bubble_sort_linux.c - Bubble-Sort implementation operating on native Linux lists bubble_sort_linux_BUG.c - bubble_sort_linux.c with an injected bug dll_of_dll.c - NULL-terminated doubly-linked list of doubly-linked lists dll_of_dll_BUG.c - dll_of_dll.c with an injected bug The program creates a doubly-linked list of doubly-linked lists, then destroys the shape in several phases. merge_sort.c - Merge-Sort algorithm operating on two level singly-linked lists merge_sort_BUG.c - merge_sort.c with an injected bug sll_to_dll_rev.c - conversion of singly-linked list to doubly-linked list sll_to_dll_rev_BUG.c - sll_to_dll_rev.c with an injected bug The program converts a singly-linked list to a doubly-linked list, reverses the list, and then coverts it back to a singly-linked list. *.cil.c - CIL-preprocessed sources (32bit arch)