services: couchdb: container_name: couchdb image: couchdb restart: always ports: - "5984:5984" networks: - clementines healthcheck: test: curl --fail http://localhost:5984 || exit 1 interval: 30s retries: 5 start_period: 15s timeout: 10s # I recommend you use the user id / password in admin.ini rather than here # it is more secure. You shouldn't user both or you could end up with duplicates and issues # environment: # - COUCHDB_USER="admin" # - COUCHDB_PASSWORD="password" # The default in admin.ini is "admin" / "password", and should be changed after setup volumes: - ./data/dbdata:/opt/couchdb/data - ./data/dbetclocal:/opt/couchdb/etc/local.d frontend-groceries-client: container_name: frontend-groceries-client environment: # CHANGEME: Change the DEFAULT_API_URL to be the fqdn/port externally accessible URL to your API server DEFAULT_API_URL: # Although "latest" will always point to the most current production-ready release, you may want # to point to a specific release like 1.1.3. If the server and client end up out of sync, warning # messages will appear. image: ports: - "8100:8100" networks: - clementines volumes: - type: bind source: ./data/config/groceries-web.conf target: /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf backend-groceries-server: depends_on: - couchdb restart: unless-stopped container_name: backend-groceries-server environment: # CHANGEME: COUCHDB_URL should point to a URL which is externally resolvable/routable from the clients to the # couchDB instance. Ideally, if externally accessible, should also be routed through an https proxy # such as caddy. As given below, the example will only work on the same host that is running the docker # stack COUCHDB_URL: http://localhost:5984 COUCHDB_INTERNAL_URL: http://couchdb:5984 COUCHDB_DATABASE: groceries # CHANGEME: Change HMAC_KEY and admin user and password to your local desired values COUCHDB_HMAC_KEY: overeager-freedom-wispy-predefine-slug COUCHDB_ADMIN_USER: admin COUCHDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD: password # CHANGEME: The GROCERY_URL and GROCERY_API_URL are only used for emails, but should be updated if using # the email functionality so that externally accessible links it sends are correct. GROCERY_URL: GROCERY_API_URL: GROCERY_API_PORT: 3333 # CHANGEME: Change the SMTP variables to values that work for you to send outbound mail, if desired. SMTP_HOST: SMTP_FROM: SMTP_PORT: 587 SMTP_USER: apikey SMTP_PASSWORD: my-sendgrid-apikey ENABLE_SCHEDULING: 1 RESOLVE_CONFLICTS_FREQUENCY_MINUTES: 3 EXPIRE_JWT_FREQUENCY_MINUTES: 60 ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES: 12h REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRES: 30d DISABLE_ACCOUNT_CREATION: 0 image: ports: - "3333:3333" networks: - clementines networks: clementines: