#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Check for a Python setup that will work with MCS 275. Report common problems if found (e.g. bad Python version, running script using VS code run button, etc.) """ # MCS 275 Spring 2024 # The next line is only needed so that this script works under Python 2.7 # long enough for us to warn the user that we don't support that version from __future__ import print_function # Import modules needed to determine aspects of the system we're running on import sys import os warn = False if sys.version_info.major <= 2: # Python 2.x not supported at all print( "ERROR: You are using Python", sys.version_info.major, "which is too old for MCS 275.", ) exit(1) elif sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor < 10: # Python 3.x will work some of the time, but we assume 3.10+ # in many cases. print( "WARNING: You are using Python 3." + str(sys.version_info.minor) + " while version 3.10 or higher will give the best experience in MCS 275." ) warn = True else: # Python 3.10+ was found print("OK: Python version", sys.version.split()[0], "is fine for MCS 275") script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) working_dir = os.getcwd() if os.path.samefile(script_dir, working_dir): print("OK: Working directory is equal to the script directory.") else: print( "WARNING: This script resides in a different directory than the current working directory." ) print(" Script dir: ", script_dir) print(" Working dir:", working_dir) print('Did you run this using the "run" button in VS Code or another IDE?') print("In MCS 275 you *will* need to know how to run scripts in the terminal.") print() warn = True print("Printing emoji / shading / color:", end="") try: print("\U0001F602 \u2591\u2592\u2593\u2588 \u001b[31mRED\u001b[0m") print("OK: Printing successful. Is there red text on previous line?\n") except: print( "\nWARNING: It looks like this terminal doesn't support the full unicode character set." ) print( "That's fine for most things, but might be a minor inconvenience at some points.\n" ) print() warn = True if warn: print( "Check the warnings above (you might need to scroll up) and contact course staff" ) print("if you need help resolving them.\n") else: print("Everything looks good so far.\n") print("INFO: Your Python interpreter path is", sys.executable) print( "INFO: You probably run this interpreter with command:", os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.executable))[0], ) print() print("As a final check, press ENTER to exit. THIS WINDOW SHOULD STAY OPEN.") print("If the window closes when you press ENTER, try running this script from a") print("terminal (not by clicking the file icon) or ask course staff for help.") print() print("If this script appears frozen and nothing happens when you press ENTER,") print("quit with Control-C (Windows/Linux) or Command-. (MacOS).") input()