/* Solarized GnuCash 4.0+ settings # Dark: base3 #fdf6e3 base2 #eee8d5 base1 #93a1a1 Optional Emphasized content base0 #839496 body text / default code / primary content base00 #657b83 base01 #586e75 comments / secondary content base02 #073642 background highlights base03 #002b36 background # Light: base3 #fdf6e3 background base2 #eee8d5 background highlights base1 #93a1a1 comments / secondary content base0 #839496 base00 #657b83 body text / default code / primary content base01 #586e75 Optional Emphasized content base02 #073642 base03 #002b36 # Colors yellow #b58900 orange #cb4b16 red #dc322f magenta #d33682 violet #6c71c4 blue #268bd2 cyan #2aa198 green #859900 */ @define-color base3 #fdf6e3; @define-color base2 #eee8d5; @define-color base1 #93a1a1; @define-color base0 #839496; @define-color base00 #657b83; @define-color base01 #586e75; @define-color base02 #073642; @define-color base03 #002b36; @define-color yellow #b58900; @define-color orange #cb4b16; @define-color red #dc322f; @define-color magenta #d33682; @define-color violet #6c71c4; @define-color blue #268bd2; @define-color cyan #2aa198; @define-color green #859900; @define-color bg_color @base03; @define-color bg_highlight @base02; @define-color fg_color @base0; @define-color fg_highlight @base1; /* Scollbar size */ scrollbar slider { /* Size of the slider */ min-width: 20px; min-height: 20px; border-radius: 22px; color: @fg_color; background-color: @fg_color; /* Padding around the slider */ border: 5px solid transparent; } gnc-id-register { } /* Register sheet font setting */ gnc-id-sheet { border-width: 0px; outline-width: 0px; } /* Register header font setting */ gnc-id-header { } .gnc-class-register-foreground { color: inherit; } /* Register cursor font setting */ gnc-id-cursor { background-color: @bg_highlight; color: @fg_highlight; border-color: @fg_highlight; } gnc-id-cursor entry { background-color: inherit; color: inherit; border-color: inherit; border-width: 1px; } gnc-id-cursor entry undershoot { background-color: inherit; color: inherit; } selection { background-color: @fg_color; color: @bg_color; } messagedialog box { } button { /* Clear button image imposed by GTK theme */ background-image: none; border-width: 3px; border-style: solid; border-color: mix (@violet, @bg_color, 0.5); } button:hover { border-color: @violet; background-color: @bg_highlight; } button:hover box label { background-color: inherit; color: @fg_highlight; } button:active { border-color: mix (@violet, @fg_highlight, 0.5); } check { background-image: none; color: @bg_color; background-color: mix (@violet, @bg_color, 0.5); } check:hover { background-color: @violet; } check:checked { background-color: @violet; } gnc-id-cursor widget { color: inherit; background-color: inherit; border-color: inherit; } /** This doesn't do anything, but reminds me how GTK specific properties are suppposed to work. */ GtkEntry { -gtkwidget-focus-line-width: 0; -gtkentry-inner-border: 0; -gtkentry-has-frame: false; -gtkentry-separator-height: 0; } gnc-id-cursor button { color: inherit; background-color: inherit; border-color: inherit; border-width: 1px; } /* Register sheet calendar */ gnc-id-sheet calendar { } /* Register User Colors, remove 'user' for builtin register values */ .gnc-class-register-header { color: @yellow; background-color: @bg_highlight; } .gnc-class-register-primary { color: @green; } .gnc-class-register-primary:disabled { color: mix (@green, @bg_color, 0.5); } .gnc-class-register-secondary { color: @blue; } .gnc-class-register-secondary:disabled { color: mix (@blue, @bg_color, 0.5); } .gnc-class-register-split { color: @fg_color; } .gnc-class-register-split:disabled { color: mix (@fg_color, @bg_color, 0.5); } .gnc-class-register-cursor { background-color: @bg_highlight; color: @fg_highlight; } #gnc-id-account-tree:hover { /* Why doesn't this apply? color applies just fine... */ background-color: @bg_highlight; } treeview { background-color: @bg_color; color: @fg_color; } treeview:hover { background-color: @bg_highlight; color: @fg_highlight; } treeview:selected { color: @yellow; } gnc-id-sheet-list treeview { background-color: @bg_highlight; color: @fg_highlight; } gnc-id-sheet-list treeview:hover { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: @fg_highlight; background-color: @bg_color; } /* gnc-id-sheet-list treeview:selected { color: @yellow; } */ /* Toolbar Button size and spacing */ toolbar { background-color: @bg_highlight; color: @fg_highlight; } /* Toolbar font size, 0 to remove text */ toolbar toolbutton label { /* font-size: 0px; */ } toolbar toolbutton button { padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; } toolbar toolbutton label { padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; } /* Negative number color */ .gnc-class-negative-numbers { color: @red; } /* Gnucash Main Window, reduce size */ #gnc-id-main-window notebook tab { min-height: 0px; min-width: 0px; padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; border-top: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; } #gnc-id-main-window notebook label { /* font: 14px arial, sans-serif; */ } #gnc-id-main-window notebook tab button { min-height: 0; min-width: 0; padding: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } tab:checked, tab:checked label { background-color: @bg_highlight; color: @fg_highlight; } /* Dense Calendar Settings, use widget name gnc-id-dense-calendar * or gtk css name calendar which would also apply to other calendar * widgets */ #gnc-id-dense-calendar .frame { } calendar .frame { } #gnc-id-dense-calendar .header { color: @blue; } calendar .header { color: @blue; } #gnc-id-dense-calendar .primary { color: @green; } #gnc-id-dense-calendar .secondary { color: @yellow; } #gnc-id-dense-calendar .markers { color: @red; } #gnc-id-dense-calendar-popup { color: orange; } #gnc-id-dense-calendar-popup treeview { color: orange; } /* Progress bar */ progressbar progress { color: green; } /* Status Bar */ statusbar frame { margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } statusbar label { /* font-size: 12px; */ color: @magenta; } /* Reconcile Window */ #gnc-id-reconcile-totals * { } .gnc-class-credits treeview { } .gnc-class-credits treeview:selected { background-color: @bg_highlight; color: @fg_highlight; } .gnc-class-debits treeview { } .gnc-class-debits treeview:selected { background-color: @bg_highlight; color: @fg_highlight; } /* Highlight Text */ .gnc-class-highlight { background-color: @bg_highlight; color: @fg_highlight; } /* Summary bar */ #gnc-id-summarybar { background-color: @bg_highlight; color: @yellow; } #gnc-id-summarybar .gnc-class-highlight { background-color: @bg_highlight; color: @yellow; } #gnc-id-summarybar label { background-color: @bg_highlight; color: @yellow; } /* Application wide font setting */ * { color: @fg_color; background-color: @bg_color; border-color: @fg_color; outline-color: @fg_color; outline-width: 0px; border-width: 0px; /* font: 12px arial; */ } /* GTK doesn't support attribute selectors so can't use things like :not([disable]) */ #gnc-id-main-window menubar { color: @fg_color; background-color: @bg_highlight; outline-width: 0px; border-width: 0px; } menuitem label { background-color: inherit; color: inherit; } menuitem label accelerator { background-color: inherit; color: inherit; } menuitem:disabled { color: mix (@fg_color, @bg_color, 0.5); } menuitem:hover { background-color: @bg_color; color: inherit; } menuitem { background-color: @bg_highlight; color: @fg_highlight; } /* *:focus { background-color: @bg_highlight; color: @fg_highlight; } */ .text-button label { background-color: inherit; } button:focus label { color: @fg_highlight; } button:focus { background-color: @bg_highlight; } /* * * From the gnc-combott i've tried this as class, id, and element. No luck. * gnc-id-combo-tooltip { background-color: @bg_highlight; color: @yellow; } */