# trial setup run # Step 1: set working directory # Step 2: source functions.R from the web # Step 3: test library setup # Step 4: download data # STEP 1: setwd #setwd("C:/DataHarvestingWin/WorkingDir") #### UPDATE HERE # STEP 2: source functions.R from web source('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/data-carpentry-for-agriculture/trial-lesson/gh-pages/_episodes_rmd/functions.R') # STEP 3: Run library test #run_workshop_test(workingDir="C:/DataHarvestingWin/WorkingDir") run_workshop_test() # default # STEP 4: re-download data download_workshop_data() # download all the data # When you've run this script, look for: # [1] "Three text elements:" # [1] "area" # [1] 1 # [1] "2011-06-04" # in your console window. # # Then in File Explorer, inside your working directory, look for a folder called test_images # containing 9 images of data.