EnhancedReadline ================ EnhancedReadline is a Sublime Text 3 package that fixes some default readline keybindings that are not bound by Sublime. It also adds some readline-style keybindings for Sublime line editing features. [The full keymap can be viewed here](https://github.com/daytonn/EnhancedReadline/blob/master/KEYMAP.md) Installation ------------ ### With PackageControl Install Package: EnhancedReadline ### Manually from github Clone this repository into your Packages directory ``` cd /path/to/sublime/Packages git clone git@github.com:daytonn/EnhancedReadline.git ``` Readline Fixes -------------- * Select previous line (⇧⌃P) is now bound by default * Move forward by words (⌥F) is now bound by default * Move backward by words (⌥B) is now bound by default * Select forward by words (⇧⌥F) is now bound by default * Select backward by words (⇧⌥B) is now bound by default * Delete word forward (⌥D) is now bound by default Readline Enhancements --------------------- * Move to begining line (⌃A) now defaults to the begining of text in line * Move to begining of file (⌥P) * Move to end of file (⌥N) * Select to the end of the file (⇧⌥N) * Select to the begining of the file (⇧⌥P) * Toggle comment line (⌃/) * Join lines (⌃J) * New cursor on previous line (⌃⌥P) * New cursor on next line (⌃⌥N) * Swap lines up (⌃⌘P) * Swap lines down (⌃⌘N) [The full keymap can be viewed here](https://github.com/daytonn/EnhancedReadline/blob/master/KEYMAP.md)