# Syntax Highlighter for Galen Framework v2+ Syntax highlighting for [Galen Framework version 2+][galen]. ## Installation ### Installation via Package Control 1. Search for *Galen v2+* in `Package Control: Install Package`. 2. Install the package. ### Manual installation 1. Download the [zip archive][zip]. 2. Go to `/Packages/`. 3. Create a folder called `Galen` and extract the content of the `zip` file into it. 4. You may need to restart Sublime Text ## Usage Highlighting is available for `.gspec` files, assuming no other syntax highlighting plugin is installed for that file extension. In the lower right corner of Sublime Text, there should be "Galen v2" option. You can set `Galen v2` syntax hightlighting for all `.gspec` files by going to `View > Syntax > Open all with current extension as... > Galen v2` when you have a `.gspec` file already open. ## Contributing 1. Fork the repository. 2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-new-feature`. 3. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'`. 4. Push to the branch: `git push origin my-new-feature`. 5. Submit a pull request. ## License Code copyright 2016. Code released under [the MIT License][license]. [galen]: http://galenframework.com [repository]: https://github.com/davidrv87/syntax-sublime-galen2 [zip]: https://github.com/davidrv87/syntax-sublime-galen2/archive/master.zip [license]: https://github.com/davidrv87/syntax-sublime-galen2/blob/master/LICENSE.txt