jQuery(document).ready(function($){ jQuery('#ticker1').rssfeed('https://queryfeed.net/twitter?q=from%3Adavithace&geocode=&omit-direct=on&attach=on',{ snippet: true }); }); var global_date = []; var global_media = []; var global_content = []; var global_tweet_id = []; var global_blog_thumb = []; function blogger_thumbs(json){ var numposts = 10; for(var i=0;i 0) opts.offset -= 1; opts.limit += opts.offset; // Create Google Feed API address var api = "http"+ s +"://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/feed/load?v=1.0&callback=?&q=" + encodeURIComponent(url); api += "&num=" + opts.limit; if (opts.historical) api += "&scoring=h"; if (opts.key != null) api += "&key=" + opts.key; api += "&output=json_xml" // Send request $.getJSON(api, function(data){ // Check for error if (data.responseStatus == 200) { // Process the feeds _process(e, data.responseData, opts); // Optional user callback function if ($.isFunction(fn)) fn.call(this,$e); } else { // Handle error if required if (opts.showerror) if (opts.errormsg != '') { var msg = opts.errormsg; } else { var msg = data.responseDetails; }; $(e).html('

'+ msg +'

'); }; }); }); }; // Function to create HTML result var _process = function(e, data, opts) { // Get JSON feed data var feeds = data.feed; if (!feeds) { return false; } var rowArray = []; var rowIndex = 0; var html = ''; var row = 'odd'; // Get XML data for media (parseXML not used as requires 1.5+) if (opts.media) { var xml = _getXMLDocument(data.xmlString); var xmlEntries = xml.getElementsByTagName('item'); } // Add header if required if (opts.header) html += '
' + ''+ feeds.title +'' + '
'; // Add body html += '
' + '' + '
' //HTML OUT //$(e).html(html); //Apply target to links //$('a',e).attr('target',opts.linktarget); }; var _formatFilesize = function(bytes) { var s = ['bytes', 'kb', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB']; var e = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes)/Math.log(1024)); return (bytes/Math.pow(1024, Math.floor(e))).toFixed(2)+" "+s[e]; } var _formatDate = function(date,mask) { // Convert to date and set return to the mask var fmtDate = new Date(date); date = mask; // Replace mask tokens date = date.replace('dd', _formatDigit(fmtDate.getDate())); date = date.replace('MMMM', _getMonthName(fmtDate.getMonth())); date = date.replace('MM', _formatDigit(fmtDate.getMonth()+1)); date = date.replace('yyyy',fmtDate.getFullYear()); date = date.replace('hh', _formatDigit(fmtDate.getHours())); date = date.replace('mm', _formatDigit(fmtDate.getMinutes())); date = date.replace('ss', _formatDigit(fmtDate.getSeconds())); return date; } var _formatDigit = function(digit) { digit += ''; if (digit.length < 2) digit = '0' + digit; return digit; } var _getMonthName = function(month) { var name = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec']; return name[month]; } var _getXMLDocument = function(string) { var browser = navigator.appName; var xml; if (browser == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { xml = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM'); xml.async = 'false'; xml.loadXML(string); } else { xml = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(string, 'text/xml'); } return xml; } var _getLapsedTime = function(date) { // Get current date and format date parameter var todayDate = new Date(); var pastDate = new Date(date); // Get lasped time in seconds var lapsedTime = Math.round((todayDate.getTime() - pastDate.getTime())/1000) // Return lasped time in seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks if (lapsedTime < 60) { return '< 1 min'; } else if (lapsedTime < (60*60)) { var t = Math.round(lapsedTime / 60) - 1; var u = 'min'; } else if (lapsedTime < (24*60*60)) { var t = Math.round(lapsedTime / 3600) - 1; var u = 'hour'; } else if (lapsedTime < (7*24*60*60)) { var t = Math.round(lapsedTime / 86400) - 1; var u = 'day'; } else { var t = Math.round(lapsedTime / 604800) - 1; var u = 'week'; } // Check for plural units if (t > 1) u += 's'; return t + ' ' + u; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SocialStreamObject = function(el, options) { this.create(el, options); }; $.extend(SocialStreamObject.prototype, { version : '1.5.7', create: function(el, options) { this.defaults = { feeds: { facebook: { id: '', intro: 'Posted', out: 'intro,thumb,title,text,user,share', text: 'content', thumb: true, comments: 3, image_width: 4, //3 = 600 4 = 480 5 = 320 6 = 180 icon: 'facebook.png' }, custom_facebook: { id: '', intro: 'Posted', out: 'intro,title,text,share', text: 'contentSnippet', icon: 'facebook.png' }, twitter: { id: '', intro: 'Tweeted', search: 'Tweeted', out: 'intro,thumb,text,share', retweets: false, replies: false, images: '', // large w: 786 h: 346, thumb w: 150 h: 150, medium w: 600 h: 264, small w: 340 h 150 url: 'twitter.php', icon: 'twitter.png' }, custom_twitter: { id: '', intro: 'Tweeted', out: 'intro,title,text', text: 'contentSnippet', icon: 'twitter.png' }, custom_google: { id: '', intro: 'Shared', out: 'intro,title,text,share', text: 'contentSnippet', icon: 'google.png' }, youtube: { id: '', intro: 'Uploaded,Favorite,New Video', search: 'Search', out: 'intro,thumb,title,text,user,share', feed: 'uploads,favorites,newsubscriptionvideos', thumb: 'default', icon: 'youtube.png' }, flickr: { id: '', intro: 'Uploaded', out: 'intro,thumb,title,text,share', lang: 'en-us', icon: 'flickr.png' }, delicious: { id: '', intro: 'Bookmarked', out: 'intro,thumb,title,text,user,share', icon: 'delicious.png' }, pinterest: { id: '', intro: 'Pinned', out: 'intro,thumb,text,user,share', icon: 'pinterest.png' }, rss: { id: '', intro: 'Posted', out: 'intro,title,text,share', text: 'contentSnippet', icon: 'rss.png' }, custom_youtube: { id: '', intro: 'Posted', out: 'intro,title,text,share', text: 'contentSnippet', icon: 'rss.png' }, custom_path: { id: '', intro: 'Posted', out: 'intro,title,text,share', text: 'contentSnippet', icon: 'rss.png' }, lastfm: { id: '', intro: 'Listened to,Loved,Replied', out: 'intro,thumb,title,text,user,share', feed: 'recenttracks,lovedtracks,replytracker', icon: 'lastfm.png' }, dribbble: { id: '', intro: 'Posted,Liked', out: 'intro,thumb,title,text,user,share', feed: 'shots,likes', icon: 'dribbble.png' }, vimeo: { id: '', intro: 'Liked,Video,Appeared In,Video,Album,Channel,Group', out: 'intro,thumb,title,text,user,share', feed: 'likes,videos,appears_in,all_videos,albums,channels,groups', thumb: 'medium', stats: true, icon: 'vimeo.png' }, stumbleupon: { id: '', intro: 'Shared,Reviewed', out: 'intro,thumb,title,text,user,share', feed: 'favorites,reviews', icon: 'stumbleupon.png' }, deviantart: { id: '', intro: 'Deviation', out: 'intro,thumb,title,text,user,share', icon: 'deviantart.png' }, tumblr: { id: '', intro: 'Posted', out: 'intro,title,text,user,share', thumb: 100, video: 250, icon: 'tumblr.png' }, custom_instagram: { id: '', intro: 'Posted', out: 'intro,title', icon: 'instagram.png' } }, remove: '', twitterId: '', days: 10, limit: 50, max: 'days', external: true, speed: 600, height: 550, wall: false, order: 'date', filter: true, controls: true, rotate: { direction: 'up', delay: 8000 }, transition: '0.8s', cache: true, container: 'dcsns', cstream: 'stream', content: 'dcsns-content', iconPath: '', imagePath: '', debug: false, }; this.o = {}, this.timer_on = 0, this.id = 'dcsns-'+$(el).index(), this.timerId = '', this.o = $.extend(true,this.defaults,options), opt = this.o, $load = $('
creating stream ...
'); $(el).addClass(this.o.container).append('
'); var $c = $('.'+this.o.content,el), $a = $('.'+this.o.cstream,el), $l = $('li',$a); if(opt.height > 0 && opt.wall == false){ $c.css({height:opt.height+'px'}); } if(this.o.filter == true || this.o.controls == true){ var x = '
'; if(this.o.filter == true){ x += ''; } if(this.o.controls == true && opt.wall == false){ var play = this.o.rotate.delay <= 0 ? '' : '
  • ' ; x += '
    '; } x += '
    '; if(opt.wall == false){ $(el).append(x); } else { $(el).before(x); } } if(this.o.wall == true){ $('.dcsns-toolbar').append($load); this.createwall($a); } else { $c.append($load); } this.createstream(el,$a,0,opt.days); this.addevents(el,$a); if(this.o.rotate.delay > 0){ this.rotate(el); } $load.remove(); }, createstream: function(obj,s,f1,f2){ $.each(opt.feeds, function(k,v){ if(opt.feeds[k].id != ''){ var txt = []; $.each(opt.feeds[k].intro.split(','), function(i,v){ v = $.trim(v); txt.push(v); }); $.each(opt.feeds[k].id.split(','), function(i,v){ v = $.trim(v); if(opt.feeds[k].feed && v.split('#').length < 2){ if(k == 'youtube' && v.split('/').length > 1) { getFeed(k,v,opt.iconPath,opt.feeds[k],obj,opt,f1,f2,'posted','',i); } else { $.each(opt.feeds[k].feed.split(','), function(i,feed){ getFeed(k,v,opt.iconPath,opt.feeds[k],obj,opt,f1,f2,txt[i],feed,i); }); } } else { intro = v.split('#').length < 2 ? opt.feeds[k].intro : opt.feeds[k].search ; getFeed(k,v,opt.iconPath,opt.feeds[k],obj,opt,f1,f2,intro,'',i); } }); } }); }, createwall: function(obj){ obj.isotope({ itemSelector : 'li.dcsns-li', transitionDuration: opt.transition, getSortData : { postDate : function( itemElem ){ return parseInt($(itemElem).attr('rel'),10); } }, sortBy : 'postDate' }); }, addevents: function(obj,$a){ var self = this, speed = this.o.speed; var $container = $('.stream',obj), filters = {} $('.controls',obj).delegate('a','click',function(){ var x = $(this).attr('class'); switch(x) { case 'prev': self.pauseTimer(); ticker($a,'prev',speed); break; case 'next': self.pauseTimer(); ticker($a,'next',speed); break; case 'play': self.rotate(obj); $('.controls .play').removeClass('play').addClass('pause'); break; case 'pause': self.pauseTimer(); break; } return false; }); $('.filter',obj).delegate('a','click',function(){ if(opt.wall == false){ var rel = $(this).attr('rel'); if($(this).parent().hasClass('active')){ $('.dcsns-'+rel,$a).slideUp().addClass('inactive'); $(this).parent().animate({opacity: 0.3},400); } else { $('.dcsns-'+rel,$a).slideDown().removeClass('inactive'); $(this).parent().animate({opacity: 1},400); } $(this).parent().toggleClass('active'); } return false; }); if(this.o.external){ $a.delegate('a','click',function(){ if(!$(this).parent().hasClass('section-share')){ this.target = '_blank'; } }); } }, rotate: function(a){ var self = this, stream = $('.'+this.o.cstream,a), speed = this.o.speed, delay = this.o.rotate.delay, r = this.o.rotate.direction == 'up' ? 'prev' : 'next' ; this.timer_on = 1; $('.controls .play').removeClass('play').addClass('pause'); this.timerId = setTimeout(function(){ ticker(stream,r,speed); self.rotate(a); }, delay); }, pauseTimer: function(){ clearTimeout(this.timerId); this.timer_on = 0; $('.controls .pause').removeClass('pause').addClass('play'); } }); $.fn.dcSocialStream = function(options, callback){ var d = {}; this.each(function(){ var s = $(this); d = s.data("socialtabs"); if (!d){ d = new SocialStreamObject(this, options, callback); s.data("socialtabs", d); } }); return d; }; function getFeed(type,id,path,o,obj,opt,f1,f2,intro,feed,fn){ var stream = $('.stream',obj), list = [],d = '', px = 300, c = [],data, href, url, n = opt.limit, txt = [], src; frl = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/feed/load?v=1.0&output=json_xml&num='+n+'&callback=?&q='; switch (type) { case 'facebook': var cp = id.split('/'); url = url = cp.length > 1 ? 'https://graph.facebook.com/'+cp[1]+'/photos?fields=id,link,from,name,picture,images,comments&limit='+n : frl + encodeURIComponent('https://www.facebook.com/feeds/page.php?id='+id+'&format=rss20'); break; case 'twitter': var curl = o.url.replace(/\&/gi, "&"); var cp = id.split('/'), cq = id.split('#'), cu = o.url.split('?'), replies = o.replies == true ? '&exclude_replies=false' : '&exclude_replies=true' ; var param = '&include_entities=true&include_rts='+o.retweets+replies; url1 = cu.length > 1 ? curl + '&' : curl + '?'; url = cp.length > 1 ? url1 + 'url=list&list_id='+cp[1]+'&per_page='+n+param : url1 + 'url=timeline&screen_name='+id+'&count='+n+param; if(cq.length > 1){ var rts = o.retweets == false ? '+exclude:retweets' : '' ; url = url1 + 'url=search&q='+encodeURIComponent(cq[1])+'&count='+n; } break; case 'google': n = n > 100 ? 100 : n ; href = 'https://plus.google.com/'+id; url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/'+id+'/activities/public'; data = {key: o.api_key, maxResults: n, prettyprint: false, fields: "items(id,kind,object(attachments(displayName,fullImage,id,image,objectType,url),id,objectType,plusoners,replies,resharers,url),published,title,url,verb)"}; break; case 'youtube': var cp = id.split('/'), cq = id.split('#'); n = n > 50 ? 50 : n ; href = 'https://www.youtube.com/'; href += cq.length > 1 ? 'results?search_query='+encodeURIComponent(cq[1]) : 'user/'+id; href = cp.length > 1 ? 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list='+cp[1] : href ; url = 'https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/'; if(cp.length > 1){ url += 'api/playlists/'+cp[1]+'?v=2&orderby=published' } else { url += cq.length > 1 ? 'api/videos?alt=rss&orderby=published&max-results='+n+'&racy=include&q='+encodeURIComponent(cq[1]) : 'base/users/'+id+'/'+feed+'?alt=rss&v=2&orderby=published&client=ytapi-youtube-profile'; } url = frl + encodeURIComponent(url); break; case 'flickr': var cq = id.split('/'), fd = cq.length > 1 ? 'groups_pool' : 'photos_public' ; id = cq.length > 1 ? cq[1] : id ; href = 'https://www.flickr.com/photos/'+id; url = 'https://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/'+fd+'.gne?id='+id+'&lang='+o.lang+'&format=json&jsoncallback=?'; break; case 'delicious': href = 'https://www.delicious.com/'+id; url = 'http://feeds.delicious.com/v2/json/'+id; break; case 'pinterest': var cp = id.split('/'); url = 'https://www.pinterest.com/'+id+'/'; url += cp.length > 1 ? 'rss' : 'feed.rss'; href = 'http://www.pinterest.com/'+id; url = frl + encodeURIComponent(url); break; case 'rss': href = id; url = frl + encodeURIComponent(id); break; case 'custom_facebook': href = id; url = frl + encodeURIComponent(id); break; case 'custom_twitter': href = id; url = frl + encodeURIComponent(id); break; case 'custom_instagram': href = id; url = frl + encodeURIComponent(id); break; case 'custom_google': href = id; url = frl + encodeURIComponent(id); break; case 'custom_youtube': href = id; url = frl + encodeURIComponent(id); break; case 'custom_path': href = id; url = frl + encodeURIComponent(id); break; case 'lastfm': href = 'https://www.last.fm/user/'+id; var ver = feed == 'lovedtracks' ? '2.0' : '1.0' ; url = frl + encodeURIComponent('https://ws.audioscrobbler.com/'+ver+'/user/'+id+'/'+feed+'.rss'); break; case 'dribbble': href = 'https://www.dribbble.com/'+id; url = feed == 'likes' ? 'http://api.dribbble.com/players/'+id+'/shots/likes' : 'http://api.dribbble.com/players/'+id+'/shots' ; break; case 'vimeo': href = 'https://www.vimeo.com/'+id; url = 'https://vimeo.com/api/v2/'+id+'/'+feed+'.json'; break; case 'stumbleupon': href = 'https://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/'+id; url = frl + encodeURIComponent('http://rss.stumbleupon.com/user/'+id+'/'+feed); break; case 'deviantart': href = 'https://'+id+'.deviantart.com'; url = frl + encodeURIComponent('https://backend.deviantart.com/rss.xml?type=deviation&q=by%3A'+id+'+sort%3Atime+meta%3Aall'); break; case 'tumblr': href = 'http://'+id+'.tumblr.com'; url = 'http://'+id+'.tumblr.com/api/read/json?callback=?&num='+n; break; case 'instagram': href = '#'; url = 'https://api.instagram.com/v1'; var cp = id.substr(0,1), cq = id.split(cp), url1 = encodeURIComponent(cq[1]), qs = '', ts = 0; switch(cp) { case '?': var p = cq[1].split('/'); qs = '&lat='+p[0]+'&lng='+p[1]+'&distance='+p[2]; url += '/media/search'; break; case '#': url += '/tags/'+url1+'/media/recent'; ts = 1; break; case '!': url += '/users/'+url1+'/media/recent'; break; case '@': url += '/locations/'+url1+'/media/recent'; break; } if(o.accessToken == '' && ts == 0){ if (location.hash) { o.accessToken = location.hash.split('=')[1] ; } else { location.href="https://instagram.com/oauth/authorize/?client_id="+o.clientId+"&redirect_uri="+o.redirectUrl+"&response_type=token"; } } url += '?access_token='+o.accessToken+'&client_id='+o.clientId+'&count='+n+qs; break; } var dataType = type == 'twitter' ? 'json' : 'jsonp'; jQuery.ajax({ url: url, data: data, cache: opt.cache, dataType: dataType, success: function(a){ var error = ''; switch(type) { case 'facebook': if(cp.length > 1){ a = a.data; } else { if(a.responseStatus == 200){ a = a.responseData.feed.entries; } else { error = a.responseDetails; } } break; case 'google': error = a.error ? a.error : '' ; a = a.items; break; case 'flickr': a = a.items; break; case 'instagram': a = a.data; break; case 'twitter': error = a.errors ? a.errors : '' ; if(cq.length > 1){a = a.statuses} ; break; case 'youtube': if(a.responseStatus == 200){ a = a.responseData.feed.entries; if(cp.length > 1){var pl = cp[0];} } else { error = a.responseDetails; } break; case 'dribbble': a = a.shots; break; case 'tumblr': a = a.posts; break; case 'delicious': break; case 'vimeo': break; default: if(a.responseStatus == 200){ a = a.responseData.feed.entries; } else { error = a.responseDetails; } break; } if(error == ''){ var xi = -1; $.each(a, function(i,item){ if(i < n){ var maxLength = 60; var trimmedString = item.title.substr(0, maxLength); switch(type) { case 'custom_facebook': var thetitle = trimmedString.substr(0, Math.min(trimmedString.length, trimmedString.lastIndexOf(" ")))+'...

    '; break; case 'custom_instagram_old': var thetitle = '
    '+trimmedString.substr(0, Math.min(trimmedString.length, trimmedString.lastIndexOf(" ")))+'...'; break; default: var thetitle = trimmedString.substr(0, Math.min(trimmedString.length, trimmedString.lastIndexOf(" ")))+'...'; break; } if(type =='custom_instagram '){ var myRegex = /]+src="(http:\/\/[^">]+)"/g; var test = item.content; myRegex.exec(test); }else{ var html = [], q = item.link, u=''+id+'', w='', x = ''+thetitle+'', y='', z='', zz='', m='', d = item.publishedDate, sq = q, st = item.title, s = ''; } switch(type) { case 'rss': z = item[o.text]; break; case 'rss': z = item[o.text]; break; case 'custom_facebook': z = item[o.text]; break; case 'custom_twitter': z1 = global_content[xi+1]; z2 = '' + '' + '' ; z = z1 + z2; break; case 'custom_google': z = item[o.text]; break; case 'custom_instagram': z = item.content ; break; case 'custom_youtube': var video_id = /[^=]*$/.exec(q)[0]; z= '
    '+ ''+ '
    '; break; case 'custom_path': var path_link = /[^/]*$/.exec(item[o.text])[0]; path_link = path_link.trim(); z1 = item[o.text]; z2 = 'DETAILS'; z= z1+z2; break; } icon = ''; if(type == 'twitter'){ var intent = 'https://twitter.com/intent/'; s = ''; s += ''; s += ''; } else { s = share(st,sq,opt.twitterId); } xi=xi+1; $.each(o.out.split(','), function(i,v){ zz += v != 'intro' ? '' : '' ; switch(v) { case 'intro': if(type == 'twitter'){ zintro = ''+decodeURIComponent(intro)+' '+nicetime(new Date(d).getTime(),0)+''; } else { zintro = ''+decodeURIComponent(intro)+' '+nicetime(new Date(d).getTime(),0)+''; } break; case 'title': zz += x; break; case 'thumb': //if(type == 'rss'){ var src = item.content.indexOf("img") >= 0 ? $('img',item.content).attr('src') : '' ; y = src ? '' : '' ; //} zz += y; break; case 'blogger_thumb': y = ' ' ; zz += y; break; case 'fb_thumb': var src = item.content.indexOf("img") >= 0 ? $('img',item.content).attr('src') : '' ; if (q.indexOf('youtube.com/watch') > -1) { var video_id = /[^=]*$/.exec(q)[0]; y = '
    '+ ''+ '
    '; } else{ y = src ? ' ' : '' ; } zz += y; break; case 'thumb_insta': //var src = item.content.indexOf("img") >= 1 ? $('img',item.content).attr('src').length : '' ; var src = $('img',item.content).map(function() { return this.src; }).get(); y = src ? '' : '' ; zz += y; break; case 'thumb_gplus': var src = item.content.indexOf("img") >= 0 ? $('img',item.content).attr('src') : '' ; var urlChunks = src.split('/'); var host = urlChunks[urlChunks.length - 7]; if (host == '2.bp.blogspot.com' || host == '3.bp.blogspot.com' || host == '4.bp.blogspot.com' || host == '1.bp.blogspot.com'){ gthumb = 'http://'+host+'/'+urlChunks[urlChunks.length - 6]+'/'+urlChunks[urlChunks.length - 5]+'/'+ urlChunks[urlChunks.length - 4]+'/'+urlChunks[urlChunks.length - 3]+'/'+'s150'+'/'+urlChunks[urlChunks.length - 1]; }else{ gthumb = src ; } y = src ? '' : '' ; zz += y; break; case 'thumb_enc': var src = item.content.indexOf("img") >= 0 ? $('img',item.content).attr('src') : '' ; y = src ? '' : '' ; if(typeof global_media[xi] === 'undefined'){ yz = ''; y=''; }else{ // :small hanya berlaku utk twitter yz = '' ; } yc = '
    '+ global_date[xi] +'
    '; zz += y+yz+yc; break; case 'text': zz += z; break; case 'user': zz += u; break; case 'meta': zz += m; break; case 'share': zz += s; break; } zz += v != 'intro' ? '
    ' : '' ; }); var df = type == 'instagram' ? nicetime(d,1) : nicetime(new Date(d).getTime(),1); var ob = df; switch(opt.order) { case 'random': ob = randomish(6); break; case 'none': ob = 1; break; } var out = '
  • '+w+'
  • ', str = opt.remove; if( str.indexOf( q ) !== -1 && q != '' ){ n = n + 1; } else { if(opt.max == 'days'){ if(df <= f2 * 86400 && df >= f1 * 86400){ list.push(out); } else if(df > f2 * 86400) { return false; } } else { list.push(out); } } } }); } else if(opt.debug == true){ list.push('
  • Error. '+error+'
  • '); } }, complete: function(){ var $newItems = $(list.join('')); if(opt.wall == true){ stream.isotope( 'insert', $newItems ); } else { stream.append($newItems); sortstream(stream,'asc'); } if(type == 'facebook' && cp.length < 2){ fbHrefLink(id,$newItems); } else if(type == 'flickr' && cq.length > 1){ flickrHrefLink(cq[1],$newItems); } } }); return; } function linkify(text){ text = text.replace( /((https?\:\/\/)|(www\.)|(pic\.))(\S+)(\w{2,4})(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/gi, function(url){ if( url.length >= 30){ full_urlx = url; url = url.substring(0, 30); }else{ var full_urlx = !url.match('^https?:\/\/') ? 'http://' + url : url ; } return '' + url + ''; } ); text = text.replace(/(^|\s)@(\w+)/g, '$1@$2'); //text = text.replace(/(^|\s)#(\w+)/g, '$1#$2'); return text; } function htmlEncode(v){ return $('
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'1 '+n : xj+' '+n ; if (i + 1 < j) { s2 = chunks[i + 1][0]; if ( ((xj2 = Math.floor((d - (s * xj)) / s2)) != 0) ) { n2 = (xj2 == 1) ? chunks[i + 1][1] : chunks[i + 1][2] ; fuzzy += (xj2 == 1) ? ' + 1 '+n2 : ' + '+xj2+' '+n2 ; } } fuzzy += ' ago'; return fuzzy; } } function num(a){ var b = a; if (a > 999999) b = Math.floor(a / 1E6) + "M"; else if (a > 9999) b = Math.floor(a / 1E3) + "K"; else if (a > 999) b = Math.floor(a / 1E3) + "," + a % 1E3; return b } function parseQ(url){ var v = [], hash, q = url.split('?')[1]; if(q != undefined){ q = q.split('&'); for(var i = 0; i < q.length; i++){ hash = q[i].split('='); v.push(hash[1]); v[hash[0]] = hash[1]; } } return v; } function getImg(content){ var imgArr = new Array(), reg = / 0 && imgArr[0].indexOf('sndcdn.com') === -1){ var image = imgArr[0]; if(image.indexOf('instagram.com/profiles') !== -1) { image = imgArr[1]; } image = image.replace("_m.jpg", ".jpg"); if(image.indexOf('fbcdn') == -1) { image = image.replace("_b.jpg", "_f.jpg"); image = image.replace("_b.png", "_f.png"); } else { if(image.indexOf('safe_image.php') == -1) { var id = image.split("_"), object_id = id[1]; image = 'http://graph.facebook.com/'+object_id+'/picture?type=normal'; } } image = image.replace("_s.jpg", "_b.jpg"); image = image.replace("_m.png", ".png"); image = image.replace("_s.png", "_b.png"); image = image.replace(/\&/g,'&'); if(image.indexOf('safe_image.php') != -1){ image = unescape(image.match(/url=([^&]+)/)[1]); } if(image.indexOf('app_full_proxy.php') != -1){ image = unescape(image.match(/srcx=([^&]+)/)[1]); } if(this.prefix == 'https://'){ var image_tmp = image.replace('http://', 'https://'); image = image_tmp; } } else { return false } return image; } function sortstream(obj,d){ var $l = $('li',obj); $l.sort(function(a, b){ var keyA = parseInt($(a).attr('rel'),10), keyB = parseInt($(b).attr('rel'),10); if(d == 'asc'){ return (keyA > keyB) ? 1 : -1; } else { return (keyA < keyB) ? 1 : -1; } return 0; }); $.each($l, function(index, row){ obj.append(row); }); $('.dcsns-loading').slideUp().remove(); return; } function randomish(l){ var i = 0, out = ''; while(i < l){ out += Math.floor((Math.random()*10)+1)+''; i++; } return out; } function ticker(s,b,speed){ var $a = $('li:last',s),$b = $('li:first',s),$gx,bh = $b.outerHeight(true); if($('li',s).not('.inactive').length > 2){ if(b == 'next'){ $gx = $a.clone().hide(); $b.before($gx); $a.remove(); if($a.hasClass('inactive')){ ticker(s,b,speed); } else { $('.inner',$gx).css({opacity: 0}); $gx.slideDown(speed,'linear',function(){ $('.inner',this).animate({opacity: 1},speed); }); return; } } else { $gx = $b.clone(); if($b.hasClass('inactive')){ $a.after($gx); $b.remove(); ticker(s,b,speed); } else { $b.animate({marginTop: -bh+'px'},speed,'linear',function(){ $a.after($gx); $b.remove(); }); $('.inner',$b).animate({opacity: 0},speed); } } } } function fbHrefLink(id,obj){ jQuery.ajax({ url: 'https://graph.facebook.com/'+id, dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(a){ $('.icon',obj).each(function(){ $(this).parent().attr('href',a.link); }); $('.section-user a',obj).each(function(){ $(this).attr('href',a.link); $(this).text(a.name); }); } }); } function flickrHrefLink(id,obj){ jQuery.ajax({ url: 'http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/groups_pool.gne?id='+id+'&format=json&jsoncallback=?', dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(a){ $('.icon',obj).each(function(){ $(this).parent().attr('href',a.link); }); } }); } function share(st,sq,twitterId){ var s = '', sq = encodeURIComponent(sq), st = encodeURIComponent(st); s = ''; s += ''; s += ''; s += ''; return s; } })(jQuery); jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery.getScript("//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js", function(){}); jQuery('.section-share a').click(function(){ var u = jQuery(this).attr('href'); window.open(u,'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,height=436'); return false; }); jQuery('.dcsns-facebook .section-text a').each(function(i){ var txt = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var href = decodeURIComponent(txt.replace("http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=", "")).split('&'); jQuery(this).attr('href',href[0]); txt = jQuery(this).attr('href'); href = decodeURIComponent(txt.replace("https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=", "")).split('&'); jQuery(this).attr('href',href[0]); }); jQuery('.dcsns-facebook .section-text a img').each(function(i){ if(jQuery(this).parent().attr('href').split('http').length < 2){jQuery(this).parent().attr('href','https://facebook.com'+jQuery(this).parent().attr('href'));} }); jQuery('#social-stream').dcSocialStream({ feeds: { custom_twitter: { id: 'https://queryfeed.net/twitter?q=from%3Adavithace&geocode=&omit-direct=on&attach=on', intro: 'Tweet', out: 'intro,text,thumb_enc', text: 'contentSnippet', icon: 'twitter.png' }, rss: { id: 'http://www.davidprasetyo.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=published', intro: 'Posted', out: 'intro,blogger_thumb,title,text,share', text: 'contentSnippet', icon: 'rss.png' }, custom_facebook: { id: 'http://fbrss.com/feed/6009f36b4453aff3508cd06c4615daeee8b15f0d.xml?me', intro: 'Posted', out: 'intro,fb_thumb,title,text,share', text: 'contentSnippet', icon: 'facebook.png' }, custom_google: { id: 'http://gplusrss.com/rss/feed/535ea2b438c297f5dfa7508ba13b7c385453031f101c4', intro: 'Posted', out: 'intro,thumb_gplus,text,share', text: 'contentSnippet', icon: 'google.png' }, custom_instagram: { id: 'http://widget.websta.me/rss/n/davithace', intro: 'Posted', out: 'thumb_insta,text', text: 'contentSnippet', icon: 'instagram.png', }, custom_youtube: { id: 'https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=davidprasetyo19', intro: 'Uploaded', out: 'intro,thumb,title,text', icon: 'youtube.png' }, custom_path: { id: 'https://queryfeed.net/twitter?q=path.com+from%3Adavithace&geocode=', intro: 'Updated', out: 'intro,text', icon: 'pinterest.png' }, }, rotate: { delay: 0 }, twitterId: 'davithace', control: false, filter: true, wall: true, center: true, cache: true, max: 'limit', limit: 10, iconPath: 'https://davithace.github.io/davidprasetyo/images/dcsns-dark/', imagePath: 'https://davithace.github.io/davidprasetyo/images/dcsns-dark/' }); document.getElementById('social_all').click(); }); jQuery(window).load(function(){ setTimeout( function() { jQuery('#social_all').click(); //alert("aw"); }, 5000); });