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Message ID: 1316
Date: Fri Nov 12 20:43:16 GMT 1999
Author: vagabond@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Aqualung Sales

On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 13:21:00 -0600, you wrote:

>My take on Verant's philosophy:
>Step 1: When you introduce something to the game, make it royally suck, in
>the name of class balance, so no one will get pissed off about becoming
>Step 2: Slowly make incremental improvements until the people who want the
>change stop bitching a lot.
>Step 3: Walk away for months to see if bitching continues.
>Case Study: Rogue Poison
>Step 1a: Royally sucks - Must become master at pottery. Must collect rare
>drops from various low-level creatures (wasps, spiders, snakes). Make very
>difficult to apply poison to blade. Only blade in primary slot can be
>poisoned. Randomize when it will proc (if it does). If the rogue is
>moving when procing, it is interrupted. Make it highly resistable by the
>mob. Ungodly epensive.
>Step 1b: No One Complains About Being Useless - Warriors do not bitch about
>being outdamaged cause no one will ever see a poison actually work anyway...
>Step 2: Make Incremental Improvements- Make it so poison will proc on first
>stab and fix interruption bug.
>Step 3: Walk away for months to see if bitching continues - (In progress)


Hehe, glad to see someone else other then us Whiners (its the new name
for rogues, dontcha know.;P) seeing this. But your not quite right.
they didnot fix the interrupt bug. being smash hard at the instant it
procs, or moving, and the poison is still wasted. Its still 2-3 hrs
of killing green for 5ish bottles (during which we have to ignore the
youngins complaing that we are killing everything in sight and that
theres noting to kill now), still costs 2+p per use, still heavily
resisted, and still has (start to finish (block of clay to successfull
poisoning)) 5 chances to fail and wipe out all the work done on it
before. But it does proc the first attack, so thats sumthin.

Ninen on Veeshan
35th rogue, prowd owner of a purchasted spyglass. Now if only it did
more than 1.5x magnification. hehe