Steve Baskauf & Cam Webb
Change from version 1.0 to 1.0.1 Add CC0 license.
Changes from version 0.2.1 to version 0.3: removal of all functional and inverse function properties of object property terms, use of dwctype classes, deprecation of terms replaced by dwciri: terms, removal of references to TDWG Ontology.
Changes from version 0.3 to 0.4 change DwC class namespace from dwctype: to dwc: to follow class proposal, removed references to TDWG TaxonConcept ontology; deprecated terms that now have equivalent terms in Darwin Core.
Version 0.4 to 1.0 fixed reversed dsw:locates and dsw:locatedAt. Added labels. Changed comments and descriptions to conform to DC and DwC precedent. Added subClassOf relations to RO hasEvidence and isEvidenceFor. Specified preferred direction for inverse object property pairs.
Darwin Semantic Web, version 1.0.1 . Please see for full details
is evidence for
has evidence
Steve Baskauf
The atEvent relationship is many-to-one (many occurrences at one event)
This property is preferred over its inverse if the link is made in only one direction.
Links a subject Occurrence instance to an object Event instance.
At Event
Steve Baskauf
Range can be IndividualOrganism or another Specimen
This property is preferred over its inverse if the link is made in only one direction.
Links a subject Token instance to an object instance of another Token or an Organism.
Derived From
Steve Baskauf
The eventOf relationship is one-to-many (one event has many occurrences)
Use the inverse property dsw:atEvent in preference to this one if the link is made in only one direction.
Links a subject Event instance to an object Occurrence instance.
Event Of
Cam Webb
In most cases this will act like a functional property (only possibly documenting a single occurrence), but some images may document several occurrences, so the formal specification of functional property is omitted.
This property is preferred over its inverse if the link is made in only one direction.
Links a subject Token instance to an object Occurrence instance.
Evidence For
Steve Baskauf
Was georeferenceByURI; deprecated 2014-11-21 to be replaced by dwciri:georeferencedBy
Georeferenced By
Steve Baskauf
Use the inverse property dsw:derivedFrom in preference to this one if the link is made in only one direction.
Links a subject Organism or Token instance to an object Token instance.
Has Derivative
Cam Webb
Use the inverse property dsw:evidenceFor in preference to this one if the link is made in only one direction.
Links a subject Occurrence instance to an object Token instance.
Has Evidence
Steve Baskauf, name changed by Cam Webb
The hasIdentification relationship is one-to-many (one individual organism has many identifications)
Use the inverse property dsw:identifies in preference to this one if the link is made in only one direction.
Links a subject Organism instance to an object Identification instance.
Has Identification
Steve Baskauf, name changed by Cam Webb
The hasOccurrence relationship is one-to-many (one individual organism may have many occurrences)
Use the inverse property dsw:occurrenceOf in preference to this one if the link is made in only one direction.
Links a subject Organism instance to an object Occurrence instance.
Has Occurrence
Steve Baskauf
The subject identification was in part based on the object token. Was identifiedBasedOn
Use the inverse property dsw:isBasisForId in preference to this one if the link is made in only one direction.
Links a subject Identification instance to an object Token instance.
ID Based On
Steve Baskauf
was dsw:identificationByURI; deprecated 2014-11-21 to be replaced by dwciri:identifiedBy
Identified By
Steve Baskauf
The identifies relationship is many-to-one (many identifications for one individual organism)
This property is preferred over its inverse if the link is made in only one direction.
Links a subject Identification instance to an object Organism instance.
Steve Baskauf
The subject resource is a basis on which the object identification is made.
This property is preferred over its inverse if the link is made in only one direction.
Links a subject Token instance to an object Identification instance.
Is Basis For ID
Cam Webb
The locatedAt relationship is many-to-one (many events at one location)
This property is preferred over its inverse if the link is made in only one direction.
Links a subject Event instance to an object Location instance.
Located At
Cam Webb
The locates relationship is one to many (one location may have many events)
Use the inverse property dsw:locatedAt in preference to this one if the link is made in only one direction.
Links a subject Event instance to an object Locatino instance.
Steve Baskauf, name changed by Cam Webb
The occurrrenceOf relationship is many-to-one (many occurrences for one individual organism)
This property is preferred over its inverse if the link is made in only one direction.
Links a subject Occurrence instance to an object Organism instance.
Occurrence Of
Deprecated 2014-11-21 to be replaced by dwciri:recordedBy
Recorded By
Steve Baskauf, name changed by Cam Webb
The taxonOfID relationship is one-to-many (one taxon may be referenced in many identifications)
Use the well-known dwciri:toTaxon predicate in preference to this one if the link is only made in one direction.
Links a subject Taxon instance to an object Identification instance.
Taxon Of ID
Steve Baskauf, name changed by Cam Webb
The toTaxon relationship is many-to-one (many identifications can reference one taxon). This property should link to a taxon concept (i.e. Taxon name plus Authority) URI, such as: ; deprecated 2014-11-21 to be replaced by dwciri:toTaxon
To Taxon
Links a subject Location instance to an object Agent instance that did the georeferencing.
Georeferenced By
Definition based on dwc:identifiedBy but modified to make it appropriate for non-literal values.
People, groups, or organizations who assigned the Taxon to the subject
Identified By
Definition based on dwc:recordedBy but modified to make it appropriate for non-literal objects.
People, groups, or organizations responsible for recording the original Occurrence.
Recorded By
Links a subject Identification instance to an object Taxon instance.
To Taxon
Steve Baskauf
Deprecated in favor of dwc:organismRemarks on 2014-11-21.
Individual Organism Remarks
Definition taken from Dublin Core vocabulary 2014-11-21.
A spatial region or named place.
A specimen preserved by drying.
Dried Specimen
This class is equivalent to the more well-known Darwin Core class dwc:Organism. It was deprecated following the addition of dwc:Organism to Darwin Core on 2014-10-26.
A particular organism or defined group of organisms considered to be taxonomically homogeneous. Instances of the Organism class are intended to facilitate linking of one or more Identification instances to one or more Occurrence instances. Therefore, things that are typically assigned scientific names (such as viruses, hybrids, and lichens) and aggregates whose occurrences are typically recorded (such as packs, clones, and colonies) are included in the scope of this class.
Individual Organism
Deprecated in favor of the Darwin Core class dwc:LivingSpecimen.
Living Specimen
Deprecated in favor of the Darwin Core class dwc:PreservedSpecimen.
Preserved Specimen
A specimen preserved in alcohol.
Specimen In Alcohol
A form of evidence derived from a dwc:Organism.
Definition taken from Darwin Core vocabulary 2014-11-21.
An action that occurs at some location during some time.
Definition taken from Darwin Core vocabulary 2014-11-21.
A taxonomic determination (e.g., the assignment to a taxon).
Definition taken from Darwin Core vocabulary 2014-11-21.
A specimen that is alive.
Living Specimen
Definition taken from Darwin Core vocabulary 2014-11-21.
An existence of an Organism (sensu at a particular place at a particular time.
Definition taken from Darwin Core vocabulary 2014-11-21. Replaces dsw:IndividualOrganism, which is now deprecated.
A particular organism or defined group of organisms considered to be taxonomically homogeneous.
Definition taken from Darwin Core vocabulary 2014-11-21.
A specimen that has been preserved.
Preserved Specimen
Definition taken from Darwin Core vocabulary 2014-11-21. We feel that this class should be considered to be equivalent to TaxonConcept (name plus accordingTo) in TDWG TCS ( However, this connection has not been explicitly expressed in the Darwin Core standard.
A group of organisms (sensu considered by taxonomists to form a homogeneous unit.
A taxon concept class (name plus accordingTo) considered to be equivalent to TaxonConcept in TDWG TCS ( This class was deprecated in favor of the Darwin Core class dwc:Taxon after the dwc:Taxon definition was clarified on 2014-10-26. Additionally, by that date the TDWG Ontologies (from which this term was taken) were effectively deprecated.
Taxon Concept
Definition taken from FOAF vocabulary 2014-11-21. See also
An agent (eg. person, group, software or physical artifact).
Definition taken from FOAF vocabulary 2014-11-21. See also
A document.