you just accept defeat? Arghhh! I almost won that time, too! Just once more! Come on, guys! ... You seem bored, Arthur. Leon... No. I'm not bored. Actually, I'm quite enjoying myself. Perhaps...I was much more bored when I was serving as{LF}prince in the castle. But you could do anything you wanted there, right? Nothing of the sort, no. One's rights must be tempered with{LF}duty and obligation. Besides...being able to do whatever you please isn't all that{LF}exciting either. It just seems far too predictable and passe for someone with{LF}dreams and ambitions. But suddenly my life turned into this. And this is what I truly{LF}wanted. You hear that, @しゅじんこうくん@? What?! I really appreciate what you did for me. Thank you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Ah... Y-You're welcome... Hey, Arthur. What are you doing? Let's pick up where we left off, shall we? Sure. I'll be right there. Oh, and Kiel? This is the book you wanted, I believe. Thank you, Arthur. What kind of book is it? Is it all science-y or philosophical or{LF}something? No, this one's a cookbook. A cookbook?! I already perfected all the dishes in the one I was using{LF}before. Are you serious?! You gotta be kidding me... Why don't you let Forte cook sometime? Well...she might blow the house up, for one... Better with the sword than with the skillet, eh? Kiel, won't you teach me your secrets? I've been training to{LF}cook in my spare time. Wha?! I... I don't know if I'd really be of much help, though... Porcoline's way of cooking is too fast for me. I can't follow{LF}him. Umm... Okay. Next time, then, we'll cook together! *YAWN* What's the matter, Vishnal? Oh, please excuse me. I've had a very, very busy day. You sleepy? You can sleep here. May I? A short nap, then, perhaps... ...Whoa. Out like a torch. He must've been beat! It certainly does seem that way. I wonder how long he's been working without sleep... Too long, I'm sure. Vishnal's always been like that. He probably worked himself so hard, he didn't even have{LF}time to realize how tired he was. We should leave him be. Doug and Dylas... You two are actually very close friends,{LF}aren't you? Wha?! People do say the best type of friend to have is the type{LF}who's not afraid to pull any punches... That's preposterous! And true. Everybody knows you two are like bread and{LF}butter. Don't be stupid! How the hell could I ever be friends with{LF}this dumbass?! That's right! You tell 'em, you mush-brained moron! You bet I will! You guys should just get married, right here and right now. Aha ha ha... How do you read this, Leon? Huh? Ah, this is-- Excuse me, Leon. Could you come help me? Sure. Be right there. Leon! Ah, wait, Leon! I called you first! Wha?! I called him first, not you! Haha. Leon's quite popular, it seems. Yeah, with guys! It's not fair... Though I guess there are worse fates than babysitting this{LF}bunch. @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Is there anything I can help you with? Huh? Well... Leon! C'mon! Sorry. Time's up. Catch you later! This is delicious! Mmm, it really is! SO freaking good! Porcoline's cooking is brilliant! I agree. He's a world-class chef, for sure. Well, of course. That pretty much goes without saying. And just why do you feel the need to point that out?! I'm agreeing with everyone, that's all! Sheesh! I never thought I'd eat anything this delicious in my entire life. Only problem is, once you start eating it, you just can't stop! Perhaps that's the source of Porcoline's girth. Yeah, when he cooks for himself, he probably has the exact{LF}same problem. I'd get fat too if this is what I had to eat everyday. I don't think it's that he can't stop eating, though, but that he{LF}won't. He's a total glutton. Yeah, rather than flavor... It's more the act of eating that he{LF}enjoys. It seems today's lunch is nothing but fish. I got a lot of fresh fish today. It's a good day. A very good day. I'm glad we have sashimi here. It's hard to eat broiled fish. Me, I'm glad for the broiled fish. One mustn't pick and choose so much. Best to eat what{LF}you're given. He's right. Don't be picky. But you don't like milk, Leon. But I'm special.♪ What the hell... What about you, Vishnal? There's nothing I won't-- You don't like turnips, right? K-Kiel?! Be honest with us, please. Porcoline, can you whip up something turnip-based for{LF}Vishnal here? Hey, Porco! A nice, big, heaping order of the turnippiest{LF}turnips you've got for our buddy Vishnal! Here you go! Wh-What is wrong with you two?! As a butler, you shouldn't be picky. Consider it a professional{LF}challenge. You can do it, Vishnal! This is so cruel! ...Okay, so we've got the food, but where are the ladies? Who knows? Well, at least we can relax and enjoy a meal. What kind of man are you?! Come on, Kiel, back me up here! I'm fine with things as they are. Arthur? I agree with Kiel. ... Stop staring at us. ... Sorry, Doug. Afraid you're on your own here. ... You guys are hopeless. All right! Let's eat! Wait, Vishnal. What are you eating? It's @アイテム0@. Looks yummy. Can I have a bite? Certainly, if I may have some of yours in exchange. Sure. Here you go. Many thanks. And for you. Thanks. *CRUNCH* Ahh... *CHOMP* Okay, let's eat! ...Geeeh? Where'd mine go?! I'm sure I don't know what you mean. You must've eaten it{LF}already and simply forgotten. Ehhh?! B-But, I haven't even had one bite... They say the memory's the first thing to go, you know. We'd better eat while it's hot. This...is so weird... So...isn't there anything interesting around here? Well...there's the book I finished reading yesterday. I thought{LF}it was interesting! No books. Oh. Okay. Well, how about my sister, then? She's pretty{LF}interesting. Not quite what I was looking for, no. Hmmmm? All right. Gotta be @しゅじんこうくん@, then. Um... I'm not really doing anything interesting... Hey, Leon. You used to be a dragon priest, right? That's right. What do priests actually do? Priestly things, of course. Oh. That makes sense! That...didn't even qualify as an answer. How does it make{LF}sense?! Hey, who do you like better, Kiel or me? What do you mean? What do I mean? Just think of this as a kind of fortunetelling.{LF}First name that comes to you! This sounds fun! So which of us is it going to be? Errrrmmm... Kiel. Leon. Ooh, look, a bird! Wow, yay! Good for you. Why is it good? What did this choice ACTUALLY mean? Do{LF}I...even want to know? Be still, my wounded heart... Actually, I'm fine. This meant{LF}absolutely nothing. Me? Ooh, a twist! Why me? You didn't want me to choose you? Hmm... Something feels like it stirred deep within me.{LF}Probably just gas. Oh, no, I'm not falling for that again. You're just trying to{LF}change the subject! Am I right? Very good, Kiel. You are correct. And I do so hate it when{LF}people won't play along with me... Hate it all you want, I'm not choosing one of you two. You said Forte isn't good at housework, right? Yeah, she's...not great. So you always step in and finish it yourself, then? How about you don't do housework for a week? That might{LF}be just the kick she needs! ...No, I can't... I mean, it's not like she doesn't like doing housework. She{LF}just...CAN'T do it. If I left the house in her care for a week, the cleanup{LF}afterward would be disastrous! ...I'm very sorry to hear that, Kiel. Then or now, this town is always an interesting place to be.{LF}Such a unique melting pot of people... So there were all kinds of weird people in your time too,{LF}then? Most definitely. Cool! Whenever you talk to me about the past, I feel like you've{LF}transported me back in time. I can really get a sense of what happened in this town{LF}through your stories. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm really glad you came{LF}here to this age. Seriously. ... Transported back in time, huh? Fascinating. And not a bad thought at all... ... ...Hmm? Oh, Leon. It's you. You seem bored. Not especially. Don't try to hide it. You have nothing to do right now, do{LF}you? I think you're the bored one here, man. How's your fishing going these days? Umm... Not bad, I guess. What have you caught? Mast trout and squid, mostly. There's a lot of both in this{LF}area. What else? Anything interesting? Geez, if you're going to be this bored all the time, get a{LF}hobby! Did you catch the big one? No, there aren't any big fish around here to catch, really. What? No, I definitely just saw a really huge one over there. What? Where?! Right there. Get in close to the surface. You should be able{LF}to see it. Hmmmm...? Maybe you need to look...UNDERWATER! Ha! *GURGLE* *GURGLE* Ughh! Damn you, Leon! Ha ha! Catch you later, sucker! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@... Who do you like better, me or Dylas? Whaaa?! Dammit, Leon, what kind of question is that?! Hmm? I'm just trying to determine which, of the two of us,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@ likes better. Yeah, I got that! So? Which is it? Dylas. Leon. You're both #1 in my book! What? What are you...?! Good for you, Dylas. But I'll get you for this later. What the heck is even going on?! Don't cry, Dylas. I wasn't about to! ...Seriously? Good answer. And let's not ask questions like that again,{LF}Leon, okay? It's embarrassing! Hey, Dylas... I have something I wanted to discuss with you... (What could it be? He looks pretty serious...) What is it? Maybe I can help. Oh, thanks. It's about Forte. Forte...? Wait, don't tell me... you... Yep, exactly! She tries to cut me every time I give advice to Kiel. ...Excuse me? I'm just telling him what he needs to say and do to be a fine,{LF}upstanding man. But every time I do, she starts blushing, and then she gets{LF}violent! So what do I do? Sounds like you know exactly why she's getting angry, but{LF}you just...don't care. Oh, @レオン@! What brings you here? Well, Doug was feeling lonely, so I figured I'd come and{LF}cheer him up. Whaaa? Says who?! Poor guy's trying to cover it up now. He's embarrassed for{LF}you to know his loneliness. The hell?! Don't make things up, you jerk! He's adorable, isn't he? You want my fist in your gut, you loser?! I have a butler's license now, you know. What? You do?! That's my story, anyway. If Vishnal believes me, he'll be{LF}crushed. Sounds like fun, no? Hmm...yeah, yeah it does. I think I want in on this con! Not a chance. Why not? If you say you have a license, he might kill himself. What? Why would he do a stupid thing like that? Because the mere thought of someone like...well, like YOU... Are you crying for me?! Get the hell out! You work hard at the general store, right? And?! Well, you always say you don't want to do any work. Why not be proud of your daily accomplishments? Hard work{LF}is nothing to be embarrassed about! Screw that! I'm totally gonna skip work tomorrow, you'll see.{LF}I am the king of slackers! So, what's it like being a +Guardian+? It's hard to explain. Sometimes I'm conscious, and sometimes I'm not. Sometimes I feel something, and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I hear voices, and sometimes I don't. ...Soooo...it's crazy, then? I don't know. I really don't know how to explain it at all. Who do you think is cooler, Doug or me? What's the point of asking him? Who cares what a guy{LF}thinks! You're just jealous because I'm the only right answer here. What?! It'll be me, of course! Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? Looks like I can't dodge this one any longer... I'm WAY cooler, right? @ダグ@. @レオン@. Neither of you dolts. You see? Clear choice, right here! I'll admit, I did not expect that. I feel so...dirty... Now, now. You're pretty cool. I'm just unbeatable. You're un-something, that's for sure... Why not me?! Come on! Guess we both had that coming, really. It's not like that, though... Did you get the data I asked for? Yes. It's right here. Thanks. Here...a token of my gratitude. It's okay. I didn't have much trouble. Please, keep them. Are you sure? I wanted to give you these glas-- AHH?! Glasses?! GIMME, GIMME, GIMME!! Ahem. I wanted to give you these glass-blowing guidebooks.{LF}I thought you might enjoy them. ... These days, I see so many women with eye g-- AHH?! Ahem. Women with eye goop. People need to clean out{LF}their eyes a little better in the morning! ... Man, when I went to the inn the other day, I saw so many{LF}women with spec-- AHH?! Ahem. Women with spectacularly large moles on their{LF}foreheads. All of them! Like a cult! ... So, uh...glas-- AHH?! Ahem. Glass looks pretty in the sunlight, don't you think? Why are you doing this to him, @レオン@?! So what do you think of Selphia now versus how it was in{LF}the past? Has it changed much? ...It has. The townscape looks different, and there are far fewer trees. And certainly, once you get into the town proper, everything{LF}is completely, unimaginably new. ...But the people are the same as ever. This town is as beautiful as it ever was. I see... What is that you're wearing, Arthur? It's quite dapper! You think so? That...overcoat thing...is particularly fascinating. What is it? It's a cloak of the east. The design is quite unique, wouldn't{LF}you say? To say the least! It doesn't look like a cloak at all. Indeed. It is what it doesn't appear to be. That's why I like it{LF}so much. Work, work, work, eh? ...? You never seem to stop working! How about you take @しゅじんこうくん@ somewhere nice? Huh? Take @しゅじんこうくん@...where, exactly? Use your imagination! What do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@?{LF}Good idea, right? It is. @レオン@, you take me. No, I'm good. See? I-I see... I'm so sorry... I didn't know @しゅじんこうくん@ wished for such travel... It's not proper for a man to work so much that he loses sight{LF}of those closest to him. What...? You're the one who should be spending more time with{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@, Leon. ...Spending time with @しゅじんこうくん@, huh? I could get into{LF}that... ... ... Your determination is uncertain. It's like the numbers on that{LF}die. One roll could change it. You leave your life to chance, going wherever the wind{LF}blows, don't you? You like that kind of life? Haha. It's cute. Why are there...columns? Statues? What are those things? They're like left and right hand deities or something. Is that a fire-starter? How about putting a grate on it and using it to cook fish?{LF}Sounds pretty yummy to me... *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit How do you like your room? It has so much character. I have to wonder why you are still alive after falling from so{LF}high in the sky. You must be some kind of sorcerer, or a monster... State your busi--!! ...Oh, it is you. Don't sneak up on me like that. What is it? I just came to talk. You've been slacking. Oh! Well, your timing is excellent, as I have no plans for the{LF}moment. I'll gladly have a cup of tea with you. Where's your dignity as a Native Dragon? Un-believable! It's your fault, you know! But it's your true nature, isn't it? Rrg...I suppose so. It takes more effort than you might realize to speak like this{LF}all the time. Well...then don't! No one's going to hold it against you if you{LF}speak naturally. Silence! I'll speak however I think is most appropriate! I like talking with you because I don't have to put on airs. I{LF}can just be myself. Listen up, @しゅじんこうくん@. This is important for you to{LF}remember too. Never lie to yourself. Always be true to who you are. @しゅじんこうくん@, I'm counting on you as a @姫@ of this town. I won't let you down! I'm not sure you should. That's what I'm talking about! If there had been any complaints from you, I'd have had your{LF}head! But you've already proven yourself to me. You've already{LF}made me proud. That's why I chose you. What are you afraid of? You were chosen by me. Take pride in that! You have every right to do so. People in this town come here every day to worship me. Everyone here is so devout... You could learn a thing or two from them yourself! Tee hee... I'm so tired... You're tired? But...don't you just sit there all day, doing{LF}nothing? Hmph! How rude. Don't let your eyes deceive you. ...Well, I suppose I can let that blasphemous remark slide{LF}just this once. I am worshipped as a god, after all. Gods mustn't be easily offended. Otherwise we become{LF}vengeful, and that never works out. So I forgive you...but only because I have such a big heart! I appreciate what you've done for me. I know I've said it before, but... Thank you. A long time ago, a food I really liked used to be commonly{LF}produced on the farm which you now tend. Oh? What is it? I see... Golden veggies. They're beautiful, are they not? They are{LF}among my favorites. That rich taste... There are no words to describe just how delicious they are. So I'd ask that you please bring me some, @しゅじんこうくん@. What is your opinion of this land? I have been guiding this land's growth since long before you{LF}were born. Is it not a lovely place? I'm so boooored. Do you have any suggestions on how to occupy my time? I know! You can dance for me, @しゅじんこうくん@! *Dance* *Don't dance* Ha ha ha! I didn't expect you to dance! It's so easy to tease you. Hmph. You've ruined my mood. The times may change, but the people living within them{LF}never do. They're always so busy, as if there's simply more for them to{LF}do than there is time to do it. Maybe that's what makes human beings so fascinating. It's{LF}what gives them their sparkle. Hey, can I take a ride on your back sometime? That's an awfully personal thing to ask, and an awfully{LF}casual way to ask it! Seating someone on my back means placing myself in a{LF}position of weakness, you understand. I can't do that so easily. I want to ride on your back again. It seems you've taken quite a shining to my backside! Well, should the spirit move me, I shall oblige. Hey @しゅじんこうくん@, you're free right now, aren't you? I've got time. I'm actually super busy. Excellent. I thought you might. At present, I'm feeling a bit...peckish. Would you please bring me something to eat? I'd really appreciate it. You lie! You're free, and you know it. No, @セルザ@, I'm not made of free time like you. H-how dare you... People say if you live long, you grow bored of life. But that's{LF}simply not true! They just don't know how to properly enjoy the gift of life{LF}they've been given. Fortunately for me, I have a toy called @しゅじんこうくん@. And{LF}that's all I need. As long as I have you, I think I'll quite enjoy this long life of{LF}mine. Or at least this part of it, I guess... H-hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Th-this is all hypothetical, but... ...if I were a human being... ...No, never mind. Forget I said anything. Just...forget it. You're so big, Ventuswill! That's not something one should say to a lady! But I'm not{LF}really all that big. You're just small! And I was quite small, too, when I was a hatchling. I was very, very, VERY cute, as you might imagine. I enslaved anyone who looked at me with my beauty. ... Oh, don't give me that look! It's true, I swear! How's your work as a @姫@? Are you managing to keep a cool{LF}head, despite all the pressure? I freaking love it. IT'S HELL ON EARTH. You forced me into it. I'm having so much fun! I'm really grateful to you for{LF}assigning me all these duties. I see... That's good to hear. Ugh... Forgive me, please... @しゅじんこうくん@, you're my best friend. So... Flattery will get you nowhere. ...Tsk! I want @アイテム0@. I want to eat @アイテム0@. Please, @しゅじんこうくん@. Please! I really want to eat @アイテム0@. Please! Tee-hee-hee... That was some good{LF}@アイテム0@! I'd like to go somewhere. Maybe I should slip away on an adventure in the dark of{LF}night... I can imagine Volkanon would be quite furious. Not to{LF}mention panicked out of his mind! I like all human food, but @アイテム0@ are{LF}my favorite! So if you're going to bring me an offering, please...make it{LF}@アイテム0@. Okay? Hee hee! Porcoline brought me some of his cooking again. His cooking is almost as divine as myself. Perhaps he, too, was enslaved by my cuteness! Volkanon is...a nag. An absolute ideal of nagging, really. No{LF}one could nag as thoroughly as he. Is there any reason I shouldn't take a nap during the day? I{LF}see none. But he clearly disagrees! Your child has gotten big. Children always grow up so quickly... Your child often comes to visit me. I'm worried that @子供ちゃん@ might be scared of me. I don't think so. I mean, you're not very scary. You come across like a middle-{LF}aged auntie. Wait, I mean...! ... Uhhh... I guess you're kind of like a friendly girl in the{LF}neighborhood. Yeah, that's it! Is that so? @子供ちゃん@ is so adorable. Simply...delicious.{LF}*SLURRRRP* Are you implying you want to eat my progeny?! No, no! It's just a figure of speech. It sounded like...a little more than that to me! Seeing @子供ちゃん@ always makes me think of my own{LF}childhood. I was so innocent when I was little... Volkanon begins his incessant nagging at the crack of dawn. Good morning. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. You're up early! How come so many people come visit me at noon? *YAWN* I need more sleep. Ah, it's you. Today is a day of rest. As in...I'm beat. Good evening. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@! Good evening. Beautiful weather today, no? I don't like rainy days. Getting wet...is unpleasant. I hate how the snow piles up on me. Makes me look fat! So...nice weather, eh? I'm cold! @しゅじんこうくん@, is there anything you can do for{LF}me? On a scale of one to ten, I'd rate today's weather a five. Or{LF}would that be a 7.5? Hmmm... The sky is so blue... It's still raining, huh? Will it ever stop?! The snow just keeps coming... I feel sorry for you humans in this weather. Please, take care.{LF}Be sure you don't get blown away! I'm cold. Cold! Do something! I don't like the looks of the clouds today. Please don't rain,{LF}please don't rain... Mmm, now this is the way I like it. This is the perfect climate. It's so hot... I believe I should enjoy a toasty bath today. Unseasonably warm today, don't you think? Such a bitter chill in the air this morning... I just want to take a nap... Mmm... This weather makes me tired. Gets a bit hot during the day, doesn't it? It's already noon, yet it's still this cold? I think I can sleep very comfortably tonight. Humid nights like this make for very uncomfortable sleep. It's getting colder every day, huh? It's freezing cold at night these days! What's that all about?! I hear you're having a baby. That's wonderful! Have you chosen a name yet? I can think of one for you, if{LF}you'd like... Hi there. How's your mission going? @しゅじんこうくん@, you should check the +Request Box+{LF}whenever you can. The +Request Box+ is right by your room. There are monsters at @マップ0@, you know. So you should be well-prepared before going there. Amber... Wait, @しゅじんこうくん@?! I-it's a beautiful day, isn't it? ...It's raining. ...It's snowing. There's a typhoon going on out there. There's a snowstorm going on out there. Yeah... It's cloudy, though. What, what do you think about the cursed voice? Hmmm... It might be me snoring, or talking in my sleep. I-I did apologize for it, you know... Hmph. Well, then, I still have many things I want you to do. I guess that's fine. ...Wait, what's your definition of ''many''?! I'm counting on you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I feel like I've been had... Have you learned anything? There are monsters aplenty out there, so be careful. So, how have you been? No problems here. I told you before, I'm fine. Well, I'm still going to worry about you! I suppose...it does make me happy to hear that. Thank you for asking, @しゅじんこうくん@. ... Oh, sorry. I was lost in thought. I'm sorry, but would you please leave me for a while? Did the man sleeping in the clinic get better? He did. I hear he's made a full recovery. Good. That's good. Were you worried about him? S-sort of. I'm...really glad he's okay. A ghost, huh? ... What's wrong? Nothing. It's nothing. ... ...Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I can rest easier now. Now, aren't you glad you spoke with everyone? ... Venti? ... Are you listening? I appreciate what you did, but I'm also angry because you{LF}did something you shouldn't have. Is that why you're ignoring me? Hmph! Aha...ha ha... ... @セルザ@! @セルザ@! ... ...@セルザ@... ... ... ... ... ... Heh. I'm lonelier than I thought I'd be. Heh. I'm lonelier than I thought I'd be. Honestly... You're always going just one step too far! I must admit, I'm surprised to learn that the +Rune Sphere+ was{LF}produced for me... ...by Earthmates. I truly cannot thank you and the other townsfolk enough. You have my deepest gratitude. I hear Porcoline's cooking has become popular among{LF}gourmets. I can definitely understand why. Illuminata resolved the matter? That's quite the matter all its own... I feel the town is veiled in a deep, dark blackness... I hear people singing all around the town. It's good. It's very good. Clorica has been awake all day? Did this occur of her own volition, or did someone...give her{LF}something? I feel something emanating from the bath. Something...spicy{LF}hot... I heard Volkanon won the butler competition. I still don't entirely understand what one does in a butler{LF}competition, though... Doug is always worrying about Blossom, isn't he? It seems like everyone in this town is constantly worrying{LF}about everyone else! Flying in the sky feels great. Since humans don't have wings, I think your idea is a very{LF}good one. Everyone brought me ''safe'' gifts. Formal, expensive things{LF}lacking in personality. And inedible things, too! What use do I have for non-food{LF}items?! Yes! ♪ This is what I'm talking about! HYA HA HA HA HA HA HAAA! Synthesis can be done even when Max RP drops to zero, but{LF}HP will be consumed in its place. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Why do you have a snowman in your room? This is very unique. The one who drew it must be a genius...or an idiot savant. Doesn't the unbroken boingy-boingy bounce of the ball{LF}bother you? What is with this BIIIG dragon?! Hmmm... Is this...? Is this...an offering? For me?! *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit @キャラ0@, you have work today, too? Today, Grandpa Vol is gonna give me some kinda lecture. An' I'm gonna stay awake for it! Aren't you proud of me? What should I do today? What do you do, @キャラ0@? I'm a hero. I'm a @姫@. I'm a drifter. What's that mean? I defeat bad guys in battle. Whooooa! That's aaaawesoooome!! So... If you do something bad, I'll be coming to get you! Eeeeeeeeeekkkkk!! So you're important, then? So you're a big-wig?! Cooooooool! Does that mean you're a bum? Won't @キャラ1@ be angry at you because you're{LF}useless? Will you be okay? See you later, @キャラ0@! Good luck! Uncle Bado gave me candy. Did you thank him properly? Uh-huh! ♪ Why is the sky blue? I'm hungry! I helped Granny Blossom yesterday. Aren't you proud of me? I'm gonna go play with @キャラ1@! ♪ Why did you marry @キャラ1@,{LF}@キャラ0@? Ummm, well... Come on! Tell me, tell me! Because we're in love. I was given no choice. Ehh... Somethin' to do. Tee-hee-hee! I love you and @キャラ1@! Wow, @キャラ1@ wanted to marry you THAT{LF}badly?! You bet! @キャラ1@ just begged and begged! Wow! I never knew that! You just got married for...no reason? P-pretty much, yeah. We were really bored. You should try it{LF}sometime! I see... I'm gonna go tell @キャラ1@! I'm gonna marry @キャラ0@ when I grow up. I'm gonna marry @キャラ1@ when I grow up. Hmm-hmm! ♪ You seem happy. Happy? What does ''happy'' mean? It means...you feel good. Okay. What does ''feel'' mean? It...uh, I... Are you messing with me? Please come back soon! ♪ I went fishing with Dylas today. I went fishing with Granny Blossom. I caught three fish! Isn't that great?! I wanna be a hero when I grow up, just like you! Then I'll beat up evil people and marry into royalty! I wanna be a princess! ♪ I can do it, right? @キャラ0@! I want that airship! I...can't afford to buy a whole airship! Why not?! I want it I want it I want it IwantitIwantitIwantitIwantit! Be quiet! You're acting like a spoiled brat! But I waaaaaant it... You take that, and then you go like this, and then you get{LF}that! Yesterday, with @キャラ1@'s help... ...I made a real cool @アイテム0@ for{LF}@キャラ0@! Have some! [Received @アイテム0@.] How was it? Did you like it?! @キャラ0@, thank you so much for everything you{LF}do! *YAWN* Good morning... @キャラ0@, good morning. @キャラ0@, it's a beautiful morning! Come back soon, okay? Plaaaaay wiiiiith meeeee!! @キャラ0@! @キャラ0@! *YAWN* I'm sleepy... Did you finish your work? Hi, @キャラ0@! Welcome home! @キャラ0@! It's bright outside! Raaaaaaaaaaaain!! WOW! It's snowing! Oogh... I'm scared... It sure is cold, huh? Playing outside is fun! I wanna go outside! @キャラ0@! Make me a snowman! It looks we can't play outside. @キャラ0@! Don't go outside! It sure is warm today, huh? It's hoooot! Boy, it's cooool out here! COLD! It's COLD! COLD COLD COLD! It's kinda nice out, huh? It's soooo hoooot... *YAAAAWN* It's freezing! Zzz... @キャラ0@! It's hot! HOT!! It's a little cold...but I'm fine! @キャラ0@, can I have a hug? I'm real cold. Are you going to the forest to catch some insects? I wanna join you! I talked to Amber. She is sooo sweet! A ruins? I wanna know what's in there! Is he okay? I'm really glad he got better! @キャラ0@! I'm scared! Hey, @キャラ0@... Is Venti all right...? A +Rune Sphere+? You say it's a +blue stone+? Blue is the color of the sky, right? I haven't seen any stones{LF}like that. I'll do my best too! I don't really get it, but I'll do my best! Hey, did something good happen today? Everybody looks so happy! @キャラ0@! Promise me you won't make @キャラ1@ sad again! I'm sorry... ...I was worried about you too... Thank you for your concern. Waaaahhhh! @キャラ0@!! Venti looked so happy, didn't she? @キャラ0@, I'm scared... It's gonna be okay, right...? Is Venti okay? Is she really okay? @キャラ0@... I believe in you! @キャラ0@... Don't give up! Everybody looks so sad... They're all sad because Venti is gone. And I am too. I wanna see the big dragon! When does Venti come back? Is the dragon really gonna come back? I wanna ride on her back! Is Venti really gonna come back soon? Did the dragon come back?! Yaaay! I wanna see her! Did Venti come back?! Yaaay! I wanna go play with her! @キャラ0@, you know what I just heard? It's about{LF}Uncle Porcoline! He's awesome! What happened? I don't know, but people are saying he's awesome! Isn't that{LF}awesome? AWESOME!! @キャラ0@, you know what I just heard? It's about{LF}Auntie Illuminata! She's awesome! What happened? I don't know, but people are saying she's awesome! Isn't that{LF}awesome? AWESOME!! It's not very good... Everyone is singing the same song. Why is that? Clorica has been awake all day? Why is that surprising? Isn't everybody awake during the{LF}day? That bath water was really hot today, huh! @キャラ0@, you know what? Grandpa Vol is the{LF}greatest! Oh? Why's that? Hmmmm... I dunno, he just is! I wanna be carried piggyback. Jumping off? Why are you jumping? What's an ''event''? Venti said she likes @アイテム0@. So I'm giving her @アイテム0@. This stuffed toy is so cute! ♪ I wish the flowers grown by @しゅじんこうくん@ wouldn't{LF}eeeeever wilt! ♪ Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!! Look! It's bouncing so much!! Boingy boingy boingy boingy boingy... Yaaay! ♪ Yaaaay! ♪ A big dinosaur! @しゅじんこうくん@! Let's play together! *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit @キャラ0@, you have work today, too? Today, Grandpa Vol is gonna give me some kinda lecture. An' I'm gonna stay awake for it! Aren't you proud of me? What should I do today? What do you do, @キャラ0@? I'm a hero. I'm a @姫@. I'm a drifter. What's that mean? I defeat bad guys in battle. Whooooa! That's aaaawesoooome!! So... If you do something bad, I'll be coming to get you! Eeeeeeeeeekkkkk!! So you're important, then? So you're a big-wig?! Cooooooool! Does that mean you're a bum? Won't @キャラ1@ be angry at you because you're{LF}useless? Will you be okay? See you later, @キャラ0@! Good luck! Uncle Bado gave me candy. Did you thank him properly? Uh-huh! ♪ Why is the sky blue? I'm hungry! I helped Granny Blossom yesterday. Aren't you proud of me? I'm gonna go play with @キャラ1@! ♪ Why did you marry @キャラ1@,{LF}@キャラ0@? Ummm, well... Come on! Tell me, tell me! Because we're in love. I was given no choice. Ehh... Somethin' to do. Tee-hee-hee! I love you and @キャラ1@! Wow, @キャラ1@ wanted to marry you THAT{LF}badly?! You bet! @キャラ1@ just begged and begged! Wow! I never knew that! You just got married for...no reason? P-pretty much, yeah. We were really bored. You should try it{LF}sometime! I see... I'm gonna go tell @キャラ1@! I'm gonna marry @キャラ0@ when I grow up. I'm gonna marry @キャラ1@ when I grow up. Hmm-hmm! ♪ You seem happy. Happy? What does ''happy'' mean? It means...you feel good. Okay. What does ''feel'' mean? It...uh, I... Are you messing with me? Have a good day! I went fishing with Dylas today. I went fishing with Granny Blossom. I caught three fish! Isn't that great?! I wanna be a hero when I grow up, just like you! Then I'll beat up evil people and marry into royalty! I wanna be a princess! ♪ I can do it, right? @キャラ0@! I want that airship! I...can't afford to buy a whole airship! Why not?! I want it I want it I want it IwantitIwantitIwantitIwantit! Be quiet! You're acting like a spoiled brat! But I waaaaaant it... You take that, and then you go like this, and then you get{LF}that! Yesterday, with @キャラ1@'s help... ...I made a real cool @アイテム0@ for{LF}@キャラ0@! Have some! [Received @アイテム0@.] How was it? Did you like it?! @キャラ0@, thank you so much for everything you{LF}do! *YAWN* Good morning... @キャラ0@, good morning. @キャラ0@, it's a beautiful morning! Come back soon, okay? Plaaaaay wiiiiith meeeee!! @キャラ0@! @キャラ0@! *YAWN* I'm sleepy... Did you finish your work? Hi, @キャラ0@! Welcome home! @キャラ0@! It's bright outside! Raaaaaaaaaaaain!! WOW! It's snowing! Oogh... I'm scared... It sure is cold, huh? Playing outside is fun! I wanna go outside! @キャラ0@! Make me a snowman! It looks we can't play outside. @キャラ0@! Don't go outside! It sure is warm today, huh? It's hoooot! Boy, it's cooool out here! COLD! It's COLD! COLD COLD COLD! It's kinda nice out, huh? It's soooo hoooot... *YAAAAWN* It's freezing! Zzz... @キャラ0@! It's hot! HOT!! It's a little cold...but I'm fine! @キャラ0@, can I have a hug? I'm real cold. Are you going to the forest to catch some insects? I wanna join you! I talked to Amber. She is sooo sweet! A temple? I wanna know what's in there! Is he okay? I'm really glad he got better! @キャラ0@! I'm scared! Hey, @キャラ0@... Is Venti all right...? A +Rune Sphere+? You say it's a +blue stone+? Blue is the color of the sky, right? I haven't seen any stones{LF}like that. I'll do my best too! I don't really get it, but I'll do my best! Hey, did something good happen today? Everybody looks so happy! @キャラ0@! Promise me you won't make @キャラ1@ sad again! I'm sorry... ...I was worried about you too... Thank you for your concern. Waaaahhhh! @キャラ0@!! Venti looked so happy, didn't she? @キャラ0@, I'm scared... It's gonna be okay, right...? Is Venti okay? Is she really okay? @キャラ0@... I believe in you! @キャラ0@... Don't give up! Everybody looks so sad... They're all sad because Venti is gone. And I am too. I wanna see the big dragon! When does Venti come back? Is the dragon really gonna come back? I wanna ride on her back! Is Venti really gonna come back soon? Did the dragon come back?! Yaaay! I wanna see her! Did Venti come back?! Yaaay! I wanna go play with her! @キャラ0@, you know what I just heard? It's about{LF}Uncle Porcoline! He's awesome! What happened? I don't know, but people are saying he's awesome! Isn't that{LF}awesome? AWESOME!! @キャラ0@, you know what I just heard? It's about{LF}Auntie Illuminata! She's awesome! What happened? I don't know, but people are saying she's awesome! Isn't that{LF}awesome? AWESOME!! It's not very good... Everyone is singing the same song. Why is that? Clorica has been awake all day? Why is that surprising? Isn't everybody awake during the{LF}day? That bath water was really hot today, huh! @キャラ0@, you know what? Grandpa Vol is the{LF}greatest! Oh? Why's that? Hmmmm... I dunno, he just is! I wanna be carried piggyback. Jumping off? Why are you jumping? What's an ''event''? Venti said she likes @アイテム0@. So I'm giving her @アイテム0@. *Morning Greeting *Morning Weather *Morning Seasonal *Afternoon Greeting *Afternoon Weather *Afternoon Seasonal *Evening Greeting *Evening Seasonal *Quit *Boy *Girl *All Orders Enabled (Debug) *All Orders Disabled (Debug) *Check Message SFX *Seen Movies (All ON) *Seen Movies (All OFF) *Scenario Clear Flag (ON) *Scenario Clear Flag (OFF) *Scenario EP Clear Flag (ON) *Scenario EP Clear Flag (OFF) *Eliza Clear Flag (ON) *Eliza Clear Flag (OFF) *Marriage Flag (ON) *Marriage Flag (OFF) *Child Flag (ON) *Child Flag (OFF) *Dated Someone Flag (All ON) *Dated someone Flag (All OFF) *Married Someone Flag (All ON) *Married Someone Flag (All OFF) *For Trailer Usage *For Window Viewing *Item Check *Special: Standing Pose View *Quit Newlywed Mode *Delete Skill EXP Fractions *Flag Test Item Distribution *Flag Test *Help Test *Cancel *Venti only talks with this SFX when she's trying to be cool. *Let's check on our good butler friend, too! This is how Volkanon sounds. *Is that not amazing?! *Okay, okay, you don't have to go that far... *Ohoho... *And now, it is my turn! *Movie flags have been set to +ON+. *Movie flags have been set to +OFF+. *The Scenario Clear Flag has been set to +ON+. *The Scenario Clear Flag has been set to +OFF+.{LF}The EP Clear Flag has also been set to +OFF.+ *The Scenario Clear Flag has been set to +ON+.{LF}The EP Clear Flag has also been set to +ON+. *The EP Clear Flag has been set to +ON+. *All of Eliza's requests flagged as clear: +ON+. *All of Eliza's requests flagged as clear: +OFF+. *The Marriage Flag has been set to +ON+. *The Marriage Flag has been set to +OFF+. *The Child Flag has been set to +ON+. *The Child Flag has been set to +OFF+. *The Dating Flag has beeen set to +ON+ for all characters. *The Dating Flag has been set to +OFF+ for all characters. *All Characters Married Flag has been set to +ON+. *All Characters Married Flag has been set to +OFF+. *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *You have a product that isn't yours. *You have a product that's yours. *There is none. *Special. *Special 2. *Change from normal to SP (front). *Change from normal to SP (back). *Change from normal to SP2 (front). *Change from normal to SP2 (back). *Kiel Sweat (normal) *Kiel SP Sweat *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *Character Portraits, Skill Level Up, Obtain Gold/Lumber/Material Stone *Obtain 99999999G. *Obtain 9999999999G. *Obtain 9999 Lumber. *Obtain 9999 Material Stone. *Obtain 99999 {Crown} Points. *Obtain 9999 Fodder. *Obtain 9999 Fertilizer. *Skill Level Up *All Skills: Level 50 *Male Protagonist *Female Protagonist *Vishnal *Clorica *Volkanon *Forte *Kiel *Bado *Margaret *Dylas *Arthur *Porcoline *Xiao Pai *Lin Fa *Amber *Illuminata *Doug *Blossom *Dolce *Jones *Nancy *Leon *Venti *Son *Daughter *Pico *Soldier *Emperor *Barrett and Raven *Emotion *Quit *You got {0} G! *You got 999999990G! *You got {0} Lumber! *You got {0} Material Stone! *You got {0} {Crown} Points! *You got {0} Fodder! *You got {0} Fertilizer! *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Surprise *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal/Sweat *Special 2/Sweat *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Disappointed *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Serious *Special *Ethelwill *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Normal *Barrett *Raven *Emote Bubble *Blush *Teary Eyes *Angry *Sweat *! *Quit *Heart *Bones *Annoyed *Music Note *! *Sweat *Poison *Paralysis *Sealed *Fatigue *Cold *Healthy *Bad Mood *Sleepy *Ugh... *A *Upgrading will become unusable if selecting ''Marry'' without a spouse. If that isn't necessary, you may ignore the error. *Obtain Date Items *Enable Proposal *Marry *Pregnancy (Select after 'Marry') *Wedding Ceremony *Quit *Get Everyone *Vishnal *Kiel *Arthur *Dylas *Doug *Leon *Clorica *Forte *Margaret *Amber *Xiao Pai *Dolce *Quit *This will set event flags. Do not save the game once you use this feature. *This will set event flags. Do not save the game once you use this feature. *This will set event flags. Do not save the game once you use this feature. *This will set event flags. Do not save the game once you use this feature. *This is the Wedding Ceremony Debug!{LF}Choose your spouse! *Vishnal *Kiel *Arthur *Dylas *Doug *Leon *Clorica *Forte *Margaret *Amber *Xiao Pai *Dolce *Quit *Vishnal *Clorica *Forte *Kiel *Margaret *Dylas *Arthur *Xiao Pai *Amber *Doug *Dolce *Leon *I don't want to propose. *Vishnal *Clorica *Volkanon *Forte *Kiel *Bado *Margaret *Dylas *Arthur *Porcoline *Xiao Pai *Lin Fa *Amber *Illuminata *Doug *Blossom *Dolce *Jones *Nancy *Leon *Divorce *I don't want to get married. *Pregnancy Reveal *Pregnancy Status *Birth Event *Set Child Gender: Male *Set Child Gender: Female *Pick Up *I don't need kids! *Items *Weapon Set *Tool Set *Seed Set *Fruit Types *Meal Set *Ores *Fish *Nutrient Set *Medicine Set *Recipe Bread Set *All Skills *All Spells *Fodder, Lumber *Special Shoes *Hat Set *Balance Check Equipment *All Equipment *A Little Bit of Everything *Shipped 10 of Everything *Quit *For Balance Check Use *Yokmir Forest *Selphia Plain *Water Ruins *Selphia Plain: West *Obsidian Manor *Yokmir Cave *Autumn Road *Delirium Lava Ruins *Sercerezo Hill *Idra Cave *Maya Road *Sechs Territory *Floating Empire *Leon Karnak *Rune Prana 1 *Rune Prana 2 *Rune Prana 3 *Rune Prana 4 *Rune Prana 5 *Rune Prana 6 *Rune Prana Depths *Sharance 1 *Sharance 2 *Sharance 3 *Sharance 4 *Sharance (Infinite) *Quit *Around level 2 to 5. *Around level 5 to 8. *Around level 8 to 12. *Around level 12 to 13. *Around level 13 to 18. *Around level 18 to 24. *Around level 24 to 27. *Around level 27 to 33. *Around level 34 to 38. *Around level 38 to 45. *Around level 45 to 52. *Around level 52 to 60. *Around level 60 to 70. *Get all specified equipment! *One-handed Sword *Two-handed Sword *Spear *Hammer *Axe *Staff *Twin Swords *Fists *Shields *Armor *Hats *Shoes *Accessories *Tools *Quit *oSleep *oSave *oLoad *oMessage Board *oPosts *oMonster Message Board *oShipping History *oStorage *oMonster Management Screen *oBookshelf *oFridge *oSafe *oWardrobe *oToolbox. *oShipping Bin *oForge *oCrafting *oChemistry *oCooking (no tools) *oOven *oSteamer *oPot *oMixer *oFrying Pan *oKnife *oCalendar *oStaff Credits Screen (Top) *oStaff Fade *oStaff Fade (Short) *oStaff Credits Screen (Bottom) *oSkip First Event *oOpening BGM OFF *oReturn to Title *Do Nothing *Please make a bookshelf! *Skippidee-doo-dah over that first event! I don't wanna see it! *Equipment & Furniture *Make All *Installments *Furniture *Central Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {0} *Central Monster Barn → Expansion Level {1} *Lower Left Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {2} *Lower Left Monster Barn → Expansion Level {3} *Lower Left Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {4} *Lower Right Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {5} *Upper Left Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {6} *Upper Left Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {7} *Upper Right Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {8} *Upper Right Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {9} *Quit *Place equipment and furniture *Barn Expansion - Level @ Number 0@! *Furniture settings *All *Desk *Chair *Plush *Potted flower *Stone statue *Artwork *Barrel *Hibachi *Anchor *Folding screen *Ball *Phonograph *Dice *All clothes *Quit *Place desk *Place chair *Random plush *Random potted flower *Random stone statue *Artwork *Barrel *Barrel, hibachi, anchor, or folding screen *Barrel, hibachi, anchor, or folding screen *Folding screen *Small and large ball *Phonograph *Dice *Most furniture *Complete clothing *Equipment settings *All *Expand room *Bed *Double bed *Calendar *Refrigerator *Refrigerator (Different look) *Shop box *Material box *Bookshelf *Weapon storage *Farming toolbox *Cloak *Journal *Pasture plant *Large pasture plant *Fertilizer container *Delivery box *Watering hole *Place stone and wood materials *Cooking board (handmade cooking) *Knife *Frying pan *Pot *Mixer *Steamer *Oven *Blacksmith *Accessory *Pharmacy *Airship symbol *Quit *Set all *Place an order to expand the room? *Place bed *Place double bed *Place calendar *Place refrigerator *Place refrigerator (different look) *Place shop box *Place gathering box *Place bookshelf *Place weapon storage *Place farming toolbox *Place clothing dresser *Place journal *Place pasture plants *Place large pasture plants *Place fertilizer *Place delivery box *Place watering hole *Place cooking board *Place knife *Place frying pan *Place pot *Place mixer *Place steamer *Place oven *Place Forge *Place Crafting Table *Place Chemistry Set *Place airship symbol *Festival *oBean Festival *oEating Competition *oDe-Fluffing *oTarget Practice *oSnowball Fight *oQuiz Contest *oBuddy Contest *Eve - Bean Toss *Eve - Eating Contest *Eve - De-Fluffing *Eve - Target Shot *Eve - Snowball Fight *Eve - Quiz *Eve - Pet *Eve - Fishing Frenzy Contest *Eve - Big Catch Contest *Eve - Squid Catch Contest *Eve - Fish Variety Contest *Eve - Spring Harvest *Eve - Summer Harvest *Eve - Autumn Harvest *Eve - Winter Harvest *Eve - Cooking Contest *Eve - Handicraft Contest *Eve - New Year's *Eve- Beach Day *Eve - New Year's Eve *Eve - Firefly Festival *Eve- Valentine *Eve - White Day *Eve - Christmas Eve *Have all of last year's festivals as wins *Cancel. *This festival does not exist. *Please take up to two monsters. *Enter name *oEnter name of the main character ''{Hero}'' *oEnter name of the farm''{Farm}'' Farm *oEnter name of shack A ''{Barn0}'' *oEnter name of shack B ''{Barn1}'' *oEnter name of shack C ''{Barn2}'' *oEnter name of shack D ''{Barn3}'' *oEnter name of shack E ''{Barn4}'' *oEnter name of shack F ''{Barn5}'' *oEnter name of shack G ''{Barn6}'' *oEnter name of shack H ''{Barn7}'' *oEnter name of shack I ''{Barn8}'' *oEnter name of shack J ''{Barn9}'' *oName of child If there are none, it will stop! *Return *Shop *oWeapon, Farm Tool Shop *oAccessory Shop *oEquipment - Excavated Things *oHospital - Medicine *oFlower Shop *oFurniture Shop *oAbility Shop *oMagic Shop *oJewel Shop *oSaku Shop -Tuner- *oYue Shop *oRestaurant *Cancel *Scenario Debug *Please select either Main Scenario or Newlywed Mode. *Main Scenario *Newlywed Mode *Go back *The selected character's Newlywed Mode will begin. *Vishnal *Clorica *Forte *Kiel *Margaret *Dylas *Arthur *Xio Pai *Amber *Doug *Dolce *Leon *Cheat *Go Back *This is a cheat. *Ultimate Equipment *Expand Backpack *Obtain License *Add Fire Crystal *Add Dragon Scale *Cooked Rainbow Trout dishes before *Cooked Lamp Squid dishes before *Cooked Blowfish dishes before *Added Rainbow Trout *Added Lamp Squid *Added Blowfish *Max Cooking Skills *Unlock all Rune Planners *Three kinds of fruit *Control Time *Map right before licorice *Added 9 empty cans *To Monster Dwelling entrance *Change Flag *Return *Time Control *0:00 *1:00 *2:00 *3:00 *4:00 *5:00 *6:00 *7:00 *8:00 *9:00 *10:00 *11:00 *12:00 *13:00 *14:00 *15:00 *16:00 *17:00 *18:00 *19:00 *20:00 *21:00 *22:00 *23:00 *Cancel *Change Flag 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 *Cancel *Select a chapter. The event will end when it reaches the selected area. *Opening *Yokmir Forest *Water Ruins *Obsidian Mansion *Rune Sphere Exploration *Forest of Beginnings *Exchange with Ventuswill *Assault of the Dragons *Idra Cave *To Maya Road *Infiltration into the Imperial Territory *Floating Empire Castle *Epilogue *Setting, Venti, Doug *Escape *Select the Opening Chapter *01: Opening *02: Looking into the Journal *03: Field Tutorial *04: After the field, in front of Ventus *Flag Check *Return *Opening End Flag! *Flags aren't going to be standing. *Forest Chapter Select *01: Castle Gates, Forte *02: Forest, in front of the entrance *03: Forest, In front of the gate *04: Forest, sudden butterflies *05: Forest, before the map battle before the boss *06: Forest, before the boss battle *07: Forest, Rematch with the boss battle *08: After the hospital, before reporting to Venti *09: Hospital, before Amber wakes up *10: Venti, right before the nightly talk *Return *Shrine Chapter Select *01: Dragon Worship *02: Cursed Voice, Mushroom Road *03: Ruins *04: Before Doug's Entrance at the Ruins *05: Solving the Ruins *06: Pressed both switches in the Ruins *07: Rematch with Raiden *08: Before Dylas Disappears from the Hospital *09: Before Dylas Wakes Up at the Hospital *Return *Mansion Chapter Select *01: Town Rumors, before Pico's Appearance *02: Pico waits at the plaza *03: Pico waits at the mansion *04: Before Locked In at the Mansion Entrance *05: Before the Ghost of the Mansion Hallway *06: Disappearing candle at the Mansion Hallway *07: Pico at the Mansion Garden *08: Pico at the Garden *09: Before the monsters jump in *10: Pico's ''Just a bit more'' *11: Pico before the Mansion Boss *12: Rematch with Mansion Boss *Return *Rune Sphere Chapter Select *01: Before charm stolen from own room *02: Before spotting Chipsqueek in the town plaza *03: Before spotting Chipsqueek at the castle gate *04: Before spotting near the forest entrance *05: Before spotting at the forest entrance *06: Before spotting at the forest map 1 *07: Before falling off the forest cliff *08: Before picking up the rune sphere *09: Before spotting Chipsqueek at the cave exit *10: Before spotting at the boss map *11: Rematch with Dead Tree *12: Outside of Ruins entrance *13: Before the Ruins Chimera *14: Rematch with Ruins Chimera *15: Before setting the rune sphere at the Ruins *16: After placement, before obtaining info from traveler *17: Before spotting a large stump *18: Before the Delirium entrance *19: Before arriving to 2nd floor of Delirium *20: Before battling Rafflesia *21: Rematch with Rafflesia *22: Before placing rune sphere at the Mansion *23: Before Venti and Doug at the Dragon Space *24: Before Bullet at the inn *25: Before warning about the Gate battle *26: Before the Gate battle *Return *Forest of Beginnings Chapter Select *01: After the entrance of the Forest of Beginnings *02: Before the Sarcophagus battle *Return *Exchange Chapter Select *01: Before talking with Venti and the 4 memories *Return *Dragon Assault Chapter Select *01: Before the Castle gate event *02: Before the fight at the plaza *03: After the battle, going to the Dragon Space *04: Hospital, before obtaining info from Doug *Return *Idra Cave Chapter Select *01: Before Idra Cave *02: Before B1 of Idra *03: Before the Idra boss *04: Rematch with the Idra boss *Return *Maya Road Chapter Select *01: Before spotting Imperial soldier at Autumn Road *02: Before the bridge is destroyed *03: Bridge destroyed and talking with Arthur *04: Before the entrance to Maya Road *05: Before the explanation of the hole in Maya Road *06: before Wall Switch 2 at Maya Road *07: Before boss at Maya Road *08: Rematch with boss at Maya Road *Return *Imperial Territory Chapter Select *01: Outside the bridge of the national border *02: Start of the Imperial Territory *03: Before battle against 3 Imperial soldiers *04: Rematch with 3 Imperial soldiers *05 Before Akuna battle at Imperial Territory *06: Rematch with Akuna at Imperial Territory *Return *Floating Empire Castle Chapter Select *01: Before going to Floating Empire Castle with airship *02: Rematch of airship battle 1 *03: Rematch of airship battle 2 *04: Rematch of airship battle 3 *05: Before battle with Ethelberd *06: Rematch with Ethelberd *07: Rematch after Enhanced State *Return *Epilogue Chapter Select *01: Before epilogue access point *02: Before Leon Karnak entrance *03: Before battle with Right and Left Statues *04: Before battle with Sarcophagus *05: Memory 1, before Map M11 *06: Memory 2, before Map M25 *07: Memory 3, before Map M35 *08: Memory 4, before Map M48 *09: Memory 5, before Map M64 *10: Memory 5, before Map M83 *11: Before Last Boss *12: Before setting Rune Sphere N39 *13: Revive Venti, before Dragon Space *14: Clear epilogue *Return *Set Venti and Doug's situation *Venti sleeping *Unlock Venti sleeping *Doug Side Event Lock *Doug Side Event Unlock *Doug Hospitalized *Doug Discharged *Venti Disappears *Venti Revives *Return *Related Birthday *Change to current date as birthday *Quit *Confirm Motion *Credit Roll 1 Scale Check *BGM Fade Check *N Ethel Battle Check *Special Character Settings for Credit Roll *Credit Roll 2 Scale Check *Ending (Plaza 2nd Run) *Ending (Different Ways) *Text Check *Ackna Battle *Fleck Battle *Opening Save Check *Ethelwill Battle *Airship Land Check *Fade Check *Side Event Activation Check *Doug Hospitalized Flag Limit *Venti Down Limit *Regarding Wedding Ring *Check to Confirm if Visuals Play on Bottom Screen *Text Check *Credit Roll 3 Scale Check *Execute Side Event *Opening Yokmir *Escape *After 3 seconds, I set the volume to 1. *After 3 seconds, I set the volume to 100. If I become a +Guardian+, I can save Venti, right? ... Perhaps this is how everyone else must have felt, too... *Test Text *Test 2 *Fire *It will activate since Amber is there. *It will not activate since Amber is not there. *On *Off *On *Off I have some advice for you. You need a custom @アイテム0@ to get{LF}married. And you need your own +crafting table+ to make it. Did you know? You must have an @アイテム0@ to get{LF}married. And in order to make one, you'll require a +Crafting Table+. *1{Chara 0}1 *・M_AMAZE~M_FLOWER02 *・M_JUMP~M_THINK *・M_ORDER~M_CLEAN *・M_YES~M_YAWN *・M_LOOK~M_ROLL *・M_SMILE_EZEL~M_DMG_DONW *・Watch All Standard Types *・Watch All Farming Types *・Saber Attack Motion *・Broadsword Attack Motion *・Spear Attack Motion *・Staff Attack Motion *・Axe Attack Motion *・Twin Blades Attack Motion *・Fist Attack Motion *Quit The same as before. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. The same as before. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. You can change the pet name your partner uses when{LF}addressing you. Which would you prefer? You can change the pet name you will use when addressing{LF}your partner. Which would you prefer? *Vishnal *Clorica *Forte *Kiel *Margaret *Dylas *Arthur *Xiao Pai *Amber *Doug *Dolce *Leon *Quit Left: @モン0@ Left: @モン0@: Planting Middle: @モン1@ Middle: @モン1@: Planting Right: @モン2@ Right: @モン2@: Planting Quit Leave it Remove planting chores You can stop planting seeds now. Leave it Assign planting chores You've assigned planting chores. What are you going to do with the field chores you assigned{LF}@モン0@? Leave them Remove field chores You can go home and take a rest. I am now up-to-date on all the monsters working on this{LF}farm. You assigned planting chores to @モン0@. It costs money for the seeds and work. Assign planting{LF}chores? No monster is assigned planting chores right now. What do you want to know? Farm @姫@ Work Combat Friendly Monsters What's RP? The Amazing L Pocket Synthesis Camp Screen Lost and Found Quit Let's learn about being a @姫@. Orders @姫@ Points Tourists Title Back The main role of a @姫@ is to guide the people and help{LF}develop the land. This is known as giving +orders+. You can give an order at the +Order Symbol+ in the Dragon{LF}Room. You can upgrade your @姫@ rank by increasing the number of{LF}tourists in the town. @姫@ points are your measure of confidence as a @姫@, and are{LF}necessary to issue orders. Points are earned mostly by taking requests from Eliza or the{LF}townsfolk. But they may also be earned through +items+ or +contests+. In addition, +talking to people+ and +sending monsters back+ to{LF}the forest may net you a few. You can also earn @姫@ points from your daily activities. In short, if people trust you as a @姫@, you can receive @姫@{LF}points. Then you'll be able to issue a big order. To make money, go to where the people are. The more money you make, the more you can develop the{LF}country. If the country develops, you can buy new items and also{LF}issue new orders. The role of a @姫@ is to make this country a better place to{LF}be. To accomplish that role, you'll need tourists. Your present @姫@ rank is determined by the number of{LF}tourists visiting the town. If you advance more in rank, you'll receive a bonus! Let's learn about combat. Combo Attacks Dash Dash Attacks Charge Attacks Rune Abilities Magic Ultimate Attacks Back After equipping a weapon, press @字@ repeatedly to perform a{LF}+Combo Attack+. Each weapon behaves differently, so it's best to choose{LF}based on the situation. In order to +Dash+, press @字@ and release it quickly. You can move faster this way, so it's great for avoiding{LF}enemies' attacks. As weapon skill level increases, you'll be able to use a +Dash{LF}Attack+. In mid-Dash, press @字@ to perform a Dash Attack. As weapon skill level increases, you'll be able to use a{LF}+Charge Attack+. To perform a Charge Attack, hold @字@ for a short time until{LF}charged, then let go. You can charge during Combo Attacks and Dash Attacks as{LF}well. Make use of all these attacks together and finish off your{LF}enemies! Different Rune Abilities may be assigned to both @字@ and @字1@. Rune Abilities may be used only when a weapon is{LF}equipped. Rune Abilities are very strong, but consume +RP+. When you are fighting with strong enemies, don't hesitate to{LF}use Rune Abilities. Choose an appropriate weapon for each Rune Ability, or{LF}you'll consume more +RP+. You may assign magic to both @字@ and @字1@. Attacking at long range is possible with magic, but it{LF}consumes +RP+. But if you equip a staff, you can decrease +RP+ consumption. Increasing weapon skills, you can use the Ultimate Attack. At the end of a Combo Attack, press @字@ repeatedly to{LF}perform a strong +Secret Art+. While this Secret Art is being executed, you will receive no{LF}damage whatsoever. But remember that the Secret Art still consumes RP! Let's learn about Synthesis. Types of Synthesis How to learn a Recipe RP and Exp needed Arranged dishes Synthesizing equipment Reinforcing equipment Medicine levels Back There are four types of Synthesis skills: Forging, Chemistry,{LF}Crafting and Cooking. +Forging+ is for making weapons and tools. +Chemistry+ is for{LF}making medicine and other useful items. +Crafting+ is for making armor and accessories. +Cooking+ is{LF}for using implements to make food. Think about what you want to make and what you can{LF}make, and you'll get the most out of Synthesis! You can learn more recipes by eating +Recipe Bread+. However, you can't learn a new recipe if your skill level is{LF}too low. In that situation, you'll need to increase your Synthesis skill,{LF}then try eating the +Recipe Bread+ again. +Recipe Bread+ may be purchased at the restaurant. The +RP Needed+ for a specific Synthesis will change{LF}depending on the item and your skill. If (and only if) your Max RP exceeds the RP Needed for an{LF}item, Synthesis is possible. If your current RP isn't enough, however, HP will be used to{LF}make up the difference. RP Needed decreases when you make any item that's{LF}already been in your possession previously. If you make something without a Recipe, however, the RP{LF}Needed will increase. You can gain more Exp when you make something slightly{LF}beyond your current skill level. So try to make the most difficult item you can with your{LF}current skill. Always push the envelope! If you put an ingredient into a dish which is NOT in the{LF}Recipe, it's known as an +Arranged Dish+. Arranged Dishes restore more HP than regular dishes. They also make you more powerful. So if you have some extra ingredients, try adding them to{LF}make Arranged Dishes whenever you can! It makes it more difficult to cook, but you can get a lot more{LF}Exp! Just be careful not to cook anything inedible... The names of Arranged Dishes are written in blue to{LF}distinguish them from regular dishes. Items made through +Forging+ and +Crafting+ are better than{LF}what you can buy at the store. If an item's name is written in blue, it indicates that the item{LF}differs from others in some way. You might find blue-text items from +treasure chests+ in the{LF}dungeon. Besides Synthesis, you can reinforce your equipment through{LF}+Forging+ and +Crafting+. You can upgrade your equipment by using certain specific{LF}items on certain specific equipment. Each equipment item can be upgraded as high as level 10. Reinforcing equipment is always successful. You'll never lose{LF}an item through a botched job. In addition, there are several items that can be used to add{LF}unique effects. As well as further enhancements including the synthesis of{LF}special abilities for accessories, and alterations to a staff's magic charge. However, if you keep using the same items to reinforce, it{LF}becomes less and less effective. Higher-level food and medicine have a greater effect. You can make higher-level items by using higher-level{LF}ingredients. Let's learn about the farm. Cleaning the farm Cultivating the farm Planting seeds Getting water Harvesting crops Lumber and Material Stones Tips for farming Soil levels Back It's important to keep your farm clean. You can't plant crops{LF}or water crops if you don't. Mowing grass, chopping away stumps and breaking rocks{LF}are all part of cleaning the land. There are a variety of ways to clean. After cleaning a farm, you can cultivate with a +Hoe+. The area you cultivate looks different. It's called +soil+. You can plant +seeds+ in soil. If you want to turn soil back to flat land, use a hammer. Seeds can only be planted in a +cultivated area+ (meaning,{LF}+soil+). After equipping the desired seeds, hold @字0@ to sprinkle them{LF}into the soil. Areas you can seed will display in +red+. If you make a mistake, though, no worries! You won't lose{LF}any seeds by using them in the wrong area. It's also important to water your crops. Make sure to water them +once per day+. You can check the amount of water left via the display on{LF}the +water pot icon+ in the +upper left of the screen+. You can't +water+ if there's no water in your waterpot. In this case, approach a well and press @字@ to fill up your{LF}pot. As the area becomes richer, you can buy new water sources.{LF}Try buying one for a dry farm. Stand in front of fully-grown crops and press @字@ to harvest{LF}them. You can put them in your backpack or into a shipping box to{LF}send them out. Crops sometimes drop +seeds+ when you +harvest+ them. These dropped seeds tend to have better qualities than the{LF}ones you can buy. Also, if you use a sickle on fully-grown crops, you lose the{LF}crops but can acquire seeds. The resulting seeds tend to have far higher qualities than the{LF}ones you can buy. How to manage your farm is up to you. If you ship high-level seeds or crops, you'll be able to buy{LF}high-level seeds later. Try to improve your seed level bit by bit, and grow bigger{LF}and better crops. If you hit branches and stumps with an axe, you can get{LF}+Lumber+. In the same way, you can get +Material Stones+ by hitting{LF}stones and rocks with a hammer. You can store the materials you collect in a{LF}@キャラ0@. As you place or throw +Lumber+ and +Material Stones+ into this{LF}@キャラ0@, they'll pile up. You need these materials to make a Forge, a Monster Barn,{LF}etc. You're unlikely to collect enough materials in one day,{LF}though, so be sure to save them regularly. If you keep growing crops on the same soil, its quality grows{LF}poorer with every harvest. In poor soil, crops will grow more slowly and die more easily. You can repair damaged soil by cultivating it with withered{LF}grass or using fertilizer. In addition, soil will naturally recover while it's not in use. So it's important to grow crops in several places while{LF}allowing others to ''rest.'' Soil also has Exp and gains levels. Soil gains Exp in accordance with the crops you've harvested{LF}from it. As the soil level increases, numerous benefits are received. Crops will grow bigger, faster or in greater quantities. The chance to harvest higher-level crops or survive a{LF}typhoon will also increase. It's a win-win situation! You can check the soil level with a +Magnifying Glass+. When you use a Hoe or Waterpot, you lose some +RP+. RP stands for Rune Points, which are the power of the earth. If you use up your +RP+, your +HP+ are substituted as necessary. HP stands for Hit Points, which represents your health. If your HP drops to zero, you fall unconscious, so be careful.{LF}Stay happy and stay healthy! If you wish to change your equipment in a flash, use the +L{LF}Pocket+. You can open the L Pocket by pressing @字1@. Let's learn about friendly monsters. Taming monsters Developing monsters Getting on with monsters Moving monsters What can they do for you? Back In order to tame monsters, you need to build a +Monster Barn+. Afterwards, try giving some food to monsters. Should they attach themselves to you, you might be able to{LF}tame them. However, it's hard to tame monsters that are higher-level{LF}than you. So just keep building up your level and feeding the monsters! If you wish to develop your tamed monsters, try giving{LF}presents to them. The presents you give might affect the monster's status. But present effects can only be applied once per day, so{LF}don't be overly generous! Monsters can gain Exp and level up by fighting alongside{LF}you. The parameters that increase with these level-ups change{LF}depending on which enemies they defeat. For example, if they beat tough monsters, it becomes more{LF}likely that their +VIT+ will increase. The first step to getting along with your monsters is not{LF}forgetting to feed them. They become more attached to you when they're well-fed. Without food, they can't recover their HP. And without HP,{LF}they can't finish their tasks. Monsters like Woolies, too, can't grow their fur without food. Make sure there's always enough to go around. The appropriate food to leave for monsters is +one{LF}@アイテム0@ per room+. Monsters eat more, however, when they've been assigned{LF}tasks. The @アイテム0@ goes into a +Fodder Bin+. It may be placed gently or tossed from a distance. Fodder Bins may be checked to see what the daily{LF}allowance is, and how much is stored there now. The monsters you tame go to a Monster Barn, which always{LF}has enough space to accommodate them. If you want to move a monster to another barn, you must{LF}first take it as your companion. Then go to the barn of your choosing and release it. For one thing, monsters can join you on your adventure.{LF}Each will fight alongside you uniquely. Some monsters can carry you on their backs. Monsters can also be assigned to do some field chores in{LF}your absence. They can harvest, water, clean, collect materials or mow{LF}grass. Just ask them! A farm is divided into three areas, and one monster can take{LF}care of one area. The more you get along with a monster, the more work it{LF}will do for you. Monsters on duty eat more food, though. Make sure there's{LF}enough to go around in the Fodder Bin. Monsters can also be asked to plant seeds for you. They'll plant these seeds in +cultivated soil+ only. You'll have to pay for the seeds that monsters plant. There are several useful functions on the Camp screen,{LF}Synthesis screen, and so on. Press the @字0@ button to enlarge the{LF}information at the bottom right of the screen. You may also press @字2@ to quick-select equipment or{LF}synthesis items. Press @字1@ to organize your backpack or storage trunk. If you lose something important somewhere, someone will{LF}deliver it to your house. And if you mistakenly give it to someone, that person may{LF}also come return it. So if you lose important items, always check your house for{LF}them. Left: @モン0@ Left: @モン0@: Planting Middle: @モン1@ Middle: @モン1@: Planting Right: @モン2@ Right: @モン2@: Planting Quit Leave it Remove planting chores You can stop planting seeds now. Leave it Assign planting chores You've assigned planting chores. What are you going to do with the field chores you assigned{LF}@モン0@? Leave them Remove field chores You can go home and take a rest. I am now up-to-date on all the monsters working on this{LF}farm. You assigned planting chores to @モン0@. It costs money for the seeds and work. Assign planting{LF}chores? No monster is assigned planting chores right now. Left: @モン0@ Left: @モン0@: Planting Middle: @モン1@ Middle: @モン1@: Planting Right: @モン2@ Right: @モン2@: Planting Quit Leave it Remove planting chores You can stop planting seeds now. Leave it Assign planting chores You've assigned planting chores. What are you going to do with the field chores you assigned{LF}@モン0@? Leave them Remove field chores You can go home and take a rest. I am now up-to-date on all the monsters working on this{LF}farm. You assigned planting chores to @モン0@. It costs money for the seeds and work. Assign planting{LF}chores? No monster is assigned planting chores right now. Left: @モン0@ Left: @モン0@: Planting Middle: @モン1@ Middle: @モン1@: Planting Right: @モン2@ Right: @モン2@: Planting Quit Leave it Remove planting chores You can stop planting seeds now. Leave it Assign planting chores You've assigned planting chores. What are you going to do with the field chores you assigned{LF}@モン0@? Leave them Remove field chores You can go home and take a rest. I am now up-to-date on all the monsters working on this{LF}farm. You assigned planting chores to @モン0@. It costs money for the seeds and work. Assign planting{LF}chores? No monster is assigned planting chores right now. Left: @モン0@ Left: @モン0@: Planting Middle: @モン1@ Middle: @モン1@: Planting Right: @モン2@ Right: @モン2@: Planting Quit Leave it Remove planting chores You can stop planting seeds now. Leave it Assign planting chores You've assigned planting chores. What are you going to do with the field chores you assigned{LF}@モン0@? Leave them Remove field chores You can go home and take a rest. I am now up-to-date on all the monsters working on this{LF}farm. You assigned planting chores to @モン0@. It costs money for the seeds and work. Assign planting{LF}chores? No monster is assigned planting chores right now. @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Hmm... Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? Congratulations. I'm not good with words, so I don't quite know how to say{LF}this, but... Here's hoping for many happy returns. Mm. Thank you. I can't believe you got married, Doug. I guess we can't fight like we used to. You gonna miss it? Hmph. On the contrary, I'm relieved! Haha. I'm sure you are. ...Come visit our restaurant together, you two. I'll make you{LF}both something really good. You bet. As one of Porcoline's own, I've got to say, it's going to feel a{LF}little lonely around here now. Oh? That doesn't sound like you one bit. ...We lived and worked together as a family. It's only natural{LF}that I'd miss you, right? Dylas... Be nice to each other. And come eat here again from time to{LF}time! ...Thank you. I guess this restaurant will be quiet from here on out. What are you talking about? Married people still have to eat,{LF}you know! Hahaha. That so? Well, guess it'll be noisy as ever after all,{LF}then, huh? Too bad for you. Well, congratulations. May the two of you have a happy life{LF}together. Ah, thank you. Congratulations to both of you. Dylas... You know you have to make @しゅじんこうくん@ happy, right? Ha! ...Of course. Congratulations to both of you. Thanks. Thank you. Leon, you seem uncharacteristically serious today. My temperament is suitable for the occasion. Guess it shows how much you care about @しゅじんこうくん@,{LF}huh? ...Why would you say that? Oh, am I wrong? ...No. You're exactly right. Still... ... Hahaha! Congratulations. You two look good together. I thought you were in love with moooiii, @しゅじんこうくん@! I{LF}feel so betrayed... Heh... O-okay... ...Kidding, of course! Congratulations to you. Come have dinner in my restaurant together sometime. Okay. Thank you. Meg... Porco... You are supremely beautiful this day. The most beautiful{LF}woman the world has ever known, perhaps! Porco...! Thank you...*SOB* Thank you for everything! I truly wish you a happy life. Thank you. @しゅじんこうくん@. I leave Meg to you. Take good care of her. I will! Dylas. You look stunning today. Porcoline... I can't thank you enough. You've been like a father to me. Dylas... I couldn't bring myself to say this until now, but...um... Thank you for everything you've done. Thank you for being{LF}there for me. I...I love you, man. Dylas... Sorry to disappoint, but I'm in love with @しゅじんこうくん@.{LF}There's no room in my heart for you! Come on! I'm trying to have a serious moment here! Heh. You have to make @しゅじんこうくん@ happy, you understand? ...Yes, of course! Arthur. You look fantastic today. Thank you. I hope you two will come visit my restaurant together{LF}sometime. Thank you very much, Porcoline. Congrash! Best witches! Congrash...? Best witches? ...I screwed up, yes? How is it even possible to flub such a basic statement? I was over-happy because you both have such a happy look{LF}all over your faces. ...! N-no, I don't... Hmm? You do. I can see it. ...! Are you all right? You have a lot of blushing on your face. Sh-shut up! O-okay... Have a happy life! Congratulations, both of you. I wish you the best of wishes! You do? Just you, or do you speak for everybody? Hmm? I...can't speak for everybody, but I-I'm sure they wish it{LF}of you too... I know. I was just messing with you. ... Hey, @レオン@! Be nice! People tell me you are good at teasing others, but that...was{LF}very sloppy. What...? Leon... You were trying to distract my eyes from your{LF}embarrassment, weren't you? ...! What do you mean? What embarrassment?! The pink that turns to red and spreads across your face. Ugh... Mm, mm. It's a good look on you, this shy happiness. Congratulations! ... Mama... People always said I was unhappy, and they pitied me. But I was never unhappy, because of Mama and Papa. Actually, I was very happy. Xiao... Thank you. Thank you for giving birth to me and raising me. ...It was our pleasure. I have a message from your papa, actually. What? ''My dear, lovely daughter and new son-in-law,'' ''I didn't attend the ceremony because, frankly, I'm jealous.'' Papa... ''However, I believe my dear daughter chose the right man.'' ''So Xiao...'' ''I wish you happiness in this new life you two are forging{LF}together.'' ...Thank you, Papa... ''And this is for Xiao's husband.'' ''If you make her miserable, I will never, ever forgive you.'' ''...I leave my daughter in your hands. But I'll be watching.'' ...Thanks? That's all. I hope you two share a long and happy life together. Congratulations! ♪ Leon... Promise me you'll always protect @しゅじんこうくん@. Of course. You sure do get serious in front of @リンファ@. ...Yeah. It's important to give respect to one's elders, you{LF}know? Huh? Oh...nothing. I didn't say a thing. Are you...flustered? I never thought I'd see the day... Congratulations! ♪ Thank you very much, @リンファ@. Blossom is also really happy for you two. She was talking about you like you were her own son. ...Was she...? Have a long and happy life together. Congratulations. I wish you nothing but happiness! ♪ Congratulations. You sure seem happy, huh? Of course, yes! ♪ That's good. ... You don't tease me like you do every day? Well, today is your special day. This might be the happiest day of your life. So far, yes. But I'll be happier every day from now on! ♪ Is that so...? @しゅじんこうくん@, you hear that? Better make sure you can{LF}live up to those lofty expectations. I have no doubt at all. Congratulations. Best wishes to you two. Thank you very much. I don't think I could possibly be any happier than I am now!{LF}♪ Oh yeah? Well, not right now, anyway. But from here on out, you bet! I'm gonna make @しゅじんこうくん@ happier than she's ever{LF}been before, too! ...You know, I believe that. You go for it, man. Thanks! I'm surprised that a workaholic man like you got married so{LF}soon. But I guess the heart wants what it wants, huh? You just{LF}love @しゅじんこうくん@ that much! What...?! I do. Without question. Huh?! Haha. That was fun. If you listen closely, you can actually{LF}hear the blood rushing to her face! ...You're mean. Congrats. Have a happy life. Thank you very much. Thank you, Leon. So ol' Vishnal got himself married off to @しゅじんこうくん@, eh? You sure it's all right? Without question! ...You're not going to ask me what that's supposed to mean? The answer matters not. Whatever may come, I'll protect her.{LF}Without fail. You can count on that. ...Good news for you, huh, @しゅじんこうくん@? Absolutely. Ha ha. Good. Congrats. I wish you both many happy returns. Thank you, @レオン@. Thank you very much! Congratulations. I think they fell in love with the cute little thing just as fast as{LF}us. They went completely gaga, even! @マップ0@{LF}@0@:00 - @1@:00 A lobster? What in the world...? Porco said it's an amulet or...something. R-really? I mean, seriously?! I have no idea. I guess it's some kind of protective charm. Sure doesn't...look like one, though... It looks like it could still squirm if it wanted to. ...Ack! You've got to be kidding! Is it really still alive?! Oh, sorry. Just a bit of stomach grumbling on my part. What?! Bell Hotel{LF}@0@:00 - @1@:00 Statues of tough-looking animals... These are statues of ''Hinoe'' and ''Kinoto.'' Oh, are those their names? Are they animals from your home{LF}country? It seems...I don't know well. O-okay... I broke that statue the other day. Oh. Did you knock into it with something? Yes. My head. ♪ Your head?! I can see the ocean! There's some ships out there too. I can see a small town, dotted with farms. I can see an island on the sea. I wonder what kind of people{LF}live there. It looks like a wing. I'm guessing it's supposed to welcome{LF}tourists. It looks like a wing. And somebody sure keeps it polished! @しゅじんこうくん@... Congratulations. You are so beautiful. Thank you, Forte. Kiel... Can you make sure you're always there for @しゅじんこうくん@? Of course! I'll protect her, no matter what may come our way. ...Good. Okay. Time to go. Yeah. ...I'll do my best too. Meg... Congratulations. You're absolutely stunning. Thank you, Forte. And... You look really happy. I am. I'm as happy as can be. ♪ Congratulations. I hope you two have a long and happy life{LF}together. Congrats! Both of you! Thank you. Thank you, @キール@. Forte... Thank you very much for everything you've done. Kiel... Thank you, too. @しゅじんこうくん@... I leave my sister in your care from now on. Thanks. ...Hee-hee. Congrats, Vishnal! Have a long and happy life with @しゅじんこうくん@! Congratulations, @しゅじんこうくん@ and Leon! Thank you, @キール@. Thank you. I hope you have a long and happy life together! Congratulations, both of you! Congrats to both of you. Forte's a stubborn one, though, @しゅじんこうくん@. You'd{LF}better watch out. Hey! Oh, believe me, I know. Good to hear. If my best buddy's confident and happy... ...then so am I. Bado... Be happy, Forte. Because if you're not, he's going to blame me, I'm sure. ...Don't worry. I will. Congrats. Thank you. Thank you, Bado! Kiel... Hmm? I've had my eye on you for a long time now. I know you can protect her. What...? Go for it, man. And remember, he's also watching over you from above. He is your dad, after all. Bado... So... Don't let him down. Live your life to the fullest. ...I will. Congrats, both of you. So, Vishnal the butler is now also Vishnal the husband, huh? Indeed! You're going to have to really keep it together, then. 'Cause{LF}those are two tough jobs. You'd better make sure you don't get too easily duped by{LF}unscrupulous individuals like me anymore! I will do my best not to! Might be easier if you stop trying to dupe him in the first{LF}place, though. Congrats, you two. Thank you. Thank you very much, Bado. You've got some busy days ahead of you, huh? A working{LF}man, and a married man to boot! It's true. You'll be all right, though. You always are. Thanks. Just don't forget to take a break from time to time. Learn from me. I'm the master. You are indeed. But I would prefer not to be your protege in{LF}that regard. Yeah, you take a few too MANY breaks, I think... You two sure do make a pretty couple. Hope you have a long and happy life together. Thanks! Congrats. And best of luck to you. Congratulations. You look extremely happy. I've never been happier! I'm sure you haven't. But that means the bar's been set now. And it might be a{LF}hard mark to hit from here on out. ''Dolly! Don't be mean!'' So you need to work hard, @しゅじんこうくん@. You have to make sure each day for her is happier than the{LF}last. Mm. Yes, that sounds nice! ...I know. And I will. You can count on it. Good! ♪ Congratulations. I'm happy for you. Thank you! ♪ ''You look amazing in that dress, and the two of you make{LF}such a cute couple!'' Tee-hee-hee! ♪ I wish you many happy returns, Amber. Because there's nothing more important than happiness. Enough happiness to ensure the people who were left in{LF}that other world can rest easy. So please make sure she stays happy as can be,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. I will. Congrats. ''You two look really good together.'' Congratulations. Jones... ... @しゅじんこうくん@. I leave my daughter in your hands. Thanks. Dolce. I wish you all the happiness in the world. ...Mm. ...Thank you...Dad. ''...'' Congratulations on your marriage. Thank you. Thank you very much, Dr. Jones. Now remember, Arthur has this nasty habit of overworking if{LF}you leave him to his own devices. From now on, it's your job to reel him in, okay? Don't worry, I will. Eheh...heh...heh... Congratulations, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you. With Doug by your side, you've got nothing to worry about{LF}anymore. Huh? Wh-what do you mean, Dr. Jones? Is there...something{LF}I should know about...? Thanks, Dr. Jones! H-hey...! I wish you two a long and happy life together. Congratulations on your union. My goodness! You two just look so perfect together! Thank you, @ナンシー@. ... Dolly, you look gorgeous. ...Thank you. @しゅじんこうくん@! Take good care of Dolly, okay? You bet! Dolly isn't good at expressing her feelings, and she can be a{LF}little blunt sometimes... But she's still a really sweet, cute, wonderful person. And she{LF}gets lonely very easily. I'm really proud of her. And I know she's in good hands. Nancy... *SOB* ...I really appreciate everything you've done for me. You've been like a real mother to me. Dolly...! ''Milady.'' Pico. ''I'm not good in emotional scenes like this, but...'' ''I'll be sticking with you, same as always. And I'll always be{LF}here for you.'' Well...thanks. ''So...'' ''Let me ask you one question.'' What is it? ''...Are you happy with this?'' ...! Of course. I'm as happy as when I first met you. ''...!'' Thank you, Pico. ''...'' ''...I, uh...I've got a thing today, sooo...'' ''@しゅじんこうくん@.'' Hmm? ''Please take good care of milady from now on. Promise!'' I promise. ''...'' ''...Dolly.'' ''...I wish you much love and happiness...'' Pico! You're turning transparent! Don't tell me...! ''...'' No! Pico! PICO!! ''...Not bad, huh? I thought it was pretty convincing, how{LF}about you?'' ... ''Yay! I tricked you, milady! I actually managed to pull one{LF}over on you!'' You... You little... Ahaha...ha ha... ''Just look at what you've gotten yourself into. Should be fun{LF}times ahead for us three, huh?'' ''@しゅじんこうくん@...'' ...You bet. Congratulations! You look so beautiful, Forte! Th-thank you... Are you embarrassed? You never change at all! ♪ She's beautiful, isn't she, @しゅじんこうくん@? She sure is. And she's all mine! ...! Tee-hee-hee! ♪ You two make a great couple! ♪ Congratulations! Xiao, you look great in that dress! ♪ D-do I?! Yes, very much! ♪ Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? She looks stunning. W-wow. I am...very flattered! I bet Lin Fa was also really happy for you. What? She told me something once. She said your dad is proud that you turned out to be such a{LF}cute, sweet person. And your mom is proud to have given birth to someone so{LF}lovely, in every way. Mama said that...? She did. I see. ... Your parents are really kind people, aren't they? ...Yes, of course! Congratulations! @しゅじんこうくん@! May your married life be joyous! ...Thank you. @しゅじんこうくん@! Take good care of your wife, okay? You bet! People in the town welcomed the new life we brought into{LF}the world with feverish levels of excitement. @マップ0@{LF}Weekdays: @0@:00 - @1@:00{LF}Holidays: @2@:00 - @3@:00 @マップ0@{LF}@0@:00 - @1@:00 Vacant House Congratulations on your marriage, both of you! I really hope you two have a long and happy life! Ah, thank you. Wow... Forte, you look stunning! Thank you, Meg. @しゅじんこうくん@. Promise you'll make her happy. ...'Cause if you don't, I'll take her away from you! Uh, d-don't worry. I'll make her happy for sure! A-ahem. @しゅじんこうくん@. Ha ha ha. Look at her blush! Okay, go on, now. There are{LF}plenty of other well-wishers! Hi, Amber. You look so beautiful. Thank you! @しゅじんこうくん@. Take good care of her, you hear? Yes, of course! Good. Okay, go on, now! Many other well-wishers await! ♪ So you won @しゅじんこうくん@'s heart, huh? Umm, yeah. I guess I did! She's too good for you, you know! Sh-shut up. I-I know she is. Oh, come on, now. I'm just messing with you. Honestly, you{LF}two look great together. ...I know that, too. Best wishes, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ Ah, thank you! ♪ Wooow. Clorica, you're soooo gorgeous! ♪ Thank you. You are sooo lucky to have a beautiful wife like her. I couldn't agree more. Whaa?! Haha! Look at that red spread! I think you struck a nerve, you{LF}lucky dog! C-come on, stop...! But you look so happy! ♪ ...That's because...I am. Congrats, Meg! ♪ Heh. Thanks! You look sooo happy! I wish I could be a blushing bride! ...It really is the best! ♪ Tee-hee! ♪ Congratulations on your wedding, both of you! ♪ Thank you. Thanks. I wish you two--er, you three--lots of happiness! ...Thanks. Congrats! ♪ Congratulations. Be nice to each other, now! I don't want to be doing any infidelity investigations on you{LF}two! So, you finally won @しゅじんこうくん@'s heart. Miss Lumie?! I've been consulting with her about you for a long time now. Hey! Y-you didn't have to tell him that! Why not? It's cute! Besides, you're a married couple now. No more secrets{LF}between you two! Mm. That's true! Okay. Thank you, Miss Lumie! Best wishes! ♪ Remember, you're husband and wife now. Whatever happens... You overcome it together! You bet! We're going to be just fine, forever and ever! @しゅじんこうくん@. Take good care of Amber. I will. ... ...C-congratulations. Congrats! Best wishes! So. Married, huh? Guess we won't be able to scrap with one another over{LF}stupid things anymore. ...Well, you're sure in a serious mood today. Well, what kind of mood did you expect me to be in on a{LF}day like this?! ... ... ...Well, c-congratulations... Have a happy life with @しゅじんこうくん@. I will. Congratulations on your wedding. I hope you share a long{LF}and happy life together. Doug... I never thought I'd see the day you got yourself married off... H-hey, don't cry, now... It's embarrassing! Embarrassing for whom?! You have no idea how much I've been worried about you all{LF}this time! You didn't even smile when you first came to this town. Granny... You have to protect @しゅじんこうくん@ from here on out. ...I know.{LF}I'll protect @しゅじんこうくん@, no matter what! And it was with that warmth from the town that our little{LF}@子供ちゃん@ grew up into a happy, healthy toddler. @マップ0@{LF}Weekdays: @0@:00 - @1@:00 {LF}Holidays: @2@:00 - @3@:00 ''And this is the house where @しゅじんこうくん@, Lumie and{LF}Amber live!'' ♪ ''This is Lumie and Amber's place!'' ♪ @マップ0@{LF}Weekdays: @0@:00 - @1@:00{LF}Holidays: @2@:00 - @3@:@4@ Vacant House (He's so close to me...) (My heart's beating so fast...) (@しゅじんこうくん@ can't hear this sound...can he?) ...! Don't you...like this? N-no. I was just...surprised. It's okay if it's you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Your hands are so warm... Mmm... With every pat, I get more and more...relaxed... ...Zzz... *POKE* ...Oogh! ...My turn. Hyah! *POKE* Huh?! Can I stay like this, please? ... (He's so warm...) ...?! A sudden kiss...? Sorry... You don't have to be sorry... Girls need some time to prepare for a kiss, though. As a gentleman, you should always ask first. *THUMPA{LF}THUMPA THUMPA* I feel so relieved when I'm with you. ...I feel like I can grab that cloud. @しゅじんこうくん@, lift me up! ...? L-lift you up?! Hold my body and lift me up. Why? Because I wanna grab the cloud! You want to...what now?! I don't think that's possible. Awww... It looks so delicious, though! That's too bad. Just do it. Come on, hurry! It's going away! O-o-okay! Here we go! It's tooooo faaaaar... (And...wow, he's actually holding me right now, huh!) *THUMPA THUMPA* C-can you put me down now? S-sure. ... (The atmosphere has gotten kind of tense and awkward,{LF}huh...) Uh, hey... I'm sorry for asking you to do something so weird and stupid. I-it's fine. You can ask me to do weird and stupid things for{LF}you anytime. ... Let's come up to this observatory again sometime, okay? The view from here is just...so great, you know? This is my favorite place to be. I could stay here forever. You like this place that much? Uh-huh. Seeing the sky spreading out in all directions is just so...{LF}magical... Don't you think? Yeah, I agree. I don't know... Really? I told Lumie the same thing, and she laughed it off. ...When I'm here... I feel like the sky is cradling me in its arms and rocking me to{LF}sleep. And the sun says, ''Stay right where you are,'' and shines light{LF}on me that warms me up. And if I get too warm, gentle winds blow across my body to{LF}cool me down and make me comfy. They reassure me...that I'm not alone. ...Ah! What am I talking about? Y-you must think I've lost my mind{LF}or something! Forget I said anything. Please! I...see. Lumie said the same thing. I'm a little disappointed. The stars sure are beautiful, aren't they? It's so cold out, though. Yes, but because of that cold weather, we can see the stars{LF}a lot more clearly. Really? Why is that? Well...I don't know, actually! Awww. If you don't know the details, then why did you say{LF}anything in the first place?! *Look at the sky* *Ask about her wish* Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? What did you wish for? Come to think of it, I didn't wish for anything yet. Well, then let's make our wishes together! So what did you wish for? Actually, I didn't wish for anything at all yet! All right. Then let's make our wishes together! Okey doke! What did you wish for? May your wish come true. Hmmm... It's a secret! Oh, it will. I'm sure of it. All real wishes come true if you believe they will. Shall we go home, then? Sure! This is fun, huh? Y-Yes! (@しゅじんこうくん@ is getting closer...) (Her hair is so beautiful...) (I want to touch it so badly...) Ah...! You don't like it...? N-no! No no no no no! I-I mean, that's not it! I do! I really do! I've wanted to hold your hand this whole time, and I was so{LF}focused on that... ...I-I'm so glad to be here with you like this. Ha ha ha... But isn't that normally what men do? I wanted to caress your head. You don't...like it? ... Actually, I like being patted on the head. It feels...stimulating. *POKE* Hey, what har who dooing? Physical contact! ♪ *POKE* *POKE* *POKE* @しゅじんこうくん@... Your cheeks are puffy like rice cakes! ♪ Wha?! Ah! H-hey, s-st...! You want me to stop? What are you talking about?! Stay like dis, please! ...''Like dis''? ...I mean... ...I want to stay like this with you forever. ...! Only once, okay? Okay. @しゅじんこうくん@'s lips were soft and supple... I'm always excited when I'm with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Do you believe in destiny? Yes, I do. All signs point to no. Do you, now? So do I. And I am truly grateful for the destiny I've been given. I see. Well, I believe. And I am truly grateful for the destiny I've been given. Because I can be with you like this. As a wise man once said, life's a happy song when there's{LF}someone by your side to sing along. Watch out. Don't fall. I'm fine. Still. Be careful. Best not to take any unnecessary risks. But even if you fall, I will catch you. I'll be waiting. I'm here to protect you, @しゅじんこうくん@. The observatory certainly lives up to the rumors. It's...high. And scary at night. ... What are you doing? Even if one climbs up as high as can be, he still can't touch{LF}the stars. *SIGH* They're a lot higher up than that. Oh, I realize that. But...if I just try...a little harder...! You can't. And probably shouldn't. Well, then let's worry about the stars later. For now, what{LF}say we make a wish? Sounds good. ... ... Mm... What did you wish for? Did you make a wish? I wished I could be with you forever. ... I know it's going to come true anyway...but just in case, I felt{LF}it couldn't hurt to make a wish. It's...going to come true? It will. I'll never leave you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Not now, not{LF}ever. I'll always stay by your side. Thank you... Um...well... Something you'd prefer not to say? Huh? Ah, yes! That's precisely it! I see... I thought you'd wish to be an ever-respected butler. But...that's not what you wished for, now, is it? W-well...let's just leave it alone, shall we? You're right. Wishes are personal things. I have to respect{LF}that. (I hate to be evasive, but how can I tell her I wished to be{LF}with her forever?) (I can't. It's just...too embarrassing...but...) I did. How about you, @しゅじんこうくん@? I did too. I want for nothing! I see...so you did make a wish. ...What? Is something wrong? No, it's...nothing. Never mind. (I made a wish with her at the tower. If the legend is true, it{LF}means...we'll...) ... @ビシュナル@? ...?! Are you okay? S-sorry! I was lost in thought. What?! Hmm? Did I say something I shouldn't? No...no, nothing like that. I wanted us to make wishes here...together... Shall we go home? I'll take you to your room. Thank you. I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. It's my pleasure. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. Ready to go home? I am. I want to stay with you. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. What...?! Erm... Um... Th-this is kind of embarrassing, isn't it? Heheh... Aha ha... ... Eek...! Oh, sorry... I-it's okay. I was just surprised. O-okay. I was afraid I'd...upset you... ... (Mm...) Huh...? ... ... Wha...?! Your hair is beautiful, @フォルテ@. Is it...? May I caress your head again? I would...prefer you not. It's...a little embarrassing. EEP! @フォルテ@... You're sensitive, aren't you? A-anyone would be surprised to have that done to them so{LF}suddenly! Seriously, now... *POKE* Whaa!! HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Huh? Huh?! Um... @しゅじんこうくん@...? I, uh... (...Mmm...warm...) ...? ...?! ...!! @フォルテ@...? M...My cheek?! How about we take a walk together for a while? From here, we can look out on the town. We can. It's too high to serve any sort of military surveillance{LF}purposes, though. But I can see Kiel from here. In this weather, I can't see the town at all... Really? I can see Kiel from here, actually. And...I can see you clearly. Huh...? N-nothing! I didn't say anything! Hey, look! It's Kiel! Don't change the subject. Huh? Where?! No, he's over there. ...?! Can you find me, too? U-um... Can you? Hmmm... ...It's not...impossible. Look! There! (He's distracted. Good.) Ah... What's wrong? N-nothing. It just seems our faces are a bit...close to one{LF}another. Oh... ''...'' ...?! Oh... Really? Um, er... Are you all right? I just wanted to...change the subject... I mean... ...I-I'm sorry! Beautiful view, isn't it? Yes... The rain is so peaceful, don't you think? Yes... The world is so quiet and still when it snows, don't you{LF}think? Yes... So windy today... Yes... Is there anything fluffier than a cloud? If there is, I don't want to know about it. So...just the two of us, huh? ...Yes. When you first came to this town, I never imagined that... ...I would feel this way about you. It's the same for me. What way? I appreciate it. Huh? I never thought there could be so many feelings in my heart. And I never knew just what a wonderful a sensation that{LF}was. Falling in love...changes the world. Or at least, one's outlook{LF}on it. ...So, again...I appreciate it. From the bottom of my heart. ...By which...I mean... I, uh... I...am in... I-I...I...love you. Huh? I said... ...Oh, never mind! We can look out at the whole town from here. Yeah. I love this town. And I love the people here just as much. *Gaze into her eyes* *Take her hand* ... @しゅじんこうくん@. Today is @カレンダー0@. ...How about we make wishes? Ah... ...Oh, yes! Wishes! Let's make wishes! Today is @カレンダー0@. So...they'll come true. I'm{LF}sure of it! ...What did you wish for? How about you, @フォルテ@? I wished... Well... Do you really want to know? ...I can't tell you, because if I say it, it will melt away into the{LF}vast expanse before us. ...Uhh... We should keep our wishes in our hearts. That's what my mother used to tell me. Do you...believe that? I'm not sure. You're...not sure? Correct. But don't you think it's a lovely sentiment? The{LF}imagery of wishes as delicate meltables! Ready to go home? Yeah. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@... I can't explain why, but I'm a little nervous right now. ... ... (My heart is pounding fast...) (But it's not because I dislike this situation or anything!) ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Huh? Wh-what's up? What's wrong? Why were you so surprised? I-it's nothing! Never mind! Did you...want to ask me{LF}something? Well, it's more like...a request. I, uh...I want to hold your hand. Huh...? ...You mind? N-no. I wanted to hold your hand, too. Really?! ♪ All right, then! Heeere weeee gooo! *SQUEEZE* ...This kind of situation sure is nerve-wracking, huh? Yeah, it is. YAAGH! Aha haha! That tickles, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're really cute, @キール@. No, you! What? You're cute! Eheh... Ha! You're blushing! I win! ♪ ...! Hey, what are you doing? Your face just looked so squishy and cute! Okay, then. I'll touch yours too! Whoa! Tee-hee! ♪ What? Um... ... You're warm, @しゅじんこうくん@. You too, @キール@. Mm... ... ... Hey...@キール@? Hmm? What is it? You just...seemed to be zoning out. I wanted to bring you{LF}back to earth. Did I? ...Hey, can I ask you something, @しゅじんこうくん@? Sure. M-my heart is beating like crazy. H-how can I make it stop? I'm sorry...? I still want to stay here with you for a while longer. Phew... Finally reached the top! Look. The sky seems so close! I feel like I can reach out and{LF}touch it! This place is like a piece of the sky. I feel like I can touch the edge of the clouds from here. What do you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? Can I do it? Believe, man. Not a chance. Right?! ♪ I know in my head that the sky has no edge. But when I'm here, I can't help thinking, what if? And that what-if spirit has served me well in life so far. I want to embrace it. To make it a part of me. Mmm... I hope the future lets me explore every last one of my what-if{LF}questions. Well aren't you a party pooper! Don't you have any romance? Any spark of wonderment? ...Though I have to admit, your pragmatism is part of what I{LF}love about you. ♪ Mm... Um... Thank you. You're very welcome! ♪ ... @キール@? When I climb up to high places, I always start to feel kind of{LF}strange. The place I'm standing starts to look smaller and smaller... And I realize just how big the world around me is and begin{LF}feeling overwhelmed. Maybe that's why I like things I can't see so much. What do you mean? Well...like words, or feelings. They just seem so much more{LF}reliable to me. So much more real. The bond between people is the most precious thing in the{LF}world. Like the connection between you and me? Huh? ...Well, yes, just like that! Mm. I agree. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yes? If you're ever having any trouble, you're always free to talk{LF}with me about it. I'll come running, no matter what I'm doing. @キール@... Whatever the situation may be... I'll always protect you. ...Thanks. Wow! Look, @しゅじんこうくん@! Look at all the stars! No kidding... Ooh, you see that one? That yellow star over there? That's called a wishing star! Where? I don't see it! A wishing star? Right there! Look, look! Umm... You don't see it? No, I don't. ...Okay. Here. Wha?! H-hey, @キール@...! Now we're watching the sky from the same angle. Much{LF}better, right? Um...but, our cheeks are touching... Never mind that. Look! You can see it now, right? ...Y-yeah. Yeah. Least, that's what I hear people are calling them these days. I see... ...And I made a wish upon that star, you know. I wished I could be with you forever. Huh...? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Do you still want to be with me forever? Absolutely. Not really. I'm glad to hear it. You don't...? I don't really think we can just promise to stay together{LF}''forever'' and leave it at that. If we want to stay together, we should make an effort to{LF}that end and just...see what happens. So how about instead of just saying the words, we both{LF}work together to make sure it happens? ...That's the way I see it, anyway. Hmm. Interesting. ...Oh, hey! Come to think of it, I promised you, didn't I? You...promised me? Promised me what, exactly? I promised you if you came here with me, I'd tell you{LF}something. Oh, yeah, I guess you did. Well, then tell you something I shall! Namely, that today is the day our wishes come true.{LF}Whatever we wish for, upon the heavens... Huh? I sure hope our wishes both come true, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? Come on. I'll walk you back. You sure that's okay? Of course! After all, if I walk you back home, that means I{LF}get to stay with you a little longer! ... Okay, let's go! ♪ Hee hee. Actually, I'd been thinking something just like that. So how about this: Let's stay together just a liiiiittle bit longer{LF}right now! Sound good? ♪ Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? All right! Let's head home! ♪ Sounds good. Hmm? You want to spend more time with me, then? Can I come a little closer to you? Wha...? ...Uh, sure. Come on over. ... ... (I wonder if @しゅじんこうくん@ is enjoying himself...) (I wonder if now's a good time...) Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Can I...hold your hand? S-sure. ... (I did it! @字@) Hmm? Mm. That's nice. ... (It's kind of nice to have somebody to lean on every now{LF}and again. @字@) *POKE* Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're such a tease! ...Am I? Well, if that's the way you want to play it... *POKE* *GLOMP* ?! Uh... @しゅじんこうくん@? If Porco sees us, he's gonna be mad. ...Ahh, who cares?! @字@ ...! ...What was that, all of a sudden?! Eheh. Heh... All right, mister, you're going to get it now! @字@ I want to see you more. Sure is windy... Are you okay, @マーガレット@? Yes. I'm sort of scared, but I'm okay. Listen, @しゅじんこうくん@. I have something I want to ask you. Do you think it's fate that we met? Definitely fate. Just a coincidence. I'd been watching you... So you think so too, huh? Seems like a pretty childish thing to believe, doesn't it? Not at all! I feel exactly the same way. There's no question in my mind{LF}that we were destined to meet. Hee-hee. I really want that to be true. C'mon, @しゅじんこうくん@! Where's your romantic spirit?! Eheh... Sorry. Well, doesn't matter to me either way. Coincidence is just{LF}another word for fate, really. What? Seriously?! No, I'm just messing with you! I'm scared of heights... But I'm really impressed by this view. Me too. ...I don't want to go home... Huh? How about I kidnap you and we run away together? ...Are you serious?! We can elope! Hee hee... Can you imagine?! @マーガレット@... ...@しゅじんこうくん@, can we stay here for a little while longer? Wow, we're so high up... Come here. It's okay. I got you. Huh? O...okay. *THUMPA THUMPA* Come to think of it, your house is pretty high up too, isn't it? Ah, yes, it is. Why are you living there? You're scared of heights, aren't{LF}you? Well, you see... I was planning to live with Porco in the beginning... But Porco rented out that house on my behalf, out of respect{LF}for my privacy. I see. That makes sense. Yeah. But back then, he had no idea I was scared of heights,{LF}sooo... Eheh...heh... When he found out, he swore up and down he'd find me{LF}another place. But I was just so grateful to him for getting me that one, I{LF}couldn't let him go through with it. So I practically begged him to let me continue living there. Wow. That's quite the tale of mixed signals and courteous{LF}concessions! Besides, even though I am scared of heights, that doesn't{LF}mean I don't LIKE heights... Wait...how does that work? When I was a child, I did some tower climbing with my dad. The view from there was...simply breathtaking. It was like I had the whole world in the palm of my hand... Sounds...moving, I guess? Yeah. It really had an effect on me. A lasting one. So as long as I've got you to keep me safe, I can look out on{LF}this amazing scenery in comfort. And burn it into my memory for all time. I will never forget this moment. I mean, just look! Have you ever been anywhere more{LF}moving, more freeing in your entire life?! ...I'm not sure I have. At least, that's how it feels being here{LF}with you, anyway. The sky is absolutely beautiful today. ... ...@マーガレット@? ...I'm scared of heights, so... Can I hold your hand...? Sure. Let me think about it. *GRIP* ... Is that better? Yes. Thank you. ...You're mean. Hmph. But that's fine. ...Hey, have you ever heard the legend of the wishing star? On this day, any wishes we make upon the wishing star will{LF}come true. Or so it goes. So how about it? Let's wish upon the star. Together. ...Mm. There we go. What did you wish for? Will it come true? ... Not telling! ♪ ...Well, as long as I work toward making it come true, I'm{LF}pretty confident it will. Know what I mean? Ready to go home? Sure. Mrng... ... ... ... Let me just say this... ...? I... I'm happy, you know? ...Me too. ...! ... You...don't like it...? ...Idiot. How could I not?! Whew! Glad to hear it. I don't want to ever let you go. Ah, I can't reach! What are you doing...? Well, I, uh...I just thought your hair style seemed oddly{LF}inviting. Well, two can play at that game. I'll pat you on the head{LF}too! Take that! Hey, stop it! You're messing up my hair! Ha ha ha. It looks good that way. It...does? ...You're so pure and stupid. ...Hyaa! ...! Wh-what was that, exactly? ...It was exactly what it seemed. Once more, from the top! ...Mess with me all you want. *GLOMP* ?! Wh-what? What are you doing?! Nothing. Everything. I don't even know. I just want to be{LF}with you. ...! Man, you really are an...ahhh, what the hell! *GLOMP* @ディラス@, can you squat down a little? Huh? Okay... *SMOOCH* !!! Wh-whoa! You're way too tall. Makes it tough for me to reach you. W-what the?! Geez... A-aren't I supposed to be the one to pull that kinda stuff,{LF}being the man and all?! Sure is windy today... Are you okay? Dying. You tell me. TAH-DAAAH!! Mmrrrrnnnllggghhh... H-hey! Seriously, you all right?! Just...a little tired. Okay. How about we sit down here for a little bit? Sure... I have water. You want some? Thanks. It's really windy. You should stay behind me. Ah... Thank you. ...Well, you're certainly chipper! Well, why shouldn't I be? This is fun! Mm. Yeah, it really is. Uhhh...what? Nothing. Just...making noises. The sky is so clear today. ...Yeah, it is. We can make wishes, if you want. Sounds good. ... So what did you wish for? N-nothing big. How about you? My wish...is for you. It's a secret. Oh, come on, just tell me! Wha?! For m-m-me?! ...I may not know what exactly you wished for... ...but I really hope we wished for the same thing. Rrng... Man, not knowing is really going to bother me! Well, fine. Mine's a secret too, then! It's actually really embarrassing. Hard to bring myself to say{LF}it... ... ...Don't laugh, okay? I won't. There is one thing I really want, more than anything else in{LF}the whole world. And what would that be? ...To spend more time...with you. Ready to head home? I'll walk you back. You would do that for me? I want to stay with you... Of course! Shall we, then? Y-you do? All right...let's stay together a bit longer, then. Ready to go home? Sure. I want to stay with you... Y-you do? All right...let's stay together a bit longer, then. Can I come closer to you...? Excuse me? Uhh, never mind... ... What...? This is fun, isn't it? ...Yeah. (Okay. I can do this. I'm going to take his hand in mine!) *GRIP* ... What's wrong? Ah, umm... (Doesn't even seem like he noticed...) *SQUEEZE* Ah...! (He squeezed back!) ...You started it. So I won't let go, even if you ask. ... Wha...? You push yourself too hard, @アーサー@. You should{LF}take a rest from time to time. ... ...Okay. *POKE* ... Umm...how am I supposed to respond to that? Ugh... I was just trying to be... playful, I guess. Don't mind me. Huh? Look, it was nothing, oka-- You look cute when you blush. Nng... *GLOMP* What the?! Um... Uh, what is this...? I can hear your heart beating fast, @アーサー@. Rrrg... ...I am a man, you know. Hmm? ... *EMBRACE* *SMOOCH* ?! Consider it...a show of my gratitude. For everything you've{LF}done on my behalf. I-I see... ...Wait. This is your way of saying thanks? Do you...do that to{LF}everyone? What?! Ah, nothing! Nothing! Sorry. That was very rude, and it can't{LF}possibly be true anyway! I was just...taken aback. It just slipped out, without me{LF}thinking about it. ...I want to make you mine. What...? Will you...stay with me? Just for a bit longer? We're here. We are indeed. ...Such a breathtaking view! It sure is. It has a different feel altogether when compared with the{LF}view from the airship, no? Look down there. That's Porcoline's place. And that's the castle, isn't it? Look, there's someone standing in front of the shop. It's{LF}probably Doug. Yeah, I think you're right. Ah, and he has a visitor! That must be Dylas. They're probably arguing again like usual. If you listen closely{LF}you can almost hear them bicker! Haha. Sounds about right! I wonder if they can see us too. They wouldn't be able to recognize us from all the way{LF}down there, I don't think. Most likely not, no. So if I do something embarrassing to you, they'll be none the{LF}wiser... What?! Haha. I'm just kidding. Come on! That was mean! Hahaha... We can see the stars better from here. Or perhaps they simply look better due to present{LF}company... Huh...? Come to think of it, today is the day that wishes are said to{LF}come true... Since we've come all this way, we shouldn't miss our chance{LF}to send out wishes of our own. Oh...yeah, that's true. Come, then. Let's make a wish. ... ... @アーサー@, you have a very stern expression on your{LF}face... I'm a stern man. And I also take this very seriously. The power of charms...{LF}should never be underestimated. When I'm traveling around the world on business, I meet{LF}many people from many regions. Each with his own beliefs and his own stylings. Learning the charms and rituals of different regions helps me{LF}understand the world better. Sending wishes to the stars, for example, motivates us to{LF}face whatever the future may hold. And that tells me the people who believe in such a charm{LF}most likely have positive outlooks. I see... But simply practicing a charm in passing won't do at all. The{LF}tradition must be respected. To be trusted, you need to trust. And... To trust, you need to be trusted. You taught me that. So I firmly believe, with all my heart, that the wish I make{LF}here today will come true. @アーサー@... Of course, this belief is truthfully rather shallow. Respect for tradition is important, but I can only believe what{LF}I see with my own eyes. So I'm not just wishing...I'm thinking. Thinking of a practical way to MAKE my wish come true. ... I hope it does. What is your wish? Thank you. If you're on my side, then I'm ever more certain that my wish{LF}will be granted. To be able to see the stars here next year as well...and{LF}again, with you by my side. What...? I want us to stay like this always, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh. O-okay... ...Haha. Let's go home, shall we? I'll walk you to your door. You would do that for me? I want to stay with you... But of course! Come. Let's be off! O-oh, you wish to remain here a bit longer? Certainly! Shall we go? Sure. I want to stay with you... O-oh, you wish to remain here a bit longer? Certainly! H-hey...?! Uh, you are too close, yes? Oh, sorry! I guess you'd...prefer I keep my distance? Oh, no, nothing like that! It's just...well... ...Well what? Oogh... I...I don't like when people look at me from too close. I don't{LF}think I look so good in detail. (Foolish Xiao! Now is your chance to say to him, ''Let's hold{LF}hands!'' Go, go!) @シャオパイ@... Would you mind if I...held your hand? Huh?! S-sure. That's...okay with me. All right, then. ... ... Are you...blushing...? Oh, stop! ...What are you doing? Well, you're just so adorable, I couldn't resist! I-I'm...adorable? But... ...But I'm older than you... You didn't like it? ... ...?! Too slow! *PRESS* ... ...You can do that to me all you want. Ugh! *GLOMP* ...?! Um... ...This is...very warm. *SMOOCH* Wha?! Tee-hee. Y-you're surprised, yes? Um... ...Yeah. Actually, I was just about to do the same thing. What? I was a split second away from turning to face you. If you{LF}were one second later, we might've... Oh...r-really...? ...Well, that doesn't sound so... Huh? N-nothing! Never mind! Umm...I still want to spend a little more time with you, if{LF}that's okay. Yes. This is a beautiful view. I saw this kind of view a lot when I was traveling with Papa. I only wish the weather were a bit nicer. Yeah... The view from here on sunny days is breathtaking. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Do you like this town? Yes, I do. Weeeell... How about you, @シャオパイ@? I'm glad to hear it. Of course, I also like this town. Maybe when you and I look out at this scenery, we focus our{LF}eyes on the same thing. We just might. If it is such, then I hope we can continue taking in this same{LF}view forever. ...Me too. Oh, your face says no. You don't like it? Ah, well, you see... No, it's fine! Everyone is entitled to an opinion. But I want you to like it someday if it's possible. Because I'm glad if someone I love likes what I like. Oh...okay. Of course, I love this town, yes? But I sometimes miss the old days. You want to go traveling? Hmm... I don't know. If I left this town, I would no longer see you or Mama, and{LF}that would be so lonely! Huh? ...Don't make me say it again. It's too embarrassing. ??? Wow! I always feel so exhilarated when I climb up to such a high{LF}place! ♪ Even on a cloudy day, it's so beautiful. Don't you agree, @しゅじんこうくん@? Yeah, it really is. Mm... Maybe it's because I'm with you that I find it so, yes? Huh? ...Nothing. You need to listen better! I want to keep looking up at the sky like this. Forever and ever. With you at my side the whole time. I'd like that. Tee-hee! ♪ *SIGH* It's cold, @しゅじんこうくん@. Yeah... But it seems the air is so clear. The stars look really{LF}beautiful. Like jewels in the sky... It's brilliant, yes? ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? You know the word, ''optimistic''? That is my favorite word. It is how I wish to view the world. Same here. How come? Mm. The opposite is ''pessimistic.'' When people are depressed,{LF}they look down and see only the bad. Books often say things like, ''He hung his head,'' or, ''She{LF}lowered her gaze.'' So pessimistic! I don't think that's quite the same thing... But after you cry, you have to face up and look forward. That{LF}is how I wish to live my life. Mm... Because you look forward, and you feel you can start{LF}walking again. But you can't change anything if you keep standing still. So face up, look forward, and keep going! If you do like such... Then someday, you can find something precious. Like I did. Because I have you in front of me. And you are{LF}precious. @シャオパイ@... And if someone as simple like me can find a person that is{LF}wonderful like you... ...then I'm certain anyone else can do it too. Just like I found you, @シャオパイ@. ...Yes! ...Shall we head back? Sure. Would it be okay if I came a little closer to you? Certainly! ♪ I feel...happy... Me too. I hope I can live like this every day. May I hold your hand? Of course! ♪ *SQUEEZE* ...What the...? What's wrong? Ummm... My face feels really hot all of a sudden... It's not like we're doing anything different than usual, though.{LF}How strange... Hahaha! That tickles! *TICKLE* *TICKLE* Acck! Cut it out! You're embarrassing me! ...Seriously?! Pfft, no! I just wanted to make you panic a little! ♪ *POKE* ... *SLURP* Whaaa?! ...? *GLOMP* @しゅじんこうくん@...? @コハク@... You're so warm... Umm... ...I'm actually a little hot right now. You give off a LOT of{LF}body heat... Now's my chance! ?! Hahaha... *SMOOCH* Wha...? Ah... See, I just...wanted to get you back, that's all... ...Mmmrrrnng... ...@コハク@? I just want to stay with you for a little while longer. Would that be okay? Whooooa! ♪ We're so high up! This is awesome! ♪ Pity the weather isn't a little better, though. Yeah... You sure do like high places, huh? You bet! I feel gooood up here! How about you? Not a fan? I like high places too. I never thought about it. I'm quivering like jelly. If only you had wings like mine! Then we could take a walk in the sky together. That does sound fun. Oh well. Guess all I can really do is try describing the{LF}experience to you. I guess...you probably don't think about the sky all that{LF}much, right? Well, imagine... ...thinking back about it at the end of every day.{LF}Remembering, vividly, how it looked and felt. That...actually sounds kind of nice. I see. Well, I hope I'm able to get you to think about them a little{LF}more as time goes on! *SIGH* ... ...How about one little push? I really, really want to push{LF}you! Nooooo nonononononono... Not now, not ever! I see. ...I'm a little bit sad to hear that. Why? Because I like high places. And I'd like to go to more high places with you,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. @コハク@... Maybe...I can get you used to them little by little. And maybe{LF}you'll even come to like them! ... ...Okay. ... @コハク@? *GLOMP* Whaaa?! ... Um, hey...? ...I'm coooold. Oh. You...don't like cold weather, huh? Do you want to head down? I'll warm you up! Huh-uh. I want to stay here. But... *SHIVER* *SHIVER* Are you...sure...? ...I will not leave here until I make a wish with you! *GLOMP* ... ... ... ...I do...feel a little warmer now... So if you don't like cold weather, why did you bring me{LF}here? ...Because it's @カレンダー0@ today. Hmm? What's that? It's an annual event where they say you can wish upon the{LF}stars and your wishes will come true. Oh. Okay. How exactly does it work? I don't know. What?! Everybody seems to describe the tradition a little differently. So I'm not actually sure which version to believe. O-oh... It must be a pretty old tradition, then, I take it? Probably{LF}half-forgotten... Well, all that says to me is that we can believe whatever we{LF}want to believe. ...And you really think that'll work? I do. ... ...Okay. Let's give it a shot! This is the highest point in town. We're as close to the stars{LF}as we can get. So from here, I'm sure the stars will be able to hear us. What will you wish for? What should I wish for? Oh, that's easy. I want to be with Lumie and all the townsfolk... I want to be with Lumie, Venti and all the townsfolk... ...and you, of course. Forever and ever. I never, ever want to get separated from anyone anymore.{LF}That's my wish. ... Did you have any wish in mind? Hmmm... If you haven't decided yet, you can always just wish with me! Huh? What do you...? Make a wish like, ''Please grant Amber's wish.'' Double the{LF}odds! Oh, I see. ...Okay. I can do that. Yaaay! ♪ ... ... Do you think our wishes will come true? Hmm? I hope they will... ...Yeah, me too. Okay, ready to go home? Sure thing! Hmm? ... What's wrong? You feeling lonely? No, it's nothing like that. I just... ...Okay. Then, um... Why don't you come a little closer? You're not the only one who wants to get as close as{LF}possible, you know! Hmm? S-sorry. Guess you'd rather I not do that, huh? Don't be stupid. You can take my hand anytime you'd like! Your hands are really warm... ...What are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. Yeah, I can tell. But why, exactly? Well, if that's the way it's going to be, two can play at that{LF}game! Huh?! Don't like it? I didn't say that! Good. Your hair's so soft and silky... *POKE* Hey! Okay, you asked for it! *JAB* Ow! Ha! Gotcha! ... *GLOMP* Wha...? Whaaaaaat?! You were thinking of doing something to me, weren't you?{LF}Admit it! H-how did you know?! ...Whoa, you really were?! I was just joking! N-no, I wasn't-- I know what you're thinking. ?! What's this, all of a sudden? Tee-hee... ...Well, then I'll... Then I'll kiss you! ?! ...Tee-hee. You got some soft cheeks, you know that? (I really hope @しゅじんこうくん@'s enjoying this...) This place is shaking more than I expected. Yeah... Feels like it could collapse at any minute. Oh, come on! Don't say that! Ahh, don't worry. Whatever happens, I'll protect you. Thank you... I'm going to use Escape. What about everyone else? That's a pretty bold statement, though. What, you think I can't save a girl I love? Whatever happens and whenever it happens, I swear I'll{LF}keep you out of harm's way, @しゅじんこうくん@! Wh-whoa, hold on, now! What about me?! ... You can just run as fast as your little legs will carry you! So you're just going to leave me behind?! No, of course not. Ehh?! @ダグ@, I believe in you. I know you can make it out{LF}of here on your own. O-oh. Okay. Thanks, I...I guess. ...As if! You think I'm buying that load of crap?! Ha ha ha! Well, I wouldn't really mind if we were the only two people{LF}in the world, honestly... But I guess we do owe the other townsfolk, huh? Can't just{LF}leave them. I'm thinking @ブロッサム@ should be the first person we{LF}save. G-granny? Why her?! Because I know you, @ダグ@. And I know how much{LF}she means to you. ... I like this place. We can be all alone here. All alone, huh? ...What's the matter? Ohh, I get it! You heard the words ''all alone'' and started thinking all{LF}kinds of crazy thoughts about me, huh? Wh-what?! Eww! No way! Huh? That's so adorable! You're so innocent and naive... I just love{LF}that about you! Hey now, don't try to act all innocent! You know what I{LF}mean. Aww, come on, you don't have to be such an ice queen{LF}about it! Well, that kind of kills the mood in here... Ehh, that's just how I roll. Besides, if I were trying to be nice all the time, you'd think{LF}something was wrong with me! Absolutely. Hey! ...You could've at least hesitated before answering... You started it. *SIGH* Anyway, let's make some wishes! We can't miss this chance or we'll have to wait till next year! Good call. ... ... All right. So what did you wish for? May our wishes come true. I don't want to jinx it, so my lips are sealed! Admit it. You're just too bashful to reveal your innermost{LF}desires! Could easy be. But either way, I ain't saying a thing! Yeah, I really hope they do. Actually, maybe mine already has. What do you mean? ...Never mind. You're acting a little peculiar today, you know that? ... Ready to head home? I'll walk you back. Thanks. I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. Come on. R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. Ready to go home? Yeah. I want to stay with you. R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. ... ...If you want to get closer, just say it. Oh... How did you...? You looked so nervous. You're a terrible liar, you know. Even{LF}when you don't open your mouth. Heheh... ...Well, that's one of the things I love about you. May I hold your hand? Huh...? ...Do as you'd like. Okay. Here goes... ... ''Maaan! What a sweet moment this is!'' Ugh...! ...Wh-what are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. I know that much! But why?! You don't like it? ... ...You should have warned me first. *POKE* ?! Surprised? O-of course I am! Who does that?! You just about gave me a heart attack! Well, you are turning red, but I'm...pretty sure that's just you{LF}blushing. ... I'm just...not used to this... ...?! Is it okay if I hug you? ...You should probably ask that before actually doing it, you{LF}know. Okay, then. Was it okay that I hugged you? ...It... Well...it was nice. Huh...? Oh, sorry. I saw my chance, so I figured I'd take it. ...? @ドルチェ@? ??? ?????? Hey, @ドルチェ@...? I want to stay with you... a little longer... As I stand here, I feel like I'm standing on air. I love high places more than anything. You do? Why is that? Because I feel like I'm looking down on everything, and it{LF}makes me feel big and powerful. ... I'm serious. Well, halfway, anyway. But I must admit, I've been a little more...uncertain about all{LF}that lately. Oh? Why's that? While I was riding high on my cloud, the world below me{LF}just drifted away... ...and I was left all alone in an empty sky. That's how I felt when I woke up in this age. @ドルチェ@... But...I'm here with you. But you've got Pico! ...! ...You never hesitate to say embarrassing things, do you? Ehh, my shame comes and goes. ...Well, that's why it's so fun spending time with you, I{LF}suppose. Huh? ...Never mind. You just need to be with me forever. Understood? Yes. It would be my pleasure. ...Wonderful. You're right... Before she met me, I guess this is the sort of scenery Pico{LF}was looking down on, endlessly... All by herself. All that time... ... I wonder if she felt the same way when I was sleeping. Like{LF}the world had passed her by... Hey, Pico. You're listening to every word I'm saying, no? ''Huh-uh.'' ''I didn't hear a thing, I swear! But I'm going to weigh in on{LF}this mystery discussion anyway.'' ''All I care about is milady's happiness.'' ''Nothing else matters to me at all. Not even the littlest bit!'' ... ...All right, then. @しゅじんこうくん@, would you mind if I held you tight? What?! ''Arghhhhhhhhhhh!'' Tee-hee... ... What a beautiful night sky! It really is. ...Hey, where's @ピコ@? She flew up into the sky saying, ''I'm gonna make a wish{LF}fiiiirst!'' See, legend has it that if you make a wish upon a star today,{LF}that wish will come true. I see... So what did you wish for? We might be happier if our wishes never came true. Not a one of them. I hate wishing for things. Why?! Well, my wish is basically what I want to achieve, right? So if it's something I want that badly, I should work for it. I shouldn't just pray for some handout from a star. ...That makes sense. Don't get me wrong, I understand why people want to make{LF}wishes. There are things from my own past I'd gladly change, given{LF}the chance. Like, if I could go back to the time when my dad and mom{LF}were alive... But that's... That's not something that can happen. No matter how much{LF}I wish for it. ...Why not? What's done is done. I can never go back to that era. Never{LF}again can I see my mom and dad alive. But even if I could, I wouldn't really want to. Not now. In this age, this place...there are so many things I'd stand to{LF}lose. Dear, treasured people... ...You among them. @ドルチェ@... Thank you. *Hug her* *Kiss her* Why are you thanking me?! You just said I'm a dear, treasured person to you, right? Yes, but...d-don't make me say it again... ...Idiot. H-hey...! It's okay. I'm here for you. And I always will be. ...Idiot. ...But I appreciate it. Thank you. ...! ... ...One more time. Huh? *SMOOCH* ...! Tee-hee... It really is best when wishes don't come true. That way, when you get what you would've wished for, it{LF}feels even better! Ready to go home? Sure. What's this? Are you so keen on feeling the warmth of my{LF}body? You bet I am! How about you, @レオン@? ... Huh? What's wrong? Well... ...I must admit, I'm at a loss. I wasn't anticipating such a{LF}reaction from you. Hmmmm... If you would, please lend me your ear. Uh, okay... ...Just between you and me... ...You're positively adorable. ...I'll stay by your side always. ...I love you. ...Just between you and me. Th-that's not exactly an answer to my question! Haha. Perhaps not. Hmm...? ...*GRAB* Hmm? ... What am I going to do with you? Ah... (...He squeezed my hand tight!) Hahaha! Wh-what are y-you doing?! Hahaha! Just an innocent little pat on the head, that's all! Well, it tickled! Hey...what's that deranged look in your eyes? ...Mwa ha ha. The time for revenge is nigh! H-hey! Come on! Don't! Stop! ''Don't stop,'' you say? All right, then...I won't! Wh-who do you think...haha! Hey, come on, stop! Please!{LF}Hahahaha! P-please... Please stop...! ...Well, that was fun. *PANT* *PANT* *PANT* Man, do I ever feel better now! ... ...You won't be doing that for long! *RUFFLE* *RUFFLE* Hey! Don't mess up my hair! Shut up... You're mine, all right?! *GLOMP* H-hey...! What the?! I just felt like hugging you. ...Honestly... I hear your heart beating, @レオン@. Ugh... ...It's beating pretty fast. You must be nervous having a girl{LF}clinging to you like this. ...Quit your yammering. ...! What are you doing...? You always tease me, so I'm paying you back. ... You have something on your forehead. Let me see. Really? O-okay... ...! That's what you get. ...You're blushing... ...Oh, shut up. I wish we could stay together like this forever... The view from here looks familiar to me somehow. Hey, would you mind coming a little closer? Oh. Sure. I have a question. How does this scenery strike you? What do you mean...? It's gorgeous. Makes me feel...lonely. Dunno. Eyes are closed. Stormy weather ahoy! I see... How about you, @レオン@? Somehow, it makes me feel...lonely. Huh...? It looks familiar to me, yet it's...not the view I remember. I don't know how different it is without directly comparing,{LF}but I can clearly tell it's different. It's the same when I'm in town. It's like my eyes are being opened to all that I lost when I{LF}became a Guardian. Sometimes, it kills me. @レオン@... Can you come a little closer to me? ...Okay. ... Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. ... What's wrong? Nothing at all. I was just surprised to hear your answer. It's{LF}the same as mine. So...we both feel a little lonely here, then? It would seem so. How odd. I know it doesn't mean much for you and I to{LF}share this opinion, yet... ...somehow, it thrills me that we do. @レオン@... What? Why?! Because you haven't told me to look yet. ...All right. That's fine, then. Keep your eyes closed. I'm going to kiss you. Wait, what?! Ha. I see your eyes are open now. Ugh... You tricked me... Not at all. If you'd kept your eyes closed, I would have kissed you,{LF}without fail. You...would...? ...C-come on, don't...mess with me... Haha. Indeed. ...That's very like you. What is? ...Nothing. Never mind. You just have certain quirks, and I find them all endlessly{LF}attractive. ...! Haha. You're blushing, @しゅじんこうくん@. C-cut it out...! Nice view, isn't it? Yeah, it really is. ...Kiel spoke of a legend held within this town. He said that today was the day we could make wishes upon{LF}a star, and those wishes would come true. Perhaps we two should both make wishes here, under this{LF}veil of stars... Sure. It would be a shame to miss this chance, after all. What did you wish for? For everyone to be happy. To stay with you forever. Doesn't concern you. Mm. That's a very nice sentiment. And...very you. I could never wish for such a thing, myself. What do you mean? Exactly what I said. You and I think differently, and it never would've dawned on{LF}me to make such a wish. It's lovely. O-oh... Hmmm... Interesting. Interesting indeed. You sound pleased. I am. Very much. ... Are you blushing? You didn't hesitate to give me your{LF}answer, so why now? ...N-no reason... ... What's wrong? Oh, nothing. I was just taken aback for a moment. But your{LF}answer is fair enough. ...? So what did you wish for, @レオン@? Oh, you want to know, do you? I do. It's only fair, after all. And why's that? Because...you heard my wish, right? I only wanted to know the contents of my own. ...Huh?! ''May your wish come true.'' That was my wish. ...! If the legend is to be believed, then I may have just{LF}increased your chances. ...So, shall we go? Ah... ...Fine. Shall we go home? I'll walk you to your door. Are you sure? I want to stay with you. Of course. That's only natural, right? At evening's end, the{LF}gentleman walks the lady home. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. Ready to go home? Sure. I want to stay with you. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. (Maybe I should walk her home...) (Ack... The festival is over, huh? I didn't make it in time...) (I need to pull myself together and give this date the best I{LF}can muster.) (M-maybe...now...) (Now might be my chance to forge a deeper relationship...) Get closer. Hold hands. Tap on the head. Poke in the cheek. Hold tight. Kiss on the cheek. Do nothing. It looks like something in the shape of a whale is floating off{LF}in the sky. That's totally crazy though, right? Oh, what a huge tree! The flowers blooming from it are{LF}beautiful. That looks like a school. I can even see the ocean just{LF}beyond it. There's a reaaaally big tower. It's much bigger than anything{LF}else out there. (He's so close to me...) (My heart's beating so fast...) (@しゅじんこうくん@ can't hear this sound...can he?) ...! Don't you...like this? N-no. I was just...surprised. It's okay if it's you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Your hands are so warm... Mmm... With every pat, I get more and more...relaxed... ...Zzz... *POKE* ...Oogh! ...My turn. Hyah! *POKE* Huh?! Can I stay like this, please? ... (He's so warm...) ...?! A sudden kiss...? Sorry... You don't have to be sorry... Girls need some time to prepare for a kiss, though. As a gentleman, you should always ask first. *THUMPA{LF}THUMPA THUMPA* I feel so relieved when I'm with you. *SPLASH* *SPLASH* So, uh, what exactly are you doing? I'm making waves. Don't you think it's fun? I guess so, yeah. No, not at all. Oho, @しゅじんこうくん@! You clearly know a good time when{LF}you see it. *SPLASH* *SPLASH* *SPLASH* *SPLASH* Sure is quiet, huh? Yeah... There aren't many people who are willing to come with me{LF}and do this. So thank you very much, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's not much of a date, but I do hope you're enjoying{LF}yourself...and will ask me out again. Oh... *SPLASH* *SPLASH* ...Then let's just go home. O-okay. I'm sorry. Wasn't much of a date, huh? No, no, it's okay! I'll join you next time, and we'll have lots of fun. ...Okay. It feels so cool and refreshing! Does it? Yeah, it totally does. Come here, @しゅじんこうくん@. Whoa, you're right! It really does! Mmm, so nice... (What should I do now?) *Splash water on her* *Admire her swimsuit* Look! There's a fish! HYAA!! ...! Oh, now you've done it! Hyaa yourself! Oogh, it's really cold... Tee-hee! That's what you get. ...! All right, my turn! Phew... That was fun. Yes, I had a lot of fun. Let's make sure we do this again sometime. I like your swimsuit. It's really cute. Oh, you think so? Thank you very much! The color, the design...the contours... It's all so perfect on you! S-stop it, you're embarrassing me! I was afraid it...might be a little too revealing... ...but I went with it anyway, because I...I thought you might{LF}like it... You wore it...for me? Wow. I don't know what to say! It{LF}looks amazing on you. ...I'm so glad to hear you say that. Thank you very much. Huh? Where? Look! There! ?? ?! Eeeeeeeeek!! Ah! Whoaaaa! @クローリカ@?! Something was on my foot! And it was slimy! O-on your foot?! @しゅじんこうくん@, check for me, please? O-okay! ... I don't see anything. B-but I felt it! It was all slimy and gross, and it was ON MY{LF}FOOT! Maybe it was...just a fish? A...fish? ...Mm, yeah, that had to be it. I thought it was some sort of creepy sea creature! !!!! S-s-s-sorry! Hahaha... I'm just glad you didn't get hurt. ...I'm really sorry. *BLUSH* Ooh! Look at all the fireflies! ♪ Wow, there are a lot of them! Look, @しゅじんこうくん@! Isn't it amazing?! ♪ They're everywhere! You like fireflies? Including on your head. I sure do! ♪ I'd heard about them before... But I'd never actually seen them until I came here. So every year, I look forward to this. And... And? ...Nothing. Never mind. Hey, come on! What is it? ...I'm not going to say. (How can I tell him? How can I say to him that it means so{LF}much more seeing them with him?!) (That's way too embarrassing!) Whaa...? Hold very still. You have a firefly on your head. I do? I guess that's what that little tingly sensation I'm feeling is. Shouldn't I...shoo it away? No, don't. It's like you have a glowing ornament in your hair, and it{LF}looks...really pretty. ... Ah... ...It flew away. And here I was trying to burn that beautiful{LF}image into my brain... I...don't think I would've liked you staring at me much longer{LF}anyway. Why not? Because...well, because I said so! (He thought I looked beautiful...) (Hee hee...) Shall we go home, then? Sure! This is fun, huh? Y-Yes! (@しゅじんこうくん@ is getting closer...) (Her hair is so beautiful...) (I want to touch it so badly...) Ah...! You don't like it...? N-no! No no no no no! I-I mean, that's not it! I do! I really do! I've wanted to hold your hand this whole time, and I was so{LF}focused on that... ...I-I'm so glad to be here with you like this. Ha ha ha... But isn't that normally what men do? I wanted to caress your head. You don't...like it? ... Actually, I like being patted on the head. It feels...stimulating. *POKE* Hey, what har who dooing? Physical contact! ♪ *POKE* *POKE* *POKE* @しゅじんこうくん@... Your cheeks are puffy like rice cakes! ♪ Wha?! Ah! H-hey, s-st...! You want me to stop? What are you talking about?! Stay like dis, please! ...''Like dis''? ...I mean... ...I want to stay like this with you forever. ...! Only once, okay? Okay. @しゅじんこうくん@'s lips were soft and supple... I'm always excited when I'm with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. When I first came to this town, I was constantly training{LF}here. Training for what? I was training myself never to get a cold even when rained{LF}upon... ...nor when falling into a river... ...nor when soaked by a careless gardener's waterpot. Basically, keeping my health intact no matter how wet I{LF}should become. Bathing. Bath training. Are you still doing it? What else did you do? Give me eeeevery detail! No, I stopped a while ago. I caught a cold, despite my best efforts, and Volkanon found{LF}me out. Your training for being healthy made you sick, huh? Shamefully, yes. Averting the common cold was my intent... ...but my skill simply wasn't up to the task. I think I could finish the training now, though, if I put my{LF}mind to it. Why...? Because I have someone truly dear to me, who would surely{LF}cheer me on. You, @しゅじんこうくん@... I am stronger than ever now. Stronger even than the{LF}common cold! Ah, butler training was quite extensive. I could fluff 200 bed{LF}sheets in a single day... ...or make a cup of tea so delicious as to become its own{LF}singularity... Though I drank much too much tea as a result, and made{LF}myself a bit...chubby... Also, I swabbed the floor 300 times to ensure I was the best{LF}floor-swabber there ever was. And the test for changing my employer's clothes as quickly{LF}as possible was always a fun one. I timed how long it takes. The wall was 28 seconds. Breaking that record was quite an{LF}intense challenge. Wow, you really put your all into your work, don't you? Yes! Because I want to be a full-fledged butler! I just bathed. There's not much more to tell. I wanted to steel myself under a waterfall, if possible. But since there is no waterfall in this town, I could only{LF}bathe! That's all well and good in summer, but wasn't it horribly{LF}unpleasant in winter? With focus, it...wasn't so bad. Someday, my future master might splash water on me, after{LF}all. And as a butler, it is my duty to remain healthy, no matter{LF}how wet I become! Mmm, the water is so cool and refreshing... It really is. Ha! Your guard is down! Wha?! You must remain always vigilant. You never know when a{LF}water-splashing fiend may approach! Oh, now you've done it! How dare you! I'm all drippy now... TASTE MY WRATH!! Yeeeargh! I've been thoroughly waterlogged... Hahaha! Okay, @しゅじんこうくん@. You got me. We're both sopping wet, so let's go home before we catch{LF}colds. Okay. ...But we must have a rematch sometime! ... Oh... I-I didn't realize you'd be so upse-- GOTCHA! Whaaaagh! Now we're even. You caught me completely off-guard. Outstanding! Huh? Hey... @ビシュナル@... Say your prayers! Haaaaahhhhh! ?!?!?! ... Had enough? Quite. Whew. That was sure fun! Ah, look! Look there! Fireflies, as far as the eye can see! Observe as they flitter about majestically. How delightful! They are really pretty. Don't I shine brighter? Yes, indeed! Ah...! ...? I might be the happiest man in the world right now. Why is that? Because I was able to see the fireflies with you this day. There is no memory in my mind as happy as the events that{LF}are playing out right this moment. O-oh... Indeed. I am...blissful. @しゅじんこうくん@?! O-of course, you shine the brightest here by far! I don't know, it sounds like you're just making the motions.{LF}Just placating me... I'm serious! You are beautiful, @しゅじんこうくん@! You are the most{LF}beautiful woman in the whole wide world! ... @しゅじんこうくん@? ...I-I kind of feel bad. I was just messing around. I didn't think{LF}you'd flatter me that much! ... It's not flattery, @しゅじんこうくん@, but fact. ...Thank you... Shall we go home? I'll walk you back. Thank you. I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. It's my pleasure. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. Ready to go home? I am. I want to stay with you. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. What...?! Erm... Um... Th-this is kind of embarrassing, isn't it? Heheh... Aha ha... ... Eek...! Oh, sorry... I-it's okay. I was just surprised. O-okay. I was afraid I'd...upset you... ... (Mm...) Huh...? ... ... Wha...?! Your hair is beautiful, @フォルテ@. Is it...? May I caress your head again? I would...prefer you not. It's...a little embarrassing. EEP! @フォルテ@... You're sensitive, aren't you? A-anyone would be surprised to have that done to them so{LF}suddenly! Seriously, now... *POKE* Whaa!! HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Huh? Huh?! Um... @しゅじんこうくん@...? I, uh... (...Mmm...warm...) ...? ...?! ...!! @フォルテ@...? M...My cheek?! How about we take a walk together for a while? Every time I come here, I'm always reminded of the past. About @キール@? Wh-why do you think it's about Kiel?! So it's not? ...No, it is. Hahaha... P-please don't laugh. Sorry, sorry! Jerk... So what sorts of things do you remember? Well, I would always play with Kiel on sunny days. And we'd wait together for our parents to return home on{LF}rainy days and stormy nights. Okay. And...how does this relate to here, exactly? Ah, I'm getting to that. Whenever it would storm, we'd inevitably start talking about{LF}the lake. We'd discuss coming here, all of us together, next time the{LF}sun came out...for a picnic or such. We thought if we concentrated on fun days to come, we{LF}could forget about the scary things around us. But... ...But you were scared, right? What? You pretended not to be, but you just couldn't shake your{LF}fears. How did you...? I just...had a hunch. That's just the kind of person you are. Really kind, but also{LF}really stubborn. Is that supposed to be a compliment?! Haha. I don't know. You're not doing yourself any favors with snide remarks like{LF}that, you know! ...But you're right, of course. And it's kind of nice...that{LF}somebody actually ''gets'' me... What was that? Nothing. Never mind. ...? Tee-hee... Whew... This is definitely the right time of year to visit the lake, huh! It sure is. I can't quite enjoy it on the same level as I did when I was a{LF}little girl, though. *Lead her into the water* *Splash her good* What? Wh-what are you doing?! Why do you have my{LF}hand?! We came all the way...we might as well swim together,{LF}right? Hey, w-wait! I can't float with this-- Ack! @フォルテ@?! *COUGH* *COUGH* I'm really sorry. I didn't realize you couldn't swim. N-not to mention the fact that I'M WEARING ARMOR. ...Does it embarrass you that you can't swim? What?! No! I mean, knights SHOULD know how to swim, so{LF}I'm not exactly proud, but... So...yes, then. ...Fine. Yes. Well, that's no problem. I'd be happy to teach you. What?! You don't want me to? W-well, sure, if you don't mind... Good. Your first lesson will begin next time we come here,{LF}then. You'd better be ready! ...Okay. Thank you very much... *Teach how to swim* *Splash water on her* I'll do my best! Don't tense up. You'll just end up sinking again. Ugh... There you go. Calm and collected, and you'll be fine! Okay. Now go into the water, and dunk your face in. All the{LF}way. What...?! No, I'm not ready for that yet! Eek?! No, I can't! Nooooooooo! Whoa, h-hey! Don't hold me like that...! That's enough! I'm going home! I want to go home! O-okay... Calm down, please... I-I'm sorry... I don't mean to panic. It's just, I-I... It's fine. ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Do you think I'll ever really learn how to swim? Absolutely. You can count on me. *Teach how to swim* *Splash water on her* I'll get it today, for sure! That's the spirit! Come on, let's begin. Okay, first thing we're going to do is try to get you to open{LF}your eyes underwater. Slowly, though. ...Okay. Put your face in the water, then lift those lids. Got it? *INHALE* ...! ...*PUFF!* Could you do it? I did it... Okay then, open your eyes and loosen up... O-okay... ...! There you go! You're floating! Floating? Really?! Now, just kick your legs...not too hard... --! Hey, you did it! *PUFF!* You swam! I swam? I really...swam?! Congratulations! Wow. Thanks! ...No...what I mean is...thank you. Thank you so, so very{LF}much! Let's swim together. *Splash water on her* ...Okay. I can't swim fast yet... But I'm not scared of water anymore. I couldn't overcome my fear of drowning before, no matter{LF}who was around to come to my rescue. But when I was holding your hands, I felt completely safe... So...what I'm saying is...th-thank you. Really. ...Now let's go swim! Together! You bet! Kyaaah! Ah... What a delightfully girly scream, @フォルテ@! Ugh... Okay! That's enough! I accept your challenge! Okay, then... Whoa! The battle has already started. So that's your game, is it?! Well, I won't lose! Ha ha ha! You can't defeat me, @しゅじんこうくん@! How about we put the battle on hold for today...? Good call. I'm exhausted... But...tee-hee... It was actually a lot of fun! ♪ Look at all the fireflies...! Wow... They're beautiful. You shine brightest of all They really are... I've seen something like this before...a long time ago... My dad was standing beside me. My mom was holding Kiel. I used to wish I could go back to that time... ...But I don't want to go back anymore. I want to stay like this forever. By your side. Just like this. Mmm... ...W-wait, what? What kind of line are you trying to pull{LF}here?! I'm just calling it like I see it. It's the honest truth, in my eyes. ...I-I see. ...Thank you...for the kind words. Ready to go home? Yeah. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@... I can't explain why, but I'm a little nervous right now. ... ... (My heart is pounding fast...) ...But don't worry! It's not because I dislike this situation or{LF}anything! ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Huh? Wh-what's up? What's wrong? Why were you so surprised? I-it's nothing! Never mind! Did you...want to ask me{LF}something? Well, it's more like...a request. I, uh...I want to hold your hand. Huh...? ...You mind? N-no. I wanted to hold your hand, too. Really?! ♪ All right, then! Heeere weeee gooo! *SQUEEZE* ...This kind of situation sure is nerve-wracking, huh? Yeah, it is. YAAGH! Aha haha! That tickles, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're really cute, @キール@. No, you! What? You're cute! Eheh... Ha! You're blushing! I win! ♪ ...! Hey, what are you doing? Your hair just looks so soft and smooth... Okay, then. I'll touch yours too! Whoa! Tee-hee! ♪ What? Um... ... You're warm, @しゅじんこうくん@. You too, @キール@. Mm... ... ... Hey...@キール@? Hmm? What is it? You just...seemed to be zoning out. I wanted to bring you{LF}back to earth. Did I? ...Hey, can I ask you something, @しゅじんこうくん@? Sure. M-my heart is beating like crazy. H-how can I make it stop? I'm sorry...? I still want to stay here with you for a while longer. When we're on the beach, we have to play with sand. It's{LF}like an unwritten rule! Let's do it, @しゅじんこうくん@! What?! Come on! Come here! Guess I have no choice... Tee-hee. I used to play like this with my sister. Let's make a tunnel. I wanna see a sand castle. WATER FIGHT!! Sure! Let's do it! First, we've gotta collect sand and form it into a mountain... @しゅじんこうくん@, you start digging from there, okay? Got it. ...All right! I'm halfway through! Okay. I'm almost there too! Is that your hand I'm feeling? Yeah. And I guess that would be yours. I hope so, anyway! If{LF}not, we're in trouble! Hahaha... Hey! That tickles! Stop! Tee-hee... Anyway, I guess this means our tunnel is complete, huh? Yep! All right! You got it! Haaahhhhh! Wow, that was faaaaast... I make sand castles pretty much every time I come here. It's{LF}like second nature to me! That's really impressive. (He's so fast, I can't even see his{LF}hands moving!) You know what? I'm going to make a hundred soldiers{LF}today! ♪ (H-Holy... His hands... Is he even human?!) Check it out. On top of the castle...that's you and me. What? All right! It's perfect! I'll be counting on you, my dear princess! ♪ Uh, o-okay... Wha?! All right, now you're going to get it! Eep?! Hyaa! How do you like THIS?! Hey! Stop! Oww! Pff...hahahaha! Might not be the best idea in this weather. But man, this really brings me back. On stormy nights, my sister and I were always waiting{LF}together for our parents to come home. You mean in the lake...? Ha ha, no way. We were waiting at home. And I remember one time, I made{LF}a promise with her. I promised we'd go on a picnic to the lake as a family, the{LF}next time it was sunny out. We were always coming up with pleasant thoughts to try to{LF}chase away our fear. But even though we spoke like everything was okay... ...I could feel her hands shaking. But she never said anything. She tried to shrug it all off. I was{LF}always really impressed. And I hated that I couldn't do anything to make her feel{LF}better, no matter how hard I tried. So I was always trying really hard not to cry. The storm didn't bother me that day, I remember. What bothered me was my own inadequacy. It was all I{LF}could do not to cry. ...I see... This is the first time I've ever talked about this with anyone. Thank you for listening, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh. You're welcome! Tee-hee... Fireflies, huh? My mom told me about this a long time ago. When I was a baby, we went together to see the fireflies, as{LF}a family. You did? Yeah. But I don't remember it at all. I always thought she{LF}was making it up. But she swore it actually happened! I told my mom how unfair it was that I wouldn't remember,{LF}and you know what she said to me? ...Oh, am I supposed to guess? Uhh... Sorry, son. Let's go again sometime! ...I really don't know. Yep, that's exactly right! Really? She said that the past is past, and there's nothing she can do{LF}to bring it back. But that's a good thing! Is it? Yeah. Because I said it was unfair. Which means on some level, I{LF}knew how special a memory it was. And if I continued to think of it as something special, I'd try{LF}to recreate it one day. I guess she felt...it was good to know how much I cared{LF}about it, even if I didn't remember. She smiled at me...and she said she hoped I'd take my own{LF}child one day. ...That sounds lovely. Maybe what I really wanted at that time is this feeling I have{LF}now. What do you mean? Hahaha. Never mind! ♪ ...? Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? Come on. I'll walk you back. You sure that's okay? Of course! After all, if I walk you back home, that means I{LF}get to stay with you a little longer! ... Okay, let's go! ♪ Hee hee. Actually, I'd been thinking something just like that. So how about this: Let's stay together just a liiiiittle bit longer{LF}right now! Sound good? ♪ Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? All right! Let's head home! ♪ Sounds good. Hmm? You want to spend more time with me, then? Can I come a little closer to you? Wha...? ...Uh, sure. Come on over. ... ... (I wonder if @しゅじんこうくん@ is enjoying himself...) (I wonder if now's a good time...) Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Can I...hold your hand? S-sure. ... (I did it! @字@) Hmm? Mm. That's nice. ... (It's kind of nice to have somebody to lean on every now{LF}and again. @字@) *POKE* Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're such a tease! ...Am I? Well, if that's the way you want to play it... *POKE* *GLOMP* ?! Uh... @しゅじんこうくん@? If Porco sees us, he's gonna be mad. ...Ahh, who cares?! @字@ ...! ...What was that, all of a sudden?! Eheh. Heh... All right, mister, you're going to get it now! @字@ I want to see you more. The water sure feels good! ♪ It sure does! @しゅじんこうくん@, come here! Huh? What? Take this! Aagh! It's cold! Now you've done it! Take this! Achoo! WATER LASER!! Waaagh!! Hyaa!! Ack! Hahaha... You are soaking wet, @しゅじんこうくん@! Yeah, thanks to YOU... Sorry, sorry! I'm soaking wet too, though. Let's go home and warm{LF}ourselves up. Sounds good. H-hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! Are you okay? You're not catching a cold, are you? D-don't worry, I'm fine. I'm sorry. Let's go home and get warmed up. O-okay... What? Magic?! Nooo! Ha! I'm just kidding. ... Ugh...! Hya! HYAA!! (Uh-oh, she's mad...) Hey, look, look! Look at all the fireflies! Wow, no kidding! This is sooooo beautiful! ♪ Haha, you're like a kid! FIREFLIES!! YAAAAAAY!! ...Ugh. Wh-what's wrong with that?! @しゅじんこうくん@, you should just enjoy this moment. Follow{LF}my lead! ...Fireflies really remind me of my homeland. There are tons of them there. ...Someday... ...how about we visit my homeland together? If you don't mind, of course... Hey! Don't make fun! Er...erm... What's the matter? I just want you to enjoy this moment... Ready to go home? Sure. Mrng... ... ... ... Let me just say this... ...? I... I'm happy, you know? ...Me too. ...! ... You...don't like it...? ...Idiot. How could I not?! Whew! Glad to hear it. I don't want to ever let you go. Ah, I can't reach! What are you doing...? Well, I, uh...I just thought your hair style seemed oddly{LF}inviting. Well, two can play at that game. I'll pat you on the head{LF}too! Take that! Hey, stop it! You're messing up my hair! Ha ha ha. It looks good that way. It...does? ...You're so pure and stupid. ...Hyaa! ...! Wh-what was that, exactly? ...It was exactly what it seemed. Once more, from the top! ...Mess with me all you want. *GLOMP* ?! Wh-what? What are you doing?! Nothing. Everything. I don't even know. I just want to be{LF}with you. ...! Man, you really are an...ahhh, what the hell! *GLOMP* @ディラス@, can you squat down a little? Huh? Okay... *SMOOCH* !!! Wh-whoa! You're way too tall. Makes it tough for me to reach you. W-what the?! Geez... A-aren't I supposed to be the one to pull that kinda stuff,{LF}being the man and all?! The water sure feels great! ♪ Come here, @ディラス@! ♪ ... What's wrong? You seem a little spacey. O-oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it. Hmmm... *Splash water on him* *Splash water on him HARD* Whoa! What the?! Hey! Stop! Hyaa!! Ugh...! Stop it! Waaaggh!! Aha ha ha... You are soaking wet, @ディラス@. Hey, you're not too dry yourself. Come on, let's go home. Before we catch cold. Sounds like a plan. WATER LASER!! Ulghaahh!! Hahaha...@ディラス@, you're soaking wet! ♪ You certainly didn't go easy on me... Oh, but I did! You should see me when I REALLY get into it... Uh-huh... Well...two can play at that game! Take THIS! Ack!! So, that's how it's to be, huh? EN GARDE! WAAAAAAAH! AHAHAHAHA! ♪ Okay, you got me... I'm yours. Do whatever you want with{LF}me. Whoa, check it out! Wooow. Fireflies! Never thought I'd see something like this today! Ooh, look! There are tons of them over there, too! ... What's wrong? You seem spacey again. Um, nothing. Don't worry. I just thought... ...? ...It just occurred to me how happy I am to be here with you. What's that? I didn't quite catch it. ...Ugh, never mind. Wanna go home? I'll walk you. You would do that for me? I'd prefer to stay here. Of course! Come on. Y-you would? Okay... Let's stick around a little longer, then. All right, ready to go home? Sure. I'd prefer to stay here. Y-you would? Okay... Let's stick around a little longer, then. Can I come closer to you...? Excuse me? Uhh, never mind... ... What...? This is fun, isn't it? ...Yeah. (Okay. I can do this. I'm going to take his hand in mine!) *GRIP* ... What's wrong? Ah, umm... (Doesn't even seem like he noticed...) *SQUEEZE* Ah...! (He squeezed back!) ...You started it. So I won't let go, even if you ask. ... Wha...? You push yourself too hard, @アーサー@. You should{LF}take a rest from time to time. ... ...Okay. *POKE* ... Umm...how am I supposed to respond to that? Ugh... I was just trying to be...playful, I guess. Don't mind me. Huh? Look, it was nothing, oka-- You look cute when you blush. Nng... *GLOMP* What the?! Um... Uh, what is this...? I can hear your heart beating fast, @アーサー@. Rrrg... ...I am a man, you know. Hmm? ... *EMBRACE* *SMOOCH* ?! Consider it...a show of my gratitude. For everything you've{LF}done on my behalf. I-I see... ...Wait. This is your way of saying thanks? Do you...do that to{LF}everyone? What?! Ah, nothing! Nothing! Sorry. That was very rude, and it can't{LF}possibly be true anyway! I was just...taken aback. It just slipped out, without me{LF}thinking about it. ...I want to make you mine. What...? Will you...stay with me? Just for a bit longer? Whew... It's quite cool here. It is. Winters here are certainly chilly, no? Yeah, they are. The air...is quite nippy this time of yeah. Yeah, it is. So sad to see the weather become as dreary as it is... Yeah... Please, wear this. I'd hate for you to catch cold. Are you sure? This is your... Don't worry about me. I'm used to this kind of weather. ...Thank you. You're welcome. This lake has gotten me thinking. I saw a big lake just like it near the town I went to for{LF}business. It was most impressive. I'd love to go there with you someday. Sure. I prefer mountains. Promise me, then! Will you stay by my side forever? Wha...? You don't want to? ...Of course I do. I promise. Thank you. All right, then. Let's go see the mountains! Are you okay with that? Most assuredly! I'll go anywhere and everywhere, as long as you're by my{LF}side. As long as I have you... Uhh...? Hee hee... Look at the fireflies! How positively stunning... Yeah, they are. They're really beautiful. Sooooo cuuuuute! They aren't half as cute as you, @しゅじんこうくん@. You are beautiful, but the word I'd use most readily for you is{LF}cute. You are...the cutest. You are cute as well, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh...? What are you saying?! Hee hee. My apologies. I simply wished to...flirt a bit. ...Come on... I speak the truth, though! Huh...? I was thinking about this just recently. I love...that you're my wife. I love...that you're with me. So... Shall we go home? Hey, @アーサー@. What was that for...? @しゅじんこうくん@... Uh, mm. Thank you. May we continue to have a lovely, lengthy relationship{LF}henceforth. ...Okay. Yes, forevermore! I'm not so sure... Hee hee... Hahaha. Thank you. What...? I'm just kidding! Oh, dear... I think my heart may have stopped! Don't do that{LF}to me, please! I'm sorry. But I guess that means we're even now, right? Yes, completely. Hee hee... Let's go home, shall we? I'll walk you. You would do that for me? I want to stay with you. Of course! Let's be off, then. O-okay. If you wish it, then I will stay here with you a bit{LF}longer. Shall we go home? Sure. I want to stay with you. O-okay. If you wish it, then I will stay here with you a bit{LF}longer. H-hey...?! Uh, you are too close, yes? Oh, sorry! I guess you'd...prefer I keep my distance? Oh, no, nothing like that! It's just...well... ...Well what? Oogh... I...I don't like when people look at me from too close. I don't{LF}think I look so good in detail. (Foolish Xiao! Now is your chance to say to him, ''Let's hold{LF}hands!'' Go, go!) @シャオパイ@... Would you mind if I...held your hand? Huh?! S-sure. That's...okay with me. All right, then. ... ... Are you...blushing...? Oh, stop! ...What are you doing? Well, you're just so adorable, I couldn't resist! I-I'm...adorable? But... ...But I'm older than you... You didn't like it? ... ...?! Too slow! *PRESS* ... ...You can do that to me all you want. Ugh! *GLOMP* ...?! Um... ...This is...very warm. *SMOOCH* Wha?! Tee-hee. Y-you're surprised, yes? Um... ...Yeah. Actually, I was just about to do the same thing. What? I was a split second away from turning to face you. If you{LF}were one second later, we might've... Oh...r-really...? ...Well, that doesn't sound so... Huh? N-nothing! Never mind! Umm...I still want to spend a little more time with you, if{LF}that's okay. Hmm, I think I will go for a swim. What? You, uh, know it's winter right now, right?! Right! And it's...raining! You sure you want to swim right now? Don't worry! You get soaking wet when you swim anyway. That's not really what I meant. Come on, @しゅじんこうくん@. Take off your shoes. Erm, do I have to? Of course! I accept your challenge! I think I'll pass. This means WAR!! Okay! That's good! Come on, then! All right, let's hurry ov-- @シャオパイ@?! *SPLASH* Hey...are you all right? ... ... HYAA!! Hey! I said I didn't want to do it! ...And you're an idiot. Why?! Because I look stupid if I'm having fun alone, yes? Idiot. ...Sorry. I'll join you next time. You promise? I promise. Well, I forgive you, then! Ack! ...Hahaha. I'm not finished yet. Take this! Whoa! ...Huh? All that water, and not a drop of it...? ... Oh... Uh, @シャオパイ@? Are you okay...? Arrrrrgh... Fine, come here... Hey! Why are you holding me?! To warm you up! You don't have any problems with that,{LF}right? ... ...Okay. Oooh! Look, @しゅじんこうくん@! So many fireflies! ♪ It's magical... Yeah, they are so tiny, and yet so bright! Like tiny lanterns! Aren't they lovely? You shine brightest of all They are. I guess they don't know why they are trying so hard to glow. Why do you think that? When we're doing our best, we don't know that we're doing{LF}our best until much later, yes? But it's still our best, and we understand that later when our{LF}dreams come true. Wow. That's...profound. It's what I believe. And I believe that is why we two found each other. Do you not agree? ...I completely agree. Tee-hee! ♪ Wha...?! What do you mean?! They're so tiny, yet shed so much light...just like you. Cute,{LF}and brilliant... Oogh... Did I...say something wrong? Well, I am sensitive about my height... But most of all, I'm not used to being called cute. @シャオパイ@? That's enough! You should enjoy this moment, yes? This is an annual event. We should make good memories. Okay. Let's just enjoy this moment, then. And, uh... We should come here again next year, yes...? Absolutely. ... ...Shall we head back? Sure. Would it be okay if I came a little closer to you? Certainly! ♪ I feel...happy... Me too. I hope I can live like this every day. May I hold your hand? Of course! ♪ *SQUEEZE* ...What the...? What's wrong? Ummm... My face feels really hot all of a sudden... It's not like we're doing anything different than usual, though.{LF}How strange... Hahaha! That tickles! *TICKLE* *TICKLE* Acck! Cut it out! You're embarrassing me! ...Seriously?! Pfft, no! I just wanted to make you panic a little! ♪ *POKE* ... *SLURP* Whaaa?! ...? *GLOMP* @しゅじんこうくん@...? @コハク@... You're so warm... Umm... ...I'm actually a little hot right now. You give off a LOT of{LF}body heat... Now's my chance! ?! Hahaha... *SMOOCH* Wha...? Ah... See, I just...wanted to get you back, that's all... ...Mmmrrrnng... ...@コハク@? I just want to stay with you for a little while longer. Would that be okay? Lake! ...Okay, now you need to come up with a word that starts{LF}with the letter E. Huh? Word chain game! Make a word that starts with the last{LF}letter of the other player's word. Oh, okay! You said ''Lake,'' right? E... E... Elf Elephant Entertain Fox! Hee hee... Xylophone Xenophobe Ooh, throwing an E back at me? Sneaky, sneaky! Haha. Let's see... Whoa! What the...?! ''Embrace''! Hee hee hee. ♪ Amber, you goof! Hahaha... ♪ I...I, uh... ...You what, now? I... I love you, you know! What?! Uhh...uhhhh... (That ended with a W, so...) What a foolish sentiment. Well, I love you too! What?! ...Just kidding! Oogh... Well, just for that, you lose! Aha ha. Sorry. Hmmmmm... For real? For real. ...Tee-hee! ♪ So that ended with an O... Ostrich! High-kick Hick K, huh... ... Ack! What the?! *SMOOCH* ?! Kiss. Best K word there is. ♪ ... Ha! N is the de facto losing letter. Your word ended in N, so{LF}you lose! What? Since when?! That's always been how it's played! Not my fault you didn't{LF}know the rules. ♪ You lost. So you have to entertain me more! Well, that's not much of a threat! Let's do it! Yaaay! ♪ Haha... Hey! Look, @しゅじんこうくん@! Look at all the dancing lights! They're so beautiful. I'd rather look at you. They really are... I feel like I'm dancing with them, if I open my arms like this. You should try it too, @しゅじんこうくん@! Huh? Open your arms reeeeal wide! ...Like this? That's good! Isn't it fun?! You know, it actually kind of is! Yaaay! ♪ I don't know why, but... I always feel happy when I'm with you. Huh? It's strange, isn't it? Huh? What?! The light of the fireflies just makes you look even more{LF}beautiful. Which is hard to do. Me?! Yep. W-wow... ...I did it. I beat the fireflies! @コハク@?! Hee hee hee! I WIN!! Okay, ready to go home? Sure thing! Hmm? ... What's wrong? You feeling lonely? No, it's nothing like that. I just... ...Okay. Then, um... Why don't you come a little closer? You're not the only one who wants to get as close as{LF}possible, you know! Hmm? S-sorry. Guess you'd rather I not do that, huh? Don't be stupid. You can take my hand anytime you'd like! Your hands are really warm... ...What are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. Yeah, I can tell. But why, exactly? Well, if that's the way it's going to be, two can play at that{LF}game! Huh?! Don't like it? I didn't say that! Good. Your hair's so soft and silky... *POKE* Hey! Okay, you asked for it! *JAB* Ow! Ha! Gotcha! ... *GLOMP* Wha...? Whaaaaaat?! You were thinking of doing something to me, weren't you?{LF}Admit it! H-how did you know?! ...Whoa, you really were?! I was just joking! N-no, I wasn't-- I know what you're thinking. ?! What's this, all of a sudden? Tee-hee... ...Well, then I'll... Then I'll kiss you! ?! ...Tee-hee. You got some soft cheeks, you know that? (I really hope @しゅじんこうくん@'s enjoying this...) Sure is quiet, huh? It's because there aren't many people here right now. Well, that just makes it a great spot to come and relax! That's true. And I have to admit, it's nice to see a quiet{LF}@ダグ@ from time to time. Hey! What's that supposed to mean? You saying I'm usually{LF}noisy or something?! Bingo! Sorry, sorry! Oof. You're mean. Ehhh...I guess I'll overlook it this one time. Heh. My heart is as calm as this lake. I-is it? I got a idea. What's that? Next time I ditch my work, I'll come here. And I'll tell @ブロッサム@ exactly where to find you. Sheesh, that's harsh! Whoooa... It feels sooooo goooood! Hey! Feel this! It's cool and refreshing! Ack! How dare you?! Take this! You want me to seduce you? WATER LASER!! Gyagh! ...Not bad. Haaaaahhh! That all you got?! Eat this! You'll never defeat me! Whew, I'm beat! Yeah, but that sure was fun, huh? Sure was. We should come back here and do this again. What? Seduce me? What?! Come on! Do it! I dare you! ...Ehh, maybe not. Whaaaaaaat?! Don't tease me like that! Huh? AAAAAH!!! ... Was that a bit much, perhaps? ...Yeah, maybe just a little! That's cheating! You cheater! Hey, you started it. This just makes us even. ...I may have started it, but you took it to a whole other{LF}level! ...Man, look at all the fireflies. Crazy how many there are! Bio-luminescence, huh? I wonder if I can get any of 'em to land on my arm. Why? Well, it'll look like my arm is shining! Like I got a gauntlet of{LF}light equipped, or something! Look! Just look! You're so childish. Ignoring me, huh? Figures. No, I was just admiring the tree. It's all lit up, like a gauntlet{LF}of light! Hee hee... Ain't the right season for a lit tree, though. It's summer. That's more of a winter thing, right? Who cares? Beauty is beauty! ♪ Well, that's true enough. I'm glad I got to see this with you. Tee-hee... ... I'm happy to see this crazy out-of-season tree with you, too. Though I don't really give a crap about the tree. All I care{LF}about is you. Thanks. HAHAHA! So fireflies...are pretty amazing creatures, aren't they? Yeah, they are. I hope I can see this next year, too. Of course you can! I'll take you here anytime you want. Are you sure? You bet! ...Uh, but one thing. I knew it! You're going to weasel out of this promise{LF}somehow, huh? No! I'm just going to say...uh... ...I don't know if I can remember this promise for a whole{LF}year, so...remind me, would you? ... ... Ready to head home? I'll walk you back. Thanks. I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. Come on. R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. Ready to go home? Yeah. I want to stay with you. R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. ... ...If you want to get closer, just say it. Oh... How did you...? You looked so nervous. You're a terrible liar, you know. Even{LF}when you don't open your mouth. Heheh... ...Well, that's one of the things I love about you. May I hold your hand? Huh...? ...Do as you'd like. Okay. Here goes... ... ''Maaan! What a sweet moment this is!'' Ugh...! ...Wh-what are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. I know that much! But why?! You don't like it? ... ...You should have warned me first. *POKE* ?! Surprised? O-of course I am! Who does that?! You just about gave me a heart attack! Well, you are turning red, but I'm...pretty sure that's just you{LF}blushing. ... I'm just...not used to this... ...?! Is it okay if I hug you? ...You should probably ask that before actually doing it, you{LF}know. Okay, then. Was it okay that I hugged you? ...It... Well...it was nice. Huh...? Oh, sorry. I saw my chance, so I figured I'd take it. ...? @ドルチェ@? ??? ?????? Hey, @ドルチェ@...? I want to stay with you...a little longer... I don't think there's really anything we can do at the lake{LF}this time of year... In this weather, it would just be unpleasant out there. And today's not good for swimming. Yeah, you're probably right. ... ...Hyaa. *SPLASH* Whaaa! H-hey, @ドルチェ@?! You seemed preoccupied. I thought that...might clear your{LF}head a bit. Ugh... Then take this as a token of my appreciation! Oof! Now you've done it! Taste my refreshment! Whoa! You shouldn't have! Here, have another token of MY{LF}appreciation! You need to be CLEANED! *ACHOO!* Oh... Are you okay? I think I just...overdid it a little. I'm not used to wearing light{LF}clothes like these. Okay. Shall we go home, then? That's not a bad idea, but I'd...like to drink something hot{LF}first, if I could. So...you want me to go get you a hot beverage? Well, I wasn't trying to order you around or anything, but...{LF}that would be appreciated. Okay. I can do that! Since we're at the lake anyway, and it's as nice out as it is,{LF}we should definitely go for a swim. Uh, sure... What's that? The heat got to you? ''I suspect he was gawking at you in a swimsuit and got lost{LF}in his own lascivious fantasy world.'' What?! ...Seriously? N-no way! *Stare harder* *SPLASH* Whoa! Stop it! I wasn't gawking at you! Well, why not?! Wh-what do you want me to do? Do I stare, or look away?! ... *STARE* ...Hyaa! *SPLASH* Pfft...! What was that for?! Just cooling you down. There's plenty of water here, after{LF}all, so I might as well use it! Maybe you need to cool yourself down. You're blushing. Argh... Here, let me help you! Whoa! Now you've done it! Hahaha... ''Oh boy, you guys just can't stop flirting, huh...?'' ... Look! Fireflies! Aren't they beautiful? They are. You know what? Fireflies glow even when they're infants. That's right. Oh, really? Do you know why? I don't know why they glow. I don't know why they glow, actually. I really don't. But... I'm surprised you still remembered that. You told me about the fireflies in this festival once before. And I also promised you I wouldn't forget it, remember? ...Yep. Guess I should reward you for a job well done. Huh? *SMOOCH* Um... ...Just accept it. Be gracious, and don't make this any more{LF}awkward than it has to be. ...You didn't know, did you? Know what? About the fireflies. About how they glow even as infants. So I can say I'm the one who first told you about it, right? Yeah, I guess you can. Hmmm...good! So don't you forget it now, okay? Never forget anything about this day. ...How could I? I was thinking the same thing. Hmm? I don't know why, but that makes me happy. ...That's all. Okay. Ready to go home? Sure. What's this? Are you so keen on feeling the warmth of my{LF}body? You bet I am! How about you, @レオン@? ... Huh? What's wrong? Well... ...I must admit, I'm at a loss. I wasn't anticipating such a{LF}reaction from you. Hmmmm... If you would, please lend me your ear. Uh, okay... ...Just between you and me... ...You're positively adorable. ...I'll stay by your side always. ...I love you. ...Just between you and me. Th-that's not exactly an answer to my question! Haha. Perhaps not. Hmm...? ...*GRAB* Hmm? ... What am I going to do with you? Ah... (...He squeezed my hand tight!) Hahaha! Wh-what are y-you doing?! Hahaha! Just an innocent little pat on the head, that's all! Well, it tickled! Hey...what's that deranged look in your eyes? ...Mwa ha ha. The time for revenge is nigh! H-hey! Come on! Don't! Stop! ''Don't stop,'' you say? All right, then...I won't! Wh-who do you think...haha! Hey, come on, stop! Please!{LF}Hahahaha! P-please... Please stop...! ...Well, that was fun. *PANT* *PANT* *PANT* Man, do I ever feel better now! ... ...You won't be doing that for long! *RUFFLE* *RUFFLE* Hey! Don't mess up my hair! Shut up. ...You're mine, all right?! *GLOMP* H-hey...! What the?! I just felt like hugging you. ...Honestly... I hear your heart beating, @レオン@. Ugh... ...It's beating pretty fast. You must be nervous having a girl{LF}clinging to you like this. ...Quit your yammering. ...! What are you doing...? You always tease me, so I'm paying you back. ... You have something on your forehead. Let me see. Really? O-okay... ...! That's what you get. ...You're blushing... ...Oh, shut up. I wish we could stay together like this forever... To be honest, I can't swim. Really?! ...No, I totally can. I was just messing with you. ... Good. I like that face. Argh... Why must you always be like that?! Because it's fun. Obviously. It's fun to lie? No... I just like getting a rise out of you. What's that supposed to mean...? I meant it literally. I can forget about everything else when we two are talking{LF}like this. And that is absolutely NOT a lie. ... ...Or it could be. Who knows? @レオン@! Hahaha... ...I'm really happy when I'm with you... What did you say? Never mind. Those are... A lot of fireflies, huh...? ... @レオン@? Oh, sorry... I was admiring the view. Heh. Beautiful, isn't it? ...I suppose so. ...? My, my, my... What is it? I feel a bit excited now. Though I hate to admit I actually enjoy this kind of event... What's wrong with that? It's good to be honest with your{LF}feelings sometimes! ...Well, that's true enough. It really isn't bad. Shall we go home? I'll walk you to your door. Are you sure? I want to stay with you. Of course. That's only natural, right? At evening's end, the{LF}gentleman walks the lady home. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. Ready to go home? Sure. I want to stay with you. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. (Maybe I should walk her home...) (Ack... The festival is over, huh? I didn't make it in time...) (All right, pull it together! I can still make this work!) (N-now's my chance...) (Now might be my best opportunity to strengthen our{LF}relationship.) Get closer. Hold hands. Pat on the head. Poke in the cheek. Hold tight. Kiss on the cheek. Quit This is the seed I planted with you, @コハク@. What{LF}kind of flower will it be, I wonder? I'm looking forward to finding out! It will grow well, because it's a flower from my store...which{LF}means it's strong, and resilient! What kind of seed did I bring...? *Debug Start after OP ends *Debug Start (OP done) *From the Opening *Cancel *Debug - Start from Amber Settlement *Debug - Start from Dylas Settlement *Debug - Start from Dolce Settlement *Debug - Start from Leon Settlement *Debug - Start from Everyone's Settlement *Debug - Start from the Beginning of Epilogue *Debug - After All Clear *Boy *Girl *All Orders Enabled (Debug) *All Orders Disabled (Debug) *Check Message SFX *Seen Movies (All ON) *Seen Movies (All OFF) *Scenario Clear Flag (ON) *Scenario Clear Flag (OFF) *Scenario EP Clear Flag (ON) *Scenario EP Clear Flag (OFF) *Eliza Clear Flag (ON) *Eliza Clear Flag (OFF) *Marriage Flag (ON) *Marriage Flag (OFF) *Child Flag (ON) *Child Flag (OFF) *Dated Someone Flag (All ON) *Dated someone Flag (All OFF) *Married Someone Flag (All ON) *Married Someone Flag (All OFF) *For Trailer Usage *For Window Viewing *Item Check *Special: Standing Pose View *Quit Newlywed Mode *Delete Skill EXP Fractions *Flag Test Item Distribution *Flag Test *Help Test *Cancel *Venti only talks with this SFX when she's trying to be cool. *Let's check on our good butler friend, too! This is how Volkanon sounds. *Is that not amazing?! *Okay, okay, you don't have to go that far... *Ohoho... *And now, it is my turn! *Movie flags have been set to +ON+. *Movie flags have been set to +OFF+. *The Scenario Clear Flag has been set to +ON+. *The Scenario Clear Flag has been set to +OFF+.{LF}The EP Clear Flag has also been set to +OFF.+ *The Scenario Clear Flag has been set to +ON+.{LF}The EP Clear Flag has also been set to +ON+. *The EP Clear Flag has been set to +ON+. *All of Eliza's requests flagged as clear: +ON+. *All of Eliza's requests flagged as clear: +OFF+. *The Marriage Flag has been set to +ON+. *The Marriage Flag has been set to +OFF+. *The Child Flag has been set to +ON+. *The Child Flag has been set to +OFF+. *The Dating Flag has beeen set to +ON+ for all characters. *The Dating Flag has been set to +OFF+ for all characters. *All Characters Married Flag has been set to +ON+. *All Characters Married Flag has been set to +OFF+. *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *You have a product that isn't yours. *You have a product that's yours. *There is none. *Special. *Special 2. *Change from normal to SP (front). *Change from normal to SP (back). *Change from normal to SP2 (front). *Change from normal to SP2 (back). *Kiel Sweat (normal) *Kiel SP Sweat *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *Character Portraits, Skill Level Up, Obtain Gold/Lumber/Material Stone *Obtain 99999999G. *Obtain 9999999999G. *Obtain 9999 Lumber. *Obtain 9999 Material Stone. *Obtain 99999 {Crown} Points. *Obtain 9999 Fodder. *Obtain 9999 Fertilizer. *Skill Level Up *All Skills: Level 50 *Male Protagonist *Female Protagonist *Vishnal *Clorica *Volkanon *Forte *Kiel *Bado *Margaret *Dylas *Arthur *Porcoline *Xiao Pai *Lin Fa *Amber *Illuminata *Doug *Blossom *Dolce *Jones *Nancy *Leon *Venti *Son *Daughter *Pico *Soldier *Emperor *Barrett and Raven *Emotion *Quit *You got {0} G! *You got 999999990G! *You got {0} Lumber! *You got {0} Material Stone! *You got {0} {Crown} Points! *You got {0} Fodder! *You got {0} Fertilizer! *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Surprise *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal/Sweat *Special 2/Sweat *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Disappointed *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Special 2 *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Serious *Special *Ethelwill *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Test *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Special *Normal *Laugh *Angry *Sad *Blushing *Surprise *Normal *Barrett *Raven *Emote Bubble *Blush *Teary Eyes *Angry *Sweat *! *Quit *Heart *Bones *Annoyed *Music Note *! *Sweat *Poison *Paralysis *Sealed *Fatigue *Cold *Healthy *Bad Mood *Sleepy *Ugh... *A *Upgrading will become unusable if selecting ''Marry'' without a spouse. If that isn't necessary, you may ignore the error. *Obtain Date Items *Enable Proposal *Marry *Pregnancy (Select after 'Marry') *Wedding Ceremony *Quit *Get Everyone *Vishnal *Kiel *Arthur *Dylas *Doug *Leon *Clorica *Forte *Margaret *Amber *Xiao Pai *Dolce *Quit *This will set event flags. Do not save the game once you use this feature. *This will set event flags. Do not save the game once you use this feature. *This will set event flags. Do not save the game once you use this feature. *This will set event flags. Do not save the game once you use this feature. *This is the Wedding Ceremony Debug!{LF}Choose your spouse! *Vishnal *Kiel *Arthur *Dylas *Doug *Leon *Clorica *Forte *Margaret *Amber *Xiao Pai *Dolce *Quit *Vishnal *Clorica *Forte *Kiel *Margaret *Dylas *Arthur *Xiao Pai *Amber *Doug *Dolce *Leon *I don't want to propose. *Vishnal *Clorica *Volkanon *Forte *Kiel *Bado *Margaret *Dylas *Arthur *Porcoline *Xiao Pai *Lin Fa *Amber *Illuminata *Doug *Blossom *Dolce *Jones *Nancy *Leon *Divorce *I don't want to get married. *Pregnancy Reveal *Pregnancy Status *Birth Event *Set Child Gender: Male *Set Child Gender: Female *Pick Up *I don't need kids! *Items *Weapon Set *Tool Set *Seed Set *Fruit Types *Meal Set *Ores *Fish *Nutrient Set *Medicine Set *Recipe Bread Set *All Skills *All Spells *Fodder, Lumber *Special Shoes *Hat Set *Balance Check Equipment *All Equipment *A Little Bit of Everything *Shipped 10 of Everything *Quit *For Balance Check Use *Yokmir Forest *Selphia Plain *Water Ruins *Selphia Plain: West *Obsidian Manor *Yokmir Cave *Autumn Road *Delirium Lava Ruins *Sercerezo Hill *Idra Cave *Maya Road *Sechs Territory *Floating Empire *Leon Karnak *Rune Prana 1 *Rune Prana 2 *Rune Prana 3 *Rune Prana 4 *Rune Prana 5 *Rune Prana 6 *Rune Prana Depths *Sharance 1 *Sharance 2 *Sharance 3 *Sharance 4 *Sharance (Infinite) *Quit *Around level 2 to 5. *Around level 5 to 8. *Around level 8 to 12. *Around level 12 to 13. *Around level 13 to 18. *Around level 18 to 24. *Around level 24 to 27. *Around level 27 to 33. *Around level 34 to 38. *Around level 38 to 45. *Around level 45 to 52. *Around level 52 to 60. *Around level 60 to 70. *Get all specified equipment! *One-handed Sword *Two-handed Sword *Spear *Hammer *Axe *Staff *Twin Swords *Fists *Shields *Armor *Hats *Shoes *Accessories *Tools *Quit *oSleep *oSave *oLoad *oMessage Board *oPosts *oMonster Message Board *oShipping History *oStorage *oMonster Management Screen *oBookshelf *oFridge *oSafe *oWardrobe *oToolbox. *oShipping Bin *oForge *oCrafting *oChemistry *oCooking (no tools) *oOven *oSteamer *oPot *oMixer *oFrying Pan *oKnife *oCalendar *oStaff Credits Screen (Top) *oStaff Fade *oStaff Fade (Short) *oStaff Credits Screen (Bottom) *oSkip First Event *oOpening BGM OFF *oReturn to Title *Do Nothing *Please make a bookshelf! *Skippidee-doo-dah over that first event! I don't wanna see it! *Equipment & Furniture *Make All *Installments *Furniture *Central Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {0} *Central Monster Barn → Expansion Level {1} *Lower Left Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {2} *Lower Left Monster Barn → Expansion Level {3} *Lower Left Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {4} *Lower Right Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {5} *Upper Left Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {6} *Upper Left Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {7} *Upper Right Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {8} *Upper Right Monster Barn ← Expansion Level {9} *Quit *Place equipment and furniture *Barn Expansion - Level @ Number 0@! *Furniture settings *All *Desk *Chair *Plush *Potted flower *Stone statue *Artwork *Barrel *Hibachi *Anchor *Folding screen *Ball *Phonograph *Dice *All clothes *Quit *Place desk *Place chair *Random plush *Random potted flower *Random stone statue *Artwork *Barrel *Barrel, hibachi, anchor, or folding screen *Barrel, hibachi, anchor, or folding screen *Folding screen *Small and large ball *Phonograph *Dice *Most furniture *Complete clothing *Equipment settings *All *Expand room *Bed *Double bed *Calendar *Refrigerator *Refrigerator (Different look) *Shop box *Material box *Bookshelf *Weapon storage *Farming toolbox *Cloak *Journal *Pasture plant *Large pasture plant *Fertilizer container *Delivery box *Watering hole *Place stone and wood materials *Cooking board (handmade cooking) *Knife *Frying pan *Pot *Mixer *Steamer *Oven *Blacksmith *Accessory *Pharmacy *Airship symbol *Quit *Set all *Place an order to expand the room? *Place bed *Place double bed *Place calendar *Place refrigerator *Place refrigerator (different look) *Place shop box *Place gathering box *Place bookshelf *Place weapon storage *Place farming toolbox *Place clothing dresser *Place journal *Place pasture plants *Place large pasture plants *Place fertilizer *Place delivery box *Place watering hole *Place cooking board *Place knife *Place frying pan *Place pot *Place mixer *Place steamer *Place oven *Place Forge *Place Crafting Table *Place Chemistry Set *Place airship symbol *Festival *oBean Festival *oEating Competition *oDe-Fluffing *oTarget Practice *oSnowball Fight *oQuiz Contest *oBuddy Contest *Eve - Bean Toss *Eve - Eating Contest *Eve - De-Fluffing *Eve - Target Shot *Eve - Snowball Fight *Eve - Quiz *Eve - Pet *Eve - Fishing Frenzy Contest *Eve - Big Catch Contest *Eve - Squid Catch Contest *Eve - Fish Variety Contest *Eve - Spring Harvest *Eve - Summer Harvest *Eve - Autumn Harvest *Eve - Winter Harvest *Eve - Cooking Contest *Eve - Handicraft Contest *Eve - New Year's *Eve- Beach Day *Eve - New Year's Eve *Eve - Firefly Festival *Eve- Valentine *Eve - White Day *Eve - Christmas Eve *Have all of last year's festivals as wins *Cancel. *This festival does not exist. *Please take up to two monsters. *Enter name *oEnter name of the main character ''{Hero}'' *oEnter name of the farm''{Farm}'' Farm *oEnter name of shack A ''{Barn0}'' *oEnter name of shack B ''{Barn1}'' *oEnter name of shack C ''{Barn2}'' *oEnter name of shack D ''{Barn3}'' *oEnter name of shack E ''{Barn4}'' *oEnter name of shack F ''{Barn5}'' *oEnter name of shack G ''{Barn6}'' *oEnter name of shack H ''{Barn7}'' *oEnter name of shack I ''{Barn8}'' *oEnter name of shack J ''{Barn9}'' *oName of child If there are none, it will stop! *Return *Shop *oWeapon, Farm Tool Shop *oAccessory Shop *oEquipment - Excavated Things *oHospital - Medicine *oFlower Shop *oFurniture Shop *oAbility Shop *oMagic Shop *oJewel Shop *oSaku Shop -Tuner- *oYue Shop *oRestaurant *Cancel *Scenario Debug *Please select either Main Scenario or Newlywed Mode. *Main Scenario *Newlywed Mode *Go back *The selected character's Newlywed Mode will begin. *Vishnal *Clorica *Forte *Kiel *Margaret *Dylas *Arthur *Xio Pai *Amber *Doug *Dolce *Leon *Cheat *Go Back *This is a cheat. *Ultimate Equipment *Expand Backpack *Obtain License *Add Fire Crystal *Add Dragon Scale *Cooked Rainbow Trout dishes before *Cooked Lamp Squid dishes before *Cooked Blowfish dishes before *Added Rainbow Trout *Added Lamp Squid *Added Blowfish *Max Cooking Skills *Unlock all Rune Planners *Three kinds of fruit *Control Time *Map right before licorice *Added 9 empty cans *To Monster Dwelling entrance *Change Flag *Return *Time Control *0:00 *1:00 *2:00 *3:00 *4:00 *5:00 *6:00 *7:00 *8:00 *9:00 *10:00 *11:00 *12:00 *13:00 *14:00 *15:00 *16:00 *17:00 *18:00 *19:00 *20:00 *21:00 *22:00 *23:00 *Cancel *Change Flag 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 *Cancel *Select a chapter. The event will end when it reaches the selected area. *Opening *Yokmir Forest *Water Ruins *Obsidian Mansion *Rune Sphere Exploration *Forest of Beginnings *Exchange with Ventuswill *Assault of the Dragons *Idra Cave *To Maya Road *Infiltration into the Imperial Territory *Floating Empire Castle *Epilogue *Setting, Venti, Doug *Escape *Select the Opening Chapter *01: Opening *02: Looking into the Journal *03: Field Tutorial *04: After the field, in front of Ventus *Flag Check *Return *Opening End Flag! *Flags aren't going to be standing. *Forest Chapter Select *01: Castle Gates, Forte *02: Forest, in front of the entrance *03: Forest, In front of the gate *04: Forest, sudden butterflies *05: Forest, before the map battle before the boss *06: Forest, before the boss battle *07: Forest, Rematch with the boss battle *08: After the hospital, before reporting to Venti *09: Hospital, before Amber wakes up *10: Venti, right before the nightly talk *Return *Shrine Chapter Select *01: Dragon Worship *02: Cursed Voice, Mushroom Road *03: Ruins *04: Before Doug's Entrance at the Ruins *05: Solving the Ruins *06: Pressed both switches in the Ruins *07: Rematch with Raiden *08: Before Dylas Disappears from the Hospital *09: Before Dylas Wakes Up at the Hospital *Return *Mansion Chapter Select *01: Town Rumors, before Pico's Appearance *02: Pico waits at the plaza *03: Pico waits at the mansion *04: Before Locked In at the Mansion Entrance *05: Before the Ghost of the Mansion Hallway *06: Disappearing candle at the Mansion Hallway *07: Pico at the Mansion Garden *08: Pico at the Garden *09: Before the monsters jump in *10: Pico's ''Just a bit more'' *11: Pico before the Mansion Boss *12: Rematch with Mansion Boss *Return *Rune Sphere Chapter Select *01: Before charm stolen from own room *02: Before spotting Chipsqueek in the town plaza *03: Before spotting Chipsqueek at the castle gate *04: Before spotting near the forest entrance *05: Before spotting at the forest entrance *06: Before spotting at the forest map 1 *07: Before falling off the forest cliff *08: Before picking up the rune sphere *09: Before spotting Chipsqueek at the cave exit *10: Before spotting at the boss map *11: Rematch with Dead Tree *12: Outside of Ruins entrance *13: Before the Ruins Chimera *14: Rematch with Ruins Chimera *15: Before setting the rune sphere at the Ruins *16: After placement, before obtaining info from traveler *17: Before spotting a large stump *18: Before the Delirium entrance *19: Before arriving to 2nd floor of Delirium *20: Before battling Rafflesia *21: Rematch with Rafflesia *22: Before placing rune sphere at the Mansion *23: Before Venti and Doug at the Dragon Space *24: Before Bullet at the inn *25: Before warning about the Gate battle *26: Before the Gate battle *Return *Forest of Beginnings Chapter Select *01: After the entrance of the Forest of Beginnings *02: Before the Sarcophagus battle *Return *Exchange Chapter Select *01: Before talking with Venti and the 4 memories *Return *Dragon Assault Chapter Select *01: Before the Castle gate event *02: Before the fight at the plaza *03: After the battle, going to the Dragon Space *04: Hospital, before obtaining info from Doug *Return *Idra Cave Chapter Select *01: Before Idra Cave *02: Before B1 of Idra *03: Before the Idra boss *04: Rematch with the Idra boss *Return *Maya Road Chapter Select *01: Before spotting Imperial soldier at Autumn Road *02: Before the bridge is destroyed *03: Bridge destroyed and talking with Arthur *04: Before the entrance to Maya Road *05: Before the explanation of the hole in Maya Road *06: before Wall Switch 2 at Maya Road *07: Before boss at Maya Road *08: Rematch with boss at Maya Road *Return *Imperial Territory Chapter Select *01: Outside the bridge of the national border *02: Start of the Imperial Territory *03: Before battle against 3 Imperial soldiers *04: Rematch with 3 Imperial soldiers *05 Before Akuna battle at Imperial Territory *06: Rematch with Akuna at Imperial Territory *Return *Floating Empire Castle Chapter Select *01: Before going to Floating Empire Castle with airship *02: Rematch of airship battle 1 *03: Rematch of airship battle 2 *04: Rematch of airship battle 3 *05: Before battle with Ethelberd *06: Rematch with Ethelberd *07: Rematch after Enhanced State *Return *Epilogue Chapter Select *01: Before epilogue access point *02: Before Leon Karnak entrance *03: Before battle with Right and Left Statues *04: Before battle with Sarcophagus *05: Memory 1, before Map M11 *06: Memory 2, before Map M25 *07: Memory 3, before Map M35 *08: Memory 4, before Map M48 *09: Memory 5, before Map M64 *10: Memory 5, before Map M83 *11: Before Last Boss *12: Before setting Rune Sphere N39 *13: Revive Venti, before Dragon Space *14: Clear epilogue *Return *Set Venti and Doug's situation *Venti sleeping *Unlock Venti sleeping *Doug Side Event Lock *Doug Side Event Unlock *Doug Hospitalized *Doug Discharged *Venti Disappears *Venti Revives *Return *Related Birthday *Change to current date as birthday *Quit *Confirm Motion *Credit Roll 1 Scale Check *BGM Fade Check *N Ethel Battle Check *Special Character Settings for Credit Roll *Credit Roll 2 Scale Check *Ending (Plaza 2nd Run) *Ending (Different Ways) *Text Check *Ackna Battle *Fleck Battle *Opening Save Check *Ethelwill Battle *Airship Land Check *Fade Check *Side Event Activation Check *Doug Hospitalized Flag Limit *Venti Down Limit *Regarding Wedding Ring *Check to Confirm if Visuals Play on Bottom Screen *Text Check *Credit Roll 3 Scale Check *Execute Side Event *Opening Yokmir *Escape *After 3 seconds, I set the volume to 1. *After 3 seconds, I set the volume to 100. If I become a +Guardian+, I can save Venti, right? ... Perhaps this is how everyone else must have felt, too... *Test Text *Test 2 *Fire *It will activate since Amber is there. *It will not activate since Amber is not there. *On *Off *On *Off I have some advice for you. You need a custom @アイテム0@ to get{LF}married. And you need your own +crafting table+ to make it. Did you know? You must have an @アイテム0@ to get{LF}married. And in order to make one, you'll require a +Crafting Table+. *1{Chara 0}1 *・M_AMAZE~M_FLOWER02 *・M_JUMP~M_THINK *・M_ORDER~M_CLEAN *・M_YES~M_YAWN *・M_LOOK~M_ROLL *・M_SMILE_EZEL~M_DMG_DONW *・Watch All Standard Types *・Watch All Farming Types *・Saber Attack Motion *・Broadsword Attack Motion *・Spear Attack Motion *・Staff Attack Motion *・Axe Attack Motion *・Twin Blades Attack Motion *・Fist Attack Motion *Quit The same as before. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. The same as before. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. You can change the pet name your partner uses when{LF}addressing you. Which would you prefer? You can change the pet name you will use when addressing{LF}your partner. Which would you prefer? *Vishnal *Clorica *Forte *Kiel *Margaret *Dylas *Arthur *Xiao Pai *Amber *Doug *Dolce *Leon *Quit Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. @しゅじんこうくん@, you shall play the part of a demon, and{LF}others will throw beans at you. Getting hit by green beans will give you points, while +brown{LF}beans+ will give you even more. And if you allow yourself to be hit by the rare +pink beans+,{LF}well... AHEM! Pardon me, but that part is a secret. The more times you're hit in a row, the greater the number{LF}of points you will receive. However, if you're hit by a solid @アイテム0@,{LF}you will lose all your points. In short: Allow the beans to hit you. Do not be hit by a stray{LF}@アイテム0@. Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. Whosoever eats the most within the time limit wins! Quite simple, no? Everyone will begin on my signal. Try to be the first to grab{LF}your desired food item. There will be many fruits, but +dishes+ have a higher point{LF}value. Best to avoid the dreaded @アイテム0@,{LF}however! Also, please note that eating in this contest works +a bit{LF}differently+ than usual. Once you pick up a food item, press @字@ +repeatedly+ to{LF}engorge yourself. The faster you press, the faster you'll be able to wolf down{LF}your food! Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. Sir Arthur has prepared a large, lovely Wooly for us today. In fact, the poor thing is much too wooly for this hot{LF}weather. Thus, we shall show the creature our appreciation for all it{LF}gives to us by cutting off its wool. I have prepared safe, blunt instruments for each participant{LF}to use. Show your appreciation to the Woolies by beating the{LF}stuffing off of them! Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. The goal is to hit the flying turnips with a ball. The more you can hit in a row, the greater the number of{LF}points you will receive. And if you hit Pink Turnips or Golden Turnips, you will{LF}receive even more points! +Control+ is the most important skill in this festival. Master it{LF}and you will do well. Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. The goal for this festival is simple -- hit your opponents with{LF}a hefty @アイテム0@! Or go the @アイテム1@ route to receive even{LF}more points. Keep in mind that any opponent struck by{LF}@アイテム2@ will be paralyzed for a few{LF}seconds. Give it your all, and may the best competitor win! Now then, allow me to explain the +rules+ for{LF}the @カレンダー0@. Each person may enter a team of +up to 2+ of their pet{LF}monsters to compete. Each team will fight another, and the winning team will{LF}advance. The contest has ended! I shall now announce the results. Third place was taken by... @キャラ2@, who caught @2@ fish! @キャラ2@, who caught @2@ kinds of fish! @キャラ2@, who caught a{LF}@4@.@5@cm fish! @キャラ2@, who got @2@ votes! @キャラ2@, who got @2@ Porcoins! @キャラ2@! @キャラ2@, who got @2@ points! Second place was taken by... @キャラ1@, who caught @1@ fish! @キャラ1@, who caught @1@ kinds of fish! @キャラ1@, who caught a{LF}@2@.@3@cm fish! @キャラ1@, who got @1@ votes! @キャラ1@, who got @1@ Porcoins! @キャラ1@! @キャラ1@, who got @1@ points! Ladies and gentlemen! It's time to announce the champion! The champion of this @カレンダー0@ is... @キャラ0@, who caught @数字0@ fish!!! @キャラ0@, who caught @数字0@ kinds of fish!!! @キャラ0@, who caught a{LF}@0@.@1@cm fish!!! @キャラ0@, who got @0@ votes!!! @キャラ0@, who got @0@ Porcoins!!! @キャラ0@!!! @キャラ0@, who got @0@ points!!! By the way, you caught @数字3@ fish. By the way, you caught @数字3@ kinds of fish. By the way, you caught a @6@.@7@cm fish,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. By the way, you got @数字3@ votes, @しゅじんこうくん@. By the way, you got @数字3@ Porcoins, @しゅじんこうくん@. By the way, you got @数字3@ points, @しゅじんこうくん@. Well done, everyone! Don't forget to bring your prizes home. DISMISSED! The result: @数字0@ Porcoins The result: @数字0@ points +New Record!+ @アイテム0@ (Short Sword @0@P) @アイテム1@ (Long Sword @1@P) @アイテム2@ (Spear @2@P) @アイテム3@ (Hammer @3@P) @アイテム4@ (Axe @4@P) @アイテム5@ (Dual Blades @5@P) @アイテム6@ (Fists @6@P) You choose the @アイテム6@? No, I changed my mind! Yes! Whoever cuts off the most wool from the Woolies will be{LF}ranked the winner. Are you ready? One more thing. +Your points and time left will be shown on{LF}the upper part of the screen.+ Please keep an eye on these statistics as you go. Are you ready? @カレンダー0@... +BEGIN!+ Time's up! Time for the last entry! It's @しゅじんこうくん@'s @アイテム0@! Let's see... Hmm, this is a seasonal crop! It's perfect for this contest! Um, this isn't a seasonal crop, is it? Well, I suppose it'll be{LF}fine, either way... Oh, but you must have gone to great effort to grow it, no? This isn't quick to blossom by any means. That will surely{LF}have a positive effect on your score. Oh, but you must have gone to great effort to grow it, no? Hmm... It seems to have grown into a wonderful specimen. I can feel your passion in its lifestream. Most impressive! My, this grew beautifully! Mm. Its quality is above average. The points you can earn differ depending on the weapon.{LF}Which one will you choose? Ladies and gentlemen! It's time to appeeeaaaal! I'd like you to appeal your crop, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? What does that mean? Uh, sure thing! Oh, haven't I explained it? Please, allow me to correct that{LF}grievous error! Here, you must defend your crop. Appeal for its worth to{LF}those who challenge it! +Choose your answers based on the person to whom you're{LF}appealing.+ Excellent! Let us begin, then. Your opening remarks, please! I'll do my best! Everybody having fun?! I'm super nervous... You make me nervous, as well... Do your best! ♪ Thank you! Now...we open to the floor! Your questions,{LF}please! I wonder what sort of tidbits I might hear this time? I look{LF}forward to the proceedings! Do your best, @しゅじんこうくん@! I'm here for you! ♪ Probably can't get away with charging 100 Gold per cheer,{LF}huh? Do your best! Hey, you guys need to do your share and{LF}cheer, too! Ehh...just don't overdo it. @しゅじんこうくん@ is coming up next. We mustn't miss this! I'm just watching @しゅじんこうくん@. Nothing more. So why is{LF}my heart beating this fast...? Show us your best, @しゅじんこうくん@! Haha. Don't be nervous! Do your best! I don't know what's going on, exactly, but do{LF}your best anyway! Boo! Boo! The champion is me! Go, @しゅじんこうくん@! Goooo! You can do it, @しゅじんこうくん@! ''No way! Dolly is gonna be the champioMMMMRRNNNFF!'' Shut up, Pico. I know you can do it. I'm looking forward to hearing your lovely words,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@! I'm not expecting a lot from this contest, but I like your{LF}voice...so I'll listen. Do your best! Let's see how far you can go, @しゅじんこうくん@... Look! It's @キャラ0@! Question for @しゅじんこうくん@. Do you water your crops regularly? Every day! Most of the time. I leave it to the rain. Excellent answer! You're a good farmer! Ummm... I think you should water your crops every day. Excuse me?! I don't think that's a good idea at all... This is a really quality vegetable. So, @しゅじんこうくん@... How hard have you been training? Very. Barely. Ugh, you don't wanna know. I see. That's most impressive. I am proud of you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Seriously?! ...And yet, you've accomplished so much. I hardly know what{LF}to say! I must do my best, as well! Hmmm, let me see. Did you sleep well last night? You bet! I slept well enough. I was tossing and turning. I see. That's good. I envy you. I see. A normal night's sleep, then? That's good. That's not good. You should sleep whenever and wherever you can! I think it's important for one's growth and well-being. Do you like veggies, @しゅじんこうくん@? Love 'em! Ehh, more or less. ULGH DON'T SAY THE V WORD! That's good. If you like veggies, you'll make a greater effort to grow them{LF}naturally, right? Hmm, I see. Veggies are good, but not great, huh? Well, okay...but you do grow veggies in your field, right? Isn't{LF}that...traumatic for you? How long does it take to grow? @8@ days. @9@ days. All you need is love! Exactly right! You sure do know your stuff. ...Hmm? Are you sure? That's...true, I guess. Fair enough! Let's decide whose crop is better, yours or mine! Mine stands no chance... That's not the issue here. You're goin' DOWN! Hey, be more confident! Stand up for your crop! It's no fun to{LF}win by forfeit. Of course, I'm not about to concede, either. ♪ It's not? Sounds like you're just getting scared of going against me{LF}and my super-crops! That's what I'm talking about! ♪ Most impressive. If I just had a high-quality ingredient like{LF}this, then maybe... Er, I mean, do you think even a lousy cook like me can make{LF}good food with that as a base? Absolutely! Erm... Let's try it together! R-really?! ...Waaaait...there's no way you can know that. Are you just{LF}leading me on? Like I thought. I'm just hopeless in the kitchen. Ooh, that sounds great! There's nothing you can't make with @しゅじんこうくん@ and{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@'s magic crops! I'm impressed, @しゅじんこうくん@. That was a truly great{LF}answer. Final question! What are you most proud of about your crop? Its taste. Its nutritional content. Its appearance. You sound confident! I'd like to try some after your training is complete. That's great! As a knight, I must pay attention to my health. Perhaps I can swing my sword more quickly if I eat your{LF}vegetables. Ah, I see. I don't like emphasizing appearance over content, though. The crop came out nicely, huh? How much do you think you can sell it for? Sell it? Pfah! No chance. A million G. No haggling. How about...@9@ Gold? Good call. You should exhibit it and collect fees from visitors! It seems you have a lot of confidence, but I think that's too{LF}much to ask! Not that I wasn't expecting that sort of answer from you,{LF}though. Wow! That grew really well! Do you mind if I sell it with my new weapons, as a set? No problem. Uh, yeah, I mind! Let me think about it. Oh-ho? You'd mind if you had confidence in your work. Hmph. Well...I understand. You put a lot of effort into growing it,{LF}no? That's against the rules. All answers must be given at the{LF}time of the appeal. Too bad! My, what a lovely specimen! May I ask for what reason you grew this particular crop? *Tell a romantic story* *Tell a sad story* *Just say whatever* When this crop was still but a seed, the stars aligned just{LF}right and allowed us to meet. It was shining...and I knew, with but a single glance, that I{LF}was fated to see it into adulthood! ...Wow. That sounds...magical! *SWOON* I felt if I didn't grow it... ...then it would die, all alone... ...as a poor, neglected, orphaned seed, never to see the{LF}beauties of this world... *SNIFFLE* ...Th-that's so...very kind of you, @しゅじんこうくん@...{LF}*SOB* I picked it up over that-a-way. Th-that's it?! ...Well, I guess those sorts of things DO happen to people... It's grown so big, I don't even know if it's edible anymore! How about we exhibit it in the restaurant? Haha... That's a good idea! No, trust me, it's edible. I don't care. Huh? Really? We might get more customers that way! ♪ Ah, but with Porco there, it might be a bit dangerous. Oh{LF}well...too bad, I guess! Ummm, okay. Well, it certainly looks nutritious! Why are you so uninterested? You should have passion for it. You did grow it, after all! I can't tell anything unless I actually eat the thing. *Let him eat it* *Don't let him eat it* *Tease him* Here you go. Wha? I can eat it just like this? ... ...This is...! ...A-AMAZING!! Well...it sure LOOKS good, at least. (And I mean reeeeeal good...) You want to eat it? For real? Right here, right now? ...W-well, no, not really... Go ahead! See if I care! N-no, thanks! I'm good, really! *YAWN* (He seems to have lost all interest...) *Get closer and try again* *Appeal loudly* *Poke* Here, give it a closer look. What do you think? Whoa! Look, look! See? She's a beaut, huh? All right, already! I see it! Just...stay back! Please! So, what do you actually think of it? Honest opinion! It's really good. In fact...it's the best of them all! I AM PROUD OF THIS!!!! ?!?! ...Did you catch that? Y-yeah. I heard it loud and clear! (Maybe a little TOO loud...) ...Ow! You listening to me?! ...Yes, of course! Are you sure? ...Sorry. I might have zoned out a little. I see. What a fascinating product! If I were your customer, let's see...may I ask you one thing? What quality do you most wish to use in your appeal to me? Guts. Love. Friendship. Continuity is the father of success. If you don't continue to{LF}fight, the battle is lost. ...A persuasive argument indeed. That sounds a bit too abstract for my tastes. Unfortunately, I'm afraid it's simply not good enough to{LF}persuade me. A friendship with the crop, eh? Interesting premise. It's not persuasive to me, personally, but I can't fault you on{LF}your premise. I'd like to discuss it with you in depth sometime. Well, now, this is quite something! I'm impressed that you were able to grow something so{LF}lovely! So what's the secret of growing crops? It may be useful for{LF}my own business. I'll tell you later. Erm, it's a SECRET. Duh! Just hard work. No secret! Are you sure? I'll take you up on that sometime, then! And I'll bring some tea when I do, so we can have a nice,{LF}long chat over a few scrumptious cups. I see. Your technique is also one of your assets, then? I'm a bit disappointed, but I can't say I blame you. It's the details of that hard work that interest me. I wish to{LF}know what, exactly, you do! Here, here! I have a question! Go ahead. Will you marry me? How could I not?! Oh...oh GOD no! *Ignore him* Ooh! My appeal was accepted? How splendiferous! *SHOCK* Here, here! I have a question! Go ahead. I'm hungry! Are you, now? Then go home. That's not a question. I am! So please, allow me to eat your prize! Pretty please? N-no! Come on! How could I let it go that easily?! Ohhhhhh...but it looks so delectable! *SHOCK* You live in a restaurant! Surely you have plenty of food to eat{LF}there. ...Ahh, I see, I see! Your powers of logic are astute indeed! Here, here! I have a question! Go ahead. I love you, @しゅじんこうくん@! I love you too. My heart knows only crops. *Ignore him* For true?! Oh, frabjous day! Porklu! Parquet! *SHOCK* If you love crops so much, why don't you just marry them?! Somebody, please, get him out of here... Hmm? Ah! There's a bug on your crop! Just your imagination. Well, it is organic... How unlucky! +Majinayshon+? Is that the species of bug? No, I'm saying you're just imagining-- I don't know what's going on, but I feel like you're trying to{LF}trick me, yes? Oh, I see, I see. I've heard of organic crops before. It makes{LF}sense, I think! Yes, it looks delicious! ♪ ...I am unlucky, it's true, but you shouldn't be. Not today! Wow, well done! How did you make this? It seems I'm very interested in how you grow crops. Hard work every day. It's all the fertilizer. I'm not telling! Aha! It makes sense! I can understand very easy! Really? Hmmm... You found the right formula, it seems! You, uh, don't have to make a comment if you don't{LF}understand, you know... Oongh... My, my! ♪ Look how much it's grown! It's delicious, too! ♪ Ehh, it's not THAT big! It's the best crop ever. Ooh, that's great to hear! Maybe I should buy some for the ol' homestead. You don't think? You should have more confidence in what you've produced!{LF}I'm a little disappointed... Well, you certainly sound confident! But that just means I can trust in what you've produced all{LF}the more! ♪ What was the most important thing for you to keep in mind{LF}when tending this? Daily care. Same as everyone. I dunno, it just...grew! Something so simple and basic...but then, that's what makes{LF}farming such a challenge, right? Still, knowing how much work you put in means I can serve{LF}these to customers without worry. In other words, you didn't really do anything special to grow{LF}it, huh? So there's not really anything separating this from any other{LF}vegetable, save for its look. That's not good at all. I can't serve that kind of vegetable to my customers... Wow, that looks amazingly delicious! ♪ It totally is! You want some? I don't much like it. Ooh! Now I want to have some! Uh, no. Not really. Awww. Isn't that a little rude to the vegetable? Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? What's the difference between your crop and one grown in{LF}the forest? Mine's filled with love. Mine's fertilized. Bugs, mostly. Love, huh...? How much? Huh? Erm... A lot, I guess. I see... ...That makes me really happy to hear. Fertilized? That's like, medicine for farmland, huh? Er, kind of. It's actually-- I don't like medicine. ... That makes sense. First come, first served, after all! We don't{LF}stand a chance compared to bugs. Where food's involved, we're all the same. No holding back!{LF}Eat, eat, eat! Hee hee... I accuse... ...you, on your farmland, with the hoe! You did it! You grew{LF}that crop! Admit it! *Confess casually* *Confess dramatically* The culprit is among us! I did. You got me. Oh, come on... Can't you answer with a little more dramatic flair than that?! This is your time! Make it count! Have fun with it! Yes! And I would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for{LF}you meddling kids and your dragon! At long last, you've confessed. This case can now be put{LF}behind us. Thank you for your cooperation. That's right! Someone in this general vicinity grew that{LF}vegetable... ...and that someone was me! I knew it! You may have been able to deceive others, but you can{LF}never pull the wool over MY eyes! HAHAHA!! ...But you admitted your culpability, and for that, I commend{LF}you. You grew it well. It must have been a lot of work, no? Yes, it was. I overcame it with love. Not at all. I knew it. I knew it! Well, you did great. Nice job. Oho! You overcame it with love? Who says things like that?! Well done, then! I'm just used to that kind of work, I guess. I see! I'm impressed. Sure does look good. And I mean that both visually, and in the sense that I want{LF}to eat it! Can I have a bite? Just a nibble is fine... *Let him nibble* *Deny him* *Tease him* Sure. Here you go. AWWRIGHT!! *CHOMP* *CHOMP* That's some gooood veggie right there! Great stuff, @しゅじんこうくん@! Aww, don't be stingy! What's the problem? I'm just asking for a little bit! Hmmm... I don't know if I should... Wha?! ...Fine, then! I don't want it! So that's your crop, huh? You know, I'm the one who taught you how to grow it... You sure did. You might be confused. Stop your crazy mumbling. I knew it! You totally followed all of my instructions and made a{LF}kickass showcase out of it! I'm awesome! Mm... Er, uh... You realize I was just kidding, right? No need to be so{LF}blunt... What a fine crop! Erm, but what's it called, again? I've completely forgotten. @アイテム1@! @アイテム2@! @アイテム0@! Exactly right! That was a test. And you passed with flying colors. ...Er, @しゅじんこうくん@? It's @アイテム0@. How can you not know your own crop? It's an attractive crop, to be sure. How did you grow it? Did you buy the seeds from my shop? I did. No, I didn't. I found them in secret. You don't have to lie. I wasn't fishing, I swear! Forgive me, @しゅじんこうくん@. Oh, I see. If you'd said you had, though, I could've used it to promote{LF}my goods. Please buy some seed at my store next time, so I can share{LF}in your glory a bit! Hee hee... In secret, you say? Yeah. It was a place no man has ever breached before, and the{LF}natural wonders therein were astounding. Of course, I had very little food with me at the time, so I was{LF}forced to subsist on nuts and b-- Yes, yes, that sounds most harrowing. You can stop now. ...Er, okay... So, as the one who brought this crop into the world, what is{LF}it you most wish to appeal? It's thanks to hard work! My farm is the best! Speaks for itself, no? Okay. ''That sounds like @しゅじんこうくん@ to me, milady!'' Doesn't say anything about its taste, though. You have confidence in your farm, huh? Well, amateurs like me can't tell the difference. But it's still{LF}good to hear. ''Yeah, totally!'' Oho! So that's your angle, is it? Very diplomatic. Let people decide for themselves, huh? I like your attitude. You've earned my trust. ''Not that I mind, but how come you're being so...polite?{LF}Seems unlike you!'' Come to think of it, what's your general opinion on{LF}vegetables? Do you like them? I love them. Not really. Well, I like growing them! Good. Simple but confident. ''You like that, do you? Well, then...I love you, milady!'' I feel like I can trust your vegetables. ''Ahem. I said I love you, milady!'' I'm looking forward to the results of this little challenge. (She ignored Pico completely...) Hmmm... I see. ''I don't think you should be so forthcoming about that...'' I see. ''That didn't really answer the question, though...'' That's fine, though, isn't it? I wasn't really looking for a{LF}straight answer, to be honest. All I care about is the taste. I see. This is a fine piece indeed. It's good for your health. How about one for @ナンシー@? Thank you very much. I don't like when people make that claim. Nothing exists in a vacuum. Everything with health benefits{LF}also has drawbacks. Mm, that's a good idea. I think she'd be happy to cook with this. You're very welcome. ... Erm, I don't exactly have any real questions for you. That{LF}was pretty much it. Oh...okay. Well, thanks! Actually...hmmm... @しゅじんこうくん@, how confident are you in{LF}your farming skill? I basically just wing it. I'd stake my life on it. I AM A GOD. That's not good. You really should put thought into what you{LF}do, always... ...But you seem confident. So who am I to argue? I see. Then I'll be looking forward to the results. I, uh... Yeah, no. I'm sorry, but just...no. Mm. Seems to have the perfect ripeness. Will feasting on a whole bushel of these keep me healthy,{LF}do you think? You'll never get sick! It'll help, I'm sure. You have medicine. Use it. Haha, you sound very confident. But you surely can't claim this to be a cure-all, can you? You{LF}clearly must be exaggerating. Good answer. No such thing as a cure-all. It's important to{LF}balance one's diet. But at least I can have fun cooking your vegetable, no? Oh, come now! There's no need to be rude. Medicine is to treat sickness, not preserve good health. And{LF}it's certainly not a cure-all! Do you understand? I'd like to know the depths of your passion for vegetables. So...go! Express your passion! ♪ I love you, veggies! You are my sun and moon. MARRY ME, VEGGIES!! That's rather direct and clinical, but not half bad. I can sense{LF}your youthful spirit. You pass! You expressed your passion in a poetic manner. Absolutely{LF}lovely. You pass! ... That brings up all manner of unpleasant mental imagery. And{LF}frankly...makes me uncomfortable. W-wow. I didn't think you'd take that so seriously. I feel kind{LF}of...embarrassed now... So...you as champion. That seems like an acceptable{LF}outcome to me. Glad you agree! Is it, now? Look before you judge! ... You just lost points from me. What?! Hmm... I'm not so sure anymore. What?! Hey, now's your time to appeal your crop. And time is{LF}running out. Ah, w-wait... I am looking at it. I'm sort of serious, actually. What do you mean ''sort of''? I mean... Well, I'm as serious now as I am when I look at your face. If you win, let's see...as a special treat, I'll grant your wish. What would you like? Give me money. What if it's a kiss? I don't want anything. Three points for that. If that's a joke, it's not funny. And if you meant it...how very{LF}droll. Ah, well. You had your chance. Better luck next time. Do you... ...really want a kiss from me? Hmm? Answer my question. Did you really mean it? Erm, I was just kidding... I know. ...What? Your reaction just seemed to get a rise out of the audience,{LF}so I figured I'd play along. Thank you. I see. I'm a little disappointed that you didn't give me a witty{LF}comeback. ...But that's not you, and I know it. And that's part of what I{LF}like about you. Good luck! Knock 'em dead! I'll do my best! I make you proud! I need your support! Tee-hee, @キャラ0@'s so cool! Go for the win! Okay! Hurrah! Hurrah! @キャラ0@! Don't give in! I'm going to win this! I will not lose! Thanks for your support! Hip, hip, hurrah! Tee-hee, @キャラ0@ is super cool! Ahh, @キャラ0@ looked at me! Yay! The time for appeals has ended! How well do you think you did? YESSSS!! I'm the champion?! Thank you so much! Wow, thank you very much! Something like this is but a trifle to one with so much{LF}experience... Thank you very much. I'll keep doing my best from now on. What? Really?! I won?! ♪ Ha! Time to market a line of ''Champion Weapons''! I'll be{LF}RICH! Yaaaaaay! ♪ Thank you very much! M-me?! ...I-I'm not...sure how I feel about this... It's a great honor. Thank you very much. OH-HO-HO!! Anyone want my autograph? Don't be shy!{LF}Queue up, children! Queue up! This result comes from much effect! ...Or, is that effort? Yes, effort! Oh, my, are you sure it's me? Yay. I won! ♪ Ha! I'm the champion! That was easy. Me? Wow. I did not see that coming at all! ''As it should be!'' I'm not so sure... It's more than I deserve. Tee-hee. Thanks! ♪ I know I'm good, but I didn't expect to win. How delightful! I'm the champion? Huh...well, that offered no real challenge. Tee-hee, I'm the champion! Congratulations! Congratulations on your win! Congratulations on your victory! ♪ Congratulations! Keep it up! Brilliant! Congratulations. Wow! You're amazing! Well done. I have to admit, I did not see it coming! Wow, great job! Impressive... Outstanding! I couldn't be more impressed! Can I have your autograph!? I knew you could do it! Yes! A true underdog story if ever I've heard one. Congratulations! Congraaaats! ♪ I didn't expect you to win. Nicely done! I didn't think you could beat me. Congratulations on your win. Wow... ''You really are quite good.'' I underestimated you. Congratulations. Good job! I knew you had it in you. Well done. Congrats on your win! You're aaaawesome! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! Oh, thank you very much! I still have a lot to learn. Hee hee. Not bad, eh? Mrrng...and I was so close, too! Hurrah! I did my best! ...That wasn't so bad. I'd like to thank you all. Porcooooo! Porcooooo!!! I'll win the next contest for sure! You'll see! Wow, thank you very much. I'm very grateful. Thank you! ♪ Thank you! Thank you. Well, that's not surprising. ''Yaaaaay! That's milady, Dolly!'' Thank you very much. Yes! Guess that's what a little hard work can get you. Not bad. Thank you! Yaay! Hurraaaay! From now, I will be your MC! Why? Well...why not?! Here I am! The one and only Porcoline! Your next Selphian{LF}Idol, overflowing with the S-Factor! Idol? ''S-Factor''? What the heck is he talking about...?{LF}*MUMBLE* *MURMUR* Everyone! How do you feeeel?! ''Woooooooo!'' ''Yeaaaaaaaaaah!'' Don't you want to win that dream vacation overseas you've{LF}been coveting for so long? ''Woooooooo!'' ''Yeaaaaaaaaaah!'' ...Sorry, we don't have any prizes like that. ''What?!'' ''Why did you ask us, then?!'' ''Go home!!'' Let me explain the rules. I'm going to ask some questions now. If you think the question is true, go to the circle area. If you think it's false, go to the cross area. Every time you get a right answer, I'll give you one ''Porcoin.'' ''P-Porcoin...?'' ''What the heck is that...?'' A special coin-shaped Porcoline Point. More valuable than{LF}Gold, as far as anyone knows! And I doubt I have to tell you... ...that whosoever gets the most Porcoins will officially be{LF}regarded as the winner! So, let's get started, shall we? First question! Keep up, now! Question @0@! TIME'S UP!! All questions have been asked. And so, Volkanon, the rest is up to you! Very well. I shall announce the results. Choose your answer! TIME'S UP!! All right! Is that your final answer?! Let's see which was the correct choice! The answer is... TRUE!! FALSE!! TRUE AND FALSE!! So, pray tell, how did you do?! It's a question about @マップ0@. There are two golden lobster statues in front of{LF}@マップ0@! True (O) or false (X)? There are indeed two golden lobster statues! It's true! It's a question about @マップ0@. The objects used for the restaurant's sign are a spoon and{LF}fork! True (O) or false (X)? False! it's a knife and fork. No spoon! Spoons are such{LF}inelegant utensils, aren't they? It's a question about the bath at the inn. True (O), or false{LF}(X)? You decide! There are individual baths for each gender. The entrance to{LF}the men's is to the right. If you mistakenly enter the wrong bath, you place your life in{LF}your hands, so be very careful! it's a question about the +Bell Hotel+. The two statues in front are facing each other. True (O) or{LF}false (X)? They're facing each other all friendly-like, of course! Their{LF}names are Monet and Mr. Tiddles. It's a question about @マップ0@. The colors used for @マップ0@'s sign are red{LF}and white! True (O) or false (X)? I'm afraid it's blue and white. And let me tell you, I hate{LF}getting shots there! It's a question about crops. After harvesting yams, you do NOT need to plant seeds to{LF}further the crop. True (O) or false (X)? A disappointing fact if ever I've heard one. I wanted to{LF}engorge myself! It's a question about crops. You can harvest pumpkins without the need to plant seeds{LF}again afterward. True (O) or false (X)? More pumpkins means more food upon which I may feast!{LF}Mmmm... It's a question about @マップ0@. The object shown in the sign for @マップ0@ is{LF}a sword! True (O) or false (X)? Nope! Shield. A more defensive answer than expected, no? It's a question about monsters. Defeated monsters are sent to the ''Forest of Beginnings''!{LF}True (O) or false (X)? I wonder what kind of place it is. Perhaps it's filled with{LF}delectable food items! It's a question about crops. When growing crops, you sometimes see a spirit called a{LF}''Runay.'' True (O) or false (X)? But of course, 'tis not ''Runay,'' but ''Runey''! It's a question about @マップ0@. There are two beds in @マップ0@! True (O) or{LF}false (X)? Two white beds. It's true! It's a question about items. The @アイテム0@ cures ''seal.'' True (O) or{LF}false (X)? I'm afraid the @アイテム0@ cures ''paralysis,''{LF}not ''seal.'' It's a question about tools. You can turn a cultivated area back to a flat area with a{LF}hammer! True (O) or false (X)? Yes, hammers can do that. They're wonderful, magical{LF}devices! It's a question about items. The @アイテム0@ cures ''seal.'' True (O) or{LF}false (X)? Always best to carry a wide variety of medicine with you at{LF}all times! It's a question about battles. When you are ''paralyzed,'' you can walk twice as fast! True{LF}(O) or false (X)? I certainly hope nobody got THAT one wrong! It's a question about tools. To chop branches or stumps, you need an ''axe''! True (O) or{LF}false (X)? Axes are great for making lumber. It's true! It's a question about battles. When you are ''poisoned,'' your RP gradually decreases! True{LF}(O) or false (X)? It's not RP, but HP. Did I get you? It's a question about tools. If you use a sickle on crops, you're more likely to get better{LF}seeds! True (O) or false (X)? If you don't need to harvest a crop, reaping it grim-style is{LF}definitely the next best thing! It's a question about the town. There are six telescopes in @マップ0@! True{LF}(O) or false (X)? Three. And boy is it ever a pain in the butt when they're all{LF}taken! I hate waiting in line. It's a question about seasons. Fireflies show up at night during the summer. True (O) or{LF}false (X)? They sparkle like diamonds, don't they? It's a question about moi. I can run 100 meters in ten seconds! True (O) or false (X)? Look at how I eat! Did you really think I could pull off such a{LF}feat? You flatter moi! How are we supposed to know that at all?! It's a question about moi. I'm going on a diet. True (O) or false (X)? My girlish figure couldn't handle any further reduction, so I{LF}have no need for such things! ...No, I'm pretty sure you do! It's a question about moi. I'm the hero of this video game! True (O) or false (X)? You are the hero, @しゅじんこうくん@. Of this game...and of my{LF}heart. (I think he's completely lost his mind...) It's a question about the townsfolk. Kiel is a boy! True (O) or false (X)? Anyone who thinks he's a girl has to come to the principal's{LF}office later. We...need to talk. Who came up with that question?! It's a question about the townsfolk. Bado will be rich someday! True (O) or false (X)? Everyone knows it's never to be. What matters is that I have a can-do spirit, you jerk! It's a question about the townsfolk. Forte's first love is her dad! True (O) or false (X)? Thank you for the provocative question, Kiel. And for{LF}supplying me with the answer! What? Hey! Kiel! What is wrong with you?! It's a question about the townsfolk. Arthur has more than 100 pairs of glasses! True (O) or false{LF}(X)? He actually has around one thousand pairs in the palace. Are you serious?! It's a question about the townsfolk. Over 100 travelers have asked Lin Fa out! True (O) or false{LF}(X)? ...What? How can it be both? I, uh, only remember being asked out by Papa, but Xiao{LF}swears over 100 people have hit on me... ...Well, there you have it, I suppose. It's a question about the townsfolk. @マップ0@ was named by Dr. Jones! True (O){LF}or false (X)? What's the origin of the name? I-I'd...prefer not to say. It's a question about the townsfolk. When Nancy gets drunk, she can't see anyone but Dr. Jones!{LF}True (O) or false (X)? Trick question! She only has eyes for Dr. Jones, regardless of{LF}her state of drink. They look good together, huh? Yay, I chose the right answer! Yes! I got it! Ooh, I was right! I was correct! Well, that was easy. Yay! ♪ Oho, my hunch was right! These dice must be lucky! All right! Let's keep this momentum going! ...Hmph. That was nothing. It was as I guessed. Porcoooooo!! Porcoooooo!! Mm, it seems I am doing well. Oh, my, lucky me! Yaaay, I was right! Elementary. Aw yeah! I got it! Oh! I was right! That wasn't very difficult. Oh, was I correct? I did it! I got it right! I want something a bit more challenging. My answer was correct. As expected. Yaaay! I was right! Oh, no...I was wrong! Ahh... I gave the wrong answer... I was wrong! I'm so ashamed... Uh...huh? Really? I thought that was right! Drat! I knew that didn't seem quite right! Ouch. I was wrong. ...Oh. Answers should be based on knowledge, not intuition. It's a{LF}lesson well learned. Porcooooo?! Porcooooooo?! Oh no! I went to the wrong area! Oh, that wasn't right? Huh? I was wrong? ...Just a momentary lapse. It happens to the best of us! Dude, I'm so lost right now. Oh my, I chose the wrong answer! ...This is kind of frustrating. I was wrong, huh? Oh, my. I had the wrong answer... Interesting. That was a good question. ...Oh, dear... Awwww, I was wrong... Ack! I need to be quicker. I was still thinking... I couldn't make it in time. I couldn't make up my mind. Ugh... Shoot... Oh no! And I knew the answer, too! I was out of line? No, YOU'RE out of line! The whole danged{LF}system is out of line! Oh, was I out of bounds? ...Did someone push me?! I think I spent too much time trying to decide... Porcooooooo... Porcooo... This was also wrong? It's a bit hard for someone like me,{LF}yes...? What...now? Was I not in the right place? I couldn't get past everybody in time... Wh-who pushed me?! I couldn't make it! I feel like someone pushed me... I just couldn't make up my mind! I allowed someone to push me. A mistake I won't repeat.{LF}Next time...I push back. Oh, my, it seems I couldn't make it to either area in time. Didn't quite make it. Oh well... Hmph. I was pushed out of the area! I'll have to stand my{LF}ground next time. ...Drat. Awww, I was out of line... The first half is complete, and it's now time for a short{LF}intermission! Analyst Mr. Volkanon, what was your take on the first half of{LF}our competition? Well, Porcoline, people are sure to be even more frenzied{LF}during the second ha-- Thank you, Mr. Volkanon! Once he starts talking, he never{LF}stops, am I right? Anyway, stay tuned! After these messages...we'll be riiiiiight back! The second half shall now commence! Who will win this heated battle?! @しゅじんこうくん@! If you win...I want you to marry moi! So, are you ready? Are you PUMPED?! Question @0@! This is the final question! Are you excited?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Because I sure am! ''Woooooo!'' ''Yeaaaaaaaaaah!'' Okay, it's time for the Super Porcoline Round! ''?!'' ''????!!!!'' ''???????????'' Don't give up yet! You still have a chance to win! ''What's going on...?'' *MURMUR* ''D-don't tell me...'' This is the final question. It's anybody's game! Can you rise{LF}from the ashes? SUPER PORCOLINE TIME!! Doesn't matter how far ahead anybody is, this is your chance{LF}to catch up in one fell swoop! ''Woooooo!'' ''Yeaaaaaaaaaah!'' Answer this question correctly for a whopping @0@{LF}Porcoins! ''...'' ''That's ridiculous!''{LF}''Are you joking?!''{LF}''This is so unfair!'' Whaaat...? It's totally unfair. Not enough! MORE PORCOINS! What's the next answer? Nothing. I'll cancel the Super Porcoline Round if you feel that strongly,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. ''Whaaat? No!'' ''Are you kidding me?!'' ''You don't care about{LF}us, huh?!'' Okay, let's just go with...double Porcoins, then! @0@{LF}per correct answer. How's that? ''Hey! Why?!'' ''Are you joking?!'' ''Just keep it the way it was!'' (@しゅじんこうくん@ is relying on me now...) (I must live up to @しゅじんこうくん@'s expectations!) All right! Let's do it! THE FINAL QUESTION! (The answer, by the way, is ''true.'') (The answer, by the way, is ''false.'') (The answer is both ''true'' AND ''false.'' It's one of ''those''{LF}questions...) Rrnnng, I hate cleaning the shop. It's so much work! You should use one of these to make the job a lot easier. What's that? You can wipe out anything with this Bado-made duster! Really, now? What makes it different from other dusters? Well, if you buy one now, you'll get two of these branch{LF}cutters ABSOLUTELY FREE! H-hey! Are you serious?! This program was brought to you by these generous{LF}sponsors. I'd like to give a present to a friend, but am unsure what to{LF}get. Why, I have just the thing for you! Out of the way! @マップ0@ flowers are always the best gift.{LF}Always! As a detective, you can trust me to choose suitable flowers{LF}for any occasion! I'm taking orders now, so come on over and get ready for{LF}some great deals! This program was brought to you by the following sponsors. ... Jones! We should advertise our clinic! Er, it's a clinic. I don't think we need to. People just sort of{LF}assume it's there, you know? But what if there are people who don't know where it is? That's true... I suppose that is possible. All right. I'll just make sure to tell people where we are. Wait, let me fix your clothes first. You have to look{LF}presentable for the audience! And your hair. You're such a handsome man, it would be a{LF}shame for people not to see it! ♪ Nancy? We're running out of time. Just a second! Got to fix my cap, too... ... And my hair, while I'm at it. It should be more like this... Our clinic is located in the east part of town. If you're sick,{LF}come find us! This program was brought to you by these generous{LF}sponsors. Hello. I'm Lin Fa from the Bell Hotel. Erm, we have big baths, and... O-oh yeah, our cuisine is good, too. And our beds are real{LF}comfy! Besides... Yes! My daughter-- Huh? Time's almost up? This program was brought to you by these generous{LF}sponsors. Wow, Look at this item shop located in Selphia. What a{LF}great place, with great deals! You know it! They've got everything you can think of. The selection is{LF}beyond perfect! You know it! And the interior. Man, this is a classic item shop, through and{LF}through! You know it! ...Man, you guys really suck at acting... This program was brought to you by these generous{LF}sponsors. And so, the first round begins! @キャラ1@ vs. @キャラ0@! Opponents, face each other... Are you ready...? On your marks... Get set... FIGHT!! This is the semi-final! In the blue cooorrrneeerrr... @キャラ1@! B-blue corner...? In the red cooorrrneeerrr... @キャラ0@! Opponents, face each other... Are you ready...? On your marks... Get set... FIGHT!! At long last...the final match! In the black and white cooorrrneeerrr...@キャラ1@! What? Black and white?! In the rainbow cooorrrneeerrr... @キャラ0@! Opponents, face each other... Are you ready...? Let us begin the final match! FIGHT!! That's it! What an amazing struggle! The match isn't settled yet, so a winner will be decided{LF}through summary judgment. Based on the scores... The winner is @キャラ0@! Go for it! Give 'em hell! Sebastian! Alfred! You can't defeat my pets! I believe in my lovely children! Go! Endeavor! Discovery! Are you guys okay? Is everything all right? Okay, you guys are the hardest workers in my house. Let's{LF}do this thing! Goooo! Give it your best shot! ...Show no mercy, you got it?! Don't force yourself. You can win this effortlessly! Go! Ultimate Sainte-Coquille Brothers, M and L! Mwa ha ha... It's time to show them who the boss is! If you win, I'll give you, erm... anything you want! If you win, you get all the honey you want! ♪ Go, filthy{LF}worms! Go, my lovely Watsons! Go, go! If you win, I'll give you a treat...so win! Do your best! But don't get hurt, now... We're going to win this battle. ''Of course!'' By we, I mean me. Not you. Shall we go, then? Do your best, guys! Go. Do your master proud! Go! Bring victory to me! Goooo! Go for the win! Good job! Well done, Sebastian and Alfred. We woooon! Yesssss! We won! Great job, Endeavor! Discovery! You guys are awesome! Wow! You did great out there! Not that I expected any less... Good job, guys. How are you holding up? Well done, guys. Great job. You're not hurt, I trust? My, but you certainly fought valiantly, Final Brothers A and B! No surprises! Just as expected! Wow! ♪ Very nicely done! We are the champions! ♪ Good job! All according to my plan! All right! Here's your treat. Great job! Come on back, now. ''Another hollow victory against an unworthy opponent,{LF}huh?'' Very nice work. You did well, guys. ''Hey! Are you ignoring me? Heeey!'' Thank you for your hard work. You've earned a break, for{LF}sure. Yay! Great work out there! You guys made me proud. Well done. HAHAHAHAHAHA! We did it!! We lost... Good hustle, Sebastian and Alfred. Oh dear, we lost... Waaaahhhhhh! We lost! No excuses in the field of battle. We simply weren't good{LF}enough this time. Well, nothing left to do but prepare for the next battle.{LF}Endeavor. Discovery. Good luck. Are you guys all right? Good job out there! You almost had{LF}it! ♪ Don't let it get to you. You guys work hard every day. Your{LF}time will come! Good, good. No injuries, I trust? As long as you're okay,{LF}there will always be other fights. ...You guys tried your best. Are you guys all right? No injuries? Do you need to visit the{LF}clinic? It was a close fight, Ultimate Duelist Brothers Z and V! Wh-what? My strongest monsters lost...? Oh, my, my, you guys really tried your hardest, huh? Good{LF}job. Good hustle out there. Thanks. I owe you some honey. It can't be! What's going on?! You guys did your best, so you get a treat anyway. You'll{LF}kick their butts next time! I hope you're not hurt. Very nice attempt out there. Next{LF}time, for sure! It was a close call. I'm sure you two will do even better next{LF}year. ''Thanks, coach... Owwww!'' Good try out there, guys. You didn't get hurt, I trust? An unfortunate loss. But never give up! There's always next{LF}time. Unfortunately, you didn't live up to your potential. But you{LF}did look great out there, at least! We were defeated? Pity. Oogh! We lost?! It's time for the final entry! @しゅじんこうくん@'s @アイテム0@! Hmm, this is handcrafted equipment, no? Let's look at the design first... It must have taken quite a bit of work to craft this. It's clear it represents a tremendous effort. Hmm...not bad. ...Ah! Can it be?! What an outstanding material to have used! I must admire{LF}your uncompromising approach! Material selection is a skill oft neglected, and represents the{LF}will of a true master craftsman. Let's check the texture next... ...Hmmm?! Fully enhanced! Top-quality material! This is less a crafted{LF}item than it is a piece of art! Every single element is high-level! Its practicality, its usability, all top-notch... Hmmmmm... Ooookaaaaaay! All entries have been evaluated! Please wait a moment for{LF}the announcement of the results. The last entry! @しゅじんこうくん@'s @アイテム0@! Hmm... Clearly homemade, there's no doubt. I-is this...edible...? Well, let's give it a try... ... If I were to continue eating this I believe my life may be in{LF}danger. Perhaps I'm already dead! The aftertaste, the texture... Hmmmmm... It has a nice flavor. ...Mng. I-I've never had anything like it in my entire life! Ugh... The more I eat, the more exhausted I feel. That's likely not a{LF}good sign. I'm full, and my energy is fully charged. Hmm...it has a clean, fresh taste to it. I feel as if it likely has{LF}high nutritional value. ...Ahh! I'm...filled with renewed energy! What a uniquely arranged and deeply nuanced item. I can feel your love for cooking in a single bite. Hmmmmm... Ooookaaaaaay! All entries have been evaluated! Please wait a moment for{LF}the announcement of the results. Congratulations! You two look good together! Best wishes to you! Congratulations on your marriage. May you have a long and{LF}happy life together. Congratulations, Kiel and @しゅじんこうくん@. You got Forte's blessing, I assume? Yep! You've truly grown into a fine young man, Kiel. You've inspired me to work even harder toward becoming a{LF}fine butler. Stick with it! I'll support you every step of the way! Congratulations, both of you. Thank you! Thank you. Leon, you be sure to make her happy, now, you hear? Yeah, yeah. Don't you worry. You have my word. He promised. You heard it too, right, @しゅじんこうくん@? ... Congratulations. You two make a great couple. Thank you. Thank you very much. And don't worry. I'll do my best to handle my own work, as{LF}well as your share. I...don't intend to quit working, though. Oh, you d-don't?! ...Okay. Never mind, then! I look forward to continuing to{LF}work with you. ... ...It's...weird, huh? N-n-n-n-no, not at all! You are beautiful! So, so beautiful! I was merely lost in your beauty, admiring your glow such{LF}that I was rendered speechless! ...Thank you... ...You look breathtaking. Thanks! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@... Shall we? Let's, @ビシュナル@! ♪ Congratulations. May you two have a long and happy life{LF}together. @しゅじんこうくん@, I hope you two have a long and happy life{LF}together. Thank you! Listen, Vishnal. As her husband, you have to protect @しゅじんこうくん@, no{LF}matter what. You got that? But of course! Amber! Congratulations! Here's to you two having a long and{LF}happy life together! ♪ Thank you. I know we will! How...do I look...? Amazing. Absolutely amazing. Thank you... You look great too. Thank you. @クローリカ@, shall we go now? Sure, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ H-hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. What do you think? Hmm? Wh-what do you think about my dress...? Do I look...strange? Not at all. Actually, you look amazing! I-I see... But if... If you really don't think it looks good on me, you can just be{LF}honest. I won't mind! I would never lie about something like that. I would never{LF}have to. You look incredible. I-I see... ...Thank you very much... Shall we be off, then, @フォルテ@? ...Okay. Erm...so, what do you think? WHOA!! You look amazing, @しゅじんこうくん@! R-really? Yeah! You look like a princess right out of a storybook! ...Actually, come to think of it, you really ARE a princess,{LF}huh? I'm just a substitute... Oh yeah! Haha, I totally forgot about that. But today, you're an honest to goodness princess, as far as{LF}I'm concerned! Huh? Shall we be off, Your Majesty? ...Sure thing, peasant! Tee-hee...what do you think? ...You look stunning. Really? Well, you don't look so bad yourself! Haha. Thanks. You ready to go now, @マーガレット@? You bet! ... What's wrong? You look like you're frozen! I was just...admiring your beauty. You look amazing. Do I? Uh, um...I mean... ... Yeah, I got nothing. There just aren't any words. You look{LF}absolutely breathtaking. Thank you. You look great too, @ディラス@. ...Hmph. I don't matter. You're the bride! Anyway, let's get{LF}going. Sure! ♪ Wh-what do you think...? ... ...@アーサー@? Hello? ...Oh, sorry. I was lost in your divine glow. Oh, come on, now! You're stunning. I've never seen such a beautiful sight in all my life. Seriously, you're making me blush. Stop exaggerating! It's no exaggeration. I don't do that. You know I don't. I... I cannot tell a lie. So if I say you look more beautiful than anything I've seen in{LF}my life, I speak the truth! @アーサー@... Shall we be off, then? People are waiting for us. ...Okay. @しゅじんこうくん@... Um... What do you think...? ... Why are you so quiet? Do I look too strange, perhaps? No, no! I'm just...stunned by your beauty. Y-you are just flattering me, yes? No, not at all. I mean every word of it. You honestly, truly look breathtaking. O-okay... Um... ...More than Mama? Yes, of course! Much more! I-I see... Sh-shall we be off, then? People are waiting for us. Y-yes! That's right! Let us go and see them! Give me your hand. Why? I'll hold you tight and keep you from falling down. @しゅじんこうくん@... Thanks. I'm counting on you. Look, look, @しゅじんこうくん@! Isn't this dress the cutest?! I can't believe I get to wear{LF}something like this! It's really stunning. Tee-hee. I'm glad to hear you say that! ♪ You look so cute, @コハク@. Huh? It really, REALLY looks amazing on you. ... ...Does it? Yeah. Tee-hee... Thank you! ♪ So how about we go show that incredible dress off to{LF}everybody? Sure! I wonder if Lumie'll like it. Oh, I have no doubt! Tee-hee! ♪ ...! ...I knew it. It doesn't suit me, does it? Th-that wasn't what I was thinking at all! Tooootally the opposite, in fact. I was just stunned because you look so...amazing! So much{LF}more than I ever thought you would! Mmm... Bottom line, it looks really incredible on you. ...I kind of feel like that came out as less of a compliment{LF}than you intended. But today's our special day, so I'll overlook it this one time! Uh, thanks! Don't mind me. Heh. Anyway, come on! Let's go{LF}see everybody, @しゅじんこうくん@! All right! ♪ ... ...What? Huh? You're probably thinking this dress is totally inappropriate for{LF}me. Since it looks so pure and innocent... That's not at all what I was thinking! I think you look...amazing in it. Absolutely incredible. ...Okay. That's fine, then. ''Goodness, you two look so excited. I'm really jealous!'' Hey...! ''Now, now, don't fret. I just came to make sure everything is{LF}okay. I won't butt in, I swear!'' ''...But he's right. You really do look stunning, Dolly.'' Pico... ''I'll go on ahead.'' ''See you later!'' Ahh... ...Thank you, Pico. Shall we be off, then? @ドルチェ@, give me your hand. ...Okay. Wh-what do you think...? Um...hmmm... Do you want me to give my honest opinion, or tease you like{LF}I always do? You're already kind of doing the latter... And you're already peeved at me for it, huh? That's right! But I will say, you look more stunning than usual. And the{LF}bar was already set pretty high. Be still my heart... ...! Shall we be off, then? I must show off my cute bride to all those in attendance! *SIGH* Let's just go, @レオン@. Haha. Give me your hand, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Okay. Where is this...? This is where you start your business! Come back here after you put products in the{LF}@キャラ0@. Then, people from the plaza will start gathering around. So{LF}talk to them, and sell your products! I see... So basically, I just put products in the @キャラ0@,{LF}then talk them up to potential customers? Exactly right. I think I got it. Selling items can be +much more profitable+ than shipping{LF}them. So it's worth a shot. Best of luck to you in your endeavors! Oh, I almost forgot... If you break your @キャラ0@, you can buy a new{LF}one at the general store. Or rather, they should have new ones in stock, assuming{LF}they deal in furniture at the time. Thanks. Best of luck to you in your endeavors! The days passed in tranquil procession. Before we even{LF}knew it, several years had passed... @キャラ0@! @子供ちゃん@? What are you doing? ...Um... I was remembering things from the past. Oh? Like what? Well, like when I first came to this town and met{LF}@キャラ1@! And a bunch of other things, too. Hmmm... ... Hey, @キャラ0@? Yes? Do you like this town? I love it. Not telling! That's good! ♪ Whaaat? You have to tell me! How about you? I love it here! ♪ Glad to hear it. Hey, let's go home now. I wanna play at home! Okay, then. Let's go home together. Y-you're strong... Leave the healing to me! Y-you're strong... Leave the healing to me! ''Good morning, Princess.'' ''Vishnal, we're married now.'' ''You don’t have to be so proper.'' Waking you with the traditional greeting feels too formal,{LF}you say. Oh dear. It’s quite the conundrum. ''Erm, yes. I can see why you might feel that way. But it's...{LF}habit.'' ''Besides, acting too familiar with you may not, ah...provide{LF}the best example.'' It never occurred to me when we first married, but I’m not{LF}just a husband now. I’m a father too. The mere thought that my child might be watching makes{LF}me feel like I must act my best. To make things more awkward, my beloved child is starting{LF}to imitate me. Hearing them say, ''Good morning, Princess,'' is unbearably{LF}cute, but also embarrassing. That Mr. Volkanon gave them their own child-sized butler{LF}uniform has only made things worse. They've taken to wearing it every day, copying my actions as{LF}best they can. ''What do you suggest we do?'' Just as I was pondering this, I heard a noise from the room{LF}next door. ''Hmm.'' For all that you think it's a problem, you look awfully{LF}pleased. *Sigh* ''You're enjoying this, aren't you? It’s been a daily{LF}occurrence for a while now.'' It was right about time. I looked over at the door.{LF}Slowly, it opened. Our child walked through, dressed in their uniform. They introduced themselves as a butler-in-training, bringing{LF}tea. It was a toy tea set, of course.{LF}The cup was empty. Hot tea was too dangerous, so only the tray and cup were{LF}allowed. ''Your tea,'' our child said.{LF}But they moved too quickly and stumbled. ''Watch out!!'' I caught them before they fell. The cup clattered to the floor, but our child came to no{LF}harm. ''Good reflexes, Vishnal,'' you said, sighing in relief. ''When carrying a drink, you must focus on your arms, as{LF}well.'' ''Hold them firmly, but not too stiffly. Here. Like this.'' I had to wonder at myself, turning even this into a lesson,{LF}but my child was listening eagerly. And you were watching us both, happiness sparkling in your{LF}eyes. I had always thought this embarrassing, but perhaps it’s a{LF}good thing too. Besides... Seeing our child like this reminds me of myself when I first{LF}began training. ''My name is Vishnal. I am a new butler-in-training.'' ''My apologies. I shall adjust it immediately.'' ''Why can't I do it right?'' ''I want to be like Mr. Volkanon.'' ''I want to be a real butler as fast as I can.'' I had more than a few harsh memories of that time, but even{LF}those lessons taught me well. And it all led me on a path to you. ''Don't you think it's great when a child wants to be like their{LF}parent?'' you ask with a smile. ''True...'' I’d found it embarrassing, but it was also a path I once{LF}walked. Isn't that a good thing? ''Have confidence!'' ''It's a sign of respect!'' Your words warmed my heart like sunlight. ''Really...? It’s a sign of respect?!'' I thought they were just imitating me because it looked fun. Your unexpected words lit a fire of enthusiasm inside me. ''Yep!'' Your radiant smile made me so very happy you chose me to{LF}be your partner. ''I’m so glad that I was able to meet you...'' To hide my blush, I turned to our child and began a lecture{LF}on manners. It may still be difficult and awkward, but my princess and I{LF}will do our best to guide you. ''Um, could you wait just a bit longer?'' ''Sure.'' ''Since we both have tomorrow off, let's go out for a family{LF}picnic,'' you said with a smile. I really like that smile. And noticing when we both have time off? That’s my darling{LF}for you. I starting putting together a picnic plan right away. I think I might actually be pretty good at things like packing{LF}and organizing. I’ve been told I’m amazing at it, but it never seemed like{LF}anything special. I’ve always just been able to tell what could fit where, what{LF}could go there... So I just put things where they look like they belong and{LF}somehow it all works out. ''Okee dokee!'' ''Tomorrow we’ll go to the river, then hike up the mountain,{LF}and then have our picnic. How’s that sound?'' ''Oh, great idea. I’m sure our kid will love it too.'' ''Tee hee!'' Oh yeah! I forgot. See, after my darling and I got married, we{LF}had a baby. They’re still teeny tiny but just as cute as their daddy. ''After I put our little one to bed I’m going to look over the{LF}plan one more time.'' ''It’s okay. You don’t have to.'' He always says I don’t have to do things I don’t want to, but{LF}I DO want to. I want both him and our child to have fun. And so 'Picnic Day' dawned... While I picked both the river and mountain for hiking, our{LF}child’s still too little to do much. I want this to be fun, not exhausting. First, we went to the river. Since it’s dangerous to get too close, we just took a break{LF}on the bank. Our child couldn’t get enough of the rushing water. My{LF}darling had the biggest smile as he watched. ''I’m so glad I picked this place.'' Seeing them so happy made all the planning worth it. And it made me feel really happy too. I double-checked our{LF}schedule. ''Time to move on!{LF}Shall we head for the mountain?'' We were barely on our way when I saw the clouds. Oh drat. I can’t believe I forgot to check the weather for today. I didn’t want our picnic to get ruined by icky weather, so I{LF}picked up the pace. Just before the hiking trail was a little rest area. We had just passed it when big fat drops of rain started to{LF}fall. We didn’t want to get wet, so we ducked inside. ''I’m sorry. I forgot to check the weather ahead of time.'' ''It’s okay,'' my darling said. ''I was the one who suggested a{LF}picnic without thinking.'' But if only I had remembered to check, then... While we were talking, the rain began to pour down in{LF}earnest. ''Oh dear. It looks like a proper{LF}shower, though it won’t last long. We{LF}won’t have time for the mountain.'' I frowned at my darling, but he looked over at our child,{LF}sleeping against my side. ''What is it?'' He said their sleeping face looked just like mine. And with that, he flopped over on his side. ''Come on,'' he said. ''You lie down too. We’ll all take a little{LF}nap together.'' ''Oh well. Since we won’t get our hike, we might as well.'' It had been so long since we last went out as a family I must{LF}have been overexcited. I laid down with our child next to my darling. We were like{LF}three logs in a row. As I got comfy, he leaned over and whispered ''thanks'' in my{LF}ear. ''For what?'' I asked. He said for planning our outing and for{LF}putting up with him. Even though I’m the one who causes all the trouble... After that we settled in and chatted. We talked about where he came from, Venti, buttling, and{LF}about our future. We don’t often get to talk like that, so it made me happy. It{LF}also made me really sleepy... I wanted to chat more, but I had stayed up late going over{LF}the plan for today. And my eyelids got heavier, and heavier... ''Zzz...'' ''Ah, sorry. I fell asleep again, didn’t I?'' When I woke, the rain had long passed and my darlings{LF}were playing together. ''Oh, morning.'' ''Good morning.'' He stopped what he was doing and looked over at me. Then he said, ''Who had fun today?''{LF}And our child said, ''Ooh! Me! Meee!'' with their hand high in{LF}the air. ''C'mon. Let's take it easy.{LF}We'll go at our own pace.'' ''We’ll go at our own pace,'' he said. ''We had lots of fun{LF}today.'' Hearing that made me glad I’d worked so hard on our plans{LF}for today. It’d never occurred to me that making other people happy{LF}could make me so happy too. Thanks for teaching me that even{LF}failures can be fun. Telling him that, I settled back down to continue my nap, a{LF}smile on my face. *YAWN* ''Clorica!'' ''Zzz... Zzz...'' I was really looking forward to our date today. Normally I’d wear my armor, but this time I chose something{LF}a little more...lady-like. Several people told me I should dress up for dates, so I{LF}caved and bought a new outfit. ''I, erm, hope he likes it.'' Right on time, I saw his approach. ''I hope you didn’t wait long,'' he said. I assured him I had{LF}just arrived. He studied me for a long moment. Did I look so strange that he was at a loss for words? I didn’t know how to react to his silence. ''You wore it after all. Thanks.'' ''It, ah, looks really nice.'' Hearing him say that made me feel so much better. Phew... I had no idea what I would’ve done if he had said it looked{LF}funny. He took me by the hand and said, ''Let’s go.'' I let him lead{LF}the way. ''...'' Normally I wouldn’t notice, but today I couldn’t help it. I felt{LF}eyes on us everywhere. It surely couldn’t be because of the dress. That would be too{LF}conceited of me. ''How embarrassing...'' I was truly regretting the absence of my helmet today. Who knew it would take such courage to walk about town{LF}in a sundress? We had lunch and chatted, but I couldn’t recall any of it{LF}later. Goodness. It’s too much. I can’t take it any more. ''Wait here a moment, please.'' I hurried back home. Walking in, I saw Kiel.{LF}''Hm? Forte? Is something wrong?'' he asked. It was nothing, really, but I couldn’t take it any more. I{LF}dashed to my room. What was I doing? I was supposed to be on a date... But the stares bothered me.{LF}The flimsy dress bothered me.{LF}I couldn’t concentrate. *Sigh* I was keeping him waiting.{LF}I had to go back. Right then, I heard a soft knock at my door. ''Kiel?'' I opened it and saw not my{LF}brother, but him. He stood there, breathless. ''I liked the dress,'' he said. ''But you don’t have to force{LF}yourself.'' I told him that I did want to wear it, but my voice quivered. ''Why don’t you change, and then we’ll go back out,'' he{LF}said. ''Okay...!'' He stepped out and I stepped into my usual garb. Armor on, I was ready to go. I rushed outside, looking for him. ''There!'' I walked up and asked if he had waited long. He smiled and{LF}said no, he’d just arrived. Really? It sounded like a reversal of that morning. A moment later, I realized this was his way of saying we{LF}could start again. ''Let’s go,'' he said, taking me by the hand. ''See, I like your normal outfit a lot, too.'' In my armor, I felt I could do better this time. I leaned closer and put my arm through his. ''Hee hee! I like this better.'' We had to redo our date, but this time I knew I’d enjoy it{LF}more. I’m sorry. And...thank you. Someday, when I’ve had more practice, I will wear that dress{LF}again. Please look forward to it. I love you. ♪ My beloved and I got married.{LF}Then we had children. I love to read, so the first thing I did was get tons of baby{LF}books. I’m on the 'how to raise children' ones now. Arthur was kind of exasperated at how many I requested,{LF}but no expense is too great for my child. ''There. All done. Can you handle it from here?'' ''Of course!'' ''Wait, have you burped them yet?'' Now what do you do again...?{LF}Rub their back? Or leave them be? ''Hang tight!'' I started flipping through a few books. Most say you’re supposed to gently pat their backs. All right! I’ll do that, then. I held my child and gently patted their back. After a few moments there was a soft burp. Good. The books had the right answer. Having a good book to refer to for your first child is really{LF}important. When they first starting rolling over I got worried they’d get{LF}stuck on their belly, so I checked my books. ''Hmmm...'' What should I do? Each book says something different. Which way is the right way? In the end, I read through a bunch and just went with{LF}whatever got mentioned the most. ''You don’t have to look up every little thing, you know.'' I know I don’t, but I wanted to do the best for my baby, and{LF}thorough research told me what 'best' was. And besides, looking up and finding an answer gave me a{LF}sense of relief. It feels good to know you’re doing the right thing. On the other hand, not knowing was nerve-wracking. Any time something happened I would run for my books. Then one day, the baby had a fever. Panicking, I grabbed the nearest book. As I did, my beloved gave me a sharp look.{LF}''You reached for a book before your child.{LF}Which is more important to you?'' ''Y-Yes! You’re right. I’m sorry.'' I hadn’t even tried to think for myself. I’d picked up a book before even going to my sick child. ''I’ll think for myself.'' ''Promise.'' I looked my wife in the eye and said that. Then I made the same promise to my child. Books have a lot of useful information. But you have to think for yourself first. And they have other, better uses for your kids, anyway. ''And so Mr. Tiddles made it home safe and sound with tail{LF}held high, master of all that he saw...'' As bedtime stories, for one. It might be a little early, but I wanted to share my love of{LF}reading with my child. Books are amazing. With a turn of the page you can become an adventurer or a{LF}king. You can explore new and wonderful lands without ever{LF}leaving your room. I’d like my child to experience that joy. Though I’m pretty sure they’re still a bit young to understand{LF}them just yet. But they seemed happy enough to sit on my lap and listen. After a moment, I realized they were staring up at me. Whoops! Almost forgot. ''And they lived happily ever after...'' When I said that, my child bounced and cooed with delight. Back when I’d looked in my books for answers, my beloved{LF}said we should look up our own way of doing things. She was right. Our child isn’t the only one learning. We are{LF}too. I reached for the next book and began to read aloud. Leaving our child with my beloved for a bit, I went shopping{LF}and ran into Arthur. He told me he’d found a book on raising children so rare{LF}that it was legendary. I told him I'd rather look at my child than book pages. Arthur smiled and told me it looked like I’d found my own{LF}way. I smiled back and said, ''And they all lived happily ever after.'' Today he and I were going to rehearse together. We set up in our usual spot, in the usual place. ''There. How's that?'' He plucked a string, checking its tune. ''Perfect.'' I listened a moment, then nodded. After we were married, he took up music. He was humble about it, calling it difficult, but I knew he had{LF}talent. It didn't take long before we could play duets. Performing together was amazing. Our melodies entwined and capered, like dancers on the{LF}stage. I enjoyed it so much, time would cease to exist. There were days when dusk fell before the last notes{LF}escaped our strings. ''I think that's enough for today.'' ''Yeah.'' His voice broke the spell, and we called an end to the day. We put away our instruments and went home. In the beginning, we only played for ourselves, but in time,{LF}the Town Square became our stage. The first request came from Arthur and Lady Ventuswill,{LF}wanting more public events. But while our duets were fun, part of me hoped for a trio{LF}one day... It never occurred to me we'd eventually have a quartet. In time, our cozy home expanded to include not one, but{LF}two children. A set of fraternal twins as cute as could be. ♪ Exposed to music since birth, they loved it, always copying{LF}the little tunes I would hum. They were curious about instruments too, touching and{LF}watching closely when we played. ''Oh, they're so cute! ♪'' It's still too early for them, but they're figuring out how it{LF}works. I talked it over with my beloved. We decided when they were old enough, we would teach{LF}them to play. ''I would be so happy if they liked it, but I don't want to force{LF}them.'' Several months later... The day of their first music lesson finally arrived. We had let them play with instruments, but this was their{LF}first formal lesson. I went over the simple chord progression again. I hope they can do it. A part of me was nervous they wouldn't do as I taught them. ''Go on. Let's try it.'' My children slowly started playing. They thought hard about the melody, plucking each note{LF}one by one. The atmosphere was tense and heavy, both fearing to make{LF}a mistake. ''Ah!'' one of them said.{LF}They'd missed a note. I frowned, thinking.{LF}My children saw and blanched. My husband had managed it when I first taught him, but{LF}perhaps it was too hard for children. I don't want to frustrate them or make them sad. I sat and tried to figure out how to say that when he{LF}laughed. ''Ha ha.'' ''...!'' His reaction set bells ringing in my head. That's right. Music is expression. There's no 'good' or 'bad.' You play with joy and your notes{LF}become song. Theirs was just another type of expression. Sheesh. I'm the musician.{LF}What was I doing? I picked up my instrument. Then I began to play, matching my song to that of my{LF}children’s. When the notes came together, it was like magic. Their faces{LF}lit up as I joined them. Then he began to play. They say the whole is sometimes{LF}greater than the sum of its parts,{LF}and they’re right. Quartets are so much fun! ♪ My children watched me carefully. Then they cautiously plucked out the notes, one by one. ''It's okay to play what you want.{LF}Have fun!'' And so they did.{LF}Tension turned to joy. When they made the earlier mistake and I frowned, that{LF}must have intimidated them. I shouldn't have done that. ''I'm sorry, everyone...'' ''And thank you.'' After that, all four of us would go out to rehearse together. Apparently, a traveler walking by heard us one day, and a{LF}rumor started. It said that if you passed by a certain field, you might hear a{LF}family of elves playing music. Their song was an auspicious one, and hearing it would{LF}bring you happiness. I focused all my concentration on my fingers. Slowly, I{LF}opened the oven. ''Yes! It worked!'' After much ado, the cake had finally risen. Behind me, my kid{LF}jumped for joy. ''Two hours left...'' I checked the time and got ready for the next step. See, today's my wife's birthday. I was planning to buy a cake{LF}for her... But then my kid looked at me and said, ''Can't we bake{LF}one?'' ''Bake one? Starting now?'' ''Mama's gonna be home by evening, y'know.'' My kid looked up at me, tears in her eyes. Ugh. Stop that. I hate when she does that. We didn't have time, and we didn't have ingredients. Well,{LF}not for anything fancy, anyway. I looked at my kid again. That was a mistake. Just a glance was enough to make me{LF}feel guilty. Crap. ''Fine, but it’s gotta be simple. That okay?'' My kid's face lit up and she hugged me hard. ''I love you,{LF}Papa!'' she said. Ah geez. Who could say no to that cute face? Cake baking it{LF}was. So the two of us got started. I let my kid help with the batter. ''Do you think Mama'll like it?''{LF}she asked as she stirred. ''She will. I'm sure of it.'' ''Are you SURE sure?'' she asked, looking happy even though{LF}the cake wasn't near ready. ''Okay. Now to bake it.'' I slid the cake tray into the oven. ''This’ll make it fluffy and soft.'' ''Fluffy cake! Fluffy cake!'' my kid sang. But the cake that came out of the oven wasn't fluffy. My kid stared at it in confusion.{LF}''What happened?'' What HAD happened? It was actually kinda hard. I hadn’t measured anything wrong. I looked at my kid. ''I messed up,'' she said. Tears filled her eyes. The not-so-fluffy cake must've shocked{LF}her. I’m such an idiot. I can't let my precious kid be sad. Trying hard to sound{LF}natural, I spoke up. ''Okay! Now we can get down to business.'' ''Practice time is over.{LF}Next is the REAL cake.'' I glanced at my kid. How'd I do?{LF}Did it work? ''Ohhh, it was just practice,'' she said, looking relieved. ''Good!'' Dodged that arrow. I looked back over the recipe. To get it right, I should do it myself. But then it wouldn't be a present from both of us. I decided to let my kid help again, and we got started. Maybe it was because the butter was cold. This time I melted it first before adding it in. I thought back over where we might've messed up. Why had{LF}it gone stiff? I heard my kid say, ''I'll stir it!'' Ah ha. That was it. My kid had stirred instead of folding the batter, and done it{LF}too much. I taught my kid how to fold the mixture, and into the oven it{LF}went. Please, please work this time... I slowly opened the oven. ''Yes! Success!'' The cake was just as it should be.{LF}Behind me, my kid was dancing around. Now to frost and decorate. I made the frosting while the cake cooled. We had two{LF}hours left. It probably won't have chilled completely, but she'll just have{LF}to forgive me for that. Once the cake had cooled enough, I let my kid stir the{LF}frosting. ''Ta-daaah! Strawberries!'' I brought out the strawberries from the fridge. ''We can put these on top.'' ''Ooh! That's lavish!'' my kid said.{LF}Where the heck did they learn 'lavish'? I thought that over while I frosted the cake. ''Frosting! Frosting!'' my kid sang, twirling in circles. That's{LF}when it happened. Losing her balance, she tottered over, her hand swinging{LF}towards the cake... And what's worse, that's when Mama came home. ''I'm hooome! Sorry I'm late.'' She asked what happened, so I told her about the 'gift.' ''A birthday cake? For me? Oh!{LF}That's today, isn't it!'' She sounded surprised. What the heck. Did she forget her{LF}own birthday? ''Sorry about the cake.'' My kid looked down, guilty tears in her eyes. The smooshed bits of the cake sat forlornly on the table. But my wife walked up, cut a small{LF}piece, and put it on a plate. She took a bite. ''Mm! This is really good!{LF}Thanks for making it for me!'' My kid said, ''We messed it up, but it's still okay?'' She{LF}laughed. ''It isn't messed up! It's full of love.'' I ruffled my wife's hair and said, ''Thanks.'' We worked together and fixed the cake as best we could,{LF}then cut it into pieces. We even put strawberries on top. ''Dig in!'' We sang happy birthday and ate the cake. ''Mmm. That was good.'' I looked over at my wife. Was it me, or were there tears in{LF}her eyes? ''Glad you liked it.'' I looked over at my kid. For some reason she started crying,{LF}too. ''Today's supposed to be a happy day,'' I said. My wife{LF}smiled. ''They're happy tears.'' Ahh. I looked at her and my kid. Thanks to them, I had a{LF}great life. ''So this is Selphia...'' Now then, I’d best head to the castle. My name is Arthur. Word arrived at the capital requesting an overseer for a{LF}certain castle. I was sent. ''Must the prince himself go?'' Some voiced this concern, but I would much rather keep{LF}such an entertaining duty for myself. ''Lady Ventuswill herself resides here. Something amusing is{LF}sure to happen.'' Selphia is not ruled by the king but by the benevolent{LF}dragon Ventuswill. Because of that, its relationship with the royal family has{LF}been somewhat complicated. ''The castle gate is certainly impressive.'' Many of the castle’s features are quite sizeable, in fact.{LF}Perhaps to allow Lady Ventuswill easy passage? In that case, carts should also find it easy to pass through{LF}the doors. Very handy. While pondering this, I walked in and was greeted by an{LF}elderly butler. ''Aah! I presume you are the Lord Prince Lady Ventuswill{LF}spoke of?'' He called himself Volkanon. ''That I am, sir.'' I requested an audience with Lady Ventuswill and inquired{LF}about the state of the castle’s affairs. The Lady was as kind and gracious as the rumors had said,{LF}and even more dignified. The light shining through the ceiling above gave her a{LF}radiant, divine even, beauty. ''I see. With your wings, you can come and go freely without{LF}needing the gate.'' I nodded to myself in satisfaction, having solved the puzzle of{LF}Lady Ventuswill’s movements. We went through the formalities of my official appointment,{LF}and I was shown to my rooms. ''This way, if you please, Lord Arthur.'' The rooms were comfortable, equipped with a desk, bed,{LF}and other necessities. I requested various records I would need, then sat to look{LF}over the documents I had brought. ''The head butler here is quite competent.'' So few staff means some things have gone undone. But it is remarkable how much they have accomplished with{LF}such small numbers. Here, the ruler rules not by fear but instead through{LF}cooperation. It was a far more wonderful system than I had expected. After that day, I worked my hardest to bring further peace{LF}and prosperity to Selphia. ''I think we shall put on a book reading.'' I sponsored town events and assigned a patrol to the knight{LF}to keep monsters clear. Little by little, Selphia prospered. If possible, I’d like to hold larger, more profitable events such{LF}as festivals and the like... But being 'decreed by the Prince of Norad' turns them into{LF}such formal affairs. Both the staff and Lady Ventuswill praised my skill... But I wish I could conduct business more freely, not as the{LF}‘prince’ but as myself. At this rate, though the scenery may be changed, life is much{LF}as it was back at the capital. I suppose it IS nice not to be subjected to the politics of the{LF}kingdom all day, though. With that wish ever in the back of my mind, time passed,{LF}each day much like the one before... Year, after year, after year... *YAAAWN* ''Hm? Where am I?'' Wasn’t I in the middle of something?{LF}Something tedious and... My mind was still fuzzy, but I forced myself to take stock of{LF}the situation. It seemed I had fallen asleep without realizing it. Slowly, I{LF}looked around. There was a person very close to me, singing softly. Hearing those gentle words filled me with a curious{LF}nostalgia. A moment later, the person smiled down at me and began{LF}stroking my hair. ''Ah!'' It was seeming more and more obvious that I’d fallen asleep. And fallen asleep somewhere far more comfortable than{LF}even the softest bed. Apparently, my pillow was a person. Aah. Now I remember. I was on the lap of the one mistaken{LF}for royalty, who was now ruling in my stead. Though, if I recall, the message had said 'prince,' not{LF}princess. How they mistook that, I’ll never understand. It had all seemed terribly haphazard at first, but now I{LF}enjoyed that relaxed approach. I moved just enough to look up at the face of my beloved. Realizing I was awake, she startled and exclaimed, ''It’s not{LF}what you think!'' ''You were moaning in your sleep,'' she continued, her face a{LF}bright cherry red. ''I didn’t do anything.'' The way she told it, I’d been so loud she’d heard me from{LF}out in the hall. I see. That must have been the dream. ''I was dreaming.'' ''What kind of dream?'' she asked. Of a future, I told her. One that could have easily come to{LF}pass. ''Aah,'' she said, and tenderly took my hand in hers. Goodness, what she does without thinking. With that simple act, all my worries faded like the dream. ''You are incredible.'' She looked at me in confusion. ''We were talking about your dream,'' she said, but I cut her{LF}off with a quiet, ''I love you.'' She pursed her lips into a pout, complaining that I was trying{LF}to distract her. And it was a distraction. I admit that. But I also wanted her{LF}to know my feelings. ''I mean it.'' I can no longer even conceive of a world without you in it. And with that, I laid my head back down upon her lap. ''Might I stay this way?{LF}Just a little longer?'' She huffed but did not make me move. Ah, my beloved. Expressing the depths of my feelings for you{LF}may be more tricky than any political deal. ''Welcome!'' I spoke loudly, like always, properly greeting the customers. It seems this place is our cozy love nest... Otherwise known as our newly opened hotel. After I got married, I kept helping Mama, in my own clumsy{LF}way. But with our family growing bigger, we wanted our business{LF}to grow too, yes? You did offer to help at the hotel, but it seems I’ve always{LF}worried about bothering you. You also leave first thing to go farming or dungeoning and{LF}don't come back until late. It may be selfish of me, but I'd like it if we spent more time{LF}together, yes? ''What depressing rain.'' It seems this place is too big for one person. But no{LF}customers come. And you do not come, either. Oh. Mama did say if I was having trouble to open this, yes?{LF}It seems I just remembered. All my greeting practice tired me today. Perhaps this box{LF}holds the answer to why no guests come. Inside the box was a letter. ''Dear Xiao. If you are having trouble, please read this.'' I am in trouble, Mama, so I will read it. Let's see... It says, ''Married life will have fun times, and times{LF}where you will wonder.'' ''When you are wondering, put on this outfit, go to him, and{LF}say this.'' ''I can guarantee it will work, from personal experience.'' Wh-wh-what is this...? It is not a method for attracting lots of guests to my hotel,{LF}yes? It is for making a harmonious home. No, no, no. I want to know this, yes, but it is not what I{LF}wanted to know now! Wait. Having his help would be nice, and it may help the hotel{LF}prosper. Perhaps if I look at it that way, Mama's advice might be{LF}useful after all. ''First, wear this outfit...'' Outfit? Er, Mama...this is underwear. And, ah...there isn't{LF}much of it. Now what must I say? Ahem...{LF}''Darling, I want to...to...'' Oh goodness...{LF}This is difficult, but I must. ''Darling, I want to be with you today.'' Phew. I said it. Now what is next...?{LF}''Darling, will you come with me?'' ''Ah. It seems this is a request to spend time together...I{LF}think?'' Still, this is embarrassing, yes? ''YEEP?!'' Wha?! Water? Why is there water dripping from the ceiling{LF}of a brand new hotel? Uh-oh. There could be a leak in the roof. It seems I must go and check. Oh great. It is a leak. Ahh... I’m soaking wet... I'm sick of this.{LF}Please come home. I...{LF}*BLUB* *BLUB*... ''Xiao Pai, are you okay? Xiao?'' Ah... Huh? What happened to the leaky roof? And where am I? What, a dream? The new hotel, the rain... It was all a{LF}dream? What an odd dream to have, yes? I was unconscious? Ah. It seems I slipped and bonked my{LF}head while cleaning the baths again. ''Th-There is something I want to{LF}say to you, yes?'' ''I...am lonely without you. I won't say be here always, but I{LF}want to have you close when I need you.'' ''Me too. I've been working on this for a while, but it seems{LF}I’ve been neglecting you.'' ''I'm sorry. I'll do better, I promise.'' What? It’s...a ring. For our anniversary? He was making it this whole{LF}time? But he never said a word about it to me. But that would ruin the surprise, you say? Well, yes. It seems{LF}it would. ''I'm really sorry. Lin Fa scolded me too. I'll take much better{LF}care of you from now on.'' ''Well, hmph! Such fuss for nothing.{LF}Who cares about a silly surprise.'' ''I worried so much, yes?{LF}Even though I was sad and lonely.'' ''It seems I love you very much,{LF}you know. Very, very much. HMPH!'' ''Oh no! Danger, danger!{LF}Our relation-ship is gonna crash on the rocks!'' I saw it happen with my own eyes. Yesterday he was in the Town Square talking with Ellie. I only saw it from far away, but it sure looked like they were{LF}having a good time. I couldn’t hear much, either, but I’m pretty sure they said{LF}something like 'together' and 'secret.' Well, Ellie is a super awesome person, after all... I thought really hard about how to ask him what happened{LF}and tried not to cry. Today we’re going on a date. I waited and he came. He doesn’t know that I saw him having so much fun with{LF}Ellie yesterday. ''Sorry to keep you waiting.{LF}Let’s go.'' So off we went. But I couldn’t stop thinking about what I saw. I don’t remember where we went or what I ate. Oh! But there was honey! I do remember that. It was so{LF}yummy and...and... Oh, what should I do? After a while he said there was something he wanted to tell{LF}me. Nooooo! He’s gonna say we should break up! I didn’t wanna hear that, so I stalled. ''Oh! Guess what Venti did!'' ''And Volkanon was...'' ''Didja know Vishnal went and...'' ''Clorica, she...!'' ''Oh! Arthur, he...'' ''And Kiel was all like...'' ''Forte was goin’ around...'' ''And Meg! Meg was...'' ''Then Porco...'' ''Oh yeah! And at the Clinic...!'' ''This year I wanna...go to the beach...'' I tried really, really hard, but I started runnin’ out of things to{LF}say. ''Oh! Ellie, she—ah...!'' When I said her name, suddenly no more words would come{LF}out. ''Hm?'' he said. ''I thought you were acting strange. So you{LF}knew?'' I nodded, trying to keep the tears inside. Then he just said ''Ah'' like it was nothing. It was no big deal to him.{LF}I was really serious about us, but he...he... And then he held out a little box. ''Here.'' Huh? Was our love boat not gonna sink, after all? He looked away, cheeks all red like poppies and said, ''It’s a{LF}wedding ring.'' Huh? For who? Ellie? When I asked that he looked super confused. ''What? Why{LF}would it be for Illuminata?'' He told me he wanted to marry me, so he asked Ellie for{LF}advice. And Ellie said he should get a ring and do it proper. Oh! So that’s what it was! ''I’m so happy!'' Inside the box was a ring with a sparkly gem and butterflies{LF}etched on the sides. ''Thanks! Hee hee!'' I don’t remember much of today. I know my heart felt heavy and hurty for a while, but now it’s{LF}all light and fluttery! Next time I think I want something that doesn’t come in a{LF}box. I told him that while my heart soared higher and higher. ''I'll happily accept this ring.'' ''Ta dum dee dee, my honey!{LF}Yum yum yummy, you an’ me, my honey!'' ''What’s goin’ on here?'' ''What are they talking about?'' The two standing there in the doorway of the shop are{LF}Granny and my partner. I wanna know what they’re sayin’, but I’m too far to hear. ''Huh?{LF}What did Granny just hand over?'' I’m super curious now. Guess I’ll ask them later. It doesn’t look like they’ll be done any time soon, so I’ll go{LF}up alone. Kinda makes me feel left out, though. ''I’ll ask at dinner.'' I take it back. I’m dyin’ to know what’s up. I’m too busy trying to find a good time to bring it up to enjoy{LF}my food. ''So, uh, what were you and Granny talking about earlier?'' ''Hm? Oh, I just asked how she was doing.'' I tried real hard to make that sound natural, but I got squat. And it sure didn’t look to me like they were just chit-{LF}chatting. ''Well, uh, didn’t Granny give you something?'' Again, all I got back was a whole lotta nuthin’. What’re they{LF}hiding, dang it?! My mind went straight to the worst scenario. ''It’s the Empire, ain’t it?{LF}They’re up to something again.'' And the two of them are combating it in secret because they{LF}don’t wanna worry me. ''What?! No, no!'' Now that sure got a reaction. I got a really surprised look. She got up and took something off the shelf on the wall. ''Huh? What the heck are these tiny things?'' I took a closer look at the small pieces of cloth. ''Wait, are these...socks? Whose socks? Don’t tell me--?!'' I looked up and she nodded at me.{LF}Oh. So that’s what it was. ''These are baby booties. Geez, Granny. Gettin’ ahead of{LF}yourself much?'' I was touched by the gift, but it’d be way too embarrassing{LF}to say that out loud. ''Geez. Is that all?'' That’s enough embarrassment for one night. I’m gonna hit{LF}the sack. ''Man, I’m beat. G’night.'' She looked like she wanted to say something else, but I{LF}went straight to our room. ''Is it really okay for me to be this happy?'' ''It’s good that the Empire’s keepin’{LF}quiet. For now. But still...'' If something happens and I have a kid to look after... Well, we might have kids some day. Don’t think I’m ready{LF}just yet, though. Would I even be able to raise one right? And besides... ''Eh, whatever. Stewin’ over it ain’t gonna help. I should{LF}sleep.'' But my brain wouldn’t shut up. Thoughts just kept comin’{LF}and I didn’t get much rest. Not too long after, I really did have a kid. Now that I think about it, she and Granny were probably{LF}talkin’ about just that. Time passed. My kid grew and grew. All that stuff I worried about before? Yeah, not thinkin’ about{LF}it now. Several years later... The day of my kid’s sixth birthday came. We decided we’d all have a picnic together. We picked a good spot too. The big field was great for{LF}racing. ''Ha ha ha! Too slow!'' I ran around at top speed. ''Guess we know who they took after.{LF}They get mad quick.'' I looked back at my kid, tryin’ super hard to catch up to me. I’d better show ‘em just what we adults can do, huh. I started running again. Faster and faster... As usual, I didn't hold back. ''Hraaaaaah...!!'' My beloved sat there and watched, her face sayin’ ''what am{LF}I gonna do with you?'' Don’t tell her, but I loved that look. I loved my kid too. So much that I wanted to give ‘em a goal.{LF}It seems mean now, but... Forgive me. Come to think of it, once I got married and had a kid, I{LF}changed. All that Empire stuff? Yeah, that doesn’t bug me any more. I mean, who cares about ‘em? I got different priorities now. I’m married. I have a kid. It’s like being happy changed the whole world. For them, I’d do anything. Anything at all. ''Hraaaaaah...!!'' So today I ran. I ran and I shouted. ''HEY, YOU TWO! I LOVE YOU!'' ''Hm. It’s hard to sleep.'' My body felt heavy. My arms and legs were stiff. And it felt like something was wrapped around me,{LF}squeezing tightly. ''Nngh... What is this?!'' I slowly opened my eyes.{LF}Before me was a giant Pico. I closed them, trying to pretend I hadn’t seen anything. I counted to three and opened them to see Pico flying at me{LF}this time. I quickly dodged. It wasn’t a dream. The giant Pico giggled and dove for me again. ''Pico, why are you suddenly enormous?'' I dashed this way and that, frantically dodging her attempts{LF}to hug me. She was usually so much smaller.{LF}Why was she suddenly so big? I glanced at my surroundings.{LF}I was standing on a very familiar table. Ah ha. Pico hadn't suddenly grown. I had shrunk. Slowly, my mind grew clearer as I woke up. ''Dolly, can you believe it?'' Pico said. ''Dreams do come true!'' ''What are you talking about?'' ''Just look! You’re sooo close to me,'' she said, drool slipping{LF}from her lips. I took a step back, preparing to run. ''I think about you all the time, milady. ALL THE TIME. This{LF}must be my reward!'' Pico’s eyes gleamed with desire. This is bad. Alarm bells sounded in my head. It was easy to get rid of Pico when she was small, but this...{LF}would be much harder. I couldn't afford to let her catch me. It wouldn’t end well. ''Don't worry, milady. I'll be gentle,'' she said, breathing{LF}heavily. I thought hard, desperate to escape. I had to do something. With little other choice, I decided to gamble. ''All right, Pico. You win. Do as you like.'' ''Oh my!'' she said. ''I can do ANYTHING, milady?'' ''All right, then. As you command.''{LF}She set to pounce. ''But first, could you tell me why you’re suddenly so huge?'' ''Oh come, Dolly,'' Pico said. ''I haven't grown at all.{LF}I just made you smaller.'' She smirked, her eyes twinkling. Got her! She said she MADE me small. Which means that she knows how this happened. I stifled my annoyance and asked another leading question. ''One last thing.'' ''Will I ever return to normal...?'' I tried to look sad for good measure. ''You are such a worrier, Dolly.'' ''But you will be quite all right.{LF}The potion won’t last long.'' “Potion?'' When I said that, Pico flinched, realizing her mistake. ''Explain, please.'' Looking guilty, Pico began to talk. ''Erm, I bought a mystery item at the market, milady.'' ''A potion that shrinks any who drink a drop of it for ten days{LF}in a row.'' ''Ten days in a row...?'' ''Pico. The delicious tea you said you'd found...'' ''Nyah ha ha! That's my Dolly.{LF}You are correct, milady.'' ''It was quite hard adding a drop{LF}to your tea without you noticing.'' ''But all my effort was rewarded today.'' ''Dollyyyyy...!!'' Pico flung herself at me. If it WAS a potion, it should wear off soon. I dodged again. And wear off it did, more quickly than I expected. With each escape, I felt myself growing bigger and bigger. Eventually, I slid off the table. ''Hm? Oh dear. That was much quicker than I had hoped,{LF}milady.'' The words had barely left her mouth when I smacked her as{LF}hard as I could. ''AAIIEEE!!'' she screamed as she flew to the horizon and{LF}disappeared. Time passed. I got married and even had a child. Days of quiet happiness slowly passed until one afternoon I{LF}found a certain potion at the market. ''Pico. You've been well behaved lately. Let me make you{LF}some tea.'' ''Oh, milady!'' Pico exclaimed, sipping the tea. ''How{LF}generous!'' Well, she's a ghost, so she can't really drink it, only absorb{LF}its essence. Still. Ten days of tea later... Pico suddenly shrank to the size of a doll. ''Yay! A Pico doll!'' my child exclaimed. Pico spent a busy day as my child's new toy, being marched{LF}about the doll house. At first she sulked, but I guess she didn't mind the attention.{LF}By the end, she was smiling. ''Now we're even.'' I smiled at both my child and Pico. Pico smiled back. ''It's your turn next, milady. Look forward to{LF}it.'' It seems even after marriage and a child, my relationship{LF}with Pico will never really change. *Sigh* My child has stopped listening to me. It’s obvious why. I am trying to make them do something I myself will not. ''Do as I say, not as I do.'' My wife came to me, her exasperation clear. In her hand was a bottle filled with milk. Milk is healthy. Good for you.{LF}We want our child to drink it. But apparently they don't agree.{LF}Milk is an enemy to elude. I guess my genes won out in this case. I despise milk. My poor wife is stuck in the middle. Now, then. What to say? People have likes and dislikes? Or to tell her it is but a challenge to overcome? I've long thought not liking things is fine, but when it comes{LF}to children, it’s not so simple. I let my body help my family while my mind pondered what{LF}to do. Before long, our child was asleep and we had a moment to{LF}ourselves. My wife was cheerful as always, but I could tell she was{LF}tired. ''Unsurprising.'' What can I do? I thought on that while watching my{LF}beloved. Our child was old enough to be weaned, and already{LF}starting solids. ''Perhaps I'll look into it.'' I asked a question, then made my way to the kitchen. On a shelf, recipe books stood waiting. ''I believe it was...here.{LF}Yes, on the bottom right.'' I flipped through the book she’d suggested. ''There. A meal fit for a child.{LF}Perhaps I'll make it for dinner.'' I followed the recipe exactly. It was simple, hardly what one would call 'cooking.' ''Time for 'din-din'!'' Our child, now awake, sat in their chair, a bowl of milk{LF}porridge in front of them. They were not impressed. All right. Time for desperate measures. I spooned some of the porridge into another bowl and sat{LF}opposite. ''Oh boy! Look at this yummy porridge! Time to dig in!'' I stuffed a spoonful into my mouth. I ate bite after bite, teeth clenched into a big smile. Then my beloved stepped in, saying ''Ooh, it does look{LF}yummy!'' She too had a bite. Honestly, she always manages to surprise me. Our child looked at me, then their mother. I felt as though they were watching for my reaction. If I took another bite and said it was yummy, would they{LF}perhaps do the same? I thought a moment. Honesty is the best policy. ''Listen. I, too, am not fond of milk.'' ''But if it helps you to try, then I am willing to try as well.'' I ladled more porridge into my bowl and ate it with a smile...{LF}and no few tears. I could see my child think, then come to a decision. They{LF}took up their spoon and ate a bite. Amazing! Well done! Filled with joy, I swept my child up in a hug. My beloved joined us, her own joy spilling down her cheeks. ''Sheesh. All that fuss over milk,'' I hear you think. But this is my family. Even the smallest of things will move{LF}me. For them, I will do anything. ''It’s time.'' I stand garbed in the purest white, awaiting the arrival of my{LF}groom. He comes to me, step by measured step. I had Volkanon conduct the ceremony. He mopped the sweat from his brow, doing his best to{LF}manage it all. I heard, ''Do you vow to love and honor, to comfort and{LF}console...'' but my nerves drowned out the rest. ''...to cherish for all time?'' The final line rang in my ears, snapping me back to myself. ''I do.'' I desperately squeezed the words out. While one side of me panicked, another calmly wondered{LF}what I was doing. Ah, I know. This must be a dream. How fanciful it all was. Me, a dragon, getting married...? Once more, Volkanon’s voice shook me from my thoughts.{LF}''You may now kiss the bride.'' ''I am about to wake, aren’t I?'' One always wakes right before the best parts. Dream or no, it’s been an age since I felt such joy. I prepared myself for the fantasy to end, ready for the sweet{LF}reverie to fade to memory. ...But it didn’t. ''This is a most lengthy dream.'' Ah well. Much has happened of late. I was tired. I must be sleeping deeply. As that thought went through my mind, my new consort took{LF}my hand. ''Are you okay?'' ''I’m well. This is but a dream, after all. Waking won’t be too{LF}terrible a shock.'' Well, perhaps maybe a little. Thinking on it now, I should like to banish this dream entirely{LF}once I wake. *SIGH* What a coward I’ve become. Weary, I eased myself into a nearby chair. I'd spent the entire day in human form wearing heels, after{LF}all. Removing them, I noticed my ankles were swollen. Ah! This is going to be quite painful. My consort looked at me in concern, but I smiled and shook{LF}my head. ''Ow!'' As the ceremony wore on, I could bear it no longer, and he{LF}caught sight of my poor feet. My toes were in a terrible state. He was instantly by my side. He needn’t have gotten that upset, though. It was only a dream, after all.{LF}I could push myself a little... Looking into his worried eyes, a sudden realization struck{LF}me. Wait. It hurts. It hurts and I haven’t woken. This...isn’t a dream?! ''WOO-HOOOOOOO!{LF}I really AM a newlywed!'' A little late, I finally allowed this dreamlike reality to sink in. And so we began our life together as a small but happy{LF}family. Before long, we were blessed with children. ''Ha ha ha!'' ''They're so cute! But I expect nothing less of my offspring.'' To be honest, I never imagined myself married, much less a{LF}mother. I looked down upon them, gently stroking their tiny heads. Though their features were draconic, they had their father’s{LF}gentle eyes. They were so adorable and precious. While I watched them sleep, he slipped softly to my side. Ah, yes. They had distracted me. There was something very important I meant to tell him{LF}today. ''Ah...ahem. Might we speak a moment? I have something I{LF}must say.'' I looked my beloved in the eye and began to speak. ''I have lived many an age. I was here thousands of years{LF}ago...'' ''And I will still be here thousands of years after you are{LF}gone.'' ''But right now I want to spend my life with you, by your side{LF}until death do us part!'' ''I thank the stars that we met.'' ''And thank you for coming here.{LF}For... For choosing me...'' ''In all my long life I have never felt this way before.'' ''I love you. I love you so much!'' ''Words cannot do this feeling justice.{LF}Come. Our children sleep.'' ''Let me show you that love now.{LF}Come, come.'' Thank you... Finally, I'm able to get my own shop! But how do I go about doing it? Allow me to explain! @ヴォルカノン@?! First things first, head back to your room. That's where it all{LF}begins! O-okay... Licenses Festivals Cancel Festival Shops Development Others Extra Orders Quit Forging License @王0@p Crafting License @王1@p Chemistry License @王2@p EZ Cooking License @王3@p Pro Cooking License @王4@p Airship License @王5@p Business License @王6@p Quit @カレンダー0@ Spr. @8@ @カレンダー1@ Spr. @9@ @カレンダー2@ Spr. @A@ @カレンダー3@ Spr. @B@ @カレンダー4@ Spr. @C@ @カレンダー5@ Sum. @D@ Quit @カレンダー0@ Sum. @8@ @カレンダー1@ Sum. @9@ @カレンダー2@ Sum. @A@ @カレンダー3@ Sum. @B@ @カレンダー4@ Sum. @C@ @カレンダー5@ Aut.@D@ Quit @カレンダー0@ Aut. @8@ @カレンダー1@ Aut. @9@ @カレンダー2@ Aut. @A@ @カレンダー3@ Aut. @B@ @カレンダー4@ Aut. @C@ @カレンダー5@ Aut. @D@ @カレンダー6@ Win. @E@ Quit @カレンダー0@ Win. @8@ @カレンダー1@ Win. @9@ @カレンダー2@ Win. @A@ @カレンダー3@ Win. @B@ @カレンダー4@ Win. @C@ @カレンダー5@ Spr. @D@ Quit Blossom's Furniture @王0@p Lumie's Flowershop @王1@p Blossom's Groceries @王2@p More Cooking Bread! @王3@p Cooking Bread Love! @王3@p Bado's Accessories @王4@p Bado's Bargain Sale @王5@p Fish Market @王6@p Furniture Shop @王7@p Jewelry Shop @王8@p Magic Shop @王9@p Ability Shop @王A@p Clothing Shop @王B@p Nationalize Baths @王D@p Quit New Backpack @王0@p New Fridge @王1@p New Storage Box @王2@p New Bookshelf @王3@p New Safe @王4@p New Wardrobe @王5@p New Tool Box @王6@p New Shipping Box @王7@p Expand Room @王8@p Expand Farm @王9@p Build Monster Barn Unify Cooking Tools @王A@p Quit Build in @牧場0@ Farm Build in @牧場1@ Field Build in @牧場2@ Field Build in @牧場3@ Field Build in @牧場4@ Field Expand @小屋0@ Expand @小屋1@ Expand @小屋2@ Expand @小屋3@ Expand @小屋4@ Expand @小屋5@ Expand @小屋6@ Expand @小屋7@ Expand @小屋8@ Expand @小屋9@ Quit Advertise Selphia @王0@p Add Ability Slots @王1@p Unlock Volkanon @王2@p Unlock Ventuswill @王3@p Wood to Your Farm @王4@p Rocks to Your Farm @王5@p BGM: Rune Factory 4 @王6@p BGM: Rune Factory 1 @王7@p BGM: Rune Factory 2 @王8@p BGM: Rune Factory 3 @王9@p BGM: Frontier @王A@p BGM: Tides/Destiny @王B@p Barrett Comes Daily @王C@p Cancel Barrett Visit @王D@p Raven Comes Daily @王E@p Cancel Raven Visit @王F@p Trupin Comes Daily @王G@p Cancel Trupin Visit @王H@p Wake-up: Vishnal @王I@p Wake-up: Clorica @王J@p Wake-up: Volkanon @王K@p Wake-up: Bado @王L@p Wake-up: Lin Fa @王M@p Wake-up: Illuminata @王N@p Wake-up: Jones @王O@p Wake-up: Nancy @王P@p Wake-up: Pico @王Q@p Cancel Wake-up Call @王R@p Take Back Hats @王S@p Break All Furniture @王T@p Swimsuit Day @王U@p End Swimsuit Day @王V@p Quit Am I sure? Destroy! Not right now. Now whose hats am I taking back? (Actually, I've never given a hat to anyone...) Vishnal Clorica Volkanon Forte Kiel Bado Margaret Dylas Arthur Porcoline Xiao Pai Lin Fa Amber Illuminata Doug Blossom Dolce Jones Nancy Leon Son Daughter Barrett Raven Quit Show enemies' levels Hide enemies' levels Show enemies' HP Hide enemies' HP Disable Exp Gain Enable Exp Gain Disable Skill Exp Enable Skill Exp Sharance Maze Change appearance Increase enemies' levels Decrease enemies' levels 10000 @姫@ pts -> 100000 G Summon typhoon Push away typhoon Inherit save data Disable town events Enable town events Unlock All Newlywed Modes Quit Inherit data Cancel Who do I want to look like? Undo Male protagonist (Lest) Female protagonist (Frey) Vishnal Clorica Volkanon Forte Kiel Bado Margaret Dylas Arthur Porcoline Xiao Pai Lin Fa Amber Illuminata Doug Blossom Dolce Pico Jones Nancy Leon Son Daughter Barrett Raven Ethelberd Male Traveler 1 Male Traveler 2 Female Traveler 1 Female Traveler 2 Quit @カレンダー0@ Spr. @8@ @カレンダー1@ Spr. @9@ @カレンダー2@ Spr. @A@ @カレンダー3@ Spr. @B@ @カレンダー4@ Spr. @C@ @カレンダー5@ Sum. @D@ Quit @カレンダー0@ Sum. @8@ @カレンダー1@ Sum. @9@ @カレンダー2@ Sum. @A@ @カレンダー3@ Sum. @B@ @カレンダー4@ Sum. @C@ @カレンダー5@ Aut. @D@ Quit @カレンダー0@ Aut. @8@ @カレンダー1@ Aut. @9@ @カレンダー2@ Aut. @A@ @カレンダー3@ Aut. @B@ @カレンダー4@ Aut. @C@ @カレンダー5@ Aut. @D@ @カレンダー6@ Win. @E@ Quit @カレンダー0@ Win. @8@ @カレンダー1@ Win. @9@ @カレンダー2@ Win. @A@ @カレンダー3@ Win. @B@ @カレンダー4@ Win. @C@ @カレンダー5@ Spr. @D@ Quit My @姫@ rank has increased! My new title is{LF}''@キャラ0@''! Awesome! I was given @0@ Gold as a bonus! With the right license, I can take advantage of new things{LF}like some cooking tools or a forge. I can organize a festival. Different festivals can be held{LF}depending on the season. I can cancel an upcoming festival. I can buy more goods at the local shops, as well as invite{LF}merchants with brand new goods to town. I can upgrade the size capacity of various things like my{LF}backpack or expand upon my farm. There's other things that can be done, too. These are the special orders for those who've beaten the{LF}game. End @姫@ work?{LF}Title: @キャラ0@.{LF}Tourists: @1@. This license allows me to create and upgrade weapons with{LF}a Forge.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王0@p. This license allows me to construct accessories with a{LF}Crafting Table.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王1@p. This license allows me to mix medicine with a Chemistry Set.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王2@p. This license allows me to cook with simple cooking tools.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王3@p. This license allows me to cook with professional cooking{LF}tools.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王4@p. This license allows me to use an Airship for easier travel.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王5@p. This license allows me to open and operate my own shop.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王6@p. Maybe I should do something else... Festival: [@カレンダー0@]{LF}Date: Spring @8@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王0@p. Festival: [@カレンダー1@]{LF}Date: Spring @9@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王1@p. Festival: [@カレンダー2@]{LF}Date: Spring @A@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王2@p. Festival: [@カレンダー3@]{LF}Date: Spring @B@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王3@p. Festival: [@カレンダー4@]{LF}Date: Spring @C@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王4@p. Festival: [@カレンダー5@]{LF}Date: Summer @D@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王5@p. Maybe I should do something else... Festival: [@カレンダー0@]{LF}Date: Summer @8@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王0@p. Festival: [@カレンダー1@]{LF}Date: Summer @9@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王1@p. Festival: [@カレンダー2@]{LF}Date: Summer @A@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王2@p. Festival: [@カレンダー3@]{LF}Date: Summer @B@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王3@p. Festival: [@カレンダー4@]{LF}Date: Summer @C@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王4@p. Festival: [@カレンダー5@]{LF}Date: Autumn @D@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王5@p. Maybe I should do something else... Festival: [@カレンダー0@]{LF}Date: Autumn @8@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王0@p. Festival: [@カレンダー1@]{LF}Date: Autumn @9@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王1@p. Festival: [@カレンダー2@]{LF}Date: Autumn @A@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王2@p. Festival: [@カレンダー3@]{LF}Date: Autumn @B@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王3@p. Festival: [@カレンダー4@]{LF}Date: Autumn @C@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王4@p. Festival: [@カレンダー5@]{LF}Date: Autumn @D@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王5@p. Festival: [@カレンダー6@]{LF}Date: Winter @E@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王6@p. Maybe I should do something else... Festival: [@カレンダー0@]{LF}Date: Winter @8@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王0@p. Festival: [@カレンダー1@]{LF}Date: Winter @9@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王1@p. Festival: [@カレンダー2@]{LF}Date: Winter @A@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王2@p. Festival: [@カレンダー3@]{LF}Date: Winter @B@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王3@p. Festival: [@カレンダー4@]{LF}Date: Winter @C@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王4@p. Festival: [@カレンダー5@]{LF}Date: Spring @D@{LF}@姫@ Points: @王5@p. Maybe I should do something else... @ブロッサム@ will sell useful furniture.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王0@p. @エルミナータ@ will sell previously-shipped flowers.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王1@p. @ブロッサム@ will sell previously-shipped crops.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王2@p. @ポコリーヌ@ will bake more Cooking Bread each day.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王3@p. @ポコリーヌ@ will bake more Cooking Bread each day.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王3@p. @バド@ will sell accessories.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王4@p. @バド@ will sell bargain items.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王5@p. I can invite a merchant who sells fish to the town.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王6@p. I can invite a merchant who sells furniture to the town.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王7@p. I can invite a merchant who sells gems to the town.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王8@p. I can invite a merchant who sells magic to the town.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王9@p. I can invite a Rune Ability merchant to open a shop in the{LF}town.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王A@p. I can invite a merchant who sells clothes to the town.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王B@p. I can nationalize the Bell Hotel and open it to the public.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王D@p. Should I do something else? I can increase my backpack size from @G@ to{LF}@H@.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王0@p. I can increase my fridge size from @I@ to @J@.{LF}Req. @王1@p, @石1@ Mat. Stone I can increase my storage size from @K@ to @L@.{LF}Req. @王2@p, @木2@ Lumber I can increase my bookshelf size from @M@ to{LF}@N@.{LF}Req. @王3@p, @木3@ Lumber I can increase my safe size from @O@ to @P@.{LF}Req. @王4@p, @木4@ Lumber, @石4@ Mat. Stone I can increase my wardrobe{LF}size from @Q@ to @R@.{LF}Req. @王5@p, @木5@ Lumber I can increase my tool box{LF}size from @S@ to @T@.{LF}Req. @王6@p, @木6@ Lumber, @石6@ Mat. Stone I can increase my shipping box{LF}size from @U@ to @V@.{LF}Req. @王7@p, @木7@ Lumber I can expand my room.{LF}Req. @金C@ Gold, @王8@p, @木A@ Lumber,{LF}@石B@ Mat. Stone I can expand my farm size.{LF}Req. @金F@ Gold, @王9@p, @木D@ Lumber,{LF}@石E@ Mat. Stone I can expand a Monster Barn or build a new one. I can combine all cooking tools into one.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王A@p Maybe I should do something else... I can build or expand a Monster Barn. Build it in the @牧場0@ farm?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王0@p{LF}Lumber: @木0@ Mat. Stone: @石0@ Build it in the @牧場0@ farm?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王1@p{LF}Lumber: @木1@ Mat. Stone: @石1@ Build it in the @牧場1@ farm?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王2@p{LF}Lumber: @木2@ Mat. Stone: @石2@ Build it in the @牧場1@ farm?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王3@p{LF}Lumber: @木3@ Mat. Stone: @石3@ Build it in the @牧場2@ farm?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王4@p{LF}Lumber: @木4@ Mat. Stone: @石4@ Build it in the @牧場2@ farm?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王5@p{LF}Lumber: @木5@ Mat. Stone: @石5@ Build it in the @牧場3@ farm?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王6@p{LF}Lumber: @木6@ Mat. Stone: @石6@ Build it in the @牧場3@ farm?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王7@p{LF}Lumber: @木7@ Mat. Stone: @石7@ Build it in the @牧場4@ farm?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王8@p{LF}Lumber: @木8@ Mat. Stone: @石8@ Build it in the @牧場4@ farm?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王9@p{LF}Lumber: @木9@ Mat. Stone: @石9@ Expand @小屋0@?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王0@p{LF}Lumber: @木0@ Mat. Stone: @石0@ Expand @小屋1@?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王1@p{LF}Lumber: @木1@ Mat. Stone: @石1@ Expand @小屋2@?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王2@p{LF}Lumber: @木2@ Mat. Stone: @石2@ Expand @小屋3@?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王3@p{LF}Lumber: @木3@ Mat. Stone: @石3@ Expand @小屋4@?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王4@p{LF}Lumber: @木4@ Mat. Stone: @石4@ Expand @小屋5@?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王5@p{LF}Lumber: @木5@ Mat. Stone: @石5@ Expand @小屋6@?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王6@p{LF}Lumber: @木6@ Mat. Stone: @石6@ Expand @小屋7@?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王7@p{LF}Lumber: @木7@ Mat. Stone: @石7@ Expand @小屋8@?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王8@p{LF}Lumber: @木8@ Mat. Stone: @石8@ Expand @小屋9@?{LF}@姫@ Point: @王9@p{LF}Lumber: @木9@ Mat. Stone: @石9@ Maybe I should do something else... I can advertise Selphia and attract more tourists!{LF}@姫@ Points: @王0@p. I can increase the number of slots for Rune Abilities.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王1@p. @ヴォルカノン@ might join my party!{LF}@姫@ Points: @王2@p. @セルザ@ might join my party!{LF}@姫@ Points: @王3@p. I can add branches and stumps to my farm if I have the{LF}space.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王4@p. I can add stones and rocks to my farm if I have the space.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王5@p. I can restore the town's original background music.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王6@p. I can change the town's background music.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王7@p. I can change the town's background music.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王8@p. I can change the town's background music.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王9@p. I can change the town's background music.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王A@p. I can change the town's background music.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王B@p. I can ask Barrett to come into town every day.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王C@p. I can tell Barrett it's okay to stay home.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王D@p. I can ask Raven to come into town every day.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王E@p. I can tell Raven it's okay to stay home. (That's so her!){LF}@姫@ Points: @王F@p. I can ask Lady Trupin to come into town every day.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王G@p. I can tell Lady Trupin it's okay to stay home.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王H@p. @ビシュナル@ will come wake me every morning.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王I@p. @クローリカ@ will come wake me every morning.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王J@p. @ヴォルカノン@ will come wake me every morning.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王K@p. @バド@ will come wake me every morning.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王L@p. @リンファ@ will come wake me every morning.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王M@p. @エルミナータ@ will come wake me every morning.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王N@p. @ジョーンズ@ will come wake me every morning.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王O@p. @ナンシー@ will come wake me every morning.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王P@p. @ピコ@ will wake me every morning.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王Q@p. I can cancel my morning wake-up call.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王R@p. I can erase all history of gifting hats to people. They're MINE{LF}now.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王S@p. I can break all furniture in my possession.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王T@p. I can make everyone wear swimsuits!{LF}@姫@ Points: @王U@p I can tell everyone to wear normal clothes again.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王V@p Maybe I should do something else... I can show monsters' levels on the bottom of the screen.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王0@p. I can hide monsters' levels.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王1@p. I can show monsters' HP on the bottom of the screen.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王2@p. I can hide monsters' HP.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王3@p. I can set Exp gain to 0. I can also disable that any time I{LF}want.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王4@p. I can disable 0 Exp mode.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王4@p. I can set Skill Exp gain to 0. I can also disable that any time I{LF}want.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王5@p. I can disable 0 Skill Exp mode.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王5@p. I can import a branch from Sharance, allowing access to the{LF}maze.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王6@p. I can change my appearance to look like anyone, and can{LF}change back at any time!{LF}@姫@ Points: @王7@p. I can increase enemies' levels. I can also undo this any time.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王8@p. I can decrease enemies' levels. I can also undo this any time.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王9@p. I can exchange @姫@ points for money.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王A@p. I can bring a typhoon closer. Danger? Danger's my middle{LF}name.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王B@p. I can push a typhoon away from the town. I'm safe...for now!{LF}@姫@ Points: @王C@p. I can inherit various data from another save file.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王D@p. I can keep new events from happening in the town. Can be{LF}undone anytime.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王E@p. I can resume normal event processing.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王E@p. I can unlock all of the Newlywed Mode stories.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王F@p Maybe I should do something else... I can inherit levels, items, monsters, money, shipping records,{LF}@姫@ points and furniture. No items will be overwritten or lost in the original data. But items in the backpack and in storage WILL BE LOST, so I{LF}better be sure! Inherit this data? Let's begin my @姫@ duties!{LF}Title: @キャラ0@{LF}Tourists: @1@ *Orders unlocked in Newlywed Mode{LF}won't be carried over to the main story. Time to dish out some orders!{LF}Title: @キャラ0@{LF}Tourists: @1@ Let's do it! Aww, I don't have enough @姫@ points. Aww, I don't have enough materials. Which festival should be held?{LF}Title: @キャラ0@{LF}Tourists: @1@ Which festival should be held?{LF}Title: @キャラ0@{LF}Tourists: @1@ Which festival should be held?{LF}Title: @キャラ0@{LF}Tourists: @1@ Which festival should be held?{LF}Title: @キャラ0@{LF}Tourists: @1@ Anything else I should do?{LF}Title: @キャラ0@{LF}Tourists: @1@ Which festival should I cancel?{LF}Title: @キャラ0@{LF}Tourists: @1@ Cancel: [@カレンダー0@]{LF}Date: Day @8@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王0@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー1@]{LF}Date: Day @9@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王1@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー2@]{LF}Date: Day @A@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王2@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー3@]{LF}Date: Day @B@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王3@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー4@]{LF}Date: Day @C@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王4@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー5@]{LF}Date: Day @D@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王5@p. Maybe I should do something else... Cancel: [@カレンダー0@]{LF}Date: Day @8@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王0@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー1@]{LF}Date: Day @9@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王1@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー2@]{LF}Date: Day @A@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王2@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー3@]{LF}Date: Day @B@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王3@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー4@]{LF}Date: Day @C@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王4@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー5@]{LF}Date: Day @D@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王5@p. Maybe I should do something else... Cancel: [@カレンダー0@]{LF}Date: Day @8@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王0@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー1@]{LF}Date: Day @9@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王1@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー2@]{LF}Date: Day @A@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王2@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー3@]{LF}Date: Day @B@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王3@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー4@]{LF}Date: Day @C@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王4@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー5@]{LF}Date: Day @D@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王5@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー6@]{LF}Date: Day @E@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王6@p. Maybe I should do something else... Cancel: [@カレンダー0@]{LF}Date: Day @8@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王0@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー1@]{LF}Date: Day @9@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王1@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー2@]{LF}Date: Day @A@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王2@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー3@]{LF}Date: Day @B@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王3@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー4@]{LF}Date: Day @C@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王4@p. Cancel: [@カレンダー5@]{LF}Date: Day @D@ of this month.{LF}@姫@ Points: @王5@p. Maybe I should do something else... I got a Forging License! I can buy a Forge from{LF}@バド@. I got a Chemistry License! I can buy a Chemistry Set from{LF}@ジョーンズ@. I got a Crafting license! I can buy a Crafting Table from{LF}@バド@. I got a Simple Cooking License! I can buy cooking tools from{LF}@ポコリーヌ@. I got a Pro Cooking License! I can buy cooking tools from{LF}@ポコリーヌ@. Order placed for @カレンダー0@. The event will occur{LF}on Spring @A@. Order placed for @カレンダー0@. The event will occur{LF}on Summer @A@. Order placed for @カレンダー0@. The event will occur{LF}on Autumn @A@. Order placed for @カレンダー0@. The event will occur{LF}on Winter @A@. I got an Airship License! The more places I explore, the more places I can fly to by{LF}airship! Now I can buy some nice furniture at @ブロッサム@'s shop. Hooray for @エルミナータ@'s shop! I can now buy flowers I've shipped in the past. Now I can buy more Cooking Bread at @ポコリーヌ@'s{LF}restaurant. A furniture merchant has opened shop at a house in{LF}@マップ0@! Hooray for @ブロッサム@'s shop! Now I can buy crops I've shipped in the past. Convenient! Now I can buy accessories at @バド@'s shop. Now I can buy bargain goods at @バド@'s shop. A fish merchant has opened shop inside of{LF}@マップ0@! A jeweler has opened shop inside of{LF}@マップ0@! A magic merchant moved to a house in{LF}@マップ0@ and has opened for business! A Rune Ability merchant moved to a house in{LF}@マップ0@ and has opened for business! A clothing merchant moved to a house just east of{LF}@マップ0@ and has opened for business! Oops... Looks like I have way too much furniture. Gotta clear{LF}out first. What should I develop or expand upon?{LF}Title: @キャラ0@{LF}Tourists: @1@ I upgraded my backpack! Now I can carry more items. I upgraded my @キャラ0@! Now it can hold way{LF}more stuff. My room has expanded! Time to head into the back and{LF}check it out! A new field has been added to my farm. Time to go check it{LF}out! What should I name my new field? I built a new Monster Barn! I can house my pets in here. What should I name my new barn? I expanded this Monster Barn! I can now house even more{LF}pets. I can now cook anything I want with one centralized cooking{LF}piece! Tourism has gone up! I now have two more slots for Rune Abilities! Hold @字0@, then press @字1@ or @字2@ to use Rune Abilities. @ビシュナル@ will wake me up from now on! @クローリカ@ will wake me up from now on! @ヴォルカノン@ will wake me up from now on! @バド@ will wake me up from now on! @リンファ@ will wake me up from now on! @エルミナータ@ will wake me up from now on! @ジョーンズ@ will wake me up from now on! @ナンシー@ will wake me up from now on! @ピコ@ will wake me up from now on! My wake-up call has been canceled. Waaaaaagggh! ...! Where...?! You need my help, no? Then Butler Volkanon is at your service! Call upon me{LF}anytime you wish me to accompany you! Farewell for now! ...Guess I can ask @ヴォルカノン@ to join me on my travels{LF}now, if I want. Guess I can ask @セルザ@ to join me on my travels{LF}now, if I want. Okay! The farm has now been utterly devastated! ♪ ...I guess branches have now been added to my farm. Okay! The farm has now been utterly devastated! ♪ ...I guess stones have now been added to my farm. Let's ask Barrett to come into town every day, starting{LF}tomorrow. Okay. Barrett won't be coming by every day anymore. Let's ask Raven to come into town every day, starting{LF}tomorrow. Okay. Raven won't be coming by every day anymore. Let's ask Lady Trupin to come into town every day, starting{LF}tomorrow. Okay. Lady Trupin won't be coming by every day anymore. The BGM has changed! Time for me to go out and enjoy it! All furniture has been destroyed. The @カレンダー0@ has been canceled. I'll now be able to see the level of approaching enemies on{LF}the bottom of the screen. Enemy levels are now hidden. I'll now be able to see the HP of approaching enemies on the{LF}bottom of the screen. Enemy HP is now hidden. I'll no longer get Exp from sending monsters back to the{LF}Forest of Beginnings. The 0-Exp order has been rescinded. I'll no longer receive Skill Exp. The 0-Skill Exp order has been rescinded. Sharance Maze has been unlocked. I can get there from the Trophy Room. My appearance has changed! It has been undone. Enemies' levels have been increased. Enemies' levels have been decreased. Exchanged 10,000 @姫@ Points for 100,000 Gold. A typhoon is now approaching. The oncoming typhoon has been pushed away. The data has been inherited. Data inheritance has been canceled. No events will occur in the town from here on out. The no-event order has been canceled. Unlock all the Newlywed Modes. What's this? I'm really not sure. I should examine it in more detail later. It says, ''Be sure to check the Request Box in front of the{LF}castle first thing.'' So...this is the Order Symbol, right? But what am I supposed to be looking at, exactly? @しゅじんこうくん@... You checked for requests at the Request Box, I assume? Oh, yes! Thank you very much for coming here. I've been trying to find you. I would like us to discuss your{LF}duties as @姫@. What do you mean? The main role of a @姫@ is to give directives to help shape the{LF}future of the nation. These directives are regarded as +orders+. And this is the place where you can make your +orders+. +Orders+? I think it would be easier to understand if you simply try it. Please, make an +order+ with these. [Received @0@ @姫@ Points.] What...are these? These are the points you'll need to spend to make orders. They're representative of your skill and reputation as a bona-{LF}fide @姫@. You can make many different kinds of orders by using these{LF}@姫@ Points. @姫@ Points... Well, give it a try! Choose any order you'd like. Okay, got it! Choose any order you'd like. You finally made an +order+. I did. Easy, wasn't it? Just use your +@姫@ Points+ to make an order... ...and whatever you asked of your loyal subjects, it will come{LF}to pass, without fail. Isn't it a little...oppressive, though? For my will to be done{LF}without any question, I mean. But...you are a @姫@! A @姫@, huh... What's wrong? I just don't want to make people mad by being too{LF}demanding, you know? This whole thing feels really...selfish, I guess? No need to worry about that! It's not as if you can do absolutely anything you want, after{LF}all. It...sounds like I can, though! Not as long as there are +@姫@ Points+ you can't! Put simply, +@姫@ Points+ show how much people trust you as a{LF}@姫@. As you complete requests from the +Request Box+, you'll earn{LF}more @姫@ Points. In short... ...it's only when people trust you that you can save up{LF}enough @姫@ Points to matter. It takes a lot of points to affect any sort of major change. So if you're not trusted or well-liked, your powers are very{LF}limited. I see... Just think of it this way: If you have enough points to give an order, then you've{LF}earned the right to give that order. ...Aaaaand, since you've now completed my request... Allow me to give you these as a token of my gratitude. You should have noticed that your @姫@ Points just went up. Oh, you're right! What? How do I check?! According to the royal guide...let's see... ''+Look on the upper{LF}right of the screen.+'' What does that mean, exactly? Sounds strangely...meta. Note that you don't usually earn this much from one request. There's just...one more thing I want you to do, and it will{LF}require a large number of points. So I added a bit of a bonus. A show of confidence in you, as{LF}it were. Oh? What do you want me to do? Well, let's go on to the next request, shall we? The next request is to increase the number of tourists in this{LF}town by making an +order+. +Tourists+? Indeed. Money goes where the people go, after all. And the more money you make, the more you can develop{LF}the country. The role of a @姫@ is to make this country a better place to{LF}be. And simply put, to accomplish that, tourists are absolutely{LF}essential. All right. That makes sense. So...let's hold a +festival+ to attract tourists, shall we? A festival? This is...another one of those things you'll likely learn a bit{LF}easier simply by doing it. Try to order a festival. I think it would be better to choose a festival you can hold{LF}as soon as possible. That way, you'll get a feel for the whole process much more{LF}quickly. Try to order a festival. I think it would be better to choose a festival you can hold{LF}as soon as possible. Well done. You attracted more +tourists+ by getting the town's name out{LF}there. And if the festival is a rousing success... ...like, if you participate in it personally, and really boost{LF}spirits... ...then you'll attract even more tourists, and this town will be{LF}a booming metropolis in no time! I see... ...So, uh, what is “@キャラ0@,'' exactly? That's your title. Your present @姫@ title is determined by the number of{LF}tourists. As you advance in rank, you'll be able to issue more and{LF}more complex orders. The more tourists you bring in... ...the more the town will develop, and the more new items{LF}you'll be able to purchase. For example, new vegetable and flower seeds, stronger{LF}weapons, more reliable armor... All of which will also help you complete more complex{LF}requests. Best of luck to you...Your Majesty! Er, thanks... Well, that does it for my explanation of @姫@ work, so... I guess my job here is done. You should check the +Request Box+ every day, though. It's{LF}very, very important. Now, if you'll excuse me... All right! Time to take a license exam! Oh, no... I messed up... Yay! I did it! If you have a valid recipe and enough RP to craft, you will: Definitely succeed. Fall over. Fail to craft. When you fail to craft something, you will: Be very sad. Get scrap metal. Try, try again! When you craft a weapon with a known recipe, or which{LF}you've possessed before, it requires: Less RP. Much easier! More HP. You may die! With a crafting table, you can craft: Hats, shoes, armor, etc. Salads and such. Swords, spears, etc. When equipment is augmented with materials, it: Looks really stupid. Becomes edible. Gains an added effect. To get Recipe Bread for accessories, you must: Buy it from Porcoline. There's no such thing. With the Chemistry Set, medicine can be crafted from: Swords, shields, etc. Plants, flowers, etc. Deadly explosions. If your max RP is lower than the RP needed: No prob. Numbers suck. Crafting cannot occur. Just will it to work! You can learn recipes for cooking by: Sheer intuition. Eating Cooking Bread. Pfft. Who needs recipes? If your Cooking Skill is lower than the difficulty level of the{LF}dish: You need more RP. You can't make it. It will kill us all. If you succeed in making difficult dishes, your Cooking Skill{LF}will gain: More Exp. No Exp. Explosive tendencies. In the empty slots on a recipe, it is better to add: Vegetables. Stones. Nothing. If you add something inedible to a dish as an arrangement,{LF}you can make: Something delicious. Something dreadful. High explosives. If you use high-level ingredients, you can make: A high-level dish. Something terrible. High explosives. When you make a dish without a recipe: Yeeeah, it'll be fine. You're a pioneer. You need much more RP. When you start a business, you need: Items to sell. A can-do spirit. Lots of luck. The best way to learn tips and tricks for running a successful{LF}shop is: Find the peddle god. Wing it. Sell items & raise skill. The best way to attract customers is to: Bring in more tourists. Sleep and wait. Pray. The best way to make money off of your items is to: Try bribing people. Trick your customers. Sell arranged dishes. To use the airship, you can: Check the Telecommunicator. Call for an underling. Dance crazy. To add more destinations, you can: Let the wind guide you. Explore new places. Dance fervently. Can you call the airship at a save point? Yes. I wish I could. Nope. Now everyone can wear swimsuits. Everyone stopped wearing swimsuits. Congratulations, @しゅじんこうくん@! Thanks. I never imagined you starting a family... You've always just been that peculiar visitor from the sky, as{LF}far as I'm concerned. I hope that you'll be happy from here on out, forevermore! Of course! Good. Now, let us begin. @しゅじんこうくん@. Do you love @キャラ0@, and pledge your{LF}companionship and devotion from this day forward? I do. Excellent. @キャラ0@. Do you love @しゅじんこうくん@, and pledge your{LF}companionship and devotion from this day forward? Very well... Henceforth, you shall be{LF}Mr. @しゅじんこうくん@...{LF}and Mrs. @キャラ0@... Henceforth, you shall be{LF}Mr. @キャラ0@...{LF}and Mrs. @しゅじんこうくん@... I hereby pronounce you man and wife. May the Native Dragons bless this newlywed couple! In place of the mighty Lady Ventuswill... I, Volkanon, shall perform this wedding ceremony. @しゅじんこうくん@. Do you love @キャラ0@ and pledge your{LF}companionship and devotion from this day forward? I do. Excellent. @キャラ0@. Do you love @しゅじんこうくん@ and pledge your{LF}companionship and devotion from this day forward? Very well... Henceforth, you shall be{LF}Mr. @しゅじんこうくん@...{LF}and Mrs. @キャラ0@... Henceforth, you shall be{LF}Mr. @キャラ0@...{LF}and Mrs. @しゅじんこうくん@... I hereby pronounce you man and wife. May the Native Dragons bless this newlywed couple! I know you'll make me the happiest person in the world. I'll make sure you're happier than you've ever been. I do! Of course! I will love you forever. I do. Yes... So beautiful...so beautiful! Vishnal... You may not be a real butler yet... ... But you're a real man now! You must protect @しゅじんこうくん@, now and forever! O-okay! Use your skill as a butler to bring @しゅじんこうくん@ true{LF}happiness! Volkanon... Thank you very much for all of your help. What's this? You speak as if you're leaving me. But we're still going to be working together, no? Oh, yeah, I guess we are! Dear me, even at a time like this... @しゅじんこうくん@, I leave Clorica in your care. I'll be good to her. I do. Please make me the happiest person in the world. I do. I swear it. I do. Hee hee...I'm so happy! ♪ I do. You bet! Let's be happy together. I love you so much... I do. Yes. I pledge my all on it. I do. ...Mm, it will be very happy now! I do. ...Yes. Absolutely. Mm, I do, I do! Count on it! I do. ...I will never let you go. I do. Of course. What's that? There's something written here... *Confirm Ventus' Motion. *Basic Motion *Attack Motion *Daily Motion *Ship Attacking Motion *Don't Need to See ''Give it all you've got!'' ''I haven't complained nearly enough!'' (He's so close to me...) (My heart's beating so fast...) (@しゅじんこうくん@ can't hear this sound...can he?) ...! Don't you...like this? N-no. I was just...surprised. It's okay if it's you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Your hands are so warm... Mmm... With every pat, I get more and more...relaxed... ...Zzz... *POKE* ...Oogh! ...My turn. Hyah! *POKE* Huh?! Can I stay like this, please? ... (He's so warm...) ...?! A sudden kiss...? Sorry... You don't have to be sorry... Girls need some time to prepare for a kiss, though. As a gentleman, you should always ask first. *THUMPA{LF}THUMPA THUMPA* I feel so relieved when I'm with you. Hey, it's actually pretty clean in here! Y-you think so? Yeah. Cleaner than I expected. ...And nobody's here, right? Well, no, why would they be? It's my room. Nobody's...hiding in the ceiling? Er...no? How about under the bed? Nope. How about beneath the floor-- Come on! What's wrong? You're acting really weird. I'm just nervous because we're alone together. ... My heart is racing. And it just keeps getting faster and faster. It's kind of embarrassing to go on a date like this again... See, before I married you... My heart was always beating fast, every time we went out{LF}together. But it's okay now? Well, actually... Now my heart just beats fast every single day. Because I'm just so happy to be with you, @しゅじんこうくん@... Shall we go home, then? Sure! This is fun, huh? Y-Yes! (@しゅじんこうくん@ is getting closer...) (Her hair is so beautiful...) (I want to touch it so badly...) Ah...! You don't like it...? N-no! No no no no no! I-I mean, that's not it! I do! I really do! I've wanted to hold your hand this whole time, and I was so{LF}focused on that... ...I-I'm so glad to be here with you like this. Ha ha ha... But isn't that normally what men do? I wanted to caress your head. You don't...like it? ... Actually, I like being patted on the head. It feels...stimulating. *POKE* Hey, what har who dooing? Physical contact! ♪ *POKE* *POKE* *POKE* @しゅじんこうくん@... Your cheeks are puffy like rice cakes! ♪ Wha?! Ah! H-hey, s-st...! You want me to stop? What are you talking about?! Stay like dis, please! ...''Like dis''? ...I mean... ...I want to stay like this with you forever. ...! Only once, okay? Okay. @しゅじんこうくん@'s lips were soft and supple... I'm always excited when I'm with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I always feel a bit...uncomfortable intruding in a woman's{LF}home. Even as a butler who does it all the time. *STARE* *FIDGET* @ビシュナル@... Please stop looking around my room like that. It's kind of{LF}embarrassing! S-sorry! It's nothing special, huh? Weird place I got, huh? Not a very cute room, huh? I-I-I-I would never presume to say such a thing! I think this room fits your personality to a T. Seeing your room just makes me love you all the more! R-really?! Absolutely! I-it's like I'm...falling in love with you all over again... How about we just relax here today? Pfft...heheh... ...Did I say something amusing? I was just thinking of when you first came to visit my room.{LF}Before we got married. Ahhh... That was a bit...embarrassing... You were so nervous and fidgety, and wouldn't stop staring{LF}at every little thing! Please, stop! I'm still embarrassed by my actions that day... ...You don't seem so nervous anymore, though. Why should I be? We're man and wife now! I'm long past that shy, awkward phase. Heh. So what you're saying is, you've matured, huh? No...not really. I've just become...a man now. Shall we go home? I'll walk you to your door. Thanks! I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. It's my pleasure. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. Thanks for seeing me home safely. No, no, it was my pleasure. Please, let us do this again{LF}sometime. Ready to go home? I am. I want to stay with you. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. Today was quite fun. Let's be certain we do it again sometime. What...?! Erm... Um... Th-this is kind of embarrassing, isn't it? Heheh... Aha ha... ... Eek...! Oh, sorry... I-it's okay. I was just surprised. O-okay. I was afraid I'd...upset you... ... (Mm...) Huh...? ... ... Wha...?! Your hair is beautiful, @フォルテ@. Is it...? May I caress your head again? I would...prefer you not. It's...a little embarrassing. EEP! @フォルテ@... You're sensitive, aren't you? A-anyone would be surprised to have that done to them so{LF}suddenly! Seriously, now... *POKE* Whaa!! HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Huh? Huh?! Um... @しゅじんこうくん@...? I, uh... (...Mmm...warm...) ...? ...?! ...!! @フォルテ@...? M...My cheek?! How about we take a walk together for a while? So, this is a man's room, huh? I mean, I'm used to seeing Kiel's room... But this place looks totally different. And it smells different... What...? Ah...! Sorry. I'm just...a little sensitive to smell. Er, not that it's a bad smell! I think it smells good, actually. ...Er, no, wait! That's not right either. That just sounds{LF}weird... @フォルテ@...? ...D-don't mind me! Sorry! Uh, okay. ...Geez, what is wrong with me?! ... I feel strange somehow. Before I married you, this was your room. But now, it's like...a comfort zone for me. Makes me feel{LF}totally at ease. Does it? ... ...Can I come a bit closer? Huh? Sure... I want to live here like this forever. I want us to live here as a family, happily ever after... I do too. I believe in you, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...I want you to always protect me. Me...and this happiness. ...I will. I promise. Ready to go home? Yeah. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@... I can't explain why, but I'm a little nervous right now. ... ... (My heart is pounding fast...) ...But don't worry! It's not because I dislike this situation or{LF}anything! ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Huh? Wh-what's up? What's wrong? Why were you so surprised? I-it's nothing! Never mind! Did you...want to ask me{LF}something? Well, it's more like...a request. I, uh...I want to hold your hand. Huh...? ...You mind? N-no. I wanted to hold your hand, too. Really?! ♪ All right, then! Heeere weeee gooo! *SQUEEZE* ...This kind of situation sure is nerve-wracking, huh? Yeah, it is. YAAGH! Aha haha! That tickles, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're really cute, @キール@. No, you! What? You're cute! Eheh... Ha! You're blushing! I win! ♪ ...! Hey, what are you doing? Your hair just looks so soft and smooth... Okay, then. I'll touch yours too! Whoa! Tee-hee! ♪ What? Um... ... You're warm, @しゅじんこうくん@. You too, @キール@. Mm... ... ... Hey...@キール@? Hmm? What is it? You just...seemed to be zoning out. I wanted to bring you{LF}back to earth. Did I? ...Hey, can I ask you something, @しゅじんこうくん@? Sure. M-my heart is beating like crazy. H-how can I make it stop? I'm sorry...? I still want to stay here with you for a while longer. So, this is your room, huh? It sure does have the feel of a girl's room! ♪ It does? So what do you usually do when you're at home? Housework. I mostly sleep. Oh, that makes sense! You're royalty, so I bet you have a lot{LF}of paperwork and stuff to do here in the castle. Erm, no, that's not what I meant... Huh? ...Oh, you mean...actual housework? Like, cleaning and stuff? That didn't even cross my mind. I just couldn't picture it! Really? Why not? Well, you're so cool and stuff, it just didn't seem very...you. ... Heheh. Guess it's like they say, children who sleep well grow{LF}well! I always read books when I'm in my room. But sometimes, it's nice just...doing nothing. Just sitting, and{LF}talking, and taking it all in... And it's especially nice when you're sitting next to me! ♪ ...Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Oh...yeah, definitely! ''...'' @しゅじんこうくん@! Are you here?! Wait a moment, please, Volkanon. She's with Kiel right now. We should leave them alone. Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt. ''...'' I-I think I should go now. O-okay... Home, sweet home! Uh...@キール@, I don't think that's quite right... Oh, yeah... Guess that just kinda slipped out! Well...yeah. I can see that. Next time, I'll have to invite you to my place. That sounds good. Then you can say that all you want! Hahaha! ♪ But isn't it wonderful? No matter which road we take, our goal is the same. We're{LF}always looking for a place to call home. ...Don't you agree? Yeah...I think you're right. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Let's make lots of great memories together from here on out,{LF}okay? You bet. Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? Come on. I'll walk you back. You sure that's okay? Of course! After all, if I walk you back home, that means I{LF}get to stay with you a little longer! ... Okay, let's go! ♪ Hee hee. Actually, I'd been thinking something just like that. So how about this: Let's stay together just a liiiiittle bit longer{LF}right now! Sound good? ♪ Thanks for seeing me home safely. My pleasure! ♪ Let's do this again sometime soon! Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? All right! Let's head home! ♪ Sounds good. Hmm? You want to spend more time with me, then? Today was a lot of fun. Let's do it again sometime. Can I come a little closer to you? Wha...? ...Uh, sure. Come on over. ... ... (I wonder if @しゅじんこうくん@ is enjoying himself...) (I wonder if now's a good time...) Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Can I...hold your hand? S-sure. ... (I did it! @字@) Hmm? Mm. That's nice. ... (It's kind of nice to have somebody to lean on every now{LF}and again. @字@) *POKE* Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're such a tease! ...Am I? Well, if that's the way you want to play it... *POKE* *GLOMP* ?! Uh... @しゅじんこうくん@? If Porco sees us, he's gonna be mad. ...Ahh, who cares?! @字@ ...! ...What was that, all of a sudden?! Eheh. Heh... All right, mister, you're going to get it now! @字@ I want to see you more. Wow... Wh-what? I finally get to see what your room is like! *PITTER-PATTER* *CLOMP* *CLOMP* *FIDGET* My, you're...uh, thorough. What are you trying to find?! I guess I'm just...curious... I can't sit still in a place like this, you know? It's like I'm...I don't know... Nervous, I guess? ...What am I saying? I must sound pretty crazy, huh?{LF}Hahaha... Make yourself at home. Please. No one should be coming, so it's just the two of us. ...Okay. Thanks. *PITTER-PATTER* *CLOMP* *CLOMP* *FIDGET* Still nervous, huh? Yeah... I just realized we're dating again, and...hahaha...here we are,{LF}you know? Would you prefer to go somewhere else? No. I like being...here. I want to be at your side. ...Okay. Then let's stay here. Ready to go home? Sure. Mrng... ... ... ... Let me just say this... ...? I... I'm happy, you know? ...Me too. ...! ... You...don't like it...? ...Idiot. How could I not?! Whew! Glad to hear it. I don't want to ever let you go. Ah, I can't reach! What are you doing...? Well, I, uh...I just thought your hair style seemed oddly{LF}inviting. Well, two can play at that game. I'll pat you on the head{LF}too! Take that! Hey, stop it! You're messing up my hair! Ha ha ha. It looks good that way. It...does? ...You're so pure and stupid. ...Hyaa! ...! Wh-what was that, exactly? ...It was exactly what it seemed. Once more, from the top! ...Mess with me all you want. *GLOMP* ?! Wh-what? What are you doing?! Nothing. Everything. I don't even know. I just want to be{LF}with you. ...! Man, you really are an...ahhh, what the hell! *GLOMP* @ディラス@, can you squat down a little? Huh? Okay... *SMOOCH* !!! Wh-whoa! You're way too tall. Makes it tough for me to reach you. W-what the?! Geez... A-aren't I supposed to be the one to pull that kinda stuff,{LF}being the man and all?! *PITTER-PATTER* *CLOMP* *CLOMP* *FIDGET* C-calm down! I don't know why, but I can't... It's just...different. It even smells different from my room! Is it...a good smell or a bad smell? Sh-shut up... Does that...even matter? Come on! *PITTER-PATTER* *CLOMP* *CLOMP* *FIDGET* How are you still nervous in my room? We're married now,{LF}for goodness sakes! J-just...shut up! Let me be neurotic if I want to be. I just...can't help but feel a little nervous...when I'm with you. Huh? Why? ...What do you mean why?! I'm asking why. I don't know, okay?! I just...get a little self-conscious, I guess. Shall we go home? I'll walk you. You sure that's okay? I want to stay with you. Of course. Let's go! Y-you do? Okay, then. Let's stay here together for a little{LF}while longer. Thank you for walking me home. You're welcome. Let's...do this again sometime, okay? When you have a{LF}moment to spare, of course. Shall we go home now? Sure. I want to stay with you. Y-you do? Okay, then. Let's stay here together for a little{LF}while longer. I had fun today. Let's do it again sometime. Can I come closer to you...? Excuse me? Uhh, never mind... ... What...? This is fun, isn't it? ...Yeah. (Okay. I can do this. I'm going to take his hand in mine!) *GRIP* ... What's wrong? Ah, umm... (Doesn't even seem like he noticed...) *SQUEEZE* Ah...! (He squeezed back!) ...You started it. So I won't let go, even if you ask. ... Wha...? You push yourself too hard, @アーサー@. You should{LF}take a rest from time to time. ... ...Okay. *POKE* ... Umm...how am I supposed to respond to that? Ugh... I was just trying to be...playful, I guess. Don't mind me. Huh? Look, it was nothing, oka-- You look cute when you blush. Nng... *GLOMP* What the?! Um... Uh, what is this...? I can hear your heart beating fast, @アーサー@. Rrrg... ...I am a man, you know. Hmm? ... *EMBRACE* *SMOOCH* ?! Consider it...a show of my gratitude. For everything you've{LF}done on my behalf. I-I see... ...Wait. This is your way of saying thanks? Do you...do that to{LF}everyone? What?! Ah, nothing! Nothing! Sorry. That was very rude, and it can't{LF}possibly be true anyway! I was just...taken aback. It just slipped out, without me{LF}thinking about it. ...I want to make you mine. What...? Will you...stay with me? Just for a bit longer? ... Um...is there something wrong with my room? Oh, no, no! Forgive me! I was actually thinking this room suits you well. I-it does? Yes, indeed. Oh, I brought some good tea for you. Thanks. I'll go get us some cups. All right. Please, take these tea leaves with you. Sure thing. ''Oh...'' (Our hands touched...) Hahaha... E-erm...I'm going to go prepare the tea now. All right. I'll wait here. Well, it seems we've arrived at our destination. ...Or we just got home, anyway. Home is our true destination. For this is OUR home. That's true... Does it not seem like destiny that we two met? Huh?! ...You don't feel it? I was the one who was supposed to live here originally, if{LF}you'll recall. But then you fell from the sky, and... @セルザ@ and @ヴォルカノン@ mistook me for the{LF}@姫@. And you came to live here in my place. Right. But now, I live here as well. Just as I was originally supposed{LF}to. Except it's...as your husband. That is an interesting point... You see? It's fated! I'm sure of it! This place has been waiting for us both from the very{LF}beginning. ...At least, that's the feeling I get from it. @アーサー@... You might be right. You're quite the romantic! Mm... It all serves to reinforce that I must never let you go. Never, ever! I will make you happy from now until the end of time. ...That's quite the commitment! Ah, so you agree? I think I do. R-really? That...wasn't my intention, I swear it! You're just naturally romantic. It's one of the things I love{LF}about you. Th... ...Thank you very much. I love you, too, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Thanks. Let's go home, shall we? I'll walk you. You sure? I want to stay with you. But of course! Shall we? A-all right. Then let's stay a while longer. Thank you for walking me home. Don't mention it! Let's go off together again sometime. Good night to you! Shall we go home now? Sure. I want to stay with you. A-all right. Then let's stay a while longer. I had fun today. Let's do this again sometime. H-hey...?! Uh, you are too close, yes? Oh, sorry! I guess you'd...prefer I keep my distance? Oh, no, nothing like that! It's just...well... ...Well what? Oogh... I...I don't like when people look at me from too close. I don't{LF}think I look so good in detail. (Foolish Xiao! Now is your chance to say to him, ''Let's hold{LF}hands!'' Go, go!) @シャオパイ@... Would you mind if I...held your hand? Huh?! S-sure. That's...okay with me. All right, then. ... ... Are you...blushing...? Oh, stop! ...What are you doing? Well, you're just so adorable, I couldn't resist! I-I'm...adorable? But... ...But I'm older than you... You didn't like it? ... ...?! Too slow! *PRESS* ... ...You can do that to me all you want. Ugh! *GLOMP* ...?! Um... ...This is...very warm. *SMOOCH* Wha?! Tee-hee. Y-you're surprised, yes? Um... ...Yeah. Actually, I was just about to do the same thing. What? I was a split second away from turning to face you. If you{LF}were one second later, we might've... Oh...r-really...? ...Well, that doesn't sound so... Huh? N-nothing! Never mind! Umm...I still want to spend a little more time with you, if{LF}that's okay. Ummmm... I came all the way here, but now I don't know what I want{LF}to do! I don't think I can answer that for you. Well, we can finally be alone together, yes? ... Wh-what's wrong? Um... It struck me that we are alone together, and it made{LF}me...nervous. O-oh. I see. ''...'' ...Is there something we can talk about? Why do you ask? Because I get nervous if we keep quiet like this. O-okay. Sorry... ''...'' ...Well, this is not bad. It has a certain charm, just like this. What? ...Ah, nothing. Please, never mind. Home, sweet home! It sure is! Welcome home. Please, go home. Hee hee. It is! ♪ Hee hee hee... What?! ...You don't want me to be here...? I was just kidding. @シャオパイ@. R-really? I'm relieved to hear it. So...who could imagine this would be my house? When I first met you, I never thought it would be so. Me neither. Do you regret it? Seriously, it's crazy! Well, you seemed always busy when you first came here. Yeah, I guess I was. But I feel uneasy without you now. Not at all! Because I love you. ... I love you too much. Sometimes so much, it makes me feel{LF}crazy! Hahaha... And why do you think that? Please, tell me why you feel it is{LF}so very crazy! @シャオパイ@... Your smile is kind of scary right now... Anyway! It seems I'm happier than ever now. Happier than anyone{LF}else could ever be. I'm glad to hear that. Mm. I will be at your side forever. I could never leave. ...Thank you for being here with me. ...Shall we head back? Sure. Would it be okay if I came a little closer to you? Certainly! ♪ I feel...happy... Me too. I hope I can live like this every day. May I hold your hand? Of course! ♪ *SQUEEZE* ...What the...? What's wrong? Ummm... My face feels really hot all of a sudden... It's not like we're doing anything different than usual, though.{LF}How strange... Hahaha! That tickles! *TICKLE* *TICKLE* Acck! Cut it out! You're embarrassing me! ...Seriously?! Pfft, no! I just wanted to make you panic a little! ♪ *POKE* ... *SLURP* Whaaa?! ...? *GLOMP* @しゅじんこうくん@...? @コハク@... You're so warm... Umm... ...I'm actually a little hot right now. You give off a LOT of{LF}body heat... Now's my chance! ?! Hahaha... *SMOOCH* Wha...? Ah... See, I just...wanted to get you back, that's all... ...Mmmrrrnng... ...@コハク@? I just want to stay with you for a little while longer. Would that be okay? @しゅじんこうくん@'s room! Here we come! ♪ Time to dive into your bed! Ack! Please, don't! Okay... Then... I'll poke around your room and look for something weird! ♪ I...don't know what you expect to find. (And frankly, I'm kind{LF}of afraid to ask...) Oh, you don't, do you? Lumie told me to look for something. She said you definitely{LF}had to have one! Ugh, that @エルミナータ@... Whatever she said I had, I don't. Maybe we should...go{LF}somewhere else... Well, what if I said I was looking for... *GRAB* ...Huh? I want to stay here. I want to spend some time with you. Can I? ... It's kind of sneaky grabbing my sleeve before asking that... Hmm? ...Nothing. Never mind. I'll prepare some tea and snacks, okay? Yay! ♪ Isn't it kind of weird for us to be having a date in our own{LF}house? Though I guess it's pretty uncommon to go on a date at all{LF}after getting married... Yeah, it is. I don't think so! But it's fun! ♪ It is? Of course! I'm always happy when I'm with you! ... What's up? ...N-nothing. Never mind. So can we stay here together forever? Of course! ♪ You don't? No. But I heard people didn't really do that... But I still love you so much! How could I resist going out with{LF}you? ... What's wrong? You're blushing. *Touch foreheads* Y-yeah, I know. But I can't stop it! Mm... ... ... @コハク@? ...Hmm? ... Okay, ready to go home? Sure thing! Hmm? ... What's wrong? You feeling lonely? No, it's nothing like that. I just... ...Okay. Then, um... Why don't you come a little closer? You're not the only one who wants to get as close as{LF}possible, you know! Hmm? S-sorry. Guess you'd rather I not do that, huh? Don't be stupid. You can take my hand anytime you'd like! Your hands are really warm... ...What are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. Yeah, I can tell. But why, exactly? Well, if that's the way it's going to be, two can play at that{LF}game! Huh?! Don't like it? I didn't say that! Good. Your hair's so soft and silky... *POKE* Hey! Okay, you asked for it! *JAB* Ow! Ha! Gotcha! ... *GLOMP* Wha...? Whaaaaaat?! You were thinking of doing something to me, weren't you?{LF}Admit it! H-how did you know?! ...Whoa, you really were?! I was just joking! N-no, I wasn't-- I know what you're thinking. ?! What's this, all of a sudden? Tee-hee... ...Well, then I'll... Then I'll kiss you! ?! ...Tee-hee. You got some soft cheeks, you know that? (I really hope @しゅじんこうくん@'s enjoying this...) This is your room, huh?! Wow... Hmmm... I see... That's enough! What? What's wrong?! It's just the two of us, alone together. So let's talk! A-a-a-alone?!?! ...Something wrong? N-nothing at all! Never mind! (We're alone together...) *THUMPA THUMPA* (This is not good!) (I'm getting really nervous!) You okay not going out? Sure. Sometimes, it's nice just staying in and taking it easy. Yeah, that's true. ... What's up? Well, even though we're always together, this is...a date, you{LF}know? I'm just a little nervous. ...You never change, you know that? And I wouldn't have it{LF}any other way... ... Ready to head home? I'll walk you back. Thanks. I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. Come on. R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. Thanks for seeing me home. No problem. Let's do this again sometime, okay? I'll catch you later. Shall we go home now? Yup. I wanna stay with you... R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. Today was a lot of fun. Let's do it again sometime. ... ...If you want to get closer, just say it. Oh... How did you...? You looked so nervous. You're a terrible liar, you know. Even{LF}when you don't open your mouth. Heheh... ...Well, that's one of the things I love about you. May I hold your hand? Huh...? ...Do as you'd like. Okay. Here goes... ... ''Maaan! What a sweet moment this is!'' Ugh...! ...Wh-what are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. I know that much! But why?! You don't like it? ... ...You should have warned me first. *POKE* ?! Surprised? O-of course I am! Who does that?! You just about gave me a heart attack! Well, you are turning red, but I'm...pretty sure that's just you{LF}blushing. ... I'm just...not used to this... ...?! Is it okay if I hug you? ...You should probably ask that before actually doing it, you{LF}know. Okay, then. Was it okay that I hugged you? ...It... Well...it was nice. Huh...? Oh, sorry. I saw my chance, so I figured I'd take it. ...? @ドルチェ@? ??? ?????? Hey, @ドルチェ@...? I want to stay with you...a little longer... Hmm. It's cleaner than I expected. ...Is it?! Well...like I said, cleaner ''than I expected.'' That's not to say{LF}it's clean, mind you! ... ...Sure is quiet, huh? Yeah. It's like we're the only people in the whole world. Maybe we are. ... You're not going to say how glad you are that we're finally{LF}alone together? Erm... ''You're never alone as long as I'm around, and don't you{LF}forget it!'' ...ACK! I figured you were here somewhere. I just needed to lure{LF}you out. ''But you ARE a little disappointed that you're not REALLY{LF}alone together, riiight?'' ...Don't be ridiculous. Hey, @ドルチェ@... Are you blushing? ...How about you shut up? It's been a while since we spent time alone together. Yeah, it has. Where's @ピコ@? She said she doesn't have time to bother us today. ...How odd that we're on a date in our own house! I'm sorry... Don't be! I'm not saying that in a negative way. I just... ...realized that this is my house now. OUR house. Things sure have changed a lot, huh? ...Yeah, I guess they have. But one thing remains the same. What's that? I still love you, @しゅじんこうくん@. That will never change. @ドルチェ@... I love you too. Come again? I didn't hear. Yes. I know. Mm, well...thank you. My pleasure. Ugh! Seriously?! Always getting so embarrassed by little things like that...{LF}You're so cute, @ドルチェ@! ...C-come on, don't tease me... Haha. Sorry. ...You're such an idiot. Ready to go home? Sure. What's this? Are you so keen on feeling the warmth of my{LF}body? You bet I am! How about you, @レオン@? ... Huh? What's wrong? Well... ...I must admit, I'm at a loss. I wasn't anticipating such a{LF}reaction from you. Hmmmm... If you would, please lend me your ear. Uh, okay... ...Just between you and me... ...You're positively adorable. ...I'll stay by your side always. ...I love you. ...Just between you and me. Th-that's not exactly an answer to my question! Haha. Perhaps not. Hmm...? ...*GRAB* Hmm? ... What am I going to do with you? Ah... (...He squeezed my hand tight!) Hahaha! Wh-what are y-you doing?! Hahaha! Just an innocent little pat on the head, that's all! Well, it tickled! Hey...what's that deranged look in your eyes? ...Mwa ha ha. The time for revenge is nigh! H-hey! Come on! Don't! Stop! ''Don't stop,'' you say? All right, then...I won't! Wh-who do you think...haha! Hey, come on, stop! Please!{LF}Hahahaha! P-please... Please stop...! ...Well, that was fun. *PANT* *PANT* *PANT* Man, do I ever feel better now! ... ...You won't be doing that for long! *RUFFLE* *RUFFLE* Hey! Don't mess up my hair! Shut up. ...You're mine, all right?! *GLOMP* H-hey...! What the?! I just felt like hugging you. ...Honestly... I hear your heart beating, @レオン@. Ugh... ...It's beating pretty fast. You must be nervous having a girl{LF}clinging to you like this. ...Quit your yammering. ...! What are you doing...? You always tease me, so I'm paying you back. ... You have something on your forehead. Let me see. Really? O-okay... ...! That's what you get. ...You're blushing... ...Oh, shut up. I wish we could stay together like this forever... So...alone at last, huh? What?! What should we do now? Erm, er... You don't dislike me, right? No, I don't. You suck. In that case... ...! Gotcha. What?! Were you expecting something different? You can say it. Um, I just... You're so cute, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Argh, @レオン@! Hahaha! Is that...really what you think of me? ... Ha! Gotcha! That's for all the times you've messed with me! Surprised? ... ...I am. Your answer shocked me so much, it made me realize just{LF}how much I love you. What?! Ah, it's not important. ... Hey... ...Hmm? Is something wrong? Why do you ask? Because you're just so...quiet... Ah, I see. I must admit, I'm a bit nervous. The two of us, alone together in a place like this... What do you mean? ...I'd prefer not to say. It's far too...embarrassing. Oh...oh! ... So, what shall we do? I don't know. What do you want to do? Let's see... We're dating, so let's do something...date-like. Uh, okay. What did you have in mind? I leave it to you to decide. Why do I have to come up with something?! Because I said so. Now please, hurry. The day is passing us{LF}by. Huh?! Uh, then, I guess... ...I...I love you? ... That's a good start. I love you as well. That's a pretty date-like thing to say, right? It is. And you looked so cute saying it that my heart skipped{LF}a beat. ...Are you serious? I don't know. Do I look it? ...@レオン@, are you just teasing me again?! Maybe. Maybe not. Who's to say? Oh, come on, now! Haha. ... I have no idea what we could do. Oh, come on! You can't think of anything at all? Well, half the onus is on you. What? Why?! Because of our promise, of course. You promise you would always be faithful to me, and always{LF}offer encouragement and companionship. Which means I'm supposed to decide date night activities...{LF}how, exactly? ...You didn't let me finish. There was also another promise. The one that came with{LF}those three special words. I love you. What? I shall love you eternally. ... Haha. You look so adorable when you're blushing. Damn it, @レオン@! Why do you always have to mess{LF}with me?! Haha. ...I wasn't kidding, though. Huh? I wasn't...wasn't... Oh, never mind. I can't repeat it. Shall we go home? I'll walk you to your door. Are you sure? I want to stay with you. Of course. That's only natural, right? At evening's end, the{LF}gentleman walks the lady home. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. Thank you for seeing me home. You're very welcome. Let's make sure we do this again sometime, though, okay? Until next time! Ready to go home? Sure. I want to stay with you. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. I had fun today. I'll do this again with you sometime. I promise. (Maybe I should walk her home...) (N-now's my chance...) (Now might be my best opportunity to strengthen our{LF}relationship.) Get closer. Hold hands. Pat on the head. Poke in the cheek. Hold tight. Kiss on the cheek. Quit So today's my wedding day, huh? Are you ready? I am. At long last, the day has come. I never thought I'd see you walk down the aisle... I feel almost as if I'm the one getting married, I'm so happy! Thank you for that, @ヴォルカノン@. *SOB* Go, @しゅじんこうくん@! Go to your destiny! Go to the{LF}first day of the rest of your life! It all starts here and now! The same as before. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. The same as before. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. Congratulations. Thanks! ♪ That wedding dress looked so good on you! Thank you. So, let's start our first mission as a married couple, shall we? What is it? We'll decide what to call each other! Okay. Let's do it! So, what should I call you? Do you just want me to call you @しゅじんこうくん@? Sure! Mm, @しゅじんこうくん@... Yeees? ...It just sounds so much more...real now. @しゅじんこうくん@. Hee hee. I like it when you say my name! @しゅじんこうくん@?!?! What's the problem? I'm...not a full-fledged butler yet... But you're going to be serving me from now on, right? I'm not serving you! We're married! We're...equals! *SIGH* No, I guess I really am serving you. Just...in a different{LF}way. There we go. As long as you understand! Hee hee... @しゅじんこうくん@? Are you sure about that? Absolutely! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@, eh...? Yes. Isn't it fantastic? Haha. How very apropos! You want me to call you @しゅじんこうくん@?! ...No good? I-it's fine, but... ...makes me...a little nervous... You don't like it? I-I have no problem with it! Actually, I rather like it! Are you sure? Absolutely! From now on, I will call you @しゅじんこうくん@, as you wish! E-even when we're...out in public?! Yep. Anywhere and everywhere! ...A-as you wish... @しゅじんこうくん@... @しゅじんこうくん@? Lovely! I feel like a noblewoman or something! ♪ The name I first called you, right? That's perfect. You sure that's okay with you? I don't mind changing how I refer to you. Now's the chance{LF}to air any grievances you may have! Well, if that's what you want... So be it. So, what would you like to call me? Really? All right, then! @ビシュナル@! ♪ Yeeees? ♪ Oh, that's good! I feel closer to you already! Oh... It sounds so sweet...it almost brings me to tears! A-are you sure...? Doesn't that sound a bit...girlish? Don't worry about it. It makes us sound like...a mature couple. I like it! Oh, my... ...That makes my heart skip a beat... What's wrong? N-nothing! I-I was just thinking how...much I like that... Isn't it too early for something like that? If that's what you wish, though, I'm fine with it. All right! @ビシュナル@ it is! ?! A-are you really sure about that? What? We're married. Is there a problem with it? N-no, not...really... (What if people think I forced her to call me that, though...?) Okay. If that's what you wish, then I accept! Well, @しゅじんこうくん@! We are husband and wife now. May we live happily ever{LF}after! We will, @ビシュナル@. I'm sure of it! ♪ From now on, this is your room too, @クローリカ@. My room, huh? This all feels so real now. We're actually married! Hey...@しゅじんこうくん@? Maybe we should give each other pet names now that we're{LF}married. What should I call you? @しゅじんこうくん@?! I-I see. Okay... I guess I'm ready for something like that, so...okay! I'll call{LF}you @しゅじんこうくん@ from now on! Okey doke! You got it, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@... What do you think? Sound good to you? It sure does! @しゅじんこうくん@? You sure do like those lovey-dovey sorts of things, huh? I'm gonna take good care of you from now on,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ Okay... That seems fitting for a wife to call her husband! ♪ Yes, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ I like it! @しゅじんこうくん@, huh...? That has a really mature ring to it... Tee-hee. Good choice, @しゅじんこうくん@! @しゅじんこうくん@? Okay. Got it! You sure? All right, then. I'll call you @しゅじんこうくん@, same as always. So, what do you want to call me? The same as before? Umm...but we're newlyweds! Shouldn't you pick something{LF}new? If that's really what you want, though, then...okay! I'll run{LF}with it. Hmmm... No good? N-no, it's fine, really! It's just a little embarrassing. I mean, it's kind of like we're{LF}showing off our relationship! But I...kind of like the idea of you calling me Honey... What? That's...pretty formal, isn't it? Considering we're{LF}husband and wife now... Not at all, milady! It suits you, @クローリカ@. ... ...W-well, if you say so... Aww, that's much too cute for me, isn't it? That's not possible. Nothing can even match your cuteness, much less exceed it! O-oh... Okay... That's cool. I really like it! ♪ W-wow, that's a pretty cutesy one! Definitely not something I would've picked, but... Well, it's not bad! Mm, I guess that's a pretty common one for married couples. A little embarrassing, though... ...but if that's how you want to address me, I'm okay with it. Oh, wow...when you call me that, it really makes me feel like{LF}a proper wife! I wonder why that is... All right. That should be fine! With our powers combined, we'll be unstoppable from now{LF}on! The best couple there ever was! You bet, @クローリカ@! @フォルテ@... Y-yes! I promise to be a good husband to you. May we have a{LF}wonderful married life together. Y-yeah. I might not be the best wife, but I'll do my best to{LF}make you happy! Now, now, there's no need to be humble. You ARE the best{LF}wife! That's why I married you! O-okay, if you say so... ...So, let's...uh...decide what we should call each other from{LF}now on. You know...pet names? Pet names? Yeah. Because we're...well, we're... ...You're what? We're a...a...a MARRIED COUPLE!! But...that's... Yes! It is! It's a lovely idea, isn't it? So, what do you want me to call you? Huh? Erm, how about... A-all right! I'll call you... ... ...@しゅじんこうくん@! So, just be real familiar, then? Okay! That's a piece of cake! Okay. @しゅじんこうくん@! ... ...W-would you...please...say something? What? You don't like it? N-no, it's fine! A-actually I like it a lot! ...@しゅじんこうくん@... It kind of took me by surprise, but...the more I think about it,{LF}the more natural it sounds. Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@... Hmm? N-no, I wasn't calling you. I was just...practicing... Okay. So how about you try actually calling me, then? Hee{LF}hee... Ugh... O-okay... ...@しゅじんこうくん@! What? Come on! You'll do it, right? You'll call me that? Um, that's... You're a knight, remember. You can't go back on your word! O-of course! I would never! ...@しゅじんこうくん@... There we go! Perfect! Hee hee... ... What?! Well, you're my wife now, so... Ah...y-you're right! That's not strange at all, then! It's what people do! Isn't that right... @しゅじんこうくん@...? I'm not sure...do you really think that name is ''me''? I don't see why not! R-really?! Really. ... ...All right. If you say so, I guess it's worth a shot... ...@しゅじんこうくん@... Erm, do you really think that works...for us? Why not? We're going to turn into one of those cute, old{LF}married couples as the years go by! I...hope we do, actually. That sounds lovely. Well, then...you know what to do! I-I guess so... ...@しゅじんこうくん@... Okay. @しゅじんこうくん@ it is! But is that really okay? It sure is! A-all right, then. It's settled! Would you prefer something more unique? N-no, not at all! I'm totally okay with your suggestion! O-okay! If that's what you want, how can I say no? So what should I call you? Me?! Of course. Tit for tat! Ugh... A-all right, then. Guess I've just got to prepare myself for{LF}what's ahead. This won't be easy! What do you mean...? Throw some names at me! I can take it! Come on! O-okay. Then, how about... O-oh, okay. If...that's what you want, then... Did you want something different? No, it's okay! I-I'm fine with that! Glad to hear it...@フォルテ@! S-sounds sweet... You don't like it? No, i-it's fine. I have no problem with it! It's kind of like a poison spell. Stings a little, but it's pretty{LF}inconsequential. Er...how is that ''fine''?! It just is, okay? Don't worry about it! Let's just move on! If you say so, @フォルテ@... Ugh! So basically just...a first-name basis, then? Guess that's pretty common for married couples, huh? All{LF}right. Let's do it. Why don't you, uh...try it out? @フォルテ@. ... @フォルテ@? ...This is a bit more stimulating than I thought... Huh? N-nothing. Never mind. W-wow, that's a really...cutesy name, huh? Sure is! But...I'm not that cute... Yes you are! You're the cutest person there is! O-okay. If you say so... Thank you, @フォルテ@. ...That really makes me feel kind of weird... What?! @フォルテ@! Hee hee... Ugh... ...O-okay... You are so cute, @フォルテ@! ... Whaaaaat?! That title doesn't belong to me! But it sounds so cool, and suits you so perfectly! ...@フォルテ@.... Oogh... I-I don't know... I guess...if that's the name you want to use for me, then...{LF}okay. Y-you sure about that?! Yeah, I think it suits you! Really?! Absolutely! Erm...I guess, if you like it, then... ...I'm fine with it. You...really think that's a good name for me? Well, what do YOU think? I-I guess...if it's what you want to call me... ...then let's go with it! R-really?! Sure. Why not? Um, uh... How about answering ''why'' instead?! Well...I'm a prince, right? And you're my wife... Th-that's true...but I'm a knight, not royalty! So it just feels...weird...for me to have a title like that, even{LF}if...I guess it is accurate. But I think it really suits you! Wha...?! @フォルテ@... M-mmnnnnngg... Yeah, let's keep it simple. That's always the best policy.{LF}Good call! ... @フォルテ@? Ah, it's nothing! Don't worry! I'm not, like, regretting my life{LF}choices or anything, I swear! ...Erm, so... I look forward to a long, happy life with you,{LF}@フォルテ@! Huh?! Ah...y-yeah, me too! May our lives be blessed with joy and laughter! You bet they will! So this is going to be my house from now on, huh? Let's make sure it's a nice, loving home, @しゅじんこうくん@! Absolutely. Okay, time to decide! Decide what? What we're going to call each other from now on, of course! Any ideas on how you want me to address you, now that{LF}we're married? Huh? Uhhh... Haha, what the heck?! That's a pretty buttery name right{LF}there! ♪ Suits you, though. Huh? Mm-mm, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ ... @しゅじんこうくん@? Seems pretty ordinary, doesn't it? Not very special... Well, doesn't being really familiar kind of MAKE it special? ...Oh, yeah, I guess that is true. Good point! My goodness! You're kind of a genius, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ Erm... ...@しゅじんこうくん@? Yes? ...Tee-hee. Now that's a blush-worthy name if ever I heard{LF}one! @しゅじんこうくん@? Yeah... ... I was just kidding! I know it doesn't really suit me... No, it sounds cute. I think it suits you perfectly! @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ What do you think? @しゅじんこうくん@, huh? You do have a sweet, princess-like aura to you. You're like{LF}something out of a storybook... A-am I...? Uh-huh! Completely! My @しゅじんこうくん@ is the best! ... @しゅじんこうくん@... ...That's really what you want me to call you? Yep. O-okay... Then...@しゅじんこうくん@? Seems kind of...schmaltzy... But, if that's what you want! Feels like we might grow into it, you know? I'll hopefully be a father in the future, and when I am, that{LF}might have just the right ring to it! Don't you think, @しゅじんこうくん@? ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@... W-well, we are married, so... ...that seems pretty appropriate. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. All right! Sounds good! Mm, okay! ♪ So, what would you like to call me? Okay! That sounds great! Hahaha. What a goofy pet name! Might make me red in the{LF}face till I get used to it. But if that's what you want, I'm fine with it! ♪ All right! @キール@...? Ahh... That...kind of took me by surprise. I need to prepare my{LF}heart for this! That name makes it sound like I'm some kind of noble. It{LF}might be hard for me to get used to... It suits you, @キール@. C-come on! I feel all tingly when you call me that! What's wrong, @キール@...? Ughhhhh... ...You're so mean, @しゅじんこうくん@! Isn't that kind of...girly? You think? I don't know, I just see it as a cute little pet{LF}name. Perfect for a cute guy like you! Er, aren't guys supposed to be handsome, not cute?{LF}Something about this seems off... Hmm? You sure about this? Only if you're okay with it, @キール@... Huh? But you ARE okay with it...riiiiiight...? What? How about @キール@? Come to think of it, people called me that when I was little. That's perfect, then! You're still little. Right, @キール@? ... I-it's kind of embarrassing... Arghhh... Hmm? @キール@, what's wrong? N-nothing at all! Sheesh! What? You want to go that mushy this soon?! Feels more like something you'd hear from an old married{LF}couple. You think? Y-yeah... But if you're serious about it... ...I don't mind acting like we've been married for years and{LF}years one bit! Er...are you sure you're okay with that? Uh-huh. O-okay... Then, I'm fine with it too! What? Why?! Um, because you're cute, I guess? Am I?! I mean, I'm glad to hear you say that, but... You're mine, @キール@! All mine! ♪ Ugh... Are you okay with that? You bet. Okay, then. Let's go with that! So...uhh... Let's live happily ever after from this day forth! ...@しゅじんこうくん@... Right back atcha... ...@キール@... Tee-hee! ♪ Yeah! Everyone came to celebrate our union. It was really nice. Yeah, it was. I can't even describe how happy I am now. Me too. And I'm just going to get happier and happier as time goes{LF}on. So, uh... ...? ...I think we should come up with pet names for each other.{LF}To make our marriage feel more...real. Pet names? Yeah. It's okay if you don't want me to change how I address you,{LF}but...do you have any suggestions? What? But that's...so...embarrassing... Come on. Let me hear you say it. Please? What...?! Errr...um... ... ...@しゅじんこうくん@... ...Haha...ha...ha... @しゅじんこうくん@, huh...? That does seem kind of appropriate for a husband and wife. Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? ♪ Huh? Erm...that's rather...unique... I'm not sure I can get used to it too easily. But...if that's what you want, I'll try to call you that from now{LF}on. ...@しゅじんこうくん@... ...Wh-what do you think? @しゅじんこうくん@, huh...? That does pretty much scream 'marriage,' huh? So...let's go with it, @しゅじんこうくん@! @しゅじんこうくん@? Yeah. What do you think? Well, you are my prince, so how could I say no? ♪ That'll be what I call you from now on, then! @しゅじんこうくん@... @しゅじんこうくん@... Doesn't that seem more like something an old couple would{LF}say? Though maybe I should start getting used to it now, since I'm{LF}sure we'll grow old together! ...O-okay. I'll call you that from now on. @しゅじんこうくん@, right? Sure sounds couple-y to me! ♪ I'll be happy to call you that from now on, @しゅじんこうくん@! Haha! That's kind of cute. You got it, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're right. Keeping it simple and familiar is probably for the{LF}best. So, is there anything special you wanted to call me? Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Let's keep it the way we're{LF}used to. No sense mucking things up! Whoa! ...What's wrong? That's just...really embarrassing... Okay... Should I call you something else, then? ...No, actually...I kind of...like it... It makes me feel really...special... That's it, then...@マーガレット@. O-okay! I'm used to that nickname, so it sounds really natural to me{LF}now. So let's go with that one! That sounds good to me. Let's stick with that! Haha. That's sort of cute. Okay! I like it! Whoa, that's pretty lovey-dovey! Isn't it a bit too soon? You think? Ummmmm... Well...I guess we might as well get some practice in for{LF}when we're an old married couple... ...Okay. Let's give it a try. Okay. What?! What do you think? Umm...let's see... ...Not bad, I guess. @字@. Then so it shall be, @マーガレット@! Okay! Isn't that a little weird?! You think so? I-it just seems off to me, but...if that's what you want... It is. It really is. Let's run with it, @マーガレット@! Still kind of embarrassing, but...okay... So, I guess this is the start of our new life together! Let's fill it with lots of happy memories, @しゅじんこうくん@! @字@ You bet, @マーガレット@! @字@ The sight of you...in your wedding dress... ...? ...was just...so beautiful... Tee-hee. Thank you! ♪ ...Y-you're welcome So I can sleep here...from now on, right? Yup! ...I guess we'd kind of have to. We couldn't stay in my tiny{LF}room at the restaurant. Plus, the walls are really thin... Heheh...heh... ...Oh yeah! Hmm? Now that we're married... ...don't you think we should give each other pet names? What do you think? Do you have any requests? ...Are you serious? @しゅじんこうくん@... That okay? @しゅじんこうくん@, huh...? Well, that's not bad at all. Sounds good! That kind of makes you sound old, don't you think? But, if that's what you want... @しゅじんこうくん@... What's your angle with that? ...@しゅじんこうくん@... Wait. Nope. ... ...You don't like it...? Ugh... All right, fine! You win! I'll call you... ...@しゅじんこうくん@. You happy now?! Yes! Very! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@? Haha, if you want me to call you that, then so be it! You sure that's okay? ...Well, if you like it, then let's run with it! May we two live happily ever after, @しゅじんこうくん@! Doesn't that seem a little strange? Maybe. But I like it. ...You're a weirdo, you know that? *SIGH* All right... @しゅじんこうくん@ it is! ...Come on. Hmm? Don't act all innocent! What the heck are you trying to pull{LF}with a pet name like that?! It's called role-playing! You can be the horse, and I'll be your{LF}firm but benevolent master! Uhhh...seriously? Am I supposed to be your pet now?! Plus, this is my room. And you know how it goes. My room...{LF}my rules! Ugh... ...Please? Fine! Whatever! ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Okay. @しゅじんこうくん@, right? Got it. We'll go with that from now on. Easy peasy! So, any thoughts on what you want to call me? Well, that's even easier. Seriously? You're going with something that...cutesy?! Oh yeah, you're not a big fan of sweet things, are you? We're not talking food here! Then, you have no problem with that...right,{LF}@ディラス@? ...F-fine, whatever. Call me whatever you want. I feel like you're treating me like a child! But, if that's what you want... Well...that's a little embarrassing. But, if that's what you want... What the heck is that?! Well, if that's what you want to call me... Doesn't really sound like me. But, if that's what you want... Rejected! Awwww. But what if I promise to cherish you from now on? What difference does that make? Well, as long as I cherish you, does it really matter how I{LF}address you? ...Ugh... Fine! Whatever! Do as you'd like! Okay, @ディラス@! ♪ That's kind of...embarrassing... But if that's what you want to call me, go ahead, I guess. Th-that's a bit embarrassing... But if that's what you want to call me, go ahead, I guess. Okay. That works. All right! Time to get our newlywed lives underway! Let's be happy together forever, @しゅじんこうくん@! You bet, @ディラス@! Happily ever after! Well... @しゅじんこうくん@... Yes? I'll do my best to be a good husband to you, now and{LF}forevermore. Mm, sounds lovely! ♪ I guess...we'll be living here together from now on, no? Oh yeah... Well, I promise I'll do my best to be a good wife to you, too! Erm... ... L-let's come up with some pet names for each other, okay? Pet names? Well, we're not just dating anymore. We're a married couple. And it's only proper we address one{LF}another as such, no? So, what should I call you? @しゅじんこうくん@? I like it. It's cute. @しゅじんこうくん@... Spoken like that? Perfect. I never would've guessed that that would be your pet name{LF}of choice. T-too strange? No. Not at all. It's cute, @しゅじんこうくん@. Such an obvious choice... ...Yet I've never called you that before, have I? No. Then so it shall be! @しゅじんこうくん@... ...Yes? ...Are you serious? I am. I-I see. Such a familiar name, as one might hear in an old married{LF}couple... @しゅじんこうくん@. ...How did that sound? Um... ...@しゅじんこうくん@? Yes? Isn't that a bit embarrassing for you? Erm... All right. From now on, that will be my name for you. @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Yes? It sounds as if we've been married for a long time. @しゅじんこうくん@...right? An embarrassing name, perhaps, but... ...But you'll call me that if it's what I wish, right? S-sure. I can do that. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Yes? Are you really okay with that? I am. All right, then. Is that really okay? But indeed, it might sound more natural to use the same{LF}nickname we've always used. What will you call me? I see... To be honest, I'm relieved. If it were something embarrassing,{LF}I'd be, er...rather upset. Th-that's not... You don't like it? Well, it's a bit...embarrassing... Whaaat? What's wrong with it?! Please, @アーサー@? Pretty please? With sugar on top? ... I like it. It represents a closer, more intimate relationship{LF}between us. It will reinforce our feelings. Th-that's a little embarrassing... But it has the perfect ring to it for a newlywed couple, don't{LF}you think? Does it?! @アーサー@... ...W-well, I guess that's not so bad. @アーサー@...? Erm, I think that's a bit too... It's cute, isn't it? Um, I'm not sure... It's cute. No question. @アーサー@. Oogh... What?! Something wrong, @アーサー@? Th-that...that name... @アーサー@. ...Mm... It sounds as if we've been married much longer than we{LF}have, does it not? But, if that's what you want... You may gladly call me that, @しゅじんこうくん@. Um... ... Y-yes... @アーサー@?! Wh-why would you address me so formally?! Because it's what you are. I know I'm technically a prince of this country, but... No, that's not what I meant. What? You are my prince. My beautiful noble. Ugh... Th-that's not fair, @しゅじんこうくん@! Why not? ... You're serious, aren't you? I see. Well, if you feel that strongly about it... ...then I accept. Let's begin our new life together, you and I. ...@しゅじんこうくん@... Yes. Let's...@アーサー@... Haha... Oh...! This is going to be my house from now on, yes? That's right. It seems I'm getting excited a bit! @しゅじんこうくん@! What's that? It's...just a table. How about that? Er, my diary. Then, what about that? A double bed. I see! ... ...I-I see. Uh, @シャオパイ@? You're blushing... O-oh, yeah! What about pet names? Huh? Let us decide on our new pet names for each other! It's what{LF}couples do, yes? You're REALLY red, you know... Never mind that! What are your ideas? How shall I call you? What?! Erm...let's see... @しゅじんこうくん@?! Why is that? I thought something special would be nice... I-I see. You prefer something else? N-no! I'm fine! I got it. I'll call you that way from now on. @しゅじんこうくん@. J-just first name, huh? ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Y-you like it? Very much. @しゅじんこうくん@...? Yes. It seems very familiar, like we have been married for a long{LF}time. You don't like it? W-well... If you insist, I am okay with it. Maybe...I'll be happy to do it! @しゅじんこうくん@... People don't already call you that way? Well, I'm just a substitute, so...no, they don't. Okay! I will address you as such from now on. Okay, @しゅじんこうくん@? ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@, huh? ... @しゅじんこうくん@?! Yes. Doesn't it sound lovely? Yes, it is special, but... W-well, all right. I can call you that if you wish. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. It's a very ordinary couple-like name! Well, we're a couple, right? Yes, but I hardly think we're ordinary! Yeah, that may be true... I still can't believe you married a dolt like me! Don't say that! I am very happy to be married to you. Th-that sounds like something for later in life, yes? W-well, if that's what you want, I'm okay with it. Erm... ...@しゅじんこうくん@. A-are you really...? N-never mind. It seems fine. @しゅじんこうくん@... ...How did it sound to you? Are you okay with that? I am. Completely. Good. Then, I'm fine too! Hmm... If you say so, that's good to me, yes? Then, what will you call me? I see. All right. I like that! Hmm, @その他0@, huh? @その他0@?! Yep. Y-you really want to call me as such? I sure do! Then...please, try calling me. @シャオパイ@!! Mmmm... Th-that sounds quite a lot... Oooh... O-one more time, please. @シャオパイ@!! Yeah... Hmmm...that's not so bad. It is very novel for you to call me that way. Hmm, it's not bad! ♪ That's a bit too cute for me, though, isn't it? If it's for Mama, maybe it's fine. But it's not for me. I think it suits you well. R-really...? ...If you say so, I will believe it. What's that?! Well, you seemed like you wanted something special, so... B-but I think that's too crazy... ...What's wrong with it, @シャオパイ@? Oogh... Okay! Call me as you like! All right. I'm going to go with that, then. Oh...?! Erm, does it mean, um... N-no! You don't have to answer...! W-well, if you call me that way, ...I don't feel bad at all. I-I see. O-okay. If you like it, I'm fine with it too. ...Maybe I like it a bit. Th-that's too much...! O-of course, I wish to take over the inn someday. But I still have a lot of things to learn... Well, that's why I'm here. I'll support you, @シャオパイ@! Oogh... ...Okay. I understand. If you like it, I'm fine with it. Well, then... I promise to be a good wife, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thanks! I'll make you happy, too. I promise, @シャオパイ@. I know you will. I'm going to live here with you from now on. ...Tee-hee. What's wrong? Um...how do I say this? I'm just...sooo happy now! ♪ Tee-hee! ♪ I'm glad to hear it. I have an idea! How about we give each other pet names? What? What do you want me to call you? @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ You like it? Very much. @しゅじんこうくん@? Okay. Got it. Doesn't that seem a little childish, though? I mean, you're a really mature person! That's not really what it means, though. Not in this context. ...? ...Oh. Umm...so is it okay if you call me that? S-sure. @しゅじんこうくん@. Okay! You're not only the @姫@ of this town, but my very own{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@ from now on. Right, @しゅじんこうくん@? ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@... ... ...Can you call me that one more time? Yeah, sure. @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Yeeeeah, that's the stuff. Tee-hee! ♪ We really sound like a couple now, huh? Don't you think so, @しゅじんこうくん@? Y-yeah... Hee hee! Huh? @しゅじんこうくん@? ... Oh, yeah. I guess we are married now, and that's a pretty common sort{LF}of pet name for couples to use... ... ... ...O-okay. What? Oh. I-I see... ...O-okay, I got it. ...@しゅじんこうくん@! I see. Okay, I got it! ♪ Are you okay with that? Isn't it...kind of boring? I guess, but I just really like it. It reminds me of...how our{LF}relationship came to be. I see. All right, then! That's what I'll call you! Hmmm, okay... So, what are you going to call me? I see. Same as always, but it somehow has a different ring to it. Weird, huh? Like @アイテム9@? Yeah. Because you're just as sweet. I-I see... ...That makes me feel a little weird. You sure that's what you want? Yes, @コハク@. Heheh. It's actually kinda cute! Wow, that has a really sophisticated ring to it. Makes me{LF}feel old and wise! @しゅじんこうくん@. Try it out. See how it sounds. @コハク@! Yes? May I help you? ...Just kidding! Sounds like I'm a boss. You really like it? Yeah, I do. You're an odd one, for sure. But that's fine. I forgive you! ♪ @その他4@? Yes, @コハク@. ...Wow, that has a really exciting ring to it. But you're @しゅじんこうくん@, and... I'm @その他4@... Won't that get kind of confusing? ...But at least it's fun! ♪ Ph-phew... @その他5@... That sounds like the kind of name you'd call me if we had a{LF}child together. But I guess...someday! ...Okay. That's it, then... @その他6@, huh? ... Wha?! Um, er... Huh? Umm... ... ...I-I see. Wha? Wh-what does that mean?! I mean it literally. R-really? Yeah. I-I see... Okay! ♪ Th-then...I think I'm okay with it! Are you sure? Yup! Then call me that all you'd like! ♪ Well, @しゅじんこうくん@... I'll do my best to support you as your wife! Erm, that doesn't really sound like you... But thank you, @コハク@. You're welcome! ♪ Man, I'm beat. You can take a break. It's not time to take a break yet. Why? Well, we're married now! We have to decide what to call{LF}each other, you know? ...Why? That's the way it goes! Anyway, what should I call you? @しゅじんこうくん@, right? You sure? Sound good to you? All righty, I'll call you @しゅじんこうくん@ from now on. Really? Hmmm. Well, we're married, so hey, you're the boss! O-okay. That's fine... I'll call you @しゅじんこうくん@ from now on, then. @しゅじんこうくん@, huh? That's right. How could you come up with something like that...? Say it! SAY MY NAME, DOUG! ...Hmph. That shouldn't be a problem. In fact, I won't stop calling your name until you beg me! Umm... W-well, we're married, so I guess I can do that for you. Why do I have to call you that? It sounds so...saccharine... Can't you come up with something a little...better? Well, if you hate it that much...then no, absolutely not! That's{LF}what I INSIST you call me! Seriously?! @しゅじんこうくん@, huh...? Has kind of a housewife-y air to it. I like it. Okay, I got it. Huh?! You like it? No no no no no! What are you thinking?! What is wrong with{LF}you?! Awwww...pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? Ugh... W-well, fine... @しゅじんこうくん@, right? That has a really pleasant sound to it. All right, then! Hmm? Are you sure? ...It doesn't have much zing, but I'm good with it if you are. So, what are you going to call me? Awwwwww yeah! Finally, I get to wear that husbandly nickname on my sleeve{LF}like a real man! It's a little...frilly, but I don't mind. It just makes me happy to{LF}make you happy! @しゅじんこうくん@? That feels kind of distant, don't you think? I don't think so. I feel closer to you than ever, @ダグ@. And I feel{LF}that name adequately expresses that fact. Really...? Well, that's fine, then... Um...I don't think that's a good idea... Why not? It's...really girly, isn't it? I think it suits you. You're my wittle bitty Dougy-poo, after all! Well, that's all well and good for you, but-- Exactly! And what's good for the wife is good for the{LF}husband, riiiiiiight, @ダグ@? ...Yeah, okay. You win. ...What the heck?! Isn't it cute? ...Ugh... Please? Tch...a-all right... Oh, yeah, say it again! I always knew I'd be called that one day, but I never knew{LF}it'd be sooooo sweet! Okay. Got it. You don't like it? I-I'm not saying that. You can call me @ダグ@ anytime you'd like! @ダグ@, huh...? Not bad... You've got a depraved sort of look on your face right now. ... What's wrong? Nothing. It just...feels like that's the kind of name a father{LF}would have, you know? Sounds good to me. Call me that whenever you'd like. Are you sure? I'm sure. I was scared that you would come up with something{LF}terrible. I can't tell you how relieved I am! Yaaay! ♪ All right, our married life begins, @しゅじんこうくん@! May we be{LF}happy forevermore! That's the spirit, @ダグ@! So, we're to live here together from now on, are we? That's right. Well, you're going to have to do your best, then, to make it{LF}suitable for me. Huh? What do you mean? Well, a woman's got...needs, you know? Needs? Hee hee. You'll need to find out what they are on your own. Well, I can see marriage hasn't softened your edge,{LF}@ドルチェ@... ... What's wrong? The way you address me. Huh? We are married now. So you're free to change how you{LF}address me if you wish. It's not like we're dating and still trying to get to know one{LF}another. We're together. We've made a lifelong commitment. Ah, that is true... That being the case...let's come up with pet names for one{LF}another. Yours first. What should I call you? @しゅじんこうくん@...? A-are you insane? Last I checked, only a little. ... F-fine... I'll call you that if you wish. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Come to think of it, you are a prince, huh? Even if you're a substitute for Arthur. Yeah... ... ...But you're pretty princely all the same, if you ask me. @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@, huh...? ...Not bad. Huh? ...Nothing. Never mind. ...? May we live long and prosper. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@? Is that really what you want to be called? Y-you think it's strange? No. It's okay. @しゅじんこうくん@... Th-that's just too much... What's wrong with it? W-well...I mean... You didn't put any restrictions on this. I figured anything was{LF}fair game! Ugh... V-very well. That is how I'll address you from now on. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Ugh... W-well, we are married, so it's not a problem... Ooh, in that case...say it! Call me it! Please? ...! ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Wha?! ...I suppose...that's not such a strange request, come to think{LF}of it. B-but isn't that sort of name usually reserved for couples who{LF}have...families? Is it? Ugh... ...W-well if you're okay with it... ...I'm fine with it too... What?! Are you serious...? Um, it's not so bad...I suppose... ...? Ugh... A-all right. If that's really what you want. You don't have to... No, no. It's fine. ...@しゅじんこうくん@. S-see? It's not a problem at all. Hmm. Are you sure? All right, then. Are you really okay with that? You bet. Hmm... Then so be it. ...And what do you want to call me? I see. Well, if that's what you wish, then so be it. @その他0@...? Wh-what's that? Who do you think I am?! My wife. Oogh... You are, right? @ドルチェ@... Rrrrrnnnnggg... ...F-fine! D-do whatever you want...jerk. @その他1@...? That doesn't suit me at all... Really? I think it sounds just like you! But... @ドルチェ@. Ugh... ...That's fine, then. No one has ever called me @その他2@ before... Then I guess I'll be the only one! Well, I guess so, too... And there we have it! ...Okay. That works. Doesn't that...kind of sound a little distant? Like we don't{LF}really know each other? You think? Well, if that's what you want, though... @その他4@? Really? Me? Absolutely. I see... @ドルチェ@. Hmm. I suppose it could be worse. Th-that's... ... ...You really want to address me in that manner? I really do. O-okay. ...So be it, then. ...! O-okay. ... ...Well, if that's what you want to call me, I have no problem{LF}with it. Hmmm... Well, if that's your decision, I will respect it. Actually, I'm not sure I really want that. I was sort of just{LF}joking. Do it. Huh? I said, do it. Call me that. Right now. Erm...@ドルチェ@? ...Hee hee. You're okay with that, right? Uh, sure. Okay, then! Let's go with it! Okay, that's that. So, um... ...@しゅじんこうくん@. Will you make me the happiest person in{LF}the world, always? As long as you do the same for me, @ドルチェ@. And I{LF}know you will. So, this is where I'll be living from now on, huh? ...With you. That's right! Should be fun times ahead. I can see your cute sleeping face every morning when I wake{LF}up. ...! @レオン@!! Hahaha. You're cutest when you get angry with me...as long as you're{LF}also a touch embarrassed! Argh... ...So, moving on to other topics, how about we give each{LF}other new pet names? Why? Well, because we're married. I see. Is that a usual custom of marriage? All right, then. What would you like to be called? Okay. So-- Wait. That's not something I'd like to call you at all! I know. Hee hee. ...I see. So that's your game, is it? Well, I must admit, I do love that{LF}part of you, @しゅじんこうくん@. You do? ...Never mind. I said nothing. If that's what you want to be called, then so be it. From now on, you will be... @しゅじんこうくん@, was it? No, it's @その他1@. But...you're @しゅじんこうくん@! I'm... I'm confused. But no matter! I'll just use whatever name{LF}comes naturally to me. You're okay with that, right? @しゅじんこうくん@... Y-yes. Well, that's kind of boring. Yeah, well. It's what I want. ... Why are you blushing at the prospect of being called{LF}something so dreadfully normal? ...! ...You don't always have to say something when you see me{LF}blushing, you know... Haha. Fair enough. I see. So that's the name you desire, then? D-desire?! Ah, sorry. That's just my flair for the dramatic. You certainly do have that! That's the name you want me to call you from here on out,{LF}correct? Um... As you wish, @しゅじんこうくん@. ... Haha. @しゅじんこうくん@... Look at me, @しゅじんこうくん@. ... You asked me to call you by that name, yet you're{LF}embarrassed by it? I don't understand. But I don't have to. All that matters is, you're my cute little{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@. Hey... What? You're not going to use that name? Even though it's{LF}WHAT I WANT? ... ...@しゅじんこうくん@. That's a good boy. Well done. Ugh... Don't pat my head! It's degrading... You... ...Ehh, fine. If that's what you want, then so be it. I can't say no to that{LF}face! @しゅじんこうくん@... That's... ...the kind of name usually reserved for old men. With{LF}children. You really think so? ...I mean, if you're fine with that, I'm okay with it too. But it{LF}just seems a bit...sudden. @しゅじんこうくん@, right? Yes. ...All right. As you wish. All right. We'll go with that, then. All right. We'll go with that, then. @しゅじんこうくん@... ... What's wrong? Hearing you speak my name just seems like it has a lot{LF}more...I don't know, meaning? Well, it does. We're no longer just casually seeing each{LF}other. I'm just using the first name that comes to mind, though. Just{LF}like I always have. Do you have any problem with that, @しゅじんこうくん@? ...No. So, what do you want to call me? What? That's so boring... But it does seem fitting! Interesting. So that's what you'll be calling me from now on? I see. Nice and familiar. That's right, @レオン@! ...It's a bit sassy. I like it. @レオン@! ♪ ... ...Damn. I can't help but find that astoundingly cute coming{LF}from you. It kind of...tickles me a bit. But it's not that bad, I suppose. All right. That sounds fine. Excellent. Glad to hear you approve, @レオン@. ... @レオン@? ...That's more embarrassing than I'd imagined. Not bad. All right. Let's go with that. @レオン@! ♪ Mm. Come here. I'll give you a treat. Hey, that's... ...Well, fine, I suppose. Is that really what you want to call me? It absolutely is, @レオン@. You... Hmm...all right. That's fine. Call me whatever you want. I'm nothing if not flexible. If it doesn't suit me just yet, I'll simply have to MAKE it suit{LF}me! What...are you thinking? You don't like it? ... Well, if that's what you want, I suppose I can't argue. Thanks, @レオン@. ...! ...The effect that has on me is a bit more potent than I was{LF}anticipating. @レオン@? ...It's okay. Never mind. You like it, right? I really do. All right. Then I have no problem with it. ...Okay! This is the beginning of our new life... ...@しゅじんこうくん@... It certainly is, @レオン@! ...Mm. And what a life it shall be? Hmm? What was that? Nothing. Nothing at all... That's a @キャラ0@. @キャラ0@? Yes. You can put the items you want to sell into the box. So if I want to sell an apple, I should put it into the box, and{LF}it'll get marked up for sale? That's right. How about a practice run? Try putting something in the box. After placing an item inside, you can sell it at the castle{LF}+booth+. Er, the castle booth? Where's that? Just over there, to your right. Does baby want some wawa? So does Dada! Mommy will be home soon. I know, I know, Daddy can't wait{LF}either! When Mommy's back, Daddy's gonna kiss her. And Daddy's gonna give Mommy a biiiig hug! Yes! ...Ah! ... ... I love you! Wow. Nice save. Come over here. I want to hold you tight! Eheh heh... Oh, baby, are you sleepy? So is Mommy! Mommy loves Daddy so very much, did you know that? Daddy, I wub you! ...Kind of embarrassing, huh? ...Ah! ... ... *SNORE* (She fell asleep? Seriously?!) You're such a good baby, aren't you? Grow big like Daddy,{LF}now, poo-bear...all right? Mommy loves baby and Daddy soooo much! Daddy's not home yet, huh? Stay good, and Daddy will give baby a present! If it's a kiss...Mommy wants one too! ...! ... W-welcome back... Honey...I'm home! ♪ @子供ちゃん@ behaved great while you were out. Well, sounds like some lucky baby deserves a reward! Th-that's right! How about you, @フォルテ@? Huh? Did you miss me, @フォルテ@? ... ...I did. You're such a cute little snookems! Oh, Mama is back! I heard you talking like a baby. It was adorable. Oh, you saw me! Haha, this is kind of embarrassing... Haha! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? ...? Papa loves baby sooooo much. And both Papa and Baby{LF}love Mama soooooooo much! Does baby miss Daddy? Mommy does too... Mommy loves Daddy sooo much... Of course, Mommy loves{LF}baby, too! Oh, Daddy's back, isn't he? Darling, I love you so much! @マーガレット@... You're talking really strangely, you know. Oops! Heheh. Must be from too much baby talk. Peek-a-boo! Where did Mommy go? You're such a cutie! There, there... H-hey! What are you looking at?! You sure are a good daddy, you know that? Sh-shut up! Heheheh. ... What's wrong? I've decided. No boys! Ever! ...You should lie down. I think you're delirious... There, there. What happened to Mommy? Oh, does baby like my glasses? You're such a good baby,{LF}aren't you? Er...ahem! How long have you been there? Your mommy's mean, isn't she? Aww you're sooo cute, aren't you? Mommy's sooo happy to{LF}have you! Daddy's not home yet, is he? Mommy's worried about Daddy. Mommy loves Daddy sooo much. ... ...Um...you know... ...Er... Honey, I'm home! W-welcome back. I love you too. Arrrgh! You heard that?! Where is Daddy? Are you tired of waiting for him, baby? Mmm, who's a good baby? We're such a happy family, aren't we? Hee hee! You sound like a baby yourself, @コハク@. Uh...heheheh. Peek-a-boo! Daddy can see you. Be strong like Daddy, all right? Does baby love Mommy? Daddy does too! I'm home. ...W-welcome back! I love you too. Both of you. ...A-awww... Wait! You heard all that?! Daddy's late, isn't he? I wonder what's keeping him! ''You've been stuck in baby talk mode for a while now...'' ''What if @しゅじんこうくん@ sees you like this? You're liable to{LF}explode!'' ... ''Hey! He's here!'' Wh-what's wrong with you, Pico? Be quiet! Mommy loves Daddy sooo much! But don't tell him, okay? ''Dolly! Hey, Dolly!'' Mommy's sooo lucky... ''Doooollyyy!!'' ...Geez, what is it?! Don't bother me right no-- ... ...! ...Did you hear something? ...Nope. Nothing at all. Liar. You heard everything! You must have! Hahaha. Don't worry! I heard nothing, I swear. Then why are you laughing?! *GIGGLE* ''I love you and Mama Dolly so much!'' ''I really love you!'' ♪ ''...I'm starting to talk like a baby...'' Making me babysit... ... There, there, what a cute baby. I'm starting to miss her... How about you, little one? Daddy loves Mommy sooo much. Baby does too, right? ... I don't think I've ever heard you talk like that before,{LF}@レオン@. ...Oh, dear. My image...my beautiful image... And I'll neeeever forget a word of what you just said! Mwa{LF}ha ha! It's okay, though. I love you two just as much. I look forward{LF}to growing old with you both! ...Ugh... That's what I want too. But I never intended for you{LF}to find out! Oops, I shouldn't sleep here. These books are lined up very neatly. I hate it when books are out of order or haphazardly{LF}shelved. Bothers me to no end! I get compulsive about the strangest things sometimes. Oh, this is the memo stand I gave as a gift, from the general{LF}store... W-wait! Don't look at it! You absolutely, positively mustn't EVER look at that, okay? N-nothing's written on it, though... Oh, hey, it's that stuffed animal... I brush Josephine every day. She has a beautiful coat of fur. Mm, this smells good. Is this that aroma lamp I bought from{LF}the general store? Yeah. I sleep a lot better with it than I ever did before. Yay, puffy pillow! It's the best pillow ever! I can sleep sooooo well when I lay{LF}my head down on it. It's really soft... ''Buttling From A to Z'' ''The Zen of Butlership'' ''The Butler's Compendium'' Wow, every book is about being a butler. Now that's what I{LF}call dedication to one's, er, craft! I will undergo any ordeal to attain my goal of becoming the{LF}world's greatest butler! This is that mirror I gave as a present, from the general{LF}store... I use this mirror every morning to check my appearance. Oh, hey, it's that butler manual I gave! I've read it cover to cover at least twenty times. (What did he do to this book?! It's completely worn out!) I recognize this quill pen... Yes. When I write with it, it feels like it's dancing along the{LF}paper. It looks well-worn. I'm so glad to see it's getting some use! That is that legendary tea set. I clean it daily! It really sparkles... Oh, hey, it's one of the books written by that world famous{LF}author, @ヴォルカノン@! Hee hee. Oh, that's no big deal. Takes a lot of talent to write something like this... ''Assessment Sheet'' Don't know that it would be right for me to look at this... *Take a look* *Put it back* It is improper to snoop through someone else's belongings,{LF}you know. Awww...just a little peek? Let's see... Yesterday, Vishnal earned @数字0@ points. Yesterday, Clorica earned @数字1@ points. ... This plant is very well cared for. Clorica is the one who tends it. It has a rather cute look to it, no? Volkanon is the one who tends it. It may be hard to believe, but he actually has quite a green{LF}thumb! Vishnal is the one who tends it. He is most gentle. This is @クローリカ@'s bed. A little nap can't hurt... *Back away slowly* Well, if that's how it's to be, I guess I'll just have to sleep in{LF}YOUR bed! Ooh. If you do that, you might not be too easy to wake up!{LF}I'd better not. Well, we could always sleep to-- Er, uh... D-don't be mean! I'm not that hard to w-wake up... ...? I want...a baby... @クローリカ@? Ah! I mean...never mind! Forget I said anything! This is @ビシュナル@'s bed. A little nap can't hurt... *Back away slowly* Whoa! No, @しゅじんこうくん@! Bad, bad @しゅじんこうくん@! S-stop it, please! Erm, that is, um...my bed, you know? Wha?! @しゅじんこうくん@! If you are sleepy, you should go{LF}home and sleep in your own bed! Only if you join me... ...Ooh, my face has reddened quite thoroughly...but, if that's{LF}what you wish... ...I cannot deny your request! This is @ヴォルカノン@'s bed. No harm in diving on in! (No! Bad thoughts! NO!) Calm down, @しゅじんこうくん@! Remember, you're a @姫@! The same as before. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. The same as before. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. You can change the pet name your partner uses when{LF}addressing you. Which would you prefer? You can change the pet name you will use when addressing{LF}your partner. Which would you prefer? +[Projector]+{LF}A machine that plays back vivid memories.{LF}Just close your eyes and concentrate... Opening Opening 2 Enter Vishnal Enter Clorica Enter Forte Enter Kiel Enter Margaret Enter Dylas Enter Arthur Enter Xiao Pai Enter Amber Enter Doug Enter Dolce Enter Leon Vishnal's Departure Sleeping Clorica Forte's Determination Tears of Kiel Margaret's Preparedness Dylas' Feelings Arthur and Glasses Xiao Pai's Courage Amber's Feelings Doug's Confession Dolce's True Feelings Leon's Promise Vishnal's Feelings Clorica, Do Your Best! The Shy Forte To Uncharted Lands with Kiel Margaret’s Melody Dylas’ Pride Dancing with Arthur Xiao Pai’s Mistake Amber and Honey Doug’s Bonds Dolce's Important... Leon’s Thrill Quit +[First Shipped]+{LF}Delicious crops and beautiful accessories.{LF}I want to see everyone's smiling faces! +[First Date]+{LF}Erm, who did I go on a date with, again?{LF}I couldn't possibly have forgotten... +[First Catch]+{LF}It's a quiet but exciting battle with some wily fishies. Exciting! +[First Friendly Monster]+{LF}There's no border between man and beast.{LF}At heart, we're all but monsters! +[First Cold Caught]+{LF}If you're tired, take a break. You wouldn't want to worry{LF}those close to you! +[First Request Solved]+{LF}It's a beautiful thing to help someone.{LF}Hang on to this feeling always! +[First Bath]+{LF}No, not literally! Just my first time bathing{LF}at an inn. Sheesh! I'm not THAT gross! NORMAL: Standard difficulty mode.{LF}HARD: For a greater challenge.{LF}HELL: For the greatest challenge. +[Game Difficulty: Easy]+{LF}There are also +Normal+, +Hard+, and +Hell+ difficulties. EASY: For a fun, stress-free time.{LF}NORMAL: Standard difficulty mode.{LF}HARD: For a greater challenge. Current Difficulty: HELL EASY: For a fun, stress-free time.{LF}NORMAL: Standard difficulty mode.{LF}HELL: Push yourself to the limit! +[Game Difficulty: Hard]+{LF}There are also +Easy+, +Normal+, and +Hell+ difficulties. EASY: For a fun, stress-free time.{LF}HARD: For a greater challenge.{LF}HELL: For the greatest challenge. +[Game Difficulty: Normal]+{LF}There are also +Easy+, +Hard+, and +Hell+ difficulties. Switch to Easy Switch to Normal Switch to Hard Switch to Hell Don't change The difficulty is now set to +Easy+. The difficulty is now set to +Normal+. The difficulty is now set to +Hard+. The difficulty is now set to +Hell+. [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Ack! So much @アイテム0@!{LF}Best Score: @数字0@ points [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}I want to sink into a big Wooly.{LF}Best Score: @数字0@ points [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}The proof you won @カレンダー0@.{LF}Fish! Fish! Fiiish! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}You are the @カレンダー0@ champ!{LF}Yours is bigger than anyone's! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}You conquered the @カレンダー0@.{LF}You're an epic fisherman! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}@カレンダー0@ was all yours.{LF}Every fish begs your pardon. [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Food is not drink. Chew it!{LF}Best Score: @数字0@ points. [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Hit two turnips with one ball.{LF}Best Score: @数字0@ points. [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Turnips! Give me some turnips!{LF}Best Score: @数字0@ points. [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Yours shone the brightest.{LF}Be proud! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Yours shone the brightest.{LF}Be proud! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Yours shone the brightest.{LF}Be proud! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Yours shone the brightest.{LF}Be proud! You completed the ''Banquet of Nightmares'' in Sharance{LF}Maze. Your challenge has become the stuff of legends. No one{LF}knows how far and wide it will spread! You completed the ''Challenge to Fantasy'' in Sharance Maze. You birthed a new legend, driving off vicious monsters and{LF}conquering realms of fantasy. You cleared the ''Dragon Ruins'' in Sharance Maze. You defeated the Wind Dragon, @キャラ0@. You cleared the ''Deepwater Shrine'' in Sharance Maze. You defeated the Water Dragon, @キャラ0@.{LF}Never underestimate the power of water! You cleared ''Smoldering Prominence'' in Sharance Maze. You defeated the Fire Dragon, @キャラ0@. Your{LF}strength is unmatchable! You completed the ''Garden of Light'' in Sharance Maze. You defeated the Earth Dragon, @キャラ0@. But{LF}this is only the beginning... +[Your Wedding Photo]+{LF}It's a photo of @しゅじんこうくん@{LF}and @キャラ0@. Best wishes! ♪ Change pet names Look back at the wedding Quit +[Completed All of the Story]+{LF}Congratulations on finishing the entirety of the story!{LF}You've received a commemorative illustration! A reward for completing the entire story?!{LF}There are so many people I need to thank.{LF}But most of all, thanks to you! +[Completed the Story]+{LF}Congratulations on finishing the story!{LF}You've received a commemorative trophy! +[Beloved By All]+{LF}Everybody loves you. This is your{LF}proof of everlasting friendship. +[Saved 10,000,000 Gold]+{LF}Penny pincher, or just got good{LF}business sense? Either way, wow! +[Five Years Passed]+{LF}Hope you've built up lots of{LF}wonderful memories! +[Shipped All Items]+{LF}You are a true master of Rune Factory 4.{LF}Simply amazing! +[Had a Baby]+{LF}Your baby is the crystallization{LF}of your dreams, hopes and love. +[Built the Biggest Monster Barn]+{LF}Any new monsters out there?{LF}If so, you're totally ready for 'em! +[Made It to Level 1,000]+{LF}Finally, you hit the thousand mark!{LF}This road...has no end... View images drawn by fans for the fifth anniversary of the{LF}Rune Factory series. See all images Choose an image Quit Outstanding Image Award: Haruhime Hero Award: Sagio Kana Heroine Award: Yui Minor Character Award: Enpitsu Monster Award: Mizukurage Producer Hashimoto Award: Nyokirin Kawazoe-Sensei Award: Ushineko MAQL PR Special Award: Zekrom Daisuki Editors' Choice Award: Otogi CLOVER Neverland Company Award: Wappen Best Image Award: Misaki Aya Ama Apya's image of the students from Rune Factory 2. Yura's image of Mist. Himaki's image of Daria. Praline's image of Mist. Kinako's image of Micah. Fuu's image of Micah and a Silver Wolf. Momohara Mirukokku's image of Rosalind and her family. Ninten Hanako's image of the heroes. Tsukikage Miyuki's image of Frey. Kihakono's image of a Goblin Leader. Best Image Award Outstanding Image Award Hero Award Heroine Award Minor Character Award Monster Award Producer Hashimoto Award Kawazoe-Sensei Award MAQL PR Special Award Editors' Choice Award Neverland Company Award Runners-up Quit Ama Apya Yura Himaki Praline Kinako Fuu Momohara Mirukokku Ninten Hanako Tsukikage Miyuki Kihakono Quit Use @字0@ or @字1@ to move, @字2@ or @字3@ to zoom in or out, @字4@{LF}to reset, @字5@ or @字6@ to quit. Best Image Award: Misaki Aya Outstanding Image Award: Haruhime Hero Award: Sagio Kana Heroine Award: Yui Minor Character Award: Enpitsu Monster Award: Mizukurage Producer Hashimoto Award: Nyokirin Kawazoe-Sensei Award: Ushineko MAQL PR Special Award: Zekrom Daisuki Editors' Choice Award: Otogi CLOVER Neverland Company Award: Wappen     Ama Apya's image of the students from Rune Factory 2. Yura's image of Mist. Himaki's image of Daria. Praline's image of Mist. Kinako's image of Micah. Fuu's image of Micah and a Silver Wolf. Momohara Mirukokku's image of Rosalind and her family. Ninten Hanako's image of the heroes. Tsukikage Miyuki's image of Frey. Kihakono's image of a Goblin Leader.   A, E, I, O, U. Testing, 1, 2, 3. Check, check. How's it going, everybody?! This is Norad Fantasy Radio. We'd like to introduce some images drawn by fans for an{LF}illustration contest. Specifically... For the fifth anniversary of the{LF}Rune Factory series!{LF}[APPLAUSE] I'm Venti, the requisite cute, mysterious little girl. And along with the happy friends of the series, I'll be your{LF}host today. ''Yaaaay!''{LF}[DIN OF EXUBERANT CHEERING] Now, let me start by introducing these lovely pictures.{LF}Warning: This may get long! You ready? At long last, the award for the BEST IMAGE!{LF}Drumroll, please! What a perfect choice! I never knew so many people were responsible for carrying{LF}on this world's vast legacy! Yeah. And it wasn't just characters like us... But also the lovely fans who draw pictures of us, and control{LF}us with their magic game boxes. How amazing to think we're connecting with so many{LF}people! It's a bond as strong and as steadfast as that of our own{LF}sisterhood! It is! It really is! Thank you all so much for the pictures. We really appreciate{LF}your love for this series! And I'm especially happy to see myself represented! Hee{LF}hee... I may have lost my memories, but this is one memory I'll be{LF}sure NEVER to forget! (Hey...come to think of it, almost everybody here suffered{LF}amnesia at some point, huh?) Ehh, memories schmemories. Life goes on, you know? That's right! And I hope you'll all be friends with me from{LF}here on out! ♪ Baaaaah! ♪{LF}(Translation: Please save me from my oppressors! I am{LF}sentient!) Wow, this is like a reunion! Hey, sis! Iris! Check out these pictures! They're totally amazing! They really are. I'd like to take them home and display them{LF}prominently in my house! Hey, look, it's me! Awwww... I'm so happy! With all these fans on my side, it would be much easier to{LF}take over the world... Hmm, it seems someone drew me as well... (Not bad.) Hello, Frey. Hello, Lest. We finally meet! Couldn't really do that in the game, that's{LF}for sure. Yeah. But this picture of us looks really cute, doesn't it? The Selphian breeze looks so calming. Dreamy, even! But I'm sure the moment will be ruined by Venti's snoring,{LF}like usual. Whaaaaaaat did you just say?! ''WHOA!!'' It really is like a reunion. What a beautiful flower! Hee hee. It's heart-shaped! I like the tiny doll! ♪ Me too. It looks like a puppet! Hee hee! ♪ It does! It does! ♪ HYAA! HYAA! Take this! And that! ...Th-this is kinda scary... My dad is always with Gordon... ...They're always...together... Is this the day my brother came back home without his{LF}memories?! I can't see anything because I'm too short. Geez. Dad's sleeping again! I thought the store was really busy, but it was just this... The Father looks so happy... I wanna join them too! I-I'm a little worried about my brother... Come home soon, Neumann! So Roland drinks too, huh? Ooh, that looks like a strong monster! There's also a cute monster. Haha, it looks like the Wooly is scared! But everyone seems happy. I hope this peace will last for a{LF}long, long time! Me too. L-look! It's the Turnip God! Kiel... Are you really that naive? Do you really think anybody{LF}worships a turnip god?! He's right. This is the god of turnips from that land. ?!?! Quite a lovely picture, too. Yeah, it's really well-drawn! M-Meg...? What is this...? Meg's, uh...not here. Eek! Well, full of spunk today, I see! ♪ Yeah, everyone seems to be having a lovely time. ♪ Isn't it great to live in a happy community? Baaaaaah! ♪{LF}(Translation: Why is no one aiding us in our revolution?!) Look at the Runeys and the Spirits! They're soooo cute! ♪ Yeah... And the weather is beautiful too. This is the best kind of day{LF}to read a book at home! Er, wouldn't it be better to go outside? Wow, we look so happy, don't we? Yes. Iris Blanche watches over us too, always. A heroine without a physical form, huh? Seems legit. ... Why are you looking at me? Baaaah! BAAAAAAAAAAH!! (Translation: Bah. Humbug.) *SKITTER* Right. Raguna looks so brave, but everyone is drawn in such{LF}a cute style! ♪ Baaaaaah! ♪{LF}(Translation: Don't look behind you. Not until I'm done.) ?! All right! Time to introduce the runners-up. These are people we couldn't mention in the contest proper,{LF}so their names are in-game only! Yaaay, everybody's in that one! Hey, Cammy! Get out of my way! I'm sticking out! No more than I am! And Serena is also hidden, while Sera sticks out like a sore{LF}thumb. Well, Sera and Serena are one... ...Hmph. You're all getting much too excited for your own{LF}good. But according to my profiling analysis, you're having fun too,{LF}in your own unique way. No? Sh...Shut up. It's M-M-M-Mist... Why are you blushing? That red turnip looks good on her. But why is she holding a sickle?! Guess I just wanted to give it a shot! ♪ For what...? Rainbow! Hey, Micah! My assistant! Look at this! Look at this! I'm looking, I'm looking! ...Any reason you said that twice?{LF}Any reason I did the same?! Rainbow! Yaaaay! Wahahaha!! Hahaha... Look, Mist! We got a great picture in here! Oh, that is really nice. Look at the flowers. So beautiful... So this is for the series' fifth anniversary, huh? Um, is this your friend, Mist...? I look so full of energy in this picture! Micah, look! You're dancing so joyfully! Why are you dancing? Maybe because it's fun...I guess? Probably best not to{LF}wonder too much. It's all fan art anyway! Fan art fan art fan art! Fan art...fanart...f'nart...fart! Hahahahahahaha! Hahaha... Micah... You're so cute! This picture is really... A-amazing, right?! Is this...when he was running away from the medicine I made{LF}for him? Micah... You're so cute! My name is Max! Oh my, this is a picture of us. It has a spring-like feel to it, don't you think? It does. This really isn't too bad for a picture drawn by a human. (I'm{LF}next to Aria...) Ah, to be young... My name is Ma-- Oh, it's a picture of us! Glad I'm not in the little brat role. *GRIN* I'm okay with being a Wooly. I'm glad I'm not Sonja... Erm, thank you for drawing us! This is @しゅじんこうくん@ as a girl. Her dress is very well-drawn. Highly detailed. I wonder why she's exposing her shoulders, though. It looks{LF}much too cold for winter wear! Her dress is a bit strange, isn't it? I don't think you're very qualified to comment on that, Arthur. The dress, and the picture, are both very pretty! Whoa! I can't believe it! I was just promoted to this rank, and I've{LF}already got fan art! I'm FAMOUS! ...Who are you? What? H-hey, Elder Kuruna?! It's me! It's been a long time{LF}since I last came back to the village! Look at this picture! I'm out on the high seas! If you look at this picture, you'll remember me right away, I{LF}bet! It's a beautifully-drawn ocean. Look at me! ME!! That's all, folks! We're glad we could share this with you the{LF}same way we did back then! Huh? What d'you mean, ''back then''? Ahaha, nothing, nothing... Anyway, thanks for sticking with us{LF}so long! Until we meet again, this is Venti--requisite cute, mysterious{LF}little girl--signing off! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+] {LF}What a genius you are!{LF}This is a trophy for a real Quiz King! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+] {LF}Thank you for taking care of me.{LF}Master, did I make you proud? [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}You've mastered cooking.{LF}Next up...is love and marriage! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}You're a forging master!{LF}Strike while the iron is hot! Caught @アイテム0@!{LF}Biggest: @0@.@1@cm{LF}Smallest: @2@.@3@cm Remember @カレンダー0@? Yes, please. I don't want to. Please bring up to two monsters. Sharance Maze... Garden of Light Smoldering Prominence Deepwater Shrine Dragon Ruins Challenge to Fantasy Banquet of Nightmares Nowhere right now Level 300 The repenting shadow of the Earth Dragon Level 350 The Destroyer sleeping within a shimmering flame Level 400 The beauty of a Sea God Level 450 A vicious yet kindly deity Level 500 Neverending challenges Level 1000 Did you think this was a joke? Well, the joke's{LF}on you!   The same as before. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. The same as before. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. You can change the pet name your partner uses when{LF}addressing you. Which would you prefer? You can change the pet name you will use when addressing{LF}your partner. Which would you prefer? +[Projector]+{LF}A machine that plays back vivid memories.{LF}Just close your eyes and concentrate... Opening Opening 2 Enter Vishnal Enter Clorica Enter Forte Enter Kiel Enter Margaret Enter Dylas Enter Arthur Enter Xiao Pai Enter Amber Enter Doug Enter Dolce Enter Leon Vishnal's Departure Sleeping Clorica Forte's Determination Tears of Kiel Margaret's Preparedness Dylas' Feelings Arthur and Glasses Xiao Pai's Courage Amber's Feelings Doug's Confession Dolce's True Feelings Leon's Promise Vishnal's Feelings Clorica, Do Your Best! The Shy Forte To Uncharted Lands with Kiel Margaret’s Melody Dylas’ Pride Dancing with Arthur Xiao Pai’s Mistake Amber and Honey Doug’s Bonds Dolce's Important... Leon’s Thrill Quit +[First Shipped]+{LF}Delicious crops and beautiful accessories.{LF}I want to see everyone's smiling faces! +[First Date]+{LF}Erm, who did I go on a date with, again?{LF}I couldn't possibly have forgotten... +[First Catch]+{LF}It's a quiet but exciting battle with some wily fishies. Exciting! +[First Friendly Monster]+{LF}There's no border between man and beast.{LF}At heart, we're all but monsters! +[First Cold Caught]+{LF}If you're tired, take a break. You wouldn't want to worry{LF}those close to you! +[First Request Solved]+{LF}It's a beautiful thing to help someone.{LF}Hang on to this feeling always! +[First Bath]+{LF}No, not literally! Just my first time bathing{LF}at an inn. Sheesh! I'm not THAT gross! NORMAL: Standard difficulty mode.{LF}HARD: For a greater challenge.{LF}HELL: For the greatest challenge. +[Game Difficulty: Easy]+{LF}There are also +Normal+, +Hard+, and +Hell+ difficulties. EASY: For a fun, stress-free time.{LF}NORMAL: Standard difficulty mode.{LF}HARD: For a greater challenge. Current Difficulty: HELL EASY: For a fun, stress-free time.{LF}NORMAL: Standard difficulty mode.{LF}HELL: Push yourself to the limit! +[Game Difficulty: Hard]+{LF}There are also +Easy+, +Normal+, and +Hell+ difficulties. EASY: For a fun, stress-free time.{LF}HARD: For a greater challenge.{LF}HELL: For the greatest challenge. +[Game Difficulty: Normal]+{LF}There are also +Easy+, +Hard+, and +Hell+ difficulties. Switch to Easy Switch to Normal Switch to Hard Switch to Hell Don't change The difficulty is now set to +Easy+. The difficulty is now set to +Normal+. The difficulty is now set to +Hard+. The difficulty is now set to +Hell+. [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Ack! So much @アイテム0@!{LF}Best Score: @数字0@ points [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}I want to sink into a big Wooly.{LF}Best Score: @数字0@ points [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}The proof you won @カレンダー0@.{LF}Fish! Fish! Fiiish! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}You are the @カレンダー0@ champ!{LF}Yours is bigger than anyone's! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}You conquered the @カレンダー0@.{LF}You're an epic fisherman! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}@カレンダー0@ was all yours.{LF}Every fish begs your pardon. [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Food is not drink. Chew it!{LF}Best Score: @数字0@ points. [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Hit two turnips with one ball.{LF}Best Score: @数字0@ points. [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Turnips! Give me some turnips!{LF}Best Score: @数字0@ points. [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Yours shone the brightest.{LF}Be proud! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Yours shone the brightest.{LF}Be proud! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Yours shone the brightest.{LF}Be proud! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Yours shone the brightest.{LF}Be proud! You completed the ''Banquet of Nightmares'' in Sharance{LF}Maze. Your challenge has become the stuff of legends. No one{LF}knows how far and wide it will spread! You completed the ''Challenge to Fantasy'' in Sharance Maze. You birthed a new legend, driving off vicious monsters and{LF}conquering realms of fantasy. You cleared the ''Dragon Ruins'' in Sharance Maze. You defeated the Wind Dragon, @キャラ0@. You cleared the ''Deepwater Shrine'' in Sharance Maze. You defeated the Water Dragon, @キャラ0@.{LF}Never underestimate the power of water! You cleared ''Smoldering Prominence'' in Sharance Maze. You defeated the Fire Dragon, @キャラ0@. Your{LF}strength is unmatchable! You completed the ''Garden of Light'' in Sharance Maze. You defeated the Earth Dragon, @キャラ0@. But{LF}this is only the beginning... +[Your Wedding Photo]+{LF}It's a photo of @しゅじんこうくん@ {LF}and @キャラ0@. Best wishes! ♪ Change pet names Look back at the wedding Quit +[Completed All of the Story]+{LF}Congratulations on finishing the entirety of the story!{LF}You've received a commemorative illustration! A reward for completing the entire story?!{LF}There are so many people I need to thank.{LF}But most of all, thanks to you! +[Completed the Story]+{LF}Congratulations on finishing the story!{LF}You've received a commemorative trophy! +[Beloved By All]+{LF}Everybody loves you. This is your{LF}proof of everlasting friendship. +[Saved 10,000,000 Gold]+{LF}Penny pincher, or just got good{LF}business sense? Either way, wow! +[Five Years Passed]+{LF}Hope you've built up lots of{LF}wonderful memories! +[Shipped All Items]+{LF}You are a true master of Rune Factory 4.{LF}Simply amazing! +[Had a Baby]+{LF}Your baby is the crystallization{LF}of your dreams, hopes and love. +[Built the Biggest Monster Barn]+{LF}Any new monsters out there?{LF}If so, you're totally ready for 'em! +[Made It to Level 1,000]+{LF}Finally, you hit the thousand mark!{LF}This road...has no end... View images drawn by fans for the fifth anniversary of the{LF}Rune Factory series. See all images Choose an image Quit Outstanding Image Award: Haruhime Hero Award: Sagio Kana Heroine Award: Yui Minor Character Award: Enpitsu Monster Award: Mizukurage Producer Hashimoto Award: Nyokirin Kawazoe-Sensei Award: Ushineko MAQL PR Special Award: Zekrom Daisuki Editors' Choice Award: Otogi CLOVER Neverland Company Award: Wappen Best Image Award: Misaki Aya Ama Apya's image of the students from Rune Factory 2. Yura's image of Mist. Himaki's image of Daria. Praline's image of Mist. Kinako's image of Micah. Fuu's image of Micah and a Silver Wolf. Momohara Mirukokku's image of Rosalind and her family. Ninten Hanako's image of the heroes. Tsukikage Miyuki's image of Frey. Kihakono's image of a Goblin Leader. Best Image Award Outstanding Image Award Hero Award Heroine Award Minor Character Award Monster Award Producer Hashimoto Award Kawazoe-Sensei Award MAQL PR Special Award Editors' Choice Award Neverland Company Award Runners-up Quit Ama Apya Yura Himaki Praline Kinako Fuu Momohara Mirukokku Ninten Hanako Tsukikage Miyuki Kihakono Quit Use @字0@ or @字1@ to move, @字2@ or @字3@ to zoom in or out, @字4@{LF}to reset, @字5@ or @字6@ to quit. Best Image Award: Misaki Aya Outstanding Image Award: Haruhime Hero Award: Sagio Kana Heroine Award: Yui Minor Character Award: Enpitsu Monster Award: Mizukurage Producer Hashimoto Award: Nyokirin Kawazoe-Sensei Award: Ushineko MAQL PR Special Award: Zekrom Daisuki Editors' Choice Award: Otogi CLOVER Neverland Company Award: Wappen     Ama Apya's image of the students from Rune Factory 2. Yura's image of Mist. Himaki's image of Daria. Praline's image of Mist. Kinako's image of Micah. Fuu's image of Micah and a Silver Wolf. Momohara Mirukokku's image of Rosalind and her family. Ninten Hanako's image of the heroes. Tsukikage Miyuki's image of Frey. Kihakono's image of a Goblin Leader.   A, E, I, O, U. Testing, 1, 2, 3. Check, check. How's it going, everybody?! This is Norad Fantasy Radio. We'd like to introduce some images drawn by fans for an{LF}illustration contest. Specifically... For the fifth anniversary of the{LF}Rune Factory series!{LF}[APPLAUSE] I'm Venti, the requisite cute, mysterious little girl. And along with the happy friends of the series, I'll be your{LF}host today. ''Yaaaay!''{LF}[DIN OF EXUBERANT CHEERING] Now, let me start by introducing these lovely pictures.{LF}Warning: This may get long! You ready? At long last, the award for the BEST IMAGE!{LF}Drumroll, please! What a perfect choice! I never knew so many people were responsible for carrying{LF}on this world's vast legacy! Yeah. And it wasn't just characters like us... But also the lovely fans who draw pictures of us, and control{LF}us with their magic game boxes. How amazing to think we're connecting with so many{LF}people! It's a bond as strong and as steadfast as that of our own{LF}sisterhood! It is! It really is! Thank you all so much for the pictures. We really appreciate{LF}your love for this series! And I'm especially happy to see myself represented! Hee{LF}hee... I may have lost my memories, but this is one memory I'll be{LF}sure NEVER to forget! (Hey...come to think of it, almost everybody here suffered{LF}amnesia at some point, huh?) Ehh, memories schmemories. Life goes on, you know? That's right! And I hope you'll all be friends with me from{LF}here on out! ♪ Baaaaah! ♪{LF}(Translation: Please save me from my oppressors! I am{LF}sentient!) Wow, this is like a reunion! Hey, sis! Iris! Check out these pictures! They're totally amazing! They really are. I'd like to take them home and display them{LF}prominently in my house! Hey, look, it's me! Awwww... I'm so happy! With all these fans on my side, it would be much easier to{LF}take over the world... Hmm, it seems someone drew me as well... (Not bad.) Hello, Frey. Hello, Lest. We finally meet! Couldn't really do that in the game, that's{LF}for sure. Yeah. But this picture of us looks really cute, doesn't it? The Selphian breeze looks so calming. Dreamy, even! But I'm sure the moment will be ruined by Venti's snoring,{LF}like usual. Whaaaaaaat did you just say?! ''WHOA!!'' It really is like a reunion. What a beautiful flower! Hee hee. It's heart-shaped! I like the tiny doll! ♪ Me too. It looks like a puppet! Hee hee! ♪ It does! It does! ♪ HYAA! HYAA! Take this! And that! ...Th-this is kinda scary... My dad is always with Gordon... ...They're always...together... Is this the day my brother came back home without his{LF}memories?! I can't see anything because I'm too short. Geez. Gramps is sleeping again! I thought the store was really busy, but it was just this... The Father looks so happy... I wanna join them too! I-I'm a little worried about my brother... Come home soon, Neumann! So Roland drinks too, huh? Ooh, that looks like a strong monster! There's also a cute monster. Haha, it looks like the Wooly is scared! But everyone seems happy. I hope this peace will last for a{LF}long, long time! Me too. L-look! It's the Turnip God! Kiel... Are you really that naive? Do you really think anybody{LF}worships a turnip god?! He's right. This is the god of turnips from that land. ?!?! Quite a lovely picture, too. Yeah, it's really well-drawn! M-Meg...? What is this...? Meg's, uh...not here. Eek! Well, full of spunk today, I see! ♪ Yeah, everyone seems to be having a lovely time. ♪ Isn't it great to live in a happy community? Baaaaaah! ♪{LF}(Translation: Why is no one aiding us in our revolution?!) Look at the Runeys and the Spirits! They're soooo cute! ♪ Yeah... And the weather is beautiful too. This is the best kind of day{LF}to read a book at home! Er, wouldn't it be better to go outside? Wow, we look so happy, don't we? Yes. Iris Blanche watches over us too, always. A heroine without a physical form, huh? Seems legit. ... Why are you looking at me? Baaaah! BAAAAAAAAAAH!!{LF}(Translation: Bah. Humbug.) *SKITTER* Right. Raguna looks so brave, but everyone is drawn in such{LF}a cute style! ♪ Baaaaaah! ♪{LF}(Translation: Don't look behind you. Not until I'm done.) ?! All right! Time to introduce the runners-up. These are people we couldn't mention in the contest proper,{LF}so their names are in-game only! Yaaay, everybody's in that one! Hey, Cammy! Get out of my way! I'm sticking out! No more than I am! And Serena is also hidden, while Sera sticks out like a sore{LF}thumb. Well, Sera and Serena are one... ...Hmph. You're all getting much too excited for your own{LF}good. But according to my profiling analysis, you're having fun too,{LF}in your own unique way. No? Sh...Shut up. It's M-M-M-Mist... Why are you blushing? That red turnip looks good on her. But why is she holding a sickle?! Guess I just wanted to give it a shot! ♪ For what...? Rainbow! Hey, Micah! My assistant! Look at this! Look at this! I'm looking, I'm looking! ...Any reason you said that twice?{LF}Any reason I did the same?! Rainbow! Yaaaay! Wahahaha!! Hahaha... Look, Mist! We got a great picture in here! Oh, that is really nice. Look at the flowers. So beautiful... So this is for the series' fifth anniversary, huh? Um, is this your friend, Mist...? I look so full of energy in this picture! Micah, look! You're dancing so joyfully! Why are you dancing? Maybe because it's fun...I guess? Probably best not to{LF}wonder too much. It's all fan art anyway! Fan art fan art fan art! Fan art...fanart...f'nart...fart! Hahahahahahaha! Hahaha... Micah... You're so cute! This picture is really... A-amazing, right?! Is this...when he was running away from the medicine I made{LF}for him? Micah... You're so cute! My name is Max! Oh my, this is a picture of us. It has a spring-like feel to it, don't you think? It does. This really isn't too bad for a picture drawn by a human. (I'm{LF}next to Aria...) Ah, to be young... My name is Ma-- Oh, it's a picture of us! Glad I'm not in the little brat role. *GRIN* I'm okay with being a Wooly. I'm glad I'm not Sonja... Erm, thank you for drawing us! This is @しゅじんこうくん@ as a girl. Her dress is very well-drawn. Highly detailed. I wonder why she's exposing her shoulders, though. It looks{LF}much too cold for winter wear! Her dress is a bit strange, isn't it? I don't think you're very qualified to comment on that, Arthur. The dress, and the picture, are both very pretty! Whoa! I can't believe it! I was just promoted to this rank, and I've{LF}already got fan art! I'm FAMOUS! ...Who are you? What? H-hey, Elder Kuruna?! It's me! It's been a long time{LF}since I last came back to the village! Look at this picture! I'm out on the high seas! If you look at this picture, you'll remember me right away, I{LF}bet! It's a beautifully-drawn ocean. Look at me! ME!! That's all, folks! We're glad we could share this with you the{LF}same way we did back then! Huh? What d'you mean, ''back then''? Ahaha, nothing, nothing... Anyway, thanks for sticking with us{LF}so long! Until we meet again, this is Venti--requisite cute, mysterious{LF}little girl--signing off! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+] {LF}What a genius you are!{LF}This is a trophy for a real Quiz King! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+] {LF}Thank you for taking care of me.{LF}Master, did I make you proud? [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}You've mastered cooking.{LF}Next up...is love and marriage! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}You're a forging master!{LF}Strike while the iron is hot! Caught @アイテム0@!{LF}Biggest: @0@.@1@cm{LF}Smallest: @2@.@3@cm Remember @カレンダー0@? Yes, please. I don't want to. Please bring up to two monsters. The same as before. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. The same as before. @その他0@. @その他1@. @その他2@. @その他3@. @その他4@. @その他5@. @その他6@. @その他7@. @その他8@. @その他9@. You can change the pet name your partner uses when{LF}addressing you. Which would you prefer? You can change the pet name you will use when addressing{LF}your partner. Which would you prefer? +[Projector]+{LF}A machine that plays back vivid memories.{LF}Just close your eyes and concentrate... Opening Opening 2 Enter Vishnal Enter Clorica Enter Forte Enter Kiel Enter Margaret Enter Dylas Enter Arthur Enter Xiao Pai Enter Amber Enter Doug Enter Dolce Enter Leon Vishnal's Departure Sleeping Clorica Forte's Determination Tears of Kiel Margaret's Preparedness Dylas' Feelings Arthur and Glasses Xiao Pai's Courage Amber's Feelings Doug's Confession Dolce's True Feelings Leon's Promise Vishnal's Feelings Clorica, Do Your Best! The Shy Forte To Uncharted Lands with Kiel Margaret’s Melody Dylas’ Pride Dancing with Arthur Xiao Pai’s Mistake Amber and Honey Doug’s Bonds Dolce's Important... Leon’s Thrill Quit +[First Shipped]+{LF}Delicious crops and beautiful accessories.{LF}I want to see everyone's smiling faces! +[First Date]+{LF}Erm, who did I go on a date with, again?{LF}I couldn't possibly have forgotten... +[First Catch]+{LF}It's a quiet but exciting battle with some wily fishies. Exciting! +[First Friendly Monster]+{LF}There's no border between man and beast.{LF}At heart, we're all but monsters! +[First Cold Caught]+{LF}If you're tired, take a break. You wouldn't want to worry{LF}those close to you! +[First Request Solved]+{LF}It's a beautiful thing to help someone.{LF}Hang on to this feeling always! +[First Bath]+{LF}No, not literally! Just my first time bathing{LF}at an inn. Sheesh! I'm not THAT gross! NORMAL: Standard difficulty mode.{LF}HARD: For a greater challenge.{LF}HELL: For the greatest challenge. +[Game Difficulty: Easy]+{LF}There are also +Normal+, +Hard+, and +Hell+ difficulties. EASY: For a fun, stress-free time.{LF}NORMAL: Standard difficulty mode.{LF}HARD: For a greater challenge. Current Difficulty: HELL EASY: For a fun, stress-free time.{LF}NORMAL: Standard difficulty mode.{LF}HELL: Push yourself to the limit! +[Game Difficulty: Hard]+{LF}There are also +Easy+, +Normal+, and +Hell+ difficulties. EASY: For a fun, stress-free time.{LF}HARD: For a greater challenge.{LF}HELL: For the greatest challenge. +[Game Difficulty: Normal]+{LF}There are also +Easy+, +Hard+, and +Hell+ difficulties. Switch to Easy Switch to Normal Switch to Hard Switch to Hell Don't change The difficulty is now set to +Easy+. The difficulty is now set to +Normal+. The difficulty is now set to +Hard+. The difficulty is now set to +Hell+. [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Ack! So much @アイテム0@!{LF}Best Score: @数字0@ points [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}I want to sink into a big Wooly.{LF}Best Score: @数字0@ points [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}The proof you won @カレンダー0@.{LF}Fish! Fish! Fiiish! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}You are the @カレンダー0@ champ!{LF}Yours is bigger than anyone's! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}You conquered the @カレンダー0@.{LF}You're an epic fisherman! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}@カレンダー0@ was all yours.{LF}Every fish begs your pardon. [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Food is not drink. Chew it!{LF}Best Score: @数字0@ points. [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Hit two turnips with one ball.{LF}Best Score: @数字0@ points. [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Turnips! Give me some turnips!{LF}Best Score: @数字0@ points. [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Yours shone the brightest.{LF}Be proud! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Yours shone the brightest.{LF}Be proud! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Yours shone the brightest.{LF}Be proud! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}Yours shone the brightest.{LF}Be proud! You completed the ''Banquet of Nightmares'' in Sharance{LF}Maze. Your challenge has become the stuff of legends. No one{LF}knows how far and wide it will spread! You completed the ''Challenge to Fantasy'' in Sharance Maze. You birthed a new legend, driving off vicious monsters and{LF}conquering realms of fantasy. You cleared the ''Dragon Ruins'' in Sharance Maze. You defeated the Wind Dragon, @キャラ0@. You cleared the ''Deepwater Shrine'' in Sharance Maze. You defeated the Water Dragon, @キャラ0@.{LF}Never underestimate the power of water! You cleared ''Smoldering Prominence'' in Sharance Maze. You defeated the Fire Dragon, @キャラ0@. Your{LF}strength is unmatchable! You completed the ''Garden of Light'' in Sharance Maze. You defeated the Earth Dragon, @キャラ0@. But{LF}this is only the beginning... +[Your Wedding Photo]+{LF}It's a photo of @しゅじんこうくん@{LF}and @キャラ0@. Best wishes! ♪ Change pet names Look back at the wedding Quit +[Completed All of the Story]+{LF}Congratulations on finishing the entirety of the story!{LF}You've received a commemorative illustration! A reward for completing the entire story?!{LF}There are so many people I need to thank.{LF}But most of all, thanks to you! +[Completed the Story]+{LF}Congratulations on finishing the story!{LF}You've received a commemorative trophy! +[Beloved By All]+{LF}Everybody loves you. This is your{LF}proof of everlasting friendship. +[Saved 10,000,000 Gold]+{LF}Penny pincher, or just got good{LF}business sense? Either way, wow! +[Five Years Passed]+{LF}Hope you've built up lots of{LF}wonderful memories! +[Shipped All Items]+{LF}You are a true master of Rune Factory 4.{LF}Simply amazing! +[Had a Baby]+{LF}Your baby is the crystallization{LF}of your dreams, hopes and love. +[Built the Biggest Monster Barn]+{LF}Any new monsters out there?{LF}If so, you're totally ready for 'em! +[Made It to Level 1,000]+{LF}Finally, you hit the thousand mark!{LF}This road...has no end... View images drawn by fans for the fifth anniversary of the{LF}Rune Factory series. See all images Choose an image Quit Outstanding Image Award: Haruhime Hero Award: Sagio Kana Heroine Award: Yui Minor Character Award: Enpitsu Monster Award: Mizukurage Producer Hashimoto Award: Nyokirin Kawazoe-Sensei Award: Ushineko MAQL PR Special Award: Zekrom Daisuki Editors' Choice Award: Otogi CLOVER Neverland Company Award: Wappen Best Image Award: Misaki Aya Ama Apya's image of the students from Rune Factory 2. Yura's image of Mist. Himaki's image of Daria. Praline's image of Mist. Kinako's image of Micah. Fuu's image of Micah and a Silver Wolf. Momohara Mirukokku's image of Rosalind and her family. Ninten Hanako's image of the heroes. Tsukikage Miyuki's image of Frey. Kihakono's image of a Goblin Leader. Best Image Award Outstanding Image Award Hero Award Heroine Award Minor Character Award Monster Award Producer Hashimoto Award Kawazoe-Sensei Award MAQL PR Special Award Editors' Choice Award Neverland Company Award Runners-up Quit Ama Apya Yura Himaki Praline Kinako Fuu Momohara Mirukokku Ninten Hanako Tsukikage Miyuki Kihakono Quit Use @字0@ or @字1@ to move, @字2@ or @字3@ to zoom in or out, @字4@{LF}to reset, @字5@ or @字6@ to quit. Best Image Award: Misaki Aya Outstanding Image Award: Haruhime Hero Award: Sagio Kana Heroine Award: Yui Minor Character Award: Enpitsu Monster Award: Mizukurage Producer Hashimoto Award: Nyokirin Kawazoe-Sensei Award: Ushineko MAQL PR Special Award: Zekrom Daisuki Editors' Choice Award: Otogi CLOVER Neverland Company Award: Wappen     Ama Apya's image of the students from Rune Factory 2. Yura's image of Mist. Himaki's image of Daria. Praline's image of Mist. Kinako's image of Micah. Fuu's image of Micah and a Silver Wolf. Momohara Mirukokku's image of Rosalind and her family. Ninten Hanako's image of the heroes. Tsukikage Miyuki's image of Frey. Kihakono's image of a Goblin Leader.   A, E, I, O, U. Testing, 1, 2, 3. Check, check. How's it going, everybody?! This is Norad Fantasy Radio. We'd like to introduce some images drawn by fans for an{LF}illustration contest. Specifically... For the fifth anniversary of the{LF}Rune Factory series!{LF}[APPLAUSE] I'm Venti, the requisite cute, mysterious little girl. And along with the happy friends of the series, I'll be your{LF}host today. ''Yaaaay!''{LF}[DIN OF EXUBERANT CHEERING] Now, let me start by introducing these lovely pictures.{LF}Warning: This may get long! You ready? At long last, the award for the BEST IMAGE! Drumroll,{LF}please! What a perfect choice! I never knew so many people were responsible for carrying{LF}on this world's vast legacy! Yeah. And it wasn't just characters like us... But also the lovely fans who draw pictures of us, and control{LF}us with their magic game boxes. How amazing to think we're connecting with so many{LF}people! It's a bond as strong and as steadfast as that of our own{LF}sisterhood! It is! It really is! Thank you all so much for the pictures. We really appreciate{LF}your love for this series! And I'm especially happy to see myself represented! Hee{LF}hee... I may have lost my memories, but this is one memory I'll be{LF}sure NEVER to forget! (Hey...come to think of it, almost everybody here suffered{LF}amnesia at some point, huh?) Ehh, memories schmemories. Life goes on, you know? That's right! And I hope you'll all be friends with me from{LF}here on out! ♪ Baaaaah! ♪ (Translation: Please save me from my{LF}oppressors! I am sentient!) Wow, this is like a reunion! Hey, sis! Iris! Check out these pictures! They're totally amazing! They really are. I'd like to take them home and display them{LF}prominently in my house! Hey, look, it's me! Awwww... I'm so happy! With all these fans on my side, it would be much easier to{LF}take over the world... Hmm, it seems someone drew me as well... (Not bad.) Hello, Frey. Hello, Lest. We finally meet! Couldn't really do that in the game, that's{LF}for sure. Yeah. But this picture of us looks really cute, doesn't it? The Selphian breeze looks so calming. Dreamy, even! But I'm sure the moment will be ruined by Venti's snoring,{LF}like usual. Whaaaaaaat did you just say?! ''WHOA!!'' It really is like a reunion. What a beautiful flower! Hee hee. It's heart-shaped! I like the tiny doll! ♪ Me too. It looks like a puppet! Hee hee! ♪ It does! It does! ♪ HYAA! HYAA! Take this! And that! ...Th-this is kinda scary... My dad is always with Gordon... ...They're always...together... Is this the day my brother came back home without his{LF}memories?! I can't see anything because I'm too short. Geez. Dad's sleeping again! I thought the store was really busy, but it was just this... The Father looks so happy... I wanna join them too! I-I'm a little worried about my brother... Come home soon, Neumann! So Roland drinks too, huh? Ooh, that looks like a strong monster! There's also a cute monster. Haha, it looks like the Wooly is scared! But everyone seems happy. I hope this peace will last for a{LF}long, long time! Me too. L-look! It's the Turnip God! Kiel... Are you really that naive? Do you really think anybody{LF}worships a turnip god?! He's right. This is the god of turnips from that land. ?!?! Quite a lovely picture, too. Yeah, it's really well-drawn! M-Meg...? What is this...? Meg's, uh...not here. Eek! Well, full of spunk today, I see! ♪ Yeah, everyone seems to be having a lovely time. ♪ Isn't it great to live in a happy community? Baaaaaah! ♪ (Translation: Why is no one aiding us in our{LF}revolution?!) Look at the Runeys and the Spirits! They're soooo cute! ♪ Yeah... And the weather is beautiful too. This is the best kind of day{LF}to read a book at home! Er, wouldn't it be better to go outside? Wow, we look so happy, don't we? Yes. Iris Blanche watches over us too, always. A heroine without a physical form, huh? Seems legit. ... Why are you looking at me? Baaaah! BAAAAAAAAAAH!! (Translation: Bah. Humbug.) *SKITTER* Right. Raguna looks so brave, but everyone is drawn in such{LF}a cute style! ♪ Baaaaaah! ♪ (Translation: Don't look behind you. Not until{LF}I'm done.) ?! All right! Time to introduce the runners-up. These are people we couldn't mention in the contest proper,{LF}so their names are in-game only! Yaaay, everybody's in that one! Hey, Cammy! Get out of my way! I'm sticking out! No more than I am! And Serena is also hidden, while Sera sticks out like a sore{LF}thumb. Well, Sera and Serena are one... ...Hmph. You're all getting much too excited for your own{LF}good. But according to my profiling analysis, you're having fun too,{LF}in your own unique way. No? Sh...Shut up. It's M-M-M-Mist... Why are you blushing? That red turnip looks good on her. But why is she holding a sickle?! Guess I just wanted to give it a shot! ♪ For what...? Rainbow! Hey, Micah! My assistant! Look at this! Look at this! I'm looking, I'm looking! ...Any reason you said that twice?{LF}Any reason I did the same?! Rainbow! Yaaaay! Wahahaha!! Hahaha... Look, Mist! We got a great picture in here! Oh, that is really nice. Look at the flowers. So beautiful... So this is for the series' fifth anniversary, huh? Um, is this your friend, Mist...? I look so full of energy in this picture! Micah, look! You're dancing so joyfully! Why are you dancing? Maybe because it's fun...I guess? Probably best not to{LF}wonder too much. It's all fan art anyway! Fan art fan art fan art! Fan art...fanart...f'nart...fart! Hahahahahahaha! Hahaha... Micah... You're so cute! This picture is really... A-amazing, right?! Is this...when he was running away from the medicine I made{LF}for him? Micah... You're so cute! My name is Max! Oh my, this is a picture of us. It has a spring-like feel to it, don't you think? It does. This really isn't too bad for a picture drawn by a human. (I'm{LF}next to Aria...) Ah, to be young... My name is Ma-- Oh, it's a picture of us! Glad I'm not in the little brat role. *GRIN* I'm okay with being a Wooly. I'm glad I'm not Sonja... Erm, thank you for drawing us! This is @しゅじんこうくん@ as a girl. Her dress is very well-drawn. Highly detailed. I wonder why she's exposing her shoulders, though. It looks{LF}much too cold for winter wear! Her dress is a bit strange, isn't it? I don't think you're very qualified to comment on that, Arthur. The dress, and the picture, are both very pretty! Whoa! I can't believe it! I was just promoted to this rank, and I've{LF}already got fan art! I'm FAMOUS! ...Who are you? What? H-hey, Elder Kuruna?! It's me! It's been a long time{LF}since I last came back to the village! Look at this picture! I'm out on the high seas! If you look at this picture, you'll remember me right away, I{LF}bet! It's a beautifully-drawn ocean. Look at me! ME!! That's all, folks! We're glad we could share this with you the{LF}same way we did back then! Huh? What d'you mean, ''back then''? Ahaha, nothing, nothing... Anyway, thanks for sticking with us{LF}so long! Until we meet again, this is Venti--requisite cute, mysterious{LF}little girl--signing off! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+] {LF}What a genius you are!{LF}This is a trophy for a real Quiz King! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+] {LF}Thank you for taking care of me.{LF}Master, did I make you proud? [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}You've mastered cooking.{LF}Next up...is love and marriage! [@カレンダー0@ +Trophy+]{LF}You're a forging master!{LF}Strike while the iron is hot! Caught @アイテム0@!{LF}Biggest: @0@.@1@cm{LF}Smallest: @2@.@3@cm. Remember @カレンダー0@? Yes, please. I don't want to. Please bring up to two monsters. (He's so close to me...) (My heart's beating so fast...) (@しゅじんこうくん@ can't hear this sound...can he?) ...! Don't you...like this? N-no. I was just...surprised. It's okay if it's you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Your hands are so warm... Mmm... With every pat, I get more and more...relaxed... ...Zzz... *POKE* ...Oogh! ...My turn. Hyah! *POKE* Huh?! Can I stay like this, please? ... (He's so warm...) ...?! A sudden kiss...? Sorry... You don't have to be sorry... Girls need some time to prepare for a kiss, though. As a gentleman, you should always ask first. *THUMPA{LF}THUMPA THUMPA* I feel so relieved when I'm with you. Man, look at all the stuff here! I'm getting excited just looking around! Is there anything you wanted to buy? Let's see... What...do...I...want... (I should buy her something. But what? Hmmm...) Memo Stand @0@G Stuffed Animal @1@G Aroma Lamp @2@G Puffy Pillow @3@G Maybe another time... Hey, @クローリカ@? Would you...like this? ...Are you going to...steal it? What? No! It's a present for you, @クローリカ@. From me. You can use it to keep your notes and papers in one place,{LF}so you don't lose any of them. For me...? Th-thank you very much. Awww, it's such a cute little thing! Do you like it? I sure do! It feels all puffy and fluffy and comfy! You can take it home with you and put it in your room. Wh-what? Did you...buy it? That's right. I bought it for you, @クローリカ@. No strings attached. Just because I felt like it! So please,{LF}take it. ...Are you sure? Thank you so much! ♪ ... I'll call her ''Josephine.'' @クローリカ@, this is for you. Really?! Uh-huh. Don't be shy! Take it! Oh, wow... Thank you so much! Here, check this out. You can put a perfumer in it. Looks like there's already one in there. Smells like...{LF}strawberry, I think. Mm, yeah... Smells goooooood... You can put in any scent you'd like. *Zzz...* There you go! With your favorite scent wafting through the{LF}room, you'll sleep even better! I-is that...?! ...? L-l-l-let me take a look at that! My gosh, this is a Prate and Farrel pillow! I can't believe I'm actually holding it in my hands! Prate and...what, now? It's one of the most famous furniture stores, known for its{LF}high-quality merchandise. What a find! Man, to own a pillow this nice would be a{LF}dream come true... I bought it for you because I thought you'd like it. Guess I{LF}made the right choice! ?!?! You're...giving this to me?! This magnificent pillow?! ... Are...are you sure I can have it? You're not just messing with{LF}me? I'm sure. It's all yours. R-really? Truly?! But... Just take it. I want you to have it. Please. @しゅじんこうくん@... Thank you soooo much. I feel like I could fall asleep right{LF}here, right now! I think I'll take this one. It's cute! Shall we go home, then? Sure! This is fun, huh? Y-Yes! (@しゅじんこうくん@ is getting closer...) (Her hair is so beautiful...) (I want to touch it so badly...) Ah...! You don't like it...? N-no! No no no no no! I-I mean, that's not it! I do! I really do! I've wanted to hold your hand this whole time, and I was so{LF}focused on that... ...I-I'm so glad to be here with you like this. Ha ha ha... But isn't that normally what men do? I wanted to caress your head. You don't...like it? ... Actually, I like being patted on the head. It feels...stimulating. *POKE* Hey, what har who dooing? Physical contact! ♪ *POKE* *POKE* *POKE* @しゅじんこうくん@... Your cheeks are puffy like rice cakes! ♪ Wha?! Ah! H-hey, s-st...! You want me to stop? What are you talking about?! Stay like dis, please! ...''Like dis''? ...I mean... ...I want to stay like this with you forever. ...! Only once, okay? Okay. @しゅじんこうくん@'s lips were soft and supple... I'm always excited when I'm with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. It's always fun to come here and see what sorts of curios are{LF}available to purchase, isn't it? My, this is cute! Ooh, this is rather fetching. Look! How about that?! Hey... Since we're here, we should buy something, don't you think? Sounds good. (I think I'll buy something for him...) Standing Mirror @0@G Butler Manual @1@G Quill Pen @2@G Legendary Tea Set @3@G Maybe another time... What do you think? I bought it for you. For me?! It's wonderful! May I...truly have it? Absolutely. It'll be perfect to use for checking your{LF}appearance in the morning. Thank you very much, @しゅじんこうくん@! @しゅじんこうくん@! What is that in your hand? Oh, this book? I bought it for you. I don't know if it's particularly good or not, but I just thought{LF}you might enjoy reading it. I will! I'll read it cover to cover! Thank you soooo much! I've had my eye on it for quite a while, but have simply been{LF}too busy to justify purchasing it. I really appreciate it! Thank you! Okaaaay! I may have to sacrifice a few hours of sleep to{LF}read this, but it'll SO be worth it! Here. This is for you. Wow, what a beautiful-looking quill pen... Wait, this is...for me?! Yep! But...wasn't it expensive? The money doesn't matter. A gift is a gift. I agree that that's the best attitude to have when giving a{LF}gift, but I still feel bad... You don't want it? You don't like it? Oh, no, I do! But I never imagined I would receive something so expensive{LF}as a gift... Thank you very much! It's a perfect fit for my hand. I'll do some special calligraphy training with this. WHOA!! Th-this is...the legendary tea set, isn't it? Where did you get it?! I just bought it from here. Wh-WHAT?!?! I bought it for you, @ビシュナル@. ...! *HYPERVENTILATE* ...Deep...breaths... ...Must...stay...calm... @しゅじんこうくん@... May I ask one thing, just to be certain? Sure. This tea set...you said it's... A present for you, yes. ... @ビシュナル@?!?! I'm sorry. I'm just...I'm so happy, I can't hold back my tears! They flow forth from my skull like a supercharged waterfall! Thank you so very, very much... Hey, if you're happy, I'm happy. I'm more than simply happy... What a fun shopping excursion! Let's come here again sometime. Shall we go home? I'll walk you. Thank you. I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. It's my pleasure. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. Ready to go home? I am. I want to stay with you. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. What...?! Erm... Um... Th-this is kind of embarrassing, isn't it? Heheh... Aha ha... ... Eek...! Oh, sorry... I-it's okay. I was just surprised. O-okay. I was afraid I'd...upset you... ... (Mm...) Huh...? ... ... Wha...?! Your hair is beautiful, @フォルテ@. Is it...? May I caress your head again? I would...prefer you not. It's...a little embarrassing. EEP! @フォルテ@... You're sensitive, aren't you? A-anyone would be surprised to have that done to them so{LF}suddenly! Seriously, now... *POKE* Whaa!! HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Huh? Huh?! Um... @しゅじんこうくん@...? I, uh... (...Mmm...warm...) ...? ...?! ...!! @フォルテ@...? M...My cheek?! How about we take a walk together for a while? Ah, this is... ... Did you find something you wanted? Wha?! Um, no, not at all! It wouldn't suit me, anyway... ... (Maybe I should buy something for her...) Stuffed Chipsqueek @0@G Floral-Print Bag @1@G Famous-Looking Sword @2@G Legendary Cheesecake @3@G Maybe another time... *STARE* I'll take this. *STARE* @フォルテ@, could it be that you...had your eye on this? What?! No, of c-course not! I was just...training! That's it! I{LF}was training! I was testing myself to see how long I could keep my eyes{LF}open by staring at this stuffed toy! This is a traditional training program for knights at the{LF}capital. So I was just staring at it...n-not because I wanted it, but to{LF}strengthen my, er, resolve! I see... And here I was thinking I'd give it to you as a gift,{LF}@フォルテ@... I'll take it. What? But you said... Because you bought it for me, of course. It would be rude of{LF}me to refuse. Please. Hand it over. Erm...all right, then. Here you go. Thank you very much. ... That's... What do you think? ...Cute... Yeah, it's a little too girlish for a hardened knight like you,{LF}huh? What?! Uh, y-yeah, that's e-exactly right. It's...just a little...too... Here. It's yours. Huh?! You don't need to pretend not to like it. It's obvious you do.{LF}And there's nothing wrong with that. Ah... ...Thank you...very much. Th-this sword is... It's a present from me. Could... Could it really be...? It is! It's...a first-edition replica of the legendary knight's{LF}sword, ''Calibur EX''! These first editions perfectly mimic even the way light plays{LF}off the blade. A perfect match... People have even said they're so authentic, you can actually{LF}use them in combat! I never imagined I'd lay eyes on one in a place like this... Erm...so you like it, then? Of course I do! I love it! Thank you so very much! Hee hee. Where should I display it, I wonder? Maybe I{LF}should sleep with it under my pillow... This is...for me? The serving dish is also a part of a set, apparently. Do you...not like sweets, @フォルテ@? Huh...?! Ah, no, I like them! Really! A-and, it would be impolite of me to refuse a gift, so I will...{LF}humbly a-accept. (I wonder if it's fattening...) (But it's cheesecake, and it's a present from him, so I can't{LF}very well say no!) (But what if it serves as a gateway to an ongoing junk food{LF}habit and I end up gaining weight...?) (...Wh-what should I do...?) ...? I think I should buy this for Kiel, while I'm here. Shall we be off, then? Ready to go home? Yeah. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@... I can't explain why, but I'm a little nervous right now. ... ... (My heart is pounding fast...) ...But don't worry! It's not because I dislike this situation or{LF}anything! ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Huh? Wh-what's up? What's wrong? Why were you so surprised? I-it's nothing! Never mind! Did you...want to ask me{LF}something? Well, it's more like...a request. I, uh...I want to hold your hand. Huh...? ...You mind? N-no. I wanted to hold your hand, too. Really?! ♪ All right, then! Heeere weeee gooo! *SQUEEZE* ...This kind of situation sure is nerve-wracking, huh? Yeah, it is. YAAGH! Aha haha! That tickles, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're really cute, @キール@. No, you! What? You're cute! Eheh... Ha! You're blushing! I win! ♪ ...! Hey, what are you doing? Your hair just looks so soft and smooth... Okay, then. I'll touch yours too! Whoa! Tee-hee! ♪ What? Um... ... You're warm, @しゅじんこうくん@. You too, @キール@. Mm... ... ... Hey...@キール@? Hmm? What is it? You just...seemed to be zoning out. I wanted to bring you{LF}back to earth. Did I? ...Hey, can I ask you something, @しゅじんこうくん@? Sure. M-my heart is beating like crazy. H-how can I make it stop? I'm sorry...? I still want to stay here with you for a while longer. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! Look at this! Isn't it cute? ♪ Yeah, it is. I think it'd look great on my sister. And this one seems like it'd suit you perfectly! Ooh, but this one is also really pretty... Hmmm... (I should buy him something.) Cute Bookmark @0@G Fine Pen @1@G Trendy Trinket @2@G Strange Book @3@G Maybe another time... Wow, what a cute little bookmark! I think I'll get one too. Ah, @キール@, wait! You don't need to. I bought this{LF}one for you. Oh? It's for me? Yaaaay! Thank you! ♪ Now even when I'm reading, I'll feel like I'm with you! ♪ Huh? I'll take good care of this. I promise. What did you end up buying, @しゅじんこうくん@? Umm...this. Oh, hey, that's a really nice pen! It's for you, @キール@. What? I wanted to buy you something, and figured you'd prefer{LF}something small...as a keepsake. @しゅじんこうくん@... I have an idea! Give me your hand. Huh? Okay... *SCRIBBLE* *SCRIBBLE* What the?! H-hey, what are you...? I'm expressing my feelings for you! Hee hee... ''Thank you! I love you, and I always will!'' @キール@... Heheheh... ♪ Oh, hey, this is that thing everybody's been talking about! That's right. I bought it for you. What? Really?! Yeah. I don't need it, but I thought you might enjoy it. Oh, wow! I never thought I'd actually own one of these things. And this{LF}one even has the fishnet rivets! I really appreciate it! Thank you so much! You're very welcome. Tee-hee! ♪ This book... I saw it earlier, and thought of you immediately. U-unbelievable! I didn't know they had this! So it's...a good find, then? Oh, absolutely! The content of the book varies, depending on the day you{LF}open it. Some people say it's directly connecting to another world... Bottom line, this is a really rare and infamous book. It's like a{LF}holy grail for collectors! Well...looks like this turned out to be an even better{LF}purchase than I thought. Here. It's yours. What?! I bought it for you, @キール@. Seriously? Are you sure?! Yep. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! This will be my most prized possession from now on. I'll{LF}guard it with my life! I'm glad you like it. What a great store. I can't believe all the amazing things{LF}they have in stock! We'd better get going, though. Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? Come on. I'll walk you back. You sure that's okay? Of course! After all, if I walk you back home, that means I{LF}get to stay with you a little longer! ... Okay, let's go! ♪ Hee hee. Actually, I'd been thinking something just like that. So how about this: Let's stay together just a liiiiittle bit longer{LF}right now! Sound good? ♪ Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? All right! Let's head home! ♪ Sounds good. Hmm? You want to spend more time with me, then? Can I come a little closer to you? Wha...? ...Uh, sure. Come on over. ... ... (I wonder if @しゅじんこうくん@ is enjoying himself...) (I wonder if now's a good time...) Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Can I...hold your hand? S-sure. ... (I did it! @字@) Hmm? Mm. That's nice. ... (It's kind of nice to have somebody to lean on every now{LF}and again. @字@) *POKE* Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're such a tease! ...Am I? Well, if that's the way you want to play it... *POKE* *GLOMP* ?! Uh... @しゅじんこうくん@? If Porco sees us, he's gonna be mad. ...Ahh, who cares?! @字@ ...! ...What was that, all of a sudden?! Eheh. Heh... All right, mister, you're going to get it now! @字@ I want to see you more. Ooh, look, look! This place has some weeeeird stuff, huh? No kidding! Aww, look how cute! ♪ What?! So, what should I buy? ♪ (Maybe I should buy something for her...) Strange Ornament @0@G Diary @1@G Music Box @2@G Violin @3@G Maybe another time... @マーガレット@... Hmm? What is it? This is for you. What...? Really?! Yaaay! It's Sergeant Meowsma! Oh, is that the character's name? What an adorable little{LF}kitty! Kitty? No, Sergeant Meowsma is a frog! Uhhh...what? Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. I'll treasure my little ribbity pal{LF}forever and ever! ♪ Oh, a diary! I didn't know you wrote. Actually, I bought it for you, @マーガレット@. A diary? For me? That's right. I-I've never kept a journal, though. I'm not sure I'd be able to{LF}stick with it... That's okay. You can use it as a sketch book, or a notepad, or for{LF}whatever you'd like. It's all up to you! Well...okay. Maybe I will try keeping a journal from now on. About the lovely events of today, and all the other precious{LF}memories I'm sure to make... ...with you... That sounds wonderful. Thank you very much. What did you end up buying, @しゅじんこうくん@? Oh, here. Take a look. Ah, it's a music box! Music boxes are really relaxing. I think you'll like having one. Actually, it's for you, @マーガレット@. Whaaaaaa?! W-wow, I guess you really weren't expecting a present, huh! I-it's...for me?! Yup. Or...do you already have one? No, no! I don't have any! Well, then today's your lucky day. Uhh... Wow. Thank you so much. I really like it... You're welcome. Mmm... What a great selection they have here. I'm still amazed they actually have such a priceless violin in{LF}stock. This one? Yeah. I've seen pictures of it. It was once owned by a{LF}legendary violinist. Totally one of a kind. Great violinist, too. I'm a big fan of his. ...Hold on a sec! Why do you have that?! You were staring at it earlier, and kind of drooling a little.{LF}Seemed like you wanted it. So I bought it for you. Whaaaaaaat?! A gift. From me to you. Huh? What?! B-but, wasn't it...really, really e-expensive?! I can't accept something that precious! The money doesn't matter to me. I just wanted to give you{LF}something special. Please, take it! @しゅじんこうくん@... Thank you sooooooo much! I think I'll go with this! ♪ We should probably get out of here now, before I break the{LF}bank. Hee hee... Ready to go home? Sure. Mrng... ... ... ... Let me just say this... ...? I... I'm happy, you know? ...Me too. ...! ... You...don't like it...? ...Idiot. How could I not?! Whew! Glad to hear it. I don't want to ever let you go. Ah, I can't reach! What are you doing...? Well, I, uh...I just thought your hair style seemed oddly{LF}inviting. Well, two can play at that game. I'll pat you on the head{LF}too! Take that! Hey, stop it! You're messing up my hair! Ha ha ha. It looks good that way. It...does? ...You're so pure and stupid. ...Hyaa! ...! Wh-what was that, exactly? ...It was exactly what it seemed. Once more, from the top! ...Mess with me all you want. *GLOMP* ?! Wh-what? What are you doing?! Nothing. Everything. I don't even know. I just want to be{LF}with you. ...! Man, you really are an...ahhh, what the hell! *GLOMP* @ディラス@, can you squat down a little? Huh? Okay... *SMOOCH* !!! Wh-whoa! You're way too tall. Makes it tough for me to reach you. W-what the?! Geez... A-aren't I supposed to be the one to pull that kinda stuff,{LF}being the man and all?! Hmm... There's a better selection here than I expected. Oh, wow, look at this! *GASP* They've got one of those?! You're...really having fun looking around, huh? (I should buy something for him.) Book @0@G Ship in a Bottle @1@G Shiny Fishing Rod @2@G Special Fishing Rod @3@G Maybe another time... @ディラス@? Hmm? What is it? This is for you. Whoa, it's...''Secret Arts: The Angler''! That's THE book to{LF}own if you're serious about fishing! Which you are, right? Yeah, and I've been looking for this book for a long time. Great! I seem to have chosen well, then. Are you really giving this to me? Of course! Thank you. I'll treasure it! Ever seen one of these ships in a bottle before? Yeah, they're usually pretty detailed. Looks like that one's no{LF}exception. I love ships. I hope I can go fishing from one someday. Well, I can't buy you a real ship, but I can at least buy you a{LF}ship in a bottle. Here. What? It's for you, @ディラス@. Wha? ...R-really?! Yep. Consider it practice for the real thing. Which I know{LF}you'll get someday. @しゅじんこうくん@... Thank you. I'll take good care of it. This shop has pretty decent rods. I wasn't expecting that. They've even got a brand new model, fresh outta the factory! You mean this rod I just bought? Yeah, that's the o-- Whoa, whoa, what the heck? You bought it?! You were staring at it longingly, so I knew it had to be{LF}something special. Urk... ...I-I was not! I bought it for you, @ディラス@. You didn't have to do that... Well, if you don't want it, then into the garbage it goes! Okay, okay! Sheesh! I'll take it! Here you go. Can't believe you bought me such a ritzy gift... ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? ...Thank you. I'll treasure this forever. Where the heck does this shop get its stock from?! There's a fishing rod over there that was once owned by a{LF}legendary angler. Just...for sale! Wow. I had no idea this rod was once owned by somebody{LF}famous. Yeah, it's one of a kind. And it's kind of ridiculous to think it's{LF}on some store she-- ...?!?! Hmm? Wh-wh-wh...what...is...? It's that legendary rod. I've got my grubby mitts all over it.{LF}Because I bought it. I OWN it. You own it? You...BOUGHT it?! How much did it cost? That's{LF}crazy! Oh, I couldn't possibly tell you that. It's a present for you,{LF}after all... WHAT?! Yup. I bought it just for you, @ディラス@! Wait! Waitwaitwait! Hold on just a minute! Calm down! CALM DOWN!! Er, I am calm, aren't I? B-but, that's... You don't...want it? Nnngg... ... If I take it, there's nothing I can give in return. I can only...{LF}only... (...only do my best to make her happy from now on.) Only what, now? ...! N-nothing... ... I accept your lovely gift. Finally! All right. Here you go. Thanks. Seriously. @しゅじんこうくん@... Thank you. Thank you so much. Guess I'll go with this. Come on. Let's clear out. Shall we go home? I'll walk you. You would do that for me? I'd rather stay with you. Of course! Come on. Y-you would? Okay. Then...let's stay together for a while{LF}longer. Ready to go home? Sure. I'd rather stay with you. Y-you would? Okay. Then...let's stay together for a while{LF}longer. Can I come closer to you...? Excuse me? Uhh, never mind... ... What...? This is fun, isn't it? ...Yeah. (Okay. I can do this. I'm going to take his hand in mine!) *GRIP* ... What's wrong? Ah, umm... (Doesn't even seem like he noticed...) *SQUEEZE* Ah...! (He squeezed back!) ...You started it. So I won't let go, even if you ask. ... Wha...? You push yourself too hard, @アーサー@. You should{LF}take a rest from time to time. ... ...Okay. *POKE* ... Umm...how am I supposed to respond to that? Ugh... I was just trying to be...playful, I guess. Don't mind me. Huh? Look, it was nothing, oka-- You look cute when you blush. Nng... *GLOMP* What the?! Um... Uh, what is this...? I can hear your heart beating fast, @アーサー@. Rrrg... ...I am a man, you know. Hmm? ... *EMBRACE* *SMOOCH* ?! Consider it...a show of my gratitude. For everything you've{LF}done on my behalf. I-I see... ...Wait. This is your way of saying thanks? Do you...do that to{LF}everyone? What?! Ah, nothing! Nothing! Sorry. That was very rude, and it can't{LF}possibly be true anyway! I was just...taken aback. It just slipped out, without me{LF}thinking about it. ...I want to make you mine. What...? Will you...stay with me? Just for a bit longer? They certainly do sell a lot of interesting things here! Quite a few items I don't even stock... Really? Well, customer needs change from place to place. So you{LF}have to know who you're dealing with. Ooh, look at this, now! Very interesting! And this, too... I didn't even know such a thing existed! @アーサー@, you're all wide-eyed right now, like a child! Why don't you let me buy you something? What? I'd like to do something nice for you every now and again. If{LF}you'll let me... Hmmm... All right. I accept your kind offer. Great! Let's see, then... How about I buy you... Toy Glasses @0@G Star-Shaped Cover @1@G Paper Stand @2@G Fountain Pen @3@G Maybe another time... These are... Well, they're...glasses... ...But they're...not real, of course. Indeed. Erm... ...Do you...not like them? No, no! They're very cute. But you are the cutest, for having chosen such a delightfully{LF}sweet item. Huh...? Thank you. I'll treasure them. Here you go. Hmm? It's a book cover. It's the same shape as that book you carry. Oh, you mean this notepad? That's a notepad? I had no idea. I've actually never seen a book cover in that shape before,{LF}though. This notepad is very inconveniently shaped, so I assumed{LF}accessories for it would be...limited. If it's inconveniently shaped, then...erm, why are you using it,{LF}exactly? Actually, I rarely do. Huh? I usually just memorize everything. I only carry this notepad as a conversation starter. Or maybe...as a bluff, of sorts, to get people to loosen up{LF}around me. ...? Anyway... Since there aren't a lot of star-shaped books out there, this is{LF}probably a pretty rare item. So I genuinely appreciate you giving me such a thoughtful{LF}and unique gift. No problem. Here you go, @アーサー@. This is... I see. It's a paper stand, no? Yep. But not just any ordinary paper stand! What do you mean? Look at the etching here. Ah...! It's a Wooly, no? That it is! What outstanding detail! ...It's...actually very, very cute! I-I'm glad you like it... Oh, excuse me. I may have gotten a bit overly excited. I honestly appreciate it. From the bottom of my heart. I'll take good care of it and use it well. Hey, @アーサー@? Yes? Have you ever used a fountain pen before? I have. Actually, I used to carry one with me all the time until not{LF}very long ago. But I accidentally broke it, and haven't yet found a{LF}replacement. I see... Fountain pens are strange beasts, as the tips get bent and{LF}worn in particular ways for every user. So the more time you spend with one, the more...customized{LF}it becomes. It's hard work to keep your pen in good condition, though. But it's worth it once you realize how much ''personality'' your{LF}inky friend has developed. Wow. That's pretty deep. ...Here. This is for you. Oh? Oh-ho! Lovely! ...Ah! BEYOND lovely! This was made by a famous craftsman! Was it? You didn't know? I'm sure it must have been extraordinarily expensive. Weren't{LF}you curious as to why? I paid no mind to that, and neither should you. It's a gift. The{LF}cost doesn't matter. But... You get what you pay for. I figured the higher price point{LF}meant it was a better pen. What? It's a present from me. That's all you really need to know. I hope you'll get much use out of it from here on out. And I{LF}hope it...''learns'' your style quickly. ... Understood. Thank you very much. You're welcome. My first order of business with this pen...will be to write{LF}words of love about you. What?! If it's to develop a winning personality, I can think of no{LF}better way to get it started! ... @しゅじんこうくん@. Yes? I don't believe I should accept your offer today. What? What say we save it for another time? We'll take...a rain{LF}check, as it were. ...Okay... Shall we go, then? Let's go home, shall we? I'll walk you. You would do that for me? I'd rather stay with you. Of course I would! Come, let's be off. A-as you wish. Shall we go home? Sure. I'd rather stay with you. A-as you wish. H-hey...?! Uh, you are too close, yes? Oh, sorry! I guess you'd...prefer I keep my distance? Oh, no, nothing like that! It's just...well... ...Well what? Oogh... I...I don't like when people look at me from too close. I don't{LF}think I look so good in detail. (Foolish Xiao! Now is your chance to say to him, ''Let's hold{LF}hands!'' Go, go!) @シャオパイ@... Would you mind if I...held your hand? Huh?! S-sure. That's...okay with me. All right, then. ... ... Are you...blushing...? Oh, stop! ...What are you doing? Well, you're just so adorable, I couldn't resist! I-I'm...adorable? But... ...But I'm older than you... You didn't like it? ... ...?! Too slow! *PRESS* ... ...You can do that to me all you want. Ugh! *GLOMP* ...?! Um... ...This is...very warm. *SMOOCH* Wha?! Tee-hee. Y-you're surprised, yes? Um... ...Yeah. Actually, I was just about to do the same thing. What? I was a split second away from turning to face you. If you{LF}were one second later, we might've... Oh...r-really...? ...Well, that doesn't sound so... Huh? N-nothing! Never mind! Umm...I still want to spend a little more time with you, if{LF}that's okay. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@, isn't this very nice? Oh, but this too is very nice! I am conflicted. I do not know which item to buy! They are{LF}all so lovely! (Maybe I should buy her something...) Pretty Mug @0@G Cute Apron @1@G Body Pillow @2@G Message Board Ultra @3@G Maybe another time... Wow, what a very pretty mug! Isn't it? It caught my eye as soon as I saw it. Mm, very cute! That's perfect, then. Huh? Here. I bought it for you, @シャオパイ@. What? F-for me...? That's right! O-okay. Thank you. I'll take good care of it! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@, what is that? It's a very cute apron, but...are you going to wear it? Maybe{LF}it would look good on you... No, no, it's not for me. Huh? It's a present for you. Will you accept it? What? You're always doing so much for me, so I thought I'd buy this{LF}for you as a show of my appreciation. I-I see... Hee hee. I'm so happy now! ♪ What a big pillow! How does one make use of it? You hug it while you sleep. Like this! Ohh, okay! ...Here. Hmm? You can try it out for yourself when you get home. What do you mean? I bought it for you. ...You're saying that I should hug this which you hugged?! Heh. Sure! Why not? ... I...I see... I hope you like it. ...I do! Thank you. What's that? It's a message board. According to the instructions, you can write with this, and{LF}push this switch to erase everything. Wow! That sounds really useful. ...Whoa! But it's also very expensive! Why is a message{LF}board costing this much money?! I think...it was charmed with a special magic, which is why{LF}it's so easy to use. Plus, it has a voice recording function, soooo... So it's the best message board ever, but nobody can afford{LF}it, yes? It is silly to spend so much on a small convenience, but I do{LF}admire the craftsmanship. I knew you'd say that! But part of you is thinking you'd really{LF}like it, right? Well...here! Huh? I bought it for you. Whaaaaat?! But... No buts! I insist. Enjoy it. I'll even come visit your room to{LF}see it sometime, if you'd like. Y-you'll come to visit me in my room?! ...Shouldn't I? ... ...Mm. If you'll do that, then I will put it on display in my room{LF}for sure! ♪ Great! Okay, I'll take this! ♪ Let's go, shall we? ...Shall we head back? Sure. Would it be okay if I came a little closer to you? Certainly! ♪ I feel...happy... Me too. I hope I can live like this every day. May I hold your hand? Of course! ♪ *SQUEEZE* ...What the...? What's wrong? Ummm... My face feels really hot all of a sudden... It's not like we're doing anything different than usual, though.{LF}How strange... Hahaha! That tickles! *TICKLE* *TICKLE* Acck! Cut it out! You're embarrassing me! ...Seriously?! Pfft, no! I just wanted to make you panic a little! ♪ *POKE* ... *SLURP* Whaaa?! ...? *GLOMP* @しゅじんこうくん@...? @コハク@... You're so warm... Umm... ...I'm actually a little hot right now. You give off a LOT of{LF}body heat... Now's my chance! ?! Hahaha... *SMOOCH* Wha...? Ah... See, I just...wanted to get you back, that's all... ...Mmmrrrnng... ...@コハク@? I just want to stay with you for a little while longer. Would that be okay? Wooow! There are so many cute things here! Ohmigosh, look at that! And that! And THAT!! So many choices... It's almost overwhelming! Yeah, no kidding. (I should be nice and buy her something...) Sketchbook @0@G Pretty Vase @1@G Weird Cushion @2@G Talking Plushie @3@G Maybe another time... Hey, @コハク@? Hmm? Do you like drawing? I sure do! I like almost everything. Except for winter. O-okay... Well, here. This is for you. What? A sketchbook? For me? Yup. Wow! Thank you! A present...from @しゅじんこうくん@... Hee hee! ♪ *STARE* Pretty vase, isn't it? It sure is. I think any flower would look good in it! Yeah, I think you're right. But... I wonder what flower would suit it best...? That's a good question. How about you mull it over and find just the right one? Huh? I bought it for you. It's a gift! So now you can try out all kinds of flowers, and{LF}systematically determine which one looks best! ...Wow! I sure can! But you have to come see it when I've made up my mind,{LF}okay? Huh? I want you to see what flower I choose. So come to my room and take a look after I've decided,{LF}okay? Sure! I can do that. ...Tee-hee! ♪ Hey, @コハク@. Check this out. Hmm? Wow, what a weird pillow! Or is it a seat cushion? Either{LF}way...weeeeeird! ♪ I thought it might intrigue you. That's why I bought it for you. Wha...? Will you accept it? Yes, of course! ♪ *HUG* Haha. You certainly seem happy! I'll use it every night, I promise! @コハク@, check this out. Oh, it's a stuffed animal! How cute... Not just any old stuffed animal, though. This one TALKS! Really?! What does it talk about? Hold on a sec. Let me read from the instructions. ''Pookie-Pie is always listening! It memorizes phrases often{LF}spoken around it, and repeats them.'' Kind of like a parakeet! Whoa... Sounds like it's a pretty sophisticated toy! Yeah, kind of...overly complex, in a way. But in a good way! Yeah, it sounds fun! I can't wait to teach it things! ♪ In fact, I'm going to start right now. Let's see if it can learn{LF}your name! +@しゅじんこうくん@+. +@しゅじんこうくん@+! Can you say{LF}+@しゅじんこうくん@+? Huh?! Mm. It's gotta be you! Hee hee. Learn! LEARN, MY PRETTY! Hee hee hee... Let's head out, shall we? Sure. Okay, ready to go home? Sure thing! Hmm? ... What's wrong? You feeling lonely? No, it's nothing like that. I just... ...Okay. Then, um... Why don't you come a little closer? You're not the only one who wants to get as close as{LF}possible, you know! Hmm? S-sorry. Guess you'd rather I not do that, huh? Don't be stupid. You can take my hand anytime you'd like! Your hands are really warm... ...What are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. Yeah, I can tell. But why, exactly? Well, if that's the way it's going to be, two can play at that{LF}game! Huh?! Don't like it? I didn't say that! Good. Your hair's so soft and silky... *POKE* Hey! Okay, you asked for it! *JAB* Ow! Ha! Gotcha! ... *GLOMP* Wha...? Whaaaaaat?! You were thinking of doing something to me, weren't you?{LF}Admit it! H-how did you know?! ...Whoa, you really were?! I was just joking! N-no, I wasn't-- I know what you're thinking. ?! What's this, all of a sudden? Tee-hee... ...Well, then I'll... Then I'll kiss you! ?! ...Tee-hee. You got some soft cheeks, you know that? (I really hope @しゅじんこうくん@'s enjoying this...) Sorry in advance. This isn't too great a store, but...try to{LF}enjoy yourself anyway! What was that, now? I didn't quite catch it! G-Granny...! Where the heck did you come from?! Oh, you didn't see me? Probably because you were lost in{LF}your little girlfriend's eyes! And didn't I tell you to let me know if you were ever{LF}planning to bring a girl here? If I'd known she was coming, I'd have prepared tea! She's here to shop, not to drink tea! Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure! Can you leave us alone now, please? Now, now, don't get your knickers in a knot. I'm going! ...*SIGH* ... So what kind of stuff do you guys sell here, anyway? Actually, we've got a little bit of everything. I'm used to it, so{LF}it doesn't impress me much... ...but Granny buys pretty much anything she wants without{LF}much forethought, so there's...a lot. I see. (I should buy @ダグ@ something. Even if he works{LF}here, there has to be SOMETHING he'd like...) Comb @0@G Big Bowl @1@G Extra-Fine Blanket @2@G Gorgeous Sword @3@G Maybe another time... Hey, @ダグ@? Hehh? What is it? This is for you. Wha... Really?! You sure? Yep! ...Thanks. I'll use it every day! Wow, that's a really nice bowl. I can pile lots of rice in it...{LF}like a little mountain! That would be...a LOT of rice. Can you really eat that much? Oh, no question. Well...time to put your rice where your mouth is, then, 'cause{LF}it's yours. I bought it for you. Wha? Seriously?! Yup! ♪ Wow! That's awesome! Thank you! I've always had to refill my bowl so many times during meals{LF}'cause it was so freaking SMALL... Now I won't ever have to put that much effort into eating{LF}again! Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@! What did you buy, @しゅじんこうくん@? Check this out. Oh, wow, you bought it! Yup. Man, I've had my eye on that one for a while. Good choice! I saw you looking at it. And that's why I bought it for you. Hgyoehh?! *COUGH* *COUGH* Er...are you okay? I, er...I was...*AHEM*...just caught a little off-guard there. You don't want it? What?! Don't be an idiot! Of course I want it! Well, then here you go! Geez... You are so... ...Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@... You're very welcome. Hmm? What are you doin' with that old sword? Proudly owning it. Whaaaat? You bought it?! Man, I've been trying to convince Granny to give me a{LF}discount on that thing since we got it in! But she'd never budge. And it was just waaaay too{LF}expensive. It was a little pricey...but you're worth it. ...Hehh? Looks like I chose well, too. Here you go! ♪ Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Wha? Huh? What's going on? Are you seriously g-GIVING this to me?! That's right! @字0@ Y-you didn't have to do this, you know... Well, I wanted to do something special for you. And it's a present, so...just take it! The cost doesn't matter. @しゅじんこうくん@... Thank you so much! You done? Let's get outta here before Granny starts trying to sell us{LF}cheap junk! ... Ready to head home? I'll walk you back. Thanks. I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. Come on. R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. Ready to go home? Yeah. I want to stay with you. R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. ... ...If you want to get closer, just say it. Oh... How did you...? You looked so nervous. You're a terrible liar, you know. Even{LF}when you don't open your mouth. Heheh... ...Well, that's one of the things I love about you. May I hold your hand? Huh...? ...Do as you'd like. Okay. Here goes... ... ''Maaan! What a sweet moment this is!'' Ugh...! ...Wh-what are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. I know that much! But why?! You don't like it? ... ...You should have warned me first. *POKE* ?! Surprised? O-of course I am! Who does that?! You just about gave me a heart attack! Well, you are turning red, but I'm...pretty sure that's just you{LF}blushing. ... I'm just...not used to this... ...?! Is it okay if I hug you? ...You should probably ask that before actually doing it, you{LF}know. Okay, then. Was it okay that I hugged you? ...It... Well...it was nice. Huh...? Oh, sorry. I saw my chance, so I figured I'd take it. ...? @ドルチェ@? ??? ?????? Hey, @ドルチェ@...? I want to stay with you...a little longer... Hmm... What's wrong? I'm just a bit overwhelmed by the number and variety of{LF}items sold here. Yeah, it is a pretty eclectic mix, huh? ...Hey, where's @ピコ@? I'm surprised she's not{LF}gawking at all of this stuff too. I told her not to follow us, and she just...flew away. Oh, okay. (She's probably sulking somewhere, then...) ...*STARE*... (She sure seems into this place Maybe I should buy{LF}something for her...) Pretty Handkerchief @0@G Accessory Case @1@G Exchange Diary @2@G Lapidary Bird @3@G Maybe another time... Here you go, @ドルチェ@. Huh? This is for you. I bought it. ...I didn't say I wanted it. So, you DON'T want it, then? ...I didn't say I don't want it. Haha. Well, this is a quandary, then! Since you already bought it, I suppose there's no harm in{LF}keeping it. ...Thank you. You're welcome. That is a rather cute case. ...A bit childish, though. Mm. This'll work, then. Ah... What's wrong? ...Nothing. Never mind. Okay. ... So, what are you going to put in it? You have something in{LF}mind, or was this a flight of fancy? If those are my choices, I'll go with...a flight of fancy. Because it's for you. What...? It's a gift. I thought it seemed well-suited to you. ... You don't like it? It's...not bad. But why did you choose this, of all things? I just had a feeling you'd like it. Why? Because you were staring at it. Urk...! What did you buy? Take a look. I bought this. A diary? Not just a diary. It's an exchange diary. What...is that, exactly? It's basically a two-person journal. The owners take turns{LF}writing in it. I see. So it's a bit less private than an ordinary diary, but still{LF}rather...intimate. Pretty much. Hmmm... And I'm thinking about trying it out with you. What would{LF}you say to that? That sounds fine. I'll write the first entry. And you can write the second whenever you visit my room{LF}next. All right. That sounds great. ...Our own private journal together, huh...? ...What was that? I didn't quite hear you. ... What's wrong? You have a really serious look on your face... Mmm... I'm just admiring the etchings on that bird. Detailing that fine{LF}is extremely difficult to do. It's a very high-quality work. You can really feel the sculptor's{LF}passion. The design itself is quite impressive as well. Nice weight,{LF}nice balance... You certainly know your sculptures! Well, just look at it! It's truly amazing. I wish I could take it home and study it to learn some skills{LF}of my own. But it's such a precious item. It's clearly far more expensive{LF}than I can afford. Well, you're in luck. Because it's yours now. ...? W-wait... What are you saying? I bought it. I-I gathered. But why? Because I want you to have it. And I want you to enjoy it. ... O-okay. Shall we go, then? ...I sometimes feel like you're driving me halfway to madness{LF}with your impulsive actions. But I appreciate them immensely... Thank you. This might suit Pico. ...Ehh, not today. Maybe next time. Come. Let's go. Ready to go home? Sure. What's this? Are you so keen on feeling the warmth of my{LF}body? You bet I am! How about you, @レオン@? ... Huh? What's wrong? Well... ...I must admit, I'm at a loss. I wasn't anticipating such a{LF}reaction from you. Hmmmm... If you would, please lend me your ear. Uh, okay... ...Just between you and me... ...You're positively adorable. ...I'll stay by your side always. ...I love you. ...Just between you and me. Th-that's not exactly an answer to my question! Haha. Perhaps not. Hmm...? ...*GRAB* Hmm? ... What am I going to do with you? Ah... (...He squeezed my hand tight!) Hahaha! Wh-what are y-you doing?! Hahaha! Just an innocent little pat on the head, that's all! Well, it tickled! Hey...what's that deranged look in your eyes? ...Mwa ha ha. The time for revenge is nigh! H-hey! Come on! Don't! Stop! ''Don't stop,'' you say? All right, then...I won't! Wh-who do you think...haha! Hey, come on, stop! Please!{LF}Hahahaha! P-please... Please stop...! ...Well, that was fun. *PANT* *PANT* *PANT* Man, do I ever feel better now! ... ...You won't be doing that for long! *RUFFLE* *RUFFLE* Hey! Don't mess up my hair! Shut up... You're mine, all right?! *GLOMP* H-hey...! What the?! I just felt like hugging you. ...Honestly... I hear your heart beating, @レオン@. Ugh... ...It's beating pretty fast. You must be nervous having a girl{LF}clinging to you like this. ...Quit your yammering. ...! What are you doing...? You always tease me, so I'm paying you back. ... You have something on your forehead. Let me see. Really? O-okay... ...! That's what you get. ...You're blushing... ...Oh, shut up. I wish we could stay together like this forever... Hey, @レオン@! Check this out! Isn't it cute? Hmm? Which one? This one! Right here! Look! My natural instinct is to refute claims of cuteness made by{LF}girls. But I'm really, really sure that this is cute! Honest! ...Fine. Be that way. I'll just have to buy you something cute{LF}and MAKE you admit it! What? You're going to buy me a present? That's not what-- I'm buying you something. And you're going to like it. End of{LF}discussion. ... Interesting. All right. If I like it, I'll put it on display in my{LF}room. Okay, then! (What should I buy for him...?) Smile @0@G Drinking Glasses @1@G Small Clock @2@G Antique Painting @3@G I just can't decide! Oh-ho-ho! @レオン@? Yes? Here. What's that? Well... ...It's my smile! I see. Worth about @0@G. That's...really cheap! Then you should have no problem paying up. So I've gotta pay for it, too?! Well, at least it's cheap. [Paid @0@G.] Excellent. I'll put this money next to my pillow, as a way of{LF}remembering your lovely gift. Wait...you're not going to spend that money? I told you if I liked your gift, I'd put it on display. And I never{LF}go back on my word. ... Come, now. Let's take our leave of this place. ...Okay. A pair of drinking glasses, huh? There's a mark of a four-leaf clover on them. See? Cute! All right. You win. But they're only cute because of that goofy smile you've got{LF}while you're showing them to me. Huh...? I'm just saying...I like them. I'll put them on my table, and we can have iced tea together{LF}next time you come over. Sounds great! A clock? You seem like you could use a bit of...structure. And it's a{LF}cute clock, so I figured...why not? Trying to make sure I'm never late for any future dates with{LF}you, huh? What? N-no, that's not it at all! I know. I just wanted to get a rise out of you. ...Grrr... Mm. You're cute when you're angry. Very, very cute. Come on! Don't be like that! Hahaha... But a clock, huh...? Every time I check the time from now on, I might just think{LF}about you. Not that that's a bad thing! Huh? I like it. Thank you. Yay! You're very welcome. This painting is... The description says it's a portrait of this general area from a{LF}long time ago. It is. This is pretty much exactly how this place looked before I{LF}went to sleep in the tower. Really? It's...extremely familiar. I wasn't expecting that at all. ... I'm glad you like it. Hmm? You promised. You said if you liked what I bought you, you'd{LF}put it on display in your room. This painting...? No, I can't accept this. It has to be worth a small fortune. Er, I already bought it. You what?! Yep. It's mine. Or rather, it's yours. ...You're a madwoman. I don't get what goes through that head of yours sometimes.{LF}Clearly, not frugality. I'll be as mad as you want me to be, baby! Haha. It's never boring with you around, that's for sure. Hee hee. ... I'll have to get this framed. But once it is, I'll hang it on my{LF}wall for sure. You have my word. Great! And I'll dust it every day. Ooh, bonus! So... ...that means you have to come to my room every single day{LF}to make sure I stay true to my word. What?! I won't take no for an answer! You got it? ...Hee hee. All right. I got it. Too bad. Time's up. Ah... As your punishment, I won't give you a present now either. What? Were you planning to buy me something? I don't know. Hey, let's get out of here. Shall we go home? I'll walk you to your door. Are you sure? I want to stay with you. Of course. That's only natural, right? At evening's end, the{LF}gentleman walks the lady home. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. Ready to go home? Sure. I want to stay with you. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. (Maybe I should walk her home...) (N-now's my chance...) (Now might be my best opportunity to strengthen our{LF}relationship.) Get closer. Hold hands. Pat on the head. Poke in the cheek. Hold tight. Kiss on the cheek. Quit Drat. I don't have enough money! ''Irregular goods''? Yeah. Stuff that got damaged or came out slightly defective.{LF}That's why it's cheap. I see... Here, you want one? I can just...take it? They're irregulars. Nobody cares. Wow, thanks! These are all items that aren't quite good enough to sell at{LF}full price, but are worth a discount. I see... You want one? Really? That's okay? Sure. It's a defective product, though, so don't be expecting{LF}too much! That's quite all right. Thanks! What are these? Irregular goods! You can buy them at a discounted price. Irregular schmirregular! They're not that bad. And they're so{LF}much cheaper, they're a steal! Cheaper or no, customers who buy them are settling for{LF}inferior products. We should be grateful. Hmm? What's this? ...An @アイテム0@? Geh! The hell?! I seem to have plenty here, as it happens. Which means you overbought again, didn't you, Doug? Heheh...heheheh... *SIGH* Some people's children... You may take one if you'd like, @しゅじんこうくん@. Are you sure? Certainly. I'll deduct the cost from Doug's salary. What?! Come on! That's not fair! Actually, it's entirely fair. It's your screw-up, after all. Looks like you got rid of your @アイテム0@{LF}overstock... Of course! I don't make the same mistake twice. Yes, it's usually a lot more than twice. Grrr... Be careful! There are quite a few shelves. Position the cursor over a shelf name and use @字@ or @字1@ to{LF}switch. I shouldn't sleep here. Is this...a work log? A diary, maybe? Take a look. Leave it alone. H-hey! Wh-wh-what are you doing?! Nobody said you could read{LF}that! S-sorry... Geez... ... It's not good to snoop through someone else's property{LF}without asking first. It's well-organized. Not surprising, though, since Granny Blossom cleans this{LF}place from top to bottom every day. You can take the @アイテム0@ over there. Really? Yes. Eat, and gather up energy! I'm expecting a grand{LF}vegetable harvest from you in the future. Thank you very much! I don't know why you're staring. There's nothing there. My, that's a beautiful flower. Isn't it? It's from Illuminata. She has a really good eye for flora. Oh, hey, it's the comb I bought! I trust it's being put to good{LF}use... Of course! Look at my hair. Thanks to that comb, I look amazing now! Oh, it's that rice bowl I bought! (Just looking at it, I can easily envision @ダグ@{LF}inhaling far more food than is healthy...) Mealtime's a lot more...er...productive now, thanks to your{LF}lovely gift, @しゅじんこうくん@. I wonder if this blanket feels as good as it looks... Even better, actually! I sleep better than I ever have under that thing. Oversleep, if{LF}I can. Infuriates Granny to no end. This looks a lot shinier than when I bought it... Well, it's a special gift from a special person. You gotta take{LF}good care of prized possessions! It's @ダグ@'s bed. Looks juuuuuust right... *Back away slowly* H-hey. If you want to sleep, you should go home! Wh-what are you doing in my bed, anyway?! Not that I...er...mind or anything...but still! If you want to sleep, do it at home. I mean, we live in the same place anyway, so we can both{LF}go back home and get some rest! It's @ブロッサム@'s bed. Sleepy time! *Back away slowly* You should go home and sleep properly. You must be tired. (He's so close to me...) (My heart's beating so fast...) (@しゅじんこうくん@ can't hear this sound...can he?) ...! Don't you...like this? N-no. I was just...surprised. It's okay if it's you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Your hands are so warm... Mmm... With every pat, I get more and more...relaxed... ...Zzz... *POKE* ...Oogh! ...My turn. Hyah! *POKE* Huh?! Can I stay like this, please? ... (He's so warm...) ...?! A sudden kiss...? Sorry... You don't have to be sorry... Girls need some time to prepare for a kiss, though. As a gentleman, you should always ask first. *THUMPA{LF}THUMPA THUMPA* I feel so relieved when I'm with you. Let's get started. Be careful. Don't hurt yourself. Don't worry. I'm good at precision work like this. All done! Wow, that's really nice. Great job! I'm so glad we have a matching pair! I'll be sure to take real{LF}good care of mine. Shall we go home, then? Sure! This is fun, huh? Y-Yes! (@しゅじんこうくん@ is getting closer...) (Her hair is so beautiful...) (I want to touch it so badly...) Ah...! You don't like it...? N-no! No no no no no! I-I mean, that's not it! I do! I really do! I've wanted to hold your hand this whole time, and I was so{LF}focused on that... ...I-I'm so glad to be here with you like this. Ha ha ha... But isn't that normally what men do? I wanted to caress your head. You don't...like it? ... Actually, I like being patted on the head. It feels...stimulating. *POKE* Hey, what har who dooing? Physical contact! ♪ *POKE* *POKE* *POKE* @しゅじんこうくん@... Your cheeks are puffy like rice cakes! ♪ Wha?! Ah! H-hey, s-st...! You want me to stop? What are you talking about?! Stay like dis, please! ...''Like dis''? ...I mean... ...I want to stay like this with you forever. ...! Only once, okay? Okay. @しゅじんこうくん@'s lips were soft and supple... I'm always excited when I'm with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. @しゅじんこうくん@, let's do it! Hope we can make it right! Don't worry! I did some special training in the art of the{LF}forge! Ooh, sounds grueling! (I like 'em well-trained...) I didn't exactly...do any field training. I practiced only in my{LF}mind. But I think that's enough! I feel confident that I can succeed in this endeavor, so{LF}please, discard your worries! It's done! Yaaaay! ♪ It's thanks to your assistance that it's turned out as well as it{LF}has. I would not have been able to accomplish this on my own. Love truly is almighty! Shall we go home? I'll walk you. Thank you. I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. It's my pleasure. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. Ready to go home? I am. I want to stay with you. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. What...?! Erm... Um... Th-this is kind of embarrassing, isn't it? Heheh... Aha ha... ... Eek...! Oh, sorry... I-it's okay. I was just surprised. O-okay. I was afraid I'd...upset you... ... (Mm...) Huh...? ... ... Wha...?! Your hair is beautiful, @フォルテ@. Is it...? May I caress your head again? I would...prefer you not. It's...a little embarrassing. EEP! @フォルテ@... You're sensitive, aren't you? A-anyone would be surprised to have that done to them so{LF}suddenly! Seriously, now... *POKE* Whaa!! HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Huh? Huh?! Um... @しゅじんこうくん@...? I, uh... (...Mmm...warm...) ...? ...?! ...!! @フォルテ@...? M...My cheek?! How about we take a walk together for a while? Okay, are you ready? Yes. This is to be our first trial. We can work together, and see how well our love pulls us{LF}through. ...*AHEM* I said nothing. Nothing at all. Let's just carry on. H-hey, @フォルテ@! Watch out! Huh?! Wait, don't come any closer... Aaaaaggghh!! Waaahhh! Stop! Stooop! I do believe...it's done... Yeah... I'm...really worn out, though... But...I did...have a lot of fun. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll treasure this forever. And I hope very much that you'll do the same with yours. Ready to go home? Yeah. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@... I can't explain why, but I'm a little nervous right now. ... ... (My heart is pounding fast...) ...But don't worry! It's not because I dislike this situation or{LF}anything! ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Huh? Wh-what's up? What's wrong? Why were you so surprised? I-it's nothing! Never mind! Did you...want to ask me{LF}something? Well, it's more like...a request. I, uh...I want to hold your hand. Huh...? ...You mind? N-no. I wanted to hold your hand, too. Really?! ♪ All right, then! Heeere weeee gooo! *SQUEEZE* ...This kind of situation sure is nerve-wracking, huh? Yeah, it is. YAAGH! Aha haha! That tickles, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're really cute, @キール@. No, you! What? You're cute! Eheh... Ha! You're blushing! I win! ♪ ...! Hey, what are you doing? Your hair just looks so soft and smooth... Okay, then. I'll touch yours too! Whoa! Tee-hee! ♪ What? Um... ... You're warm, @しゅじんこうくん@. You too, @キール@. Mm... ... ... Hey...@キール@? Hmm? What is it? You just...seemed to be zoning out. I wanted to bring you{LF}back to earth. Did I? ...Hey, can I ask you something, @しゅじんこうくん@? Sure. M-my heart is beating like crazy. H-how can I make it stop? I'm sorry...? I still want to stay here with you for a while longer. Okay, here we go! Let's do this! Are you sure you'll be all right? This isn't exactly your{LF}specialty... Hey, don't worry. I'm a man, you know? I'll make it through. Mmm...if you say so! No idea how it's going to turn out, though. I guess we'll just{LF}have to wait and see! ♪ C'mon! Don't make that face! It'll be fiiiiine! I promise! All right, it's done! So this is mine, and this is yours. Can't believe we made these together... I'll be sure to keep mine in a nice, safe place, so don't you{LF}worry! Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? Come on. I'll walk you back. You sure that's okay? Of course! After all, if I walk you back home, that means I{LF}get to stay with you a little longer! ... Okay, let's go! ♪ Hee hee. Actually, I'd been thinking something just like that. So how about this: Let's stay together just a liiiiittle bit longer{LF}right now! Sound good? ♪ Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? All right! Let's head home! ♪ Sounds good. Hmm? You want to spend more time with me, then? Can I come a little closer to you? Wha...? ...Uh, sure. Come on over. ... ... (I wonder if @しゅじんこうくん@ is enjoying himself...) (I wonder if now's a good time...) Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Can I...hold your hand? S-sure. ... (I did it! @字@) Hmm? Mm. That's nice. ... (It's kind of nice to have somebody to lean on every now{LF}and again. @字@) *POKE* Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're such a tease! ...Am I? Well, if that's the way you want to play it... *POKE* *GLOMP* ?! Uh... @しゅじんこうくん@? If Porco sees us, he's gonna be mad. ...Ahh, who cares?! @字@ ...! ...What was that, all of a sudden?! Eheh. Heh... All right, mister, you're going to get it now! @字@ I want to see you more. That Bado... Haha... So, what say we get started? Sure. What are we going to make, exactly? Hmmm... Yay! It's done! It is. And it looks great! I'll treasure this forever. Ready to go home? Sure. Mrng... ... ... ... Let me just say this... ...? I... I'm happy, you know? ...Me too. ...! ... You...don't like it...? ...Idiot. How could I not?! Whew! Glad to hear it. I don't want to ever let you go. Ah, I can't reach! What are you doing...? Well, I, uh...I just thought your hair style seemed oddly{LF}inviting. Well, two can play at that game. I'll pat you on the head{LF}too! Take that! Hey, stop it! You're messing up my hair! Ha ha ha. It looks good that way. It...does? ...You're so pure and stupid. ...Hyaa! ...! Wh-what was that, exactly? ...It was exactly what it seemed. Once more, from the top! ...Mess with me all you want. *GLOMP* ?! Wh-what? What are you doing?! Nothing. Everything. I don't even know. I just want to be{LF}with you. ...! Man, you really are an...ahhh, what the hell! *GLOMP* @ディラス@, can you squat down a little? Huh? Okay... *SMOOCH* !!! Wh-whoa! You're way too tall. Makes it tough for me to reach you. W-what the?! Geez... A-aren't I supposed to be the one to pull that kinda stuff,{LF}being the man and all?! Let's do this! You bet. By the way, what are we actually making? Hmmm... Not bad. Not bad at all. Yeah... I'll treasure this forever. Shall we go home? I'll walk you. You would do that for me? I want to stay with you. Of course! Come on. Y-you do? Okay. Let's stay together for a while longer, then. Shall we go home? Sure. I want to stay with you. Y-you do? Okay. Let's stay together for a while longer, then. Can I come closer to you...? Excuse me? Uhh, never mind... ... What...? This is fun, isn't it? ...Yeah. (Okay. I can do this. I'm going to take his hand in mine!) *GRIP* ... What's wrong? Ah, umm... (Doesn't even seem like he noticed...) *SQUEEZE* Ah...! (He squeezed back!) ...You started it. So I won't let go, even if you ask. ... Wha...? You push yourself too hard, @アーサー@. You should{LF}take a rest from time to time. ... ...Okay. *POKE* ... Umm...how am I supposed to respond to that? Ugh... I was just trying to be...playful, I guess. Don't mind me. Huh? Look, it was nothing, oka-- You look cute when you blush. Nng... *GLOMP* What the?! Um... Uh, what is this...? I can hear your heart beating fast, @アーサー@. Rrrg... ...I am a man, you know. Hmm? ... *EMBRACE* *SMOOCH* ?! Consider it...a show of my gratitude. For everything you've{LF}done on my behalf. I-I see... ...Wait. This is your way of saying thanks? Do you...do that to{LF}everyone? What?! Ah, nothing! Nothing! Sorry. That was very rude, and it can't{LF}possibly be true anyway! I was just...taken aback. It just slipped out, without me{LF}thinking about it. ...I want to make you mine. What...? Will you...stay with me? Just for a bit longer? D-do you really think that's how it looks? I-I couldn't say... ''...'' ...Maybe we should show them what we're all about... What?! Haha. I'm just kidding. Oh... Haha. You had me going there for a moment! We're okay not doing that anymore, right? Hmm? Come. Let's begin, shall we? S-sure... Excellent. It's done. Yeah. All right, then. Here you are, @しゅじんこうくん@. Huh? An exchange. Huh? Umm... Perfect! Now, yours is mine. Wha...? And mine is yours, of course. ... Let's go home, shall we? I'll escort you. You sure that's okay? I'd rather stay with you. Of course! Let's be off, then. A-all right. If that's what you wish, I'll gladly stay with you a{LF}bit longer. Shall we go home now? Sure. I'd rather stay with you. A-all right. If that's what you wish, I'll gladly stay with you a{LF}bit longer. H-hey...?! Uh, you are too close, yes? Oh, sorry! I guess you'd...prefer I keep my distance? Oh, no, nothing like that! It's just...well... ...Well what? Oogh... I...I don't like when people look at me from too close. I don't{LF}think I look so good in detail. (Foolish Xiao! Now is your chance to say to him, ''Let's hold{LF}hands!'' Go, go!) @シャオパイ@... Would you mind if I...held your hand? Huh?! S-sure. That's...okay with me. All right, then. ... ... Are you...blushing...? Oh, stop! ...What are you doing? Well, you're just so adorable, I couldn't resist! I-I'm...adorable? But... ...But I'm older than you... You didn't like it? ... ...?! Too slow! *PRESS* ... ...You can do that to me all you want. Ugh! *GLOMP* ...?! Um... ...This is...very warm. *SMOOCH* Wha?! Tee-hee. Y-you're surprised, yes? Um... ...Yeah. Actually, I was just about to do the same thing. What? I was a split second away from turning to face you. If you{LF}were one second later, we might've... Oh...r-really...? ...Well, that doesn't sound so... Huh? N-nothing! Never mind! Umm...I still want to spend a little more time with you, if{LF}that's okay. Umm...*AHEM*... ...We should get started, yes? This is our first task. So I want to use a hammer with you. Huh? But... I'll hold the lower part, and you hold the upper part. Understand? O-okay. What should we make, though? There are many{LF}possibilities... Okay, it's done! Looks pretty good, too! Our items match. Yeah, they do. Take good care of this, okay? I didn't hear the magic word! ...And I didn't hear a yes. Er, yes, ma'am. There we go. Now I'm happy! ...Shall we head back? Sure. Would it be okay if I came a little closer to you? Certainly! ♪ I feel...happy... Me too. I hope I can live like this every day. May I hold your hand? Of course! ♪ *SQUEEZE* ...What the...? What's wrong? Ummm... My face feels really hot all of a sudden... It's not like we're doing anything different than usual, though.{LF}How strange... Hahaha! That tickles! *TICKLE* *TICKLE* Acck! Cut it out! You're embarrassing me! ...Seriously?! Pfft, no! I just wanted to make you panic a little! ♪ *POKE* ... *SLURP* Whaaa?! ...? *GLOMP* @しゅじんこうくん@...? @コハク@... You're so warm... Umm... ...I'm actually a little hot right now. You give off a LOT of{LF}body heat... Now's my chance! ?! Hahaha... *SMOOCH* Wha...? Ah... See, I just...wanted to get you back, that's all... ...Mmmrrrnng... ...@コハク@? I just want to stay with you for a little while longer. Would that be okay? Erm... So what was that all about, exactly? The implication is that we're...well, lovey-dovey. Really close{LF}and affectionate, I guess. Oho! So that's how the public sees us, is it? Interesting... ... What's wrong? ...I'm starting to get kind of embarrassed, the more I think{LF}about it. O-oh...I see... ... Um, er... L-let's make something! Sure! There we go! Done! Our first collaborative craft! Ooh, so it's another milestone for us as a couple? Well, that's not...EXACTLY what I meant, but... But? Hee hee. Well, we wound up making some pretty good stuff. And now we have matching items, which is really cool and{LF}sweet and romantic and awesome! ♪ That's the spirit! Okay, ready to go home? Sure thing! Hmm? ... What's wrong? You feeling lonely? No, it's nothing like that. I just... ...Okay. Then, um... Why don't you come a little closer? You're not the only one who wants to get as close as{LF}possible, you know! Hmm? S-sorry. Guess you'd rather I not do that, huh? Don't be stupid. You can take my hand anytime you'd like! Your hands are really warm... ...What are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. Yeah, I can tell. But why, exactly? Well, if that's the way it's going to be, two can play at that{LF}game! Huh?! Don't like it? I didn't say that! Good. Your hair's so soft and silky... *POKE* Hey! Okay, you asked for it! *JAB* Ow! Ha! Gotcha! ... *GLOMP* Wha...? Whaaaaaat?! You were thinking of doing something to me, weren't you?{LF}Admit it! H-how did you know?! ...Whoa, you really were?! I was just joking! N-no, I wasn't-- I know what you're thinking. ?! What's this, all of a sudden? Tee-hee... ...Well, then I'll... Then I'll kiss you! ?! ...Tee-hee. You got some soft cheeks, you know that? (I really hope @しゅじんこうくん@'s enjoying this...) I'm not good at these things... Don't worry. I'll help you. O-okay. Let's do this, @しゅじんこうくん@! Awwwright! We did it! See? I told you there was nothing to worry about! Yep. We put our heads together, we can do pretty much{LF}anything! And we made these together, too, which makes 'em special.{LF}I'll be sure to take good care of mine! ... Ready to head home? I'll walk you back. Thanks. I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. Come on. R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. Ready to go home? Yeah. I want to stay with you. R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. ... ...If you want to get closer, just say it. Oh... How did you...? You looked so nervous. You're a terrible liar, you know. Even{LF}when you don't open your mouth. Heheh... ...Well, that's one of the things I love about you. May I hold your hand? Huh...? ...Do as you'd like. Okay. Here goes... ... ''Maaan! What a sweet moment this is!'' Ugh...! ...Wh-what are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. I know that much! But why?! You don't like it? ... ...You should have warned me first. *POKE* ?! Surprised? O-of course I am! Who does that?! You just about gave me a heart attack! Well, you are turning red, but I'm...pretty sure that's just you{LF}blushing. ... I'm just...not used to this... ...?! Is it okay if I hug you? ...You should probably ask that before actually doing it, you{LF}know. Okay, then. Was it okay that I hugged you? ...It... Well...it was nice. Huh...? Oh, sorry. I saw my chance, so I figured I'd take it. ...? @ドルチェ@? ??? ?????? Hey, @ドルチェ@...? I want to stay with you...a little longer... So, what should we make? Erm... I see. You're undecided, it seems. Hmmm... Well, how about this? Okay! Let's give it a shot. ...It's done. You look happy, @ドルチェ@. Why shouldn't I be? The two of us worked very hard, and{LF}produced something quite stunning. We really did. We should make sure we take good care of{LF}these. That's right. Especially since...they match... Hmm? N-never mind! Ready to go home? Sure. What's this? Are you so keen on feeling the warmth of my{LF}body? You bet I am! How about you, @レオン@? ... Huh? What's wrong? Well... ...I must admit, I'm at a loss. I wasn't anticipating such a{LF}reaction from you. Hmmmm... If you would, please lend me your ear. Uh, okay... ...Just between you and me... ...You're positively adorable. ...I'll stay by your side always. ...I love you. ...Just between you and me. Th-that's not exactly an answer to my question! Haha. Perhaps not. Hmm...? ...*GRAB* Hmm? ... What am I going to do with you? Ah... (...He squeezed my hand tight!) Hahaha! Wh-what are y-you doing?! Hahaha! Just an innocent little pat on the head, that's all! Well, it tickled! Hey...what's that deranged look in your eyes? ...Mwa ha ha. The time for revenge is nigh! H-hey! Come on! Don't! Stop! ''Don't stop,'' you say? All right, then...I won't! Wh-who do you think...haha! Hey, come on, stop! Please!{LF}Hahahaha! P-please... Please stop...! ...Well, that was fun. *PANT* *PANT* *PANT* Man, do I ever feel better now! ... ...You won't be doing that for long! *RUFFLE* *RUFFLE* Hey! Don't mess up my hair! Shut up... You're mine, all right?! *GLOMP* H-hey...! What the?! I just felt like hugging you. ...Honestly... I hear your heart beating, @レオン@. Ugh... ...It's beating pretty fast. You must be nervous having a girl{LF}clinging to you like this. ...Quit your yammering. ...! What are you doing...? You always tease me, so I'm paying you back. ... You have something on your forehead. Let me see. Really? O-okay... ...! That's what you get. ...You're blushing... ...Oh, shut up. I wish we could stay together like this forever... Well, let's get started, shall we? What do you want to make? Hmmm... Do you have any suggestions? Huh? Well... I actually do have an item in mind, to be perfectly honest. ...Then why did you ask me. Mere curiosity, perhaps. Or maybe I just wanted to tease{LF}you. Or maybe I wanted...to be nice. ... ...All right, then. My choice is to make whatever it is you{LF}were thinking of making. Excellent. You have impeccable taste. And, it's been completed. Yep. Shall we exchange them? What? Oh, didn't I tell you? I was making this for you. Um, you mean... I'd like you to have it. Ah... And be sure you take very good care of it, all right? ...All right. Shall we go home? I'll walk you to your door. Are you sure? I want to stay with you. Of course. That's only natural, right? At evening's end, the{LF}gentleman walks the lady home. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. Ready to go home? Sure. I want to stay with you. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. (Maybe I should walk her home...) (N-now's my chance...) (Now might be my best opportunity to strengthen our{LF}relationship.) Get closer. Hold hands. Pat on the head. Poke in the cheek. Hold tight. Kiss on the cheek. Quit You two can relax and make whatever you want here. I put some crafting recipes over there. Think of this like ''lovey-dovey couple's crafting.'' Heh. Just be careful you don't hurt yourself. Though I think I'm more likely to get hurt. Don't wanna get{LF}burned in the fires of your passion! Have fun, love-birds. Oh yeah, and don't forget to equip whatever you make.{LF}Won't do you any good otherwise! Not that you'd pass up the chance to equip each other's{LF}precious craft works, of course! If you don't know how to use the forge... ...Well, I guess you can just ask @しゅじんこうくん@, really. That'd probably be more educational anyway...on many{LF}levels, if you know what I mean! Heheh. All right, everything's ready to go. Forge to your hearts' desires! And if the furnace isn't hot enough, you two can always use{LF}your fiery love as a bellows! [Created @アイテム0@!] Quit. Browse equipment/tools. Browse accessories. Browse bargains. I want a Forge. I want a Crafting Table. Quit. Purchase. Don't purchase. I really shouldn't sleep here! There's alcohol here. That's my best friend's favorite. I hope I can drink it with Forte and Kiel someday. I'm not too fond of it, honestly, but I still end up buying it...for{LF}some reason. High-quality weapons are lined up here. It's giving off a lot of heat. ''Buy whatever you need.{LF}I respect the honor system.''{LF} -Bado You'll need @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and @石0@{LF}Material Stones. Also, you'll need a +license+ to buy a Forge. Let's make an order at the Order Symbol to get a license. You'll need @金0@ Gold, @木0@ Lumber and @石0@{LF}Material Stones. Forge to your hearts' desires! Let's make an order at the Order Symbol to get a license. Oh. I don't have enough money. I'll need to ship crops and make some profit. Oh. I don't have enough lumber. I'll need to chop branches and place them in the bin. Oh. I don't have enough material stones. I'll need to smash stones with a hammer and place them in{LF}the bin. All right! I got it! ♪ And it's got a few recipes packed in with it, too. How very{LF}handy! Learned how to make @アイテム0@,{LF}@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@, @アイテム3@, @アイテム4@,{LF}@アイテム5@, @アイテム6@, @アイテム7@{LF}and @アイテム8@! To learn more recipes, I'll need to buy +Recipe Bread+ from{LF}@ポコリーヌ@. It's got a few recipes packed in with it. How nice! Learned how to make @アイテム0@,{LF}@アイテム1@, @アイテム2@, @アイテム3@ and{LF}@アイテム4@! To learn more recipes, I'll need to buy +Recipe Bread+ from{LF}@ポコリーヌ@. Oops, there's no place to put it. I'm going to have to discard{LF}something... Was there something else? It's @バド@'s bed. Sleepy time! *Back away slowly* I wonder if I can make some extra money by renting out my{LF}bed... If customers act fast, I'll even lie in bed with them! No extra{LF}charge! ...Just kidding, of course. (He's so close to me...) (My heart's beating so fast...) (@しゅじんこうくん@ can't hear this sound...can he?) ...! Don't you...like this? N-no. I was just...surprised. It's okay if it's you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Your hands are so warm... Mmm... With every pat, I get more and more...relaxed... ...Zzz... *POKE* ...Oogh! ...My turn. Hyah! *POKE* Huh?! Can I stay like this, please? ... (He's so warm...) ...?! A sudden kiss...? Sorry... You don't have to be sorry... Girls need some time to prepare for a kiss, though. As a gentleman, you should always ask first. *THUMPA{LF}THUMPA THUMPA* I feel so relieved when I'm with you. Let's hurry up and eat. It looks delicious. *MUNCH* *MUNCH* Wow, this is good! ... What's wrong? You're not hungry? I...want you to have mine, too. Say ahhhh. ?! A-ahhhh. Say ahhhh. A-ahhhh... *MUNCH* *MUNCH* How was it? Dehhishosh! Porcoline's cooking is always amazing, isn't it? Well, you feeding it to me made it even better. ... Is it good? Dehhishosh! I'm glad you like it. Say ahhhh. A-ahhhh. *NOM* Is it good? Yesh, vehhy. Can you feed me, too? ?! S-say ahhhh... Okay, my turn now. *GULP* R-ready? Yes. S-say ahhh... Ahhhh. *NOM* It's so delicious! *NOM* How was it? It's gooood. All right, let's eat! ... What's wrong? I think you have more food than I do. That was delicious, huh? Yeah, it was the best! I want to get good at cooking like him. You're already very good at cooking. In fact, you may even{LF}be better than he is! ...Thank you. But I'll try to get even better over time. For you. Shall we go home, then? Sure! This is fun, huh? Y-Yes! (@しゅじんこうくん@ is getting closer...) (Her hair is so beautiful...) (I want to touch it so badly...) Ah...! You don't like it...? N-no! No no no no no! I-I mean, that's not it! I do! I really do! I've wanted to hold your hand this whole time, and I was so{LF}focused on that... ...I-I'm so glad to be here with you like this. Ha ha ha... But isn't that normally what men do? I wanted to caress your head. You don't...like it? ... Actually, I like being patted on the head. It feels...stimulating. *POKE* Hey, what har who dooing? Physical contact! ♪ *POKE* *POKE* *POKE* @しゅじんこうくん@... Your cheeks are puffy like rice cakes! ♪ Wha?! Ah! H-hey, s-st...! You want me to stop? What are you talking about?! Stay like dis, please! ...''Like dis''? ...I mean... ...I want to stay like this with you forever. ...! Only once, okay? Okay. @しゅじんこうくん@'s lips were soft and supple... I'm always excited when I'm with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Let's eat, shall we? Sure. Bon appetit! *MUNCH* *MUNCH* It's quite good! Delicious! ♪ @ポコリーヌ@ is a great cook, isn't he? @しゅじんこうくん@... Hmm? Say ahhh. That's so embarrassing! Ahhhhh! *NOM* Mmm, delicious. I-I know, but... I want to do this with you! @ビシュナル@... Please, say ahhhh. All right. Ahhhhh! *NOM* It's delicious. ♪ But now... It's my turn. Say ahhh! Let's get back to eating. Oh, you're okay with it? I sure am. Excellent! In that case... A-ahhhhhh! *THUMPA THUMPA THUMPA* *GASP* *FUMBLE* ?! Hahaha. You missed! Come, now! Don't tease me! All right. Say ahhhhh! *NOM* *MUNCH* *MUNCH* How was it? Positively divine! Oh, please! Feed me, too! I'd so enjoy it! Come on! No! Don't be so loud! This is really embarrassing! *SIGH* Fine...here you go. Say ahhhhh. *NOM* Mmmm, now I'm pleased. This is the greatest flavor I've ever{LF}tasted! Let's eat, shall we? Yes! Let's enjoy this meal! That was really delicious, huh? ♪ It sure was! Let's come back here again. And...feed one another. Shall we go home? I'll escort you to your room. Thank you. I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. It's my pleasure. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. Ready to go home? I am. I want to stay with you. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. What...?! Erm... Um... Th-this is kind of embarrassing, isn't it? Heheh... Aha ha... ... Eek...! Oh, sorry... I-it's okay. I was just surprised. O-okay. I was afraid I'd...upset you... ... (Mm...) Huh...? ... ... Wha...?! Your hair is beautiful, @フォルテ@. Is it...? May I caress your head again? I would...prefer you not. It's...a little embarrassing. EEP! @フォルテ@... You're sensitive, aren't you? A-anyone would be surprised to have that done to them so{LF}suddenly! Seriously, now... *POKE* Whaa!! HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Huh? Huh?! Um... @しゅじんこうくん@...? I, uh... (...Mmm...warm...) ...? ...?! ...!! @フォルテ@...? M...My cheek?! How about we take a walk together for a while? It looks delicious. Porcoline is amazing. He is. We should eat it while it's hot. Good point. Let's eat. Indeed. Ah, @フォルテ@. Wait just a moment, please. Hmm? Feed me. I want to feed you. Wha?! Wh-what are you asking?! ... F-fine. Let's just get this over with. S-say ahhh... ... It's good. Thanks. ... Huh...?! Say ahhhh. Wh-whaaat...?! You don't want to eat it? ... A-ahhhh... Heh. I just wanted to see if you'd do it. Mmm. Delicious. Ahh! You...you tricked me?! Well, then... I'm going to feed you. You want me to feed you? Honestly, you're so childish! Th-this is not conduct befitting someone like m-- Hey, @フォルテ@. Hold still! What? Here you are. Have a bite. I-I really don't want-- Say ahhhh. Ugh...fine... ...A-ahhh... Mm, on second thought...nope. Not for you! What?! ...Mm, delicious. I can't believe I fell for your lies... Y-you are so-- Hey, @フォルテ@. Hold on a sec. Huh...? Here you are. Mmrrmmfff...?! *MUNCH* *MUNCH* It's delicious, isn't it? ... ...Yes, it is. So, what were you about to say? ...Nothing. It doesn't matter. That was certainly a wonderful meal, wasn't it? W-well, yes... Did you have fun? Um...yes... We should eat here again sometime if we have the chance. ...We should. I look forward to it. Ready to go home? Yeah. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@... I can't explain why, but I'm a little nervous right now. ... ... (My heart is pounding fast...) ...But don't worry! It's not because I dislike this situation or{LF}anything! ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Huh? Wh-what's up? What's wrong? Why were you so surprised? I-it's nothing! Never mind! Did you...want to ask me{LF}something? Well, it's more like...a request. I, uh...I want to hold your hand. Huh...? ...You mind? N-no. I wanted to hold your hand, too. Really?! ♪ All right, then! Heeere weeee gooo! *SQUEEZE* ...This kind of situation sure is nerve-wracking, huh? Yeah, it is. YAAGH! Aha haha! That tickles, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're really cute, @キール@. No, you! What? You're cute! Eheh... Ha! You're blushing! I win! ♪ ...! Hey, what are you doing? Your hair just looks so soft and smooth... Okay, then. I'll touch yours too! Whoa! Tee-hee! ♪ What? Um... ... You're warm, @しゅじんこうくん@. You too, @キール@. Mm... ... ... Hey...@キール@? Hmm? What is it? You just...seemed to be zoning out. I wanted to bring you{LF}back to earth. Did I? ...Hey, can I ask you something, @しゅじんこうくん@? Sure. M-my heart is beating like crazy. H-how can I make it stop? I'm sorry...? I still want to stay here with you for a while longer. Wow, it looks yummy! Let's eat! Sure. *MUNCH* *MUNCH* ...Hey, I have an idea! Wanna pretend we're lovey-dovey newlyweds? What...? We're newlyweds now. And you know what that means,{LF}right? ...? Come on... Say ahhhh! ♪ Erm... A-ahhh... Awww, come on! It'll be fun! A-ahhhh... *MUNCH* *MUNCH* Is it good? Y-yeah... Excellent! ♪ Eat it! ♪ *NOM* Well? Were you able to savor its flavor? Did it inspire you to{LF}new heights of greatness? U-um, sure...we'll go with that. Good. That's what I wanted to hear. Hee hee. ♪ All right, your turn now! You've gotta feed me, too! What? Ahhhhh! Er, erm... Here you go. Hurry up! Uhhh, okay. H-here you go. Thank you! ♪ ...It's delicious. G-good...I'm glad. Hey, what's wrong? You seem on edge. It's just...well, this makes it really clear that we're actually{LF}going out with one another... Oh... Y-yeah, I guess it does. ... B-but... Here you go. *NOM* It's delicious! Oh, wait. You have some food on your cheek. I do...? *SWISH* *NOM* ...! All clean! ♪ Th-thank you... I'm glad I came here with you. Hmm? It tastes especially good when you eat it with someone{LF}special. Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Thank you, too. So, do you want us to keep feeding each other? ♪ Um, that's... Phew, I'm full! And we talked a lot. I'm so happy to have spent time with{LF}you! Let's come back here again sometime, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? Come on. I'll walk you back. You sure that's okay? Of course! After all, if I walk you back home, that means I{LF}get to stay with you a little longer! ... Okay, let's go! ♪ Hee hee. Actually, I'd been thinking something just like that. So how about this: Let's stay together just a liiiiittle bit longer{LF}right now! Sound good? ♪ Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? All right! Let's head home! ♪ Sounds good. Hmm? You want to spend more time with me, then? Can I come a little closer to you? Wha...? ...Uh, sure. Come on over. ... ... (I wonder if @しゅじんこうくん@ is enjoying himself...) (I wonder if now's a good time...) Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Can I...hold your hand? S-sure. ... (I did it! @字@) Hmm? Mm. That's nice. ... (It's kind of nice to have somebody to lean on every now{LF}and again. @字@) *POKE* Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're such a tease! ...Am I? Well, if that's the way you want to play it... *POKE* *GLOMP* ?! Uh... @しゅじんこうくん@? If Porco sees us, he's gonna be mad. ...Ahh, who cares?! @字@ ...! ...What was that, all of a sudden?! Eheh. Heh... All right, mister, you're going to get it now! @字@ I want to see you more. Did Porco say something? Um, yeah... Sort of... ...? H-hey, it looks delicious, doesn't it? Yeah, it does. Let's eat! Wait. @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? U-umm... Ahhh... S-say... Say ahhhh. ?! A-ahhhh... ... Erm... A-ahhhh... Here you go. *NOM* H-how was it? It's...delicious. Here you go. *NOM* H-how was it? Mmm, delicious. Really? Yeah. You should try some too. Okay... ...? Will you...feed me, too...? ?! S-say ahhhh... ... Wh-whoooa! Say ahhhh... *NOM* Wow, it's delicious! Here you go. *NOM* Wow, it's delicious! ... What's wrong? How about doing it one more time? ... That was really amazing, wasn't it? Yeah, it really was. And...I had a lot of fun. What say we come back again sometime? Sure, count me in! Ready to go home? Sure. Mrng... ... ... ... Let me just say this... ...? I... I'm happy, you know? ...Me too. ...! ... You...don't like it...? ...Idiot. How could I not?! Whew! Glad to hear it. I don't want to ever let you go. Ah, I can't reach! What are you doing...? Well, I, uh...I just thought your hair style seemed oddly{LF}inviting. Well, two can play at that game. I'll pat you on the head{LF}too! Take that! Hey, stop it! You're messing up my hair! Ha ha ha. It looks good that way. It...does? ...You're so pure and stupid. ...Hyaa! ...! Wh-what was that, exactly? ...It was exactly what it seemed. Once more, from the top! ...Mess with me all you want. *GLOMP* ?! Wh-what? What are you doing?! Nothing. Everything. I don't even know. I just want to be{LF}with you. ...! Man, you really are an...ahhh, what the hell! *GLOMP* @ディラス@, can you squat down a little? Huh? Okay... *SMOOCH* !!! Wh-whoa! You're way too tall. Makes it tough for me to reach you. W-what the?! Geez... A-aren't I supposed to be the one to pull that kinda stuff,{LF}being the man and all?! Did Porcoline say something? Um, yeah... Sort of... ...? H-hey, it looks delicious, doesn't it? Yeah, it does. ...Erm. Say ahhhh! *Eat normally* What the...?! Are you...?! Say ahhh! ...Rrrrg... *NOM* How was it? ...It's good. Really good. Just what one would expect from a master chef{LF}like Porcoline. Yeah, it's really amazing food! Yours looks delicious too. Oh, you want some? Only if you feed it to me. *Take some and eat it* Come on. Feeeeed meeeee! What?! ...Ulgh... ...I hope no one's watching... ... Here. *NOM* How was it? Really good! ...I'm glad. Let me try some. Go ahead. ... How was it? Really good! Good. How about this? That sure was great food. Yeah, it really was. Let's eat here again sometime. Absolutely. Shall we go home now? I'll walk you to your door. You would do that for me? I'd rather stay with you. Of course! Come on, let's go. Y-you would? Okay, then...let's stay here a little longer! Ready to go? Sure. I'd rather stay with you. Y-you would? Okay, then...let's stay here a little longer! Can I come closer to you...? Excuse me? Uhh, never mind... ... What...? This is fun, isn't it? ...Yeah. (Okay. I can do this. I'm going to take his hand in mine!) *GRIP* ... What's wrong? Ah, umm... (Doesn't even seem like he noticed...) *SQUEEZE* Ah...! (He squeezed back!) ...You started it. So I won't let go, even if you ask. ... Wha...? You push yourself too hard, @アーサー@. You should{LF}take a rest from time to time. ... ...Okay. *POKE* ... Umm...how am I supposed to respond to that? Ugh... I was just trying to be...playful, I guess. Don't mind me. Huh? Look, it was nothing, oka-- You look cute when you blush. Nng... *GLOMP* What the?! Um... Uh, what is this...? I can hear your heart beating fast, @アーサー@. Rrrg... ...I am a man, you know. Hmm? ... *EMBRACE* *SMOOCH* ?! Consider it...a show of my gratitude. For everything you've{LF}done on my behalf. I-I see... ...Wait. This is your way of saying thanks? Do you...do that to{LF}everyone? What?! Ah, nothing! Nothing! Sorry. That was very rude, and it can't{LF}possibly be true anyway! I was just...taken aback. It just slipped out, without me{LF}thinking about it. ...I want to make you mine. What...? Will you...stay with me? Just for a bit longer? Erm... A-all right, then. Let's eat, shall we? R-right. Umm... ... Hey, @アーサー@? Yes? You look...embarrassed. But that can't be, can it? What...? ...Y-yeah, I guess I am. I just...wasn't expecting that. I see... @しゅじんこうくん@, what's that smile on your face...? *EVIL GRIN* Say ahhhhh! Erm... Open your mouth. Excuse me?! Say ahhhh. ...Rrnng... A-ahhhh... What...? Say ahhhh. ... A-ahhhh... *NOM* ... Delicious, no? ...Yes. I've got to try it too. Wait... Hmm? What goes around, comes around. Open your mouth. Erm... A-ahhhh! Say ahhh. ... *NOM* *GULP* *NOM* ... So? Delicious, isn't it? ...It really is. Haha... ...Wh-why are you laughing? Forgive me. I just can't get over how utterly adorable you are. ...Ugh. Yes, yes. Make the red spread! Blush like there's no{LF}tomorrow! That's the face I love... ... ...Mm. That was quite delicious, no? Very much. There's nothing quite like eating with the one you love. Huh? Let's come back here again sometime. Sure. That sounds nice. Excellent. It's a date, then. ...Yes. Let's go home, shall we? I'll walk you. You would do that for me? I'd rather stay with you. Of course I would. Come, let's be off! O-okay. If that's what you wish, I'll stay here as long as you'd{LF}like. Shall we go home now? Sure. I'd rather stay with you. O-okay. If that's what you wish, I'll stay here as long as you'd{LF}like. H-hey...?! Uh, you are too close, yes? Oh, sorry! I guess you'd...prefer I keep my distance? Oh, no, nothing like that! It's just...well... ...Well what? Oogh... I...I don't like when people look at me from too close. I don't{LF}think I look so good in detail. (Foolish Xiao! Now is your chance to say to him, ''Let's hold{LF}hands!'' Go, go!) @シャオパイ@... Would you mind if I...held your hand? Huh?! S-sure. That's...okay with me. All right, then. ... ... Are you...blushing...? Oh, stop! ...What are you doing? Well, you're just so adorable, I couldn't resist! I-I'm...adorable? But... ...But I'm older than you... You didn't like it? ... ...?! Too slow! *PRESS* ... ...You can do that to me all you want. Ugh! *GLOMP* ...?! Um... ...This is...very warm. *SMOOCH* Wha?! Tee-hee. Y-you're surprised, yes? Um... ...Yeah. Actually, I was just about to do the same thing. What? I was a split second away from turning to face you. If you{LF}were one second later, we might've... Oh...r-really...? ...Well, that doesn't sound so... Huh? N-nothing! Never mind! Umm...I still want to spend a little more time with you, if{LF}that's okay. Hmmm... What's wrong? Every time I come here, I am impressed by food. I have no idea how to cook these things, and I wonder how{LF}it is possible to create such beauty. So you cook too, @シャオパイ@? Yes. Everything is too difficult for me, though. ... I can cook as good as a normal person, maybe. But when I see these amazing dishes, I can't say I have any{LF}skill at all. Haha... I feel like I shouldn't eat. Well, then... How about I feed you? How about you feed me? ...What are you talking about? Say ahhhh! ... ...Ahhh... ... How was it? No...I'm too nervous to taste it. ...Are you serious? Yes. ... Then...um, I want you to open your mouth. All right. ...Here. *MUNCH* *MUNCH* W-was it good? Delicious. I-I see... I am glad to hear it. But please do not make me do such an embarrassing thing{LF}again! Feed me more. I'll feed you this time. You want me to...? ...All right. Please, open your mouth. *NOM* Really, now... Hey, you have sauce on your mouth. Didn't you just...? Say ahhhh. ... ...Ahhhh. Down the hatch! ... How was it? ... ...It is most delicious! My, my...you're enjoying teasing me, yes? Sorry, I just... Hey, you should eat the rest while it's hot. Okay. ...But I'm never bored being with you. It's wonderful. Hmm? ...Mm, delicious as always. It was good, yes? Let's eat here again sometime. Sure. I'm looking forward to it! ♪ ...Shall we head back? Sure. Would it be okay if I came a little closer to you? Certainly! ♪ I feel...happy... Me too. I hope I can live like this every day. May I hold your hand? Of course! ♪ *SQUEEZE* ...What the...? What's wrong? Ummm... My face feels really hot all of a sudden... It's not like we're doing anything different than usual, though.{LF}How strange... Hahaha! That tickles! *TICKLE* *TICKLE* Acck! Cut it out! You're embarrassing me! ...Seriously?! Pfft, no! I just wanted to make you panic a little! ♪ *POKE* ... *SLURP* Whaaa?! ...? *GLOMP* @しゅじんこうくん@...? @コハク@... You're so warm... Umm... ...I'm actually a little hot right now. You give off a LOT of{LF}body heat... Now's my chance! ?! Hahaha... *SMOOCH* Wha...? Ah... See, I just...wanted to get you back, that's all... ...Mmmrrrnng... ...@コハク@? I just want to stay with you for a little while longer. Can I? Wooow! Porcoline's dishes always look so delicious. They really do. Let's eat! Sure. What should I start with? It's hard to choose! ...Oh, yeah. Hmm? If you don't know what to do, just ask somebody else! ...Huh? But I guess that other person has to know the answer first.{LF}So... @しゅじんこうくん@...? Say ahhhhh! ♪ What?! A-ahhhh... You don't like this? Well, sure, I do, but... You're not going to eat it? Erm... Eat it. EAT IT!! Ugh! *MUNCH* *MUNCH* It's delicious. Isn't that my line? Huh? Here. I'll feed you too. Huh? Say ahhhh. Ahhhh. *put it right in* *intentionally miss* *NOM* *MUNCH* *MUNCH* Ahhhh! *PSYCH* Ahh!! Ahhhhh... ...Same phrase, different sound. Sounds kind of...sad now... ...Mmmmrrrnnngg... Ummm... What's wrong? How should I put this? I feel like we look kind of...silly. But in a good way! Like a{LF}couple. Oh... ...Tee-hee! ♪ Man, that was amazing! ♪ Yes, it was. I wanna come back here again. Me too. And next time...we feed each other every bite! Erm, that's... It'll be so fun! ...Sure. Okay, ready to go home? Sure thing! Hmm? ... What's wrong? You feeling lonely? No, it's nothing like that. I just... ...Okay. Then, um... Why don't you come a little closer? You're not the only one who wants to get as close as{LF}possible, you know! Hmm? S-sorry. Guess you'd rather I not do that, huh? Don't be stupid. You can take my hand anytime you'd like! Your hands are really warm... ...What are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. Yeah, I can tell. But why, exactly? Well, if that's the way it's going to be, two can play at that{LF}game! Huh?! Don't like it? I didn't say that! Good. Your hair's so soft and silky... *POKE* Hey! Okay, you asked for it! *JAB* Ow! Ha! Gotcha! ... *GLOMP* Wha...? Whaaaaaat?! You were thinking of doing something to me, weren't you?{LF}Admit it! H-how did you know?! ...Whoa, you really were?! I was just joking! N-no, I wasn't-- I know what you're thinking. ?! What's this, all of a sudden? Tee-hee... ...Well, then I'll... Then I'll kiss you! ?! ...Tee-hee. You got some soft cheeks, you know that? (I really hope @しゅじんこうくん@'s enjoying this...) Let's eat! I'm starving. Hey, @ダグ@? Hmm? Um, er... A-ahhh...ahh...s-say... Say, is this food good? Say ahhhhh. ...What are you talking about? Course it is! (Why am I getting so embarrassed? We're a couple, after{LF}all!) @ダグ@... Oh! Oh, sure! Ahhhhhh! *NOM* Mm, that's good stuff! This restaurant is the best. Hey, I'll give you some of mine, too. Say ahhhh. ?! A-ahhhh... Why are you so embarrassed? Come on, open up them choppers! *NOM* How was it? It's good. Right?! And you know... I kind of liked being fed. It was...exhilarating, a little. Man, that was good stuff! Yeah, it really was. Let's eat here again sometime. ...Ready to head home? I'll walk you back. Thanks. I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. Come on. R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. Ready to go home? Yeah. I want to stay with you. R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. ... ...If you want to get closer, just say it. Oh... How did you...? You looked so nervous. You're a terrible liar, you know. Even{LF}when you don't open your mouth. Heheh... ...Well, that's one of the things I love about you. May I hold your hand? Huh...? ...Do as you'd like. Okay. Here goes... ... ''Maaan! What a sweet moment this is!'' Ugh...! ...Wh-what are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. I know that much! But why?! You don't like it? ... ...You should have warned me first. *POKE* ?! Surprised? O-of course I am! Who does that?! You just about gave me a heart attack! Well, you are turning red, but I'm...pretty sure that's just you{LF}blushing. ... I'm just...not used to this... ...?! Is it okay if I hug you? ...You should probably ask that before actually doing it, you{LF}know. Okay, then. Was it okay that I hugged you? ...It... Well...it was nice. Huh...? Oh, sorry. I saw my chance, so I figured I'd take it. ...? @ドルチェ@? ??? ?????? Hey, @ドルチェ@...? I want to stay with you...a little longer... Okay, let's eat! Sure. It's delicious, isn't it? Yeah, it is. ... What's wrong, @ドルチェ@? ... ...Say ahhhh. What...?! Erm...? A-ahhhh... ... Open your mouth. My arm's getting tired. But... ...Hmph, that's fine, then. ...Are you embarrassed? ...*MUNCH* *MUNCH* ... Hey, weren't you trying to give me some? I was. But I got cold feet and decided against it. ... ...What do you think, though? Huh? If you want, I can try it again. I don't...mind... Erm... Say ahhhh. A-ahhhh... *keep mouth closed* ...Here you go. *NOM* ...How was it? Huh? Are you happy now? ...Very. Good. I'm glad to hear it. ... ... Why are you being so stubborn? Well, this is kind of...embarrassing, don't you think? ...I see. Sorry. ... ...As long as it's not because you hate me, I'm fine with it. ...By the way... Yes? ... ...Will you feed me too? That was delicious. Yeah. ...You had fun? Of course I did! Good. I'm relieved to hear it. Let's eat here again sometime. Sure... I had fun too. Ready to go home? Sure. What's this? Are you so keen on feeling the warmth of my{LF}body? You bet I am! How about you, @レオン@? ... Huh? What's wrong? Well... ...I must admit, I'm at a loss. I wasn't anticipating such a{LF}reaction from you. Hmmmm... If you would, please lend me your ear. Uh, okay... ...Just between you and me... ...You're positively adorable. ...I'll stay by your side always. ...I love you. ...Just between you and me. Th-that's not exactly an answer to my question! Haha. Perhaps not. Hmm...? ...*GRAB* Hmm? ... What am I going to do with you? Ah... (...He squeezed my hand tight!) Hahaha! Wh-what are y-you doing?! Hahaha! Just an innocent little pat on the head, that's all! Well, it tickled! Hey...what's that deranged look in your eyes? ...Mwa ha ha. The time for revenge is nigh! H-hey! Come on! Don't! Stop! ''Don't stop,'' you say? All right, then...I won't! Wh-who do you think...haha! Hey, come on, stop! Please!{LF}Hahahaha! P-please... Please stop...! ...Well, that was fun. *PANT* *PANT* *PANT* Man, do I ever feel better now! ... ...You won't be doing that for long! *RUFFLE* *RUFFLE* Hey! Don't mess up my hair! Shut up... You're mine, all right?! *GLOMP* H-hey...! What the?! I just felt like hugging you. ...Honestly... I hear your heart beating, @レオン@. Ugh... ...It's beating pretty fast. You must be nervous having a girl{LF}clinging to you like this. ...Quit your yammering. ...! What are you doing...? You always tease me, so I'm paying you back. ... You have something on your forehead. Let me see. Really? O-okay... ...! That's what you get. ...You're blushing... ...Oh, shut up. I wish we could stay together like this forever... All right, let's eat while it's hot, shall we? Sure. It's very good. Yes, it is. Though I think eating with you makes it especially delicious. Huh? Hey. Say ahhhh. What?! A-ahhhh... My food not good enough for you? That's...not what I meant. Then take it. Here. Mmrrrnnnfff...?! ... Was it good? ...Yes. You're not lying to me, are you? ... I'm hearing you begging to be fed. Simply begging! Then-- MMMRRRFFF! Don't get mad. You'll choke. ...*MUNCH* *MUNCH* Good job. You made me proud. H-hey... My turn now. What...? Hurry up. Feed me. Huh? Erm... Errrrmmm... S-say ahhhh... Come on, now. Ugh...o-okay... ...IT'S HOT!! Oh, sorry! Are you okay?! I'm not okay! Seriously?! One more time. This time, you've got to cool it down first. @レオン@...seriously...? Still looks a little hot to me. Come on. Blow on it. ...*BLOW* Here you go. ... How was it? Outstanding. One more bite. Really?! Was it good? Um, yes. Very. Did you have fun being with me? Huh?! Well, uh... I had a lot of fun, myself. So let's come back here again sometime. Um...sure. Shall we go home? I'll walk you to your door. Are you sure? I want to stay with you. Of course. That's only natural, right? At evening's end, the{LF}gentleman walks the lady home. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. Ready to go home? Sure. I want to stay with you. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. (Maybe I should walk her home...) (N-now's my chance...) (Now might be my best opportunity to strengthen our{LF}relationship.) Get closer. Hold hands. Pat on the head. Poke in the cheek. Hold tight. Kiss on the cheek. Quit Well, do enjoy your meal! This is my treat. Break a leg...of lamb! ♪ This is my treat, but... You'd best keep your hands off of Meg, if you know what's{LF}good for you! HARUMPH! You two are quite the adorable couple. Ho ho ho! ♪ It's a potted plant. It has soft, flexible leaves. That's a gift from one of Porco's friends when he opened his{LF}restaurant. Oh yeah, poor little sucker's probably thirsty. I've gotta get it{LF}some water! Hmm? What's this? That's my secret snack I hid from Meg! It's a potted plant. Its leaves are beautiful and vibrant. I love the color of those leaves, don't you? It's not food, you know. It's a tree! I know that! Hmm? What's this? That's my secret snack I hid from Meg! It's a big piano. Looks almost brand new. I like when Meg plays me music. It's so very relaxing! S-Stop, Porco! You're exaggerating! It makes me sleepy. Is that a compliment or an insult...? Wow. There's a lot of wine here! What's inside here? Wine. If you want some, take some home. It's for cooking, though. Wait, I shouldn't sleep here. What's this plant called, I wonder? Hmm? This is... Who put this here...? It's kind of moist. I guess that's a sign it gets watered pretty{LF}regularly, as it should. Hmm? This is... Who put this here...? It's a diary. Let's take a quick peek. I shouldn't touch it. Hmmm...let's see, now... ''Hi, I'm Max De Sainte-Coquille.'' ''I'm recording my name in memory of my first visit here.'' ''Make sure you don't forget it! That's Max, with an X (for X-{LF}TREME) de Sainte--'' That's enough of that. Let's skip ahead. ''I'm not the type of person who writes journals. So I'll just{LF}stop here.'' Already?! ''On second thought, no, let me continue. The world{LF}deserves more!'' ''That fool is trying to get involved with me. I don't know{LF}why. It's tearing me apart!'' ''...Now I've come to seek the same thing.'' ''Well, writing a journal is no sunshine and rain. So I'll end it{LF}with a few choice words:'' ''Honestly, I'm really thankful to the people of this town.{LF}They've accepted me completely.'' ''Porcoline, in particular, deserves tremendous thanks. I can{LF}never repay my debt to him.'' ''Thank you, Arthur, Margaret, Doug, and everyone else in{LF}this lovely little town.'' ''And many thanks to the above-mentioned fool, too. I owe{LF}that lunkhead everything I've got.'' ''I should probably express my appreciation in person...'' What are you doing?! Don't read other people's books! There are a lot of books here. Those are all Porcoline's. I've read a few, though. Anything{LF}that seemed like it could be useful. Hey, this is the book I bought. It's already pretty beat-up, though. Oh... Sorry about that. I've read that book so many times{LF}already, I've lost count... That's the ship in a bottle I bought. It looks as shiny as ever. Of course! I clean it every single day. You're a fastidious one, it seems. Oh, shut up! Hey, it's that fishing rod I bought! Are you using it? Yes, though I'm being very careful about it. Honestly, I wasn't{LF}sure if I even should. Hey, it's that fishing rod I bought! Doesn't look like it's been used, though... I'm sorry. I-I can't use it. It means too much to me... There are two tea cups. I guess somebody was here. Oops, I'm sorry! Please, allow me to clean the table. There are a lot of books here. They all seem thick and{LF}obtuse. Tut tut! You mustn't go through another's things. It's impolite! There are a lot of drinks here. Yes, but shh! Don't tell Meg! Here, I'll give you these. Just...please! (Hey, that rhymed...) What...are they? Knick-knacks I acquired in my travels. Here, you can see we{LF}have... Cleaning liquid for glasses in the North, and a cloth used{LF}with glasses in the East. And an elf-made special screw for glasses, and a special{LF}driver as well! And-- That's enough, thank you... It's very well-organized. These days, I only carry what I need... So I don't have many personal goods here. Hey, it's the toy glasses I bought! Cute, aren't they? And you as well! What...? It's that star-shaped notepad... With the cover I bought! Those are my private memos for everyday life. I bought a new notepad to take down more important{LF}events. Such as...dates with you. There's a pile of papers here... I guess the thing on top of the pile is...that paper stand I{LF}bought? Yes. It's extremely useful. When I grow weary of my work, I simply look at it, and it{LF}calms me. It's the Wooly picture, isn't it? It's also the person who bought it for me. That makes me{LF}happiest of all. Hey, it's that fountain pen I bought! Looks like it's in pretty{LF}good shape. Of course! You bought it, so I have to take good care of it. I'm glad you liked it. Oh, I love it. Now I can feel you close to me, anytime at all. It's @アーサー@'s bed. Let's take a nap here. *Back away slowly* Now, now. That's as improper as improper can be! ...Though truthfully, I don't mind if you sleep here...but only{LF}because it's you. Huh...? I don't think this would be a comfortable place to sleep. How{LF}about we return to our own bed? Then the two of us can drift into slumber together, in comfort{LF}and style... Oh, this is the bed where @ディラス@ sleeps... Then I, too, shall sleep! *Back away slowly* No, you idiot! You won't! Go home! You're too naive to be going around snuggling up{LF}in strange men's beds! Let's go home and sleep. Your face is so precious when you{LF}sleep...I want it all to myself! It's @ポコリーヌ@'s bed. SLEEEEEPY TIME!! *Back away VERY QUICKLY* You are allowed to sleep in my bed anytime,{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@! Are you okay? Don't push yourself like that. I know you're young and fired{LF}up and all, but you only live once. Well, look who's back among the living! You're all right now. Hmmm... Yes, you seem to be out of danger. You should be{LF}good to go home. This time, I'm asking @0@ Gold for the treatment. It costs @0@ Gold, but I'm letting you off the hook free{LF}of charge this time around. Once you're a little more accustomed to the dangers around{LF}here, though, you'll have to pay. I guess you were trying to protect someone, and that's why{LF}you collapsed. It usually costs @0@ Gold for treatment, but... I'm going to give you a break and charge half price. We'll{LF}call it a couple's discount. Oh, my, it seems you don't have enough money on you! Well, I can't very well take away treatment, so I guess... I'll just take whatever money you have. Sorry, but this is my{LF}livelihood. I have no choice. Be careful next time, okay? We've only got one chance in{LF}this plane. Let's not waste it. Good. It seems you're all right now. Nothing is more important than good health! It's for free this{LF}time. Ah, you're awake! You pushed yourself just a bit too hard, I{LF}think. You don't have to pay this time. But do be careful, all right? Hi, @しゅじんこうくん@. You seem much better now. Your treatment was free this time, but do take care of{LF}yourself. Good morning, @しゅじんこうくん@. Don't let being with the one you love make you cocky.{LF}You're still but a fragile human being! And if you collapse, who's going to protect your partner? It's on the house this time. But next time, just make sure you{LF}take more care out there. This is the flower @ドルチェ@ picked. Every time I look at that flower, it cheers me up She waters the flowers and changes them out for us all the{LF}time, you know! ♪ These are books on medical care. There are vases and some assorted knick-knacks. Whatever's{LF}in there sure smells good! There are all sorts of cookbooks and picture books here. Hmmm... Hey, Jones... I think this is... ...Yes, you're right, Nancy. Wh-what is it?! Talk to me, Dr. @ジョーンズ@! Is it something...bad? Listen carefully, both of you. Yes... ... Congratulations. You're going to be parents. What...?! Heheh. Congratulations, you old dogs, you! Whaaaaaaat?! @しゅじんこうくん@...! Oooh, I can't wait to see the little tyke! Things are sure{LF}going to be fun around here. Should I tell everybody in the town about this? Nancy... ...Well, I need to tell you one thing. You still have time to prepare for the baby. And until it comes, you have to take good care of your body. That aside, just wait for this new life and enjoy this time{LF}together. Thank you very much! @ビシュナル@... @クローリカ@... @フォルテ@... @キール@... @マーガレット@... @ディラス@... @アーサー@... @シャオパイ@... @コハク@... @ダグ@... @ドルチェ@... @レオン@... Right this way. Ga-ga! *GIGGLE* @しゅじんこうくん@! Are you all right?! Heh...heheh... It was tough, but I'm okay now... Come take a look at our baby! S-so cute... It's a boy. He looks like you! It's a girl. She looks like you! ...So this is our baby, huh? Yes, indeed! @しゅじんこうくん@. What name should we give it? You're...okay with me picking? Of course! Any name you want. I'll love it, no matter what. @子供ちゃん@, huh? That's an amazing name! @子供ちゃん@! ♪ I'm your daddy. Do you know who your daddy is? Who's your daddy?! @しゅじんこうくん@! Look! @子供ちゃん@ likes the name! So it would seem! Little @子供ちゃん@... It truly is a great name! Thanks. @しゅじんこうくん@! From now on, we must always stick together as a family. The{LF}three of us, forevermore! You should come see our baby, @しゅじんこうくん@... He's so cute... She's so cute... ...This is our... Yes, it's our child! Yes... Yes! You're awesome, @クローリカ@. I wouldn't be without you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you. @クローリカ@... @しゅじんこうくん@. What name would you like to give our child? @子供ちゃん@... That's a wonderful name! @子供ちゃん@! ♪ Your daddy gave you the name. @子供ちゃん@! ♪ Look! @しゅじんこうくん@! @子供ちゃん@ likes it! I guess so! There's no guessing about it. Just look at that smile! Tee-hee. @しゅじんこうくん@... Let's be a happy family, forever! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@... This is our child, huh? ...Yes. He's so cute, isn't he...? She's so cute, isn't she...? Haha, look. Our baby is smiling! ...I...I don't even know how to describe the way I'm feeling{LF}right now... @しゅじんこうくん@... Oh, y-yeah. Are you all right, @フォルテ@? Of course I'm all right. Well, I am now, anyway. A few minutes ago, I was in the{LF}worst pain of my life. I...heard. I've never been through such an ordeal before. But it was all{LF}worth it. I'd go through anything to see our newborn baby's smile... I would too. @フォルテ@, you did great. @しゅじんこうくん@... The ordeal isn't over yet, though. There's still one order of{LF}business left to attend to. Oh? A name, of course. And I leave that honor up to you...Daddy. Oh... Okay. Let's see... @子供ちゃん@... You like that, @子供ちゃん@? @子供ちゃん@ looks happy. Well, I guess that's the name, then! @子供ちゃん@, do you see your daddy and mommy? Tee-hee... @しゅじんこうくん@! @キール@...! Ah... This is our... ...That's right. He's a cutie, huh? She's a cutie, huh? The cutest! You did really good, @しゅじんこうくん@. Tee-hee... Thank you. And you should be proud of our baby, too. Yes. You two are amazing. *PAT* *PAT* Heehee. That tickles! ...And you. You've already made Daddy proud. Haha... What? It's kind of funny that you're a father now. Mm...well, I may not look much like a father... But I'm going to be a good role model for this little tyke.{LF}You'll see! I'll do everything I can to make this kid's life a dream. Because I'm the father of this little miracle. Our child... ...Mmm... So, as a first step... Will you do the honors of naming our new little miracle? @子供ちゃん@... Hahaha! What do you think? Do you like it? Look at that! You two look alike, @キール@. Huh? What do you mean? I mean you look confused and innocent like a little baby! Oh... @子供ちゃん@ thinks so, too. Come on! That's mean! Hahahaha... But yeah, I guess that does describe me, in a way. And if I{LF}look like this cutie, then all right! I hope our child will have a wonderful life. And we'll have a{LF}wonderful life with it. See, the baby looks just like you! It's a boy! It's a girl! ...This is our... Yes, this is our baby. Our precious little miracle... You did great, @マーガレット@. Because you supported me, @しゅじんこうくん@. Now, this is your first task as a father. What name should we give our child? @子供ちゃん@. I think that's a very good name. @子供ちゃん@, welcome to our family! And welcome to the world. We're a family of three from now on, huh? I'm really happy, @しゅじんこうくん@. Me too. @しゅじんこうくん@! Are you all right!? Hahaha... Good as can be expected, I suppose! Is this...our...? Yes, this is our baby. He looks so sweet... She looks so sweet... Wow... This baby is... You're amazing, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Couldn't have done it without you. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? I want you to name our child. Huh? Me? Yeah. I know whatever name you pick, it'll be perfect. @子供ちゃん@, huh? Yeah, that has a nice ring to it! Your name is @子供ちゃん@ from now on, little one! Let's make a happy family with @子供ちゃん@. Of course! Our child...is here?! Ah... Yep. He looks so cute... She looks so cute... Ahh... Er, um... @アーサー@...? ...! S-Sorry. This is my first time, so... ...It's mine too. Oh, right! Of course it is... Tee-hee... You're acting weird. I-I'm sorry. I just...don't know what to say. This is all so new to me. But there's one thing I know for sure. I understand how it feels to be a father. And I understand{LF}how much this all means. @アーサー@... You did great, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Thank you. You, too...my child. I guess the little tyke needs a name, huh? Yeah... I leave this task up to you. Do you have any ideas, @しゅじんこうくん@? @子供ちゃん@... @子供ちゃん@. Mm. It's a good name. Even the little one seems to like it. Yeah... Hey, @子供ちゃん@? You've got a long, happy life ahead of you. I just know it. We'll make sure you're never, ever sad or lonely! @アーサー@... Ah... It seems Daddy just came... @シャオパイ@...! Look. That is your daddy. He looks miserable with worry! This is our... It is. He is cute, yes? She is cute, yes? Wow... Our baby looks just like you. Cute, laid-back and confused. Hey! Is that what you say to your wife who is exhausted from{LF}childbirth?! Absolutely! Would you have it any other way? And you did great...I'm proud of you. Yeah, I really did...and so did our baby. That's true. Good job, er... Well, I'm expecting you to give our child a very good name. That's a lot of pressure... @子供ちゃん@, huh...? That's not bad at all. Look, @子供ちゃん@ likes it too! I'm glad you two like it. Yes... We must try harder for our child from now on. We are a{LF}family now! We are... Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@... @コハク@! Ahaha... You look so serious! Well, I mean...yeah! Don't worry. Our child and I are just fine. This is our... Yes... This is our baby. Look at how adorable he is! Look at how adorable she is! No kidding. How about you, @コハク@? Are you all right? I'm a bit tired now... You should take a rest. I will. But before that, we should name the little one, no? Okay. How about... @子供ちゃん@, huh? Mmm...I like it! Okay, so on the count of three, let's welcome the little tyke{LF}into the world. What? ...Oh, that's right! We made a promise, didn't we? One...two...three! ''Good morning!'' Hee hee. I think @子供ちゃん@ responded to us. Yeah... @子供ちゃん@. Both of us will make you happy for the rest of your life. You{LF}can count on it! Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! Are you all right?! Yes...I'm okay. Thank you. For worrying about me. Course I'm worried! And really relieved, now. Come on. Come see our child. Whoa... He's a total stud! She's freakin' adorable! Of course! Our baby has supremely beautiful parents, after{LF}all. No argument here! Did you come up with any names? Well, I was thinking you're better suited to that. What? Are you sure? Yeah. You've got more of a spark for that kinda stuff.{LF}Whatever you choose, it'll be great. So...@子供ちゃん@, then? Yep. @子供ちゃん@... That's a really good name. Perfect for our child. You've done it again. I can always count on you to pick just{LF}the right thing! Hee hee. Thanks! Haha! Look! @子供ちゃん@ likes the name too! I think you're right. I'm so glad our baby was born healthy. Thank you, @子供ちゃん@. Thank you, @ダグ@. No, thank you! From now on, we're a family of three. I can hardly believe it... Ah... @ドルチェ@! Look... Some stranger came wandering in. What?! Tee-hee... Come on, @ドルチェ@... Look... Our baby is smiling too. Wow...so this is... Yep. In the flesh. He's just as cute as I'd imagined. She's just as cute as I'd imagined. Just like you, @ドルチェ@. ...Idiot. I wonder if the baby's right in the head, though, smiling like a{LF}goofball... At your dumb joke, no less. Looks like this is going to be one{LF}tough kid! ...I don't really follow the logic there, but no matter. Right now, we need to give the poor thing a name. Have{LF}anything in mind? Oh, sure. How about... @子供ちゃん@, huh...? ''Such a sweet name.'' Oh, you think so, too? I'm glad you guys like it. ''So...nobody's surprised to see me here?'' Of course not. You were watching over me the whole time,{LF}right? Thank you, @ピコ@. ''Rrrnng...'' ''Um...?'' It seems our baby wants to say hi to you, too. Can you hold @子供ちゃん@'s hand like you did mine? ''How did you know...? Actually, who else would've done{LF}that? I guess it was kind of obvious.'' Here you go, @ピコ@. ''...Oh, my, my...'' *GRASP* ''It feels just like your hand, Dolly. It's so warm and full of{LF}life...'' That's good. That's very good... ... It's...done? Yes. Are you...all right? I guess so... I'm so exhausted that my brain is kind of...out...but physically,{LF}I seem to be fine. Or I should say, we seem to be fine... This is our...? ...Yes. He's a real cutie. She's a real cutie. No kidding. Our baby...looks kind of like a monkey. @レオン@! Haha... A cute monkey, though. Lovable in every way. ...Okay. I'll buy that. What name should we give it? Huh...? You should choose. I think our child would prefer whatever name you come up{LF}with. Okay. In that case... @子供ちゃん@. Hahaha. I guess the little one likes it! Tee-hee... @子供ちゃん@, huh...? Not bad at all. @レオン@... From now on, I'm going to teach you all the bad things I{LF}know, @子供ちゃん@! @レオン@! Haha! Just kidding. @子供ちゃん@ will learn all kinds of bad things with or{LF}without my tutelage, really. Ugh, seriously... But I'd prefer if our baby could stay just a sweet, innocent{LF}baby for a long time before that. We have to have time to spoil the little tyke, after all! Just a little bit, though! Not too much. Haha... Oops, I shouldn't sleep here. A lot of documents are piled up here. A well-cared for potted plant is placed here, and almost{LF}seems to be staring out at the room. There are many seasonings and spices here in the kitchen. The table is set for four people. Our table has more variety to the food than before, just as it{LF}has more variety in its guests. I can't help but cook a lot, since my family eats so much! ''I told her many times ghosts don't eat food, though...'' So? You seem happy about it, either way. ''What...?!'' The table is set for two people. We always eat together. Without fail. Eating with Nancy is one of the highlights of my day. A truly{LF}relaxing moment... Oh. That's the handkerchief I bought... ''This is what you bought her at the general store, huh?'' ''She put it on display here because she doesn't want it to{LF}get dirty.'' Th-that's not the reason! Don't make things up! Hey, this is that accessory case I bought... It's quite useful. ''You stare at it with googly eyes more than you use it,{LF}though!'' ... It's the exchange diary. Open it. Leave it. H-hey...! If you read it in front of me, what's the point of exchanging{LF}it?! ''Don't mind her. She's just embarrassed by all the mushy{LF}things she wrote about you!'' ... Various and sundry goods are organized here and put on{LF}display. Hey, it's the lapidary bird I bought! Well, you did buy it for me. It's only fair that I display it{LF}prominently. ''Isn't there something else you wanted to say about it?'' ...I was able to learn many techniques from it. So it helped{LF}me a lot. Thank you. ''That's it?'' ... You bought it for me and that...um...made me happier than{LF}anything else... ...Come on, now, that's enough! I can't say anything else like{LF}that without blushing to death! ''Tee-hee. This is fun! But I'm also kind of jealous. What the{LF}heck is wrong with me?!'' ''Hello, Exchange Diary!'' ''What do you think?'' ''Something on my mind.'' ''After we started dating.'' ''My last entry.'' Close it. I wrote a response after the entry, too. Read it. Close it. Oh, there's a reply from @ドルチェ@! Read it. Close it. I started this exchange diary thing today. So, here goes{LF}nothing. Let's see...Pico was pretty irritating, as usual. And Dr. Jones looked happy because dinner was fried rice.{LF}One of his favorites. These days, I feel like Nancy is turning into Pico. ...That's all I've got right now. I'm not a writer, so I have no idea what else to write about{LF}in a diary like this. ...Hmmm. How should I respond? I think you're doing okay. Your entry is adorable! All right. This should do nicely. ''Don't worry. I think you're doing okay.'' ''Awww. Don't be so concerned. Your entry is adorable! Just{LF}like you.'' All right. I'll continue just like that. So be sure you check for new entries regularly! I don't know why you wrote something so sappy. But thank you. It made me...happy. A +hat+ or +gloves+... Pico and I have been debating pretty furiously on which I{LF}should knit. And no judgment has yet been reached. So we decided you'd be our tie-breaker. Whatever you{LF}choose is what I'll make. Erm...so a hat or a pair of gloves, huh? @アイテム9@. @アイテム8@. Hmm. That should do, then. ''@アイテム9@ would be best.'' ''@アイテム8@ would be best.'' I see. So you've sided with Pico, then. ...That's a bit aggravating. I see. So you've sided with me, then. ...I win. Ha. I'd like you to give me some advice today. As you know, I have trouble expressing myself. I always say{LF}stupid things I don't mean. But I really want to be friends with a lot of people. What should I do? Hmmm...let's see... How about being honest? I like you as you are. Okay, that should work. ''I like you as you are. Don't change one bit!'' ''How about being honest? Just say what's in your heart.{LF}Don't be afraid! No one will judge you.'' That...wasn't me writing. Pico got ahold of the diary and wrote that on my behalf. I{LF}wasn't particularly concerned, myself. But your kind words have lifted my spirits. Thank you. But... Well, if that's what you think I should do, then I'll give it a{LF}shot. Today, I went to see Xiao. We didn't do anything special. We talked about the bath, about knitting...and about you, of{LF}course! It was a nice visit. Recently, I've been thinking that everything looks a little{LF}different to me. A little brighter. I feel like everything has been changing since I started dating{LF}you. ...I see. Well... Sounds like you're happy. I'm your medicine, baby. That should do nicely! ''I'm your medicine, baby! Hee hee hee...'' ''Sounds like you're happy. Which is a very good thing.'' I suppose you are. To some extent. You've definitely changed me. I look forward to each and every day so much more than I{LF}used to. There's nothing to write about today. As usual, I made Pico quiet down. That is one noisy,{LF}obnoxious ghost! Then I had lunch with Dr. Jones and Nancy. When I went out, I saw you coming out of the castle. And...I thought maybe I should stop writing journals for a{LF}little while. There's no sense dwelling on the past, after all, when there's{LF}such a bright future ahead... ... It's been fun. ...With me, right? There we go. ''...With me, right?'' ''It's been fun. Thanks.'' Of course. From now until the end of time. Side by side...with you. We'll be together forever. You're not trying to say...you want to break up with me or{LF}anything, right? Please, don't write things like that. It makes me nervous! From now until the end of time. Side by side...with you. We'll be together forever. It's @ドルチェ@'s bed. How lovely. Sleepy time! *Back away* What are you doing? ''Yeah, what are you doing?!'' ''That's my special place! I'm the only one who gets to smell{LF}her scent every day in secret!'' ...Um, excuse me? ''Owwww!'' ''Hey! Dolly! Lay off me! It's @しゅじんこうくん@ who's trying to{LF}sleep in your bed, not me!'' What?! ''You're not qualified yet to sleep in Dolly's bed! Right,{LF}milady?'' ...That's right. ''See?! ...Hmm?'' If you're sleepy, you should go home and rest. Of course, I...might...consider it...if you wanted...me to...{LF}sleep...next to... ''No no NO! I'm the only one who gets to sleep next to Dolly{LF}in bed! Me, and me alone!'' Well, the three of us could always snuggle in real close... This is where Dr. @ジョーンズ@ sleeps. I prescribe myself SLEEP! *Back away* Are you tired? I don't mind if you take a rest in my bed. It's @ナンシー@'s bed. Let's go night-night here. *Flee the scene* Oh, are you tired? You can't sleep in Jones' bed, but you're more than welcome{LF}to take a nap in mine! ♪ (He's so close to me...) (My heart's beating so fast...) (@しゅじんこうくん@ can't hear this sound...can he?) ...! Don't you...like this? N-no. I was just...surprised. It's okay if it's you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Your hands are so warm... Mmm... With every pat, I get more and more...relaxed... ...Zzz... *POKE* ...Oogh! ...My turn. Hyah! *POKE* Huh?! Can I stay like this, please? ... (He's so warm...) ...?! A sudden kiss...? Sorry... You don't have to be sorry... Girls need some time to prepare for a kiss, though. As a gentleman, you should always ask first. *THUMPA{LF}THUMPA THUMPA* I feel so relieved when I'm with you. There sure are a lot of flowers here! Well, it is a flower shop. I wonder which flower would be the best match for{LF}@しゅじんこうくん@... (Since I'm here, I really should buy something for her...) Here you go, @クローリカ@. A flower for a flower. Huh? Really...? Thank you very much! I'll take good care of it. ...Actually, I have a present for you, too. I chose a flower just for you, @しゅじんこうくん@! Will you accept it? Of course I will! Thank you! Here you go. I...feel a little bad... Since I don't have anything for you in return... Don't feel bad! I just wanted to give you something. I wasn't expecting{LF}anything from you! Please, take it. ...Thank you. Shall we go home, then? Sure! This is fun, huh? Y-Yes! (@しゅじんこうくん@ is getting closer...) (Her hair is so beautiful...) (I want to touch it so badly...) Ah...! You don't like it...? N-no! No no no no no! I-I mean, that's not it! I do! I really do! I've wanted to hold your hand this whole time, and I was so{LF}focused on that... ...I-I'm so glad to be here with you like this. Ha ha ha... But isn't that normally what men do? I wanted to caress your head. You don't...like it? ... Actually, I like being patted on the head. It feels...stimulating. *POKE* Hey, what har who dooing? Physical contact! ♪ *POKE* *POKE* *POKE* @しゅじんこうくん@... Your cheeks are puffy like rice cakes! ♪ Wha?! Ah! H-hey, s-st...! You want me to stop? What are you talking about?! Stay like dis, please! ...''Like dis''? ...I mean... ...I want to stay like this with you forever. ...! Only once, okay? Okay. @しゅじんこうくん@'s lips were soft and supple... I'm always excited when I'm with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Since we're here, I should buy some flowers for my room. Oh, and... I should also pick out a special flower for you, while I'm at it! (I should buy him one, too...) Here. Let me give you mine first. Wow, you bought me one as well? Thank you very much! I'll put it on display as soon as I get home today. I'll do my best to make it thrive! Here, this is for you. Please accept it. Thank you. ... ...? You...look so very cute holding that flower. It's almost{LF}surreal! Here you are, @しゅじんこうくん@. Thank you. Ahh, it's as I suspected. You and flowers are perfectly suited{LF}to one another indeed! You're almost unbearable cute... Shall we go home? I'll walk you to your room. Thank you. I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. It's my pleasure. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. Ready to go home? I am. I want to stay with you. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. What...?! Erm... Um... Th-this is kind of embarrassing, isn't it? Heheh... Aha ha... ... Eek...! Oh, sorry... I-it's okay. I was just surprised. O-okay. I was afraid I'd...upset you... ... (Mm...) Huh...? ... ... Wha...?! Your hair is beautiful, @フォルテ@. Is it...? May I caress your head again? I would...prefer you not. It's...a little embarrassing. EEP! @フォルテ@... You're sensitive, aren't you? A-anyone would be surprised to have that done to them so{LF}suddenly! Seriously, now... *POKE* Whaa!! HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Huh? Huh?! Um... @しゅじんこうくん@...? I, uh... (...Mmm...warm...) ...? ...?! ...!! @フォルテ@...? M...My cheek?! How about we take a walk together for a while? Flowers are a symbol of...femininity, no? Of cuteness? I'm not like ordinary women, so I've always...admired those{LF}to whom flowers are well-suited. Not all flowers are cute. Some flowers are elegant and fair{LF}when they bloom. Beautiful, like you. Ah... Yes, I suppose you're right. Flowers should be judged by{LF}more than simple cuteness. ...I've never thought of it that way before... (I should buy her a flower while I'm here. I think she'd{LF}appreciate the gesture.) What is this...? A flower for my flower. What? For me...? No, I can't accept this. Flowers, um...don't look good on me... I think it would be better suited to someone else. ...But you did buy it for me...so I guess...I should accept... In exchange, please, accept this gift from me as well. What...? Um, I'm not good at things like this... But I chose a flower that I thought was a good match for{LF}you. ...Y-you seem confused. Did I choose poorly? I'm sorry. I'm{LF}not very good at this... No, I like it a lot. I'm just...really moved. Thank you so much. I'll take very good care of it. I'm glad to hear that. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! Hmm? Um...I have something for you. I picked out a flower for you...so i-if you don't mind...um... What? That's...for me? Yes. But if you don't like it...you don't have to... Of course I like it! Thank you very much. U-um, you're very welcome! Ready to go home? Yeah. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@... I can't explain why, but I'm a little nervous right now. ... ... (My heart is pounding fast...) ...But don't worry! It's not because I dislike this situation or{LF}anything! ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Huh? Wh-what's up? What's wrong? Why were you so surprised? I-it's nothing! Never mind! Did you...want to ask me{LF}something? Well, it's more like...a request. I, uh...I want to hold your hand. Huh...? ...You mind? N-no. I wanted to hold your hand, too. Really?! ♪ All right, then! Heeere weeee gooo! *SQUEEZE* ...This kind of situation sure is nerve-wracking, huh? Yeah, it is. YAAGH! Aha haha! That tickles, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're really cute, @キール@. No, you! What? You're cute! Eheh... Ha! You're blushing! I win! ♪ ...! Hey, what are you doing? Your hair just looks so soft and smooth... Okay, then. I'll touch yours too! Whoa! Tee-hee! ♪ What? Um... ... You're warm, @しゅじんこうくん@. You too, @キール@. Mm... ... ... Hey...@キール@? Hmm? What is it? You just...seemed to be zoning out. I wanted to bring you{LF}back to earth. Did I? ...Hey, can I ask you something, @しゅじんこうくん@? Sure. M-my heart is beating like crazy. H-how can I make it stop? I'm sorry...? I still want to stay here with you for a while longer. Mm, smells good in here! Don't the flowers in this shop always look really healthy and{LF}lively? I'll bet it's because Lumie takes really good care of them. Look, @しゅじんこうくん@! Isn't this flower gorgeous? Oh, wow, it is! (I should buy him a flower, while I'm here...) ...?! This is for you. Y-you don't...dislike it, do you? I-I love it! You just surprised me a little. Why are you surprised? Well, you were thinking the same thing I was. I just didn't{LF}expect that! Here you go. This is for you. ...! See? Kind of surprising when two minds think alike, huh? Hee{LF}hee! Funny how we both decided to buy each other flowers! Guess our hearts are just well attuned to one another! And if so, that's really awesome. ♪ Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Can you close your eyes for a sec? Huh? Why? Just do it! Please? O-okay... Okay, you can open them now. What? A bouquet?! Hee hee. I bought it for you when you weren't looking. It just...reminded me of you. Th-thank you... Not at all! I'm glad you like it. ♪ Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? Come on. I'll walk you back. You sure that's okay? Of course! After all, if I walk you back home, that means I{LF}get to stay with you a little longer! ... Okay, let's go! ♪ Hee hee. Actually, I'd been thinking something just like that. So how about this: Let's stay together just a liiiiittle bit longer{LF}right now! Sound good? ♪ Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? All right! Let's head home! ♪ Sounds good. Hmm? You want to spend more time with me, then? Can I come a little closer to you? Wha...? ...Uh, sure. Come on over. ... ... (I wonder if @しゅじんこうくん@ is enjoying himself...) (I wonder if now's a good time...) Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Can I...hold your hand? S-sure. ... (I did it! @字@) Hmm? Mm. That's nice. ... (It's kind of nice to have somebody to lean on every now{LF}and again. @字@) *POKE* Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're such a tease! ...Am I? Well, if that's the way you want to play it... *POKE* *GLOMP* ?! Uh... @しゅじんこうくん@? If Porco sees us, he's gonna be mad. ...Ahh, who cares?! @字@ ...! ...What was that, all of a sudden?! Eheh. Heh... All right, mister, you're going to get it now! @字@ I want to see you more. These flowers are all so beautiful... ♪ They really are. Let's see which flower suits you best, @しゅじんこうくん@! Huh? Oh, nothing! Nothing! ...? (While I'm here, I should buy her something.) Here you go, @マーガレット@. This is for you. Wha? What is this...? This flower made me think of you. Really?! Uh-huh! Wow, I don't know what to say. Thank you so much! ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? What is it? I...picked out a flower for you. Oh, you did? Here you go. Will you accept it? Of course! Thank you so much! ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? What is it? I bought this flower for you. Here. For...me? It just...reminded me of you. Will you accept it? Of course I will. Thank you so much! Ready to go home? Sure. Mrng... ... ... ... Let me just say this... ...? I... I'm happy, you know? ...Me too. ...! ... You...don't like it...? ...Idiot. How could I not?! Whew! Glad to hear it. I don't want to ever let you go. Ah, I can't reach! What are you doing...? Well, I, uh...I just thought your hair style seemed oddly{LF}inviting. Well, two can play at that game. I'll pat you on the head{LF}too! Take that! Hey, stop it! You're messing up my hair! Ha ha ha. It looks good that way. It...does? ...You're so pure and stupid. ...Hyaa! ...! Wh-what was that, exactly? ...It was exactly what it seemed. Once more, from the top! ...Mess with me all you want. *GLOMP* ?! Wh-what? What are you doing?! Nothing. Everything. I don't even know. I just want to be{LF}with you. ...! Man, you really are an...ahhh, what the hell! *GLOMP* @ディラス@, can you squat down a little? Huh? Okay... *SMOOCH* !!! Wh-whoa! You're way too tall. Makes it tough for me to reach you. W-what the?! Geez... A-aren't I supposed to be the one to pull that kinda stuff,{LF}being the man and all?! *STARE* Why are you staring at the flowers? I'm trying to figure out which flower would suit you best... Huh? ...Er, nothing! Nothing at all! Never mind! ...? (I should buy him a flower, while I'm here...) Hey, @ディラス@? This is for you. Wha...? I bought this flower for you. Wh-wh-why...what...I-I'm not... Flowers don't suit me at all! Oh, definitely not, I agree. Hey! I'm just kidding. Flowers suit you perfectly! Honest! ...A-all right. I guess I'll take it, then. Thanks. ...By the way, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? What is it? ...I picked out a flower for you, too. Huh?! This...is for you. Will you accept it? Sure. Thanks so much! ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? What is it? I picked out a flower for you. Huh?! Will you accept it? I thought...it suited you. Oh, wow. Certainly. Thank you so much! Shall we go home? I'll walk you to your door. You would do that for me? I want to stay with you. Of course. Come on, let's go. Y-you do? Then...let's stay together for a while longer. Shall we go home? Sure. I want to stay with you. Y-you do? Then...let's stay together for a while longer. Can I come closer to you...? Excuse me? Uhh, never mind... ... What...? This is fun, isn't it? ...Yeah. (Okay. I can do this. I'm going to take his hand in mine!) *GRIP* ... What's wrong? Ah, umm... (Doesn't even seem like he noticed...) *SQUEEZE* Ah...! (He squeezed back!) ...You started it. So I won't let go, even if you ask. ... Wha...? You push yourself too hard, @アーサー@. You should{LF}take a rest from time to time. ... ...Okay. *POKE* ... Umm...how am I supposed to respond to that? Ugh... I was just trying to be...playful, I guess. Don't mind me. Huh? Look, it was nothing, oka-- You look cute when you blush. Nng... *GLOMP* What the?! Um... Uh, what is this...? I can hear your heart beating fast, @アーサー@. Rrrg... ...I am a man, you know. Hmm? ... *EMBRACE* *SMOOCH* ?! Consider it...a show of my gratitude. For everything you've{LF}done on my behalf. I-I see... ...Wait. This is your way of saying thanks? Do you...do that to{LF}everyone? What?! Ah, nothing! Nothing! Sorry. That was very rude, and it can't{LF}possibly be true anyway! I was just...taken aback. It just slipped out, without me{LF}thinking about it. ...I want to make you mine. What...? Will you...stay with me? Just for a bit longer? I wonder why it is that flowers can calm one's nerves so{LF}thoroughly? It's almost magical. Mm. They really can... Now, which do I choose? Hmm? I thought I'd try to find my favorite flower. How about you try to find yours, too? That's a good idea... (Maybe I should pick out a flower to give to him...) Hey, @アーサー@? Here. I bought this flower for you. What...? Haha. Are you surprised? ... ...Yes. I am. I'm surprised because we were clearly thinking the same{LF}thing. What do you mean? @しゅじんこうくん@... This is for you. It's a present from me. It's the flower that I felt best suited the you that stands{LF}before me today. Ah... But it turns out that we two are best suited to one another,{LF}as I expected. Oh? You think so, huh? I know so. I can say it with complete confidence. ... ...Thank you very much. @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? This is for you. Y-you don't...dislike it, do you? What? What do you think? I thought it to be a particularly lovely{LF}flower. Just like you. Ah...erm, thank you very much. Not at all. You're very welcome. ... Let's go home, shall we? I'll walk you. You would do that for me? I want to stay with you. Of course! Let's be off, then. A-are you sure? If that's what you wish, I'd be happy to{LF}spend more time with you. Shall we go now? Sure. I want to stay with you. A-are you sure? If that's what you wish, I'd be happy to{LF}spend more time with you. H-hey...?! Uh, you are too close, yes? Oh, sorry! I guess you'd...prefer I keep my distance? Oh, no, nothing like that! It's just...well... ...Well what? Oogh... I...I don't like when people look at me from too close. I don't{LF}think I look so good in detail. (Foolish Xiao! Now is your chance to say to him, ''Let's hold{LF}hands!'' Go, go!) @シャオパイ@... Would you mind if I...held your hand? Huh?! S-sure. That's...okay with me. All right, then. ... ... Are you...blushing...? Oh, stop! ...What are you doing? Well, you're just so adorable, I couldn't resist! I-I'm...adorable? But... ...But I'm older than you... You didn't like it? ... ...?! Too slow! *PRESS* ... ...You can do that to me all you want. Ugh! *GLOMP* ...?! Um... ...This is...very warm. *SMOOCH* Wha?! Tee-hee. Y-you're surprised, yes? Um... ...Yeah. Actually, I was just about to do the same thing. What? I was a split second away from turning to face you. If you{LF}were one second later, we might've... Oh...r-really...? ...Well, that doesn't sound so... Huh? N-nothing! Never mind! Umm...I still want to spend a little more time with you, if{LF}that's okay. Flowers are always cute, yes? Look, this might look good on you. And this one on Mama! What flower would look best on you, then? Ummm... I don't know! I haven't put any thought into myself. But there is a flower I long for. Really? Which one? No, it's not here. I learned about it from a book. The book says the flower is plain and doesn't stand out very{LF}much. People look right past it! But it grows straight toward the sun. It sounds wondrous to me. Don't you agree? ...Yeah, that sounds pretty special. (Since we're here, I should buy her a flower. Even if it's not{LF}the exact one she's looking for.) Mm, it's beautiful, yes? This is a present for you, @シャオパイ@. ... For me?! Do you...not want it? N-no! Of course I want it! I just didn't think this was a present for me because no one{LF}has given me a flower in my life! But...it's very kind. Thank you so much! You're welcome. Then, please let me give you this, too. What? I'd like you to accept it. It would suit you very well. O-okay. Thank you! You're welcome. @しゅじんこうくん@... Yes? I'd like you to accept this. What? Is this flower...for me? I thought it would suit you. Th-thank you very much! ...Shall we head back? Sure. Would it be okay if I came a little closer to you? Certainly! ♪ I feel...happy... Me too. I hope I can live like this every day. May I hold your hand? Of course! ♪ *SQUEEZE* ...What the...? What's wrong? Ummm... My face feels really hot all of a sudden... It's not like we're doing anything different than usual, though.{LF}How strange... Hahaha! That tickles! *TICKLE* *TICKLE* Acck! Cut it out! You're embarrassing me! ...Seriously?! Pfft, no! I just wanted to make you panic a little! ♪ *POKE* ... *SLURP* Whaaa?! ...? *GLOMP* @しゅじんこうくん@...? @コハク@... You're so warm... Umm... ...I'm actually a little hot right now. You give off a LOT of{LF}body heat... Now's my chance! ?! Hahaha... *SMOOCH* Wha...? Ah... See, I just...wanted to get you back, that's all... ...Mmmrrrnng... ...@コハク@? I just want to stay with you for a little while longer. Would that be okay? Guys, I'm home! ♪ Mm. Everyone looks to be in good health today, too! You can tell just by looking at them? Nope. Not at all. What? But you... I just felt like they were talking to me. Telling me how happy{LF}they are. ...I see. (Since I'm here, I really should buy something for her...) Here you are, @コハク@. What's this? I bought it as a present for you. You don't like it? No, of course I like it! Wowee!! ♪ Thank you soooo much, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're very welcome. Here, I have something to give you, too. What? This is my favorite flower. So I hope you like it, too! Oh, I see... Thank you, @コハク@! You're welcome! ♪ Did you know Lumie's the one who takes care of the flowers{LF}here? And the flowers are so full of life that people get cheered up{LF}just by seeing them! That's pretty impressive. So I want to share some of that energy with you. Here! ♪ Th-Thank you. You're welcome! ♪ Okay, ready to go home? Sure thing! Hmm? ... What's wrong? You feeling lonely? No, it's nothing like that. I just... ...Okay. Then, um... Why don't you come a little closer? You're not the only one who wants to get as close as{LF}possible, you know! Hmm? S-sorry. Guess you'd rather I not do that, huh? Don't be stupid. You can take my hand anytime you'd like! Your hands are really warm... ...What are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. Yeah, I can tell. But why, exactly? Well, if that's the way it's going to be, two can play at that{LF}game! Huh?! Don't like it? I didn't say that! Good. Your hair's so soft and silky... *POKE* Hey! Okay, you asked for it! *JAB* Ow! Ha! Gotcha! ... *GLOMP* Wha...? Whaaaaaat?! You were thinking of doing something to me, weren't you?{LF}Admit it! H-how did you know?! ...Whoa, you really were?! I was just joking! N-no, I wasn't-- I know what you're thinking. ?! What's this, all of a sudden? Tee-hee... ...Well, then I'll... Then I'll kiss you! ?! ...Tee-hee. You got some soft cheeks, you know that? (I really hope @しゅじんこうくん@'s enjoying this...) This is a beautiful flower, isn't it? Yeah, but you're even more bea-- Maybe I'll buy it, since we're here anyway. Sheesh! At least let me finish my sentence! H-how about you let me choose a flower to buy you? All right. And I'll choose one for you too, @ダグ@. Here you go. This is for you. Huh? For me...? Yep. A little token of my affection. Wow! Thank you! I know flowers don't really suit me, but this means a lot! Here. This is for you. ...Yeah, it's just as I thought. Any flower would look good on{LF}you. Makes it easier to pick one out, that's for sure! Thank you, @ダグ@. Do you like it? You bet I do. You could've done better. Great! Take good care of it. Seriously?! And here I thought any flower would look great on you. Guess I should choose more carefully next time... ...Ready to head home? I'll walk you back. Thanks. I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. Come on. R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. Ready to go home? Yeah. I want to stay with you. R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. ... ...If you want to get closer, just say it. Oh... How did you...? You looked so nervous. You're a terrible liar, you know. Even{LF}when you don't open your mouth. Heheh... ...Well, that's one of the things I love about you. May I hold your hand? Huh...? ...Do as you'd like. Okay. Here goes... ... ''Maaan! What a sweet moment this is!'' Ugh...! ...Wh-what are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. I know that much! But why?! You don't like it? ... ...You should have warned me first. *POKE* ?! Surprised? O-of course I am! Who does that?! You just about gave me a heart attack! Well, you are turning red, but I'm...pretty sure that's just you{LF}blushing. ... I'm just...not used to this... ...?! Is it okay if I hug you? ...You should probably ask that before actually doing it, you{LF}know. Okay, then. Was it okay that I hugged you? ...It... Well...it was nice. Huh...? Oh, sorry. I saw my chance, so I figured I'd take it. ...? @ドルチェ@? ??? ?????? Hey, @ドルチェ@...? I want to stay with you...a little longer... Such lovely form. I could stare for hours... What?! ...I'm talking about the flowers. What did you think I meant? ''I...don't think she actually meant the flowers! But, what do I{LF}know?'' Oogh... ''Wait, you're not denying it? So I'm...right?!'' ''That's so cute...but totally frustrating! It's...it's...{LF}it's frustratingly cute!'' Zip it, ghosty. ''Mmmmrrrnnfff!'' E-Easy, easy... (I should buy her a flower. It's the least I can do.) Hmm? Here you go. This is for you. Oh, um...thank you... ''Aaaand Dolly blushes and shyly rubs her hands behind her{LF}back, like a little schoolgi--'' ''MMMRRRRNNNNFFF!!'' ...And here you are. What's this for? It's a present. For you. Th-thank you. No need to thank me. I just...wanted you to have it. It's{LF}nothing special. ''Aaaand Dolly blushes and shyly rubs her hands behind her{LF}back, like a liMMMMRRRRNNNNNFF!!'' Do you...want this? Huh? I just bought it...because I thought it was really beautiful. And I also thought that...maybe we could...each have the{LF}same flower... Th-that sounds nice... ''Oh, she looks so cute when she's embarrassed! But alas, I{LF}know her reddened cheeks aren't for me...'' Sh-shut up already! Geez! Ready to go home? Sure. What's this? Are you so keen on feeling the warmth of my{LF}body? You bet I am! How about you, @レオン@? ... Huh? What's wrong? Well... ...I must admit, I'm at a loss. I wasn't anticipating such a{LF}reaction from you. Hmmmm... If you would, please lend me your ear. Uh, okay... ...Just between you and me... ...You're positively adorable. ...I'll stay by your side always. ...I love you. ...Just between you and me. Th-that's not exactly an answer to my question! Haha. Perhaps not. Hmm...? ...*GRAB* Hmm? ... What am I going to do with you? Ah... (...He squeezed my hand tight!) Hahaha! Wh-what are y-you doing?! Hahaha! Just an innocent little pat on the head, that's all! Well, it tickled! Hey...what's that deranged look in your eyes? ...Mwa ha ha. The time for revenge is nigh! H-hey! Come on! Don't! Stop! ''Don't stop,'' you say? All right, then...I won't! Wh-who do you think...haha! Hey, come on, stop! Please!{LF}Hahahaha! P-please... Please stop...! ...Well, that was fun. *PANT* *PANT* *PANT* Man, do I ever feel better now! ... ...You won't be doing that for long! *RUFFLE* *RUFFLE* Hey! Don't mess up my hair! Shut up... You're mine, all right?! *GLOMP* H-hey...! What the?! I just felt like hugging you. ...Honestly... I hear your heart beating, @レオン@. Ugh... ...It's beating pretty fast. You must be nervous having a girl{LF}clinging to you like this. ...Quit your yammering. ...! What are you doing...? You always tease me, so I'm paying you back. ... You have something on your forehead. Let me see. Really? O-okay... ...! That's what you get. ...You're blushing... ...Oh, shut up. I wish we could stay together like this forever... Hey, @レオン@! Look! Isn't it a beautiful flower? It is. Seems it's been well cared for, too. So pretty and vibrant... Yeah. But not as pretty and vibrant as you. Wha...? Good. There are those red cheeks I love. ...C-come on! Don't tease me like that! Haha. Ugh... It is beautiful, though. Not only the outward appearance, but{LF}also the bloom within. ...And I of course am referring both to the flower, and to you. What?! Haha. Never mind. ...? Okay, then... (Since we're here, maybe I should buy him a flower...) You're giving this to me? Yes. I see... ... Um, you don't like it? Oh, I like it. I just wanted to make you uncomfortable. ...Hey! I'll put this on display in my room. Thank you. Oh, yes, and here. This is for you. This...flower is for me? Well, maybe. I'm still trying to decide if it's appropriate. ... Just kidding. Of course it's appropriate. It suits you perfectly. Th-thank you so much... You're welcome. Here. What? What's this...? It reminded me of you. And then before I knew it, I'd made{LF}the purchase. Will you accept it? I really don't want to see it wilt, after all. Uh, sure! Thank you so much. I can't believe you bought this for me. Hmm? ...Uhh... I said +it reminded me of you+. Not that +I bought it for you+. ...! Kidding. I bought it for you. Who else would I buy it for? ...Seriously, you have to stop doing that! Haha! Let's go, then. Shall we go home? I'll walk you to your door. Are you sure? I want to stay with you. Of course. That's only natural, right? At evening's end, the{LF}gentleman walks the lady home. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. Ready to go home? Sure. I want to stay with you. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. (Maybe I should walk her home...) (N-now's my chance...) (Now might be my best opportunity to strengthen our{LF}relationship.) Get closer. Hold hands. Pat on the head. Poke in the cheek. Hold tight. Kiss on the cheek. Quit Buy a present. @0@G Not...today. Oh... I don't have enough money... It's a work table. Hey, you! Don't touch that without asking! I'll arrest you!! It's a Toyherb! No, those are Moonflowers. These are...Pink Cats? C-Charm Blues... How could they be Pink Cats if they're not{LF}even pink? Cherry Grass! Wrong Grass. It's Lamp Grass. I know this one for sure! Pom-Pom Grass! 4-Leaf Clovers... (Oooooh, you're bad at this.) Fireflower, I think? E-E-Emery Flower. Blue Crystal. No, Red Crystal!! Crap, I'm so bad with flower{LF}names! Heehee, I'm afraid you'll have to study a lot harder to{LF}become a Flower Master like me, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ Hmm? Oops, I shouldn't sleep here. Is this a diary...? Take a look. I'd better not. ''In the sky the sun rises. I awaken with the morning light.'' Wh-What is this...? Mwa ha ha ha! It's written in code, of course. You'd never be able to{LF}decipher it in a thousand years! Hahaha... Wise choice! This is @エルミナータ@'s wardrobe. Hey, you! It's absolutely unforgivable to look into ladies' wardrobes for{LF}any reason! Ooh, spy gear. All kinds of cool stuff for detective work here. Hey, there are flowers on display here! How quaint! I'm trying to greenify my thumb. B-but decorating the office is important too, right? It's not{LF}like flowers are that unusual! Lumie talks to it every day with a smile! ♪ Oh, this is that sketchbook I bought. It's filled with some...er...eccentric pictures. That's you, @しゅじんこうくん@! I drew Lumie there. ♪ That's honey and worms! ♪ That's a picture of the people in the town. There's a flower here in a very pretty vase. It seems to be...@アイテム9@. ...What? @アイテム9@?! It's a @アイテム9@. So beautiful... I'm trying to figure out what flower would look best in this{LF}vase. What a strange pillow... It feels sooooo good! I can't even explain it! I use it as my buddy instead of you when I'm sleeping! ♪ Erm... There's that talking stuffed toy I bought. Oh, I have conversations with that thing all the time. The{LF}vase, too! Sometimes I'm filled with so much energy, I just can't stop{LF}talking! Erm, this is one of my favorite phrases. I wanted to eat @アイテム9@!' Doesn't sound like much. But it means a lot to me! Isn't it fun to talk to things?! Th-This is...um, erm... It's... Um, I was just kind of...frustrated, so... It's @コハク@'s bed. Sleepy time! Backy-awayey time! Are you sleepy? Then I'm gonna go sleep in Lumie's bed today! Hee hee! ♪ Hey, if you sleep here, where should I sleep? Here. My bed. In the forest. Th-that... That sounds warm! I like it! ♪ I see. I'm going to your room, then. Good night! I wonder if the forest would be warm enough... Let's go home and sleep together if you're feeling all groggy!{LF}♪ I'm sure it's definitely warmer that way, right? It's @エルミナータ@'s bed. I'm mysteriously sleepy. I value my life. I'll put you in jail forever. Can you show me some gems? *Make small talk* *Walk away* May I help you, customer? I deal in gems. A fine day to you. My shop isn't big, but please, make yourself at home. I'd like to see some fish. *Make small talk* *Walk away* Welcome. I just caught these fish, so they're fresh for sure. Feel free to visit my shop anytime. I always get fresh seafood{LF}in, every single day! Thank you. Come again. Aah! There is nothing better than a{LF}@アイテム0@ after a nice, hot soak. I've been waiting for you. Here, this{LF}@アイテム0@ is for you. Oooh, baths feel so nice. It's wonderful to sit and relax and{LF}drift off... Here, after a bath, a nice @アイテム0@ is{LF}simply heavenly... That was a truly excellent bath. You should never forget your @アイテム0@{LF}after a bath. Here, I brought some for you. Drink up, now! I've been waiting for you. Here. I have a nice{LF}@アイテム0@ for you. I thought something warm might be appropriate. Though I was hoping instead for something sweet...ahem. Er,{LF}never mind. You didn't hear that. Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. Here. I brought a nice{LF}@アイテム0@ for you. Aah! A warm drink after a relaxing bath is wonderful! Though if it were sweet as well...AHEM! N-never mind. It's{LF}nothing. Oh, hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! I was waiting for you. Here. A nice @アイテム0@ for you after your{LF}bath. Whenever Forte comes here, I always make sure to have{LF}one ready for her. Aha, there you are! I've been waiting for you. Here! Have a nice @アイテム0@. Let's drink{LF}ours together! Oh hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Here. The best thing after a hot{LF}bath is a lovely @アイテム0@! Aha! There you are. Over here! ♪ Sorry to keep you waiting. Here. A nice @アイテム0@ is always best after{LF}a hot bath. Thanks. You know what's just lovely after a bath? This. Here. I brought you one. ♪ It's for me? Thanks! There you are. I was waiting for you. Here, a nice @アイテム0@. These things are{LF}great after a bath. I've been waiting for you. Here. A post-bath{LF}@アイテム0@ is good for what ails you. Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. A nice @アイテム0@. ... What's wrong? You've gotten awfully quiet. I must say, ladies are...very attractive when they've just{LF}returned from the bath. I'm sorry, but I couldn't help staring. I've been waiting for you. Here you go. A nice{LF}@アイテム0@. I hope you didn't wait too long, my dear. Um, weren't you the one waiting for me? Here, this is a lovely little drink to have after a bath. @しゅじんこうくん@. I've been waiting for you. Here, have a{LF}delicious @アイテム0@! Umm...you realize this isn't a drink, right? ... It seems Papa has tricked me again. Here, a nice @アイテム0@. You should always{LF}have something to drink after a bath, yes? ...What? What's wrong? Here, @しゅじんこうくん@. A special treat from me. Aha! I've been waiting. Here, have some{LF}@アイテム0@. Homemade juice after a nice, hot bath is the best! ♪ Here you go, @しゅじんこうくん@. Have some{LF}@アイテム0@. It's the best when it's fresh! Here, have some @アイテム0@. My treat. You're finally here. I brought you some{LF}@アイテム0@. You kept me waiting a good long while. Your{LF}@アイテム0@ is kinda getting cold. Here, it's a nice @アイテム0@. This is the best{LF}thing for you after a bath. Here you are. @アイテム0@. You should drink{LF}it before it goes room temperature. I guess you've been waiting for a long time, huh? No, not that long. ...Has it already lost its temperature? Yeah. It's as warm as you. ...! ...Stupid perv. ''Geeez! What the heck is this?!'' Here. @アイテム0@. Thanks. Hey, @ドルチェ@. You're always out of the bath way{LF}before me. Why is that? ...Well... I heard girlfriends should wait for their boyfriends after taking{LF}a bath... What? ...? ''Dolly, do you really believe that?!'' ...?! You're finally here. Take this. It's @アイテム0@. It's the best thing{LF}after a bath. If you drink something cold, after all, then all that warmth{LF}you just soaked up is wasted... Hey, I've been waiting for you. Drink this. It's{LF}@アイテム0@. It's good for your health. The best medicine is the bitterest{LF}medicine, as they say! Ah, you're out! Here you go. The best thing to drink after a{LF}hot bath. Here you are. It's @アイテム0@. You're thirsty,{LF}right? Oh, you're finally here. This is @アイテム0@. I{LF}brought it for you. You're finally here. Take this. It's the best thing to drink after{LF}a hot bath. @キャラ0@, have you warmed up? Here. It's @アイテム0@! ♪ ← +Men+ ← /Women/ There's a strange shelf here. I can see my face reflecting back at me in this golden mirror. Looking good! I dove in early this morning, and trimmed it in a hurry. ...If you were wondering. There's a pleasant smell wafting from the pot. This is Selphia, huh? It's a nice town. Now I just need to find me some treasure... When I was walking in Selphia Plain, looking for some good{LF}treasure, I saw a flower garden. Then I passed the garden to see what was ahead, and there{LF}was a bridge blocked by rocks. Seemed awful suspicious. Got the feeling something real nice{LF}was on the other side... I really like this town, but maybe it's time to go somewhere{LF}else. Did you hear, by the by? In Norad, there's a town with an enormous tree in it. Seems ripe for the treasure-huntin' to me. I should head{LF}there! Hey, I heard you have a blue gem-- Yeah, listen up! I got it. I had the blue gem right in my hands. It was the most beautiful gem I ever done seen. So I just had{LF}a feeling... I knew it was worth somethin'. Oh no! Did you sell it? No, I didn't... Sadly, after finally stumblin' on a real treasure, I lost it, just{LF}like that. A monster done took it from me! A monster, huh...? Of course, I ran after it. But it went into a cave. And there were so many monsters in there that I couldn't{LF}follow it no more... *SIGH* So I just came back with my tears... Darned shame, it was. Can you tell me where that cave is located? Huh? Thank you very much. One more time, please. Wait, you plan on goin' there? I'll tell you one thing. You'd{LF}better give it up! There were monsters everywhere. You wouldn't last a{LF}minute! You'll be dead before you even get your bearings. ...I'm so disappointed I let it slip through my hands... What a waste. What a waste! I coulda sold it for so much... What? You tryin' to figure out where that cave is again?! Yes, please. I'm good. One more time, please. I memorized it. All right. Well, if you're set on goin', I won't stop you. Just take care o' yourself. Pass the bridge in the south o' @マップ0@ an'{LF}you'll get to @マップ1@. Always autumn there. That's where the cave is. There's a huge stump near the cave, so you can use that as{LF}a landmark. Oops, I shouldn't sleep here. These's a quill pen here, along with an ink well and...an{LF}account book? People often compliment me on my handwriting. There are all kinds of knick-knacks and things here. They{LF}look Eastern. It's cut to an even length. Oh, this is the mug I bought... Of course! I'm using it every day! ♪ The daily essentials here seem very well organized. The apron I bought is here, folded up neatly. I haven't worn it much yet. Because, um...I don't want to make it dirty by my mistakes. It's the body pillow I bought... I-I am shy to use it because it's a little embarrassing. But sometimes, um... ...Never mind. There's a familiar-looking message board standing against{LF}the wall. I thought it's rude if I don't use this expensive message board{LF}you gave me. Y-You don't have to read the messages I wrote, though! They{LF}are not very important! Then why are you trying to hide them from me? And isn't there also a voice recording function...? Read the messages. Play the voice messages. Not interested. Welcome to my room! I'm trying a little harder than yesterday. Tomorrow is a day off reward! ♪ It seems I want to go on a date. ... Hmm? There are tiny letters written after the message. When he has free time... I hope he will be a little nicer to me. I want to be close to{LF}him. Yes, yes! Today is... ...? It's @シャオパイ@'s bed. Smells sweet. Good night. Life's not that sweet. H-Hey, stop! That's not good! Absolutely bad! Um...if you really want to sleep there... N-no, that's not good! What am I thinking?! My bed isn't large enough... I can't sleep there if you sleep{LF}there! It's @リンファ@'s bed. It's pulling me in... It's not pulling me in... YOU SHOULDN'T SLEEP HERE, YOU KNOW! ♪ ''Put yourself into the other person's place.'' ''I took my heart out and put it in a dish in front of me.'' ''I stared at it for a while, and I put the other person's heart{LF}in the dish, too.'' ''Then, we argued a little and talked about our true feelings.'' ''After that, surprisingly, we were smiling at each other.'' Oops, I shouldn't sleep here. There are quite a few tiny pots here. They look like{LF}antiques... There are snacks for customers lined up next to tiny bells. It's cut to an even length. On some days, it starts to take the shape of a human being... There's some money on the pillow. @0@G... That's what you paid me for your smile. You mean you seriously put that money on display?! I said I would, right? ...I feel like I got ripped off, though. Your smile's worth a{LF}whole lot more than that. Huh? ...Nothing. Never mind. There's a pair of drinking glasses here with a four-leaf clover{LF}design on them. Xiao and Lin Fa make fun of me for having these. They say the two glasses are always together, just like you{LF}and I. Haha... And I always tell them that's exactly right. ... Oh, this is that clock I bought! It ticks and tocks endlessly...just like you. ...Er, thanks? I don't like being tied down by time, though. But if I think of it as being tied down by you, it's not all that{LF}bad. It's that painting. Beautifully framed, and not a speck of dust{LF}anywhere to be found. Every time I look at it, I remember the past. It's too late for me to go back to that era, though. @レオン@... After all, I've got someone precious here in this time.{LF}Someone I could never leave. ...Someone I want to stay with forever... ...Uhh... It's @レオン@'s bed. Nappy nap nap nap! *Back away hastily* All right. I'll join you. Ack! Sorry! I think you should keep your guard up a little more. ...Or I'll get myself in trouble. What? Are you feeling tired? How about we go home and sleep, then? You can use my{LF}arm as a pillow. It's a potted plant. Seems to be well cared for. I guess @シャオパイ@ or @リンファ@ put it here. Hmm? There's something here. Where did this come from...? It's a nice statue. Looks powerful. Hmm? There's something here. Where did this come from...? What a nice view! I can see the sky from here! Whoa! Sorry, wrong room! Whoa! Sorry, wrong room!{LF}(@0@x: +Scatterbrain+) Whoa! Sorry, wrong room!{LF}(@0@x: +Suspect+) Whoa! Sorry, wrong room!{LF}(@0@x: +Obviously On Purpose+) Whoa! Sorry, wrong room!{LF}(@0@th time: +Perverted @姫@+) Oops, I shouldn't sleep here. It's a huge piano. @マーガレット@, is this what you usually use for practice? That's right. When I first came to this town, Porco bought it{LF}for me. Wow, there's so much sheet music here. And it's all pretty{LF}advanced stuff! Oh, hey, these are lyrics... Let's take a look. I probably shouldn't. S-stoooooooop! Who is this? Is he a famous composer or something? Yes. Veethoben R. Santa Coquilla. And next to him is Vach de Santa Coquilla, of course. In the history of music, their progressive compositions are{LF}some of the most important-- (Wow, @マーガレット@ is really into all this, huh!) Seems like a really well-worn instrument. Yes. My music teacher gave me this. I got some fruit from @マーガレット@. There are a lot of different fruits in here. You want some? Go ahead and take some. If @マーガレット@ were here, she might give me some... This is...the statue I bought. Heh. Pretty good display spot, huh? It's like the house{LF}guardian! This is that diary I bought. I wonder if there's anything in it... I-I should check it out! N-no, that's really bad! No. No, you shouldn't. You know better. Erm... Got a diary Forte Porco Selphia A present Marriage Close it. ''I got a diary today. But I've never written in one before.'' ''Guess there's a first time for everything! Let's just take it day{LF}by day. Maybe I'll like it!'' ''This was a present for me. From him.'' ''I was wondering what he was looking for, and then he gave{LF}me this... I was really surprised!'' ''I kept checking my hands to make sure it was real on the{LF}way home. It made me so happy!'' ''Forte was training today, with a really huge sword.'' ''How can she swing something that big?!'' ''I mean, she's so skinny!'' ''I really envy her.'' ''Porco is an enigma.'' ''He can do anything he wants, and yet, when he needs to{LF}be serious, he gets serious.'' ''...I don't know, maybe he's just weird!'' ''Either way, I wish he'd stop sneaking food all the time. It's{LF}bad for his health!'' ''I like this town very much.'' ''Everyone is kind, warm-hearted and genuinely happy.'' ''I'm really glad to know the people here. I hope we'll all stay{LF}together forever.'' ''I should call up my sister sometime, and get her down here{LF}as well.'' ''There was a time when I wished I'd never met him.'' ''Because if I didn't know anything, I'd never have to see{LF}anything. I'd be comfortable.'' ''Comfortable in my ignorance.'' ''But I was wrong. True love...is what makes life worth living. I{LF}don't regret a single moment.'' ''I'm going to marry the one who made me realize this. And I{LF}couldn't be happier about it.'' Hey, it's that music box I bought! Before I sleep, I always listen to it and think of you... It's the violin I bought. Heh. It's the most precious thing I own! ♪ And not because it's valuable...but... ...because you gave it to me. It's @マーガレット@'s bed. Smells nice. Sleep time! Nonononononono. H-hey! Go home and sleep in your own bed! Understand?! Shoo!{LF}SHOO!! Hey, what are you thinking...? Argh...are all men like this? ... ...? Would you like...to start a family? Heh...heheh... Kidding! Kidding! @字@ It's so round... I hear it represents the world. It's a perfect replica... ...Is it a turnip? It's from one of my customers, who claims turnips hold{LF}special meaning... There are materials all over the place... Anything over in that general area is fair game. Feel free to{LF}take a look. Red glasses... Blue glasses... Yellow glasses... Brand new glasses... Found @アイテム9@. But it doesn't seem like it can be added to any inventories{LF}just yet. What? Why not?! Received @アイテム9@. What? I couldn't take these last time, though... You must have been chosen by the glasses. It's the Harvest Report. Read it. Umm...I'm good for now! Let's see what the report says about this week and next{LF}week... < This Week's Harvest Report >{LF}Bumper: @アイテム0@{LF}Poor: @アイテム1@ < Next Week's Harvest Report >{LF}Bumper: @アイテム2@{LF}Poor: @アイテム3@ Okay, I got it. Dear Arthur-- How beautiful was the view without glasses? I may never know. But long ago, there was a woman who said something just{LF}along those lines. When she saw her son without glasses, she thought... ...she thought he looked smart, and kind. And he had lovely, comforting features in his face. She couldn't tell this to him then, but someday, when the{LF}time was right, she wanted to. That's what she said. Regardless, I understand your decision. From now on, you can live as you choose. You can live as{LF}you believe. My wife has already been advised. But there is one more thing. Even if we are separated, our hearts are together always. Faithfully yours... Oops, I shouldn't sleep here. There are cute dishes here. Because my sister loves anything that's cute! ♪ H-hey! Don't go snooping around! There are dishes and seasonings on the shelf above me. On the wall, there's a family photo. And on the shelf, there's{LF}some fruit and a water jug. A stuffed Chipsqueek is staring at me with beady eyes. Erm, I put it there because I...wanted it to be close to me.{LF}Always. Because...well... ...you bought it for me, so...yeah... Oh, this is that bag I bought... It's my favorite thing I own. Hey, I recognize this. It's the sword I bought... It's a replica, so I really shouldn't use it as a weapon, you{LF}know? I want to keep it in pristine condition. Especially since it's a present from...the person I love... There's a dish here. But...this is a bedroom... I-I'm not a glutton! I don't eat all the time, I swear! Erm...I didn't say anything like that... Ah...! A-ahem... This is the dish from the legendary cheesecake you gave me. Kiel and I ate it together. It was delicious. Thank you very{LF}much. I don't think I'll ever forget that incredible taste... ... (She's staring off toward some foreign sun, with a dreamy,{LF}almost forlorn look on her face.) This sure is a cute bookmark sticking out of this book... Of course! After you gave it to me, I began to enjoy reading{LF}even more than I ever did before. And when there's a female protagonist, I sometimes like to{LF}pretend she's you. And I try to imagine how you'd feel about the scene. It{LF}makes every book an adventure! ♪ There are several different types of stationery on the desk. Oh, and there's that pen I bought! All I can do right now is study. But someday, I'd like to help people with this pen. You included, of course! But for now...I just keep on studying. Safe in the knowledge{LF}that one day, my time will come. Hey, it's that...thing! That thing that's so popular with the kids{LF}these days! Do you know what people actually call it? I'm really not sure. It's some kind of...doohickey...but nobody{LF}seems to know how to use it. Yeah. I guess because you don't really need to use it to{LF}appreciate it, right? Might be a good way to toast bread, though. Be nice if it{LF}had instructions. Maybe its ambiguous purpose is what makes it such a hot{LF}item... This is that mysterious book I bought. I opened it. And you know what was inside? ...Nothing. All{LF}blank! But every time I open it to look again, I remember more and{LF}more of the past. It's funny, isn't it? It's @フォルテ@'s bed. I just HAVE to sleep here! I just HAVE to run away! ... My life may be in danger. I'd best not close my eyes. Wh-what are you doing?! ...Um...please don't... About, erm...expanding our family? ...N-Nothing. Never mind. It's @キール@'s bed. Awww. Let's sleep! No, let's not. Hey, you should sleep at home. You that tired? You want me to read a book to you? If you want to sleep, let's go home and sleep. I don't mind! ♪ Chair, Table Stuffed Animal Potted Plant Artwork Toy Assorted Brick-a-brack Talk (Nothing! Never mind.) @キャラ0@ @0@G @キャラ1@ @1@G Back @キャラ0@ @0@G @キャラ1@ @1@G @キャラ2@ @2@G @キャラ3@ @3@G @キャラ4@ @4@G @キャラ5@ @5@G Back @キャラ0@ @0@G @キャラ1@ @1@G @キャラ2@ @2@G @キャラ3@ @3@G @キャラ4@ @4@G Back @キャラ0@ @0@G @キャラ1@ @1@G @キャラ2@ @2@G @キャラ3@ @3@G Back @キャラ0@ @0@G @キャラ1@ @1@G @キャラ2@ @2@G @キャラ3@ @3@G Back @キャラ0@ @0@G @キャラ1@ @1@G @キャラ2@ @2@G @キャラ3@ @3@G Back Uh, um...I'm selling furniture. *SWEAT* E-erm, do you have anything...you want? *SWEAT* T-Take your time! *SWEAT* W-Would you like anything else? *SWEAT* Buy Quit Would you like me to s-send it to your house? *SWEAT* Yes, please. I'll take it home myself. Th-thank you so much! *SMILE* Th-thank you so much! *SMILE* I sent it on ahead! Awww, I'm afraid you don't have enough money! *SWEAT* Whoa, I'm afraid you don't have room for any more furniture!{LF}*SWEAT* Please...get rid of something first. *SWEAT* Whoa, I'm afraid you don't have room for any more furniture!{LF}*SWEAT* Please take it home yourself! *SWEAT* A dining table is the key to a happy, well-run family unit.{LF}That'll be @0@ Gold! *SWEAT* You need a chair to relax! That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* Pomme Pommes sure look delicious, don't they? That'll be{LF}@0@ Gold! *SWEAT* Woolies are awfully cute, aren't they? That'll be @0@{LF}Gold! *SWEAT* I love Chipsqueeks! That'll be @0@ Gold! *SWEAT* Ducks are adorable! That'll be @0@ Gold! *SWEAT* Silver Wolves are so majestic! That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* Rune Saurs are the best! That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ0@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ1@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ2@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ3@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ4@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ0@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ1@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ2@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ3@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ0@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ1@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ2@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ3@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ0@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ1@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ2@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* @キャラ3@, right? That'll be @0@ Gold!{LF}*SWEAT* Uh, um, excuse me! I-I'm... I-I'm not good at talking with people! *SWEAT* Um, c-can I ask you if you have a...well...a l-lover? Yes. No. Many. I-I-I knew it! I knew you had to! What? How come?! Unbelievable! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA{LF}AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA{LF}AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! *SWEAT* Got any Rune Abilities? *Make small talk* *Walk away* Super welcome! I'm selling super many skills! This town is super clean, isn't it? I super like it here! Can I see some Magic? *Make small talk* *Walk away* I'm a Magic merchant! Haha! I'll sell you whatever you need!{LF}Hoho! You have quite a strong magical power in you, no? Haha! Are you sure?! How disappointing... Well, it seems our compatibility is...only average? I thought we were a better match than that... Are you sure?! We did it, @しゅじんこうくん@! We're a perfect match! We have nothing to be scared of! Let's continue along this path and see where it may lead us! *YAWN* Our compatibility is average, huh? *YAWN* Did you hear that? It seems we're a perfect match! ♪ I had no idea... Tee-hee! ♪ My goodness! Hmmm...not bad, but...not good... Hmmm... Did you hear that? It seems we're a good match! ♪ Actually, not just good, but...grrrrreat! I'm so moved... Waaaahhhhhhhh! I see... Well, it's just fortune-telling. We don't have to take it too{LF}seriously. ... I see. I understand... Did you hear that, @しゅじんこうくん@?! ...Ahh... ...Ahem. Fortune-telling is just fortune-telling, right? There's{LF}no reason to believe it's true. ...But if it is... ...Hee hee... Whaaat? There must be a mistake! Our compatibility is just...okay? Tee-hee! I knew it! ♪ You heard that, right? We're a perfect match! Yaaaay! ♪ Well, that's kind of an...onion in the ointment... Mm. I guess that's good enough. Wow! I didn't expect such an enthusiastic response! It must be a one in a million fortune. Who else could be such{LF}a perfect match but us? Whaaat? Really? Ummm...I can't accept that. Just...normal compatibility, huh? Are we...normal? Is that all we are? Hey, did you hear that? We're a perfect match! Tee-hee! ♪ Can't believe our compatibility is a whopping @0@... What do we do? Where do we go from here?! Tee-hee! I'm so excited! ♪ Harrumph. I don't believe in fortune-telling. Just...an average match, huh? Well, it's only fortune-telling. It doesn't mean much. Are we...? ...W-well, I can't complain about that result... ...I suppose... I had no idea we were a perfect match, though. ... A-actually, I don't believe in fortune-telling at all! Well, hit or miss, it's all about the unknown. And no fortune{LF}is set in stone. I see. That's pretty interesting. But it's just fortune-telling, so I don't put much stock in it. Well, well, what a nice surprise! Maybe there's something to this fortune-telling stuff after all! How wonderful it is if this is our destiny... *SHOCK* It's a lie! @しゅじんこうくん@ and I must be a hyper-perfect match! I think...we must be wed! ...No! Since we're a perfect match, we should go beyond{LF}marriage. We should transcend it! Yes, we must prepare for our marriageopolis! Our mega-{LF}marriage! Our DESTINY!! I see... ...Well, I'll prove it wrong! Because I know we are fated to{LF}be! I see. Erm...should I be happy about this? Wow! We did it, @しゅじんこうくん@! This is a result of my efforts! ♪ But I didn't know we are a perfect match. How lovely! ♪ It is the greatest news in the world! For who? For you? Hmm? For me, yes? And you too, I think! Of course! And you too, yes? I see... That's not good. Erm, can we be happy about this? We did it, @しゅじんこうくん@. We hit the jackpot! ♪ Papa once told me fortune-telling is like a lottery. We got 100 points, so it means we won first prize, right? ♪ I see... ... I understand. What does ''so-so'' mean? How compatible is it saying we{LF}are? Yay! ♪ In your face, @しゅじんこうくん@! In your face! What?! I never thought we'd be a perfect match. Hee-hee... I'm so happy! ♪ This case is quite difficult. It's...not a case. It's fortune-telling. So-so? Are you sure? From my observation, this case is-- @エルミナータ@. This is not a case. It's fortune-telling. Wow, that's a brilliant deduction! You're quite good. ♪ Hey, fortune-teller. You want to come work for me? Are you going to start telling fortunes with flower petals or{LF}something? Hmm? Really? I don't think our compatibility is that bad. So-so, huh? Is that all?! That doesn't sound right... Did you hear that? I knew we were a perfect match! Here's hoping we can live up to our awesome fortune! Oh, my... What a pity... Well, I guess that's good enough. Oh, my! I'm so glad to hear that. Though you must be none too pleased to be a perfect match{LF}for an old fossil like me! Ho ho ho... ... ''Dolly... You're surrounded by a dark aura...'' Hmm... So-so? Seems like a ''safe'' result. I don't trust this fortune{LF}one bit. ... ''Gee, I wonder why ever not...'' Hmm. That's good. ...Not very surprising, though. ''Y-you look so happy right now... Stop it! I'm getting jealous!'' Hmm. Whether hit of miss, it's only fortune-telling, no? Well, that's not bad. But I'm a little disappointed that it isn't{LF}a bit better. I'm always happy when the result turns out positive. I may have settled down as a doctor, but life is full of what-{LF}ifs...and they're fun to ponder. I'd like to believe that this result may be true, in another time{LF}and place. Oh my, that's sad... Well...could be worse, right? Tee-hee. It seems we're a good match! A perfect match, though? That's pretty rare. And surprising! When I get home, I'm going to rub this in Dolly's face. Boy{LF}will she ever be jealous! ♪ When I get home, I'm going to rub this in Jones' face. Boy{LF}will he ever be jealous! ♪ Huh?! I see. ... I'm not satisfied with this result. I think we should have our{LF}fortune told again sometime. I understand. It may not be perfect, but it could be a lot worse. I'll take{LF}what I can get. YES!! ...I-I mean... That was not me. I was...momentarily possessed. I'm more subdued than that. But still, to think we're a perfect{LF}match... Not really surprising, though, when you think about it. Because, after all...you are mine... Rrrrrnnnnggg... You need to have more respect for me. That must be the{LF}problem! So-so? @しゅじんこうくん@. Don't be shy. You clearly don't respect or{LF}fear me as much as you should. I see! That means @しゅじんこうくん@ can't help but respect me, no?{LF}Which stands to reason, really. I am a most respectable deity, after all. And I respect @しゅじんこうくん@...m-more or less...as well. What? No! So-so? Like, we only get along halfsies or somethin'? Yay! We're a perfect match! Yaaay! I'm so happy! ♪ Ho ho ho. I'm a fortune-teller. I can call upon the spirits to check your compatibility with{LF}someone you care about. With whom would you like to know your compatibility{LF}factor? With @キャラ0@. With @キャラ1@. With @子供ちゃん@. With @子供ちゃん@. I'm good. Let's get started, then! Mekka lekka hi... ...mekka hiney ho! I see it! I see the lines of fate stretched between you two as{LF}clear as day... It's a perfect match! Your compatibility quotient is @0@! It's only...so-so. Your compatibility quotient is @0@. It's...not very good. Your compatibility quotient is @0@. I see. Come back anytime, with the one whose bonds you wish to{LF}know... ..It cuts me deep when someone tells me that in person. *SIGH* I guess that's a case of two ships passing one another in the{LF}night. A fated moment of meeting! ...Well, it's just fortune-telling. Is that so...? That's what I thought! ♪ ...R-really? If that's the way it has to be. Not that I know why it has to{LF}be that way. We're a perfect match, huh? Well, that makes sense to me. I knew it! ♪ I never would've guessed we'd be a perfect match for one{LF}another. @しゅじんこうくん@. Would you like to be my assistant? ...I'm kidding. (Hope @しゅじんこうくん@ doesn't catch on to how thrilled I am{LF}with this result!) We'll stick with one another forever, through thick and thin,{LF}right? Mmmrrrnnngg! I am a monster expert! I can suss out how strong your Friend Monsters are! Please,{LF}let me evaluate them! Show @モン0@. Show @モン1@. Don't come any closer. OHHHH SO CUTE! ...So what is it you wish to know? Give me the basic summary. Elemental resistances. Status-altering & defense. Other attack and defense. Nothing. Mmmrrrnnngg! I shall advise! This monster is smaller than average! This monster is bigger than average! This monster is normal-sized! This monster is powerful! With MANLY MUSCLES!! This monster is smart! With a mathematician's brain! This monster is tough! With the endurance of an armadillo...{LF}from the netherworld! This monster has a lot of vitality! It will live long...{LF}and prosper! There's nothing of note about this monster. It is...utterly{LF}ordinary in every way! This monster is strong! And WILD!! This monster is smart. Its eyes gleam with intellect! This monster is tough! Hard as a rock, and twice as resilient! This monster has a lot of vitality! It will never tire! This monster is well-balanced! It will wobble, but never fall! This monster has excellent potential! Please, care for it well! Mmmmrrrnnnngg! This monster is strong and growing! Keep taking good care of it! Mmmmrrrnnnngg! You seem to be raising this beast as if it were your own{LF}child. It is...LOVED!! Mmmmrrrnnnngg! This monster...does not care much for you! This monster likes you, just as you like it! This monster loooooves you! I dare not even say how much it cares for you. It would be{LF}too embarrassing to note! Mmmmrrrnnnngg! I shall examine this monster thoroughly! I will tell you its resistance to elemental attacks. Fire:@キャラ0@, Water:@キャラ1@, Earth:@キャラ2@,{LF}Wind:@キャラ3@, Light:@キャラ4@, Dark:@キャラ5@,{LF}Love:@キャラ6@, Phys:@キャラ7@! Next, I shall details its status ailment attacks!{LF}Mmmmrrrnnnngg! Psn:@キャラ0@, Seal:@キャラ1@, Par:@キャラ2@,{LF}Slp:@キャラ3@, Ftg:@キャラ4@, Sick:@キャラ5@,{LF}Faint:@キャラ6@, Drain:@キャラ7@! And its resistance to status ailments! Mmmmrrrnnnngg! Psn:@キャラ0@, Seal:@キャラ1@, Par:@キャラ2@,{LF}Slp:@キャラ3@, Ftg:@キャラ4@, Sick:@キャラ5@,{LF}Faint:@キャラ6@, Drain:@キャラ7@! Mmmmrrrnnnngg! I shall examine this monster thoroughly! I sense... Knock: @キャラ0@,{LF}Knock Res: @キャラ1@, Crit: @キャラ2@{LF}and Crit Res: @キャラ3@... Mmmmrrrnnnngg! You are shy, are you not? Please, allow me to see your monster friends as soon as{LF}possible! The number of treasures you've collected is @数字0@. There are still many more treasures left to find. Keep looking! Well, it seems you've collected quite a few treasures. You've collected a lot of treasures! I need to try harder if I'm{LF}to outdo you... Unbelievable... There must not be a single treasure left to find in all the{LF}world anymore... I called a mushroom hunter to get rid of all the mushrooms. And just like that...they were gone! He's much more reliable than my husband. He only cares{LF}about treasure chests, though... Mushrooms seem to be growing next door. We're collecting mushrooms from next door, and eating them{LF}every day. But I just...can't eat them anymore. It's too much! Oh, why do mushrooms grow around me? Why do I attract{LF}them?! If only my husband did something, we could get through{LF}this... At first, I thought I could eat mushrooms for free and save{LF}some money! But it was only the beginning of my nightmare. I never imagined mushrooms could grow so thick as to block{LF}passage through a narrow road. I need to call the mushroom hunter again soon. These days, mushrooms grow inside my house, too. It's a guest bed. Let's sleep! Noooo! Too early! Pajamas @0@G Bathing Suit @1@G Chipsqueek Body Suit @2@G Wooly Body Suit @3@G Selphia Soldier @4@G Sechs Soldier @5@G Red Passion @6@ Blue Sky @7@G Fruity Lemon @8@G Green Forest @9@G Persian Pink @A@G Fruity Orange @B@G Dark Wings @C@G Talk Quit Talk Smile @0@G Quit Heh...I'm selling clothes. You want to buy some? Heh... Thank you. You want to get dressed here? Let me get dressed here. Not right now. Wow, it looks great on you! All right, then. All you need to do is prepare a wardrobe, and{LF}you can change from there. All right, then. You simply need to find a wardrobe, and you{LF}can change from there. Heh...You don't have enough money. How unfortunate... Oh, my, you don't have a wardrobe yet, do you? In that case, you can't get dressed at home. Do you still{LF}want to buy something? I'll buy. No, thanks. Heh... ... ...Sorry, I'm not good at smiling. I like making clothes very much. There are countless Woolies here, so it's not hard to find the{LF}right materials for sewing. Heh...I don't have any clothes to sell you right now. Please come again later. I'll make some new items in the{LF}meantime. Or do you want something other than clothing? Heh...All my clothes are sold out. Thank you. I hope we meet again somewhere. Or do you want something other than clothing? I like pajamas. They're very comfortable for sleeping. That'll{LF}be @0@ Gold. If you're planning to go to the lake, you should buy a bathing{LF}suit. That'll be @1@ Gold. A full-body Wooly experience! That'll be @2@ Gold. It's a Chipsqueek body suit. How very...eccentric. That'll be{LF}@3@ Gold. This is official Selphia soldier wear. That'll be @4@{LF}Gold. This is official Sechs soldier wear. That'll be @5@. I'm proud of these beautiful red clothes. That'll be @6@{LF}Gold. These are lovely blue clothes. That'll be @7@ Gold. These are wondrous yellow clothes. That'll be @8@{LF}Gold. These are quaint green clothes. That'll be @9@ Gold. These are gorgeous pink clothes. That'll be @A@ Gold. These are warm orange clothes. That'll be @B@. These are elegant black clothes. That'll be @C@ Gold. Hello! I'm Tart! I'm training to be a cooking master! I made some delectable dishes today as well. Would you like{LF}to try some? Yes, please. No, thank you. Excellent! Please come again tomorrow! Really...? I-I see... I must admit, I'm a bit disappointed. I'm in the midst of a long journey to become a superior chef.{LF}Though it's my mom's idea! But I found a hut that looks to be a really nice place to live. So I decided to live here and practice cooking for a spell! Cooking is a rather deep science, is it not? How deep, you ask? Well... It's as deep as the well in my house! And believe you me...{LF}that's deep. A famous chef once said, ''Cleanup is also a part of cooking.'' And I'm very good at cleaning! Doesn't cleaning feel great? Wait...what were we talking about, again? My whole family is obsessed with cooking. Though...my older brother is pretty awful at it. And...actually, my sister kind of hates it. ...Well, I like cooking, anyway! Do you believe in destiny? I do. More than I believe in ghosts, anyway. Ghosts are silly{LF}things! Oh, but aliens...that's the real mystery, you know? It's hard to{LF}say which is more likely. I don't exercise much. I'm no good at it. I've never been much for exercising. But these days, I do bridge calisthenics daily, because I know{LF}it's good for me! People tell me that I'm a little weird or I'm a little crazy. Though don't get me wrong! It's not like they ALWAYS tell me that or anything! Just...{LF}every now and again. Sometimes. Only sometimes. I swear! When I'm having a bad day, I just look up at the sky. It's so beautiful, isn't it? Especially at sunset! Oh, but the stars at night are also quite lovely... ...And I like cooking, too. Wait, how did we get back to that,{LF}again? (He's so close to me...) (My heart's beating so fast...) (@しゅじんこうくん@ can't hear this sound...can he?) ...! Don't you...like this? N-no. I was just...surprised. It's okay if it's you, @しゅじんこうくん@. Your hands are so warm... Mmm... With every pat, I get more and more...relaxed... ...Zzz... *POKE* ...Oogh! ...My turn. Hyah! *POKE* Huh?! Can I stay like this, please? ... (He's so warm...) ...?! A sudden kiss...? Sorry... You don't have to be sorry... Girls need some time to prepare for a kiss, though. As a gentleman, you should always ask first. *THUMPA{LF}THUMPA THUMPA* I feel so relieved when I'm with you. Flying in the sky sure is an odd sensation, isn't it? I feel all fluffy like a cloud. Or a marshmallow. Or a pillow... Kind of weird to be on the other side like that. Makes me a{LF}little uncomfortable. But... But...? But I also feel kind of like I'm in a cradle. It's hard to explain.{LF}And it makes me sleepy. Well, just about everything makes you sleepy, though, right? Oh yeah, that's true! I wish I could just go off somewhere like this... ...? What's wrong? I'll help in any way I can! No, no, I'm not depressed. I just mean...because I'm happy. To go off and...relax. ...I'm sorry! I guess that's probably a little confusing, huh? No, no. I get it. Stop talking crazy! I think I understand what you're trying to say. I feel kind of happy too. But mostly because you're... ...*ZZZ*... ...here with me... @クローリカ@... *GASP* Sorry! I suddenly just felt really drowsy. What were you saying? Never mind... ...? ... If I didn't have you by my side, I'd really miss you,{LF}@クローリカ@. So...please, don't ever leave me. Stay with me always. ...That almost sounds like you're proposing to me. But...it makes me happy to hear you say something so sweet{LF}to me. Shall we go home, then? Sure! This is fun, huh? Y-Yes! (@しゅじんこうくん@ is getting closer...) (Her hair is so beautiful...) (I want to touch it so badly...) Ah...! You don't like it...? N-no! No no no no no! I-I mean, that's not it! I do! I really do! I've wanted to hold your hand this whole time, and I was so{LF}focused on that... ...I-I'm so glad to be here with you like this. Ha ha ha... But isn't that normally what men do? I wanted to caress your head. You don't...like it? ... Actually, I like being patted on the head. It feels...stimulating. *POKE* Hey, what har who dooing? Physical contact! ♪ *POKE* *POKE* *POKE* @しゅじんこうくん@... Your cheeks are puffy like rice cakes! ♪ Wha?! Ah! H-hey, s-st...! You want me to stop? What are you talking about?! Stay like dis, please! ...''Like dis''? ...I mean... ...I want to stay like this with you forever. ...! Only once, okay? Okay. @しゅじんこうくん@'s lips were soft and supple... I'm always excited when I'm with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. What a huge ship this is! I'll bet the helmsman must know it backwards and forwards. You do have a real appreciation for the people who work{LF}behind the scenes, don't you? Well, it's not easy to be an expert. It takes a lot of hard work{LF}and discipline. Is that really something you want to put yourself through,{LF}though? Absolutely! Experts are often unappreciated in their own time, but wind{LF}up going down in history. And I want to leave my mark. Well, you're certainly putting forth your best effort to that{LF}end. And even if you don't become an expert I'm sure people will{LF}still give you due credit for that. Do you...really think so? Nonetheless, I wish to show the world that I am truly a{LF}master-class butler. And after I become an expert... ...I can then be the perfect man for you! How long will it take? I can't wait! ♪ Real men are experts. Wh-what a question! I just want you to become a full-fledged butler as soon as{LF}possible. For me. Ah, certainly. That would be my dream as well. ...I'll do my best! For @しゅじんこうくん@, I shall become a full-fledged butler! Ah, just as I thought. No one wants to marry a man who has{LF}yet to realize his ambition. But...I'll do my best! I'll become a full-fledged butler post-haste! Getting on an airship like this reminds me of the day when I{LF}first came to Selphia. One of my shoelaces split and I wound up falling on my face{LF}as I disembarked. A sign of bad luck, I thought. But looking back, perhaps it was nothing more than a split{LF}shoelace. Because this town is lucky. Come to think of it, you fell from the sky, no? Has anyone ever told you what people say about that day? They say an angel fell from the sky. It's practically folklore{LF}amongst the townsfolk. R-really? Indeed. And I think they were correct. For to me, you are{LF}absolutely an angel. Eheh...heh... Shall we go home? I'll walk you to your room. Thank you. I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. It's my pleasure. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. Ready to go home? I am. I want to stay with you. Y-you do? Well, then...let's stay together here for a while{LF}longer. What...?! Erm... Um... Th-this is kind of embarrassing, isn't it? Heheh... Aha ha... ... Eek...! Oh, sorry... I-it's okay. I was just surprised. O-okay. I was afraid I'd...upset you... ... (Mm...) Huh...? ... ... Wha...?! Your hair is beautiful, @フォルテ@. Is it...? May I caress your head again? I would...prefer you not. It's...a little embarrassing. EEP! @フォルテ@... You're sensitive, aren't you? A-anyone would be surprised to have that done to them so{LF}suddenly! Seriously, now... *POKE* Whaa!! HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Huh? Huh?! Um... @しゅじんこうくん@...? I, uh... (...Mmm...warm...) ...? ...?! ...!! @フォルテ@...? M...My cheek?! How about we take a walk together for a while? The wind feels amazing, doesn't it? It does. The sky looks somehow...translucent. And sweet. Today's weather is a bit...well, maybe we shouldn't have{LF}gotten on the airship... No, no, I'm sure it'll be fine. ...Ack! Watch out! S-sorry. I wasn't paying attention... I have to say, I do love being up in the sky like this. On clear{LF}days, anyway. Yeah. It would be nice if things cleared up. It would. But really...it doesn't matter. It just feels good to fly, bad{LF}weather or no. It just feels like your field of vision goes on forever. Like you{LF}can just...keep on going. That sounds just like you. You can go anywhere. Does it? I suppose I do tend to...well, never stop to smell the roses,{LF}as it were. I know I should be more relaxed, but it just sometimes feels{LF}like a...waste of time, I guess. Even though I know it isn't. ... But maybe...just maybe...there's nothing wrong with being as{LF}pig-headed as I am. And I always wonder what I'd do if I found someone who{LF}accepted that part of me, and loved it... ...Huh...? You don't always have to try to make out what's in the{LF}distance. Just look around instead. You can go anywhere. And some of the nicest places to go{LF}might be right next to you. That's...true. I kind of like that philosophy. And I think I might be able to{LF}follow it...if you're with me. What...? The view from here is really stunning, isn't it? Ah... Erm, you might be not able to see very well when the{LF}weather is like this, but... It's quite all right. I know. I understand. G-good. ...Sorry. I always get a little spacey when I'm in the sky like{LF}this. I feel like I'm reliving my childhood whenever I embark on an{LF}airship. Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@. Look there. Hmm? Ooh, and there! It's amazing how small the forest looks from{LF}this height. Oh, I wanna see, I wanna see! That cloud has a funny shape, doesn't it? And this view... H-hey, @フォルテ@? Calm down. You're... Ah...! W-watch out! ...Phew. Th-thank you. The ship shook a bit, and I...almost... No problem. But please, be careful. Falling from here would{LF}be decidedly bad for your health! I'm sorry. I will. I just got a bit...over-excited. It's kind of nice to see you get so into something, considering{LF}how calm you usually are. M-mmmrrrnng... ...Well, maybe this isn't so bad. What do you mean? Feeling...protected by someone else from time to time.{LF}Rather than always doing the protecting. O-only sometimes, though, you know?! Just...from time to{LF}time. ...Mm. I completely agree. ...Argh... Why do you look so happy?! Ready to go home? Yeah. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@... I can't explain why, but I'm a little nervous right now. ... ... (My heart is pounding fast...) ...But don't worry! It's not because I dislike this situation or{LF}anything! ...Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Huh? Wh-what's up? What's wrong? Why were you so surprised? I-it's nothing! Never mind! Did you...want to ask me{LF}something? Well, it's more like...a request. I, uh...I want to hold your hand. Huh...? ...You mind? N-no. I wanted to hold your hand, too. Really?! ♪ All right, then! Heeere weeee gooo! *SQUEEZE* ...This kind of situation sure is nerve-wracking, huh? Yeah, it is. YAAGH! Aha haha! That tickles, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're really cute, @キール@. No, you! What? You're cute! Eheh... Ha! You're blushing! I win! ♪ ...! Hey, what are you doing? Your hair just looks so soft and smooth... Okay, then. I'll touch yours too! Whoa! Tee-hee! ♪ What? Um... ... You're warm, @しゅじんこうくん@. You too, @キール@. Mm... ... ... Hey...@キール@? Hmm? What is it? You just...seemed to be zoning out. I wanted to bring you{LF}back to earth. Did I? ...Hey, can I ask you something, @しゅじんこうくん@? Sure. M-my heart is beating like crazy. H-how can I make it stop? I'm sorry...? I still want to stay here with you for a while longer. Wow! The wind feels so good! Look, @しゅじんこうくん@! Look at how small that mountain{LF}looks! Whoa, that's a flock of birds. I wonder if they're racing with{LF}us! ♪ (@キール@ certainly seems chipper!) What great weather! Look, @しゅじんこうくん@! There! Isn't it incredible?! Oh whooooa! Check out that cloud! (@キール@ looks he's having crazy amounts of fun...) You having a good time? *Leave him alone* Of course! ♪ I love high places! They're always so exciting, you know? You get this feeling like you can fly anywhere! And it's especially nice when you're right here next to me. In fact, that's what makes me happiest of all! @キール@... I hope we can always look out on the same view together. Look, @しゅじんこうくん@! Come here! Look at this! ... Oooooh, and there, too! Are you looking? Come on! ... @しゅじんこうくん@! Heeey! ... (Did he give up?) *FWUMP* Whoa...! H-hey!! (I can feel his body heat on my back...) Heheh. Finally got you to say something! @キール@... You done taking in the view yet? Nope! But I figure I can take a short break on your back{LF}before gazing over the side some more. Plus, it's always more fun to take in the view together! ... Okay, break time is over! Come on. You've gotta see this! O-okay, fine. Doesn't being on an airship just make you feel really free{LF}and alive? Oh, yeah! Here! What? I thought maybe you'd want to take my hand. T-to keep you{LF}from falling over the side, of course! *Hold his hand* *Knock it away* ...Tee-hee. ... Wouldn't it be great if we could stay together like this{LF}forever? ...Yeah. It would... What? You don't want to? It's just a little...embarrassing in a place like this, you know? Huh?! Uhh...o-okay. That's fine, I guess. ... Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? Come on. I'll walk you back. You sure that's okay? Of course! After all, if I walk you back home, that means I{LF}get to stay with you a little longer! ... Okay, let's go! ♪ Hee hee. Actually, I'd been thinking something just like that. So how about this: Let's stay together just a liiiiittle bit longer{LF}right now! Sound good? ♪ Shall we go home now? Sure. Awww, do we have to? All right! Let's head home! ♪ Sounds good. Hmm? You want to spend more time with me, then? Can I come a little closer to you? Wha...? ...Uh, sure. Come on over. ... ... (I wonder if @しゅじんこうくん@ is enjoying himself...) (I wonder if now's a good time...) Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Can I...hold your hand? S-sure. ... (I did it! @字@) Hmm? Mm. That's nice. ... (It's kind of nice to have somebody to lean on every now{LF}and again. @字@) *POKE* Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@! You're such a tease! ...Am I? Well, if that's the way you want to play it... *POKE* *GLOMP* ?! Uh... @しゅじんこうくん@? If Porco sees us, he's gonna be mad. ...Ahh, who cares?! @字@ ...! ...What was that, all of a sudden?! Eheh. Heh... All right, mister, you're going to get it now! @字@ I want to see you more. We're so high up... *SHUDDER* @マーガレット@? I don't like high places... Oh... Okay. Come here. The view really is quite lovely. R-really? Yup. ... ...You're right... It's absolutely stunning. Are you okay now? *SHUDDER* I want to snatch you away. ...As long as you're holding me. I-I see... H-hey! Are you scared of heights too?! ...Yes, actually. Oh. Oh! I'm so sorry. Well, don't worry! I'm here for you! ... ... @マーガレット@? I was kidding, you know? ...WHAT?! Seriously? I totally bought it, though! *SHUDDER* Are you okay? We don't have to get on the airship. I'm fine! I'd...like to spend time with you in a quiet place like this. @マーガレット@... ...Stay near me, okay? Absolutely. ...Forever, please. ...? What did you say? ...Nothing. Never mind. Ready to go home? Sure. Mrng... ... ... ... Let me just say this... ...? I... I'm happy, you know? ...Me too. ...! ... You...don't like it...? ...Idiot. How could I not?! Whew! Glad to hear it. I don't want to ever let you go. Ah, I can't reach! What are you doing...? Well, I, uh...I just thought your hair style seemed oddly{LF}inviting. Well, two can play at that game. I'll pat you on the head{LF}too! Take that! Hey, stop it! You're messing up my hair! Ha ha ha. It looks good that way. It...does? ...You're so pure and stupid. ...Hyaa! ...! Wh-what was that, exactly? ...It was exactly what it seemed. Once more, from the top! ...Mess with me all you want. *GLOMP* ?! Wh-what? What are you doing?! Nothing. Everything. I don't even know. I just want to be{LF}with you. ...! Man, you really are an...ahhh, what the hell! *GLOMP* @ディラス@, can you squat down a little? Huh? Okay... *SMOOCH* !!! Wh-whoa! You're way too tall. Makes it tough for me to reach you. W-what the?! Geez... A-aren't I supposed to be the one to pull that kinda stuff,{LF}being the man and all?! The view from here is just stunning, isn't it? Yeah, it is. Don't lean too far forward, though! I know. *Lean dangerously forward* *Cling to him* Hey, what's that big building below us?! Wh-whoa! Look out! ...Oogh... You idiot! What is wrong with you?! Look, just stay close to me, okay? O-okay... How's this? H-hey...! You're less worried about me now, right? W-well, maybe, but this isn't quite what I... Well...you know, this isn't half bad. I think I'm okay with it. Shall we go home? I'll walk you. You would do that for me? I want to stay with you. Of course! Come on. Y-you do? Okay, then. Let's stay together for a while longer. Shall we go home now? Sure. I want to stay with you. Y-you do? Okay, then. Let's stay together for a while longer. Can I come closer to you...? Excuse me? Uhh, never mind... ... What...? This is fun, isn't it? ...Yeah. (Okay. I can do this. I'm going to take his hand in mine!) *GRIP* ... What's wrong? Ah, umm... (Doesn't even seem like he noticed...) *SQUEEZE* Ah...! (He squeezed back!) ...You started it. So I won't let go, even if you ask. ... Wha...? You push yourself too hard, @アーサー@. You should{LF}take a rest from time to time. ... ...Okay. *POKE* ... Umm...how am I supposed to respond to that? Ugh... I was just trying to be...playful, I guess. Don't mind me. Huh? Look, it was nothing, oka-- You look cute when you blush. Nng... *GLOMP* What the?! Um... Uh, what is this...? I can hear your heart beating fast, @アーサー@. Rrrg... ...I am a man, you know. Hmm? ... *EMBRACE* *SMOOCH* ?! Consider it...a show of my gratitude. For everything you've{LF}done on my behalf. I-I see... ...Wait. This is your way of saying thanks? Do you...do that to{LF}everyone? What?! Ah, nothing! Nothing! Sorry. That was very rude, and it can't{LF}possibly be true anyway! I was just...taken aback. It just slipped out, without me{LF}thinking about it. ...I want to make you mine. What...? Will you...stay with me? Just for a bit longer? The view is amazing, isn't it? Yes. Very much so. The weather, on the other hand... It's not that bad, honestly. I enjoy seeing how the view differs with each whim of the{LF}heavens. You travel by airship a lot, don't you? Yes, I do. So I guess you've seen all kinds of different landscapes from{LF}here. Many, many kinds, yes. But this view is a bit different from the others. Oh? Why's that? Because I'm seeing it with you. ...! Mmm. It is truly stupendous. You, and the view reflected in your eyes... It's breathtaking. ... Are you all right, @しゅじんこうくん@? Huh? Don't you...feel a bit cold? It is, after all, cooler up here than on the ground. Oh, no, I'm fine. Thanks. I see. Well, perhaps you should take this. Huh? It's a stole. I don't mean to be nosy, but I thought I saw your hands{LF}shaking a bit. ... Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Hmm? Whenever I embark on a long trip, and the airship takes off... ...and I see an incredible view like this, I always have the{LF}same thought these days. I wonder, why are you not at my side right now? What...? I thought it a bit silly at first, but now, it all seems so natural. For there is no view as beautiful as the one I see with you. What are you saying? @しゅじんこうくん@... Y-yes? Could I ask you to come away with me again sometime? Ah... ...Sure. Let's go home, shall we? I'll walk you. You would do that for me? I want to stay with you. Of course! Come, let's be off. O-okay. If that's what you wish. Shall we go home now? Sure. I want to stay with you. O-okay. If that's what you wish. H-hey...?! Uh, you are too close, yes? Oh, sorry! I guess you'd...prefer I keep my distance? Oh, no, nothing like that! It's just...well... ...Well what? Oogh... I...I don't like when people look at me from too close. I don't{LF}think I look so good in detail. (Foolish Xiao! Now is your chance to say to him, ''Let's hold{LF}hands!'' Go, go!) @シャオパイ@... Would you mind if I...held your hand? Huh?! S-sure. That's...okay with me. All right, then. ... ... Are you...blushing...? Oh, stop! ...What are you doing? Well, you're just so adorable, I couldn't resist! I-I'm...adorable? But... ...But I'm older than you... You didn't like it? ... ...?! Too slow! *PRESS* ... ...You can do that to me all you want. Ugh! *GLOMP* ...?! Um... ...This is...very warm. *SMOOCH* Wha?! Tee-hee. Y-you're surprised, yes? Um... ...Yeah. Actually, I was just about to do the same thing. What? I was a split second away from turning to face you. If you{LF}were one second later, we might've... Oh...r-really...? ...Well, that doesn't sound so... Huh? N-nothing! Never mind! Umm...I still want to spend a little more time with you, if{LF}that's okay. Wow, what a nice view! So this is what it looks like to be in{LF}the sky... Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@! You should take a look at it too! Okay. But it's so cloudy... Ugh... B-but still, the view is nice! Just look! All right... Such awful weather, though. I really wish it were nicer out. Argh... Th-this is a beautiful view as well! I'm sure you'll agree when{LF}you see it. Okay, let's have a look. It is beautiful! You're far more beautiful. Yes, see? The world is so pretty, and looks prettier than ever to me{LF}today. Thanks to you. Huh...? Heheh. Never mind! ♪ ... Sorry, can you please say that one more time? I, uh...I said you look far more beautiful than the view from{LF}the airship. ...Did you have trouble hearing me over the sounds of the{LF}wind? No. I just wanted to hear it one more time because I was so{LF}happy. Mm! The weather is beautiful today, too! ♪ Yeah, it is. I feel like shouting something to the world from way up here. ...So I think I will! Listen closely, @しゅじんこうくん@. Er, okay. *DEEP BREATH* @しゅじんこうくん@! I LOVE YOU SOOO MUUUUUUUCH!! Wh-whoa! @シャオパイ@! I love you...from head to toe. I gathered. That's good! I'm glad you know. ♪ Heheh. I couldn't help but yell it once I pictured how{LF}surprised you would be in my head. ...Geez... ...Shall we head back? Sure. Would it be okay if I came a little closer to you? Certainly! ♪ I feel...happy... Me too. I hope I can live like this every day. May I hold your hand? Of course! ♪ *SQUEEZE* ...What the...? What's wrong? Ummm... My face feels really hot all of a sudden... It's not like we're doing anything different than usual, though.{LF}How strange... Hahaha! That tickles! *TICKLE* *TICKLE* Acck! Cut it out! You're embarrassing me! ...Seriously?! Pfft, no! I just wanted to make you panic a little! ♪ *POKE* ... *SLURP* Whaaa?! ...? *GLOMP* @しゅじんこうくん@...? @コハク@... You're so warm... Umm... ...I'm actually a little hot right now. You give off a LOT of{LF}body heat... Now's my chance! ?! Hahaha... *SMOOCH* Wha...? Ah... See, I just...wanted to get you back, that's all... ...Mmmrrrnng... ...@コハク@? I just want to stay with you for a little while longer. Would that be okay? Wooow! ♪ The view is just amazing! It sure is. The weather is just awful! ...Yup. But... I don't care. I'm flying with you, @しゅじんこうくん@. This is like a dream! It is? Well, I've been wanting to fly on an airship with you for sooo{LF}long now! I felt like it would be really nice to see the world at your{LF}side. Two people, same view! We'd be...in sync with one another. ... This really is amazing. Human beings, flying without wings... Yeah. It's magical. Okay, ready to go home? Sure thing! Hmm? ... What's wrong? You feeling lonely? No, it's nothing like that. I just... ...Okay. Then, um... Why don't you come a little closer? You're not the only one who wants to get as close as{LF}possible, you know! Hmm? S-sorry. Guess you'd rather I not do that, huh? Don't be stupid. You can take my hand anytime you'd like! Your hands are really warm... ...What are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. Yeah, I can tell. But why, exactly? Well, if that's the way it's going to be, two can play at that{LF}game! Huh?! Don't like it? I didn't say that! Good. Your hair's so soft and silky... *POKE* Hey! Okay, you asked for it! *JAB* Ow! Ha! Gotcha! ... *GLOMP* Wha...? Whaaaaaat?! You were thinking of doing something to me, weren't you?{LF}Admit it! H-how did you know?! ...Whoa, you really were?! I was just joking! N-no, I wasn't-- I know what you're thinking. ?! What's this, all of a sudden? Tee-hee... ...Well, then I'll... Then I'll kiss you! ?! ...Tee-hee. You got some soft cheeks, you know that? (I really hope @しゅじんこうくん@'s enjoying this...) The view is beautiful, isn't it? *STARE* Um, why are you staring at me? Erm... Because you're more beautiful than the view. ...Have you gone mad? That can't possibly be. You say that to everybody? Aww, that's not a good thing to say, @ダグ@... Wh-what? Why not? What's wrong with it? Do you think I'm just feeding you some line or something? No, no. I'm just...not that beautiful. I don't think I deserve{LF}that kind of praise. ... ...I've never seen anyone who deserves it more, honestly. Wh-what...? What are you saying? This view pales in comparison to you. @ダグ@... You sure are a flatterer. I'm not just saying it! I mean every word. You are as beautiful as they come, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Thank you. What? No! Idiot... You sure about that? I'm positive! Sheesh! ... I swear to the heavens! You're the only one I-- ... ...W-well, I guess that's enough for today... You're awfully shy, you know that? I'm impressed you were{LF}able to say that to me. The wind sure is strong. You cold or anything? *THUMPA THUMPA* Hmm? Your face looks kind of flushed. You catching a cold? N-no! I'm totally fine! You sure? That's good, then. Be careful you don't get sick, though. You're my princess, you know? I don't want to see anything{LF}bad happen to you. ... Ready to head home? I'll walk you back. Thanks. I want to stay with you. Don't mention it. Come on. R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. Ready to go home? Yeah. I want to stay with you. R-really? Okay. Let's stick around a little longer, then. ... ...If you want to get closer, just say it. Oh... How did you...? You looked so nervous. You're a terrible liar, you know. Even{LF}when you don't open your mouth. Heheh... ...Well, that's one of the things I love about you. May I hold your hand? Huh...? ...Do as you'd like. Okay. Here goes... ... ''Maaan! What a sweet moment this is!'' Ugh...! ...Wh-what are you doing? I'm patting you on the head. I know that much! But why?! You don't like it? ... ...You should have warned me first. *POKE* ?! Surprised? O-of course I am! Who does that?! You just about gave me a heart attack! Well, you are turning red, but I'm...pretty sure that's just you{LF}blushing. ... I'm just...not used to this... ...?! Is it okay if I hug you? ...You should probably ask that before actually doing it, you{LF}know. Okay, then. Was it okay that I hugged you? ...It... Well...it was nice. Huh...? Oh, sorry. I saw my chance, so I figured I'd take it. ...? @ドルチェ@? ??? ?????? Hey, @ドルチェ@...? I want to stay with you...a little longer... It feels really special up here, don't you think? I guess it's difficult for Pico to find us up here, since there are{LF}no trails in the sky. So we're alone, then? Will @ピコ@ be okay? Well...yes, I suppose so. ... Are you nervous, perhaps? No, I'm not. Why do you ask? Because your fingers are shaking. ... And you're stiff as a board. ...Oh, shut up. What? Do you miss her that much? That's not what I meant... Haha. Just kidding. I thought it might be fun to see you get a{LF}little flustered. If Pico goes too far away from me, she vanishes. She's{LF}attached to me, you see. But even when she vanishes, she's totally fine. She'll always{LF}come back when I do. I see. ... What's wrong? I just feel like you worry about Pico an awful lot. Oh, I'm sorry. That really isn't my intention. I know. I really do. But it still irks me a little. I can't help it. ... The view from above the clouds is fantastic, isn't it? I still can't believe that we're flying! I know what you mean. It doesn't even feel real. It's like I'm dreaming... @ドルチェ@... But then, life always feels like a dream when I'm standing by{LF}your side. ...I guess that makes you the man of my dreams. Huh? N-nothing. If you didn't hear what I said, you never will. ...Idiot. ...? Ready to go home? Sure. What's this? Are you so keen on feeling the warmth of my{LF}body? You bet I am! How about you, @レオン@? ... Huh? What's wrong? Well... ...I must admit, I'm at a loss. I wasn't anticipating such a{LF}reaction from you. Hmmmm... If you would, please lend me your ear. Uh, okay... ...Just between you and me... ...You're positively adorable. ...I'll stay by your side always. ...I love you. ...Just between you and me. Th-that's not exactly an answer to my question! Haha. Perhaps not. Hmm...? ...*GRAB* Hmm? ... What am I going to do with you? Ah... (...He squeezed my hand tight!) Hahaha! Wh-what are y-you doing?! Hahaha! Just an innocent little pat on the head, that's all! Well, it tickled! Hey...what's that deranged look in your eyes? ...Mwa ha ha. The time for revenge is nigh! H-hey! Come on! Don't! Stop! ''Don't stop,'' you say? All right, then...I won't! Wh-who do you think...haha! Hey, come on, stop! Please!{LF}Hahahaha! P-please... Please stop...! ...Well, that was fun. *PANT* *PANT* *PANT* Man, do I ever feel better now! ... ...You won't be doing that for long! *RUFFLE* *RUFFLE* Hey! Don't mess up my hair! Shut up... You're mine, all right?! *GLOMP* H-hey...! What the?! I just felt like hugging you. ...Honestly... I hear your heart beating, @レオン@. Ugh... ...It's beating pretty fast. You must be nervous having a girl{LF}clinging to you like this. ...Quit your yammering. ...! What are you doing...? You always tease me, so I'm paying you back. ... You have something on your forehead. Let me see. Really? O-okay... ...! That's what you get. ...You're blushing... ...Oh, shut up. I wish we could stay together like this forever... The wind feels good. It smells the same as before I went to{LF}sleep in the tower. The weather is unfortunate, but I really do enjoy the wind. Seems a little harsh today, though. Haha... I used to dream of flying in the sky like Venti, long ago. Never thought my dream would come true so effortlessly. ... You've never flown before? Tell me about the past. In those days, we had magic, but very few machines. So I never imagined I'd be able to fly through the sky like{LF}this. I had a friend when I was a kid who also longed to fly. Maria, you mean? ...Yeah. I wish she could see what I'm seeing right now. @レオン@... And my lovely girlfriend's face, too. Though I don't think{LF}she'd like that as much as I do. ...! Mm, there's that look again. That red-cheeked face is my{LF}favorite. ... You are a curious one, aren't you? Am I? ...Well, all right. Let's see... I'll tell you a bit about my country's language. How does that{LF}sound? Sure. That sounds nice. Back when I was around, they spoke two different languages{LF}in my country. One is the language you guys still use in Selphia today. And the other is a language borrowed from another land.{LF}That one appears to have vanished. What do you mean by ''vanished,'' exactly? Well, this was originally two different countries. But over the course of history, the two countries merged into{LF}one. And in the end, some culture and language were naturally{LF}lost to history. I see. So the other language is the one that was spoken in{LF}the country that got absorbed, then? Yeah. There used to be a lot of linguists who would extol the{LF}beauty of it. I never got it back then. But I can understand their feelings a{LF}little better now. You can? It's a strange, lonely sensation. That used to be my homeland...and now a big part of it is{LF}lost to the ages. Forgotten. It's not forgotten. I'll be your new homeland. Are you... ...really trying to feed me that old cliche about it ''still existing{LF}in my heart'' or something? Ugh... What? ... D-don't stare at me with that look in your eyes. You make{LF}me feel uneasy... S-sorry... Well... I have to admit, spending time with you like this has really{LF}lifted my spirits. Thanks! ...You're welcome. Shall we go home? I'll walk you to your door. Are you sure? I want to stay with you. Of course. That's only natural, right? At evening's end, the{LF}gentleman walks the lady home. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. Ready to go home? Sure. I want to stay with you. Oh-ho! Well, then let's take our time and enjoy every second{LF}we have together. (Maybe I should walk her home...) (N-now's my chance...) (Now might be my best opportunity to strengthen our{LF}relationship.) Get closer. Hold hands. Pat on the head. Poke in the cheek. Hold tight. Kiss on the cheek. Quit @しゅじんこうくん@. Are you ready? Yup! Wait a minute. Then-- let's go!! Very well. Let me know when you get ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? @しゅじんこうくん@ and @キャラ0@ herein eternally{LF}pledge @キャラ1@. Don't forget about Pico. Oh, there's something between the barrels... It's a barrel. What's in there? Rare tableware imported from the East. It's popular with collectors. Oh, there's something between the bags. Did somebody lose{LF}something? There's a lot of baggage here. Are these all exports? Yes. It's all being sent to a faraway land. Each one is full of study aids for children. There are wooden boxes piled up here. I wonder what's{LF}inside. Those are accessories from a foreign land. They've become{LF}rather popular recently. Th-this is...a really unique statue... I heard Porco commissioned it from a famous sculptor. It's...{LF}well, it's Porco himself. ...Poor sculptor didn't know what he was getting into. Well, it is pretty attention-grabbing, so...I don't really see any{LF}problem with it. It's meant as a good luck charm. For safe flights, you see! Doesn't it sparkle oh so brilliantly? Oh, the gold coating is flaking off... Whaaaaaaaaat?! Drat! Even in death, that helm is impossible to pry away. Eeeeek...! Owwww... I-is this...the end...? @しゅじんこうくん@!! @ヴォルカノン@... What in the world? Um...was he just passing through? Nuoooo!! @しゅじんこうくん@!! @しゅじんこうくん@! Are you okay?! I'm...all...right... I'm terribly sorry. When I heard you were going to the ruins... ...I thought the tree stumps might be in your way, so I came to{LF}dispose of them. Perhaps not the best reason to be out here, but{LF}nonetheless...it is my reason. Well, @しゅじんこうくん@. Good luck. Oh! I almost forgot. Here. This is for you. [Received @アイテム9@.] What are these? They're my favorite gloves. I'm sure they'll come in handy. Are they for combat? Are they for farming? Precisely! No, no. They're for combat! You certainly do have farming on the brain, though, it seems. Not...really. After you stun monsters with +fist+ weapons, You can lift them up and throw by pressing @字0@! Throwing does a lot of damage, but also consumes a lot of{LF}+RP+, so be careful! I would definitely recommend mastering the use of fists. Don't forget! Stun enemies and lift them up by pressing @字0@! Best of luck to you. Nuoooooooooh! @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yup! Give me a minute. Then...let's go! Very well. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? - @マップ0@ Ahead - Recommended level: 2 Confirm monsters. Confirm obtainable items. Nothing for now. Confirm monsters. Confirm obtainable items. Monsters of Yokmir Cave. Items of Yokmir Cave. Nothing for now. @キャラ0@, @キャラ1@,{LF}@キャラ2@, @キャラ3@. Be careful not to get tackled by a wild @キャラ3@. @アイテム0@, @アイテム1@,{LF}@アイテム2@, @アイテム3@. @キャラ0@, @キャラ1@, @キャラ2@,{LF}@キャラ3@, @キャラ4@, @キャラ5@,{LF}@キャラ6@, @キャラ7@. Have enough equipment? Be careful you don't get stung by a{LF}wild @キャラ3@! @アイテム0@, @アイテム1@. You're not trying to grab a bamboo shoot with your bare{LF}hands, are you? You need a sickle or a hoe for that! Be careful around poison! If you get poisoned, you'll keep{LF}losing your HP little by little. Make sure you keep a nice stock of{LF}@アイテム0@ on hand! Oh yeah... @しゅじんこうくん@, are you using Escape? Yes, I am. What's Escape? You can go back to the town anytime if you use Escape. It's{LF}pretty useful! You can go back to the town anytime if you use Escape. It's{LF}pretty useful! Er...like this! ♪ ...What the?! I, uh...wasn't actually trying to use it, just show it to you.{LF}Whoops! Well...thanks... Hey, @しゅじんこうくん@? Wow, it really is you! What are you doing here? I could ask you the same, @キール@! I was doing some field work over there. I'm studying the ancient ruins around here, and trying to{LF}learn more about the land. So I'll often go poking around in them to see what I can find. Wow, that's impressive. What about the monsters? Haha, no, it's nothing special. I don't have to worry too much. I can use Escape to go back{LF}to town in the blink of an eye! That's true. Aaaaalways good to have an escape plan handy, just in{LF}case things get ugly! Oh, yeah, speaking of which, there's someplace I have to be.{LF}Gotta run! ← Town of Selphia{LF} @マップ1@ → @しゅじんこうくん@. Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? - @マップ0@ Ahead - Recommended level: 10 Confirm monsters. Confirm obtainable items. Nothing for now. @キャラ0@, @キャラ1@,{LF}@キャラ2@, @キャラ3@,{LF}@キャラ4@. Tough @キャラ3@ foes are weak to magic. Watch{LF}out for the water laser used by @キャラ2@ foes. @アイテム0@, @アイテム1@. Be wary of poison! If you get poisoned, you'll keep losing{LF}your HP little by little. Be sure to carry at least one @アイテム0@{LF}with you! There are tasty mushrooms, but there are also poisonous{LF}mushrooms. Choose wisely if you decide to eat any! This rock... I think I need to increase my mining skill to break it. I think I'm skilled enough to break it. Let's break it. Not now. Let's rock! All right! ROCK!! @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? I've been waiting for you, @しゅじんこうくん@. @ヴォルカノン@? What are you doing here? What a silly question... Whenever you're confronted with a great difficulty or an{LF}insurmountable obstacle... ...I will always come to your aid, no matter where you may{LF}be. Um, okay... Therefore, @しゅじんこうくん@! Please step this way and{LF}observe! Observe what, you ask? Why, this lovely specimen! Wh-what...? Sorry to have kept you waiting, @しゅじんこうくん@. I've built a bridge for you so you may cross unimpeded! Wow, that's amazing! ... What are you?! I can build bridges in my sleep, I assure you. It's no harder{LF}for me than putting on pants. Are you speechless? Dumbfounded? I don't blame you. I am but a simple butler. No more, no less. Well, my work here is done, so it's now time for me to go. Th-thank you very much, @ヴォルカノン@. Take care, @しゅじんこうくん@! I hope to be just like Volkanon someday. Volkanon's actually really trustworthy with things like this.{LF}His bridge will hold for sure. Building a bridge at no cost? That's pretty impressive. ↑@マップ1@{LF} ← @マップ0@ @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? *Equipment during Clear *Leon Karnak Equipment *1st Floor of Rune Prana *2nd Floor of Rune Prana *3rd Floor of Rune Prana *4th Floor of Rune Prana *5th Floor of Rune Prana *6th Floor of Rune Prana *Deepest Area of Rune Prana *Ultimate Equipment *Stop *Around Level 110. *Around Level 110. *Around Level 130. *Around Level 140. *Around Level 150. *Around Level 160. *Around Level 170. *Around Level 180. *Around Level 200. *Around Level 500. *Debug: Open the Gate *Do Nothing - @マップ0@ Ahead - - @マップ0@ Ahead - After we discovered that strange gate, the monsters around{LF}here got a lot more vicious! Don't get close to them. Trust me on that! I wish I could give just one more... But this is the only one I have. This ring isn't easy to reforge if it's damaged or lost, either. Sorry. There's only one chance. Do you best. The forest is calling me! ...All right! Let's go to the ''Forest of Beginnings''! There's @数字0@G inside! @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? - @マップ0@ -{LF}← @マップ1@ We're getting rid of the rocks right now. Thank you for your{LF}patience. Rock removal is complete. Sorry for taking so long! There's @数字0@G inside! @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? - @マップ0@ Ahead - Recommended Level: 30 Confirm monsters. Confirm obtainable items. Nothing for now. @キャラ0@, @キャラ1@,{LF}@キャラ2@, @キャラ3@,{LF}@キャラ4@, @キャラ5@. @キャラ6@, @キャラ7@,{LF}@キャラ8@, @キャラ9@,{LF}@キャラA@. @アイテム0@, @アイテム1@,{LF}@アイテム2@, @アイテム3@. Whaa?! Looks like the lightning forged a path for me. Guess I can{LF}keep going! There's @数字0@G inside! There's @数字0@G inside! @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? ← @マップ1@ {LF}@マップ0@ → - For Sale - And now we come to a home which faces a lovely, quiet{LF}mountain path. Legend has it a farmer built it in only two hours' time. Now, this is the last one! And we're currently offering a special limited time price. It's{LF}all-inclusive! For you...just for you, mind! We'd like to offer this house for{LF}a mere @0@ Gold! Deal! No, thank you. Thank you very much for your purchase! Here you are. This is{LF}the key to your new home. You don't have enough money. *WHISTLES* I have no idea who built this house, but she's a beaut. I'm{LF}really glad someone bought it. These are the rarest seeds of 'em all. They produce golden{LF}vegetables! Any strike your fancy? Gold Potato Gold Pumpkin Gold Cabbage Gold Turnip No, thank you. Thank you for your purchase! You don't have enough money. Thank you for your purchase! You don't have enough money. Thank you for your purchase! You don't have enough money. Thank you for your purchase! You don't have enough money. Whaaaat? @金0@ G It grows well in winter. @金1@ G It grows well in winter. @金2@ G It grows well in winter. @金3@ G It grows well in winter. Not buying anything. This is south of the @マップ0@, right? Should{LF}be around here somewhere... Where could it be, though? I can't seem to find it anywhere! What should I do? Leave it to me! I'll get rid of those pesky trees. That is the mission to which I've been assigned. Taaahhh! Daaaaaahhhhh! Ooooooone mooooooooore! You should be good to go now. ...I saw @ヴォルカノン@ do the same thing you just did. Is that something all butlers are trained for? I am a quick study, and trained very hard through many{LF}trials. I am a quick study, and trained very hard through many{LF}trials, so it required little effort on my part. ...Well, I wish that were the case, at any rate. In point of fact, Volkanon actually instructed me on how to{LF}do it. At any rate, my work is done here. So, I bid you adieu! W-wow. I still have a long way to go, it seems! Not bad for a first effort. Not bad at all. His sword skill is admirable. How...did he do that? I still don't really understand! That loud crashing nearly blew out my ear drums... Wow. Good job, kid. Good job. Just what I'd expect from the great Vishnal! He has an amazing power hidden within him, I think! Whoooa, that was aaaawesome! I wonder if his butler training includes exorcism too. There's{LF}an evil spirit I'd love to cast out. ''Milady! I'm not an evil spirit of any sort! How rude...'' Hey, who said I was talking about you? There could be{LF}another evil spirit in my life! That was quite some technique! It's amazing what sorts of things people are learning these{LF}days. @キャラ1@ is so cool! Vishie is so cool! @キャラ1@ is so cool! Vishie is so cool! - @マップ0@ -{LF}← @マップ1@{LF} @マップ2@ → @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? - Ye Who Enter, Beware! - Today's vicious predator is: @キャラ0@ ...Owww... ...Is this for me? ... ...It's pretty. Thank you. ...Here. For your trouble. *BURBLE* *BURBLE* ...I wanted a flower... *BURBLE* *BURBLE* ...Owww... That's it for today... *BURBLE* *BURBLE* Ouch! Ahaha! I'm a fairy of the autumn fountain. Ahaha! Are you offering this to me? Well, then, I'll give you something good in return. But don't{LF}tell anyone! I'd love some sparkly-twinkly stones! Ahaha! Ouch! Ahaha! That's it for today. I'll get mad if you throw me{LF}anything else. Ahaha! Ouch! That hurt! I'm a fairy of the summer fountain, you know. What? You want this back? Heck no! It's mine! No buts! I'll give you this instead, though, if you want. Don't throw your garbage in here! Honestly! Ow! Argh, that's it for today! Don't throw any more items! Ouch! That hurt! Oh, hello. How are you? I'm a fairy of the spring fountain. I've laid claim upon the item you dropped in, as it's{LF}something I've always wanted. But perhaps I can give you this in its place! I want something...big. Ooh, that smarts! That's it for today. Goodbye, now! Learned the recipe for @アイテム0@, a{LF}Cooking item! Learned the recipe for @アイテム0@, a{LF}Forging item! Learned the recipe for @アイテム0@, a{LF}Crafting item! Learned the recipe for @アイテム0@, a{LF}Chemistry item! You already know the recipe for{LF}@アイテム0@. Learned the recipe for @アイテム0@, a{LF}Cooking item! Learned the recipe for @アイテム0@, a{LF}Forging item! Learned the recipe for @アイテム0@, a{LF}Crafting item! Learned the recipe for @アイテム0@, a{LF}Chemistry item! You already know the recipe for{LF}@アイテム0@. There was @数字0@G inside! @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? We'll need an awfully big bridge to get across. Are you sure{LF}you can do it? No, I'm actually pretty sure I can't. Not on my own, anyway. But with your help, I'm pretty confident I can pull it off! In fact, I'm sure of it! All right. Let's work together, then. You bet! @しゅじんこうくん@. Can you pass that over here, please? This? Sure. Here you go. Be careful you don't get hurt, @クローリカ@. That looks{LF}awfully sharp. Wow, that IS sharp! Don't worry, though, I'll be careful. ... ... ...... ......... We did it! Yep! All done! I can't believe it. It's just like new! That's because you helped me out. Thank you so much, @しゅじんこうくん@! ♪ Thank you, too. All right, I'm going to go back to town and let Volkanon{LF}know. Sounds good. Feel free to stick around and admire our handiwork if you'd{LF}like, though! ♪ I'll see you back in town. Be careful! I will. *Attach All Items *Related to Eliza's Flag *Unlock Side Events *Cancel *Materials *Cooking Materials *Cooking *Medicine *Type *Recipe Bread *Skill *Magic *Weapon *Protector *Farming Tools *Delete Important Item *Cancel *Eliza's Requirement Success Flag{LF}This is not a Request Success Flag *Turn All ON *Turn All OFF *Cancel *Are you OK with your inventory? If not, cancel. *Ore *Flower *Others 1 *Others 2 *Others 3 *Cancel *Are you OK with your inventory? If not, cancel. *Vegetables *Fish *Mushroom *Fruit *Condiments *Others *Cancel *Are you OK with your inventory? If not, cancel. *Bare Hands *Knife *Frying Pan *Pot *Mixer *Steamer *Oven *Others *Cancel *Are you OK with your inventory? If not, cancel. *Medicine *Pesticide *Cancel *Are you OK with your inventory? If not, cancel. *Flower *Ingredient *Cancel *Are you OK with your inventory? If not, cancel. *Recipe Bread *Cancel *Are you OK with your inventory? If not, cancel. *Skill *Cancel *Are you OK with your inventory? If not, cancel. *Magic *Musical Score *Cancel *Are you OK with your inventory? If not, cancel. *Saber *Broadsword *Spear *Hammer *Axe *Staff *Dual Blades *Fists *Cancel *Are you OK with your inventory? If not, cancel. *Shield *Armor *Hat *Shoes *Accessory 1 *Accessory 2 *Cancel *Are you OK with your inventory? If not, cancel. *Farming Tools *Others *Cancel Let's drop down... Jump off. Not yet. Is that a path down there? Jump off. Not yet. There's a nice @アイテム0@ inside. Lots of{LF}them, in fact! It's easier to take them all as a stack than to pick and{LF}choose, but can I actually carry them? Maybe if I pick them apart one by one, and re-assemble the{LF}stack in my bag... Er...who are you talking to, exactly? @しゅじんこうくん@? Why are you talking to yourself? That's the way! Let's continue picking up that junk! Yes, that should work. How strange to speak a sudden monologue. Even I don't do{LF}such a thing... @しゅじんこうくん@, who are you talking to? @しゅじんこうくん@, who are you talking to? Th-that seems reasonable. ...Yes. I think that'll work. @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? We can't enter from here. There's something written on the back. And hey, it's my{LF}language! I can actually read it! ''To everyone in the town.'' ''I'm very moved to know how you all felt about me back{LF}then.'' ''To be honest, I didn't think too highly of myself or the town{LF}at the time.'' ''But now I realize just how precious you all are. And how{LF}precious my own life is.'' ''Or maybe I shouldn't think of myself that way. Maybe it's{LF}vain, or egotistical.'' ''Oh, and please don't blame the king for this.'' ''He felt the same way as you.'' ''Thank you, everyone. Farewell.'' There's something written on the back. And hey, it's my{LF}language! I can actually read it! Ah... That's...! @ディラス@? Don't read that! Come on! We need to keep moving! Why? Never mind why, let's just go! It seems to be written in an ancient language. I have no idea{LF}what it says... I think this is written in...Earth Script? Can you read it, Barrett? Some of it. ''Rune of Earth''... ''Land has dried up''... ''Native{LF}Dragon'' and ''Self-sacrifice''... ''Changed the reason''... ''Land with a different rune''... ''Only a temporary fix''... Almost a whole sentence here: ''We thank the precious{LF}sacrifice and hereby vow to save...'' ''Here lies, the third''...and then part of a name. It's the{LF}middle. ''Ila'' or ''Yla'' or something. So much of it is worn away that it's kind of difficult to get{LF}any more out of it. This is written in Earth Script. I think I can still read it...or{LF}what's left of it, anyway. ''Rune of Earth''... ''Land has dried up''... ''Native Dragon'' and{LF}''Self-sacrifice''... ''Changed the reason''... ''Land with a different rune''... ''Only a temporary fix''... ''We thank the precious sacrifice and hereby vow to save...''{LF}Almost a full sentence there. ''Here lies, the third''...and then part of a name. It's the{LF}middle. ''Ila'' or ''Yla'' or something. It seems to be a relic from my time. @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? What's this? @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? Good morning. Hello. Good evening. Oh, @しゅじんこうくん@. What are you all doing here? We came to ask Lady Ventuswill for some assistance. Assistance? With what? Well, you've heard the +cursed voices+, right? We want to{LF}learn more about them. ALL about them. Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!! Cut it out, Granny Blossom! Hee hee hee... I'm not sure I'm familiar with these ''cursed voices.'' What's{LF}the story behind them? People have been reporting creepy voices echoing through{LF}the town every night lately. +Cursed voices+ in the night... Could it be...? Venti talking in her sleep Venti howling Erm...no, that's not very likely, is it? But if it's not sleep-talking, then...what else could it be...? That's it! It must be Venti howling into the lonely wind... All joking aside... @しゅじんこうくん@, have you heard these voices? Actually, I have. No, I haven't. You too?! Gyeeeh...! So it may just be a rumor, then? It is! It has to be! Or maybe @しゅじんこうくん@ just hasn't experienced it. It could{LF}still be true, th-- Waaaaaggghhhhhh!! So why are you guys here, again? Well, this is just a rumor, too, mind you... But it seems someone found out where those voices were{LF}coming from. Yeah, I was told they were coming from the +ruins+ in the{LF}+southeast+! There're so many monsters there, though, that no one ever{LF}gets anywhere near the place. Strange stuff, eh? We might just have to admit...that it's really a curse! G-G-G-Granny Blossom!! Fortunately, there hasn't been any damage in the town just{LF}yet. But if the rumor spreads too far, it could be a huge blow to{LF}tourism. That's why we came to ask Lady Ventuswill for assistance. We know it's not good to rely on her to solve all our{LF}problems. But Margaret was so scared, she practically begged us to{LF}come. I-I w-w-was not s-scared!! +Cursed voices+, you say? I have an idea what it may be. Please, put it out of your minds. I'll handle this matter myself. You...will? Yaaay! Now I can finally get some sleep! Admit it. You were scared to death. I-I was not!! Thank you very much, Lady Ventuswill. Thank you very much! Many thanks from me as well, Lady Ventuswill. So...you have an idea what it might be? Would you mind{LF}elaborating? ... Venti? Grrr... ...rrrrrrrrgggggGGGGRRRAAAAHHH!! Wh-what the...?! Who do you think you are, anyway? Do you have some sort of grudge against me? Something to{LF}prove, maybe?! Wh-what did I do? To think that anyone could confuse my ''howling'' for a{LF}cursed voice! What am I? A wolf? A dog?! Look me in the eyes and say that again! O-oh, you heard that, huh...? I'm right in front of you! And you weren't exactly whispering.{LF}How could I NOT have heard that?! Aha...aha...aha ha ha... Imbecile... And on top of everything else, you used my nickname in the{LF}presence of others! Sorry, sorry! Hmph. Can you forgive me? ... I said I'm sorry. Yes, but did you mean it? I did! I'm really, truly sorry! You're certain you meant it? Every last groveling, sniveling{LF}syllable? Absolutely! From the bottom of my heart! Prove it, then. Go see what's going on in{LF}@マップ0@, if you'd please. Sure, I can go-- Wait, why?! Consider it punishment for your insolence. Now go! But...didn't you just say you'd handle this? I'd like very much to look into this matter with my own eyes,{LF}yes. But I really shouldn't be away from the castle. I can look after the castle in your place, you know. A +Native Dragon+ could never be replaced by the likes of a{LF}human such as you! I've been meaning to ask, actually... What's a +Native Dragon+? ...?! ...You can't be serious. Do you really not know what the +Native Dragons+ are? W-well, I did lose my memory, after all! Good...gracious... I never would have imagined there to be anyone in this land{LF}who'd never heard of Native Dragons. You truly are hopeless. *SIGH* Allow me to explain, then. Listen carefully, @しゅじんこうくん@! In this world, there are four +dragons+ regarded as gods. +Terrable+, dragon god of the earth, presides over resurrection. +Fiersome+, dragon god of fire, presides over destruction. +Aquaticus+, dragon god of water, presides over{LF}transformation. And then there's me. I'm +Ventuswill+, dragon god of the wind. I rule the abyss of{LF}time. Since the earliest eras of antiquity, the four of us have been{LF}collectively referred to... ...as the +Native Dragons+. Are we on the same page now? I think I have an idea what the +Native Dragons+ are, yes. But if you're a god, then why don't you handle this problem{LF}like you said you would? Do you think I should solve everything for the humans? I've said it before, and I'll say it again. What humans can accomplish on their own should be{LF}accomplished solely by humans. I will lend my aid when the time is right for me to do so.{LF}Then, and only then. That's what it means to be a god. Also...to be honest, you're perfectly suited to this particular{LF}case. There exist special locations in this land known as +Rune{LF}Spots+. These are places where Runes tend to be found in high{LF}concentrations. And there are four such spots around here. The place where Amber was found is one of them. And there's another in @マップ0@. Perhaps a monster or monsters are causing trouble there,{LF}just like in @マップ1@. @しゅじんこうくん@... As an +Earthmate+, I need your help. Will you accept this mission on my behalf? Sure thing! Well... Thanks! I'm sorry for any trouble this may cause you. Come, now, don't be stingy! Oh, fine... Did you say @マップ0@ is located in the{LF}+southeast+? That's right. Okay. Got it. One more time? That's my @しゅじんこうくん@. If you lose your way, feel free to come ask me again{LF}anytime. And don't forget, there are monsters along the way, and in{LF}the ruins as well. Have you forgotten your way to @マップ0@? Yeah. Once more, please. I came to talk to you. Just passing through! I see. Well, I'll leave you to your task, then. Good luck in the{LF}@マップ0@. First, go to the forest full of mushrooms south from the town. Then, head east and you'll find a bridge. Cross the bridge and you'll soon arrive in{LF}@マップ0@. Did you get all that? Ah, actually... Just in case, I think you should have this. [Received @アイテム9@.] What is it? Haha. It looks like an ordinary feather, doesn't it? But it's so{LF}much more than that... It's a feather plucked from ME! Er, yeah, I gathered that much... My power dwells within it. If you equip it, it'll protect you from monster attacks. Oh, so it's like...a defensive charm, then? Essentially, yes. Its effect isn't tremendously pronounced, but it should prove{LF}at least somewhat helpful. But if you don't equip it, it won't do a thing for you. So +don't forget to equip it+! Okay, I got it. What was that...? I think it came from over here. Let's check it out. So this is the @マップ0@... This voice... As Venti said, this is definitely where the voices are coming{LF}from. That stone tablet... There's something written on it. Hmmmm... I've never seen these letters before. ...? What?! D-Doug! What are you doing here? I could ask you the same thing! This place is crawling with monsters! Spacing out like that{LF}could get you killed! Haha... I guess I was wrapped up in trying to figure out{LF}what's written here. Didn't even notice! Yeah, and that's what I'm worried about. Pay attention to your surroundings! Seriously! ...Thank you. Man, I'm a nervous wreck when I'm around you. Here. Take this. You might need it. [Received @アイテム9@.] Thanks! No problem. To use it, you've got to equip it in the @字0@ or @字1@ slot. Got to be careful around here. Magic may be your only hope{LF}against certain foes. And that's assuming magic even has an effect. Some foes are{LF}like brick walls no matter what! You should hit up Bado's store and make sure you're{LF}equipped with the best stuff. ...Anyway, I suppose you're wondering what I'm doing here. Huh? Well...that's none of your business! ...? A-anyway, never mind! O-okay. Um, uh, come to think of it... You, er...are you familiar with the +Rune Sphere+? +Rune Sphere+? Can't say I'm familiar with that term. Right. I guess you did lose your memory. I should've figured. What's this all about? I'm just...looking for it. That's all. Nothing you need to{LF}concern yourself with. Anyway, I should go. One more thing, though, before I leave. You'd better not be committed to +that fool+. (That fool...?) Wh-what is this voice?! There might be a dangerous monster ahead. Is this monster the source of the +cursed voices+? Let's do this! Is it over? It's a man this time... Let's take him to the clinic as soon as possible. He doesn't seem to be injured very badly. I think all he needs is to rest here for two or three days. That's good to hear. Who is this man? Erm, well...have you heard the rumors about the +cursed{LF}voices+? Ah, the voices people have been hearing in the dead of{LF}night? Yeah. Those. I went to @マップ0@ to see what might be{LF}causing them. And when I defeated one of the roaming monsters, it...turned{LF}into a human being. A monster became a human again? Yeah. But... Why? Why would this happen? Why are monsters turning{LF}human? It might have something to do with my power as an{LF}+Earthmate+. It's what...transforms them. But not all of them. Only...certain ones. I see... Maybe the monsters you defeated are somehow special. They may possess some special properties that make them{LF}more susceptible to your influence. Special properties, huh...? Well, you must be exhausted. You just leave him to me and{LF}go rest up for a while. I will. Thank you very much. You're very welcome. I wonder...if he's okay. @しゅじんこうくん@. Have you come to visit him? Ah...yes, I have. You're such a kind soul. I think he's still sleeping... Wait here. I'll go check on him for{LF}you. @しゅじんこうくん@! What's wrong?! He's supposed to be sleeping in bed right now, but...he's{LF}gone! He's too injured to have gone far, though, so he should still{LF}be around here somewhere. All right. Let's see if we can find him. Right! Venti... Ah, @しゅじんこうくん@. Did you figure out what's going on? Another monster turned into a human being. I see... ... Thank you, @しゅじんこうくん@. ...I'm sorry, but I'm a bit tired today. I know you have a lot of things to ask me, but can you... Hmmm.... Sorry. He escaped as soon as we took our eyes off of him. Where could he have gone? Just leave the rest to me. Thank you for finding him. You're my hero. What was the light...? Ah! There he is! Wh-wh-what are you doing here?! I was looking for him. He's the monster. Or rather, he was! It seems he slipped out from the clinic @ナンシー@ was{LF}in a state of utter panic. Ah, I see! So he's an escapee, then. All right. Please, hurry up and take him back to the clinic{LF}right away. That's the plan. ...By the way, why was this room shimmering a moment ago? Sh-shimmering, you say...? I-I think you must have imagined that... Venti?! I-I'm okay... You don't look okay! Well, don't worry... I'm just tired. What are you talking about?! Come on. Let's go see @ジョーンズ@. Umm...is he qualified to practice medicine on holy dragons...? Let's ask @ヴォルカノン@. Let's go see a vet, then. Yeah, let's see what @ヴォルカノン@ has to say. Yeah, maybe you need to go to an animal clinic or{LF}something. H-hey, what do you think I am?! I said I'm okay. I just didn't get enough sleep. I was...so worried about you in the @マップ0@,{LF}I couldn't get a moment of shut-eye. So don't concern yourself with me. Just be grateful that I{LF}care so much about you! Venti... *YAWN* I'm so sleepy... I think I'll take a little nap. You can handle the escapee, right? I'm glad you found him. Please accept our apologies. We won't take our eyes off of{LF}him again! Thanks. He's all yours, then. Got it. Ah, there you are. I was about to call you over. What happened? Your former monster man finally woke up. Really?! How do you feel? Are you all right? ...I'm fine, more or less. And who are you? This is the one who saved you. ... I'm @しゅじんこうくん@. ...Dylas. Um, I'd like to ask you one thing... Why were you in the @マップ0@? It's none of your business. ...Hey, Dylas. @しゅじんこうくん@ saved you. You know that, right? So how about dialing down the foul attitude a bit, hmm? ...Sound good? ...I don't know why I was there. You lost your memory too? ...Yeah. ...Can I go now? Physically, you are fine, but I'm still concerned about... Thank you for taking care of me. He's gone... He's not one to mess around with niceties, now, is he?{LF}Definitely lives life at his own pace. @ナンシー@, @ジョーンズ@... Thank you very much. You're very welcome. I didn't do anything special. Just...my job. @ディラス@... What's he going to do from here on out? Wh-what are you...?! Oh, my, you finally woke up! Wonderful to meet you. I'm called Porcoline. Just...Porcoline{LF}is fine. There's more, but...meh! You may feel free to call me by that name. ...O-okay... Well...bye! ...Hmm? And just what are you going to do with yourself{LF}from now on? ...Don't see how that's any of your business. You have nowhere to go, do you? Th-that's not your conce-- Then you'll come live at my place! ...What? Fortunately for you, I just so happen to have a spare room. Besides, you're fresh out of an extended clinic stay! You're in{LF}no condition to wander about. If you plan to leave town, that's fine! But what difference{LF}does it make if it's now or later? ...But...I can't just freeload... Then how about you work for me during your stay? ...Work for you? I run a restaurant here. And I can hire you as a waiter. When you eventually go off on your aimless voyage, you'll{LF}still need money, after all...no? If you stay in my house for a while and don't like it, you can{LF}leave anytime. What do you think? Sounds stupendous, doesn't it? ... ...Okay. I guess I'll stay with you, then. WONDERFUL!! I'm Dylas. Thank you... Porcoline. Seems he'll do just fine. Hey! Did you hear that?! I'm sorry. I was sleeping. I didn't hear a-a-a-anything! And neither did you, riiiiight? Was it...the voice? I definitely heard something, I did. Arooooooooo! ♪ I-I'm not scared at all! N-nothing at all to be frightened of, I'm sure. Just the wind! Are you all right, @しゅじんこうくん@?! Are you all right, @しゅじんこうくん@?! @しゅじんこうくん@. Don't go alone. @しゅじんこうくん@, you walk too fast. N-n-n-nothing is going to pop out and eat us, right? Right?! @しゅじんこうくん@! I'm sorry to be late. I stumbled a bit on my way. What happened? What's wrong, @しゅじんこうくん@? @しゅじんこうくん@, did you find anything interesting? @しゅじんこうくん@. You need to walk more slowly and pay{LF}careful attention to your surroundings. It's key to being a first-rate detective. Understand? Come, now, don't leave me behind! You certainly are an{LF}impatient one, aren't you? Looks dangerous ahead. Let's make sure we document our{LF}travels before we go any farther. I feel a tremendous presence. Whoa... I feel like the voices are going to blow me away! Whew... This ain't gonna be easy. That's not a ghostly voice. It's...a horse neighing? The source of the voices seems to be just beyond here. We{LF}should record our progress before we go! It's so loud! My ears hurt! I hear it loud and clear now. Wish my voice traveled like{LF}that... There's something ahead! What is it...? What a loud sound. This could be a large monster, so we'd{LF}best be on our guard! *NEIGGGGHH*? A...horsie? What is it? It's crying... All right! Let's do this! ...Have at you! I-it looks strong, but...! As long as it's not a ghost, I'm golden! Let's take it down! Here we go! It s-seems I have no choice but to fight. See ya', horsie! ♪ Be careful not to get yourself injured! Let's hurry. Let's go back to the town now. I agree. Let's go. This is great! ♪ I've got to make sure I let everyone know{LF}about this! That's Porcoline for you. A master negotiator if ever I've seen{LF}one. Haha. It's like he can work magic with his words. I wish my family was good with words like such as that! Porcoline just got a new employee! ♪ @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? - Obsidian Mansion - Recommended level: 18 Check monster appearances Check obtainable items Nothing right now @キャラ0@, @キャラ1@,{LF}@キャラ2@, @キャラ3@,{LF}@キャラ4@, @キャラ5@. @キャラ0@'s warp, claims life if unprepared.{LF}@キャラ3@ has status attack. @アイテム0@, @アイテム1@,{LF}@アイテム2@. It seems to be locked. The lock has been opened. There was @数字0@G inside! There isn't anything else. There's something there. It seems to be locked. There was @数字0@G inside! The lock has been opened. @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? I came to open the door. I came to test my mettle. I came to see you two. What AM I doing here? /Thou, who bearest wisdom.../ +Thou, who bearest courage...+ /What business hast thee/{LF}+with beings as us?+ /If thou speakest true.../ +Layest bare that form before us.+ /We shall weigh thy worthiness./ +We shall judge thy proof.+ /However!/ +By sight alone is not readiness seen.+ /Therefore.../ +Show us, with thy strength...+ /Show us.../{LF}+...how ready thou truly art!+ /If thou canst accomplish this lofty task.../ +...so shall we lend you our aid.+ /.../ +...+ /Incomprehensible./ +Defies description.+ /Nonetheless.../{LF}+...we are satisfied.+ /We are the protectors of the Guardians./ +We are the protectors of the Native Dragons.+ /We are.../ /...the arbiters of the world's reason.../ +...the protectors of the door that leads onward.+ /The unworthy are not to be trusted./ +Those without proof are not to be allowed through.+ /If thou wishest to alter thy reason.../ +...thou must show us thy readiness for the trials ahead.+ /We shall pay close attention./ +We are learned in these matters.+ /Thou.../{LF}+...art well prepared...+ /Thou dost shapest this land's future./ +And we merely watch.+ +Thou art worthy.+ +We have seen thy readiness.+ /Thou hast shown us proof./ /We have confirmed thy readiness./ +To thee, who hast shown us what we requested...+ /To thee, who hast shown us what we needed to see.../ +Go now.+ /Take that readiness in hand./ +Remake this world.+ /And bring happiness.../ +...to our future...+ Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. I already know the recipe for [@アイテム0@]. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Cooking Tools for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Forge for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Crafting Table for this. Yay! I learned the recipe for [@アイテム0@]!{LF}I'll need my Chemistry Set for this. I already know the recipe for [@アイテム0@]. Let's try heading to the entrance at the bottom of the tower. @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? @しゅじんこうくん@... Are you ready? Yep! No, give me a minute. All right, then. Let's go! Okay. Let me know when you're ready. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Quit Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Write a diary entry. Call the airship. Quit. Hmm...Where to go? Let's go to the floating empire. Let's go to Selphia. Let's go to the forest with all the pretty butterflies. Let's go to those mysterious ruins in the east. Let's go to that scary haunted mansion in the west. Let's go to the old road in the southwest where it's always{LF}fall. Let's go to the hot cave along the Autumn Road. Let's go to the tall tower in the west. Let's go to the southeast hills, where it's always spring. Let's go to the strange cavern at Sercerezo Hill. Let's go to the southwest mountain road that leads to the{LF}Sechs Empire. Let's go to the entrance to the Sechs Empire. Let's go to the castle in the Sechs Empire where Emperor{LF}Ethelberd dwells. Let's go to the field at Sercerezo Hill, where it's always{LF}spring. Let's go to the field at Selphia Plain, where it's always{LF}summer. Let's go to the field along the Autumn Road, where it's{LF}always fall. Let's go to the field at Silver Lake, where it's always winter. Let's go to the fishing spot at Sercerezo Hill. You can always{LF}catch spring fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Selphia Plain. You can always{LF}catch summer fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot along the Autumn Road. You can{LF}always catch fall fish there. Let's go to the fishing spot on Silver Lake. You can always{LF}catch winter fish there. Let's go to the cave full of big Mamadoodles. Let's go pick some Ayngondaia Lawn from the cave where{LF}the Ancient Bone rests. Let's seek out a monsters' den! Ehh, let's just stay in. What do I need to do before I can use the airship? I have to place an order for an airship license first. Maybe if I keep doing @姫@ work, I'll be able to place that{LF}order someday. I need to do some traveling on foot first before I can fly{LF}anywhere. Adventure awaits! I'd rather walk, thank you. I'm in the mood for a good strut. I can't just sit here and do nothing! H-huh? It doesn't connect? That can't be... I've never seen something this big floating in the sky... Their technology is unbelievable. And...kind of terrifying! Yeah... @しゅじんこうくん@! Look! A monster from the Empire?! Ugh...! @アーサー@! Take the wheel! All right! Be careful you're not thrown off! BRING IT ON!! Be careful! How can there be so many? How many troops does the Empire employ?! Enemy incoming! Watch out! There are more of them! It's not over yet! ...@しゅじんこうくん@, you're amazing. You stood up against a veritable army, all by yourself! I{LF}cannot help but admire your tenacity... I just got lucky. Give me MORE!! Now, now. There's no need to be humble. Haha. You're a tiger! You're grrrreat! Well, we're almost there. Hold on tight! I'm going to pick up the pace! There don't seem to be any soldiers around here. Perfect. Seems like a good spot to drop me off, then. All right. One moment. Thank you very much, @アーサー@. May I leave the town in your care? Of course. I'll watch over it in your absence. I'm going to get those Rune Spheres... And save Venti! I've been waiting for you, +Earthmate+. Give me the Rune Spheres! What's your evil plan?! Hahaha. Why so excited? Do you sense my power? Has it made you cower in fear? If so... ...then I'm disappointed in you, @しゅじんこうくん@. What...? +Earthmates+... The ones who are loved by the earth and blessed by the{LF}runes... I was defeated once before by the one who had the power...{LF}when I tried to take over the continent. But... I'm rather thankful for you meddlesome twerps now. I might even...respect you. You +Earthmates+ have reached a different stage of being,{LF}which humans can never hope to attain. As I see it, Earthmates are the closest beings to the gods. What are you talking about...? So if you're one of them... I trust you won't disappoint me! Do you want these stones back? If so, you'll need to stop me with your power. By your own{LF}hands... You've come, +Earthmate+. Did you really think I was going to let things end so easily? Show me your true power! Hahaha... Yes, you are indeed a true +Earthmate+! This...is the power I've been longing for! What are you babbling about? I was naive and foolish before. I see that now. To take over the world was my desire, but... You +Earthmates+ gave me the chance to see how small my{LF}desire truly was. Even if humans can rule the world... Humans are just humans. We can never be gods. It is simply{LF}beyond us. However... What about +Earthmates+? If I were to obtain the very power that once destroyed my{LF}ambitions... If I could be the one who wields the magic that seals even{LF}the Holy Dragons... If I could bear the power that destroys the gods...then would{LF}I not BE a god?! And so I've finally found that which I've been seeking... The +Rune Spheres+! Precisely! These, too, are their creations! I am in your debt, +Earthmates+! At long last, I have obtained the keys to enter the realm of{LF}the gods! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! ...! So that's it? That's your master plan? That's why you wanted{LF}the +Rune Spheres+? You speak as if it's an unworthy goal... You already have the power that everyone desires! You are{LF}in no position to doubt my motivations! After I was defeated by the hands of an +Earthmate+... I began scouring the world for some means of becoming{LF}one. Of becoming just like you... I did everything I could to find the secret! I searched and searched and searched and searched and{LF}searched and searched!! And finally...I found it! I found the way! I found...the key! Gaze upon me, +Earthmate+! This is my true power...augmented through the might of the{LF}Rune Sphere! Hahaha... Hahahahahaha... HEEEAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! THiS iS The PoWeR i HaVe So LoNG SouGHT!! THiS iS The PoWeR oF THe +RuNe SPHeRe+!! i FeeL iT WiTHiN{LF}Me! THeRe iS No PaiN... i aM WiTHouT LiMiTS... iT iS GLoRiouS... i aM a GoD! Damn... ...I can't lose now! Not after all this! I...will...save...Venti... I promised her I would! HMPH...aRe You STiLL CLiNGiNG To THoSe FaLSe HoPeS? HoW LoNG Do You PLaN oN PLaCiNG FaiTH iN a HaLF-{LF}DeaD GoD?! THaT HuSK oF a DRaGoN No LoNGeR HaS aNy PuRPoSe. She{LF}iS LiTTLe MoRe THaN a DooRSToP! i aM THe oNe WiTH THe PoWeR oF THe GoDS aT My{LF}DiSPoSaL NoW. TReMBLe BeFoRe Me!! You'll never understand... You can never understand... Venti is... Venti is my precious friend. When I lost my memory and came to Selphia... She took care of me and became a very dear friend... And I don't want a selfish bastard like you dismissing her.{LF}You know nothing about her! And I don't want a selfish bastard like you dismissing her.{LF}You know nothing about her! ... ...You BoRe Me. You'Re BoRiNG, BoRiNG, BBOORRIINNGG, +eaRTHMaTe+!! i'Ve HaD eNouGH oF YouR SNiVeLiNG. The TRiVia oF YouR MoRTaL LiFe iS uNiMPoRTaNT To Me. ...NoW DDIIEE!! ...What...? Heeeeeeeeey! @しゅじんこうくん@!! Can you hear us?! Reinforcements have arrived! We neutralized the center of the Floating Empire! And we brought some big help back with us! So... Let's defeat Ethelberd! And go back home together! Venti?! A-are you...all right? ...You've got quite a look on your face... O-of course I do! I...I... You got back one of the +Rune Spheres+, no? That's how I was able...to... Venti... Heh. Why are you smiling? Did you miss me that much? I really did. No, it's just a tick. I see. ...I missed you, too. Venti... Is that so? You're the one who seems unusually happy. Because you{LF}can talk with me again, no doubt. Wh-what are you saying? That's...not true at all... ...Heheh... So, that's our enemy? Yeah. ...I see. He has an enormous amount of rune power in him. That's the power bestowed by the +Rune Spheres+, is it? It's{LF}much too much for a human to bear. ...Sorry, Venti. For what? I promised you I'd get back all the +Rune spheres+, but I... I{LF}couldn't... Are you saying you've given up already? What? Well, we're going to get those +Rune Spheres+ back from him{LF}right now, you and I. Just as promised. Okay? Venti... All right! I'm ready for this! aRe You TWo FiNiSHeD TaLKiNG NoW? CaN The{LF}SLauGHTeR ReSuMe? LeT'S GeT THiS oVeR WiTH, +NaTiVe DRaGoN+ aND{LF}+eaRTHMaTe+! Hmph... Who do you think you're talking to, human? HuMaN...? ...HMPH! aBSuRD! i aM NoT SuCH aN iNSiGNiFiCaNT{LF}CReaTuRe aNyMoRe. Oh? i aM aN +eaRTHMaTe+, BLeSSeD By THe eaRTH aND iTS{LF}RuNeS! HuMaNS aRE NoTHiNG To Me NoW. THeY aRe BuT PaTHeTiC aNTS... NoT eVeN WoRTH FiGHTiNG! Ngh...! How foolish... +Earthmates+ are humans themselves. And your power is nothing more than a sham. A pathetic{LF}imitation of something greater than you. If the power you use exceeds your capacity, your body will{LF}collapse like a rag doll's. ...You'Re RiGHT. THiS SHeLL CaNNoT HoST THe SouL oF a GoD. THeReFoRe,{LF}iT iS iNeViTaBLe. aND WHeN My BoDY CoLLaPSeS... i WiLL aBaNDoN THiS HuSK aND SuBLiMaTe iNTo a PRoPeR{LF}GoD! ...There's no point talking with him anymore. He's gone off{LF}the deep end. @しゅじんこうくん@, are you ready? Of course! I have to keep my promise! Good! I'm counting on you! CoMe!! SaCRiFiCe YouRSeLF FoR My GLoRiouS eVoLuTioN!! GH...! ...Haha... ...Hahahahaha... Wonderful... Magnificent! You are TRuLy iMPReSSiVe, +Native Dragon+...and you as well,{LF}+eaRTHMaTe+! Just as I eXPeCTeD... I was right... It was all correct... It was all just as I'd{LF}iMaGiNeD! ...He's finished. It was obvious this would happen if he tried to use that{LF}much rune power. ... I...am...the KiNG of the world... I want more PoWeR...power to destroy everything...{LF}oVeRWHeLMiNG power... I've been longing for it...for so many years... To possess...that power... That was my only desire... To take over...the world... And... Finally...I found it... The power...of the +Rune Spheres+! You still don't get it, do you? Pathetic human... Humans can't become gods. They will always be humans, no{LF}matter what. It doesn't matter what lofty ends you desire. No one can be{LF}something they're not. But that's why everything, and everyone, is precious. In equal{LF}measure. No... You deny this truth? It's nothing more than...an excuse...invented by those... who{LF}gave up their ambitions. I'm different... I will not be held back by such a minor...HuRDLe... I will not be satisfied with a VeSSeL like this. These +Rune Spheres+ have enough power to change things.{LF}To change the very nature of life... Native Dragon, you do understand my meaning...do you not? Although you should have been reborn, how is it you can still{LF}stay here in this world? You know what it is that makes that possible...don't you? ... I can see it clearly... I received the power of the +Rune Spheres+. The same power{LF}that flows through you. And now that you've lost your power, the flame of your{LF}existence is flickering...fading... ...! Venti! It seems I used too much power... ...As he said...I, too, am dying. Let's get back the other +Rune Spheres+, then! No... What...? My body should have collapsed... long, long ago. The Guardians have been halting its progress all this time. I survived...by twisting and draining their life energies. ... Everything has meaning. So, too, do the +Rune Spheres+. Their purposes were supposed to have been determined{LF}when they were born. If I use them for my own selfish ends... ...then I'm no different than he... Venti... ...But...! Listen to me, Emperor of Sechs. The stones are neither for saving my life... ...nor for transforming a human into an +Earthmate+ or a god. Runes are the essence of vitality. They grant life to everything on and in the ground! Even if you should try to change their purpose, bending it to{LF}your own selfish needs... I, Wind Dragon Ventuswill, will not allow it! As a Native{LF}Dragon I swear, it shall not stand! Do you...understand what that means...? It means...you have to die, too... ...Maybe so... But... In spite of knowing the fate that awaits me, this is my duty. If{LF}I should ignore it... How can I take pride in anything I've ever done? How could I ever say, without hesitation... ...that I am truly glad to have been born into this world as a{LF}Native Dragon? ...! Haha... I think you misunderstand one thing about me. And what might that be? I, too, am proud of myself and what I've done in my life... And the goal I spent my life trying to achieve... ...is to abandon this human body and become a god. And... ...the +Rune Spheres+ I possess... ...along with the circumstances that have brought them into{LF}my possession... ...can make my dream a reality! ...Ether...Link! What...is this...? I'm being... dragged...to him...?! Venti?! Did you forget, +Earthmate+...? What I have been studying through my use of the +Rune{LF}Spheres+... ...is a means of obtaining the power of an +Earthmate+ as a{LF}human. Then, by using that power, combining human and monster{LF}into one entity! And then... ...through that technique... becoming a true...honest-to-{LF}goodness... ...Native Dragon! To transform a human into a Native Dragon...into a god! That{LF}is what I seek! No! You mustn't! VENTI!! Hahaha... +Earthmate+ of Selphia, why are you so upset? Did I not warn you well in advance? I said, +even if you don't come to me, I will most assuredly{LF}come to you!+ I was thinking about destroying you first, as you are the{LF}biggest obstacle to my success... But since the Native Dragon came right to my door, this{LF}whole plan suddenly become more convenient. Ghh...! Now! Become a part of me! Grant me your godly powers! VENTI!! No! I can't let this happen! ...Ven...ti...? ... Hey, Venti... Hahaha... GYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Yes...! This is exactly what I wanted! Now I have the power of a god and the vessel to match it!{LF}This is the perfect form for a conqueror! It's wonderful! Positively stunning! What...? Ghah...! @しゅじんこうくん@... Venti?! Please... Defeat...me... ...?! Send me back to the Forest of Beginnings with him... It's the only chance...we have... to stop this... But...! Plea...se...! Stop...him... Ghhhaaahh... Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh... Ghhhaaaaaaahhhhhhh!! Ventiiiiiiii!!! Ugh...! That foolish dragon just doesn't know when to give up! But, she was worshipped as a god all this time. It stands to{LF}reason she'd fight me to the end. ...Now, then... How do you like it, +Earthmate+? Do you like my new look? Does Ventuswill's skin suit me? Am I...beautiful? ... Poor @しゅじんこうくん@... I feel sorry for you... I warned you once...but you ignored me. And now look{LF}what's happened! But...not to worry. The power of Ventuswill that now flows within me...the{LF}power you couldn't protect... ...will be put to good use... ...as your new god... ...and the future ruler of this entire world! Ethelberd...! Ah, I know... As a token of my gratitude toward the Native Dragon, and{LF}you who made this all possible... ...I shall make my first order of business the burning of the{LF}town of Selphia to ashes! Surely the good Lady Ventuswill would be pleased with such{LF}a humble offering, no? ETHELBEEEEERD...! Hahaha! Come, +Earthmate+! I will make you feel the same sense of humiliation and{LF}frustration as I! You will crawl there helplessly in despair and self-loathing! ...Damn...it... I...have...to...stop...him... Hahaha... GUAAAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!! Good...gooooood... That's very good, +Earthmate+! This is exactly what I wanted to see! I wanted to see one of your kind, who once struck me down,{LF}crawl upon the ground like an insect! ...Ugh... You +Earthmates+ do deserve some measure of respect, to be{LF}sure. For you are the only ones who've ever humbled me. However... I will not forget that humiliation...that suffering... I will never forget it... +Earthmate+...! For days, for years, for decades! Again and again and again and again! I will never forget!! I've dreamed of it so many times... I dreamed about the day I was defeated by the likes of you.{LF}So many times...every night... ...What...are you talking about? ...What...are you talking about? Every time I dreamed about it, it broke my heart. Broke it in{LF}two, three, four, five thousand pieces... So... Please accept this token of my... appreciation... Suffer... Suffer! SUFFER! /WRITHE! AGONIZE! GRIEVE! LANGUISH! SUFFER! SUFFER!!{LF}SUFFER!! SSUUFFFFEERR!!!!/ /MUEREMUEREMUEREMUEREMUERE{LF}MUEREMUEREMUEREMUEREMUERE{LF}MUEREMUEREMUEREMUEREMUERE!!!/ ...and when...you've been...dealt...with... I will see to it that all of your kind is exterminated from this{LF}plane...Earthmate. Pero antes de matarte...Tendré el placer de destruir{LF}todo cuanto amas. ¡¡Gyaaaaaaaaaaggghhh!! ¡Oof! La nave...se sigue escorando. ¡Está perdiendo el control! @ダグ@...! @アーサー@...! Hahaha.. Si tanto te importa, ¿por qué no vas a{LF}salvarles? ...Ah, es verdad. ¡No puedes! Duespues de todo, no has podido ni salvar al +dragon+ que{LF}tienes ante tí. GUAAAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!! ¿Y ahora qué sigue? ...D-Detente... No te esfuerces, @しゅじんこうくん@. Ponte cómodo y disfruta del espectáculo. Quiero que veas como destruyo todo cuanto amas. GUAAAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!! ... ...Tengo...que...detenerle... Pero... ...No...me quedan...fuerzas... ...Lo siento, Venti... ...Lo siento, chicos... ... ... --No te rindas, @しゅじんこうくん@. ¡Qué? ¿Qué es esa luz? Puedo sentir algo cálido... en mi corazón... @アイテム9@ está...brillando...? ¡@しゅじんこうくん@, no te rindas! ¡Funciona! ¡Le está llegando! ¡Bien hecho, Amber! ¿O debería llamarte Watson? Como sea,{LF}estoy orgullosa de tí. ¿Puedes oirnos, @しゅじんこうくん@? ¡Hemos oído a Lady Ventuswill! Nos ha pedido que reuniéramos nuestro poder y te lo enviáramos{LF}desde los +Rune Spots+. Y eso es lo que vamos a hacer. ¡El poder fluirá hacia tí{LF}como la espuma! Así que... ¡No te rindas! ¡Aún no! ¡Enséñale a ese emperador que no vas{LF}a rendirte sin luchar! ¡Si un detective se rinde, el caso queda sin resolver! Rrrrg...¡No podré aguantar mucho más...! ¿Oyes nuestros pensamientos? ¡Tómalos! ¡Usa este poder! No te olvides...! @しゅじんこうくん@-- Vale, está listo. Erm... ¿Qué hacemos? Nosotros, los Guardianes, enviaremos todo el poder rúnico{LF}que podamos. ¡Vosotros rezad para que @しゅじんこうくん@ lo reciba! Vale, lo tengo. ¡Hagámoslo! Te amo, @しゅじんこうくん@! ¡Hey! ¡Porco! Clorica. ¿Estás despierta? ... ¡Venga ya, chicos! ¡Hay que concentrarse! Vamos a enviar nuestro poder a @しゅじんこうくん@ todos juntos,{LF}¿sí? ...Sí...Rezaré con todo mi corazón. Oh, te has despertado, ¿eh? Supongo que es la señal para rezar{LF}yo también. Con el poder de mi amor, ¡@しゅじんこうくん@ lo conseguirá! Ugh... ¡Preparaos! ¡Voy a mandárselo ya! ¿Eh? ¡Oye! ¡Espera! ¡Yo también tengo que rezar! No te rindas, @しゅじんこうくん@! Vale... Espero que estés escuchando todo esto, @しゅじんこうくん@! Recuerda. ¡No estás solo! Lo tengo. ¿Preparados? ''¿Estáis listo para empezar?'' Yo lo estoy. ¿Jones? ¿Kiel? Todo listo por aquí. Por aquí también. ...@しゅじんこうくん@, hoy quedaremos en paz. ''Dolly... ¿No puedes ser más honesta?'' Déjalo estar, Pico. Todos sabemos lo que piensa realmente. Lo que ocurre es que no quiere reconocer sus sentimientos{LF} hacia @しゅじんこうくん@ en voz alta, ¿cierto? Así es. Y sabiendo cual es el motivo, lo mejor es dejarlo pasar. ''...Parece que no engañas a nadie, Dolly.'' ...Estúpido fantasma... ¿Dolly? ¿Te encuentras bien? ...Estoy bien. Durante siglos...he estado...enviando poder rúnico a Venti...{LF}desde aquí... ¡Resiste, Dolce! ¡Por favor, envía nuestros pensamientos a @しゅじんこうくん@! Así es. ¡Ahora todo depende de ti! ¡Aguanta, Dolly! ¡@しゅじんこうくん@! ''No te perdonaré si te rindes ahora!'' Yeah...No te preocupes. Tienes mi palabra. Aún tengo...algo que decirle a @しゅじんこうくん@... De todo corazón espero...que lo consigamos... Sí, sí. Comencemos. ...Um, ¿no deberías tomártelo más en serio? Me lo estoy tomando en serio. Te lo aseguro. Quizás no parezca nervioso pero créeme. Estoy dando lo{LF}mejor de mí. Yo no lo he dudado ni por un segundo. Venga, vamos a esperarlos. Como de costumbre. Es el deber de un mayordomo cuidar del hogar durante la{LF}ausencia de su señor. ¡No hay miedo!Los mayordomos protegeremos el castillo a toda costa. ...¿Puedo decir algo yo también? Como caballero, realmente lamento no poder acompañarte en esta batalla. ¡Pero protegeré a la gente de Selfia con mi vida! Te estoy esperando, @しゅじんこうくん@. Estoy esperando tu regreso. Igual que yo. Tu lugar es este, @しゅじんこうくん@. No puedes rendirte. Salva a Ventuswill... Eres el único que puede salvarla...La única esperanza{LF}de este mundo. Haz realidad nuestras esperanzas. Creemos en el futuro que nos traerás. Mis heridas están desapareciendo... ¡También noto un poder creciendo en mi interior! @しゅじんこうくん@... Yo también te confío mi alma. Por favor... Acaba con este falso dios. ¡Destrúyelo con tus propias manos! ...Tienes razón. Todos... tenéis razón. No debo rendirme. ¡Tengo que hacer todo lo que esté en mi{LF}mano para acabar con esto! ¿Vas a seguir luchando en vano? Me levantaré contra ti las veces que haga falta. ¡Me levantaré contra ti las veces que haga falta! Porque no estoy solo. Todos en Selfia esperan mi regreso. Hahaha... ¡Qué conmovedor! Eres bastante iluso, +Earthmate+! Voy a tener que aplastar ese espíritu... Igual que se rompió el mío y se dió por muerto... ...una y otra vez... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Sin importar cuantas veces pierdas, volverás a por más.{LF}¿Eso es lo que me estás diciendo? ¿Es ese es el espíritu de un +Earthmate+? ¡Repugnante! Voy a tener que aplastar ese espíritu... Igual que se rompió el mío y se dió por muerto... ...una y otra vez... ¿Qué...? No... No puede ser... ¿Eres más fuerte que un +dragón nativo+?! H¡¿Cuánto poder rúnico tienes?! AAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!! ¡Venti! ...Mírate la cara. ¡Estás hecho un desastre! ...Ya te lo he dicho, ¿recuerdas? ...Nada es imposible... Venti... N-No lo entiendo... Esto...no puede ser! ¡¿Cómo puede perder un dios contra un mísero humano?! ¡Tengo un poder celestial! Pero...incluso con un cuerpo divino... ¡Tú no tienes nada! ¿Qué...? Todo eso no sirve para nada. No cuenta. Nunca tuviste el poder de un dragón nativo ni el de un{LF}Earthmate. Hubo un momento de osccuridad en el que pudiste controlarlo{LF}pero el poder era nuestro. Siempre lo fue. ¡No! ¡Yo lo tengo...todo...! Pero tú, +Earthmate+. ¡Lo has destruido todo! ¡Justo{LF}igual que él! Ni siquiera fuiste derrotado por un +Earthmate+. Fuiste derrotado por un humano normal y corriente. ¡...! ¡Eso es imposible! El poder viene del corazón. No es algo que se pueda{LF}tocar o medir. Y nunca tendrás el corazón de otra persona a menos que{LF}te lo entregue voluntariamente. Y eso es lo que he hecho. Le entregué mi corazón a otro. A muchos otros. Les{LF}cedí mis pensamientos y mis pasiones. A humanos normales y corrientes. ...No... ¿Unos humanos...han acabado conmigo...? Me convertí en un +Earthmate+ e incluso superé a un{LF}+dragón nativo+! Y aún así, he sido derrotado... por simples humanos... GUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!! ¡No! No puede ser. No puedo aceptar eso. ¡Jamás podré aceptarlo! Nunca...nunca...nunca... ¡¡JAMÁS!! ¿...Q-qué...? Sus runas están siendo arrastradas hacia el Bosque de los Comienzos... Eso significa... Sí. Ha usado demasiado poder de su +esfera rúnica+ como{LF}para contenerlo en un cuerpo humano. Está al borde del colapso. Hahaha... ¡Lo sabía! Ya no soy un... humano... Esta es la prueba... ¡¡Mira esto, Earthmate!! ¡Regresaré al bosque de los comienzos como un dios! ¡Admítelo, Earthmate! Mi existencia... Mi dignidad... Soy...un...dios! ¡Admítelo! ¡ADMÍTELO, EARTHMAAAAAATE!! {LF}...Admi...te...lo... Se aferró a su ilusión hasta el final. Qué lástima. ... ...Pero... ¡Venti! ¿Te encuentras bien? ...Sí...De alguna forma... ¡Gracias a dios! Bien hecho, @しゅじんこうくん@. Has derrotado a Ethelberd. Debe haber sido muy duro. No te creas. No estábamos solos mi espada y yo. Todos estaban a mi lado. Ya veo... No sé como podré compensarte por arriesgarte de esa manera. Gracias. Gracias por salvarme, @しゅじんこうくん@. Venti... ...No todo el mérito es mío. Todos en Selphia lucharon a mi lado. Deberías darle las gracias a ellos también. ¿Venti? ¿Ocurre algo? ...Tienes razón. En cuanto lleguemos a casa le pienso dar las gracias a todos{LF}y cada uno de ellos. Sube a mi espalda, @しゅじんこうくん@. Volvamos a casa. ¡Lo tienes! ¡Déjamelo a mí! ¡Limpiemos el cielo! ¡Vas a caer! ¡Parece que tendré que luchar! ¡Deja el combate en mis manos! ¡Voy a dar lo mejor de mí! ¡Me esforzaré! No es momento de perder. Mmmmmmng... ¡Aún no! ¡Traelos! ¡Nunca había visto un cielo tan estrellado! No aprenden. ''¡Ni nosotros!'' Vaya, vaya. La que se va a liar. ¡Como ordenes! ¡¿Pero cuantos son?! ¡Venga ya! ¡Aún estoy en forma! Hay tantos de ellos... ¡Pico! ¡Sal ahí fuera y acaba con ellos! ''Sí, señora!'' Qué enemigos tan molestos. Y persistentes también. ¡En marcha! ¡Vamos! ¡Acabemos con ellos! ¡Vale! ¡Vamos! Muy bien. Tenemos cosas que hacer. En marcha. Allá vamos. ¡¡Allá vamoos!! Me voy. Venga, ¿partimos? ¡Vamooooos! ¿Listos? ¡Adelante! ¿Podemos partir? ¡Pues en marcha! ''¡Sí! ¡Hagámoslo!'' ¡Vamoso! ¡Vamos! ¡Acabemos con esto! ¡En marcha! ¡En marcha! ¡Vamos! ...Vamos. ...*Ronquido* Voy al imperio flotante. Creo que será la batalla{LF}final. Solo espera un poco más. ¡Un poco más! ...*Ronquido* Espérame, Venti. Solo un poco más. ¿Te encuentras bien, @しゅじんこうくん@?! ¿Debería recordar lo que pasó? Hagámoslo. No, no quiero. ¿Qué batalla debo recordar? Contra Ethelberd. Contra Ethelwill. No hagamos esto. Ahora no es el momento para esto. Ahora no es el momento para esto. Volvamos a donde estaba antes. Vuelve. Aún no. @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? ¡Había @数字0@G dentro! @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, una{LF}receta de cocina! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de forja! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de crafting! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de alquimia! Ya conocías la receta de{LF}@アイテム0@. @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? ¡Había @数字0@G dentro! @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? Cuando sufres parálisis, no puedes correr. Sin embargo puedes{LF}curarte usando @アイテム0@. @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? Algo no va bien... ¿Hmm? ¿Qué es esto? Por suerte no es una trampa... ¡Ah! ¡Hay un botón oculto! @しゅじんこうくん@... Visto de cerca es un interruptor. No hay duda. ¡Interruptor encontrado! ¡Oh-ho! Aquí hay algo. ''Allá vamos!'' ''Aquí hay un botón oculto, milady!'' Así es. Bien visto. ''Wow. ¿Eso ha sido un cumplido? ¿Un elogio sincero?'' Parece que hay un interruptor ahí. Vaya lugar para{LF}ponerlo, ¿no? Míralo tú mismo. ¡¿?! Creo que he empujado algo. ¡¿?! Creo que he empujado algo. @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? - Más allá se encuentra @マップ0@ - Nivel recomendado: 45 Comprobar la aparición de monstruos Comprobar items obtenibles Ahora mismo, nada @キャラ0@, @キャラ1@,{LF}@キャラ2@, @キャラ3@,{LF}@キャラ4@, @キャラ5@. @キャラ6@, @キャラ7@,{LF}@キャラ8@, @キャラ9@. @アイテム0@, @アイテム1@,{LF}@アイテム2@. Solo se puede entrar desde el otro lado. Mejor ir con cuidado. Demasiados problemas. Quizás haya otro camino en alguna parte. ¿Vacío? Hay una nota dentro: A quien lea esto, le pido disculpas. Este tesoro ha sido reclamado por el cazatesoros oscuro. ¿Pero qué...? Hay una pared pero aún así puedo pasar. Solo se puede entrar desde el otro lado. Mejor ir con cuidado. Demasiados problemas. Quizás haya otro camino en alguna parte. El camino por el que vine... ¿Ha desaparecido? Hay una nota en el suelo: ¿Qué sucede? ¡El camino ha desaparecido! Para quienes lleguen tarde... Yo me ocuparé del tesoro de ahí delante. -Firmado, el{LF}cazatesoros oscuro. El camino por el que vine... ¿Ha desaparecido? @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? ¡Había @数字0@G dentro! *FLOP* ¿Esto es para mí? ¡Gracias! *FLOP* *FLOP* ¿Esto es para mí? ¡Gracias! *SCUTTLE* ¿Esto es para mí? ¡Gracias! *SCUTTLE* *SCUTTLE* ¿Esto es para mí? ¡Gracias! @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? ¡Oh! ¡Gracias! ¡Muchísimas gracias! Había perdido toda esperanza. ... Me encantaría ofrecerte algo como agradecimiento, pero... ... ...Todo lo que te puedo ofrecer soy yo misma. ¿Puedo ir contigo? Claro. Eso sería genial. Te aviso que soy bastante mala. Nah, no te preocupes. ¡Muchísimas gracias! Prometo ser de ayuda. Me has salvado la vida. Haré lo que sea por tí. Aunque sea dar tres vueltas, ladrar y traerte un{LF}hueso con la boca. Uhh... ¡Incluso si me pides que me arrodille y te lama los pies! Uhhhhh...Nunca te pediré que hagas algo así. Jamás.{LF}Tienes mi palabra. Como sea, gracias. Será agradable viajar juntos. Ya...veo... ... Si cambias de opinión, avísame. Te esperaré aquí. Eternamente... Rezando... Vaya. Aún no tienes granero. Supongo que tendré que quedarme aquí. Quizás la próxima{LF}vez, ¿de acuerdo? Vaya. Tu granero está lleno. Supongo que tendré que quedarme aquí. Quizás la próxima{LF}vez, ¿de acuerdo? ¡Estás ahí! ¡Ayuda, por favor! @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? - @マップ0@ - Cuidado con el viento, los{LF}desprendimientos y los agujeros. Nivel recomendado: 65 Un nivel demasiado bajo{LF}podría ser /fatal/... Comprobar aparición de monstruos Comprobar items obtenibles Ahora mismo, nada. @キャラ0@, @キャラ1@, @キャラ2@,{LF}@キャラ3@, @キャラ4@, @キャラ5@,{LF}@キャラ6@. Cuidado con los enemigos que absorben el daño no elemental.{LF}Se recomienda usar +magia+ y +armas elementales+. @アイテム0@, @アイテム1@, @アイテム2@, @アイテム3@,{LF}@アイテム4@, @アイテム5@. @アイテム6@, @アイテム7@. @アイテム2@, @アイテム3@, @アイテム4@,{LF}@アイテム5@, @アイテム6@, @アイテム7@,{LF}@アイテム8@, @アイテム9@. @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? ¡Había @数字0@G dentro! @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? [Peligro. Desprendimientos.] @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? Adelante está @マップ0@. Aquellos sin{LF}autorización del imperio Sechs no podrán pasar. @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? - @マップ0@ - Nivel recomendado: 80 Comprobar la aparición de monstruos Comprobar items obtenibles Ahora mismo, nada @キャラ0@, @キャラ1@,{LF}@キャラ2@, @キャラ3@,{LF}@キャラ4@, @キャラ5@. @キャラ6@, @キャラ7@,{LF}@キャラ8@, @キャラ9@.{LF}@キャラA@, @キャラB@. @キャラC@, @キャラD@. /Los intrusos lamentarán haber venido./ @アイテム0@, @アイテム1@. @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? Hemos sido derrotados. Bueno, supongo que ya no hay que hacer de soldado, entonces. ¿Sabes? Perseguirte no estuvo tan mal. Ghh...! ¿No me vas a atacar? *Gruñido* *Gruñido* Parece como si te estuvieras muriendo de hambre... Rawrf! Awww. Parece que te gusta. Me alegro. *Gruñido* *Gruñido* ¿No te gusta eso? Déjame ver si tengo algo más para tí. *PANT* *PANT* Rawrf! Me está mirando. Es como si...quisiera ser mi amigo. ¡Me lo llevo! Nada de mascotas. Lo siento. No tengo granero de monstruos. No puedo llevarte conmigo Mi granero de monstruos esta lleno. No puedo llevarte conmigo. ¡Había @数字0@G dentro! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, una{LF}receta de cocina! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de forja! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de crafting! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de alquimia! Ya conocías la receta de{LF}@アイテム0@. ¿Qué? ¿¡Un callejón sin salida!? Siento una corriente de aire. Quizás... ¿Un pasadizo, tal vez? Revisemos todas las paredes. Debe haber una salida. ¡Huelo un pasadizo secreto! Debe haber una salida oculta en algún lugar cercano. Viene de ahí... Es hacia la derecha. ¡Estoy seguro! Tengo la sensación de que puede ser por la izquierda... ¿No es por ahí? En algún lugar hay una piedra que podemos atravesar. ¡Pico,{LF}encuentralo! ''Milady, mi cuerpo atraviesa todas las paredes así que no{LF}puedo ser de ayuda'' Me lo imaginaba. Para una vez que realmente necesitamos tu ayuda,{LF}no podemos contar con ella. ''¡Oof! Dolly, ¿por qué tienes que ser tan fría conmigo todo{LF}el tiempo?'' Deberíamos caminar hacia todas las piedras hasta que traspasemos{LF}una de ellas. No podemos rendirnos. Es como una base secreta. Es como la cueva del tesoro de un pirata. @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? Huh. Hay una imagen de una familia. Son tres personas. ¿Quiere eso decir que necesito un grupo de tres personas? Pico está aquí, así que deberíamos ser tres. ''¿Desde cuando sabes que estaba aquí, milady?'' Desde ahora. Gracias por revelarte. ''Grrrgh! Bien jugado, milady.'' Ja ja ja... Pero...hmm. Sigue sin abrirse. ''¿¡Insinúas que hay un problema con incluir el AUTÉNTICO amor{LF}de Dolly en tu familia!?'' Supongo que Pico no es lo bastante buena.{LF}Mis expectativas fueron demasiado altas. ''¡Hmph! ¡Si las palabras no bastan para demostrar mi amor,{LF}tendré que demostrarlo con acciones!'' ''¡Toma, piedra impertinente! Este es el poder de mis profundos{LF}e íntimos lazos con Dolly.'' ¿Pero no se habían roto ya? ''Me desvío de mi camino para eliminar lo que se interpone{LF}en el camino del amor...'' ''Pero en vez de recibir agradecimientos, ¿todos mis esfuerzos{LF}son en vano?'' ''Hoy debe de hacer mucho frío. Dolly está siendo mucho más{LF}fría de lo habitual!'' Um, no creo que el clima tenga algo que ver. Hay tres personas en este retrato familiar. ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, una{LF}receta de cocina! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de forja! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de crafting! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de alquimia! Ya conocías la receta de{LF}@アイテム0@. ¿¡E-Es esta!? ¡Es esta! ¡Es la legendaria piedra blanca! ... Pero... ¿Qué hace una piedra legendaria tirada por ahí? Me sorprende que la hayas reconocido tan fácilmente. Sí. No sé bien porqué pero...Puedo sentirlo. En el primer{LF}momento en que la vi, lo supe. ¡Es taaan bonita! ¡Es taaaaan bonita! Esta es...una piedra bastante rara... @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir. Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme sin hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, una{LF}receta de cocina! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de forja! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de crafting! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de alquimia! Ya conocías la receta de{LF}@アイテム0@. ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, una{LF}receta de cocina! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de forja! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de crafting! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de alquimia! Ya conocías la receta de{LF}@アイテム0@. ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, una{LF}receta de cocina! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de forja! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de crafting! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de alquimia! Ya conocías la receta de{LF}@アイテム0@. ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, una{LF}receta de cocina! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de forja! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de crafting! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de alquimia! Ya conocías la receta de{LF}@アイテム0@. ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, una{LF}receta de cocina! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de forja! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de crafting! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de alquimia! Ya conocías la receta de{LF}@アイテム0@. ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, una{LF}receta de cocina! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de forja! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de crafting! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de alquimia! Ya conocías la receta de{LF}@アイテム0@. ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, una{LF}receta de cocina! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de forja! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de crafting! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de alquimia! Ya conocías la receta de{LF}@アイテム0@. Las palabras ''Desearía un @アイテム0@''{LF}están escritas aquí. ¡Genial! Un @アイテム0@... ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, una{LF}receta de cocina! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de forja! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de crafting! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de alquimia! Ya conocías la receta de{LF}@アイテム0@. Las palabras, ''Exijo un @アイテム0@''{LF}están escritas aquí. ¿Por qué has tardado tanto en traerme un{LF}@アイテム0@? ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, una{LF}receta de cocina! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de forja! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de crafting! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de alquimia! Ya conocías la receta de{LF}@アイテム0@. Las palabras, ''Quiero un @アイテム0@''{LF}están escritas aquí. Un maravilloso @アイテム0@... ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, una{LF}receta de cocina! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de forja! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de crafting! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de alquimia! Ya conocías la receta de{LF}@アイテム0@. Las palabras, ''Dame un @アイテム0@''{LF}están escritas aquí. Un espléndido @アイテム0@... ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, una{LF}receta de cocina! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de forja! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de crafting! ¡Aprendes la receta de @アイテム0@, un{LF}item de alquimia! Ya conocías la receta de{LF}@アイテム0@. @しゅじんこうくん@... ¿Todo listo? ¡Sip! No, necesito un momento. Muy bien. ¡En marcha! De acuerdo. Avísame cuando te hayas preparado. @マップ0@ @マップ1@ @マップ2@ @マップ3@ @マップ4@ @マップ5@ @マップ6@ @マップ7@ @マップ8@ @マップ9@ @マップA@ @マップB@ @マップC@ @マップD@ @マップE@ @マップF@ @マップG@ @マップH@ @マップI@ @マップJ@ @マップK@ @マップL@ @マップM@ Salir Error: @0@ Error: @0@ Escribir una entrada en el diario. Llamar la aeronave. Salir. Hmm... ¿Y a dónde vamos? Vamos al imperio flotante. Vamos al atracadero en Selphia. Vamos al bosque de las mariposas. Vamos a las ruinas misteriosas del este. Vamos a la aterradora mansión del oeste. Vamos al viejo camino sudoeste donde siempre es otoño. Vamos a la cueva volcánica de Autumn Road. Vamos a la enorme torre al oeste. Vamos a las colinas del sureste, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos a la cueva extraña de Sercerezo Hill. Vamos al camino suroeste que conduce hacia el imperio{LF}Sechs. Vamos a la entrada del imperio Sechs. Vamos al castillo del imperio Sechs, donde vive el emperador{LF}Ethelberd. Vamos al campo de Sercerezo Hill, donde siempre es primavera. Vamos al campo de Selphia Plain, donde siempre es verano. Vamos al campo de Autumn Road, donde siempre es otoño. Vamos al campo de Silver Lake, donde siempre es invierno. Vamos a la zona de pesca de Sercerezo Hill. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de primavera ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Selphia Plains. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de verano ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Autumn Road. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de otoño ahí. Vamos al estanque de pesca de Silver Lake. Siempre podrás{LF}atrapar peces de invierno ahí. Vamos a la cueva de los Mamadoodles. Vamos a buscar Hierba Ayngondaia en la cueva de los{LF}huesos antiguos. ¡Vamos a la guarida de Magnuto! Ehh, me quedaré aquí. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para poder utilizar la aeronave? Primero tengo que obtener la licencia de aeronave. Tal vez si sigo con el trabajo de @姫@ pueda pedir{LF}esa licencia algún día. Tengo que hacer algunos viajes a pie antes de poder volar.{LF} ¡La aventura me espera! Prefiero andar, gracias. Me apetece más un paseo. ¡No puedo sentarme y no hacer nada! ¿H-huh? ¿No conecta? La esfera rúnica emite una luz tenue. ¿Eres una chica? Si eres una chica, salta en el agujero a la +izquierda+.{LF}Si eres chico salta en el de la +derecha+. Entre las tareas del hogar, ¿cocinar es tu punto fuerte? Si lo que mejor haces es cocinar, salta por la +izquierda+.{LF}De lo contrario, salta por la +derecha+. ¿Eres guapa, hermosa o un espectáculo para la vista? Si eres un icono de belleza, salta por el hoyo de la +izquierda+{LF}De lo contrario, ve al de la +derecha+. ¡Nooooo! ¡Esta miel no es tuya!{LF}Es para @しゅじんこうくん@!{LF}¡No puedes quedártela! ¡@コハク@! Whew. Estoy agotado... Gracias. Hoy lo has hecho bien. Te he estado esperando. ¿Jugarás conmigo? Sí No ¡Entonces empecemos! Me alegro de que hayas venido hasta aquí para verme. ¡H-Has venido! Llevo veinte largos años esperando este día. ¡Mi novia perfecta ha llegado! Ahora ven. ¡Casémonos! Bueno... De ninguna manera. ...No hay forma de que eso suceda. ...Yo soy, uh, un hombre, ya sabes... En ese caso... ...Te voy a convertir en mi esposa. De una forma u otra...{LF}¡Tú vas a ser mía! N-No lo estoy pillando... T-Tienes mucho poder... Esta no es forma de encontrar una pareja. Lo...Lo sé. Por favor, acepta mis disculpas. Puedes quedarte esto. Considéralo un gesto de buena fe. [Recibiste @アイテム0@.] ¡Gracias! Ahora, asegúrate de comportarte de aquí en{LF}adelante, ¿de acuerdo? Lo haré. Pero pásate por aquí de vez en cuando...para que podamos{LF}volver a jugar. De acuerdo. ¡No, por dios! ¡Gracias! Eso ha dolido... Supongo que tu fuerza nunca te fallará, @しゅじんこうくん@. Ten esto por las molestias. [Recibiste @アイテム0@.] Gracias por entretenerme. Ah... Este lugar no tiene salida, por lo que tendrás que{LF}usar tu hechizo @アイテム0@. ¡Vaya! ¿Qué te trae por aquí?{LF}¿Has venido a jugar conmigo? Buscamos melaza de batata. ¡Es a tí a quién buscamos! ¿Mi melaza de batata? Juega conmigo y te daré un{LF}poco. ¿Todo listo? ¡Pues vamos! Así que quieres mi vida, ¿eh? No quiero tu vida. Solo quiero esa melaza de batata. De acuerdo. Juega conmigo y te daré un poco. ¿Todo listo? ¡Allá vamos! *PANT* *PANT* Tú ganas. Aquí tienes la melaza de batata. [Recibiste melaza de batata.] Así que esto es una melaza de batata.{LF}Parece que tiene un olor dulce. Espero que nuestro invitado lo disfrute. ¿Sí? Fue sabio por tu parte preguntar al invitado qué le{LF}gusta con antelación. ¡Je, je! No puedo esperar. Deberías regresar. ¡Gracias por todo!