This directory contains verification tasks for checking memory safety. A verifications task consists of a C program and a property. __PROGRAM__ The C programs are defined in the category set 'MemorySafety.set'. __PROPERTY__ The property is: p_valid-free and p_valid-deref and p_valid-memtrack, where p_valid-free = "all memory deallocations are valid (counterexample: invalid free)", p_valid-deref = "all pointer dereferences are valid (counterexample: invalid dereference)", and p_valid-memtrack = "all allocated memory is tracked, i.e., pointed to or deallocated (counterexample: memory leak)". The verification task is to check if the following statement is correct: "The program satisfies p1 and p2 and p3." __RESULT__ The verification result is either: - "TRUE", or - "FALSE(p)", or - "UNKNOWN" with p in {p_valid-free, p_valid-deref, p_valid-memtrack}. The answer "TRUE" means that the program satisfies the property (the conjunction of all partial properties). The answer "FALSE(p)" means that the program violates the property p (p in {p_valid-free, p_valid-deref, p_valid-memtrack}) and a counterexample is produced. The answer "UNKNOWN" means that the tool cannot decide the problem or is implicitly given by a tool crash, time-out, or out-of-memory. __AGREEMENT__ All programs in this category violate at most one property p (p in {p_valid-free, p_valid-deref, p_valid-memtrack}).