# This repo is no longer maintained. # This is a [Sublime Text][sublime] package which includes a bunch of handy snippets for doing Yii framework development. ## Installation ## ### With Package Control ### If you have the [Package Control][package_control] package installed, you can install Yii framework Snippets from inside Sublime Text itself. Open the Command Palette and select "Package Control: Install Package", then search for Yii framework Snippets. ### Without Package Control ### If you haven't got Package Control installed you will need to make a clone of this repository into your packages folder, like so: git clone https://github.com/dexnode/sublime-yii-snippets.git yii-snippets [sublime]: http://www.sublimetext.com/ [package_control]: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control If you find error or think that some snippets would be better without php tags or etc.., send me a github message.