Benchmarks in this directory are from the LDV Project. The set contains tasks that are used in the LDV project as regression tests. It consists of small programs that check for features rather than impose a high payload; some of these tests are inspired by the patterns they have spotted in the real device drivers code. *.i - CIL-preprocessed sources, with options "--printCilAsIs --domakeCFG", but without option "--dosimplify". (Only for documentation.) *.cil.cil.c - CIL-preprocessed sources (32-bit machine architecture) cilly.asm.exe --printCilAsIs --domakeCFG --dosimplify --no-convert-field-offsets --no-convert-direct-calls --envmachine short=2,2 int=4,4 long=4,4 long_long=8,4 pointer=4,4 enum=4,4 float=4,4 double=8,4 long_double=12,4 void=1 bool=1,1 fun=1,1 alignof_string=1 max_alignment=16 size_t=unsigned_int wchar_t=int char_signed=true const_string_literals=true big_endian=false __thread_is_keyword=true __builtin_va_list=true underscore_name=false