--- # Display name # Add your display name (typically your full name) to the title field # See https://wowchemy.com/docs/getting-started/get-started/#introduce-yourself title: Jane Doe name: Jane Doe # Username (this should match the folder name) # This will be assigned by dataobservatory.eu authors: - jane_doe # This will be assigned by dataobservatory.eu superuser: false # Role/position: describe in one single sentence. role: Music futures and social equity data curator # Organizations/Affiliations # Add more if you want like the ones below, or delete and keep only one # organizations: - name: Music Export Ukraine url: "https://musicexportukraine.com/" - name: Reprex url: "https://reprex.nl/" # Short bio (displayed in user profile at end of posts) # can be the same as role, but you can expand this and even add a link to your website. bio: Curator of music projects in Europe and Asia, funding expert, digital enthusiast, co-founder Music Export Ukraine. # You should change the topics to your topics, and list up to 3 that is relevant to # our observatory or project together. topics: - Social equality - Music feminism - Electronic music # Add your education details in the format below # it must have # course: , # year: education: courses: - course: MSc in International Economics institution: Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade year: 2012 - course: PhD in Law institution: Your University, City year: 2016 # Social/Academic Networking # For available icons, see: https://sourcethemes.com/academic/docs/page-builder/#icons # For an email link, use "fas" icon pack, "envelope" icon, and a link in the # form "mailto:your-email@example.com" or "#contact" for contact widget. social: - icon: linkedin icon_pack: fab link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alonadmukhovska/ - icon: orcid icon_pack: ai link: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7572-0948- icon: github icon_pack: fab link: https://github.com/antaldaniel - icon: linkedin icon_pack: fab link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antaldaniel/ - icon: ssrn icon_pack: ai link: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2472686 - icon: keybase icon_pack: fab link: https://keybase.io/antaldaniel # Mandatory: LinkedIn, ORCiD # Very recommended: Github, Keybase # Optional SSRN, Google Scholar, etc. # Facebook, Instagram, YouTube only if you use it professionally. # If you want to add a PDF document of your resume/CV # To enable, copy your resume/CV to `static/CV/your_name.pdf` and uncomment the lines below. # Send dataobservatory.eu a CV # - icon: cv # icon_pack: ai # link: CV/your_name.pdf # Enter email to display Gravatar (if Gravatar enabled in Config) # we do not use it. email: "" # Organizational groups that you belong to (for People widget) # Set this to `[]` or comment out if you are not using People widget. # this will be set by dataobservatory.eu user_groups: - data curators --- Along with her co-founder Alone started [Music Export Ukraine](https://musicexportukraine.com/), an independent organisation that helps Ukrainian artists build international careers. Since then, she showcased local talents at professional events in more than 20 countries, lobbied sector needs in Ukraine and Europe, did dozens of international projects, became the expert in European funding. And strangely, she still enjoys music!