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Message ID: 1002
Date: Tue Oct 19 18:12:55 BST 1999
Author: Catbik Tinkerton
Subject: My thoughts on pricing

>So I charged 20plat. Think it costs roughly 5-6
>plat to make depending on your faction. And take in consideration of
>failures and 20pp seems fair to me, especially considering the travel
>involved. Shall we be agreed on what to charge for this?

I've been trying to get the gnomes on Bertoxx to have a set price and not
have any undercutters. I myself was thinking 7pp for a pole.. but if you can
sell em for 20pp, I'm game. As for a spyglass I was thinking 40pp was a nice
set price, but again.. if people buy em for 75pp that sounds good too =) But
I'm positive we can sell a lot more if we charge double the cost of the
parts as opposed to 5x. I'd like to see what you guys have to say about this

It would be great if we can work together and all sell for the same price so
it's not like other trade skills where someone sells something for the cost
+ 1pp or something then when you try to sell your wares for the cost x 5 you
don't have some newbie yelling out "D00d I just bought my fishing pole for
5pp man this guy is rippin you all off." Yeah that was a run-on sentence.

Anyway I think it would be great if we could keep the tinkering market
controlled. I know we have a gnome guild on Bertoxx so it will be easy to
keep the items at a set price for awhile, and if you see anyone else
starting tinkering then tell em the deal too.

I think I worded all that right. yeah.

So what are your commments about what the fixed price for each item should
be? I'll start with this little table (thanks to Gnomad for the table from
his website =):

Animated Bait 4cp 5cp No one buys this anyway
Compass 4pp 5pp Evil races may want this
(note that compasses cost more to make since the pottery patch)
Flameless Lantern 2pp 2pp No one buys this anyway
Mechanized Lockpicks 18pp 40pp Still hard to sell
Bow Cam 15pp 30pp Sounds right
Stalking Probes 18pp 25pp? no clue
Spyglass 20pp 40pp 2x cost sounds right to me
Collapsible Fishing Pole 5pp 7pp Sounds ok
Gnomish Fireworks 5g Wait till this is fixed before we
even think of selling these =(

Also let's find a way to raise our faction with the merchants too so we pay
a lot less for those expensive components =) Also note that Merchant Faction
only affects the, umm.. "real" gnome merchants, not the clockwork
merchants... I think

Catbik Tinkerton
Champions of Brell
Lvl 30 Warlock
Bertoxx =)
PS. I got my skill to 61 last night! Whoo hoo!