# Neopolitan A rich chocolatey theme that's easy on the eyes. ### Installation ##### Using [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/) + Simply open up the command palette (`CTRL+SHIFT+P` or `CMD+SHIFT+P`). + Find `Package Control: Install Package`. + Search for `Neopolitan` ##### Manual + Clone to `Packages/` directory + Restart Sublime Text just in case something didn't load without problems. (Happens with themes) ### Activating theme (Package Control and Manual) Activate the theme by adding the following lines to your user preferences configuration file "color_scheme": "Packages/Neopolitan/Neopolitan.tmTheme", "theme": "Neopolitan.sublime-theme", [RubyTest](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/RubyTest) users may also enjoy the provided test console theme for consistency: "theme": "Packages/Neopolitan/NeopolitanTestConsole.tmTheme" ### Screenshots ![Neopolitan screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/daytonn/Neopolitan/master/screenshot.png "Neopolitan screenshot") ### Theme Theme based on the original Blackboard theme for TextMate. Features a soft, dark brown color that is easy on the eyes for long coding sessions. Hot pink comments beg to be deleted or read. ### Color scheme Matches the theme for maximum immersion. ### Contributing If you find bugs please post them in the issues section and/or submit pull requests.