#!/bin/bash # v2ray一键安装脚本 # Author: hijk RED="\033[31m" # Error message GREEN="\033[32m" # Success message YELLOW="\033[33m" # Warning message BLUE="\033[36m" # Info message PLAIN='\033[0m' # 以下网站是随机从Google上找到的无广告小说网站,不喜欢请改成其他网址,以http或https开头 # 搭建好后无法打开伪装域名,可能是反代小说网站挂了,请在网站留言,或者Github发issue,以便替换新的网站 SITES=( http://www.zhuizishu.com/ http://xs.56dyc.com/ #http://www.xiaoshuosk.com/ #https://www.quledu.net/ http://www.ddxsku.com/ http://www.biqu6.com/ https://www.wenshulou.cc/ #http://www.auutea.com/ http://www.55shuba.com/ http://www.39shubao.com/ https://www.23xsw.cc/ https://www.huanbige.com/ https://www.jueshitangmen.info/ https://www.zhetian.org/ http://www.bequgexs.com/ http://www.tjwl.com/ ) CONFIG_FILE="/etc/v2ray/config.json" SERVICE_FILE="/etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service" OS=`hostnamectl | grep -i system | cut -d: -f2` V6_PROXY="" IP=`curl -sL -4 ip.sb` if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then IP=`curl -sL -6 ip.sb` V6_PROXY="https://gh.hijk.art/" fi BT="false" NGINX_CONF_PATH="/etc/nginx/conf.d/" res=`which bt 2>/dev/null` if [[ "$res" != "" ]]; then BT="true" NGINX_CONF_PATH="/www/server/panel/vhost/nginx/" fi VLESS="false" TROJAN="false" TLS="false" WS="false" XTLS="false" KCP="false" checkSystem() { result=$(id | awk '{print $1}') if [[ $result != "uid=0(root)" ]]; then colorEcho $RED " 请以root身份执行该脚本" exit 1 fi res=`which yum 2>/dev/null` if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then res=`which apt 2>/dev/null` if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then colorEcho $RED " 不受支持的Linux系统" exit 1 fi PMT="apt" CMD_INSTALL="apt install -y " CMD_REMOVE="apt remove -y " CMD_UPGRADE="apt update; apt upgrade -y; apt autoremove -y" else PMT="yum" CMD_INSTALL="yum install -y " CMD_REMOVE="yum remove -y " CMD_UPGRADE="yum update -y" fi res=`which systemctl 2>/dev/null` if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then colorEcho $RED " 系统版本过低,请升级到最新版本" exit 1 fi } colorEcho() { echo -e "${1}${@:2}${PLAIN}" } configNeedNginx() { local ws=`grep wsSettings $CONFIG_FILE` if [[ -z "$ws" ]]; then echo no return fi echo yes } needNginx() { if [[ "$WS" = "false" ]]; then echo no return fi echo yes } status() { if [[ ! -f /usr/bin/v2ray/v2ray ]]; then echo 0 return fi if [[ ! -f $CONFIG_FILE ]]; then echo 1 return fi port=`grep port $CONFIG_FILE| head -n 1| cut -d: -f2| tr -d \",' '` res=`ss -nutlp| grep ${port} | grep -i v2ray` if [[ -z "$res" ]]; then echo 2 return fi if [[ `configNeedNginx` != "yes" ]]; then echo 3 else res=`ss -nutlp|grep -i nginx` if [[ -z "$res" ]]; then echo 4 else echo 5 fi fi } statusText() { res=`status` case $res in 2) echo -e ${GREEN}已安装${PLAIN} ${RED}未运行${PLAIN} ;; 3) echo -e ${GREEN}已安装${PLAIN} ${GREEN}V2ray正在运行${PLAIN} ;; 4) echo -e ${GREEN}已安装${PLAIN} ${GREEN}V2ray正在运行${PLAIN}, ${RED}Nginx未运行${PLAIN} ;; 5) echo -e ${GREEN}已安装${PLAIN} ${GREEN}V2ray正在运行, Nginx正在运行${PLAIN} ;; *) echo -e ${RED}未安装${PLAIN} ;; esac } normalizeVersion() { if [ -n "$1" ]; then case "$1" in v*) echo "$1" ;; *) echo "v$1" ;; esac else echo "" fi } # 1: new V2Ray. 0: no. 1: yes. 2: not installed. 3: check failed. getVersion() { VER="$(/usr/bin/v2ray/v2ray -version 2>/dev/null)" RETVAL=$? CUR_VER="$(normalizeVersion "$(echo "$VER" | head -n 1 | cut -d " " -f2)")" TAG_URL="${V6_PROXY}https://api.github.com/repos/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases/latest" NEW_VER="$(normalizeVersion "$(curl -s "${TAG_URL}" --connect-timeout 10| tr ',' '\n' | grep 'tag_name' | cut -d\" -f4)")" if [[ "$XTLS" = "true" ]]; then NEW_VER=v4.32.1 fi if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] || [[ $NEW_VER == "" ]]; then colorEcho $RED " 检查V2ray版本信息失败,请检查网络" return 3 elif [[ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]];then return 2 elif [[ $NEW_VER != $CUR_VER ]];then return 1 fi return 0 } archAffix(){ case "$(uname -m)" in i686|i386) echo '32' ;; x86_64|amd64) echo '64' ;; *armv7*) echo 'arm32-v7a' ;; armv6*) echo 'arm32-v6a' ;; *armv8*|aarch64) echo 'arm64-v8a' ;; *mips64le*) echo 'mips64le' ;; *mips64*) echo 'mips64' ;; *mipsle*) echo 'mipsle' ;; *mips*) echo 'mips' ;; *s390x*) echo 's390x' ;; ppc64le) echo 'ppc64le' ;; ppc64) echo 'ppc64' ;; *) colorEcho $RED " 不支持的CPU架构!" exit 1 ;; esac return 0 } getData() { if [[ "$TLS" = "true" || "$XTLS" = "true" ]]; then echo "" echo " V2ray一键脚本,运行之前请确认如下条件已经具备:" colorEcho ${YELLOW} " 1. 一个伪装域名" colorEcho ${YELLOW} " 2. 伪装域名DNS解析指向当前服务器ip(${IP})" colorEcho ${BLUE} " 3. 如果/root目录下有 v2ray.pem 和 v2ray.key 证书密钥文件,无需理会条件2" echo " " read -p " 确认满足按y,按其他退出脚本:" answer if [[ "${answer,,}" != "y" ]]; then exit 0 fi echo "" while true do read -p " 请输入伪装域名:" DOMAIN if [[ -z "${DOMAIN}" ]]; then colorEcho ${RED} " 域名输入错误,请重新输入!" else break fi done DOMAIN=${DOMAIN,,} colorEcho ${BLUE} " 伪装域名(host):$DOMAIN" if [[ -f ~/v2ray.pem && -f ~/v2ray.key ]]; then colorEcho ${BLUE} " 检测到自有证书,将使用其部署" CERT_FILE="/etc/v2ray/${DOMAIN}.pem" KEY_FILE="/etc/v2ray/${DOMAIN}.key" else resolve=`curl -sL http://ip-api.com/json/${DOMAIN}` res=`echo -n ${resolve} | grep ${IP}` if [[ -z "${res}" ]]; then colorEcho ${BLUE} "${DOMAIN} 解析结果:${resolve}" colorEcho ${RED} " 域名未解析到当前服务器IP(${IP})!" exit 1 fi fi fi echo "" if [[ "$(needNginx)" = "no" ]]; then if [[ "$TLS" = "true" ]]; then read -p " 请输入v2ray监听端口[强烈建议443,默认443]:" PORT [[ -z "${PORT}" ]] && PORT=443 else read -p " 请输入v2ray监听端口[100-65535的一个数字]:" PORT [[ -z "${PORT}" ]] && PORT=`shuf -i200-65000 -n1` if [[ "${PORT:0:1}" = "0" ]]; then colorEcho ${RED} " 端口不能以0开头" exit 1 fi fi colorEcho ${BLUE} " v2ray端口:$PORT" else read -p " 请输入Nginx监听端口[100-65535的一个数字,默认443]:" PORT [[ -z "${PORT}" ]] && PORT=443 if [ "${PORT:0:1}" = "0" ]; then colorEcho ${BLUE} " 端口不能以0开头" exit 1 fi colorEcho ${BLUE} " Nginx端口:$PORT" V2PORT=`shuf -i10000-65000 -n1` fi if [[ "$KCP" = "true" ]]; then echo "" colorEcho $BLUE " 请选择伪装类型:" echo " 1) 无" echo " 2) BT下载" echo " 3) 视频通话" echo " 4) 微信视频通话" echo " 5) dtls" echo " 6) wiregard" read -p " 请选择伪装类型[默认:无]:" answer case $answer in 2) HEADER_TYPE="utp" ;; 3) HEADER_TYPE="srtp" ;; 4) HEADER_TYPE="wechat-video" ;; 5) HEADER_TYPE="dtls" ;; 6) HEADER_TYPE="wireguard" ;; *) HEADER_TYPE="none" ;; esac colorEcho $BLUE " 伪装类型:$HEADER_TYPE" SEED=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid` fi if [[ "$TROJAN" = "true" ]]; then echo "" read -p " 请设置trojan密码(不输则随机生成):" PASSWORD [[ -z "$PASSWORD" ]] && PASSWORD=`cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 16 | head -n 1` colorEcho $BLUE " trojan密码:$PASSWORD" fi if [[ "$XTLS" = "true" ]]; then echo "" colorEcho $BLUE " 请选择流控模式:" echo -e " 1) xtls-rprx-direct [$RED推荐$PLAIN]" echo " 2) xtls-rprx-origin" read -p " 请选择流控模式[默认:direct]" answer [[ -z "$answer" ]] && answer=1 case $answer in 1) FLOW="xtls-rprx-direct" ;; 2) FLOW="xtls-rprx-origin" ;; *) colorEcho $RED " 无效选项,使用默认的xtls-rprx-direct" FLOW="xtls-rprx-direct" ;; esac colorEcho $BLUE " 流控模式:$FLOW" fi if [[ "${WS}" = "true" ]]; then echo "" while true do read -p " 请输入伪装路径,以/开头(不懂请直接回车):" WSPATH if [[ -z "${WSPATH}" ]]; then len=`shuf -i5-12 -n1` ws=`cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w $len | head -n 1` WSPATH="/$ws" break elif [[ "${WSPATH:0:1}" != "/" ]]; then colorEcho ${RED} " 伪装路径必须以/开头!" elif [[ "${WSPATH}" = "/" ]]; then colorEcho ${RED} " 不能使用根路径!" else break fi done colorEcho ${BLUE} " ws路径:$WSPATH" fi if [[ "$TLS" = "true" || "$XTLS" = "true" ]]; then echo "" colorEcho $BLUE " 请选择伪装站类型:" echo " 1) 静态网站(位于/usr/share/nginx/html)" echo " 2) 小说站(随机选择)" echo " 3) 美女站(https://imeizi.me)" echo " 4) 高清壁纸站(https://bing.imeizi.me)" echo " 5) 自定义反代站点(需以http或者https开头)" read -p " 请选择伪装网站类型[默认:高清壁纸站]" answer if [[ -z "$answer" ]]; then PROXY_URL="https://bing.imeizi.me" else case $answer in 1) PROXY_URL="" ;; 2) len=${#SITES[@]} ((len--)) while true do index=`shuf -i0-${len} -n1` PROXY_URL=${SITES[$index]} host=`echo ${PROXY_URL} | cut -d/ -f3` ip=`curl -sL http://ip-api.com/json/${host}` res=`echo -n ${ip} | grep ${host}` if [[ "${res}" = "" ]]; then echo "$ip $host" >> /etc/hosts break fi done ;; 3) PROXY_URL="https://imeizi.me" ;; 4) PROXY_URL="https://bing.imeizi.me" ;; 5) read -p " 请输入反代站点(以http或者https开头):" PROXY_URL if [[ -z "$PROXY_URL" ]]; then colorEcho $RED " 请输入反代网站!" exit 1 elif [[ "${PROXY_URL:0:4}" != "http" ]]; then colorEcho $RED " 反代网站必须以http或https开头!" exit 1 fi ;; *) colorEcho $RED " 请输入正确的选项!" exit 1 esac fi REMOTE_HOST=`echo ${PROXY_URL} | cut -d/ -f3` colorEcho $BLUE " 伪装网站:$PROXY_URL" echo "" colorEcho $BLUE " 是否允许搜索引擎爬取网站?[默认:不允许]" echo " y)允许,会有更多ip请求网站,但会消耗一些流量,vps流量充足情况下推荐使用" echo " n)不允许,爬虫不会访问网站,访问ip比较单一,但能节省vps流量" read -p " 请选择:[y/n]" answer if [[ -z "$answer" ]]; then ALLOW_SPIDER="n" elif [[ "${answer,,}" = "y" ]]; then ALLOW_SPIDER="y" else ALLOW_SPIDER="n" fi colorEcho $BLUE " 允许搜索引擎:$ALLOW_SPIDER" fi echo "" read -p " 是否安装BBR(默认安装)?[y/n]:" NEED_BBR [[ -z "$NEED_BBR" ]] && NEED_BBR=y [[ "$NEED_BBR" = "Y" ]] && NEED_BBR=y colorEcho $BLUE " 安装BBR:$NEED_BBR" } installNginx() { echo "" colorEcho $BLUE " 安装nginx..." if [[ "$BT" = "false" ]]; then if [[ "$PMT" = "yum" ]]; then $CMD_INSTALL epel-release if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then echo '[nginx-stable] name=nginx stable repo baseurl=http://nginx.org/packages/centos/$releasever/$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 gpgkey=https://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key module_hotfixes=true' > /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo fi fi $CMD_INSTALL nginx if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then colorEcho $RED " Nginx安装失败,请到 https://hijk.art 反馈" exit 1 fi systemctl enable nginx else res=`which nginx 2>/dev/null` if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then colorEcho $RED " 您安装了宝塔,请在宝塔后台安装nginx后再运行本脚本" exit 1 fi fi } startNginx() { if [[ "$BT" = "false" ]]; then systemctl start nginx else nginx -c /www/server/nginx/conf/nginx.conf fi } stopNginx() { if [[ "$BT" = "false" ]]; then systemctl stop nginx else res=`ps aux | grep -i nginx` if [[ "$res" != "" ]]; then nginx -s stop fi fi } getCert() { mkdir -p /etc/v2ray if [[ -z ${CERT_FILE+x} ]]; then stopNginx sleep 2 res=`netstat -ntlp| grep -E ':80 |:443 '` if [[ "${res}" != "" ]]; then colorEcho ${RED} " 其他进程占用了80或443端口,请先关闭再运行一键脚本" echo " 端口占用信息如下:" echo ${res} exit 1 fi $CMD_INSTALL socat openssl if [[ "$PMT" = "yum" ]]; then $CMD_INSTALL cronie systemctl start crond systemctl enable crond else $CMD_INSTALL cron systemctl start cron systemctl enable cron fi curl -sL https://get.acme.sh | sh -s email=hijk.pw@protonmail.ch source ~/.bashrc ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --upgrade --auto-upgrade ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --set-default-ca --server letsencrypt if [[ "$BT" = "false" ]]; then ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --issue -d $DOMAIN --keylength ec-256 --pre-hook "systemctl stop nginx" --post-hook "systemctl restart nginx" --standalone else ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --issue -d $DOMAIN --keylength ec-256 --pre-hook "nginx -s stop || { echo -n ''; }" --post-hook "nginx -c /www/server/nginx/conf/nginx.conf || { echo -n ''; }" --standalone fi [[ -f ~/.acme.sh/${DOMAIN}_ecc/ca.cer ]] || { colorEcho $RED " 获取证书失败,请复制上面的红色文字到 https://hijk.art 反馈" exit 1 } CERT_FILE="/etc/v2ray/${DOMAIN}.pem" KEY_FILE="/etc/v2ray/${DOMAIN}.key" ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --install-cert -d $DOMAIN --ecc \ --key-file $KEY_FILE \ --fullchain-file $CERT_FILE \ --reloadcmd "service nginx force-reload" [[ -f $CERT_FILE && -f $KEY_FILE ]] || { colorEcho $RED " 获取证书失败,请到 https://hijk.art 反馈" exit 1 } else cp ~/v2ray.pem /etc/v2ray/${DOMAIN}.pem cp ~/v2ray.key /etc/v2ray/${DOMAIN}.key fi } configNginx() { mkdir -p /usr/share/nginx/html; if [[ "$ALLOW_SPIDER" = "n" ]]; then echo 'User-Agent: *' > /usr/share/nginx/html/robots.txt echo 'Disallow: /' >> /usr/share/nginx/html/robots.txt ROBOT_CONFIG=" location = /robots.txt {}" else ROBOT_CONFIG="" fi if [[ "$BT" = "false" ]]; then if [[ ! -f /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.bak ]]; then mv /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.bak fi res=`id nginx 2>/dev/null` if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then user="www-data" else user="nginx" fi cat > /etc/nginx/nginx.conf<<-EOF user $user; worker_processes auto; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; pid /run/nginx.pid; # Load dynamic modules. See /usr/share/doc/nginx/README.dynamic. include /usr/share/nginx/modules/*.conf; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { log_format main '\$remote_addr - \$remote_user [\$time_local] "\$request" ' '\$status \$body_bytes_sent "\$http_referer" ' '"\$http_user_agent" "\$http_x_forwarded_for"'; access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main; server_tokens off; sendfile on; tcp_nopush on; tcp_nodelay on; keepalive_timeout 65; types_hash_max_size 2048; gzip on; include /etc/nginx/mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; # Load modular configuration files from the /etc/nginx/conf.d directory. # See http://nginx.org/en/docs/ngx_core_module.html#include # for more information. include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; } EOF fi if [[ "$PROXY_URL" = "" ]]; then action="" else action="proxy_ssl_server_name on; proxy_pass $PROXY_URL; proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding ''; sub_filter \"$REMOTE_HOST\" \"$DOMAIN\"; sub_filter_once off;" fi if [[ "$TLS" = "true" || "$XTLS" = "true" ]]; then mkdir -p $NGINX_CONF_PATH # VMESS+WS+TLS # VLESS+WS+TLS if [[ "$WS" = "true" ]]; then cat > ${NGINX_CONF_PATH}${DOMAIN}.conf<<-EOF server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name ${DOMAIN}; return 301 https://\$server_name:${PORT}\$request_uri; } server { listen ${PORT} ssl http2; listen [::]:${PORT} ssl http2; server_name ${DOMAIN}; charset utf-8; # ssl配置 ssl_protocols TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; ssl_ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE:ECDH:AES:HIGH:!NULL:!aNULL:!MD5:!ADH:!RC4; ssl_ecdh_curve secp384r1; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m; ssl_session_timeout 10m; ssl_session_tickets off; ssl_certificate $CERT_FILE; ssl_certificate_key $KEY_FILE; root /usr/share/nginx/html; location / { $action } $ROBOT_CONFIG location ${WSPATH} { proxy_redirect off; proxy_pass${V2PORT}; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host \$host; # Show real IP in v2ray access.log proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; } } EOF else # VLESS+TCP+TLS # VLESS+TCP+XTLS # trojan cat > ${NGINX_CONF_PATH}${DOMAIN}.conf<<-EOF server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; listen 81 http2; server_name ${DOMAIN}; root /usr/share/nginx/html; location / { $action } $ROBOT_CONFIG } EOF fi fi } setSelinux() { if [[ -s /etc/selinux/config ]] && grep 'SELINUX=enforcing' /etc/selinux/config; then sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/g' /etc/selinux/config setenforce 0 fi } setFirewall() { res=`which firewall-cmd 2>/dev/null` if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then systemctl status firewalld > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]];then firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=https if [[ "$PORT" != "443" ]]; then firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=${PORT}/tcp firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=${PORT}/udp fi firewall-cmd --reload else nl=`iptables -nL | nl | grep FORWARD | awk '{print $1}'` if [[ "$nl" != "3" ]]; then iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT if [[ "$PORT" != "443" ]]; then iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport ${PORT} -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport ${PORT} -j ACCEPT fi fi fi else res=`which iptables 2>/dev/null` if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then nl=`iptables -nL | nl | grep FORWARD | awk '{print $1}'` if [[ "$nl" != "3" ]]; then iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT if [[ "$PORT" != "443" ]]; then iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport ${PORT} -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport ${PORT} -j ACCEPT fi fi else res=`which ufw 2>/dev/null` if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then res=`ufw status | grep -i inactive` if [[ "$res" = "" ]]; then ufw allow http/tcp ufw allow https/tcp if [[ "$PORT" != "443" ]]; then ufw allow ${PORT}/tcp ufw allow ${PORT}/udp fi fi fi fi fi } installBBR() { if [[ "$NEED_BBR" != "y" ]]; then INSTALL_BBR=false return fi result=$(lsmod | grep bbr) if [[ "$result" != "" ]]; then colorEcho $BLUE " BBR模块已安装" INSTALL_BBR=false return fi res=`hostnamectl | grep -i openvz` if [[ "$res" != "" ]]; then colorEcho $BLUE " openvz机器,跳过安装" INSTALL_BBR=false return fi echo "net.core.default_qdisc=fq" >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo "net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=bbr" >> /etc/sysctl.conf sysctl -p result=$(lsmod | grep bbr) if [[ "$result" != "" ]]; then colorEcho $GREEN " BBR模块已启用" INSTALL_BBR=false return fi colorEcho $BLUE " 安装BBR模块..." if [[ "$PMT" = "yum" ]]; then if [[ "$V6_PROXY" = "" ]]; then rpm --import https://www.elrepo.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-elrepo.org rpm -Uvh http://www.elrepo.org/elrepo-release-7.0-4.el7.elrepo.noarch.rpm $CMD_INSTALL --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel kernel-ml $CMD_REMOVE kernel-3.* grub2-set-default 0 echo "tcp_bbr" >> /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf INSTALL_BBR=true fi else $CMD_INSTALL --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-16.04 grub-set-default 0 echo "tcp_bbr" >> /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf INSTALL_BBR=true fi } installV2ray() { rm -rf /tmp/v2ray mkdir -p /tmp/v2ray DOWNLOAD_LINK="${V6_PROXY}https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases/download/${NEW_VER}/v2ray-linux-$(archAffix).zip" colorEcho $BLUE " 下载V2Ray: ${DOWNLOAD_LINK}" curl -L -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -o /tmp/v2ray/v2ray.zip ${DOWNLOAD_LINK} if [ $? != 0 ];then colorEcho $RED " 下载V2ray文件失败,请检查服务器网络设置" exit 1 fi mkdir -p '/etc/v2ray' '/var/log/v2ray' && \ unzip /tmp/v2ray/v2ray.zip -d /tmp/v2ray mkdir -p /usr/bin/v2ray cp /tmp/v2ray/v2ctl /usr/bin/v2ray/; cp /tmp/v2ray/v2ray /usr/bin/v2ray/; cp /tmp/v2ray/geo* /usr/bin/v2ray/; chmod +x '/usr/bin/v2ray/v2ray' '/usr/bin/v2ray/v2ctl' || { colorEcho $RED " V2ray安装失败" exit 1 } cat >$SERVICE_FILE<<-EOF [Unit] Description=V2ray Service Documentation=https://hijk.art After=network.target nss-lookup.target [Service] # If the version of systemd is 240 or above, then uncommenting Type=exec and commenting out Type=simple #Type=exec Type=simple # This service runs as root. You may consider to run it as another user for security concerns. # By uncommenting User=nobody and commenting out User=root, the service will run as user nobody. # More discussion at https://github.com/v2ray/v2ray-core/issues/1011 User=root #User=nobody NoNewPrivileges=true ExecStart=/usr/bin/v2ray/v2ray -config /etc/v2ray/config.json Restart=on-failure [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable v2ray.service } trojanConfig() { cat > $CONFIG_FILE<<-EOF { "inbounds": [{ "port": $PORT, "protocol": "trojan", "settings": { "clients": [ { "password": "$PASSWORD" } ], "fallbacks": [ { "alpn": "http/1.1", "dest": 80 }, { "alpn": "h2", "dest": 81 } ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "tcp", "security": "tls", "tlsSettings": { "serverName": "$DOMAIN", "alpn": ["http/1.1", "h2"], "certificates": [ { "certificateFile": "$CERT_FILE", "keyFile": "$KEY_FILE" } ] } } }], "outbounds": [{ "protocol": "freedom", "settings": {} },{ "protocol": "blackhole", "settings": {}, "tag": "blocked" }] } EOF } trojanXTLSConfig() { cat > $CONFIG_FILE<<-EOF { "inbounds": [{ "port": $PORT, "protocol": "trojan", "settings": { "clients": [ { "password": "$PASSWORD", "flow": "$FLOW" } ], "fallbacks": [ { "alpn": "http/1.1", "dest": 80 }, { "alpn": "h2", "dest": 81 } ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "tcp", "security": "xtls", "xtlsSettings": { "serverName": "$DOMAIN", "alpn": ["http/1.1", "h2"], "certificates": [ { "certificateFile": "$CERT_FILE", "keyFile": "$KEY_FILE" } ] } } }], "outbounds": [{ "protocol": "freedom", "settings": {} },{ "protocol": "blackhole", "settings": {}, "tag": "blocked" }] } EOF } vmessConfig() { local uuid="$(cat '/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid')" local alterid=`shuf -i50-80 -n1` cat > $CONFIG_FILE<<-EOF { "inbounds": [{ "port": $PORT, "protocol": "vmess", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "$uuid", "level": 1, "alterId": $alterid } ] } }], "outbounds": [{ "protocol": "freedom", "settings": {} },{ "protocol": "blackhole", "settings": {}, "tag": "blocked" }] } EOF } vmessKCPConfig() { local uuid="$(cat '/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid')" local alterid=`shuf -i50-80 -n1` cat > $CONFIG_FILE<<-EOF { "inbounds": [{ "port": $PORT, "protocol": "vmess", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "$uuid", "level": 1, "alterId": $alterid } ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "mkcp", "kcpSettings": { "uplinkCapacity": 100, "downlinkCapacity": 100, "congestion": true, "header": { "type": "$HEADER_TYPE" }, "seed": "$SEED" } } }], "outbounds": [{ "protocol": "freedom", "settings": {} },{ "protocol": "blackhole", "settings": {}, "tag": "blocked" }] } EOF } vmessTLSConfig() { local uuid="$(cat '/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid')" cat > $CONFIG_FILE<<-EOF { "inbounds": [{ "port": $PORT, "protocol": "vmess", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "$uuid", "level": 1, "alterId": 0 } ], "disableInsecureEncryption": false }, "streamSettings": { "network": "tcp", "security": "tls", "tlsSettings": { "serverName": "$DOMAIN", "alpn": ["http/1.1", "h2"], "certificates": [ { "certificateFile": "$CERT_FILE", "keyFile": "$KEY_FILE" } ] } } }], "outbounds": [{ "protocol": "freedom", "settings": {} },{ "protocol": "blackhole", "settings": {}, "tag": "blocked" }] } EOF } vmessWSConfig() { local uuid="$(cat '/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid')" cat > $CONFIG_FILE<<-EOF { "inbounds": [{ "port": $V2PORT, "listen": "", "protocol": "vmess", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "$uuid", "level": 1, "alterId": 0 } ], "disableInsecureEncryption": false }, "streamSettings": { "network": "ws", "wsSettings": { "path": "$WSPATH", "headers": { "Host": "$DOMAIN" } } } }], "outbounds": [{ "protocol": "freedom", "settings": {} },{ "protocol": "blackhole", "settings": {}, "tag": "blocked" }] } EOF } vlessTLSConfig() { local uuid="$(cat '/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid')" cat > $CONFIG_FILE<<-EOF { "inbounds": [{ "port": $PORT, "protocol": "vless", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "$uuid", "level": 0 } ], "decryption": "none", "fallbacks": [ { "alpn": "http/1.1", "dest": 80 }, { "alpn": "h2", "dest": 81 } ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "tcp", "security": "tls", "tlsSettings": { "serverName": "$DOMAIN", "alpn": ["http/1.1", "h2"], "certificates": [ { "certificateFile": "$CERT_FILE", "keyFile": "$KEY_FILE" } ] } } }], "outbounds": [{ "protocol": "freedom", "settings": {} },{ "protocol": "blackhole", "settings": {}, "tag": "blocked" }] } EOF } vlessXTLSConfig() { local uuid="$(cat '/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid')" cat > $CONFIG_FILE<<-EOF { "inbounds": [{ "port": $PORT, "protocol": "vless", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "$uuid", "flow": "$FLOW", "level": 0 } ], "decryption": "none", "fallbacks": [ { "alpn": "http/1.1", "dest": 80 }, { "alpn": "h2", "dest": 81 } ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "tcp", "security": "xtls", "xtlsSettings": { "serverName": "$DOMAIN", "alpn": ["http/1.1", "h2"], "certificates": [ { "certificateFile": "$CERT_FILE", "keyFile": "$KEY_FILE" } ] } } }], "outbounds": [{ "protocol": "freedom", "settings": {} },{ "protocol": "blackhole", "settings": {}, "tag": "blocked" }] } EOF } vlessWSConfig() { local uuid="$(cat '/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid')" cat > $CONFIG_FILE<<-EOF { "inbounds": [{ "port": $V2PORT, "listen": "", "protocol": "vless", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "$uuid", "level": 0 } ], "decryption": "none" }, "streamSettings": { "network": "ws", "security": "none", "wsSettings": { "path": "$WSPATH", "headers": { "Host": "$DOMAIN" } } } }], "outbounds": [{ "protocol": "freedom", "settings": {} },{ "protocol": "blackhole", "settings": {}, "tag": "blocked" }] } EOF } vlessKCPConfig() { local uuid="$(cat '/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid')" cat > $CONFIG_FILE<<-EOF { "inbounds": [{ "port": $PORT, "protocol": "vless", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "$uuid", "level": 0 } ], "decryption": "none" }, "streamSettings": { "streamSettings": { "network": "mkcp", "kcpSettings": { "uplinkCapacity": 100, "downlinkCapacity": 100, "congestion": true, "header": { "type": "$HEADER_TYPE" }, "seed": "$SEED" } } } }], "outbounds": [{ "protocol": "freedom", "settings": {} },{ "protocol": "blackhole", "settings": {}, "tag": "blocked" }] } EOF } configV2ray() { mkdir -p /etc/v2ray if [[ "$TROJAN" = "true" ]]; then if [[ "$XTLS" = "true" ]]; then trojanXTLSConfig else trojanConfig fi return 0 fi if [[ "$VLESS" = "false" ]]; then # VMESS + kcp if [[ "$KCP" = "true" ]]; then vmessKCPConfig return 0 fi # VMESS if [[ "$TLS" = "false" ]]; then vmessConfig elif [[ "$WS" = "false" ]]; then # VMESS+TCP+TLS vmessTLSConfig # VMESS+WS+TLS else vmessWSConfig fi #VLESS else if [[ "$KCP" = "true" ]]; then vlessKCPConfig return 0 fi # VLESS+TCP if [[ "$WS" = "false" ]]; then # VLESS+TCP+TLS if [[ "$XTLS" = "false" ]]; then vlessTLSConfig # VLESS+TCP+XTLS else vlessXTLSConfig fi # VLESS+WS+TLS else vlessWSConfig fi fi } install() { getData $PMT clean all [[ "$PMT" = "apt" ]] && $PMT update #echo $CMD_UPGRADE | bash $CMD_INSTALL wget vim unzip tar gcc openssl $CMD_INSTALL net-tools if [[ "$PMT" = "apt" ]]; then $CMD_INSTALL libssl-dev g++ fi res=`which unzip 2>/dev/null` if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then colorEcho $RED " unzip安装失败,请检查网络" exit 1 fi installNginx setFirewall if [[ "$TLS" = "true" || "$XTLS" = "true" ]]; then getCert fi configNginx colorEcho $BLUE " 安装V2ray..." getVersion RETVAL="$?" if [[ $RETVAL == 0 ]]; then colorEcho $BLUE " V2ray最新版 ${CUR_VER} 已经安装" elif [[ $RETVAL == 3 ]]; then exit 1 else colorEcho $BLUE " 安装V2Ray ${NEW_VER} ,架构$(archAffix)" installV2ray fi configV2ray setSelinux installBBR start showInfo bbrReboot } bbrReboot() { if [[ "${INSTALL_BBR}" == "true" ]]; then echo echo " 为使BBR模块生效,系统将在30秒后重启" echo echo -e " 您可以按 ctrl + c 取消重启,稍后输入 ${RED}reboot${PLAIN} 重启系统" sleep 30 reboot fi } update() { res=`status` if [[ $res -lt 2 ]]; then colorEcho $RED " V2ray未安装,请先安装!" return fi getVersion RETVAL="$?" if [[ $RETVAL == 0 ]]; then colorEcho $BLUE " V2ray最新版 ${CUR_VER} 已经安装" elif [[ $RETVAL == 3 ]]; then exit 1 else colorEcho $BLUE " 安装V2Ray ${NEW_VER} ,架构$(archAffix)" installV2ray stop start colorEcho $GREEN " 最新版V2ray安装成功!" fi } uninstall() { res=`status` if [[ $res -lt 2 ]]; then colorEcho $RED " V2ray未安装,请先安装!" return fi echo "" read -p " 确定卸载V2ray?[y/n]:" answer if [[ "${answer,,}" = "y" ]]; then domain=`grep Host $CONFIG_FILE | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d \",' '` if [[ "$domain" = "" ]]; then domain=`grep serverName $CONFIG_FILE | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d \",' '` fi stop systemctl disable v2ray rm -rf $SERVICE_FILE rm -rf /etc/v2ray rm -rf /usr/bin/v2ray if [[ "$BT" = "false" ]]; then systemctl disable nginx $CMD_REMOVE nginx if [[ "$PMT" = "apt" ]]; then $CMD_REMOVE nginx-common fi rm -rf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf if [[ -f /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.bak ]]; then mv /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.bak /etc/nginx/nginx.conf fi fi if [[ "$domain" != "" ]]; then rm -rf $NGINX_CONF_PATH${domain}.conf fi [[ -f ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh ]] && ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --uninstall colorEcho $GREEN " V2ray卸载成功" fi } start() { res=`status` if [[ $res -lt 2 ]]; then colorEcho $RED " V2ray未安装,请先安装!" return fi stopNginx startNginx systemctl restart v2ray sleep 2 port=`grep port $CONFIG_FILE| head -n 1| cut -d: -f2| tr -d \",' '` res=`ss -nutlp| grep ${port} | grep -i v2ray` if [[ "$res" = "" ]]; then colorEcho $RED " v2ray启动失败,请检查日志或查看端口是否被占用!" else colorEcho $BLUE " v2ray启动成功" fi } stop() { stopNginx systemctl stop v2ray colorEcho $BLUE " V2ray停止成功" } restart() { res=`status` if [[ $res -lt 2 ]]; then colorEcho $RED " V2ray未安装,请先安装!" return fi stop start } getConfigFileInfo() { vless="false" tls="false" ws="false" xtls="false" trojan="false" protocol="VMess" kcp="false" uid=`grep id $CONFIG_FILE | head -n1| cut -d: -f2 | tr -d \",' '` alterid=`grep alterId $CONFIG_FILE | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d \",' '` network=`grep network $CONFIG_FILE | tail -n1| cut -d: -f2 | tr -d \",' '` [[ -z "$network" ]] && network="tcp" domain=`grep serverName $CONFIG_FILE | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d \",' '` if [[ "$domain" = "" ]]; then domain=`grep Host $CONFIG_FILE | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d \",' '` if [[ "$domain" != "" ]]; then ws="true" tls="true" wspath=`grep path $CONFIG_FILE | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d \",' '` fi else tls="true" fi if [[ "$ws" = "true" ]]; then port=`grep -i ssl $NGINX_CONF_PATH${domain}.conf| head -n1 | awk '{print $2}'` else port=`grep port $CONFIG_FILE | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d \",' '` fi res=`grep -i kcp $CONFIG_FILE` if [[ "$res" != "" ]]; then kcp="true" type=`grep header -A 3 $CONFIG_FILE | grep 'type' | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d \",' '` seed=`grep seed $CONFIG_FILE | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d \",' '` fi vmess=`grep vmess $CONFIG_FILE` if [[ "$vmess" = "" ]]; then trojan=`grep trojan $CONFIG_FILE` if [[ "$trojan" = "" ]]; then vless="true" protocol="VLESS" else trojan="true" password=`grep password $CONFIG_FILE | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d \",' '` protocol="trojan" fi tls="true" encryption="none" xtls=`grep xtlsSettings $CONFIG_FILE` if [[ "$xtls" != "" ]]; then xtls="true" flow=`grep flow $CONFIG_FILE | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d \",' '` else flow="无" fi fi } outputVmess() { raw="{ \"v\":\"2\", \"ps\":\"\", \"add\":\"$IP\", \"port\":\"${port}\", \"id\":\"${uid}\", \"aid\":\"$alterid\", \"net\":\"tcp\", \"type\":\"none\", \"host\":\"\", \"path\":\"\", \"tls\":\"\" }" link=`echo -n ${raw} | base64 -w 0` link="vmess://${link}" echo -e " ${BLUE}IP(address): ${PLAIN} ${RED}${IP}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}端口(port):${PLAIN}${RED}${port}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}id(uuid):${PLAIN}${RED}${uid}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}额外id(alterid):${PLAIN} ${RED}${alterid}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}加密方式(security):${PLAIN} ${RED}auto${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}传输协议(network):${PLAIN} ${RED}${network}${PLAIN}" echo echo -e " ${BLUE}vmess链接:${PLAIN} $RED$link$PLAIN" } outputVmessKCP() { echo -e " ${BLUE}IP(address): ${PLAIN} ${RED}${IP}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}端口(port):${PLAIN}${RED}${port}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}id(uuid):${PLAIN}${RED}${uid}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}额外id(alterid):${PLAIN} ${RED}${alterid}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}加密方式(security):${PLAIN} ${RED}auto${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}传输协议(network):${PLAIN} ${RED}${network}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}伪装类型(type):${PLAIN} ${RED}${type}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}mkcp seed:${PLAIN} ${RED}${seed}${PLAIN}" } outputTrojan() { if [[ "$xtls" = "true" ]]; then echo -e " ${BLUE}IP/域名(address): ${PLAIN} ${RED}${domain}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}端口(port):${PLAIN}${RED}${port}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}密码(password):${PLAIN}${RED}${password}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}流控(flow):${PLAIN}$RED$flow${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}加密(encryption):${PLAIN} ${RED}none${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}传输协议(network):${PLAIN} ${RED}${network}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}底层安全传输(tls):${PLAIN}${RED}XTLS${PLAIN}" else echo -e " ${BLUE}IP/域名(address): ${PLAIN} ${RED}${domain}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}端口(port):${PLAIN}${RED}${port}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}密码(password):${PLAIN}${RED}${password}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}传输协议(network):${PLAIN} ${RED}${network}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}底层安全传输(tls):${PLAIN}${RED}TLS${PLAIN}" fi } outputVmessTLS() { raw="{ \"v\":\"2\", \"ps\":\"\", \"add\":\"$IP\", \"port\":\"${port}\", \"id\":\"${uid}\", \"aid\":\"$alterid\", \"net\":\"${network}\", \"type\":\"none\", \"host\":\"${domain}\", \"path\":\"\", \"tls\":\"tls\" }" link=`echo -n ${raw} | base64 -w 0` link="vmess://${link}" echo -e " ${BLUE}IP(address): ${PLAIN} ${RED}${IP}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}端口(port):${PLAIN}${RED}${port}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}id(uuid):${PLAIN}${RED}${uid}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}额外id(alterid):${PLAIN} ${RED}${alterid}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}加密方式(security):${PLAIN} ${RED}none${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}传输协议(network):${PLAIN} ${RED}${network}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}伪装域名/主机名(host)/SNI/peer名称:${PLAIN}${RED}${domain}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}底层安全传输(tls):${PLAIN}${RED}TLS${PLAIN}" echo echo -e " ${BLUE}vmess链接: ${PLAIN}$RED$link$PLAIN" } outputVmessWS() { raw="{ \"v\":\"2\", \"ps\":\"\", \"add\":\"$IP\", \"port\":\"${port}\", \"id\":\"${uid}\", \"aid\":\"$alterid\", \"net\":\"${network}\", \"type\":\"none\", \"host\":\"${domain}\", \"path\":\"${wspath}\", \"tls\":\"tls\" }" link=`echo -n ${raw} | base64 -w 0` link="vmess://${link}" echo -e " ${BLUE}IP(address): ${PLAIN} ${RED}${IP}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}端口(port):${PLAIN}${RED}${port}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}id(uuid):${PLAIN}${RED}${uid}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}额外id(alterid):${PLAIN} ${RED}${alterid}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}加密方式(security):${PLAIN} ${RED}none${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}传输协议(network):${PLAIN} ${RED}${network}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}伪装类型(type):${PLAIN}${RED}none$PLAIN" echo -e " ${BLUE}伪装域名/主机名(host)/SNI/peer名称:${PLAIN}${RED}${domain}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}路径(path):${PLAIN}${RED}${wspath}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}底层安全传输(tls):${PLAIN}${RED}TLS${PLAIN}" echo echo -e " ${BLUE}vmess链接:${PLAIN} $RED$link$PLAIN" } showInfo() { res=`status` if [[ $res -lt 2 ]]; then colorEcho $RED " V2ray未安装,请先安装!" return fi echo "" echo -n -e " ${BLUE}V2ray运行状态:${PLAIN}" statusText echo -e " ${BLUE}V2ray配置文件: ${PLAIN} ${RED}${CONFIG_FILE}${PLAIN}" colorEcho $BLUE " V2ray配置信息:" getConfigFileInfo echo -e " ${BLUE}协议: ${PLAIN} ${RED}${protocol}${PLAIN}" if [[ "$trojan" = "true" ]]; then outputTrojan return 0 fi if [[ "$vless" = "false" ]]; then if [[ "$kcp" = "true" ]]; then outputVmessKCP return 0 fi if [[ "$tls" = "false" ]]; then outputVmess elif [[ "$ws" = "false" ]]; then outputVmessTLS else outputVmessWS fi else if [[ "$kcp" = "true" ]]; then echo -e " ${BLUE}IP(address): ${PLAIN} ${RED}${IP}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}端口(port):${PLAIN}${RED}${port}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}id(uuid):${PLAIN}${RED}${uid}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}加密(encryption):${PLAIN} ${RED}none${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}传输协议(network):${PLAIN} ${RED}${network}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}伪装类型(type):${PLAIN} ${RED}${type}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}mkcp seed:${PLAIN} ${RED}${seed}${PLAIN}" return 0 fi if [[ "$xtls" = "true" ]]; then echo -e " ${BLUE}IP(address): ${PLAIN} ${RED}${IP}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}端口(port):${PLAIN}${RED}${port}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}id(uuid):${PLAIN}${RED}${uid}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}流控(flow):${PLAIN}$RED$flow${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}加密(encryption):${PLAIN} ${RED}none${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}传输协议(network):${PLAIN} ${RED}${network}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}伪装类型(type):${PLAIN}${RED}none$PLAIN" echo -e " ${BLUE}伪装域名/主机名(host)/SNI/peer名称:${PLAIN}${RED}${domain}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}底层安全传输(tls):${PLAIN}${RED}XTLS${PLAIN}" elif [[ "$ws" = "false" ]]; then echo -e " ${BLUE}IP(address): ${PLAIN}${RED}${IP}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}端口(port):${PLAIN}${RED}${port}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}id(uuid):${PLAIN}${RED}${uid}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}流控(flow):${PLAIN}$RED$flow${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}加密(encryption):${PLAIN} ${RED}none${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}传输协议(network):${PLAIN} ${RED}${network}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}伪装类型(type):${PLAIN}${RED}none$PLAIN" echo -e " ${BLUE}伪装域名/主机名(host)/SNI/peer名称:${PLAIN}${RED}${domain}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}底层安全传输(tls):${PLAIN}${RED}TLS${PLAIN}" else echo -e " ${BLUE}IP(address): ${PLAIN} ${RED}${IP}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}端口(port):${PLAIN}${RED}${port}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}id(uuid):${PLAIN}${RED}${uid}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}流控(flow):${PLAIN}$RED$flow${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}加密(encryption):${PLAIN} ${RED}none${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}传输协议(network):${PLAIN} ${RED}${network}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}伪装类型(type):${PLAIN}${RED}none$PLAIN" echo -e " ${BLUE}伪装域名/主机名(host)/SNI/peer名称:${PLAIN}${RED}${domain}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}路径(path):${PLAIN}${RED}${wspath}${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${BLUE}底层安全传输(tls):${PLAIN}${RED}TLS${PLAIN}" fi fi } showLog() { res=`status` if [[ $res -lt 2 ]]; then colorEcho $RED " V2ray未安装,请先安装!" return fi journalctl -xen -u v2ray --no-pager } menu() { clear echo "#############################################################" echo -e "# ${RED}v2ray一键安装脚本${PLAIN} #" echo -e "# ${GREEN}作者${PLAIN}: 网络跳越(hijk) #" echo -e "# ${GREEN}网址${PLAIN}: https://hijk.art #" echo -e "# ${GREEN}论坛${PLAIN}: https://hijk.club #" echo -e "# ${GREEN}TG群${PLAIN}: https://t.me/hijkclub #" echo -e "# ${GREEN}Youtube频道${PLAIN}: https://youtube.com/channel/UCYTB--VsObzepVJtc9yvUxQ #" echo "#############################################################" echo -e " ${GREEN}1.${PLAIN} 安装V2ray-VMESS" echo -e " ${GREEN}2.${PLAIN} 安装V2ray-${BLUE}VMESS+mKCP${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${GREEN}3.${PLAIN} 安装V2ray-VMESS+TCP+TLS" echo -e " ${GREEN}4.${PLAIN} 安装V2ray-${BLUE}VMESS+WS+TLS${PLAIN}${RED}(推荐)${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${GREEN}5.${PLAIN} 安装V2ray-${BLUE}VLESS+mKCP${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${GREEN}6.${PLAIN} 安装V2ray-VLESS+TCP+TLS" echo -e " ${GREEN}7.${PLAIN} 安装V2ray-${BLUE}VLESS+WS+TLS${PLAIN}${RED}(可过cdn)${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${GREEN}8.${PLAIN} 安装V2ray-${BLUE}VLESS+TCP+XTLS${PLAIN}${RED}(推荐)${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${GREEN}9.${PLAIN} 安装${BLUE}trojan${PLAIN}${RED}(推荐)${PLAIN}" echo -e " ${GREEN}10.${PLAIN} 安装${BLUE}trojan+XTLS${PLAIN}${RED}(推荐)${PLAIN}" echo " -------------" echo -e " ${GREEN}11.${PLAIN} 更新V2ray" echo -e " ${GREEN}12. ${RED}卸载V2ray${PLAIN}" echo " -------------" echo -e " ${GREEN}13.${PLAIN} 启动V2ray" echo -e " ${GREEN}14.${PLAIN} 重启V2ray" echo -e " ${GREEN}15.${PLAIN} 停止V2ray" echo " -------------" echo -e " ${GREEN}16.${PLAIN} 查看V2ray配置" echo -e " ${GREEN}17.${PLAIN} 查看V2ray日志" echo " -------------" echo -e " ${GREEN}0.${PLAIN} 退出" echo -n " 当前状态:" statusText echo read -p " 请选择操作[0-17]:" answer case $answer in 0) exit 0 ;; 1) install ;; 2) KCP="true" install ;; 3) TLS="true" install ;; 4) TLS="true" WS="true" install ;; 5) VLESS="true" KCP="true" install ;; 6) VLESS="true" TLS="true" install ;; 7) VLESS="true" TLS="true" WS="true" install ;; 8) VLESS="true" TLS="true" XTLS="true" install ;; 9) TROJAN="true" TLS="true" install ;; 10) TROJAN="true" TLS="true" XTLS="true" install ;; 11) update ;; 12) uninstall ;; 13) start ;; 14) restart ;; 15) stop ;; 16) showInfo ;; 17) showLog ;; *) colorEcho $RED " 请选择正确的操作!" exit 1 ;; esac } checkSystem action=$1 [[ -z $1 ]] && action=menu case "$action" in menu|update|uninstall|start|restart|stop|showInfo|showLog) ${action} ;; *) echo " 参数错误" echo " 用法: `basename $0` [menu|update|uninstall|start|restart|stop|showInfo|showLog]" ;; esac