# This example script demonstrates how use Python to allow users to send SDK to Tello commands with their keyboard # This script is part of our course on Tello drone programming # https://learn.droneblocks.io/p/tello-drone-programming-with-python/ # Import the necessary modules import socket import threading import time import sys # IP and port of Tello tello_address = ('', 8889) # IP and port of local computer local_address = ('', 9000) # Create a UDP connection that we'll send the command to sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # Bind to the local address and port sock.bind(local_address) # Send the message to Tello and allow for a delay in seconds def send(message): # Try to send the message otherwise print the exception try: sock.sendto(message.encode(), tello_address) print("Sending message: " + message) except Exception as e: print("Error sending: " + str(e)) # Receive the message from Tello def receive(): # Continuously loop and listen for incoming messages while True: # Try to receive the message otherwise print the exception try: response, ip_address = sock.recvfrom(128) print("Received message: " + response.decode(encoding='utf-8')) except Exception as e: # If there's an error close the socket and break out of the loop sock.close() print("Error receiving: " + str(e)) break # Create and start a listening thread that runs in the background # This utilizes our receive function and will continuously monitor for incoming messages receiveThread = threading.Thread(target=receive) receiveThread.daemon = True receiveThread.start() # Tell the user what to do print('Type in a Tello SDK command and press the enter key. Enter "quit" to exit this program.') # Loop infinitely waiting for commands or until the user types quit or ctrl-c while True: try: # Read keybord input from the user if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)): # Python 3 compatibility message = input('') else: # Python 2 compatibility message = raw_input('') # If user types quit then lets exit and close the socket if 'quit' in message: print("Program exited sucessfully") sock.close() break # Send the command to Tello send(message) # Handle ctrl-c case to quit and close the socket except KeyboardInterrupt as e: sock.close() break