@prefix rdfs: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix tmp: . @prefix xsd: . <1.sparql> a tmp:MappingFile . <#this> a tmp:MappingDescription ; rdfs:label "MarktStammdaten hydro to OEO" ; rdfs:comment "testing" ; tmp:hasMappingFile <1.sparql> ; tmp:hasDelimiter ";" ; tmp:hasQuotation "null" ; # thinking about this, but maybe can be generated insted of manually given tmp:testedVersion "01.04.00"^^xsd:string ; # how it should look like: artifact and file # that way artifact and file names are stable tmp:mainArtifact ; tmp:mainFile "bnetza-mastr_rli_type=hydro.csv.bz2" ; # how it looks like at the moment tmp:databusFixRequired tmp:a . # .