--- layout: post title: The OI Project gets underway planning an Open Organization Identifier Registry date: '2017-03-30' author: - tcruse tags: - organization identifier - orcid - crossref - featured image: /images/2016/11/london_institute.jpg doi: 10.5438/0000-0c2g --- At the end of October 2016, Crossref, DataCite, and ORCID reported on collaboration in the area of organization identifiers [@https://doi.org/10.5438/TNHX-54CG]. We issued three papers [@https://doi.org/10.5438/2906;@https://doi.org/10.5438/4716;@https://doi.org/10.5438/7885] for community comment and after input we subsequently announced the formation of The OI Project, along with a call for expressions of interest from people interested in serving on the working group. We had a great response and are happy to report that the Working Group has now been established, and is already underway with work to develop a plan for an open, independent, not-for-profit, sustainable, organization identifier registry. There is [information about the OI Project Working Group](https://orcid.org/content/organization-identifier-working-group) on the ORCID website including a list of the [17 working group members](https://orcid.org/content/organization-id-working-group). They represent a broad range of scholarly communications stakeholders. Our scope of work includes three separate but interdependent areas: * Governance; * Registry Product Definition; and * Business Model & Funding. The initial goal of the Working Group is to create a thorough and robust implementation plan by the end of 2017. Please take a look at the website for more information and we’ll provide updates as things progress throughout the course of the year. Please [contact us](mailto:oi-project@orcid.org) with any questions. ## References