openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: DRUM prediction server. description: DRUM prediction server. version: "1.10.8" paths: /URL_PREFIX/: $ref: "#/paths/~1URL_PREFIX~1ping~1" /URL_PREFIX/ping/: get: description: Check whether server is alive. responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string description: Status message. example: message: OK 513: description: 'Error loading/initializing model. Requires DRUM server has to be started with --with-error-server option' content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string description: Status message example: message: "ERROR: \n\nRunning environment language: Python.\n Failed loading hooks from [/tmp/model/python3_sklearn/] : No module named 'andas'" /URL_PREFIX/health/: get: description: Get functional health status, e.g. whether model is loaded and functioning properly. responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string description: Status message. example: message: OK 513: description: 'Error loading/initializing model. Requires DRUM server has to be started with --with-error-server option' content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string description: Status message example: message: "ERROR: \n\nRunning environment language: Python.\n Failed loading hooks from [/tmp/model/python3_sklearn/] : No module named 'andas'" /URL_PREFIX/info/: get: description: Get information about running model (metadata, paths, predictor type, etc.). responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: codeDir: type: string description: Custom code (model) location. drumServer: type: string description: DRUM server backend. drumVersion: type: string description: DRUM version. language: type: string description: Custom code (model) language. modelMetadata: type: object description: Model metadata taken from model-metadata.yaml, if exists in the code dir. May have arbitrary structure. predictor: type: string description: Internal predictor used to load a model. targetType: type: string description: Model target type example: codeDir: /tmp/model/python3_sklearn drumServer: flask drumVersion: 1.5.3 language: python modelMetadata: environmentID: 5e8c889607389fe0f466c72d inferenceModel: targetName: Grade 2014 modelId: 5f1f15a4d6111f01cb7f91fd name: regression model targetType: regression type: inference validation: input: ../../../tests/testdata/juniors_3_year_stats_regression.csv predictor: scikit-learn targetType: regression /URL_PREFIX/stats/: get: description: Shows running model statistics (memory). responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: drum_info: type: array items: type: object properties: cmdline: type: array items: type: string cpu_percent: type: number description: CPU persent used by DRUM or its child(in case when DRUM is running as nginx + uwsgi server). mem: type: number description: Memory used by DRUM. pid: type: number description: DRUM server process PID. mem_info: type: object properties: avail: type: number description: Total available memory on the system. container_limit: type: number description: Value is not null when starting DRUM server in container, using --docker argument. container_max_used: type: number description: Value is not null when starting DRUM server in container, using --docker argument. container_used: type: number drum_rss: type: number description: Resident memory occupied by DRUM. free: type: number description: Free memory in system. nginx_rss: type: number description: Resident memory occupied by nginx. Meaningfull when running DRUM with --production option, which enables to use nginx as backend server. total: type: number description: DRUM server process PID. time_info: type: object properties: run_predictor_total: type: object properties: avg: type: number description: Average requeest time (s) max: type: number description: Maximum request time (s) min: type: number description: Minimum request time (s) example: drum_info: [ cmdline: [ "/tmp/drum_tests_virtual_environment/bin/python3", "/tmp/drum_tests_virtual_environment/bin/drum", "server", "--code-dir", "/tmp/model/python3_sklearn", "--target-type", "regression", "--address", "localhost:6789", "--with-error-server", "--show-perf" ], mem: 256.71484375, pid: 342391 ] mem_info: avail: 17670.828125 container_limit: null container_max_used: null container_used: null drum_rss: 256.71484375 free: 312.33203125 nginx_rss: 0 total: 31442.73046875 time_info: run_predictor_total: avg: 0.0165 max: 0.023 min: 0.013 /URL_PREFIX/capabilities/: get: description: Get payload formats supported by the internal predictor in use. Predictor selection depends on the model. responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: supported_payload_formats: type: object description: If format is supported, property present in the object. Property's value is a package version. If version is not pinned, value is null. properties: arrow: type: string csv: type: string mtx: type: string example: supported_payload_formats: arrow: 2.0.0 csv: null mtx: null /URL_PREFIX/predict/: post: description: Make predictions on regression, binary or multiclassification models. requestBody: description: Scoring data to predict on. content: text/plain: schema: description: Scoring data. type: string format: text text/csv: schema: description: Scoring data. type: string format: text text/mtx: schema: description: Scoring data. type: string format: text application/x-apache-arrow-stream: schema: description: Scoring data. type: string format: binary multipart/form-data: schema: description: Scoring data. type: object properties: X: type: string format: filename responses: 200: description: OK content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/regression" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/binary" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/multiclass" 422: description: "Unprocessable entity" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string description: Status message example: message: "ERROR: Samples should be provided as: - a csv, mtx, or arrow file under `X` form-data param key. - binary data." /URL_PREFIX/predictions/: $ref: "#/paths/~1URL_PREFIX~1predict~1" /URL_PREFIX/predictUnstructured/: post: description: Make unstructured predictions on arbitrary data. requestBody: description: Scoring data to predict on. content: text/*: schema: description: Any textual scoring data. type: string format: text application/json: schema: description: Scoring data in json format. type: string format: text : schema: description: Any other mimetype provided assumes binary data is sent. type: string format: binary responses: 200: description: OK content: text/plain: schema: type: string format: text application/octet-stream: schema: type: string format: binary : schema: description: Any other mimetype returned assumes user returns data in a proper format. type: string 422: description: "Unprocessable entity" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string description: Status message /URL_PREFIX/predictionsUnstructured/: $ref: "#/paths/~1URL_PREFIX~1predictUnstructured~1" components: schemas: regression: type: object properties: predictions: type: array description: List of regression predictions. items: type: number example: predictions: [2.4, 3.2, 6.1] binary: type: object properties: predictions: type: array description: List of binary classification predictions. items: type: object example: predictions: [{positiveClassLabel: 0.85, negativeClassLabel: 0.15}, {positiveClassLabel: 0.25, negativeClassLabel: 0.75}] multiclass: type: object properties: predictions: type: array description: List of multiclass classification predictions. items: type: object example: predictions: [{classLabel1: 0.75, classLabel2: 0.15, classLabel3: 0.1}, {classLabel1: 0.2, classLabel2: 0.5, classLabel3: 0.3}]