```{r setup, echo=FALSE} library(ggplot2) ``` ```{r author_info, echo=FALSE} first_name <- "" last_name <- "" institution <- "" address <- "" ``` ```{r, results='hide', echo=FALSE} hol_data <- read.csv(file="data_output/occurrence_holothuria.csv") long_red_sea <- c(30, 50) lat_red_sea <- c(10, 32) hol_data_red_sea <- subset(hol_data, (dwc.decimalLatitude > lat_red_sea[1] & dwc.decimalLatitude < lat_red_sea[2]) & (dwc.decimalLongitude > long_red_sea[1] & dwc.decimalLatitude < long_red_sea[2])) ## replace by an expression that allows you to calculate the number ## of individuals in the data set that occur in the red sea n_red_sea <- 999 ## replace by the an expression that allows you to calculate the number ## of species that occur in the red sea n_species_red_sea <- 999 ## replace by an expression that allows you to calculate the total number ## of species in the dataset n_species <- 999 ``` # The sea cucumber fauna from the Red Sea By `r last_name`, `r first_name` From `r institution` --------------------------------------------- We analyzed all the records for the family Holothuriidae found in [iDigBio](http://portal.idigbio.org) (N = `r nrow(hol_data)`). Among them, `r n_red_sea` were found to occur in the Red Sea. They represented `r n_species_red_sea` species or `r round(100 * n_species_red_sea/n_species, 2)` of the all species included in our dataset. However, `r n_missing` lots were not associated with any coordinate information. The figure below shows a map of all these occurrences. ```{r map, echo=FALSE} world_map <- map_data("world") ggplot(hol_data_red_sea) + annotation_map(world_map, fill="gray40", colour="gray40") + geom_point(aes(x=dwc.decimalLongitude, y=dwc.decimalLatitude, color=dwc.specificEpithet), position=position_jitter(width=0.2, height=0.2)) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="aliceblue"), legend.position = "none") + coord_map(projection = "mercator", orientation=c(90, 160, 0), xlim=long_red_sea, # limits on longitude ylim=lat_red_sea) + # limits on latitude xlab("Longitude") + ylab("Latitude") ``` This figure shows the map for ... ```{r} ## create a map that shows one of the species of your choice, the most sampled species, ## the full distribution of a species, or whatever else you'd like ```