# Stramon Process behavior monitoring utility and library based on strace ## Installation Stramon is primarily distributed as a statically linked binary in releases right now. ## Usage To trace a command: ``` $ stramon CMD ``` `stramon-latest.json` symlink is updated to point to the newest JSON file ``` $ cat stramon-latest.json | jq "." ``` ## Help message ``` $ straamon --help stramon [-o JSON_OUTPUT] -- prog arg ... -o JSON file output path, defaults to: stramon_DATE-TIME.json. If provided path PATH is a directory, then output path is PATH/stramon_DATE-TIME.json -f Force overwrite of output file --no-link Disable adding/updating symlink stramon-latest.json --version Print version and exit --debug Enable debugging output to OUTPUT_PATH.debug --raw Copy received strace output to OUTPUT_PATH.raw -help Display this list of options --help Display this list of options ``` ## Example JSON files - Firefox: `examples/firefox.json`