dataset,description,number of records,creator of source data,creation date of source data,supplier of source data,supply URL of source data,licence of source data,licence URL of source data,sourcing notes household-waste,The categorised quantities of the ('managed') waste generated by households.,19008,SEPA,2020,,,OGL v3.0,,"Published as an RDF data cube, the data can be accessed via SPARQL." household-co2e,The carbon impact of the waste generated by households.,288,SEPA,2020,SEPA,,OGL v2.0,,"Published through a web-based data tool, the data can be downloaded as a CSV file." business-waste-by-region,The categorised quantities of the waste generated by industry & commerce.,8976,SEPA,2020,SEPA,,OGL v2.0,,Published as a series of downloadable Excel files. business-waste-by-sector,The categorised quantities of the waste generated by industry & commerce.,2640,SEPA,2020,SEPA,,OGL v2.0,,Published as a series of downloadable Excel files. waste-site,"The locations, services & capacities of waste sites.",1254,SEPA,2020,SEPA,,OGL v2.0,,"Published through a web-based data tool, the data can be downloaded as a CSV file." waste-site-io,The categorised quantities of waste going in and out of waste sites.,2667914,SEPA,2020,SEPA,,OGL v2.0,,"Published through a web-based data tool, the data can be downloaded as a CSV file." stirling-bin-collection,The categorised quantities of the waste collected from household bins.,136,Stirling council,2021,Stirling council,,OGL v3.0,,"Published through a web-based data tool (CKAN), the data can be downloaded as CSV files." material-coding,A mapping between the EWC codes and SEPA's materials classification (as used in these datasets).,557,SEPA,2020,SEPA,,OGL v2.0,,"Published through a web-based data tool, the data can be downloaded as CSV files." ewc-coding,EWC (European Waste Classification) codes and descriptions.,973,European Commission of the EU,2000,Publications Office of the EU,,CC BY 4.0,,Published as a web page. co2e-multiplier,Per-material weight-multipliers to calaculate CO2e amounts. This data has been copied from section 6.2 of The Scottish Carbon Metric.,37,Zero Waste Scotland,2012,Zero Waste Scotland,,OGL v3.0,,Published as a PDF document. households,Occupied residential dwelling counts. Useful for calculating per-household amounts.,288,NRS,2020,,,OGL v3.0,,"Published as an RDF data cube, the data can be accessed via SPARQL." population,People counts. Useful for calculating per-citizen amounts.,288,NRS,2020,,,OGL v3.0,,"Published as an RDF data cube, the data can be accessed via SPARQL."