function [h_fig,lims,ifg_data_RMSE,h_axes_all]=ps_plot(value_type,varargin) %function [h_fig,lims,ifg_data_RMSE,h_axes_all]=ps_plot(value_type,plot_flag,lims,ref_ifg,ifg_list,n_x,... % cbar_flag,textsize,textcolor,lon_rg,lat_rg) % PS_PLOT plot ps values for selected ifgs % PS_PLOT(VALUE_TYPE,BACKGROUND,PHASE_LIMS,REF_IFG,IFG_LIST,N_X,... % CBAR_FLAG,TEXTSIZE,TEXTCOLOR,LON_RG,LAT_RG,UNITS) % % In the case of phase, +ve values imply displacement away from the satellite % when the master is earlier than the slave. % In the case of velocities, +ve values are towards the satellite. % % an invalid VALUE_TYPE related to double removing of atmosphere: % anything when removing master and estimated tropospheric signals: 'ma' % % valid VALUE_TYPE's are: %%%% BASIC % 'hgt' for topography % 'w' for wrapped phase % 'p' for spatially filtered wrapped phase % 'u' for unwrapped phase % 'usb' for unwrapped phase of small baseline ifgs % 'rsb' for residual between unwrapped phase of sb ifgs and inverted % 'd' for spatially correlated DEM error (rad/m) estimated from SM or from SB depending on your processing % 'D' for spatially correlated DEM error (rad/m) from SM inverted data when using SB % 'm' for AOE phase due to master % 'o' for orbital ramps % 's' for atmosphere and orbit error (AOE) phase due to slave (not compatible with 'a') % 'a'* for stratisfied topo-correlated atmosphere using TRAIN dependency. % 'asb'* for stratisfied topo-correlated atmosphere of small baselines using TRAIN dependency % *'a' & 'asb' require an additional string to indicate which APS correction to be applied: % -'a_linear' = (mixed) Tropospheric aps correction using linear phase-topo correction % -'a_powelaw' = (mixed) Tropospheric aps correction using powerlaw phase-topo relationship % -'a_meris' = (wet) tropospheric aps correction using MERIS data (wet) % -'a_modis' = (wet) tropospheric aps correction using MODIS data (wet) % -'a_modisRecal' = (wet) tropospheric aps correction using MODIS recalibrated data % -'a_erai','a_erai-wet','a_erai-hydro' = (total, wet, hydro) tropospheric aps correction using ERA-I data % -'a_wrf','a_wrf-wet','a_wrf-hydro' = (total, wet, hydro) tropospheric aps correction using WRF model data % -'a_merra','a_merra-wet','a_merra-hydro' = (total, wet, hydro) tropospheric aps correction using MERRA model data % -'a_merra2','a_merra2-wet','a_merra2-hydro' = (total, wet, hydro) tropospheric aps correction using MERRA-2 model data % -'a_gacos' = (total) tropospheric aps correction using GACOS data % -'a_pk' = spatial transfer coefficient K for interferograms or specific bands. % 'v' for mean LOS velocity (MLV) in mm/yr estimated from SM or from SB depending on your processing % 'V' for mean LOS velocity of MLV (mm/yr) estimated from SM inverted data when using SB % 'vs' for standard deviation of MLV (mm/yr) estimated from SM or from SB depending on your processing % 'Vs' for standard deviation of MLV (mm/yr) estimated from SM inverted data when using SB % 'vdrop'for MLV calculated from all but current ifg (mm/yr) %%%% CORRECTIONS to BASIC % 'w-a' for wrapped phase corrected for atmopshere % 'w-d' for wrapped phase minus smoothed dem error % 'w-o' for wrapped phase minus orbital ramps % also 'w-dm','w-do','w-dmo' % 'u-d' for unwrapped phase minus dem error % 'u-m' for unwrapped phase minus and master AOE % 'u-o' for unwrapped phase minus orbital ramps % 'u-a' for unwrapped phase minus stratisfied topo-correlated atmosphere % also 'u-dm','u-do','u-da','u-ao','u-dmo','u-dma','u-dms','u-dmao','u-dmos' % 'usb-d' % 'usb-o' % 'usb-a' % also 'usb-do' ,'usb-da','usb-dao' % 'v-d' for mean LOS velocity (MLV) in mm/yr minus smoothed dem error % 'v-o' % 'v-a' % also 'v-do','v-da',v-dao','v-s','v-so'and the capital V options % 'vs-d' for standard deviation of MLV (mm/yr) minus smoothed dem error % 'vs-o' % 'vs-a' % also 'vs-do', 'vs-da', 'vs-dao' and the capital Vs options % 'vdrop-d' % 'vdrop-o' % also 'vdrop-do' % % When the wrapped interferograms are small baseline, 'v' and 'd' plots % are calulated from the unwraped small baseline interferograms by % default. To force use of the single master interferograms, capitalise % e.g. ps_plot('V-D') % % BACKGROUND = -1 outputs the data to a .mat file instead of plotting % 0, black background, lon/lat axes % 1, white background, lon/lat axes (default) % 2, shaded relief topo, lon/lat axes % 3, 3D topo, lon/lat axes % 4, mean amplitude image % 5, mean amplitude image, brightness showing through PS % 6, white background, xy axis (rotated lon/lat) % % PHASE_LIMS = 1x2 vector with colormap limits (or 0 for default) % defaults to the range of the plotted phase % % REF_IFG = number of interferogram to reference to - defaults to 0 (master) % -1 for incremental referencing % % IFG_LIST = list of interferograms to plot - defaults to [] (all) % % N_X = maximum number of images to plot per row % defaults to 0 (find optimum based on image size) % % CBAR_FLAG = colorbar flag - defaults to 0 (plot on master, if plotted) % 1 = don't plot a colorbar % 2 = plot a colorbar underneath % % TEXTSIZE = size of date text in points - defaults to 0 (best) % +ve size plots a top (default), -ve size plots at bottom % % TEXTCOLOR = 1x3 color vector - default white or black depending on BACKGROUND % % LON_RG = longitude range - defaults to [] (whole image) % % LAT_RG = latitude range - defaults to [] (whole image) % % 'ts' = produce time series plot on user click over velocity plots. % the position of this switch is not important. % Note needs to be SM (v-option) of SB inverted to SM % time-series (V-option) % % % 'ifg i' = only for 'a_p' show the topopgraphy correlated aps correction % for the ith interferogram for all spatial bands. Note that % the definition of ifg_list changes the spatial bands for this option. % % ADDITONAL DATA DISPLAY % Plot in additional also other geocoded information, e.g stations or % LOS data on top of the interferograms. To use this functionality use % the flag: 'ext PATH', with PATH the full path to the data location. % To display identical information in each interferogram include a mat file % on this path. In case the to be displayed data varies depending on % the ifg dates, then only specify the path. At this path the data should % be storred in date1_date2.mat files, where the dates are in YYYYMMDD format. % The file itself should contain at least a lonlat variable. When also a % ph_disp (phase) variable is given the markers will be collored acordingly. % NOTE: - Not each interferogram date needs to have a file asociated with it. % - External ph_disp data are fixed to the ifgs by minimizing the mean residual. % - In case a reference area is selected, it needs to have data coverage in all datasets. % - Markers are given as by default by collored squares. In case % they were saturated by the colorbar they become circular % markers. % % % Andy Hooper, June 2006 % % ====================================================================== % 09/2006 AH: 'v' option added % 01/2007 AH: several new options added and 'u' options changed to print % only unwrapped IFGs by default % 01/2007 AH: Added 64-bit machine compatibility % 01/2009 AH: BACKGROUND = -1 option added % 06/2009 AH: Orbital ramps added % 09/2009 AH: Sign for velocity plots flipped % 02/2010 AH: Give warning only if unable to save velocities % 02/2010 AH: Replace unwrap_ifg_index with drop_ifg_index % 03/2010 AH: Add var/cov to 'vsb' inversion and plot instead of % 03/2010 AH: Plot 'vsb' instead of 'v' by default for small baselines % 03/2010 AH: Rationalise velocity plotting % 06/2010 AH: Correct bug for 'w' option for all ifgs % 06/2010 AH: Correct bug for 'v' option for subset small baseline ifgs % 07/2010 DB: Correct bug for N_X plotting option % 08/2010 DB: Option to plot phase data and edit frontsize colorbar % 08/2010 DB: Adding figure names to plotted results % 11/2010 AH: Fix bug for w-dmo % 11/2010 AH: Add u-dmos % 11/2010 MMC & MA: plotting time series using 'ts' option % 11/2010 DB: Changing position of colorbar for ts plot % 12/2010 KS: Added check to see if orbital ramp is calculated in -o % 12/2010 AH: fix vdrop % 03/2011 AH: Change ts plot radius to m % 03/2011 AH: Save files to home directory if read only directory % 03/2011 DB: Remove raster lines when plotting time series % 10/2011 AH: Check that pm file exists before attempting to load % 01/2012 AH: Subtract master AOE for 'ts' plot % 01/2012 AH: Remove code to subtract SULA error from 'd' plots % 12/2012 AH: plot raw phase if psver=1 % 01/2013 DB: Fix plotting of data in case of SB directory % 01/2013 AH: Add topo-correlated atmosphere options % 04/2013 DB: Add figure handle as output % 04/2013 DB: Add colorbar axis extremes as output % 04/2013 DB: Include plotting of atmospheric correction from meris data % 04/2013 DB: Topo correlated aps correction using 'a_m','a_l','a_p' options % 04/2013 DB: Adding the same velocity plot options for SB as for SM % 04/2013 DB: Bug fix for aps, include option to show aps_p for all bands % for infividual interferograms, by including 'ifg i' option % 04/2013 DB: Include an option to show in additional also other data % like e.g. LOS GPS displacements % 04/2013 DB: Modify such that for bandfiltered data the external data % for that date alone is shown. % 04/2013 DB: Fix the plotting of external data by minimizing the % residual with the insar. Output the RMSE for each ifgs. % 05/2013 DB: Plot the ifg number for SB ifgs % 05/2013 DB: Allow inputdata to be saved. % 05/2013 DB: Option to plot topography % 05/2013 DB: When full filepath is given, plot same ext data for each ifgs % and output the RMSE information. % 06/2013 DB: Allow units to be specified and fix wrong unit for 'o' option % 09/2013 DB: Added extra options and fix warning for bandfilter option % 10/2013 DB: Included ERA-I tca option % 11/2013 DB: Incorporate the inversion of the troposphere from SB to PS % 11/2013 DB: Including WRF atmospheric option % 03/2014 AH: vs-a etc added % 04/2014 DB: Subtract envisat oscialtor drift on the go for all emvisat % plotting options % 05/2014 DB: When saving give empty outputs % 05/2014 DB: Fix oscialtor drift when plotting 'u' and 'usb' options % 05/2014 DB: Add extra output argument h_axes_all % 05/2014 DB: Hardcode topogrpahy to have a GMT colormap for relief % 06/2014 DB: Fix bug in case of plotting u % 07/2014 DB: Fix a bug, which already corrected itself latter on % 07/2014 DB: Fix in case there is no data in the reference area % 08/2014 DB: Bug fix for ps_plot V-DOA % 08/2014 DB: Allow to plot w-a, and wa (wrapped atmosphere) % 08/2014 DB: Include modis recalibrated data support % 10/2014 DB: Include support for ionopsheric delays % 03/2015 DB: Remove the reference for the K spatial map option % 03/2015 DB: Update and clean for relaese with TRAIN % 05/2015 DB: Fix to separate hgt from t options % 12/2016 DB: Update output syntax, remove warning ps_plot('V-Do') % 06/2016 DB: Fix in case the master is still included in SM inversion % 11/2017 DB: Updating the TRAIN plotting conventions and adding new options % Only let ts option run through for option ('v') and ('V') % 11/2017 DB: make the s option work again % ====================================================================== stdargin = nargin ; parseplotprm % check if 'ts', 'a_m', 'a_l', 'a_e' ('a_eh' for hydrostatic and 'a_ew' for wet), 'a_w' ('a_wh' for hydrostatic and 'a_ww' for wet), % 'a_p' ('a_pk' for spatial map of coefficent K), 'i_as', 'ifg i^th', 'ext PATH ' is specified reference_flag=0; if stdargin<1 help ps_plot error('not enough input args') end if stdargin < 2 plot_flag=1; end if stdargin < 3 lims=[]; end if stdargin < 4 ref_ifg=0; end if stdargin < 5 ifg_list=[]; end if stdargin < 6 n_x=0; end if stdargin < 7 cbar_flag=0; end if stdargin < 8 textsize=0; end if stdargin < 9 | isempty(textcolor) if plot_flag==1 | plot_flag==2 |plot_flag==6 textcolor=[0 0 0.004]; textcolor2=textcolor; else textcolor=[1 1 0.996]; textcolor2=[0 0 0.004]; end else textcolor2=textcolor; end if lims==0 lims=[]; end if stdargin < 10 lon_rg=[]; end if stdargin < 11 lat_rg=[]; end if stdargin < 12 units=[]; end % reference radius in case of external data to be plotted ref_radius_data=1000; n_y=0; load psver psname=['./ps',num2str(psver)]; pmname=['./pm',num2str(psver)]; rcname=['./rc',num2str(psver),'.mat']; phname=['./ph',num2str(psver),'.mat']; phuwname=['./phuw',num2str(psver)]; phuwsbname=['./phuw_sb',num2str(psver)]; phuwsbresname=['./phuw_sb_res',num2str(psver)]; scnname=['./scn',num2str(psver)]; ifgstdname=['./ifgstd',num2str(psver)]; apsbandsname = ['./tca_bands' num2str(psver) '.mat']; apsbandssbname = ['./tca_bands_sb' num2str(psver) '.mat']; apsname=['./tca',num2str(psver)]; apssbname=['./tca_sb',num2str(psver)]; iononame = ['./ica' num2str(psver) '.mat']; ionosbname = ['./ica_sb' num2str(psver) '.mat']; tidename=['./tide',num2str(psver)]; tidesbname=['./tide_sb',num2str(psver)]; hgtname=['./hgt',num2str(psver)]; sclaname=['./scla',num2str(psver)]; sclasbname=['./scla_sb',num2str(psver)]; sclasmoothname=['./scla_smooth',num2str(psver)]; sclasbsmoothname=['./scla_smooth_sb',num2str(psver)]; meanvname=['./mv',num2str(psver)]; ps=load(psname);; master_day=ps.master_day; xy=ps.xy; lonlat=ps.lonlat; n_ps=ps.n_ps; n_ifg=ps.n_ifg; master_ix=sum(day2 & (value_type(1:3)=='usb'|value_type(1:3)=='rsb'| value_type(1:3)=='asb' | value_type(1:3)=='isb') & isempty(ifg_list) ifg_list=unwrap_ifg_index_sb; end else unwrap_ifg_index=setdiff([1:ps.n_ifg],drop_ifg_index); end if (value_type(1)=='u' | value_type(1)=='s' | value_type(1)=='a' | value_type(1)=='i' | value_type(1)=='w') & isempty(ifg_list) ifg_list=unwrap_ifg_index; end if ischar(value_type)~=1 & size(value_type,2)1 & strcmpi(group_type(1:2),'vs') group_type='vs'; if strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') & strcmp(value_type(1:2),'vs') use_small_baselines=1; fprintf('Velocity std devs calculated from small baseline interferograms\n') else use_small_baselines=0; forced_sm_flag=1; end elseif strcmpi(group_type(1),'v') if strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') & strcmp(group_type(1),'v') group_type='vsb'; fprintf('Velocities calculated from small baseline interferograms\n') else group_type='v'; %TEMPsb_invert_uw; % Added to make sure if the network is changed it is updated forced_sm_flag=1; end elseif strcmpi(group_type(1),'d') if strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') & strcmp(group_type(1),'d') group_type='dsb'; fprintf('DEM error calculated from small baseline interferograms\n') else group_type='d'; forced_sm_flag=1; end end % only allow TS option for 'v' and 'V' options if ts_flag==1 && ~(strcmp(group_type,'v')) fprintf('\n\n''ts'' option can only be called for:\n -SM: ''v''-options\n -SB to SM inverted: ''V''-options\n') error('Incorrect value-type for ''ts'' option') end if strcmp(value_type(1),'u') || strcmp(value_type(1),'a') if length(value_type)>=3 if strcmp(value_type(1:3),'usb') || strcmp(value_type(1:3),'asb') forced_sm_flag=0; else forced_sm_flag=1; end else forced_sm_flag=1; end end % related to the oscilator drift correction - envisat only if forced_sm_flag==1 [ph_unw_eni_osci,v_envi_osci] = env_oscilator_corr([],forced_sm_flag); else % Compute the envisat oscialator drift when needed [ph_unw_eni_osci,v_envi_osci] = env_oscilator_corr; end % Separate tide t from topography hgt option value_type=lower(value_type); aps_tide_iono_flag = 1; % do the checks anyway, but make sure its not hgt option if length(value_type)>=3 if strcmpi(value_type(1:3),'hgt') aps_tide_iono_flag = 0; end end if aps_tide_iono_flag==1 % Check if the tropopsheric needs to be inverted from SB to PS if strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') && ~isempty(strfind(value_type,'a')) && isempty(strfind(value_type,'sb')) && (strcmpi(group_type,'vsb'))==0 if isempty(strfind(value_type,'w')) if (strcmpi(group_type,'vs'))==1 && use_small_baselines==0 % this is small baselines velocity with SB aps correction %TEMP sb_invert_aps(aps_flag); elseif (strcmpi(group_type,'vs'))~=1 % this is small baselines velocity with SB aps correction %TEMP sb_invert_aps(aps_flag); end end end % Check if the tidal correction needs to be inverted from SB to PS if strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') && ~isempty(strfind(value_type,'t')) && isempty(strfind(value_type,'sb')) && (strcmpi(group_type,'vsb'))==0 if isempty(strfind(value_type,'w')) if (strcmpi(group_type,'vs'))==1 && use_small_baselines==0 % this is small baselines velocity with SB tide correction sb_invert_tide; elseif (strcmpi(group_type,'vs'))~=1 % this is small baselines velocity with SB tide correction sb_invert_tide; end end end % Check if the ionopshere need to be inverted from SB to PS if strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') && ~isempty(strfind(value_type,'i')) && isempty(strfind(value_type,'sb')) && (strcmpi(group_type,'vsb'))==0 if isempty(strfind(value_type,'w')) if (strcmpi(group_type,'vs'))==1 && use_small_baselines==0 % this is small baselines velocity with SB aps correction sb_invert_iono(iono_flag); elseif (strcmpi(group_type,'vs'))~=1 % this is small baselines velocity with SB aps correction sb_invert_iono(iono_flag); end end end end switch(group_type) case {'hgt'} hgt = load(hgtname); ph_all=hgt.hgt; clear rc fig_name = 'hgt'; units='m'; plot_color_scheme_old = getparm('plot_color_scheme'); setparm('plot_color_scheme','GMT_globe'); case {'w'} if exist(rcname,'file') rc=load(rcname); ph_all=rc.ph_rc; else rc=load(phname);; end % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all.*exp(-j*ph_unw_eni_osci); if ref_ifg~=0 ph_all=ph_all.*conj(repmat(rc.ph_reref(:,ref_ifg),1,n_ifg)); end clear rc fig_name = 'w'; case {'w-a'} if exist(rcname,'file') rc=load(rcname); ph_all=rc.ph_rc; else rc=load(phname);; end if strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') aps=load(apssbname); else aps=load(apsname); end [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all.*exp(-j*ph_unw_eni_osci).*exp(-j*aps_corr); if ref_ifg~=0 ph_all=ph_all.*conj(repmat(rc.ph_reref(:,ref_ifg),1,n_ifg)); end clear rc clear aps aps_corr fig_name = ['w-a' fig_name_tca]; case {'w-da'} if exist(rcname,'file') rc=load(rcname); ph_all=rc.ph_rc; else rc=load(phname);; end if ~strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') scla=load(sclasmoothname); else scla=load(sclasbsmoothname); end if strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') aps=load(apssbname); else aps=load(apsname); end [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all.*exp(-j*ph_unw_eni_osci).*exp(-j*aps_corr).*exp(-j*scla.ph_scla); if ref_ifg~=0 ph_all=ph_all.*conj(repmat(rc.ph_reref(:,ref_ifg),1,n_ifg)); end clear rc clear aps aps_corr fig_name = ['w-da' fig_name_tca]; case {'wa'} if strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') aps=load(apssbname); else aps=load(apsname); end [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_all = exp(-j*aps_corr); ix = sum(ph_all~=1)==0; ph_all(:,ix)=complex(1,1); if ref_ifg~=0 % ph_all=ph_all.*conj(repmat(rc.ph_reref(:,ref_ifg),1,n_ifg)); end clear aps aps_corr fig_name = ['wa' fig_name_tca]; case {'w-d'} rc=load(rcname); ph_all=rc.ph_rc; if ~strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') scla=load(sclasmoothname); else scla=load(sclasbsmoothname); end ph_all=ph_all.*exp(-j*scla.ph_scla); % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all.*exp(-j*ph_unw_eni_osci); if ref_ifg~=0 ph_all=ph_all.*conj(repmat(rc.ph_reref(:,ref_ifg),1,n_ifg)); end clear rc scla fig_name = 'w-d'; case {'w-o'} rc=load(rcname); ph_all=rc.ph_rc; if strcmp('n',scla_deramp) disp('Warning: scla_deramp flag set to n. Set to y and rerun Step 7 before using the -o plot command.') return; end if ~strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') scla=load(sclaname); else scla=load(sclasbname); end % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all.*exp(-j*ph_unw_eni_osci); if sum(sum(ph_unw_eni_osci))~=0 fprintf('Warning: note that the oscilator drift is also removed, make sure that the ramp is estimated after correction \n') end ph_all=ph_all.*exp(-j*scla.ph_ramp); if ref_ifg~=0 ph_all=ph_all.*conj(repmat(rc.ph_reref(:,ref_ifg),1,n_ifg)); end clear rc scla fig_name = 'w-o'; case {'w-do'} rc=load(rcname); ph_all=rc.ph_rc; if strcmp('n',scla_deramp) disp('Warning: scla_deramp flag set to n. Set to y and rerun Step 7 before using the -o plot command.') return; end if ~strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') scla=load(sclasmoothname); else scla=load(sclasbsmoothname); end ph_all=ph_all.*exp(-j*(scla.ph_scla+scla.ph_ramp)); % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all.*exp(-j*ph_unw_eni_osci); if sum(sum(ph_unw_eni_osci))~=0 fprintf('Warning: note that the oscilator drift is also removed, make sure that the ramp is estimated after correction \n') end if ref_ifg~=0 ph_all=ph_all.*conj(repmat(rc.ph_reref(:,ref_ifg),1,n_ifg)); end clear rc scla fig_name = 'w-do'; case {'w-dm'} rc=load(rcname); ph_all=rc.ph_rc; if ~strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') scla=load(sclasmoothname); else scla=load(sclasbsmoothname); end ph_all=ph_all.*exp(-j*scla.ph_scla); ph_all=ph_all.*repmat(exp(-j*scla.C_ps_uw),1,size(ph_all,2)); % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all.*exp(-j*ph_unw_eni_osci); ph_all(:,ps.master_ix)=1; if ref_ifg~=0 ph_all=ph_all.*conj(repmat(rc.ph_reref(:,ref_ifg),1,n_ifg)); end clear rc scla fig_name = 'w-dm'; case {'w-dmo'} rc=load(rcname); ph_all=rc.ph_rc; if strcmp('n',scla_deramp) disp('Warning: scla_deramp flag set to n. Set to y and rerun Step 7 before using the -o plot command.') return; end if ~strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') scla=load(sclasmoothname); else scla=load(sclasbsmoothname); end ph_all=ph_all.*exp(-j*(scla.ph_scla+scla.ph_ramp)); ph_all=ph_all.*repmat(exp(-j*scla.C_ps_uw),1,size(ph_all,2)); % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all.*exp(-j*ph_unw_eni_osci); if sum(sum(ph_unw_eni_osci))~=0 fprintf('Warning: note that the oscilator drift is also removed, make sure that the ramp is estimated after correction \n') end ph_all(:,ps.master_ix)=1; if ref_ifg~=0 ph_all=ph_all.*conj(repmat(rc.ph_reref(:,ref_ifg),1,n_ifg)); end clear rc scla fig_name = 'w-dmo'; case {'u'} phuw=load(phuwname); ph_all=phuw.ph_uw; % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; clear phuw ref_ps=ps_setref; fig_name = 'u'; units='rad'; case {'usb'} uw=load(phuwsbname); ph_all=uw.ph_uw; % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; clear uw ref_ps=ps_setref; textsize=0; fig_name = 'usb'; case {'dsb'} scla=load(sclasbname,'K_ps_uw'); ph_all=scla.K_ps_uw; clear scla ref_ps=ps_setref; units='rad/m'; fig_name = 'dsb'; case {'usb-d'} uw=load(phuwsbname); scla=load(sclasbname); ph_all=uw.ph_uw - scla.ph_scla; % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; clear uw scla ref_ps=ps_setref; textsize=0; fig_name = 'usb-d'; case {'usb-o'} uw=load(phuwsbname); ph_all=uw.ph_uw; % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; % deramping ifgs [ph_all] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_all); clear uw scla ref_ps=ps_setref; textsize=0; fig_name = 'usb-o'; units='rad'; case {'usb-do'} uw=load(phuwsbname); scla=load(sclasbname); ph_all=uw.ph_uw - scla.ph_scla; % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; % deramping ifgs [ph_all] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_all); clear uw scla ref_ps=ps_setref; textsize=0; fig_name = 'usb-do'; case {'usb-a'} uw=load(phuwsbname); aps=load(apssbname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['usb-a' fig_name_tca]; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - aps_corr; clear uw aps aps_corr % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; ref_ps=ps_setref; textsize=0; case {'usb-ai'} uw=load(phuwsbname); aps=load(apssbname); % removing troposphere [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); iono=load(ionosbname); % removing ionopshere [iono_corr,fig_name_ica] = ps_plot_ica(iono,iono_flag); fig_name = ['usb-ai' fig_name_tca ' ' fig_name_ica]; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - aps_corr - iono_corr; clear uw aps aps_corr % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; ref_ps=ps_setref; textsize=0; case {'usb-ao'} uw=load(phuwsbname); aps=load(apssbname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['usb-ao' fig_name_tca]; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - aps_corr; clear uw aps aps_corr % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; % deramping ifgs [ph_all] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_all); ref_ps=ps_setref; textsize=0; case {'usb-da'} uw=load(phuwsbname); scla=load(sclasbname); aps=load(apssbname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['usb-da' fig_name_tca]; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr; clear uw scla aps aps_corr % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; ref_ps=ps_setref; textsize=0; case {'usb-dai'} uw=load(phuwsbname); scla=load(sclasbname); aps=load(apssbname); iono=load(ionosbname); [iono_corr,fig_name_ica] = ps_plot_ica(iono,iono_flag); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['usb-dai' fig_name_tca ' ' fig_name_ica] ; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr -iono_corr; clear uw scla aps aps_corr % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; ref_ps=ps_setref; textsize=0; case {'usb-dao'} uw=load(phuwsbname); scla=load(sclasbname); aps=load(apssbname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['usb-dao' fig_name_tca]; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr; clear uw scla aps aps_corr % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; % deramping ifgs [ph_all] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_all); ref_ps=ps_setref; textsize=0; case {'rsb'} uw=load(phuwsbname); res=load(phuwsbresname); ph_all=zeros(size(uw.ph_uw)); ph_all(:,unwrap_ifg_index_sb)=uw.ph_uw(:,unwrap_ifg_index_sb)-res.ph_res(:,unwrap_ifg_index_sb); clear uw ref_ps=ps_setref; textsize=0; fig_name = 'rsb'; case {'rsb-o'} uw=load(phuwsbname); res=load(phuwsbresname); ph_all=zeros(size(uw.ph_uw)); ph_all(:,unwrap_ifg_index_sb)=uw.ph_uw(:,unwrap_ifg_index_sb)-res.ph_res(:,unwrap_ifg_index_sb); [ph_all] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_all ); clear uw ref_ps=ps_setref; textsize=0; fig_name = 'rsb-o'; case {'asb'} aps=load(apssbname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['asb' fig_name_tca]; fig_name = [fig_name fig_name_suffix]; ph_all=aps_corr; % when plotting spatial maps of K do not re-reference the data! if aps_flag~=11 ref_ps=ps_setref; end textsize=0; case {'tsb'} tide=load(tidesbname); fig_name = ['tsb']; ph_all= tide.ph_tide; ref_ps=ps_setref; case {'isb'} iono=load(ionosbname); %ph_all=exp(j*ph_scn); [iono_corr,fig_name_ica] = ps_plot_ica(iono,iono_flag); fig_name = ['isb' fig_name_ica]; fig_name = [fig_name fig_name_suffix]; ph_all=iono_corr; clear iono iono_corr ref_ps=ps_setref; case {'asb-o'} aps=load(apssbname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['asb-o' fig_name_tca]; fig_name = [fig_name fig_name_suffix]; ph_all=aps_corr; clear aps aps_corr % deramping ifgs [ph_all] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_all); ref_ps=ps_setref; textsize=0; case {'u-dms'} uw=load(phuwname); scn=load(scnname); scla=load(sclaname); ph_all=uw.ph_uw - scn.ph_scn_slave - repmat(scla.C_ps_uw,1,size(uw.ph_uw,2)) - scla.ph_scla; clear uw scn scla % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; ph_all(:,ps.master_ix)=0; ref_ps=ps_setref; fig_name = 'u-dms'; case {'u-dm'} uw=load(phuwname); scla=load(sclaname); ph_all=uw.ph_uw; %ph_all(:,unwrap_ifg_index)=ph_all(:,unwrap_ifg_index) - repmat(scla.C_ps_uw,1,length(unwrap_ifg_index)); %ph_all(:,unwrap_ifg_index) = ph_all(:,unwrap_ifg_index) - scla.ph_scla(:,unwrap_ifg_index); ph_all=uw.ph_uw - repmat(scla.C_ps_uw,1,size(uw.ph_uw,2)) - scla.ph_scla; % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; ph_all(:,master_ix)=0; clear uw scla ref_ps=ps_setref; fig_name = 'u-dm'; case {'u-dmo'} uw=load(phuwname); scla=load(sclaname); ph_all=uw.ph_uw; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - repmat(scla.C_ps_uw,1,size(uw.ph_uw,2)) - scla.ph_scla; % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; % deramping ifgs [ph_all] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_all); ph_all(:,master_ix)=0; clear uw scla ref_ps=ps_setref; fig_name = 'u-dmo'; case {'u-da'} uw=load(phuwname); scla=load(sclaname); aps=load(apsname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['u-da' fig_name_tca]; ph_all=uw.ph_uw; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr; % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; ph_all(:,master_ix)=0; clear uw scla aps aps_corr ref_ps=ps_setref; case {'u-dai'} uw=load(phuwname); scla=load(sclaname); aps=load(apsname); iono=load(iononame); [iono_corr,fig_name_ica] = ps_plot_ica(iono,iono_flag); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['u-dai' fig_name_tca ' ' fig_name_ica]; ph_all=uw.ph_uw; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr - iono_corr; % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; ph_all(:,master_ix)=0; clear uw scla aps aps_corr ref_ps=ps_setref; case {'u-dait'} uw=load(phuwname); scla=load(sclaname); aps=load(apsname); iono=load(iononame); tide=load(tidename); [iono_corr,fig_name_ica] = ps_plot_ica(iono,iono_flag); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['u-dait' fig_name_tca ' ' fig_name_ica]; ph_all=uw.ph_uw; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr - iono_corr- tide.ph_tide; % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; ph_all(:,master_ix)=0; clear uw scla aps aps_corr ref_ps=ps_setref; case {'u-dma'} error('This is not a valid option: you cannot remove atmosphere twice \n ') case {'u-dmao'} error('This is not a valid option: you cannot remove atmosphere twice \n ') case {'u-dmos'} uw=load(phuwname); scn=load(scnname); scla=load(sclaname); ph_all=uw.ph_uw - scn.ph_scn_slave - repmat(scla.C_ps_uw,1,size(uw.ph_uw,2)) - scla.ph_scla; clear uw scn scla % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; % deramping ifgs [ph_all] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_all); ph_all(:,ps.master_ix)=0; ref_ps=ps_setref; fig_name = 'u-dms'; case {'u-a'} uw=load(phuwname); aps=load(apsname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['u-a' fig_name_tca]; ph_all=uw.ph_uw; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - aps_corr; % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; if aps_band_flag~=1 ph_all(:,master_ix)=0; end clear uw aps aps_corr ref_ps=ps_setref; case {'u-ai'} uw=load(phuwname); aps=load(apsname); iono=load(iononame); [iono_corr,fig_name_ica] = ps_plot_ica(iono,iono_flag); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['u-ai' fig_name_tca ' ' fig_name_ica]; ph_all=uw.ph_uw; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - aps_corr - iono_corr; % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; if aps_band_flag~=1 ph_all(:,master_ix)=0; end clear uw aps aps_corr ref_ps=ps_setref; case {'u-ao'} uw=load(phuwname); aps=load(apsname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['u-ao' fig_name_tca]; ph_all=uw.ph_uw; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - aps_corr; % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; if aps_band_flag~=1 ph_all(:,master_ix)=0; end % deramping ifgs [ph_all] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_all); clear uw aps aps_corr ref_ps=ps_setref; case {'u-dao'} uw=load(phuwname); aps=load(apsname); scla=load(sclaname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['u-dao' fig_name_tca]; ph_all=uw.ph_uw; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - aps_corr - scla.ph_scla; if aps_band_flag~=1 ph_all(:,master_ix)=0; end % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; % deramping ifgs [ph_all] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_all); clear uw aps aps_corr scla ref_ps=ps_setref; case {'u-d'} uw=load(phuwname); scla=load(sclaname); ph_all=uw.ph_uw - scla.ph_scla; clear uw scla % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; ref_ps=ps_setref; fig_name = 'u-d'; case {'u-di'} uw=load(phuwname); scla=load(sclaname); iono=load(iononame); [iono_corr,fig_name_ica] = ps_plot_ica(iono,iono_flag); fig_name = ['u-di' fig_name_ica]; fig_name = [fig_name fig_name_suffix]; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - iono_corr; clear uw scla % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; ref_ps=ps_setref; case {'u-dit'} uw=load(phuwname); scla=load(sclaname); iono=load(iononame); tide=load(tidename); [iono_corr,fig_name_ica] = ps_plot_ica(iono,iono_flag); fig_name = ['u-dit' fig_name_ica]; fig_name = [fig_name fig_name_suffix]; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - iono_corr - tide.ph_tide; clear uw scla % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; ref_ps=ps_setref; case {'u-o'} uw=load(phuwname); ph_all = uw.ph_uw; % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; % deramping ifgs [ph_all] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_all); clear uw scla ref_ps=ps_setref; fig_name = 'u-o'; case {'u-do'} uw=load(phuwname); scla=load(sclaname); ph_all = uw.ph_uw - scla.ph_scla; % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; % deramping ifgs [ph_all] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_all); clear uw scla ref_ps=ps_setref; fig_name = 'u-do'; case {'u-m'} uw=load(phuwname); scla=load(sclaname); ph_all=uw.ph_uw; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - repmat(scla.C_ps_uw,1,size(uw.ph_uw,2)); ph_all(:,master_ix)=0; clear uw scla % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; ref_ps=ps_setref; fig_name = 'u-m'; case {'i'} iono=load(iononame); [iono_corr,fig_name_ica] = ps_plot_ica(iono,iono_flag); fig_name = ['i' fig_name_ica]; fig_name = [fig_name fig_name_suffix]; ph_all=iono_corr; clear iono iono_corr ref_ps=ps_setref; case {'u-i'} uw=load(phuwname); iono=load(iononame); [iono_corr,fig_name_ica] = ps_plot_ica(iono,iono_flag); fig_name = ['u-i' fig_name_ica]; fig_name = [fig_name fig_name_suffix]; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - iono_corr; ph_all(:,master_ix)=0; clear uw scla % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; ref_ps=ps_setref; case {'t'} tide=load(tidename); fig_name = ['t']; ph_all= tide.ph_tide; ref_ps=ps_setref; case {'a'} aps=load(apsname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['a' fig_name_tca]; fig_name = [fig_name fig_name_suffix]; ph_all=aps_corr; clear aps aps_corr if aps_flag~=11 ref_ps=ps_setref; else units = ['rad/m^{\alpha}']; end case {'a-o'} aps=load(apsname); %ph_all=exp(j*ph_scn); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['a-o' fig_name_tca]; fig_name = [fig_name fig_name_suffix]; ph_all=aps_corr; % deramping ifgs [ph_all] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_all); clear aps aps_corr ref_ps=ps_setref; case {'s'} scn=load(scnname); %ph_all=exp(j*ph_scn); ph_all=scn.ph_scn_slave; clear scn ref_ps=ps_setref; fig_name = 's'; case {'u-s'} uw=load(phuwname); scn=load(scnname); ph_all=uw.ph_uw; ph_all=uw.ph_uw - scn.ph_scn_slave; ph_all(:,master_ix)=0; clear uw scla % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_all = ph_all-ph_unw_eni_osci; ref_ps=ps_setref; fig_name = 'u-s'; case {'m'} %scn=load(scnname); %ph_all=scn.ph_scn_master; %clear scn scla=load(sclaname); ph_all=scla.C_ps_uw; clear scla ref_ps=ps_setref; fig_name = 'm'; case {'d'} scla=load(sclaname,'K_ps_uw'); ph_all=scla.K_ps_uw; %if exist([pmname,'.mat'],'file') % pm=load(pmname,'K_ps'); % ph_all=ph_all+pm.K_ps; %end clear scla ref_ps=ps_setref; units='rad/m'; fig_name = 'd'; case {'o'} if strcmp('n',scla_deramp) disp('Warning: scla_deramp flag set to n. Set to y and rerun Step 7 before using the -o plot command.') return; end scla=load(sclaname); ph_all=scla.ph_ramp; clear scla ref_ps=ps_setref; fig_name = 'o'; case {'v'} uw=load(phuwname); ph_uw=uw.ph_uw; % subtract of oscilator drift in case of envisat ph_uw = ph_uw-ph_unw_eni_osci; clear uw switch(value_type) case {'v'} fig_name = 'v'; case {'v-d'} scla=load(sclaname); if isfield(scla,'C_ps_uw') ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - repmat(scla.C_ps_uw,1,size(ph_uw,2)); % master phase doesn't effect plot, but better for ts plot else ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla; end clear scla fig_name = 'v-d'; case {'v-o'} ph_uw=ph_uw; % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); clear scla fig_name = 'v-o'; case {'v-do'} scla=load(sclaname); ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla; % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); clear scla fig_name = 'v-do'; case {'v-s'} scn=load(scnname); ph_uw=ph_uw - scn.ph_scn_slave; clear scn fig_name = 'v-s'; case {'v-so'} scn=load(scnname); ph_uw=ph_uw - scn.ph_scn_slave; clear scn % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); fig_name = 'v-so'; case {'v-dso'} scla=load(sclaname); scn=load(scnname); ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - scn.ph_scn_slave; clear scla scn % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); fig_name = 'v-dso'; case {'v-a'} aps=load(apsname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['v-a' fig_name_tca]; ph_uw=ph_uw - aps_corr; clear scla aps aps_corr case {'v-ao'} aps=load(apsname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['v-ao' fig_name_tca]; ph_uw=ph_uw - aps_corr; clear scla aps aps_corr % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); case {'v-da'} scla=load(sclaname); aps=load(apsname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['v-da' fig_name_tca]; ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr; clear scla aps aps_corr case {'v-dai'} scla=load(sclaname); aps=load(apsname); iono=load(iononame); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); [iono_corr,fig_name_ica] = ps_plot_ica(iono,iono_flag); fig_name = ['v-dai' fig_name_tca ' ' fig_name_ica]; ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr - iono_corr; clear scla aps aps_corr iono_corr case {'v-dait'} scla=load(sclaname); aps=load(apsname); iono=load(iononame); tide=load(tidename); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); [iono_corr,fig_name_ica] = ps_plot_ica(iono,iono_flag); fig_name = ['v-dait' fig_name_tca ' ' fig_name_ica]; ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr -iono_corr - tide.ph_tide; clear scla aps aps_corr iono_corr case {'vt'} tide=load(tidename); fig_name = ['vt']; ph_uw= tide.ph_tide; case {'vi'} iono=load(iononame); [iono_corr,fig_name_ica] = ps_plot_ica(iono,iono_flag); fig_name = ['vi' fig_name_ica]; ph_uw= iono_corr; case {'v-dao'} scla=load(sclaname); aps=load(apsname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['v-dao' fig_name_tca]; ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr; % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); clear scla aps aps_corr case {'v-ds'} scla=load(sclaname); scn=load(scnname); ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - scn.ph_scn_slave; clear scla scn fig_name = 'v-ds'; case {'vdrop'} fig_name = 'vdrop'; case {'vdrop-d'} scla=load(sclaname); ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla; clear scla fig_name = 'vdrop-d'; case {'vdrop-o'} scla=load(sclaname); clear scla fig_name = 'vdrop-o'; % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); case {'vdrop-do'} scla=load(sclaname); ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla; clear scla fig_name = 'vdrop-do'; % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); case {'vdrop-dos'} scla=load(sclaname); scn=load(scnname); ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - scn.ph_scn_slave; clear scla scn fig_name = 'vdrop-dos'; % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); case {'vdrop-dao'} scla=load(sclaname); aps=load(apsname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['vdrop-dao' fig_name_tca]; ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr; % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); otherwise error('unknown value type') end if ts_flag==1 % master AOE doesn't effect v plot, but better for ts plot if exist([sclaname '.mat'],'file')==2 scla=load(sclaname,'C_ps_uw'); if isfield(scla,'C_ps_uw') ph_uw=ph_uw - repmat(scla.C_ps_uw,1,size(ph_uw,2)); clear scla else fprintf('Master atmosphere is not subtracted \n') end else fprintf('Master atmosphere is not subtracted \n') end end ph_all=zeros(n_ps,1); ref_ps=ps_setref; %AH2CHECK % % % % if unwrap_ifg_index(1)~=ps.master_ix & unwrap_ifg_index(end)~=ps.master_ix % % % % unwrap_ifg_index=setdiff(unwrap_ifg_index,ps.master_ix); % need to include it if not ifgs either side of master % % % % end %%%% change to always remove the master, not sure why to keep %%%% master in for first/last acquisition as the covariance matrix would %%%% be having a zeros row and column at master_ix unwrap_ifg_index=setdiff(unwrap_ifg_index,ps.master_ix); if ~isempty(ifg_list) unwrap_ifg_index=intersect(unwrap_ifg_index,ifg_list); ifg_list=[]; end ph_uw=ph_uw(:,unwrap_ifg_index); day=day(unwrap_ifg_index,:); %ph_uw=ph_uw-repmat(mean(ph_uw(ref_ps,:),1),n_ps,1); ph_uw=ph_uw-repmat(nanmean(ph_uw(ref_ps,:),1),n_ps,1); % Each ifg has master APS - slave APS, including master % (where slave APS = master APS) so OK to include master in inversion if strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') phuwres=load(phuwsbresname,'sm_cov'); if isfield(phuwres,'sm_cov'); sm_cov=phuwres.sm_cov(unwrap_ifg_index,unwrap_ifg_index); else sm_cov=eye(length(unwrap_ifg_index)); end else if ~exist([ifgstdname,'.mat',],'file') % ps_calc_ifg_std; sm_cov=eye(length(unwrap_ifg_index)); else ifgstd=load(ifgstdname); if isfield(ifgstd,'ifg_std'); ifgvar=(ifgstd.ifg_std*pi/181).^2; sm_cov=diag(ifgvar(unwrap_ifg_index)); else sm_cov=eye(length(unwrap_ifg_index)); end end end G=[ones(size(day)),day-master_day]; lambda=getparm('lambda'); if length(value_type)>4 & strcmpi(value_type(1:5),'vdrop') ph_all=zeros(size(ph_uw)); n=size(ph_uw,2); for i=1:n m=lscov(G([1:i-1,i+1:end],:),double(ph_uw(:,[1:i-1,i+1:n]))',sm_cov([1:i-1,i+1:end],[1:i-1,i+1:end])); ph_all(:,i)=-m(2,:)'*365.25/4/pi*lambda*1000; end else m=lscov(G,double(ph_uw'),sm_cov); ph_all=-m(2,:)'*365.25/4/pi*lambda*1000; % m(1,:) is master APS + mean deviation from model end try save mean_v m catch save ~/mean_v m fprintf('Warning: Read access only, velocities saved in home directory\n') end textsize=0; units='mm/yr'; % TS PLOT preparation if ts_flag==1 ts_flaghelper; % script to save neccessary matrices for TS plot end case {'vsb'} phuw=load(phuwsbname); ref_ps=ps_setref; ph_uw=phuw.ph_uw; % subtract of oscialtor drift in case of envisat ph_uw = ph_uw-ph_unw_eni_osci; clear phuw switch(value_type) case('v') fig_name = 'v'; case('v-d') scla=load(sclasbname); ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla; clear scla fig_name = 'v-d'; case {'v-a'} aps=load(apssbname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['v-a' fig_name_tca]; ph_uw=ph_uw - aps_corr; clear scla aps aps_corr case {'v-ao'} aps=load(apssbname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['v-ao' fig_name_tca]; ph_uw=ph_uw - aps_corr; clear scla aps aps_corr % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); case {'v-da'} scla=load(sclasbname); aps=load(apssbname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['v-da' fig_name_tca]; ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr; clear scla aps aps_corr case {'v-dai'} scla=load(sclasbname); aps=load(apssbname); iono=load(ionosbname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); [iono_corr,fig_name_ica] = ps_plot_ica(iono,iono_flag); fig_name = ['v-dai' fig_name_tca ' ' fig_name_ica]; ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr -iono_corr; clear scla aps aps_corr iono_corr case {'v-dat'} scla=load(sclasbname); aps=load(apssbname); tide=load(tidesbname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['v-dat' fig_name_tca]; ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr- tide.ph_tide; clear scla aps aps_corr case {'v-dait'} scla=load(sclasbname); aps=load(apssbname); iono=load(ionosbname); tide=load(tidesbname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); [iono_corr,fig_name_ica] = ps_plot_ica(iono,iono_flag); fig_name = ['v-dait' fig_name_tca ' ' fig_name_ica]; ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr -iono_corr - tide.ph_tide; clear scla aps aps_corr iono_corr case {'v-dao'} scla=load(sclasbname); aps=load(apssbname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['v-dao' fig_name_tca]; ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr; % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); clear scla aps aps_corr case('v-o') ph_uw=ph_uw; fig_name = 'v-o'; % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); case('v-do') scla=load(sclasbname); ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla ; ph_uw = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); clear scla fig_name = 'v-do'; case {'vdrop'} fig_name = 'vdrop'; case {'vdrop-d'} scla=load(sclasbname); ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla; clear scla fig_name = 'vdrop-d'; case {'vdrop-o'} scla=load(sclasbname); ph_uw=ph_uw; % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); clear scla fig_name = 'vdrop-o'; case {'vdrop-do'} scla=load(sclasbname); ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla; clear scla fig_name = 'vdrop-do'; % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); case {'vdrop-dao'} scla=load(sclasbname); aps=load(apssbname); [aps_corr,fig_name_tca] = ps_plot_tca(aps,aps_flag); fig_name = ['vdrop-dao' fig_name_tca]; ph_uw=ph_uw - scla.ph_scla - aps_corr; % deramping ifgs [ph_uw] = ps_deramp(ps,ph_uw); clear scla aps aps_corr otherwise error('unknown value type') end if ~isempty(ifg_list) unwrap_ifg_index_sb=intersect(unwrap_ifg_index_sb,ifg_list); ifg_list=[]; end ph_uw=ph_uw(:,unwrap_ifg_index_sb); phuwres=load(phuwsbresname,'sb_cov'); if isfield(phuwres,'sb_cov'); sb_cov=phuwres.sb_cov(unwrap_ifg_index_sb,unwrap_ifg_index_sb); else sb_cov=eye(length(unwrap_ifg_index_sb)); end ifgday_ix=ps.ifgday_ix(unwrap_ifg_index_sb,:); % fix for aps data that has a nan value in the reference area if sum(sum(isnan(ph_uw)))>0 for kk=1:size(ph_uw,2) ph_uw(:,kk)=ph_uw(:,kk)-repmat(mean(ph_uw(~isnan(ph_uw(:,kk)),kk),1),n_ps,1); end else ph_uw=ph_uw-repmat(mean(ph_uw(ref_ps,:),1),n_ps,1); end G=[ones(size(ifgday_ix(:,1))),day(ifgday_ix(:,2))-day(ifgday_ix(:,1))]; lambda=getparm('lambda'); if length(value_type)>4 & strcmpi(value_type(1:5),'vdrop') ph_all=zeros(size(ph_uw)); n=size(ph_uw,2); for i=1:n m=lscov(G([1:i-1,i+1:end],:),double(ph_uw(:,[1:i-1,i+1:n])'),sb_cov([1:i-1,i+1:end],[1:i-1,i+1:end])); ph_all(:,i)=-m(2,:)'*365.25/4/pi*lambda*1000; end else m=lscov(G,double(ph_uw'),sb_cov); ph_all=-m(2,:)'*365.25/4/pi*lambda*1000; end try save mean_v m catch save ~/mean_v m fprintf('Warning: Read access only, velocities saved in home directory\n') end textsize=0; units='mm/yr'; case {'p'} pm=load(pmname); ph_all=pm.ph_patch./abs(pm.ph_patch); if n_ifg~=size(ph_all,2) ph_all=[ph_all(:,1:ps.master_ix-1),zeros(ps.n_ps,1),ph_all(:,ps.master_ix:end)]; end clear pm if ref_ifg~=0 ph_all=ph_all.*repmat(conj(ph_all(:,ref_ifg)),1,n_ifg); ph_all(:,ref_ifg)=1; % may not be so because of rounding errors end fig_name = 'p'; case {'wf'} uw=load('uw_grid'); gridix=zeros(size(uw.nzix)); gridix(uw.nzix)=[1:uw.n_ps]; ph_all=zeros(ps.n_ps,uw.n_ifg); for i=1:ps.n_ps ph_all(i,:),1),uw.grid_ij(i,2)),:); end clear uw if ref_ifg~=0 ph_all=ph_all.*conj(repmat(ph_all(:,ref_ifg),1,n_ifg)); end fig_name = 'wf'; case {'vs'} % fig_name_tca=ps_mean_v_cov(ifg_list,800,value_type(4:end),use_small_baselines,aps_flag,reference_flag); fig_name_tca=ps_mean_v(ifg_list,1500,value_type(4:end),use_small_baselines,aps_flag); ifg_list=[]; mv=load(meanvname); ph_all=mv.mean_v_std; units='mm/yr'; fig_name = [value_type fig_name_tca]; otherwise error('unknown value type') end else ph_all = value_type; ref_ps=ps_setref; fig_name = 'data'; value_type = 'data'; if size(ph_all,2)~=ps.n_ifg ifg_list=[]; end end if isempty(ifg_list) ifg_list=1:size(ph_all,2); end n_ifg_plot=length(ifg_list); xgap=0.1; ygap=0.2; [Y,X]=meshgrid([0.7:-1*ygap:0.1],[0.1:xgap:0.8]); if ~isempty(lon_rg) ix=lonlat(:,1)>=lon_rg(1)&lonlat(:,1)<=lon_rg(2); lonlat=lonlat(ix,:); end if ~isempty(lat_rg) ix=lonlat(:,2)>=lat_rg(1)&lonlat(:,2)<=lat_rg(2); lonlat=lonlat(ix,:); end max_xy=llh2local([max(lonlat),0]',[min(lonlat),0]); fig_ar=4/3; % aspect ratio of figure window useratio=1; % max fraction of figure window to use n_i=max_xy(2)*1000; n_j=max_xy(1)*1000; ar=max_xy(1)/max_xy(2); % aspect ratio (x/y) if n_x==0 n_y=ceil(sqrt((n_ifg_plot)*ar/fig_ar)); % number of plots in y direction n_x=ceil((n_ifg_plot)/n_y); fixed_fig = 1; % figure with fixed aspect ratio else n_y=ceil((n_ifg_plot)/n_x); fixed_fig = 0; end d_x=useratio/n_x; d_y=d_x/ar*fig_ar; if d_y>useratio/n_y & fixed_fig==1 % TS figure exceeds fig size d_y=useratio/n_y; d_x=d_y*ar/fig_ar; h_y=0.95*d_y; h_x=h_y*ar/fig_ar; fig_size=0; elseif d_y>useratio/n_y & fixed_fig==0 h_y=0.95*d_y; h_x=h_y*ar/fig_ar; y_scale = d_y*n_y; d_y=d_y/y_scale; fig_size=1; % check to indicate fig needs to be adapted h_y=0.95*d_y; else h_y=0.95*d_y; h_x=h_y*ar/fig_ar; fig_size=0; end y=1-d_y:-d_y:0; x=1-useratio:d_x:1-d_x; [imY,imX]=meshgrid(y,x); if textsize==0 textsize=round(10*4/n_x); if textsize>16 textsize=16; elseif textsize<8 textsize=8; end end l_t=1/9*abs(textsize)/10; % text length h_t=1/50*abs(textsize)/10; % text height x_t=round((h_x-l_t)/h_x/2*n_j); y_t=round(h_t*1.2/h_y*n_i); ph_disp=ph_all(:,ifg_list); if isreal(ph_all) if ref_ifg~=0 if ref_ifg==-1 ph_disp=ph_disp-[ph_disp(:,1),ph_disp(:,1:end-1)]; else ph_disp=ph_disp-repmat(ph_all(:,ref_ifg),1,size(ph_disp,2)); end else ref_ifg=master_ix; end if ref_ps~=0 ref_ph=(ph_disp(ref_ps,:)); mean_ph=zeros(1,size(ph_disp,2)); for i=1:size(ph_disp,2) mean_ph(i)=mean(ref_ph(~isnan(ref_ph(:,i)),i),1); if isnan(mean_ph(i)) mean_ph(i)=0; fprintf(['Interferogram (' num2str(i) ') does not have a reference area\n']) end end clear i ph_disp=ph_disp-repmat(mean_ph,n_ps,1); end phsort=sort(ph_disp(~isnan(ph_disp))); if isempty(lims) maxph=phsort(round(length(phsort)*.999)); minph=phsort(ceil(length(phsort)*.001)); lims=[minph,maxph]; if isempty(lims)==1 fprintf(['Interferograms do not contain data.\n']) end end else if ref_ifg==0 ref_ifg=master_ix; elseif ref_ifg==-1 ph_disp=ph_disp.*conj([ph_disp(:,1),ph_disp(:,1:end-1)]); end if ref_ps~=0 ph_disp=ph_disp./abs(ph_disp); ref_ph=(ph_disp(ref_ps,:)); mean_ph=zeros(1,size(ph_disp,2)); for i=1:size(ph_disp,2) mean_ph(i)=sum(ref_ph(~isnan(ref_ph(:,i)),i)); end clear i ph_disp=ph_disp.*conj(repmat(mean_ph,n_ps,1)); end lims=[-pi,pi]; end if plot_flag==-1 %savename=['~/ps_plot_',value_type] h_fig=[]; lims=[]; ifg_data_RMSE=[]; h_axes_all=[]; savename=['ps_plot_',value_type] try stamps_save(savename,ph_disp,ifg_list) catch stamps_save(['~/',savename],ph_disp,ifg_list) fprintf('Warning: Read access only, values in home directory instead\n') end else h_fig = figure; set(gcf,'renderer','zbuffer','name',fig_name) if fig_size==1 Position = get(gcf,'Position'); Position(1,2)=50; Position(1,4)=Position(1,2)+Position(1,4)*y_scale; set(gcf,'Position',Position) end i_im=0; ifg_data_RMSE=NaN([size(ph_disp,2) 1]) ; if size(ifg_list,1)>1 ifg_list = ifg_list'; end for i=ifg_list i_im=i_im+1; if n_ifg_plot>1 h_axes = axes('position',[imX(i_im),imY(i_im),h_x,h_y]); set(h_axes,'Xcolor',[1 1 1]); % [DB] remove the contours of the axes figure set(h_axes,'Ycolor',[1 1 1]); h_axes_all(i)=h_axes; clear h_axes else h_axes_all(i)=gca; end % check if external data is requested to be plotted if ext_data_flag==1 if exist(ext_data_path,'file')==2 % this is an individual file identical for each ifgs loadname=ext_data_path; else if size(day,1)==size(ph_all,2) && strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') % This is for external data for a SB to a SM inverted network if aps_band_flag==1 fprintf('Still to do') keyboard else % checking if there is data for this interferogram loadname = [ext_data_path filesep datestr(,1),'yyyymmdd') '_' datestr(ps.master_day,'yyyymmdd') '.mat']; end else % This is external data for a SM or SB network. It is not a % SB to SM inverted network. % The path is specified if aps_band_flag==1 % checking if there is data for this interferogram loadname = [ext_data_path filesep datestr(ps.ifgday(ifg_number,1),'yyyymmdd') '_' datestr(ps.ifgday(ifg_number,2),'yyyymmdd') '.mat']; else % checking if there is data for this interferogram loadname = [ext_data_path filesep datestr(ps.ifgday(i,1),'yyyymmdd') '_' datestr(ps.ifgday(i,2),'yyyymmdd') '.mat']; end end end if exist(loadname,'file')==2 % loading of the data ext_data = load(loadname); % Checking if there is a ph_disp variable stored in the files if isfield(ext_data,{'ph_disp'}) % Correct the data with respect to the minimization of the % residual between this dataset and the data % convert to a local reference n_data_points = size(ext_data.lonlat,1); data_xy=llh2local(ext_data.lonlat',ps.ll0)*1000; ps_xy=llh2local(ps.lonlat',ps.ll0)*1000; dist_sq=(repmat(ps_xy(1,:)',1,n_data_points) -repmat(data_xy(1,:),ps.n_ps,1)).^2+(repmat(ps_xy(2,:)',1,n_data_points) -repmat(data_xy(2,:),ps.n_ps,1)).^2; for kk=1:n_data_points ref_data= (dist_sq(:,kk)<=ref_radius_data^2); if sum(ref_data)>0 ifg_mean_data_point(kk,1) = mean(ph_disp(ref_data,i_im)); else ifg_mean_data_point(kk,1) = NaN; end end clear ref_data if ~isempty(ifg_mean_data_point) && sum(isnan(ifg_mean_data_point))~=n_data_points % mean residual ext_data.mean_residual = mean(ext_data.ph_disp(~isnan(ifg_mean_data_point),1)-ifg_mean_data_point(~isnan(ifg_mean_data_point))); % correct data phases ext_data.ph_disp(:,1) = ext_data.ph_disp(:,1)-ext_data.mean_residual; % computing the RMSE ext_data.residual = ext_data.ph_disp(~isnan(ifg_mean_data_point),1)-ifg_mean_data_point(~isnan(ifg_mean_data_point)); ext_data.RMSE = sqrt(mean((ext_data.residual).^2)); clear ifg_mean_data_point ifg_data_RMSE(i)=ext_data.RMSE; else fprintf(['No observation within the ref_radius_data, increase the size. \n']) fprintf(['External data not plotted for this interferogram. \n']) ext_data = []; end clear mean_data_point_residual % % correct the data with respect to the reference area % point_ref = ps_setref(ext_data); % ext_data.ph_disp(:,1) = ext_data.ph_disp(:,1)-mean(ext_data.ph_disp(point_ref,1)); end else ext_data = []; end else ext_data = []; end ps_plot_ifg(ph_disp(:,i_im),plot_flag,lims,lon_rg,lat_rg,ext_data); %plot_phase(ph_tc(:,i)*conj(ph_tc(ref_ix,i))); box on if n_ifg_plot>1 set(gca,'yticklabel',[]) set(gca,'xticklabel',[]) end xlim=get(gca,'xlim'); x_t=(h_x-l_t)/2/h_x*(xlim(2)-xlim(1))+xlim(1); ylim=get(gca,'ylim'); if textsize>0 y_t=(h_y-1.2*h_t)/h_y*(ylim(2)-ylim(1))+ylim(1); else y_t=(0.5*h_t)/h_y*(ylim(2)-ylim(1))+ylim(1); end %xlabel([num2str((day(i)/365.25),3),'yr, ',num2str(round(bperp(i))),'m']) if textsize~=0 & size(day,1)==size(ph_all,2) & aps_band_flag==0 && (strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'n') | strcmpi(value_type(1),'s')) % text for SM ifgs t=text(x_t,y_t,[datestr(day(i),'dd mmm yyyy')]); set(t,'fontweight','bold','color',textcolor,'fontsize',abs(textsize)) elseif textsize~=0 & size(day,1)==size(ph_all,2) & aps_band_flag==0 && forced_sm_flag==1 % text for SM ifgs when inverting from SBAS t=text(x_t,y_t,[datestr(day(i),'dd mmm yyyy')]); set(t,'fontweight','bold','color',textcolor,'fontsize',abs(textsize)) elseif textsize~=0 & ps.n_ifg==size(ph_all,2) & aps_band_flag==0 && strcmpi(small_baseline_flag,'y') % text for SB ifgs t=text(x_t,y_t,[' ifg ' num2str(i)]); set(t,'fontweight','bold','color',textcolor,'fontsize',abs(textsize)) elseif textsize~=0 & size(bands,1)==size(ph_all,2) & aps_band_flag==1 % text for band filtered data t=text(x_t,y_t,[num2str(round((bands(i,1)/100))*100/1000) ' - ' num2str(round((bands(i,2)/100))*100/1000) ' km']); set(t,'fontweight','bold','color',textcolor,'fontsize',abs(textsize)) end if cbar_flag==0 & (i==ref_ifg | (isempty(intersect(ref_ifg,ifg_list)) & i==ifg_list(1))) if n_ifg_plot>1 h=colorbar('South'); xlim=get(h,'xlim'); set(h,'xlim',[xlim(2)-64,xlim(2)]) else %h=colorbar('SouthOutside'); h = colorbar('peer',gca); ylim=get(h,'ylim'); set(h,'ylim',[ylim(2)-64,ylim(2)]) end if diff(lims)>1 | diff(lims)==0 plotlims=round(lims*10)/10; else limorder=ceil(-log10(diff(lims)))+2; plotlims=round(lims*10^limorder)/10^limorder; end if n_ifg_plot>1 set(h,'xtick',[xlim(2)-64,xlim(2)],'Xticklabel',plotlims,'xcolor','k','ycolor',textcolor2,'fontweight','bold','color',textcolor2,'FontSize',abs(textsize)) h=xlabel(h,units); pos=get(h,'position'); pos(2)=pos(2)/2.2; set(h,'position',pos,'FontSize',abs(textsize)); else set(h,'ytick',[ylim(2)-64,ylim(2)],'yticklabel',plotlims,'xcolor','k','ycolor',textcolor2,'fontweight','bold','color',textcolor2,'FontSize',abs(textsize)) set(get(h,'ylabel'),'String',units,'FontSize',abs(textsize)) end end end end if ext_data_flag==1 for k=1:size(ifg_data_RMSE,1) if k==1 fprintf(['\nRMSE between interferogram(s) and external data \n']) end if aps_band_flag==1 fprintf(['Band' num2str(k) ' : ' num2str(ifg_data_RMSE(k)) '\n']); else if size(ifg_data_RMSE,1)==ps.n_ifg fprintf(['ifg ' num2str(k) ' \t ' datestr(ps.ifgday(k,1),'yyyymmdd') '-' datestr(ps.ifgday(k,2),'yyyymmdd') ' \t ' num2str(ifg_data_RMSE(k)) '\n']); else fprintf(['dataset ' num2str(k) ' \t ' num2str(ifg_data_RMSE(k)) '\n']); end end end end if exist('plot_color_scheme_old','var')==1 setparm('plot_color_scheme',plot_color_scheme_old) end fprintf('Color Range: %g to %g %s\n',lims,units) if ts_flag == 1 figure(h_fig); clear all % clean up to save memory % Place button for new TS plots fPosition=get(gcf,'position'); % pos_new = [pos(1) pos(2)+0.1 pos(3) pos(4)-0.1] % new TS plot button mButton=uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'Callback', 'clear ph_uw; ts_plot',... 'String','TS plot', 'Position', [150 30 90 20] ); % if exist don't create % left bottom width height %mButtonposition=get(mButton,'Position') % new TS plot button for selecting two points and difference mButton=uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'Callback', 'clear ph_uw; ts_plotdiff',... 'String','TS double diff.', 'Position', [470 30 90 20] ); % % Radius Text boxes mTextBox=uicontrol('Style', 'edit','String','radius (m) ', 'Position',... [320 30 90 20] ); mEditBox=uicontrol('Style', 'edit','String','100', 'Position',... [410 30 30 20],'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1] ); % ts_plot % select a point then plot, for the first time. end