# +++++++++++++++++++++++++ # +++ R BOOTCAMP UNIT 4 +++ # +++ SOLUTIONS +++ # +++++++++++++++++++++++++ # + AUTHOR: David Dobolyi + # +++++++++++++++++++++++++ # --------- # Run First # --------- setwd("...") # ---------- # Exercise 1 # ---------- # Read in the data file "ExerciseData1.txt" in R-Bootcamp-Unit4-Data.zip and store it in an object called ExDat1. Show the structure, head, and dimensions of the data to verify you imported it correctly. HINT: the correct dimensions are six rows by five columns. ExDat1 <- read.table("ExerciseData1.txt", header = TRUE, sep = ",") # option a ExDat1 <- read.csv("ExerciseData1.txt") # option b str(ExDat1) head(ExDat1) dim(ExDat1) # ---------- # Exercise 2 # ---------- # Read in the data file "ExerciseData2.txt" in R-Bootcamp-Unit4-Data.zip and store it in an object called ExDat2. Show the structure, head, and dimensions of the data to verify you imported it correctly. HINT: make sure you have accounted for the correct separator in this data file. ExDat2 <- read.table("ExerciseData2.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t") # option a ExDat2 <- read.delim("ExerciseData2.txt") # option b str(ExDat2) head(ExDat2) dim(ExDat2) # ---------- # Exercise 3 # ---------- # Use the identical function (i.e., see ?identical) to show ExDat1 and ExDat2 are identical (if they are not, amend your data import code accordingly). identical(ExDat1, ExDat2) # ---------- # Exercise 4 # ---------- # Read in the data file "ExerciseData3.txt" in R-Bootcamp-Unit4-Data.zip and store it in an object called ExDat3. Show the structure, head, and dimensions of the data to verify you imported it correctly. HINT: make sure you have accounted for the quoting characters in this data file. ExDat3 <- read.table("ExerciseData3.txt", header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote = "`", skip = 2) # option a ExDat3 <- read.csv("ExerciseData3.txt", quote = "`", skip = 2) # option b str(ExDat3) head(ExDat3) dim(ExDat3) # Note that if you opened "ExerciseData3.txt" in a text editor as suggested in Unit 4, you would have found the following hint to help with reading in the data: # Some data files occasionally (and awkwardly) put a text description at the top, which will cause a problem when reading them into R. See the skip argument of read.table for a solution to this problem. In addition, be sure to use the correct quote specification for reading this file, since this one happens to be using backticks for strings. # ---------- # Exercise 5 # ---------- # Use the identical function to show ExDat1 and ExDat3 are identical (if they are not, amend your data import code accordingly). identical(ExDat1, ExDat3)