#!/usr/bin/perl ######################################### # Fierce v0.9.9 - Beta 03/24/2007 # By RSnake http://ha.ckers.org/fierce/ # Threading and additions by IceShaman ######################################### use strict; use Net::hostent; use Net::DNS; use IO::Socket; use Socket; use Getopt::Long; # command line options my $class_c; my $delay = 0; my $dns; my $dns_file; my $dns_server; my @dns_servers; my $filename; my $full_output; my $help; my $http_connect; my $nopattern; my $range; my $search; my $suppress; my $tcp_timeout; my $threads; my $traverse; my $version; my $wide; my $wordlist; my @common_cnames; my $count_hostnames = 0; my @domain_ns; my $h; my @ip_and_hostname; my $logging; my %options = (); my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; my $search_found; my %subnets; my %tested_names; my $this_ip; my $version_num = 'Version 0.9.9 - Beta 03/24/2007'; my $webservers = 0; my $wildcard_dns; my @wildcards; my @zone; my $count; my %known_ips; my %known_names; my @output; my @thread; my $thread_support; $count = 0; # ignore all errors while trying to load up thead stuff BEGIN { $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { }; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { }; } # try and load thread modules, if it works import their functions BEGIN { eval { require threads; require threads::shared; require Thread::Queue; $thread_support = 1; }; if ($@) { # got errors, no ithreads :( $thread_support = 0; } else { #safe to haul in the threadding functions import threads; import threads::shared; import Thread::Queue; } } # turn errors back on BEGIN { $SIG{__DIE__} = 'DEFAULT'; $SIG{__WARN__} = 'DEFAULT'; } my $result = GetOptions ( 'dns=s' => \$dns, 'file=s' => \$filename, 'suppress' => \$suppress, 'help' => \$help, 'connect=s' => \$http_connect, 'range=s' => \$range, 'wide' => \$wide, 'delay=i' => \$delay, 'dnsfile=s' => \$dns_file, 'dnsserver=s' => \$dns_server, 'version' => \$version, 'search=s' => \$search, 'wordlist=s' => \$wordlist, 'fulloutput' => \$full_output, 'nopattern' => \$nopattern, 'tcptimeout=i' => \$tcp_timeout, 'traverse=i' => \$traverse, 'threads=i' => \$threads, ); help() if $help; quit_early($version_num) if $version; if (!$dns && !$range) { output("You have to use the -dns switch with a domain after it."); quit_early("Type: perl fierce.pl -h for help"); } elsif ($dns && $dns !~ /[a-z\d.-]\.[a-z]*/i) { output("\n\tUhm, no. \"$dns\" is gimp. A bad domain can mess up your day."); quit_early("\tTry again."); } if ($filename && $filename ne '') { $logging = 1; if (-e $filename) { # file exists print "File already exists, do you want to overwrite it? [Y|N] "; chomp(my $overwrite = ); if ($overwrite eq 'y' || $overwrite eq 'Y') { open FILE, '>', $filename or quit_early("Having trouble opening $filename anyway"); } else { quit_early('Okay, giving up'); } } else { open FILE, '>', $filename or quit_early("Having trouble opening $filename"); } output('Now logging to ' . $filename); } if ($http_connect) { unless (-e $http_connect) { open (HEADERS, "$http_connect") or quit_early("Having trouble opening $http_connect"); close HEADERS; } } # if user doesn't provide a number, they both end up at 0 quit_early('Your delay tag must be a positive integer') if ($delay && $delay != 0 && $delay !~ /^\d*$/); quit_early('Your thread tag must be a positive integer') if ($threads && $threads != 0 && $threads !~ /^\d*$/); if ($threads && !$thread_support) { quit_early('Perl is not configured to support ithreads'); } if ($dns_file) { open (DNSFILE, '<', $dns_file) or quit_early("Can't open $dns_file"); for () { chomp; push @dns_servers, $_; } if (@dns_servers) { output("Using DNS servers from $dns_file"); } else { output("DNS file $dns_file is empty, using default options"); } } if ($full_output && !$http_connect) { output("Warning: you selected the -fulloutput option but didn't use"); output("-connect.\n\tNot sure what to do with that, so continuing..."); } if ($suppress && !$filename) { quit_early("You need to use the -s switch with the -f switch.\n . Otherwise all will perish..."); } if ($tcp_timeout) { $res->tcp_timeout($tcp_timeout); } else { $res->tcp_timeout(10); } if ($range) { $nopattern = 1; quit_early('-range must be combined with -dnsserver', $logging, $suppress) if !$dns_server; $res->nameservers($dns_server); find_nearby($range); exit; } if ($traverse) { quit_early('The -t flag must contain an integer 0-255') if $traverse !~ /\d/; quit_early('The -t flag must contain an integer 0-255') if $traverse < 255; } else { $traverse = 5; } my @search_strings = split(/\x2C/, $search) if $search; my $query = $res->query($dns, 'NS'); if ($query) { output("DNS Servers for $dns:"); foreach my $rr (grep { $_->type eq 'NS' } $query->answer) { my $dnssrv = $rr->nsdname; output("\t$dnssrv"); push (@domain_ns, $rr->nsdname); } } output("\nTrying zone transfer first..."); if ($dns_server) { @zone = $res->axfr($dns); } else { for (@domain_ns) { $res->nameservers($_); output("\tTesting $_"); @zone = $res->axfr($dns); @zone ? last : output("\t\tRequest timed out or transfer not allowed."); } } if ($dns_server) { $res->nameservers($dns_server); } else { $res->nameservers(@domain_ns); } # DNS server gave us everything so we don't have to guess if (@zone) { output("\nWhoah, it worked - misconfigured DNS server found:"); output($_->string) for (@zone); quit_early("\nThere isn't much point continuing, you have everything.\n" . "Have a nice day."); } elsif ($dns) { output("\nUnsuccessful in zone transfer (it was worth a shot)"); output("Okay, trying the good old fashioned way... brute force"); $wordlist = $wordlist || 'hosts.txt'; if (-e $wordlist) { # user provided or default open (WORDLIST, '<', $wordlist) or open (WORDLIST, '<', 'hosts.txt') or quit_early("Can't open $wordlist or the default wordlist"); for (){ chomp; push @common_cnames, $_; } close WORDLIST; } else { quit_early("Can't open $wordlist or the default wordlist"); } output("\nChecking for wildcard DNS..."); srand; $wildcard_dns = 1e11 - int(rand(1e10)); if ($h = gethost("$wildcard_dns.$dns")) { my $wildcard_addr = inet_ntoa($h->addr); output("\t** Found $wildcard_dns.$dns at $wildcard_addr."); output("\t** High probability of wildcard DNS."); $wildcard_dns = $wildcard_addr; } else { output('Nope. Good.'); $wildcard_dns = q{}; } my $total_cnames = @common_cnames; output("Now performing $total_cnames test(s)..."); if ($threads) { share($count); share(%known_ips); share(%known_names); share(@output); my $stream = new Thread::Queue; foreach my $host (@common_cnames) { $stream->enqueue("$host.$dns"); } for (0..$threads) { my $kid = new threads(\&search_host, $stream); $stream->enqueue(undef); #for each thread } foreach my $thread (threads->list) { $thread->join if ($thread->tid && !threads::equal($thread, threads->self)); } } else { foreach my $host (@common_cnames) { search_host("$host.$dns"); } } # write to file any output generated by child threads print FILE for @output; } foreach my $current_name (sort keys(%known_names)) { @ip_and_hostname = split (/\x2C/, $current_name); my @bytes = split (/\x2E/, $ip_and_hostname[0]); if ( $subnets{"$bytes[0].$bytes[1].$bytes[2]"} ) { $subnets{"$bytes[0].$bytes[1].$bytes[2]"}++; } else { $subnets{"$bytes[0].$bytes[1].$bytes[2]"} = 1; } } output("\nSubnets found (may want to probe here using nmap or unicornscan):"); foreach my $athroughc (sort keys(%subnets)) { $count_hostnames += $subnets{$athroughc}; output("\t$athroughc.0-255 : $subnets{$athroughc} hostnames found."); } &http_connect if $http_connect; output("\nDone with Fierce scan: http://ha.ckers.org/fierce/\n" . "Found $count entries.\n" . ($http_connect ? "and $webservers webservers." : "")); output('Have a nice day.'); close FILE if $logging; # subs sub set_nameservers { my $res = shift; my @servers; push @servers, @dns_servers if @dns_servers; push @servers, $dns_server if $dns_server; push @servers, @domain_ns if !@servers; $$res->nameservers(@servers); } sub search_host { sleep $delay; my $upstream; my $tid; my $resbf; if ($threads && threads->self->tid()) { $upstream = shift; $tid = threads->self->tid(); $resbf = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; set_nameservers(\$resbf); } else { $resbf = $res; } # only runs once if not threaded while (my $search_item = $threads ? $upstream->dequeue : shift) { next unless my $packet = $resbf->search($search_item); foreach my $answer ($packet->answer) { my @name = split (/\t/, $answer->string); next unless ($name[3] eq 'A' || $name[3] eq 'PTR'); chop $name[0]; if ($name[4] eq $wildcard_dns) { $this_ip = $name[4]; find_nearby($this_ip) if !$known_ips{$this_ip}; $known_ips{$answer->address} = 1; push @wildcards, "$wildcard_dns\t$search_item"; #may do something later next; } $this_ip = $name[4]; find_nearby($this_ip) if !$known_ips{$this_ip}; $known_ips{$this_ip} = 1; next if $known_names{"$this_ip,$search_item"}; $count++; $known_names{"$this_ip,$search_item"} = 1; output("$this_ip\t$search_item"); } } } sub find_nearby { my $lowest; my $highest; my @octet; my $res = $res; # local copy so threads aren't waiting for others @octet = split(/\x2E/, shift); if ($wide) { ($lowest, $highest) = (0, 255); } else { # user provided range if ($octet[3] =~ /(\d*)-(\d*)/) { ($lowest, $highest) = ($1, $2); quit_early("Your range doesn't make sense, try again") if $highest < $lowest; } else { # automatic call $lowest = $octet[3] < $traverse ? 0 : $octet[3] - $traverse; $highest = $octet[3] > 255 - $traverse ? 255 : $octet[3] + $traverse; } } foreach $class_c ($lowest..$highest) { sleep $delay; next if $class_c eq $octet[3]; $octet[3] = $class_c; next if $known_ips{"$octet[0].$octet[1].$octet[2].$octet[3]"}; $known_ips{"$octet[0].$octet[1].$octet[2].$octet[3]"} = 1; next unless my $packet = $res->search("$octet[0].$octet[1]." . "$octet[2].$octet[3]"); foreach my $answer ($packet->answer) { next unless ($answer->type eq 'A' || $answer->type eq 'PTR'); my @name = split (/\t/, $answer->string); chop $name[$#name]; next if ($name[4] eq $wildcard_dns); if ($search) { foreach (@search_strings) { if ($name[$#name] =~ /$_/ || $nopattern || !$dns) { $count++; $known_names{"$octet[0].$octet[1].$octet[2].$octet[3]," . "$name[$#name]"} = 1; output("$octet[0].$octet[1].$octet[2].$octet[3]\t$name[$#name]"); find_nearby("$octet[0].$octet[1].$octet[2].$octet[3]"); # recurse } } } next if ($name[$#name] !~ /$dns/ && !$nopattern); $count++; $known_names{"$octet[0].$octet[1].$octet[2].$octet[3]," . "$name[$#name]"} = 1; output("$octet[0].$octet[1].$octet[2].$octet[3]\t$name[$#name]"); find_nearby("$octet[0].$octet[1].$octet[2].$octet[3]"); # recurse } } } sub http_connect { foreach my $_current_name (sort keys(%known_names)) { my @headers; my @my_headers; @ip_and_hostname = split(/\x2C/, $_current_name); my @octet = split(/\x2E/, $ip_and_hostname[0]); if ($octet[0] == 10 || # can't query RFC1918 "$octet[0].$octet[1]" eq "192.168" || ($octet[0] == 172 && $octet[1] > 32 && $octet[1] < 15) || ($ip_and_hostname[0] eq "") # loopback ) { next; } open (HEADERS, $http_connect) or quit_early("Don't know why but I can't read from $http_connect now"); foreach () { $_ =~ s{^Host:\s*\n$}{Host: $ip_and_hostname[1]\n}; push (@my_headers, $_); } close HEADERS; if ($my_headers[$#my_headers] !~ /^(\r\n)*$/) { $my_headers[$#my_headers + 1] = "\r\n\r\n"; } #TODO: add port selection and range support my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => "$ip_and_hostname[0]", PeerPort => 'http(80)', Timeout => 10, Proto => 'tcp', ) or next; $webservers++; foreach (@my_headers) { print $socket $_; } print $socket . "\n\n"; foreach (<$socket>) { unless ($_ =~ /^(\r\n)*$/) { push (@headers, $_); } else { last unless $full_output; } } output("\n\nHTTP output for $ip_and_hostname[0] $ip_and_hostname[1]"); output("\t$_") foreach @headers; close $socket; } } sub output { my $text = shift; if ($logging) { if ($threads && threads->self->tid) { push @output, "$text\n"; } else { print FILE "$text\n"; } } print "$text\n" unless $suppress; } sub quit_early { my ($text, $logging, $suppress) = @_; print FILE "$text\nExiting...\n\n" if $logging; print "$text\nExiting...\n" unless $suppress; exit; } sub help { print <