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Message ID: 790
Date: Wed Aug 4 06:32:11 BST 1999
Author: Mystik
Subject: fear plane

OMG that place is kewl!!!!! (: and the cleric only armor is nice...only
gotten one piece so far, and was lucky to get that....but other than
that, it's very fun....the armor is a deep purple...i took tons of
screens, and i'll send them out to you guys when i weed thru em in a day
or so...will get a pic of me in the armor so you can see it for
yourself...the stats on the bracer i got is like 9dex, 9cha, and 20
mana....no drop, as is all armor in there...BUT it's cleric
only...<sweeeeeet> don't know the stats on the bp or the sleeves, boots,
helm, etc, but i do know the legs add like 9 wis <drools>...anywoo, just
wanted to share my adventure for the night (:

(\/)ystix Spellchaser
lv 46 human cleric of The Rathe