// Github Steve Day: // Github The Aaron: https://github.com/shdwjk/Roll20API/blob/master/ZombieDice/ZombieDice.js // By: The Aaron, Arcane Scriptomancer, Steve Day // Update: Steve Day: Updated graphics to show dice and show who rolled the dice // Contact: https://app.roll20.net/users/104025/the-aaron var ZombieDice = ZombieDice || (function() { 'use strict'; var version = 0.4, getDiceCounts = function(msg,idx) { return ( msg.inlinerolls && msg.inlinerolls[idx] && msg.inlinerolls[idx].results && msg.inlinerolls[idx].results.rolls[0] && msg.inlinerolls[idx].results.rolls[0].results && (_.reduce(_.map(msg.inlinerolls[idx].results.rolls[0].results, function(r){ return r.v; }).sort() || [], function(m,r){ m[r]=(m[r]||0)+1; return m; },{}))); }, getDiceArray = function(c) { return _.reduce(c,function(m,v,k){ _.times(v,function(){m.push(k);}); return m; },[]); }, replaceArray = function(array, find, replace) { var replaceString = array; var regex; for (var i = 0; i < find.length; i++) { regex = new RegExp(find[i], "g"); replaceString = replaceString.replace(regex, replace[i]); } return replaceString; }, useDiceFont = function(d_array, pos_neg) { //log(d_array); var find = ['1','2','3','4','5','6']; if (pos_neg == 'positive') { var replace = ['a','b','c','d','e','f']; } else { var replace = ['A','B','C','D','E','F']; } var d_string = replaceArray(d_array.join(' '), find, replace); return d_string; }, handleInput = function(msg) { //log(msg); var args, w=false, t, p,pp, n,np, c={}, s ; if (msg.type !== "api") { return; } args = msg.content.split(/\s+/); switch(args[0]) { case '!wzd': w=true; /* break; */ // Intentional drop through case '!zd': t = parseInt(args[1],10); p = getDiceCounts(msg,0); n = getDiceCounts(msg,1); pp = _.clone(p); np = _.clone(n); _.reduce(np,function(m,r,k,l){ var ps = m[k] || 0; m[k] = Math.max(ps-r,0); l[k] = Math.max(r-ps,0); c[k] = ps-m[k]; if(!l[k]) { delete l[k]; } if(!m[k]) { delete m[k]; } if(!c[k]) { delete c[k]; } return m; },pp); p=getDiceArray(p); n=getDiceArray(n); pp=getDiceArray(pp); np=getDiceArray(np); c=getDiceArray(c); s = _.filter(pp,function(v){ return v<=t; }); sendChat( msg.who , (w ? '/w gm ' : '/direct ') +'
' +'
' //'Positive['+p.length+']: ' +''+ useDiceFont(pp,'positive') + '' +( (pp.length && c.length) ? ' | ' : '') +( c.length ? (''+ useDiceFont(c,'positive') +'') : '' ) +'
' + (n.length ? ('
' //'Negative['+n.length+']: ' +''+ useDiceFont(np,'negative') + '' +( (np.length && c.length) ? ' | ' : '') + (c.length ? (''+ useDiceFont(c,'negative') +'') : '' ) +'
') : '') +'
' +'
' +'
'+ (s.length ? '
' : '
') +'
' +'
' +'
' +'
' +'
'); break; } }, registerEventHandlers = function() { on('chat:message', handleInput); }; return { RegisterEventHandlers: registerEventHandlers }; }()); on('ready',function() { 'use strict'; ZombieDice.RegisterEventHandlers(); });