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Message ID: 807
Date: Thu Aug 5 05:19:03 BST 1999
Author: The Scotts
Subject: Re: Fix for EQ....

hhehe no read all of his *Smart* ideads I look at them and see UO
Popping up in EQ...EH???
-----Original Message-----
From: Azor <jmaynus@...>
To: EQ-Clerics@onelist.com <EQ-Clerics@onelist.com>
Date: Wednesday, August 04, 1999 3:50 PM
Subject: [EQ-Clerics] Fix for EQ....

>From: "Azor" <jmaynus@...>
>Today on a newsgroup there was a post and it was some guys ideas on how to
>make EQ a lot better. For one he stated we should lose NO exp when we die,
>said traveling without armor or weapon to get our corpse is bad enough. I
>disagree, if we lost no exp then the game would be less hard to do. Die
>no punishment for dying would suck, even tho losing exp can suck but it's
>Another one was to have it to where magic users could only bind themselves
>in places that we can bind non-magic users. We're the ones doing the
>binding we have the right to be able to bind out side a city. Plus we're
>the ones NICE enough to bind non-magic users or people that just don't have
>bind yet.
>He also said we shouldn't be able to have our spell book back after we die
>till we loot our corpse. I see really nothing wrong with us having our
>spell book at all times, considering a warrior or monk can fight well
>without a weapon. We get attacked with no spells or weapon and we stand no
>chance unless its a very weak monster.
>So really all his ideas wouldn't fix EQ it would make it worse. Sounds
>he's just a angery warrior.
>Lvl 18 Human Cleric of the Rathe
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