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Message ID: 1263
Date: Sun Nov 7 03:49:33 GMT 1999
Author: Zinken
Subject: SV: Arghhhhhhh

Hi again

I Talked with GM Caphys of Veeshan alot today and he tried tinkering to.

The skill should not be level caped, it is like any outher trade skill outher then it cant be raised until you hit level 16. This is how it should work. If it does not then it is broken.
He told me that hes going to talk this over with the DV team and if i didnt hear anything from him then i should smack him around a little. He he he not realy . I�m going to hount him until he does not want to be a GM any more or they fix this. 1700 pp have i spent since reaching a skill of 80 and still no improvment. Today Caphys raised my skill to 81 to see if it was stuck in anyway but it didnt help 11 items, 4 failures and 200+ pp later i hadnt gained a point. He then summond tinkering stuff and started making items, starting at a skill of 0 gaining 2 points. At a skill of 50 gaining points. At a skill of 80 (where i am) where he got 1 point after 3 spyglasses.

So either my char is bugged or tinkering is bugged.

Well this is for now and what i know. Tell me if you dont want to hear more about this.

Askur Gnomish Wizard of Veeshan

----- Original Message -----
From: Conrad Lesnewski <clesnew@...>
To: <EQ_Tinkering@onelist.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [EQ_Tinkering] Arghhhhhhh

> From: Conrad Lesnewski <clesnew@...>
> The GM is mistaken. Whether it's a bug or not, the Tinkering skill
> follows the same rules as Caster research. The level is capped at
> (level -15) * 5. The reason you didn't gain a single point is because
> at Level 31, 80 skill is your max. Wait until Level 32 and try again.
> You should go up 5 pts and stop at 85. Forget the /petition and /bugs
> about Aqualung charges, THIS is the problem we should be complaining
> about. Tinkering should have the cap removed and made like every other
> trade skill.
> Calbasil Psyrex of Ak'Anon (Bertoxx)
> House of Silmindo
> Zinken wrote:
> > Well i started the day with an skill of 80 and a lv of 31, i put
> > down over 1100 pp in making stalking probes and spyglasses and my
> > reward was NOT 1 single point gained :-(((( This cant be right. I
> > was told by GM Caphys on Veeshan that Tinkering is like any outher
> > trade skill and i should be able to gain past 80 skill regardless of
> > my level after i get the skill at lv 16. Askur Soon a poor wizard
> > gnome on Veeshan