Main functions

Most usefull functions when starting with ReporteRs

Create Microsoft Word document object representation

Create Microsoft PowerPoint document object representation

Add a title

Add a paragraph into a document object

Insert a FlexTable into a document object

Add a plot into a document object

Add an external image into a document object

Add R script into a document object

Write a document object

Format functions

Main functions to be used when dealing with text

Piece of Text (formated text)

Text formatting properties

Paragraph formatting properties

Functions specific to Word

Add a table of contents into a document object

Add a page break into a document object

Add a section into a document object

Create a Footnote

Get styles names of a document object

List Bookmarks from a Word Document

delete first content after a bookmark into a docx object

delete a bookmark into a docx object

Functions specific to PowerPoint

Add a slide into a document object

Insert a date

Insert a footer into a document object

Insert a page number into a document object

Add a subtitle shape into a document object

Get layout names of a document object

FlexTable creation

FlexTable creation

vanilla FlexTable shortcut

light FlexTable shortcut

FlexTable layout

Main functions to manage FlexTable layout

add header in a FlexTable

add footer in a FlexTable

Span rows within columns

Span columns within rows

set columns widths of a FlexTable

FlexTable format

Main functions to format FlexTable content

format FlexTable

applies background colors to cells of a FlexTable

change grid lines of a FlexTable

FlexTable rows zebra striping

applies background colors to rows of a FlexTable

applies background colors to columns of a FlexTable

Cell formatting properties

border properties object

FlexTable annotations

alter FlexTable content and format