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Message ID: 794
Date: Wed Aug 4 11:15:18 BST 1999
Author: Iyenya Goldenheart
Subject: Re: Kill stealing

One day i was in Mistmoore fighting a Vampiric Ancille near the zone border.
Someone was chased to zone by it. So i started casting Wrath on it. I was in
full group that time. There were some of my group meleeing the critter. And
some other people too. Then after i had two wraths on it a wizzie came in and
started blasting it. Needless to say who got the kill... eventhough i did 4
wraths on it with a total of 800 damage... the wizzie took it. In that case
the group damage thing would have helped us to get the kill... but well it
was just one little ancille. These thing don't happen very often in Mistmoore.
At least not to me and my group. But i was really puzzled after the fight...
what the heck... who took my groups kill... i did 800 damage to it... oh a
wizzie was casting on it... how many hp's do these critters have?

Iyenya Goldenheart
Lvl 30 dwarf cleric
Innoruuk server