load("calendar"); ?> YUI PHP Loader Utility Advanced Example: Loading YUI Calendar with the YUI PHP Loader Utility css(); ?>

YUI PHP Loader Utility Advanced Example: Loading the YUI Calendar Control with the YUI PHP Loader Utility

In this example, we bring a YUI component onto the page using the YUI PHP Loader Utility. This example implements YUI PHP Loader via a YAHOO_util_Loader instance. We include the YUI PHP Loader class file, then specify in configuration which component we want loaded on the page — and what we want to do once it is loaded. The main difference between this advanced example and the simple one show here is that this one outputs the CSS and JavaScript files separately with two different method calls. The CSS files are included in the document head and the JavaScript files are included just before the closing body node. This is done in accordance with the best practice performance recommendations outlined here.

script(); ?>