# [TITLE OF YOUR PROJECT HERE] MCS 275 Spring 2024 Project 4 by [FULL NAME] ## Description [50-250 word description of the purpose and form of your project. Assume I haven't seen your code, because I will read this long before I open any .py files.] ## How to test [How to use your program, including sample commands I should run in the terminal, actions I should take once the program is running, URLs to visit, etc.. Must make sense without having looked at your source code. Be sure to explain any setup or initialization. If I try the commands you suggest and they don't work, that's a big problem! BE CLEAR. BE SPECIFIC. ] ## Personal contribution [What part of the work to create this project was your personal contribution? Be detailed and specific. If I can't understand exactly what you did, as compared to what you adapted from other sources, then you haven't written enough.] ## Sources and credits [List every person or resource you consulted while preparing your project and how they contributed. Any code that was used in your project that was written by someone else---even if you modified it---requires a detailed citation to be given in comments in the source code IN ADDITION to being listed here as a source.]